YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 1935 GENEBAL INDEX TO THE PROCEEDINGS or THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. [FIEST SEBIES.] Vols. I.-XXIL, 1865-1878. COMPILED BY ORDEK OP THE COUNCIL. LONDON: THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, KENSINGTON GORE, S.W. 7. EDWARD STANFORD, LTD., 12, LONG ACRE, V.G. 2. 1920. Price to Non-Fellows, 10s. 6d. net : to Fellows, 6s. Cd. net. GENERAL INDEX TO THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. [FIRST SERIES.] GENERAL INDEX TO THE PROCEEDINGS OP THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. pETRST SEEIES.J Vols. I.-XXIL, 1855-1878. COMPILED BY ORDER OF THE COUNCIL. LONDON : THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, KENSINGTON GORE, S.W. 7 EDWARD STANFORD, LTD., 12, LONG ACRE, W.C. 2 1920. CONTENTS. PAGE Index to the Papers in the Proceedings ... ... ••• v Index to the Maps in the Proceedings ... ... xxvi Index to Diagrams ... ... ••• ¦•• xxvii General Index ... ... ¦•• ¦•• •¦• 1 NOTE. This Index, compiled by Miss M. H. James, completes the series of General Indices to the serial publications of the Society down to 1902. The first series of Proceedings, here dealt with, was published concurrently with the original Journal of the Society, and as this last was provided from time to time with ten-yearly indices, and much of the material in the two series was the same, a General Index to the Proceedings was perhaps deemed unnecessary. Hitherto therefore references to many subjects of interest both in the discussions fol lowing the papers and other matter not included in the Journal have been wanting for a period of great importance to the history of exploration in Africa, Australia, and the Arctic Regions. They are now for the first time made easily available in the present Index. INDEX TO THE PAPERS IN THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY (1855-1878). GENERAL. Address to the Geographical and Ethno logical Section of the British Associa tion, Oxford Meeting, I860., Sir R. I. Murchieon, iv. 250 to the Geographical Section, British Association, Belfast meeting, 1874. (on Geography in relation to Military Operations), Major [0. W.] Wilson, xix. 63 • to the Geographical Section of the British Association at Bristol, 1875., Lt.-Gen. R. Strachey, xx. 79 Electric Circuits, Ool. T. P. Shaffner, v. 94. Exploration of Arid Countries, F. Galton, ii. 60 Hints to Travellers, xvi. 1-78 International Congress for Geographical Scienoe, Antwerp, 1871., Report by V.-Adm. Ommanney, xvi. 132 Ditto, Paris, 1875., Circular and Pro gramme of, xviii. 453, xix. 59 ; Pro gress of, 59 ; date fixed, 134 Letter from Lt.-Col. A. S. Waugh on receiving the Gold Medal, 1857., ii. 37 Memorial to the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge on a Proposed Geo graphical fellowship, xviii. 451 Names of Plaoes in Geography, Lt.-Col. W. Ross-King, xix. 134 Place of Geography in Education, Rev. E. Hale, xvi. 450 Scientific Geography, Introductory Lec ture on, Lt.-Gen. R. Strachey, xxi. 179 The Scope of, Lt.-Gen. R. Strachey, xvi. 443 MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Causes of Dryness in certain Arid Dis tricts, Thoa. Hopkins, i. 58 Comparative Antiquity of Continents as indicated by the Distribution of Living and Extinct Animals, A. R. Wallace, xxi. 505 Determination of Heights, Notes on, A. Buchan, xiii. 360 Distribution of Salt in the Ocean as indicated by the Specific Gravity of its Waters, Dr. J. Y. Buchanan, xxi. 255 Fine Regions of the Trade Winds, T. Hopkins, ii. 357 Formation of Cyclones, and the Tracks they Pursue, Capt. A. Parish, i. 36 of Fjords, Canons and Benches, R. Brown, xiii. 144 of the Main Land Masses, Prof. P. M. Duncan, xxii. 68 Magnetism of the Earth, Capt. F. J. Evans, xxii. 188 Method for determining Longitude, by Observations of the Moon's greatest Altitude, W. Spottiswoode, v. 234 New Projection of the Sphere, Sir J. F. W. Herschel, iii. 174 Notes on the frequent omission of Read ings of the Barometer and Ther mometer in Sextant Observations for determination of Latitude and Longi tude, E. Dunkin, viii. 155 Occuttation of Stars by Moon in Eastern Africa, 1878-9., Probable, Prof. J. R. Hind, xxii. 64 Physical Geography of the Sea, Address at British Association, Glasgow meet ing, 1876., Capt. F. J. O. Evans, xxi. 66 Planispheres, Chev. I. Villa, vi. 249 Plant Distribution as a field for Geo graphical Research, W. T. Thiselton- Dyer, xxii. 412 Reconnaissance, The, of a New or Partially known Country, Capt. C. Warren, xix. 155 Stereoscopic Maps from Models of Moun tainous Countries, F. Galton, ix. 104 Sun Signals for the use of Travellers (Hand Heliostat), F. Galton, iv. 14 Temperature of the Deep Sea Bottom and the Causes by which it is Conditioned, Dr. W. B. Carpenter, xxi. 289 Typical Mountain Ranges, W. Spottis woode, iv. 97 INDEX TO THE PAPERS IN THE PROCEEDINGS AFRICA. General — Antiquity of the Physical Geography of Inner Africa, Sir R. I. Murchison, viii. 151 Exploration in, Proceedings of Speke, Petherick,Lejean, Peney, Livingstone, vi. 17-20 , Three letters from Dr. Vogel to Dr. Barth, i. 15 ; Fate of Dr. Vogel, 1857., G. Green, &c, ii. 79. Exploration Fund,circular by Committee of Administration, xxi. 385 Meeting at the Mansion House, 1877., xxi. 601 Meeting of Subscribers, Report of Committee, &c, 1878., xxii. 461 Heights determined by Boiling-point Observations, by S. W. Baker ; com puted by E. Dunkin, x. 25 — — Remarks on the Thermometer B. W. used by S. W. Baker in I. determining Height, Staff-Oomm. C. George, x. 25 Tables of, x. 26-27 Map of, published in Pigafetta's ' King dom of Congo,' R. H. Major on, xi. 246 Overland Telegraph, Minute of Con ference on, 1877., xxi. 616 Remarks on suggested Line of, St. Vincent Erskine, xxii. 224 Trade, On overcoming geographical obstacles to, by economical animal and mechanical expedients, J. L. Haddon, xxii. 251 Articles, Letters, etc., prom Dr. Livingstone or concerning him in Order op Date — Astronomical Observations made by Dr. Livingstone, T. Maclear, i. 44, letter on, 268 Journey from Cassange, Brand's report, forwarded by E. Gabriel, i. 11, another letter, 56 Enquiries for, at Quillimane, Com. Trotter, i. 57 Arrangements made on behalf of, Comm. Nolloth, i. 58 Letter from, on his Quango journey, i. 92 Festival. 1858., ii. 116 Letters from (1859.), iv. 19 on Lakes Nyasa and Shirwa (I860.), iv. 87 Latest Intelligence of, I860., v. 128, 224 1861., vi. 20, 52 Exploration of the Niassa Lake by, (1861.), vii. 18 Rovuma river, (1862.), vii. 52 Africa, General— Livingstone — continued. Reported death of, 1864., viii. 44 Health and speedy return of, viii- 154 Letters from, on the Zambesi, viii. 256 dated Ngomano, 1866., xi. lo News of, 1866., xi. 4, 197 Reported death of, (1866.), letter from Dr. J. Kirk, xi. Ill , remarks on the above letter Sir R. I. Murchison, xi. 112 Despatches and letters relating to last journey and (supposed) death of, Dr. J. E. Seward and Dr. J. Kirk (1866.), xi. 124 On Last Journey of, and the probable ultimate Sources of the Nile, A. G. Findlay, xi. 232 Despatches on fate, and possible survival of, with letter from Dr. J. Kirk, xii. 20 et seq. Safety of, letters from Dr. J. Kirk, xii. 50, and others, 22, 23 , letters from Mrs. Kirk, xii. 50 , and progress of the Royal Geo graphical Search expedition, letter from Sir R. I. Murchison, xii. 77 Letters from, on his doings after his supposed death, xii. 175 et seq. Despatches concerning, xii. 180 • Letters from, (1867.), xiii. 8 Despatch from, (1868.), xiv. 8 et seq. letter on the above, by Dr. J. Kirk, xiv. 16 Government aid to, 1870., xiv. 334 Letters and despatches from (1869.), xiv. 38 Letter(s) on, W. Churchill, (1870.), xv. 115 , Dr. J. Kirk, xv. 206, cited 309 , Id., (1871.), xv. 335 Progress of Stanley in search of, (1871.), letters from Dr. Kirk, xvi. 102, 103 (1872.), 225 Latest news of, 1872., xvi. 369, 377, 379 Letters from, to Sir R. I. Murchison (1872.), xvi. 433 Exploration by, of the Upper Congo, Dr. E. Behm, xvii. 21 Letter from Manyema to Sir T. Maclear, xvii. 67 Letters from, xvii. 323 to Sir H. B. E. Frere, (1869.), xviii. 255-67 — Sir H. Rawlinson, (1873.), 267-74 — Sir R. I. Murchison. (1870 } xviii. 274 — Sir T. B. Braithwaite (1870-2 ) xviii. 278 Death of, (1873 ), and Reports relating to, xviii. 131, 145, 149, 176, 182 , Civil List Annuity to his children, xviii. 175, 408 OF THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, 1855-1878. vu Africa, General — Livingstone — continued. Death of, Offer of interment in West minster Abbey, xviii. 182 , Funeral arrangements, xviii. 221 et seq., 445 et seq. , Presentation to R.G.S. of Chumah and Snsi, his followers, xviii. 300 Livingstone Search and Relief Expe ditions — East Coast. Set on foot, 1867., xi. 154, 161, 199 Letter from E. D. Young, 1867., xii. 9 Letter from Comm : Gordon, xii. 10 Report from E. D. Young, 1868., xii. 79 Sir Bartle Frere on, 1872., xvi. 145 C. R. Markham on, xvi. 158 Sir Henry C. Rawlinson on, xvi. 184, 241 Report from Lt. Dawson, 1872;, xvi. 381 Letter from the Sultan of Zanzibar, xvi. 383 Report of Dr. Kirk, xvi. 383, 384, 386 Telegram from Governor of Bombay, xvi. 410 Documents relating to, xvi. 412 First report by Committee to Sub scribers, xvi. 413 Official report of Lt. Dawson, xvi. 419 Instructions of Lt. Dawson to Lt. Henn, on transferring command, xvi. 421 ; of Lt. Henn to Mr. Livingstone, xvi. 422 Official report of Lt. Henn, xvi. 423 ; of Mr. W. O. Livingstone, xvi. 424 Statement of accounts, xvi. 426-7 Rawlinson on, xvii. 35 Letters between Mr. Charles Living stone and Governor Pope Hennessy, xvii. 132 Letters from Lt. Grandy, xvii. 157, 324 Sir Bartle Frere on, xvii. 157 Instructions given at Zanzibar by Sir Bartle Frere, 1873., xvii. 158 Letters from Lt. Cameron and Dr. Dillon, xvii. 169-71, from Lt. Cameron and Dr. Kirk, xvii. 334, from Lt. Cameron, xvii. 334-7, xviii. 69-74, from Lt. Cameron and others, xviii. 176-82, from Lt. Cameron, xviii. 281, 468 Journal of Lt. Cameron, xix. 136 Vote of thanks to Mr. Young, xviii. Ill Livingstone Search and Relief Expe ditions — West Coast. Letter from Lt. W. J. Grandy, 1873., xvii. 157, 324 Report of Lt. Grandy, xix. 78 Majwara's account of the Last Journey and Death of Dr. Livingstone, F. Holmwood, xviii. 244 North Africa — Atlas, Account of a Journey across, and North Africa — continued. through the oases Tuat and Tidekelt to Tripoli by way of Ghadames in the year 1864., Gerhardt Rohlfs, ix. 312 (Mts.), Ascent of the, Dr. J. D. Hooker, 1871., xv. 212 General Historical View of the State of Human Society in Northern Central Africa, Dr. H. Barth, ii. 217 Ghadames, journey to,(letter), Gerhardt Rohlfs, x. 69 Morocco, On the Coast of, W. J. Elton, ii. 375 Journey of Gerhardt Rohlfs through Morocco and Tuat, Dr. A. Petermann, ix. 79 Letters from Rohlfs on a proposed journey rid, viii. 94, reply of the Royal Geographical Society, 96 Morocco, Some superficial appearances in N.-W., Dr. T. Hodgkin, ix. 24 Suez Canal — Remarks on the Isthmus of Suez, with special reference to the proposed Canal, Comm. B. Pim, H.N., iii. 177 Opening of, 1869., Lord Houghton, xiv. 88 Report on, Capt. Richards, n.N., and Lt.-Col. Clarke, R.E., xiv. 259 with Directions for its Pilotage, Comm. G. S. Nares, R.N., xiv. 75 Tunis, Topographical Notes on, com municated by V.-Adm. W. H. Smyth, vi. 210 Nile Region (see also East Africa, infra)— S W. Baker, Letters on African travels, 1862., vii. 21, 46, 78 on progress of Expedition up White Nile, 1870., xv. 92, 162, (1871.), xvi. 187 on the tributaries of the Nile in Abyssinia, x. 279 on the Atbara and its tributaries in Nubia, vii. 21 Dr. Beke, on the Delta of the Ethiopian Nile, vii. 116 Lt. W. H. Chippendall, journey beyond Cataracts of the upper Nile towards the Albert Nyanza, 1875., xx. 67 Staff-Colonel R. E. Colston, Survey of upper Nile. Itinerary from Debbe" to El Obeyad, with details of important places, Gen. Stone, xx. 357 Du Chaillu, Letter on proposed journey to sources of the Nile, 1864., ix. 14 Col. C. E. Gordon, on the Victoria Nile between Magungo and Foweira, xxi. 49 on the Nile between Dufli and Magungo, xxi. 48 Expedition of, 1875., Progress of. Sir H. Rawlinson on, xx. 50 INDEX TO THE PAPERS IN THE PROCEEDINGS Africa — Nile Region — continued. Journey on the Nile above Gondokoro, between Regiaf and Dufli, Report, J. Kemp, xix. 324 Khedive's Expedition to Central Africa, 1870-3., Geographical Notes of, Lt. Julian A. Baker, xviii. 131 Sir S. W. Baker on, xviii. 50 to the Lake District, 1874-6., Col. C. E. Gordon on, xxi. 56 1874-6., Summary of Geo graphical and Scientific Results of, xxi. 63 Comte d'Escayrae de Lauture, Expedi tion up the Nile, 1856-7., i. 300, ii. 220 Notes on, A. W. Twyford, i. 503 Review of Expedition & la Recherche des Sources du Nil, Journal de M. Thibaut, (1839-40.), ii. 222 J. Petherick. Journeys up the White Nile to the Equator, and travels in the Interior of Africa, 1857-8., iv. 93 I Journey from Khartum' by the White Nile, Bahr el Gazal and in the Interior of Central Africa, 1857-8., v. 27 Letter from, on his expedition to assist Speke and Grant, I860., iv. 223 On his expedition up the White Nile, I860., v. 20 Agreement with Royal Geo graphical Society in respect of ex pedition, 1861., v. 40, viii. 124 Instructions from Royal Geo graphical Society in respect of ex pedition, 1861., v. 40, viii. 125 Additional instrumental in respect of expedition, 1861., F. Galton, v. 96 Letter to Capt. Speke, 1861., vi. 79, letter to, from him, vii. 235 Proceedings of on White Nile ex pedition, 1861, vii. 20, 65 Explorations in the region of the upper Nile, 1862., viii. 122 Prefatory extracts from proceed ings of the Royal Geographical Society in respect of Explorations on the upper Nile, 1862., viii. 123 Report of Explorations in the region of the upper Nile, 1862., viii. 126 Letter from Mrs. Petherick on Nile Expedition, 1863., viii. 145 Captains Speke and Grant. Intelli gence from Captain Speke of their Expedition to the Sources of the Nile, v. 127 , letters from the former to the King of Karagwe and to Petherick, vii. 228 et seq. Nile Region — continued. Captains Speke and Grant, On the Dis covery of the Sources of the Nile in Lake Victoria Nyanza, 1863., vii. 217 H. M. Stanley, Geographical Sketch of the Nile and Livingstone (Congo) basin, xxii. 382 Mme. Tinne', Expedition up the Nile, 1863., letter from, vii. 204 Letter from M. Tinne, vii. 103 another letter from M. Tinne, viii. 12 Von Heuglin, Baron, letter from, to Captain Speke, on White Nile Expe dition, viii. 264 East Africa — Abyssinia— Climate and geology of, Notes on, with table of heights, Dr. H. Cook, xiv. 158 Englishmen in Captivity in, Col. Rigby, x. 113 Expeditions to, Early Portuguese xii. 11 Mr. Rassam's, 1865-6., letter from Rassam on, x. 295 Geographical results of the First and Second expeditions, C. R. Markham, xii. 113 Geographical results of the Fourth expedition, C. R. Markham, xii. 298 Journey from Metemna to Da- mot, along the western shores of the Tana sea, and narrative of the cap tivity, H. Blanc, m.d., xiii. 39 Dar Salam, new harbour opposite Zanzibar, letter from Dr. Kirk on, xi. 35 The Country between Dar es Salam and Kilwa, Capt. F. Elton, xix. 110 Expeditions and Exploration in — The most promising fields for new ex ploration in, Notes on, by a Sub committee of the council of the Royal Geographical Society, vi. 207 Notes on East African Exploration, 1857., Capt. R. F. Burton, ii. 52 Explorations in Eastern Africa, Capts. Burton and Speke, iii. 348 Travels in E. Africa, J. M. Hilde- brandt (from the proceedings of the Geographical Society of Berlin), xxii. 446 Letters from the East African Expe dition under Capt. Speke and Grant, I860., v. 11 Letters from Capt. Speke, v. 127 Letters from Capt. Speke and Grant, 1861., vii. 20 Baron von der Decken, expedition of, 1861., Report on disasters to Chev. von Schickh, x. 91 OF THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, 1855-1878. ix East Africa — continued. Expeditions and Exploration in — contd. Baron von der Decken, 1865., letter on, x. 28, Account of the death of, and of Dr. Luik, Col. Playfair, x. 109 On the Comoro Islands, Capt. A. de Horsey, r.n., viii. 274 Journey across the Great Salt Desert from Hanfila to the foot of the Abyssinian Alps, 1867., Werner Munzinger, xiii. 219 On the ascent of Mt. Kilima Njaro, letters from Rev. Charles New, 1871., xvi. 167, 168 Journey to Kilimanjaro with Baron von der Decken, 1861., letter on, R. Thornton, vi. 47 account of, 1861., R. Thorn ton, ix. 15 Examination of the Lnfigi River Delta, J. Kirk, xviii. 74 Journey to Universities Mission Station of Magila, on the borders of the Usambara Country, A. Bell- ville, xx. 74 Visit to the Mungao District, near Cape Delgado, Dr. J. Kirk, 1877., xxi. 588 Nyasa, Lake, exploration of, Dr. Livingstone, I860., vii. 18 Nyasa Lake, E. D. Young, letter from, xx. 451 • — and a journey from North end of, to Zanzibar, H. B. Cotterill, xxii. 233 Sojourn at, 1875., E. D. Young, xxi. 225 Relation of Scottish Churches to Mission of, letter from J. Steven son, xxi. 14, note and Shirwa, Dr. Livingstone on, iv. 87 Journey from the PaDgani, via Wa- digo, to Mombasa, 1874., Rev. Charles New, xix. 317 Rovuma river, ascent of, with Dr. Livingstone, 1861-2., J. Kirk, ix. 284 Dr. Livingstone, Letter from, vii. 52 ; do., 1866.,xi. 15 ; see Africa, General Dr. Livingstone's expedi tion, Extract from " Pilotage Re marks," D. J. May, vi. 36 Dr. Livingstone's and Bishop Mackenzie's, I860., v. 128, 131 Visit to the Somali country, Capt. S. B. Miles, 1872., xvi. 149 Botanical results, Dr. Birdwood, xvi. 154 Visit to East Coast of Somaliland, J. Kirk, xvii. 340 East Africa — continued. Expeditions and Exploration in — contd. Boat journey up the Wami River, Clement H. Hill, xvii. 337 Trip round the South end of Zanzibar Island, Alfred Bellville, xx. 69 Map of Eastern Africa, by Rev.T. Wake field, Notes on, Keith Johnston, xvi. 125 Natural Products and Capabilities of the Shire and Lower Zambesi River, J. Kirk, vi. 25 Quilimane, and Zambesi river, Capt. Hyde Parker, R.N., i. 312 Recent Surveys of the East Coast of Africa, Dr. J. Kirk, xxii. 453 Remarks on Zanzibar and the East Coast of Africa, Sir Bartle E. Frere, xvii. 343 Snowy Mountains of Eastern Equatorial Africa, Baron C. von Decken, viii. 5 Unyamwesi, territory of King Mirambo, and the best route thither from the EastCoast,P. Broyon-Mirambo, xxii. 28 Zambesi river, from Quillimane to Tete, J. Lyons M'Leod, ii. 363 Letters from, Dr. D. Living stone, viii. 256 Delta, Fossil bones from the Allu vial Strata, Dr. J. Kirk, viii. 151 expedition, 1858., notes on, T. Baines, iii. 99 Madagascar- Explorations, &c, in — Boat voyage along the coast lakes of East, Capt. W. Rooke, 1865., x. 54 Journey from Antananarivo to Mo- junga, 1874., J. H. Maynard, xx. 110 Tamatave to French Island Colony of St. Mary, T. Wilkinson, xiv. 372 Journeys, Recent in, 1874., Dr. J. Mullens, xxi. 155 Visit to Unexplored parts in the North of, Dr. Gunst, ix. 289 to Vohimarina orVohimare, N.E. Province of, Bishop of Mauritius, 1865., xi. 50 Notes on Madagascar, 1862., Lt. Oliver, vii. 68 On Ankova, Central Province of, and on the Royal or Sacred Cities, Rev. W. Ellis, 1861., x. 55 The Central Provinces of, Dr. J. Mullens, xix. 182 Tanitjc' Province, Notes on, J. Holding, xiv. 359 Central Afcioa (see also Nile Region, supra) — Accounts of — from Dr. Livingstone, 1859., iv. 19 Native, as collected in Mombasa and the East Coast, Rev. J. Erhardt, i. 8. INDEX TO THE PAPERS IN THE PROCEEDINGS Central Africa — continued. Explorations and Journeys — Explorations and Discoveries in Central Afrioa, H. M. Stanley, xxii. 144 Journey to Bornu, letter by Gerhard Rohlfs, (1866.), xi. 33 Portuguese, Remarks on, J. Macqueen, iii. 362 and others, W. D. Cooley, viii. 255 Joachim Rodriquez Graca to the Muata ya Nvo, W. D. Cooley, i. 92 From Bagamoyo to Benguela, Lt. V. L. Cameron, 1873., xx. 304 Lt. Cameron's expedition from L. Tanganyika to West Coast, 1875., xx. 117 Letters on, xx. 118 et seq. From Benguela to Mozambique, 1854., (from the Portuguese), i. 75 Proposed journey of Du Chaillu into, 1864., viii. 265 New Route and new mode of travel ling adopted by Rev. R. Price, 1876., Dr. J. Mullens, xxi. 233 Geography of, J. Macqueen, iii. 208 from the researches of Livingstone, Monteiro, Garcia, and other authorities, J. Macqueen, i. 12 Ivory trade in, Dr. Vogel, i. 215 Lakes — Albert Nyanza, Chippendale's journey towards, 1875., xx. 67 Discovery of, 1861-4., S. W. Baker, x. 6 Circumnavigation of, by R. Gessi, 1876., xxi. 50 Circumnavigation of (Gessi's), Sir S. W. Baker, xx. 471 Gen. Stone, 1876,, xx. 470 Gordon's Exploration of, 1877., under Mason, Col. Mason, xxii. 225 Government communica tion on, xx. 473 Tanganyika. Letter on the outlet of, V. L. Cameron, xix. 75 Lt. V. L. Cameron's examination of the Southern half of, C. R. Markham, xix. 246 Ptolemy's Western Lake-reservoir of the Nile, Capt. R. F. Burton, ix. 6 Victoria Nyanza. Climate of, 1858., F. Galton, vii. 225 Exploration of: — Progress of the expedition of the Church Missionary Society, 1876-7., E. Hutchinson, xxi. 498 H. M. Stanley's, 1874., Lt.-Col. J. A. Grant, xx. 34 Central Africa— continued. Lakes — continued. Victoria Nyanza — continued. Exploration of, Letters on journey to, and circumnavigation of, 1875., H. M. Stanley,xx. 134, 144,152, 154 Height of, Staff-Commander C. George, xx. 159 Mission to, notes from, Dr. Vogel, 1855., ii. 30 ¦ Accounts of the fate of Dr. Vogel, ii. 79 Letters on, Dr. Vogel, 1853-4., viii. 10 Vogel's observations, i. 518 Proposed trade route to Timbuctoo from the Congo, H. T. M. Cooke, xx. 78 Soudan, Memoire sur le, Comte d'Es- cayrac d'Lauture (reviewed), ii. 220 Uganda, Col. Long's Mission to, Letter by Col. Charles Chaille' Long, 1874., xix. 107 Ujiji. Reports by Burton and Speke on the district of, 1858, iii. Ill Ukara, or Ukerewe, Capt. R. F. Burton, xvi. 129 South Africa — Batoka Country, On the, 1861., Charles Livingstone, vi. 32 British Kafraria, Journey across the' rivers of, thence from the Great Kei to the Gnabaka river, with a descrip tion and Sketches of Fossil Remains near the mouth of the Gnabaka, Rev. F. Fleming, (1853.), i. 511 Bushman and Namaqualand Districts, Journey in, R. Moffat, (1857.), ii. 77 Daka and Pandamatinka on the Zambesi, Notes on, R. Frewen, (1877.), xxii. 223 Damara Land, expedition from, to the Ovampo in search of the River Ctmene, Green, Hahn, and Rath, (1857.), ii. 350 Discovery of Diamonds at Hope Town, in, Prof. J. Tennant, xii. 322 Gaza-land, Two Journeys of St. Vin cent Erskine in, 1873-4, and 1875, R. J. Mann, xxii. 127 Gold country of, journey through, J. Fenwick Wilkinson, xiii. 134 region between the Limpopo and Zambesi rivers, Haines's exploration of, compiled by R. J. Mann, xv. 147 Language of South Africa, Notes on, Commander Don J. de Figaniere viii. 105, errata, viii. 157 Limpopo river, Journal of exploration of, Capt. F. Elton, (1870.), xvi 89 (I860.), St. Vincent Erskine, xiii. 320 Notes on, Dr. W. Wav iii. 375 '' OF THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, 1855-1878. South Africa — continued. Little Namaqualand, journey from, Eastward along the Orange river, &c, R. Moffatt, ii. 158 Natal, geological survey of, Dr. Suther land, i. 55 On the Physical Geography and Climate of, R. J. Mann, xi. 18 Ophir, on the site of, excerpt from " the Cape and Natal News," x. 173 Orange River, On the Progressing Desiccation of the Basin of the, J. F. Wilson, ix. 106 Origstadt, journey from, to Delagoa Bay (1846.), Coqui, iii. 373 Queenstown, Notes to accompany the Plan of, Capt. W. F. Baker, ii. 371 S. W. Africa, Remarks on the Geo graphy and Hydrography of, J. Campbell, i. 310 South Africa, Notes on, and distance tables, J. Chapman, v. 16 and the Okovango river, C. J. Andersson, (1859.), iv. 63 African rivers, (Sandbars at the Mouths of, with remarks on -the formation of Dunes, Dr. R. J. Mann's observations on, C. R. Markham, xvi. 138 » Transvaal, Geographical and Econo mic Features of the new British dependency of the, F. B. Fynney, xxii. 114 Umzila, journey to (1871.), St. Vincent Erskine, xix. 110 West Africa— Abbeoknta, letter from Capt. Burton on, vi. 64 Akem, On the District of, (1875.), Capt. J. S. Hay, xx. 475 Batonga Country, exploration of the Elephant Mt., (1862.), Capt. R. F. Burton, vii. 104 Bida, in Nupe, journey from, to Kano in Hausa, by Dr. W. B. Baikie, r.n. (1862.), Dr. J. Kirk, xi. 49 Bijuga Island and River Kitafiny, Notes on expedition to, 1858., Col. L. S. O'Connor, iii. 379 British Settlements in, Col. L. S. O'Connor, vi. 15 Bulama Island, Report on, Col. L. S. O'Connor, i. 42 Bur Sin, North of the Gambia, Visit to the King of, Col. L. S. O'Connor, iii. 377 Cameroons Mts., Ascent of, in 1862., Capt. R. F. Burton, vi. 238 Cape Palmas settlement of Liberated Negroes, Dr. P. Sohonlein, i. 98 Casamance river, Report on, Col. L. S. O'Connor, i. 43 Cavalha river, Missionary joumoy up, West Africa— continued. and a report of a large river near source of, Rev. C. C. Hoffmann, vi. 66 Congo river, On the, Capt. N. B. Bed- ingfield, r.n., iv. 66 Ascent of, 1857., Comdr. J. Hunt, ii. 374 Letters from Africa, accom panied by a new map of the Interior, Dr. Livingstone, (1855.), i. 6 Livingstone's exploration of the Upper, Dr. E. Behm, xvii. 21 Equatorial West Africa, Second journey into, P. B. Du Chaillu, (1863.), x. 71 Falaba, Report on the Expedition to, Jan. to March 1872 (with an ap pendix respecting Dr. Livingstone), E. W. Blyden, xvii. 117 Fernando Vaz, letters from, Du Chaillu, (1863.), viii. 52 Forcados river, discovery of a new channel through, to the town of Warre', Charles Livingstone, (1869.), xiv. 167 Gaboon country, explorations in the R. B. N. Walker, x. 128 Gambia, the, Proposed Trade Route from, to Timbuctoo, H. J. M. Cooper, xx. 78 Geographical Features and Natural His tory of a hitherto unexplored region of, 1856-9., P. B. Du Chaillu, v. 108 Observations on Western Africa, Dr. Delany and R. Campbell, iv. 218 Joloffs of, Lt. J. F. Napier Hewett, i. 513 Journeys in, extracts of letters from W. Winwood Reade, xiii. 353 Kano, the Kingdom of, Dr. Baikie, (1862.), viii. 10 Kasso country, On a journey in, Jules Ge'rard, xi. 79 Manacusi or King George River, Notes on, C. H. Hilliard, (1857.), iii. 160 Niger river, Ascent of, in H.M.S. In vestigator (1864.), Lt. C. Knowles, r.n., ix. 72 countries in the neighbourhood of, Reports on (1862.), Dr. W. B. Baikie, vii. 66 expedition up, Reports from, (1857.), Dr. W. B. Baikie, ii. 83 Notes on, Bishop Crowther, xxi. 481 T. V. Robins, (1864-5.), x. 116 Resources of, as regards legitimate trade (1863.), Com. Eardley Wilmot, r.n., viii. 53 Settlements in, (established by Dr. Baikie at Lukoja, &c), letters on from Dr. Baikie, (1861.), vi. 22, (1863.), viii. 263 INDEX TO THE PAPERS IN THE PROCEEDINGS West Africa— continued. Niger, Upper Waters of the, Report on a journey to, from Sierra Leone, J. Win wood Reade, xiv. 185 Ode, capital of Ijebu, journey to, (1862.), Capt. Bedingfield, r.n., vii. 105 Ogowe' river, expedition up (1873.), R. J. B. Walker, xvii. 354 Ogun or Abbeokuta river, ascent of, (1863.), Capt. R. F. Burton, title only, vi. 49, full text, 64 Oil Rivers, On the, W. N. Thomas, r.n., (1872.), xvii. 148 Old Calabar and Cross rivers, Notes on, Capt. J. B. Walker, xvi. 135 and Qua rivers, the Ekoi country and the Qua rapids, Notes of a Visit to, in May, 1875., Capt. J. B. Walker, xx. 224 Rivers of, Report on, Comm. W. F. Ruxton, r.n., x. 66 Sea-water on West Coast, Report on the Specific Gravity of the, H. M. Witt, i. 508 Sierra Leone, Recent explorations near, (1869.), Sir A. E. Kennedy, xiii. 359 Travels in, (1861.), W. W. Reade, vii. 106 Volta river, Exploration of, 1873., Capt. J. A. Croft, xviii. 183 ¦ Journal of the Proceedings of H.M.S. Bloodhound up, 1861., Comm. Dolben, r.n., vi. 49 and the Niger, Geographical notes on the Country traversed be tween, Capt. Sir J. Glover, (1873.), xviii. 286 Western Africa, Hutchinson, reviewed, ii. 227 Islands — Madeira, Island of, explanations of the Physical Map of, Dr. J. M. Ziegler, ii. 366 AMERICA. General. Discovery of, by the Northmen, Prof. C. C. Rafn, ii. 372 Landfall of Columbus, Capt. A. B. Becher, i. 94 R. H. Major, xv. 210 Vespucci and his First voyage, F. A. de Vamhagen, iii. 389 Cjsntral America and West Indies. Central — Atrato Inter-Oceanic Canal, Humboldt, i. 69 Belize, notes on Physical features of, A. S. Cockburn, xii. 341 Central America — continued. Belize river, notes on the Physical Geo graphy of, A. S. Cockburn, xii. 72 Central America, New Transit-Route through, Com. B. Pirn, vi. 112 Connection between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans via the Atrato and Truando rivers, F. M. Kelley, i. 63 Cupica, Remarks on the Isthmus of, Adm. Illingworth, i. 86 Darien, Isthmus of (or Panama) — Bayanos river of, L. Oliphant, ix. 276 Exploration(s) of, (1856.), Dr. H. C. •Caldwell, i. 484 of, (1861. and 65.), L. de Puydt, xii. 63 ; remarks on, by the same, i 134 Isthmus of, Dr. Cullen, i. 78 Survey of, between the Gulf of S. Miguel and Caledonia Bay, L. Gis- borne, i. 88 Honduras, Account of Lake Yojoa in, E. G. Squier, iii. 106 New Transit Route through, Commander B. Pirn, vii. 112 Nicaragua — Explorations in, with Survey and Levels from Lake Nicaragua to the Atlantic Ocean, J. Collinson, 1867., xii. 25 Proposed transit route across from Gorgon Bay, Comm. B. Pirn, vi. 75, 112 Sketch of, G. R. Perry, vi. 74 Providence Islands, the Two, W. N. Sainsbury, xxi. 148 Ruined Cities of, (title only), Capt. L. Brine, r.n., xvii. 67 Woolwa and Moskito Indians, notes of a journey among, G. H. Wickham, xiii. 58 West Indies — Dominica, Discovery of a Boiling Lake in, H. Preston, xx. 230 Trinidad and the Orinoco, Lt.-Col. J. S. O'Connor, i. 278 North America. North American Boundary from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains, 1872., Capt. S. Anderson, xx. 274 British North America British Columbia, etc.— British Columbia and a proposed Emigrant Route from Pembina to Yale, W. Kelly, vi. 231 Condition and products of, C1862 ") W. Kelly, vi. 107 '" "Benches" or Valley Terraces of, M. B. Begbie, xv. 133 Expedition across the Rocky Mts OF THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, 1855-1878. xiii British North America — continued. a„ British Columbia, etc. — continued. into, by the Yellow Head, or Leather Pass, Visot. Milton and Dr. Cheadle, ix. 17 Geography of, and the Condition of the Cariboo gold-fields, Lt. H. S. Palmer, viii. 87 and Mountain Passes of, in con nection with an Overland Route, A. Waddington, xii. 121 Journey in districts bordering the Fraser, Thompson and Hamson rivers, Mayne, Palmer and Beg- bie, (1859.), iv. 33 to Fort Simpson, Queen Charlotte I, Capt. R. W. Torrens, (1859.), iv. 226 British North American Expedition, Palliser's, 1857., ii. 38 progress of, as far as longde. 109° on the Saskatchewan river, Capt. J. Palliser, ii. 146 practicable passes in the British Rocky Mountains discovered by Capt. ¦ J. Palliser and Dr. Hector, iii. 122 Rocky Mountains, Capt. J. Palliser, 1859., iv. 73 Latest Explorations in British ^ North America, by Capt. J. Palliser, with Dr. Heotor and Mr. Sullivan, iv. 228 Explorations up Moisie River to the edge of the Table Land of Labrador Peninsula, H. Y. Hind, viii. 50 Journey from Norton Sound, Behring Strait, to Fort Yukon, (1866.), Whymper, ii. 186 Labrador — Coast of, between Blanc Sablon Bay and Cape Harrison, Capt. R. V. Hamilton, r.n., ix. 13.1 N.E., visit to, in 1861, in H.M.S. Gannet, Comm. W. Chimmo, xii. 195 Mackenzie river District, Account of, R. Macfarlane, ix. 125 Proposed communication through North America, from Vancouver I. to Hudson Bay, T. Banister, i. 263 Queen Charlotte Islands, Physical Geo graphy of, R. Brown, xiii. 381 Journey to Fort Simpson (in), Capt. R. W. Torrens, iv. 226 Rupert Land, the Colony and its Limits, Capt. M. H. Synge, vii. 71 Saskatchewan river, Correction of error in Hind's map of the Elbow of the south branch of the, Earl of Southesk, xx. 362 Vancouver Island — Description of, 1857., Lt.-Col. W. Grant, i. 487 British North America — continued. Vancouver Island — continued. Explorations in, Comm. R. C. Mayne, r.n., vi. 107 the interior of, R. Brown, ix. 305 Physical Geography, Climate, and Mineral Resources, Dr. C. Forbes, viii. 83 Visit to the Red River and the Saskatchewan, Dr. J. Rae, vii. 102 Mexico — Journey in, (to the Mines), C. Levin, iii. 108 United States — Arizona, Notes on, Hon. C. D. Poston, xix. 302 California — The Modoc Region, W. Simpson, xix. 292 Colorado — Physical Geography of the Colorado Basin, and the Great Basin Region of N. America, W. A. Bell, xiii. 140 New Mexico — Wheeler's explorations in, 1877., T. W. Goad, xxii. 272 Oregon — Ascent of Mt. Hood, Rev. H. K. Hines, 1864. and 66., xi. 80 Journey across the Cascade Mts. into Eastern Oregon, and a description of Idaho Territory 1865., R. Brown, xi. 84 United States, Notes on a Map of, and ' the adjacent countries, H. V. Poor, ii. 336 Telegraphic communication with, via the Faroes, Iceland, and Greenland, Col. T. P. Schaffner, iv. 101 Utah- Letter from Salt Lake City, Capt. R. F. Burton, I860., v. 1 South America. Amazon river — Exploration of tributaries of, W. Chand- lees, xii. 339 Geographical Positions in the Valley of, I. H. Rochelle, xvi. 271 Table of Distances on, Lt. Nash, xxi. 595 Argentine Republic — Journey through parts of the Salado Valley and across some of the Argen tine Provinces, T. J. Hutchinson, viii. 163 Projected Railway across the Andes, R. Crawford, xvii. 57 Bolivia, Notes on, (title only), Comm. G. C. Musters, r.n., xxi. 40 b XIV INDEX TO THE PAPERS IN THE PROCEEDINGS South America— continued. Brazil — Exploration of the river Aquiry, affluent of the Purus, W. Chandless, 1865-6., xi. 100 Report on the Brazilian Province of the Parana, Hon. H. P. Vereker, vi. 74 Valley of, the Tibagy, T. P. Bigg- Wither, 1874., xx. 455 British Guiana — Proposed exploration of the River Orinoco, Adm. Sir C. Elliott, i. 251 Report on Expedition to explore a route by the rivers Wami and Cuyuni to the gold-fields of Caratal and thence by Apata to the Orinoco, 1857., Sir W. H. Holmes and W. H. Campbell, ii. 154 Report on the Kaieteur Waterfall, C. B. Brown, 1870., xv. 122 Chile- Essay on, V. Perez Rosales, ii. 371 Journey across the Southern Andes of, with the object of opening up a New Route across the Continent, G. Cox, 1862., (trans. Sir W. Parish), viii. 160 Proposed Railway across the Andes from Caldera to Rosario, via Cor dova, W. Wheelwright, iv. 45 Ecuador — Explorations in, 1856-7., G. Y. Prit- chett, iii. 93 Journey from Chimborazo to Bogota, across the Central Andes, R. Cross, ix. 277 Geological notes on Campana, in the province of Esmeraldas, J. Wilson, vi. 248 Maranon river, Notes on the Climate of, F. L. Gait, xvii. 138 Notes of Recent Journeys in the In terior of, A. Simson, xxi. 556 Ocean Currents on the N.E. Coast of, J. A. Mann, vii. 50 Paraguay — Geography and Resources of, Prof. L. Levi, xviii. 117 Physical, Notes on, K. Johnston, xx. 494 Report on Hypsometrical Observations in, of K. Johnston and C. R. Congreve, 1874., R. Strachan, xx. 504 Patagonia, A Year in, Lt. G. C. Musters, R.N., 1869, xv. 41 Peru — Across the Andes from Callao, T. J. Hutchinson, xviii. 204 Exploration of the Courses of the Rivers San Gavan and Ayupata, Province of Caravaya, A. Rai- mondy, 1864., xi. 102 of the Purus river, W. Chand less, 1864., x. 103 Pern — continued. Exploration of the sourceB of the Purus, 1861., C. R. Markham, v. 224 , Peruvian, of the Ucayali River, J. R. Tucker, xiii. 133 of the Pachitea and Palcazu rivers, Wallace and Main, xi. 173 Failure of Earthquake predictions in, 1869., Hon. W. G. S. Jerningham, xiv. 85 Frontier Province of Loreto in North Peru, Prof. A. Raimondy, viii. 58 Races of the Peruvian Andes, and Communication between the Andes and the Atlantic, C. R. Markham, xv. 367 Southern Peru, Additional notes on Geography of, W. Bollaert, xii. 126 Railroad and Steam Com munication in, C. R. Markham, xviii. 212 South America — Still unexplored PartB of, C. R. Mark- ham, xxii. 40 ASIA. Arabia — Central Arabia, Visit to the Wahabee Capital of, Lt.-Col. L. Pelly, 1865., , ix. 293 Curia Muria Islands, G. Buist, iv. 50 Sinai Peniusula — Brief Report of a recent journey to Sinai, Rev. F. W. Holland, 1878., j xxii. 455 On the Peninsula of Sinai, Rev. F. W. Holland, 1867., xii. 190 Recent explorations in, 1868., Rev. F. W. Holland, xiii. 204 Recent Surveys in Sinai and Palestine, Maj. C. W. Wilson, xvii. 326 Table of Observations for Heights in, Rev. F. W. Holland, xiii. 252 Travel in, Rev. F. W. Holland, 1861 and 65., x. 158 Urn Shaumur, Highest Peak of, Ascent of, 1862., Rev. T. J. Prout, vi. 235 Partial Ascent of, 1857., Rev. F. Howlett, vii. 42 Southern Arabia, Excursion into the Interior of, Capt. S. V. Miles, 1870., xv. 319; remarks by Rev. G. P. Badger, 328 Geography of, Baron von Maltzan, xvi. 115 Journey from Gaza, through the in terior of Arabia to El-Khatif, Persian Gulf, and thence to Oman, 1862-S, W. G. Palgrave, viii. 63 ; Rev. G. P, Badger on the foregoing, viii. 97 OF THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, 1855-1878. xv Asia — Arabia — continued. Reply to Rev. G. P. Badger's queries on Arabia and its Rivers, W. G. Palgrave, viii. 103 Yemen, Notes of a journey in, C. MiUin gen, xviii. 194 Burma — Arracan, A Hill Trip on the Borders of, Lt. T. H. Lewin, 1865-6., xi. 52 British Burmah — Comparative progress of provinces now forming, under British and native rule, Col. A. Fytche, Xii. 198 Exploration of, via Irrawaddy and Bhamo to S.W. China, Maj. E. B. Sladen, 1868., xv. 343 Geography of, Col. H. Yule, i. 269 Irrawaddy river, and its sources, Dr. J. Anderson, xiv. 346 Rangoon, Notes on, A. Brown, 1867., xi. 148 Routes to and from — Burmese route from Assam to the Hookoong Valley, H. L. Jenkins, xiii. 244 Route from Toango to the Shan States, E. O'Reily, vi. 83 Trade route between British, and W. China, J. Coryton, xix. 264 Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pamir, etc. — Afghan Geography, C. R. Markham, xx. 241 Journey overland to India via Meshed, Herat, Candahar, and the Bolan Pass in 1872., Capt. H. C. Marsh, xxi. 582 Report of the Mirza's exploration of the route from Cabul to Kashgar, compiled by Maj. T. G. Mont- gomerie, 1868., xv. 181 Amu Daria or Oxus, Delta and Mouths of, Adm. A. Boutakoff, xi. 113 Aral, Esquisse Geographique du Bassin de la mer d', E. Lamansky, review, iii. 387 BadaksMn and Wakhah, Sir H. C. Rawlinson, xvii. 108 Baluchistan — Expedition from Kurrachi to Gwadur along the Mekran coast, 1861-2., Maj. F. Goldsmid, vii. 91 Journey through Mekran, Maj. C. Ross, xvi. 139, title only, 219 Bokhara — Trade of, F. Meazza, ix. 71 Notes on Samarcand, from Fedchenko's Description of the Valley of the Zeraphan, com. by R. Michell, xv. 393 Voyage to, of Tcharikoff to Uzbeghis- tan in 1671-72., from Documents preserved in the Archives, Moscow, abs. by Capt. Clarke, xxiv 218 Central Asia — continued. Bolor Country — Observations on two Memoirs recently published by Veniukoff on the Pamir Region and the, Sir H. C. Rawlinson, x. 134 Rawlinson's criticisms replied to by de Khanikoff, x. 301, and text of the Itineraries concerned, x. 310 Strangford's remarks on the foregoing, x. 315 Additional Remarks on the Bolor Highlands by Veniukoff, transl. by T. Michell, xiii. 342 Central Asia in 1872, R. B. Shaw, xvi. 395 Course of the Tsan-po (Brahmaputra), and Irrawaddy rivers and on Tibet, T. T. Cooper, xiii. 392 Explorations in, Prjevalsky's, to Lake Lob Nor and Tibet, and other Russian, 1877., etc., E. D. Morgan, xxii. 51 Khiva, Bokhara, and Samarcand, journey through C. Asia to, A. Vam- be'ry, viii. 267 Notes on, Sir H. C. Rawlinson, xvii. 162 Kokand, a month's journey in, 1873., E. Schuyler, xviii. 408 Pamirs, Observations on two memoirs by Veniukof on the, and on the Bolor country, in C. Asia, Sir H. C. Raw linson, x. 134 (see Bolor Country, supra) Pamir Steppe, Proposed journey to, G. S. W. Hayward, 1869., xiv. 107 Route from Jellalabad to Yarkand, through Cbitral,Badakshan, and, given by Mahomed Amin of Yarkand, with Remarks, by G. S. W. Hayward, xiii. 122 Russian Expedition to the Alai and, 1876., Capt. Kostenko's account, R. Michell, xxi. 122 Pein, Charohand, Lob-Nor, and other places in, position of, R. B. Shaw, xvi. 242 Tibet- Account of an attempt by a Native Envoy to reach the Catholic Mis sionaries of, Capt. I. Gregory, 1869., xiv. 214 District of Lake Pangong in, Capt. H. H. Godwin - Austen, 1863., xi. 32 Notes on, by a French missionary (sent by), T. T. Cooper, xiii. 392 Pundit's journey in Great Tibet from Leh (Ladak) to Lhassa, and return to India via Assam, 1873-5., Capt. H. Trotter, xxi. 325 letter on, Sir T. D. Forsyth, xxi. 347 XVI INDEX TO THE PAPERS IN THE PROCEEDINGS Central Asia — continued. Tibet — continued. Schlagintweit's fate.Capt.H. Strachey, ii. 172, iii. 144 Trans-Himalayan explorations, Re port on, in connection with the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India during 1865-7., Route Survey by the Pundit from Nepaul to Lhassa and thence through the Upper Valley of the Brahmaputra to its Source, Capt. T. G. Mont- gomerie, xii. 146 Report of explorations during 1867., Capt. T. G. Mont- gomerie, xiii. 183 Ditto during 1868., Maj. T. G. Montgomerie, xiv. 207 Travels in Great Tibet, and trade between, and Bengal, C. R. Mark ham, xix. 327 Trip to_ Tibet, Kylas, Sources of the Sutlej and the Mansurwur and Rakhas Lakes, 1865., Capt. H. V. Smith, xi. 119 Visit to Daba in Tibet, 1865., Capt. A. Bennett, x. 165 Turkestan — Geography of, A Prince of Ka\shgar on, R. B. Shaw, xx. 482 Journey across the Kuen-luen from Ladak to Khotan, the brothers Schlagintweit, 1856., i. 273 of W. H. Johnson from Leh to Ilchi, Chinese Turkistan, Sir H. C. Rawlinson, xi. 6 through some of the highest passes in the Ala-tu and Ac-tu mountains in Chinese Tartary, T. W. Atkinson, iii. 127 Journeys in Eastern Turkestan, G. W. Hayward, 1868., xiii. 9; 1869., xiv. 40 Kashgar (see also Yarkand, infra) — Expedition to the Atalik Ghazee at Kashgar, 1870., T. D. Forsyth, xv. 23 Dr. Cayley, xv. 24 R. B. Shaw, xv. 175 to Kashgaria, 1873., T. D. Forsyth, xvii. 286 Mission to Kashgar and Yarkand, T. D. Forsyth, xviii. Ill, 222 Forsyth's, to, letters on, and geographical results, Sir H. C. Rawlinson, xviii. 414 geographical results of, 1873-4., Capt. H. Trotter, xxii. 287 Miscellaneous Notes on,' R. B. Shaw, xvii 195 Xor-Tsai-San, Lake, and its neigh bourhood, A. Abramoff, ix. 40 Central Asia — continued. Tibet— continued. Progress of Russian exploration in, E. D. Morgan, xiv. 229 Trade routes j between, and India, Sir H. C. Rawlinson, xiii. 10 Transit of Tea from N.W. India to, T. D. Forsyth, xiii. 198 Trans-Nary n country, visit to, in 1867., Baron P. R. Osten Sacken, transl. E. D. Morgan, xiv. 221 Valley of the Hi and the Water- system of Russian, 'A. W. Dilke, xviii. 246 Yarkand, Geographical Position of, and other places in, Capt. T. G. Montgomerie, a. 162 Journey to, R. B. Shaw, 1868., xiii. 200 and Kashgar, visit to, R. B. Shaw, xiv. 124 journey from Leh to, G. W. Hayward, xiv. 41 Routes from Kashmir to, Ibra him Khan, xv. 387 Yassin, letters from, of G. W. Hay ward, xv. 10 China- Canton, Exp. -ation to the West of, Lt. Oliver, 1861., vi. 227 Canton to Hankow, journey through the interior of, 1866., A. S. Bickmore, xii. 51 Memoir on the Neighbourhood of, and Hongkong and the East Coast of China, Sir J. F. Davis, i. 330 Notes on the Country to the West of, Lt. Oliver, vi. 85 Cathay, Notices of, Col. H. Yule, x. 270 Chinese Names, the Transliteration of, F. P. Smith, xxi. 580 Notices of their own great Rivers, J. Edkins, iii. 375 , the, and their Rebellions, T. T. Cooper, i. 100 Ching-too to Hankow, Journey from, A. Wylie, xiv. 168 Great Wall, journey outside the, 1872., Dr. S. W. Bushell, xviii. 149 Hankow to Talifu, journey from, ex tracts from Margary's diary, 1874., xx. 184, and from his letters, 208 Kalgan, a trip to, 1868., R. Swinhoe, xiv. 83 Mangi, Southern, Kotices of, G. Phillips, xviii. 168 * Ningpo to Shanghai, journey from, C. T. Gardner, xiii. 170 notes to the foregoing, 249 Notes, Geographical and Commercial, made during the passage of H M S Furioii', 1858., from Shanghai to the OF THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, 1855-1878. Asia — China — continued. Gulf of Pechili, Capt. S. Osborn, r.n. iii. 55 Pe-chi-li, Gulf of, Notes of a Cruise in, and Leotung, 1859., A. Michie, iv. 58 Pei-ho, river, Notes on the passage up, with Lord Macartney in 1793., Capl. Parish, r.n., ii. 362 Peking and its Neighbourhood, W. Lookhart, x. 154 journey to the N.W. of, by J. Lamprey, 1861., xi. 259 routes to, from St. Petersburg via Mongolia, C. M. Grant, vii. 27. Shantung, journey through, 1869., J. Markham, xiv. 137 Si-Kiang river, expedition up, I860., Com. L. Brine, v. 238 Tientsin, to Mukden in Manchuria, journey from, A. Michie, vii. 25 Commercial trip from, through the provinces of Shansi and Pe-chi-li, Richards and Slossin, I860., vi. 218 Route from, to Kiachta, 1869., W. A. Whyte, xiv. 243 Yang-tse Kiang (river) — Expedition from, to Tibet and India, T. T. Cooper, xii. 336 up, 1861., Lt.-Col. Sarel, vi. 2 Importance of opening the Naviga tion of, and the changes in the Bed of the Yellow river, 1858., W. Lock- hart, ii. 201 Inundations of the, E. L. Oxenham (title only), xix. 244 Notes on, together with corrections of existing Charts, J. M. Hookley, xi. 261 of a Voyage up, from Wosing to Hankow, 1858., L. Oliphant, iii. 162 Special Mission up, R. Swinhoe, 1869., xiv. 235 View of the Great Valley of, before and after its occupation by the Rebels, Sir J. F. Davis, iii. 164 Yellow river, changes in bed of, W. Lookhart, ii. 201 journey up New Course of, 1868., Ney Elias, xiv. 20 China, West and South-West— Chinese borders, letters from Margary from, 1875., xix. 288 Communication with, from Rangoon in British Pegu, Capt. R. Sprye and R. F. H. Spryerv. 45 Expedition to Borders of, and the Upper Waters of the Yang-tse Kiang, Dr. A. Barton, vi. 85 Our prospects of opening a route to, and explorations of the French in Tonquin and Cambodia, Lt.-Col. A. P. MoMahon, xviii. 463 China, West and South-West — continued. Routes between (Upper) Assam and, T. A. Goodenough, xii. 334 Shueli Valley, in W. Yunnan, 1875. Visit to, Ney Elias, xx. 234 Trade routes between British Burmah and, J. Coryton, xix. 264 Travels in, and E. Tibet, 1868., T. T. Cooper, xiv. 335 and on the Eastern borders of Tibet, 1877., Capt. W. J. Gill, xxii. 255 Various Lines of Overland Communica tion between India and China, Dr. M'Cosh, v. 47 Yunnan, Chinese province of, and its Borders, T. T. Cooper, 1871., xv. 163 Overland route into, via Assam, etc., acroBS the Irawadi, H. Cottam, xxi. 590 China, Outlying Territories (see also Central Asia, supra) — Chinese Tartary, Notes on, Capt. S. Osborn, xi. 162 Manchuria — Notes on, Rev. A. Williamson, xiii. 26 Recent journey of the Archimandrite Palladius through, (1572.), f.j-8.,etc, E. Delmar Morgan, xvi. 204 Russian Harbours of Possiette, Wladi- wostock, Nakhoda, and Olga Bay, on the coast of, Rev. W. V. Lloyd, 1866., xi. 253 Mongolia — Gobi Desert, Buried Cities in, Sir T. D. Forsyth, xxi. 27 Journey through Western, Ney Elias, 1872., xvii. 184 On Prjevalsky's expedition in, 1870- 73., Ney Elias, xviii. 76 Formosa — Boat-journey aoross the Northern end of, Dr. Collingwood, xi. 167 Journey through, from Tamsui to Taiwanfu, H. J. Allen, xxi. 268 in the Interior of, A. Corner, xix. 515 in Southern, 1871., J. Thomson, xvii. 144 Notes on, R. Swinhoe, viii. 23 Additional do., R. Swinhoe, x. 122 on the rivers in Northern, H. Kopect, xiv. 79 Tour through, from South to North, A. Corner, xxii. 53 Trip into the Interior of, T. L. Bullock, xxi. 266 Visit to Tok e Tok, Chief of the 18 Tribes, S. Formosa, T. F. Hughes, xvi. 265 Korea, Capt, A. Young, ix, 290 INDEX TO THE PAPERS IN THE PROCEEDINGS Asia — India — Andaman Islands, the, Rev. C. Parish, (1862.), vi. 215 expedition to, in 1857., Dr. F. J. Mouat, vi. 41 Bengal, Bay of — Calagouk or Curlew Island, in, as a Sea-coast Sanatorium, Dr. D. Mac- pherson, vi. 208 Surfaoe currents in, during the S.W. Monsoon, Lt. J. A. Heathcote, i.n., vi. 101, cf. 114 Brahminabad, in Soinde, Notes on the Site of, J. Brunton, x. 131 Cachar Hills, Earthquake in 1869., extracts from letter from Capt. God win-Austen, xiii. 370 Chitral, see also Gilgit, infra — Death of G. S. W. Hayward at, 1870., letter from F. Drew on, xv. 117 statement on, Gufar Khan, xv. 120 Havildar's Journey through, to Faiz- abad, 1870., Maj. T. G. Mont gomerie, xvi. 253 Communications between, and China, by the line of the Burhampooter and Yangtse, Gen. Sir A. Cotton, xv. 255 Forest destruction in, effeot in Coorg, G. Bidie, xiii. 74 in the Western Ghauts, effect of, on the Water Supply, C. R. Mark ham, x. 266 Garo Hills, Assam, Maj. H. H. Godwin Austen, xvii. 36 Geography and Climate of, in reference to the best site for a capital, Hon. G. Campbell, xi. 54 Gilgit and Chitral, Munphool Meer Moonshee, xiii. 130 Hunza, and Dardistan, letters from G. W. Hayward, 1870., xv. 10-18 Himalayas and Mount Everest, B. H. Hodgson, i. 347 Lt.-Col. A. S. Waugh, i. 345 Mt. Everest and Deodanga, Lt-Col. • A. S. Waugh, ii. 102 Himalayan Valleys ; Koolo, Lahoul, and Spiti, Capt. A. F. P. Harcourt, xv. 336 Indus River and its Provinces, their political importance in connection with improved means of communica- tion,W. P. Andrews, reviewed, iii. 386 Lower, Physical Geography of, Col. C. W. Tremenheere, xi. 22 Inland navigation of Travancore, the Alipee Mudbank and the Wurkally Barrier, C. R. Markham, xi. 78 Jellalajabad to Yarkand through Chitral, Badakshan, and the Pamir Steppe, Route given by Mahomed Amir, with remarks by G. S. Hayward, xiii. 122 Kashmir, Trigonometrical Survey and India — continued. Physical Configuration of the Valley of, W. H. Purdon, iv. 31 Lushai expedition, 1871-2., from reports of the Survivors, Capt. Tanner and Maj. Macdonald, xvii. 42 Mahanuddy river, On the Basin of, R. Temple, ix. 81 Montgomery's work on the Great Tri gonometrical Survey of, 1859., Lord Canning, iv. 30 Mustakh Range, the Glaciers of, 1860-1 .. Capt. H. H. Godwin-Austen, viii. 34 Runn of Cutch, and the neighbour ing region, Sir H. Bartle E. Frere, xiv. 120 Sedashgur, Harbour of, and remarks on the Seaports of India, Dr. D. Macpherson, vii. 95 Tea, Transit of, from N.W. to Eastern Turkestan, T. D. Forsyth, xiii. 198 Telegraph to, the direct overland, Sir H. C. Rawlinson, v. 219 line from Kurrachee to Gwadur, 1863., Walton, vii. 117 Trigonometrical Survey, Trans-Hima layan explorations, see Central Asia (Tibet) Indo-China — Boat excursion from Bangkok to Pecha- buri, and General Report on the Trade of Siam, Sir R. H. Schomburgk, iv. 211-12 French exploration from Cambodia to Yunnan, W. H. Medhurst, xiii. 56; see also China, S.W. ¦ party exploring the sources of the Cambodia river, progress of,' Col. A. Fytche, xii. 136 Geographical Notes on Siam, with a new Map of the lower Menam river, H. Parkes, i. 13 Proposed Mail route across the Isthmus of Kraw, Capts. Fraser and Forlong, vii. 58 Travels in Siam, Sir R. H. Schomburgk, I860, v. 118 Travels in Siam and Cambodia, D. O. King, iii. 365 in Cambodia, Mouhot, vi. 80 Visit to the Ruined Palaces and Build ings of Cambodia, Dr. Bastian, ix. 85 Japan — Fuji-Yama, (see infra), Ascent of, J. H. Gubbins, 1872., xvii. 78 Ascent of, in Snow, A. F. Jeffrevs. xix. 169 Journey through the Interior of, Naga saki to Yeddo, 1861., R. Alcock, vi. 196, 200 — from Jeddo into the interior of the Island of Nipon, with Ascent of the Volcano of Fuji-Yama, v. 132 OF THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, 1855-1878. Asia — Japan — continued. Journey from Kijoto to Yedo by the Ka- sendo Road, 1872., C. W. Lawrence, xvii. 80 Mushashi, A Trip in, 1872., F. R. M'Clatohie, xvii. 82 Tsusima Island, Visit to, L. Oliphant, vii. 61 Yesso or Yezo Island — Four excursions in, P. Hodgson, v. 113 Journey in, and Progress of Geogra phy in Japan, R. G. Watson, xviii. 226 round, Capt. T. Blakiston, xvi. 1 88 Western Shores of Volcano Bay in, Com. C. S. Forbes, R.N., 1865., x. 169 Malay Archipelago- Arm Islands, 1857., A. R. Wallace.ii. 163 Banda Isles, a description of the, A. S. Biokmoru, xii. 324 Borneo — Journey up the Sadong river, N.W. Borneo, A. R, Wallace, i. 193 Northern Borneo, Lt. C. de Cres- pigny, r.n., 1871., xvi. 171 North- West Coast of, S. St. John, vi. 83 Notes on, Lt. C. de Crespigny, r.n., ii. 342 Proposed Exploration of, Lt. C. de Crespigny, r.n., i. 205 Rivers Mukah and Oyah in, and the Pattakan tribes of, Lt. C. de Cres pigny, r.n., xvii. 133 Cagayan Sulu, near Borneo, account of, Capt. W. Chimmo, xv. 384 Crawford's Dictionary of Indian Isles and adjaoent countries, reviewed, ii. 142 Kalatoa and Puloweh Islands north of Flores, J. Cameron, ix. 30 Malay Arohipelago, Physical Geo graphy of, A. R. Wallace, vii. 206 Marco Polo's Six Kingdoms or cities in Java Minor identified in translations from the ancient Malay Annals, J. T. Thompson, xx. 215 Timor, Geognostic sketch of, Dr. S. Muller, iii. 368 Trade between the Eastern Archipelago and New Guinea and its Islands, A. R. Wallace, vi. 43 Palestine and Syria — Biblical Researches in Palestine and the adjacent regions, E. Robinson, E. Smith, and others (review), ii. 223 Damascus, the Hauran and the Moun tains of Lebanon, Map of, memoir on, Rev J. L. Porter, i. 7 Dead Sea, exploration of the Shores of, H. Poole, i. 221 , the, Western Shore of, Jebel Usdum to 'Ain Jidy, Rev. Gt. Clowes, 1863., viii. 279 Palestine and Syria — continued. Explorations in the Desert East of the Hainan, the ancient Land of Bashan, C. C. Graham, ii. 173 Excursion to Harran in Padan Aram, thence over Mt. Gilead and the Jordan to Shechem, Dr. C. T. Beke, 1862., vi. 195 Exploration of the Tulvil el Safa, the Volcanic Region East of Damascus and the Umm NirSn Cave, Capt. R. F. Burton, 1871., xvi. 104 Journey from Nazareth to Bozrah of Moab, F. A. Eaton, viii. 29 Recent Surveys in Sinai and Palestine, Maj. C. W. Wilson, xvii. 326 Persia. Azerbaijan Country, K. E. Abbott, viii. 275 Baghdad, to Busrah, journey from, with descriptions of Chaldean remains, W. K. Loftus, i. 45 Bunder Abass to Mashad via Seistan, Journey from, Maj.-Gen. Sir F. J. Goldsmid, xvii. 86 Bushir to Shiraz, route between, Lt.- Gen. W. Monteith, i. 279 Demavend, Barometrical and Hypsome- trical Observations to fix the Height of, Capt. Hon. G. Napier, 1877., xxii. 216 Notes on the above by J. Coles, xxii. 218 Elbruz Mts., the, journey through the Mountainous district south of, and Ascent of Demavend, R. F. Thomas and Lord S. H. Kerr, 1858., iii. 2 Visit to, and Ascent of Demavend, 1861., R. G.Watson, vi. 103 "Eulaeus" river, determination of the, W. K. Loftus, i. 219 Mekran, Journey through, Maj. R. C. Ross, title only, xvi. 219 Moham'rah and the Chaab Arabs, Notes on, Sir H. C. Rawlinson, i. 351 Northern Ghilan, K. E. Abbott, iii. 390 Perso-Kelat Frontier, Survey of, Maj. B. Lovett, xvi. 219 Seistan, Notes on, Sir H. C. Rawlinson, xvii. 92 Shahrud, route from, to Astrabad and Bandar i. Gej,Q.-Ms. Bower and Maj.- Gen. Sir F. Goldsmid on, xvii. 193 Shiraz, journey eastward from, to Fesoa and Darab, and thence westward by Jehrum to Kazeran, 1850., K. E. Abbott, i. 321 Shiraz, route from, to Bam, Maj. . Lovett, xvi. 261 Southern Persia, geography of, with reference to the present military operations, 1857., Sir H. C. Rawlin son, i. 280 INDEX TO THE PAPERS IN THE PROCEEDINGS Asia — Persia— continued. Turkoman frontier, Capt. the Hon. G. Napier's journey on, 1874., Sir F. Goldsmid, xx. 166 Persian Gulf- Capabilities of, as an area of Trade, Lt.-Col. L. Pelly, viii. 18 Journey from Bunder AbbaBS on, to Mash'had by Seistan, with some account of the last-named provinces, , Maj.-Gen. Sir F. J. Goldsmid, 1871., xvii. 86 Land-journey along the Shores of, BuBhire to Lingah, W. H. Colvill, xi. 36 Visit to the Port of Lingah, Island of Kishm and the port of Bunder Abbass, Lt.-Col. L. Pelly, viii. 265 Siberia — Amur river in, Description of, A. Peschuroff, i.r.n., ii. 153 Eastern Siberia and the, R. Bridgett, 1858., xiii. 365 Notes on, and the adjacent districts, Peschurofl* and other Rus sian explorers, iii. 92 Progress of the Russo-American tele graph works, xi. 39 Recent journey to the Rivers Ob and Yenisei, 1877., H. Seebohm, xxii. 101 Tchoukot expedition in, 1868., Dr. C. Neumann, trs., etc., Capt. Clarke, xxi. 213 Turkey in Asia (see also Palestine and Syria) — Armenia and Mt. Ararat, J. Bryce, xxii. 169 Ararat, Mt., Ascent of, 1856., Maj. R. Stuart, xxi. 77 Asia Minor — Description Physique, Statistique et Aroheblogique de, P. de Tchiha- tchef, iii. 385, see also letter, iii. 370 Proposed communication in, between the Lake of Sabanja, River Sakaria and Gulf of Nicomedia, Gen. Jochmus, i. 301 Tour in N.E. Anatolia, W. G. Palgrave, (1872.), xvi. 223 Erdkunde, Die, von Asien, Vol. ix., C. Ritter, review, iii. 389 Erzeroum, earthquake of, 1859., R. A. O. Dalyell, vi. 62 • route from, to Diabekr, J. G. Taylor, (1868.), xii. 302 Kurdistan — Diabekr, Description of, R. T. Garden, 1856., xi. 159 Euphrates river, Letter on Taylor's Journey to Source of, T. K. Lynch, xiii. 243 Lycus river, Sources and Course of, Turkey in Asia — continued. Kurdistan — continued. i and other rivers in, J. G. Taylor, xi. 159 Tigris river, Visit to the Sources of, with an account of ancient re mains in the neighbourhood, J. G. Taylor, (1865.), ix. 36 Mesopotamia, on Part of, between! Sheriat-el-Beytha on the Tigris to Tel Ibrahim, J. B. Bewsher, I.N., 1862. xi. 155 Sizicus, Visit to the site of the ruins of the ancient city of, E. Leahy, 1857., ii. 376 AUSTRALASIA. (For Oceania, see Oceans, Pacific, infra.) Australia — General — Australian Alps, Dr. Mueller, i. 3 Despatches in reference to Capt. Norman, Messrs. Burke and Wills, Lands- borough, Walker, Howitt, and Mc- Kinlay, Sir G. Bowen, vii. 3, 5, 7 Steam Communication between Eng land and, via the Cape of Good Hope, Capt. J. Lort-Stokes, R.N., i. 79 Explorations — Forrest's expedition into the interior of W. Australia, Goyder's Survey of the neighbourhood of Port Darwin, and recent progress of Australian Discovery, Sir C. Nicholson, xiv. 190 Leichhardt Search — Proposed search for Dr. Leich- hardt's missing party, S. Sidney, i. 322 Search for, and the Australian ¦ Desert, Rev. W. B. Clarke, iii. 87 extracts from State Papers on, x. 58 • — -, A. C. Gregory's ex pedition, iii. 18 Mclntyre — death of, (1866.), W. F. Stoman, xi. 44 and last letter of, xi. 42 Journey of, across Aust., from Vic toria to the Gulf of Carpentaria, and discovery of supposed traces of Leichhardt, ix. 300 Norman, Capt., despatch concerning voyage of, vii. 3 New .explorations in, ix. 75 Australia, Central — Burke and Wills, Victoria Camel expe dition, v. 8 Despatches on, vi. 68, vii. 6 Journals of, with Wills' Astronomical Observations, vi. 53 OF THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, 1855-1878. xxi Australia, Central — continued. Burke and Wills, etc.— continued. Progress Report of the Exploration Committee of the Royal Society of Victoria, 1861., vii. 35 Country N.W. of Cooper's Creek, J. Ross, xv. 96 Giles' second (and other) expeditions, Dr. F. von Mueller, xix. 53 Gosbo's Explorations in, 1873., xix. 51 Landsborough, W., exploration of, vii. 83 Despatches on route of, vii. 3, 5, 6, 8, 40, 111 M'Kinlay. explorations in the interior, by the Burke relief expedition under, vii. 84 Despatch on, vii. 6 Notes on the probable condition of, H. Landor, i. 31 Project for Scientific Exploration of, Dr. G. Neumayer, xii. 286 Ross's Exploring Expedition, xix. 56 Stuart'B expedition across, journal of, v.55 further details of, v. 104 of 1861, vi. 8 of 1862, from Adelaide across the Continent, vii. 82 Australia, North — Auriferous and other Metalliferous Dis tricts of, Rev. W. B. Clarke, (with ob servations bySirG.Bowen), xii. 138-9 Boat Voyage from Adam Bay to Gham- i pion Bay, along N. and W. Coasts of, J. P. Stow, x. 34 Cape York Peninsula- Description of the District of, J. Jardine, x. 85 Despatch on Formation of a New Settlement at, viii. 114 Exploration of Annan and Esk rivers near, (1865.), J. Jardine, xi. 151 of the Endeavour river, John Jardine, xi. 149 New Settlement of Somerset near, Notes on, Sir G. Bowen, ix. 76 Overland journey from Port Denison to, under command of F. and A. Jardine, — Riohardson, x. 32 Gulf of Carpentaria district — Burketown, Foundation of, on the ' shores of, and extension of tele graph in Queensland, x. 61 Carpentaria, Exploration in, and near Cooper's Creek, letter from Sir H. Barkly, vi. 194 Country at head of, E. W. Lambe, x. 325 Flinders river, exploration of the Mouths of, W. Landsborough, xii. 56 Interior, exploration of, by Lands borough, vii. 83 Despatches on his route, vii. 3, 5, 6, 8, 40, 111 Australia, North — continued. Gulf of Carpentaria district — continued. Norman river settlement, exploration in neighbourhood of, W. Lands borough, xiii. 52 Overland Journey from Rockhampton to Port Denison, W. Landsborough, x. 62 M'Kinlay, explorations in the Interior in search of Burke and Wills, vii. 84 Despatch on, vii. 6 Extract concerning, Sir G. Daly, xi. 46 New country of, discovered, J. MacD. Stuart, ix. 21 North Australia expedition — Equipment of, i. 49 Progress of, A. C. Gregory, i. 32, 183, 341, 490, Start on, i. 5 Report of return of, i. 324 Additional notes on, T. Baines, ii. 3 Search for,account of, Lt. W. Chimmo, i. 255 LetterB, etc., on, J. Kent, i. 10 J. Wilson, i. 33, 225 on ascent of Albert river, J. Flood, ii. 378 S. Australian exploration on N. Coast, Capt. Caddell, xii. 201 Voyage of Capt. Norman to, vii. 3 Australia, North-East — Despatch in reference to Landsborough's arrival at Merindie, and Walker's arrival at Port Denison, Sir G. Bowen, vii. 8 to Queensland Colony, vii. 110 Establishment of Cardwell Settlement in Rockingham Bay, and the Dis covery of a route over the Coast Range to the Valley of Lagoons, G. E. Dalrymple, x. 33 Exploration of Districts near Burdekin, Suttor, and Belyando rivers, G. E. Dalrymple, v. 4 of lower course of the Burdekin river, G. E. Dalrymple, vii. 2 from Queensland toward the In terior, G. B. Cornish, vi. 67 in N. Queensland, W. Hann, xviii. 87 Extract from letter on Queensland from Sir C. Nicholson, vi. 117 Goldfields in Queensland, Sir G. Bowen, viii. 156 Letter on Queensland and New Zealand, T. H. Hood, vi. 24 Memoranda on, A. C. Gregory, with Report on exploring expedition to Burdekin river, J. W. Smith, R.N., v. 121 Official report of settlement of Port Denison, G. E. Dalrymple, vi. 13. Overland expedition from Port Denison XXII INDEX TO THE PAPERS IN THE PROCEEDINGS Australia, North-East — continued. to Rockingham Bay, Queensland, A. J. Scott, viii. 110 Overland journey from Rockhampton to Port Denison via Bowen Downs and the Salt Lal^e, W. Landsborough, x. 62 Telegraphic extension in, W. J. Crack-' nell, xii. 54 Australia, North- West — Expedition to, from Perth, F. Gregory, v. 121 proceedings of party under F. T. Gregory, vi. 54 Explorations in, J. Martin, x. 86 Physical Geography of, Notes on, J. S. Wilson, ii. 210, note to, 216 Structure of, W. H. Fitton, i. 501 Australia, South — Country E. and N. of Grey and Stanley Ranges, Letter from Capt. Cadell on, vi. 55 Exceptional Winter, An, in N. S. Wales, Rev. W. B. Clarke, (1855.), i. 5 Explorations in, by Babbage, Warburton, Stuart, and others, iii. 151 in, Freeling, Hack, and others on, ii. 185 in the Interior of, N.W. of the Great Bight, E. A. Delisser, x. 129 in the interior of the Continent, J. Macdouall Stuart, iv. 77 : see Australia, Central by Sir R. Macdonnell, iv. 93 and Major Warbur ton, v. 124-5 Geological notes of journey in, from Cape Jervis to Mount Serle, A. R. C. Selwyn, v. 242 Report on the Country between Mount Serle and Lake Torrens, G. W. Goyder, ii. 16 Australia, West — Expedition of Dempster Brothers, Clarkson, and Harper, Journal of (with letters from the Governor of West Australia, etc.), vi. 11 Forrest's journey across, from Champion Bay to Peake Station, xix. 57 across the Western Interior from Murchison river to Peake Station, xix. 310, 481 into the interior of W. Australia, Sir C. Nicholson, xiv. 190 Gregory (F. T.), exploration of the Murchison, Lyons, and Gascoyne Rivers, iii. 34 expedition, v. 121 Interior of, T. Austin on, i. 30 Journal of Hunt's Expedition to the East of York District, ix. Ill Narrative of an Exploring Expedition into the Interior E. of District of York, H. M. Lefroy, viii. 45 Australia, West — continued. Non-auriferous Character of the Rocks of, E. C. Hargreaves, viii. 32 Australia, Islands- Lord Howe Island, a visit to, 1876. A. T. Corrie, xxii. 136 New Guinea — Discoveries in, by Capt. Moresby and the Officers of H.M.S. Basilisk, 1874., Capt. I. Moresby, r.n., xix. 225 Recent, in the S.E. part of, 1872., Capt. I. Moresby, xviii. 22 Discovery of the Mai-Kassa or Baxter river, 1875., O. C. Stone, xx. 92 Explorations in interior of, from Port Moresby, O. C. Stone, xx. 266 Fly river, ascent of, Rev. S. Macfar- lane, 1876., xx. 253 Remarks on natives and products of, D'Albertis, xxi. 343 Incidents of Travel in, 1873., M. Maklay, trs. Col. Hon. W. Feilding, xix. 517 Journey in the interior of, from Port Moresby, 1877., A. Goldie, xxii. 219 On New Guinea, (extracts read by) C. R. Markham, xvi. 203 Notes on a Voyage to, A. R. Wallace, iii. 358 Port Moresby, Description of the Country and Natives of, and neighbourhood, O. C. Stone, xx. 330 Three Visits to, (1872.), Rev. W. Wyatt Gill, xviii. 31 Voyage of the Ellangowan to China Straits, New Guinea, Rev. S. Mac- farlane, xxi. 350 New Zealand — Expedition to the W. Coast of Middle Island, Otago Province, Dr. Hector, viii. 46-7 geological, Dr. Hector, ix. 32 Journey along the W. Coast of Middle Island, A Walker, ix. 33 Gold fields of Tuupeka, J. Thompson, vi. 71 Journal of Reconnaissance Survey in S. District of Otago Province, J. T. Thompson, ii. 354 Southern Alps of Canterbury, Middle Island, Dr. Haast, viii. 56 Survey of the Lake District of the Province of Otago, J. M'Kerrow, viii. 47 EUROPE. Austria — Geographical Society of Vienna, Haid- inger's introductory address, i. 51 Franoe — Alps of Dauphine', F. F. Tuekett, vii. 43 Hydrography of the Valley of the Arve Prof, P, Chaix, i. 483 OF THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, 1855-1878. xxiii at, Dr. Europe— France— continued. VaBt Losses of Land on the Westerly Coasts of, within the Historical Period, R. A. Peacock, x. 329 Greece — Battles of Sellasia, Marathon and Thermus, Gen. Jochmus, i. 481 Description of the ruins of Cassope, Lt.-Col. T. B. Collinson, vi. 106 Santorin, Papers relating to the Vol canic eruptions in, 1866., based on Dr. Schmidt's letters, x. 118 Recent Volcanic eruptions Comm. L. Brine, r.n., x. 317 Report on, Fouque', x. 323 Heligoland — Sudden Rise of the Sea at, E. Harmsen, iii. 372 Iceland — Currents and Drifts on the Coast of, Capt. Irminger, v. 225 Great Volcanic eruption in Aug., 1867., extract of letter from Dr. Hjaltelm, xii. 58 Heights and Positions of the Principal Mountains and Hills of, It. Brown. xii. 137 Journey across the Vatna Jokull, 1875., W. L. Watts, xx. 21 Norway — Lakes with two outlets in, E. T. Blaok- well, viii. 110 Memoranda on the Summer Motions of some Glacier Streams in South, C. M. Doughty, ix. 109 Surveys in, Prof. Hoist, iv. 240 Russia — Caucasus, The, Capt. D. Cameron, vi. 5 Ethnology of, abstract of Capt. D. Cameron's paper on, W. Spottis- wode, vi. 59 Journey in the, and ascent of Kasbek and Elbruz, D. W. Freshfield, (1868.), xiii. 66 Sketch of Hilly Daghestan, with the Lesghi Tribes of the E. chain of the Caucasus, Baron de Bode, iv. 245 Hydrographical Survey of Ladoga Lake, A. Anareyeff, trs. by E. Delmar Morgan, xiii. 375 Report on the Congress of Orientalists (3rd Session) at St. Petersburg, 1876., Capt. F. C. H. Clarke, xxi. 204 Routes between Orenburg and Tash- kend, xi. 41 Sea of Azov, Geography and commer cial future of, the Putrid Sea and Adjacent Coasts, Capt. Sherard Osborn, R.N., i. 305 Switzerland — Federal Map of, communicated by Prof. P. Chaix, iv. 243 Hypsometrical Observations in the Switzerland — continued. Central Chain of, J. M. Ziegler, xvii. 207 Limnimetric and Meteorological Ob servations in, Prof. P. Chaix, xvii. 204 Recent Measurements of the Depths of Swiss Lakes, Prof. P. Chaix, xxii. 456 Turkey, etc. — Danube, notes on the Lower, Maj. Stokes, iii. 206 routes between the, and the Black Sea at Kustendji, Capt. Spratt, r.n., i. 94 Moldavia, Notes on the condition of the Gipsy Population of, S. Gardner, i. 37 Serpent Island, Remarks on, Capt, vSpratt, r.n., i. 483 United Kingdom — Report of the Ordnance Survey of, ii. 229 Scotland — Bifurcate Stream at Glen Lednock Head, Perthshire, Capt. T. P. White, xiii. 352 Deep-water Temperatures of Lochs Lomond, Katrine, and Tay, A. Buchan, xvii. 73 OCEANS. General — Distribution of Salt in the Ocean, as indicated by specific gravity of waters of (Challenger exp.) J. Y. Buohanan, xxi. 255 Gibraltar Current, Gulf Stream, and general Oceanic circulation, D.W. B. Carpenter, xv. 54. Herschel on, xv. 211 Oceanic Circulation (see Gibraltar Current, supra), Further inquiries on, Dr. W. B. Carpenter, xviii. 301, appendices, seq. Inquiries on, Laughton, xvii. 384 Objections to Doctrine of Thermal Circulation, Croll, xviii. 388 Temperature of the Deep Sea Bottom, Dr. W. B. Carpenter, xxi. 289 Specific Gravity, etc., of the Seas between England and India, H. Toyn- bee, ix. 281, x. 338 Summary of recent Observations on, made in H.M.S. Challenger and U.S.S. Tuscarora, Dr. W. B. Carpenter, xix. 493 Undulatory Motion of the Sea, and its Currents, Remarks on, Commen. A. Cialdi, iii. 395 (reviewed) Atlantic Ocean — Atlantic Telegraph, C. W. Field, i. 216 Exploration of the Faeroe Islands and Iceland, Dr. Rae, v. 80 Route for, v. 99 XXIV INDEX TO THE FAPERS IN THE PROCEEDINGS Oceans — Atlantic — continued. Survey for, of H.M.S. Bulldog, Sir F. L. M'Clintock, v. 62 Survey of Physical Con ditions, with special reference to the establishment of, G. C. Wallich, vii. 53 Geography of the Bed of (and other oceans), Capt. S. Osborn, xv. 28 Gulf Stream, A. G. Findlay, xiii. 102, 111 Evidences of, in High Lati tudes, Adm. C. Irminger, d.n., xiii. 226 Soundings and Temperatures in, Comm. W. Chimmo, b.n., xiii. 92 Surface Temperature of, in Reference to Ocean Currents, N. Whitley, xiii. 229 Notes on the Island of St. Helena, Maj. E. Palmer, iii. 363 Specific gravity of Water of South Atlantic, S. W. Hodding, xiv. 377 Synopsis of the Surveys of the Fox under Capt. Allen Young, Sir C. T. Bright, v. 70 Volcanic Eruption in the Azores, (1866.), xi. 261 Geography of the bed of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and of the Medi- teranean Sea, Capt. S. Osborn xv. 28 Pacific Ocean — Bonin Island, Capt. Quin, r.a., i. 62 Easter Island, a visit to, by J.' L. Palmer, r.n., xiv. 108 Fiji Islands — Commercial Resources of, Bensusan, (title only), vi. 96, abst. 97 Government Mission to, Dr. B. See- mann, vi. 96 Report of exploration of Rewa River and its Tributaries, Dr. MacDonald, i. 508 Navigator Islands, The (Samoa), L. Forbes, xxi. 140 Earthquake wave at Samoa, 1868., Rev. D. G. Turner, xiii. 57 New Hebrides and Santa Cruz Groups, Lt. A. H. Markham, xvi. 388 Norfolk Island, Removal of Pitcairn IslanderB to, i. 60 Rapa Island, Description of, Capt. V. Hall, xiii. 83 Sandwich Islands — On the Geography and Recent Vol canic Eruption of the, Bishop of Honolulu (Dr. Slade), xii. 305 Surveys of H.M.S. Herald, 1852-61., Capt. H. M. Denham, vi. 195 (title and note), vi. 197 Tahiti, Analysis of list of Pitcairn Islanders landed in, 1831., i. 77 POLAR REGIONS. Arctic. General — Account of the Land in the Vicinity of Cape Horsburg and of the Island dis covered there by E. P. Philpotts, xiii. 372 Alleged Attainment of Very high Lati tudes by Whalers in the last and pre ceding centuries, C. R. Markham, ix. 162 Animal life in, P. L. Simmonds, i. 53 Climate of the North Pole and on Circumpolar Navigation, W. E. Hickson, ix. 137 Currents and Ice-drifts on the Coast of Iceland, Captain C. Irminger, v. 225 Exploration of the North Polar Region, Captain S. Osborn, R.N., ix. 42, xii. 92 ; Do., with resume al Swedish, German, and Austrian attempts to reach the tolar circle from the Atlantic Ocean, Captain S. Osborn, xvi. 227 Herald Island, Maury, v'.s.n., i. 16 Ice between Greenland and Nova Zembla, Captain Jansen, r.d.n., ix. 163 North Pole, Possible passage to, A. T. Hopkins, iv. 100, 234 Routes to, the best, C. K. Markham, ix. 138, 156, 158, 162; Smith Sound route, Sir G. S. Nares, r.n., xxi. 274 ; that for the expedition of 1872., Admiral G. H. Richards, xix. 208 , Table of Voyages towards the, C. R. Markham, ix. 66 Open Polar Sea, Rationale of, A. C. Anderson, xvii. 133 Remarks on, Captain R. V. Hamilton, r.n., xiii. 234; Do., R. White, i. 27 Probable Existence of unknown Lands in the Arctic Circle, Captaiu S. Osborn, xvii. 172 Sledge-travelling in the Arctic, Sir F. L. M'Clintock, xix. 464, Captain A. H. Markham, xxi. 110 Arctic Expeditions — Account of the Scientific Results of the Arctic Expedition under the' command of Dr. I. J. Hayes, 1860-1., by Dr. Hayes, ix. 181 Austro-Hungarian Polar expedition, 1872., Lt. Julius Payer, xix. 17 British Expeditions (see also Franklin Search) — Arctic Committee of the Admiralty Report of, (1875.), xix. 349 Letter on, Lady Franklin, (1865.) ix 148 ' OF THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, 1855-1878. XXV Arctic Expeditions — continued. British Expeditions — continued. Notes on the late, Capt. S. Osborn, i. 104 Proposed expedition to the North Pole, Dr. A. Petermann, ix. 90, 114 Progress of the Arctic Expedition to July 17, 1875., and the return of the Valorous, 0. R. Markham, xx. 55 Prospects of, .deduced from observa tions on Weather, Wind, and Ice in Davis Sound and Baffin's Bay, 1875., Capt. Adams, xx. 160 Response of the Linnean Society to invitation of R.G.S. to co-operate in a new, ix. 156 The Arctic Expedition of 1875-6., C. R. Markham, xxi. 536, 543, 552 Weather, Winds, and Ice in Arctic Seas, 1875., as affecting prospects of the expedition, Adams, xx. 160 Winter Quarters of the Discovery, Cap tain H. F. Stephenson, xxi. 106 Capt. Hall's Arctic Expedition of 1871., Capt. the Hon. W. J. Ward, xv. 382 H. P. Tuttle, xv. 383 Discoveries of the Polaris, and Voyage of the Arctic, C. R. Markham, xviii. 12 Frobisher Strait proved to be a Bay, and on the Fate of Five Men of the Arctic expedition in reign of Eliza beth, Captain C. F. Hall, vii. 99 Proposed German Polar Expedition, and on the Discovery of Land beyond Herald Island, Petermann, xii. 107 Resume of the German North Polar Expedition from reportB of Captain Koldewey and Dr. Laube, Sir F. L. M'Clintock, xv. 102 Swedish North "Polar Expedition of 1868., A. E. Nordenskiold and Fr. von Otter, xiii. 151 Franklin, search for, etc. — Discoveries by the late expedition in search of, by Captain F. L. M'Clintock, B.N., iv. 2 Expediency of searching for, Captain Richards, R.N., i. 94 Expedition to Montreal Island in search of, by Anderson, i. 21 Memorial to the Government on further search for, i. 95. Plan for a farther search after the Franklin, search for, etc. — continued. Remains of the Franklin Expedition, Lieut. Bedford Pirn, r.n., i. 209 , Probable Course pursued by Sir J. Franklin's Expedition, by A. G. Findlay, i. 21 Report on his search for, during the years 1852-3-4, accompanied with a chart, Dr. E. K. Kane, i. 17 Greenland — Aurora Borealis in, J.W. Taylor, iii. 117 Current along coast of, Commander C. Irminger, R.D.N., i. 61 Discharge of Water from the Interior of, through Springs under the Ice, Dr. H. Rink, vii. 76 Fiords of, J. W. Taylor, v. 90 Greenland Fiords and Glaciers, J. W. Tayler, xiv. 156 Origin and Migrations of the Greenland Esquimaux, C. R. Markham, ix. 88 Site of the Lost Colony of, determined, and pre-Columbian discovery of America confirmed, R. H.Major, xvii. 312 Supposed discovery of the North Coast of, and an open Polar sea, by Kane, Dr. H. Rink, ii. 195 ; Bache on, ii. 359 Voyage to the North-East Coast of, D. Gray, (1868), xii. 196 Spitsbergen — Boat-voyage along coast of, 1864., ix. 30S Discoveries east of, and attempts to reach the Pole on the meridian of, C. R. Markham, xvii. 97 Proposed Exploration north of, J. Lamont, xiii. 225 Antarctic. Antarctic Exploration and its con nection with the Transit of Venus, (1882.), Staff-Commander J. E. Davis, r.n., xiii. 114 Morrell's Antarctic Voyage, 1853., with Remarks on the Advantages Steam will confer on future Antarctic Ex plorers, Captain R. V. Hamilton, r.n., xiv. 145 Note on Sabrina Land, etc., C. Enderby, ii. 171 Physical Geography of the Sea in con nection with the Antarctic Regions, Captain M. F. Maury, u.s.n., v. 22 INDEX TO THE MAPS Iff THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, 1855-1878. Central — continued. Headwaters of Kin Char Kiang, Lan Tsan Kiang, Now Kiang and Great River of Tibet, Cooper's route, iiiu facing 393 Pamir Steppe and region, illustrating letters from the Kashgar Political Mission, xviii. facing 429 China — South- West frontier (Sketch-map), by T. T. Cooper, xv. 163 India — Mount Everest and Deodanga, iii. facing 59 Siam — Menam and other rivers, v. facing 45 AFRICA. Central- Cameron's route between Lake Tan ganyika and Lovale, xx, facing 119 East— Lufigi river, main mouths, xviii. 75 Rovuma river, Livingstone's supposed route (Sketch-map), xi. facing 125 Lake Region- Albert Nyanza, Baker's routes, 1864, x. facing 1 Nyassa Lake (Sketch-map), by Young, xx. facing 451 . to Ugogo, Cotterill's route (Sketch-map), xxii. facing 231 Sea of Uniamesi, by Erhardt and Rebmann, i. facing 26 Tanganyika, Lake (Cameron's reduced), xix. facing 72 Victoria Nyanza, with Speke's, Grant's, and Stanley's routes, xx. facing 135 Nile- Sketch-map of Countries North and South of the Equator, on the Meri dian of Khartum, v. 20 Gondokoro to Dufli, Kemp's route (Sketch-map), xix. 325 AMERICA. Bouth — Railway tunnels, line across the Andes (Sketch-maps), xviii. 207, 209, 210 ASIA. Ventral — Bolor Highlands (Veniukof), xiii. facing 343 •Gobi, South-East, to Sirinagur, illus trating alleged travels of anonymous •German, x. facing 265 AUSTRALIA. South — Explorations by Freeling. Hack, and others (Sketch-map), ii. facing 194 OCEANS. Atlantic Ocean, xxi. facing 317 Proposed lines for telegraph routes across the Atlantic, v. facing 61 POLAR. Arctic Regions, xxi. facing 537 Greenland, Arkut fiord (Sketch-map), xiv. 158 Ice Barrier between Spitzbergen and Nova Zembla, ix. 175 WORLD. Gall's projection, xv. facing 159 DIAGRAMS. Changchenmo Valley, Forsyth, xviii. 114 Earth's Magnetism — Isogonic Lines, Plate I., xxii. following 216 Isoclinic Lines, Plate IL, ib. The Earth's Magnetism, Plate III., ib. Galton's Sun Signals, iv. 16 Main Land Masses, formation of, Duncan, xxii. 87, 88, 95, 97 Oceanic Circulation and Temperature, xv. 66 Atlantic and Mediterranean tempera ture, xviii. 321 Atlantic temperature, Challenger's ob servations on, xviii. facing 356, 360, 362, on 359 Oceanic Circulation and Temperature — continued. China and Sulu seas, temperature of, xviii. 346 Dardanelles and Bosphorus Currents, xviii. 337, 338 Gulf Stream (Findlay), xiii. facing, 139 Influence of glacial water on, xix. 508 wind pressure, xviii. 302 Pacific ocean, Challenger observations on, xix. facing 493 North, Tuscarora observa tions on, xix. foxing 503 Soundings of H.M.S. Valorous in Davis Strait and the Atlantic Ocean, xx. facing 66 NOTE. In the General Index which follows, the entries with capital letters to the principal words represent titles of papers printed in full or in abstract in the Proceedings, which also appear in the preceding list under a topographical or subject arrangement. Obvious abbreviations include the use of the initial letters of the points of the compass, and frequently B. or Br. for " British." A capital N is sometimes used for " New," as in New Guinea, etc., as well as for " North." GENERAL INDEX TO THE PROCEEDINGS OP the ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, 1855-1878. Aar river, Switzerland, fall of, ii. 370 ; volume of, xvii. 205, 206 Aaron's Hill, Sinaitic Peninsula, xiii. 208 Aasir Mountains, Arabia, viii. 104 Abadah Island, Persia, position of, i. 286, 292 Abadees or settlements, Mekran, locations of, xvi. 140 Abai river, Abyssinia, source of, x. 299 Abancoy, Peru, sugar of, xviii. 212 Abaza, M, his work in connection with the Russo-American Telegraph Exten sion, 1866., xi. 39 Abazai Fort, Trans-Himalaya, road to, from Nawagai surveyed by the Mullah, 1876., xxii. 354 Abbagantowy, E. Siberia, steppes of, ii. 278 Abbeokuta, district and town, West Africa, i. 445 C.M.S. station at, ii. 96 cultivation at and near (cotton, etc.), ii. 96, vi. 65 Expeditions and explorations : Beding- field's, 1862., vii. 105, 107; Bowen's, ii. 93, 94; Burton's, 1861., vi. 49, 64; Crowther's, (1876.), xxi. 487; May's, 1857., ii. 90, 95 geological formation in, xxi. 48S natives of, Strickland on, vi. 52 , wars of, Burton on, vi. 65-6 river (see also Ogun river), Ascent of, by Burton and others, (1861.), vi. 49, 64 ; Crowther on, xxi. 488 Abbs. Lieut. C, r.n., explorations of, in Belize district, (1868), xii. 75 Abbotsbury and Chesil Bank Beaches, mapped, (1856.), i. 138 Abbot Bay, N. E. Australia, deep water at, v. 7 Abbot, K. E., Journey from Shiraz ... to Kazeran, 1850., i. 321 ; Notes on Ghilan. Persia, (1859.), iii. 390 ; On the country of Azerbaijan, (1864)., viii. 275; obituarv notice of, 1874., xviii. 530 Abdulabad, Perso-Afghau frontier, de scribed by Marsh, xxi. 584 Abdum, Egypt, i. 507 Aberdeen, Earl of, obituary notice of, 1861., v. 147 Aberdeen, Mount, Buffalo Range, Victoria, Australia, i. 4 Abiad-mto-temassanin, North Africa, ix. 314 Abian district, South Arabia, fertility of, prosperous towns in, xvi. 118 valley, xvi. 117 Abich, M., Ascent of Mount Ararat by, 1845., xxi. 88; record of.ou the mountain, ,xxii. 178; classification of mountain ranges by, Spottiswoode on, iv. 97; explorations of the Caspian Sea by, (1864.), viii. 204; cited on the earth quakes at Erzeroum and Schamake. 1859., vi. 64 Abigharm, village at foot of Demavend, vi. 103, mineral warm springs at, xxii. 218 Abkhasia district, Caucasus, area and in habitants of, vi. 60 Abo, on the Niger, friendly chiefs at, ii. 84 _ Abokobi, Accra country, West Africa, Basle missionary station at, xiii. 358, xviii. 291 ; mountains near, xviii. 288 ABO— ADA Aboo, Mount, Aravellee range, India, elevation of, xi. 57 Aboo Sinn, important Sheikh in Upper Egypt, x. 283 Abookooka, or Abukuka, or Lalnun, near the Nile, Petherick at, 1862., vii. 78, viii. 13, 132 Abou Arouck, Wady, Nile region, wood in, xx. 358 Gimri, Wady, Nile region, water in, xx. 357 . ¦ , Harraz, Junction of the Rahad with the Atbara river at, x. 294 Senoum, Nile region, quartz stones and baobab trees at, xx. 361 Abranioff, Colonel A., expedition of, to the sources of the Zarafshan river, (1871.), xv. 288 , On Lake Nor Tsai-san, Cent. Asia, and its Neighbourhood, ix. 40 Abu Aldi, Jebel, Sinaitic Peninsula, xiii. 209 Ghuraib canal, Mesopotamia, Bewsher on, xi. 155 Mas'ud, Jebel, Sinaitic Peninsula, ruins on, described by Wilson, xiii. 211 Zennoh, Sinaitic Peninsula, legend of the stones of, xiii. 207 Abundance, Mount, North Queensland, traoes of Leichhardt near, iii. 87, 88, cf. x. 59 Abune, West Africa, elevation of, and goldshafts near, xviii. 288, mission • station at, 291 Aburrie, West Africa, xiii. 358, 359 Abuya-meder Mountains, Abyssinia, xi. 299 Abyssinia (see also Africa, East, Somaliland, etc.) — Alps of, Munzinger's journey to, from Haupta, 1867., xiii. 219, xiv. 329, journeys in, iii. 308, vii. 195 ancient races of, i. 281 Baker on, xii. 117 Beke on Senafe and other places in, and on his travels, (1866.), xii. 15, 116, 119, xiii. 51 Blanc, on his captivity in, (1865.), xiii. 47 Cave churches of, xiv. 164 Climate and geology of, with Tables of Heights, Cook, xiv. 158 Confirmation of Bruce's statements concerning, ii. 284, v. 214, xii. 6, 273 Early Portuguese Expeditions to, Markham, xii. 11 ; Beke on, xii. 119 Explorations and expeditions: Anti- nori's, 1875-8., xxi. 174, xxii. 14, 378 ; Baker's, vii. 204, x. 6, 279 ; Beke's, (I860.), xiii. 51; Blanc's, (1868.), xiii. 39; Early Portuguese, xii. 11, 119; general, xiii. 51 ; German, viii. 243 ; Gessi's, (1878.), xxii. 378; Heuglin's, Abyssinia — continued. (1858.), ii. 284, (1862.), vi. 178; Heuglin and others, viii. 243 ; Jesuit, xiii. 223 ; Khedive's, (1876.). xxi. 65; Military British, (1868.), xii. 6, 16- 19, 113, 298, xiii. 51; Munzinger's, (1859.), iii. 308, vii. 195, xiii. 219, xiv. 329 ; Parkyns, x. 290, and others, xii. 6, 18, 273 Geographical results of the Abyssinian Expedition, (1867-8.), Markham, xii. 113, 298 Geological reconnaissance of plateau by the Khedive's expedition, 1876., xxi, 65 Hot wind of, i. 35 Map of, viii. 243, xii. 7, 118 ¦ of Region north of, ii. 324, 325 note Meteorology of, xiv. 158-62 Mountains of, elevations of, x. 290; explorations in, by Munzinger, iii. 308, vii. 195, xiii. 219, xiv. 329; geological formation of, xii. 298 Progress of geographical knowledge of, vi. 324, vii. 193, 197, viii. 243, xi. 5, xii. 273, xiii. 7, 223, xiv. 329 Rassam on his captivity in, 1866., x. 29o Rivers of, iii. 306, 355, vii. 21, 80, a. 100, 279, xii. 117 Salt markets of, xiii. 222 Salt plain of, xii. 117, xiii. 220, xiv. 329 Tablelands of, elevation of, xii. 115, xiii. 40, 46, 151; climate and rainfall, xii. 301 Tributaries of the Nile in, Baker, x. 279 Tsetse fly regions in, x. 284, 285 Water-parting of, xiii. 117 Acapulco, Mexico, early Japanese traders at, x. 172 Accad, Babylonia, Rawlinson on, i. 46J 47 Accessible Bay, Kerguelen Island, xviii. 545 Accident Inlet or river, North Australia, xiii. 54, district near, 56 Accra, West Africa, Basle mission station at, xiii. 291 beads and their origin, xviii. 294 Du Chaillu at, 1863., viii. 18 region near, xviii. 290 Achalzich. Caucasus, xiii. 71 Ach baluch Manji : see Pi-ma-kwan Acheen Head, Sumatra, currents off, vi. 117 Ackweng village, Central Africa, tribes men of, v. 33 Aconcagua, Mount, Chile, height of, variously estimated, ix. 244, xviii. 65-6 Ac-tu Mountains, Chinese Tartary, passes m, visited by Atkinson, (1859.), iii 127 Ada-bazar, Asia Minor, Roman bridge at, l. 301 ° ADA— ADE Adael, on the Nile, viii. 138, 139 Adai Kock peaks, Caucasus, xiii. 68 Adamawa, West Africa, ii. 79 elevation of the Benue river in, xvii. 23 , Expeditions and explorations: Vogel's, 1855, i. 16, 155, 445, ii. 31, failure of, 442, ii. 32, proposed, second journey to, ii. 34 Foulbe natives of, xxi. 494 ivory from, i. 215 Mount Mauranu in, xxi. 490 Adam Bay, North Australia, x. 35, 42, 52 61 Admiralty survey of, x. 221 Cadell's opinion on, xii. 202 Expeditions to and from, M'Kinlay's, 1865., x. 250, xi. 46; Stow's boat voyage from, 1864., x. 34, 52 ; Survey by Auld and Litchfield, x. 250 exposed flats of, x. 250 failure of settlement at, x. 87, 88, 251, xi. 46, 261 as a telegraph station, x. 61 , Arthur, naturalist expedition up Canton river, China, vii. 142 Adams, Captain, of the Arctic (whaling ship). Remarks on Weather, Wind, and Ice in the Arctic Seas, 1875., as affecting the prospects of the Arctic Expedition of 1875., from observations in Davis Strait and Baffin Bay, xx. 160, cited on the same,-xx. 20 ¦, Hon. C. F., U.S. Minister, on re ceiving Patron's Gold Medal ou behalf of Dr. Hayes, 1867., xi. 183 . Mr., journey in Japau, xviii. 230 , Mr., a s-ailor, with the North Aus tralian Expedition, ii. 8 Adams, Mount, British North America, alleged effect of an eruption of, xiii. .149 Adamson, J., obituary notice, of, 1856., i. 117 Adansi Hills, West Africa, xviii. 289 Add, Mohr, Somaliland, gum-trees of, xvi. 151 Adda river, Italy, source of, iii. 354 Adda-Mugu, boundary of Igara district, West Africa, xxi. 484 Addah, West Africa, Basle missionary station at, xviii. 291 Addah Foh, West Africa, and its King, xviii. 185 Addigerat, or Adigraht, Abyssinia, easy travelling near, xii. 119, flat-roofi-d houses of, xiv. 162, geological forma tion of mountains above, xiv. 164 Addington, Rt. Hon. H. U, obituary notice of, 1870 , xiv. 291 Additional Notes on Formosa, Swinhoe, x. 122 Address of Condolence presented by R.G.S. to H.M. the Queen on the death of the Prince Consort, 1862., vi. 40 AddresB to the Geographical and Ethno graphical section of the British Asso ciation, Oxford, I860., Murchison, iv. 250 Ade, N. C. Africa, dunes of, petrifactions in, Rohlfs on, xi. 35 Adelaide, South Australia, ii. 186, 314, iii. 29, iv. 77, 93, vii. 171, x. 34, xii. 322, xiii. 28, xvi. 319 Admiralty surveys at and near: see Admiralty surveys Colonization from, vi. 57, vii. 85, 90, 170 Communication of, with North Australia, xiv. 196, 198, xv. 296 Distance of, from Alice Springs, xix. 42 Expeditions from, and returning to, iv. 93, v. 124, vi. 11, 14, 56, vii. 11, 13, 84, 113, 169, 175, viii. 211, ix. 232-3, xii. 261, 288, xvii. 19, 276, 277, xviii. 570-1, xix. 9, 49 Good land near, proportion of, v. 58, hot wind of, ii. 192 Plains of, in wet and dry seasons, ii. 191, 192, fertility of, vi. 57 Public reception of Forrest at, (1874.), xix. 486 Telegraph from, to King George's Sound, xix. 482 Chain (mountains), South Australia. v. 10 , Port, South Australia, x. 35 Admiralty survey of anchorage at, xii. 215 Expansion of, xiv. 322 river, North Australia — Cadell's exploration near, 1867., xii. 201, 261 Discovery of, by Stuart, and conse quences, x. 52, xiv. 200 Latitude of, vii. 82 Leichhardt cited on the district of, vii. 82 Navigability of, ii. 211, ix. 22, 23 Swamps near, xiv. 197 Unsuccessful settlement near, ix. 22, x. 52, 221, 251 Station, North Australia, vii. 83 Adelong, South Australia, gold tract of, iii. 339 Aden, i. 79, ii. 321, vii. 60 Expeditions from : Von Maltzan's, 1870-71., xvi. 113 ; Von Wrede's and others (1843., etc.),xv. 330; drawbacks of, as starting-point for expeditions, iii. 179, 195, 314, vi. 207, xvi. 123 Heat of, and health of troops at, i. 362 Longitude of station at, for observing the transit of Venus, 1874., xvii. 351 Telegraph from, to England, via Con stantinople, iii. 266, v. 222, xiii. 278 Trade of, with the Curia Muria Islands, iv. 50, 56 ADE— AFR Aden, Gulf of, Admiralty surveys of (q.v.), iii. 268, vi. 134 Current in, xviii. 316 Aderbeijan (see Azerbaijan) province, Persia, described and mapped by Kha- nikoff, vi. 162 Adi river, East Africa, source and course of, viii. 7, xxii. 451 Adiabo, West Africa, United Presbyterian Missionary Station at, xx. 224, 226, 227. Adicha river, Siberia, affluents of, xxi. 214 Adjia-Vogdo, spur of the Altai mountains, elevation of, xxii. 52 Adjomba district, West Africa, alleged lake near, x. 129, rivers in, x. 128 Adkins, T., journey of, in Manchuria, 1872, xvi. 351 Admiral Richards mountain and glacier, Kerguelen's island, xviii. 545 Admiralty Charts, new catalogue of, issued 1875., xix. 413 inlet, Arctic Regions, Rae at, iv. 9 islets, off Lord Howe island, lati tude of, xxii. 136 peninsula, Novaya Ze'mlya, xix. 35 surveys, annual summaries of, 1856., i. 137; 1857.,i.400; 1858.,ii.258; 1859., iii. 261 ; I860., iv. 145; 1861., v. 166; 1862., vi. 130; 1863., vii. 137; 1864., viii. 189; 1865., ix. 219; 1866., x. 216; 1867., xi. 190; 1868., xii. 239. 1869., xiii. 274; 1870, xiv. 303; 1871.; xv. 261; 1872., xvi. 315; 1873., xvii., 253; 1874., xviii. 535; 1875., xix. 404; 1876., xx. 402; 1877., xxi. 431; 1878., xxii. 333 ¦ — auxiliary, 1869., xiii. 282 of the East Coast of Africa, 1877., Kirk on, xxii. 453 ¦ Pacific ocean, by H.M.S. Herald, Denham. 1852-61., vi. 195-7 Adokodo river, West Africa, affluent of, x. 117 Adonis river, Syria, sources of, ii. 225 Ador, Nile region, viii. 133, Petherick at, viii. 134 Adreskun Ab river, near Herat, course of, xxi. 585 Adriatic sea, level of, ii. 283 Adulis, Abyssinia, ancient Greek city, landing of British troops at, 1867., xii. 10, 16, 17, ruins at and natives of, xii. 113 Advance, Kane's ship in 1850., i. 17, 19 Adventure bay, Spitzbergen, ix. 311 Ad wan plain, Syria, heat of, and natives of, xix. 166 Aed Hamarrawa heights, West Africa, i. 446 Afar district, Abyssinia, salt and people of, xiii. 220-1 Afghanistan — Afghan Geography, Macgregor on, xx, 248 Markham, xx. 241 natives in Gosse's Central Aus tralian Expedition, xix. 51 ExDeditions and explorations (see Afghan Geography), Pelly's, viii. 20 Frontiers of, Rawlinson on, xvii. 108; and Herat, the same on, i. 297-9 Map of, by Fraser-Tytler, xx. 248 Probable coal in, xx. 255 Aika, or Apheca, Syria, temple of, ii. 225 Aflaj El, Arabian province of, lost river in, viii. 101 Aflan river or wady, Arabia, Badger on, viii. 97, 98, 99 ; Palgrave on, viii. 103, 105 Afog, or Affoock, Nile region, Petherick at, v. 32, Mme. Tinne- at, viii. 14 Afraziab, Samarcand, ruins at, xv. 395 Afreet mountains, Sinaitic peninsula, x. 159 Africa (see also Nile, ete.) — General (see also Africa, Central) — Astronomical observations in, Living stone's, Maclear, i. 44, 268 cannibals of, v. 83, 84 climate of elevated parts of, iv. 88 climatic dangers of, iv. 43, 68 coast surveys of : see Admiralty surveys colonization of, Fynney on, xxii. 122-124 cotton cultivation in, Baikie on, v, 45 ; Baker on, vii. 21 ; Burton on, iii. 357, vi. 49 ; Churchill on, iv. 221 ; Crawfurd on, iii. 104-5, vii. 66-7; Hanson on, iv. 43, 221; Livingstone on, ii. 58; Macqueen on, iii. 105, iv. 28; Murchison on, ii. 35, 322, iii. 315; Speke on, iv. 88 ; Sykes on, iii. 105 ; Taylor on, vi. 52 distribution of Animal Life in, Wallace, xxi. 517 elephants, domesticated at Zanzibar, xvii. 35; taming of, by negroes, unknown, viii. 9 note, 249 ; used in Gordon's 1875 Expedition, xix. 455 Expeditions and explorations (see Progress below, also Annual and other Addresses) — object of, and drawbacks to, Alcock on, xxii. 20 Exploration Fund: President, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, xxi. 17, 393, 476; Balance-sheet, xxii. 469; Circulars on 1877., xxi. 385, 476; Grant to Mr. Craven, xxii. 19; Objects of, Alcock on, xxi. 475, xxii. 11, 24, in letter to the Times, xxi. 601, in speech at Mansion House Meeting, 604, in resolution j AFR— AFR Africa — continued. General — continued. moved by, 607 ; origin of, in the Brussels Conference, xxi. 394 ; foreign action in connection with, xxi. 394-396 ; Mansion House Meeting on, xxi. 601, xxii. 11 ; Minutes of Conference on, xxi. 616 ; Minutes of Council, xxi. 391 ; Remarks on Inland Line of Tele graph suggested by, Erskine, xxii. 224; Report of Committee, xxii. 378, 463; Routes in East Africa suggested for exploration or ex amination, xxi. 388, xxii. 19 Flora of, Ball on, xvi. 171 German African Society, scope of its labours, xxii. 14 writers on Africa, 1863., vii. 149 gold in, found by Petherick, iv. 12 Journey between the East and West Coasts by Traders, Frere on, xvii. 349 across, Bayamoyo to Benguela, Lt. V. L. Cameron, 1873., xx. 304 lack of water in, v. 8 Lake and river vegetation in, xx. 54 Maps of: Lopez', of the Lakes, Major on, xviii. 147; Pigafetta's, of 1591., Major, xi. 246 ; Speke on a correc tion in his owu, v. 15 Meteorology of: see Meteorological observations migrations of native races in, viii. 259, xi. 140 Missionary labours in, and the diffi culties of, Alcock on, xxii. 15, 22 and qualifications for, Stanley on, xxii. 152 mountains of, Duncan on, xxii. 73 Natives of, inferiority of, to Asiatics, viii. 249 note; Stanley on treat ment of, xxii. 145, 146 Physical conformation of, Stanley on, xxii 382 Progress of geographical knowledge of , annual summaries : 1856., i. 154; 1857., ii. 2; 1858., ii. 316; 1859., iii. 301; I860., iv. 175 (see also 250); 1861., v. 208; 1862., vi. 175; 1863., vii. 182; 1864., viii. 241; 1865., ix. 247 ; 1866., x. 257 ; 1867., xi. 197 ; 1868., xii. 268 ; 1869., xiii. 298,318; 1870., xiv. 329; 1871., xv. 309, xvi. 87; 1872., xvi. 365 ; 1873., xvii. 6, 297, xviii. 4,9; 1874., xviii. 574, xix. 9; 1875., "xix. 451, Xx. 9 ; 1876., xx. 435, xxi. 6 ; 1877., xxi. 463, xxii. 108 ; 187., xxii. 370 in fifty years, Baker on, 1878., xxii. 166 rainfall in, effect of. on rivers, Hutchinson on, xxii. 409 Africa — continued. General — continued. rainfall of various areas, viii. 261 Remarks on Line of Inland Telegraph suggested in the African Explora tion Committee's Circular, Erskine, xxii. 224 rivers, formation of mouths of, xiii. 341, xvi. 101 ; sources of, Living stone on, i. 449 roads and telegraphs in, Alcock on, xxii. 25 slave trade in, i. 1, Frere on, xviii. 509; cost of attempts to suppress. Alcock on, xxii. 20 ; the chief obstacle to travel, viii. 254, 257, 264 slaves, free, colonies of, and cotton cultivation, iv. 221 Trade, On overcoming Geographical Obstacles to, Haddon, xxii. 251 tropics of, Mountains of, as " areas of Condensation," i. 58 true scope for Europeans in, iv. 28 tsetse fly in, i. 246, iii. 303, vi. 29, x. 174, xii. 271, xix. 129, xxi. 22, 241, 389, xxii. 37, 120, 373 Africa, Central or Equatorial (see also Lakes, Nile, and Explorers of the same) — Antiquity of the Physical Geography of, Murchison, viii. 151 Atmospheric pressures in, xiii. 362 bullock waggons first utilized in, by Price, 1876., xxi. 236 cannibalism in, v. 110, 214 coal in, v. 130 drainage system of, Speke on, vii. 221 elevations of rivers and lakes in, Bebm on, xvii. 21 ethnology of, Speke on, vii. 223 Expeditions and explorations in (tee Nile expeditions and explorers) — Antinori's, xiii. 297 Barth's, 1857., i. 82, 113, 44J, ii. 318 Cameron's, across (q.v.), xx. 164 D'EBcayrac de Lauture, ii. 220 Du Chaillu's (in the West), 1863-4. viii. 265, ix. 14, x. 71 German, of Lenz and Pogge (q.v.), 1877., xxi. 203, 472, xxii. 18 Gessi's, round Albert Nyanza, 1876 xx. 470, xxi. 50 Gordon's, 1874., xix. 182 ; 1875., xx. 50; 1876., xx. 473; 1877., xxi. 48, 49, 463 ; to Albert Nyanza, xxii. 225 Khedive's (Baker's), 1870-3., xviii. 50, 131 Lacerda's, to Cazembe, xi. 235 Laird's, v. 160, 161 Lejean's, 1861., v. 210, vi. 18, 177 Livingstone's (q.v.), (1855.), i. 11, 240 : (1861.-) iv. 19, v. J28, vi. 20, 32; viii. 256; (1865.-), ix. 249, 264; 6 AFR— AFR Africa, Central or Equatorial— continued. Expeditions and explorations— contd. search expedition for (see Living stone Search and Relief Expedi tion), xi. 161 et seq., xii. 37, 79, 175, 181, 282-3, xiii. 8, 298, xiv. 8, 38, 276, 329, xv. C, 115, 206, 309, 335, xvi. 88, 433 (and see Stanley), xvii. 6, 9, 10, 72, 132, 298, xviii. passim Long's, 1874., xix. 107 Lucas', 1875-6., xx. 444 Magyar's, x. 261 Marno's, 1876., xx. 444 Peney's, 1861., vi. 18, 177. vii. 184 Pereira's, to Cazembe, 1798., xi. 235 Piaggia's and the Poncels', xiii. 8, 297, xv. 310, xx. 130 Pombeiros', (1806.), i. 92, vi. 195, vii. 73, 84, xvii. 11, 20, xx. 129, 131 Portos', across the Continent, (I860.), iv. 181 Portuguese, Burton on; iii. 3B3 ; Cooley on. i. 92, viii. 255 Rohlfs, 1865-6., x. 69, xi. 33, 34 Schweinfurth's, 1869-71., xv. 310, xvi. 325, 366 Stanley's, in search of Livingstone (see Stanley), xvi. 88, 376; 1874., xix. 10, 107, 249, 492, xx. 34, 134, 159, xxi. 13, 15, 465, 470, xxii. 144, 382, etc. Vogel's, 1853-5., i. 15, 114, 155, 215, 320, 442, 518, ii. 30, 35, 79. 257, viii. 10. 11 Von der Decken's (see West Africa), (1863.), viii. 5 Von Heuglin's, 1863., viii. 264 ^ Walker's, (1865.), x. 128 Geography of, Notes on, Macqueen. i. 12; 316, Kemarks on, Id., iii. 208; Cooley cited on, vii. 93, 94 Geology of. Murchison on, vii. 191, viii. 246, x. 259 Gold districts of (see Boure'), i. 247. 248 great plateau of, area comprised by, xx. 141 Geological history of, Stanley on, xxi. 142; Hutchinson on, xxi. 61 lake plateau, Livingstone citnl on, v. 211 International Commission of Explora tion of, set on foot by the King of the Belgians, 1876., Alcock od, xxi. 16, 19 internecine wars in, i. 442 Ivory trade of, Vogel, i. 215 Languages of, Von der Decken on, viii. 9 Lakes of, (see Lake region), iii. 114; old geographers on, xx. 34; sources of supply of, vii. 80 Latitudes and Longitudes iu, deter mined by Vogel. 1855.. i. 518 Africa, Central or Equatorial— continued. Livingstone's discoveries in, xvii. 299 Map of, (Speke's last work), x. 21 Missionary progress in, xxii. 374 Mountains in, vi. 48, 51 ; theories on, vii. 192, 195 New routes to, xxi. 470 ; and method of travelling into, 1876., Mullens, xxi. 233 Notes on, MacQueen, ii. 12 Observations on, MacQueen, iii. 208 Portuguese Journeys in, MacQueen, iii. 362 Progress of knowledge of : see this head under Africa, General Reports respecting, collected at Mom- baza, on the East Coast, Erhardt, i. 8 rivers of, elevation of, xvii. 21, volume of, 23, rainy seasons on, and effect in rises of, 28 slave-trade of, Burton on, xviii. 51 telegraph in, xxii. 473, 475 trade of, in relation to Lagos, vi. 17 tropical flora of, Dyer on, xxii. 440 Uganda, (East Central Africa), Colonel Long's mission to King M'tesa of, 1S74., xix. 107 watershed of, ii. 57 water-system of, and possibilities of utilizing, Cameron on, xx. 324, Living stone's discoveries concerning, xvii. 10 Africa, EaBt (see Abyssinia, Admiralty Surveys, Nile, etc.) — Ascent of the Rovuma with Living stone, 1861-2., Kirk, ix. 284, 288 coal in, at Tetc, i. 248, ii. 321, 365, iii. 105 Coast of, On recent Admiralty surveys of, 1877., Kirk, xxii. 453 ; Mountains of, elevation and products of, Hilde- braud on, xxii. 446 ; reports from, on Central Africa, Erhardt, i. 8 ; Stanley on, xxii. 148 and Zanzibar, remarks on, Frere, xvii. 343. 354 cotton in, Kirk on, vi. 26, 27, 29 Englishmen in captivity in, Rigby, x. 99, 113 ; xi. 4 Ethnological divisions, iv. 176, xvii. - 353 ; Broyon-Mirambo on, xxii. 31 Expeditions and Explorations in (see Burton, Burton and Speke, Living stone, Speke and Grant, Stanley) : Baker's, 1862., (Nubia), vii. 21 ; Belle ville's, 1875., xx. 69; Cameron's (to Ujiji), 1873., xx. 304 : Cothcal's, ii. 34; Emin Effendi's (Dr. Schnitzer), (Uganda), xxi. 465 ; Exploration of, summarized, Johnston, xvi. 126; vii. 195; German, xviii. 11, xxi'. 473, xxii. 14; Hillard's, (Mana- cusi river), 1857., iii. 166; Italian. Antinori's (to Shoa). 1875., xix. 32G AFR— AFR f 'Africa, East— continued. Expeditions and Explorations in — contd. 457, 1876-7., xxi. 474, xxii. 14; Krapf and others, iv. 205, xvi. 126 ; Livingstone's, to Lake Nyassa, 1861., vii. 18, up the Rovuma, (1862.), vii. 52, ix. 284 ; Malcolm's and Hill's, (up the Wami), (1872.), xvii. 337; Miles' (in Somaliland), 1871., xvi. 149; Nachtigal's, (Eastern Sahara), 1874., . xix. 450; Peney's, 1861., v. 210; Price's (from, to the Interior) 1876., xxi. 22, 233 ; Roscher's, (I860.), iv. 179; Stanley's, 1875., xix. 454; Steere's, 1875., xx. 15,446; Von der Decken's, 1860. et seq., iv. 180, vi. 47, ix. 15, x. 28, 91, 109 j Von Heuglin's, 1863., viii. 264 ; Young's, (missionary), 1875., xix. 457 Exploration and mission parties in, Kirk on, 1877., xxii. 19 Frankincense of, iv. 28 Geogr. divisions, Speke on, iii. 350 Geology, Hildebrand on, xxii. 446 Lake region of, Earl de Grey and Ripon on, iv. 177 Mountains of, (cf. vii. 192-195), dis covered by Livingstone, viii. 257, 262, xxii. 384 ; Snowy, various views on, ii. 324, iii. 113-117 Mozambique coast of. McLeod's iu- formation on, iv. 182, 205 Notes on Rev. T. Wakefield's Map of, Johnston, xvi. 125 Portuguese claims in, I860., iv. 205 Probable Oceultation of Stars by the Moon in, 1878-9., Hind, xxii. 64, 65 Quilimane and Zambezi rivers (South- East Africa), On the, Hyde Parker, i. 314 Rainfall in, near Lake Tanganyika, iii. 356, scanty elsewhere, viii. 8 rivers of, viii. 257, in order of magni tude, xxii. 383 Suggested Fields for further Explora tion in, Council of R.G.S., 1862, vi. 207 travels near the Kosanga, Von Heuglin, 1863., viii. 264 Africa, Lake District (see als i Lakes under Names) — Astronomical Observations in, Mason. xxii. 229 elevation of places in, Baker cited on, xi. 243 Expeditions an d explorations (see Baker, Burton, Grant, Speke, Tinne', Stanley, etc.) — Baker's, 1870., xv. 6 Burton's, xvi. 129 Gordon's, (see Cent. Africa), 1874., xix. 152 Laoerda's, eighteenth century, and Monteiro's, 1831. et seq., xi. 237, 250 Africa, Lake District — continued. Expeditions and Explorations in — contd. Stanley's, 1875-7., xx. 34, 44, xxi. 465, 467, xxii. 10, 144 Werne's, (185- ), iii. 356 Geographical Sketch of the Nile and Congo basins, Stanley, xxii. 382 Grant on, xvi. 410 imperfeot knowledge of, in 1867., xi. 138 ; Johnston on, ib. Murchison on, xiii. 8, 299 Observations for Latitude in, Stanley, xx. 44 Rawlinson on, xvi. 367 Temperatures and Rainfall in, Speke and Grant's observations, Galton, vii. 225 et seq. Ukara or Ukerewe Lake, Burton, xvi. 129, 131 Africa, North (see Admiralty Surveys) — Expeditions and Explorations — Bonderba's, (I860.), iv. 184 ; Gerard's, 1862-3-4., viii. 94, ix. 79, 312 Naohtigal's, 1869-74., xix. 5, 450 Morocco, Leared on, xxi. 611 physical features of, ii. 319 Geography of, Hodgkinson on, viii. 153 Topographical Notes on Tunis, anon. vi. 210 Africa, North Central (see also Sahara and Sudan) — French missionary journey to Timbuctu, 1875., failure of, xx. 445 General Historical view of Society in, Barth, ii. 217 Afrioa, North-East : see Egypt, Nile and Nile explorers, Red Sea, ef.c. Africa, North- West- Canal project in, xix. 454 Expeditions and explorations — Boo-Moghdad's, Duveyrier's, Lam bert's, (1862.), vi. 178 French Surveys in, 1877., xxi. 474 progress of geographical knowledge of (see Africa, General, under this head), viii. 241 Africa, South: see also Admiralty Sur veys, Cape Town and Colony, Queens- town, etc. — • absence of good harbours in, xvi. 101 climate of, Mann on, xxii. 134 coal in South aud South-East, i. 314, v. 130, xii. 268, xvii. 300, xxii. 121 Discovery of Diamonds at Hope Town, 1867., xii. 322 elevation and meteorology of, i. 60 of towns visited by Chapman, I860., v. 20 Expeditions and explorations in : An- dersson's, 185!)., iv. 63; Baines,(with Livingstone), Zambesi region, 1858., iii. 99, Limpopo and Zambesi, 1868., AFR— AFR Africa, South — continued. Expeditions and Explorations in — contd. xv. 147, 309 ; Chapman's, I860., v. 16 ; Coqui's, 1846., iii. 373, Elton's, 1870., xvi. 88, 89, xix. 40 ; Erskine's, Lim popo, 1868., xiii. 320, to Umzila, 1871., xix. 12, 110, Gazaland, etc., 1873-5., xxii. 127 ; Fleming's, Kaffraria, 1853., i. 511; Gtrman.to ruins of Ophii-,1865., x. 173; ditto, Mohr's, 1876., xx. 441 ; Green, Hahn.and Uath's.to the Ovam- po, 1857., i. o.i, ii. 350: Livinytone's, i. 11, 56; 185.3, tt seq.. i. 233, 237-9, 311, 448. 1858., 451, xi. 124 et seq.; 1868., xii. 280; ftlauch's, xii. 268, xii. 136, xv. 158, xix. Ill; Moffat's, (1858.),ii. 77,(1858.). to Orange river, etc., ii. 158; Sanderson's, I860., iv. 182; Steele's, i. 216; Vardon's, ib.; Wilkinson's, 1866., xiii. 134 Flora of, Dyer, xxii. 430 Geological and meteorological survey of Natal, Sutherland, i. 55 Gold in, (see Transvaal), Mauch's dis covery of, 1866-7., xii. 268, xiii. 136, xv. 158 goldfields of, Murchison on, xiii. 300 great limestone plain of, xix. 121 lack of water in, i. 243, v. 8 languages of, .Von der Decken, viii. 9; Notes on, De Figaniere, viii. 105, errata, 157 Mountains of, in relation to dry winds, i. 59 Notes on, Chapman, I860., v. 16 Progressing Desiccation of the Basin of the Orange River, Wilson, ix. 106, Livingstone and others on, 107, 108, see also v. 16 Races of, (see accounts of journeys), the Knobnuizen, xvi. 95 ; the Makalolos and others, iv. 64 ; the Maloios, xvi. 95 rivers of, Bars at mouths of, Mann and Markham, xvi. 138 Sheep in, xxii. 134-6 South African Republic (see Transvaal, infra), trochiameter distances in, taken by Chapman, v. 19-20 Transvaal, The, Geographical, and Eco nomical Features of, Fynney, (1878.), xxii. 114; territory noith of Natal claimed by, xiii. 337 water-parting between rivers running east and west in, ii. 354-5. watershed of, latitude of, xv. 150 Africa, South Central — commercial value of, Macqueen on, iii, 362 Livingstone's last journey and death in, 1866-73., xi. 124, 144 Murchison on, vii. 191 Afrioa, South-East — slave-trade in, Erskine on, xix. 123 Africa, South-West— Remarks ou the Geography and Hydro graphy of, Campbell, 1856., i. 310 Africa, West (see Abbeokuta, Admiralty Surveys, Akem, Ashanti, Cameron, Congo, Gambia, Livingstone Search Expedition, Niger, Stanley, etc.)— Ascent of the Cameroons Mountain, Burton, 1862., vi. 238 barren plain near coast, xx. 323 Bijuga to the Kittafiny, Notes on Ex pedition, O'Connor, 1857., iii. 379 British Settlements in, O'Connor, vi. 15 Bulamalsland, Visit of O'Connor, 1865., i. 42 Bur-Siu, the King of, Visits of O'Connor to, iii. 377 canal project, near Cape Bojador, xix. 454 Cape Palmas settlement of Liberated Negroes, Schonlein, i. 98 Casamance River, Report on, O'Connor, i. 43 climate of the interior, xviii. 192 cotton cultivation in, iv. 70, vi. 65 District of Akem, Hay, 1875., xx. 475 dwarfs of, Du Chaillu on, x. 77 English trade with the interior, 1872., xvii. 129 Expeditions and explorations in— Amos, Brothers, I860., iv. 184 Anderson's, (I860.), iv. 182 Baikie's, up the Niger, etc., i. 16, 44-6, ii. 83, 88, 90, 98, 317, 335, iii. 311, iv. 183, v. 45; 1861., vi. 22-3, 187; 1862., vii. 66, 70; viii. 4, 10, 53, 263, ix. 172, 209 from Nupe to Hausa, 1862., xi. 49 Bedingfield's, up the Congo, iv. 66; iu country behind Lagos, vi. 64, 187 ; in the Ijebu country. 1862., vii. 105 Blyden's to Falaba, 1872., xviii. 117 Burton's to Cameroons, 1862., vi. 238; Elephant Mountains, vii. 104 ; with Bedingfield in interior of Lagos, vi. 64, 187 Croft's, up the Volta, 1872., xviii. 183 CrummeH's, up the Cavalla, (I860.), iv. 185 Delany and Campbell's, (1859.), iv. •Zl8 Dolben's, iv. 183, in H.M.S. Blood hound up the Volta, 1861., vi. 49 Du Chaillu's, 1856-9. et seq., iv. 183, 212, v. 108, vi. 194; West and Central, 1863., vii. 107, 119, 204-5, viii. IS, 52, 265; 1864., ix. 4, 14: 1866., x. 4, 71, 182, 260 French expeditions: projected, 1860, iv. 183; Bonnat's, up the Volta, 1875., xxi. 474; Compiegne's and March's, up the Ogowe, 1873-4., xxii. 13; de Brnzza's, up the Ogowe,; AFR— AHI 9 Africa, West— continued. Expeditions and Explorations in— contd. 1871., xx. 442, 1875., xxi. 472, xxii. 13 ; up the Congo, 1872., xix. 453; Mage's, in Senegal, 1863., xi. 200 Gambier's, up the Niger, 1863., viii. 35 Genoese early voyages along, iii. 303 German expeditions : Giissfuldt's, 1874-5., xx. 14; Lenz & Pogge's, 1876., xxi. 472, xxii. 18 Ge'rard's, 1863., vii. 197, xi. 79 Glover's, various dates, iii. 311, iv. 183, xiii. 369, xviii. 286 Hay's, to Akem, 1875., xx. 475, xxi. 475 Hoffmann's, up the Cavalha river, 1861., vi. 66 Knowles (and Crowther), up the Niger, 1864., ix. 72 Lander's, i. 3, 10, ii. 99, vi. 185 Liberian, I860., iv. 184 Livingstone, Upper Congo region, 1871., xvii. 21, xxi. 13 May's, 1857., iii. 312 Miller's, I860., iv. 1S4 O'Connor's, to the Gambia region, 1857., iii. 377; to Bijuga Islands^ and the Kittafinv river, 1857., iii.v 379 ; to Bulama Island, 1855., i. 42 Portuguese, 1877., xxi. 474 Reade's, 1861., vii. 106, *. 83; 1868., xiii. 353, 369 Seymour and Ash's (I860.), iv. 184 and Sims', (I860.), v. 210 Trotter and Crowther's, up the Niger, 1841., xxi. 481 Tuck'ey's, up the Congo, 1816., i. 310 Von Heuglin's', I860., v. 210 Walker's, up Old Calabar and Cross rivers, 1866., x. 260, xvi. 368, up the same and the Qua river, 1872., xx. 15, 224, up the Gaboon, 1865., x. 128 Exploration of the River Volta, Croft, 1872, xviii. 183 Geographical Features and Natural History of unexplored, Du Chaillu, 1856-9., v. 108 Notes on the Country between the Volta and the Niger, Glover, xviii. 286 gold in, xviii. 287, xx. 476 growing importance of, to Great Britain, vi. 187 Hutchinson's book on, reviewed, 1858., ii. 227 ivory trade of, iii. 384 Joloffs of, Hewett, i. 513 mission stations in, xvi. 137, 368, of the Basle Mission, Glover on, xviii. 291 Oil Rivers, Thomas, xvii. 148 Africa, West — continued. Old Calabar and Cross rivers, Notes on, Walker, 1870., xvi. 135 On the Congo, Bedingfield, I860., iv. 66 rivers of, in order of magnitude, Stanley, xxi. 383 Report on various, Buxton, x. 66 Sea-water off coast of, specific gravity of, i. 413 ; Report on, H. M. Witt, i. 508 Temperature of, ix. 283 superiority of inland over coast races in, Hamilton on, xviii. 193 trade of, vii. 68 wealth of, from Lake Tanganyika to the coast, Cameron on, xx. 323 Aftonomoff, S., ascent of Ararat by, xxii. 178 Afuddo : see Ibrahimeya Agadir, North-East Africa, mountains near, xi. 213 Agassiz, Prof, explorations of, on the Amazon (about 1866), x. 105, ocean exploration of, for deep-sea soundings 1872, xvi. 331 Agaw plain, Abyssinia, xiii. 46 province, Abyssinia, geological features of, xiii. 51 Agbaja, West Africa, position of, etc., Crowther on, xxi. 486 Agbarneya, "port" of Abbeokuta, WeBt Afrioa, vi. 65 Agboi Creek, near Lagos, Wist Africa, vi. 64 Aggo Oja or Awyaw, West Africa, capital of Yoruba, ii. 94 Aghri Dagh, the true name of Ararat, xxi. 87, xxii. 184 Agoig village, Central Africa, woods at, v. 32 Agouzy Port, Madagascar, inhabitants of, ix. 289 Agoyan fall, Pastassa river, Simson on, xxi. 562, 563 Agra, India, geological relations of, xi. 57 A guano, near the Napo, Ecuador, xxi. 568 Aguarico, the Upper (river), Ecuador, xxi. ,572 Agudos, Mount : see Apucarana, Mount Agulhas bank, low sea-temperature at, ix. 282 current, x. 340 ; variations of density in, xxi. 258 Agula, Abyssinia, ruins at, and geological formation of, xiv. 165 Ahabante, West Africa, mountain and forest district near, xviii. 287 Ahaggar, Jebel, North Central Africa, position of, xxi. 474 Ahar, Persia, mining district near, iii. 5 Ahimbe lake, Equatorial Africa, xx. 125 10 AHK— AKY Ah Kaf, El, Arabia, desert of, Wrede cited on, xv. 330 Ahl mountains, East Africa, Hildebrandt's journey to, 1873., xxii. 446 Ahsa, El, Arabia, oasis of, viii. 101-3, ix. 294 Ahuriri river, New Zealand, affluent of the Waitaki river, viii. 214, explored by Hector, 1863., viii. 47 Ahwaz, Southern Persia, i. 358, climate of, i, 359, 360, 363, Layard's difficulties . at, i. 295, river near, i. 220, 361 Aibagir or Aiboughir Lake, Aralo-Caspian region, dried up, xix. 15, Kulewein's visit to, v. 192 Aidouma tribe of New Guinea, xix. 518 Aigun harbour, Northern China.described, xiii. 367, yard for the Chinese Mau- churian fleet, ii. 1 53 Aillik settlement, Hudson bay, xii. 196 Ain, Wady el, Sinaitic peninsula, Roller's route via, probably that of the Israelites, Holland, xxii. 455 ba Mabud, Southern Arabia, fishing village and Bedouins of, xv. 321 ¦ Jidy, Dead sea, Syria, visited by Clowes, 1863., viii. 280, 281 Oiimast, Morocco, geological forma tion of, ix. 25 ¦ • Terabeh, Syria, lebia fish of, i. 222, 223 Ainos of Yezo, Alcock on, xviii. 240 ; Blakiston on, xvi. 1 88 et seq. ; Mitford ou, xviii. 241 ; Watson on, xviii. 227, 229, 230 Aintas river, Central Africa, mouth of, surveyed by Moffat, ii. 158 Air, Central Africa, robber tribes of, ii. 81 Aird river, New Guinea, xx. 254 Airitash pass, Thiau Shan mountains, xiv. 224 Aishkasim Fort, upper Oxus, Asia, xv. 182 Aiva, New Guinea, xix. 517 Aiwain-i-Keif, Persia, plains near, xx. 167 Aiyoush, Arabia, ruinous town of, viii. 65 Ajan, Tibet, native information given to Pundit at, as to country and inhabi tants, xxi. 331 Ajerumea peak, Sinaitic peninsula, xiii. 210 Ajlun, Djebel, Syria, viii. 29 Akaba, Arabia, desert near, viii. 63 Akaba Wady, Syria, watershed of, Roth's, exploration of, 1858., ii. 283 Akahenga, village near Lake Tangan yika, xix. 254 Akassa creek, West Africa, visited by Burton, 1861., vi. 66 Akbaital plateau, Alai region, Asia, great extent of, xxi. 130 Ake, Abbeokuta, visited by Burton, 1861 .. vi. 65 Akem, West Africa, On the District of, Hay, xx. 475 Akenyara lake, Urundi, Equatorial Africa, vii. 219, affluent of, xxi. 466, called Alexandra by Stanley, xxi. 467, 468 Akhaltzik, Caucasus, beautiful hills near, vi. 6 Akhdar, Jebel, South Arabia, spurs of, viii. 66 Akhther, E1-, South Arabia, baboons of, xv. 327 A'kir, Tell, or El *Ajir,- Syria, xvi. 112 Akis, Yezo, fishing houses and seaweed fishery at, Blakeston on, xvi. 189-90 Ak-kala, Aralo-Caspian region, ruins of, xix. 428 Aklango, Eastern Turkestan, well, and rest house at, xx. 487 Ak-Musjid Fort, Kasbgaria, occupied by the Russians, xv. 1 92 Akongo territory, Madagascar, x. 54 Akpabioyo, West Africa, farms of, xx. 225 Akpado. Niger region, ii. 91 Akraba, or Tell Akriba, Syria, bearings of, xvi. 106 Akrabee State, Southern Arabia, xvi. 120 Akreyri harbour, Iceland, v. 85 Akropong, West Africa, coffee culture at, xviii. 192 ; described by Winwood Reade, xiii. 358-359 ; forest at, xviii. 287 ; missionary station at, xviii. 291 Akropong Mountains, West Africa, eleva tion of, xviii. 288 Ak-sai fort, Turkestan, position of moun tains near, xiv. 69 Ak-sai river, rise and course of, xviii. 423 Aksai Chin, or White Desert, East Turkestan, xiv. 45 ; see Aksu Chin Aksakmaral, Central Asia, xviii. 426 Ak Schirah Mountain, Central Asia, glacial source of the Narym river in, xiv. 319 Aksi river, western boundary of Daghestan, Russia iu Europe, iv. 91 Aksoo river, affluent of the Kazul river, and thus of the Yarkand river, xv. 196 Aksu, Chinese Turkestan, glacier pass near, xvi. 405 ; great mart at, xi. 7, 9 ; itinerary from Ladak, compiled by Veniukoff, xxi. 450, position of, xvi. 243, xviii. 249 Chin Plains, Central Asia, elevation of, xxi. 328 ; see Aksai Chin AksutoMurghab river, Central Asia, course of, ascertained by Witgenstein, xxi. 130 Aktagk Mountains (or Thiau Shan (q.v.)), nearYarkand, passes in, xiv. 51 ; position of, xiv. 55 ; wool from, xi. 9 Aktash, or White Stone, the crest of the Pamirs, xi. 187 Akuna Kuna, West Africa, natives of, at Uwet, xx. 224 Akyab, rice of, market for, iii. 77 AKY— ALB 11 Akyar, or Akyah, India, currents off, inimical to trade, vi. 114, 115 Ala, Abyssinia, plateau and people of, xiii. 221 Ala Baital, Central Asia, defile traversed by Kostenko, xxi. 127 Aladagh Mountains, Turkey in Asia, crossed by Napier, xix. 172; crossed by, • Taylor, xiii. 243, 244 Alagoz Mountains, xxii. 172; Kurds in, xxii. 172 ; no glaciers on, xxii. 185 Alai region, Central Asia, elevation of, xxi. 131 ; extent, elevation, and passes of, Fedschenko on, xx. 484 ; Mirza Hand- arkhan on, xx. 404 ; plateau, extent of, xxi. 123, 124; road from, to Sarikol, etc., xxi. 128; Russian expedition to, and to the Pamirs, 1876., Kostenko, xxi. 122 ^ Ala Kul, lake, Aralo-Caspian region, xi. 214; formerly connected with Lake Balkash, xviii. 248 Alambary settlement, Brazil, mountains near, xx. 461 Alam Batir, the, of Ptolemy : see Gwadur Ala&tra lake, Madagascar, xxi. 171 ; lati tude of, and hills near, xix. 183 ; outlet of, xix. 195 Alashan country, Prshewalsky's travels in, 1870-3., xviii., 77, 83, 186 Alaska, Whymper's work on, revieived, xiii. 285 AlaBora, sacred city, Madagascar, x. 53 Alatau mountains, direction, branches, and elevation of, ix. 272 ; nee Alatu Alatsinaimy Arigavo, Madagascar, great market of, xx. 112 Ala-tu mountains, Chinese Turkestan, and Ac-tu mountains, Journey through some of the highest passes in, Atkinson, 1859., iii. 127 Alausi, South America, rise of the Chambo river near, xxi. 557 Alazeya mountains and river, boundary between Verkhoiyansk and Kolym, xxi . 214,215 Albania, Cora's travels in, 1875, xix. 422 Albany, Western Australia, non-auriferous district near, viii. 33 island, North Australia, i. 32; Bowen on, viii. 114, 115; Chimmo on, i. 256; Jardine on settlement near, x. 85; visited by the North Australian Expedition, 1855., ii. 4 and channel, x. 33, xii. 320; geological formation of, ix. 78; settle ment on, ix. 77, xii. 315 , Port, North Australia, settlement at, vii. 172, viii. 114, 115, harbourage at, 116, streams near, 117, Bowen and others on, ix. 77 Albazin, on the Amur, Eastern Siberia, Cossack town of, in ruins, ii. 153 ; Russian Port at, attacked by the Chinese, xxi. 215 Albazin river, Eastern Siberia, gold near, xiii. 368 Alberga creek or river, South Australia, latitude, xix. 52, 56 ; source found by Forrest, xix. 314 Albernie Bay, Vancouver Island, Mayne on, vi. 107 ; timber trade of, viii. 86 Albert Land, Arctic regions, fine harbours in, i. 105 ¦> , Lake, South Australia, natives at, xv. 96 Albert Nyanza (Lake), Equatorial Africa, called also Luta or Muta Nzige (q.v.). Account of the discovery of, 1864., Baker, x. 6, cf. ix. 274; in Duarte Lopez' map, xiii. 299 ; elevation of, x. 25, xi. 145, xvii. 22, xviii. 215, xx. 49, 54, geological formation of basin of, Mur chison on, x. 2, 24, 259. J. Baker on, xviii.j 145 et seq. ; latitudes on, ix. 274, x. 18 ; length and breadth of, xxi. 56 ; main tributaries of, and outfall, xvii. 31, Gordon and Chippendall on, xx. 13, of. 470 ; mountains near, xvii. 10, 23 ; native information on, xviii. 142, xx. 120, 470 ; On the circumnavigation of, 1876., by Gessi, Gordon, Stone, Baker, and others on, xx. 470, 471-473, xxi. 50, 464 ; rainfall in region of, xxi. 55 ; Reconnaissance of, by Mason, 1877., xxii. 225 ; Stanley's exploration of, 1875-6, xxi. 466, xxii. 154 ; Stanley on, xxii. 394 ¦ and Upper Nile, Chippendall's journey between, 1875., xx. 67 , Port, Victoria, Australia, Admiralty survey uear, xiv. 307 river, or Bean Brook, North Aus tralia, ix. 302, x. 326, 327, 328 ; Ascent of, in search of Gregory's letters, 1844., Flood, ii. 378; crossed by Leichhardt vii. 86; discovered by Stokes, i. 192, 493, vii. 87; explored by Chimmo, 1856., i. 255, 260,Flood, ii. 378, Gregory, 1855-6., i. 34, 171, 190, 230, 260-2, 324, 490, iii. 8, 10, 14 ; Landsborough, 1861., vi. 24, 173, vii. 3, 37, 112, 173; Macdonald, x. 247 ; Macintyre, xi. 45, 226; Norman, vii. 114; Walker, vii. Ill; features of, bar at mouth, i. 257, ii. 378, vii. 4, 14, climate, i. 257, 263, xii. 319, 320 ; country near, i. 257, 258, 378, 497 ; natives, i. 263 ; navigability of, vii. 4, 114 ; sources of affluents of, vii. 6 , settlement, (Burketown), at mouth of, vii. 113, 175, x. 61, 248, xi. 45, 227, xii. 56, xiii. 52 Albertis, Signor d', explorations of, in New Guinea, 1872., xviii. 47, 574, xix. 243-4, 448; 1874., xx. IS, 429 ; 1876., xxi. 459 ; 1878., xxii. 364-5 12 ALB— ALC Albuquerque, New Mexico, position of, xxii. 279 Albury, New South Wales, on the Murray river, iii. 338 ; Hume's memorial pillar at, xviii. 533 Alceste Island, north-east coast of China, iii. 59 Alcock, Sir R., President, 1876-8., ap pointment of, xx. 375, 376, 448 Addresses by — Anniversary addresses, 1877., xxi. 407, 1878., xxii. 302, 305 Opening, 1876., xxi. 6 ; 1877-8., xxii. 7 on the British Association Meeting, 1876., xxi. 20, 24 on Geography, to the British Asso ciation, 1873., cited, xviii. 7 on presenting Gold Medals and other awards, 1877., xxi. 398, 400, 1878., xxii. 255, 296 on presenting Prize School Medals, 1877., xxi. 402. 403, 1878., xxii. 302 on retiring, xxii. 293, 379 votes of thanks to, xxii. 302-304 , acknowledgments, xxii. 304 Remarks on African subjects — on the African Exploration Fund, 1877., xxi. 475 ; speech at Mausion House meeting, xxi. 604, 615 ; letter to the Times on, xxi. 601 ; resolution moved by, 607; Report drawn up by, xxii. 463, remarks on, 468, speech at Subscribers' Meeting, 382 ; Ditto, 1878., xxii. 463, 468, 474, 475 Central Africa — on the Exploration Fund, xxii. 36, 38 ; explorations in, and pros pects of, xx. 474, xxi. 47, 203, 224, 248, xxii. 474 , Baker's discovery of the Albert Nyanza, 1862., xx. 470, 473, and its native name, 475 Gordon's Expedition in, xxi. 62 Johnston's (proposed), xxii. 474 Long's, xix. 107, 110 East Africa and Equatoria — Cotterill's journey, 1876 , xxii. 232, 249 the Educational Mission at Lake Nyassa, xxi. 245 Elton's journey, xix. 107, 110, his death, xxii. 232, 249 Haddan's proposed railway for ex ploration, xxii. 232 the Nile sources and Lake Nyassa, xx. 470 Price's expedition to, xxi. 203, 224, 248 proposed resolution regarding Stanley's alleged treatment of natives, xxi. 6, 62 Alcock, Sir R. — continued. Remarks on African subjects— contd. Stanley explorations, xxii. 126, 143, 408, 409 Young's, 1875., xx. 451, 454, xxi. 202, 224, 248 Cameron's journey, xxii. 11 South Africa — Erskine's expeditions in, xix. 107, 133, xxii. 127, 135 Fynney's expeditions in, xxii. 124, 125 West Africa — Crowther's exploration, xxi. 480, 496, 498 prospects of further exploration in, xxi. 504 progress of Missionary Work throughout, xxii. 18, 22-3, 36, 38 on American subjects — North America — New Mexico, Goad's travels in, xxii. 282 pre-Columbian discoveries in, xvii. 318 S. America — Bolivia, Musters' and Markham's travels in, xxii. 39, 50 Brazil, Bigg-Wither's travels in, xx. 468 on Arctic matters — The Polar Expedition of 1875., xx. 39 ; success of, xxi. 274, 287, 440 welcome home to, xxi. 95 on Asiatic matters — Armenia, Bryce's travels in, xxii. 168, 186 Central Asia — Alai and Pamir, Russian expe dition in, xxi. 122. 140 • Gobi desert, Forsyth's journey in, xxi. 46 Kashgar, Forsyth's journey to, xxii. 287, 288 on the need for clear boundaries in, xvii. 164-5 China — intercourse with China, xiv. 353, six. 256, 347 Margary's journey in, xx. 206 the murder of Cooper, xxii. 287, 346 Philips' attempt to trace Marco Polo's routes in, xviii. 167 the physical formation of, in rela tion to trade, ii. 204, 205 China and Tibet, Gill's journey in, and observations, xxii. 271, 285 Formosa, explorations in, xxi. 255,265 Japan and the Japanese, xviii. 240 the progress of Japan, xvii. 84 Tsusima and the Japanese islands, and maps of the same, vii. 62 ALC— ALI 13 Alcock, Sir R. — continued. Remarks on Asiatic matters — continued. Manchuria, Palladius' travels in, xvi. 213 Mongolia and its Inhabitants, xviii. 173 New Guinea, Macfarlane's explora tions of, xx. 253-66, Stone's, xx. 270, 272 Siberia, Seebohm's journey in, xxii. 101, 125 Tibet (see also China) — • Nain Singh's journey in, xxi. 325, 344, 347, 350 Tibetan obstructiveness, xiv. 354, xxi. 350 Turkestan, Eastern, Geographical and Political Importance of, xx. 492-3 on Australian and Pacific matters— Australian discovery, 1876 , xxi. 460 Lord Howe's Island, xxii. 127 on General Topics — death of Adm. Sir E. Belcher, xxi. 273 Duncan's paper on Formation of the Main Land Masses, xxii. 98 Madagascar, xxi. 75 Physical Geography and Distribu tion of Animals over the Globe, (Wallace's paper) xxi. 534 the presence of H.I.M. the Emperor of Brazil, xxi. 505 proposed lectures in Geography, xx. 493 R.G.S., its growth and progress, xx. 6 Salinity of the Ocean, (Buchanan's paper) xxi. 255, 258 School knowledge of Geography, xix. 536, xxi. 378 Scientific Geography, (Strachey's Lecture) xxi. 203 Seating of Fellows, xxi. 122, 152, 154, 178, 249, 253, 405, 409, xxii. 7, 126, 143, 296 Travels of — Journey in the interior of the Island of Nipon, and ascent of Fusiyama, I860., v. 132, 198, 216, vi. 182 from Nagasaki to Yeddo, 1861., vi. 196, 200, vii. 167 in Japan referred to. xviii. 236 Aldan, and the Aldan river, Siberia, unin habited region near, xxi. 213 Aldrich, Capt. Pelham, r.n., Arctic work of, (1875), xxi. 99, 286, 549, furthest north reached by, 112 Alefroide or Ailefroide, Mt., Dauphine, France, correct position of, Tuckett on, vii. 44-5 Alegre, Monte, Brazil, elevation of, xx . 460 Aleis, on the Nile, temporary boat-build ing station at, viii. 129 Alejah, Wady, Sinaitic Peninsula, de scribed, xiij. 213 Alert and Discovery, vessels detailed for the Arctic expedition of 1875., xix. 214 Alexander, Cape, Arctic regions, Esqui maux of, xvii. 180 Hayes at, I860., ix. 182 Trend of the Greenland coast beyond, xxi. 274 of Macedon, descent from, claimed by the Yassin and Chitral chiefs, xv. 14 , Mt.,Victoria, Australia, gold-bearing region near, ii. 315 , Prof. J. H., on Dr. Kane's Arctic Explorations, ii. 361 Alexandra Haven, Arctic regions, de scribed by Nares, xxi. 276 , Lake, and river, discovery of, by Stanley, xxi. 467, xxii. 393, outlets and extent of, xxi. 468 Land, N. Australia, so named by Stuart, ix. 22 Alexandria, Br. Columbia, basalt columns and benches at, elevation of, xv. 139, 144 , Egypt, harbour of, how kept free from silt, iii. 309 geographical position of lighthouse at, 1862., vi. 132 plun of the port made, i. 405 sole harbour of Egypt, (1859.), iii. 177 soundings near, i. 405 Alexandrina, Lake, S. Australia, formed by the Murray river, ii. 29 affluents of, xiv. 199 discovered by Start, xiv. 298 Alexandroffsky, Mt., Trans-Nary n district, xiv. 221 Alexis river, Labrador, coast near, xii. 195 Algeria, N. Africa, conquest of, by the French, ii. 220 French operations in, I860., iv. 183 Algiers, Arab explorer in, (I860.), iv. 184 French survey of, ii. 288 Sea depths near coast of, i. 405 Alguada reef, Bay of Bengal, lighthouse established on, vi. 208 Aliab, on the Nile, visited by Petherick, viii. 130 Alice Island, Victoria Nyanza, depth of water near, xxi. 466 river, Queensland — search for Leichhardt near, iii. 22, 30, vi. 194, last news of him from, xii. 292, traces of him found on, x. 59 surrounding country, x. 63, xix. 49 Walker's route from, vii. 9 Springs, Cent. Australia — Gosse's expedition from, 1872-3., xvii. 277, xix. 51-2 Warburton's expedition at, 1872-3., xvii. 277, xviii. 