YaleUoi^efsitjLibraf; jjgSSg|J^gJ«;ts5>>e^S?SSC^!<«f~'-'"--'>'**-'^'-''- 39002030427182 "I give theft Booki for the founding of a. CoUege in this Colony *Wk^v^^^^^¦^v^.v^^¦^,^^^--vs^¦^^w^-^.^^.^-v«^v<^rvvv^¦^^^^ 790- HISTORY HARFORD COUNTY MARYLAND FROM 1608 (THE YEAR OF SMITH'S EXPEDITION) TO THE CLOSE OF THE WAR OF 181 2 WALTER W. PRESTON, A. M. BEL AIR, MARYLAND Happy be whom neither wealth nor fashion Nor the march of the encroaching city. Drives an exile, from the earth of his ancestral homestead. 1 901 Press of Sun Book Office Baltimore, Md. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1901 by Walter W. Preston in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C. CONTENTS Chapter I. The First View . . Smith Comes to the Susquehanna from Virginia . . Maps the Shore and gives an account of the Indians . . Giant Indian seen near Stafford . . . Pool's Island . . . Smith's Falls . . . Climate . . . Willoughby or Bush River . . . Clayborne . . . Palmer's Island . . . Col. Nathaniel Utie . . . Treaty with the Indians . . . Harford a District of Baltimore County. Chapter II. Early Settlements . . . Thomas Thurston . . . Old houses . . . Some tracts of Land of Jacob Giles, Col. White, Aquila Paca, Daniel Scott, James Preston, John Stump, David Bis- set, Samuel Gover, John Hall, Wm. Bradford, Wm. McComas, John McComas. Chapter III. Old Court Houses . . Maryland Colony and England Remote from events of Mother Country . . . County Seat on Bush River . . . Some Old Minutes of Court . . . Wm. Os borne . . County Seat Removed to Gunpowder . . . To Joppa . . . Growth and Decline of Joppa . Baltimore on the Patapsco. Chapter IV. Customs and Manners prior to Revolution . . Slavery .... Primitive Conditions . . . The Lawyer . . . Doctor . . Schoolmaster . . . Life of a Physician before the Revolution Domestic Customs. Chapter V. Organization of Harford County . . . Inconvenience on ac count of Removal of County Seat to Baltimore . . Petition for New County . . . Henry Harford . . . Act for Formation of new County. Chapter VI. Organization of County, continued . . . First Records . . . Swearing in Lord Justices . . . Appointment of Clerk, Sheriff and State's Attorney . . . Division of County into Hundreds, and Appointment of Constables. . . . First Grand Jury . . First Petit Jury . . . County Seat at Harford Town or Bush. Chapter VII. Bel Air Chosen County Seat . . Other Places Voted for Another Election called . . . Scott's Old Field or Bel Air wins again . . . Aquila Scott of James Conveys land in Bel Air to County . . Court House at Bel Air . . . Orders for Opening Roads, &c. Harford the Chief Section of Balti more County First two County Seats in Harford. Chapter VIII. Selections from Old Records . . . Tavern Licenses Grand and Petit Juries . . Luther Martin admitted to Prac tice at Harford Bar . Tavern Rates . . . Road Supervisors Court House at Bel Air Occupied . . First Judges . . Description of Building . Burning of Old Court House and Construction of Present Building. Chapter IX. Old Records, continued Wm. Pinkney Locates at Bel Air . . . Basis of Assessment . Tax rate Members of the Bar in 1796 . Juries . Robert Amos, Jr., Sheriff . . Judges of Election . John Lee Gibson resigns as Clerk . . . Henry Dorsey of Edward Appointed Clerk. Chapter X. Signs of the Revolution . . Importation Act . . . Stamp Act . The Peggy Stewart . . . The American Association . . . Concord and Lexington . . . Annapolis Convention of June, 1774 . . Harford Representatives . . Convention at Bush . . . Resolutions . . Association of the Freemen of Maryland. Chapter XI. Harford in the Revolution . . . People of New County alive to Public Affairs . . . Favorable Location of County Seat at Bush . . . Great Men Passing Along . . Harford Declaration of Popular Rights. Chapter XII. The Revolution Continued . . . Enrollment of County Mili tia .. . The Flying Camp . Alex. Lawson Smith's Har ford Company at the Battle of Fort Washington. Chapter XIII. Lafayette's Expedition through Harford, 1781 . . . Ofiicers of the Command . . . Lafayette Spends Night at House of Col. James Rigby, near Darlington . . . Alex. Hamilton . . . Proclamation Against Desertion . . . Aquila Deaver . . . An Anecdote of the Expedition . . . Captains Greme and Gimat. Chapter XIV. Old Churches . . Spesutie . . . The Catholic Church. Bethel. Chapter XV. Old Churches Continued . . . Presbyterian Church at Churchville Cokesbury Methodist College and Church . . Harford Baptist Church . The Friends in Harford. Chapter XVI. Biographical — William Paca ... Dr. John Archer . . Col. Thomas White . . . Benj. Bradford Norris. Chapter XVII. Biographical Continued. Rev. John Coleman . . William Bradford . . . John Stump, of Stafford . . William Smithson . . . Aquila Hall . . William Morgan . Col. Ignatius Wheeler . . . Col. John Streett. , Chapter XVIII. r The War of 1812 . . . National Conditions . . Weak Fed eral Government . Valuable Assistance from France . . . Fort McHenry . . . North Point . . . Captain John A. Web ster, Col. Wm. Smith and Col. John Streett, all of Harford, Assist in the Defense of Baltimore Sketch of Capt. Web ster . . . British Attack Upon Havre de Grace . . . John O'Neill . . . Col. Smith's Forty-second Regiment. Chapter XIX. Havre de Grace. Origin of the Name . . Early Description . . . Organization as a Town First Town Commissioners . . Proceedings . Returns of Election. Chapter XX. Miscellaneous — Harford Pensioners from the Revolution . . . Solicitors of Subscription to Association of Freemen of Maryland . . Early Iron Works . . . Gov. Paca and Gov. Bradford Harford Militia Companies . . . Harford Statistics, 1798 Court Officers and Juries, 1800 . . . Same, 1803-1806 . . Nuncupative Will of Joseph Butler, Lieutenant in Smallwood's Regiment, Killed at Battle of Long Island . . . Marriage Cer tificate of John Worthington and Prisciila Wilson, 1769 . . My Lady's Manor . . . Bel Air Academy. Appendix. Minutes of Harford Revolutionary Committees . Mem bers of House of Delegates from Harford . . . Sheriffs . . . Members of Congress . . . Registers of Wills Clerks of Circuit Court Constitutional Conventions. William Paca Chief Justice, twice Governor, and Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Born at Abingdon, 1740. PREFACE Acknowledgment is due to the following persons who have given assistance in the preparation of this work, viz: Mr. S. W. Bradford, Mr. J. T. C. Hop kins, Mr. Charles W. Michael, Mr. P. H. Rutledge, Mr. J. M. Streett, Mr. F. E. Gorrell, Rev. Dr. Wm. F. Brand, Capt. C. A. Conner, the Bel Air Times, Mr. E. M. Allen, Mr. Thomas E. Bond, Rev. Father J. A. Frederick, Mr. Nathan Grafton, Mr. A. H. Hull, Mr. George Y. Maynadier, and others. Numerous quotations are made from Scharf's and Bozman's histories of Maryland, and from Johnston's History of Cecil County. In many cases information could not be obtained for a proper narrative. For in stance, the War Department at Washington will not permit copies of their records to be made, and for this reason, no full roster of Colonel Smith's regiment or Colonel John Streett's command in the war of 1812, could be given. The account of the old houses is very fragmentary and incomplete, as the records throw no light on them and tradition is meagre and always unreliable. The sketch of Spesutie church is taken from the pamphlet history by Rev. S. W. Crampton; that of Bethel, from the historical paper by Rev. Andrew B. Cross ; that of Cokesbury, from the article of Dr. Ber nard C. Steiner, and the Churchville Presbyterian church from the history of Rev. W. T. L. Keiffer Father Frederick, of St. Ignatious church, Hickory, kindly furnished the data for the chapter on the Catho lics of Harford. Mr. Nathan Grafton assisted in the sketch of the Harford Baptist church. For the chapter on The Friends in Harford, I am indebted to Mr. A. H. Hull. Although this work was intended to be brought only through the war of 1812, some of the subjects are car ried further. In the collection of the data, in many instances, the information came down to this period, and having the material on hand, the whole is pub lished. This is the case with the lists of county offi cials, and in the sketches of some of the churches. If this volume should be acceptable to the public, the author may at some future day publish a second vol ume, bringing the narrative down to the present time. The illustrations were furnished by Mr. Wm. G. Hooker, of Abingdon. INTRODUCTION There has never been published a history of Harford county. Short sketches of particular events have been occasionally printed, but for the most part they have been lost in obscurity, and thus far no one has found it convenient to put the available material into book form. My purpose is to gather some of the earlier records into collective shape so that they may be accessible without an examination into original materials. As this is the pioneer work in this direction, the usual errors of a first publication are to be expected. It is to be hoped that these errors are not too numerous; at all events, an honest and conscientious effort has been made, at the expense of considerable time and labor, to render an accurate account of the doings of our forefathers in the early days, so far as it has oc curred to me they would prove interesting. Numerous references will be made to the histories of Maryland heretofore published, but the reader will not be bur dened with much of the general history of the State, except so far as it may directly concern the people of Harford county. Although the chronicles of this county are modest and unassuming, there are many things in the lives of our ancestors of which their de scendants may be justly proud. While it does not seem to me that any county is suffi ciently pretentious for a very elaborate work on its his tory, or much effort at literary effect, yet in this day of awakening historical interest, Harford is entitled to have drawn, if only in a slight degree, the veil which has enveloped the past, so that the example of her earlier sons may be a guide and inspiration for the present and the future. History of Harford County CHAPTER I. THE FIRST VIEW. SMITH COMES TO THE SUSQUEHANNA FROM VIRGINIA — MAPS THE SHORE AND GIVES ACCOUNT OF THE INDIANS — GIANT INDIAN SEEN NEAR STAFFORD — POOL-'s ISLAND — SMITH's FALLS — CLI MATE — WILLOUGHBY, OR BUSH RIVER — CLAYBORNE — PAL MER'S ISLAND COLONEL NATHANIEL UTIE — ^TREATY WITH INDIANS — HARFORD A DISTRICT OF BALTIMORE COUNTY. Harford was not organized into a county until the year 1774, in accordance with the act of the Legisla ture which had been passed the year before. At that time the present territory of the county was fairly well settled; the population, including blacks, amounted to thirteen thousand people; roads had been laid out, bridges made, churches built and our progenitors lived in a peaceful and well-governed section as citizens of Baltimore county. There are a number of buildings now standing that were constructed long before the county was organized, and there were many occur rences of interest that happened prior to the time the territory had its present name. The county of Balti more, comprising also the land contained within the 14 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. present limits of Harford, was formed in 1659, ^^'^ t^^ proclamation of June 6, 1674, declared that its south- em boundaries should be the "south side of the Patap sco river, and from the highest plantations on that side of the river due south two miles into the woods." This also included Cecil county, which was almost immediately ( 1674) separately organized and its boun daries given as extending "from the mouth of the Sus quehanna river down the eastern side of the bay to Swan Point, thence to Hell Point, and so up Chester river to the head thereof," which latter bounds were somewhat changed by the act of 1706, which declared that Cecil county should contain all the lands on the north side of the Sassafras River and Kent county. So it will be seen that both Harford and Cecil counties were formerly a part of Baltimore. The boundaries, organization and first establishment of the government for Harford as a county in 1773-4 will be given in detail in a later part of this work. But before coming to that point, a sketch of the doings of the people who lived in the present limits of Harford in colonial days, and brought the land from a wilderness to a prosperous community, during the one hundred and sixty-five years from its discovery in 1608 by Capt. John Smith, to 1774, the date of its formation, cannot fail to prove interesting to all who care for Har ford history. Discovery and First Description. The first white man to visit the upper part of Chesa peake bay and Harford county and make a map of the country, was Capt. John Smith, who made two voyages HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 1 5 in an open boat from Jamestown in Virginia. This was the same Captain Smith who was rescued by Poca hontas in the romantic story related in all the histories of Virginia. Captain Smith had become dissatisfied with the dissensions in the Virginia colony and deter mined to malce a voyage of discovery further up the bay. On his first expedition, which lasted nineteen days, he did not journey further than the Patapsco, which he called the river Bolus, but on the 24th of July, 1608, he set forth from Jamestown with twelve men to make additional discoveries. The following is from the account of Smith's expedition on which he came to the upper part of the bay and Harford county : The twenty-fourth of July, Captaine Smith set forward to finish the discovery with twelve men; their names were Nath aniel Powell, Thomas Momford, Richard Featherstone, Mich ell Sicklemore, James Bourne, Anthony Bagnell, Chir. Gentle men. Jonas Profit, Anas Todkill, Edward Rising, Richard Keale, James Watkins, William Ward, souldiers. The wind being contrary caused our stay two or three days at Kecoughtan (now called Hampton, in Virginia) ; the king feasted us with much mirth, his people were persuaded we went purposely to be revenged of the Massawomeks. In the evening we fired a few rackets, which flying in the ayre so ter rified the poor savages, they supposed nothing impossible we attempted; and desired to assist us. The first night we an chored at Stingray Isle. The next day we crossed Patawo- meks river and hastened to the river Bolus. We went not much further before we might see the bay divide into two heads, and arriving there we found it divided into four, all of which we searched so far as we might sayle them. Two of them we found inhabited, but in crossing the bay we encoun tered seven or eight canowes full of Massawomeks, we seeing them prepare to assault us, left our oars and made way with our sayle to encounter them, yet we were but few with our 1 6 history of HARFORD COUNTY. captaine that could stand, for within two days after we left Kecoughtan, the rest (being all of the last supply) were sick almost to death, until they were seasoned to the country. Having shut them under our Tarpawling, we put their hats upon sticks by the barge's side, and betwixt two hats a man with two peeces, to make us seem many, and so we think the Indians supposed these hats to be men, for they fled with all possible speed to the shore, and there stayed, staring at the say- ling of our barge until we anchored right against them. Long it was ere we could draw them to come unto us. At last they sent two of their company unarmed in a canow, the rest all followed to second them if need required. These two each being presented with a bell, brought aboard all their fel- lowes ; presenting our captain with venison, bear's flesh, fish, bowes, arows, clubs, targets and bear skins. We understood them nothing at all, but by signs, whereby they signified unto us they had been at war with the Tockwoghes, the which they confirmed by shewing us their green wounds, but the night parting us, we imagined they appointed the next morning to meet, but after that we never saw them. Entering the river Tochwogh (Sassafras river, in Cecil county) the salvages all armed, in a fleete of boats, after their barbarous manner, round environed us ; so it chanced one of them could speake the language of Powhatan, who perswaded the rest to friendly parley. But when they saw us furnished with the Massawomeks' weapons, and we faining the inven tion of Kecoughtan, to have taken them per force; they con ducted to us their pallizadoed towne, mantleled with the barks of trees with scaffolds like mounts, brested about with brests very formally. Their men, women and children, with dances, songs, fruits, furres, and what they had, kindly welcomed us, spreading mats for us to sit on, stretching their best abilities to express their loves. Many hatchets, knives, peeces of iron and brasse, we saw amongst them, which they reported to have from the Sasquesa- hanocks, a mightie people and mortall enemies with the Mas sawomeks. TheSasquesahanocks inhabit upon the chief e spring of these four branches of the baye's head, two days journey higher than our barge could passe for rocks, yet we prevailed history of HARFORD COUNTY. 1 7 with the interpreter to take with him another interpreter, to perswade the Sasquesahanocks to come visit us, for their lan guage are different. Three or four dayes we expected their returne, then sixty of those gyant-like people came down with presents of venison, tobacco pipes three foot in length, baskets, targets, bowes and arrowes. Five of their chiefe Werowances came aboard us boldly to cross the bay for Tockwhogh, leav ing their men and canowes ; the wind being so high they durst not passe. Our order was daily to haue prayer, with a psalme, at which solemnitie the poore salvages much wondered, our prayers being done awhile they were busied with a consultation till they had contrived their business. Then they began in a most passionate manner to hold up their hands to the sunne, with a most fearful song, then embracing our captaine, they began to adore him in a like manner ; though he rebuked them, yet they proceeded till their song was finished : which done with a most strange furious action and a hellish voyce; began an oration of their loues ; that ended with a great painted beares skin they covered him: then one read with a great chayne of white beads, weighing six or seaven pounds hung it about his necke the others had i8 mantels made of diuers sorts of skinnes sowed together ; all these with many other toyes they laid at his feete, stroking their ceremonious hands about his necke for his creation to be their governour and protector, promising their ayed, victualls, or what they had to be his if he would stay with them, to revenge and defend them of the Mas sawomeks. But we left them at Tockwhogh, sorrowing for our departure, yet we promised the next yeare againe to visit them. Many descriptions and discourses they made us of Atquanachack, Massawomek and other people, signifying they inhabit upon a great water beyond the mountains, which we understood to be some great lake, or the river of Canada : and from the French to have their hatchets and commodities by trade. These know no more of the territories of Powhatan than his name, and he as little of them, but the Aquanachucks are on the ocean's sea. The highest mountain we saw northward we called Pere grines mount (Gray's Hill) and a rocky river, where the 1 8 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. JVlassawomeks went up, Willowbyes river (Bush river) in honor of the town our captaine was born in; and that hon orable house the Lord Willowby, his most honored good friend. The Sasquesahanocks was called Smith's falles ; the next point to Tockwhogh, Rising's poynt; the next poynt Bourne. Powell's (Pool's) and Smal's poynt is by the river Bolus; and the little bay at the head — Profit's poole; Wat kins, Reads and Mumfords poynts are on each side Limbo; Ward, Cantrell and Sicklemore, betwixt Patawomek and Pa- munkee, after the names of the discoverers. In all those places and the further we came up the rivers we cut in trees as many x;rosses as we could, and in many places crosses of brasse to signifie to any. Englishmen had been there. Thus having sought all the rivers and inlets worth noting, we returned to discover the river of Pawtuxant, these people we found very tractable, and more civil than any, and we promised them, as also the Patawomeks, to revenge them of the Massawomeks, but our purposes were crossed. The explorer speaks of going up the Susquehanna several miles and coming to a stream flowing from the northwest. It is possible that Smith referred to Deer Creek as the small stream, and that he went ashore where Stafford now is, and ascended Deer Creek sev eral miles. In this section lived the Indians of such unusual size, the calf of the leg of one of them meas uring twenty-seven inches. Bozman thinks the creek here referred to is Principio's Creek in Cecil county, but from the direction indicated, it seems to me as likely to have been Deer Creek. Thirtie leagues northward is a river not inhabited, yet navigable: for the red clay resembling bole armo niack we called it bolus. At the end of the bay where it is 6 or 7 myles in breadth, it divides itselfe into 4 branches, the best commeth northwest from among the mountains, but though canows may go a day's journey or two up it, we could not get two miles up with our boat for rockes. Upon it is seated ¦the Sasquesahanocks, near it, north and by west runneth a history of HARFORD COUNTY. 19 creeke a myle and a halfe: at the head whereof the Ebbe left us on shore, where we found many trees cut with hatchets. The next tide keeping the shore to seek for some salvages; (for within thirtie leagues sayling we saw not any, being a barren country,) we went up another small river like a creeke, 6 or 7 myle. From thence returning we met 7 canows of the Massawomeks, with whom we had conference by signes, for we understood one another scarce a word ; the next day we discovered the small river and people of Tockwhogh trending eastward. Having lost our grapnell among the rocks of the Sasque- sahannocks, we were then near 200 myles from home and our barge about two tuns, and had in it but twelve men to per forme this discovery, wherein we laid about 12 weeks upon those great waters in those unknowne countries, having noth ing but a little meale, oatmeale, and water to feed us, and scarce halfe sufficient of that for halfe that time, but what provision we got among the salvages, and such roots and fish as we caught by accident, and God's direction; nor had we a mariner nor any hand skill to trim the sayles but two saylers and myselfe, the rest being gentlmen or them as were ignorant in such toil and labor. Yet necessitie in a short time by good words and examples, made them doe that which caused them ever after to fear no colours. What I did with this small meanes I leave to the reader to judge and the mappe I made of the country, which is but a small matter in regard of the magnitude thereof. But to proceed, 60 of these Sasquesahan ocks came to us with skins, bowes, arrowes, targets, beads, swords and tobacco pipes for presents. Such great and well proportioned men are seldom scene, for they seemed like giants to the English, yea, and to the neighbors, yet seemed of an honest and simple disposition, with much adoe re strained from adoring us as Gods. These are the strangest people of all these countries, both in language and attire; for their language it may well become their proportions, sounding from them as a voyce in a vault. Their attire is the skinnes of beares, and wolves, some have cossacks made of beares heads and skinnes, that a man's head goes through the skinnes neck, and the eares of the bear fastened 20 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. to his shoulders the nose and teeth hanging down his breast, another beares face split behind him, and at the end of the nose hung a pawe, the halfe sleeves coming to the elbowes were the necks of beares, and the armes through the mouth with pawes hanging at their noses. One had the head of a wolfe hanging in a chaine for a Jewell, his tobacco pipe three quarter of a yard long, prettily carved with a bird, a deare, or some such devise at great the end, sufficient to beat out ones braines ; with bowes, arows and clubs, sutable to their greatnesse. These are scarce known to Powhatan. They can make neare six hundred able men, and are pallisadoed in their townes to defend them from the Massawomeks, their mortall enemies. Five of their chiefe Werowances came aboard us and crossed the bay in their barge. The picture of the greatest of the them is signified in the mappe. The calfe of whose leg was three quarters of a yard about, and all the rest of his limbs so answerable to that proportion that he seemed the goodliest man we ever beheld. His hayre, the one side was long, the other shore close with a ridge over his crown like a cockes combe. His arrows were five quarters long, headed with the splinters of a white crystal like stone, in forme of a heart, an inch broad and an inch and a halfe long, or more. These he wore in a woolues skinne at his back for his quiver, his bow in the one hand and his clubbe in the other as is de scribed. On the east side of the bay is the river Tockwhogh, and upon it a people that can make loo men, seated some seaven myles within the river : where they have a fort very well pal lisadoed and mantelled with barkes of trees. Next them is Ozinies with sixty men. More to the south of that east side of the bay, the river Rapahanock, neere unto which is the river Kuscarawaock. Upon which is seated a people with 200 men. After that is the river Tanto Wighcomoco, and on it a people with 100 men. The people of these rivers are of little stature, of another language from the rest and very rude. But they are on the river Acohanock with 40 men, and they of Accomac 80 men doth equalize any of the territories of Pow hatan, and speake his language, who over all these doth rule as king. Southward we went to some parts of Chowanock and the HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 21 Mangoags to search for them left by Mr. White. Amongst those people are thus many severall nations of sundry lan guages, that environ Powhatans territories. The Chowanocks, the Mangoags, the Atquanachukes, the Tockwhoghs, the Sus- quesanocks, the Powhatans, the Monacans, the Mannahokes, the Massawomeks, and the Kuvearawaocks. All these not any one understandeth another but by interpreters.* Smith made a fairly accurate map of the head waters of the bay, the islands and adjacent shores, and called the river now known as Bush river, which lies wholly in Harford county, "Willowby's river," in honor of the tovra in which he was born in England. The bay shore of Harford county, starting with Pool's Island, then coming to the mouth of Bush river. Abbey Island Point, along the shore to Taylor's Island at the mouth of Rumney Creek, then along by Spesutie Island past Oakington to Havre de Grace, is beautiful at all times and particularly so in summer, and no wonder Smith said that "heaven and earth seemed never to have agreed better to frarae a place for man's commodious and delightful habitation." The island now called "Pool's," belonging to Har ford county and lying in the bay off the Harford shore, between the mouths of Bush and the Gunpowder rivers, was named by Captain Smith "Powell's Island," after Nathaniel Powell, one of his party on the voyage, and it is supposed the original name has been preserved, only that Powell's has in the three centuries since its discovery developed into "Pool's," by which latter name the island is now known. The name of "Smith's Falls" in the Susquehanna, is still preserved, this des ignation having been given them on the same expedi tion. *Scharf 's History of Maryland. 22 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. As to the climate of Maryland, Smith says : The sommer is hot as in Spaine; the winter cold as in. France or England. The heat of sommer is in June, July and August, but commonly the coole breesas asswage the vehe- mency of the heat. The chiefe of winter is halfe December, January and halfe March. The cold is extreme sharpe, but here the proverb is true, that no extreme long continueth.* Captain Smith, as above stated, found a race of In dians calling themselves the "Susquehannocks," inhab iting the country now comprising Harford and Cecil counties, and on Willowby, or Bush, river, a tribe he called Massawomeks, who were at war with and in- great fear of the Susquehannocks, and who appear later to have been subdued and absorbed by the latter, as at a later date, in a treaty between the settlers and the Susquehannocks, that tribe asserted title to the land from the mouth of the Susquehanna to the Patuxent. The Susquehannocks belonged to the famous Iro quois, or Five Nations tribe of Indians, the seat of which tribe was further north in the States of Penn sylvania and New York. The Massawomeks, which was the name of the other tribe inhabiting Maryland at the time, probably belonged to the same general stock, though the two tribes were contending with each other at the time of the coming of Smith and his party. Massawomeks is said to be another name for the famous Mohawk tribe of Indians, whose seat was fur ther to the north. It is certain that Indians occupied and hunted over the entire territory of Harford, for there is scarcely a farmhouse in the county which has failed to preserve Indian arrow points and stone axes found on the place,., *Schar£'s History. Bozman. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 23 and in some sections of the county these are to be found in great abundance. The first settlement at the head of the bay is sup posed to have been made by Edward Palmer, a culti vated Englishman, on Palmer's, or Watson's Island, at the mouth of the Susquehanna. Palmer's Island is in Cecil, but it lies between the two counties, and it may be assumed that the settlers there extended over into Harford, a few hundred yards away. The date of this settlement is uncertain, but Neal, the historian, states that the letters of John Pory, secretary of the Virginia Company, which bear date previous to Clay- bome's settlement on Kent Island, say that he and others had made discovery in the great bay north ward, "where we left very happily settled nearly a hun dred Englishmen, with a hope of good trade in furs." When Palmer's Island was taken possession of in 1637 by Lord Baltimore's agents, four servants were found and some books, indicating that Palmer him self had resided there. In a petition to the King of England by Capt. William Clayborne, protesting against interference by Lord Baltimore's people who came over in the "Ark" and the "Dove" in 1633, it is declared that the petitioner, previous to the coming of the Calverts, had discovered and settled a plantation and factory upon a small island in the mouth of the Susquehanna river. The petitioner refers to the years 1627-8-9, so it is certain white men were familiar with the shore of the Susquehanna at that time.* Clayborne was for many years a thom to the Mary land colonists, and the history of the colony contains many incidents of their clashing and contention. Lord •Johnston's History of Cecil County. 24 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Baltimore had great difficulty in maintaining his posi tion, because the covintry contained within the limits of his grant was claimed by both Virginia and Penn sylvania, and Clayborne took advantage of Virginia's claim to make a great deal of trouble. In 1652 a treaty was made where Annapolis now stands, between the Susquesahanocks and the English, and then and there the present territory of Harford was rightfully acquired from its lawful owners. This treaty was signed by Richard Bennet, Edward Lloyd, Thomas Marsh, William Fuller and Leonard Strong, commis sioners on the part of the English. About five miles below the city of Havre de Grace, and belonging to Harford county, lies Spesutie Island, its name being derived from Col. Nathaniel Utie, its first owner. The man for whom the Island of Spesutie and the church at Ferryman's takes its name was one of the pioneers in the settlement at the head of the bay, and was a very prominent man in his day. It is probable that Colonel Utie made his settlement on Spesutie Isl and soon after the Indian treaty of 1652, although the exact date of his coming is unknown. The word Spesutie means Utie's Hope. It is also probable that Nathaniel Utie was a Virginian and a relative of John Utie, who was prominent in the affairs of that colony from 1623 until 1635. In the year 1634, John Utie, with ten others, pre sented a petition to the King of England with refer ence to affairs in Virginia. Although at that time he was a member of the Council of Virginia, his prop erty was afterwards confiscated on account of political troubles. The records state that on May 6th, 1658, he was councilor. Then he was licensed to carry on HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 25 trade for beaver and other furs with the Indians in the province. He was made a councilor on account of "the great ability and affectionate service done in the assembly by him." His license gave him authority to arrest all persons in his section trading with the Indians with out license. On July 12, 1658, Nathaniel Utie was ap pointed captain of all the forces between the "coves of the Patuxent river and the Seven Mountains." His own company was to be made up of all the forces from the source of the Seven river to the mountains above named. These seven mountains are not known with certainty, but the designation was for some of the highlands at the head of the bay, of which Bull's moun tain, in Cecil county, is the most prominent. Utie had been a member of an assembly which met at St. Clem ent's Manor in 1659, in the time of Fendall's rebellion, which assembly had been rebellious as to the authority of Lord Baltimore. He accordingly presented his peti tion to the council to "add a further act of grace that his former offences be not prejudiced to him here after." His petition was granted, and he was restored to favor. He was a member from Baltimore county in the Provincial Legislature of 1665, and in the fol lowing year was appointed on the commission to con sider the question of increasing the price of tobacco in Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina by not plant ing for one year. Colonel Utie, besides Spesutie Island, owned a large area of land near the mouth of the Gunpowder river and land on the Sassafras river, in Cecil county. George Utie and Richard Wells were ordered to be summoned before the provincial court in 1661, "for not 26 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. sending letters down to the Governor according to the acts of Assembly, and for contemptuously nailing up a letter of the sheriff, directed to the Governor." They probably lived on Spesutie Island, and the former was no doubt a relative of Nathaniel Utie. It seems from his treatment of the sheriff that he was as stubborn and courageous as Nathaniel. He represented Baltimore county in the Legislature in 1661, and was also com missioned sheriff of Baltimore county in 1666."* The residence of Colonel Utie, on Spesutie Island, was distinguished by a meeting of the Council of Mary land on May 13, 1661, for the purpose of investigating certain complaints made by and against the Indians, and making treaties with them. At that meeting Robert Gorsuch testified touching an engagement with the Indians on the Gunpowder river, in Harford county. He stated that the Indians came to his house on the nth of April, 1661, some dressed in blue and some in red match coats, who killed his wife and plundered his house, and about four or five days after came to his house again and killed some five cows and a steer, and some hogs, "as he supposeth."t John Taylor said that upon Easter eve, in the after noon, there came two Indians to his house, but, he, not understanding their language, pointed at them to be gone ; he not having heard before of a murder com mitted upon Robert Gorsuch's wife, and they accord ingly departed. The next day these same Indians re turned with seven more and one woman, who, coming near his landing, shot off a gun to give him notice, as he considered; whereupon he went to the landing to them, and they asked him for some tobacco, which he *Johnston. tJohnston. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 27 •did give them, and upon sight of another canoe of Indians, bid them begone ; one of them understanding and speaking a little English, upon which they went away emd steered, as he thought, to a plantation hard by, where two bachelors lived, named Edward Foster and John Foster ; that John Foster, coming in a canoe towards the Indians, shot at said Indians and came immediately away to this informant's house; where upon said Indians shot three guns at said Foster, and immediately went and plundered his house and came around about two weeks afterward and plundered his tobacco house, where his goods then lay for want of room in his dwelling house, to the value of one thou sand pounds of tobacco ; that upon notice given of this plunder, William Wigwell, John Fouster and Edward Swanson went forth after the said Indians, to know why they plundered the said tobacco house, and coming up to them in the woods, where they were sitting around a fire. They immediately surrounded the said English and discharged a volley of ten shots, killing the said John Fouster, and at a second volley wounded William Wigwell, notwithstanding which shot, they fought them three hours and made their retreat good, since which time the said Indians have killed eleven head of cattle and twenty head of hogs. Demanding who they were, they answered that they were all Susquehan- naughs, as all Indians used to do that come to his house."* As a result of the meeting of this council on Spesutie Island a treaty was made with the Indians in the fol lowing words : Articles of peace and amity concluded between the Hon. ?Johnston's History of Cecil County. 28 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Philip Calvert, Esq., Governor; Henry Coursey, secretary, and John Bateman, councilor, on behalf of the Lord Proprietary of this province of Maryland, and Pinna, king of Picthanom- icta, on behalf of the Passagonke Indians on the other part : Imprimis : That there shall be a perpetual peace betwixt the people of Maryland and the Passagonke Indians. Second : It is agreed between the above said parties that, in case any Englishman for the future shall happen to find any Passagonke Indian killing either cattle or hogs, then it shall be lawful for the English to kill the said Indian. Third. It is agreed between the above said parties that, in case any Indian or Indians shall happen to kill any English man (which God forbid) then the said Indian,- with all that company of Indians with him which consented to the said mur der, shall be delivered to the English, there to be proceeded against according to the laws of this province. Fourth. It is further agreed betwixt the above said parties that, in case any Englishman shall happen to run amongst the Passagonke Indians, the said Indians bring them to Peter Meyers ; and then for every Englishman that they deliver, they shall receive one match coat. The Mark (M) of Pinna. and this treaty vitally affected all the people at the head of the bay. CHAPTER II. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. THOMAS THURSTON — OLD HOUSES — JACOB GILES' LAND — SOME TRACTS BELONGING TO COLONEL WHITE — AQUILA PACA— DANIEL SCOTT — ^JAMES PRESTON — JOHN STUMP — DAVID BIS- SET — SAMUEL GOVER — JOHN HALL — WM. BRADFORD — WM. m'cOMAS — ^JOHN m'cOMAS. From this time for a number of years, nothing of especial interest occurred to those who came to settle here, different from that concerning the people of the colony generally. We find from the records that the land was rapidly taken up and patents from the Lord Proprietor and his governor were numerous, indicating a large number of settlers. These first took up the land along the water courses, but gradually extended up into the forest, and at the time of the Revolution, which commenced three years after the formation of the county, the population of Harford, as above stated, was about thirteen thousand. The writer's own people obtained a patent at the end of the seventeenth cen tury for a tract of land at the head of "Bush River" (Bynum's Run), which is still in the possession of a member of his family. Thomas Thurston was one of the earliest settlers in this section. Although belonging to the Society of Friends, his career entitles him to be called a "fighting Quaker." He came to Virginia from Massachusetts and afterwards took up his abode in Maryland, where 30 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. he acquired large tracts of land, and in 1659 settled in Bush river neck, where he owned many acres and about one thousand acres near the present site of Bush. He also owned land near Stafford and in the vicinity of the present location of Bel Air. His homs is said to have been at old Baltimore, on Bush river, in the year 1686. He was a colonel and was appointed to command the military of the county. In 1692 he was superseded in the command by Captain Thomas Richardson, but the former declined to relinquish his authority, and Thurston was left in possession. For this he was brought to trial, but by reason of a general amnesty granted by the King on account of a great naval vic tory over the French, nothing further was done in the matter. His son sold a part of this land to John Mor timer, who was an ancestor of the present Archer fam ily in Harford county. At the date of the Revolution, while the most thickly settled portion of the country was in the necks along the water courses, nevertheless patents had been taken out, even to the Pennsylvania line, and the county was well settled throughout. About that time were built some of the largest houses of the county that still remain. In 1768 Aquila Hall built the brick house on the Dairy farm. Colonel Thomas White married a daughter of Capt. John Hall, of Cranberry. John Hall left to his daughter Sophia, wife of Colonel White, a tract of land called "Sophia's Dairy." Their daughter, Sophia White, married her cousin, Aquila Hall, who built the "Dairy" house on the land derived from his wife's mother. The "Dairy" house was built, it is said, by the hands of five redemp- tionists, two of whom were masons, two carpenters and HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 3 1 one a laborer, and bricks imported from England were- used. The redemptionists received their freedom as their reward for the building.* In 1774, the year of the formation of the county, William Smithson built the "Homestead," near Bel Air, which is even now one of the best in the county. In 1 786 William Wilson, who had married Pallmela Bond, built, of bricks made on the place, the large house near Emmorton, now the residence of Mr. R. L. Wilson, his grandson. About this time was built also the old rec tory of Spesutie church, which is the long frame build ing at Harford Furnace. A little later, Bernard Pres ton, who had married Sarah, daughter of Jacob Bond, built the large stone house, which is still in good repair, situate between Bel Air and Hickory, now owned by Mr. J. B. Wysong, a direct descendant of the first owner. Part of the residence of Mr. G. Smith Norris, near Bel Air, was built early in the eighteenth century by John Norris, one of the progenitors of Mr. Norris. In 1790 William Hall built the dwelling house on the "Constant Friendship Farm," in Abingdon district. Before this date the large house belonging to the heirs of Dr. Thomas E. Bond, on the Little Falls, near Falls- ton, was built. The old church at Priestford, now the residence of Mr. R. Harris Archer, was built in 1747, as stated herein under the heading "The Catholics in Harford." The old Baptist church, between Jarrettsville and Up per X-Roads, was erected about 1760. The house at the corner of Main street and the Baltimore pike, in Bel Air, was built before 1780. Rock Spring church was erected in the year 1805. The stone and brick •"Proceedings of meeting of descendants of Col. Thomas White. 32 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. house at "Shandy Hall," in the second district, was built by John Hall, of Cranberry, in 1701. The present dwelling of Mr. J. Lawrence McCor mick, near Bel Air, was erected by Philip Henderson in the year 1787. Buckler Bond built the Fulford house, near the tollgate, one mile west of Bel Air, about 1732. Two other Bond houses were situated in the same neighborhood and built about the same time. One of them is the residence of the heirs of Mr. Henry ¦Richardson, and the other was on the site of the present overseer's house of the almshouse. The new portion of the house on Ruff's Chance, the farm of Judge James D. Watters, near Thomas' Run, was built in 1760 by Henry and Martha Watters, the great grandfather and mother of Judge Watters. A portion of this house is even older, and is built of logs, which are yet in a fair state of preservation. Ruff's Chance was one-half a square mile in area and was patented in 1714 by Rich ard Ruff. Part of the house near Upper X-Roads, now occupied by Mr. John Randolph Rutledge, was erected before the time of the Revolution, when the property was purchased by Abraham Rutledge, the father of Ignatius Wheeler. The house was built by a man named Jacob Rutledge , who married Monica, daughter of Col. Chalk. The large stone residence of Mr. Frank H. Jacobs, on the Churchville road, was built in 1809, by Archer Hays, an ancestor of Mr. Jacobs. Jacob Giles acquired the following named tracts in the following years, viz : 1732, Upton Court, 200 acres. 1734, Brothers Discovery, 50 acres. 1735, Neighborhood, 734 acres ; part of Stone Hill, 352 acres ; part of Giles and Webster's Discovery, 195 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 33 acres ; part of Stone Hill, 352 acres ; part of Giles and Webster's Discovery, 919 acres ; part of Brothers Dis covery, 134 acres. Jacob Giles and Isaac Webster sold most of these tracts together. 1741 part of Triple Union, 100 acres. 1742, Bond's Hope, 69 acres. 1745, Triple Union, 50 acres. 1754, part of Gittings' Choice, 50 acres. 1749, part of Rigbies Hope, 30 acres. 1749, Jenkins' Range, 247 acres. 1754, part of the Conveniency, 261 acres. 1754, part of the Conveniency, 25 acres. 1754, Nova Scotia, 121 acres. 1766, Benjamin's Choice and James Park, 500 acres. 1768, Land of Promise, 712 acres. Between the years 1735 and 1747 Jacob Giles ac quired, by many conveyances, large tracts in the fifth district, all of them being part of Arabia Petrea. These conveyances make an aggregate of more than four thousand acres. In 1776 and for some years thereafter, Jacob Giles, John Bond, Isaac Webster, John Lee Webster and James Webster were the owners and proprietors of The Bush River Iron Works, land, mills and other improve ments. Col. Thomas White was also connected with this company. In 1730 Col. Thomas White acquired Polecat Neck and Leaf Junior. In 1731, Sophia's Dairy, The Fork, 150 acres; Fow ler's Chance, 98 acres. In 1739, Hazard and Fraternity, 200 acres; also Eaton, 400 acres. 34 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. In 1744, Delph's Island, Gilmore Marsh and Gibson's Ridge, Monserado, 275 acres ; also Isaac's Enlargement 270 acres, and Isaac's Addition, 150 acres. In 1746 part of Arabia Petrea, also Ah, Ah, the Cow Pasture, 194 acres ; Itrap, 208 acres ; Skipton Increase, 310 acres; Convenience, 200 acres, and Scrutiny, 380 acres. 1747, Hathaway's and Hazard's and Jones' Addition, 204 acres. 1748, Hammond's Hope, 200 acres; also Hall's Rich Neck, 510 acres ; Paradise, 490 acres. 1750, Lyne's Addition, 600 acres ; Howard's Range, Keyton's Range, 146 acres. 1754, Aquila's Inheritance, 67 acres ; Gravell Hill, 50 acres ; Gilbert's Pipe, 37 acres ; Loyd of Luloe's Lot. 1760, Jones' Addition, 70 acres. 1761, part of Constant Friendship, 261 acres ; part of Bradford's Barrens. 1764, Sedgely and Best Endeavor. 1765, Abbott's Forest, 238 acres; Hammond's Hope, 15 acres; Thomas' Beginning, 180 acres; Clark Park, 26 acres. 1766, Come by Chance. Colonel White was a large land owner and the above are only some of his tracts. The above properties are for the most part situated in Abingdon district, but extend nearly to Bel Air, and some lie in the second election district. Aquila Paca acquired the following land in the fol lowing years : 1707, Prosperity, 140 acres. 1709, Gibson Park, 800 acres. 1717, Collett's Point, or Neck, 200 acres. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 35 1724, Moale's Success, 400 acres. 1729, Delph, 600 acres. 171 5, Chilberry Hall. 1 741, Maiden's Bower, 300 acres (from Daniel Scott, Jr.). 1 76 1, Islan, 48 acres. In 1747 Martha Paca purchased from Jacob Giles ICO acres, part of Arabia Petrea, a very large tract in the fifth district, most of which was owned by Jacob Giles. Daniel Scott acquired the following named proper ties on the following dates : 1682, Oliver's Reserve, 150 acres. 1693, Kindness, 30 acres ; also Swallow's Bill, 216 acres. 1700, Scott's Lodge, 150 acres; Stanhacket, 190 acres ; Chestnut Neck, 100 acres. 1702, Harmans Hope, 100 acres. 1713, part of Beale's Camp, 300 acres. 1724, part of Chestnut Neck, Harman's Hope and Hunting Ridge, 490 acres. 1725, part of Beale's Camp, 400 acres. 1730, Burr, 100 acres. 1741, Scott's Close, 100 acres. In 1699 Gilbert Scott purchased Dunkeele, a tract of 500 acres on Winter's Run, the Whitaker Mill prop erty retaining the name to this day. James Preston acquired the following named tracts, among others, on the following dates : 1709, James' Choice. 171 5, Dennis' Choice. 1718, Everly Hills (includes farm at present owned by Hon. Herman Stump) . 36 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 1741, The Vineyard. 1748, Preston's Chance. 1753, Hog Neck. 1756, Mate's Addition. 1758, Robinson's Chance. 1761, Plumb Point. The above tracts cover about fifteen hundred acres, and stretch, with intervals from Winter's Run, near the Bel Air pike, up toward Hickory and Forest Hill. The Vineyard, purchased in 1741, and other tracts, are now owned and occupied by a descendant of James Preston. In 1749 John Stump purchased Durbin's Chance. On November 9, 1739, Isaac Webster purchased Ranger's Lodge, 200 acres, from George Stokes and James Phillips. In 1754 David Bisset leased from Robert Stokes, Ridge, Harkin's Folly, Parker's Choice, The Marsh, Natty's Island, now called Rumney Neck, 1,184 acres. In 1742 Samuel Gover owned a tract called Repulta, near what is now Havre de Grace. John Hall acquired the following properties on the following dates : 1670, Crab Hill, 100 acres. 1884, Hornesham, 50 acres. 1693, Bushwood, 150 acres. 1694, Prosperity, 140 acres. 1699, Galliens, 100 acres. 1705, Mascal's Humor, 50 acres. 1708, The Western Frolic, 100 acres. 1718, Woodpecker Hall, Enlargement. 171 9, Jericho, 1,000 acres. 1720, Betty's Inheritance, 100 acres. HISTORY OF H.\RF0RD COUNTY. 37 In 1777 Richard Johns and Richard Wilmott owned a tract called Christopher's Camp, consisting of one thousand acres. This tract is situated between Foun tain Green and Creswell, and the Winchester farm, now owned by Mr. William O. Michael, is part of it. This tract was patented by Christopher Bayne. In 1797 Dr. Jacob Hall owned a tract called Edward Lott, United Lott and Matthew's Neighbor Resur- veyed, containing one hundred and fifty-nine acres. This is the Booth, or Kyle, farm, near Fountain Green. In 1704 John Webster owned Ah, Ah, the Cow Pas ture, 194 acres, near the present village of Abingdon. William Bradford acquired the following tracts in the following years : 1722-4, part of Enlargement, 96 acres. 1725, part of Come by Chance, 20 acres. 1727, Bradford's Barrens, 100 acres. 1740, Turkery Hills and Strawberry Hills, 131 acres. 1762, Littleton, 371 acres. The Bradford's Barrens, as above stated, containing 100 acres, was on April 8, 1685, patented by John Nich olson, alias "Jack the Dauber," and on November 17, 1727, by virtue of a special warrant of escheat, granted to William Bradford. The original name was Plas terer's Hall. This tract is on Bynum's Run, on the opposite side from Hall's, or Hooker's, Mills, in the first district. William McComas acquired the following named tracts in the following years : 1729, part of Gresham's College, 195 acres. 1746, ColHng's First Shift. 1756, part of Littleton, 45 acres. 1741, Come by Chance. 38 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 1712-14, John McComas acquired part of Littleton, 182 acres. 1723, Alex. McComas purchased Macedon, 100 acres. 1726, John McComas purchased part of Come by Chance; 1741, Ann McComas purchased part of Come by Chance, 77 acres. 1753, Alex. McComas acquired part of Horse Range, 24 acres. 1756, Aaron McComas purchased part of Gresham's College, 45 acres. 1761, Daniel McComas owned Walnut Neck, 100 acres. 1762, Aquila McComas purchased Shere's Depend ence, 83 acres. In 1808 Daniel Lamboume bought of Buckler Bond, for 1,300 pounds, thirty acres of land, with a mill and other improvements, on Winter's Run, one and three- quarter miles from Bel Air. In 1818 this property belonged to Thomas A. Hayes, and the grist mill was afterward converted into a paper mill. Burned April 7, 1856. William Holland, in 1709, purchased Batchelor's Good Luck from Enoch Spinks, the patentee. This tract contains one thousand acres and situated on both sides of Deer Creek. CHAPTER III. OLD COURTHOUSES. THE MARYLAND COLONY AND ENGLAND — REMOTE FROM THE TURBULENT EVENTS OF THE MOTHER COUNTRY — COUNTY SEAT ON BUSH RIVER — SOME OLD MINUTES — WM. OSBORNE — COUNTY SEAT REMOVED TO GUNPOWDER — NEXT TO JOPPA — GROWTH AND DECLINE OF JOPPA — ^BALTIMORE ON THE PATAPSCO. The Indians gave occasional trouble; petty disputes and quarrels occurred between them and the whites; the English Revolution took place, and Charles, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and France — King, defender, etc. — lost his head ; Naseby, Edgehill, Marston Moore and Worcester were fought ; Cromwell became Lord Protector and assumed sovereignty over the American colonies. He died, and a Stuart again reigned in the person of Charles II. The politics of England reached even the settlers in this distant land, and at times it was difficult for the good people of Maryland to determine who was their rightful sover eign and ruler. But the province retained its au tonomy and government; settlements continued to go on, and the beautiful river lying within the limits of our county pursued its tranquil course, and the great water dividing the State passed, unvexed, to the sea. It is true that for many years there were contentions with the Dutch settlers of New Amstel, on the Dela ware bay, and with the people of Virginia; Claiborne 40 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. continued to harass the settlers on Kent Island and at the head waters of the bay, but the Maryland colony managed to maintain its integrity throughout, and our forefathers lived in amity and brotherly love, enjoying by the charter of the colony a greater degree of civil and religious liberty than could be found under any other government then existing. In the present limits of Harford were located the first two county seats and courthouses of Baltimore county. The first was on the east side of Bush river, about two miles below the bridge of the Pennsylvania Railroad, on the farm now owned by Mr. James L. Richardson. Tradition had fairly accurately located the place, but until very recently there was no authen tic proof of its situation. By a paper recently read by Senator Charles W. Michael before the Historical So ciety of Harford County, the location of the county land is clearly proven, and in the address delivered by Judge Albert Ritchie before the Maryland Historical Society, January 8, 1900, on the early county seats of Balti more, much new light is thrown upon the old Balti more of Bush river. By the act of 1674 a courthouse was authorized to be constructed, and by an ordinance of the Proprietary, dated June 10, 1676, appointing places where inns might be kept, it is provided that there should be one at the courthouse in Baltimore county. In 1679 a proclamation was issued from the courthouse of the county, prescribing the manner for giving and answering alarms upon the approach of the Indians. The alarm was to be given by the firing of a gun three times within the space of a quarter of an hour, and this was to be answered by firing from house to house throughout the hundred. