"J give iksft. Boakf I foi:t>ii founding' ef ai CcUegi in t'ds Colcny' Bought with the income of the Matthew C. D. Borden Fund ¦SSSE^EESES PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS CLASSIFIED PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS CLASSIFIED liY AUSTIN FARMAR ? LONDON DAVID NUTT, 57-59 LONG ACRE 1904 PREFACE The work is based on Miss Blackie's "Etymological Geo graphy" (Murray, 1875), in whose book the place-names will be found arranged under the roots alphabetically. Consequently her work may very profitably be used as an accompanying manual : each, however, is complete in itself. The numbers in brackets attached to one category refer to another in which the remaining element may be studied in its own connections. Words of one element and those of three or more are excluded as not falling in with the plan here adopted, but the interpre tation may, nevertheless, be investigated. A double-entry arrangement in this order not only brings together the synonyms and proximate synonyms, but also allows each element to be traced through the various tongues at sight. From Miss Blackie's collection all have been rejected that appear to me more than doubtful : a margin is given for further corrections and for additions by students ; in fact, it is a skeleton plan : this will explain repetitions in close propinquity. Apparent inconsistencies will generally be found to indicate doubts : an interpretation may often be settled by a visit to the locality. Much work remains to be done with the place-names of our home islands, and in no way can the science be better VI PREFACE advanced than by a study of those in the student's neighbour hood. A very great number must for ever remain uninterpreted : their vast antiquity alone being sufficient reason ; but the student will be constantly encouraged by finding that in his latest discovery he has the key to many another place-name also close by him. The demarcations between the categories must, of necessity, be slight, for ideas grow ; and thus too the same element under several categories indicates extensions of meaning (which must be verified in the localitj-). An interpretation remains good even if the name has been meaninglessly transferred to another localit}-, or has been adopted for a personal name; and all readers must be alert to the meanings which have been read into a place-name incomprehensible to our mediate forefathers. A place-name interpretation is the more secure as both elements fall under one of the inanimate categories (1-1273). To Teachers and Sfiideiits : How to begin ? Fill in Index I and Index 2 from the first part. Cliftonville House, Margate, Jimt 1904. SYNOPSIS Situation, 1-146 Size and form, 147-253 Colour, 254-338 Scenery : Wildness, 339-365 Beauty, 366-410 Elevation, 411-656 Depression, 657-746 Levels, 747-S50 Inlets and Islands, 851-926 Rivers, 927-1112 Lakes, 1113-1192 Climate, 1193-1220 Metals, 1221-1240 Minerals, i2;.i-i273 Plants, 1274-1428 Forest, 1429-1515 Animals, 1516-1632 Man : Classes, 1633-1748 Settlements, 1749-2016 Defences, 2017-2119 Intercourse, 2120-2252 Enclosure, 2253-2321 Agriculture, 2322-2451 Prosperity, 2452-2465 Property, 2466-2472 Trade, 2473-2489 Joy, 2490-2503 Religion, 2504-2532 Counsel, 2533-2553 War, 2554-2583 Antiquity, 25S4-2615 Number, 2616-2621 Products, 2622-2701 A synopsis not only of the main outline but of each section. PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS General Order of Names. — Teutonic — German, English, Dutch, Norse; Keltic— Gadh elk, Cymric; Italic; Hellenic; Sclavonic; other tongues. This order is not followed when the words have roots of common origiti. SITUATION upper end, i Ohevfiide (7) east end, 2 Ostende (121) land's end, 3 Fimsterre (790) church end, 4 Kirchende (1970) end of the wall, 5 WsLlhend (2033) distant place, 6 Daliz (816) Dalchow Dalichow high rock, 7 Hohenstein (415) Hohensta.n&en ,4r^clach upper rock, 8 AuchtercSiirn (411) upper height, 9 Oughtera.Td (414) high hill, 10 Hohenherg (411) .ffocAstock Drumay^ TnWyard 'Brynnuchel Bala Dagh watershed, 11 Hohenscheid (413) point, 12 Hohenrain (412) Air dpoint Ar dross Ardross&n high cliff, 13 fl'ocAcliffe (411) high bank, 14 Aute rive (651) Kivalta upper hollow, 15 Auchtertool (657) high plain, 16 HocMeld (747) Hochwiesen Hohenosch Hohenlohe AuchterhlAVC OughtersLgh Outra.ghArda.chArdoch. Ardc\dS& land, 17 Feliold (791) PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS low land, i8 Nether\z.nds (792) i/o/land^«old high place, 19 Hockley (817) Mean Stoke high isle, 20 Inchard (886) low isle, 21 Laaland (887) upper brook, 22 Overheck (927) Auchterau high well, 23 Hohenwedel (1051) Auteuil low well, 24 Bassekill (1052) fe'gA waterfall, 25 //"jg/j Force (1095) fozc waterfall, 26 Low Force (1096) high lake, 27 IFe?'c/isee (11 13) hochard upper lake, 28 OMg/ifeylough (1113) low lake, 29 Looggmeer (1115) high marsh, 30 nVcAblatt (1116) Wirchejiblditi M.onard lower marsh, 31 Jesermefief (1114) high heath, 32 HocKheyd (1308) HohenYieid low heath, 33 Z-oogheyde (1311) upper birches, 34 O&erbirchen (1333) high wood, 35 Hohenhdjt (1434) //o/zgwthanHohwrsi HasniWeArdennes low wood, 36 Niederih.s.n (1435) Bflseille high dwelling, 37 Highum (1768) Highworth Hohensale Hohenstetten HochstettenHochstcitten Hochsta.dtHochheim A asthorp UpsalUpssAr Ochiltree High Clere WisowitzWisowice upper dwelling, 38 Oiie^-ton (1767) Overhie OverhuryOberndoriOverha.m low dwelling, 39 Netherhy (1769) Nederheim.NederwykAlva.ros upper court, 40 Oberhoien (1945) high boundary, 41 SITUATION Haltwistle (2038) bulwark, 42 .4^fefeste (2049) //ocfechanze Doonflfi^ U'wcAhrad Sa/ahissar upper path, 43 Oherloon (2120) lower path, 44 Neerloon (2121) high road, 45 HighgSite (2135) high ford, 46 Hoheniurth (215 1) lower ferry, 47 Niederiahr (2190) high beacon, 48 HohenwsLTth (2221) high station, 49 iZocAstatten (2224) iZocfetetten Hohenstetten high wharf, 50 Hohenvferpum (2226) high garden, 51 Hoch hain (2254) GsLTryard Bala Bagh high field, 52 Haughley (2322) //oogbrach iJoAewloo ifo/je«loheHohenosch. HocMeldArdbhar A ^-i^ach .4 riioch upper clearing, 53 Oit-rbrand (2324) Eberhr&nd upper field, 54 0///ragh (2323) OwgAferaghA uchterhlaiv low field, 55 Sflssevelde (2325) Campo basso high tillage, 56 Hooghrach (2448) Hooghreak high watch-tower, 57 HohenwiLrth (2049) upper baths, 58 Baden Ober (2682) foot of the hill, 59 K.nowlend (416) S;(«lagha Piedmont foot of the cascade, 60 Buness (1097) middle waste, 61 M((/rf/t'gast (341) middle hill, 62 Mitlelhr'mk (2301) Mz'itfe/gebirge central island, 63 Edearinch (888) £(ie«rnish central water, 64 ii^fadour (928) middle of the wood, 65 M"»(?hurst (1436) Aft'//;vvoldMethvfald MittelwaldeMedziboT Misdroi middle dwelling, 66 Middleton (17701 Mitton i PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS M iddlehSini MiddlehyMiddelhury outer church, 67 Ausserzell (1972) inner church, 68 Innerzell (1972) middle boundary, 69 Mittelmark (2039) middle ford, 70 Mitiord (2152) middle salt-works, 71 MiddleWich. (2289) middle field, 72 Metfield (2326) Methley Mitt^Neyda. great brow, 73 Edenmore (147) brink of the hill, 74 Evedon (418) brink of the water, 75 Borde&ViX (930) 6n'wA of the brook, 76 Evenlade (929) iiiiesbatch brow of the wood, 77 BriiikhoTSt (1434) brow of the oak-wood, 78 Edeiideriy (1362) Ba^darroch dwelling at the brink, 79 Evesham. (1771) Salas de la ribera fern corner, 80 Co/(?raine (1418) Coohahne CoohaineCoolrainy corner of the hill, 81 Hornclitie (419) £ggberg Winchendon corner valley, 82 Winchcoxnhe (675) corner well, 83 Hoogkill (1058) corner of the water, 84 Woburn (959) if'ooburn Cambns Camus Cognac corner of the marsh, 85 Enten (247) Hoogeveen sunny corner, 86 GreenocA (509) GreanogeCoolgveany oak-wood corner, 87 CooMerry (1456) crane's corner, 88 'K.ronwinkel (553) field at the corner, 89 SchlagAocft (2342) corner field, 90 Winkleigh (2343) Winklarn Hoogbreak corner of the field, 91 Akkerof^ (2344) dyke at the corner, 92 Hoorndyk (2645) north waste, 93 Nordergast (342) north Mis., 94 Pding (420) north point, 95 Nordkyn (421) south point, 96 Strondeas (422) SITUATION south hollow, 97 South dean (658) north land, 98 Belad-el-5/jam (2003) south land, 99 Sutherland (794) Suthexn'£>elad-es-S lidan north shore, 100 Cotes du nord (872) south shore, loi South over (873) north isles, 102 Nordereys (889) south isles, 103 Suderoe (890) S uder eys south stream, 104 Sudhrook (931) Sudhorne south cascade, 105 Sodoriors (ic south sea, 106 Zuydersee (1107) Nankay north marsh, 107 iVoo^-^broeck (11 17) soiith marsh, 108 Zutphen (11 18) north wood, 109 A^ofwood (1438) A''oor^wolde north dwelling, no Norwich (1772) NoordwykNorhuiy NordenhnrgNorton Nor dhansen Nordsehl Ballintoy south dwelling, in Sidhury (1773) .Siidhnry Son)ienhnrg Sonderhy SoudhamSoudheimSundheim Sonderhansen SuttonSouth Of en Zuidwyk Nankin country on the north, 11 z Belad-el-sham (793) north kingdom, 113 iVoriirike (2004) south kingdom, 114 Surrey (2005) north fort, 115 Rattoo (2051) south fort, 116 Rath/i'as (2052) SoM^Awark north salt-works, 117 Norihwich (2290) north field, 118 North Leigh (2322) south possession, 119 Sondereygen (2466) north market, 120 A^'ofrfkoping (2475) Norrkoping east end, 121 Ostende (2) t'(r.s7 hill, 122 Osterhiink (423) OsferbeunaEast Meon west hill, 123 West Meon (424) 6 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS east valley, 124 Strathearn (659) west valley, 125 Strathyfg (660) east moor, 126 Oostaoer (1120) east place-by-the-sea, 127 Ostersalt (816) west place-by-the-sea, 128 Westersalt (816) west bay, 129 W"e;^ford (853) west shore, 130 Wesiovei (874) Westeruier west river, 131 Westhiook (932) Westhonin east lake, 132 Ostsee (1119) Oostzee east marsh, 133 Ostermaxsh (781) east wood, 134 Osterholtz (1439) Oosterhont west wood, 135 Westerwald (1440) east dwelling, 136 Osterhnrg (1774) OsferhofenOesihammerA usterlitz west dwelling, 137 TFes^bury (1775) Weston west monastery, 138 IFestoinster (1958) east kingdom, 139 Oestieich (2006) east harbour, 140 Osterhaien (2229) east enclosure, 141 Ostrevant (2255) west farm, 142 West Tofts (2256) east field, 143 Osterield (2322) east clearing, 144 Osterode (2322) west field, 145 West Leigh (2322) east reclamation, 146 Ostergroden (2649) SIZE brow, 147 Edenmore (73) great hill, 148 5torhammer (425) Tullamore Harravore Bannamore BenamoreBenmoreArdmoreDromore Alltniaur Mynyddniaur Ta Shan chief hill, 149 Ba6adagh (580) 'Koh.baba great rock, 150 Ciaigmore (430) CarnmoreSkerxyvore great point, 151 Kenmore (425) Kinmore SIZE Uttle summit, 152 Kxdbeg (426) Drumeew DxomeenDxymen Drummowrf little hill, 153 Smalholxn (427) Swa//burghSchmallenbuxg Bgglieve Kleinhnhil KnockfTH MullanNappan Tullagha» Tur/«weToortflMg SleevfiM Knockeen little stone, 154 Stockrtw.s- (431) Stookaw.sStookeew CloghaM Cloich/)/CloghegwlAcken'Lackeen SassMo/o little rock, 155 Caxnfach (431) Stookaw Cairnaw Carrig«e«CriggaMCairnj'e little point, 156 Stronti'a;; (429) Rinft';; Cooleen Cooleeny little cliff, 157 Alleen (432) Failleew little bank, 158 Riptda (652) Kivoli great valley, 159 Micheldean (661) GlenmoreStxathmore little valley, 160 CorrieSeg (662) Strath6«g GlenbegGleanan'Logan great pass, 161 Ballagh;»ort' (732) great plain, 162 Blaixmore (748) litlle plain, 163 Moy^^e (749) Blair^rt" Blarney Claxcen Caxnpillo great desert, 164 Dysertwore (787) great bay, 165 Storfioxd (854) great strand, 166 Txaethmawr (875) little strand, 167 Traeth&acA (876) crreat island, 168 Miichelney (891) Groote eylandt Storoe great river, 169 Micklebeck (933) 8 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Storaa Avonmore Alltmorc Volga Nahr-e]-A'e6d'r Mahanuddy little river, 170 Schamhach (934) SvialleyOwbegSxuflan Sroughaw Sruffa;(w SroolaMgSroolegw Glash««M Minnow MinhoMvnwy great meadow, 171 Michelau (935) liltie meadow, 172 Aghabeg (936) ClonSeg ClonegM ClaxeenGaxtan Moyne BlairweBlarneyCampillo great well, 173 Tibhexmuir (1053) TobexmoreTibhexmore Tippermuir Great Zab Aayn-el-Kebira little well, 174 Little Zab (1054) great waterfall, 175 Essmore (1099) little sea, 176 Miosen (1108) Moxbihan greater lake, 177 Lake Maggiore (1121) great lake, 178 Storsoen (1122) Stors]onTa hai great marsh, 179 Mitchelmexse (1124) Viechtg?-ossCnxraghmore Velikijaluki little lake, 180 Loughaw (1123) Loughawg little marsh, 181 Viecht^^gm (1125) M.oneenCuxkeen Corcaghaw little elder-tree, 182 Txnxnxnan (1306) Tromma;tTxomann great wood, 183 Mainhaxdt (1441) M.oneymore GaxxanmoreCoitmoreCotemore Hellymore little wood, 184 MoneySeg (1442) Goiltean GnlleenSotilla great dwelling, 185 Michelham (1776) SIZE MichelstadtMickledoxi Mecklenhuxg Mickleton Great Tey Ballymore Ballmore little town, i86 Kleinweil (1777) L«7/ehammerLittle Tey PleubihanCiudadella great palace, 187 Towermw't' (1934) little palace, 188 TowerSeg (1935) little inn, 189 Shen^/«« (1936) great church, 190 Kilmore (1974) Templemore Donaghmore Landmore'Lanmeur little church, 191 Iglesuela (1975) great fort, 192 Rathmore (2053) Tormo;'^Dunmore Dinasfawr Dynevor Maggherry Nagyvaiad little fort, 193 Denbigh (2054) Timbach T)ooneenDowning Lissane LessawyhiseenDissen ToxxanToxellaToxtanTnxtane Tooxiane CahexeenCastxilCastxillo Chicacotta little street, 194 Stxadeen (2136) great passage, 195 Ballaghwofg (732) little passage, 196 La Bochetta (2148) great ford, 197 Athmore (2153) little ford, 198 Ahane (2154) great ferry, 199 Meikle Ferry (2191) great port, 200 Portmore (2230) great mine, 201 Banya nagy (2283) little bleach-green, 202 Tooxeen (2320) great field, 203 Michelau (935) MeiningenAghamoreMaisemore Blaixmore Lismore Vaxkmore little field, 204 Aghabeg (936) Blairtte 10 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS BlaxnevMoyne Gaxtan Claxeen Campillo litt'e fief, 205 Smaalehen (2471) great assembly, 206 Storthing (2538) little fork, 207 Gowlan (2629) great channel, 208 Great Belt (2637) Boca grande little channel, 209 Little Belt (2639) Boca chica little tank, 210 Kleintxank (2661) little cross, 211 Cxoesbychan (2692) CrossageCrushegH FORM long bend, 212 Langenhogen (245) long hill, 213 Long Jockull (433) Langrike long stone, 214 Harlech. (435) long point, 215 Ringfad (424) valley, 216 Lawgkehl (663) short pass, 217 BallochgajV (733) lonf: long isle, 218 Lawgeoog (892) Langeland Inchfad meadow, 219 Langenau (937) Langenweid Langholm Anchinfad lake, 220 Langavat (1126) Lough Fad wood, 221 Langenhain (1431) Derry Fad dwelling, 222 Lawgthorpe (1779) Lawgweil short dwelling, 223 A-'Mf2weil (1778) path, 224 Langenhahn (2122) ford, 225 Langwaden (2155) Dliigehiodt long ferry, 226 Langeiahx (2192) long bridge, 227 Lawgbruck (2200) LangenhxuckenDolgemost Dlugenmost long farm, 228 Lamgtoft (2257) broad hill, 229 Drumlane (436) Cexxolargo narrow hill, 230 £«gberk (437) broad plain, 231 Campo ^a^-go (750) COLOUR II broad bay, 232 Brodwick (853) broad brook, 233 Breitenhiunn (938) Breittenhuch Bredanbeke broad marsh, 234 Brcidenbxuch (1127) broad wood, 235 Breitenbusch (1444) Bradshaw broad oak-wood, 236 Dexxylane (1444) narrow houses, 237 £wghuizen (1780) broad fort, 238 Breitenstein (2055) Breitenbnxg broad way, 239 Bradenwaag (2123) broad ford, 240 Bradioxd (2156) Bredevoort narrow bridge, 241 Engbxuck (2201) broad field, 242 Bradley (750) Brading TawnaghlahanCampo largo narrow field, 243 Tawnakeel cape of the isthmus, 244 Tarbetness (438) long bend, 245 Langenbogen (212) bending stream, 246 IFoburn (940) IFooburn IvrumauKrumenau Krumbach CamheckCambusCamus ChambexyCarron hend of the marsh, 247 Enten (1143) HoogeveenBogenbxok house at the bend, 248 Bogenbausen (1794) fort at the bend, 249 Horncasile (2067) i?osscastleYoxtrose Touxcoing winding glen, 250 Cromdale (664) Cromlin Crimlin Crumlin winding water, 251 Krumbach (940) KrumauKrumenau CarusChambexy arch fountain, 252 Arcueil (1055) winding pool, 253 Camlin (1129) COLOUR red hill, 2j4 Bendearg (439) BaxdeargDxumderg V2 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Knockroe Slieveroi? Bannaghfoe CoCi^penCetncoch Tzcrnagora Kezeldagh red rock, 255 Craig^earg (439) Rothentels cd glen, 256 Glenroe (665) red land, 257 i?Mi!land (795) Rothexde red island, 258 Rhode Island (893) Roode Eylandt red stream, 259 Rothback (941) RothaRothex Czerna TzernaTscherna red loch, 260 Lough derg (1130) red moss, 261 Monroe (1423) red dwelling, 262 Rothenhaus (1782) red monastery, 263 i?OMg«moutier (1959) red church, 264 Rhuddlan (1976) Rhyddlan red fort, 265 Rotherthuxm (2057) Kezilhissai brown field, 266 Brawcnlage (2327) white shore, 267 Fintxy (877) FfHtry white hill, 268 ir^jsse/iberg (440) IF«sshorn Toxbane Knockbane Caxnbane Mweelbane BannaghbaneBxyngwynn Fi7idiuxn Mt. Blanc Sierra Blanca A Adagh Aktag black hill, 269 Schwarzbexg (441) Finsterbexg Mynydd du Aixdhu Rnockdow Toxxdubh TorxduffCaxxickduffMontenegro Czernahoxa Zernagoxa KaradaghKartagh white rock, 270 Weissen tels (442) Clochfin Dickfinn Rocca bianca black rock, 271 Maen^w (443) Craigi^o;^ CxaigdhuCaxxickduff COLOUR Caixndow white cape, 272 Blankenese (444) Ringbane Coolbane Cape Blanco Ras el Abyad black cape, 273 Blackness (445) Cabeciera white plain, 274 Claxbane (751) black moor, 275 Rhosdu white place, 276 Whithoxn (818) black land, 277 Schwarzenexde (796) zii/fite bay, 278 Bahia blanca (855) Catabranca black bay, 279 Bahia negra white strand, 280 Fintxy (877) Ventvy black water, 281 Blackwatex (943) Schwartzwassex Schwarzbach SchwarzachFulbxook Fulbeck Douglas DuichDuffusDevon Boon Rio Negro Mavropotaxno white river, 282 Whitbuxne (942) WhitbouxneWhitbeck Hvita Whiteaddex Avenbanna DexwentGwendux Rio branco Wisgoz Biela GuadalaviarBahax -el- abi ad white lake, 283 Blankenloch (1138) Loch Fyne Bielo Ozero black lake, 284 Blakemexe (1133) Dublin Dowling Devlin white marsh, 285 Blankenloch (1138) Pozo bianco black wood, 286 Schwarzenloh (1451) SchwartzwaldFinsterwaldeMoneyduff white shrubbery, 287 Gaxxanbane (1432) white dwelling, 2S8 Whitby (1783) Whiston IVeissenstadt BlankenbuxgBlankenham Taghbane Ty gywn Bianca villa 14 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Casa bianca Casa branca Belowitz BelowizBilowesBielopol -l^shehr Aksexai black dwelling, 289 Attiduff (1784) Czernowitz Zarnowitz Zarnowice black monastery, 290 A^oiVmoutier (i960) white ;KOsque, 291 .4Ameschid (1966) white fort, 292 W eissentbuxxn (2064) Wittenbuxg Wittenbexg Caherga/Rathbane CastellabiancaCalatablanca ToxxeblancaToxxalbaBialgoxodBelgorod Belgrade ylAhissar black fort, 293 Schwarzbuxg (2058) -Karahissar black garden, 294 Karabagh (2258) white field, 295 Witley (2328) Wittlage WhitacxeWeismaes Fingaxt TamnaghbaneGaxtbaneGoxtban white clearing, 296 Blankenvath (2329) white market, 297 Whitstable (2476) grey hill, 298 Glassxneal (446) BaxxglassCaixnglassKnockg^assKnockfgay Axdanreigh grey cape, 299 Grinez (448) green summit, 300 Axdglas (447) G^asmullagh G^asdrummond green hill, 301 Groenbexg (447) GrunbuhilGlasnockCoxglas Penha Verda Fermont Z«e/oMagora green point, 302 Gnnez (448) Grunoxt Griinataing blue hill, 303 B^aefell (449) TorgorniKnockgormCairngormTullochgorum A^^et'/gherries grey slope, 304 COLOUR 15 Laxganreah (653) grey glen, 305 Glenreagh (305) CoxxieleaFitglas green valley, 306 Grunthal (667) Glascoxnbe grey plain, 307 Blaixglass (752) Auchinleith green land, 308 Greenland (2010) green place, 309 Zielenzig (820) grey strand, 310 Txalee (878) grg(?« river, 311 Gronaha (945) GyowewbachG/asallt Selinga green water, 312 Glasdux (944) Feragua blue river, 313 Neelab (946) Ai^ee^ganga grey lake, 314 Toughrea (1135) greew lake, 315 G^aslough (1134) blue lake, 316 Loch gorrn (1136) blue shrubbery, 317 Money gorm (1433) green wood, 318 Groenloo (1445) Glascoed green dwelling, 319 Greenwich, (1785) Zellendoxt green district, 320 Grunnenbant (2010) blue fort, 321 Neelguv (2059) green haven, 322 Greenhithe (2231) grey field, 323 Auchinleith (2331) green field, 324 G;';/«au (2330) G;'o«au GlascloonTonagh TawnaghTawnyTamnagh Tamny grey league, 325 Graubunden (2553) green dyke, 326 Grondick (2644) yellow corner, 327 Cool&oy , (450) yellow pass, 328 Ballaghfioy (734) Ballochbuie yellow water, 329 Glasha&oy (947) Avenbui HoanghoHoanghai yellow loch, 330 Lochbuy (1137) Tochbuie yellow wood, 331 Kilbowie (1447) yellow dwelling, 332 Tagh^oy (1786) yellow field, 333 Aghaboy (2332) 16 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS spotted hill, 334 Bricklive (451) Toxbreck TombreckBaxbreac Knockbrack BenvrackieBenvrachie speckled stone, 335 Clachbr each (451) spotted isle, 336 Inchbrackie (894) spotted church, 337 Kixkxnabreck (1977) spotted field, 338 Auchin6rec^ (2333) Gaxtbreck WILDNESS natural bath, 339 Wildbad (2683) wild path, 340 Wildbahn (2124) middle waste, 341 Middlegast (61) north waste, 342 Nordergast (93) rocky waste, 343 Pusta Kaminica (454) bald hill, 344 Kahlenberg (452) Kahlengebixge Kalenbexg DroogbexgDurrensteinMeeldrum Meldxum MynyddmoelDunnioyle LismoyleChauxnont CaMmont bald headland, 345 Melxose (453) bare valley, 346 Durrental (668) Balloch;;;y/t' place in the waste, 347 Stow in the Wold (803) bare wood, 348 £>;/;'nvald (1449) wood waste, 349 Holzengeist (1448) bald fort, 350 Rathmoyle (2060) Dunmoyle Lismoyle Cahexmoyle bare path, 351 Droogat (2125) bare field, 352 Geesteield (2334) Z)iw'rwangen bare property, 353 Wiistegut (2467) rough hill, 354 Meelgarrow (455) Tomga?'roze' Slieve Corragh Apr emont rough cape, 355 Kingarth (457) smooth hill, 356 Kalenbexg (456) KahlengebixgeMullagh;nee»BaxmeenMynyddmoel Meeldxuxn Meldxum BEAUTY 17 Muilrea Airdrie Chauxnont rough valley, 357 Coxgarf (670) Glengarriff Ritgarvie smooth pass, 358 Ballochray (735) smooth plain, 359 Remeen (753) rough island, 360 Inchgarvie (895) rough stream, 361 Arrow (948) Yarrow GarivaultGarivalt rough meadow, 362 Ganoch (2335) Gaf^'acloon salmon leap, 363 Daxleip (1529) swift stream, 364 Arrow (974) Bistra dwelling at the rapids, 365 5^roOTstadt (1787) Lauffenbexg Laufselden BEAUTY fine view, 366 Bonavista (2495) 5oavista Belvoiv clear hill, 367 Clermont (459) Monte chiaro beautiful hill, 368 Schoenbexg (458) 5c/taM«stein W eisseniels Clochfin TickfinnLettexkeen Findlatex Tulliallan TullyallenCaxxigallen Bxyngwynn Beaumont Monte hermosa beautiful headland, 369 Schonoxt (460) beautiful valley, 370 Glenkeen (671) bright valley, 371 Clair Vaux (671) dark valley, 372 Corxiedow (672) GlendowGlenduffDugduff beautiful pass, 373 BallaghAfifiM (736) beautiful nook, 374 Schonegg (460) beautiful plain, 375 Maghbreagh (2336) Campo chiaro Campo hermosa Campo bello Nava hermosa beautiful place, 376 Schoengau (819) Beaulieu Beauley beautifid bay, 377 Bahia hermosa (856) B 18 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS beautiful island, 378 Sc/w«werda (896) RnniskeenBelleisleBelile clear water, 379 Dexwent (942) Gwendux fair water, 380 Fionnuisg (951) beautiful waters, 381 Aguas bellas (953) clear stream, 382 Lauterbach. (952) Lutterbach Laittcrbuxn Lauterbxunnen Lauteraax Sherbouxne Fenach FendexFinnowFionnuisgFinglas beautiful stream, 383 Sclioenhach (954) Glisbacb beautiful meadow, 384 Schoenau (2336) ClonAeewNoge7j/ clear well, 385 La»/if;'brunn (938) Schoe7tbvunnHellebxunn beautiful marsh, 386 Beauxnaxis (1139) fair pool, 387 Blankenloch (1138) Loch Fyne Pozo bianco Bielo Ozero dark pool, 388 Blakemexe (1133) Dupplin Dublin Dowling Devlin beautiful tree, 389 Schoenbaum (1275) beautiful pines, 390 Schoenfichten (1398) dark pines 391 i^i«s/(?;'fechten (1399) beautiful wood, 392 Dexxy alien (1450) Boscage/ dark wood, 393 Schwarzenloh (1451) SchwarzwaldFinsterwaldeMoneyduff beautiful dwelling, 394 ScAoowhoven (1788) GleesdoxiGleesweilexBalmoral Tagbeen Villa hermosa Hermosillo Beaumanoir SebastopolGallipolis Krasnopol dark dwelling, 395 Attiduff (1784) C;t';';/owitz Za;-;;owitz Zarnowice dirty dwelling, 396 Fullenhaxn (1789) i^#/ham ELEVATION H> beautiful retreat, 3()7 /:>'(•« //re pa ire (1963) //;((¦ fort, 3()8 Beauioxt (2061) beautiful ford, 399 A'/'(/,s//(/brod (2157) beautifid port, 400 Porto bello (2332) bright farm, 401 /-////(•/-worth (225*)) beautiful field, 402 Schoengau (819) Schoenau Gortban Gaxtbane/•"///gariFi niona Magii/);'c;// middle height. 417 il//V/c/geliirge (62) .l//7/<-/hrmk brink of the /////, 418 Evedon (74) corner of the /////, 419 20 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Roxncliff (8i) Eggberg ' Wincbendon north hills, 420 Peling (94) north cape, 421 Noxdkyn (95) south ca/>e, 422 Saturwsss (96) Strondeas east hill, 423 Ostexbrink (122) Oster6eM«aEast Meon west /j?7/, 424 West Meon (123) great M/, 425 Stoxhammer (148) ^yrfmore Dromore Tw^amore Edenmoxe Bannamore BenamoxeBenxnoxeAlltxnaux Mynyddmawv Barravoxe little summit, 426 ^r^beg (152) Drumeen DromeenDryxnen DrummondMullan little hill, 427 Kleinbuhil (153) SchmallenSMrg Small&MfgASmalholmBeglieve Tullaghan Nappan Knockan Toortane Turtane Sleeven Knockeen Correen Corog great headland, 428 Kenmoxe (151) Rinmoxe little ^o«M<, 429 5/ro»tian (156) Rineen Cooleen Cooleeny great rock, 430 Crajgmore (150) Carwmore Skerryvoxe little rocA, 431 Carniach (890) StooAan S/ooj%eenC/og/z an ClogheenCriggan Carrigeen Lackeen Lichen CaimanCairnieCloichin 5assuolo little cliff, 432 -4/feen (157) Failleen long hill, 433 Long Jockull (213) [_ Langn'j^e ELEVATION 21 long point, 434 Ringiad (215) long stone, 435 Haxlech (214) broad hill, 436 Drumlane (229) Cerrolargo narrow /ji7/, 437 Rngberk (230) Crt/)e of the isthmus, 438 Tarbetwgss (244) red hill, 439 Rothenfels (255) Cef ncoch Cockpen BaxdeargDrumdexg BendeaxgBaunaghxoe KnockxoeSlievexoe Tzexnagora white hill. 440 Weissen6«fg (268) Weisshorn MweelbaneTorbane Knockbane Bannaghbane Findrum BryngwynnMont Blanc Sierra Blanca Akdagh black /////, 441 Schwaxzberg (269) Finstexberg Mynydd'du Isinockdow Airdhu Torrduti Torrdubh MontenegroCzexnahora Zernagora Karadagh Raxtagh white rock, 442 Weissenfels (368) Carwbane Clochfm LickfmnRocca bianca black rock, 443 Maendu (271) CairndowCraigdhu Craigdou CarrickduE white cape, 444 Blankewess (172) Coolbane Ringbane Cape Blanco i?as-el-Abyad black cape, 445 Blackwess (273) Cabeciera grey hill, 446 Barrgiass (298) Glassw^a^Ca«>7/-glass Knockglass Knockxeay Ardanxeigh Larganxeah Leitrim green hill, 447 Gxoenberg (301) Grunbuhil GlasnockGlasmullash PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS GlasdrummondA rdglas Coxglas Vermont Penha Verde Zielonagora green point, 448 Gxunort (302) GxunataingGxinez blue hill, 449 Blaefell (303) Knockgoxm Torgoxm Cairngorm Tullochgoxum Neilghexxies yellow corner, 450 Coolboy spotted hill, 451 Bxicklive (327) Towbreck Torbreck Barbxeac Clachbxeach Knockbxack BenvxachieBenvxackie bald /////, 452 Kahlengebirge (344) KahlenbergRalenbergDxoogbergDuxxenstein MeldrumMeeldrumMynyddmoelDunmoyleLi.sxnoyle Chaumont Caumont bald cape, 453 Melrose (345) rocky water, 454 Pusta Kaminica (343) rough hill, 455 Meelgaxxow (354) Tomgarrow Slieve Corragh Apxemont smooth hill, 456 Kahlengebirge (344) Kalenberg Barxneen Mvnvddmoel Mullaghmeen MeeldrumMeldrum Muilxea A irdxie Chaumont rough cape, 457 A'wgarth (355) beautiful hill, 458 Weissenfels (368) Schaunstein Schoenberg ClochfxnLickfinn Tullia\[an Tullyallen C arrigallen Letterkeen Findlater Bryngwynn Beaumont Monte hermosa Monte chiaro clear hill, 459 Cler;;/o/// (367) beautiful cape, 460 Schaunstein (369) ELEVATION 2;3 Schonort Currigallen shining hill, 461 Gleisberg (405) hill of light, 462 Lichtenfels (2668) hill of observation, 463 Monte Video (2017) Cerro da Vigia royal hill, 464 Mow/real (408) ///// ridge, 465 Spitzbergen (468) BerghauptRuckshott Ladrigg Drunibanagh Ceinbryit Penmynnydd Kintore hill mound, 466 Tadhill (465) Ladcragg Car«oc^ Knapen Fell projection of the hill, 467 Cliidon (469) FioxndonFloxnberg Noopness Pcnhxynn stone hill, 468 Stein////gd7 (465) Steenrucke StecnbirgeSlieve League Letlerlickey C(/jv/;/lick Bencleuch head of the rock, 469 Cuntal (467) Kinnoul P(';/carrigA'//-y-craig Kincxaigie sharp hill, 470 .lfo7-i/a,cute (472) Montaigu rocky point, 471 Scaxness (472) Scan^ose Stack Rocks Skagens/«or«StanhougSteenrain Cape Penas Penllech headland point, 472 Foxeness (419) Kmghorn Spit//t'(;(/ II7';/c//t'//don Skagen Cafjc Knowli'//rf RingS('//7 Randsfj^d! Renryn corner cliff, 473 Hornclift (419) Scarcliff Nash Scaur head of the vallev, 474 Pennant (676) Pewcombe valley of the mound, 475 Howden (674) Berg kehle Scordale KnapdaleGlencraig Pitcairn Coxximony 24 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Drumnahoe CarrigatoyleVal de Penas rocky valle\-, 476 Stendal (673) Glengam^ Ritgarvie Coxgarf hill pass, 477 i?