570-1, xix. 41, 42, 43 14 ALL— AMA Allen, Capt. W., on the Niger expedi tion under Baikie, 1857., ii. 99 cited on the delta of the Nun or Niger river, xxi. 482-3 obituary notice of, 1804., viii. 183 , H. J., Journey through Formosa, from Tamsui to Taiwanfu, 1875., xxi. 258 , South, river, N. Australia, i. 230 Aligaddi river, Abyssinia, affluent of the Hadas river, xii. 15 Alimshe', W. C. Africa, ivory of, i. 215 Aling chu river, Trans-Himalayas, course of, xiv. 210 Aling-Gangri Mt., north of the Indus, elevation of, xiii. 193 Alipee mud-bank, Travancore, Markham on, xi. 78 Alkali Creek, B. Colombia, latitude of, xv. 140 desert, California, described, xix. 298 Alladand, chief town of Swat, N.W. Indian frontier, xvi. 254 Allahu-akbar pass, Daraghaz Plain, Persia, elevation of, xx. 170-1 Allatookooro Mts., Base' district, Abyssinia, geology of region, x, 280 Alleghanv Mts., W.S.A., Atlantic slopes of, ii."341 probable former condition of, ii. 340 trend of, xx. 303 Alligator Point, Albert river, N. Australia, i. 227, ii. 379 Allojah Peak, Sinaitic peninsula, xiii. 210 Alloola Bunder, Somaliland, rescue of shipwrecked Bombay troops at, 1801., xvi. 152 Alma river, C. Australia, iii. 46, 53, xii. 290 Almahera, see Gilolo Almanzor, Plaza de, highest peak of the Sierra de los Gredos, Spain, elevation of, i. 425 Almaty or Vernoj (q.v.), Russian Central Asia, Kara Kirghiz of, xviii. 419 location of, xvi. 404 Almazoutra forest, Madagascar, ix. 289 Alpha river, N. Australia, xiii. 54 station, Queensland, x. 62 Alps — Alpine Explorations in Switzerland, 1859., iii. 290 rivers, mean fall of, ii. 370 Alps of Australia, Miiller, i. 3 , Central, of Switzerland, Hypso metrical Observations on, Ziegler, xvii. 207 of Dauphine", Tuckett, vii. 43 , European, glacial origin of lakes of, Falconer on, viii. 38-9, cited on the same, xiii. 224-5 Alps — continued. Alps, European, glacial phenomena of, Murchison, vii. 225 , , geological formation of the higher summits of, iii. 366 , , as true sources of the Rhone, Rhine, Ticino and Adda rivers, iii. 354 of New Zealand, vi. 72, Hector on, ix. 32 . the Southern, Haast on, viii. 56 Alsadamus Mons, identified with Gebel Hauran, Syria, i. 8 Alta Vista, Teneriffe, Piazzi Smith's observations at, i. 413 Altai Mts., C. Asia, country near, xvi. 401 crossed by Elias, xvii. 190-1 Potanin, xxii. 52 Russitn explorations of, xviii. 561 value of, as a boundary, xvii. 191 Altar, Mt., Ecuador, elevation of, xxi. 557 splendid aspect of, xxi. 562 Altata, Mexico, harbour of, iii. 109 Altos, Cordillera de, Paraguay, elevation and trend of, xx. 495 Altyn Emel Valley, -Turkestan, xviii. 2*7 Tagh Mts., Mongolia, elevations of, and Prjevalsky's journey along, xxii. 343-4 A-lumpi Pass, Mustakh Mts., Godwin Austen's last point, 1861., viii. 37 Alvarez, F. B., explorations of, in South America, xxii. 47 Alvez, in relation with Cameron, xx. 315 et seq. trouble given by, xx. 121 et seq. Amackan river, Vancouver Island, affluent of Cowichen Lake, ix. 306 Amadeus, Lake, or Great Salt Lake, South Australia, discovered by Giles, 1872., xxi. 461, seen by Hack, ii. 190-1, lati tude of, xvii. 278, reached by Gosse and others, xviii. 571, xix. 8, 51 Amageen, Wady, S. Arabia, Himyaritic inscriptions at, xv. 324 Amalekite ruins in the Sinaitic Penin sula, Graham on, xii. 193 Amambaij plateau and Serra, xx. 494, boundary between Paraguay and Brazil, xviii. 121 Amanus, Mt., on the line of the pro posed Euphrates Valley railway, xvi. 336 Amara land, Central Africa, natives of, iii. 209 Amarapura, Burmah, Yule at, 1855., i. 269 Amarga marsh, S. America, swallowing up the Rio Quinto, xvii. 60 Amaru-mayu river, see Madre de Dios Amatha, Syria, hot springs and Roman ruins at, viii. 29 Amatu fall, Potaro river, B. Guiana, xv, 123 AMA— AMU 15 Amazon Bay and district, N. Guinea, described by Macfarlane, xxi. 357 Amazon or Mararion river, S. America — affluents of. i. 251, viii. 58, 59, 61, xi. 108, xii. 339, xviii. 119, xxi. 557, 570, xxii. 369 basin of, Markham on, viii. 60, 61 Bates on. see explorations, infra the boundary of Ecuador, iii. 96-7 choked in flood-time, xix. 258 current and silt of, xi. 31 effect of, on sea temperature at mouth, xiii. 233 Explorations of: Agassiz', Bartlett's, etc., xi. 105, 106; Bates', 1859 et seq., viii. 61, ix. 245, x. 106, xi. 107-8, xv. 380 ; Brown's and Werther- man's, (1878.), xxii. 369 ; Chandless', • 1868., xii. 339; Humboldt's, i. 251, xi. 106 ; Rada's, xiii. 316, xv. 379, 380; Smyth's, 1835., ix. 245; Spruce's, 1849. et seq., viii. 220, xi. 245, xi. 106; various, Markham on, xi. 106, xv. 374-5 ; United States, (proposed, 1873.), xviii. 220; Wallace's, viii. 61, ix. 245, xi. 106 ; women explorers of, xiii. 310, xv. 377, 380 Gerstenberg on, and on its affluents, iii. 96-7, x. 107 Map of, presented by the Emperor of Brazil, xv. 365 navigability of, and of its affluents, i. 278, xxii. 369 navigation of, difficulties connected with, iii. 97, viii. 62, Maud's steamers on, x. 105-6, opening of, (1867.), xiii. 309, xv. 303, 380 as outlet for Bolivian trade, Mathews on, xxii. 50 size of, xiii. 233, xxii. 105 supposed true source of, xiii. 134 Table of Distances on, Nash, xxi. 595-7 Tributaries of (see affluents, supra), Chandless, xii. 339 Valley of, Geographical Positions in, Rochelle, xvi. 27 Indians and animals of, Crawfurd on, xi. 110 moisture of, xxi. 558 monotony of, xxi. 572 Ambaka, W. Africa, Reade at, (1862.1 viii. 106 Ambalavao, Madagascar, hills near, xix. 190 Ambarav&rambato, N.E. limit of the Imerima plateau, Madagascar, xxi. 169 pass, xix. 194 Arabas bay, W. Afrioa, mountain eleva tions near, xvii. 154 , Mt., Abyssinia, geological parallels to in the Arctic regions, xiii. 27, 34 Ambatakokoa, Madagascar, cove at, xiv. 376 Ambatch vegetation on the A. Nyanza, (see also Sudd), Gessi on, xxi. 53 Ambato, S. America, elevation and tem perature of, xxi. 558, volcanic phe nomena of, 557 Ambatofimanjana, sacred city, Madagas car, x. 56 Ambatomalaza, Madagascar, turtle-head rock of, xix. 184 Ambatomena, Madagascar, Hova colony from, xix. 196 , pass of, xix. 197 Ambatondrazaka, chief town of Sihanaka province, Madagascar, xix. 194, .xxi. 170 Amber Mountain, volcano, Madagascar, xix. 188 Ambercole, cataract on the Nile, i. 507 ' Ambernoh river, N. Guinea, iii. 361 Ambodiamontana, Madagascar, elevation of country near, xxi. 169 ; lofty plain near, 170 Ambodifatre, Frcnoh seat of Government St. Mary's, Madagascar, described by Wilkinson, xiv. 376 Amboditranambo, Madagascar, xxi. 164 Ambodivoahangy hill, Madagascar, xxi. 165 Ambohidratrimo, sacred city, Madagascar, x. 56, the Amontana tree of, xix. 185 Ambdhimailala volcano, Madagascar, xix. 187 Ambohimanambola, sacred city, Madagas car, x. 56 Ambohimandroso, in Betsilco province, Madagascar, xxi. 157, population of, xix. 190, rice cultivation of, xix. 185, 190, 192 Ambohimanga, sacred city, Madagascar, x. 55, 56; chief city of N. Tanala, xxi. 161-5, geological formation of, xix. 197, governor of, 193, population of, xix. 193 peak, Madagascar, elevation of, xxi. 165 Ambohimangara Hill, Madagascar, ex plored by Johnson, xxi. 171 Ambohimalaza, sacred city, Madagascar, x. 56 Ambohinamboarima district, Madagascar, xix. 191, rice cultivation in, 192 Ambohipena, Hova fortress, Madagascar,. observations of Sibree from, xxi. 161 Ambphiranoramo, Madagascar, palm fibre industry of, xx. 112 Ambohitany, sacred city, Madagascar, idol at, x. 56 Amhohitrahiby, sacred city, Madagascar, x. 55 Ambohitrakoholahy, volcanic mountain, Madagascar, xix. 186 Ambohitrandrian hill, Madagascar, ' xix. 195. 16 AMB— AME Ambohitrapeto, Madagascar, xix. 195 Ambohitsra, Madagascar, xix. 195 Ambohivelona, Madagascar, xix. 184 Ambonihaza peninsula, Lake Itasy, Ma dagascar, xix. 187 Ambonio, fortress, Madagascar, ix. 290 Ambondrombe, sacred ' hill, Madagascar, xix. 190, river rising in, 192 Ambositra district, Madagascar, xix. 191 Amboudinoy, Madagascar, fine bay of, and population, ix. 290 Amboyna Island, Molucca Group, ii. 168, xii. 324, xiii. 283, xix. 23 Ambrym Island, S.W. Pacific, discovered by Cook, xvi. 389, volcano, xvi. 391 Ambriz, W. Africa, xix. 79, geological formation near, iv. 70 Amedica, on the Volta, W. Africa, xviii, 187, rapids near, 188, our trade with, 192 Ameers, State of, S. Arabia, xvi. 117 America (see also Arctic Coasts) — Admiralty Surveys in (see also Anni versary Addresses) and boundary commission, i. 407 Arctic expeditions from, (see Hall, Kane, etc.)— (proposed) ii. 290, 361-2, Hayes's, I860., iv. 168, 199, Ken- nicott's, 1859., iii. 327, summary of, xix. 213, Whaling Captains' reports on the new land in the Arctic Sea, Osborn, xii. 98 Progress of discovery from 1497 to 1847., iv. 10 Traces of Franklin discovered (I860.), iv. 167 Atlantic Coast, correction of longitude, 1856., Gisborne on, i. 485 Carson and Fremont, authorities on travel in, i. 327 Coast surveys of, French, i. 423 Discovery of (see Kohl) — Landfall of Columbus, Major, xv. 210 pre-Columbian discoveries of, Major, xvii. 312 (see aZso 269) by the Norsemen, Rafn, ii. 372; by the Norse of Green land, v. 92 Vespucci's first Voyage, Varnhagen, review, iii. 389 Ethnography of, works on, 1856., i. 166 red complexion general among In dians of, ii. 219 focus of magnetic force in, 1878., xxii. 198 meteorology of, see Meteorological Observations prairies and pampas of, in relation to trees and rainfall, x. 268 rivers and waterways of, ii. 336 trend of mountains in, and in England, i. 503 America, Central (see also Panama) — Canal projects connected with (see Atrato Canal): at Panama, Hum boldt on, i. 69, 465-6 ; Gerstenberg . on, vi. 77 cloud belt of, Maury on, xii. 45 Expeditions and explorations (see also progress of geographical knowledge in) — Cockburn's, xii. 72 ; Collin- son's, 1867., xii. 25, De Puydts', 1861 and 1865., xii. 63; Gisborne's, 1855., i. 88; Heller's and others', ii. 285 ; in connection with canal projects, xxii. 368 ; Milla's and others, in Darien, i. 88, 166 ; Wickham's, among the Woolwa and Mosquito tribes, 1867., xiii. 58 Geological and meteorological features of, i. 85, of the coasts, vi. 248 harbours of, xii. 46, 48 Honduras Inter-Oceanic Railway, re port on, summarized, iv. 173 Isthmus of Darien, (see Darien and Panama), Cullen, i. 78 Lakes Itra and Yojoa, described by- Squire, iii. 106 natives of, xii. 29 i Progress of geographical knowledge of, i. 166, ii. 295, iij. 330, iv. 173, vi. 188, xii. 258, xvii. 274 Route across, proposed, from Gorgon Bay, Nicaragua, Pirn, vi. 75, 112 ruined cities of, Brine (title only), xvii. '67 Sketch of Nicaragua, Perry, vi. 74 Vocabulary of the Woolwa tribes of, Collinson, xii. 43 winds of. Belcher on, xii. 43 America, North — Boundary from Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains, Anderson, xx. 274 commission, personnel and work of, xx. 276 et seq. , determination of line of, (1876), xx. 434 coal in, xx. 293, 296 decrease of Magnetic force in, xxii. 215 distribution of animal life in, Wallace, xxi. 523-28 ice-barrier of, Collinson and others cited on, i. 30 features of the great mountain range of, xxi. 556 lakes of, and their formation, Mur. chison on, viii. 240 rivers of, i. 212, ii. 206, vii. 73, 74, 75 ' ' striated rocks of, Dawson cited on, viii. 24 ' watershed of, in the Rocky Mountains, ix. IS AME— AME 17. Amerioa, British North (see also Br. Columbia, Canada, Nova Scotia, Van couver, etc., ete.) — Admiralty Surveys, ii. 268, 270, iii. 272, iv. 155, v. 176, 407, vi. 136, vii. 142, viii. 191, ix. 221, x. 218, xi. 194, xii. 243, xiii. 280, xiv. 306, xv. 269, xvi. 319, xvii. 256, xviii. 538, xix. 407, xx. 407, xxi. 434, xxii. 335 Benches of British Columbia, Begbie, xv. 133 Canadian Pacific Railway, proposed, (1876.), xx. 296, 301 ' Climate, etc., Lord Bury on, iii. 126 ; Murchison on, iii. 200, v. 201 ; in connection with trade route, Poore, ii. 337 coal in, iv. 172, ix. 17, 126, xx. 239, 293, 296 Expeditions and Explorations — Brown, (Vancouver Is.), ix. 305 Chimmo, (Labrador), 1867., xii. 195 Dawson's, (Canada), I860., iv. 173 Forbes, (Vancouver Is.), viii. 83 Hamilton, (Labrador), ix. 131 Hind's, (Canada), iv. 171, viii. 50 Kelly's, (Br. Columbia), vi. 106 Maofarlane's, (Mackenzie river), 1863., ix. 125 Mayne, Palmer and Begbie's, 1859., (Br. Columbia), iv. 33, v. 188 Mayne's, (Vancouver Is.), vi. 107 Milton and Cheadle, (across the Rocky Mts.), 1862., ix. 17,257 Palliser's, 1857 et seq., i. 460, ii. 38, 146, 292, iii. 122, 219, 317, iv. 73, 169, 228 ; summary, vi. 188 Simpson's (cited), i. 264 fjords on coast of, Brown on, xiii. 144 Geography of Br. Columbia and Con dition of the Cariboo Gold Districts, Palmer, viii. 87 gold and other minerals in, i. 264 et seq., v. 202, vi. 108, viii. 87 lakes of the interior, winter condition, Anderson, xvii. 134 Physical geography of Queen Charlotte Islands, Brown, xiii. 381 progress of geographical knowledge of, v. 200, vi. 187, viii. 215, xii. 257 Proposed through communication, Van couver Island to Hudson Bay, Banis ter, i. 263 Rocky Mts., The, Palliser, iv. 73 route adapted for colonizing purposes, Synge on, iv. 173 Rupert's Land, Colony of, Synge, vii. 71 America, South (see also Amazon river and various countries under names) — Admiralty surveys, see progress of geographical knowledge, infra astronomical observations on the coast of, and positions of places in, i. 469-70 America, South — continued. Bollaert's work on, I860., iv. 206 Brazil . (q.v.), admiralty survey, i. 146 ; Explorations in, Bigg- Wither' s, 1872., and others advised previous to colonization, xx. 468 Chile (q.v.), coal measures of the Andes of, xvii. 66, explorations in, ii. 297 coal in, xvii. 66, xviii. 205, xxi. 560 diminution in Magnetic force in, xxii. 215 distribution of Animal life in, Wallace on, xxi. 523-28 earliest settlement in, i. 78 Ecuador (q.v.), Expeditions and explorations in, Jameson, Pritchet, Spruce, Simpson, etc.. iii. 93, iv. 174, xxi. 556 effect of winds on the vegetation of, Markham on, xvii. 66 Expeditions and Explorations — Bigg Wither's and others, xx. 463 Bascunan's and others, xxii. 40, 47 Chandless' and others, 1868., xiii. 309 foreign, English and native, ix. ! 245-7 Johnston's, (1878.), xvii. 570 Marcoy's, (abt. 1870.), xiv. 312 Markham's, (for chinchona), 1861., v. 224, vi. 188 Musters and Hegan, (1873.), xviii. 569 Peruvian, (of the Ucayali river), xiii. | 133 Raimondy's, (of Peru), 1863., vii. j 168 Pritchett's, and others, (Ecuador), 1856-7, iii. 93, iv. 174, vi. 188 Simpson's, (Ecuador), 1877., xxi. 556 Spruce's, 1857., viii. 221 geological formations in, i.470, cuchillas of, xxi. 566-7 mineral wealth of, (see Coal, supra), xvii. 124, xxi. 560 mountains of, features of great ranges of Ecuador, xxi. 556 , in relation to winds, i. 59 natives of, Guaranee Indians, Para guay, xvii. 123 Jivaros, xxi. 566 Ocean currents on the North-East coast of, Mann, vii. 50 Paraguay (q.v.), Johnston's explorations in, (1878.), xviii. 570 Peru (q.v.), Peruvian, (of the Ucayali river), xiii. 133, Raimondy's, 1863., vii. 168 progress of geographical knowledge of, i. 167, 466, ii. ,297, iii. 331, iv. 177, v. 203, vi. 188, vii. 168, viii. 217, ix. 243, x. 252, xi. 224, xii. 259, xiv. 324, 18 AME- ANA America, South — continued. xv. 302, xvi. 358, xvii. 274, xviii. 569, xix. 450, xx. ,434, xxi. 463, xxii. 368 Railway(s), proposed, over the Andes, iv. 45 work in, Fitzroy on, viii. 162 steam-boats started on the Meta river, ii. 297 Table of Distances on the River Amazon (q.v.), Nash, xxi. 595-7 Temperate region, flora of, Dyer on, xxii. 431 Tropical region, flora of, Dyer on, xxii 439 Unexplored Paris of, Markham, xxii. 40 Amherst Islands, visited by H.M.S. Alceste in 1816., ix. 299 , Lord, in China, 1806-15., i. 336, iii. 167, 270 Point, Bay of Bengal, vi. 208 Port, Burmah, xix. 272 Rocks, Yang-tse river, iii. 58 Amioa Bay, East Siberia, Russian force at, (1867.), xiii. 365 Amionzi river, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 158 Amoom river, W. Africa, gold shafts in region of, xviii. 288 Amos, brothers, travels of, in Siberia, iv. 184 Amous Gebie, Nile region, xiii. 42 Amoy, S.E. China, Treaty port of, i. 331, iv. 59, Chinese barbarities at, ii. 207, harbour and defences of, i. 334, trade of, with Formosa, viii. 26, vessels of, iii. 58,71 Ampalamasina Mountain and village, Madagascar, described, ix. 369, elevation of, 360 Ampangalana, Madagascar, plains near, xiv. 364 Ampar&faravbla, Madagascar, xxi. 170-1 Amparihibi valley, Madagascar, xxi. 170 Amphila Bay, Madagascar, as a landing- place, xxi. 16 Amphon Nabe river, Madagascar, land near, ix. 291 Amping, Formosa, remains of Dutch Fort at, xvi. 265 • Ampotaka, Madagascar, Hova military station at, xx 112 Amran village, Yemen, S. Arabia, xviii. 198 Amraoorgin, Tchoukchi chief, Siberia, geographical position of his winter dwelling, xxi. 216 Amsing province, Altai region, C. Asia, xv. 217, governor of, 218 Amsot, India, trigonometrical survey station at, i. 371 Amsterdam Island, near SpitzbergeD, Dutch oil factory at, ix. 165 Swedish Arctic Expedition at, 1868., xiii. 15, 162 Tobiesen at, 1864., ix. 311 to, 153, xiii. . 191, 368; Amsterdam Island, S. Indian Oceatl, charted, 1873., xviii. 539 Goodenough's paper on, referred xx. 393 tree on, of the same species as one on Tristan D'Acunha, xxii. 417 Amu Daria, Jyhoon or Oxus (q.v.) river, ii. 280, vii. 94 changed course of, xviii. 252, former channel of, xix. 423 debouchment of, iii. 388, Lamansky on, xi. 113 Delta and mouths of, Boutakoff on, 1848-9., 1858-9., xi. 113, Veniukoff on, xii. 348 Explorations of by Russians, xvi. 349, xvii. 293, xix. 423, 425, xx. 428 Russian memoir on, noticed, xxii. 342 Amul, town, Persia, iii. 4 Amur or Saghalien river, E. Siberia, i. 143 affluents of, ii. 153, 278, iii. 289, xi. 253, xiii. 368, xvi. 205 charted, i. 406, 433 Chinese name for, iv. 59 deflection of course of, ii. 278, 279, viii. 230 described by Peschuroff, ii 33, 368 explorations of, ii. 277, iii. 288, v vi. 160-2, 183, viii. 201, xiii. Bridgett on, 1868., xiii. 365 length of, and length of basin, ii. 207 Maak's work on. iv. 197 mouth of and towns on, xiii. 367 Notes on by Peschurof, etc., iii. 92 pitch of its banks, viii. 205 Russians' first appearance on, 1650., xi. 163 settlements on, xi. 252 tribes along, xiii. 369 Anadyr Mountains, N. Siberia, elevation and rivers of, xxi. 217-8 river, affluents of, xxi. 216, 218 cold region along, xxi. 213 exploration of mouths of (and coloniza tion) by Abaza, 1865., xi. 39, 40 mouth of, xxi. 206 sources of, xxi. 216 width of, xxi. 217 Anadyrsk, N. Siberia, Russian settle ment, xi. 40, 41, xii. 186 Anamullay (Annamullay or Aneimalli) Hills, Madras, x. 266, xi. 61 elevations in, x. 267, xvii. 288 gap in, utilized by railway, xxi. 239 rainfall of, x. 267 Anambatou Mountain, N. Madagascar, geological formation of, ix. 290 Anapa, Caucasus, Tcherkess fortress of, vi. 60 Anativolo, the, Madagascar, geological features of, and inhabitants, xxi. 169 ANA— AND 19 Anatolia (Asia Minor), Tour in North- Eastern, Palgrave, (1872.), xvi. 223 Ancobra or Axim river, W. Africa, xiii. 357 Andakana, Madagascar, forest hills of, xxi. 164 Andaman Isles, Bay of Bengal, currents of, Heath cote, vi. 115-6 expeditions to, Blair's for surveys, and other early explorations, vi. 41, 116 Mouat's, 1857., vi. 41, 116 Parish's, 1862., ri. 215 natives of, physical and general cha racteristics of, ii. 184; Crawford on, iii. 359 ; Owen on, vi. 46 Andamoko, S. Australia, water at, iii. 336 Andekoi, C. Asia, death of Moorcroft at, viii. 271 Anderson, A. C, Rationale of an Open Polar Sea in connection with analogous conditions developed during winter on the Lakes of the Interior of N. America, xvii. 133 , Capt., on the proposed railway across the Isthmus of Kraw, vii. 61 S., The N. American Boundary from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mts., xx. 274, 434 Dr. J., The Irawady and its Sources, xiv. 346, xv. 291 journey with Sladen to W. Yunnan, 1868., xv. 351 reads Margary's last letters, xx. 308 report on Sladen's expedition to W. Yunnan, 1868., cited, xvi. 347, xx. 198, 426 valuable botanical collections made by, xxii. 438 ¦ , J., expedition of, with Stewart to Montreal Island, 1855., i. 21, 96, 151 traces of Franklin found by, i. 19, 23, 152, 212, iv. 2, 3, 13 Fort, B. Columbia, ix. 125 Lake, B. Columbia, vi. 109 , Lieut., r.e., survey of Palestine by, xix. 164, 167 river, B. N. America, explored by MacFarlane, ix. 125, coal near, 126, gold bearing, iii. 324 Andersson, C. J., journey to Lake Ngami, (1856.), i. 160, 354 journey toward the Cunene river, 1858., ii. 320, 352 (and Green), On South Africa and the Okovanga river, (1859.), iv. 63; 182, v. 17 Andes Mountains, South America — Across the Andes, Hutchinson, xviii. 204 alpaca wool of, iii. 95 as areas of condensation, i. 58 Andes, Bolivian, explorations of, by Forbes, ix. 245 Central, journey across, Cross, (1865.), ix. 277 Chilian, The Southern, journey across, and object of, G. Cox, (1862.), viii. 160 clouds round peaks in, causes of, xxi. 558 Cordillera of, in the Isthmus of Darien, de Puydt on, xii. 69 crossing of (see Cox, Cross, and Hutchin son), Hopkins on, ix. 279 of Cuzco, rivers of, xi. 103 earthquakes among, xxii. 41 Eastern, explored by MacRae, (1856.), i. 168, by Orton, (1870.), xiv. 322 Ecuadorian, elevations of, xxi. 55-6, gold in, iii. 94 Spruce's travels in, (1864.), viii. 220 effect of, on temperature, xii. 318 elevations in, Markham on, xxii. 41-2 forests at foot of, viii. 61 geological structure of, Crawford on, xvii. 59 , Markham on, xxii. 41-2 German colony on East slope of, viii. 62 high snow-line of, iv. 49 Inca aqueduct over, Clay on, xvii. 66 mineral wealth and other products of, iii. 94, 95, 96, vi. 209, viii. 161, xviii. 212 mule transit over, i. 466 observations of the eclipse of 1858. from, ii. 269 passes in, viii. 160, 164 Peruvian, contrasted with the Bolivian, Markham, xviii. 212 no large rivers descending to the W. coast from, ii. 216 Races of, and communication between them and the Atlantic, Markham, xv. 367, Gerstenberg's comments, 379 of Quito, trade outlets of, Humboldt on, i. 252 railway, Projected, across, from the Argentine Republic, Crawford, xvii. 57; 275 Murchison on, viii. 162 , Proposed, AVheelwright, ix. 45 roads across, proposed (see routes of travellers already named), iii. 96 ; Markham on, v. 225 slow continual elevation of, and of the Pampas, Johnston on, xx. 499 Soroche sickness on, Mathews ou, xxii. 48 Andevorande, Madagascar, route to, xx. 114 Andi region, Daghestan, Caucasus, iv. 247 Andijan Province, Turkestan, the old Farghana, xx. 482 , second city of Kokand, Schuyler on, xviii. 410-1 20 AND— ANJ Audranarivo, Madagascar on, xx. 110 Andranobe river, Madagascar, xix. 198 Andranouiianbra station, Madagascar, xxi. .170 Andranonandriana, Madagascar, military station, xxi. 167 - Andraopasika, Madagascar, clay hills near, xxi. 170 Andrea Debono, Equatorial Africa, Baker's troubles with. x. 9 Andrew, W. P., on Kurrachi Harbour and its trade, xi. 26 On Railway Communication in the Indus Provinces and Russian advance in Asia, iii. 385 Andrew's Range, N. Queensland, geo logical formation of, xviii. 105 Andreyeff, A., Hydrographical Survey of Ladoga Lake, (1857.), xiii. 375 Andriba Hill," Madagascar, beautiful situation of, xix. 198 Andringrita Mountains, Madagascar, xix. 184 extinct volcanic crater in, xxi. 158 geological formation and peaks of, xxi. 157 Andromba river, Madagascar, junction of, with the Ratsaoka river, xix. 199 Auegada, Virgin Islands, Lesser Antilles group, W. Indies, explored by Schom burgk, (about 1832.), vi. 182, ix. 208 Aneimudi Peak, Madras, elevation of, xvii. 2S8 Aneloa or Little Peledon river, Siberia, affluent of the Anadyr; xxi. 216 Angara district, Siberia, explored by Orlof, (1858.), ii. 277 rivers, Upper and Lower, feeders of Lake Baikal, ii. 278, xiii. 370 in connection with the Yenisei river, immense length and breadth of, xxii. 106 Angarep or Angrap river, Abyssinia, affluent of the Atbara river, Baker's exploration of, vii. 21, ix. 80, x. 6, 290 Angavo, Madagascar, eastern limit of the Imerima plateau, xxi. 169 forest of, xix. 184 gneiss hill at, xix. 197 pass, xix. 183 Angavokely, Madagascar, rivers rising near, xix. 199 Angelis, Chevalier de, i. 177, obituary notice of, v. 154 Angelo, Don, journey of, in C. Africa, (1859.), iii. 209, 213 On his ascent of the Juba river, (1S36.), and on the Somalis, x. 113 Angier, F. H., and others, On alteration of rules as to Evening Meetings of R.G.S., xxi. 295 Augipena, South Australia — fodder scarce in district of, v. 124 Angipena, South Australia — continued. geological formation around, iii. 335, 337 MacDonnell's expedition from, 1859., iv. 93 Anglopina Pound and Pound Range, S. Australia, ii. 16 geological formation in, ii. 18, 19 police station at, ii. 20 Angoin, C. Africa, Petherick at, (I860.), v. 33 Angola, W. Africa, Branch's efforts to develop, v. 150 climate of, and cotton cultivation in, iv. 70 the Congo in, xix. 101 cotton of, ii. 162, iv. 70 language of, viii. 186 Livingstone in, 1855., i. 7, 247 Moorish travellers from, 1854., i. 75, iv. 181 Portuguese rulers of, expedition against Congo kingdom, iv. 72 friendliness to Livingstone, i. 235, 248-9 slave trade in, ii. 101 wax trade of, i. 247 Angora, Asia Minor, wool of, iii. 389 Angori or Naran, Afghanistan, basin of, described by Lynch, (1841.), xx. 244 Angostura, on Las Losas river, Andes, iv. 47 on the Orinoco, Humboldt's visit to, i. 251 mules of, i. 255 Angoulinor Lake, Mongolia, xviii. 153 p Anguilla Islands, W. Indies, phosphatic rocks of, Murchison on, iii. 332, iv. 57 ;:. Anhin on the Gulf of Siam, salubrious-' fish-curing village of, iv. 215 An-hsun, China, vast cemetery round city at, xx. 196 Anhuri, Yangtse region, China, teas and manufactures of, xi. 262 Animal Life in the Arctic Regions, Sim- monds, i. 53 at Cape York, Rattray, xii. 319-20 Greenland, Osborn on, xv. 212 Influence of General Oceanic Circulation on the Distribution of, Car penter on, xviii. 380 Anjeree Hills, Persia, geological forma tion of, xx. 178 Anjojorobe, Madagascar, Christian village, xix. 194 Anjomoka, river, Madagascar, course of, xix. 184 Aujou, Lieut., with Berg'e Aralo-Caspian Expedition, iii. 388 With Wrangell's Siberian Expedition)' Anj Si country. C. Asia, location of, xxi; 332 ANK— ANT 21 Ankaraua, Madagascar, Hova fort, xxi. I 162, district described, 163, hill posi tion of, 164, volcanic rock on summit, 164 Ankarat or Ankiratra Mts., Madagascar, elevation, x. 55, xix. 185, and volpanic charaoter of, xix. 186, 188, ascent of principal peaks, by Johnson, xxi. 171 rivers rising east of, xix. 199 Ankavahdra, Madagascar, town, river and plain of, xxi. 166, 167, 168 Ankay district, Madagascar, xix. 194 physical features of, xix. 196 An-king, W. China, cultivation beyond, vi. 86 Ankober, Shoa, Abyssinia, position, tem perature, and rain at, xiv. 161-2 Ankotso rock, Madagascar, xx. 110 Ankova province, Madagascar, Journey to, Ellis, 1861., x. 55 Ankudin river, Siberia, affluent of the Kolym river, xxi. 215 Anna branch, Darling river, S. Australia, vi. 55 Annam, encroachments of, on Cambodia, vi. 80, 32 Annan river, N. Australia, explored by Jardine, 1865., xi. 151 Annesley Bay, Abyssinia, the ancient Adulis, xii. 15, xiv. 162 extinct volcanoes at head of, xii. 113, and near, xiii. 221-2 plain along shores of, xiv. 162 salt region near, xiii. 221-2 An-ning-Chou, S. W. China, country be yond, xx. 204 Another Old Man Creek, near Cooper's Creek, Australia, xv. 98 Anniversary Addresses: — 1856., Beechey's (not reported), i. 82 ; 1857., Murchison's, (not reported), i. 479; 1858., Murchi son's, ii. 239; 1859., Murchison's, iii. 224; I860., Earl de Grey's, iv. 117; 1861., Murchison's, v. 146 ; 1862., Lord Ashburton's, vi. 127; 1863., Murchi son's, vii. 123 ; 1864., Murchison's, viii. 170 ; 1865., Murchison's, ix. 195 ; 1866., Murchison's, x. 185 ; 1867.,Murchison's, xi. 185; 1868., Murchison's, xii. 214; 1869., Murchison's, xiii. 259 ; 1870., Mur chison's, xiv. 287; 1871., Murchison's, xv. 252 ; 1872., Rawlinson's, xvi. 291 ; 1873., RawlhiBOn's, xvii. 237: 1874., Frere's, xviii. 497; 1875., Rawlinson's, xix. 368; 1876., Rawlinson's, xx. 377; 1877., Aloock's, xxi. 407 ; 1878.,Alcook's, xxii. 305 Anniversary Meetings (1856 to 1877)— i. 82, 479, ii. 231, iii. 215, iv. 109, v. 137, vi. 121, vii. 119, viii. 164, ix. 189, x. 175, xi. 177, xii. 209, xiii. 253, xiv. 275, xv. 233, xvi. 275, xvii. 225, xviii. 487. xix. 357, xx. 367, xxi. 397, xxii. 293 Anno Bon Island, W. Africa, ceded by Portugal to Spain, 1778., ii. 227 Anping port, Formosa, not always avail able, xvi. 271 Anstey, C, obituary notice of, xviii. 534 Anson Bay, W. Australia, x. 36, xiv. 197 Ansuelo rocks and pampas, Peru, geo logical formation of, xii. 130 Antalo, Abyssinia, xiv. 165 geological formation near, xii. 298 on plain of, xiv. 165 Salt's journey to and fiom, 1805., xii. 119 Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar, xiv; 368 geographical position of, Kessler on x. 57, Mullen on, xix. 191 Gunst's journey to, (1865.), ix. 289 hills west of, xx. 110 Maynard's journey from, to Mojunga, 1874., xx. 110 population of, xix. 193 Sacred city, x. 55 Antanib£o, on the Alaotra Lake, Mada gascar, xxi. 171 Antarctic — alpine flora, distribution of, xxii. 432 Discovery and its connection with the Transit of Venus, 1882., Davis, xiii. 114, 121 Exploration in, Balleny's, 1830-3., ii. 171 ; Bellingshausen's, 1819 , ix. 95 ; British, v. 25, xiv. 145 ; Gerritz's to Ross's summarized by Davis, xiii. 114; Morrell's, 1823., xiv. 145, 155, 326 ; Tapsell's, 1850., ii. 172 Belcher on, xiii. 120, Maury on, v. 23, Petermann on, ix. 94, xix. 35, 179 ice and climate as found by the Chal lenger, 1874., xviii. 545, Nareson, 546 — , Evans on, xxi. 72 — , Ross and others cited on, xiv. 149- 151, xxi. 72 ice-bearing current, specific gravity of, xiv. 378 ; affecting the winter tem perature of Australia, Clarke on, i. 5 magnetic focus, value of, 1878., xxii. 199 Morrell's voyage of 1823., and the ad vantages of Steam to future explorers, Hamilton, xiv. 145, 155, Murchison on, 326 Notes on Sabrina Land, Enderby, ii. 171 Observations for the Transit of Venus in 1882., suggested, ix. 88, xii. 109-11, xiii, 114, 119, 121, xvi. 238, xviii. 544 Ocean, direction of wind in, iv. 240 researches past and future in, Mur- chisou on, 1869., xiii. 294 temperature of, Carpenter on, xix. 497 Region, Physical Geography of the Sea 22 ANT— ARA Antarctic — continued. in connection with, Maury, v. 22, vi. 191 Temperature, Beloher on, v. 26 Anti-Atlas Mountains, N. Africa, xv. 219 Anticosti Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence, country near, ix. 136 explored by Richardson, 1856, ii. 294-5 Anti-Libauus Mountains, Syria, Burton on, xvi. 105-6, 108 true position of, i. 7 Antinori, Marquis, expedition of, to the Shoa district, Abyssinia, 1875., xix. 437, xx. 444, xxi. 474, 1876., xxii. 14, 378 Antioquia, New Granada, population of, i. 466 Antisana Mountain, S. America, elevation of, xxi. 557 Anti-suyu valley, Peru, forests of, xv. 374 Antofogasta, S. America, nitrate deposits of, xxii. 47 Antongars, Madagascar, king of, ix. 290 Antongodrahbja, Madagascar, Hova fort, situation of, elevation, and view from, xxi. 170 Antongona Peaks, Madagascar, xix. 185 Antsampandrano, Madagascar, terror at sight of Englishmen at, xxi. 171 Antsirdamandfdy, Madagascar, large town of, xxi. 166 Antumbo, Ecuador, falls of the Pastassa river at, xxi. 562 Antwerp, International Geographical Con gress at, 1870., xvi. 83, Report on, Ommanney, xvi. 132 Anuapata Harbour, New Guinea, see Port Moresby village, population of, xx. 331 Anuisha Mountains, C. Africa, vi. 49 Anxious Bay, S. Australia, Islands off, charted, xix. 409 Anyui fort, Siberia, route to, xxi. 215 river, affluents of, xxi. 215, 216, mountains near, elevation of, and (Ivis nivicola in, 216 Aopo district, Savaii Island, Samoa, lava plains at, xxi. 142 Apa river, boundary between Brazil and Paraguay, xviii. 151, xx. 494 navigable length of, xx. 498 Apache Indians, New Mexico, Goad on, xxii. 278 territories inhabited by, and character istics of, Poston on, xix. 305 Apalos, Caehar Hills, India, earthquake at, 1869., xiii. 370 Apaluli river, S.E. Africa, affluents of, xix. 129 Apeheron, Caspian Sea, viii. 204 Ape's Hill, Formosa Island, elevation of, xvi. 271, xvii. 145 geological formation of, x. 128, Corner on, xix. 515 Apes and men, de Crespigny on, xiv. 177 Apex Hill, S. Australia, ii. 20 Aphroessa Island thrown up near San- torin Island, Greek Archipelago, by volcanic eruption in 1866., x. 318, 324 Apia, Samoa, German consulate at, xxi. 141 harbour at, and cascade near, xxi. 144 neighbouring region, xxi. 145 Apiay valley, S. America, i. 152 Apingi country, W. Africa, x. 75 , Rembo river, tributary of the Ogowo river, iv. 183 Apipe Island, in the Parana river, xx. 498 Apolima Island, Samoa, volcanic character of, xxi. 143 Apollonia, W. Africa, Dutch fort at, xiii. 357 . • , Lake of, Asia Minor, commerce of, i. 304-5 Apono, W. Africa, natives of, x. 76 Appanbara creek, C. Australia, viii. 85 Appealina, S. Australia, mines at, iv. 93, v. 124 Appocaldradille, C. Australia, double Lake, vii. 85 Appudo, Nile region, Gordon's station at, elevation of, xx. 12, 128, xxi. 57 Apsley Strait, W. Australia, temporary post at, ix. 227 Apucarana and Agudos Mts., Brazil, xx. 456 geological formation of, xx. 461 Apure river, Venezuela, affluent of the Orinoco, Humboldt's journey from, and account of, cited, i. 251, 252 Apurimac and Mantaro rivers, Raimondy's journey to the confluence of, title only, xiii. 112 Aqua Efe, hamlet, W. Africa, xx. 224 Aquapino HillB, W. Africa, tsetse fly near, and natives of, xiii. 358, 359 Aquidaban river, Paraguay, xx. 498 Aquiry river, S. America, as route to the Madre de Dios, x. 105, Salgados cited on, x. 254 exploration of, by Chandless, as affluent of the Purus, 1865-6., xi. 100 Arab, Wadi el, Syria, viii. 29 Araba, Wady el, Arabia Petra:a, Roth's hypsometrical measurements in, iii. 287 Arabah, Sinaitic Peninsula, raiding Arabs of, xxii. 455 Arabat, Spit of, Sea of Azov. i. 306, 404 Arabia, (see also Aden, Mecca, Sinaitic Peninsula, etc., etc.) — coal in, xv. 320-1 coast of, islands near, see Curia Murisi Islands commercial cities of. in early xv. 329 ' ARA— ARA 23 Arabia — continued. • different races inhabiting, Palgrave on, viii. 68 Expeditions and Explorations — • Arnaud's (in Yemen), 1843., xv. 330 Burton's to Mecca, iii. 217 Haines', Constable's, Wallin's, Mur chison on, viii. 66 Palgrave's, 1862-3.,viii.63, Murchison on, 207, ix. 261,276 Sadleir's and others', Rawlinson on, viii. 81 gold of, Strabo cited on, xv. 329 great desert of, vii. 69, animal life of, ix. 291, population of, viii. 70 hot wind of, i. 35 Himyaritic races of, Badger on, xv. 328-9, 331 , von Maltzan on, xvi. 121 Palgrave on, viii. 67-82, ix. 294 parallels to Stonehenge in, viii. 81 pre-Mahommedan religion, survival of, in, viii. 78, xvi. 121-2 rivers of, Badger's enquiry on, Pal grave's reply, vii. 97 et seq. Central, oholera in, viii. 72 Visit to the Wahabee capital of, Pelly, 1805., ix. 293, 295, Murchison on, ix. 261, 276 Southern, archaeology of, Rawlinson on, xvi. 123 Geography of, von Maltzan, (1871.), xvi. 115, 335 geology of, Carter cited on, iv. 52-3 Himyaritic people and inscriptions of, Miles on, xvi. 325; Rawlinson on, xv. 335, xvi. 123 progress of geographical knowledge of, 1872., xvi. 335 South Central, excursion into, Miles, 1870., xv. 319, notes and remarks on the foregoing, by Badger, xv. 323, 325-6, by Rawlinson, xvi. 335 South East, Admiralty surveys of (see Red Sea), iii. 268, vi. 134, by the Indian Navy, vii. 163 Western Shores of, geological formation, xi. 54 Arabian Gulf, sub-surface templrature of, xxi. 75 Sea, storminess of, iv. 55-6 Arabistah, see Khuzistan Arabs in Ross's Australian exploring expe dition, 1874., xix. 56, usefulness of, 57 Aracan, Arracan or Arakan, Burmese province, i. 270 annexed by Great Britain, 1826., xii. 198 coast of, currents along, Heathcote on, vi. 114-5 fertility and population of, i. 273 Hill Trip ou the Borders of, 1865-6., Lenin, xi. 52 Araoan — continued. progress of, under British rule, xii. 199, x'ix. 266 trade of, with Yunnan, for opium, iv. 218 Yoma range of, and passes in, sketch of. Yule, i. 270 Arad district or Little Jerride, Tunis, date and henna cultivation at, vi. 213 Arafa, S. Peru, xviii. 216 Arafali, Abyssinia, plain and animals of, xii. 113 Arafura Sea, Malay Archipelago, depths in, vi. 200, xix. 412 Dutch Charts of, vi. 136 monsoons in, xii. 316 temperature in, xix. 500, xxi. 317 Arago, cited on terrestrial magnetism, xxii. 204 Aragon river, affluent of Ebro, Spain, x. 232 Arajuno river, Ecuador, occasional junction of the Napo river with, xxi. 568 Arak el Emir, Syria, palace of John Hyrcanus at, xix. 167 Aral Sea, C. Asia (see also Oxus river), xi. 163 Boutakoff on, xi. 113, comments on his views by Murchison, 203 coal near, discovery of, viii. 206 elevation of, iii. 388, xix. 423 Esquisse Geographique du Bassin de, Lamansky, 1858., iii. 387, com- meuts by Murchison, ii. 280 explorations of, Boutakoff, xi. 113, 203 ; Lamansky, 1858., iii. 387 first vessels on, xi. 203 Rawlinson on, xi. 114-6 rivers feeding, Murchison on, xi. 203 ; Rawlinson on, xvii. 162 ; sources of, xv. 186 Russian advance to, iii. 387, vii. 271 outposis near, iii. 145 survev and investigation, iii 290, xix. 426-7 salinity of, xi. 113, xvii. 192 Severtseff cited on, xix. 426-7 Lake, Mongolia, Elias on, (1872.) xvii. 189-90 Aralau Khan, legend of, xviii. 442, shrine of, C. Asia, and hospice at, 244 Aram, S. Persia, xi. 37 Aralo-Caspian district, geology of, (te., Murchison on, xi. 203 et seq. Aralsk, on the Jaxartes, Russian outpost at, iii. 145 Aralykh, at the foot of Mount Ararat, Bryce at, 1876., xxii. 179 Ararat, Mt., Armenia, Turkey in Asia — Ascents of, by Abich, 1845., xxi. 8S, 89, 363, xxii. 178, Stuart, 1856., xxi. 77, Bryce, 1876., xxii. 177, 24 ARA— ARC Ararat, Mt. — continued. Parrot, 1827., and others, xxii. 177-8 ; summary by Alcock, xxii.*362 Boyce on, xxii. 174 depression in, crossed by road, xxii. 175 elevation of, iii. 2, Bryce on, xxii. 175, Humboldt cited on, iii. 18, Khani- koff on, vi. 163, Monteith. on, iii. 18, Rawlinson on, vi. 105 frontier survey from, to the Persian Gulf, i. 353, Glascott's work on, vii. 161, viii. 276 geological (volcanic) formation of, Bryce on, xxii. 174-6, Stuart on, xxi. 88 hills connecting it with the Caucasus, vi. 6 Khanikoff's explorations in, iv. 253, vi. 163 real name of, xxi. 87, xxii. 184 Volcanic eruption of, 1840., xxi. 88 the Lesser, ascent of, by Stuart, 1856., xxi. 90 Araschkot Mts., Egypt, volcanic character of, v. 28 Aravallee Mts., Rajputana, India, xi. 57. xiv. 120 Aravaypa river, Colorado, gorge of, xiii. 141 Araxes river, Turkey in Asia, (see also Arrass river), iii. 18, xxi. 87 plain of, xxii. 169 Russian trigonometrical observations near, ii. 277, vi. 163 source and course of, xxii. 169 Arc of meridian, measurement of, proposed, v. 194-5, vi. 139 of parallel, measurement of, proposed, v. 180-1, vi. 140, vii. 145 Areas Island, W. Coast of Africa, ceded to Gt. Britain in 1792., iii. 384 Archa bulah, Alai region, C. Asia, eleva tion of, xxi. 131 Archangel, on the White Sea, trade routes from, to China, when discovered by Chancellor, xxii. 101-2 province, Russia, population of, viii. 61 Archat Mountains and Pass, Alai region, C. Asia, elevation of, xxi. 123 Archbishop of York, resolution moved by, concerning the African exploration fund and the slave trade, xxi. 609 Archer Sound, Arctic regions, winter quarters of the Discovery in, 1875., xxi. 106 Archibong Willy's landing, Qua river, W. Africa, xx. 227, falls of the Qua near, xx. 228, plantations near, xx. 228 Arcines, Pouile d', Dauphine, vii. 45 Arcoona Bluff, S. Aust., ii. 16, 17, 20 Arctic Regions, (see also Greenland, North Pole, Spitzbergen, etc., and Ant arctic Regions) — Account of scientific results of Arctic Expedition under Hayes, ix. 181 of the Swedish expedition of 1868., under Nordenskiold and von Otter as the leaders, xiii. 151 Alpine flora of. Dyer on, xxii. 423, Hooker on, xvi. 236 American Arctic coasts, i. 151, ii. 289, iv. 166 Animal life in, Collinson on, xxi. 282 ; Feilden on, xxi. 284 ; Hamilton on, xiii. 235-6 ; Markham on, xxi. 544, Nares on, xxi. 276-7, Osborn on, i. 110, ix. 49, 05, xvii. 179, Simmonds, i. 53 Archipelago^ Osborn on, see xvii. 172 et seq.. Payer on, xix. 32 Austro-Hungarian Polar Expedition, 1872., Payer, xix. 17 Basin, thermal condition of, Carpenter on, xxi. 308, Murchison on, i. 463 Best Route for North Polar Exploration, Markham, ix. 139, notes to the same, 153, 162 Butterflies, Mc Lachlan cited on, xxii. 444 Circle, Probable Existence of Unknown Lands within, Osborn, xvii. 172 Circumpolar Exploration and the Climate of the North Pole, Hickson, ix. 137 ( limate : Belcher on, ix. 61 Hickson ou, ix. 137 Hall's Polaris crew cited on, xviii. 20 Kane's observations on, i. 17, IS, Sabine on, 20 Parry's observations on, i. 28 Committee of the Admiralty, Report of, 1875 , xix. 349 of R.G.S., work of, 1873., xvii. 76, 180-1, 266, co-operation of the Royal Society with, 267 ; 1874., xviii. 553, xxi. 447 coal in, i. 105, vii. 101, *. 56, xix. 27, xx, 58, 62-5 Currents and drifts of, (see Greenland, Labrador, Spitzbergen, etc.) — Belcher on, iv. 108, ix. 61, xiii. 232 Collinson on, xix. 36 Evans on, xxi. 76 Findlay (and others) on, i. 21 et seq. Gray, cited on, xix. 178, 179 Hamilton on, ix. 132 Hopkins on, iv. 100, 169, cf. 232 and vi. 191 Inglefield on, xiii. 169 Irminger on, i. 61, v. 225, cf. vi. 191 Jansen on, ix. 164 et seq. Lamont on, ix. 155 M'Clintock on, xiii. 243 ARC— ARC 25 Arctic Regions — continued. Currents and drifts of — continued. Malte Brun cited on, iv. 238 Markham ^on, xvii. 97 et seq., cf. 133, xx. 56 Murchison on, ii. 329, 330 Nares on, xxi. 97, et seq., 275, 280, 281 Osborn on, xvii. 177-8 Parry's experiences with, cited, iv. ' 238-9 Payer on, xix. 17, et seq. Petermann on, xix. 176, 178 Rawlinson on, xvii. 15 Redfield cited on, ii. 329 Richards on, xix. 211, 216 Shaffner on, iv. 103-5 ; others, 106-8 Von Heuglin cited on, xv. 307 Discoveries by the expedition of 1857., in search of Sir J. Franklin and his party, M'Clintock, iv. 2 East of Spitzbergen, and attempts to reach the Pole on the Spitzbergen meridians, Markham, xvii. 97 of the Polaris, 1871., and Voyage of the Arctie, 1873., Markham, xviii. 12 Dr. E. Kane's Report on his search for Sir John Franklin, 1852-4., i. 17 Dove's Isotherms for, iv. 235, 206, i. 28 Esquimaux inhabitants. See Esqui maux Expeditions and explorations in, actual and proposed, aZso explorers (see also Research, infra) — American — Gordon Bennett's, 1878., xxii. 338 De Haven's, 1850-1., i. 23, xiii. 235 et seq., xvii. 178, xix. 176, 213 Hall's (supported by Grinnell), 1860 and 1870-1., v. 199, vii. 98, 99, ix. 268, xv. 308, xvi. 85, 330, xvii. 16, 268, xviii. 7, 12, 551, xix. 174, 213, 418, xxi. 275, 278 Hayes', 1854. and I860., iv. 168, 238, v. 199, ix. 92, 181, xi. 180, 182, xiii. 236 et seq., xix. 174, 213, xxi. 274, 275 Howgate's, 1877-8., xxi. 281, xxii. 337 397 Kane's, 1852-4., i. 16, 17, 82, iii. 152, 471, iv. 168, ix. 46-51, 64, 92, xiii. 234 et seq., xiv. 185, xvi. 235, xix. 174, 213, xxi. 274 Kennicott's, 1859-60., iii. 327, iv. 168 Rogers', 1855., i. 16, 152, xix. 176 Austro-Hungarian, 1872., Payer and Weyprecht's, xv. 307, xvi. 85, 227, xvii. 15, 264, xviii. 557, xix. 5, 17, 420 British — Aldrich, (with Nares), xxi. 99, 284, 286, 549, 554 Arctic Regions — continued. Expeditions and explorations in — contd. British — continued. Archer, (with Nares), xxi. 108-9 Austin, 1850-1., i. 3, 23, 24, iv. 2, 6, 10, 11, ix. 63, xix. 373, 467, xxi. 547 Back, 1833. and 1836., i. 24, 198, vii. 100, viii. 116, xii. 109, xiii. , 166-7-8 Baffin, 1616., ix. 43, 93, xvi. 158, xvii. 181, xix. 177, 212 Beaufort, ix. 61, 65 Beaumont, (with Nares), xxi. 99, 108, 284, 286, 545, 549 Beechey, 1818. and 1825., i. 374, ii. 198, xix. 176 Belcher, 1851., i. 20, 24, 26, 30, 106, et seq., 153, iv. 7, 60, 61, 117, xiii. 232, 241, xix. 35, 176, 216, 467, 479, xxi. 273, 415, 547, 554 Bellot, (with Kennedy, 1851., also with Inglefield, 1853.), i. 1-3, 22, 117, 212, x. 5 Browne, (with Austin), i. 25, 104, 212, iv. 3 Cheyne, (with Ross), xviii. 18 Collinson, 1852-3., i. 26, 30, 95, 153, 211, 236-8, iv. 113, xii. 254, xvii. 105, 181-2, xviii. 176, xix. 476, xxi. 281, 545-6 Cook and Clerke, 1778-9., xix. 176 Court, (with M'Clure), vi. 180, xvii. 174, xviii. 18 Davis, (with Ross), xviii. 19, xxi. 421 Donnet, see Austin Forsyth, xviii. 16, 21 Franklin's, 1818 and 1845., i. 21 et seq., xiii. 119, 166, xvii. 181, xix. 35 those in search of: see Austin's Belcher's Collinson's Hudson Bay Company's Inglefield's Kane andother Americans McClintock'sOmmanney's' Osborn's Penny's Richards' Frobisher, and others, 1576., vii. 99, xvi. 235 Gray, 1868, xii. Ill, 256 Hamilton, (with M'Clintock), 1853., i. 107, ii. 62, xiii. 241, xix. 221, 222, xxi. 549 Hobson, (with M'Clintock), 1857, iv. 2,7 11, xix. 212 26 ARC— ARC Arctic Regions — continued. Expeditions and explorations in — contd. British — continued. Hudson's Bay Company's — Anderson's, 1854., i. 21, 151-2 Rae's, 1846. and 1851., i. 22, 1854., i. 23, 25, 95, 104, 210, 211,215, 231, iv. 5, 9, 10, xix. 212, 222, xxi, 285, 286-7 Simpson's, 1836., i. 264, v. 151-2, 164 Iuglefield, 1852., i. 2, 20, 30, 471, ii. 195, ix. 64, 92, xiii. 169, xiv. 155, xix. 213, xx. 64, xxi. 274 Jones, (of the Valorous, with Nares), xx. 56 et seq. Kellett, (under Belcher), 1852-3., i. :!, 16, 22, 108, ix. 62, xii. 98, 253, xvii. 178, 179, xix. 176, 208, 393, 470, 479 Kennedy, 1851., i. 22, 212, iv. 12, 37, xviii. 16 Lament's, 1869., (see Spitzbergen), xiii. 225, 293, xiv. 326, xvi. 85 Long, (n. d.) xix. 176 Lyon, 1824., xxi. 285 M'Clintoek's, 1857., and previous, i. 94, 95, 107-9, 471, 475, ii. 2, 290-1, iii. 325, summary iv. 2 ; 109, 111, 166, 252, ix. 62. 119, 154, xii. Ill, ixiii. 167, 235 et seq., xiv. 154-5, xv. 113, 383, xvi. 158, 237-8, xvii. 178, 179, xviii. 16, xix. 176, 212, 220 et seq., 470 et seq., xx. 64, xxi. 281 M'Clure, (with Collinson), 1850., i. 30, 107-8-9, 153, 475, iii. 197, iv. 10, 13, vi. 76, 180, ix. 58, xvii. 105, 173, xviii. 16, xix. 393, xxi. 282, 545-6, 551 Maguire, 1851., xvii. 181 Markham, (A. H.) (in the Arctic and with Nares), xviii. 7, 8, 12 et seq., xxi. 10, 96, 110, 112, 287, 401,446,541, 544,548-9 Meeham, (with Belcher), 1852., i. 107, 108-9, xix. 222, xxi. 545 Nares, (with Belcher and proposed expedition by R.G.S., 1875 ), xix. 208, 222, 403, 415, 417, 472, xx. 7, 19, 20, 55, 160, xxi. 10, 96, 274, 286, 308, 397, 440, 542 et seq., 551, xxii. 423 Ommanney (with Austin), 1852., xix. 221-2 Osborn, (with Austin), 1852., i. 24, 95, 104 et seq., ix. 65, xiv. 154, xviii. 19, xix. 373, xxi. 99, 554 Parr, (with Nares), 1875., xxi. 96 Parry, (1819., 1827.), i. 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 28, 30, 127, 152, 214, ii. 200, iii. 122, iv. 234, 238, vii. 101, viii. 114, 115, 119, ix. 15, 92. Arctic Regions— continued. Expeditions and explorations in— oonM. British— continued. xii. 108-9, xiii. 166, 169, xiv. 155, xv. 383, xvi. 235, xvii. 172 et seq., 183, xviii 16, 17, 18, xix. 20, 35, 178, 210, 220, 466, xxi. 76, 106, 112, 275, 282, 285, 339, 446, 548 Penny (in conjunction with Austin), 1851., and after,! 20, 22,30,105, 212, 231, xiii. 234 et seq. Petersen, see M'Clintock Pim, (with M'Clintock under Bel cher), 1851., i. 209, 475, iii. 197, vii. 76, 189 Proposed— by R.G.S., in 1865, ix. 58, 87, 113, 146, Lady Franklin i on, 148, reply of Linnsean Sooiety and others, ix. 156, 267, memorial to the Government, 269, xvi. 228, prospects of, iu 1866, and after, x. 256, xi. 5, xii. 253, xvi. 85. 240, report of Committee on, 364 in 1873-5., (see also Nares), correspondence of R.G.S. with -i the Government on, xvii. 7G et seq.. proposed, 97, 107, 266, xviii. 553, xix. 7, 38, 415, decided on, 1875., xix. 206, 414. xx. 7, xxi. 9, 10, route for, xix. 208, report of Arctic Committee of the Admiralty on, 349, arrange ment for, 214, 416, departure of, 45, 403, xx. 19, progress of, to July, xx. 55, 415, weather pros pects of, 160, further progress of, xxi. 10, welcome on return, 94 et seq., Nares' reports on, 96, 274, Alcock on,440; furthest northerly point reached by, xxi. 10, 446 , History of the efforts to obtain a Renewal of Arctic Research, Markham, xxi. 536, Successful Results of, 543, Routes for future, 555 Pullen, (with Kellett under Bel cher), 1851., xix. 393 Richards (with Belcher), 1851-2-3., i. 106-7, xxi. 99 Ross, Sir John, 1818. and 1829., i. 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 62, 104, 212, ii. 246, vii. 101, viii. 49, xviii, 17, xix. 212, 464, 466-7, xx. 64 Ross, Sir James, 1829. and 1839-43., i. 104,iv.ll,xiii. 114-5, 118, 119, xiv. 155, xvii. 178-9, xviii. 18, 55-6, xix. 35, 180, 211, 220, 464, 465, 466, 467, 476, xxi. 285-6, 308, 421, 539, xxii. 192, 201 Sabine, (with Parry, 1819., see Greenland), xxi. 308, 554, xxii, 192 ARC— ARC Arctic Regions— continued. Expeditions and explorations in — contd. British — continued . Saunders (with Ross, 1849.), xviii. 16 Scoresby, 1822. (see Greenland), viii. 117, xxi. 554 Snow, (with Forsyth and after), 1851., i. 53, iv. 168, v. 199, xviii. 21 Stephenson, (with Nares), 1875., xix. 207, xxi. 106 Walker, (with M'Clintock), 1857., iv. 2, 7, 113, 252 Wiggins, 1874 and after, xviii. 557, xix. 7, 175, 421, xxi. 447, xxii. 102, 339 Winniett, (with M'Clure undor Collinson), i. 24, 95 Young (with M'Clintock and after, see also North Atlantic Cable), i. 475, iv. 2, 7, 113, 252, xii. Ill, xviii. 17, xix. 212, 420, 476, 479, 481, xx. 20, 56,403, 416, xxi. 439 Dutch and other early, xvii. 98, xix. 176 in 1878., xxii. 338 French, (see Be Hot), Lambert's pro posed, 1868., xii. 253-4 German, Finsch, etc., 1877., xxi. 447 Koldewey, 1869-70., xii. 107, 253, xiii. 291, xv. 102, 307, xvi. 227, 360 . Results of, Osborn on, xvi. 229 et seq. Norwegian, Carlsen's, 1871., xvi. 361, others, xvii. 265 Early, from Greenland to Arctic America, 1266. and 1347., ii. 374 Russian, Pachtussoff, 1832-5., mote, xvii. 138 Proposed, in 1871., Grand Duke Alexis on, xvi. 86 , in 1876., xx. 416 Wrangel, 1826., i. 16, 20, 27,29, 30, ix. 117, 139, xix. 176, 466, xxi. 282 Swedish, Nordenskiold (and others), 1864., 1868. 1871-2., 1874., xii. 257, xiii. 151, 165, 291, xv. 306, xvi. 86, 229, 230, 333, xvii. 16, 264, xix. 420-1, xx. 20-1, 416, xxii. 338 Torrell, 1858. and 1861., v. 199, xiii. 291 Frobisher Strait proved to be a Bay, and on the fate of five men of the Arctic Expedition in the reign of Elizabeth, Hall, vii. 99 Hall's Arctic Expedition of 1871 ., letters on by Ward and Tuttle, xv. 382, ^ 383 History of Efforts to obtain a renewal Arctic Research, Markham, xxi. 536 Notes on the Ice between Greenland and Nova Zembla, and early Dutch voyages in the Spitzbergeu Sea, Jansen, ix. 163 Arctic Regions — continued. Notes on the late Arctic Expedition, 1856., Osborn, i. 104 On the Circumpolar Sea, Nares, xxi. 96 Climate of the N. Pole and on Circumpolar exploration, Hickson, ix. 137 Exploration of the Arctic Regions, Petermann, xix. 173 N. Polar Basin, with a Resume' of recent Swedish, German and Austrian attempts to reach the Polar Cirole from the Atlantic Ocean, Osborn, xvi. 227 N. Po'ar Region, Osborn, ix. 42, 634, xii. 92 Polar Regions, (letter from) Petermann, xix. 173 Kane's Arctic Exploration, (letter from) Hayes, iii. 146 Navigation of Smith Sound as a Route to the Polar Sea, Nares, xxi. 274 North Ciroumpolar Sea, Nares, xvi. 96 Possible passage to the North Pole, Hopkins, iv. 100, 234 Probable Course pursued by Sir J. Franklin's Expedition, Findlay, i. 21 Probable Existence of Lands within the Polar Circle, Osborn, xvii. 172 Progress of the Arctic Expedition (of 1875.) to July 17., and the return voyage of the Valorous, Markham, xx. 55 Proposed Expedition to the N. Pole, (letters from) Petermann, ix. 90, 114 (see also xix. 173) Route towards the Pole for the Expedition of 1875., Richards, xix. 208 Search for the Remains of the Franklin Expedition, Anderson, i. 21 Search for Sir J. Franklin, Kane, i. 17 Plan for a further search after the Relics of the Franklin Expedition, Pirn, i. 209 Remarks on the Wind, Weather, etc.. in Arctic Seas (1874-5.), as affecting the progress of the Arctic Expedition (of 1875.), Adams, xx. 160 Research in, summaries from 1855 to 1878., i. 151, 231, 471, 510, ii. 2, 290, iii. 325, iv. 166, 251, v. 1 99, ix. 266, x. 256, xi. 5, xii. 252, xiii. 164, 291, xiv. 326, xv. 306, xvi. 85. 360, xvii. 15, 264, xviii. 7, 55:?, xix, 5, 207, 414, xx. 19, 403, 415,. xxi. 9, 440, xxii. 337 28 ARf'-ARI Arctic Regions— continued. Research in — contd. British predominance in, ix. 98-9, xii. 107, xix. 35, 179 Objects and uses of, Murchison on, v. 176, Osborn on, xvi. 235, Richards on, xix. 210, Young on, xii. Ill results to be expected from, Richards on, xix. 217-9 attained, Osborn on, ix.43, xviii. 19 of the Expedition of 1 875. , Alcock on, xxi. 440, Markham on, xxi. 543 Resume of the German N. Polar Expedi tion from the Reports of Captain Koldewey and Dr. Lambe, 1869., M'Clintock, xv. 102 Resolute, the, her drift and recovery, i. 3, 22, 23, 24, xv. 112, xix. 36, 472, return of by the United States, i. 231, 473 Routes for future Arctic Expeditions (after that of 1875.), Markham, xxi. 552 Sea(s), (see Open water), Ice of, Nares on, xxi. 96 et seq., 275 ; compared with that of the Antarctic regions, Fitzroy on, ix. 121, Hamilton on, xiv. 149 Temperatures of, (Table), Irminger on, x. 226 Tidal rise and fall in, Hayes on, ix. 185, Osborn on, xvii. 177 use of steam vessels in, Markham on, xviii. 15-16 Sledge journeys, see especiaUy Aldrich, Archer,Collinson,Hamilton,Kennedy,M'Clintock, Markhnm,A. H.,Meeham, Ommanney, Pirn, Richards, Young, Wrangel Travelling in, M'Clintock on, xix. 220, 478, Nares on, xix. 223, xxi. 105 On Arctic Sledge-travelling, M'Clin tock, xix. 464 , A. H. Markham, xxi. 110 Successful Results (of the Arctic Ex pedition of 1875.), Markham, xxi. 543 Surveys made by Hayes, 1860-1,, area of, ix. 186 Table of Voyages towards the N. Pole, 1266 to 1855., Markham, ix. 66-70 Temperatures, difference nf from those in the Antarctic regions, v. 23 traces of plants of warmer climates in, xiii. 294 Track of the Arctic Expedition of 1875., from Portsmouth to the Waigat, Markham, xx. 66 whale-fishery, indebtedness of, to Arctic explorers, xviii. 19 winds and currents in, iv. 239 Winter Quarters of the Discovery, Stephenson, xxi. 100 Ardebul and other divisions of Persian Azerbaijan, viii. 276 Ard el Bathanyeh district, Syria, moun tains in, i. 8 Arden Island, Torres Straits, i. 80 Ardh, El, see Aftan Ardon river, Caucasus, xiii. 69 Ardud Mountain, question of its location, x. 142 Areas of Condensation, Hopkins on, i. 58 Aregud, Cerro, Paraguay, conical hill of, xx. 495 Arena, Punta, Straits of Magellan, xv. 41 Arefial Pass, Ecuadorian Andes, elevation. and direction of, xxi. 558 Arenas Point, San Juan River, C. America, growth of, xii. 46 Artquipa, Peru, highest point on the trans-Andean railway from, to Puno, xviii. 213 Argandab river and valley, Afghanistan, course of the former, xx. 243 Lynch's journey to, 1841., xx. 241 rock inscriptions in the latter, Lynch cited on, xx. 244 Argarkote, Garo hills, xvii. 39 Argentine Republic — Animal life of, Crawfurd on, xvii. 61-2 Central Railway of, sterile country along, xvii. 65 defences of, Crawfurd on, xvii. 61 de Moussy's work on, review, v. 203 English explorers in, ix. 246 Journey through, Hutchinson, (1864,), viii. 163 Power's book on, review, viii. 219 Projected railway across the Andes from, De Grey on, iv. 174, Crawfurd, xvii. 57, Wheelwright on, iv. 46 Argentino-Paraguayan boundaries, xviii. 121 Arghasan river, Afghanistan, tributary of the Helmund river, xxi. 587 Argon, Argum or Argun (q.v.) river, E. Siberia tributary or branch of the Amur river, ii. 153, 278, xiii. 368 Argfln, capital of Nejed, Arabia, described by Palgrave, viii. 65 Argun, Caucasus, Khevsur Christians of, vi. 61 Argun river, Manchuria, Russian expedi tion from, 1868., x. 233 Arguri, Armenia, legendary site of Noah's vineyard, destroyed by volcanic erup tion, 1840., xxi. 88, xxii. 177 Argyll, Duke of, on Livingstone's Zambesi and other explorations, ii. 128 Ari, Little or Western Tibet, British surveys of, xix. 329 . pass separating from Great Tibet, xix. 338 ARI— ART 29 Arid Countries, exploration of, Galton, ii. 60 Districts, Causes of Dryness in Certain, Hopkins, i. 58 Aridh Hills, S. Arabia, ix. 294 Arindoh on the Basha river, Mustakh Mountain region, latitude of, viii. 36, 37-8 Arish, Wady El, Egypt, admiralty survey at, vii. 159, the "River of Egypt" of the Bible, xvii. 326 Arizona, U.S.A. — Central, described, xiii. 141 Notes on, Poston, xix. 302 trees, plants and animal life of, xix. 306-7 Arka, Syria, ancient Phenician town, ii. 225 Arkiko, Abyssinia, hot springs at, xiv. 166 Arksut, Greenland, aurora borealis at, iii. 118, geographical position of, 118-20 Armenia, Turkey in Asia, (see Ararat) — American Missionaries in, Taylor on, ix. 39-40 On Armenia and Ararat, Bryce, xxii. 169, 185 distribution of plants in, iv. 258 and characteristics of inhabitants, vi. 61, 79, 81, xxii. 172 explorations in and near, Bryce's (n.d.), xxii. 169, Tchihatohef s (of mountains south of) (1858.), iii. 70 and Kurdistan, Millingen's work on, review, xii. 249, Monteith's map of, referred to, i. 280 physical features, climate, divisions of, etc., Bryce on, xxii. 169-73 progress of geographical knowledge of, in 1878., xxii. 362 Armstrong creek, N. Australia, affluent of the Flinders river, xii. 57 , Dr. A., on Kane's Arctic explora tions, ii. 200 , J. W., on Mount Everest, ii. 110-11 Arnaud, Monsieur, travels of, in Yemen, 1843., xv. 330 Arndisarstadr ford, Icelaud, v. 84 Arnheim-land, N. Australia — colony founded in, 1838., vii. 172 explorations of — Gregory's, of 1856., and latitude of, i. 324, 342 Stuart's discoveries in, vii. 37, 170 features of, vii. 170 former (supposed) geological condition of, Sturt on, v. 59 Arnhem, Cape, W. Australia, xii. 201 Arnhem's Bay, W. Australia, xii. 201 rivers discharging into, xii. 262 Arnold, Edwin, of the " Daily Telegraph," news of Stanley communicated by, xx. 50 Aro, W. Africa, limit of navigation of the Oguu river, vi. 65 Arogi plain, Abyssinia, xii. 300 Arpa river, C. Asia, rise and course of, xviii. 422, tributary of the Naryn river, xiv. 224 Arpatallak Mountains, C. Asia, xvi. 246 Arquaba river, S. Australia, ii. 18 Arracan, Diary of a Hill-Trip on the Borders of, Lewin, 1865-6., xi. 52 Arramac Creek, Queensland, affluent of the Thompson river, x. 62, course of, 73 Arrass river, or Araxes, and confluent, near Bayazid, xxi. 78, course of, viii. 275 Arroanga, Aroangua, or Loangua river, E. Africa, latitude of, i. 245 treaty involving, iii. 105 visited by Lacerda, 1798., and by Pereira, 1786., xi. 235 Arroond, in the Atlas Mts., N. Africa, elevation of, etc., xv. 215 Arrow, Sir F., on the Suez Canal, xiv. 101 obituary notice of, 1876., xx. 400 Arrowsmith, J., awarded gold medal of R.G.S., 1862., vii. 119-22 cartographical work of, i. to ix. passim letter to, from Baker, 1862., vii. 46 maps of Australia constructed by, 1842. and 1862., etc., vii. 179, ix. 234 obituary notice of, 1873., xvii. 243 , Mount, Vancouver Island, vi. 107 , New Zealand, rivers rising in, viii. 214 river, N. Australia, i. 34, first dis coverers of, Gregory's visit to, i. 366 Arroyo Claro, Paraguay, xx. 494 Poto mayin, valley of, S. America, railway route via, xvii. 63 Arru, Am or Arou Islands, Malay Archi pelago — Crawfurd on, ii. 170-1 Murchison on, ii. 310 On the Arru Islands, Wallace, ii. 163 trade of (see Crawfurd, supra), Wallace on, vi. 43, 44 Arta, Gulf of, vi. 106, in relation to the Greco-Turkish frontier, iv. 118 Artaki, peninsula, Turkey in Asia, ii. 377, effect on, of the earthquake of 1854., ii. 378 Artali Mountain, Abyssinia, volcanic character of, and salt plain near, xiii. 220 one of two active African volcanoes, xvi. 128 Arthur, Mr., on colonization in N. Aus tralia, ix. 23 Arthur's Pass, N. Zealand, elevation of, and discovery of,' xi. 228 Artush, Russian furthest outpost in Central Asia, 1871., xv. 199, xvi. 261 30 ART— ASH Artysh river and valley, Thian Shan region, C. Asia, described by Trotter, xviii. 417 Rawlinson on, ib. Aruenha river, tributary of Zambesi river, ii. 366 Arun or Arun Cosi river, Tibet — course of, xix. 330 probable sources of, ii. 108 Tibetan explorer crosses, xix. 338 Aruscha range, E. Equatorial Africa, elevation of, viii. 6 Aruwimi river, Congo region, affluent of the Lualaba river, confluence of, with that stream, Stanley's conflict with natives at, xxii. 159-60 possibly the Welle river, various opinions on, xxii. 371, 404 volume of, xxii. 405 Arve PrinB Island, Arctic regions, geologi cal formation of, xx. 58 Arve Valley, France, Hydrography of, Chaix, i. 483 Arz el Jahtashiyyah, Syria, aspect of, xvi. 112 Asaca or Osaka, Japan, great commercial emporium, vi. 200 Asalah, Arabia, decaying port of, xvi. 118 Asali Peak, Abyssinia, sulphur deposits near, xiii. 220 Asiimang, Akem, W. Africa, town of, xix. 476 Asamayama or Ashimayama, active vol cano, Japan, xx. 172 ascents of in 1872-3., xvii. S3 latest eruption of (1872-3.), xvii. 81 Asana, Savaii Island, Navigator Group, lava plains at, xxi. 142 Asante, Rev. D., oited on the religion of the Akem natives, W. Africa, xix. 479 Asau Bay, Savaii Island, Navigator Group, xxi. 142 Ascension Island, vi. 200, geological features of, as to connection with the mainland and as to position on a cross-oceanic ridge, vi. 239, xv. 31, xxi. 70 "rollers" at, iii. 364 as a sanatorium for W. Africa, vi. 65 Ascheuumma, Tiboo, N. C. Africa, de scribed by Vogel, viii. 10 Aschfa, Abyssinia, distance of, from Me- temma, xiii. 39 loveliness of region, xiii. 42 Aseir country, S. Arabia, rivers believed to rise in mountains of, viii. 97 Ash Lake, Vancouver Mand, mountains near, ix. 308 Ashangi Lake, Abyssinia, position of, Cook on, xiv. 162 size and elevation cf, Markham on, xii. 288-9 Ashango-land, W. Africa, visited by Du Chaillu, 1863., x. 77 Ashantee-land, W. Afrioa, (see Glover; on the Volta), xviii. 287 commerce and war of, Freemantle on; xviii. 296 Ge'rard's proposed visit to, (1863.), vii. 70, 197 human sacrifice in, xviii. 295 tree from, identical with one on the Muni river, xxii. 417 Wolseley on, xviii. 293 Ashburton, Lord, President of R.G.S. I860., iv. 209 absences and illness of, v. 119, 137, 146, 217, 224, vi. 40, 73 Anniversary address, 1862., vi. 127 Speeches on presenting gold Medals, 1862., vi. 121, 122, 123 et seq. on African subjects — on the discovery of Mungo Park's astronomical tables, vi. 15 on Speke and Grant's E. African Ex pedition, I860., and the support of R.G.S., iv. 222, v. 21 on the W. African settlements, vi 16 on Antarctic Exploration, v. 26 on Asiatic subjects — on Cambodia, vi. 80 on China aDd the area of the Taeping rebellion, vi. 88, query concerning Hue's veracity, vi. 95 on the Fiji Islands in relation to colonisation and to cotton cultiva tion, vi. 98, 99 on Japanese culture, v. 135 on Siam, iv. 216-7 on Australian subjects — on the C. Australian Expedition and its use of camels, v. S on Stuart's 1860 expedition, v. 56, 60 earlier journey, 1854., v. 106 on the death of the Prince Consort, vi. 40, 73 letters to, from Chambers and Finckc, on Stuart's expedition, vi. 46 , from Hood on Queensland, vi. 24-5 , from Petherick on Speke and Grant's journey, vi. 179 remarks at meetings, v. 22, 133 on telegraphic communication between England and N. America, vi. 61. 96, 99 obituary notice of, 1864., viii. 172 Ashburton and Calthorpe, Lord, obituary notice of, 1869., xiii. 273 .- Range, C. Australia, view from, vi. 9 - — river, W. Australia, named by Gregory, vi. 172, xix. 446 Forrest's expedition to, xix. 446 Giles attempt to reach, xix 447 and success, xx. 460 ASH— ASt 31 Ashburton river — continued. identified with the Curlew river by Sholl, xii. 261 latitude of headwaters of, xxi. 461 source of, Giles on, xix. 53 , N. Zealand, source of, dis covered by Haast, 1861., viii. 214 A-She-hoh, Manchuria,' mountain range near, xiii. 32 Ashira country, W. C. Africa, reached by Du Chaillu, 1865., i. 4, 73; smallpox at, x. 75 Ashraffi reef, Red Sea, projected light house for, v. 173, light set up on, 1862., vi. 133 Ashreth, village, near Chitral, N. W. Indian frontier, elevation of, and Kafir robbers at, xvi. 255 Ashurada, Caspian Sea, xix. 582 Ashwanipi or Hamilton river, B. N. America, source and course of, Hind on, viii. 50, 51 Asia (see also Burma, China, India, Persia, Siam, Siberia, and other countries comprised in that continent) — absence of waterfalls in mountains of, iii. 367 admiralty surveys (see also under separate countries), 1861., v. 173, 1862., vi. 133, 1863., vii. 139 Asia and Australia, ii. 28, vi. 24 ; tele graphic communication, x. 61 backbone of, see Pamirs dividing line between zoology of, and of Australia, vii. 209 German writers on, 1862-3., vii. 149 note gold in, see separate countries large new map, 1866., xi. 4, 203 note non-Islamic races to be found in the mountains of, viii. 66 overland communication with, 1872., Rawlinson on, xvi. 336 telegraphic development, Rawlinson on, vii. 93, 203 Russo- American via Siberia, 1861., xi. 39 Trans-Himalayan expedition, 1865-7., Montgomerie on, xii. 146 Tropical, development of Animal Life in, Wallace on, xxi. 511, 517 • , flora of, distribution of, xxii. 434-9 Zoological forms of, and of Australia, the dividing line between, vii. 209 progress of geographical knowledge in, 1856-78., i. 160, 435, ii. 297, iii. 291, iv. 187, v. 196, vi. 162, 180, vii. 157, viii. 207, ix. 235, x. 233, xi. 201, xii. 262, xiii. 5, 301, xiv. 5, 314, Xv. 4, 285, xvi. 86, 331, xvii. 18, 278, xviii. 557, xix. 13, 422, xx. 16, 417, xxi. 447, 477, xxii. 9, 339 Asia — continued. review of Geographical progress in, since the foundation of R.G.S., ix. 235 vegetable produce of, iii. 54 Asia, Subdivisions — Central— aspect of, Shaw on, xiv. 128 birthplace of the human race, x. 6 Bolor and Pamir regions of, Rawlin son, x. 134 coal in, viii. 206, xi. 13, xvi. 406, 409 xviii. 252 cotton of, and Russian manufacture of cotton from, viii. 973-4 delimitation mission in, (1872.), of Sir F. Goldsmid, xvii. 18 desert Bands of, encroachment by, xviii. 442 effect of hot Plains of, on the S.E. trade-winds, xiii. 75 ethnographical characteristics, three divisions of races in, Rawlinson on, xvi. 216 traces of Greek rule and invasion in, xiii, 20, xvii. 113 Turkish character of the inhabi tants of, xi. 12 Explorations and expeditions in (see Russian explorations and ad vance in, infra) — ancient travellers, the Polos, Ru- bruquiz, etc., x. 270, xi. llo, 201, xxi. 185-6 Atkinson, (1857.), i. 434, 487, 510, ii. 59, 76, 154, 273, 279, iii. 127, vi. 129 Christie, 1810., xx. 174 Forsyth, 1870., xv. 23, 24, 287; 1873., xvii. 286, xviii. 111-6, 222, 414, 566, xix. 13; 1870. and 1873., xxi. 27 Gardanne, 1810., xx. 174 Gill, (1874.), xx. 169 Hayward, 1868., xiii. 6, 9, 198, (cf. 122), 200, 201, xiv. 40, 1869., xiv. 106,107; 1869-70., xv. 4, 10, 117, 285 Johnson, 1866., xi. 6, 218, xxi. 27 Lynch, 1841., xx. 241 the Mirza (q.v., also the Havildar, etc.), xv. 286 Schlagintweit, A. and H., 1856-7., i. 273, 436, ii. 299, iii. 144, 171, 259, 291, 366, xviii. 116 Schuyler, 1873., xviii. 408 Shaw, 1868-70., xiii. 198, 200, 301, xiv. 124, 315, xv. 175, 287; 1872., xvi. 395 Smith, 1865., xi. 119 Taylor, (1867.), xi. 97 Trotter (see Trans-Himalaya) aud the Indian surveyors, 1873-6., xx. 16, 421, xxi. 456 32 ASI— ASI Asia, Subdivisions — continued. Central — continued. Explorations and expeditions — contd. Vambe'ry, 1863., viii. 267, 269, ix. 251, Wolff, viii. 272 gipsies, absence of, in, Crawfurd on, i. 41 gold in, at Kappa, xvi. 244 — — ¦ at Khamti, xxi. 592 in 1870., Murchison on, xiii. 315 in 1872., Shaw, xvi. 395 maps of, based on spurious material, x. 136 by Venuikoff, points in, xiii. 351 mode of travelling in, and difficulties of, Atkinson on, ii. 76 mountain ranges of, Abich's classifi cation of, Spottiswoode on, iv. 97 systems of, new ideas concern ing, xvi. 397 old Persian MS. on the geography of, Rawlinson on, xiv. 213-4- Pamirs, (q.v.) progress of knowledge, and exploration of, also maps (1877.), xxi. 450 Positions of Pein, Charchand, Lob Nor and other places in, Shaw, xvi. 242 progress of geographical knowledge of, see Asia, supra routes to Taskend from Orenburg, xi. 41 Russian exploration of, and advance in, i. 433 Semenoff's (1858.), ii. 280 Golubef and others', (1859.), iii. 288-9, iv. 197 Andrews cited on Russian advance, in 1859., iii. 387 Khanikoff's,(1860.),iv. 253, vii. 157 general (1861.), v. 191, 195 Veniukoff, (1861.), v. 192 Valikhanof, (1859.), vi. 162 Khanikoff and others, (1863.), vii. 157 general, x. 6 Heinz and others, (1866.), x. 233 Boutakoff's, 1848-9., 1858-9., xi. 113, others, 217 general, xiv. 319, 322, xv. 288 Fedchenko and others, xvi. 19 Prjevalsky and others, xvii. 291, xviii. 559, xxi. 450 Oxus Survey, etc., xix. 14, 422, xx. 420 general, xx. 16, 18, 175, 419 Sosnofsky and others, (1874-5.), xxi. 21-2 to the Alai and Pamirs, (1876,), xxi. 122 in Russian Uzbegistan, 1671-2., xxi. 218 Asia, Subdivisions — continued. Central — continued. Russian exploration of — continued. Ujfalvy's and other's, (1878.), xxii, 340 Johnson on, (1866.), xi. 9 Murchison on, ix. 238, x. 236, xi. 163, 202, xii. 262-3, xiii. 301, xiv. 73-4 Osborn on, vi. 166 Rawlinson on, viii. 271, xi. 164, xiii. 19, xiv. 73-4, xvi. 282, 348, xvii. 283, xx. 176 Saunders on, xi. 166 Veniukoff on, xiii. 343 boundary, at Artush, xvi. 261 possessions in, (1875.), xx. 175 posts in, (1871.), native infor mation on, xv. 195 rivalry with British commerce in, viii. 274 and British surveys in, x. 164-5, 239, xvii. 284-5 steppes of, and water in, Atkinson on, ii. 76 Trade routes from, to India, Rawlin son on, xiii. 10, Strangford on, 20 to Yarkand, the main, xv. 336 watershed of, xv. 200 r- of Central and Southern Asia, xv. 177 Eastern (see Siberia) — Expeditions and explorations in : — Connolly, xx. 178 Goldsmid, 1873., xx. 174 Khanikoff, xx. 174 Macgregor (1876.), xx. 174 Napier, 1874., xx. 166 Palladius, xvi. 204 Peschuroff and others, (1858.), ii. 153, 277, iii. 92 Taylor, (1867.), xiii. 243, xiv. 321 Political position of Manchuria in relation to, Osborn on, vii. 33 Russian rectification of positions in, xvi. 205-6 Routes between India and China in, Login on, v. 53-4, M'Cosh, v. 47 Turbulent Arabs in, vii. 93 Northern, see Amur, Siberia, etc., etc. Russian, in 1872., xvi. 348 Southern, waterparting between, and Central Asia, xv. 177 zoological problem connected with, Wallace on, ii. 209 Western (see Aral Sea), etc. — Mountain ranges of, as classified by Abioh, iv. 97 Projected map of, (1872.), xvi. 336 Ritter's work on, reviewed, iii. 389 ASI— AST 33 Asia Minor (see also Syria, Turkey in Asia, etc.) — elevation of land in, slowness of, ii. 176 Expeditions and explorations. Fellows, 1838. et seq., v. 157 MiUingen, xvi. 223, 334 Palgrave, (1872.), xvi. 223, 334 Tohihatohef, (1858.), iii. 370 gipsies of, i. 40-1 lakes in, having subterranean outlets, iii. 107 postal route through, from Aleppo, etc., to Constantinople, ii. 226 progress of geographical knowledge of, i. 434, xvi. 334 Proposed Canal communication in, be tween Lake Sabanja, the river Sakaria and the Gulf of Nicomedia, Jochmus, i. 301, cf. 434 Ritter's work ou, reviewed, iii. 389 sandbearing river in (Pyramus), iii. 208 Tour in N.E. Anatolia, Palgrave, (1872.), xvi. 223 Tchihatchef's works on, reOT'eioeo!, iii. 385, xiii. 283 traces of glacial action in, Palgrave on, xvi. 223 vegetation of, Tchihatchef cited on, iv. 253 Asiatic Archipelago, progress of geogra phical knowledge of, ii. 308, v. 197 ; see Malay Archipelago Ask, Persia, hot springs at, iii. 12 Askja plateau, Iceland, craters on, and recent aotivity of, xx. 28-9 Askoleh, Trans-Indus region, bridge over the Bialdoh river at, viii. 35 Ashmantai, Lake, C. Asia, elevation of, xix. 423 Asmar and other places era route from Jellalabad to Yarkand, xiii. 122 Aspinwall, (Colon), or Navy Bay, Isthmus of Panama, Atlantic terminus of the Parana railway, vi. 112 healthiness of, local views cited on, (1867.), xii. 4 Aspiring, Mt., N. Zealand, aspect of, vi. 72, ice pinnacles of, viii. 47, mountain system near, viii. 57 Asp-o-Naizu river, Persia, xx. 167 As Pratas, China Sea, shoal, planted with cocoa palms, i. 146, 406, position of, determined, ii. 269 Assaka river, Morocco, tide, etc., at mouth of, and town near, ii. 376 Assal or Asal, Lake, Abyssinia, depth of, xii. 117, elevations near, xiii. 224 Assam, articles of trade in, xix. 341 boundaries of, v. 47, xiii. 393 Burmese devastation of, v. 50 coal in, xii. 334 Expeditions and explorations — Burnet's unsuccessful, v. 49 Assam — continued. Expeditions and explorations— contd. Cooper's unsuccessful, 1868., xiii. 306 Cottam's, 1876., xxi. 590 Hannah's unsuccessful, v. 49 Harman's, (1877-8.) xxii. 355 Jenkins', 1868., xiii. 244 Pundit's, 1873-5, xxi. 325 intercommunication with China, xi. 258 Anderson and others on, vii. 61 Campbell on, xi. 258 Goodenough (letter) on, xii. 334 Login on, v. 53-4 M'Cosh on, xi. 256-7 mineral wealth of, xi. 258 mountains of, surveys of, i. 161, 345 need of population in, (1868.), xiii. 248 passes into China from, v. 47-8, desir ability of exploration of, Login on, 54 provinces of, described, v. 48 tea cultivation introduced into, iv. 33, xi. 258 trade routes to, from China, etc., xix. 341 Upper and Lower, trigonometrical sur vey of, x. 241-2 and Western China, letter on routes between, Goodenough, xii. 334 Assanuka Hill, C. America, conical shape of, xiii. 61 Assay, Isthmus of Kraw, vii. 59 Assiniboine river, B. N. America, i. 460 ; proposed expedition to, 462, expedition (Palliser's) at, ii. 45, 219, (Hind's) and report on, iv. 171-2 Assinie river and European settlement on, W. Africa, described by Reade, xiii. 353-4 Assistance, ship, xx. 56, drift of, with arctic ice, i. 25 Assouan, Egypt, cataracts at, i. 504-6 ; railway to, proposed by Pirn (1859.), iii. 195 ; constructed by Fowler, xxi. 61 Assuom, W. Africa, Glover at, xviii. 292 Assungui, English colony, Brazil, unsuit able location of, xx. 467 Assyria(n) inscription and remains found in Kurdistan by Taylor, ix. 36, xii. 304 Vestiges of, (maps), referred to, i. 164 Astaboras river of Artemidorus (= At- bara), x. 300 Astinaghur, Mt., Kashmir, x. 306, 31 1, 315 Aston, — , early traveller in Japan, xviii. 236 As or(e) or Hazara Valley and Fort, N.W. Indian frontier, x. 315 route from, to Gorez, xv. 388 site of fort, xv. 388 river, x. 309 Astrabad Bay, Caspian sea, in connection with Russian measurement of height of Demavend, v. 194 D 34 AST— ATC Astrabad or Asterabad — efforts to reach, of Vambiiry's pre decessors, viii. 271, 272 route to, via Danube and Caspian, vi. 306 submerged villages near, 307 from Sharud, etc. (1873.), xvii. 193 from, to Bandar-i-Gez, xvii. 194 to and from Tehran, (Napier's), xx. 169, 174 turbulent natives near, xx. 168 Astrakan, in connection with Russian measurement of an arc of parallel, v. 195 lawless natives near, (I860.), iv. 247 Nogai Tartars at, (18th century), v. 59 movements of Russian war materiel between Baku and, iii. 387 route from, to China, 14th century, x. 271 source of food supplies ,for Russian troops in the Trans-Cauoasus, viii. 276 vessels from, at Enzilli, iii. 394 Astrolabe, French corvette, scientific work of D'Urville in, xxi. 294, visit of, to N. Guinea, 1828., xvii. 390 Gulf, N. Guinea, xix. 234 Mt., N. Guinea, xx. 333 ascent of, by Shaw, 1877., Goldie on; xxii. 220 Lawes on, xx. 355 other mountains behind, ib. rivers rising in a village near, xx. 266, xxi. 363-4 Astronomical Geography : see Scientific Geography, Transit of Venus, etc. etc., also observations of Livingstone, of Burke and Wills, etc. under names Astura river, viii. 275 Asu Bay, Navigator Islands, also called Massacre Bay, xxi. 146 Asua or Ashua river, affluent of the Nile, vii. 186, 220, 222, xxi. 57 Burton on, ix. 8, 11, 13, etc. district near, described by Speke, vii. 218 effect of, on colour of Nile water, Burton and others on, ix. 8 elevation of, x. 25 shallowness of, in parts, xviii. 146 tributaries of, x. 13, xviii. 140 volume of, xviii. 139 Asuncion, Paraguay, healthy position of, xx. 495,. 500 meteorological records of, xx. 501, 502 504,505 " plateau of, and elevation at, xx. 495, 508 survey of the Parana river up to, i. 146 Asuquay, W. Africa, road to and from, xx. 226-7 Asyuka, W. Africa, Dr. Lenz at, (1876.), xx. 441 Atabbi or Attabi river, tributary of the Asua river, E. C. Africa, x. 13, xviii. 139 Atacama, S. America, desert district, xv 369 hot wind of, i. 35 nitrate deposits and silver mines of xxii. 47 route via,, across the Andes, viii. 164 Atada, on the Victoria Nile, country near xviii. 141 Atade, W. Africa, a small village, ii. 95 Atak district, Turco- Persian frontier, xv 169, 175 range, trend of, xx. 174-5 Ataka, Jebel, possibility of crossing the Red Sea near, xii. 193 Atalik Beg, or Ghazi, Ameer of E. Turkestan, xiv. 61 British relations with, xvi. 406-7 Forsyth's mission to, xv. 6, 1873., xviii, 111, friendly letter from, 116, 222, interview with, 224 et seq., Frere on, 566 , Hayward's mission to, xiv. 61, interview with, and description of, 67-8 Indian artillerists employed by, xiv. 63 letter from, to Shaw, (1873.), xvii. 197 Mirza's visit to, and description of, xv 191-6 murder of Schlagintweit avenged bv, xiv. 69 Rawlinson on, xviii. 414 strict rule of, xv. 392 wars of, (see Schlagintweit), xv. 189, xvi. 404 Atami, Japan, steam and sulphur gey sers at, v. 133, vi. 200 Atanekerdluk Harbour, Waigat Straits, Arctic regions, coal and fossils at, xx. 63 latitude of, corrected, xx. 65 Atara, S. Arabia, independent tribes of, severe winters of, xvi. 118 Atbara river, Abyssinia, affluent of the Nile, vii. 192 oharaoter of, Speke on, vii. 223 cotton district near, vii. 21 draining Abyssinia, vii. 80 explorations on, and on its affluents, 1862., Baker, vii. 21, 64, cf. 183; x. 6 fertilizing work of, Beke on, vii. 116 latitude of its junction with the Nile, x. 279 valley of, beauties of, xiii. 39 Atbaslia river, tributary of the Naryn river, Trans- Naryn district, xiv. 224 Atchefur, elevated plain, Abyssinia, xiii. 46 ATE— ATL Atenze or Atentze, on the borders of Tibet and Yunnan, xv. 168 elevation of, and goitre at, xxii. 269 trade of, xiv. 341 At feh, Abyssinia, hot springs at, xiv. 166 Athabasca, Lake, B. N. America — climate of, in relation to colonization, iii. 126 • old French posts extending up to, vii. 73, 74, 75 portage, and pass, i. 266, iv. 234 river and tributaries, ix. 18 Upper, buffaloes along, iii. 126 Athi, Wady el, Syria, fertility of, x. 158 Atiyeh, Wady el, Sinaitic - Peninsula, Koller's route via, followed by Holland, probably that of the Israelites, xxii. 455 Atkash or Atohakazie tribe of Turkestan, persistent objectionable characteristics ' of, xiii. 18, xxi. 586-7 Atkinson, J.,fossils found by, near Flinders river, xii. 142 T. W., explorations of, in Chinese Tartary and in Siberia (after 1846.), ii. 127, iv. 167, vii. 162, ix.41, xxii. 52 note on the fate of A. Schlagintweit, iii. 145 on travelling in arid countries, ii. 76 paintings by, i. 434, 487, 510 works by, ii. 62, 273, iv. 205 obituary notice of, vi. 128 Atlantic Ocean — attempts to reach the Polar Basin from, Osborn, xvi. 227 bed, bottom, or floor of — Duncan on, xxii. 74 Evans on, xxi. 70 Field on, i. 217 Huxley on, xv. 37 Jeffreys on, xv. 39 geography of, Osborn, xv. 28, 40 IJhysical condition of, survey of, in relation to the Trans-Atlantic Tele graph, Wallich, vii. 53, cf. 166 proposed survey of, Belcher and others on, vii. 55, 57 coast of, error in mapping of, discovered, i. 485 communication between, and the Andes of Peru, Markham, xv. 367 connection with the Pacific proposed, via the Atrato and Truando rivers. Kelley, i. 63 Gisborue on, i. 88 currents in, iv. 237, xxi. 74 course of, v. 67 Findlay's charts of, ii. 329 and drifts, Irminger, v. 225 effect of, on Spitzbergen, xvii. 97 equatorial, Oapella's chart of, vii. 51 Toynbee on, x. 342 hot and oold, Laughton on, xv. 91 Atlantic Ocean — continued. currents in — continued. Mann, vii. 50 Markham on, xvii. 97 Maury on, vii. 51 cyclone theory applicable to, i. 37 depths in, xiii. 275 (Challenger), xviii. 542 Evans on, xxi. 69 between Scotland and the farther shores, v. 101 and salinity, Forchammer cited on, ix. 57 shallow region in, xxi. 439 as distributor of heat, Nares on, xxi. 97-8 drift of Arctic Ice into, iv. 7, 113 safest time to navigate, Maury cited on, v. 231 soundings in, and results- American expedition under Lee, work of, i. 177 of the Cyclops, ii. 266 by Dayman, iii. 273 of the Gannet, xii. 282 Herald, vi. 198 Porcupine, vii. 138, xv. 261 Valorous, xx. 61, 65 and fly to 66 deepest, made by Ross, 1840., xxi. 69 speeds (10 knots) attained in, i. 86 swell, Islands bearing the brunt of, i. 140 waters of : — cold mass of, xx. 411 inflow and outflow of, Buchanan on, xxi. 257 salinity of, ix. 57, Buchanan, xxi. 256 specific gravity of, i. 414, 509-10, ix. 28, xvi. 239 of the waters of the S. Atlantic, Hodding, xiv. 377 telegraph, see separate heading, infra temperatures, of, xviii. 342 bottom temperature of, xxi. 318 Challenger temperature survey of, Carpenter, xviii. 354 comparative, of, and of other oceans, Carpenter od, xv. 73 et seq. ¦ and weight, xvi. 239 Thermal stratification of, xviii. 362 watershed between, and the Northern Ootan, iv. 73 winds of, iv. 239-40, xxi. 74 Atlantic Ocean, North, deep sea tempeia- ture of, ii. 329 Evidences of the Gulf Stream in, Irminger, xiii. 226 Meteorological observations set on foot in regard to, (1859.), ii. 278 Surface Temperature of, in regard to Ocean Currents, Whitley, xiii. 229 36 ATL— AUG Atlantic Ocean, North — continued. temperatures in, v. 64, xiii. 228, xxi. 297 wind and currents in, iv. 239 Atlantio Ocean, South, magnetic activity in, xxii. 214 Specific gravity of the water of, Hod- ding, xiv. 377 Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, proposed communication between, by canal, (see Atrato, Panama, etc.), by railway and telegraph (see Canadian Pacific Rail way), (N.) iv. 36, 74-5, 233, 253, vii. 103, (S.) iv. 45, 173 Atlantic Telegraph (see Wallich), i. 344 Ashburton on, v. 61, 99, vi. 190 Ball on, v. 102-3 Beechey on, i. 208 Belcher on, iv. 107, vii. 55 de Grey on,iv. 109 Elliott on, vii. 56 Field, (paper by), i. 216 McClintock on his survey for, in the Bulldog, v. 62 Matteucci cited on, iv. 107 Murchison on, i. 418, ii. 330 Rae on the Faeroes, etc. in connection with the, v. 80, 81, 89 et seq. Rink cited on, v. 68 terminus of, in Newfoundland, vii. 143 recovery of cable, off Newfoundland, xii. 244 Selwyn on, vii. 157 Shaffner on a proposed route for, iv. 101, 169, v. 94, discussions on same, iv. 105, v. 99-104 summary of papers on, 1861., v. 199 surveys and soundings, by Dayman, i. 403, ii. 330, iii. 273, McClintock and others, iv. 152, v. 62, 70, vi. 190, Murchison on, ii. 320-2, of the Porcupine, vii 138 Atlas Mts., N. Africa — continuation of, xxii. 383 elevations in, xv. 213, 216, 217 Explorations in — Ball and Hooker's, 1871., xv. 212, 217, cf. 336, 1871., xvi. 131 Rohlfs' crossing of, 1863-4., ix. 79, 312 snow on, see Hooker, see also Rohlfs Atmospheric moisture in Australia, Sykes on, v. 59-60 phenomena, Strachey on, xvi. 447 Pressure, Determination of Heights in the Interior of Continents from Obser vations of, Buchan, xiii. 360 in relation to sea-level, Evans on, xxi. 74 A'tomainty, village, Madagascar, xix. 194 Atrato river, C. America, earliest settle ment in S. America, near the mouth of, i. 78 Atrato and Truando rivers, proposed inter-oceanic canal via, to Atlantic, Battersby cited on, i. 466 Beardmore on, i. 73 Beechey on, i. 64, 71 Belcher on, vi. 77 de Puydt on, xii. 63, 64 Gerstensberg on the reason for abandon ing the project, vi. 77 Humboldt on, i. 69 Illingworth on the river itself, i. 87 Kelley (article) on, i. 63 Mercer on, i. 91 Murchison on, i. 167, 463, 465, ii. 296 Stephenson on, i. 71 Attaran river, Burmah, need of bridge over, for traders' use, xix. 277 Attack Creek, C. Australia, vi. 8 Attaka, Gebel, Egypt, elevation of, iii. 178 Attack, N.W. Himalayas, earthquake at, 1853., xiii. 371 note, flood at, 1841., and its cause, xv. 177 • trigonometrical survey base at, i. 161 371 Attraction, Mt., S. Australia, mines, springs, and geological formation at, iv. 93, v. 124 Attrek or Atrak river, Persian frontier, viii. 268, xx. 170 as a boundary, Russian and Persian claims, xx. 176 possible derivation of the name, xx. 181 supposed sources of, xx. 172 Atsbi, Abyssinia, plateau of, xii. 114 Atwat, Nile region, river and territory, lagoon near, visited by Petherick, viii. 135, 136, 138 Atuel river, S. America, affluent of the Salado, xvii. 63 Auckland, N. Zealand, admiralty survey of, and of other N. Zealand harbours, i. 406 province, N. Zealand, coal of, iii. 339, geological map of, by Dr. Hochstetter, of the Nocara, xii. 150 Islands, S. Pacific, discovered by Bristow, 1806., whaling station of the Enderbys at, xxi. 427 Auet-chi, village, C. Africa, tribesmen of, v. 33 Aufina, Nile region, cataracts of, Gessi at, xx. 470 chief of, xx. 470, 473, xxi. 50, 51 Augusta, Port, Spencer Gulf, S. Australia, also called Comux harbour, ii. 29, iii. 154, iv. 78 admiralty surveys at and near, vii. 142 coal-beds near, ix. 307 projected railway from, ix. 307, xv. 96 wells requisite at, ii. 27 Augustus, Mount, W. Australia, iii. 46, 47, 49, good land near, and ascent of, vi. 172 AUK— AUS 37 Auk Cape, Arctic regions, large quantities of birds found at, xix. 30 Aukanyong village, Qua river, W. Africa, nativeB of, xx. 224, agricultural habits of, 226, 227 Auld and Litchfield, Australian govern ment surveyors, map of Adam Bay district by, x. 250 Aulef oasis, N. Africa, ix. 313 Aulieta or Aulie-Ata, Turkestan, forts at and pass near, ix. 273, xviii. 250 Aullagas, Lake, Bolivia, large size of, xii. 128, 429 receptacle of the waters of Lake Titi- caca, xviii. 215 Aunbire (see Embarah), river, W. Africa, iv. .72 Aurandop, near the Cross river, W. Africa, natives of, xx. 224 Auriferous and other Metalliferous Dis tricts of N. Queensland, Clarke, xii. 138 Aurora Borealis in Greenland, Tayler, iii. 117 observations on, by Koldewey, xv. 107 and Earth currents as con nected with Magnetic disturbances, Evans on, xxii. 209 Aurora Island, S.W. Pacific, discovered by de Bougainville (1768.), xvi. 389 Austen, Mr. Godwin, on his son's journey and trigonometrical survey of the Trans-Himalayan range, viii. 42 , Major H. H. Godwin — Glaciers of the Mustakh Range, 1860-1., viii. 34 On the District of Lake Pangong in Tibet, 1863., xi. 32 On the Earthquake in the Cachar Hills, 1869., xiii. 370 On the Garo Hills (Assam), xvii. 30 survey and map work of, in Kashmir, iv. 31-2, 188 unread paper by, vi. 183 work of, in comparative geography, vii. 153 retirement of, and services to geo graphy (1878,), xxii. 348 Austin, Capt., r.n., Arctic expedition in search of Franklin under, 1850., i. 3, 23, 24, iv. 2, 6, 10, 11, ix. 63, xix. 373, 467, xxi. 547 Island, Arctic regions, animal life at, i. 54 Lake, W. Australia, xix. 311 , T., Report of, on Explorations in the Interior of W. Australia, 1854., i. 30, Murchison on, 34, Saunders on, 328, Sykes on, 192, other references to the above, i.' 455, ii. 28, 29 Australasia (see Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, etc.) — Dutch discoveries in, 1627 etseq., xxi. 186 Australasia — continued. Federation suggested for, by Prance, 1873., xviii. 48, Nicholson on, 49 Australia(n) (see also separate quarters, infra, and colonies) — aborigines of, cannibalism of, vi. 170, xi. 44 castaways found among, ix. 305, x. 63 contradictory characteristics of, vi. 169, 171 divisions of the seasons by, xii. 315 ethnology of, xviii. 47 Eyre's firm protection of, xii. 295 fishing dams of, iv. 94 food of, i. 326-7, ii. 312 as police, vi. 13, vii. 175, troopers and explorers, vi. 24, 174, xi. 431 admiralty surveys of, i. 83, 123, 124, 126; Blackwood and Stanlev's, ii. 241. vi. 135 ; H.M.S. Herald's, (1857.), ii. 268, iii. 267, 271, vi. 195 ; iv. 79, 154, v. 175, vi. 135, 136; Norman's, vii. 10,! 114; vii. 142, viii. 191, ix. 222, 234, x. 220, xi. 150, 194, xii. 244, xiii. 284, xiv. 307-8, xv. 266, xvi. 319; xvii. 256-7, xviii. 538; xix. 408, xx. 408, xxi. 435, xxii. 330 Alps, On the, 1855., Miiller, i. 3, 111 geological formation of,Gawler on, v. 10 capabilities of, for future Colonization, Gawler on, v. 57 camels used in exploring, see Camels Chinese subjects in, I860., iv. 60, 191, 192, 195 climate of : conformation as cause of, vii. 116 hottest parts of, vii. 115 interior, effect of seasons on, vii. 86 in wet and dry seasons, iii. 334, vii. 114, xii. 289, see also 315 suited to Europeans and their animals, iv. 196 coast, defence of, urged by Murchison, iii. 342 coast hills or range, geology of, iv. 95-6, xxii. 73 trend of, v. 10 colonies of, general remarks on, Mur chison, iii. 348, viii. 211 Colonists from, in Samoa, xxi. 147 communications (see also navigation infra, and Torres Stiaits)— intercolonial— v. 57, 58, 60, 106, vii. 12, 40, viii. 119 international — iv. 79, vii. 12 with America, iv. 48 with England, Remarks on mail route between, Leslie, i. 86 , Route shortened by Maury's sailing directions, Jan- sen on, v. 25 38 AUS-AUS Australia(n) —continued. communications — continued. international — continued. with England, Steam communi cation between England, Aus tralia, and the Cape of Good Hope, Stokes, i. 79 with the East and India, i. 456, ii. 28, 193, vii. 42, viii. 193, ix. 234, xii. 291 with the old world (desired), vi. 119 confederation, rumours of, xix. 244 Cordilleras of, auriferous, vii. 42 Eastern, good land near, vii. 174 cotton cultivation in, proposed, ii. 216, iii. 89, v. 125, 126, 127, vi. 24, 173, districts suited for, vii. 5, 12 desert(s), (see Burke and Wills' ex plorations), iii. 157, vi. 70, vii. 11, 12, 14, ii. 28, saline, 30, source of hot winds, 192; (Sturt's), ii. 31, 32, iii. 27, Clarke on, 87-8, use of camels in, urged, iii. 89, Sturt on, 158 ; (stony), level of, iii. 156, Gawler on, iv. 78, (Sturt's), v. 207 development of wealth in gold and wool in, vi. 56-7 Directory, Vol. II. referred to, iii. 267, cited, viii. 116 discoveries and discoverers of, Dutch, xxi. 186 ; early Portuguese and Cook's, i. 452, ix. 225-6; French, xvi. 352 First Discovery of, Major cited on, xvi. 352 Explorations in, (see also under separate colonies,- and progress, infra)— Burke and Wills' (q.v.) across the Continent, I860., v. 8 Hovell's, overland to Port Phillip, 1824., i. 85 Mclntyre's, across the Continent. 1 863-5., ix. 300 M'Kinlay's,vi. 170, 194, vii. 7, 11, 83, 84, 88, 110, 113, 115, 169, 173-7 Stuart's, across the ( 'ontinent, I860., v. 8, 55, 104, 126-7, 137, 141, 205, vi. 8, 13 Joint expedition of the Australian Colonies in search of Leiohhardt under Mclntyre, 1863-5., x. 58, xi. 5,42 Tasman's examination of the coast, ix. 225 Mitchell's, see under name influence of Murchison in promoting, xvi. 295 Letter on (Howitt's, Landsborough's, McKinlay's, Walker's, etc.), Barkly, 1862., vi. 194 martyrs to, xiv. 203 monotony of, xii. 293 Nicholson on, x. 52 Australia(n) — continued. Explorations — continued. Recent Progress of discovery in, Nicholson, xiv. 190, discussion, 204 results in extension of colonization, vii. 9, 10, 37, 40, xii. 290-1 use of camels in, urged by Beaufort, 1858., iii. 89, value of camels proved, xix. 216 Flora of: Edible convolvulus, etc., iii. 37, 54 — ^ , Forrest on, xix. 484, Thisel- ton-Dyer on, xxii. 427 geology" and physical geography (see mountains)— ii. 157,217, xii. 138; of the Alps of, v. 10, of the Coast Hills, iv. 95, 96, xxii. 73, of the Cor dilleras, vii. 42; conformation as cause of climate, vii. 116 early geological history of, xxi. 72-3, 79, in the Tertiary period, 85, 98 formerly an archipelago, Sturt on, v. 59 geology of, Wallace on, xxi. 528, 533 and distribution of waters in 10. Interior, Gregory on, iii. 31-2 great tableland in, vii. 88 Jurassic type of landscape in, xxii. 70 lava tracts in, Thiselton-Dyer on, xxii. 428 physical features of, xix. 484, xx. 430-1 — - structure, Jukes on, iv. 82-4 gold in, i. 452, 456, ii. 157, 215, 216, :'.14,339, iv. 37, 79, 192, 196, 253-4, vi. 15, vii. 42, 89, viii. 32, xviii. 93-4, xii. 138 ; discovery of, Mur chison on, 1847., ix. 228, xii. 233, results of, xii. 286 ; xv. 243, xvi. 295, xviii. 520, 522 production in Queensland, 1864., viii. 156 horsebreeding in, xiv. 205-6 importation of American corn into, x. 88 imported labour for (see Chinese supra), Indian required, vii. 42 interior of, (see Central Australia and deserts), hypotheses on, vii. 86, 87 Notes on the Probable Condition of, Landor, i. 31 loyalty, vii. 2, 12-13, 17, 179-80 Maps of, early, v. 104; general chart, 1861., vi. 136 ; do. by Ligon, 1862., vi. 195 ; vii. 2, Murchison on, vii. 150, 171-2, Arrowsmith's (showing dif ferences between known area in 1842. and 1863.), vii. 179; ix. 234, xvii. 244 ; Findlay's Statistical maps, 1865., ix. 224; Society for diffusion of Useful Knowledge, (showing the country in 1844.), vii. 171 AUS— AUS 39 Australia(n) — continued. meteorological conditions in (see also olimate supra), vii. 86-7 stations in, iii. 279 Temperatures at Port Denison, tables, x. 329 mineral wealth of, (see gold, supra), iv. 196, vii. 42 mountains of, (see Alps, Coast hills, Cordilleras, sandhills, etc.), xii. 314-5, slopes of, v. 123, xxii. 72-3 navigation near (see Admiralty Surveys, Challenger, Herald, etc., also Coral Sea and TorreB Straits) — great circle sailing routes via, x. 221-2 improved navigation round, ix. 234 navigation of the N.E. coast, xix. 228 ocean depths near, xix. 412, xxii. 74 Sailing Directory, Australian, quoted, viii. 117 soundings and serial temperatures between, and China, xix. 412 population of, in 1830, and in 1865., ix. 234 portraits of explorers of, exhibited, vii. 2 progress of discovery in, Bagot on, vi. 57 Bowen on, xix. 315, 488, as seen at the International Exhibition of 1861., vii. 179 Mackinnon on, vi. 56 Mueller on, xix. 515 Nicholson on, xiv. 190-201 progress of geographical knowledge of, i. 452, ii. 311, iii. 333, iv. 193, 253, v. 204, vi. 167, 188, vii. 1 69, viii. 210, ix. 225, x. 246, xi. 226, xii. 261, xiv. 322, xv. 296, xvi. 352, xvii. 276, xviii. 570, xix. 41, 445, xx. 430, xxi. 460, xxii. 26' region of magnetic repose in, xxii. 214 rivers of, i. 343 characteristics of, ii. 5, 14, 192, iii. 158, iv. 96-7, 254, v. 9, 206, vii. 4, 13, size of, x. 87-8 Royal Engineers' survey of, 1856., i. 137 sandhills of, trend of, v. 59 sea temperatures and soundings be tween, and China, xix. 412 springs of, iv. 77, curiouB form of, and locale of, iv. 93, 95, 97, v. 104, 105, 124 telegraph, submarine, with England, xix. 378 with Tasmania, xiv. 307 /telegraphic extension in, x. 328, xii. 54, xv. 299, xvi. 355, xvii. 20, 56-7, 276; difficulties iD, and good results of, xxii. 26 timber, characteristics of, iv. 80 travelling in, Strzelecki on, ii. 76 tropical (see Northern and Queensland), characteristics of, as known in 1865., ix. 231 ; Crawfurd on, x. 87 Australia(n) — continued. tropical — continued. possibility of oolonizing, vii. 177, 17S- prospects of, xii. 321 salubriousness of, xiii 56 sheep farming in, (see Crawfurd and others and wool-growing, infra) vii. 115, 116, 177, xii. 290 water (see also rivers and springs) the chief need of, vii. 86, 87, 89 winds of, hot, i. 35, iv. 60, their source, i. 192, iv. 78 periodic, xii. 316, 317-8 wool-growing in, ii. 215, 216-7 (note), iii. 90, iv. 196, v. 106, 126, vi. 15, 24, vii. 87-90, 113, 114-16, 119, viii. 45, 120-1, 212, ix. 23, 234, x. 41, 62 87, 88-9, 246, 248, xii. 57, 321, xiv. 206 zoology of — alpaca animal introduced into, v. 1 26 camels used in : see exploration, supra dingo of, and its origin, xviii. 46 note isolation of forms of life of, xxi. 198, 531 Owen on, iii. 158, xii. 295 Wallace on, xxi. 528 Australia, Central (see also Leichardt) — Aborigines of, iii. 32, 334 freemason's signs made by, to Stuart, v. 57 hostility of, to explorers, v. 56, vi. 8, 170-1, ix. 233, xix. 56 reports of, on the interior, v. 1 05 ¦ thick skulls of, xix. 48 British flag planted in, by Stuart, I860., v. 55 Deserts of, and theories concerning the interior of, i. 192, (Latrobe), i. 191-2, (Stokes); i. 326-7, (Wood and Simmonds); i. 367, (Murchi son); ii. 27, (Gawler); ii. 311, (Murchison); iii. 33; (Murchison), new ideas on, 1859., iii. 154, 155, 158, (Sturt); iii. 158, (Saun ders); iii. 334, 337 (Murchison); iv. 78, (Gawler), iv. 84, 86, 95, 195, (Jukes); iv. 95, v. 8, 19, (Gregory and others); theories as to desert upset by Stuart's discoveries, v. 55, 60, xii. 287; Murchison and others on, v. 57, 60, 105, 106, 125, 205, 207-8; Barkly, Bowen and others on, vii. 7, 8, 10, 11, 42, 178, 179, ix. 227, our knowledge of, in 1865., Murchison on, ix. 230, 234; do. in 1870, Nicholson on, xiv. 201 Eastern side well-known in 1865., ix. 75 expeditions and explorations, (see also Australia, General) — Cornish's, from Queensland, 1862., vi. 67-8 40 AUS— AUS Australia, Central — continued. Expeditions and explorations — contd. Gregory, A. C, vii. 16 Projected Scientific Exploration of, Neumayer, xii. 286 Interior of, access to, Nicholson on, vii. 14 barrier of scrub on Western side, iii. 54 Notes on the Probable Condition of, Landor, i. 31 Mountain system of, discussed, xii. 288 Our knowledge of, in 1830., ix. 225 physical features of, xix. 42, 48-50 said to be uninhabitable, xix. 51, 57 valuable land in, vii. 42 vegetation in, xix. 51, 54-5, 56-7, 59 watersheds of, xii. 288 Australia, North (see also Carpentaria, Central, Western for N. Western, and Queensland for N. Eastern) — aborigines of, i. 258, 322-3, 491, 493-4, 499, iii. 154-6, viii. 115, xii. 202, characteristics and customs of, ii. 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 378, cited on access to centre of continent, fine in appearance, vii. 83, food of, snakes, ix. 302, funeral customs of, i. 259. hostility to travellers, v. 56, 57; near Nicol Bay, knowledge of English words of, and drawings of, etc., x. 45-6 ; populous, xii. 262 ; at Port Essington, x. 42 ; of Victoria river, i. 257, 258, 263 animal life in, ix. 301 Botany of, i. 190-1, ii. 217, 312, v. 123, lobelia poison herb of, i. 5 characteristics of region, i. 324-5, opinions on, cited, i. 32 climate and temperature of, i. 499, 500-1, v. 206, vii. 178 healthiness of, ii. 312, iii. 188-9, vii. 114, 115, ix. 22, 23 influence of isothermal lines on, x. 249 coast of, physical characteristics of, i. 192, 498 Coast Range, bad travelling for animals, ix. 302 colonization of (see Adam Bay, Car pentaria, Port Darwin, etc.), Murchi son on, i. 34, 80, 83, v. 57, vii. 89, 90, viii. 210-11, ix. 233, x. 250; Nicholson on, v. 91, early diffi culties of, xiv. 195-6 desirability of colonizing, v. 57, 60, 106, 205, 207, Murchison on, vii. 116, 170 et seq., 342, Nicholson on, vii. 116 extension of, to the westward, ii. 361 colony of, to be revived, vii. 172 ; called so in Maps of 1844., vii. 116, 171-2 ; not included in any colony, vii. 85 ¦ — , desirability of forming into separate colony, (not included in S. Australia, North — continued. Australia), vii. 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 116, 170, ix. 302, x. 52, 88, xiv. 198, 204, 206 colony of, state of, in 1830., ix. 227, in 1866, x. 250, in 1867., a failure, xi. 227 ; in 1870., Goyder cited on, xiv. 195 et seq. copper of, vii. 89 deserts of, visited by Gregory, i. 323, by Sturt, i. 323 expeditions and explorations in, (see all expeditions across the Conti nent, under Australia General, Burke and Wills, searches for Leichhardt, etc.)— Cadell's, 1867., xii. 201, 265;' Chimmo's, 1856., i. 255, 326 ; Cornish's 1862., vi. 67; Flinders' referred to, i. 83, 230, 259, 327, 501, ii. 14, 214, xii. 261; Flood's 1856., ii. 378; Goyder's (survey of Port Darwin district) 1869., xiv. 190, 195-6 et seq. ; Gregory's (A. C), 1855-6, i. 5, 10, 32, 33, 34, 35, 49, 171, 183, 225, 324, 327, 328, 341, 365, 369, 452, 490, ii. 3, 210, 211, 311- 13, iii. 33, iv. 254, vii. 4, 121, 177, ix. 230; Gregory's (F.), v. 236; Leichhardt's, 1844., ix. 229; Mc- Kinlay's near Adam Bay, 1866., xii. 46; Stokes' (Beagle), (1837., 1841., etc.), referred to, i. 84, 186, 192, 230, 259-60, 327, 502 xii. 261 Stow's boat voyage, 1865, x. 34 Stuart's, 1864., ix. 21, 75, 232-3 unnamed expeditions (1862).,vi. 118-9 Wickham and Stokes' (1839)., i. 366 gold of, v. 106, vii. 89 grass of, vii. 178 mail connection with Singapore de sired, i. 81 need of a port in, v. 57, 205 New CoaBt of, discovered by J. M. Stuart, 1864., Stuart, ix. 21, 75 physical and geological features of, i. 192, xii. 319 Physical geography of, Notes on, Wilson, ii. 210, 216-7 possibilities of, Gregory cited on, i. 457 proposed penal settlements in, Mur chison and others on, i. 192, ii. 213-6, 217, 312-3 sheep rearing and wool of, (see Craw furd), vii. 89, 177 and note, viii. 212, ix. 23, xii. 37 snakes in, authorities on, ix. 301, eaten by natives, 302 Structure of, Fitton, i. 501 tableland in interior, i. 496 telegraphic communication of, with India, etc., vii. 165 AUS— AUS 41 Australia, North — continued. winds of, cold, i. 192, hot, i. 192, xii. 316-7 Australia, South (see also Central Aus tralia and North, Clarke, and Gt. Bight)- aborigines of, i. 263, ii. 20-1, iv. 94, vi. 56, xv. 96-100, cannibals, vi. 70, huts of, ii. 24, protected by Eyre, xii. 295 admiraltv surveys of, v. 175, vi 135, vii. 142, viii. 192, x. 221, xi. 195, xii. 245, xiii. 282, xiv. 307, xv. 266. xvi. 319, xvii. 257. xviii. 535,539, xix. 409, xx. 403, 408, xxi. 435, xxii. 336 aspect of, in dry and rainy seasons contrasted, ii. 14, 191, 192 as base for Neumayer's proposed ex plorations, xii. 292 breadstuff's of (1862.), vi. 57 coal in, xii. 315 coast line of, a desert, i. 367 rising gradually, (1862.), vii. 42 colonial extension northwards, etc., vi. 171, vii. 88, 170-1, x. 250, 251, xiv. 195, failure of, xi. 227 communication between, and the North desired, i. 6, 192, 193, iv. 78 copper mines of, v. 243, viii. 33 country between Mt. Serle and Lake Torrens in, Report on, Goyder, ii. 16 Crawfurd's speculations concerning, ii. 215 dosert, saline, in interior of, i. 154, 155, 366, iii. 336, 337, v. 60 expeditions and explorations in and from, (see Burke and Wills', Hovell's, Mclntyre's, M'Kinlay's and Stuart's cross-continent expeditions under Australia General, and under Names, see also N. Australia), Babbage's, 1856., i. 320, 455, ii. 185; 1858., ii. 191, 193, 314, iii. 151, 335 ; Ball's, 1864., ix. 75-6; Bass's, of the coast, xiv. 199 ; Bonner's, see Babbage's, 1856 ; Bonny's, (1839.), vi. 56 ; Cadell's, along the N. coast, 1867., xii. 201, 261; Cleland's, 1872., xvii. 278 ; Delisser's, 1865., x. 129 ; Eyre's, 1837 and 1839., ii. 28, 29, 185, 186, iv. 254, y. 10, vi. 56, ix. 227-8, xii. 295, xiv. 200, xv. 8, xix. 41. 1841., xix. 482 ; Flinders, xii. 291 ; Freeling's, 1857., ii. 187; Frome's, 1857., ii. 88 ; Goyder's, 1857., ii. 16, 186 ; Gregory's, (from Moreton Bay to), 1857., iii. 18, 333; Hack's, 1857., ii. 189, 191, 313 ; Harris', see Babbage; Haverfield's, about 1862., vi. 55; Hawdon's, 1839., vi. 56; Larnach's, 1S65, ix. 76 ; McDon nell's, 1859., iv. 93, 194; 1861., v. 124; Mackinnon's, 1839., vi. 56; Parry and Burtt's, 1856, iii. 152, Australia, South — continued. 335; Ross's, 1871., xv. 99, 297; Selwyn's, (geological), 1859., v. 242 ; Sturt's, 1846., ii. 188, iv. 82, 96, 254, ix. 227, xiv. 199; Thompson, Camp bell and Swinden's,~1857., ii. 189; Warburton's, 1859., ii. 189, 190, iii. 151, 152,355, v. 124-5, xv. 296,; 1864., ix. 75-6, xv. 297 ; to W. Australia, 1874., xviii. 183, 489, xix. 445 fertile district in, iii. 336, 337 foundation of the Colony, 1834., ix. 227 fresh-water lake found by Goyder, ii. 21, but not by Freeling, ii. 60, 185-9 Gawler on, ii. 28, 191-3, iv. 91, 95, 96, v. 10, 57 geology of (see also mountains, infra), investigated, i. 503, Stuart on, v. 55, Selwyn on, v. 242 gold of, 215, 216, 314, iv. 79, v. 243 horses of, x. 41 hot wind of, i. 32, iv. 83, 84 in 1839., Maekinnon on, vi. 56 lead mines of, v. 243 migrations of birds in, deductions of Start from, v. 59 minerals in, see copper, gold, lead, and Geology, supra mountains of, iii. 29, 31, iv. 82, 94, 96, v. 10, 242, xii. 139 mouth of the Murray river in, iii. 338-9 Northern Territory of, (see also N. Australia), in relation to main Colony, v. 57, vii. 85, 86 pastoral country in, iii. 152-3 route to, from N. S. Wales, discovered about 1839., vi. 56 springs of curious shape in, iv. 193 tree-destruction in, its effect on rain fall, Torrens on, x. 269 wool of, 215-6, vii. 86 Australia, Western, West Central and North-western — aborigines of, i. 497, xix. 486-7 as explorers, xiv. 191 fine physique of, vi. 173 food of, iii. 50, xix. 50 hostile to Forrest, xix. 58-9, 314, 446, 486 Lefroy on, viii. 46 met by Ross, xix. 57 primitive condition of, viii. 46 thick skulls of, xix. 43-4 un trustworthiness of, xiv. 194-5 water-supplies of, xix. 317, 487 white men's deaths amongst, (1861.), vi. 12 acacia scrub of, xix. 55, 446 Admiralty surveys, (proposed), v. 2-3 ; xvii. 257, xviii. 535, 538, xix. 408, xx. 403, 408, xxi. 435, xxii. 336 agricultural staples of, v. 2, 3 42 AUS— AUS Australia, Western— continued. aspect of, T. Gregory on, vi. 172, 173 botanical life in, i. 5, iii. 53, 54, vU 172-3, xix. 55, 314, 487 camels, value of, in explorations in, xix. 445-7 coal in, vi. 58 coast scenery of, x. 49 wilderness along, i. 367 cotton, areas in, suited for cultivation of, vi. 173 deserts of, centra], i. 366, xiv. 198, xix. 50, 59, coastal, i. 367 dry salt lake in, i. 30, 31 expeditions and explorations — Austin's, 1854., i. 30, 34, 192, 528, iii. 35, xiv. 192-4 ; Ball's, 1865., ix. 75; Dempster, Clarkson, and Harper's, (1861.), vi. 11-12, 59; (Eyre's from S. Australia, q.v.) (1840.), iv. 78; Forrest's, 1869., xiv. 190, 322, 1870., xv. 8, 296; 1872., xvii. 19, 277, 1874., xix. 56, 57, 310, 445, 481, xx. 370, 430 ; Giles', 1872. and 1874., xix. 8, 51, 53, 446-7, 484 ; 1875-6., xx. 430, xxi. 460; Gosse's, 1873., xvii. 277, xix. 8, 51, 55, 58, 446; Gregory, A. C, 1846-8., i. 10, 171, 365-6., iv. 254; Gregory, F. T., earliest, previous to 1855., v. 2, 3 ; 1858., iii. 34, 53-4 ; 1860-1., v. 2, 9, 121, 126, 206, 208, vi. 11- 12, 54, 58, 167, 171, 189, 195, vii. 11, 16, 37, 119, 121, 176; 1863., ix. 232, xii. 287, 288, xix. 41, 48, 200, 203; Gregory, H., iii. 20; Grey and Lushington's, 1838., i. 34, iii. 53-4, x. 86; Hargreaves', (1863.), viii. 32; Helpman'e, ix. 232; Hunt's, 1864., ix. Ill; Lefroy's, 1863., viii. 45, xiv. 204-5; Martin's, (1866.), x. 86; Mitchell's, 1836-8., xiv. 199, 200; Ross', 1874., 8, 55, 56-7, 310, 447, 484; Sholl's, (1867-8.), xi. 227, xii. 261 ; Stow's (boat voyage), 1805., x. 34; Warburton's, 1873-4., ix. 75, xviii. 183, 488, 489, 570-1, xix. 41, 316, 483-4, xx. 430 up to 1862., Kennedy on, vii. 16 forest lands near coast, xxi. 435 foundation of, as a Colony, ix. 226 geology of (see also mountains) — antiquity of district, viii. 46 Gregory on, iii. 51-3, vii. 172-3 Jukes on, iv. 96 Lefroy on, xiii. 45 Murchison on, i. 34 metalliferous, Gregory cited on, iii. 54 mineral(s) of, Sanford on, vi. 58 , locale of and outlet for, Rawlin son on. xix. 408 Australia, Western — continued. geology of — continued. mineral wealth of, v. 3 non-auriferous character of rocks of, Hargreaves, viii. 32, others, 33-4 hot winds of, i. 32 line of communication with S. Australia ' desired, iv. 78, vii. 14 loyalty of, 1862., Kennedy on, vii. 17 magnetic deviation in, xxii. 212 mallee scrub of, xix. 487 mineral wealth of, (see coal, and geology, supra), v. 3 mountains of, geological formations of, iv. 95, trend of, iv. 82, 95 North-west corner of, desire of F. Gregory for its erection into a separate colony, vi. 195 pearl fishery, oysters, wool, etc., of, vi. 173, vii. 17" penal settlement system in, value of, and success of, vi. 58-9, vii. 16, 17 physical features of (see also all explorers and geology, supra), v. 8, 9, xix. 41-59 plains of the interior, xiv. 199 poisonous plants in (see travellers' narratives, passim), i. 5, vi. 172-3 progress of the colony, vii. 171-2 ; early days of, ix. 226, development and characteristics of, Kennedy on, vii. 16, 17, pioneers of (Larnach's scheme), ix. 76, colonising efforts of, xii. 290, prospects of, 1864., Lefroy on, viii. 46, prospects ot, 1875., Leake on, xix. 316, our ignorance concerning, in I860., Roe on, v. 10, resources of, and condition in 1861., Sanford on, vi. 58-9 progress of discovery in, iii. 334, v. 206, vi. 167, vii. 172, ix. 226, xi. 227, xii. 261, xv. 296, xvi. 277, xix. 445, xx. 430, xxi. 460 rainfall of, xiv. 205 rivers of, characteristics of, Forrest's views on, xix. 310, 446, F. Gregory on, iii. 51-3, Jukes on, iv. 96, Landor on, i. 31 sheep-rearing, areas suited for, Gregory on, vi. 173, Lefroy on, viii. 45, produce of, vii. 17 underwood barrier between Central Australia and, iii. 54 water system of, a mystery (1861.) Gawler on, v. 58 woods of, Sanford on, vi. 58 zoology of, (see all travellers) Lefroy on, viii. 45. Warburton on, xix. 50 Austria, Archduke John of, obituary notice of, 1859., iii. 234 , Imperial Geographical Society of, established, i. 10, 430 , progress of geographical knowledge AUS— AWA 43 in,i. 10, 430, ii. 281, iii. 286, iv. 201, v. 189, vii. 150 Austria and other countries in relation to the Suez Canal, i. 90 Sound, Payer, xix. 17 Austrian (and other) efforts to reach the Polar Circle from the Atlantic, Osborn, xvi. 227 scientific voyage, in the Novara*, 1857-9., i. 430, iii. 281, x. 189-90, results of, vii. 150 Austro-Hungarian Arctic Expedition of 1871-4., (Payer and Weyprecht), xv. 307, xvi. 231, 360, xvii. 15, 265, xviii. 557, xix. 5, 17, 419, xxii. 338 birds found by, xix. 27 , geological formation of coast, xix. 26 ice-covered islands in, xix. 27 ¦ mountains and glaciers along, ib. position of, xix. 26 raised beaches at, xix. 27 Ava, capital of Burma, xii. 200 Chronicles of, cited on trade betweeD Burmah and China, xix. 265 difficulties met by travellers to and from, v. 49, history, etc., of, i. 276 juxtaposition with China and Assam, v. 47 revolution of, 1837., i. 269 tribes tributary to, v. 49 Avars, the history and country of, (Caucasus region), iv. 248-9 river, iv. 249 Avia, W. Africa, Du Chaillu at, x. 73 Aviavy, Madagascar, huge forest near, xxi. 155 Avon Point, S. Australia, admiralty survey near, xviii. 539 river, Clifton, England, gorge of, xiii. 313 , W. Australia, i. 3, country near, viii. 45, xix. 195 Awaj river, Syria, the Pharpar of Scrip ture, vi. 196 Awanagan Hill, S. Australia, ii. 19 river, ib. Awards of R.G.S.— Cold Medals, 1832, Lander, vi. 185 , 1843., Eyre, ix. 228 , 1846., Strzelecki, xvi. 295 , 1847., Sturt, xvi. 295 ¦ , 1856., Kane, i. Ill Founder's — 1857.,Gregory, (A.C.),i. 343, 345, 365 1858., Collinson, ii. 231, 236 1859., Burton, iii. 215, 217 I860., Lady Franklin, iv. 109, 111 1861., Speke, v. 137, 139 1862., Burke (deceased), vi. 121, 123, 169, 174, vii. 10, xvi. 295 1863., Gregory, (F. T.), vii. 119, 121, 176 1864., von der Decken, viii. 165, 167 Awards of R.G.S. — continued. Gold Medals — continued. ' Founder's— continued. 1865., Montgomerie, ix. 189, 191 1866., Thomson, x. 176, 178 1867., Boutakoff, xi. 178, 180 1868., Petermann, xii. 210, 213 1869., Nordenskiold, xiii. 253, 257 1870., Hayward, xiv. 276, 279 1871., Murchison, xv. 234, 241 1872., Shaw, xvi. 245, 281 1873., Elias, xvii. 192, 225, 228-9 1874., Sohweinfurth, xviii. 487 1875., Weyprecht, xix. 358 1876., Cameron, xx. 368 1877., Nares, xxi. 397-8 1878., von Richthofen, xxii. 296 Patron's — 1847., Leichhardt, vii. 16, ix. 229, x. 85, xvi. 295 1856, Barth, i. 82 1857., Waugh, i. 345, 369-70 1858., Baohe, ii. 231,232 1859., Palliser, iii. 215, 219 I860., M'Clintock, iv. 109, 116 1861., Stuart, v. 137, 141, xv. 298 xvi. 295 1S62., Blakiston, vi. 121, 125 1863., Arrowsmith, vii. 119, 122 1864., Grant, viii. 165, 168 1865., Baker, ix. 189, 192 1866., Chandless, x. 176, 178, 180 1867., Hayes, xi. 178, 182 1868., Rohlfs, xii. 210, 213, 214 1869., Mrs. Somerville,xiii. 253, 256 1870., Gamier, xiv. 276, 283 1871., Keith JohnBton, xv. 234, 247 1872., Yule, xvi. 275 1873., Stanley, xvii. 225, 228, see also xvi. 441 1874., Warburton, xviii. 489 1875., Payer, xix. 358 1876., Forrest, xx. 370 1877., Pundit Nain Singh, xxi. 397, 399 1878., Trotter, xxii. 296, 298 other awards — bronze medals to Chumah and Susi, Livingstone's " boys," 1874., xviii. 495 gold watches — 1859., Stuart, iii. 215, 222 1861., King, vi. 121, 124, 169, 174, vii. 10,111 1863., Landsborough, vii. 120, 122 M'Kinlay, ib. xvii. 278 Walker, ib. 1866., Moolah Abdul Mejid, x. 165, 176, 183 1868., the Pundit, xii. 210, 216, xiii. 198, xv. 204 1872., Musters, xvi. 276, 284 1873., Baines, xvii. 226, 231 44 AWA— BAB Awards of R.G.S.— continued. other awards — continued. gold watches — continued. 1873., Carlsen, xvii. 226, 231 1875., Johnson, xix. 361 1877., Markham, (A. H.), xxi. 400 money grants and testimonials — 1864., £50, Rohlfs, viii. 96 1864., £1000 and instruments, Petherick, viii. 124, 126 1865., £40, Vambery, ix. 189, 193 1866., £105, Du Chaillu, x. 176, 182 1867., £50, Rohlfs, xi. 52 1872., £25, Mauch, xvi. 276, 284-5 silver watch and chain — 1856., Church, i. 82 Awarua river, N. Zealand, ix. 32 Awebel, Gebel, Egypt, difficulty in laying railway near, iii. 195 heights in, iii. 178 Awyaw, capital of Yoruba, W. Africa, ii. 94 Axim or Ancobra river, W. Africa, country near, xiii. 357, town and fort, Reade on, xiii. 353, 357 Axuni : see Adulis Ayapata river, Peru, explored by Raimondy, 1864., xi. 102, 104, 105 Aye, El, Nileregion, Bedouins near, warm wells of, and latitude, xx. 358 Ayee river, Nile district, course of, etc., described by Petherick, 1864., viii. 140 Ayers' Rock, W. Australia, named by Gosse, xix. 51, spring at, 52 Ayrton, F., obituary notice of, 1874., xviii. 534 Ayuttaya, former capital of Siam, Parkes on, i. 14 Aza river, W. Africa, ii. 91 Azafo river, Madagascar, monuments near, xiv. 373 Azarist, or Khazar-asp, near Khiva, C. Asia, Pazukhin at, 1671., xxi. 219 Azeglio, d', letter sending gold medals from the King of Italy to Speke and Grant, 1863., vii. 216 Azerbijan or Azerbaijan, Persian and Russian, Caspian partridge found in, iii. 5 Country, Persian and Russian, Memo randum on, Abbott, (1864.), viii. 275 gypsies in, i. 41 mountains encircling, viii. 276, eleva tions of, 277 population of Russian section of, viii. 276 prejudice against Christians in, iii. 392 territory included in the whole of, viii. 276 vineyards of, viii. 278 Azimabad, trade stuff's of, xii. 163 Azimuth, observations by, see in ' Hints to Travellers,' vol. xvi. p. 17 Tables. 1865., Burdwood's, ix. 223 Azizabad town and river, Seistan, PerBuf xvii. 87 Azores Islands, discovered by Genoese in Portuguese employ, xii. 247 eastern passage near, advantage of, to sailing ships, yi. 200 ocean-bed near, i. 419 path of the Gulf Stream past, iv. 238 volcanic eruption at, 1866., xi. 261 Azov or Azoff, Sea of, corn district near, xviii. 563-4 current in, i. 404, Geographical and Commercial future of, and of the Putrid Sea and adjacent coasts, Osborn, i. 305, summary of the same, 404, Murchison on, i. 306, ii. 288 proposed union of, with the Caspian by canal, Russian explorations in con nection with, 1860. et seq., iv. 198-9, v. 193, vi. 160, viii. 206 salinity of, xv. 65 silting up of, Osborn on, i. 305, Murchi son on, i. 306-7, Oliphant on, i. 307-8 Tartar emigrations from, to the Caucasus, vi. 5, 59 town of, i. 307 Aztec civilisation (see Peru) — early, Markham on, xiv. 116 original home of, Forbes on, x. 172 , Markham on, xv. 367 traces of, in Arizona, xix. 304 Azuay, Sierra del, Ecuador, xxi. 558 Azyungo and other Lakes, W. Africa, xvii. 355 15 Ba'albek or Heliopolis, Syria, elevation of, vi. 172 south-west limit of Kurdish tribes, xxii. 172 temples and ruins of, ii. 225, v. 172 true position of, i. 7 Babahoon, plain of, Persia, i. 292 Babbage, H. and Mr. Bonner, expedition (geological) to Mt. Serle district, S. Australia, 1856., i. 320, 455, ii. 185-6 and Harris, survey expedition in S. Australia, 1S58., ii. 191, 314, iii. 152-4, 156, 157, 335 Island., W. Australia, iii. 43, 44 Babel, Mesopotamia, site of Babylon, i. 46, xi. 156 Bab el Mandeb, Straits of, current in, Carpenter on, xviii. 306 Baber, E. C. (of the Grosvenor Expedi tion), in W. China and E. Tibet, 1878,, xxii. 255, report of, on the same cited, 345 on Formosa, its inhabitants and their jews'-harps, xviii. 174 BAB -BAH 45 Babylon, Mesopotamia, see Babel Babylonia, ancient fertility of, viii. 21 Baohe, Prof. A. D., awarded gold medal of R.G.S., 1858., ii. 231, President's speech, 233, reply of American minister, 235 on Rink's remarks on Kane's supposed discovery of the N. coast of Green land and an open Polar Sea, ii. 359 United States coast survey conducted by, ii. 341 Bache Island, Arctic regions, grounded ice-berg of, xxi. 279 Back, R. Adm. Sir G., on Arctic exploration and polar ice, xvii. 181 temperature, xiii. 168 on the Aurora Borealis, iii. 120 on drifting of Japanese junk to Columbia river, x. 173 on early colonization of Greenland, xvii. 318 on fate of Franklin's ships, i. 24 on Frobisher's Bay or Strait, vii. 100 on Kane's Arctic explorations, ii. 197 on Nordenskiold's Arctic explorations, (1868.), xiii. 164 on Spitzbergen as a base for Arctic explorations, ix. 116-7, xii. 109, xvi. 235 on the Batoka country, and on Living stone's fever remedy, v. 130, 141 on the Livingstone Search and Relief Expedition, 1868., xii. 76-7, 89, 91 , Collinson, and Galton, Hints to Travellers, xvi. 1-78 river, Arctic Canada, death of Franklin's survivors at, 1851., i. 22, 23, 25, 26 little known of region, iv. 5 Backewanaung Bay, Lake Superior, good land near, ii. 50 Baokfat Lakes, B. N. America, two out lets from, viii. 51 Badakshan, Afghan Turkestan, as barrier between Russia and India, x. 238 geographical position of, xviii. 433, xx. 483 the Mirza's travels in, 1868., xv. 181 et seq. routes to, and through, iii. 145, x. 149, xiii. 122 rubies, etc. of, xvii. 114 and Wakhan, observations on, Rawlinson, xvii. 108 Badger, Rev. Dr. G. P., advice as to dealing with natives of Africa, xix. 262, xx. 327 on Cameron's journey in Africa, xix. 262, xx. 327 on the interior of S. Arabia, (1870.), xv. 328 Badger, Rev. Dr. G..P. — continued. interprets [speech of the Sultan of Zanzibar at R.G.S., xix. 491 on Somali-land, its inhabitants and gum-trade, xvi. 156 Badgeley, Capt., survey work of, on N. Indian frontier, xvii. 52 Badrinath, Tibet, the two Pundits at, 1867., xiii. 184 Baer, Prof. K. E. von, explorations of the Caspian Sea, etc., under, 1858., ii. 280, xxi. 424 law of, as to mutations of river channels, cited, xx. 499, xxi. 425 obituary notice of, 1877., xxi. 424 Baer region, or Mundo country, C. Africa, tribe inhabiting, v. 38 Baffin, W., furthest northerly point reached by, 1614., xx. 177 death of, at Ormuz, 1625., i. 284 Baffin Bay or Strait, Arctic regions, animal life of, i. 53, xvii. 179 current in and from, i. 21-2, 62 Franklin's ships last seen in, 1845., i. 23 Hayes' surveys near, 1860-1., ix. 186 ice of, importance of knowledge of, xvii. 17, xxi. 274 , nature of, xiii. 240 icebergs from, iv. 105 ice-observations in, on obstructions, ix. 158 ice-saws needed, north of, xxi. 279 Kane at, 1850., i. 17 Osborn on, xvii. 172-3 route to the Polar Ocean, Osborn on, xii. 94, Nares on, xxi. 274 table of detentions in, due to ice, ix. 160 temperature of two shores of. Belcher on, ix. 60 Weather, Wind and ice in, Adams, xx. 160 Baffin's Sea, drift and formation of ice of, v. 76 Bagamoyo, E. Africa, Cameron's journey from, to Benguela, 1873., xx. 304 extent of level lands beyond, xxi. 234 Speke at, i. 55, 56, v. 11 Bagha river, Punjab, affluent of Chenab, xv. 339 Baghdad, Asiatic Turkey, i. 290 Journey from, to Busrah, Loftus, 1849- 50., i. 45 position of, and ruins at, xix. 428 temperature of, past and present, Rawlinson on, xi. 158 Bagirmi, N. C. Africa, Barth's stay at, i. 443, ii. 34 Bagot, Capt., on the expedition of his son in S. Australia, (1841.), vi. 57 Bahar Pharaon, Tunis, sandy lake of, vi. 211 46 BAH— BAI Bahari Ngo lake or river, E. C. Africa, ix. 8, x. 178 ; see Baringo Baharini, E. C. Africa, question of its position, Johnston on, xvi. 128 Bahia, Brazil, S. America, French survey of, i. 423 Bahmen, Persia, see Rishir Bahmishir river, Eastern branch of the Euphrates, i. 292, 354 Bahrein, Island, Persian Gulf, vi. 133, springs on, viii. 101 Bahr el Abiad river, (see Nile) — Brun Rollets' expedition to, 1856., i. 157 connection of with Kilimanjaro, denied, iii. 213 volume of, xvii. 24 Bahr el Azrek or Blue Nile, i. 157 Bahr el Gazal river (see Nile), affluent of Nile, vii. 204, 222 described by Baker, x. 7 drainage area of, desirability of explor ing, Donoughmore on, viii. 18 lake of, and amphibians in, v. 31 map of, made by von Heuglin, viii. 264 Peney at, (1861.), vi. 19 Petherick's explorations on, 1853., v. 27, 31 ; 1853. and 57., iv. 39, 40; 1862., viii. 129 Blave trade of, von Heuglin cited on, viii. 254 sudd on, v. 31, viii. 12, 13, 129, 143, 148, xviii. 131 swamps of, viii. 12 Tinne' expedition at, 1863., vii. 204, viii. 12 tsetse fly near, iv. 40 tributaries of, vi. 19 volume of, xvii. 24, 25, and yearly rise, 29 Bahr el or al Giraffe (Zaraffe), branch of the Nile, vii. 222, viii. 129, x. 7 course of, Khartoum to the Sobat, xviii. 131 latitude of, xviii. 131 proved to be a branch of the White Nile by Baker, 1870., xv. 93 sudd on, xviii. 53, 131 volume of, x. 7 Bahr el Jebel or Kis river, of Gondokoro, elevation of, xvii. 22 volume of, xvii. 24, 25, and yearly rise, 29 Bahr el Merj, Syria, lakes of, i. 7 Bahr el Nedjef river, Mesopotamia, i 45 48 Bahringo Lake, see Baringo Bahr Zaraffe, Nile region : see Bahr el Giraffe Bahuringe : see Baringo Baise, Gulf of, Mediterranean Sea, eleva tion of coast at. ii. 176 Baian-gol river,-Mongolia, xviii. 80 Baian-Khara-Oula Mts., Mongolia, ib. Baigo, N. Guinea, natives of, xviii. 37 Baikal, Lake, E. Siberia, affluents of, xiv. 248 American and general trade in district of, iii. 92, xiii. 369 described by Bridgett, 1838., xiii. 369 geology of region beyond, viii. 204 region of, explored by Radde, 1855., i. 433, ii. 278 and the watershed of E. Siberia, viii. 201 Baikana river, affluent of Vetura river, N. Guinea, xx. 334 Baikie, Dr. W. B., r.n., expedition up the Chadda river, W, Africa, 1854., i. 155, ii. 227, vii. 70 up the Niger to Sokatu, 1856., i. 16, 155-6, 452 ; 1857., ii. 83. 88, 90, 98, iii. 310, ix. 183 ; 1859., v. 45 ; 1861., vi. 22-3, 187, vii. 66 ; in Kano, 1862., viii. 4, 10, 244, 263, xi. 49; at Lukoja, 1S63., viii. 53, 244, 263 letters and reports, etc., from, 1857., ii, 83, 88. 98 ; 1861., vi. 22-3; 1862., vii. 66, viii. 10, 263 ; 1864., viii. 244, xi. 49 settlement founded by, on the Niger, viii. 263, x. 116, xi. 49, Crawfurd on, vii. 67, visited by Knowles, 1864., ix. 72 work of, in Niger region, viii. 4, x. 117, xi. 49 obituary notice of, 1865., ix. 209 Baillie, A. T.. on the Corrientes road, S. America, xxii. 46 Bailunda, W. Africa, cascades of, xx. 322 wax-collecting caravans from, xx. 319 Bain, — , geological work of, in S. Africa, viii. 246 Baines, T., awarded gold watch by R.G.S., 1873., xvii. 226, 231 accompanies Gregory's N. Australian expedition of 1855., as artist, i. 5, 10, 11 explorations of, in S. Africa, 1858., iii. 99; 1868., xv.. 147, 309 geographical achievements of, Galton on, xv. 158 obituary notice of, 1876., xx. 389 ou African (Zulu) migrations, xi. 250 Notes on the Zambesi expedition of 1858., iii. 99 on the reported death of LivingBtoue, 1867., xi. 147 Baines' river, N. Australia, named by Wilson, i. 231 Bairabi Mts., Bengal frontier, elevation of, xvii. 52 Baird, Capt. A. W., r.e., tidal observa tions of, on the Runn of Cutch, referred ta, xxii. 352 Bairtarik river. W. Mongolia, source and course of, xvii. 188 BAI— BAK 47 Baitool, C. India, climate of, xi. 63 elevation of, xi. 57 Baitu-'sh-Shaik, S. Arabia,oaravan station, xviii. 195 Bajil, S. Arabia, garrison at, ib. Bajistan, Persia, importance of, xvii. 91 Bajwara, India, position of, according to Mirza Haidar, xx. 483 Bakai, Yezo, autumn scenery at, xvi. 195 Bakalai territory, Equatorial W. Africa, x. 73 Bakandik, W. Africa, i. 513 Baker, Capt. W. T., Notes to accompany the plan of Queenstown, S. Africa, ii. 371 Col. G., obituary notice of, I860., iv. 117 Col. V., and Lt. Gill, travels of, in Persia, 1873., xviii. 559 J., cattle-station of, beyond Mt. Hope less, C. Australia, (1858.), iii. 29 expedition of, seeking oentral Saline Lake, Australia, v. i05 on indications of the above, v. 105-6 on Stuart's C. Australian expedition, vi. 14 Lt. J. A., r.n., Geographical Notes of the Khedive's Expedition to C. Afrioa, 1870-3., xviii. 131 observations made by, xviii. 143 • Lady, travels of, in Africa (see Baker, Sir S. W.), x. 3, xviii. 56, 62, 64 , Mt., Oregon, U.S.A., an active vol cano, xii. 122, Cascade range, xi. 84 eruption of (1866.), xii. 123; ditto, 1863., xi. 94 , Sir S. W., vii. 116, 196, 204, xii. 7, xviii. 50, 69, 131, 133, 142, 146, 173, 215, xix. 260, xx. 151 awarded gold medal by Geographical Society of France, 1867., xi. 154 at Cairo, 1869., xiv. 99 discovery of the Albert Nyanza by, 1864, ix. 274, x. 6 expedition up the Nile and Atbara river, 1862-3., vii. 21, 46, 64, 65, 78, 104, 109, 183, 187, 190, 204, 223, viii. 149, 252, meetings with Petherick, Speke and Grant, 1863., vii. 190, 223, viii. 141, 147, ix. 263, x. 8 Khedive's, (1869. et seq.) x. 3, 22, 257, xiv. 4, 330, xv. 6, 92, 162, 309, xvi. 162, 187, 365, 418, xvii. 15, 161, 305, 310, xviii. 50-1, 131, 574-5, return of, to England, xviii. 4, 11 letters : on Travels by the Atbara river aud its tributaries in Nubia, 1862., vii. 21 on Abyssinia, xii. 1 17 on his progress up the Nile, 1862., vii. 78; ditto, 1870., xv. 92, 162 on the geographical knowledge of Moses, xii. 194 Baker, Sir S. W. — continued. letters — continued. on Gordon's Nile expedition, 1875., xx. 54 on The Khedive of Egypt's ex pedition to C. Africa (1870.), xviii. 50,69 on Livingstone ; alleged death of, (1867.), xi. 145 on news of, xii. 185 on results of Young's Search Expe dition for, xii. 91 on Mason Bey's determination of lati tudes of Albert Nyanza, xxii. 228, 395 on the Nile, and the African Lakes, xviii. 147 sources, and on other ex plorers of Equatorial Africa, xviii, 144 regions, and their ethnology, x. 23 Tributaries in Abyssinia, vii. 21, x. 279 ; cited, x. 23, xii. 7 on Price's bullock-waggon journey to Tanganyika, xxi. 246-7 on Sessi Island, V. Nyanza, xviii. 144 on Stanley's travels, and on the pro gress of geography since the founda tion of R.G.S., xxii. 165 on the V. Nyanza, and its explorers, xx. 47 cited on (desired Khedive's) expedition to the African Lakes, (1867.), xi. 250 on elevations of places in the Afri can lakes district, xi. 243 on Livingstone's prospects, xii. 282 on the Nile (White) and its af fluents, xii. 7, 8 observations made by, and by his expe ditions in Africa, xi. 243, xviii. 