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 4I In 1686 a tract of land conveyed by William Osborne to James Phillips is described in the land records as beginning on Bush river at a point a little beyond the courthouse, and running, etc. By this deed and by the will of James Osborne, dated April 6, 1779, and by other land and will records, Mr. Michael has located beyond question the position of the court land. Wil liam Osborne kept a ferry. As Baltimore county then included Harford and Cecil and much more, the ferry would probably cross to about the residence of the late William P. Taylor, and the road lead thence out towards Edgewood. At that date the roads were little more than paths, for in 1686 a petition was presented to the Council to move the courthouse to a point on the south side of Winter's Run, "near the path that goes from Potomac to the Susquehanna rivers." The proposed place must have been near the present loca tion of Van Bibber, but the change was never made. In i6gi the meeting place of the court was moved to Gunpowder, and in 1712 to Joppa, in Harford county, where a courthouse was built. William Osborne is said to have been the founder of Baltimore on Bush river, and to have built the first house there, and was the owner of the ferry across the river, by which the town was reached from the west and north. Philip Philips attended the ferry, which he afterwards purchased. Osborne's eldest son was stolen by the Susquehannock Indians. Pursuit was made, and the Indians were followed across the bay, but the child was never recovered. Osborne never saw his son again, but the captive was kindly treated. The father was informed by an old chief that the lost boy was living, and had become a chief among the red men, 42 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. and he is said to have signed the treaty between Penn and the Indians in 1682. James Philips, grandson of Philip Philips, married Martha, daughter of John and sister of William Paca, Governor of the State and signer of the Declaration of Independence. In the eastern part of a field, the site of Old Baltimore, there is a burial ground in a grove of large walnut trees. In the midst of the grove there is a marble slab, on which is the following inscription: "Beneath this stone is reposed the body of James Phil ips, and also, in compliance with his dying request, the body of his wife, Martha Philips, daughter of John and Elizabeth Paca. Born February 3, 1744; married Jan uary 25, 1776; died March, 6, 1829, having survived her husband 26 years," etc. In the month of June, 1687, the Nanticoke Indians complained that one of their members, whom they styled "the mad Indian," had been murdered at Bush river by three white men, one of whom was a servant of Mrs. Stansbury, who lived there. The parties charged were not properly punished according to the minds of the Indians, and this crime was made the excuse for counter-outrages by them on a family by the name of Enock, on Middle river, the head of which family was slain by the savages. In 1692-3 there was a line of defense against the In dians, consisting of small forts made of wood, ex tending in a northeasterly direction from Garrison Forest, in the neighborhood of Pikesville, in Balti more county, through the northern section of Har ford to the Susquehanna. Captain Thomas Richardson commanded the fort on the Susquehanna. The forts were mere cabins, where sentinels could seek shelter, HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 43 and were the advance guards of the settlements. One of these cabins or forts stood near the present site of Bethel church, but years before any church was there. At the court held in March, 1683, at Baltimore on Bush river, the justices present were Col. George Wells, Edward Bedell, Major Thomas Long and John Boring. Thomas Hedge was clerk. Miles Gibson, high sheriff, and by order of Court the key of the courthouse was placed in the custody of "John Hathway, the cryer." The land appears to have belonged to William and Margaret Osborne, and seems to have been taken by proceedings for condemnation under the old English law of eminent domain, for we find a rule laid on Osborne and his wife, in 1683, to show cause why they did not make over the land, and on September 4th, of that year, they conveyed the title to the land to the Commissioners of Baltimore county and their success ors in the manner of the livery of seizin law by de livery of turf and twig. The records show that the courthouse, on Bush river, had been constructed long enough to need repairs in 1683, "as to its dormant windows coursing the same with good boards, with sap drawne out and for nailes." The building was probably made of wood. It was offered for sale about 1696. The Baltimore, on Bush river, was known only by tradition as early as 1773, the date of the act for the formation of Harford county; for in that year the testimony of Col. John Hall, taken in a law suit, states that he knew a place in Bush river neck called "The Old Plantation," and he had always understood that the town on Bush river was laid out there. Col. Hall had always lived in that section. The last trace of the meeting of the Court 44 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. on Bush river is in a suit brought in 1692, by Thomas Heath, an innkeeper there, for tobacco due him for the expenses of the justices during 1687-88-89. It would seem from this that in the early days the justices ex pected the county to pay their tavern bills. The county seat was then removed to Gunpowder, within the present limits of Baltimore county, but in 1712, in spite of considerable opposition, it was re moved across the river to Joppa, which is within the present bounds of Harford. "The courthouse there had been first built without legal authority, and when this difficulty was got over it was found that the Commissioners had built it on the land of a minor, who could convey no legal title. This stumbling-block hindered Joppa's progress for twelve years more. The courthouse and prison were built, but not a dwelling-house ; but the Assembly, in 1724, legal ized the conveyance by special act, but reduced the area of the town to twenty-one acres. After so many false starts, Joppa was now fairly on her way. The "Act for erecting a town at Joppa, in Baltimore county, and for securing the land whereon the courthouse and prison are built," was passed by the General Assembly at the October session, in 1724. By this act Thomas Tolley, Capt. John Taylor, Daniel Scott, Lancelot Todd and John Stokes were appointed town commissioners. On the 20th of April, 1725, Messrs. Tolley, Taylor and Scott met at Joppa, and proceeded to lay off twenty-one acres of land — one acre for the use of St. John's Parish Church — for the use of the town. The town was laid out into forty lots, exclusive of the church lot, and divided by Court street and Church street, running east and west, and Low HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 45 street and High street, running nearly north and south. The lots were offered for entry at one pound seven shillings each, to be paid to Col. James Maxwell, whose land had been taken by the Commissioners for the use of the town. Among those who took up lots were Col. James Maxwell, Asaell Maxwell, son of James Max well ; Col. John Dorsey, for the use of his son, Green bury Dorsey; John Crockett, John Stokes, David Hughes, Thomas White, clerk of the town, Roger Mat thews, Capt. Thomas Sheredine, Aquila Paca, sheriff of the county, John Hall, Jr., John Roberts, Joseph Ward, inn-holder, Richard Hewitt, Nicholas Day, Thomas Tolley, Aquila Hall, William Hammond, Benjamin Jones, William Lowe, Joseph Calvert, late merchant of Kent county, James Isham, Catharine Hollingsworth, widow, Samuel Ward, carpenter, Benjamin Johns, Abraham Johns, Stephen Higgins, Samuel Maccubbin, Hannah Ward, John Higginson, inn-holder, and Ben jamin Rumsey. Like all these towns of the Legisla ture's making, she was laid off into lots intersected by streets, lanes and alleys ; but, as if the Assembly wished to punish the town for its own rashness and negligence, the lots were ordered to be of half the usual size, or half an acre each. Takers-up of lots were bound to build each a dwelling-house, covering not less than four hundred square feet, with a good brick or stone chim ney. And so the new town flourished and became a great tobacco market, to which hogsheads were brought from all the upper parts of the country by a simple, but practical contrivance then generally in use, which made each hogshead its own vehicle. A gudgeon, or pin, was fastened in each end, on which hoop-pole shafts were attached and fastened to the horse's collar, who thus 46 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. trundled the cask behind him ; and the roads used for this transportation were called "rolling roads," by which name many of them are still known. To build up still further her commerce, all debtors paying their debts in tobacco at Joppa were allowed a reduction of ten per cent. She became a port of entry, and had a respectable trade with Europe and the West Indies. Tradition says that so late as the American revolution a vessel of war was built there."* In 173 1 the Legislature suspended the sittings of the court at Joppa on account of the prevalence of small pox there. Baltimore, on the Patapsco, had meanwhile been growing, while Joppa stood still, and in 1768 was en titled to be called a city. In that year, on account of the inconvenience to the inhabitants in attending court at Joppa, a law was passed authorizing a commission to build a courthouse and prison on the "uppermost part of Calvert street, next Jones' Falls," and the same commission was directed to sell the courthouse and prison at Joppa, although the courthouse in the present city of Baltimore was not built by public expense, the cost of it having been raised by private subscription. There was great opposition to the change in the section which is now Harford, and the actual removal of the records by Mr. Alexander Lawson was attended by some violence and outrage, f Thus in 1768 the county seat of Baltimore county was permanently removed from our soil, but our ancestors grew restive under the inconvenience of the change, and began housekeeping for themselves five years later, when our own county *Scharf 's History of Maryland. tGriffith's Annals. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 47 was organized at Bush, as will be related a few pages further on. "The grandeur of Joppa was not destined to endure. As old Baltimore on Bush river had faded before her, so she was to fade before Baltimore on the Patapsco. Her trade was drawn off, her population dwindled, her storehouses fell to ruin, her wharves rotted and her harbor filled up with mud. Yet the ancient town has not, like old Baltimore, utterly vanished. A solitary house, once a stately mansion, built of bricks imported from England, and a few mouldering grave stones, overgrown by weeds and grass, still mark the site of the once flourishing town of Joppa."* The location of Joppa, and of the town there, is still well known, but the Baltimore, on Bush river, has en- tirel)' disappeared, and is now a field on the farm of Mr. James Richardson, on the east side of the river, the shore being well known as "Old Baltimore," and is a favorite landing place for sailing parties on the Bush river. *Scharf 's History. CHAPTER IV. CUSTOMS AND MANNERS PRIOR TO THE REVOLUTION. SLAVERY — PRIMITIVE CONDITIONS — THE LAWYER — DOCTOR — SCHOOL MASTER — ^LIFE OF A PHYSICIAN BEFORE THE REVOLUTION — DOMESTIC CUSTOMS. In the colony of Maryland there was much pretense to aristocracy and style. Annapolis and Baltimore con tained a large population and people of considerable wealth resided there. Hospitality was freely dispensed, and, as in the South today, they gave a hearty welcome to all comers, even to the stranger within their gates. Slavery was an established institution, and the masters had that patriarchal manner that comes from the own ership of slaves. The proprietors in this section were, as a rule, kind to their servants, and it was considered bad form to sell a slave. But the institution existed with all its withering effect upon the master and the bondman, and while in the Maryland colony human servitude was found in its least objectionable form, even here its blight only differed in degree from the characteristics in the entire section in which it pre vailed. It was looked upon with ill-favor to maltreat a slave, but the general regard in which the blacks were held was expressed by a distinguished Maryland judge in delivering an opinion in the Supreme Court of the HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 49 United States many years later, when he said that they had been considered so far inferior that they had no rights the white man was bound to respect. The negroes were, however, much better off here even in slavery than in their own country of Africa, where they were in servitude to members of their own race. The pleasant and happy condition of the blacks at the time of which we write gave no warning of the dreadful con flict which was to be waged an hundred years later over their emancipation. He was not then born who was to be at the head of the nation in that dreadful struggle, who was to sit beside the sick bed of his country in her agony, whose large hand was to be on her feeble pulse, and whose knowledge and skill was to perform the miracle of her healing. There were few libraries and a man with a dozen books was considered quite a scholar. A modest collection, such as may be found today in many private houses, would have been con sidered in those days a considerable library. News papers were few and not in general circulation, and the people depended on the gossip of the day for their news, and often on the political harangue for their poli tics. The great powers in the body politic of that early day were the schoolmaster, the lawyer and the doctor. The public school system did not exist, and the only schools to be found were those in which a gentleman of means would employ a teacher for his children, and the boys and girls of the neighborhood would be invited to at tend. The old Maryland Bar was an active, learned and in telligent body, full of force and the greatest power, and contained in its membership Jennings, Holliday, Key, 50 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Martin, Sprigg, Rogers, Johnson and Chase. They were well trained in the English common law, in all the traditions of the English Bar and the usages of the best society, and kept our customs and manners on a high level. Stocks and pillories were in constant use, and the criminal code was more severe than it is in our day. This section of the colony was almost entirely an agri cultural community. The plow was little used, except for the purpose of breaking up of new ground in the spring and fallow in the fall, and the chief implement of husbandry was the hoe. This was not the light steel implement of the present day, but a great, clumsy lump of iron, often rudely made by the blacksmith on the plantation, not sharp, but so made that it could not be broken. Corn and tobacco were the chief crops; these were frequently shipped to England, the money arising from their sale purchasing in London clothes, merchandise and whatever manufactured articles might be needed on the farm. Commercial fertilizers were unknown, and a piece of bottom land, which could be enriched by the over flow of a stream, was particularly valuable. Fox hunt ing and cock fighting were the chief sports then in vogue. The doctor stood especially high in influence and popular esteem. Often he had depended for his medical education upon his apprenticeship to some physician in active practice in a large city. His term of tuition being over, the young man returned to his early home and be gan the practice of medicine. As time went by he grew HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 5I in influence, popularity and wealth. His knowledge of the world, good sense and engaging manners, his hearty laugh and the interest he manifested in the family of the poorest of his sick people, made him an universal favorite. When he rode out the occupants of every farmhouse he passed were as well known to him as his own household. The boys took off their caps to him as he passed, and the girls paid him the compliment of greeting by dropping a curtsy. He would take the longest rides on the darkest nights to administer a dose of calomel to an old woman or attend a child with a cold. He was present at every birth ; he rode with the family at the funeral ; he was to be found with the minister at every death-bed, and his name at tested the signature to every will. In those days there were no drug stores. The country store kept a few of the simplest drugs stored away on the shelves among shoes, harness, twine and salt meat. The doctor had to- be both physician and druggist, and his saddle bags protruded with their load of drugs. The old mortar and pestle was in daily use, and the physician put up his own prescriptions and pounded his own drugs. Great quantities of medicines were taken in those days — more even by the well than is given to the sick now. Large doses of calomel and rhubarb had to be taken each spring, and nauseating combinations of senna and molasses were taken daily. Simple reme dies of the present day were then unknown. The patient in a raging fever was denied water. So much mercurial compounds were taken that the lips turned blue and the gums fell away from the teeth. It was quite common to cup and leech. As quinine was not known until 1820 the cure for fever and malaria was 52 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. cinchona bark ; but it was scarce and expensive. Vac cination had not been discovered, and small pox was frequent and fatal. The poorest man when injured has now better surgical attention than could be pro cured at that time at any price. There was little to be seen in the household that was not the product of the soil. In every home could be found the spinning wheel, and the housewife, besides her other duties, did the weaving of the material used for clothing, with the aid of her daughters ; and around the open fire in the long winter evenings their deft fingers plied the knitting needles. The furniture was of the simplest kind and stoves were unknown. Can dles or the roaring fire served the purpose of lighting the room. Sewing machines, kerosene lamps and hun dreds of modern conveniences had not come into use. Traveling was done on horseback or in lumbering vehi cles, and visits along the water were made in boats. CHAPTER V. ORGANIZATION OF HARFORD COUNTY. INCONVENIENCE ON ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL OF COUNTY SEAT TO BALTIMORE — PETITION FOR NEW COUNTY — HENRY HARFORD — LEGISLATIVE ACT 'FOR FORMATION OF NEW COUNTY. After the county seat had been removed from Joppa to the present city of Baltimore in 1768, our people, for the first time in their history, had their court placed far from their habitations, and this produced constant inconvenince and vexations. To serve upon the jury or to have their disputes heard and determined neces sitated long rides that required our fathers a day to go and another to return, when they had been accus tomed to have their seat of justice within easy reach. On this account they could not take the same active part in public affairs as they had theretofore. So a petition was presented to the Legislature of 1773, which resulted in the passage of a law for a new county to be known by the name of Harford. In the year 1771, Frederick, the sixth Lord Balti more, died in Italy, aged forty-one years. He left no legitimate children, and the title became extinct; but by his will Henry Harford, a natural son, was made proprietary of Maryland, though a minor, and the county formed three years later was called Harford from the young head of the province. After the Revo lution Henry Harford returned from England and 54 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. urged in person before the Maryland Legislature a claim for six hundred and ninety-one thousand nine hundred and sixty-five dollars and sixty-seven cents for quit rents, and the further sum of eight hundred and seventy-three thousand one hundred and seventy-six dollars for lands. The Legislature rejected his claim, but he with other loyalists received a considerable in demnity from the British government, and about the sum of ten thousand pounds sterling was also obtained by him from the State's stock then in England.* The act of the Legislature authorizing the formation of the county is as follows : AN ACT FOR THE DIVISION OF BALTIMORE. COUNTY, AND FOR ERECTING A NEW ONE BY THE NAME OF HARFORD.— Lib. Rg., Fol. 239. Whereas, A considerable body of the inhabitants of Baltimore county, by their petition to this General Assembly have prayed, that an act may be passed for a division of the said county, and for erecting a new one out of part thereof: And whereas it appears to this General Assembly, that the erecting of a new county out of such part of Baltimore county will con duce greatly to the ease and convenience of the people thereof ; II. Be It Therefore Enacted, by the right hon orable the Lord Proprietary, by and with the advice and consent of his Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the authority of the same, That after the second day of March next, all that part of Baltimore county which is included within the bounds following, to wit : Beginning at the mouth of the little falls of Gunpowder river, and running with the said falls to the fountain head, and from thence- 'Griffith's Annals. history of HARFORD COUNTY. 55 north to the temporary line of this province, and thence with the temporary line to Susquehanna river, thence with Susquehanna to Chesapeake bay, and thence with the said bay, including Spesutia and Pool's Islands, to the mouth of Gunpowder river, and thence up the said river to the beginning aforesaid, shall be and is hereby erected into a new county, by the name of Harford county. III. And Be It Enacted, That the inhabitants of Harford county aforesaid shall have, hold and enjoy, all such rights and privileges as are held and enjoyed by the inhabitants of any county in the province. IV. And Be It Enacted, That Mr. John Paca, Mr. Aquila Hall, Mr. John Matthews, Mr. John Hall, of Cranberry Mr. Amos Garrott, Mr. Richard Dallam and Mr. Benedict Edward Hall shall be and are hereby appointed commissioners for Harford county aforesaid, and they, or the major part of them, shall be and they are hereby authorized and required, to buy and pur chase, in fee, a quantity of land, not exceeding four acres of land, in or adjoining to Bushtown, on the head of Bush river, for the purpose of building thereon a courthouse and prison for the said county, and shall cause the said land to be laid out by the surveyor of Baltimore county, with good and sufficient boundaries, and a certificate thereof to be returned and recorded in the records of the said county ; and the said commission ers, or the major part of them, shall draw their order on the sheriff of Harford county, to pay such sum as shall be agreed upon for the said land, and the sheriff is Tiereby directed and required to pay the said order out of the money hereafter mentioned, to be collected by him for that purpose; and such payment for the land aforesaid shall invest the justices of Harford county, and their successors, with an estate in fee-simple therein, for the use of the said county, for ever ; and if the said commissioners, or the major part of them, and the owner of the said land, should differ about the value of the said land, in such case the commissioners, S6 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. or the major part of them, shall be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to order the sheriff of Bal timore county to summon twelve freeholders upon the said land, who shall be impanelled and sworn as a jury, to inquire the value of the said land ; and the said com missioners, or the major part of them, shall draw their order upon the sheriff of Harford county to pay the said valuation, and the said sheriff is hereby directed to pay the said order out of the money hereafter men tioned, to be by him collected for that purpose, and upon his payment of the said order, the fee-simple in the said land shall be invested as aforesaid in the jus tices of Harford county, and their successors, for the use of the said county for ever. V. And Be It Enacted, That the justices of Har ford county, or the major part of them, are hereby authorized to contract and agree for a convenient place in Bushtown to hold the courts for the said county, and to contract and agree for a convenient place in the said town for their books, papers and other records, and also for a fit building for the custody of prisoners ; and the said courts shall be held, and records kept, at such places, respectively, until the courthouse and prison for the said county shall be erected and built, and the charge and expense of such places shall be defrayed by the said county, and assessed with the pub lic and county levy. VI. And Be It Enacted, That the justices of Har ford county shall be and they are hereby authorized and required to assess and levy on the taxable inhabitants of the said county, with the public and county levy, as much tobacco as will pay for the purchase or valuation of the land aforesaid, together with the sheriff's salary of five per centum for collection; which said quantity of tobacco shall be collected by the sheriff of the said county from the taxable inhabitants of the said county, in the same manner as other public and county levies are by law collected, and the said tobacco, when col lected, shall be paid by the sheriff to such person or HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 57 persons as the commissioners aforesaid, or the major part of them, shall order and direct. VII. And Whereas the taxable inhabitants of that part of Baltimore county hereby erected into Harford county, have paid a proportionate quantity of tobacco towards the building the courthouse and prison in Bal timore-town, in Baltimore county : And whereas a considerable sum of money was raised by the sale of the old courthouse and prison at Joppa, and applied towards erecting the said courthouse and prison; and forasmuch as justice requires, that the said propor tionable quantity of tobacco, and a proportionable part of the said money, should be refunded, and applied towards the building of the courthouse and prison now to be erected in Harford county; Be It Therefore Enacted, that the justices of Baltimore county shall be and they are hereby authorized and required to assess and levy, by two equal assesments, the next year and year afterwards, with their public and county levy, the quantity of one hundred and fifty-four thousand six hundred and sixty-six pounds of tobacco, in and upon the taxable inhabitants of Baltimore county, together with the sheriff's salary of five per centum for collec tion, which said quantity of tobacco, so to be assessed and levied, shall be collected by the sheriff of Baltimore county from the taxable inhabitants thereof, in the same manner as other public and county levies are by law collected, and the said tobacco, when collected, shall be paid by the said sheriff to the commissioners afore said, and shall be by them applied towards building the ¦courthouse and prison in the said county of Harford. VIII. And Be It Enacted, That the justices of Harford county shall be and they are hereby authorized and required to assess and levy with the public and county levy, by two equal assessments, in the next year and the year afterwards, the quantity of two hundred thousand pounds of tobacco, together with the sheriff's salary of five per centum for collection, which said to- iacco, so to be assessed and levied, shall be collected by 58 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. the sheriff of Harford county from the taxable inhabi tants of the said county, in the same manner as other public and county levies are by law collected; which said tobacco, when collected, shall be paid by the said sheriff to the commissioners aforesaid, and applied by them towards building the courthouse and prison afore said for the said county. IX. And Be It Enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid, or the major part of them, shall be and they are hereby authorized and required to contract and agree for the building of the said courthouse and prison, which said courthouse and prison shall be built and erected on the land to be purchased as aforesaid, in or adjoining to Bushtown, on the head of Bush river; and the said town, after the commencement of this act, shall be called Harford Town. X. And Be It Enacted, That all causes, pleas, pro cess and pleadings, which now are or shall be depend ing in Baltimore county court before the second day of March next, shall and may be prosecuted as effectually as they might have been had this act never been made ; and in case any deeds or conveyances of lands in Harford county have been made, or shall be before the division aforesaid, acknowledged according to law in Baltimore county, the enrolment or recording thereof within the time Hmited by law, either in the county court of Baltimore county, or in the county court of Hafford county, shall be good and available, the divi sion aforesaid notwithstanding. XI. And Be It Enacted, That the justices of Balti more county shall be and they are hereby empowered, upon application, to issue executions, or other legal process, upon all judgments had and obtained, or to be had and obtained, in Baltimore county court, against any inhabitant of Harford county, and to enforce the same, which said writs shall be directed to the sheriff of Harford county, and the said sheriff is hereby authorized and directed to serve and return the same to Baltimore county court, with the body or bodies of HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 59 the person or persons, if taken, against whom such writ or writs shall issue for that purpose; and during the attendance of the sheriff of Harford county at Balti more county court, he shall have a power to confine in Baltimore county gaol, if he should think it necessary, such persons as he shall have in execution; but after his attendance shall be dispensed with by the said court, he shall then, in a reasonable time, remove such per sons as he shall have in execution to Harford county gaol, there to be kept till legally discharged. XII. And Be It Enacted, That the public and county levy now assessed or levied, or to be levied and assessed by the justices of Baltimore county court at their levy court for the present year, shall and may be collected and received by the sheriff of Baltimore county, as well of the taxable inhabitants of Harford as of Baltimore county, and collected, accounted for and applied, in such manner as the said public and county levy would have been collected, accounted for and applied, had this act never been made. XIII. And Be It Enacted, That the several dele gates for Baltimore county shall retain their seats, and that such of them as are residents in Baltimore county, after the division aforesaid, shall be deemed and taken as delegates for that county, and such of them as are residents in Harford county, shall be deemed and taken delegates for that county, and writs of election shall issue to make up the number of delegates wanted in either county, to complete the usual and common county representation. XIV. And Be It Enacted, That the county court of Harford county shall begin, and be held yearly, on the fourth Tuesday of those months in which other county courts are held, and shall have equal power and jurisdiction with any county court in this province. CHAPTER VI. ORGANIZATION OF COUNTY— Continued. FIRST RECORDS— SWEARING IN LORDS JUSTICES — APPOINTMENT OF CLERK, SHERIFF AND STATE'S ATTORNEY — DIVISION OF COUNTY INTO HUNDREDS AND APPOINTMENT OF CONSTABLES — FIRST GRAND JURY — FIRST PETIT JURY— COUNTY SEAT AT HARFORD TOWN, OR BUSH. In accordance with the direction of this Act of Assembly the first term of court for Harford county was held at Harford Town, or Bush, on the 22nd day of March, in the year 1774, and then and there was put into operation the machinery for the government of the county thus created, and a new child came into the household of the State. With the proceedings of the first court there comes to us the spirit of the times when great events were maturing, when the nation was about to come into being, and when the American Re public was about to be admitted into the family of nations. Harford's part in the Revolution will be related later on, and as the order is most convenient, an account of the formation and the first proceedings of the county government will be more particularly given, Of that eventful 22nd day of March, 1774, the follow ing is the proceeding as taken from the records of our court : HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 6l Tuesday, 22nd of March, 1774. Maryland, Harford County, to wit: Be it REMEMBERED that the Right Honourable Henry Harford, Esquire, absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Province of Maryland, sent his commission, closed under the seal of the said Province, in the usual Form, which Commission was distinctly read and published, and thereupon Aquila Hall, Gentleman by Virtue of the Dedimus indorsed on the said Commission admin istered the severall oaths appointed by Act of Asembly to be taken to the government as also the Oath of Judge or Justice to Thomas Bond, Son of Thomas, Jeremiah Sheredine, Benedict Edward Hall, William Webb and Aquila Paca, Gentlemen, who did severally subscribe the Test and Oath of Abjuration, and being so qualified, did then also agreeable to the directions of the said Dedimus, administer the severall Oaths appointed by Act of Assembly to be taken to Govern ment as also the Oath of Judge or Justice to Aquila Hall, Amos Garrett and John Beal Howard, Gentle men who, also, severally subscribed the Test and Oath of Abjuration. Alexander Lawson of Baltimore County, Gentleman, produces to the said Justices to wit Aquila Hall, Amos Garrett, John Beal Howard, Thomas Bond, Jeremiah Sheredine, Benedict Edward Hall, William Webb and Aquila Paca, a Commission from the Honourable Daniel Dulany, Esquire, Secre tary of the Province of Maryland, bearing date the tenth day of March, Seventeen Hundred and Seventy- Four, whereby the said Alexander Lawson is or dained, constituted and appointed Clerk and Keeper of the Records of Harford County aforesaid in the usual Form. Whereupon the said Alexander Lawson qualifies himself as Clerk by taking the severall Oaths appointed by Act of Assembly to be taken to Govern ment and repeating and subscribing the Test and Oath of Abjuration, And the said Alexander Lawson then before the said Justices entered into Bond with two sufficient securities for the due Execution his said office 62 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. of Clerk and Keeper of the Records according to Law after having taken the Oath of Office as required by Law. Thomas Miller, Gentleman, produces to the said Jus tices here a Commission from the Right Honourable Henry Harford, Esquire, absolute Lord and Proprie tary of Maryland, to be Sheriff of Harford County, bearing date the second day of March, Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-four. Whereupon the said Thomas Miller was qualified by taking the severall Oaths appointed by Act of Assembly to be taken to Government, repeating and subscribing the Test and Oath of Abjuration and also taking the Oath of Sher iff. And the said Thomas Miller then in the presence of the Justices aforesaid, gave Bond for the due per formance of his said (Dffice of Sheriff of Harford County according to Law. John Long is appointed Crier of Harford County Court by the Justices aforesaid. Afterwards, to wit, on this fourth Tuesday in March, being the twenty-second day of the same Month in the Third Year of the Dominion of the Right Honourable Henry Harford, Esquire, absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Province of Maryland, and in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and Seventy-four, at the Court House in Har ford Town in Harford County, the following Justices to wit, Aquila Hall, Amos Garrett, John Beal Howard, Thomas Bond, Jeremiah Sheredine, Benedict Edward Hall, William Webb and Aquila Paca, Gentlemen, so appointed and qualified commanded Proclamation to be made for opening the court for the said County of Harford, which was accordingly thereupon done in the usual Manner on the Day and at the Place last aforesaid. Justices Present: Aquila Hall, William Webb, Amos Garrett, Jeremiah Sheredine, HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 63 J. Beal Howard, Aquila Paca, Thomas Bond, Benedict Edward Hall, Gentlemen. George Chalmers of Baltimore County produces a Commission from Thomas Jenings, Esquire, Attomey- Generall in and over the Province of Maryland, to be Clerk of Indictment and Prosecutor of the Lord Pro prietaries Pleas civil and Criminall in the said County of Harford and qualified himself by taking the severall Oaths appointed by Act of Assembly to be taken to Government, repeating and subscribing the Test and Oath of Abjuration and taking Oath of Office accord ing to Law. On motion made to the Court here, Benjamin Rum sey, George Chalmers, Francis Curtis, Robert Alexan der, Jeremiah Townly Chase, Robert Buchanan and Aquila Hall, Esquires, were admitted as Attornies at Law of this Court, after taking the Oaths appointed by Act of Assembly to be taken to Goverrtment, re peating and subscribing the Test and Oath of Abjura tion and taking the Oath of an Attorney. Thomas Chalmers taking the Oaths appointed by Act of Assembly, to be taken to Government, repeating and subscribing the Test and subscribing the Oath of Abjuration was appointed Deputy Clerk of said County. The said Samuel Smith, Servant, John Johnson, is adjudged by the Court to serve against John Johnson, his said Master, ten Samuel Smith, Days after the Expiration of his Servant. present Time of Servitude for Run away Time and also to serve his said Master the further space of six months after the Expiration of the aforementioned Ten Days of Servitude or pay him the Sum of six Pounds eight Shillings and eleven Pence common Money. The Court divides the County into the Hundreds 64 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. of — Gunpowder Lower, Deer Creek Upper and Lower, Bush River Upper, Bush River Lower, Spesutia Up per, Spesutia Lower and Susquehannah, according to the Metes and Boundaries of the said Hundreds as re corded in Baltimore County Court except as to that part of Mine Run Hundred left in this County by the Divi sion line of Baltimore and Harford Counties, which is added to Bush River Upper Hundred. The Court appoints the following Constables, to wit : Billingsly Roberts, Constable of Gunpowder Lower Hundred. William Fisher, Junior, Constable of Deer Creek Upper Hundred. Samuel Jenkins, Constable of Deer Creek Lower Hundred. Samuel Day, Constable of Bush River Upper Hun dred. Joseph Morris, Constable of Bush River Lower Hundred. Hugh Jefferys, Constable of Spesutia Upper Hun dred. James Taylor, Constable of Spesutia Lower Hun dred. James Horner, Constable of Susquehannah. The Court adjourns till Tomorow Morning 10 o'clock. Court met the next day, March 23, all the justices being present except William Webb. It was that day ordered that a service be directed to the sheriff of this county for the purpose of sum moning a grand and petit jury to serve at the next County Court. There is an entry that "the Court has rented the house wherein Thomas Miller now keeps store from Mr. Aquila Hall at the rate of twelve pounds common money yearly, and allowed Mr. Thomas Miller ten pounds common money for repairing the said house so HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. ,65 as to be fit for the reception of prisoners. Mr. Miller must not exceed ten pounds money aforesaid in the repair of said house." "The Court agrees with Daniel Pritchard to build a temporary goal twenty-four feet by twenty, two stories high, and appoints Mr. Amos Garrett and Mr. Jere miah Sheredine to take bond from said Daniel Pritch ard for the performance of his agreement and to super intend the building." The jail was never built, as the county seat was re moved to Bel Air, which soon eclipsed its ancient rival on the old post road, and the latter is now not even a village, although there are said to have been fine hotels at Bush at the time Lafayette passed through with his army during the Revolution. The first grand jury for Harford county met at Har ford Town, or Bush, on August 23, 1774, and con sisted of : Levin Mathews, Foreman. Samuel Durham, George Garrettson, Nathan Horner, James Mathews, James More, Edward Hall, Bennett Matthews, William Hall, John Barclay, Barnett Preston, John Hays, Henry Watters, Mordicai Amos, Thomas Smithson, Lemuel Howard, George Bradford. Asbery Cord was bailiff. There was a charge deliv ered to the grand jury as is now the custom in our court. The grand jury was discharged on Saturday, August 27. There are eighty-nine cases on the crimi nal docket for the August term, 1774. Most of them 66 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. appear to be misdemeanors, but the docket entries are SO meagre that it is impossible to know fully the nature or the disposition of the cases. First petit jury for Harford county: Freeborn Brown, James Giles, William Jones, Benj. Burgess Chesney, William Kitely, Edward Norris, Richard Curzan, Henry Wetherall, Richard Ruff, Amos Hollis, Joseph Lewis, John Durham, Thos. Johnson, of Joseph, James Little, William De Brular. CHAPTER VII. BEL AIR CHOSEN THE COUNTY SEAT. OTHER PLACES VOTED FOR — ANOTHER ELECTION CALLED — SCOTt's OLD FIELDS, OR BEL .AIR, WINS AGAIN — AQUILA SCOTT OF JAMES CONVEYS LAND IN BEL AIR TO COUNTY — COURT HOUSE AT BEL AIR — ORDERS FOR OPENING ROADS, ETC. — HARFORD IN THE EARLY DAYS THE CHIEF SECTION OF BALTIMORE COUNTY, WITH THE FIRST TWO COUNTY SEATS. On January 22, 1782, an act was passed for an elec tion to determine at what place the courthouse and prison of Harford county should be built, and the places named in the act to be voted for were Harford Town, (or Bush), Otter Point, Cross Roads (other wise Gravelly Hill), Lower Cross Roads (Church ville), and Aquila Scott's Old Field (now Bel Air). The act provided that if only two should be voted for the place receiving the highest number of votes to be the county seat, but if more than two should be voted for then another election was to be held between the two receiving the greatest number of votes at the first election. The justices of Harford county were by this act authorized to purchase in fee four acres at the place to be selected as the county seat, and in the meantime to rent buildings for the court and the prison. Scott's Old Field, or Belle Air, as it was then called, won at this election, but this did not settle the 68 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. matter, for we find by an act passed January 20, 1787, an election was authorized to determine "whether the courthouse and prison of Harford county shall be erected at Bel Air or at Havre de Grace," and John Archer, Benedict E. Hall, William Smith (Bayside), John Taylor and Jesse Jarrett, and any two or more of them were appointed commissioners for the purpose of holding the election." The preamble of this act recites "whereas sundry inhabitants of Harford have petitioned this General Assembly for a law to remove the seat of justice in said county from Bel Air to Havre de Grace and sundry other inhabitants of said county have remon strated against said petiton and prayed that the seat of justice therein should continue at the place already established by law ; whereas it appears to this General Assembly to be right and proper that the said dispute should be finally determined by an election of the peo ple, to which said parties have consented," etc. The act also prohibits the commissioners from re ceiving votes for any place except Bel Air and Havre de Grace, whereas in the former election to determine the place of the county seat. Otter Point, Cross Roads, &c., were authorized to be voted for. The election was held at Bel Air, which place was chosen as the county seat, and has since remained such, beginning at that time and continuing to this day to be the subject of the criticism which attaches to all county seats. But de spite all this, the history of Bel Air and the lives and conduct of its people, their deportment, cultivation and refinement will compare favorably with any town in the State. On April 27, 1782, Aquila Scott of James conveyed HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 69 by deed recorded in Liber J. L. G. No. H, foHo 103, two and five-eighths acres to Harford county for the purpose of a courthouse and prison. The considera tion named was twenty-two pounds six shillings and three pence, or about one hundred and ten dollars. The lot is described by courses and distances in the survey and plat made by Daniel Scott, surveyor of Harford county, and was rectangular in form. This is the lot now occupied by the courthouse and jail, and extended also to the present Bond street, in Belair. The lots on which the Masonic Temple and the Harford National Bank of Belair now stand belonged to this lot. Recently a small parcel of ground of about thirty feet front, adjoining this, was sold for fifteen hundred dollars. The courthouse at Bel Air was not built at the time of the passage of this act, although court had met there for several years, for the act last stated provides for temporarily renting buildings for the courthouse and jail at the place which might be selected, and authorized the justices of Harford county to contract "as soon as might be for the building of a courthouse and prison" at the place determined on by the election as above stated. The stone building at the junction of the Harford pike with Main street, in Bel Air, was used temporarily for this purpose. ¦By the act of 1787 (William Smallwood, Governor), John Eager Howard, James Calhoun, of Baltimore county, and William .Smith (Bayside), Gabriel Chris tie and Samuel Griffith, of Harford, were appointed commissioners to "straighten and amend the post road from Havre de Grace to Baltimore Town." This road passes by Aberdeen, Bush, Abingdon and Van Bibber, 70 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. and a hundred years before, in the petition to remove the courthouse from Bush river neck to Winter's Run, was alluded to as the "path that runs from the Poto- mack to the Susquehanna." The first courthouse at Bel Air seems to have been in process of being built in 1788, for by the act of the General Assembly of that year, chapter 23, (John Eager Howard, Governor), the justices of Harford county were "empowered to assess on the assessable property of the county the sum of two shillings and six pence on every hundred pounds worth of property to complete the public buildings of said county and for other purposes." By the same act Baltimore county was required to make a contribution to the building of the Harford courthouse, etc., because the people of the new (Harford) county had helped to build the courthouse at Baltimore Town. And by the act of 1790 a further tax of five hundred pounds current money was authorized to be levied for the completion of the public buildings. By chapter 70, of the act of 1791, (George Plater, Governor), it was directed that the following roads should be laid out, surveyed, marked and bounded in the manner hereafter directed, viz : one road beginning at the Pennsylvania line where the road from Peach Bottom Ferry, on the river Susquehanna, intersects the said line, and from thence to Thomas Underbill's Mills, on Deer creek, (afterwards Preston's Mills), and from thence into the most convenient road leading to Baltimore Town; one other road leading from the Bald Friar Ferry, on said river, to Belle Air, and from thence in as straight a direction as the situation of the ground will admit towards Baltimore Town, as HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 71 far as the line of Baltimore county, at the Little falls of the Gunpowder river; and one other road leading from Belle Air aforesaid to the Lower Cross Roads; from thence to the ferry known by the name of Smith's Ferry, on Susquehanna river, and that all public roads within the said county may and shall be straightened and amended. The .same act provides that Alexander Rigdon, John Stump, John Carlisle, John Weston, Samuel Raine, John Tredway and James Johnson be appointed commissioners for the purpose of laying out said roads. By the act of 1795, chapter 63, (John H. Stone, Governor), upon the petition of James Wilson, Samuel Hughes, Gabriel Christie, Mark Pringle, Gibson Deni son, John Hall and John Lee Gibson, an act was passed "for making an addition to the town of Havre de Grace and to improve the navigation of the river Susque hanna and for other purposes." The act of 1798, chapter 22, (John Henry, Gov ernor), was entitled "an act to encourage the destruc tion of wolves and crows" in Harford county, the allowance to be thirty dollars for an old wolf's head and four dollars for a young wolf's head, and eight cents for a crow. In January, 1798, an act was passed for the valuation of real and personal property within the State, and Thomas Johnson, William Wilson, Jesse Jarrett, John Western and Henry Richardson were appointed assess ors for Harford county. The act of Assembly, passed January, 1800, (Benja min Ogle, Governor), was entitled an act to regulate elections, and Jesse Jarrett, Daniel Thompson, John 72 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Bartley, Dennis Bond and Henry Vansickle were ap pointed commissioners to lay off, designate and number the districts of Harford county and fix the places for holding elections in each district. By an act of the same session, John Clendenning, Nathaniel West, Thomas Butler, William Whiteford and Thomas Montgomery were appointed commission ers to lay out a public road beginning at Thomas Un derbill's Mills, on Deer Creek, and to run in a direction so as to intersect a public road leading from John Neal's to John Coxe's, between Henry Richardson's and Amos Jones'. It will be observed from the foregoing pages that during the space of two hundred and twenty-five years, counting from the date of the erection of the first courthouse for Baltimore county, in Bush river neck, in 1675, to the present time, the people who have resided within the present limits of Harford have had the county seat within their boundaries for two hundred years of that time. Thus Harford may be considered as the parent county of the two except in name, and may claim as her beautiful offspring and daughter the present large and populous county which adjoins our own on the west side of the Little Falls of the Gunpow der. CHAPTER VIII. SELECTIONS FROM THE OLD RECORDS. TAVERN LICENSES — GRAND AND PETIT JURIES — ^LUTHER MARTIN ADMITTED TO PRACTICE AT HARFORD BAR — ^TAVERN RATES — ROAD SUPERVISORS COURTHOUSE AT BEL AIR OCCUPIED — FIRST JUDGES — ^DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING — BURNING OF OLD COURT HOUSE AND CONSTRUCTION OF PRESENT BUILDING. On petition of a number of citizens of the county the Court appointed Bennet Mathews, James Mathews and Jacob Bond, Jr., to view the road beginning at Lawrence Clark's old fields and leading from thence to Howard's ford on Winter's run. As many of the proceedings of the Court are routine and there is so much of it, selections that may be thought interesting, will be made from the records of the next few years. Ordinary (or tavern) licenses granted at August term, 1774: Joseph Stiles — Sureties, Aquila Hall and Thomas Miller. Nathaniel West — Sureties, Henry Wilson, Jr., and Wm. Downes. John Jameson — Sureties, Buchanan Smith and Richard Cruzon. Basil Smith — Sureties, John Durham and Bennet Matthews. 74 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Robert Bonar — Sureties, James Ellison and John Hawthorn. John Hawthorn — Sureties, John Blackburn and Robert Bonar. John Kean — Sureties, Thomas Bond and Mordicai Amos. John Rogers — Sureties, Aquila Hall and Jeremiah Sheredine. Araminta Shaw — Sureties, Samuel Lee and Joseph Norris. Thomas Smith — Sureties, James Horner and Rich ard Soward. Robert Trimble — Sureties, William Downes and David Tait. Stephen Hill — Sureties, James Preston and Nathan Scott. Edward Robinson — Sureties, Charles Baker and Daniel McComas. William Wells — Sureties, Samuel Jenkins and Jos. Norris. Thomas Taylor — Sureties, John Beale Howard and Alex. Cowen. At the November term, 1774, the following is a list of the grand jury, viz : Freeborn Brown, Foreman. Edmund Bull, Benjamin Scott, Thomas James, Joshua Durham, John McComas of Daniel, James Matthews, George Patterson, Richard Ruff, E. Carvil Tolley, William Downs, Andrew Wilson, Charles Baker, Richard Cruson, Francis Durben. John Ross, Bailiif. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 75 There was an appropriation of ten thousand pounds of tobacco to defray in part the expense of building a bridge over the Little Falls, and John Beale Howard and Robert Bishop were appointed managers. The Court appoints Jacob Bond, Sr., Henry Wilson, Sr., Wm. Amos, Sr., and William Bull to view the road from the Hickory Tavern to Winter's Run at Howard's Ford, where the old road did formerly run by Thomas Smithson's, Samuel Durham's and Daniel Preston's. At the court which met at Bush March 23, 1779, the following justices were present : Aquila Hall, Thomas Johnson, John Love, Ign. Wheeler, Samuel Groom Osborne and Aquila Paca. John Lee Gibson, clerk. The following are the names of the grand jurors for that term of court, viz : Joseph Brownly, Foreman. Aquila Scott, John McComas, Richard Robinson, William McCandley, Hugh Bay, John Rutledge, Richard Courson, John Hall Hughes, Robt. Jeffrey, James Osborne, Asael Hitchcock, Henry Warfield, Joseph Ashton, Patrick Creaton, Charles Taylor, Henry Vansickle. Joseph Hartley, George Dillion, Bailiff. At this term of court, Luther Martin, the distin- quished Maryland lawyer, afterwards Attorney-Gen eral of the State, and one of the counsel for Aaron Burr at the impeachment trial at Richmond, appeared and 76 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. was admitted to practice before the Harford County Court. At a county court of the said State held for Harford county at the courthouse, in said county, at Harford town, on the twenty-eighth day of March, seventeen hundred and eighty, before the worshipful justices of the same court, of whom were present Messrs. James Giles, Jas. Philips, John Love, William Smithson, Samuel Groom Osborne, Robt. Amoss, John Archer. Grand jury: Joseph Stiles, John Clark, Joseph Brownley, Arch Beaty, Eras. Billingsley, John McAdoo, Daniel Norris, Wm. Bradford, Jas. Moore, John Stenson, Robt. Creswell, Michael Gilbert, Daniel Bailess, John Hay, John Chancey, Gilbert Jones, John McComas, Joshua Brown, Wm. Fisher, George Dew. John Cooley, The early minutes of the court are composed chiefly of records of the justices present, the grand and petit jurors, commissions to perpetuate boundaries and records of binding out minors and appointing guard ians. The court in those early days seems to have exercised the functions of the judge, Orphans' Court, register of wills and county commissioners of the pres ent day. As these early juries furnish a number of names of the reputable people of the county of that day full lists HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 77 of the panels at intervals of a few years are set out here, and in them the descendants of nearly every old family of the county of the present day will find an ancestor. There seems to be no record of the proceedings of the court for 1782. It is probable that the removal of the county seat so upset the lords justices and their clerk that it was about a year before they got settled, but on March 25, 1783, we find them holding court at Scott's Old Fields (Bel Air), at which court there were present : Thomas Johnson, Wm Smithson, Abrm. Whitacre, Wm. Bond. Grand jury, March, 1783 : James Moore, Thos. Durbin, Joseph Lewis, Michael Mather, Samuel Webb, Wm. Colthough, Ben. Silvers, Jas. Hanna, Hollis Horner, Wm. Bosley, Samuel Litton, Freeborn Brown, Robt. B. Landon, Hugh Jeffrey, Richard Robinson, John Fulton. Fras. Billingsley, Stephen Hill, Bailiff. The commission of the peace was produced and read in court March 27, 1783, and court adjourned for one hour. The petit jurors for that term were : A. Rigdon, Jas. Armstrong, Samuel Durham, Wm. Coale, Leas Billingsley, Aquila Scott of James, Wm. Robinson, Wm. Jones, Dennis Bond, Wm. Whiteford, 78 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Jas. Sedgwick, John McComas, John Montgomery, Wm. McComas, John Barclay, Daniel Smithson, Bernard Preston, Jas. Carroll. At the term of court held at the same place, com mencing August 26, 1783, on application of James Amos for persons to view a road leading from the Cross Roads to Cooptown, the Court appointed An drew Tate and Lemuel Howard. Tavern Rates Affixed by the Court : Hot dinner, with beer or cider 2s. Cold dinner, with beer or cider is.6d. Breakfast or supper, with green tea is.6d. Overseers of the public roads in Harford county, 1784: Jacob Forwood, George Patterson, Greenberry Dorsey, Edward Hall, William Hall, George Lytle, Overseers of all the public roads from the end of Col. Hall's lane to Harford Town (Bush). Joseph Toy, overseer of the road from the black smith shop, where Mrs. Finnegan formerly lived, to the lower ford on Winter's run, from the upper ford on said run to Binam's run. Daniel Ruff, overseer from Hall's Mill to the smith shop where Mrs. Finnegan formerly lived, and from said shop to Otter Point. William Smith (Bayside), overseer from Susque hanna lower to the Cranberry bridge. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 79 Josias Hall, overseer from the Cranberry bridge to Humphrey's run. John Patterson, overseer from Humphrey's run to Harford town. Lambert Wilmer and Joseph Presbury, overseers from the lower ford on Winter's run to the lower part of the Gunpowder neck, from the ford of the road to where Wm. Doughtridge now lives, to Joppa, and from Joppa to Winter's run, on the old road. William Smith, Gunpowder upper from Smithson's ford to Captain Kell's, from Mapleford along the new road to David Harry's. Charles Taylor, Gunpowder upper, from Wm. Rich ardson's to the Cross roads ; from thence to Benjamin Amos's mills; from Shorper's lane to the ford on the Little Falls, near Thomas Blearney's Fullering Mill, and from Shorper's to the widow Stuart's on Winter's run. John Rutledge, overseer from Thomas Bond's on the Little falls of the gunpowder to the Upper Cross roads. John Green, from the Widow Bay's to Scott's fields ; from thence to Binam's run, the Deer Creek road; from thence by said Samuel Durham's to Bull's Mill. Henry Stump, Richard Croyon, Thos. Mitchell, Michah Gilbert, Susquehanna hundred, in cluding the northern and east ern limits, and lay out them as nearly equal as possible. David Lee, Gunpowder Upper, from the mill to Joppa. 8o HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. William McComas, from the bridge on the Little falls to Winter's run. James Trapwell, same hundred — from George Gar- retson's up to John Wilson's Mill; from the school- house to the Quaker Meeting House ; from the school- house to Buckler Bond's Mill; from the schoolhouse to Bull's ford on Winter's run. Benjamin Rumsey, from Joppa to Amoss' Mills. The first record of the change of name from Scott's Fields to Bel Air we find in the minutes of March 22, 1785, where the expression is used "at a county court held for Harford county at the courthouse in the town of Bel Air," etc. ; but at the August term of the same year it is again called Scott's Old Fields, and in the November term Bel Air is again mentioned as the name. The following is a list of the Grand Jury for that term of Court, viz : William Bradford, Thomas A. Thompson, James Walker, Richard Robinson, William Luckey, John Guyton, Andrew Lindsay, Robert Glenn, James Barnet, Thomas Hope, Joseph Carroll, James Moore, Buck Bond, Thomas Gast, David Harry, John Fulton. Robert Coon, Samuel Day, Bailiff. At that term an application was made by John Coo ley and Daniel Sheridine for a commission to view the road leading from Cox's Mill to Rock Run, and the Cumberland Forge from Nathaniel Baley's to the Elbow branch. The Court appointed Nathaniel Baley, HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 8l John Rogers, Samuel Gover and Ambrose Gohaghan as the commission. There are a great number of records of apprentice ship among these early minutes, the binding out being in the following form : "Nathaniel Gordon, an orphan, aged thirteen years, is bound by the Court to Jacob Donavan until he arrives at the age of twenty-one years ; said master is to teach said apprentice the art and mystery of a cord- wainer; teach him to read, write and cypher as far as the rule of three, and give him the customary freedom dues." These freedom dues seem to have caused much liti gation, and there are records of many suits brought against masters on account of their non-payment. A frequent ground of complaint was on account of the master not keeping the apprentice to his trade, and the Court would hear and determine by remanding the apprentice to the service of the master, or if the charge should prove well-founded by revoking the ap prenticeship and discharging the complainant. The courthouse at Bel Air seems to have been first occupied at the March term in 1791, at which time we find our modem custom of three regular judges. The names of the first three judges were Benjamin Nichol son, Samuel Hughes and Benedict Edward Hall. The courthouse which was then first used was built of brick and occupied the same position as the present court building in Bel Air. It had wings to the north and south. The wing on the north was used for the clerk's office, and that on the south for the office of the register of wills. The courtroom was down stairs, and the floor was made of bricks. Within the rail where 82 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. the lawyers and jury sat the floor was raised, and the bench, or judges' seat, was high above like a pulpit. There were two immense open fireplaces in the room, in which hickory of cordwood lengths was burned. The other county officers were on the second floor, the steps to which went up from the outside, starting at the front door and slanting towards the south. The steps had no covering, and as the grand jury room was upstairs that body in passing from their room to the court and back again had to go out of doors, as also with the petit jury. There was a landing at the head of the steps, and from this landing it was customary for political speakers to address their audiences. This courthouse was burned on the night of Febru ary 19, 1858, the main building being entirely de stroyed, but the offices of clerk and register of wills, which were situated in the wings, were preserved with all the valuable records. The only records of value that were destroyed by the fire were those of the county commissioners' office, which was situated up stairs. The Legislature was in session at the time, and the fire had not been entirely extinguished be fore a committee set forth for Annapolis on the following morning to secure the passage of an act authorizing the erection of a new courthouse. This act was passed on the 25th of February, 1858, and by it Stevenson Archer, Henry S. Harlan, A. Lingan Jar- ret, James McCormick and William H. Dallam were appointed commissioners to contract for and superin tend the construction of the new building. There was authority to borrow money and issue bonds to the amount of twenty thousand dollars, and it is to the HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 83 credit of the commission that the building was com pleted within the amount named and a surplus handed over to the county commissioners. The courthouse built by the commission above named is the structure which is the present court building at Bel Air. During the construction of the new courthouse in 1858-9 the building of the Masonic Order and Union Church, which stood on the lot now occupied by the Masonic Temple and the Harford National Bank, was used as a temporary court. While on the subject of the construction of the court house it was thought better to get ahead of our narra tive and thus finish up that subject, and we will now go back to the regular course in the old building. The list of the local attorneys of the court in 1791 is as follows: Francis Curtis, T. Hollingsworth, Robert Smith, John Montgomery, William Pinkney, Archibald Robison. Aquila Hall, The grand jurors for the August term, 1791, were Samuel Smith, Foreman. Jacob Norris, Alexander Rigdon, William Osborn, William Allender, William McComas, Thomas Gast, James Wetherall, James Renshaw, James Bond of William, William Norris, Thomas Thompson, Corbin Onion, Nathan Baker, Robert Taylor, Andrew Turner, Levin Mathews. Samuel Day, Bailiff. 84 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. The petit jury Richard Bull, Samuel Bond, Charles Waters, Philip Garrison, Aquila Miles, Michael Gilbert, Thomas Jeffrey, Robert Harris, Samuel Webb, Joshua Miles, James Barnett, for that term were : John Streett, Godfrey Waters, Bernard Preston of James, John Moore, Mark McGovern, Joseph Hays, Pierce Creight, Michael Mathews, Sedwick James, .Sho. Denbow. CHAPTER IX. OLD RECORDS— Continued. WILLIAM PINKNEY LOCATES AT BEL AIR — BASIS OF ASSESSMENT — TAX RATE — MEMBERS OF THE BAR IN I796 — ^JURIES — ^ROBERT AMOSS, JR., SHERIFF — ^JUDGES OF ELECTION — ^JOHN LEE GIBSON RESIGNS AS CLERK — HENRY DORSEY, OF EDWARD, APPOINTED CLERK.' On the 1 2th of April, 1790, the court, with the fol lowing justices present, viz: Thomas Bond, William Smithson, James McComas, John Barclay, Edward Prall and Ignatius Wheeler, authorized William Pink ney to act as attorney for the county in a dispute be tween Harford and Baltimore counties, which was to be heard at the courthouse at Baltimore town on the 2nd Monday in May, 1790. The arbitrators named in the act of Assembly were William Smithson for Har ford county and John Smith for Baltimore county. William Pinkney, afterwards Attorney—General of the United States and Senator from Maryland in the United States Senate, passed the bar at Bel Air, and for several years practiced at that court. He lived in the hip-roofed house on the pike in Bel Air, just oppo site the end of Bond street, and his office was located on the southwest comer of Main street and the pike. January 10, 1791, the Court agreed with James John son to finish the courthouse agreeably to the plan filed in the clerk's office; to satisfy him five hundred and 86 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. fifty pounds as soon as collected for that service, he giving bond and sufficient sureties for his perform ance. February 7, 1791, in accordance with the act of Assembly, the Court levied a tax of two shillings and six pence for the completion of the public buildings. The basis of assessment stated in the record is £478,- 752, which we may consider as the value of all the property in the county, or $2,393,760, from which basis the tax levied for the above purpose amounted to about $1,500. It will be observed from the above figures that while the population of the county at that period was about one-half of that of the present day, the assessed value of all the property in the county was not more than one-sixth of the present basis. Our local bar in the year 1796 consisted of the fol lowing lawyers, viz : William Pinkney, Harry Dorsey, Aquila Hall, Davidson David, Archibald Robinson, Francis Holland, John Montgomery, Z. Hollingsworth. The grand jury for the March term, 1796, consisted of the following members : Robert Amoss, John McComas, Joseph Brownley, John Street, John Thomas, Richard Hope, John Ashman, Thomas B. Onion, William Duley, Charles Baker, Stephen Rigdon, Richard Kruson, Dennis Bond, Samuel Smith, Buckler Bond, Thomas Jeffrey, HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 87 Thomas Denbow Isaac Hitchcock, Bennet Wheeler, Samuel Day, Bailiff. Thomas Richardson, Petit jury for the same term : Michael Gilbert, Ezekiel Williams, Thomas Durham, Benjamin Rigdon, Archer Hays, James Lytle, Benjamin Jones, Benj. Amoss of James, Stephen Jones, Gideon Gilbert, Daniel Donahoo, John B. Onion, Abraham Rees, Nathaniel Smithson, William Mitchell, Asael Hitchcock, David Street, Aquila Miles, Barnet Preston, Aquila Parker, Benj. Green, James Kidd, William Clark, Jr., James Car lon, Joseph Barnet, Pierce Creagh, James Barnet, Samuel Bond. December 19, 1796, Robert Amoss, Jr., took the oath as sheriff of Harford county, and gave bond for the performance of his duty as sheriff, with Benjamin Amoss, of James, and Bennet Bussey as securities. At the term of court at Bel Air which commenced March 19, 1798, before the following judges, viz: Henry Ridgely, Chief Justice. Benedict Edward Hall and William Smithson, Asso ciate Judges. The grand jury for that term consisted of the fol lowing named persons : Bennet Bussey, Foreman. Richard Hutchins, James Barnet, Jr., Benjamin Jones, 88 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. William Wilson of James, John B. Biddle, Benjamin Nowland, John Ashmore, Nicholas Horner, Edward Prall, William Smith of Samuel, Richard Kruson, George Amoss, John Montgomery, John Rutledge, David Bell, Barnet Johnson of Barnet, Parker Hall Lee, Henry Vansickle, Thomas Jeffrey, John Forwood of William, William Morris. David Crane, Jr., Samuel Day, Bailiff. Petit jury for same term : Thomas Bond of Daniel, Henry Richardson, Godfrey Waters, Billingslea Bull, John Grindall, James Trapnell, James Lytle, William Clark, Jr., Thomas Bond of John, John Street, Thomas Richardson, Daniel Scott, Henry Waters, Ralph Bond, Asael Hitchcock, Jacob Norris, John Hall, Fell Bond, George Patterson, Sedgwick James, Archer Hays, Bennet Barnes, Robert Morgan, Samuel Calwell. John Barclay, July 28, 1800, the Court, consisting of Benedict E. Hall and William Smithson, associate justices, ap pointed the following judges of election for the several districts of the county, viz : First District — John Rumsey, William Smith, of Wil liam, James Lytle. Second District — Roger Mathews, John Holland Barney, John Cooley. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 89 Third District — ^John Moores, Bennet Bussey, Jacob Norris. Fourth District — Thomas Hope, John Clendening, James Varney. Fifth District — Hugh Whiteford, farmer; James Steel, Dr. John Smith. At the term of court, commencing March 16, 1801, before William Smithson and Benedict Edward Hall, justices ; John Lee Gibson, clerk, and John Churchman Bond, sheriff, the following is the list of the grand and petit juries for the term : Grand Jury. Jacob Norris, Foreman. John Bond of William, Thomas Bond of John, Barnet Johnson of John, Nicholas Allender of Nicholas, Parker H. Lee, Samuel Richardson, Sr., Zaccheus O. Bond, Bernard Preston, Richard Hawkins, James Steel, John Forwood, Roger Mathews, Bennet Bussey, Nicholas D. McComas, John Yellot, George Presbury, Henry McAfee, John Grindall, Joseph Brownley, Alexander McComas, Stephen Jones, Benedict Hall, Jr. Petit Jury. John Street, James Lytle, Harry Gough, Thomas S. Bond, Derick Kruson, George Cunningham, Abel Maple, John Stump, John Norris of John, George Patterson, John Chauncey, John Hall, 90 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Henry Vansickle, Samuel Webster Samuel Bradford, of Richard, Col. Samuel Hughes, Moses Magness, Samuel Richardson, William Walsh, Bennet Jarret, Thomas Richardson, John Carlile, James Carroll, David Street, John Ashmore, At this term of court, John Lee Gibson, who had been clerk of the court for twenty years, offered his resignation in the following letter : "To the Honorable the Chief Justice and the Associate Justices of Harford County: "Gentlemen — I beg leave to request your acceptance of my resignation of the office of clerk of Harford county, which I lay before you. Particular circum stances prevent me from holding the appointment longer. Permit me to express to you the grateful sen sations I feel for your politeness to me while in office and the sensations of great and sincere respect with which I am, gentlemen. Your obedient servant, John Lee Gibson." March 27, 1801. On the same day the resignation was accepted and the court appointed Henry Dorsey, of Edward, clerk of the court, who gave bond in the sum of five thou sand pounds, with Daniel Scott and William Smithson as sureties. CHAPTER X. SIGNS OF THE REVOLUTION. IMPORTATION ACT — STAMP ACT — THE PEGGY STEWART — THE AMER ICAN ASSOCIATION — CONCORD AND LEXINGTON — ANNAPOLIS CONVENTION OF JUNE, 1774 — HARFORD REPRESENTATIVES THERE — RESOLUTIONS — CONVENTION AT BUSH — ^RESOLUTIONS ASSOCIATION OF THE FREEMEN OF MAR^iTLAND. For years before the Revolution there was great un rest in the American colonies on account of the tax laws enacted by the British Parliament. As early as 1733 the Importation Act was passed, by which large duties were laid on sugar, molasses and rum brought into the provinces. Then England for bade the manufacture of steel or the cutting of pine trees outside of inclosures. These laws could not be enforced and only served to deepen the resentment of the people. The ground of objection was the absence of colonial members in the British Parliament, and the claim was made that taxation without representation is tyranny. On March 22, 1765, in spite of the remonstrance of Pitt, Parliament passed the celebrated Stamp Act, the provisions of which were that every bond, mortgage, note, deed, license or legal document should be executed on paper bearing an English stamp and furnished by that government. The price of these stamps ranged from a few pennies to several pounds. 92 history of HARFORD COUNTY. Every newspaper, pamphlet or almanac was required to be printed on stamped paper, costing from a half penny to four pence. Every advertisement was taxed two shillings. Failure to comply with these require ments invalidated the document. The colonies were greatly exasperated on learning of the passage of this law. Public meetings were held in the large cities; in Boston the bells were tolled and in Philadelphia they were muffled. A great procession marched through the streets of New York, bearing a copy of the Stamp Act, with a death's head nailed to it, and with a large placard displaying the words, "The Folly of England and the Ruin of America." At the invitation of Massachusetts, the colonies sent delegates to a "Stamp-Act Congress," which met in New York October 7, 1765, and protested against the act. Public opinion in America was so outraged by this law that on March 18, 1766, it was repealed by the British Parliament and the wavering allegiance of the colonies was temporarily restored to the British Crown. But the trouble soon broke out again with the tax on imported tea, and riots occurred in Boston, Philadel phia, Annapolis, Charleston and elsewhere on its ac count. The owner of the ship Peggy Stewart was forced to burn his own vessel laden with tea in the harbor of Annapolis in October, 1774. A call was issued for a general convention on September 5, 1774. The first Continental Congress met in Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia. The most distinguished men of the colo nies were members, prominent among them being George Washington and Patrick Henry, of Virginia. On October 8 the following resolution was passed : history of HARFORD COUNTY. 93 "That this Congress approve the opposition of the inhabitants of Massachusetts bay to the execution of the late acts of Parliament; and if the same shall be attempted to be carried into execution by force, in such case all America ought to support them in their opposition." The attempt was made to carry them into execution and all America joined in the opposition, which brought on the Revolutionary War. The Congress also adopted, on October 14, a "Decla ration of Colonial Rights," and on the 20th of the same month the American Association was adopted, which was an agreement of non-importation, non-consump tion and non-exportation applied to Great Britain, Ire land and the West Indies. The mother country turned a deaf ear to these re monstrances, which may be regarded as preliminary declarations of independence. General Gage was instructed to enforce all these measures with his army, and at Concord and Lexington, on April 19, 1775, was shed the first blood of the Revolution. The Maryland Convention, which sent delegates to the first Continental Congress, met at Annapolis on June 22, 1774. Matthew Tilghman, of Talbot county, presided. The delegates representing Harford county in this convention were Richard Dallam, John Love, Thomas Bond, Benedict Edward Hall and Jacob Bond. At this convention it was declared that the acts of Parliament were cruel and oppressive invasions of the people's rights, and that the cause of Boston was the cause of all the provinces; that the colonies should unite to stop all importation from and exportation to Great Britain until the acts should be repealed; that 94 history of HARFORD COUNTY. a subscription should be opened in the several counties for immediate collection for the relief of the distressed inhabitants of Boston, then cruelly deprived of the means of procuring subsistence for themselves and families by the operation of the act for blocking up their harbor, and that the same be collected by the committees of the respective counties, and shipped by them in such provisions as may be thought most use ful ; that there should be no dealings with any colony which should refuse to come into the general plan which might be adopted by the colonies ; that the depu ties from Maryland to the Continental Congress, upon their return, call together the committees of the sev eral counties and lay before them the measures adopted by the general congress. Matthew Tilghman, Thomas Johnson, Jr., Robert Goldsborough, William Paca and Samuel Chase were sent as delegates to Philadelphia. The counties promptly responded to the recommen dation of the provincial convention. Harford had anticipated the recommendation, for, on June ii, a large meeting of the inhabitants was held at Bush to take action in the matter. Aquila Hall presided over the meeting and the following resolutions were adopted : "i. Resolved, It is the opinion of this meeting that the town of Boston is now suffering in the common cause of America, and that it is the duty of every col ony to unite in the most effectual constitutional means to obtain a repeal of the late act of Parliament for blocking up the harbor and port of Boston. "2. Resolved, That, therefore, we will join in an association with the other counties of this province, on HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 95 oath, not to export to, or import from. Great Britain, any kind of produce or merchandise after such a day as the committee of the several counties at their gen eral meeting shall fix, until the Repeal of the Boston port act. "3. Resolved, That we will deal with none of the West India Islands, colony or colonies, person or per sons whatsoever residing therein, who shall not enter in similar resolves with the majority of the colonies within such time as the general committees of this province shall agree, but hold him or them as an enemy or enemies to American liberty. "4. Resolved, That we join in an association with the other colonies to send relief to the poor and dis tressed inhabitants of Boston, to enable them to perse vere in defence of the common cause. "5. Resolved, That the merchants ought not to ad vance the price of their goods, but sell them as they intended had not these resolves been entered into. "6. Resolved, That the gentlemen of the law ought to bring no suit for recovery of any debt due from any inhabitant of Great Britain, or this or any other col ony, until the said act be repealed ; except in such cases where the debtor is guilty of a wilful delay in payment, having ability to pay, or is about to abscond or remove his effects, or is wasting his substance, or shall refuse to settle his account by giving his bond on interest (or security, if required), which fact or facts are to be made appear to some neighboring magistrate and cer tified under his hand. "7. Resolved, That the following gentlemen, viz: Rev. William West, Messrs. Aquila Hall, Richard Dal lam, Thomas Bond (son of Thomas), John Love, Capt. 96 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. John Paca, Benedict Edward Hall, Benjamin Rumsey, Nathaniel Giles and Jacob Bond be a committee to meet the committees of other counties in this province, to consult and agree on the most effectual means to preserve our constitutional rights and liberties, and promote that union and harmony between Great Bri tain and her colonies, on which their preservation de pends ; and that the same gentlemen, together with the following, Capt. John Matthews, Capt. William Smith, Dr. John Archer, William Younge, Abraham Whita ker, William Webb, Amos Garret, George Bradford, John Rumsey, Jeremiah Sheredine, William Smithson, William Bond (son of Joshua), Isaac Webster and Alexander Cowan, be a committee of correspondence, and on any emergency to call a general meeting, and that any six of them have power to act. "Signed per order, "Joseph Butler, Cl. Com."* At the meeting of the convention held December 8 of that year (1774), the sum of four hundred and sixty-six pounds was named as the amount to be sub scribed in Harford county for the purchase of arms and ammunition. Meanwhile, in Congress, the war spirit continued to grow. On June 26, 1775, the Maryland Convention again assembled at Annapolis, and its first movement was to throw off allegiance to the proprietary power and form a provisional government for the State. Then was organized what was known as the "Association of the Freemen of Maryland," which the members of the convention signed. To this association are found 'fScharf's History. history of HARFORD COUNTY. 97 subscribed the names of Benedict Edward Hall, Thomas Bond, Richard Dallam, Ignatius Wheeler, Jr., and William Webb, who represented Harford county in that convention. CHAPTER XI. HARFORD IN THE REVOLUTION. THE PEOPLE OF THE NEW COUNTY ALIVE TO PUBLIC AFFAIRS — FAVORABLE SITUATION OP COUNTY SEAT AT BUSH — GREAT MEN PASSING ALONG — HARFORD DECLARATION OF POPULAR RIGHTS. Several things conspired to cause the people of Har ford county to be especially active and interested in public affairs at the breaking out of the Revolutionary War. In the first place, the county had been formed but a year before Lexington and Concord were fought ; our people had all the zest and interest in public mat ters which always characterize newly organized gov ernmental agencies, and the same feeling which made them restless under the removal of their county seat and led to the formation of the new county, was mani fest in the spirit that actuated them under the wrongs inflicted by the mother country. One of the first duties imposed upon the new county was to send delegates to the Provincial Convention at Annapolis, which pro tested against the Stamp Act. The situation of the county seat at Harford Town, or Bush, on the route to and from Philadelphia and New York, the early national capitals, was particularly favorable to our an cestors keeping thoroughly in touch with the spirit of the times. There were several hotels at Bush at the time of which we write, and when our people in those HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 99 days would repair to the county seat on court business, or whatever might be their errand, it was an usual occurrence for them to meet with and enjoy the ac quaintance of such men as Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Randolph, Patrick Henry, the Lees and other great men of those days who lived in the South and who would pass that way in their journeys to and from the large cities of the North. It is not too much to assume that something of the same spirit and feeling that actuated Washington, who commanded our armies, and Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence, and Madison, the father of the Constitution, and the other prominent men who were in the habit of stopping at Bush, was infused into our own people, and to the extent of their association with these great men, which, as indicated, was con siderable, to the same extent our ancestors had the advantage in public information, knowledge and public spirit over those sections not so favorably situated. As we look back to that distant day, we can see the village hostelry filled with jurors, witnesses, judges and others of our people who had repaired to the county seat on public business. The great open fire place would be blazing with the cordwood logs ; kindly feeling and good cheer would prevail; Mr. Jeremiah Sheredine, Mr. William Webb and Mr. Thomas Bond, of the lords justices, would discuss with Mr. William Smithson the opening of a new road from the Hickory Fork to Winter's Run and debate the probable cost; in another part of the room Mr. Alexander Lawson, the clerk of the court, would be engaged in conver sation with Mr. Aquila Hall and Mr. Aquila Paca, who lived nearby and had dropped in for a social hour; a lOO HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. slight commotion would be heard outside and, as is the custom in the country, all would go to discover the cause. Just coming over the brow of the hill from By num's run two horsemen would appear, the dress, car riage, horses and tout ensemble of the riders would clearly indicate that they were gentlemen of distinc tion; following them would be two negro servants equally well mounted; the livery of the servants and their perfect manners indicating that they were of the quality as well as their masters; some one of the better acquainted would advance and address the elder traveler with "Colonel Washington, how do you do?" The gentleman accosted would reply, "Mr. Paca, I am glad to see you ; allow me to present to you my friend, Mr. Jefferson, of Virginia," and then the entire assemblage would be presented to the great men and would for the rest of the evening enjoy the conversation of one or both of them. The politics of the day would be discussed and the latest views of the leading men of the times would be freely given to the guests thus gathered together. We can imagine Mr. Jefferson, with his tall, spare form, red face and hair, advising the fathers of our county met at the Bush tavern to organize and send delegates to the An napolis Convention and the Continental Congress. We can see him standing in front of the open fire, exhorting his auditors to organize and pass resolutions expressing their views ; and to scenes such as these were the rep resentative people of the county so accustomed that when the hour arrived they were ready, active and courageous. This association, with the leading men of the colo nies, bore fruit in the passage of a resolution by the HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. lOI committee of Harford county on the 22nd day of March, 1775, which may properly be called the first Declaration of Independence made by any representa tive body in America. The committee of Harford county was not in any sense a mass-meeting. Its members were duly elected by the ten thousand white people of the county; the thirty-four names signed to the resolution were the leading men of the new county, and their descendants are justly proud of this signal evidence of the courage and patriotism of their ances tors. The terms of the resolution, even without the aid of the knowledge of the resolves and the associa tion of the Continental Congress and the resolves of the Provincial Convention, indicate beyond a doubt that the signers realized that they were not dealing in mere glittering generalities, but that it was necessary for them to hang together, so that they might thereby avoid the unpleasant alternative of hanging separately. When it was considered necessary to close the reso lution with these words, "We do most solemnly pledge ourselves to each other, and to our country, and en gage ourselves by every tie held sacred among man kind, to perform the same at the risque' of our lives and forttmes," we may know that the signers had a full realization of the meaning of their famous decla ration and of the work in which they were about to engage. The following is the language of the declaration : "We, the Committee of Harford County, having most seriously and maturely considered the Resolves and Association of the Continental Congress and the Resolves of the Provincial Convention, do most heart ily approve of the same, and as we esteem ourselves I02 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. in a more particular manner intrusted by our Constitu ents to see them carried into Execution, we do most solemnly pledge ourselves to each other, and to our country, and engage ourselves by every tie held sacred among mankind, to perform the same at the risque of our lives and fortunes. "Aquila Hall, Jos. Carvel Hall, Geo. Patterson, Wm. Morgan, Frans. Holland, Saml. Caldwell, Aquila Paca, James Lytle, Aquila Hall, Jr., Robt. Morgan, Robt. Lemmon, Thos. Brice, Thos. Johnson, Alex. Rig don, Edward Ward, Abm. Whitaker, Charles Ander son, William Fisher, Jr., Richd. Dallam, John Durham, James McComas, William Bradford, Sen., Wm. Smith- son, John Donohuy, John Patrick, Daniel Scott, Benj. Bradford Norris, James Harris, Edward Prall, Green berry Dorsey, John Archer, W. Smithe, W. Webb, John Taylor." In this declaration is foreshadowed Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill and Long Island, Trenton, Mon mouth and Princeton, and the final triumph at York- town. When we consider that the Resolves of the Conti nental Congress were the Bill of Rights defining the privileges of English speaking people everywhere, and that the signers to the Bush declaration declared their intention to see them carried into execution at the risk of their lives and fortunes, we may consider that except in detail this declaration breathed the same spirit as Jefferson's instrument of more than a year later. A revolution differs from a rebellion only in that the former is attended with success. And had the Revolution of 1776 failed, and had the army of Wash ington been overthrown, it is not too much to suppose HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. I03 that the good people of our county, who rejoice in their descent from these patriots whose names are signed to the Bush declaration, would have as part of their inheritance the bitter knowledge of the execution of an ancestor for treason. The same quality of the Englishman that put Har rison to death and dug up the dead body of Cromwell and hung it in chains after it had been in the grave for years, would have made itself manifest at that later day had the British government triumphed in their effort to enslave the American colonies. The date of this declaration is but two days after the celebrated speech of Patrick Henry, in Virginia, when he ex claimed: "The war is inevitable. Gentlemen may cry peace, peace, but there is no peace. The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the crash of resounding arms. What would you have? Is life so dear or peace so sweet to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death." The fires were beginning to be kindled and liberty or death was the prevailing sentiment. And so the rep resentatives of the county signing this declaration at Bush sixteen months before the declaration at Phila delphia on July 4, 1776, was a cry for liberty, from an obscure community, if you please, but it breathed the same patriotic spirit and bore the same central thought as the great instrument itself. Let no one belittle this act of our forefathers, or take one laurel from the brow of those great and good men of our county, who at the risk of their lives and their I04 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. fortunes were the first to give utterance to such senti ments, looking to national freedom and independence. They have all long ago passed over the dark river and joined the silent majority, and of them we can say in the ritual of the church, to the Author of every good and perfect gift, "we bless Thy holy name for all Thy servants departed this life in Thy faith and fear," and in particular "we give Thee hearty thanks for the good example of these, Thy servants, who having finished their course in faith do now rest from their labors." The surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown was the final overthrow of English supremacy. With the success of the American arms came the neces sity for a more perfect union. The first government was under the Articles of Confederation, which proved inadequate, and so the constitution was formed and adopted, and with the inauguration of Washington the new government went into operation in all its branches. CHAPTER XII. THE REVOLUTION— Continued. THE ENROLLMENT OF THE COUNTY MILITIA — ^THE FLYING CAMP — ALEXANDER LAWSON SMITH's HARFORD COMPANY AT THE BATTLE OF FORT WASHINGTON. In accordance with the recommendation of the Provincial Assembly, companies were enrolled in Har ford county as follows : "We whose names are subscribed do hereby enroll ourselves into a company of militia, agreeable to the resolutions of the Provincial Convention held at Annap olis the 26th day of July, 1775, and we do promise and engage that we will respectively march to such places within this province, and at such times, as we shall be commanded by the convention or council of safety, of this province, or by our officers, in pursu ance of the orders of the said convention or council, and there, with our whole power, fight against whom- sover we shall be commanded by such authority as aforesaid." Josias Carvil Hall's Company. — No. i. Witness our hands this 12th day of Sept., 1775. Josias Carvil Hall, Capt. Edward Hall, William Young, ist Lieut. Edward Carvel Tolley, John Beadle Hall, 2d Lieut. John Patterson, Thomas Hall, Ensign. Thos. Peregrine Frisby, James Webster, Richard Ruff, Freeborn Brown, Richard Wilmott, Jr., Michael Gilbert, Jr., Garrett Garrettson, io6 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. George Young, Aquila Paca, Jr., Francis Holland, Benedict Edward Hall, Thomas Giles, William Smith, Jr., John Copeland, John Diemer, Bennet Mathews, Josias Hall, James White Hall, Gabriel Christie, John Rumsey, Samuel Gover, James Holmes, William Annin, Arthur McCann, James Mathews, Joseph Butler, John Lee Webster, Aquila Hall, Jr., William Loney, Joseph Finley, James Osborn, Jr., Robert Morgan, Phil Henderson, George Presbury, Joshua Browne, Robert Stokes, Daniel Richardson, William HoUis, Jr., William Hall, Thaddeus Jewett, James Paca, William Bradford, Jr., Larkin Hammond, Roger Mathews, John Carlisle, Joseph Wheeler, Parker Lee, Bennett Wheeler, Henry Neill, Alex. Lawson Smith, John Matthews, William Hall of Aquila, Josias Wheeler, Thomas Orr, James Perkins, William Young, John Archer, Captain. — No. 2. At a meeting of the deputies appointed by the sev eral counties of the province of Maryland at the city of Annapolis, by adjournment on the Sth day of December, 1774, and continuing till the 12th day of the same month, it was resolved that the freeholders and others and freemen from fifteen to sixty years of age should form themselves into companies of sixty- eight men, to choose a captain, two lieutenants, an ensign, four sergeants, four corporals and a drummer for each company. In compliance therewith and agree able thereunto, a' sufficient number being inhabitants of Maryland, in Harford county, adjacent to the Lower HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 107 Cross Roads, having enrolled themselves, and on the 26th day of December, 1774, met and made choice of their several officers, in which position said company continued mustering once a week until the i6th day of September, 1775, at which time said company having met, subscribed their names to the following enroll ment: A list of the names of the Lower Cross Roads Militia Company as enrolled : John Archer, Captain. Edward Prall, ist Lieut. James Allison, 2d Lieut. Samuel Smith, Ensign. John Archer, Edward Prall, James Allison, George Barclay, William Boardsman, John Stevenson, Samuel Smith, Charles Moore, William Grimes, John Tinny, John Welch, John Monahon, John Jebb, Ralph Smith, Peter Laughlin, George Tollenger, Arthur Monahon, John Smith, George McGlaughlan, John Hawthorn, Alexander Jeffrey, Jonathan White, Jacob Slack, Robert Criswell, James Walker, Andrew Harriot, John Perkins, William Martin, Robert Hart, Robert McGloughlan, Edward Thompson, Daniel Clarke, John Mills, Patrick Heany, Robert Smith, Hugh Diver, John Croesen, John Jamison, farmer, Richard Croesen, John Jamison, innkeeper, John Townsley, John Townsley, Jr., John Blackburn, Jr., James Lee, Joseph Shaghnassey, James Sheredine, Andrew Wilson, Patrick Cretin, William Harrison, Joseph Jervis, John Curry, Michael Donel, William Hassett, John McCann, George Vandegrift, Archer Hays, io8B*r :"..'"¦;• William Williams, John Davidson, James Moore, Samuel Doherty, Isaac Guyton, Thomas Rowntree, James Hews, George Butler, William McClure, Joseph Brownley, James Cain, HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. James Harris, David Dickson, Talbot Odle, Daniel Price, Ralph Smith, Edward Short, Thomas Hill, Matthew McClintock, James May, Nevin Kerr, Ezekiel Vanhom. Charles Anderson, Captain. — No. 3. Witness our hands this 23d day of September, 1775 : Charles Anderson, Capt. Geo. Patterson, 1st Lieut. Nathan Bayles, 2d Lieut. Michael Gilbert, Ensign. Parker Gilbert, James Pritchard, William Boner, Harmon Pritchard, Ephraim Byard, Benjamin Smith, Daniel Dunahoo, Joseph Harris, Philip Donavin, Daniel Bayles, James Hanna, William Donavin, Eleazer Pritchard, Isaac Johnson, Pat. Fowler, Benjamin Bayles, John Cooley, Samuel Bayles, Joseph McFadden, Daniel Anderson, James Byard, Robert Cluver, Micaj a Mitchell, Richard White, Richard Rutter, John Carroll, Thomas Shearer, Samuel Gilbert, John Williams, James Barns, Thomas Gorrell, Samuel Swart, William Jarvice, Aquila Gilbert, John Cummins, Dennis Dunham, Andrew Ferguson, Robert Small, Ichabod Smith, Abraham Robinson, Robert West, Alexander Hanna, Thomas Gallion, Joshua Wood, Ephraim Cole, Abadiah Pritchard, history of HARFORD COUNTY. 109 James Cole, Benjamin Silver, William Silver, James Wood, Andrew Ramsay, Robert Nixon, Robert CarsweU, William Brannon, Jonas Bayles, John Gallion, Charles Baley, Benjamin Culver, David Smith, James Boner of Barney. Aquila Hall, Captain. — No. 4. Witness our hands the 9th day of September, 1775 : Aquila Hall, Captain. Samuel Griffith^ ist Lieut. Jacob Forwood, 2d Lieut. John Chancey, Ensign. Levin Mathews, Caleb Beck, John Adams, Samuel Hanson, John Major, George Little, John Clarke, John Brown, John Hall Hughes, Henry Vansickle, Hollis Hanson, Zebedee Bennett, John Whitacre, Hezekiah Whitacre, Robert Faulkner, Jesse Manly, Neheraiah Barnes, William Jones, Abrahara Bennett, Thomas Hanson, John Dorrah, John Beck, William Smith, Jonas Stevenson, Joseph Smith, Thos Cowley, Benjamin Chancey, Edward Morris, James Steward, Thos. Barrett, William Mooberry, John Mathews, James Redman, John Casseldine, William Murphy, Edward Horton Bruce- banks, John Cowin, Thomas Woodward, Joseph Johnson, George Capeland, Archibald Johnson, George Drew, Jacob Combest, George Chancey, John Ruff, James Chancey, Francis Pitt, James Oliver, John Johnson, Robert Brown, James Kimble, Jr., Thomas Sutton, Jaraes McCarty, IIO history of HARFORD COUNTY. Peter Lovell, Thomas Brown, Stephen Crouch, William Rice, John Manly, James PhilHps, James Jones, Michael Kennard, Francis Garland, Amos Hollis, Michael Connoway, Benjamin Osborne, Nathan Gallion, Garrett Garrettson, Wiliam Osborne, William Redding, Edward Ward, James Lenagin, Samuel Dooley, John Biggs, Thomas Blackiston, Thomas Browning, John Hanson, Benjamin Bennett, William Johnson, Robert McGaw, James Drew. John McBride, Captain John Rodgers. — No. 5. Witness our hands this 15th day of Septeraber, 1775 ; John Rodgers, Captain. John Marshall, Wm. Godsgrace, ist Lieut. Joseph Montgomery, James Giles, 2d Lieut and John Calgrove, Adjt. William Wise, Matthew Alexander, En- Samuel Beach, sign. David Deaver, Daniel McPhail, Thomas Belcher Michael, Gash, William Welsh, William Mitchell, Jr., Archibald Beaty, Ser- James Mitchell, geants. William Evitt, William Williams, Samuel Patrick McDonald, Howell, David Thomp- James Edwards, son, Alexander Burns, Francis Faust, Corporals. John Orr, Drummer. James Hurley, Fifer. Peter Fort, John Singleton, Jonathan Grant, Jackson Laverty, Robert Hunt, Philip McDonald, Richard Watts, Thomas West, Archibald McCurdy, William Vantworth, John Lovell, James Ward, William Hill, Thomas Walker, John Porter, history OF HARFORD COUNTY. Ill John Walker, Thomas Boyle, Walter Taylor, William Cantler, Sarauel Fowler, Jaraes Scale, Jr., William Murphy, Samuel Richardson, William Perry Fowler, Ozwain Sutton, Hugh Munroe, Michael West, John Mitchell, Joseph Steel, William Coen, Jr., Daniel Williams, James McKnight, John Williams, Daniel Deaver, Jonathan Knight, Stephen Hargrass, Samuel Pritchard, John Osborn, William Shy, Andrew Evitt, Thoraas Knight, George Veach, Samuel Durbin, Ralph Platt, The above are a true copy of the names of every person, officers, subalterns and privates belonging to the above company who separately and severally desir ing the clerk of the said company to write their names for thera professing at the same time in form as their own actual signing. Daniel McPhail, Clk. Attested : John Rodgers, Capt. Wm. Godsgrace, Lieut. To the Committee of Harford County: Gentlemen — Further it's desired you in your wis dom will be pleas'd to fall upon some method to furnish the above with a few arms and we the offi cers thereof bind ourselves answerable to the commit tee, convention or whom else soever it doth concern to return the said arras or the full value thereof when this unhappy contest shall subside. John Rodgers, Wm. Godsgrace. N. B. — The corapany is young but enrolling daily. 112 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Benjamin Rumsey, Captain. — No. 6. Witness our hands this i6th day of September, 1775 : Benjamin Rumsey, Alexander Cowan, John Beale Howard, Isaiah Linton, Thomas Gassaway How ard, Clement Lewis, William Copeland Gold smith, Jonathan W. Lewis, John Day, Jr. George Gouldsmith Pres bury, John Hammond Dorsey, Roger Boyce, Benjarain Wilson, Sarauel G. Osborn, John Allender, Jr., James Bailey, John Sewell, Joseph Cromwell, Henry Garrett, Jaraes Arnold, Otho French, William Price, Jaraes Maxwell, Jr., Williara Branan, John Christie, James Adams, Henry Hays, William Allender, Josias Smith, Edward Day, Sr., Joseph Hewett, John Devin, Isaac Hall, John Gray, Richard Holloway, Daniel Tredwell, Benjamin Scarff, William Reed, Jaraes Price, Richard Wood.en, Zep. Tolley, Thomas Cole, William Osborn, Moses Haslet, John Robert Harrison, Nicholas Eckson, John Wilson, doctor, Joseph Finley, Thomas Taylor, Walter Jaraes, John Mitchell, Thomas Stocksdale, Joshua France, Robert Stewart, James Foster, Hugh Stewart, John Thompson, Levin Ingram, John Huston, John Clark, John Phips, John Woolen, Major Woolen, Richard Hackett, John Stewart, HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. II 3 Captain John Taylor's Company. — No. 7. Witness our hands and seals this 9th day of Septem ber, 1775 : John Taylor, Captain. Samuel Caldwell, Lieut. Thomas Hutchins, 2d Lt. Vincent Richardson, En sign. Jonathan Ady, Greenbury Chaney, John Carson, John Armstrong, Stephen White, John Saunders, William Jenkins, Jaraes Cox, Barnard Riely, William Ewing, William Norris of Joshua, James Walker, Aquila Norris of Thomas, David Harry, Hugh Bay, Williara Sargent, Sr., John Allen, Williara Sargent, Jr., George Garrettson, William Marret, Thomas Freeman, -Charles Herbert, Nathaniel Shepherd Arra strong, Stephen Fell, Daniel Thomas, William Bayd, John Cooper, Charles Gillaspey, Robert Conn, Jaraes Camp, Robert Travis, Samuel Richman, Thomas Hutchins, John Quinn, Samuel Standiford, Jr., Edward Norris of Joshua, Thomas Richardson, Jr., James McCurty, Andrew Bay, James Everett of Samuel, Williara Handersides, John Gillaspey, Robert Wilson, Samuel Brown, Israel Taylor, John Larramore, Peter Bond, Nathaniel Yardley, Moulden Amos, William Robinson, William Ady, Torrance Flannagan, James Moore, John Corbet, David Calwell, William Byfoot, Vincent Richardson, William Richardson, Moses McComas, John Norris of James, Charley Riley, John Wilson, Charles O'Close, Daniel Norris, Thomas Ford, Abel Green, 114 history of HARFORD COUNTY. Andreas Hughes, John Brown, Joseph Pearson, Amos Jones, Walter Martin, Thomas Robinson, John Kennedy, Richard Noland, John Conn, Richard McKinley, Daniel Fraley, John Buckley, James Huggins. Captain Greenberry Dorsey's Company. — No. 8. Enrolled October 31, 1775. Greenberry Dorsey, Cap tain. John Wood, ist Lieut. William Barnes, 2d Lieut. Cyrus Osborn, Ensign. Nathaniel Swain, James Mosey Loney, Deaver, Joseph Everist, Thoraas Sirapers, John Howell, Sergeants. Stephen Kimble, Lloyd Mash, Joseph Fields, Isaac Dulany, Baltus Fie, Thomas Richard Berry, Israel Combest, Jacob Combest, George Childs, Stephen Taylor, Robert Taylor, Ayres, Corporals. James Taylor, Jr., Clerk. Privates — James McCracken, Isaac Toulson, Frisby Dorsey, Ashberry Cord, John Kimble, Samuel Pritchard, Obadiah Pritchard, Charles Pritchard, Thomas Pritchard, William Pritchard, George Dougherty, John Gordon, John Everist, Utey Combest, Asa Taylor, John Collins, Thomas Lancaster, James Ford, Samuel Collins, James Kelly, Samuel Thompson, Samuel Tush, Richard Harrison, Gabriel Swain, Patrick McClain, Josias Kimble, James Fitzgerald, Benjamin Everist, Isaac Collins, Harmon Hill, Edward Evans, John Clark , Alexander Gordon, Amasa Taylor, Roger Sheedy, HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. "5 John Connolly, John Connolly, Jr., William Collins, John Deaver, Reuben Sutton, Williara Daugherty, John Lee, Michael Melanhy, Charles Hipkins, Michael Carey, Roland Kirable, Evan Evans, Isaac Duzent, John Morris, Horatio Harrison, Thoraas Deaver, Micajah Deaver, Benjamin Ford, John Kirk, Jaraes Kirable, George Williamson, John Walker, William Wraine, Usher Tracey, Jacob Collins, John Lovatt, John McComas, Samuel Gallion, Moses Collins, Freeborn Garrettson, William Gray Duzan John Giant, Samuel Jenkins, Charles White, Giles Kimble, Thomas Chrisholm, James Denison, Abraham Taylor, Hugh Orr, John Atkinson, Jr., William Evans, William Evans, Jr., John Barnes, Richard Pearce, John Bruce, Daniel Campbell, Jacob Duzart. Captain James Stewart's Company. — No. 9. James Stewart, captain; James Talbott, first lieu tenant ; John Ware, second lieutenant ; Jesse Pritchard, ensign; privates, 65. Captain John Love's Company. — No. 10. Witness our hands this 14th day of September, 1775 : John Love, Captain, Grafton Preston, Lieut. Job Key, 2d Lieut. Nathaniel West, Ensign. James Scott, ist Sergeant. James Munday, 2d Sergt. Stephen Hill, 3rd Sergt. Thos. Sheredin, 4th Sergt. Corporals — Walter Bil lingslea, first ; Robert Clark, second ; James Preston, third ; John Thoraas, fourth. 1x6 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Privates — William Miles, Matthew Sweany, Thomas Able, Michael Lorden, George Rydon, James Rigdon, Peter Henley, John Callinder, Henry Green, Hugh Pugh, Bernard Johnson, Edraund Bull, James Deale, Alexander Huston, Benjamin Rhoades, Thomas Pennick, Jacob Johnson, Patrick Campbell, Lemuel Howard, Thomas Thurston, David Clark, Robert Taylor, Edward Bussey, Leonard Green, James Whitaker, Thomas Wheeler, John Woodward, Vincent Goldsmith, William Clark, John Wild, Edward Freeman, Philip McGuire, Thoraas Rhoades, Thomas Johnston, John Paine, James Thomas, William West, Henry Thomas, Jacob Bull, James Craton, John Craton, Thomas Thorapson, David Thomas, Josias Wheeler, William McMullin, Thomas Hill, James Allen, Ralph Pyle, John Welsh, William Cooper, John Ruckman, William Strowd, Leonard Green of Benja min, Williara Fulton, Williara Baggot, Jonathan West, Bartholomew Savage, Martin Preston, John Carr, Barnet Preston, Isaac Pinnick, Barnet Pain, Isaac Arkwright. Captain Jacob Bond's Company. — No. ii. Witness our hands this 9th day of December, 1775 : Jacob Bond, Captain, Martin Preston, Ensign. Thos. Johnson, ist Lieut. Williara McMath, Jas. McComas, 2d Lieut. Aquila Scott of James, HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. H7 Patrick Hughes, Joseph Bams, Samuel McMath, John Barnes, William Anderson, James Curry, Williara Barnes, Jaraes Steel, Benjamin Scott, Elijah Joice, Buckler Bond, Joseph Saunders, Thomas Smith, John Drennen, Roderick McKenzie, Edward Hamilton, Daniel Scott of Aquila, Aquila Scott of Aquila, Thomas Pendegast, James Moriarty, William King, Michael Carr, Samuel Wilmott, William Brown, Christopher Clemens, Thomas Knight, William Smith, James Jarvis, Andrew Warwick, John Norris of Benjamin, William Cuthbert, James Amoss of James, Isaac Rose, Jacob Bull, Edmund Bull, Jacob Bull, Jr., Nathaniel Smithson, John Pain, Henry Greer, James Deal, John Price, John Ruckman, John Lewis, Patrick Campbell, William Stephens, Moses Ruth, Jr., William McMillan, Robert Fremble, Samuel Durham, Aquila Durham, Peter Potee, Mordecai Durham, John Durham of Joshua, Samuel McMillan, William Bond of Joshua, James Kelly, Robert Johnson, William Johnson, Benjarain Preston, Jaraes Moores, tanner, James Moores of John, Henry Ruff, Jr., James Hanna, Patrick Reid, Isaac Whitacre, Jacob Bond, Jr., Thomas Hinks, William Smithson, James Bond, James Bridge, Francis Williams. ii8 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Alexander Rigdon's Company. — No. 12. Witness our hands this 2d day of December, 1775 : Alexander Rigdon, Cap tain, Daniel Carter, ist Lieut. Richard Deaver, Jr., 2d Lt. William Jones, Ensign. Sergeants — Joseph Wilson, Charles Johnson, Walter Denny, John Flat. Corporals — Christopher Fort, William Rose, Jo seph Kems, Samuel Pea cock. Privates — William Smith, William Jenkins, Thomas Burke, Thomas Miles, George Johnston, Jeremiah Hawkins, John Donehay, John Whiteford, John Johnson, William Brakenridge, William Eken, John Brakenridge, John Frost, John Hudson, Jesse Kent, John Bullock, Gregory Hawkins, Samuel Hill, Philip Crail, Robert Hawkins, James Frost, James Queen, Joshua Ward, Luke Peacock, James Ward, John McGaw, Benjamin McCreary, Thomas Jones, Thomas Hudson, John Roberts, William Roberts, Robert Kennedy, John Kearns, Williara Gibson, Sarauel Morgan, William Rigdon, Walter Lewis, Aquila Deaver, Seaborn Tucker, Jacob Jones, James Deaver, Stephen Rigdon, William Clark, John McClain, Benjamin Jones, Jr., James Delong, Joseph Smith, Thomas Johnson, Robert Clark, Jr., Isaac Jones, John Watkins, Isaac Jones of William, John Catherwood, James Benson, James Leakin, William Betts, Joseph Gibbons. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 119 Capt. Willi.\m Bradford's Company. — No. 13. Witness our hands this 30th day of September, 1775 : William Bradford, Capt. Aaron McComas, Joseph Rose, ist Lieut. John Pool, Hugh Kirkpatrick, 2d Lieut. Alexander McComas, Edward McComas, En- Thomas Cunningham, sign. Scunuel Vance, John Jones, Michael Mather, William Gail, William McComas, Benjarain Rickets, Samuel Power, Isaac Wheeler, Thomas Mather, Alexander Crawford, Solomon McComas, Daniel Lynch, David Vance, Robert Braser, William Norris, Joseph Stiles, Richard Bull, Jaraes Carroll, John Kitely, Thoraas Yearaan, John Power, 'Samuel Stallins, Jaraes Nower, Alexander McComas, Jr., William Boyer, Edward McKinsey, John Kean, Edward Hanson, Zachariah Smith, William Yoe, Isaac Fryer, George Cunningham, Abraham Andrew, John Bull, Williara May, James Kelly, Reuben Ross, John Vance, Basil Smith, William Eadin, Benjamin McComas, William Saunders, John Ellis, Sarauel Wiggins, John Brooks, John Morris, John McCoraas of Wil liam, Stephen White, Thomas Mason, James Dobbins, William Goddin, Aaron Goddin, Tayman Byfoot, Williara Ross. Charles Baker's Company. — No. 15. At Josias Hitchcock's, Jr., in Harford county, 27th January, 1776. Elected by ballot: Charles Baker, Captain. Moses Johnson, ist Lieut. I20 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Richard Hutchins, 2d Lieut. Nicholas Amoss, Ensign. Sergeants for the Jarretts- burg Company of Militia — Timothy Tate, Martin Parker, Williara Brittain, Mordecai Amoss, Rank and File — James Garrettson, Richard Robinson, William Parker, Bennettt Green, Samson Eagon, Henry Scarff, John Rockhold, Michael Rutledge, Edward Gatheridge, Aquila Clark, Charles Rockhold, Andrew Cravan, William Hitchcock, Josias Hitchcock, Henry Hitchcock, John Evans, Edward Robinson, Jas. Scott, Williara Bosley, Aquila Miles, Richard Shipley, Thoraas Rutledge, Jonathan Cunninghara, Thomas Thomas, Jaraes Everett, Samuel Foster, Morris Baker, James Donnelly, Jacob Davis, Thomas Slade, Richard Perkins, Henry Scharff, Richard Everett, Daniel Pocock, 'John Warrick, William Warrick, William Barton, James Campbell, Andrew Thompson, Thomas Cunningham, Thomas James, Jr., James Currey, John Davis, Walter Rice, Joseph Jones, Thoraas Conner. James Richardson, George Chalk, John Chalk, James Turk, Nicholas Day, Henry Day, Peter Carroll, Henry Enlows, Matthew Creswell, James Hunt, Abram Rutledge, Robert Clark, John Corbett, Lewis Corbett, Peter Miller, William Baldwin, Underwood Guyton, Morris Lane, history of HARFORD COUNTY. 