«gate (2125) pass of the little rock. 478 Ballochcraggaw (738) hewn hill, 479 ikfow/serrat plain among hills, 480 Nava de Ios Oteros (756) hill of the plain, 481 Knockmoy (755) plain of the rock, 482 Blair Craig (757) level rock, 483 Bilstein (758) /;/// of the moor, 484 Mooxlinch (782) BarxnonaPenxhos Penmorta hill land, 485 Daghestan (2007) rocky land, 486 Cleveland (799) Cloichinland corner of the land, 487 Tongland (800) Landec^ Ca///ireKin tyre Finistexxe hill place, 488 Meon Stoke (820) bay by the hill, 48(1 Aithsvoe (857) Torbay bay of the Cape, 490 5i%agafiord (858) island of the rock, 491 Craignish (897) island at the corner, 492 Winchelsea (898) Aj7^ stream, 493 ^^^gwach (956) ^^/>/j«acht hill of the stream, 494 Tullyglush (956) KwocAaniska height of the water, 495 MoMrignac (957) promontory of the stream, 496 Stromwess (958) Renhew rock river, 497 Sachsa (960) Steenbeke Lechbeck Astuxa hill of the spring, 498 Gxieshubel (1248) HohenwedelAlphenach Alphnacht Knapwell Tullyglush C arrickanoxan Knockanoxan KnockatobexKnockaniska .4///euilFonthill ridge of the confluence, 499 Drumniinex (1086) J Dromineer \ peninsula of the confluence, 500 ELEVATION Rossinvex (1087) hill of the cascade, 501 Moness (501) Sierra Calderona waterfall on the promontory, 502 Eidioss (iioo) Carrickanness hill by the marsh, 503 ']ebsexhohen (1116) Maxlow Monard hill of the lake, 504 Vatna Jockull (1140) A'woc^alough marsh point. 505 Enien (1143) StaartvenHoogeveen cape of the marsh, 506 Rineanne (1144) Montrose mound of the bog, 507 ' Toomona (1142) sunny niound, 508 Largynagreena (1194) sunny corner, 509 Coo^reany (1193) GreanogeGreenock Mt. of the moon, 510 Chandgherry (2076) ///¦// of clouds, 511 Walken6erg (1213) windy hill, 512 Ardgay (1216) Tomnaguie wind point, 513 Goat Fell (1217) snow /////. 514 Snow(/o;/ (1220) Snafeld SchneegebirgeSchneebergSchneekopfSchneekoppe silver hill, 515 Silhexberg (1227) Silberlippen copper hill, 516 Kuppexber'g (I22C)) lead hill, 517 Blev6t'/'g (1231) Bleistein iron hill, 518 Slieve Anieran (1233) ore hill, 519 Frzegebirge (1239) sand hill, 520 Gxiesberg (1248) ChiseldonZandbrink Gxiesbalkan sand cape, 521 Hoogezand (1240) Sand/toe chalk hill, ^22 Chaldon (1261) salt hill. 523 Salz6e/-g (1265) Yenshan emerald hills. 524 Esmeraldas serradcs (127. ruby hill, 525 Rutnagm (1273) cape of the old tree, 526 7?/:;/gvalla (1455) P/;/gvillei?mgabella linden hill, 527 Lindhovel (1284) Tindridge Tindenfels 2(i PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Lindes«aes Fichhalden (1363) thorn hill, 528 Eichen6M/w7 Doxnherg (1292) Craigendarroch Dooxnhoek Edenderxy heath hill, 529 Daxnock Haid////g(7 (1308) Dar nick Fiadlow hazel hill, 540 heath corner, 530 FLaslow (1378) Tiaidecke (1308) 5afcaldine HaidecA hazel point, 541 7/oogheyd Hasselpoint (1379) holly /zj/], 531 yew hill, 542 Tullycullion (1312) Knockanuxe (1388) rM//agAcullion Dromanuxe /vMocAflcullion Aliinuxe .4//nachullion fir hill, 543 ash hill. 532 Fichtelgebirge (1393) Ashrjgg (1313) Mantil6erg willow /////. 533 A'/;/gussie Withridgc (1324) Cr(T/'ggush birch hill, 534 barley /////, 544 Birkenhead (1334) Mtt'ce/nahorna (1414) Bixchenbuhil fern /////, 545 Slicveheagh Knockranny (1417) Cofbeagh fern point, 546 Penbedw Coolxaine (1418) Barbeth Coolxahne Barnbeth Coolrainy birch cape. 535 Coleraine Possbegh (1335) moss /////, 547 Shronebeha Moesbalkan (1428) alder /////, 536 wood /////, 548 Lt7/6';-fearn (1346) Tanberg (1452) .1/a^vern Bergholt Pemgwerne FLolzbuhil alder cape, 537 Cefncoed 5/ro«fearn (1347) Catlow beech hill, 538 Kilcraig Buchberg (1354) Knockadexxy BucllCg,!,' stony wood, 549 oak hill, 539 Steenhout (1454) ELEVATION Ctomony rock of the oak-wood, 550 r/(/c7/ na darroch (1453) Craigendaxxoch point of the wood, 551 Brinkhoxst (1437) \V///^d7horst Skeg//t'ss Hootewess Kinxoss BarnacuUiaWaldeck FxiedeckPencoed birds' hill, 552 Vogelber.g (1531) Vogels kuppe crane's point, 553 Kronjc)/'//^t7 (1535) hawks' hill, 554 Habsberg (1537) ValkenSerg FalkenbergM ontalcone falcon's rock, 555 Falkensfem (1541) eagle hill, 556 Arl&erg (1544) AilbergAxnberg .\xn.stein AxnfelsMoelexyn eagle's point, -557 Axnecke (1544) griffin's /////, 558 J Greiffens/f/';/ (1549) Greiffenfierg •dragon's height, 559 Drachen/e//s (1551) Afondragon Afowdragone beaver rock, 560 Bibersfew (1558) badger hill, 561 Bxoxholme (1563) Carnbroc Lefterbxick boars' hill, 562 Kinturk (1568) Porinturk pigs' point, 563 Muckros (1568) harts' hill, 564 Kaxtshill (1576) Kaxtfell FLixschberg Hirsch//o/')( Fiixschholm goats' height, 565 Geisberg (1585) Gouroc^ Carwangour .4 rdgoux A rdgowex Bengoxe Aillagowex Craigengowex slieej) height. 566 Fair//t'//rf (1593) Soutxah ill Soutexfell Sandffeld Sandafell Shapfells .17//./keeragli 5roawkeeragh ox's height, 567 Ochsenkopf (1600) Pt'//;/ochen 5/roMaba .4ri7boe 28 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Bembo Knockataxxiv Knockataxxy Cabeza del buey horse ridge, 568 Flengistridge (1608) FLengistrucke dogs' hill, 569 FLoundslow (1618) FLundsricke Ar dxnaddy dogs' cape, 570 FLundnase (1619) Ki7icon Cynoscephala Rasicalbi cats' cape, 571 Katznase (1629) KatzenhornCatzenkopf lions' hill, ^J2 Sierra Leone (1630) women's hill, 573 Ca/mcailleach (1638) Slievenamon Otero de las Duennas girls' hill, 574 ilfow/pellier (1635) giants' hill, 575 Riesenkoppe (1641) giantess's hill, 576 Cerro de la Giganta (1642) strangers' hill, 577 /<«oc^nagaul (1644) smiths' hill, 578. Ardgowan (1655) smithy hill, 579 Schmeide&erg (1220) chief hill, 580 Babadagh (149) Kohbaba nobles' hill, 581 Adelsberg (1659) counts' feV^, 582 Graffen&erg (1673) Grafensfew earls' hill, 583 ]axlsberg (1684) princes' hill, 584 Fuxstberg (1686) FurstenJgfg king's /////, 585 Carnxigh (1691) Otero del Rey emperor's hill, 586 Szarhegy (1709) bard's hill, 587 Pf;/abhaird (1716) hill of the martyr, 588 Montmaxtxe (1718) priest's hill, 589 A'wocfttaggart (1721) Cafwtaggart monks' /////. 590 Munchberg (1730) abbott's hill, 591 Absberg (1744) Abington barn hill, 592 Sawel Mt. (1761) Dr///»saul Po/;!(';/toul Ca/-;/toul ///// dwelling, 593 Clifton (1793) Knapton BrotightonHilton HilstonBeaxdonDunhamDunton ELEVATION Dutton Dunwick HaughaxnHawick Woolwich Dunkhot Dombuhil Ladhouse .4asthorp Bundoit Beladrum Ballater BdXlynick TinnickTigh na bruiach TyndrumDrumnahuambaBraintxee BronMys Kenlis dwelling at the point, 594 Eyndhoven (1794) 3 BogenhausenEdgcott Eckdoxt Starston StertzhausenNaseby Hornby Hornbuxg WincebyWinkelsass Winkeldoxt Tynron Kupiansk Kupiszki dwelling on the rock, 595 Scarborough (1795) ScortonSteingaden Richboxou^ Ballinasca&g BaJlinacarn'g Ballynagarrj'cABalnachragganBalnacraig Citade de Recife Bethzur stone dwelling, 596 Staunton (1796) StantonSteyntonSteingaden Ballenclogh Ballyclogh Cloghvally Balnachraggan BalnacraigBallynagarrickBallinacarrig TxellechTxemaeneBodmin Chemnitz Schemnitz hill inn, 597 Zabexnberg (1946) Gorgast court hill, 598 Gexichtsbergen (2580) church hill, 599 Dunkirk (1978) EcclesMZ Srmeglwys Kiltullagh Texnplecarriga stone church, 600 Steenkixche (1979) hill country, 601 Daghestan (2007) fortified hill, 602 .1/oM/ferrato (2034) 30 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS 5flssoferrato boundary hill, 603 ShareM/ (2040) Shard/aw boundary stone, 604 Shers/ow (2041) Maxkstein hill fort, 605 Hume Castle (2065) Roxbuxgh Dunhill DunallyDunnaxnbeannKnockxath Rathiv//Rathdrttm ToxaltRochetoxt hill palace, 606 Pronllys (1793) Ccfnllys fort on the point, 607 .fforwcastle (2067) Bosscastle DunlopDunbar FoxtroseTouxcoing stone fort, 608 Felsbexg (2066) HammertesteLisclogher RoxbuxghRochetoxt Rocca casale Rochestex Manchester Kremlin hill path, 609 Reigate (2125) P//c'^steig Car/itogher ///// ford, 610 Laze/ford, (2158) Cli&ord Carnwath stone ford, 611 Stamioxd (2159) Steenvooxd SfeenvoxdeA thleagne BelleekLechrhyd ridge ot the bridge, 612 A'HOf^adreet (2202) Dri/madrehid XewdrochetPe7^pont stone bridge, 613 S/d't'//brugge (2203) Pont/ae« beacon //;//, 614 Noxdhill (2222) Waxdlaw Waxburg Xaxherg Flamborough hill port, 615 Torquay (2233) Port Law Roxtskerrie Poxtkerry Poxtnacraig Poxtadown port at the cape, 616 Poxtrush (2234) ///// farm, 617 Knabtott (2260) .4asthorp metal-washing hill, 618 Seifen&erg (2292) mill //(//, 619 ELEVATION 31 Molenberg (2301) Muhlhalde mill on the point, 620 S/dT/^muhle (2302) Molenevnde hill field, 621 Rudgeley (2337) Knowsley ^riiblair hill of the field, 622 Haughly (2339) Matter horn Tullygaxth corner field, 623 Hoogbreak (2448) sto7ie field, 624 5/(///ley (2341) AuchnacloyAchnacloiche Auchinclach Auchin/tT^AcbleachGoxtleac Goxtnagclock field of the rock, 625 Rugely {2^2,7) Auchnacra/'g cleared hill, 626 Schlagfierg (2340) rich hill, 627 Richmond (2455) market hill, 628 Dunstable (2477) good hill, 629 GuttenSerg (2496) holy /////, 630 >. HaHrfon (2507) FlallidonFieilberg devil's hill, 631 Teubels&erg (2523) fairy hill, 632 Sidlaw (2525) Shee Hills Sheetrim Mullaghshee assembly hill, 633 Moat hill (2539) Moot hill assembly on the point, 634 .4j7Asthing (2540) hill of the host, 635 7\«oc^atloe (2560) Tullintlov hill of victory, 636 Wins/aw (2570) Winslow grave hill, 637 Ardtext (2576) Pw/Zanavert gallows' hill, 638 Knockacxochy (2579) Pownacroiche court hill, 639 Gexichtsbergen (i95i'> old hill, 640 Shandrum (2584) Shanmullagh seven hills, 641 Siebengd'i/Vgt' (2620) mountain of pillars. 642 StauffenJerg (2622) weir mound, 643 Dongweix (2632) summit of the channel, (144 Sarfleur (2639) ship ca^e, 645 Skipwess (2657) boat A«o/^, 646 Powachuraich (265 8) fe7^ of the fire, 647 Lichten/e& (2668) 32 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS .4r^ewtinny Craigewtinny Mo/^ynadinta Tinto Tomatin fire cape, 648 Flam6oroj/g/i (614) Furw ess cross on the hill, 649 Brincxoes (2693) table hill, 650 Bewabuird (2701) D»(wavourd high bank, 651 Rivalta (14) Aute rive little bank, 652 Ripula (158) Rivoli grey slope, 653 Pargemreah (304) fair slope, 654 Findlater (368) Pe//erkeen Bryngwynn clay declivity, 655 Leim/sa/iie (1241) halls of the river-bank, 656 Salas de la ribera (1771) DEPRESSION upper hollow, 657 Auchter/00^ (15) south hollow, 658 South (7ea// (97) eastern valley, 659 S/r a//jearn (124) western valley, 660 Siralhyxc (125) great valley, 661 MicheMeaM (159) Gfewmore Strathmoxe little valley, 662 Logan (160) G&awanG/ewbegStrathbegCorriebeg long gorge, 663 LangAe/;^ (216) winding gfew, 664 Cromrffl^e (250) red gfew, 665 Glenxoe (256) grey gfew, 666 Glenreagh (305) Corn'elea Pz7glas Corglas green valley, 667 Grun/Aa/ (306) Glascom&e bare valley, 668 Durren/a/ (346) Ba//oc/smyle shady valley, 669 Fa/fombrosa (672) rough valley, 670 Glengaxxiit (476) Pj/garvie Corgarf bright valley, 671 Gfcwkeen (370) Clair Fa//,v dark valley, 672 Corriedow (372) GfendowGfewduff PMgduff DEPRESSION 33 strong valley, 673 Stent^a^ (476) Val de penas Val del Losa valley of the mound, 674 Bexgkehle (475) Fiowden Scoxdale Knapdale GlencxaigPitcaixn Dxumnahoe Caxxigafoyle Corrixnony corner valley, 675 Winchcombe (82) head of the valley, 676 Pencombe (474) Pennant OW ot the pit, 677 Tagacurry (678) LegacwrryLegacAory valley glen, 678 i-'j Nantglyn (677) ^. . Glen^MJW wa/fey pass, 679 Gatcombe (739) land in the valley, 680 Texnant, 801 meadow in the hollow, 681 P)eMholm (2345) Aa/z/lee Corrt'egarth CluainMaw/ja river valley, 682 Z)e»burn (961) Dolelt Faagenelv Glenbuxnie Val de Nant valley well, 683 Tobexcurry (1060) valley of the wells, 684 Ptutzenthal (1059) Fa^ de fuentes Wadi-el-Ain hollow with a lake, 685 Holmex (1145) KessellooYatnsdalr Logie Loch Loch Laggan Lake Lugano Val del Laguna Corseco/z/ftc Lake Como sandy valley, 686 Cjxiesthal (1250) Griesa// hollow of the tree, 687 PittincxieS (1276) lime valley, 688 /fo/?g«linden (1285) briar valley, 689 Roncesj;a/fes (1301) rose valley, 690 Rosen/Aa/ (1299) ash valley, 691 Ashcowfie (13 14) Escha2< olive valley, 692 Fa^ de Oii vas (1320) willow valley, 693 Wilstfe« (1325) poplar valley, 694 Asprfew (1330) birch valley, 695 Birkengawg (1337) G&wbeTiy valley of alders, 696 Gfewfarne (1348) c 34 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS hazel valley, 697 Hazelrft'rtH (1380) Fiazledcan Haslingf^e;/ Dolgelly Val de Avallano yew valley. 698 G/f//ure (1389) Ystradyw rush valley, 699 Rusco;;/6 (1402) barley valley. 700 Comnahorna (1419) rve valley. 701 Rydal (1416) fern valley. 702 Fern(7'(//t- (1419) Po//rane Po//naranny moss valley, 703 Pitnaxnoon (1424) raven's valley, 704 Hrafng/a (1534) eagle valley. 705 Axendale (1545) deer valley. 706 Stagsdcn (1577) goat vallev, 707 P//gober (1586) G^ewgower G/e«agower sheep valley, 708 Glencxoe (1594) otters' valley, yog Otterden (1615) dogs' valley, 710 FLundkehl (1620) Gfennamaddy giants' valley. 711 Riesengr//)/// (1643) counts' valley, 712 Grafen//ia/ (1673) valley of the king, 713 King's Kettle (1692) Da/righ hollow of the cave, 714 Pittenweem (1754) caves of the valley, 715 Cue vas del ^' izlie (1797) valley dwelling, 716 Compton (1797) Thalexn DalhyDauhceutTxaneniBallin////g BallogieBallagan Ballicurrie JanibohJambuxg hospital valley, 717 Z)a/naspidal (1938) Da/anspittal country of valleys, 718 Pays de Vaud (2008) enclosed valley^yiq Klausenthal (2017) Vaucluse fort valley. 720 Logiexait (2068) valley bridge, 721 Dea«bridge (2204) orchard vallev, 722 Baumgarten/a/ (2261) vallev salt-works, 723 1 Nantwich (2291) mill vallev, 724 Mil(/d'» (2303) Laggan MuUin G/enmullion valley field, 725 LEVEL 35 Denholm (2345) Cluain//a;HA(/ Corn'egarth valley of joy, 726 Fxeudenthal (2491) valley ot grace, 727 Gnadenthal (2520) holy valley, 728 Wy dale (2509) fairy valley, 729 Glensh.ee (2526) valley assembly, 730 Dinsdale (2541) Maulden valley of the host, 731 Srahatloe (2561) great pass, 732 Ballaghmoxe (195) short ^ass, 733 Ballochgaix (217) yellow pass, 734 Ballochbuie (328) Ba//agAboy smooth pass, 735 Ballochray (358) beautiful pass, 736 Ballaghkeen (373) hill pass, 737 Reigate (477) pass of the little rock, 738 Ballochcxaggan (478) valley pass, 739 Gatcombe (679) stream of the pass, 740 Aldivalloch (963) windy /lass, 741 Ballochgoy (1218) birch pass, 742 Birkengawg (1337) boar pass, 743 .17d7//;)/turk (1569) ^ass of the cattle, 744 Bealachnambo (1601) women's ^ass, 745 Maunmam.on (1639) gapped hill, 746 Montserrat (479) LEVEL high plain, 747 Fiochfeld (16) Hoch(£7'd'id'// HohenoscA Fiobenlohe HohenfooOughteragfeOutxaghAxdochAxdach AxdblairAxdclare great plain, 748 Blairmoxe (161) little plain, 749 Moyne (172) BlarneyBlairne ClareenCampillo broad plain, 750 Bradfey (242) Bradmg Campo largo white plain, 751 C^arbane (274) grey plain, 752 B^airglass (307) Auchinleith smooth plain, 753 Remeen (359) 36 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS beautiful plain, 754 Maghbreagh (402) Belchamp Campo bello Campo hermosa Campo chiaro hill of the plain, 755 Knockmoy (481) plain among hills, 756 Nava de Ios Oteros (480) plain of the rock, 757 Blair Craig (482) level rock, 758 Bjfetein (517) cleared plain, 759 Ebenxied (2346) flat inlet, 760 Flekkehoxd (859) flat shore, 761 Fladstxand (879) flat island, 762 Fladda (899) Fleckney FleckeroeFlatholm river plain, 763 Wassexbilig (964) Angerbach Blairbuxn plain ot the cascade, 764 Afoyness (1106) Dalness lake on the plain, 765 Blairlinne (11 87) PlonerseeBielersee plain of the old-tree, 766 Moville (1458) nettle /j^aiw, 767 Nessel^ecft (1321) birch plain, 768 B/atVbeth (1345) oak plain, 769 Oakley (1364) ./4g/jj«darragh Auchindaxxoch Auchley yew plain, 770 3/ayo (1392) wood of the plain, 771 PdJhill (1457) C/archoill C/arderry King's plain, 772 La A''awa del rey (1693) dwelling of the plain, yy^ Fletton (1798) Crofton LeightonA wggrhausen TFisc/ihausen H'^jsheim BeexendrechtBilligham BalblairBally dare BallinclareCluainuamhaMedina del campo monastery of the plain, yy^ Monasteria de la Vega (774) church of the plain, yy^ Muirkixk (1980) Donaghmoyne fort of the plain, yy6 Castel del piano (2105) plain of the fort, 777 Rothieway (2069) Manchester ford of the plain, yy% Fuxtwangen (2184) Belc/are LEVEL ¦u level field, 779 Bieleteld (2347) cleared plain, 780 Ebenxied (2346) Lichtenaj* east moor, 781 Ostexmarsh (133) Oostmoer hill of the moor, 782 Moorlinch (484) Bar;;/o«aPen»/or/(/ Penrhos mossy place, 783 Mochow (832) MossowMochlitz church on the moor, 784 Zell am Moss (1980) M///rkirkDonaghwoy;/d' Kilwa//y cleared moor, 785 Lichten/^/odT (2346) devil's moor, 786 Teufels^/otT (2524) great desert, 787 Dysertmoxe (164) beautiful desert, 788 Beaudesert (1963) desert dwelling, 789 Bettws disserth (1799) land's end, 790 Finisterre (487) high land, 791 Fel/o/d^ (17) low land, 792 Nether/awdfs (18) HoUawdi Alfold north land, 793 Be/at^-el-sham (112) south land, 794 Suthertos^ (99) Suthern Belad-esSudan red /a;/d^, 795 Rutland (257) Rother^g black land, yc)6 Schwarzenerdfe (277) green land, ygy Greenland (308) hill land, 798 Daghestan (601) rocky land, 799 Cleveland (486) corner of the ^awal, 800 Pawaleck (487) Powgland CantireKintyre land in the valley, 801 Pernant (680) water land, 802 Oelaiid (965) place in the waste, 803 Stow in the Wold (347) land in the sea, 804 Zealand (mo) Zee^a)^^ Oakland, 805 Auckland (1365) land of the hart, 806 ] FLaxtland (1578) oxen's land, Soy Beveland (1602) land of lions, 808 Singboom (1631) land of merchandise, 809 Copeland (2478)^ privileged land, 810 38 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Sundexla7td (2581) Snodland Snodlands monks' land, 811 Monkland (1728) land fort, 812 P(7;/(/shut (798) Foldvax old earth, 813 [.i^ij''^' Oudenard^e (2585) new land, 814 Terra nova (2586) land of fire, 815 Tierra del fuego (2671) distant place, 816 Dalchow (6) Dalic/ioz£' Dak'^ high j^/acd?, 817 Flohenstetten (49) Hock/djy white place, 818 Whiterw (276) beautiful ^Zacd;, 819 Beaulieu (376) Beau/djySchoengaw green place, 820 Zielen^jg (309) hill /)/rt('d', 821 Meon Stoke (488) marshy place, 822 Ostrow (1113) WustrodfPlattAoze/ Blottwjfe Bar2jg clay ^Zace, 823 Glin«'g (1242) ;/)/acd' of herbs, 824 Wort/d'v (1282) lime place, 825 Leipzig (1286) ;;^/ace of thorns, 826 Tornow (1293) Taxnow Toxnau willow place, 827 Withgrw (1328) place of beeches, 828 Boxstead (1358) place ot red beeches, 829 GrabAoz^' (1356) Grabz'gGrabite Oakland, 830 Auckland (1365) grassy place, 831 Trawitz (1410) mossy place, 832 Mochow (783) MossowMochlitz woody place, 833 Woodstock (1459) WittstockWittlarWetzlar BoxowBorowaGolschow Dxewitsch Feschnitz place of cattle, 834 Femern (1552) place of oxen, 835 Beve/(///d/ (1602) place of goats, 836 Zwickau (1587) place of barn, 837 Scheunens/e//d; (1762) place at the court, 838 INLETS 39 5/adf/-am-hof (1949) home place, 839 Fiampstead (1800) enclosed place, 840 Poundstock (2018) fortified place, 841 Waxdley (2018) Waxdle Waxwick place of the ferry, 842 Stoke Ferry (2193) place at the quay, 843 Kewstoke (2227) rich place, 844 Rich/?d;//. (2456) market place, 845 Stowmaxket (2479) Chepstow good place, 846 Dobxawitz {24()y) place of the arm}-, 847 Ftexstal (2562) old place. 848 Hen/t-y (2587) Hen/ysHen/y Staritea new place, 841) Uj/«e/y'(2586) /j/aft' with a ditch, 850 ]amlitz (2646) ]axnnitz INLETS island of the strait, 851 Ba//a (900) strait dwelling, 852 Balad7i////,s7/ (1801) west bay, 853 Wexford (129) great bay, S54 Stox fiord (165) white 6ay, 855 Bahia blanca (278) Catabxanca beautiful bay, 856 Bahia hermosa (377) bay by the hill, 857 Aithswoe (489) TorSay promontory bay, 858 Skagafiord (490) flat tnlet, (S5y Flekke//d)/-d7/d')/buhil Coxbeagh Slievebeagh BenbedwPenbedwBaxbethBarnbeth birch cape, 1335 Shxonabeha (535) Rossbegh birch valley, 1336 Glenbehy (695) birch pass, 1337 Birkengang (742) birch plain, 1338 Blaixbeth (768) birch stream, 1339 AultSea (993) Birsa birch marsh, 1340 Polbeath (1156)' P0l&(7/7// Cuxxabaha birch wood, 1341 B/Vd77e//heide (1469) B/Vd7/d'7/shaw Birchbolt Kilbeheny birch dwelling, 1342 Birchington (1827) Birkhoft Bally&oyBrdTd'nice birch boundary, 1343 Bj'rcAtwistle (2044) birch fort, 1344 Dunbeath (2081) birch field, 1345 Berkeley (2373) Dal6e(7////d-Dalbeath PLANTS 59 DalbethBlaixbethAghaveaghAghai/ea alder hill, 1346 Letter/earw (536) Malvern Pengwerne alder cape, 1347 Stron/ear« (537) valley of alders, 1348 GIen/ar;/d' (696) alder stream, 1349 Erlabeka (994) ErlachAltanfearn Auldearn Auneuil alder wood, 1350 Alder sholt (1470) .4/rholt,4/diershott alder dwelling, 135 1 Pr/esbura (1828) BalfernOlsenice aldertoxd, 1352 .4/resford (2168) alder field, 1353 Alderley (2374) .4 Irewas, Erlau Goxtnavern beech hill, 1354 Buchberg (538) Buchegg place of beeches, 1355 Bo,Tstead (828) place of red-6eec/jes, 1356 GraSkow (829) Grabitz Grabig beech wood, 1357 Buchholtz (1471) Bochbolt beech dwelling, 1358 B//f;^/«gham (1829) BuckenhamBucheimBuxton beech ford, 1359 Bo:4;ford (2169) beech field, 1360 B/c,%leigh (2375) Btichau Boking beech fallow, 1361 BocAewdriesch (2450) brow of the oaA-wood, 1362 Fdenderry (78) oak hill, 1363 Eichenbuhil (539) P«c/jhalden Craigend^arroc/tParnockParnick oak plain, 1364 .4Mc/iley (2376) Auchind/arrocAAghindfarrag/jClard^erry oak land, 1365 .4 wetland (805) oak marsh, 1366 £/'c//e;/bruch (1157) oak wood, 1367 £/d7/holt (1472) PyAebusch EichentoxstEichenwalchen Kildarroch Callandar 60 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Calland/er oak dwelling, 1368 .4fton (1830) A cworth TFo^7';/gham Oaj^/';/ghamOakhamP/'t7/stad P/V//stadt EichdoxtEikheimBallinderrv DubrawiceDaubendoxi oak church, 1369 Kildfd/7r (1986) oak fort, 1370 Lisnad/a7-;'d7g// (2082) fort oak, 1371 Perry na Caheragh (1453) oak path, 1372 pjc/istegen (2129) oak ford, 1373 Athdare (2170) Adarc oak field, 1374 Oakley (769) AuclileyAghindarragh Auchindarroch market oak, 1375 Martoc^ (^480) holy oak. 1376 SeUyoak (2512) old oak, 1377 Staro7//6 (2592) hazel hill, 1378 Hdslow (540) Baicaldine hazel point, i37q Hasselpoint (541) hazel valley. 1380 Hazeldean (697) 7fd7;/d'dean Haslingden Dolgelly \'al de Avallano hazel island, 1381 Hasseloe (903) hazel wood, 13S2 iT^asse/holt (1473) 7/ese/boschen hazel dwelling, 13S3 Haslington (1S31) hazel fort, 1384 Dunkeld (20S3) hazel field, 1385 Hasley (2377) Haslau Rhoscollen hazel clearing, 1386 j Hasselxode (2378) nut dwelling, 1387 A'77ssdorf (1832) yew hill, 13S8 Droman//re (542) Knockan//rd' Altin//rd' yew valley, I38q Glenure (Oq8) Ystrad\'tt' yew wood, 1390 Yotighal (1474) yew fort. I3qi Dun//re (20S4) yeia field, I3q2 Gortinz/re (237q) Maw fir hill, 1393 P/'(7//t7gehirge (543) Jl7d/i///7lierg Crai!.;;,'//,s7/ PLANTS 61 KingMssie fir stream, 1394 Altnaguish (996) Pinosfuente fiy wood, 1395 Maw/j7holz (1475) fir dwelling, 1396 Zimmermantil (1833) ///- field, 1397 DalgMJse (2380) beautiful pines, 1398 Schoenfichten (390) dark pines, 1399 Finster/ed7/7d'// (391) pine wood, 1400 Fichfhoxst (1476) pine dwelling, 1401 Feichheim (1834) rush valley, 1402 Rus-comb (699) rush island, 1403 i?Msholme (904) rush marsh, 1404 Rushxnexe (1158) rush dwelhng, 1405 Pyston (1835) Pesc/fbiittel rush ford, 1406 PMsMord (2171) reed stream, 1407 Rushbxook (997) Redbouxne RadbouxneRodaha reed ford, 1408 Radtoxd (2172) Pe/ford reed bridge, 1409 i?ed?bridge (2207) grassy place, 1410 Pr awitz (831) grassy meadow, 1411 Grasboden (998) grassy dwelhng, 1412 Grasbeuren (1836) wheat valley, 1413 P;'o;)/e;/thal (657) barley hill, 1414 MweelnaAor«a (544) barley valley, 1415 Commahorna (700) rye valley, 1416 Pydal (701) fern hill, 1417 Knockrari//y (545) fern point, 1418 Colerame (80) CoolraineCoolrainyCoolrahne fern valley, 1419 Pollra«e (702) PollnaraM/iy Ferndale fern wood, 1420 Parwhurst (1477) Per7jeyhurst fern dwelling, 142 1 Farndon (1838) Farnham FarnhoxoughFerndoxt fern clearing, 1422 Fernxu.it (2382) red moss, 1423 Monxoe (261) moss valley, 1424 Pitnawjoow (703) moss stream, 1425 Moskwa (999) moss wood, 1426 Moswidi (1478) 62 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS 7KCSS dwelling, 1427 Mosston (1806) Mooshutten «ioss hill, 1428 Moesbalkan (547) FOREST fort hedge, 1429 Buxgfried (2085) hedge fort, 1430 p7-/d'dfberg (2086) long thicket,- 1431 LangenAa777 (221) white shrubbery, 1432 Garrawbane (287) blue shrubbery, 1433 iMo«e3'gorm (317) high wood, 1434 Hasez7/e (35) FiohurstFiohenhart Fiohenthan AxdcnnesAxden low wood, 1435 Basej7/e (36) Nieder//ja« middle of the wood, 1436 Midhurst (65) Mittehra/d/d-'Methwald MethwoldMedziborMisdroi brow of the wood, 1437 Bxinkhorst (yy) Baxdarroch Fdenderry north wood, 1438 'i^oxwood (109) Noordzi/o/d^e east xvood, 1439 Ostexholtz (134) Oostexhout west wood, 1440 Westexii'ald (135) great wood, 1441 Mainhardt (183) Gross/2aJ7j Cot/moreCotemoxeGarranmoxeMoncvxnoxeKellymoxe little wood, 1442 Moweybeg (184) Coiltean Ciilleen Sotilla long wood/, 1443 Langenhain (221) Derry Fad broad wood, 1444 Brads/saw (235) Breiten&MSf/s Pd'r7-ylane green wood, 1445 Groen/00 (318) Glascoed blue wood/, 1446 Mo«eygorm (317) yellow wood. 1447 K/7bowie (331) wood waste, 1448 Holzengeist (349) bare wood, 1449 Duxxwald (348) beautiful ze/oodf, 1450 Perryallen (392) Boseabel FOREST 63 dark wood, 1451 Finstexwald (393) Schwarzwa/d/Schwarzen/o/j Moneyduft wood hill, 1452 Tanhexg (548) Bergholt Holzbuhil Cefncoed/ Catlow Tom da choill Kilcxaig Knockaderry rock of the oak-wood, 1453 Clach na darroch^^^o) Cxaigendarroch stony wood, 1454 Steenhout (549) Clomowy point of the wood, 1455 Bxinkhorst (yy) Winkelhor.stHooteness Skegness Friedeck Waldeck PencoedBaxncullia Kinross oak-wood corner, 1456 Coolderry (87) wood of the plain, 1457 Clardier;'y (771) Claxchoill Rehill woody plain, 1458 TFa^f^bilhg (2428) Holzebexi woody place, 1459 TFoodfstock (833) TF«7/stock IF///lar Wetzlax Leschnitz DrewiischBorowa Borow Golschow oak-wood of the island, 1460 Derry na hinch (905) woody water. 1461 Fleeti«/ood/ (1000) B//s//ey ForstbachKellyburn Kelbuxn Caldex wood of the confluence, 1462 Coed Cymmer (1089) deep wood, 1463 Diepholz (1434) wood marsh, 1464 Houtveen (ii5q) \^en/ooMeexholzMeexhout Chatxnoss Catmoss Mosividi clay wood, 1465 Lehm/z//rs/ (1246) sand voood, 1466 Chiselhurst (1254) lime wood, 1467 Lind/i//;-s/ (1288) Lyndhurst willow wood, 1468 Salehurst (1327) birch wood, 1469 Bixchholt (1341) Birchen//e/d/e 64 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Birchens/iaie/ A'i7beheny alder wood, 1470 Aldexsholt (1350) Alxholt Aldexsholt beech wood, 1471 Buchholtz (1357) Bochholt oak wood, 1472 Fkholta (1367) FichlioltFykebuschEichen/ors/ Eichenwa/c/tewKildarroch hazel wood, 1473 Fiasselholt (1382) Heselftosc/iew yew laood, 1474 Yougha/ (1390) fir wood, 1475 Man til Ao/^ (1395) pine wood, 1476 FichtAors/ (1400) fern wood, 1477 Farn/jjfrs/ (1420) Ferney/iMrs/ moss wood, 1478 Most»id/i (1159) wood forest, 1479 Cotswold snake wood, 1480 Slangen/jors/ (1518) hawks' wood, 1481 Habechtswa/d/e (i539) Fiawkhurst falcons' wood, 1482 Falkenhcide (1542) griffins' wood, 1483 Gxietswald (1550) beasts' wood, 1484 Deexhurst (1555) Wildenhain badgers' wood, 1485 Broken/wrs/ (1566) Brogd?e« boars' wood, i486 Fvexshot (1574) Evers/jaw harts' wood^. 