143, xxii. 228, 395 Remarks on anti-slave trade expedition of, Houghton, xiv. 100 Thermometer used by, George, x. 25, Tables, 26 Baker, Sir W., speech on receiving gold medal of R.G.S. on behalf of Col. Yule, 1872,, xvi. 280 Bakhtiyari Mts., S. Persia, Layard's ex plorations in, i. 288, 293 Bakkaluka Hills, S. Africa, volcanic cha racter of, i. 246 Baknak Pass, Tibet, elevation of, xxi. 339 Bakrot valley, Gilgit, xiii. 130 Baksa valley, Formosa, overhanging rock in, xvii. 146 Baksan river and valley, Caucasus, Tar tars of, vi. 60, xiii. 70 Baku, on the Caspian, naphtha-trade of iii. 394-5 Pazukhin at, 1672-3., xxi. 221 Russian steamers starting from, iii. 387, xxi. 582 48 ¦BAL— BAM Balabac Island and Strait, E. Indian Archipelago, admiralty survey of, xiii. 279, xiv. 305 Bala Hissar, Asia Minor, ruins of Pes- sinus at, iii. 389 Balambangan, Borneo, ' white men ' from, attempt ascent of Kinibalu, ii. 347 Balaton Lake, Hungary, swamp at outlet of, xix. 258 Balboa, V. N. de, crossing of Isthmus of Darien by, 1543., i. 78 Balcarrie, S. Australia, station at, ii, 17, 18 Bald Mt., Cariboo Range, B. Columbia, ' benches ' near, xv. 134 gold in creeks of, Palmer on, viii. 89, Murchison on, 90 Balegga Mts., Equatorial Africa, native ignorance concerning, xviii. 178 position of, xvii. 10 Balfour, Gen. G, on cinchona in India, x. 268 on Se-chuen province, China, and its resources, xi. 256 on trees in relation to rainfall, India, ix. 108, x. 268 Balgetter valley, Mekran, Persian Gulf, xvi. 140 Balgham-bashee, Kashgaria, fuel at, xviii. 419 Bali, Formosa, village inhabited by Hakka Chinese, xxi. 261 Bali Island, E. Indian Archipelago, lofty hills in, ii. 9 population of, ii. 184 and Lombok volcanic islands, fer tility of, vii. 211 population of, ii. 310, vii. 211 strait between, the dividing line between Asiatic and Australasian fauna, vii. 209 Balikchi, Kokand, C. Asia, xviii. 409 Balkash, Lake, C. Asia, affluents of, xviii. 247 elevation of, xiii. 361 Kalmuck migration to, 1771., xi. 166 Russian expedition to, (1859.), iii. 288 Balkh, Afghan Turkestan, fertility of dis trict of, xxi. 139 Russian intercourse with, 1671., xxi. 220 Ball, A., expedition westward from S. Australia, (1864.), ix. 75, 76 , J., Atlas expedition of, 1871., xvi. 131 on the colonization of the Saskatchewan valley, iv. 233 on the flora of Africa, xvi. 171 on government aid to Livingstone Search and Relief Expedition, 1872., xvi. 165 on the N. Atlantic Cable route, v. 102 Ball, J. — continued. on oceanic circulation, xv. 90 on the Rocky Mts., their rivers and passes, iii. 124 on Tanganyika and Nyassa Lakes, ix. 12 on the value of African natives' geo graphical information, xvi. 131 Lt. H., r.n., discoverer of Lord Howe Island, 1788., xxii. 136 Ballagh or Baa kingdom, W. Africa, Joloff natives of, i. 514 Ballay, Dr., of De Brazza's Gaboon ex pedition, (1877.), xxi. 473 Ball's Pyramid, mountainous Island, off coast of E. Australia, xxii. 136 Ranch, California, Modoc Indians near, xix. 296 Balleny, Capt., and his Antarctic dis coveries, 1830-3., Enderby on, ii. 171, xiii. 115 Island, Antarctic region, discovered by the above, ii. 171 Balmy Downs, Queensland, fine sheep- walk on, x. 62 Balonda district, W. C. Africa, hostile tribes of, met by Livingstone, i. 56 Balonne river, Queensland, blazed trees on, supposed to be traces of Leichhardt, iii. 88 Balor of the Mirza Haidar, modern district included in, xx. 490 , E. Turkestan, mountains of, xx. 483 Balsas, Rio, Isthmus of Darien, gold on, i. 78 Balti province, Tibet, fifteenth century account of position of, cited xx. 483 Baltic Sea, admiralty survey of, i. 140 level of, ii. 283 Physical Condition of, Carpenter, xviii. 341 Baltoro Glacier, Mustakh range, viii. 35 Balzeipamba, Ecuador, road near, xxi. 559 Bam, Seistan, geology of mountains near, xvii. 93 Goldsmid at, 1872., xvii. 87 Lovett's journey to, 1872., xvi. 261, xvii. 86 Bamangwato district, S. Africa, elephants plentiful in, v. 17 Bambara and Mandingo tribes, W. Africa, Fullahs among, xxi. 494 Bambarre, Equatorial Africa, Livingstone at, 1870., xvii. 10, 71 Mts., Equatorial Africa, huge gullies and trees of, Cameron on, xx. 310 Bambireh Island, V. Nyanza, xxi. 63, 466 Bam-i-Dooneah : see Pamirs Bampton Island (Barama), N. Guinea, Macfarlane at, 1876., xx. 254 missionaries murdered at, xviii. 46, xx, 338 native customs on, xviii. 36 BAM— BAR 49 Bamshf Bend or Cat's Pass, Demavend, iii. 15 Bananeiros, Salto das, Brazil, hostile Indians near, xx. 455 Banda Isles, described by Bickmore, 1865., xii. 324 Neira Island, xii. 325, 326, its spices, xii. 328 Oriental, S. America, new channel found near, by U.S.N., 1855., i. 170 Sea, depth and temperature of, Carpenter on, xxi. 317 Dutch charts of, referred to, vi. 136 Bandeira, Marquis de S& da, obituary notice of, 1876., xx. 382 Bander-i-Gez, Caspian Sea, Jonas Han- way at, 1743., xvii. 195 Bangala river, Congo region, affluent of Livingstone's Lualaba, xxii. 406 Bangalore, Madras, elevation of hills near, xi. 61 elevation of, and healthiness, ix. 68 Bangka, Formosa, see Banka and Mangka Bangkok, capital of Siam, i. 13, iii. 365, Parkes on, i. 14-5 port at, iv. 213, xix. 277 radius of English trade from, i. 1 5 Richards and Inskip at, 1857., i. 406 Schomburgk on, iv. 211, 213 Bangpatung harbour, Siam, iv. 214 river, course of, ib. Bangplasoi harbour, Siam, position of, iv. 214, and anohorage at, 215 Bangweolo, Bemba (q.v.) or Chama, Lake, C. Africa, affluents of, Livingstone on, xiv. 8, xviii. 263, 271 area drained into, iii. Ill called also Bemba, xviii. 180 described by Livingstone, xviii. 263 geographical position of, Livingstone on, xvi. 435, xvii. 67 Livingstone at, 1868., xiii. 3, xvi. 159, 1873., xviii. 180 Baneas or Banias, Syria, elevations at and near, iii. 288 note, xviii. 328 Banister, T., Proposed communication through N. America and Vancouver Island to Hudson Bay, (1857.), i. 263, 264, 266 Banjermassin river, Borneo, xvi. 172 Banka, Formosa, Chinese business city, xxii. 60 largest town in the island, xxi. 259 Banka (Banca) Island, E. Indian Archi pelago, tin of, ii. 143 Strait, admiralty survey of, iii. 266, 269, iv. 153, v. 174,, vi. 134 Bankrem river, Isthmus of Kraw, outfall of, vii. 59 Banks Bay, see Bethune Bay Banks, Sir J., botanical discoveries of, in Australia, i. 454, xxii. 427 Banks Island, N. Guinea, London Mis sionary station at, xx. 105 Land, Arctic Regions, animal life of, xv. 112 coal of, i. 105 open water near, found by the Investi gator, ii. 200 semi-fossilized wood on, xvi. 238 Strait, Victoria, Australia, admiralty survey of, and results, xix. 409, xx. 408, xxi. 236, xxii. 336 Banlam or Phripri, Siam, seaport of Pecha-buri district, iv. 214 Banniugawa river, Japan, mulberry plan tations near, xvii. 79 Banog, station of the Indian trigonome trical survey, i. 371 Banos, Ecuador, constant stone-slips near, xxi. 562 curious geological formations near, xxi. 561 elevation and temperature of, and country near, xxi. 562 the Pastassa river near, xxi. 557 Bans-kunlee, Bnrmese frontier, v. 50 Ban-ta-kong river, Siam, discovered by King, (1859.), iii. 365 Bantam, Java, early tea-trade of, i. 339 Banyanga river, W. Africa, tolls on, xix. 97 Banyassa (Wun' Yassa), C. Africa, hills in, Livingstone on, i. 244 Banyenko river, C. Africa, connected with several other rivers, i. 240 Banza Loanza, W. Africa, xix. 93 Makonta, W. Africa, xix. 99 Noki, W. Africa, xix. 93, 102 Tanda, W. Africa, nut trade of, xix. 93 Umputa, W. Africa, high grass near, xix. 96 Vokay, xix. 93, 102 Baountof, Lake, E. Siberia, explored by Orlof, (1858.), ii. 278 Bara, Nile region, oasis of, the Paradise of Kordofan, xx. 360 Barabash, Lt.-Col., journey of, in borders of Manchuria, (1874.), xviii. 562 Baraconda falls, Gambia river, W. Africa, limit of navigation, vi. 16 Barada river, Valley of, Syria, Roman inscriptions in, ii. 225 Barah river, Cachar, drainage-area of, xvii. 52 Baraka, Abyssinia, gorge of, vegetation in, xii. 115 Bara Lacha Pass, Himalayas (see also Para Lassa), elevation of, xiii. 14 source of the Chundra or Chenab river, xv. 339 Baram point, Borneo, naval observations of the solar eclipse of 1868 at, xiii. 279 50 BAR— BAR Barama or Barima river, B. Guiana, ex plored by Holmes and Campbell, 1857., ii. 154 Baramula Pass, Kashmir, practicability of, iv. 32 Barancas, on the Orinoco, ii. 156 de las Llamas, Mts. (Chilian Andes), iv. 46 , Ecuador, swampy flats of, xxi. 565 Baratola river, valley of, Russ. Turkestan, xviii. 248 Barbuda, W. Indies, admiralty survey of, xix. 408 Barclay, A. K., obituary notice of, 1870 , xiv. 299 J., obituary notice of, 1856., i. 118 , Sound, Vancouver Island, good an chorage at, viii. 86 Barcoo, (Barcu) river, Queensland, (called also Cooper's Creek and Victoria river), iii. 4, 25, 91, xii. 289 alleged murder of Leichhardt on, ix. 304 ; traces of the same, x. 59 discovered by Sturt, 1844., xiv. 296 expeditions to and near — Gregory's, 1855, i. 6 Landsborough's, 1862, vii. 40 Mitchell's, (1845-46), vii. 87 Walker's, 1861., vii. 42 latitude of, vii. 41 physical features along, xviii. 91 watershed of, elevation of, xii. 288 wool of, x. 62 Bardo, Tunis, copper and silver mines near, vi. 215 Barents, W., discoverer of Spitzbergen, 1596., xvii. 98 log of, cited, on Novaya Zemlya, ix. 173 open Polar Sea found by, 1597., i. 20 traces of, found on Novaya Zemlya, in 1871., xvi. 361-2, xix. 177 Barfarush, Persia, importance of, in the 18th century, xx. 174 note Bargaguel, Egypt, wells of, temperature in, xx. 357 Bargousine river, E. Siberia, ii. 278 Barguzin, oldest town in Siberia, Marco Polo cited on, xvii. 191 ' Bari (or Barri) country, E.C. Africa — Baker in, 1872., xvi. 187-8 Lejean's journey to, (1861.), vi. 18 inhabitants of, J. Baker on, xviii. 139 ; Speke on, v. 15, 16 unfriendliness of, viii. 250, x. 9, 21, xvi. 187-8 vast plain in, viii. 140 Petherick in, (I860.), iv. 180 war in, S. W. Baker on, xviii. 54 Baring, Mr., on Smyth's proposed expedi tion into Chinese Tartary, 1861., vi. 7 Baringo district, Victoria Nyanza, bays and islands of, xx. 146 Baringo (Baringa, Bahringo or Bahtiringe) Lake, Equatorial Africa — affluent of, xvi. 439 • , a possible, Speke on, vii. 186, 220 effluent of, xvi. 439 fresh waters of, xvi. 128 Livingstone on, xvi. 439 Macqueen on (Balmringe), viii. 7 question of its junction with other lakes, xvi. 128, 130 various opinions on, xx. 43 Bark country, of Ecuador, explored by Pritchett, 1856-7., iii. 94 Barker, Capt., survivors of his cattle, found wild at Port Essington, 1838., iii. 90 Barker, F., of Stanley's Victoria Nyanza expedition, 1875., death of, xx. 159 Barkly, Sir H., and Australian exploration, iv. 230 letters and despatches from, on Burke and Wills' Australian expedition and on the Bearch expeditions, vi. 41, 53, 68, 173, 174, vii. 2, 6, 10, 111 suggestion as to naming Burke's Land made by, vi. 168, 174, 195 vindication of Burke, vi. 169 cited on the dryness of air in Australia, vii. 176 on the development of Griqualand, xxi, 613 resolution proposed by, at Mansion House meeting of the African Ex ploration Fund, xxi. 613 Barkly river, Queensland, vi. 195 geological formation at head of, xii. 144 tableland, Queensland, features of, vii. 5 Barlee, Lake, W. Australia, xix. 482 journey to and description of, I860., Forrest, xiv. 192, 194, xix. 482 Barlyk river, C. Asia, sources of, xxii. 52 Barmen, S. Africa, reached by Hahn's party, (1857.), ii. 352 Barnard Islands, N.Queensland, geological formation of, xii. 143 Barnaul, Siberia, atmospheric pressures at, xiii. 361 Barnett, (Mr.), with Mclntyre in N. Aus tralia, (1865.) excellent qualifications of, ix. 301 Bnakes found by, in N. Australia, ix. 301-2 , W. F., appointed to lead Leichhardt search expedition (1867.), in place of Mclntyre deceased, xi. 227 Baroghil (Baraghil) Pass into Chitral, usually easy, military importance of, xvii. 114, xviii. 430, 436, xix. 13 BAR— BAS 51 Barometer and Thermometer ReadingB, Notes on the omission of, in Sextant Observations for the determination of Latitude and Longitude, Dunkin, viii. 155 Barometric and Hypsometric Observations to fix the Height of Demavend, Napier, 1877., xxii. 216 Baroni, N. Guinea, natives at, xx. 269 Barotseland or Borotseland(ov».), S. Africa, Livingstone in, (1855-6.), i. 248 Barra district, W. Africa, Mandingoes of, i. 513 Barracouta Bay, Tartary, Russian name for, i. 406 Russian station at and latitude of, xiii. 365 Barrak river, Burmese frontier, as a trade route, v. 50 Barram river, Borneo, portage from, to the Limbong river, ii. 343 Barrancas, see Barancas Barren Island, Indian Ocean, visited by Parish, 1862., vi. 215, 216, 217 Barrett, L., obituary notice of, 1863., vii. 133 Barsae, Indo-China, relations of, with sur rounding states, xix. 278 Barsonski, Plain of, Aral sea coast, iii. 388 Barrier Range, N.S. Wales, geological formation of, xii. 139 Reef, off E. Coast of Australia, vi. 136 admiralty survey, Robinson, viii. 114, uses of, 117, 119,211 coral formatiou of, Jukes on, iv. 80 dangers of, i. 84, 256, iii. 89 navigation witbin, rendered possible, (1865.), ix. 234 Barrow Range, W. Australia, Forrest at (1874.), xiv. 58, latitude of, xix. 313 Strait or Straits, Arctic regions, i. 23 ice-bergs absent from, v. 25 ice streams in, xvii. 175 Runic stones in, xvii, 319 tides in, xvii. 177 Barth, Baron, death of, 1876., xxi. 474 , Dr. IL, v. 178, vi. 110, 189, viii. 4, gold medal of R.G.S. presented to, 1856., i. 82, 441, Pi-3sident's speech, Barth's reply to, i. 113, Hon. Cor responding member R.G.S., 1868., viii. 43 expeditions of, in Africa, near Lake Chad, etc.,i. 82,113, 154,441-3, sum marized, 1857., i. 441, ii. 34, informa tion resulting from, ii. 318 General Historical View of the State of Human Society in N. Central Africa, ii. 217 on Baikie's Niger expedition (1858.), ii. 99 on the effect of level, etc., on the colour Barth, Dr. H. — continued. of races in Africa, and elsewhere, ii. 219 on the fate of Dr. Vogel, (1858.), ii. 81 on Galton's plans for the Exploration of Arid Countries, ii. 75 on the geography and configuration of the Sahara, ii. 217, 218 on similarity between inscriptions in Syrian desert and in the Berber dis trict, ii. 179 on the Bnow-covered mountains of Africa, ii. 56 three letters to, (on African latitudes), by Dr. Vogel, i. 15 work of, on African ethnology, in progress, (1862.), vi. 178 cited on the Benue or Behuwe- and other African rivers, xxi. 491 death of, 1865., x. 53 obituary notice of, (1S66), x. 201 Barthelmy Hills, W. Australia, trend of, x. 37, 38 Bartholomei, — , on Russian explorations in C. Asia, xiv. 232 Bartle Bay, New Guinea, described by Moresby, xix. 232 Bartlett, E., exploration of the Amazons by, (1866.), x. 105 Barton, Dr. A., On Sarel's expedition to the Western Borders of China, and the Upper Waters of the Yang-tse-Kiang, 1861., vi. 85 on the same, xv. 173 Barwan or Darling river, N. S. Wales, explored by Randell, (1859.), iv. 94, 194 Bary, Dr. E. von, journey of, to Timbuctoo, 1876., xxi. 473 BasaSgo, E. Africa, high lands of, and white explorer in, xvi. 438 Basarjusi, Mt., Caucasus, elevation of, xiii. 68 Bascan river, Chinese Tartary, mountains near, iii. 132, sources of, iii. 130 Base district, Abyssinia, ethnology of, x. 287 mountains of, x. 286 rivers in, x. 282, 286 Basevi, Capt. J. P., pendulum observations on the great meridional arc of India, xv. 280 obituary notice of, 1872., xvi. 306 Basha river, Mustakh range, explored by Godwin-Austen, 1861., viii. 35-7 glacial origin of, viii. 35 sources of, iii. 130 Bashan, land of, Syria, Eaton's journey in, (1864.), viii. 29-30 Graham's journey in, (1858.), ii. 173, 297-8 identified with the Haur&n by Graham and by Porter, ii. 175, 298; with Perea, Yiii. 29 52 BAS— BAX Basliee river, near Natal, fossils near, i. 511 survey suspended near (1869.), xiii. 281 Basil's Bay, Korean Islands, latitude and natives of, Hall on, ix. 299 Basilisk, H.M.S., explorations in New Guinea (1872.), xviii. 23, 1873-4., Moresby on, xix. 225, 243-4 survey work of, under Moresby, xviii. 539, xix. 225, 409 Island, New Guinea, extent of, xix. 225 Bass, Dr. G., explorations on the S.E. coast of Australia (1795-98.), xiv. 199 BasBa Cove, W. Africa, colony of liberated negroes, i. 99 Mts., on the Niger, vi. 239 Bassadore, Kishm Island, Persian Gulf, British naval depot at, Rawlinson on, i. 296 naphtha springs and salt caves near, viii. 266 Bassorah, Persian Gulf, see Busrah Bass's Strait, Tasmania, xiv. 199 admiralty surveys, iii. 271, xvi. 320, xvii. 257, xviii. 539, xxii. 336 mountains running from, to Torres Straits, Jukes on, iv. 82 Bastian, Dr., journey of, in Congo region (1858.), ii. 318 Visit to the Ruined Palaces and Build ings of Cambodia, (1855.), ix. 85 Bastoseagochic, Mexico, mines near, iii. 110 Basutoland, S. Africa, cave-dwellers in, (1875.), xix. 131 Batalpashinsk, Caucasus, Nogai Tartars at, vi. 60 Batanea, Hauran district, Syria, modern name for, i. 8 Batang, E. Tibet, see Bathang Batangiupar river, Borneo, watershed of, i. 200 Batavana tribe, S. Africa, location of, v. 18 Batavia, Java, communication with Aus tralia desired, vii. 37, 174 ; with other places, ix. 77 as market for Australian sheep, x. 328 Bate, Capt. T., r.n., death of, at Canton, 1858., ii. 266 Baternan, Mr., on receiving gold medal for Warburton, 1874., xviii. 490 Bates Islaud, Qwa river, W. Africa, xx. 228 Bates, H. W., on the Amazon, Purus, and other rivers, viii. 61, x. 106, xi. 107-8, xv. 380 on the bifurcation of rivers, xviii. 128-9 Work of, in S. America, Murchison on, ix. 245 work by, on S. America, vii. 169 - , J., obituary notice of, 1865., ix. 212 Batha marshes, Wadai, Cent. Afrioa, ii. 221 Bathang or Batang, Tibet — auriferous rivers of, xii. 338 Cooper on lamasery of, etc. , xiv. 339 Gill on the same, and earthquakes at xxii. 268 Saunders on the same, xiv. 356 trade route via, xix. 204 Bathurst, W. Africa, and its inhabitants, i. 513, 516 water-traffic from, xx. 78 Bathurst, Cape, Arctic America, rivers entering the sea near, ix. 128-9 County, N.S. Wales, discovered (1815.), xiv. 199, gold in, i. 453, ex plored by Strzelecki, 1839., xviii. 520-1 Inlet, Island and Land, Arctic regions animal life of, i. 54, xvii. 180 coast of, i. 105 Lake, N.S. Wales, discovered by Hume and Mechan, 1817., xviii. 532 Batman, J., founder of Geelong settle ment, Victoria, Australia, 1827., xviii. 533 Batoka, hilly country of, S. Africa, explored by Livingstone, vi. 25 ethnological observations, etc., C. Livingstone, 1861., vi. 32 fibres and indigo of, vi. 26, 31-2 geographical position of, vi. 32 geological formation in, ib. healthy elevation and climate of, vi. 26 temperature of, Livingstone cited on, v. 130 Batonga Bay, W. Africa, coast at, vii. 104 Country, Burton's exploration in, 1862., vii. 104 Battle Harbour, Labrador, fishery at, xii. 195 Battoh, on the Volta, W. Africa, Croft at, 1872., xviii. 187 Batropilas, Mexico, mines near, iii. 110 Batuta, Ibn, travels of, in China, (about 1347.), x. 272 Baudo river, Colombia, S. America, i. 63 Baudd town, Columbia, S. America, in relation to the Atrato river, i. 87 Bautshi, W.C. Africa, ii. 31, latitude of, i. 15 Bautu, Mongolia, position of, xviii. 77 Bax, Capt. B. W., r.n., death of, (1878.), xxii. 335 Baxa Duar, town on the border of Bhutan, trade route via, between Tibet and Bengal, xix. 341 Baxter, Mr.,M.p., on Livingstone's Zambesi expedition, 1858, ii. 131 in relation to Penal settlements in Australia, i. 458 note , Miss, of Dundee, donor of steamer to the Loudon Missionary Society for New Guinea, etc., xx. 92-3 Range, S. Australia, ii. 191 BAX— BEE 53 Baxter, or Mai Kassa, river, N. Guinea, banks of, xx. 259, 265 birds of Paradise along, xx. 268 discovery of, 1875., and why so named, Stone on, xx. 19, 92 Bayanos or Chepo river, Isthmus of Darien, mouth of, ix. 279 Oliphant on, ix. 276 Bayazid, Turkey-in-Asia, ascent of Ararat from, Stuart, 1856., xxi. 78, 92 earthquake at (about 1799.), vi. 64 Plain of, described by Stuart, xxi. 78 Bayazid-Aralykh road over the Ararat depression, xxii. 175 Baydha, S. Arabia, commerce of, xvi. 119 Bay'haun, S. Arabia, chief town of Rezaaz, xvi. 119 Bayley, Point, N. Australia, ii. 14 Bazaruta Island, S.E. Africa, xix. 122, xxii. 132 Bazghiran, lake, Badakshan, source of the Kokcha river, xv. 181 Boadon, Sir C, on explorations of the Brahmaputra river, xix. 346 on the Garo Hills and tribes, xvii. 41 on the Lushai expedition of 1871-2., and its results, xvii. 54 Beagle, H.M.S., exploration of Victoria river, N. Australia, by, 1842., i. 191, ii. 8, 261 Darwin's observations on board, ix. 216, 217, xii. 322 inscriptioDsJleft by, i. 261 well dug by, i. 259, 260 Valley, N. Australia, i. 186, 228 Beam Brook or Bean's Brook, Queensland (see Albert river), i. 493, xi. 45 Beardmore, N. on the proposed Atrato Canal, i. 73 obituary notice of, 1873., xvii. 251 Bear Island, Arctic regions (see also Beeren Island), latitude of, xix. 175 swell near, ix. 176-7 Beas river, Kooloo valley, Himalayas, and its affluents, Harcourt on, xv. 338 Beash Khund or Serohi river, Kooloo Valley, xv. 338 Beatrice. Bay or Gulf, Albert Nyanza, xxi. 466, xxii. 394 river, N. Australia, x. 35 Beatrice schooner, S. Australian survey vessel, x. 221, xi. 46, 195-6, xvi. 319, xxi. 435 Beaufort, Adm. Sir F., xiii. 66 Arctic work of, Belcher on, ix. 61 ; Osborne on, ix. 65 Naval Surveys of, Murchison on, ix. 64, 218 services of, to geography, ix. 64-5 death of, 1858., Murchison on, ii. 82 obituary notice of, 1858., ii- 239 Beaufort Land, Arctic regions, animal life of, i, 54 Beaver, Capt. P., r.n., at Bulama Island, W. Africa (18th century), i. 42, 43 Creek, B. N. America, ii. 44 Fork Pass, Rocky Mts., found by Pallisor's expedition, 1858., iii. 123 Bebahan, Persia, routes via, i. 356 Bebeji or Bebetgi, N. C. Africa, lati tude of, fixed by Vogel, 1855., i, 443, ii. 33 Beccari, Dr. O., explorations of, in Borneo (1869.), xiii. 297, and in N. Guinea (between 1872. and 1875.), xix. 242 Becher, Cape, Arctic regions, and the search for Franklin, i. 105 , Capt. A. B., The Landfall of Columbus, i. 94, 167 Beohuanaland.S. Africa, gradual desicca tion of, Galton on, i. 245 Becker, Dr. L., of the Victorian Camel Expedition, v. 8 death of, (1861.), vii. 35 letters from, vii. 39 Beckler, Dr. H., of the Victorian Camel Expedition, v. 8 Becroft, Capt., expedition up the Cross river, W. Africa, referred to, xvi. 136 Bedden, Beddin or Beddene, on the Nile, geographical position of, fixed by Mason, xxii. 229 Gordon's station at, xx. 12 rapids at, xx. 12, xxi. 57 Bedford, Lt.,R.N., death of, at Lukoja, (1864.), ix. 72 Bedingfield, Capt., r.n., vi. 64, 66 Ascent of the Ogun river, W. Africa, (1862.), vi. 49 On the Congo and its possibilities, iv. 66 on his exploration of the W. Luabo river, 1858., iv. 23 Notes of a journey to Ode, capital of Tjebu, W. Africa, 1862., vii. 105 on Lagos, vii. 107 on the launch for Livingstone's Zambesi expedition, ii. 100 Beeban, Tunis, vi. 214 Beechey, R. Adm. F. W., i. 1, 10, 15, 21, 27, 55, 61 addresses to R.G.S., 1856., i. 82, 116, 181 arctic explorations of, referred to, i. 54 ; furthest northward point reached by, 1826., xix. 176 death of, 1856., i. 217 illness of, i. 209 obituary notice of, 1857., i. 374 on the Boniu Islands, i. 63 on East African Exploration, i. 93 ; do., and Burton, i. 181, 450, ii. 56 on Kane, i. 183 on the Polar Basin, i. 28 54 BEE— BEL Beechey, R. Adm. F. W. — continued. on presenting awards of R.G.S-, 1856., i. Ill, 113, 114 on proposed Atrato Canal, i. 64, 71 Suez Canal, i. 160 exploration of Borneo, i. 206, 208 on the removal of the Pitcairn Islanders, i. 60 surveys of, i. 469-70 tidal diagrams of, i. 415 Beechey Island, Arctic regions, i. 25, 104, 105 Franklin's first wintering-place, 1846., i. 23 graves on, iv. 10 set of ice from, i. 25 Beer Ahmed, S. Arabia, sport near, xvi. 120 Beeren Island, Arctic regions (see also Bear Island), Swedish Arctic expedition to, (1869.), xiii. 153-4 Beforona, Madagascar, mountains near, xix. 193 terrace-wall of, xix. 183, 196 Begbie, Chief Justice M. H., and others, on B. Columbia and its native popula tion, iv. 33, 34 On the " Benches " or Valley Terraces of B. Columbia, xv. 133 Begemder, finest province of Abyssinia, xiii. 41 Begharun province, C. Africa, ii. 79 Beghula, see Anderson, river Behm, Dr. E., Dr. Livingstone's Explora tion of the Upper Congo, (1872.), xvii. 21 ; cited on the same, xvii. 12 Behring Sea, xii. 186 ¦ Strait, Collinson's search from, to Back river for Franklin, i. 26 Bulkley's expedition to, 1866., xi. 39 comparative freedom of, from ice, i. 96 extent of navigable coast near, xviii. 21 French explorations directed to, (1868.), xii. 98, 100 ice streams in, xvii. 175 sea to the north of, results of explora tions in, summarized by Petermann, xix. 176 shallowness of, xxi. 314 tides in, xvii. 176-7 Beibitohe pass, Thian-Shan Mts., xiv. 224 Beila, Scinde, ancient Arab name for, xvi. 219 Beirut, Syria, progress of, in 1852., ii. 226 Beisan, Syria, formerly Scythiopolis, ruins at, ii. 224-5 Beit Jibrin, Syria, probably Eleutheropo- lis, ii. 224 Beke, Dr. C. T., Excursion to Harriin (Padan-Aram) and Shechem, 1862., vi. 195 Beke, Dr. C. T.— continued. explorations of, in Abyssinia (1866.), xii. 15, xii. 51 in Syria, 1862., vi. 195, viii. 31 forecast of discovery of Nile sources, viii. 252 on the formation of the Ethiopian Nile Delta (letter), vii. 116 on the Gash river of Abyssinia, x. 299 on Lake Nyassa and its supposed con nection with Lake Tanganyika, vii. 262 on the Nile source, vii. 110 Murchison on the above, vii. 194 ; book on the same, referred to, iv. 204 on the Nyam-Nyam races of Africa, xv. 116 on Senafe and other places in Abyssinia, xii. 116 on his travels in Abyssinia, (1866.), xii. 15 cited on the fresh water of Lake Tan ganyika, xix. 249 obituary notice of, 1875., xix. 396 Bela, chief town of Lus Bey la, Mekran, xvi. 141 Beleden, Nur valley, Persia, iii. 9 Belenia, on the White Nile, geographical position of trading station at, iii. 305 Belcher, Adm. Sir E. T., iv. 2, 6, 252, xix. 216, 467, xxi. 339 at Point Barrow, 1826., xix. 176 on Antarctic exploration, xiii. 120 on Arctic matters — Arctic Exploration, iv. 7, ix. 60, 61; Smith's sound route for, xix. 35 ; the same to Melville Island, i. 106; his book on, men tioned, i. 153 Arctic sea temperature, xiii. 167 the fate of Franklin's ships, i. 24 Franklin's supposed course, iv. 7 iceberg formation in Arctic regions, v. 25 ice along the Greenland coast, iv. 107-8 ice from Spitzbergen, its course, xiii. 166, and stones in, 169 the open Polar sea, i. 19, 24, 25, cited on the same, i. 20, 30 sledge-travelling in Arctic regions, ix. 117 on Easter Island and its inhabitants, xiv. 117 on examination of the Atlantic sea.hed proposed by Wallich, vii. 55 on the Fiji Islands, vi. 100 on the formation of Coral Islands, iv. 85-6 on the Gibraltar current, xv. 90 BEL— BEM 55 Belcher, Adm. Sir E. T. — continued. on the Gulf Stream, xiii. 232, 234, and other currents, v. 26 on heliostats, iv. 18 on the heights of Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Elias, xi. 95 on the Oregon Question, iv. 35 on Pirn's Nicaragua Canal Scheme, vi. 76, xii. 45 on the proposed N. Atlantic Cable, iv. 107, v. 100, and on the deep sea dredging, v. 100 on scanty rains in E. Afrioa, viii. 8 on silvering sextant glasses, xvi. 17 on temperature in relation to elevation, viii. 8 surveys by — Australia, vi. 136 Borneo, vi. 83 E. I. Archipelago, iii. 267 N. Guinea, iii. 361, xviii. 47 visit to New Hebrides, 1840., xvi. 390 on the winds of C. Amerioa, xii. 45 death of, xxi. 273 obituary notice of, 1877., xxi. 410 , Rev. B., on Vancouver Island and missionary efforts therein, i. 489 Belcher Channel, Arctic regions, xxi. 554 Belganm, Bombay, elevation of, xi. 60 Belgians, Leopold King of the — interest of, in geography, xx. 454 member of R.G.S., xiv. 275 starts the International Congress of Exploration and Civilisation of C. Africa, 1876., xxi. 16, 19, 60, 391, 395, 475, 589 Belgium, formation of » Geographical Society in, 1870., Murchison on, xiv. 275 Belgrade, Turkey-in-Europc, effects of cutting down the forest of, ix. 109 Belignan, Mt., near Ismailia, Nile region, xviii. 139 Belize, C. America, Notes on the Physical Features of, 1867., Cockburn, xii. 341 River, C. America, Notes on the Physical Geography of the, Cockburn xii. 72 rainfall at, ib. Belkashi farri, W. C. Africa, Maguire's alleged death at well of, (1858.), ii. 81 Bell, Dr. W. A., jun., on the distinction between canons and gorges, xiii. 149 On the Physical Geography of the Colorado Basin, and the Great Basin Region of N. America, xiii. 140, its ethnology and ruins, 142 , Lt. A. S., r.n., on the death of Gerard, 1864., xi. 79 Bell Rock near Teste Island, Louisiade group, xix. 229 Sound, Spitzbergen, geological formation near, xiii. 156 Bellary, Madras, hill site near, suitable for sanatorium, xi. 61 irrigation works at (1863.), vii. 96 Bella Vista, Paraguay, the Chaco river seen from, xx. 500 Bollefonds, Col. Linant de — character of, Stanley on, xx. 153 expedition of, in Uganda, 1874, xx. 10 meeting of, with Stanley, xx. 10, 151 death of, 1874., xx. 13, 436 Bellohore, on Kanabec Island, W. Africa, i. 42 BellendenKer(r) Hills, or Ranges, Queens land, xviii. 93 geological formation of, xii. 144 Bellerive, Lake of Geneva, sub-lacustrino boulders and hill near, xxii. 459 Bellingham Bay, Queen Charlotte Islands, coal at, xiii. 383 Bellot, Lt., at Fury Island, 1851., i. 22 memorial to, at Greenwich, i. 1 Bellot Island, Arctic regions, elevation of, xxi. 107 Strait, Arctic regions, navigability of, proved by McClintock, iv. 2, 7, 113 tide in, and open water, Nares on, xxi. 281 Bells on sandbanks, utility of, i. 422 Bellville, A., Journey to the Universities Mission Station of Magila, 1875., xx. 74 Trip ronnd the S. End of Zanzibar Island, 1875 , xx. 69 Belmaine, near Sydney, N. S. Wales, i. 325 Beloochistan (see Kelat) — explorations in and history of, Rawlin son on, xvi. 219 ; Blandford's, 1871., xvii. 92-3 ; Floyer's, 1876., xxii. 363 ; St. John's, 1871., xvii. 92 knowledge of, up till 1870-1, Ross on, xvi. 139 St. John on, xvii. 94 trend of mountains in, Green on, xvi. 219-20 Beltana station, S. Australia, xix. 57, xx. 430 Belyando river, Queensland, x. 64 in connection with the Mitchell and the Suttor rivers, i. 325, 342, 368, 495, x. 64, xii. 141 drift gold near, xii. 141 good land beyond, vi. 68 Gregory's journey along, 1856., i. 325, v. 4 latitude of, v. 3, 4 valley of, iii. 25 watershed and range, x. 62, 65 Bemba, or Bangweolo (q.r.), Lake, Equa torial Africa, ix. 9, xviii. 180 affluents of, Livingstone on, viii. 257 xix. 133, xxii. 404 effluents of, viii. 257 56 BEM— BER Bemba or Bangweolo, Lake — continued. elevation of, xii. 176 latitude of, xii. 281 Livingstone's death'near (1872), xviii. 177-8, 244 one of a chain of lakes, Cameron on, xx. 125 ; Stanley on, xxii. 407 Bembe, W. Africa1 — caves near, climate, coffee, and sheep of, copper mines near, etc.. xix. 83 geological formation in, iv. 70 Portuguese ' evacuation of, (1874.), xix. 84 Hills, (Sierra), Congo region, climate of, xix. 82, 83 elevation of, xix. 83 Bembe or Limpopo river, S. Africa, ruins south of, x. 173 Bembatooka Bay, Madagascar, xix. 199 Bembia river, W. Africa, forest along, xvii. 154 Benlt, Jebel, Sinaitic Peninsula, ascent of, 1869, by Holland and Palmer, xiii. 213 Benbonyatha Range, S. Australia, geo logical formation of, ii. 21 Bench formations, Boise river, Oregon, xi. 93 B. Columbia, Begbie, xv. 133 Brown on, xiii. 144 Rio Gallegos, Patagonia, xv. 41 Bender-ghil, Persia, in relation to the ancient Eulaeus river, i. 220 Bene Ghazi, or Bengazi, W. Africa, port of, i. 443, ii. 80 Bengal, coal in, discovered (1859.), iv. 30 indigo of, i. 361 population of, i. 273 rainfall of Eastern, xi. 64 rice production of, i. 273 trade of, with Tibet, Markham, xix. 327 , Bay of, commercial importance of, Crawfurd on, vi. 192 Curlew Island as a sanatorium in, Macphersou, vi. 208 during the S.W. Monsoon, vi. 101, 103, xi. 63 lack of harbours in, ix. 84 specific gravity of water in, ix. 281 Surface currents in, during the S.W. Monsoon, Heathcote, vi. 101, 114 Bengal, vessel which took colonists to Adam Bay, N. Territory, Australia, x. 34, 35 Benge Island, Lake Nyassa, xxii. 238 Benguela, S. W. Africa — Cameron's journey to, from Bagamoyo, 1873., xx. 304, his delay at, 317 Magyar's map of, (1858.), referred to, ii. 284 Moorish traders' journey from, to Mo zambique (1854.), i. 58, 75, 93, 249 Beni department, Peru, water-ways and natives of, xxii. 49 river, Brazil, affluent of the Madeira river, x. 253, at junction of Mamore' river, xi. 103, 104 failure of Bolivian expedition up, 1870., xiv. 324 gold in head valleys of, xxii. 49 Orton's exploration of, 1875., xxii. 43 Benin, W.Africa, once part of Yoruba, vi. 65 Benin, Bight of, W. Africa, currents in, x. 342 river (Wari branch of the Niger), Crowther on, xxi. 483 and Biafra, British consulate estab lished at, under Becroft, ii. 228 Benjane river, S. Africa, xiii. 324 Bennett, Capt. A., visit to Daba, in Tibet, 1865., x. 165 Benoni river, Borneo, source of, xvi. 172 Ben-si-Khu Mts., N. China, coal in, xvi. 210 Bensusan, Mr., The Fiji Islands, com mercial resources of, etc., vi. 96, 97 Bent, Capt. S., cited on the thermal influence of the Gulf Stream, xv. 88. Bentham, — , work of, on Australian Flora cited, xxii. 427 Bentinck Arm, Br. Columbia latitude of, xv. 140 route via, to Cariboo, viii. 85 in relation to the proposed railway, viii. 95 Island, N. Australia, i. 259 River, B. Columbia, vi. 109 Benue, Binue, Chadda (q.v.) or Tshadda, river, W. Africa, discovered by Barth, i. 113 Barth on, i. 114 chiefs near, friendly to the English, i. 114, xxi. 495 confluence of, with the Niger, colour at, vii. 67, xxi. 485 ; Baikie's settle ment at, ix. 72, xi. 49 elevation of, in Adamawa, xvii. 23 explorations of (see Barth) — Crowther and Baikie's, 1854., xxi. 488 Vogel's (1854.), i. 16, 155, 443, 445 rise of, xvii. 25-6 volume of, xvii. 29 watershed of, i. 441 Beradeh, S. Arabia, trade, etc., of, viii. 65 Berah, Wady, Sinaitic Peninsula, hill near and inscriptions in, xiii. 208 Berak river, Cachar, India, effect of earthquakes of 1869. on, xiii. 372 Berar, Independent State, C. India, xi. 5S, depression in, forming boundary between N. and S. plateaux of India, xi. 59 Berarde, La, Valley in Dauphine', France, mountains surrounding, vii. 44-5 BER— BHA Berat river, Albania, sources of, discovered by Cora, (1875.,), xix. 422 Berbera, Somaliland, market town, seized by the Egyptians, about 1873., xxii. 446 Berbice river, B. Guiana, explored by Brown, 1871-2., xvi. 360 Berbrugger, L. A., Hon. Corresponding Member R.G.S., 1863., viii. 43 obituary notice of, 1870., xiv. 296 Berdera, Somaljland, end of Von der Decken's voyage, (1865.), x. 91, 99 Berdiansk, Sea of Azov, bight of, shoaling of water near, i. 306 volcanic rock near, i. 305 Berdistan, Persia, xi. 37 Berem river, W. Africa, gold of, Glover on, xviii. 288 perennial waters of, xx. 476 Berending, W. Africa, capital of the Barra district, i. 513 Berenice, Egypt, harbour of, as terminus for railway, iii. 196 Beresford Creek, S. Australia, discovered by Stuart, xv. 97 Berezofka river, affluent of the great Anyui river, Siberia, xxi. 216 Bergen and Berger, Great Circle Sailing methods of, reviewed, iv. 206 Bergstrasser or Bergstreusser, Dr., ex pedition of, and plans for uniting the Sea of Azov and the Caspian Sea, (1860-1.), iv. 198-9, v. 193 Berlin, Geographical Society of, xxii. 18 congratulations from, on the fall of Magdala, (1868.), xii. 174 Bermuda Islands, admiralty surveys, viii. 191 ix. 222, xi. 193, xii. 244 coral formation reefs of, iv. 85 Gulf Stream at, vii. 51 Berne, Observatory of, latitude deter mined, 1812., ix. 244 Bernier, Cape, N. Western Australia, x. 3S Island, W. Australia, x. 48 Berrima or Bong Bong, N. S. Wales, discovered by Hume, 1814., xviii. 532 Berry and Hume, expedition of, from the Clyde river, N. S. Wales, 1822., xviii. 532 Beru Fiord, Iceland, chosen as a landing place for N. Atlantio Cable, v. 63, 95 elevation of land near, v. 82 explored by Young, I860., v. 73 freedom of, from ice, v. 74 Besak, C. Asia, near Kashgar, road to, xviii. 416 Besnilo ravine, Abyssinia, depth of, xii. 300 Bashkun Canal, near Yarkand river, xiv. 61 Beshtau hill, Caucasus, Nogai Tartars of, vi. 60 Besikaona district, Madagascar, Mullens on, xxi. 157 Bessassema, Rio Grande, W. Afrioa, settle ments at, iii. 380 Bessels, Dr., of Hall's Arctic Expedition, (1870-1.), xviii. 13, 14, 15 Bessels Bay, Greenland, glacier dis charging in, xxi. 280 harbour of, xxi. 279 Bet Island, Torres Straits, i. 80 Betafo district, Madagascar, geological for mation near, Mullens on, xix. 187, 189 hot springs of, xix. 189 valley, population in, xix. 193 Bethune or Banks Bay, Arctic regions, xiii. 373, described, 374 Betsiboka river, Madagascar, xxi. 170 ; course of, xix. 196 Betsileo province, Madagascar, cultivation in, xix. 192-3 districts of, xix. 191 geographical formations in, xix. 190 plain of, xix. 189 population of, xix. 192-3 position and boundaries of, xxi. 155 tribes of, xix. 200, xxi. 155 Betsimisaraka province, Madagascar, colonists from elsewhere in, xix. 195-6, region occupied by, 200 " Betts's Mistake " Creek, Queensland, gold-diggings at, xii. 141 Beuermann, Moritz von, death of, at Mao (1863.), xi. 34 Beust, Count von, on receiving gold medals of R.G.S., for Lts. Weyprecht and Payer, 1875., xix. 361 Beverley, " Crimson Cliffs " of, Arctic regions, ix. 50 Bewa or Biwa, Lake, Japan, xviii. 237, shape of, xvii. 80 Bewsher, Lt. J. B., On survey of part of Mesopotamia and on the site of Kunaxa, 1862., xi. 155 Beyal, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 148 Beypur, Madras, bad harbour at, vii. 96 Beysough river, Sea of Azov, delta of, i. 306 Bhairava Langur, Bhalravathan or Kutighat or Deodangor (Devadhunga), i. 348-9, ii. 107-109 Bh£mo, Burma, elevation of, xiv. 347 entrepdt for Chinese trade, xi. 257 expeditions from, see Anderson, and Sladen infra, xix. 270 importance of, as trade outlet, xix. 284-5 limit of navigation of the Irawady, xiv. 349, xv. 172 Margary at, 1875., xix. 291 position of, xv. 344 Sladen's expedition (with Anderson) via, to S. W. China, 1868., xv. 172, 291, 343, 344, 345, xix. 270 58 BHA— BIS Bhamo, Burma — continued. trade routes from, to China, v. 50, xviii. 465, xix. 270, 284-5, xx. 212, 234 Bhomtso Hill, Tibet, xii. 166 Bhowani river, affluent of the Cauvery river, Madras, xiii. 78, 81 Bhutan (Bhootan), Himalaya Mts., Bogle's embassy to, 18th century, xix. 332 geological formation in, iii. 366 territory of, ceded to England, (1866.), x. 242 trade routes via, xix. 341 Bhutia (Butia or Bhotia) Cosi river, af fluent of the Ganges, Himalayas, path beside, xvii. 290 source of, i. 348, ii. 108, 113 trade route along, dangers of, xix. 339 Biafo glacier, Mustagh range, viii. 35, 36 Biafra, W. Africa, British Consulate estab lished for, (1849.), ii. 228 , Bight of, wet seasons along, i. 310 Bialdoh valley, Mustagh region, explored by Godwin-Austen, 1861., viii. 35, 36 Bibi Nani or Khani, Afghanistan, shrine of, xx. 246 Bibio river, Nile region, Petherick at, 1863., viii. 140 Biblical Researches in Palestine and the adjacent Regions, Robinson, Smith, and others, ii. 223 Bickmore, A. S., A Description of the Banda Islands, 1865., xii. 324 Journey through the interior of China, Canton to Hankow, 1866., xii. 51, xiii. 289 letter acknowledging help received from English Naval men during the latter journey, xii. 54 Travels in the Eastern Arohipelago (1868.), review, xiii. 289 Bida, capital of Nupe, W. Africa, on the Niger, Baikie at, 1857., ii. 87 ; 1859., v. 45, ix. 73-4 ; 1861-2., xi. 49 Crowther at, 1841. and 1871., xxi. 481, 487 described by Knowles, 1864., ix. 73-4 English settlement at, (1865.), x. 117 the King of, viii. 53, x. 117, xxi. 487 Bidie, G., Effect of Forest Destruction in Coorg, xiii. 74, cited 81 Biddulph, Capt. J., Report on Forsyth's Trip from Kashgar to MaralbaBhee, 1873-4.,xviii.425,430; journey of, across the Pamirs, 433 , Maj., on the Inland Sea of Japan, v. 134 , R., Treasurer of R.G.S., death of, (1864.), viii. 121 Bienne, Lake of, Switzerland, geological ' formation of St. Peter's Island in, xxii. 456 Big Boumba, W. Africa, people of, xvii. 128-9 Falls, Rama river, C. America, xii. 38-40 Bigg- Wither, T., see Wither, T. Bigg- Bight, the Great Australian, admiralty surveys of, xxi. 435 explorations of and from — Eyre's along (1841.), xix. 482 Forrest's, 1870., xix. 482, 488-9, xx. 371 Larnach's, inland from, (1865.), is. 76 settlements near, xix. 488-9 Bihe', West Africa, i. 245, xx. 121 Cameron in, (1875.), xx. 320 climate of, and possibilities of cultiva tion, xx. 324 district near, i. 246, and traveller at, 249 hills of, source of Okovango river, iv. 72 Magyar's residence in, ii. 284, x. 261 palm oil trade of, xx. 318 wax trade of, xx. 131, 319, 320, and ivory trade of, xx. 131 Bijuga (or Bissago, q.v.) Islands, W. Africa, O'Connor's expedition to, 1857., and its results, iii. 379 Bikaneer Desert,' Rahjputana, India, sur vey operations in, xix. 436 Bilashur, Central Provinces, India, coal fields of, xv. 283 Billat, ancient city, mouth of Euphrates, earlier names of, i. 287 Billeh, A\r. Africa, education at, xvii. IIS Billwass river, C. America, xiii. 61 Bimbia river, W. Africa, vi. 239 volcanic flames seen near, vi. 248 Binkoka river, Borneo, coal along, ii. 345 Bingoldagh Mt., Asia Minor, explored by Tchihatcheff, (1858.), iii. 371 Binue river, see Benue and Chadda Bir Aii, S. Arabia, coal of, xv. 320 visited by Miles, 1870., xv. 319 Birch, Hon. J. W. W., obituary notice of, 1876., xx. 401 Bird, W. W,, obituary notice of, 1858., ii. 253 Birdwood, Dr., on the Boswellia trees of Somaliland, xvi. 154 Birika peak, Mt. Owen Stanley, N. Guinea, xx. 332 Birjand, S. Persia, chief city of Kaian, xvii. 89 Birkhead Creek, Queensland, region near, x. 63 Birs Nimroud, or Nineveh, i. 47 Bisa country, C. Africa, Livingstone's last journey in, xviii. 245 Bisahir, Trans-Himalayas, iron of, xiii, 189 small-pox in, 1867., xiii. 186 BIS— BLA 59 Biscay, Bay of, deep-sea soundings iu, I860., iv- 152 swell in, ix. 174 Biscoe, Capt., journal of (1830-3.), pre sented to R.G.S.. by Enderby, ii. 171 Biserta, Tunis, described, vi. 210 lake of, and tingia fishery in, vi. 214-5 Bishar, Jebel, Sinaitic Peninsula, de scribed, Palmer at, 1868., xiii. 216 Bishari Desert, desiccation of dead animals in, Galton on, viii. 154 Bish-Aryk, Kokhand, C. Asia, plain near, xviii. 409 Bisheh river, Arabia, course of, Badger on, viii. 98, 99, 101 Bishop Point, W. Australia, viii. 116 Bisk, or Biisk, Siberia, Elias' journey to, 1873., xvii. 191 position of, xxii. 52 Bissago or Bijuga (q.v.) Islands, W. Africa, colony of, i. 42, 43 BiBsilo, W. Africa, described by O'Connor, 1858., iii. 380 Bitoka Peak, Mt. Owen Stanley, N. Guinea, xx. 332 Bitter Lakes, Egypt, area of, Fowler on, xiv. 104 elevation of basin of, Pim on, iii. 181 Richards and Clark on, xiv. 266 Water or Pori M'arenga Mkali wil derness, E. Africa, xxii. 384 Biwa Lake : see Bewa Black, Dr., on the proposed inter-oceanic Canal, C. America, i. 67 Black Irtysh river, C. Asia, Russian ex ploration of, (1864.), viii. 206 Point, Spitzbergen, ix. 308 river, affluent of the Lualaba river, xxii. 405 Sea, or Euxine, i. 306 admiralty surveys in, i. 141, 403 corn from, i. 302 density of its water, xv. 65 desirability of connecting with the Gulf of Nicomedia, Jochmus on, i. 94, 301 level of, iii. 388, 394 Physical condition of, Carpenter, xviii. 334 prevailing east winds of, in summer, iii. 208 routes to, from the Danube, i. 94 stream (Kuro Siwo, q.v.) of Japan, xiii. 109 Blackrock Bay, Formosa, aborigines of, viii. 28 Collinson on, viii. 25 Blackwell, E. T., on lakes with more than one outlet, Norwegian instance of, viii. 110 Blackwood, Capt. F. P., r.n., (H.M.S. Fly), and others, Australian and other sur veys of, ii. 241, iv. 80, vi. 135, 136, viii. 120, 193, 212, ix- 260, xii. 322 Blackwood river, W. Australia, i. 31 Blafell, Ioeland, v. 87 Blagovestohensk on the Amur, Kropot- kine's journey to, (1866.), x. 233 longitude of, and description of, xiii. 367 Blair, Lt., surveys of Andaman coast and other explorations of, 1789., vi. 41, 116 , Port, Andaman Isles, deep water at, vi. 116 settlement at, (1862.), vi. 215 Blakiston, Capt. T., awarded gold medal of R.G.S., 1861., vi. 121 ; President's speeoh, and renly, 125-6 Journey round Yezo, 1871., xvi. 188; Rawlinson on, 357-8 journey towards Tibet, I860., xix. 284 on the Yang-tse river, vi. 95 Blanc, H., Journey from Metemmen to Damrot along the W. shores of the Tana Sea, (1868.), xiii. 39 on his imprisonment in Abyssinia, xiii. 47 Blanc, Mont, height of, iii. 2, iv. 188, impossibility of exactly ascertaining, iv. 244 modern route to summit, discovered by Fellows, (1827.), v. 157 Blanca, Sierra, N. Mexico, beauty and elevation of, Wheeler on, xxii. 274-5 Blanc Sablou Bay, Labrador, latitude of, ix. 131 Blanchard, R., on the population of Vancouver (in 1857.), i. 489 Blanche Cup springs, S. Australia, geo logical formation of, iv. 93, v. 124 Blanchewater, S. Australia, 11, 22, 23 ; country near, 24 water-supplies of, ii. 20, apparently permanent, ii. 186, 188 Blanco Peak, Rocky Mts., Colorado, eleva tion of, xxi. 461 Blanford, W. T., on Baluchistan and its geology, xvii. 93 explorations in the Himalayas, 1871., xvi. 347 on lack of outlet to Seistan Lake, xvii. 94 and Edgar, exploration of Sikkim passes by, xix. 341 and Elwes, exploration of Sikkim passes bv, 1871., xix. 337-8 Blantyre, Nyassa land, Scottish Mis sionary Station established at, (1878.), xxii. 249, 374 Blappa, on the Volta river, W. Africa, xviii. 187 Blaquiere, Lord de, obituary notice of, 1871., xv. 255 Blauberg Mts., S. Africa, salt pan near, xxii. 120 Blaze, Cape, or Point, N. Australia, x, 36 ; Survey near, xiv. 197 60 BLE -BOK Blewflelds, 'C. America, destroyed by storm, xii. 30 lagoon, vi. 75 coast near, vi. 112 or Woolwa river, Notes of journey among tribes along, Wickham, (1868.), xiii. 58 Bligh, Lieut., r.n., and the mutiny of the Bounty, x. 51 Bligh's Entrance, Torres Straits, i. 80, xii. 314 Blimman district, C. Australia, aborigines of, xv. 100 Blodgett, Mr., cited on cultivable area between Lake Winnipeg and the Rocky Mts., iii. 126 Bloemhof county, S. Africa, features of, Fynney on, xxii. 118 Bloody Falls, Mackenzie river, Arctic America, fish at, i. 53 Bloomfield river, N. Queensland, explored by Hann, (1875.), xviii. 572 geological formation near, xviii. 103, 104, 105 Blonde Shoal, Yang-tse river, iii. 168 Blossom, H.M.S. (see Belcher), cruise of, in the Pacific, 1825., iv. 85, xxi. 410-11 Blue Mts., north of Albert Nyanza, dis covered by Baker, xvii. 23 — — of Guatemala, xii. 74 , Lushai district, Tanner's journey towards, (1872.), xvii. 49, 51 , N.W. America, ix. 21 of N. S. Wales, route across, viii. 118, xiv. 199 , Oregon, U.S.A., xi. 84 Nile, (see Nile and Bahr el Azrek), near Damot, Abyssinia, xiii. 44 tributaries of, vii. 80 true character of, Speke on, vii. 222 Blueberry river, B. N. America, iv. 229 Bluff, the, Otago provinoe, N. Zealand, geological formation of, vi. 71 whaling station at, i. 356 Blumlis Alps, Switzerland, first crossed by Fellows, 1827., v. 157 Blunder Bay, N. Australia, fresh water at, i. 34 N. Australian expedition at, 1 855., i. 32, 33, ii. 4 Blyden, E. W., Report on the Expedition to Falaba (W. Africa), 1872., with Appendix respecting Dr. Livingstone, xvii. 117 Blyth, P. P., on Easter Island and its inhabitants in 1826., xiv. 117 Board of Trade, Meteorological Depart ment of, work of, I860., iv. 162; 1862., vi. 152 Boaro, N. Guinea, London Missionary Station at, xxii. 221 Boasuam, Rock, Lake Nyassa, xii. 81 Boat Voyage along the Coast-lakes of Madagascar, Rooke, x. 54 along the Coast of Spitzbergen, , 1864., ix. 308 along the N. and W. Coast of Australia, 1865., Stow, x. 34 Boats, Metallic, value of, i. 422 Bobonaza river, tributary of the Pastassa, Ecuador, xxi. 557 ; see Bombonaza Boca Chica, Isthmus of Darien, ruins of Spanish forts at, i. 78 Tigris, Canton river, China, i. 331 Bode, Baron de, Sketches of Hilly Dagistto with Lesghi tribes of the Eastern chain of the Caucasus, iv. 91, 245 Bodegas, Ecuador, iii. 94 Boene, Sabi delta, S. Africa, harbour at, Erskine on, xxii. 131 Boghaz, Asia Minor, ruins of, iii. 389 Bogle, G.. journey of, to Tibet, 1774,, xix. 328, 331, 332, 334 cited on the trade and products of Great Tibet, xix. 342 Bogo-la (pass), Tibet, elevation of, xiii. 185 Bogong Mts., Victoria, Australia, Miiller's explorations in (1854.), i. 3, 4 Bogota, CroBB's journey to, from Chim- borazo across the Central Andes, (1865.), ix. 277 Bogue Forts, Canton river, i. 331, thrice taken by the English, 332 Bogwe river, branch of the Gaboon river, W. Africa, x. 128 Bohlem, W. Africa, missionary station at on the Cavalho river, vi. 67 Bohr, on the Nile, Gordon's station at, 1875., xxi. 56 Boigu Island, off N. Guinea, and its natives, xx. 93, 94, 95, 96 Mullens on, xx. 105-6 Nicholls on, xx. 108 Pass, xx. 94 river, xx. 93, 94 Boileau, Sir J. P., obituary notice of, 1869., xiii. 270 Boise" river, Oregon, U.S.A., basin of, xi. 92 benches of, xi. 93 mines near, and position of, xi. 92 mouth of, xi. 91 Bojador, Cape, W. Africa, results of the rounding of, by Prince Henry the Navigator, xii. 248 Boka, Gulf of Abyssinia, xiii. 221 Bokhara, C. Asia, cotton-growing in, viii. 273 dangers of visiting, viii. 272 dependence of, on water-canals of Samarcand, xviii. 252 described by Vambe'ry, viii. 268 houses of, x. 137 BOK— BON 61 Bokhara, C. Asia — continued, hostile to the English, iii. 145 meaning of name, Yule on, xxi. 45 Moorcroft and Trebeck's journey to (1819-25.), x. 137 murder of Oonolly and Stoddart at, xi. 219 Pazukhin at, 1671., its political and economical condition at that time, xxi. 218 rebellion in, 1865., x. 152 Russian, prisoners at, (1867.), xi. 218 trade of, Meazza on, ix. 71 Vambery's visit to, 1863., viii. 267, 269 Bolan pass, Afghan-Indian borders, Marsh's journey to India via, 1872., xxi. 582, 588 Bolivia, Baillie on, xxii. 46 ohief products of, xvii. 66 the Chulpas (monuments of), Matthews on, xxii. 48 explorations in, Gana's, 1870., xxii. 47, Rada's, 1868., xiii. 310, xv. 377, 379 Matthews on, xxii. 47 meteorological observations in, xxii. 48 potential wealth of, xxii. 50 silver mines in, xxii. 47 work of Col. Church in opening up, xxii. 48 works of reference on (1857.), i. 466 Bolivio-Brazilian frontiers, 1868., xii. 340 Bollaert, W., on the climate of N. Peru, viii. 62 on the dry atmosphere of the Andes, iv. 49 obituary notice of, 1877., xxi. 422 Boloni country, W. Africa, described by Reade, 1861., vii. 107 Bolor country, C. Asia, Rawlinson on Veniukoffs Memoir on, (1866.), x. 134, 236 meaning of word, xv. 24, xxi. 137, 139 position of, xv. 24, discussed, xvi. 245 Highlands, Additional Remarks on, Veniukoff, xiii. 342 Range, Kostenko on, xxi. 129 Shaw on, xvi. 398, 400 River, question of mapping of, x. 152 Tagh Mts., boundary of Aral Sea basin, iii. 388 Bolton, Mr., guide to Leichhardt Search expedition, (1858.), iii. 19 Boma, altitude of the Congo at, according to Burton, xxii. 406 distance of, from Isangula, Stanley on, xxii. 161 Stanley's arrival at, (1877.), xxii. 162, 163 Bomba Hills, S. Africa, described by Erskine, xiii. 336 geological formation of, and tsetse fly near, xiii. 337 Bombay, climate and temperature of, iv. 55, xi. 66 distances to, via Suez and via the Cape of Good Hope, iii. 183 future importance of, (1866.), xi. 69 harbour of, excellence of, vii. 97, xi. 31, 69, 222 hot winds of, i. 35 postal port for India, xi. 77 rainfall near, x. 266 tide- table for, issued 1870., xv. 284 trignometrical survey at, i. 371 Coast, surf of, vii. 97 Geographical Society, assistance afforded by, to Burton and Speke, ii. 53 Governor of. telegram sent by, on Livingstone and progress of expedition in search of, 1872., xvi. 410 Observatory, Buist's splendid work at, v. 152 longitude of, xxii. 351 Bombonaza river, S. America, ascended by Spruce, 1857., viii. 221 ; see Bobo- naga Bomani, E. Africa, Speke's journey to, I860., v. 12 Bompong river, Akem, W. Africa, xx. 476 Bon, Cape, Tunis, new lighthouse for, 1873, xvii. 255 Bona, Tunis, lead trade of, vi. 215 Bonaparte river, B. Columbia, vi. 109 • Bonar river, N. Queensland, v. 6 Bong, on the Indus, sandy plain of, x. 308 Bongan river, Borneo, outfall of, ii. 343, sources of, 347, tides, etc., 346 Bongo Lava, Madagascar, geological for mation of, xxi. 172 Bongoni, near Zanzibar, ruins at, xi. 36 Bongthol district, along the Upper Indus, xiii. 194 Bonin Islands, Pacific Ocean, by whom first discovered, (1827. and previously), i. 63, 173, 464 visited by Quin, 1837, i. 62 Bonji fort, C. Asia, position of, on the Indus, xv. 389 route to, from Srinagar, xi. 146 Bonkolo Range, S. Africa, position of, ii. 371 Bonna, Wady, S. Arabia, cotton cultiva tion near, xvi. 118 Bonner, see Babbage and Bonner Bonney, C, on C. Australia, v. 58 expedition in the above region, I860., v. 58, vi. 56 ¦, Point, S. Australia, ii W. Africa, inhabitants 18district and of, Thomas, Bonny river, cannibal xvii. 149 explored by Skene, (1856.), i. 156 Bonpland, A,, Humboldt's companion, i. 251 fate of his papers, etc., 1861., v. 204 62 BON— BOU Bonu, W. Africa, agricultural organisa tion in, vii. 66. Boobv Island, Torres Straits, i. 79, viii. 114, 115 Chimmo at, 1856., i. 256 navigation near, xi. 151 parallel of, vi. 200 sailing distance of, from Svdney, viii. 117,118 Boo-hwan, Formosa, villagers of, de scribed by Bullock, xxi. 269, 270 Booker, W. L., on California and its gold, xi. 96 Boo Moghdad, expedition of, in the Sahara, 1861., vi. 178 Boord. Mt., S. Australia, ii. 18 Booro Pooro or Gonnewarra (probably the Neville) river, N. S. Wales, vi. 55 Boorzil Pass, Gilgit, described by Hay ward, xv. 14 Boothia Isthmus or Peninsula, Arctic regions, animal life of, i. 53 relics from, iv. 10 sledge-journey of M'Clintock along, iv. 113 Bootler's Inlet, N. Guinea, stream, etc., in, xx. 334 Borda, Cape, S. Australia, admiralty survey near, xv. 266 Borgu, W. Africa, Rohlfs on, xi. 34 Borijee Pass, Mustakh range, viii. 35 Bori Tokai (town), Turkestan, xx. 489 Borjom, Caucasus, route via, xii. 71 Bor Kopali Island, Tenga Pani river, Assam, xxi. 591 Borneo, the Aggis race of, i. 205, xvi. 172 coalfields of, i. 207, 439, ii. 309, 345, iii. 300 Crawfurd on, i. 206-7, ii. 143, vi. 84 explorations in — Beccari's, (1869.), xiii. 297 de Crespigny's (proposed), (1856.), i. 205 ; Beechey on, i. i!06, 208 de Crespigny's, 1857., i. 439, ii. 311, 342, xvi. 356 ; see Northern, below meteorological observations in. Belcher on, viii. 9 ; Wallace on, ii. 170 mineral wealth of, i. 207, 439, ii. 309 vi. 84 native name for, ii. 143 need of surveys of, iii. 269 Northern, de Crespigny's journey in and notes on, ii. 342, xvi. 171, 17'J, xvii. 1 33 ; see explns., above rivers of, xvi. 172 vocabularies of, xvi. 179 N. Western coast of, St. John cited on, v. 197 Wallace's journey up the Sadong river in, (1856.), i. 193, 439, cf. v. 197 ; his paper on, vi. 83 Borneo — continued. Pakattan tribe of, xvii. 133 physical features of, Wallace on, vii. 207 pirates of, ii. 213 seasons in, ii. 170 work of Rajah Brooke in, i. 439, xiii. 266 Borno or Bornu, C. Africa, near Lake Chad, i. 15 alluvial plains of, ii. 218 ivory of, i. 215 river-bed discovered in by, Nachtigal, xix. 5 Rohlfs on, 1866., xi. 34 Vogel's journey in, 1855., i. 15, ii. 31 Boro river, Gobi desert, xiv. 249 Bororo or Boruru district, S. Africa, mountains of, ii.' 364 alleged minerals of, Livingstone on i. 315, Parker on, i. 314 Borotoi, Borneo, i. 196 Borotse-land, see Barotse land valley, S. Africa, great rainfall of, i. 60 Borlinger Reef, Iceland, v. 73 Bosi river, S. Africa, xix. 119. xxii. 129 embouchure of, xvii. 298 plains near, xix. 123 source of, xix. 127 Bosphorus, currents in, xvii. 254 Bossons glacier, Chamounix, shrinkage of, viii. 234 Bostan, E1-, or Shaarar hill, curious crater in, S. Arabia, xv. 320 Bosumbo, W. Africa, elevation of, vi. 240 Botany Bay, N.S. Wales, Cook's landing in, 1770., xiv. 198 Botero, G., cited on the Bources of the Nile (1640.), iii. 307 Botfield, B., obituary notice of, 1864., viii. 187 Bothnia, Gulf of, slight salinity of, Car penter on, xviii. 343 traces of ice-action in, viii. 237, 240 Botletle river, S. Africa, v. 17 Bait lake discovered by Chapman, 1S54., filled up in 1860. by, v. 18 Bougainville, Cape, N.W. Australia, x. 38, islands near, x. 39 Bouida, El, Morocco, proposed harbour at, ii. 376 Bouincabbajilimar, W. Australia, relics of white men at, xiv. 192 Boukhain-gol river, Koko-nor, xviii. 83 Boulack, Bijuga Islands, W. Africa, un- visited by white men in 1859., iii 381 Bountiful Island, Gulf of Carpentaria, l. 258, 260 Bounty, H.M.S., the mutiny of the, x. 51 sale of bolts from, providing transport expenses of Pitcairn Islanders, i. 77 BOU— BOW 63 Boure, West Africa, gold mines of, visited by Reade, xvii. 117, Blyden on, xvii. 127 Reade's journey in, 1869., xiv. 186 Bourgastai river, Mongolia, xviii. 154 Bourgbure, W. Africa, tribes at, xx. 78 Bourke, Sir R., takes possession of the present Colony of Victoria, (1836.), ix. 228 Bourkhan Bouda Mts., Tibet, xviii. 79 elevations near, xviii. 80, xxi. 328 Bourne, Mr., of Landsborough's Leich hardt search expedition, on cha racteristics of country traversed, vii. 42 on temperatures at head of the Gulf of Carpentaria, vii. 175 Bourpa, Tibet, traders from, at Daba, x. 167 Bouryat Steppe, Siberia, people of, xiii. 36!) Boussa, orBousa (q.v.), limit of navigation of the Niger, i. 114, ii. 317, xviii. 194 Boutakoff, Adm., awarded gold medal of R.G.S., 1867., xi. 178, President's speech, 180, reply of Capt. Crown, 181 Delta and Mouth of the Amu Daria or Oxus, 1848-9., 1858-9., xi. 113, Raw linson on, 114 Boutebuok flats, S. Africa, game on, ii. 372 Bovie, Lake, W. Africa, visited by Bed- ingfield, Kirk, and others, iv. 25 Bowael, W. Africa, in the Joloff Country, i. 514 Bow Island, Pacific Ocean, coral formation . of, iv. 85-6 Bow river or Saskatchewan (q.v.), B. N. America, ii. 148 passes near, iii. 123 coalfields on, xii. 141 Bowen, Sir G. F., Governor of Queens land and later of Victoria, Australia, iv. 79, 92, 195 connection of, with various explorers and explorations, v. 121, 122, 123, vii. 3, 5, 8, x. 5, 32, 33 energy of, v. 123, x. 51, 220 expedition of, (voyage along N.E. Coast of Australia), 1862., viii. 114, 116, vii. 172 on the establishment of Burketown and extension of the telegraph in Australia, x. 61 on expeditions in Australia, xix. 315, 488 on the expeditions in search of Burke and Wills, vii. 3 et seq. on Forrest's expedition in W. Australia, xix. 315, 488 on Leichhardt search expedition, x. 58-9 on Scott's expedition in Queensland, (1863.), viii. Ill Bowen, Sir G. F. — continued. on the healthiness of N. Australia, xi. 226 on the progress of Australia, xix. 315-6 on Queensland — Auriferous and other Metalliferous Districts of N. Queensland, xii. 13S goldfields in Queensland, (1864.), viii. 156 letter to, from Sir C. Nicholson, vi. 117-9 on the New Settlement in Queensland, vii. 110, 170, viii. Ill, cited 120 on Port Albany, viii. Ill, 114, cited on the same, vii. 192 on Port Denison, vi. 13 on the progress of the Colony, vii. 110-1, cited on the same, xii. 246 town named after, in Queensland, vi. 118, vii. 172 on the settlement of Somerset, Cape York, cited vii. 14, ix. 76, 79 on the survey of the Gt. Barrier Reef, viii. 114, 117, 118, 119, 211 vote of thanks proposed by, to Mur chison, 1875., xix. 360 , Lady, initiator of Queensland ladies' search expedition for Leichhardt, 1865., x. 60 Bowen Down or Downs, Queensland, dis covered by Buchanan, I860., vii. 83 cattle at, 1865., ix. 303 Landsborough at, 1865., x. 61 well watered, vii. 41 Fort, Queensland, wool-growing at, ix. 23 , Port, Queensland, Admiralty Survey of, xviii. 539 timber at, iv. 80 river, Queensland, v. 6, xii. 292 Town, now Port Denison, Queens land, vi. 118, viii. Ill, x. 249 development of, and position, x. 65, 249 extension of telegraph to, x. 328, and from, xii. 54, 55 good land near, xii. 55 Bower, Q.M.-Sergt., r.e., Memoranda on route from Shahrud to Astrabad, etc., 1873., with notes by Goldsmid, xvii. 193 Bowles, Adm. Sir W., obituary notice of, 1870., xiv. 294 Bowling Green delta, Queensland, on the Burdekin river, vii. 2 Bowman, R., of Gregory's N. Australian expedition, i. 186, 324 of the Leichhardt Search expedition, 1858., iii. 19 Bowring, Sir J., on communication be tween China and Burma, xv. 362 treatv concluded by, with Siam, (1855.), i. 13 Bowsong village, Tibetan frontier, xiv. 216, 217 64 BOZ— BRA Bozrah of Moab, Syria, journey to, from Nazareth, Eaton, (1864.), viii. 29 Bradford, W., photographic expedition along W. coast of Greenland, xv. 309 on the ruins in Greenland, xvii. 319 Brahe, — , of the search expedition for Burke and Wills, vi. 68, 69, vii. 36, 38, his mistakes, vi. 169, vii. 39 Brahma Khund or Sacred Pool of Brahma, borders of Assam, v. 48, xiv. 216, xxi. 593, 594 Brahmaputra or Dihong or Namchu or Narichuor Sangpo or Tamjunkha or Tsampu or Tsanpo river, N. India, i. 270 affluents of, v. 48, xiv. 346, 352, xix. 336, xxi. 340, 342 bridges over, cane, xiv. 217 , iron, xiv. 218 British ignorance of, xii. 169, xix. 344, xxii. 361 course of, v. 48, xii. 169, xiv. 216, xix. 329, xxi. 593 elevation of, xix. 330 explorations of, Beadon on, xix. 346 desired, Cotton on, xi. 256 Chowsam Gohain's, 1869., xiv. 216 Cooper's, 1868., xiv. 345 Coltam's, (1876.), xxi. 593 Harman's (survey) (1877.), xxii. 355 Pundit's (survey) 1865-7., xii. 146, xix. 338 ; 1873., xxi. 340 third native explorer's journey along, 1871., xix. 339 gold-fields along, xiii. 189 rapid fall of, xix. 345 slow current of, xxi. 341 sources of, ii. 300, v. 48, xii. 147, 150 trade routes via, xix. 268 watershed of, ii. 300, xii. 153, xiii. 189, xvii. 40, xviii. 464 width of, xxi. 341 Brahminabad, Scinde, Notes on the sites of ruins of, Brunton, x. 131 Brahmo, Assam borders, xiv. 216 Braidwood, N. S. Wales, xviii. 532 Braithwaite, J. B., extracts from letters of Dr. Livingstone addressed to, 1870. and 1872., xviii. 278 Braldo valiey, a source of the Indus, visited by Falconer, 1838., ii. 304 Bramble Cay, Torres Straits, i. 80 Bramston or Branston range, Queensland, vii. 83 fossil remains in, xii. 141 geological formation of, xii. 144 Brand, Consul G., on Livingstone's C. African journey and its results, 1856., i. 248-9 obituary notice of, 1861., v. 150 Brandewijne Bay, Spitzbergen, xiii. 157, 159 Brandis, Dr., on the hill culture in Burmah and E. Bengal, xvii. 53 on poison juices of the Anharis in B, Burmah, xvi. 178 Brass river, W. Africa, ii. 83 • town, visited by Burton (1861.), vi. 66 Brassey, T., obituary notico of, 1871, xv. 260 Bratt, Mr., cited on gold diggings in Guiana, ii. 156 Brattelid, the first town in Greenland, ruins of, v. 92 Brava, Somaliland, E. Africa, iii. 209, x. 98 seized by the Egyptians, about 1875., xxii. 448 view near, xvii. 341 , Rio, Madeira, fall of, ii. 369 Brazil, admiralty survey, i. 146, 407 atlas of, xiii. 311 attempts of, to close Amazon river, iii. 97, viii. 62 Bates' work in, ix. 245 work on, vii. 169 current along coast of, iv. 239 early name for (Verzino), xvi. 354 Emperor of, Hon. Corresponding Mem- ' berof R.G.S., 1864., book presented by, ix. 29 Member of International Congress at Antwerp, 1871., xvi. 133 present at evening meetings of R.G.S., xv. 365, xxi. 505, 535, speech by, 367 explorations in, (see Amazons, Bates, Markham, S. America, Wallace, etc.), x. 254 general map of, commenced, 1871., xv. 303 Martius' work on, i. 169 maps of, presented to R.G.S., xv. 365 mountain districts of, Wallace on, viii. 61 native community of free negroes in, vi. 52 Osborn on the opening up of, xv. 379 railways in construction in, I860., iv. 175 Report of Province of the Parana, Vereker, vi. 74 Southern, and Eastern Provinces of the Rio de la Plata, Hinchliff s explora tions in, 1863., viii. 220 surveys in, ix. 247, xv. 303 Brazilo-Bolivian frontiers, 1868., xii. 340 Brazilo-Paraguayan frontiers, (1872.), xviii. 120 Brazuelo, Hondo, branch of the Putomayo river, xxi. 578 Brazza, Lt. Count de, expedition of, up the Ogowe river, W. Africa, 1876., xx. 442, xxi. 473, xxii. 13. 377 BRK-1HU 65 Breadalbane, Marquis of, obituary notice of, 1863., vii. 131 Breadalbane, ship, drift course of, in Arctic ice, (1856.), i. 25 Breaksea Island, N. S. Wales, lights on, port of call for homeward-bound steamers, ii. 268 Spit, Queensland, admiralty survey near, xiv. 308 Breeze river, Congo region, xix. 86 Bre'ga, Egypt, latitude of, and wells at, xx. 357 Breithamerkr Jokull, Iceland, advance of, xx. 22 Brekofsky Island, delta of Yenisei river, Siberia, xxii. 107 Brelum, Siam, geographical position and inhabitants of, vi. 81 Bremer, Adm. Sir G., cited on Port Essingtou, iii. 88, 91 , Mt., N. Australia, forest o,nd scrub near, viii. 117 , River, Queensland, coal-fields on, xii. 141 Brenner, — , exploration of Dana river, E. Africa, by, 1806., xvi. 127 Brett, J. W., obituary notice of, 1864., viii. 188 Bridge or Basalt Island, or Kihwa, Viet. Nyanza, flat country near, xx. 42 named by Stanley, xx. 155-6, xxii. 389 Bridgett, R., Eastern Siberia and the Amoor (1868.), xiii. 365 Bright, Sir C. T., on proposed over land telegraphic communicatiou with India, v. 222 Synopsis of the N. Atlantic surveys of the Fox under Capt. Allen Young, (1861.), v. 70 Brilliante river, Brazil, railways along, 1872., xx. 455 Brine, Capt.. L., expedition up the Sikiang river, S. West China, under McCle- verty, 1859., iv. 191, v. 197; remarks on the same, v. 238 On the Ruined Cities of C. America (title only), xvii. 67 On the Voloanic eruption of Santorin island (1866.), (visit of H.M.S. Racer), x. 317 Brinjga diwan (pass), route through, to Ilohi, xi. 9 Johnston at, xi. 10 Brisbane, Gen. Sir T. M., encouragement afforded by, to exploration in Australia, ix. 226 obituary notice of, I860., iv. 119 Brisbane, Queensland, i. 325, 342, 368, 496, vii. 7, 110, 171, xi. 151, 195, xviii. 48 Botanical gardens at, viii. 116 cotton from, sold in London, 18(13., vii. 115 Brisbane, Queensland — continued. development of, viii. 119, 120, 292, x. 246-7 expeditions and explorations — Leichhardt's from, to Perth, 1848., x. 59, 60 to Port Essington, 1844., iii. 33 Walker's explorations from, vi. 174 extension of mail communication from, x. 328 geological formation at, xii. 142 observatory founded by Col. Sir T. Brisbane, iv. 121, 123 prosperity of (in 1861.), viii. 192 sheep from, at Somerset, xii. 321 steamer communication with Singapore, ix. 77, x. 52 'river, admiralty surveys of, xvii. 256, xviii. 539, xxi. 436 river, auriferous promise of, xii. 140 coal deposits on, xii. 141 rock-levels in, showing rise of coast, vii. 42 Brisk, H. M.S., conveying Speke and Grant to E. Africa, v. 12 Bristol channel, admiralty survey of, i. 138 Bristow, H. B., of Cadell's N. Australian expedition (1867.), river discovered by, xii.. 262 Bristowe Island, N. Guinea, xviii. 33, xx. 254 Britannia Cape or Island, Arctic regions, latitude of, xxi. 118 British Association meetings : — Dundee, 1867., xii. 7 Norwich, 1869., xiii. 4 Liverpool, 1870., xv. 4 Edinburgh, 1871., xvi. 82-3 Brighton, 1872., xvi. 443, 450, xvii. 7 Bradford, 1873., xviii. 7 Belfast, 1874., xix. 4, 63, xxi. 24 Bristol, 1875., xx. 8, 9, 79, xxi. 24 Glasgow, 1876., xxi. 20, 24, 66 Plymouth, 1877.. xxii. 9 Burmah, British and native rule con trasted, as to results in, Fytche, 1867., xii. 198 Crawfurd on, xii. 204 progress of geographical knowledge of, Crawfurd, 1868., xii. 264 Trade routes between, and W. China, Coryton, xix. 204 use of " Antiaris " poison in, xvi. 178 Columbia (see also Vancouver Id.), admiralty surveys of, iv. 155, v. 176, vi. 136, vii. 142, viii. 191, ix. 222, i. 219, xi. 194, xii. 244, xiii. 280, xiv. 306, xv. 265 and Proposed Emigrant Route from Pembina to Vale, Kelly, vi. 231 V 66 11RI— BRO British Columbia — continued. " Benches" of, Begbie, xv. 133 boundary of, (1859.), iv. 35 coal and minerals in, ii. 147, iii. 318, iv. 172, 253, viii. 85, 91, ix. 17, 307, xiii. 383 Crawfurd on, ix. 20 expeditions and explorations — early and other, summarized, 1859., Murchison on, iii. 322 Mayne, Palmer, and Begbie's, 1859., iv. 33 Milton and Cheadle's, 1862., ix. 17 see Palliser Geography of, and condition of the Cariboo goldfields, Palmer, viii. 87 geological formatin ion, iv. 226, 229 glaciers of, xii. 126 gold of, iii. 322-4, iv. 37, 172, 229, 253, vi. 108, 233, viii. 87, 90 images in, Belcher on, xiv. 118 landslips in, Begbie on, xv. 141 minerals of, vi. 233 mixed population of, viii. 90 pines, etc., of, viii. 92 progress of geographical knowledge of, 1864., vii 215 Routes to and products of, Kelly, vi. 107 soil of, viii. 93 Commercial intercourse with China, (I860.), iv. 192, v. 198 British Guiana, coffee-growing in, Craw furd on, ii. 157 explorations in, Brown's, 1870., and 1872., xv. 122, 304, xxii. 369 ; Holmes and Campbell's, 1857, ii. 154 gold of, ii. 154 Report on the Kaicteur Waterfall in, Brown, 1870., xv. 122, 304 Schomburgk's boundary survey of, i. 469 N. American Expedition (Palliser's), 1857., i. 320, 460, ii. 38, 39, 45, 146, 292, iii. 122, 219, 317, iv. 35, 73, 76, 169, 228, 231, 252-3 Settlements, The, in W. Africa (1861.), O'Connor, vi. 15 Broad Sound, Queensland, iv. 80, 81, v. 5, 6 admiralty survey, xviii. 539, xix. 409, xx. 408; and tidal observations in, xxii. 336 auriferous promise of, xii. 140 Cornish's expedition from, 1861., vi 67,68 geological formation of, xii. 142 settlers on, v. 5, 122 wool from district of, vii, 114 Brodie, Sir B., on Livingstone's Zambesi and other Expeditions, ii. 131 obituary notice of, 1863., vii. 130 Brodribb, Mr., on N. Australia as a wool- producing land, vii. 177, cited on the same, x. 89 Brodrick, Hon. G. C , on Public School Prize Medals, (Study of Geography in Schools), xv. 236, xvi. 289, xx. 373; (China), xviii. 491-2, xix. 363 ; (Nile), xxi. 403; (N. Africa), xxii. 302 Broikow Island, Siberia, latitude of, x, 234 Broken Bay, N. S. Wales, admiralty survey of, xii. 245, xvii. 256 river, Queensland, geological forma tion of the district, xii. 143, xviii. 90 Bromby's Island, N. W. Australia, i. 501 Bromd, volcano, Banda Islands, xii. 327 Brooke, Sir A. de Capell, obituary notice of, 1859., iii. 250 Sir J. (Rajah Brooke of Sarawak)— work of, in Borneo, i. 439 obituary notice of, 1869., xiii, 266 Brooking, J. H., obituary notice of, 1869., xiii. 270 Broughton, Lord, obituary notice of, 1870., xiv. 293 Brown, A., Notes on Rangoon, 1867., xi.148 , C. B., explorations of, up the Amazon, (187S.), xxii. 369, in British Guiana, i (1872.), xvi. 359-60, of the Kaieteur Waterfall, 1870., xv. 122, 304, xxii. 369 , J., author of " N. West Passage and the search after Sir J. Franklin," ii. 291 obituary notice of, 1861., v. 151 , McLeavy, on Williamson's travels in Shansi, and on the opium trade and coal in China, xiii. 35, 36 ¦. , Queensland, vii. 83 , R. (Senior) — botanical explorations in Australia, xxii. 427 cited on fossils, etc., in Melbourne gold mines, i. 454 plant life of W. Australia, iii. 54 resultB of his botanical discoveries, xii. 296 obituary notice of, 1859., iii. 237 , R. (Junior) — Exploration in the Interior of Vancouver Island, 1864., ix. 305 Heights and positions of Principal Mountains and Hills in Iceland, (table) xii. 137 Journey across the Cascade Mts. into E. Oregon and description of Idaho territory, 1865., xi. 84, 93 On the Formation of Fjords, Canons and Benches, xiii. 144, cited, xiv. 327 On the Physical Geography, etc., of the Queen Charlotte Islands, (1866.), xiii. 381 Brown, Mt., Rocky Mts., ii. 51, height of, iii. 320, pass in, i. 462 Brownell, Dr., of Petheriok's 1861. expedi tion, death of, viii. 130 BRO— BUL 67 Brown's Creek, xv. 99 Broyon-Mirambo, P.,' Description of Un- yamwesi, Territory of King Mirambo, and the nearest route thither from the East Coast (of Africa) 1877., xxii. 28 Bru, Iceland, swing bridge at, v. 83 Bruce, J., confirmation of his report on his travels in AbyBsinia, v. 214, xii. 6 , Sir F., Chinese policy of, xiii. 182 Brunei, I. K, obituary notice of, I860., iv. 123 Bruni, Borneo, i. 206 Brun, Malte, cited on polar currents, iv. 238 Brunner, — , exploration by, of Middle Island, N. Zealand, 1846-7., ix. 34 Brun-Rollet, settlements plaoed by, on the White Nile, 1856., i. 157 Brunton, J., on Kurrachee Harbour, xi. 30 Notes on the ruins of Brammabad, Soind-, x. 131 Brrjsa, Turkey-in-Asia, effect of earth quake of 1854 on courses of rivers near, ii. 378 Brussels geographical conference, 1876., xxi. 16, 60, 394, 395, 407, 475, 476, 497, 601-2. etc., xxii. 22 Bryce, J., on Armenia and Mt. Ararat, xxii. 169, 185 Bsyb, or Kobosh river, Black Sea, tribes of, vi. 60 Buam, Russ. Turkestan, ravine, source of Tchui river, xviii. 250 — - river, and Hills, Borneo, ii. 346 Buban, Mt., Cachar, India, elevation of, xvii. 52 Bubastis, Egypt, junction of Omar's canal with the Nile at, iii. 182 Bubboo Pass, Himalayas, elevation of, xv. 337 Buchanan, Dr. F., mission of, with Col. Symes to Burmah, 1795, i. 269 , J. Y. (Challenger expedition), On the Distribution of Salt in the Ocean as indicated by tl e Specific Gravity of the Waters, xxi. 255, 258 , R., member of Cornish's expedition in Australia, vi. 68, vii. 7, also with Landsborough, 1862., and 1865., vi. 68, x. 64 discoverer of Bowen Downs, I860., vii. 83 ; of a Salt Lake, x. 64, 65 Buckingham, J. S., obituary notice of, 1866., i. 118 Buckingham Bay, Gulf of Carpentaria, discovered by Cadell, 1867., xii. 262 Buckland, Dr. W., obituary notice, 1867., i. 383 Buokley, — ,rescued from among Australian aborigines, 1835., ix. 305, x. 60 Bnda, province of Tuat, N. Africa, ix. 313 Buda-Pest, Cape, Arctic regions, xix. 26 Budw, Borneo, rice cultivation near, i. 196 Buenaventura Bay, Colombia, S. America, i. 466 Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic, ad miralty surveys at and near, i. 407, 468, ii. 268 desert plains near, elevation of, xvii. 61 topographical survey of, and map, (1866.), x. 256 water jurisdiction of, i. 170 Buffalo Mts., Victoria, Australia, i. 4 river, S. Africa, xiii. 337 Bugeyeya Island, Vict. Nyanza, xx. 147 Bugis natives, vessels and trade of, xii. 326 Bugran river, Afghanistan, valley sur* veyed by Cooper, 1841., xx. 247 Buha, Nyassaland, i. 76 Buhay, S. Arabia, route via, xviii. 195 Buila river, Congo region, Cameron's difficulties at, xix. 86 Buist, Dr. G., secretary Bombay Geogr. Soc. ii. 53 & The geology, etc., of the Curia Muria Islands, iv. 50 work of, at Bombay observatory, v. 1 52 obituary notice of, 1861., v. 152 Buiti, Wasegeyu district, E. Africa, New at, 1874., xix. 322 Bujnurd, Persia, district near, xx. 172 Bukhtarian Mts., Persian Gulf, viii. 19 Buksaah, Wady, Sinaitic Peninsula, old road via, x. 159 Bukwa, Afghanistan, road from Khor- Malik to, xxi. 586 Bulama Island, W. Africa, Beechey on, i. 156 ; O'Connor on, i. 42, iii. 384" Bul-oho (lake), Tibet, and its borax, xix. 340 Bulkeley, expedition of, to Behring Strait, 1866., xi. 39 Bulger hill, W. Australia, xiv. 192 Bull Bay, Newfoundland, terminus of the first N. Atlantic Cable, vii. 143 Bulldog, H.M.S., Survey of, for N. Atlantic Cable line to America, (I860.), McClin tock, v. 62, others, v. 70 et seq. Builen, Fort, on Gambia river, W. Africa, i. 513 Buller, Mt., Victoria, Australia, i. 4 river, N. Zealand, Brnnner's journey down, 1846-7., ix. 34 Bullock, Adm. F., on Japan, charts by Japanese and on Tsusima Island, vii. 63 ; obituary notice of, 1874., xviii. 534 , T. L., A Trip into the Interior of Formosa, 1873., xxi. 266 Bulloo, Mt., Queensland, sheep pastured near (1862.), vi. 70 water, the Viotorian camel expedi tion at, vii. 38, 39 Bulun - Tokhoi, C. Asia, astronomical determination of position of, (1874.), xviii. 562 68 BUL— BUR Bull's Meadow, Mt. Shasta, California, xix. 295 Bully Creek, Queensland, x. 65 Bu-Manda, C. Africa, ivory trade route via, i. 215, 216 Bumaranah, N.S. Wales, vii. 84 Bumbireh Island, Vict. Nyanza, extent of, xx. 42 Bunarbashi-su (river), A. Minor, identifi cation of, with the Seamander, iii. 385 Bunder Abass (see also Gombrun), Persian Gulf, Goldsmid's journey from, 1871., xvii. 86 origin of British occupation of, Rawlin son on, i. 285 Pelly's visit to, 1863., viii. 18, 19, 265 ruler of, viii. 18 value of, as a port, Pelly and others on, viii. 19, 265 Dielum, Persia, ruins near, viii. 19 Khunderoon or Meerazege, Persian Gulf, cultivation and people of, xi. 38 ¦ Marayah, Somali fort, latitude of, xvi. 150 Bunder-punch-ke-ghattee Mt., or great and little " E," Himalaya^, height of, ii. 109 Bunder-Rig, Persian Gulf, ruins at, i. 282 Bungay, (E. Tibet), information on, given by French missionaries, xiv. 219 Bunjaai, on the Salis river, S. Africa, ruins of, and tsetse fly near, x. 173 Bunnaroo, W. Australia, xiv. 194 Buonaparte river, B. Columbia, and its affluents, xv. 140 Bur'aah, Jabal, S. Arabia, xviii. 195, 200 Burbo, Cavalha river, W. Africa, vi. 67 Burcbell, W. J., obituary notice of, 1863., vii. 134 Burckhardt, J. L., explorations of, in the Hauran, ii. 173, 174-5 Burdekin river, Queensland — affluents of, xviii. 90 auriferous watershed of, xii. 141 country near, i. 495, 498, 499, v. 4 course of, 4, 6, 7 explorations of — Dalrymple's, (I860.), v. 6, 7, vii. 2, 13, viii. 110, 112, 113, with others, vi. 118-9, x. 34 Gregory's journey along (1856.), i. 325, 342, 368, 495, vii. 9 Smith's exploring expedition to, (I860.), v. 121, 122 Spitfire expedition to, I860., v, 122-3 Neumayer's (proposed) near, xii. 287 geological formation along, and at head of, xii. 140, 142, 143 junction of, with Cape river, i. 368 ¦ St. Antill creek, viii. 112 Suttor river, xii. 141 Leiehhardt's discoveries on, and route \via, vii. 9, 37 Burdekin river, Queensland — continueil. named by Leichhardt, viii. 118 outfall of, v. 4, vii. 13, x. 34 route via, x. 326 settlements on, proposed, vi. 119, estab lished (1862.), vii. 36 sources of, vi. 119, viii. 113 Burdwood, Stff.-Comm., Azimuth tables computed by, ix. 223 retirement from the Hydrographical Department, 1870., xiv. 309 Bureia Mts., E. Siberia, true outline of, viii. 201 Burel, Somaliland, country described by Miles, (1872.), xxi. 153 Burgenei, C. Africa, route to, and monn- tains north of, i. 9, 10 Burges, L., mountain named after, W, Australia, iii. 39 on exploration of C. Australia, v. 9 , W., residence of, W. Australia, iii. 51 Burgoyne, Capt., r.n., drowned in H.M.S, Captain, obituary of, 1871., xv. 257 , Lt.-Gen. Sir John, on the award to Corporal Church, r.e., i. 115 , S., of the Leichhardt search expedi tion, 1858., iii. 19 Burhampooter river, see Brahmaputra Buri peninsula, Abyssinia, people of, xiii. 221 Buriat Steppe, see Bouryat Burjpeer hill, India, N.W. Frontier, snow on, xv. 388 Burke, Fort, (Bourke), Queensland, ii. 94, vii. 112, 174 Burke, R. O'H., awarded posthumously gold medal of R.G.S., 1862., vi. 121, 123, Presideut's speech and reply of the Duke of Newcastle, 124; 174, ix. 205, xix. 41 and Wills, W. J., leaders of the Victorian Camel expedition from Melbourne to the Gulf of Carpentaria, I860., v. 8, vi. 167 expedition of — account of journey northwards, vi. 54, 70 course of expedition, v. 8, vi. 24, 41, 53, 67, 167, 174, 189, 194, Report of Committee on, vii. 35 ; ix. 75, 226, 230, 301, 302, 303, x. 61, xii. 295, xiv. 290, xv. 297 discoveries made by, vi. 171, vii. 37, 41, 53, 67, 68-71, xiv. 200, 201 of a mountain range, ix. 302, , probably auriferous, xii. 140, 144 results of expedition as regards the Central desert theory, vi. 54, 58, x. 230, xii. 295 , geographical and geo logical, xii. 140-4, 295, xiv. 200, 201, 203 BUR-BUR 69 Burke and Wills — continued. expedition of — continued. results of, other, vi. 174, vii. 6, 10, 42, 111, 113, 174, xii. 287, 289, 295 routo followed by, vi. 54, 70, vii. 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 169, xii. 140 fate of, vi. 24, 41, 53, 56, 68, 71, 121, 123, 125, 168-9, 170-1, vii. 9, 10, 36, 40, 41, 84, 174, ix. 230, 231, x. 63, xiv. 290, xix. 29 traces of, found by M'Kinlay, vi. 170-1, 194, vii. 84, 85, 113 ; by Walker, vii. 6, 37, 112 funeral and memorial to, in Mel bourne, vi. 70, vii. 37, 173 monument to, in Devonshire, vi. 57 Burke district, N. Australia, Burke's Land, suggested name for, vi. 70, 1 68, 174, 195 expeditions in, vii. 173 Landsborough in, (1868.), xii. 56, xiii. 52, 53, 55 pastoral wealth of, x. 248, 326-8 Walker in, (1866.), xii. 54 Burketown, N. Australia, newly settled, 1865., x. 61, xi. 43, Cadell at, 1867., xii. 201 development of, x. 248, 328 M'Intyre at, (1866-67.), ii. 43, 227 oldest settlement on Gulf of Carpentaria, xiii. 52 port of, x. 248 telegraphic extension to, xii. 54, 55 unhealthiness of, (1866.), xi. 43 Walker at, (1866.), xii. 54 Burku, Wady, Sinaitic Peninsula, xiii. 208 Burmah (see also British Burmah) — American missionaries in, (I860.), iv. 189 borderlands of, Crawfurd on, xi. 52 — Lewin on, ib. Brandis on, xvi. 178, xvii. 53 coal in, vii. 58, xvii. 344 Crawfurd on, i. 271, 272, 273 Crawfurd's embassy to, and others, ii. 208-9 Expeditions and explorations — early geographical expeditions and surveys in, i. 269 Grosvenor's, 1876., xxii. 345 Sladen'a in and from, 1868., xvi. 305, xv. 172, 343, 362-3 good harbours in, xi. 222 Kachyens of, Sladen on, xv. 347 Karens of, Crawfurd on, vi. 83 Notes on the Geography of, Yule, i. 269,440 progress of geographical knowdedge of, 1878., xxii. 346 route from, to the Shan States, O'Reilly, vi. 83 state of, in 1867., Brown on, xi. 148 Burmah — continued. surveys of, etc., 1857., i. 440 difficulties of, xix. 437, 438 ¦ incomplete, iii. 268 (1878.), xxii. 355-6 trade of with China, xv. 164-5, 172, 363 routes between, and W. China, Coryton, xix. 264 and education in, and ethno logical characteristics of, xi. 148 Burmese route from Assam to the Hoo- koong Valley (1868.), Jenkins, xiii. 244 Burmo-Chinese frontier and Shan States, route surveys of, i. 270 railway schemes, xix. 284 rivers and trade, Sladen on, xv. 362 trade communications, Rawlinson on, xv. 364 Burnes, Sir A., labours of, in India, ii. 304 Burnett, Com., H.M.S. Pioneer, cited on anchorages at Rockingham Bay. viii. Ill on survey of the Great Barrier Reef, viii. 115 District, Queensland, Gregory's journey through, i. 496 river, Queensland, and region near, i. 368 Burney, Ven. Archdeacon, obituary notice of, 1865., ix. 213 Burnt Island Lake, Canada, ii. 294 Burra Bunghal Mts., Himalayas, snow on, xv. 338 Burra-burra, S. Australia, coal in, xii. 315 copper mines of, i. 455, ii. 29, xii. 315 range, S. Australia, quartz of, iv. 84 Burrard Inlet, B. Columbia, fine opening of, admiralty surveys of, iv. 155, v. 176 Bur Sallum, W. Africa, boundarv of, iii. 378 Brir Sin, King of, W. Africa, treaty con cluded with, by O'Connor, 1856., iii. 377 Burt, — , of Warburton's Australian expedition, camel journey by, (1873.), xvii. 277 Burton, Capt. Sir R. F., xix. 152, xx. 75, xxi. 235 awarded gold medal of R.G.S., 1856., President's speech, iii. 217, reply, 219 ; iii. 301, v. 239, vii. 213 Account of Ascent of Cameroons Mts., W. Africa, 1862., and its capabilities, vi. 177, 187, 238 altitude of Congo at Boma as detern ined by, xxii. 406 • (with others) Ascent of the Ogun or Abbeokuta river, (1862.), vi. 49, 04 on the disturbances in C. Africa, 1871., xvi. 104 On the East African Expedition, 1857., ii. 52; and on non-English expedi tions in Africa, ii. 53-4 70 BUR-BUV Burton, Capt. Sir R. F. — continued. explorations of — in Brazil, (1869.), xii. 261, xiii. 311 of Elephant Mt., Batonga Country, 1862., vii. 21, 104 to Mecca and Medina, and Harrar, i. 159, 176, xxi. 349 in N. America, I860., v. 1 Lake Tanganyika, Ptolemy's Western Lake Reservoir of the Nile, ix. 6, 1 2, elevation of, xvi. 131 on the native wares, etc., of E. Africa, iii. 357 on S. Arabia and its explorers, xvi. 122 on Stanley's explorations of Victoria Nyanza, xx. 49 On the Ukara or Ukerewe Lake of Equatorial Africa, xvi. 129, 131 work of, on Iceland, referred to, xx. 416 cited on elevation of Ujiji hills, xix. 145, 150 cited on elevation of Lake Tanganyika, viii. 262 ; on its volcanic character, xix. 260 and Drake, R. T., Explora tion of the Tuliil el safii, the Volcanic region east of Damascus, and the Umm Niran Cave, 1871., xvi. 104, 334, xvii. 18 and Speke, Capt. J. H. (q.v.) on the discovery of Lake Ujiji, etc., 1858., iii. Ill, cf. 210 on explorations in Eastern Africa, iii. 210, 348 East African journeys of, 1857-8, i. 159, 181, 309, 450, ii. 52, 318, 323. 324, iii. Ill, 210, 217, 301, 347, 348, 352, iv. 40, 175, 182, 251, v. 107, 139, vi. 185, 207, vii. 22, 109, 183, 184, 191, 192, 194, 196, 213, viii. 262, xi. 239, xvi. 127, 380, xviii. 144. xix. 248, 253, 255, 262, 317, xx. 38, 47, 326, xxi. 233, xxii. 464 Burton Gulf, Lake Tanganyika, named by Stanley, xxii. 401 Burtt, Corpl., exploration of, near Mt. Serle, S. Australia, (1859.), iii. 152, 335, 337 Biinijird, Persia, pleasant summer climate of, i. 360 route to, i. 357 Bury, Lord, on the Rocky Mountain region, iii. 125 "Bus," sunken Land of, Wallich on, xvii. 320 Biisa or Busah, on the Niger, alleged navigability of tho river below, ii. 87 ; importance of, ii. 98 ; see Boussa Park killed at, i. 445 Bush Island, Formosa, geological forma tion of, x. 122 Bush Mand, N. China, rapid formation of, iii. 59 Bushell, Rev. R., see New, Rev. C. . , S. W., Notes of a Journey outside the Great Wall of China, 1872., xviii, 149 Bushia Valley, Turkestan, elevation of, and inhabitants, i. 275, 276 Bushir or Bushire, Persian Gulf, battle near, i. 281 burial jars at, i. 49 chart of, vii. 139 chief port of Persian Gulf, and district of, described by Pelly, viii. J 9 climate of, i. 289 Colvill's journey from, (1866.), xi. 36 English resident at, i. 285 inhabitants of district of, i. 290-1 as a military base, i. 355 as the natural port of Shiraz, viii. 19,20 Notes on journey from, to Shiraz. Mon- teith, i. 279 passes near, i. 288, 293, 321 probable former name of, i. 284 routes from, to Shiraz, i. 279, 293 Stalker at, i. 352 suzerainty of, viii. 18 Bushmen of Australia, see Australia, Aborigines Bushman and Namaqualand Districts, Cape of Good Hope, Moffat's journey in (title only), ii. 77 Busrah, Bussorah or Bassorah, Persian Gulf, i. 292, 361 caravan route via, viii. 19, 20 cotton of, viii. 21, xi. 158 indigo of, i. 361 Journey to, from Baghdad, (1849-50.), Loftus, i. 45 telegraphic commnnication to Con stantinople established from, v. 219, and extended to Baghdad, 220 Bussa, Niger river, see Busa and Boussa Bussaaf, Persia, plain of, xi. 37 Bute Inlet, Br. Columbia, viii. 85, 91 glaciers at, xii. 126 terminus of Canadian Pacific Railway viii. 92, xii. 122-4 Butler, Maj., on the forests of Canada and on dealing with Indians, xx. 299 , Rev. G., cited on Public School examination in Geography, xvii. 233-4 . Rev. P., obituary notice of, 1868., xii. 230 Butte Valley, California, Alkali desert of, xix. 295 ; European settler in, xix. 295 Butterworth or Goa river, S. Africa, i. 511 Buttes, the, of Oregon, described, xi. 87 , Mt., California, xix. 297 — -, the Three, N. American boundary line, country near, geological formation and tribes of, xx. 292-3 Buvaau river, S. Africa, xiii. 337 BUX-CAL Buxton, Sir E. Fowell, on the African Exploration Fund, xxi. 497 seconding resolution regarding the Slave Trade, xxi. 610 , Sir E. N., obituary notice of, 1859., iii. 256 Buyantu river, Mongolia, affluent of the Jabkan river, source and course of, xvii. 188 Buzgush Mts., Persia, KhanikofFs ex plorations in, (1862.), vi. 163 Buzimani river, feeder of Lake Sankorra, Congo region, xx. 125 Bwera plateau, Nile region, xxii. 396 Bweyu or Boyya, Zanzibar, curious beach at, xx. 72 Byain Martin Channel, Arctic regions, i. 22 ice in, iv. 8 stream or tide in, i. 24, iv. 8 Byelaws of R.G.S. (see Wells), Lee on, xiv. 277 Byin, Umzilas' military Kraal, S. Africa, xix. 117 Bylandt, Count, on Dutch and English naval exploits, xvii. 106 Bynoe creek and river, the main branch of the Flinders river, Carpentaria, Casuarina trees on, xiii. 54 land near and navigability of, xii. 57 Byron Bay, Greenland, v. 96 river debouching at, v. 66 i' Caballa, W. Africa, and its chief, xvii. 128 Caballo Mts., New Mexico, geological formation of, xxii. 274 Cabango, S. E. Africa, Livingstone at, 1855., i. 92, 315 Cabecera del Mar, inlet, Patagonia, xv. 41 Cabongra river, Victoria, Australia, i. 3 Cabal, Affghanistan ; — difficulties of route vi§, to India, i. 298-9 Elphinstone's journey to, 1808., x. 1 39 Mirza's journey from to Kashgar, 1868., xv. 181 route to from Khokan, iii. 145 Cachabi river, Ecuador, iii. 94 Cachar distriot, Assam, Eastern boundary of, xvii. 54 Hills, Earthquake in, 1869., Godwin- Austen, xiii. 370 Cadastral Survey, United Kingdom, pro gress of, vi. 140, vii. 144, viii. 195 Cadell, Capt., exploration of N. Australian Coast by, 1867., xii. 261-2 On the country E. and N. of the Grey and Stanley Ranges, vi. 55, xii. 201 opens the Murray river to navigation, 1853., iii. 338-9 Cadiz Bay, Spain, riVers entering and currents in, xv. 91 Caffuriout, Nile region, xx. 360 Cagayan Sulu near Borneo, Account of, Chimmo, xv. 384 Cagmar, Nile region, plain near, xx. 359, an oasis in wet season, 360 Caia, Zambesi river, native fish-curing works at, iii. 364 Caillance, wreck of, at Camden Harbour, x. 42 Cairo, Egypt, i. 447 ; date of annual rise of Nile at, iii. 211 Caiora, S.C. Africa, i. 76 Cairoan, Tunis, a holy place, vi. 214 Cajabamba, Ecuador, landslip at, and effects, xxi. 560 Calabar, (see also Old Calabar), W. Africa, climate of, and missionaries in, (1872.), xvi. 137 Calabash Kay, Belize, geological formation • at, xii. 343 Caiagouk Island, see Curlew Island Calcutta, climate of, v. 127, xi. 65, 77 harbour of, xi. 221-2 as a market for Australian sheep, x. 328 as a metropolis, xi. 220 rainfall of, x. 64 in relation to the Trigonometrical Sur vey, i. 370 Caldera, Chile, proposed railway from, across the Andes, iv. 45 Caldwell, Dr. H. C, c.s.n., Notes of exploration of the Isthmus of Darien, (1856.), i. 484 Caledonia Bay, Isthmus of Darien, in connection with projected canal, i. 69, 88, 484, vi. 77 good harbour of, ix. 279 maps of, erroneous, i. 486 river, Isthmus of Darien, i. 88 Caledonian Canal, Scotland, dimensions of, iii. 189 ; locks on, i. 06 Calheta, Madeira, meteorological observa tions at, ii. 371 California, advantages of opening mail- route in, vi 234 biundary between, and Oregon, xix. 2! 15 earthquake in, (1865.), xi. 94 geographical work of U.S.A. in, xv. 273-4; xvii. 272 gold in, xi. 96, xix. 293-4 ; early expec tations of, (1578.), i. 469 hot wind of, i. 35 lofty passes to, across Rocky Mts., ii. 124 loss of, by England, 1837-42., iv. 36 Modoc Region -of, Simpson, (1875.), xix. 292 quicksilver mines of, iii. Ill wheat cultivation in, xi. 96 Whymper's reports on, cited, xiii. 285 72 UAL— CAM California, Gulf of, rock-salt on shores of, xix. 306 Calipo village, Formosa, xix. 515 Oalistoga, California, geysers near, xix. 294 Callao, Peru, geographical position of, i. 469-70 route from, across the Andes,Hutchinson, xviii. 204 temperature at, xii. 318 Calmuck migrations from the Volga to Lake Balkash, 1771., xi. 166 Calneh, see Niffar C.ilutzo Lake, Tibet, discovered by Bogle, 1774., xix. 332 Cambille, S.C. Africa, i. 75 Cambira, S.C. -\fiica, i. 75 Cambodia, Ashburton on, vi. 80 Campbell's work on, referred to, iv. 190 coal in, vi. 81 explorations in, French, (Garnier's), 1868., xii. 136, xiii. 56; McMahon on, xviii. 463; Rawlinson on, xvii. 263 ; Mouhot'B Travels in, 1859., iv. 190, vi. 80 King's travels in, 1959., iii. 365 French settlement in, I860., iv. 190, vi. 82 great river of, (Mekong, q.v.), i. 270, xiv. 344 political condition of, i. 13., iv. 216 vi. 82 ruined temples of, iii. 365, ix. 85, xvii. 263 Visit to the Ruined Palaces and Build ings of, (1865.), Bastian, ix. 85 Cambridge Bay, Arctic Regions, i. 96 late opening of the fishing season in 1853., iv. 9 Gulf, N. W. Australia— colooy at, advocated, i. 256, 449, 458, iii. 91, v. 57, 59, 206, vi. 168, 171, 172, viii. 211, ix. 232, x. 38; established, 1856, x. 251 high land near, iii. 334, iv. 82 need tor further exploration near, xii. 291, xix. 55 Camden Harbour, N.W. Australia, x. 34 climate of, x. 250 settlement at, x. 40, 41, 42, 50, 87, 88 Sholl's expedition to, (1867.), xi. 227 Camels, Asiatic, wild, various views on, xviii. 79-80 introduction into Australia advocated. by Fitzroy, iii. 89 used in Burke and Wills' expedition, (I860.), v. 8, 57 in Giles's expedition, 1875, xix. 484 in McKinlay'a expn., (1861.), vi. 170, vii. 84, 115 in Ross's expn., (1874.), xix. 56 in Warburton's expn., (1873.), xix. 44, 46, 316 variety suited to Australia, xix. 5, 6 Cameron, Capt. C. D., (Consul Cameron), on the Caucasus, vi. 5 On the Ethnology of the Caucasus (abstract), vi. 59 obituary notice of, 1871., xv. 259 , J., On the Islands of Kalatoa and Puloweh, ix. 30, 31 , Lt. V. L., r.n., presented with Gold Medal of R.G.S , 1876., President's speech, xx. 368, reply, 369 astronomical observations of, xx. 133, 441 discovery of the Lukuga outlet, Stanley on, xxii. 397, Cameron's diaries cited, 398-9 Examination of the Southern half of Lake Tanganyika, (1875.), -Vlarkham, xix. 246 expedition (proposed) into Africa, 1872., xvii. 14 journal of Livingstone East Coast expedition, 1873., xix. 136 letters on progress of above, xvii. 169, xviii. 69-74, 468 • on the report of Livingstone's death, 1874., xviii. 176 et seq. ¦ on journey from Tanganyika to the W. Coast, 1875., xx. 118 progress of (1874.), xix. 10, 246; 1876. 452, 492, xx. 12, 13,117, 132, 164,18a return of, xx. 234, 274 , meeting of welcome, 1876., xx. 303 results of his expedition, xx. 325-7,435, xxi. 11 On his journey across Africa, Baga- moyo to Benguela, 1873., xx. 304 on the African Exploration Fund, xxi. 607, xxii. 468 — Elton's maps of Africa and on railways in Africa, xxii. 253 — native reports of the Albert Nyanza, xx. 475 , Major, of the N. American Boundary Commission, 1872., xx. 276 on Manitoba and the Canadian Indians,^ xx. 297 , Mr., determinations by, of positions in Madagascar, xix. 191 Cameroons Mts., W. Africa, vi. 177 Ascent of, and Report on, Burton, 1862., vi. 49, 238 desirable as a sanatorium, vi. 49, 65, and as a colony, 65, 66 early explorations of, vi. 238 greatest elevation in, iv. 72, xvii. 154 source of the Qua river in, xx. 226 true volcanic hills of, viii. 248 river, ii. 34; freedom from bar at mouth, ii. 229 probable sources of, xx. 226 Camfield Creek, C. Australia, Gregory's camp at, vi. 10, 11 CAM— CAN 73 Caminho de Torrinha, Madeira, temper atures observed at, ii. 369 Camoganti, Isthmus of Darien, gold at, i. 78 Camp Hill, S. Australia, ii. 22 Campana, Ecuador, Geological Notes on, 1862., Wilson, vi. 248-9 Campaspe river, affluent of the Cape river, N. Queensland, xii. 142 ' Campbell, D., successor of Mclntyre in i Leichhardt search expedition, xi. 6, 227 , Dr., on the pass of Mukinath and the Chinese mission to Kathmandu, xiv. 214 on travels in Tibet, xii. 166 , Hon. (Sir) G., on Australian horse- breeding, xiv. 205 on communications between India (Assam) and China, xi. 258 on the Geography and Climate of India, in reference to the best Site for a Capital, xi. 54 on the relation between forest destruc tion and rainfall in India, xiii. 82 on the rivers of Cutch, xiv. 123 on Markham's paper, Travels in Tibet, xix. 345 on trade routes between British Bur mah and China, xix. 286 on Wakkhan, xviii. 437 , J., r.n., Geography and Hydrography of S.W. Africa (1856.), i. 310 , Lt.-Col. Neil, obituary notice, 1 857., i. ass , R., see Delany, and Africa. Western, ¦, Sir C, on Nangking and the rebels, i. 341 , W. K., see Holmes, Sir W. H., and Caratal , see Thomson and Campbell Campbell Is., Torres Straits, i. 80 Campo de Inhoho, typical barren desert spot in Brazil, xx. 461, 462 Campiiyas river, Amazonian region, tribu tary of the Putomayo, xxi. 572 Cana, S. Cruz de, Isthmus of Darien, gold mines near, i. 78 river, ib. Canabc' river, Paraguay, feeder of the Ypoa Lagoon, xx. 498 Canabek or Kanabek Island, W. Africa, O'Connor on, i. 42, 43 Canada (see British Columbia, British North America, etc., etc.) advancing prosperity of, 1857., i. 264 climate of, compared with that of S. Manchuria, xiii. 31 dislike to connection with U.S.A., in, xx. 297 geological survey roport, 1858., ii. 293-4 government exploration in, to Red river, 1857-8., iii, 126, v. 202 Canada — continued. government exploration under Hind, in the West of, 1860.,iv. 171 mileage of railways and canals in, (1858.), ii. 342 rivers of, "Mares " of, described, xvii. 134 seasons in, viii. 92 Canadian Pacific Railway (see Palliser's explorations) — forecasts of, iv. 233, 253, v. 202, vi. 108 route for, settled, 1876., xx. 296 Canara, N. and S., Madras Presidency, - cultivation in, vii. 96 Canary Islands, visited by Vespucci, iii. 389 Cancoso Mt., Persia, latitude of, xii. 127 Candahar, Afghanistan, country near, i. 298 ; see also Kandahar Marsh's journey to India via, 1872., xxi. 582, 587 Candelaria Mt., Ecuador, xxi. 562 Candia Island, sea-depths near, i. 405 Candolle, M. de, on the award of R.G.S. gold medal to Dr. Thompson, x. 180 Canelds, Ecuador, gold mines at, iii. 96 ; meteorological observations at, iii. 94 Canklem, Shan village, xx. 235 Canning, Lord, i. 85 ; on the Indian trigonometrical survey and discovery of coal in Kashmir, iv. 30 Canoa Island, N. Guinea, natives of, D'Albertis, xx. 347 Canoe Creek, B. Columbia, width of valley at, xv. 140 river, Rocky Mts., ix. 19 Canons, cauBe of formation of, Bell on, xiii. 141 ; Brown on, 144, 146 Canoona, N. Queensland, auriferous pro mise of district, xii. 140, 142 Canterbury province, N. Zealand, Alps of, viii. 56 gold and coal in, viii. 57 Surveys of Mts. in, 1861-3., Haast, viii. 56 Canton, China, iii. 86 desirability of English occupation of, i. 340 Excursion to the West of, Oliver, 1861., vi. 85, 227 massacres at, ii. 207 Memoir on Neighbourhood of, Davis, 1857., i. 330 paper factories near, v. 241 temperature at, v. 125 trigonometrical survey of, 1858., ii. 267 province, increasing wealth of, I860., v. 51 river (Si- or Chu-Kiang), ascent of, and N. affluent, Bickmore, xii. 51 admiralty survey of, iii. 267, vii. 142 Oliver's journey up, 1861., vi. 85 piracy on, i. 333, 339-40 probable best entrance to, v. 241 74 CAP— CAR Capaue, S.C. Africa, i. 75 Cape Breton Island, maps, etc., of, I860., iv. 156 Cape Coast Castle, W. Africa, country near, Reade on, xiii. 357 Settlement at, O'Connor on, vi. 15 ; Wolseley on, xviii. 293 snails of, xiii. 293 Cape Colony (see Good Hope, Cape of) Diamonds discovered at Hope Town in, 1867., Tennant, xii. 322 Hottentots from, with Speke, v. 11, 12, 13, 14 Moffat's survey in, (1858.), ii. 320 voluntary aid to Speke's E. African expedition, I860., from Government of, v. 14 Cape Point, S. Africa, lighthouse set up on, I860., iv. 153 Cape river, N. Queensland, i. 368 discovered by Leichhardt, xii. 140 Gold Field, area and position of, xii. 138, 141, 142, 143 Cape Town Farm, Qua river, W. Africa, xx. 225 Cape Verde Islands, discovery of, xii. 247 Capella, Mr., wind chart of Equatorial Atlantic and currents in same, vii. 51 Capitan, Sierra, highest mountains in N. Mexico, altitude, length and geological formation, xxii. 275 Capper, R., letter on ivory trade of Congo river, xx. 132 Capricorn, Cape, N. Queensland, admiralty survey near, xvi. 321 Caqueti river, Peru, viii. 61 ; see Japurd, Caqueza valley, Guiana, i. 252 Carabane, W. Africa, French settlement on the Casamance river, i. 44 Caracoles, Bolivia, silver mines of, xxii. 47 Carapana, Ecuador, mouth of the Gara- parana river at, xxi. 572, 574 Caratal, B. Guiana, gold mines of, Holmes' and Campbell's expedition to, 1857., ii. 154 Caravaya province, S. Peru, forests of, xviii. 213 gold of, etc., Markham on, v. 224 Rivers San Gavan and Ayapata in, ex plored by Raimondy, 1864., xi. 102 C'ardwell settlement, Queensland, ix. 77 ; founded, 1864., x. 248 ; Dalrymple on. x. 33-4 telegraph extension to, x. 328, xii. 54-5 Carew, Mr., station of, at Euroomba, Queensland, iii. 19 Carey, Carey's, or Gary Islands, Arctic regions, ix. 182 ; birds of, i. 53, xx. 59 departure of Arctic expedition from xx. 59 Carguairazo Mt., Ecuador, elevation of, xxi. 556 Caribana Point, Isthmus of Darien, xii. 64 Caribean Sea, floor of, Duncan on, xxii. 74 , Islands of, wheat-supply from, i. 252 Cariboo district, B. Columbia, cinnabar in, vi. 233 described, vii. 88-9 gold-diggings in, Mayne on, vi. 109 Goldfields of. Palmer, viii. 87 Cariduro Creek (Eyre Creek), traces of Burke and Wills found at, by McKinlay (1861.), vii. 85 Carimata St., Indian archipelago, ad miralty survey, xxi. 434 Carlisle Bay, Santa Cruz Islands, murder of Goodenough at, 1875., xx. 394 Carlsen, Capt., awarded gold) watch of R.G.S., 1873., xvii. 226, President's speech and Hochechild's reply. 232 circumnavigation of Novaya Zemlya by, 1871., xvi. 361-3 Carlton House Fort, Brit. N. America, i. 462, ii. 45, 149 " Carmichael, Mr., of Giles' W. Australian expedition, 1873., xvii. 277 Carnarvon, Earl of, on receiving Patron's gold medal of R.G.S., for Palliser, 1859., on the progress of British Columbia, iii. 221 Settlement, Gulf of Carpentaria, formed, 1867., xi. 227, xiii. 52 Carnbee, Baron P. MelviU von, obituary notice, I860., iv. 135 Carnegie, Comr. Hon. J., report on the new settlement of Somerset, Cape York, 1864., ix. 76, 77 Carpentaria, Gulf of, X. Australia, v. 56, vi. 173, vii. 84, xii. 313, xiii. 55 climate, i. 81, 83-6, 192, 456-7, 500, vii. 113, 114, 175, viii. 121, 255-7, xii. 315, 321 coast, marshy, vii. 87, xx. 108 colonisation of region, progress of, i. 79, v. 57, vi. 13, 167, 171, viii. 113, 114, 121, x. 52 proposed, (1863.), vii. 170, 175 ¦ , various opinions on, i. 343, 497, ii. 321, iv. 84, viii. Ill effected (1865.), x. 61, 62, 64, 220, 248, xi. 227, xii. 290 country near, iii. 90, 91, v. 59, vii. 6. 7, 8, 174, ix. 232, x. 77, 249 , pastoral possibilities of, iii. 86, 87, x. 88, xii. 58 depth and density of water of, i. 260, xii. 317 ns entrepot for Indo-Australian horse trade, xiv. 206 expeditions and explorations — Burke and Wills, (I860.), vi. 171. vii. 36. 37, 41, 53, 67, 68. 71. 110. 169, 173, xiv. 200. 201 CAR— CAS 75 Carpentaria, Gulf of, N. Australia — contd. expeditions and explorations — contd. Chimmo, (1856.), i. 173, 255,, 309, 325 343 Cornish, (1862,), vi. 67 Gregory, (1856.), i. 171, 189-90, 191, 229, 261, 342, 367, 493, ii. 8, 10, vii. 6 1 Landsborough (1862.), vii. 3, 10, 38, 111 ; do., 1868., xiii. 52 Leichhardt; 1846., vii. 15, 85 Mclntyre, (1863.), ix. 301, xi. 5, 226 M'Kinlay, (1862.), vii. 176-7 Mitchell, towards (1845-6.), xii. 141 Stokes, (1837-1841.), vii. 87, 116 Stokes to Landsborough, progress of, i. 84, vii. 116 Stuart, (near), I860., v. 55, 56 ; (to), vi. 10, 11, 14 Walker, (1863.), vii. 173 geology of, Fitton on, i. 501, 502; ii. 210, ix. .232 influence of winds of, xii. 317 islands in, geological formation of, ii. 211, 214 last traces of Leichhardt found near. vii. 175, ix. 303-4, xiv. 190 ' low lands at head of, iv. 82, 96 Malay fishermen in, i. 338, ii. 211 maps of, sent home, 1862., vi. 194 mountains near, vii. 4 natives of, i. 258, ii. 212 Notes on the District of. Lamb., x. 325 (cf. 248) Physical Geography of, Wilson, ii. 210 proposed penal settlement at, i. 80, 82, 83, 172, 192 prospects of route to, ix. 303 rivers flowing into, iii. 32, 157, vii. 41, 85, 112, 114, viii. 118, x. 33, 59, 326-7, xii. 56, 57, 138, 139 routes to and from, i. 34, v. 6, 55, vi. 70, vii. 9, 12, 40, 41, 42, 83 sea-cucumbers of, i. 338 telegraph extension to, xii. 54, 55 tide in, vii. 4 vegetation of, i. 368, 492, 497 watershed of, i. 501, vii. 14, xii. 139 Carpenter, Dr. W. B., Comparative Tem perature of the Atlantic and other Oceans, xv. 73 et seq. On the Gibraltar Current, the Gulf Stream, and General Oceanic Circu lation, xv. 54-88, 191, letter on, from Sir J. Hersohel, 211 Further Inquiries on Oceanic Circula tion, xviii. 301 Summary of Recent Observations on Ocean Temperature, made in H.M.S. Challenger and U.S.N. Tuscarora . . . , xix. 493 On the Temperature of the Deep Sea Bottom . . ., xxi. 2S9 cited ou Oceanic Currents, xvi. 84, 323 Carquenes, Straits of , California, depth of, xiii. 148 Carr, L. (U.S.A), on the American journey up the Yangtse in 1854., iii. 168 , Comm. W., obituary notice of, 1856., i. 119 Carrizo, Mt., New Mexico, described by Goad, xxii. 276 Carron, Mr., temperature observation in the Gulf of Carpentaria, i. 84 Carron river, N. Australia, xiii. 52 Carthage, Tunis, ruins of, Davis' work ou, iv. 206 ; ruins described, vi. 213 Cartajo, New Grenada, S. America, i. 466 Cartography, Foreign, 1864., viii. 198 Cartwright, S., obituary notice of, 1865., ix. 213 Carson, Kit, authority on American travel, i. 327 CarBOn Valley, Nevada, U S.A., v. 2 Cartacorbo, S.C. Africa, i. 75 Carter, D. cited on the geological for mation of the Curia Muria Islands, iv. 53 Caruera, near Tete, S.E. Africa, ferrugi nous spring at, ii. 366 Mt., S.E. Africa, wheat on, iii. 104 Carwar Head, protecting Sedashgur Har bour, vii. 97 Casas Grandes, Arizona, xix. 304 Casca river, tributary of the Paraguay river, xviii. 119 Cascade Point, N. Guinea, xx. 1 02 or Coast Range Mts., B. Columbia, viii. 87 aspect of, iv. 232 climate near, viii. 92 geological formation of, iv. 229 journey across, into Oregon, 1865., Brown, xi. 84, 93 position and elevation of, xi. 80-1 railway survey of, 1868., Xii. 121 rivers piercing, ix. 19 trend of, xi. 93 volcanic origin of, xi. 94 Casai or Loke river, Congo region (see also Easai and Kassahe) — Livingstone on, 1854., i. 6, 11, 56, 311, 315 Magyar cited on, xvii. 30 Macqueen on, i. 12 Pogge cited on its relation to the Congo, xxi.. 203 trend of course of, i. 93 Casamance river, W. Africa, Visit of O'Connor to, (1855.), i. 43 Casella, Mr., on the height of Mt. Hood, xi. 95-6 Cashmere or Cashmir (see also Kashmir), i. 276 elevation of, xiii. 11 rain in, xi. 65 Casini Island, X.W. Australia, x. 39 76 CAS— CAZ Casinka Mt., C. Africa, Mme. Tinne"s party near, 1863., viii. 11, 14 Casope, Greece, Descripti on of the Ruins of, Collinson, vi. 106 Caspian Sea, i. 306, iii. 3 alleged recession of, xvii. 163 dew on shores of, dangerous, iii. 7 expeditions to — Abich's, (1864.), viii. 204 Baer's. (1858.), ii. 280, xxi. 424 level of, i. 307, iii. 388 Physical condition of, Carpenter, xviii. 308 Russian posts on, 1859., iii. 387 salt rocks in, i. 307 shallowness of, and shifting depths in, iii. 393 shells of, compared with those of the Volga valley, i. 417 proposed canal to unite with Sea of Azov, iv. 198f-9 Russian explorations in this connection, I860., v. 193, vi. 160, viii. 206 Russian survey expedition to district, measurement of Demavend by, I960., v. 194 Gates, views on identification of, xx. 167 Oassabe river, Congo region (see also Casai, Kasai, and Kassabe), i. 12 Ladislaus' journey near, (about 1849.), i. 246 Pogge's views on, xxi. 203 Cassala (Kassala) Abyssinia, described, x. 282 Cassange', Congo District, i. 248 wax and ivory of, xx. 131 river, Livingstone at, (1855.), i. 6, 11, 159 valley,! 311 Cassia river, S. China, explored by Bick- more, 1866., xii. 51 rapids in, xii. 52 Cassiquiare river, Venezuela, affluent of the Amazon, i. 251, 252 exploration of, by Spruce, 1853-4., viii 221 Castien's Islands, Arctic regions, xiii 159 Castlereagh river, N.S. Wales, discovered by Sturt, xiv. 289 " Castilian," merchant ship, voyages of, via N.E. passage of Torres Straits, vi. 136 Castries Bay, Tartary, i. 406 Caswell's Tower, Arctic regions, xiii 372 Cat Island, Bahamas, claimed as Columbus' landfall, i. 94 , Gulf of Mexico, tides at, Evans on, xvi. 73 Catamaroa district, Argentine Republic, Poncel cited on viii. 219 Catastrophe, Cape, S. Australia, admiralty survey near, xviii. 539, xix. 409, xx. 408, xxi. 435 Cater Cape, Arctic regions, animal life near i. 53 Cathay, (China), Notices of, Yule, x. 270 Catherine, Jebel (Mt.), Sinaitic Peninsula, height of, x. 159 Catinna river, affluent of the Zambesi, potable water in, i. 316 Cato Bank, Coral Sea, admiralty survey of, iii. 267 light placed on, vi. 199 Cauca Valley, Colombia, S. America, wealth of, ix. 278 Caucasus, The (see also Kasbek) — Bode's travels in, I860., iv. 187 Cameron on, vi. 5, abstract of paper by, on Ethnology of, vi. 59 Cossacks of, origin and organisation of, vi. 5, 59 Dagistan and the Lesghi tribes of, Bode on, iv. 91, 245 Journey in, aud ascent of Kasbek and Elbruz, 1868., Freshfield, xiii. 66 Marshall on, vi. 105 population table for, 1862., vi. 62 Russian conquest of (I860.), iv. 196 savannah-like region near, i. 308 trade of, (1861.), vi. 6 Cautley and Falconer, explorations of, in the Sewalik Hills, (1858.), ii. 303, 304 Cauvery river, S. India, area drained by, xiii. 74, affluents of, 78, 81 Cavalla or Cavalho river, W. Africa, Liberian expedition up (I860.), iv. 185 Missionary journey up, report of large river at source of, Hoffman, (1861.), vi. 66 Cavally, W. Africa, colony of liberated negroes at, (1855.), i. 99 Cavanagh Ranges, W. Aut-tralia Forrest at, 1874., xix. 58 Giles' camp at, xix. 313 Cave Island,V. Nyanza, named by Stanley, xxii. 389 Cavendish Island, Bay of Bengal, vi. 208 Cavravassa falls, Zambesi, see Kebrabassa Caxamarca, Peru, railway-line construction to, (1873.), xviii. 211 Cayambe, Mt., Ecuador, elevation of, xxi. 557 Jameson's journey to, (1862.), vi. 188 Cayley, Dr., exploration of the Karakash route to Yarkand by, 1868., xviii. 112-3 journey from Leh to Yarkand, 1868., xiii. 202 on the Yarkand exploration, 1870., xv. 24 Cazembe, E. C. Africa (see Lunda), i. 245 country near, xi. 238 geographical position, etc., xiv. 16, xvii. 67 ( '\'A— CHA 77 Oazembe, E. C. Africa — continued. Lacerda's (and other) expeditions to, 1798., etc., xi. 235, 237 Livingstone on, xi. 238, xvii. 67 malachite of, i, 247 Pereira's expedition to, 1786, xi. 235 slave trade of, viii. 257 Cazvin, Plain of, Persia, iii. 3 abortive irrigation operations in, iii. 6 Cecilia falls, C. America, xii. 33 Celebes Island, E. Indian Archipelago, non-volcanic, vii. 207 pirates of, ii. 213 Sea. depth and temperature of, xxi. 316-17 Central Lake, Vancouver Island, Brown on, ix. 308 — — Mt. Stuart, C. Australia, vi. 194, vii. 11, xviii 570 latitude of, xvii. 277 M'Kinlay's explorations near, 1862., vii. 113 region near, xix. 51 Centre Island, N. Zealand, natives of, ii. 356 Centreville, Oregon, xi. 93 Cerain Island, E. Indian Archipelago — coral.on coast of, xii. 334 praus of, xii. 326 trade of, xii. 326 ; with the Arru Islands, ii. 168 Laut, xix. 517 Cerboli, Monte, Tuscany, borax of, viii. 41 Cerredo, Torres de, Spain, height and geo logical formation of, i. 426 Cerro de Pasco, Peru, silver mines of, xv. 304, xviii. 204, 205 Ceylon, admiralty survey of, ii. 266, iii. 266, 268, v. 174 currents off, Heathoote on, vi. 114 Tennant's work on, published, (I860.), iv. 203 Chaab Arabs, Monteith on, i. 361 Rawlinson on, i. 351 Chab. Persia, canal to, and vessels on, i. 293 Chabhana-Karahissar, Asia Minor, ex plored by Tchihatchef, 1858., iii. 370 Chachapoyas, Peru, viii. 60 Cha-ohin, N.W. China, Wylie at, (1868.), xiv. 181 Chaco or Tucuman district, Paraguay, xx. 499 disputed possession of, xviii. 120 exploration in, Jacques, 1855., i. 468 extent of, xx. 500 Indians of, xviii. 123 level plain of, xx. 494 Chad or Tsad Lake, N. 0. Africa, xi. 49 affluents of, i. 443, xxi. 492 country near, i. 441 difficulty of exploring, i. 442 Chad or Tsad Lake — continued. expeditions and explorations — Barth's, before 1856., i. 113 Denham and Clappertou's, 1822., iii. 355 partial drying up of, viii. 258, 260 river-bed draining surplus waters of, xix. 5 Chadda, Tchadda, Tsadda or Benue (q.v.) river, W. Africa, i. 445, 446 expeditions aud explorations — Baikie's, 1856., i. 16, 155-6 , 1854, ii. 227 Laird's, (1854-8.), i. 114, 155, v. 161 Vogel's (1856.), i. 114 fish in, Vogel on, ii. 34, 35 junction of. with Niger, and town at con fluence, ii. 85 • trade along, i. 215, prospects of, vii. 70 Vogel on, i. 31 Chadyr Kul (Lake), E. Turkestan, (see also Chatirkul), xviii. 416 elevation of, xviii. 422 size, shape, aud position of, xviii. 423 Chaga Island, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 147 Promontory, ib. xx. 157 alleged channel behind, xxii. 389 Chagannor (Lake) Mongolia, ruined city at, xviii. 154 Chagan-Tokoi river, W. Mongolia, source of, xvii. 188 Chagga E. Africa, New's journey to, 1871., xvi. 167, referred to, xxi. 449 Chaglyk-bulak, Altyn Tagh Mts., C. Asia, •elevation of, xxii. 344 Chagos Islands, Indian Ocean, mail route via, i. 81. Chagra, Kashmir, last inhabited spot en route for Yarkand, xxi. 326 Chagres, Isthmus of Darien, anchorage of, ix. 279 Chahilston, C. Asia, ruined house at, as boundary between Yarkand and Sirikul, xv. 190 Chahuil country, Tibet, streams in, xxi. 342 Chaillu, du, see Du Chaillu Chai-tang, N.E. China, coal mines of, xvii. 297 Chaix, Prof. P., On the depths of Swiss Lakes, xxii. 456 On the Federal Map of Switzerland, iv. 243 Hydrography of the Valley of the Arve, i. 483 Limnimetric and Meteorological Observations in Switzerland, 1871., xvii. 204 Travels in Mexico, I860., iv. 173 Chakansur, Persia, chief district of Outer Sistan, xvii. 89 Chak-caka, salt lake, Tibet, the third Pundit at, (1868.), xiv. 210 78 CHA-CHA Chakmak Forts, E. Turkestan, xviii. 416, position of, Trotter on, xviii. 419 Chala, sweet lake, E, Africa, unmapped, xvi. 170, 171 Point, E. Africa, ii. 54, 55 Chaldean remains, described by Loftus, i. 45 Chalkude pass, Thian Shan Mts., Russian Turkestan, xiv. 224 Challenger, H.M.S., departure of, 1872., xvii. 17, 257 ; do., and objects of voyage, xvii. 57 progress of work of, xviii. 11, 535, 540- 47, xix. 410, xx. 409, xxi. 436-8 results of expedition, Evans on, xxi. 66, 69 Observations on Distribution of Salt in the ocean „ Buchanan, xxi. 225, 258 Temperature survey of the Atlantic by, Carpenter, xviii. 354, observations of, on Ocean temperature, ib., xix. 493 Chama or Shuia Lake, C. Africa (see also Bangweolo), iii. Ill, xi. 237 Chambers, J. (see also Finke), head-station of, S. Australia, ii. 19, v. 58, 104 assistance given by, to Stuart's expedi tion, I860., ix. 233 thanked by R.G.S., v. 105, 106 obituary notice of, 1863., vii. 134 R., on glaciers in Greenland, vii. 78 Chambers' Creek, S. Australia, v. 55, vi. 8 country near, v. 57 Stuart's depot at, I860., ix. 233 mine, S. Australia, v. 124 . Chambezi river, E. 0. Africa, xi. 23S before and after entering Lake Bang weolo, xiv. 8 the head-stream of the Congo, Cameron on, xx. 324 Livingstone on, vii. 67, xii. 176, xvi. 438, its course, and other names, xviii. 263 native statement concerning, xi. 238 not the Zambesi, xvi. 438 volume of, rise, course and outfall of, Stanley on, xxii. 404 Chambo river, Ecuador, affluent of the Pastassa river, xxi. 557 falls of, xxi. 560 valley of, xxi. 561 Chamopa, S. C. Africa, cheapness of ivory at, i. 75 Chamoriro river, S. C. Africa, fordless, i. 75 Champain, Maj. J. U. B., on the Famine in Persia, (1872.), xvii. 95 Champion Bay, W. Australia, i. 366, iii. 34, 53, xix. 57, 310, 316, 481, 483, 484, xx. 370, xxi. 460 admiralty survey, xviii. 539, xix. 408 coast near, x. 49 good land norlh-cast of, xix, 489 Champion Bay, W. Australia— continued. ¦ as a harbour, xx. 408 Meteorological observations at, iii. 48 natives' shields at, iii. 40 Stow's boat-voyage to, 1865., x. 34 Champlain, Lake, U.S.A., elevation of, ii. 341 Chamuconde, Nyasaland, i. 76 Chancellor, R., discover of sea route to Archangel, White Sea, (1578.), xxii. 101 Chanchamayo, Peru, xiii. 133 richness of valley of, xviii. 204 Chanchcumo (sic pro Chang Chenmo, q.v.), i. 274 Chando, Kham Territory, Tibet, A6ia, musk from, sold at Lhasa, xii. 163 Chandless, W., presented with Gold Medal of R.G.S., 1866., x. 176, Presdent's speech, 180, Long's reply, 181 on his exploration of the tributaries ot the Amazon river, 1868., xii. 339 Exploration of the river Aquiry, 1865- 6., xi. 100, 109 of the Madre de Dios river (1864.), xxii. 43 of the river Purus, 1864., x. 103; Markham on, xv. 375 work of, as traveller in S. America, Markham on, x. 105, xi. 106, xiv. 324 Chandore Range, S. India, xi. 73 Chandwara, C. India, elevation of, xi. 57 Chang-ehen-ho, N.E. China, fair at, vi. 226 Chang-Chenmo pass and valley, Tibet, i. 274, xviii. 112,. described by Hay ward, xiv. 44 elevation of, ib. geological formation of, Forsyth on, xviii. 114 last letter of A. Schlagintweit sent from, 1857., iii. 144 river and route, xxi. 328 Cayley on,1870., xv. 25 Shaw on, xiv. 135 route from Leh to Yarkand, xiv. 41 advantages of, for trade, xiii. 13 valley, alkali plain of, dust storms on, xxi. 40 route via, to Ilchi, xi. 9 Chang-chia-kow, or Kalgan, China, described by Bushell, xviii. 151-2 Chang-chou, S.E. China, silk manufactory at, xviii. 171 Changhua, Formosa, xxi. 261 pass near, xxi. 262 t Chang La, pass, Tibet, elevation of, xi. 32 ; do. and route via, xviii. 112 Chang Lang Pass, Tibet, elevation of, xiv. 41, 44 valley, hot springs of, 275, xix. 43 Chang-luor, Tibet, x. 166 Chang-po-shan, Mt., Manchuria, Manchu race .at, xvi. 207 CHA— CHE 79 Chang-shan Island, China, iii. 61 sandbank, iii. 64 Chang-t6, S. Central China, described by Margary, xx. 188 Chang Thang district, Tibet, salt-mines, of and sheep of, xiv. 42, 43 plain, Tibet, xi. 9, xiv. 209 Chang-Tong-Chen, W. China, trade of, vi. 222 Chan-i-chou town, W. China, xx. 200 Chan-i valley, W. China, xx. 201 Chan-nam-ling, Tibet, position of, xix. 331 Channel Islands, admiralty survev, viii. 190, ix. 219, 221, x. 217, xi. 191, xii. 240, xiii. 275 geological changes in, x. 332 Chanta-buri, second seaport of Siam, iv. 216 Chao-c-Tun, Formosa, plain between, and Posia, xxii. 58 Chao naimam soume Hotun, or Shangtu, ancient Mongol capital, ruins of, xviii. 156, 158 Chaow-hwa, district and city, N. China, xiv. 176 Chaou-teen-kwan pass, N. China, xiv. 177 Chaou-ten-yeh, N. China, boat traffic of, xiv. 177 Chapeau river, B. Columbia, vi. 109 Oha-ping-ho, river, W. China, xiv. 172 Chaplin, Lake (salt), B. N. America, vii. 102 Chapman, J., Notes on S. Africa, 18(10., v. 16, 19, 20 obituary notice of, 1872., xvi. 314 Chapoo Port, S. China, dangerous estuary of, i. 335 Chaprot valley, Gilgit, forts in, xiii. 130 Chapta pass, Tibet, xxi. 335 Chapuslu, Persia, elevation of, xx. 171, passes near, xx. 170 Characene, Turkey in Asia, Greek settle ment at mouth of Euphrates, i. 355, 361-2 Charactagh river, Persia, course of, xi. 37 Charchand, E. Turkestan, gold in, xvi. 244 latitude of, and surroundings, Forsyth on, xv. 23 position of, xvi. 242, 244, Polo on, and Trotter cited on, xxi. 29 Chargot Lake, Tibet, affluents and effluents of, xxi. 333 Charjui, Russian steamer-ascent of the Amu Daria to, 1877., xxii. 342 Charles, Point, N. Australia, x. 35 Charley, Warburton's Australian native boy, xix. 47-8 Charling river, E. Turkestan, xiv. 66 Chartered Company for the Niger region proposed, 1863., Wilmot, viii. 53 Chawagh, E. Turkestan, jungle and game near, xviii. 427-8 Chase range, 8. Australia, ii. 18 Chashma-i-Ali, Persia, sacred place, xx. 166 Gilas spring, Persia, xx. 170 Chatarkun river, Gilgit distriot, xiii. 130 Chatirkul (lake) Trans-Naryn country, Russian Turkestan, elevation of, xiv. 226 ; extent of, and absence of outlet from, Osten-Sacken on, xiv. 227; see alio Chadyr Kul Cha-to, N. China, fine dry bridge near, xiv. 244; fortified town, xviii. 150 Chattachur, Mt., Lushai district, elevation of, xvii. 52 Chatterton, Sir W. A., obituary notice, 1856., i. 119 Chaunco, Rio, Patagonia, xv. 41 Chauveau, Bishop, map of Indo-Chinese frontier sent by, 1871., xv. 173; efforts of, to cross Yunnan, xv. 346 Chaw-wang Ho canal, N. China, xiv. 29 Cheadlo, Dr. (see also Milton) on the "benches" of B. Columbia, xv. 141, 145 on the navigable rivers of B. Columbia, xii. 125 Che-chow-fu, N. China, iii. 59 Check-mun or Golden Mt., N. China, xiv. 244 Chef, see Keph Che-fow, N. China, climate, trade and coal of, iv. 58, 59 value as a port, iv. 60 harbour, islets in, iii. 59 Point, ib. Chehel Chesmeh, Persia, numerous springs at, iii. 10 Che-ho (river), N.W. China, affluent of the Han river, xiv. 182 Cheh-Toh-Shan, W. China, grassy uplands of, xxii. 267 Chekanoffsky's explorations on the Lena, etc., (1875.), xx. 407-8, xxi. 448 Che-kiang province, E. China chief town of, xiii. 175 cotton cutters in, xiii. 249 Gardner's journey in, 1868., xiii. 170 sea-barrier of, xiii. 177, its origiu, xiii. 250 silk-district, population of, i. 337 Chekodai Bay, Formosa, difficulty of land ing at, viii. 25 Chelagskoi, Cape, Siberia, ruined ' yourts ' at, xi. 89 Chelicut, Abyssinia, xiv. 165 Chen-nan-Chow, S.W. China, xx. 205 ChSn-ning Chou, S. China, pass near, xx. 196 Chenooda Station, Nile Region, mutiny of Baker's men at, 1864., x. 11 80 CHE— CHI Ch'en-yuen-Fu, S. China, bridge at, and gorges near, xx. 191 Chenab, or Chundra river, Trans-Hima laya and India, mountains near, viii. 38, source and course of, viii. 39, xv. 339 Chen-ch'i-Hsien, C. China, river at, xx. 191 Cheng-te-fu district, N. China, capital of, xviii. 163-4 extent of, and wealth, xviii. 162 river valleys of, xviii. 163, 164 Cheng-Tu W. China, rice cultivation of, etc., xxii. 264 ; see Ching-tu Chen-keang-foo, E. China, iii. 167 Cheoeque, Patagonia, toldas of, xv. 48 Chepignana, Isthmus of Darien, i. 484-5 Chepo river, Isthmus of Darien (see Bayanos river), settlement of, nariow- ness of land at, ix. 277 Cheps, Tunis, harbour and ruins at, vi. 214 Cherbourg, France, cost of breakwater at, iii. 199 Chercaouieh Canal, Egypt, labour needed to keep clear, iii. 200 Chercheud, see Charchand Chessboard Rock, Formosa, described, x. 127 Chester, Lt., and Capt. Banner, explora tions of, in New Guinea, Murchison, xv. 302 ¦ Ascent of the Fly river, 18 iii., xx. 254, 260 Chetah, capital of Trans-Baikalia district, xiii. 369 Chetang, Tibet, view of the Brahmaputra river from, xxi. 341 Chereme, capital of Kordofan, wells at, xx. 360 Cherkey, Caucasus, vineyards of, iv. 247 Cherry Island, Arctic region, iee near, i. 29 Chesney, Gen., obituary notice, 1872., xvi. 301 Ch, yne, Capt., on N. Polar exploration, xviii. 18 Cheysimbee, near V. Nyanza, elevation of table mountain at, xx. 41-2 Chiamdo, see Chando Chiang-ting, E. China, the Yung river at, xiii. 171 Chia-siang, see Loong kiao Chia-yii Hsien, city, C. China, xx. 185 Chibin (canal), the, Egypt, iii. 200 Chibisa's, Equatorial Africa, cataracts, and University mission station at, xxii. 234 Chibok river, Assam, affluent of the Summessary river, xvii. 40 Chiboque district, W. Central Africa, hos tile tribes of, i. 56 Chicago, U.S.A.. rise of, i. 264 Chichik-Dawan (pass), E. Turkestan, road from, xv. 190 Chichiklik pass, Pamir region, xiv. 66 Chichira river, Assam affluent of the Brahmaputra, xvii. 40 Chicholi, C. India, lead-vein near, xv. 283 Chicla, Peru, elevation of railway tunnel near, xviii. 210 Chico, Rio, Argentine Republic, affluent of Rio Grande, xvii. 59 Chico, Rio, Patagonia, Indians of, xv. 42 Chicova, S.C. Africa, i. 248 cataracts of Zambesi at, v. 130 coal at, ib. speed of Zambesi near, v. 129 Chidleigh, Cape, Labrador, latitude of, ix. 131 Chigneyr Su (river) and branches, Kur distan, xi. 97 Chihli or Chi-li province, Chin», commerce of, and outlet for, iii. 63 described by Bushell. xviii. 153 dreary aspect of, iii. 7l geological formation of, iii. 67 meteorological observations in, and climate of, iii. 80 physical changes in, iv. 62 Chihombo river, W.C. Africa, i. 11 Livingstone at, 1856., i. 159 Chihuahua, Mexico, Apaches of, xix. 305 silver work near, iii. 109 Chikapa river, W.C. Africa, i. 11 Chikuldar Hills, C. India, elevation ete of, xi. 68 Childers, H., m.p., on cotton cultivation in Australia, (1861.), v. 127 Chile, S. America, coal in, xvii. 66 Essay on, Rosales, ii. 371 Explorations in, 1858., ii. 297; 1864., viii. 218 Cox, 1862., viii. 160 English, ix. 246 Fitzroy on, 1864., viii. 161-2 government surveys of, xix. 450 Journey across the Southern Andes of, Cox, 1862., viii. 160 mail routes to, Hoseason on, 1856., i. 85 railway in, across the Andes, projected by Wheelwright (I860.), iv. 47, 174 gradients and curves of, iv. 45 Chile', river, Peru, railway viaduct over, xviii. 213 Chiloe Island, Chile, viii. 160 Chiloweela, Lake Nyassa, lofty mountains at, xxi. 229 Chiluana Island, S.E. Africa, population of, xxii. 128 route from, to Mashonaland, Erskine on (1874.), xxii. 131 Chimalapa river, Mexico, course of, i. 70 Chimbai, Russian Turkestan, position and tribe of, Soboleff cited on, xix. 427-8 Chimbo Valley and Passes, Ecuador, xxi. 558 dirty inhabitants of, xxi. 559 CHI— CHI 81 Chimborazo, Mountain, Ecuador — cinchona collection at foot of, viii. 221 height of, xxi. 556 journey from, over Central Andes in search of cinchona seeds, Cross, (1865.), ix. 277 Chi-milk-i-mean, B. N. America, gold mines of, geographical position of, iv. 229 Chi-ming-shan, Mtn. peak, N.E. China, geological formation, temple, and coal at, xviii. 150 Chi-ming-yi fortress, N. E. China, gorge at xviii. 150 Chimmo, Capt. W. — Account of Cayagan Sulu near Borneo, xv. 384 of the Search for the N. Australian Exploring Expedition under A. C. Gregory, 1856., i. 255,325, 327 opens the Beagle's well, ii. 14 letters left by, on Albert river, ii, 379 opinion of, on N. Australia, controverted, i. 327 Soundings and Temperatures in the Gulf Stream (1868.), xiii. 92 surveys by, on D'Entrecasleaux Reef, New Caledonia, i. 173 Visit to N.E. Coast of Labrador, 1867., xii. 195 China (see Formosa, Manchuria, Mangi, Mongolia, Tibet, Peiho river, Yang- tszo river, Yellow river, etc.) — admiralty surveys, i. 144, ii. 266-7, iii. 270, iv. 153, v. 174, vi. 135, vii. 139, 141, 193, ix. 223, x. 218, xi. 192, xii. 241, xiii. 277, xiv. 305, xvi. 321, xxi. 433, xxii. 335 in connection with Australian trade, i. 453, ii. 28, iii. 271, ix. 77, 234, xii. 314, 317 break-up of, as Empire, Strangford, 1866., xi. 11 British commercial intercourse with, I860., iv. 192, v. 198 Canton, Hong Kong and the East Coast of, 1857., Davis, i. 330, 440-1 caravan routes via Esmok, v. 46, 47 and the Chinese, agriculture and food of, etc., Gill, xxii. 257-9 Christian missions in, Parkes on, vi. 92-4 Christians along the Yang-tse river, vi. 87 climates of, xiv. 242 coal in, extent of area of, Lookhart on, xviii. 174; (and iron), ii. 202-3, 204, 307; iii. 63, vi. 3, 88, 95, 218, 219, 224, vii. 27, x. 157, xi. 262, xii. 52 ; (and opium) xiii. 35, 36; xiv. 24, 31, -, 84, 138, 143-4, 168, 177, 182-3, 243, 244, xv. 173, Richthofen on, 294 ; xvi. 210, 213, 215, xvii. 160, 186, 296, China — a 297, xviii. 150, 174; (and iron), xix. 281, 285, xx. 192, xxi. 265 Coast of, Sherwill's map, iv. 192-3 copper mines of, xv. 164 cotton cultivation in, Gardner on, xiii. 249 desirability of communication with the S.W. provinces from Rangoon, Sprycr on, v. 45 early travellers to, and in (see Cathay), Strangford on, x. 277 effects of ignorance of geography in, xvi. 214 emigrants from, ii. 308, iv. 191 to Australia, iv. 194 to California, ii. 206 to Cochin-China, i. 337 to Formosa, viii. 24-5 wide distribution of, i. 337-8 expeditions and explorations in — Anderson's, (to Yunnan), (1868.), xvi. 347 Barton's, see Sarel's, infra Bickmore's, (interior) 1866., xii. 51 Brine's and others' in, 1861., v. 197, 238 Bushell's, (outside Great Wall), 1872., xviii. 149 Cooper's, (W. China and E. Tibet), 1868., xiv. 335; (Yunnan and borders), xv. 163, 173-4 Cottam's attempted, via Assam, etc., into Yunnan, 1876., xxi. 590 Dickson and others' (C. China), 1861., vi. 166 Elias', (W. Yunnan), 1875.. xx. 234 friars' (Odoric's and others'), 14th cent., x. 271, 273 Gardner's, (Che-kiang)1868.,xiii.l70, 182, 249, 250 Gill's, (Western China), 1877., xxii. 255 see Gamier Grant's (across Gobi Desert), (1862.), vii. 27 Keppel's, (Yang-tsze) 1869., xv. 292 Lamprey's, (N. China) 1861., xi. 259 Margary's, 1874., xx. 1S4, 208 ; 1875., xix. 390-3 Markham's, (Shantiing)1869., xiv.137, 295 Mesny, see Gill, supra Michie's, (Gulf of Pechili, etc.), 1859. iv. 58 (to Manchuria) (1862.), vii. 25 Morrison's, and others, 1861-2, Parkes on, vi. 165 Oliver's, (West of Canton), 1861., vi. 227 Richards' and Slossin's, I860., vi. 165 , 218 Richthofen's, 1871-2., xvii. 296 a 82 CHI— CHI China — continued. expeditions and explorations in — contd. Russian explorations in, 1874-5., xx. 421. xxi. 21 Sarel's, (Yang-tse), 1861., vi. 2, 85, xv. 173 Siaden's, (S.W.), 1868., xv. 172, 343, 362-3 Swinhoe's, (Kalgan district), 1868., xiv. 83 (Yangtse), 1869., xiv. 235 Williamson's, (Shansi province), (1866.), xiii. 35 exports and imports of, i. 338-9 flora of, Dyer on, xxii. 435-9 French coast surveys, i. 423 missionaries in, Robinson on (I860.), vi. 4 future Russian and French competition in, Login on, (1861.), v. 54 Geographical and Commercial notes on the East Coast of, Osborn, 1858.. iii. 55, 64 Gladstone on, (1862 ), vii. 33 gold ;(etc.) of, xi. 13, xiv. 169, 244, xv. 164, xvi. 209 government of, in 1862., Parkes on, vi. 90-1 Great Plain of, area of, iii. 63 Wall of (q.v.), journey outside, 1872., Bushell, xvi'ii. 149 Palladius cited on, xvi. 208-9 Swinhoe on, 1868., xiv. 83 Whyte on, xiv. 246 magnetic dip in, xxii. 214 Mahomedan rebellion in, and results, (1865-73) Lookhart on, xv. 174, Elias on (1870.), xviii. 