121 Captain William Webb's Company. — No. i6. Witness our hands this 14th day of October, 1775 : William Webb, Captain. Ignatius Wheeler, Jr., ist Lieut. "^ William Fisher, Jr., 2d Lieut. John Webb, Jr., Ensign. Richard James, George Rogers, William Whiteford, Robert Gilchrist, Michael Daugherty, William Crooks, Jr., Hugh Whiteford, Robert McCradey, John Beaver, Gilbert Crockett, Thomas Jones, Samuel Crockett, Andrew Lindsay, Archibald Ingram, Jaraes Clark, James Anderson, Jaraes Linam, John Beshang, Thoraas Brown, Michael Sivers, Stephen Marford, Philip Albert, Patrick Halfpenny, Ralph Ellison, Thomas Duff, Simon Jordon, Charles Beaver, Thomas Beaver, Enclidus Scarborough, Francis Jenkins, James King, Benjamin Thomas, Nathaniel Smith, -William Sparks, Baker Rigdon, John Sraith, James Lewis, Robert McNear, James Phillips, John Jackson, Stophel Penchieff, William Hart, Francis King, William King, Godfrey Fye, John Morrow, Edmund Callahan, Hugh McGough, Thomas Crooke, John Taylor, John McFaden, Jaraes Hutcheson, Joseph Wilson, Robert Griffin, John Beaven, Levi Low, William Thoriman, John Bamhouse, William More, John Sraith, Jr., Thoraas Ellett, Sarauel Ellett, William Smith, William Lj^le, Jonas Gilbert, William Murdock, Daniel More, Thomas Gallion, 122 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. James Alexander, James Bamett, Robert Williamson, Jaraes Garrettson, Daniel Lindsay, John Wright, Archibald Wilson, George Patrick, Jaraes McDaniel, James Allen, Sedgwick James, John Scarborough, . John Woodward, Richard Trotter, Jaraes Trotter, Jaraes Jackson. John Patrick, Captain. — No. 17. Witness our hands this ist April, 1776: John Patrick, Captain. Winston Dallara, First Lieut. Samuel Baylis, 2d Lieut. Richard Ward, Ensign. Samuel Hopkins, Chas. Worthington, Samuel Worthington, Barnet Daugherty, Joseph Amoss, Joseph McKinney, James Love, Charles Bevard, Jas. Bevard, William Snodgrass, Job Barnes, John West, Thomas Armott, Robert James, William Husband, Ezekiel Barnes, John Hilton, Richard Dallam, Gideon Gover, Jonathan Sterrett, John Dallara, Hugh Deaver, Thomas Stapleton, James Morris, John Scantlin, Thos. Stephenson, William Brannon, David Armstrong, Philip Warnock, Samuel Hawkins, Reuben Jones, William Scarborough, Patrick McMurray, Michael Knight, William Silver, Robert Creswell, Sr., Robert Creswell, Jr., Thomas Scarborough, John Fl5mn, Andrew Scott, Enclidus Scarborough, Sr.,. William McLaney, George Carroll, Andrew Ramsay, William Ammott, John Reese, Jaraes Murfey, Arthur Macken, Josiah Stapleton, Robert Morgan, Jr., Michael Norris. history of HARFORD COUNTY. Companies of the Flying Camp. 123 Captain Robert Harris' Company of Harford Rifles. Philadelphia, Nov. 2, 1776. Wm. Coale, ist Lieut. Wm. Downs, 2d Lieut. Jos. Renshaw, Ensign. James Cooper, Mathew McElhaney, Joshua James, John Chance, Jaraes Treno, Levi Low, William Feely, Alexander Stevenson, Robert Hanna, Gregory White, Robert Gordon, Jas. Bull, James Harris, Williara Hall, Richard Hopkins, Williara Chambers, Patrick Nowlan, William Crooks, James Watson, Robert Armstrong, Michael Dougherty, James Donnelly, Matthew Creswell, Edward Dougherty, Jonathan Smith, Zebedee Hicks, Horatio Coop, Richard Jordon, James Blaney, Christopher Fort, Williara Latoraore, Francis Gibson, John Davidson, David Arrastrong, Barnet Rain, Thos. Roads, John Cook, John Bush, Williara Cook, Alexander Thompson, Hugh Hutson, William Gordon, William Cuthbert, James Munday, Joseph Saunders, John Armstrong, Jonathan Eddy, John Baker, John Latimore, Aquila Dunham, Edward Morgan, David Wavy, John Haig, Gykes Hodsfes, James Rigdon, Jas. Wilgus, Benjamin Wailey, Thomas Capen, David McCullogh, Abel Green, Matthew Skell, Charles Anderson, David Campbell, Thomas Steuart, William Kirkpatrick, 124 history of HARFORD COUNTY. Joseph Steel, John Orr, John Patrick, John Paine, John Taylor, Joseph Dueberry, James Miller, Jesse Logan, Robert Spencer, Griffith Evans. Francis Holland, Capt. John Carlile, ist Lieut. Wm. Young, 2d Lieut. Robert Morgan, Ensign. Thoraas Hall, Wm. Hall of Aquila, William Fell, Daniel Richardson, William Colter, William Ross, John Bull, John Barnes, Jaraes Paca, Edmund Callahan, Benjamin Cluver, Jarvis Gilbert, Samuel Elliott, Archibald Ingram, Robert Conn, John Mitchell, Michael Schrife, Samuel Gilbert, Andrew Ramsey, Daniel Nutterwell, John Cooley, Thomas Sutton, Francis Pitt, David Thompson, Benjamin Barnes, William Silver, Frisby Dorsey, Hugh Mcintosh, William Loney, Obadiah Pritchard, Nathan Bailess, Jonas Bailess, Benedict Edward Hall, Roger Matthews, Richard Dallam, Richard Wilmott, Elijah Davis, Davis Smith, Robert Renshaw, Daniel Bailess, Nathan Swain, Benjarain Osborn, John Whitaker, James Brown, Aquila Paca, Jr., Josias Wheeler, Samuel Gover, Thomas Wheeler, John Hanson, James Matthews, Joseph Wheeler, Morgan Conney, drum mer; Thomas Duke, Thomas Giles, Thomas Webster, William Hall, Sr., George Young, John Copeland, James Hall, Robert Stokes, Ralph Sraith, Negro Nora, captain's ser vant. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 125 The two last named companies were attached to the army after the defeat at Fort Washington, and per formed the usual carap and guard duties, but did not have an opportunity to take part in battle. A List of Men EnroUed by Capt, James Young, Lieut. James Bond, Lieut. John Smith and Ensign James Tool. To Compose One Company in Col, Thomas Ezving's Battalion for the Flying Camp, August, 1776. CADETS : Stephen Dorsey America Joshua Brown America John Allinder America Williara Osborne (Osbourn) America Thomas Goldsmith Araerica William Bunting England SERGEANT : David Smith, 4th Araerica DRUMMER : Thomas Cole England FIFER : Francis Herd (a servant) America PRIVATES : William Appleby America William Price England Edward Murphey Ireland Richard Hackett England Nicholas Rylie (Reiley) Ireland Hugh Deiver (Devier) Araerica Williara Rice England Michael Meloy Ireland Robert .Stevenson America Lawrence Connoway (Conaway) Ireland Patrick Tiarny Ireland Patrick Fowler Ireland 126 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. James Hannah (Hanna) Ireland Peter Donna von (Donavan) Ireland William King America Joseph Whitefeatt England James Smith England Charles O'Neale Ireland Records of Maryland Troops in the Continental Ser vice During the War of the American Revolution, 1775-83- HARFORD COUNTY. Captain, Aquila Paca. Captain, Bennet Bussey. 1st Lieut, John Beedle ist Lieut., Joshua Miles. Hall. Ensign, Aquila Amos.* 2d Lieut., Michael Gilbert. Enrolled by Captain Paca. Reviewed and passed by Jos. Carvil Hall, July 24, 1776. Isaac Johnson, Cornelius Akins, James Thomas, Thomas Younger, Thomas Stevenson, Isaac Giant, Barney Haney, Jonathan Walker, Jas. Allen, Thomas Welsh, Job Bennington, John Clarke, Joseph Glyn, Thomas Dusft, or Dufft, Aquila Lee Jones, Thomas McDaniel, William Robinson, John Loney, Jacob Dozens, Alexander Nolstone, Isaac Dozens, Michael Barry, Wm. Gray Dozens, William Duly, Ephraim Collins, John O'Neal, Reese Jones, Araatio Taylor, Edward Morris, William Durham, William Saunders, Alexander Admiston, John Morris, Jas Willson, John Collins, Michael Morris, Wm. Brucebanks, Matthew Snodey. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 127 Enrolled by Lieut. J. B. Hall. August 5, 1776. Passed by Aquila Hall, Joab Murphy, WilHara Hart, Stephen Crouch, William Logan, John Breckenridge, James McKnight, John Ryan, Charles Williams, Israel Combest, Michael Mullen, Proceedings of the 177, 178. Nicholas Brady, George Stewart, Leven Dorsey, Thomas Harrod, Edward Low, Williara Hassett, James Hurley, John Walker, Philip Peiken, or Pictem, Alexander Edmonston. Convention of Maryland, pp. Enrolled by Capt. Bennett Bussey. Bond, July 20, 1776. Passed by Thos. Grafton Preston, John Clayton, (Clyton), Robt. Ogle, Edw. Johnson, Wm. Greenhill, (Green Hill), Wm. Preston, Isaac Akeright, (Aks- right), Jaraes Matthews, Michael Carr, Thoraas Hinks, Jaraes Moore, Siraon Howard, (Frow- ard). Robt. Carlile, (Carlisle), John Steel, Thos. Able, Lawrence Hynds, Wra. Cooper, John Toole, Bartho Finn, (Firra), Arch. McNear, Jaraes Cox, Godfrey Woolmore, Williara Miles, Jaraes Sraith, Benj. Rhoads, Edw. Freeraan, Denis Clancey, Enrolled by Capt, Bennett Bussey, Reviewed and passed by Thos, Jones, Second Major of the Balti more Town Battalion of Militia, Ambrose Timmons, Thomas Lacy. 128 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Enrolled by First Lieutenant Joshua Miles. July 27, '76. Passed James Nelson, Michael McNeile, Thomas Slatry, James Mays, Bartholomew Downs, Henry Shane, John Rogers, James Moore, Denis Clancy, Patrick Doran, William Gaddis, Laurence Hinds, Thomas Godfrey, John Downey, John Condron, Hugh McMillen, John Dennis, Valentine Stratford, John Tapler, John Spencer. Enrolled by Lieut. Asell Hitchcock, Jr. Passed by Asell Hitchcock, July 25, 1776. Thos. James, Wm. Cunningham, Wm. Wright, Asell Rockwell, Wra. Rutledge, Wm. Night, Wm. Condron, Richard Hopkins, Saml. Baxley, John Garrett, Andrew Craven, Jos. Wood White, Cladius Jamison, Chas. Porter, Saml. Hodgskins, Martin Scary, Jonathan Cunningham, John Lyon, Noah Reaves, Patrick Norton. Enrolled by Ensign Aquila Amos. Bond, July 25, 1776. Passed by Thos. Mordecai Araos, John Miles, Joshua Amos, Daniel Darby, Williara Gash, Sarauel Peacock, Richard Burk, John Catherwood, George Gardner, ( Garder ) , ( Cartherwood ) Winstone Smith, John O'Donel, Barnye Devine, Nathan Smith, John Roberts, John Long. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. FOURTH REGIMENT. 129 Muster roll of Capt. Alexander Lawson Smith's Company, including part of the companies belonging to the regiment of Lieut.-Col. Moses Rawlings, being a part of the Eleventh Virginia Regiment, commanded by Col. Daniel Morgan, Lieutenant-Colonel Febiger and Lieutenant-Colonel Nicholas during 1777, and afterward being a part of the Fourth Maryland Regi ment, coraraanded by Col. Josias Carvel Hall. Frora rolls for June, July, 1777, Col. Morgan; Sep teraber, 1777, Lieutenant-Colonel Febiger; October, 1777, Lieutenant-Colonel Nicholas; January, 1778, to January, 1779, inclusive. Colonel Hall. Alex. Lawson Smith, Captain. Wm. Bradford, Lieut. Adarason Tannehill, Lieut. Elijah Evans, Lieut. John Thompson, Sergt. Matthew Alexander, Sergt. Joshua Saunders, Sergt. Isaac Rose, Sergt. John Stafford, Sergt. John Chinneth, (Chineth), Sergt. John Howe, (How), Cor poral. Wm. Andrews, Corporal. John Ford, Corporal. James Ferguson, Corporal. Arthur Chinneth, (Chin eth), Corporal. Thos. Lovely, Fifer. John McBride, Drumraer. Privates — Reuben Ross, Thoraas Sraith, Samuel Power, Abraham Watson, John Callender, James Dennison, John Cooper, John Debruler, Chas. Baker, Henry Rowland, Wra. Cooper, Wra. Cattrill (Cattrell), John Irons, Josias Kirable, (Kimbal), Patrick Quinn, John Leviston, David Knight, Thos. Harris, John Collins, John Cotman, John Crockett, Wm. McCuIlough, Thos. Dearmott, Jesse Corbett, (Corbit), John Wilson, Wm Pritchard. 130 history of HARFORD COUNTY. Payroll of Capt. Robert Harris' Company for the Extra Month's Pay, Benj. Scott, ist Lieut. Patk. O'Mullan, Michael Dougherty, 2d Patk. Eagon, Lieut. Tiraothy Brannon, Michael Connelly, Sergt. Joseph Woods, Richard Moland, Corporal. Peter Swanton, Stephen Price, Corporal. James Rattican, Alex. Stephenson, Fifer. Dominick Coyn, Privates — James Kearns, Nicholas Delany, Charles Ashman, Abraham Hooper, Wm. Hawly, Michael McCann, Benj. Taylor, James Boyle, Wm. Anderson, deserted. John Reardon, A return of Recruits Enlisted in Harford County, 1780. John McDonal, First Maryland Regiment. Aaron Winfred, First Maryland Regiment. Moses Williams, New Regiraent. Thomas Blunder, New Regiment. Christopher Seemer, New Regiment. Williara Chapman, New Regiment. William Wilson, (deserted since enlistraent). New Regiment. Edward Freeman, New Regiment. James Scott, New Regiraent. Edward Burgess, First Maryland Regiraent. Dennis Downs, New Regiraent. Joseph McNamarra, New Regiment. William Lytle, New Regiment. Nathaniel Sullivan, New Regiment. Andrew McCune, New Regiment. James Jordon, New Regiment. James McDonal, New Regiment. John Lewis, New Regiment. James Sullivan, New Regiraent. history of HARFORD COUNTY. 13! Wm. Bowden, New Regiment. James Phillips, New Regiment. Daniel Darby, New Regiment. John Park, New Regiment, broke gaol and made his escape. Thoraas Beaver, New Regiment. John Garreguies, Eighth Maryland Regiment. William Gloury. James Fitz Gerrald. Francis McClane. Thomas Smith, John Butler, John Cooley. Peter Scott. James Jackson. Michael Daugherty. William Lowry. James O'Brian. Thomas Duff. Harford County, December ii, 1781. Sir — Agreeable to Directions from the Lieut. En closed I transmit your Excellency, A Return of Re cruits, Drafts, &c.. Agreeable to an Act Entitled an Act to procure Recruits, Also a Return of Substitutes & Draughts, Agreeable to an Act Entitled an Act to Raise Two Battalions of Militia — I should also have sent your Excellency an Account of the Balance due the State of the four Shilling Tax, but there is not yet as much Collected as has been paid to Recruits, and the Lieut, has thought it unnecessary to grant more Executions, as the Sheriff has not settled for, nor paid, what has been Already Granted, tho a long time in his hands. I am your Excellency's very Humble Servant, A. Crawford, Sec'y L, H, County. To his Excellency, Thos. Sim Lee, Esq. Return of Recruits, Substitutes and Drafts raised in Harford County for the Two Battalions of Militia, Agreeable to an Act of Assembly, in the Year, 1781. Names of Substitutes — John Gordon, John Usher, Nathan Strong, John Morris, 132 history of HARFORD COUNTY. John Curl, John Shields, Saml. Hodgkins, Alex. Christie, Barachius Coop, Thos. Monahon, William Bently, John Miles, Edward Fincham, Anguis McCreary, William Wright, James Condren, Griffith Evans, Wra. Payne, William Butler, John Willard, James Keys, Thos. Ask, Wm. Truss, James Silk, James Bond, John Norris, George Todd, Robert Mitchell. Peter Ratagan, Names of Drafts — John Sullivan, Williara Condron, Samuel Scarborough, de- George O'Keil, serted, Horatio Coop, William Smith, Nathan Price, Jeremiah Williamson, John Offield. John Dearmott, taken ill with the flux. Aaron Grace, discharged, being poor and having a wife and five children. David Deaver, discharged, same having wife and seven children. Negroe Tower, discharged, sarae having wife and children. Nathan Gallion, infirra and sickly. Edward Prigg, id Richard Greenland, id Richard Kenly, id Jona. West, poor ; a wife and children to support. Joseph Johnson, id Thos. Rhoads, id Wm. Grafton, id Nathan Johns, a Quaker and id., but did not appear. Richard Johns, id., son to the above. Isaac Henry, id., did not appear. Robt. Jones, never taken up. Nathan Browley, id Henry Russ, id HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 1 33 Jaraes McGaw, id John McGaw, id Wm. Major, id James Bevard, id Joseph Aikens, id Henry Harrod, id Thos. Ely, Quaker, id Wm. Judd, kept out of the way. Michael Rook, run. James Andrews, id. Wm. Gash, id. A. Crawford, Sec'y L. H, County. December ii, 1781. Return of Recruits, Substitutes and Drafts raised in Harford County, Agreeable to an Act Entitled An Act to Procure Recruits in the Year 1781. Oliver Denny, Neal McOwen, Edward Appleton, Wm. Coe, John Oldham White, James Caple, George Gardners, Peter French, John Pendall, John Wilson, John McClain, James Cromwell, John Fulfit, Robert Jones, Thos. Sheredin, John H. Dorsey, John Overman, Peter Wedoney, John Hutson, John O'Neal, Lawrence Hines, John Thompson. William Newberry, Drafts: John McCall, James McNabb, John Ranson, Benj. Culver, Evan Thomas, Wra. Catlin, Patrick Mullen, Wm. Carlen, James Hutson, Daniel Davey, John Finnch, Danl. Douglas, PhiUp McDonald, Saml. McComas. A. Crawford, Secy. L. H. County. December 11, 1781. 134 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Capt. Robt. Harris' Corapany of Flying Camp Mili tia.* Philadelphia, 9th Nov., 1776. September 16: James Coop, Matthew McElhany, Joshua James, John Chance, James Trene, Levi Low, Wm. Feely, Alexander Stevenson, Robt. Hannah, Gregory White, September 18: Robert Gordon. September 21 : James Bull, James Harris, Wra. Hall. September 28: Jas Balney, Christopher Fort. October 15 : Wm. Lattimore, Francis Gibson, John Davidson. October 16: David Armstrong, Barnet Rain, Thos. Roads, John Cook, John Bush. October 17: Wm. Cook, Alex. Thorason. September 21 : Richard Hopkins, Wm. Chambers, Patrick Nowlan. October 4: John Haig, Gyks Hodges. October 16: James Rigden. October 17: Jas Witgurs. October 18: Benj. Wailey. October 20: Thos. Capen, David McCuIlough. September 27: Able Green, October i : Mathw. Skel. October 2 : Chas. Anderson. October 3 : David Carapbell, Thomas Stewart. October 19: Hugh Hutson, Wra. Jordan. September 26 : Wra. Cuthbert, Jas. Munday, Joseph Sanders. September 25.- John Armstrong. September 28 : Jona. Eddy. September 29 John Baker, John Lattimore, HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. I35 Aquilla Dunham. September 25 : October i ; Richard Jordan. Edwd. Morgan. October 3 : October 4: Wm. Kirkpatrick. Wm. Crook, October 6: Jas. Watson, Joseph Steel. Robt. Armstrong, John Orr, Michael Daugherty. John Patrick, October 5 : John Pain. Jas. Donnaly, October 7 : Matthew Criswell. John Taylor. October 16: October 9: Edmd. Daugherty. Joseph Dueberry. October 19 : October 7 : John Smith. Jas. Miller, September 16: Jessy Logan, Zebedee Hicks, Robert Spencer, Horatio Coop. Griffith Evans. Archives of Maryland, Vol. XIL, pages 435-6. The battle of the Revolution in which Harford took the most conspicuous part was that of Fort Washing ton, on the Hudson river, in the State of New York, on November 16, 1776. General Washington had in tended this fort to be evacuated, but through a misun derstanding. General Greene, who was in immediate command in that section, sent reinforcements. Among these were Col. Moses Rawlings' regiment of Maryland riflemen, the garrison in the fort after being reinforced, amounting to two thousand raen. The engageraent was most sanguinary, but the Americans in the end were forced to retreat. The battle lasted several hours, the loss on both sides being heavy. The British lost nearly nine hundred men in killed and wounded, raore than half of which was sustained in the attack upon Rawlings' riflemen. Gordon, in his History of 136 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. the American Revolution, says: "It cost Knyphausen near upon eight hundred men to force the single regi ment of Rawlings back." G. W. Greene says : "Had Rawlings been supported, Knyphausen could not have gained the north lines; but the men refused to man thera, and crowded into the redoubt, where they becarae a corapact raark for the enemy's guns. The defence on the east was still raore irresolute, and there are questions connected with that on the south which will, it is probable, never be solved. But had it been like that of Rawlings' rifleraen it would well nigh crippled the enemy."* General Washington said of this engagement : "The enemy have suffered greatly on the north side of Fort Washington. Colonel Rawlings' regiraent (late Hugh Stephenson's) was posted there and behaved with great gallantry." The following is the roster of the Harford Company taking part in this battle : First Company of Maryland Rifles, under Lieutenant- Colonel Moses Rawlings — Alex. Lawson Sraith, cap tain; Williara Bradford, lieutenant; John Tompson, sergeant ; Matthew Alexander, sergeant ; Joshua Saun ders, sergeant; Isaac Rose, corporal; John Howe, corporal ; Thomas Lively, fifer. Riflemen — William Andrews, Josias Kimball, Sam uel Power, John Cooper, Patrick McCann, John De Bruler, Charles Baker, John Coltman, Thos. Smith, Abraham Watson, James Dennison, Henry Rowlin, William Catterill, John Leviston, William Pritchard, John Irons, William Cooper, Jesse Corbitt, Thos, Dear mott, Reuben Ross, John Crockett, Patrick Quinn. "Scharf's History of Maryland. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 1 37 On October 28, 1776, was fought the battle of White Plains, in which engagement the second battalion of the flying camp took part. This battalion was com manded by Col. Josias Carvil Hall, and contained two companies from Harford. One of these companies was coraraanded by Captain Bennet Bussey, the other commissioned officers of which were : Joshua Miles, first lieutenant ; Azael Hitch cock, second heutenant, and Aquila Amos, ensign. The other company had the following commissioned offi cers : Aquila Paca, captain ; John Beadle Hall, first lieu tenant; Michael Gilbert, second lieutenant; John Pat terson, ensign. CHAPTER XIII. LAFAYETTE'S EXPEDITION THROUGH HARFORD, 1781. OFFICERS OF THE COMMAND — ^LAFAYETTE SPENDS NIGHT AT HOUSE OF COL. JAMES RIGBY, NEAR DARLINGTON — ALEX. HAMILTON — PROCLAMATION AGAINST DESERTION AQUILA DEAVER — AN ANECDOTE OF THE EXPEDITION CAPTAINS GREME AND GIMAT. On April 6, 1781, Washington wrote from New Windsor, in Connecticut, to Lafayette, then at Elkton, Md., directing him to move with a detachraent of the Araerican Army and reinforce General Greene in the South. In response to this order Lafayette departed frora Elkton on April 11 and crossed the Susquehanna into Harford county at a point now known as Bald Friar. The following is a list of the regiraents and officers coraposing his coramand : INFANTRY. Major-General, Marquis de La Fayette. Division Inspector, Major William Barber, of New Jersey. FIRST BRIGADE. Brigade Major, Captain John Hobby, Tenth Massa chusetts. FIRST BATTALION. Colonel, Joseph Vose, of Massachusetts. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. I39 Major, Caleb Gibbs, of Rhode Island. Eight Massachusetts Companies. SECOND BATTALION. Lieutenant-Colonel Gimat. Major, John Palsgrave Wyllyse, of Connecticut. Five companies, four Massachusetts and one Rhode Island corapany. THIRD BATTALION. Lieutenant-Colonel, Francis Barber, of New Jersey. Major, Jos. R. Reed (of H ), New Jersey. Five companies New Hampshire and New Jersey troops. SECOND BRIGADE. Brevet Brigadier-General, Moses Hazen, of Canada. Brigade Major, Captain Leonard Bleeker, First New York. FIRST BATTALION. Lieutenant-Colonel, Ebenezer Huntington, of Con necticut. Major, Nathan Rice, of Massachusetts. Four companies Massachusetts and Connecticut troops. SECOND BATTALION. Lieutenant-Colonel, Alexander Harailton, of New York. Major, Nicholas Fish, of New York. Four corapanies, two New York and two Connecti cut troops. THIRD BATTALION. Lieutenant-Colonel, John Laurens, of South Caro lina. 140 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Major, John N. Cumming, of New Jersey. Four companies of New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut. FOURTH BATTALION. Lieutenant-Colonel, Edward Antrill. Major, Tarleton Woodson. Hazen's Canadian Regiment. La Fayette in his memoirs says the richest young men in Virginia and Maryland came to join hira as volunteer dragoons, and frora their intelligence, as well as the superiority of their horses, they were of essen tial service to him. The General after leaving Elkton passed the first night at the house of Job Haines, near Rising Sun, in Cecil county, and the next day after crossing the river at Bald Friar, he became the guest of Colonel Jaraes Rigby, an ancestor of the Massey faraily in the Dar lington section of the county. The old house near the river is yet standing in which LaFayette wrote a letter to Col. Alexander Hara ilton, who was temporarily absent from his command. Near the residence of Colonel Rigby there is an old log building which was used as a jail in the Colonel's time. It is built of yellow poplar logs laid close together, and when in good order it was doubtless a secure place of confinement for ordinary offenders. La Fayette held a council of his officers at Colonel Rigby's house on the night of April 13, 1781. In imag ination we can go back to that night in the old Rigby Mansion and to the capacious fireplace with the blaz ing logs. The fireplace was in one of those wonderful chimneys that were the pride of our forefathers and a HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. I4I marvel to persons now living. The present owner tore it down some years ago, and after building from it a modem chimney had bricks enough from it to build an outbuilding. In the fields about the house the men and horses had such food and shelter as their scanty commissariat afforded. At the council besides La Fayette were Gen eral Hazen and Colonels Vose, Gimat, Barber, Hunt ingdon and the other field officers. The question of desertions was the matter under consideration. At this council in the old house of Colonel Rigby a proclama tion was prepared and next day issued, in which the General stated that he was on his way to meet and fight a powerful foe. That for himself no diminution in nurabers would deter him, but that firm in reliance on the God of battles and the justice of the American cause, he would continue his march to meet the enemy. He closed by offering a free pass to every soldier applying for it at headquarters by which he raight have leave to go horae. Not one man availed himself of the offer, and from that time desertion ceased. In crossing the Susquehanna the boat in which was La Fayette ran aground before reaching the land, and Aquila Deaver, one of the soldiers, carried the General ashore on his back. Aquila Deaver lived in Harford county for nearly half a century after the Revolution, dying about 1835, and the writer has heard the account from an old gentleman now living who, when a boy, heard it from the old pensioner himself, who would relate his experience from his seat on the counter of the Hopewell store, seventy years ago. Forty-three years after this incident, when, in 1824, La Fayette passed through Cecil and Harford counties 142 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. on his tour as the guest of the nation, he held a recep tion at Port Deposit, and Aquila Deaver, then grown from a boy to an old raan, paid his respects to his com mander, who, too, had long passed the meridian of life and felt the weight of his many years and cares. The old soldier reminded the General of the incident at the ferry, and was greatly pleased to find that the distin guished visitor clearly reraerabered both the person and the service. The troops marched by way of Trappe Church, Priestford, Churchville, Bush and Abingdon to Balti more. La Fayette dined at Bush, which was then the county seat. Before reaching the Trappe church a trunk said to contain coin was lost from a baggage wagon. It was found and restored by Reuben Jones, who has numerous descendants now living in Dublin district of Harford county. Mr. Angus Greme, who died in 1880, at the residence of Mr. Edward M. Allen, near Darlington, in Harford county, aged eighty years, was a son of Captain Greme, who served on La Fayette's staff on this expediton. When the officers reached that part of the road which descends to Deer Creek, at Priestford, from the Trappe Church, opposite the beautiful Indian Spring farm, they were enchanted with the scene. Looking westward in descending Deer Creek they beheld the valley that stretches across the creek and up Thomas' Run. Capt. Greme agreed with his friend, Capt. Gimat, that when the war was over they would return to France, and after arranging their affairs, corae back to America and buy the land which so enchanted their eyes. This plan they carried out, and after gentle HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. I43 peace had spread her wings over the land the two friends returned and bought the rich farm, lately the home of Dr. Jaraes M. Magraw, on Thoraas' Run. Gimat, who was wealthy, paid for the land and present ed it to his friend Greme, and both returned to France, intending to come back to Araerica. But they served in the French Array in the war then in progress on the continent, and Giraat went to Santo Domingo in the service of France and was killed there. Greme, however, returned, bringing his wife and several children, and he lived and died on the estate he and his friend had chosen as the most beautiful spot they had seen in America. He died in the year 1800, and lies buried in the cemetery of the Trappe Church, in Harford county, where a stone marks his grave, bearing on it an inscription stating his connec tion with the Army of La Fayette. Colonel Gimat was especially distinguished at York- town, whither La Fayette led his detachment which passed through Harford.* •From address before Maryland Historical Society by Mr. E. M. Allen. CHAPTER XIV. OLD CHURCHES. SPESUTIA CHURCH IN ST. GEORGE's PARISH, HARFORD COUNTY, MARYLAND — THE CATHOLIC CHURCH — ^BETHEL. SPESUTIA.* Although the existing records carry us back two centuries, it is more than probable that many years of the history of St. George's have been irrevocably lost. There is the records' internal evidence, which clearly shows that its existence as a parish reaches back to a period far beyond the time of their earUest date. Uniform tradition informs us that the first church erected in this parish stood near Michaelsville, at a place called "Gravelly." Here the spot is pointed out, and here are the almost obliterated remains of the building in which the first founders of the ancient parish worshiped, whilst the sunken graves on every side mark their last earthly resting place. These, together with the fact that the bridge near this locality is called "Church Bridge," and has been so called from time beyond the recollection of any one living, is, we think, very clear evidence of the fact that the spot which we have designated is that which was conse crated by being the site of the original "Spesutia Church," the first place of worship ever erected in St. George's Parish. Frora the circurastance that none of the raaterials of this primitive church edifice are '•Selected from the Pamphlet History by Rev. S. W. Crampton. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. I45 now to be found, the presumption is that it was a wooden structure. Allowing thirty years as the time this first church stood, (and the probability is that it stood rauch longer), calculating from a date now upon record, we are induced to fix upon the year 1671 as the latest date from which to reckon the organization of St. George's Parish. The first event which the church register records, which register is a book of parchment, is that of the birth of "John Cook, son of John Cook, born at Bush river, on the 25th of Septeraber, in the year of our Lord, 1681." The register in question, viz., the book of parchraent, is the only record of these tiraes now extant, and it contains a suramary of the births, mar riages and deaths of the early parishioners. The record of vestry acts, we regret to say, is lost. This, could it be recovered, would be an interesting docu ment, as it would, no doubt, detail to us the advanc ing stages of growth and improveraent of the parish frora the time at which the humble wooden edifice arose in the heart of the forest to gladden the souls of the first worshipers, to the erection of the spacious brick structure, with its arched windows, its vaulted roof and imposing proportions, surrounded, too, not by the unreclaimed forest, but by fertile fields and active, thriving industry. But the record we say is irrevoca bly lost, and imagination of the reader must supply the gap. For some cause or other, the original wooden church, near Michaelsville, was permitted to go down. As the country became opened there seems to have been a tendency on the part of the people to move upward through the forest in quest of health or wealth, or prob ably both. This of course, removed the parishioners 146 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. more remotely from their first selected spot, and in clined them to choose another location for a new church. With this state of things we approach the period at which our written authenticated record begins. About the year A. D. 1718 we find that a piece of land, containing two acres, was given and deeded to the vestry of St. George's Parish, by Jaraes Phillips, for the purpose of building a church upon it. This was a park of an ancient tract of land, known as "James' Park," and a more beautiful and appropriate spot could hardly have been found. The lot borders on a small meandering stream, and is distinguished by clusters of large primitive oaks, whose wide spreading branches seem to proclaim to the passer-by that the spot which he is approaching is holy ground; whilst to the east ward an extensive champaign country stretches out as far as the eye can reach, with its fertile fields and com fortable homesteads. By this consecrated, sacred spot many a traveler wends his way, as it borders immedi ately upon the great highway, along which most of the travel of this region raust pass ; whilst for raore than a mile, as the stranger of every land and clime is whirled along upon the Philadelphia, Wilraington & Baltimore Railroad, the most prominent and attractive object that meets his gaze is "Spesutia church" and its embower ing oaks. Indeed, no one can visit or look upon this spot without at once being impressed with its surpass ing beauty. But to pass on to the second church edifice erected in St. George's Parish. This church was built about the year of our Lord 1718, at which time we find that the Rev. Evan Evans, D. D., was the incura- bent. The probability is that during the incumbency HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. I47 of this rector the second church building was erected. This, like the first, was a wooden building, though, perhaps, on a larger scale, and of much more sub stantial fabric, for at this tirae, as every family seems to have been a church family, the congregation must have been very large, and extensive accomraodations were consequently required. But whatever raight have been the capacity or expensivenessof this church build ing, it had quite gone into decay before it was again rebuilt. In its dilapidated condition the raaterials were finally sold at a public vendue, and were purchased by Dr. Alexander Stenhouse for the small sum of i5.8s. There was also at this tirae a vestry house on the same lot, which being in a better state of preservation than the church, seems to have remained for several years after the latter was removed. The next rector was the Rev. Robert Weyman, who was inducted in the year 1722. Prior to this he had been supplying the parish temporarily. In 1724 Rev. John Humphreys produced letters of induction from his excellency, Charles Calvert, Governor of the Province of Maryland. In the year 1725 Rev. John Holbrook was inducted. In 1726 Rev. Charles Sraith produced letters of induc tion from his excellency, Charles Calvert, Governor of the Province. This reverend gentleman seems to have been soraewhat refractory, as the following letter shows : "Sir, I perceive, notwithstanding my letter to you, wherein I ordered you to conform to the government or else to return your induction, that you have done neither. I therefore positively require you to deliver 148 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. your induction to the bearer, as you will answer to the contrary. Charles Calvert. "To the Rev. Charles Smith, in Baltimore County." "ist May, 1726." On the 4th of June, 1726, at a vestry meeting, the following letter was presented : "Maryland, by the Hon. Charles Calvert, Esq., "Captain-General and Commander-in-Chief. To the Vestry of St. George's Parish in Baltimore Co. "Greeting: Whereas, the Rev. Stephen Wilkinson hath been sent and recoraraended by the Rev. Father in God, Edmond, Lord Bishop of London, Diocesan of this Province, to officiate as minister of the Church of England, I do hereby appoint the said Stephen Wilkin son minister of your parish, willing, and requiring you to receive hira as such, and strictly command you to be aiding and assisting hira ; to the intent, he may have the full benefit of the forty pounds of Tob. per poll, raised for the support of the ministers of your parish, and all other rights, dues and perquisites to the said office belonging. "Given at Annapolis, this 25th day of May, 1726." The gentleraan just appointed by the governor seems to have been quite popular for a time. He continued as rector of the parish through a space of eighteen years. Towards the close of his incumbency he be came very careless, permitting the parish library to be abused and the glebe to go into decay. It seeras that this glebe, containing two hundred acres, was bought a few months after he became settled as rector of the parish; it was located on "Swan Creek," and is now HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. I49 the raost productive land in Harford county. It was subsequently sold and another bought in a raore healthy part of the parish. This was again sold and is the location of Harford Furnace. The raoney arising frora this sale is invested in bank stock, and yields more than one-half of the rector's salary. Thus, even now, do the present members of St. George's Parish enjoy the benefits of those two hundred acres of land bought one hundred and seventy-five years ago, having served annually for so many years to aid in the support of the ministration of the Gospel araong the parishioners. Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, whose end we have found to be so different frora his first entry into the parish, died un wept, unhonored and unsung. At the time of his death, which was the 25th of March, 1744, the vestry ap pointed a committee, consisting of "Capt. James Phil lips, Col. Thomas White, Capt. Peregrine Frisbee, and Mr. Richard Ruff, to acquaint the governor of the death of Mr. Wilkinson, and request him not to in duct another minister disagreeable to the parishioners." The next appointment was Rev. Hugh Carlisle, in the year 1744. During his rectorship the church had become so dilapidated that thoughts were entertained of rebuilding. In 1745 a petition was drawn up to the Assembly for a levy on the taxables for this purpose. This, however, was not carried into effect until several years subsequently. A new rector, the Rev. Andrew Lendrum, was inducted in the year 1749. The follow ing year a new petition was sent to the Assembly for 75,000 pounds of tobacco, payable in November, 1754- 55 and 56, for the purpose of rebuilding the church. Now the work was prosecuted with vigor and resulted in replacing the old dilapidated £5 8s. church with a fine 150 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. brick one. It is probable that the parish at this time was at the height of its prosperity. It had grown strong and influential. They devised a house on a more extensive and grand scale — a house which, at that early day and in this then rude wilderness country, was a raonuraent that reflected credit on their zeal and liberality. This was the second time Spesutia Church had been rebuilt, and probably improved in size and cost every time. It stood very near the old wooden one, which, as stated, was sold to Dr. Stenhouse. As we learn from a resolution of the vestry, the old one was sold on a credit of six months and was to be taken away within a given time. The purchaser, however, failing to do this, the vestry notified hira that if it should fall against the new one after the tirae for its reraoval had elapsed, he should be required to pay all daraage the new one raight sustain in its fall. This statement is important, because sorae have said that this second building stood in one place, and some in another, and all that it was located in a different place to the true one. This seems to be rather an unimportant enquiry, but in giving a history of the church it is right to cor rect a common error, and thereby attach to this spot a sanctity which the hallowed purposes it has so long served raust give it. The church now built was of brick, fifty-seven feet long and thirty-five feet wide. The floor was laid with flagstone. The pulpit stood on the north side and was overhung by a canopy. The windows and doors were arched; there was also a fine arched chancel, and this church was furnished with an organ. It was a very Substantial building. It stood for alraost a hundred years. The foundation was deeply laid, being of hard HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 151 brick, three feet thick. The timbers in the roof were very large and of the best sawed oak, well framed to gether, and in a fine state of preservation when taken down. It has been supposed that the brick were of English manufacture, but this is a mistake, for we find that in the month of June, 1756, Capt. John Hall took the contract for burning and delivering one hundred thousand for the sura of £185 is. 8d. In the following year Mr. John Deaver engaged to put up the brick and furnish forty-seven thousand eight hundred and seventy-five raore, which were required to complete the work, for ii77 los. currency ; and Samuel Wallace con- £430. The house was finished in 1758. The whole cost, £430. The house was finished in 1758. The whole cost, including flagstone, velvet cushions, linen for surplices, was about $3,500. The church stood without any alter ation up to June, 1832, when the interior underwent entire renovation and alteration. The flagstone floor was taken up ; the high pulpit with its hanging canopy was removed ; the large, square, high pews were taken out ; the fine arched windows and doors were contracted into square ones. The cost of the whole was about $1,000, raised principally by means of a fair conducted by the ladies. So it stood until the year 1851, when it was found necessary to raze it to its founv. *ions and rebuild it entirely. Having gone thus far with the three several churches that have been built in St. George's Parish, it is neces sary to go back to the year 1760, in order to take some note of the vestry acts. We find in this year a curious act: "The vestry proceeds to business and taxes the undermentioned persons as bachelors: 152 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Estate. Tax Wm. Osborn £300 i Garret Garretson 300 John Peacock 300 James Kimble 300 Philip Gover 300 W. Husband, Jr 300 James Lee, Jr 300 Isaac Webster 300 Samuel Wallis 300 J. Billingsley, Jr 300 Wm. Wood 300 Robert Dunn 300 John Cooper 300 Thomas Cooper 300 Stephen Cooper 300 John Wilkinson 300 David Tate ico 5s David Maxwell 100 5s, Richard Johns 300 £ Joseph Hill 300 J. Lee Webster 300 J. Worthington 300 John Love 300 Thos. Husband 300 Samuel Wilson 300 George Clark 300 David Clark 300 Josiah Lyons 300 F. Billingsley 100 5s Richard Keen 100 5s R. Dallam, Jr 100 5s, Robt. Bryarly, son of Robert 100 5s. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 1 53 Estate. Tax. Robert Darby loo 5s. Sam'l Ferryman 100 5s. James Foster 100 5s. Joseph Bromley 100 5s. James Creswell 100 5s. Joseph Wilson 100 5s. M. Webster 100 5s. Ed. Hanson 100 5s. William Hill 100 5s. Wm. McClure 100 5s. Moses HiU 300 £1 Nathaniel Giles 300 i C. Worthington, Jr 300 i The register was ordered to raake a "fair copy of this list of bachelors, to affix it at the church door for the above persons to make their objections why they should not be taxed, if they have any." A very summary, and, one would think, convincing argument this in favor of matrimony, and no doubt told during the ensuing year in the nuraber of devotees of hyraen's altar. About this time a chapel was built on Deer Creek, at a place called the "Trapp ;" it was the sarae in every particular, as to size and fashion, as Spesutia Church. The rector of St. George's officiated in it at stated times. In the year 1851, some of the remaining church men applied to the vestry for a new parish, including that site, with a view of rebuilding, which was granted ; they applied to the convention of the diocese and were received as an independent parish. In the year 1769 the Rev. John Porter was inducted. It is stated by some that he used to walk by the 154 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. river shore and practice his sermon for the next Sunday. He was a highly gifted speaker and attracted great crowds, and while preaching a pin raight be heard in falling, so still and attentive were the listeners. He lived but a little time and died in the parish, deeply laraented by all. In 1770 the Rev. Williara Edmond son was inducted. In the year 1772 the Rev. William West was in ducted. He seems to have been a very popular and useful rector. He continued about eleven years and was the rector during the Revolutionary War and re signed with a view of accepting a call to St. Paul's, Baltimore. For several years before and after the famous year '76 there were no vestry meetings. The first meeting after the Declaration of Independence was June 7, 1779; the gentlemen elected were Edward Ward, Francis Holland, Greenberry Dorsey, Alexander Rigdon, John Rumsey, Aquila Paca, Jr., and Edward Hall; William Loney and John Farmer, church war dens. Jaraes Childs was chosen register. In 1783 Rev. James Wilmer was chosen rector; in 1787 Rev. John Ireland, and in 1792 Rev. John Allen was rector. The latter had considerable matheraatical skill, and was of great eccentricity of character. Many inno cent and arausing anecdotes are now related of him. He labored long and well and died lamented. Though not rector of the parish when he died, he was brought here and buried at the east end of the church by the side of his wife. Rev. Mr. Handy seems to have been an assistant to Mr. Allen. He labored in the town of Havre de Grace, where a church has since been built. This, at a latter period, became an independent parish. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 1 5$ In 1815, Rev. Daniel Stephens, D. D., was chosen rector, a gentleman greatly beloved. In 1820 Rev. Wil liam Jackson was elected rector. He reraained but two years ; but his mild and Christian deportment and zeal for his Master's cause left hira a warra place in the affections of the parishioners. In 1823 Rev. J. Rejmolds was chosen rector. In 1829 Rev. Edward Y. Higbee; he was a popular preacher and greatly re vived the parish, both spiritually and teraporally. It was under his rectorship that the church was repaired and changed in its interior arrangement. This change, though it destroyed the architectural proportions of the building, conduced very rauch to the corafort and con venience of rainister and people. In 1833 Rev. Robert Loyd Goldsborough was elected rector; in 1841 Rev. Thoraas F. Billopp, and in 1845 R^v. S. W. Crarapton. In 1 85 1, as above noticed, the third Spesutia Church was reraoved to give place for the construction of the fourth, which is built upon the sarae hallowed site, and in part upon the sarae foundations on which its predecessor stood; and upon the i8th day of Septera ber, A. D. 1 85 1, the interesting ceremony of laying the comer-stone of the new church took place, an account of which is herewith given : "In the name of the Holy Trinity, this corner-stone is laid with appropriate rites and ceremonies by the Rev. Savington Warren Crampton, assisted by the Rev. Joseph Trapnell, Jr., rector of St. Andrew's Church, Baitiraore; Rev. George A. Leakin, rector of Trinity Church, Baltimore, and the Rev. Williara F. Brand, rector of St. Mary's Church, Harford county, Md. "This is the third tirae Spesutia Church has been rebuilt. The first house of worship erected in St. 156 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. George's Parish was located on a place called Gravelly, about half a mile southeast of Michaelsville. That is supposed to have been a wooden house, built about the year of our Lord 1671. About the year 1718 it was rebuilt on the Cranberry, near the spot which is at present occupied. The lot of ground containing about two acres, was given by Capt. James Phillips. In 1758 it was again rebuilt. This was a fine brick building, fifty-seven feet long and thirty-five feet wide, with fine arch windows, doors and ceiling and a flag stone floor at a cost of ^792 is. 8d. Capt. John Hall contracted to burn and deliver the bricks. John Deaver was the mason and Samuel Wallace the carpenter. This church was repaired in the year 1832, the flag stone floor was removed, the arched windows and doors were changed into the square form and the exterior rough cast and laid off into rectangles ; the whole cost of the repairs was about $1,000. "So it continued up to 1851, when the whole church is taken down and is being rebuilt with the sarae bricks, in the Norman style of architecture, and is to cost $3,465. A list of rectors from the organization of the parish, as far as can be ascertained, shows that they have been twenty-one in number, and are as fol lows : The first was Rev. Evan Evans, D. D., incum bent in 1 71 8; Rev. Robert Weyman in 1722; Rev. John Humphreys in 1724; Rev. John Holbrook in 1725; Rev. Charles Smith in 1726; Rev. Stephen Wil kinson in 1726; Rev. Hugh Carlisle in 1744; Rev. An drew Lendrum in 1749; Rev. John Porter in 1769; Rev. Wra. Edraundson in 1770; Rev. Williara West in 1772 ; Rev. James Wilmer in 1783 ; Rev. John Ireland in 1789 ; Rev. John Allen in 1792 ; Rev. Mr. Handy, his HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 1 57 associate; Rev. Daniel Stephens, D. D., in 1815; Rev. William Jackson in 1820 ; Rev. John Reynolds in 1823 ; Rev. Edward Young Higbee in 1829; Rev. John Loyd Goldsborough in 1834; Rev. Thomas F. Billopp in 1841, and the Rev. Savington Warren Crarapton in 1845. "This now third rebuilding of Spesutia Church is on the sarae site as the former one. It is to be devoted to the service of Alraighty God, in accordance with the principles of the Christian faith, as maintained by the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, established upon the foundation of the Apos tles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief comer-stone. "The Rt. Rev. William RoUinson Whittingham, D. D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Maryland, in the eleventh year of his epis copate. His Excellency, Millard Fillmore, President of the United States. His excellency, E. Louis Lowe, Governor of Maryland. "Frederick E. Patterson, John Paca Dallam, war dens. "Dr. Jacob A. Preston, John Sidney Hall, William Fitzhugh Turner, John Jay, Aquila D. Keen, Andrew Hall, William Alfred Patterson and John Cowan, ves trymen. "S. W. Crampton and George Wm. Hall, building committee. "Nielson & Nielson, architects. "Aquila D. Keen, contractor. "Robert R. Vandiver and John Waream, sub-con tractors for mason work. 158 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. "T W. & E. Moulton, sub-contractors for carpenters' work. "Deposite: The Holy Bible; the Book of Coramon Prayer; Journal of the Protestant Episcopal Church for 185 1 ; Journal of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Maryland, for 1851 ; Church Almanac for 1 851; Episcopal Recorder; Churchman, Protestant Churchman ; Banner of the Cross ; Church Advertiser (ecclesiastical) ; Baltimore Clipper ; American ; Sun ; the Harford RepubUcan; sundry coin; a copy of an office for laying the corner-stone of a church or chapel, as used in the diocese of Maryland. Laus Deo!" In the year 171 8 the vestry were Roger Mathews, John Clark, Joseph Johnson and Gregory Farmer. In 1722 the vestry were John Hall, John Stokes, Garrett Garrettson and Gregory Farmer. In 1724 the vestry were John Hall, Esq., John Stokes, Jarvis Gilbert, Archibald Buchanan, Aquila Hall and John Durbin. In 1725 the vestry were Aquila Hall, Jarvis Gilbert, Archibald Buchanan and John Gallion. In 1726 the vestry were Aquila Hall, Archibald Buchanan, Bennet Garret, Roger Mathews, John Clark and Samuel Howell. In 1727 the vestry were Archibald Buchanan, Ben net Garrett, John Gallion, Roger Mathews, John Clark and Samuel Howell. In 1744 the vestry were Col. Thomas White, Capt. Peregrine Frisby, Winston Smith, Col. John Hall, James Preston and Capt. James Phillips. In 1749 the vestry were Parker Hall, James Osborn, John Paca, Jr., John Loney, James Garrettson, Wil liam Dallam and Pollard Keen. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. I59 In 1769 the vestry were Richard Dallam, Aquila Hall, Francis Holland, Benedict Edward Hall, Jere miah Sheridene and Richard Wilmott. In 1770 the vestry were Amos Garrett, William Husbands, Aquila Hall, Benedict E. Hall, Francis Holland and Richard Dallam. In 1772 the vestry were Aquila Hall, Benedict Ed ward Hall, Francis Holland, Williara Husbands, Col. Alexander Rigdon, Richard Dallam and William Fisher. In 1783 the vestry were George Patterson, William Smith, Samuel Griffith, Col. Josias C. Hall. In 1787 the vestry were Samuel Hughes, Benedict Edward Hall, James Hall, William Smith, Samuel Griffith, Greenberry Dorsey and William Hall. In 1796 the vestry were John Carlisle, William P. Patterson, Isaac Parryman, John Jolley, Sarauel Grif fith, Roger Boice, Benedict Edward Hall, Roger Mathews and Jaraes Chauncey. In 181 5 the vestry were Edward Hall, Walter T. L. Hall, John Crane, Jacob W. Giles, Samuel Hughes, Abrahara Garrett, William B. Stokes and Paca Smith. In 1820 the vestry were Col. Jacob Michael, Walter T. Hall, Isaac Parryman, John Chauncey, Benedict Hall, Major Hall, Edward Hall and George Hen derson. In 1823 the vestry were Col. Jacob Michael, Walter T. Hall, Jacob W. Giles, Edward Griffith, Richard Mitchel, John Chauncey, William Fulford and Major Henry Hall. In 1829 the vestry were Col. Jacob Michael, Dr. Jacob A. Preston, John C. C. Hall, Edward Griffith, l60 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. John Chauncey, Walter T. L. Hall, George H. Perry- man and Richard Mitchell. In 1834 the vestry were Col. Jacob Michael, Walter T. Hall, Dr. J. A. Preston, Garret V. Nelson, John S. Hall, Samuel S. Smith, Edward Griffith and Nath. M. Barren. In 1 84 1 the vestry were John Cowan, Sylvester Mitchel, John Budd, Bennet Nelson, Thomas Knight, William C. Polk, Col. Jacob Michael and Samuel Sutton. In 1845 the vestry were Edward Griffith, William A. Patterson, Dr. J. A. Preston, William F. Turner, John Cowan, John S. Hall, John C. C. Hall and An drew Hall. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN HARFORD COUNTY. Very early in the opening of the eighteenth century members of the Catholic Church began to take up lands and settle about Deer Creek and its tributaries, from the Susquehanna river in the east to the neigh borhood of Cooptown in the west. Of the first names that are in evidence of this im migration, these are some of the more prominent: Wheeler, Clarke, Shea, McElroy, Foy, and at a period somewhat later, Flanagan, Cretin, Doran, McBride, Quinlan, Mattingly, Jenkins, Green, Cooper, Coskery, Cain, Bussey, Boarman, Macatee, etc., etc. There appear to have been a more or less compact settlement made in the vicinity of Priestford ; for here, at least as far as is known, the first church land was purchased. In the year 1747 Rev. Bennet Neale, S. J., came to reside at Deer Creek. He was the grandson of the HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. l6l noted Capt. James Neale, and the granduncle of Arch bishop Leonard Neale. Whether there were other priests residing in this region before the coming of Father Neale is not certainly known, nor have been handed down the naraes of any of the fathers who, without doubt, attended the faithful living in this region at regular intervals prior to Father Neale's resi dence in the parish. The Jesuits had established an adjacent raission in Cecil county as early as 1704, and it is highly probable that Deer Creek was attended from this mission, which was known as Bohemia, being situated on Bohemia Creek. Certain it is that Father Neale was stationed at Bohemia, and thence carae to make his horae in this county. Some years after his arrival, that is, in 1750, he purchased of Mr. Henry Beach a narrow strip of land, "together with all the houses, gardens, fences and profits belonging or in any way appertaining thereto." This plot of ground contained but eighteen acres of land, which lay bor dering the creek on the south side, and here one is naturally inclined to conjecture stood the missionary's home, which, in public document of the year 1756, was alluded to as "Priest Neale's Mass House," and which also gave occasion to the fording being called Priest's Ford. In 1764 Mr. Thomas Shea, who had been a resident of Priest's Ford for fifty years, deeded to Father Neale one of his farms, which adjoined the small tract of eighteen acres just mentioned. This farra, which is still known by the name of Paradise, is now the home of Mr. R. Harris Archer, and his residence is the old chapel house which came into use for divine service sorae tirae about 1764. It is a singular structure, 1 62 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. crowning a sraall mount on the borders of the creek, but one story high, with thick stone walls, and having alraost the appearance of an old block house used for defence against the Indians. It has been generally sup posed to have been erected by Mr. Shea prior to his donation, but this is by no means an assured fact, for an old document, quite respectable for its authority, mentions Father Neale as the builder. It is, perhaps, not unlikely that Mr. Shea had already erected a dwell ing, and that Father Neale made some extensive alter ations when he took possession of the same. This chapel was under the title and patronage of St. Joseph, foster father of the World's Redeemer. The central part of the building, running like a long and wide hallway through the house, was alone used for church purposes. The other rooms were the private apartments of the priest. This was conformable to the laws of the province, which prohibited Catholics from having public places of worship, but tolerated these domiciliary oratories or chapels. Father Neale and his successors for many years after him were of very little, if, indeed, any charge to their flock, but drew their main support from the prod uce of their farm. Besides the eighteen acres of land purchased in 1750 and the one hundred and fifteen acres given by Mr. Shea in 1764, there was added in 1786 another tract of land containing three hundred and sixty-nine acres. This purchase was made not by the congregation, but by the agent of a corporation of the Catholic clergymen, and the land, although lying on the other side of the creek, was in very close prox imity to the other two smaller tracts. The little mission of Deer Creek continued under the HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 163 care of Reverend Bennet Neale until about 1770, when this devoted pastor was succeeded in his office by Rev. Ignatius Matthews, who was likewise a Jesuit. This reverend father resided at Priestford until the sura raer of 1779, but he was absent from the mission, apparently, during parts of the years 1775 and 1776, when his place was supplied by Rev. Bernard Did- erick. About the middle of the year 1779 Rev. Charles Sewall was appointed to replace Father Matthews. It was Father Sewall who, in September, 1779, bought of Mr. Martin Preston a plot of ground containing about two acres of land. The purchase was made at a nominal figure, and the land was practically a gift. On these grounds was begun the building of a new chapel, which was not, however, completed for several years later. Not, indeed, until some time about Sep tember, 1792. This building was considerably enlarged in 1848, and is now the venerable structure standing at the junction of the Hickory and Forest Hill roads, and known as St. Ignatius Church. Father Sewall's stay in Harford county was limited to perhaps a little more than a year and a half. Shortly after leaving St. Joseph's, Deer Creek, he took charge of the Catholics in Baltimore Town, and becarae their first resident pastor. His successor here was Rev. Sylvester Boarraan, during whose pastorate St. Ignatius was built. Tradi tion says it was five years building, and the time may have been considerably longer by reason of a lack of funds, for times were at their worst financially. Tradi tion also will have it, at least in some quarters, that most of the expense of construction was borne by one 164 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. particular family; but this is now known to be an exaggeration, if not, indeed, an undoubted error. St. Ignatius was at first nothing raore than a mission chapel. Father Boarman and his quasi-assistant. Rev. Charles Leander Lusson, continued to make their home at Priestford, and so likewise did their successors for raany years. The precise time of Father Boarman's departure from this mission is not known, but it was presumbly in or close to the year 1799. Rev. William Pasquet, who succeeded him, was in charge four years, and thereafter resided at Bohemia, in Cecil county, where he appears to have paid only occasional visits to his old parishioners in his official capacity. Reverend Doctor Cornelius Mahoney, the next in cumbent, died within a short tirae after his appoint- raent, and Father Pasquet's services were again required for the adjoining county. About the beginning of the year 1807 Rev. Joseph Eden came and took up his residence at Priestford, where he was in charge until his death, which occurred in December, 1813. The following year the piece of property donated by Mr. Thomas Shea, and on which the old chapel-house stood, was sold, and St. Ignatius became the sole place of worship. In 181 5 Rev. Roger Smith was appointed to St. Ignatius. There was at that time no parochial resi dence for the pastor, the former one ha-ving been sold the previous year, as just stated. This was a serious inconvenience for Father Smith, as he was obliged to reside at St. Mary's Seminary, in Baltimore, whence for nearly two years he attended his distant charge. In the spring, however, of 181 7, he came to live near HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. l6S St. Ignatius, and made his home with his brother, Mr. Samuel Smith, a resident of the county, and who dwelt on his farm, located but a short distance frbm the chapel. Here Father Smith resided for the remainder of his term, which lasted until 1820, at which time he was called to Baltimore, and sorae years after was appointed rector of the Cathedral. Rev. Tiraothy O'Brien, Father Sraith's successor, was pastor of St. Ignatius for twelve years. He built in 1822 the sraall pastoral residence which adjoins the church, and was thus the first priest to reside on the present premises. The following is a list of the priests of St. Ignatius since Father O'Brien : Rev. Francis T. Todrig, until 1832. Rev. Dr. Henry B. Coskery, until 1834. Rev. James Reid, until 1845. Rev. Thoraas O'Neil, until 1851, who enlarged St. Ignatius and built St. Patrick's, Havre de Grace. Rev. Joseph McNally, until 1854. Rev. Jacob A. Walter, until 1858. During his pas torate St. Mary's, Deer Creek, was built. Rev. John Gloyd, until 1858. Rev. James McDevitt, until 1863. Rev. Henry Hoffman, until 1865. Rev. D. DeWulf, until 1865. Rev. Patrick Francis O'Connor, until 1873, under whose direction the present belfry and parsonage were built. He also built St. Francis Church, Abingdon. Rev. Jos. A. Gallen, until 1878. Rev. Francis M. Fowler, until 1898. Rev. J. Alphonse Frederick. l66 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. BETHEL. Rev. Andrew B. Cross, for many years pastor at Bethel, in his history of the church, refers to it in the early days as in the wilderness of Upper Node Forest, Baltimore county. This district has been called by him "the Cradle of Presbyterianism" in the United States. In the' seventeenth century great numbers of Presbyterians began to settle in Pennsylvania, Dela ware and Maryland, New Castle, Del., being a favorite landing place. Rev. Francis Makennie, who has been called the pioneer and father of Presbyterianism in this country, was here in 1684. Among the other early preachers of this faith in the new land of the West were McNish and Hampton, in 1703 ; Davis and Wil son, in 1692; Jedediah Andrews and Hugh Conn, in 1698. In the year 1729 the tribe of Indians called the Susquehannocks occupied the country from the long crooked river bearing their name, out through Harford and York counties and along Deer Creek. It is said they had a fort on the river at Bald Friar, or Maiden's Mount, near Bald Friar Ferry. A tribe called the Mingoes also occupied the northern section of what is now Harford, and prior to 1763 this tribe had three settlements on Deer Creek. One of these settlements was on the west side of the stream about half a mile above the Rocks ; another was a village almost exactly on the spot where Anderson's or Stansbury's mill now stands. The name of this village was Mingo Push, called after a chief of the tribe who lived there. On December 14, 1763, at Conestoga, Pennsylvania, oc- HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 167 curred the dreadful massacre of the Mingoes, which caused the remainder of that tribe to leave this section of the country. The Mason and Dixon line was commenced in 1764, and in its construction the surveyors were stopped Deceraber 26, 1767, by the order of the Six Nations, 244 miles west frora Delaware, and within thirty-six miles of the western terminus. In 1729, John and James Hendrics made the first authorized settlement in York county, in the neigh borhood of New Freedora and Shrewsbury. "Bethel Church attendants then were over the line, out of whom was gathered the nucleus of Centre Church. Penn induced many to settle in Delaware, which was then included in his claim, who afterwards raoved onward frora Delaware, where they landed, into Kent and Cecil counties, coming down by Bohemia river, around by the head of the bay, by Charleston, over the Lower Ferry, now Havre de Grace. Others from Kent came across the bay to Swan Creek, which was then a very prominent landing, where tobacco was brought down the rolling road, past Hall's Cross Roads, now Aberdeen." Tradition says that the line of travel was from Kent to Swan Creek, then up the country. Some took the road west, from where old Spesutia Church stood, which road led past Michaelsville, thence to Baltimore, on the east side of Bush river, to the ferry called Ferry Bar. From that point, when the settler continued his journey, his route was across the ferry, thence to Joppa and up and along what was called Long Cam, or Ridgely's Ford. Near that road is Franklinville Pres byterian Church. The Baltimore county records for l68 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. the year 1740 state that three sons of Obadiah Pritch ard divided their land, of which part was on the roll ing road, from Swan Creek through Hall's Plains, near which is the Grove Presbyterian Church at Aberdeen. Richard Pritchard's narae is found subscribed to the call at Bethel in 1769. Williara, son of Obadiah, was one of the elders at Churchville. There was a large Presbyterian settlement at Swan Creek connected with the Deer Creek Church (Churchville). Rev. William Finney, in his historical sermon on the Deer Creek Church, says of Michael Gilbert and wife : "They lived to be more than four score, one dying in 1823, the other in 1827. Among the many incidents was one about one hundred and ten years ago, when he and four or five young raen purchased a boat and locked it to a tree opposite to what is now Port Deposit. On Sab bath morning they would walk four to five miles, frora Swan Creek neighborhood, unfasten the boat, go over the river and walk five miles to West Notting ham Church, and return home in the evening." Church ville and Bethel are closely connected in their history, and we find the same pastor frequently attending to the spiritual needs, of both congregations. It was a custom of the Indians in the autumn to set fire to and burn the barrens of York and Baltimore counties, and tradition says this smoke was the origin of the name of Indian summer for that season. Besides this burning, the red men were in the habit of commit ting depredations of various kinds, and in the early days the settlers had to be on the constant watch. Tra dition charges the Indians with the murder of a ten- year-old boy in the nighborhood of Bethel. The paths of the Indians in their travels were well defined, and HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 1 69 these in time developed into the roads used by the set tlers. First footpaths, then bridle-paths, and in tirae developing into rolling roads and the public highway. As early as 1706 the settlers brought tobacco from the upper sections of this county in hogsheads with false heads, shafts attached, rolling them from sections as far away as My Lady's Manor. From all that country they were in the habit of coming for fish to the Lower Ferry, Bush and Joppa, the two last named places being ports of entry. The early religious meetings were held in private houses, and some hardy and adventurous spirit in his zeal for the cause of the Master, penetrating this wild country, would preach to the pioneers the Gospel of "peace on earth, good will towards raen." The records of the early times are wanting. No one knows who was the first Presbyterian that came into the Upper Node Forest. The name Bethel means the House of God, and in the hundred and fifty years of this church it has been performing the service to which it was dedicated by its founders, and has without intermis sion been a house in which were taught the beauties of the Christian faith. Generations have come and gone ; grandchildren of the first builders sleep in the beautiful cemetery there, and great-grandchildren lie beside them, while the bell in the lofty steeple on each Sunday morning calls their grandchildren's great-grandchil dren to the service of their Maker. The church build ing has been changed from a plain square house into a structure of architectural beauty ; but the church has reraained frora its first foundation ever faithful to its narae as the House of God. At its altar have been joined in marriage the pro- 170 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. genitors of the present congregation; to the font their children during all that tirae have been brought to be baptized; and from the church door, after the last sad rites had been performed, the dead have been carried to "their narrow cell" to be forever laid. Could the congregation of the early days come back, what a change they would see ! The woods have given way to beautiful cultivated fields; comfortable homes are seen on every hand, where at first only a log house stood in the clearing ; and at the Sunday morning serv ice in the place of the hardy resident of the forest, who came, perhaps, with his rifle as a protection against the Indians, walking with his wife and daughters through the wet clearing, come now his prosperous and well-to-do descendants at the seventh or eighth genera tion, conveyed to the church door in comfortable car riages, their wives and daughters in tasteful attire, but there, as were their fathers of old, to join in the church service and say : "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for He hath visited and redeemed His people." When the first house was built no one can tell, but we know that the present building is the third church, and that the second was built in 1802, and was a log building standing in the centre of the graveyard, the door to which faced the tombstone of Mr. Thomas Hope, and the pulpit, where is now the tomb of Rev. George Lucky. This settleraent was araong remnants of the Indians, against whom the pioneers had erected a fort for defense and protection. "That this must have been a large and most im portant settlement, will appear by a reference to the list of ninety-one subscribers to the call of Mr. Clark and a subscription of eighty-five pounds in 1769, when HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 171 a united call of Slateridge and Chanceford, in 1781, twelve years later, was only sixty pounds in grain. "In the center of the graveyard is a stone bearing the inscription: 'John Henry, died January, 1810, aged thirty-three years.' No one knows anything of him but this : he was a lonely stranger who died on the York turnpike, where he was engaged helping in its construction. His dying request was that 'he might be taken over and buried in a Presbyterian graveyard; that his bones might lie with the people of his faith, in hope to rise with them at the Resurrection.' " Thomas Hope, William Glenn, Sr., John Sterrett and George West were early elders. There are now four Presby terian churches almost on the banks of Deer Creek. They are Centre, near Norrisville; Bethel, Churchville and Harmony. In the year 1769, Rev. John Clark was called as pas tor to Bethel. The language of the call shows that they were not in the habit of having a regular or set tled pastor. Call for Rev. John Clark. Bethel Congregation, in Upper Node Forest, Balti- timore County, December, 27, 1769. For supporting the Gospel, by a settled minister, who shall be a member, in full coraraunion with the Synod of Philadelphia and New York : We, the subscribers, do proraise unto the Rev. John Clark, by annual payments, the particular sums set to our names, provided that the said Mr. Clark shall be our settled minister in congregation aforesaid, and 172 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. that said payraent shall continue to be annually paid by us, our heirs, executors, adrainistrators, so long as we shall profess ourselves raerabers of said congrega tion; and in case that it should happen that we shall be disappointed in obtaining the aforesaid Mr. Clark, as our settled rainister in said congregation, we do hereby unaniraously consent and agree that this sub scription shall be for the benefit of the first rainister of the Gospel who shall be settled among us, provided he be a minister of the synod aforesaid ; and also provided he shall be settled among us, by the unaniraous consent of two-thirds of our congregation. In witness we have hereunto set our hands : £ s. I. Cornelius McDonald 2 5 2. John Dale i 10 3. Williara Nelson 2 10 4. Robert Kirkwood i 5. Alexander Fron i 10 6. WiUiam Beatty i 7. Samuel Patterson i 8. William Johnson i 10 9. James Finley i 10 ID. Samuel Jackson i 10 II. William Plunkett i 12. Adam McClung 15 13. John Querns 10 14. Andrew Makemson i 15. Adam McGaw i 10 16. James Madden 15 17. Thos. Hope i 18. Robert Black i 19. Hugh Alison 2 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. I73 £ s. d. 20. John Vance i 21. Hugh Niven 15 22. Richard Pritchard i 23. Philip Madden 10 24. Alex. Alison i 25. James Orr 15 26. David Johnson i 27. John Wilson 15 28. Robert Gillies 15 29. Henry Woods 15 > 30. Charles Richardson 15 31. Thomas McCune i 10 32. Arthur McCoard 15 33. James Skiventon 7 34. Archibald McDermot 10 35. John Black 10 36. 'Hugh Reed i 10 37. James Curry 15 38. Daniel Henderson i 10 39. James Donel 15 40. Richard Green 15 41. George Black 15 42. Hugh Bankhead i 5 43. James Bankhead 12 6 44. John Shaw 10 45. Thos. Kennedy 7 6 46. Richard Hope 15 47. John Thecker 7 6 48. Jaraes Crichton 7 6 49. John Carapbell i 50. David Bell i 10 51. David Brown i 10 174 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. i' S. d. 52. James Voj^cin i 12 53. John Anderson 10 54. James Adere 15 55. Wm. Sturgeon 10 56. Robert BeU 10 57. Margaret Akin 10 58. John Graham 10 59. John Logogn 10 60. Alexander Ramsey 10 61. John McCaskey 7 6 62. James Reed 15 63. John Walker 10 64. Solomon Brown i 65. John McClure i 66. James Hope 2 2 (17. John Tate 5 68. Isaac Bush 5 69. Robert Glenn i 70. Francis Miller 2 16 71. Isabel McGonigal 2 6 72. James Guthridge 18 6 73. Henry Neil 15 74. James McBoise 15 75. James Wilson 10 76. Andrew Tate 10 77. James Clendenin i 10 78. Robert Smith 10 79. Margaret Brierly 5 80. Joseph Finley i 10 81. Thomas Turner i 10 82. David Armstrong 10 83. James White i 10 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 175 £ S. 84. William Campbell i lo 85. John Smith 17 86. Hugh Bay 87. John BeU 88. Jaraes Carlin 89. Williara Coulson 90. John Given 91. Thomas McGetegen PASTORS AT BETHEL. Before Rev. John Clark, who in 1769 became Pastor, there is no record of the names of supplies, there being only such as were sent out by the New Castle and Donegal Presbyteries among settlements, but they sel dom mention the name of the supply. George Luckey 1784, 1825 Supplies 1825 George Morrison, Sr 1825, 1837 Andrew B. Cross 1837, 1845 Dr. Stephen Yerkes 1845, October 12, 1852 Supplies Dr. John P. Carter Nov. 10, 1853, Dec. 31, 1856 Thos. S. C. Smith Oct. 22, 1857, Oct. 4, 1864 Benjarain F. Myers Dec, 1865, April 12, 1871 Supplies George Morrison, Jr June 3, 1873, 1876 SuppUes I Joseph Nelson June 3, 1877, July 27, 1884 W. C. StuU 1886* *Rev. Andrew B. Cross. CHAPTER XV. OLD CHURCHES— Continued. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AT CHURCHVILLE — COKESBURY METHODIST COLLEGE AND CHURCH — HARFORD BAPTIST CHURCH — ^THE FRIENDS IN HARFORD. CHURCHVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. Williara Finney, for many years pastor at Churchville, preached an historical sermon in 1854, in which he reviewed the history of this church. The knowledge of the time of its beginning is largely de pendent upon tradition, and Mr. Finney gives as the authority for the date of its origin as fixed by him, Michael Gilbert, one of the oldest members of the con gregation. According to Mr. Gilbert, this church reached back to about the year 1 738, and the establishment of the church is due to the labors of the great evangelist, Whitefield. Its first name was Whitefield's Meeting House, and afterwards as the Deer Creek Presbyterian Congregation. Whitefield carae frora England, and by his eloquence and zeal created a revival in religion along his entire route. The congregation was at first supplied with ministers from the Donegal Presbytery. Araong the early supply preachers were Rev. John Craig and Revs. Thompson and Paul. At this early date conditions in this section were very primitive. The forest had not been cleared away, and dwellings, even HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 1 77 the rude homes of the hardy pioneers, were few and far between. Where are now the beautiful pasture fields, extending frora Churchville through the Dar lington country to the Susquehanna, in 1738 were for the most part the original wilds, through which roaraed the native Indian, but little advanced in civilization by his contact with the whites. Accordingly, religious services were infrequently held, and then for the raost part by some young zealot who came here with the same feeling that the modern missionary carries with hira to Thibet. While there was religious toleration in the colony of the Lords Baltimore, yet the most popular faith was Catholic, the chief rival of which was the Church of England. Presbyterianism, therefore, at first had to contest with these two strongly entrenched denomina tions, and its first churches were not strong. Bethel and Churchville mustered in time large foUowings, but their beginnings are lost in obscurity. The following is from Whitefield's journal, which shows the great nuraber of people that listened to his preachings : "Leaving Philadelphia Noveraber 29, 1739, visited and preached at Chester that same day to five thousand people. Wilmington next day and Newcastle Decem ber I to two thousand people, and Christian Bridge at 4 P. M. to about the sarae number. Whitely Creek, December 2, to ten thousand people, and December 3 to North East. Little notice having been given, there were not above fifteen hundred people, but God was with me and I observed many deeply affected. Sev eral repeated invitations were sent me to preach at other places. Immediately after the serraon we set forward and passed over Susquehannah ferry, about a 178 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. mile broad. I was received at a gentleman's house that lay in the way. Though we were eight in company, yet all things were carried on with great freedom and generosity, and I hope we came providentially thither, for the gentleman told us that he had been a little mel ancholy and had therefore sent for some friends to drive it away. The bottle and the bowl, I found, were the means to be made use of, but blessed be God, the design was in good measure frustrated by our coming in and giving another turn to the conversation. All joined in family prayer. Afterward I went to bed, pitying the miserable condition of those who live a life of luxury and all self-indulgence. They are afraid to look into themselves, and if their consciences at any time awakened they might be lulled asleep again by drinking or evil company. None but a sincere Chris tian can with sincere pleasure practice the duty of self- examination." Whitefield preached at Churchville and next at Joppa, where he made a short address in the Episcopal Church. At the meeting at Churchville he spoke in a tent, and tradition preserves the name of Tent Field on the farm of Mr. W. Beatty Harlan. We do not know the name of Whitefield's host, with whose plan for the evening's entertainment the great preacher interfered. The population in those days was widely scattered, so the fame of Whitefield raust have been great and far reaching to have drawn such crowds — ^his journal in some places recording ten thousand people as present to hear him preach. Conditions in those days were very primitive. Trav eling was done on foot or horseback. It is said of Rev. HISTORV OF HARFORD COUNTY. 179 William Finney, who became pastor in 1813, that when he purchased his first carriage such a vehicle was so uncommon that the first day he drove to church he tied his horse far away "lest he might be thought proud by his parishioners who had come on foot or on horses, or perhaps in ox carts." The new idea was too conspicu ous for his native modesty. The railroad was un known and even the canal had not been born. Towns were few and far between. In 1760 Baltimore Town had only thirty or forty houses. The fireside was the communicating medium of all news. Houses were what we now call "old style," which in this case is gen erally the synonyra of inconvenient arrangement and limited room. Indoors the greased rag was the com mon lurainary auxiliary to the great cordwood fire on the hearth. The whale-oil larap was the luxury of the rich. Tallow dip candles were esteemed a welcome invention. Doubtless these ancient people complied more readily than we with the sober maxim, "early to bed, early to rise." The original church was located on the farm belong ing now to the heirs of the late Wellmore Hopkins, where the old graveyard can still be seen. This church was in the usual style of the times. It was built of logs neither attractive in appearance nor comfortable. It was not heated ; and indeed this absence of fire in churches was the custom of the times. Old people now living can remeraber when it was the habit to take warm bricks to church in winter to keep the feet warm during the sermon of two hours, which was a not uncoramon catastrophe in those days. This log church gave way to a brick one, on or near the present l80 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. site, about the year 1769. This building also was with out stoves, but in 1814 chimneys were put in and the church warmed. In 1820 a building comraittee, con sisting of Jereraiah Bayless, Jaraes Glasgow, Reuben H. Davis, Benj. Silver and Jaraes Pannel, were ap pointed, and a new church was constructed. This is the present church building, which, however, in the year 1870, underwent extensive repairs at a cost of nearly ten thousand dollars, the building being reno vated throughout. The following is a list of the regular pastors who have served this church : Andrew Bay, Caleb Johnson, WiUiara Finney, R. H. Williams, W. W. Ralston, John R. Paxton, W. T. L. Kieffer, Calvin D. Wilson, S. C. Wasson. William Finney was elected pastor March 31, 181 3. The call which was formally made out, and in behalf of the congregation signed by Richard Bams, Jaraes Fulton, Andrew McAdow and Zephaniah Bayless, was presented to the Presbytery of New Castle at New London, Pa., April 6, 1813. He held the call under advisement until the ensuing fall session (September 23) in order to see whether there was a sufficient frag ment of this lacerated congregation to justify him in assuming the pastorate. He then accepted the call, and was ordained and installed November 17, 181 3, preaching a serraon on that occasion frora Acts 4 : 12. Rev. William Finney was a native of New London, Chester county, Pa., and was the second son of Judge Walter Finney, a major in the Revolutionary Army, whose commission, dated August 10, 1776, is now in the possession of his great-grandson, Walter Finney, HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. l8l of Churchville, Md. He graduated at Princeton Col lege with distinction, in the class of 1809 ; studied the ology under Rev. Sarauel Martin, D. D., of Chance- ford, Pa., joined New Castle Presbytery as a candidate for the rainistry April 4, 1810, and was licensed to preach October i, 181 2, at the age of twenty-four. His long pastorate of forty-one years closed October 4, 1854, when he resigned, much to the regret of his people. His farewell sermon was an historical dis course, which is of great value to this church. The people attested their affection for him by requesting him to supply their pulpit, which he did off and on for several years. Following is a list of some of the elders who have been coimected with this church : b. bom. d. died. I. Michael Gilbert, b. about 1707; d. 1796. 2. Robert Rhea, who is the first elder from this church reported at Presbytery. 3. James Gallion. 4. WiUiara Pritchett. 5. John Hawkins, b. about 1716; d. 1783. 6. John McAdow, d. 1802. 7. Joseph Stiles, d. December 1790. 8. John Hays, a bachelor brother of Archer Hays, d. 1802. 9. Thomas Archer, father of Dr. John Archer, Sr. 10. Henry Ruff, d. 1795. II. Benjamin Bayless, son of Samuel, Sr., and brother of Samuel, Jr. 12. Daniel Kenly, grandfather of Geo. W. Kenly, d. 1796. 1 82 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 13. William Ramsay, father of Thos. Ramsay, b. 1725,, came from New Jersey; d. 1800. 14. WiUiam Hollis, d. 1786. 15. Samuel Bayless, of Samuel, Sr., b. about 1735. 16. Andrew McAdow, son of John, d. June 28, 1844. 17. James Fulton, son of Capt. William, from Scot land, and father of John C, WilUam and James, Jr., d. October 31, 1825, aged 62 years. 18. Richard Barns, b. June 25, 1762; d. November 29,. 1830. 19. Zephaniah Bayless, ordained in 1808, d. May 5, 1851. 20. James Glasgow, M. D., ordained November 23, 1822, d. August 19, 1823. 21. Alexander Hanna, father of John, William, Robert and Balch, d. December 27, 1829. 22. James Pannel, ordained June 19, 1824, resigned June 22, 1853. 23. John Kirk, ordained April 4, 1829, d. January 5, 183 1. 24. Robert H. Archer, M. D., ordained June 11, 1826. 25. John C. Fulton of James, ordained October 18, 1834- 26. John Barnes of Gregory, ordained Septertiber 30, 1859- 27. Thomas Archer of Dr. Robert, ordained September 30, 1859. 28. James M. Anderson of John, ordained October 17,. 1863. 29. John A. Hanna, ordained October 17, 1863. 30. R. Harris Archer of Thomas, June 18, 1870. 31. Jas. H. Ball, New Jersey.* •Rev. W. T. L. Kieffer. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 183 COKESBURY. The first Methodist college in the world for higher education was located at Abingdon, in the present First district of Harford county. The foundation of the college is due to Thomas Coke and Francis Asbury, two bishops of the Methodist church. The school was called from the names of the two founders — Coke- Asbury modified into Cokesbury. The establishment of this institution of learning was at a time when the new government was trying its wings. The Revolution had just closed and all the unsettled conditions which accompany a change of gov ernraent after a successful rebellion prevailed here. Money was scarce, but Asbury was equal to the eraer- gency. Coke was the author of the idea, but to Asbury was largely due the successful establishment of the col lege. This school seeras to have been in his thoughts always, and he devoted many of the best years of his life to this work. For its financial success he traveled many weary miles through the wildemess, preaching and soliciting subscriptions, and when the building was consumed to ashes and all his work proved in vain, the poor man was almost overwhelmed. He wrote in his journal "We have a second and confirmed report that Cokesbury College is consumed to ashes, a sacrifice of ten thousand pounds in about ten years. If any man should give me ten thousand pounds to do and suffer again what I have done for that house, I would not do it. The Lord called not Mr. Whitefield nor the Metho dists to build colleges. I wished only for schools ; Dr. Coke wanted a college." There were only fifteen thousand Methodists in 184 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. America at this time, and with this small number the building and opening of this school was remarkable. Dr. Thomas Coke was sent by John Wesley to America from England to superintend the churches. He and Asbury met at Barrett's Chapel, Dover, and the ques tion of founding a school for higher learning under control of the Methodist Church was discussed. One thousand pounds sterling was subscribed before the conference met, enough to begin work, and then carae the raatter of the selection of a site. In those days the post road passing through Abingdon was the main highway between the North and the South, and as steam had not come into use, the traveling population were very familiar with that route. Harford Town, or Bush, was going down. Bel Air had been chosen the coimty seat. The Pacas had started a new town on the hill — Abingdon — and had laid it off into streets and lots, a plat of which can now be seen in the clerk's office at Bel Air. Richard Dallam, one of the leading men of the county, and quartermaster in the American Army, lived there with his family. William Paca, who was bom there and who had signed the Declaration of Independ ence, was then governor of the State, and the new town laid out by his people may be reasonably supposed to have had the good will of the distinguished governor and his wealthy friends. Moreover, the location was high and healthy. From the high ground could be seen Bush river stretching its winding course, with "promontory, creek and bay." Old Baltimore, it is true, had been abandoned for nearly an hundred years, but the beautiful shore line was there, the view not ob structed as now by the railroad bridge, which was not built until fifty years later. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 185 Off in the distance, further down the river, lay Abbey Island Point and Legoes' Point in full view ; and a lit tle further away, glistening in the sun, lay the broad waters of the Chesapeake, across which could be seen the high banks of Kent county. Close by was Otter creek, like a silver thread just over the hill ; and Otter Point, with deep water, where large vessels could come to load and discharge their cargos, was only a mile away. There was a new Methodist church which had been built in 1784. Truly, the outlook for Abingdon to become a large town was excellent, and here they de cided to build the new college. Bishop Asbury was present on June 5, 1785, to lay the corner-stone and preach the foundation sermon. On May 30 of the same year. Dr. Coke purchased from Richard Dallam, for sixty pounds, four acres of land adjoining the new church, for the site of the college, and on this land was erected the college hall at a cost of more than four thousand pounds. This sura represented an average contribution of more than one dollar for every Metho dist church meraber in the country. Five trustees raanaged the business of the school. The college had a boarding department, but the plan was to have as raany students as possible board in the village. The college dorraitory, therefore, was con structed with especial reference to the nuraber and size of the recitation rooras, and the quarters for the stu dents were rather contracted. The building, of which no representation is known to be extant, was of brick, one hundred and eight feet in length and forty feet in width, facing east and west. It is described as standing on the surarait and centre l86 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. of six acres of land, with equal descent and proportion of ground on each side. It was three stories in height and divided into two parts. The east and west ends had on each floor two rooms, in size twenty-five by twenty feet. .On the first floor, in the centre of the building, was the college hall, forty feet square; over it, on the second floor, two school rooms, and on the third floor two bedrooms. Such was the arrangement of the building which was thought in "dimensions and style of architecture fully equal, if not superior, to any thing of the kind in the country." Before the building was entirely completed a pre paratory school was opened by Mr. Freeman Marsh, a Quaker. Dr. Coke said that the college was intended primarily for the sons of preachers ; next, for the sons of "our friends ;" thirdly, for "our young men (preach ers)," and, fourthly, "for orphans." He felt that the name college might appear too pre tentions at first, but took comfort from the fact that "we give high-sounding names in America." John Wesley was applied to for a recommendation for a president of the college, and he named Rev. Mr. Meath, who was master of a grammar school at Kid derminster, in England ; the recommendation of Wes ley was favorably received by the trustees, who voted to call Mr. Meath, and Dr. Coke was requested to com municate the call to the proposed president. Mr. Meath was to receive sixty pounds annually, lodging in the college, board, washing, etc., for himself and family. The call was accepted and Mr. Meath, accompanied by Patrick McCloskey, who also was to teach in the new school, arrived in this country in the fall of 1787. In September of the same year Bishop Asbury was at HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 1 87 Abingdon, superintending the opening of the college. Meath's inauguration occurred in December, lasting three days, on all three of which Bishop Asbury preached. At the beginning there were twenty-five students. Letters of advice came from Wesley as to the method of conducting the institution, in one of which he said he wished the children to be made "critical scholars in Latin, Greek and Hebrew." Meath, the president, and McCloskey and Marsh, assistants, left in the first year. In 1788, Dr. Jacob Hall, of Abingdon, was elected president, the fact that he was a native of the State being a consideration in his election. There were thirty students in the year 1788. Dr. Hall's assistants were Rev. John Hargrove, Rev. Jo seph Toy and Charles Tait. Mr. McCloskey came back and resuraed his position as teacher, dying in 1791. There were seventy students in 1791. It is thought that no graduation or conferring of degrees was ever held by the college, as there is no mention of any. The curriculum included EngUsh, Latin, Greek, logic, rhet oric, history, geography, natural philosophy and astron omy, to which it was proposed later to add Hebrew, French and German. In this day of reading-rooms, gymnasiums and care fully arranged hours of recreation, with a patronage of field sports by the faculty in all colleges, it is diffi cult to understand the rigid discipline at Cokesbury. Here is one of the regulations : "Let this rule be ob served with the greatest nicety, for those who play when they are young will play when they are old." No games or plays for the boys ! Their employment was l88 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. to be that of the "greatest public utility, agriculture and architecture." There was a carpenters' shop for recreation. Gardening was another, and they might bathe in a pool, one at a time, and under no considera tion swim in Bush river. The students were to study seven hours daily, rise at four o'clock in the morning and go to bed at nine o'clock. The coUege ran into debt, which, in 1789, amounted to about eight thousand dollars. In 1794 the Maryland Legislature granted a charter to Cokesbury, and authorized the conferring of the usual college degrees. In 1795 the authorities deter mined to abandon the collegiate department and raain tain only an English free school, but before this plan was fairly tried the life of the school carae to an end. On December 4, 1795, the building was burned to the ground, and everything connected with it destroyed. The fire was thought to be of incendiary origin. The fame of this school was great in its day, and even to this time bricks are sought and carried away as relics. The bell which called the students to their duties was preserved, and now hangs over Goucher Hall at the Woman's College, in Baltimore, chief relic of the once famous college of Cokesbury.* HARFORD BAPTIST CHURCH. This church is situated in the forks of Winter's Run, between Jarrettsville and Upper X-Roads, in the Fourth election district of Harford county. During the space of one hundred and forty-seven years there have been only six elders, or pastors, of '*Dr. Bernard C. Steiner. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 189 this church, and two of these elders served this con gregation for nearly an hundred years. Elder John Davis was the rainister in charge from the building of the church, in 1754, until the time of his death, in 1807, a period of fifty-three years. Rev. WilUam Grafton, the present incumbent, began his labors there May 18, 1859, 3.nd thus up to this time his continuous service to the church has extended over a period of forty-two years, making, with the tirae of Elder John Davis, ninety-five years. The elders of this church since 1754, the date of its organization, have been as follows : Elder John Davis, 1754 to 1807. Elder WiUiara Wilson, 1807 to 1839. Elder Eli Scott, Elder Jaraes Brown, Elder Francis Thom, 1839 to 1859. Elder Williara Grafton, 1859 to . Sorae of the dates in the records of the church are missing and it is difficult to deterraine the tirae of the beginning of the service of several of the elders. Be sides this, the early minutes are effaced and had to be supplied by a suraraary in October, 1803. In 1839, during the terra of Rev. Williara Wilson, a dispute arose as to the attitude of the church toward temper ance societies and benevolent institutions, and a divi sion was raade in the congregation. The elder, Wil liam Wilson, left his charge, with a number of his con gregation, and thereafter officiated and had his church building at Rock Ridge, or Cherry Hill, which had been built a short time previously. The following is a copy of the recital at the begin ning of the records and a Ust of some of the early mem bers: "The church of Jesus Christ in Harford County, In 190 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. the State of Maryland was Constituted on the First Day of November In the year of our Lord — One thou sand seven hundred and fifty-four, then under the pas toral care of Elder John Davis, who Still continues to preside over her. But through some cause to us un known the Church book has Become so defaced that the true state of the said church From time to time since her constitution up to this Date cannot be known; "And as the God of Zion hath been Generously pleased of Late to Revive his work Within the bounds of this Church so that Considerable Numbers have been added to those that still Remain of her former Numbers ; And We deeming it Necessary as well for our own comfort as for the Information of Others to revive the articles of her former Constitution .... "Be it known therefore that we whose names are hereunto subscribed Do as in the presence of God Pro fess to believe the truths contained in the following Covenant and to submit to the Ordinances and modes of Government therein contained that is to say" [Here follows covenant.] October, 1803 : Martha Denbow, John Watkins, Drucilla Tolon, Elizabeth Watkins, Elizabeth Tolon, Philip Garrison, Sarah Dever, James Thompson, Ruth Dever, now Norris, John Thompson, John Thompson, Thomas Durham, Susanna Thompson, Nathan Durham, Benjamin Amos, Margaret Durham, Sarah Amos, Frances Thompson, Ann Amos, now Alderson, David Durham, Dixon Stansbury, Sarah Durham, Dixon Stansbury, Jr., John Denbow, Easter Stansbury, HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 191 Elizabeth Amos, Charity Hitchcock, Elizabeth Guiton, Sarah Cruet, Wm. Robinson, Sarah Robinson, Sarauel Grafton, Mary Grafton, Wm. Durham, Jane St. Clair, Elizabeth Arrastrong, Jaraes Ferine, Catherine Baker, Susanna Norrington, Mary Norris, Elizabeth Thorapson, Aquila Grear, Mary Grear, Ezekiel Weeks, Elizabeth Weeks, Wm. McGovern, Ann McGovern, Mary Smithson, Sarah Wilson, Susanna Amos, Elizabeth Davis, Elizabeth Baker, Martha St. Clair, Naomi Guiton, Jemima Hynes, Elizabeth Whitaker, Edward Parrish, DeUa Parrish, EUzabeth Slade, Jane Renshaw, Naomi Araos, Ann Parker, John Davis, Jane Davis, Mary Carleton, Thomas Poteet, Joshua Thompson, Casandra Thompson, Clemency Thompson, Elthiah Brown, Jesse Bussey, Eleaner Bussey, Dina Anderson, Jane Davis, Migail Denbow, DoUy Renshaw, Rachael Kent, now White ford, Hannah West, Lattice Jordan, Mary Husk, Martha Thompson, Stephen Rigdon, Hannah Brice, Sabrina Wilson, Ann Hewett, Christian Jordan, Isaac Persons, Phebe Persons, Josiah Hitchcock, Thos. D. Cockey, Wm. Perrigoe, Hannah Perrigoe, Ellen Perrigoe, Sidney Perrigoe, Rebekah Perrigoe, Joshua Jones, Mary Jones, Wm. Parks, Chloe Parks, Elenor Parks, Benj. Talbott, Catherine Talbott, 192 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Rachael Harryman, Rachael Stevenson, Ruth Towson, Philemon Towson, Joseph Bosswell, PhiUp Pindle, Elizabeth Boswell, Joseph Safer, Thos. Cole, Rachael Cole, Chloe Cockey, Clarrissa Burnham, John Burnham, Ann Burnham, Sarah SoUers, Ruth Owings, John Burnham, Sr., Ann Young, Discretion Walker, Mary Steel, Elexis Lemmon, Elizabeth Cromwell, Nathan Cromwell, Peter Parks, Wm. Loveall, Mary Tipton, Abraham Cole, John Lemmon, Ellenor Lemmon, Joseph Stansbury, Sarah Stansbury, Dorcus Ensor, Thomas Cole, Mordecai Cole, Ann Dunawin, Thomas Dunawin, Polly Bond, Thomas Downey, Hannah Safer, Thomas Lemmon, Comfort Lemmon, Ann Edwards, Belinda Cox, Abraham Cole, Jr., Margaret Griffith, Benjamin Green, James Cole, Zebediah Cox, Charlotte Baxter, Sarah Corbin, Thomas Beareman, Sarah Bearemen, Catherine Bearemen, Rachael Crow, Martha Boreing, Mary Lane, Rachael Willson, Margaret Willson, Elizabeth Willson, Margaret Thomas, Thomas Ford, Ellenor Hutson, Ruth Inseworth, Samuel Fort, Elizabeth Fourt, Ruth Griffith, Amon Butler, Jr., Ruth Butler, Amon Butler, Elizabeth Butler, Absolem Butler, Susanna Butler, Hannah Butler, Charlotte Bond, Mary Gill, Mary Baxter, Hunt, Mary Kidd, HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 193 Sarah Kidd, Sarah Cole, Ann Jorden, Patty Jordon, William Buckingham, Sarah Buckingham, Richard Lane, Elizabeth Lane, Elizabeth Green, Thomas Fuder, Alexander Bosswell, Vincent Tipton, Bryan Tipton, Thoraas Kelly, Sarah Kelly, Hannah Leramon, Jemima Plowman, ¦Rebecca Cimningham, Sophia Chenowith, Wm. Blizzard, Surany Blizzard, William Chenoweth, Sarah Chenoweth, Nicholas Hedington, Delia Hedington, Richard Choate, Sarah Choate, John Banks, Mary Banks, Joshua Tracey, Abrahara Bareing, Jaraes Bareing, Elizabeth Bareing, •Edward Choate, Thoraas Gist, Penelope D. Gist, Francis T. Talbott, Nancy Gist, Sarah Bareing, John Perigoe, Matthew Day, Nelly SoUers, Polly Bareing, Patience Lee, Henry Green, Elizabeth Green, Elizabeth Gorsuch, John Gordon, Evan Watkins, etc. THE FRIENDS IN HARFORD. The first settlement of "Friends" in Harford is veiled in much obscurity, but there are reasons for concluding that they found their way here shortly after their estab lishment in the adjacent colony of Pennsylvania, where Penn, in his holy experiraent, "laid the foundation of a state with a government, deriving its just powers from the consent of the governed," where not only the persecuted members of his own religious denomination should find a peaceful homejbut the good and oppressed 194 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. of all lands and every religious persuasion should find an asylum and the pure and peaceable principles of Christianity should be carried into practice. The en lightened understanding of Lord Baltimore had led him to adopt sentiments akin to those actuating Penn in his movements, and thus, no doubt, raany of this faith gladly embraced the opportunity afforded to "worship according to the dictates of their own conscience with none to make them afraid." Perhaps it may be perraitted to draw the line of divergence between the reasons actuating the proprie taries of these neighboring colonies. With high appre ciation of the noble rainds and enlightened statesman ship of the Lords Baltimore, and aside frora the spirit of criticism, simply state the fact of history that what was granted as a privilege by them was conceded as an "inalienable right" by Penn, which is the true ground and teaching of democracy in government, and always held and taught by Friends. The inference of Friends' early settlement here may be drawn from the names and traditions of many of our oldest families, being those of the early migration to these Western shores, the public records showing thera faithfully supporting in raany instances the principles and testiraonies against oaths, railitary ser vice and pursuing other society characteristics. The first religious meeting of this denomination in Harford county, so far as can be ascertained, was that of Bush river. The date of its establishment is not known. It continued in existence until about the year 1820. There is a spot near Bush river bridge, on the Philadelphia Railroad, which has been designated as the place where the meeting was held. Only a portion HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. I95 of what was said to be the foundation of the meeting house could be seen many years ago. The first authentic record now fixes the date of the establishraent of Deer Creek raeeting in 1736, held then as now at Darlington. It was a branch of Bush river raeeting. On September 29, 1 737, Nathan Rigbie conveyed three and a half acres, part of "PhiUp'sPurchase,"tothe trustees of the Quaker Meeting House at Deer Creek, and on May 25, 1789, Jaraes Rigbie executed a confirmatory deed of the same lot to Joseph Wamer, Hugh Ely, Jacob Baldwin and Isaiah Baldwin, trustees, etc. (Liber J. L. G. No. K., folio 347. Land Records of Harford county. First deed. Liber H. W. S. LA. i, folios 17 and 18, Land Records of Baltimore County.) Next in order of establishment we find that of Little Falls, near Fallston, about the year 1738, (not on its present site, however), and Broad Creek, near Dublin, in 1828. A meeting was estabUshed at Fawn Grove, York county. Pa., near the Maryland line, many of its members living in Harford. It was held as early as 1780. The settlement of the raeeting at Little Falls calls for more than a passing notice. William Amos, a resident, large land owner and officer in the railitia of the county, was walking on his premises one Sabbath morning, when his meditations and their effect upon his mind were of that character that he called worship. Here he afterwards resorted from a sense of conviction and found satisfaction in continuing the practice. Finally, being joined by sev eral of his neighbors, upon comparing notes and mak ing inquiry, they found their views on religious mat ters coincided with Friends, and going twenty miles 196 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. to the meeting of Gunpowder, in Baltimore county, and their case being favorably considered by that body, they were taken into membership. William Amos, from being a soldier in the military in the service of his country for the support of national power, became a soldier of the cross, whose weapons are not carnal, but spiritual, and having a gift in the ministry of Christ, was a favored instruraent in calling many from "darkness to light, from the power of Satan unto God." Living to an advanced age, he saw his "children's children grow up to usefulness and call him blessed," and now rests in the yard of the home of Garret Amos, one of his descendants, near Winter's Run, on the Bel Air pike. This sketch does not admit of much in biography, but it may be said that Harford has been the home of many members of this faith whose upright lives and good works have established lasting memorials. Moses Shepherd, founder of the Philanthropic Institution, near Baltimore, bearing his name, was born on Winter's Run, near Bel Air. Nathan Tyson, first president of the Baltimore Chamber of Comraerce, was at one time a member of Little FaUs Meeting. Benj. P. More, a near relative, and at one time a business partner of Johns Hopkins, with his cultivated wife Mary, lived "and died the death of the righteous" near Fallston, where their home life of refinement, generous hospitality and piety have left a lasting impression. At Deer Creek lived John and Susanna Jewett, she a woman of strong raind and a powerful rainister, mother of the late Hugh J. Jewett. At Broad Creek was the home of David G. McCoy, HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. I97 a raan of more than ordinary abiUty, and one of the earliest promoters of our present excellent school sys tera. In the bridge that spans the Susquehanna at Conowingo is found a lasting monuraent to his energy and public spirit, for to his efforts was largely due its erection. Araong the rainisters of the last century may be named Bartholomew Fussel, ever faithful to the cause he served ; Samuel McConnell, of strong mind, judgment and expression; George Reese, whose eloquence in pleading the cause of the Master is well reraerabered by many ; Abel A. Hull, whose dignity of bearing and clearness of thought always impressed his hearers, and Darlington Hoopes, whose plain, siraple and earnest pleading of the cause of truth as he saw it, coupled with an unspotted life, still keeps his raeraory green among those who came within his influence. From the beginning. Friends have advocated a broad and liberal education, and with their advent in any coraraunity the establishment of schools for the guarded education of youth has been a concern with them. Before the establishment of our public schools there were three flourishing schools under the care of Little Falls Meeting. And so they are here, small in num bers, but still an element in the make-up of the county, with no reason to ask the world's pardon for having been born, and no cause for abandoning any of their principles or abatement in their efforts to maintain them."There are those that take note that our numbers are small, Nevir Gibbons who write our decline and our fall ; But the Lord of the seed-field takes care of his own. And the world shall yet reap what our sowers have sown."