1487 Hartgxove (1581) deer wood/, 1488 Deexhurst (1555) goats' wood, 1489 Kilgoux (1590) wolfs' wood, 1490 Wolf/zees (1625) strangers' shrubbery, 1491 Mo7^eygall (1647) huntsman's wood, 1492 Jageiholz (1653) smith's wood, 1493 Killiegowan (1656) dukes' wood, 1494 Herzogen6osc/i (1669) counts' wood, 1495 GravenAors/ (1676) princes' ze/ood/, 1496 Furstenwa/d/ (1688) monks' wood, 1497 Monkswood (1729) Monksz77)er abbots' wood, 1498 Absholz (1745) dwelling at the woodf, 1499 5//aK/bury (1840) Skegby Buscot Cayton Chatsworth iVoodsetts ANIMALS 65 IFa/d^sassen IFa/dfstadt Waltham WaldheimWalddort HolzselenHolzhausenHolzgaden Tandoxt Thanheixn Thanhausen Forstheim ForstgebaudeBerewood BorovskBettws-y-coed Trecoid BalnakiltyBallymoney wood by the inn, 1500 Schenkholtz (1942) church at the wood, 1501 i?ood/kerque (1987) Hofekirchen Pesc/zkirchi?eyd/ecapelleKikush Chapelle au bois shire wood, 1502 Sherwood^ (2016) grove fort, 1503 A7'ewei(-uj -var (2087) path in the wood, 1504 Forstlohn (2130) ferry at the wood, 1505 FahrenAorsi! (2195) wood enclosure, 1506 Cawood (2265) Fieywood Parkhurst Lundgaxth wood field, 1507 Waldau (2428) Waldbillig Leswalt Wittlax Wetzlax HarseteldHolzeben KilclaxeClaxchoill Cloontakillen wood clearing, 1508 Schlagenwa/di (2383) Lichtenwalde Wittaxode wood market, 1509 Chipping/jMrs/ (2481) Staple/sMrs^ holy wood, 1510 Selwood^ (2513) Seal Chart fairy wood, 1511 Killashee (2527) assembly wood^, 1512 Tinwald (2544) IF«7/mold PwMesthing old wood, 1513 Starken^orsi (2593) OudenSoscAOodenJosc/s xvood on the channel, 15 14 Fleetwood^ (2641) wood of the fire, 15 15 Kildinny (2673) ii'47tinny ANIMALS mussel dwelling, 15 16 MMSse/burgh (1841) 66 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS snake stream, 1517 Rio de Co&ra (looi) snake wood, 1518 Slangen/sors/ (1480) swa^e dwelling, 15 19 iVagpoor (1842) ATagapatamA^'aglaya snake's bath, 1520 Slangenbad (2688) Schlangenbad fish stream, 1521 Fischaha (1002) Rybnaia fish lake, 1522 pjs^vatn (1 160) fish dwelling, 1523 Rybinsk (1843) fish enclosure, 1524 Fishguard (2266) Fishgaxt eel island, 1525 Ply (906) eel lake, 1526 y4a/fang (1161) Lochanas^wAnnaghaskin eel dwelling, 1527 ^a^burg (1844) salmon leap, 1528 Laxleip (363) salmon bay, 1529 Pa;i:fiord, (864) Laxvoe salmon stream, 1530 Laxa (1003) birds' hill, 1531 Vogelbexg (552) Foge/skuppe birds' field, 1532 Foge/sanger (2385) singing of birds, 1533 Foge/gesang (2490) ravens' valley, 1534 Hrafngja (704) cranes' point, 1535 Xrowwinkel (553) crawe stream, 1536 Cranbxook (1004) Crawbourne hawks' hill, 1537 i^a&sberg (554) Fa/Ae«berg Falkenberg Monfalcone hawks' marsh, 1538 Habechtsiang (1162) hawks' wood, 1539 Habechtswalde (1481) Hawkhuxst hawks' castle, 1540 Hapsburg (2088) falcons' rock, 1541 Falkenstein (555) falcons' wood, 1542 Falkenheide (1482) falcons' enclosure, 1543 Pfl/cowswaart (2267) eagle hill, 1544 ^rwstein (556) A rwf els ^r7iberg Moeleryw eagle vaUey, 1545 Arendale (705) eagle island, 1546 Arenoe (907) eag^e meadow, 1547 Arnau (1005) eagle lake, 1548 Arnarvatn (1163) griffin's hill, 1549 ANIMALS 67 Greiffenbexg (558) Grej^ewstein griffin's wood, 1550 Gr«e/swald, (1483) dragons' hill, 1551 Drachentells (559) Mond/ragowe Mondragon place of cattle, 1552 Femexn (834) cattle island, 1553 Deoroe (908) Pemoe beasts' stream, 1554 Tierbach (1006) beasts' wood, 1555 Deerhuxst (1484) Wildenhain beasts' dwelling, 1556 Tierhage (2268) PwrhamPerby beasts' field, 1557 Auchind/oj'r (2368) beaver rock, 1558 BjJerstein (560) beavers' stream, 1559 Beberbach (1007) beavers' lake, 1560 Beaverloo (1164) Bewerley Bi&erlachen beavers' dwelling, 1561 BoSersburg (1846) beaver clearing, 1562 Biierschlag (2389) badger hill, 1563 Broa;holme (561) CarnSroc Lettexbrick badgers' stream, 1564 Bro^bourne (1008) badgers' pool, 1565 Mona&rocA (1165) badgers' wood, 1566 Bro^ewhurst (1485) Brogden badger field, 1567 Broc^ley (2390) boars' hill, 1568 Kinturk (562) Toxinturk Muckxos boar valley, 1569 Maumturk (743) pig island, 1570 Eilean nam Muck (909) Eilen nam Mtichad pig pasture, 1571 Zwywdrecht (1009) pigs' lake, 1572 Loch Muic (1166) pigs' pool,, 1573 Grasmere, (1167) Grwmere boars' wood, 1574 Evershaw (i486) Pwershot boars' dwelling, 1575 Eversal (1847) harts' hill, 1576 Hartshill (564) HarttellHirschbexg Hirschhoxn Hirschholm deer valley, 1577 5/agsden (706) land of the hart, 1578 Hartland (806) harts' stream, 1579 Hirzenach (loio) 68 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS harts' pool, 1580 Hersbxock (1168) harts' wood, 1581 Hartgxove (1487) deer wood, 1582 Peerhurst (1484) harts' ford, 1583 Hartstoid (2173) ii?'er/ford harts' field, 1584 Hartfield (1576) Hartley HirschteldHerschauHindley goats' height, 1585 Gewberg (565) Bengore Cairnango//rAxdgourAxdgowerAillagowerCxaigengower goats' valley, 1586 PitgoJer (717) Glenagotcer Glengower place of goats, 1587 Zwickau (836) goats' stream, 1588 Gejsbach (ion) Geisa ^jgospotamo goat lake, 1589 Lochnagar (1169) goats' wood, 1590 KilgoMr (1489) goat dwelling, 1591 Gewewhausen (1848) Gezse«heim Ballynagore A^oslin rich in goats, 1592 Geismar (2460) sheeps' height, 1593 Soutrahill (566) SoutertellSaitdatellSandt]eld Shaptells FairheadSxoankeeraghMulkeeragh sheep valley, 1594 Glencroe (708) sheep island, 1595 Sheppey (910) Paroe sheep stream, 1596 Owbach (1013) Skipsia Ownageerah sheep meadow, 1597 Schaefwiese (1012) 5c/^ae/mattOwperch sheep dwelling, 1598 5^«^wich (1849) Skipton ScaefstadtSckaefheixn sheep ford, 1599 Shetloxd (2174) ox's height, 1600 Ochsenkopt (567) Pennochen PainbceufBembo Axdboe Stronafia Knockatarriv Knockatorry ANIMALS 69 Cabeza del buey cows' pass, 1601 BealachnamSo (744) oxens' land, 1602 Bei;eland (807) cows' well, 1603 Cobern (1074) ox's pool, 1604 Polliarf (1170) ox's ford, 1605 Oxtoid (2175) OchseniuxtBosphorus ox field, 1606 Wohlau (2393) (9ssewdrechtCloontariffCloontarrivClontarbhClontarf cow field, 1607 _Cowley (2393) horse ridge, 1608 __Hengistxidge (568) _//'ewg«s/rucke horses' stream, 1609 Marborn (1014) i?ossbach horse town, 1610 Marburg (1806) Mardorf PferdsdoxtHengestdoxt horse field, 1611 Hinckley (2394) 77/;/^ley P/erdisfeld Marwang horses' tank, 1612 Posstrank (2662) horses bath, 1613 Bagnod;aya//o (2689) whale bay, 1614 Hvalhoxd (865) otters' valley, 1615 Offer den (709) otters' stream, 1616 Offerbourne (1015) otters' town, 1617 Otterton (1851) dogs' hill, 1618 Houndslow (569) if //7/d/sricke Axdmaddy dogs' point, 1619 Htmdnase (570) Kincow CyMoscephalffiRasige/6j dogs' valley, 1620 Hundkehle (710) Glennamaddy dogs' strand, 1621 Tranawad/d/ree (881) dogs' stream, 1622 i/oz/z/d/sditch (1016) Nahr-el-ife/6 wolfs' stream, 1623 Guadaloupe (1017) dogs' lake, 1624 Loch Maddy (1171) wolf's wood, 1625 Wolihees (1490) dog's dwelling, 1626 A Idea del Cano (1852) dog's field, 1627 Achnachoin (2395) wolf's field, 1628 Wolvesley (2395) cat's head, 1629 Katznase (571) Katzenhoxn 70 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Catzenkopi lions' hill, 1630 Sierra Leone (570) land of lions, 1631 Smgboom (808) lion town, 1632 Singapore (1853) CLASSES man's home, 1633 Mannheim (1854) northman's dwelling, 1634 Normanton (1855) girls' hill, 1635 Montpellier (574) maiden's spring, 1636 Mad/gespring (1075) maiden's port, 1637 Maidenhithe (2239) women's hill, 1638 Slievena/Ko;/ (573) Carn Cailleach Otero de las Duennas women's pass, 1639 Maumna;//a« (745) women's island, 1640 Inch Cailleach (911) giants' hill, 1641 i?jesewkoppe (575) giantess's hill, 1642 Cerro de la Giganta (576) giants' valley, 1643 Riesengxund (711) strangers' hill, 1644 Knocknagaul (577) strangers' meadow, 1645 Clongall (1018) Clonegall foreigners' marsh, 1646 Wallensee (1172) strangers' wood, 1647 Moneyga// (1491) strangers' dwelling, 1648 fFa/fe«stadt (1856) IFa//e7^dorf Gastdoxt Balnagall foreigners' fort, 1649 Donegal (2089) strangers' grave, 1650 Fortinga// (2578) pilgrims' dwelling, 165 1 Hajiahad (1857) Hajipoox Deh-haji merchants' village, 1652 Copmanthoxpe (1858) huntsman' s wood, 1653 Jagerholz (1492) huntsman' s dwelling, 1654 /digersdorf (1859) S/;'/77/7/skaiaS/re/j7^akaia blacksmith' s hill, 1655 Ardgowaw (578) blacksmith's wood, 1656 Killiegoz£/aw (1493) blacksmith's dwelling, 1657 5f//;;/e7d/siedel (i860) BallygowawBallygow Ballingoze/a//BallingowwBallynagowa7JBalgowanBalgownieBalgonie husbandman's dwelling, 1658 Charlton (1861) Carlton CLASSES 71 nobles' hill, 1659 ^d^e&berg (581) nobles' island, 1660 Athelney (912) Adelsoe nobles' waterfall, 1661 Adelsioxs (1104) nobles' dwelling, 1662 Addlinghaxn (1863) EdlinghaxnEdlingtonAddlingtonAdelsdoitAdelshotenAdelsheimAttelhuxy district of the nobles, 1663 Adelmanns felden (2009) B elad- es - shurifa nobles' clearing, 1664 Adelschlag (2398) lady's dwelling, 1665 Fraustadt (1862) FraMewburg church of the lady, 1666 Lady Kirk (1988) Prawewkirchen bey's dwelling, 1667 Begshehr (1864) shiek's town, 1668 Shiekabad (1865) duke's wood, 1669 /ier^ogewbosch (1494) duke's fort, 1670 Herzogenbuxg (2091) Bar le Due duke's clearing, 1671 Herzogenxath (2399) duke's reclamation, 1672 i7er/ogspolder (2652) count's hill, 1673 Graffenbexg (582) Gra/ewstein count's vaUey, 1674 Grafenthal (712) count's meadow, 1675 Graffenau (1019) count's wood, 1676 Grat/ewhorst (1495) count's dwelling, 1677 Herrnhut (1867) Hrabowa GrobinowGrabik countess's manor, 1678 Le menil la comtesse (1868) count's bridge, 1679 Gra/ewbriick (2208) count's enclosure, 1680 Grafenswoxth (2269) Grawewhage Grafenhain count's orchard, 1681 fl"errwsbaumgarten (2270) count's mill, 1682 (Grafenmhhle (2306) count's clearing, 1683 Gra/ewschlag (2400) earl's hill, 1684 Jarlsbexg (583) rajah's town, 1685 Ra]apore (409) prince's hill, 1686 Furstenbexg (584) Furstbexg prince's island, 1687 pMrs/e«werder (912) A delsoe Athelney prince's wood, 1688 pMrs/e«wald (1496) prince's church, 1689 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS P//rs/e;/zell (1989) prince's field, 1690 Furstenau (2401) Furstenteld king's hill, 1691 Carnrigh (585) Otero del Rey valley of the king, 1692 King's Kettle (713) Dalrigh king's plain, 1693 La Nava del rey (772) king's stream, 1694 Konigsbxunn (1020) Rio dos Reis king's dwelling, 1695 Kingston (1870) KonigshotenKenninghallKonigheim ConingsbyConington King's Clere Beerregw Ciudad Reale KralowitzKralitz Krolow RajapooxRajapoxe king's fort, 1696 Konigsberg (2092) ii'om'gstein KoniggratzBrureeTornar oy Rocro?Guardia regia king's ford, 1697 Athenry (2176) fiing's haven, 1698 ii^om'gshaven (2240) Port an righ Portree king's enclosure, 1699 Kingsland (2472) Kingslaen King's Lynn Konigshain, king's orchard, 1700 Huerta del rey (2272) king's works, 1701 Konigswexk (2296) king's mills, 1702 Molinos del rey (2307) king's crown, 1703 Konigscxone (2676) queen's dwelhng, 1704 ^Meewborough (1871) queen's county, 1705 Queen's county (2011) queen's ferry, 1706 ^weewsferry (2196) queen's bridge, 1707 Puenta de la Reyna (2209) queen's port, 1708 Queenhithe (2241) emperor's hill, 1709 Szarhegy (586) emperor's market, 1710 i^asmarkt (2482) emperor's fort, 171 1 Kaiserbexg (2093) emperor's dwelling, 1712 Kaiserstadt (1872) J^awerstuhlA^ajserheim Cysarowes emperor's field, 17 13 ifaeseresch (2403) Ka«seresche emperor's sluice, 1714 CLASSES 73 Keysersloot (2655) emperor's bath, 1715 Kaiserbad (2690) bard's hill, 1716 Benabhaird (587) bard's dwelling, 1717 Balbardie (1873) Balvaird hill of the martyr, 1718 Montmartre (588) saints' field, 1719 5am/field (2404) prophet's dwelling, 1720 Resoulabad (1874) PMssoM/poor priest's hill, 1721 Knock/aggar/ (589) Carn^aggari priest's island, 1722 Pabba (913) Priestholm priest's dwelling, 1723 Godmanstone (1875) PrestonPrescotPrestgaxd Pappenheixn PfaffenhausenPfaffenhoten Pfaffenbexg PfaffwyX Poppowitz Poppow Balsagar/ priest's enclosure, 1724 Po^^ewwarth (2405) priests' field, 1725 Papendxecht (2405) Pfaffenwiese PfaffenschlagPoppenwaxth Pfaffxath dervishes' dwelling, 1726 Dehi Dervishan (1876) monk's hill, 1727 Munchbexg (590) monks' land, 1728 Mow^land (811) monks' wood, 1729 Mow^swood (1497) Mowfeilver monk's dwelling, 1730 Mow^stown (1877) Munchbexg Monachty monk's church, 1731 Llanymynach (1990) monks' fort, 1732 Munchengxatz (2094) Caxmunnock monks' enclosure, 1733 Monks Tofts (2274) monks' field, 1734 Monkleigh (2407) Mow^ley friars' marsh, 1735 MonaSra/jer (1174) nuns' dwelling, 1736 A^Mwthorpe (1878) nuns' enclosure, 1737 Nonnenhoi (2275) A''owwe;/warth bishop's island, 1738 Bischopswexdex (914) bishop's dwelling, 1739 BjscAo^sthorpe (2276) Ballinas^eg bishop's church, 1740 Bischopzell (1991) bishop's trench, 1741 Bischopgxaei (2026) bishop's fort, 1742 74 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Rathaspick (2095) bishop's enclosure, 1743 B«s(;/70^sthorpe (2276) Llosa del opispo abbot's hill, 1744 Abington (591) ^6sberg abbot's wood, 1745 ylSsholz (1498) abbot's dwelling, 1746 ^6&o/shall (1880) ^66eville abbot's fort, 1747 ^660/sburg (2096) abbot's clearing, 1748 Abtsxoda (2408) SETTLEMENTS site of the abbey, 1749 Abbeylaxa (1955) site of the smithy, 1750 Schmeidsiedel (i860) site of the fort, 175 1 Caherlaiig (2097) ParagAleas CseAvarYaxhely seat of the inheritance, 1752 Erbs/e//ew (2469) Exbhof wine settlement, 1753 Weinze//e/ (2666) Weingar/ew hollow of the cave, 1754 Pittenweem (714) caves of the valley, 1755 Cuevas del Valle (751) cave island, 1756 Hellerholm (915) Denholm fort at the cave, 1757 Lisnahoon (2098) mill of the cave, 1758 Mullina/jo«e (2308) cave neck, 1759 HelMa/s (2680) thatched dwelling, 1760 Thaxsted (1881) barn hill, 1761 Caxntoul (592) Toinentoul Sawel Mt. DrumsaM^ place of the &ar;/, 1762 Scheunenstelle (837) lime shed, 1763 Kalksc/?d'//«e (1271) hut dwellings, 1764 Hutton (1882) 5ca/eby Co!!/eMhamCottinghaxn KothendortBudzow field of the huts, 1765 Budweis (2409) brick barn, 1766 Ziegelschciine (2625) upper dwelling, 1767 Ovexton (38) OvexburyOvexbie OvexhamObexndorf Obexhofen high dwelling, 1768 Aasthorp (37) Hig/ia;7d FiochheimHighwor//? SETTLEMENTS 75 High Clere FiochstadtFlochstettenHohensa/e Upsal Uchel/re/ OchiltreeWisowitzWisowice OW dwelling, 1769 NetherSy (39) Nederheim Nedexwyk Alsovaros Alvaros middle dwelling, 1770 Mit/o« (66) MiddletonMiddleham MiddlefiyMiddel6/drg dwelling at the brink, 1771 Eves/ia;7/Salas de la ribera north dwelling, 1772 Nordse/j/ (no) 'isoxburvNor/ow'Hoxdhausen'iiiooxdwyk'NoxwichBallintox south dwelling, 1773 South Of en (in) ZuidwykSuttonSoudhamSudbury SidburySonnenburgSonderhansen Sonder6ySundheimtiankin east dwelling, 1774 Ostexburg (136) OstexhofenOesthammer Austexlitz west dwelling, 1775 Westo;/ (137) Westbury great dwelling, 1776 MichelAdiw (185) Michels/ad^/Mickled/or/ Mickle/o/jMicklen&//rgGreat Tey Ballmoxe BallyxnoxePie 11 Meur little dwelling, 1777 Kleinteet/ (186) LittlehammerLittle Pey P/ewbihan C/d/dfad^ella short dwelling, 1778 Kurzwei/ (223) long dwelling, 1779 Langwe?/ (222) Langthorpe narrow houses, lySo Enghuizen (237) house at the bend, 1781 Bogenhausen (248) red dwelling, 1782 RothenAa//s (262) white dwelling, 1783 Blanken/ia)// (28.S) BlankenSz/rg' 76 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Whis/o7J Fulham WhitSy shining village, 1790 WeissenJwrg Gleesdorf (394) W'eissens/ad// royal dwelling, 179 1 PagAbane King's Clere (409) Pygwyn Ciudad Reale BiancaD«7/a Raja^oor Casablanca Raja^ore Casabranca Rajamahal Bilowes majestic dwelling, 1792 Beloa'/7z Balmoxal (394) Bielopol hill dwelling, 1793 Akserai iiaugham (593) Akshehr Hawick black dwelling, 1784 Dunham ^//«duff (289) Dunwick Czexnoivilz Dunton Zaxnowitz Dutton Zaxnowice Dunkhof green dwelling, 1785 Bxoughton Gxeenwich (319) Clitton Zellendorf Hilston yellow dwelling, 1786 Hilton PagAboy (332) Ladhouse dwelling at the rapids, 1787 Aasthorp LauffenJerg (365) Woolwich Laufse/die77 Bundorf Stromstadt Beaxdon beautiful dwelling, 1788 Knapton Gleeswei/er (394) Ballynick Beau«7a7/o/V Tinnick Schoonhoven Tigh na bruiach Pagheen Pywdrum Balmoxal Ken/«s Villahexmosa Cefn//ys Fiexmosillo Bron//ys Gallipoli Bxaintree Sebastopol Ballater Kxasnopol dwelling at the point, 1794 dirty dwelling. 1780 Winkeldorf (594) Fullenham (396) Winkelsass SEilLEMENTS WinceJy Daubceuf Nes/ow Thalern Nase&y Compton HornSy Tranent Horn&//rg Ballagan Eckdorf Ballogie Edgcott Ballinluig Endzettel Ballicuxxie Eyndhoven Cuevas del Valle Stax&ton Jam&Mrg Stextzhausen dwelling of the plain, 1798 Bogenhausen Leighton {yy^) Arosaig Cxotton Tynvon Fletton Kupiszki Feldham Kupiansk Wisheim dwelling on the rock, 1795 Wischha usen Scoxton (595) Angexhusen ScarSoroMg^ Beerendxecht Richborough Cluainuamha Steingaden Ba/blair Bally na garrick Ba//yclare Bafeacraig Ba/linclare Ba//inacarrig Medina del campo Ba/nachraggan desert dwelling, 1799 Citade de Recife Beffwsdisserth (789) Bethzux home place, 1800 stone dwelling, 1796 Hampstead (839) Staunton (596) dwelling on the street, 1801 Stanton Ba/achulish (852) Steynton dwelling on the creek, 1802 Cloghvally Crique&y (866) Ballyclogh Crique&dgM/ Ballenclogh Criquetot Bodmin Criquevilla Tremaene shore dwelling, 1803 Trellech Shoxeham (882) Chemnitz Pre/draeth Schemnitz Ba/lintraid valley dwelling, 1797 Ba/lintra Da% (716) Ba/lintrae 77 78 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS city of the reef, 1804 Meexhof Citade de Recife (595) Merton dwelling on the water, 1805 Marburg Eton (1021) Mosston Eaton Moxeton Linton Mexeboda Bxunbaii Moxebattle Brunse/e Moxton IFasserburg Mooxby Pfutzen6//7'g Caxton Bacheim Coxston Beckum Caxeby Bickexsteth Coxsham Stxoxnstadt Coxsenside Stxomberg Polton Keldabuster Pulborough Quilleboeuf Polworth Ballynoxan Fenton Tinoxan Finsbury Balihiskey Fenwick Ballyniska Fencotes Ballintobex Trellyn Ba/lintubbert Tincurragh Tippers/ow« Ballinluig Paynuilt Ballymona Medina del Rio Maxsal Muriel de la fuente Paxtwitz Rakonitz Liegnitz marsh dwelling, 1806 sun dwelling, 1807 NassenJewreji (1176) Balgxeen (1196) Bxockum Fiehopolis Bxoickliausen Bethshemish Bxuxelles moon town, 1808 Bxussels Luneville (1198) Linton Chand^oor Lymington summer dwelling, 1809 Slawston SomerSy (1200) Sloby SomertoM Slaughham Somexghem Yeenhusen Soxnexcotes Yeenhof Summer&erg SETTLEMENTS 79 Sommersd/or/ Somexsall cold dwelling, 1810 Chilham (1208) Calthorpe Koudhuizen Kaltenherberg Koudaim Koudum wind dwelling, i8n Balgay (1219) Balgie Grangegeeth lead town, 1812 Bleistadt (1232) iron town, 1813 Eisenstadt (1236) mud huts, 1 8 14 Leemkothen (1247) dwelling on the sand, 1815 Chisel6oroMg/[ (1255) Chiswick GxiesenbottelGxiesheim SandbuurSandwichPeschkowiiz salt dwelling, 1816 Halls/ad// (1268) FialtonSalzburgSaltcoatsSalzkottenSalskaia linden dwelling, 1817 Linden&//rg (1289) LindorfLindheim plant town, 1818 Wuxtzburg (1283) broom hut, 1819 Bxaxncote (1291) thorn dwelling, 1820 Thoxnton (1295) DorniMrgDorn^MrewDoxnbirn Taxnspol TaxnowitzTaxnowiceToxniz apple dwelling, 1821 AppleSy (1303) Apple/Aor;^eApplegar/!A Medina del pomas thistle dwelling, 1822 Distil/soMsew (1307) ash dwelling, 1823 Ash&y (13 16) Ashton Askham EschweilerEschweil house at the elms, 1824 Tey at the elms (1322) willow dwelling, 1825 Withern (1328) Witham Salton poplar dwelling, 1826 Aspens/ad^i! (1331) Toplitz birch dwelling, 1827 Birching/ow (1342) BixkhoffBahyboy Bxezenice alder dwelling, 1828 ErlesSwra (135 1) Ba/fern 01seM«'ce 80 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS beech dwelling, 1829 Bucheim (1358) Bucking/za77/Buckenham Buxton oak dwelling, 1830 Ac/077 (1368) AcieorthEichstadt Eichstead EichdorfEikheim Oakham Oakingham Wokingham Ballindexiy DaubendorfDubxaw ice hazel town, 1831 Hesling/OM (1383) nut village, 1832 'Nussdorf (1387) fir dwelling, 1833 Zimmermantil (1396) pine dwelling, 1834 FeichAe777i (1401) rush dwelling, 1835 Rys/o« (1405) Resch6////e/ grassy dwelling, 1836 Grasbeuren (1412) rye town, 1837 Rug6y (1416) fern dwelling, 1838 Farnborough (1421) Farndon Fexndorf Farnham moss dwelling, 1839 Mosston (1427) Moos//7///e;/ dweUing at the wood, 1840 Waltham (1499) WaldheimWaldstadtWoodsetts WaldsassenWalddorJ SkegbyShawbury Forstgebaude Foxstheim Thanheim Tandorf Thanhausen Fiolzhausen Fiolzselen Holzgaden BuscotChatsworth Cayton Berewood Borovsk Precoid Bettwys y coed Ba//ymony mussel dwelling, 1841 Mussel&«7'g/7 (1516) snake dwelling, 1842 'Nagpoor (1519) 'Nagapatam Nag/aya fish town, 1843 Rybinsk (1523) eel dwelling, 1844 Aal6//rg (1527) beasts' dweUing, 1845 Durham (1556) Der6y TierAage beavers' town, 1846 Bobers^Mrg (1561) SETTLEMENTS 81 boars' dwelling, 1847 Evexsal (1575) goat dwelling, 1848 Geisen/M77se7/ (1591) Geisen/id'777} Ba//ynagore Koslin sheep dwelling, 1841) Skip/0/7 (1598) Skipwich SchaetheimScaeistadt horses' dwelling, 1850 Mar67-/rg (1610) Maxdorf PiexdsdorfHengestdorf otters' town, 185 1 Otter/on (1617) dogs' dwelling, 1852 Aldea del Cano (1626) lion town, 1853 Singapore (1632) man's home, 1854 Mann/7e7777 (1633) northman's dweUing, 1855 Norman/ow (1634) strangers' dwelhng, 1856 Gustrow (1648) Gastd/or/ WallendorfWallenstadt Balnagall pilgrim's dwelling, 1857 Ha]ipoor (1651) Hajiabad PdV/-haji merchant's village, 1858 Copman//tor/)e (1652) huntsman's dwelling, 1859 Jagexsdorf (1654) Strielins^a»aStrelitz^aj'a blacksmith's dwelling, i860 Schmeids7'ed/e/ (1657) Ba//y go w Ballygowan BallynagowanBallingownBallingowan BalnagowanBalgowan Balgownie Balgonie husbandman's dwelling, 186 r Charlton (1658) Carl/o7/ lady's dwelling, 1862 Fxanenburg (1665) Fraustadt dwelling of the nobles. 1853 Edling//(/77j (1663) AddlingAa777 bey's dwelling, 1864 Begshehr (1667) shiek's town, 1865 Shiekabad (1668) port dwelling, 1866 Dok777;7 (2242) count's dweUing, 1867 Herrn/7//./ (1677) Hrabowa GrobinowGrabik countess's manor. 1868 Le 77/em7 la comtesse (1678) rajah's city, 1869 Rajapore (409) Rajapoor king's dwelling, 1870 Kingston (1695) Coning/o7/ 82 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS ConingsSy KonigheimKonigshofen KenninghallKing's Clere Beer regis Ciudad Reale Kxalitz queen's dwelling, 1871 Queenborough (1704) emperor's dweUing, 1872 Kaisexheim (1712) Kaisers7!ad// Kaisexstuhl Cysarowes bard's dwelling, 1873 Ba/bardie (1717) Ba/vaird prophet's town, 1874 Resoulabad (1720) Russoul^oor priest's dwelling, 1875 Godmans/owe (1723) Prestgard/ Pxeston PxescotPiatienberg PtaftenhofenPtaSenhausenPappenheim Ptaftwyl PoppowitzPoppow Balsagaxt dervishes' village, 1876 Dehi Dervishan (1726) monks' dwelling, 1877 ;Monks/ow« (1730) Munchftfrg Monach/y nuns' village, 1878 'Nunthorpe (1736) bishop's dwelling, 1879 Bischops/Aor^e (1739) Ballinas^eg abbot's dwelling, 1880 Abbots&«7ry (1746) AbbotsAa^^ Abbeville thatched dwelling, 1881 Thaxsted (1760) hut dwelling, 1882 Cotten/7a77j (1764) CottingAaw Kothendfor/Scale6y Hut/o« Budzow village dwelling, 1883 Doxtheiin Doxpam inn village, 1884 Shenkend/or/ (1941) Gastdorf court dwelling, 1885 Thorpe le Soken (1949) Stadt am hof convent dwelling, 1886 Coventry (1965) town of the mosque, 1887 Meschida&ad^ (1967) church dwelling, 1888 Kixchhof (1992) Kirk^Ms/d-rKixkhamKixkbyKixby KexkomEcclestonEccleshall Ba/.linakill Pre neglos SETTLEMENTS 83 Mesnil eglise Kostele/2 Zerkow772 Zerkowo enclosed dwelling, 1889 Scheidhof (2021) MauexhofHamptonWaxton Yaxdborough Ba/lingarryAniphipolis moated dwelling, 1890 Gxa&ham (2020) Gxatton FostonDition walled dwelling, 1891 Wallburg (2036) Walpole WaMdorf Wallshiels Walsoken Mauexhof Alden el Muro iDoundary dwelling, 1892 Maxkhaus (2045) Gxenzhausen Twistleton fort dweUing, 1893 War/07J (2099) Waric'id-^ Schlosshof FestenburgBuxghausenBxoughtonChesterton Ballycastle Ballycashel Ba/lendine Ba/Zylesson Pwnahoon Medina de la Torres GxadiskaGxadizskHxadisch road dwelling, 1894 Stras&07/rg (2138) Stxeatham Stxetton StxattonStxadbally ford dwelling, 1895 S/afford (2177) Bwrford ferry dwelling, 1896 Faxeham (2197) FerrySyGanghofen bridge dwelhng, 1897 Pontes6//7'y (2210) SocAbridge Bxixton BxixworthBxixliam BxighamBallydxehid Kopri Koi garden town, 1898 War/o« (2277) Ba&'wgarry dwelhng in the enclosure (1899) Paxkham (2021) Hamp/07« . Yaxdboroiigh metal-washing dwelling, 1900 Seiiendorf (1221) works d'welling, 1901 Werk/«a//se7{ (2298) Wixksworth Hiittenwexke mill dwelling, 1902 84 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Mil/o)7 (2309) Chippenham Millwick Kautbeuren Milnethorpe Taxgovitz Molenstadt Torgovitza MuYAhausen dwelling of joy, 1910 Hudexnuhlen Freudens/adZ/ (2492) MuUinaAowe good dwelling, 191 1 Mlinozf Dobber677s (2501) Mlins^ throne dwelling, 1912 bleach-green dwelling, 1903 Trond^/e777 (2518) Tintoxe (2321) Txondjeim field house, 1904 grace dwelling, 1913 Crof/o« (773) Gnaden52*rg (2521) Leigh/o77 Gnadenhutten Feldhani Ciudad de Gra.cias Paxkham holy dwelling, iqi4 Ys'isheim Selby (2514) Wischhausen Seligens/ad// Angexhausen Heligens/ad// Lewisham Wyborg Ba/blair Yiborg Cluain7/a;77/7(7 Sveaborg clearing village, 1905 Sviajsk Schwandorf (2412) Frinity dwelhng, 1915 flourishing dwelling, 1906 Cividad de la Trinidad Gluckstadt (2453) (2505) Reichstadt god's dwelling, 1916 Villaxica Ash//e/7// (2350) Callianpore Asgarth property dwelling, igoy Chaise Dieu Exbstellen (2469) Allahabad Exbhof Allabshehr dwelling of the fair, 1908 catholic village, 1917 Ballinenagh (2474) Katholic hammer (2504) market dwelhng, 1909 people's dxvelling, 1918 Staple/o)t (2483) LauterZ/Mrg (2534) Markt/«a7H council dweUing, 1919 Market/?ed,7e7^ Raith/jv (2546) Stoxvmaxket Rachstadt Chepstow Rastadt Cheapside Run// a// SETTLEMENTS 85 Runnington MaltonMablburghMailburg Yooxburg peace dwelling, 1920 Mixopol (2556) Mirow77^Mirow dwelling of the army, 1921 Harwich (2563) HarboroughHaxbottle Ballinasloe infantry dwellings, 1022 Salas de Ios Infantes (2564) battle town, 1923 Battleiy (2569) city of victory, 1924 'Nicopolis (2572) Nico/>o/jFuttepoor Yisiapore Yiziapatam free town, 1925 Fri6o77rg (2582) ' Frey^Mrg Frie677rg Fxeystadt old dweUing, 1926 Althorpe (2594) AlstadtAldsatteU Oldham AldhamAltendorfOldenzeel OldendorfStaxkenburgShanbogh Shanboe Shanbo ShanbaUyShanvally Aldea vieya Staxysedlo StaxxwitzEskshehr new dwelling, 1927 'Newbury (2595) NewburghNewboldNewbattle NewbottleNeu6a//, Neud/or/'Neuville Ny6yNyborgNeuburgNeuenburg Nienburg Naam6//rg Neuso/z/Neustadf NysteadNeustadl NeusassNeusiedel Nowosed// Bettws Newydd Nea^o//s Na;^/esNa6/o/7s Alut nuwera Novid^warDvornovoi Uj faros Uj/a/zd Mladow772 BladowYenishehr 86 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS three cities. 1928 Dalans/'z7/a/ Tripoli (2617) Dalnasj6jd/a/ ship dweUing, 1929 upper CO//77, 1945 Schafihausen (2659) Obexhofen (40) Scoppens/ad// hill ?;/77, 1946 Keeiby Zabernierg (597) dwelhng at the dam, 1930 Goxgast Waxeham (2634) court hill, 1947 crown town, 1931 Geri'c/zT^sbergen (598) Cxonstadt {2byy) court by the stream, 1948 Kxonstadi 5oc^burn (1022) bath village, 1932 cowr/! dweling, 1949 Badsdorf (2691) Thorpe le Soken (1885) cross dwelling, 1933 Stadt am hof CrosJy (2694) court bridge, 1950 Crox/o77 Corbridge (2212) Ba/nacross 5oc^bridge great palace, 1934 court station, 1951 Poz^iermore (187) GerjcAstetten (2225) Httle palace, 1935 court works, 1952 Powerbeg (188) Hofwexk (2299) little inn, 1936 new eo7/77, 1953 5/te;/klein (189) Pi7ornovoi (2596) halls of the river-bank, 1937 Novid/war 5a/as de la ribera (79) eo77r/ at the fork, 1954 hospital valley, 1938 Gabelhof (2631) Dalanspittal (717) site of the abbey, 1955 Dalnaspidal Abbeylaxa (1749) thorn inn, 1939 abbey pool, 1956 DornAr«c//d';/ prince's church, 1989 Furstensre// (1689) monks' church. 1990 P/awymynach (1731) bishop's church, 1991 Bischopzell (1740) church dwelhng, 1992 EccleshaH, {li Eccleston 88 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Txeneglos ;\Iesnil eglise KirbyKirkbyKirkham KirchhotKirkbustex Kerkoxn Ballinakill Kostelitz ZerkowitzZerkowo church path, 1993 Kirchsteg (2131) church of the causeway, 1994 Templetoghex (2131) church of the bridge, 1995 /\77drought (2212) church farm, 1996 Pcc/fstofts (2278) church mill. 1997 MuUina^i/ (2311) church field, 1998 Pd;c/esfield (2414) KirchscblagEglwyscymen Donaghcloney people's church, 1999 Theodkirche (2547) old church. 2000 Altkirch (2597) Oude capel Heneg/wys Henegglys Shankill five churches, 2001 Funf^/>d77d'7; (2619) chapel with the cross, 2002 Kreuz Cappel (2695) country on the north, 2003 Bt7d/(/ el sham (112) north kingdom, 2004 Noxdrike (113) south kingdom, 2005 Surrey (114) east kingdom, 2006 Oestreich (139) hill country, 2007 Daghestan (601) country of valleys, 2008 Pays de A'aud, (718) district of the nobles, 2009 Adelmanns/e/d^e;^ (1663) Belad es shurifa green district, 2010 Greenland (308) Gxunnebant queen's county, 2011 Queen's county (1705) district of gardens, 2012 Baghis/aw (2279) ploughed district, 2013 Brabant -(2323) old district, 2014 Altenbanz (2508) sugar district, 2015 Belad es sukkar (2665) shire wood, 2016 S//d'7-wood (1502) DEFENCE enclosed valley, 2017 /v7(7//,se;/thal -(719) \'auc///se enclosed place, 2018 Wardley (841) IFardfle lFa7'wick Po//i/7stock hedged brook, 2019 DEFENCE 89 Hagenbach (1024) Hagenbxunn moated dwelling, 2020 Gra^ham (1890) Gr a/ton Poston Ditton enclosed dwelhng, 2021 .17a7/erhof (1889) Scheidhoi Yard/borough TFarton ParkhamHampton Ballingaxxy A mphipolis enclosed fort, 2022 7\7a//se«burg (2101) enclosed field, 2023 Hanau (2415) i7agMe7}auT^agley//"aags/jbeemden Yardley Chamouni enclosed property, 2024 Haylene (2468) Scheidlehen chalk trench, 2025 Chalgroi7e (1263) bishop's trench, 2026 Bischopgrae/ (1741) trench of the fort, 2027 Schutzgra6e7/ (2102) trench road, 2028 Posseway (2139) mill trench, 2029 Muhlgraben (2312) army trench, 2030 Haxgrave (2565) trench of victory, 2031 Wingrat'e (2574) flood trench, 2032 VloedgraSew (2636) end of the wall, 2033 I'Fa//send (5) fortified hill, 2034 Mont ferrato (602) Sasso ferrato stream at the wall, 2035 TFa//brook (1025) walled dwelhng, 2036 Walton (1891) WallburgWalldoxi Walsoken WalpoleWallshiels MauexhofAldea el Muro ford bv the wall, 2037 TFa/ford (2178) high boundary, 2038 Haltwistle (41) middle boundary, 2039 Mittelmark (69) boundary hill, 2040 Shardlaw (603) 5Aarehill boundary stone, 2041 Sherston (604) Afar.