76 Man-tsze caves in, xiv. 169 Marco Polo and other early travellers iu and to, (13th cent., etc.) Yule and others cited on, x. 227 mines and wells of, v. 53 Morrison on travelling in, xii. 171 natives of, universally yellow-coni- plexioned, ii. 219 Notes of a Cruise in the Gulf of Pe-che-li and Leo-tung, 1859., Mickie, iv. 58 opium growing and trade in, i. 338, (1862.) vi. 91-2; xvi. 213, xix. 286 passes into, from Assam, v. 48 periodic winds of, xii. 316 population of, i. 80, iv. 191 in relation to Australia, i. 83, 172, 453 note, 456, 459, iv. 195 progress of geographical knowledge of, ii. 305, iii. 292, iv. 191 , v. 197, vi. 164, (since foundation of R.G.S.) ix. 236 ; (and its outskirts), x. 235, xv. 292, xix. 444, xxi. 477, xxii. 344 railways in, prospects of, xii. 53 religion of, xiii. 172 China — continued. Richthofen'sjourney in,187I -2., xvii. 296 work on, xxi. 477 rivers of, see Hoang-ho, Yang-tsze, etc., etc. changes in, Murchison on, xiv. 37 Chinese notices of, Edkins, iii. 375 disappearing, in, xx. 214 Osborn on,txiv. 33-4 routes, in, to, and from — tea-traders', xiii. 14 to, through C. Asia, Rawlinson on, xi. 164-5 Trans-Siberian route to, Parkes on, vii. 30 trade routes between W., and British Burmah, Coryton, xix. 264 and India, Alcock on, xiv. 353 note Cotton on, xi. 255 Jenkins on, xiii. 248 M'Cosh on, v. 47 Montgomery on, xiii. 198 Sprye on, v. 45 et seq. Russian extension towards, I860., iv. 196, xi. 166 gain of Kirin province, (1858-60.), vii. 29 size of country, xviii. 492 slave-trade in, xv. 165 Taeping rebellion, area of, Parkes on, vi. 89, 90 Taouist pagodas in, xiv. 174 telegraphic communication with, across Siberia, viii. 203 trade with N. Guinea, vi. 43 trade routes to, from Ganges valley, Alcock on, xiv. 353 note Treaty ports in, reason for opening, xiv. 243 in the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, Yule, x. 270 veracity of Hue's statements on, vi. 95 China, Central, Dickson and others' journeys in, 1861., vi. 166 commerce of, iii. 76 ; outlet of, iii. 63 North, admiralty surveys, xvi. 321 demand for rice in, iii. 76 journey in, Lamprey's, 1861., xi. 259 mineral wealth in, iii 77 , Southern (see also Brine), Dr. Legge's journey in, (1861.) vi. 166 West, " loess " formation of, xvii. 297 state of in 1868., xii. 262 China and Japan, Oliphant's book on Elgin's mission to, 1857-9, iv. 204 China Seas, admiralty surveys in, i. 405-6, iii. 269, xi. 192, xii. 241, xiii. 278, xv. 268 depths and temperatures in, xxi. 316-7 soundings in, results of, iii. 58 submarine earthquakes in, iv. 62 CIII— CHO 83 Chiha Straits, X. Guinea, xviii. 27 importance of, to navigation, xviii. 2S voyage of the Ellangowan to, 1876., Macfarlane, xxi. 350 Chinese gold-mines in Australia, i. 453 note labour for Australia, vii. 89, vii. IIS, 120,211, ix. 22,23 labourers in Australia, I860., iv. 192 Names, the Transliteration of, Smith, xxi. 580 Notices of their own Great rivers, Edkins, iii. 375 Chinese Tartary, journey through Ala-tu and.Ao-tu Mts., Atkinson (1846.), iii. 127 Kropotkine's journey to, (1863.), x. 233 Notes on, Osborn, xi. 162, 166 Smyth's expedition (proposed), 1861., vi. 7 Turkestan, xi. 6 Chino-Burmese frontier, surveys of, i. 270 Chincha Islands, Peruvian coast, depth of guano on. Peacock on, xiv. 117 Chinchoo or Zayton of Marco Polo, S.E. China, Phillips on, xviii. 171-2 Chin-choo river, C. China, tributary of the Han river, rise of, xiv. 181 Chingasora river, Equatorial Africa, old gold workings at, xv. 150-1 Ching-oh'i-Hsien, S.W. China, country near, described by Margary, xx. 195-6 Ching-foo, (see also Ching-tu) capital of Seehueu province, W. China, xi. 258 Ching-kiang-fu, (see also Chin-Kiang-foo), N.E. China, iii. 57 Ching-Ping, N.E. China, fine walled city, vi. 223 Ch'ing-p'iug Hsien, C. China, coal at and Mantzu ravages near, xx. 192 Ohiug-Ting-Foo, N.E. China, walled city, game at, and cotlon culture, vi. 225 Ching-tu, capital of Szechuen, China (see also Cheng-tu and Ching-foo), xix. 284 ; described by Wylie, xiv. 169 plain, xiv. 35, 170 Chinhai, E, China, seaport of Xingpo, xiii. 177 Chink escarpment, C. Asia, xvii. 294, xix. 423 elevation of, and mountains near, xvii. 90 as a Russian frontier, xvii. 163 Chin-kiang-foo, N.E. China (see also Ching-kiang-fu) — forts of, iii. 169 port and trade of, xi. 263 rebels at, i. 341 C'hinqueco river, Argentine Republic, S. America, xvii. 63 Chin - 'sha river, Chino - Tibet border, xxii. 269 Chios, Greek Archipelago, effects of earth quake of 1866. ou, x. 322 Chiouga Endoulicq Island, Bijuga group, W. Coast of Africa, unvisited, iii. 381 Chipchip, Formosa, Chinese town and military station at, xxi. 264 level of, geological formation at, and river near, xxii. 55 Chippendall, Lt., r.n., explorations of, towards Albert Nyanza, (1875.), xx. 12 Chiptyk Pass, Russian Turkestan — elevation of, and position, xvi. 350 Chire, Rio, Equatorial Africa, ii. 364, 366; see Shire Chireguelo, Paraguay, yerba-mate cultiva tion at, xx. 497 Chiri, Patagonia, vegetation at, xv. 45 Chirigui Lagoon, C. America, auchorage at, vi. 112 Chiring Dunduk Monastery, Tibet, visited by the Pundit, 1873., xxi. 331 Chiringoma district, near the Shire river, Equatorial Africa, ii. 364 Chistagh peak, Bolor Mts., E. Turkestan, elevation of, xxi. 138 Chitata river, Ecuador, xxi. 567 Chitesi's, Lake Nyassa, xxii. 242 Chitral, N.W. Indian frontier, elevation of, xvi. 260 to Faizabad, Havildar's or Sapper's journey, 1870., xvi. 253, 339 in 1870., xv. 11 et seq. Munphool Meer Moonshee on Gilgit and, xiii. 130 native names for, position of, and routes to, xiii. 133 route followed through, by Mahomed Anin, Schlagintweit's guide (1862), xiii. 122 ¦, robber-infested to, from Dir, xvi. 254 slave trade of, xv. 181 Chitral pass, Hayward on, xiii. 16, P* Leitner on, xviii. 117 or Kunar river, source of, xiii. 130-1 Valley real route between and Tibet, xv. 22 Chittagong, British Burmah, boundary oi, xvii. 54 Chittiboi Lake, N.W. Indian frontier, source of Chitral river, xiii. 31 Ch'iung Chow, W. China, bridge over the Min river at, xxii. 265 Chiwunuko Bay, Uganda coast of Vict. Nyanza, xui. 392 Chiwyu, Lake region, Africa, death of Pocock at, 1875., xx. 137 Choaspes river, see Kerkhat Chobsen, N.W. China, position of, Prje- walsky's journey to (1872.), xvii. 292 Chobe' river, S. Cent. Africa, i. 56, 240, iv. 63 probable connection with the Cubango river, i. 245 84 CHO— CHU Chobe' river — continued. tributary. of the Liambige river, ii. 354 Choco, district, New Granada, i. 466 Chocwa, limit of navigation of the ZambeBi, iv. 27 Chois, Mexico, iii. 109 Chokanah river, E. Turkestan, tributary of the Kashgar river, xviii. 425; Bid dulph on, xx. 486 Cho-la, (pass), Sikkim, explored by Blan- ford and Edgar (about 1875), xix. 341 Cholok river. Asia Minor, see Tcholok Chombaka river, Nyassa district, xxii. 243 Chombi Mt., Nyassa district, elevation of, xxii. 242 Chom-gompa, Tibet, site of, xix. 339 Cbomoraug Range and Pass, Tibet, eleva- t on of, xiii. 187, 194 Chona Jung, Tibet, trade of, xxi. 343 Chon-Su (river), Turkestan, described by Kostenko, (1876.), xxi. 127, 128, 130 Chontales district, Nicaragua, mountains in, xii. 32 mines, xiii. 62, wealth of, xii. 47 Chontongo village, between Benguela and Mozambique, Equatorial Africa, i. 75 Choo-ho (river) affluent of the Han river, C. China, rise, course, etc., of, xiv. 182 Choomalari Mt., Himalayas, xii. 166; geographical position and elevation of, i. 346-7 ; see Chumulari Chouga Mts., Mongolia, xviii. 80 Chowra-onta fall, Curiebrong river, Br. Guiana, xv. 129 Chowsam Goliain's journey to reach the French missionaries in Tibet, 1869., xiv. 216 Chow-ya-tsze, C. China, xiv." 174 Christiania observatory, exact geographical position of, determined, 1847., iv. 242 Christchurch, N. Zealand, ix. 33 Christianstadt Harbour, W. Indies, admiralty survey, i. 407 Christie, Capt., journey in Beluchistan, xvi. 219 Christison, Dr., cited on diet for travellers, i. 327 Chopi, Nile region, Karuma falls of the Nile at, 'vii. 221 Chor Hoti Ghaut, pass into Tibet, x. 166 elevation of, x. 168 Chosan, Korea, trade of, with Tsusima, ix. 299 Chosiea, Peru, elevation of, xviii. 207 Christy, H., obituary notice, 1865., ix. 215 Chu river, Russian Turkestan — connection of, with Lake Issyk-kul, ix. 273 Veniukoff on, v. 192 Valley, Russian Turkestan, xiv. 221 Chuaka Inlet, Zanzibar, bays of and villages on, xx. 72-3 Chubbun, C. Africa, ii. 34 Chubut river, see Chupat Chuche, El, Arenal pass, Ecuador, fine views from, xxi. 559 Chucunaque river, Isthmus of Panama, course of, xii. 68 Chuck valley, near Attock, N.W. India, earthquake in, 1853., Waugh on, xiii. 371 note Chuh-ke, C. China, rivers near, xiv. 184 Chfih-shan, C. China, xiv. 184 Ch'u-hsiung city, C. China, xx. 205 Chukche tribes, N.E. Siberia, see Tchouk- chi Chuke, N.W. Africa, xx. 78 Chukhang Valley, E. Turkestan, ridge dividing from Tawung valley, xxi. 343 Chukyd Bhutang, Tibet, a large town, xxi. 342 Chulim river, W. Siberia, iron ore near, xx. 419 Cliuma, Equatorial Africa, i. 78 Chumah, xviii. 176, 182, 508, and Susi, Livingstone's " boys," xviii. 222; awarded bronze medals, 1874., xviii. 495 present at R.G.S. meeting, xviii. 300 and Jacob Wainwright, xviii. 182, 221-2, 254, 300 Chumbi Valley, Tibet. Parijong and other passes leading to, xix. 338, 341 Chumulari, sacred Peak, Tibet, elevation of, xix. 332 ; see Choomalari Chumun, Afghanistan, spring at, xxi. 588 Chung King or Ch'ung Ch'ing, city, W.C. China, xiv. 237 ; described by Barton, vi. 87 commercial station on the Yang-tsze- kiang, xiv. 168 foreign missionaries and Christians at, vi. 3 hostility to English at, 1861., vi. 4 region described by Gill, xxii. 256 trade gorg"e of four provinces, xii. 338 route to Yunnan and Kweichow from, only temporary, Cooper, xix. 284 visited by Swinhoe, xiv. 238-40 water-route to, xiv. 176 Chung . Terek, E. Turkestan, camping ground, xviii. 418 Chung-tu, Mongolia, ruined palace of, xviii. 151 Chungu river, Equatorial Africa, scene of Lacerda's death, xvi. 11 Chiin-shan island, E. China, xx. 137 Chuntodong Lake, Tibet, elevation of, xix. 338 Chunyu or Chungu, Equatorial Africa, bitter water at, xxii. 384 longitude of, fresh water at, xViii. 72 Ghupanga, width of the Zambesi at, ii. 364 Chupat river, Patagonia, alleged sources of, xv. 47 Welsh settleri at, (1864.), viii. 162 mr— CLE 85 Chu-po, walled oity, N.E. China, vi. 219 Chuprang, Tibet, duties of the Jongpon of, xiii. 184-5 Chuiquanaqua river, Isthmus of Darien, Spanish fort at, i. 78 track-chart of, i. 88 valley, pass in, Wyse on, xxii. 368 Chuquisaca, Bolivia, harvest at, xxii. 49 Church, Col. G. E., on the railways of Peru, xviii. 29; work in connection with same, xviii. 216 work of, in exploring the Madeira river, etc., xv. 376 , in opening up Bolivia, xxii. 48 . Church, Corporal of Vogel's expeditions, watch presented to, by^R.G.S., 1856., i. 82, 114 Church Missionary Society (see also Mis sionary Societies), aotivity of, in Africa, xvi. 126, xix. 323, xxi. 14, 61, xxii. 15 expedition to Victoria Nyanza, 1876-7., Hutchinson, xxi. 498 Churchill, Fort, B. N. America, i. 21 , H. A., on Livingstone, xii. 22, .180-1 , xv. 115 Lord A., on Africa, ex-slave colonies in, and cotton cultivation, iv. 221 on colonization of N . Australia, v. 60 — cotton-cultivation in Australia, iii. 89, v. 126 Chusamoolo Island, Lake NyaBsa, coast near, xxi. 229, great depth at, xxi. 232 Chusan Islands, off China, i. 334, 335 admiralty surveys of, iii. 270 Chu-sangpo river, Tibet, described by Pundit 3., xiv. 210 Chn-sin, 0. China, important trade centre, ii. 208 Chusuljong, Tibet, elevation of, xiv. 338 Chutrum, N.W. frontier, India, road from, viii. 36 Chutteesgurh district Central India, de scribed by Temple, x. 81-2 Ohuy-teng-cha, Formosa, country near, xi. 170 CiaUli, Comm., on the Movement of Waves, ii. 328 Cibola, see Civola Ciegos, rin de los, Argentina, S. America, souroe and course of, and other names of, xvii. 58 Cimarron Agency, New Mexico, Ute natives of, xxii. 279 Cinaloa, Mexico, lowlands of, iii. 108 Cipanga, on the Zambesi, iii. 101 Circassia, people of, described, ix. 92 Cis-Anna Mts., Siberia, elevation of and orossing by Neumann, (1868.), xxi. 214 OisoauoaBian Region, importance of, as highway to China and India, i. 306 Civola, Arizona, Seven Cities of, xix. 302 Clackamas river, Oregon, affluents of, xi. 82 Clarence, W. Africa, freed slaves at, ii. 228 river, N. S. Wales, admiralty survey of, xv. 267 coalfields of, xii. 141 strait, N. Australia, i. 32 Persian Gulf, viii. 266, wood trade of, 267 Clarendon, Earl of, K.G., obituary notice of, 1871., xv. 253 Clark, Sir James, Bt.. m.d., obituary notice of, 1871., xv. 256 River, N. Australia, i. 495 Clarke, Capt. Claude, journey across E. frontier of Persia (I860.), v. 196. vi. 184 Capt. F. C. H. (see Neumann) Report on Congress of Orientalists, St. Petersburg, 1876., xxi. 204 (Russian) Voyage to Uzbegistan in 1671-2., xxi. 218 Lt.-Col. : see Richards and Clarke Rev. W. B., Auriferous and other Metalliferous Districts of N. Queensland, xii. 138 discovery of gold by, iii. 339, ix. 229 note geological work of, vi. 175 On the Search for Leichhardt, and the Australian Desert, iii. 87, 91 On the Winter of 1855 in N. S. Wales (letter), i. 5 cited on Leichhardt's route, iii. 334 note ; on the rise of the S. Australian coast level, vii. 42 River, N. Queensland, iii. 88, xviii. 90 auriferous rocks along, xii. 138, 143 geological formation near, xii. 140 Clarke's Peak, Queensland, i. 4 Clarkson, see Dempster, Clarkson and Hann Claro, Arroyo, Paraguay, elevation of, xx. 494 , river, Chile, xvii. 62 Clava, Inverness, cairns of, xiii. 211 Clavering Island, Arctic Regions, traces of Esquimaux on, found by German Polar expedition, 1870., xv. 106 Clav, R., on the Trans-Andean railway (Peru), xvii. 66 , Sir W., Bt, obituary notice of, 1869., xiii. 273 Clavoquot Sound, Vancouver Island, viii. 86 Clayton river, S. Australia, xv. 97, 99 Clear Lake, California, xix. 299 ; Indians of, xix. 299 Cleghorn, Dr., on forest destruction in relation to rainfall in India, xiii. 81 cited on the water returns of Tanjore district, xiii. 78, 86 CLE— C()C Clerk, Rt. Hon. Sir George, obituary notice, 1868., xii. 228 Cleveland of Bagulpur, tamer of the Sonthals, xix. 331 Cleveland Bay and Cape, Queensland, v 4. 7, 123. x. 328 _;,- l.,gi,-,al form ,t>»n of. xii 143 a se, oml-rate harbour, xii. 56 telegraph extension to, xii 54 Climate of countries bordering on Lake Victoria Nyanza 1861-2., from Speke and Grant's observations, Galton, vii. 221 Clinton County, Queensland, pastoral in character, v. 122 Cloates, Point, W. Australia, x. 47 Cloneurry river, Queensland, xvi. 139 fossils from delta of, xii. 112 gold probable at head of, xii. 144 Cloudy Bay, N. Guinea, difficult naviga tion of, xxi. 356 Clowes, Rev. G., Journev to Western Shores of the Dead Sea, 1863., viii. 279 Clutha river, Otago, N. Zealand, viii. 47, gold-fiud on, vi. 71 Clyde, Firth of, geological discoveries of Thomson in, 1834., xxii. 309 - — ¦ river, N. S. Wales, Hume and Berry's expedition from, 1822., xviii. 532 Coal, occurrence of, in — Africa, East, i. 248, ii. 321, 365, iii. 105, xvii. 356 , Central, v. 130 , South and South-East, i. 314, v. 130, xii. 268, xvii. 300, 356, xxii. 121 America, North (general), xx. 293, 296 ¦ -, British, ii. 147, iii. 318, iv. 172, 230, viii. 85, 91, ix. 17, 126, 307, xx. 239, 293, 296, xiii, 383 , South — Chile, xvii. 66 Ecuador, xxi. 560 Peru, xviii. 205 Arctic Regions, i. 105, vii. 101, xix. 27 ¦ and Greenland, xx: 56, 58, 62-5 Asia — Afghanistan (probable), xx. 245 Arabia, S., xv. 320-1 Aral Sea district, viii. 206 Assam, xii. 334 Borneo, i. 193, 207, 439, ii. 309, 345, iii. 300 Burma, vii. 58, xv. 344 Cambodia, vi. 81 Central Asia, xi. 13, xvi 406, 409, xviii. 252 China, ii. 202, 203, 204, iii. 63, 363, vi. 3, 95, 218, 219, 224, vii. 27. x. 156, 157, xi. 262. xii. 52, xiii. 35, 36, xiv. 24, 25,31, 84, 138, 143, 144, 160, 177, 183-4, 243, 244, 281, xv. 173, 294, 296, xvi. 210, 213, 215, xvii. 160. 186, 296, 297, xviii. 150. 174, xix. 285, xx. 192, xxi. 265 Coal, occurrence of, in — continued. Asia, — continued. Formosa, v. 203, viii. 24, 26, xi. 172, xvii. 155, xxi. 262, 265-6, xxii. 55, 60 India, xv. 283 * Japan, v. 203, vi. 204, xvi. 215, xviii. 232 Kashmir, iv. 30 Manchuria, ii. 307, xiii. 30-1, 37, xvi. 215 Mongolia, xvii. 192, xviii. 174 Persia, xvii. 94 Russian Asia, viii. 206 Saghalien, i. 143, xiii. 365 Siberia, v. 191 Turkestan, xviii. 249. 252 Australasia — ¦ N. S. Wales, xii. 141, 315 New Zealand, iii. 339, viii. 57, xi. 228 Queensland, xii. 138, 141 South Australia, xii. 315 Tasmania, iii. 340, vi. 175 Europe, Russia, Southern, viii. 206 Coango or Quango(g,.o.)river, W.C. Afrioa, Livingstone at (about 1856.), i. 311, his account of, 315 Cuanzo river, W. Africa, wheat grown at, iii. 105 Coast Range Mts., California, xix. 293 Cobango trading station, S. Africa, i. 11 Livingstone at, 1856., i. 159 Cobboras Mts., X. S. Wales, i. 4 Coburg Peninsula, N. Territory, Australia, vii. 171 Coca river, Ecuador, xxi. 557 Cocaya river, Ecuador, affluent of the Putomayo river, xxi. 572 ; floods of, xxi. 579 Cocassura, S.C. Africa, i. 75 Cocussilmba, S.C. Africa, i. 75 Cocha Huaya Lake, Peru, xi. 174 Cochin, Madras, ship-building at, vii. 96 Cochin-China, admiralty surveys, in com plete (1859.), iii. 269 Chinese immigrants in, i. 337 claim of, to allegiance of Cambodia, iv. 216 exclusive use of Mekong river, by, i. 13 French designs on (1862.), vi. 82; annexation of, v. 47 note road, archaeological remains on, ix. 85 Cockburn, A. S., Notes on the Geography of the Belize river, xii. 72 ; on the Physical Features of Belize (1867.) xii. 341 Sound, W. Australia, admiralty survey, xvii. 257, xviii. 538 Cocks, R. T., appointed Treasurer of R.G.S., (1864.), viii. 121 Coeksoomb Hills, S. Australia, ii. 16 Cocoa-nut Island, Torres Straits, i, 8Q, 8 COO— COL 87 Coco-Chacra, Peru, elevation of, xvii. 207 Codfish Island, New Zealand, whaling and sealing station, ii. 356 Ccele Syria, Turkey-in-Asia, elevation of watershed of, v. 172 Coepang, or Koepang, Timor Island, i. 1*9, 256, 260, 262, 341, 342, 491, ii. 8, 9, 15 ; geological formation and mineral wealth of, iii. 369 Coetohangia, C. Africa, Petherick's visit to, I860., v. 35 Coffin, Capt. — , u.s n., claim of, to tho dis covery of the Bonui Islands, i. 63, 173 Coga river, S. Africa, i. 511 Cogoon river, Queensland, Leiohhardt's last letter sent from, 1848, i. 322, x. 59 Coguem, S.C. Africa, i. 75 Coimba, large town, S. Centr. Africa, i. 75 Ooimbatore, or Coimbatur, Madras, and the Cauvery river, xiii. 79 trade-outlets of, vii. 96 Cola, W.C. Africa, xix. 79 Colchester, Adm. Lord, obituary notice of, 1868 , xii. 226 Colchis, Trans-Caucasia, alluvial plain of, vi. 6 Cold water river, Labrador, source of, viii. 50 Oolebrooke, H. T., explorations in con nection with the height of the Hima layas, ii. 303 and Crawfurd, explorations in con nection with the height 'of the Hima layas, and discovery of fossils by, viii. 41 Coleman river, Queensland, course of, xviii. 96 Coles, J., on Napier's observations for the height of Demavend, xxii. 218 Colesberg, S. Africa, drying-up of streams at, ii. 159 Coliabone Hills, Dominica, W. Indies, elevations in, xx. 230 Collao district, Peru, xviii. 212 early inhabitants of, xv. 369 parallel to plateau of Gt. Tibet, xix. 330 Collaroy Sound, Queensland, v. 6 Collingwood Bay, New Guinea, fir-like trees of, xix. 233 , Dr., Boat journey across the Northern end of Formosa, (1867.), xi. 167 Collins, Gov., first settlement of Victoria, Australia, under, in 1803 , ix. 228 Collinson, J., Explorations in C. America, 1867., xii. 25 on the harbours of C. America, xii. 48 • , Adm. Sir R., awarded Gold Medal, 1858., ii. 231, 236, President's speech, 237, reply, 238 on Antarctic exploration, xiii. 120 on Ai'ctic exploration, etc., in 1861., v. 199 note ; proposed, in 1865. and Collinson, Adm. Sir R. — continued. on Arctic exploration— continued. previous, ix. 117, xix. 36, 476, 479, xxi. 281-2; difficulties of, xix. 220 animals in Greenland, xv. 113 ice barrier north of N. America, i. 30 Kane's Arctic explorations, ii. 199 M'Clintock's search for Franklin, iv. 9 polar ice and the Spitzbergen route to the Pole, xvii. 105 probable course of Franklin, i. 23, 26 routes for reaching the N. Pole, xiii. 168-9 Smith Sound route to the Pole, xviii. 18 ice aud tidal rise and fall, xvii. 181 on ascents of Kilimanjaro, vi. 50 on astronomical observations in geo graphy, ii. 360-1 on Formosa, viii. 25 on the Livingstone Search and Relief Expedition, 1872., xvi. 165 on the navigation of the Yangtse river, etc., ii. 203, iii. 167 on the Patagonians, xv. 50 on Toynbee's paper, ix. 282 and others, Hints to Travel lers, xvi. 1-78 Lt.-Col. T. B., Description of the Ruins of Cassope, vi. 100 on the Amur river, iii. 93 Collololab, Abyssinia, oasis of, animal life at, x. 280, 281 Colombia, United States of, S. America, Mosquiera's work on, x. 255 Colombier Point, New Guinea, xxi. 356, 358 Colon, see Aspinwall Colonia Thereza, Brazil, railway survey in, 1872.. xx. 455 Colorado, U.S.A., Physical Geography of, Bell, xiii. 140, 142 river, area of basin, xiii. 140 bore of, xix. 305 , canons of, xiii. 147, xv. 38, xvii. 273, xix. 305 navigation of, xix. 305 Colston, Col. R. E., Survey itinerary, Debbe to El Obeyad, 1875., xx. 357 Colquhoun, Chevalier de, obituary notice, 1856., i. 119 — -, Mr., cited on Petherick and on the Soudanese slave-trade, viii. 150 , Sir R. G., k.c.b., obituary notice, 1871., xv. 255 Columbia, Cape, Arctic regions, most northerly known land, xxi. 1 1 6 supposed opening north of, Xares on, xxi. 100 river, X. America (sie Snake Fork) ix. 19, xi. 81, 81 88 (XIL- CON Columbia river — continued. absence of current in, xv. 143 "benches" or terraces of, ix. 21, xv. 134 country near, i. 266 falls of, xi. 85 gold near, iv. 76 Hector on, iv. 74 Japanese crew carried over to, by current, x. 172 nick of, iv. 232 passes leading to, iii. 123 trend of stream, iv. 229 volcanic traces at mouth of, xi. 95 Columbus, the Landfall of, Becher, i. 94 ; Ditto, Major, xv. 210 Columns, Cape of, Arctic regions, xix. 30 Oolvill, W. H., Land journey along shores of Persian Gulf, . . . (1866.), xi. 36 Colville, Mr., on attitude of Hudson's Bay Co. to Palliser's expedition, iv. 233 Comeda?, hill country of, C. ABia, identified with Darwaz and Roshan, xxi. 137 Comet River, Queensland, Australia, i. 342, 368 junction of, with the Mackenzie river, i. 325, 496 downs, Queensland, wool of, etc., , x. 62, 63 Comorin, Cape, S. India, i. 370 rainfall at, x. 266 Comoro Islands, Indian Ocean, de Horsey, (1864.), viii. 274 (see Great Comoro) ethnology of, Hildebrandt on, xxii. 447 Compance river, W. Africa, i. 42 Comparative Temperatures of the Atlantic and other Oceans, Carpenter on, xv. 73 et seq. Compiegne, Marquis de, obituary notice of, 1877., xxi. 425 Comux Harbour, see Augusta, Port Concan, the, Bombay, India, rainfall of, xi. 63 Concepcion, Paraguay, hills near, xx. 495, palm clad, 497 Conception Bay, Newfoundland, examined for Atlantic Cable purposes, 1863., vii. 143 river, C. America, gold from, i. 78 Conchas village, Brazil, elevation of, xx. 456 Concordia, Fort, Timor, ii. 9 Condolence, Address of, presented by R.G.S. to H.M. the Queen, on the death of the Prince Consort, 1862., vi. 40 CWdnrasto, Mt., Ecuador, rivers flowing by, xxi. 557 Conducia river, S.E. Africa, Arab state ment as to source of, iii. 116 Congo Basin, W. Centr. Africa, Geo graphical Sketch of, Stanley, xxii. 382 — Kingdom, extent of, xix. 94 Congo or Zaire river, (Livingstone, of Stanley), W. and W.C. Africa, (see also Lualaba, Luapula, etc.), i. 449 Ascent of, 1857., Hunt and Moresby, ii. 317, 374, iv. 69 Bedingfield on, iv. 66 Behm, on Livingstone's exploration of the Upper, (1871.), xvii. 21 at Boma, elevation according to Burton, xxii. 406 cataracts on, xxii. 161 characteristics of, Grandy on, xix. 103 explorations and expeditions — Bastian's (1858.), ii. 318 Grandy's, 1872., xix. 11, 88 et seq. Hunt and Moresby's, see Ascent, , above Livingstone's (1871. et seq.), xvii. 21 Skene's, 1856., i. 156 Stanley's, 1877., xxii. 10, 152, 302 Tuckey's, 1815-16., i. 7, 310, iv. 68, 69, 72, xvii. 23, 31, xx. 128 identity with Lualaba river, Behm cited on, xvii. 12, on, 21 et seq. probable, xix. 75 certainty of, xx. 12S Livingtone on, ix. 9 mouth of, latitude of, xxii. 404 , turbid sea- water at, i. 413 rapids of, ii. 317, iv. 72 rise and fall of, xvii. 29 sources of, ii. 324 , and hydrographical features, Campbell on, i. 310-312 , Livingstone on, xviii. 209 , Magyar cited on, xvii. 30 tributaries of, i. 6, 7, 12 upper river, the Kasai according to Pogge, xxi. 203 , Livingstone's exploration of, 1871., xvii. 21 volume of, xvii. 27 watershed of, ii. 57 Congress of Orientalists, St. Petersburg, 1876., Report on, Clarke, xxi. 204 Congreve, Lt. C. R. : see Johnston and Congreve Conolly, A., travels" of, in C. Asia (1829- 31.), Rawlinson on, viii. 271-2, xx. 177-8 * cited on Meshed-i-Misriyan, xx. 180-1 Connor and Pitt's Station, Queensland, i. 325, 342. 496 Con-Quel-a-Ken, village, C. Africa, v. 32 Consacunti and its Indians, Colombia, xxi. 574 Consort, the Prince, Pr. Albert of Saxe- Coburg-Gotha ; death of, 1861— address of condolence presented to H.M. the Queen on, by R.G.S., vi. 40 Lord Ashburton on death of, vi. 73 obituary notice of, 1862., vi. 127 Constable, Capt., i,n., on Kurraehee Har bour, xi. 30 CON— COP 89 Constance Island, N. Guinea, and its natives, xxi. 354 Constantinople, i. 304, corn supplies of, 1758., i. 302, 303 water-supply of (1865.), ix. 109 and Bussorah, telegraph line be tween, established, v. 219, extension of, 220 Constitution, Cape, Greenland, discovery of, 1854, ix. 47 latitude of, ix. 48 position of, ii. 360, iii. 147 probable error in mapping, ii. 200 Hill, S. Australia, ii. 16 Continental Geography, summary of pro gress in, 1858., ii. 275 Continents, Comparative Antiquity of, as indicated by the Distribution of Living and Extinct Animals, Wallace, xxi. 505 , trend of, xxi. 507 Conway, Cape, Queensland, vi. 117 Conybeare, Rev. W., obituary notice of, 1858., ii. 243 Cook, Cape, Siberia, tribes eastward of, xxi. 213 Cook, Capt. J. — Antarctic Explorations of, xiii. 114, 119-20 ; furthest point reached by, ix. 94 ; views of, ix. 95 Eastern Australia discovered by, 1770., i. 452 note, ix. 226 first landing in, xii. 296, xiv. 198 visits to Endeavour Bay, xviii. 101, and river (1770.), xviii. 539 furthest north reached, by, xix. 176 Xew Caledonia discovered by, i. 459, iii. 91 at Sulphur Island, Pacific Ooean, i. 63 surveys of, vi. 136 , Banks, and Solander, first landing of, in Australia, (1770.), xii. 296 , Mt., New Zealand, viii. 49 elevation of, vi. 72, viii. 56 lake sources in, viii. 214 Cook's Peak, White Mts., New Mexico, xxii. 275 Straits, Torres Straits, vi. 200 , N. Zealand, viii. 56 Cooley, W. D., Journey of Joachim Rodri guez Graca to the Muata ya Nvo, i. 92 On the Travels of Portuguese and others in Inner Africa, viii. 255 cited on the geography of C. Africa, iii. 304, vii. 193-4 Nile sources, iii. 306 note Cooraassie, Ashanti capital, W. Africa, the golgotha at, xviii. 295 road from, to Assinie, xiii. 354 Cooper, Fort, Queensland, vi. 13, 68 Cooper, T. T., journey from the Yang- tsze-Kiang to Tibet and India, 1868., xiii. 306, xiv. 335, xix. 284 Cooper, T. T. — continued. " On the Chinese Province of Yunnan and its Borders, xv. 163, 173-4 ou the course of the Tsanpo and Ira- waddy rivers, and on Tibet, (1869.), xiii. 392 (letter) on the navigation of the Yang-tsze river, and on opium culture, xiv. 242 on the trade between China and Bur mah (1868.), xv. 363 on trade routes from Burmah to China via Bhamo, xix. 285 • Travels in Eastern China and Western Tibet, 1868., xiv. 335 French missionaries on, xiv. 215 Rawlinson on, xv. 171-2 death of, 1878., xxii. 287 and life-work, Alcock on, xxii. 346 Cooper or Cooper's Creek, Centr. Australia, called also Barcoo, and Victoria River, iii. 25, 157, 334, v. 8, vii. 7, 9, xii. 289, xv. 97 aborigines of, xi. 44 ; funeral mounds of, along, iii. 33 affluents of, vii. 112 Burke and Wills' expedition at, 1861., vii. 35 ; depot left by, vii. 36-7, 139 deaths of Burke and Wills, vi. 41, 53, 54, 57, 68, 69, vii. 84, ix. 230 . character of country near, iii. 27-30, 155, vii. 84 described by Burke, vi. 70 discovered by Sturt, 1844., ix. 230, xiv. 290 disposal of waters of, iii. 31, 156 district north of, ix. 232 Howitt's explorations near, 1861-2., vi. 194, vii. 36-7, 38, 113 Lake Torrens an expansion of, iii. 32 loose horses at, iii. 88 remains of Gray found at, vii. 175 rivers near, ix. 303 route to, sought, ix. 301 . Warburton's, see Jarvis river Coorg, S. India, Effects of Forest destruc tion in, Bidie, xiii. 74 trade of, vii. 96 Coorong, S. Australia, salt basin of, xv. 98 Coote, Sir Eyre, journey in Syria, I860., iv. 187 Copacabana peninsula, Lake Titicaca, xviii. 214 river, Chile, iv. 47 Cope, W., obituary notice of, 1872., xvi. 315 Copiabo river, Chile, Wheelwright's engineer work on, after 1834., iv. 47-S Copperfield river, N. Queensland, tribu taries of, geological formation of region, xii. 143 Coppermanna, S. Australia, missionaries at, 1870., xv. 99, 100 90 COP— COU Coppermine river, Arctic America, deer, etc., found near, by Franklin's party, i. 53 Coprales river, see Diz Coqui's journey from Origstadt toDelagoa Bay, J846., iii. 373 Coquimbo, Chile, mining methods in vogue at, (1874.), Verney on, xviii. 220 Coquito river, Columbia, S. America, i. 72 Cora, Corro, (Mts.), Paraguay, elevation of, xx. 495 , Guido, ascentof Mt. Kudusi, Albania by, (1874.), xix. 422 Coral formation, Rawlinson on, xvi. 394 reefs, formation of, Belcher on, iv. 85-6 , Queensland coast (see Barrier Reef), Jukes on, iv. 80 2, 86 Coral Sea, admiralty surveys of, iii. 267, 271, iv. 154 ; charts, vi. 136, 199, 200 Coramba fort, Brazil, i. 467 Corazon, Mt., Ecuador, elevation of, xxi. 556 Cordilleras of Centr, America, i. 88 elevation of, at Cape Marzo, i. 64 opening in, for railway, xii. 42 of Panama, alleged crossing of, by native canoes, ix. 277 of S. America, gold in, iii. 96 minerals of, xvii. 66 passes in, viii. 161 ¦ ¦ of Patagonia, xv. 44 • ¦ of Peru, gradients of, xviii. 206 ; ravines in, xii. 127 Cordillera, Eastern, of Australia, i. 455, ix. 226, xii. 139, xiv. 199 explored by Strzelecki, (1839.), i. 456 geological formation of, i. 470 Cordillerita of Paraguay, mineral wealth of, xviii. 124 Cordova, Argentine, proposed railway via, across the Andes, iv. 45 Corea, see Korea Corentyn river, Guiana, explored by Brown, 1871., xvi. 360 Corfu, Island of, extent of, and population in 1862., vi. 106 Corimba river, S. Centr. Africa, i. 75 Coringa, Madras, mouth of the Godavery river at, vii. 96 Corisco Bay, W. Africa, beauty and banks of, v. 109 Spanish possession, 1843., i. 228 Corner, A., Journey in the Interior of For mosa, (1875.), xix. 515 Tour through Formosa, from South to North, (1876.), xxii. 53 Cornish, E. B., and Buchanan, Journey from Queensland towards the interior of Australia (1862.), vi. 67-8 expedition of, in interior of Australia (1862.), vii, 7 Cornish Creek, Queensland, aborigines of, x. 64 Cornwallis Island or Land, Arctic regions, animal life of, i. 54 Franklin's voyage round, (1845.), iv. 7 Port, Andaman Islands, good harbour, vi. 42, deei i water at, 116 Coroado Indians of Brazil, location of, xx. 455 Coromandel Coast, Bay of Bengal, currents along, Heathcotc on, vi. 114 Corn Islands, O. America, described by Pim, vi. 113 Corrientes, Paraguay, barranca of, xx, 500 Corrientes, Cape, Patagonia, Bragg's explorations near, 1857., i. 468 Corsali, Andrea, cited on a Southern Con tinent, (1545.), xvi. 354 Cortez, Port, C. America, geographical position and harbour of, iv. 173 Coryton, J., Trade Routes between Burmah and W. China, xix. 264 Cosanga, torreut, Ecuador, xxi. 563 Cosano river, Ecuador, xxi. 568 Cosi river, see Bhutia Cosi Cosseir, Upper Egypt, geographical posi tion of, iv. 180 Cossyah Mts., N.E. India, longitude of, x. 240 Costa, Cerro, Paraguay, xx. 495 Costa Rica, Centr. America, fine country of, xii. 46 survey of, 1858., ii. 296 Cotacachi. Mt., Colombia, S. America, elevation of, xxi. 556 Coteau du Prairie, B. N. America, eleva tions of salt lakes on, vii. 102 Cothcal, Maj., visit of, to E. Africa, ii. 54 Cotopaxi, Mt., Ecuador, effect of volcanic eruptions of, xxi. 564 elevation of, and rivers rising in, xxi. 557 Cottam, H., Overland route to China, via Assam etc., across the Irrawaddi river into Yunnan, 1876., xxi. 590 Cotton cultivation : see Africa, Australia, Manchuria, etc. Cotterill,'H. B., On the Nyassa, and journey thence to Zanzibar, 1876-7., xxii. 233 Cottesloe, Lord, vote of thanks to Rawlin son for annual address, 1876., xx. 375, the reply, 376 Cotton, Gen. Sir A., On Communication between. India and China on the line of the Burhampootra and Yangtse, xi. 255, 259 Cotton's Island, N.W. Australia, i. 501 Cottonwood river, B. Columbia, 'benches' of, xv. 134 Couesnon river, France, course of, changed by the storm of a.d. 705., x. 334-5 Council Bluff, B- N, America, iv, 232. COU— Cit A 91 Countess of Warwick's Island, Arctic regions', coal on, 101 supposed relics of Frobisher's expedition of 1571., found by Hall, 1868., viii. 99 Court. S., on the mouth and tides of the Peiho river, 1858., iii. 84 Sailing directions, Shanghai to the Gulf of Pechili, iii 55,84 Courtenay river, Vancouver, navigation of, ix. 307 Courtown, Ireland, absence of tidal rise and fall at, i. 176 Cow-cow-ing, W. Australia, salt lake near, i. 30, 31 Cowicheu Harbour, Lake, and River, Vancouver, described by Brown, ix. 306 Cowine, W. Australia, salt lake near, ix. 112 l.'owle, Mr., at Camden Harbour settle ment, 1864., x. 40 Cox, Capt., r.n., admiralty surveys of Australian Coast, vi. 135, vii. 142, viii. 192, x. 221, xix. 409 retirement of, xi. 194 , Don G., Journey across the Southern Andes of Chili, . . . 1862., viii. 160 Coymbra, S. Australia, water at, x. 129 Cracknell, W. J., telegraph superinten dent, Queensland, x. 62 report on telegraph work in Queensland, 1867.. xvii. 54 Cracroft, Cape, Arctic Region, reaohed by Hayes, xii. 104 Cracroft, Com., en., obituary notice of, 1866., x. 215 Cradoo Waters, (Koradu), near Lagos, W, Africa, vi. 64 Cratieh, Cambodia, Cataracts at, xiii. 307 Craven, A., Natural history expedition to Mpwapwa, grant to, from African ex ploration fund. 1877., xxii. 19 Crawfurd, J., viii. 34, xi. 21 Descriptive Dictionary of the Indian Isles (tevimo), ii. 142 on the Andamanese, vi. 46 — the Arru Islands and their trade, ii. 170-1 — Baikie's Niger settlement, vii. 67 — Bickmore's travels in China, xii., 53 — Bokhara and the Russian advance in Asia, viii. 273 — Borneo, i. 206-7 and its mines, vi. 84 — British Burmah, xii. 264 Columbia, ix. 20 . — Burmah, i. 271-2-3 , borderlands of, xi. 52 — Cambodia, vi. 81 and ruined cities in, ix. 86 — Cape York, and its climate, iii. 90, 91 — China, ii. 208-9 , opening-up of, i. 337 * and the Yang-tse rjver, ii. 2Q5 Crawfurd, J. — continued. on coffee-growing in Guiana, ii. 157 — the commercial importance of the Bay of Bengal, vi. 102 — communication between India and China, xi. 258 — the Congo river and its produots, iv. 71 — cotton-growing in Queensland, v. 125 — , the development of, in India, ix 84 — the dwarfs of W. Afrioa, x. 84 — the effect of altitude and climate on the colour of natives, ii. 219 — early colonization- of Greenland, ix. 102-3 — the Gypsies, unknown in C. Asia, i. 41 — Graham's journey in the Desert East of the Hauran, ii. 180 — guano deposits of St. Kitt's etc, iv. 57 — Indian and other indigo, i. 361 — the Indians of the Amazon vallev, xi. 110 — the Karens of Burmah, vi. 83 — Livingstone's alleged death, xi. 146, xii. 24 ; enquiries concerning, his travels, i. 246 ; his alleged safety, xii. 5 — Madagascar, its people and speech, vii. 69, x. 56 — the Mahanuddy and Indian cotton, ix. 82-3 — the Malay Archipelago, vii. 210 — Mesopotamia and its cotton, xi. 159 — the Moa of X. Zealand, vii. 181 — Natal, xi. 19 — N. Guinea, ii. 184, and its races, iii. 359, 361 — Albert river, Australia, unsuitability of, for colonization, i. 263 — N. Australia and its capabilities, vii. 87-8 ; pastures in, ix. 22-3 — N. E. Australia, iv. 84-5 — " Oriental Negroland," vi. 99 — sheep-farming in Australia and elsewhere, vii. 115-116, x. 87 — Persia, and its cotton-culture, viii. 21 — plant-life of the Murchison river, iii. 54 — the proposed Arctic Expedition of 1865., ix. 63 Panama ship-canal, ix. 280 railway across the Isth mus of Kraw, vii. 60 • Steamer route via Torres Straits, i. 80, 85 — Puloweh Island, ix. 31 — the Pundit's journey in Tibet, xiii. 170 — the Red Sea and other telegraph schemes, v. 223 92 CRA— CUM Crawfurd, J. — continued. on Siam, i. 14, iv. 216, 217 — , Schomburgk's travels in, etc., v. 119 — Stuart's C. Australian expedition, vi. 14, 15 — the travels of George Ludwig von , x. 152 — trees in relation to rainfall, x. 268 — tropical climates as affecting Europeans and sheep, viii. 120, con troverted by Kinkel, 121 ; in reference to Australia, x. 87 — the Turks in Asia, xi. 12 — Wilson's paper on the N. Australian expedition, ii. 215; author's reply, 216-7 — Yule's Notices of Cathay, x. 278 — Yunnan and its products, v. 51 — Zambesi river and Quilimane, i. 317-8 ; its navigation, (and on wheat and other culture), iii. 104-5, iv. 21 death of, xiv. 204 obituary notice of, 1868., xii. 234 Crawford, R., On a projected railway across the Andes from the Argentine republic, xvii. 57 Creek Town, W. Africa, xx. 224 Crepee country, W. Africa, cotton culture of, xviii. 192 Crescent Island, Arctic regions, ice at. iv.8 Crescent Lake, Oregon, xi. 89 Crespigny, Lt. C. A. C. de, r.n., exploration of Borneo, 1856., i. 205, 439, iv. 193 On Northern Borneo, xvi. 171 On the rivers Mukat and Oyah in Borneo and their aborigines, xvii. 133 Crete, Island of. admiralty survey, ii. 264, iv. 149, v. 171 Spratt's work on, reviewed, ix. 252 Cretin, Cape, N. Guinea, coast-line near, xix. 231 Crevaux, Dr., Journey acrossTucumuraque Mts. and down the Jary river, 1878., xxii. 369 Crimea, the, need for geological study of, Murchison on, vii. 124 Crimson Cliffs of Beverley, Arctic region, ix. 50 Crocodile Islands, N. Australia, ii. 12 Lake, Egypt, old canal via, iii. 182 Croft, Capt. J. A., exploration of the Volta river, W. Africa, 1872., xviii. 183 Croker, Cape, N. Australia, ii. 10, xi. 11 Croll, J., cited on Gulf Stream, xv. 81 on Thermal Oceanic circulation, xviii. 388 Ocean Temperature, xv. 68 note Cromane, Ashanti-land, the one horse at, iv. 186 Gross Bay, Nova Zembla, latitude of, and ice on, ix. 170 Cross river, W. Africa, affluents of, xx. 225 Becroft's ascent of, (1843.), xvi. 136 falls on, xx. 229 tribes near, xx. 224 Walker on, xvi. 135 Cross, R., Journey from Chimborazo to Bogota across the Central Andes, (1865.), ix. 277 travels in S. America, Markham on, xxii. 46 Crow Wing, Minnesota, ii. 150 Crowdy Head, N. S. Wales, admiralty survey of coast near, vii. 142 Crown, Capt., on receiving Gold Medal of R.G.S. on behalf of Adm. Boutakoff, 1867., xi. 181 Crown Prince Rudolph Land, Arctic Region, xix. 29, extent of, xix. 32 Crowther, Bishop, on Mahommedanism in Africa, xxi. 496-7 Notes on the River Niger, xxi. 481 on the trade of the Upper Niger, xxi. 498 Crozet's Island, Antarctic Region, value of, as a, meteorological and observing station, xiii. 116 Crozier, Cape, Arctic region, traces of Franklin found at, iv. 4 Island, Arctic region, i. IS Mt., Kerguelen Island, xviii. 545 Crucero, Peru, elevation of, \ . 224 Cruces, Cerro de dos, Paraguay, curious form of, xx. 495 Cruttenden, Lt., I.N., travels of, in Arabia, 1834-36, xv. 330-31 Crystal Mts., or Sierra del Crystal, W. Africa, (Congo region), anonymous journey to, iv. 72 rivers rising in, v. 109 unexplored, (1862.), vii. 104 , Cuba, West Indies, i. 94 admiralty surveys of, ii. 269, v. 177 Cubango river, S.W. Africa, source and course of, i. 245 Cubitt,W., obituary notice of,] 864., viii. 187 Cuenca, districts bordering, New Granada, S. America, i. 466 Province, Ecuador, iii. 94 historical interest of, elevation and temperature, xxi. 557, 558 Cuesta Blanca tunnel, Peru, elevation of xviii. 208 Culiacan, Mexico, silverwork and natives of, iii. 109 Cullen, Dr., On the Isthmus of Darien, i. 78 Cumana mouth of Zambesi river, potable water in, i. 316 CUM— DAC 93 Cumberland Gulf, Arctic regions, xiii. 375 Inlet, hilly land near, iv. 96 Strait, Arctic region, coal on, i. 105 Cumbre pass, Paramilla Mts., Chile, eleva tion of, and drawbacks, iv. 48, xvii. 65 Cunard, Sir E., obituary notioe of, 1869., xiii. 217 Cundinamaroa, New Grenada, 8. America, wheat supply from, i. 252 Cunene river, S.W. Africa, i. 245 debouchment of, xi. 235 expeditions to, Andersson's, 1856., 1858., i. 160, ii. 352 Green, Hahn and Rath's, 1857., i. 55, ii. 320, 350 probable course of, etc., iv. 63, 65, 182 Cunningham, Allan, Australian explora tions of, 1829., ii. 313, ix. 226, xiv. 199, 203 Island, N. Australia, ii. 13 Cupica Bay, or Port, Colombia, S.America, proposed canal to, i. 65, 69, Humboldt on, i. 70 Isthmus of, remarks on, Illingworth, i. 86 Curama river, Venezuela, value of, ii. 155 Curarai river, Ecuador, drainage area of, xxi. 557 winding course of, affluents of, and out fall, xxi. 568 Curia (or Kuria) Muria Islands, off S. Arabia, geology, etc., of, Buist, (i860.), iv. 50, 187 Curielrong river, B. Guiana, fall on, xv. 129 Curiosity Peak, Queensland, i. 185, ii. 8 Curitiba, Brazil, capital of Paran£ provinoe, vi. 74 German population at, xx. 467 Miranda railway concession, route for, explored from, 1872., xx. 455 Curlew Island, Bay of Bengal, as a sea coast Sanatorium, Macpherson, vi. 208 geographical position of, vi. 209 river, W. Australia, xii. 261 Currents) see Agulhas, Amazon and other rivers, Arctic, Atlantic, Eastern Archipelago, Eastern Seas, Equa torial, Gibraltar, Greenland, Gulf Stream, Kuro Siwo or Black Stream of Japan, Labrador, Mediterranean ; Admiralty Surveys, Mozambique, Ocean Currents, Oceanic Circulation, Polar and South Polar or Antarctic, Spitzbergen, etc. — Along the Coast of Greenland, Irminger, i. 51 Charts of the N. Atlantic by Findlay, Murchison on, ii. 329 in Bab-el-Mandeb Straits, xviii. 306 in the Bosphorus and Dardanelles, xvii. 254 Current(s) — continued. ice-bearing, results of meeting, xiv. 378 and Ice-drifts on the coasts of Iceland, Irminger on, v. 225 Karaboghaz, of the Caspian Sea, xviii. 311 round North of Madagascar, x. 114 N.E. Coast of S. America, Mann, vii. 50 in Sea of Azov, i. 306 — Sea of Marmora, ii. 264 — Seas between England and India, Toynbee, ix. 281, further remarks on, ib., x. 338 Surface, Bay of Bengal, during the S.W. Monsoon, Heathcote, vi. 104, 114 and Tides, effect of, on climate of N. Australia, xii. 318-9 warm, influence of, on the North Cape, v. 225 and winds, Permanent effects of, Mur chison on, i. 414-7 Currone, W. Australia, xiv. 192 Curtis Island, off Queensland, admiralty survey, xvi. 321 , Port, and district, Queensland, i. 323, 496, iv. 79; refounded, v. 14, 121, ix. 232, x. 328 admiralty survey near, xv. 267 good harbour, vicissitudes of, v. 121-2 natives of, i. 256 shifting shoals near, xvi. 320-1 Cutoh, the Runn of, N.W. India, and neighbouring district, Frere, xiv. 120, 123 earthquake of 1819. in, xiv. 121 Tidal observations of Baird in, xxii. 352 Cutchee, plains of, Beloochistan, xvi. 220 Cutonge, S.C. Africa, i. 75, 76 Cuttaok, Port «f, Bengal, (see Pooree), ix. 81 rainfall of, xi. 64 trade of, ix. 82 Cuvier, Cape, W. Australia, x. 48 Ouyaba province, Brazil, i. 467 river, affluent of the Paraguay river. xviii. 119 Cuyuni river, B. Guiana, explored by Holmes and Campbell, 1857., ii. 154 Cuzco, Peru, situation of, xv. 370 Cyclones, the formation of, and tracks pursued by, Parish, i. 37 Cypre'es Mts., B. Columbia, geographical position, and description of, Palliser on, iv. 73 Cyrus river, Caucasus, valley of, vi. 6 D Daba, important town, Western Tibet, visit of Capt. Bennett to, I860., x. 165 Dacca, railway from Calcutta to, in con struction, v. 50 94 BAD— DAM Dadur, Indian frontier, plain near, xxi. 588 Daedalus reef, Red Sea, light set up ou, 1862., vi. 133 Daenab Island, White Nile, v. 29 Dafat, Mount, Abyssinia, elevation of pass in, xii. 299 Dafeta, Africa, vi. 47 Daffela river, at Lake Jipe', E. Equatorial Africa, viii. 6 DagS, river. Upper Burmah, xii, 336 Da Gama, Vasco, discovers the route round the Cape of Good Hope, I486., i. 237, his pillar at Melinde, xvi. 126 Daghestan, or Dagistah, Caucasus, Baron de Bode on, iv. 91, 245 Marshall on, vi. 105 snowy mountains of, xiii. 68 tribes of, vi. 61 Dahar el KMdib, Mt. Lebanon, visited by Washington and party, I860., v. 17 Dahna, the, Arabia, Palgrave on, viii. 104 Dahomey, West Africa, Amazous of, xviii. 293 erroneous reports concerning, Burton on, vi. 66 Gerard's proposed journey, to, vii. 70 human sacrifice in, xviii. 298 once part of Yoruba, vi. 65 Daigul, first village in Badakshan, xvi. 256 Daily Telegraph, the, munificence of, in equipping Stanley's expedition, 1875., xx. 14 Daintree, Mr., expedition of, in Australia, Queensland (1868.), xii. 141 on the Geology of Queensland and Western Australia, xix. 489 on Geological features in auriferous districts of Australia, xii. 142-3 on gold districts of Australia, xii. 138 un gold at the head of Flinders river, xii. 141 • Mountain, Queensland, geological formation of, xviii. 93 Daka, South Africa, Frewen on, xxii. 223 Dakar, W. Africa, annexed by the French, 1858., ii. 289 Dak-korkor, Western Tibet, annual fair at, xiv. 208 Camp, described by Pundit, xiv. 209 Dakwah Mountain, Syria, view from, xvi. 114 Dul, Nile Cataract, i. 507 Dalai Lama, of Lhasa, in 1811., Manning's account of, xix. 337 Dalai-Nor, Lake, Mongolia, visited by Raddle, ii. 278 Dalatang plain, Tibet, country near, xxi. 342 D'Albertis, Signor, explorations of, in New Guinea, xix. 242-4 life of, on Yule Island, xx. 108 D'Albert's, Signor — coidinued. journey up Fly riter, New Guinea, xx, 254, 258, 259 remarks on the natives and products of the Fly river, New Guinea, xx. 343 Dalde race, Mongolia, xviii. 84-6 Dale point, North Australia, tide at, ii. 13 Dalgetty, Mount, West Australia, iii. 41 Dallas, Mr., on the Hudson's Bay Com pany, and exploration in British North America, ix. 20-1 on Korea, ix. 300 on navigation of Saskatchewan river, xii. 125 on Oregon, xi. 94 on the Terraces and Benches of British Columbia, ix. 21, xv. 145 , Hon. G. M., United States Minister, on award of Founder's medal to Bache, 1858., ii. 235 Dalles, the, Columbia river, xi. 92 Dallesar river, North- West Provinces of India, navigable, xvii. 52 D' Almeida, Barrington, on the swamps of New Guinea, xx. 109 Dalrvmple, — , annexation of Bulama by, 1792., i. 42 ¦ — -, G. E., Commissioner of Crown Lands, Queensland, Expeditions of — in North-East Australia, v. 4 to Burdekin river, 1859-60., v. 122-3 overland from Port Denison to Rock ingham Bay, 1863-4., viii. 110, 118, x. 33, 247 with Scott in North-East Australian Coast ranges, 1863., x. 33 official report of settlement of Port Denison, vi. 113 result of expedition, 1S59., vi. 118 on the establishment of Card well settle ment in North-East Australia, and discovery of a new route over Coast ranges to Valley of Lagoons, 1864., x. 33, 51 on geological formation of Mt. M'Connell, Queensland, xii. 142 on the lower course of Burdekin river, vii. 2 Daly river, Australia, explored by Cle- land, xvii. 278 ; land near, xiv. 197 , Sir D., Governor of South Australia, xi. 46 Dalyell, R. A. O., Earthquake of Erzerum, 1859., vi. 62 Dam, village and river, Tibet, Pundit's route from, xxi. 339 Dama, hill fort, Syria, viii. 30 Roman remains at, viii. 30-1 Damara Land, Africa, ii. 350, v. 17 desiccation of, i. 245 elevation of, i. 60 Damargidda, India, i. 370 BAM— BAR 95 Damas, Pass de laB, Andes, viii. 218 Damascus, Syria, elevation of, v. 172 great age of, ii. 225 journeys to and map of, Porter, i. 7 volcanic region of, explored by Burton, 1871., xvi. 104 Damietta, Egypt, coast survey near, i. 405 mouth of Nile river, latitude of, xxii. 391 shelter on East side of, iii. 205 Damit, Kyan residence in Borneo, ii. 343 Damooda river, India, watershed of, xi. 58 Damot, Abyssinia, Blanc's journey to, (1868.), xiii. 39 King Theodore's camp at, x. 296 Dampier, Expedition of, to New Guinea, ix. 260 Land, Australia, i. 502 Dams, remarks on formation of, C. R. Markham, xvi. 138 D&n, Wady, Syria, Roman bridge near, viii. 30 Dana, Professor J. D., Honorary Corre sponding Member Royal Geographical Society, 1863., viii. 43 river, East Africa, see Tana river. Danaar, or Senegal, Kingdom, W. Africa, i. 514 Dandaragan, West Australia, iii. 51 Dang Forests, India, natives of, xix. 438-9 Danger Point, Australia, admiralty sur veys of, 1866., 1868., 1869., 1870., x. 220, xii. 245, xiii. 281, xiv. 308 loss of H.M.S. BirlcenUad off, 1856., i. 142 Dango, Daghestan, taken by Russia, 1832., iv. 250 Dangrfi Yum Cho, Lake, Tibet, extent of, xxi. 337 pilgrimages to, xxi. 336 Dauiell, Dr. W. F., obituary notice, 1866., x.,214 Daniel's tomb, at Susa, i. 221 Danube, river, i. 306 death of Burke on, vi. 125 delta of, admiralty survey, 1858, ii. 264 Stephenson's opinion on, iii. 203 freedom from Bilt, how secured, iii. 310 formation 'of mouths of, Stokes on, I860., iv. 201 routes from, to the Black Sea at Kus- tendji, Spratt, i. 94 1 , Lower, Stokes on, iii. 206 Darab, Abbott's journey to, i. 321 Darahgar, or Deregor, region, Persia, xx. 170-1 Napier in, ib. Gill on, ib. Darak, capital of Chab Sheikh's territories, Persia, i. 292 Daraiit-Kurgan, fort, on Kizyl-Su river, Pamir, xxi. 131 Daraht-Su, river, Pamir, course of, xxi. 131 Darchan, Tibet, position of, xii. 153 Darchando, China, tea of, xii. 163; see Ta Chien-lu Dardanelles, admiralty survey, 1857., i. 405 ; currents in. xvii. 254 Dardistan, Trans-Himalaya, xx. 490 area and inhabitants of, described by Hayward, xv. 11 et seq. Leitner's researches and archseological collections in, xvii. 287 Dar es Salaam (Dar Salam), or Mozozima, East Africa, harbour at, explored, J. Kirk, xi. 35 road-making at, 1878., xxii. 373 On the country between, and Kilwa, Elton, xix. 110 Dare Wady, Syria, old bridge at, viii, 30 Darfur, territory, Eastern Soudan, ii. 79 description of country, x. 292-3 reconnaissance of, by Khedive's ex pedition, xxi. 65 Dargo, river, Victoria, i. 3 Dargonelly, Paroo river, Australia, ix, 302 Dariel road, Caucasus; xiii. 67 Darien, Gulf of, Central America, (see also Panama) forecasts of commercial future, i. 466 winds at, i. 72 Isthmus of, t'ullen, i. 78; see also Kelly and Panama Exploration of, by Caldwell, 1856., in reference to canal prospects, i. 484 by de Puydt, 1861. and 65., xii. 63, 69, 134 by Gisborne in connection with pro posed canal, v. 158-9 survey of, by Gisborne, i. 88 , by Paterson, i. 88 Mail and possible canal route via, i. 81, 84 Darjeeling, India, rains and climate of, xi. 67 1 trade wares of, xii. 163 Darkut or Darkote, Pass, Trans-Himalaya, route via to Yassin, xv. 1 1 ; dead body of Hayward found at, xv. 121 Darling, Sir C, Governor of Victoria, 1865., x. 61 , General, Governor of New South Wales, 1827., xiv. 288 ; his encourage ment of Australian Exploration, ix. 226 District, N. S. Wales, ix. 303 Downs, N. S. Wales, i. 84, x. 247 discovery of, xiv. 199 fossil Marsupialia-from, iii. 159 geological formation of, iii. 31 Range, N. S. Wales, geological formiv tion of, viii. 45 land near, iv. 83 trend of, 82 96 DAR— DAV Darling River, or Barwan, N. S. Wales, iii. 25, iv. 83, vii. 40, 84, 112, 174, xiv. 204 affluents and feeders of, i. 31, vii. 14, xiv. 199 debouchement of, xii. 288 discovery of, by Sturt, 1828., ix. 227, xiv. 289, (accompanied by Hume), xviii. 533 Exploration of — Burke's expedition along, vi. 53, 69, 169, departure of Burke and Wills from, vii. 35, Wright's delay at, 39 ; country near, taken up, 1862., vi. 55, 70, 168 starting point of Leichhardt search expedition, 1866., xi. 227 Mclntyre at, ix. 301 voyage up, by Randell (I860.), iv. 94, Murchison on, 194 fit for cotton culture, v. 126 geology of, iv. 96 migrations of birds on, Sturt's deduc tions from, v. 59 navigability of, iii. 338, iv. 97, 194 rainfall on, vii. 113 size of, x. 87 steamers used on, xv. 99 temperature of, vii. 175 tributary of Murray river, iv. 254 Darnley Island, Papuan Gulf, London Missionary Society Station at, xx. 105 MacFarlane at, xxi. 350 natives of, xx. 346 rocky nature of, xx. 107 Darr, river, Australia, x. 64 Dar Salam, see Dar es Salaam Dart, H.M.S., detailed to assist Living stone, i. 57 Darii, Syria, viii. 30 Darunga, see Duringar Darwaz, region, Central Asia, Meyendorf cited on, xvii. 113 Darwin, C, cited on atolls, xii. 343 observations of, on board the Beagle, xii. 322 theory of coral reefs used bv Jukes, iv. 86 works on South America, ix. 244 Mount, New Zealand, rivers rising in, viii. 214 , Port, N. Australia, x. 221, xiv. 195, xv. 96 colonization of, xv. 298, 299 as entrepot for horse trade with India, xiv. 206 Goyder's survey near, 1869., xiv. 190 harbour at, xiv. 198, xvii. 278 proposed horsebreeding at, xiv. 205 Dasht, or Sir-i-Dasht, Persia, lead mines at, xvi. 262 ; see Dusht Dasht - i - Alai. steppe, Pamir, limit of, xxi. 134 Dashtie, country, Persia, xi. 37-8 Dasso, village, Mustakh range, Trans- Himalaya, viii. 36 Da-toun, town, China, other names of, xviii. 78 Da-toun-he, river, China, source and other names of, xviii. 79 , Datu Cape, Mountain, Borneo, i. 200 Dau'an, Wady, Arabia, fertility of, and warlike character of inhabitants, xv. 330 Daudai, native name for New Guinea, q.v. Dau-Kara, Lake, Asiatic Russia, xix. 15, 426 Daulat Beg Uldi, valley, Kashmir, xx. 490-1 Dauphine", Alps of, F. F. Tuckett, vii. 43, glaciers and passes in, 45 Daussy, Pierre, obituary notice, 1861., v. 153 d'Avezac, M., obituary notice of, 1875., xix. 383 David, Abbe Armand, travels of, in China, xix. 444 Davis, F., with Stow's Australian boat expedition, x. 35, 37 , James, with Stow's Australian boat expedition, x. 35, 51 , Staff-Commander J. E., assistance given by, to Capt. A. Young, and North Atlantic Telegraph Ex pedition, v. 78 on Antarctic discovery, and its connec tion with the Transit of Venus, 1882., xiii. 114 on Antarctic explorations, xiii. 121 on Morrell's Antarctic voyage, xiv. 152 et seq. on deep sea observations, ix. 282-3, 284 on Northern flight of Arctic birds in Spring, xiii. 166 on routes for proposed North Polar Expedition, 1865., ix. 151-3 on routes to the Pole, xii. 110 obituary notice, 1877., xxi. 421 , Sir J. F., on the Chinese, and their emigrations, iv., 59-60 on the neighbourhood of Canton and Hongkong, and the East Coast of China, i. 330, 440-1 on the State of the Yang-tse Keang valley, before and after the rebel occupation, iii. 164 Davis Straits, Arctic regions, i. 28 coal in, i. 105, vii. 101 deep sea soundings in, xx. 61, 65 Greenland current in, i. 61 icefloes in, measured by Belcher, iv. 108 ice-movements in, v. 76-7 microscopical organisms of, xx. 57 observations on weather, wind, and ice in, Adams, 1875., xx. 160 Resolute recovered in, 1855, i. 3 sea bottom in, iv. 103 DAW— DEE 97 Dawson, Lieut. Llewellyn S., appointed leader of Livingstone relief expedition, 1872., xvi. 157 ; Markham on his quali fications, 161, on his appointment, xvi. 166 ; agreement between, and Rev. C. New, 1872., xvi. 428; letter from, on progress of Expedition, xvi. 381 ; instructions to, from President and Council of Royal Geographical Society, xvi. 417 ; official report of Expedition, xvi. 419; instructions to Lieut. Henn, on transferring command of expedition, xvi. 421; enquiries sent to, xvi. 430- replies from, 431 ; censured by Royal Geographical Society, xvi. 432; error committed by, Rawlinson on, xvii. 8 Range, Queensland, iii. 20 River, Queensland, i. 325, 368, 496, iii. 18, 19, 20 aspect of country on route from, to Warrego river, iii. 30 coalfields of, xii. 141 good route along, x. 62 Dayman Island, North-East Australia, viii. 115 Dayspring, Baikie's steamer, lost near Rabba, Niger river, ii. 88-90 DeadmanRock, Cornwall, dangers of, i. 422 Dead Sea, the, Palestine, animal life of, Richardson on, i. 224 exploration of shores of, H. Poole, i. 221 (journey to) Western shores of, Rev. W. Clowes, 1863., viii. 279 level of, xix. 165, below Mediterranean Sea, v. 172, xiii. 362 specific gravity of, various statements concerning, i. 224, and other points concerning, viii. 281 Deane, Charles, of the North Australian Expedition, 1856., i. 186-7, 342, 490, ii. 7, commended, i. 500 Debaba, Lake, Africa, ii. 221 Debbe, Nile river, itinerary from, to El Obeyad, Colston's survey, 1875., xx. 357 i latitude of, ib. De Blaquiere : see Blaquiere, Lord de Deboa, Lake, W. C. Africa, xx. 78 [ De Bougainville, discoverer of Aurora Island, S.W. Pacific, 1768., xvi. 389 Debra Tabar, or Debra Tabor, Abyssinia, Beke's visit to, xii. 16 European prisoners at, x. 298 De Brazza, see Brazza, Lt. Count de Debrooghur, Assam, xiv. 217-8 [i Debsang, plateau, Trans-Himalaya, de scribed by Dr. Thompson, xv. 179 De Castries, Bay, Gulf of Tartary, harbour , of, xiii. 366 Deccan, the, India, climate of, xi. 66, 68- 70 described by Campbell, xi. 60 Deception, Mount, South Australia, ii. 17 Deoigala, Dr., report of, cited on volcanic activity at Santorin, x. 322 Decima, semi-Dutch Colony, Bay of Na gasaki, Japan, vi. 201 Decken, Baron C. von der, awarded Founder's Gold Medal, 1865., viii. 165, Murchison's speech on, 167, Mb reply, 168 expeditions of: journey in Africa, 1861- 2, xvi. 127 ; African Explorations, in contemplation, 1863., vii. 198 ; 1864., ix. 5 ; in East Africa, 1865., x. 28, 32, 54; to Kilimandjaro, I860., iv. 180, v. 209, vii. 198, viii. 245; 1861., R. Thornton on, ix. 15 ; letter on his East African expedition, 1865., x. 28 ; Murchison on African Explorations of, viii. 2-4, 245 ; repulse of his first African expedition, v. 209 Honorary Corresponding Member, 1863., viii. 4, 44 on the Snowy Mountains of Eastern Equatorial Africa, 1863., viii. 5 report on disasters to his East African expedition, 1865., Lt. Chevalier von Schickh on, x. 91 death of, and of Dr. Link, Col. Playfair on, x. 109 traces of fate of, xi. 155 obituary notice, 1866., x. 206 Dedele, village, New Guinea, xxi. 357 Dee Mountain, Queensland, Copper at, xii. 144 Deebay Mountains, Shan States, xv. 360 Deep Sea Bottom, Temperature of, and conditions determining, Carpenter, xxi. 289, historical sketch of, 293, general results of investigations, 297 Exploration, proposed expedi tion, 1872., xvi. 240; Despatch of the Challenger under Capt. G. S. Nares, Dec. 1872., xvii. 257 ; progress of CAoZtenger expedition, 1874-5., xix. 410; return of Challenger, 1877., xxi. 436 Investigations, of Prof. Agassiz, South Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, xvi. 331 Observations, H. Toynbee, ix. 281, discussion on, 282 et seq. Soundings, Admiralty co-opera tion, ix. 3 of the Valorous in Arctic Regions, 1875., xx. 65 in China Seas, 1858., iii. 58 of the Cyclops, 1857., ii. 330 in North Atlantic, etc., Capt. Osborne on, v. 102 ; for North Atlantic Tele graph, McClintock on, v. 62 for reefs, difficulty of avoiding errors in, Wallich on, xvii. 319 in South Atlantic, v. 174 by Staritzky, xvii. 295 summary of, I860., iv. 152 98 DEE— DEN Deep Sea Temperature, relation of, to that of surface, Carpenter, xxi. 298 De Fuca Strait, Vancouver Island, ii. 487, ix. 307 Degraves and Co., claims near Fowler's Bay, S. Australia, a. 129 De Grey and Ripon, Earl, on Stuart's Central Australian Expedition, 1861., vi. 15 River, Australia, vi. 172, xix. 446, affluents of, xviii. 571 De Haven, Capt., drift of his ship, Arctic Regions, 1850-1., i. 23 Den Bakri, Pass, Sistan, PerBia, xvii. 87 Dehbid Mountains, Persia, xvi. 263 Dehing, river, Upper Burmah, xii. 336, xiii. 245 Dehistan (see Meshed i Misryan), Persia, xx. 180-2 De Horsey : see Horsey, de Dehra Dun, India, Trigonometrical Survey at, i. 370, xix. 443 Dehriid, village, Persia, xx. 168 Deir, Wady el, Peninsula of Sinai, convent at, xiii. 208, 210 Dek Ids., Tana Lake, Abyssinia, xiii. 45 Delagoa Bay, Coqui's journey to, 1846., iii. 373 Erskine at, 1871., xix. 112 * Hall on desirability of making English, xvi. 101 meteorology of district round, i. 60 Portuguese settlement at, xvi. 97 rivers entering, xix. 118 route from, to South African Interior, Erskine on, xiii. 338 De Lagree, explorations in Yunnan, xiii. 307, xviii. 463 journey of, up the Me"kong to Esmok, 1866-7., xix. 278-83 Delambre Island, W. Australia, x. 47 Delany, Dr., Travels in West Africa (I860.), iv. 218 Delargy, Capt, visit of, to New Guinea, xiv. 323, xv. 302 De la Zouche, Lord, obituary notice of, 1874., xviii. 530 Delgado, Cape, xxi. 588, position of, in relation to Rovuma mouth, vi. 36 Delhi, India, geological formations near, xi. 57 siege of, ii. 216 Delim, Persia, i. 292 Delisser, E. A., Journey into the Interior of Australia, north-west of the Great Bight, 1865., x. 129 Delia Torre, Cape, Eastern New Guinea, xix. 234 De Long, travels in Japan, xviii. 236 Demai, river, Upper Burmah, xii. 336 Demalang, village, Tibet, xii. 151 Demavend, Mount, Persia, iv. 253 Khanikoff s ascent (1857.), i. 433 Demavend, Mount, Persia — continued, Thomson and Kerr's ascent, 1858., iii. 2, Murchison on, 291 R. G. Watson's ascent (1861.), vi. 103 height of, iii, 292, as measured by Russian surveys, v. 194, Napier's observations to fix same, 1877., xxii. 216, various determinations of same, Coles on, 218 , Town, PerBia, hot baths at, iii. 12 Dembea, or Tsana, Lake, Abyssinia, Beke on, viii. 262 ; Blanc's journey, xiii, 3'J fertile region of, xiii. 41 fishing and shooting at, x. 299 outfall and shrinkage of, viii. 259 position of, xiv. 162 Demchok, Trans-Himalaya, pass near, xiii. 192 Demersay, great work of, on Paraguay, v. 204 Dempster, C. E. and A., Clarkson, and Harper, exploration in West Australia, vi. 11, its results, 59 Denham, Capt., H.M.S. Herald, surveys by, of Australian coaBts, iii. 267 of Coral Sea, vi. 136, Murchison on, 195, and on the voyage of the Herald, 1852-61., 197-200 at Lord Howe Island, xxii. 139 on the north-west route through Barrier reef, vi. 198-9 Denial Bay, South Australia, ix. 75, admiralty survey of, 1878., xxii. 336 Deniliquin, New South Wales, iii. 338 Denison, Sir William Thomas, Governor General of Australia, i. 490, v. 5, and North Australian Exploration, i. 190, 366, 369, ix. 232, and development of North Australia, i. 456 photographs of Australian fossils sent to Royal Geographical Society by, iii. 159 on the rainfall of Madras in relation to trees, x. 267 obituary notioe, 1871., xv. 256 Denison, Port, Queensland, iv. 79, vii. 14. 112, viii. 110, x. 62 coast near, vi. 117, and at, 118 distance from Cape York, 119 fine country round, vii. 13 development of, x. 249 discovery of, 1859., iv. 79 ¦ expeditions to and from— Jardine's, to Cape York, 1864., x. 32, Macdonald's, 1864., x. 247; reached by McKinlay, vii. 85, 176 meteorological observations at, x. 327-8, table of, 329 northern limit of Australian coalfields, xii. 315 official account of settlement at, Dal rymple, 1861., vi. 13, 24 DEN— DIA 99 Denison, Port — continued. overland route from, to Valley of Lagoons, viii. Ill proposed expedition from, to the Interior, 1868., xii. 292 route to, x. 64 settlement at,' v. 122, " splendid little port," 123 steam communication required, viii. 119 town of Bowen at, x. 65 tclegraphio extension from, xii. 54 Walker at, 1862., vii. 175 Denmark, early settlers from, in Green land, v. 91 geographical progress in, i. 150-1 telegraphic concession granted in Ice land, iv. 101 Densu, river, Akem district, West Africa, xx. 476 D'Entrecasteaux Group, Islands near N. Guinea, position fixed by Moresby's expedition, xix. 226 reef, New Caledonia, i. 173 Deodanga, Mountain, India, various names of, Waugh and others on, 1856., ii. 102 Deopani, Cascade, India, xxi. 594 Deosai, see Weosai Deosia, North- West India, viii. 35 Deotiba, Mount, Himalayas, elevation of, xv. 338 Depot, Cape, Arctic regions, xiii. 159 creek, Victoria river, North Australia, ii. 7 hill, West Australia, in salt region, ix. 112 Depuch, Island, West Australia, iii. 53, v. 4 De Puydt, L., Explorations in the Isthmus of Darien, 1861. and 1865., xii. 63, 69, further remark, 134 Der'a, Syria, possibly ancient capital of Bashan, viii. 30 Derbend, village, Persia, salubrity of, iii. 4 Derbuchek, river, Eastern Turkestan, (see also Telbachuk), tributary of Kashgar river, xviii. 425 Derby, Earl of, obituary notice, 1870., xiv. 297 , , on Brazil, xv. 380 Derdj, North Africa, ix. 314 Deria Numuk, or Bekhtagan Lake, salt Lake, Persia, xvi. 362 Derwazee, Central Asia, hilly region, x. 152 Derwent river, Tasmania, estuary of, seen by Denham, vi. 198 Desaguadero, the, outlet of Lake Titicaca, Peru, xviii. 214-5 Desang, river, Upper Burmah, xii. 336 Deschutes, river, Oregon, affluents of, xi. 82, oourse of, 84, sources of, 89 Desert, the Great Salt, N.E. Africa, Mun- zinger'.s journey across, 1867., xiii. 219 Desert of Australia, see Australia Desful, Persia, (see also Dizful), i. 292 Desheripgay, Tibet, palace of Teshu Lama, xix. 333 Desolation, Cape, Arctic regions, xx. 56 Despatches and Letters relating to the last journey and reported death of Dr. Livingstone, Dr. G. E. Seward, and Dr. Kirk, 1866., xi. 124-44 Desperadoes of New Mexico, Goad on, xxii. 280 De'v&dhuhga, native name of Mt. Everest, Himalayas, i. 348, caravan route by, 349 Deodorak, glacier, Caucasia, ix. 24], xiii. 69 Devil Rock, South Atlantic, expunged by Pullen's soundings, 1868., v. 174 Devil's Peak, South Australia, ii. 17 Devine, Capt., assistance of, to North Australian Expedition, 1856., ii. 10, 14 Devitt, river, New Guinea, xxi. 355 Dewalaghiri, Mount, Himalaya, ii. 112-3 Dewangiri, Northern border of Assam, trade routes through, xix. 341 Deyer, Persia, woman-governor of, and trade of, xi. 37 Deyrsim Dagh, Mountains, Turkey-in- Asia, and passes, traversed by Taylor, (1868.), xi. 97 Dhaker, town, Arabia, xvi. 117 Dhala', Jabal, Yemen, sandstone plateau and fort on, xviii. 199 Dharwar, India, elevation of, xi. 60 Dhejen, town and monastery, Tibet, xxi. 540 Dhiban, Syria, monolith of, xvi, 333 Dhok-la, pass, Tibet, xix. 340 Diabekr, Turkey-in-Asia, description of, R. I. Garden, xi. 159 route to, from Erzerum, J. G. Taylor, (1868.), xii. 302 Diablo, Mountain, California, survey of, xxii. 368 Diadeen, district, Turkey-in-Asia, volcanic formation near, xiii. 243-4 Diage, village, Central Africa, xix. 86 Diagrams, loan of, by Geographical Society, arranged, 1877., xxi. 408-9 Diamante, river, Andes Mounts., South America, xvii. 63 Diamentin, river, tributary of Paraguay river, South America, xviii. 119 Diamond Head, Oahu Island, Hawaii, extinct volcano, xii. 309 Peak, Cascade range, N. America, extinct volcano, xi. 84, snows of, 89 Diangounte, West Central Africa, xi. 200 Diarmal, Diarmul, or Nanga Purbut, Mountain, Kashmir, description of, iv. 31, elevation of, ib. ; Vigne on, x. 308-9 100 DIB— DJU Dibeneh Su, or Tigris river, Asiatic Turkey, ix. 37 Dibin Country, see Zululand Dickinson, J., obituary notice, 1869., xiii. 270 Dickson and others, travels' of, in China, 1861., v. 160 Dickson, Lake, Vancouver Island, ix. 308 Dictionary, A Descriptive, of the Indian Isles and adjacent countries, Crawfurd, review, ii. 142 Diego Garcia, Island, Indian Ocean, sea route via, i. 79, 86 — - Suarzez, Bay, Madagascar, ix. 290, timber of, xi. 51 Diegos Bay, Congo river mouth, i. 311 Dielli, Portuguese Settlement on Timor Island, ii. 10 Difley, river, Palestine, crocodiles in, ii. 283 Digur La, pass, North-Western frontier, xiv. 41 Dihing, see Deking Dihong, pass, into Tibet, described by MoCosh, v. 48 river, tributary of Brahmaputra river, v. 48 Dikomo, Lake Nyassa, xxii. 242 Dilail, district, North-West provinces, colossal image of Buddha at, xv. 22 river, tributary of Indus river, xv. 13 Dilaram, ruined town and post station, Afghanistan, xxi. 486 Dilijam, pass, Caucasus, description of, vi'ii. 275 Dilke, A. W., On the valley of the Iii, and the Water System of Russian Turkestan, xviii. 246, following remarks, 253 , Sir C. W., obituary notice, 1869., xiii. 269 Dillon, Dr. H. G. (sic), on East Coast Livingstone search expedition, xvii. 170 . Dr. W. E., death of, 1873., xviii. 281, 282, Cameron on, xx. 308 Dilolo, Lake, Central Africa, xx. 130, Cameron near, 319 river, Central Africa, i. 449 Dinder, river, Abyssinia and Nile region, explored by Baker, a. 6, 293 tribes of, 293 tributary of Blue Nile, vii. 80 Dinding Island, Malacca Strait, admiralty survey of, 1876., xxi. 434 Dingri, or Tingri, Maidan, plain, Trans- Himalaya, xii. 148 Dinpa, river, Iceland, source and course of, xx. 22 Dionpauee, river, Upper Burmah, xiii. 245 Dir, district and town, North-West pro vinces, the Sapper at, xvi. 254 river, affluent of Panjkora river, xxii. 354 Direction, Cape, Queensland, Australia, geological formation at, xii. 143 Dirk Hartog's Island, West Coast Aus tralia, x. 48 Dir-ou-illes, rocks, Jersey, description of, x. 331 Disco Bay, Arctic regions, xx. 57, 58 Island, Arctic regions, coal deposits on and near, i. 105, vii. 101 described by Markham, xx. 57 fossil plants of, xvi. 236 mahogany drifted to, i. 62 mountains on, elevation of, xx. 62 Discovery, the, Arctic Winter quarters of, 1875., Stephenson, xxi. 106 Bay, game at, xxi. 107 Stephenson on, ib. valuable harbour, Nares, xxi. 279 Disraeli, Rt. Hon. B., m.p., letter to, from Rawlinson on Arctic exploration, 1874., xix. 415, his reply, 39, 416; letter on New Government Polar Expedition, 1874., xix. 39 , Mount, New Guinea, xix. 234 Distance, Mount, South Australia, ii. 26, 187 Diu, Island, West Coast India, traders of, at Lorenco Marques, xvi. 99 Divide, the Great, of America, geology of, Hector on, xx. 300 Diz, river, Persia, the ancient Coprales, i. 219 Dizful, or Desful, Persia, i. 219, 292 heat at, 359 products of, 360 route to, 361, 362, 363, in relation to military operations. 356-7 river, Persia, i. 357 Djagga, district, Central Africa,' absence of donkeys at, cultivation and cattle of, von der Decken on, viii. 8 poisonous fly at, 6 rainy season in, 7 Djaman-dabun, pass, Russian Turkestan, Osten-Sacken on, xiv. 225 Djasaktu-Khan, Central Asia, xxii. 52 Djeladjil, C. Arabia, gardens of, viii. 105 Djemman Daria, part of the Syr-Daria, Russian Turkestan, xviii. 250 Djenike, defile, Turkestan, xxi. 134 river, affluent of Kizil Su, xxi. 134 Djin-Ho, Turkestan, xviii. 247 Djour. country, C. Africa, vi. 19 Petherick at, 1858., v. 32, his journey through, 1862., viii. 139 tsetse fly in, and iron of, v. 35 river, C. Africa, natives of, viii. 264; source of, vii. SO; stormy region near, viii. 15 and Niarc Niam countries, position of, in Poncet's map, vi. 19 Djulfa, Northern Persia, mountain ranges of, xxii. 183 DJU— DOU 101 Djupirogr, Harbour, Iceland, v. 73, tides at, 74 Dnieper river, Russia, sidewise movement of, xx. 499 Doaheng, village, Formosa, xxi. 259 ' Dobbin Bay, Arctic regions, discharging glacier in, Nares on, xxi. 280 Dobbo, Arru Islands, trade, etc., of, ii. 169 Dobrudscha, Roumania, Mountains of, districts near, iii. 207 Dobson, river, New Zealand, source of, viii. 214 Docker river, North Australia, ix. 202 Dodabetta, Mountain, Southern India, elevation of, xvii. 288 Dodbah, North-West Provinces, junction of Dir and Panjkora rivers, xxii. 354 Dodd, G., obituary notice, 1865., ix. 215 Doengo Engai, or Ddenyo Ngai, Mountain. East Africa, height of, vi. 51, xvi. 128 ; snow-capped, i. 9 Doffoo, Volta river, West Africa, town 'destroyed, 1869., xviii. 187 Dogdo river, Siberia, xxi. 214, rise of, 215 Dogra tribe, Kashmir, atrocities of, xv. 13 Dohur Desert, Arabia, crossed by Palgrave, 1862-3., viii. 65 Dokhergan, permanent gipsy settlement, Northern Persia, i. 41 Dol, France, submerged trees in marshes of, x. 335 Dolben, Commr., ascent of Volta river, West Africa, 1861., vi. 49 Dolena, valley and stream, Afghanistan, rock inscriptions and galleries of, Lynch cited on, xx. 245 Dolo, plain, Abyssinia, xiv. 165 Dolgan tribes of Northern Siberia, See- bohm on, xxii. 109 Dolonnor, town, Mongolia, description of, Bushell, xviii. 155-6 elevation of, and sandhills near, 155 Lama temples near, 158-9 trading mart at, 149 Dolo-Nor (sic), Mongolia, xviii. 77 Dolphin reef, Bermuda, iv. 83 and Union Strait, Arctic regions, set of current in, iv. 9 Doma, West Africa, Haussa language spoken at, xxi. 493 Dombey, Cape, North Australia, x. 37 Dome Mountain, North Australia, i. 184, 227 , , New Zealand, elevation of, ii. 355 Domesday book, photozincographic repro duction of, vii. 146, viii. 196 Dominica, Island, West Indies, Discovery of a boiling lake in, H. Prestoe, (1876.), xx. 230 great storm at, 1872., xvii. 256 Don, river, Southern Russia, only river in Russia not joined to others by canals, iv. 198 Cossacks of, vi. 59 delta of, i. 306, 404 Oliphant on, i. 307 sideward movement in, xx. 499 , Queensland, vi. 118 ; auriferous promise of district of, xii. 140 Donaldson, Rev. J. W., obituary notice, 1861., v. 155 , Sir Stuart, en the growth of towns on the Murray, New South Wales, iii. 338 on the importance of Leichhardt's ex pedition, vii. 15, 16 obituary notice, 1867., xi. 189 Dondo, West Central Africa, great fair of, iv. 70 Donetz, Southern Russia, coalfields of, viii. 206 Donga, Mountain, West Africa, i. 310 Dongola, Abyssinia, geological formation at and near, xiv. 165 , Nile Region, i. 507 ; Twyford's visit to, 1856., i. 447 Dongolani Seriba, Upper Nile, xx. 67 Ddnkia, or Powhauri, Mountain, Sikkim, i. 350 pass, elevation and position of, xvi. 347, xix. 337, 342, Blanford's cross ing of, 1871., xvi. 347, xix. 337, reached by Hooker, Campbell, and others, 1849., xix. 337-8 Donnet, Dr., on health of men in Arctic Expeditions, ix. 63 Donoughmore, Earl of, on the possible use of camels in Central Africa, viii. 9 : on the respective drainage of the Bahr el Ghazal, and of the White Nile, 18 on the Mahanuddy river and Indian cotton, ix. 83-4 obituary notice, 1866., x. 212 Doo river, on confines of Assam, v. 49 Dor, country, Central Africa, geological formation of, v. 38 Petherick's journey in, I860., v. 36, 37, 38 Dora pass, Hindoo-Koosh, crossed by the Sapper, xvi. 257-8, elevation of, 259 Dorey, New Guinea, iii. 358 Dorkia, monastery, Tibet, xix. 340 Dorre Island, West Coast Australia, x. 48 Double Island, Torres Strait, i. 80 Doubtful Bay, mouth of Glenelg river, North-West Australia, x. 86 Doughty, C. M., on the summer motions of glacier streams in Southern Norway, 1964., ix. 109 Douglas, B., Coasting charts of Australia, iv. 155, 194 Road and Pass, British Columbia, xv. 135 Doui, Saghalien Island, latitude of, and Russian Penal Station at. xiii. 365 102 DOU— DPG Doulat-abad, Persia, xvii. 87 Doume", on Ogowe river. West Central Africa, latitude of, de Brazza at, 1877., xxii. 13 Douwademeh, Arabia, viii. 104 Dove Glacier, Wilczek Land, visited by Austro-Hungarian Arctic expedition, 1874., xix. 27 Island, Torres Strait, i. 80 Dove', cited on Open Polar Sea, with other authorities, Beechey, i. 28-30 Dover Strait, special admiralty survey, 1871., xv. 262 Dowaicama, cataract, B. Guiana, South America, ii. 154 Dowasir,Wadi, Arabia, course of, Palgrave on, viii. 104-5 Downs, Bay of, Arctic Regions, latitude of, xix. 35 Dragon Lake, Formosa, Corner on abo rigines of, xxii. 56, on geographical position of, 61 Dragon's Head, Formosa, geological forma tion of, Corner on, xix. 515 Drah, river, Morocco, description of, ii. 376 Drake, C. F. T., Map of Trachonitis dis trict, Syria, xvi. 104, 105 death of, 1874., xix. 430 obituary notice, 1875., xix. 395 Drakenberg Mountains,South-East Africa. iii. 373 elevation of, xi. 18 pass down, into Imperani's country, xiii. 321 trend of, xv. 148 Dras, river, tributary of Indus river, xi. 32 Dressrianaya, river, Siberia, xxi. 21 8 Drew, F., Letter on the death of G. W. Hayward, xv. 117 on what constitutes a Mountain range, xvi. 409 on the Yarkand Mission, xviii. 437 Dring, Jibbul, Persia, geological formation of, xi. 37 Dromedaries, (see also Camels), used by Australian Expeditions : see Leichhardt Search Expeditions Drummond, Mr., on discovery of sweet potato convolvulus in Australia, iii. 37 , Mount, copper mines, Australia, xii. 144 , Point, South Australia, admiralty survey near, xviii. 539 Drury, Captain B., e.n„ Pandora surveys on Australian station, 1856., i. 83 ; return of, ib. on salubriousness of North Australia, iii. 88-9, aud fertility of same, 90 Druz, Jebel-ed, explored by Graham, 1 857., ii. 174-5 Dryander, Mount, Queensland, vi. 117 Dryness, causes of, in certain arid districts, T. Hopkins, i. 58 Dua, village, Khotau, coal of, xi. 13 Dubayat, West Africa, description of, xvii. 124 Ducane, Capt., on Gregory's Expedition in Western Australia, v. 127 Du Chaillu, P. B., on the dwarfs of Equa torial Western Africa, x. 84 African explorations of. Murchison on, v. 211-2 ; proposed expedition, 1863., Murchison on, vii. 107, 204-5, letters from, 1863., viii. 52, partial failure of, and results of expedition, 1863., x. 32, 53 ; account of his second journey into Equatorial Western Africa, 1863., x. 71, Murchison on, 80 ; letters on proposed expedition to Interior of Africa, 1864., viii. 265, ix. 14 Geographical features and natural His tory of a hitherto unexplored region of West Africa, 1856-9., v. 108 Gorilla sent by, from Western Equa torial Africa, ix. 4, encountered By, x. 74 testimonial presented to, 1866., x. 170, 182, Murchison's speech, 182, his reply, 183 Ducie and Frere Capes, New Guinea, country between, xix.-231 Duck Island, Central America, xii. 40 Islands, Arctic Regions, latitude of, xiii. 373. tides at, xix. 222 Duckett, Sir George, obituary notice, 1858., ii. 249 Duckponds, Queensland, x. 64, and Whist ling Duck Holes, 65 Creek, South Australia, ii. 26 Dud Cosi, river, Himalayas, probable sources of, ii. 108 Dudinka, Siberia, Seebohm at, xxii. HI Dufaure, Island, New Guinea, harbour in, xxi. 357 Dufferin, Earl of, on (proposed) Arctic expedition, 1865., ix. 63 elected President of Royal Geographical Society, 1878., Alcock on, xxii. 379 expedition of, to Jan Mayen, Arctic Regions (1856.), ii. 273 Duffle', or Dufli, Nile Region, xx. 53 Nile near, xix. 324, xxi. 48, 49, 50 position of,fixed by astronomical observa tions by Colonel Mason-Bey, xxii. 229 view of Nile from, xix. 324 Dufla expedition, N.W. India, 1874-5., account of, and geographical results of, xx. 424 Dufour, General, Honorary Corresponding Member, 1863., viii. 43, obituary notice, 1876., xx. 385 Dugald river, Queensland, xi. 45 Dugel, Australian Aboriginal Policeman, exploration of Murchison and other DUK-DYX 103 rivers by, iii. 34, 35, 36, 40, 47, 48, com mended, 53 Duke, Mount, North Australia, i. 230, 231 Town, Old Calabar river, West Africa, xvi. 136-7 and Aua Landing, xx. 225 ' Dukinfield, Sir Henry, obituary notice, 1858, ii. 243 Dulti, Benue river, West Afrioa, xxi. 491 Duma river, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 41, area drained by, 155 Dumbrek, or Khahfatly-Chai, river, Asia Minor, branches of, identified with Homer's rivers, iii. 385 Dumo, town, Uganda, Stanley at, xxi. 466 country, Victoria Nyanza, mountain spurs from, running into the Lake, xxii. 392 Duinphu, or HoU Sangpo river, Tibet, source and outfall of, xxi. 338 Duna, (gee also Dana and Tana), river, Eastern Equatorial Africa, source and outfall of, viii. 7 Duna, valley, Persia, rivers of, iii. 7 Duncan, George, on the currents in the Bay of Bengal, vi. 102 on the navigation of the inner route of the Great Barrier reef, viii. 121 , Professor P. M., on the Formation of the main Land-masses, xxii. 68 Dundas, Rt. Hon. Sir David, obituary notice, 1877., xxi. 427 Dunedin, New Zealand, ix. 33 Duuga, large town, Zanzibar, description of, xx. 73 Dungarvan Harbour, Ireland, shoaling of, iii. 62 Dunkin, E., Computation of Baker's ob servations of Elevations, 1864., x. 25, 26,27 on Du Chaillu's astronomical observa tions, x. 83 on the frequent omission of readings of Barometer and Thermometer in Sextant observations for the deter mination of Latitude and Longitude, viii. 155 Dunn, T., of Gregory's Leichhardt Search Expedition, 1858., iii. 19 Dunsmore Creek, near Cooper Creek, Australia, vii. 84 Dunsterville, Commander E., retired from Hydrographical Department, 1870., xiv. 309 Dunya Buzurgu, Persia, rift in, due to earthquake, vi. 64 Duperrey, Capitaine, Honorary Corre sponding Member, obituary notice, 1866., x. 210 Dupuis, M., expedition of, to Tonquin, 1872., xix. 283 visit to Yunnan, and its results, xviii. 464 Dura, district, Mesopotamia, plain of, Selby on, xi. 156-7 Durah, pass, Chitral, xiii. 132 Duringar, (Darunga), village, Persia, xx. 171 Durkiit pass, into Yassin, xviii. 439 Duruma, East Africa, death of New at, 1875., xix. 323 Duruz Haurah, Jebel, Syria, Burton on modern conditions in, xvi. J06-7 D'Urville, Capt. D., French Antarctic Expedition under, 1840., ii. 171, xiii. 1 15 Dushak Mountains, Persia, xxi. 585 Dusht district, and Khor Dusht river, Persia, xvi. 139 ; see Dasht Dutch agricultural methods, in the East, Crawfurd on, ii. 143 discovery of Australia, 1627., xxi. 186 \ in regions East of Spitzbergen, 1622., 1707., and onwards, xvii. 99 expeditions to New Guinea, ix. 260 Islands, Gulf of Siam, iv. 215 — — possessions and trade, in Indian and Philippine Archipelagos, I860., iv. 193 Settlements, former, traces of, in Formosa, xiv. 79 and steamers in Eastern Archi pelago, in relation to Australia, vi. 119, vii. 119, 120 voyages, early, in Spitzbergen Seas, Jansen's deductions frdm, as to Ice between Greenland and Nova Zembla, ix. 163 Dutchman's Stern, Hill, South Australia, ii. 17-18 Duthumi, Hills, East Central Africa, passes in, xx. 305 Dutton, F. S., x. 250 ; communicates letter from Captain Cadell, of South Aus tralian Exploring Expedition, xii. 201 on horse-breeding in Australia, xiv. 205-6 on proposed Livingstone Search Ex pedition, 1872.,' xvi. 149 Duveyrier, H., Honorary Corresponding Member,- 1863., viii. 43 expeditionof, in the Sahara,1861.,vi. 178 Dwalagiri, Mountain, India, i. 345, 346 ; height measured by Colebrook and Crawfurd, viii. 41 Dwina, river, Russia, sidewise movement of, xx. 499 Dychtau, mountain, Caucasus, elevation bf, xiii. 71 Dyer, W. F. Thistelton, on plant distribu tion as a field for geographical research, xxii. 412 Dyke Acland Bay, New Guinea, xix. 233 Dynamics of Earthquakes, Mallet citedOD, iii. 286 Dyngjufjoll Mountain, Iceland, active volcano, xx. 26 104 DZA— EDG Dzayul, district, Tibet, murder of Krick and Bourry in, 1855., xiii. 394 roads from, xiv. 215 Dzeya river, Amoor district, Russian religious exiles on, and their agriculture, xiii. 367 Dzo river, South Africa, iv. 64 Dzungaria province, North-West China, Russian advance in, xvi. 261 E " E " Mts. great and little, see Bunder- punch-ke-ghattee Eagle, South Australian exploring steamer, xii. 201, discoveries made by, 261, 262 Eagle Hills, Br. N. America, ii. 150 Point, N. Guinea, aspect of sea and land at, xxi. 358 Eales, Dr., exploration of the Ogun river, W. Africa, with Burton, 1861., vi. 49, 64 Earl, G. W., member of the N. Australian expedition, i. 10 Earth, geological and astronomical con siderations on, Duncan on, xxii. 91 Magnetism of . . ., Evans, xxii. 188 Surface of, Former and present Physical Changes compared, Murchison, 1869., xiii. 311 Earthquakes, (see Santorin) — Dynamics of, Mallet cited on, iii. 280 Erzeroum, 1859., vi. 62, xiii. 244 Iquique, 1854., xii. 130 failure of predictions of, in Peru, 1869., Jerningham, xiv. 85 and their study in Switzerland, Volger's observations, iii. 279 Earthquake wave at Samoa on the day of the earthquake in Ecuador, 1868., Turner, xiii. 57 East Cape, N. Guinea, coast-line near, xix. 231 East Indian Colonies, value of North Australia to, i. 35 Easter Island, or Rapa Nui, A Visit to, Palmer, xiv. 108, 119 Eastern Archipelago (see also Malay) — admiralty surveys of, (revised), iii. 267, xv. 267, xvi. 321, xvii. 255, xviii. 539 in relation with Australia, i. 79, 456, vi. 58, 174, vii. 87, 88 Bickmore's travels in, (1868.), review, xiii. 289 Dutch trade in, viii. 119 lofty Islands of, as areas of condensa tion, i. 58 and N. Guinea, trade between, Wallace, vi. 43 wind and currents of, iv. 239 Eastern Australia (see also Queensland) — early discovery in, ix. 226 geological distinctness of, xii. ]3!i Eastern Barrier Mts., Australia, xv. 97 coast of N. Australia, physical character of, i. 498, aud climate, 499 Desert of Syria, geological history of, xvi. 108 ¦ Fields, Torres Straits, i. 80 labour for Australia, (see China, E, Archipelago, etc.), vii. 87, 88, 89 seas, currents of, explained by Dr, Young's, theory of undulations of light, Hodgkin on, vi. 103 ¦ • Turkestan, see C. Asia, Chinese Turkestan, Kuen Lun Mts., Thian Shan Mts., etc., etc. Eastwick, — , on the alleged recession of the Caspian Sea, xvii. 163 Eaton, F. A., Journey from Nazareth to Bozrah of Moab, 1863., viii. 29 Ebi-Nor Lake, Russian Turkestan, xviii. 248 Ebo river, W. C. Africa, ii. 34 Ebro river, de Mesa's physical and hydro- graphic labours on, x. 232 Ebury, Lord, on Livingstone's African expeditions, ii. 132 E-Ching, China, see I-Chang Echizen province, Japan, silk and cutlery of, xviii. 236 Ecrehous Islands, Jersey, described, x. 331 Ecrins, Mts., Dauphine', elevation of, Tuckett on, vii. 44-5 Ecuador, S. America — affluents of the Amazon in, viii. 59 earthquake at, 1868., Turner on, xiii. 57 explorations in, Pritchett's, 1856-7., iii. 93, iv. 174 Pritchett's, Spruce's, and Jameson's, I860., summarized, iv. 174 Simson's, (1877.), xxi. 556, xxii. 44 Geological notes on Campana in, 1862., Wilson, vi. 248 ; cf. a. 105 main highway of, described by Simson, xxi. 559 pium flies of, xxi. 580 sugar cultivation in, xxi. 563 Ede, Tel, ruins of, Turko-Persian frontier, i. 45 Eden, garden of, xviii. 266 Ed Deir, Jebel, Sinai, ravines in, xiii. 210 , Wady, Convent at, ib. EdesBa, Turkey in Asia, English Crusaders as rulers at. ix. 39 Edgar (see Blandford and Edgar), cited on trade between China and Tibet, 1874., xix. 343 Edgcumbe, see Edgecumbe Edge, Capt. T., explorations of Spitz bergen by, 1616., xvii. 98 Edge Island, Spitzbergen, German ex ploration to, 1870., xv. 306 sea horses on, xvii. 98 EDG— ELE 105 Edgecumbe Bay, Queensland, x. 65 , Mt, Queensland, sheltered bay near, iv. 79 Edh'ra, Syria, possibly the ancient capital of Bashan, viii. 30 Edinburgh, work of Col. James at the Royal Observatory at, i. 135 , Bishop of, (Rt. Rev. — Cotterill, d.d.), on his son's journey in Nyassa- land, xxi. 245-6 , H.R.H. the Duke of, elected Hon. President of R.G.S., 1875., xix. 366. 459 on Cameron's journey across Africa, xx. 303, 328 Edkins, Rev. J., Chinese Notices of their own great rivers, iii. 375 on the neighbourhood of Peking, xviii. 174 Edmonton, Fort, Saskatchewan river, Br. N. America, iii. 122 Education, On the Place of Geography in, Hale, xvi. 450 Edward river, S. Australia,- navigability of, iii. 338 Edwards, C, beche-de-mer fisher, an authority on the navigation of the Barrier reef, xi. 151 , F., of Stowe's boat-party, Australia, , x. 35. , F., on the Brazilian province of Matto Grosso, xx. 468 Edwin, Lieut., r.n., with Jardine at Endeavour river, xi. 150 Efiat, W. Africa, (Tom Shot's Point), described, xvi. 136 Efik country, W. Africa, and its rivers, xvi. 135 Ega, on the Amazon, Bates resident at, xxii. 45 Egau, Egga, Eggan, or Egba, W. Africa, a large town on the Niger, ii. 86 ivory mart of, ix. 73 trade of, xxi. 498 religion at, iv. 221 trade routes meeting at, Crowther on, xxi. 494-5 visited by Gambier, 1863., viii. 53 by Knowles, 1864., ix. 73 woods of, iv. 220 Eggil, Turkey-in-Asia, old name of, and Assyrian inscriptions at, ix. 36 Egine, W. Afrioa, viii. 106 Egmont, Mt., N. Zealand, cone of, viii. 56 Egypt (see also Africa, Khedive's expedi tion, Mediterranean, Nile, Red Sea, Suez Canal, etc.), v. 12, 13 admiralty surveys, see Mediterranean attitude toward slave trade, (1862.), vii. 47 early ancient and modern canal pro jects in, iii. 181-2 Egypt— continued. "elastic" frontiers of, Said Pasha on, vii. 126 geographical position of, iii. 177 hot wind of, i. 35 Lower, date of Nile rise in, x. 295 delta, how created, x. 283 mineral wealth of, Graham cited on, iv. 180 Pyramid of, Piazzi Smith's work on the Great, xi. 223 Railway from Alexandria to Cairo, constructed by R. Stephenson, 1855.. iii. 193 Upper, maps of, presented by the Prince of Wales, xx. 14 Eide Point, Faeroes, sandbank near, v. 73 Eiklut, Abyssinia, geological formation at, xiv. 165 Einnasleigh rivor, N. Queensland, xii. 140 143 Eisan, town, Arabia, xv. 323 E Kar Tang, Formosa, cultivation near, xxii. 54 Ekaterin-Nicolski, Siberia, Russian mili tary station at, xiii. 367 Ekoi country, W. Africa, Walker's visit to. 1875,, xx. 224 Creek, cataract entering, xx. 226 Ekpogi or Foo, on the Niger, W. Africa, ix. 73 EkrekuMts., B. Guiana, S. America, ii. 155 Ek-sourasi, or Paradise district of Kokand, xxii. 341 Elarone river, S. Africa, mountains near and latitude of, xix. 127 Elbruz Mt., Caucasus, Ascent of, Freshfield, 1868., xiii. 66 Elburz Mts., Persia, viii. 19 trend of, xx. 174 Visit to, and ascent of Demavend, Watson, (1861.), vi. 103 exploration of mountains X. of, Thomson and Kerr, 1858., iii. 2 Elchi, see Ilchi Elder Range, S. Australia, water-parting S.E. of, ii. 18 Elder, Hon. T., xv. 962, 97, aid given to Australian exploration by : to Warbur- ton, xviii. 571, xix. 8, 51, 446, to Giles, xx. 430, to Ross, xx. 447 El Dorado, as located in 16th century belief, xxii. 45 El Eis or Eleis, last Egyptian settlement on the White Nile, 1857., v. 28, Mme. Tinne' at, viii. 12 Elephant Island, Lake Nyassa, xxii. 238 Elephant Mountain, W. Africa, explored by Burton, 1862., vii. 104 Elephants, Makolonkoan or dwarf, in the Kalahari desert, v. 17 used in African travel and by Hannibal, xix. 492 106 ELE— ENC Elephant's river, S. Africa, explored by Elton, xix. Ill Elevara village, N. Guinea, population of, xx. 331 Elgin and Kincardine, Earl of, on Yeddo in Japan, v. 133-4 his mission to Japan, 1857-9, iii. 168, work on, by Oliphant reviewed, iv. 204 obituary notice, 1864., viii. 181 Elias, Ney, awarded gold medal, 1873., xvii. 225, 229, 231 Journey to new Course of Yellow River in 1868, xiv. 20, comment on, Murchi son, xv. 295 ¦ — — through Western Mongolia, 1872., xvii. 184 on Prshewalskij's explorations in Mon golia and N. Tibet, 1870-3., xvii. 76 A'isit to the valley of the Shueli, W. Yunnan, 1875., xx. 234 Elizabeth Creek, Queensland, found by Hann, its geological formation, xviii. 91 reef, N.S. Wales, admiralty survey, great value of, xxii. 336 river, S. Australia, iii. 153 Ell Creek, Queensland, good land near, xii. 57 Etlangowan, missionary steamer, given by Miss Baxter, xx. 92-3, cost of maintain ing, xx. 272 Visit of, to China Straits, N. Guinea, Maefarlano, (1877.), xxi. 350 Ellenborough, Earl of, obituary notice, 1872., xvi. 313 Ellesmere, Earl of, Ex-President R.G.S. cited on the Bonin Isles, i. 173 death of, Murchison on, i. 309 obituary notice, 1857., i. 377 (son of foregoing), obituary notice, 1863., vii. 133 Ellesmere Land, Arctic regions, aspect of, xxi. 276 Range, N. Australia, supposed trend of, and geological formation, i. 502 Ellice, Fort, on Beaver River, Br. N. America, ii. 146 Elliott, C, obituary notice, 1856., i. 394 Elliot, R.-Adm. Sir C., Proposed explora tion of the River Orinoco, etc., i. 251, comments on by O'Connor, 278 on Wallich's plan for examining the Atlantic sea-bed, vii. 56 , Kynynmond, one of Warren Hastings' "young men," xix. 331 Elliott, Point, N. Australia, coast near, xix. 197 Ellis, Capt.W., master of the Lily schooner, explorations of, in the Gulf of Carpen taria, xii. 56, 57, xiii. 52 , Rev. W., On Ankova, Central pro vince of Madagascar, and on the Royal or Sacred Cities, 1861., x. 55 Ellis, Rev. W. — continued. on Madagascar its ethnology and language, x. 58 Elmina, W. Africa, Reade on, xiii. 357 Elobe river, W. Africa, cataract of, vii. 105 Ellyria, GE. Africa, valley of, described by Baker, x. 11 Elphinstone, Hon. E. Mountstuart, journey oftoCabul, 1808., x. 139 death of, iv. 29 obituary notice, I860., iv. 124 Elsey, J. B., surgeon of the N. Australian expedition, i. 367, ii. 5, 8, ix. 232 Elsey Creek, N. Australia, i. 367 Elton, Capt. J. F., On the Country between Dar-es-Salaam and Kilwa, title only, xix. 110 exploration of the Lunpopo river and its affluents, 1870., xv. 154, xvi. 89 maps by, praised by Cameron, xxii. 253 death of, 1878., xxii. 232, 248 obituary notice, 1878., xxii. 306 Stanley's tribute to, xxii. 252 Walker's tribute to, xxii. 250 Elton Lake, near the Caspian Sea, xviii. 311-2 Elton, W. J., On the Coast of Morocco, ii. 375 Embarah tribe, S.W. Africa, locatiou of, i. 245, iv. 72 Embombo Swamp, W. Africa, depth of, xix. 87 Embomma, Embona or' Embnurina now Borna, Congo river, W. Africa cataracts at, ii. 317, and current, 374 natives at, 375 products of district, iv. 68 slave trade at, iv. 67 Emery Point, N. Australia, coast near xiv. 197 Emesa, see Hums, Tell Emin Pasha, (Dr. Sclmitzer), journey of, to Uganda, xxi. 465 journey in Equatorial Lake Region, Africa, 1877., xxii. 372 Emma Creek, S. Australia, xix. 56 Empugnan village and Mt., Borneo, i. 194 Emshin Dagh, Mt.. Turkey in Asia, xvi. 223 Emu Plains, N.W. Australia, good soil at, i. 228 Enaera or Enarea, Abyssinia, coffee of, iv. 28 information given of (by Pere Leon), iii. 209 Italian missionaries at, ii. 53 river near, x. 100 Encounter Bay.'S. Australia, ii. 29 Lake near, ix. 227, xiv. 289 En'coge, Congo region, W. C. Africa, xix. 83 END— ERZ 107 Endatsien fort, Tigre', Abyssinia, geology of district of, xiv. 165 Endeoan Mashiir, Persia, i. 292 Endeavour, Capt. Cook's ship, 1770., xviii. 539 Endeavour river, N. Queensland, admiralty survey of mouth of, viii. 115, xviii. 539 course of, xviii. 105 explored by Hann, xviii. 100-1, 105-6 by Jardine, xi. 149, 152 geological formation near, etc., xii. 143, xviii. 106 suitable for colonization, viii. 119 source of, xi. 149 Enderby, C, on Morrell's Antarctic voyage, xiv. 154 Note on Sabrina Land, etc., ii. 171 obituary notice, 1877., xxi. 427 Island, N.W. Australia, x. 47, xiv. 154-2 Land, Antarctic, discoveredby Biscoe, 1830-3., ii. 171, xiii. 115, xiv. 1S4-5 , Messrs., public debt to, in relation to Antarctic discovery, xiii. 155, xiv. 145, xxi. 427 Endermo or Endomo or Moraran, Yesso, Japan, natural harbour, xviii. 227, 228 Volcano, Yegso, Japan, active in 1865., x. 170 Eng-cheng, or Yung-chun-chow, China, sugar manufacture at, xviii. 169 Engineers' Group, Islands near N. Guinea, free channel near, xix. 229 England and home coasts, admiralty surveys of, i. 138, ii. 258, iii. 261, iv. 145, v. 166, vi. 131, vii. 137, viii. 189, ix. 219- 20. x. 216, xi. 190, xii. 239, xiii. 274, xiv. 303, xv. 261, xvi. 315, xvii. 253, xviii. 535, xix. 405-6, xx. 404, xxi, 431, xxii. 333 • and N. America, trend of Mountains, i. 503 , Wales, and Ireland, geological survey of, iii. 275, vii. 146, viii. 196 English Bank, Rio de la Plata, i. 407 Company's Island, N.W. Australia, i. 501 Prisoners in Abyssinia, 1864., Blanc on, xiii. 47 Whaling captains, Arctic explora tions of, 1872., xvii. 266 Engombo Peak, W. Africa, xix. 86 En-moa river, Siberia, affluent of the Anadyr, xxi. 216 Enns river, Southern Alps, fall of, ii. 370 Enterprise ship, used in Arctic expeditions, i. 24 Entrance Island, N. Australia, i. 33, ii. 9 Gregory's mark at, found by Chimmo, i. 260-1 Malay fishing depot at, ii. 12 Eiitre Rios province,Argentina, S. America, undulating lands of, viii. 163 Enzilli, Ghilan, Persia, iii. 391, lake of, 392-395, seaport of the region, iii. 394 Equatorial Current, the, course of, and effects, v. 26 depth of, xviii. 393 effects of, on Jan Mayen, ii. 255 freshness of, xxi. 258 'set of, off Formosa, Collinson on, viii. 26 velocity of, xviii. 393, xx. 412 line, Africa, greatest rains confined to, viii. 258 Erbain, El, ruined monasterv, Sinai, xiii. 210 Erebus and Terror, see Franklin, etc. further search for, proposed by Stokes, i. 94-7 traces of, i. 19-21, comments on, 21-25 Erech, see Wurka Eredia, M. G. de, (supposed) Portuguese discoverer of Australia, 1601., xvi. 352 Erhardt, Rev. J., Central Africa, reports concerning, collected at Mombasa . . . with a new map of the country, (1855.), i. 8, (map) ii. 55, criticisms on the foregoing by MacQueen, i. 12 proposed journey, to Lake Nyassa, 1868., i. 93, 158 ; cited on same, i. 8, 93 valuable work done in conjunction with Rebman, viii. 260 Eric the Red, xvii. 319 Erie Canal, U.S.A., levels of, ii. 340-1 Eri van, Trans-Caucasia, i. 280, iii. 18 permanent gipsy settlement at, i. 41 Erman, Prof. A., obituary notice, 1878., xxii. 320 Ernest Mt., Torres Straits, Australia, elevation of, i. 80 Errub Island, Torres straits (Australia) xx. 19, origin of natives of, 94 Erskine, Major, on the goldfields of Sofala. xix. 133 , St. Vincent, Excursion to the mouth of the Limpopo river, 1868., xiii. 320 exploration of the Limpopo, xvi. 97-8, and discoverv of its true mouth. xiii. 318, xvii* 297 journey to Umzila, S. Africa, 1871., xix. 110 Remarks on the proposed African Tele graph route, 1877., xxii. 224 Ersterling, S. Africa, gold reef at, xxii. 120 Brtib, oasis of, N. Africa, ix. 313 Ertjek Lake, Kurdistan, poisonous waters of, xiv. 313 Eruna, N. Guinea, see Cape Possession Erzerum, Turkey in Asia, Earthquake of, 1859.. Dalyell, vi. 62 earthquake at (about 1866.), xiii. 244 elevation of plateau of, vi. 62, xxii. 1 108 ERZ— ETH Erzerum — continued. geographical position, geological forma tion, etc., vi. 62 journey from, to Diabekr, Taylor, (1868.), xii. 302 sources of the Araxes river near, xxii. 169 sources of the Euphrates near, iii. 370 Treaty of, decision as to Mohamrah, i. 286,354 Erzindjan, or Erzingian, Turkey in Asia, iii. 370 true position of, determined, xi. 98 visited by Palgrave, (1872.), xvi. 223 Erythrseans, the, distribution of, i. 281 Escape Cliffs, N. Australia, xi. 46 abandoned settlement at, xii. 202 Eschscholtz Bay, Behring Straits, mam moth ivory of, x. 234 Escoces, Port, C. America, proposed canal to, i. 65, 88 Esdraelon, Plain of, (Jezreel), Syria, viii. 29 Eshegibi, stream, S. Africa, absence of outlet to, xix. 115 Esk river, Cape York district, Queensland, explored by Jardine, 1865., xi. 151 Esmeraldas Province, Ecuador, Geological notes on Campana in, J. Wilson, vi. 24S-9, x. 105 river, Ecuador, course of and bar in, x. 107, drainage area of, xxi. 557 Esmok, Es-mau, or Sz'mau(2.«.), Yunnan, China, a deserted city, 1869., xiii. 308 Crawfurd on, v. 51 Davis on, ib. Lookhart on, v. 52 proposed government expedition to, 1861., v. 216 Sprye's information concerning, v. 46-7 visited by Lagree, 1867., xix. 280 Espirito Santo Island, most northerly of New Hebrides group, xvi. 389 Espiritu Santo, Cerro del (Mountains), C. America, gold mine in, i. 78 Espy, Mt., S. Australia, iii. 336 Esquimalt Bay, Vancouver Island, fine harbour of, iii. 126 development of, 1864., viii. 191 Forbes on its advantages, viii. 84 future of, Moody on, viii. 91 tides at, Evans on, xxi. 73 Esquimaux race, ability of, to live where others cannot, iv. 6 accounts of Franklin's traces found by i. 19, 22, 23, 25 aid given by, to Kane, i. 18 of Baffin Strait, Osborn on, xvii. 180 of Greenland, derivation and migrations of, Markham on, ix. 89 migrations of, Nares on, xxi. 1 05 traces of, in 1822.. xv. 108 of Humboldt glacier, ruinsleft by, xii. 105 Esquimaux race — continued. of Labrador, ix. 134 Esquimaux Christianized, at Hopedale, xii. 196 of Lancaster Sound, ix. 65 of Mackenzie river District, ix. 125, 127-8 of N. America, xxi. 282 of Rawling's Bay district, traces of, Feilden on, xxi. 284 of Smith Sound, ix. 49, xix. 221 distribution of, ix. 49-51, 61, 62-3, 65 dogs of, characteristics of, xix. 215, 221 information from, on the ice of the X. American continent, i. 30 Lubbock on, ix. 102 Markham on, ix. 103 number able to live together, xvii. 182 - Owen on, ix. 100 with the Arctic expedition of 1875., xx. 58 Bay, Labrador, elevation of hills at, ix. 131 fish of, ix. 133 inhabitants, ix. 134 temperatures at, ix. 132 Islands, Labrador, v. 66 Lake, ix. 128 Essington, Port, N. Australia, i. 32, 323, vii. 15, ix. 227, xiv. 200 abandoned settlement of, i. 83, 256, 452, 456, ii. 214, iii. 342, v. 206, vii. 171, ix. 22, x. 59, xiv. 204 aborigines of, x. 42 climate of, i. 83, iii. 88, x. 328, xii. 318 Drury and others on, iii. 88, 89, 90, 91 fine harbour of, iii. 88, 91, 342 fit for cattle-breeding, iii. 90 geology of district, Jukes on, iv. 95-6 healthiness of, or the reverse, various statements, iii. 88, v. 206, ix. 23, xii. 320 land near, ii. 216, iv. 83 Leichhardt's expedition to, 1846.. iii. 30, 33, vii. 85, ix. 229, x. 85 nearly taken possession of by the French, 1838., iii. 89 needed as a naval station, iii. 91 rainy season at, iv. 84 temperatures at, xii. 318 well-watered, iii. 89-90 Estacado, Llano, or Plains of Texas, Indian hunting ground, xxii. 279 Estcourt, Maj. Gen. J. B. B., obituary notice of, 1856., i. 120 Esteros, the, marshy region of Paraguay, xx. 496 Estola, Sierra de, Isthmus of Darien, source of Tanela river, xii. 65, 67 Ethel Creek, C. Australia, xix. 50 Ethiopia, E. Africa, alluvial plains of, Beke on, vii. 116 ancient extent of, and gold mines of. Livingstone on, xviii. 256 ETII— EXA 109 Ethiopian Nile Delta, Beke on, vii. 116 region, animals of, Wallace, xxi. 511 Eth Thai Wady, Sinai, xiii. 207 Eth Thebt, Jebel, Sinai, and its valleys, xii. 191 Etosha, salt pan, S. Africa, ii. 350 Eucla, S. Australia, settlements near, xix. 482, 489 Eugene city, Oregon, latitude of and wild distriot near, xi. 86 Euge'nie Islet, N. Guinea, size of, etc., xxi. 355 Eulaaus river of the Greeks, Determina tion of, Loftus, i. 219 Euphrates river, or Murad Su, Turkey-in- Asia, (see also Hindieh Canal) — branches of, i. 293, 354, xxii. 169 course of and changes in, i. 46, 163, 286, 292 explorations of — Taylor's journey to the source of, Lynch, xiii. 243 „ TchihatchePs journey to sources of, 1858., iii. 370 in flood, i. 45 Greek settlement at mouth of, i. 355, 361-2 as irrigating agent of Mesopotamia, xi. 156 mouths of, Rawlinson on, i. 286 et seq. muddy bar at, i. 252, 355, and shoal, 357 waters belonging to Turkey-in-Asia, i. 353 Bouroes of, iii. 370, xiii. 243 of some of its tributaries, xii. 303 summer temperature of, i. 361-2 Valley, cotton of, viii. 21 — railway, prospects of, xvii. 281-2 Euroomba station, Queensland, iii. 19 Europe, geographical progress in, i. 134, ii. 275, iii. 286, iv. 196, v. 188, vi. 157, vii. 148, 151, viii. 198, ix. 237, x. 228, xi. 196, xii. 251, xiii. 296, xiv. 313, xv. 272, xvi. 327, xvii. 263, xviii. 550, 5,51, xix. 421, xx. 416, xxi. see 447, xxii. see 337, 339 , Historical Map of, Sprumer, 1859., iii. 286 , meteorological observatories in, in creasing number of, (1857.), iii. 279 , mountain chains of,' Duncan on, xxii. 72 , Northern, in the glacial period, Murchison, vii. 151 , number of geographical societies in, 1874., xix. 421 , telegraphic communication with Australia, x. 61 European States, List of principal Maps of, (1858.), ii. 381 Euxine, the, see Black Sea Evans Bay, N.E. Australia, viii. 114, soil at, viii. 117, water at, i. 256, viii. 116, 117 Evans, Capt. F. J. O., an officer on the Fly, iv. 80 Admiralty surveys, summaries of, xviii. 535, xix. 404, xx. 402, xxi. 431, xxii. 333 Australian explorations of, referred to, ii. 313 on Brunner's exploration of Middle Island, N. Zealand, ix. 34 Magnetism of the Earth, xxii. 188 on New Guinea, viii. 120, xx. 354 desirability of exploring, viii. 120 on explorations in, xx. 270 on the Fly River of, xx. 108 on the natives of, xix. 241, xx. 270 Physical Geography at sea, xxi. 66, comments on, by Alcook, xxi. 24, 26 Variation Chart prepared by, iii. 273 work of, in Torres Straits referred to, iv. 80, viii. 120 , Mt., Vancouver I., Brit. N. America, elevation of, ix. 308 Evaporation, relation of, to Rainfall and River Supply, Carpenter, xviii. 325 Evelyn, Col., on the relation between ooeanic and atmospheric currents, xiii. 233 Everest, Col. Sir G., v.p. of R.G.S., i. 370, ii. 210 on Climate as influenced by Latitude, i. 86 on the progress of the Great Trigono metrical Survey of India, i. 350, 372, iv. 32 on Wilson's journey in X.W. Australia, ii. 212 obituary notice of, 1867., xi. 185 Everest, Mt., i. 350, iv. 31 Waugh (and others) on, ii. 102-15 and Mt. Deodanga, geographical position of, Hodgson on, i. 345-8, Waugh (and others) on, i. 345 elevation of, the highest Himalayan mountains, i. 371, ii. 299 and glaciers of, Schlagintweit on, iii. 366 Everett, Hon. E., obituary notice of, 1865., ix. 207 Evianda, W. Africa, i. 75 Evolution in relation to Geography, Strachey, xx. 79 Ewen, W. Africa, natives of, xx. 225 Examinations of Public Schools in Geo graphy inception of the Scheme, 1868., xii. 203 resultB, and Prizes awarded, in 1869., xiii. 254; 1870., xiv. 251; 1871., xv. 222; 1872., xvi. 276 ; 1873., xvii. 211, 217; 1874., xviii. 472-3, 491; 1875., xix. 363, 526 ; 1869-1875., xix. 524-5 ; 1876., xx., 372, 517 ; 1869-1876., xx 110 EXA— FAL Examinations of Public Schools in Geo graphy — continued. results and Prizes awarded — continued. 514; 1877., xxi. 365, 374,401; 1869- 1877., xxi. 362-4; 1878., xxii. 300, 482; 1869-1878., xxii. 478-9 Exertion Hill, S. Australia, ii. 16 Exeter Sound, Arctic Regions, ladies wintering at, (1867.), xii. 101 Exhalations, Bay of, Santorin, Greek Archipelago, cleansing effect of gases in waters of, s. 229 Exmouth Gulf, W. Australia, iii. 53, x. 49 pearl-fisheries at, xix. 489 'rivers flowing towards, xii. 261 Exploring, pleasures of, Hann on, xviii. 96-7, 105 Eyatenah Creek, S. Australia, ii. 19 Eyre, E. J., afterwards Governor of Jamaica, awarded gold medal, 1843., ix. 228, xvi. 299, xix. 41, protector of Australian aborigines, xii. 295 Australian explorations of, referred to generally, i. 367, ii. 26, 185, 186, 313, iii. 31, 335, iv. 83, 94, 254, v. 10, 125, vi. 56, 171, ix. 226, 228, 232, xii. 295, xiv. 200, 203, 288, xv. 8, 296, xvi. 299, xix. 482 cited on Australian matters — on the Coast, line of S. Australia, i. 367, iv. 95, xiv. 200, xix. 482 on the desert found by him, ii. 28 on hot an'd cool winds, ii. 192, iv. 78 on Lake Torrens, ii. 16, 188, iv. 168-9, routes to same from the N., ii. 193, views refuted, vii. 88 on saline lakes, iii. 155, 157 on salubrity of Australia, iii. 155 views of, on Spencer Gulf, con- . troverted by later discoveries, vi. 57 friendship of Murchison with, xvi. 299 Eyre Creek, Australia, Sturt's, see Jarvis river, iii. 31, 156, or Cariduro, vii. 85 Lake, S. Australia, Ross on, xv. 97, 98,99 report of large river falling into, ix. 75 proved to be the Victoria, xii. 289 Ross eir.ee! on the region of, xv. 297 , Mts., N. Zealand, snow-covered, ii. 355 Eyria, peninsula, S. Australia, ii. 313 elevation of water-shed of, xii. 288 Fabo, trading station, Nile region xvii. 306 Fajrb'e Islands, exploration in I860., Rae v. 80 harbours in, McClintock on, v. 62 proposed telegraph stations on, iv. 101 v. 94 Faeroe Islands — continued. seasons iu, v. 77 Young's- report on, v. 70 Faga, C. Africa, i. 8, rivers of, 12 Fagrima, Jebel, volcanic hills near the Nile, xx. 67 Fahey, J., of the N. Australian expedition, i. 186, 189, ii. 7, 8 Fahil, Syria, probably Pella, ii. 224 Fahruj on the Azizabad river, Seistan, xvii. 87 Fa-hian, Chinese traveller, his route into India, xv. 22 Faid, Arabia, viii. 64 Faidherbe, Col., Hon. Corresponding Member of R.G.S. 1864., viii. 44 knowledge of Senegal region possessed by, xi. 200 Fairbairn, Sir W., obituary notice, 1875., xix. 402 Fairburn, Mr., exploration by, of W. Australian rivers, with F. T. Gregory, 1858., iii. 34, 48, 51, commended, 53 Fairfax Harbour, N. Guinea, xxiii. 26 gold-bearing quartz at, xix. 230 London missionary Station at, ib. poor land near, xx. 267 plumbago seam at, xx. 331 — -, Mt., W. Australia, x. 49 Fairview Station, Queensland, x. 62 Fairy, Port, Victoria, admiralty survey of, xv. 267 Faizabad or Fyzabad, chief town of Badakshan, xiv. 66 the Havildar's journey to, through Chitral in 1870., Montgomerie, xvi. 253 the Mirza on, xv. 181 the Sapper at, 1870., xvi. 257 town, district and river, Biddulph on, xviii. 425 river, Shaw on, xx. 486 Fala, Abyssinia, battle of and results, xiii. 50 plateau of, xii. 300 Falaba, W. Africa, xvii. 122 ; Report on Expedition to, 1872., Blyden, xvii. 117 Reade at, xviii. 360; his journey to, 1869., and its results, xiv. 185 King of, friendly to England, xvii. 125 Falconer, Dr. H. (see also Cautley) explorations of, in the Himalayas, ii. 303, 304 on the Himalayan glaciers, viii. 38 obituary notice, 1865., ix. 202 Falealili, large native town, Upolu Island, Navigator Group, xxi. 145 Falealupu Cape, Savaii Island, Western point of the Navigator Group, xvi. 141 Falkland Islands, S. Atlantic, admiralty survey of, i. 140 British colony at, viii. 162 FAL— FER 111 Falkland Islands, Challenger observations at, on sea-level and magnetism, xx. 414, 415 compass variations at, xx. 415, xxii. 214 harbours of, i. 146, iv. 175 Sullivan cited on their capacity for stock-raising, viii. 219 (note) Faloro, Upper Nile, elevation of, xx. 67 Fallian, valley, Persia, beauty and fine climate of, i. 361 Falmouth Harbour, Antigua, packet station for W. Indian line, survey of, in progress, 1863, vii. 144 Fan Lake, C. Asia, results of AbramofFs explorations, xv. 288 Fan and Moreau, MM., deaths of, in Tonquin, (1874.), xix. 16 Fandravasana, Madagascar, slope of, xix. 185 Fangaloa Bay, dangerous harbour of, Upolu Island, Navigator Group, xxi. 145 Fangan, on the Niger, ii. 90 Fanning river, Australia, xii. 140 Fanny Springs, Australia, v. 104 Faqualit village and tribesmen, C. Africa, v. 32 Farabana, W. Africa, population and position of, xiii. 353 ; xiv. 186 Faragan, lake of, Nile Region, Petherick on, viii. 135 Farahantsana falls, Ikiopa river, Mada gascar, importance of, Mullens on, xix. 184 Faraday, M., proposed memorial to, xiv. 20 Farah river, Persia, cliff-fort above, xvii. 89 Faro river, Equatorial Africa, affluent of Binue", Barth cited on sources, course and current of, xxi. 491 Farouk, Wadi, Arabia, viii. 104 Fars, province, Persia, inhabitants of, i. 280 Farewell, Cape, Greenland, ii. 201, xx. 56 aurora borealis near, iii. 120 current near, i. 61, 62 ice of, v. 76, 77 position of, iii. 120 as a telegraph station, v. 95 , New Zealand, desolate coast near, ix. 34 Farunumo, N. Guinea, Stone's farthest, 1875., xx. 269 Fashoda. on the Nile, Egyptian station established, 1864., xv. 95 geographical position of, xv. 95, xviii. 132 naked natives near, xxi. 49 Fashoro on the Nile, latitude of and tribes of, xx. 67 Fatchio, chief town of Tsusima Island, Japan, population of, vii. 61 Fatiko or Fatuka, Upper Nile, Baker at, xviii. 306-7 elevation, temperature, soil, inhabitants, xviii. 56-7 geographical position, etc., xviii. 140-1, 144 Fattatenda, W. Afrioa, limit of naviga bility of the Gambia river, xx. 78 Fatshan, S. China, large unwalled city, vi. 227 Fatu Creek, S. China, Oliver's expedition up, 1861., vi. 227 Faulad Muha], Persia, xx. 166 Faulkner on the Livingstone search expedition, xii. 89 Fawng Teng river, S. China, sugar-mill on, vi. 228 Faxe Bay, Iceland, freedom of, from drift-ice, v. 63, 78 Young on, v. 74, 75 Featherstonhaugb, on the region under explorationiby Palliser (Br. N. America), 1857., ii. 15 Fedchenko, description of ruins in Sa marcand (extracts), xv. 393 travels in Turkistan, published, 1874-5, xix. 425 — - Lake, see Kutban-Kul Feel, Ras El, Mt., Abyssinia, country near, x. 292 Feeluk, Ras, E. Africa, soil of plain near, xvi. 150 Feilden, Capt., on Arctic animal life past and present, xxi. 284 Feilding, Col. Hon. W., translator, see Malay : Incidents of Travel Feiran, Sinai, oasis of, xvii. 327 old road near, x. 159 Wady, xii. 190 Fei-seen-kawan, W.C. China, hamlet and pass of, xiv. 177 Felix, Cape, Arctic Regions, ice-set on iv". 8 Fellahiyah, Persia, river and place i. 295 Fellows, Sir C, obituary notice, 1861. v. 157 Felou, W. Africa, cataracts of the Senegal river at, xi. 200 Fenoarivo river, Madagascar, coast at, xiv. 360, 373, 374, xix. 195 town described by Holmes, xiv. 366 Fenwick, on the cotton from the hinter land of Sedashgur Harbour, vii. 97 Ferghanah, Russian Turkestan — explored by Ujfalvy, 1877., xxii. 340 road from, to Lake Kara ku], xiii. 344 Fergusson Island, D'Entrecasteaux group, named by Moresby, xix. 226 Fergusson, James, on the housing of R.G.S. at 1, Savile Row. xiv. 358 on ruins in Cambodia, ix. 86 112 FER— FIS Fergusson, Sir J., Governor of N. Aus tralia, xiv. 205 Fergusson, Sir W., examination and veri fication of the body of Dr. Livingstone, 1874., xviii. 447 Fernandez, J., journeys of, in Africa, before 1450., i. 238 Fernando Po, W. Africa, described by C. Livingstone, xviii. 513 discovery and subsequent history of, Hutchinson on, ii. 227-8 Thomas at, xvii. 154 Vogel's proposed journey to, i. 216 Fernando Vaz, or Camma, river, W. Africa, one of the mouths of the Ogowe river, v. 109 its tributaries, iv. 183 Ferntree Gullies, Australia, i. 3 Ferrah Amba range, Abyssinia, watershed of, xii. 298 Ferreira, Joao B., journey in Bihe', W. Africa, Cameron on, xx. 321 Fertile Belt, Rocky Mts., extent and aspect of, xx. 293 Fesa or Fessa valley, Persia, Mts. near, xvi. 262 Abbott's journey to, i. 321 Fez or Fes, Morocco, ix. 312 Fezzan, N. Africa, slave-trade abolished in, 1856., i. 114 Fiakarana, Madagascar, market near, xx. 110 Fianarantsoa, Madagascar, geographical position of, Mullenson, xix. 191 population of, xix. 193 Fidonisi or Serpent Island, Black Sea, admiralty survey of, i. 403 Field, C. W., The Atlantic Telegraph, i. 216 Fifteen Mile Creek, S. Australia, ii. 20 Figaniere, Comm. J. C, Honorary Corre sponding Member R.G.S., viii. 44 Notes on the Language of S. Africa, viii. 105, errata, 157 Fiji Islands, admiralty survey of, i. 407, xx. 409, xxi. 436, xxii. 336 annexation of, by Great Britain, xxi. 40 British government mission to, See- mann (1862.), vi. 96; referred to, vii. 182, xvi. 391 Commercial resources of, Bensusan, vi. 96, 97 corrections to charts of, 1873., xviii. 539 Crawfurd on, vi 99 Forbes on, xxi. 140 importance of, as naval station, Belcher on, vi. 100 Pritchard on, vi. 98 Report of exploration of Rewa river and tributaries, Na tite Levie, Mac- donald (title only), i. 508 Finch's mine, S. Australia, v. 124 Fincke, — , expedition with Baker in Search of the Central Saline Lake of Australia, v. 105 liberality to explorers, vii. 135 to Stuart, ix. 232-3 cited on colonizing Van Diemen's Gulf vii. 170 Fincke river, South Central Australia, proposed depot near, xii. 292 Fin(c)ke's Spring, S.C. Australia, vi. 8 Findlay, A. G., on the African Lakes district and the Nile, xi. 250, xiv. 17, xvi. 411 Current Charts of the N. Atlantic by, value of, ii. 329 on Graah's observations on the Green land currents, i. 62 on the Gulf Stream, xiii. 102, 111, 231. 241, xv. 88 on Lake Tanganyika, and its outlets, xvii. 32, xviii. 146 On the Probable Course followed by Sir J. Franklin's expedition, i. 21 on the proposed Australian expedition of 1872., xvii. 57 Statistical Maps of Australia by, ix. 224 on the Work of R.G.S.. in 1861-2., vi. 179 obituary notice of, 1875., xix. 381 Fine, Oronce, old map by, supposed to show Australia, xvi. 353 Finland, Nordenskiold's map of, and views on erosion in, viii. 236-7 Finlay, J., carpenter, N. Australian ex pedition, death of, i. 189, 261 Finlayson Islands, Arctic Regions, wood found at, showing set of current, iv. 9 Finniss, — , his opinion favourable to Adam Bay settlement, Australia, xii. 202 River, Australia, sources of, xiv. 197 Spring, S. Australia, iv. 93, vii. 113, xv. 97, 99 Finisterre Mts., N. Guinea, highest peaks in, xix. 234 Fipa country, near L. Tanganyika, Africa, xvi. 438, xvii. 13, xxii. 398 Firozabad Pass, Persia, i. 290 Firiizkuh, Perso-Turcoman frontier, road to Shahrud via, xx. 166 Firando, early English factory in Japan at, iii. 297 Firefly, vessel, wrecked and salved in Torres Straits, vi. 173, vii. 3, 8, 36, 37, 173 Fires, Bay of, Tasmania, admiralty survey of, xxi. 436 Fish Bay, Curlew Island, Bay of Bengal, ¦ vi. 208 Fisherman Islands, opening in Barrier reef near, xviii. 26 Fisher's river, Vancouver Island, affluent of Lake Dickson, ix. 308 FIS— FL1 113 Fish Town, W. Africa, visited by Burton, 1861., vi. 66 Fischer and Denhardt's East African expedition, carrier pigeons carried by, 1876., xxi. 473 Fitton, W. H., On the Structure of N.W. Australia, i. 501 referred to, on the geology of N\ Australia, i. 457, ii. 214 Fittre or Fitri Lake, C. Africa, ii. 34, 221 Fitzallan, — , botanist of Smith's ex pedition to the Burdekin river, Aus tralia, v. 123 Fitz Maurice Point, N. Australia, x. 326-7 River, N. Australia, alligators in, i. 184, ii. 5; head of, i. 171, 190, 225; probable source of, 231 Fitzroy, Admiral, gold medallist, ix. 215 on areas of condensation (Hopkins' theories), i. 59 Beagle expedition (q.v.), viii. 161, xii. 322 on introduction of Camels into Australia, iii. 89 on the canal (proposed) between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans at Panama, i. 65 on the district explored by Cox 'in S. America, viii. 161 on the mail routes to Australia,- i. 81 on Maury's meteorological observations, v. 24, and work, ix. 153 meteorological investigations on the home coasts, iii. 278 progress, v. 183, vi. 142 on Parish's theory of Cyclones, i. 36 on the proposed Arctic expedition, 1865., ix. 120 qualifications and work of, Murchison on, viii. 161 S. American sailing directions, I860., iv. 156 his work in S. America, ix. 243-4 on Wheelwright's engineering works in, 1834-60., iv. 47 surveys by, their importance, xv. 300 obituary notice of, 1865., ix. 215 Fitzroy Downs, Australia, geology of, xii. 141, 142 gold prospects on, 141 ; iron of, 144 Range, Australia, i. 186, 228 River, N. Australia, i. 498, ii. 313, N.E, iv. 79, N.W., v. 3, 4, N, 6, 9 vii. 6, xix. 446, 488 access up vaUey of, to interior, viii. 118 admiralty' survey, xxi. 436 second largest in Australia, vii. 13 settlement on, v. 122, vi. 24, 194, x. 62, 249 valley of, suited for cotton-growing, vii. 115 Walker in region of, 1862., vi. 194 Fjiords, Canons, and Benches, the forma tion of, R. Brown, xiii. 144 Fjiords of S. Greenland, Taylor on, v. 90 Flattery, Cape, Cape York Peninsula Queensland, climate of, xii. 315 geological formation near, xii. 143 latitude of, i. 230 Fleming, Rev. F., Journey across the rivers of Br. Kafraria and thence from the Great Kei to the Gnabaka river, with sketches of fossil remains, i. 511 Fletcher, — , on the San Francisco river, Brazil, ix. 30 Fletcher's Creek, N. Queensland, xii. 141 Geological formation on, xii. 142 Fligely, Cape, Arctic regions, latitude of, xix. 28 ; polynia near, 31 Flinders, Capt., cited ou the coast of the Australian Bight, i. 230 fitness for colonization of region visited, i. 327 Gulf of Carpentaria, i. 83, 85 geology of N.W. Australian coast, i. 501 of N. Australia, ii. 214 Sweers and Bountiful Islands of, i. 258, 259 expeditions of, referred to, i. 263, iii. 90, iv. 78, 80, vi. 136, ix. 227, xi. 227, xii. 201, 291, xiv. 203 Flinders Island, Bass's Strait, admiralty survey, xxii. 336 Flinders Lake, Australia, iv. 78 Flinders Passage, into the Gulf of Papua , xviii. 37 Flinders Range, S. Australia, ii. 17, 18 Flinders river, N. Queensland, i. 494, 497, vii. 40, 112, x. 326 aborigines of, xi. 44 affluents of, vii. 6 crossed by Gregory, i. 367 chief heads of, xii. 141 country near, i. 494, vii. 83 easy road from, to the Darling river, vii. 40, 112 fine country near, vii. 41, 112 fossils from, xii. 142 found fordable, by Leichhardt, vii. 86 geology of shores of, xii. 144, xviii. 91 gold near, xii. 141 mouth of, bar across, vii. 4, 14 ¦ explored by Landsborough, 1867., xii. 5, 6 reached by Burke and Wills, vi. 10, 168, 174, vii. 36 reached by M'Kinlay, vii. 176 traces of Burke and Wills found at, by Walker, vii. 4, 6, 7, 37, 112, 174-5-6 . navigability of, vii. 4, 114 ascertained by Norman, vii. 4, 8 road connecting with the Pacific, x. 34 route to N. Queensland by valley of, x. 51 114 FLI— FOR Flinders river, N. Queensland — continued. settlements on, ix. 303 source and course of, xii. 140 traces of Leichhardt on, ix. 304, a. 59, 60,85 variation of water in, ix. 303 wool-growing along, ib. Flinders' Well, Sweers Island, i. 259-60, ii. 14 and inscriptions thereat, 15, vii. 3 Floeberg Beach, Arctic regions, bird life of, xxi. 277 ; glaciers of, xxi. 104 ; pack- ice of, xxi. 102 Floebergs, xxi. 443 Flood, J., of Gregory's N. Australian Expedition, ii. 5, 6, 10 Ascent of Albert River, X. Australia, 1857., by, xxx. 378 Flora, the Northern, characteristics of, Thistleton-Dyer, xxii. 421, 422-6 ¦ Southern, xxii. 421, 426-32 Tropical, xxii. 421, 432 Floraville, Queensland, death of F. Walker at, 1866., xii. 54 Flores Island, Java Sea, ix. 30 discovered by the Portuguese in 1511., xvi. 354 Florida Keys, U.S.A., telegraphic cable from to Havana, 1866., xiii. 103 Fly, H.M.S. (see Australia, admiralty surveys, and Blackwood), iv. 80, 82, 83 survey of coast of N. Guinea by, ix. 260 Fly river, N. Guinea, Ascent of, Mac- farlane, 1876., xx. 253 D'Albertis, cited on, xxi. 459 distinct from the Baxter river, xx. 107 natives of, xviii. 45 • — - and products of, D'Albertis, 1876., xx. 343 nutmegs near, xx. 334 Flora, Mt., W. Australia, xiv. 194 Fog Bay, N. Australia, xiv. 197 Fogara, N. Africa, caverns at, ix. 313 Foggara, Abyssinia, cotton of, xiii. 47 Fohu, the warm south wind in Switzer land, xii. 262 Fokada, Abyssinia, geological formation of the plain of, xiv. 164 Fokien province, China, inclusive of Formosa Island, viii. 28 nautical population of, i. 334 piracy in, i. 339 Fole river, S. Africa, mapped by Living stone, xiii. 135 Foley's Creek, Vancouver Mand, affluent of Cowichen Lake, ix. 306 Fonseca, C. America, geographical posi tion, and good harbour of, iv. 173 Fonseca, Gulf of, O. America, huge har bour in, xii. 46 Foo-Chin-Che, N.W. China, large town, vi. 225 Foo-chow on the Yangtse river, China, " xiv. 168 Foo-chow-fu, S. China, treaty port, i. 334, iii. 85 ; dragon boats of, xxi. 263 Foogamoo, fall on the Rembo river, W, Africa, x. 74 Foong-Wung-Ching, Manchuria, seaport, geographical position and business of, xiii. 28 Foot Doong river, Burma, course and elevation of, xvii. 43 Forbes, Com. C. S., r.n. Western Shores of Volcano Bay, Yesso (Japan), 1865., x. 169, 172 obituary notice of, 1877., xxi. 428 Forbes, Dr. C, Vancouver Islaud, its Physical Geography, Climate, and Mineral resources, viii. 83 Forbes, D., work of, in S. America, ix. 245 Forbes, Litton, The Navigator Isles, xxi. 140 Forcados river, W. Africa, new channel to Warre discovered in, C. Livingstone, xiv. 167 Forchhammer, Piof. J. G., Honorary Cor responding Member of R.G.S.. viii. 44 cited on the composition of Sea-water, x. 341 obituary notice, I860., x. 203 Foreign Office commendation of Expe dition in search of Livingstone, xvi. 186 Foreland Sound, Spitzbergen, constant fog in, xiii. 156 Forelands Island, Spitzbergen, ix. 311 Forest Destruction in Coorg, effect of, Bidie, xiii. 74 in the Western Ghauts, effect of, on the Water Supply, Markham, x. 266 Region of the Peace River, Br. N. America, fertility of, xx. 299 Forests in connection with Hydrology, im portant papers on, read at the Brighton meeting of the British Association, referred to, xvii. 20 Fori Island, or Cataracts of Aufina, on the Nile, Gessi's expedition at, 1876., xx. 470 Forlong, Capt., see Fraser, Capt. Formosa Bay, E. Africa, viii. 3 river running into, viii. 7 Formosa Island, China, viii. 23 admiralty surveys, iii. 270, xii. 241 aborigines of, x. 126, xvii. 156, Allen on, xxi. 258, 260-1 Bullock on, xxi. 267 ¦ Murchison on, viii. 28 Parkes on, viii. 26 Chinese irrigation works in, xxii. 55 coal of, v. 203, viii. 24, 26, xvii. 155,. xxi. 262, 265, xxii. 55, 60 earlier history, viii. 26 extent of, xxi. 258 FOR— FRA 115 Formosa Island, China— continued. explorations of, see Allen, ' Bullock, Corner, Hughes, Kopoch, Swinhoe George Psalmanazar's forgeries concern ing, viii. 24, xvii. 156 Journey through, from Tamsui to Tai- wan-fu, 1875., Allen, xxi. 258 North, dangerous sands on coast of, xxi. 260 Notes on the Rivers in, Kopsch, xiv. 79 Notes on, Swinhoe (1863.), viii. 23 (cf. 209), xvi. 357 additional, x. 122 opened to foreign trade (1862 ), vi. 166, viii. 209 Physical Geography of, Corner on, xxii. 61 pith plant of, and its uses, xxii. 419 progress of geographical knowledge of, 1864., viii. 209, 1872., xvi. 357 Southern, Notes of a journey in, 1871., Thomson, xvii. 144; Visit to Tok-e- Tok, Chief of the Tribes of, Hughes, (1872.), xvi. 265 (cf. 357) Tour through, from South to North. (1877.), Corner, xxii. 53 Trip into the Interior of, 1873., Bullock, xxi. 266 Zoology of, x. 127 Fornen, town in Ghilan, Persia, iii. 391 Forrest, A., brother of John Forrest, Aus tralian explorer, xix. 311, 312, 446 Forrest, J., awarded gold medal, 1876., xx. 368, 370, 371, 430 explorations of, iu Australia — in search of Leichhardt, xiv. 322, xix. 482, 488 ; (into the Interior of W. Australia), Nicholson, xiv. 190 from W. to S. Australia, 1870., xv. 8, 296, xvii. 19, 277 proposed to C. Australia, 1872., xvii. 20, postponed, xvii. 277 in W. Central Australia, 1874., xix. 57, 445, 481, xxi. 461 Lowther on, xx. 371 Rawlinson on, xx. 370 Journey across Australia from Cham pion Bay, W. coast, to Peake Station on the Telegraph Line, 1874., xix. 57 across Western Interior of Aus tralia from Murchison river to Peake station, 1874., abstract, xix. 310, full paper, 481 Forsyth, Sir T. D., On the Buried cities in the Shifting Sands of the Great Desert of Gobi, xxi. 27 ; on his ex pedition to Yarkand and Kashgaria, 1870., xv. 23, its result, Murchison on, xv. 6, 287 ; do. of 1873., xvii., 286, letters on, xviii. Ill etseq., 439; do., with remarks by Rawlinson, xviii. 414 et seq., geographical results of. Trotter on, xxii. 287; mission to Russia, 1870., and its success, xiv. 317 On the Transit of Tea from N. India to E. Turkestan, xiii. 198 report on Trade routes between Tibet and C. Asia, xiii. 11 on trade and trade routes to China from the West, xxi. 138 on Trotter's work and that of others at high elevations on the Pamirs, xxii. 288 Forsyth Islands, N. Australia, ii. 14 Fort Creek, Oregon, waters of, xi. 91 Point; N. Australia, country near, xiv. 197 ¦ William, Lake Superior, ii. 40 Fortaleza, Brazil, elevation of, xx. 460 Forteau, Belle Isle, Labrador, mission aries at, ix. 136 'Fortescue Straits, X. Guinea, xviii. 27 river, N.W. Australia, good lands near, vi. 172 source of, xix. 53 Fossil Bones from the Alluvial Strata of the Zambesi Delta, Kirk, viii. 131 Fossilbrook Creek, Australia, geological formation near, xviii. 