* *A. H. Hull. CHAPTER XVI. BIOGRAPHICAL. WILLIAM PACA — DR. JOHN ARCHER — COL. THOMAS WHITE — BENJ. BRADFORD NORRIS. WILLIAM PACA. William Paca, the second son of John Paca, was born near Abingdon, in what is now Harford county, October 31, 1740. He was educated at the College of Philadelphia, where he graduated June 8, 1759, and on January 14, 1762, he was admitted as a student of law at the Middle Temple, London. After completing his studies there he entered the office of Stephen Bord ley, and on April 11, 1764, he commenced the practice of his profession at Annapolis. He, however, retained his connection with his native county, and represented Harford in the State Convention of 1788, which rati fied the constitution of the United States. His col leagues from Harford in that convention were Luther Martin, William Pinkney and John Love. In 1771 he was elected a raember of the provincial Legislature, and was elected to the first and second Continental Congresses. He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776. On the adoption of the first State constitution he was made a Senator for two years. In 1778 he was appointed chief judge of the Superior Court of Maryland, which office he held until HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. I99 1780, when he becarae chief judge of the Court of Ap peals in prize and adrairalty cases. In 1782 he was elected Governor of Maryland. In 1786 he sat in Con gress for a short time, and in the same year was re elected Governor. In 1789 he was appointed judge of the United States Court for Maryland, which position he held at the tirae of his death, in 1799. He married a daughter of Sarauel Chew as his first wife. His sec ond wife was Anna Harrison, of Philadelphia. His portrait hangs over the judge's seat in the courtroom at Bel Air, and he and Governor Augustus W. Brad ford were, in point of public service, the most distin guished raen ever born in Harford. RICHARD DALLAM. One of the most prominent men in Harford during the Revolution was Richard Dallam, who was the ancestor of the family of Dallams now residing in this county. The first Dallam also bore the name of Rich ard, and was a nephew of Sarah Jennings, first Duchess of Marlborough. He carae from England about the beginning of the eighteenth century, and set tled at Joppa, where he practiced law. The subject of this sketch was one of his four sons. The latter served in the Revolutionary War as paymaster, with the title of general of this district. In the Annapolis Conven tion of June 22, 1774, which protested against the tax on tea, Richard Dallam represented Harford county, his colleagues from this county being John Love, Thomas Bond, John Paca, Edward Hall and Jacob Bond. He also signed the Bush declaration of March, 1775- He was one of the comraissioners named in the 200 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. dedimus for the formation of the new county in 1773-4. He lived in Abingdon in 1786. In a letter from Rev. Thomas Coke to Rev. Mr. Meath, written from South ampton, England, January 23, 1786, requesting the latter to accept the position of head master at Cokes bury College, we find this : "There are several of our principal friends live in the neighborhood (Abingdon). One family (Mr. Dallam's) you'll find very agreeable." He died in March, 1805. DR. JOHN ARCHER. John Archer, M. B., son of Thoraas Archer, was bom near Churchville, in Harford county (then Balti more county). May 5, 1741. His grandfather, John Archer, came to America from the vicinity of London derry, Ireland, in the early part of the eighteenth cen tury. The family is said to have descended frora John de Archer, who came to England with WiUiara the Conqueror in 1066, as it is said all the Archers in Great Britain were descended from him. Dr. John Archer was the sole survivor of five children, all the others having died of a malignant fever in infancy, he narrowly escaping death at the same time. He is the ancestor of all the Archers of that family now residing in Harford county. He attended school at Nottingham Academy, in Cecil county, where he was a classmate of Dr. Benjamin Rush. In 1760 he graduated at Prince ton with the degree of A. B., and in 1763 received from the same college the degree of A. M. He studied theology, but on account of a throat affection which irapaired his speech, and for other rea sons, he was not well qualified for the ministry, and he turned his attention to the study of medicine. He HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 20I attended lectures at the College of Philadelphia, the forerunner of the present University of Pennsylvania. On October i8, 1766, he married Catherine, daughter of Thomas Harris, who lived nearby. In the recess of the college Dr. Archer practiced medicine in New Castle county, Del. On June 21, 1768, he graduated as a physician, and as his name came first on the list of the first graduating class. Dr. Archer received the first medical degree ever conferred in America. In July, 1769, he commenced the practice of his pro fession in Harford county. He grew rapidly in profes sional reputation and in the esteem of his neighbors. He took a prominent part in public affairs at the time of the Revolution, organizing on September 16, 1775, a military company at Churchville, and his name is subscribed to the faraous Bush declaration. On No vember 27, 1776, he was chosen an elector for the Senate of Maryland and a meraber of a comraittee of observation for Harford county. He was also a dele gate to the first constitutional convention of the State, which raet at Annapolis in 1776, and which was pre sided over by Matthew Tilghman. His Harford col leagues in that convention were Jacob Bond, Henry Wilson, Jr., and John Love. This convention also drew up and adopted the bill of rights. In 1776 Dr. John Archer and Gabriel Duval were chosen as presidential electors for the State of Maryland. In 1800 he was elected to Congress by the party of Jefferson, and was re-elected in 1802. His skill as a physician was fre quently called into service during his term in Washing ton as a member of Congress. He died suddenly .Sep tember 28, 1810, honored and respected by all who 202 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. knew him. He was the author of many articles on med icine and surgery, and was an eminent authority in his day in his profession. He was the preceptor of a num ber of distinguished physicians who carae after hira, and his house, near Churchville, was at tiraes like a medical college, so numerous were the young men who sougth his tuition. He was the father of Jude Ste venson Archer, who was chief justice of the State. In addition to the public offices held by Dr. Archer, as stated above, he was one of the first of the Lords Jus tices of this county. His portrait may be seen in the courtroom at Bel Air. COL. THOMAS WHITE. Born in London in 1704, of good parentage, Thomas White lost his father at the age of four years. He attended a grammar school at St. Albans, near London, but in 1720, at the age of sixteen, he sailed for Maryland. It is said that he was of the retinue of Charles Calvert, who came out in that year to be corae governor of the province. He was apprenticed to a Mr. Stokes to be taught for the profession of law, and the usual fee of one hundred guineas was paid for him. Young White accordingly became a lawyer, but was soon appointed deputy sur veyor general for Baltimore county, then comprising also Harford. This was an office of great importance in those times, a position Washington held in his early days in Virginia. Colonel White became the authority on titles in his county and his certificate was regarded as law. He married Sophia, daughter of Capt. John Hall, of Cran berry. The latter was born in 1658 and in the year HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 203 1694 purchased certain tracts of land from Michael Judd, Edward Boothby and others, raaking a tract of i>539 acres, which he that year had laid out and sur veyed and which he caUed "Cranberry," being mainly on Bush River. Capt. John Hall's wife was Martha Gouldsraith, nee Beadle, whom he married July i8, 1693, and who died in 1720. They had seven children. Captain Hall died in August, 1737, and by his will he devised to his chil dren large tracts of land, among which were six hun dred acres on Deer Creek; Taylor's Good Hope, four himdred acres ; Timber Nest, four hundred and seventy acres ; Cranberry, lying west of Mill run, and Jericho, one thousand acres ; Harman's Swantown, two hundred acres ; The Enlargement and Old Quarter, seven hun dred acres ; New Quarter, six hundred acres. To his daughter Sophia, wife of Col. Thomas White, he devised a tract of land called Sophia's Dairy, which is what is now known as the Dairy Farra; part of Hall's Plains and Simmon's Neglect. Colonel White, therefore, through his wife, was the proprietor of large tracts of land, which he added to by the purchase and patent of others, among which were the following tracts : Ah Ah Indeed, Ah Ah the Cow Pasture, Edin burgh, Abbott's Forest, Constantinople, Antrim, Kil kenny, Londonderry, Eaton's Addition, Eaton's Sec ond Addition, Gay's Favor, Hathaway's Hazard, Chance, Rumney Royal, Hammond's Hope, Paradise, Leigh of Leighton, Royal Exchange, Simraond's Neg lect, Neighbor's Affinity, Attaway's Trust, Constant Friendship, Harrison's Resolution, etc., etc. These tracts were all large. Ah Ah Indeed, for instance, con tained eight hundred and twenty-five acres. In 1777 204 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Colonel White's taxable real estate in Harford county alone, comprised seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-two and one-half acres. The tracts called Ah Ah, just west of Abingdon, have a ghost story con nected with thera, and children and the colored popu lation to this day have a dread of Ha Ha branch, which crosses the Philadelphia road between Abingdon and Van Bibber. This neighborhood is said to be the haunt of a spectre which at times gives utterances to a blood-curdling "ha ha." The fear of this ghost is as great in this generation as it was two hundred years ago. By order of the justices of Baltimore county, in 1728, Colonel White made a survey and plat of By num's run from its mouth to its spring head, in order to find the direct course, and from thence to run and blaze that direct course. Patents to Colonel White : 1734, Sokmon's Song, fifty acres, on east side of Bush river. 1736, St. Martin's Ludgate, two hundred and eighty acres. His London birthplace is here evidenced as two of the most prominent points in London are Lud gate Hill and the Church of St. Martin's, in the Fields. 1738, The Royal Exchange, four hundred and eighty acres, on Swan creek. 1746, Montreal, two thousand seven hundred and twenty-five acres. 1747, Ah Ha at a Venture, or Hathaway's Hazard, one hundred and eighty-three acres. Colonel White and Sophia, his wife, had three chil dren. Sophia, born May 8, 1731, being the only one of the three who married and left descendants. She HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 2O5 married her cousin, Aquila Hall, she and her husband each being grandchildren of Capt. John Hall, of Cran berry. Colonel White's residence was on the Dairy Farm, between the present large brick house and the river, and the remains of this house can yet be found. Aquila Hall built the present Dairy Farm house in 1768. This is one of the largest in the county, even now, and while without ornamentation, is a handsome and iraposing structure with a very large hall. Colonel White was a vestryraan of Spesutia Church. He has a large number of descendants now living in Harford, many of them occupying land acquired by him. In 1745 he removed to Philadelphia, and in May, 1747, married the second time, the name of this wife being Esther Newman. William White, Bishop of Pennsylvania and the first bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America, was the son of the sec ond marriage. There was a daughter also of this mar riage, Mary, who became the wife of Robert Morris, of Philadelphia, the great financier, signer of the Decla ration of Independence and United States Senator from Pennsylvania. Colonel White was a vestryman of Spesutia Church. tained his interests in Harford and died at the Dairy, Septeraber 29, 1779, where he was buried. His re raains, together with those of Sophia, his wife, were reraoved in 1877 to Spesutia Church, where they were reinterred in the presence of about sixty of Colonel White's decendants.* ?Meeting of descendants of Col. Thomas White. 2o6 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. JACOB BOND. The first of this family to take up land within the limits of what is now known as Harford county, was Peter Bond, of Anne Arundel, who came into the col ony in the year 1660. He acquired Pleasant Hills, on both sides of the Patapsco, about the mouth of Gwynn's Falls, now included in the city of Baltimore, and pat ented Harris' Trust, and in 1691 purchased the adja cent tract called Prosperity, lying on both sides of Bush river. He was twice married, and died in 1705, leaving sons Peter, Thomas, William and John, the two last named being minor children of his second wife, who, after a brief period of mourning (1707), married Philip Washington. Peter Bond, as heir, succeeded to all the estate of his father except Prosperity and Harris' Trust, which were divided between the three younger sons. Thomas had already settled in Harford county, and in 1700 married Anne Robertson, of Anne Arundel. He patented, in 1703, Knaves Misfortune, adjacent to. the tracts above mentioned, where he built a substantial house in which he lived until his death. This house was on the site of the residence of Mr. John R.Spencer, near Emmorton. The old Bond house is said to have been built of brick imported from England, and part of it was standing up to the time of the erection of the pres ent dwelling by Mr. Lee Magness, about twenty years ago. Thomas Bond died in 1756. This old house is said to have been used as a smallpox hospital about the tirae of the Revolution. Thomas Bond lies buried HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 207 near the house and the location of his grave is still known. In 1714 he patented Bond's Forest, of three thou sand one hundred acres, lying between Bynum's run and the Little Gunpowder Falls, and purchased Cheap- side and Poplar Ridge, with other tracts, amounting to about three thousand acres. In 1705 he received five thousand acres, lying in Baitiraore county, on the west side of the Susquehanna river, called Bond's Manor. In 1739 he sold a portion of this land to Capt. Thomas Cresap, who thus becarae involved in the boundary dis pute, frora which Williara Penn eraerged crowned with success. Thomas Bond, in 1749, conveyed to his sons Thomas and John, as trustees, part of Bond's Forest, to be laid out conveniently near the main road, including "a house now built intended for a meeting house for the people called Quakers to worship God in, and also a school- house already built." The records of Gunpowder Meeting show acceptance of this deed in 1753. This was the beginning of the Little Falls Meeting at Fallston. He was a meraber of the celebrated grand jury which protested against the reraoval of the county seat from the Forks of Gunpowder to Joppa, denouncing it as "a palpable, notorious grievance to this county." Thomas died in 1755, having previously settled each of his sons in comfortable houses on "plantations," and divided his lands among his eight children. His eldest son Thomas married Elizabeth Scott, and was the an cestor of large farailies of Jarrets, Amos, Bosleys, Howards and Munnikhuysens. 208 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. John married Alice Ann Webster, whose descendants are Fells, Lees, Wilsons and Bradfords. Joshua married Anne Partridge, and was the an cestor of many Lees, Morris, Morrisons and Howards. Jacob married Fanny Partridge, and from him are descended Prestons, Wilmers, Abbotts, Gittings, Hol lands and McCorraicks. Sarah married WilUam Fell, whose descendants are Fells, Fews, Dabs, Kennards, Dorseys and Johnsons. Ann married Edward Fell, and afterwards Giles, and from her are descended Giles and Johnsons. John, son of Thomas, who married Alice Ann Web ster, joined his father-in-law in organizing the Bush River Company, which erected one of the first iron fur naces in the colonies. Thomas, son of John, married Rebecca, daughter of Tobias Stansbury. He was justice of the peace and judge of the Orphans' Court, and a zealous adherent of the Methodist church. His eldest son John was an itinerant preacher, and the friend and companion of Bishop Asbury. His son was Dr. Thomas E. Bond, Sr., a very cel ebrated preacher and editor of the Christian Advocate, the latter being the father of Dr. Thomas E. Bond, the younger, and Judge Hugh Lennox Bond, recently deceased. The most prominent of the Bonds from the stand point of Harford history, was Jacob, who died in Noveraber, 1780. He was a prorainent raember of the Committee of Harford County in the Revolution, hav ing been elected by the people, and was captain of Company Eleven, of Harford militia, in the Revolu tion, the other officers being Thomaf Johnson, first HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY 209 lieutenant; James McCoraas, second lieutenant, and Martin Preston, ensign. Jacob Bond represented Harford county in the con vention which met at Annapolis in 1776 and formed the first constitution of the State, his colleagues there being Henry Wilson, Jr., John Love and John Archer. He was also one of Harford's representatives in the Annapolis convention of June 22, 1774, which pro tested against the tax on tea, his Harford colleagues being Richard Dallam, John Love, Thomas Bond, John Paca and Benedict Edward Hall. His children were : Jacob Bond, Jr., Sarah, wife of Bernard Preston, Martha,Charlotte, Ralph, Dennis, the father of Dr. Elijah Bond, Ann, Prisciila. His will, dated October 2, 1780, is recorded in the Orphans' Court at Bel Air. Bernard Preston, who married Sarah Bond, above named, was born in 1756. He built the large stone house between Bel Air and Hickory now owned by Mr. John B. Wysong, his great-grandson. Bernard's father was James Preston, bom in 171 3, and the lat ter's father was the first settler on that property, viz., James Preston, the son of James Preston, who was the son of Thomas, naraed in the will of Richard Pres ton of Patuxent as "Thoraas Preston of the Cliffs." 2IO HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. BENJAMIN BRADFORD NORRIS. About the year 1690, Benjamin Norris, the elder, set tled in Harford county, (then Baltimore county), and lived at a farm he named Everly Hills, now owned by the Hon. Herman Stump, and called by him Wav- erly. He became possessed of a tract of land extending from Bynum's Run, in a section back of what is now the Farnandis estate, to the Little Falls. Benjamin Bradford Norris was the first of the name, being called after his grandfathers, Benjamin Norris and William Bradford, the Christian name of one and the family name of the other. John Norris was the father of a large family, seven of whom were sons. His eldest son John married Susanna Bradford. They had the first house that was ever built at Mt. Pleasant, now the home of Mr. G. Smith Norris. Part of this house is still standing. It was built early in the eighteenth century. John's eldest son was Benjamin Bradford Norris, who was educated in Harford. Bradford Norris married Elizabeth Rich ardson. The two had quite a large family; only two sons, however. Bradford Norris was one of the sign ers of the Harford Declaration of Independence. He was also a soldier in the Revolutionary Army, and served in a company raised and commanded by his brother, Jacob Norris, who became a colonel. They were with Washington in his campaign in Delaware and Jersey. Jacob Norris was severely wounded, and received a pension for the balance of his Ufe. He was buried in the Methodist graveyard in Bel Air. The headstone bears the following inscription: history of harford county. 211 Died In March, 1807, Jacob Norris, An Officer OF THE 6th Maryland Regiment IN the War of the Revolution. To His Memory This Pillar Is Raised BY His Daughter Sophia. Benjamin Bradford Norris was very highly esteemed by the people of his community, and was appointed to represent thera in the first Legislature that was con vened after the State government was established. Of his sons, one died in infancy, and the other died of yellow fever in Norfolk at the age of twenty-one. Benjamin Bradford Norris died in April, 1790, and his administrators were Eliabzeth Norris and Jacob Norris. One of Jacob Norris' sons was a commander in the United States Navy, and was lost at sea on the Hornet. John Norris, another of the brothers Norris, was one of the incorporators, and represented the Church of England when Union Chapel was built near Wilna. CHAPTER XVII. BIOGRAPHICAL— Continued. REV. JOHN COLEMAN — WILLIAM BRADFORD — ^JOHN STUMP, OF STAFFORD — WILLIAM SMITHSON — AQUILA HALL — WILLIAM MORGAN— COL. IGNATIUS WHEELER — COL. JOHN STREETT — DANIEL SCOTT — SAMUEL CALWELL. REV. JOHN COLEMAN. An early settler in Harford county was Rev. John Coleraan, a Protestant Episcopal clergyman and a sol dier of the Revolutionary War. He was usually known as "Parson" Coleman, and raany traditions of hira still remain among descendants of his former parishioners in Baitiraore and Harford counties. He was a native of Dinwiddle county, Va., and studied for the rainistry under the supervision of Rev. Devereux Jarrett, of that county and State, whose autobiography, in the shape of letters addressed to Rev. Mr. Coleman, was published by the latter after the death of Mr. Jarrett. Mr. Cole man was ready for ordination into the ministry at the time, or shortly after the breaking out of the War of In dependence. His clerical intentions, however, did not prevent his taking part with his fellow-countrymen in that struggle, and he and a brother accordingly joined the patriotic forces. They chanced to be serving under Gen. Anthony Wayne, in Chester county. Pa., when that terrible massacre was prepetrated near what was history of HARFORD COUNTY. 2I3 known as Paoli Tavern, on the Lancaster road. In giving an acount of the affair, Lossing, in his book of the Revolution, says in substance : "Gen. Wayne lay encamped with fifteen hundred men and two cannon in a secluded spot on the night of Sep tember 20, 1777. The British General Howe, at the time occupying Philadelphia, was informed by a Tory of the situation, and sent Gen. Grey with a large force to surprise the camp at midnight and slaughter the patriot forces. The night proved to be dark and stormy, and our forces were taken completely un awares and butchered by the bayonet, no quarter under orders of the Coramander Grey being shown to those denominated rebels. A Hessian sergeant after wards said : 'We killed three hundred of the rebels with the bayonet. I stuck them myself like so raany pigs until the blood ran out of the touch hole of my musket.' 'Remember Paoli !' Vvas after this adopted as a war cry by Wayne's forces on raany a field, where the mas sacre was in part at least avenged." The subject of this sketch fortuitously escaped death on the occasion referred to, but his brother was araong the slain. Mr. Coleman, after the war, went to England, and was there ordained for the ministry. He came shortly afterwards to Maryland, and was pastor for a number of years at Trinity Church, near Long Green Valley, and the Manor Church (St. James), and also at St. Thomas' Church, Garrison Forest, all in Baltimore county. He afterwards removed to Har ford, having in the meanwhile married Pleas- ance Goodwin, a niece of Gen. Charles Ridgely, of Hampton. This gentleman presented to the newly married couple a valuable farm of about three hundred 214 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. acres, now divided into several properties, situated near Watervale, about three miles west of Bel Air, purchased from Lemuel Howard, whereon Parson Coleman Uved with his family until his death, in the year 1816. It was during his ministry in this parish that Christ Church (Rock Spring) was built in the year 1805, and he became its first rector, and so re mained during the balance of his life. Six children were born to hira, but the only daughter, Rebecca Ridgely, was the only child that survived to years of raaturity. She raarried Capt. John Yellott, of Dulaney's VaUey, Baltimore county, and was the mother of Mary Ander son, wife of Rev. John Anderson; Elizabeth Mayna dier, wife of Henry G. Maynadier, Jeremiah, John, George, Coleman and Washington Yellott. Of these only Hon. Gorge Yellott, of Towson, lately chief judge of the Third Judicial Circuit, survives. The descend ants of others, however, still remain in Baitiraore and Harford counties, among whora are Hon. Geo. Y. May nadier, of Harford ; Major John I. Yellott, and Geo. W. Yellott, of Baltimore county, and Mrs. E. L. F. Hard castle, of Talbot county." WILLIAM BRADFORD. Williara Bradford, Sr., was of English ancestry, his faraily having come originally frora Yorkshire, where Bradfords bearing the sarae faraily arms were found upon the Manor of that name, in the reign of Henry III. He was the son of William Bradford and Elizabeth Lightbody, who came to Maryland early in the eight eenth century, and settled upon land at the head of Bush river. His father was one of the early school masters of the colony. He was commissioned by the HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 215 Bishop of London to teach on the plantations and be came later on a soldier in the Colonial Army with the rank of captain. The subject of this sketch was born in 1739 at his father's horae place, on Bynum's Run, just across which lived his near neighbor, Aquila Hall. He obtained a good education under his father's tuition, and he also received an early training in the doctrine of the Christian religion, in which his family had for genera tions been more or less conspicuous. His father had been registrar, clerk and vestryman in St. John's Par ish, and he succeeded hira as a member of the same vestry. His paternal grandfather was John Bradford, a merchant of London, whose brother, Samuel Brad ford, was Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Westmin ster, and his paternal grandmother was Mary Skin ner, daughter of Matthew Skinner, M. D., of London, and a granddaughter of Robert Skinner, Bishop of Bristol. Several of his ancestors had also been closely connected in an official way with St. Ann's Parish, London. His paternal great grandfather, William Bradford, was a parish officer therein during the great plague of 1665, and of whom it is recorded that "so conscientious was he in the performance of his duties that he remained in London, giving his per sonal attention to the sick and dying, though he re moved his family to Islington." The latter's only children were, as stated above, John and Sarauel, and a daughter Hannah, who married Joseph Presbury, of London, and whose son, James Presbury, carae to Maryland and settled near his cousin, William Bradford. He was the ancestor of the Presbury family of Maryland. 2l6 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. William Bradford, Sr., became a pronounced pa triot, as did also his only brother, George Bradford. Both he and his brother were elected raerabers of the Harford Comraittee of 1775, the latter of whom would, no doubt, have been a signer, too, of Harford's "Decla ration of Independence" had he been present at the time. The "senior" which William Bradford suffixed to his name when he signed the declaration, and which was something unusual for him to do, was to designate him from his nephew of the same name, who was also an ardent patriot and a lieutenant in Capt. Alexander Lawson Sraith's Company of Fort Washington fame. It was an earnest of the intense responsibility which he assumed, when he so solemnly pledged himself to the sacred cause of his country. In September, 1775, he organized Company No. 13 of Harford minute raen, and was its captain. He was married in 1764 to Sarah McComas, to whom were born eleven children, one of whom, Samuel Bradford, married Jane Bond, and lived for many years in Bel Air. Samuel was the father of Augustus W. Bradford, Governor of Maryland during the Civil War. WiUiam Bradford lived adjoining his brother upon a tract containing about three hundred acres, called "Lit tleton," where he died in 1794. JOHN STUMP, OF STAFFORD. John Stump and Mary, his wife, were Prussians of wealth and culture, who came to Maryland about the year 1700. The name of his European ancestors is said to have been spelled Stumpf. John Stump was a cousin of Baron Friederich von der Trenck, the HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 2I7 younger of the two famous kinsman of that name, who figured conspicuously during the reign of Frederick the Great. John Stump purchased a large tract of land near the present town of Perryville, in Cecil county, where he died in 1747, having divided his property by will between his only surviving children, John and Henry. In that year, or in the next, Henry Stump re moved to the valley of Deer Creek, in Harford county, then part of Baltimore county, where he had purchased a farm. He married Rachel Perkins, by whora he had several children, and many of his descendants are liv ing in Harford and Cecil counties. He was the ances tor of the Honorable John H. Price, once judge of the judicial circuit coraposed of Baltimore, Cecil and Har ford counties; of the Hon. Henry Sturap, formerly judge of the Criminal Court of Baltimore city, and of the latter's nephew, the Hon. Frederick Stump, recently a judge of the Second Judicial Circuit. John Stump married Hannah, daughter of Williara Husbands, a de scendant on the female side of Augustine Herman, (whence the name of Herman in the Stump family), of Bohemia Manor. In 1796 he, too, removed to Har ford, having sold his own property, and that in herited by his wife, consisting of several farms. He died in 1797, leaving three children—Hannah, who raar ried her cousin, John Stump, son of Henry, above men tioned; Herraan, who raarried Elizabeth Dallam, and John. Elizabeth Dallam subsequently married Abra ham Jarrett, and was the mother of Capt. A. Limgan Jarrett, for many years clerk of the Circuit Court for Harford county. John was born April 19, 1753, and married October 3, 1779, Cassandra, daughter of Henry Wilson, a Quaker of rauch influence, who was 2l8 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. noted for his patriotic zeal during the Revolution. Henry, the brother of Cassandra, was a member of the Committee of Observation of his native county, and was conspicuous in collecting and forwarding supplies for the relief of the people of Boston during its blockade by the British squadron. He and John Archer, M. B., several of whose descendants subsequently inter-mar ried with the Stump family, were chosen in November, 1776, by popular vote, "electors of a Senate of Har ford county," and were also members of the Provincial Convention. John Sturap, after acquiring by his indus try and enterprise, an estate which was at that time probably the largest in the State, died at his residence, "Stafford," near the mouth of Deer Creek, in 1816, leaving each of his eight children wealthy. He was in business, and had mills at Stafford, Rock Run and Bush, in Harford county, and at Alexandria, in Vir ginia. He was probably the leading merchant and manufacturer of his day in the State. He signed in 1776 the Association of the Freeraen of Maryland. John Stump's partners in business were his brother Herman Stump, John Wilson, Sarauel Carter and John Thomas Ricketts. John Stump built several vessels at Rock Run and Havre de Grace, and shipped flour and other things directly from the Susquehanna to Eng land. His son, John Wilson, besides being engaged in agricultural pursuits, was at the head of an extensive commercial firm in Baitiraore city, having as his part ner Hon. Jaraes W. Williams, who raarried his sister, and who, in 1841, represented in Congress Harford and Cecil counties. Mr. John W. Sturap, whilst re turning on one of his vessels from France, in i8i4,when the British fleet was in Chesapeake bay, barely escaped HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 2I9 capture, and reached the city of Baltimore in time to participate in its defence as aide to Gen. Strieker. On January 13, 1814, he married Sarah, daughter of Col. James Biays, a large shipping merchant of Baltimore, who owned raany vessels, and aided raaterially in build ing up the commerce of the city. John W. Stump was the father of Hon. Herraan Stump, President of the Maryland Senate, member of Congress and Corarais- sioner-General of Immigration. Colonel Biays cora raanded the cavalry at the battle of North Point, and in the official reports of that battle was highly com- raended for his efficiency. There now reside in Har ford county many descendants of John Stump, of Staf ford, among whom are Stumps, Lees, Archers, Con stables, Smithsons. Ann, daughter of John Stump, of Stafford, was the mother of Hon. Henry W. Archer. WILLIAM SMITHSON. A large land owner and venerated judge and citizen was Williara Sraithson, who was born in the year 1745. He built and for thirty-five years occupied his residence, which is now called the Farnandis Horaestead, near Bel Air, and died there January 17, 1809. The house was built by him in 1774, the year of the formation of the county, and compares favorably now with the best of our modern dwellings. William Smithson, although a man of wealth, was an ardent friend of liberty, and advocated that cause in the Revolution. We find his name subscribed to the Bush declaration of March, 1775, and he was one of the first of the Lord's Justices of the county. On the adoption of the new judiciary systera he becarae one of the three judges of the Cir cuit Court for Harford county, and occupied a seat in 220 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. the old courthouse in Bel Air, his colleagues being Henry Ridgely and Benedict Edward Hall. William Smithson owned the large tract of land near Bel Air, now designated as the "Homestead" farm. On his death in 1809, leaving no children, after making provision for his widow, he devised his land to his niece Elizabeth, wife of Col. Harry Dorsey, and to her brother Williara, both of whora were the children of the testator's brother Daniel, and both of whom had been reared in the horae of their uncle Williara. Elizabeth's share of the land was entailed by the will to her daugh ter Mary, who becarae the wife of William Farnandis, and the mother of Hon. Henry D. Farnandis, recently deceased. Mrs. Mary Farnandis' death antedated that of her distinguished son Henry only about twelve years, and both of them are well reraerabered for their hospitality, courtesy and unswerving fidelity to their friends. This latter quality seeras to have been a char acteristic of the family, and was pre-eminent in Mr. Henry D. Farnandis, whose meraory will ever be cher ished by the bar of his county, of which he was its brightest ornament. Elizabeth Dorsey had but one daughter, the Mary Farnandis above stated. William Smithson, Jr., has a number of descendants at present residing in Harford county, among whora are the Smithsons, Forwoods, Websters, Covers, Bonds and Bulls. Mr. Williara S. Forwood, Jr., clerk of the Circuit Court for Harford County, is his great grandson. Besides the "Homestead," Williara Sraith son, Sr., owned land between Bel Air and the Catholic Church at Hickory, which he had bought of Thoraas Pycraft Presbury. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 221 His will, admitted to probate January 25, 1809, was witnessed by John Guyton, Joseph Robinson and John Reardon. The testator's wife Elizabeth, and his son- in-law, Henry Dorsey, were named as executors. His long and honorable official career shows the esti mation in which he was held by the public, and he died full of years and honors. Just outside the southeasterly liraits of Belair, and along the division line between the Fulford and Home stead farras, is the old graveyard of the Smithson and Farnandis families. After diligent search the head stone over the grave of William Smithson was found, nearly sunk in the ground and quite hidden by the weeds and grass. On the tomb is this inscription : In Memory OF William Smithson, Who Departed This Life January 17, 1809, Aged 64 Years. AQUILA HALL. Aquila Hall was born in Harford, then Baltimore county, January 10, 1727. He was a son of Aquila, who was the youngest son of John Hall, of Cranberry, and was one of the most prominent of all the men of Harford in the early days. In 1763 he was elected to the House of Delegates to represent Baltimore county, his colleagues being Charles Ridgely, Thomas C. Deye and Walter Tolley. In 1762 he was sheriff of Balti more county. Aquila HaU is the second in the list of comraissioners named by the Act of Assembly for the 222 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. formation of Harford county. By virtue of the Dedi mus indorsed on the commission for forming the new county, he administered the oaths to his fellow-justices on the first day of the organization of the county govemment, March 22, 1774, his colleagues on the bench being Thomas Bond, Jeremiah Sheredine, Bene dict Edward HaU, WiUiara Webb and Aquila Paca. The first court for the county was held in a house at Harford Town, or Bush, owned by him and occupied by Thomas Miller, who was named as sheriff of the county. In the famous Bush declaration of March, 1775, the name of Aquila Hall is the first on the Ust. He was zealous in the cause of his country in the Revolution, and on September 9, 1775, organized a railitary com pany, of which he was elected captain, with Sarauel Griffith, first lieutenant; Jacob Forwood, second lieu tenant, and John Chancey, ensign. On June 11, 1774, he presided over a raeeting at Bush, at which resolutions were passed expressing syrapathy with Boston in her tax troubles, and at which a coraraittee was appointed to raeet the commit tees of other counties in this province to consult and agree on the most effectual raeans to preserve our con stitutional rights and liberties, etc. By the State Convention, which convened Deceraber 7, 1775, resolutions were passed January i, 1776, look ing to the formation of a proper military force for the State, and for the Upper Battalion of Harford, Aquila Hall was named as colonel, with John Love as lieu tenant-colonel ; Josias Carvil Hall, first major; Dr. John Archer, second major, and Richard Dallara, quar termaster. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 223. The General Asserably on June 29, 1777, selected lieutenants for the various counties, and Aquila Hall was naraed for Harford. The last record of Aquila Hall in public life is to be found in the meeting of the court at Bush, March 23, 1779, at which time he was present as one of the Lords Justices. He died in April, 1779, leaving the following children, viz : Thoraas Hall, James White Hall, WiUiam Hall, John Hall, Edward Hall, Charlotte Hall, Mary Hall, Sophia Hall and Martha Hall. His wife was his first cousin, Sophia, daughter of Col. Thomas White, whom he raarried February 14, 1750, and who died in 1785, aged fifty-four years. Aquila Hall built the large brick house at "Sophia's Dairy" in 1768. WILLIAM MORGAN. William Morgan was bom in 1744 near the Trappe Church, in Harford county, and was the son of Edward Morgan, who had corae to that section three years previously. Part of the house in which William was bom is still standing. He married Cassandra Lee, a Quakeress, daughter of James Lee, and was the father of nine children, viz: Elizabeth, who married Thos. S. Chew; Sarah, who married Joseph Hopkins; Cas sandra, wife of Zaccheus O. Bond ; Edward Morgan ; EUiner, who married John Hopkins; James L. Mor gan; Mary, the wife of Ephraim Hopkins; Martha, who remained single, and Margaret, also unmarried. William Morgan owned large tracts of land on Deer Creek, among his lands being "Simmon's Choice," "Simmon's Neglect," "Freeland's Mount," "Planters' 224 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Paradise," part of "Arabia Petrea," "Miller's At tempt." He died in Noveraber, 1795, at the age of fifty-one years. Williara Morgan was a raan of great prominence in his day, and his career shows the public estimation in which he was held. The archives of Maryland show that he was commissioned a captain in the Revolution. He was also a signer of the Bush declaration of March, 1775. His will is recorded in the office of the Register of Wills at Bel Air, and his signature is as bold and clear as on the day it was signed — November 5, 1795. The executors named in his will were his brother, Robert Morgan, and Edward Prigg. The personal estate, as exhibited in the Orphans' Court, was about twenty thousand doUarg, which, with his large landed interest, indicates that he was a rich man. A number of his descendants now reside in Harford, and are all peo ple of influence and prominence. COL. IGNATIUS WHEELER. A very prominent man in Harford county in Revo lutionary times was Col. Ignatius Wheeler, who lived on his estate called Deer Park, near the present Ady Postoffice, in the Fifth election district. He was first lieutenant of Company No. 16 of Har ford militia, the other officers of which were WilUam Webb, captain ; WiUiam Fisher, Jr., second lieutenant ; John Webb, Jr., ensign. Besides Deer Park, which is a large tract. Colonel Wheeler owned the fertile estate called Belle Farm, comprising a large part of the present Pylesville sec tion, one of the finest portions of the county, now as well as in early days. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 225 A large portion of Belle Farm is now owned by the Jenkins and McAfee families, who are direct descend ants of Colonel Wheeler, and the estate has thus re mained in the Wheeler heirs. The farm called Garden Spot, belonging to the late Joshua Rutledge, near the Rocks of Deer Creek, be longed to Colonel Wheeler, who was an ancestor of Mr. Rutledge. In the Maryland Legislature for the sessions 1786 and 1787, Colonel Wheeler was one of the delegates from Harford county. He died on his estate of Deer Park in August, 1793, and his will, dated July 13 of that year, is recorded in the office of the Register of Wills of Harford County in Liber A. J. No. R., foUo 217. His children were : Monica, who married Jacob Rut ledge, whose descendants now living in Harford county are Rutledges, Stephensons and Hollands. John W. Rutledge and Ignatius Rutledge were her sons. Treacy (or Teresa), who married Capt. Henry McAfee, from whom are sprung the present McAfee, Richardson and Raphel families in Harford county, and also Streetts. Henriette, who reraained single. Mary Ann (Polly), who married Samuel Brown, who, after the death of Mary, married her sister Eliza beth. From Elizabeth are descended the present Jenkins family in Harford and Baltimore counties, Elizabeth's daughter Ann Maria having married Ignatius Jenkins, of Dulaney's Valley, Baltimore county. Bennet was the progenitor of the present Wheeler family in Harford county. 226 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Ignatius never married. Frank Wheeler was the ancestor of the Wheeler family in Baltimore county, and of Adys and Burkes in Harford and Baltimore counties. By Colonel Wheeler's will his brother Joseph and John Lee Gib son, who had married Colonel Wheeler's sister, were left executors and trustees. John Lee Gibson was the first clerk of the Circuit Court for Harford County (not counting Alex. Law- son). Colonel Wheeler lies buried at St. Ignatius Church, Hickory.* COL. JOHN STREETT. The Streett family is one of the oldest in Harford county. Three brothers — David, Thomas and John — came to America from London early in the eighteenth century. One, John, went to Philadelphia; David set tled on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and Thomas in Harford (then Baltimore) county, Maryland. Rev. Nicholas Streett, who was bom in London in 1603, the year of the death of Queen Elizabeth, and who came to America in 1637-8 and settled at Taunton, Mass., and afterwards became a distinguished theolo gian, is said to have been of the same family as the Harford County Streetts. Thomas Streett, before the Revolution, took out a patent for seven hundred acres of land above the Rocks of Deer Creek, called Streett's Hunting Ground, part of which is yet in the possession of his descendants. Thomas Streett was residing on this property in 1774, at the time of the foundation of the county. •Mr. P. H. Rutledge, a descendant of Col. Wheeler, assisted in the prepa^ ration of the above. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 227 Besides a large number of the name now in Harford many other prominent families here are descended from Thomas Streett. Araong them are Williams, Feudal, Waters, Bell, Gladden, Baldwin, Glenn, Whiteford, Cairnes, Amos, Den Bow, Bevard, St. Clair, Holmes and many others. Col. John Streett was born in the year 1762 in what is now Marshall's district of Harford county, where he died in the year 1837. His wife's name was Martha St. Clair. He was an extensive farmer, owning more than three thousand acres. He was also a successful business raan and was prorainent in the politics of the county, serving twelve times consecutively in the Mary land Legislature as a representative from Harford. At the time of the British attack upon Baltimore, in September, 1814, a call was made for troops from the surrounding country. Colonel Streett marched with his cavalry command from Harford county to the de fence of that city, and served with the brigade of cav alry at North Point. In his command as officers were Capt. Clem Butler and Capt. McAfee, and several of Colonel Streett's sons also served under him. The children of Col. John Streett were : James, bom August 22, 1789. Mary, who married Henry Amos. John, bom 1791. Williara. Shadrach.Thomas, who married Catherine Merryman. St. Clair, born 1798, who married Miss Jarrett. Dr. Abraham J., born in 1800; married Elizabeth Streett. Charlotte, who married Silas Baldwin. 228 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. DANIEL SCOTT. Daniel Scott was a native of Harford, being one of the seven children of Aquila Scott, whose an cestors for generations had been planters and large landowners in Baitiraore and Harford counties, one of them having given the land to Baltimore county on which the first courthouse at Joppa was built, and when Harford was established and the new county seat was chosen at Scott's Oldfields, now Bel Air, the subject of the present sketch conveyed to the county the ground upon which the courthouse and jail are still standing. He was the surveyor of the county and was elected a raember of the Committee of Harford from Bush River Lower Hundred, and was one of the signers of Harford's famous declaration. Daniel Scott died about the year 1828, leaving an only child, Otho Scott, who became the leading mem ber of the bar of Harford county and one of the most distinguished lawyers in Maryland. The latter, in i860, codified the Laws of Maryland, condensing into two volumes all the varied and un- skillfuUy framed laws passed in the State since its foundation. The Code of i860 stands as a monument to his memory, many leading lawyers pronouncing it the best code ever produced. It is peculiarly appropri ate that his portrtait now adorns the courtroom at Bel Air, which was the theatre of raany of his achievements. It is a singular fact that a majority of the descend ants of the signers of the Harford declaration still live in their native county, raany on the very farms worked for generations by their ancestors, and the late Daniel HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 229 Scott was a conspicuous example of this, he having re sided on the same land which had been in his family for more than two centuries. This continued posses sion and occupancy of the land speaks volumes for the healthfulness and beauty of Harford and attests the love of the descendants for the land of their illustrious ancestors. SAMUEL CALWELL. Samuel Calwell was born in Harford (then Balti more) county, of Irish and Scotch parentage, and was a resident of Bush River Lower Hundred, at that time one of the largest districts in the county. He married Ann Richardson, whose faraily was a prorainent one locally, and lived for many years on a farm called the Grove, on Winter's run, near the present Almshouse, a part of this land being now in the possession of Mr. George Steigler. His life seems to have been a quiet and uneventful one, as few reminiscences have been handed down to his descendants. In February, 1775, he was elected a member of the Committee of Harford County to represent, with nine other members, the Bush River Lower Hundred, and was present at Harford Town on March 22, 1775, when he signed the raemorabie declaration of that date. Sam uel Calwell survived that interesting event about twenty-five years and died in the year 1800. One of his sons, James Calwell, migrated to Vir ginia, and was the founder and owner of the Green brier White Sulphur Springs, which he conducted for many years, helping to raake it one of the most cele brated summer resorts in the United States, and some of his descendants are still living there. 230 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Another son, William, established himself as a mer chant in Bel Air, and died in the early part of the last century. A third son, Thoraas, removed to Baitiraore and established large and successful flour mills there. The last named was the father of sixteen children, some of whose descendants are still living in Baltimore and Harford counties and in other states. A grandson, Joseph Cushing Calwell, a retired raerchant, is living in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; another grandson, William G. Wetherall, whose father's faraily settled in Harford over a century ago, is a prominent iron merchant of Baltimore city, and James S. Calwell, a member of the bar of Baltimore, whose suraraer home is in Harford, is another grandson, whose children by his marriage with the daughter and only child of the late Daniel .Scott and his wife, Cordelia Scott (nee Norris), are descendants of three signers of the Harford declara tion, that noble band of patriots who risked their lives and fortunes that they and their posterity might enjoy constitutional government, viz : Samuel Calwell, Daniel Scott and Benjamin Bradford Norris. ISAAC WEBSTER. ;. , SAMUEL WEBSTER. RICHARD WEBSTER. The Webster faraily is one of the oldest in Har ford, and has furnished of its members some of the most distinguished raen in the county, among these being the Isaac, Samuel and Richard above named. Captain John A. Webster, of the war of 1812 fame, and the late Col. Edwin H. Webster, a distinguished lawyer, HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 23I president of the Maryland Senate, colonel of the Seventh Maryland Regiment, which he organized, member of Congress and twice Collector of the Port of Baltimore. As the scope of this book does not reach past the war of 1812, it is with Isaac, Samuel and Rich ard that this sketch is especially to deal. The Webster family is of English and Scotch origin, the first to cross the ocean being John, who settled in Virginia, and was known as John of Roanoke ; Isaac, who was the progenitor of the present Webster family here; Samuel and Michael. There are patents now in pos session of the faraily for land in this county, bearing date in the seventeenth century. The original repre sentatives of the Websters in this county were of diversified religious belief, some being Quakers and others Episcopalians, many of the present generation being Presbyterians and Methodists. The family coat of arms is a swan feeding its young. A very old seal showing this crest is now in possession of the faraily. John Webster was bom in 1670, and lived to be eighty-five years of age. His will, dated in 1751, is recorded in the old Will Records of Baltimore County. A son John had died before the testator, and in the latter's will he provides for his children as follows: Sarah, Michael, Samuel, Aliceanna and the Isaac above named. Samuel, the son of John, was bom in 1710, and married Elizabeth Dallam. He was a prominent man in his day and held the important and lucrative office of tobacco inspector at Joppa, then one of the principal ports of the State. Samuel's son, Richard, was born April 7th, 1741, on the faraily horaestead near Calvary, 232 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. in Harford County, and he died in the old stone family residence. He was twice married, his first wife being a daughter of WiUiam Lester. Of this union there were three children : John, Sarauel and Richard, the latter being the father of Mr. James Webster, now living in the county. His second wife was Phoebe, daughter of George Smith, of Chester County, Penn sylvania, whose children were: George, Elizabeth, William W., Sarah, Isaac, Wesley, Henry and Phoebe. Henry was the father of Col. Edwin H. Webster and of Mr. William Webster, who now resides on the home place. Isaac, the son of John, was a leading raan in the county before and at the time of the Revolution. He was a member of the Bush River Company, and was a man of wealth and position. His daughter, Aliceanna, married John Bond, of Baltimore Town, who was also a meraber of the Bush River Company. Aliceanna Bond, daughter of John Bond and Aliceanna Webster, his wife, on May 30th, 1767, married Thomas Kell at Fell's Point, Baltimore. They moved shortly afterwards to Kellville, Harford County, which was their home for the remainder of their lives. The issue of this marriage were : Alice KeU, June 2nd, 1768. Elizabeth Kell, July loth, 1769. Pamelia Kell, August 5th, 1770. John Bond Kell, July i6th, 1771. Thomas Kell, September 22nd, 1772. Isaac KeU, August 17th, 1774. Wesley Kell, \ ^ . ^ ^ ^ Aliceanna Kell. P^'"^'J""^' ^776. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 233 William Kell, April 20th, 1777. Nathan Kell, December 28th, 1778. Aliceanna Kell, August 15th, 1780. Elizabeth Kell, October 26th, 1781. Elizabeth Kell, May 26th, 1783. Anne Kell, April 25th, 1785. Harriet Ann Kell, May 23rd, 1786. The Thomas Kell, born September 27th, 1772, was Judge, Clerk of the Court in Baltimore, and the only native of Harford who was ever Attorney General of the State of Maryland. The latter's daughter, Eliza beth, on November loth, 1835, raarried Augustus W. Bradford, who was born in Bel Air, on January 9th, 1806, and was Governor of Maryland during the Civil War. A portion of the house in which Governor Bradford was bom is now standing and is part of the residence of his son, Mr. Samuel Webster Bradford, on Main street, Bel Air. CHAPTER XVIII. THE WAR OF 1812. NATIONAL CONDITIONS — WEAK FEDERAL GOVERNMENT — VALUABLE ASSISTANCE BY THE FRENCH — FORT MCHENRY — NORTH POINT — CAPT. JOHN A. WEBSTER, COL. WILLIAM SMITH AND COL. JOHN STREETT, ALL OF HARFORD, ASSIST IN THE DEFENCE OF BALTI MORE — SKETCH OF CAPTAIN WEBSTER — BRITISH ATTACK UPON HAVRE DE GRACE — ^JOHN o'nEIL — COLONEL SMITH's 42D REGI MENT. There are old raen yet with us who in their youth have seen soldiers of the Revolution, but even young men can remember soldiers of the war of 1812, and the meetings of veterans of that war held annually in Bal timore have only within the past decade ceased on account of the death of the last survivors. Many men of middle age now living in Harford had fathers who served in that war. Our distinguished fellow-citizen, Capt. John A. Webster, a participant in that conflict, reached his journey's end at his home, "The Mount," in the first district, on July 4, 1877, and so the events of that time in a certain sense may be considered mod ern. The causes of that war are well known, and the victories on the sea and disasters on land are too farail iar to be recounted here. The successful financial sys tem of Harailton had not been kept up. Jefferson becarae President 1801, and with him came in the doctrines of individual liberty. States rights and poor HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 235 finances. Under the administration of Jefferson and Madison the public taste for home government, State sovereignty and equal rights was freely indulged, but the arra of the federal power was allowed to becorae weak and feeble, so that when the time came for the nation to act as such and resist the encroachment of her most bitter enemy, the loose fabric of the Federal Government, as then administered, was entirely inade quate to the situation. Here again fortune came to our side in the assistance rendered by France. In the Rev olution, when the English held our large cities, while the army of Washington was suffering from cold and hunger at Valley Forge, while the British lived in cora fort and plenty in the cities of New York, Philadel phia and Boston, when the conservative eleraent of the country, raany of whora had corae frora Severn and frora Clyde and frora the banks of Shannon, were ask ing themselves whether the game was worth carrying on, the news, long delayed, which finaUy came, that the French governraent had decided to assist us, revived the drooping spirits of the patriots and inspired them to press on to victory. And at that final struggle at Yorktown, when the army of Cornwallis was sur rounded by that of Washington, out in the bay was the fleet of De Grasse, and the forces of Rocharabeau were assisting the American Army, the presence of the French contributing much to the final result. And so in the war of 1812, while we were doing the best we could with our improvised army, we had a friend in France whose wooden walls on sea were suf ficient to monopolize the attention of the British fleet. The traveler in London who passes along the Strand sees at Trafalgar Square, high over the beating hearts 236 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. of that great city, the column erected to Nelson, and on it, leaning against a capstan, the one-armed sailor who gave his life for his country in the cockpit of the Vic tory ; and when one remembers that Nelson's triumphs were over the French alone, and what a relief passed through the hearts of the people of England at the vic tory of Trafalgar, we may know that the French were no mean rivals of the English, even on the seas. And thus in the war of 1812, when England had to contend with her ancient rival, as well as with her defiant daughter across the sea, the double burden was more than she could withstand. The events of the war were startling and contra dictory. While on the seas the natural quality of the American sailor asserted itself, and victories were often obtained over great odds; on the land for the most part the battles ended in disaster to the American side. There is One great exception — that of Jackson at New Orleahs^-who infused into his hastily recruited sol diers soraething of his indoraitable spirit, and won out a victory with a loss of but thirteen raen, while two thousand of the enemy went down before his guns. In the history of the world there is scarcely such a record for disparity of losses, except in the naval engagements at Manila and Santiago de Cuba, nearly a hundred years later, when the American fleets utterly destroyed the forces of Spain, hundreds of the enemy being killed or captured, with the loss of but one American life in both engagements. At the comraencement of hostilities a number of com panies in the State offered their services to the Federal Governraent, but the national finances were in such a miserable condition that they could only be accepted HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 237 at the charge of the State. In the city of Baltimore nearly a regiment was sent forward under the com mand of Col. Wra. H. Winder, the expense of the com mand being defrayed by private subscription, about fif teen thousand dollars being raised in this way. Indeed, the defence of Baltimore, a large city, within forty miles of the national capital, depended largely on State aid and private contributions. In the attack by the British fleet on Fort McHenry, Captain John A. Webster, of Harford, rendered valuable service to his country and won well-merited fame. Captain Webster was born at "The Mount," about five miles frora Bel Air, on September 19, 1789. He was the son of Samuel Webster and Margaret Adams, his wife, the latter, being a member of the distinguished Adams faraily of Massachusetts, which gave two Presidents to the country. The first Web sters carae to this country early in the eighteenth cen tury frora England, and settled, Isaac and Richard in Maryland, Michael in New England, and John in Vir ginia, where, he was known as John of Roanoke. Daniel Webster, the great Senator, came from the New England branch. When fourteen years old Captain Webster began his life on the sea by sailing for South America in a merchant vessel, and afterwards made many voyages to foreign ports. At the beginning of the war of 1812 he was appointed a third lieutenant by Comraodore Barneyon the privateer Rossie, and served during the whole period of the war. On the organization of the Flotilla at Baltimore he was made sailing master in the navy, and had charge of one of the barges. He was with Comraodore Barney in all his engageraents. At the request of General 238 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Smith, he was detached from his appointment and ordered to command the six-gun battery between Forts McHenry and Covington, and was the first to discover and open fire on the British ships on the night of Sep tember 13, 1814, and remained on duty during the engageraent, though he was twice wounded. In recog nition of his services he was presented with two hand some gold-mounted swords — one by the State of Mary land and the other by the city of Baltimore. The National Govemment gave him a pension of twenty dollars per month and paid for property lost by him. On March 1,1816, President Madison appointed him a sailing raaster in the United States Navy, in which position he served for a considerable time, and on account of his experience and nautical skill he was frequently assigned to perform important duties out side the line of his official position. On February 8, 1816, he was married to Miss Rachel Biays, daughter of Col. Joseph Biays, who, with his brother James, had served in the Revolution. On November 22, 1819, President Madison issued Captain Webster a coraraission as captain in the reve nue marine, which position he held at the time of his death — ^July 4, 1877. While in the revenue marine. Captain Webster per formed important services, among thera being his coraraand of eight revenue vessels to act with the array and navy against Vera Cruz and upon the Rio Grande in the Mexican war. Captain and Mrs. Webster were the parents of eleven children, viz: Margaret, the widow of William R. Bissell, who was killed in command of a com pany in Pickett's charge in the battle of Gettysburg; HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 239 Dr. J. Biays Webster, Susan A. Webster, Laura A., wife of John C. Patterson; WiUiam S. Webster; Jo sephine, wife of Dr. William Dallam; John A. Web ster, also of the revenue marine service ; Mary A., wife of Algernon S. Dorsey; Benj. M. Webster; Rachel Cassandra, wife of Gen. Frank A. Bond, and Isaac P. Webster. Captain Webster and his wife Ue buried in the family burying ground at "The Mount." Harford may be justly proud of the career of this one of her most dis tinguished sons, who was ever ready to respond to the call of duty, and who spent his life in the service of his country. For the defence of Baltimore, Generals Smith, Win der and Strieker had assembled of State railitia, regular troops and detachments frora Virginia and Pennsylva nia about twelve thousand men. The battle of North Point came off on September 12; the eneray were checked, and General Ross, the coraraander, killed. The attack on Fort McHenry failed, and the British were forced to retreat. At the battle of North Point, the Harford Regiraent known as the Forty-second Maryland Militia, under the coramand of Col. William Sraith, constituted part of the reserve, and Col. John Streett, with the Harford cavalry comraand, was present and participated in the battle. As Great Britain was at war with France, then as now a great naval power, they did not at first prose cute vigorously the war in America. But in December, 181 2, the ports and harbors of the Chesapeake and Delaware bays were declared by the 240 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. British Government in a state of blockade, and Admi ral Cockburn, with a British fleet consisting of four ships of the line, six frigates and a number of smaller vessels, entered the Chesapeake and took possession of Hampton Roads. This force was speedily increased, and by March of the year 1813, the whole coast was in a state of blockade, except Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New Hampshire, which sections had opposed the war, and on that account were spared by the enemy. There was no force with which we could oppose this powerful fleet, as the navy and coast defences had been neglected by the young government. Captain John Southcomb, in the schooner Lottery, with letters of marque, carrying six guns and twenty- eight men, on February 8, 181 3, was attacked by nine boats of the eneray containing raore than two hundred men. An engagement ensued, lasting two hours and a half, in which the British loss was more than the whole number of the crew of the American schooner. The captain of the Lottery was killed and the vessel was captured. In April of the same year the American privateer schooner Dolphin engaged several vessels of the enemy at the mouth of the Rappahannock river, but was defeated and captured. The arrival of the British fleet spread consternation throughout the State. The State capital was in a defenseless condition, and the govem ment at Washington was unable to furnish aid. The Governor of the State made repeated demands upon the Secretary of War for arms and men, but little assistance came from this source, and the defence of the State and city of Baltimore was left to themselves. In the spring of 1813, the British moved up the HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 24I Chesapeake, landing at different points and plundering wherever they set foot. General Winder made the best defence of the city of Baltimore possible with his available means. The channel was obstructed, cannon mounted, and Colonel Wardsworth, of the United States engineers, laid off fortifications. The enemy's fleet moved off towards the head of the bay. They plundered Sharp's, Poole's, Tilghman's and Poplar Islands, and then entered upon their design of pillaging and destroying the towns and villages at the head of the bay. On April 29, Lieutenant Westphal, of the British warship Marlborough, in coraraand of thirteen barges, with four hundred men, made an attack on Frenchtown, at the mouth of the Susque hanna, in Cecil county. Here they destroyed a num ber of small vessels, and the wharves and warehouses. They next turned their attention to Havre de Grace, on the other side of the river, in Harford county. In anticipation of the arrival of the enemy, on a high bank just below the town, three cannon were mounted — one nine-pounder and two six-pounders — and a small battery was erected at Concord Point, where the lighthouse now stands. Early on the morn ing of May 2 the eneray began to borabard the city without a moment's warning. Nineteen barges from the enemy's squadron appeared before the town and sent a dreadful fire of shell, shot and rockets. After a short borabardraent the enemy landed and proceeded to shell the town. Only one house — ^that of Mr. Pringle — was left uninjui-ed. There were a few militia on hand, but they speedily fled. The story of the sad fate of Havre de Grace is redeeraed by the brave conduct of one of her 242 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. •citizens, John O'Neil, who reraained firing the cannon after all others had fled, and was severely injured by the recoil of his gun.* The foUowing is from a contemporaneous account: ""The place, though called a town, contained only a few warehouses, a tavern, two or three dwelling- houses, with a few stables and outhouses, deriving its whole importance from being the 'stopping place' of the 'land and water line of stages between Philadel phia and Baltimore.' On the report of guns we im mediately jumped out of our beds, and from the top of the house could plainly see the balls and hear the ¦cries of the inhabitants. We ran down the road, and soon began to meet the distressed people — women and ¦children half naked; children inquiring for their par ents, parents for their children and wives for their Iiusbands. It appeared to us as if the whole town was on fire. I think this act, coraraitted without any previous warning, has degraded the British flag. "The enemy robbed every house of everything valu able that could be carried away, leaving not a change of raiment to one of ten persons, and whatever they could not take conveniently they destroyed by cutting in pieces or breaking to atoms. The Adrairal himself was present at this work of destruction, and gave orders for it to his officers. Mrs. John Rogers, wife of the commodore, Mrs. William Pinkney and Mrs. Goldsborough took shelter at Mr. Mark Pringle's. When a detachment was sent up to burn that elegant building, Mrs. Goldsborough told the officer that she had an aged mother in it, and begged it might be spared. The officer replied that he acted under the •Scharf's History. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 243 adrairal, and it would be necessary to obtain his con sent. Mrs. Goldsborough returned with the officer and detachment and obtained the permission that the house might be spared; but when she reached it she found it on fire, and met two raen, one with a sheet, the other with a pillow-case crammed full coming out, which she could not then notice, but ran upstairs and found a large wardrobe standing in the passage all aflame. Williara Pinkney, who was with her, and two of the marines by great exertion saved the house; but some of the wretches after that took the. cover from the sofa in the front room and put coals in it, and it was in flames before it was discovered. An officer put his sword through a large elegant looking glass, at tacked the windows and cut out several sashes. They cut hogs through the back, and sorae partly through, and then left them to run. Such wanton barbarity among civilized people I have never heard of."* O'Neill hiraself has given a graphic account of his experience on that day : "No doubt before this you have heard of my defeat. On the third instant we were at tacked by fifteen English barges at break of day. We had a small breastwork erected with two six and one nine-pounder in it, and I was stationed at one of the guns. When the alarm was given I ran to the battery and found but one man there, and two or three carae afterwards. After firing a few shots they retreated and left me alone in the battery. The grape shot flew very thick about rae. I loaded the gun rayself without any one to serve the vent, which, you know, is very dangerous, and fired her, when she recoiled and ran •Scharf's History. 244 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. over my thigh. I retreated down to town and joined Mr. Barnes, of the nail manufactory, with a musket, and fired on the barges while we had ammunition, and then retreated to the comraon, where I kept waving my hat to the railitia, who had run away, to come to our assistance, but they proved cowardly and would not come back. At the same time an English officer on horseback, followed by the marines, rode up and took me with two rauskets in ray hand. I was carried on board the Maidstone frigate, where I reraained until released, three days since."* "John O'Neill was born in Ireland on the 23d of No veraber, 1788, and carae to America at the age of eighteen years. He was in the military service under Gen. Henry Lee in quelling the whisky insurrection in 1794, and in 1798 entered the naval service against the French. He becarae a prosperous raerchant at Havre de Grace and the destruction of the place ruined his business. When the present lighthouse was built on Concord Point, in 1829, he became its keeper, and con tinued as such until his death, the 26th of January, 1838. For his gallantry at the "Potato Battery" the city of Philadelphia presented hira with a beautiful sword." t In that war there was organized in the lower section of the county the Forty-second Regiment of railitia, under the coraraand of Col. Williara Sraith. There are very few old men yet living who remember Colonel Smith. The time of the organization of this regiment is not exactly known. From what little light we have it began in 1813. The last communication to Colonel Smith from Major Black, brigade inspector, ?Scharf's History. fScharf's History. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 245 was on August 24, 1825. Its existence then would be about twelve years. Patterson's old fields, on the road from Havre de Grace to Bush, six or seven miles from the former place, was the parade ground of the regi ment. July 14, 1814, Colonel Smith comraunicated to General Foreman that he had called out the Forty- second Regiraent for duty, and had appointed Captains Ruff, Bradford, Courtney and Sheckles over four com panies, consisting of sixty-four privates detached from the whole regiment. He also stationed a picket guard, with Major Burkhead, on Strong's Hill, Gunpowder Neck, with a sergeant and six privates, having a full view of the Chesapeake bay from Spesutie Island to Kent Island, to watch the British. There is no record of the regiraent being at the battle of Havre de Grace, but it is certain Colonel Sraith, with his regiraent, was behind the intrenchraents on Loudenslager's Hill when General Ross attacked Baltimore, but he was not in the battle of North Point. Colonel Smith died frora an apoplectic stroke, after three days illness, on Thursday morning, December 17, 1835, faithfully attended by Drs. GiUette and Rob ert Archer. He was buried on the farra he owned, in a private lot, about one hundred yards from the Churchville road. Smith's Chapel, built on a part of this farra, was erected in his raemory. He was a Mason, yet for some reason the Masonic ceremonies at his grave were delayed till the following April, when the "Craft assembled accordingly at the house of Mr. Carvil H. Prigg, in the vicinity of Brother Smith's grave, where the lodge was opened in the first degree, formed in procession and marched to the grave, where the usual ceremonies were gone through with and an 246 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. appropriate eulogy delivered by Brother Israel D.. Maulsby, after which the lodge returned to Mr. C. H.. Prigg's and was closed. Those present were I. D. Maulsby, John Wann, C. D. Bouldin, H. Richardson, W. I. Mcllhenny, Wm. McC. Jeffery, Robert Miller,. Jas. MiUer, T. Welch, S. Welch, E. Morrison, B. M. Billingslea, M. G. McCoraas. The visitors were S.^ Boyd, T. Courtnay, John Donohoo, Pritchard Loflin,. E. Elliott and J. Ergood." The following is a copy of the return of the Forty- second Regiment of Maryland Militia, as organized by Brig-Gen. Thomas M. Foreraan, coraraanding the First Brigade, encamped at Hampstead Hill, coraraanded by- Col. Wm. Smith : FIELD OFFICERS. Lieutenant-Colonel, William Smith, commanding. Major, Joshua Ward. Major, George McCausland. STAFF OFFICERS. Adjutant, WilUam Richardson. Quartermaster, James Maxwell. Paymaster, Benjamin Nowland. Surgeon, Robert H. Archer. Surgeon's Mate, H. E. Coleman. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Company. — Captain, G. W. Lighter; Lieuten ant, John Lynton; Second Lieutenant, James Patter son ; Ensign, David Silver. Rifles, sixty-four privates. . Second Company. — Captain, Andrew Smith; Lieu tenant, Joseph Ash; Ensign, John Short. Sixty-four privates. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 247 Third Company. — Captain, Henry Ruff ; Lieutenant, Hanson Courtney ; Ensign, Garrett Brown. Sixty-four privates. Fourth Company. — Captain Joshua M. Amos ; Lieu tenant, Thoraas Johnson ; Ensign, Jaraes Kerr. Fifty- four privates. Fifth Company. — Captain, Jacob Michael; Lieuten ant, Zach. Kimble. Sixth Company. — Captain, John Tumer ; Lieutenant, Wm. Amos; Ensign, PhiUp Doran. Sixty-four pri vates. Seventh Company. — Captain, Jas. Rampley ; Lieuten ant, M. Johnson ; Ensign, Wm. Araos, of Thos. Sixty- four privates. Eighth Company. — Captain, Joshua Amos ; Lieuten ant, B. Magness; Ensign, Benj. L. Amos. Sixty-four privates. Ninth Company. — Captain, John Smithson ; Lieuten ant, Solomon Edy; Ensign, Thos. L. Richardson. Sixty-four privates. Tenth Company. — Captain, John Herbert; Lieuten ant, W. G. Dove; Ensign, Edward Saunders. Sixty- four privates. Eleventh Company. — Captain, Frederick T. Amos; Lieutenant, Wm. Forwood ; Ensign, John Nevill. Six ty-four privates. Total number of privates for the eleven corapanies, six hundred and ninety-four. "Septeraber ii, 1814. — This day Capt. John B. Bay less is perraitted to take coramand of Capt. John Her bert's company by particular request of both parties." Ensign David Silver's brother, Benjarain, was the father of Benjamin, Jeremiah, John, WilUam, James 248 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. and Philip Silver. Israel D. Maulsby was the father of Judge Maulsby, whose portrait hangs in the court house. He pronounced the Masonic eulogy at the grave of Col. Wra. Smith.* ?Historical Address of Dr. B. L. Smith. THE ROCKS OF DEER CREEK CHAPTER XIX. HAVRE DE GRACE. ORIGIN OF THE NAME — EARLY DESCRIPTION — ORGANIZATION AS A TOWN — FIRST TOWN COMMISSIONERS — PROCEEDINGS — RETURNS OF ELECTION. The beautiful city at the raouth of the Susquehanna dates its origin about the tirae of our Revolutionary War, as the first raention of the name of which we have any record is in a letter from Lafayette to General Washington during the Revolution, and dated at Havre de Grace. It is alraost certain that the first settlers at Havre de Grace were followers of the rebel Claiborne, who came here from the Eastern Shore of Maryland. He is said to have had a factory on Palmer's Island, at the mouth of the Susquehanna, where mink, otter, muskrat, beaver and other skins were purchased from the Indians and cured preparatory to their shipment to England. The settleraent continued to grow down to the tirae of the formation of the county in 1773-4, at which date there were nearly two hundred inhabitants. It had no distinguishing name save that of Susquehanna Lower Ferry. The origin of the name of Havre de Grace seems to be involved in considerable obscurity. One tradition ascribes it to Lafayette, and another to an old French fisherman, who thought it resembled the har bor of that narae in France, a view which is said to 250 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. have been subsequently confirmed by Lafayette. At all events, we know that the present name of the city was coincident with the visit of Lafayette. A pamphlet published in 1795 says: "Havre de Grace at present consists of about fifty good dwelling-houses; but the ground plot of the town comprehends eight hundred and fifty acres which have been laid out in squares in imitation of the plan of Philadelphia. These squares are now divided into lots, amounting in the whole to forty-five hundred. The principal street is one hun dred and thirty-two feet wide, and the others seventy. This town is also situated on the post road leading through Philadelphia and Baitiraore, sixty-five railes from the former and forty from the latter. The mail arrived six times a week in its passage to these cities, an advantage of no small importance." The writer gets the distance about four miles too great to Baltimore, but it is fairly accurate for those days. Havre de Grace was first incorporated by the Act of 1785, chapter 55. The preamble recites that whereas Robert Young Stokes, deceased, did in his lifetime survey and lay out into lots a town at the mouth of the Susquehanna, which he called Havre de Grace, and that it would be to the interest of the owners of the lots to have an organiza tion as a town, with commissioners, etc. The act ap points Sarauel Hughes, Benedict Edward Hall, Wil liara Smith (Bayside), Josias Carvil Hall and Gabriel Christie, commissioners, and confers the powers cus tomary to that day upon the town govemment. The first act for the town government named the comraissioners as above stated, and provided for the annual election of their successors, but this provision HISTORY OF H.'VRFORD COUNTY. 251 was not observed until after the act of 1811, which directed an annual election, and provided that the com missioners should serve for one year and no longer. Since that time there have been annual elections in Havre de Grace. Some of the early coramissioners did not reside in the town. Col. Samuel Hughes, for in stance, lived at Mount Pleasant farm, on which Mr. Williara P. C. Whitaker lately resided, and at least one of the Halls named in the record was never a citizen of the town. The strife for office could not have been great in those days. There is no town record of those who coraposed the board prior to 1800, except that Williara Sraith was a coraraissioner in 1799, and although the name of Sraith is one of the raost fre quently met with, Havre de Grace has never had a commissioner of that narae since 1799. 1800 October i6th the board met. Commissioners present: Samuel Hughes, Benedict E. Hall and Gabriel Christie. Roger Boyce was appointed clerk. The comraissioners then elected by ballot James Hall as one of their nuraber in place of William Smith, deceased. The clerk was directed to advertise Market Space for rent. On November nth Market Space was set up at public auction and rented to Alexander Rogers for three years at two hundred dollars per annum. 1801. April 7. — Commissioners raet at Mrs. Hayward's tavern. Present Sarauel Hughes, Gabriel Christie and 252 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. James W. Hall. Renting of streets was postponed. Mr. Christie resigned his seat as commissioner. April 14. — Board met. Present Samuel Hughes, Josias C. Hall and James W. Hall. Abel Murphy was elected commissioner in place of Gabriel Christy, re signed. The streets were rented as follows : Lewis street to James W. Hall for $25. Fayette street to Barney Boyce for $25. Congress street to Barney Bartol for $25. Bourbon street to Abel Warple and Barney Boyce for $25. Thoraas Cofield was to have the preference of the last two streets if he wanted them. June 15. — John Dutton was appointed inspector of lumber, John Kindlemeyer was appointed inspector of lumber and Roger Boyce inspector of salted provi sions. 1802. March 6. — Board met. Same members, all being present. Roger Boyce resigned as clerk and William G. Hands was elected, swearing in before Alexander Rogers, justice of the peace. The clerk was directed to apportion, levy and collect the sum of ten pounds on the property of the citizens of the town agreeable to the assessment of the county commissioners, whose valuation shall be his guide and direction. Samuel Jay was appointed "collector of rents for the streets," and Benedict Edward Hall was requested in his capacity of associate judge of the county to "qual ify the officers appointed at last meeting." April 6. — Mr. B. E. Hall was appointed to rent the HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 253 streets, the renters' rights to extend only fifty feet back from high-water raark. The clerk was directed to collect rents due the town, as Mr. Jay had refused to accept the office. 1803. Of five comraissioners and clerk all were naraed Hall, except one, viz : Samuel Hughes. February 8. — ^Jonathan Dorsey was appointed to "execute a supplement to the act entitled an act to prevent the going at large of geese and swine in the town of Havre de Grace." John Dutton and William McCaskey were appointed assessors of the property of the inhabitants of the town. April 22. — Present S. Hughes, B. E. Hall and J. W. Hall. These commissioners proceed to sign their bond to the State of Maryland for the performance of their duties as managers of the Havre de Grace lottery, "for the point of which the following arrangement was made at the joint risque of the comraissioners: That the secretary be authorized to deliver any number of tickets under the direction in writing of any of the comraissioners, taking down whatever nuraber deliv ered and to whom." William McCaskey was inspector of flour and quali fied before B. E. Hall, judge. August 5. — It was resolved "that each commissioner take three hundred lottery tickets, with fifty of tliem each are to be charged on their own account ; the rest they are to sell, if possible; if not, to be returned." The clerk was directed to deliver Captain Boyce one book of tickets, and to advertise that the drawing of 254 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. the Havre de Grace lottery will commence on the first of November next. Here there seems to have been an interruption of the proceedings. The next record is dated April 2, 1806, and is a different hand writing. Barrick WiUiams was probably clerk from 1806 imtil 1809. The proceedings continue. 1806. April 2. — Present Roger Boyce, Sarauel Jay, Gabriel Christie, who qualified according to law. Roger Boyce was appointed inspector of fish and salted provisions for this district. June II. — The board met and ordered the constable of the town to "sumraon a sufficient nuraber of the male inhabitants of the town of Havre de Grace to remove a nuisance accorapanied by the fish troughs of Christian Hoopraan, on the morning of the 12th of June instant, agreeable to the form of the Act of Assembly made and provided." 1807. April 15. — The clerk was ordered to advertise Mar ket Space and the fisheries on adjoining streets for rent. (This was the only meeting held this year, according to the record.) 1808. (There is no record of any meeting this year.) 1809. March 31. — Present B. E. Hall, Roger Boyce, Sam uel Jay. It was resolved "that Gabriel Christie being HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 255, dead and Able Marple having withdrawn frora his resi dence to parts beyond the sea, the commissioners pro ceed to fill up the vacancies, and have appointed Aquila Hall and Capt. Bennet Barnes, agreeably tc^ the powers in thera vested." April I. — Present the full board. (We copy the fol lowing entry verbatira :) "And in pursuance of Powers vested in thera by Law, to raise the sura of 5000 dollars, clear of all ex penses, by Lottery, and having by experience found the total impracticability of effecting it in this place, and conceiving that they are within the spirit and Letter of the Law, have and do now give full power and ample authority to Sarauel Hughes and Mark Pringle, Esqrs.,. to negotiate with Lottery Brokers or others in the city of Baitiraore, any plan or scherae which may be law fully done, under the authority of the Commissioners to raise the above sum of 5000 drs. clear of all charges. Any person or persons with whom the said Samuel Hughes and Mark Pringle may contract with, shall give bond, with security, to be approved by the Com missioners, to pay the prizes to the fortunate Adven turers, and all the expenses of the Lottery, as well as the sum of 5000 drs., to the Coramissioners, clear of all expenses." (There are entries of raeetings on April 4, April 8, April 15 and April 17, all at Mrs. Sears' tavern, but no business was transacted.) July 8. — Present, "the whole body." The clerk was directed to notify Mr. Cornelius Chandlee, in writing, to remove "a nuisance" from his premises within one raonth. (This "nuisance" was occasioned by stagnant water in Mr. Chandlee's cellar. ) 256 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. September 23. — Mr. George Poe, of Baltimore, was directed to be sued for amount of rent due the town. September 27. — Present, Messrs. Barnes, A. Hall, Jay and Boyce. The following was adopted : "Resolved, That whereas the said Comraissioners did heretofore authorize and erapower Samuel Hughes and Mark Pringle, Esqrs., to contract for the drawing of the Lottery for Havre de Grace, that the said Samuel Hughes and Mark Pringle be and are hereby author ized and empowered to pay as much of the proceeds of said lottery into the hands of Samuel Hughes, Mark Pringle, Paca Sraith, William B. Stokes and Aquila Hall, as shall reiraburse them for any sum or sums of Money, with interest, which they have or raay hereafter advance for the purpose of Erecting a Church in the Parish of Havre de Grace, or so rauch thereof as they may not have been otherwise reimbursed by other ways and means." The secretary was directed to advertise "that the law to prevent Hogs and Geese from going at large in the town will positively be put in force on the first day of December next." December 28. — Present, Messrs. Boyce, A. Hall, Barnes and Jay. PubUc property was rented, as follows: Market Space to Jacob Poe at $100 per annum ; Bourbon street to Christian Hoopraan at $25 per annura; Lafayette street to John K. Meyers at $20 per annura. 1810. January 28. — The Board met. Present Roger Boyce, Samuel Jay and Bennet Barnes. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 257 After paying Barrick Williams $80 for services ren dered as a clerk it was found that there was cash on hand and held by private persons, available funds to the araount of $713. Sarauel Jay was appointed to col lect this raoney, and the following resolutions were adopted : "Resolved, That the above sura of $713 be and is hereby appropriated for the purpose of erecting a raar- ket-house in Havre de Grace. "Resolved, That Aquila Hall, Roger Boyce and Ben net Barnes be and they are hereby appointed and em powered to adopt a plan to fix upon a scite (the most eligible, in their judgment, on any of the public grounds or streets), for the erecting of said market- house, and to receive proposals, and to contract for building of the same. "Resolved, That any surplus Monies remaining in the hands of the Treasurer after the Cost and Expense of Building the Market-house be deducted, be, and the same is, hereby appropriated as a Fund towards Erect ing a Schoolhouse in Havre de Grace, and that the said Aquila Hall, Roger Boyce and Bennet Barnes be and are hereby appointed and empowered to adopt a plan, fix on a scite. Receive proposals and contract for the Building of the said Schoolhouse. "Resolved, That a subscription be opened for the pur pose of adding to the funds for Building a Market-. house, and that the several sums so subscribed for the same be made payable to the Treasurer." The clerk, Barrick Williams, then resigned his office, and the Board of 1810 adjourned sine die. 258 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 181I. There is no record of there having been a board of commissioners in this year. No raeeting was held. 1812. In pursuance of powers vested in thera by an act of the Legislature, passed in 181 1, the legal voters of the town met on the first Monday in January of this year, and, after choosing judges to conduct the same, held an election for town commissioners. We have not the returns of this election, but know that Messrs. William Coale, Joshua Green, John Milhoof, John Donn and Williara B. Stokes were the gentleraen chosen. It may be raentioned here also that for several years after this the voters asserabled at the polls upon election day and chose their own judges, while the clerk to the com raissioners acted as clerk of the election. Before the town schoolhouse was built, the elections were held at different places — sometimes at Mr. James O'Brien's schoolroom, sometimes at "Mr. Coale's preaching- room" and elsewhere. The gentlemen named above raet on April 11, and organized by electing Jaraes O'Brien clerk. On April 14 St. Claire street was rented to Thomas Courtney at $5 per year. September 15. — Board met and took raeasures to col lect money due the town. The clerk was directed to "furnish to the commis sioners by the first day of Noveraber an accurate state ment of the free males, residents of the town, alphabeti cally arranged." An ordinance was passed forbidding all persons from HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 259 enclosing any part of the streets, lanes or alleys of the town. Also an ordinance forbidding all persons from dig ging or taking away any earth, sand or gravel stones from any of the streets, lanes or aUeys, under a penalty of $5- October 12. — An ordinance was passed forbidding the discharge of firearras within the limits of the town, imder a penalty of 50 cents for each offence, the prohibi tion not to apply to the shooting of ducks or other wild fowl "sitting on or flying over the waters in front of the shores of the town." December 31. — After auditing the books it was ascertained that the whole amount in the treasurer's hands, and due the town from other persons, was $570-7S- 1813. For the first time we are able to give the returns of a Havre de Grace election. William Coale received 49 votes; John Donn, 49; Joshua Green, 47; WilUam B. Stokes, 39; Joshua Millhoof, 27; Thomas Courtney, 21 ; Jaraes Wood, 18; Charles Foreman, i ; John Dut ton, I ; Platt Whitaker, — . The first five named were elected, who organized March 20 by electing Jaraes O'Brien clerk and Joshua Green treasurer. On April I the streets, etc., of the town were rented at public auction until the first of the following January, as follows : All the land in the addition to Havre de Grace, south of Revolution street, to Mark Pringle, for $19; St. Claire street to Thoraas Brown for $5 ; Fountain and Revolution streets and Market Space were rented 26o HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. together to Jacob Poe for $66.66 2-3 ; Lafayette street to William Coale for $14; Concord street to Thomas Courtney for $3.33 1-3 ; Bourbon street to Jacob Poe for $13.66 2-3. No further business during the year, except paying the clerk $25 salary. 1814. The election this year resulted as follows : William Coale, 32; James Wood, 31 ; John Donn, 29; William B. Stokes, 25 ; Henry Carver, 17 ; John Warehan, 3 ; John Donahue, 3 ; John McKinney, i ; John Crawford, 2 ; Nicholas Suter, i ; Williara Bell, i ; Ben Hobbs, i ; Andrew Rhoads, i ; Charles Johnson, i ; James Wat kins, I ; Chris. Levy, i ; William McCaskey, i ; Joshua Green, i ; Thoraas Chandlee, i ; George Bartol, i. Mr. O'Brien was continued as clerk, and on June 25 was directed to write to John Love, Esq., engaging him to "run out the town." John Donn and James Wood were appointed to "hire chain carriers, procure stones and to have the same set up at the four corners of each and every square as soon as the said corners are ascer tained." The clerk was paid $25, as part of his year's salary, and all the money remaining in the treasurer's hands was pledged to pay for the survey and marking as above ordered. 1815. At the election this year John Donn received 22 votes; William Coale, 20; Williara B. Stokes, 18; Henry Carver, 16 ; Thoraas Courtney, 15 ; Jaraes Wood, 14 ; John Donahue, i ; Joshua Green, i ; Thomas Chandlee, i ; Ben. Ward, i ; Benjamin Chandlee, i. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 261 On January 7 Jaraes O'Brien was re-elected clerk. Joshua Green resigned as treasurer, and John Donn was elected to that office. May 27. — Thoraas Courtney offered to furnish the six hundred stones for the street corners at fifteen cents each, and his bid was accepted. On September 1 1 Mr. Courtney was authorized to "haul, set up the stones and dig the holes" for the comer-stones at eight cents each. Market Space and all the streets and alleys intersect ing it was rented to John Donn for seven years at $283 per annum. Note— Capt. C. A. Conner furnished the data for the aforegoing ske tch o Havre de Grace. CHAPTER XX. MISCELLANEOUS. HARFORD PENSIONERS FROM THE REVOLUTION — SOLICITORS OF SUB SCRIPTION TO ASSOCIATION OF FREEMEN OF MARYLAND EARLY IRON WORKS — GOVERNOR PACA AND GOVERNOR BRAD FORD — HARFORD MILITIA COMPANIES — HARFORD STATISTICS, 1798 — COURT OFFICERS AND JURIES, 180O — SAME, 1803-1806 — NUNCUPATIVE WILL OF JOSEPH BUTLER, LIEUTENANT IN smallwood's REGIMENT, KILLED AT BATTLE OF LONG ISLAND — MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE OF JOHN WORTHINGTON AND PRIS- CILLA WILSON, I769 — MY LADY'S MANOR — ^BEL AIR ACADEMY. There were in Harford county by the census of 1840 ten persons drawing pensions as soldiers of the Revo lutionary War. They were Andrew McAdow, Jarret Tracey, Thomas Schivington, William Sloan, Henry Long, John Heaps and Archibald Heaps. The following named persons were designated by the Harford Committee to solicit subscriptions to the Asso ciation of the Freeraen of Maryland, viz : Deer Creek Upper — John Donohoo, Wm. Fisher, Jr., and Alex. Rigdon. Deer Creek Lower — John Winston Dallam. Bush Upper — William McCoraas, Jr., John Kean and Robert Harris. Spesutie Upper — ^James Moores, (tanner), Bennet Mathews, James Clendenin and David Clark. Spesutie Lower — Edward Hall, Jacob Forwood, Francis HoUand. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 263 Susquehanna — Jaraes Horner, John Rodgers, John Rurasey, Sarauel Howell and Sarauel Bayless. Gunpowder Lower — Henry Wetherall, John Day, Jr., John Durhara, Alex. Cowan, Benjarain Rurasey. Bush Lower — ^John Taylor, Gabriel Vanhorn, Wil liam Bond, Henry Wilson, Jr. (Frora a detached paper frora the clerk's office, 1776:) A List of Non-Associators. Benj. Herbert, Jr., refuses to sign through relig ious principles. Richard Hargrove refuses to sign through religious principles. WilUam Wilson, son of John, refuses to sign through religious principles. Benj. Harboard refuses to sign through religious principles. Michael Bocer don't sign by reason he signed before. Thomas Gilbert don't sign by reason he don't choose it. Thos. West don't sign by reason it is a mystery to hira. Philip Cummins don't sign by reason he don't under stand the matter. John Ward don't sign by reason the Congress don't sign and by reason he thinks that if the EngUsh gain the day then the Congress and the great people will tum the scale and say the commonality of people force them to stand in opposition to the English. John Clark don't sign by no reason he can give. Ephraim Arnold don't sign for fear it would fetch hira into a scrape. 264 history of HARFORD COUNTY. Isaac Penrose don't sign for reason he don't choose to fight for liberty and never will. Benjamin Fleetwood refuses to sign. He says he will go in a vessel, but will not fight by land. Samuel Gallion says if he should sign he raay fetch on himself that he cannot go through. Richard Spencer says he cannot write nor read, and shall not sign any paper. At Stafford, at the raouth of Deer Creek, was located an iron forge before the Revolution. It was erected by George Rock in the year 1749, and the same year it passed into the ownership of Onion & Lawson. Stephen Onion was one of the pioneer ironmakers in this country, and was instrumental in the erection of the Principio Iron Works. He came frora Stafford shire, in England, and as the narae Stafford dates from this period it is supposed Onion applied it out of com pliment to his native shire in England. Col. Thomas White and Thomas Harrison pur chased the forge in April, 1750, frora Lawson & Onion, and two years later Harrison bought out his partner. John Sturap, of Stafford, purchased the forge August 19, 1782, and operated it a number of years. There were iron works called the Lancaster Forge, on Deer Creek, near Priestford, a few years before the Revolution. In the old days there were iron works all along Deer Creek. Redrum, Lancaster, Rock, Curaberland, Not tingham and Lebanon were the naraes of some of them. William Bradford, the first of the faraily in Harford county, married Elizabeth Lightbody. These two and Aquila Paca and Martha, his wife, were near neighbors history of HARFORD COUNTY. 26$ and intimate friends, the families living within a mile of each other, in the neighborhood of Bush. The will of Aquila Paca was witnessed by William Bradford, who appears to have been the adviser of the widow Martha after Aquila's death. In the will of Martha Paca she uses the expression, "my good friend William Bradford," and leaves meraentoes to him, his wife and daughters, they being the only persons raentioned in the will outside of the Paca family. The above is only given to show a curious coincidence: The only two Governors of Maryland born on Harford soil were Williara Paca and Augustus W. Bradford, the one the grandson of Aquila and Martha 'Paca, and the other the great-grandson of William Bradford. These fami Ues are thus connected in an interesting way. In the first instance, by their close association before the Revolution, and secondly, by the same distinguished honor having been conferred on these two descendants. LIST OF HARFORD MILITIA COMPANIES. A list of the companies on the north side of Deer creek, in Harford county, formed and returned to this committee : William Webb, Captain, Ignatius Wheeler, ist Lieutenant. William Fisher, 2d Lieutenant. Samuel Webb, Jr., Ensign. Seventy-four privates. Date of enrollment, 14th day of October, 1775. John Patrick, Captain, Winston Dallam, ist Lieutenant. Sarauel Barley, 2d Lieutenant. 266 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Richard Ward, Ensign. Fifty-five privates. Date of enrollment, the ist day of April, 1776. John Jolly, Captain. John Montgomery, 1st Lieutenant. James Wilson, 2d Lieutenant. James Thomas, Ensign. Fifty-five privates. Date of enrollment, the loth day of March, 1776. "Sirs — The foregoing Companies are the only ones forraed since the last return. We expect a Company or two more will be formed, which with the one or two more already enrolled, but not yet formed in Batalion, will raake six Independent Corapanies situated so they raay be formed in Batalla ; which we will report as soon as they are all enrolled: I am Gentn Yr most Hb. Servt Amos Garret Chairman of the Committee." Memorandum of militia officers who have not their commissions : Captain, Samuel Calwell. Thos Hutchinson, ist Lieutenant. Commissions issued to Samuel Calwell, appointed captain; Thomas Hutchins ist lieutenant and Joseph Lewis 2d lieutenant, of a company of militia in Harford county belonging to the Sth Battalion. Also to James McComas, appointed captain ; Benja min Scott, 1st lieutenant; Martin Preston, 2d lieuten ant, and James Steele, ensign, of a company of militia in said county belonging to the said battalion. Also to Bennet Bussey, appointed captain ; Joseph HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 267 Miles, 1st lieutenant; Azael Hitchcock, Jr., 2d lieuten ant, and Joseph Amos, ensign, of a company of militia of said battalion. Also to Robert Harris, appointed captain; William Coale, 1st lieutenant, William Downes, 2d lieutenant, and Joshua Renshaw, Jr., ensign, of a corapany in same battalion. Also to James St. Clair, appointed 2d lieutenant of Capt. William McCoraas' corapany of militia in said county. Also to Alexander Cowen, appointed captain; John Beale Howard, ist lieutenant; Samuel Groome Os borne, 2d lieutenant, and Lambert Wilmer, ensign, of a company of militia in said county. Also to Williara Webb, appointed captain ; Ignatius Wheeler, ist lieutenant; Williara Fisher, 2d lieutenant, and Samuel Webb, Jr., ensign, of a company of militia in said county. Also to John Patrick, appointed captain; Winston Dallam, ist lieutenant; Samuel Bailey, 2d lieutenant, and Richard Ward, ensign, of a company of railitia in said county. Also to John Jolley, appointed captain ; John Mont gomery, 1st lieutenant; Jaraes Wilson, 2d lieutenant, and Jaraes Thomas, ensign, of a company of militia in said county. —Archives of Maryland, James McComas, Captain. Benjamin Scott, ist Lieutenant. Joseph Lewis, 2d Lieutenant. Martin Preston, 2d Lieutenant. James Steel, Ensign. 268 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Bennet Bussey, Captain, Joshua Miles, ist Lieutenant. Azael Hitchcock, Jr., 2d Lieutenant. Joshua Amos of James, Ensign. Robert Harris, Captain, William Coale, ist Lieutenant. William Downes, 2d Lieutenant. Joseph Renshaw, Jr., Ensign. In Captain Williara McCoraas' company James Sink- cleare is appointed 2d lieutenant. Alexander Cowen, Captain. John Beale Howard, ist Lieutenant. Samuel Groome Osborne, 2d Lieutenant. Larabert Wilmer, Ensign. — Archives of Maryland. In 1798 Harford contained, according to Scott's Gazetteer, fifteen thousand inhabitants, two Episcopal churches and two chapels, two Presbyterian churches, one Catholic, one Baptist, six Methodist and three Quaker meeting houses. Bel Air, in 1798, contained one hundred and fifty- seven inhabitants, of whom thirty-six were black ; one Methodist meeting house, four licensed inns, court house, jail, three stores, two blacksmith shops, two joiners, one chairraaker, one shoemaker, one wheel wright, one tailor. Harford Town, situated at the head of Bush river, seven miles southeast of Bel Air, contained, in 1798, sixteen dwellings, one hundred and thirty inhabitants, merchant mill, tan yard, coopers, wheelwright and blacksmith shops, two stores, two taverns. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 269 Abingdon, in 1798, contained fifty-one dwellings and two hundred and forty inhabitants, of whom sixty-six were black ; eight stores, several mechanical shops, one tan yard, two schoolhouses, a Methodist church. Cokes bury College, established by the Methodists in 1785, was burned in 1796. Havre de Grace contained, in 1798, about forty houses and two hundred and fifty inhabitants. The prosperity of the county has been derived prin cipally from agriculture, and the general appearance shows a progressive improvement.* In the year 1800 Henry Ridgely was chief judge of the Circuit Court and Benedict Edward Hall and Wil liam Smithson were associate justices. Robert Araos, Jr., was sheriff. John Lee Gibson, clerk. The grand jury for the August terra consisted of : Williara Loney, Benjamin Amos, Barnet Johnson, William Billingslea, John Scarff, James Trapnell, John Glenn, Abraham White, Thomas Hope, Benjamin Richardson, Jaraes Amos of Robert, Joseph Prigg, Petit Jury — Edward Prall, George McCausland, Thos. W. Ayres, Mordecai Amos, Jr., John Weston, Aquila Miles, Davis Durham, James Varney, John McComas of Daniel, John Cooley, Stephen Rigdon, William Norris, Nathaniel Grafton, Josias W. Dallam, John Diven, Bailiff. John Love, Josias Hall, Frisley Dorsey, ?Scott's Gazetteer. 270 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Michael Gilbert, Wm. Prigg, Jr., WilUam Clark, Jr., Joshua Wood, James McComas of Jacob Rutledge, Dennis Bond, Thomas Taylor, Winston Sraith, Archer Hayes, James Thompson, James Carlon, Buckler Bond, Godfrey Watters, James, Robert Gover, James Barnet, Sr., Joshua Green, James Johnson, Sethwick James, At the term of the Circuit Court, commencing the third Monday of March, 1803, there were present : Benedict Edward Hall and William Smithson, judges; Henry Dorsey, clerk; John Churchman Bond, sheriff. Grand Jury — Josias William Dallam, John Grindall, John Ford, George Cunningham, William Lindsay, David Crane, James Barnet, Sr., James FuUerton, John Green, Barnet Johnson, Joseph Everist, George Walker, Petit Jury — George Bradford, Nathaniel McComas, Mordecai Amoss, John Forwood, James McClaskey, WilUam Magness, William Billingslea, Matthew Burkhead, Abraham White, William McMath, Richard Hutchins, WiUiam Frisby, Benjamin Bosley, William Holloway, Paca Smith. Daniel McComas, Bailiff. Zaccheus O. Bond, George McCausland, William Norris of John, Benjamin Pritchard, HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 27I John Barclay, Benedict Hall, Jr., Sarauel Webster of Rich'd, Richard Dallam, Godfrey Watters, Thoraas Wright, Sarauel Bradford, Benjarain Green, Moses Magness, BiUingslea BuU, William Welch, James Amoss of James, Parker H. Lee, Daniel Scott, Isaac Hitchcock, Nathaniel Smithson. Thomas S. Bond, August Term of Court, 1806. Present: Joseph Hopper Nicholson, chief judge; Henry Dorsey, clerk; John Guyton, sheriff. Grand Jury — John Forwood, Andrew McAdow, John Mitchell, David McClaskey, John Hanna, Benjamin Rigdon, John Vandegrift, John Clark, John Yellott, Isaac Henry, John Evatt, William Sheckler, Petit Jury — Isaac Ferryman, George Presbury, William Allen, Henry Scharff, David Durhara, Roger Matthews, Matthew Birkhead, Jaraes Araoss, Jr., John Foard, Amold Rush, James Enloes, Robert Gover, Josias Carten, John Clendenin, William Glenn, Alexander Thorapson, James Lee, Daniel McComas, Bailiff. Edward Griffith, John Cooley, John Henderson, Thomas Jeffrey, James Montgomery, Henry Dennison, Richard Hopkins, 272 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Benjamin Bosley, Edward Prigg, Aquila Nelson, Isaac Kennard, William B. Stokes, John Ashton, John Davis, Jaraes Pampley, Matthew Cain, John Bay, John McCoraas, Jr., Archer Hays. Thomas Taylor, Will of Joseph Butler, Clerk to the Revolutionary Com mittee of Harford County. Will Records of Harford county, Liber A. J. No. R.' folio 217. August 27, 1776, when Colonel Smallwood's Regi ment was drawn up on Long Island in expectation to engage the eneray, Lieut. Joseph Butler called Ensign Praul and myself out of the ranks, and desired we would remeraber if he should be so unfortunate as to be killed that it was his desire that his brother or half brother should have his estate, after paying what debts might justly appear against him, should he ever come for it. He signified at the time that he did not know where his brother was, or whether he would ever apply, as he had not heard from him for some time, and if he should not apply that Miss Sarah Hall should be pos sessed of the whole estate, after paying any lawful claims, and that Mr. John Patterson should be his ^^^'^^io^- Joseph Ford. On the 17th of October, 1777, Capt. Joseph Ford made oath to the truth of the foregoing. Certified by Bendt. Edw. HaU. Letters testamentary on this will were granted by the Orphans' Court of Harford county on April 3, HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY 273 1778, to John Patterson, executor, on whose bond George Patterson and Gabriel Christie were securities. An Old Marriage Certificate, 1769. Whereas John Worthington, son of Charles Worth ington of Deer Creek, & Prisciila Wilson Daughter of Henry & Prisciila Wilson of little Fawls Baltimore County and Province of Maryland Having declared their Intention of Marriage with each other before Several Monthly Meetings of the Christian people called Quakers at Gunpowder and province aforesaid According to the Good Order used among thera and having Consent of parents and Relations concerned Their said proposals of Marriage was allowed of by the Said Meetings. Now these are to certifie to whom it may Concern that for the full accomplishing their said Intention this Seventh Day of ye eleventh Month in the year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred & Sixty-nine The said John Worthington and Prisciila Wilson appearing in publick Meeting of the Said people for that pur pose appointed at Little Fawls aforesaid And the Said John Worthington taking the said Prisciila Wilson by the hand did in Solemn manner Openly declare that he took her the Said Prisciila Wilson to be his Wife prom ising Through Divine Assistance to be unto her a lov ing and faithful Husband until Death And then and in the said Asserably She the Said Prisciila Wilson did in like manner declare That She took the Said John Worthington to be her husband promising through divine Assistance to be unto hira a Loving and Faithful Wife till Death. And Moreover the Said John Worthington and Pris ciila Wilson She according to the Custora of Marriage Assuming the Name of her Husband as a further Con- fermation thereof Did then there to these present Sett their hands and we whose Names are hereunto also Subscribed being present at the Soleranization of the 274 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. said Marriage and Subscription Have as Witnesses Thereunto Sett our Hands the Day & Year above Written. Joseph Hall, Skipwith Coale, Janes Giles, WiUiam Wilson, Joseph Finley, William Amos, Peter Ferine, Robert Dutton, B. Howard, Mary Howard, Martha Amos, Rachael Wilson, Cassandra Lee, Cassandra Gover Ann Hopkins, Sarah Coale, Mary Lee, Elizabeth Amoss, Joseph Hopkins, EUhu Hall, Jr., Jr., Hannah BeU, Sarah Busey, H. Worthington, Prisciila Worthington, Prisa Wilson, Henry Wilson, Jr., Cassandra Wilson, Chas. Worthington, Jr., Samuel Worthington, Mary Wilson, Hannah Fulton, EUzabeth Dutton, Mary Dawes. MY LADY'S MANOR. It was the intention of the Calverts to found in Maryland a landed aristocracy. Though the "Bill for Baronies" never passed the Assembly, yet manors were established and certain rights of jurisdiction over their tenants were given to the manorial lords. The proprietary in 1636 issued instructions that every two thousand acres given to any one should be erected into a raanor, and hence we frequently find a grant followed by the setting up of a "Court Baron and a Court Leet." The Manor of Evelin, in St. Mary's county; Great Oak Manor, in Kent; Susque hanna Manor, in Cecil county ; these were well known in their day. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 275 From this early desire to establish a manorial system sprang the custom of calling large estates manors. My Lady's Manor, which is partly in Harford county, retains its name to the present time, though the original tract has been subdivided many times and parceled out into fertile farms, now cultivated by numerous owners. My Lady's Manor was at one tirae a vast tract, con sisting of ten thousand acres. It was formerly known as Lord Baltimore's Gift, and was owned by Margaret, Lady Baroness of Baltimore, wife of Charles, Lord Baltimore, having been given to her by patent, dated the tenth day of Septeraber, 1713. Lady Margaret died in 173 1, and in her will left Lord Baltiraore's Gift to her granddaughter, Charlotte Brefewood, wife of Thoraas Brerewood, Jr., of Horton, in the County of Bucks, England. Thoraas Brerewood, the younger, was ap parently heavily involved in his financial affairs, and in August of 1 73 1 Lady Charlotte joined him in a deed of trust for the benefit of his creditors, in which Lord Baltimore's Gift was conveyed to Thomas Brerewood, Sr., the father of her husband. Thus began the disin tegration of Lord Baltimore's Gift. From this time on sraall portions were conveyed by Thoraas Brerewood, Sr., to creditors of his son in payraent of his debts; and future conveyances, while still raentioning the fact that the land being conveyed was a part of the tract of ten thousand acres called Lord Baltimore's Gift, yet now add: "More coraraonly. My Lady's Manner." Lord Baltiraore's Gift was located upon the "Main Falls" of Gunpowder river, adjoining "Clyumalyra," a tract which was owned by Charles Carroll. It ex tended a considerable distance northwardly, a portion being in what is now the Fourth Election District of 276 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Harford county, in the section of Taylor, Hess, Sarah Furnace, &c. Colonel Thomas White surveyed My Lady's Manor August 26, 1713, 10,000 acres. Naraed ih the plat. The Right Honorable Margaret Baroness of Baltimore, her manor in the Fork of the Gunpo!wder. Bel Air Academy. By an Act of the Legislature, passed January 7, 1812, there was authorized the erection of the Harford County Academy. Subscriptions were taken up and a building constructed. This is the building on Hickory avenue, in Bel Air, which until very recently has been used for school purposes. The trustees named in the act were Thomas Hope, David Streett, Joshua Rutledge, John Moores, William Smith of Sarauel, Henry Dorsey, Dr. Hugh Whiteford, John Streett, John Forwood, Williara Wilson, Mat thew Hawkins, Jaraes Weatherall, Elijah Davis, John Jolly and Paca Sraith. It was first opened as a school in 1815, and in 1816 the Legislature voted for it the sura of five hundred dollars annually, which is still paid the trustees, the school being now connected with the public school of Bel Air, the title being the Bel Air Acaderay and Graded School. Recently the old acaderay building has been turned into a dwelling-house, but stands as strong and firra now as if only one year instead of nearly a hundred had passed along. Rev. Reuben H. Davis was the first principal of the acaderay, and many of the leading men of Harford were his pupils. On Deceraber 26, 1839, Mr. Thomas A. Hays conveyed to HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 277 the trustees the lot on which the academy stands. Liber H. D. No. 23, folio 136. APPENDIX MINUTES OF THE HARFORD COUNTY COMMITTEES BE FORE AND DURING THE REVOLUTION. 