^stein boundary stream, 2042 Marbrook (1026) Marbeck 5^arbeck Hagenbach Hagenbxunn boundary lake, 2043 Gransee (1181) birch boundary, 2044 Birch/wjs//e (1343) 90 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS boundary dwelling, 2045 Twistleton (1892) Markhans Grenzhausen Edgewaxe boundary ford, 2046 Sharnioxd (2179) old boimdary, 2047 Altmar^ (2599) new boundary, 2048 Newmark (2600) high fort, 2049 Alte feste (42) Hoch Schanze HohenwarthWischhradBala hissar fort height, 2050 Doonard (42) north fort, 2051 Pa/too (115) south fort, 2052 Southward (116) Rathteas great fort, 2053 Rathmoxe (192) Pormore PwwmorePy;ievor Nagyiiaradf Maggherry httle /or/;, 2054 Cahereen (193) PwbachPeMbigh PooweenPon:'7/ingPessanyPj'ssane Pween Lissen Towerbeg TortanToortaneTurtane TorranTorellaCastril Castrillo Chicacotta broad fort, 2055 Breit ens/em (238) Breiten6j7rg fort at the bend, 2056 iJorwcastle (2067) Posscastle Fortrose Tourd'0777g red fort, 2057 Rother///Mr777 (265) Kezilhissar black fort, 2058 SchwarzSwrg (293) Kaxahissar blue fort, 2059 Neelgur (321) bald fort, 2060 Meeldrum (344) DunmoyleLismoyleRathmoyle Cahermoyle fine fort, 2061 Beau/or/ (398) ugly castle, 2062 Chateau vilain (404) magnificent fort, 2063 PaZ/jmorail (407) white fort, 2064 Weissen//i«r77} (292) WittenSwrg Witten&erg DEFENCE 91 Rathbane TorralbaCahergal Castella bianca Calata blanca 2"orreblancaBialgorod BelgradeBelgorod Akhissar hill fort, 2065 Hume Castle (605) PoraltKnockrath RathvenRathdxumBxonllysBrienne le Chateau CeinllysDunnamheann Dnnmonadh Dunhill Dunally rock eas//e, 2066 FelsJerg (608) Hammer/es/ePjsclogher RoxburghRocca Casale Rochester Manchester Kxemlin fort on the point, 2067 Rossd;as//e (249) Horncasile Fortxose Dunbar DunlopTourcoing valley of the fort, 2068 Logierait (720) plain of the fort, 2069 Rothiemay (yyy) Manchester fort of the plain, 2070 Castel del piano (776) fort by the water, 2071 Dinant (1027) Yexdun issoudun Arx fontana fort spring, 2072 IFarAsburn (1078) fort of the waterfall, 2073 Caherass (1105) Poowass sea fort, 2074 Castel Lamare (mi) pool fort, 2075 Lond7o« (1182) Pozc'7^amona Chateauhn fort of the moon, 2076 Chandernagore (1199) ChandgAerry iron fort, 2077 Isen6erg (1237) Eisenb urg Eisenthurm thorn fort, 2078 P/d/tdrennan (1296) Taxnograd heath fort, 2079 HeidensfA/oss (1309) elm fort, 2080 Pjslevane (1323) birch fort, 2081 PM7jbeath (1344) oak fort, 2082 Pwnadarragh (1370) hazel fort, 2083 P//;7keld (1384) 92 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS yew fort, 2084 Dunuxe (1391) fort hedge, 2085 Bjdrgfried (1429) hedged fort, 2086 Fried&erg (1430) grove fort, 2087 Nemet-uj-iiar (1503) hawks' castle, 2088 Hapsburg (1540) foreigners' fort, 2089 Po77egal (1649) privileged castle, 2090 Sc/i/ossf reiheit (2583) Bergfreiheit duke's fort, 2091 Herzogen5i/rg (1670) Bar le Due king's fort, 2092 Konigs6erg (1696) Konigstein Koniggratz Bruree Tornaxoy Guardia regia emperor's fort, 2093 Kaiserfeerg (1711) monks' fort, 2094 Munchengra/z (1732) Carmunnock bishop's fort, 2095 Pa/S/iaspick (1742) abbot's fort, 2096 Abbots&«ry (1747) site of the fort, 2097 Caherlaxig (1751) Laragh/eas Farhely Csekfar fort of the cave, 2098 Pz'snahoon (1757) fort dweUing, 2099 Festen677rg (2021) B//rghausen Broughton Schlosshot WalldoxiWallsoken Wallbuxg TFarburgTFartonIFarwick C/«es/erton Bally/esso7«Ballendine BallycashelBallycastleMedina de las Torres Aldea el Muro GradiskaGradizsk Hraiisch tower abbey, 2100 Badia Torrita (1957) enclosed fort, 2101 KlausenSwrg (2022) moat of the defence, 2102 Sc/M7/zgraben (2027) fort castle, 2103 T'FarAecastle (602) fort mill, 2104 ScA/ossmuhle (2313) Pz'smullin fort in the field, 2105 Stein am anger (2416) FeldSergKemp/e7i C/ies/erfield Goxtalissa Rathdeowny AuchinrathAghadown INTERCOURSE 93 Castel del piano clearing at the fort, 2106 Wark//7K/a//d' ((2418) flourishing fort, 2107 Calliend/roog (2454) castle property. 2108 Schlossgut (2470) good fort, 2109 Guttens/euj (2502) fairies' fort, 2 no Pashee (2528) assembly fort, 2111 Caermote (2549) fort of the legion, 2112 Caerleon (2568) fort of victory, 2113 Wingrave (2574) Futteghur Yisiadroog free port, 2 114 Frey6//7-g (2582) Fxibourg fort of freedom, 2115 Sc/j/ossfreiheit (2583) Bergfreiheit old fort, 2116 AltenSwrg (2601) OldenburgAldwarkAlcaster Seandon SanquharHen/\'.sTorres Vedras StaxogardStax gar d Eskihissar new fort. 2 117 Newark (2602) Neutchatel New Castile NeodY/s/7'()Nicastro Torres novas Novgorod/Novigrad?Noaco/e Yeni;%a/e fort of the sluice, 2 118 Fort de I'ecluse (2656) Schlusse&77rg fort of the fire, 2119 P//7/tinny (26 INTERCOURSE upper path. 2120 High Gate (45) Obei7oo7/ lower path. 2121 Neerloon (44) long path, 2122 Langenhahn (224) broad way, 2123 Bradenicai/g (239) wild path, 2124 Wild&a/777 (340) bare path, 2125 Dxoogat (351) hill path, 2126 Reigd//d' (477) Ruchs/e?g Caxntogher path on the sand, 2127 Poo77 op Zand (1257) thorn path, 2128 Durnsteg (1297) oak path, 2129 Eichs/ege77 (1372) path in the wood, 2130 Foxstlohn (1504) 94 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS church road, 2131 Kirchsteg (1993) Temple/ogAer mill of the road, 2132 IFegmuhle (2314) Stiegmuhle path field, 2133 IFaAefield (2419) people's highway, 2134 Diotweg (2535) high road, 2135 Highga/e (45) httle street, 2136 Stradeen (194) ash road, 2137 Eschwege (1317) road dwelhng, 2138 Stratton (1894) StrettonStreathaxnStrasbourgStradba&y trench road, 2139 Fosseway (2028) ,s77'd'e/ passage, 2140 5/rassgang (2150) road ford, 2141 Wayford (2180) WegefurtStratford cross road, 2142 Cxossgates (2697) Kruzs/ra«7 path mifl, 2143 IFegmuhle (2314) 5/jegmuhle cleared road, 2144 Lichtenweg (2420) people's road, 2145 Diotweg (2535) camp on the road. 2146 Chester le street (2558) great passage, 2147 Ballaghmoxe (161) little passage, 2148 La Bochetta (196) marsh passage, 2149 Ramsga/e (1184) street passage, 2150 Strassgawg (2140) high /ord?, 2151 Hohen/«7r/A (46) middle ford, 2152 Mil/ordf, (70) great ford, 2153 ^/Amore (197) little ford, 2154 Ahane (198) long /ord/, 2155 Langwad/e^-j (225) Dluge&rod//! broad ford, 2156 Brad/ordf (240) Bredeiioor/ beautiful ford, 2157 Kxasnabrod (399) hifl /ordf, 2158 Clitford (610) Law/ordf Carnwa//i stony ford, 2159 Stam/o7'di (611) Steent7ord^eSteent70ordf ¦'Athleague BelleekLechrhyd ford of the plain, 2160 Furtwangen (778) Be/clare island /ordi, 2161 Gu- de I'isle (91S) INTERCOURSE 95 ford on the pasture, 2162 Laswade (1029) deep ford, 2163 Deptford (1093) cold ford, 2164 Calvorde (1210) tree ford, 2165 Bamford (1280) ash ford, 2166 Ashford (1318) willow ford, 2167 Salford (1329) alder ford, 2168 Alxesford (1352) beech ford, 2169 Boxford (1359) oak ford, 2170 .4 dare (1373) rush ford, 2171 Rushford (1406) reed ford, 2172 Radford (1408) Retford hart's ford, 2173 Haxtsford (1583) Hertford sheep ford, 2174 Shef/ordf (1599) ox's ford, 2175 Oxford (1605) OchsenfurtBosphorus king's ford, 2176 Athenry (1697) /ordi dwelling, 2177 Staiford (1895) Bur/or d/ wall ford, 2178 Walford (2037) boundary /ord/, 2179 Sharn/ord/ (2046) road ford, 2180 Wayford (2141) Wegefurt Stratford ford bridge, 2181 Wadebxidge (2214) Droghed/a mill /ordi, 2182 Milford (2315) field /ordi, 2183 Wangf ord (2421) /ordi field, 2184 p7*r/wangen (778) association ford, 2185 Guild/o7'd/ (2473) market /ordi, 2186 Staple/ordi (2484) people ford, 2187 Dittford (2536) Theot/ordi /ordi of the army, 2188 Hereford (2566) victory ford, 2189 Win/or di (2575) lower /erry, 2190 Nieder/aAr (47) great ferry, 2191 Meikle Per7'y (199) long ferry, 2192 Langefahr (226) place of the /erry, 2193 Stoke Ferry (842) stream /e7Ty, 2194 Fahrenhach (1030) Pa/jrwasser ferry at the wood, 2195 PaArewhorst (1505) queen's /e7'ry, 2196 Queens/erry (1705) ferry dwelling, 2197 Fard;ham (1896) 96 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Perryby court bridge, 2212 Ga7?ghofen Sock6;'?dige (1897) ferry field, 219S Cor&7'7'd/gc PaArwangen (2424) church of the bridge, 2213 field ferry, 2199 Kildrought (1995) Campt/ere (2423) ford bridge, 2214 long bridge, 2200 Wadebndge (2181) Langeni7rM(;^e77 (227) Drogheda Langbruck bridge market, 2215 Dlugenmost Keupri bazaar (2485) narrow bridge, 2201 old bridge, 2216 Engbruck (241) Po«/e vedra (2603) bridge hill, 2202 new bridge, 2217 Drumad/7'd'/7/d/ (612) Nowe mjasto (2604) Knockadiree/ two bridges, 2218 Penpont Deux ponfs (2616) stone bridge, 2203 Zwei brucken SteenSrMgge (613) brick bridge, 2219 Po7i/faen Po/// de briques '.2625 valley bridge, 2204 canal bridge, 2220 DeanSrJdige (721) Deltbritke (2642) island bridge, 2205 high beacon, 2221 Werder&rid'c/z (919) Hohenwarth (48) '* golden bridge, 2206 beacon hill, 2222 Altunkupri (1225) TF(77'burg (614) reed bridge, 2207 Farberg Redbridge (1409) TFd/rd/law count's bridge, 2208 T'ordihill Grafenferidc^ (1679) P/a777borough queen's bridge, 2209 beacon island. 2223 Puente de la Reyne (1707) Wardoe (920) Sri'dige dwelling, 2210 high station, 222.\ Brixwoxth (1897) Hochstatien (37) Bn'.rham Hochs/d7/d'7/ Bn'xton Hohen,s7t7/d'// Bn'gham court station, 2225 Ballydire/iedi Gerichs/e//e7/ (1951) Po7//d'sbury high wharf, 2226 Koprikoi Hohenwer/)/7777 (50) cloister bridge, 2211 place at the quay, 2227 P7-//gg Kloster (1964) /vezc'stoke (843) ENCLOSURE 9-; marsh quay, 2228 Moexkade (1185) east harbour, 2229 Ostexhafen (140) great port, 2230 Portmoxe (^00) green port, 2231 Gxeenhithe (322) beautiful port, 2232 Porto bello (400) hill ^or/, 2233 Stonehaven (615) Por/adownPor/ Law Por/nacraigPorthkexxy PortskexxieToxquay port at the cape, 2234 Portxush (616) port of the cove, 2235 Covehithe (867) fresh port, 2236 Frische/ja/7 (396) mouth of the harbour, 2237 Por/smouth (1085) sand port, 2238 Zand/joor/ (1258) maiden's port, 2239 Maidenfe7/!e (1637) king's port, 2240 Konigs/7ai;e7t (1698) Port an righ Por/ree queen's port, 2241 QueenAj/Ae (1708) port dwelling, 2242 Dokum (1866) rich port, 2243 Por/o rico (2462) market haven, 2244 Copen/jage/i (2486) /(or^ of heaven, 2245 Himxnelpforte (2506) holy port, 2246 Heligenhaven (2515) Seligen/)/or/e77 God's haven, 2247 Gosport (2532) Marsala safe port, 2248 Porto seguro (2555) old qiiay, 2249 Oudekaai (2605) new port, 2250 Newport (2606) NeuwarpScala nova /jori of the boat, 2251 Port na churaich (2660) canal port, 2252 DelfsAai'e77 (2643) ENCLOSURE sheep park, 2253 Owperch (1597) high enclosure, 2254 HochAam (51) GarryardBala Bagh east enclosure. 2255 Ostret;a7i/ (141) west /arm, 2256 West Tofts (142) long /arm, 2257 Langtoft (228) black garden, 2258 Karabagh (294) bright /ar77/, 2259 Lutterworth (401) 98 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS hill /a7-77/, 2260 Aasthorp (37) Knab/o// orchard valley, 2261 Baiimgartental (722) island farm, 2262 Eyworth (922) /a;'77/ of the fountain, 2263 Spring/.^or/ie (1080) Gar/farran lake /(/7-77/, 2264 Polworth (1176) Vatnagaard/ wood enclosure, 2265 Hcvwood (1506) Cawood Parkhurst i^undgarth fish enclosure. 2266 Fishg//rt7-(/ (1524) Fishg(7;7// falcon's enclosure, 2267 Fa]cons7£'(/d7r/ (1543) b.^asts' enclosure, 2268 Durham (1556) Tiexhage count's enclosure, 2269 GravenAage (1680) Grafen/jaz'mGrafenwor/A count's orchard, 2270 Herrns5a7/7«gar/e7j (1681) king's enclosure, 2271 Kings/a7/di (1699) Kingslaen King's LynU' Konigshain king's orchard, 2272 Huerta del rey (1700) priest's enclosure. 2273 Poppenwdfr/Zf (17-^4) monk's enclosure, 2274 Monks Tofts (1733) nun's enclosure, 2275 NonnewerTlA (1737) Nonnenhof bishop's enclosure, 2276 Bischops/Aor/)e (1739) Llosa del opispo dwelling in the enclosure, 2277 Paxkham (2021) Hamp/o« Waxton I'ardiborough Ba/lingarry church /ar777, 2278 Eccles/o//s (1996) district of gardens, 22yg Baghistan (2012) mill enclosure, 2280 PwmuUin (2303) old garden, 2281 Shang(7r7'y (2607) butter farm, 2282 Smiorgardi (2667) great mine, 2283 Banya nagj' (201) new 777777e, 2284 Uj6a7/ya (2608) site of the smithy, 2285 Sc7777/c/'d/siedel (i860) hammer smithy, 2286 Hammersf//777e7'd/e (2627) nail smithy, 2287 Nagelsd77.77/d'7(/e (2628) field of the smithy, 2288 St7/7//e/'(/efeld (2425) middle salt-works, 2289 Middlewjc/i (71) north salt-works, 2290 Northwich (117) valley salt-works, 2291 ENCLOSURE 99 Nantw*c/7 (723) meta.l-xe ashing hill, 2292 Seifenbexg (618) metal-washing works, 2293 Seifenwexk (1900) gold washing, 2294 Seifengold (1226) tin leashing, 2295 Seifenzinn (1230) king's works, 2296 KonigswerA (1701) metal-washing dwelling, 2297 Seifendoxt (1900) xvork's dwelling, 2298 HuttenwerAe (1901) TFer.^hausen TFzrT^sworth court works, 2299 Hotwerk (1952) rich salt-works, 2300 Reichenhall (2463) mill hill, 2301 Molenbexg (619) Muhlhalde mill on the point, 2302 Stextzmuhle (620) Moleneynde mill valley, 2303 ,1/i7den (724) GlenmuUionLaggan Mulk'u mill oi the strand, 23(14 Mullintxa (883) ' mill stream, 2305 Ma (7s trom (1031) Muhlc\uelle MuhlQ.oss Muhlenbach Molenbach M elbouxne Milbuxn count's mill, 2306 Gxaienmuhle (1682) king's 777/7/s, 2307 Molinos del rey (1702) mill of the cave, 2308 Midlinahone (1758) mill dwelling, 2309 Mo/e77stadt (1902) MuhlhausenHudeinuhleMilton Milnethoxpe MillwickMlinskMlinow mill inn, 2310 i\xugmuhle (1943) church mill, 2311 Mullinakill (1997) mill trench, 2312 Muhlgraben (2029) fort 77177/, 2313 Schloss^nwA/e (2104) Lismidlin mill of the path, 2314 Wegmuhlc (2132) Stiegmuhle mill ford, 2315 M//ford (2152) field 77/«7/, 2316 Wisch/7////7/e (2426) Gemeindw//7///ePaint7;/7/A/e 7/7/7.'' field, 2317 Muhlenloog {2427) Mullerosch market mill, 2318 Maxktmuhle (2487) mill tank, 2319 Trank/7////7/e (2663) little bleach-green, 2320 100 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Tooreen (202) bleach-green dwelling, 2321 Tin/ore (1903) AGRICULTURE high field, 2322 Haugh/ey (52) Hochfeld HochwiesenHohenlohe Hohenloo Axdach AxdochAxdblair upper field, 2323 Hoog&radrA. (54) Outxagh Oughtexagh Auchtexblair upper clearing 2324 Ober5ra«di (53) Ebexbrand low field, 2325 Basseye'die (55) Campo basso middle field, 2326 Metfield (72) Meth/ey Mittwgydia brown field, 2327 Brawen/age (266) white field, 2328 Witley (295) Witt/ageWhitar7T\^'eis77/aes Gortban Gartbane Fingart Tamnaghbane white clearing, 2329 Blankenra/A (296) green field, 2330 Grun.'77/ (324) Giohau Tonagh TamnaghTamny TawnagA Tawny Glascioow grey field, 2331 Auchinleith (307) yellow field, 2332 Aghaboy (333) spotted field, 2333 Gar/breck (338) Auchinbxeck bare /ze/di, 2334 Geeste/e/di (352) Duirwa7tge77 rough /le^di, 2335 Garrac/oo77 (362) beautiful field, 2336 Schoena// (384) MagAbreaghClonkeen GortbanGartbaneFingart FintonaBelchampCampo bello Campo chiaro Nava hermosa Campo hermosa A''ogent hill ;^e/di, 2337 Rugeley (625) AGRICULTURE 101 Knowsiey Axdblair hifl of the fidd, 2338 Matterhoxn (622) Tullygarth field of the hill, 2339 Haugh/y (622) cleared hill, 2340 Schlagbexg (626) stony field, 2341 Stanley (624) ^ uchinclach Auchnacloy Auchinleck .1 cAleach .IcAnacloiclie Gor/nagclock GoT-Zleac .4 McAnacraig field at the corner, 2342 Schlaghock (89) corner field, 2343 Winkleigh (90) Winklarn Hoogbreak corner of the field, 2344 Akkeroxt (91) valley field, 2345 Denholm (681) C/77aj7iuamha Corriegar/A cleared plain, 2346 Lichfenau (780) P/c/7/e//moer Ebenrj'edi level field, 2347 Biele/e/di (779) field stream, 2348 Angerbach (964) field of the fountain, 2349 Gar/farran (1080) deep ^e/di, 2350 Deeping (1090) field of the cascade, 2351 Moyness (1106) Dalness Dallas marsh field, 2352 Nassen/e/d7 (967) Meexfeld Moxley MooxdrechtMoosanger Feuchtwang A uchlinc Wassaxlar Blairlinne. pool in the field, 2353 Maescar (11S7) cleared moor, 2354 Lichtenxnoex (780) summer field, 2355 Summer<";r/7e (1200) winter field, 2356 WinterescAe (1202) cold clearing, 2357 Calthwaite (1211) cold field, 2358 Campo frio (1211) Campo Freddo dry field, 2359 Dxiifield (1214) sand field, 2360 Grieswawg (1259) chalk field, 2361 Chalfi.eld (1262) flower fi,eld, 2362 Blnmlage (1274) tree field, 2363 Auchincxuive (1281) flax field, 2364 Linley (1290) 102 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS thorn field, 2365 Thorn/ey (1298) briar field, 2366 Pai/MagAdrissagh (1302) apple field, 2367 Afioltexwangen (1304) Applegaxth cucumber field, 2368 Guxkfield (1305) heath field, 2369 Hat;?e/di (1311) HathexleyHatherleigh low heath, 2370 Poogheyde (1311) ash field, 2371 Ashley (1319) Aeschen77'7a/7! poplar ;?e/di, 2372 Aspic V (1332) Espenfeld birch field, 2373 Berke/t'v (1345) Pa/beathieDalbeathDalbeth Blair beth ^gAaveaghy4gAavea alder field, 2374 Exlau (1353) AldexleyAlxewasGor/navern beech ;^e/di, 2375 Buchaii (1360) Bokwig oak field, 2376 Oak/ey (1364) Auch/ey.4 //cAz 77 darroch 4g//7'7/darragh hazel field. 2377 Haslau (1385) Has/ey PAoscollen hazel clearing, 2378 Hasselrodie (1386) yew field, 2379 Gor/iiiure (1392) Mayo fir fi.eld, 2380 Pa^guise (1397) fern field, 2381 Brachfcy (1422) fern clearing, 2382 Fernrz/// (1422) wood by the clearing, 2383 P/'d7//t'//walde (1508) ScA/agez/wald wood clearing, 2384 Wittar ode (1508) birds' field. 2385 \'ogelsr7wger (1532) raven's field, 2386 RabenaMger (1534) falcon's field, 23S7 Falconswaar/ (1543) beasts' field, 2388 ^77fA/7/doir (1557) beaver clearing, 2389 BiberseA/ag (1562) badger field, 2390 Brock/ey (1567) hart /?e/di, 2391 Hindfey (1584) HaxtfieldHaxtley Hirsch/dVd/ HerschaM sheep field, 2392 Schaef77/(7// (1597) AGRICULTURE 103 Schaefwj'ese Owperch ox ^eidi, 2393 Cowley (1607) OssendirecA/ Ctowtarbh Ciowtarf C/oowtariffCtooMtarriv horses' field, 2394 Hinck/ey (1611) Hink/eyPlexdsfeldMaxwang dogs' field, 2395 ^cAnachoin (1627) wolfs field, 2396 Wolves/ey (162S) Wolfsawger nobleman's field, 2397 Adelmanns/e/die« (1663) nobles' clearing, 2398 Adelschlag (1664) duke's clearing, 2399 Herzogenra/A (1671) count's clearing, 2400 GrafenscA/ag (1683) prince's field, 2401 Fursten/e/di (1690) FurstenaM king's field, 2402 Dalxigh (1692) Pa/ry emperor's field, 2403 KaiserescAe (1713) saints' field, 2404 Saint/ie^di (1719) priest's field, 2405 Pfaffenwj'ese (1725) PapendirecA/Poppenwar/A priest's clearing, 2406 Piaiirath (1725) PfaffenscA/ag monks' ^e^di, 2407 Monkleigh (1734J Monk/eyMuns/ey abbot's clearing, 240s Abtsrodia (1748) field of huts, 2409 Budwejs (1765) field house, 241Q Crofton (1798) Peidiham ParAham Pewjsham TFzsheim IF/'sdAhausen ^iwgerhausen pasture of the cave, 2411 C///(/7Muamha (681) village clearing, 2412 Schwandoxt (1905) hospital field, 2413 Pa/naspidal (1938) Pa/anspittal Spittal^e/dis church field, 2414 Ecclesfield (1998) KirchscA/ag MMzrkirk Zell am Moss DonaghmoyneDonaghcloneyEglwyscymen enclosed field, 2415 Yardiey (2023) Hag/eyHaags6ee»jdie77Haguenaw Hana 7^ 104 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS fort in the field, 2416 Pd7(/bers (2105) Stein am anger Heidenschloss Rath(feo7i'7/y Chester;?e/d/ Kempten Castel del piano field of the fort, 2417 .4gAadown (2105) .47/d7//'7/rath Gor/alissa clearing at the fort, 2418 Waxkthwaile (2106) path field, 2419 Wakefield (2133) cleared road, 2420 Lichtenweg (2144) //' d7 di ford, 2421 Wangtoxd (2183) ford field, 2422 Fuxtwangen (2160) field ferry, 2423 Campvexe (2199) ferry field, 2424 Fahrw(777g('77 (2198) //d7(/ of the smithy. 2425 Schmeide/e/di,''(22S8) field miU, 2426 TF/sf/zmuhle (2316) Gd'/7/d'/7/dimuhle Paintxnuhle mill field. 2427 Mullerosd7/ (2317) Muhlenloog Pj'smullin wood field, 2428 Harse/e/di (1507) Holzd7)('7/Wald/7/7//g Waldau Wittlar CfooMtakillen field wood. 2429 Peswalt (1507) Kilc7(7rd' level wood, 2430 Clarchoill (1457) ploughed clearing, 2431 Brachradie (2449) ploughed field, 2432 Brach/e/die (2449) BrachescAeBra6aw/ fallow field, 2433 Dxiesfelt (2451) Dxiifield happy field, 2434 Wonnega// (2464) Campo felice pleasant field, 2435 A^ogent (384) field of pleasure, 2436 Lust/d'/'gA (2494) field of grace, 2437 Gnaden/e/di (2522) assembly field, 2438 Rathenajd (2542) Mold/e/die Runnyw edie camp field, 2439 Chesterfield (2105) old field, 2440 Prato ^'ecchio (2590) old clearing, 2441 Altens(/7/g (2611) Alienbrand new ;?eM, 2442 Newen/77-a7/df (2610) Neuwicd hundred clearing, 2443 Hunder///;r(//7d' (2011) PROPERTY 105 field of the fire, 2444 Auchindinny (2672) .47/cAteanyC/o//tinty fire clearing, 2445 Feuexsang (2674) field of the cross, 2446 ^gAacross (2698) cross clearing, 2447 Cxossthwaite (2699) high tillage, 2448 Hoogbreak (56) HoogSracA ploughed field, 2449 Brach/eidie (2432) BrachescAe Bxachrade Brabant beech fallow, 2450 BockendirtescA (1361) fallow field, 2451 Priesfelt (2433) Drifheld PROSPERITY full of grain, 2452 GranagAa7t (2664) GranagA flourishing dwefling, 2453 Reichstadt (1906) GluckstadtMlla rica Callianpoxe flourishing fort, 2454 Calliendxoog (2107) rich hill, 2455 Richmond {62y) rich place, 2456 Richlieu (844) rich coast, 2457 Costa rica (884) ricA brook, 2458 Reichenbach (1033) ' rich meadow, 2459 Reichenau (1034) [ r7d;A in goats, 2460 Geismar (1592) rich dwelling, 2461 PeicAstadt (1906) Villa rica rich port, 2462 Porto rica (2243) rich salt-works, 2463 Reichenhall (2300) happy field, 2464 Wonnegan (2434) Campo felice good luck, 2465 Buenawew//(7'a (2503) PROPERTY south possession, 2466 Sondereygen (119) property in the waste, 2467 Wustegut (353) enclosed property, 2468 ScheidieAe/j (2024) Hay/ewe property dwelling, 2469 £r6hof (1752) PrJstellen castle property, 2470 Schlossg/// (2108) little fief, 2471 Smaa/eAe7-i (205) king's fief, 2472 King's Lynn (1699) Kingsland 106 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS TRADE ford of the guild, 2473 Guildioxd (2185) dwelling of the fair, 2474 BallinewagA (1908) north market, 2475 Noxdkoping (120) Noxxkoping white market, 2476 Whitstable (297) hill market, 2477 Dunstable (628) land of merchandise, 2478 Copeland (809) market place, 247c) Stow/77ar/^d7 (845) Chepstow market oak, 24S0 Martock (1375) market wood, 2481 Staplehuxst (1509) Chippinghuxst emperor's market. 2482 Kaiser/77(7r,^/ (1710) market dwelling, 24S3 Marktham (1909) Cheapside Chippenham Stapleton Kattfbeuxen TorgovitzaTargowitz market ford, 24S4 Stapleioxd (2186) bridge market. 2485 Keupri bazaar (2215) market haven, 2486 Copenhagen (2244) market mill, 2487 Marktmuhle (2318) new market, 2488 Newmarkt (2614) Ny kioping NykiobingNovi Bazaar Yeni Bazar old market, 2489 Altenmarkt (2613) JOY singing of birds, 24()0 Vogelgesawg (1533) valleg of joy, 2491 Freudenthal (726) town of joy, 2492 p7'e//die7/stadt (1910) pleasant field, 2493 Nogent (955) field of pleasure. 24(14 Lustleigh {2436) good view, 2495 Bonavista (366) Boavista Be/voir good hill, 2496 Guttenbexg (629) goodi place, 2497 PoSrawitz (84(1) good stream, 24q8 G77//e77brunn (103b) BoM7jeuil good waters, 2499 Eaux bonnes (1035) goodi breezes, 2500 Buenos Ayres (1215) good dwelling, 2501 Po&6erbus (1911) good fort, 2502 G«//e77stein (2109) RELIGION 107 good luck, 2503 B//e77aventura (2465) RELIGION brook of the /77rtss, 2504 Massbrook (1037) holy faith, 2505 Santa Fe (2516) port of heaven, 2506 Himmelpioxte (2245) Ao^y hfll, 2507 Halidon (630) Hallidon Heilbexg holy cape, 2508 Sviatoinos (630) holy valley, 2509 T'Fydale (728) Aoiy island, 2510 Holy Island (923) Heligoland holy weU, 25 n Holywell (1082) HeilbxonHalbxon Fuensgrada Sviaga holy oak, 2512 Se//yoak (1376) holy wood, 2513 5f/wuod (1510) Seal Chart Aoiy dwelling, 2514 77d/7/gd'77stadt (1914) Se/jge7/stadtSelhy I 'iboxg IFyborg Sveaboxg Sviajsk holy port, 2515 Heiligenhaven (2246) Se/jge/jpforten holy faith, 2516 Santa Fe (2505) holy cross, 2517 Heiligen Kreuz (2700) throne dwelling, 2518 Pro77dihjem (1912) ProMdij eim healing fountain, 2519 FosS(77/o (1083) valley of grace, 2520 Gnadenthal (727) dwelling of grace, 2521 G77(/iid-//burg (1913) Gnadenhutten Ciudad de Gracias field of grace, 2522 Gnadcnield (2437) devil's hill, 2523 Teubelsbexg (631) devil's moor, 2524 Teufelsmoex (786) /a/7-y hifl, 2525 SMaw (632) SAee Hills S//dd'trimMuUaghsAee fairy valley, 2526 Glcns//i'd' (729) fairy wood. 2527 Killas//t'd' (1511) fairies fort, 2528 RasAee (2110) God's river, 2529 AbaUdh (1039) god's dwelling, 2530 .-IsAheim (1916) Asgarth 108 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Chaise Dieu AllahabadAllahshehx gate of God, 2531 Babel (2245) God's haven, 2532 Gosport (2247) Mars(7/(7 COUNCIL people's marsh, 2533 Pi/marsh (1188) people's dwelling, 2534 Lauterbuxg (1918) people's road, 2535 Diotweg (2134) poeple's ford, 2536 Pj7/ford (2187) Theotioxd people's assembly, 2537 Pe/mold (2551) great assembly, 2538 Stoxthing (206) assembly hill, 2539 Moat hill (633) Moo/hill promontory assembly, 2540 Aiths//////g (634) valle)' assembly, 2541 Maulden (730) council meadow, 2542 P//77//ymede (1040) Rathenau Rathsweide sand assembly, 2543 Sandsthing (1260) assembly wood, 2544 P/7/wald (1512) wood assembly, 2545 Witt/77o/di (1512) Lunesthing council dwelling, 2546 Runnington (1919) P7/7/haIl MahlbuxghMailbuxgMalton RaithbyRachstadtPttstadt Foorburg people's church, 2547 Theodkirche (1999) assembly at the wall, 2548 P777gwall (2111) assembly fort, 2549 Caer7//o/d' (2111) field of the meeting, 2550 .Mc7/difeide (2438) P7/;///ymede Paj7Aej^auRathsweide people's assembly, 2551 Det77/c7/,i (2537) general assembly, 2552 ^ /thing grey league, 2553 Grau/.7//77did'77 (325) WAR high watch-toiaer, 2554 Hohenit'ar/A (48) secure port, 2555 Porto seguro (2248) peace dwelling, 2556 Miropol (1920) MirowMirowitz ANTIQUITY 109 beautiful camp, 2557 Belcas/7'o (403) camp on the road, 2558 Chester le Street (2146) camp field, 2559 CAes/erfield (2416) hill of the host, 2560 Knocka//oe (635) Tullin//oy island of the host, 2561 Sraha//oe (731) place of the army, 2562 Herstal (847) dwelling of the army, 2563 fl'arborough (1921) HarbottleHarwich Ballinas/oe dwellings of the infantry, 2564 Salas de Ios Infantes (1922) ar7wy trench, 2565 Hargrave (2030) ford of the army, 2566 iJereford (2188) sea guard. 2567 G//ardiamar (1112) fort of the legion, 2568 Caerieon (2112) battle town, 2569 Battleby (1923) hill of victory, 2570 Winslaw (636) lFm,slow brook of victory. 2571 TF7777borne (1041) victory dwelling, 2572 Fmapatam (1924) 1 'isiapoox Futtepoor fort of victory. 2573 T^madroog (2113) Fw/Zeghur trench of victory, 2574 IFmgrave (21 13) ford of victory, 2575 H-^mford (2189) grave hill, 2576 Axdfert (637) Tullana77er/ meadow of the grave, 2577 Fartagh (1042) FertaghClonfertMoyarta strangers' grave, 2578 Por/ingall (1650) gallows' hill, 2579 Knockacrod;Ay (638) Tomnacroj'cAe judgment hill, 2580 Gerichtsbexgen (598) privileged land, 2581 S//7/7e7-land (810) S770dilandSwodilands free dwelling. 2582 Preystadt (1925) PreyburgFriedbuxgFriebuxg Fribouxg fort of freedom, 2583 Bergfreiheit (2115) Schloss/7't'/7/e/7 ANTIQUITY old hifl, 2584 SAa7-idrum (640) SAa77mullagh old earth, 2585 110 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Oudenaxde (813) new land, 2586 Terra nova (814) old place, 2587 Henlx (848) Henley Hciilvs Staritza new bay, 2588 Bahia neuva (868) old river, 2589 .4//wasser (1043) 5/arawoda old meadow, 2590 Prato Vecchio (1044) old marsh, 2591 Owdiemoor (1189) .4a//e7fbroick old oak, 2592 Staro Dub (1377) old wood, 2593 5/i/7'^d-//horst (1513) Oudenbosch Oodenbosch old dwelling, 2594 .4//horpe (1926) .4/disattell.4 //stadt Alstadt.lldhamOldham AltendoxiOldenzeelOldendoxtStarkenburg Shanbogh Shanboe Shan-bo ShanbaUy .S7/(7/(vally Aldea vieva Civita Vecchia StarysedloStan-witz * new dwelling, 2595 A^ewdorf (1927) A''d7/stadt Neustadl A^eusiedelNowosedl NeusassA't'icbattleA''ewbottle A^ewbold A^d'//bauA^ewbury NexabuxghNeubuxgNeuenbuxg Nienbuxg NaumbuxgNybyNyboxg Nystead Bettws Newydd A^euvilleA'eapolis A'^aples A'ablous C7/varosUjtalu Alut////i£'d-r<7 BladowMladowitz Yenishehx new court, 2596 A'^oDj'dwar (1927) Dvoxnovoi old church, 2597 .4//kirch (2000) O/ddiecapel 77d'//eglwvs NUMBER 111 Henegglys Shankill old district, 2598 Altenbanz (2014) old boundary, 2599 Altmaxk (2047) new boundary, 2600 Neumaxk (2048) old fort, 2601 .4icaster (2116) Aldwark Oldenbuxg AltenbuxgSeandonSanquhar HenlysTorres vedras StarogaxdStargaxdPsAj'hissar new port, 2602 iVewark (21 17) New Castile Neufchatel Neocastxo A'^jcastroTorres Novas Novgoxod NovigxadNoacote old bridge, 2603 Ponte vedra (2216) 7/ew bridge, 2604 A''owe mjasto (2217) old port, 2605 Oudekaai (2249) new port, 2606 A''ei£'port (2250) Neuwaxp Scala nova old garden, 2607 SAa7/garry (2281) new mine, 2608 f//banya (2284) old field, 2609 Prato Vecchio (1044) new field, 2610 A'ewwied (2442) iVewenbrand old clearing, 2611 Altenbxand (2^41) yl//e77sang new clearing, 2612 Newenbxand (2442) old market, 2613 Altenmaxkt (2489) new market, 2614 A^eMmarkt (2488) ATykiopingA^^ykiobing Novi Bazaar Yeni Bazar new dyke, 2615 Neudamm (2648) NUMBER two bridges, 2616 Zwei brucken (2218) Deux ponts three cities, 2617 Pnpoli (1928) four arms, 2618 Quatre Bras (2678) five churches, 2619 pMw/kirchen (2001) seven hills, 2620 5je6e«gebirge (641) many islands, 2621 Polynesia (925) 112 PLACE-NAME SYNONYilS PRODUCTS pillar hill, 2622 Stauffenbexg (642) pillar island, 2623 Staffa (926) pillar lake, 2624 Staffenloch (1190) brick barn, 2625 Zj'ege/scheune (1766) brick bridge, 2626 Pont de briques (2219) hammer smithy. 