87, 1 07 Foster, — , sole white companion of MacDouall Stuart, iii. 336 Former territory, Nile region, viii. 135 Fouchan, Korea, held by Japan, 1865., ix. 297 Foulepoint, Madagascar, port of, described, xiv. 364 Foulis, Dr., Report on Lord Howe Island cited, xxii. 138 et seq. Foulke or Fulke, Port, Smith Sound, Arctic regions animal life at, xvii. 179 Hayes at, ix. 182, his observations made at, 184, 185, his winteriug - place, xxi. 274 Fouque, — , Report on the Volcanic Erup tion at Santorin Island, x. 322 Foveaux Strait, N. Zealand, character of coast north of, ix. 34 Foweira, falls of the Nile near, xxi. 49 the Nile navigable from, xix. 109 Fowler, — , on the Suez Canal, xiv. 104 , J., on surveys into Darfur, etc., xxi. 6l Fowler's Bay, S. Australia, v. 124, ix. 75, x. 129, 130, xv. 296 bad lands near, v. 125 Fox, Gen. C. R., obituary notice of, 1873., xvii. 246 Fox, the, vessel of Young, in the N. Atlantic telegraph survey, iv. Ill, 251, v. 70 Fra Cristobal Oscura Mts., New Mexico," geological formation and peaks of, xxii. 274 116 FRA— FEE Fraenckel. — , Dutch resident at Sour- baya, hospitality of, to N. Australian expedition, ii. 15 France, see Senegal, Tonquin, etc., see also French, infra admiralty surveys of, ii. 288, iv. 148 American coast surveys made by, i. 423 geographical progress, 1858., i. 422, ii. 288, cf. iii. 291 Geographical Society of, N.W. African expedition sent by, xxi. 474 cited on Senegal, viii. 241 its interest in Arctic exploration, xii. 98 presents its gold medal to Sir S. W. Baker, xi. 154 to Livingstone, i. 422 — • to Lieut. E. Mage, xi. 200-1 — ¦ to the Schlagintweit brothers, iii. 291 work of, 1864., viii. 219 lost monasteries and ancient towns in, x. 336 maps by French officers, ii. 288 maps of, i. 146, ii. 288 Carte lithologique des Mers de, by Delesse, xiii. 285 maritime survey, i. 147, iv. 201, vi. 136 Vast losses of Land on the W. coasts of, within the historical period, Peacock, x. 329 Francis, Fort, B.N. America, ii. 41 Francq, — de, on Changes iu the Surface of the Globe, Murchison on, ii. 325 Frankfurt Cape, Arctic regions, latitude of, xix. 28, 33 Frankincense district of Africa, see Bird- wood and Somaliland Franklin, Cape, Arctic regions, i. 106 Harbour, S. Australia, why so named, iv. 78, admiralty survey of, xvi. 320, xvii. 257 Franklin, Lady, awarded gold medal, I860., iv. 109, 111, 251, letter on receiving, iv. 114 Arctic search expedition of, its pro gress, ii. 2H0, iv. 7, 9, 10, 12 Maps of Japan presented by, vii. 62 on the proposed N. Polar expedition of 1865., ix. 148 Franklin, Sir John, in Australia, iv. 78 on Arctic temperatures, his journal cited, 1818., xiii. 167 note date of death of, iv. 4 explorations of, in X. America, game, fish, and minerals found by, i. 53, 264 , in Arctic regions, Esquimaux de scriptions of, i. 19, iv. 3, and traces of, i. 19, 21 Hall's search for traces of, I860., vii. 99 Kane's, 1852-4., i. 17, 111 Rae's, 1851., i. 22, 1854., i. 23, xix, 2.12 Franklin, Sir John — continued. fate of, probable cause, xix. 36, 211 proposed further search for, i. 94-5 plan for, by Pirn, i. 209, 214 proposed statue to, iv. 115, unveiling of, 1866., xi. 6 search expedition of 1853-4., i. 1, x. 85, and results, xix. 212, 213 summary of his career, iv. Ill Franks, A. W., on Easter Island, its in- " habitants and their images, xiv. 118 Franz Josef Land, xix. 177, Arctic regions, discovery of, Payer on, xix. 28 early voyages in the direction of, xix. 178 ice-bergs of, xix. 32, 33 Fraser, Capt., and Forlong, Capt., Proposed route across the Isthmus of Kraw, vii. 58. Fraser, J. B., obituary notice of, i. 120 Fraser, M., Account of Warburton's Aus tralian expedition, 1874., xix. 483 Fraser or Frazer river, Br. N. America admiralty surveys of, iv. 155, v. 176 alleged pass vid, i. 266 benches of, or Valley Terraces, Begbie, xv. 133, Murchison on, ix. 20 ' described, ix. 18, 19 examined by Palmer, iv. 33 fork of, ix. 19 geological formations along, Begbie's theory on, xv. 140 gold near, ii. 50, 268, 293, iii. 322 sketch-map of gold reefs in, published, iii. 272 Indians of, and wages, iv. 34 navigability of, Richardson, vi. 235 comparative safety of, iv. 227 outfall of, coast at, viii. 87 shores of and course of, viii. 88 winter at, viii. 90 rapids of, xii. 124, 126 route vid, to Cariboo, vi. 108-9, viii. 121-2, 124 Upper, navigability of, xii. 123 winter climate of, vi. 232, viii. 90 river nick, Cascade Range, B.N. America, iv. 232 Fraserpett, Madras, India, desirability of ' preserving forests at, xiii. 79 Frazer, Cape, Grinnell land, Arctic regions, xix. 213 Esquimaux ruins at, xii. 105 fossils from, ix. 185 latitude of, iii. 148 meeting of tidal waves at, xviii. 14 surveys of, by Hayes, ix. 186 Frederickshaab (or hope), Greenland Esquimaux of, v. 89 glacier near, xiv. 157 ice action on fjiord at, xiii. 149 Fred's Pass, N. Australia, valley and lands near, xiv. 197-8 FRE— PRE 117 Freeling, Capt. A. H. exploration to Lake Torrens, ii. 60 on latest Australian explorations, ii. 185 et seq. Freeling, Mt., S. Australia, ii. 26 country near, ii. 187, 191 - — Spring, S.C. Australia, v. 104 Freeman, — , on Lagos as a door to com merce, vi. 17 Freeman or Tkyinen Strait, Spitzbergen, German expedition at, 1870., xv. 306 Freetown, SierraLeone, mortality at, i v. 21 9 Fregaezia das Conchas, Brazil, the Tibagy river at, and geology of the valley, xx. 457 Frehel, Cape, Brittany, devastation by the sea at, x. 334 Fremantle, Capt. the Hon. E. R., on Ashantiland, its people, climate, etc., xviii. 296 Fremantlo, Capt., r.n., and the removal of the Pitcairn islanders, i. 61, 77 Fremantle, Sir T., on the removal of the Pitcairn islanders, i. 6 1 Fremantle or Freemantle, W. Australia, x. 35, 50, xviii. 571 Fremont, Gen., gold medallist, authority on American travel, i. 327 Honorary Corresponding Member, viii. 44 Fremont, Oregon, xi. 90 Fre'mont Peak, Rocky Mts., elevation of, iii. 319 French (see also France, supra) — annexation of Cochin China, v. 47 Atlantic telegraph, laying of, xiv. 306 expeditions in Africa, de Brazza's and others, 1877., xxi. 473-4 — — up the Cambodia river and under Gamier, xiii. 307 in Senegal, 1863., xi. 200-1 Missionaries in Tibet, letter from, 1869., xiv. 215 French river, Canada, course and impor tance of, ii. 294 Frere, Cape, N. Guinea, described by Moresby, xix. 233 Frere, G., on limits of the English claims on the E. Coast of Africa, xvi. 101 on Newchang, xvi. 216 Frere, Sir H. Bartle E.— Honorary degree conferred on, by the University of Cambridge, 1874., xviii. 408 ohoBen President, 1873., xvii. 310; acceptance of office, xvii. 322 annual address, 1874., xviii. 493, 497 ; opening do. (1873.), xviii. 4 mission to Zanzibar concerning the slave trade, xvii. 14 on Africa and African exploration — Ashanti expedition and its results, xviji. 286, 293 Frere, Sir H. Bartle E. — continued. on Africa and African exploration — cont. Baker's Nile expedition, xviii. 68 Lieut. Baker's observations, xviii., 143 Cameron's exploration of Lake Tanganyika, xix. 259 Crofts' expedition up the Volta, xviii. 193 Defoe's ' Captain Singleton,' xvi. 99 Elton's exploration of the Limpopo river, xvi. 99 Gordon's expedition and character, xx. 13 on the International Committee for the exploration arid civilization of C. Africa, xxi. 18, 60 Livingstone and the expedition in search of, etc., xiv. 17, xvi. 145, 148, cf. xviii. 6, xvii. 157 et seq., 323-4, 334, 342 (death) xviii. 131, 149, 176, 183, 221-3, 255, 300 (funeral) xviii. 176, 183, 243, 445 (grant to children of) xvii. 323-4, xviii. 176 (last days and letters), xviii. 243-4, 254 255-67 (servants of), xviii. 182, 221-2, 254, 300 Price's journey to Lake Tanganyika, xxi. 246 Stanley's alleged treatment of natives, xxi. 60 on Arctic exploration, xviii. 553 on Asiatic subjects — Dilke's paper on Russian Turkestan, xviii. 252 Mekran, xvi. 220 Millingen's journey to Yemen, xviii. 202 on Australia — discovery of gold in, xviii. 520 progress and exploration in, 1 873- 4 , xviii. 570 Warburton's explorations in, xviii. 183, 286, 570 on Madagascar, xxi. 174, and the Johanna Islands, xix. 203 on Murchison's illness, xv. 233 on New Guinea, xviii. 47, 49 on Oceanic Circulation (Carpenter's paper), xviii. 301 on Peruvian railway works, xviii. 217 on Rawlinson's illness, xvii. 322 on the Runn of Cutch and Neighbour ing Region, xiv. 120, 123 on the Suez Canal, xiv. 103 on Zanzibar and the East Coast of Africa, xvii. 343 remarks at evening meetings, xiii 22, xvii. 34:0, xviii. 240,, 281 118 FRE— GAF Frere, Sir H. Bartle E. — continued. remarks on presenting Public Schools prize medals, xviii. 491 on presenting medals, xv. 234, 2^41, xviii. 487 resignation, acknowledging vole of thanks on, xviii. 494 Rawlinson on, xviii. 493 Freshfield, D. W., on Mt. Ararat and its glaciers, xxii. 185 Journey in the Caucasus and Ascent of KaBbek and Elbruz, 1868., xiii. 66 Freshwater Bay, Cape York District, Australia, viii. 116 Frewen, R., Notes on Daka and Pan- damatika on the Zambesi, 1877., xxii. 223 on the work of the African exploration fund, xxii. 473 Friederich's Koog, Holstein, land gained from the sea at, ii. 283 Friedrichsthal, Greenland, Moravian mis sion at, xv. Ill Friendly Islands, S. Pacific, xxi. 140, 141 Fritsche, Dr., travels of, in Mongolia, xviii. 560 Frobisher Strait, Arctic regions, proved to be a bay, . . . Hall, vii. 99 Frome, Capt., Australian explorations of, referred to, ii. 60, 185, 188 Frome river, S. Australia, sources of, and course, ii. 17, 20 Fuca, Strait of, Vancouver Island, ii. 487, ix. 307 Fuohow, S. China, (see also Foo-chow), black tea mart, iii. 85 N. China, xiii. 28 ; coal near, xiii. 31 Fudhlee, territory, Arabia, xvi. 117 Fuerte, El, Mexioo, described, iii. 109 Fnga, C. Africa, Burton and Speke iii. 210 Fuh-shan, important mart, interior China, ii. 208 Fuji-yama or Fusi-yama, volcanic mtn., Japan, iii. 299 Ascent of, by R. Alcock, I860., v. 132 by Gubbins, 1872., xvii. 78 by Jeffreys (1875.), xix. 169 beauty of, xix. 171 compared with Mt. Shasta, xix. 294 elevation of, xvii. 81, xix. 173 Forbes on, x. 172 Fukra, Syria, temple at, ii. 225 Fuku-shima, post-town on the Xakasendo road, Japan, xvii. 81 Fulah or Pulo race, W. Africa, xxi. 493 Fum river, N.W. of Cooper's Creek, Australia, xv. 99 Fumbiua Mts., W. Africa, xxi. 490 Fuchal, Madeira, meteorological observa tions at, ii. 368-9 Fundy, Bay of, Newfoundland, admiralty surveys, etc.. in, i. 407-S, at, of iii. 273, iv. 156, v. 176-7, vi. 137, vii. 143 x. 219, xi. 194 Fureya, Jebel, Sinai, xiii. 210 Furious, H.M.S., voyage along E. coast of China, 1858., iii. 55 et seq. Furrah territory, and river, etc, Afghan istan, Marsh on, xxi. 585 Furriman, Persia, waterless road to xxi. 584 Fury Beach, Arctic regions, Franklin's cache at, found untouched, 1851,, i. 22 Markham's visit to, 1873., xviii. 17 Parry's expedition, traces of, found at ib. Ross's note-book found at, i. 26 Ross's visit to, xviii. 17 Futa Jallo on the Niger, Fullah settle ments at, xxi. 493 Futa Toro, on the Niger, Fullah settle ment at, xxi. 493 Fusi yama, see Fuji-yama, supra Fynney, F. B., Geographical and Economical Features of the Transvaal xxii. 114 Fytche, Gen. A. On British Burmah under British and Native Rule, xii. 198 Cambodia river (Mekong), the progress of the French expedition up, xii. 136 on the opening of the Irrawaddy (Ira- wadi) river, xv. 362 tour on circuit in Taoof and Morgui provinces, vii. 58 <; Gaba Shambyl, Fouaer, Nile region. reached by Petherick, viii. 131 waters near, viii. 135 Gabendie district, Persia, extent of, xi. 38 Gabbei, frontier town of Bornu, C. Africa, position of, i. 15, ii. 31 Gaboon river, W.C. Africa Du Chaillu's explorations of (1864.), viii. 244 French enterprise at estuary of, 1862., vi. 178 missionary station at mouth of, explora tions from, iv. 72, v. 212 navigability of, v. 109 rapids of, in Crystal Mountains, dis covered by Reade, 1861., vii. 106 Gabriel, E., on Livingstone's journeys, i. 11, 56 obituary notice of, 1863., vii. 135 Gabul village, Assam, latitude, etc., of, xvii. 40 Gabulu, or Gavuru, river, S.E. Africa, latitude of, dwellers on, and outfall of, xix. 122 Gadeis, Ain, Sinaitic Peninsula, explored by Holland, xxii. 456 Gafsa, Tunis, wool manufacture of, vi. 212 GAG— GAL 119 Gage Road, W. Australia, admiralty survey of, xviii. 538 Gage, Sir W. H., obituary notice, 1864., viii. 182 Gagur river, India, lost in sands, xix. 437 Gaifi, see Fagrima Galapagos Islands, Pacific Ocean, perma nent East wind in, i. 59 Galatz, Roumania, marshy district near, iii. 207 Gale Point, Arctic Regions, xx. 60 Galipia, Tunis, near Cape Bon, castle at, vi. 211 Gall, James, On a New Projection for a Map of the World, xv. 159 Galla oountry, E. Africa, area of, x. 99 supposed source of the Sobat in, v. 30 work of Italian missionaries in (1857.), ii. 53, 54 Gallala Falls, Congo river, ii. 374 Galle, Point de, Ceylon, admiralty survey of harbour, and proposed breakwater at, iii. 266 Gallego river, Spain, affluent of the Ebro, x. 232 Gallegos, Rio, Patagonia, and its " benches," xv. 41 Gallilee, Sea of, streams feeding, xvii. 328 Gallinas Mountains, New Mexico, de scribed by Goad, xxii. 276 Gallows Reef, E. of New Guinea, Moresby on, xix. 229 Galooka, E. Africa, cannibals at, xvii. 338 Gait, F. L., Notes on the Climates of the Maranon, xvii. 138 Galton, F., ii. 215, Gold medallist of R.G.S., vii. 201 on the Albert Nyanza, x. 22 on Baines' geographical achievements, xv. 158 on the bona-fides of Morrell, xiv. 154 on Burton's views of the African Lakes, xvi. 130 on Cameron's African journey, xx. 132 Qn the Climate of Lake Victoria Nyanza, vii. 225 on the Congo river, xvii. 31 on Denham and Clapperton's expedition to Lake Chad, 1822., iii. 355 on Du Chaillu's journeys, and the physical geography of W. and C. Africa, v. 110 on the effect of winds on the waters of lakes, xix. 262 on Elton's expedition up the Limpopo, xvi. 100 on Erskine's paper on S. Africa, and on the climate as suited to white colonists, xxii. 134 on Exploration of Arid Countries, ii. 60 on the Gambia river and its rain- supply, viii. 260 Galton, F. — continued. on the Gibraltar Current, xv. 90 on Green and Hahn's journey in Ovampo land, ii. 353 on Hahn's explorations in S. Africa, i. 55 Hutchinson's ' West Africa,' abstract of, ii. 227 Instrumental Instructions to Petherick, v. 96 on Kilimanjaro, and Burton and Speke's expeditions, iii. 116 on Lake Nyassa, and the rainfall of Equatorial Africa, viii. 26U on Lake Tanganyika, ix. 10 on the Lakes described by Burton aud Speke, iii. 355-6 ou Livingstone — African Travels of, and on Hottentots, i. 244-5 progress of, xv. 209 \roung's expedition in search of, xvii. 56 on the Magnetism of the Earth, xxii. 216 on Maps of Africa, i. 93 on the Meteorological observations of Speke and Grant at Karagwe, vii. 225 on the Meteorology of S. Africa, i. 60 on the Nile sources, vii. 110 on observations (Watson's) for the height of Demavend, vi. 104-5 of ocean currents, xxi. 257 on Peney's travels in Africa, vi. 19 on the Prizes for Public School Ex aminations in Geography, xv. 234, xvii. 226, 232, xviii. 491, xx. 372, xxi. 401, xxii. 300 on the progress of geography in Africa, v. 208, vi. 175 on a proposed search for Leichhardt, i. 327 resignation of office as Hon. See. to R.G.S., 1863., vii. 201 on the services of Admiral Smyth to R.G.S., xxi. 402 on Stereoscopic Maps from models of Mountainous countries, ix. 104-5 Sun Signals for Travellers, iv. 14 on taking levels in Africa, xiv. 18 on Thistelton Dyer's paper on Plant Distribution, xxii. 411, 445 note on tree-destruction in relation to rain fall in S. Africa, ix. 108 on Uganda, quickest routes to, xxii. 472 on the value of native reports in geo graphy, xvi. 130 on von der Decken's expedition to Kilimanjare, vi. 51 on the West African cold eurrentf, ix. 283 on West African trade, vii. 68 120 GAL— GAR Galton, F. — continued. Hints to Travellers (joint author), xvi. 1-78 Galuffi's furthest, Nile District, also Peney's furthest, 1861., vi. 19 Galvez, Sr. Don Pedro (Peruvian Min ister) on the development of Peru, xviii. 217-8 Gamassou river, Abyssinia, xiii. 43 Gambia river, W. Africa, iii. 377 British colony on, i. 513 cotton cultivation in valley of, iv. 222 natives of, and settlement en, i. 513, 514, and trade of, 517 navigation of, vi. 16 proposed Trade route from, to Tim- buctoo, Cooper, xx. 78 rainfall on, Galton on, Viii. 260 settlement on, O'Connor, vi. 15 visit to the King of Bur Sin, to the North of, O'Connor, 1856., iii. 377 Gambier, Lt., r.n., explorations of, up the Niger, 1863., viii. 53 Gammon Creek, S. Australia, ii. 20 Gams, S. Africa, position of, ii. 158 Gamuda, Tunis, ruined city, vi. 214 Gana, Jose' Diaz, explorations of, in Bolivia, 1870., etc., xxii. 47 Gandi, Peak, Isthmus of Darien, xii. 65 Gandiko town, Zhibu district, on the Xiger, xxi. 489 Gando, W. Africa, powerful chief at, ii. 99 Gangdisri, Mt., see Kailas Ganges river, India, in dry .and wet seasons, ii. 214 flow of, in flood, xx. 324 inundations of, i. 14 fnouths of, (Sunderbunds), admiralty survey of, (1859.), iii. 268 , position of, how caused, vi. 115 plain of, and its rain-supply, xi. 64 source and course of, viii. 39 trade outlet of, viii. 21 tributaries of, i. 371, explorations of, xix. 441 watershed of, i. 371, xi. 58 Gangri-Goorgiap, Trans-Himalaya, al leged source of the Indus, xiii. 194 Ganguellas races of W.C. Africa, location of, xx. 320 Gani-ma, Tibet, fair of, xxi. 329 Ganjah, C. Africa, population of, xvii. 121 Ganjam, Bay of Bengal, currents off, vi. 115 ' survey, progress of, i. 162, 370 Gankera division, south bank of the Ni°-er xxi. 489 Gannett, H.M.S., Visit of to N.E. coast of Labrador, 1867, Chimmo, xii. 195 Gantheaume Bay, W. coast of Australia limestone hills at, x. 49 Ganyami river, S. Africa, alleged TranB. vaal boundary, gold near, xv. 152-3 Gaphan, N.W. frontier of India, twin crests of, elevation of, xv. 338 Garaparand river, Ecuador, S. America, largest tributary of the Putomayo, xxi. 572 Garbo, Nile region, latitude of reached by Ulivi, iii. 305 cataract, on the Nile, position of, iii. 209 Garchethol, Tibet, its ruler, xxi. 331 gold near, and Khampa tribe, xxi. 333 Garda, Lake, Italy, moraine of, viii. 40 Garde, Greenland, foundation of, v. 92 Garden Island, Zambesi river, low water near, I860., v. 129 Garden, B. I., Description of Diabekr, 1856., xi. 159 Gardiner, Col., journey to the Alai, xiii. 1 5, xxi. 138 Gardner, C. T., Notes on a journey from Ningpo to Shanghai, 1868., xiii. 170; Notes to the same, 249-51 on inscriptions from Hangchow, xiii. 182 , S., Notes on the condition of the Gipsy population of Moldavia, i. 37 — — Mr., travels in C. Asia, about 1836., cited, x. 141 Garmasai Valley, N.W. Indian frontier, xv. 13 Garmsil Valley, Afghanistan, surveyed by Patterson, xx. 247 Garnaiah, Nile Region, dwelling and cultivation near, xx. 360 Garnet Creek, Queensland, poor soil near, xviii. 93 Island, off N. Guinea, deduction from brackish water near, xix. 234 Gamier, Lt. F. (see also Delagre'e), Gold Medallist of R.G.S., xvii. 263 French expedition up the Mekong river under, 1868., xii. 136, xiii. 56, 307, xix. 281 ; work on, referred to, xvii. 263 geographical results of the journey, xviii. 463 cited on rivers of the Yangtsze lime stone district, xx. 214 obituary notice of, 1874., xviii. 514 Garo Hills, Assam, On the, Godwin- Austen, xvii. 36 G&rtokh, W. Tibet, flying survey to, by Pundit, 1866., xii. 154 gold-fields east of, xiii. 184 Indus river at, xix. 344 iron bridge at, xiii. 185 latitude, longitude, and elevation of, xiii. 192,194 Moorcroft's journey to (1810.), x. 137, 166 tribes paying tribute at, xxi. 329 Garry, Cape, Arctic regions, whales at, xviii. 17 " GAR— GEO 121 Garry Forts, B.N. America, i. 462, ii. 44, xx. 275 Island, Arctic regions, animal life of, i. 54 Gasooigne, or Gascoyne, river, W. Aus- • tralia, i. 366, iii. 37, 44, 45, xix. 316, 446, 447 affluents of, iii. 50 country near, v. 9 course of, iii. 38-9, 49, 50 expeditions to, F. Gregory's, 1857., iii. 34, vii. 16 floods of, iii. 45 good land near, iii. 52, 53 mouths of, iii. 43, 47 source of, xix. 53 tobacco, etc., found along, iii. 46 Upper, xii. 290 Gash or Mareb river, Abyssinia,peculiarity of, x. 282 Gaspar Strait, E. I. Archipelago, admiralty survey of, vi. 134 Gatore, Gibel, (Mt.),Tunis, flints of, vi. 212 Gaulonitis, province, Syria, Eaton in, (1864.), viii. 29 Gaurisankar, see Mt. Everest Gautavik Harbour, Iceland, soundings in, v. 73, 74 Gauto-La (pass), Trans-Himalaya, hot spring near, viii. 37 Gawler, Col. G. K. H., vii. 17 advice to Eyre, ix. 227 on Central Australia, iv. 78, cited, 82, 83 ; further remarks, 84, 86, v. 9. 10, his views justified, vii. 179 on conflicting descriptions of Lake Torrens, ii. 28-30, 191 on expeditions in Australia — Goyder's, 1857., ii. 28-30 Macdonnell's, 1859., iv. 94-5 Stuart's, I860., v. 57, cited, 105, further remarks, 106, vi. 14 on intercolonial communication in Australia, vi. 13 summary of Australian discovery, (1857,), referred to, ii. 313 obituary notice of, (1870.), xiv. 301 Gawler, East, S. Australia, death of MoKinlay at, 1872., xvii. 278 Plains, S. Australia, fine grass on, xv. 96 Range, S. Australia, ii. 189, iii. 335, waters of, xii. 289 Gaza, Syria, Palgrave's journey from, 1862-3., viii. 63 Gazaland, S. Africa, and its Chief, xxii. 128 Erskine's travels in, 1873-5., xxii. 127 Gazan Valley, Trans-Himalayas, road in, xxii. 353 Gbe'be, Ghebe, or Igbebe, Niger river, ii. 85 Crowther's mission at, vi. 23 • Haussa language at, xxi. 493 Gobi, Caucasus, xiii. 69 Gedge, Dr., of Baker's Nile expedition, death of, xv. 163 Gee, B. W., on cotton cultivation in India and Australia, v. 126-7 Geelong, Victoria, Australia, settlement at in 1827., xviii. 533 Geelvink or Geelondk Bay, N. Guinea, discovered by the Dutch, iii. 360 hill formation at, xii. 334 trade of, with the Eastern Archipelago, vi. 43 Gegha, Tibet, fair at, xxi. 330 Geh-kong, near Amoy, China, probably the Cay-kong or Zaytonof Polo.xviii. 170 Geis Mts., Bornu, W.C. Africa, petri factions at, Rohlfs on, xi. 35 Gelabbing, see Churchman, Mt. Geledi river, E. Africa, marsh termination of, xvii. 342 Geleti, Egypt, plains and hills near, xx. 358 Gellabat, or Metemma, capital of Darfur, Africa, x. 292-3 Gem, Tunis, amphitheatre near, vi. 214 Gemlik, Gulf of, Asia Minor, i. 303 Genanah on the Juba, Somaliland, xvii. 342 Genava, S. Persia, ruins, near, i. 282, probable old name of, 284 Geneva, Lake of, deep water observations of Chaix in, xvii. 207, xxii. 456 in relation to the Rhone, viii. 40. Geognostic Sketch of the Western Portion of Timor, Muller, iii. 368 Ge'ographe Bay, S.W. Australia, admiralty survey of, xx. 408, xxi. 435 Geographer, the real, described by Hamilton, iv. 129 Geographical Committee of Portugal, work of, in Africa, xxii. 15 and Commercial notes on the N.E. coast of China, Osborn, iii. 55, 64 Congress, International, Antwerp, 1870., report on, Ommaney,xvi. 132 Paris, 1875., programme for, xviii. 453 Department of the India Office, work of Markham and Saunders at, xv. 284 discoveries, and the route of civilisa tion, xv. 298-9 national prestige attached to, Petermann on, xix. 180 Education (see Public Schools Prize Medals), letter of R.G.S. on promoting, in schools, 1871., xv. 230 and Ethnological Section British Association Oxford meeting, I860., see British Association exploration different from mere travel, iv. 181 features and Natural History of hitherto unexplored region of WeBt Africa, Du Chaillu (1856-9.), v, 108 ' 122 GEO— GEO Geographical fellowships, memorandum from R.G.S. to the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, 1874., xviii. 451 Knowledge, Review of the Progress of, since the foundation of R.G.S. , Murchison, ix. 223 notes on Siam, Parkes, i. 13 of the Khedive's Expedition to C. Africa, 1870-3., J. A. Baker, xviii. 131 observations on Western Africa, Delany and Campbell, iv. 218 • Positions in the Valley of the Amazon, Rochelle, xvi. 271 Science,its connection with Geological Science, Murchison, xii. 275, xv. 311 and Scientific results of the Khedive's expedition to the Lake district of Africa, 1874-6., xxi. 63 Sketch of the Nile and Congo Basins, Stanley, xxii. 382 Societies, Continental, number of, in 1874., .xix. 421; progress of, 1878., xxii. 305 (for individual societies, see under place-names) study in Schools (see Public Schools Prize Medals), various speakers on, xv. 236-7 verification of history, value of Bishop of St. Asaph on, i. 482 — — ¦ work, waiting to be carried out, 1865., ix. 257 Geography of the Bed of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, and Mediterranean Sea, Osborne, xv. 28 of Borneo, Wallace on, i. 200 of Central Africa, Observations on, Macqueen, iii. 208 and Climate of India, in reference to the best site for a Capital, Campbell, xi. 54 , comparative, value of, Murchison on, i. 482 , Geology in relation to, Formation of Main Land Masses, Duncan, xxii. 68 , Names of Places in, Ross-King, xix. 134 . its Place in Education, Hale on, xvi. 450 in Russian Universities, ii. 281 in Schools, see Public Schools Prize Medals Geography, Physical, dependence cf, on Geology, Murchison, xiii. 311, xiv. 327 , summaries, i. 412-7, ii. 325, iii. 277 of the Lower Indus, Tremen- heere, xi. 22 of the Malay Archipelago, Wallace, vii. 206 and Climate of Natal, Mann, xi. 18 of Paraguay, Johnston, xx. 494 Geography, Physical at Sea, Evans,xxi. 66 value of, Murchison on, iv. 255 Scientific, annual Grant by R.G.S. for promotion of, founded, 1876., xx. 509 , Scope of, Strachey on, xvi. 443 Geological changes in the Miocene period; Wallace on, xxi. 515 expedition to the West coast of Otago, N. Zealand, 1863., Hector, ix.32 notes on Campana, Ecuador, 1862., Wilson, vi. 248-9 • problem of C. Australia, Jukes on, iv. 96-7 Survey of India, see India of the United Kingdom, pro gress of, i. 409, iii. 275, v. 182, vii. 146, viii. 196 of the West Indies, iii. 276 Surveys in the United States, xvi. 329 Geology, Strachey on, xvi. 446 of Australia, xxii. 72, 73, Wallace on, xxi. 529, 533 of S. Australia, Selwyn on, v. 242 of Borneo, Wallace on, i. 201 in relation to Geography, Duncan, xxii. 68 ; Lyell and Hutton cited on, xxii. 69 ; Murchison on, xii. 275, xv. 311 ; to Physical Geography, Murchison on, xiii. 311, xiv. 327; to Plant Distribution, Dyer on, xxii. 441 Geometrical Projection of Sphere, i. 421 Georg Ludwig von , his spurious travels in the Pamirs, Murchison on, x. 236; Rawlinson on, x. 134, 165, xiii. 18, xvii. 110, 111; Veniukoff on, xiii. 343 George, Capt. C, r.n., Curator of Map Department of R.G.S., resignation of, 1877., xxi., 408 Notes on the Height of the Victoria Nyanza, xx. 159 on the Thermometer, B. W., used bv S. W. Baker, 1864., x. 25, Table, 26" George, Fort, Br. Columbia, climate at. vi. 232 -, Lake, S. Australia, Hume's journey from, to Port Phillip, xviii. 532 river, S. Australia, ii. 20 Town, Br. Guiana, meteorological Observations at, 1829-33., i. 76 Volcano, Aegean Islands, x. 324 Waters, mouth of the Glenelg river, N.W. Australia, x. 86 George's Bay, Tasmania, admiralty sur vey of, vii. 142 Georgia, Transcaucasus, described, viii. 275 Marshall on, vi. 105 social relations in, in 1831., vi. 61 , Gulf of, Vancouver Island, ii. 51, viii. S5 Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, ii. 294 GER— GHU 123 Geral, Serra, Brazil, rainfall of, xx. 459 Geraldine Mines, Murohison river, W. Australia, i. 30, iii. 34, 49 sheep taken north from, xii. 290 Gerard, Jules, lion slayer, vi. Ill ; journey of (proposed) to Dahomey, (1863.), vii. 70 ; its progress, vii. 197 journey in Kasso, letter on, xi. 79-80 death of, xi. 79 Gerardmeer, Vosges, origin of, viii. 236 Gerharty, — ,, police trooper, explorations of, near Streaky Bay, Australia, iii. 152, 335 German African Society, established 1876., xxi. 394 ; scope of, xxii. 14 attempts to reach the N. Polar circle from the Atlantic, Osborn on, xvi. 227 Arctic or North Polar expeditions, (proposed) under Petermann, 1868., xii. 98 ; Murchison on, xv. 8 under Kolde wey, 1869-70., Murchison on, xv. 307 ; 1871., xvi. 85 ; results of, Petermann on, xix. 173 Congo expedition, 1S74., xviii. 576 expedition in the Nile region, xx. 14, 16, 441, xxi. 470 to Siberia, 1877. , xxi. 447 in W. Africa, under Giiss- feldt, baffled, xx. 14; under Lenz and Pogge, xxii. 18 Ocean, sudden rise of, at Heligoland, 1858., iii. 372 Germania, Cape, Arctio regions, latitude of, xix. 31 Germany, geographical progress and pub lications, see Annual and Opening Addresses, passim Germeli tchai or Lycus river, Asia Minor, alum mines near, iii. 370 Gerongsi river, E. Africa, outfall of, and navigation on, xix. 123 Gers, N. Africa, springs at, ix. 313 Gerstenberg, J., on the Amazons river and its affluents, x. 107 on Ecuador, Peru, and the Amazon 9 river, iii. 96-7 on a German settlement on the eastern slopes of the Andes, viii. 62 on opening up of communication be tween the Atlantic and the Andes, xv. 379 on the proposed Panama ship-canal, ix. 279 on Pirn's Nicaragua Canal or railway scheme, vi. 77 on the Trigonometrical Survey of India in relation to the introduction of useful plants, iv. 33 GesBi, Romolo, circumnavigation of Lake Albert Xyanza by, 1876., Baker on, xx. 471, Stone on, 470 Gessi, Romolo — continued. On the Circumnavigation of the Albert Nyanza, 1876., xxi. 50 Gessi, Romolo, and Matteuci, expedition of, to S. Abyssinia, (1878.), xxii. 378 Getohiser, Persia, elevation of, iii. 6 Geumushtepe, near the Caspian sea, ruins of Alexander's wall near, Vambe'ry at, 1863., viii. 268 Geves river, W. Africa, natives of, iii. 380 Geylum plain, Patagonia, xv. 48 Ghadames, or Ghadamis, desert city, X. Africa, Bonderba's visit to, iv. 184 Rohlfs' visit to, 1864., ix. 250, 312 trade of, with C. Africa, vi. 17, with the Mediterranean, i. 215 Ghadir Abu Sarwal, Syria, a wady, xvi. 109 Ghaffaf, Wadi, Yemen, Arabia, cultiva tion in, xviii. 201 Ghakooch, frontier village of Kashmir. xv. 389 Ghansi, S. Africa, drought at, v. 17 Ghareeya, S. Arabia, pilgrimages to, xvi. 120 Ghat, N. C. Africa, Bonderba's expedi tion to, and elevation of, iv. 184 Ghats, the Western of Bombay Presidency, climate and elevation of, xi. 67 Ghattat Bey, Isthmus of Suez, sand found about low-water level at, iii. 200 Ghaz Lake, or Pamir Kul, river flowing from, xviii. 435 GhazawaU, Derb el, Syria, xvi. 114 Ghebe, see Gbebe or Igbebe Gheisk, Sea of Azov, disadvantages of, as a port, i. 308 Gheit Habban, S. Arabia, stream of, xv. 325 Gherba, cataract on the Nile, latitude of, iii. 213 Ghilan, Persia, notes on, Abbott, (1859.), iii. 390 Ghirin, or Girin, Manchuria, fertile dis trict of, explored by Russians, ix. 242 ruins in, xvi. 207 Ghirza river, N.W. frontier of India, rise and course of, xv. 12, 13 Ghiz river and pass, source of the Kash gar river, Pamir region, xviii. 435 Ghoder, capital of the Owalee district, S. Arabia, xvi. 117 Ghokcheh Lake, Erivan, elevation of, viii. 275 Ghorbund river and valley, Afghanistan, xx. 242 Ghorian fort, on the Heri Rud, Afghani stan, xxi. 585 Ghulbat, or Rohib, Bay, Helaniyah Island, Curia Muria group, described, iv. 51 Ghurundel, Wady, Simitic Peninsula, fertility of, xii. 190 wells of Moses near, xiii. 206 124 GIA— GLA Giachuroff camp, Trans- Himalayas, eleva tion of, xiii. 186 Giantze : see Gyanze Gibbe Klaike, S. Africa, new kraal of No Bengule, xv. 153, latitude of, 154 Gibbs, Lt. J. E., of the Indian Trig- nometrical Survey, death of, (1878.), xxii. 347 Gibel, Ras el, Tunis, described, vi. 210 (Gibraltar, Straits of, .Current in, i. 147; Carpenter on, xviii. 307, 327-34, temperature of, xxi. 303 ; Carpenter and Calver's ob servations on, xv. 261 ; Herschel on, xv. 211-2 ; Laughton on, xviii. 384 depths in, i. 147, iv. 152, xxi. 303 surveyed, I860., iv. 149 •Gibson, — , settlement of, at Streaky bay, ' iii. 337 of Giles' second expedition, lost in the desert, xix. 53 Gideen, Mt., Abyssinia, geological for mation of, xiv. 163 Gifford, Earl of, obituary notice of, 1863., vii. 132 Gila river, Arizona, (U.S.), xix. 302, course of, 306, former dwellers on, 304, Indians of, 303 Gilead, Mt., (Jebel Ajtun) Syria, ascent of by Beke, 1862., vi. 195, 196 Gilbert Range, Queensland, xii. 55 river, Labrador, coast near, xii. 195 , Queensland, i. 325, 501, x. 326, xii. 55, xiii. 33 course of, xii. 140 .goldfields near head of, xii. 138, 143 Gregory's journey up, i. 367, 494 Landsborough's expedition up, xiii. 53 named by Leichhardt, i. 494, viii. 494 outfall of, xii. 138 physical character of shores, i. 498 well-watered region near, i. 54 ' width of, xiii. 55 Giles, E., expeditions to Lake Amadeus, etc. Australia, 1872., xiii. 277, xix. 8, 51, 58, 313, 314, 447, 488, 1875., xx. 430-1 •Gilgit, N.W. Indian frontier — elevation and position of, Hayward on, xv. 11 et seq. Hayward's journey to, 1869., xiv. 107 in, 1870., xv. 12, 14, 16, 17 location of, Vigne on, x. 308 fort, described by native explorer, xv. 389 — - river, affluent of the Indus, and its feeders, xiii. 130 elevation at junction with the Indus, xxii. 352 — — Valley, elevation of and life in, xv. 13 • and Chitral, notes of, Munphool Meer Moonshee, xiii. 130 Gill, T. and W., station of, S. Australia, ii. 19 help given by, to Goyder's expedition, 1857., ii. 27 — — , Capt. W. J., r.e., career of, Rawlin son on, xxii. 283 journey with Baker, to Persia, 1873., xviii. 559 Travels in W. China and E. Borders of Tibet, 1877., xxii. 255, 284-5 , , Rev. W. Wyatt, on missionary en. terprise in N- Guinea, xx. 272 Three Visits to N. Guinea (1872.), xviii. 31 on the natives of N. Guinea, xx. 333 Gilliott river, Queensland, xi. 226, Mc lntyre at, xi. 42, his death at, 1866., 44,45 Gillies, Gillis, or Gilles Land, Arctic regions, Austrian expedition to, 1871., xvi, 231 discovery of, ix. 176, xvii. 99 Lamont on, ix. 155 latitude of, ix. 176, and true position, xix. 177 Gilliss, Lt., u.s.N., Astronomical Ex pedition to Southern Hemisphere, 1849-52., i. 168 Gillmore, Mr., discovers traces of Leich hardt, xvi. 224 Gillodar Plain, Persia, xi. 38 Gilma, Tunis, large ruins at, vi. 215 Gilolo, Malay Archipelago, configuration of, vii. 207 proper restriction of name, ii. 143 Gilteerung, Tibet, x. 166 Gipps, Sir G., Gov. Gen. N.S. Wales, and the discovery of gold in Australia, ix. 229, xvii. 295, xviii. 520-1 Gipps Land, S. Australia, i. 3, xv. 266 discovered by Strzelecki, 1840.,xviii.521 Gipsies, see Mekran, and Moldavia Giraffe, . Bahr al, (river), branch of the Nile, Petherick on, v. 30 at, 1862., viii. 129 Girdi, Afghanistan, tribes and monuments of, xx. 245 Giridi, E. Africa, x. 100 Girisk, Fort, Afghanistan, xx. 247, xxi. 587 Gisborne, L., on Hopkins' and Shaffner's Arctic papers, iv. 1 06 on the Interoeea-nic Panama Canal scheme, i. 69, 485-6 Survey of the Isthmus of Darien, i. 88 obituary notice of , 1861., v. 158 Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E., M.P., on Arctic exploration, xviii. 553 on China, vii. 33 on Du Chaillu's journey in W. and C. Africa, v. 112 founder of Port Curtis, Queensland, 1846,., v, 121 GLA— GOt 125 Gladstone, Mt., N. Guinea, xix. 234 township, Queensland, i. 496, v. 122 auriferous fields near, vii. 42, xii. 140 stock-farming at, x. 328 Glascott, Comm. A. G., obituary notice of, 1872., xvi. 315 Glen Roy, Scotland, benches of, compared to those of B. Columbia, xv. 133 et seq. Glenelg, river and port, S. Australia, admiralty survey, xii. 245, xv. 266 river, N.W. Australia, i. 34, ii. 211, xix, 488 explorations of, Grey and Lushington's, 1837-8., ix. 228 Martin's, 1863., x. 86, 87 Sholl's, (1867.), xi. 227 named by Grey, after the Colonial Minister, (1837-8.), ix. 228 Glenton Island, N. Guinea, lovely view from, xix. 226 Globe, the, changes in the surface of, Murchison on, ii. 325 Glommen river, Norway, affluent of, viii. 110 Gloucester, N.S. Wales, i. 124 Island, Queensland, iv. 79, vi. 117 x. 65 , aspect of, vi. 118 Glover, Capt. Sir J., r.n. expedition up the Niger (1857.), iii. 311 Geographical notes on the country between the Volta and Niger, 1873., xviii. 286 Gnabaka river, S. Africa, fossil remains near, i. 511-12 Gnalthamthangla Mt., Himalayas, ii. 109 Gnombo ferry, E.O. Africa, i. 9 Goa or Butterworth river, R Africa, i. 511 Goad, T. W., Lt. Wheeler's explorations in New Mexico, 1877., xxii. 272 Goalpara, Assam, climate of plains of, xvii. 36 Goaseoran river, Honduras, as a com mercial highway, ii. 296 Goat Island, Pacific Ocean, xxii. 136 Gobi Desert, C. Asia, aridity of, ii. 76 Buried Cities in the Shifting Sands of, Forsyth, xxi. 27 Chinese traveller on, 1221., xxi. 30 climate of, xiv. 246, 249 commencement of, xiv. 245 elevation of, xiv. 246 expeditions across — Forsyth'B, 1870. and 1873-4. (inci dental), xxi. 27 Grant's, 1862., vii. 27 Whyte's, 1869., xiv. 243 flow of Yarkand river to, xiv. 57 lake of, and legends, xv. 24, 186 only towns in, xiv. 249 people of, xiv. 247, 250 position of, xvi. 404 Gobi Desert — continued. routes across, xvii, 186, 286! sauds of, xiv. 248, xviii. 443, xxi. 27 wilderness rather than desert, xvii. 286 wind in, xiv. 249 Gochol river, Abyssinia, x. 100 Godor-i-Beidar Pass, Persia, elevation of, xvii. 91 Godavery river, C. India, navigation of, vii. 96 progress of trigonometrical survey, 1871., xv. 278 watershed of, xi. 58 , Upper, plains of, xi. 72 ; survey of, for irrigation, xiii. 87 Godhavn, Greenland, last letters of Franklin expedition from, 1845., i. 23 mean winter temperature at, xx. 59 meteorological observations of Hayes at; expedition of I860., is. 184 Godjam, Mt., Abyssinia, xiii. 41 Godley Glacier, N, Zealand, rivers rising in, viii. 214 river, N. Zealand, waterfalls of, viii. 56 " God's Hill," Patagonia, tradition ofy xv. 44 Godwin Austen, Capt. H. H., see Austen Gogra, Trans-Himalayas, distance of, front Maliksha Plain, xv. 25 Goja, Abyssinia, xiii. 41 Gok, Persia, geological formation near, xvi. 264 Gokcha, Lake, Armenia, effluent ofy xxii. 169 Gokhar pass, Tibet, elevation and position of, xxi. 340 Golcheeka, N. Siberia, trade at, xxii. Ill Gold Coast, W. Africa, absence of horses on, xiii. 354 scanty population of, xiii. 358 Harbour, Queen Charlotte Islands; Br. Columbia, gold of, xiii. 385 Golden Eagle, barque, brings settlers to Somerset, N. Australia, ix. 77 Golden Gate, San Francisco, California;, depth of Channel of, xiii. 148 Golden Gully, Queensland, gold diggings at, xii. 142 Golden Monastery, Tibet, visited by the Pundit, 1866., xii. 152 Goldfields of Cariboo, Palmer, viii. 85 of Tuapeka, N. Zealand, Thomson, vi. 71 Goldi district, Manchuria, furs of, xvi. 2104 Goldie, A., Journey in interior of New Guinea, 1877., xxii. 219, (Alcock on) 363 Goldie river, N. Guinea, xxii. 223 Goldsmid, Maj.-Gen. Sir F. J. — Exploration from Kurrachi to Gwadur along the Mekran Coast, 1861-2.; vii. 91 126 GOL~ GOR Goldsmid, Maj.-Gen. Sir F. J .—continued. Journey from Bunder Abass to Mashhad by Seistan; . . . 1871., xvii. 66, 95 Notes on Bower's 'Route from Shahrud to Astrabad, etc.,' xvii. 193 On Capt. the Hon. G. Napier's joui-ney on the Turcoman frontier of Persia, 1874., xx, 166 Golubef, Capt., travels and hypsometrical observations of, in C. Asia, 1859., iv. 197 Golownin, Capt., imprisonment of at Mat- sumai, Japan, 1811-3., xviii. 234 Goma, E. Africa, lofty shores of L. Tan ganyika in, xxii. 403 Gomana, E.C. Africa, tiade of, x. 100 Gombe', W. Africa, i. 155, 442, ii. 31 position of, i. 15 rivers, C. Africa, two distinct streams. xix. 142 Gombrun, or Bunder Abbass (q.v.,), S. Persia, old British factory at, i. 285 Gonassery river, Assam, xvii. 37 Goncalves, Sr. G., village of, in Bihe', West Africa, xx. 320-1, cultivation at, 324 Gondokoro on the Nile, v. 12, 20, 21, xix. 321 cataracts at, iv„ 225 described, x. 8 district south of, mapped bv Petherick, viii. 149 elevation of, xi. 242, 243 ; Behm on , xvii. 22, xx. 127 Gordon's station at, abandoned, (1875.), xxi. 56 hills near, iv. 41 latitude of, x. 7, xvi. 187, xviii. 53 Nile elevation at, vii. 110; rise of, at, iii. 357 proper time to reach, v. 20 ¦Report on the Nile above, . . , Kemp, (1875.) xix. 324 seasons at, vii. 226 Blave trade of, xviii. 53 Gougola river, West Africa, a branch of the Benue river, i. 443, ii. 31 Gonnewarra river, N.S. Wales, probably the Neville, vi. 55 Good Hope, Cape of, i. 55, 57, ii. 1£, iii. 53 admiralty survey, xi. 194, xii. 244, xiii. 281, xiv. 306, xv. 205, xvi. 318, xvii. 256 expeditions and explorations (see also S. Africa) — Moffat's journey in Bushman and Namaqualand districts of, (1S57.), ii. 77 (title only) Swedish expedition north from, 1857., ii. 54 magnetic changes at, 1608-1840., Evans, I xxii. 204, 215 Good Hope, Cape of — continued. sheep and wool of, improved by Sir G, Grey, iv. 71 Steam communication between England and Australia vifi., Stokes, i. 79, cf. 83 et seq. voyage round, of Vasco da Gama, 1486. i. 237 Good Hope, Fort, Br. N. America, ix, 125 Goodenough, Com. J. G., obituary notice of, (1876.), xx. 392 Goodenough Bay, N. Guinea, waterfalls at, xix. 232 Island, named by Moresby, xix. 226 Mt., elevation of, xix. 227, 232 Goodiyah, Arabia, salt-marsh of, the watershed of Wady Akab, ii. 283 Goodwin Sands, i. 422 Goold Island, off Queensland, viii. 112, 113 Goolshab, Pamir region, C. Asia, x. 151 Goongoona, Abyssinia, geological forma tion near, xiv. 164 Goorasse, Abyssinia, the Atbara river at, x. 282 Gooriel, Russian Azerbijan, jungle at, viii. 275, 276 Goose Lake, California, xix. 299 Goram Island, E. I. Archipelago, ii. 1IJ7 trade of, with the Arru Islands, ii. 168, traders of, vi. 44 Gorda, Punta, Belize, C. America, described by Cockburn, xii. 341 Gordon, Co)., with Forsyth's Kashgar mission, on his own expedition across the Pamir, 1874., xviii. 429, 438; refer ences to, xxii. 287, 289 ¦ , Col. C. G. (see also Gessi, Khedive, etc.), xiii. 182 aid offered by, to C.M.S. in Egypt,' xxii. 251, 253 appointed Govr. Genl. of the Soudan, (1877)., xxi. 465 at Gondokoro, 1874., xviii. 575-6 Nile expedition of, 1874-5-6., xix. 12, 40, 182, 324-6, 455, xx. 11 et seq., 50, 442-3 results, xx. 473; xxi. 15, 56, 163, xxii. 371 on Gessi's voyage round the Albert Nyanza xx. 470 The Khedive's expedition to the Lake Districts (of Africa), 1874-6., xxi. 56 Observations on the Nile between Dufli and Magungo, xxi. 48 Ou the Victoria Nile between Magungo and Foweira, xxi. 49 Maj.-Gen. Sir W., on Kurrachee Harbour, xi. 31 Gore Point, N. Australia, xii. 56, 57 Gorgi rapids on the Nile, xx. 51 Gorgon Bay, Nicaragua, discovered by Pim, (1862.) vi. 75, 112 GOR— GRA 127 Gorhud river, Baluchistan, vii. 117 Gori, on the Niger, xxi. 487 river, V. Nyanza, xx. 41, 155 Mountains north of, xxii. 389 Gorillas, distribution of, in Africa, ix. 4, x. 74 Du Chaillu on, xvii., 32 Livingstone on, xviii. 276 Gorloff, Gen., on the Russian occupation of Kulja, xviii. 252 Gorongozi river, S. E. Africa, outfall of, xxii. 131 source discovered by Erskine, 1872., xvii. 298 Gorongozo, Mt., Equatl. Africa, Living stone on, i. 315-6 Erskine cited on, xix. 126, 133 Gosa, S.E. Africa, Uinzila's kingdom, extent of, xix. 112 Gosainthah, Mt., Himalayas, i. 348-9, ii. 108 Goschen, Strait, D'Entrecasteaux Islands, xix, 226 Goschtantau Mts., Caucasus, xiii. 68 elevation of, xiii. 71 Goshen, Land of, see Toumilat Goshi, Cape or headland, V. Nyanza, xx. 155 islands near, xxii. 389 Gosse, W. C, expedition to Lake Amadeus, S. Australia, 1873-4., xviii. 571, xix. 8, 51, 54, 313, 314, 484 Gossier, Arabia, xv. 330 Gotaena on the Nile, irrigation at, v. 28 GouMts., Alai district, C. Asia, elevations of and glaciers in, xxi. 132 rivers piercing, xxi. 133 Goulburn Island, N. Australia, natives of, ii. 11 • Plains, N.S. Wales, discovered by Hume, (1817.), xyiii. 532 river, Viotoria, Australia, xiv. 199 Gould, Mr., researches of, on Birds of Australia, xii. 296 Gournbi, W. Africa, tribes of, x. 83 Gourlay, Capt. of the Tom Tough with A. C. Gregory's N. Australian expedi tion 1855., i. 189, i. 5 Gova, on the White Nile, v. 29 Government and the Arctic Expeditions, see the latter aid to Livingstone, Livingstone Search expeditions, and Speke, see those Govind, Govind Khala, or Juba river, see Juba Gowen, J obituary notice, 1863., vii. 134 Gower, Mt., Lord Howe Islands, Pacific Ocean, xxii. 136 Gowhatty, Assam, xix. 341 Goya, Paraguay, S. America, curve in the Parana river near, xx. 500 Goyder, G. W.— expedition into interior of S. Australia I860., iv. 93, vii. 11 on the results of Giles' second expedi tion, W.C. Australia, xix. 52-3 Report on country between Mt. Serle and Lake Torrens, 1857., ii. 16-28; 29, 60, 186-7, 188-9, 191-2, vii. 11, xiv. 206 Survey by, of Neighbourhood of Port Darwin, Nicholson on, 1869., xiv. 190 Goz el Han, on the Nile, probable water supply at, xx. 359 Gozerajup, Abyssinia, Baker's journey to, 1861., x. 280 hill near, x. 282 Graah, Capt. d.n. cited on Greenland currents, i. 62 Grace, Vice-Adm. P., obituary notice of, 1859., iii. 254 Graca's journey to Muata ya Nvo, Cent. Africa, Cooley, i. 92 Gracias a Dios, Cape, C, America, coast near, vi. 112 Lagoon silting up, ib. Grafton, Cape, Queensland, geological for mation near, xii. 143 Graham, C. C, on Amalekite ruins and traditions, &c, in the Sinaitic penin sula, xii. 193 Exploration in the desert East of the Hauran, Syria . . . (185S.), ii. 173 ; Murchison on, ii. 298 journey to Cosseir and Thebes, 1859., iv. 180 on Eaton's journey in El Lejah and on his predecessors, viii. 31 on Santorin Island, x. 122 of the Messenger, Gregory's N. Aus tralian expedition, ii. 10, 11, 12 Graham Island, Queen Charlotte group, Br. Columbia, xiii. 382 Land, Antarctic Ocean, discovered by Biscoe 1830-3., ii. 171 Gran Chaco, S. America, need for further exploration in, Markham on, xxii. 41 Quivira, New Mexico, pueblo of, Goad on, xxii. 277 Granada, New, S. America, republic of, how formed, iii. 93 Grand Bassam, W. Africa, French factory, xiii. 356 river, and town, xiii. 357 Grand Canal, China — blocked by rebels 1842-3., ii. 206 effect of blocking-up of, iii. 86, iv. 00, xi. 263 ice-bound, I860., vi. 206 state of, in 1868., xiv. 22 uses of, in 1793., ii. 362-3 value of, i. 339 Wylie on, xiv. 36 ._ 128 GRA— GRE Grand Falls, Missouri river, U.S.A., limit of river-navigation, ii. 339 Manan Islands, Nova Scotia, admir alty survey of, i. 408 Paul Mts., W. Africa, geological formation of, Delany on, iv. 21 Pelvoux peak, Dauphine, (France), ascents of, and altitude, Tuckett, vii. 44-5 Teton; Mt., U.S.A. America, ascent of, and elevation, xvii. 272 Trunk Railway, Canada, opened, (1857.), i. 264 Turk Island, Bahamas, claimed as the Land-fall of Columbus, i. 94 ¦ River, Colorado, canons of, xiii. 140 Grande, Rio, S. America, rise and course of, Crawford on, xvii. 58 W. Africa, tribes along, and value of, iii. 380 Grandidier's determination of positions in Madagascar cited, xix. 191 Grandy, Lt. W. J., r.n., leader of the Livingstone-Congo Expedition (q.v.), , 1872-3-4., xvii. 13 on the Congo, xix. 104 letter on departure of expedition, xvii. 56 on progress of expedition, 1873., xvii. 324 Report of Proceedings of expedition, 1874., xix. 78 et seq. cited in reference to Congo region, xix. 453 results of the expedition, xix. 11 Grant Bay, Vict. Nyanza, xxii. 392 Grant, C. M., Route from Pekiu to St. Petersburg vid Mongolia, (1862.), vii. 27 Capt., journey of, in Beloochistan, (n.d.), xvi. 219 Grant, Capt. J. A. (see Speke and Grant) — awarded gold medal, 1865., viii. 165 on the African Exploration fund, xxii. 471 on the importance of African explora tion, xxi. 614 on Gordon's Nile expedition, xix. 326, xx. 474 on Lake Tanganyika and its fresh water, xvii. 160 on the lakes of Africa, xvi. 410, xviii. 146 on Livingstone's progress and prospects, xv. 209 ou Mme. Tinne's journey up the Nile, viii. 17 on Manyema land and the sources of the Nile and Congo, xvii. 32 on Munzinger's Abyssinian expedition, xiii. 224 on New's paper on the Pangani river, xix. 322 Grant, Capt. J. A. — continued. on Public Schools Prize Medals, xxii. 301 on the Rua tunnel-dwellings, xvi. 387 on the shores of the Victoria Nyanza, xix. 261 on Stanley's exploration of the Vict, Nyanza, 1874., xx. 34 on Stanley's African explorations, xxii. 409 on his travels with Speke, and discovery of Nile sources, vii. 223 on telegraphic extension in Africa (Alexandria to the Cape), xxi. 616 Grant, Capt. W. O, obituary notice, 1862., vi. 129 , Lt.-Col. W. G, Description of Van couver Island, 1857., i. 487 Sir Hope, on opium and coal in China, xiii. 36 , Harper and Anderson, aid given by, to Warburton's expedition, 1874., xviii. 571, xix. 49 and Phillips, head station of, S. Australia, ii. 18 Grant Island, Qua river, W. Africa, xx. 228 , Mt. U.S. Arctic region, musk-ox grounds of, xxi. 276 Grants (see also Awards), Annual, by R.G.S. for Scientific Geography founded 1876., xx. 509 Grass, on African rivers, native names for, Cameron on, xix. 254 Grass Islands, Volta river, xviii. 185 Grassy Hill, N. Australia, xi. 150 Gravalanda river, Iceland, xx. 27 Grave, W. Africa, Croft on, xviii. 1S6 Gravitation doctrine, confirmation of, by Froude's investigations, xxi. 321 Gray, — , of the Victorian Camel Expedi tion, 1861., vii. 35, death of, 36, remains of, discovered, 84, 113, 175 Capt. David, expedition of, to Green land, 1868., xii. Ill letter on the above, xii. 196 on Smith Sound, xix. 222 cited on ice off Greenland, xix. 178 Comm., r.n., death of, about 1875., xx. 406 Dr. J. E., obituary notice of, 1875, xix. 400 H., meteorological observations of, at Champion Bay, W. Australia, iii. 48 Great Antill Creek, Queensland, viii. 112 Australian Bight, S. Australia, xv. 296 elevation of watershed of, xii. 288, 289 explorations of, see Eyre and South Australian exploration geology of district, xv. 297 need for fuller exploration of, xii. 291 region beyond explored by Delisser, 1865., x. 129 water supplies of, xii. 290 GRE— GRE 129 GrcatBarrier Reef, Queensland coast, vii. 3 inner channels, admiralty survey of, xiii. 282 navigation inside, vii. 172, xi. 151; do. and coral formation of, xii. 313, 314 Basin region of N. America, area of, Bell on, xiii. 140 Great Britain (see countries included under that designation) — admiralty surveys of, see England geological survey of, i. 409, iii. 275, iv. 275, v. 182, vii. 146, viii. 196 ordnance surveys of, i. 134, 408, ii. 271, iii: 274, iv. 158, v. 179, vi. 139, vii. 144, viii. 194 Great Circle Sailing.Bergen's and Berger's methods reviewed, I860., iv. 206 Comoro Island, Indian Ocean, vol canic activity of, xvii. 350 ; do., 1875., xix. 203 Coteau of the Missouri river, described by Anderson, xx. 287 Falls, Zambesi river, i. 244 Fiord, Spitzbergen, strait from, to the eastward, ix. 311 Fish Bay, S. Africa, aridity of dis trict, i. 60 River, Br. N. Amerioa, tide of, and fish in, iv. 8, 9 interior basin of unknown Australia, Neumayer on, xii. 287-8 Kei river, S. Africa, course of, i. 511-12 tributaries of, ii. 371 Pamir, C. Asia (see also Pamirs), elevation of, xviii. 436 Plains, U.S.A., described by Ander son, xx. 284-5-6 prairie Are on, xx. 289 Salt Lake, Utah, U.S.A., xiii. 142 increasing inflow to, xxi. 366 route across N. America vid, i. 263 , S. Australia (see also Amadeus, Lake), ii. 190-1, xvii. 571 Sandy Island, Queensland, admiralty survey of, vii. 142, xiv. 308 Strait, admiralty soundings in, x. 220, xiii. 282 Scarcies river, W. Africa, xvii. 117, 121, source of, 122 Shoshow, or Salmon falls, Snake river, U.S.A., xi. 92 — — WaU of China (q.v.), condition of, in I860., as seen by Richards and Slossin, vi. 165, 220 date (probable) of, at Feng-Kanlu, xviii. 152 mountains and passes near, vii. 25 Swinhoe on, xiv. 83 Greece, boundary of, delimited by Baker and others, 1830., iv. 118 sites of Battle of Sellasia, etc., deter mined by Jochmus, i. 481 Green, F. O, see Anderson and Green , C. H. Hahn, and — Rath, Expedi tion in search of the Cunene, ii. 350 Col. M., on Beloochistan and Kelat, xvi. 220 Green Harbour, Spitzbergen, Swedish Arctic expedition at, 1872., xvii. 16 river, U.S.A., canons of, xiii. 140, n tributary of the Colorado river, xi. 92 Greenland — animal life on coasts of, i. 53 ; Osborn on, xv. 112 and natives of, xv. 108 Aurora Borealis in, Tayler on, iii. 117 coal in, x. 56, xx. 58, 62-5 coasts of, xviii. 14 ; N.E. trend of, dis covered by Inglefield, 1852., xxi. 274 ; near Smith Sound, Nares on, xxi. 275 colonies in, Danish, ix. 51 early, xv. 102, 103 the first, ix. 89 Norse visits to, early, ii. 373 Scandinavian, vii. 102 the Lost, Rawlinson on, xvii. 269; site of, determined, Major, xvii. 312, 321 • Current (see also drift ice and ice-move ment, infra), xiii. 227, Graah on, i. 62 Currents and Drifts on Coast of, Irminger, v. 225 Discharge of water from interior of, through springs underneath the Ice, Rink, vii. 76 ; Murchison on, 152 drift ice (see ice, infra), nature of, v. 227 East, ice along, extent of, Nares on, xxi. 99; report of Koldewey on, 1869-70., xv. 308 expeditions and explorations (to, and from, to the Pole) : Baok on, xvi. 237 Osborn on, ix. 16 Bradford's photographic expedition along W. coast of, 1870., xv. 309, xvii. 319 English expedition of 1872., report of R.G.S., xvi. 364-5 German arctic expeditions 1869-70., description of, xv. 106, 308 Gray's expedition to, 1868., xii. Ill Kane's coast exploration, 1850., i. 17, iv. 238-9, xxi. 274 Rae's expedition in, I860., v. 89 Yon Otter's expedition to, 1871., xvi. 86 Whymper's expeditions to, 1866., x. 257; 1867, xi. 159-60., xii. 9; 1872, xvii. 16 Young's survey for the N. Atlantic Telegraph, I860., v. 75 fiords of, various opinions on ice action in, xiii. 149 South, Tayler, v. 90 glacial ice of, xv. 113 K 130 GRE— GRE Greenland — continued. glaciers of, v. 25, 93, xix. 62, xx. 57-9, xxi. 275, 280 ice on coast (8 months of the year), v. 69, xiii. 227 icebergs of, v. 93 ice formations in, Rae on, v. 26 ; Rink on, ii. 295 ice-movement in sea near, iv. 108 ice of seas of, Tayler (cited by Young), v. 76 Latrobe on, vii. 101 M'Clintock on, v. 65 migrations of Esquimaux in, xxi. 105 Origin and migrations of the Esquimaux of, Markham, ix. 88, 103 and Neighbouring Lands, Physical Geo graphy and Elevation of, R.G.S. publication, 1875., xix. 421 northerly currents near, xiii. 227 as part of route for N. Atlantic tele graph (see also Expedns., supra), iv. 101 proposed telegraph station on, v. 96 results of exploration of, 1868 onwards, Petermann on, xix. 174-5 Richards on, xvi. 237 ruins in, v. 92, xvii. 319 South, fiords of, v. 90 ; glaciers of, v. 25 temperature in, etc., Latrobe, vii. 101 West, currents up coast of, v. 67 meteoric iron on coast of, xvi. 86 Greenough river, W. Australia, fertile lands at mouth of, iii. 47 Gregory, A. C, Gold medalist, 1857., . 343, 345, 365, 457, xix. 41; appointed surveyor of Crown Lands for Queens land, I860., iv. 92; discoverer of. Lake Moore, i. 31 explorations and expeditions of, ix. 226, xiv. 203; in N.W. Australia (1854-6.), as leader N. Austr. expedition, i. 5, 10, 32, 50, 171, 183, 225; Chimmo's search for, i. 255, 309, 324-5, 341, 365, 369, 457, 490, ii. 3, 28, 29, 212 311, iii. 333 ; Flood's search, ii. 378, iv. 254, v. 2, 6, 57, 59, 105, 145, vi. 10, 24, 174, 189, vii. 14, 16, 37, 87, 89, 177, ix. 230, xx. 390; N. and N.E. Austr. expeditions, (1855. et ' seq ) i. 32, 183, 324, 341, 490, vii. 4, 121, and forecast of gold in, xii. 140-1 ; in search of Leichhardt(1857.), iii 1 8, 87, 156, 158, 333-4, v. 2, 6,58, 59, 105, 145, vi. 10, 24, 189, 194, vii. 9, 14, 16, 37, 40, 121, ix. 231-2, x. 59, 951 ; Western Australian expeditions re ferred to, (1846-8., etc.), i. 10, 171, 365, 457, ii. 313, iii. 333, iv. 254, v. 2 16, 37, xiv. 191, 164 on geological formations, in Australia xii. 140-1, 143 on saline lakes, near Victoria river, iv. 97 Gregory brothers (collectively) services of, to W. Australia and to Australian ex ploration, iii. 54, iv. 254, vi. 58, 189 • C. F., assistant to A. 0. Gregory in N. Australian expedition, 1857., iii. 19; 23, 335 Capt. J., Report on Catholic Mission aries in Tibet, (1870.), xiv. 215 F. T„ gold medalist, 1862., vii. 16, 37, 119, 121, ix. 232, xix. 41, 48; early explorations of, referred to, v. 2, 3; expeditions and explorations, (W. Australian rivers), 1858.,' iii. 34, (N.W. of W. Australia), 1860-1., v. 2, 9, 121, 126, 206, 208, vi. 11, 12, 54, 58, 167, 171, 189, 195, vii. 37; other expedi tions, xii. 287, 288, xiv. 200, 203 ; fossils collected by, viii 33 H., of the N. Australian Expedi tion, ii. 5, 10, 11, 34, 324, 500, ii. 5, 6, 7, iii. 20, vii. 178, ix. 232 Gregory, Port, W. Australia, x. 49, 50, xx. 408 river, Queensland, x. 327 geological formation along, xii. 144 unhealthy station on, xi. 42-3, 45 Gregory's Bluff, Queensland, xviii. 88 Victoria river, S. Australia, ii. 30 Grenada, (Island) W. Indies, admiralty survey of, iii. 273, vi. 137 chart of, iv. 156 Grenadier's Cap, Iceland, geological formation of, v. 64 Grenadine Islands, W. Indies, admiralty survey, v. 177 Gresik, Java, pilots from, xii. 325 Grey, — , of Burke and Wills' expedition, 1861., vi. 67, death of, 68, 69, his body found, 194-5 Earl, abandons Port Curtis, v. 121 de, receives gold medal on behalf of Capt. Speke, 1861., v. 140 ; see Ripon, Earl de Grey and R. W., obituary notice of, 1870., xiv. 298 Sir G., Australian exploration with Lush- ington, 1837-8. referred to, ii. 189,313, iii. 43, 53-4, 155, ix. 228, x. 86-7 Governor of Cape Colony, (1858.), iii. 53 improvements in sheep and wool of Colony effected by, iv. 71 on the E. African expedition, v. 13, 14 on the images of Easter Island, and of New Zealand, xiv. 118 on the Makololo country, S. Africa, iv. 66 on the true name of, Rapa Island, xiii. 91 Grey Range, N.S. Wales, iii. 157 exploration near, vi. 51 geological formation of, xii. 139 river, W. Australia, source of, xxi. 53 GRE-GUL 131 Grey Town, W. Indies, admiralty survey, i. 407 Greytown, Nicaragua, harbour silting up,' (1861.), vi. 75, xii. 27 i Griffith Island, Arctic regions, animal life of. i. 54 Griffiths — cited on the Irawady river, xiv. 348 Grimslathir farm, Iceland, xx. 26 Grindstone Bay, C. America, xii. 38, 41 Grinnell, C. (see also Hall), obituary notioe of, 1870., xiv. 300 - — Henry, obituary notice of, 1874., xix. 385 Grinnell Land, Arctic regions, bays on the S.-E. coast, of little use, Nares on, xxi. 279 discovered by Inglefield, 1852, xxi. 274 glaciers of, xxi. 280 proposed American expedition to, 1860. , iv. 168 stones of, and human relics on, xviii. 14 Griqualand, S. Africa, development of, Barkly on, xxi. 613 Griqua Town, S. Africa, reached by Moffat, ii. 78 Grobogan, Java, mud-volcanoes in, ii. 144 Groote Island, N. Australia, ii. 13 Grosvenor Expedition, see Baker, Bushell and Gill Grote, G., obituary notioe of, 1872., xvi. 312 Guacipata, Guiana, described, ii. 156 Guadarramma Mts., Spain, non-glacial depressions in, viii. 232 Guamue's river, S. America, head-waters of the Putomayo river, xxi. 570 Guanacas plateau, Central Andes, cold of, ix. 278 Guarapuava, Brazil, vi. 74 Guardafui, Cape, E. Africa, geological formation of, and products, Hilde- brand on, xxii. 446 return current of, Heathcote on, vi. 114 various names for, xvi. 152 Guatemala, C. America, indigo of, i. 360, 363 Guatin-la pass, Sikkim, explored by Blanford and Edgar, xix. 341 Guayacuru river, S. America, tributary of the Putomayo river, xxi. 572 Guayaquil, chief port of Ecuador, iii. 94 Simson's journey from, to the Napo, (1877.), xxi. 556 Bay of, xv. 369 Guayas rivers, two distinct streams, drain ing West slope of Andes, xxi. 557 and valley, xxi. 558 Guban district, Perso-Turkish frontier, i. 292 Gubbins, J. H., Asoent of Fuji Yama, 1872., xvii. 78 Guddabi, AbysBinia, x. 291 Gudong (village), Borneo, i. 194 Gudru, E. Africa, Italian missionaries at, ii."53 Gue'rin Gulf, Manchuria, xi. 254 Guernsey, supposed changes of level in, Peacock on, x. 337-8 Gugeba, W. Afrioa, position of, i. 15 Gugti camp, Tibet, xiii. 185 Gugti-la (pass), Tibet, elevation of, xiii. 186 Guiana, British, (see also Orinoco) — admiralty coast survey, xiv. 306, xv. 214, xvi. 318 expeditions and explorations : Brown's, (1872.), xvi. 359 Holmes' and Campbell's, 1857., ii. 154 Sohomburgk's, 1835 et seq., ix. 244-5 gold mines of, at Caratal,.ii. 154 Kaieteur Waterfall in, Report on, Brown, 1870., xv. 122, 304 mountain district of, Wallace on, viii. 61 Roraima mountain in, elevation of, Sawkins on, xv. 131, 305 rainfall tables for, i. 76 Guinea Coast, W. Africa, variation of sea-level along, Evans on, xxi. 73 Gulf of, currents in, x. 342 Guiner, S. Cent. Africa, i. 57 Guion, Point, N. Australia, xii. 201 Guisr, El., plateau of, Sinaitic peninsula, iii. 187 Gujara, Teneriffe, astronomical and other observations at, by Piazzi Smith, 1856., i. 412 Gujeba, W. C. Africa, Vogel at, 1856., i. 155 Gukunswa, Formosa, missionaries at, xxi. 263 Gulabek, Persia, mission encampment at, iii. 4 Gulf Stream, and analogous bodies of warm ocean water, Nares's Report on Challenger expedition, xviii. 543 causes of, iv. 238 course of, i. 28 ; capricious, Maury on, vii. 51 ; first discovered by Nantucket fishermen, v. 22 ; at the Faeroe Islands, v. 72 ; near Iceland, v. 78 and velocity, Maury cited on, i. 177 changeable limits of, v. 22 channel of, i. 418 edge of, xxi. 258 effects of, xxi. 75 ; Evans on, xxi. 75 ; Von Heuglin on, xv. 307 on the Arctic regions, iv. 235 on the Polar Sea, ii. 195 Evidences of, in High Latitudes in the North Atlantic, Irminger, xiii. 226 Findlay on, xiii. 102, 231, xv. 88 fogs caused by, Newfoundland Coast, v. 26 132 GUL— HAD Gulf Stream — continued. furthest northerly limit of, ix. 57, xiii. 158 and General Oceanic Circulation, Rela tive Thermal Influence of, Carpenter, xviii. 365 hydrography of, Murchison on, xiii. 108 increased speed in 1867., xii. 59 Osborn on Maury's theory of, xv. 29 Soundings and Temperatures in, Chimmo, xiii. 92 surface temperature of, Carpenter, xviii 401 Thermal Work of, Carpenter, xviii. 393 • influence of, Bent cited on, xv. 88 ; Carpenter on, xviii. 365 traces of, in the White Sea, ix. 120 transformation of, in Arctic Seas, ix. 139 velocity of, i. 177, ii. 329, xii. 59 off West Spitsbergen, xvii. 97 Whitley on, xiii. 229 wood borne by, to Iceland, v. 100 Gulf Stream of Japan, see Kuro-Siwo Gulsha river and defile, C. Asia, xix. 123 Gumbun, or Koumbun, Lamasery, Hue's viBit to, Tibet, xviii. 83 Gumri, Daghestan, seized by Russia, (1832.), iv. 250 Gumuchhane, Asia Minor, iii. 370 Gunck, Asia Minor, ruins of Camana Pontica near, iii. 371 Gundagai, N.S. Wales, iii. 338 Gundak river, India, tributary of the Ganges, course explored by a trained native (1875.), xix. 441 Gungongo, W. Africa, xix. 81 Gunigga, S. Africa, drought at, I860., v. 17 Gunnbjorn's Skerries, off Iceland, Major on, xvii. 315; Walker on, xvii. 319, 321 importance of, xvii. 270 Gunong Api volcano on Lontor Island, E. Indian Archipelago, xii. 324-5, ascent of, by Biokmore, 328, earlier ascents, and eruptions of, 329 Gunst, Dr., Visit to unexplored parts on the N.W. of Madagascar, (1865.), ix. 289 Gurbos, Tunis, hot alum baths at, vi. 212 Gurgan river, Perso-Turkish frontier, fine plain near, xx. 173 Gurmsali, Tibet, x. 167 Gurnev, H., obituary notice of, 1865., ix. 211 Gurr, plains of, N. Africa, ix. 312 Gursafid, Persia, grazing grounds of, xx. 166 Gurso, uncharted Somali town, xvi. 152 Gurundu Mts., C. Asia, Kostenko on, xxi. 134 Guzerat, India, rainfall of, xi. 62 survey work in, xxii. 357 Guysboro' Harbour, Nova Scotia, ad miralty survey, iii. 272 Gwaii, or Tobacco, river, C. Africa, head waters of, visited by Baines, 1862., xv. 150 Gwadur, Baluchistan, the Alam Bater of Ptolemy, vii. 92 Telegraph survey to, from Kurrachi, 18.61-2., Goldsmid, vii. 91 route to, from Kurrachi, Walton on, 1863., vii. 117 Gwaloo river, S. Africa, alleged Trans vaal boundary, mining permit for, granted to Baines, 1869., xv. 153 Gwaninga river, S. Africa, i. 511 Gyakharma Peaks, Tibet, elevations of, xxi. 335 Gyangze, or Giantse, Tibet, xii. 151. xix. 333 Haast, Dr., drawings of N. Zealand glaciers, ix. 34 explorations in, and map of N. Zealand Alps, 1871., xv. 300 and discoveries in N. Zealand summarized by Murchison, viii. 214, 215, xi. 238 On the Southern Alps of N. Zealand, (surveys, 1861-3.), viii. 56, and on the death of H. Whitcombe, 57-8 Haast Glacier, N. Zealand, viii. 47, 214 Haay Island, N.W. Australia, x. 47 Habarofka river, Siberia, xxi. 214 Habban, Arabia, Miles at, xv. 325 Habitagua, Mt., S. America, elevation of, xxi. 565 Habo, an uncharted Somali town, xvi. 152 Habr-Gir-Hajis, Somali territory of, visited by Hildebrandt, 1878., xxii. 446 Hachioji, Japan, hill road to, xvii. 80 Hack, Mt., S. Australia, ii. 16, 20 Hack, Stephen, explorations of, in S. Aus tralia, (1857.), ii. 27, 189; comments on, Gawler, ii. 192 ; results of, Murchison on, ii. 313 ; Latest communications on Australian exploration, 1858., ii. 185-189 Hadan, W. Africa, May's journey to (1857), iii. 311 Hadfis river, Abyssinia, Beke on, xii. 15 Haddon, J. L., On Animal and Mechanical means of overcoming Geographical Obstacles to African trade, xxii. 251 Haddington, Earl of, obituary notice of, 1859., iii. 251 Hadeed, Jebel, Sinaitic peninsula, xii. 191 Hadid, Djebel (Iron Mountains), Marocco, xv. 221 Hadramaut region, Arabia, frankincense harvest of, xvi. 151 history of, and dialect used in, xv. 329 HAE— HAM 133 Hae-tsze, hunting ground outside Pekin, x. 156 Hafash Mts., Yemen, xviii. 200 Hafoon, or Hafun, Ras, E. Afrioa, an exjanct volcano, described by Frere, xvii. 346 geological formation of, Hildebrandt on, xxii. 446 land near, xvi. 152 mission station at, xvii. 345 old name of, xvi. 153 Hagar el Bint, Sinaitic Peninsula, fissure in, vi. 237 Hagong-oho Lake, Tibet, no apparent outlet of, xiv. 210 Hahn, C. H. (see Green, Hahn, and Rath), Journey of, in S. Africa, i. 55 ; Beechey on, i. 160 Hai-Ching, Manchuria, cotton of, xiii. 30 geographical position of, xiii. 28 Haidinger, W. von, on the value of geo graphical knowledge, i. 51 obituary notice of, 1871., xv. 254 Haik Lake, Abyssinia, xiv. 162 Hail, capital of Jebel Shomer, Arabia, viii. 64 population of, and description of, by Palgrave, viii. 69 Hainan Island, S. China, partly surveyed, 1859., iii. 269 Haine Anua, the Woman's Land, N. Guinea, xxi. 356-7 Haines river, E. Africa, x. 100 Haiti, W. Indies, French survey of, i. 423 Hajiguk pass, Hindu Kush, elevation of, xv. 181 Hajjee-Koi, Asia Minor, mines of, xvi. 223 Hake, C, of Stow's West Australian boat- party, x. 35 Hake'r, Wady, or Rio de San Pedro, E. Africa, described, xvi. 150 Hakka Chinese immigrants, villages of, in Formosa, xxi. 259 Hakluyt Head, Spitzbergen, ix. 48 Hakodadi (Hakodate), Yezo, Japan, ad miralty survey of, 1859., iii. 267 climate of, vi. 201, xvi. 202 exports of, xviii. 230 position of, xviii. 228 rock of, xvi. 201 a treaty port, xviii. 238 first opened as a whaling port, 1854., xvi. 188 Harbour, Hodgson and Nicholson on, v. 115 Hakoni lake, Japan, xvii. 78, xix. 172 passes, xix. 171, how guarded, v. 132 town, xvii. 78 Halai, Abyssinia, high tablelands of, xii. 16; water-parting at, xii. 117 Haldervig, Faeroe Isles, explored by Young, v. 72-3 Hale, Mt., W. Australia, iii. 37, xix. 57, 310, 131, 484 ; land near, 50, 53 Hale, Rev. E., On the Place of Geography in Education, xvi. 450 Hale o ka la crater on Maui island, Sand wich Isles, described, xii. 309 Haifa, Wady, Nile region, cataract of, i. 506-7-8 ; railway south of, xxi. 61 Halford, Rev. T., obituary notice of, 1857., i. 391 Halifax, Nova Scotia, fine harbour of, iii. 126 Hall, Capt. Basil, r.n., cited on the Loo- choo corals, iv. 85 ; Capt. C. F. (of U.S.A.), (see also " Polaris "), expedition in search of Franklin's ship, I860., v. 199 Frobisher St. proved to be a bay, and on the fate of five men of the Arctic expedition in Elizabeth's reign, vii. 99 Polaris Arctic expedition, 1871., Ward and Tuttle on, xv. 382-3 ; progress of, xvi. 85 furthest point north reached by, xix. 29, 214 success of, xix. 29, 174, 214, xxi. 275 , Dr. George, obituary notice of, 1856., i. 121 , Capt. V., Description of Rapa Island, xiii. 83 , Adm. Sir W. H., ou Collinson and Kellet's survey of the Yang-tsze river, xiv. 243 on the Limpopo river, xvi. 100 on Maxwell's exploration of Korea (1816.), ix. 298-9 on the natives of S. Afrioa, north of Delagoa Bay, xiii. 341 on the Peiho river, iii. 85 Hall Basin, Arctic regions, ice in, Nares on, xxi. 279 Island, Arctic regions, journey of Austro-Hungarian Arctic expedition along, 1874., xix. 25 Point, N. Australia, ii. 12 Hallam, Henry, (historian), obituary notice of, 1859., iii. 241 Hallila Bay, Persian Gulf, i. 281 Halloran's Station, N. Australia, sheep on, xii. 57 Hals, Iceland, geographical position of, v. 64, temperature, etc. of, 85 Halys river, see Kizil Irmak Ham river, China, affluent of the Yang- tsze, xv. 294 Hamanaki, Yezo, Blakiston's visit to, xvi. 189-90 Hamaruwa, Benue river, W. Africa, i. 442 expedition to, proposed, i. 445 Haussa language spoken at, xxi. 493 mountains iu district, xxi. 491 slaves from, xxi. 490 sultan of, ii. 32 134 HAM-SAN Hamas Gorge, Abyssinia, elevation and vegetation of, xii. 115 Hamburger Bay, Spitzbergen, ix. 311 Hamd-Allah, Niger district, chief town of Pulo Empire, xxi. 493 Hamel, Dr., obituary notice of, 1863., vii. 126 Hamersley, M., of Forrest's expedition into the interior ofW. Australia (1869.), xiv. 193 Hamerton, Col., at Zanzibar, 1857., ii. 53 Hamerun district, Persia, trade of, x. 38 Ham-gu, W. China, features of, xix. 278 Hami, C. Asia, Potanin's route to and from, 1877., xxii. 52 Hamilton, A., on trade with the Western interior of Africa, xviii. 193 , Arthur, of Stow's W. Australian boat- expedition, x. 35 ; commendation of, x. 51 — — , Capt. R. V., on Arctic ice, ix. 62 on the coast of Labrador between Blanc Sablon Bay and Cape Harrison, ix. 131 on Esquimaux dogs, xix. 221 on Morrell's AutarcticVoyage, 1823., and the advantage steam will confer on future Arctic explorers, xiv. 145, 155 Open Water in the North Polar Basin, xiii. 234, 242 , Col., exploration by. of the Orinoco, 1837., i. 255, land owned by, in Br. Guiana, ii. 155 W. J., on fossil bones found by Dr. Livingstone in S. Africa, ii. 159-60 on the gradual elevation of lands, ii. 176 on Jochmns' canalisation scheme for Asia Minor, i. 304-5 on the proposed search for Leichhardt, 1857., i. 326 on Nassick, xi. 74 on railways in India and in the Andes, iv. 49 obituary notice of, 1868., xii. 220 , W. R., ex-President of R.G.S., obituary notice of, I860., iv. 126 , — , on the delta of the Danube, iii. 207-8 and Hake, of Stow's N.W. Australian boat party, x. 35 and McMinn, of the same party, scientific labours of, x. 51 Hamilton Inlet, Labrador, depths near, v. 95 described, iv. 104 explored by M'Clintock, I860., v. 65, 66 • Island, Arctic regions, northerly ice- drifts near, i. 55 , Port, on island off Korea, why so called, iv. 59 Hamma de Tozer, el, Tunis, hot baths and good water at, iv. 214 Hamman, or Gulaba, Turkey in Asia, ruins of, i. 45 ; Rawlinson on, i. 47 — — Faroun, Jebel, Sinaitic Peninsula, hot springs of, xii. 190, temperature of, xvii. 327 Leef, Tunis, hot baths of, vi. 211 Zreeba, Tunis, hot sulphur bath of, vi. 212 Hammel's Range, W. Australia, vi. 172 Hammond, Capt. A. S., on the Parana mail route, i. 85 , W., obituary notice of, 1856., i. 222 Hamoun lake, Seistan, vii. 160 ; described, xvii. 88 Hampton, — , Governor of W. Australia, encouragement given by to exploration, xii. 261 Hamra, Yemen, route to, xviii. 201 Han, city and department, China, described by Wylie, xiv. 170 , or Han-keang, river, C. China (see also Ham), course of, iii. 170, xiv. 35 sources of, xiv. 179 tributaries of, xiv. 178, 181-84 Hanapepe valley, Sandwich Isles, geo logical features of, xii. 309 Hanchung city, C. China, xiv. 35, water- route to, 179 Hanfila, Bay and Village, Red Sea coast, xiii. 219 Hangan lagoon, or river, Nile region, feeders of, viii. 135, 140 Hang-chow Bay, China, breakwater in, iii. 376 city, E. China, i. 335 antiquity of, xiii. 173 bridge near, ib. capital of Che-Kiang Province, xiii. 175 egre at, iv. 62 Gardner's journey to, 1868., xiii. 176, 182 additional remarks on, 249-50 inscriptions on pillar and tablet at, xiii. 176, 182 West Lake outside, described, xiii. 178-81 Hanglip Mts., S. Africa, elevation of, ii. 371 ; trend of, xxii. 119 Hanifeh, or Henifeh,Wadi, Arabia, viii. 65, Bub-surfaoe waters of, viii. 104-5 Han-Kiang (river), Korea, ix. 297 Hankow, city, C. China, distance of, from mouth of Yang-tsze- Keang, iii. 162-3, vi. 92, xiv. 168 great size of, ii. 204 importance of, ii. 202, 208, iii. 170, iv. 61, 62 Journeys to: Barton's (see Sarel and also Blakiston), 1861., vi. 3, 88 Bickmore's, 1866., xii. 51 Wylie's, from Ching-too, xiv. 168 HAN— HAR 135 Hankow City, C. Ghinu — continued. Journeys from, to Tali-ta, Margary's, 1874., xx. 184, letter on, 208-12 as a mart for commerce, ii. 305 Hockley on, xi. 264 Lookhart on, ii. 202, iii. 85 Oliphant on, iii. 162 Parkes on, vi. 164 naval survey from, to Yo-Chow, vi. 95 opium trade of, vi. 92 Parkes on, vi. 88, 92, 164 population of, iii. 165, 296 Yaog-tse-kiang at, vi. 3, 92 water supply of, vi. 95 Hann, W., exploration of, in N. Queens land, 1 863., xviii. 87, 572 & Co., cattle station of, on Fletcher's Creek, Queensland, xii. 141 Hannah, Lt, explorations in the Pathkoy Pass, v. 49 Hannay, Col., cited on the Irawady, xiv. 348 Hannek, cataract on the Nile, i. 507 Hannoi, or Kechs, capital of Tonquin, arrival of Dupuis' expedition at, 1872., xix. 283 Hansa Cape, Arctic regions, xix. 26 Hansa, ship of German Arctic expedition, of 1869., frozen near Sabine Island, xv. 109, and crushed by ice, 110 Hanson, Consul, on Africa, its population and the proposed coloured colonies from America, iv. 221, and on cotton cultivation in, 222 on Livingstone's expeditions and the secret of his success, v. 131 on Sierra Leone, and cotton cultivation, iv. 42-4 Hansteen, Prof. Christopher, obituary notice of, 1874., xviii. 517 Hanway, Jonas, at Bandar-i-Gez, Caspian Sea, 1743., xvii. 195 Han-yang city, C. China, ii. 202 Hapachiao, Mongolia, stream near, xviii. 155 " Happy Valley," Queensland, at head of Barcoo river, xii. 288 Harad, Sumatra, Thomson on, xx. 222 Haramat, Abyssinia, geological formation of the plain of, xiv. 165 Haramatchyda, Japan, xix. 169 llarami pass, Kurdistan, xi. 97 Haramosh Mts., Kashmir, geographical position of, viii. 36 Haramuk, or Karamuk. Mt. and pass, xxi. 124 Haran, Dr., r.n., on the climate and geological features of Somerset, N. Australia, ix. 77-9 Harapoulac river, Mongolia, xviii. 155 Harar, E. Africa, Burton's expedition to, from Zayla, i. 159, 176 a map of, xxi. 65 Harar city, ur Hurrar, seized by E^ypt 1873., xxii. 446 ^ Haraz Mts., Arabia, xviii. 195, 200 monkeys in, xviii. 196 Harcourt, Capt. A. F. P., on the Hima layan Valleys, Kooloo, Lahoul, and Spiti, xv. 336 , Rear-Adm. O. Vernon, obituary notice of, 1864., viii. 183 , Rev. Wm. Vernon, death of (1871.), Murchison on, xv. 316 Hardwicke, Mr., of Delisser's Australian exploring party, 1865., x. 130 Hargreaves, E. C, first opens up gold diggings in Australia, 185]., iv. 229 on the non-auriferous character of the Rocks of W. Australia, viii. 32, com ments, 33, 34 Harik, Arabia, caravans from, viii. 65, valley beyond, 105 Harkiang Mts., Tibet, xii. 158 Harman, Lt. H. J., r.e., explorations in the Assam valley, and survey (1877.). xxii. 355 Harmsen, Dr. E,, Sudden rise of sea at Heligoland (1858.), ii. 372 Harper, G, explorations of, in N.W. Australia with Dempster and Clarkson, 1861., v. 11, 12,59 , Mr., on his journey across New Zealand, in 1857., viii. 49 on his brother's expedition to Titihai Head, Middle Island, New Zealand, ix. 34 Harrah, el-, desert, Syria, geological features of and inscriptions at, ii. 174, 178, 179, 181, xvi. 108 Hanan, village, Palestine, Beke's visit to, 1862., vi. 195 Harraza, Gebel, Upper Nile, results of reconnaissance at, xx. 359 Harris, Capt. F. W., obituary notice of, 1856., i. 122 , Sir W. cited on the rivers of W. Africa, x. 100 , — , on the harps usedinW. Africa.x. 83 , — , S ur veyor (see also Babbage),;ii. 191 Harris River, N. Queensland, ice in, in September, vii. 89 Harrison, Cape, Labrador, v. 96, latitude of, ix. 131, deep water at, v. 66 Lake, Br. Columbia, ' benches ' near, xv. 135 explored by Mayne, Palmer, and Beg bie, (1859.), iv. 33 route vid, vi. 109 Hart, — , meteorological observations of, as to cyclone warnings, xviii. 49 Hartebeest river, S. Africa, survey deter mining mouth of, ii. 158 Hartinger reef, Iceland, v. 73 Hartley Hill, S. Africa, gold workings at, latitude and elevation of, xv. 151 136 HAR— HAY Hartstein, or Hartstene Bay, Greenland, Arctic regions, Hayes at, I860., ix. 182 warm current in, Nares on, xxi. 275 Harut river, Perso- Af gh an frontier, moving sands near, xvii. 91-2 Harvard Mt., Colorado, elevation of, xv. 274 Harvey Bay, N.E. Australia, coral reefs of, iv. 81 Harwich, admiralty surveys of, xvii. 253, xviii. 536 Hasa province, Arabia, caravans from, viii. 65 mountain boundary of, viii. 104 — — river, Arabia, source of, viii. 104-5 HaBan, Wady, S. Arabia, cotton cultiva tion near, xvi. 118 Hasbeiya Mt., Syria, height of, iii. 288 note Haschin, Wady, Upper Nile, Wells at, x. 358 Hasiki Island, Curia Muria group, guano of, iv. 50, described, 52 Hasiewood, E., On Ecuador and the Amazon river, iii. 97 Hassanawi, Wady, Upper Nile, well of, xx. 358 Hassanekber village, Persia, iii. 6 Hassanyeh tribe, Nile region, location and customs of, v. 28 Hastings, Warren, and his trained ad-, ministrators, xix. 331 Hat Creek, B. Columbia, beaver-dams on, xv. 140 Hate village, S. Cent. Africa, i. 75 Hathur, or Nabi-SMib Jebel, Yemen, stream rising in, xviii. 198 Hau river, C. China, xiii. 181 Haug, Mr., on the proposed search for Leichhardt, i. 326 Haul-off Rock, W. Australia, admiralty survey near, xxii. 336 Hauran, Gebel, Syria, the ancient Alsa- damus Mons., i. 8 exploration in, by Burton and Drake, 1871., xvi. 104, 324 by Eaton, (1864.), viii. 29 by Graham, (1858.), ii. 173, 297 , by Porter, (several, previous to 1855.), i. 7, 162 by various persons, ii. 173-5 Fezzy Bey's map of, i. 8 identified with Bashan by Porter and Graham, ii. 175, 298 position of, viii. 29 volcanic hills of, xvii. 328 Hausa or Houssa land, W. Africa, ii. 79 Baikie's journey to, 1862., xi. 49 language of, general use of, in W. and N. Africa, Crowther on, xxi. 492-3 trade from, with Lukoja, vi. 23 Hauta, E1-, S. Arabia, desert region near, xvi. 116 Hautajwa Hill, landmark for the har bour of Zanzibar Island, xx. 69 Havana, Cuba, Poey's appointment as Director of the Meteorological Obser vatory at, i. 55 telegraphic cable to, laid, 1866., xiii. 103 Have, Le, sandbank, Bay of Fundy, true location determined, iv. 156 Haverfield, Mr., S. and S.E. Australian exploration of (about 1862.), vi. 55, 168 Havildar, see Sapper Hawaii, largest island in the Sandwich group, xii. 306, climate of, 307, craters in, 310 Hawaiian Archipelago, volcanic formation of, xii. 308 Ha wash river, Abyssinia, xiii. 221 Hawdon, Mr., S. & S.E. Australian ex ploration of, vi. 56 Hawea Lake, N. Zealand, explored by Haast, 1863., viii. 214 Hawkes, Cape, Arctic regions, xii. 104, reached by Hayes, 105 Hawkesbury river, N.S. Wales, admiralty survey of, xvii. 256 Hawkins river, X. Zealand, sources of, viii. 214 Hay, Cape, N. Australia, i. 32, x. 37 Hay, Capt. J. S., On the District of Akem, W. Africa, xx. 475 Maj.-Gen. Murray, on Dr. Living stone and his expeditions, ii. 122 Lord W., Explorations of, in Northern India, vii. 132 note • proposed new route to British India, 1863., Murchison on, vii. 162 Haycolom, town, S. Cent. Africa, i. 75 Hayes, Dr. Isaac I., awarded Patron's Gold Medal of R.G.S., 1867., xi. 178, 180, President's speech, 182, reply of Hon. C. F. Adams, 183 Arctic expedition of, 1860-1., v. 199, xxi. 274-5 ; Osborn on, xii. 104 furthest northerly point reached by, xix. 214 Scientific results of Arctic expedi tion, 1860-1., iv. 181 On Rink's criticism of Kane's Arctic expedition, (1853-5.), letter, iii. 146 Hayes Point, Arctic regions, grounded ice bergs near, Nares on, xxi. 279 Sound, Arctic regions, aspect of and glaciers near, xxi. 276 mountains north of, free from ice-caps, ii. traces of Esquimaux settlements at, Feilden on, xxi. 284 Hayman, master of H.M.S.S. Salamander, at Annan river, Cape York, N. Aus tralia, xi. 152, at Endeavour river, xi. 150-1 HAY— HEL 137 Hay's Station, N. Australia, i. 495 Hayter Island, N. Guinea, canoes of, xxi. 359 elevation of, xviii. 27 extent of, xix. 225 taken possession of by Moresby, (1874.), xviii. 49 Hayward, G. S. W.— awarded Founder's Gold Medal of R.G.S., 1870., xiv. 270, 279, Raw linson's speech, 281 explorations of, in C. Asia, Forsyth on, xiii. 198 ; letter on, 1868., xiii. 9 ; route map by, xiii. 16, and itinerary, 16-17 ; Rawlinson on, xiii. 15 ; Shaw on, xiii. 201 in E. Turkestan, 1869., letter on, xiv. 40, and on his proposed journey to the Pamirs, 41 Journey from Leh to Yarkand and Kash gar, and Exploration of the Sources of the Yarkand river, 1868., xiv. 41 journey to Gilgit, the Pamirs and the Oxus, 1869., letters on, xiv. 107, 1870., xv. 10-18, Murchison on, xiv. 106, 316, referred to, xviii. 112, 123 murder of, letter on, 1870., F. Drew, xv. 117, and sepoy statement on, 120 Murchison on, xv. 4, 285 Rawlinson on, xv. 18 Sapper's account of, xvi. 255 remarks on Mahomed Amin's Routes from Jellalabad to Yarkand, xiii. 122 Hayward Hill or Bluff, S. Australia, road at, ii. 19 Hazarah-jah, district, Afghanistan, ruins in, and probable coal in, xx. 245 Hazareebagh, India, elevation of, xi. 57 Hazelius, J. A., obituary notice of, 1872., xvi. 299 Hazeroth, see Huthera, Ain Hazm, El, Syria, geological formation and inhabitants of, xvi. 108-9 Hazu, Assam, trade routes to, and annual fair at, xix. 341 Heang-ho river, C. China, affluent of the Han, rise and course of, xiv. 183 tsze river, C. China, affluent of the Han, xiv. 181 yang-chang town, C. China, position of, xiv. 170 Heaphy, Mjr., a pioneer in the explora tion of N. Zealand, ix. 34 Heard Island, Indian Ocean, explored by the Challenger, xviii. 544-5 Heath Island, N. Guinea, extent of, xix. 225 position of, xviii. 27 small islands near, xxi. 359 Heathcote, Lt. J. A., i.n., On Surface Currents of the Bay of Bengal, during the S.W. Monsoon, vi. 101, 114 " Heavenly City," N. China, trade of, vi. 219 Hebron, Palestine, elevation of, iii. 228 note Hecate, Point, N.E. Australia, settlement established near (1864.), x. 34 Hecla Cove, Spitzbergen, good harbour at, latitude of, ix. 119 and Fury Gulf, Arctic region, i. 107, v. 199 Mt., Iceland, a, non-extinct volcano, v. 64 ; schists of, xiii. 158 Hector, Dr. J., geologist, etc., to Palliser's Expedition in Br. N.America, 1857-9., i. 321, 461, ii. 39 et seq., 147 et seq., 292, iv. 73, 74, 170, 172, vi. 108, 234, 236, viii. 49, ix. 33; discovery of passes through the Rocky Mts. by, and by Palliser, 1859., ii. 122 et seq., 219, excellence of survey, 318-9 ; Murchi son on, viii. 49, ix. 33 On explorations by Palliser in Br. N. America (joint author), 1859., iv. 228 ; and on its gold districts, 229, 231 ou geological formations along the Boundary, Br. N. America, xx. 299 on progress of geographical knowledge of Br. N. America, (1861.), v. 200 cited on the wealth of Br. Columbia, iv. 74 Expedition to the West Coast of Middle Island, N. Zealand,(Otago province), 1863., viii. 46-7, ix. 32; cited on the glaciers of Otago, viii. 222 Murchison on, vi. 72, 108, vii. 180, viii. 213, ix. 33 Heights, Determination of, from Observa tions of Atmospheric Pressure chiefly in the Interior of Continents, A. B uchan , xiii. 360 Helaniyah Island, Curia Muria group, animals of, iv. 54 geological formation and geographical position of, etc., iv. 51, 53 population of, iv. 56 Helena, Mt., peak of, American coast range, xxii. 368 , Grand Duchess, Strait of, xix. 519 Heliardalsheden, Iceland, elevation of, v. 231 Heligoland, sudden rise of the Sea at, (1858)., Dr. E. Harmsen, iii. 372 Heliopolis, see Baalbek Hell, H. de, ou Jochmus' proposed canal communication in Asia Minor, i. 304 Heller, Prof., and others, travels of, in C. America, (1858.), ii. 285 Hellet Donagla, on the Nile, viii. 129 Kaka, residence of Viceregal deputy on the Nile, viii. 12 reached by Petherick, viii. 129 Helmund river, Afghanistan, affluents of, xx. 243, xxi. 586-7 138 HEL— HIC Helmund river, Afghanistan— continued. canal communication with, xvii. 88 ford of, xxi. 587 sources of, xx. 247 ¦ ¦ valley, Lynch's journey in, 1841., xx. 242-8 Patterson's survey of, about 1842., xx. 247 Helpman, Lt., expedition of, in W. Australia, ix. 232 Helvellyn and other Westmoreland moun tains, heights of, i. 222 Hely, H., search expedition for Leich hardt and report of his death brought by, i. 322, iii. 20, 30, 87, 88, x. 59 Hemans, G. W., on elevations in the Isthmus of Darien, xii. 71 Heneage, E., question on architecture in E. Syria, ii. 177-8 Hcnifeh, Wadi, see Hanifeh Henn, Lt., xvi. 419, 420, 421, 436 instructions to, by Lt. Dawson on hand ing over command of Livingstone Search Expedition, 1872., xvi. 421 instructions given by him to C. Living stone, xvi. 422 letter from New, resigning from the expedition, xvi. 423 Official Report of the Expedition, ib. et seq. Hennessey, J. B. N., on Mt. Everest, ii. 1 10 Hennessy, Sir J. Pope, Governor of Sierra Leone, letters from and to C. Living stone, xvii. 132 Ilenno Valley, Patagonia, Indians of, xv. 44 Henriques, Mr., on the African Explora tion Fund, xxii. 470 Henry the Navigator, Prince of Portugal, his interest in geography, i. 238 Major's Life of, referred to, xii. 246 Henshaw, town, W. Africa, xx. 227 Hen-To-Ho, river, X. China, headwaters of, vi. 224, outfall of, 225 Henty, Mr., expedition of, in Australia, referred to, ii. 313 Heongsan, Formosa, a large town, xx. 260 Herald, H.M.S.— Australian surveys by, ii. 268, iii. 267, v. 5 Pacific Ocean Surveys of, 1852-61. Denham, vi. 195, 197 ¦ trading vessel, visit to Manacusi river, W. Africa. 1857., iii. 160 Island, Arctic regions, discovery of, by Kellett, 1849., xii, 107, xix. 176 furthest polar land reached, 1868., xii. 98 search for land beyond, by Rogers, 1854., i. 16 Herat, Afghanistan, Marsh's journey to India via, 1872., xxi. 582, 585 Rawlinson on, i. 297-9 Vambe'ry at, 1863., viii, 269-70 Heraz or Laur river, Persia, affluents of, iii. 11, source of, iii. 4, 8, and course, 5,6 Herbert, Capt., explorations in the Hima layas, ii. 302-3 Mr., Colonial Secretary of Queens land, proposer of settlement at Rocking ham Bay, vii. 14, 170 Herbert river or creek, Queensland, cascade of, x. 34 valleys of, v. 6 Herdubreid, or Herdubreitb, Mt., one of the highest in Iceland, v. 84; snow capped, xx. 27 Herya, steel boat given by Harrow boys for use on Lake Nyassa, xxii. 233, 238 launched, xxii. 234 run aground and got off, xxii. 239-40 Hermit Range, S. Australia, v. 126 Hermon, Mt., Palestine, i. 8 admiralty survev of, (1861.), v. 172 height of, iii. 288 note, xvii. 328 Hermoso, Cerro, S. America, non-volcanic peak, xxi. 556 Hern Islets, off Labrador, v. 65 Herschel, Major, cited on results of the reduction of Pendulum observation in India, xxii. 351 , Sir J. F. W., on Dr. Carpenter's paper on Oceanic Circulation, xv. 211 On a New Projection of the Sphere, ii. 174 cited on the mutability of Terrestrial Magnetism, xxii. 203-4 death of, 1871., Murchison on, xv. 315 Hervey Bay, Queensland, admiralty sur vey of, viii. 192, and near, xiv. 308, xv. 267 ; coalfields of, xii. 141 Hestoe Fiord, Faeroe Islands, caves and tides at, v. 72 Heuglin, Baron Theodor von — exploration of Spitzbergen, 1870., with Count Zeil, xv. 8, 306, xvii. 100 journey in W.Abyssinia, (1858.), ii. 284; in search of Vogel' s papers, I860., v. 210 Letter to Capt. Speke on his expedition near the Kosanga river, 1863., viii. 264 on the progress of Mnie. Tinne''s C. African expedition, viii. 12, and' on her death, 1863., viii. 264 Hewett, Lt. J. F. N., On the Joloffs of W. Africa, (1857.), i. 513 Hia-liao, Formosa, scenery near, xvi. 267 Hiao, country, E. Africa, vi. 21 Hiarana river, Madagascar, xiv. 360 crocodiles in, xiv. 364 sudden rise and fall of, xiv. 361 Hibbariya, Syria, ruins at, ii. 225 Hibohero Hills, E. Africa, elevation of, xvii. 338 Hicacos, Point, Honduras, soil of and site of proposed new city, xii. 341 HtC— HIN 139 Hickson, W. E., On the Climate of the N. Pole and on Circumpolar Navigation, x. 137, 156 High Knoll, St. Helena, temperature at, iii. 364 High Veldt district, Transvaal, extent, elevation and climate of, xxii. 116-7 Hih-lung-keang, river, C. China, affluent of the Hau, xiv. 179, 184 Hih-shwuy-ho, river, C. China, source and course of, xiv. 172 Hikwa lake, Xyassaland, a salt-pan, xxii. 245 Hilda river, N. Guinea, navigable for steam-launches, xix. 229 Hildebraudt, J. M., On his Travels in E. Africa, 1875. et seq., xxii. 446 Hill, 0. H., Boat journey up the Wami river, E. Africa, (1873.), xvii. 337 Saml. S., obituary notice of, 1870., xiv. 299 W., on the soil of Albany Island, Queensland, viii. 116-17 , on sport in Lord Howe Island, xxii. 140 Hill Tipperah, E. Bengal, its chief and boundaries, xvii. 54 Hilliard, C. H., Notes on the Manacusi or King George River, W. Africa, 1857., iii. 160 Himalaya Mts. (see also Deodanga, Godwin-Austen, Mt. Everest, Pundit Nain Singh, Schlagintweit, Trans- Himalaya, Waugh, etc.) — annual rainfall of, xiv. 127 as " areas of condensation," i. 58 borax of, viii. 41 Chinese caravan routes through, iii. 171 contiguous ranges, Saunders on, xiv. 137; Shaw and others on, xvii. 397 et seq. elevation of, xx. 493 extension of, xi. 56, xix. 439 fossils of, viii. 41-2 geographical position of, i. 345-50 ; see extension, supra glaciers of, iii. 366-7, viii. 37, 38, 42, 221 lakes in, both few and small, iii. 367, viii. 39 loftiest summit in (Mt. Everest) dis covered by Col. Waugh (q.v.), i. 371 main watershed of, ii. 300, xix. 330 ; the Pundit at, xxi. 342 not impassable by troops, Forsyth, xxi. 28 orography of, Duncan, xxii. 89 Osborn on explorations of, xiii. 202 rivers rising in, ii. 300, iii. 366-7, viii. 39; courses of, xiv. 126-7, xix. 330, xxii. 342 road along crests of, xii. 173 Schlagintweit on geological formation, Himalaya Mts. — continued. height, glaciers, rivers, etc., of, iii. 336-7 temperature in, viii. 39-41 Waugh's survey, i. 345, 370, and Hodgson's, 345 (cf. ii. 102, 299) width of, xx. 493 ; average, at narrowest, xix. 344 Yule on, xxi. 136 Himalayan Provinces, survey of, Walker cited on, xix. 439 Valleys of Kooloo, Lahoul, aud Spiti, Capt. A. F. P. Harcourt, (1871.), xv. 336 Hinchinbrooke Island, Queensland, ad miralty survey at, xi. 195 Hin-chow, N. China, fine paved city, vi. 222 Hind, H. Y., Expedition up the Moisie river to the edge of the Tableland of Labrador Peninsula,, viii. 50 expeditions into the W. of Canada, I860., summary of, iv. 171 on lakes having two outlets, viii. 51 Map of Saskatchewan river, Correction of an Error in, Earl of Southesk, xx. 362 Hirid, Prof. J. R., Probable Occultation of Stars by the Moon in E. Africa in 1878-9., xxii. 64-5 Hindieh or Hindeean Canal of the Euphrates, i. 45, viii. 18 Hindostan, see India Hindotash diwan (pass), route via, to Ilchi Hindu-Chinese countries, progress of geo graphical knowledge of, summarized, 1860.,iv. 189 Kush Mts., ii. 300 boundary of the Aral basin, iii. 388 Carter's surveys in, (1871.), xv. 203 elevations in, xvi. 260 glaciers of, xvi. 256 Hajiguk pass in, xv. 181 Hines, Rev. H. K, Ascent of Mt. Hood, Oregon, U.S.A., 1864. and 1866., xi. 80 Hingenhaut, N.W. Provinces, India, cotton of, ix. 84 Hinggan Mts., Mongolia, trend of, xviii. 157 ; see Khin-an Hinghan or Bureya Mts., E. Siberia, xiii. 367 ; see Khin- Jhan Hing-gau, city, C. China, silk of and trade in, xiv. 183 Hinglaj, Mekran, telegraph difficulties near, and elevations in, vii. 94-5 Hinka, Lake of, borders of Manchuria, gold in, xvi. 215 ; see Khinka Hinnom, Valley of, Syria, level of, v. 172 Hinlopen Strait (see also Waigat), also called the Southern Gate, Arctic regions, ice at, ix. 309, xiii. 159 navigators of, ix. 311 petrifactions found on shores of, ib. 140 HIN— HOJ Hints to Travellers, by Adms. Back and Collinson, and F. Galton, xvi. 1-78 Hiogo, Japan, Alcock's visit to, 1861., vi. 205 a treaty port, visited by Watson, 1873., xviii. 238 Hisn Ghorab, S. Arabia, ruined town of and inscriptions at, Miles and others on, xv. 320 Hissar, Bokhara district, Russian ex pedition to, 1875., xx. 419 , Persia, i. 292 Hissik Chaka, Tibet, wild horses at, xxi. 231 Hiu Kang-boe, village, Formosa, cultiva tion at, aud near, Corner on, xxii. 54 Hiu-tsung-ssu temple, Mongolia, inscrip tions at, Bushell on, xviii. 158 Hivondro river, Madagascar, xiv. 36.0, 368 town, crocodiles at, xiv. 364, de scribed, 368 Hivondrona river, Madagascar, chain of lagoons near, xxi. 164 Hjaltelm, Dr., Great volcanic eruption in Iceland, 1867., xii. 58 Ho Bay, Formosa, Custom House at xxi. 60 ; sulphur springs near, ib. Hoai-king-f u, China, coal of, xiv. 31 Hoaugo, Hoang-ho, Hwang-ho, or Yellow River, N. and N.E. China, (see also Yellow River) — changes in course of, ii. 201, 202, 203, 306, iv. 63 Chinese authorities cited on, iii. 376 effects of, iii. 57, 76, 86 suggested cause of, Macgowan on, iv. 62 course of, iv. 60 length of, and area of basin, ii. 207 new mouth of, 1861., iv. 61 : do., 1863., vii. 141 occasional clarity of its waters, iv. 62 Hobagi, Wady, Nile region, wells in. xx. 358 Hobart Town, Tasmania, admiralty survey of port of, vii. 142 magnetic observatory at, xxii. 193 Hobong, Assam, silver hills near, xxi. 592 Hobson Bay, chief port of Victoria, Australia, admiralty survey of, xx. 408 Hobson, Comm., on his discovery of Franklin relics, i v. 11 ; in King William Land, 113 Ho-chin, or Ho-king city,W. China, looted in the Mahommedan rebellion, xiv. 343 plain, W. China, iron mines of, xv. 164 Ho-chow river, navigable tributary of the Yang-tse river, vi. 2 Hochschild, Baron, Swedish Minister, on receiving gold medal for Capt. Carlsen, circumnavigator of Spitzbergen, 1873., xvii. 232 Hochschild, Baron — continued. on receiving Gold Medal for Prof. Nordenskjold, 1869., xiii. 257 Hockley, J. M., R.N., Notes on the Yangtse- Kiang with corrections of existing Charts, (1867.), xi. 261 Hodeida, see Hudaidah Hodgkin, Dr. T., on the aborigines of S. Australia, i. 263 on African exploration, and on the death of Schonlein, i. 55 on the Buddhist ruins at Ongior, Cambodia, vi. 81 on Cardena's route for proposed Panama ship-canal, iv. 280 on currents in the Bay of Bengal, v. 103 on the Indians of B. Columbia, etc., ii. 51, iv. 36 on N. Australian harbours, iii. 90 on the physical geography of N. Africa, viii. 153 on the progress of geographical know ledge in W. Africa, 1861., v. 210 on the proposed N. Atlantic cable, iv. 107 on steam-ships for Arctic exploration, - i. 26 On superficial geological appearances in N.W. Morocco, ix. 24 on travels of Dr. Delany and E. Camp bell in W. Africa, iv. 218 obituary notice of, 1866., x. 213 Hodgkinson, Mr., of the S. Australian ex pedition in search of Burke and Wills, vi. 170 Hodgson, B. H., On the Himalayas and Mt. Everest, i. 345 his views controverted by Waugh, ii. 102 his work in that region, ii. 302-3 - — , P., Account of four excursions in the Japanese Island of Yesso, (1861.), v. 113 ; on Hakodate, v. 115 , Hodson's track, Queensland, poison-plant along, x. 63 Hoffman, Rev. C. C, Missionary joumey up the Cavalha river, W. Africa, and report of a large river near sources of, 1861., vi. 66 Hofhuf, or El Hufhuf, Arabia, citadel of Kot near, viii. 66 saturated soil near, viii. 101 Hofs Jokull, Iceland, xx. 29 ; rivers rising from, v. 86 Hogg, John, obituary notice of, 1870., xiv. 298 Hohambe town, S. Cent. Africa, i. 75 Hohenlohe Island, Arctic region, latitude, xix. 29, 33 Hoja-t-ab " tuga," the, aspect of the Muk- su Valley at, xxi. 133 Hojree territory, S. Arabia, Himyaritic inhabitants of, xvi. 121 HOK— HOP 141 Hokianga Bay, N. Zealand, admiralty survey of, i. 406 Hokitika, N. Zealand, gold found in, xi. 228 river, sources visited by Whitcombe, viii. 38 Hokow, W. China, on the Yarlong river, coal of, 1868., xvii. 186 ferry at, xiv. 336 Holcombe, Capt., murdered by the Nagas, 1875., xx. 423 Holden, Dr., travels of in S. Africa, I860., v. 18 Holding, Rev. J., Notes on the Province of Tanibe', Madagascar, (1870.), xiv. 359 Holland, expedition from, to Jan Mayen and Nova Zembla, 1878., xxii. 338-9 foreign possessions, maps of, by Baron Melvill von Carnbee, iv. 135 new maps of, I860., iv. 201 Holland, Rev. F. W., Notes on Travels in the Peninsula of Sinai, 1865., x. 158 On the Peninsula of Sinai, 1867., xii. 190, 194 Recent Explorations in Peninsula of Sinai, 1868., xiii. 204; report on, 1878., xxii. 455 Table of Observation for Heights in the Peninsula of Sinai, xiii. 252 , Sir Henry, death of, 1873., Frere on, xviii. 12 obituary notice of, (1874.), ii. 250 Holmes, Sir W. H., and W. Campbell, Expedition to explore a route by the rivers Waima, Barama, and Cuyuni, to the Caratal goldfields, and thence by Upata to the Orinoco, 1857., ii. 154 Holman, J. B., the Blind Traveller, obituary notice of, 1858., ii. 250 Holmwood, F., on the African exploration fund, and on Gongorona forest, xxii. 470 on the character of pastoral tribes in Africa, xxii. 472 on the exploration of the Kingani river and on the tribes thereon, xxi. 499-502 Majwara's account of the Last Journey and Death of Dr. Livingstone (forwarded by), xviii. 244 Hoist, Prof., Surveys in Norway, 1779- 1859., (transl. by Dr. Shaw), iv. 240 Holsteinborg, Arctic region, reefs at, xx, 56, 64 Holyhead, N. Wales, tides at, Evans on, xii. 73 Homathioo river, Br. Columbia, valley of, xii. 122 Home Bay, Arctic regions, coal of, i. 105 Homie, on the Volta river, W. Africa, geological formation near, xviii. 186 Homogataki, volcano, Yezo, xviii. 228 Homos Yurea river, Siberia, mammoth found in outfall of, xxi. 214 Honan province, N.C. China, hostility of natives to foreigners, xiv. 235 ; overflow of Yellow river in, 1851., xiv. 21 Honduras, C. America, discovered by Vespucci, 1497., iii. 389 Lake of Yojoa in, iii. 106 projected railway across, ii. 295, 296; report on', summarized, I860., iv. 173 Bav, railway possibilities of, xii. 46 Gulf of, silt in," xii. 341 Hong-kang, Formosa, Chinese fishing station, xvi. 266 Hong Kong, S. China, admiralty survey for lighthouse at, i. 406 development of, 1857., i. 333 Honolulu, Bishop of (see also Staley), on Panama and its healthfulness, xii. 47 — — Harbour, etc., of, xii. 306 temperature at, xii. 307 Honorary Corresponding Members of R.G.S. in 1864., viii. 43-4 Honse, Dr. S. R.,his map of Siam referred to, i. 13 Honu, W. Africa, ii. 87 Hooboo tribes of W. Africa, cruelties of, and district occupied by, xvii. 123 Hood, Mt., Oregon, U.S.A., ascent of, 1864. and 1866., Rev. H. K. Hines, xi. 80 elevation of, xi. 83-4, Casella on, xi. 95-6 eruptions of, xi. 93, 94 , or Hula, Point, N. Guinea, river near, xx. 266 ; discovered by Lawes, xxi. 460 products of, xx. 267, 335 Hood, T., on Queensland and New Zea land, vi. 24-5 on prospects of colonizing in N. Aus tralia, vii. 89 Hooghly River, Bengal, tides of, i. 74 Hooker, Mt.,Rocky Mts., height of, iii. 125, 320 pass near, i. 462 Hooker, Sir J. D., botanist, on his ascent of the Atlas Mountains, 1871., xv. 212, 217, 336 on the vegetation of the Arctic regions, xvi. 236 Travels in E. Tibet, ii. 303 cited oh Australian flora, xxii. 427-8, 430 Sir W. J., botanist, obituary notice, 1866., x. 195 Hooker's Plateau, Victorian Alps, Australia, i. 4 Hookoong Valley, Upper Burmah, amber mines and petroleum springs of, xii. 334 Notes on the Burmese route to, from Assam, H. L. Jenkins, 1868., xiii. 244 Hoo-Wei, see Tam-suy Hoop Iron Bay, N. Guinea, natives of, xix. 236 Hope, Capt. C. W., R.N., on Rapa Island as a meteorological station for the S. Pacific, xiii. 90 Hope Island, Arctic regions, xvi. 232 142 HOP— HSI Hope Lake, S. Australia, vii. 84 dried up, xv. 99 route vid to N. Australia, xiv. 198 , Mt., W. Australia, iii. 44 ¦ Reach, Albert river, N. Australia, vegetation near, ii. 379 River or Spring, C. Australia, v. 104 Town, Cape Colony, discovery of diamonds at, 1867., Tennant, xii. 322-3 Hopedale, Labrador, Christian Esquimaux at, xii. 196 Hopeful, Mt., S. Australia, ii. 24 Hopeless, Mt., N.S. Wales, ii. 22, vi. 69, 194, vii. 7, 36, 38 geological formation near, iii. 29 limit of exploration of 1856., ii. 185, 188 settlement near, iii. 29 Hope's Monument, hill, Arctic regions, glacier near, xiii. 373 Hopkins, Evan, on the Bayanos river and Isthmus of Panama, ix. 278 T. T., On the Causes of Dryness in certain Arid Districts, i. 58 On the Fine regions of the Trade Winds, ii. 357 On a possible Passage to the N. Pole, iv. 100, full paper, 234 Hor, or Hor Pa, Tibet, district and natives of, xvi. 402, xxi. 343, 349 Horizontal convection movements in Seas, Local effects of, Carpenter, xxi. 312 Hormeimeleh, C. Arabia, birthplace of the first Wahabee leader, viii. 65 Hormuz, see Ormuz Horn, Cape, S. America, goods sent via, i. 466 ice-streams round, ix. 282 length of passage round, i. 73 mountains near, iv. 240 Snow's examination for harbour near, I860., iv. 175 Hornsund Tind, (Mtn.), Spitzbergen, ele vation of, xvii. 15 Horsburgh, Cape, Arctic regions, Land and Island discovered near, E P Philpots, 1865., xiii. 372 Horse Shoe Flat, N. Australia, alligators of, ii. 8 Horsey, Capt. L. de, r.n., on the Comoro Isles, (1864.), viii. 274 Hoseason, Capt., e.n., on the navigation of Torres Strait, i. 81; letter from, on Torres Strait and the Panama mail route, i. 84-5 Hoskins, Lt. A. H. H., on the non- identity of the rivers Quilimane and Zambesi, i. 316 Hoskyns, Capt. R., b.n., of the Hydro- graphical department, death of, 1873., xviii. 548 Hossan, Gebel, Nile region, pass near xx. 358 Hota, S. Arabia, Miles at, 1870, xv. 324 Hotham, Cape, X. Australia, vii. 82 , Mt., S. Australia, i. 4 Hottentots on the Orange river, Galton and Livingstone on, i. 244, 245 from Cape Colony, in Speke's guard, v. 11, 14 of Twas, S. Africa, hunters of dwarf- elephants, v. 17 Houghton, Lord, on the Abyssinian expe dition of 1867., xii. 17 on the Bishop of Honolulu's paper on the Sandwich Islands, xii. 312 on Kurdistan, xii. 305 on the opening of the Suez Canal, 1869., xiv. 88 on proposed Arctic expedition, 1865., ix. 101 Houran Island, Bijuga group, W. Africa, unvisited by white men, iii. 381 Hovas of Madagascar, tribal distribution of, etc., xix. 201 Hovell, W. H., on the climate of the Gulf of Carpentaria, i. 85, 86 and Hume, expedition of, in N.S. Wales, 1827.. ii. 313, xiv. 199 Howakil Bay, Abyssinia, xii. 114 Howara, 'Ain, Sinaitic Peninsula, pos sibly Marah, xiii. 206 Howard, Mr., r.n., report on Adam Bay settlement, N. Australia, xi. 46 on Rada's journey on the Amazon, xv. 379 Howe, Cape, N.S. Wales, admiralty sur veys at and near, x. 220, xiii. 281, xiv. 308, xv. 266, xvi. 320 mountains near, xii. 314 Howitt, A. W., of the Victoria search ex pedition for Burke and Wills, vi. 68, 70, 194 left at Cooper's Creek, (1862.), vii. 7, 36,42 ; brings the remains to Victoria, vii. 37 ; his report from Mt. Hopeless, vii. 38 meets M'Kinlay at Adelaide, vii. 83 recalled, vii. 113 Howr or Howair, Wady, S. Arabia, district near, xvi. 117 described by Miles, xv. 327 Howlett, Rev. F., Partial Ascent of Urn Shamur in the Sinai Peninsula, 1857., vii. 42 Howorth, H. H., on Khotan, its rulers, ruins, and monsters, xxi. 43-4 Howshabee district and tribe, S. Arabia, xvi. 119 Howta, El, capital of Lahej, S. Arabia, xvi. 119 Hsiao Lan river, Mongolia and region beyond, xviii. 159-60 Hsein-ku-shan temple, E. China, de scribed, xiii. 172 Hsin Chou, S.W. China, and region, described, xx. 192 HSI— HUM 143 Hsin T'i on the Yang tsze, described, xx. 186 Hsing-ho-Cheng, or Kara Hotun, ruined city, Mongolia, xviii. 154 Hsuan-hua-fu, Mongolia, city, surround ings, and manufactures of, xviii. 151 valley, xviii. 153 Huacaybo, Mexico, copper mines of, iii. 110 Hualalai, volcano, Hawaii, eruption of, 1800., xii. 310 Huallaga, river, Peru, tributary of the Amazon course of, viii. 59 explored by Spruce, 1855-6, viii. 221 sources of, xv. 369 Huancavelica, Peru, quioksilver mines at, xviii. 205 Huang-ku-tun, or Poro Hotun, Mongolia, position of, xviii. 1 62-3 routes from, to imperial hunting grounds, xviii. 161 Huanlajaya, Peru, silver ore of, xii. 128 Huasacoalco river, Mexico, course of, determined by Humboldt, i. 70 Hufiscayaou, river, Ecuador, xxi. 568 Hue, Abbe, predicts change in course of Yellow river, xiv. 31 travels of, in C. Asia, etc., v. 46 veraoity of, confirmed, vi. 95 controverted, xviii. 82 Hudaidah, Al, Yemen, route from, to Sana'a, described by MiUingen (1874), xviii. 194 Hudson, Henry, explorer of Spitzbergen, 1607., xvii. 98 Hudson's Bay, proposed route from, across N. America, i. 263-5 rivers flowing to, iii. 126, vii. 74-5 ¦ Company, in relation to routes through Br. Columbia, i. 263-6 in relation to knowledge of the Rocky Mts., iii. 125, iv. 233, ix. 20-1 rule of, various comments on, xx. 297- 301 terms of its grant, vii. 74-5 Territory, area and climate of, ii. 337 River and Lake Ontario, divide of the Alleghany plateau between, ii. 340 Huehuetoca, Mexico, the Desague or canal of, Humboldt on, i. 70 Huescar, Sierra Sagra de, Spain, height and geological formation of, i. 426 Hiigel, Baron C. A. von, obituary notice of, 1871., xv. 255 Hugh Springs (or river), C. Australia, vi. 8; proposed depot near, xii. 292 Hughenden, Queensland, xii. 141 Hughes, Capt., and Mr. Elder, joint de frayers of cost of Warburton's W.C. Australian expn., 1873-4., xviii. 571, xix. 8, 51 Hughes, T. F., Visit to Tok-e-Tok, Chief of the Eighteen Tribes, Southern For mosa, 1871., xvi. 265 Prof. W., on the offer of Prizes for Geography made by R.G.S., xii. 209 obituary notice of, 1877., xxi. 429 Hu-hein-Chou, island in the Yang-tse river, xx. 185 Hu-hu, on the Yang-tsze, first reached by a foreign vessel, 1854., iii. 168 Huima cataract, V. Nyanza, xxi. 52 Hula, see Hood Point Huleh, Lake, Syria, ii. 225 Hulls, C, of Stow's N.W. Australian boat-party, x. 35 Humacho, Tibet, the Pundit at, xxi. 331 Humaita, Paraguay, healthy situation of, xx. 500 Humaya river, Honduras, as a commercial highway, ii. 296 Humbi, Equatorial Africa, Cameron's difficulties at, xx. 322 Humboldt, Baron A. von on the Atrato Canal, i. 63, 69 the ' Cosmos ' of (4th Vol.), Murchison on, ii. 285, iii. 18 cited on the Cupica Bay and Napipi route across Panama, i. 65 on the general configuration of S. America, i. 470 on height of Mt. Ararat, iii. 18 instruotions given by, to the Novara expedition, 1857., i. 43 cited on the Orinoco, etc., i. 251 on the Schlagintweits' journey in Tibet, i. 437, cited thereon, 277 cited on the volcanic origin of the Kueh Luen Mts., i. 277 obituary notice of, 1859., iii. 224 Foundation, letter from Sabine to the President R.G.S., iv. 45 Humboldt Bay, C. America, i. 65, 66, 72 Glacier, Greenland, ii. 201„289 discovered by Kane, ii. 195 feeders of, ix. 48 icebergs derived from, xxi. 280 latitude of, ix. 46 Humdallahi, capital of Macini district, W.C. Africa, xx. 78 Hume, H., Australian explorer, (see also Hovell), ii. 313, xiv. 199 Rawlinson's tribute to his services, xix. 51 obituary notice of, 1874., xviii. 532 Hume river, N.S. Wales, memorial on, to Mr. H. Hume, xviii. 533 Humeira, El, Syria, intermitting foun tain at, ii. 222 Humphery, Mr., of Gregory's N. Aus tralian expedition. 1857., ii. 8 cited in praise of Wilson's work, ii. 311 Humr, Wady. Sinaitic Peninsula, inscrip tions at, xiii. 207 144 HUM— HWE Hums, Tell, or Emesa, Syria, ii. 225 Humta Pass, X. India, elevation of, xv. 337 valleys connected by, xv. 340 Spurs, elevations near, xv. 338 Hu-nan, or Hoonan, Province, S.C. China, coal and iron in, ii. 202, xi. 262 coal-flelds of, xv. 294 geological formation of, xx. 189 tea of, xi. 262, xv. 294 Hun-chun, Manchuria, position and popu lation of, xi. 253 Hundes, Tibet, Rydall's observations made at, (1878.), xxii. 354 Hune Island, Bijuga group, W. Africa, unvisited by white men, iii. 381 Hungarian race, C. Asian cradle of, viii. 268, xxii. 289-90 Hung-tsiang-tszi, Manchuria, rock and legend of, xvi. 209 Hung-tsze Lake, China, in relation to the Yellow river, xiv. 21 Hunt, C. C, Expedition ... to E. of York District, W. Australia, 1864., ix. Ill Comm. J., on his ascent of the Congo, 1857., ii. 374 and Moresby's ascent of the Congo, 1857., ii. 317, iv. 69 ¦ , Rt. Hon. G. Ward (First Lord of the Admiralty), on the Arctic expedi tion of 1875., xix. 219 Hunter river, N.S. Wales, admiralty sur vey at, xvi. 320 N. Zealand, source of, viii. 214 Hunza,orKunjut, district, Indian frontier, described, xiii. 131 and its people, Hayward on, xv. 11 territory, position of, xv. 185 Nagar, or Nagri, river, tributary of the Gilgit river, xiii. 130; source of, and outfall, xv. 13 Hunan, China, coal of, xi. 262 Huon Gulf, N. Guinea, clothed natives of, xix. 234 Hupeh Province, C. China, minerals, tea and manufactures of, xi. 262 Hurka river, Manchuria, source and course of, xiii. 32, 33 volcanic region near, xvi. 352 Huron Lake, N. America, geological for mation between, and the Saguenay river, ii. 293 Hurrur, see Harrar Hurunui river, N. course of, viii. 49 Husavik, Iceland, mimosa wood cast aBhore at, by the Gulf Stream, xiii. 229 Husha, Jebel, Syria, xix. 167 Hushi river, tributary of the N. Indus, viii. 34, 35 Hussan Boghra Khan, tomb of, in the Gobi Desert, visited by Forsyth, xxi. 39 Zealand, source and Hutchinson, E., Secretary of the C.M.S.. on Ashanti and the W. African Coast, xviii. 298; extent of trade therein, xviii. 194 on C.M.S. work up Binue river, xxi. 495-6 missions at Kisulidini, and on the death of New, 1875., xix. 323 on the death of Livingstone, xviii. 182 on the deaths of Smith and O'Neill in Uganda, (1878.), xxii. 251 on the proposed C.M.S. Mission to Uganda, xxi. 50, 60 on the Victoria Nyanza expedition of C.M.S., 1876-7. xxi. 498, 612, xxii. 36 on the Victoria Nyanza and the rivers near, xxii. 408 , T. J., Journey through parts of the Salado Valley and across some of the Argentine Provinces (1864.), viii. 163 , Capt. J., r.n., of the Australian Admiralty coast survey, death of, xiv. 307 Huthera, Atn, Syria, identical with Hazeroth, xii. 191 Hutt Plains, N. Australia, fertility of, i. 367 river, N. Australia, x. 49 Hutton, — , cited on the relation between geography and geology, xxii. 59 Huxley, Prof., on the Ainos of Japan, x. 170 on the biology of the Gulf Stream, xiii. 109-11 of ocean-beds, xv. 37 Huzrut Begum, shrine of, Gobi desert, and ruins near, visited by Forsyth, xxi. 34 Hval Fiord, Iceland, explored by Young, I860., v.' 74-5 Hvide Bay, Spitzbergen, ix. 311 Hvita river, Iceland, source aud fall of, v. 86 lakes and boiling springs in valley of, v. 87 Hwan, city, C. China, the river Min at, xiv. 167 Hwang-ho, see Hoango-ho, and also Yellow river Hwang-kwo-su, S.W. China, old bridge at, xx. 196 Hwang-leen-shwuy river, C. China, tribu tary of the river Han, xiv. 184 Hwang-pu river, E. China, course of, iii. 375-6 Hwang-sha-keang, river, C. China, rise and course of, xiv. 176 Hwang-sha-yih, town, C. China, xiv. 179 Hwang-yaug-ho, river, C. China, rise and course of, xiv. 183 HWei river, E. China, bed of, taken by Yangtse-kiang, iii. 376 Hweli chouen, S. China, Garnier at, xix. 281-2 HYD— ICE 145 Hydah people of Queen Charlotte Islands, N. America, xiii. 386 Hyde Bay, Arctic regions, near Cape Parker, xiii. 372 Hydrographical Office, summaries of work done by, 1858., ii. 271 ; 1859., iii. 274 : I860., iv. 157; 1861., v. 178; 1862., vi. 138 ; 1863., vii. 144 ; 1864., viii. 193 ; 1865., ix. 223; 1866., x. 221; 1867., xi. 196 ; 1868., xii. 245 ; 1869., xiii. 282 ; 1870., xiv. 308: 1871., xv. 269; 1872., xvi. 322; 1873, xvii. 258; 1874., xviii. 535; 1875., xix. 413; 1876., xx. 415 ; 1877., ' xxi. 438-9 ; 1878., xxii. 337 Survey of Ladoga Lake, Andreyeff, 1857., (transl. E. D. Morgan), xiii. 375 Hydrography of the Valley of the Arve, Chaix, i. 483 Miihry's papers on, cited, xvi. 326 Hydrometric measurements of Swiss rivers, Chaix, xvii. 204-7 Hykelzye, Afghanistan, i. 299 Hyndman, H. M., proposed vote of censure on Stanley's alleged treatment of na tives, xxi. 6, 58 Hypsometric charts and observations in Switzerland, Ziegler's and others, Murchison on, ii. 287 Hypsometrical Observations on the Cen tral Alpine Chain of Switzerland, Ziegler, (1S73.), xvii. 207 Observations in Paraguay, 1874., of Keith Johnston and Lieut. Congreve, Report on, Straohan, xx. 504-5 Hyrcanian desert, C. Asia, Vambe'ry's journey across, viii. 268 (cf. xxii. 289- 90) Hyoung Yaou, S. Manchuria, cotton of, xiii. 30 I Iandraimbaki, Madagascar, river near, xix. 192; rounded hills of, 190 Iarindrano district, Madagascar, xix. 191, well-watered, 192 Iatsifitra, crater, Madagascar, xix. 188 Ibadan town, W. Africa, xxi. 487 Ibara tribes, Madagascar, xix. 200 looation of, Shaw's visit to, 1876., xxi. 157 Ibari Nkutu river, W. Africa, identical with the Kwango, an affluent of the Lualaba, xxii. 406 Ibarra, Ecuador, S. America, elevation and temperature of, xxi. 558, volcanic phenomena at, xxi. 557 Ibetanineha, Madagascar, royal residence, xxi. 158 Ibety, granite Mts., Madagascar, xix. 190 ; granite mass at, xxi. 157 Ibi Gamin glacier, Kuen luen Mts., height of, i. 438 Ibibio, W. Africa, natives of at Odiit, xx. 224 Ibitipaue, conical hill, Paraguay, xx. 495 Ibn Batuta, travels of, in China, x. 272, 276-7 Ibo, town, W. Africa, native population of, i. 76 . Ibokee, W. Africa, trade of, xvi. 136 Ibrahim, Tel-, Mesopotamia, Bewshcr's journey to, 1862., xi. 155 legend connected with, xi. 157 Ibrahimeya, or Afuddo, on the Nile, lati tude of, xv. 162, xviii. 139, 140 I§a river, see Putomayo Icaria, identified with Kerry (Ireland), xvii. 317 Ice — action in Siberia, etc., Murchison, x. 234 formation of, in Greenland, Rink on, ii. 195 icebergs, Belcher on, iv. 107 ; Shaffner on, iv. 104 drifts and currents on Coast cf Iceland, Irminger, v. 225 ; off Spitz bergen, xix. 178 polar, constantly changing character of, Petermann on, ix. 115 Ice Fiord, Spitzbergen, ix. 511, abundance of animal life on, ix. 155 geology of, xiii. 154 ice of, ix. 156 Ice Haven, Novaya Zemlya, Barentz's old house at, found by Carlsen, 1871., xvi. 361 Iceland, admiralty survey for N. Atlantic Telegraph vid, I860., v. 61 et seq., 100 Bright on, v. 73 Currents and Ice-drifts on the Coast of, Irminger, v. 225 Danish concession as to telegraphic use of, iv. 101 discovery of, by Gardar, 863., ii. 372 explorations, see progress of geographi cal knowledge, infra French surveys, i. 423 geyser mounds of, iv. 97 Great Volcanic eruption in, 1867., Hjaltelm, xii. 58 Heights and positions of the principal Mts. and Hills of, R. Brown, 1867., xii. 137 influence of the Gulf Stream on, xiii. 227 McClintock on; v. 63 et seq. population, education, etc., v. 64, 88 produce etc., v. 89 progress of geographical knowledge of, xx. 416 Rae's journeys in, I860., v. 81 Rae on travelling in, v. 103, xx. 30-1 rivers, shores, and ice of, v. 63 L 146 2CE-ILC Iceland — continued. seasons in, v. 78 surveys of, by Allen Young, v. 73 trees in, v. 101 volcanoes of, v. 64 eruptions of, 1867., xii. 58 West coast of, freedom from fogs, v. 78 ; freedom from ice, v. 230 Young on, v. 73 Icepole Point, Arctic regions, xiii. 374 Ichaboe Island, Antarctic regions, guano discovered on, by Morrell, abt. 1823., xiv. 155 Ichang, on the Yangtse river, breadth of river at, vi. 3 ; geographical position of, vi. 2 gorges at, vi. 86, xv. 293 observations in river at, xi. 266 navigation .of river, practically ceasing at, xiv. 168 ; difficulties beyond, Swin hoe on, xiv. 236 Dawson and Stokes cited on, 240, 241 rapids of, xiv. 16», xv. 292 Ichinor Lake, Mongolia, described by Bushell, xviii. 154 Icy Cape, Arctic regions, latitude of, reached by Capt. Cook in 1778., xix. 176 wild birds of, i. 54 Icy Sea, Arctic regions, aspect of (1834.), v. 230 Ida, Mt., Asia Minor, iii. 385, 386 , Mt. or Psiloriti, Crete, survey and altitude of, iv. 149 Idaho city, Oregon, in 1866., xi. 93 Territory, described by Brown, xi. 84, 85 Idda, or Iddah, on the Niger, ii. 85, ix. 75 district near, ix. 72 Hausa language predominant at, xxi. 493 river and cliffs of, xxi. 484 Ido, W. Africa, ruins of, ii. 95 Ifare Indian river, B.N. America, ix. 127 Iffney, Morocco, ii. 375 Ifontsy, Madagascar, described, xiv. 369 Igalikko Fiord (see Julianshaab), Green land, early settlements on, v. 92 explored by Rae, I860., v. 89 old Nordisker ruins at, v. 75 Igaon village, W. Africa, limit of naviga bility of the Ogun in dry seasons, vi. 65 Igara, or Egara oountry, W. Africa (see Idda), ii. 85 Igbegbe, or Gbebe, W. Africa, vi. 23 ; Haussa language at, xxi. 493 Igbira district and people, W. Africa, xxi. 488 Igbira Panda, see Igbira Igbo country, W. Africa, ii. 84 Igengi district, V. Nyanza, xx. 146 Ihangiro, Southern, Mts. of, E. C. Africa, xxii. 396-7 Ihankiana, volcanic cone, Madagascar, xix. 188 Ihdsy, chief town of Ibara in Madagascar, xxi. 157-8 river, Madagascar, course of, xxi. 158 Ijanah, Tell, Syria ruins at, and bearings of, xvi. 106 Ijaye, W. Africa, C.M.S. station at, ii. 95 ijebu Country, W. Africa, Bedingfield's journey to, 1862., vii. 105 Ikala, Madagascar, xix. 192 Ikelemba river, C. Africa, flowing side by side with the Lualaba in one bed, xxii. 406 Iki, Lake, probably Livingstone's Lake Lincoln, xvi. 435, 438, xvii. 12, 14, 60, 71, xx. 124, 312 Ikiopa, or Ikopa, river, Madagascar, x. 57 course of, xix. 196, 197 embankment near, xx. 110 falls of, xix. 184 junction of, with the Betsiboka, xix. 199 voyage down by Maynard, 1874., xx. 113 Ikira district, V. Nyanza, xx. 148 Ikling village, Afghanistan, Btone pillar at, xxi. 486 Ikling Joce river, Afghanistan, xxi. 586 Ikongo, Madagascar, fortress' rock of, xxi. 158 King of, invites missionaries to visit him, 1874., xxi. 155-6 Shaw's journey to, 1874., MullenB on, xxi. 155 Ikongo Hill, Madagascar, xxi. 161 Ikot Mba, W. Africa, Mission Station at, xx. 224 Ikpit, W. Africa, natives of, xx. 225 Ikiinetii, Cross river, W. Africa, xx. 224 Ikusherni, W. Africa, plain of, xxi. 487 Ilafy, Madagascar, sacred city, x. 56 woods of, xix. 185 Ilala, Equatorial Africa, near Lake Ban- gweolo, death-place of Livingstone 1873., xviii. 245, xix. 11 Ilala, Young's steamer on L. Nyassa, xxi. 225 Halangma District, Madagascar, xix. 191 Ilara, W. Africa, small town of, ii. 95 Ilchi, or Elchi, capital of Khotan, i. 275 early visit to, xi. 7 elevation, xi. 10 Johnson's journey to, from Leh, 1865., xi. 6, xiii. 14, xiv. 231, xxi. 27 position of, xi. 10, xiv. 60 route via deserted and why, xi. 219 ruins discovered near and ornaments found in, Forsyth on, xxi. 38 Schlagintweit's journey to (reported), 1857., ii. 301, iii. 171 iLE-IND 147 Ilek river, C. Asia, xxi. 138 Ilhalutanda, near Tete, S. Cent. Africa, cultivation at, ii. 365 Una Muinha, Zambesi river, salt manu facture at, ii. 364 Ilka Mozambique, Zambesi river, ib. Hi, Chinese ^Tartary, insurrection in, (1866.), xi. 13 Osborn on, Xi. 162-3 routes to, controlled by China, iii. 145 Hi, or Tekes, river, Russian boundary near the Thian Shan Mts., ix. 239 its tributaries, ii. 280 valley of, Dilke on, xviii. 246, 253 Venuikof on, v. 192 Iliniza, Mt., Ecuador, S, America, eleva tion of, xxi. 556 Ilirgun, W. Africa, decayed town of, ii. 95 Ilium of Homer, site of, discovered, Chevalier, iii. 385 Illampu Mt., Andes oi Bolivia, elevation of, xii. 128, xxii. 42 Illimani Mt., Bolivia, xii. 128 asoent of by Wiener, (1878.), xxii, 369 elevation of according to Minchin, xxii. 42, 369, according to Wiener and others, xxii. 369 Illingwortb, Adm., remarks on the Isth mus of Cupica, i. 86 cited on the Raspadura Canal, i. 66 Illinois Canal, U.S.A., level of, ii. 340 Illoa fiord, Greenland, as a shore station for the Atlantic cable, v. 95 Illuidlek Island, Arctic regions, latitude of, xv. Ill Ilorin, W. Africa, ii. 90, described by Delany, iv. 219 population of, xxi. 487 situation of, and importance of, May on, ii. 91-2 Imahazdny, hill town, Madagascar, forest near, xxi. 159 latitude of, xix. 190 Imamgu-ali, village, Turkestau, popula tion of, xx, 171 Imanandaza, Madagascar, country near, xxi. 167 falls and rivers near, xxi. 16S Imanga river, Madagascar, xxi. 1 66 Imano, Madagascar, population of, xix. 193 Imbabura Mt., Ecuador, S. America, elevation of, xxi. 557 Imerinmanjaka, Madagascar, sacred city, x. 55 Imeritia, Russian province formerly Per sian, xiii. 275, woods of, 276 Imeretian tribes of the Caucasus, suggested negroid ancestry of, vi. 6 Imbasdabe', Madagascar, xxi. 155 Im-Pembis river, S, Africa, Umbigo's kraal on, xv. 150 Imbauzinho River, Brazil, xx. 465 Imbeela river, S. Africa, xv. 150 Imerina province, Madagascar, x. 55 geological formations in, xix. 186 Johnson's explorations in, (1877.), xxi: 171 passes, plateau, etc., xix. 183 population, cultivation, etc., xix. 184, 193 volcanic peaks near, xix. 186 Imperadorski Gavan, or Port Imperial harbour, Tartary, position of, i. 406 Imperial Russian Geographical Society, see Russia Impey river, W. Australia, affluent of the Murchison, iii. 35, 54 Inamehana, Madagascar, sacred city,x. 56 Inanam river, Borneo, source of, xvi. 172 Inane village, S. Cent. Africa, i. 75 Inbabali or Zavora river, S.E. Africa, xix. 115 Incuisilla river, S. America, tributary of the Putumayo, xxi. 572 natives of, xxi. 574, 577 wood-cutting on, ib. Inculuzane river, S. Africa, tributary of the Limpopo, xiii. 332 Independence, Cape, Greenland, Kane's furthest point, i. 18 true position of, iii. 147 India or Hindustan (see also Himalayas, etc.) — alphabets used in, ii. ISO ancient and modern trade routes to, iii. 171, 183, 186, 196, v. 50-1, vii. 60 Archaeological Survey of, (1871.), xv. 283 borderlands of, see Chitral, Dardistan, Gilgit, Kashmir,Lushai, Trans-Hima layas, etc. in relation to Australia, i. 80, S3, 86, 172, 456, ii. 28, 213, iv. 120, v. 106, vii. 12, 37, 116, 174, 178, viii. 193, ix. 234 ; communication with same, x. 220-1, xii. 291, 314, 317 ; steam ditto, viii. 119 ; telegraphic com munication established, 1870., xv. 299 British, extent of, I860., iv. 188 ; popu lation of, i. 80 Central, rains in, xi. 63 provinces, total area of, x. 242 Cinchona cultivation in, x. 243 ; intro duction of, by Markham, xv. 379 coal in, xv. 283 Cooper's journey to, from the Yang- tze-Kiang vid Tibet, 1867-8., xii. 336 desert, causes of, xi. 64 difficulty of opening route from, vid Burma, to China, xv. 173 direct telegraph to, Notes on, Rawlin son, v. 219 earthquakes in the Cachar Hills, 1869., Godwin-Austen, xiii. 370 148 IND— IXD India or Hindustan — continued. Forest Destruction in Coorg, effect of, Bidie, xiii. 74 ; in Western Ghauts, Markham, x. 266 Geography and Climate of, in reference to the best site for a Capital, Camp bell, xi. 54 gipsies in, i. 41 Government's aid to Speke's East African expedition, I860., v. 14 Great meridional arc of, Basevi's ob servations on, xv. 280 Hay's explorations in Northern India, vit. 133 note heat of, its causes, vii. 116 hot winds of, i. 35 Inland navigation of Travancore, Markham, xi. 78 Meteorological and Tidal observations in, xv. 283, xix. 443 Monsoons, rainfall, and climate, Camp bell, xi. 61, xii. 316 Mt. Everest, i. 345 ; and Deodanga, Waugh, and others, ii. 102 et seq., 299 Mountains of, Duncan on, xxii. 73 . in relation to water-supply, V. 125 Mustakh Range, Godwin - Austen on glaciers of the, 1860-1., viii. 34 Mutiny in, effects of, iii. 371 Navy, survey of Persian Gulf by iii. 268, vi. 133 abolition of the service, Murchi son, 1863., vii. 163 ; its consequences to coast surveys, xxi. 451-2 Ocean, in relation to heat of the peninsula, vii. 116 Overland communication between India and China, M'Cosh, v. 47 ; by |the Burhampooter and Yangtse, Cotton, xi. 255 journey to, in 1872, via Meshed, Herat, Candahar, and the Bolan Pass, Marsh, xxi. 582 pendulum observations of Archdeacon Pratt in, xxii. 176 periodic winds of, xii. 316 Progress of geographical knowledge of, ii. 299, iv. 187, vii. 161, viii. 208, xv. 275, xvii. 19 ; of India and adja cent countries, since foundation of R.G.S., ix. 235 project for further admiralty surveyB of, vi. 134 proposed new capital for, Murchison on Campbell's suggestions, (xi. 54), xi. 219 proposed new route to, by Lord John Hay, 1863., Murchison on, vii. 162, cf. note 133 race distribution in, xi. 71 railway developtnent in, iii. 386, xi. 71 railway to, Rawlinson on, xvi. 337 India or Hindustan — continued. rainfall and trees, Cleghorn on, xiii. 81 rise of land from plains to Himalayas, xvi. 409 routes to, and distance from England,. iii. 190-1 from, to China, M'Cosh, v. 47; Cotton, xi. 255 Russian approach to, Lawrence on, xx. 492 Murchison on, xiv. 319 Rawlinson on, xv. 198-9 seaports of, calmness of sea on coast of Narakal, viii. 209 only four, properly so-called, xi. 26 Remarks on, Macpherson, vii. 95 scope for European settlers in, Login on, v. 53 Southern, geology of, Murchison on, x. 269 Surface currents of the Bay of Bengal, Heathcote, v. 114 Surveys of ; admiralty, (and see Indian Navy, supra) vi. 133 archaeological, xv. 283 geological, iii. 277, xv. 282 marine, xv. 278, xvi. 346, Taylor's plan for, xviii. 549 ; resumed, xix. 413, xxi. 451 Memoir on, by Markham, referred to, xv. 275 Revenue, xv. 276, 280, xvi. 345, xvii. 291, xviii. 566, xxi. 454 Topographical, x. 239, xv. 279, 281, 287, xvi. 343, 345, xvii. 288, xviii, 565, xix. 438, xx. 423, xxi. 453, xxii. 355, 357, 358 Trigonometrical, i. 161, 370, ii. 302, iv. 31, v. 196, vi. 183, viii. 208, x. 239, xii. 146, (methods of training workers for), xv. 203-4; xv. 278, (Markham's memoir on) xv. 275 ; xvi. 343, (Rawlinson on the value of) xvii. 55; xvii. 287, xviii. 564, xix. 432, xxi. 452, xxii. 347, 350 Tidal Observations, xv. 283, xix. 433, xxii. 352 Upper, rainfall of, xi. 64 ; trees in relaj tion to rainfall in, x. 268 Western Ghauts of, effects on water* supply of Destruction of Forests in, Markham, x. 266 , rivers of, Frere on, xiv. 123 wheat grown in, iii. 106 winds, see hot winds, Monsoons, and Periodic winds, supra India and China, communication between) by the line of the Burhampooter and Yangtse, Cotton, xi. 255 and England, Specific gravity, tem perature and Currents of seas between Toynbee, ix. 281 1XD— IN J 149 India and Turkestan, trade routes be tween, Rawlinson, xiii. 10 India Office, establishment of a Geo graphical department at, xv. 284 India Island, N Australia, xiii. 54 Indian Archipelago, (see also Eastern Archipelago and Malay Archipelago) admiralty survey of, xxi. 433 in relation to Australia, i. 80, ii. 28, 193, 214 Chinese labour for, iv. 31 Descriptive Dictionary of, by J. Craw furd, reviewed, ii. 142 geology of, iv. 79 influence on winds of region, xii. 316 labour from, for Australia, vii. 89 as naval point d'appui, ii. 312 progress of geographical knowledge of, iii. 299, iv. 193 shallow seas of, their effect on local temperature, xii. 318 volcanoes in, ii. 9, iv. 79 Indian Harbour, Labrador, good anchorage at, v. 65 Indian Head, Queensland, admiralty sur vey near, xiii. 282, xiv. 308 Indian Ocean (see also Bay of Bengal) — admiralty survey in, i. 143 Australian rivers falling into, xii. 288 cold water at bed of, xxi. 75 deep sea soundings in, ii. 266 depths in, xvii. 295 floor of, Duncan on, xxii. 73 geography of the bed of, Osborn, xv. 28, 40 as a heating agent, vii. 116, 171, 178 hurricanes of, i. 37, 79 proposed steamer route across, Hoseason on, i. 84; Leslie on, i. 86 ; Stokes on, i. 79 specific gravity of, ix. 281 winds in, ii. 358 Indian reservation, N. America, location of, xix. 292 Indian river, C. America, great valley of, xii. 32 Indian Tickle Harbour, Labrador, fish in, xii. 196 Indigirka river, Siberia, xxi. 214 Iudo-China, Gamier's travels in, 1868., xvii. 263, xviii. 463, xix. 281 overland commerce of, M'Cosh on, v. 47 overland trade-routes, xv. 173 ; Allcock on, xiv. 353 ; Harcourt on, xv. 347 Indo-European telegraph line, route for, Rawlinson on, viii. 20 Indore, C. India, elevation of, xi. 57 Indus river, xiii. 186 affluents of, viii. 34, 37, 224, xiii. 130, xv. 178, glacial affluents, viii. 38 Alexander the Great, hjs expedition Jo, xxi. 185, Indus river — continued. course of, change of, and date, i. 221 ; native information on, xiii. 195 — — through the Himalayas, viii. 39, x. 143, xiv. 126 true, Hayward on, xv. 13 crossing of, by tribesmen, infringes treaty of 1846., xv. 16 delta of, xi. 24 ; Murchison on, xi. 221 at exit from Kashmir, iv. 31 frozen, near Leh, 1873., xxii. 198 gold in, traces of, xiv. 212, xvi. 401 lower, Physical Geography of, Tremen. heere, xi. 22 the Pundits' journey down, 1865,, xiii. 191, 193 ruins along old bed of, x. 131 sideway movement of, xx. 499 source of, ii. 300, x. 168, xiii. 194, xv, 178, 200 visited by Falconer, 1838., ii. 304 survey of, by the Mullah, 1876,, xxii. 852 trade outlet at Kurrachee, viii. 21 trigonometrical survey along, i. 371 velocity of, xiv. 208 Inflexible, H.M.S., in Torres Straits, i. 84 Ingezi lake, C. Africa, vii. 219 Inglefield, Adm., Arctic expedition of, 1852-3., i. 2 ; and discoveries, xix. 213, xxi. 274 on Osborn's proposed Polar expedition (1865.), ix. 63; routes for same, ix. 149 on the use of steam in Arctic explora tion, xiii. 169 cited on an open Polar Sea, i. 30 Ingolfsholde, Iceland, ocean depths near, v. 63 Ingpara or Inkpara river, W. Africa, xx. 224, 226 Ingur river and valley, Caucasus, xiii. 69 Ingwavuma river, S. Africa, xiii. 337 Ingwempisi river, S. Africa, xiii. 337 Inhamatuze Island, Zambesi river, ii. 364 Inhambane Bay, S.E. Africa, coco-nut trees of, xjx. 113 Portuguese settlement at, xxii. 128 Zulus from, iii. 101 river, S.E. Africa, affluents of, xiii, 341 Inhampura river, S.E. Africa, (see also, Limpopo), xiv. 98 debouchment of the Limpopo by, iii. 375, xix. 110, 111 Inhamudendundo district, on the Zam-. besi, ii. 364 Inhan-ha swamp, Africa, source of the Congo river, xvii. 30 Inhasuja, Zambesi river, native huts at, built on stakes, ii. 365 Injerabeer, Abyssinia, white sandstone mountain,, xiii. 43 150 INL— IRR Inland Seas, temperature and currents of, Carpenter, xviii. 