1774- Araos Garret, Capt. Bennet Matthews, Freeborn Brown, William Webb, Williara Young & adjourned to Thursday the 2 (2nd) Dec. At a special meeting of the comraittee held in Har ford Town on Thursday the Sth of Dec. — Present Aquila Hall in the Chair, Benjamin Rurasey, Thoraas Johnson, Edward Hall, Williara Young, Isaac Holmes & Freeborn Browne. Mr. William Young, one of this committee appeared before the same and informed this Committee he had bought abt 150 lbs. of Tea in a barrel from Mr. Joseph McGuffin of Baltimore Town which had not paid the duty in his opinion and likewise certificate under the hand of the said McGuffin that the said tea had been imported into America without having paid any duty at the sarae time statement by Mr. Jaraes Holmes that Mr. McGuffin had an exceedingly just & honest character & that faith and credit ought in his opinion to be given the certificate & the said William Young offered to give any other Testimony more satisfactory to this com mittee that they should direct and forbear selling he gave complete satisfaction. Resolved by the Committee that the fair open & can did behavior of the said William Young accompanied by the said certificate & evidence of one of this com raittee is satisfactory to the same & that the said Wil Uam Young be permitted to so long as the same be not forbid by the Resolve of the Continental Con gress. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 279 At a meeting of the Coramittee on Thursday the 22nd as per adjournment The following Gentleraen present : Capt. John Matthews, Capt. John Paca, Amos Garret, Aquila Hall, Benjamin Rumsey, Williara Smith, Bayside, Jereraiah Sheredine, Freeborn Browne, Rob ert Lemon, Francis Holland, Aquila Paca, Jacob Giles Senr., James Harris, Edmund Bull, Isaac Web ster, Richard Dallam, John Beale Howard, Thomas Johnson, Thomas Bond, son Thos., Benedict Edward Hall, John Taylor, William Smithson, Jacob Giles, Senr., on a raotion for a chairman Capt. John Mat thews was chosen. Dr. John Archer, Edwd. Prall, WilUam Bond, son Joshua J. Bond, George Bradford, Bennet Mathews. ResolvedThat William Young of Harford Town, John Car lisle of Swan, John Beale Howard of Joppa, Nathaniel Giles, Jaraes Ogleby, Amos Garret, James Holmes and Williara Bond each and every of thera receive the contribution subscribed for the Relief of the Poor of the Town of Boston either in raoney or produce as shall be raost agreeable to the subscribers & that the above named gentlemen do deliver the said contribu tion so received to Mr. Aquila Hall who is appointed for that purpose & that he act with this Comraittee & that the clerk transmit a copy of this resolve to each of the gentlemen above appointed with a copy of the subscriptions. Resolved That a suraraons be issued desiring Mr. John Wil son's presence before this Committee on the 2nd day of Jan'y next to give an account of his conduct respecting a certain pamphlet printed in New York tending to inquire the political interest of America by disuniting the colonies. This Coramittee having received sufficient evidence that a quantity of Tea the property of Robert Trimble which had been lately seized in Joppa by the oath of Joseph McGuffin from whora it was purchased that the 280 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. same had paid no Duty to his knowledge Resolved That the said Robert Trirable be perraitted to take and rend the said Tea if consistent with the Resolve of the Con tinental Congress respecting the sarae & that a Copy of this Resolve be transraitted to the said Trimble as early as possible. Resolved That Notice be given to the Freeholders & Freemen of Harford County who are the lovers of Liberty & they are hereby requested to give their at tendance at Harford Town the 3rd day of Jan'y next to consider of some general plan of Forming them selves into Companies agreeable to a Resolve of the Provincial Congress & also to choose Gentlemen to at tend as Deputies for this County at the said Congress to meet at Annapolis on Monday 24th of April or sooner if required by the committee of Correspondence. Coraraittee farther adjourned to Monday the 2nd Jan'y 1775. At a raeeting of the Coramittee at Harford Town on Monday the 2nd January as per adjournment Pres ent Capt. John Matthews in the Chair, Capt. John Paca, Dr. Josias Carvil Hall, Amos Garret, Aquila Paca, Dr. Thoraas Andrews, Jacob Bond, Bennet Mathews, Abraham Whitaker, Benedict Edward Hall, John Rum sey, Edward Prall, Robert Lemmon, John Carlisle, Richard Dallam, John Taylor, Doctr, John Archer, William Young, George Bradford, William Smithson, Edward Hall, Aquila Hall & Jaraes Holmes. John Wilson appeared agreeable to Suramons & the following Interrogations were put to him Whether he had a paraphlet titled the Friendly Ad dress. Answer Yes. Whether he had read any paragraph thereof to any person. Answer Yes, to William Wilson, Senr. And whether he had endeavored to enforce the Rea sonings & Conclusions there laid Down. Answer No. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 281 No evidence appearing against Mr. Wilson Resolved that all further proceedings in the matter be referred to the next Comraittee and Mr. Wilson be ordered to at tend & that a sunmions be issued for Mr. William Wil son, Senr. desiring his attendance which was accord ingly done. Meeting adjourned until Monday the .... The Comraittee raet by Adjournment Present Capt. John Mathews (in the Chair), Richard Dallam, Rev. Mr. John Clark, Capt. John Paca, Aquila Hall, John Carlile, Amos Garret, Capt. Bennet Mathews, Benj. Edw. Hall, Wra. Young, Edward Prall, Isaac Web ster, Jacob Bond, Doctr. Carvel Hall, Francis Holland, Doctr. Robert Leraraon, John Beal Howard, Edraund Bull, Dr. John Archer, John Taylor, Edward Hall, William Morgan, William Webb, Benjamin Rumsey, Abraham Whitaker & WilUam Smithson. Resolved that John Wilson being accused by a mem ber of this Committee of having sold Gunpowder at 4s. pr. lb an Infringement of the fourth Article of the Provincial Congress & acknowledgeing that he had sold the powder as alledged though without any intention of violating any Resolve but frora Miscon struction thereof and humbly submitting himself to this Committee and declaring a readiness to conform himself in future to the Resolutions of the Continental Congress and Provincial Convention he be dismissed. Mr. William Wilson appeared agreeable to the Sum mons issued hira yesterday and being interrogated from the Chair whether Mr. John Wilson had read to him any paragraphs from a Paraphlet entitled the Friendly Address &c. answers that John Wilson had read to him some paragraphs frora sorae little book but that he did not know the title thereof and being also asked if he reraerabered the Particular Part thereof replied that Tie could not reraember any particulars — that Mr. John Wilson did read to him but little and being asked if John Wilson made any Remarks thereon answered -^ siah Radclief. / Met in Comraittee Messrs. Araos Garret, Thomas Johnson, Benja. Bradford Norris, Jaraes McComas, Capt. Alexander Cowen, Greenberry Dorsey, James Clendening, William Webb, Ignatius Wheeler, Jun., William Sraithson. On applycation of Walter Tolley he is perraitted to bring his action of a Plea of Trespass on the case against William Linton administrator of Isiah Linton and licence given the Clk. On applycation of Capt. William Smith he is per raitted to bring his Action of a Plea of Trespass on the Case against Dan'l Nutterwell and licence given the Clk. On Applycation of Archibald McMurphy he is per mitted to warrent Jaraes Taylor, Jun., and warrent given hira. On applycation of Williara Prigdon he is Perraitted to Warrent Daniel Price and Warrent given hira. On applycation of Nearaiah Barns he is perraitted to to Warrent Daniel Price and Warrent given hira. On Applycation of Thoraas Pendergast he is permit ted to warrant William Henderide and warrant given him. 338 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. On applycation of Freeborn Brown in Behalf of Ed ward Prall he is Permitted to bring his action of a Plea of Debt against Isaac Johnson and licence given him. Committee adjourns to Monday the 13th Inst. Jany. 27 1777 Committee met. Present Messrs. Amos Garret, William Webb, John Love, Thomas Johnson, Alexander Cowen, Benja. B. Norris, and James Mc Comas. Mr. Amos Garret in the Chair. Comraissions is granted to Williara Allender to col lect the fines iraposed on the non-associators on the North Side of Deer Creek and to Edward Carvil Tol ley in the roora of John Pattison in Spesutia, Susque hanna Lower and Harford Lower Hundreds. On Application of Joseph Scarbrou he is perraitted to Warrent Isaac Johnson. On applycation of Hugh Jeffreys he is perraitted to bring his action against. Ditto of do. he is Permitted to warrent John Smith Fuller. Isaac Johnson on Applycation of John Mahan he is permitted to bring his action against George Ree, on application of John McComas he is permitted to war- rent Isaac Daws, The Coraraittee adjourns to Tuesday the 4 Feby next. Coramittee met agreeable to adjournment, Present Messrs. Amos Garret, Ignatius Wheeler, Benja. Brad ford Norris, Col. Aquila Hall, Abraham Whitaker, James McComas, George Pattison, William Webb, and Alexander Cowan. Mr. Araos Garret in the Chair. On Application of Mary Thorapson she is perraitted to warrant Jane Harne, on application of Williara Jones he is permitted to bring his action against Rob ert Smith, on application of Daniel Nutterwell he is permitted to bring his action against John Rodgers. On application of Joshua Jones and wife they are per mitted to bring their action against Isaac Johnson. On HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 339 applycation of Philip Dunagan he is permitted to war rant Utie Camdess. On application of Morris Dixon he is perraitted to warrant Jaraes McCarty. On Application of Andrew Hall he is permitted to warrant George Closs. On application of Joseph Mor rison he is perraitted to warrant Williara Brown. On application of Williara Boarman he is perraitted to bring his action of a plea of Tresspass on the Case Against Thoraas Cowan and licence given, on appli cation of Charles Whitlatch he is permitted to warrent James Norris. Resolv'd that this Committee Rite to Gen'l Buchan- nan Informing hira of the Corapanys on the North side of Deer Creek not being forra'd in Battalion &c. Coramittee adjourned to Monday the nth Inst. February 17th 1777 Comraittee raet Present Mes. Araos Garret, Wm. Webb, Ignatius Wheeler, Abraham Whitaker, James McComas, Thomas Johnson, Benja rain Bradford Norris, James Clendinen, Samuel Ash mead, Mr. Araos Garrett in the chair. Mr. Benja min Bradford Norris Produces a Letter from the Council of Safety and brings to the Comraittee ii5o and requests a settleraent of our accounts with thera which money is put into the hands of Thomas John son one of this Comraittee. Received of Captain Samuel Smith 13 Guns & Bayo nets. Received of Jaraes May of Mr. Richard Dallaras Factory Nineteen Guns and Bayonets. On applycation of Nathan Gallion he is perraitted to bring his action against Garrett Garitson. On applyca tion Mieaja Mitchale licences is granted him to war rant Thomas Waningwain John Steele. On applycation of Ann Huggins Licence is granted to her to bring her Warrant against David Evina. On application of James Kennedy Licence is granted hira to bring his warrant against John Deraor and Hugh Jeff res. On application of Benjamin Bradford Norris Licence is granted hira to prosecute his action against Joseph Gibbins. 340 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. On application of James Anderson Licence is granted to him to Warrant Isaac Hichcock & Thos. Grimbrooks. On application of William Allender licence is granted hira to Warrant Williara Shody. On application of Gabriel Vanhorn licence is Granted hira to Warrant Joseph Lewes. Committee adjourns to Monday the 24th instant. March 3 1777 Committee Met. Present Messrs. Amos Garret, Wm. Webb, Thomas Johnson, Ignatius Wheeler, Junr., Henry Wilson, Junr., Aquila Hall, Jas. McComas, Benj. Bradford Norris & James Clenden ing. Mr. Amos Garret Chairraan. On application of Helen Kinsey she is perraitted to bring her Action against Tho. Strong & Lambert Wil mer Adrainistrators to the Estate of Benjarain Rickets Deceas'd and licence is given the Clk. On application of Edwd. Ward, Jun., he is perraitted to Warrant John Ross and Warrant is accordingly given. On application of Daniel Price he is permitted to bring his Action agt. Joshua Jones and wife in a Tresspass on the Case. On application of John Mathers he is permitted to Bring his Action of a Tresspass on the Case against Thaders Jewett & License is given the Clk. On application of John Brown he is permitted to Warrant Saml. Grunlee & Warrant is accordingly given. On application of James Holmes he is permitted to Warrant Robert Mills & Warrant is accordingly given. On application of Jaraes Holmes he is permitted to warrant Stephen White & warant is accordingly given. Hall and Alexr. Cowan. On application of Nathan McClenner he is permitted to Warrant James Cherry and Warrant is accordingly given. The Coraraittee appointed Messrs. Aquila Hall & Amos Garret to adjust the Donations of the Poor of HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 34I Boston and to return the money to the Subscribers in proportion to their Donations. The Committee adjourns to Monday next. March loth 1777 Comraittee met. Present Messrs. Araos Garrett, Ignatius Wheeler, Wra. Webb, Thomas Johnson, Abraham Whitaker, James McCoraas, Aquila Hall and Alex. Cowan. Mr. Araos Garret in the Chair. On application of Joshua Jones and wife they are permitted to warrant Samuel Jenkins, on application of Francis Curtis having giving to Prossecute the fol lowing sutes in Court agains Robert Gordon & Grisel Poake and against Tudor Chalk & Elizabeth his wife Administrators of Robert. On application of Nath aniel Gallion leave is granted Martha Gallion to bring her Action of a Plea of Debt against Garret Garret son and Licence given Clk. On applycation of Thomas Bay he is perraitted to Warrant Doct. David Benfield and Warrant Given. On applycation of Abrahara Whitaker he is per mitted to bring his Action of a plea of Tresspass on the Case against Jaraes Trew. On applycation of Hugh Kirkpatrick leave is granted Jaraes Montgoraery to bring his Action of a plea of Debt against Walton & William Robinson. On application of Hugh Kirkpatrick he has leave to bring his action of a plea of Trespass on the case against the Execut. of David Thomas. On application of Jacob Wheeler he is permitted to Warrant Richard Coope. On application of Buchanan & Cowan they have leave to bring theire Action of a plea of Trespass on the Case against Jonathan Lyon. On applycation John Mahon has leave to Warrant Saral. Howel and warrant given. Leave is granted Abrahara Jarretts Execut. to bring the following sutes against Thoraas Blaney & Charles S. Fietz and Saml. Horing, John Blaney and Thos. Wavi, also against James & George Vogan of a plea of Debt. 342 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Committee adjourns to Monday the 15th Inst. Coraraittee met according to adjournraent. Were Present Messrs. Amos Garret, Ignatius Wheeler, Wil liam Webb, Thomas Johnson, James McComas, Benja min Bradford Norris and Samuel Ashmead. On Applycation of Mr. Amos Garret leave is Granted him to Prosecute his suit against James Giles Spetial Bail for Benjarain Thorapson. On application of Dallora and Carlile Licence is granted thera to bring Plea their action In a Plea a Debt against Richard Johns. On application of Joshua Jones and wife licences is granted hira to bring his action in a Plea of Debt against Joseph Wood. Summons issued to bring Robt. Erne Strong before the Committee on Tuesday, 25th instant. — On application of Garretts, Exet., Li cence is granted them to Prosecute their Suits against James Scott Son of Jaraes and David Davis, John Morgan & Robert Jackman. Warrant of Distress Issued against John Whiteford for 4is.od. Due to Captain Rigdons Corapany. Committee adjourns to Tuesday 25th Instant. Committee met according to adjournment. Present Messrs. Amos Garret, Alex. Cowan, James McComas, Thoraas Johnson, Abra. Whitacre, Henry Wilson, Jun., Jaraes Clendening. Mr. Amos Garret in the Chair. Coramittee adjourns to Thursday next. Met in Committee Ap. the 7th 1777, Messrs. Amos Garret, Thomas Johnson, Benjamin Bradford Norris & George Patterson. Leave is granted John Beshorn to Warrant Negro Ben late the Property Williara Husband & Warrant given. Leave is granted Richard Monks to Prossecute his Action against Garret Garretson Adrainistrator of Sarauel Johnson. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 343 Leave is granted Jaraes Arrastrong to bring his Ac tion of a Plea of Debt against John Creighton and Licence given Clk. On applycation of Aquila HaU, Jun., Esq., WiUiam Young is permitted to bring his action of a Plea of Debt and also of a plea of Trespass on the Case against Elijah Blackstone & Licence given the Clk. Leave is granted Messrs. Hall Gilbert & Hall to bring their Actions of a Plea of Tresspass on the Case against John McBride, Jesse Mainly, Geo. McLauglin, Lawrence Clark, Archibald McMurphy, Thomas Jackson, John Wood, overseer, Samuel Dooley, Robt. Clark, Deer Creek, William Gale. Nathaniel Rigbie Adrainistrator of Jeremiah Shere dine Debon is Non, Joshua Lewis, Elijah Blackstone, Clotworthy Cunninghara, Thoraas Jackson & Sarah his wife, Nicholas Power. Leave is Granted Robert Trimble to bring his action of a plea of Tresspas on the Case against Grafton Preston. April 2ist, 1777 Comraittee mett. Present Messr. Amos Garret, Aquila Hall, Thomas Johnson, Saral. Ashraead, James Clendening, Wra. Webb, Ben. Brad ford Norris, Henry Wilson, Jun. Mr. Araos Garret in the Chair. On application of Mr. George Young who was ap pointed to guard a Waggon to South Carolina he is lent two Musquets, Bayonets, Cartouch Boxes & Haver Sacks as pr. his Rect. The Coraraittee appointed Messr. Araos Garret, Aquila Hall & Thomas Johnson or any two of thera to prepare Accts. of the Coraraittee to settle with the Board of Clairas also to settle with the CoUectors of the Fines & all other Accots. Relative to the Cora raittee. On application of Doctr. PhiUp Henderson he is per raitted to bring his Action of Debt agst. Doctr. Thad deus Jewett & John Prichard & Licence is given the Clk. 344 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. A Summons is issued for James Price to appear be fore this Comraittee On the First Monday in May next to show how he carae by a Continental Gun Stopt in the hands of Jaraes Carroll, Jun. On application of Joseph Morrison he is permitted to Warrant James Preston. Committee adjourns to the first Monday in May next. Committee mett according to adjournraent. Present Messr. Amos Garrett, Aquila Hall, Thomas Johnson, Wra. Webb, George Patterson, Ignatius Wheeler, Jun., & Henry Wilson, Jun. Mr. Araos Garret in the Chair. On application of Robert Trirable he is perraitted to Warrant James Duncan. Sumraon is issued for Wra. Durhara to attend the Coraraittee the 20th Inst &c. Coramittee adjourns to Tuesday the 20th Inst. June nth 1777 This day settled with Mr. Thos. Johnson & he paid in the Balance of the ii50 put in his hands which was i79.12s.nd. A List of Non-Associators and Non-Enrollers in Har ford County to the loth September, 1775. i s. d. John Thomas pd. 200 George York, 50s pd. 300 Samuel Ricketts pd. 300 James Thrift pd. 2 o o Richard Thrift pd. 2 o o Richard Noleman 2 o o Thomas Mills pd. 200 William Divers 2 o o- John Wilson 2 o o George Debrular 40s., pd. 2 10 o James Hill pd. 2100 Thomas HiU pd. 2 10 o Thomas Strong pd. 6 10 o Benjamin Mead 2 o o- HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 345 i S. d. John Gould Howard 2 o o Edward Ricketts pd. 200 Aaron Hill. pd. 300 Micajah Debrular 2 o o Cornelius Cashworth 2 o o William Savory 2 o o James Debrular 2 o o James Qare 2 o o Joseph Poison 2 o o WilUam Thomas 2 o o Robert Scott, Jun 2 o o Luke Swift 2 o o Thomas Presbury 2 o o Joseph Presbury pd. Soo Stephen Wauters pd. 7 10 o Nathan Homer pd. 400 Thomas Downs 2 o o William Wilson 2 o o Stephen Whealand 2 o o James Butters 3 o o Joseph Presbury, Jun pd. 200 John Wood 3 o o Jaraes York 2 o o John Howard 2 o o Oliver York 2 o o Thomas Howard 2 o o James White 2 o o Edward York (son John) 2 o o John Presbury 2 o o George Wilson 2 o o James Connar 2 o o Robert Waters pd. 200 Thomas Stockdale 2 o o Edward Connard pd. 300 WiUiam Wakefield pd. 200 John Allender 2 o o Mathew Wakefield pd. 200 Patrick Finnigan 2 o o 346 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. i John Paul pd. 3 John Corkerton 2 John Hodges Taylor 2 Thomas Durbin 2 Edward Norris (son Joseph) pd. 10 Josias Wm. Dallam pd. 10 Henry Johns 2 Griffith Jones 2 John Duzan 2 Isaac ColUns 2 Joseph Lusby pd. 2 James Little 10 Alexander Duzan 2 John Garrettson 5 Amos Cord 3 Daniel Durbin 6 Joshua Jones 2 John Brown 10 James Martain 2 Freeborn Garrettson 4 John Cox pd. 3 John Murphey 2 Joseph Putney pd. 2 Aquila Putney 2 Richard Garretson, Jun 2 John Armstrong pd. 2 John BuU ("Tho Run") pd. 5 Frederick Traly pd. 2 Michael Hamener pd. 2 Bernard Preston, Sen pd. 5 Bernard Preston, Jun pd. 2 Henry Ruff pd. 5 Henry Waters pd. 10 James Lee, Jun pd. 5 Mathew Kane pd. 2 James Thompson pd. 2 Hugh Murphy pd. 2 Bernard Preston (son James) pd. 6 s. d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [O 0 0 0 [O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 347 i S. d. James Wetheral 5 o o Sarauel Forward (6 lb.) pd. 7 10 o John Forward, Jun 2 o o William Forwood pd. 200 Henry Thoraas, Jr pd. 200 Jaraes Wood 210 o Tiraothy Murphy 2 o o Richard Johns 5 o o Nat. Johns pd. 200 Benjarain Fleetwood 2 o o Philip Gover 6 o o Samuel Gallion 2 o o Benjarain Hanson, Jun 5 o o John Porter 2 o o Williara Willlaras 2 o o William Cox, Jun 2 o o Walter Wauters 2 o o Henry Kidd 2 o o William Ensoer 2 10 o Isaac Webster 10 o o Samuel Litten 2 10 o Thoraas Miller 5 o o Aquila Standiford pd. 2 10 o Samuel England 2 o o WilUam Wilson, Jun pd. 500 Josias RatcUff 2 o o Benjamin Howard pd. 200 John Hayes, Jun pd. 600 Benjarain Shedwick 2 o o Thomas Sharp 2 o o WiUiara Sharp 2 o o Job Spencer 5 o o Thomas Sharp, Jun 2 o o Isaiah Jackson pd. 200 Robert England 2 o o Joseph England 2 o o George England 3 10 o Gedian Pervail 3 o o 348 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. i S. d. Joseph Husband 10 o o William Hawkins pd. 200 James Wood (Mason son) 3 o o William Barnes (Eliza) 2 o o Benjamin Herbert, Jun 2 o o Richard Hargrove pd. 200 Thomas West 2 o o John Clark 2 o o Ephraim Arnold 2 o o William Wilson (son Jno.) 3 o o John Mitchell pd. 300 Isaac Omel 2 o o WiUiara Sherwood 2 o o Samuel Lee 10 o o Gilbert Thompson 2 o o William Logue, Jun 2 o o Philip Gilbert 2 o o Michael Denny 2 o o Joshua Jervis 2 o o Robert Hawkins 3 o o John Willes (at I. EUis') 2 o o Thomas Smith (son Pat.) 2 o o James Smith (son Pat.) 2 o o Wm. Stevens (at I. Tomson) 2 o o Henry Hagan (at Stintins) 2 o o James Welch 2 o o Jacob Giles, Jun 10 o o Garret Hopkins pd. 600 William Hopkins, Jun pd. 3 o o Leven Hopkins 2 o o John Morgan 210 o WilUara ElUs 210 o John Peacock pd. 7100 Philip Coal pd. 40c Skipwith Coal, Jun 2 o o Williara Coal (son Wra.) 2 o o Benjamin Wilson pd. 500 Samuel Rodgers pd. 3 o o HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 349 i S. d. Joseph Rodgers pd. 300 James Crawford 2 o o Michael McBrady 2 o o John Hopkins 5 o o Stephen Jay pd. 500 Skipwith Coale, Senr pd. 1000 Thomas Ely, Jun pd. 200 Hugh Ely pd. 300 Joseph Ely 2 o o Melen Ely 2 o o WiUiam Ely 2 o o Joseph Wamer pd. 500 Crosdal Wamer pd. 500 Isaac Massey 2 o o John Worthington pd 7 10 o Cuthbert Wamer 3 o o Easop Warner 2 o o Sarauel Harris, Jun 2 o o Joseph Wiggins 2 o o Jaraes Rigbie, Jun 2 o o Jacob Bolderson pd. 2 10 o Isiah Bolderson pd. 2 10 o WilUara Sraith (son Nat.) 2 o o Jereraiah Heaten 2 o o Joseph Miller pd. 300 William Ashmore 10 o o Joseph Hare pd. 5 o o AbeJ Martain 3 o o Joseph Gallion 2 o o Thomas Hawkins pd. 300 Thomas Chew pd. 500 WiUiam Cole pd. 7 10 o Benjarain Wilson pd. 500 Skipwith Johns 2 10 o Samuel Wilson pd. 5 o o Benjarain Warner pd. 500 Thomas Renshaw pd. 400 Joseph Davis pd. 300 3SO HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. i Philip Tharie 2 Joseph Stokes pd. 3 James Fisher 2 Samuel Coal 5 John Wilson (son Joseph) 5 William Wilson (son do.) 2 WiUiara Ashraore, Jun 2 John Wilson 10 Peter Wilson pd. 2 Michael Webster (son Samuel) 2 James Quinlin, Senr 2 James Charles James 2 Godfrey Waters 3 Thomas Bond (son John) 3 Benjamin Lancaster pd. 2 Jesse Lansaster 2 Thomas Lacey, Jun 2 William Lacey 2 David Lacey 2 Samuel Lacey 2 James Hicks pd. 3 John Wilson ( Joyner) pd. 5 John MUler 2 Stephen Norton pd. 2 David Molsberry pd. 2 William Briggs 5 Samuel Lee 2 William Amos, Jun 3 John Smith 3 Isaac Daws 10 Joseph Parsons 2 Enoch Mitchell 2 David Lee 3 William Jenkins 3 Jonathan Jenkins 2 Robert Smith 3 John Bond (son John) 5 William Bond (do.) 2 s. d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 35 1 John Malsby pd. 200 Capt. Thomas Kell 2 o o WiUiam Bull pd. 500 Enoch Spencer pd. 300 John Meason 3 o o Jaraes Meaharst, Sen 3 o o Jaraes Meaharst, Jun 2 o o Joshua Sraith (son John) pd. 200 John Sraith, Jun pd. 200 Joseph Lancaster , 2 o o Tobias Stansbury 2 o o Benjarain Daws (son Isaac) 2 o o John Anderson 2 o o James Price 3 o o iSi4 IOS. od. A List of the Inhabitants of Harford County, taken in 1776. whites, blacks. Spesutia Lower Hundred 790 650 Spesutia Upper Hundred 767 340 Harford Lower Hundred 415 352 Harford Upper Hundred 54S 194 Susquehanna Hundred 1.300 281 Bush River Lower Hundred 65S 275 Bush River Upper Hundred 623 77 Deer Creek Lower Hundred 460 374 Deer Creek Upper Hundred 960 122 Eden Hundred 1,008 108 Broad Creek Hundred 318 24 Gunpowder Lower Hundred 683 331 Gunpowder Upper Hundred 893 214 9.423 3.342 3.342 12,765 352 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. N. B. — As David McSwain (alias Swiney) has Re turned his List for Broad Creek Hundred, it is esti mated to half the Whites and one-fourth of the Blacks that is in Deer Creek Lower Hundred, by A. G . N. B. — The List of David Sweeney of Broad Creek Hundred could not be obtained during the tirae of the setting of the Committee, when got was no Proved; could not ascertain the time he was taking the List, by agreed to take Twenty Shillings for his trouble which was paid by Amos Garret. The County's Representatives in the House of Dele gates Since 1786. 17S6. Benjarain B. Norris, Jaraes Bond, John Love, Ignatius Wheeler. 1787. Aquila Scott, Benjarain B. Norris, Ignatius Wheeler, John Love. 1788. Aquila Scott, Benjarain B. Norris, Williara Pinkney, John Lee Webster. 1789. Benjamin B. Norris, William Pinkney, John Lee Webster, John Love. 1790. WiUiara Pinkney, James McComas, Robert Amos, John Love. 1791. Edward PraU, .William Wilson, John Love, Williara Pinkney, 1792. Edward Prall, Abraham Jarrett, John Love, Robert Amos. 1793- Jaraes Bond, Edward Prall, John Montgomery, Abraham Jarrett. 1794. Abrahara Jarrett, Jaraes Bond, N. D. McComas, John Montgomery. I79S- J. Bond of Joshua, Abraham Jarrett, John Montgoraery, N. Day McCoraas. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 353 1796. Abrahara Jarrett, Edward Prall, John Montgomery, Jacob Norris. 1797. John Montgoraery, Abrahara Jarrett, N. Day McComas, James Bond. 179S. Abrahara Jarrett, N. Day McComas, John Montgomery, William S. Dallara. 1799. John Streett, N. Day McCoraas, Thoraas Ayres, James Bond. 1805. John Montgomery, John Forwood, Thoraas Ayres, John Streett, 1806. John Streett, John Forwood, John C. Bond, Elijah Davis. 1S07. John Forwood, John Streett, Thoraas Ayres, EUjah Davis. 1808. John Forwood, John Street, John Sanders, EUjah Davis. iSn. John Sanders, John Forwood, John Streett, Henry Hall. 1812. John Sanders, J. Forwood of William, J. Forwood of Jacob, Joshua Bond. 1S13. J. Forwood of William, J. Forwood of Jacob, Francis J. Dallara, Israel D. Maulsby. 1S14. J. Forwood of WiUiara, J. Forwood of Jacob, Francis J. Dallara, Samuel Bradford. 1S16. Chas. S. Sewall, Samuel Bradford, Henry Hall, John Glenn. 1817. Samuel Bradford, Chas. S. SewaU, Jaraes Steel, Jas. G. Davis. 181S. Israel D. Maulsby, Alexander Norris, Jaraes Steel, George Henderson. 1819. Israel D. Maulsby. Alexander Norris, 354 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. Henry Hall, John Forwood. 1820. Israel D. Maulsby, Williara H. Allen, Abel Alderson, Alexander Norris. 1S21. WiUiara H. Allen, John Forwood, Alexander Norris, Williara Whiteford. 1822. Alexander Norris, John Chauncey, WiUiam H. Allen, William Whiteford. 1823. William Whiteford, Chas. S. Sewall, Alexander Norris, James Steel. 1824. Thomas Hope, Alexander Norris, Abrahara Jarrett, James Montgomery. 1825. James Montgomery, James W. WiUiams, Chas. S. Sewall, Henry Hall. 1826. Thomas Hope, Alexander Norris, Samuel Sutton, James Montgomery. 1827. Thomas Hope, James Montgomery, William Sraithson, Samuel Sutton. 1828. Thomas Hope, Henry H. Johns, Samuel Sutton, William Sraithson. 1829. Henry H. Johns, Jaraes Moores, Thoraas Hope, Sarauel Sutton. 1830. Jaraes Montgoraery, Jaraes Moores, Frederick T. Amos, Stephen Watters. 1831. Henry H. Johns, James Moores, Frederick T. Amos, Samuel Sutton. 1S32. Henry H. Johns, Samuel Sutton, Thomas Hope, John Forwood. 1833- Henry A. Johns, Samuel Sutton, James Moores, James Nelson. 1S34. Henry H. Johns, Samuel Sutton, James Moores, James Nelson. 1835- Stephen Boyd, Samuel Sutton, HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 355 Harry D. Gough, James Nelson. 1836. Israel D. Maulsby, James Nelson, Harry D. Gough, Stephen Boyd. 1837- James W. Williams, W. S. Forwood, James Nelson, Israel D. Maulsby. 1838. Thomas Hope, James W. WilUams, Israel D. Maulsby, W. S. Forwood. 1839- Sarauel Sutton, Thoraas Hope, Jaraes W. WiUiaras, John C. Polk. 1S40. Sarauel Sutton, Thomas Hope, C. W. Billingslea, William Whiteford. 1S41. Samuel Sutton, Thoraas Hope, Henry H. Johns, Chas D. Bouldin. 1S42. Francis Butler, Coleraan Yellott, Thos. C. Hopkins, Luther M. Jarrett. 1843- Williara Polk, Coleman Yellott, Thos. C. Hopkins, W. B. Stephenson, 1S44. William Polk, Henry W. Archer, Frederick T. Araos, George Yellott. 1845- W. B. Stephenson, A. J. Streett, Henry H. Johns, Benedict H. Hanson. 1846. W. B. Stephenson, Luther M. Jarrett, Robert W. Holland, Abrahara Cole. 1847- Henry D. Farnandis, Luther M. Jarrett, Hugh C. Whiteford, Abrahara Cole. 1849. Henry D. Farnandis, John Hawkins, Hugh C. Whiteford, Abraham Cole. 1851. Wra. B. Stephenson, Alfred W. Bateraan, Thoraas Hope. 1852. Alfred W. Bateraan, Thomas Hope, W. B. Stephenson. 1853. Alfred W. Bateman, Thomas Hope, W. B. Stephenson. 356 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 1854. Stevenson Archer, Geo. Stephenson, Wra. M. Elliott. 1856. Henry A. Silver, Robert E. Duvall, James H. Jarrett. 1858. Franklin Hanway, Thoraas M. Bacon, John H. Baker. 1S60. Joshua Wilson, Wra. F. Bayless, Richard B. McCoy. 1862. Elisha Lewis, Richard B. McCoy, Marmaduke Dove. 1864. Chas. B. Hitchcock, Thoraas Archer, Richard B. McCoy. 1865. Isaac Cairnes, Henry A. Silver, Thos. C. Hopkins, Joshua Wilson. 1867. Nicholas H. Nelson, S. M. Whiteford, Joshua Wilson, Siraeon Spicer. 1 868. Benjarain Silver, Nicholas H. Nelson, R. R. Vandiver, John S. Brown, 1S70. William M. Ady, William Baldwin, Jos. M. Streett, J. T. C. Hopkins. 1S72. David Riley, William Baldwin, Jos. M. Streett. 1874. Nathan Grafton, Otho S. Lee, David Riley. 1876. P. H. Rutledge, Andrew Boyle, Murray Vandiver. 187S. Silas Scarboro, WilUiam G. Scott, Murray Vandiver. 1880. WilUiam G. Scott, Jaraes B. Preston, Murray Vandiver. 1882. Silas Scarboro, James B. Preston, William B. Baker, David Wiley. 1884. Jacob H. Plowman, Benj. Silver, Jr., J. Martin McNabb, R. Harris Archer. 1886. Jacob H. Plowman, Benj. Silver, Jr., J. Martin McNabb, R. Harris Archer. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 357 Noble L. Mitchell, Walter W. Preston, Henry W. Archer, Jr., Wra. S. Bowraan. 1890. Noble L. Mitchell, Walter W. Preston, Wra. B. Hopkins, Geo. W. Richardson. 1892. Samuel S. Bevard, Murray Vandiver, Dr. Thos. B. Hayward, John O. Stearns. 1S94. Samuel S. Bevard, Dr. Thomas B. Hayward, John O. Stearns, Harold Scarboro. 1896. T. L. Hanway, John L. G. Lee, Wm. M. Whiteford, Robert Seneca. 1898. T. L. Hanway, Herraan W. Hanson, Wm. M. Whiteford, Robert Seneca. 1900. Noble L. Mitchell, WilUiam B. Hopkins, Howard Proctor, James W. Foster. Sheriffs of Harford County. 1774, Thomas Miller. 1827, 177S, John Taylor. 1828, 1780, James Horner. 1831, 1785, Robert Amos. 1834, 1791, William Osborn. 1838, 1793, Benj. Preston, 1839, 1794, Thomas Gibson, 1840, 1795, Robt. Amos. 1842, 1800, Robert Araos, Jr. 1846, 1802, John C. Bond. 1848, 1804. John Guyton. 1851, 1807. Benjamin G. Jones. 1853, 1809, John Kean. 1855. 1812, Benjamin Guyton. 1857, 1816, Jason Moore. 1859, 1819, Joshua Guyton. 1861, 1822, Samuel Bradford. 1863, 1825, Henry H. Johns. 1865, John Carsins. John Kean. Joshua Guyton. Preston McComas. John Carsons. John W. Walker. James Kean. Henry Richardson, Wm. G. Burke. Robert McGaw. Robert H. Bussey. John S. Dallam. James A. Gover. Michael Whiteford. Joseph E. Bateman. Chas. D. Bouldin. Isaac Amos. Wm. Carsins. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 358 1867, Wm. Young. 1S69, Robt. E. Morgan. 1S71, W. Smithson For wood. 1873, Wm. B. Jarrett. 1S75, G. Wm. Hanway. 1877, Henry C. Johnson. 1879; Wakeman H. Mor- 1893, gan. 1895, 1881, Wm. E. Whiteford. 1897, 1S83, Geo. F. Walker. 1899, 1885,1886, 1887, 1889, 1891, Robt. R. Carman. Thos. B. Jarret (by appointment o f Governor. W. Oliver Hughes. Chas. A. McGaw. Jas. S. Calder. W. Oliver Hughes. Arabrose Cooley. Wra. J. Forsythe. Andrew Kinhart. State's Attorneys. 1774, George Chalmers. 1793, John Montgomery. 1797, D. David. 1799, Thos. Kell. 1805, J. Ward. 1809, Stevenson Archer. 1810, John Saunders. 181 1, John Montgomery. 1S16, John Montgomery. 1S23, Thos KeU. 1829, Wm. B. Bond. 1848, Wm. Galloway. 1 85 1, Wm. H. Dallam. 1855, Wra. H. DaUara. 1859, Wm. H. Dallara. 1862, G. Y. Maynadier, (acting.) 1S67, P. H. Rutledge. 1871, J. T. C. Hopkins. 1879, G. Y. Maynadier. 1887, J. E. Webster. 1 89 1, Walter W. Preston. 1900, Jaraes W. McNabb. Harford Representatives in Congress. WiUiara Pinkney, 179 1-3. Gabriel Christie, 1793-7. Gabriel Christie, 1 799-1 801. Dr. John Archer, 1801-1S07. Judge Stevenson Archer, 1811-1817. Judge Stevenson Archer, 1 819-21. Charles S. Sewall, 1831-3. James W. WilUiams, 1841-3. Dr. Jacob A. Preston, 1843-5. Edwin H. Webster, 1859-1S65. HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. 359 Stevenson Archer, 1867-1875. Herman Stump, 1889-1893. Williara B. Baker, 1895-1901. Registers of Wills. J. Beale Howard, deputy register, designated 1774. John Geo. Bradford, 1780. Abrahara Jarret, 1799. Sarauel Richardson, 181 3. Thos. S. Bond, iSiS. Charlton W. BiUingslea, 1845. Benedict H. Hanson, 1857. Joseph R. Ely, 1867. Wm. S. Richardson, 1873. Dr. J. M. Magraw, 1885. Edwin H. Webster of J., 1SS9. G. Sraith Norris, 1889. Clerks of Circuit Court. 1774, Alexander Lawson. 1777, John Lee Gibson. 1 80 1, Henry Dorsey. 1845, Henry D. Gough, 1 85 1, A. Lingan Jarret. 185S, William Galloway, 1863, Williara H. Dallam. 1867, A. Lingan Jarret. 1891, WiUiam S. Forwood, Jr. Constitutional Conventions. The first Constitutional Convention of the State of Maryland met at Annapolis in 1776, and was presided over by Matthew Tilghman. The delegates from Harford county were : Jacob Bond, Henry Wilson, Jr., John Love, John Archer. 360 HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY. The Maryland Convention of 1788, which ratified the Constitution of the United States, met at Annapolis, with George Plater as president. The members from Harford county in this convention were: Luther Martin, WilUiam Paca, William Pinkney, John Love. The second Constitutional Convention of the State was held in 1851, over which John G. Chapman, of Charles county, presided. The Harford delegates in this convention were : John Sappington, WilUara B. Stephenson, Ramsay McHenry, Samuel M. McGaw, James Nelson. The third Constitutional Convention of the State met at Annapolis in 1864, with H. H. Goldsborough, president. The Harford members were : John A. Hopper, WiUiam Galloway, George M. McComas, Thomas Russell. The last Constitutional Convention which met in the State and formed the present State Constitution, assembled at Annapolis in 1S67, with Richard B. Car- fnichael as president. The representative from Har ford county in this convention were: Henry D. Farnandis, Henry W. Archer, John Evans, Evans S. Rogers, Henry A. Silver. INDEX Abingdon 198, 204 Alexander, Mathew no Alexander, Robt 63 Allen, Edw. M 142 Allen, Jas 126 Allen, Rev. John 154, 156 Allender, John 125 Allender, Wm 83 Allison, James 107 Amos, Aquila 137 Amos, Ensign Aquila 128 Amos, Benj 190 Amos, Benj. L 79, 247 Amos, Fred. T 247 Amos, Garret 196 Amos, Jas , 267 Amos, James 78 Amos, Joshua M 247 Amoss, Joseph 122 Amos, Robt 76, 86, 269 Amos, Wm 247 Amos, Wm., Sr 75 Amos, Wm. of Thos 247 Anderson, Chas 291, 102, 108 Anderson, James 182 Andrews, Jerediah 166 An Old Marriage Certificate, 1769 272, Archer, Henry W 219 Archer, John 76, 96, 102, 106, 200, 209, 222, 292 Archer, Judge Stevenson 82, 202 Archer, R. Harris 161, 182 Archer, Dr. Robt 182, 245, 246 Archer, Thomas 181, 182 Armstrong, Jas 77 Asbury, Bishop 208 Ashman, John 86 Ashmead, Samuel 288 Ashmore, John 90 Ash, Josh 246 Ashton, Jas 75 Ashton, John 272 Baker, Charles 74. "9 Baker, Nathan 83 Barnes, Bennet 255 Baldwin, Williara 120 Baldwin, Jacob 19S Barclay, John 78 Baltimore Town 179 Bartol, Barney 252 Barren, Nath. M 160 Bay, John 272 Bailey, Samuel 267 Baldwin, Silas 228 Barnes, William 114 Bay, Andrew 180 Barley, Samuel 266 Bald Friar 166 Bayless, John B 247 Baylis, Samuel 122 Baley, Nathaniel 80 Barnet, James 80 Baptist Church, Harford 188 Barton, William 120 Baldwin, Isaiah 195 Bayles, Nathan 108 Bayless, Samuel 182 Bales, Benj 108, 181 Bales, Jeremiah ¦ 180 Bay, Hugh 75, 175 Baltimore, Old 40, 47 Bevard, Jas 122 Bennington, Job 126 Bethel 166 Bedell, Edward 43 Bel Air Academy 276 Bel Air 67 Biays, James, Col 219 Billingslea, B. M 246 Billingsley, Fras 152 Billingslea, Wm 271 Bisset, David 36 Billopp, Rev. Thos. F 115 Billingslea, Walter 115 Billingsley, Fras 76, 77, 152 Bishop, Robert 75 Blaney, James 123 Blearneys, Thomas 79 Bond, Jacob 75, 93, 116, 199, 201, 206, 284 Bond, Zaccheus 0 89, 223, 271 Bond, Wm 96 Bond, Peter 206 Bond, Ralph 87 Bond, John 208 Bond, Thomas. 61, 79,85, 87, 89,93,95,96,99,127,199,206, 222 Boise, Roger 159 Bond, Daniel 88 Bond, John Churchman 89 Bond, John 33, 88, 206 Bond, Dennis 77, 86, 209, 271 Bosley, Ivin 77 Bond, Samuel 84 Bond, Buckler 38, 88, 206 Bonar, Robert 74 Bond, Wm 77 Bond, James 125 Boston 94 Bonds, Manor 206 Bond, Joshua 206 Bohemia 161 Bond, Fell 87 Boyce, Barney 252 Boarman, Rev. Sylvester 163 Bond, Dr. Thos. E 31 Bond, Judge Hugh L 206 Bond, James of William 83 Brownley, Jos 76 Brackenridge, John 127 Bradford, Gov. A. W 199, 216 Brown, Samuel 225 Brown, Garrett 247 Bronwley, Jos 89 Bradford, Geo 216, 296 Brownley, Jos 76 Bradford Wm... 37, 8o,v 102, 106, 119, 129, 136, 214, 215, 265 Bradford, John 215 Brerewood, Thomas 275 Bradford, Samuel 90, 215, 265 Bradford 65, 96 Brown, Joshua 125 Brand, Rev. W. F 155 Bryarly, Robt 152 Brice, Thos 102 Brown, Freeborn 66, 105, 278 Bull, Wm 75 Bush Declaration 201, 290 Bush River Co 33 Bull, Billingslea 87, 271 Bull, Edmund 74, 116 Buchanan, Archibald 158 Butler, Clem. Capt 227 Bussey, Bennet 87, 89, 126, 127, 137, 267, 268 Bush or Willoughby River 21 Bull, Jacob 116, 117, 293 Bussy, Edward 116 Bush 67 Buchanan, Robert 63 Butler, Jos 96 Butler, Thomas 72 Bynum's Run 29 Calwell, Samuel 81, 102, 113, 229, 266 Carver, Henry 261 Carter, Dr. John P 175 Carlisle, John 71, 90, 106, 159 Carter, Daniel 118 Catholic Church 160 Cain, Matthew 272 Carlon, James 175, 271 Callahan, Edmund 121 Carlisle, Rev. Hugh 156 Carroll, James 78, 80, 90, 119 Calwell, James 229 Cecil County Organization 14 Churchville Presbyterian Church 176 •Chase, Jeremiah Townly 63 ¦Chesney, Benj. Bergess 66 Chalmers, George 63 'Chalmers, Thos 63 ¦Churchville 67, 200 ¦Childs, James 154 Chancy, John 89, 108, 222 Christie, Gabriel 69, 71, 106, 251, 255 -Clendenin, James 174 Clendenin, John 27, 72, 89 Clayborne, William 23, 249 Clark, John 158, 171 Clark, John 263 Cord, Asbery 65 Courtney, Hanson 247 Cowan, Alex 96, no, 263, 267 Coale, William 269 Colfield, Thomas 252 Cooley, John 76, 87, 269 Courthouses, Old 39, 40, &c. ¦Cokesbury 183 iv Cook, John 145 Coale, William 77 Coke, Dr. Thomas 184 Coleman, H. E 246 Courtney, Thomas 258, 261 Cowan, John 157 Coale, William 123, 258 Coleman, Rev. John 212 Cross, Rev. Andrew B 175 Cranberry 156 Crawford, A 131 Cross Roads 67 Crampton, Rev. S. W 15S, 157 Creaton, Patrick 75 Creswell, Robert 122 Craig, Rev. John 176 Curtis, Francis 63 Cunningham, George 89 Curtis, Francis 83 Curzon, Richard 66, 74, 75 Dallam, John Winston 262 Dallam, Elizabeth 217, 231 Davis, Elijah 276 Davis, Rev. Reuben H 180, 276 Day, Samuel 64, 80, 83 Dallam, Winstone 122, 267 Dallam, Josias William 271 Dallam, Richard... .93, 95, 97, 55, 102, 152, 159, 124, 184, 271, 199, 222, 281 Davidson, David 86 Davis, Elder John 189 Dairy Farm 30, 205 Dallam, John Paca 157 Dallam, William H 82, 158 Deaver, Aquila 141 Denbow, John 190 Denbow, Thos 84 Deaver, John 156 Deer Creek 18 DeWet, Dr 296 DeBrular, William 66 Dennison, Gibson 71 Deaver, Richard 118 Dillon, George 75 Diderick, Rev. Bernard 163 Dorsey, Jonathan 253 Downes, William 74, 123, 267 Dorsey, Stephen 125 Dozens, Jacob 126 Doughbridge, William 79 Dorsey, Levin 127 Dougherty, Michael 130 Donovon, Jacob 81 Dorsey, Col. Harry 86, 90, 220, 271, 276 Doran, Philip 247 Dorsey, Greenbery 7., , 78, 102, 114, 154, 159 Dove, W. G 247 Donohuy, John 102, 291 Donahoo, Daniel 87 Durben, Francis 74 Duly, William 86 Durham, Thomas 190 Durham, Samuel 65, 75, 77, 7g, 1x7 Duebery, Joseph 124 Dublin 195 Durham, John 66, 102, 263 Dutton, John 252 Durham, Joshua ; 74 Eden, Rev. Joseph 164 Edmundson, Rev. Wm 154, 156 Edy, Solomon 247 Ely, Hugh 195 Evans, Elijah 129 Evans, D. D., Rev Evan 146, 156 Ewing, Col. Thomas 125 Fallston 195 Fannigan, Mrs 78 Farmer, Gregory.^ 158 Farmer, John 154 Farnandis, Hon. Henry D 220 Fell, Edward 208 Fell, William 124 Finney, Judge Walter 180 Finney, Rev. Wm 168, 179, 180 Fisher, Wm 64, 102, 121, 159, 224, 262, 263, 267 Formation, Harford County 54 Ford, Capt. Joseph 272 Ford, John 271 Forwood, Jacob 78, 108, 263 Forwood, John 89, 222, 276 Forwood, Wm '. . . 247 Fowler, Rev. Francis 165 Frederick, Lord Baltimore 53 Frederick, Rev. T. A 165 Friends in Harford 193 Frisby, Peregrine 105, 158 Fulford, Wm 159 Fulton, James 182 Fulton, John 77, 80 Fussel, Bartholomew i97 Gallion, Jas 181 Gallion, John 158 Gallen, Rev. Jos. A 165 Garrett, Amos SS, 61, 96, 159, 278 Garrison, Philip 84, 190 Garrettson, Garrett lOS Garrett, Abraham 159 Garrettson, George 65, 80 Garret, Bennet 158 Garrettson, John 158 Gast, Thomas 80, 83 Gilbert, Michael 79, 84, 105, 108, 126, 168, 181 Gilbert, Jonas 121 Gibson, John Lee 71, 75, 89, 90, 269 Gibson, Miles 43 Gilbert, Jarvis 158 Gillette, Dr 245 Giles, Nathaniel 153 Giles, James 66, 76, no Giles, Jacob 32, 33, 34, 159 Giles, Thomas 106 Glascow, James, M. D 180, 182 Glenn, Robert 80 Glenn, Wm 171 Godsgrace, Wm no Gordon, Nathaniel 81 Goldsborough, Rev. Robt. Lloyd. 155 Gouldsmith, Martha 203 Gough, Harry 89 Gover, Gideon 122 Gover, Robert 271 Grafton, Nathaniel 269 Grafton, Rev. Wm 189 Greme, Angus 142 Green, John 79 Green, Joshua 258, 271 Griffith, Samuel 108, 159, 222 Guiton, Elizabeth 191 Guyton, John 80, 221, 271 Gunpowder 41, 44 Hall, Andrew 157 Hall, Aquila. 55, 30, 61, 63, 64, 75, 83, 85, 94, 95, 99, 108, 158, 159, 205, 221, 223, 256, 279 Hall, Benedict Edward 55, 61, 81, 89, 93, 96, 105, 124, 159, 250, 269 Hall, Edward 65, 154, 199, 250 Hall, Maj. Henry 159 VU Hall, Dr. Jacob 37, 187 Hall, James White 159, 223 Hall, John. . 30, 36, 43, 55, 71, 88, 89, 156, 158, 202, 205, 221 Hall, John B 126, 127 Hall, John C. C 159 Hall, Jos. Carvel 79, 102, 105, 129, 137, 159, 222, 250 Hall, John Sidney 157 Hall, Thos IOS Hall, Parker 158 Hall, Walter T. L 159 Hall, Wm 65, 106, 124, 157, 159 Hammond, Larkin 106 Handy, Rev. Wm 154, 156 Hanna, James 77 Hanna, Alex 108, 182 Harford, Henry 53 Harford Furnace 98, 149 Harford Town 67, 268 Hargrove, Rev. John 187 Harlan, Henry 82 Harris, Robert 84, 123, 130, 134, 267 Harris, James 102 Harris, Thos 201, 264 Harrod, Thos 127 Harry, David 79, 80 Hawthorn, John 74 Haslet, Dr. Moses 297 Hathway, John 43 Hartley, Jas 75 Hawkins, Richard 89 Hawkins, John 181 Hawkins, Matthew 276 Havre de Grace 67, 241, 244, 249, 269 Hays, Joseph 84 Hays, Archer 32, 87, 107, 271, 272 Hays, John 181 Heath, Thos 44 Henderson, Phil 32, 106 Henderson, Geo 159 Henry, John 171 Herbert, John 247 Hickory gg Hill, Stephen 74, 77 Higbee, Rev. Edw. Y 155 Hitchcock, Azail 75, 87, 128, 137, 267 Homestead, The 31 Halbrook, Rev. John 156 Holland, Francis 86, 102, 106, 124, 154, 159, 284 Holland, Wm 38 Vlll Hollingsworth, T 83, 86 Hollis, Amos 66 Hollis, Wm 106, 182 Hoopes, Darlington ig7 Hope, Richard 86 Hope, Thomas 80, 89, 170, 269, 276 Hopkins, John 223 Horner, Hollis 77 Horner, James 64, 263 Horner, Nathan 65 Howard, John Beale 61, 75, no, 267, 283 Howard, Lemuel 78 Howell, Samuel 158 Huden, John 118 Hughes, John Hall 75 Hughes, Samuel 71, 81, go, isg, 250, 251, 256 Humphreys, Rev. John 156 Husbands, Wm 159, 217 Hutchins, Richard 87, 120 Hutchinson, Thos 113, 266 Ireland, Rev. John 154 Jacobs, F. H 32 Jackson, Rev. Wm 155, 157 James, St. Clair 267 Jameson, John 73 James Sedwick 84, 122 Jarrett, Jesse 71 Jarrett, A. Lingan 82, 217 Jarrett, Bennet 90 Jarret, Abraham 217 Jay, Samuel 253, 254 Jay, John 157 Jenkins & McAtee 225 Jewett, John 196 Jewett, Susanna 196 Jenkins, Samuel 64 Jeffreys, Hugh 64, 77 Jennings, Sarah igg Jesuits 161 Jewett, Hugh J ig6 Jewett, Thad 106 Jeffery, Thomas 84, 86 Jeffrey, Robt 75 Johns, Richard 37 Jones, Benjamin 87 Jones, Reuben. . . . .' 142 Jones, Wm (£, 118 Johnson, Barnet 87, 89 Johnson, M 247 Johnson, Joseph 158 Johnson, Thos 66, 71, 75, 77, 102, 116, 247 Johnson, Edw 127 Johnson, James 71, 85 Jolly, John IS9, 267, 276 Joppa 41, 44 Johnson, Caleb 180 Kean, John 74, 262 Keen, Aquila D IS7 Keen, Pollard 158 Keen, Richard 152 Kenly, Daniel 181 Kennard, Isaac 272 Kennedy, Robert 118 Kell, Thos 232 Kerr, James 247 Key, Job iiS Kieffer, W. T. L 180 Kimble, Zack 247 Kindlemeyer, John 252 Kirk, John ; 182 Kirkpatrick, Hugh ng Kitely, Wm 66 Knight, Thos 160 Lafayette 138, 24g Lancaster Forge 264 Landon, Robt. B 77 l.ambourne, Daniel 38 Lawson, Alex 46, 61 99 Leakin, James 118 Lee, David 79 Lee, James 107, 152, 223, 271 Lee, Parker H 89, 271 Lendrum, Rev. Andrew 156 Lemmon, Robt 102, 292 Lewis, Jas 66, 77, 266, 267 Lighter, G. W 246 Lynton, John 246 Lindsey, Andrew 80 Little Falls. 31, 195 Litton, Samuel 77 Loney, John 126, 158 Loney, Wm 106, 154, 269 Long, John 62 Love, John. . 75, 93, 95, 115, 152, 198, igg, 201, 209, 222, 260 Luckey, Geo 175 Luckey, Wm 80 Lusson, Rev. Chas. Leander 164 Lynch, Daniel ng Lytle, James 66, 87, 89, 2gi Mathews, James 65, 74 Matthews, Levin 65, 83 Maple, Abel 89 Mather, Michael 77 Maxwell, David 152 Magness, Wm 271 Maynadier, Henry G 214 Mathews, Roger 106, 158 Mathews, Barnett 278 Massawomeks 18,19,20, 22 Mathews, John SS, g6, 106 Magness, B 247 Maulsby, Israel D 245, 248 Magraw, Dr. James M 143 Magness, Moses go, 271 Mahoney, Rev. Cornelius 164 Maxwell, Col. James 45 Maxwell, Wm 246 Masonic Order and Union Ch 83 Martin Luther 75, ig8 Matthews, Rev. Ignatius 163 Marsh, Dr. Freeman 186 Makennie, Rev. Francis 166 Meyers, Benj 175 Meath, Rev. M 186 Miscellaneous 262 Michael, Wm 0 37 Miles, Joshua 126, 128, 137, 267 Michael, Chas. W 40 Miller, Thomas 62 Michael, Jacob 247 Mitchel, Richard 159 Miles, Joshua 268 Mitchell, Thos 79 Morris, Jos 64 More, William 121 Morgan, Wm 102, 223, 224, 291 Moores, John 84, 89, 276 Morris, John 119 Morris, Mary 205 More, Benj. P 196 Morgan, Robert 102, 106, 124, 224 Moulton, T. W 157 Morgan, Edward 123 Montgomery, John 78, 83, 266, 267 Morrison, Geo., Sr 175 Moore, James 77, 80 McCoy, David G 196 McAdow, John i8i McGaw, John ii8 McComas, Edward ng McComas, Alex 38, 89 McCandley, Wm 75 McComas, Aaron 38 McComas, Daniel 38 McComas, Wm 37, 78, 80, 262, 267 McComas, M. G 246 McCausland, Geo 246 McCann, John 107 McComas, John 38, 74, 75, 78 McComas, Aquila 38 McAtee, Hy 89 McDermot, Archibald 173 McComas, J. L 32 McClung, Adam 172 McCormick, James 82 McPhail, Daniel no McComas, James 85, 102, 116, 209, 266, 267, 2g6 McCloskey, Patrick 186 McConnel, Samuel 197 McCaskey, Wm 253 Murphy, Abel 252 My Lady's Manor 160, 274 Nanticoke Indians 42 Neale, Archibald Leonard 161 Neale, Capt. James 161 Newman, Esther 205 Nelson, Jos 175 Nevill, John 247 Neill, Henry 106 Neale, Rev. Bennet Nelson 272 Nelson, Bennet 160 Nelson, Wm 172 Nicholson, Jos. Hopper 271 Nielson & Nielson 157 Nowland, Benj 246 Norris, John 89, 210 Norris, Benj. Bradford 102, 210 Norris, Jacob 83, 8g, 211 Norris, G. S 31 O'Brien, James 258 Onion, Stephen 264 Orr, John 124 O'Neill, John 242, 244 O'Connor, Rev. P. T 165 Old Churches 144 Onion, Corbin 83 Orr, James 173 Osborn, Cyrus 114 Osborne, James 41, 75, 158 Osborne, Samuel Groome 75, 76, 267 Osborn, WiUiam 41, 43, 83 Osborne, Margaret 43 Otter Point 67 Patterson, James 246 Patterson, WiUiam 59, 160 Patterson, John 105, 79 Patterson, Samuel 172 Paca, William 94, 198, 184 Partridge, Anne 208 Patrick, John 265, 267, 122 Patterson, George 89, 74, 102, 108, 159, 291 Paca, John 55, 96, 102, 158, 199, 286 Pasquet, Rev. William 164 Palmer's Island 249, 23 Patterson, Fred E 157 Patterson, Wm. Alfred 157 Paca, Martha 34 Palmer, Edward 23 Paca, Aquila 44, 75, 102, 126, 154, 215, 222, 291, 99 Pannel, James 180, 182 Paca, James 106, 124 Perkins, Rachel 217 Ferryman, Samuel 153 Pensions 262 Ferryman, Isaac 159, 271 Ferryman, George H 159 Philipps, James 36, 75, 146, 156, 158 Philips, Martha 42 Philips, Philip 41 Polk, William C 160 Porter, Rev. John 153, 156 Pool's Island 14 Preston, Richard of Patuxent 209 Prigg, Carvil H 245 Preston, James 34, 115, 158, 209 Preston, Thomas 209 Pinkney, William 83, 85, 86, ig8 Presbury, George 8g, 106, 271 Preston, Grafton IIS Pritchard, Obadiah 108, 167 Preston, Barnett 65 Presbury, Pycraft 220 Preston, Dr. Jacob A 157, isg, 160 Preston, Martin 163, 209, 266, 267 Preston, William 127 Preston, Bernard 31, 78, 84, 87, 8g, 209^ Presbury, Joseph 7g Pringle, Mark 255, 71 Principio Iron Works 264. Presbury, James 215 Price, John H 217 Pritchard, Jesse 115 Prigg, Edward 224, 271 Preston, Daniel 75, Pritchard, Daniel 65 PraU, Edward 85, 102, 107, 269 Priestford 31, 160 Priest Neale's Mass House 161 Purviance, Samuel 293 Push, Mingo 166 Pugh, Hugh 116 Ralston, W. W 180 Rawlings, Col. Moses 135, 136 Raine, Samuel 71 Rampley, James 247 Revolutionary Committees 278 Reese, George 197 Reardon, John 221 Reed, Hugh 173. Reynolds, Rev. J 155 Renshaw, James 83, 123, 268, 267 Richardson, Samuel 89, go Richardson, Charles 173 Rigdon, Stephen S& Rigdon, James 116 Ritchie, Judge Albert 40 Ridgely, Henry 269 Richardson, Vincent iia Rigdon, Alex 71, 77, 102, 118, 154, 159, 262^ Ridgely, Charles 221 Richardson, Benjamin 269- Richardson, Henry 71, 87 Richardson, WiUiam 79, 246 Richardson, Thomas L 30, 42, 90 247 Rigby, Col. James 140 Rigbie, Nathan 195 Richardson, J. L 40 Robinson, Thos 77, xgx Robinson, Richard 75, 77, So- Robinson, Joseph 221 Robinson, Stephen 74 Rogers, John 74, 81, no Rogers, Alex 251 Rose, Joseph 119' Xlv Roberts, Billingsley 64 Robinson, Edward 74 Ruff, Daniel 78 Rutledge, Jacob 271 Rutledge, Joshua 225, 276 Rumsey, John 81, 96, 106, 154 Rutledge, Ignatius 225 Rules of Harford Committee 281 Rutledge, Thomas 120 Rumsey, Alex 174 Rutledge, John W 75, 225, 87, 79 Ruff, Henry 117, 181, 249 Ruff, Richard 32, 66, 74, 105 Rutledge, Abraham. 32 Rumsey, Benjamin 63, 80, no Saunders, Edward 247 Saunders, William 126 Scott, James iiS Scott, Benjamin 74, 130 Scott, Otho 228 Scott, Elizabeth 207 Scott's Gazetteer 268 Scarborough, Enclidus 121 Scott, Benjamin 74, 130 Scott, Aquila 67, 75, 77, 116 Scott, Daniel 34, 57, 67, 88, 90, 228, 271, 290, 291, 102 Scott's Old Fields, Bel Air 77 Scott, Elder Eli 189 Sedgwick, James 78 SewaU, Father 163 Shea, Thomas 161 Short, John 246 Shepherd, Moses 196 Shaw, Araminta 74 Shandy HaU 32 Sheredine, Daniel. 80 Sheredine, Jeremiah 61,96, 99, 159, 222 Silver, David 246 Silver, William 108 Silver, Benjamin 77, 108, 180, 124 Smithson, Thomas 65 Smithson, John 247 Smith, Andrew 246 Smith, John 125 Smith, Dr. John 89 Smith, Rev. Charles 147 Smith, Samuel 107 Smith, Robert 83 Smith, Thos. S. C I75 Smith, Samuel 83. Smith, Thomas 74. Smith's Falls 21 Smith, Capt. John 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Smith, John I74_ Smith, Paca 256, 276 Smith, William 69, 78, 96, 102, isg, 248, 276 Smith, Alex. Lawson 106, 136, I2g Smith, Winston 158, 271 Sraith, Col. William 244, 246, 250, 251 Smithson, Nathaniel 271 Smith, Rev. Charles 156. Smith, Rev. Roger 164. Smithson, WiUiam 31, 75, 77, 85, 87, 89, 90, 102, 219, 220, 221, 26g, 2g3 Smith, Basil 73 Smithson, Thomas 75 Smithson, Daniel 78 Spinks, Enoch 38 Spesutia Island 26. Spesutia Church 144, 153, ig3, 205 Stewart James 115 Stevenson, John IS7 Stokes, Robert 106 Stephens, Rev. Daniel 154- Streett, Rev. Nicholas 226 Stansbury, Tobias 208 Stump, Henry 217 Stenhouse, Dr. Alexander 147^ StuU, W. C 175 St. John's Parish 44- Stokes, Geo 36 Stephens, Rev. Daniel 156 Streett, Thoraas 226, 227 Stiles, James 73, 76 Steel, James 8g, 266, 267- Streett, Col. John 84, 86, 89, 226, 227, 239, 276 Stevenson, Dr. John 2gr Streett, David 276 Stump, Henry 7g' Stump, Herman 217' Stokes, Wm. P iS9 Stokes, Wm. B 256. Stokes, John 158 Stump, John 34, 71, 8g, 216, 218, 217, 264 Stump, Frederick 217 Steel, Joseph 124 Stansbury, Dixon 190 > St. Ignatius Church 163^ XVI Sutton, Samuel i6o Susquehannocks i8, ig, 20 Sutton, Thomas 124 Susquehanna 249 Sweaney, Matthew 116 Taylor, Robert 83 Tate, Andrew 78 Taylor, Thomas 74,, 272 Taylor, Charles 75) 79 Taylor, James 64 Taylor, John 102, 113, 291 Tannehill, Adamson 129 Talbott, James 115 Tait, Charles 187 Tent, Field 178 Thorn, Elder Francis 189 Thompson, Thomas A Thompson, Daniel 71 Thomas, James 266, 267 Thurston, Thomas 29 Toy, Joseph 78 Tolley, E. Carvil 74, 105 Tolly, John 266 Tollenger, George 107 Tolley, Walter 221 Tolley, Thomas 44 Trapnell, James 80 Trundle, Robert 74, 279 Tredway, John 71 Trapp Church I53 Turner, Thomas I74 Turner, Andrew 83 Turner, Wm. F IS7, 160 Turner, John 247 Tyson, Nathan 196 Underbill, Thos 70 Upper Node Forest 166 Utie, Col. Nathaniel 24 Utie, John 24 Vandiver, Robt. R I57 Varney, James •. . . . IS7 Vance, John 172 Vansickle, Hy 75, 90 War of 1812 234 Watkins, John 190 Ware, John nS Warner, Jos I9S Waters, Charles 84 Wareham, John I57 xvn Warfield, Henry 75 Walker, James 8& Ward, Joshua 246 Wallace, Samuel 156 Watters, Henry 65 Wann, John 246 Ward, Edward 102, 154 Ward, Richard 122, 266, 267 Watson's Island 23 Watters, Godfrey 84, 271 Walker, Geo 271 Ward, Ben 261 Wetherall, William G 230 Wesley, John 186 WeUs, Wm. 74 Webster, Isaac 33, g6, 152, 230 Webster, M 153 Webb, Wm. . . 61, g6, g7, gg, 102, 121, 222, 224, 265, 267, 282 WeUs, Richard 25 Weston, John 71 West, Jonathan 116 West, Nathaniel 72, 73, 115 Wetherall, James 83, 276 Weyman, Rev. Robt 156 Welch, T 246 Wells, Col. George 43 Webb, John, Jr 121 West, Geo 171 Webster, Richard 230 Webb, Samuel 265, 267 Webster, Capt. John A 234, 237 Webster, Sam'l go, 230, 271 Wetherel, Henry 66, 2g5 Webster, J. Lee 33, 106, 152 Webster, James 105 West, Rev. WiUiam gS, 150, 154 Webster, John 37, 231 Whitaker, Wm. P. C 251 White, Plains 137 Whitefield, Rev 177 Wheeler, Frank , 225 Wheeler, Bennett 106 Whiteford, Dr. Hugh 8g, 121, 276 White, Bishop Wm 205 Wheeler, Ignatius 32, 75, 85, g7, 121, 224, 265, 267, 283 Whitaker, Abraham g6, 102, 284 Whitaker, Platt 259 Whitaker, John 124 Wheeler, Thomas 124 xviii Whiteford, Wm 72, 77 Whitaker, James 116 Wheeler, Josias 116 White, Col. Thomas 33, 149, 158, 223, 264, 276 White, Sophia 203 WiUiams, James W 218 Wilson, William 87, 189 Wilgus, Jas 123 Wilson, John 173 Winter's Run 41 Wilmott, Richard 37, I59 Wilson, John 71, 281 Wilson, James 71 Wilson, Wm 31, 7i, 263, 276 Winder, Wm. H 237 Wilmer, Lambert 267 Wilson, Henry 75, 201, 209, 217, 263 Wilson, James 266, 267 Williams, Barrick 258 Wilmer, Rev. James 156, 154 Wilkinson, Rev. Stephen 148, 156 WiUiams, R. H 180 Wilson, Archibald 122 Wood, John 114 Wood, James 260 Worthington, John 152, 273 Worthington, Chas 122 Wysong, J. B 31 Yellott, John 89, 214 Yellott, George 214 Young, William 96, 124, 105 **U UNIIERSIT\ LIBH^in 3 9002 03042 7182