2627 7?a7w«erschmeide (2286) nail smithy, 2628 A'^age/schmeide (2287) little fork, 2629 Gowlan (207) fork of the stream, 2630 GaJeibach (972) court at the fork, 2631 Ga6e/hof (1954) weir mound, 2632 Dongiceir (643) marsh dam, 2633 Veendia?;? (1191) dwelling on the dia777, 2634 TFareham (1930) monastery at the weir, 2635 PFarminster (1962) fiood trench, 2636 Vloedgxaben (2032) great channel, 2637 Great BeU (208) Boca grande little channel, 2638 Little Be// (209) Boca chica summit of the channel, 2639 Baxfieur (644) deep channel, 2640 Depenfieth (1094) ' wood on the channel, 2641 Fleetwood (1461) ca«a/ bridge, 2642 Pe//briike (2220) canal port, 2643 Pe//shaven (2252) green dyke, 2644 Gxondick (326) dyke at the corner, 2645 HoorndiyA (92) place with the ditch, 2646 Jamnitz (850) Jamlitz dogs' ditch, 2647 Houndsdiz7cA (1622) new dyke, 2648 Neudamm (2615) east reclamation, 2649 Ostergrodie?7 (146) marsh reclamation, 2650 Moorgrodien (1192) Pwlpolder salt reclamation, 2651 Salzg7'0diew (1269) duke's reclamation, 2652 Hertogs/)oidier (1672^ sluice polder, 2653 Sluis/)o/dier (2649) sluice of the stream, 2654 Stxoxnsloot (1046) emperor's sluice, 2655 Keyers/00/ (1714) fort of the sluice, 2656 ScA^MSseburg (2118) Fort de I'ecluse ship cape, 2657 Skipness (645) boat knoll, 2658 Tomnachuraich (646) ship dwelling, 2659 PRODUCTS ScAa^hausen (1929) Kil//77//y Sco/> />e7istadt fire clearing, 2674 Keeiby Feuersang (2445) port of the 60a/, 2660 reeky bay, 2675 Poxtnachuraich (2251) Reikavik (869) little tank, 2661 king's crown, 2676 Klein/7'((//^ (210) Konigscro77f (1703) horses' tank, 2662 crown dwelling, 2677 Rosstrank (1612) Cro7-7stadt (1931) tank mill, 2663 /O'07/stadt PranAmuhle (2319) four a7'77is, 2678 full of grain, 2664 Quatre Bras (2618) Grawaghan (2452) neck bay, 2679 Granagh Haishoxd (870) S77gar district, 2665 cave neck, 2680 Belad es sukkar (2009) Hellxhals (1759) wine dwefling, 2666 meadow 6a/As, 2681 Weinzettel (1753) Wiesbaden (1049) TT'eingarten upper 6a/As, 2682 butter farm, 2667 Baden Ober (58) S7///'orgard (2282) natural bath, 2683 hifl of the fire, 2668 WfldSadi (339) Lichlentels (462) bath waters, 2684 Duntinny Aix les Bains (1048) Cxaigentinny water bath, 2685 Ardent in ny Begna di aqua (1047) Mollynadinta &a/A wefl, 2686 Tomantin Bad/born (1084) fire hill, 2669 salt 6a/A, 2687 P/77to (647) Saltziadi (1270) fire cape, 2670 snake's 5a/A, 2688 P/'a77/borough (614) Schlangeniadi (1520) Pwrness SlangenSadi land of fire, 2671 horses' 6a/A, 2689 Tierra del fuego (815) Bagno cavallo (1613-) meadow of fire, 2672 emperor's 6a/A, 2690 Auchind/77///y (1047) Kaiser&adi (1715) Auchteany &a/A village, 2691 Clontinty Badisdorf (1932) wood ot the fire, 2673 little cross, 2692 Kildi/7///y (1515) Croesbychan (211) H 113 114 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Crossoge cross on the hill, 2693 Bri ncroes (649) cross dwelling, 2694 Croxton (1933) Crosby Balnacross chapel with a cross, 2695 Kreuz Cappel (2002) road with the cross, 2696 Kruzstxait (2142) cross road, 2697 Crossgates (2142) field of the cross, 2698 Aghacross (2444) cross clearing, 2699 Crossthwaite (2447) holy cross, 2700 Heiligenkreuz (2517) table hill, 2701 Benabuird (650) Dunat;oi^rdi INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS Astura, 960 Balta, goo Biela, 942 Birsa, 993 Bistra, 950, 974 Czerna, 941 Drogheda, 2181 Fladda, 899 Geisa, ion Glina, 984 Hvitd/, 942 Laxa, 1003 Pabba, 913 Rotha, 941 Saala, 987 Sachsa, 497, 960 Schwarza, 943 Skipsia, 1013 Staffa, 926 Stroma, 901 Tscherna, 941 Tzerna, 941 .4dare. 2170 Stoxaa, 933 ^a/burg, 1527 .4aifang, 1526 .4a//e//broick. 2591 Finster Aar, 943 Lauter -4ar, 952 .4asthorp, 37, 593, 617 .4ay)t et Kebira, 1053 NeelaS, 946 rlJallah, 1039 AUahaiadi, 1916 Hajiaiadi, 1857 MeschidaSadi, 1887 Resoula6adi, 1874 Shiekabad, 1865, 1887 .466ensee, 1956 .466eville, 1746 .Ibbeylaxa, 1749, 1955 -4&6o/sbury, 1746 .46&o/shall, 1746 .4 Berwick, 1021 Bahax-el- Abiad, 282 .4&jgurm, 978 Abington, 1744, 282 .4&sberg, 1744 .4&sholz, 1745 Abtsxoda, 1748 Ras-el-a&\v7di, 272 Cognac, 959 Montignac, 957 .4 ('ton, 1368 .4cworth, 1368 AlpenacA, 956, 1057 ArdacA, 747. 2322 EisenacA, 985 ErlacA, 994, 1072 Fschach, 991 FenacA, (152 HirzeodJcA, loio SaltacA. 1265 Salz(/(7/, 987 116 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS SchamacA, 934 SchwarzacA, 943 .4cAleach, 2341 .4c/7nachoin, 2395 i4cAnacloicho. 2341 Alphnacht, 956, 1057 Whit(7d7-d'. 2328 ^^'hited((i(id'i', q42 4didi/w7gliam, 1662 Addlington, 1662 Adelschlag, 1664 /ldie//7/a/77/sfelden, 1663 .4die/sberg. 1659 4die/sdorf, 1662 Adelsioxs, 166 1 Adelsheim, 1662 ^Idie/shofen. 1662 Adelsoe, 1660, 1687 /Id'SfAfz/matt. 1319 Aschaff', 991 AffoUerw angen, 1304 FartagA. 1042 FertagA, 1042 GranagA, 2452 OughteragA, 747, 2323 OutragA, 747. 2323 TamnagA, 2330 TawnagA, 2330 Tonagh. 2330 2lgA((heg. 936 Aghaboy, 2332 ^gAacross, 2446 ^gAadown, 2417 Aghavea, 2373 Aghaveagh, 2.y]Z Gxanaghan, 2452 ^gA/7/darragh, 769, 2376 ^4g//as bellas, 953 .4g//as calientes, 977 ,4Aane. 2154 FischaAd?. 1002 Rodn//((. 997 SchmalenaAa, 934 MullinaAo7/e, 2308 R\-bn(7/a. 1002 Velik(7/a. 933 a4igospotamo, ion, 1588 Aigue vive. 968 Aigues mortes, 976 .4t7/agower, 565 Kouda/'/;/. 1810 Wadi-el-^/'//. 1059 Air dpoint. 12, 412 .4/rd/rie, 456 .4«rdihu, 441 .47.7Asthing, 634 Aithsvoe, 489 .47,v la Chapelle, 1023 Aix les Bains. 1048 .4Adagh, 268 ,4Ahissar, 292 .Akkeroxt, 2344 .4Ameschid. 2qi .4Aserai, 288 4fehehr, 288 Aktag. 268 Yougha/, 1474 Alcastex, 2601 .4 /fold. 792 .4 /stadt. 2594 .4 /thing, 2552 .4/varos, 39 Marsala. 2532 Torra/6a. 292 .4/diham, 2594 ,4/dijvalloch, 740 -4/disattell, 2594 -4/diwark. 2601 Aldea del Cano, 1626. 1852 Aldea el Muro. 1891 Aldea vieya. 1926. 2594 .4/die7-lev. 1353 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 117 ^idiersholt, 1350 .4/diershott, 1350 Kinaldie, 971 Aballah, 2529 /lidiivalloch, 963 .4/fold, 18 .4//aAabad, 2530 .4^/aAshehr, 2530 .4/ieen, 432 Tullid7//a77. 368 Caxxigallen, 368 Derr3-'a//e77, 392 Tullya//e77, 368 Glasallt, 945 .4/ftanfearn, 994 .Alltteaxn, 994 .4///maur, 425 Alltmoxe, 933 Duna//y, 605 .4//e7tdorf, 2594 Alphenach, 493, 498 Alphnacht, 493, 498 .4/rholt, 1350 Alrewas, 1353 .4/resford, 1352 y4/sovaros, 1769 Toxalt, 605 .4 //inure, 542 .4//kirch, 2597 .4//mark, 2599 ^//nachullion, 531 .4//stadt, 2594 .4//horpe, 2594 .4//wasser, 2589 Riva//a, 14, 651 .4/7:a7/su, 1223 Alteieste, 42 Altenbanz, 2598 Altenbxand, 2611 .4^/eMburg, 2601 Altenmaxkt, 2613 Altensang, 2611 Monta//o, 411 .4//Mwkupri, 1225 Kina//y, 971 ^////nuwera, 1927 Dorpa77/. 1883 Eyam, 916 Amberloo, 967 Amerstooxt, 1079 Amphipolis, 2021 Cairna/7, 155 Clogha/7, 154 Corcagha//, 181 Criggan, 155 Garta7/, 172, 204 Gleana/^, 160 Gowla7t, 207 Knocka//. 153 Logan, 160 Lougha/i, iSo Mullan, 153 Nappan, 153 Srougha//, 170 Sruffa77, 170 Stooka/i, 155 Toxxan, 193 Tortan, 193 Tromma77, 182 Txuxnxnan, 182 Tullagha77, 153 Aha//d'. 198 Lissa//e. 193 Lougha7/e, 180 Sroolane, 170 Tooxtane, 153. 193 Tuxtane, 153. 193 Moosanger, 2352 Rabena7/ger, 2386 Stein-am-anger, 2416 Vogelsanger, 2385 \\olisanger, 2396 118 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Angerbach, 763. 2348 .4ngerhausen, 773. 2410 Slieve Anieran, 518 Troma//7/. 182 47/7iabella, 1155 .47/7/agAaskin. 1161 Rinea7/7/d'. 1144 Stocka77s. 154 Stook(77/s, 154 Lessa77y. 193 Appleby, 1303 Applegaxth, 1304 .4j!>/>/ethorpe, 1303 Aprexnont, 354 Bagni di aqua, 1048 Yexaqua, 944 .4rcueil, 252 Doona7-d/, 42. 2050 Dxumard, 10, 411 Garryardi. 51 Inchardi. 20 Loeha7'di, 27, 1113 MonaT'di, 30, 503 Oughterardi, 414 Tullyardi, 10, 411 Ardach, 16. 52 4rdibeg, 426 .4rdiblair, 52. 621 ^47-d/boe, 567 ^rdiclach, 7. 415 .4rdiclare, 16 Ardennes, 35 Ardtext, 637 Ardgay. 512 Ardglas, 447 4rdigour, 565 .dlrdigowan, 578 Ardgowex, 565 Ardmaddy, 569 ^rdimore, 425 Ardoch. 16, 52 ^ralross, 12, 412 /Irdirossan, 12, 412 Ardanxeigh, 446 Ardentinny, 647 Oudena/'die. 813 Arendale, 1545 Arenoe, 1546 ^7'gd'///euil. 1228 .4r7/(77-vatn, 1548 .4r7/au, 1547 Arnbexg, 1544 ^7-//fels, 1544 .4r7istein, 1544 y47'77vatn, 1163 ^4rosaig, 1794 Arrow. 361, 948 Moyarta, 2577 -47-.V fontana, 2071 Dallas, 1106 .4sgarth, 2530 .IscAaff, 1315 .4sAby, 1316 .4sAcombe, 1314 JsAford, 1318 ^sAheim. 2530 .4sAley, 1319 .4s//rigg. 1313 .4sAton, 1316 ^s^ham, 1316 Annaghas^77/. 1526 LochanasAin, 1526 Aspden, 1330 74s/)enstadt, 1331 Aspley, 1332 Ballinas/)eg, 1739, 1879 Rathaspick, 1742 Caher/rss, 1105 Dooiidiss. 1105 .4s/ura, 497 Athelney, 1660, 1687 4/Aleague, 6n, 2159 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 119 Athmoxe, 2153 2l/Ae77ry, 2176 .4//e/bury, 1662 AttiduH, 1784 ArnaM, 1005 Auchterajd, 927, 1113 BlaenaM, 971 Buchau, 2375 Exlau, 2374 Eschau, 691 Furstenaw, 2401 GraffendJM, 1019 Griesaw, 686 Gxonaii, 2330 Grunaw, 2330 Haguena/7, 2415 Hanau, 2415 Haslau, 2377 Herschan, 2391 Kxuxnau, 940 Krumenaw, 940 Langenau, 937 Lichtenaw, 780 Lindaw, 989 Michelau, 935 Rathenan, 1040, 2438 ReichenaM, 1034 Rosenau, 990 Schoenat7, 955, 2336 TornaM, 826 WaldaM, 2428 Zwickau, 836 ^McAley, 769, 1364, 1374 Auchline, 2352 ^wcAnacloy, 2341 Auchnacxaig, 2341 ^77fAteany, 1047, 2444 ^ncAinbreck, 2333 Auchinclach, 2341 .47/cA7ncruive, 2363 .^ncAindarroch, 769, 2376 Auchindinny, 1047, 2444 Auchindoix, 2388 Auchiniad, 937 Auchinleck, 2341 Auchinleith, 752, 2331 Auchinxath, 2417 Anchterau, 22 ^McA/erblair, 16, 54 yl 77c/7/ercairn, 8, 415 .4McA/ertool, 15 Auckland, 1365 Cumberna///i/, 972 Auldearn, 994, 1072 Gaxivault, 361 Aultbea, 993 Sruffa/777, 170 Auneuil, 1349 Aitsserzell, 67 Austerlitz, 136 Aute rive, 14 Auteuil, 23, 498 Val de .Avallano, 1380 Langaj/a/, 1126 Steepaua/, 1150 Avenbanna, 942 Avenbui, 947 Buenaventura, 2465 Guadalaiiw, 282 Blaene Avon, 971 ylj/onmore, 933 Buenos .4yres, 1215, Strona&a, 1600 Koh6a6a, 149 Ba6a dagh, 149 Anger&acA, 964, 1032 Beber&acA, 1007 DinJacA, 193 Eschen&acA, 991 Fahren&acA, 1030 ForstSacA, 1000 GabelJacA, 972, 1045 120 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Gangbach, 1028 Geis6acA, ion GiessSacA, 969 GlisJacA, 954 (iries&acA, 986 Hagen&acA, 1024 Kalbach, 979 Kallen&acA, 979 KrumJacA, 940 Lauter6ad;A, 952 Lutter6acA, 952 Molen&(7fA, 1031 MuhlenSacA; 1031 Owbach, 1013 ReichenSacA, 1033 Ross6ad;A, 1014 Salz&acA, 987 SandSacA, 986 SchamSacA, 934 SchoenSacA, 954 Schwarz&acA, 943 Soultz6ad-A, 987 TierSacA, 1006 Traeth&acA, 167 Bacheim, 1021 Roth&acA, 941 Kaiser&adi, 2690 Saltz&adi, 2687 SchlangenSadi, 2688 Slangenfeadi, 2688 Wildbad, 2683 Badiborn, 2686 Wiesbaden, 2681 Baden ober, 2682 Badia Torrita, 1957 Badisdorf, 2691 Bala Bagh, 2254 KarafeagA, 2238 Baghistan, 2279 Bagno Cavallo, 2689 CurraJaAa. 1340 BaAar-el-Abiad, 942 { Bahia blanca, 855 Bahia hermosa, 856 Bahia honda, 861 Bahia neuva, 868 LangenSaAn, 2122 WildSaAn, 2124 Aix-les-Bains, 2684 Polbaith, 1340 Ba/bardie, 1873 Ba/blair, 1798, 1904 Ba/fern, 1828 Balgay, 1811 Balgie, i8n Balgonie, i860 Ba/gowan, i860 Balgownie, i860 Balgxeen, 1807 Ballagan, 1797 Ba/later, 1793 Ballogie, 1797 Balmoxal, 1788, 1792 Balsagaxt, 1875 Ba/vaird, 1873 Bala Bagh, 51 Ba/achulish, 1801 Bala Dagh, 411 Balahissax, 42 Balihiskey, 1805 Gries&a/Aan, 520 Moesbalkan, 547 Ba//more, 1776 Ballaghboy, 328, 734 Ballaghkeen, 736 Ballaghmoxe, 732, 2147 Ballenclogh, 596, 1796 Ballendine, 1893 Ba//icurrie, 1797 Ballinclaxe, 1798 Ballindexxy, 1830 Ba/iwienagh, 1908 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 121 Ballingaxxy, 1889, 1898, 2277 BaUingowan, i860 Ballingown, i860 Ballinluig, 1797, 1806 Ballintobex, 1805 Ballintoy, 1772 Ballintxa, 1803 Ballintrae, 1803 Bai/intraid, 1803 £)di///7jtubbert, 1805 Ballinacaxxig, 1795 Ba//77/(/kiU. 1888 Ballinasloe, 1921 Ba//ocAbuie, 734 Ba//ocAcraggan, 738 Ballochgaix, 733 Ballochgoy, 741 Ba//ocAmyle, 668 Ballochxay, 735 Shan6a//y, 1926 Strad&a//y, 1894 Ba//ycashel, 1893 Ba//ycastle, 1893 Ballyclaxe, 1798 Ba//yclogh, 596, 1796 Ba//ydrehid, 1897, 2210 Ballygow, i860 B(7//ygowan, i860 Ba//y lesson, 1893 Ba//ymony, 1840 Ba//ymore, 1776 Ba//\'nagarrick, 1795 Ba//ynagore. 1848 Bd///vnagowan, i860 Bdf//ynamona, 1806 Ba//ynick. 1793 Ba//yniska, 1805 Ba//ynoran, 1805 Ba/7/achraggan, 1795 Balnacxaig, 1795 2021, Balnacxoss, 1933 Balnagall, 1856 Balnagowan, i860 Ba//a, 851 B(///7ford, 1280 Goxtban, 402 Bannagh6a7-7e, 268 Carnfiane, 268 Clar6a//e, 274 Coolbane, 272 Garran6a/7e, 287 Gartfeane, 402 Knock&ane, 268 Mweel6a7-7e, 268 Rathbane, 292 Ringbane, 272 Taghfeawe, 288 Tamnaghiaj-ie, 294 ! Toxbane, 268 { Aven6a777/a, 282 Bannamoxe, 425 Bannaghbane, 440 Bannaghroe, 439 Bra6a7//, 2013, 2432. 2449 GrunnenJan/, 2010 UjSanya, 2284 Ba77yd(nagy, 2283 Alten6a77r, 2014 Dun6ar, 607 Barbeth, 534 Barbreac, 451 Barcaldine, 540 Bardarroch, 78 Bardearg, 254, 439 Balbardie, 1717 Barfleur, 644 Bar-le-Duc, 2091 Barmeen, 456 Barmona, 484, 1066 Bar77beth, 534 Barnacullia, 551 122 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Bar7'avore, 425 Barrglass, 446 Baseille, 36 Bassekill, 24 Bassevelde, 55 Campo basso, 55 Fvesbatch, 929 More5tt//^e, 1806 New6a///e, 1927 Battleby, 2569 Brun6a77, 1805 Neubau, 1927 Schoen6aM7n, 1275 Bawmkrug, 1279 Hexxnsbaumgarten, 2270 Baiimgartental, 2261 Tor&ay, 857 Novi Bazaar, . Yeni Bazar, 24 Ault6ea, 1339 Coxbeagh, 1334 SlievefeeagA, 1334 Bea/ad-Anambo, 744 Dunnam&ea//77. 605 Beardon, 593, 1793 Dunbeath, 1344 Polbeath, 1340 Dalbeathie, 1345 Beauioxt, 398 Bead/lew 376 Beaulieu, 376 Beaumanoix, 394 Beawmaris, 386 Ped///inont. 368 Bea77repaire, 397 Beawerloo, 1560 Beberbach, 1550 Caldbeck. qj() Caxnbeck, 940 Fulbeck, 943 Lechbeck, 960 Mar&ecA, 1026 MickleJecA, 933 Over&ecA, 927 Skar&ecA, 1026 WhitSecA. 942 BecAford, 1028 Beckum, 1021 BecAermet, 972 Benbedw, 1334 Penbedw, 534 BeeAloop, 975, 1102 Haags&eewd/en, 2415 Beer regis, 1870 Beerendxecht, 1798 AghaSeg, 172. 204 ArdSeg, 152 Clon&eg, 172 Coxxiebeg, 160 GlenJeg, 160 Money&eg, 184 Owbeg, 170 Strath6eg, 160 TowerJeg. 188 Beglieve, 153 Begshehr, 1667 RossSegA, 1335 Begna di aqua, 2685 ShronefieAa, 1335 Kil6eAe7iy, 1341 Glenbehy, 1336 Erla&eAa, 994, 1072 Bredan&eAe, 938 SteenieAe, 960 Boscabel, 392 Belcastxo, 403 Be/champ, 402 Be/clare, 2160 Belgoxod, 292 Be/grade, 292 Belile, 378 Be/leek, 611, 2159 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 123 Be/voir, 366, 2495 Be/adi-el-sham, 793. 2003 Bd7(/(/-es-shurifa, 2009 Bt7d/d/-es-Suda.n, 7()4 Be/adi-es-Sukkar, 2015 Anna6d7/d7, 1278 Aguas6e//as. 381 Be//d'isle, 378 Campo&e//o, 375. 402 Porto bello, 400 Belowiz, 288 /^f7owitz, 288 Great Belt, 2637 Little /)'d7/. 2638 Be7/7lio, 567 Pd'//(-leuch, 468 Be77dearg, 43q Bengore, 565 Bd'77more, 425 BdV/vrachie, 451 Benvrackie, 451 Bd'7/(/bhaird, 587 Benabuixd, 650 Bd'77(/more, 425 Beri'wood, 1840 AbsJerg, 591 Adels6e7'g. 581 AilSerg, 556 Axlberg, 556 Arn&erg, 556 BleySerg, 517 BuchJerg, 538 Dornierg, 528 Droogierg, 452 Eggberg, 419 Falken/7d-7-g. 554 FeldSerg, 2105 Fels6erg. 2066 Finsterfierg, 441 Fried6erg, 2086 Fuxstberg, 584 Fursten/jd'/'g, 584 Geisfterg. 565 Gleis6erg, 405, 461 GraffenSerg, 582 GreiflenSerg, 558 GriesSerg, 520 GroenSerg, 447 Gutten&e7'g, 629 HabsJerg. 554 HeilSerg, 630 Hirsch&erg. 564 Horn&erg, 467 Isen6erg, 2077 Jarls6e7'g, 583 Kaiser/7d'7'g. 2093 Kahlen6d'7'g. 452 Kaleniej'g. 452, 456 Klausenierg, 2022 Konigsierg, 20C12 KupperSerg, 516 Lauflen6erg, 1787 Mantflfierg, 543 Molenfeerg, 619 Munch&erg, 590, 1877 Pfaffen&e7'g, 1875 Salz&erg, 523 Schlag6erg, 626 SchmeideJerg, 579 Schnee&e7'g, 514 SchoenSerg, 458 SchwarzSerg. 441 Seifen6d'/-g, 618 Silberfeerg, 515 Stauffen&e7'g. 642 Strom&erg, 1805 Summer&e7'g. 1809 TanSerg, 548 TeubelsJerg, 631 Valken6d'7'£', 554 \'ar&e7'g. 614 Yogelberg. 552 124 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS WalkenSerg, 511 WeissenSerg, 440 Wittenierg, 2064 Zabernfeerg, 597, 1946 Bergfreiheit, 2090, 2115 Berghaupt, 465 Bergholt, 548, 1452 Beygkehle, 475 GerichtsSergen, 598, 639 Spitzbergen, 465 Engberk, 437 Berkeley, 1345 Berneuil, 1065 Cobern, 1074 Cham&ery, 939 Baxbeth, 1334 Barn6e/A, 1334 Blaixbeth, 1345 Dal6e/A, 1345 Be/Ashemish, 1807 Bethzux, 1795 Be//wsdisserth, 1799 Be//wsnewydd, 1927 Bettws y Coed, 1840 Ostexbeiiiia, 423 Gxasbeuren. 1836 Kautbeuren, 1909 Nassen6ew7'e77, 1806 Beveland, 1602 Beuerley, 1560 BenafeAair/i, 1716 Bialgoxod, 292 Casa bianca, 288 Castella bianca, 292 Rocca bianca, 270 Bianca vifla, 288 Bi&erlachen, 1560 B«7/erschlag, 1562 Biberstein, 1558 BteAe/'steth, 1021 Bj'cAleigh, 1360 Ovexbie, 1767 Biela, 282 Bielersee, 765 Bieleteld, 779 Bielo Ozero, 283, 387, 1138 Bielopol, 288 Denbigh, 193 Moxbihan, 176 Pleubihan, 186 Waldbillig, 2428 i Wassexbillig, 763 Billigham, yy^ Bilowes, 288 ToberJi/iy, 1277 Bi/stein, 758 Birchbolt, 1341 B/7'dAtwistle, 1343 Ober6jrcAe7-7, 1333 Birchenbuhil, 534. 1334 BZ/'fAez/heide, 1341 Birchenshaw, 1341 Birchington, 1342 SteenfetVge, 468 BirAhoff, 1342 Birkengang, 1337 B/rAenhead, 1334 Dorn6i7-7d, 1820 Birsa, 1339 Bischopgxaei, 1741 Bischopzell, 1740 Bise Ao/>sthorpe, 1739, 1743 Bischopswexdex, 1738 Bistra, 364 Blackness, 273 B/acAwater, 281 Bladow, 2595 B/aefell, 449 B/ae7-(au, 1065 Blaene Avon. 1065 ArdWair, 747, 2322, 2337 AuchterWair, 2323 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 125 Balblair, 773 B/a/rlieth, 768, 1338, 2373 B/a«Vburn, 76^ Blaircxaig, 757 B/dZ/rglass, 752' Blairlinne, 765. 2352 Blairmoxe, 748 Blairne, 749. 9^(7 Blakemexe, 284 Mt. Blanc. 268 Bahia blanca, 278 Calata blanca, 2{)> Sierra blanca, 268 Torre blanca, 292 Cape Blanco, 272 Pozo bianco, 387, 285 B/((7/Aenburg, 288 Blankenese, 272 Blankenham, 288 B/((7/Ae7/loch, 283, 285 B/anAe77rath, 296 Blarney, 749, 936 WerchWa//!. 1116 \\'irchen6/a//. 1116 Bleistadt, 1232 B/d-/stein, 1231 B/d-\'berg. 1231 Na6/o7/s, 1927 Blumlage, 1274 BealachnamSo, 1601 Bem6o, 1600 Shanfeo, 1926 Boavista. 366, 2495 BoZ/ersburg. 1561 Bocachica, 2638 Bocagrande, 2637 BoeAholt, 1357 La Bochetta. 2148 BoeAe/zdriesch, 1361 Bodimin, lyob Mexeboda, 1806 Gxasboden, 998 Ard&oe, 1600 Shan&oe, 1926 CriqueSdEw/, 1802 Dauba'uf., 1797 Painbceuf, 1600 Quillebceiif, 1805 Boge77brok. 247 Bogefihausen, 248. 594 ShanJogA, 192(7 Chapelle-au-6ojs. 1501 BoAing, 1360 Newbold, 1927 Bo/(avista, 366. 24f)5 /)'07/7/euil, 24q8 Eaux bonnes, 24q() Sing6oo7M, 808 Medziftor, 1436 Borow. 1459 Borowa. i45q Bo7'dieaux, 75 Nyiorg, i<)27 Sveaborg. iqi4 \'i/)()7-g. 1914 Wyborg, it)i4 Bad6or77. 1084 Marborn. 1014 Sud/i07'7/e, 031 Wim/7()7'//e, 1041 Chisel6o7'o//gA. 1815 Farn&o/-o7/gA, 1838 Flam6o7'07/gA, 014, 648 Haxborough, i()2i Pulborough, 1806 Queeniioro7/gA, 1704 Rich6oro7/gA, 1795 Scarborough. IJQ^ Yaxdborough, i88(). i8q9 BoroDsk, 1499 Boseabel, 1450 Herzogen&oscA. 1669 126 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS OodenJoscA, 1513 Ouden&oscA, 1513 Hesel6oscAen, 1473, 1494 Bosphorus, 1605 Griesen&o//e/, 1815 Har6o///e, 1921 Newbottle, 1927 Fri&o//7'g, 1925, 2114 StrasSonrg, 1894 Laxnbourn, 983 West&o//7'//, 932 Brox&o//;'7/e. 1008 Cran&o/77'7/e, 1004 Melbourne, 1031 Ottexbourne, 1015 Radbourne, 997 Red6o//7'//e, 997 Shexbourne, 952 Whit6o«rne, 942 Kilbowie, 331 Bo;i;ford, 1359 Boxstead, 1355 Agha&oy, 333 BallaghJoy, 328, 734 Ballyioy. 1342, 1827 CoolSoy, 327 GlashaSoy, 329 Taghboy, 332 Hoog&racA, 2323, 2448 Brachley, 2381 KnockSracA, 334 Inchbrackie, 336 Bradenwaag, 239 Brad/ford, 240 Bradiing, 242 Bradlley, 242 Bradishaw, 235 Monabraher, 1735 Braintxee, 593 Bramcote, 1291 Casa branca, 288 Cata branca, 278 Rio branco, 282 Alten&randi, 2441 Ebexbrand, 2324 NewenSrawdi, 2442 Obexbrand, 2324 Quatre Bras, 2678 Brawe7/lage, 266 Baxbreac, 334 Clachbreach, 335 Magh&reagA, 375, 402 HoogSreaA, 2343, 2448 AuchinSrecA, 338 Gart6recA, 338 Kirkmai/recA, 337 Tombreck, 334 Tor&recA, 334 Bredianbeke, 233 Bredevoort, 240 Breidenbxuch, 234 B7-e/7e77brunn, 233 Brez7enburg, 238 Brej/ewbusch, 235 Brej7e7^stein, 238 Breittenbuch, 233 Brezenice, 1342 Lettexbrick, 1563 Bn'cAlive, 334 Corbridge, 2212 DeanJrzdige, 2204 Redbridge, 2207 ! Sock/77'/'ifgt'. 2212 I WadeJridige, 2214 j Brigham, 2210 Brincxoes, 649 1 Brineglwys, 599 [ OsterJrinA, 423 Zandbrink, 520 BrinAhorst, 77, -551 Pont de briques, 2625 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 12- Brixham, 1897 Bri;cton, 2210 Brwworth, 2210 CarnSroc, 1563 Hers&rocA, 1168 MonaferocA, 1565 Broc Aley, 1567 Krasnaftrodi, 2157 Brodiwick, 232 Dluge&rodi/, 2155 NoordSroecA, 1117 Broekum, 1176 Brogden, 1566 Aalten6roicA, 1189 Broi'cAhausen, 1176 Bogen&roA, 1121 B7'oAe7ihurst, 1566 Halbron, 1082 Heilbron, 1082 Pro7/llys, 593, 606 Cran&ropA, 1004 Ful&rooA, 943 Ladbrook, 1028 MarSrooA, 1026 Mass&rooA, 1037 Rush&rooA, 997 SudSrooA, 931 Wall&rooA, 1025 Westbrook, 932 Withy&rooA, 992 Broughton, 593, 2099 Bro:vbourne, 1564 Bro;Kholme, 1563 Breiden5r/7cA, 1127 EichenftrwcA, 1157 WerderirncA, 2205 Engbruck, 2201 Grafen&r/dtA, 2208 Langbruck, 2200 Langen&rMcAt?77, 2200 Zwe\brucken, 2218 Brnggkloster, 2211 Steen^rngge, 2203 Tighnabruiach, 593 Delibruke, 2220 Gutten5rw77, 1036 Brunbau, 1021 B;'7(//houbt, 970 Bj'wnsele, 1021 Bxeitenbrunn, 938 Hagenbrunn, 1024, 1077 Hauptbrunn, 971 Hellebrunn, 1056 Konigs6r//»-7/i, 1020 LauterJrwnn, 1056 Salzbrunn, 987 Schoen&r//nn, 954, 1056 Warm6rM7^77, 1067 Haselbrunnen, 995 Lautexbrunnen, 952 Bruree, 2092 Br//ssels, 1176 Ceinbryn, 465 Bryngwjmn, 440, 458, 654 Buchau, 1360 B//dAberg, 1354 Buchegg, 1354 Bucheim, 1358 Buchholtz, 1357 Buckenham, 1358 Buckinghaxn, 1358 B/7diweis, 1765 Budzow, 1764 Bwei^aventura, 2503 Buenos Ayres, 2500 Cabeza del &7/ey. 1600 Birchen&M/M7, 534. 1334 Dombuhil, 593 Eichen&77/M7, 539 Gxunbuhil, 447 Holzbuhil, 548 Kleinbuhil, 427 128 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Avenbui, 329 Balloch?)Mie, 328 Lochbiiie, 330 BenaSwjrdi, 2701 Bwndorf, 593 Buness, 60 Bunlagha, 59 Grau&M77did'7/. 2553 Bwrford, 1895 Erles&nra. 1828 Dornf7//7'e;/. 1820 Burgtxied, 2085 Bi/rghausen, 2099 Aalburg, 1844 Alten&wrg, 21 16 Blanken&wrg, 1783 BobersSnrg, 1846 BreitenSwrg, 2055 Dorn57,(rg, 1820 Eisenburg, 2077 Festen 67^rg, 1893, 2099 Frauenterg. 1862 Frey6//;'g, 1925, 2114 Fxieburg, 1925 Gnaden&nrg, 1913 Hapsburg, 2088 Herzogen&fdrg, 2091 HornSwrg, 1794 Jam&nrg. 1797 Lauter&idrg, 1918 Klausen&wrg, 2101 LindenSnrg, 1817 Naum&nrg, 1927 Neu6«rg, 1927 Keuenburg, 10)27 Nien&wrg, 1927 Mail&nrg. 1919 Marftwrg, 1806, 1850 Micklen&77rg, 1776 Middle67/rg, 1770 Norden&//rg. no Olden&nrg, 2116 Ostexburg, 1774 Pfutzen6«7'g, 1805 Salz67.7rg, 1816 Schlussei/nrg. 21 18 Schmallen&wrg, 427 Schwarz&//7'g, 2058 Sonnen&wrg, 1773 Starken&wrg, 192b Yooxburg, 1919 Wall67-/rg, 1891 \Yaxbitrg, 614 Wasserfewrg, 1021, 1805 Weissenfc/zrg. 1783 WittenJnrg, 2064 WurtzSnrg, 1818 Mahl&w7'gA, 1919 Mussel6/77'gA. 1841 Newburgh, 1927 Roxburgh, 2066 SmallJnrgA, 427 Blaixburn, 964 Den6//7-//. 961 Hasel&/7r77. 995 Lauter&wr/7. 952 Kelburn. 1000 Kell\7)/77'7/. 1000 Milburn, 1031 Sockburn. 1022 Warks&7/7'7/, 1078 \Yoburn. 940. 959 W00&7/7-7/. 940 Whitburne. 942 Glen/7//7'777V. 961 Abbots&7(7-y, 1880, 2096 Finsbury, 1806 Newbury, 1927 Nor6//7'y, 1772 Over6//7'y. 1767 Pontesfrwry, 1897 Shawbury. 1840 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 129' Sidbury, 1773 Sud&//7y, 1773 Westburv, 1775 Dobber67ds, 1911 Sandbuur, 1255 B77scot, 1499 Breiten/7//stA, 1444 Eyke&i7scA, 1472 Bushey. 1461 Kelda/vd/.s/cr. 1805 Kirk6//s/e7', 1888 Resch677//e/, 1835 Sand&Mwr, 1815 Buxton, 1358 LochSny, 330 Apple&y, 1821 AshAy, 1823 Battle&y, 1923 Care6y, 1806 Coningsfey, 1870 CriqueSy. 1802 CrosSy, 1932 DalJy, 1797 DerSy, 1845 Ferryfiy, 1896 Horniy, 1794 Keel/)v, T929 Kir6y', 1888 KirkJy, 1888 Middlehy, 1770 Moor&y, 1806 NaseSy, 1794 NetherJy, 1769 Ny&)'. 1927 Raith&3'. 1919 Rugby, 1837 Scale&y, 1882 Sel6y, 1914 Skeg6y, 1840 Slo5y, 1806 Somerdv. 1809 SonderJy, 1773 WhitJy, 1783' WinceSy, 1794 Cxoesbychan, 211 Cawood, 2265 CaJeciera, 445 Cabeza del bue\-. 567 Caerleon, 2112 Caermote, 2111 Caherass, 2073 CaAereen, 2054 CaAergal, 2064 Caherlaxig, 175 1, 2097 Cahermoyle, 2060 Carn Cailleach, 1638 Inch Cailleach, 1640 Pitcairn, 475 Ca77'77an, 431 Ca/>//angour, 303 Ca/>//dow, 443 Cairnglass, 446 Cairngorm, 449 Cairnie, 431 Caldex, 1461 Fuenca/je///d'. 1207 Ca/thorpe, 1208 Calthwaite, 1212 Calvoxde, 1210 Calata blanca, 2064 Caldbeck, 979 Sierra Calderona Caldicott, 1208 Barca/dij77e, 1378 Fuenca//e///e. 1207 Aguascalientes, 1205 Ca//ander, 1367 Callianpoxe, 2453 Calliendxoog, 2454 C(/77/beck, 246 Cambus, 84, 246 Camus. 84, 246 I 130 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Camlin, 253 Campillo, 749, 936 Campvexe, 2423 Medina del Campo, yy^ Campo basso, 2325 Campo beUo, 754, 2336 Campo chiaro, 754, 2336 Campo felice, 2434 Campo freddo, 2358 Campo frio, 2358 Campo hermosa, 754, 2336 Campo largo, 750 Cantixe, 487 Cantal, 469 Ca77/illy, 1065 Skagen Cape, 472 Cape Blanco, 444 Cape Penas, 471 Oude Capel, 2000 Heyde Capelle, 1968 Kreuz Cappel, 2002 Maescar, 1187 Ca7'munnock, 2094 Carton, 1176 Carus, 251 Careby, 1176 Carlton, 1658 Caniangour, 565 Car77bane, 442 Carnbxoc, 561 Carncailleach, 573 Ca7'7/lach, 431 Carnmoxe, 430 C//7'77righ, 585 Cd/7'77taggart, 589 Cd/7'7/togher, 609 Carntoul, 592 Car74wath, 610 Carron, 246 CarrjcAanness, 502 Carrickanoxan 408 CarrjcAduff, 443 Ballinacarrig, 595, 596 Carrigallen, 458, 460 Carrigeen, 431 Templecarriga, 599 Carrjgafoyle, 475 Casablanca, 1783 Casabranca, 1783 Rocca casale, 2066 BallycasAe/, 2099 Castel del piano, 2070, 2105 Castel Lamare, 2074 Castella bianca, 2064 Alcaster, 2116 New Castile, 2117 Ballyeas//e, 2099 Horncas//e, 2067 Humecas//e, 2065 Rosscas//e, 2067 Cas/7'il, 2054 Castrillo, 2054 Belcas/ro, 2557 Neocastro, 21 17 Nicastro, 2117 Ca/low, 1452 Catmoss, 1464 Catabxanca, 855 Catzenkopi, 1629 Canmont, 344 Bagna cavallo, 1613 Caj;anlick, 468 Cayton, 1499 Ce/7^coch, 439 Cefncoed, 548 Ce/77 Llys, 606 Cynoscephalce , 570 I Cerro de la Giganta, 576 Cerro de Vigia, 463 Cerro largo, 436 CAaraouni, 2023 Chaise Dieu, 1916 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 131 Chaldon, 1261 CAa/field, 1262 Chalgxove, 1263 CAa77-jbery, 246, 251 Belchamp, 754, 2336 CAd/7/d/gherry. 1199, 2076 Chandpoox, 1198 Chandernagoxe, 1199, 2076 Kreuz Chappel, 1969 Aix-la-C hapelle, 1982 Chapelle au bois, 1987 Charlton, 1658 Seal Chart, 1510 Chasse pierre Brienne le Chateau, 2065 CAa/moss, 1464 Chateauhn, 2075 Chateau vilain, 2062 Neuichatel, 2117 CAa/sworth, 1499 CAa//mont, 344, 356 Les eaux chaudes, 1205 Cheapside, 2483 Chelsea, 1251 Chemnitz, 596 Chepstow, 2470 MancAes/e7'. 2066, 2069 Rochester, 2066 CAes/erfield, 2105, 2559 CAes/er-le-street, 2558 CAes/erton, 2099 Campo chiaro, 375. 402 Monte chiaro, 367 BocacAzca, 209 CA/cacotta, 193. 2054 CAi7ham, 1208 Chippenham, 2483 Chippingham, 1909 CA7'/'/'7'7/ghurst, 24S1 CA/'swick, 1255 CAiseiborough, 1255 CAiie/don, 1248 CAt'se/hurst, 1254 Claxchoill, 1457, 1507 Tom-da-cAo77/, 1452 AchnacAo»7, 1627 LegacAo7'y, 677 DalcAow, 816 Dalichow, 816 Golsd;Aow, 833 BalnacZ/rd/gga//, 593, 596 Balat7/////',s77, 85 2 AltnacAj(//jo77, 1312 PortnacA//7'a7'cA, 2660 TomnacA/77'dd7cA. 2658 Cabeciera, 21^ Citade de Recife, 1795, 1804 C///(/adiella, 1777 Ciudad de Gracias, 1913 Ciudad Reale, 1791, 1870 Cividad de la Trinidad, 1915 Auchinc/aeA, 624 C/acAbreach, 451 Clacli na darroch, 550 Clair Vaux, 371 Clarbane, 751 C/archoill, 771, 2430 C/arderry, 771 Clareen, 749, 936 Axdclare, yi\y Ballinc/are, 773 Ballyc/are, 773 Belclare, yyS Kildare, 2429 Clermont, 367 High Clere, 1768 King's Clere, 1695, 1791, 1870 C/e77eland, 486 Clifton, 593 Hoxncliff, 419 Scare////. 473 132 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS C///ford, 6io C/omony, 549 BallenciogA, 596, 1796 Ballyclogh, 596, 1796 Cloghvally, 596 CiocAfin, 368. 442. 458 Cloghan, 431 Clogheen, 431 Lisclogher, 608 Cloichin, 431 Achnac/o/'cAe, 624 Cloichinland, 486 Cio77beg, 936 Cloneen, 936 Cionfert, 1042 C/o?tgall, 1018 C/o7/keen. 2336 Clontaxbh, 2393 C/o7-7.tarf, 2393 Ciontint)', 1047, 2444 Clonegall, 1018 Donaghc/oney, 2414 Garradoo7j, 949, 2335 Glascloon, 2330 C/oontakillen, 2428 C/oo77tariff, 2393 Ctoontarriv. 2393 Auchnactoy, 624 C///a7'77uamha. 773, 962, 2345, 2411 Vaud;/nse, 2017 Saltcoats, 1816 Cobern, 1603 Rio de Cobra, 1517 CefucocA, 254 CocApen, 254. 439 Bettwys-y-foedi, 1499 Cefncoedi, 1452 Glascoed, 1445 Pencoed^, 1455 Coedi Cymmer, 1462 Cognac, 84 Trecoid, 1499 Coiltean, 1442 Tourcoj'ng, 249, 607, 2056 Co»7more, 1441 Coleraine, 80 Rhoseoi/e7/, 1385 Co7nnahorna, 700 Rusco77j&, 699 Ashcombe, 691 Coxsecombe, 685 Gatcom&e, 679 Glascombe, 667 Pencombe, 676 Winchcont&e, 675 Lake Como. 685 Compton, 716 Le menil la comtesse, 1678 Kinco//. 1619 Conington, 1695 Co7//')/g.sbv, 1695 Coo/bane, 444 Coo/boy, 450 Coo/derrv, 87 Cooieen, 429 Cooleeny, 429 Cooigreany, 86, 509 Coolxahne, 80, 546 Coolxaine, 80, 546 Coo/rainy, So, 546 Copeland, 2478 Copenhagen, 2486 Co/)777a7ithorpe, 1652 Corbeagh, 534 Corbridge, 1950 Corgarf, 670 Corglas, 666 Co7'og, 427 Corcaghan, 1125 Slieve Corragh. 