306 Inn river, S. Alps, fall of, ii. 370 volume of, xvii. 206 Inner Passage, Torres Straits, opened up by Nares, 1866., x. 220, value of, 221 Inrhar, N. Africa, ix. 313 Inshabaraka, W. Africa, Pogge's furthest point, 1877., xxi. 473 Inkskip, see Richards and Inskip Inspection Hill, Sweers Island, Queens land, ii. 14 Instructions for taking Meteorological ob servations, issued 1861., v. 181 Instruments, Reward for the best Reflect ing, v. 145 International Commission of Exploration and Civilisation of Africa, initiated by the King of the Belgians at Brus sels, 1876., xxi. 16, 19, 60, 407, 476, 497, 601 Alcock on, xxii. 11, 22 first expedition despatched by, xxii. 12 International Congress of Geography- Antwerp, 1870., xvi. 83; Report of, Ommanney, xvi. 132 Paris, 1875., programme for, xviii. 453 etc., xix. 59, 134, xx. 8 Invaravarana Mt., Madagascar, geological formation of, xxi. 157 Investigator, H.M. Survey S., ascent of the Niger by, 1864., Knowles, ix. 72 Investigator, H.M.S., inscriptions left by, at Sweers Island, Queensland, i. 259, ii. 15 Investigator Islands, S. Australia — admiralty survey, xix. 409 roads, Sweers Island, Queensland, ii, 14, vii. 3 ; an important harbour, xi. 227 Strait, Queensland — good harbourage in, vii. 14 suited for settlers, viii. 19 Inyak Island, Delagoa Bay, English claim to, xiii. 341, xvi. 101, xix. 120 Inyampabimpale or Sable Antelope river, S.E. Africa, size of, xix. 115 Inyanbone river and affluent, S.E. Africa, xix. 115 Inyansuna district, S.E. Africa, xix. 115 Inyantombe river, boundary of Umzila's country, S.E. Africa, xix. 114, 115 Inyarhime, or Lavoro, river, S.E. Africa, partly navigable, xix, 121 Inyati, S. Africa, Baines at, 1869., xv. 152 Inyorka's or Serpent Town, S.E. Africa, inhabitants of, xv. 156 Iody, Madagascar, high peak of, xix. 190 Ipapame'na, Madagascar, King's residence at, xxi. 158 Ipikari, N. Guinea, friendly chiefs at, XX. 267 Ipswich, Queensland, Gregory's start from, 1858., iii. 18 Iquique, capital of Tarapaca, Chile, xii. 128 earthquake at, 1854., xii. 130 latitude and longitude of, xii. 128 meteorology and trade of, xii. 129 and other nitrate and guano ports, xii. 127 Island, Chile, geological formation of, xii. 130 Irak province, Persia, high lands of, iii. 3 Iramba, Equatorial Afrioa, Stanley in, 1874., xx. 140-1 Iran (Persia), plateau of, i. 290 Irangara Island, Victoria Xyanza, natives of, xx. 154, xxii. 395 Irbid (Arbela), Syria, caverns of, ii. 225 Ireland, admiralty surveys, i. 139, ii. 262, iii. 264, iv. 148, v. 168, vi. 132, vii. 138, ix. 221, xiii. 274, xiv. 303, xvi. 316, xviii. 536, xix. 405, xx. 404, xxi. 432, xxii. 333 geological survey of, vii. 147 ordnance survey, v. 179 sea level round, i. 76 Ireland's Eye, Arctic America, heavy polar ice near, xxi. 99 Irharhar, Wady, Cent. Sahara, the Niger of Pliny, ix. 79 Irieni district, Vict. Xyanza, xx. 146 Iris river, or Yezil Irmak, Turkey in Asia — affluent of, iii. 370 explored by Tchihatchef, 1858., iii. 371 Irkutsk, capital of Siberia — American commodities at, iii. 92 described by Bridgett, 1868., xiii. 370 telegraph open at, 1863., viii. 203 Irminger, Adm. C. (Danish Navy) — On the current along the Coast of Green land, i. 61 Curreuts and Ice-drifts along the coast of Iceland, v. 225 On the Evidences of the Gulf Stream in High Latitudes in the N. Atlantic, xiii. 226 Iroba Island, Vict. Nyanza, xxii. 395 Iron, W. Africa, small town of, ii. 95 Iron Gate, near Darband, C. Asia, visited by a Russian expedition, 1875., xx. 419 Iron Gates, Danube river, iii. 206, shallow ness of in autumn, 207 Iron Gates of the Niger, ii. 98 Iron Rapids, Tibagy river, Brazil, hostile natives near, xx. 455 Irrawaddy river, Burma — course of, Cooper on, xiii. 392 longitude of, at Prome, i. 270 navigability of, xv.- 172, xviij. 464, xix. 288 old trade route via, xix. 282 passes opening to, y. 49, 5Q IRR— 1T0 151 Irrawaddy river, Burma — continued. routes between, and Yunnan, Cottam on, xxi. 592 ; Elias on, xx. 237 Sladen on, xiv. 354, xv. 343 and its sources, Anderson (1870.), xiv. 346 source of, in Tibet, xiv. 219 survey of, i. 269-70 tribes of, xx. 237 Valley of, described by Elias, xx. 235 Irtish river, Siberia, affluent of the Obi, oourse of, xviii. 561 the Black, affluent of Lake Nor Tsai- san, ix 41, xviii. 561 the Upper, Pavlinofs measurement of altitude on, xv. 291 the White, or Lower, course of, ix. 41 Irving, E. G., m.d., obituary notice of, 1856., i. 122 Irwin river, W. Australia, iii. 34, 51 mineral region near, xix. 489 Isaac river, Queensland, x. 62 coalfields of, xii. 141 head-waters of, v. 6 Isabel Cove, N. Guinea, natives near, and their carvings, xxi. 359 Isabella, Cape, Arctic Regions, xx. 60 Hayes' journey to, 1853-4., ix. 183 Isahnambo, Madagascar, well - watered valley of, xxi. 157 Isandra district, Madagascar, xix. 191 Isahdrandaliy, Madagascar, xxi. 165 Isangula cataract, Congo river, reached by Stanley, xxii. 161 Isfairam defile, C. Asia, river in, xxi. 131 Ishkaman, or Karambar, Pass, C. Asia — leading to Mastuj, xviii. 439 practicability of, xix. 14 river, C. Asia, affluent of the Ghirza, xv. 13 Ishkishen, the Oxus at, xvii. 113 Ishogo land, Equatorial West Africa, dwarf tribes of, Du Chaillu on, 1863., x. 77 Iskardo Basin, Trans-Himalaya, pass leading to, viii. 37, probably an ancient lake, viii. 35 starting point of trigonometrical survey of the region, viii. 34 Iskardo Mts., Faiooner's explorations in, ii. 304 ' Iskari, or Ishikari, river, Yesso I., Japan — Ainos of, xvi. 201 coalfields of, xviii. 232 mouth of, and breakwaters at, xvi. 195, xviii. 233 salmon fisheries of, xvi. 197, xviii. 231 settlements on, xvi. 195 sources, xvi. 201 fskender Kul (lake), Zerafshan Valley, C. Asia, xiv. 233 [skill, Jebel, Tunis, hot baths, etc. at, vi, 314 Island Head, Queensland, admiralty sur vey, xviii. 539 Island Reach, Albert River, N. Queens land, ii. 378, 380 Isle Royale, Lake Superior, Palliser at,' 1857., ii. 39 Isluga, volcano, Bolivia, xii. 128 Ismail Pasha, Khedive of Egypt, cited on - the Suez Canal, xiv. 98 Ismailia on the Nile, founded by Baker, 1871., latitude, longitude, and elevation of, xviii. 138 Isok, in the centre of the Mustakh glaciers, Austen at, viii. 35 Ispahan, Persia, Layard at, i. 294 Israelites, suggested route of, in the Sinaitic peninsula, xii. 192, xiii. 214 Issyk Kul, or Issingul, Lake, C. Asia — affluents of, ii. 280, dried up, xi. 214 brick ruins found in, by Kolpakovsky, xiv. 320, elevation of, iv. 197, and theories on Dilke, xviii. 249, 250 exploration of, Humboldt on, i. 433 by Semenof (1858.), ii. 280 by Venuikof, (1861.), v. 192 and the Chu river, ix. 273 Italy- Alpine glaciers in plains of, viii. 226 Lakes of, Falconer on origin of, viii. 39, 40 decrease in magnetic force in, xxii. 215 expeditions (see also progress, infra) Antinori's to Shoa, 1875-0-8., xxi. 474, xxii. 14, 378 Gessi's and Matteucci's to Abyssinia, 1878., xxii. 378 Italian geographical society, establish ment, 1867., and growth of, 1869., xiii. 296-7 progress of, xiv. 313, xv. 272, xvi. 328, xviii. 551, xiv. 422 number of members, 1878., xxii. 305 maps of, i. 148-9, 423, 427, ii. 288, iv. 202 progress of geographical knowledge in (see Geographical Society, supra), i. 427, ii. 289, iv. 205, xiii. 296, xvi. 328, xviii. 551 Itampolo river, Madagascar, lagoon formed by, xxi. 164 Itasy Lake, Madagascar, xix. 184, volcanic traces near, 187, xxi. 165 Itenes, Itenez, or Guapore river, S. America, course of, xviii. 119 note gold-bearing affluents of, xxii. 49 Iti Island, N. America, supposed discovery by Vespucci, 1498., iii. 390 Itie'y river, Niambarra province, C. Africa, course of, vi. 18-19 Itondy river, Madagascar, branch of the Manambolo river, vegetation along, xxi. 168 152 ITR— JAM Itra Lake, C. America, apparent lack of outlet to, iii. 106 Itsiatbsika, town, Madagascar, Hova fort and governor at, xxi. 164 Ituru district, Lake region, Cent. Africa, xx. 137 Mts., Cent. Africa, Nile sources in, xx. 148 Ivahy Valley, Brazil, explored in 1872. " for railway purposes by Bigg-Wither, xx. 455 Ivatom£sina, Madagascar, traces of Arab influence at, Mullens on, xxi. 161 lvily, Madagascar, cattle of, xxi. 157 Ivinheima river, Brazil, railway survey on, 1872., xx. 455 Ivdhibe' Mt., Madagascar, granite of, xxi. 157, description of, 158, splendid aspect of, 161 tribes round, xxi. 163 Ivohidroa, Madagascar, xxi. 156 Ivbhimarina, Madagascar, population of, and market at, xxi. 158 Ivohitr&mbo, Madagascar, elevation of, and forest near, xxi. 165 Ivdhitrdsa hill and village, Madagascar, elevation of, xxi. 160 Ivoko hill, Madagascar, elevation of, and volcanic country near, xix. 187-8 Ivory trade of C. Africa, Vogel, i. 215 Iwatsuki, Japan, described, xvii. 82 Iwu Liui Mts., Manchuria, Palladius on, xvi. 209 Ixixini river, S. Africa, source and course and outfall of, i. 511, 512 Jabakan river, Mongolia, sources and tributaries of, xvii. 188 Jabbok, river, or Wady Zerka, Syria, xix. 166 ; Beke at, 1862., vi. 196 Jabboo, W. Africa, cotton cloth of, iv. 2S Jaborem, Bulama Island, W. Africa, i. 42 Jaca, E. Africa, ruins at, visited by Hilde- brandt, 1875., xxii. 449 Jacireta Island, Parana river, S. America, cataracts near, xx. 498 Jackson Bay, N. Zealand, viii. 49 Cape, Arctic regions, astronomically determined position of, .ii. 360, iii. 147 • , Port, N.S. Wales (see also Sydney) — admiralty surveys of, ii. 268, iii. 267, vi. 198, xxii. 336 finest harbour in Australia, iii. 8S first settled, xiv. 198 growth of, vi. 56, xiv. 199 River, N. Zealand, source of, viii. 47 Jacob river settlement and whaling station, N. Zealand, ii. 356-7 Jacoba, C. Africa, caravan route for ivory vid i. 215 Jacob's Creek, S. Australia, ii. 23 Jacques, see Page Jacobshaven, Disco Island, glacier dis charging into, xx. 57 Jaeedur, Persia, route vid, into the interior, i. 357 Jael, Wady, Somaliland, and its in habitants, described by Miles, (1872.), xvi. 153 Ja'-far-abad, Persia, and country near, xx. 170 Jaffa, Cape, Australia, admiralty survey near, xv. 266 , Syria, old drainage drifts at, xvii. 332 Jafneh, Tell, Syria, table mountain and cairn of, xvi. 106 Jagga river, E. Africa, vi. 49 district, E. Africa, see Djagga Jaguri Hazarahs, Afghan border, mountain country of, history of, xx. 243 Jah&n numa, lofty mountain, Persian borderland, xx. 167 Jahi village, Borneo, swiftly flowing 'stream at, i. 194 Jahjah, Wady, Syria, outfall of waters of, xvi. 108 Ja-jarm, Persia, raiders of, xx. 172 Jakan, Cape, Arctic region, land reported North of, i. 16 Jaliba river, W. Africa, Pulo empire N.W. of, xxi. 493 Jalk, Baluchistan, position of, xvii. 92 Jalon river, Spain, affluent of the Ebro, x. 232 Jam, plain of, Southern Persia, xi. 38 Jamaica (see also W. Indies), admiralty surveys of, xix. 408, xx. 407, xxi. 435, xxii. 335 Jambeer channel, W. Africa, iii. 380, 384 Jamberra country, Nile region, Africa, Poncet's ivory depot at, vii. 78 Jambourk, W. Ceutral Afrioa, xx. 78 James, Col. Sir Henry, applies photo-zinco graphy to map-work, (I860.), iv. 160 head of Topographical Department, War Office, (I860.), iv. 158 cited on results of the Ordnance survey of Great Britain, i. 135; Report on the same, ii. 229, 271 ; on progress of the same, vi. 139, vii. 144 ¦ , Maj., cited on Kokan and the routes to it, x. 149 , W. M., on amending regulations as to evening meetings, xxii. 295 James Bay, Br. N. America, iii. 126 , Island, Cross River, at the junction of the Great Qua river, W. Africa, xx. 225 Mount, W. Australia, form of, iii. 39 ¦ Range, W. Australia, v. 57 Jameson, Dr., explorer of the river Napo, 1861., ix. 245 JAM— JAR 153 Jamiata De, Cent. Asia, mountains in, xix. 441 Jamieson, Robert, obituary notice of, 1861., v. 160 Jana country, Nyasa region, E. Central Africa, towns in, i. 76 Jandiayacu, Eouador, forest near, xxi. 568 Janella, rio, Madeira, fall of, ii. 369 Jane's Tableland, N. Queensland, geo logical formation near, xviii. 106 Jang Nyenchhen-thangla Peak, Tibet, probable elevation of, xix. 339 Janglache, Tibet, on the Tsampu, river traffic at, xix. 338 Jan Mayen Island, Arotio Ocean — Dutch Expedition to, 1878., xxii. 338-9 effect of Equatorial Current on, ii. 255 former whale-fishery at, ix. 166 ocean currents near, ix. 179 visited by Lord Dufferin, (1856.), ii. 255, 273 ; by Scoresby, (1817.), ii. 255 Jansen, Capt., Notes on the Ice between Greenland and Nova Zembla from the Records of early Dutch voyages, ix. 163 On the praotical result of Maury's ob servations, v. 24 Japan — admiralty surveys of, i. 143, iii. 267, 270-1. vi. 135, vii. 139-141, viii. 193-4, x. 218, xi. 192-3, xii. 242, xiii. 277-8, xiv. 305, xv. 268, xvi. 321, xvii. 277, 255, xviii. 538, completed, xix. 405, 407, xx. 406, xxi. 434, xxii. 335 ; of the Inland sea of, xiv. 305 ; of the coast of Yezo, xvi. 188, 358, xviii. 234, 235 Aloock on, vii. 62 coal of, v. 203, xvi. 215, xviii.. 232 communication with Australia desired, ix. 234 excellence of native charts of, vii. 62 expeditions and explorations in (see also Fuji)— Alcock' s, (I860.), in Nipon and ascent of Fuji Yama, v. 132; (1861.), Nagasaki to Yeddo, vi. 196 Blakiston's in Yezo, (1872.), xvi. 188 Elgin's mission to„1857-9., Oliphant's work on, reviewed, iv. 204 Gubbins' ascent of Fuji-Yama,(1872.), xvii. 78 Hodgson's journey to Yedo, (1861.), v. 113 Laurence's journey to Yedo, (1872.), xvii. 80 M'Clatchie's journey in Mushashi, (1872.), xvii. 82 Oliphant's visit to Tsusima Island, (1863.), vii. 61 Satow's, xviii. 236 Watson's, in Yezo, 1873., xviii. 226, 236 geysers in, x. 169 Japan — continued. gold in, xvi. 201 Hodgson on, v. 113, 115 • Japan and the Japanese, their civiliza tion and religion, etc., A. Wylie on, v. 116 ' Japanese in Formosa, 1622., viii. 26 mineral and other wealth of, xviii. 241 native survey of, vii. 140 Nicholson on, v. 115 Oliphant, L., on, v. 114, vii. 01 plains in, xix. 169 progress of, Parkes and Alcock on, xvii. 84-5 social, Watson on, xviii. 238 summary of geographical progress for 1859,, iii. 297; I860., iv. 193; 1861., v. 198 ; 1863., vii. 167 ; 1866., x. 245 ; 1872., xvi. 357-8; 1873., Watson on, xviii. 296, 235 surveys of, xviii. 235 trade with, and ports open in 1815., ix. 261 treaty ports of, 1874., xviii. 238 volcanoes of (see Fuji), Forbes on, x. 172 water ejected from, its supposed source, Macgowan on, iv. 62 work of R.G.S. in, 1861-2., vi. 182 .Japan Sea, currents in, xvi. 202 depth of, xvii. 295 Staritzky's explorations in, 1866-71., xvii. 295 Japura, or Caqueta, river, tributary of the Amazon, S. America, xxi. 570, explora tions of, xxii. 45-6, by George of Spires, 1536., and others subsequently, xxii. 45-6 Jarava river, Peru, tributary of the Amazon, viii. 58 Jardine Creek or MaoAdam river, N.E. Australia, xii. 141 affluent of the Flinders, vii. 83 coal at, xii. 142 or Jardine's river, Queensland, x. 33, xii. 143 Jardine, F. and A., brothers, explorations of, in Queensland, 1864., x. 5, Richard son's account of, x. 32 ; results of, x. 51, 247, xii. 140 , J., Description of the District of Cape York, Australia, x. 85, cited on the same, 248-9 Exploration of the Annan and Esk rivers, near Cape York, Australia, 1865., xi. 151 of the Endeavour river, Cape York Peninsula, Australia, 1865., xi. 149 ; traces of, xviii. 96 Jarvis, — , station of, at Mt. Margaret, Australia, xii. 292 Jarvis river, C. Australia, xv. 97, joined by the Waite, 98, and by the Trurcur, 99 154 JAR— JER Jary river, S. America, described by Crevaux, xxii. 369 Jasper Creek, N. Australia, explored by Gregory, 1855., i. 229, 366, ii. 6 House, British Columbia, scenery near, ix. 18 Range, N. Australia, i. 229 • Jatahy, on the Tibagy river, Brazil, xx. 460 cataracts near, 465 decayed military colony, xx. 463 Jats, the, of India, see Gypsies Jauf country, Upper Nejed, C. Arabia, described by Palgrave, viii. 64 desert tribes of, viii. 63 salt, and horses of, xviii. 197 Jauja province, Peru, explored by Pardo, (J862.), xviii. 204 Jaulan, basalt district, Syria, xvii. 328 Java, Island of, E. Indian Archipelago, (see Crawfurd), xvi. 354 communications with Australia desired, iv. 79, xv. 299 coral in seas near, iv. 81 decay of rice trade in, i. 273 elevation at which wheat will grow in, iii. 105 Dutch surveys of, iii. 269, vi. 136 fertility of, etc., Crawfurd on, vii. 211 geological formation of, vi. 84 hills in, ii. 9 isotherms in, xii. 318 mud volcano in, ii. 144 passage to, shortened by Maury's sail ing directions, v. 24 population of, i. 80, ii. 310, vi. 84, vii. 8, 211 sheep of, vii. 115 size of, vii. 21 1 trade of, with New Guinea, vi. 43 trees and rainfall in, x. 268 Java Minor, the Six Kingdoms of Marco Polo identified . . . from ancient Malay Annals, J. T. Thomson, xx. 215 Java Seas, Dutch Charts of, vi. 136 Javali Mines, C. America, xiii. 62 Javary river, S. America, Peruvian- Brazilian exploration of, by bouudary commissions, xi. 226, xii. 260, 340 Jave In Grande, supposed early name for Australia, xvi. 353 Jaxartes, or Syr Daria, river, C. Asia Boutakoff's exploration of, xi. 114 ¦coal found near, xvi. 409 Rawlinson on, xi. 116 Russian steamers on, 1867., xi. 114, 202, xvi. 409 Shaw on, xvii. 164 tributaries of, xviii. 424 valley of, possibilities of cultivation in, xi. 13 Jayrud-Palmyra Valley, Syria, geological formation of, xvi. 108 Jayrud-Palmyra river, Persia, rise and course of, iii. 4, 5 Je'ba, W. Africa, Baikie's encampment at, ii. 90 river, W. Africa, slave trade on,i. 42; town on, iii. 380 Jeba', Syria, ancient name for, ii. 224 Jebeliyah, Jurzat, or Kibbiah Id., Curia Muria Is., iv. 51, described, 52, guano of, 50 Jeblet Hills, Morocco, remarkable geo logical formation of, viii. 153 Jeddo, Japan, see Tokio and Yeddo Mountains, W. China, wall-like aspect of, xiv. 335 Jefferson, Cape, Greenland, bearings of, ii. 360, position of, iii. 147 -, Mount, Cascade Range, Oregon, snowy peak of, xi. 84 Jeffreys, G., on the bed of the N. Atlantic, xv. 39 Jeho river, N. China, hot springs at, source of, xviii. 163 Jehol or Je-ho-ting or Cheng-te-fu, city, described by Bushell, xviii. 163-6 Macartney received by Chinese Em peror at, 1793., xviii. 149, 165 Jehriin, Persia, Abbott's journey to, 1850., i. 321 Jejeebhoy, Sir Jamsetjee, Bt., obituary notice of, 1878., xxii. 329 Jejuy river, Paraguay, navigability of, xx. 498 Jekep temple, on Mansurwur Lake, xi. 121 Jelep-la, pass, Sikkim to the Chumbi Valley, xix. 498 Jelezin Bank, Sea of Azov, current near, i. 306 Jellalabad valley, the gate of Turkestan, xiii. 16 Jen-Choey-Sun, N. China, busy city of, vi. 226 Jenkins Bay, N. Guinea, xxi. 360 Jenkins, H. L., journey from Assam to the Hookoong Valley, 1868 , xiii. 244 Jenkyn, Rev. Dr., obituary notice of, 1859., iii. 250 "Jenny Orwell" (vessel) visit of, to Camden Harbour, W. Australia, 1865., and unfavourable report on, x. 87 Jerba Island, Tunis, commercial acute- ness of the inhabitants, vi. 212 Jerm valley, source of the Kokcha river, xv. 181 Jermuk, Jebel, Syria, elevation of, xvii. 326 Jemingham, Hon.W. G. S., On the failure of earthquake predictions in Peru, 1869. xiv. 85 Jerride, El, Tunis, desert tract, described, vi. 211 Jerry, Australian native with Hann's expedition, xviii. 87, 94, 95, 99, 1QQ JER— JOM 155 Jerusalem, meteorological register kept at, 1848-60., by Dr. M'Gowan, v. 173 Robinson's explorations in 1838., 1852., ii. 224 views on the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at, ii. 226 Jervia Bay, N.S. Wales, admiralty survey of, xii., 245; explored by Hume and others, 1818., xviii. 532 Cape, S. Australia, admiralty survey, xiv. 307 geological formation at, v. 243, viii. 33 Island (N. Guinea) geological forma tion of, xx. 105, 107 London Missionary station, xx. 105 Jervis, Lt.-Col. T. Best, obituary notice of, 1857., i. 390 Jesus Maria, Mexico, mine at, iii. 110 Jewni, Mekran, outfall of the Khor Dusht river, xvi. 139 Jhelum river, Punjab, India, rains near, xi. 64 Jiachan, on the Indus, course of the Indus near, xiii. 194-5 3rd Pundit at, xiii. 190 Jibiana, Caucasus, unfriendly natives of, xiii. 70 Jicarilla Mountains, New Mexico, gold found in, xxii. 275 ; low elevation of, timber and game on, 276 Jikioku pass, Japan, xviii. 81 Jiling, Tartary, (the same as Siling), geographical position, and description of, xiv. 209 ; trade wares of, xii. 163 Jinga, native name for N. side of Vict. Nyanza, xxii. 390, described by Stanley, 391 Jinoft district, Seistan, Persia, and its inhabitants, xvii. 87 Jipe', Jipi, or Yipe, Lake, E. Africa, vi. 47 affluents of, vi. 49 area of, ix. 15 explored by von der Decken, 1861., vi. 47, viii. 6 New's journey to, 1871., xvi. 168 position of and shallowness, vi. 48 Jita Ravine, Abyssinia, road across, xii. 299, precipice above, 300 Jfvaro, natives of Ecuador, S. America, characteristics and location of, xxi. 566 Jiwe" la Singa, Equatorial Africa, quaint boulders at, xx. 307 Jkanga, E. Africa, sugar culture near, xxii. 451 Joal, sea-port of Biir Sin, W. Africa, iii. 377 Jobie Island, N. Guinea, vi. 43 ; explored by Dr. Meyer, (1873.), xviii. 47 Jochmus, General, On the Battles of Sellasia, Marathon and Thermus, i. 481 Proposed communication in Asia Minor Jochmus, General — continued. between the Lake of Sabanja, the River Sakaria, and the Gulf of Nico- media, i. 301 Johanna Island, Comoro Group off E. Africa, beauty of, xix. 203 ; described by Hildebrandt, xxii. 447-8; Livingstone at, I860., vi. 20; missionaries left at, 1861., v. 131; volcanic character of, xix. 188 John Day's river, Oregon, area watered by, xi. 84 Johng-Lam, or Whor-Lam, Chinese road along creBt of Himalayas, xii. 157 Johnson, W. H„ awarded gold watch, 1875., xix. 361-2 at evening meeting, 1875., xix. 347 Journey from Leh to Ilchi, (1865.), Rawlinson,xi.6. 13,Murchisonon, 218 Meteorological observations taken by, at Leh, 1873., with remarks by Mont gomerie, xvii. 197 work of, as an explorer and surveyor, Montgomerie on, xix. 344, 362 cited on width of the Himalayas, xix. 344 Johnston, A. K, awarded gold medal, •1871., xV. 234,247,250 on the African exploration fund, xxii. 472 elementary Atlas by, and other similar works, xiii. 290 Index geographicus, viii. 197 new edition of National Atlas, iii. 284 Notes on the Physical Geography of Paraguay, xx. 494 on Rev. T. Wakefield's Map of Eastern Africa, xvi. 125 works of, xiv. 311 obituary notioe of, 1872., xvi. 304 , K., and Congreve, C. R., Hypso metrical Observations in Paraguay, 1874., Strachan's report on, xx. 504 Johnstone Lake, B.N. America, saltness of, vii. 102 Johnstone, Sir ,T. (V.P.), obituary notice of, 1869., xiii. 272 Johnstone'B straits, Vancouver Id., good anchorage at, viii. 85 Johore, Malay peninsula, general progress in, 1866., x. 163 Joiner Bay, Arctic, use of grounded bergs in, Nares on, xxi. 279 Jokull-dalr, Iceland, farms of, destroyed by lava, 1874., xx. 27 Jokulsa river, Iceland, xx. 26 Jokulsa Axarfiordr, river, Iceland, described by Rae, v. 84 — — Eystri. river, Icelang, v. 86 Jolloffs of W. Africa, Hewett, i. 513 Jomard, French Egyptologist, cited on the rivers of Arabia, viii. 97 obituary notice of, 1863., vii. 124 156 JON— JWA Jones, Capt. Felix, on Mesopotamia, xi. 158, and the Median Wall, 159 on the Sinaitic peninsula and his explo rations therein with Welbey, about 1830., xii. 192 Jones Sound (Arctic), ice scarce in, xvii. 175, open to the west, i. 106 Strait (Arctic), tides in, xvii. 177 Jong river, W. Africa, Gerard drowned in, xi. 79 Jongh-a-jong to Kirong, route from Nepal to Tibet, closed, 1875., xix. 342 Jonquiere Bay, Saghalien Island, off E. Siberia, Russian convict settlement near, 1809., xiii. 365 Joo-ho, village and river, N. China, rise and course of latter, xiv. 183 Jordan river, Palestine, Beke's journey over, 1862., vi. 195 fish of, i. 222-3 fords of, vi. 196 Lynch's visit, 1848., and use of metallic boats, i. 422 singularities of its course, Warren on, xix. 165 tributaries and peculiar features of, xvii. 328 valley of, elevation at water-parting, xvi. 328 Jordan, W. Leighton, cited on the Gulf Stream, xiii. 111-12 : his work on Vis Inertise in the ocean referred to, xii. 250 Jordan's Nullah, Vict. Nyanza, xx. 158, xx. '11 Jornada de Muerto, plains of, New Mexico, why so called, xxii. 276 Jdruba (see also Yoruba), W. Africa, pro posed road through, ii. 87 Jorullo volcano, Mexico, eruption of, in 1759., ii. 144 Joseph Henry Cape, Arctic, depot of Arctic expedition at, 1875., xxi. 113, geological formation of, 445, ice at, 116 Jostedal-brse glaciers, Norway, Doughty on, ix. 109 Joweir village, S. Arabia, position of, as regards the sea, xv. 321 Jow Pooi Mountains, border of Bengal, Tanner's expedition to, 1872., xvii. 50 Ju monastery, near Lake Mansarowar, Tibet, xiv. 211 Juan Dias, Isthmus of Darien, gold-bearing soil at, i. 78 Juanda Station, Queensland, Australia, iii. 19 Juba, or Jub, river, E. Africa, viii. 3, xvii. 342 ; called Govinda Khala, x. 100 cataract of, x. 91 expeditions to and explorations of — American proposed search for mouth, ii. 54 Juba, or Jub, river — continued. Angelo's journey up (1836.), x. 113 Von der Decken's proposed explora tion up, 1862., vii. 23; wreck of his steamer in, 1865., x. 29, 32, 54, 90, xi. 155 non-auriferous, xii. 272 region west of, unexplored, xxii. 385 Somalis of, s. 96 et seq. Jubbulpore, C. India, climate of, etc, xi. 69 Jiidf, Jebel, Persia, associated with tho Noachic Ararat, iii. 292, xxii. 185 elevation of, iii. 292 Jukes, Prof. J. Beete, iv. 79, 85, 86 on coral formation on the coast of Australia, iv. 80 ; harbours of same, ib. physical structure of Australia, iv. 82 deductions from his views by Earl Grey, iv. 195 views controverted by Gawler, v. 9 cited on the dryness of Australia, iv. 195 ; on the geology and flora of the same, xxii. 428 ; on the formation of the Banda Archipelago, xii. 333 Juliaushaab or Igalikko Fiord, Greenland, iv. 1 04, v. 89 Esquimaux and other inhabitants of, iv. 105, v. 90 explored by Young, I860., v. 75, 77 ice at, I860., v. 67 trade, etc., of, v. 90 Jullunder Doab, Punjab, India, well- watered, xi. 64 Jumah Merikani's camp, see Kilemba Jumb, the, sandstone dyke, Queensland, x. 65 Jumlan Mt., Yemen, Arabia, geological formation of, xviii. 197 Jumma, Mt., Borneo, elevation, geological formation of, and tribes near, xvi. 173-4 Jumnotri Peaks, the three "E" peaks, Nepal Mts., glacier near, ii. 109 Junction Creek, Queensland, xviii. 107 Jundoul, Wady El, Nile district, antelopes at, xx. 359 Jundul district, Trans- Himalaya, position of, xvi. 254 Junin, great plateau of, Peru, geological formation of, xv. 131 Junk-Ceylon, Island, formerly comprised in the Kingdom of Ava, 16th century, i. 270 Juno, H.M.S., removes the Pitcairn Islanders (1856.), i. 61 Jur, see Djour Jurien Bay, W. Australia, poor harbour of, admiralty survey of, xix. 408, xx. 408 Juru& river, Brazil, explored by Chand less, 1867., xii. 340, xxii. 45 course of, xii. 340 Jwar. India, news, of Schlagintweit from, 1857., iii. 144 KAB— KAK 157 "K 2. peak, Karakorum Mts., elevation of, x. 163 Kab, E1-, Nile region, ruins at, Colston on, xx. 357-8 Kabarda, Caucasus, Russian influence over natives of, vi. 60 Kabla, El, Morocco, source of Soos river at, ii. 375 Kabo, country, W. Africa, see Webo Kabogo Cape, Lake Tanganyika, beauty of shores near, xix. 252 mapped by Cameron, 1874., xviii. 468 Speke at, 1858., iii. 113, 351 Kabuire district, S.C. Africa, near L. Bangweolo, xiv. 10 Kabul rker, Afghanistan, Markham on, xx. 242 Kachyen, or Kakhyen, Hills, Burmo- Chinese frontier, intractable natives of, xix. 288 distribution and history of, Elias on, xx. 237-9 Margary's journey over, 1875., xx. 211 ; Sladen's, 1868., xv. 172 trend and extent of, xv. 346 Kaddeh, Outer Sistan, Persia, almost the only town in the region, xvii. 89 Kadiaro Mt., E. Africa, vi. 47 elevation determined by Thornton, 1861., ix. 15 tribes of, ib. Kadissieh, S. Persia, famous battle of, i. 283 Kadjo town, Jolloff district, W. Africa, i. 514 Kaduku river and port at mouth of, X. Zealand, discovered by Dr. Hector, 1863., ix. 33-4 Kaduna river, W. Africa, drainage area of its affluents, xi. 49 Kafessa, Ras, headland on Lake Tan ganyika, reed-canal near, xix. 253 Kaffa, E. Africa, ii. 56 ' coffee of, iv. 28 reached by an Italian priest, about 1857., ii. 53, xviii. 51 white race south of, iii. 209 , Sea of Azov, as a commercial outlet, i. 307, 308 Kaffu, or Kafoor, river, Unyoro, affluent of the Nile, vii. 221, x. 15, 16 Kafraria, British, rivers of, Fleming's journey across, 1853., i. 511 Kafiristan or Kiaffiristan, C. Asia, wine made in, xiii. 346 Siah Posh natives of, their alleged Greek origin, xviii. 117 Kafoor, see Kaffu Kafue river, S.C. Africa, i. 240 confluent of the Loangua river, v. 128, and feeder of the Zambesi, vi. 26 Kafue river — continued. X). -Livingstone's journey beyond, 1861., vi. 34 source of, Livingstone on, xvi. 440 Kagehyi, or Kagei, port on Vict. Nyanza, xx. 142 latitude, etc., of, xx. 143 missionaries at, 1877., xxi. 503 slave-trade centre at, xx. 146 Kagee, a walled city, Formosa missionaries at, xxi. 264 visited by Corner, (1877.), xxii. 54, 55 Kagei, see Kagehyi Kagera or Kitangule river, or Alexandra Nile, see Kitangule river Kagoshima, Japan, medical schools established at (1874.), xviii. 239 Kagnombe, or Antonio, King of Bihe', Portuguese W. Africa, Cameron on, xx. 320-1 Kaguru hills, E.C. Africa, pass between them and the Nguru Mts., xxi. 239 Kagwe', furthest place reached by Speke and Grant, 1861., vii. 24 Kagyor, C. Asia, overwhelmed by sand, about 970., xviii. 442 Kahanda Lake, W. Africa, one of a chain of small lakes, xx. 125 Kahoolawe, or Kahului, Island, Sandwich Group, xii. 306, earthquake at, I860., xii. 309 Kaian district, Seistan border, Persia, capital of, xvii. 89 , old town of, visited by Goldsmid, 1871., xvii. 90 Kai-chow, Manchuria, cotton of, xiii. 30 geographical position of, xiii. 28 Kaieteur waterfall, Br. Guiana, Report on, 1870., Brown, xv. 122; Murchison on, xv. 304 tradition of, xv. 125 Kaiigiri, cataracts of, falling into the Alb. Nyanza, x. 18, xxi. 52 Kail, village, S. Arabia, Miles at, 1870., xv. 323 ; ruins at, xv. 324 Kailas, or Gangdisri, Mt., on the borders of Tibet, xvii. 37, xix. 329 , Ascent of, by Godwin Austen, 1869., xvii. 38 part of the Karakorum range, ii. 300 pilgrimages to, as a sacred mountain xxi. 336 sources of the Indus and other rivers, in, ii. 300, xv. 200 visited by Capt. H. U. Smith, 1865., xi. 119 Kairwan, see Cairoan Kai-yik-kwan rocks, on the Si-kiang river, S. China, v. 240 Ka-ka, on the Blewflelds river, C. America, charms of, xiii. 61, 63 Kaka, Nile region, Shilluk village and market, v. 29 158 KAK— KAN Kakebeka falls, White Fish river, B.X. America, ii. 41, swamps near, iii. 125 • Kakapo Lake, N. Zealand, source of Kaduku river, ix. 33 Kakee, S, Persia, described, xi. 37 Kakhk, Seistan border, Persia, shrine at, xvii. 90 Kala river, W. Africa, palms near, xix. 80 Kala'at, Syria, well near, bearings of, xvi. 113 Kalague, Equatorial Africa (see Karagwe), Livingstone on an undiscovered lake at, 1856., i. 244 Kalahari, or Karriharri, Desert, S. Africa, desiccation of, i. 60 ; Wilson on, ix. 106 dwarf elephants of, v. 17 Kalai Island, near Tete, E. Africa, tusks as gravestones at, i. 317 Kalai-sefid, S. Persia, described by Mon- teith, i. 292 Kala me hongo river, affluent of the Lua laba (Congo) river, xx. 125 Kalans river, Caucasus, source and course of, iv. 199 Kalatoa Island, E. Indian Archipelago, described by Cameron (about I860.), ix. 30 Kalbak fiord, Faeroe Isles, elevation of land at, v. 80, good anchorage in, 81 Kalee river, W. India, Mountains of region, ii. 302 Kaleh-i-dokhter, ruined fort near Kerman, Persia, xvi. 263 Kalgan, or Chang-chia-kow, X. China, de scribed by Bushell, 1872., xviii. 151-2 described by Whyte, 1869., xiv. 245 latitude of, xiv. 246 route from, to Kurin, xvi. 249 to, described by Bushell, xviii. 150 Russian trade of, Grant on, (1862.), vii. 27 ; Swinhoe on, 1868., xiv. 84-5 ; Whyte on, xiv. 249 Mts., geological formation of, xviii. 152-3 ¦ pass, into China, xviii. 77 elevation of, xiv. 246, xviii. 151 Kalias river, Borneo, Kbijoe tribe of, xvi. 176 Kalifatly-chai, or Dumbrek river, Tur key in Asia, Tchihatchef on, iii.'385 Kalrnat river, Baluchistan, difficulties near, in wet season, vii. 92 Kalomo river, C. Africa, perennial, granite found near, vi. 32 Kalongwisi Island, at junction of Lukuga and Luvwa rivers, xx. 309 Kalsar Bum i dunya, see Pamir Kul Kam, province, Tibet, xiii. 394 ; rivers of, xix. 329 Kama river, S.C. Africa, i. 240 Kamaiba, B. Guiana, cascades arid ele vation of, xv. 131 Kamalafi, W. Africa, and its king xvii. 124 Kamalondo, or Kamarondo, Lake(s), Cent. Africa, Livingstone on, xvi. 435, 438 ; origin of, Stanley on, xxii. 407 river, affluent of the Lualaba, xx. 404 Kamara river, E. Asia, its timber trade - ii. 153 Kamassi Island, Vict. Nyanza, natives of, xx. 154 Kamati river, S. Africa, source and course of, iii. 373 Kambia, W. Africa, Blyden on, 1872., xvii. 117, possibilities of district, 121-2 Kamchatka, explorations of, , Abaza and Bulkley, 1866., xi. 39 French and Russian, (1859.), iii. 271 Japanese (early), x. 172 Wrangell's, from the Lena, i. 29 Kamet Peak, Garhwal Dist., N.W. Pro vinces, India, as a fixed point in Burveys, xiii. 194 Kaministoquoiah or Kammistoquoia river, BN. America, ii. 40 ; swamps near and, tributaries of, iii. 125 Kamiru district, V. Xyanza, southern limit of, xx. 158 Kamisheva Point, Sea of Azov, rivers and currents near, i. 306 Kamlun, or Karam, river, S. Chinese borders, mountain sources of, xxi. 593 Kammcni river, Siberia, affluent of the Orlofka, xxi. 216 Kamorondo river, see Kamalondo and Lualaba Kampot, seaport in Cambodia, iv. 216 Kamrman valley, Persia, elevation, etc., of, iii. 7 Kamwawi, Congo district, Cameron's difficulties at, xv. 313 Kamyle, Wady, Sinaitic Peninsula, xiii. 20S Kanabak, or Canabek, Island, W. Africa, O'Connor's visit to, 1855., i. 42 : 1857., iii. 380 Kananaski pass, Rocky Mts., discovered by Palliser's expedition, 1858., iii. 123 Kanangwala, Congo district, cotton of, and superior natives of, xix. 81 Kanawat, Syria, the ancient Kenath, ruins at, found by Burton and Drake, 1871., xvi. 105 Kambari river, Gilgit district, affluent of the Indus, xv. 13 Kanchang, Himalayas, ii. 108 Kanchanjinga, or Kinchinjanga, Hima layas, lofty peak of, i. 348; elevation, i. 371, ii. 108 ; geology of, iii. 366 Kancheion Bay, Siberia, point where Neumann reached the sea, xxi. 217 KAN— EAR 159 Kanchi, Turko-Pefsian frontier, routes to and from, xx. 173 Kandahar valley and city, Afghanistan, routes to and from, xx. 247, survey and plan of, by Fraser-Tytler, 248 ; see Candahar Kandakampa, Iceland, old volcano, xii. 58 Kandavu Island, Fiji, correction to chart of, xviii. 539 Kandeish district, Bombay, India, climate and diseases of, xi. 68 Kandilan Mts., Persia, vi. 163 Kane, Dr. E. Kent, (of U.S.A.) awarded R.G.S. gold medal, 1856., i. 82, 359, President's speech, 111, Dallas' reply, 112 Arctic explorations of, 1853-5., Nares on, xxi. 274 ; Osborn on, ix. 47 ; Richards on, xix. 213 criticized by Rink, ii. 195 : Bache's letter on Rink's criticism, ii. 359; Hayes on Rink's criticism, ii. 146 cited on Arctic temptation to dwell with Esquimaux, i. 95-6 on probable open Polar Sea, iv. 238-9 obituary notice of, 1857., i. 397 Kane, Cape, Arctic regions, latitude of, xix. 28 Sea, Arctic regions, floating ice bergs of, xxi. 280 Hayes' exploration in, 1861., xxi. 274 navigation in, Nares on, xxi. 278 Kanga Peak, E. Cent. Afrioa, xxi. 239 Kangai Mts., Mongolia, geological forma tion of, xvii. 187 Kangaroo hills, York district, W. Aus tralia, elevation of, ix. 112 Island, S. Australia, admiralty survey, xiv. 307, xv. 266, xvii. 257, xviii. 539 ' ¦ Point, N. Australia, i. 33, 34, 171, 184, ii. 5, 380 expedition sent to, ii. 225 islands near, ii. 378 Kanglanamo Mt., Sikkim, elevation of, ii, 108 Kangra district, Punjab, area of, xv. 336 Kangyakewa, Congo district, inscribed tree at, xix. 88 Kanibatam, C. Asia, almonds of, xviii. 409 Kanieti river, Latooka district, E.C. Africa, area drained by, x. 12 Kano, W. Africa, ii. 33 Baikie's journeys in, (1862.) and results, viii. 10, xi. 49 caravan route via, i. 215 chief emporium of region, vi. 17 Vogel at, 1854-5., i. 443 Kanoa, Abyssinia, lovely views near, xiii. 42 Kanowie, S. Australia, plains beyond, ii. 18 Kanpu river, see Lohit Kansala or Kausalo, rapid of the Zam besi at, i. 248, v. 129 Kansa Tong Mts. (Blue Mts.), Lushai district, India, trend of, xvii. 49 Kansu province, N. China, Dalde races of, and others, xviii. 84, 85 ' Mahommedan supremacy in, xv. 168 Mountains of, xviii. 79 Kantow, Formosa, divide of the Tamsuy river at, xi. 168, 169 Kanyaka river, S. Australia, large station near, ii. 18 Kanyamatimba river, S. Africa, old Ma- shuna gold-workings found at, (1868.), xv. 151 Kanyenye district, E. Africa, also called Gt. Ugogo, latitude and elevation of, xviii. 73 ; rising plateau near, xx. 306 Kanyoka, Congo district, locale of, xx. 316 Kanzas river, U.S.A., drainage area of, ii. 338 Kao Siah, village, Formosa, elevation at, and natives at, Corner on, xix. 515-16 Kapakpa, see Round Head Kapaloo, Kashmir, geographical position of, viii. 35 mountains near, and elevation of, etc., x. 163 Kapanda Station, S. Australia, meeting of Stuart and McKinley at, vii. 83 Kapembwe river, affluent of the Congo, xxii. 404 Kapokan Mt., Borneo, elevation and geological formation of, ii. 346 Kappa, C. Asia, new goldfields of, (1872.), xvi. 244 Kapuas river, Borneo, see Pontianak Karaboghaz, backwater, Caspian Sea, evaporation current of, Carpenter, xviii. 311 Karachi, see Kurrachee Karadagh Mt., Elburz chain, elevation of, and ascent by Napier, 1874., xx. 169 Kara daria river, C. Asia, alleged course of, xxi. 130 Karagam glacier, Caucasus, xiii. 69 Karagime Lake, Equatorial Africa, vii. 21? Karagwe, Karague, or Karagwah (see also Kalague), Equatorial Africa, vii. 190 antelopes of, swamp-walking, xix. 261 cattle of, iii. 357, xxii. 396 elevation of, vii. 185 latitude of, x. 18 longitudinal mountain ridges of, xxii. 396 meteorological observations of Speke and Grant at, Galton, vii. 225 mountains of, Nile sources in, xx. 148 mountain valley of, vii. 219 160 KAR— KAR Karagwe, Karague, Or Karagwah — cont. Rumanika, king of, Speke's letter to, 1862., vii. 228; Stanley on, xxii. 152 Speke in, 1862., vii. 185 Stanley in, 1876., xxi. 466-7 under the rule of Mtesa, xx. 150 Kara Hissar, Turkey in Asia, historical identification of, Taylor, xi. 98 minerals of, and volcanic phenomena, xvi. 223 Karahokha, town, S.W. Chinese borders, described by Sladen, 1868., xv. 357 Kara Hotun city, see Hsing-ho-Cheng Karak Island, Persian Gulf, i. 294 health of Europeans at, i. 363 as naval depot, i. 297 Karakash pass, Khotan, C. Asia, i. 96, xv. 25 elevation of, xiv. 135 , Karagash, or Jade river, C. Asia, i. 274, xiii. 14, 202, xv. 25 course of, and jade of, x. 238, xvi. 401 ; Schlagintweits on, ii. 301 • , early, Shaw on, xiv. 127 and source, explored by Hayward, 1868., xiv. 46, 48, 50 lake feeders of, Shaw on, (1870.), xv. 177 route viS,, to Yarkand, various explorers of, xi. 10, xiv. 46, xviii. 112 — — town, i. 276 Kara Kazan, Turcoman frontier of Persia, supposed source of Atrak river at, xx. 172 — — Kazyk pass and torrent, C. Asia, elevation of, Kostenko on, 1876., xxi. 135 Khanak, E. Turkestan, xx. 485 Kol, Bokhara, Pazukhin at, 1671., xxi. 219 Russian settlement at, and pass near, 1874., xviii. 256 Karakoram, Mongolia, name of, Grant on, xvii. 191 ; Rawlinson on, xvii. 192 Karakorum Mts. — elevation of peaks in, ii. 38, viii. 36, 224, x. 163, 239, xiv. 54 glaciers of, xiv. 54, explored by Fal coner, 1835., ii. 304 name of, Shaw on, xv. 178-9, xvi. 399, xx. 491 ¦ Pass — crossed by Johnson, 1865., xi. 9, 10 by the Schlagintweits, 1856., i. 273, 274, 276, ii. 301, xi. 7 (first) by Thomson, xi. 7 elevation of, i. 274, viii. 224, xi. 9, 10, xxii. 289 Forsyth on, 1873., xviii. 112, 114, possi bility of crossing, 224 mountains, cast of, viii. 34; south of xi. 14 Karakorum Pass — continued^ Shaw on, xiv. 134-5, and others on, 136 Shaw's travels in region of, (1870.), xv. 178-9, 289 valley leading to, described by Shaw, xx. 490-1 Kara Kul (lake), Turkestan, described by Kostenko, 1876., xxi. 125-6 drainage of, and outlet, Biddulph on, 1874., xviii. 431 , Forsyth on, 1877., xxi. 139 native information on, Shaw on, xx. 488-9 Karam, see Kamlun Karam, or Karam Pani, river, S.W. Chinese borders, affluents and rapids of, xxi. 593 Kafamabily, Madagascar, alligators at, xx. 113 Karambar Sar (lake), Karambar valley, Wakhan, xv. 13 Karamuk, Great, C. Asia, road to, and Russian exploration, 1876., xxi. 133; see esZso Haramuk Mts., and pass near, xxi. 134 Karange Island, Mtangata river, E. Africa, xx. 75 Karangotak, Chinese C. Asia, gold, etc., of, xi. 13 Karanuron Daban (pass), Altai Mts., used by Potanin, 1877., xxii. 52 Kara Sea, ancient trade route via, Wiggins' attempts ' to open, Seebohm on, xxii. 102 contemplated exploration by Wiggins, 1875., xix. 421 ice of, and explorers of, i. 29 summer conditions in, as found by Norwegian explorers, xix. 175 Karashar, town, Chinese O. Asia, Chinese power broken at, 1866., xi. 14 and river, xvi. 404 Kara Su Valley, Turkey in Europe, lakes in, i. 94 river, or Lycus, E. Turkestan (see Taylor, J. E.), Shaw on, xx. 486 Karataghin or Karategin, C. Asia, hilly district of, x. 152 inscriptions on road to, Schuyler on, xviii. 41 position of, xvii. 110 rivers in, Russian exploration of, xxi, 133 Karatau, Russian Asia, coal at, viii. 206 Kara Tazghun river, E. Turkestan, course of, Mirza Haidar cited on, xx. 485 Karawal fort, C. Asia, strong position of, xv. 190 ¦ Karbendi, C. Africa, Livingstone's death at Ilala near, 1873., xviii. 245 Kardong or Khardong pass, C. Asia, iii. 144 ; elevation of, xiv. 41 KAR— KAS 161 Karen races of Hindu Chinese countries, O'Reilly cited on, iv. 189 Karghalik, E. Turkestan, described .by Hayward, 1868., xiv. 60 elevation of, xiv. 62 ForByth on, 1873., xviii. 115-6 i population of, 1870., xv. 24 trade of, xiv. 128 Kariba, basalt dyke on, the Zambesi river at, v. 129 Karka monastery, Tibet, native informa tion on, xxi. 331 Karkang La (pass), Tibet, used by Pundit, 1865., xxi. 342 Karkara, river, C. Asia, tributary of the Hi river, ii. 280 Kar-Kara-Usu river, affluent of Ebi-Nor Lake, Russian Turkestan, xviii. 248 Karlyk-tagh Mt. and pass, C. Asia, xxii. 52 Karo, N. Guinea, river at, xx. 266| Karowal pass, Tibet, xiv. 41 Karriharri, see Kalahari Karokwe, on the Kwakwa river, E. Cent. Africa, xxii. 233 Karsas, Morocco, Rohlfs at, 1863., ix. 313 Kar-Tang-A, Formosa, cultivation near, Corner on, xxii. 54 Knruina Falls, Nile, elevation at, xi. 242 Gordon on, xxi. 49 latitude of, Baker on, x. 8, 14, 18, 19 Southern limit of navigation, xx. 38 Speke on, vii. 221 river, falling in L. Magungo, x. 18, 19 Karuh, or Karoon, river, Arabs of district, viii. 18 canal from, to Persian Gulf, i. 361 delta of, i. 291, changed course of, consequences, 292, 354 Layard's journey along, (1842.), i. 294 Monteith's ascent (1810.), i. 292 Rawlinson on, i. 288-9, 291-2; at Sinister, i. 359, difficulties of naviga tion of, at Ahwaz, 360 Karyan-gwina bay, Lake Tanganyika, Arab trade at, xix. 253 Kasai, or Loki, river, W. Africa (see also j Kassabe), cascades of, i. 315 ':' Kasam, Ayn, Syria, fort at, xvi. 113 -, Bir, Syria, aspect of region near, xvi. 112 Kasamba river, Congo region, affluent of Lualaba, xx. 125 Kasampo, Formosa, described by Thom son, xvii. 147 Kasansagara river, Lake Tanganyika, i xxii. 401 Kasaton-toge pass, Japan,* view from, , xvii, 81 Kasbeck or Kazbeg Mt. , Caucasus, viii. 276 elevation of, xiii. 66 Freshfield on his ascent of, 1868., xiii. 66 ! glaoiers of, ix. 241-2 Kasenge Island, Lake Tanganyika, xviii. 256, xix. 249 Cameron at, 1874., xx. 309, 310; his mapping of, xviii. 468 Speke at, (1857)., iii. 112 Kash river, Russian Turkestan, tributary of the Hi river, xviii. 249 valley of, xviii. 248 Kashfrrftd or Mash-had river, Turko-Ptr- sian frontier, head-springs of, xx. 170 Kashgar or Kashgaria, city and district, Cent. Asia, Atalik Ghazee of, xiv. 66-69, xvi. 405, overtures of Brit. Govt, to, 406, xviii. 415 et seq. climate of, xv. 198 death of A. Schlagintweit at, 1858., iii. 172, xiv. 6, 69 described by Forsyth, xviii. 225-6 ¦ — — Hayward, xiv. 67 the Mirza, xv. 196-8 desert of, and buried cities in, visited by Forsyth, 1874., xviii. 440, 442-3 disturbances in, 1857-8, iii. 144-5 elevation of, xiv. 69 108, 231 explorations into, xvii. 19, 286 Forsyth's mission to, 1873. et seq., xv. 6, xvii. 286, xviii. 414, xxii. 289 " Hayward's, 1868., xiv. 40, 41 Mirza's, 1868., xv. 181 Shaw's, (1870.), xiv. 104 Valikhanof's, 1859., vi. 162, xiv. 231 from, Biddulph's, 1873-4., xviii. 425 great mart of, xi. 7, 8 inhabitants, the Mirza on; xv. 196-8 number of, x. 147 latitude of, iii. 172, xiv. 69, 228-9 Mts. of, Forsyth on, xviii. 446; Mirza Haidar's views on, xx. 482-3 properly a district, not a town, xv. 13 region around, xiv. 69, xv. 191 religious strictness in, xxi. 28 results of Russian scientific mission to, 1872., xvii. 19 rivers of, curious features of, Shaw on, xx. 486 route, dosed by China, iii. 145 two cities of, described by Trotter, xviii. 416-17 daban Mts., great size of, Osten- Sacken on, xix. 225 Prince of, (Mirza Haidar) on the Geography of E. Turkestan, Shaw, xx. 482 River, or KaBhgar Daria, and its affluents, xix. 69, 70, 71, 227-8, xviii. 435, xx. 488 source and course of, xviii. 435 Veniukoff cited on, (1861.), v. 192 Kashmir, or Cashmeer, border tribes of, in 1869., xiv. 108 geographical position, 16th century account of, xx. 483 M 162 KAS— KAV Kashmir, or Cashmeer — continued. Ibrahim Khan's journey from, to Yarkand, 1870., xv. 387 inhabitants and ruler of, 1866., xi. 7 ruler's sphere of influence, xiv. 74 progress of geographical knowledge of, vi. 183 rain in, xi. 65 trade wares of, xii. 163 trigonometrical survey of (Montgom- erie's), Canning on, 1859., iv. 30 and papers on, (I860.), iv. 187 Valley of, Survey and Physical Configuration of, Purdon, 1859., iv. 31 — '¦ — and Tibet, government survey, 1857., ii. 38 Kash Rud river, Afghanistan, drying up, 1872., xxi. 586 Kasigo river, E. Africa, plain near, xxii. 248 Kasim, Arabia, frontier Wahabite pro vince, plains of, viii. 65 stone circles of, Palgrave on, 1864., viii. 81 Kasongo's country, C. Africa, Cameron on, xx. 314 Kasr el Hayr, Syria, geological formation of, xvi. 108 Kassabe, or Loki, river, W. Cent. Africa (see also Kasai), xvii. 11, 30 source passed by Cameron, 1873., xx. 319 streams flowing to, xx. 125 Kassala, E. Sudan, described by Rassam, 1865., x. 296 Kassali or Kikonya, Congo region, xx. 121, 124 floating islands in and fish, Cameron on, 1873., xx. 315 Kassin, TurkeBtan, and its Tadjik inhabi tants, xxii. 341 Kasso district, W.C. Africa, Gerard at, 1864., xi.-79 Kastek pass and river, Russian Turkestan, Russian works in, xiv. 221 Kasuku, Congo region, affluent of the Lualaba, xxii. 405 Kata, in Khiva district, C. Asia, Russians at, 1871., xxi. 219 Katagum, C. Africa, Marauding tribe of, ii. 31 Katak, Gobi Desert, ruined city, Mirza Haidar cited on, xxi. 31, skeletons in, 37 Katal-i-Nadari, Persia, xx. 169 Katanga, Congo basin, copper-mines of, xiv. 9-13, xvi. 438, and malachite of, xviii. 256 mineral wealth and game of, xx. 124 wax -caravans for, xx. 320 river, Vict. Nyanza, lily-leaves of, in dry season, iii. 352 Katangar river, Siberia, mammoth tusks from, xxii. 112 Katau, N. Guinea, river and village at mouth of, xx. 95, 254 D'Albertis' visit, 1876., xx. 343 Mullens on, 1875., xix. 242 natives of, xviii. 32, 36, 37, xx. 105, 343 Kathif, Arabia, watercourse of, source of viii. 104-5 Kathmandu, Nepal, i. 350 Chinese advance on, 1792., xix. 342 embassy from, to Pekin, ii. 107 longitude uncertain, 1857., ii. 114 nameless peak near, i. 347-8 routes from to Lhasa, xii. 148 Kativo or Kawa Doong river, Upper Burma, cascade and valley of, Tanner in, 1871-2., xvii. 45-6 Katla Mt., volcano, Iceland, still active, I860., v. 64 Katogo Island, Lake Tanganyika, culti vation at, xix. 253 Katombela, W. Coast Africa, place where Cameron emerged, 1875., xx. 118 position of, Cameron on, xx. 323 Katonga river, V. Nyanza, v. 15 outfall of, from the Lake, xxii. 392 Stanley on, xx. 41, 158, his journey along, xxii. 394 valley, land in and near, Speke on, vii. 226 Katooka cascade, A: Nyanza, xxii. 227 Katrine, Loch, deep water of, Buchan, xvii. 73 Katsaoka river, Madagascar, course of, xix. 184, 199 Kattam Karafi, W. Africa, mountains north-east of, ii. 100 Kattara Lake, Congo region, xx. 124 Kattrina mouth of the Zambesi, iv. 24, 25 Kattywar, Bombay Presidency, topogra phical survey of, xxii. 357 Katiil, Turko-Persiau frontier, xx. 173 Kauai, Sandwich Islands, xii. 306, de- '; scribed, 309 Kauar, Sahara, fanaticism at, Rohlfs on, 1866., xi. 34 Kaufmann Peak, Alai district, near Kizil Su river, xxi. 123 Kaukaban, S. Arabia, cliff fortress, Mill- inger on, xviii. 198, 199 Kaulbars, Baron, surveys by, in the Thian Shan Mts., 1870., xiv. 319 Kaur, Jebel, S. Arabia, lofty mountain, • xvi. 117 Kautabah, El, South Arabia, religion of, xvi. 122 Kavalee, (Kavali's), Albert Nyanza, am- batoh-growth near, xxii. 226 geographical position determined by Mason Bey, xxii. 229 Kavi, V. Nyanza, source of Gori river, xx. 155 KAV— KEL 163 Kavirondo bay, V. Nyanza, mountains near, xx. 155 Kavogo Island, Lake Nyasa, mountainous, i. 9 Kawagoye, Japan, commerce of, xvii. 82 Kawaguchi Lake, at the foot of Fusi Yama, Japan, xvii. 79 Kawang river, Borneo, souroe of, xvi. 172 Kawara river, see Niger Kawele, capital of Ujiji, Livingstone's stores handed over to Cameron at, xix. 154, xx. 309 Kayan river, Borneo, a branch of the Sadong river, i. 198 Kave, Sir J. W., obituary notice of, 1877., xxi. 429 Kaye'li Bay, Burn Island, Malay Archi pelago, coral at, (indicating gradual rise of land), xii. 334 Ka Yeug Chen, China, important town, vi. 226 Kay La (pass), Tibet, elevation of, xi. 32 Kayouth, B. Columbia, the Fraser river at, vi. 109 Kazamba Lake, C. Madagascar, charm of, xix. 187 Kazan, Russia, geological formation at, i. 416-17 Kaze, or Kazeh, E.C. Afrioa, v. 11, 12, 15 Arab mart at, iii. 302 Cameron on, xviii. 178 Kazembe Country, Cent. Africa, copper of, iii. 357; see also Cazembe Kazeran, S. Persia, Abbott's journey to, 1850., i. 321 plain of, military importance of, Mon- teith on, i. 321 stalactite cave at, ib., i. 322 strong and stony passes at, i. 292 Kazvin, see Cazvin Ke' Island, Malay Archipelago, vi. 43 boat-builders of, 44 geological formation (probable) of, ii. 165 trade wares of, ii. 169 Kea-ho, or Keih-shwuy-ho (river), W. Central China, course of, xiv. 184 Kea-ling-keang (river), W. Central China, and affluents, xiv. 174, 175 course of and navigability, xiv. 176, 179 Wylie on, xiv. 35 Keamaree Island, India, off Karachi, xi. 25 Keaou-chang-pa, W.C. China, hills and river of, xiv. 178 Keate, R. W., obituary notice of, 1873., xvii. 251 Kea-ting, W. Central China, trade centre at, and wax-trees of, xiv. 168 Kebokwe, Congo district, well-wooded and well-watered country, products of, xx. 319 Kebrabassa, E.C. Africa — cotton of, Kirk on, vi. 26 Kebrabassa, E.C. Africa — continued falls and rapids of Zambesi at, Kirk at, 1861., viii. 261 Livingstone on, i. 248, iv. 19, 20 situation of, v. 128 Keohs, see Hanoi Keckwick, Mr., Stuart's companion in C. Australian expedition, I860., v. 55 Kedirie, or Kaliemaas river, Surabaya, Javaj ii. 9 Kednor, S. Arabia, ruins at, Miles on, 1870., xv. 322, 324, 325 Kee, Spiti valley, Punjab, monastery of, Harcourt on, xv. 343 Keelbottom Creek, Queensland, Australia, xii. 140 Keeling Island, Indian Ocean, admiralty survey of, iii. 268 Keelong, or Kelung, Formosa, xvi. 266 caves of, x. 122 coal of, xvii. 155-6 near, xi. 172, xxii. 60 trade of, viii. 26 Collingwood on, xi. 167, 172 meteorological observations in, Corner, xxii. 61-2 sulphur pits, explored by Kopsch, 1867., xiv. 81 Keen, China, described by Wylie, xiv. 174 Valley, C. Asia, the Mirza on, xv. 190 Keenaponsau Harbour, Cagayan Sulu Island, near Borneo, E. Archipelago, good anchorage at, xv. 386 Keen-kO, the, W.C. China, curious position of, and antiquity, xiv. 176 Keen-mun pass, W.C. China, tablets at, xiv. 175 Keen-mun-kwan, W.C. China, busy and noted place, xiv. 175, 176 Keen-mun-shwuy river, W.C. China, xiv. 175, 176 Keen-shwuy river, W.C. China, xiv. 175 Kefer Jiiz, Turkey in Asia, identification of, with Tigranocerta, by Taylor, (1865)., ix. 39 Keffil, Turkey in Asia, inundation of, i. 48 Keh-Yuriah river, Siberia, lake-source of, xxi. 214 Keih-heang-poo, W.C. China, temple at, and legends of, xiv. 173 Keis, or Kenn, Island, Persian Gulf, i. 284 Keith, Mr., on the true wealth of Peru, xviii. 219 Kej, Persia, elevation of valley, xvii. 94 Ross on situation of and population, etc., xvi. 139, 140 Saunders on, xvi. 221 Keksholm, Lake Ladoga, Russia, geo logical formation near, xiii. 378 Kelat, Baluchistan, boundary as regards Persia determined by Lovett, 1871., xvi. 218, 219, xvii. 18, 19, 282-3 164 KEL— KEP Kelat, Baluchistan — continued. and other cities, Pottinger's journey to, xvi. 219 Kelkeet Plateau, Turkey in Asia, traces of glacial action on, xvi. 223 Keller, survey of the rapids of the Madeira river, S. America, by, (1867-8.) referred to, xv. 304, xvi. 358, 376 Kellett, V. Adm. Sir H., k.o.b., Arctic explorations of, 1847-51., i. 16 ;. 1849., xii. 107, xiii. 294, xix. 176; 1855., vessel found, i. 3 cited on land in the Polar Sea, xii. 98 survey (with Collinson) of the Yang- tsze river, 1842. and 1844., iii. 167, 294, xiv. 243 of the Pailon de San Pedro, Ecuador, iii. 96 obituary notice of, 1875., xix. 393 Kelley, F. M., On the Atrato and Truando river, as a Canal route, i. 63, Beechey on, 167, Murchison on, ii. 296-7 Kelly, W., British Columbia, routes to and products of, vi. 107 Proposed emigrant route to Yale, B.C., from Pembina, vi. 231 Kelfna, S. Arabia, disappointing inscrip tions at, xv. 326 Kemeih, N. China, coal outcrop near, xiv. 84 Kemmis, Mr., companion of Landsborough in Queensland, 1892., vi. 68 Kemp, J., Report on the Nile above Gondokoro between Regiaf and Dufli, 1875., xix. 324, 325 Kendaji, on the Niger, difficulties of navi gation near, i. 114 Kendall Creek, N. Queensland, natives of, and vegetation near, xviii. 96 Kenia, Mt., E. Africa (see Erhardt, Krapf, Rebman, Thornton, etc.) — Expeditions to, Hildebrandt's (fails to reach), 1878., xxii. 373 von der Decken's (proposed), 1863., viii. 3 height, discussed vi. 51 lakes and rivers issuing from, viii. 3, 7 snow-capped, iii. 211, 213, 304, iv. 89 Keninimu, N. Guinea, aspect of district, and tribes of, xx. 268 Kenn reef, Torres Straits, light on, due to Denham, vi. 199 Kennedy Channel, Arctic regions — difficulty of crossing, xxi. 118 diminishing sea-life of, xxi. 276 explored by Hayes, 1861.,ix. 186, xxi. 275 geological collection from, made by Hayes, ix. 185 Kane's supposed open Polar Sea at, xix. 213 summer navigation in, xxi. 278 iii. 116, 213, 304, Kennedy District, N. Queensland, v. 123 climate of, x. 327 ports for, (1864.), v. 7, viii. Ill prosperity of, vi. 118 settlers for, 1861., vi.,13, xi. 42 watershed of, x. 62 Mt., W. Australia, vi. 12 expedition to by young settlers, vii. 16 Range, Vancouver Id., elevation of ix. 306 or Pebbly Range, W. Australia, iii. 42 ; geological formation of, iii, 44, xviii. 91 river, Queensland, x. 85 explored by Carnegie, 1864., ix. 77, 79 geological formation at head and mouth of, xii. 143 headwaters of, xviii. 106 probable gold at, xii. 143 or Stewart, Queensland, xviii. 97, features of, 98, 99 pasture land near, xi. 151 Mr., Governor of W. Australia, 1858., iii. 42, vii. 11, 16 expedition of, in Tasmania, 1864., ix. 306 on exploration and development of his province, vii. 16, 17 exploration of, in N. Queensland, i. 6 34, ii. 313, iii. 22, 88, vii. 169 results of, viii. 118, xiv. 203, xviii. 89, 91 traces of, sought, ii. 4 ; found, iii. 26, 31 , on the fate of Sir J. Franklin, iv. 12 Kennedy, Sir A. E„ on Winwood Reade's journeys in W. Africa, 1869., xiii 359 Kennedy's Height, Australian Alps, i. 4 Station, (No. 19) Queensland, vii. 41 Kennolly, Mr., on the passage of the Red Sea, by the Israelites, xii. 193 Kennish, Capt., and others, Panama ex ploration of, 1855., i. 64, 69 Kenpu, or Dihong river, Eastern boundary of Tibet, xix. 329 Kent, Duchess of, death of, 1861., v. 119 , J., on the N. Australian expedition, 1855., i. 10 on the region explored by Walker in his search for Burke and Wills, 1862., vii. 42 Kenyon, J., obituary notice of, 1857., i. 392 Keppel, Adm. Sir H., expedition up the Yang-tsze river to Ichang, 1869., xv. 292 cited on Port Essington, ix. 22 Keppel Bay, Queensland, x. 247 admiralty survey of, vi. 117, ix. 223 wool from, 1864., ix. 23 Islands, Queensland, admiralty sur vey near, xvii. 256 KEP— KHA 165 Keph, or Chef, Tunis, mines and climate of, vi. 212 Kerasun, Asia Minor, mountains near, oherry trees imported to Europe from, iii. 370 , Kerbulak Lake, Turkey in Asia, slope of the Ust Ust Plateau towards, xix. 423 Kere Lake, N. China, xviii. 155 Kerek Mts. near Ismailia, on the Nile, xviii. 139 Syria, elevation of, iii. 288 Kerepunu village and district, N. Guinea, xxi. 352-3 Kerguelen Island, Indian Ocean, " Chal lenger" at, 1873., xviii. 544-5 value of as meteorological station, xiii. 116 Keria river, C. Asia, northward course of, ii. 301 Kerkhah, Persia, the ancient Choaspes, i. 219 river and valley, route via, i. 290, 357 pastures of, 291, 362 Kermadec Islands, S. Pacific, survey of, by Denham, vi. 198 Kerman and its valley, Persia, described by Lovett, xvi. 263 wool of, xii. 170 Kermanshah pass, Persian Kurdistan, i. 290; route to, i. 357 Kerb Loombah, ravine and glacier, Tibet, viii. 37 Kerote, Nile region, Gordon's station founded at, 1876., xxi. 57 Kerr, Lord Walter, see Demavend and Thomson Kerretch, or Doab river, Persia, rise and course of, iii. 4, affluents of, 5 Kerrie, ou the Nile, Gordon's station at, and rapids of, xx. 12, xxi. 57 Kerry, Ireland, the Icaria of Zeno's map, xvii. 317 Kertch peninsula, Crimea, volcanic phe nomena of, i. 305 ; Russian trade route via, 307, drawbacks of, 308 Kerung, the, or Western Ghat, Nepal, i. 349 Kessler, J., on Madagascar and its lan guage, x. 57 Kesulli, uncharted Somali town, xvi. 152 Ket and Chutim rivers, W. Siberia, Rus sian expedition to, 1875., xx. 419 Ke-Tow pass, W.C. China, xiv. 179 Keuh-yuen-ho (river), W.C. China, tribu tary of the Han river, xiv. 184 Keuyung arch, China, characters in scribed on, xvi. 216 Keu-yung-kwan, barrier in pass to Kalgan, Swinhoe on, xiv. 83 Keweve, Congo district, forest near, xix. 95 Kewfoo, N. China, tomb of Confucius at, vi. 165 Keyi, W. Africa, large town of, ii. 91 Kezing, Tibet, pastures of, xxi. 332, 333 Khabarofka, E. Siberia, described, xiii. 367, longitude of, 365 Khabis, Persia, position of and orange culture at, xvi. 264 Khaimah, Al, Mts., Arabia, xviii. 200 Kbairabad, Persia, hills near, and salt lake at, xvi. 263 Khalkhal district, Persia, woodcutters from, iii. 392 Khalamba-la (pass), Tibet, elevation of, xix. 339 Kham, or Nyahrong country, Tibet, location and robber people of, xii. 164 Khambabarehe, Tibet, the Brahmaputra at, xii. 152 Khambala Mts., Tibet, crossed by Pundit, 1866., xii. 152 pass, view from, xii. 159 Khamil, C. Asia, Chinese power broken at, xi. 14 Khampar natives of Tibet, xxi. 329, de scribed, 330, trade of, ib., wealth of, 333 Khamti district, Assam, Cottam's journey through, 1876., xxi. 590-1 - — - Mts., supposed source of Irrawady in. xiv. 346 Khanabad, C. Asia, x. 152 Khaneh-i-Duzdi Rud (river), Persia, course of, xvii. 87 Khanikoff, N, Honorary Corresponding ' Member of R.G.S., 1863., viii. 43 ascent of Demavend by, 1854., i. 433 explorations in Khorassan, 185S., iii. 289, I860., iv. 198 On Geography in Asia (transl. by Hodgkin), 1862., vi. 162 on Sir H. Rawlinson's critioisms of the MS. travels of G. L. von in C. Asia, (letter), a. 301, Strangford's remarks on the foregoing, 315 visit to Samarcand, 1841., viii. 274 Khanki, C. Asia, visited by Pazukhin, 1671., xxi. 219 Khan Tengri Mt., highest point of the Thian Shan range, xviii. 249 position of, xiv. 319 Khar Plain, Turko-Persian frontier, xx. 167 Khargalik. see Kargalik Khargeh, El, oasis of, Egypt, Schwein- furth cited on, xix. 4 Kharlaki, or bar in the Bolan pass, xxi. 588 Kharput Plain. Turkey in Asia routes to, Taylor on, xii. 302 Khartum, on the Nile, i. 507 altitude of, determined by Peney, iii. 306, v. 210 exploration from, of M. Thibaut under auspices of Mehemet AH, 1839-40., ii. 222 166 KHA— KHU Khartum, on the Nile — continued. Lesseps at (1857.), i. 447 Petherick at, 1857-8., v. 20, 21, 27 Mme. Tinne' at, 1862., viii. 11 latitude of Nile at, x. 279 Khasi Hills, C. India, geological peculiari ties of, iii. 277 Khatai divan (pass), Tibet, elevation of, xi. 10 Khatif, El, Persian Gulf, irrigation near, viii. 101 Palgrave's visit to, 1862-3., viii. 63, anct description of, 66 ruler of, viii. 18, 19 Khebi, W. Africa, Basle missionary station at, xviii. 291 Khedive of Egypt, expeditions to C. Africa, (see Africa, exploration : Baker, Gor don, etc.) summary of geographical and scientific results, xxi. 63 Khezail marshes, Turkey-in-Asia, i. 45 Khin-an Mts., Manchuria (see also Hingan), rivers rising in, xvi. 205 Khin Jhan Mts., E. Siberia, geological formation of, iii. 288 Khing Kharra valley, Turco-Persian frontier, xx. 166 plateau, elevation, xx. 166 Khinka, or Kinka, lake, Manchuria, xi. 253, extent of, 254, good land near, xiii. 365 Khirbat el Bayza, Syria, old Roman post at, xvi. 109 Khiu-shi, or Kuts' Kiang, or Tchitom- chu, river, probably the Irrawaddy, Yule on, xx. 240-1 Khiva, Khanate of, C. Asia, in 1856-60., Kule'wein on, v. 192 expeditions to, Abbott and Thompson, viii. 269 Russian, 1671., xxi. 219 ; 1873., mili tary, xvii. 285, xviii. S, results of, 563 Vambery, viii. 267, and others, 271 hostile to English, 1858., iii. 145 military condition of, in 1850., iii. 388 Notes on, Rawlinson, xvii. 162, 165, Mitchell and others on, 163 Khobdo, or Kobdo, Mongolia, described by Elias, 1872., xvii. 190 routes to, xvii. 189 Russian travellers at, (1862-70.), xvi. 350; (1871), xv. 291; 1877., xxii. 51 true position ascertained by Venuikoff, xvi. 350 Khodjend, Russian Turkestan, xvi. 350 Khoja Amran hills, Afghanistan, pass in, xxi. 587 Khokand, or Kokand, C. Asia, described by Schuyler, 1873., xviii. 409, 412-13 Khokand, or Kokand — continued. death of A. Schlagintweit near, 1857., iii. 259 road to, from India, xviii. 430 routes to, etc., (1861.), James cited on, x. 149 out of, iii. 145 Ujfalvy cited on, xxii. 340 district, A Month's journey in, 1873., Schuyler, xviii. 408 Mountains, xvi. 399 ; passes in, x. 152 Khoko,' East Central Africa, enormous trees at, xx. 306 Khol, Nile region, Petherick's journey to, 1863., viii. 5 Kholm, rich and fertile district of, C. Asia, xxi. 139 Khooch Khomar, village, Persia, flax of, xi. 38 Khoor, Persia, prevalent mists at, iii. 18 Khorassan, Persia, break in mountain line at, iii. 3 great salt desert of, crossed by Clarke, I860., v. 196 Khanikoffs expedition to, 1858., iii. 289, I860., iv. 198 horses of, Moorcroft's journey to pro cure, 1810., x. 137 Khor Butt valley, Gwadur, telegraph line viS,, vii. 117 Dusht river, Persia, xvi. 139 Malik, hill road from to Bukwa, Seistan,' xxi. 586 Khore Ze-arad, Persian Gulf, river near, xi. 37 Khormuj plain, river, and town, Persia, described, xi. 37 Khorremabad, Perso-Turkish Frontier, route via, i. 357 Khotan (see also Ilchi), district, C. Asia, i. 275, 276 explorations in, early, xi. 7 Johnson's, 1865., xi. 6, xxi. 27 a Pundit's, xxi. 37 the Schlagintweits', 1856., i. 273 gold of, xi. 13 ; and silk of, xvi. 406 Howorth, H. H., on its rulers, ruins, and monsters, xxi. 43-4 jade of, xi. 13 Khan of, 1866., xi. 8 mountains near, ii. 301 Polo cited on, by Forsyth, xxi. 28 et seq. Rawlinson on real name of, xxi. 44-5 route to, vid Noh., xxi. 327 . ruins S.W. of, mention of, as cities, 16th century, xxi. 31 brick tea from, xxi. 33 rings and coins from, xxi. 38 Khubr Valley, S. Arabia, inhabitants and cultivation of, xv. 326, well at, 328 Khulsoe, near Le', Ladak, bridge at, over the Indus, xvii. 198 Khurgoshe, C. ABia, lake at, x. 151 KHU— KIM 167 Khush-yalak Mts., Turco-Persian frontier, xx. 173 Khuzistan, Persia, i. 357 produce of, and military value, i. 360 route from, to Shiraz, i. 356 Khwaling, Kolab district, C. Asia, x. 152 Kiachta, Siberia, journey to, Grant's, (1862.), vii. 27-8 Whyte's, from Tientsin, 1869., xiv. 243 latitude and longitude of, xiv. 249 rhubarb of, xxii. 419-20 route via, between China and Russia, xxi. 22 Russo-Chinese trade at, xiv. 249, xvi. 207 tea and wool trade, xiii. 369 Kiama, on the Juba river, E. Africa, x. 97 Kiando, or Kiamdo, independent province of Tibet, xiii. 394 Kiang-hung State, Chino-Burmese bor ders, Lagre'e's journey in (1 867,),xiii. 307, xix. 280 McLeod's journey to, 1837., v., 47, xiii. 308, xix. 275 Kiangsi province, China, described, xiii. 181 ; manufactures and timber of, xi. 262 Kiang-tung, S.W. China, language at, xix. 279 Kian-oui and other plains in Yunnan, xv. 164 Kia-tung (or ting)-foo, S.W. China, chain suspension bridge at, xii. 337, xxii. 265 silk of, xv. 363 wax culture at, xxii. 265 Kibella, village, Congo region, Africa, xix^ 81 Kibibi Island, V. Nyanza, xx. 148 Kibuga, East Africa, Arab information on region near, iii. 352 Kicking Horse Pass, Rocky Mountains, found by Palliser's expedition, 1858., iii. 123 Kichu Sangpo, or Lhasa river, Tibet, ascended by the Pundit, 1866., xii. 152 Kidette, branch of the V. Nyanza, xvi. 439 ' Kidilo river, W. Africa, xix. 80 Kido, N. Guinea, natives of, xviii. 38 Kidudwe, Nguru district, E.C. Africa, xxi. 239 Kidunda, East Africa, v. 12 Kielung, Lahoul valley, Punjaub, culti vation by Moravian missionaries at, xv. 341 Kien-chuen plain, Yunnan, S.W. China, iron mines of, xv. 164 Kiengma, Burmo-Chinese Frontier, Shan traders to, xix. 285 Kihwa Island, see Bridge Island Kijoto, or Kioto, Japan, xvii. SO; the southern capital, xviii. 238 Kikassa river, W. Africa, native accounts, vii. 107 Kikembo, Congo region, gorge near, xix. 92 Kikoka, E. Africa, French missionaries at, xx. 304 western outpost of Zanzibar, xxii. 384 Kikumbulyu, E. Africa, xxii. 451 Kila Panja, point of junction of arms of Upper Oxus, xviii. 428 Kilauea, pit-crater of Mauna Loa, Hawaii, discovered, xii. -310, eruption of (1859.), 311 Kilbin Rabat, village, E. Turkestan, xx. 485 Kilema, E. Africa, von der Decken at, vi. 47 ; hostile chief of, ix. 16 Kilemba, Congo State, camp of Jumah Merikani, xx. 315 , Kilembella, Congo district, king of. and cultivation at, xix. 93 Kilia, branch of the Danube, iii. 207 Kilimandjaro Mt., E. Africa (see Krapf) — elevation of, discussed, iii. 115, vi. 41, 48, 50, 177, viii. 2 Murchison on, iii. 304, 306 expeditions to — Erhardt and Rebmann, iii. 115 New, 1871., xvi. 162, 167, 168, 170 Von der Decken, I860., iv. 180, vi. 41, and partial ascent of, 47, 48, xvi. 171 ; Pelly on, vi. 50; Thorntou's, with the above, vi. 47 extinct volcano, viii. 248 geological formation near, i. 450, viii. 3 lake, west of, iii. 115 plant on, identified with one on the Cameroons, xxii. 416 snow-capped, i. 9, iii. 208, 213 two peaks of, viii. 6 Killibassi Mt., E. Africa, tribes of, ix. 15 Kilong pass, Tibet, elevation of, xxi. 335 Kiltie river, Abyssinia, Agaw territory beyond, xiii. 42 Kilvaron, N. Guinea, xix. 521 Kilwa or Kiloa, E. Africa, (see also Quiloa) — admiralty survey of, Kirk ,on, xxii. 453-4 dangers of, ii. 55 distance of, from Lake Nyassa, vi. 21 route from, to interior, i. 9 Kisiwani, E. Africa, visited by Burton and Speke, 1859., iii. 349 Kivingi, E. Africa, navigation at, Kirk on, xxii. 454 Kilwaru Island, E. Archipelago, entrepdt for trade between New Guinea and the E. Archipelago, Wallace on, vi. 43 ; water on, ix. 32 Kimalenso, W. Africa, xix. 82 168 KIM— KIN Kimalo, village, Congo district, xix. 88 Kimandi, Equatorial Africa, latitude and elevation of, xviii. 72 * Kimanis river, Borneo, source of, xvi. 172 Kimbalungan river, Borneo, sources of, ii. 347 Kimbandi, West Central Africa, beeswax caravans in, xx. 320 Kimborat Mt., Equatorial Africa, Don Angelo cited on, iii. 213 Kim-gim, or Gt. Peledon river, N.E. Siberia, sources of Anadyr, xxi. 216 Kimpanga, village, W. Africa, cultivation near, xix. 88 Kimwera Lake, W.C. Africa, position of uncertain, xx. 124-5 Kina Balu, or Kinibalu, Lake, Borneo, ii. 345, vi. 83 Mt., Borneo, alleged ascent attempted by white men, ii. 346 alleged white race of, i. 205 elevation of, vi. 83, xvi. 178 rivers rising among hills of, xvi. 172 Kinajy, military station, Madagascar, xix. 198 Kinarut river, Borneo, dialect of natives on, xvi. 172 ; source of, ib. Kin-cha-kiang, large river, rising in Tibet, xiii. 393 ; Cooper on, xiv. 242, 336 ; see also Kin-sha and Yang-tse Kinchinjanga, see Kanchanjinga Kin-chow, S. Manchuria, geographical position, xiii. 28 W. China, country near, vi. 86 Kinchu, S. Manchuria, cotton of, xiii. 30, gold of, xiii. 31 Kindamba swamp, Congo district, xix. 86 Kinday, or Pemba, Harbour, E. Africa, described by Livingstone, xi. 15 Kinegda, port, Saghalien, discovered by Staritzky, xvii. 295 King, Adm. P. P., discoverer of Pine Islands, N. Queensland, v. 123 explorations and surveys, Australian coasts, i. 366, vi. 136, viii. 193 1831., and generosity to Fitzroy, ix. 216 geological investigations of, i. 501-2 obituary notice of, 1856, i. 123 D. O., Travels in Siam and Cambodia. (1859.) iii. 365 J., sole" survivor, 1862., of Burke and Wills' expedition, vi. 68, 69, 70, vii. 35-6; awarded a gold watch by R.G.S., vi. 121, 124, 169, 174, vii. 10, 111, and remunerated, vii. 37 Lt.-Col. W. Ross-, On the Names of Places in Geography, xix. 134 — — -Rev. S. W., obituary notice, 1809., xiii. 271 Kingani, or Rufu, river, E. Africa. xxii. 384 Kingani, or Rufu, river — continued. exploration of, Holmwood, xxi. 499 fish in, xxi. 501 game and tsetse fly of, Kirk on, xv. 207 land near, iii. 210 tribes along, xxi. 499 et seq., 502 useless for navigation, xx. 61, 499 King-chu, N. China, pagoda at, vi. 225 King-chu-foo, S. Manchuria, geographical position and trade of, xiii. 27 Kiug-Chung, China, pagoda at, vi. 224, trade of, 225 King George's _ river, or Umcomogaz, S. Africa, rise and course of, Erskine on, xix. 117 . or ManacuBi river, W. Africa, Notes on, 1857., Hilliard, iii. 160 Sound, W. Australia, ii, 16, iv. 95, xiv. 200, 316, 468 admiralty survey near, xx. 408, xxi. 435, xxii. 336 telegraph-line from, to Adelaide, xix. 482 King-Hien-Tien, China, trade of, vi. 226 King-ho-kow, at mouth of Yang-tsze river, xiv. 236 King Island, off Victoria, Australia, ad miralty survey, xvi. 320, xvii. 257, xviii. 539 King (or Kong) Karl Land, Spitzbergen archipelago, discovered 1617., and later visits to, xvi. 85, xvii. 16 King Oscar Land, Arctic regions, named by Payer and Weyprecht, xix. 32 King's Bay, Spitzbergen, geological for mation of, xiii. 157 ¦ ness, Spitzbergen, geological formation, ix. 311 Kinglo, or Majin, Tibet, Pundit at, xiv. 210 Kingo village, Congo District, Africa, xix. 86 Kingombo, W. Africa, Grandy at, xix. 79 King's Sound, N.W. Australia, survey near needed, xix. 55 King-tah-chin, important inland Chinese mart in the Yang-tse plain, ii. 208 King William Laud, Arctic regions, Franklin's party seen at, 1850., i. 19, 25, iv. 3, 4, 5, 113 ; relics of same found by Hobson, iv. 113 • Town, Cape Colony, i. 511-12 William's Range, W. Africa, elevation of, ix. 72 Kinibatangan Lake, Borneo, xvi. 172 Kinjabo, W. Afrioa, xiii. 354, key of the interior, 355, 356 Kinka Lake, see Khinka Kinkel, Dr. G.,on a carved head from the desert east of the Hauran, ii. 176-7 on X. Guinea and its races, iii. 360 on wool-growing in ancient Egypt and in Australia, viii. 121 KIN— KIR 169 Kin-Ian hill, W.O. China, celebrated temple on, xiv. 184 Kin-neu-yih, C. China, village at Woo-ting barrier, xiv. 179 Kinsanga village, Congo district, xix. 87 Kin-san-poo, N. China, vi. 222 Kin-sha-kiang (river), borders of Yunnan, Garnier's exploration of, 1868., xiii. 56 ; see alsp Kin-oha Kin-Bhan-poo, China, Wylie at, xiv. 172 Kin-tang, city, W.C. China, xiv. 170 Kintano, Congo district, xix. 92 Kinufee Mts., Nile region, xviii. 139 Kinyori, near Lake Tanganyika, Came ron's discomforts at, xix. 252 Kioerlighed Bay, Spitzbergen, ix. 311 Kio-fu-sien, China, city of Confucius de scribed by (J.) Markham, xiv. 139, 143 Kio-Kiong, Formosa, hills and streams near, xxii. 55 Kiong Kiang, see Mekong Kioto, see Kijoto Kipaseha Mts., Madagascar, granite ridge, xix. 190, xxi. 157 ; Pillans on, xix. 202 Kipopotue village, E. Africa, xxii. 451 Kirchner Range, Queensland, gold bear ing district near, Clarke on, xii. 143, 144 explored by Hann, 1873., xviii. 94 ' physical features of, xviii. 87-9 Kirgan, C. Asia, iii. 173 Kirghis, or Kurgiz, district, C. Asia, Russian explorations in, viii. 206 Kirghiz Janjal, near the Kirghiz pass, elevation of valley at, xiv. 52 Pass, Kuen Luen Mts. , xiv. 50 elevation of, 51, 52 Kiria, ruined city, in the Gobi Desert, C. Asia, Forsyth on, xx. 27 to Charchand and Leh, itinerary to, Shaw, xvi. 243 gold, etc., near, xi. 13 images found at, xxi. 37 position of, fixed by Johnson, xi. 10 Kirianga, Madagascar, converging moun tains near, xix. 190 Kirimba, E, Afrioa, routes from, to the interior, i. 9 Kirin, province, Manchuria, ceded to Russia by China, 1858-60., vii. 29 town, capital of Central Manchuria, described, xiii. 33 Kirk, Dr. J., appointed Government Medical Officer at Zanzibar, 1866., x. 262 Ascent (with Livingstone) of the Rovuma river 1861-2., ix. 284, 285 on aridity of S. Africa, ix. 108 On Baikie's journey from Bida to Kano (W. Africa), 1862., xi. 49 disagreement between Livingstone and, 1871., Rawlinson on, xvii. 10 Kirk, Dr. J. — continued. on E. African exploration and mission parties, 1877., xxii. 19 Examination of Lufigi river Delta, E. Africa (1873.), xviii. 74 On Fossil Bones from the alluvial strata of the Zambesi Delta, viii. 151, 154 Murchison on, viii. 151, 246 On a new Harbour (Dar Salam) opposite Zanzibar (1866.), xi. 35 on Recent Surveys of the E. coast of Africa, 1877., xxii. 453 Report on Natural Products and cap abilities of the Shire and Lower Zambesi Valleys, I860., vi. 25 Reports on African Expeditions — letters on reported death of Living stone, 1866., xi. Ill, and on last journey of, 129-142, 143 on supposed safety of the Bame, 1867., xii. 50, 63 cited on progress of the same, xv. 116, 335 letters on the same, 1871., xv. 206-7, and on Stanley's search for, xvi. 102, 103 ; 1872., xvi. 225 cited on Livingstone and Stanley, 1872., xvi. 373, 375, et seq. on second report of death of Living stone, 1874., and on native opinions on Lakes A. Nyanza and Tangan yika, xviii. 145 letters on the Livingstone Search and Relief Expedition (to Earl Gran ville), xvi. 375, 436; (to R.G.S.), xvi. 383, 384, 386 on the, progress of Cameron and of Stanley, 1875., xix. 492 on success of Price's waggon-journey to Lake Tanganyika, (1877.), xxi. 241 on routes into C. Africa, ix. 288 on the Uganda mission to the Sultan of Zanzibar, 1871., xvi. 186 Visit to the coast of Somaliland, 1873., xvii. 340 to the Mungao Distriot near Cape Delgado, 1877., xxi. 588 on his voyage on Lake Nyassa, 1861., viii. 260 Mrs., letter on supposed safety of Livingstone, 1867., xii. 50 Kirkaig Lake, Scotland, xix. 257 river, slow current of, at outset, ib. Kirk's Range, E.C. Africa, ascent of, by Livingstone, xii. 175 Kirman Desert, Persia, road over, xvii. 87 Kirong, on the road to Lhasa, xii. 148; route to, via Jongh-a-jong, closed, xix. 342 pass, Nepal xix. 338 170 KIR— KIZ Kirrie, Equatorial Province, Africa, geo graphical position of, determined by Mason Bey, xxii. 229 Kisa Island, Malay Archipelago, Chris tianized inhabitants of, as settlers for N. Australia, ii. 217 note Kisanji, W. Africa, region beyond, to coast, described by Cameron, xx. 323 Kisewa Lake, Nyassa district, Africa, described by Cotterill, 1876., xxii. 243 Kishin Singh, Pundit, exploration work done by, 1877., Forsyth on, xxi. 348 Kishm Island, Persian Gulf, naval station, i. 296-7 ; Pelly's visit, 1863., viii. 18, 19, 265, 266 ; Rawlinson on, 267 ; ruler of, i. 282, viii. 18, 19 ; siege of, 1625., i. 284 Kisi-chang Island, Gulf of Siam, good harbour at, iv. 215 Kisigau, Rabai, East Africa, food mart at, xvi. 168 Kisiiindi, or Kisulindi, C.M.S. Mission at, xix. 323 Kismayo, East Africa, fine harbour at, xvii. 342 Kisogawa river, Japan, navigation and course of, xvii. 80-1 Kisokwet, E. Africa, robber tribe in, xviii. 72 Kissalala, Woolwa district, C. America, natives at, xiii. 58, proposed route to, 62 Kistna river, Madras, irrigation works connected with, vii. 96 Kistufell Mt., Iceland, xx. 26 Kisuvulungo river, Congo region, affluent of the Lualaba, xx. 125 Kiswere Harbour, Mungao country, E. Africa, extent of, xxi. 589 Kitanda, or Kitata, S. of L. Tanganyika, Africa, copper of, xi. 240 Kitange, E. Africa, beauty and elevation of, and mountains above, Stanley on, xxii. 384, described by Price, 1876., xxi. 239 river, xxi. 240 Kitangule, or Kitangura, river, E. Africa, called also Kagera and Alexandra Nile (q.v.), v. 15, xx. 159 affluent of V. Nyanza, vii. 185, 190, xx. 154, 159 source and course of, vii. 219, Stanley on, xx. 36 and outfall of, xxii. 393 Speke on, 1859., iii. 352 volume and depth of, xxi. 466, iu the dry season, Stanley on, xxi. 468 Kitchener, Lt., r.e., suiveys for Palestine Exploration Fund, 1875., xix. 430 Kithima Hills, East Africa, xvi. 16S Kitsamby river, Madagascar, falls of, xxi. 168 Kittafiny river, W. Africa, visited by O'Connor, 1857., iii. 379 Kittara Kingdom, Vict. Nyanza, vii. 190 Kitui, East Africa, desert between, and the Tana river, xxii. 451 native superstitions as experienced , by Hildebrand, xxii. 451 Kiu-Kiang, C. China, tea-trade of, Hock ley on, 1863-65., xi. 264 Kiuk-kiul, brackish lake, Eastern Turk estan, i. 274, hot springs of, 275 Kiu La (pass), Tibet, elevation of, and crossing of by Pundit, 1873., xxi. 327 Kiungani, University Mission Station, E. Africa, route to, described by Bell ville, 1875., xx. 69 Kiveru, or Kweru, Island, Vict. Nyanza, xx. 154, xxii. 38 Kivingi, E. Africa, trade of, xi. 143 Kivira river, Central Africa, Speke on, iii. 356 course of, ib., v. 15, supposed to be the White Nile, iii. 352 Kivo lagoon, feeder of Lake Tanganyika, xvii. 72 Kivory, Madagascar, cattle of, xxi. 157 Kiwa Island, V. Nyanza, xx. 148 Kiwai Island, N. Guinea, inhabitants of, xx. 352, pigeons of, 346 Kizart river, Soukul district, Central Asia, tributary of the Kashgar, xiv. 222 Kizil, village, E. Turkestan, xx. 486, desert slope on, road near, 487, iron furnaces at, xviii. 225 Boi river, E. Turkestan, Shaw on, xx. 486 Dagh, Mts., Asia Minor, source of Kizzil Irmak in, xi. 97 Daria (river), probable source of, • xxi. 124 Irmak or Halys river, Asia Minor, iii. 389; true source found by J. E. Taylor, 1867., xi. 97 • ¦ jilga valley, Tibet, Hayward on, xiv. 46 korum, Tibet, watershed of, i. 274 Kul (lake), Central Asia, Kostenko on, xxi. 124 Kum region, C. Asia, sandy desert of, explored by CharoBhohu, 1872., xvii. 293 Severtseff cited on, xix. 427 Kizyl Kurgan, Central Asia, road from to Gulsha river, xxi. 122 Kurt, soft day mountains, C. Asia, xxi. 123 pass, Tibet, elevation of, xiv. 46 Su (river), or Kashgar river (q.v.), C. Asia, affluents of, xxi. 425 Biddulph on, 1874., xviii. 426 Kostenko on, 1876., xxi. 123, 124, 133 Trotter on, 1873., xviii. 417 — — Yart Mts., C. Asia, elevation of, Hayward on, xiv. 66, magnificent ap pearance of, 70 KIZ— KOL 171 Kizyl Yart Pass, practicable for artillery Biddulph on, xviii. 432 road to, xviii. 430, described by Kos tenko, xxi. 124-5 Plain, watershed of C. Asia, Biddulph on, xviii. 431, 435 Kizimikas, Ras, Zanzibar, xx. 71 Kizim Tchik, Russian Turkestan, ravine of, Dilke on, xviii. 247, 248 Kizliar, Caucasus, Cossack settlement at, and population of, vi. 59 Klamath Fort, Oregon, U.S.A., xi. 86, 90 Lake, Great and Little, xix. 299 lower, xix. 298 marsh basin of, xi. 91 river, source of, xix. 295 Kiang Sang or Thang Sang hill, Lushai district, N.E. Frontier of India, eleva tion of, xvii. 49 Klaproth, J., in connection with the travels of George Ludwig von , Rawlinson on, xviii. 425, xx. 240-1 theories of, as to the Irawady, cited, xiv. 346 Klingkang Mt., Borneo, river rising in, i. 201 Kloong Doong or Dilesser river, Lushai district, India, course of, xvii. 43 valley of, xvii. 45 Klubbin Hill, Faeroe Isles, elevation of, x. 80 Knight Islands, Greenland, near Hol- steinborg, xx. 64 Knoblicher, Dr., cited on the width of the White Nile at Loquek, iii. 209 Knowles, Lt. O, Ascent of the Niger in H.M.S.S. Investigator, 1864., ix. 72 Koari tribes of N. Guinea, Stone on, 1875., xx. 268-9 Kobbe Bay, Spitsbergen, Swedish expe dition at, 1868., xiii. 157 Kobeleff Liarhan river, Siberia, affluent of the Anyui river, xxi. 216 Kobi, Caucasus, xiii. 67, 69 Kobi desert (see also Gobi), hot winds of, iii. 80 Kobotoke" pass, near Yedo, Japan, mul berry trees of district, xvii. 80 Ko-Daikoka-Sima, Japan, seaweed fishery of, xvi. 190 Koei-dabo Lake, Sudan, Africa, latitude of, ii. 221 Koepang Bay, Timor, Malaysia, geologi cal formation and mineral wealth of, iii. 369 ; see also Coepang Kofi Robert Farm, Qua river, W. Africa, xx. 230, and Landing, 228 Koflan Koh, Azerbijan, Persia, permanent gipsy settlement, i. 41 Kogar Point, Iceland, soundings near, v. 73 Kohala Mt., Hawaii, elevation of, xii. 310 Koh-i-Deh-Murd Mt., trend of, Persia, xvi. 262 Koh-i-Gantai Hills, Afghanistan, stony and low xxi. 587 Koh-i-Kwaja Mali Mt., Persia, trend of and trees on, xvi. 262 Koh-i-Naushadur, volcanic peak, Seistan, Persia, xvii. 93 Kohistan of Kabul, reports on, referred to by Markham, xx. 242 pass in, and rivers riBing in, xxii. 354 Kohistanee Baba pass, Seah Koh Mts., rivers rising in, xxi. 586 Koh-i-Tung-Chal Mt., Persia, routes near, xvi. 263 Kohl's "History of the Discovery of Maine," noticed, 1870., xiv. 311 Kohna Shahr, ruins of, near Kashgar oily, Forsyth on, xxi. 39 Koh Rud hills, Persia, xvi. 263 Koh-sichiang, Siam, marbles of, iv. 215 Koijarti river, Russian Turkestan, source of, xiv. 222 Koi-lago, native name for N. Guinea, xx. 96 Koi-su rivers, the three, in Daghestan, Caucasia, iv. 245, tribes along, 248 Kokcha river, Badakshan, C. Asia, sources and course of, xv. 181 Ko-keen-tseuen, W. Cent. China, well of, xiv. 173 Kokema river, West Africa, affluent of the Kwanza river, xx. 320 Ko-ko river, Congo district, xix. 87, sinuosity of, 88 Kokod city, Tibet, native information on, xxi. 331, Trotter on, 332 Koko Nor Lake, Tibet, animal life near, xvii. 292 described by Prshewalsky, xviii. 79 determination of latitude of, by Prshe walsky, xviii. 83 and the rhubarb of Kiachta, xxii. 419- 20 inhabitants of district, xviii. 85 Kirghiz statement concerning tribes and ruins of, xxi. 32, temple at, and dangers of visiting, 33 Kok Rabbat, E. Turkestan, geological for mation near, effect of, on river system, xx. 486-7 Kokschuls Mt., C. Asia, explored by Kaulbars, 1869., xiv. 319 Koksoo, or Koksu, or Drawoot Pass, C. Asia, x. 152 route vid Haramuk to Kokand, Kostenko on, 1876., xxi. 134 Kokumi, Yezo Island, Japan, hot springs of, xvi. 201, 202 Kokura, capital of Bouzen, Japan, fortifica tions of, vi. 203, importance of, 204 Kola Peninsula, Arctic regions, death of Sir Hugh Willoughby on, 1554., xxii. 101 Kolab, district and town of, Central Asia. x. 152 172 KOL— KOR Kolaima Flat, W. Australia, iii. 43 Kolat Dagh Mts., Asia Minor, MiUingen on, xvi. 223, 224 Koldewey Cape, Franz Josef Land, latitude of, xix. 28 Koldewey, Capt., Leader of German Arctic expedition, 1868., xix. 174 do., 1869., xv. 102 etseq. cited on improbability of finding an open Polar Sea, xvi. 229 Kolobeng, E. Africa, Livingstone at, 1843., elevation of, etc., xviii. 500, 501 Kolodyne river, Lushai country, N.E. India, mountains near, xvii. 49, 50, water shed of, 45 Kolonkureh, W. Africa, native fighting at, 1872., xvii. 120 Kolwah, most fertile district in Mekran, Persia, xvi. 140 Kolym, or Kolyma, river, E. Siberia, cold region, and ico near, i. 29, xxi. 213 Komalan, or Komalan Ting, Formosa, x. 124, xxi. 258 Komanartaki, or Komano-taki, volcano, Yezo Island, Japan, xvi. 201 ; eruptions of, x. 170 Komayli, or Koomaylie, Abyssinia, road near, xii. 114, 115; elevation and scenery of; xiv. 163 Komba territory, W.C. Africa, x. 73 Kombora Mts., East Africa, elevation of, xx. 77 KomboThang, Tibet, near Lhasa, xxi. 340 Kometr Daban (pass), C. Asia, xxii. 52 Ko-mun Island, Cambodia, active volcanoes on, and geographical position of, vi. 81 Kompoonda, or Mpoonda, or Mapunda, Lake Nyassa, xi. 125, 127, 128, 132, 139 Kompot, Cambodia, coal mines near, vi. 81 Konar-Tukht pass, Persia, i. 293 Kondi or Livingstone, Mts. and country, East Central Africa, elevation of, xxii. 243, pass in, 244 Konduehi, E. Africa, arrival of Burton and Speke at, 1859., iii. 349 Kone Mts., East Central Africa, latitude ' of S. end of, xiv. 9 Kong Mts., Sierra .Leone, vi. 239 geological formation of,iv. 219 Liberian expedition to, I860., iv. 184 Konglong, Burmo-Chinese frontier, Shan traders to, xix. 285 Kongone river, a mouth of the Zambezi, xxii. 223 Bedingfield on, iv. 24, 25 Livingstone's exploration of, iv. 19 Kongoroni village, Zanzibar, xx. 72 Kongra-lama pass, Tibet, elevation of, xix. 337, 342 reached by Campbell and others, 1849., xix. 337, 338 true position of, xix. 342 Konomar or Komanartaki volcano, Japan, x. 170 Konstantinov Kamen peak, Russia in Europe, position of, i. 430 Koobijwanna, W. Australia, F. Gregory's starting-point, 1858 , iii. 34 Koolangsoo Island, in Amoy Harbour, E, China, i. 334 Koolanobbing, W. Australia, xiv. 194 bones of white men at, xiv. 191 latitude of, ib. Koolie, South Africa, drought at, I860., v. 17 Kooloo Valley, Himalayas, described by Harcourt, (1871.), xv. 336-338, climate, 340, 364, cultivation in, 341, 364, phy sical features, religion and customs of, and temples of, etc., 342-3 Koolunooldee, Chinese Turkestan, road past, xiv. 52 Koombekine Lake, W. Australia, xiv. 191 Koomdsta Glacier, C. Asia, Shaw on, xv. 178 Koondah Mts., Madras, India, bursting of dam in, xvi. 138 explored by Markham, 1866., x. 245 Koongrad, Russian Central Asia, fertile region of, Vdmbery on, viii. 268 Koonur river, Kafirstan, xvi. 255 Koonzum Pass, into Spiti, Punjaub, India, elevation of, xv. 340 Koor river, Trans-Caucasia, viii. 276 Koorliatto, N. Australia, camp of Victorian Camel expedition at, vii. 36, 38 Kootaine, Kootenais, Kootenay, or Kutanie Pass, Rocky Mts., i. 462, ii. 51, xx. 294; found by Palliser's expedition, 1858., iii. 123 Koo-Yea-Thua, city,N. China, vi. 219 Koo-Yoon, village, S.W. China, at source of Taping river, xv. 358 Koo-yuh PasB, W.C. China, xiv. 180 Koozichan district, Asiatic Turkey, moun tains of, xii. 303 Kopsch, N., NoteB on the Rivers in Northern Formosa, 1867., xiv. 79 Koranko country, W. Africa, Fulbe tribes in, xxi. 494 Korata, Abyssinia, xiii. 44, described, 46 ; sport at, x. 299 Kordofan, E. Soudan, Arab tribes in, v. 28 reported on by Khedive's expedition, xxi. 64 Gebel, hills and baobab trees of, xx. 361 Korea or Corea — admiralty surveys of, iv. 154, v. 174, vii. 141, xx. 406, xxi. 434, xxii. 335 described by Young (1865.), ix. 296, others on, 297-300 first colonization of, and feudal system in, xvi. 208 KOR— KRU 173 Korea or Corea — continued. French and Russian (marine) surveys of, iii. 371 geographical position and trade of, etc, Murchison on, ix. 259 inhabitants, characteristics of, xvi. 216 Lindsay's visit to, 1832., iv. 59 probable development of, Parkes on, xvi. 214 trade of, with Pekin, ix. 298 travelling methods in, x. 155 Koreopoffsky, Siberia, Nordenskiold's trade depot at, xxii. 102 Koriak volcano, Kamchatka, elevation of, xvii. 295 Koroforo natives, W. Africa, Haussa lan guage used by, xxi. 493 KoroBko, Nile region, Mehemet AH at, 1820., i. 504 Petherick at, 1861., vi. 18 Kosanga river, Nile region, Africa, country near described by Von Heuglin, 1863., viii. 264 Kosciusko Mt., Australian Alps, N.S. Wales, ix. 228; source of Murray river in, iii. 338 Kosh-Djar pass, Sanlache Mts., C. Asia, crossed by Semenoff, (1858.), ii. 280 Koshkana-tau Mt., near the Amu daria, C. Asia, xix. 425 Kosh Gumbaz, E. Turkestan, rest-house and river at, xx. 486 Koshiu Kaido, the, great road of Japan, xvii. 79 Mts., position of, xvii. 82 Koskkar river and Valley, Trans-Naryn district, C. Asia, xiv. 222 Kosi river, Tibet, affluents of, xvii. 290, xix. 338 an affluent of the GaDges, source of, xvii. 290 European ignorance concerning, xix. 344 Kossogol, Lake of, Mongolia, size of, and tribes along, x. 238 Kostakos, town, C. Asia, xviii. 409 Kostenko, Capt., Account of the Russian expedition to the Alai and Pamir, 1876., abstract by R. Michell, xxi. 122 Kot, E. Arabia, citadel at, viii. 66 Kotah Darah pass, Hindu Kush, north of Chitral, xiii. 16 Kotakota Bay, Lake Nyassa, Cotterill on, xxii. 238 latitude of, viii. 257 Livingstone at, (1863.), ix. 9 slave depSt at, and slave trade of, viii. 258, xxi. 232 Kotal Mts. and Pass, near Yassin, N.W. India, described by native explorers, xv. 390 Kothal-i-Jiling pass, Persia, xvii, 194 Vijmanun pass, Persia, xvii. 193-4 Koti, E. Borneo, ruins of, i. 205 Kotlin, on Lake Ladoga, xiii. 376 Kotlotoni, Zanzibar, xx. 74 Kotree, Sind, Tndia, rise of Indus at, xi. 22 Kotro Valley, Persia, extent of, and wild asses in, xvi. 262 Kotur, Persia, i. 354 Kouloutout, Nile region, i. 506 Kounboum or Gumbum, W. China, lamassery at, xviii. 83 Koundy river, C. Asia, affluent of the Muksu river, xxi. 133 Koura, E. Africa, native land of King Theodore of Abyssinia, xiii. 41 Kourata, city, Abyssinia, see Korata Kourbadj, Gebel, Nile region, quartz hill of, xx. 361 Kowamba, Lake, Congo district, xx. 124 Kowana river, S. Africa, course of, ii. 371 irrigation from, ii. 372 Koweit, Persian Gulf, ix. 293; rulers of, viii. 19 Kowende dist., Lake region, Africa, in habitants of, dwellings, etc., xix. 147; mountainous, xx. 308 Kpandaragi, W. Africa, ii. 90 Kpani, W. Africa, ii. 91 Kpong, on the Volta, W. Africa, xviii. 189, position of, 191 Kra, or Kraw, Isthmus of, Siam, proposed canal through, iv. 112, or, railway across, 189 Fraser and Forlong on, vii. 58 river, described, vii. 58 Kr&'a, Syria, lava torrent of, xvi. 108 Krapf, Dr. J. L., journey of, to Wa-Mbane and view of Kilimandjaro and Kenia, Macqueen, viii. 7 cited on snowy mountains in Africa, , iii. 114-5, 209, 212, 213, xvi. 126 journeys in E. Africa with Rebmann, Johnston on, xvi. 126 travels of, in E. Africa, published, iv. 205 Krasnovodsk Bay, on the Caspian, geo graphical position of, xvi. 349 Russian explorations of, xvii. 293 route to, xvii. 294 Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, Seebohm and Wig gins at, 1877., xxii. 104, articles found by, in ancient grsive near, xxii. 112-3 Krokre, or Kekre, W. Africa, Cavalho river near, vi. 67 Kresta, Siberia, towns, etc., en route to, xxi. 215 Kri Island, Arru Islands, Malaysia, ii. 164 Kropotkin, Prince, journey to ¦ Blago- vestschensk, (1866.), x. 233 Kruk, Seistan, Persia, mountains near, xvii. 87 Kriit Enim, W. Africa, meaning of name, xx. 227 174 KSO— KUM Ksor Ifri, Atlas Mts., N. Africa, palms of, ix. 313 es Shuck, end of Atlas Mts., ix. 313 Kuan Hsien, W. China, irrigation dams at, xxii. 260 Kuang-t'ung Hsien, S.W. China, valley of, xx. 205 Kuauyin Hill, Formosa, elevation and position of, xxi. 259 Kuardo, mountain peak near, Mustagh range, viii. 35 Kua-tung province, S. China, i. 330 ; see Kwang-tung Kuban district, Caucasus, fertility of, i. 308 river, Caucasus, delta, i. 306, Nogai Tartars of, vi. 60 valley, i. 306 Kuchan district, Persia, described by Napier, 1874., xx. 169, 171-2 Kuchar, E. Turkestan, rock idol and ruined city near, xxi. 38, tribes of, xv. 25 Kudania river, Afghanistan, course of, xxi. 588 Kudunia river, W. Africa, ii. 100 Kudusi Mt., Albania, elevation of and ascent by Cora, (1874.), xix. 422 Kuei-hua-Cheng, frontier city, China, blockaded by Mahommedans, 1870., xviii. 76 ; nature of route to and from, xvii. 185; town described by Elias, 1872., 186 Kuen-Luen or Kuen-Lun Mts., difficulties in crossing, viii. 36 elevation of peaks in, xiv. 4S, 52-3 exploration of, by the Schlagintweits, 1856., i. 273, ii. 301, xi. 8 glaciers in, i, 274, 438 Hayward on, xiv. 45 mineral wealth of, xi. 13 origin of, i. 277, xiv. 134 passes in, i. 274, xiv. 52 Shaw on, xiv. 137, xvi. 397, xx. 484, on origin and shape, xiv. 134, and on elevation of, 135 starting-point of, Prshewalsky on, xviii. 80 volcanic origin of, Humboldt cited on, i. 277 Kufalung, or Kufelong, E. Turkestan, xx. 491, latitude, longitude, and eleva tion of, xiv. 56 Kufuna, W. Africa, xvii. 121 Kugger or Gugger river, Punjab, affluents of, xiv. 123 Kugrang valley, Kashmir, explored by Hayward, 1868.. xiv., 43 Kugupchu, Gobi Desert, sounding sands of, Prshewalsky cited on, xxi. 29, 30 Kuh-i-Baba hills, Persia, xx. 172 Kuigluk, Central Asia, iii. 173 Kui Sui or Kiu Siu Island, Japan, de scribed by Alcock, vi. 203-4 Kui Sui or Kiu Siu Island, Japan — cant. the southernmost island, xiii. 277 volcanoes of, x. 172 Kuito river, W. Africa, affluents of, xx. 322 Kujjur district, Persia, source of Shalis river in, iii. 8 Kuka, town, C. Africa, i. 15, 216, size of, 16 Vogel's astronomical observations for position at, i. 441, 518 and Church's meteorological obser vations at, i. 114 at, 1854., i. 443, ii. 30 vicinity described by Vogel, viii. 10, 11 Kukerantimy, W. Africa, Basle mission station at, xviii. 291, mountain and forest district near, Glover on, 1873., 287 Kuku hills, Nile region, Kemp on, xix. 324 Ilikimy, last Chinese settlement before Gobi desert, xvii. 186 Kukuna, W. Africa, country near, xvii. 119, and Seracoulie traders at, xvii. 121 Kulab Valley, Bokhara, fertility of, xxi. 139-40 Kulayb or Kuleib, Mt., Syria, i 8, described by Burton, 1871., xvi. 105, elevation of, 106 Kuldja, R. Turkestan, coal at, xviii. 249, 252 insurrection in, 1866., xi. 14 mineral wealth of, Dilke on, xviii. 249 New, and Old, ib., 247 Russian occupation of, xviii. 252 region, Prshewalsky's scientific work near (1877.), xxii. 51 Russian occupation of, 1871., xvi. 404-5 Rawlinson on, xvi. 409 ; xxii. 341 Kulewein, — , cited on Khiva, v. 192 Kulkula ravine, Abyssinia, xii. 300 Kulmut swamp, Baluchistan, vii. 117 Kulshishkun, E. Turkestan, elevation of, and wild yak of, xiv. 50 Kiim, or Gt. Desert of Kashgar, buried cities in, visited by Forsyth, 1874., xviii. 440, 442-3 Shahedan or Oordum Pasha, sands of, xxi. 33 Kuma river, falling into the Caspian Sea, and its affluents, iv. 199 Kumalo river, S. Africa, affluent of the Zambesi, xv. 150, No Bengule's iort near, xv. 152 Kumaon, N.W. Province of India, explora tions in, ii. 302, 303, iron of, iv. 30 Kumara Mt., Nyassa district, Africa, viii. 261 Kumayle, Abyssinia, temperature at, xiv. 159 Kumbwi on the Lualaba, Cameron at. xx. 311 KUM— KUT 175 Kumkwoshek, or Fa-piu, rock, Si-kiang valley, China, v. 240 Kunar river, see Chitral river Kunohinjanga, see Kanchanjinga Kunda river, affluent of the Lualaba, xxii. 404 Kunduz, Afghanistan, rich district of, xxi. 139 Kuneeseh, Turkey in Asia, probably Kunaxa, Bewsher on, xi. 156 Kung-ohow, China, treaty-port, (1858.), iii. 86 Kunges river, Russian Turkestan, affluent of the Hi river, xviii. 249 Kungraad, E. Siberia, fortified town of, and population, xv. 113-4 Kungwe Cape, Lake Tanganyika, xix. 252 Kunjiit or Hunza district, N.W. frontier of India, described, xiii. 131, position of, xv. 185 Kunya river, affluent of the Lualaba, xxii. 406 Ku-pei-kou pass, China, Bushell on, 1872., xviii. 149, 166, orossed by Prshewalsky, 1871., xviii. 77 town, xviii. 166, honey of, 167 Kupffer, Prof. Hon. Foreign Member of R.G.S., obituary notioe of, 1866., x. 211 Kuphjnee river, Tibetan Himalayas, glaciers of, explored by Strachey, 1847., viii. 222 note Kiipro, Caucasus, opening of route to, iv. 248 Kuran river, W. Persia, the ancient Pasitigris, i. 220 Kurayeeka river, Siberia, reached by Wiggins and Seebohm, 1876., xxii. 102, 106, natives of, 108 Kurd Kabul pass, Afighanistan, xx. 242 Kurdistan, bad passes in, i. 288 Christians in, ix. 40 described by Taylor (1865.), ix. 36 explorations in, Taylor's, and discovery of easy route through, (1868.), xii. 302-5 ; Murchison on, xi. 222 maps of, referred to, Glascott's, i. 163, Taylor's, xi. 98 source and course of the Lycus and other rivers in, Taylor, 1867., xi. 97 Kurds of Armenia, geographical distribu tion of, and history of the race of, Bryce on, xxii. 171-2 Kurdoong pass, Kashmir, near Leh, xviii. 113 Kuril Islands, and neighbourhood explored by French and Russians, 1859., iii. 271 Kurin, capital of Mongolia, called Urga by Russians, xiv. 248 Kurkh, Kurdistan, site of, Rawlinson on, ix. 36, ruins and inscriptions at, ix. 36, 38 Kurmadan glacier, Karakorum, aspect of, xviii. 115 Kurnafonlee river, Lushai district, India, drainage area of, xvii. 43 Kurnali river (Upper) Nepal, our ignorance of, Montgomerie on, xix. 344 Kurnul, Hyderabad dominion, India, cotton district of, trade outlets for, vii. 96 Kuro-Siwo, Black Stream or Gulf Stream of Japan, x. 127 admiralty observations of, 1863., vii. 140 Collinson on, viii. 26 off Formosa, x. 127 Osborn on, xiii. 109 Swinhoe on, viii. 24 velocity and temperature of, xx. 412 Kurrachee or Karachi (q.v.), Sind, i. 161, 1 62 ; future of, as trade emporium, Crawfurd on, viii. 21 Harbour and Bay described, xi. 24 ; Murchison on, xi. 221 survey base at, i. 371 telegraph line from, to Gwadur, Gold smid on, 1861-2., vii. 91, Walton on, 1863., vii. 117 tide-table for, published, 1870., xv. 284 trade of, xi.' 27 Kurreh Kol, C. Asia, lake at, x. 151 Kurtka, fortress, Russian Turkestan, xiv. 224 Kurum Hopohagai, Siberia, " kitchen " at, xxi. 214 Kurrun-Sai river, Pamirs, near Zak, xxi. 125 Kuruman river, S. Africa, drying-up of, ii. 159 Kurwat road, Mekran, geological forma tion of hills along, vii. 92 Kushan, China, navigation of Y'angtsze river at, iii. 167 Kushkana-tau, Russian Turkestan, recent ruins near, xix. 428 Kusin Tazghun river, E. Turkestan, course of, xx. 485 Kussonei, Saghalien, latitude of, xiii. 365 Kustendji, Roumania routes between and the Danube, Spratt on, i. 94 Kutaif, El, Persian Gulf, visits of early travellers to, viii. 102 Kutanie pass, see Kootenay Kutanie river, N. America, course of, i. 265 passes leading to, iii. 123 Kutato river, W. Africa, affluents of, xx. 322 Kutban-kul, C. Asia, called by Ujfalvy lake Fedohenko, xxii. 340 Kutoh, Gulf of (see Cutch, Runn of), tidai observations in, xix. 433 Kutemaldy river, Russian Turkestan, course of, xviii. 251 Kiitha, Turkey in Asia, Rawlinson on, xi. 157, 158 Kutighat, or Bhairava Langur (q.r.), Mt., Himalayas, ii. 107 176 KUT— LAC! Kutighat or Kuti Pass, i. 349, 350, ii. 108 Kutlung, Burmo-Chinese borders, Shan village, xx. 235 Kutna, S. Australia, water-hole, x. 130 Kuvoi river, affluent of the Lualaba, xx. 125 Kuzluk, W. Persia, leopards of, xvii., 194 Kverkfjoll, active volcano, Iceland, xx. 27 Kwa Hills, W. Africa, vi. 239 Kwaden Hoek, or Hakluyt's Headland, Spitzbergen, ice near, ix. 166 Kwakasongo, C. Africa, chief of, xx. 311 Kwakwa, or Quilimane river (q.v.), E. Africa, features of, xix. 143 Kwamkembe, E, Africa, xx. 75 Kwan-keaou-ho river, China, stone bridge over, xiv. 169-70 Kwang-ning-shan Mts., Manchuria, see Iwu Liui Kwango river, or Ibari Nkuti, affluent of Livingstone's Lualaba, xxii. 406 discovered by Livingtone, xxii. 404 Kwang-tung or Kwan-tung province, S. China, i. 330 geological formation of, v. 239 Legge's journey up E. River in, 1861., vi. 166 Kwang-yin hill, Formosa, elevation and aspect of, xi. 167, 168 Kwang-yuen, W.C. China, country near, xiv. 176 Kwan-tung, Manchuria, busy traders of, xvi. 209 Kwanza river, W. Africa, xx. 126, 320 Cameron's journey to, 317 Kwara, see Niger river Kweeni river, feeder of Nile, xxii. 391 Kwei Chou, or Kwei Yang, China, climate of, xx. 199 commerce of, xiv. 168 described by Margary, xx. 194 limit of navigation of the Yangtsze river, in 1870., xiv. 236, 305 mountains and plains of, xx. 194, 196 pyramids in plain of, xx. 196 visited by Swinhoe, etc., xiv. 236, 237, xv. 292 Kwei-ling, China, chief town of Kiang-si, v.240 Kwei-ting-Hsien, city, China, Margary at, 1874., xx. 193 Kwich-pak, native name of Yukon river, Alaska, xii. 187 Kwihara, Lake district, E. Africa, death of Dillon near, 1873., xviii. 282 Kwikuruh, capital of Unyanyembe, Cameron on, xx. 307 Kya river,' Nile region, source of, and course, Kemp on, xix. 324 Kya Kya La (pass), Tibet, elevation of, and glaciers near, xxi. 342 Kyangyung, Tibet, x. 166 Kyaring Cho (lake), Tibet, extent of, and fresh water in, xxi. 337, feeders of, 338 Kyebi, capital of Akem, W. Africa, xx. 475 Kyendwen, or Denai, river, Burmah, affluent of the Irrawaddy, xiii. 247 Kylas, see Kailas Kyonkdweng, gorge of the Irrawaddy, Burma, xiv. 350 Kyt, or Kytch, Island, (see Misr er Rek), White Nile, viii. 135, 143 ; Petherick at, 1857., and approximate geographical position of, v. 32 La'ah, Wadi, S. Arabia, fertility of, xviii. 200 Laba river, Caucasus, vi. 60 Labba torrent, Abyssinia, xiii. 220 Labele, W. Africa, vii. 105 Labelle rapids of Volta river, W. Africa, Bonnat cited on, xxi. 475 Labong, Burmo-Chinese frontier, xix. 275 Lahore, Nile region, geographical position determined by Mason Bey, 1877., xxii. 229 mountains near and natives of, xx. 51 Mt., position of, xix. 324 Labouchere, Rt. Hon. H. H., on presenta tion of gold medal of R.G.S. to A. C. Gregory, 1857., i. 369 on Livingstone's official despatches and on the help given him by the Portu guese, i. 236 Labrador, admiralty surveys of, iv. 155, xii. 196, 243, xix. 407, xx. 407, xxi. 434 climate, geology, and people of, Latrobe on, vii. 101 coast of, i. 419; between Blanc Sablon Bay and Cape Harrison, Hamilton, ix. 131 N.E., Chimmo's visit to, 1867., xii. 195 vapours on, their causes, v. 26 coast current of, i. 62, ix. 132 ; cold wall of, xxi. 258 Hind's expedition to, viii. 50 ice along shores of, v. 66, xii. 195; action of, ix. 256 ice-bergs of, iv. 105, 106 M'Clintock on, v. 64 proposed telegraph station at, v. 95 to Lake Superior, geological forma tion of district, ii. 293 Labuan Island, Borneo, i. 206 coal mines of, iii. 300 Labuka river, Borneo, sources of, ii. 347 Labul Mt., W. Africa, alleged sources of the Faro river in, xxi. 491 Lacerda, Dr., Portuguese traveller in Africa, i. 92, 239 ascent of the Zambesi by, 1798., ii. 316 LAC— LAI 177 Lacerda, Dr. — continued. expedition to Cazembe, ib., xi. <235, 237 observations for positions by, referred to, i. 245 travels of, translation announced, xvii 20 ; value of, iv. 181 cited on the Pereira's journey to the Cazembe, xi. 235 death of, on the Chungu river, xiv. 11 Lachine, on the St. Laurence river, Canada, open in winter, xxi. 284 Lachlan river, N.S.Wales, affluent of the Darling river, xiv. 289 early ideas on, ix. 226 explored by Oxley (1817.), xiv. 199 Lacopede Bay, S. Australia, physical features of, xv. 266 La Crosse, Lake a la, Br. N. America, ii. 51 Ladakh, Kashmir Expeditions to, from, and in, Johnson's, to Ilchi, I860., Rawlinson, on, xi. 6 Pundit's, 1868., Montgomerie on, ii. 208 , 1873., Trotter on, xii. 154, xxi. 325 Schlagintweits', 1856., i. 273, ii. 299 gold-bearing region near, Shaw, xiii. 193, xiv. 212 iron of, xiii. 189 plain of, elevation of, xiii. 13 people of, etc., xii. 164 et seq., Shaw on, 1872., xvi. 395 trade wares of, xii. 163 - — and Yarkand, region between, Shaw on, xv. 175 ¦ Mts., elevation of snow-line on, xiii. 193 Ladenburg Island, Franz Josef Land, xix. 33 Ladder Hill, St. Helena, temperature at, iii. 364 Ladi, W. Africa, ruined town, visited by May, 1857., iii. 312 Ladislaus [Magyar], travels of, in S.W. Africa, i. 245-6 Lado, or Lardo, on the Nile, Gordon's station at, 1875., xxi. 56 geographical position determined by Mason, xxii. 229 mountains of, xviii. 139 Ladoga Lake, Russia in Europe, Hydro- graphioal Survey of, A. Andreyeff, 1857., xiii. 375 Lady Alice, steamer on the V. Nyanza, see Stauley Lady Augusta, steamer up the Murray river, Southern Australia, 1853., iv. 94 Lady Charlotte Water, S. Australia, xix. 53 Lady Franklin Bay, Arctic region, believed to be a strait, xviii. 14 proposed settlement, of American sailors at, (1878.), xxii. 337-8 Lady Franklin Strait, latitude of, xx. 60 Lafoozl river, W. coast of C. Africa, bridge over, xix. 85 Lagar Flidt (river), Iceland, source and course of, v. 82-3 Laghnat, N. Africa, elevation of, iv. 184 Lagoons, Valley of, in Queensland, viii. 110, x. 33 climate of, 111, 113 Dalrymple's expedition to, (1863.), viii. 110, and route to, x. 34, 51, 247 Lagos, W. Africa, bar of, ii. 229, vii. 107 Bedingfeld on, vii. 107 cotton from, Strickland on, vi. 52 needs of sanatorium at, Burton on, vi. 49 as outlet for C. African trade, Freeman on, vi. 17 proposed communication from to Rabba, i. 445, ii. 87 route to, from Lukoja, via Ibadan, Baikie on, vi. 23 from Boussa, opened by May (1858.), ii. 317 from the Niger-Benue confluence, xxi. 486 river, explored by Skene, (1856.), i. 156 Lagulung pass, over inner Himalayan range, elevation of, xix. 338 Laguna, on the Purvis river, Peruvian steamers plying to Brazil from, (1866.), x. 106 — — Bay, Queensland, latitude of, xxi. 436 Verde, Chilian Andes, level of, iv. 47 Lahauri, or Lahori, pass, Chitral, xiii. 133, elevations near, xvi. 255 Lahej valley, fertile, though near the coast, S. Arabia, xvi. 117, 119 Lahijan, Persia, iii. 391 Lahm Sicca, Sinaitic Peninsula, road of, x. 159 Lahong, Lao States, visited by Schom burgk, I860., v. 118 Lahore, Punjab, India, the Mirza Haidar cited on, xx. 483 rainfall of, Xi. 64 Lahoul, or Lahaul, British province in Kashmir region, graves of northern invaders in, xvi. 402 trade exaction in, Rawlinson on, xiii. 1 1 valley of, Harcourt on, (1871.), xv. 336, 339 et seq. Laing, A., on Livingstone and his boys, xviii. 264 Laing, Major, journey of, to Falaba, W. Africa, 1869., Reade on, xiv. 185 Laird, Macgregor, exploration of the Niger by the Pleiad (1854.), i. 114, 155, 445 on the voyage of the Ma Robert up the Zambesi, 1858., iii. 103 obituary notice of, 1861., v. 160 178 LAI— LAN Laisia, Formosa, hill near, and Christian colony at, xxi. 261 Lake, ancient, of Congo basin, Stanley on, xxii. 406 , a Boiling, Discovery of, in Dominica, W. Indies, 1876., Preston, xx. 230 a Freshwater, action of Surface cold and heat on, Carpenter cited on, xxi. 299 near the Trucur river (S. Australia), xv. 98, 99 Pass, Rocky Mts., found by Pallisei's expedition, 1858., iii. 123 and river vegetation in Africa, Baker on (see also Sudd, etc.), xx. 54 of the Woods, Canada, described by Palliser, 1856., ii. 46, proposed settle ment of civilized Indians at, (1859.), iv. 37 district, geological formation of, Seymour on, xx. 298 Lakes of Otago Province, N. Zealand, McKerrow's survey of, (1864.), viii. 47, 48 with more than one outlet (Norway). Blackwell on, viii. 110; ditto (Canada), Hind and others on, viii. 50, 51, 52 region of, in N.E. Australia (see Lagoons), viii. 110-11 the Swiss, and Swiss-Italian, varia tions in level of, Chaix., xvii. 206 ¦ near the Zambesi river, ii. 366 Lakhang, Tibet, Buddhist monastery of, xiv. 208 La Kio or Ta Kio river, see Lan Tsan La-ko-li river, Formosa, bamboo bridge over, xvii. 147 saline waters of, 148, town, ib. . Lak Tsung Mts., E. Turkestan, described by Hayward, 1868., xiv. 44 Lalokie river, N. Guinea, xxii. 220 La-lung, Formosa, mountains near, xvii. 147, woods near, 113 Lama Miao, see Dolon nor temples near Dolon nor, Bushell on, xviii. 158-9 Lamansky, M., cited on Russian explora tions in the Thian Shan region, etc., ii. 277, 280., and elsewhere, iii. 288 Esquisse Geographique du Bassin de la Mer d'Aral, etc., (1858.), (abstract translation), iii. 387 resignation from Secretaryship of Imperial Geographical Society of Russia, I860., iv. 199 La Marca river, Isthmus of Darien, gold on, i. 78 Lamas of Tibet (see Kailas, etc.), xix. 331 Lamb, G. W., Notes on the Country at the head of the Gulf of Carpentaria, 1856., title only, x. 248, abstraot, 325 Lambay Botel Island, near Formosa, inhabited by Chinese, viii. 27 Lambert, Cape, W. Australia, x. 44 Lamboo, W. Africa, streams near, xix. 80 Lambri, or Sumatra, Thomson on, xx. 222 Lambton, Col., Trigonometrical Survey of India by, 1803-23., i. 370 Lammansieri, N. Guinea, beauty of, xix. 520 Lammay Island, or Little Lewkew, China Sea, aspect of, x. 127 Lamont, J., on Spitzbergen, xvii. 104, as a base for N. Polar exploration of 1865., ix. 154-6 his first expedition to same, unsuccess ful, 1865., xvi. 85 proposed expedition, 1869., letter on, xiii. 225 Murchison on, xiii. 224 progress of, xiii. 293 ; referred to, xxi. 552 Lamoo, or Lamu, E. Africa, Von Schickh at, 1865., x. 97 war-scare at, 1875., xxii. 448 Lampasuk river, Borneo, source of, ii. 347 Lampoon, Siam, difficult travelling near, v. 118 Lamprey, Dr. J., Notes of a journey to the N.W. of Pekin, 1861., xi. 259 Lanai Island, Sandwich Group, xii. 306 Lancaster Sound, Arctic regions, i. 23 open water at mouth of, all the year round, xiii. 375 whaling at, xiii. 372 Lan-chu, China, on the Yellow river, position of, and routes to, xvi. 244 ; route from, to Zaisan, found by Sosnofsky, (1876.), xxi. 22 L'AneresBe Bay, Guernsey, cromlech at, x. 338 Landak, or Landik, river, Borneo, i. 201, ii. 346 "Landat" district of Dominica, W. Indies, xx. 230 Landells, G. J., of the Victorian Camel Expedition, v. 8 Lauder, R., explorations of in W. Africa, 1833., referred to, i. 310, ii. 99 first gold medallist R.G.S., 1831., vi. 185 Land Masses, On the Formation of the Main, Duncan, xxii. 68 Landor, H., Notes on the Probable Condi tion of the Interior of Australia, i. 31 Strzelecki on same, i. 34-5 Landsborough Creek, Queensland, vii. 83 River, probably the Thomson, vi. 68 Co., Station on Beans Brook, xi. 45 Landsborough, W., x. 328, xii. 287 award to, 1863., vii. 120, 122 explorations of, in Australia — early, references to, vi. 67, 68, vii. 14 1861., with search expedition for' Burke and Wills, vi. 24', 68, 194 LAN— LAT 179 Landsborough, W*. — continued , Explorations of, in Australia — cont. 1861., despatchos on, vii. 3, routes, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, finds good sheep country, 8, deductions from his success, 9, praise of, 15, 89 official reports, vii. 36, 37, 38, 40 Paper on, vii. 83 results, vii. Ill, 112, 116, ix. 234; Murchison on, vii, 173, 174, 175- 7, its one omission, 180 1865., Leichhardt search expedition, x. 62 ; expedition to Port Denison, viii. 212, ix. 226,230, x. 62 1867., exploration of Flinders river, xii. 56 1868., exploration near Norman river settlement, N. Australia, xiii. 52 Journey from Rockhampton to Port Denison vid Bowen Downs, x. 62 on his expeditions — to Albert river, vii. 40, 83 to mouths of Flinders river, xii. 56 near Norman river, xiii. 52 on scarcity of reptiles in Australia, vii. 115, cited 111, ix. 301 on sheep-farming in tropical Queens land, x. 248 on the suitability of Queensland for colonization, vii. 115 cited on the Flinders river, ix. 303 ¦ on the progress of Queensland, x. 249 Land's End, England, dangers of, i. 422 Lane, — expedition up the Atrato and Truando riyers, Colombia, S. America, i. 63-4 Lang, Mt., Queensland, an extinot volcano, viii. Ill, 112, 113 Langar, Pamir region, deserted condition of, xv. 391 Bulghar Akhund, Gobi Desert, ruins of, xxi. 35 Lange, Daniel A., on the Suez Canal Scheme, iii. 201, statement by, 203 Langoven, Spitzbergen, ix. 311 Lang-ping-hien, N. China, described by Bushell, 1872., xviii. 166 Langshang, navigation of the Yang-tsze river at, iii. 168 Lang-shwuy-ho, river, W.C. China, source and course of, xiv. 172 Lang-tai, S.W. China, mountains near. xx. 197 Langton Bay, N. America, ix. 129 Language of South Africa, Notes on, Figaniere, viii. 105, errata, 157 Langur, see Deodanga Lan-ho river, China, rise and course of, xiv. 183 Lanji Lake (Lake Ulenge of Livingstone), C. Africa, xx. 125 Lankar or Marseniik L4 (pass), Tibetan borders, elevation of^ and crossing of, by the Pundit, 1873., xxi. 326 Lankong, Plain of, Yunnan, S.W. China, sulphur mines and hot springs of, xv. 164 Lansdowne, Marquis of, obituary notice of, 1863,, vii. 126 Lantsan, or Lan-San-Kiang, (see also Mekong) river, Tibet, course of, Cooper on, xiii. 393, xiv. 341, 342, 344 Goneah tribe on, xv. 168 Lanuto, Upolu Island, Navigator Group, described by Forbes, xxi. 144 Lan-yang-hein, China, first breach in Yellow river bank at, 1851., xiv. 21 Lao or Laos States (see Shan States), N. and N.E. of Siam, Parkes on, (1855.,) i. 13-14 Laoche or Laochia Pass, Himalayas, eleva tion of, i. 273, xiii. 191 Lao-thie-shan Cape, Gulf of Pechili, N.E. China, iii. 65 Lao-tsan river, S.W. China, and region, xii. 338 Laou-Kai, last city in Tonquin, xix. 283 Laou-Yang, Manchuria, coal of, xiii. 30 La Paz, (Bolivia), astronomical observa' tions at, i. 470 Argentine Republic, xx. 500 La Perouse, monument to, in the Louvre, iv. 116, massacre of his boat's crew at Tutuila Island, xxi. 140, 145 Strait, E. Asia, distance across, xvi. 195 La Plata, provinces of, South America, Parish's work on, about 1830., ix. 244 Laqua, on the Luanga river, Congo region, xix. 97 Laquie, town, C. Africa, i. 75 Lar river, Persia, trout in, vi. 103 Larcom, Capt., travels of, in Turkestan, xiii. 15 Mt., Queensland, and other hills near Port Curtis, i. 496 Laree Point, Evouga, or Grongo, Mada gascar, xiv. 375 Largeau, V., expedition from the Medi terranean to the Gold Coast, W. Africa, 1877., xxi. 474 Lariab, see Tampico Larnach — , scheme for an expedition to region of Great Australian Bight, 1865., ix. 76 Laroki, Manumanu or Lily river, N. Guinea, course of. xx. 266 fertility of land near, xx. 332 tributaries of, xx. 268 Lash Juwain or Kokat district, Afghani stan, xvii. 89 Lat Valley, Abyssinia, mountains near, xii. 299 Latacunga, Ecuador, elevation, tempera ture, and volcanic phenomena at, xxi. 557 180 LAT— LEE Latitude and Longitude, Omission of Barometrical and other readings in Sextant Observations for Determination of, E. Dunkin, viii. 155 Latonga river, Upolu Island, Navigator group, xxi. 143 Latooka dist., Nile region, and mountains near, described by B iker, x. 11, 12 Latrobe, Rbv. P., on Labrador and Green land, inhabitants of, and early Scandi navian settlements in, vii. 101-2 Latrobe Mt., Victoria, Australia, named by MiiUer, (1855.), i. 4 river, Victoria, Australia, i. 3 Laube, Dr., of the German N. Polar expedition 1869., xv. 102 et seq. Laughton — , on Oceanic currents, xv. 91 Laur river, see Heraz Laura Valley Persia, mountains of, iii. 5, 6 Laurel Hill, Mt. Hood, Oregon, xi. S L Laurentide Mts., N. America, extent of, and geological formation, Hector on, xx. 300 Laurie, R. H., obituary notice of, 1859., iii. 258 Laurijan district, Persia, iii. 4 Lauture, Comte d'Bscayrac de, Memoire sur le Soudan, reviewed, ii. 220 Nile expedition of, 1856-7., i. 157, 300 — — proposed, i. 503, abandoned, Twyford on, 508 Lau-Ye-Miau, on the Yellow river, China, described by Elias, xiv. 26-7 Lava Beds, California, Modoc battle at, xix. 299, site described by Simpson, 301 Laval, see Yule Island Lavoro or Ora river of S.E. Africa, see Inyarhime Lavradio, Count, founder of Lisbon Geo graphical Society, 1867., xii. 15 on Livingstone's Zambesi expedition, ii. 119 on Portuguese exploration in Africa, i. 237-9 death of, 1870., Murchison on, xiv. 313 Lawas river, Borneo, cave-dwelling Peman tribe of, xvi. 176 • Lawes, Rev. — , letters from N. Guinea, 1876., xx. 354-6 river near Hood Point discovered by, 1876., xxi. 460 Lawrence, O. W., Journey from Kijoto to Yedo (Japan) by the Nakasenlo road, 1872., xvii. 80 -, , and E. Satow, travels of, in Japan, (before 1874.), xviii. 236 ¦ , Hon. A., obituary notice of, 1856., i. 125 , Lord (Sir John), on Badakshan and Wakhan, and on Russian advance on India, xvii. 1 15 on E. Turkestan, and the same, xx. 492 Lawson, Mr., on African natives and Euro pean travellers, x. 118 Lawson Creek, C. Australia, latitude of and water near, vi. 9-10 Mt., Kibanga, Equatorial Africa, named by Stanley, xxii. 394 river, affluent of Livingstone's Lualabi, xxii. 406 Lay, H., on China, its resources and rebel lions, vii. 31 on revenue collection at the Chinese treaty ports, vii. 32 on Russian activity in C. Asia, xi. 163 Layard, A. H., on Susa, and Southern Persia, i. 293-6 travels in Persia referred to, i. 288-9 Leach, Lieut., of Brown's Vancouver expedition, 1864., ix. 306 et seq. Leach river, Vancouver, affluent of the Sooke river, ix. 307 Leahy, "E., Visit to the ruins of Sizicus, Asiatic Turkey, 1857., ii. 376 Leake, — , on Forrest's Australian expedi tion of 1874., xix. 316-7, and others, 488-9 Lt.-Col. W. M , obituary notice of I860., iv. 130 Leal, Fernando da Costa, obituary notice, of, 1873., xvii. 241 , Jose' da Silva Mendes, Hon. Corre sponding Member of R.G.S., 1864., viii. 44 Leambye, Leeainbye, Liambai, Liambeji, or Zambesi river, S. Africa, i. 159, 240 affluents of, i. 245, ii. 354, xx. 125-6 • channels of, iii. 103 latitude of, f. 6, probably the Zambesi, 7, 11 , Livingstone's explorations of, i. 233, and identification with the Upper Zambesi, xx. 440 ; its source, ib. Leared, Dr., on Morocco, xxi. 611 Leather Pass (see also Yellow Head Pass), Rocky Mts., advantages of, xii. 122 exploration via, by Earl Milton and Dr. Cheadle, 1862., ix. 17 Lebanon Mts., Syria, Cedars district of, explored by Washington and others, I860., v. 171 highest summits, v. 171, 172 journeys to, etc., Porter, i. 7 Lebianoi Cape, Nova Zembla, sea-bottom near, ix. 171., current near, 172 Lechuiatile, chief of a tribe on Lake Ngami, S. Africa, I860., v. 18 Lecky, Lt., r.n.r., explorations of, in the E. Pacific Ocean, 1874., xviii. 540 Ledja, see Leja Ledovit Sea, Siberia, tribes near, xxi. 215 Lee, Dr. J., obituary notice, 1866., x. 212 , Mr., hunter, S. Africa, xv. 152 Leeba river, S. C. Africa, latitude of confluence with Leambye river, i. 6 LEE— LEI 181 Leeuwin or Lewin, Cape, S.W. Australia, ii. 210 admiralty survey near, xx. 408, xxi. 435 mail route via, i, 81, vi. 199 river near, i, 31 Leewumbu river, E. Afrioa (see Shi- meeyu) — in relation to the Nile, xxii. 386 southern feeder of Victoria Nyanza, Stanley on, xx. 137, fight with natives near, 138-140 various names of, xx. 142 Lefevre, G. S., on the telegraph route to Baghdad and proposed extension to India, v. 222-3 Lefroy, H. M., explorations in interior of W. Australia, 1863., viii. 45, ix. 112, xii. 290, xiv. 204-5, 206 , Gen., on an American Antarctic expedition under Wilkes, xiii. 121 . on artificial divisions of Australia, etc., xiv, 204 on H. M. Lefroy's W. Australian explorations, viii. 46, xiv. 204-5 on Punchbowl Lake, Rocky Mts. with two outlets, viii. 52 on routes aoross N. America, i. 265, and trade, 266 - — , Lieut., bringing news of Dr. Baikie's settlements on the Niger, 1862., vii. 67 Lefroy Lake, W. Australia, ix. 112 Ml, W. Australia, xiv. 204 Legean and Peney, explorations towards the Nile Sources, I860., v. 210 Legendre Island, off W. Australian coast, x. 47 Leh, or L^, Ladak, elevation of, xvii. 197 expeditions to and from — Cayley's, 1868., xiii. 202 Hay ward's, 1868, xiv. 40, 41 et seq. Johnson's, 1865, xi. 6 Pundit Nain Singh's, 1873-4, xxi. 325 Schlagintweit's, (1857.), i. 276, 277, iii. 144 meteorological observations taken at, by W. H. Johnson, remarks by Mont gomerie, xvii. 197 monastery at, origin of; xvi. 402 plan of, made by Schlagintweit, i. 277 and its trade, Forsyth on, xiii. 12 to Yarkand, routes from, Hayward on, xiv. 41 Leichhardt, Dr. Ludwig, awarded Foun der's Gold Medal of R.G.S., 1846., vii. 16, 37, 82, 86, 169, ix. 229, x. 85, xvi. 295, xix. 41 early expedition of, in N. Australia, 1846,, i. 497, iii. 30, 333-334, iv. 82, 83, vii. 9, and others, 15, 16, viii. Ill , 112,118, 121, ix. 229, x. 59, 85, results, 325-6, xii. 140-1, 295 expedition of 1847-8., (proposed) route Leichhardt, Dr. Ludwig^-co»rin»e Goad on, xxii. 278-80 Penitents of, xxii. 278 Meyendorf, Baron G. de,Hon. Corr. Memb. of R.G.S., travels of, xi. 203 obituary notice of, 1865., ix. 207 Meyer, Dr., exploration of Jobie Island and of N. Guinea by (1875.), xviii. 47, xix. 244 Mezarib, Syria, station for pilgrims at, vii. 29, 30 Mezezelbet, Tunis, on the Mejerdah river, vi. 211 Mfumbiro, Peak, E. Africa, elevation of, xvii. 31 lake near, xi. 244 Mgongo Tembo, rock, E. Africa, latitude of, xxi. 502 Mgongo Tembo, rock, E. Africa— conl. plains near, and feeders of the Nile at, xxii. 386 Mgunda Mkali, desert and forest region, E. Africa, crossed by Cameron, xx. 306 Speke in, vi. 17, vii. 182 Stanley in, xx. 134, 140 Mhow, Bengal, India, climate at and eleva tion of, xi. 57, 69 Miaco, Japan, Alcock's visit to, 1861., yi. 205 Miani, African travels of, and map by, (1861.), v. 210 ; Murchison on, ix. 265 river ascended by, viii. 249 tree at furthest point reached by, vii. 214, latitude of, vii. 187, 226, x. 24 Miankilai, chief town of Swat, xvi. 254 Mia-tao Islands off N.E. China, no anchor* age at, iii. 61 Straits, iii. 64, shipping in, 65 Michell, J., geographical progress in Russia, 1862., vi. 159 , R., Russian Expedition to the Alai and Pamir, 1876., KoBtenko's account, xxi. 122 on the Zerafshan valley, etc., xiv. 233 , T., on Bokhara, its trades, and the Italian travellers, viii. 273 on the Oxus, Khiva, etc., xvii. 163 on Russian geographical progress, etc., 1861., v. 190 Michie, A., on the Rovuma, and its trade, ix. 287 Journey from Tientsin to Mukden, Manchuria, (1861.), vii. 25 on his journey in Shansi, 1869., xv. 173. 292 , see Mickie Michigan, Lake, U.S.A., i. 264, its size, ii. 337 Mickie, — (? Michie, q.v.), on the Gulf of Pe-chi-li and Leo-tung, 1859., iv. 58 cited on China and piracy in, iv. 191 Middendorf Glacier, Franz Josef Land, xix. 29 Mt., Spitzbergen, elevation of, xv. 306 Middle Island, N. Zealand, expeditions and explorations in — Brunner's, 1846-7., ix. 34 Haast's, 1861-3., viii. 56 Hector's, 1863., viii. 46, 47, ix. 32 Point, N. Australia, xii. 56 Strait, Great Andaman Islands, currents of, vi. 116 Middleton, T., of McKinlay's expedition, vii. 110, 176, 177 receives gold watch awarded by R.G.S, to McKinlay, 1863., vii. 120, 122 on his journey with McKinlay, vii. 114-6 Miembe, Congo region, xix. 85 p 210 MIE-MIS Mien, forest of, W. China, Polo cited on, xx. 237 Mien-Chow, N.W. China, city and district described by Gill, xxii. 264 river at, xxii. 263 Mieomaffo, Mt., Timor, geological forma tion of, iii. 369 Miers, J. H., on the Pampas, etc., xvii. 65 Mifh&k, S.W. Arabia, elevation of, and fortifications at, xviii. 195 plateau between, andSana'a, xviii. 197 Mikenes, Morocco, ix. 312 Mikindani, or Mikeridany, harbour, S.E. Africa, i. 76, x. 263, xi. 15, xxi. 589 Mikro Kaimene Island, Greek Isles, effect of volcanic eruption on, x. 318 Mila Khatang pass, Tibeto-Assam border, xxi. 343 Miles, Capt. S. B., Excursion into the Interior of S. Arabia, 1870., xv. 319, remarks by Badger on, xv. 328 On the Somali Country, (1872.), xvi. 149 , Pliny, on Chinese in California, and on the parallel between the Missis sippi and the Yangtse, ii. 206-7 on Iceland and its climate, v. 100 — travelling in arid countries, ii. 77 Milford Haven, or Sound, N. Guinea, viii. 49, 50, ix. 32, coast near, 34 Milh&n Mts., Yemen, S.W. Arabia, trend of, xviii. 200 Military geography and Topography, scope of, Wiison, xix. 63 et seq. Milk river, N. America, gorge of, described by Anderson, xx. 292 Miller, Capt., on the Bissagos Islands in 1850., i. 43 , Gen., exploration of, in Cuzco, 1835., ix. 245 MiUingen, Dr. C, Notes of a journey in Yemen, S.W. Arabia, (1874.), xviii. 194 , Maj., on the Mountains of Kurdistan, xvi. 223 Milne, Adm. Sir A., on the Arctic expedi tion of 1875., xxi. 287 on the fitness of naval officers for command of expeditions, xx. 327 — — , Rev. W. G, on the importance of Chinese internal trade, ii. 207 Milne Bay, N. Guinea, xxi. 360 Milton, Viscount, and Dr. Cheadle, Ex pedition across the Rocky Mts. into B. Columbia by the Yellow Head or Leather Pass, 1862., ix. 17, 21 obituary notice of the former, 1877., xxi. 416 Min river, or Southern river, W. China, affluent of the Yangtse, ascended by Wylie, 1854. and later, xiv. 35 bridge over at Chi'ung-Chu, xxii. 265, at Fouchou, xviii. 169 changes in, noted, 1869., xiii. 278 rise of, course, and trade on, xiv. 168, 169 Mina Reale, Isthmus of Darien, yield and position, i. 78 Minab, Persia, xvii. 87 Grant's journey to, xvi. 219 Mingan river, Labrador, country near, ix. 136 Mingrelia, Caucasus, viii. 275 beauty of country and inhabitants, vi. 7 jungle of, viii. 276 Ming-yol Hill, near Kashgar, xviii. 418 Minhassa district, CelebeB, results of Christianising the natives of, xiii. 290 Mininga, E. C. Africa, healthy and well- watered, xxii. 38 Minnesota, U.S.A., climate, natives, and buffaloes of, Seymour on, xx. 299 great snowstorm in, 1873., xx. 280 river, U.S.A., level of watershed near, ii. 339 Minussink, E. Siberia, Pavlinof s journey to, (1871.), xv. 291 Minyoro, Nile region, Baker at, xviii. 58 ; natives and cultivation of, xviii. 141; see Unyoro Minzala Enzody, Morocco, geological formation at, ix. 26-7 Miquelon Island, off Newfoundland, sea- action near, i. 311 Miquindane, Mozambique coast, i. 76 ; see Mikindani Mira river, Ecuador, iii. 94 ; area drained by, xxi. 557 Mirage Creek, S. Australia, why so called ii. 26 Mirale river, Dominica, W. Indies, pre cipitous hills along, xx. 230 Mirambo, chief of Unyamwezi, xviii. 71, xix. 140, 151, xx. 140-1 attitude of, towards missionaries, ' xxii. 37 Broyon-Mirambo on, xxii. 32 terror inspired by, xx. 140-1, xxii. 387 , P. Broyon-, Description of King Mirambo's country, Unyamwesi, and the best route thither from the E. Coast,-, xxii. 28 Mirza, the, explorations of, in C. Asia, 1868-71., xv. 181,198,286 Mirza Haidar (a Prince of Kashgar), on the geography of Turkistan, Shaw, xx. 482 cited on buried cities in Khotan, xxi. 31 Mirza Terek or Pas Kurgan fort, C. Asia, Trotter on, xviii. 418-9 Misanah, ruin, S. Arabia, xv. 330 Mishmee Pass into Tibet from Assam, described, v. 48-9 exploration of, xi. 257 Mishmi Hills, forest-clad, xxi. 594 tribes of, hostile to travellers, xxi. 590-1, 592 Misingwallah, E. C. Africa, hills near, six. 146 MIS— MOF 211 Misr er Rek, Nile, geographical position of, vii. 204 Mme. Tinne's party at, 1863., viii. 12-16 rains at, and game near, viii. 16 trade at, viii. 16 Missalami, on the Nile, desert near, xx. 357 MiBselad river, region of the White Nile, Brun-Rollet's exploration of, (1856.), i. 157 relation of, to the Nile, i. 447 Missions or Candelara district, Paraguay, xviii. 120-1 Missionary Societies (see also C.M.S., L.M.S., and Univ. Mission), in Africa, Alcock on, xxii. 15, 16, 17 Mississippi river — are"a of valley, xii. 73 compared with the Yang - tse - kiang, ii. 207 delta of, Maury on, xi. 31 fall of, along course, ii. 338-9 headwaters of, xx. 275 how fed, viii. 8 navigation, on head of, ii. 337 railroads near, ib. rainfall of region, xii. 73, xvii. 28 results of steam navigation on, i. 253 sidewise movement of, xx. 499 volume of, viii. 88, xvii. 27, xxii. 105 Valley, mound-builders of, viii. 52 Missouri river, i. 266 affluents of, xi. 92, their sources, xx. 287 drainage area and fall of, ii. 339 falls on, ii. 339 Palliser's exploration (1847-60.), i. 460 Upper, course and elevation of, ii. 306 volume of, ii. 149 Miswar, Jabal S. Arabia, position of, xviii. 200 Mitchell, Sir T., Australian explorations of, i. 6, 10, 34, ii. 313, iii. 21, 22, 31, 88, 91, 333, vi. 55, 68, 171, 194, vii. 87, xiv. 199, 203; northernmost point reached, i. 6, 323, xii. 141, 318, 495 observations made by, on altitudes, vii. 180 ; value of, vi. 168 Report on Victoria colony, ix. 228 obituary notice of, 1856., i. 125-6 Mitchell District, Queensland, Jardine's journey in, 1864., x. 32 Landsborough' s journey through, 1865., x. 62 ¦ river, Queensland, xviii. 106, 107, xviii. 572 affluents of, xviii. 91, 96 geological formation on, xviii. 92-3, 95 Hann at (1873.), xviii. 91, 92, 106, 107 named by Leichhardt, viii. 18 i I I pasture near, xi. 151 probable gold near head of, xii. 143 Mitchell river, Victoria, i. 3., sources of, 4 Mitchell's Plateau, S. Australia, bearings of, i. 4 Mitford, B., on the progress of Japa xviii. 241 and Satow, travels of, in Jap (1867.), xviii. 236 Mitta-Mitta river, Victoria, Australia, i. 3, sources of, 4 Mjenga, E. Africa, latitude of, and width of Shire' river at, vi. 21 Mkange', E. C. Africa, in a well-watered valley, xxi. 238 Mkata swamp, E. Africa, crossed by Cotterill, xxii. 249 Mkatete or Fort Dinah, C. Africa, near Lake Mohrya, Cameron at, xx. 314 Mkindo river, E. C. Africa, seasons when fordable, xxi. 241 Mkomazi river, Equatorial Africa, effluent of Lake Mangu, xix. 320 Mkotive river, affluent of the Lualaba river, Congo region, xx. 125 Mkundi river, affluent of the Wami rivei', E. Africa, xxii. 384 Mkuru, E. Africa, dense forest round, xxi. 238 Moab, mountains of, viii. 281 work of Palestine Exploration Fund in, xvi. 333 Moala Island, Fiji, admiralty survey of, i. 407 Mobooto swamp, Congo region, xix. 87 Mocatta, — , on the African Exploration Fund, xxii. 475 Mocha, Arabia, real source of coffee so- called, iv. 28 Moche, E. Africa, New at, 1871., xvi. 169 Moculla, Somaliland, gum-market at, xvi. 151 Modj or Lut, tributary of the Nile, i. 157, iv. 41 Modoc Region, California, Simpson, (1875.), xix. 292, lake, 299 Mddrudalr, Iceland, view from, v. 84 Moero,Lake, Upper Congo region, xvi. 435 affluents of, ix. 9, xiv. S central line of drainage of, Livingstone on, xviii. 256 . described by Livingstone, xiv. 10 effluent of, xx. 309 Moeze, the, Lower Egypt, canal operations abandoned at, iii. 200 Moffat, Dr. R., in Moselekatse's land, S. Africa, i. 159 cited on the above region, v. 129 on missionaries, etc., in S. Africa, xxi. 611 supports Archbp. of York's Resolution, xxi. 611 R. (Jun.), Journey in Bushman and Namaqualand districts of Cape of Good Hope, (1857.), ii. 77 (title only) 212 MOF— MON Moffat, R. (Jun.)— continued. Journey from Namaqualand to the Orange river, (1857.), ii. 158, 320 , Mr., member of E. Coast Livingstone Search Expedition, xvii. 169, death of, 1873., xvii. 9, 10, xviii. 69, xx. 305 Mofo or Mofue, Lake, E.C. Africa, near Cazembe, ix. 9, xi. 238 how formed, viii. 257 Mogador, Morocco, i. 517, xv. 212 geological formation of, viii. 153 sand encroachment at, ix. 24 river, geological formation of bed and shores of, ix. 25 Mogan, near the Caspian Sea, sheep of, vii. 392 MoghUzi, Djebel (mountains), Arabia, viii. 99, Palgrave on, 104 Mogoung, N. Burma, jade of, xv. 164 river, latitude of, Hannay on, xiv. 348 Moguey river, Isthmus of Darien, probably named by Balboa, i. 78 Mohammed, Ras, Sinaitic Peninsula, xii. 191 Mohamrah, Layard on, i. 294 Monteith on, i. 220, 361 and the Cha'ab Arabs, Notes on, Rawlinson, i. 351, 362 (cf. 286) Mohn, Prof., directions furnished by, to Norwegian Whaling Fleet, and results, xvii. 16, 100, 265 Mohr, E., reported death (1876.), xxi. 473 Mohrya, Lake, Africa, near Kilemba, xx. 314 lake dwellings in, Cameron on, xx. 121, 315 Mohtoor, India, elevation, etc., of, xi. 68 Mohuru district, V. Nyanza, flat lands of, xx. 146 Moi-Chin village, C. Africa, friendly natives of, v. 32 Moienzi Enzaddi, native name for a river probably the Congo, xvii. 31 Moila, Congo region, Grandy at, xix. 95, 96 Moisie river, B.N. America, Hind's journey up (1864.), viii. 50 Moitala or Moitawa river, Equatorial Africa, course of, lake formed by, viii. 257, ix. 9 Mojangd, or Mojunga, port, Madagascar, xix. 200 Arab trade with, xix. 205 Journey from, to Antananariva, May- nard, 1874., xx. 110 Mahommedan traders at, Frere on, xxi. 174 results of missionary work at, xix. 204 value of, as harbour, Xx. 114 Mojor, near the Caspian Sea, saltworks at, v. 193 Mokad Nebi Musa. Sinaitic Peninsula, xii. 191 Mokanda, Congo region, swamps near, xix. 96 Mokattum Mts., Egypt, trend of, xxii. 383 Mokteree state, S. Arabia, mountains and tribes of, xvi. 121 Mokumbo, Congo region, xix. 95 Mola Island, Sea of Marmora, error in chart near, ii. 377 Molangana Hills, Madagascar, edge of tbe Imerina Plain, xix. 184 Molda-asu, Russian Turkestan, defile of, described by Sacken, xiv. 223 Moldavia, Notes on the condition of the Gipsy population of, Gardner, i. 37 Molesworth, Sir W., obituary notice, 1856., i. 126 Molle, port, Peru, geological formation of, xii. 130 , Port, Queensland, good but useless harbour of, v. 123 Molokai Island, Sandwich group, xii. 306 coral formation of, 309 Molonde, S.C. Africa, i. 75 Moltke, Cape, Arctic regions, xv. 116 Molucca Sea, seasonB in, ii. 170 Mombds, or Mombasa, E. Africa, i. 8 Burton and Speke at, 1857., ii. 52 C.M.S. Station founded near, 1844., xvi. 126 distance of, from the snowy mountains, iii. 115 New's journey from Pangani river to, 1874., xix. 317 Mombiti, Equatorial Africa, Stanley's journey through, xx. 141 Mombo, E. Africa, and its chief Simboja, xix. 319 Momein, or Teng-Yueh-Chow, fortified city, S.W. China, xv. 172, 360 Margary at, 1875., xix. 288 railway to, desirable, xix. 270 Sladen on, 1868., xv. 361 Momeli, or Momili, N. Guinea, bush birds found near, xx. 356 deserted village of, xx. 267 Momovi river, S. Africa, caverns at source of, xxii. 118 Monangah river, Equatorial Africa, a headstream of the Nile, xxii. 387 Monarch of the Mountains, Tulul el Safa district, Syria, xvi. 113 Monarch, ship of N. Australian expedition, i. 32, 33, 34, 51, 171, 184, ii. 4, 5 Mona Peho's, in Kebokwe, W.C. Africa, xx. 319 Monda country, C. Africa, the Itiey river in, vi. 19 Mondego river, Brazil, affluent of the Paraguay river, xx. 453 Mondo, Equatorial Africa, Stanley's journey through, xx. 141 Mone, near the Salween river, Burmahj xix. 272 MON— M ON 213 Monfia, E. Africa, hippopotami and mats of, xvii. 350 Mongan, , Consul at Tientsin, cited on wool of Kalgan, xiv. 85 Monger, G., of Leichhardt Search Expedi tion, xiv. 191, 195 , Lake, W. Australia, xiv. 194 Mongo village, Equatorial W. Africa, elevation of, x. 77 Mongo M'Etindeh Mt., W. Africa, xvii. 154 Mongolia, (see also Gobi desert), Alcock on, xviii. 173 coal in, Lockhart on, xviii. 174 Eastern, ethnology of, Prshewalsky on, xviii. 84 explorations in — Atkinson's travels in, (1859.), iii. 127, Murchison on, iii. 143 Elias, Journey through W., 1872., xvii. 184, xviii. 560 Grant's journey through, (1862.), vii. 27 Prshewalsky's journeys in, 1876., xxii. 343 ; in S.W. xvii. 291 Russian travellers in, xv. 291, xvi. 350, xviii. 560 gold in, xvii. 192 Grant on, xvii. 191 invasions of Europe from, Rawlinson on, xi. 164 map of N.-W., by Veniukoff, xvi. 350 . no real existence, Strangford, xi. 11 Osborn on, xi. 162 Parkes on, vii. 28-31 steppes of, monotony of, xvii. 186, tribes of, 187 white lead from, xiv. 84 Whyte on division of, xiv. 249 Mong-tsz-hien plateau, Indo-Chinese borders, elevation of, xviii. 465 Mongray river, W. Afrioa, affluents of, xi. 80 Monkey Castle, on the Irawady, Wheeler on, xv. 345 Point, Nicaragua, fine bay near, vi. 75, 112, 113, drawbacks of, Omman- ney on, xii. 48 limestone formation near, xii. 42 Monkhouso Point, Queensland, xi. 151 geological formation near, 152 Monomotapa, S.E. Africa, position of, xix. Ill Monrovia, W. Africa, colony of liberated negroes, i. 99 cattle of, iv. 220 iron in, iv. 219 Mont Blanc, elevation of, xv. 176 Monte Christo brigantine, voyage of, Cayenne to Paranahiba, and observa tions on currents in course of, Mann ou, vii. 50 Monteagle, Lord, obituary notice of, 1866., S. 212 Monteiro, J. J., on Cameron's journey aorose Africa, xx. 131 on the Congo in Angola, xix. 104 proposed Congo expedition, (I860.), iv. 70 , Maj. J. M. C. explorations in the lake district of Africa, 1831-2., xi. 237 Monteith, Gen. W., on burial jars at Busbire, i. 49 on Daghistan, iv. 91 — the heights of Ararat and of Dema vend, iii. 18 — the gipsies of Persia and India, i. 41 — Mohamrah, i. 220, 361 — the Plains of Kazerus and on Shiraz, i. 321-2 Notes on the route from Bushir to Shiraz, i. 279, 292 on S. Persia, from a military point of view, i. 361 — the Suez Canal project, iii. 197 — Susa and Shuster, i. 220-1 Montenegro, maps of, to reoord new boundaries (1861.), v. 181 Monte Nuovo, Italy, elevation of land at, ii. 176 Montepa, Colombia, absence of river pebbles in rivers near, xxi. 570 Monte Video, Uruguay, S. Amerioa, ad miralty survey near, i. 407 Viso, Dauphine, vii. 44 Montgomerie, Col. T. G., awarded gold medal of R.G.S., 1865, ix. 189, Presi dent's speech, 191, reply, 192 On the geographical position of Yarkand and other places in Asia, x. 162 Havildar's journey through Chitral to Faizabad, in 1870., xvi. 253 On the Meteorology of Le, xvii. 197 — Mirza Haidar's account of Kash- garia, xx. 492, and on other explorers of that region, 494 native explorers sent, by to Tibet, xix. 338 et seq. on receiving a gold watch from R.G.S. for W. H. Johnson, 1875., xix. 362 Report of the Mirza's Exploration of the Route from Caubul to Kashgar, 1868., xv. 181 on Trans-Himalayan explorations in connection with the Trigono metrical Survey of India, 1865-7., and route survey between Nepal and Lhassa and along the Brahmaputra by Pundit, — , xii. 146, letter on same, 172 on the same during 1867., xiii. 183; 1868., xiv. 207 on the work of native explorers in the Trans-Himalaya and Tibet, xix. 343 praise of, xiii. 196, 198 214 MON— MOR Montgomerie, Col. T. G. — continued. retirement of, 1877., xxi. 453 cited on the watershed of C. Asia, xv. 200 obituary notice of, 1878., xxii. 317 Montgomery, Sir R., on Nassiok as a capital for India, xi. 74 on route between China and India, xiii. 197-8 Montreal Island, Arctic regions, traces of Franklin on, i. 19, 21, 22 Monunguh river (see also Leewumbu), near V. Nyanza, xx. 41, area drained by, xx. 155 Mooaoo Kombo, Equatorial W. Africa, position of, x. 78 Moody, Col., on Vancouver and its future, viii. 91 Moogi, on the Nile, xx. 52, 53 hostile natives at, 1857., oppose Gordon, xvi. 57 Mooi Fang Kiang Mt., Lushai region, India, xvii. 51 Moola Abdul Mejid, watch awarded for his journey to Kokand, 1866., x. 176, President's speech, 183, Strangford's reply, ib. Mooiinoo, Upolu Island, Navigator group, xxi. 144 Moon, Mountains of the, C. Africa, Burton on non-existence of, ix. 7 Du Chaillu's views, v. 213 existence of, Speke on, iii. 211 geological wearing down of, Speke on, vii. 221 Grant cited on, ix. 11 Livingstone on, xviii. 266, on latitude given by Ptolemy, xviii. 277 Murchison on, i. 244, iii. 113, 353 rainfall in, Speke on, vii. 219 Speke and Grant on, v. 15, cited, vii. 192 Sykes on, iii. 213 Moon's greatest altitude, Method for determining Longitude by observations of the, Spottiswoode, v. 234 et seq. Moondah river, W. Africa, navigability of, v. 109 Moorcroft, — , journey of to Gartok, 1810., x. 166; to Khorassan (1819-25.), x. 137 — — and Trebeck, travels in C. Asia referred to, x. 139 Moore, W., of F. T. Gregory's W. Aus tralian Expedition, 1858., iii. 34, 36, 40, 45, 47, thanked, 53 Moore, — , on proposed railway in Hon duras, iii. 107 Moore, — , of Sydney Botanical Gardens, cited, on Ferns of Lord Howe Island, xxii. 137 Moore, Lake, W. Australia, i. 31, xiv. 192 river, W. Australia, i. 366 Moorghabee river, C. Asia, x. 151 Moorish travellers, journey of, to Benguela across Afrioa, 1853-54., i. 58, 75, 158, 249 Moornaad, Madras, forests near, xiii. 79 Moose Mt., B.N. America, described, ii. 146 river, B.N. America, tributary of the Frazer river, ix. 19 Moose-jaw Creek, B.N. America, position of, ii. 148 Moquis Indians of Arizona, country of, towns, and characteristics, xix. 302 Mora Creek, Br. Guiana, neutral canal, ii. 154 Moraisah, Tunis, ruins at, vi. 212 Moramballa and hill, S. Africa, confluence of Shire and Zambesi rivers at, vi. 27 Cotterill on animal life of, xxii. 234 healthy site, iv. 21 Morea, the, value of Bracebridge's map of, i. 483 Moreno, Dr. F. P., explorations of, in Patagonia, etc., 1875-6., xxii. 41, 370 Moresby, Capt. J., r.n., Discoveries in Eastern N. Guinea, . . , 1873^., xix. 225, 243 explorations of, in N. Guinea, 1873., xviii. 540, 572 journey with Hunt up the Congo, 1857., ii. 317, 374, iv. 69 Recent Discoveries in the S.E. part of N. Guinea, 1872., xviii. 22 Moresby Island, N. Guinea, elevations in, xviii. 27, extent of, xix. 225, 226 channel near, free of reefs, xix. 229 , Queen Charlotte group, xiii. 382 , Port, or Anuapata Harbour, N. Guinea, xx. 19 bad land near, xviii. 26, xx. 267 cultivable plants, etc., near, xx. 334 depth of harbour, xviii. 49 geological formation of hills near, Stone on, xx. 331 harbour described by Moresby, xix. 229 natives and district of, Stone, xx. 330 position of, xviii. 26 settlement at, xxi. 351 unhealthiness of, xx. 338-9, xxi. 351 Range, N. Australia, latitude of, i. 230 Strait, D'Entrecasteaux Islands, xix. 226 Morley, S., resolution moved by, at Africa Exploration Fund meeting, xxi. 611 Morning Inlet, Gulf of Carpentaria, N. Australia, xii. 56-7 Moro, and Moro Morokodo, Nile region, Petheriok at, viii., 139 Moro Cocha, Peru, copper mines and coal at, xviii. 205 Moreton Bay, Queensland, ii. 3, 15, vii. 3, 6 aborigines of, i. 499 admiralty surveys at and near, iii. 267, vi. 198, viii. 211, x. 220, xi. 195, xii, 245, xiii. 28^ MOlt— MOU 215 Moreton Bay, Queensland — continued. cattle trade of, ii. 216 coast aspect near, viii. 119, 211, and diffioult navigation, x. 52 cotton shipped from, vii. 13 expeditions from, i. 5, 10, 33, 50, 171, 190, 368, 490, 500, iii. 318, vi. 24, vii. 3, 6, viii. 114, ix. 75, 76, 77, 232 ; Leichhardt's journeys of 1840 and 1847., etc, from, i. 326, iii. 33, 34. x. 59, 85, xii. 291, xiv. 200 Morrill, a cast-away sailor, found amongst aborigines at, ix. 305 settlement, and expansion at, i. 80, 145, xiv. 322, becomes Queensland (q.v.), iii. 333, vii. 171, ix. 229, x. 246 Cape, Queensland, xii. 245 Island, Queensland, i. 32 Morgan, E. D., Progress of Russian Explorations in Turkestan, (I87O.), xiv. 229, 234; do. (1878.), xxii. 339 on the Pundit's journey in Tibet, xxi. 348 translations by, etc., xxii. 51 Andreyeff's Hydrographical Survey of Lake Ladoga, xiii. 375 Archimandrite Palladius' journey • through Manchuria (1872.), xvi. 204 Osten Saoken's expedition to the Trans-Naryn, 1867., xiv. 221 Prjevalsky's journey to Lob Nor, etc. (ended 1877.), xxii. 51 Mori, Yezo, the Ainos of, xvi. 201-2 breakwater at, xviii. 23 road to, xviii. 227 Mori river, V. Nyanza, xx. 41 area drained by, xx. 155 Moriarty Mt., Vancouver Island, vi. 107 Morkha, El, Plain of, Syria, xii. 190 Morocco, or Marocco, boundary of, as defined in I860., iv. 149 climate of, xv. 220 coast of, Elton, ii. 375 geological formation of, Hodgkin on, viii. 153 inhabitants of, Hooker on, xv. 221 Leared on, xxi. 611 Rohlfs' journey, 1863-4., viii. 94-6, Petermann on, ix. 79 Mordkona, Madagascar, dense forest near, Mullens on, xxi. 155 Morona river, S. Amerioa, depression in the Andes near, x. 107 explored by Vargas, 1867., xii. 260 fall of, xxi. 557 Morpeth, N.S. Wales, navigable river at, xvi. 320 Morrell, Antarctic voyage of, 1823., R. V. Hamilton, xiv. 145, 155 Galton on, xiv. 154 Murchison on, xiv. 326 Morrill, a cast-away sailor, found at Moreton Bay, among the natives, is. 305 Morrison, Lt., cited ou his journey across a lava stream in New Mexico, xxii. 276, elevation of, viii. 25 , M. C, exploration of the Yellow river by, xiv. 37 memorandum by, cited, on travelling in China and Tartary, xii., 171 obituary notice of, 1871., xv. 285 Morrison, Mt., Formosa, xxii. 57 Morro Paterco, Isthmus of Darien, where Balboa first saw the Pacific Ocean, i. 78 Mortillet, — , views of, on glaciers cited, viii. 227-8 Morumbala, on the Zambesi, healthy site for station, iv. 21 ; see Moramballa Morumbua, on the Zambesi, the only diffioult ford at, v. 180 Moscharrif, Djebel, Arabia, viii. 104 Mosco peak, Manzana Mts., New Mexico, xxii. 276 Moselekatse, S. African ohief, and his territory, i. 159, v. 16, 18 Mosh, near Kashgar, source of the Kazul river, xv. 196 Moshabur Mt., near Chitral, elevations at, xv. 13 , or Tui, Pass, xv. 12, elevation and glacier of, xxii. 352 Mosquera, Grand-General, on the Isth mus of Darien, ix. 278 works on Columbia, x. 255 Mosquito district, C. America, mountains of, vi. 112 purchased by Pirn for Great Britain, 1861., vi. 75 Indians, and the treaty of 1861., xiii. 63 Wiokham's journey among, (1867.), xiii. 58 Mossamedes, S.W. Afrioa, Hahn's journey to (1856.), i. 55 Mossel Bay, Cape Colony, admiralty sur vey, vii. 139 Mostling, Cape, Greenland, ice-bergs at, xv. 110 Mosul, the ancient Nineveh, i. 47 Mosyllon, an ancient name for Berbera, xvi. 152-3 Mo-teen Hills, N.W. China, river rising- in, xiv. 176 Mouat, F. J., Expedition to the Andaman Islands, 1857., vi. 41 Mouhot, H., grave of, xiii. 308, monu ment to, erected at Luang Prabang, xix. 279 Travels in Cambodia, (1859.), iv. 190, vi. 80, see 180 Moukden, Mukden, or Shin-Yang, iii. 64 capital of Manohuria, geographical position and trade of, xiii. 27 Mitchie's description of, vii. 25-6 Palladius on, xvi. 210-11 road to, coal near, xiii, 37 216 MOU— M'TE Moukden, Mukden, or Shin- Yang— conf. sea-port of, iii. 64 Williamson at, xiii. 26, 27 Moulmein, Burma, declining importance relatively to Ran goon, 1867., xi. 148 journey from, into Yunnan by M'Leod, 1836., in search of a trade route, iv. 218, xix. 275 routes to and from, xix. 272, 273 Shan tribesmen in, xix., 276 trade in teak-wood from Xiengmai or Esmok or Zimmay (q. v.), v. 118 Moume, Equatorial Africa, elevation and latitude of, xviii. 72 Moung-Koo, Burma, caravan starting- point, xix. 274 Moung-Nan, Shan States, cotton of, xix. 274 Moung-ting, Burmo-Chinese borders, Shan traders to, xix. 285 Mountain chains of the great land masses, distribution of, Duncan on, xxii. 72 ranges, general idea of, xvi. 398 ; Typical, Spottiswoode, iv. 97 Mountains in relation to Water-supply, v. 125 Mount Hope Bay, New England, early Norse settlement at, ii. 374 Mountnorris Bay, S. Australia, admiralty survey, xi. 196 Mourilyan Island, N. Guinea, elevation of, xviii. 27 Mouro (or Muiro) Achinto, or Chama, W. C. Africa, geographical position of, i. 245, xi. 237 Mouron, C. Africa, reached by Peney, 1861., vi. 18 Mourzouk, N. Africa, Vogel's journey through, 1853., i. 441, ii. 34, viii. 10 Moussy, Dr. V. M. de, work of, ou the Argentine Republic, v. 203 Movement of Waves, On the, Cialdi, ii. 328 Moyobamba, capital of X. Peru, viii. 60 Moyoni, Zanzibar, sugar estate at, xx. 71 Mozambique, E. Africa, geological forma tion of, xi. 36 journey of Moorish traders to, from Benguela, 1854., i. 58, 75, 158, 249 languages of, viii. 106 latitude of, i. 245 progress in geographical knowledge of, ii. 321 woods from, iii. 103 or Agulhas Channel or Strait, i. 57, admiralty soundings in, (1861.), v. 174 discoloured by the waters of the Zam besi, ii. 365 or Agulhas current or currents, course of, xii. 250, xiii. 109 observations on, M'Leod, ii. 322 specific gravity of, xiv. 378 temperature of, ix. 282, xi. 19 Toynbee on, x. 340, xi. 19 Mozdok, Caucasus, Cossack population of, vi. 59 Mpabala Islet, in L. Bangweolo, Living stone at, 1870., xviii. 264 Mpaka river, affluent of Livingstone's Lualaba, xxii. 406 Mpakwe valley, L. Nyassa, elevation of, xxii. 236 Mpanga river, Upper Nile baBin, course and affluents of, xxii. 394 Sanga, Equatorial Africa, elevation and latitude of, xviii. 73 M'Pemba, L. Nyassa, an Arab slave dhow met by Young at, xxi. 227 Mpembeno, E. Africa, trade crossing on the Rufigi river, xxii. 454 Mpimbi, L. Nyassa, launch of the Herga at, xxii. 234 M'pimbwe, Cape, L. Tanganyika, geologi cal formation at, xix. 253 M'Ponda's village, L. Nyassa, slave trade at, andYoong'sexpedition at,xxi. 227-8, Cotterill's impressions of, xxii. 234 Mpwapwa, E. Africa, Cameron at, 1873., xiii. 69, 72, xx. 306 C.M.S. station at, xxi. 498, road to, free from tsetse fly, xxi. 61 Craven's natural history expedition to, (1877.), xxii. 19 elevation of, xxi. 234, xxii. 384 latitude of, xviii. 71 missionary explorations from, xxi. 502 suitability for a trader's and traveller's station, xxi. 243, 248 Mrawoona, W. Sudan, on L. Debou, xx. 78 M'rima, E. Africa, mountains near, iii. 302 M'rooli, Equatorial Africa, capital of Unyoro, latitude of, x. 15 Emin Pasha at, 1877., xxii. 372 district, Gordon in, 1876., xx. 51, 53, 473 ; his station, xxi. 57 Kaba Rega's defeat at, by Long, 1874., xix. 109 Msasi, Equatorial Africa, near the Rovuma river, Universities' Mission station at, xxii. 374 Mshala river, affluent of L. Tanganyika, xxii. 397 length of, xxii. 401 Msossi, Equatorial Africa, capital of Ukerewe, xxii. 389 Msuwah, Equatorial Africa, park-like region near, Cameron on, xx. 305 Mtambara river, and other affluents of L. Tanganyika, xxii. 397 M'tangata river, E. Africa, sheltered position of mouth of, xx. 75 M'tesa, ruler of Uganda, Equatorial Africa, vii. 185; attitude of, to missionaries, Stanley and others on, xx. 152, xxi. 405, xxii. 37, 152, 372, 381 dominions of (see Uganda), xx. 46, 150, xxi. 58 M'TE— MUL 217 M'tesa, ruler of Uganda, Equatorial Africa — continued. Baker on, xx. 49 Grant on, xxii. 409 Long's mission to, 1874., xix. 107-8, 454 missionaries sent to, (1877.), -xxi. 498 Speke on, vii. 224, 228 et seq. Stanley on, xx. 148 et seq., cited 470 visited by Emin Pasha, (1877.), xxi. 465 Mtwara Harbour, E. Africa, Mungao coast, xxi. 589 Mtiwi, near Vict. Nyanza, elevation of, xx. 141 Mto river, Equatorial Africa, xix. 142 Mtumbo or Mtambo river, Equatorial Africa, xix. 142 Mua, volcanic peak, Sawaii Island, Navigator Group, xxi. 142 Muache Stream, E. Africa, xvi. 168 Muache, S.C. Africa, i. 75 Muali, Mts., E. Africa, rivers rising in, xxii. 450 Mucimhua, town, E. Africa, i. 76 Muanza, V. Nyanza, xxii. 388, 393 Speke at, (1858.), vii. 226, xx. 158 Stanley at, (1875.), xx. 158 on the position of, xx. 143 Muarimba Hills, E. Africa, water- worn slopes of, xvi. 168 Muata ya Noo, or Matiamvo, ruler and region, S.C. Africa, v. 2 Gamitto and Monteiro at, 1832., viii. 263 Graca's journey to, 1843., Cooley on, i. 92 Livingstone's visit to, (1856.), i. 11, 159 Pogge's visit, (1877.), xxi. 203, xxii. 19 power of the chief and its extent, xx. 130, 440 Reade on the position of, vii. 106 Muchinga river, Congo region, xix. 82 or Maxinga, Serra, S. C. Africa, i. 245, xi. 245 Lacerda at, 1798., xi. 236 Monteiro cited on height of, xi. 238 rivers rising in, xvii. 10 Mudir, Afghanistan, near source of Turuk, xx. 246 Mudla-pina Gap, S. Australia, source of the Frome river, ii. 17, 20 Mueller, Baron Dr. F. von, i. 10, 11, ii. 5, 6, 7, botanist to the N. Australian, Expedition, i. 33, 225, 366-7, collec tions of, their value, 868, 500, goes to the Albert river, i. 230, 324, 490, ii. 8, wild rice found by, ii. 217, 312 in relation to expeditions in search of Leichhardt, etc., ix. 231, 300, 304-5, x. 5, 60, 252, on collateral advantages derived from, 61 ; xiv. 191, xvi. 224, xvii. 277, xix. 8 on the Australian Alps, 1854., i. 3 Mueller, Baron Dr. F. von — continued. cited on the climate of N. Australia, i. 457 cited in praise of Wilson, ii. 311, ix. 232 cited on progress of Australian dis covery, ii. 313 services of, to Australian botany, xxii. 427 Mugeyer, Persia, ruins of, i. 45 Rawlinson on, i. 47 Mughan, Plain of, Persia, vi. 163 Mughara, Wady, Sinaitic Peninsula, inscriptions near, and turquoise-mines at,*Holland on, x.i 158-9 visited by Holland, xxii. 455 Mugrah, Jebel, Sinaitic Peninsula, explored by Holland, xxii. 455 ruins and implements at, xxii. 456 Muhalala, near Vict. Nyanza, Stanley's guides desert at, xx. 135 Muhalitch river, Asia Minor, as a trade waterway, i. 304 Muhammad-bagh, Tureo-Persian frontier, visited by Napier, xx. 170 Muhdirah Wadi, Yemen, cultivation in, xviii. 200-1 Muhigane forest, near Benguela, S.W. Africa, i. 75 Muhma river, W. China, rise, course and tributaries of, xiv. 180-1 Miihry, — , cited on ocean currents, xvi. 326 Muhwil, Yemen, cold baths at, xviii. 200 •Muiasse, town, S.W. Africa, i. 75 Muito forest, S.W. Africa, i. 75 Muimbra, Ilha, Zambesi river, native salt works at, ii. 364 Muinyi Usegbara, E. Equatorial Africa, xx. 305, latitude of, Cameron on, xviii. 71 Muiro Achinto or Chama, see Mouro Achinto Muiron Island, off W. Australia, x. 47 Muiza's territory, S. C. Africa, i. 75 Mukah river, Borneo, Crespigny on, xvii. 133 Mukden, see Moukden Mukondokwa plain, Ugogo, xxii. 385 or Makata rivef (see also Wami), E. Africa, xvii. 336 altitude at, xx. 141 missionaries at, xxi. 502 swampy valley of, xxi. 234 views of Cameron on, xviii. 71 valley of, xx. 306 Muk-su river, Cent. Asia, affluents of, xxi. 32 valley, described by Kostenko, xxi. 33 Muktenath Pass, leading into Nepal, Campbell on, xiv. 214 Mnley-Dris-Serone, Djebel, N. Africa, Rohlfs' journey through, 1864., ix. 312 218 MUL— MUR Mulgrave, Mt., Queensland, xviii. 106 geological formation of, xviii. 93 Mulhacen Peak, Sierra Nevada, Spain, height of, i. 425, xii. 251 Muli river, S.E. Africa, palms on, and natives of, xix. 120 Mullah, the, exploration and survey of the Indus by, xxii. 352, Walker on, 353-4 Mullens, Rev. Dr. J., on the Central Provinces of Madagascar, xix. 182, 204 New Route and Method of Travelling in C. Africa, adopted by Rev. R. Price, in 1876., xxi. 233 Recent journeys in Madagascar, (1874.), xxi. 155 on Macfarlane's exploration of the Fly river, xx. 271 on missionary investigation in New Guinea and its native races, xix. 241-2 on work of the London Missionary Society in the South Seas, xx. 104, and on the exploration of the Mai Kassa river, 106-7 presents Lawes' letter on N. Guinea, xx. 354 Macfarlane's letter on Ascent of the Fly river, xx. 106 Mullens Harbour, N. Guinea, discovered by Macfarlane, xxi. 358 Miiller, Dr. S., Contribution to the know ledge of N. Guinea, ii. 181 « Geognostio Sketch of the West portion of Timor, iii. 368 (see 300) MuUeywoon, Isthmus of Kraw, tin mines at, vii. 58 Mul Seelaimon, Mt., or Blue Mt.,. Lushai region, India, elevation of, xvii. 50, 51 Muluia, N. Africa, wells of, and tribes near, ix. 313 Mumps Island, Tibagy river, Brazil, why so called, xx. 459 Muncola village, Congo region, Grandy at, xix. 97 Mundo, C. Africa, tribes of, visited by Petherick, v. 27 and Baer country, C. Africa, tribes of, v. 38 Munedjah, Jebel, Sinaitic Peninsula, xiii. 210 Mungang Mts., S. Australia, i. 4 Mungao District, E. Africa, visited by Kirk, 1877., xxi. 588 Mungaro, Jimmy, Australian aborigine, xiv. 191, 192, untruthfulness of, 195 Munghri hill, Garo Hills, xvii. 40 Muugman town and district,' Burmo- Chinese frontier, described by Elias, xx. 235-6, market-place of, 237 Mungo Sardyk, Mt., E. Siberia, elevation of, Radde on, ix. 237 Mungwe river, S. Africa, Baines at (1869.), xv. 152 Muni river, W. Africa, navigability of, v. 109 water-fall on, Lenz's journey to (1877.), xxi. 4V2 Muninim, N. Guinea, poor land near, xx.. 267 Munphool Meer, Moonshee, on Gilgit and Chitral, xiii. 130 Munserabad district, S. India, cultivation in, vii. 96 Munster, Count, on receiving Gold Medal of R.G.S. on behalf of Baron von Richthofen, 1878., xxii. 297 do., Dr. Schweinfurth, 1874., xviii. 489 Munzinger, W., Journey across the Great Salt Desert, from Hanfila to the foot of the Abyssinian Alps, 1867., xiii. 219 Murchison on, xiv. 329 cited on the geology and hydrology of S. Arabia, xv. 332 obituary notice of, 1876 , xx. 379 • — — — and Miles, explorations in Abyssinia, xvi. 115 Muongtong, Burmo-Chinese frontier, xix. 280 Muongyong, Lagree's difficulties at, xix. 280 Muong You, State, Siam, Lagree's journey in, 1866., xix. 279 Mural-Bashi, Gobi desert, ruins near, xxi. 39 ; see Maralbashi Muran Weichang, X. China, hunting ground of Chinese emperors, xviii. 149, 160, tribes surrounding, 161-2 Murayama village, on the slopes of Fuji Yama, xix. 171 Murchison, Sir R. I., becomes President of R.G,S., 1856., i. 218, 363, on election, 364 Addresses — Anniversary, i. 374, ii. 239, iii. 224, v. 146, vii. 123, viii. 170, ix. 195, x. 185, xi. 185, xii. 219, xiii. 259, . xiv. 287, xv. 252 Opening, i. 309, ii. 1, viii. 1, ix. 2, x. 2, xi. 3, xii. 4, xiii. 3, xiv. 2, xv. 4 Address to the Geographical and Ethnographical Section of the British Association, I860., iv. 250 on African subjects — on the Abyssinian expedition of 1867., xii. 15, 18, 19, 115, 118, 301, on Blano's expedition, xiii. 47, 51, on the Emperor of Abyssinia, x. 299, on Munzinger's travels, xiii. 223-4, xiv. 329 — the Antiquity of the Physical, Geography of Inner Africa, viii. 151 — the death of Barth, x. 53 — the discovery of diamonds on the Orange river, xii. 322 MUR— MUR 219 Murchison, Sir R. I. — continued. Remarks (African subj.) — continued. on English prisoners in Somaliland, x. 101, 103, 116, 161, xi. 4 — explorations and expeditions in Africa (various ; see also Living stone and Nile, infra) Angelo's ascent of the Juba river, x. 113 Baikie's Niger and Chadda ex plorations, i. 16, ii. 98, 317, v. 45, vii. 67, 68, viii. 10, 263, x. 117, xi. 49 Baker's, x. 22, 295 Burton's, ix. 8, 14, vii. 22 Cooley's studies of, viii. 256 Du Chaillu's, v. 110, 113, 211, vi. 194, vii. 107, 204-5, xi. 3, 53, 80, 83 General, i. 319, 344, ii. 2, 35, 145, iii. 103, vii. 21, 24, ix. 2 Gerard's proposed, vii. 70, and death, xi. 79 Von der Decken's, x. 32, 53, 99, 102, and his death, 108, 112 — geology in Africa, ii. 160 of the African lakes, x. 24 — Kirk's discovery of fossil bones on the Zambesi, viii. 151, 246 — Livingstone's achievements, i. 93, 239 ; 448, welcome to him, i. 233 ; speeoh when presenting Patron's Medal, i. 235 ; on presenting Diploma of Corresponding Member, ii. 3 ; on Government aid to him, and his work, ii. 77, 82-3, 101 ; at the Livingstone festival, 1858., ii. 118, 122-5, 128, 136, 141 ; letter read by on behalf of R.G.S., on Livingstone's 1858 " expedition, ii. 161 ; farewell dinner to him, 162 ; on his travels in C. Africa, iv. 26, 29, 87-8, v. 130, vii. 20, ix. 288; on rumours of his death, (1864.), viii. 44, and on his travels, viii. 258, xi. 17; receives letters from, viii. 256; further rumours of his death, xi. 112, 144, 146-7, and (proposed) search for, 154, 161, 230, 237, 245, xii. 4, 5,20,22-3, 25, 49-51,63, 77 ; on incorrectness of rumour proved, xii. 183, xiii. 5, 9, 25, 317 ; on his travels (1869.), xiv. 2, 17, 18, 38, 145 ; 329, on Government grant to, 276; on his safety, xv. 6, 207, 309; letter received from, 1870., xviii. 274 — Madagascar, vii. 69 — the Nile : its sources, watershed, and explorations of region, iv. 41 ; Speke and Grant, success of, iii. 114, 352, iv. 90, vii. 21-24, 108-10, 182, 222,226, addresses on,v. 107, vii.213 Murchison, Sir R. I. — continued. Remarks (African subj.) — continued. on the Nile; Petherick, etc., on, vii. 64, 84, 185, viii. 122, 149, 150 on Comte d'Escaysac de Lautare's Expedition up, i. 301 — Mme. Tinne's expedition up, 1862., vii. 64, 103, 204, viii. 16, 18 — the Nile watershed, xi. 250 — the death of Speke, ix. 2 — the Suez Canal and its opening, iii. 308, xiv. 88, 314 — the White (snowy) Mountains of Africa, i. 244, viii. 9 on American subjects — North America — on British Columbia, and gold there, iv. 35, 37, 74, vi. 108, on railways for, xii. 124, 126 — British N. America, lines of communication across, i. 264, 267, ii. 49, iv. 231, vii. 73 — British N. American Expedition, ii. 49, 151, 152, iv. 234 — the geology of Canada, viii. 239 — Mexico, Sevius' journey among the mines of, iii. 110 — Mt. Hood, xi. 93 — passes in the Rocky Mts., iii. 123-4, 127 — rivers in the Rocky Mts., ix. 20 — routes via Rocky Mts. to B. Columbia, vi. 108 — the Survey of B.N. America, i. 320-1 — Telegraphic communication be tween England and, vii. 55 — Vancouver Island, i. 490, ii. 49, viii. 86, 94 — Yukon river and Whymper'a expedition, xii. 188 South and Central America — on the Andes Mts., viii. 161, 102 Anguilla (West Indies) guano deposits, iv. 57 — — (proposed) Atrato Canal, i. 72, 74, 91, ix. 280 — Belize river, xii. 75 — Brazil, ix. 29, Chandless' Ama zon Explorations, x. 105, 180, xi. 106 — the Isthmus of Darien, de Puydt's expedition, xii. 70, 72 — (proposed) expedition up the Orinoco, i. 255, 278 ; Holmes' and Campbell's to same, ii. 157 — Peru, Raimondy's journeys in, viii. 60 on Arctic exploration, xv. Ill — the Bellot testimonial, i. 1 — the Hall - Grinnell expedition, vii. 98-9, 100 — Irjninger's work, xiii. 231 220 MUR— MUR Murchison, Sir R, I. — continued. on Arctic exploration — continued. on Kane's achievements, i. 182, 208, ii. 197, 201 — Lamont's Spitzbergen expedition, xiii. 224-5 — Nordenskidld's and others' expe ditions to Spitzbergen, xiii. 151, 165, 169 — proposed North Polar expedition, (1865.), ix. 58, 87, 103, 113, 122, 146, 155, xii. 106,112 ¦ — • the return of the Resolute by America, i. 231, 249-50 — Rink's exploration of Greenland, ii. 197, vii. 76, and the desirability of further do., xv. 111-2 — Rink's remarks on Kane's sup posed discovery of the N. coast of Greenland and an Open Polar Sea, ii. 359, 361 — the Search for Franklin, i. 26, 211, 213, 215, 329, 487, 510, ii. 2. iv. 6, 8, 13 — Sutherland's Arctic work, i. 56 — Whymper's Greenland expedition, xi. 159 on Asiatic subjects — on the Amur river, ii. 277, iii. 93 — Arabian exploration, (Palgrave's), viii. 66, 82, ix. 275, (Pelly's pro posed), ix. 275 — Burma, i. 271, 273 — the Caucasus, ascents of, xiii. 66, 71,73 — Central Asia — on Geo. L. von , his spurious travels, x. 236 — Grant's journey, Gobi route to Russia, vii. 28 — Hayward's journey, Leh to Yar kand, xiv. 72, 106, and on his death, xv. 4, 5, 22 — Kurdistan, xii. 304, American missionaries in, ix. 39 — Mongolia, exploration in, xiv. 250 — the Pamirs, x. 153 — Russian advance in, viii. 274, do. in relation to geography, xi. 163, 166 — Schlagintweit's journeys, Ladak to Khotan, i. 277, and on his fate, iii. 171 — Shaw's journey in the Kara korum district, xv. 289 — Trans-Himalayan and Tibetan explorations of Montgomerie's Pundits, xii. 164, 172, xiii. 198 — Vambery's journeys, viii. 267 — Yarkand, x. 161, 163 — change of course in Eastern rivers, i. 221, ii. 209, (the Hoang Ho), iii. 87, xiv, 36, 37 Murchison, Sir R. I.— continued. on Asiatic subjects— continued. on China, coal in, x. 156, xiii. 36, xiv. 143; expeditions in, Bick- more's, xii. 53, Elias's, xiv. 33, 36, 37, Markham' s, xiv. 143, Sarel's, vi. 4, Smyth's, vi. 7, Swinhoe's, xiv. 241 ; geology of the Nankin river, ii. 203, Lake Nor Tsai-san, ix. 41 ; Russian settlements and names in, xi. 254; the Yang-tse- Kiang, iii. 166, xiv. 241, expedition up, under Keppel, 1869., xv. 292 — Demavend, ascents of, iii. 17 — the " Eulaeus " river, i. 220 — India, xi. 73 geology of, x. 269 glaciers of, viii. 37 Himalaya Mts., iii. 367, xiii. 201, on naming Mt. Everest, i. 350 the Runn of Cutch, xiv. 122, 124 Sedashagur, the geology of, vii. 98 — Japan, Hodgson's journeys in, v. 114, 116, x. 170 — Kashmir, Purdon's survey, iv. 31 — Korea, ix. 297, 300, and on an Aino skull, x. 170 — Malav archipelago, Wallace's ex ploration of, vii. 205, 210, 212 — Mesopotamia, Bewsher's explora tions in, xi. 156 — Palestine, Beke's journey in, vi. 196, Graham's exploration of the Hauran, ii. 175, 298 — Persia, etc., Goldsmid's march to Gwadur, vii. 91 ; Monteith's ex plorations in, i. 280 — Sinaitic Peninsula, Holland's ex ploration in, xiii. 218 on Australasian and Pacific subjects — on Australia — on admiralty surveys, see Addresses — Australian exploration in rela tion to geology, iv. 95 — Central Australia, ii. 30, iii. 33, iv. 86, v. 9, 105 — explorations in Australia : Chimmo's, i. 262, 263 Dalrymple and Scott's, viii. 113, 121, x. 51-2 Forrest's, etc., xiv. 204 Gregory's, i. 11, 328; v. 121, vii. 121 Landsborough's, vii. 10, and others', 121 Leiohhardt's, and Sturt's, and expeditions in search of the former, vii. 16 M'Donnell's, v. 127 M'Kinlay's and others', vii. 85 Neumayer's proposed exploration in S. Australia, xii. 295, 322 ; Stuart's and others', iii. 154, MUR— MUR 221 Murchison, Sir R. I. — continued. on Australasian and Pacific subjects — continued. on Australia — iv. 77-8, v. 57,105, 127, vii. 85, ix. 22 on gold in Australia, i. 320, ii. 314, viii. 32, induction from geology justified, ix. 228, xii. 138-9, 233 — loyalty of Australian colonists, vii. 2, 17 — the Murchison river, iii. 53 — — Murray and other rivers, iii. 337-9 — N. Australia, exploration in, i. 5, 34, 83, 263, vii. 110, 116, harbour for, iii. 91, proposed colonisation of, ib., vii. 91, 116, ix. 22, Rattray's paper on Cape York, xii. 322 — Queensland, v. 123, x. 51, 52 — S. Australia, and the interior (see Addresses), iii. 333-7 — Torres Straits, navigation in, i. 80 — W. Australia, v. 9, geology of (in relation to gold), viii. 32, 45 — Easter Island, xiv. 116, 119 — Fiji botany, (Seeman's), vi. 101 — New Guinea, Chester and Banner's explorations in, xv. 302, Miiller's, ii. 183 on New Zealand — coal in, vii. 181, viii. 49 explorations in, Haast's, viii. 57, 213, Hector and M'Kerrow's, viii. 213; Hector and Walker's, viii. 49, 213 ; Hochstetter's, iv. 222 glaoiers in, viii. 57, 213 gold in, vii. 180, viii. 215, xi. 228 Maori chiefs of, iv. 222 — the Pacific Ocean, Denham's sur vey, vi. 195 — the Sandwich Isles, xii. 312 on European subjects — on the Arve Valley, i. 483 — — Crimea, need of geological study of, vii. 124 earthquake of Rhodes, 1863., vii. 205 — geographical publications in Europe, 1861., v. 188 j— the geological survey of Great Britain, v. 182 — possible communication between the Mediterranean and Red Seas, i. 224 — the Sea of Azov, i. 306 -^ Serpent Island, i. 483 — the volcanic eruption at Santorin Island, 1866., x. 120 on general topics— on changes in the surface of the Globe, ii. 325 Murchison, Sir R. I. — continued. on general topios — continued. on death of Admiral Beechey, i. 217-8 the Duchess of Kent, v. 119 Lord Strangford, xiii. 66 the Prince Consort, vi. 40 Lady Murchison, xiii. 113 — election of the Duke of Edinburgh, x. 266 — examiners for Geography in Schools appointed, xiii. 66 — Faraday Memorial fund, xiv. 20 — the Humboldt Foundation, iv. 45 — his illness, xv. 233 (referred to, xv. 27, 41, 52) — Maury's achievements, ix. 154 — Pirn's achievements, iii. 197, vi. 76 — Rawlinson's achievements, v. 221 — the presence of the King of the Belgians, xiv. 275; of the Prince of Wales, xii. 146 ; of the Queen of the Netherlands, xiii. 8, of the Zanzibar princes, xiii. 25 — presenting Gold Medals, etc., 1857., i. 365, 369,371, 479; 1858., ii. 231,233-8; 1859., iii. 215,217-23; 1863., vii. 119, 121; 1864., viii. 165, 167; 1865., ix. 189, 191 etseq.; 1866., x. 176, 178; 1867., xi. 178, 180; 1868., xii. 210, 213; 1869., xiii. 253, 256 ; 1870., xiv. 275, 279 — the purchase of No. 1. Savile Row, xiv. 357, 359, xv. 9 — receiving Founder's medal, xv. 246 (awarded 1871., xv. 234) on behalf of Lady Franklin, I860., iv. 114 — rules as to Visitors, vii. 70-1, xii. 120 — Spratt's work as a geographer, ix. 252-3 — stereoscopic maps, ix. 105 — trees in relation to rainfall, ix. 107, x. 267, 269, xiii. 80-81 — the value of comparative geography, i. 482 — the Vice-Patronship of the Prince of Wales, vii. 65 — the visit of the Emperor of Brazil, xv. 366 remarks at Evening meetings, Vol. i. to Vol. xiv., passim resignation, see xv. 233, 239, 241, 246, (1871.), xv. 213 resume' of services to Geography, xv. 241, their value, xx. 375 death of, 1871., Rawlinson on, xvi. 81 obituary notice of, 1872., xvi. 293 bequest by, xvi. 132 bust of, replica for R.G.S., xv. 247, 335 Murchison Bay or Creek, Victoria Nyanzaj xx. 148, 150, xxii. 392 222 MUR— MUS Murchison falls, Shire river, E. Africa, vii. 19 • on the Nile, discovered by Baker, x. 19 drop of the river at, xxi. 50 , Mount, or Devil's Peak, B.N. America, iii. 125, 320, iv. 234, glacier issuing from, iv. 231 , , N.S. Wales, vi. 194, ix. 303, elevation of, xii. 288, natives near, iv. 94 , , W. Australia, i. 34, latitude of, iii. 35, natives near, xix. 310 — - Range (of Stuart), Northern Terri tory, S. Australia, i. 230, sandstone formation, i. 502, western extremity of, i. 231, v. 56 — — , Range of Mountains, S. Africa, minerals in, xxii. 120 river, W. Australia, affluents of, iii. 37, 42 course of, iii. 37, 41, 50 elevation of iii. 35 expeditions to, Forrest's, 1874., xvii.. 20, 277, xix. 310, 316, 446, 483-4, xx. 370; Giles', 1873., xvii. 278, xix. 53, 447, xxi. 460, Gregory's 1858., iii. 34 geological formation near, iii. 47, 49, 52 good land near, iii. 53, xix. 57, 310, 487 latitude of, i. 30, 31, xix. 310, 484 mineral region near, xii. 290, xix. 489 Murchison on, iii. 53-4, ix. 228 saline marshes of, ii. 193, iii. 36 sources of, xix. 310, 311 Rocks, off N. Australia, xii. 201 Murcia, Spain, non-glacial erosion in mountains of, viii. 232 Murghabi river, C. Asia, how formed, course of, xviii. 435 Muri Mt., near the Niger, xxi. 190 Murie, Dr., on Lake Tanganyika, ix. 11 on Petherick's Nile expedition, viii. 149 Murnea, S. Australia, ii. 190 Muropue, the, African chief, latitude of his capital, i. 92 Murphy, Lt., R.A., joins the East Coast Livingstone Relief Expedition, 1873.. xvii. 157 • on the death of Livingstone, xviii. 180 Murray, R. Adm. Hon. H. A., letters to, from Baker, 1862, vii. 78, remarks at evening meeting, viii. 153 obituary notice of, 1865., ix. 211 ¦ , Rev. A. W., on the race-dividing line in N. Guinea, xviii. 46 , Sir C, on Russian treatment of English explorers in C. Asia, iii. 145 Murray Island, N. Guinea, xxi. 220 London Missionary Station at, xx. 105 river, N.S. Wales and S. Australia, iii. 155, 339, iv. 83, xii. 289 aborigines of, xv. 96 Murrayriver, N.S. Wales and S. Australia — continued. admiralty surveys at, and near mouth of, xiii. 282, xv. 266, xx. 408 affluents of, iv. 97, 194, xiv. 199 course of, iii. 338, xiv. 199, xvii. 244 debouchment of, xii. 288 depth of water in, v. 9 discovered and explored by Sturt, iii. 155, ix. 227, 230, xiv. 289, xvii. 244 explorations of (see Hume and Hovell), Gawler's (1839), v. 9, Randell's, 1853., iv. 94 freedom of shores from fevers, iv. 95 geology of district along, iv. 96 junction with the Darling river, iv. 194, xiv. 199 navigability of, iii. 337, x. 88, opened up by Cadell, 1853., iii. 338, vi. 140; anticipated results, iii. 339 source of, i. 3, iii. 338, iv. 97, v. 207 stock route along, vi. 56 Murrumbidgee river, N.S. Wales, affluent of the Murray river, iv. 254 course traced by Sturt, xiv. 289, xvii. 244 discovery of, by Sturt, ix. 227, xiv. 199 navigability of, iii. 337, x. 88 size of, x. 87 stock route vid, vi. 56 Murusura river, E. Africa, source of, xi. 235 Murut natives of Borneo, use of Upas poison by, xvi. 174 Murzuk, N.C. Africa, visited and its position determined by Vogel, i. 441, ii. 34 ; see Mourzuk Musa, Jebel, Mt. Sinai of the Bible, xii. 192 inscriptions on rocks near, xiii. 207 passes north of, examined, by Holland, xxii. 455 survey of, by Holland, (1868.), xiii. 209-11 Musambe, S.C. Africa, i. 75 Musamwira river, draining Lake Likwa into Lake Tanganyika, xix. 253, floating islands in, 254 Musangany swamp, Congo region, xix. 87 Musart pass, Thian Shan Mts., xviii. 249 glacier, explored by PoltoratBky, xiv. 231 Muscat, Arabia, district and commerce of, viii. 69, the Imaum of, his death, 1857., ii. 52, iii. 349, his territories, i. 282, viii. 18, 19, visited by Palgrave, 1863., viii. 66 Muse'lo or Tinbue branch of the Zambesi, i. 313, iv. 24, 25 Musga, N.C. Africa, i. 441 Musgrave, Governor, Governor of W. Australia, 1874., xix. 314 Ranges, W. Australia, dry lands near, xix. 52, 314, water amongst, xix. 58,313-4 MUS— NAF 223 Mushashi, Japan, A Trip to, in 1872., M'Clatchie, xvii. 82 Mushome Mts., S.E. Africa, i. 245 Mushud Mukudus, holy place at Meshed, xxi. 583 Musindi, Nile Region, important trading- place, xvii. 306 Muskoka river, Canada, course of, ii. 294 Musquito Flats, N. Australia, i. 189, 225 Mussal Bay, Spitzbergen, open in winter, iv. 235 ' Mussana and Mussanguo, S.C. Africa, i. 75 Mussendom, Ras, Persian Gulf, coaling facilities at, viii. 19 Mussoorie, N.W. India, hot weather at, xi. 66-7 Mussuco, on the Congo, Pardos' factory at, xix. 103 MuBtagh pass, Trans-Himalaya region, aBoent of, by Godwin- Austen, 1860-1., viii. 36 character, height, and position of, viii. 34 Range, E. Turkestan, elevations of peaks in, x. 163, 239, xiv. 54, xx. 492 Glaciers of, Godwin-Austen, (1860-1.), viii. 34 ; Falconer on, viii. 38 other names for, ii. 300 Shaw on, xv. 178, 180 stream issuing from, xiv. 53 wild scenery of, xiv. 51 river, xiv. 53, its formation, xv. 180 Musters, Comm. G. C, r.n., awarded gold watch by R.G.S., 1872., xvi. 276, 284 explorations of, in Bolivia, xxii. 41 in Patagonia, 1869-70., xv. 305 Notes on Bolivia, (title only), xxii. 40 Year in Patagonia, 1869., xv. 41, 51 Musumbe, Equatorial Africa, visited by Pogge, 1876., xxi. 203, 472, xxii. 18 Muta Nzige, (see Luta Nzige and Albert Nyanza), xxii. 394 Mutton Bird Island, off Lord Howe Island, Pacific, xxii. 136 Mutu Coomara Swamy Modeliar, on English efforts to suppress the slave- trade, xvii. 353 Mutu river, affluent of the Zambesi, i. 248, Baines on, iii. 100 Muwanda district, V. Nyanza, xx. 157 Muxixe, Congo region, xix. 80 Muzart Mts,, E. Turkestan, trend of, xx. 482 ; see also Musart Muzoor Su, tributary of the Euphrates, sources of, xii. 303 Mvue river, E. Africa, when fordable, xxi. 241 Mvume", tribute station, Ugogo, Equatorial Afrioa, xx. 306 Mwania Harbour, Mungao coast, E. Africa, xxi. 589 Mware river, Zanzibar, xx. 73 Mwaru, or Leewumbu, feeder of the Nile in its early course, Stanley on, xxii. 386 Mwaru Luaserri, a creek on the V. Nyanza tide observed in, xx. 148 MwattS, see Kimandi Mweranga, or Thafa, river, Equatorial Africa, alleged course of, vii. 221 Mweru Lake, Congo region, fed by Lua pula, xxi. 404 ; see also Moero origin of, Stanley on, xxii. 407 Myanashi, Japan, hot season resort at, xix. 170 Myanoshta, Japan, hot season resort at, xix. 173 Myanatawan river, Canada, course of, ii. 294 My brother John's glacier, Smith Sound, Arctic region, Hayes on, ix. 186 Myette river, Br. Columbia, ix. 18 Mymensing Plain, Garo region, India, climate of, xvii. 36 Mynela, or Muangla, Burmo-Chinese borders, described by Harcourt, xv. 357-8 Mysore Plateau, S.C. India, cultivation on, and outlet for, vii. 96 elevation of, xi. 60, and of hills in, 61 lack of trees in, x. 267 table-lands of, xiii. 74 Myvatn Lake, Iceland, lava islands in, v. 84 Myutns-orcefi, Iceland, volcanoes formed over fissure in, xx. 26, outbreak of 1874 at, xx. 29 Mzanza, Equatorial Africa, level plain beyond, xx. 141 Mzhet,anoient capital of Georgia, besieged by Alexander the Great, iv. 248 Mzinyani river, S. Africa, affluent of the Limpopo, xvi. 91 Mzombe river, Nyassa. land, xxii. 248 N. Naalsde, Faero Isles, soundings near, v. 71 Nabal, Tunis, alum mine near, vi. 214 Nabash, El, Syria, ruins at, xvi. 110 Nabet es Djrug, Djebel, N.C. Africa, elevation and geological formation of, x. 70 Nablus, (Shechem), Syria, visited by Beke, (1862.), vi. 196 Nachar Pass, Caucasus, elevation of water shed near, xiii. 69 Nacauslay, Nah-cal, or Stuart's Lake, B. Columbia, open spaces on when ice bound, xvii. 134 Nachtigall, Dr., explorations of, in the Eastern Sahara, 1869. et seq., xix. 5, 456, xxi. 481, cited on the Shari river, xx. 130 Nadali, Persia, ancient architectural re mains at, xvii. 95 Nafata, stream, Upolu Island, Navigator Group, xxi. 143 224 NAG— NAM Naga Hills, India, destructiou of tea-trees in, xxii. 420, note routes to Assam through, xiii. 247 Topographical Survey of, xx. 423, xxii. 361 Nagar : see Nagayr and Nagri Nagasaki, Japan, Alcock's journey from, to Yeddo, 1861., vi. 196, 200 bay of, Dutch colony in, vi. 201 engineering factory at, iii. 298, v. 117 harbour, admiralty survey of, iii. 271, vii. 141, and near, xiii. 277 Protestant worship introduced at, (I860.), v. 118 a treaty port, xviii. 238 Nagayr, or Nagar, Valley, Trans-Indus, junotion of glaciers near, viii. 36 ; see also Nagri Nagpore, C. India, the rainy season at, xi. 63 and Nerbudda provinces, C. India, area of, x. 242 Nagri, or Nagar, district, N.W. Indian frontier, described, xiii. 131 Nahoot Guddabi, Mt., Abyssinia, game near, x. 291 Nahr-Aeesa canal, Mesopotamia, Bewsher on, xi. 155 Nahuelhuapi Lake, Chile, exploration to (unnamed), and river supposed to rise in, ii. 297 Jesuit settlement at, established 1670., viii. 162 visited by Cox, 1862., viii. 160, 219 Nai-chu river, Tibet, affluent of L. Tcngri- nor or Nam-cho, xix. 340 Nain Singh, see the Pundit Nainatoto Island, N. Guinea, and its chiefs, xix. 518-19 Nairne, C, of Gregory's expedition to the W. Australian rivers, 1858., iii. 34, 46, thanked, 53 Naitong, Tibet, a large town, xxi. 342 Naivasha, salt Lake, E. Africa, xvi. ] 28 Naizar reed-bed, northern boundary of Seistan, xvii. 88 Najum, Jabal, Yemen, Arabia, geological formation of, xviii. 197 Nakd plain, the, Syria, geological for mation of, xvi. 108 Nakab el Hajar fortress, S. Arabia, ruins of, xv. 322-3 Kureef, S. Arabia, subterranean passage at, xv. 326 Nakasendo road, Japan, Lawrence's journey along, to Yedo, 1872.. xvii. 80 M'Clatchie's do., 1872., xvii. 82 Nakchail Mts., Tibet, crossed by the Pundit, 1868., xiv. 211 Nakchang Gomnak, Tibet, xxi. 336 Ombo distriot, Tibet, mountains, in habitants and cultivation of, xxi. 336 Nakchang Pontod district, Tibet, deserted gold mines in, xxi. 334 nomads and animals of, xxi. 335 Nak Chu Ka, river, Tibet, xxi. 332, course of, a mystery, 338, sources of, 333 Kha, village, Tibet, near Namcho Lake, xxi. 332, 334 Nakhodka, Manchuria, Russian harbour at, Lloyd on, xi. 253 Nakhou Tom, ancient capital of Cambodia, Bastian on, 1865., x. 85 Vat, temple, Cambodia, Bastian on, ib. Nakidimo Bay, V. Nyanza, most easterly point of the Lake, xx. 146 natives at, xx. 156 .Nakra Valley, Caucasus, pass in, xiii. 70 Nakus, Jebel (Bell mountain), Sinaitic Peninsula, Palmer cited on, xiii. 215 Nala-Ring-Cho, or Cho-Sildu Lake, Tibet, described by Pundit 3., apparent lack of exit, xiv. 210 Naliek, Equatorial Africa, Livingstone at, (1855.), i. 56 Namakia Peak and Pass, Madagascar, importance of, xxi. 170 Namaqualand, S. Africa, Moffat's journey in, (1857.), ii. 77 Nambong, stream, Assam-Burma frontier, xiii. 247 Nambouk river, Kachyen district, xv. 353 Nambuate river, Equatorial Africa, forest along, i. 75 Namchik river, Assam-Burma border, xiii. 245 Namcho or Namtso Lake, Tibet, (see also Tengri Nor Lake), affluent of, xix. 340 effluent of, xxi. 338 rising ground towards, xxi. 329 robbers from, xiv. 209 route to, xxi. 337 sacredness and situation of, xix. 339 Narnchu, or Nanchu river, see Brahma putra or Tsanpo Namecaque river, Equatorial Africa, width and trend of, i. 75 Namehana, Madagascar, woods of, xix. 185 Namelio, Equatorial Africa, i. 75 Names of Places in Geography, King, xix. 134 Nam-ga Valley, Burmo-Chinese frontier, hills near, xix. 280 Nam Kam. Burma, Shan chief town, xx. 236 Namlang river, affluent of the Brahma putra river, xiv. 346 Namling, Tibet, Bogle at, 1774., xix. 333 Namloi river, Burma, De Lagree's journey down, (1866.), xix. 280 Namoose, Vancouver Island, vi. 107 Namphook, small river, Assam-Burma borders, xii. 336 NAM— NAR 225 Namphook village, Assam frontier, xiii. 245 Nampoung river, Burmo-Chinese boun dary, xx. 213 Namroop river and its affluents, Assam- Burma frontier, xiii. 245 Namtohitai-Oulan-mouren river, affluent of the Yang-tse river, xviii. 82 Nam Wan Hill, or Mt. M'Cleverty, S.W. China, elevation of, vi. 228 Namweni, see Ripon Falls Nam Wun river, S.W. Chinese boundary at,'xx. 235 Nan-lean-mfln pass, N. China, vi. 224 Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, ix. 307 coal seams at, and copper, viii. 85, 91, xiii. 383 desired communication with Albernie Bay, vi. 107 future prospects of, Moody on, viii. 91 Nanda Devi Mt., Himalayas, height of, i. 437, u. 302 Nandinizana, Madagascar, terrace-culti vation at, xix. 192 Nanga Parbat, or Dagarmur, or Diarmul, Mt., Himalayas, elevation of, ii. 334, xxii. 352, Vigne cited on, x. 308-9 Nang-ganchejong village and fort, Tibet, xii. 151 Nankiang river, Yunnan, Ludzu tribes of, xv. 168 Nanking, or Nangking, W. China, American visit to, 1854., iii. 169 British fleet at, 1842., ii. 202 cotton manufacture of, xi. 262 in relation to the Grand Canal, i. 339-40 Lord Amherst at, 1806., i. 336 Tae-ping troops at, 1851., ,i. 101-2, 341 their ravages, 1853., etc., vi. 86 Treaty of, i. 340 Namungi Island, V. Nyanza, xxii. 390 Nankou or Nankow pass, China, described by Bushell, xviii. 150, 167 rough road and scenery of, xiv. 244 Nankow town, N. China, xiv. 244 Nanno, W. Africa, river near, i. 245 Nan-sha-ho river, China, broad and shallow, xiv. 180 Nantin Valley, Burma, described, xv. 359 Nantzu cataract, Alb. Nyanza, xxi. 52 Napier, Capt. Hon. G., Barometric and Hypsometric observations to fix the height of Demavend, xxii. 216, Coles' note on, 218 journey of, on the Turcoman frontier of Persia, 1874., Goldsmid, xx. 166 of Magdala, Lord, on Frere's work hi Bombay, xiv. 122 cited on Abyssinia, xiii. 51 Napipi river, Colombia, S. America Illingworth's expedition down, 1820., i. h7 port near souroes of, i. 70 proposed canal to, i. 65, 69 Naples, coast and other surveys of, (1857.), i. 428 great earthquake in, 1857., iii. 283 trigonometrical survey of kingdom of, ii. 289 Napo, Ecuador, gold-fields at, iii. 96 river, affluents of, xxi. 557-8 as a waterway, i. 252 gold found along, viii. 60 great size of, at Aguano, xxi. 568 Jameson's journey down, 1861., ix. 245 Simson's journey to, from Guayaquil, (1877.), xxi. 556 Upper, Jesuit control along, and its effects, xxi. 562 Napoleon I. and the Suez Canal, xiv. 90 Napoleon Channel, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 147. xxii. 390 Na Qua, N. China, large town near Great Wall, vi. 224 Narakal, S.W. India, as a sea-port, viii. 208, calm sea prevalent at, 209 Naralla district, S. Australia, ii. 190 Naran or Angori, Afghanistan, described by Lynch, (1841.), xx. 244 Nardi, Monsignor Francesco, (Hon. Corr. Memb. of R.G.S.), obituary notice of, 1877., xxi. 426 Nardin, Perso-Turcoman frontier, duties of its Khan, xx. 172 Nare river (Queensland), effect of drought near, iii. 333 Nares, Capt. Sir G., r.n., appointed to command Arctic expedition of 1875., xix. 417, acknowledges welcome of R.G.S. on its return, xxi. 96, awarded Gold Medal, 1877., xxi. 397,398, 399 Commander of H.M.S. Salamander, admiralty surveys, Australia, by, x. 220, xi. 195 commanding H.M.S. Challenger, 1872., xvii. 17 On the Navigation of Smith Sound as a Route to the Polar Sea, xxi. 274 On the North Circumpolar Sea, xxi. 96 on sledge-travelling etc., in Arctic exploration, xxi. 287 Suez Canal, with Directions for its Pilot age, 1869., xiv. 75 survey -of the Mediterranean by, xv. 32 Nariehu (see Brahmaputra), xii. 151 Nari Khorsum, or province of W. Tibet, basin of the Sutlej in, and elevation of, xii. 157 inhabitants of, xiii. 186, xxi. 327 Narina, S. Australia, easy route via, ii. 19 road, " gap " on, ii. 20 Narmanshir or Narmushir, province, Persia, fertile plains of, xvii. 87 lofty mountains near, xvii. 93 Narra and other rivers in the Runn of Cutch, ancient beds of, Frere on, xiv. 123 226 NAR— NEB Xarrien Mt., Queensland, vi. 68 Narrows, The, Adam Bay, W. Australia, x. 34 , Hamilton Inlet, Arctic regions, v. 65, 66 . of Florida, Gulf of Mexico, rising point of the Gulf Stream, xv. 70, 78, 82 Naroz Vallev, Persia, chief height in, xvi. 260 Naryn Fort, Russian Turkestan, pass and bridge near, xv. 195, xviii. 250 • Mts., xiv. 223 river, bridge over, xv. 195 fertile land near, xviii. 410 glacial source discovered by Kaulbars, (1870.), xiv. 319 tributaries of, xiv. 222 valley, mountains above, xiv. 222-3 Nash, Llewellyn, Table of Distances on the River Amazons, xxi. 595, 596-7 Nasmyth, Capt. D. J., obituary notice of, 1872., xvi. 315 Nass river, Br. Columbia, geological formation of the district, and rapids on, iv. 226 gold near, vi. 188 Nassau, Cape, Arctic regions, once con sidered the limit of navigation E. from Bear Island, xix. 175 Strait, Arctic regions, ice in and beyond, ix. 172, 174 tides in, ix. 173 Nassick,Bombay,missionaryseholarsfrom, with Livingstone, xviii. 182, 222, 260, xvi. 381, 417, 425 suggested site for capital of India, xi. 72-3, Murchison on, xi. 221, Raw linson on, xi. 77 Natal, coal and gold of, xii. 268 coast of and river-mouths, xvi. 138-9 countries north of, xiii. 337, their fertility and salubrity, xix. Ill expedition in, Sutherland's (1856.), i. 55, 56, 83, 160 harbour, xi. 20 indigo of, i. 318 Physical Geography and Climate of, (1866.), Mann, xi. 18 Nation, , of Hann's N. Queensland expedition, xviii. 87, 88 Na tite Levie, Fiji, Macdonald's expedi tion to (1857.), i. 508 Natu Hills and River, Borneo, ii. 346 Natuna Creek, Queensland, Ross's views on region of, xv. 99 Naturaliste Cape, W. Australia, admiralty survey of reefs near, xxi. 435 Natwutwa river, S. Africa, in flood, I860., v. 18 Naudeh, Persia, plains near, xx. 173 Valley, cultivation in, xx. 173 Naugot, Kokand, Schuyler's attempts to visit, xviii. 412 Naukaudah village, on the Daraghaz stream, Persia, xx. 171 Naumann Range, N. Zealand, rivers rising in, viii. 214 Nauplia, Greece, effect of earthquake of 1866 at, x. 322 Nauta, Peru, steamship communication with, iii. 95, xv. 375 true ownership of, iii. 96 Navajo Indians, New Mexico, location,&c, of, Goad on, xxii. 279 Navarrete, cited on the Landfall of Colum bus, xv. 210 Navigator Isles, earthquake wave at, 1868, xiii. 57 Litton Forbes on, xxi. 140 Navy Bay,lBthmus of Panama, C. America, mail transit from, i. 85 Board Inlet, Arctic Regions, ruined government depot at, xiii. 372 Navy estimates, application of, Goschen cited on, xvi. 235 Nawagai, Trans-Himalayas, road from, to Abazai, surveved by the Mullah, 1876., xxii. 354 Nawarango, see Alexandra Nile Nazareth, Syria, Eaton's journey from, to Bozrah, (1864.), viii. 29 elevation of, iii. 288 (note) river, W. Africa, branch of the Ogowai river, iv. 183, v. 109 volume of, xvii. 26 Nazipur, AsBam, important market-place at, xvii. 37, 41 Ndara, E. Africa visited by New, 1871, xvi. 170 N'dara Mt., E. Africa, Hildebrand at, 1877., xxii. 450 Ndeo river, E. Africa, affluent of the Tiva river, source and course of, and sugar cultivation on, xxii. 451 Ndi Mt., E. Africa, ascent of, by Hilde brand (1877.), xxii. 450 Ndoni, W. Africa, an outlet of the Niger river, xxi. 483 Ndumi, E. Africa, xxi. 238, healthy position of, xxi. 243 Ndungu Mts., E. Africa, crossed by Hilde brand, (1877.), xxii. 451 Ndunguni, E. Africa, New's journey through, 1871., xvi. 168 Nduru, V. Nyanza. xx. 157 Nea Kameni or Neo Kaimene Island, Grecian Archipelago, volcanio eruption at, 1866., x. 118, 318 Neales river, S. Australia, feeders and outlet of, v. 104 Neambara, Bahr Ghazal district, viii. 140 Neangara, Bahr Ghazal district, viii. 139 Nearotic region, distribution of animal life in, Wallace on, xxi. 520 Nebbeh, or Mt. Nebo, Syria, aud ancient town of same name, xix. 167 NEB— NEW 227 Nebhaguddy river, Abyssinia, dry bed of, xii. 114 Nebue, E. Africa, undulating country near, xx. 76 Neeld, J., obituary notice of, 1856., i. 126 Neeinbucu, Paraguay, an " estero," rivers fed by, xx. 498 Neemuch, C. India, elevation of, xi. 57 Nefis river, Morocoo, geological formation of, ix. 25 Nefta, Tunis, desoribed, vi. 211 Negapatam, Madras, port of, vii. 96 Negrais, Burma, good harbour at, xi. 222 , Cape, i. 162 Negri, Chevalier Cristoforo, Hon. Corr. Memb. of R.G.S., on Brun Rollet's journey in Nile region, 1856., i. 157 on Italian Colonies along the Rio de la Plata, viii. 220 in relation to the Italian Geographical Society, xvi. 328 Negro Races, distribution of, in the Eastern Archipelago, &c, Crawfurd on, ii. 184 Segro, Cabo (Cape), W. Afrioa, xi. 235 — , Rio, Brazil, affluent of the Amazon, i. 251 its affluents, viii. 160, xi. 109 climate on, iii. 94 explored by Spruce, (1853-4.), viii. 221 by Wallace (1850-52), viii. 61 , , Patagonia, exploredbyVillarino(abt. 1782.), viii. 160 supposed source of, ii. 297 Neilgherry Hills, Madras, area of, and cinchona plantations on, x. 266, xi. 61 cultivation on, vii. 96 dam-building on, xvi. 138 elevation of, and contour, x. 267, xi. 61 country south of, xi. 55 rainfall of, xi. 62 summer climate of, xi. 63 Nejed, or En Nejd, province of, Arabia, desert, and tribes of, viii. 64 elevation of, viii. 101 highlands and population of, ix. 293 horses of, Palgrave on, viii. 75-6; Rawlinson on, viii. 81-2 lack of running streams in, viii. 105 Palgrave's visit to, 1862., viii. 63-4 Pelly's visit to, 1865, ix. 293 virtual independence of, viii. 19 , S. Arabia, a watering place, xv. 327 Nellore, Madras, irrigation works at, viii. 96 Nelson, Cape, N. Guinea, natives of, xix. 233 Province, N. Zealand, Brunner's journey from, 1846-7., ix. 34 Nen-Da Mt., near Bathang, China, great elevation of, xxii. 268 Neot, White Nile, inhospitable villagers of, viii. 135 Neotropical region, distribution of animal life in, Wallace on, xxi. 521 Nepal, Nepaul, or Nipal (see also Mt. Everest), ii. 108, 110, 111 Chinese invasion of, Campbell on, xiv. 214 closed to the English, (1856.), i. 346, v. 53, x. 242 passes of, i. 348, 349, xix. 338 strict watch kept on, xix. 335 Pundit's route-survey from, to Lhasa, xii. 146, 148, xiv. 214, xix. 338 trade routes to, iii. 171 trade- wares of, xii. 163 Nepalgunj, Nepal frontier town, built by Jung Bahadur, xii. 148 Nepean Bay, S. Australia, admiralty survey at, xiv. 307 Nepowie Range, S. Australia, geographical formation of, ii. 21 Nerbudda province, C. India, area of, x. 242 river, C. India, course of, xi. 58 Valley, xi. 58, coal-fields of, xv. 283 Nerchinsk, E. Siberia, gold-mines near, xiii. 369 Nerqua river, tributary of, the Tsuando river, Colombia, S. Amerioa, i. 64 Nertscha-Yablonoi-Krebeh river, Siberia, explored by Ussoltzoff, (1858.), ii. 278 Nesh district, Afghanistan, Fraser Tytler's survey of, 1842., xx. 247 Netherlands, H.M. the Queen of the, present at meeting of R.G.S., xiii. 8 Nethow Peak, or Pic de Nethou, Pyre nees, the highest point in Spain, i. 425, xii. 251 Netlik, Whale Sound, Greenland, Hayes' observations at, (1861.), ix. 184 Neuangaran (Creek), S. Australia, road and region near, ii. 19 Neuohatel, Lake of, Switzerland, Guyot's soundings of, Chaix on, xii. 456 Neumann, Dr. Carl, The Tchoukot Ex pedition, (Siberia) 1868., xxi. 213 Neumayer, Dr. G., On a Project for the Scientific Exploration of Central Aus tralia, xii. 286, 298 comments by Murchison, xii. 295, 322 ; by Owen, xii. 295; by Tyndall, xii. 297 Neva river, Russia, effluent of Lake Ladoga, xiii. 376 Nevada, Sierra, California, (see also Cas cades), northern continuation, xi. 80 plateau near, ii. 338, Asiatic parallel to, xxi. 40 railway to foot of, xix. 293 State, U.S., formed in 1864., xi. 85 Neville or Booro Pooro river, N.S. Wales, vi. 55 New, Rev. Charles, agreement made with, by the Livingstone Search and Relief 228 NEW— NEW New, Rev. Charles— continued. Expedition, 1872., xvi. 428, cf. 162, Dawson on, 381, Kirk on, 383, 387, withdrawal, letter concerning, xvi. 423 note journey of, from the Pangani river via Wadigo to Mombasa, 1874., xix. 317 other journeys referred to, xvi. 127 letters on his ascent of Kilima Njaro Mt., 1871., xvi. 167, 170, 367 to Kirk, on the Livingstone Search and Relief Expedition, xvi. 428-9 mentioned, xvi. 375, 385 death of, 1875, Wakefield on, xix. 323 obituary notice, 1875., xix. 387 New Amsterdam Islands, American whal ing station as a depfit for Antarctic exploration, v. 25 Newberry, Mt., Queensland, xviii. 96 New Britain Island, Western Pacific, ad miralty survey of, vi. 136 Calabar or Rio Real, W. Africa, described by Thomas, xvii. 151 New Caledonia, discovered by Captain Cook (1774.), i. 459, iii. 91 , 342 exploration of ocean near, by the Herald, 1852-61. ,.Denham, vi. 197-8 French coast surveys of, i. 173, 423 settlement on, and annexation of, (1853.), i. 79, 173, 459, iii. 91, 342 language of, xvi. 392 negroes of, i. 81, iii. 359, 361 ; their customs, ix. 32 Newcastle, Duke of, interest in, and furtherance of Aus tralian expeditions, i. 11, 193, vii. 121 on the award of R.G.S. gold medal to the family of Burke (Victorian Camel Expedition), vi. 124, ix. 205 on receiving R.G.S. gold medal on behalf of M'D. Stuart, v. 144 obituary notioe, 1865., ix. 205 Newcastle, W. Australia, i. 255, xiv. 191, 195 Bay, Queensland, good anchorage in, viii. 114, land near, x. 85 Harbour, N.S. Wales, admiralty survey, vii. 142, xi. 195 Range, N. Australia, i. 230, 231, 368 geological formation, i. 502 watershed of, i. 501 Water, N. Australia, vi. 11, vii. 82 latitude and longitude of, vi. 10 New-chang (Niu chang, Nu-chang, Nou- chang, etc.), N. China, xvi. 210, treaty port, 1858., iii. 64, 86, iv. 60, v. 175, vi. 135, vii. 33 Frere on, xvi. 216 geographical position and trade of xiii. 27, 28 importance of, to Russia, Oliphant on, iv. 60, Osborn on, xi. 162 plain of, xiii. 32 New-chang, N. China — continued. trade of, Parkes on, xvi. 214 winters in, xvi. 204 New Dongal, Nile region, Twyford at, 1857., i. 301 New England, U.S.A., Norse discovery of, a.d. 1000., ii. 373 Newfoundland, admiralty surveys of, iii. 272, iv. 157, v. 101, 176, vi. 137, vii.l43,viii. 191,ix. 221, x. 219, xi. 194, xii. 243, xiii. 280, xiv. 306, xv. 264, xvi. 319, xvii. 256, xviii. 538, xix. 404, xx. 403-7, xxi. 434, xxii. 335 Banks of, current along, i. 61, iv. 105 depth of water along, i. 418, vii. 57 Franklin's maps found on, i. 22-4 icebergs off, iv. 105, 108 climate of, i. 86 cod-fisheries of, ix. 136 French survey of, i. 423 ice off, 1863-4., ix. 132 Labrador Indians' visit to, 1864., ix. 135 Lapp names for, ii. 373 Norse discovery of, a.d. 1000., ii. 373 telegraphic extension from, to New Orleans, i. 145 New Granada, S. America, corn of, i. 252 explorations in, (1856.), i. 167 French surveys in, (1857.), i. 423 how constituted as a republic, iii. 93 waterways as outlets for commerce of, i. 252, 466, ii. 297 work of Bollaert on, referred to, iv. 206 New Guinea or Papua, vi. 136, xii. 313 admiralty survey of, iii. 271 ; 1875, and previous, xix. 409-10 animal life of, xii. 320 and vegetable life of, xx. 266, 268, 334-335, 350-356 Ascent of the Fly river, Macfarlane, 1876., xx. 253 climate of, xx. 339, in relation to black and white race, xx. 342 Coast of, and natives, Nicholls on, xx. 108-9 Contribution, A, to the knowledge of, Miiller, ii. 181 coral reefs of, iv. 81 Description of the Natives and district of Port Moresby, Stone, 1876., xx. 330 Discovery of the Mai-Kassa or Baxter river, Stone, 1875., xx. 92 Dutch and other explorations of, 1828, 1835, ii. 311, iii. 360, ix. 260, xix. 242 possessions in, iii. 359 early references to, xvi. 354 Eastern, Discoveries in, 1873-4, (Basi lisk expedition) Moresby, xix. 225, 243; see below, Explorations, and South-east ethnology of, Crawfurd on, ii. 184, vi. 99 ; others on, xviii. 28-31, 35-41, 48-9, xix. 237-8, xx. 268-9 NEW— NEW 229 New Guinea or Papua — continued. explorations and expeditions (see above, Dutch), desired by Evans, viii. 120 Chester's, xv. 302, xvi. 356 D'Albertis', (and other explorers'), xiv. 323, xv. 302, xviii. 573, xx. 428, xxi. 459, xxii. 364 Delargy's, xiv. 323, xv. 302, xvi. 356 Gill's, 1872., xviii. 573 Goldie's, 1877., xxii. 219 (paper), 363 Lawes', xx. 354, xxi. 460, xxii. 365 Macfarlane's,1876.,xix. 448,xx. 18-19, 105, 253, 427, xxi. 350, 459 Maklay's, xvi. 356, xviii. 572, xix. 9, 448, Incidents of Travel, 517 Meyer's (1874.), xviii. 573 Moresby's, xviii. 22, 540, 572, xix. 9, 225, 231, 243, 447, xx. 266, 427 Paget's (in the Surprise), 1871., xvi. 203-4 Stone's, 1875., xx. 92, 266; 1876., xx. 330, 428 Wallace's, iii. 358 ; Frere on, xviii. 47 ; Markham on, xviii. 46-7 Young's proposed, xx. 356 great bird of, xx. 352-3 gold in, xvi. 204, xix. 243, xxii. 222 knowledge of, in 1865., ix. 260 meteorology of, xix. 234 mission settlements in, xx. 105, deaths of missionaries, 338 mountains of, (see Owen Stanley), i. 80 non-volcanio area in, vii. 207 Portuguese discovery of, (1526.), iii 361, in relation to the Arru Isles, ii. 165-7 South-east, Discoveries in, Moresby, 1872., xviii. 22 Three Visits to, Gill, 1872., xviii. 31 Trade between the Eastern Archi pelago and, Wallace, vi. 43, 197 utility of ponies in, xx. 331 Voyage to, (1858.) Wallace, iii. 358 of the Ellangowan to China Straits in, 1876., Macfarlane, xxi. 350 New Hebrides Islands, and Santa Cruz group, Markham, 1871., xvi. 388 devil-worship in, xix. 237 geology and ethnology of, xvi. 392 New Holland (see also Australia), i. 192, viii. 183 New Ireland, vi. 136 negroes of, iii. 361 route to China vid, xix. 228 Newman Bay, N. Greenland, Hall's ex ploration of, 1871., xxi. 275 ioe fields of, xviii. 14 latitude of, xviii. 13 New Mexico, U.S.A., proposed route via, across America, i. 264 New Orleans, i. 145, canal from, to Lake Pontchartrain, construction of, i. 91 New Perlican Harbour, Newfoundland, and Atlantic cable, 1863., vii. 143 New River whaling station, N.Z., ii. 356 New South Wales (see also Australia), i. 83, 322, 324, vi. 168 aborigines of, iv. 94-5, vi. 56 admiralty surveys of, ii. 268, iii. 271, vi. 135, vii. 142, viii. 192, ix. 222, x. 220, xi. 195, xii. 244, xiii. 281, xiv. 307, of inner waters, xv. 267 ; xvi. 320, xvii. 256, xviii. 538 advance of population northwards, i. 80, 83, 322, vi. 13, vii. 113, 174 coal in, xii. 141, 315 cold winter in, 1855., i. 5 colonization of, vi. 36, vii. 171, viii. 118, ix. 226, xiv. 198-9 Cordillera of, xii. 1 39 explorations in and from, (see Gregory A. C), ix. 229, Hely's, 1851., and others, x. 59, Kennedy's, i. 6, xviii. 89, Mackinnon's, 1839., and others, vi. 56, Mitchell's, i. 6, Oxley's, xiv. 199, Randell's (I860.), iv. 94, 194, Strzelecki's, 1838, etc. xviii. 519 et seq. geology of, work of Clarke and Strze- lecki, vi. 175, ix. 229 gold of, i. 453, iii. 339, viii. 32, dis covery of, by Strzelecki, 1839., ix. 228-9, xvi. 295, xii. 138-9, xviii. 520 hot wind of, i. 32, 35 iron of, xii. 144 Murray river in, length of, iii. 339 natural history of, iii. 341 route from Singapore to, viii. 118 sheep-farming in, x. 327 timber of, iv. 94 wool of, superior quality of, xii. 321 New-tow-shan Hill, N.W. China, xiv. 176 New Westminster, Br. Columbia, clearings for, vi. 232 climate of, vi. 232, viii. 92 Fraser river at, vi. 235 New Year's Island, N. Australia, ii. 10 New York, mails from, to Panama, i. 85 wishful for improved mail routes, i. 89 New York Herald, munificence of, iu equipping Stanley's expedition, xx. 13 Sun, cited, on Stanley's African discoveries, xxi. 468 New Zealand, water in, iii. 90 admiralty surveys, i. 144, i. 406, ii. 268, ix. 34 Alps of, viii. 49, 56, 212-14, ix.32,xv. 300 Austrian circumnavigatory expedition, report on ooal of, iii. 339 colonization and development of, xiv. 1 98 discovered by the Dutch, xxi. 186 expeditions and explorations (see also Middle Island, below) — Brunner's, 1846-7., ix. 34 Haast's, 1861-2-3., viii. 56, 57, 214-15 Harper's across, 1 857., viii. 49-50, ix. 34 230 NEW-NIA New Zealand — continued. expeditions and explorations — cant. Heaphy's (1842., etc.), ix. 34 Hector's, W. Coast of Middle Island, 1863., viii. 46, 47, 213, ix. 32-3 M'Kerrow's survey of Lakes of Otago Province (1864.), viii. 47-8 Thomson's, S. of Otago province, 1857., ii. 354 Walker's, across, viii. 215, v. 213 along the W. Coast of Middle Island, 1863., ix. 33, 34 harbours in, scarcity of, viii. 50 images of, Grey on, xiv. 118 Lakes of Otago Province, M'Kerrow's survey, (1864.)," viii. 47-8 flora of, Dyer, xxii. 429, 430 fossils in, vii. 181 Geological expedition to W. Coast of Otago, Hector, 1863., ix. 32 formation of, and fossil remains, Hood-Hood on, vi. 24-5 geology of, in the Tertiary period, xxi. 533; mutations of, Duncan on, xxii. 79 glaciers of, Haast on, viii. 56-7, ix. 34, xv. 301, McKerrow on, viii. 47, Murchison on, viii. 214, 221 gold in, Hood-Hood on, vi. 24-5 ; Mur chison on, vii. 180, viii. 215 fields of Tuapeka, Thomson, vi. 71 mines and coal-mines of, xi. 228, Cookson on, viii. 57 Maori chiefs in England, I860., iv. 222 ¦ ¦ natives, viii. 58, ix. 33 Middle Island, explorations of, Brunner's, 1846-7, ix. 34 Haast's, 1861-2-3., viii. 56 Harper's, 1857., ix. 34 Heaphy's (1842, etc.), ix. 34 Hector's, 1863., ix. 32-4 Richard's, 1848., ii. 34 Stokes', 1848., ii. 34 Walker's, 1863., ix. 33-4 , mountains of, viii. 56 , rivers of, viii. 49 migration of natives of, xvi. 393 Mountains of, Duncan on, xxii. 73; in relation to climate, viii. 48 progress of geographical knowledge of, 1862., vi. 175; 1864., viii. 212; 1867., xi. 228 ; 1871., xv. 300 ReconaisBance Survey in the South of Otago Province, Thomson, 1857., ii. 354 rivers of Middle Island, sources of, viii. 49 rumours of confederation with Austra lia, etc., 1875., xix. 244 Southern Alps of, Haast, 1861-3., viii. 56 ; his researches on, xv. 300 Thomson's work on, pubd. I860., iv. 204 New Zealand — continued. traces of the " moa " found in, by Hector, viii. 47, 49 volcanic districts of North Island, Mur- ohison on, xv. 301-2 wool of, superior to that of N. Aus tralia, xii. 321 Ngambi, W. Africa, Reade at, 1861., vii. 106 Ngami, Lake, S. Africa, drought at, 1859., v. 16, 17, 18 olevation of, i. 60 expeditions to, Andersson's, (1855.), i. 160; Livingstone's vid, (1855.), i. 233 feeders (probable) of, iv. 63 Hottentots living near, i. 245 ivory of, i. 317-8 shallowness of, i. 244 tributaries of, iv. 63 waterways connected with, i. 240 Nganhwuy, Eastern China, Taeping rebels in, vi. 89, tea-district visited by Baker, 1861., vi. 166, by others, vi. 164 Ngardabash river, E. Africa, source of, xvi. 439 Ngare na Rogwa river, E. Africa, affluent of L. Baringo, xvi. 439 Ngari, province, Tibet, position of, xiii. 394 Ngo Chiao river, E. China, tidal wave of, xiii. 172 Ngomano, town and ford on Rovuma river, E. Africa, ix. 287 geological formation of plain near, xi. 16 tsetse fly at, xi. 17 Ngombe river, E. Africa, country near, and course of, xix. 137, 138, affluent of the Malagarazi river, well wooded, xix. 247 South, xx. 308 Ngowinyie, (Devil's Peak), S. Australia, striking aspect of, ii. 17 Ngu Hills, C. Africa, in relation to the coast, i. 9 Nguru, C. Africa, latitude of, xxi. 502 ¦ Mts., E. Africa, granite range of, xxi. 239, xxii. 384 Nhaga, or Niassa-land, see Nyassa Nhanja Lake, E. Africa, really Nhionja river, Macqueen on, iv. 27 Niagara Falls, U.S.A., ii. 339 river, slow current in early course, xix. 257 Niagzu Rawang, Kashmir- Tibet borders, reached by Pundit, 1873., xxi. 327 Niambara and district, Nile region, C. Africa, Peney's journey to, 1861., vi. 18, 19 Petherick's station at, vi. 80 ; see Nyam Bara Niam Niam or Nyam Nyam (q.v.) country, C. Africa, inhabitants of, v. 38, 39 Petherick's visit to, (1857-8), and native weapons in, iv. 40, vii. 65 NIA— NIG 231 Niam Niam Maharaka, C. Africa, its boundary, vi. 19 Niandja, or Nianza Lakes, C. Africa (see Victoria and Albert Nyanza Lakes), Erhardt on, (1855.), i. 8, 9, 12-13; Macqueen on, i. 12 Niantago, E. Africa, boa constrictor killed near, xix. 153 Nicsea, Lake and province, Asia Minor, i. 303, 304 Nicaragua, and Lake, C. America Canal scheme connected with,i. 60, 90-1, xii. 26 explorations, Collinson's, 1867., xii. 25 and Pirn's, 1863., 1865., 1867., and others, ib., et seq. geological formation near, vii. 42 levels between it and the Pacific, i. 89 new Harbour in, Gorgon Bay, xiii. 62 Proposed Transit-route across C. America from, Pim, vi. 75, 112 rectification of coast-line of, Peacock on, xii. 46 Sketch of, Perry, vi. 74 Nicholls, Mr. Kerry-, on importance of African exploration, xxi. 614 on Boigu, and on the coast and coast- natives of N. Guinea, xx. 108-9 Nicholson river, Queensland, bar at mouth of, vii. 14 forded by Leichhardt, 1844., vii. 86 Macdonald at, 1864., x. 247 outfall of, vii. 114 source of, i. 492 Nicholson, Sir C, iii. 89, vii. 14-15, viii. 113, xix. 315 at Port Denison, vi. 24 on Australian subjects Australian federation, xviii. 48 loyalty, vii. 15 Camden Harbour settlement, x. 87 Dalrymple and Scott's journey in N.E. Australia, (1863.), viii. 118-9, 120, 211 expeditions in search of Burke and Wills, and on Leichhardt' s explora tions, vii. 85 Forrest's W. Australian expedition, Goyder's survey near Port Darwin, and the recent progress of Aus tralian discovery, xiv. 190 Jardine's and Dalrymple's Austra lian expeditions, x. 51-2 Landsborough's and McKinlay's Aus tralian expeditions, vii. 115-6 Warburton's Australian expeditions, xix. 49 Melville Island, ix. 22 native labour in Australia, vii. 89 New Guinea, xviii. 48, xix. 243 N. Australia and its colonization, Nicholson, Sir C. — continued. on Australian subjects — continued. vii. 13-14, 85-7, 89, 116, and wool, ix. 33 Queensland cotton, vii. 115-6, (letter) 117-9 rivers of Australia, x. 87, 88 cited on colonization of N. Australia, v. 60, vii. 170-71 on the work of the Palestine Explor ation Fund, etc., xvii. 333 Sir F., on Hakodadi Harbour, Japan. v. 115 Nicol, Nlchol, or Nickol, Bay, W. Aus tralia, v. 2, 3, 9, x. 44, 45, 47 country between, and Tropic of Capri corn, xii. 261 explorations from Gregory's, (F.), (1861.), vi. 54, 172, vii. 16 Warburton's, 1873., xviii. 570, 571, xix. 8 pearl fisheries at, vi. 173, xix. 489 settlement at, good progress of, xii. 290 temperature at, vi. 55 Nicola, Lake, and river, Br. Columbia, " benches " near, xv. 134 Nicolaievsk, E. Siberia, described, xiii. 366 free Russian port, xi, 163 ice in harbour of, xiii. 365 Nicolay, Rev. ,on proposed exploration of the Saskatchewan district, i. 265 on Palliser's (and other) explorations in Br. N. America, ii. 49 Nicomedia, Gulf of, Asia Minor, proposed canal to, i. 301, 303 , province and city, Jochmus' canal scheme for, i. 303 Niebuhr, C, travels of, in Yemen (18th century), xv. 330 Niende river, E. Africa, affluent of the Rovuma, ix. 288 Niffar, ancient Calneh, ruins of, Turkey-in- Asia, i. 45, 46, Rawlinson on itB antiquity, 47 Nifuat Island, Vict. Nyanza, natives of, xx. 154 Niga river, W. Africa, source near that of the Cabalha, trade on, vi. 67 Niger, Nun, or Kawara, Kwara or Quorra, river, W. Africa, i. 444, ii. 83, ix. 73 admiralty surveys, iv. 183 anomalous rise and fall of, vii. 66 ascent of, by H.M.S. Investigator, 1864., Knowles, ix. 72 astronomical tables of Park, found near, vi. 15 Baikie's work on, (1863.), viii. 4, his settlement, 263, its progress, ix. 72-4 branches of, see Wari, etc. confluence of, with the Binue river, vii. 67, xi. 49, xxi. 485 cotton culture along, iv. 222 232 NIG— NIL Niger river — continued. Delta of, explorations of Glover, Golds- worthy, and the C.M.S., Crowther on, xxi. 482 development of up-river trade on, i. 114 district traversed by, xvii. 128 expeditions and explorations up — Baikie's, 1856., (proposal for) i. 16; i. 155, 156, 182, 209, 444; 1857., progress of, ii. 83, 88, 90, 98 ; 1859., iii. 310-11, v. 45 ; 1861., vi. 22-3 Becrnft's, 1839., v. 160 Burton's, 1861., vi. 66 C.M.S., xxi. 482 Croft's, (1873.), xviii. 193-4 Delany and Campbell's. I860., iv. 186 Gambier's, 1863., viii. 53 Glover's, 1857., (with Baikie, q.v.), ii. 335, i. 444, xviii. 286, xxi. 482 Goldsworthy's, xxi. 482 Laird's (in the Pleiad), 1854., v. 160-2 Lander's, 1833., ii. 99 May's, with Baikie, i. 444 Reade's, (1868.), xiii. 353 Vogel's (proposed), i. 216 note, 443 falls of, ix. 74 freedom of, from bar at mouth, and from surf, ii. 229 geographical notes on district between, and the Volta, Glover, xviii. 286 geological formation of bed, i. 446 missionary steamer built for, xxii. 38 navigation of, difficulties of, ii. 317 ; limits of, xviii. 1 94 native reports on, vi. 66-7 Notes on, Crowther, xxi. 481 , Robinson, x. 116 On its resources as regards legitimate trade, 1863., Wilmot, viii. 53 outlets of, xxi. 483 Park's erroneous theories concerning, i. 310 rainfall area of, viii. 260 Report on countries near, Baikie, vii. 66 route vid, for caravans, ii. 219 sources of, ii. 324, vi. 67 superiority of, to the Rovuma, vi. 37 surveys of, v. 173 towns along, xx. 78 tribes to eastward of, xxi. 484 tributaries of, ii. 32 Upper, trade of, xxi. 498 width of, iii. 103 Ni-Hsin-T'ang, C. China, described by Margary, xx. 188 Niigata, seaport, Japan, xvii. 81 ; treaty- port, xviii. 236 Niihaw, Sandwich Islands, size of, xii. 306 Nijne Kolymsk, Siberia, fur fair at, xxi. 215, geographical position of, 218 Nijni Novgorod, Russia, geological forma tion of Volga banks near, i. 416-17 trade of, with Irkutsk, xxii. 113 Nikko, Japan, tombs of the Tycoons at, xviii. 238 Nikolsk, E. Siberia, xviii. 562 Ni ksar, Asia Mi nor, visited by Tchihatchef, 1858., iii. 370 Niktin, Russian traveller in Cathay, x. 278 Nile river (see Nile, White and Blue, infra, also Atbara, Bahr el Abiad, Gaza], Giraffe, Gebel, etc.) — Alexandra Nile or Nawarango, (see also Kagera), xxi. 467-8 ; source and out fall of, xxii. 392-3 as connected with the Albert Nyanza, xx. 443 basin, area of, xvii. 31, xxii. 392 Geographical Sketch of, Stanley, xxii. 382 between Dufli and Magungo, On the, Gordon, xxi. 48, 50 cataracts of, described, i. 504-7, iv. 225 delta, and alluvial formation of, Baker on, xii. 117 Lange on, iii. 206 Markham on, xii. 300 Murchison on, iii. 308 Spratt, cited on, ii. 265, iii. 198, 265, 308, xiv. 314 Stephenson on, iii. 202 depth of, Pirn on, iii. 179, 180 of Ethiopian Nile, Beke on, vii. 116 drainage areas of upper branches, Donoughmore on, viii. 18 , central line of, Livingstone on, xviii. 256 exit from Victoria Nyanza, Stanley on, xx. 148 ' expeditions to, and explorations 4of (see also White. Nile, infra) — Baker's, 1862-3., vii. 21, 46, 64, 65, 78, 104, 109, 183, 187, 190, 223, viii. 141, 147, 149, 252, ix. 263, x. 8 ; Khedive's expedition under, 1869 et seq., x. 3, 6, 257, xiv. 4, 330, xv. 6, 92, 162, 309, xvi. 162, 187, 365, 418, xvii. 15, 161, 305, 310, xviii. 4„ 11, 50-1, 131, 574-5 Brun Rollet's, 1856, i. 157 Burton's proposed, i. 159 (see Burton and Speke) Chippendall's (1875.) xx. 167 d'Escayrac de Lauture's, for the Khedive, 1856-7., i. 157, 300, 447, 503 early, Murchison on, ii. 324, vii. 188, 193 Egyptian (two), 1840 and 1852, Mac queen on, iii. 209, Speke on, v. 16 Gessi's, 1876., xx. 471, xx. 470, Gessi on, xxi. 50 ,- German, xx. 14, 15, 441, xxi. 470 Gordon's, 1874-6., xix. 40, 182, 324, NIL— NIL' 233 Nile river— continued. expeditions to, and explorations of— continued. 326, 455, xx. 11, 50, 442-3, 473, xxi. 15, 56, 463, xxii. 371 Khedive's, under- de Lauture (q.v.), 1856., Livingstone on, ii. 100, Twy- ford on, i. 503 Lejean and Peney's, 1861., v. 210, vi. 18 Long's, 1874., xix. 108, 454 Mthemet Ali's, 1839-40., ii. 100, 140-41, 221, iii. 114, 345, v. 16; Thibaut on, ii. 222 Petherick's (q.v.), 1857-8., iv. 39, 180 ; 1860-1-2., iv. 222-5, 251, v. 20, 27, 40, 107, 108, 210, vi. 18, 41, 79, vii. 20, 21, 64, 78, 183, 190, 235, Viii. 4, 13, 122, 126, 144, 145, 251 Speke and Grant, 1860-3 , iv. 41, 179, 222, 251, v. 11, 12, 16, 108-10, 126, 140, 188, 209, 217, vi. 176, 217, vii. 20, 108-9, 182-4, 213, 216, viii. 244-6 Tinne's (1861-62.), vii. 24, 64,78, 103, 109, 183, 196-7, 204, viii. 12, 16, 17, 148-9, 251-2, 264, ix. 248, xviii.1 258 falls of, and general course, i. 504-7, vii. 192 feeders of (see also tributaries infra), Maury, viii. 8 fertility of valley of, v. 126 floods of, viii. 18 height and current during, iii. 180-1 manner and results of, xviii. 138 volume during, xx. 324 lake sources of, see sources, infra, and separate heading Nile Lakes length of, iii. 179, 180 ; from mouth to Gondokoro, xi. 245 mouth of (see also delta), admiralty observations on the Damietta mouth, xx. 404-5, xxi. 432 native accounts of, xx. 68 navigable course of, x. 18, xx. 37-8 limit of, ascertained, 1875., xxi. 57 obstructed by " sudd," xviii. 131 Pim on, iii. 179-80 Report on, between Regiaf and Dufli, Kemp, xix. 324 side-wise movement of, Schweinfurth cited on, xx. 499 slavery along (see Petherick), Murie on, viii. 150 sources of (see also Nile Lakes, infra), i. 449 Arab statement as to, ix. 7 Baker on, x. 295, xx. 472 Beke's book on, iv. 204, vii. 110, viii. 252 Cameron, on, xx. 374 discovery-xif, by Speke and Grant, see Expeditions, supra Nile river — continued. sources of — continued. Du Chaillu on, ix. 14 early Roman searoh for, ii. 324, vii. 188 ; and other, viii. 193 further exploration needed (1864.), Murchison on, viii. 249 ; Galton on, ix. 10, 11 headwaters of, scanty rainfall at, Maury on, viii. 8. -, Stanley on, xxii. 386 Lake Tanganyika, ix. 7, Ptolemy's Western Lake Reservoir of the Nile, Burton, ix. 6, 12 Findlay on, as southern most or ultimate reservoir, xi. 232, 244, cited, xii. 282 Livingstone's supposed discovery of, 1868., xv. 8, xviii. 266, 277 on the Nile fountains of Hero dotus, xvii. 68, 72 ; on the sourceB, xviii. 258 Macqueen on, iii. 114, 212-3, 214, 354 Murchison on, ii. 35, iii. 352-3; on Baker's work, x. 257 Pelly on, vi. 51 Rawlinson on Livingstone's journeys in relation to the Congo and the, xvii. 11-12, xx. 127, 470 Pigafetta cited on, xi. 248 Ptolemy's statements, see Beke and Burton question of, "settled," Dawson and others on, xvi. 381, 384, 387 rain supplying, viii. 8 snowy mountains near, ii. 324, xx. 148 southernmost, xi. 232, 244, xx. 145, xxii. 386, 387 Speke on, iii., 211, 212, cited on, 304, 305, 352-3, iv. 41, 89 Speke and Grant's expedition to, see expeditions, supra Stanley on, xx. 48, 142, xxii. 382 Sykes on, iv. 42 Thibaut's searoh for, 1839-40., ii. 222 various searches for, Murchison on, iv. 25 steamer on, the first, 1876., xxi. 57 tributaries of (see Atbara, Asua, Bahr el Ghazal, Unyama, etc.), viii. 135 in Abyssinia, Baker on, vii. 80, x. 6, 279, his work on, referred to, xii. 7 ; Speke on, viii. 259 enumerated by Stanley, xxii. 391 Galton on, ix. 10, 11 Sobat branch, v. 30 volume of, in flood, xx. 324 per second, determined by Petherick, viii. 141-3, xi. 246 point of greatest, x. 279 in wet and dry seasons, iii. 214 234 NIL— NIT Nile river — continued. volume of — continued. water carried into the sea by, Car penter on, xviii. 325 water-parting of, Stanley on, xxii. 396 Nile, Blue, Baker's journey down, (1861.), x. 6, 27 feeders of, iii. 305, ix. 294 latitude of junction of, with White Nile, x. 279 reasons of its rising, iii. 355 sand-banks of, ii. 222, latitude of one of them, iii. 213 , Upper (see White Nile, infra) course of, mapped, 1865., x. 4 Itinerary from Debbe to El Obeyad on (sic), Colston's Survey, Stone, xx. 357 , Victoria, (or Kivira) Notes on, between Magungo and Foweira, Gordon, xxi. 49 at Ripon Falls, xxii 390 view down, volume and length of, xxii. '.391 Nile, White (see also Nile: sources, and Upper Nile, supra), x. 4, 295 and its affluents, Baker on, vii. 21, Baker cited on, xii. 7, 8, Macqueen on, iv. 72, Murchison on, vii. 198 note at the Bahr al Gazal, tsetse fly near, iv. 40 ; current at, v. 31 Brun-Rollet's settlement on (1856.), i. 157 choked by "sudd," xv. 92, xviii. 53, 131 expeditions up (see also Nile, supra) — Baker's 1870., xv. 92, 162 de Lauture's, 1856., i. 503 early and non-English, v. 27 Mehemet Ali's, 1839., iii. 114 Petherick's, 1857-8., iv. 39, 225, v. 27 ; I860., v. 20, 21, 1861., vii. 20 R.G.S. proposed (1864-5.), viii. 250, ix. 248 Thibaut's, 1839-40. (?), ii. 221 TinnC's, vii. 24, 25, 103, 183, 196, 204 falls of, see Karuma falls, Murchison falls, and Ripon falls geographical knowledge of, in 1862., Galton, vi. 176 latitude of sources of, xvii. 31 Lesseps and others on, i. 447 in relation to the Congo, iv. 72, Stanley on, xxii. 382 religions of tribes along, x. 12 slave-raiding on, vii. 47, x. 9 sources of, (see Nile : sources, supra) M'Queen on, iii. 354 Speke on, iv. 41 trade of, Baker on, x. 9 tribes along, v. 28, x. 12 true causes of its rise and fall, iii. 355, vii. 226, viii. 8 unexplored branches of (1876.), xxi. 58 Nile Lakes, (see under names) the great, elevations of, xx. 127 Second Great Lake of, discovery of, 1864., Baker, x. 6 Nile Valley, railways in, Fowler ou, xxi. 61 Nimarah, Syria, old Roman outpost at, xvi. 109 Ninepin Rock, Torres Strait, channel near, i. 80 Ninety Mile Beach, Victoria, admiralty survey, xv. 266, 268 Ninety- Yards- Wide Creek, Kennedy's, or Palmer Creek, Queensland, xviii. 93, 95 Nineveh, site of (Mosul), Rawlinson on, i. 47 ; see Birs Nimroud Ninghan, or Mt. Singleton, see Mt. Church man Ning-keang, N. China, xiv. 178 Ning-po, E. China, Gardner's journey from, to Shanghai, 1868., xiii. 170 mountain-barrier near, ii. 204 a treaty-port, position and trade of, i. 335-6 Ningri, north of Ladak, the Pundit at, xxi. 327 Ningtee or Kyan-dwen river, Burmah, as a tradp route, v. 50 Ninjen Thang La peaks, Tibet, xxi. 340 ; see Nyenchhen Nio Island, Greek archipelago, earthquake felt at, 1650., x. 121 Niobrahat river, U.S.A., drainage area of, ii. 33S Niomanzy river, E. C. Africa, xix. 143, 145 Nipe, Cuba, harbour of, i. 94 Nipissing Lake, Brit. X. America, ii. 50 ; position of, and size, ii. 294 Nipon, Nippon or Niphon Island, Japan— Alcock's journey in the Interior of, I860., v. 132 largest of Japanese Islands, vii. 63 native name for the whole of Japan, ib., xix. 169 salmon fishing and trade on west coast of, xvi. 198 tea from, v. 116 volcanoes of, x. 172 Nique Mts., Isthmus of Darien, watershed between the Atlantic and Pacific, xii. 68 Niriz, Persia, position of, xvi. 262 Nisab, S. Arabia, tableland of, xvi. 117 Nischu, Kashmir frontier, intense cold at, xiv. 44 Nishapore, Persia, importance of, i. 298 Napier at, 1874., and turquoise mines near, xx. 168 Nissa, Parthian capital, Persia, position of, iii. 6 ; Rawlinson on, xx. 179 Niti Ghaut or Pass, into Tiket, x. 166, xi. 13 ; elevation of, x. 168 NIT-NOR 235 Nittinaht river, Vancouver Island, de scribed by Brown, ix. 306 Niu Chwang, see New Chang Niun Kholdengi, volcanic tract, Chinese Tartary, x. 233 Nive river, Queensland, valley of, iii. 20 Nizambary Island, at the mouth of the Rovuma river, E. Africa, vi. 36 Njemsi volcano, E. Afrioa, one of the only two in the country, xvi. 128 Njeea Mts., E. Africa, Nyassa region, vi. 21 Nkole Kingdom, Lake region, Africa, position of, vii. 190 N'Koomptch river, Brit. Columbia, fine gorge of, xv. 138 No, Lake, Nile region, Mme. Tinne at, 1863., viii. 12 Noa Dehing river, affluent of the Brahma putra, xxii. 362 silt in, xxi. 590 No-Bengule, Matabele chief, xv. 149, visited by Baines, 1870., 152-3 Nobundi Sobundi glacier, Mustagh Range, viii. 36 Nodwengu, S.E. Africa, site of Umzila's kraal, Erskine on, xix. 124, latitude of, 125 Nogal Peak, Sierra Blanca, New Mexico, as a suf vey station, xxii. 275 Nogara tribes on shores of Alb. Nyanza, Gessi on, xxi. 54-5 Nogoa river, Queensland, vii. 41 ; good grazing-land near, x. 62, 63 Nob, W. Tibtt, elevation and extent of plateau of, Pundit at, (1873.), xxi. 327, 328 furthest point reached by Godwin- Austen, 1863., xi. 32 population of, xxi. 327 Nolloth, Commr., of the Frolic, letter on Livingstone and on the Moors' journey across Africa, 1853-4, i. 57, 58 on the mouth of the Zambesi, i. 318-19 on routes to and from Quilimane, i. 58 surveys made by, ii. 78 , Port, S. Africa, harbour surveyed, xv. 265 No Man's Land, S. Africa, latitude of, xvi. 138 Mann's expedition in, xiii. 341 rivers of, xiii. 341 ; Mann on, xvi. 138 N'ombo, ferry across the Rovuma river at, ix. 288 Nomi, Japan, harbour of refuge, xvii. 255 Nonda Creek, Queensland, why so named by Hann, xviii. 90 Nonkulang ridge, Garo Hills, Assam, xvii. 37 Nonny river, Manchuria, xiii. 34, sluggish flow of, xvi. 206 tributary of the Sungari river, xvi. 205 Nonoo v ver, N. Guinea, xviii. 38 Nouxanga, S. African chief, headquarters of, on the Sabi river, xxii. 128 Nonyang, Lake, Assam, xiii. 245, de scribed, 247 Noondie, W. Australia, remains of white men at, xiv. 192 Noora T&ii range, C. Asia, Russian ex plorers on, xiv. 233 Noosa river, Queensland, position of, and admiralty survey at mouth, xxi. 436 Nootka Sound, Vancouver, potato culture at, 1838, iv. 35 investigated by Vancouver, (1792.), i. 489 Nordenskjold fiord, Arctic regions, Sonk- lar glacier in, xix. 25 Nordenskiold, Prof. A. E., awarded gold medal of R.G.S., 1869., xiii. 253, President's speech, 256, Hochschild's reply, 257 Arctic expedition of, and of Fr. W. von Otter, 1868., xiii. 151 ; furthest north point reached by, 1868., xiii. 160, 165 (proposed), 1872., xvi. 363 ; of 1878., xxii. 338 on an open Polar Sea, xiii. 165 — voyage to the Obi and Yenisei, 1875-6., xx. 21, xxi. 447, xxii. 102 Nils, Hon. Corr. Memb. R.G.S., obituary notice, 1866., x. 205 Norek village, Garo Hills, xvi. 40 Norfolk Island, i. 123, vi. 198, Pines of, iv. 80 Removal of Pitcairn Islanders to (1856.), i. 60, 61, 145, 173 Noria, La, Peru, nitrate trade at, and railway to, 1868., xii. 128 Noring Cho, Tibet, borax fields of, xxi. 333 Norman, Capt., expedition in search of Burke and Wills, saves the Firefly, 1861., vi. 173, vii. 3, 8, 37, 173-4; visits Flinders river, 7, 37, 114; praised, 8 survey of Albert and other N. Aus tralian rivers, 1861., vii., 114 , , of Newfoundland, cited on Hamilton Inlet, v. 65 Norman river, Queensland, x. 326, xii. 57 course of, xii. 140 ; laid down by Walker, vii. 175 good land near, xii. 58 settlement, Queensland, Lands- borough's explorations near, 1868., xiii. 52 Norman Lockyer Island, Arctic regions, as a halting-place, Nares on, xxi. 279 Normanby Mand, N. Guinea, named by Moresby, xix. 226 river, Queensland, features of region, xviii. 99, 100 and branches, geological for mation near, xviii. 105, 106 236 NOR— NOT Normandy, coast of, losses of land along, x. 332 Norse Island, Spitzbergen, ix. 311 North America, see America, North Atlantic, see Atlantic, North North Cape, ii. 275, cause of its freedom from ice, v. 225 warm aerial current near, iv. 236 Circumpolar Sea, On the, Nares, xxi. 96 Cornwall, Arctic regions, latitude of, i. 106, 108, 109 Devon, Arctic regions, i. 105, geo logical formation of, 110 devoid of life, xiii. 375 North Island, Gulf of Pe-chi-li, N. China iii. 59 ¦ Magnetic Pole, discovered by-Ross, xiii. 115 North Polar Basin (see Arctic, Pole, Polar, etc.), Open water in, Anderson on, xvii. 133 ; Hamilton on, xiii. 234, 242; Kolde wey on, xvi. 229 ; Richards on, ix. 213 Remarks on the Open Sea in. White, i. 27 North Polar Expedition, best route for, Markham, ix. 138, notes to the same, 158, 162 German, 1868., xii. 253, 1869., M'Clin- tock's report on, xv. 102 Swedish, of 1868., Nordenskidld and Otter, xiii. 151 Region or Basin, On the ex ploration of, Osborn, ix. 42, 64, xii. 92, 111, xvi. 227 North Pole, climate of, ix. 137 possible passage to, Hopkins, iv. 100, iv. 234 proposed British expedition to, Mark ham on, (1865.), ix. 88 ; Murchison on, xi. 5 ; Petermann on, ix. 90, 111 table of voyages towards, ix. 66 Preparis Channel, Bay of Bengal, surveyed, i. 162 • river, China, not the Peiho, iv. 61 North Sea, evidence of glacial action on shores of, vii. 154 land reclaimed from, ii. 283 tidal system of, and its effects, i. 415 Somerset, Arctic Regions, i. 19, iv. 2 Water, Arctic Regions, ix. 159, 161, xii. 372, xx. 59 ; extent of, ix. 142 North-East Cape, latitude of, iv. 237 Land, Spitzbergen, xvii. 99, 100, 101 ; fisheries of, ix. 308-9 North-West Cape of (W.) Australia, ii. 15, iv. 95, 96, x. 47, 48 Company, passes used by, iv. 233 Passage, search for and dis covery of, i. 153, iv. 112, 114, 115, 166, 251-2, vii. 72, summary of Franklin's search for, iv. Ill North-West river, Labrador, cultivation at, v. 67 route inside the Barrier Reef, vi. 199 Nor Tsaisan, Lake, C. Asia, and its neigh bourhood, Abramoff, (1865.), ix. 40 Northam, W. Australia, Dempster's ex ploration north and east of, 1861., vi. 11, 12 Northbrook, Earl of, mission sent by, to Kashgar, xxii. 89 Northcote, Sir S., on Abyssinia, xii. 116, and the Abyssinian war, 119 Northern Seas (see Arctic, North Polar Basin, etc.), Venetian voyages in, 14th century, xvii. 268 ; Major on, xvii. 312 Northmen, or Normans, Discovery of America by, Rafn, ii- 372 ; voyages of, towards the Pole, ix. 66 Northumberland, Duke of, obituary notice of, 1865., ix. 199 Inlet, wintering place of Penny, (1855.), i. 212 Islands, Queensland, admiralty survey of, xix. 409 ; aspect of, v. 123 Sound, Arctic regions, latitude of, xxi. 416 Norton Sound, Behring Sea, telegraph station on, xii. 186-7 ; Whymper's journev from, to Fort Youkon, 1866., xii. 186 Norway (see also Sweden) — currents along coast, v. 225-6 effect of the Gulf Stream on the harbours of, xiii. 227 ; how it acts, ii. 329 fiords of, Carpenter on thermal condition of, xviii. 344 lakes of, i. 109; do., with two outlets in, Blackwell on, viii. 110 surveys of, i. 150, iv. 200 ; Hoist's, iv. 240, vi.180 traces of glacial action in, viii. 227 trees of, ii. 171, v. 101 winds prevalent between, and Iceland, iv. 239 wood from, borne by the Gulf stream, v. 100 Norwegian whalers and seal fishermen near Spitzbergen (1864.), ix. 308, xvii. 16, 100-1, 264 (1872.), xix. 175 Nossi Ansamo Island, Madagascar, an ancient Hova burial-place, xiv. 374 Nossibe Island, Madagascar, volcanic character of, xix. 188 Nossi Missou Island, Madagascar, ix. 290 fossils found near, 291 No Suna, Cape, Japan, currents near, xix. 504; depths near, 511 Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland, admiralty survey of, and discovery of copper in, (1878.), xxii. 335 Notwani river, S. Africa, country near, xiii. 134 t : NOU— NUN 237 Nou-, or Lu-chiang (q.v.), Lutse, or Sal ween river, Cooper on, 1869., xiii. 393 headwaters of, xxi. 339 tribes along, xii. 338 Nouaer district, Nile region, Petherick in, 1862.. viii. 129-31 Noup Plateau, S. Afrioa, elevation of, ii. 158 Nourse river, see Cunene Noursoak Island, Greenland, native dogs of, xiii. 372 Peninsula, Greenland, lofty mountains of, xx. 58, 62, 63 ; strait near, 62 Nova Scotia, admiraltv survey, i. 145, 407-8, ii 270, iii. 272, iv. 156, v. 176, vi. 137, vii. 143, viii. 191, ix. 222, x. 218, completed, 1867., xi. 194 gold in, vi. 137 natives of, ix. 135 Norse discovery of, ii. 373 opening-up of, anticipated, 1859., iii. 222 Nova Zembla, or Novaya Zemliya, Arotic regions, climate of, iv. 238 discovery of, by Willoughby (1553.), xxii. 101 erroneous mapping of, xix. 177-8 expeditions to — Austro-Hungarian, 1872., xvi. 223, 224, xvii. 15, xix. 18 et seq. Carlson's circumnavigation of, and discoveries in, 1871., xvi. 361, xvii. 98 Dutch expedition of 1878., its objects, xxii. 338-9 Hopkins' (proposed) to the Pole vid, iv. 169-236 Lutke's, 1819-24, i. 29 ioe and ice-barrier near, i. 29 ; between it and Greenland, Jansen, ix. 163, and Spitzbergen, l74 mountains of, their elevation, iv. 237 Norwegian fishermen on shores of, about 1869-74., xix. 175 the Sea about, Jansen, ix. 170 ; Osborn on, xvi. 234 slow upheaval of, xix. 27 winds prevalent near, iv. 239 Novara frigate, circumnavigation of the globe, 1857-9; Scherzer's work noticed, 1861., v. 190 ; Hochstetter's map referred to, vii. 150 Novgorodski, or Possiette, harbour, Manchuria, described by Lloyd, 1866., xi. 253 Nowshera, Punjab, destroyed by flood, Hayward on, xv. 15 Nqu Mountains, E. Africa, iii. 116 Ntamo, W. C. Africa, the Lualaba river at, xxii. 40 Nu, Lake, Soudan, ii. 221, its feeders, 222 ; see No 1 Nuamis, remarkable stone ruins so-called in the Sinaitic Peninsula, xiii. 211 Nuanebzi river, S. Africa, affluent of the Limpopo, tribes on, and geological formation on, xvi. 95 distances of, from various places, xvi. 99 Nubar Pasha, xiv. 83, progressive views of, xviii. 71, 72 Nubia, desert of, Baker on, xv. 92 rivers of, Baker on, viii. 21 , Upper, viii. 24 Nubk, Jebel, Sinaitic Peninsula, ascent of by Howlett, 1857., viii. 43 Nubra, Noobra or Shayok, river, north fork or branch of the Indus (q.v.), viii. 38 affluent of, viii. 34-5 glacier sources of, xv. 178, xx. 491 watershed of, xi. 32 valley, i. 273 hot springs of, i. 275 moraines in, xviii. 115 pass into, xiv. 56 Nubradan, Trans-Himalayas, Buddhist monastery, xiv. 208 Nuolukayette, Alaska,Russian fur-trading station, xii. 187 Nuestra Sefiora de la Luz, Island, S.W. Pacific, xvi. 389 Nufi, see Nupe, infra Nugahu river, Ecuador, tributary of the Curarai river, xxi. 568 Nuhete-Cassilura, S. C. Africa, i. 75 Nuin Kholdengi, Siberia, volcanic tract in, x. 233 Nuju-ku, Japan, xvii. 83 Nukb Hawa Pass, Sinai, xiii. 212 Nuksan, Mt., near Chitral, xvi. 256 pass, elevation of, lack of wood on, xvi. 259 Nukus, Russian Turkestan, longitude according to Dohrandt, xxii. 342 Nnlato, Alaska, Russian fur-station, xii. 187 Nullabor Plain, W. Australia, devoid of trees, air-blast on, x. 130 Numadzu, Japan, aqueduct near, xvii. 78 Nun, Cape, W. Africa, Allen cited on, xxi. 482 • or Niger river (q.v.) W. Africa, ii. 83, vi. 66, xxi. 482 Nunohang or Nuchung, Manohuria, a consular port, iii. 86, iv. 60; see New- chang Nundi (Nanda) Devi, or No. 14 Peak, Himalayas, elevation of, ii. 302 Nuiies, Colonel, valuable information given to Livingstone by, iv. 26 Nunez river, W. Africa, i. 42, iii. 384 Fulbe natives along, xxi. 494 Ruxton's report on, x. 68 Nunkee river, Burmo-Assamese borders, trees along, xiii. 246 238 NUP— NYA Nupe, or Nun, Hausaland, W. Africa, ii. 79, 86 agricultural organisation in, viii. 66 attempts to visit, 1857., ii. 86, 92 Baikie's journey in, 1862., xi. 49 ; do., to its chief town, Bida (1864.), ix. 74 King of, friendly to English, iii. 312; relations of, with Baikie, 1861., vi. 22 mountains of, elevation of, etc., described by Baikie, 1859., v. 45 trade routes leading to, xxi. 494 Nupstad farm, Iceland, xx. 22 Niir river, Persia, source of, iii. 4, 8 valley, iii. 7, elevation of, 9 Nurswar village, Alb. Nyanza, xxii. 226 Nusb, Wady, Sinai, wells and old mines of, xiii. 208 Nushik glacier and pass, Mustagh range, position of, viii. 36, 37 Nushinu river, Ecuador, tributary of the Curarai river, xxi. 568 Nusrutrabad, Seistan, mountains near, xvii. 87 Nusserabad and other settlements in Mekran, xvi. 140 Nussewa, or Gnombo, E. Africa, ferry over the Shire river at, vi. 21 Nutowan river, Borneo, i. 198 Nuulua Island, Navigator Group, xxi. 145 Nuutele Island, Navigator Group, xxi. 145 Nyahrong, or Kham, north-east of LhasS, marauding tribe of, xii. 164 Nyam Bara, Upper Nile basin, Petherick's journey to, viii. 5; see Niambara Nyam nyam or Niam Niam (q.v.) country, C. Africa, Beke on, xv. 116 fruitfulness of, viii. 11 Mme. Tinne's attempt to reach, 1863., viii. 11, 12, 14 natives of, viii. 264 Nyangetta Swamp, and village, Cameron at, xix. 93 Nyangue' Point, Zambesi river, i. 314 Nyangwe, C. Africa, Arab price for ivory at (1876.), xx. 324 Cameron at, 1875., xx. 120, 438 elevation of, xx. 127, 324, 403, xxii. 403 geographical position of, xvii. 71, xx. 120, xxii. 403 great market at, xx. 326 Lualaba river at, xvii. 121, xx. 324, xxii. 154-5, 404; fall of the same at, xx. 311 Mann on, xxi. 503 Nyanza, see Albert Nyanza and Victoria Nyanza Nyassa, Nyassi or Nyinyesi Lake, E. Africa, i. 8, 76, 158, 159 area drained by, iii. Ill Cooley on, viii. 256, xii. 88, xx. 451 depth of, xxi. 230, 232 discussion on, viii. 258 et seq. Nyassa, Nyassi or Nyinyesi Lake, E. Africa — continued. Erhardt cited on, i. 93, 158 expeditions and explorations, Burton's proposed, (1856.), i. 159 Cotterill's, xx. 446, 1876-7., xxii. 233 East coast of Africa, expedition from, (1856.), i. 93 exploration proposed, (1864.), ix. 4 Livingstone's, I860., iv. 87, 1861., v. 131, (1862.), vi. 176, 178, vii. 18, 199, (1863.), viii. 44, 253, xi. 131, 233 et seq., xvii. 11 Steere's, (1876), xx. 446 Young's, 1876., xii. 80, 81, xx. 445, 451, 452 Findlay on, xi. 232 et seq. first steamer on, 1876., xx. 452 fossil bones along, Kirk on, viii. 154 Galton on, i. 60 Godinho or Codinho (1663.) cited on, iv. 27, xi. 249 length of, xx. 451 letter on, Young, xx. 451 level of, iv. 88 Livingstone on, iv. 87, vii. 53, viii. 253, ix. 8 mapped by Sances, (1663.), iv. 27 maps of, Cooley's, viii. 256, 258, Kirk's, viii. 253 note, 258, Livingstone's, viii. 256, Portuguese explorers', viii. 256 mountains near, viii. 257, xx. 236, 451 murder of Roscher near, vi. 51 natives on, viii. 259, value of their information, Kirk on, viii. 262 outlets of, iv. 177, vi. 20, viii. 110, 253, 257 pile villages in, xx. 452, xxi. 229, 230 progress of geographical knowledge of, 1867., xi. 233, 1877., xxi. 472 pronunciation of name, xx. 45 Ravenstein on, vi. 21 in relation with Mungao district, xxi. 588-9 rivers feeding, vii. 185, viii. 253, 257, 258, xii. 176, xx. 452 flowing from, iv. 177, vi. 20, 25, 27, 28, vii. 53 sailing vessels proposed for, xxii. 374 scenery of, xii. 88, xx. 452 slavery at, vii. 89, 90, and slave-trade of, vii. 23, 53, viii. 44, xii. 185, xxi. 588-9 sojourn at, 1876., Young, xxi. 225 Btorms on, xxi. 230, 232 true name of, xviii. 264 tsetse-fly along route to, xxi. 589 vessels building for, xxii. 374 voyage round, 1876., Young, xx. 451 Waller on, xvi. 411 want of knowledge on, vi. 207 Nyassaland (Nhaca), Moorish travellers in, 1853-4., i. 76 NYE— O'CO 239 Nyeka or Expedition Island, Zambesi river, Bedingfield's depot on, 1858., iv. 24 Nyenchheu-thahght Mts., southern boundary of Great Tibet, xix. 329, explored by the third Tibetan, 1871., xix. 340, geysers of, 339, rivers rising in, 330 ; see Ninjen Nyige Cnowambi of Baker the same as Tanganyika, xv. 116 Nyinyesi Lake, see Nyassa Lake Nylstroom river and town, S. Africa, origin of name, xxii. 119 Nynee Tal, N.W. Indian frontier, iron bridge over the Sutlej near, x. 169 Nyoung-ben-zeik, ferry near Moulmein, xix. 285 Nystrom, Senor, J. G., explorations of, in Peru, 1868., xiii. 310 Nzoma Mts., near Lake Nyassa, xxi. 236 0. Oahd, Sandwich Islands, xii. 306, crater of, 309 Oakover river, W. Australia, affluent of the De Grey river, xviii. 571, xix. 47, dried up, 48, filled again, 49, sterile lands near, xix. 483 Oaky Creek, Queensland, xviii. 100 Oates, F., obituary notioe of, 1875., xix. 401 Ob river, see Obi infra, also Yenisei Obba river, W. Africa, ii. 94 Obbo country, C. Africa, general level of, and tsetse-fly in, x. 12, 13 Obeyad, El, Upper Nile (sic), itinerary to, from Debbe, Colston's Survey, xx. 357 town, inhabitants and baobab trees of, xx. 361-2 Obi or Ob river, Siberia explorations of, early, xxii. 101, Ger man, (1877.), xxi. 447 Seebohm's journey to, 1877., xxii. 101 down, ib. 113 Swedish expedition to, under Nor- denskiold, to open trade at mouth of, 1875., xx. 21, xxi. 447, xxii. 102 Wiggins' expedition to, 1874., xix. 7, 175, xxi. 447, xxii. 102 side-wise movement of, xx. 499 Obiss, Mt., and others, in N. Guinea, heights of, xiv. 202 Obitochna Banks, Sea of Azov, volcanic origin of, i. 305 Obituary notices, i. 117, ii. 239, iii. 224, iv. 117, v. 147, vi. 127, vii. 123, viii. 171, ix. 196, x. 186, xi. 185, xii. 220, xiii. 260, xiv. 287, xv. 253, xvi. 293, xvii. 239, xviii. 497, xix. 370, xx. 379, xxi. 410, xxii. 306 Obogoo, W. Africa, sheep at, xviii. 289 Obollah, or Billat, Persian Gulf, ruins of, and emigrants from, i. 287 Obowe, great fall of, on the Ogowe river, W. Africa, xvii. 355 Observation Creek, S. Australia, danger ous road near, ii. 19 Obufie, East Central Africa, seriba and natives of, xx. 67 Obutong, W. Africa, xx. 228, king of, and trade in, Walker on, xx. 229 Occasional Harbour, Labrador, capelin fisheries of, xii. 195 Ocean, the, distribution of salt in, Challenger observations on, J. Y. Buchanan, xxi. 255-8 Progress of knowledge of, 1861.-2., vi. 190 Highways, Rawlinson on, xvii. 261 streams, i. 177 telegraphy, injuries to cables, xv. 39, protection of same, 40 Oceans (see Atlantic, Indian, etc. Oceans) — Agassiz's deep-sea soundings in, xvi. 331 Circulation of, the Gibraltar current and the Gulf Stream, Dr. W. B. Carpenter, xv. 04-91 ; letter on, from Sir J. Herschel, 211 counter-currents, Evans on, xxi. 74 currents, Carpenter's views, Rawlin son on, xvi. 323 ; Evans on, xxi. 75 ; Miihry cited on, xvi. 326 Further inquiries on, Dr. W. B. Car penter, xviii. 301 general, in relation to temperature, Carpenter on, xviii. 365, xix. 493 ; Evans on, xxi. 70 in relation to Atmospheric Pressure, Evelyn on, xiii. 232 on the N.E. Coast of S. America, J. A. Mann, vii. 50 surface temperature of the N. Atlantic in reference to, N. Whitley, xiii. 229 Investigation of, proposed expedition for, 1872, xvi. 321 new charts of, in 1871, xv. 269 temperature (see aZsocirculation,s?«pra) — Challenger and Tuscarora observations on, Carpenter on, xix. 493 at deep sea bottom, Carpenter on, xxi. 289 influence of large rivers on, Rae on, xiii. 233 Lee's investigations on, i. 177 serial, between Australia and China, xix. 412 Thermal conditions of, Evans, xxi. 74-5 Ochema, W. Africa, volcano, vi. 248 Ococalhe, S. C. Africa, i. 75 O'Connell Creek, geological formation of, xii. 141, 142 O'Connor, Col. L. S., British Settlements in Western Africa, vi. 15 240 O'CO— OKO O'Connor, Col. L. S. — continued. Notes on expedition to the Bijuga Islands and Kittafiny river, W. Africa, 1857., iii. 379 on exploration of the Orinoco, i. 254-5 on Trinidad and the Orinoco, i. 278 Report of visit to Bulama Island, i. 42, 156 ; to Casamance river, i. 43, 156 Visit of, to the King of Bur Sin N. of the Gambia, 1856., iii. 377 Odalguri, Assam, the Pundit's arrival at, 1875., xxi. 343 Od&tha-hraun, Iceland, lava from, xx. 26, volcanic region of, xx. 22 Odawara Bay, Japan, seen from Fusi- yama, xix. 172-3 Odaysiyyeh, Syria, Roman outpost, xvi. 109 Oddel, Lake, Cascade range, U.S.A., elevation of, xi. 90 Ode, W. Africa, Bedingfield's journey to, 1862., vii. 105, 106, description of town and inhabitants of, 106 Odemassie or Odoomassie, W. Africa, described by Croft, 1872.-3., xviii. 189 German missionaries at, xviii. 189-90 gold pits along route to, xviii. 287, 288 Odessa, Russia, position of, and date of foundation, iii. 207 Odjmeh, Jebel, Peninsula of Sinai, mines of, xii. 191 Odon Tchalon, Mt., Dahuria, Siberia, recently extinct animals of, ii. 278 Odoric the friar, and Friar James' travels in China (1329-30.), x. 273 Odiit Creek, and district, W. Africa, de scribed by Walker, 1875., xx 224 Ofiord, Iceland, causes of the low tem perature at, v. 232 Ofu Island, Navigator Group, coco-nut culture of, xxi. 147 Ofuwi, Cape, Japan, bearings of, xvi. 196 Ogbdmosho, W. Africa, ii. 93 country near and rivers south of, xxi. 487-8 elevation of, ii. 97 Ogemwe" Lake, W. Africa, communicating with the Ogowe" river, xvii. 355 Ogle point, Arctic Regions, traces of Franklin's expedn. at, 1850., i.19, 23 Ogowe (Oggawai, Ogwe, or Ogobai), Okanda, Ovigui, Nazareth, or Rembo river, W. Africa, affluents of, iv. 183, xvii. 29 course of, iv. 72 elevation of, xvii. 23 explorations of, De Brazza's, 1876., xx. 442, xxii. 13 Du Chaillu's, 1856-9., v. 109, x. 74 Walker's, 1865., x. 128, 1873., xvii. 354 falls on, x. 74-5, xvii. 23 mouths of, and outlets, v. 109 rise and fall of, xvii. 29 Ogowe, Okanda, Ovigui, Nazareth, or Rembo river, W. Africa — continued. source of, vi. 178, xvii. 29 volume of, xvii. 26 Ogun or Abbeokuta river, W. Africa xxi. 488 explorations of, Burton and others, 1861., vi. 49, 64 May's (proposed) down, 1857., ii. 96 O'Halloran Hills, South Australia, beauty and fertility of, v, 126 telegraph route at, xxi. 461 Ohau, Lake, N. Zealand, affluents of, viii. 214 Ohcoingo, S. C. Africa, river at, i. 75 Ohio river, U.S.A., floods on, how caused, Maury, viii. 8 mouth of, water-level at, ii. 33S sources of, ii. 340 Oil rivers, W. Africa, Burton's journey up, 1861., vi. 66 need of a port for, vi. 65 Thomas on, xvii. 148 Oiwaki, Japan, on the spur of Asarna Yama volcano, xvii. 81 Ojair, decaying port, Arabia, viii. 102 'Ojmah, El, Peninsula of Sinai, derivation of name, xii. 193 passes in, examined by Holland, xxii. 455 Ojogo, N.W. Africa, xxi. 489 Oka river, affluent of the Volga, i. 416 Okair, Persian Gulf, Pelly at, 1865., ix. 294 Okamabuti, South Africa, forests of, iv. 65 Okanagan, Lake, British Columbia, gold from, iii. 324 Okanagan river, Br. Columbia, benches of, xv. 134 Okanda river, see Ogowe Okandu, Rembo, river, W. Africa, affluent of the Ogowe, iv. 183 Okanshi, large town, West Africa, ii. 91 Okara (Ukara), native name for Vict, Nyanza, xvi. 439, xviii. 275 Okavango, see Okovango Okeko or Mdkeko Mt., W. Africa, passage of the Ogowe through, xvii. 355 Okino village, W. Africa, cataract near, and cultivation at, xx. 226 Okiri Mt., W. Africa, elevation of, ix. 72 Okono river, W. Africa, affluent of the Ogowe, xvii. 355 Okotsk, or Okhotsk, Sea of, North Pacific Ocean, iii. 92, vii. 165 cold current of, xvi. 202 depths in, xvii. 295 explorations of, French and Russian, iii. 271, xvii. 295 thermal condition of, xviii. 344, xxi. 308 whaling in, xvi. 188 OKO— OMM 241 Okovango, or Cubango river, S. Africa, v. 17, Andersson on, iv. 63, 65 latitude of, iv. 63, 65, v. 17 Macqueen on, iv. 72 Oksaldi opening in Kashgar Mts., xx. 489 Okultena Creek, S. Australia, ii. 19 Old Calabar river (see also Calabar), W. Africa, exploration of, proposed, 1857., i. 445 Walker's, 1875., xx. 224-5 freedom from surf, and bar at mouth, ii. 229 and Cross river, Notes on, Walker, xvi. 135, Rawlinson on, 368 and Qua rivers, etc., Notes of visit to 1875 , Walker, xx. 224 Old Town, W. Africa, hamlets and people of, xx. 225 Old Woman's Pass, Persia, near Shiraz, i. 293, 322 Oldham, Prof., geological survey of India under, ii. 305, iii. 277, iv. 30 geological work of, in Burmah, i. 271, 273 Olea, El, Tunis, thistle culture at, vi. 210 Olenda, village, W. C. Africa, x. 73 Olenek, see Olonek Olga Bay, Manchuria, Lloyd on, 1866., xi. 253 Olga Mt., South Australia, xix. 51 discovered by Giles, 1872., xvii 278 Olinda river, mouth of Zambesi, i. 312 Olip Creek, W. Africa, xx. 230 Oliphant, Laurence, on the Bayanos river, Isthmus of Panama, ix. 276, 280 (see also 257) on Japan, v. 114-5 visit to the Island of Tsusima, vii. 61, 167 on Korea, ix. 299 on the rivers of Siam and M'Leod's journey in search of a trade route, iv. 218 on the Sea of Azov, its commerce and shoaling tendencies, i. 307-8 on the value of the ports of Chefu and of Nu-chang, iv. 60 Visit to the Island of Tsusima, Japan, (1863), vii. 61 Voyage up the Yang-tse-Kiang, 1858., iii. 162, 293, vi. 180 on Yunnan tea, etc., v. 52 book by, on Elgin's mission io Chiua and Japan, 1857-9., referred to, I860., iv, 204 cited on Japan and its scientific develop ment, 1859., iii. 298 cited on the Malay peninsula, etc., iv. 204 Oliphants' river or Lipaluli (q.v.), South Africa, geological formation along, xiii. 330 Oliveira, B., obituary notice of, and bequest by, 1866., x. 216 Oliver, Lt., Excursion to the West of Canton, 1861., vi. 81, 227, Notes on country to the West of same, vi. 85 Notes on Madagascar, 1862., vii. 68 book on same, noticed, x. 226 , Professor, high botanical attainments of, xxii. 412, 420 Olives, Mt. of, Syria, elevation of, iii. 288 note, v. 172 Ollaobea valley, Peru, Raimondy's journey down, 1864., xi. 104 Olonek river, Siberia, Russian expedition to, 1875., xx. 417, xxi. 449 Oloosinga Island, Navigator Group, coco nut culture in, xxi. 147 Olouka river, Lake Ladoga, Russia, soil near, xiii. 379 Olsen, Mr., of Kane's Arctic expedition, i. 17 Oltenitza, Danube river, rarely passed by sea-going vessels, iii. 207 Olympus, Mt., Asiatic Turkey, effect of earthquake of 1854. on the region of, Leahy on, ii. 378 Olympus Range, U.S.A., snow-capped, viii. 84 Oman, Arabia, viii. 66, Arabs of, xix. 140 described by Palgrave, viii. 69 predominance of its rulers on East Coast of Africa, xvi. 126 Sabeanism in, Palgrave on, viii. 80, Rawlinson on, 81 springs of, viii. 105 visited by Palgrave, 1862-3., viii. 63 Wellsted cited on, by Badger, xv. 331 Omanbonde", S. Africa, meteorology of, i. 60 Omani village, N. Guinea, described by Lawes, xx. 354 friendly chiefs at, xx. 267 Omashechat, Kordofan, wells near, xx. 359 Ombay island, Christian inhabitants of, as settlers for N. Australia, ii. 217 Ombelambe" village, C. Africa, granite mountains near, v. 38 O'Meara, Rev. Dr., on Br. Columbia and its natives, iv. 75 Omenak Bay, Greenland, glaciers in, ii. 201 Omeo, town, Victoria, Australia, i. 4 Omguini river, S. Africa, source and course of, iii. 373 Omiya, Japan, famous Shrine near, xvii. 82 starting point for ascent of Fuji-yama, xvii. 78 Ommanney, Adm. E., i. 20, xvi. 84, xxi. 539 on Antarctic voyages, xiv. 155 on Arctio exploration, and routes to the Pole, ix. 119, xii. 108-9, xvi. 240, xix. 221, 477, xxi. 283 on currents in the bay of Cadiz, xv. 91 on the co-operation of the Society of 242 OMM— OKA Ommanney, Adm. E. — continued. Arts with the African Exploration Fund, xxi. 609 on the healthiness of the Panama Isthmus (1867.), xii. 48 on the landfall of Columbus, xv. 211 on the monument to Sir J. xiii. 121 on the reach of the Gulf Stream, xiii. 233 Report on the International Geo graphical Congress, Antwerp, 1870., xvi. 132 on the Swedish Polar expedition of 1868., xiii. 166 Omm Sabaa, Arabia, hot spring, viii. 105 Omo river, East Africa, affluent of the Juba, x. 100 Omorambe K'Omanbonde, S. Africa, journey up, by Green, Hahn, and others, 1857., ii. 350 Omorabondo river, W. C. Africa, ii. 353 Omoronda river, W. C. Africa, ii. 353 Omsk, Siberia, Atkinson's route vid, vii. 162 to Tomsk, rolling forest district, Seebohm on, xxii. 104 Om Soat, Kordofan, wells near, xx. 360 Omu village, W. Africa, vii. 106 Ondonga, C. Africa, fertile district of Ovampo, ii. 351, also name of capital of Ovampo, 353 Ondrussoff Monastery near Lake Ladoga, xiii. 379 Onega, Lake, Russia, geological formation of its shores, viii. 238 ; water of, xiii. 379 One thousand Peaks, hill of, Manchuria, xiii. 32 O'Neill, — , maps of the Victoria Nyanza by, 1877., xxii-. 408 death of, xxii. 251, 253 Onghin river, W. Mongolia, direction of, Elias on, viii. 187 Ongior, Cambodia, Buddhist ruins at, ii. 81 Onibe river, Madagascar, reef in, xix. 185 Onitsha, W. Africa, Baikie's visit to, 1857., ii. 84-5 mountains near, x. 117 Onjiko or Monjiko Mt., W. Africa, eleva tion of, xvii. 355 Onkaparinga river, S. Australia, geological formation of its bed, v. 243 Onlange Lake, W. Africa, xvii. 355 Onondova Lake, Ovampoland, S.W. Africa, ii. 350 ; discovered by Green and Hahn, 1857., ii. 352 copper mines south of, 354 Ontake San, Bacred mountain, Japan, xvii. 81 Ontario Lake, Canada, falls of the St. Lawrence river from, ii. 339 Onza valley, C. Africa, xix. 95 Oodeypore, India, elevation of, xi. 57 Oodong river, Siam, R. C. missionaries at, iii. 365 Oohooma, village, Zanzibar, cultivation at, xx. 73 Ookiang (river), China, difficulty of map ping, xx. 214 Oomast, near Yassin, road via, to Darkot, xv. 390 Oordum Padshah, C. Asia, desert near, xxi. 34 sand dunes on road to, xxi. 35 shrines at, xviii. 441, visited by Forsyth, 1873., xxi. 33, 37 story of, xviii. 42 Oorup or Uru, large river, borders of Upper Burmah, xii. 336 Oosh-Turfan, Chinese Turkestan, a great mart, xi. 7 ; mountains beyond, xviii. 440 Ootacamund, India, rainfall of, xi. 62, 67 Open Water in the North Polar Basin Anderson on, xvii. 133 Hamilton on, xiii. 234, 242 Koldewey on, xvi. 229 Richards on, ix. 213 Opening addresses, see under various Presidents Ophir of Solomon, Erskine on possible site of, xiii. 338, xix. 133 Murchison on, vii. 164, xii. 269, xiii. 300, 339 Site of, at Bunjaai, S.E. Africa, Thomp son, 1863., x. 173 Opium cultivation in Burmah, xix. 286 in China, xiv. 242, xx. 235, xv. 174 — Formosa, xxii. 59 — Manchuria, xvi. 213 — Mongolia, xvii. 185 trade in, with China, xiii. 35, 37, xxii. 285 Opopo river, W. Africa, mouth surveyed by Downer (1874.), xviii. 540 Oramba, town, S. C. Africa, i. 75 Orange Island, Arctic Sea, ix. 171, its size, 172 Orange river, S. Africa, cataract of, ii. 158 diamonds found along, xii. 323 Hottentots living along, i. 244-45 lions along, ii. 78 Moffat's expedition up, ii. 320 mouth of, not navigable, xv. 265 physical geography of, Moffat on, ii. 1§8 progressive desiccation of its basin, Wilson on, ix. 106 Orangerie Bay, N. Guinea, anchorage at,. xxi. 358, scull-carving of natives of,- xx. 346 Orango Channel, Bissagos Ids., W. Africa, i. 43, iii. 43 ¦ Island, visited by O'Connor, iii. 381, • 384 Oratunga Station, Australia, ii. 19 ORD— OSB 243 Ord, Col., cited on the African slave trade, xviii. 279 Ordos country, MongoHa, xviii. 77 Ordnance Survey of the United Kingdom, Reports of, i. 134, ii. 229, 271, iii. 274, iv. 158, v. 179, vi. 139, vii. 144, viii. 194 Orebak, Iceland, icebergs at, v. 229 Oregon city, U.S.A., position of, xi. 85 ^-^- river, and the boundary of Brit. Columbia, Belcher on, iv. 35-6 -— =¦ state, i. 91, 488 Ascent of Mt. Hood in, 1864-66., Hines, xi. 81 cultivation in, xi. 96 East, Journey across Cascade Mts. into, 1865., Brown, xi. 84. 93 lava beds of, referred toby Goad, xxii.276 lost to England, iv. 36 Oregones Indians of the Putomayo river, S. America, Simeon on, xxi. 573 Orenburg oity, Russia, vii. 159 Orenburg, Government of, v. 195 Routes between, and Tashkend, xi. 41 Steppe of, Kulewein cited on, v. 192 O'Reilly, E., Journey from Toangoo, Burmah, to the Shan States, vi. 83 cited on the Karens, iv. 189 Orfaan, Arabia, elevated position of, xvi. 117 Organ Mts., New Mexico, xxii. 275 Oriental Congress at St. Petersburg, 1876., geographical papers at, Alcock on, xxi. 20 ; Report on, Clarke, xxi. 204 Negroland (so called), defined by Crawfurd, vi. 99 region, animals of, Wallace on, xxi. 513 OrigBtadt, S. Africa, iii. 373 Orihi river, N. Zealand, explored, 1863., viii. 214 Orimedonk Cataract, Potaro river, Brit. Guiana, xv. 125 Orinoco river, S. America, O'Connor on, i. 278 plains near, viii. 62 proposed exploration of, Elliott, 1857., i. 251, 468 towns on, ii. 156 tributaries of, ii. 297, viii. 221 Orizaba (Mt.). Pic of, Mexico, its elevation, ii. 285 Orkney, Earl of, N. Zeno with (1389.), xvii. 312 Orkney Islands, departure of Franklin's expedition from, 1845., i. 23, tropical drift found on shores of, xiii. 233 Orlofka river, Siberia, and its affluent, xxi. 216 Ormah, Plain of, Arabia, described by Pelly, 1865., ix. 294 Ormara, Persia telegraph line to, 1863., vi. 117 Ormurkot, India, River beds near, xiv. 123 Ormuz or Hormuz, Persian Gulf, viii. 18 Albuquerque at, vii. 92 conflicts at, between the Portuguese and English Indian Companies, i. 284-5 past and present, viii. 19, 20 ruins of, viii. 267 tradition as to origin of inhabitants, i. 292 valley of, S.W. Persia, i. 361, water less, 292 Oro Mt., W. Africa, elevation of, ix. 72 Oro river, tributary of the Paraguay, xviii. 119 Orogol river, C. Asia, great wood near, xiv. 249 Orontes and Leontes rivers, Syria, water shed between, v. 172 Oroumieh Lake (salt), Persia, described, viii. 277 ; see Urumiah Orovan, C. Asia, xviii. 412 Oroya, as a railway centre for Peru, xviii. 206, 211 Orpen, •-, cited on the mouth of the Limpopo, xiii. 340 Orsarcibe Bay, Yesso, kelp gathering at, x. 169 Orsk, Russian fortress, terminus of arc of parallel proposed by Struve, v. 180, 195 Orton, Prof., exploration of Beni river, S. America, 1874 , xxii. 43 Oru, W. Africa, Haussa language spoken at, xxi. 493 Oruku, Bassa district, W. Africa, Haussa language spoken at, xxi. 493 Orumchi, C. Asia, xv. 25; see Urumchi Osaka, Japan, the centre of commercial activity, vi. 200, 205 navigable river at, vi. 203 road vid, vii. 167 suitability for foreign trade, Alcock on, vi. 197 a treaty port, vi. 202, xviii. 238 Osanease, Akem, a small town, W. Africa, xx. 476 Osawemba Point, E. Africa, depth of water at, xx. 74 Osborn, Admiral Sherard, on the Antarctic current, xv. 112 on Antarctic exploration, xiii. 119 Voyages of Morell, xiv. 154 on Arctic exploration, . etc., (1865), ix. 62, 64, 99, xii. 92, 111, xvii. 182-3, xviii. 18, 20 On the Exploration of the North Polar Basin, with a resume" of recent Swedish, German and Aus trian attempts to reach the Polar Circle from the Atlantic, xvi. 227 GrinneU's,1860.,andits results, vii. 100 Kane's, i. 183 On the late (1851 et seq.) Arctic expeditions, i. 26, 104 244 OSB— OUD Osborn, Admiral Sherard— continued. on Arctic exploration, etc. — continued. on the M'Clintock Franklin expedi tion, iv. 10 — the new Polar expedition, (1874)., xix. 40 — - the old colonies in Greenland, xvii. 319 — an open Polar Sea, xiii. 242 On the Probable Existence of Un known Lands in the Arctic Circle, xvii. 172, 183 — Spitzbergen, xvii. 103 on China, its coal and communications, x. 157 on Elias' map of the Yellow River, etc., xiv. 33 Geographical and Commercial notes on East and North China, 1858., iii. 55 on North China, iv. 61, vi. 32 — Yunnan, and overland trade with China, v. 52 Notes on Chinese Tartary, xi. 162, on the Russian advance in the same, 254 on the rivers rising in N.W. Tibet, iv. 217 on deep-sea sounding in the N.Atlantic, v. 101 — the Geography of the Bed of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and the Mediterranean Sea, xv. 28, 40 Geography and commercial future of the Sea of Azov, the Putrid Sea, and adjacent coasts, i. 305, 404 < Gulf Stream, xiii. 109, 232- exploration of the Himalayas, xiii. 202 Housing of R.G.S. at 1, Savile Row, xiv. 359 — Japan and its opening-up, v. 134 — Livingstone, alleged death of, and safety, xi. 147, 154, xii. 23, 186 and Baker, xiv. 18 — the physical features of S. America, xv. 378 proposed expedition into Corea (letter cited), ix. 298 Salween river, i. 272 Spanish castaways in Patagonia, xv. 50 Volcano of Yasowa, S. Pacific, xvi. 394 work of, in exploration and in pro moting Arctic research, xviii. 207, xxi. 536, 552 obituary notice, 1875., xix. 370 — — and Winniett's " furthest North," i. 24, 95 Osborne, Cape, Arctic regions, land near, xiii. 373 ; latitude of, xix. 32 Oscura Mts., New Mexico, sheer west face of, xxii. 275 O'Sbanassy river, N. E. Australia, geo logical formation of, xii. 144 Osh, C. Asia, visited by Ujfalvy, xxii. 341 Tippah district, C. Asia, x. 151 Oshun river, Niger region, W. Africa, course of, xxi. 488 Osin river, tributary of the Niger, ii. 90 town, ii. 291 Oskio-kaido (road), Japan, xix. 169 Oskja-gja, volcano, Iceland, xx. 27, 28 Ossetes of the Caucasus, xiii. 69; area occupied by, vi. 61 Rawlinson on, xiii. 72" Osten-Sackeu, see Sacken, Osten Osterde (island), Iceland, sound near, v. 63, 72, 81 Ostiaks of Siberia, described by Seebohm, xxii. 108, underground habitations among, xxi. 44 Ostiones river, Ecuador, S. America, sources of, xxi. 557 Ostre Horn, Iceland, reefs near, v. 73 Oswell, W. O, companion of Livingstone, 1849. and 1851., i. 240, 245, 318, xviii. 503, 504 Otago Province, New Zealand, viii. 57; coal of, vii. 181 expeditions and surveys in, Hector's, 1863., viii. 46-7, ix. 32 M'Kerrow's, 1863., viii. 47, 48 Thomson's, 1857., ii. 354 fiords on the west coast of, viii. 50 gold in, vii. 180-1, viii. 57 fields of, Thompson on, vi. 71 a Scotch colony, vi. 175, viL 180; its mineral wealth, ix. 33 traces of the great Moa found in, vii. 181 watershed-line in, viii. 49 Otanda, W. Central Africa, Du Chaillu in, x. 75, 76 Otarunai, port, in Yezo, described by Blakiston, xvi. 195-6 Otjihako wa Motenya river, S. Africa, reached by Hahn's party, ii. 352 Otombi (Motombi) Mt., W. Africa, eleva- 1 tion of, xvii. 355 Otomizaka hills, Japan, Gubbins at, 1872., xvii. 78 Ottawa river, Canada, its tributaries, ii. 294 Otter, Fr. von, (see Nordenskiiild and Otter), expedition of, to Greenland, ! 1871., xvi. 86 Otuiti, extinct volcano, Easter Island, ' xiv. 109 Otway, Cape, Australia, admiralty surveys ' near, xi. 194, xii. 244, xiv. 307 xvi. 320 ; latitude of, xviii. 498 Ouan-Chuan-Hsien, W. China, Mantzu village and tribes near, described by , Gill, xxii. 260-262 Oudah river, Siberia, xiii. 369 OUD— OXU Ho Oudsk, E. Siberia, solitary Russian post, xi. 39 Ougia Island, Arru group, ii. 164 Ougonda river and state, E. Africa, described by Arabs, vii. 23 ; see Uganda Ougulan, Formosa, missionary station at, xxi. 262, 263 Ouj, Persia, iii. 9 Oulen-daban pass, C. Asia, xxii. 52 Oumbourineta, N. Guinea, grave of Rajah at, and oamp of Maklay, xix. 519 Ounartok, Greenland, hot springs of, xvii. 316, 321 Oural Mts,, see Ural Ouralsky fortress, Siberia, xi. 41 Ourga, chief town of Mongolia, vii. 28, 30 Ourika river and district, Marocco, de scribed by Hooker, xv. 214 Ousia, Chinese village in Formosa, xxi. 263 Oust Oust (Ust Urt) Plateau, C. Asia, iii. 388 Oututu Tuane, Tahiti, coral barrier at, ' iv. 85 Outrain, Sir B. J., obituary notice of, (1856.), i. 126 , Sir J., and the Persian war, (1851.), i. 351, 355 Ouyah, Brit. Guiana, xv. 123 Ova Kaangara and other tribes, S.W. Africa, visited by Andersson, v. 17 Ovampo Land, S.W. Africa, i. 55 exploration of, (1858.), ii. 320 by Green and others, proposed, i. 160, ii. 350 negroes of, i. 244 Ovenga river, W. Central Africa, head waters of, x. 73 Ovens river, S. Australia, sources of, i. 4 Overland communication, On the various lines of, between India and China, Dr. M'Cosh, v. 47 route to India, established by Wag- horn, iii. 192, time occupied by, iii. 195 telegraph line between Adelaide and Port Darwin, xix. 481 Overweg, — , African traveller, iv. 1S4, viii. 4 ; death of, i. 422 Ovifak, Greenland, meteoric stones from, xx. 57 Ovigui river, Ogowe basin, W. Africa, Du Chaillu on, x. 74 Ovis nivicola of the Tchoukhot country, xxi. 216 Ovis Poli of the Pamirs, xv. 16, xviii. 431, 435; of the Thian Shan Mts., xviii. 