354 Co7'reen, 427 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 133 Corralin, 1103 Corriebeg, 662 Corriedow. (172 Corn'egarth, 681, 725 Corrielea, 666 Corn'mony, 674 Corsham, 1176 Corston, 1176 Corsecombe, 1145 Costa rica. 884 l^U'ifO/, 1840 Fresco/, 1875 Bramco/e, 1819 Noaco/e, 21 17 Ci'te d'or, 880, 1222 Cotemoxe, 1441 Fencotes, 1806 Soxnexcotes, 1809 Cotes du nord, 100, 872 Edgcott, 1794 Cottenham, 1764 Co//iwgham, 1764 Queen's county, 2011 C,'o7;ehithe, 867 Co'7entry. 1965 Cowley, 1607 Ladcragg, 466 Ballochcragga'7, 478 .\uehnacra7'g, 625 Blaixcraig, 482 Balnac7'd(7g, 595, 596 Glencraig, 475 Kilcraig, 548 Portnarra/g, 015 Craigdhu, 443 Craigdou, 443 C)'d(/'ggusli, 543 Craigmoxe, 430 C7'i7/gni'^h, .19T C/ir/gd'ndarroch, 53q, 550 Cfaigengower, 565 Craigewtinny, 647 Cr a7ibourne, 1536 Cra7^brook. 1536 Pittencrieff, 1276 Criggan, 431 Crimlin, 250 Cr/d///elDceuf. 86b Criqaeby, 866 Criquetot, 866 Criquevilla, 866 KnockacrocAy, 2579 Glenc7'0d'. 1594 Brincroes, 2693 Croesbychan, 2(v)2 Crofton, 773, 2410 Tomnac7'o/'d7/e, 2579 Cromdale, 250 Cro///lin, 250 Cro7tstadt, 2677 Konigscro7/e. 2676 Crosby, 2694 Aghacross, 2bq8 Balnacross, 2694 Crossgates, 2697 Crossoge, 2692 Crossthwaite, 26qq Cro:Kton, 2694 Auchin(7'///De, 1281 j Cr7777^1in, 250 CseAvar, 175 1 Cuevas del valle, 1755, 1797 Culleen, 1442 Baxncullia, 1455 Knockac/(//7o//. 1312 Tullaghc/////o77, 1312 Tullyc777//on, 1312 C7//7/nock, 1088 C///7i6t'7'nauld, 1088 Curkeen, 1125 Cztrrabaha, 1156 Tinc//7')'i7g/7, 1176 134 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Ciirraghmoxe, 1124 Ballic//7-7-7d-. 716 Lagacnrry, 677 LegacMrry, 677 Tobexcurry, 683 Eglwyscywiew, 2414 Coed cymmer, 1089 Cy?Joscephaloe, 1619 Cysarowes. 1712 Cze-rna, 259 Czernahoxa, 269 Czernowitz, 289, 395 Ak diagA, 440 Baba diagA, 580 Kara dagh, 441 OagAestan, 485, 601 Rydal, 701 Stendal, 673 Da/anspittal, 717, 2413 Dalbeath, 2373 Dalbeathie, 2373 Dalbeth, 2373 Da^by, 716 Da/chow, 6 Dalguise, 2380 Dalichow, 6 Daliz, 6 Ddj/naspidal, 717, 2413 Dalness, 764, 2351 DaMgh, 713, 2402 Dairy, 2402 Axendale, 705 Cromd/a/e, 664 Dinsdia/e, 730 Fenididd/e. 702 Knapd/a/e, 674 Scoxdale, 674 Wydale, 728 Dalichow, 816 Dallas, 2351 Vatnsdia/r, 685 Veendiam, 2633 Neudamm, 2648 Callandar, 1367 Darnick. 1363 Z)arnock, 1363 Adare, 1373 Athdiare. 1373 Kildare, 1369 AghindiarragA, 1364, 1374 LisnadiarragA, 1369 Auchindarroch, 1364, 1374 BardiarrocA, 1437 Clachnadarroch, 1453 Cxaigendarroch, 1363, 1453 KildiarrocA, 1367 Z)a //boeuf, 716 Z)a7./&e7-7dorf, 1368 Hazelrf'ea//. 697 Hazledicd!//. 697 Micheldid'a//, 661 Southrfean, 658 Deaj^bridge, 721 Baxdearg, 254. 439 Bendearg, 254 ' Craigd/ed/7-g. 255 Strondieas, 422 Deerhurst, 1555, 1582 DeA-haji, 1857 Dehi Dervishan, 1876 De//bruke, 2642 Delfshaven, 2643 'Axden, 1434 Aspdie77, 694 Brogdien, 1485 Haslingdie/j, 697 Howden, 674 Mauldien, 730 Mildie7'f, 724 Otterdie?7, 709 Stagsdeu, 706 Wilsdie//. 693 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 135 Denbigh, 2054 Denburn, 682 Denholm, 681, 725. 1756 Ardennes, 1434 Deoroe, 1553 Rathdieowwy, 2416 DepenReth, 1094 Deptioxd, 1093 Calder, 1000 Callaudier, 1367 Fendier. 952 Derby, 1556 Derwent, 942, 951 Drumdierg, 254 Loughdiej'g, 260 Ballindierry, 1368 Clardierry, 1364, 1457 Cooldierry, 1456 Fdenderry, 1362, 1437 Knockadierry, 1452 Derryallen, 1450 Derryfad, 1443 Derrylane, 1444 Derry na Caheragh, 1371 Derry na hinch, 1460 Dehi Dervishan, 1726 Beaudieser/, 788 De/mold, 2537 Deux ponts, 2616 Dedin, 284 Devon, 281 Aixdhu, 269 Craigdhu, 271 GrondiicA, 2644 Diepenveen, 1092 Chaise Dieu, 2530 Dinant, 2071 /)/7/bach, 2054 Ballendine, 2099 Auchindiin/iy, 2672 Kildinny, 2673 Mollynadf/77/i(, 2668 Diotweg, 2535 Bettws disserth, yS(j Distilhousen, 1307 Di/marsh, 2533 Ditton, 2020 Houndsdii/cA, 1016, 2647 Di//ford, 2536 Dlugebxodt, 225 Dlugenmost, 227 Doon, 281 Do6&erbus, 2501 Dobrawitz, 2497 Auchindioir, 1557 DoAum, 2242 Doielf, 682 Dolgelly, 697 Dolgemost, 227 Dombuhil, 593 Beard/on, 593, 1793 Chaldon, 522 ChiseldioM, 520 Cliidon, 467 Faxndon, 1838 Halidioji, 630 Hallidion, 630 Horndion, 467 Londion, 2075 SeandioM, 2116 Snowdon, 514 Winchendion, 419 DonagAcloney, 1998 DonagAmore, 1974 Donag/imoyne, 1980 Donegal, 2089 Dongweir, 643 Doona.rd, 42 Doonass, 2073 Dooneen, 2054 Doornhoek, 1292 Dor/recht, 967 136 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Adelsdorf, 1662 .\ltendior/, 1926 Badsdorf, 2691 Bundorf, 1793 Daubendio7'/, 1830 Eckdior/, 1794 Eichdorf, 1830 Fexndorf, 1838 Gastdorf, 1856, li Gleesdorf, 1790 Hengestdio?'/, 1850 Jagexsdorf, 1859 Kothendior/, 1882 Lindorf, 1817 Mardior/, 1850 Mickledior/, 1776 Neudorf, 1927 Nussdior/, 1832 Obexndorf, 1767 Oldendior/, 1926 Pferdsdior/, 1850 Schwandior/, 1905 Seifendio7'/, 1900 Shenkendior/, 1884 Sommersdior/, 1809 Tandio7'/, 1840 \\'alddior/, 1840, 1891 Wallendior/, 1856 Winkeldorf, 1794 Zellendorf, 1785 Dor7tberg, 1292 Dorn.bixn, 1295 Dor7/buren, 1295 Do7'«burg, 1295 Dor)/krug, 1294 CraigdioM, 443 Do7/glas, 281 Edrado//r, 928 Cairndiow, 271 Corriediote), 372 Glendow, 372 Knockdiow, 269 Dowling, 284, 388 Aghadiown, 2105 Portadiown, 615 Downamona, 2075 Downing, 2054 Drachentells, 1551 Txeidraeth, 882 Mondiragon, 155 1 Mondiragone, 1551 BeerendirecA/, 773 MoordirecA/, 2352 Ossendrecht, 2393 PapendirecA/. 2405 Zwyndrecht, 1009 Knockadiree/, 2202 Ballyd/reAidi, 2210 DrumadireA/di, 612 Dundrennan, 1296 D7'e-«:'itsch, 1459 Dneslelt, 2451 Bockendir/escA, 2450 Driffield, 1214, 2451 TavnaghdirissagA, 1302 Dromore, 148 Drogheda, 2214 Droogat, 351 Calliendiroog, 2107 Visiadiroog, 21 13 Droogberg, 344 Misdiroi, 1436 Dromanuxe, 542 Dromeen, 426 Dro777ineer, 499 Dromore, 425 Kildiro//gA/, 2212 Beladrum, 593 Findir//7/7, 440 Meeldrum, 452, 456, 2060 Meldrum, 452, 456 Rathdir«77/, 605 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMI^NTS 137 Shandrum, 640 Tyn(/r//77/, 593 D)'2(wadrehid, 612 Dr//77/banagh, 465 Drumdexg, 439 Drumeen, 426 Drid mlane, 436 Drjdwnahoe, 475 DrM77^nahuamha, 593 D7'/7/7/sauI. 592 D7'//77(777iner, 499 Drummond, 426 Glas drummond, 447 Drymen, 426 Maendu, 271 Mynydd'di//. 269 Rhosdu, 275 Staxodub, 1377 Dublin, 284, 388 Toxxdubh, 269 Dubrawice, 1368 Bar-le-D//c, 1670 Otero de les Duennas, 1638 Attiduff, 289, 395 Carrickditd//, 271 Glendidd^, 372 Lugduff, 372 Moneyduff, 286, 393 Toxxduff, 269 Duffus, 281 Dwich, 281 D/dirwangen, 352 Issoudij/n, 2071 Yexdun, 2071 D/77/ally, 2065 D/d77avourd, 650 D//7/bar. 2067 D////beath, 2081 D7(7^drennan, 2078 D////ham, 593 D7(7/hill, 2065 D7(//kt]i, 2083 j Djdnkirk, 599 ! Dunlop, 2067 i Dunxnonadh, 2065 I Dwnmore, 2053 Dtdnmoyle, 452, 2060 Dnnnambeann, 2065 Dt(nstable. 628 D//7itinny, 2119 Dunton, 593 Dunuxe, 2084 Dunwick, 593 Eilean dunan, qzi D//7/Ahof. 593 Dupplin, 388 Glasdiitr, 944, 946 Gweudiidr, 942, 951 Durham, 1556 Hondinras, 973 Durnsteg, 1297 D//rrwald, 348 Dnrrenstein, 344 Durrental, 346 Dutton, 593 Dwornovoi, 1927, 1953 Novidiwar, 1927 HoorndiyA, 2645 Dynevox, 2053 Dysertmoxe, 787 Ely, 1525 Eton, 1021 Chelsd'a, 902 Winchelsea, 898 Eaton, 1021 Kinnea/, 970 Auldearn, 1349 Strathearn, 124 East Meon, 122 Bordea//.r. 930 Eauxbonnes 1035 Les eaux chaudes, 977 138 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Holzeben, 2428 Ebenxied, 759, 780 Eberbxand, 53 Bcciesfield, 1998 £cc/eshall, 1992 £ccieshill, 1978 Ecc^estofts, 1996 £cc/eston, 1992 FriedecA, 551 HaidecA, 530 LandecA, 487 WaldecA, 551 ZTcAdorf, 594 ArnecAe, 557 Haidecke, 530 RandecAe. 472 Fort de ]'d'c///se, 2656 Ediearinch, 63 Bdiearnish, 63 £die7^derry, 78, 539 Edenmoxe, 73, 425 Bdigcott, 594 Edgewaxe, 2045 Edlinghaxn, 1662 Edlington, 1662 Bdiradour, 64 Alleen, 157 Carrigeen, 155 Cahexeen, 193 Claret'//, 163, 172, 204 Clogheen, 154 Clonee//. 172 Cooleen, 156 Crusheen, 211 C\x\leen, 184 Cuxkeen. 181 Doonee/d, 193 Dromee7d, 152 Drumeen, 426 Drumeen, 152 Faiflee//, 157 Glashee7-7, 170 Knockee//, 153 Lackeen, 154 Liseen, 193 Moneen, 181 Rineen, 156 Sroolee?^, 170 Stookeen, 154 Stradeen, 194 Tagheen, 394 Tooxeen, 202 Cooleeny. 156 Buchegg, 538 Eggberg, 81 Henegglys, 2000 Mesnileg/ise. 1992 Txeneglos. 1992 Brinegteys, 1978 Heneg/wys, 2000 Eglwys cymen, 1998 Eichdoxt, 1368 EicAhalden, 1363 EicAholt. 1367 EicAstad, 1368 EicAstadt, 1368 EicAstegen, 1372 E/cAe/dbruch, 1366 EicAenbuhil, 1363 Eichentoxst, 1367 FicAe7Jwalchen, 1367 Eidioss, 502 EiAheim, 1368 E/7e(/7/dunan, 921 Eilean nam Muchad, 909 E77e7/burg, 916 Bache////. 1805 Burhe/'///. 1829 Eisenach, 1234 E/'se7/burg, 1237 Eisenextz, 1235 Eisenschmidt, 1238 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 139 Eisenstadt, 1236 Eisenthurm, 1237 Babei, 2531 Ely, 906 Dole//, 961 Ciudade//a, 186 Toxella. 193 Tey at the e/7/7s, 1322 Laagene/t7, 682, 961 Drymt-7/. 152 Licke//. 154 Lisse//, 193 Miose//. 176 Sleeve//, 153 E//fen. 85, 247. 505 Enshemish. 1068 Ballinc//agA. 2474 Knowlendi. 59, 472 Ringsendi, 472 Walisend, 5 Kirche7/die. 4 Obexende, i Ostende, 2 Ejjgberk, 230 E^igbruck, 241 Enghuizen, 237 En7jiskeen, 896 Rothe/', 941 Er 6hof, 2469 Erfetellen, 2469 Rotherdie, 795 Schwarzene/'die, 796 Erlach, 1349 Erlau, 1353 Erlabeka, 1349 Er^esbura, 1351 Femern, 834 Suthern, 794 Thaler//, 1797 Withern. 827, 1825 Whiter//. 818 Eisene77;. 124(1 Moele7T7! 1544 Er^egebirge, 1239 EscAach, 1315 EscAau, 1314 EscAdorf, 1316 Eschwege, 1317 EscAweil, 1823 EscAweiler, 1316 BrachescAe, 2432. 2449 KaiserescAe, 2403 SummerescAe, 2355 WinterescAe, 2356 Eschenbach, 1315 Es Aihissar. 2601 Esmeraldas serrades, 1272 Espenield, 1332 Buness, 1097 Carrickanness, noi Dalness, 1 106 Loch Ness, 1103 Moness, noo Moyness, 1106 PoUainness, 1103 R. Ness, 1102 Essmore, 1099 La Boche//a, 196 Kosteletz, 1888 Auneuil, 9(14. 1072 Axgenteuil. 982. 1070 Auteuil, 1050, 1057 Berne////. 971 Bonne////, 1036 Nanteuil, 971 Eiiedon, 74. 41S Eiienlade, 76 Eversal, 1575 Ei7ershaw, 1574 Ei7ershot, 1574 Ei'esbatch, 76 Eresham, yo 140 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Athelney, 912 Bushey, 1000 Fleckney, 899 Muchelney, 891 Sheppey, 910 Smalley, 934 Eyam, 916 Eywick, 916 Eyworth, 922 Sondereyge77, 2466 E\'Ad'busch, 1367 Grooteey/andi/, 891 Roodeey/andi/, 893 Eyndhoven, 594 Moleneynde, 620 Nordere\'s, 889 Sudere\'s, 890 Caxnfach, 155 Auchinfad, 219 Dexxyfad, 221 Inchfad, 218 Loughfad, 220 Ringfad, 215 Pontfaen, 613 Langefahr, 2192 Niedexfahr, 2190 EaAj'wangen, 2iq8 Fahrwassex, 2194 Fahrenbach, 2194 EaA/'cz/horst, 2195 Failleen, 432 Ed//r Head, 1593 Monfalcone, 1537 Ea/cofiswaart, 1543 Falkenbexg, 1537 Ea/Ae/dheide, 1542 Ea/Aenstein, 1541 Ljfalu, iq27 Aalfang, 1161 Habechts/a//g. 1162 Faroe, I5q5 Eareham, 2197 ! Earnborough, 142 1 Farndon, 1421 Farnham, 1421 Earnhurst, 1420 Glen/arne, 1348 Gaxtfarran, 1080 Fartagh, 2577 Dinas/awr, 192 Sante Fe, 2505 Alltan/earn, 1349 Letter/earn, 1346 Stron/earn, 1347 Finster/ecA/e7i, 1399 EeicAheim, 1401 Eeifold, 17 Feldbexg, 2416 Feldham, 2410 Biele/e/(i. 2347 Espenfeld, 2372 Fursten/e/di, 1690 Geestefeld, 2334 Gnaden/e/di, 2437 Harse/e/di, 2428 Hircsh/e/di, 2391 Hoch/e/di, 747, 2322 Meexfeld, 2352 Nassen/e/di, 2352 Piexdsfeld, 2394 Schmeide/e/di, 2425 Snafeld, 514 Brach/e/die, 2432, 2449 Mold/e/die, 2438 Adelmanns felden, 2009, 2397 Campo/eiice, 2464 Blaefell, 303, 449 Goatfell, 513 Hart/e//, 564 Knapen/e//, 466 Sandafell, 566 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 141 Soutexfell, 566 Drachen/e//s, 559 Shap/e//s, 566 Axnfels, 1544 Lichtenfels, 462. 647 Linden/e/s, 527 Rothenfels, 439 Weissenfels, 442, 458 Felsbexg, 608 Dxiesfelt, 2433 Ee777ern. 1552 Femoe, 1553 Enfen, 1143 Fenach, 3S2 Fencotes, 1176 Ee7ider, 382 Ee7/ton, 1176 Eenwick, 1176 Bal/er7j, 1351 Eerndale, 1419 Ferndoxt, 1421 Eernruit, 1422 Eer//e\'hurst. 1420 Montferrato, 2034 ' Sassoferralo, 2034 Meikle Ferry, 2191 Queens/erry, 2196 Stokeferry, 2193 Eerryby, 2197 Axdfert, 2576 Clon/er/, 2577 Fertagh, 2577 Alte/es/e, 2049 Hammer/es/e, 2066 \ Feuchtwang, 967 Feuersang, 2674 EicA/horst, 1400 Fichtelgehixge. 1393 Schoen//cA/e7/. 1398 Chal^e/di, 2361 Chester/?eidi, 2416, 2439 ' Dxiifield, 235(1. 2433 Ecclesfield, 2414 Gurk/ie/di, 2368 Haxtfield, 1576 Hat/ie/di, 2369, 2391 Metfield, 2326 Saint;?e/di, 2404 Wakefield, 2419 Spit tal /ie/dis. 2413 Cloch/t7-7, 270 Eindrum, 268 Eingart, 294, 402 F'inglas, 382 F/7/tona. 402 Fintxy, 267, 280 Findlatex, 368 Finistexxe, 3. 487 Lickfinn, 2yu. 36S Finnow, 382 Ei7isbury, 1176 Finsterbexg, 269, Ei»is/erfechten, 391 Eins/erwald, 393 Eins/erwalde, 28O E/07///uisg. 380, 382 Flekke//o/'(/. 851) Halsfiord, 870 Hvalj^ordi, 865 Laxfiord. 864 Lyme^ordi, 863 Skaga/707-di, 858 Stoxfiord, 854 Stroemmen/?ora!, 860 FiscAaha, 1521 EisAgart, 1524 EisAguard, 1524 1 Eis A vatn, 1522 Sand//d7(i. 566 Fladda. yb2 E/a/z/borough. 2222, 2670 Flatholm, 762 142 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Flatstxand, 761 Nesselfieck, 767 Fleckney, 762 Fleckeroe, 762 Market^ec/en, 1909 Fleetwood, 1000, 2641 Flekkehoxd, 760 Fletton, 773 Depenfieth, 2640 Bar/?e7/r, 2639 Muhl//oss, 1 03 1 Alford, 793 Felfold, 791 Foldvax, 812 Eo7t/hill, 1057 High Force, 1095 Low Force, 1095 Alxesford, 2168 Ashford, 2166 Bam/ordi, 2165 Boxford, 2169 Bra(d/o/'di. 2156 Bur ford, 2177 CHf/ordi, 2158 Dept/ordi, 2163 Ditt/ordi, 2187 Guild/ordi, 2185 Harts/o7'd/, 2173 Hereford, 2188 Hert/ordi, 2173 Lawford, 2158 Mil/ordi, 2152, 2182 Oxford, 2175 Rad/ordi, 2172 Retford, 2172 Rush/ordi, 2171 Salford, 2167 Sharn/ordi, 2179 Shef/o7'di, 2174 Staf/ordi, 2177 Stam/ordi, 2159 Staple/ordi, 2186 Strat/ordi, 2141, 2180 Theot/ordi, 2187 Walford, 2178 Wangford, 2183 Wayford, 2141, 2180 Wexford, 853 Win/or di, 2189 Adels/o7-s, 1 1 04 Sodor/ors, 1098 Eichen/ors/, 1472 Eors/bach, 1461 Eors/gebaude, 1499 Eors/heim, 1499 Eors7!lohn, 1504 Beau/or/, 2061 Fort de I'ecluse, 2118 Eor/ingall, 2578 Fortxose, 2067 Foston, 2020 Eid/oss, noi Skogar/oss, iioi Eossano, 1083 Eossewaj?, 2028 Carriga/oy^e, 674 BaI/oJ7r, 1208 ErdiMstadt, 1665 Frauenbuxg, 1665 Er aMenkirchen, 1666 Campo Freddo, 1211 Bergfreiheit, 2583 Schloss/reiAeid!, 2583 Fuente-el-/resno, 1315 Freudenstadt, 2492 Freudentiial, 2491 Renfrew, 958 Ej'eyburg, 2582 Ereystadt, 2582 E7-ibourg, 2582 Buxgfried, 1429 Ej'iediberg, 1430 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 143 Eriediburg, 2582 Eriedieck, 1455 Campo frio. 1211 Fromenthal, 1413 Tierra del fuego, 2671 E/tewcaliente. 1067 E/densgrada, 1082 Muriel de la fuente, 1076 Pinosfuente, 996, 1073 Fwe/7/e-el-fresno, 991, 1071 Arx fuentes, 1027, 1079 Sierra de fuentes, 1057 Val de fuentes, 1059 E///beck, 281 Fulbxook, 281 Fulham, 396 E////eMham, 396 Ej/n/kirchen, 2619 Enrness, 2670 E7/rs7!berg, 1686 Furstenau, 1690 Furstenbexg, 1686 E/d7's/e7}feld, 1690 Ejdrs/enwald, 1688 E/drs/enwerder, 1687 Enrs/ewzell, 1689 Ochsen/nr/, 2175 Wegefurt, 2140, 2180 E///7wangen, 2160, 2184 Hohenf urth, 2151 E////eghur, 2573 Futtepoor, 2572 Loch fyne, 283, 387 Selinga, 311 Sviaga, 1038, 1082 Volga, 933 Vatnagaar/i, 2264 Gabelbach, 1088, 2630 Gabelhoi, 2631 Holzgaden, 1840 Steingadien, 1795 Ballochga/r, 217 Cahergal, 292 Donegal, 1649 Balnagall, 1648 Clongall, 1645 Clonegall, 1645 Fortinga//, 1650 Moneyga//, 1647 Gallipolis, 394 Birkengaz-jg, 695, 742 Strassgang, 2140, 2150 Ganghofen, 2197 Neelgawga, 946 Lochnagar, 1589 Prestgaj'di, 1875 Smiorgardi, 2282 Stargardi, 2116 Starogardi, 2116 Coxgarf, 357, 476 Garioch, 362 Garivalt, 361 Ga7-ivault, 361 Garracloon, 362 Garra/fbane, 1432 Garra77more, 1441 BallvnagarricA, 595, 596 Glengarriff, 357, 476 Meelgarrorc, 354 Tomgarroie/. 354 Shangarry, 2281 Garryard, 2254 Fingart, 2336 Gartan, 936 Gar/bane, 2328, 2336 Gartbxeck, 2333 Gar/farran, 2263, 2349 Weingar/e7J, 1753 Applegar/A, 1821, 2367 Asgarth, 1916 Corriegar/A, 962, 2345 Fishgartli, 2266 144 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Kingarth, 355 Lundgarth, 2265 Tullygarth, 2338 inchgarvie, 360 Pitgar77ie, 357, 476 Goxgast, 1946 Middlegast, 341 Noxdexgast, 342 Gastdoxt, 1648, 1941 Drooga/, 2125 Gatcombe, 739 Highga/e, 2120, 2135 Maxgate, 1178 Ramsga/e, 2i4<:) Reiga/e, 737 Cxossgates, 2142 Schoengai/, 819 Wonnega//, 2434 Knocknagaul, yjy Ardgay, 1216 Balg(7\'. 1219 Gortnagc/ocA, 624 Foxstgebaude, 1840 Erzege&irge, 519 Fichtelgebirge, 543 Kahlenge&i»'ge, 452, 456 Schneegei/irge, 514 SiebengeSirge, 641 OwnageeraA. 1596 Grangegee/A, 1219 Geesteield, 352 Geisa, 1588. Geisbach, 1588 Geisberg, 1585 Geisenheim, 1591 Geismar, 1592 Geisej-ihausen, 1591 Holzengeis/, 349 Rasige/6i, 1619 Dolgelly, 1380 Ge77/ei7?dimuhle, 242b Nogent, 384, 2493 Ge/'/cAstetten, 195 1 Ger/cA/sbergen, 1947, 2580 Vogelgesdd7/g, 2490 Somexghem, 1809 NeilgAe/7'/es. 303 ChandgAerry, 510 Maggherry , 2053 FuttegAnr, 2113 Balgie, 1219 Gieshubel, 1057 Goldgieso, 980 Giessbach, 1063 Cerro de la Giganta, 1642 Rutnagin. 525 Hrafng/a, 704 Axdglas, 447 Coxglas. 301. 447 Douglas. 943 Finglas, 952 King/as, 971 Pitglas, 305 Glasallt, 311 Glascloon, 324 Glascoed. 318 Glascombe, 306 G/asdrummond, 300 Glasdux, 312 G/aslough, 315 Giasmullagh, 300 Glasnock, 301 Glashaboy. 947 Glasheen, 934 Ardg/ass, 300 Barrg/ass, 298 Blaixglass, 307 Cairng/ass, 2q8 King/ass, 971 Knockg/ass, 298 G/assmeal, 298 Kinglassie. 971 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 145 Gleanan, 662 Gieesdorf, 394 Gieesweiler, 394 Gleisberg, 405, 461 G/enagower, 707 Glenbeg, 662 Glenbehy, 695 Gienburnie, 682 Glencxaig, 674 Glencxoe, 708 Glendow, 672 Gienduff, 672 Gienfarne, 696 G/engarriff, 670 Glengowex , 707 Glenkeen, 671 Gienmore, 661 Gienmullion, 724 Giennamaddy, 710 G/enreagh, 666 Glenxoe, 665 Gienshee, 729 G/enure, 698 Glina, 1245 Glinow, 1245 Glinzig, 1242 G/isbach, 383, 406 GincAstadt, 2453 Tullyg/MsA, 970, 1057 Gnadenbuxg, 2521 Gnadenteld, 2522 Gnadenhutten, 2521 Gnadenthal, 2520 Goa/ Fell, 1217 Pitgoier, 1586 Godmanstone, 1723 Seifengoidi, 1226, 2294 Goidigieso, 1223 Goischow, 1459 Balgonie, 1657 Gorgast, 597 Tzexnagora, 439 Zernagora, 441 Zielon agora, 447 Ballynagore, 1591 Bengore, 1585 ChandernagoreCairngorw, 303 Knockgorm, 303 LochgorTn, 316 Moneygorw, 317 Toxgorm, 303 Belgorodi, 2064 Bialgorodi, 2064 Novgorod/, 2117 Gortban, 2328, 2336 Gor/alissa, 2417 Gor/inure, 2379 Gortleac, 2341 Gor/nagclock, 2341 Gor/navern, 2374 Tuilochgornm, 303, 449 Gosport, 2532 Ardgoidr, 1585 Cairnangonr, 1585 Kilgour, 1590 Ballygow, 1657 Gowlan, 2629 Ardgowan, 1655 Balgowa7i, 1657 Ballingowan, 1657 Ballynagowa/i, 1657 BallygO!»an, 1657 Killiegowa7( . 1656 Aillagower, 1585 Ardgower, 1585 Craigengower, 1585 Glengower,. 1586 Glenagower, 1586 Ballingown, 1657 ' Balgownie, 1657 Ballochgoy, 1218 146 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Wisgoz, 942 Grabig, 1356 Grabik, 1677 Grabitz, 1356 Gra&kow, 1356 Muhlgraben, 2029 SchutzgraJen, 2027 Vloedgra&en, 2032 Ciudad de Gracias, 2521 Novigradi, 2 117 Taxnograd, 2078 Gradiiska, 2099 Gradizsk, 2099 Belgradie, 2064 Bischofgrae/, 2026 Grafton, 2020 Grafenbxuck, 1679 Grafenhain, 1680 Gra/enmiihle, 1682 Gra/enschlag, 1683 Gra/enstein, 1673 Grafenthal, 1674 Gra/enworth, 1680 Graffham, 2020 Graffenau, 1675 Graffenhexg, 1673 Granagh, 2664 Gransee, 2043 Graj^aghan, 2664 Bocagrandie, 208 Grangegeeth, 1811 Grasbeuren, 1412 Grasboden, 1411 Grasmere, 1573 Koniggratz, 2092 Munchengra/z, 1732 Grawbunden, 325 Haxgrave, 2030 Wingrave, 2031, 2113 Grat/enhage. 1680 Gravenhoxst, 1676 Greanoge, 86, 1193 Coolgreawy, 1193 Great Belt, 208 Great Tey, 185 Greai Zab, 173, 1053 Balgreen, 1196 Greenhithe, 322 Greenland, 308 Greenock, 86, 1193 Greenwich, 319 Laxgynagreena, 1194 Tooreenagreejja, 1197 Greiffenbexg, 1549 Greiffenstein, 1549 Grenzhausen, 2045 Grinez, 299 Grie/swald, 1550 Griesau, 1250 Griesbach, 1252 Griesbalkan, 1248 Griesberg, 1248 Griesheim, 1235 Grieskirchen, 1256 Griesthal, 1250 Grieswang, 1259 Griesenbottel, 1255 Grinez, 302 Grismere, 1573 Grobinow, 1677 Moorgrodien, 2650 Ostergrodie7i, 2649 Salzgroden, 2651 Groenberg, 301 Groenloo, 318 Gronaha, 311 Gronau, 324 Grondick, 326 Gronenbach, 311 Groote eylandt, 168 Viechtgross, 179 Chalgrove, 2025 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 14-; Grunau, 324 Gr Mnbuhil, 301 Grunoxt, 302 Grunthal, 306 Grunataing, 302 RiesengndMdi, 711 G7'//M7/e7/bant, 320 Gnadialaviar, 942' Gwttdialoupe, 1017 Gnadialquiver, 933 Fishgnardi, 2266 Guardaxnax, 2567 Guardia regia, 2092 . Gue de I'isle, 2161 Tomnagzdie, 1216 Guildioxd. 2473 Dalg7<«ise, 1397 AltnagnisA, 996, 1394 Neelgnr, 2059 GnrAfeld, 1305 Abigurm, 1204 CraiggMsA, 1393 Kingussie, 1393 Scblossgz*/, 2470 Wustegut, 2467 Guttenbexg, 2496 Gw/Zenbrunn, 2498 Gn//enstein, 2502 Gwendur, 282, 379 Pengwerne, 1346 TygyK'7/, 288 Bryngwynn, 268, 368 Hawick, 593 Ffaags Abeemden, 2023 Habechtsiang, 1538 Hafeec A/.swalde, 1539 Habsberg, 1537 Hadileigh, 1311 Hadlow, 1308 Ostexhafen, 2229 Fiischehaff, 2236 ' ' Hagley, 2023 Ffaseille, 35 GravenAage, 2269 TierAage, 1845, 2268 CopenAagen, 2244 Hagenbach, 2019, 2042 /hagenbrunn, 2019. 2042, Haguenau, 2023 HoangAai, 947, 1109 Ta Aai, 1122 Haideck, 1308 Haidecke, 130S 7/aidihugel, 1308 Gxaienhain, 2269 GrossAa/7/, 1441 HochAa/7/, 2254 KonigsAain, 2271 Langenhain, 1431, 1443 Wilden//a/7/. 1484 Deh//(7//, 1651 Hajiabad, 1651 Hajipoox, 165 1 Halbxon, 25 11 Halton, 1368 LeimAa/die, 655, 1241 Muhlhalde, 619 EichA(7/7e//, 539 Halidon, 2507 AbbotshaU, 1880 EcclesAa//, 1888 Kenninghall, 1870 Reichenhall, 2300 Runhall, 1919 Ha//stadt, 1268 Hallidon, 2507 HellrAa/s, 1759, 2680 Halsfioxd, 2679 Haftwistle, 41 AddlingAaw, 1863 Aldham, 1926 AskA?///, 1823 148 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS BlankenAam, 1783 Bxigham, 1897 Bxixham, 1897 BuckenAaw, 1829 BuckingAa^n, 1829 Chilham, 1810 ChippenAam, 1909 CorsAaw, 1806 CottenAaw-f, 1882 CottingAa777, 1882 Dunham, 593 DurAawj, 1845, 2268 EddingAaw, 1863 Evesham, 1771 FareAaw, 1896 Farnham, 1838 FeldAaw, 1798, 1904 FuUenAaw, 1789 Fulham, 1789 GraffAaw^, 1890 HaugAaw, 1793 Higham, 1768 KirkAaw, 1888 Lewis A aw, 1904 MarktAa/77, 1909 MichelAa^n, 1776 MiddleAa»n, 1770 Oakham, 1830 OakingAa77/, 1830 OldAaw, 1926 Ovexham, 1767 ParkAans. 1899, 1904, 2277 Shore A aw, 1803 SlaughAaj/j, 1806 SoudAaw, 1773 StreatAani, 1894 WaltAaw, 1840 WareAaw, 1930 WitAaw, 1825 WokingAajn, 1830 Hampstead, 1800 Hampton, 2021 Katholic hammer, 1917 Lillehammer, lyyy Oesthammer , iyy\ Stoxhammer, 425 Hammcrieste, 608 Hawwerschmeide, 2627 Hanau, 2023 Hapsburg, 1540 Harborough, 2563 Harbottle, 2563 Hargrave, 2565 Harlech, 214 Harwich, 2563 Mainhardt, 1441 Harsefeld, 1507 HohenAari, 35 Harttell, 1576 Har/field, 1584 Hartgxove, 1487, 1581 Hartland, 1578 Hartley, 1584 Hartsioxd, 1583 Hartshill, 1576 Hasley, 1385 Haslow, 1378 Haslau, 1385 Haslingden, 1380 Haslington. 1383 Hasse/holt, 1382 Hasseloe, 1381 Hasseipoint, 1379 Hasselxode, 1386 Ha/field, 13 n Ha/Aerleigh, 1311 Ha/Aerley, 1311 Haugham, 593 Hang Aley, 52 Haughly, 622 Hauptbrunn, 970, 1064 Mark'Aajds, 1892 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 149 RothenAaMS, 1782 AngerAansen, 1904 BogenAansen, 1794, 1781 BroickAa/dsen, 1806 ' Buxghausen, 1893 GeisenAanse?^, 1848, GrenzAansen, 1892 Holzhausen, 1840 MuhlAad(se77, 1902 NordAaMsen; 1772. PfaffenAansen, 1875 SchaffAansen, 1929 SonderAaMse7-7, 1773 StertzAa/dsen, 1794 Thanhausen, 1840 WerkAansen, 1901 WischAansen, 1904 DelfsAai/en, 2252 HeiligenAai/en, 2246, 2515 KonigsAawen, 2240 StoneAat/en, 2233 HawAhurst, 1539 Haylene, 2024 Haze/dean, 1380 Ha^iedean, 1380 BirkenAeadi, 534 Faixhead, 566 SpitAeadi, 472 WolfAees, 1490, 1625 SzarAegy, 586 BirchenAeidie, 1469 FalkenAeidie, 1482 Heidie^-jschloss, 1309, 2416 Heilbexg, 2507 Heiibron, 2511 Heiligenhaven, 2246, 2515 Heiligenkreuz, 2517 Heiligenstadt, 2514 Ashheim, 1916 Doxiheim, 1883 Eikheim, 1830 Feichheim, 1834 ForstAei^n, 1840 GeisenAeiw, 1848 GriesAeizn, 1815 HochAeiw, 1768 Kaiser/teiw, 1872 Konigheim, 1870 LindAeiw, 1817 Mannheim, 1854 NederAeiw, 1769 Pappenheim, 1875 SchaefAei7Ji, 1849 SundAeiw, 1773 ThanAei77d, 1840 Waldheim, 1840 Wisheim, 1798,' 1904 Heligoland, 2510 Hellebxunn, 385 HeWerholm, 1756 \]]hely, 849 Yaxhely, 1751 Henegglys, 2597 Heneglwys, 2597 Henley, 2587 Henly, 2587 Henlys, 2587. 2601 Hengestdoxt, 1610 He7-7gis/ridge, 1608 Hejjgis/rucke, 1608 Herstal, 2562 Kaltenherberg, 1810 Hereford, 2566 Bahiahermosa, 377 Campohermosa, 375, 402 MonteAerzwosa, 368 Nava/fe/'/770sa, 375 VillaAer77tosa , 394 Hermosillo, 394 Herrnhut, 1677 Herrnsbaumgarten, i68i Hersbrock, 1580 150 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Herschau, 1584 Her/ford, 1583 Her/ogspolder, 1672 Her20genbosch, 1494 Her^ogenburg, 1670 Herzogenrath, 1671 Heseiboschen, 1382, 1473 Heywood, 2265 HoogAeydi, 1308 LoogAeydie, 131 1 Heydiecapelle, 1310, 1501 Higham, 37 HigA Clere, 37 HigA Force, 25 HigA Gate, 45 HigAworth, 37 Hilton, 593 Dunhill, 605 EcclesAi//, 599 Fonthill, 498 Hartshill, 564 Ladhill, 466 Moathill, 633 MootA/7/. 633 Rehill, 1457 Shaxehill, 603 Soutxahill, 566 Yoxdhill, 614 Shee Hills, 632 Hilston, 593 Himmelpioxte, 2506 BallinaAi7/cA, 916 DerrynaAincA, 905 TinnaAincA, 916 Hinckley, 1611 Hindley, 1584 HinAley, i6n Hischbexg, 1576 HircsAfeld, 1584 HirscAbolm, 1576 Hirschhoxn, 1576 Hir2enach, 1579 BaliAisAey, 1021 AkAissar, 2064 BalaAissar, 2049 EskiAissar, 2116 KaraAissar, 2058 KezilAissar, 2057 Covehithe, 2235 Gxeenhithe, 2231 MaidenAi/Ae, 2239 Queenhithe, 2241 Trondhjem, 1912 HoangAo, 947 MinAo, 934 Hohurst, 35 Hoanghai, 329 Hoangho, 329 HocAfeld, 16, 52 HocAhain, 51 HocAheim, 37 HocAheyd, 32 HocAschanze, 42 HocAstadt, 37 Hoc Astatten, 37, 49 HocAstetten, 37, 49 HocAstock, 10 Hochwiesen, 16 SchlagAoeA, 89, 2342 HocAcliffe, 13 Hockley, 19 DrumnaAoe, 674 SandAoe, 521 DoornAoeA, 528 Dunkhof, 1793 Exbhof, 1752. 1907 GabelAo/, 1954 Kixchhof, 1888 Mauexhof, 1889, 1891 Meexhof, 1806 Nonnenhof, 2275 ScheidAo/, 1889 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 151 Schlosshof, 1893 Stadt-am-Ao/, 1949 Yeenhof, 1806 Hofwexk, 1952 Ganghofen, 1896 KonigsAo/en, 1870 Obexhofen, 1767, 1945 Ostexhofen, 1774 PfaffenAo/en, 1875 BirkAo^, 1827 JehserAoAen, 503 Hohenbexg, 10, 411 Ho Aenf urth, 46 Ho Aenhart, 35 Hohenheid, 32 HoAewlinden, 688 Hohenlohe, 16, 52 Hohenloo, 52 Hohenosch, 16, 52 Hohenxain, 12, 412 Hodhensale, 37 HoAenscheid, n, 413 HoAenstauffen, 7, 415 HoAenstein, 7, 415 HoAenstetten, 37, 49 HoAe7tthan, 35 HoAenwarth, 48, 57 HoAenwedel, 23, 498 HoAenwerpum, 50 Ho/land, 18 Holmex, 685 Denholm, 915, 962, 2345 FlatAoiw, 899 Hehexholm, 915 HirschAo/nj, 564 LangAoi;n, 937 PriestAoiw, 913 SmalAo^OT, 427 StockAoinz, 916 Bxoxholme, 561 RusAoinje, 904 Alders Ao//, 1470 Alxholt, 1470 Bixchholt, 1469 BochAoii, 1471 Eichholt, 1472 HasselAo//, 1473 Ekholta, 1472 Buchholtz, 1471 Ostexholtz, 1439 Schenkholtz, 1500 Holy Island, 2510 Hoiywell, 2511 Absholz, 1498 DiepAoi^, 1463 }agexholz, 1492 Mantilholz, 1475 MeerAo/^, 1159, 1464 Holzbuhil, 1452 Hoi^'eben, 1458, 1507 Hoizgaden, 1499 Hofehausen, 1499 Hofekirchen, 1501 Hoi^selen, 1499 Ho/zengeist, 1448 Honduras, 1091 Bahia Honda, 1090 MuflinaAo7te, 1758, 1902 Hoodikerque, 1501 Hoogbrach, 52, 56 Hoogbreak, 56, 90, 623 Hoogheyd, 530 Hoogkill, 83 Hoogeveen, 85, 247, 505 Hoogezand, 521 LisnaAoon, 1757 Hoorndyk, 92 Hooteness, 1455 CzernaAord!, 441 HirschAor>t, 564 KingAor7/, 472 KatzenAor77, 571 152 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS MatterAor??., 622 SkagensAor/j, 471 Weiss Aorn, 440 Hor 7tburg, 594 Hornby, 594 Horncasile. 249, 607, 2056 Horncliff, 81. 473 ComnaAor7-7a, 1415 MweelnaAorna, 1414 Bxinkhorst, 1437, 1455 FahrenAors/, 1505 FichtAors/, 1476 GravenAors/, 1495 SlangenAors/, 1480, 15 18 StarkenAors/, 1513 WinkelAors/, 1455 EversAo/, i486 Aldexsholt, 1470 Bxunhoubt, 1064 StanAong, 471 Ho7/>e77, 515 BruggAios/er, 1964 Knabtoit, 617 Knapdale, 475 Knapton, 593 Knapwell, 498 KnocAbane, 440 KnocAbrack, 451 Knockdow, 441 j Knockeen, 427 j KnocAglass, 446 j KnocAgorm, 449 j KnocAmoy, 481 KnocAnagaul, 577 KnocAranny, 545 KnocArath, 605 Knockxeay, 446 Knockxoe, 439 KnocAtaggart, 589 KnocAacrochy, 638 KnocAacullion, 531 KnocAaderry, 548 KnocAadreet, 612 KnocAalough, 504 Knockan, 427 KnocAaniska, 494, 498 Knoc Aanoran, 498 KnocAanure, 542 Knockataxxiv, 567 KnocAatarry, 567 KnocAatloe, 635 Knockatobex, 498 Know/end, 416 Knowsley, 621 KoAbaba, 580 Koniggratz, 1696 Konigheim, 1695 Konigstein, 1696 Konigsberg, 1696 Konigsbrunn, 1694 Konigshain, 1699 ' Konigshaven, 1698 i Kon/gshofen, 1695 KojMgscrone, 1703 Konigswerk, 1701 Catzenkopf, 571 Ochsenkopf, 567 Schneekopf, 514 Noxdkoping, 2475 Noxxkoping, 2475 156 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS RiesenAo/)/ie. 575 Schneekoppe, 514 Koprikoi, 1897, 2210 Koslin, 1591 Kostelitz, 1992 Leemkothen, 1814 Kothendoxi, 1764 SaltzAo//en, 1816 Koudaim, 1208 Koudum, 1208 KoMdihuizen, 1208 GrabAow, 829 PlattAow, 822 Kralitz, 1695 Kralowitz, 1695 Krasnabrod, 399 Krasnopol, 394 Kremlin, 608 Heiligen Aj'cmz, 270(.) Kreuz Cappel, 2695 Krolow, 1695 iCronstadt, 2677 KroTiwinkel, 88, 1535 Baumkrug, 1940 DornArng, 1939 Krugmuhle, 1943 Krumau, 246, 251 Krumbach, 246, 251 Kriimenau, 246, 251 Krjdzstrait, 2696 Kupiszki, 594 Kupiansk, 594 Yogelskuppe, 552 Kupperbexg, 1229 AltunAn/iri, 2206 Knrzweil, 223 NordAyn, 421 Eaaland, 21 Bibexlachen, 1164 LacAeen, 431 /.adihouse, 593 Ladirigg, 465 Evenlade, 929 Ladykixk, 1666 Kingsiaen, 2271 Ballagan, 716 Blum/age, 2362 Brawen/age, 2327 Wittiage, 2328 Loch Laggan, 685 Laggan Mullin, 724 BuniagAa, 416 Lago Maggiore, 1121 TawnaghiaAan, 242 LaAe Como, 1145 EaAe Lugano, 1145 Laxnbourn, 1244 Gowlan, 2629 Rhuddlan, 1976 Rhyddian, 1976 Eanmeur, 1974 Auckland, 805, 830 Beveland, Soy, 835 Cleveland, 799 Copeland, 809 Greenland, 797, 2010 Haxtland, 806 ; Heligo/andi, 923 HoUa77di, 792 Kingsland, 2271, 2472 Laaland, 887 Langeland, 892 Monk/and/, 811 Oeland, 802 Rut/a//di. 795 Snod/a7-7di, 810 Sunder/andi, 810 Suther/andi, 794 Tongland, 487 Zealand, 804 Zeeland, 804 Ea77dieck, 800 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 157 Landimore, 1974 Nether/andis, 792 Snod/a7tdis, 810 Landishut, 812 Dexxylane, 236 Drum/ane, 229 Langavat, 220 Langbruck, 227 Langeoog, 218 Langholm, 219 Langkehl, 216 Langrike, 213 Langthorpe, 222 Langtoft, 228 Langwaden, 225 Langweil, 222 Langeiahx, 226 Langeland, 218 Langenau, 219 Langenhahn, 224 Langenbogen, 212, 245 Ldjngenbrucken, 227 Langenhain, 221 Langenweid, 219 Wassariar, 2352 Wittlar, 833, 2428 Laraghleas, 1751 Larganxeah, 446, 653 Campo/argo, 231, 242 Cexxolargo, 229 Largj'nagreena, 508 Caheriarig, 175 1 Winklarn, 2343 Laswade, 1029 Ballater, 593 Findlater, 458, 654 Laufselden, 365 Lauffenbexg, 365 Lauter Aar, 382 Lauterbach, 382 Lauterbxunn, 385 Lan/erbrunnen, 382 Lauterbuxg, 2534 Ld(/7/erburn, 382 Port Law, 615 Shard/aw, 603 Sid/aw, 632 Ward/aw, 614 Wins/aw, 2570 Lawford, 610 Laxa, 1530 La.rfiord, 1529 La.-vleip. 1528 La::KVOe, 1529 Naglaya, 1842 Ward/e, 841 Corrieiea, 305 Goxtleac, 624 Achleach, 624 Laragh/eas. 2097 Har/ecA, 435 Txellech, 596 LecAbeck. 497 Auchin/ecA, 624 Nant/ee, 962 Txalee, 310 Leez/dkothen, 1247 Scheid/eAen, 2468 Smaalehen, 2471 LeA77jhurst, 1246 Hadleigh, 1311 Hather/eigA, 2369 Lustleigh, 2436 Monk/eigA, 2407 Winkleigh, 2343 Leighton, yyj, Leimhalde, 1241 Lax/ei/i, 363 Leipzig, 1286 Leirvogr, 1243 Auchin/ei/A, 307, 323 Hay/e77e. 2468 158 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Caerieon, 2568 Sierra Leone, 1630 J^erwick, 1243 Leswalt, 2429 LescAnitz, 1459 Eessany, 2054 Ballyiesso7i, 2099 Le//erbrick, 561 Lei/erf earn, 536 Le//erkeen, 458, 654 Letlerlickey, 468 Lis/ei/ane, 1323 Lewisham, 2410 Aldexley, 2374 Ashley, 2371 Aspley, 2372 Auch/ey, 2376 Beau/e\', 819 Bexkelcy. 2373 Bevexley. 1164 Brach/ey, 2381 Bradley, 750 Brock/ey, 2390 Cowley, 2393 Hag/ey, 2415 Haxtley, 2391 Has/ey, 2377 Hathexley, 2369 Haugh/ey, 2322 Henley, 848 Hinck/ey, 2394 Hindley, 2391 Hink/ey, 2394 Hockley, 817 Knowsley, 2337 Linley, 2364 Meth/ey, 2326 Monk/ey, 2407 Moxley, 2352 Muns/ey, 2407 Oak/ey, 769, 2376 Rudge/ey, 621 Smaliey, 934 Stanley, 2341 Thorn/ey, 2365 Waxdley, 841 ! Witley, 2328 Wolves/ey, 2396' Wort/ey, 824 Yard/ey, 2415 Lichtenau, 2346 Lichlentels, 405, 2668 Lichtenxnoex, 2346, 2354 LicA/enwalde, 2383 Lichtenweg, 2420 Licken, 431 LicAfinn, 442, 458 Liegnitz, 1176 Beau/ie//, 819 Rich/ien, 844 Beg//'ei'e, 427 Li//ehammer, 186 Cam/i7/. 1129 Chateau/i77, 1183 I Devlin, 1133 Dub/i7/. 1133 Dupp/iz/. 1133 Kos//'7/. 1848 Kxemlin, 2066 Lindorf, 1289 Linhovel, 1284 Liz/ley. 1290 Linton, 102 1, 1177 Moor//7/cA. 484 Lindau, 1287 Lindiheim, 1289 Lindihurst, 1288 Lindiridge, 1284 Hohen/indiejj, 1285 Lindentels, 1284 Lindenbuxg, 1289 Lindiesnaes, 1284 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 159 Auch/ine, 1187 Dowling, 1 133 Blair/inne, 1146, 1187 Ken/is, 1793 Peling, 420 Lisclogher, 2066 Liseen, 2054 Lislevane, 2080 Lismoyle, 452, 2060 Lismullin, 2104, 2280, 2427 Lisnadarragh, 2082 Lisnahoon, 1893, 2098 Lissane, 2054 Lissen, 2054 Goxtalissa, 2105 Little Belt, 209 Little Tey, 186 Little Zab, 174 Austexlitz, 1774 Jamlitz, 850 Kxalitz, 1870 Mochlitz, 832 Toplitz, 1826 Bxicklive, 451 Llan y mynach, 1990 Llosa del opispo, 2276 Txellyn, 1806 Bron//ys, 1793, 2065 Cefn//ys, 1793, 2065 Loaning, 967 Blanken/ocA, 1138 Kinloch, 1148 Logie/ocA, 1145 Staffen/ocA, 1190 LocAard, 27, 1113 LocAbuie, 1137 LocAbuy, 1137 LocA Fyne, 1131, 1138 LooAgorm, 1136 Loch Laggan, 1145 LocA Maddy, 1171 LocA Muic, 1166 LocAnagar, 1169 LocA Ness, 1151 LocAanaskin, 1161 Logan, 662 Ballogie, 716 Logic Loch, 685 Logiexait, 720 Schwarzen/oA, 1451 Hohenlohe, yd^y, 2322 Foxstlohn, 2130 London, 1182 Long Jockull, 213 Beaver/00, 1164 Groen/00, 1445 Hohen/00, 747 Kessel/00, 1 145 Ven/00, 1464 Water/00, 1152 Muhlen/oog, 2427 Loogheyde, 33, 2370 Loogemeer, 29 Neexloon, 2121 Ober/oo7/, 2120 Loon op Zand, 2127 Dun/0/7, ¦ 607 Glaslough, 1134 Knocka/o7/gA, 1140 Oughter/oMgA, 1113 Loughan, 1123 Loughane, 1123 Lough Derg, 1130 Lough Fad. 1126 Loughxea, 1135 Guadaloupe, 1623 Catlow, 548 Hadiow, 529 Haslow, 540 Houndslow, 569 Maxlow, 503 Wins/ow, 636, 2570 160 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Low Force, 26 Lwgduff, 672 Lake Lugano, 1145 Val del Lugano, 1145 Ballinluig, 716, 1176 Velikija EnAi, 1124 Lundgaxth, 1506 Luneville, 1198 Lnnesthing, 1512 Lustleigh, 2494 Lw//erbach, 382 Ldd/ierworth, 401 Haugh/y, 2339 Henly, 848 Ruge/y, 2337 Lymington, 1177 Lymefioxd, 1243 Lyndihurst, 1288 King's Lynn, 2472 Lyn7d Regis, 1173 Hen/ys, 848, 2116 Mayo, 770 Ard)nadidiy, 1618 Glennamaddy, 1620 Lochmaddy, 1624 Tranajnadidiree, 1621 Mae/strom, 2305 Maendu, 443 Trentaene, 596 Weiswaes, 2328 Maescar, 2353 Magdiespring, 1636 Maggherry, 192 Lago Maggiore, 177 MagAbreagh, 754, 2336 MaAanuddy, 169 Rajamahal, 1791 Mahlbuxgh, 2546 -IJ aidienhithe, 1637 Mai/burg, 2546 Mainhardt, 183 Ma/ton, 2546 Ma/vern, 536 Maumnawan, 1639 Manchester, 608, 777 Maz/7jheim, 1633 Beaumanoir, 1788 Zimmerwan/i/, 1833 Mantilbexg, 1393 Ma7//t7holz, 1395 Kilmany, 784, 1180 Geiswar, 2460 Guardaznar, 1112 Marbeck, 2042 Marborn, 1609 Marbrook, 2042 Marburg, 1176, 1610 Mardorf, 1610 Margate, 1178 Marlow, 1 141 Marwang, 1611 Castel Laware, nil Beaumaris, 1139 AltnjarA, 2047 MittelwarA, 2039 Neu77iarA, 2048 MarAhaus, 2045 MarAstein, 2041 Stowmarket, 2479 MarAeiflecten, 1909 Alten777arA/, 2489 KaiserwarA/, 2482 Newmarkt, 2488 Marktmuhle, 2487 Markthaxn, 2483 Marsala, 2247 DitzziarsA, 1188 OsterntarsA, 781, 1120 Martock, 2480 Montmartre, 1718 Mas.sbrook, 2504 Aeschenmatt, 2371 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 161 Schaeimatt, 1012, 2392 Soultzmatt, 988 Ma//erhorn, 2338 Alltmaur, 425 Mauerhoi, 2021, 2036 Maidden, 2541 Mawmnamon, 745 Manwturk, 743 Alltmaur, 148 Mynyddwanr, 148 Maizropotamo, 281 Txaethmawr, 166 Mayo, 2379 Rothieway, 777 Glassmeal, 446 Mecklenburg, 185 Runnymedie, 1040, 2438 Medina de las Torres, 1893 Medina del Campo, 1798 Medina del pomas, 1821 Medina del Rio, 1805 Medizibor, 65 Meeldxuxn, 344, 356 Meelgaxxow, 455 Baxmeen, 356 Mullaghmeen, 356 Remeen, 753 Loogemeer, 1115 Meerfeld, 1187 Meerhof, 1175 Meerholz, 1159, 1464 Meerhout, 1159 Meikle Ferry, 199 Meiningen, 203 Me/bourne, 2305 Me/drum, 344, 356 Me/rose, 345 Le menil la comtesse, 1868 East Meon, 423 West Meon, 424 Meon Stoke, 19, 488 Holmer, 1145 Merton, 1176 Blakemere, 1133 Gras/77ere, 1167 Gris7nere, 1167 Rushmere, 1158 Mereboda, 1176 Mitchelmerse, 1124 AkmescAidi, 1966 MescAidiabad, 1967 Mesni/eglise, 1888 Becken7je/, 1088 Me/field, 72 Me/Aley, 72 Methwald, 63 Methwold, 65 Lanmeur, 190 Michelau, 171, 203 Micheldean, 159 Michelham, 185 Mic/ie/stadt, 185 Micklebeck, 169 Mickledoxi, 185 MicA/eton, 185 Midihurst, 65 Mididie/burg, 66 Mididi/eby, 66 Middlegast, 61 Mididi/eton, 66 Middlewich, yr Mi/burn, 2305 Mi/den, 2303 Mi/ford, 2315 Mi/ ton, 2309 Mi//wick, 2309 Mi/nethorpe, 2309 Bodmin, 596 Miz/ho, 170 Minnow, 170 Warminster, 1962 162 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Westminster, 1958 Miosen, 176 Mirow, 2556 Miropol, 2556 Mirowitz, 2556 Misdroi, 65 Mi/ford, 70 Mi/ton, 66 Mi/cAe/merse, 179 Mittweyda, 2326 Mi//e/brink, 62, 417 Mittelgebixge, 62, 417 Mi//e/mark, 69 Mi//e/walde, 65 Nowemjasto, 2217, 2604 Mladowitz, 2595 Mlinow, 2309 Mlinsk, 2309 Moville, 766 Moat Hill, 2539 Mochhtz, 783 Mochow, 783 Mynyddmoel, 344, 356 Moelexyn, 556 Lichtenmoer, 785 Oost77wer, 781, 1120 Teufelsmoer, 786 Moerkade, 1185 Detmold, 2551 Moesbalkan, 1428 Wittmold, 2545 Moldtelde, 2550 Molenbach, 2305 Mo/enberg, 2301 Mo/eneynde, 2302 Mo/enstadt, 2309 Molinos del rey, 2307 Mo//ynadinta, 647 Slievenamon, 1638 Monaxd, 1116, 1141 Mondragon, 559 Mondragone, 559 Moneen, 1125 Moness, 501 Monfalcone, 554 Monxoe, 1423 Ballymona, 1176 Baxmona, 782, 1148 Downamona, 1182 Toomona, 1142 Monabraher, 1174 Monabrock, 1165 Monachty, 1730 Monasteria de la Vega, 1961 Richmondi, 627 Mondsee, 1085 Ballyz?7oney, 1499 Moneybeg, 1442 Moneyduff, 145 1 Moneygall, 1491 Moneygorm, 1433, 1446 Moneymore, 1441 MonAland, 1728 MonAleigh, 1734 MonAley, 1734 MonAsilver, 1729 MonAstofts, 1733 MonAstown, 1730 '' Monkswood, 1729 Apxemont, 455 Beau7no77/, .458 1 Caumont, 452 [ Chaum.07)/, 452, 456 Cler77/07{/, 459 Piedmojii, 416 Yexmont, :\iY7 Montacute, 470 Montaigu, 470 Mont Blanc, 440 Mo7//ferrato, 602 Montignac, 495 Montmaxtxe, 588 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 163 Mo77/pellier, 574 Montxeal, 464 Mon/rose, 506 Montsexxat, 479 Montechiaxo, 458 Mon/ehermosa, 458 Mon/enegro, 441 Mo7//evideo, 463 Clomony, 1454 Coxximony, 475 Pitnamoon, 1424 Oude77-ioor, 1189 Moorby, 1176 Moordrecht, 967, 1187 Moorgroden, 1192 Moorlinch, 782 Mooshutten, 1427 Moo/hiU, 2539 Morbihan, 1108 Morley, 967, 1187 Rathmorai/, 407 Balmoral, 394, 410 Aghamore, 203 Alltmore, 169 Ardmore, 148 Athmore, 197 Avonmore, 169 Balbziore, 185 Ballaghmore, 161, 195 Ballymore, 185 Bannamore, 148 Benmore, 148 Benamore, 148 Blair777ore, 162, 203 Carnmore, 150 Coitmore, 183 Cotemore, 183 Cxaigmore, 150 Curraghmore, 179 Donaghmore, 190 Dromore, 148 Dunmore, 192 Dysertmore, 164 Edenmore, 147 Essmore, 175 Garran777ore, 183 Glenmore, 159 Kellymore, 183 Kennwre, 151 Kilmore, 190 Landmore, 190 lAsmore, 203 Maiseznore, 203 Monej'zz/oz-e, 183 Paxkmore, 203 Poxtmore, 200 Rath7z/ore, 192 Rinznore, 151 Strath7«orc, 159 TempleTnore, 190 Tibbermore, 173 Tobexmore, 173 Torzziore, 192 Towerniore, 187 Tullamore, 148 Morebattle, 1176 Moreton, 1176 Penmorfa, 782 Aigues mortes, 1147 Moswidi, 1159, 1426 MosAwa, 1425 Catmoss, 1159 Chat7Z70ss, 1150 Zell-am-Moss, 784, 2414 Mossow, 783 Mosston, 1427 Dlugenmosr, 2200 Caer7no/e, 2549 Chamouni, 2023 Sawel M/., 592 Poxtsmouth. 1085 Noirzwojd/ier, i960 164 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Rougemoutier , 1959 Knockmoy, 755 Moyarta, 1042 Moyne, 749, 936 Moyness, 764, 2351 Cahermoyle, 350 Dunmoyle, 344 Lismoyle, 344, 350 Rathmoyle, 350 Donaghmoyne, 775, 784, 2414 Eilean nam Muchad, 1570 Muchelney, 168 MwcAros, 1568 MuhlHoss, 2305 Muhlgxaben, 2312 Muhlhalde, 2301 Muhlhausen, 2309 Muhlquelle, 2305 Gemeindz^jnA/e, 2316 Grafenmf/A/e. 2306 Hudemuhle, 2309 Kxugmuhle, 2310 Markt7Z7//A/e, 2318 Paintmuhle, 2316 Schlossmn/z/e, 2313 I Stertz7nMA/e, 2302 Stiegmuhle, 2314 Txankmuhle, 2319 Weymuhle, 2314 Wischz7wA/e, 2316 Muhlenbach, 2305 Muhlenloog, 2317 Loch Muic, 1572 Mni/rea, 456 Tibhexmuir, 173 Tippermuir, 173 Mnirkirk, 775, 784, 1180, 2414 Mw/keeragh, 566 Mullan, 426 Glasmullagh, 447 Shanmullagh, 640 Midlaghxneen, 456 Mullaghshee, 632 Mullerosch, 2317 Laggan Mullin, 2303 Lismullin, 2313 MM//inahone, 2308 Mullinakil, 2311 Midlintxa, 2304 Glenmn//io?t, 2303 M7d7/f Aberg, ' 1727, 1730 Munchengxatz, 1732 Caxmunnock, 1732 ' Aldea del Muro, 2036, 2099 Muriel de la fuente, 1805 Midsse/burgh, 1516 Mweelbane, 440 Mwee/nahorna, 544 Ballochz/'iy/e, 346 Mynwy, 170 Llan-y-mynacA, 1731 Penmyz/ydidi, 465 Mynydd'du, 441 My7iydidimawr, 425 Mynydidimoel, 452, 456 Ai'ablous, 2595 A^aples, 2595 Lindes7^aes, 527 A^aglaya, 1519 A^agpoor, 1519 A''agapatam, 1519 A^'age/schmeide, 2628 Banyanagy, 201 A'agyvarad, 192 A^aAr-el-Keber, 933 iVaAr-el-Kelb, 1016 A/'a7^kay, 106 A7'a77kin, in Di7^an/, 1027 Penna77/, 676 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 165 Texnant, 680 Val de A''an/, 682, 961 Nanteuil, 1065 Nantglyn, 678 Nantlee, 681 Nantwich, 723 Nappan, 427 Hundnase, 570 Katznase, 571 iVaseby, 594 A''asAscaur, 473 iVassau, 967 iVassenbeuren, 1176 A^assenfeld, 967, 1187 Naumbuxg, 2595 La Nava del rey, 772 Nava hermosa, 2336 Nava de Ios Oteros, 756 Blairne, 163, 172, 204 Mojdne, 163, 172 Aieapolis, 2595 iVedierheim, 39 Nederwyk, 39 Neelab, 313 Neelganga, 313 Neelgux, 321 TVeerloon, 44 Bahianegra, 279 Montenegro, 269 Rionegro, 281 A''ei/gherries, 303, 449 Traneni, 716 iVe77je/-uj -var, 1503 iVeocastro, 2602 iVeston, 1794 Blankenese, 444 Polynesia, 925 Blackness, 445 Foreness, 472 Fur77ess. 648 Hooteness,' 551 Saturness, 422 Scar7(ess, 471 Skegness, 551 Skipness, 645 Stromness, 496 Tarbetness, 438 AT'esse/fleck, 1321 Netherby, 39 A'^e/Aerlands, 18 iVenbau, 2595 A'^ewburg, 2595 A^ewdamm, 2615 A''eMdorf, 2595 AT^eMmark, 2600 iVenmarkt, 2614 Neusass, 2595 Aiejo/, 1788 Taxnopol, 1820 Po/baith, 1156 Po/beath, 1156 Polton, 1 1 77 Po/worth, 1176, 1186 Hertogs/)o/dier, 2652 Pwlpolder, 2650 Sluis/)o/dier, 2653 Walpole, 1891 Galli?^o/i, 1788 Nicopoli, 1924 Tripoli, 1928 Amphi/)oiis, 1889 Helio/)o/is, 1807 Neapolis, 1927 Nicopolis, 1924 Po//naranny, 702 Pollxane, 702 Poi/tarf, 1 170 Po/ynesia, 2621 Medina del pomas, 1303 Penpont, 2202 Pon/ de briques, 2219 Poni faen, 2203 Pon/te Vedra, 2216 Pontesbuxy, 2210 Deux/>ow/s, 2218 Chandpoor, 1808 Futtepoor, 1924 Hajipoor, 1857 Nagpoor, 1842 Raja/)oor, 1791, 1869 Russoul/)oor, 1874 Zandpoor, 2238 Poppow, 1723 Poppenwaxth, 1724, 2273 Poppowitz, 1723 Callianpore, 1906 Raja/>ore, 1685, 1791. 1869 Singapore, 1853 Visia/>ore, 1924 Gosport, 2247 Newport, 2250 Por/tadown, 2233 Por/- an-righ, 2240 Por/ Law, 2233 Por/more, 2230 Por/nachuraich, 2251 Por/nacraig, 2233 Portree, 2240 Portxush, 2234 Por/skerrie, 2233 Porthkexxy, 2233 Por/obello, 2232 Portoxico, 2243 Por/oseguro, 2248 .Por/smouth, 1149, 2237 " Aigospotamo, ion ; Mavxopotamo, 943 PoMMdistock, 2018 170 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Poza de la Sal, 1154 Pozo bianco, 1132, 1138 Ouro Prado, 981 Prato Vecchio, 1044, 2440 Prescot, 1723 Preston, 1723 Prestgaxd, 1723 Ouxopreto, 981 Pries/holm, 1722 Puente de la Reyna, 2209 Pulhoxough, 1177 Pusta Kaminica, 343 Pwlpolder, 1192 Quatre Bras, 2618 Tor^nay, 2233 Sanquhar, 2116 ^weenborough, 1704, 1871 ^Meenhithe, 1708 ^neenscounty, 1705 Queensiexry, 1705 Muhl^Me//e, 1031, 1081 Quillebceui, 1021 Glenquim, 678 Rashee, 2110 i?astadt, 2546 iJacAstadt, 2546 i?adiboume, 1407 Radioxd, 1408 Bxachrade, 2431, 2449 CoolraAne, 1418 Steenrain, 471 Coleraine, 1418 Coolraine, 1418 Coolrainy, 1418 Logieraii, 2068 Raithby, 2546 i?a/amahal, 409 Rajapoox, 409, 1695 Rajapoxe, 409, 1695 2?aAonitz, 1021 i?amsgate, 1184 PoUrane, 1419 Knockranny, 1417 Pollnaranny, 1419 Pas el abyad, 444 Ras el hamra, 439 Pasicalbi, 570 Auchinrath, 2105 Blankenra/A, 2329 Herzogenra/A, 2399 Knockrath, 2065 Piaiirath, 2406 Rathaspick, 2095 Rathbane, 2064 Rathdeowny, 2105 i?a/Adrum, 2065 Rathxnoxail, 2063 Rathmoxe, 2053 Rathmoyle, 2060 Rathteas, 2052 Rathven, 2065 Rathenau, 2542, 2550 Pa/Asweide, 2542, 2550 Rattoo, 2051 Ballochray, 358 Pehifl, 771 Pemeen, 359 Loughrea, 314 Muilrea, 356 GlenreagA, 305 Laxganreah, 304 Montreal, 408 Ciudad Reale, 409, 1695 Knockreay, 298 Citade de Recife, 595, 885 Pedibourne, 1407 Pcdibridge, 1409 Bruree, 1696 Portree, 1698 Guardia regia, 1696 Beer regis, 1695 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS 171 Peigate, 477, 609 Oestreich, 2006 PeicAstadt, 2453, 2461 Reichenau, 2459 Reichenbach, 2458 Reichenhall, 2463 ArdanreigA, 298 PeiAavik, 2675 Rio dos Reis, 1694 Penfrew, 496 Beaure/iaire, 1963 PescAbiittel, 1405 Resoulabad, 1720 Retioxd, 1408 Huerta del rey, 1700 La Nava del rey, 1693 Molinos del rey, 1702 Otero del rey, 1691 Surrey, 2005 Puente de la Reyna, 1707 Rhode Island, 258 PenrAos, 782 PAoscoUen, 2377 Rhuddlan, 264 LechrAydi, 611, 2159 PAydidilan, 264 Salas de la ribera, 79, 656 Costa rica, 2457 Villa rica, 2453 PicAborough, 595 PicAHeu, 2456 PicAmond, 2455 HundsricAe, 569 Portorico, 2462 Hengistridige, 568 Lindridge, 527 Withridige, 533 Airdrie, 356 Ebenriedi, 2346 Piesengrund, 1643 Piesenkoppe, 1641 Ashrigg, 532 Ladrigg, 465 Carnrigh, 1691 Dalrigh, 1692 Port-an-rigA, 1698 LangriAe, 433 NordriAe, 2004 Pineanne, 506 Pineen, 429 Pinmore, 428 Pingabella, 526 Pingbane, 444 Pingfad, 434 PiwgvaUa, 526 Pingville, 526 Medina del rio, 1021 Piobranco, 942 Rio de Cobra, looi Rio de la Plata, 982 Rio de Ouro, 980 Rio dos Reis, 1020 Rio Negro, 943 Rio Salada, 987 Ripula, 652 Piizalta, 14, 651 Piizoli, 652 Auteriize, 651 P. Ness, 975 Abtsroda, 1748 Rocca bianca, 442 Rocca casale, 608 PocAester, 608 Rochetoxt, 605, 608 Podiaha, 1407 Abtsrodia, 2408 Hasselrodie, 2378 Wittarodie, 2384 Bannaghroe, 254 Glenroe, 256 Knockroe, 254 Monroe, 261 172 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Slieveroe, 254 Rocroi, 1696 Tynron, 594 Poncesvalles, 1301 Roode Eylandt, 258 Muckros, 563 Posvean, 662 Fortrose, 249, 607, 2056 Melrose, 453 Montrose, 506 Posenau, 1300 Posenthal, 1299 Kinross, 1455 Possbach, 1609 Possbegh, 535 Posscastle, 249, 607, 2056 Possinver, 500 Posstrank, 1612 Rotha, 259 Rothback, 259 Rothex, 259 Rothexde, 257 Rotheniels, 255 Rothenhaus, 262 Po/Aerthurm, 265 Rothiemay, 2069 PoMgemoutier, 263 PoA;burgh, 605, 608 Tornaroy, 1696 Pte, 1879, 2276 Calthorpe, 1810 Copman/Aor/)e, 1858 Langthorpe, 1779 Milne/Aor/ie, 1902 Nunthorpe, 1878 Spring/Aor/>e, 2263 Thorpe le Soken, 1885 Eisen/A//r77i, 2077 Rothexthurm, 2057 Weissen/Az/nn, 2064 Calthwaite, 2357 Cxossthwaite, 2447 Hunder/Awai/e, 2443 Wark/Awai/e, 2105, 2418 Tibberxnoxe, 1053 PiSi/ermuir, 1053 Pid/eswell, 871 Tierbach, 1554 Pierhage, 1556 Tierra del fuego, 815 PigA na bruiach, 1793 Toman/i/d, 2668 Pincurragh, 1806 Pinnick, 1793 Tinoxan, 1805 Tinto, 2669 Tintoxe, 1903 Pinwald, 2544 Pingwall, 2548 Arden/in/7y, 2668 Craigen/inny, 2668 Dun/in7ty, 2668 Kiltinny, 2673 Clon/in/y, 2672 Tippermuix, 1053 Tipperstown, 1021 Can/ire, 800 Knocka//oe, 2560 Sraha//oe, 2561 Tullin//oy, 2560 Tin/o, 647 Ballin/o6er, 1021 Knocka/o6er, 1057 Po&erbilly, 1069 PoSercurry, 1060 PoSermore, 1053 Knab/o//, 2260 Langtoft, 2257 Eccles/o//s, 2278 Monks/o//s, 2274 West tofts, 2256 180 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Caxntogher, 2126 Temple/ogAer, 2 131 Pomachuraich, 646 7"o77dantin, 647 Tombreck, 451 Pomentoul, 592 Pomgarrow, 455 Pomnacroiche, 638 7'omnaguie, 512 Abington, 591 Acton, 1830 Ash/on, 1823 Birching/on, 1827 Bxixton, 1897 Bxoughton, 1793, 1893 Buxton, 1829 Car/on, 1806 Carl/on, 1861 Cay/on, 1840 Charl/on, 1861 Chester/on, 1893 Chiton, 1793 Compton, 1797 Coning/on, 1870 Coxston, 1806 Crof/on, 1798, 1904 Crox/on, 1933 Ditton, 1890 Dun/on, 1793 Dutton, 1793 Eton, 1805 Eaton, 1805 Eccles/on, 1888 Fen/on, 1806 Flet/07f, 1798 Foston, 1890 Graf/on, 1890 Hal/on, 1816 Hampton, 1889, 1899, 2277 Hesling/on, 1831 Hil/on, 1793 Hils/on, 1793 Hut/on, 1882 Kings/on, 1870 Knap/on, 1793 Leigh/on, 1798, 1904 Linton, 1805, 1806 Lymington, 1806 Malton, 1919 Mer/077, 1806 Mickleton, 1776 Middle/on, 1770 Mil/on, 1902 Mitton, 1770 Moxton, 1806 More/on, 1806 Moss/on, 1806, 1839 Nes/on, 1794 Nor/on, 1772 Norman/on, 1855 Otter/on, 185 1 Ovexton, 1767 Pol/on, 1806 Pxeston, 1875 Running/on, 1919 Rys/on, 1835 Sal/on, 1825 Slaws/07i, 1806 Scoxton, 1795 Skip/on, 1849 Somer/on, 1809 Stan/on, 1796 Staple/on, 1909 Stars/on, 1794 Staun/on, 1796 Steyn/on, 1796 Stxatton, 1894 Stret/on, 1894 Sutton, 1773 Thorn/on, 182c Twistle/o7/, 1892 INDEX TO ROOT ELEMENTS IM Waxton, 1889, 1893, 1898, 2277 Weston, lyy^ Whis/on, 1783 Ponagh, 324 Fintona, 2336 Godmans/one, 1875 Tongland, 487, 800 Rat/00, 115 Auchter/00/, 657 Toomona, 507 Tooreen, 2320 Poortane, 427, 2054 Tophtz, 133 1 Poralt, 2065 Porbane, 440 Porbay, 489 Por breck, 451 Porella, 2054 Porgorm, 449 Porinturk, 562 Pormore, 2053 Pornaroy, 2092 Torquay, 615 Portan, 2054 Kin/ore, 465 Tin/ore, 2321 Torgovitza, 2483 Pornau, 1293 Torniz, 1295 Tornow, 1293 Porralba, 2064 Porran, 2054 Porrdubh, 441 Porrduff, 441 Torre blanca, 2064 Medina de las Torres, 2099 Torres novas, 2117 Torres vedras, 2 116 Badia Torrita, 2100 Crique/o/, 1802 Caxntoul, 1761 Toxnentoul, 176 1 Ponrcoing, 2067 Powerbeg, 1935, 2054 Powermore, 1934 Monks/own, 1877 Tippers/own, 1805 BaUin/oy, no Ballintra, 882 Mullintra, 883 Pralee, 878 Pranamaddree, 881 Pranent, 1797 Prawitz, 1410 Ballintrae, 882 Traeth bach, 876 Traeth mawr, 875 Ballin/raidi, 882 Klein/ranA, 2661 Rosstrank, 2662 PranAmuhle, 2663 Precoid, 1840 Prellech, 1796 Prellyn, 1806 Premaene, 1796 Preneglos, 1888 Dor/re/cA, 1050 Bxaintree, 1793 Ochiltree, 1768 Uchel/re/, 1768 Pre/draeth, 1803 Lei/rim, 446 Sheetrim, 632 Tripoli, 2617 Tromann, 1306 Trondhjem, 2518 Trondjeixn, 2518 Trumman, 1306 Coventry, 1886 Fintry, 877 Ven/ry, 877 LS2 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS Tscherna, 259 Ballintubbert, 1021 Tullamoxe, 425 Tullanavext, 637 Kil/M//agA, 599 Tullaghan, 427 PidZ/agAcuUion, 531 Pdz/Ziallan, 458 PM//intloy, 635 Tullochgoxum, 303 P«//y alien, 458 Pw//ycullion, 531 PM//ygarth, 622 rM//yglush, 494, 498, 958, 1064 Turtane, 427, 2054 Kinturk, 562, 1568 Maum/7ort, 170S. 2241 rajah : (1685) town, 1685, 1869 rapids : (365) dwefling, 365, 1787 raven : (1534) field, 2386 vafley, 704, 1534 reclamation : (2649) duke, 1672, 2652 east. 146, 2649 marsh, 1192, 2650 salt, 1269, 2651 red: (254) church, 264, 1976 dwelling, 262. 1782 fort, 265, 2057 glen, 256, 665 hiU, 254. 439 island, 258. S93 land, 257, 795 loch, 260. 1130 monastery, 263, 1959 moss, 261, 1423 rock, 255 stream, 259. 941 reed : (1402) bridge, 1409, 2207 ford, 140S. 2172 stream, 997, 1407 reef: (885) city, S85. 1804 reeAy ; (2675) bay, 869, 2675 retreat : (1963) beautiful, 397, 1963 rich: (2455) brook, 1033, 2458 coast, 884. 2457 dweUing, 2461 goat, I5C)2. 2460 hifl, 627, 2455 meadow, 1034. 2459 INDEX TO INTERPRETATIONS 221 place, 844. 2456 port, 2243. 2462 salt, 2300, 2463 ridge : (411) bridge, 612 confluence, 499, 1086 hill, 465 horse, 568, 1608 river : (927) blue, 313, 946 cold, 979, 1206 God, 1039, 2529 great, 169, 933 green, 311, 945 gushing, 969, 1063 hafl, 656, 1937 holy, 1038 little, 170 old, 1043, 2589 plain, 763, 964 rock, 497, 960 small, 934 valley, 682, 961 warm, 978. 1204 west, 131 white, 2S2 road : (2120) ash, 1317, 2137 camp, 2146, 2558 church, 2131 cleared, 2144. 2420 cross, 2142. 2696, 2697 dwefling. 1894. 2138 ford, 2141. 2180 high, 45, 2135 mUl, 2132 people, 2145. 2535 trench, 2028. 2139 rocA . (411) beaver, 560, 1558 black, 271, 443 castle, 2066 dwefling, 595. 177)5 falcon. 555, 1541 field, 625 great, 150. 430 head, 469 high, 7. 415 island, 491. 847 land, 486, 7C)() level, 483, 758 little, 155. 431 oak, 1453. pass, 478. 738 plain, 482, 757 point. 471 red, 255 river, 497, 960 upper, 8 valley, 476 waste, 343 water, 454 white, 270. 442 wood, 550 rose : (1299) meadow, cjgo. 1300 valley. 690, 1299 rough: (354) cape, 355, 457 field, 2335 hiU, 354, 455 island, 360, 895 meadow, 362. q^l) stream, 361. 948 vafley. 357, 670 royal . (408) dwefling, 409, 17C11 hifl, 40S, 464 ruby : (1273) hiU, 525. 1273 rush : (1402) dweUing. 1405. 1835 122 PLACE-NAME SYN0NY:\1S ford, 1406, 2171 island, 904. 1403 marsh, 1158, 1404 valley, 699, 1402 rye ; (1416) town, 1837 valley. 701, 1416 safe: (2555) port, 2248, 2555 saint : (1719) field, 1719, 2404 salmon . (1529) bay, 864, 1529 leap, 363, 1528 stream, 1003, 1530 salt : {1264) bath, 1270, 2687 dweUing, 1268, 1816 hifl, 523. 1264 lake, 1154. 1267 meadow, 988, 1266 reclamation, 1269, 2651 rich, 2300 stream, 987, 1265 salt-works : (228q) middle, 71, 22S9 north, 117. 2290 valley, 723, 2291 sa7/di .• (1248) assembly, 1260. 2543 cape, 521, 1249 church, 1256, iq85 dwelling, 1815, 1255 field, 1259. 2360 hifl, 520, 1248 island, 902, 1251 lake, 1153. 1253 path, 1257, 2127 port, 1258, 22^8 stream, 086, 1252 vafley, 686, 1250 wood, 1254. 1466 sea : (1107) fort, nil. 2074 guard, 1 112. 2567 land, 804, mo flttle, 176, 1108 south, 106. 1107 3-ellow, 1109 seat : (1752) inheritance, 1752 secure : (2555) port, 2555 settlement : (1753) wine, 1753. 2666 seven : (2620) hifl, 641, 2620 shady : (1193) valley, 669 sAar^ .¦ (212) hifl, 470 sAedi .• (1763) lime, 1271, 1763 sheep : (1593) dwelling, 1508. 1849 field, 2392 ford, 1599, 2174 height, 566, 1593 island, 910, 15Q5 meadow, 1012. 1597 park, 2253 stream, 1013, 1596 vafley, 708, 1594 s7«ieA ; (1668) town. 1668. 1865 shining : (371) brook. 406 dwelling, 1790 hill, 461 ship : (2657) cape, 645. 2657 dwefling, 1929, 2659 INDEX TO INT ERPRETATIONS O0;3 sAire .• (201 1) iron, 1238 wood, 1502, 2016 nail, 2287, 2628 sAore .• (872) site, 1750, 2285 dwelling, 8S2. 1803 wood, 1493 flat, 761, 879 smooth : (356) north, 100, 872 hiU, 356, 456 south, loi, 873 pass, 358, 735 west, 130, 874 plain, 359, 753 white. 267 snaAe .• (1518) short : (217) bath, 1520, 2688 dwelling, 223, 1778 dwefling, 1519, 1842 pass, 217, 733 stream, looi, 1517 shrubbery : (1432) wood, 1480, 1518 blue, 317. 1433 snow : (1220) stranger, 1491 hUl, 514, 1220 white, 287. 1432 source : (1065) silver : (1227) stream, 971, 1065 hiU, 515. 1227 south : (96) stream, 982, 1228 cajie. 422 weU, 1070 cascade, 105 singing : (2490) dwefling, ni. 1773 bird, 1533, 2490 fort, 116, 2052 site : (1749) hoUow. 97, 658 abbey, 1749, 1955 isle, 103, 890 fort, 1751, 2097 kingdom, 114, 2005 smithy, 1750, 2285 land, 99, 794 4opc : (653) marsh, 108, 1118 fair, 654 point, 96 grey, 304. 653 possession, 119, 2466 sluice (2653) sea, 106, 1107 emperor, 1714, 2655 shore, loi, 873 fort, 2118, 2656 stream, 104, 931 polder, 2653 waterfall, 1098 stream, 1046, 2654 speckled : (334) s/zz(d// ,• (152) stone, 335 church, 1975 spotted : (334) river, 934 church, 337. 1977 SZ7//7A .¦ (2285) field, 338. 2333 field, 2288, 2425 hifl, 334, 451 hammer, 2286, 2627 isle, 336, 894 hiU, 578, 579 spring : (1075) 224 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS fort, 1078, 1079, 2073 hifl, 498 maid, 1075, 1636 stagnant : (1147) water, 976, 1147 station : (2224) court, 1951, 2225 high, 49, 2224 stone . (411) boundary, 604, 2041 bridge, 613, 2203 church, 600, 1979 dwelling, 596, 1796 field, 624, 2341 ford, 611, 2159 fort, 608 hifl, 468 httle, 154 long, 214, 435 speckled, 335 valley, 673 wood, 549, 1454 strait: (851) dwefling, 852 island, 851. 900 s/7'a7/di.- (876) dog, 881, 1621 great, 166, 875 grey, 310, 878 little, 167, 876 mill, 883, 2304 white, 280, 877 stranger : (1644) dwelling, 1648, 1856 grave, 1650, 2578 hifl, 577, 1644 meadow, 1018. 1645 shrubbery, 1491 wood, 1647 stream : (927) alder, 994, 1349 ash, 991, 1315 badger, 1008, 1564 beast, 1006, 1554 beautiful. 383, 954 beaver, 1007, 1559 bend, 246, 940 birch, 993, 1339 boundary, 1026, 2042 cascade, 975 cataract, 1102 church, 1023, 1982 clay, 984, 1245 clear, 382, 952 confluence, 972, 1088 court, 1022. 1948 crane, 1004, 1536 dog, 1016, 1622 enclosed, 1024 ferry. 1030. 2194 field, 1032. 2348 fir, 996, 1394 fish, 1002, 1521 ford, 1028 fork, 1045, 2630 goat, ion. 1588 gold, 980, 1223 good, 1036, 2498 hart, loio, 1579 hazel, 995, ,hiU, 493, 494, 956 horse, 1014, 1609 iron, 985, 1234 king, 1020, 1694 mifl, 1031, 2305 moss, 999, 1425 mud, 983, 1244 otter, 1015. 1616 pass, 740. 963 promontory. 496, 958 INDEX TO INTERPRETATIONS 225 red, 259, 941 reed, 997, 1407 rough, 361, 948 salmon, 1003, 1530 salt, 987, 1265 sand, 986, 1252 sheep, 1013, 1596 silver, 982, 1228 sluice, 1046, 2654 snake, looi, 1517 source, 971, 1065 south, 104, 931 swift, 364, 950, 974 well, 1025, 2035 west. 932 willow. 992, 1326 wolf. 1017, 1623 street : (2120) dweUing, 1801 little, 194, 2136 passage, 2140, 2150 sugar : (2665) district, 2015, 2665 summer (1200) dwelling, 1200, 1809 field, 1201, 2355 summit : (411) channel, 644, 2639 green, 300 little, 152. 426 sun ¦ (1193) corner, 86, 509, 1193 dwelling, 1196, 1807 fountain, 1068, 1195 green, 1197 mound, 508, 1194 swift: (364) stream, 364, 950, 974 table : (2701) hiU, 650, 2701 tank : (2661) horse, 1612, 2662 little, 210, 2661 mill, 2319, 2663 thatched : (1760) dwefling, 1760, 1881 thicket. (1431) long, 221, 1431 /Ais//e .- (1307) dweUing, 1307, 1822 thorn : (1293) dwefling, 1295. 1820 field, 1298, 2365 fort, 1296. 2078 hill, 528, 1292 inn, 1294, 1939 path, 1297, 2128 place, 826, 1293 /A)'ee .¦ (2617) city, 1928, 2617 throne : (2518) dwefling, 1912, 2518 tide : (871) well. 871, 1061 tillage : (2448) high, 56, 2448 tin : (1230) washing, 1230. 2295 tower : (2049) abbey, 1957, 2100 high, 2554 town : (1760) battle, 1923 beaver., 1846 crown, 1931 fish, 1843 free. 1925 garden. 1898 hazel, 183 1 horse, i6ro p 226 PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS iron, 1813 joy, 2492 lead. 1812 lion, 1632 httle, 186, 1777 moon, 1808 mosque, 1887, igbj otter. 1617, 1851 plant, 1S18 prophet, 1 8 74 rajah, 1685 rye, 1837 shiek, 1865 tree : (1275) beautiful. 389, 1275 cape, 526 field, 1281, 2^b^^, ford, 1280, 2165 hollow. 687, 1276 inn, 1279. 1940 marsh, 1155. 1278 plain, 766 wefl, io6t). 1277 trench . (2025) army, 2030. 2565 bishop, 1741, 2026 chalk, 1263, 2025 flood, 2032. 2636 fort, 2027 mifl, 2029, 2312 road, 2028. 2139 victory. 2031, 2574 Trinity : (2505) city, 1915 two : (2616) bridges, 2218, 2616 ugly : (404) castle, 404. 2062 upper : (7) baths, 58. 2682 birches, 34. 1333 brook. 22, 927 clearing, 53, 2324 court, 40, 1945 dwelling, 38, 1767 end, I field, 54, 2323 height, 9. 414 hollow, 15, 657 lake. 28. 1113 path, 43. 2120 rock, 8 7.za//ey .¦ (657) alder, 696, 1348 ash, 691, 1314 assemblj', 730. 2541 bare, 346. 668 barley, 700. 1415 beautiful, 370 birch, 695. 1336 boar," 1569 briar, 689. 1301 bridge, 721. 2204 bright, 371. 671 cave. 715. 1755 corner. 82. 675 count. 712, 1674 country. 718. 2008 cow. 1601 dark. 372. 672 deer, 706, 1577 dog, 710, 1620 dwefling, 716. 17()7 eagle, 705. 1545 east. 124. 659 enclosed, 719, 2017 fair\-. 729. 2526 fern. 702. 1410 field, 725. 2345 tort, 720, 2068 INDEX TO INTERPRETATIONS giant. 711, 1643 glen, 678 goat, 707, 1586 grace, 727. 2520 great, 159, 661 green, 306, 667 hazel, 697, 1380 head, 474. 676 holy, 72S. 2509 hospital, 717, 1938 host, 731 joy, 726. 2491 king, 713. 1692 land, 680, 801 linden, 688, 1285 little, 160 long, 216 miU, 724, 2303 moss, 703, 1424 mound, 475, 674 olive, 6(12. 1320 orchard, 722, 2261 otter, 709, 1615 pass, 679, 739 poplar, 694, 1330 raven, 704, 1534 river, 682, 961 rock, 476 rose, 690, 1299 rough, 357, 670 rush, 699, 1402 rye, 701, 1416 salt, 723, 2291 sand, 686, 1250 shady, 669 sheep, 708, 1594 stone, 673 weU, 683, 1059, 1060 west, 125, 660 wheat, 1413 wfllow, 693, 1325 wind, 1 218 works, 2291 yew, 698, 1389 victory : (2570) brook, 1041. 2571 ford, 2189, 2575 fort, 2113. 2573 hiU, 636, 2570 town. 1924, 2572 trench, 2031, 2574 view : (2017) good, 366, 2495 village : (1760) bath, 1932, 2b()i catholic, 1917 clearing, 1905, 2412 court, 1885 dervish, 1876 dwefling. 1S83 inn, 1884, i()4i merchant, 1S58 nun, 1878 nut, 1832 waU: (2033) assembly, 2548 dweUing, 1891, 203b end, 5, 2033 ford, 2037, 2178 stream, 2035 warm : (1204) river, 978, 1204 water. 977, 1205 weU, 1067, 1207 washing : (2292) dweUing, 2297 gold, 1226, 2294 hill, 2292 tin, 1230, 22(15 works, 2293 22« PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS waste : (341) middle, 61, 341 north, 93, 342 place, 347, S03 property, 2467 rock, 343 wood, 349, 1448 watch-tower . (2221) high, 57 water : (927) bath, 1048, 2684, 2685 beautiful, 381, 953 bend, 939 black, 281. 943 brink, 75, 930 central, 64, 928 clear, 379 corner, 84, 959 deep, 973, 1091 dwelling, 102 1. 1805 fair, 380, 951 fort, 1027. 2071 good, 1035, 2499 green, 312, 944 head, 970, 1064 height, 495, 957 land, 802. 965 living, 968, 1062 meadow, 967 pasture, 1050 rock, 454 stagnant. 976, 1147 warm. 977, 1205 white, ()42 winding. 251 wood, 1000, 1461 3'eflow, 329. 947 liiaterfaU : (1095) fort. 1105, 2073 great, 175. 1099 high, 25. 1095 loch, 1103, 1151 low, 26, 1096 nobles, 1104, 1661 promontory, 502 south, 1098 watershed : (1065) high, II. 413 way : (2120) broad, 239, 2123 weir : (2632) monastery, 1962, 2635 mound, 643, 2632 well : (1051) alder, 1072 ash, 1071 bath, 1084, 2686 clear, 385, 1056 corner. 83. 1058 cow. 1074, 1603 dwelling, 1076 great, 173. 1053 high, 23, 1051 hfll, 1057 holy, 1082, 2511 little. 174. 1054 low, 24, 1052 pine, 1073 protected, 1077 silver, 1070 stream, 1025 tide, 871. 1061 tree, 1069, 1277 vafley, 683, 1059, 1060 warm, 1067, 1207 west : (123) bay. i2(j. 853 dwefling. 137. 1775 farm, 142, 2256 field, 145 INDEX TO INTERPRETATIONS 229 hiU, 123. 424 monastery, 138, 1(158 place, 128 river, 131 shore, 130. 874 stream, 932 valley, 125, 660 wood', 135, 1440 whale : (1614) bay. 865, 1614 wharf : (2226) high, 50. 2226 wheat : (1413) valley, 1413 white : (267) boy, 278, 855 cape, 2J2. 444 clearing, 296. 2329 dwelling, 288, 1783 field, 295. 2328 fort, 292. 2064 hiU, 268. 440 lake, 283, 1131, market, 297, 2476 marsh, 285, 1132 mosque, 291, 1966 place, 276, 818 plain, 274. 751 river, 2S2 rock, 270. 442 shore, 267 shrubbery, 287. 1432 strand, 280, 877 water, 942 wild : (340) path, 340, 2124 willow : (1324) dwelling, 132S. 1825 ford, 1329. 2167 hifl, 533- 1324 place, 827 stream, 992, 1326 valley, 693, 1325 wood, 1327, 146^ wind : (1216) dwelling, i2i(). 1811 hfll, 512, 1216 pass, 741, point, 513, 1217 valley, 12 18 winding : (245) glen, 250. 664 pool, 253, II2() water, 251 wine : (2666) dwelling, 2666 settlement, 1753 winter ¦ (1202) field, 1202, 2356 wolf : (1623) field, 1628, 2396 stream, 1017. 1623 wood, 1490, 1625 woman (1638) hifl, 573, 1638 islanci, 911. 1640 pass, 745, 1639 wood. (1434) 'abbot, i4()8. 1745 alder, 1350, 1470 assembly, 1512, 254 badger, 1485. 1566 bare, 348. 1449 beast, 1484, 1555 beautiful, 392. 1450 beech, 1357, 1471 birch, 1341, 1469 black, 286. 1451 blacksmith, 1656 blue. 1446 >M PLACE-NAME SYNONYMS boar, i486, 1574 broad, 235, 1444 brow, 77, 1362, 1437 channel, 15 14, 2641 church, 1501, 1987 clay, 1246, 1465 clearing, 1508, 2383, 2384 confluence, 1089, 1462 count, 1495, 1676 dark, 393, 145 1 deep, 1463 deer, 1488, 1582 duke, 1494, 1669 dweUing, 1499, 1^40 east, 134, 1439 enclosure, 1506, 2265 fairy, 1511, 2527 falcon, 1482, 1542 fern, 1420, 1477 ferry, 1505, 2195 field, 1507, 2428. 2429 fir, 1395. 1475 fire, 1515, 2673 forest, 1479 goat, 1489, 1590 great, 183, 1441 green, 318, 1445 grifiin, 1483, 1550 hart, 1487, 1581 hawk, 1481, 1539 hazel, 1382, 1473 high, 35, 1434 hfll, 548, 1452 holy, 1510, 2513 huntsman, 1492, 1653 inn, 1500, 1942 level. 2430 linden, 1288, 1467 little, 184, 1442 long, 221, 1443 low, 36, 1435 market, 1509, 2481 marsh, 1159, 1464 middle, 65, 1436 monk, 1497, 1729 moss, 1426, 1478 north, 109, 1438 oak, 1367, 1472 old, 1513, 2593 path, 1504. 2130 pine, 1400, 1476 place, 833, 1459 plain, 771, 1457, 1458 point, 551, 1455 prince, 1496, 1688 rock, 550 sand, 1254, 1466 shire, 1502, 2016 smith, 1493 snake, 1480, 1518 stone, 549, 1454 stranger, 1647 waste, 340, 1448 water, 1000, 1461 west, 135, 1440 willow, 1327, 1468 wolf, 1490. 1625 , yeflow, 331, 1447 yew, 1390, 1474 works : (22C}0) court, 1952, 2299 dwefling, 1901, 2298 king, 1701, 2296 north, 2290 rich, 2463 vafley, 2291 washing, 22C)3 yellow : (327) corner, 327, 450 INDEX TO INTERPRETATIONS 231 dweUing, ;',^2. 1786 field, 333, 2332 loch, 330, 1137 pass, 328, 734 sea, 1109 water, 329, 947 wood. 331. 1447 yew : (13 field, 1392. 2379 fort, 1391, 2084 hifl, 542. 1388 plain, 770 valle\-, 698, 1389 wood, 1390. 1474 Printed by Ballantvne, Hanson A' Co. 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Illustrated. 2 vols. 1898. xxiv, 363 ; xvi, 400 pp. ;^i, is. „*, Vol. II. is entirely filled with the translations of the Magic Songs, of which the Finns possess a greater and more archaic mass than any other race save their remote kinsmen, the Accadian-speaking dwellers in Babylonia. XI. THE HOME OF THE EDDIC POEMS, with especial reference to the Helgi Lays. By Professor SoPHUS Bugge, translated by W. H. Schofield. 1899. Ixxx, 408 pp. £1, is. Nearly out of print. XII. THE LEGEND OF SIR LANCELOT DU LAC. Studies upon its Origin, Development, and Position in the Arthurian Romantic Cycle. By Jessie L. Weston. 1901. xii, 252 pp. 7s. 6d. XIII. THE WIFE OF BATH'S TALE; its Sources and Analogues. By G. F. Maynadii.r. 1901. xii, 222 pp. 15s. Nearly out of print. ^ ^ In this exhaustive study of the "Transformed Hag" theme, Mr. Maynadier has conclusively demonstrated the dependence of Chaucer's tale upon the earlier Irish versions. XIV. SOHRAB AND RUSTEM. The Epic Theme of a Combat between Father and Son. A Study of its Genesis, Use in Literature and Popular Tradition. By Murr.ay A. Potter, A.M. 1902. xii, 224 pp. 6s. f^ ^ Mr. Potter has here made an anthropological as well as a literary study of this theme, and has endeavoured to explain it by reference to customs widely spread, and still persisting among savage races. XV. THE THREE DAYS' TOURNAMENT. A Study in Romance and Folklore. Being an Appendix to the Legend of Sir Lancelot. By Jessie L. Weston. 1903. xvi, 59 pp. 2s. ^*^ In Vols. VIL, XII., and XV. of the Grimm Library, Miss Weston has made a most iraportant and valuable contribution to the study of what is perhaps the most perplexing of all bodies of romance — the Arthurian Cycle. XVI. THE CATTLE RAID OF CUALNGE (Tain bd Cuailnge). An Ancient Irish Prose Epic translated, for the first time, from " Lebar na h-Uidhri," by L. Winifred Faraday, M.A. With Introduction. 1904. 5s. .^ ^ The first complete and close rendering of the oldest version of this famous story. GUM MERE (F. B.) Germanic Origins. A Study in Primitive Culture. 8vo. 1S92. 500 pp. Cloth. Net, 7s. 6d. Contents : Land and People— Men and Women— The Home— Hus band and Wife— The Family— Trade and Commerce— The Warrior- Social Order— Government and Law— The Funeral— The Worship of the Dead— The Worship of Nature— The Worship of Gods— Form and Ceremony — The Higher Mood. ( 8 ) HENDERSON (V. F.) Scottish Vernacular Litera ture: it Succinct History. Second edition. Crown 8vo. 1900. A., 464 pp. Cloth, top gilt, 6s. HOWELL (James). Epistolae Ho-Elianae. Familiar Letters, domestic and foreign, faithfully reprinted frora the best editions, in old-faced type, on broad- margined paper. With Notes and Introduc tion, by J. Jacobs. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. 1892. cii-374, 375-S50 pp. Sewed. £1 net; Buckram, top gilt, £1, 4s. net. Nearly out of print. The Letters separately. Buckram, top gilt. 10s. 6d. HYDE (Douglas). Beside the Fire. Gaelic Folk-Stories. Collected, edited (Irish Text facing English) and translated, by D. H. With Introduction, Notes on the Irish text, and Notes on the Tales, by the Editor and Alfred Nutt. Crown 8vo. Iviii, 204 pp. 1891. Cloth. 7s. 6d. An Sgeuluidhe Gaedealach. Gaelic Folk-Tales with French Translation. Demy Svo. 1902. 558 pp. Net, ios. 6d. IRISH SAGA LIBRARY (The). Translations of Early Irish Heroic and Mythic Romances, with Introductions and Notes. A pocket-size Series (square l6mo), attractively printed, illustrated and bound. Vol. I. The Courtship of Ferb. Translated by A. H. Leahy, M.A. With frontispiece, decorative title-page, and cover by C. Watts. 1902. Net, 2s. IRISH TEXTS SOCIETY. Inedited Irish Texts with accompanying English Version, Notes, and Introduction. Demy Svo. Cloth. Net prices. Vol. I. The Adventures of the Lad of the Ferule. The Adventures of the Children of the King of Norway. Two Irish Romantic Tales of the l6th and 17th Centuries, edited and translated for the first time by Douglas FIyde, LL.D., with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary. 1899. xvi, 176 pp. 6s. Vol. II. Fled Bricrend ; The Feast of Bricriu. An early Gaelic Saga, edited, with Translation, Introduction, and Notes by George Henderson, M.A. , Ph.D. 1899. Ixvii, 209 pp. 6s. Vol. III. The Poetical Works of Eogan O'Rahilly. For the first time edited, with accompanying English version, Introduction, Notes, and Glossary, by the Rev. Father Dineen, S.J. 1900. Ixiii, 304 pp. Out of print. Vol. IV. History of Ireland. By Geoffrey Keating. Edited by David Comyn, Vol. I. 1901. ios. 6d. Vol. A^. Dhuanaire Fhinn. Narrative Poems of Finn Mac Cumail and his Champions. Edited from the Franciscan Library MS. of 1619, by J. MacNeill. In the press. * The oldest Irish MS. of Ossianic narrative poetry. ( 9 ) JACOBS (J.) Jewish Ideals. DemySvo. 1896. 280pp. Cloth. Net, 6s. Contents : Jewish Ideals — The God of Israel — Mordecai — Browning's Theology — The True Solution of the Jewish Question — ^Jehuda Halevi — Jewish Diffusion of Folk-Tales — The London Jewry, 1290 (with maps) — Little St. Hugh of Lincoln — Aaron, Son of the Devil — Jewish History : its Aims and Methods. Studies in Jewish Statistics, Social, Vital, and Anthropometric. 8vo. 1891. viii, 59. Ixix, 77-88 pp. Plans and plates. Cloth. Net, 6s. Nearly out of print. Studies in Biblical Archaeology. Crown Svo. 1894. 172 pp. Cloth. 3s. 6d. JACOBS (J.) and J. D. BATTEN. Fairy Tales of the British Empire, with Introductions, Notes, Parallels, References, &c. English Fairy Tales. Third edition, 189S. .\vi, 255 pp. Nine full-page plates, and numerous illustrations in the text. 6s. More English Fairy Tales. 1893. xvi, 243 pp. Eight full-page and numerous illustrations in text. 6s. Celtic Fairy Tales. Third edition, 1902. xvi, 274 pp. Eight full-page plates, numerous illustrations in text. 6s. More Celtic Fairy Tales. 1894. xvi, 234 pp. Eight full-page plates, numerous illustrations in text. 6s. Indian Fairy Tales. Second edition, 1903. xvi, 255 pp. Nine full- page plates, and numerous- illustrations in text. 6s. The Book of Wonder Voyages. Small 4to. 1896. xii, 224 pp. Photogravure frontispiece, six full-page plates, eighteen illustrations in text. Cloth. 6s. Contents : The Argonauts — The Voyage of Maelduin — Hasan of Bas- sorah — The Journeyings of Thorkill and of Eric the Far-travelled — Notes. KOVALEVSKY (M.) Modern Customs and Ancient Laws in Russia. Being the Ilchester Lectures for 1889-90. Demy Svo. X, 260 pp. Cloth. 1891. Net, 5s. LELAND (Charles Godfrey: Hans Breitmann). Legends of Florence. Collected from the people and retold. Two series. Crown 8vo. Cheap re-issue in 2 vols. Sewed. Net prices. Vol. I. xiv, 280 pp. 2s. Vol. II. viii, 298 pp. 2s. Aradia or the Gospel of the Witches of Italy. Discovered, partly' edited and translated. Crown Svo. 1899. xvi, 134 pp. Printed on hand-made paper. Cloth, top gilt. Net, 3s. 6d. ( 1° ) MABINOGION (The). Mediaeval Welsh Romances. Translated by Lady Charlotte Guest. With Notes by Alfred Nutt. Frontispiece, title-page, and cover by Norman Ault. i6mo. 1902. 360 pp. Cloth, top gilt, net, 2s. 6d. ^*^ See also Popular Studies, No. 11. MACALISTER (R. A. S.) Studies in Irish Epigraphy. A Collection of Revised Readings of the Ancient Inscriptions of Ireland. With Introduction and Notes. Part I. : The Ogham Inscriptions of the Barony of Corkaguiney, and of Mayo, Wicklow, and Kildare. Demy Svo. 1897. 96 pp. Cloth. Net, 3s. 6d. Part II. : The Ogham Inscriptions of the Counties of Kerry (not in cluded in Part I.), Limerick, Cavan, and King's Co. : as well as the Ogham Inscriptions of the Irish Type in Scotland and the Isle of Man. With an Appendix on the Ogham Tablets of Biere, Saxony. Demy Svo. 1902. 1S8 pp. Numerous illustrations. Cloth. Net, los, 6d. Macconglinne, The Vision of. A twelfth-century Irish Wonder-tale. Edited and translated by KuNO Meyer, with literary Introduction by W. Woolner. Crown Svo. 1892. liv, 212 pp. Cloth. Net, 7s. 6d. MACLAGAN (R. C.) Evil Eye in the Western High- lands. Demy Svo. 1901. viii, 232 pp. Cloth. Net, 7s. 6d. MALORY (Sir Thomas). The Morte Darthur. Ver- batim reprint of Caxton's original edition, with Introduction, Variants, Notes, Glossarial Index, and Study of the sources of Malory, by H. O. Sommer, Ph.D., and a Study of Malory by A. Lang. 3 vols. 410. X, S61 ; viii, 230; xxvi, 33S pp. iSSo-gi. Net, ;^2,ios. The same, 2 vols. Roxburghe, net, £2, ; or in 3 vols. Roxburghe, net, £3, 3s. Vol. I. (Text) separately, in paper vsrrapper (800 pp.), net, 7s. 6d. „*jj This is the only edition which can be used for scholarly study of the Arthurian romances. MARGOLIOUTH (G.) The Liturgy of the Nile. The Palestinian Syriac text. Edited from a unique MS. in the British Museum. Wilh a translation, introduction, vocabulary, and two photo lithographic plates. Svo. 1S96. Net, 5s. Hebrew Babylonian Affinities. Crown 8vo. 1899. Sewed. Net, is. MARIE DE FRANCE. Seven Lais done into English for the first time, with Introduction and Notes by Edith Rickert, With Frontispiece and designed Title-page by Caroline Watts. Miniscule 4to. xii, 196 pp. In the binding of " Arthurian Romances." Net, 3s. Contents : Guigemar — The Ash Tree — The Ploneysuckle — The Night ingale — The Two Lovers — Yonec — Eliduc. ( " ) MEDIAEVAL LEGENDS, being translations from German Volksbiicher of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, by Mrs. Leighton. I. The Life and Death of Dr. Johann Faustus, Pro fessor of the Black Art, as played by the Kaspeile Company. l6mo. Red and black wrapper. 1893. is. II. Virgilius the Sorcerer. i6mo. Red and black cover. 1893. IS. ; or in Svo on stout paper, with frontispiece by Aubrey Beardsley. 3s. 6d. III.-VII. Five Legends, being a gift-book to the children of England of Old World Tales from France and Germany. (Melusina. ^sop. The Seven Swabians. Fleur and Blanche- fleur. Duke Ernest.) Svo. 1895. viii, 275 pp. Cloth. 3s. 6d. Nearly out of print. MEINHOLD (W.) The Amber Witch. Translated from the German by Lady DuFF Gordon, edited, with critical Intro duction, by Joseph Jacobs, and illustrated by Philip Burne-Jones. Crown Svo. xxxviii, 23S pp. 1894. Amber buckram. 6s. MERLIN. Le Roman de Merlin ; or, The Early History of King Arthur. Faithfully edited from the French MS. Add. 10,292 in the British Museum (about a.d. 13 16) by Professor H. Oskar Sommer, Ph.D. Privately printed for Subscribers. 1894. 4to. xxii, 498 pp. Printed on hand-made paper. Cloth, uncut. Net, £\, i6s. ,j*» Having subscribed for a sufficient number of copies to cover cost of issue, I am enabled to offer copies to the public at the above net price. Merugud Uilix Maicc Leirtis. The Irish Odyssey, a twelfth-century Irish text, edited, with Notes. Translation, and Glossary, by Kuno Meyer. i6mo. 1S86. xii, 36 pp. Cloth. Net, 2s. Sewed. Net, is. 6d. MEYER (Kuno). Early Irish Texts. Edited and Trans lated by K. M. Svo. Sewed. I. King and Hermit. A Colloquy between King Guaire of Aidne and his Brother Marban. An Irish Poem of the Tenth Century. Demy Svo. 1901. Net, 2S. 6d. II. Liadain and Cuirither. An Irish Love-Story of the Ninth Century. 1902. Net, is, 6d. III. Four Old Irish Songs of Summer and Winter. 1903. Net, 2s. MODERN LANGUAGE QUARTERLY. Edited by H. F. Heath, G. W. Braunholtz, K. Breul, E. L, Milner-Barry, W. RiPP.\L\NN, and W. W. Greg. Royal Svo. Three numbers in the year. Each net, 3s. 6d. Subscription price, los. 6d. post free. Vol. HI., 1900. Vol. IV., 1901. Vol. v., 1902. Vol. VI., 1903. Each, IOS. 6d. ^* ^ The Modern Language Quarterly is the organ of the Modern Language Association, and is the only periodical issued in England the columns of which are open to scholarly studies of mediaeval and modern literary history. ( 12 ) Northern Library. A Series of old Norse texts hitherto untranslated, specially illustrative of Scandinavian history and of the connection between Scandinavia and the British Isles. i\to. Printed in a limited issue on hand made paper and bound in half-buckram. Net prices. I. The Saga of King Olaf Tryggwason, who reigned over Norway A.D. 995 to a.d. iooo. Translated by J. Sephton, M.A. With historical Introduction. 1895. xxvi, 500 pp. iSs. II. The Tale of Thrond of Gate, commonly called Fsreyinga Saga. Englished, with Introduction, by F. York Powell. 1S96. xlviii, 83 pp. Map of the Fsereys. 7s. 6d. Nearly out of print. III. Hamlet in Iceland. The Ambales Saga, being the Icelandic romantic Ambales Saga, edited and translated, with extracts from five Ambajes Rimur and other illustrative tracts, for the most part now first printed, and an introductory essay by I. GoLLANCZ. 1898. xcviii, 2S4 pp. 15s. IV. Sverrissaga. The Saga of King Sverri of Norway. Translated by J. Sephton, M.A. With Introduction, two Appen dices : I. The Flatey-Book Prologue. II. Anecdoton Sverreri: a Defence of the King against the Bishops and Clergy, out of the Canon Law, and eight Maps illustrative of Norwegian History in the Twelfth Century. 4to. xxx, 2S8 pp., half-buckram. 15s. O'FARRELLY (Agnes). Leabhar an Atar Eogan. The O'Growney Memorial Volume. Edited by Agnes O'Farrelly. 4to. xvi, 38S pp. (in Irish and English). With 9 full-page plates, and 79 illustrations in the text. In boards, with designed cover, 5s. net (5s. 6d. post free) ; or in art linen, 7s. 6d. net (Ss. post free). O'NEILL (the late John). The Night of the Gods. An enquiry into Cosmic and Cosraogonic Mythology Symbolism. 2 vols. Large Svo. 1S93-97. Profusely illustrated. Net, £2, 12s. 6d. OWEN (Henry). Gerald the Welshman. A revised and enlarged edition. With Jlap of Mediaeval Wales, Pedigree of Gerald's connection with the Royal House of Wales, and Index of Place-names. Crown Svo. 1904. vii, 207 pp. Cloth. Net, 3s. 6d. PAINTER'S PALACE OF PLEASURE. Elizabethan versions of Italian and French novels of Boccaccio, Queen Margaret, Bandello, &c. With critical introduction and parallels to the 102 Stories of the Text, by Joseph Jacobs. 3 vols. Large 410. 1890. pp. xcv, 363, 428, 428. Net, ;^5, 5s. Nearly out of print. ( 13 ) POPULAR STUDIES IN MYTHOLOGY ROMANCE, AND FOLK-LORE. i6mo. Stiff wrapper. Each, net, 6d. (post free, 7d.). ^*.f. This series, issued under the general directioti of Air. Alfred Nutt, is intended to impart in a concise and accurate, but thoroughly popular manner, information concerning the subjects of which it treats. Each study gives a broad survey of the theme, unembarrassed by notes or references. Full bibliographical appendices are provided for those who wish to carry the study of the subject further. I. Celtic and Mediaeval Romance. By Alfred Nutt. 1899. 2. Folk-Lore : What it is and what is the good of it. By E. S. Hartland, F.S.A., 1899. 3. Ossian and the Ossianic Literature. By Alfred Nutt. 1900. 4. King Arthur and his Knights. By Jessie L. Weston. igoo. 5. The National Poetry of the Finns. By Ch. Billson. 1900. 6. The Fairy Mythology of Shakespeare. By Alfred Nutt. 1900. 7. Mythology and Folktales: Their Relation and Inter pretation. By E. S. Hartland. 1900, 8. Cuchulainn, the Irish Achilles. By Alfred Kutt. 1900. 9. The Rig Veda. By E. Vernon Arnold. 1900. 10. The Romance Cycle of Charlemagne and his Peers. By Jessie L. Weston. 1901, II. The Mabinogion. By Ivor B. Johx, B.A. 1901. 12. The Eddas : I. The Divine Mythology of the North. By Winifred Faraday, M.A. 1902. 13. The Eddas : II. The Heroic Mythology of the North. By Wlnifred Faraday, JI..\. 1902. 14. The Legends of the Holy Grail. By Alfred Nutt. 1902. 15. The Legend Cycle of Dietrich of Bern and His Knights. By F. E. Sandbach. In preparation. ( 14 ) PRE-TUDOR TEXTS. Masterpieces of early English Literature, critically edited with modern English renderings. Intro ductions and Notes by Israel Gollancz, Reader in English to the University of Cambridge. Beautifully printed at the Constable Press on hand-made paper, in a limited edition. Svo. Boards, top gilt, edges uncut. Net prices. I. Pearl. 1891. Out of print. II. Cynewulf's Christ. An eighth - century English epic, edited with a modern rendering. 1S92. xxiv, 216 pp. Bound. I2s. 6d. SAXO GRAMMATICUS. The first nine books of the Danish History translated for the first time into English by O. Elton. "With considerations on Saxo's sources, historical methods, and Folk-lore, by F. York Powell. Demy Svo. 1894. cxxviii, 425 pp. Cloth. Net, 15s.' .f .... This portion of the Dajiica Historia containing Saxo's euhemerised version of the Scandinavian myths is a source of almost equal value and authority with the Edda for the interpretation and reconstruction of Northern Mythology. SCOTTISH HISTORY, from Contemporary, Writers. ff A companion series to English History, from Contemporary Writers, for which see p. 4. I. The Days of James IV. Edited by G. Grf.gqry Smith, M.A. 1899. Cloth, cut edges, is. 6d., or top gilt, edges trimmed, 3s. II. Mary Queen of Scots, 1542-1587. Extracts from the English, Spanish, and Venetian State Papers, Buchanan, Knox, Lesley Melville, Nau, &c. Arranged and edited by Robert S. Rait, MA. Second edition, 1900, xxxii, 327 pp. Cloth, cut edges, 3s., or top gilt, edges trimmed, 4s. III. The Rising of 1745. With a bibliography of Jacobite history, 1689-1788. Arranged and edited by Charles Sanford Terry, M.A. Second Eduion, 1902. Top gilt, edges trimmed. 5s. IV. The Chevalier de St. George and the Jacobite Movement in his Favour, 1701-1720. Edited by Charles Sanford Tekry, M,.-V, 1901. xxiv, 510 pp. Portraits, Maps, and Plans. Cloth, cut edges, 5s., or top gilt, edges trimmed, 6s. SHEPPARD (W. F.) The Stories of Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Niebelungen and Parsifal. Crown Svo. 1S97. 69 pp. Sewed. IS. STEELE (R.) The Story of Alexander (retold from the Mediaeval Alexander Romances). With Illustrations by Fred. Mason. Small 4to. 1S94. xii, 225 pp. Printed on hand-made paper. Designed cloth cover. 6s. ( IS ) STOKES (Whitley). The Edinburgh Dinnshenchas. Edited, translated and annotated. Svo. 1893. Net, 2s. 6d. The Bodley Dinnshenchas. Edited, translated, and annotated. Svo. 1892. Net, 2s. 6d. ^*„ The Dinnshenchas, a dictionary of early Iri^h topographical legends, is one of the most valuable sources extant for the study of Irish myth and legend. TILLE (Alex., Ph.D.) Yule and Christmas. Their Place in the Germanic Year. 4to. 1899. viii, 218 pp. Buckram. Net, £1, IS. The Tudor Library. A scries of rare and curious works of tlie ibth century, sumptuously printed in large %vo, on stout paper, with wide margins, at the Chiswick Press, in a limited issue. Net prices. I. Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola : His Life by his nephew, Giovanni Francesco Pico. Translated from the Latin by Sir Thomas More. 1527. Edited by J. M. Rigg. 1S90. 10s. 6d. II. Daphnis and Chloe. Excellently describing the weight of affection, &c., finished in a Pastorall, and therefore termed the Shepheards Holidaie. By Angel Day. 1587 Edited by Joseph Jacobs. 1890. ios. 6d. III. Poliphili Hypnerotomachia. The Strife of Loue in a Dreame. Reprinted from the rarissime original of 1592. With a selection of cuts from the Italian original of 1498. Edited by Andrew Lang. 1S90. £\, is. IV. Narcissus, a Twelfth Night Merriment, played by youths of the Parish at the College of St. John the Baptist, Oxford, a.d. 1602. Now first edited by Margaret L. Lee. 1S93. 7s. 6d. V. Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy. Translated from the Latin by George Colville. 1556. Edited, with an Introduction, by E. Belfort Bax. 1897. xx, 138 pp. Ss. VI. Gismond of Salerne in Loue. Facsimile reprint from the unique MS. in the British Museum. Edited by I. Gollancz. In the press. ( i6 ) WAIFS AND STRAYS OF CELTIC TRADITION Inedited Scotch Gaelic texts, with accompanying English translations and explanatory notes. Argyllshire series. Svo. Cloth. Net prices. I. Craignish Tales. 1889. Out of print. II. Folk and Hero Tales. Collected, edited (in Gaelic), and translated by the Rev. D. MacInnes ; with a Study on the Development of the Ossianic Saga and copious Notes by Alfred Nutt. 1S90. xxiv, 497 pp. Portrait of Campbell of Islay, and two illustrations by E. Griset. I2s. 6d. Nearly out of print. III. Folk and Hero Tales. Collected, edited, translated, and annotated by the Rev. J. MacDougall ; with an Introduction by Alfred Nu IT. 1891. xxx, 311 pp. 7s. 6d. IV. The Fians, or Stories, Poems, and Traditions of Fionn and his warrior band. Collected entirely from oral sources by the Rev. J. G. Campbell ; with Introduction and Bibliographical Notes by Alfred Nutt. 1S91. xxxviii, 292 pp. 7s. 6d. V. Popular Tales and Traditions. Collected in the Western Highlands by the late Rev. J. G. Campbell of Tiree, with Portrait and Memoir of the Author, and Illustrations by E. Griset. Svo. 1895. xx, 150 pp. 5s. Nearly out af print. WESTON (Jessie L.) Legends of the Wagner Drama. Studies in Mythology and Romance. Crown Svo. 1900. viii, 380 pp. Cloth. 6s. Contents : The Nibelungen Ring — Parsifal — Lohengrin — Tristan and Isolde — Tannhauser. WINDLE (B. C. A.) Life in Early Britain. Being an account of the early inhabitants of this island, and the memorials which they have left behind them. With maps, plans, and illustrations. Crown Svo. 1897. viii, 244 pp. Cloth. 3s. 6d. WOLFRAM VON ESCHENBACH. Parzival. A Knightly Epic. For the first time translated into English verse from the original German by Jessie L. Weston. With Notes and Excursus. 2 vols. Crown Svo. 1894. xvi, 329 pp. Cloth. Net, £\, is. Nearly out of print. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR CELTISCHE PHILOLOGIE. Herausgegeben von Kuno Meyer und L. Ch. Stern. Issued in demy Svo parts of upwards of 180 pp. each, costing, net, 65. Three parts form a volume. Vols. I., IL, HI., IV., and V. out May, 1904. ZIMMER (H.) The Early Celtic Church in Britain and Ireland. Translated by A. ilEYi;R. 1902. Crown Svo. xvi, 131 pp. Cloth. Net, 3s. 6d. 6313