420 Ovoonda, W. Africa, xix. 88 Owalee territory, S. Arabia, and its capital, xvi. 117 Owen, R., Table of Pluviometer kept at George Town, B. Guiana, i. 76 Owen, Prof., on the Andamanese, vi. 44 on Du Chaillu's travels and the gorillas Owen, Prof. — continued. of W. Africa, v. 3, x, 1 1 ; cited on, v. 214 on Livingstone's travels in Africa, i. 245, and their zoologioal results, ii. 137 — Neumayer's proposed explorations in Central Australia, xii. 295 — probable zoological gains from the proposed Arctic expedition (1865.), ix. 100 — the zoology of Australia, iii. 158-60, and ou its peculiarities, xii. 296-7 cited on destruction of African ele phants, xix. 492 Capt., r.n., errors in his chart of .the Coast of Africa, Chala Pt., Pangany river, ii. 54-5; Burton on, vi. 239; Frere on, xvii. 345 ; Kirk on, xxii. 454 survey, with Vidal, of the Congo mouth, i. 311 Owen's Anchorage, W. Australia, admi ralty survey at, xviii. 538 Owen Stanley, or Vetura (q.v.) range, New Guinea, double peak of, xx. 332 elevation of, xiv. 202, xviii. 23, 44, xx. 332 and description by Lawes, xx. 355 lovely view of, xxi. 350 protection afforded by, against the S.E. monsoon, xix. 235 rivers rising in, xviii. 25 termination of, xix. 231 vegetation on, xx. 268 Owiandina Station, S. Australia, ii. 20 Owlakee, Upper and Lower, S. Arabia, region described, xvi. 117 Owyhee river, Oregon, xi. 86 an affluent of the Snake river, xi. 91, 92 Oxenham, E. L., cited on the floods of the Yangtsze Kiang, xix. 244, 445 Oxford, Bishop of, (1856.) iv. 256 on Livingstone's Zambesi and other expeditions, ii. 133 — the removal of the Pitcairn Islanders to Norfolk Island, i. 60 — Stokes* paper, i. 82 and Cambridge African mission, site for station selected, 1861., vi. 20 Oxley, Australian explorer, his expedi tions referred to, ii. 313, xiv. 199, 288 Oxley's Creek, Flinders river, Queensland, xii. 141, geological formation, etc., 142 Oxus river (see also Amu Daria, and Jaxartes) affluents of, xiii. 20, xxi. 133, at Dast Tara Tuppa, xv. 181, and elsewhere, ii. 304 as Afghan boundary, xvii. 109 approaches to, xv. 11 called Darya Panj, xiii. 124 course, and elevation of, xvii. 113, 164 changed, i. 221, ii. 209, xvii. 162, xix. 14, 15 246 OXU— PAC Oxus river — continued. oourse changed, Murohison on, xi. 204 Napier cited on, xix. 431 ; xx. 176 Rawlinson on, xi. 114-5, xx. 178-9 desert on left bank of, viii. 269 Dohrandt's astronomical observations in the delta of, xxii. 342 Exploration of the Delta and Mouths of, 1848-9., 1858-9., Admiral A. Boutakoff, xi. 113 Hayward's (attempted), of the source and region of, 1869., xiv. 107 the Mirza's, xi. 216, xv. 286 Russian, xx. 420 Wood's, xv. 286 importance to general trade of region, xvii. 116 mountains to the South of, their heights, Yule cited on, xxi. 128 operation of Baer's Law on, xix. 14 proposed steam-navigation ou, xix. 14 Rawlinson on, xi. 114 rich plains near, Rawlinson on, xxi. 139 Russian advances to, xvii. 162, 285 • ¦ explorers on, xx. 420 • frontier on, viii. 271 sources, principal, ii. 280, xv. 286 Hayward's attempted journey to, 1869., xiv. 107 Rawlinson on, xv. 201 Veniukoff cited on, xi. 216 Upper, or Penj (see also Panjah), point of junction of arms of, xviii. 428 RawlinBon on, xv. 201 sources of, xiii. 350, xv. 185, 201, 286, xxi. 128, discovered by Fed- chenko, xx. 420, 484, valley of, mountains near, x. 149 natives of, xx. 16 travellers in, Rawlinson on, xiii. 17 Yule's labours on the geography of, xvii. 284, xxi. 128 political importance of basin of, xvii. 116 Oyah river, Borneo, Crespigny on, xvii. 133 Oyama Mt., Japan, elevation of, and vegetation, xix. 170 Oyata river, Russia in Europe, xiii. 376 Oyo, W. Africa, vi. 219, undulating country near, xxi. 487 Ozi, Osi, or Ozy river, E. Africa, x. 28 desirability of exploration of, vi. 207 importance of, Galton on, vi. 51 non-auriferous, xii. 272 outfall of, vii. 198 utility of, Gordon's views, xx. 444 P. Pa-ah-lian, Formosa, village and natives of, xvii. 147 Pabha-la pass, Trans-Himalayas, eleva tion of, xin. 18,6 Pabon Island, Patagonia, settlement on xv. 42 Pacacello, town, S. C. Africa, i. 75 Pacafumira, Nyassaland town, i. 76 Pacalem, town, S. C. Africa, i. 75 Pacamonga, Nyasaland town, i. 76 Pacamussicusa, town, S. C. Africa, i. 76 Pacapieo river, S. C. Africa, i. 75 Pachicosa, Nyasaland town, i. 76 Paehitea river, Peru, Exploration of, 1865., by Wallace and Main, xi. 173 J by others, xiii. 303 Pachmaree Hills, C. India, elevation of xi. 58, 68 Pacific Ocean (see also Canadian Pacific Railway, Challenger, etc., Variation Charts), v. 4, vii. 30 admiralty survey in, i. 145, 406-7 Atolls of, Darwin cited on, xii. 343 coal-beds of its N. Coasts, xiii. 384 concentration of its waters, Buchanan on, xxi. 256 connection of, with Atlantic, by water, vii. 72, 75, 103, Kelley on, i. 63; by rail, iv. 36, 47, 74-5, 173, 253 ; (see Atrato, Nicaragua, and Panama) coral formations of, iv. 85 deep-sea soundings in, xv. 89, xvii. 295 depths and temperatures in, xx. 410, 411 note dryness of air over, observations needed on, 358 fauna of bottom, xx. 413-14 floor of, Duncan on, xxii. 74, 76 observations in, Lieut. S. T. Lecky, xviii. 540 routes from, into interior of Australia, opened up, x. 34 thermal condition of, xxi. 314 volcanoes in the basin of, Humboldt cited on, ii. 286 water of, Nares on, xxi. 97 specific gravity of, i. 510, xxi. 256 temperature of, xii. 318, xxi. 314 whalers in, vii. 63 , North, depth and bottom contours of, Carpenter on, xix. 509 ; do. and nature of bottom, 514 depths in, Evans on, xxi. 69 survey expedition of the U.S.S. Vin- cennes, 1854., i. 16 temperature, low, and its cause, viii. 84 observations of the U.S.N. Tut- carora, Carpenter on, xix. 493, 502, 505 , South, in relation to the Gt. Barrier reef, viii. 117 ice movements in, ix. 96 in relation to Torres Straits, i. 172 warm currents and warm wind from, xii. 318-9 PAC— PAL 247 of, N. Pacific Ocean, S. Western, chart of, by Evans, 1855., i. 407 maps of, by Tilley, x. 222 Western, vi. 198 . Pacific Steam Navigation Co., route of, xviii. 205 Pacimoni river, Venezuela, explored by Spruce, 1853-4., viii. 221 Paolar, on the Mekong, latitude of, xix. 279 Padan Aram (Harran), Asiatic Turkey, Beke on identification of, vi. 195 Padass, district, Borneo, xvi. 172 river, mias or ourang-outangs xvi. 176-8 source and course of, xvi. 172 Paderin (and others), travels of, in Mongolia, 1874., xviii. 560 Padinah, Persia, culminating point of the hills of Nariz valley, xvi. 260 Padree pass, Tibet, elevation of, x. 168 Padron Point, Congo river, alluvial for mation near, i. 311 Pae-Khoe Mts., N. Russia, explorations of (1857.), i. 432 Pagan Creek, S. Australia, ii. 191 Page, Capt., jj.s.n., explorations in Para guay, 1858., i. 169; of Parand river, i. 467, ii. 269, iii. 331, iv. 175, xx. 497, 500-1 ; of Salado river, Argentine Re public, viii. 163 , D., work by, on Physical Geo graphy noticed, vii. 147 Paget, A., obituary notioe of, 1864., viii. 188 , Capt., voyage of exploration to N. Guinea (1872.), xvi. 203-4 Pago-Pago Bay, Tutuila Island, Navigator group, described, xxi. 146 Pah-ohie-nah, Formosa, duck -boats of, xi. 169 Paherere, S. C. Africa, i. 76 Pai-oheng-tzu, Mongolia, ruins at.xviii. 154 P'ai-chou village and district, S.W. China, Margary at, xx. 185 Pailon de S. Pedro, port, Ecuador, iii. 94, 96, geology of locality, vi. 249 Pain Mulk, C. Asia, sand-buried cities of, xv. 23 ; see also Pein Painom, town, Tibet, xix. 333 Paira, Nile region, elevation of, xi. 242 Paji, village, Zanzibar Island, xx. 72 Pajimucudo, S. C. Africa, i. 76 Pakohan river, boundary between Tenas- serim province and Siam, vii. 58, 60 proposed canal near, iv. 212 Pakh, Turkey in Asia, affluents of the Muzoor Su near, xii. 303 Paklat, Siam, alien inhabitants of and population at, iv. 213 Paknam. Siam, fortified city, iv. 213 Pa Kwau, E. China, "haul-over'' at, siii, 173 Palaia (or Paleo) Kameni, Levant, vol canic eruption at, x. 119, 319 Palambang, Sumatra, grave error in charting, vi. 135 Palander, Lt., see Swedish North Polar Expedition, 1868 Palawan Island, Philippines, surveyed, i. 405, iii. 269, vii. 140 Palsearctic region of Old World, distribu tion of animal life in, Wallace, xxi. 509 Palaeoorystic Sea, xxi. 544-51, Alcock on, xxi. 443 Ice of, xxi. 284 Palcazu river, Peru, explored, 1865., by Wallace and Main, xi. 173, 175 Palembang, see Palambang Pales, Indo-China, xix. 279 Palestine (see also Syria) — and Adjacent regions, Biblical Re searches in, Robinson, Smith, and others, ii. 223 climates, varying, of, xvii. 328, xix. 164-5 exploration of (see also next heading), American, xvii. 280, xix. 430 Earl de Grey and Ripon on (I860.), iv. 150 French, xvii. 280 German, xix. 430; Roth's, 1858 et seq., ii. 283, iii. 287-8 Mansell's, I860., v. 171 Porter's memoir on, 1 855, i. 7, 166 Heights of Mountains in, Roth (foot note), iii. 288 Physical geography of, Warren on, xix. 164 Recent Surveys in, Wilson, xvii. 326, 332 ; see Expln., supra Survey, methods and work of, Warren on, xix. 164 Van de Velde's map of, its value, v. 172, xix. 164 Palestine Expln. Fund, progress of its work, x. 160, xvi. 87, 331, xvii. IS, 278, 329, 332, xviii. 557, xix. 429-30; Conder on, xx. 16 and its methods, Wilson on, xvii. 326 Palghat gap, Nilghiri - Anamalli Mts., India, x. 266, xxi. 239 Palgrave, W. G., Journey from Gaza, through Arabia to the Persian Gulf, 1862-3., viii. 63. 67, ix. 261; Badger on, viii. 97; re plies to queries by Badger, viii. 103 Tour in N.E. Anatolia, xvi. 223 on Beloochistan, xvi. 221 on the Hauran, xvi. 114 (see 334) on Pelly's journey to Nejed, ix. 295-6 on S. Arabia, its races, worship, and explorers, xvi. 122 Pa-li-miau, N. China, Elias' first ob serving station, 1868., xiv. 23, 27 Pallacopas, or canal of Alexander the Great, sought by Lof tag, i. 45 248 PAL— PAM Pallas, Siberian journeys of, 1772., ii. 278 Palladius, Archimandrite, expedition of, in Manchuria, 1870., xv. 290 Recent Journey of, translated and adapted by Morgan, xvi. 204 Palliser, Capt. J., awarded Patron's Gold Medal, 1859., iii. 215, 219 expeditions of : in Missouri, i. 460 ; (proposed) in Saskatchewan district of Br. N. America, i. 264, 266, 320, 460; mentioned, vi. 108, 111, 188, viii. 40, ix. 33 progress of, Report on, 1857., ii. 38, 39, 45, 146, 292, iii. 122, iv. 35, 73; 1859., iv. 228,252 results summarized, 1859., iii. 317, I860., 14, 169 and Dr. Hector, On the discovery of Practicable Passes in the Rocky Mts. (British), iii. 122 referred to, xx. 275, 277, 434 Palm Island, Formosa, important harbour at, xi. 172; old Spanish forts on, x. 122 , N. Australia, i. 186; fresh water at, i. 226, ii. 5 Group, Queensland, admiralty survey of, xi. 195 Palma, W. Africa, ii. 227 Palmanlawas, stream, Borneo, xvi. 172 Palmas, Cape, W. Africa, settlement of liberated American negroes at, i. 55, iv. 185, 200, Schon- lein on, i. 98 suggested source of Niger near, vi. 67 Palmer, Capt., xiii. 205, cited on Jebel Nakus and its sounding sand, xiii. 215 cited on Jebel Serbal, xiii. 212 , Lt. H. S., r.e., explorations in the Fraser, Thompson, and Harrison dis tricts of British Columbia, iv. 33, referred to, iv. 170, v. 188 Geography of B. Columbia, and con dition of Cariboo goldfields, 1864., viii. 87 on the inhabitants of Vancouver Id. viii. 93-4 , J. L., r.n., A Visit to Easter Island, xiv. 108, 119 , Major E., Notes on St. Helena, iii. 363 , Prof., xiii. 205, xvi. 332, cited on Sinaitic inscriptions, xiii. 213, valuable work done by in Sinai, 217, xvii. 330 Palmer Creek, Queensland, xviii. 107, gold found near, xviii. 94, gold prospects of, 95 latitude, and geological formation near, xviii. 96, 106 Palmerston, N. territory, Australia, near gold-fields, xvii. 278 Cape, Queensland, vii. 10, admi ralty survey near, six. 409, xxii. 336 Palmerston, Lord, i. 95, xiii. 21, friend liness to Livingstone, xviii. 279, in relation to the Suez canal, xiv. 95, 103, obituary notice of, 1866., x. 186 Palmyra, Syria, inscriptions at, ii. 177, xvi. 105, situation of, and geological formation near, xvi. 108 Pator, old name for upper Chitral, xvi. 246 Palti Lake, Tibet (see also Yamdokcho Lake), ring-shaped, visited by Manning about 1812., xix. 336 Palunu village, N. Guinea, elevation of, xx. 355 Pamacouba, Nhaca town, S. C. Africa, i. 76 Pamalombe or Panalombe Lake, S.E. Africa, xii. 80-1, xxii. 234 Pambala Swamp, Congo district, partly bridged, xix. 93 Pambani village, E. Africa, xx. 75 Pambete village, L. Tanganyika, latitude of, determined by Livingstone, 1868., xix. 249 Pa-me-Fa, N. China, poor region near, vi. 219 Pamir, steppe or plateau (Bam-i-Dooneah), C. Asia, x. 306, 317 comprised in territory of Wakkan, xviii. 435 eastern crest of, xv. 11, 12, 15 elevation of, xvi. 408, xxi. 131 expeditions in : Biddulph's (1874.),xviii. 435, xx. 489- 90 Fedchenko's, 1871., xvi. 350 Forsyth's, 1873., xviii. 444, xxii. 289 Hayward's, 1869-70., xiv. 41, 107, xv. 4, 12, 14, 17, 200 Kostenko's, 1876., xxi. 122 the Mirza's, 1868-9., xv. 184,200,286 — Mollah's, 1865., x, 150 Fifteenth Century account of, Shaw, xx. 483 game on, xv. 16, xviii. 431, 435 geological formation of, xviii. 431, 435 Khirghiz tribes of, xxi. 137 James cited on, x. 149 Mts. of, Hayward on, xiv. 71, xv. 186 Murchison on, x. 153, 236-8 native name for, xiv. 126 Rawlinson on, xv. 200, xxi. 137; on Veniukoff s Memoir, x. 134 ridges, trend of, xvi. 400, xx. 489 rivers rising in (see Oxus, etc.), xv. 11, 12, 200, not reaching the sea, Shaw on, xvii. 164 routes across, x. 149, xiii. 122, xviii. 431, 439 ; note concerning, xx. 16, 17 Southern, Biddulph cited on, xx. 489-90 true connection of highlands of, with mountains of region, xv. 200 Veniukoffs Memoir on, Rawlinson on, x, 134 PAM— PAN 249 Pamir, steppe or plateau — continued. watershed of, xv. 11, 12, 15, 200, xviii. 43 winter aspect of, Gordon on, xviii. 429, 439 Yule on, xxi. 136 Pamir Kul (lake), Barkut Yassin, or Kalsar Bam-i-Dunya, C. Asia, xv. 186, 286 called Ghaz lake, xviii. 435 described by native explorers, xv. 391 level ground near, xx. 490 source of the Oxus, xv. 286 river (Mastuj), xv. 390 note Pamira, S. C. Africa, i. 76 Pampas of S. Amerioa, i. 169, Burmeis- ter's travels in, 1857., ii. 285 chief features of, Crawford, xvii. 60 cold winds of, xv. 41 compared with districts in N.W. Aus tralia, i. 192 dogs of, xviii. 129 extent of, xx. 494 Pamucamba, S. C. Africa, i. 76 Pamudicula, S. C. Africa, i. 76 Pamuganbo, S. C. Africa, i. 76 Pamunabombi, S. C. Afrioa, i. 76 Panalombe, Lake, E. Africa, xxii. 234 Panaloya river, C. Amerioa, drying-up, 1867., xii. 27 Panama, Bay of, as harbour, vi. 77, ix. 279, xii. 45-6 ; survey of, i. 64 emigrant route suggested vid, vi. 108, 231 Panama, Isthmus of (see also Atrato, Darien, ete.) — Chinamen at, ii. 206 climate of, i. 66-7, vi. 76, xii. 47, 48 difficulty of procuring labour at, vi. 76 explorations in, 1858., ii. 296 Caldwell's, 1856., i. 484 Oullen (1856.), i. 78 de Puydt's, 1861., xii. 63, 134 Gisborne's, 1853., i. 88, 484, v. 158 Milla's, i. 8 Oliphant's (1865.), ix. 276 Patterson's, i. 88 Peacock's (survey), 1842., xii. 46 Selfridge's (U.S.A.), 1870., xvii. 274 Wyse's, sent by Lesseps, xxii. 368 geological formation of, Duncan on, xxii. 74 mail route, i. 81, 84-5, ii. 269, iv. 75, vii. 103 railway, progress of, i. 65, cost of, in lives, 66; iv. 47; Gerstenberg on, vi. 78 ship-canal schemes (see Illingworth) Fitzroy on, i. 65, 67 Gerstenberg on, ix. 279 Hodgkin on Cardenas' route for, ix. 280 Hopkins on, ix. 278-9 Panama, Isthmus of — continued. ship-canal schemes — continued. Humboldt on, i. 69-70 Kelley and others, i. 63-66 Spaniards near, ii. 215 winds of, iv. 239 Pan de Azucar, Darien, gold-bearing soil at, Cullen on, i. 78 hill, Paraguay, limit of the Yalai guasii palm, xx. 497 Pan-chieh-ta, near the imperial hunting grounds, Mongolia, xviii. 162 Pan-ohing (or ting), E. China, large city on the Peiho, iii. 78 Panda, chief town of Igbira, W. Africa, xxi. 488 Fandamatinka, on the Zambesi, Frewen on, 1577., xxii. 223 Pandora, H.M.S., Australian survey ship, i. 83 , Young's Arctic vessel, xix. 481 Pandoreille, gold mines of, B. N. America, iv. 229 Pang, district, city, C. China, xiv. 170 Pangain, E. C. Africa, lake, and river feeders of, xx. 155 Pangalat river, Borneo, source of, xvi. 172 Pang-gam village, Garo Hills, elevation of, xvii. 39 Pangani bay and town, E. Africa, xx. 74-5, 77, xxii. 448 harbour and trade of, xvii. 340 , or Ruvu, river, xx. 77, affluents of, vi. 49 hills near, iii. 116 journey from, to Mombasa, New, 1874., xix. 317 up, Burton and Speke, 1857., ii. 52, 53, 54, 323, iii. 210 Pang-Hean, N. China, fair at, vi. 226 Panghoo Island, Pescadores, aspect of, x. 128 Pango village, W. Africa, xix. 87 Pangong, or Pangkong, Lake, Tibet elevation, xi. 219, xvi. 401, xviii. 112 explorations of, Godwin-Austen's(1863.), viii. 42, xi. 32, 219 Hayward's, near, 1868., xiv. 43 Johnson's route via, 1865., xi. 10 Pundit's, 1873, xxi. 327 feeders of, length of, etc., xxi. 327, 328 saltness of, iii. 367 subterranean outlet from, Forsyth, xxi. 139 Pahgur Gongman, Tibet, reached by the Pundit, 1873, xxi. 327 Panimik, Kashmir, hot springs of, j. 275 Paniput, Punjab, great battle of, xii. 171 Panjah, Penj, or Punja river (Upper Oxus), xv. 308, natives on, Trotter cited on, xx. 16 souroes of, xv., 185, 201 Panjshir river, Afghanistan, xx. 242 250 PAN— PAR Panjshir valley, sounding sands near, x. 274 Panjkora river, Chitral, xvi. 254, sources of, and affluents, xxii. 354 valley traversed in 1876 by the Mullah, xxii. 354 Panom Sok, Cambodia, ruined palace at, ix. 85 Panorma, Turkey in Asia, position of, ii. 376 Panshantu, Mongolia, military station, temperature at, xviii. 155 Pansuanrba, town, S.C. Africa, thievish inhabitants of, i. 75 Panthay race, distribution of, XV. 349 State, Burmese border, good order maintained in, xix. 271 Paobe, settlement of Pepohoans, Formosa, xvii. 146 Paombe river, Madagascar, xiv. 360 Paou-ching, district, city, C. China, xiv. 179 Paouting, capital of Pe-chi-le province, visited by Richards and Slossin, I860., vi. 165; see Pau-ting Papa Bay, Savaii island, Navigator group, xxi. 142 Papache, S. C. Africa, i. 76 Papagos Indians of Arizona, distriot peopled by, xiii. 143-4, xix. 304 Papakura district, N. Zealand, coal of, iii. 339 Papandayang, volcano, Java, engulfed, 1772., ii. 144 Papar river, Borneo, source, course and outfall of, xvi. 172 Papey Island, Iceland, sea depth near, v. 73, tides at, 74 Papite, Tahiti, increased depth of water at, iv. 85 Papua (see also N. Guinea) — Incidents of travel in, 1873., Maklay, xix. 517 little known of, 1859., iii. 271 Mountains of, xii. 316 Papuan race, blood of, in aborigines of Torres Straits, advantages of, xii. 313 distribution of, vii. 21 resemblance to aboriginal Australians, ii. 4 Papuans of N. Guinea, Moresby on, xix. 238 Paquasi, S. 0. Africa, i. 76 Pari, Brazil, the Guiana stream at, vii. 51 healthiness of, viii. 61 rains of, Maury on, viii. 7 Paracan Island and Channel, Parana river, xx. 500 Paracuchici, Colombia, tides at, i. 72 Paraguari, Paraguay, hills and plain of, xx. 495 Paragnay, coal in, xviii. 125 Detnersay's work ou, y. 204 Paraguay — continued. explorations in, Page's (U.S.), 1855., i. 169, iii. 331 Geography and resources of, Levi, xviii. 117 Hypsometrical observations of K. John ston and Lt. Congreve, report on, Strachan, xx. 504-5 Notes on Physical Geography of, K. Johnston, xx. 494 river, affluents of, xviii. 119, xx. 455 course, etc. of, Johnston on, xx. 498 mapped by Day, i. 146, 1760-77., ii. 467 sidewise movement of, xx. 499 slope of banks, xx. 494 thrown open for navigation, 1858., ii. 297 importance of free navigation of, to the State of Paraguay, xviii. 119 Para Lassa Pass, between India and Tibet, crossed by Schlagintweit, 1857., iii. 144 See also Bara Lacha Paramatta observatory, N. S. Wales, founded by Col. Brisbane, 1808., iv. 121, 123 Paramilla Range, S. America, passes and elevations in, xvii. 65 Parana province, Brazil, report on, Vereker, (1862.), vi. 74 Parana river, S. America, affluents of, i. 169, iv. 49 aspect of marshes near, xx. 496 barranca of, xx. 500 exploration of, by Page (q.v.) and others, (1857.), i. 467, ii. 269, iii. 331 Sidney's, of estuary, (1856.), i. 146 Taboada's boat-voyage down, i. 468 falls of, Edwards on, xx. 468 latitude of, xx. 494, 497 navigation of, i. 170, iv. 49 importance to Paraguay, xviii. 119 N. and S. boundary, Paraguay and Brazil, xviii. 121 Plains near, viii. 62 railway surveys near, iv. 174, xx. 455 side-wise movement of, xx. 499 town, Paraguay, xx. 500 Paranahiba, S. America, reversed ocean current near, vii. 50 Paranagua Harbour, Brazil, vi. 74 Paranapanema river, Brazil, navigation possibilities of, xx. 456 Parangla pass, Spiti valley, India, great elevation of, xv. 340 Pararo, town, S. C. Africa, i. 75 Parasot river, Gilgit distriot, rise and course of, xiii. 130 Pare, Mt., E. Africa, vi. 47 Pari, Russian post in Suanetia, xiii. 69 Pari-jong, Tibet, Bogle's journey from, 1774., and Manning's visit, 1811., xix. 332 openings for trade at, xix. 336 PAR— PAS 251 Pari-jong pass into Tibet, position of, xix. 332 trade route via, xix. 341 unvisited since 1812., xix. 338 Paringa, town of the Muizas, S. C. Africa, i. 75 Pario, stream, Persia, xi. 37 Paris, Geogr. Exhibition at, 1874., xx. 7 Geographical Society of, iv. 202, vii. 125 International Geographical congress at, 1875., programme for, xviii. 453, xix. 59, date, 134 Parish, Capt. A., ii. 269, iii. 87, ix. 246, on the formation of Cyclones and on the Tracks they pursue, i. 36 on the Passage up the Peiho with Lord Macartney, 1793., ii. 362 Rev. C, visit to the Andaman Isles, 1862., vi. 215 Sir W., iii. 87, on progress of geo graphical knowledge in 1860-1., v. 203, services in regard to geography in S. America, iii. 332, ix. 244, x. 255, xi. 244, xv. 50 Parisnath, India, elevation of, xi. 58 as suited for a sanatorium, xi. 68 Park, Mungo, iv. 222, killed at Busa, (1806.), i. 445, ii. 98, relic of, thenoe, 335, vi. 15 theory as to the Niger, i. 310 visit of, to Segou, W. Africa, xi. 200 Park, Cape, Arctic regions, latitude of, xiii. 372 Parker, Capt. Hyde, R.N., on the Quilimane and Zambesi rivers, i. 312 Sir W., ascent of the Nankin river, .1815., iii. 167 Parker point, N. Australia, ii. 14 Parkes, Mt., S. China, height of, vi. 228 Parkes, Sir H., v. 134, on the area of the Tae-ping rebellion, vi. 89 on ascents of Fuji-Yama Mt., xvii. 83 on Barton's expedition up the Yang-tse river, 1861., vi. 88 on Formosa, its early discoveries, history, coast, and inhabitants, viii. 26 Geographical notes on Siam, with map of Lower Menam river, i. 13, 164 journey up the Si-kiang, see Brine on the Island of Yezo, xvi. 188, 202 on Manchuria, vii. 28-9 its area, proposed ports in, and trade, xvi. 214, 216 on progress of geographical knowledge of China, 1862., vi. 164 W., on the Indus and Kurraehee Harbour, xi. 28 Pajkyns, Mansfield, journey in Abyssinia, x. 290, and confirmation of Bruoe's tales, xii. 6, 273 Parla, S. Australia, low range near, ii. 189 Paro, Tibet, route via, xix. 341 Paropamisus of the ancients (the Safld Koh, Afghanistan) mineral wealth of, xx. 247 Paroo river, N. S. Wales, region of, ix. 301-2 rivers between, and Cooper's Creek, ix. 303 settlers on, vi. 55 Parra, L. Tanganyika, Livingstone at, 1869., xix. 249 Parrot, Dr. F., ascent of Mt. Ararat by, 1829., xxii. 177-8 Parry, S., exploration north of Mt. Serle, S. Australia, iii. 152, 335, 337 Parry, Sir W. E., iv. 10, vii. 100, 101, xvi. 235, xix. 20, 36, xx. 106, 275, 282 fame of, iv. Ill furthest point north reached by, 1827., i. 18, 152, iv. 234, ix. 45, 92-3, xix. 178, xxi. 76 hunting successes, Parry Islands, i. 54 cited on Arctic temperatures, i. 28, iii. 148; do., weather, iv. 235 on aurora borealis, iii. 122, 124 on ice met with on his expedition, xv. 383, xvi. 176 on an open Polar Sea, i. 19, 20, 28, ii. 200 referred to in relation to the Arctic current, iv. 238-9 whale fishery at Prince Regent's inlet, discovered by, xviii. 19 winter spent by, in the ice, 1820., i. 214 obituary notice of, 1856., i. 127 Parry, Cape, Arctic regions, latitude of, ix. 48 Islands, animal life of, i. 54, xvii. 179 explored by McClintock etc., 1852., i. 108, 109, 153 geological formation of, i. 110 latitude of, xvii. 16 Swedish expedition to, 1868., xiii. 159; 1872., xvii. 179 Mt., Greenland, latitude and eleva tion of, i. 18 Parry's Sound, Arctic regions, question of outlet by, i. 24 Parthia, Rawlinson on, xx. 179 Parung La (pass), Tibet, iii. 357 — Tso (So) river, iii. 357 ; its relation to the Sutlej, iii. 357 Paryadres Mts. of Strabo, iii. 370 Parnere, S. C. Africa, i. 76 Pasangan, Basilian Islands. E. Archi pelago, Malaria at, vi. 77 Thomson on, xx. 215, 221 Pase, Sumatra, Thomson on, xx. 215, 221, 223 Pasha river, Russia, xiii. 376 Pasitigris or Kuran river, Turkey in Asia (see also Karun), i. 219-20, canal from, 'i. 29g 252 PAS— PEA Pasley, Gen. Sir C, obituary notice of, 1861., v. 163 PaBmube, town,, S. C. Africa, i. 75 Pasolsk, village and monastery on Lake Baikal, xiii. 369, 370 Passiett or Possiett (q.v.) Bay, Manchuria, fishery at, x. 233 Passifuri, S. C. Africa, i. 76 Passim, Plain of, Turkey in Asia, earth quake at, about 1759., vi. 63 Passimoro, S. C. Africa, i. 76 Passmore river, S. Australia, course of, ii. 18-19 Pastassa, Pastaea, or Pastaza river, S. America, affluent of the Amazon, iii. 94 ascended by Spruoe, 1857., iv. 174, viii. 221 cascades of, xxi. 562 navigaiblity of, iii. 94 source and course of, xxi. 557, former course, 563 Upper, Simson's journey via, xxi. 556 Pasto Mt., volcano, Andes, geographical position and great height of, xxi. 570 Pasuri, Sumatra, Thomson on, xx. 222 Pataohilner Creek, S. Australia, ii. 19 Patagonia, coast survey by Bragg, i. 468 dry climate of, i. 60 effect of introducing horses into, xv. 51 explorations in : Magellan's, 1520. (and other early explorers), Markham on, xv. 49, later explorers, ib., xxii. 46 Moreno's, xxii. 370 Musters', 1869-70, xv. 41, 51, Mark ham on, xxii. 40, Murchison on, xv. 305 geological formation of, Duncan on, xxii. 74' Indians of, described by Musters, xx. 44, 46, 49, 51 opening up of, by Chile, iv. 174 Year in, Musters, 1869., xv. 41, 51 Pa-ta ling Mts., China, passes in, xviii. 150 Patate river, S. America, confluent with the Chambo, xxi. 557 Patawata Plains, S. Australia, ii. 19 Paterson, Port, N. Australia, aspect of coast near, x. 36 Pati Aba Mt., W. Africa, ascent of, by Crowther, 1871., xxi. 486 Patigorsk, Russian bathing place in the Caucasus, xiii. 71 Patkoi or Pathkoy Mts., Assam border, explored by Jenkins, 1869., and by others, xiii. 244 passes in, xii. 334, xiii. 246 Singpo natives in, xx. 237 Pass, Assam to Burma and China, explorations of Burnet, and of Hannah. M'Cosh on, v. 49 Patte or Patteh Mt., Niger region, x. 117; elevation of, xxi. 485 Patoor and distriot, C. Asia, the Mirza on, xv. 183 Patras, Greece, effect of earthquake of 1866 at, x. 322-3 Patterson, Lt., survey of the Helmund river by, and murder of, xx. 247-8 , Mr., exploration of Darien by, i. 88 Patterson, Port, N. Australia, i. 32, 33, 171, x. 36 Patteson, Bishop, of Melanesia aud of Lichfield, xvi. 391, on ethnology of Fiji groups, 393 Patuama, town, S. C. Africa, i. 75 Paucartambo, Mts. of, S. America, x. 253 explored by Nystrom, 1868., xiii. 310 river, affluent of the Perene, xv. 304 Paul, Emperor of Russia, expedition sent by, to Indian frontier, 1801. or 1802., xiii. 21 Paul, Mt., Iceland, elevation and geological formation of, xx. 23 da Serra, Madeira, meteorological observations at, ii. 371 Paulo Alfonso falls, San Francisco river, Brazil, ix. 30 Paulson, Commr., r.n., obituary notice of, 1859., iii. 256 Paunbaum Channel, Indian coast, govern ment works at, vii. 96 Pauthier, Monsieur, see Cathay, Notices of, and Polo, Marco Pau-ting-Foo, N.E. China, Vice-regal seat for Pechili province, vi. 165, 225, city and environs described, 226 Pavia or Aullagas, S. Peru, swamp and salt lake of, xviii. 214 Pavilion Creek, Br. Columbia, dry land slip on, xv. 141 Lake, routes from, vi. 109 Pavy, O., (U.S.), projected Arctic expedi tion, 1871., xvi. 86 Payer, Lt. Julius, (Austrian Navy), xv. 106, xix. 36, 37 Arctic expedition with Weyprecht, 1871., xv. 301, xvi. 85, 230-1, 360 ; its results, etc., xxi. 231 ; referred to, xxi. 285-6, 52-53 awarded Patron's gold medal of R.G.S., 1875., xix. 347, 358, President's speech, 359, Beust's reply, 361 The Austro-Hungarian Polar Expedi tion of 1872., xix. 17 Payer, Port, Arctic region, as » waiting place, Nares on, xxi. 279 Pazukhin's journey to Khiva, etc., 1671., xxi. 218 Peabody bay, Greenland, glacier 'in, xxi. 280 Peabody, George, associated with Grinnell in aiding Arctic research, i. Ill, 183, 216, obituary notice of, 1870., xiv. 303 PEA— PEG 253 Peace river, N.W. Canada, as boundary of British Colombia, viii. 88 climate along, favourable to colonization, iii. 126 fertile region of, xx. 299 valley of, pass leading to, i. 266 Peacock, Captain, on the guano of the Chincha Islands, xiv. 117 on the Isthmus of Panama and neighbouring coasts, etc., 1831. and 1842., xii. 46 , G., on the proposed inter-oceanic canal, C. America, i. 66 , R. A., On Vast Losses of Land on the Westerly coasts of France during the Historical period, x. 329 Peak (or Peek) Downs, Queensland, vi. 68 auriferous fields on, vii. 42, xii. 315 forecast concerning, xii. 140 copper of, vii. 42, xii. 144 geological formation of, i. 495-6 settlers on, v. 122 wool of, x. 62 Range, Queensland, latitude of, i. 368 Peake river, S. Australia, xix. 56, 582 latitude of, xvii. 277 Telegraph station, S. Australia, xix. 58, 310 distance of, from Adelaide, xix. 486 Forrest's journey to, 1874., xix. 310, 314, 445-6, xx. 370 mulga thickets near, xix. 447 Pearce Point, N. AustraUa, depot of Gregory at, i. 32, 33, 34, 171, 184, 185, 225, 324, ii. 4, 9 timber of, i. 191 Pearl, Queensland survey ship, xviii. 539 , Goodenough's ship, 1873., xx. 393 Pearl Cays, W. Indies, coral patches among, i. 407 Island, Zambesi river, washed away, 1867., xii. 80 Rey (sic) Lagoon, C. America, vi. 112 Pebbly Range (Kennedy's), Queensland, xviii. 91 Pecha-buri, or Petcha-buri, Siam, iv. 189, vi. 182; bull-races at, iv. 211 extinct volcanoes in, elevations of, vi. 81 Pe^chi-li, Gulf or Strait of, China (see also Peiho and Yellow rivers) alleged rising of bed of, Wylie on, xiv. 36 currents in, how promoted, iii. 65 explorations in (see Parish) : Mickie's cruise, 1859., iv. 58 Osborn's do., 1858., iii. 55, 293, iv. 191 Vansittart's pirate chase in, (1856.), i. 144 Frenoh and other surveys of, iii. 267, 270, iv. 153, 193, v. 174, yi. 133 geological age of region, vii. 26 Pe-chi-li, Gulf or Strait of, China — emit. navigation of, Court, etc., on, iii. 84, 86 new mouth of the Hoang-ho river in, ii. 203, 306, iii. 86, vii. 141, xiv. 21, 36 Notes geographical and commercial on, Osborn, iii. 55, 64 (see also 293) tides in, iii. 61, 67 turbidity of, iii. 66 Province, China, iii. 78 capital of, vi. 225-6 commercial journey of Richards and Slossin to, I860., vi. 218 lack of food in (I860.), iv. 61 mountains of, vi. 224 plain of, vi. 225 Pechora, see Petchora Peckett harbour, Patagonia, wide inlet near, xv. 41 Pecos river, New Mexico, large drainage area of, xxii. 274 Pedra Branca, China Seas, the Horsburgh light on, ii. 267 Mts., Brazil, xx. 462 Peel, Capt. Sir W., r.n., obituary notice of, 1859., iii. 254 , Dr., of Goyder's N. Australian expedition, 1869., xiv. 198 Peel Channel, Arctic regions, i. 104, Stokes' desire to search, for traces of Franklin, i. 95 Island, Pacific Ocean, annexed in 1827. by Gt. Britain, i. 62, coral bottom at, xix. 511 river, Queensland, settlements on, i. 455 Sound, Arctic regions, i. 22, 23, 24 searched for traces of Franklin's ex pedition, i. 25. 96, Pirn's scheme for further searoh in, i. 210, 212 Strait, Arctio regions, i. 24, disputed existence of, ii. 290 permanent ice of, iv. 8 Peel's river, B.N. America, Esquimaux of, ix. 127 Peelunibee, S. Australia, x. 130 Peeree Bazaar, Persia, bad roads near, iii. 393, 395 ; see Peree Peete inlet, Zanzibar, xx. 70, 71 Pegolotti's travels in China, 1340., x. 271 Pegu (see also Burmah) — acquired by Great Britain, 1852., v. 46, xii. 199, progress since acquisition, 200-1 British, communication between, and S.W. China, Sprye on, v. 45, cited vii. 61 currents off the coast of, vi. 115 history of, Yule on, i. 270 population and products of, i. 273, xii. 199-201 survey of, i. 269 travels in, O'Reilly's, (I860.), iv, 189, vi. 83 254 PEG— PEM Pegu river, of little use to traders, xix. 272 Peh-cha Mt., E. Mongolia, errors concern ing, xviii. 560 Pei river, C. China, affluents of, xiv. 172-3 Peiho or North river, N.E. China, course of, iii. 67, 78-9 Court on, iii. 84 current of, and bar in, iii. 69-70 expeditions up: Elgin's, 1858., iii. 56, 292 ; Macartney's, 1793., ii. 362 French naval survey of, 1859., iii. 267 Geographical and commercial notes on, Osborn, iii. 64 latitude of, and present mouth, xiv. 20 meaning of name, iv. 61 Passage up, with Macartney in 1793 , Parish, ii. 362 surveys of, ii. 270, 292 sources of, iii. 67 tides in, iii. 61, 79; observations on, bv 3.M.S. Furious, 1858., iii. 81-3, 84 Pein or Pimo, C. Asia — city buried by sand, 600 a.d., xxi. 28, 31, 45. See also Pain Mulk Dosition of, Shaw on, xvi. 242 Pein-Tien-Poo, N.E. China, walled city, vi. 221 Peitcha Mts., E. Mongolia, passes leading to, xviii. 77 Pekin, China, iii. 37, iv. 60, 61 Amherst's visit to, 1815., iii. 167 area of, x. 157 canal communication with, cut off, i. 339, 340 climate of, iii. 63 coal-fields of, nnd coal trade, ii. 307, x. 157, xiii. 36, xiv. 144 embassy to, from Katmandu, (1822.), ii. 107 gates of, vi. 222 geology of district, ii. 307, vi. 165, 218 government at, vi. 90 Jesuits at, 1581., vi. 93 a " miserable city," Whyte on, xiv. 243 Notes of a journey to the N.W. of, 1861., Lamprey, xi. 259 Notes on, and its neighbourhood, Lock hart, x. 154 ; 8fe also vi. 94 old walls of, xviii. 149 Pechili Gulf as road to, iii. 86 population of, x. 157-8 port of, see Tientsin proposed embassy to, and direct relations with, discussed, (1857.), i. 272, ii. 204, 208-9, 305, iii. 166 races met in, the Mongolian preferable, xvi. 216 road to, from Tientsin, iii. 79 trade-route to, across the Himalayas, i. 348 ; vid Mongolia, Grant, vii. 27, 165 ; from Yarkand, Shaw, xvi. 249 Russian Observatory at, ii. 307, xviii. 77 Pekin, China — continued. Russian religious establishment at, ii. 307, xvi. 215 the Taeping rebels near, i. 102, 339, 340, vi. 89 telegraph to, planned, vii. 94 trade of, with Korea, ix. 298 Plain of, coal area of, Lockhart on, xiv. 144 Pelham district, Queensland, pastoral character of, v. 122 Peli an Lakes, Queensland, viii. 112-3 Pelile'o, Ecuador, xxi. 562, 568 Pell rapids, Neva river, xiii. 376 Pella, Macedonia, native town of Alexander the Great, i. 362' , S. Africa, Moffat at, ii. 78 , Syria, refuge of Christians at, after the siege of Jerusalem, ii. 324 Pellew Islands, N. Australia, ii. 13 Pelly, Lt.-Col. Sir L., vii. 23, on Kiliman jaro Mt , its height ascertained by Von der Decken, 1861., vi. 50 on the Persian Gulf in relation to trade, viii. 18 on his visit to Riadh, Nejed, Arabia, ix. 295 Rawlinson on his Arabian and other journeys, and qualifications, viii. 20, ix. 261, 270, 276, xx. 250 Visit to the Port of Lingah, Island of Kishm, and Port of Bunder Abass, 1863., viii. 265 Visit to the Wahabee Capital of C. Arabia, 1865., ix. 293 ; referred to, xx. 214 Pelusium, said to be now Tinah, in con nection with the Suez canal, i. 68 latitude of, iii. 177, 265, 309, 398 Pemba or Kinday Harbour, E. Africa, xi. 15 Island, near Zanzibar, little known of, xvii. 349 Pemberton, Capt., explorations of, in Bhutan, 1838., i. 269, xix. 341 cited on Manipur as an entrepot, v. 50 cited on passes from Tibet to Manass valley and Assam, ib. , Mr., journeys of in Brit. Columbia, Mayne on, vi. Ill Pemberton, Brit. Columbia, lakes near, vi. 109 Pembina, B. Columbia, frontier fort of, ii. 44 Meteorological and other observations at, 1857., ii. 48, 49 proposed emigrant route from, to Yale (B C), Kelly, vi. 231 Scotch colonists at, ii. 151 soil at, ii. 46 Mt., described by Anderson, xx. 283 river, coal-beds near, ix. 18, 21 course of, ii. 146 PEM— PER 255 Pembina river — Continued. gorge of, xx. 283 lakes communicating with, viiL 51 mouth of, ii. 46 Pembo district, Tibet, mountains near, salt lakes and elevated plateau of, xxi. 337 Penanangchu river, affluent of the Narichii river, Tibet, xii. 150 valley, English journeys in, xix, 332-3 Penang, Malay peninsula, good harbour of, xi. 222 meteorological observations at, Belcher on, viii. 9 rice supply of, whence derived, i. 273 Penar river, MadraB, oanalisation of, vii. 96 Pendulum Island(s) Arctic region, German expedition of 1870 at, xv. 103, furthest north reached by same, xvi. 229; magnetic observations at, ib. ; open water seen from, and tidal observations at, by Gray, (1868.), xii. 197 Peney, Dr., exploration up the Nile, and death of, 1861., v. 210, vi. 18-19, vii. 104, 19, 177 information on the Albert Nyanza, xi. 242 Penipe, Ecuador, bridge at, and coal, etc., near, xxi. 560 Penj or Upper Oxus river, Rawlinson on, xv. 201 ; see also Panjah Penny, Capt., Arctic explorations of, i. 53, 105, 212, 231, iv. 200; cited on the Arctio sounds, vii. 101 ; on open water in Victoria Channel and elsewhere, i. 20, 22, 30, 109 Penonome, C. America, gold at, i. 78 Penrhissen, Mt., Borneo, height of, i. 198, 200 Pentecost Island, S.W. Pacific Ocean, discovered by Bougainville, 1768., xvi. 389 Pentland, J. B., explorer of Bolivia and Peru, ix. 244, xviii. 215, death of, Frere on, 1873., xviii. 12 Pepys, W. H. (chemical experimentalist), obituary notice of, 1857., i. 394 Perak, Straits settlements, murder of W. Birch af, 1875., xx. 401 Perrea, province, Palestine, Eaton in, viii. 29 Percy Island, New Guinea, described, xxi. 356, vi. 117, admiralty survey at, xx. 408 Peroy Islands, G. of Carpentaria, natives and canoes of, Chimmo on, i. 263, pro tected by the Barrier reef, viii. 117 Peree Bazaar (or Peeree, q.v.), village, Persia, described, iii. 395 road into Ghilan vid, attempted by Russian force, iii. 393 Pereira, visit of, to Cazembe, 1798., xi. 235, 237 Perene river, Peru, affluents and outfall of, xv. 304 explored by Wertherman and Whiteley, 1876.. xxii. 43, 369 Pericheff Island, Kanchelon Bay, Siberia, xxi. 217 Periiig Mts., China, position of, and rivers rising in, iii. 294 Perim Island, Red Sea, and shoals near, Admiralty survey of, 1874., xviii. 537 Periyar, see Perryaur Perlak, "Java Minor," Thomson on, xx. 217, 222 Perm, Siberia, hilly district near, xxii. 103 Peron Island, near Cape Blaze, N. Australia, x. 36 Perovski Fort, on the Syr Daria (river), C. ABia, ix. 239 Perril, , of Forrest's Australian ex pedition, 1874., xix. 311, 312 Perry, A., cited on the navigation of the Saskatchewan river, etc., 1861., xii. 126 , Comr., u.s.N. and the ownership of the Bonin Isles, i. 63, 173, 464 , G. R., Sketch of Nicaragua, (1862.), vi. 74 , Sir Erskine, on Calcutta or Massick as the capital for India, xi. 76 Sir W., obituary notice of, 1875., xix. 403 Perry Cape, Arctic regions, Belcher's cairn on, iv. 7 Perryaur river, Travancore, India, crossed by Markham, 1861., x. 245 Perry's range, Queensland, geological formation of, xii. 142 Persepolis, Persia, Alexander the Great's route to, from Susa, i. 357 in ancient days, Rawlinson on, i. 283 ruins of, i. 292 valley, Persia, ruins and lake in, Lovett on, xvi. 261-2 Persia (see also Azerbijan, India, Mekran, Seistan, etc.) — , Abbott's " Itineraries " in, noticed, i. 164 coal in, geology and fauna of, Blanford on, xvii. 93-4 cotton in, viii. 21 effect of forest clearances iu, x. 269 explorations or travels in, Abbott's, 1850 (Shiraz to Kazeran), i. 321 Baker and Gibb, 1873., xviii. 559 Clark, I860., iv. 187, v. 196, vi. 184, Vii. 132 Khanikoff, iv. 253 Monteith (Bushir to Shiraz), i. 279, 292-3, ii. 332 Napier (Turcoman frontier), 1874., xix. 431, xx. 166 Thomson and Kerr, (Elbruz and Demavend, etc.), 1858., iii. 2, 291 256 PER— PER Persia— continued. explorations or travels in — continued. Watson, (ib.), 1861., vi. 103 famine in, 1872., xvii. 95 frontiers of, i. 352 et seq., 436, vii. 161 xvi. 219, xvii. 18-19, 282-3, xx. 166 gipsies in, i. 41 great plain of, viii. 19 high elevations in, xvii. 94 hot wind off, i. 35 irrigation methods in, xiv. 205 Mts. of, vi. 162-3 ; Khanikoff cited on elevations of, xvii. 193, note natural highway to, i. 306 nomads of, iii. 10 Notes on Ghilan, Abbott, iii. 390 Notes on Mohamrah, etc., Rawlinson, i. 351 Outram's campaign in, 1857., i. 280, 351 Parsees originally natives of, ii. 220 progress of geographical knowledge of, i. 435, ii. 332, iii. 291, iv. 198, v. 196, vi. 162, 184, vii. 157, 161, x. 237, xvi. 338, xvii. 18, 228, 282-5, xviii. 359, xix. 430-2 Route from Shahrud, vid Kothal Vij- manun to Astrabad and Bandar-i-Gez in, Bower, notes by Goldsmid, 1873., xvii. 193 Southern, Geography of, Rawlinson, i. 280 geology and physical features of, xi. 38, surveys, xvi. 328 Persian Gulf, admiralty survey of, iii. 268, v. 173, vi. 133, vii. 139 ancient Erythraean sea, Rawlinson on, i. 281 climate of, in relation to health, i. 362-3 cotton-growing capabilities of, Rawlin son on, viii. 29, 21 depths in, vii. 95 early dwellers along, i. 40 explored by Nearchus, xxi. 185 fire-worshippers of, viii. 80 Geographical capabilities in relation to Trade, Pelly, viii. 18 geological formations along, i. 220 Land-journey along shores of, Bnshire to Lingah, (1865.), Colvill, xi. 36 Overland telegraph route to, v. 220, vii. 94, 163, 166 Palgrave's journey to, 1862-3., viii. 63, 66 pearl-fisheries of, v. 173 railway along, proposed, xvi. 335; impossible, St. John on, xvii. 94, see 284 slave trade vid, vii. 23 in relation to the Suez Canal, iii. 186 Visit to Lingah, Kishm and Bunder AbbaB, 1863., Pelly, viii. 265 Persigny, Count de, French Ambassador, on Bellot's monument, i. 2 Perso-Afghan frontier, 1873., Eawlinson on, xvii. 283 Perso-Kelat frontier, Survey of, Lovett, xvi. 219 Rawlinson on, xvii. 18-19, 282-3 Perth, W. Australia, expeditions to and from, i. 30, 326, 365, 366, iii. 34, 35, vi. 172, x. 42, 59, xiv. 191, 204, xv. 296, xvii. 19 Bishop of, (1859.), iii. 155 on Dempster's expedition and the cold of 1861., vi. 11,12 Peru, i. 252, iv. 206 agriculture of, xviii. 218 boundaries of, iii. 96, by the treaty of San Ildafonso, 1771-76., xv. 379 Chinese labourers in, ii. 216 climate of, i. 60, viii. 59, 62 coal in, xviii. 205 coaBt of, earthquake wave on, xiii. 315 commerce of, xviii. 219 early traditional invaders of, xv. 372 explorations in (see S. America, pro gress of geography in) — Government, xi. 173, xii. 259, xv. 303 Hutchinson's, 1872., xviii. 204 Markham's, 1861., v. 224, vi. 188, vii. 168, 1853., xiii. 310 Nystrom's, 1868., xiii. 310 Raimondy's, 1863., viii. 168, xi. 102, xii. 261 Spruce's, (I860.), iv. 174 Wertherman and Whiteley's, 1876., xxii. 43, 369 gold of, etc., xviii. 218 mail routes to, i. 85 malaria on railway works, its causes iu, xviii. 207 maps of, ix. 247, xiii. 310 mineral wealth of, iii. 95, viii. 60, xviii. 205, 218 products of, viii. 60 progress of geography in, see America South , Northern, Loreto Province in, Raimondy, viii. 58 Races of the Andes of, Markham, xv. 367 railroads in, Hutchinson ou, xviii. 204 planned and in progress, I860., iv. 47, 48 ; in 1868., xii. 128 ; 1874., xviii. 215 rivers of, and their explorers, xi. 173 Aquiry, explored by ChandlesB, 1864-6., xi. 100 Purus river, explored by Chandless, 1864., xi. 103, xi. 100 ; by early Spanish travellers, viii. 101; by Markham, 1853., ix. 245; 1861, v. 224 San Gavan and Ayapata, explored by Raimondy, 1864., xi. 102 Ucayali, Pachitea and Palcazu, ex- PER— PET 257 Peru — continued. rivers of, and their explorers — continued. plored by Wallace and Main, 1865., xi. 178, xii. 259 scanty rains in, viii. 8 shells found in sandy sea-coast layer, viii. 59 Peru, Southern, Notes on Geography of, Bollaert, xii. 126 Railroad and Steamer communication in, Markham, xviii. 212 two civilizations of, their remains, Markham on, xiv. 116 vertical rocks of, xv. 131 Pescadores or Penghu Islands, Chinese Coast, xxi. 258 admiralty survey of, iu. 270, viii. 25 Dutch exchange of, for Formosa, 1622., viii. 26 physical features of, x. 128 Pescnel, Dr., cited on the action of new mountains on river courses, xx. 499 Peschurof, M. A., i.r.n., Description of the Amur river, ii. 153 , , and other Russian explorers, On the Amur river and adjacent districts, iii. 92, iv. 197 Peshan or Blanco Mt., Korea, elevation of, ix. 297 Peshawar, viii. 274, railway projected to, iii. 386, trigonometrical survey near, i. 161, 371 Pesheen Valley, Afghan frontier, Capt. Marsh in, 1872., xxi. 588 Pess Kalaa, Persia, fruit of, iii. 4 Petaton Creek, S. Australia, ii. 19 Petchaburi, see Pecha-buri Petchora river, Ruesia, explored by Russians, i. 432 sidewise movement of, xx. 499 Valley, investigated by Seebohm, xxii. 103 Peterborough and Wisbech, tidal modifi cations at, i. 74 Peter Botte Mt., Queensland, xii. 314 Peter the Great, of Russia, ship-building of, on Lake Ladoga, 1702., xiii. 376 Petermann, Dr. A. (see also German Polar Expedition and Koldewey), Hon. Corresponding Member of R.G.S., 1864., viii. 43 (and see Germany, progress of Geography in) on Arctic discovery, etc. On the Proposed expedition to the N. Pole, ix. 90 second letter, 114, discussion on, ix. 99-103, 116-25 ; cited, xii. 92 et seq. ; referred to, xv. 102, 112, xxi. 538, 552 On the Proposed German Polar Ex pedition, 1868., and on the exist ence of land beyond Herald Island, xii. 107 Petermann, Dr. A. — continued. on Arctic discovery — oontinued. Exploration of the Arctic Regions, xix. 173 on Arctio ice, ix. 115, cited on, i. 26 — the Smith Sound route to the N. Pole, xix. 35 theory of an Arctic Archipelago, xxi. 546 ; borne out by Payer's ex pedition, 1871-2., xix. 32 on Africa On Rohlfs' journey through Morocco and Tuat, 1863-4., ix. 79 Petermann Fiord, Arctic regions, ice-bergs of, xix. 32, source of same, xxi. 280 Land, xix. 32 Petersen, C, Arctio Explorer, iv. 113, Danish Royal Award to, 1869., iv. 200, with Torell, 1861., v. 199 Petewahweh river, N. America, course of, ii. 294 ' Petherick, Consul J., action against Nile slavers, Baker on, vii. 47, Murchison on, viii. 5, 149, 150, Petherick on, viii. 131, 139, Mrs. Petherick on, 147 attitude of, on the award of the Gold Medal of R.G.S. to Sir S. W. Baker, ix. 194 on altitudes taken in the Nile distriot and on the amount of its rise, xi. 245 Journey up White Nile to Equator and Travels in the Interior of Africa, 1857-8., iv. 39, full text, v. 27 in the Bari district of the Bahr al Gazal, I860., Earl de Grey on, iv. 180 on the East African expedition and his wish to help Speke and Grant, iv. 89, 90 expedition, proposed, to help Speke and Grant, I860., iv. 223, v. 20, 108; Murchison on, iv. 251, v. 107 agreement with R.G.S. for same, 1861., v. 40, viii. 124 Government aid promised, 1862., vii. 21 grant for, by R.G.S., iv. 222-3, viii: 124, 127 instructions for, v. 40,96, viii. 124, 125 meeting with Mme. Tinne, 1863., viii. 13; with Speke, Grant, and Baker, 1863., viii. 141 progress of, vi. 18, 79, 176, 185, vii. 20, 47 ; his supposed death, vii. 64, 78, 81, 182 ; report proved untrue, vii. 183, 190 results of the expedition (1862.), viii. 122, Report on same, 126, letter of Mrs. Petherick on (1863.), 4, 145, 251 Speke's letter to, 1862., vii. 235 Statement ot accounts of Expedition, viii. 144 258 PET— PHY Petherick, Consul J. — continued. expedition to help Speke and Grant — continued. subscriptions invited for, v. 21, 107, 210; list of (1861.), v. 41 on the search for Livingstone, 1867., xi. 246 on South African tribes, iv. 89 Schweinfurth's tribute to value of his observations, xvi. 366 note cited on the elevation of Gondokoro, xi. 242 , Mrs., letter on progress of her husband's expedition, viii. 4, 145, 251 Petroa, or Planchon (q.v.), active volcano in the Andes, xvii. 59 Petropaulovsk, Urals, i. 432 Petropavlovski, E. Siberia, English survey of harbour, 1859., iii. 271 evacuation of, by Russian fleet in 1855., xiii. 366 Petty Harbour, Labrador, coast and mirage near, xi. 195 Pewsey Vale, S. Australia, wine of, 1859., v. 243 Pe'yn, province of, C. Asia, Forsyth on, xv. 23 ; see Pein Phalasarna, port, Crete, dried up, ix. 252 Phark£, Tibet, Bhootea inhabitants of, x. 167 Pharos, colonial steamship, lays cable between Victoria and Tasmania, 1870., xiv. 307 Phasis river, Transcaucasia, aspect and , course of, vi. 6 Phayre, Col Sir A., mission of, to Burma, 1855., i. 269, 271; and results, xix. 265 on Chinese opposition to travels between China and Burmah, xv. 362 on communication between India and China, xi. 257 cited on the Karens, vi. 83 Phene', J. H., on ruins in Palestine, and the desert of et Tih, xvii. 332 Phiala Lake, Syria, ii. 225, elevation of, iii. 288 note Phibbs, G., of Gregory's N. Australian expedition, ii. 10, 11, 12, iii. 19 Philigret, Capte., work on Bay of Pelu- sium cited, iii. 198, 205 Philip Broke Cape, Shannon Island, Arctic regions, German Arctic expedition at, 1869., xv. 103 Philip III. of Spain (1601.), and the discovery of Australia, Rawlinson on. xvi. 352 Philippine Islands, Malay Archipelago (q.v.), Chinese emigrants in, i. 337 Crespigny and Wallace's explorations in (I860.), iv. 193 charts of, issued by Spain, i. 351, i. 148 186S., xii. 251 Philippine Islands — continued. Spanish surveys of, 1859., iii. 271 1869., xiii. 280 trade of, with N. Guinea, Wallace on vi. 43 warm current near, viii. 24 Phillimore, Dr. J., obituary notice of 1856., i. 130 , J. G., obituary notice of, 1865 ix. 214 Phillip, Mt., W. Australia, iii. 39 and Creek, Queensland, vi. 68 , Port, and Melbourne (Victoria), growth and development of district, vi. 56, vii. 171, 172, xiv. 322 admiralty surveys of, vii. 142, viii. 192, ix. 222, re-survey, xiii. 281, (1875.), xix. 409; do., near, x. 221, xi. 194, xii. 244, xiii. 281, xiv. 307 geological formation at, iv. 96 Hovell and Hume's (the first) journey to, overland, 1824., i. 85, xviii. 532 ; 1827., xiv. 199 Phillips, G., Notices of Southern Mangi (China), xviii. 168 , Mr., government surveyor, with Landsborough's N. Australian expe dition east of Albert river, 1867., xii. 56, 57 at Norman river settlement, N. Australia, 1868., xiii. 52, good work of, 52, 54 Philpots, E. P., Account of the Land near Cape Horsburgh (Arctic regions) and of the Island discovered there, 1865., xiii. 372 Phiphri, or Banlam, position of, iv. 214 Phoenix, H.M.S., Arctic expedition of, under Inglefield, 1852-4, i. 2, xxi. 64 Phondok-cho, see Rawung Chaka Lake Photography for Travellers, Dr. Pole and Rev. H. B. George, xvi. 47, 51 Photo - zincography applied to map- making, by Sir H. James, I860., iv. 160, xix. 69 various applications of, v. 181 Phungan Pajss, Assam, McCosh on, v. 49 Phu Quoc, or Koh Tron, Islands, Cochin China, coal mines of, vi. 81 Physical Atlas, Johnston's, xv. 248 Physical description of N.S. Wales and Van Diemen's Land, by Strzelecki, its value, xviii. 522 Enquiries, iii. 277 Physical Geography — Dependence of, on geology, Murchison on, xii. 275, xiii. 311, xiv. 327 importance of, in Education, Hale on, xvi. 452 in relation to Military operations, Wilson (address to B. Association, 1874.), xix. 63 lectures on, proposed, and R.G.S. grant PHY— PIN 259 Physical Geography — continued. for, Rawlinson on, 1876., xx. 447, 493, Alcock on, xxi. 23 ; Memorandum re, xx. 509 Strachey on (address to B. Association, 1875.), xx. 79 Physical Geography, summary for 1856., i. 176, 412, 1858., ii. 325; 1859., iii. 277 of the Belize river, 1867., Cockburn, xii. 72, cf. 341 of Carpentaria, Wilson on, ii. 210 of Inner Afrioa, antiquity of, Murchison on, viii. 151, 153, 154 of Ocean Beds (Atlantic), Huxley on, xv. 37 ¦ of Paraguay, Notes on, John stone, xx. 494 of the Sea, Evans (address to B. Association 1876.), xxi. 66-7 et seq. in connection with the Antarctic regions, Maury on, v. 22 Piaggia, C, travels of, in C. Africa (1868.), and news Bent of a large lake, xiii. 8, xv. 310, xxi. 15, 464-5 Piohinoha Mt., Andes, elevation of, xxi. 556 Pi-chi K'ou pass, Yunnan, xx. 203 Piohi-riohi, S. Australia, ii. 16, country near, 17, 18 Pichuta pass, Peru, elevation of, xii. 127 Pictet, Col. E., observations by, on the depths in Lake Geneva, Chaix on, xxii. 456-9 , Prof., xxii. 457 Pien-ho, S.W. China, Roman ' Catholic Priests at, xix. 282 Pien-liang-ohing, or Kai-fung-fu, capital of Honan province, China, xiv. 31 Pietfontein, S. Africa, drying-up of streams at, I860., v. 17 Pigafetta, A., cited on the gigantic Pata- gonians, xv. 49, 51 , F., map of Afrioa by, 1591., Major on, xi. 246 ; its sources, xviii. 147 Pigeon Island, off Trincomalee, Ceylon, wrecks at, ii. 266 . river, B. N. America, cjistrict of, un explored, 1859., iii. 125 waterholes, Queensland, x. 65 Pigmies, Land of, prob. Tierra del Fuego, S. America, xvi. 354 Plh-ho, district city, China, described by Wylie, xiv. 184 river, Hoo-peh province, China, course of, xiv. 184 Pih-muh-ho river, W. China, affluent of the To river, xiv. 169 Plh-shwuy-keang river, W. China, affluent of the Kea-ling river, xiv. 176 Pin-yen river, C. China, source and course of, xiv. 178, 179 Pilameer, Turkey in Asia, concealed road from, xii. 303 Pilar, Paraguay, healthy situation of, xx. 500 Pi-li-ho river, S. Manchuria, gold diggings near, xiii. 31 Pillans, Rev. — , on the mountains of Madagascar, xix. 202 on the progress of education and Chris tianity in Madagascar, xxi. 173 Pim, Capt. B., r.n., discovery of Gorgon bay, Nicaragua, by, vi. 75, 112-113 examination of C. American harbours by, xii. 26 on Collinson's survey across C. America, xii. 44 on De Puydt's journey in the Isthmus of Darien, xii. 71 On the Isthmus of Suez and the Pro posed Canal, 1859., iii. 177, 310, cited, xiv. 94 Plan for further search after the Re mains of the Franklin Expedition, 1856., i. 209, 214 Proposed Transit-route across C. Ame rica, vi. 75, 112 ; referred to, xiii. 62 on the Youkon river (Alaska) and ex plorations in that region, xii. 188 his explorations and career, Murchison on, iii. 197, vi. 76, 188, vii. 189 Pima Indians of Arizona, and distriot of, described, xix. 303 dwelling ou the Gila, described, xiii. 143-4 Pi-ma-kwan or White Horse pass, China, described by Wylie, xiv. 171 Pl-meen-hea, town and valley, China, xiv. 181 Pimo, see Pein Pirn's Bay, C. America, xii. 26 Pina-Pina river, Peru, S. America, xi. 103 Pinda Creek, S. Australia, ii. 20 Pin-dee-sien-e, N. China, opulent city, vi. 221 Pindo, or Pintuc, river, Ecuador, S. America, affluent of Pastassa river, xxi. 557, natives along, 566 Pindur, or Kuphinee, river, Trans-Hima layas, glaciers of, explored by Strachev. 1847., ii. 302, viii. 222 Pine Islands, Queensland, discovered by King, aspect and harbourage of, v. 123 Ping river, Siam, Schomburgk's voyage down, v. 119 P'ing-i-Hsien, city, Yunnan, country near, xx. 200 Pingshan, Yang-tzse river, China, Barton at, 1861., vi. 88, xv. 173 coal near, vi. 95 limit of exploration of Yang-tsze river, latitude of, xi. 262 Sarel and Blakiston's furthest up the Yang-tzse Kiang, 1861., vi. 2, 3, 121, 125, xv. 173 260 PIN— POO Ping-sing- chow, N. China, walled city, fine appearance of, vi. 224 Pinkerton Creek, S. Australia, ii. 18 Pinkue Hill, Zambesi district, i. 248 Pinlang river as a trade-route into Yunnan, v. 50 Pinnacle, the, (hill), W. Australia, x. 49 Pinto, Serpa, expedition of, in Portuguese Africa, 1877., xxii. 15 Pioje Indians of S. America, location of, etc., xxi. 572 Pioneer City, Oregon (1866.), geology of region near, xi. 93 Pioneer, H.M.S., exploration of Booby Islands, Cape York and Endeavour Bay, Torres Strait, by, 1862., viii. Ill, 114,115 " Pioneer Railway " system, as appli cable to Africa, described by Haddan, xxii. 251 Pirajd, conical hill, Paraguay, xx. 495 Pirebebuy river, Paraguay, mountains along, xx. 495 Pir Shereh Kuddam Moortaza Aii Tagh peak, C. Asia, elevation of, xviii. 427 Pirzi Su, affluent of the Muzoor Su and Euphrates, xii. 303 Pisagua, Peru, a nitrate port, the Mal Pasos of, xii. 127 Piscayac Fort, N. America, French post at, vii. 73 Pishin, see Pesheen Pi-shu-shan-chuang palace, near Pekin, xviii. 165 Pit river, California, affluent of Modoc Lake, xix. 299 Pitangui river, Brazil, affluent of the Tibagy river, xx. 457 Pitayo, S. America, cinchona plantations of, ix. 277, 278 Pitcaim's Island, Pacific Ocean, removal of inhabitants to Norfolk Island, 1856., i. 60, 61, 145, 173; previous do., to Tahiti, i. 77 Pitkerando, Russia, geological formation of, and minerals at, xiii. 378-9 Pitt Bay,N. Guinea, described by Moresby, its value to navigators, xix. 230 Pittsburg, U.S.A., at head of Ohio naviga tion, ii. 339 Pitt, Mr., see Connor and Pitt Pi-tsze-Woa, port, Manchuria, latitude of, xiii. 29 Pituk monastery, river at, frozen, 1873., and its hot springs, xvii. 198 Pivaw village, near Bhamo, gorge of the Irawady at, xiv. 350 Placentia, Point, Belize, siliceous sand of, xii. 343 Placerville city, Idaho, geology of dis trict, xi. 93 Places, On Names of, in Geography, Ross- King, xix. 134 Plains of Promise, Queensland, i. 84, 367 formation of, li. 211, and aspect, 379 prospects of, as a sheep-run, vi. 24 river near, x. 64 Stokes' view on, confirmed by Lands borough, vii. 87, 110, 114, 115, 116, 174 Planchon, or Petroa, active volcano, Andes, xvii. 59 pass, elevation of, xvii. 61, 62, and watershed of, xvii. 58 Planispheres, Villa, vi. 249 Plant-Distribution as » Field for Geo graphical Research, Thiselton-Dyer, xxii. 412 Plata, La, or Plate river, S. America admiralty surveys of, i. 146, ii. 268, xvi. 321 Bellot at, i. 1 colonization along, viii. 220 current and silt of, xi. 31 provinces of, Parish's work on, ix. 244 Platen, Cape, Spitzbergen, xvii. 100, 101 Platen, Count, Swedish Ambassador, iv. 169 ; on Livingstone's Zambesi ex plorations, ii. 120 ; practical interest shown by, xvi. 203 Platte river, Nebraska, U.S.A., drainage area of, ii. 338 Playfair, Col., on Rassam's letter from Abyssinia, x. 300 on the Rovuma river, xi. 18 on Von der Decken's African explora tions, x. 98, and on his death, 1866., x. 109, 112 on the wreck of the St. Abbs on the Somali coast, x. 101 travels of, in Tunis, alluded to, xxi. 20 , Mt., Queensland, geological forma tion of, iii. 20 Plaza Guardara, Isthmus of Darien, dis covery of the Pacific by Balboa near, 1513., i. 78 Pleiad, Laird's steamer, exploration in, np the Niger and Chadda rivers, 1854., i. 114, 155, 310, 445, v. 161 Plover, H.M.S-, Arctic voyages of, xxi. 282 Plover Island (s), N. Pacific, not found by Rogers, 1854., i. 16, 152 Plunkett, Capt., on regulations for Even ing Meetings of the R.G.S., xxii. 295 Plymouth, admiralty survey of, i. 138,401, ii. 260 breakwater, iii. 188, cost of, iii. 187, 198, 199, value of, i. 401 dooks, effect on. of use of Storm Signals, (1862.), vi. 143 note Pnong-peng, new capital of Cambodia, de Lagre'e'a journey to, 1875., xix. 278 Po river, Italy, delta of, iii. 203, 310 glaciers of valley of, viii. 226-7 Po-ch'ung hill, China, source of the Hun river, xiv. 179 POC— POL 261 Pocock, E., companion of Stanley, death of, at Cbiwyu, 1875., xx. 136-7 , F., companion of Stanley, xx. 159, xxi. 466 Podyemnoi river, Siberia, source of, xxi. 217 Poey, A., appointed Director of Meteoro- . logical Observatory, Havana, i. 55 , Mt., Borneo, position of, i. 200 Pogge, Dr., expedition of, to Musumbe, C. Africa (1877.), xxi. 203, 472-3, 504, xxii. 18 Poinge village, S.C. Africa, i. 75 rock,' W. Australia, remains of Austin's expedition found at, xiv. 192, 194-5 Polar regions, Northern (see also Arctic and Pole)— basin, (see Sea, open, infra), i. 27, ex ploration of, Osborn on, xvi. 227 ; Remarks on Open Sea in Barrow, i. 27 British exploration of, iv. 252 current, deflection of (1872.), xvii. 15 ; evidences of, xvii. 97, 106, xxi. 280-1 trend of, xvii. 177-8 Expeditions, American, xix. 32 , Austro-Hungarian, under Payer, 1871-2., xix. 17 , Rawlinson on, xvi. 235 : , Swedish, (1860.),iv. 200 ice, Petermann on, ix. 115 , Sea, beyond Smith Sound, xxi. 443 ice of, Nares on, xxi. 96, 99 et seq. Sea, Open, (see Polynia infra), Ander son on, xvii. 133 Belcher on, i. 19, 26 German (alleged) discovery of, xvi 85 views, see Koldewey and Osborn Hamilton on, xiii. 234, 242 Hayes on, iii. 148 Kane's view on, ii. 359, cited, iv. 238-9 Koldewey on, xvi. 229 Lamont on, ix. 154-5 Markham on, xviii. 102-3 Nordenskjold on, xiii. 165 Osborn on, xiii. 242, xvi. 230 Rink on, ii. 195 temperatures in area of, Carpenter on, xii. 98, 176, xviii. 373; Irminger on, v. 232 Washington on, i. 20 Wells' Statement on, (1867.), xii. 103 winter navigation of, Belcher on, iv. 107, xix. 213 Stream, (see current supra), course of, and effects, xvii. 97 Swedish and Austrian efforts to reach, from the Atlantic, Osborn, xvi. 227 Polaris and Arctic, U.S. vessels, (see also Hall, Capt. C. F.), discoveries and voyages of, 1871., Markham on, xviii. 12, 19 ; others on, xxi. 282 Polaris and Arctic, U.S. vessels — cont. expedition, Nares on, xxi. 106, lesson of her drift-course, ib., xxi. 98, 106, 275, 277, 280-1; Tuttle on, xv. 383; Ward on, xv. 382 Polaris Bay, Arctic Regions, xxi. 118, 280 animal and bird life of, xviii. 15, xxi. 276, 277 Hall's explorations from, xxi. 275 latitude of, xviii. 15 Pole, the North (see Arctic, Polar, etc.) — Attempts to reach, vid Spitzbergen, xvii. 97 Climate of, Hickson on, ix. 137, 156 Possible Pass ige to, Hopkins, iv. 100, full text, 234 solar action at, i. 27-8, xvii. 106 Table of Voyages toward, (1865.), Mark ham, ix. 66 the South (see Antarctic) continent at, M'Clintock on the theory of, v. 25 Pollar, Iceland, Rae's observations for Heights at, v. 86 Pollock, F. M. Sir G., obituary notice, 1873., xvii. 245 Polo, Marco, Modern names of Chinese towns visited by, Phillips, xviii. 168 Six Ancient Kingdoms (of) in Java identified from Malay annals, Thom son, xx. 215 travels of, in Asia, referred to, iii. 297 xi. 7, xiii. 17, xvi. 242, 290, xxii. 290 • in China, Alcock on, xviii. 167; Bushell on, xviii. 149, 151, 154; Murchison on, x. 227, xv. 270 ; Yule on, and cited on, x. 227, 270, xv. 270, xxi. 27-45 ; (in Yunnan), xx. 215 ; Strachey on, xxi. 186 and of other early travellers in C. Asia, xv. 199 cited on Ach-baluch, xiv. 171 ; on Char- chan, xv. 23 ; on Ching-tu, xiv. 169 Polo rivulet, Cape York, Australia, ix. 78 Poison, G., of Chapman's S. African expedition, v. 16, 17 Polu route to Ilchi, C. Asia, xi. 9 Polynesia, distinct from the Malay archi pelago, vii. 206 German writers on, 1862-3., vii. 150 note natives of, characteristics of, vi. 99, 100 progress of geographical knowledge concerning, vii. 182 resemblance of emigrants from, to natives of N. Guinea, xx. 336 Polynia (see also Polar sea, open)— meaning of the term, xii. 108, xix. 473, xxi. 282 Osborn on, i. 109 Petermann's, not the open sea of Belcher, i. 26 Richards on, xix 217 262 POM— POR Pombeiros, the, African travellers, route of, in 1806., i. 92, xx. 130, 131 Pomi, independent province, Tibet, xiii. 394 Pompelly, Mr., aid given by, to Palliser, ii. 38, 39 Pomony Bay, Johanna Islands, E. Africa, Livingstone at, I860., vi. 20 Pomoro, Nyasaland, i. 76 Pompon g river, Akem, W. Africa, xx. 476 Poncet, A. and J., explorations of, in C. Africa, 1868., vi. 19, vii. 184, (and previous), xiii. 8 ; Petherick at their Station, 1862., vii. 78. viii. 138 Pond Bay, or Inlet, Arctic regions, Esquimaux of, report on Franklin's expedition, 1849., i. 22 McClintock at, 1857., iii. 325, iv. 2 Pong, ancient Shan Kingdom of, xx. 235 , W. Africa, Volta river at, vi. 50 PongaB, Rio, W. Africa, Fulbes of, xxi: 494 Report on, Ruxton, x. 67 Pongo Andongo, W. Africa, Portuguese settlement, i. 56 de Manseriche, canon of the MaraSon at, Peru, viii. 59 Pongolo river, S. Africa, xiii. 337 Ponhina, town, S. C. Africa, i. 75 Ponlyne, or Ponline, Kachyen Hills, elevation of, xv. 353 Sladen's visit, 1868 , xv. 351 Margary's visit, 1875., xx. 213 Ponsee, Kachyen district, Sladen's de tention at, 1868., xv. 354, 355, xix. 270 Pontchartrain Lake, U.S.A., canal from, i. 91 Pontianak, or Kapuas, river, Borneo, i. 198, 200-1 Poo-e-sbai city, China, and its academy, vi. 228 Poole, Henry, exploration of the shores of the Dead Sea, 1855., i. 221, viii. 279 Poo-ne-shui, S. China, vi. 231 Poonah, India, as a capital oity, xi. 70, 72, 77 Poopo, Lake, South America, unknown region near, xxii. 4 Poor, H. V., Notes on a Map of the United States and adjacent countries, ii. 336 Pooree, Port, Bay of Bengal, seaport of Cuttack, safety of, ix. 84 Poor-i-Soont, Baluchistan, near the pil grims' path, vii. 117 Popayan, Columbia, S. America, cinchona of, ix. 277 Popocatepetl, Mt., Mexico, height of, ii. 285 Porco, Isle del, W. Africa, i. 43 rio do, Madeira, fall of, ii. 369 Porcupine, H.M.S., scientific expedition of, 1869-70, see Gibraltar Current, etc., and Carpenter, passim. Porcupine river, Russian America, xii. 186 Pori M'arenga M'Kali, or Bitter-water Plain, E. Africa, xxii. 384 Porter, Rev. J. L., Memoir on Map of Damascus, the Hauran and the Moun tains of Lebanon, 1855., i. 7, 162, Beke on, vi. 195-6, Graham on, ii. 173, 175 Portland, England, cost of breakwater, iii. 198, 199, 202 , Iceland, and the Atlantic Cable, iv. 101, 103, ice near, v. 63 , Maine, U.S.A., communication with B. Columbia vid, vi. 108, 233, 234 , Oregon, U.S.A., population of, in 1866., xi. 85. ¦ Cape, Van Diemen's Land, xviii. 520 Inlet, B. Columbia, re-survey of a boundary line in, xiii. 281 Portland Bay, Victoria, admiralty surveys at and near, xiv. 307, xviii. 539 Portlock, Gen. J. E., V.P., vi. 101 on Demavend, vi. 501 on the engineering mile, iv. 50 on Typical Mountain Ranges, iv. 99 retirement from office of Vice-President of R.G.S., vii. 201 obituary notice of, 1864, viii. 176 Portlock Reef, Torres Straits, i. 80, xxii. 220 Porto Farina, Tunis, described, vi. 210 Novo or Nuovo, W. Africa, expe dition to,1862., vii. 105, marshes and lagoons near, xxi. 481 Porto (or Porta), A. F. da Silva, journey across Africa, 1854., i. 75, Macqueen on, iii. 362, iv. 27, 181 at Nhanja, the Nyanza of Livingstone, 1854., iv. 27 settlement of, xx. 322 slaves and wax-trade of, xx. 320 Port Said, admiralty survey of, xvi. 317, xxi. 433 country near, xiv. 75 harbour needed at (1858.), iii. 188, de fects in, xiv. 264 Portsmouth Harbour, v. 166, vi. 131, vii. 138, admiralty survey of, x. 217, xi. 191, xii. 240, (and Spithead) xiii. 274, xiv. 304, xv. 263, xvi. 317, xvii. 254, xviii. 536, xix. 406 Portugal, the Portuguese — causes of decline in African colonies of, iv. 28 claims of, to Bissagos Islands, i. 42; to gold region, Matabeleland, xv. 155 custom-houses established by, in E. Africa, 1855., iii. 105 friendliness to Livingstone, i. 6, 236, 237, ii. 119, xvii. 13 Geographical Society established in, sent expeditions to Africa, xxii. 15, 24 Government expeditions to Africa, xxi. 474 POR— PRI 263 Portugal, the Portuguese — continued. King of, and the Livingstone Zambesi expedition, 1857., ii. 120 and the slave-trade, ii. 101 Portuguese discovery of Australia, i. 483, ix. 225, xvi. 352 ; of the Cape route to India, 1497., xxi. 186 early expeditions to Abyssinia, Mark ham, xii. 11 explorations of, in Africa, (see Lacerda, Porto, etc.), iv. 181, xxi. 474 Lavradio on, i. 237-9 Macqueen on, iii. 362 by sea, early, xxi. 186 expulsion of, from Japan, vii. 167 failure of, as colonists, xxii. 122 territory in E. Africa, i. 6, condition of, 1871., xvi. 99 in S.W. Africa, i. 56 in W. Africa, see Loanda, etc. Travellers in Africa, Cooley on, i. 6, 92 , and others, in Inner Africa, Cooley, viii. 255 Posgam, E. Turkestan, described by Hay ward, xiv. 61, elevation of, 62 Posia, Formosa, Bullock on, xxi. 268 plain of, Christian natives of, and elevation, xxii. 57, latitude of, 61, manufactures of, 58 valley of, described by Allen, xxi. 262, 263 Possession Bay, N. Guinea, b§che dc mer trade at, xxi. 360 or Erima Cape, N. Guinea, natives of, xviii. 24, xix. 235, xx. 348 products of, xx. 267 Island, Antarctic regions, Ross's landing on, xiii. 117 Possiett, Passiett, or Novogorodski, Bay, Manchuria, exploration of, " vi. 160, fishery at, x. 233, Notes on, Lloyd, xi. 53, Russian settlement at, xiii. 365, secure harbour of, xi. 253 Poston, Hon. C. D., Notes on Arizona, xix. 302 Potanin, — , exploration of, at Kobdo, C. Asia, in 1877 and after, Morgan on, xxii. 51, 52 Potaro river, B. Guiana, waterfalls of, described by Brown, 122, 304 Potchefstroom, county and town, Trans vaal, S. Africa, Erskine at, xiii. 320, Barnes at, 1871., xv. 155, Fynney on, xxii. 118 Potgieter's Rest, Tranvaal, natives of, starved to death in caves (1854.), xxii. 119 Potomac canal, U.S.A., i. 90 Pottinger, Capt. H., journey of, in Belu- chistan (1810.), vii. 161, xvi. 219, travels of, in Persia, with Christie, vii. 158 Pound ranges, S. Australia, geological formation of, ii. 18, 19 Poung - Loung Mts., Burmese border, O'Reilly's journey across, 1862., and elevation of, vi. 83 Power, John, i. 167, ii. 296, obituary notice of, 1872., xvi. 314 Powhanri Mt., Himalayas, i. 350 Powting-Foo, N. China, town, aspect of, xi. 260 Poyang Lake, China, i. 336, 337, iii. 163-4 hills or mountains near, xii. 52 visited by Lord Amherpt, 1815., iii. 167 Prah river, Ashanti-land, W. Africa, xviii. 191, 287 Prairie le Chien, B. N. America, railway terminus at, ii. 150 Portage Lake, B. N. America, its two outlets, viii. 51 Prance, R. H., on Arctic Exploration, xviii. 20, suggests Australasian Federa tion, 1873., xviii. 48 Pra.tas, coral lagoon, i. 144, China Sea, lighthouse at, ii. 267 Pratt, Archdeacon, pendulum observations of, in India, xv. 85 note, xxii. 76 , Rev., missionary to the Red Indians, valuable work of, ii. 148 Prejevalsky, or Prjivalsky, Col., travels of— to Lob Nor and Tibet, Morgan on, xxii. 51 in Mongolia, 1871., xvii. 291-2; and N. Tibet, 1870-3., Elias, xviii. 76 ; letters on same, 1873., xviii. 78, 84; 1874.,' Frere on, xviii. 559 ; 1876., Rawlinson on, xx. 427 ; 1876-7., Alcock on, xxi. 21, 44, 328, 349, 451, xxii. 343 ; in N. Tibet, publication of narrative, 1875., xix. 424, Morgan's translation, xx.343 cited on the sands of the Gobi desert, xxi. 29 Preparis Islands, Bay of Bengal, i. 162 current near, vi. 115 Prescott, town, Arizona, population of, in 1875., xix. 307 Prestoe, H., On the Discovery of a Boiling Lake in Dominica (W. Indies), (1876.), xx. 230 Pretoria, county, S. Africa, xxii. 120 , town, capital of the Transvaal, posi tion and mineral wealth of, xxii. 120 projectedi telegraph from, northwards, xxii. 474 Prevost, Capt., exploration of, in C. America, 1853., i. 88, 484, v. 159 Island, Queen Charlotte group, Melanesia, xiii. 382 Mt., N. Guinea, xix. 231 Price, R. R., New route and method of travelling into C. Africa, 1876., Al cock on, xxi. 22, 203, Mullens on, xxi. 233, himself on, 247, used by the L.M.S., xxii. 17, 20, freedom of, from tsetse fly, xxi. 22, 61 264 PRI— PUG Price, R. R. — continued. ' possible safety of Livingstone, letter cited on, xii. 23 Prideaux, Capt., xxii. 397, Despatch on death of Livingtone, 1874., xviii. 181 one of the prisoners in Abyssinia, 1864 , xiii. 47, 51 Primrose Spring, S. C. Australia, v. 104 Prince Charles Island, Spitzbergen, Soundings near, ix. 169 Christian Sound, Greenland, v. 95 Consort, see Consort, The Prince Frederick Island, N. Guinea, dis covered by the Dutch, iii. 360 Patrick Island or Land, Arctic Regions, ice on shores of, xvii. 174, xxi. 99, 545 semi-fossilized wood of, xvi. 238 Regent Inlet, Arctic America, i. 25, 95, 213, v. 199, xviii. 16 animal life of, i. 53 ice-bound in August, 1875., xiii. 372 Robs' exploration of, i. 212 tide, rapid, in, xxi. 281 vessels, probably Franklin's, seen in, i. 22 whale-fishery, discovered by Parry, xviii. 19 river, N.W. Australia, geological formation of district, i. 502 navigability of, ii. 211 Prince of Wales, see Wales, H.R.H. the Prince of — Channel, Torres Straits, i. 79, 80 Island, Torres Straits, out line determined by Young, 1859-60., iv. 113 Station of London Missionary Society at, xx. 105 Land, Arctic Regions, i. 95, 108 Prince's Island, W. Africa, Portuguese line running to, iv. 67 visited by Burton, 1862., vi. 238 ; by Reade, 1862., vii. 106 Princess Charlotte's Bay, Cape York, Queensland, xviii. 97, 572 geological formation at and near, xviii. 106 Marie Range, W. Australia, named by Giles, xix. 54 Marianne Strait, N. Guinea, de scribed, ii. 182-3 Royal Harbour, W. Australia, admi ralty survey, ii. 268, xxii. 336 of Wales Strait, Arctic regions, tide in, xvii. 177 Principe, Fort, Isthmus of Darien, i. 484-5 Prinsep, Mr., on the Himalayas, i. 350 ; on overland telegraph to India, v. 223 Priscilla Springs, S. Australia, xv. 99 Pritchard,Rev.G.,ontheFijiIslands,vi.98 Pritchett,G. J., explorations of, in Ecuador, 1856-7., iii. 93, iv. 174 Prize Medals awarded to Public School boys for Geographical Knowledge, xii. 203, xiii. 254, xiv. 276, 285, xv; 234, xvi. 276, xvii. 232, xviii. 480-491, xix. 348, 363, xx. 372, xxi. 362, 365, 401, xxii. 296, 300 Prjevalsky, see Prejevalsky Probable Island, N. Australia, Bays near, xii. 201 Projection of the Spheres, On a New, Herschel, iii. 174 Prome, Burma, Correction of latitude at, i. 270 Prosperous Bay, St. Helena, iii. 364 Protok River, Russia, delta of, i. 306 Prout, Rev. T. J., Ascent of Um Shaumur, Sinaitic Peninsula, 1862., vi. 235 Proven, Greenland, ix. 181 Providence Hill, or Mt., N.W. Australia, i. 33, 184, 225 Islands, The Two, Micronesia, Sains- bury on, xxi. 148 Prudhoe Island, Queensland, vi. 117 Prunes, Isle of, Madagascar, associations of, with former rulers, xiv. 368 Psalmanazar, George, his forgery of For- mosan language, etc., viii. 24, xvii. 156 Psiloriti, modern name for Mt. Ida, Crete, elevation of, iv. 149 Psue-see-que Creek, Oregon, Canon of, xiii. 149 Ptolemy on C. Asia, Yule on, xxi. 136, Rawlinson and others on, 137 cited on the Mountains of the Moon, xvi. 440 ; on the Nile sources, vii. 110 his knowledge of C. Africa, Living stone on, xviii. 256 his Lake Reservoir of the Nile, see Burton on Lake Tanganyika his Rhaptus, probably the Rovuma, xiv. 8 Roscher's researches concerning, ii. 284 Pu-an Chou, city, Yunnan, long but easy pass near, xx. 199 Public House water holes, Queensland, x. 64 Publications, geographical, annual sum maries of, i. 174, ii. 273, iii. 283, iv. 203, v. 188, vi. 139 el seq., vii. 147, viii. 196, ix. 251, x. 225, xi. 196, xii. 245, xiii. 283, xiv. 309, xv. 270, xvi. 325, xvii. 260, xviii. 549, xix. 424-5, 450, xx. 426, xxi. 450-1, 471, xxii. 341, 343, 345 Puckford, Mt., W. Australia, iii. 38, 39 Puedais, highest peak of Pae Khoe Mts., Russia, i. 432 Puerto General Prada, Peru, point of departure for Europe, position of, xii. 260 Puget Sound, B. N. America, i. 165, routes to, i. 263-4 PUK— PUR 265 Pukaki Lake, N. Zealand, milk-white waters of, vi. 72 sources of, found by Haast, 1862., viii. 214 Pul-i-sangin, C. Asia, gorge on the Wakhsh river, xx. 17 Pullen, Capt., of H.M.S. Cyclops, explora tion of Murray river, N. S. Wales, by, health of his party, iv. 95 soundings of, near the Curia Muria Islands, iv. 50 Pulney Hills, Madras, water supply of, x. 266, xi. 61, cinchona plantations established on, by Markham, x. 245 Pulo, or Fulah, region, W. Africa, xxi. 493 Pulo Ai or Pulo Weh, (Wey Island), E. I. Archipelago, described by Cameron, ix. 30, 31 elevation and geological formation of, and spice, xii. 325, 328 - — ¦ Babi, Arru Group, ii. 164 Borong, E. I. Archipelago, ii. 15 Kambing, Timor, mud voloanoes of, iii. 369 Kapal, Banda group, xii. 324 Krakka, or Women's Island, Banda group, xii. 325 Pisang, Banda Group, xii. 324 Run or Rung, Banda Group, xii. 225, 328 Samauw, Timor, mineral springs of, iii. 369 • Swangi, Banda Group, xii. 325 Pulperia river, affluent of the Apurimac, Peru, explored by Raimondy, (1868.), xii. 261 Pulungu Island, Lake Tanganyika, rocks of, described by Cameron, xix. 253 Piilvek,. village, Persia, affluent received by Yalii river at, iii. 9 Pumgal, C. Asia, glaciers near, i. 275, river flowing near, 276 Puna, Peru, railway to, from Arequipa, difficulties of construction of, xviii. 213 Puna Titn, village, Garo Hills, Assam, dried fish market at, xvii. 36, 37 Punch Bowl hill, Oahu Island, Sandwich group, an extinct volcano, xii. 309 Pundinu river, S. America, tributary of the Curarai river, xxi. 568 Pundit Munphool Meer, Moonshee, travels of, in Turkestan, xiii. 18; residence in Badakshan, xvii. 112 Nain Singh, awarded gold watch by R.G.S., 1868., xii. 268, gold medal, 1877., xxi. 397, President's speech, 399, Yule's reply, 400 journeys of, and of other Pundits, route surveys of, Nepal to Lhasa and up Brahmaputra river to its source, 1865-7, Montgomerie, xii. 146 ; 266-8 journey in Tibet 1S67 et seq., xvi. 86; Pundit Nain Singh — continued. Montgomerie on, xiii. 183-4 et siq., xiv. 207; in 1872., Trotter cited on, xx. 422-3 Journey in Tibet (Leh to Lhassa) and back to India vid AsBam, 1873-5, Trotter, xxi. 325, further summary, Alcock, 457 referred to, xix. 338 • , unnamed, and Mr. Forsyth, xv. 23 Pung-a-na, village, Formosa, limit of navigation of Tamsui river at, xiv. 81 Pun-hi-ha, Manchuria, coal of district near, xiii. 30 Punga, see Oxus, Upper Pungund river, India, navigation on, iii. 386 Punjab — climate of, Harcourt on, xv. 337 English frontier beyond, viii. 271 Jat population of, i. 40 note Kashmir really a part of, Vigne on, iv. 32 Lower, absence of rainy season in, xi. 64 surveys of, see India railways in, iii. 386 rivers of, survey of, v. 174 tree preservation in, in relation to rain fall, x. 268 Punmah, glacier of, Mustagh range, Trans-Indus, viii. 35 Punnaa, S. India, starting-point of survey, i. 370 Punta da Lenha, Congo river, depth of water at, in dry season, iv. 67 Punta Gorda, Belize, described by Cock burn, xii. 341 Puntledge Lake, Vancouver Island, ex plored by Brown, 1864., ix. 308 river, affluent of the Courtenay river, coal on, ix. 307 Pfi-p'eng, or Lien-peng, S. China, road from, described by Margary, xx. 205 Purace, volcano, Colombia, S. America, ix. 278 Purcell, Dr., on Searoh for Livingstone, (1872.), xvi. 149, 166 Mr., member of Burke and Wills' Victorian Camel expedition, I860., death of, vii. 35, 39 Purdon, W. H., on the Trigonometrical Survey and Physical Configuration of the Valley of Kashmir, 1859., iv. 31 Purgstall, Baron von Hammer-, obituary notice of, 1857., i. 395 Purk, Kurdistan, on the site of Nicopolis, xi. 98 Purrh, China, tea of, v. 46 Purun Kiang Peak, Shendo distriot, India, elevation of, xvii. 51 Purus river, S. America — explorations of, Chandless, 1864., x. 103. xi. 100 266 PUR— QUE Purus river, S. America — continued. explorations — continued. ofitsaffluentthe Aquiry, 1865-6, \ i.100 early Spanish, viii. 61 Markham's, 1853., ix. 245, I860., of affluents of, vii. 268 ; to sources of, 1861., v. 224, vi. 188 Murchison's summary of, 1866., x. 252 geological formation of banks, xi. 101 rubber-trees of, xi. 110 Pusey, P., obituary notice of, 1856., i. 130 Pushia, E. Turkestan, reached by the Schlagintweits, (1856.), xi. 7 Pu-shih, S.W. China, timber trade of, ruined by rebel raiders, xx. 191 Pusini, Baluchistan, route between, and Gwadur, vii. 92, 117 Pusupuc&ne pass, Peru, elevation of, xii. 127 Put plains, Sindh, xiv. 121, xxi. 588 Putala-ssu, Lama temple of, at Jehol, N. China, xviii. 164-5 Putatan river, Borneo, source of, xvi. 172 Putiatin, Count, Russian envoy to China, 1858., iii. 66 ; American survey of bar of Peiho river possessed by, 68 Putomayo or lea river, S. America, xx. 435 Ascent of, with a view to steam naviga tion of, Simson, (1876.), xxi. 569; Markham on, xxii. 44-5 Steam communication opened on, 1876., Nash on, xxi. 595 varying depths in, xxi. 575 Putrid Sea, arm of the Sea of Azov, S. Russia, Geography and commercial future of, Osborn, i. 305, 404 Puyal pass, Ecuador, S. America, eleva tion and direction of, xxi. 558 Puydt, L. de, see De Puydt Pyramid, the Great, Piazzi Smith cited on, xi. 223-4 Pyramus river, Turkey in Asia, silt of, iii. 208 Pyrenees Mountains, highest peak in, i. 425 Pyxartes valley, Turkey in Asia, traces of glacial period in, xvi. 223 Q- Qua country, river and rapids, Walker's visit, 1875., xx. 224, 225, 227 ¦ river, source of, and tribes along, xvi. 136 Quaebo river, W. Africa, mouth of, charted by Downer, xviii. 540 Quai chow, Yang-tse river at and above, vi. 2, 87, poppy crop at, vi. 3 Quail Island, N. Australia, well on, ii. 4 Qualvig, Faeroe Is., elevation of, v. 80 Bay, anchorage at, v. 81 Quamadoa (Carmanah) Vancouver Id., ix. 307 Quam-yin, tide of Peiho river at, iii. 79 Quando country, Albert Nyanza, natives of, xxi. 53 Quanga, Kong dist., W. Africa, visited by Liberians, I860., iv. 184, 185 Quango or Quanga river, W. Africa, i. 6, xix. 91 cotton -growing along, iv. 70 its junction with the Zaire river con firmed by Reade' s explorations, vii. 106 Livingstone on, 1856., i. 92, 159, 311, 315 Quanbama or Aimbiri province, Africa, minerals of, ii. 354, tribe and river of, i. 245 Quantung and other provinces S. and S.W. China, goods from, costly at Tientsin, 1858., iii. 75 Q'Appelle or Qui Appelle lakes, Hector's journey to, ii. 147 river, ii. 1 49, 292 ; and valley, iii. 172, iv. 231, geology of, iv. 172 ; lake in, with two outlets, viii. 51 Quarry Bay, Curlew I., Bay of Bengal, described, vi. 208, average of disease at, 209 Quartz Peak, N. Australia, xi. 151, 152 Quaschim river, Abyssinia, xiii. 43 Qua shi hien city, N.E. China, bridges at, vi. 221 Quathlamba Mts., Natal, Sutherland's expedition in, 1856., i. 83 Quebec, Canada, siege of, 1763!, vii. 74 Quebrada, thej of Peru, location of, xii. 127 Quedah, Malacca, taken, 1839., xix. 371 Queen or Queen's Channel, Arctic regions, i. 104, search for Franklin in, 105-9, xix. 36 Charlotte Islands, Brit. Columbia, viii. 87, xix. 514, Climate, etc., xiii. 386, coal in, x. 219, ethnology of, xiii. 386, geology, mines, etc., xiii. 383, 385, natives of, i. 266, physical geography of, etc., xiii. 381, suitability for settlement, xiii. 392, topography, xiii. 382, Torrens' visit to, 1859., iv. 226, vegetation, soil, etc., xiii. 391, zoology and fisheries, xiii. 392 Sound, N. Zealand, visited by Capt. Cook, ii. 268 Strait, Australia, explored by Wick- ham and Stokes, i. 366 Queen's Channel, N. Australia, vii. 170, viii. 211, suitable for colonization, vii. 171, x. 251 Harbour, Arctic regions, discovered, 1865., xiii. 373 Lake, Madgascar, position of, xix. 185 Queensland, (see also Cape York, Coral Sea, Gulf of Carpentaria, Moreton Bay, N.E. Australia, etc.) — ftUE-QUE 267 Queensland — continued. aborigines of, vii. 40, 41, x. 63, xviii. 89, 90 ; alleged murder of Leich hardt by, x. 59,60. of Cape York district, x. 86 ; numbers, habits, belief, race, and division of seasons of, xii. 313, 315 collisions of, with Europeans, ferocity and hostility of, iii. 21, 23, 24, 79, v. 5, vi. 119, vii. 4, 40, 41, 83, xviii. 100 of Cooper's Creek, friendly to Howitt, 1862., vi. 194, vii. 7, kindness of, to King, Victorian Camel Expedition, vii. 36 of Cornish Creek, fisheries of, a. 64 of desert region, x. 62-3 of Endeavour river, xi. 150, shyness of, xviii. 101 food, weapons, and customs of, iii. 23, 24, 40, 43, 44, ix. 302 of Gilbert river, wells and fisheries of variable attitude to travellers, xiii. 54 of Kendall creek, xviii. 96 of Kennedy river, xviii. 99, 100 near Kirchner range, xviii. 88 of the Lake region, viii. 112 of Leichhardt river, alleged white people among, boldness of, xi. 43 method of hut-building of, iii. 88 near Mitchell river, xviii. 92, 94 of Norman river, hostility of, xviii. 100 of N. Queensland, x. 60, xii. 312, kindness of, to white sailors found among, x. 63, weapons of, vii. 41, 83 of Palmer river, xviii. 95 in Police, vi. 13 of tropical Queensland, cannibals among, xi. 44 on the Trucur and Waite, xv. 96, cannibals, 98 admiralty surveys of (and of the Barrier reef and Torres straits), iii. 267, 271, v. 175, vi. 135, 136, viii. 192, ix. 223, x. 220, xi. 150, 195, xii. 245, 322, xiii. 282, xiv. 308, xv. 267, 320, xvii. 256, xviii. 539, xix. 315, 409, xx. 40, 408, xxi. 436, xxii. 336 Auriferous and other Metalliferous Districts of Northern, Clarke, xii. 138 botany of, iii. 34 et passim, x. 33, 62-3 boundaries of, Southern and Western, good land on and near, iv. 85, vii. 4 Cape York Peninsula, Rattrey, xii. 313 Description of the District of Cape York, 1866., Jardine, x. 85, cf. 248 Discovery of a New Harbour in (Port Denison) by Sinclair, 1859., (com municated by Bowen) iv. 79 cattle importation by land, restrictions on, in, ix. 301, numbers of, in 1861., x. 326 Queensland— eon tinned. climate of, vii. 115, xii. 317 coal in, xii. 138, 141 coast of, Mountains along, iv. 82, xii. 139, route over, to Valley of Lagoons, x. 33 navigation of, (see Barrier Reef and Torres Straits), ix. 234, xix. 228 slow rise of, (1862.), Kent on, vii. 42 tides on, Jukes on, iv. 80 cotton and possibility of cotton culture in, v. 121, 125, 126, 127, vi. 24, vii. 13, 42, 115, 116, 172, position of the industry in I860., xvi. 391 expansion of, and new settlements of, v. 6, 7, 122, 207, vi. 13, 70, 167, 171, vii. 6, 13, 173, ix. 23, x. 246, 325 new settlement of Port Denison, dis covered, iv. 79, 119, Dalrymple on, vi. 13 ; desired, at head of Carpentaria, vii. 14, 172, effected, at Cape York, Bowen on, vii. 114, 118; at Somerset, 1862., viii. 114, ix. 76 settlement company formed (about 1863.), viii. 211 Cardwell settlement, ix. 76, Dal rymple on, x. 33-4 Burketown founded, Bowen on, x. 61 Carnarvon founded, 1867., xi. 227 eastern labour in and for, vi. 24, vii. 13, 87, 90, 115, ix. 23 expeditions and explorations, (see those across the Continent under Aus tralia, General), Cadell's, 1867., xii. 201, 261-2 Cornish's (1861.) (towards the in- interior), vi. 67-8 Cunningham's, xiv. 199 Dalrymple's, I860., v. 4, vi. 118-9, vii. 2, 1 10, 247-8, x. 33, 247, early, ix. 226 Gregory's (A.C.), in search of Leich hardt, (1858.), iii. 18, v. 14; others, vii. 9, 14, 16, 37, 87, 177 Hann's (N.W. region), 1873., xviii. 87, 572 Hely's, 1851., x. 59 Jardine's (overland from Port Den ison to Cape York), 1864-5., x. 5, 32, 33, 247 to Endeavour river, 1865., xi. 149 to Annan aud Esk rivers, 1865., xi. 151 joint expedition from Queensland aud other colonies in search of Leich hardt, 1865., x. 58-9,252 Kennedy's, v. 2 Landsborough's, 1862, vi. 174, vii. 5, 6, 8, 38, (search for Burke and Wills), vii. 40 ; in interior, vii. 83, 85, 86, 89, 111, 120-1, 169, 173. viii. 212; (Rockhampton to Port 268 QUE— QUI Qu jensland — continued. expeditions and explorations — cont. Denison), 1864., x. 62, xi. 227, to mouth of Flinders river, 1867., xii. 56, 140, 295, near Norman river settlement, 1868,, xiii. 52 Leichhartd's of 1846., vii. 15, 169, of 1844, 1848., etc., ix. 229, x. 59, 85, 1843., et seq. xiv. 200, expedi tions in search of, see Gregory and others MacDonald's, 1864., x. 247 Mclntyre's (1865.), ix. 301, x. 59, 60, 61, 85, xi. 42, 44, 46, 226 McKinlay's, vii. 6, 120, 122, 175, 176 Robinson's (survey inside the Barrier reef), viii. 115, 117-86, 121, 211 Scott's, 1890. (Port Denison to Rock ingham Bay), viii. 110-13, 118, 121 Sinclair's, 1859., (discovering Port Denison) 1859., iv. 79 Smith's (with Dalrymple) I860., v. 5, 121-3 Stokes', 1842., xiii. 33 Strzelecki's, 1839., et seq., iii. 222, ix. 228-9, xviii. 520 Walker's, (1862), vi. 174, vii. 4, 6, 36, 120, 122, 169 extension of Telegraph Hue in, Bowen on, x. 61, 1867., Cracknell on, xii. 54 fertility of Southern, viii. 118 first so called, (1859.), iii. 333 geological formation of, distinctness of, xii. 139, 142 of Northern, a. 248 gold in and traces of, v. 106, vii. 89, 114, xvii. 278, xviii. 934, xix. 488 auriferous and other metalliferous districts of, Clarke, xii. 138; xix. 488 gold fields in, 1864., Bowen, viii. 156 good lands in, iv. 85, vii. 4 Government subsidy to expedition in search of Leichhardt, 1865., x. 67, 252 hilly ground in, and tableland, vii. 88 letter on, Hood, 1861., vi. 24; ditto, Nicholson, 1861., vi. 117 Lower course of the Burdekin river, Dalrymple, vii. 2 Mountains of, (see coast supra), ix. 302, 303, trend of, x. 5, and extent, Nicholson, Murchison, and Rattrey on, xii. 3 14 North, grazing lands in, x. 62 North-Eastern, necessity for colonizing, v. 106 pastoral area of, v. 56 progress of, Bowen on and Gregory on, v. 121-2, Lamb on, x. 325-6, Murchison on (1865.), x. 51, 1870., xiv. 422 .Notes on Carpentaria District, Lamb, 1866., x. 325 Queensland — continued. progress of geographical knowledge of, iii. 33, iv. 195, v. 207, vi. 173-4, vii. 171, viii. 211, ix. 232, x. 246, xi. 227, xii. 261, xiv. 322, xviii 572 Queensland Almanac, 1863., notices of, vii. 110, 172 rainy season of and migratory settle ments suggested, vii. 5 Report on the foundation of Somerset and completion of, Bowen, viii. 114 river districts suited for cotton culture, etc., v. 121 shipwrecked sailors found with abo rigines of, 1863., x. 60, 63 steam communication with Europe desired, vi. 119 stock route from to the North sought by the Jardines, 1864-5.,- x. 32 tropical, in, relation to colonization, Nicholson, x. 51-2 , meteorological conditions in, vii. 89 use of the great Barrier reef of, viii. 117 wool of, v. 122, various views on the industry, v. '125, 126, 127, vi. 24, vii. 177, ix. 303, x. 88-9 Queenstown, N.Z., ix. 33 S. Africa, notes on and plan of, Capt. W. T. Baker, ii. 371 Queeny river, Nile Region, course of, viii. 140 Quei Chow province, S.W. China, Miaoutze inhabitants of, xv. 362-3 Quelebia, town, S. C. Africa, i. 75 Quei-lin, S. China, turbulence of in habitants, xii. 52 Quellengues, Portuguese port, W. Africa, vii. 106 Quelpart Island, Macdougall on, ix. 299 admiralty surveys of, and Port Hamil ton (1859.), iii. 270 Quesnelle Lake, B. Columbia, gold at, vi. 109 river, B. Columbia, "benches" of, xv. 134 confused mass of hills near, viii. 88 explorations of Waddington near mouth of, xii. 121 Quetta, or Shawl, visited by Marsh, xxi. 588 Quiballa, N. Africa, swamp near, xix. 80 river, xix. 81 Quibdo, S. America, steamers at, i. 460 Quicusse, town, S. C. Africa, i. 75 Quiet Bay, Yellow river, China, good harbour of, xiii. 26 note Quilimane, E. Africa, i. 7, 159, iii. 101, 102 Livingstone expected at, i. 57, Living- Btone at, 159, 233, 268 Portuguese governor's protest against gold-mining in Matabeleland, xv. 155 region of, dialects in, viii. 107 QUI— RAK 269 Quilimane, E. Africa — continued. slave trade at and near, iv. 21, vi. 29 trade in, iv. 26 ; Portuguese obstruction to, 89 to Tete by river, time occupied, i. 58, iv. 23 Zambesi river at, ii. 363, bar of, iv. 25 Quilimane, Mutu, or Kwakwa river, i. 248, 316 ; change of course of, i. 318, Hyde Parker on, i. 312 et seq., not always connected with the Zambesi, xxi. 246, xxii. 233 Quilo or Quillo river, boundary of Congo kingdom, xix. 94, bridge over and country near, 97 drainage area of, xx. 132 Quiloa or Kilwa, E. Africa, in 1857., ii. 55 ; iii. 349 ; in 1867., xi. 143 slave trade of, vii. 23, 53 Quilon, Malabar, Marignolli's pillar erected at, 1347., x. 275 Quilumbo Cambembe village, Congo region , xix. 82 Quin, Capt., r.n., Visit to the Bonin Islands, 1837., i. 62 Quintin, Dr., see Mage Quinto river, S. America, described, xvii. 60, 61 Quiquio hills, Paraguay, xx. 496 Quito, Ecuador, S. America, i. 252, de scribed, iii. 94 elevation and temperature, xxi. 558 forest of, vi. 249 geological formations near, i. 470 historical interest of, xxi. 557 old kingdom of, Yncas of, xv. 369 position of, iii. 95 travels in, of Pritchett, iii. 94, of Spruce, iii. 94, iv. 174, vi. 188 river, C. America, i. 63, canal be- ween it and San Juan, i. 70 Quitta and its people, W. Africa, xviii. 186 Quola river, C. Africa, mountains near, viii. 264 Quorquora and other Abyssinian towns, in fertile country, xiii. 43 Quorra or Niger river (see also Niger), confluence of, with the Binue, xxi, 485, many channels of, iii. 31 1 , watershed of, determined by Baikie, viii. 10 Qun-woo, China, fortified city near Great Wall, vi. 220 R Raaha, S. Arabia, chief village of the Howshabee Bedouins, xvi. 119 Raateba, independent town, in S. Arabia, xvi. 120 Rabai, E. Africa, C.M.S. station at, xvi. 168 Rabat-el-Khalee desert, S. Arabia, xvi. 116 Rabath Aman, Syria, elevation of, xix. 165 Rabba, Niger river, i. 156, 445 ; in ruins, ii. 87, 90 loss of Baikie's vessel near, ii. 98, 99, iii. 310-11, v. 162 hill ranges near, xxi. 485 visit of Lefroy, 1862,, vii. 67 Rabbat on the Niger, i. 445 Racer, H.M.S., Visit of, to Santorin during eruption of 1866., Brine, x. 317 Rada, Sr. and Sra., explorations of the Amazon by, 1868., xiii. 310, xv. 377, 379 Radaah, Er, first Zidiyyah town in Arabia, xvi. 122 Radde, G. (see also Peschurof and others), explorations in Siberia, 1857 et seq., ix. 237 Radeba, Arabia, ruins at, xv. 322, 325 Radstock, Vice-Adm. Lord, obituary notice, 1857., i. 393 Rae, Dr. John, i. 21, gold medallist of R.G.S., iv. 112 animals and birds found by, at Repulse Bay, i. 53 on the angle of the benches of British Columbia, xv. 145 Arctic explorations of, 1847. and 1854., xix. 212, 222, xxi. 284-5 farthest point north reached by, i. 24 finds traces of Franklin, 1851, i. 22, 1854., i. 23, 26, 95, 104, 151-2, 231, iv. 10 on fate of Franklin's expedition, i. 25, 211, cited on the same, iv. 5 Arctic sledge-travelling, xix. 476, 479, xxi. 285-7 on British Columbia, difficulties of travelling in, iv. 75 Indians of, and routes in, vi. 110 on Palliser's, and his own expeditions in, iv. 232 on the rivers of, and their navigation, xii. 124-5 Exploration of the Faeroes and Iceland, I860., v. 80 ; cf. also iv. 153 and vi. 180 on the German Arctic expedition, and on animals in Spitzbergen, xv. 113 on Greenland, v. 89 glaciers in, vii. 78 iceberg formation in, and elsewhere, v. 26 on the Hudson's Bay Co.'s rule, xx. 300-1 on Iceland, v. 81, 103, xx. 30-1 on the influence of large rivers on ocean, temperatures, xiii. 233 on Kane's search for Franklin, i. 19 on the N. Atlantic Telegraph route, v. 88 on the Transit of Venus Expn., 1882., Davis's scheme, xiii. 120 Visit to the Red River and the Saskatchewan, (1863.), vii. 102 270 RAF— RAN Raffenel, failure of his expedition to French Senegal settlements, (1848.), i. 157 Raffles, Sir Stamford, iii. 90, and the settlement of Singapore, ii. 143, 214 Rafn, Prof. C. C.,i. 150 ; The Discovery of America by the Northmen, ii. 372 Rageef, on the Nile, Gordon's station at, 1875., xxi. 56; see Regiaf Ragless, Messrs., head station of, at Bal- carrie, S. Australia, ii, 17 Ragolay river, Abyssinia, and its affluents, xii. 114 ; Munzinger on, xiii. 223 Rahad river, Nubia, affluent of the Nile, x. 293, explored by Baker, 1861., x. 6 rise and course of, vii. 80 Rahaguddy, or Raraguddy, Abyssinia, xii. 114; elevation and temperature of, xiv. 160, pass near, 163 Rahah, Er-, plain of, Sinaitic Peninsula, xiii. 209, 210 Rahaing, Siamese Lao States, visited by Schomburgk, 1860, v. 1 18 Rahbi, (Java Minor), Thomson on, xx. 222 Rahnong, Siamese, territory, tin mines of, vii. 58 Raimondy, Don A. (see S. America), Hon. Corresponding Member R.G.S., 1863., viii. 43 exploration of the Amazon, vii. 168, xviii. 216 of the Pulperia river, Peru, xii. 261 Journal of expedition to explore the rivers San Gavan and Ayapata, in the Peruvian province of Caravaya, 1864, xi. 102 Journey to the confluence of th e Mantaro and Apurimac, xiii. 112, cf. 309 On the Frontier Province of Loreto, Peru, (1864.), viii. 58 Murchison on his qualifications, i. 84 Raine's Islet, Torres Straits, i. 84, vi. 136 lighthouse on, vi. 199 navigation near, xii. 314 Rainfall (see also Forest destruction) — of Equatorial Africa, Speke and Grant's observations on, vii. 226 Evaporation in relation to, and to River supply, Carpenter, xviii. 325 in relation to trees, Markham, x. 266 ; various views mentioned, xvii. 20 Hildebrandt on, xxii. 448 Murchison on, x. 267 Rawlinson on, x. 268 in Switzerland, Chaix on, xvii. 204 in the Tibagy Valley, Brazil, xx. 459 Rainier, Mt., voloano, Cascade Range, Oregon, xi. 84, active in 1842., 94 Rainy Lake, (Lac la Pluie) B. N. America, difficult country at, iii. 125 Indians of, agricultural pursuits of, ii. 51 ; their meeting with Palliser, ii. 41 Rainy Lake — continued. lightning at, ii. 44 outflow of, ii. 84 watershed between, and Lake Superior, i. 462 Rainy seasons in C. Africa, effect of, on rise of rivers, Livingstone on, xvii. 28 Raja, Mt., Borneo, mis-mapped, i. 200 Rajamahal Hills and tribes, India, xvii. 42 Rajputana, Waugh's survey of, i. 370 Raka Sangpo river, Tibet, mountains near, xii. 159 Rakaia river, N. Zealand, passes near, viii. 57, elevation of, xi. 228 Rakhas, or Rakhas Tal, Lake, C. Asia, xiv. 211 ; in relation to the Sutlej river, Smith, 1865., xi'. 119, 121, 122, xiv. 211 visited by the Pundit, xii. 157 Ralang, Tibet, absence of cultivation near, xii. 150 Raleigh Club of Travellers, and the inception of the R.G.S., ix. 224 note Raleigh, H.M.S., under Capt. Quin at the Bonin Islands, 1837, i. 62 Raleigh, Sir W., his exploration of the Orinoco river, i. 253, ii. 156 Rama river, C. America, exploration of, 1863., bv CoUinson, xii. 26 ; by Wick- ham, (1868.), xiii. 60 falls of, xii. 36, 38, 40, xiii. 61 hill near, xiii. 61, natives of , 33, villages on, 40 Ramahquaban or Ramakhoban river, S. Africa, xiii. 135 considered Lee's hunting-ground, xv. 152 gold reaf near, xv. 157 Ramalyan village, Persia, position of, xx. 173 Rameh, Syria, ruins at, ii. 223 Ramleh, Syria, ii. 224 Ram Hormuz, Persia, i. 356 desert tract near, i. 292 river near, i. 221 Ramsay, Major, cited on British igno rance of Nepal, (1858.), ii. 107 , Prof., ou glaciers of N. Europe, vii. 77 , Sir J., obituary notice of, 1859., iii. 256 Banco, pass of, Cordilleras of Chile, viii. 161 Rand and other large towns, Abian country, S. Arabia, xvi. 118 Randa, Arabia, outcast (Haik) inhabi tants of, xv. 325 Randell, W. R., Voyage up the Darling and Barwan rivers, Australia, 1859., iv. 94; Earl de Grey on, 194; Lord Ashburton on, vi. 189 Ranga river, E. C. Africa, source of, xxii. 245 RAN— RAW 271 Rangap, independent Garo tribes of, xvii. 40 Rangazavaka river, Madagascar, xiv. 360 Rangitata river, N. Zealand, source of, discovered by Haast, 1861., viii. 214 Rangoon, Burmah, v. 45, 51, vii. 59, xix. 269 distance of, from Bhamo, xv. 344 good harbour at, xi. 222; its value, xii. 198 Notes on, 1867., Brown, xi. 148 Rangpur, Bengal, fair at, established by Bogle, xix. 334 ; free trade at, 341 Raniyah torrent, Arabia, viii. 98 Ranofotsy river, Madagascar, xix. 192 Ranuzzi, Count Annibale, obituary notice, 1876., xx. 384 Rapa Island, Pacific Ocean, description of, Hall, xiii. 83 Rapa-Nui or Easter Island, xiv. 108, 119 Raper, Lt. Henry, his tables of longitudes, iii. 274, xv. 300 obituary notioe of, 1859., iii. 248 Raraguddy, Abyssinia, geological forma tion at and near, xiv. 163 view from, xii. 114 Raskam, Mts., and district, Yarkand, xx. 483 Baspadura Canal, C. America, i. 66, built 1788., i. 70, how formed, 63, 87 Rass, Arabia, stone circle near, viii. 81 Rassam, II. , On the Expedition to Abys sinia, 1865-6., x. 295 on the use of native messengers in Africa, xvi. 125 prisoner in Abyssinia, 1864., xiii. 47 et seq. Ratatchambre", Nile region, Africa, naked natives living around, Gordon on, xxi. 49 | Rath, see Green, Hahn and Rath Rattlesnake, H.M.S. (see Stanley, Capt. Owen), survey by,of N.Guinea, ix. 260 vocabulary of Australian natives given in voyage of, viii. 115, inner route followed by, 118 Rattray, Dr. A., On Cape York Peninsula, N. Australia, xii. 313 on sheep and wool culture in Tropical , or N. Australia, xii. 321 Raude, Eric, colony in Eastern Greenland established by, 983., xvii. 319 Raudha, Yemen, Arabia, summer houses of Sanawis at, xviii. 198 Rauma river, Norway, source and course of, viii. 110 Raupuki Island, N. Zealand, natives of, ii. 356 Bavenstein, E. G., on Lake Nyassa or Nyanza, vi. 21 Raverty, Capt., exploration of routes to Turkestan by, xiii. 15 papers by, referred to, xiii. 20 Raverty, Capt. — continued. translations by, referred to, xx. 243 oited on C. Asia, x. 140 Rawlings Bay, Arctic Regions, discharg ing glacier of, xxi. 280 stranded icebergs of, xxi. 280 traces of Esquimaux at, xxi. 284 musk oxen at, xxi. 276 Rawlinson, Col. Sir Henry, gold medal list of R.G.S., vi. 184, xi. 156, xii. 216 ambassador to Persia, 1859., iii. 292 President of R.G.S., first speech as, xv. 239 On General Subjects addresses, anniversary, by, 1872., xvi. 291, 1873., xvii. 227, 237, 1875., xix. 366, 368, 1876., xx. 375, 377 , opening, by, 1871., xvi. 81, 1872., xvii. 6, 1874.. xix. 3, 1875., xx. 6 Remarks, etc., by — at evening meetings, xi. 122, xv. 211, xviii. 129, xix. 464, xx. 31, xxii. 474 on the anniversary address of 1865., ix. 189 distributing gold medals and other awards, xv. 247, xvi. 275, 278, 284, xvii. 225, 228, 231, xix. 347, 339, 361, 365, xx. 356, 368 acknowledging vote of thanks in con nection with the Arctic expedition, 1874., xix. 41 ; do. from Fellows, on his retirement, xx. 376 on Carpenter's Observations on Oceanic Temperatures, xix. 514 — coral reefs, xvi. 394 — the duties of a President of R.G.S., xvii. 309 — the election of the Duke of Edin burgh as Honorary President, xix. 366 — the Emperor of Brazil, his aid to geography, and presence at meeting of R.G.S., xv. 365, 381 — Frere's resignation, xviii. 493 — the Gulf Stream, xiii. 108 — the illness of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, xvi. 124 — the interdependence of Classics and Mathematios and Geography, xvii. 236 — Murchison, his illness, xi. Ill, xv. 27, 52, and death, xvi. 81 ; his services to geography and gold medal pre sented to, xv. 246 Report on Public Sohools Prize exami nations in Political Geography, 1873., xvii. 219 School Medals distributed by, xvi. 276, 287, xvii. 226, 234, xix. 365, xx. 373 on his retirement, xvii. 309 ; xx. 375, 376, 448 — the Samarcand Koran, viii. 273 — the Seating difficulty, xx. 330; 272 RAW— RAW Rawlinson, Col. Sir Henry — continued. on amendment of Regulations, xxii. 294, 295, 296 on the teaching of Physical Geography by R.G.S., xx. 447, 493 — trees in relation to rainfall, x. 268 vote of thanks to Alcock on retiring, xxii. 302 to the Duke of Edinburgh on the occasion of Cameron's return, xx. 328 welcome to the Sultan of Zanzibar, xix. 464, 490, and vote of thanks to him, 493 On Special Countries on African exploration, etc. (see also Addresses)— Abyssinian expedition, 1867-8., xii. 16, 17, 18 African exploration, in connection with the Fund, xxii. 473 Baines' expedition to goldfields, 1868- 9., xv. 158 Baker's Nile expeditions, xvi. 187, xvii. 161, xx. 53 Cameron's and Grandy's expeditions, xvii. 13, 14, 74; Cameron on L. Tanganyika, xix. 74,77, 78-9, 104-5, 246, 262, other explorers of same, 246, 262, 326; Cameron's journey from the Lake to the West Coast, xx. 117, 127, and his observations', 133, 164, 183, 234, 435 Elton's exploration of the Limpopo, xvi. 101 Frere's mission to E. Africa, xvii. 353 Gordon's journeys, xix. 40, 182 his helpers, 182, 326 use of elephants, ib. 492-3 report on, by Kemp, referred to, xix. 326 Notes on Progress of, 1875., xx. 50, xxi. 62 Kilima Njaro Mt, vi. 50 ; on New's and others' exploration of same, xvi. 171 ; on the death of Mr. New, xix. 323 Livingstone (see also under Cameron, supra), xvi. 124, his reported death, xi. Ill, 113, news of, xv. 115-16, 336, xvi. 148 expeditions in search of, xvi. 145, 157, 163, Government attitude to same, xvi. 164-5, latest news of same, 166, further news, 184-6, 203, 241-2, 369, 375, 379, xvii. 56, 157, 159, 160, 169, xviii. 110, 111 Government provision for family of, xviii. 408 Stanley's search for, and news of, xvi. 88, 102-3, 124-5, 225-6, 369, Rawlinson, Col. Sir Henry — continued. on African exploration — continued. 375, 379, 410, 412, 429, safety of, announced, xvi. 379 Young's relief expedition, xvii. 33, 35, xix. 78, 105, Letters to same from Livingstone, 1873., xviii. 267 his followers, xx. 164 note, 183; medals presented to same, xviii. 494-5 Madagascar, xix. 182, and its ethno logy, 204 Native explorers, African and other, xvi. 132, 261, and see x. 164 Stanley's explorations (see also supra, Livingstone), xix. 40, towards the Albert Nyanza, xx. 50, 54, and alleged ill treatment of natives, xxi. 59 on America- Captain Anderson's survey for the International Boundary Line be tween Canada and the United States, 1872., xx. 301-2 Brazil, and the length of the Amazon, xv. 381 on Arctic exploration (see also Addresses, ¦supra) — Austro-Hungarian expedition, xvii. 15", 265, xix. 5, 16 British expedition, proposed, xvii. 76-7, 103, 106, xix. 35, 38 R.G.S. committee for (and Osborn's paper), xvi. 235, 240, xvii. 183, its plan, xx. 416 et seq. letter on, to Disraeli, xix. 415, and the reply, xix. 40, 416, see also xxi. 541-2 expedition of 1875, under Nares, xix. 206, 223, progress of, xx. 415, its return, xxi. 119 future prospects of Polar expeditions, xxi. 286 German North Polar expedition, xv. HI, 113 M'Clintoek's paper on sledge- travel ling, xix. 464, 479 Swedish expedition, xvii. 16, 264, xx. 416 on Asia — Afghanistan, boundary of, xvii. 116; geography of, xx. 250-251 cited, see Afghan geography Anatolia, and Palgrave's journey in, xvi. 224 Aral sea, etc., xi. 114 Arabian exploration, xvi. 122, 123 Miles' exploration, xv. 333 Palgrave's journey, viii. 81-2 Pelly's proposed exploration, ix. 276 Armenia and Ararat, xxii. 183 Babylon and Mesopotamia, Bewsher's journey, xi. 156-7 RAW— RAW 273 Rawlinson, Col. Sir Henry — continued. Babylonian exploration by Loftus, 1849., i. 45, burial customs, i. 48 Badakhshan and Wakhan, xvii. 108 Beluchistan, xvi. 218-19 the Caucasus, vi. 6, 7; Freshfleld's journey in, xiii. 72-3 cited on the Euphrates valley telegraph line, xxi. 620 on the heights of Mts. Judi and Demavend, iii. 292 Central Asia — cotton of, viii. 274 elevation of the Dora pasB, xvi. 260 explorations in, xi. 164 Forsyth's Kashgar mission, xviii. Ill— . 117, 414-36, 437 ; his travels in the Gobi desert, xxi. 44 Hayward's expedition from Leh to Yarkand, xiv. 73-4, and on receiv ing gold medal for him, 281 ; on his death, xv. 18, 122 inscriptions in C. Asia, xvi. 216-7; cuneiform do., near Mazgerd, xii. 304 note Johnson's help to C. Asian explorers, xix. 347 ; his journey from Leh to Ilchi, xi. 6, 13 journeys of Lovett ,and others iu Kelat, xvi. 218 Notes on Khiva, xvii. 162, 165 Schuyler's journey in Kokand, xviii. 408, 414 Karakorum, Mongolia, xvii. 192 the site of Kurkh, his views on, cited, ix. 36 Lob Nor lake, Prjevallky's journey to, xxi. 44, 349 the Mirza's expedition from Kabul to Kashgar, xv. 198 Montgomerie's surveys, and native explorers in, x. 164, xii. 168-70, ¦ xiii. 196-7, xiv. 212, 214, xvi. 260-1 , xix. 345 the Oxus and its changes of course, xi. 114 et seq., xx. 176-8 the Pundit's journeys, and his trainers, xxi. 346-7 Russian advance and explorations in, xi. 114, 118, 165, xiv. 232, xvi. 216-7, 260-1, 409, xvii. 19, 54, 112, xxi. 137-9 Observations on two memoirs by M. Veniukof on the Pamir region and the Bolor country, x. 134 on Shaw's explorations in Eastern Turkestan, etc., xiii. 201, xiv. 136, xvi. 409 Vambery's journey, viii. 270 China, etc. — Chinese Tartary, xi. 164 Cooper's Yunnan expedition, xv. 171- 3, xtf. 215 I Rawlinson, Col. Sir Henry— continued. China, etc. — continued. Cooper cited on the Sanpo river, xiv. 219, cf. xiii. 392 note Margary's journeys and death, xix. 287, and on Elias' journey, xx. 184, 215 . Elias' journey through W. Mongolia, xvii. 184, 192 Gill's expedition, xxii. 282 S. Western, Sladen's expedition in, xv. 364 Chitral, xvi. 261 Formosa, and Salmanesar's forgeries concerning, xvii. 156 India — electrical communication between England and, cited, vi. 184 Notes on the direct overland tele graph to India, v. 219 the Indian origin of the Gipsy race, i. 39 the proposed direct telegraph route to India, vii. 92-3, viii. 20-21, 267 a site for a capital of India, xi. 77 Japan, xvii. 77, 85 Kishm Island, Persian Gulf, and the overland telegraph, viii. 267 Notes on Mohamrah and the Chaab Arabs, etc., i. 351, 362-3 on the mountains of Mekran, the home of the Gipsies, xvi. 221 Persia, architecture of, at Nadali, xvii. 95 delimitation of the Porso-Khelat fron- . tier, xvi. 218 Turcoman-Persian frontier, xx. 165, 175, and city of Dehistan, 180-2 observations on the geography of Southern, i. 280, 296 the Persian Gulf and the cotton and telegraph line to India, vii. 92-4, viii. 20, 21, 267 Seistan, Goldsmid's exploration of, xvii. 86 Notes on Seistan, xvii. 92 (title only) Syria, de Saulcy's discoveries in, xvi. 114 the Tigris, Taylor's visit to its sources, ix. 37 trade routes between : Burmah and China, xix. 285 India and Tibet, Markham's paper, xix. 345 Turkestan and India, xiii. 10 Trans-Himalayan explorations, see Cen tral Asia, supra on Australia — • Forrest's explorations in the western interior of, xix. 315, 317, xx. 370 Warburton's and others' explorations in, xix. 40-1, 51, 317 progress of, and proposed explorations, xvii. 276-8, xix. 75 t 274 RAW— RED Rawlinson, Col. Sir Henry — continued. on New Guinea, — explorations in, Moresby's and other's, xix. 224, 244, xx. 427; Stone's, xx. 19 (and see note), 92 as a field for research, xx. 109 his career, Murchison on, xv. 315 his illness, Frere on, xvii. 322 his work in Assyria, Beechey on, i. 164 ; Murchison on, i. 435 Rawlinson Range, N. Guinea, beautiful slopes of, xix. 234 Sound, Arctic Regions, xix. 26, 29 Rawlinson's Cap, S.E. Africa, named by Erskine, xix. 130 Rawnsley Bluff, S. Australia, ii. 18 Rawson, Sir R. W., xxii. 472, on Public Schools Prize Medals, xxi. 377, 403, xxii. 301 Rawung, Trans-Himalaya, climate and water of, xiii. 195 Chaka, or Phondok-cho, lake, Trans- Himalaya, xiv. 208 Rayin, Seistan, geological formation near, xvii. 93 Raymond, Ven. Archdeacon, obituary notice of, I860., iv. 136 Read, J. G., discoverer of the Tuapeka gully goldfield, N. Zealand, vi. 71 Reade, Winwood W., on the Fan and . other W. African tribes, x. 83 on his journeys in W. Africa, 1868-9., xiii. 353 ; letter from Sir A. G. Kennedy on, 359; see xvii. Ill note Journey to the Upper Waters of the Niger from Sierra Leone, 1869., xiv. 185, cf. xiv. 4 Travels in W. Africa, 1861., vii. 106 obituary notice of, 1875., xix. 399 Realejo, C. America, excellent harbour of, xii. 26 Rebmann, Rev. — . (see also Krapf), i. 181, ii. 52, xxii. 473 cited on snow-crowned mountains in Africa (Kilimanjaro), iii. 115, 208, 213, 304, vi. 49, 50, vii. 195, viii. 2, xvi. 126, 128, 170 valuable work done by, in Africa, viii. 260, xxi. 48, 497, xxii. 16 death of, 1875., xxi. 48 Rechussen or Ambernoh river, N. Guinea, discovery of, iii. 361 Reconnaissance of new or partially known country, On the, Warren, xix. 155 Red Arkansas river, U.S.A., area drained by, ii. 338 Bank, W. African coast, near Joal, dangers of, iii. 377 Island, off Cape York, N. Australia, ix. 77 Lake, Canada, as a boundary, vii. 74 Red Point, Congo mouth, holes in sea- bottom at, i. 312 River of the North, B. N. America, ii. 45, 339, vii. 73 country near, ix. 17 drainage area of, iv. 231 falls of, and navigation, ii. 336 headwaters of, latitude of, vii. 74 as a trade route, iv. 232, 234, xii. 123 tributaries of, ii. 46, viii. 51 valley of, boundary in, Anderson on, xx. 274 visited by Colville, q.v., Hind, q.v., Palliser, q.v., Rae, vi. 110, vii. 102 water communication between, and the Saskatchewan, ii. 149 watershed of, alleged difficulties in cross ing, iii. 126 ; Rae on, vi. 110 Settlement, ii. 45, iii. 222, 317, iv. 253 astronomical Station at, longitude determined, xx. 282 cost of freight to, i. 266 fine country near, vi. 223 traders and American colonists at, xii. 124, xx. 275, 298 Red River of the South (Louisiana) canons of, described, xiii. 147 exploration of, by U.S.A. officers, i. 465 Red Sand, C. Australia, plains near, v. 58 Red Sea (see also Suez Canal), i. 81, 90, 142, 160, 222, 224, ii. 283 admiralty surveys of, ii. 265, iii. 266, 268, v. 173, vi. 133, xii: 243, xv. 264, xvi. 317, xviii. 537, xxi. 432-3, xxii. 333 ancient races dwelling along, i. 281 animal life of (see fish infra), xviii. 317 Buist's meteorological observations on, v. 152 and canal project, i. 81, 90, 142, 160, 222, 224 coast currents and tides of, iii. 178 dangerous navigation of, iii. 198 depths in, iii. 266 evaporation current of, Carpenter, xviii. 314 fish of, i. 223-4 Islands of, explored by Waghom, 1845., iv. 56 Israelite passage of, Kennelly on, xii. 193 route after crossing, Holland on, xii. 192 level of, at Suez, iii. 183 variations in, Evans on, xxi. 73 lights arranged for, in, v. 173, vi. 133 Physical condition of, Carpenter, xviii. 312 rainlessness of, xviii. 306 as telegraph route, i. 81, v. 222, vii. 166 Gisborne's work on, v. 159 RED— RES 275 Bed Sea — continued. temperatures in, iii* 195, xxi. 297 Thermal condition of, Carpenter, xxi. 306, 326 Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea, probable former connection between, i. 224 Reden, Dr. Baron von, obituary notice of, 1858., ii. 256 Redfield, W. O, his theory on the Arctic current, ii. 329 Redscar Bay, N. Guinea, described by Gill, xviii. 37-8, and by Moresby, xviii. 23 et seq. Mangrove swamps of, xxii. 221 missionaries at, xx. 272, xxii. 221 natives of, xvi. 204, xviii. 42 hostile, xviii. 23, tatooed, 40, their villages, 44, women, 45 river falling into, xx. 333 unhealthiness of, xx. 272 Reed, Mr., of N. Atlantic Telegraph ex pedition, v. 65, 169-70 Reed Grass river, B. N. America, course of, described,, ii. 46 Reedy and Rocky Springs, S. Australia, hill near, ii. 24 Reflecting instrument, R.G.S. reward for, 1861., v. 145 Refuge Cove, N. America, ix. 128 , Refuge Inlet, Greenland, Kane at, 1850., i. 17 Regan, Persia, elevation of, xvii. 93 Regel, Dr., his journey to Lake Karakul, etc., xxii. 341-2 Regent's Sword Peninsula, Cape Lao-thie- Shan, China, iii. 65 Regiaf, Upper Nile, Kemp's report on country near, xix. 324 ; rapids near, xx. 51 ; see Rageef Reg Ruwau or Rig-i-Rowan, flowing sand, Central Asia, x. 274, xvii. 91 Rehenneko, E. Africa, Cameron at, xx. 305 Reichardt, Rev. J. O, cited on the lan guage and westward migrations of the Fulah tribes (Africa), xxi. 493 Reid, Maj.-Gen. Sir W., obituary notice of, 1859., iii. 252 Reid river, Queensland, v. 6 Reikialith, Iceland, on Lake Myvatn, recent lava near, v. 84 Reikianess, Cape, Iceland, the Gulf Stream at, v. 78, ice-drift along, 229, xiii. 227 Reikiavik (Reykiavik) Bay, Iceland, iv. 101 advantages of, for the Atlantic tele graph, iv, 103 Reikiavik, chief town of Iceland, iv. 103, ' v. 63, 64, 74, 104 ice at, v. 89, 101 influenoe of warm currents on climate of, v. 233, xviii. 371 surface sea temperatures at, 1848., v. 233, mean do., 234 tables of meteorological observations at, 1839., v. 233 thickness of ice at, v. 101 Reinah, large village, near Mt. Demavend, elevation of, iii. 12, 17 Rejang, Borneo, visited by De Crespigny, i. 206 Rejaf, see Regiaf Rejang river, Borneo, length of, xvi. 172 Rek, Lake, Nile region, position of, viii. 11, 12 ; see also Misr er Rek Reliance Fort, Arctic regions, aurora borealis seen near, iii. 121 Remarkable Mt., S. Australia, geological formation of, v. 244, gold in, xii. 142, mines of copper near, viii. 33 Rembo river, W. Africa (see also Ogowe), falls on, x. 74 Remedios pass, Peru, elevation of, xii. 12S Rendel, J. M., cited on Port Said, iii. 200 scheme of for Suez Canal, iii. 204 obituary notice of, 1867., i. 391 Rennell Island, Torres Straits, i. 80 Rennell, Major James, investigation of Atlantic currents by, referred to, xxi. 68, 71, 73 Russian praise of, vii. 158 Rennell's Current, course of, xviii. 406 Rennie, G.,on the proposed Atrato canal, C. America, i. 72-3 on the Suez Canal project, iii. 197, cited 204 on the length of the Yangtse, and other rivers, ii. 207 obituary notice of, 1866., x. 213 , Messrs., work of, at Peterborough, i. 74 , Sir John, obituary notice of, 1875., xix. 401 Renouard, Rev. G. C, obituary notice of, 1867., xi. 188 Rensselaer harbour, Smith Sound, Arctic regions, Kane's wintering place, ix. 182-3, xix. 213, xxi. 274, 278 temperature at, ix. 55, 185 Repulse Bay, or Harbour, Arctic regions, iv. 2, animal life at, i. 53 Esquimaux of, i. 215, information as to caches at, i. 25 as route for a Franklin search, i. 95, 96 sledge-party to, from the Discovery, 1876., xxi. 117 winter encampment at, of Hall, 1868., xii. 101 Reraia province, N. Africa, Atlas Mts. in, xv. 214, 217 Research, Bay, Van Diemen's land, xviii. 520 Resenna river valley and natives, Afghanistan, xx. 243-4 Resht, capital of Ghilan, iii. 4, described, iii. 391-5 276 RES— RIC Resolute, H.M.S., drift and recovery of, in Arctic regions, 1854-5., i. 3, 23, xv. 112, xix. 36, rotting of sails of, 24, sledge- parties from, xix. 472 Resolution Island, Frobisher Bay, Arctic regions, vii. 100, whaling near, xiii. 372 Retreat Bay, Curlew Island, Bay of Bengal, described, vi. 208-9 Reunion, Laguna de la, Paraguay, eleva tion of, xx. 494 Renss river, Central Alps, fall of, ii. 370 volume of, xvii. 205 Revolver Stand for Telescopes at Sea, Piazzi Smith, i. 421 Revoma river, supposed effluent of L. Nyasa, xx. 452 Revubue river, tributary of the Zambesi, ii. 366 Rewa river and its tributaries, Na tite Levie, Fiji Islands, Report of expedition for exploration of, Macdonald, (title only) i. 508 Reyes and others, discovery of silver by, 1870., in Bolivia, xxii. 47 Reynolds Range, S. C. Australia, xix. 51 RezaaZ States, S. Arabia, elevated lands of, xvi. 117, people, 118 Rhaeejan range, E. Bengal, elevation of, xvii. 42 Rhine river, fall of, ii. 370 frozen over, 1793., iv. 119 Source and course of, iij. 354 volume of, in upper course, xvii. 205-6 Rhodes, Island of, sea depths near, i. 405 earthquake of 1863 in, Murchison on, vii. 205 Rhogonis river, Persia, probably the Genava, i. 284 Rhone glacier, subsoil of, vii. 77, viii. 234 - — - river, delta of, iii. 203 source and course of, iii. 354 .volume of, in upper course, xvii. 205-6 Rho-shee-mah, Tibet, Chinese population of, v. 48 Riacho Paracan, channel, Parana river, S. America, changes in, xx. 500 Riadh, Arabia, chief town of Nejed, viii. 65, 105 latitude and longitude of, fixed by Pelly, ix. 294 loveliness of its situation, viii. 73 Palgrave's residence at, viii. 70 Wahabite capital of Arabia, Visit to, 1865., Pelly, ix. 292, 293, 295 Riang Kul (Lake), C. Asia, visited by Kostenko, 1876., xxi. 127 Ribe, E. Africa, Missionary Station at, New's abode, xvi. 170 Rich, — , cited on the route to Shiraz, i. 288 Richards, Adm. G. H., xii. 322 appointed Hydrographer to the Ad miralty, viii. 90, retirement, 1874., xviii. 548 Richards, Adm. G. H. — continued. Admiralty surveys, summaries of, 1865., ix. 219; 1866., x. 216; 1867., xi. 190; 1868., xii. 239 ; 1869., xiii. 274; 1870,, xiv. 303; 1871., xv. 261; 1872, xvi. 315 ; 1873., xvii. 253 Arctic work of, i. 106 et seq. on Arctic matters expediency of further search for Franklin, i. 94-5 on proposed expedition, 1865,, ix. 64 and route for it, ix. 123 \ on routes to the N. Pole, xii. 109 on Arctic exploration and the Transit of Venus, (1882.), xiii. 119 On the Route towards the Pole for the Arctic expedition of 1875,, xix. 208 on Arctic sledge-travelling, xix. 477 on the Arctic expedition of 1875. and Smith's Sound route, xxi. 282-3 on British Columbia and Vancouver Id., viii. 90, 91 on the Canadian Pacific route to B, Columbia and Vancouver, xii. 124 Cardwell settlement, Australia, site selected by, x. 33 on the Challenger's voyage and its objects, xvii. 57 on the Fraser river, B. Columbia, and its navigability, vi. 235 on Greenland exploration, xvi. 237 hydrographical labours of, xv. 37 on the inner route, Barrier reef, Aus tralian coast, viii. 119, 120, 121 ; cited, 211 on New Zealand, surveys and explora tions in, ix. 34 Surveys in G. of Siam and- New Zealand, 1857., i. 406 and Clarke, Lt.-Col, Report on the Suez Canal, 1870., xiv. 259 Richards, Henry, of the N. Australian Expedition, i. 189 and Slossin, Commercial Journey from Tientsin to Shansi and Pechili, I860., vi. 218, Ashburton on, 165 Richards, Mt., N. Zealand, glacier of, viii. 47 Richardson, Dr., cited on Zimmay, 1869., xix. 274 mission of, to Shan States, xix. 273 surveys in Burma by, i. 269-70 , J., exploration of Anticosti Island, gulf of St. Lawrence, by, 1856., ii. 294-5 Richardson, Sir J., ctred! on the lebia fish of the Dead Sea,i. 224, cited on animal life in Arctic regions, i. 53-4 obituary notice of, 1866., x. 199 Richardson, — (surveyor of the expedi tion), Account of F. and A. Jardine's N.E. Australian expedition, 1864., x. 32, 33 RIC— RIP 277 Richie Island, non-existent, xix. 233 Richmond Downs, Australia, geological formation of, and fossils at, xii. 141 Richmond river, N.S. Wales, admiralty survey of, xvi. 320 discovered by Rous, 1824., xxii. 331 Richthofen, Baron F. von, awarded gold medal of R.G.S., 1878., xxii. 255, 297, 298, letter acknowledging, 298 Chinese geological explorations of, 1870, xv. 293, and results, 173; 1871-72., xvii. 296 ; issue of his work on same, 1877., xxi. 477 cited on the Brussels Congress of 1876, xxi. 19 routes from Burma to S.W. China, xviii. 463, xx. 214 on the Sohkoi river, as a trade route, xix. 283 Richthofen Peak, Arctic regions, elevation of, xix. 34 Rickard,Maj., on the height of Aconcagua peak, and on Crawfurd's railway surveys across the Andes, xvii. 64, 66, 67 Riego Mts., Tibet, crossed by the Pundit, xiv. 211 RifkoU, Arctic regions, icebergs grounded off, xx. 56 Rifle Creek, Oregon, xi. 91 Rigby, Gen. C. P., consul at Zanzibar, 1859., iii. 349, v. 11, vi. 50, 177 Englishmen in captivity in E. Africa, x. 113, and on the wreck of the St. Abbs., 116, and see vi. 207, x. 99 on the Galla and Somali peoples, x. 101-2 — the hostility of the Masai tribes and on the African exploration fund, xxii. 472-3 — native accounts of the size of Lake Ukerewe, xvi. 130 — using native messengers, xvi. 125, 130 — Somaliland, its commerce and people, x. 99, xvi. 155 Speke's letters to, I860., vi. 17 on Speke and Grant's expedition, vii. 22, 23 — Von der Deoken's fate, x. 99 translation of the Sultan of Zanzibar's letter on Livingstone Search and Relief Expedition, xvi. 383 on Zanzibar and its sultan, I860., xiii. 25, xix. 491, cited 1862., vi. 177 cited on gold-bearing area of Africa, xv. 158 Rig Gunnowa, Persia, i. 292 Rig i Rowan, see Reg Ruwan supra Bilang river, Assam, affluent of Um Blay river, xvii. 36 Rimac river, Peru, xviii. 206, fall of, 209 Rimdee, Trans-Himalavas, elevation of, xiv, 43 Rink, Dr. H., xxi. 217 On the discharge of Water from the Interior of Greenland through springs underneath the ice, vii. 76, Murchison on, 151 On Kane's Arctic exploration, 1853-5., critical paper, ii. 195, Murchison on, 289; Bache's investigation and reply, ii. 359 ; Hayes' letter, iii. 146 et seq. cited on route for the N. Atlantic Telegraph, v. 68 Rio Grande, Colorado, Apaohe devasta tions near, xix. 305 rising in the Andes, sources of, xvii. 58, and course, 59, 63 del Norte, N. America, caaon of, xxii. 281 irrigation possibilities of, xxii. 280 town on, xxii. 279 W. Africa, iii. 380 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, vii. 51 Geographical and Historical Institute of, founded by the Emperor, Don Pedro, xv. 366 Harbour, compared with that of Hong Kong, i. 333 Rio Negro, affluent of the Amazon, i. 251 affluents of, viii. 160 climate of, iii. 94 navigable branch of the Amazon, i. 278 supposed sources of, ii. 297 Rio de la Plata, S. America, i. 1 admiralty surveys in, i. 407 affluents of, i. 467-8 exploration of, ib., iii. 331, v. 203 Rio Real, see Old Calabar river Riobamba, Ecuador, S. Amerioa, earth quakes, etc., at, xxi. 557 elevation and temperature at, xvi. 558 Mountains surrounding and vegetation near, xxi. 560 Rion river and valley, Caucasus, xiii. 69 Riouga and his territory, C. Africa, x. 25, Baker on, xviii. 61-63, later history of, xx. 473 Ripon, Earl of, first president of R.G.S., obituary notioe of, 1859., iii. 243 Ripon, Earl de Grey and, President of R.G.S., son of the foregoing, iii. 345, iv. 39 annual address, I860., iv. Ill, 117 presents gold medals, etc., I860., iv. 109, 111 receives medal for Captain Speke, v. 140 remarks at evening meetings, iii. 354, 361, 365, 368, iv. 100, 105, 108, vi. 7 on African exploration — Burton and Speke's travels, iii. 347 Nile region, iv. 40-1, 44 by Portuguese, iii. 863 — B, Columbia, gold in, iv. 76 278 RIP— ROC Ripon, Earl de Grey and — continued. on Franklin, and. M'Clintock's search for him, iv. Ill — on the progress of. discovery in Australia, vi. 15 Ripon Falls, or Namweni, Nile river, vii. 192, 219 altitude of, according to Baker, xxii. 388, to Speke and Grant, 387, to Stanley and others, 388 discovered and named by Speke and Grant, vii. 221 engineering possibilities at, M'tesa's views on, xxii. 409, Stanley on, 388, 390 exit of Nile from Victoria Nyanza at, xx. 37 geological formation at, and near, vii. 221 Gordon's post established at, xx. 474 native name for, xxii. 390 Stanley's visit to, xx. 147-8 width of the Nile at, xx. 37 Rippelmonde, Belgium, birthplace of Mercator, statue erected to him at, xvi. 135 Rishir, or Bahmen, ancient capital of the Erythreans, Rawlinson on, i. 281-3 fort stormed by British, i. 291 Ritenbenk Kulbrud, Greenland, cliff and coal mine at, xx. 56, 62, 63 Esquimaux dogs from, xx. 58 latitude of, corrected, xx. 65 Ritter Cape, Arctic regions, latitude of, xix. 28, 33 Ritter, Prof. Dr. K.— Die Erdkunde von Asien, reviewed, iii. 389 in praise of Livingstone, i. 319 obituary notice of, I860., iv. 137 Rivers deflected by geological formations, Ziegler on, ii. 369-70 having steep right banks, and vice versa, Murchison on, viii. 205 Riviere qui Grate, B. N. America, ii. 46 Riviere du Sable, B. Columbia, terrace- formation on, xv. 134 Riza harbour, Anatolia, better than Trebizond, xvi. 223 Robb, Rev. Dr., labours of, on ethnology of W. Africa, xvi. 369 Robego, C. Africa, capital of " Kuenda," small size of Nile near, iii. 213 Robert Hall Sound, N. Guinea, natives of, xviii. 23-4, xix. 235 position of, and advantages as a harbour, Moresby on, xix. 229 Roberts, J. J., ex-president of Liberia, on Dr. Hodgkin, i. 100 Robertson, Capt., cited on the peak of Sumeru Parbut, ii. 109 Robeson Channel, Arctic regions, xx. 01, xxi. 99, 277, driftwood in, xxi. 102 Robeson Channel — continued. freedom from icebergs in and near, xxi. 103, 280, 281 Hall at, 1871., xxi. 275 Polaris expedition in connection with, xxi. 106 scarcity of animal life north of, xxi. 276 strong currents in, xxi. 108 Robins, T. V., Notes on the Niger, x. 116 Robinson, A., member of Giles' Australian expedition, xvii. 277 Robinson, Col. D. G., (of the Indian Survey), death of, (1878.), xxii. 347 Comm. r.n., Report on the com pletion of the survey of the inner side Great Barrier reef, (1863.), viii. 114, 117-18, 211, remarks on the same, x. 117 J., on gold in S. Africa, xiii. 341 Prof. E., and others, Biblical re searches in Palestine and the adjacent regions, 1838. and 1852., ii. 223 Rev. W., on the " benches '' of B. Columbia, xv. 144, see xv. 133 Sir H., guano sent by, from St. Kitts, iii. 332 on the French missionaries in China, vi.4 Robinson Harbour, N. Guinea, described, xxi. 356 Robson's Peak, Rocky Mts. (Tete Jaune's Cache), ix. 19 Roches Percees, Les, B. N. America, described by Anderson, xx. 286-7 geological formation of, ii. 147 iarge Indian camp at, ii. 150 Rochelle, Lieut. Henry, Geographical Positions in the Valley of the Amazons, xvi. 271, 359 Rochma, Tibet, Chowsam Gohain at (1869.), xiv. 217 Rock Creek, B. Columbia, " benches " of. xv. 134 Rockall Island, North Atlantic, depths near and animal life on, v. 68 elevation of and latitude, vii. 138 Rockhampton, Queensland, on -the Fitz roy, iv. 79, v. 6, vi. 24, 117, 174, vii. 3, 11, 36, 37 admiralty survey at, xxi. 436 auriferous promise of district, vii. 114, xii. 140 colonization beyond, considered, x. 247 development of, and salubrity, v. 122, and trade, x. 62, 249 expeditions from, Jardine's, 1864., x. 32, Landsborough's (1865.), x. 62, tele graphic, xii. 54 first settlement in N.E. Australia, xix. 316 geological formation at, xii. 142 sheep-farming at, vii. 114 Rockingham Bay (see. Cardwell Bay), Queensland, xii. 54 coast near, xi. 15Q ROC— ROL 279 Rockingham Bay — continued. colony at, vi. 119, vii. 13, 14, ix. 23, 77 Dalrymple's expedition near, and its results, x. 51, 247, 248 development of, x. 248 harbour of, viii. 110, good anchorage at, 110, 111, watershed of, 113, steamer communication with the south de sired, 119 mountains near, iv. 81, xii. 144 population of (1866.), x. 249 rains, absence of, near, vii. 89 route from, to the interior, x. 51 as a sheep-mart, x. 328 Soott's overland expedition to (1864.), viii. 110 telegraphic advance to, ib. Rock Town, W. Africa, colony of liberated negroes, i. 99 Rocky Bay, Curlew Island, Bay of Bengal, described, vi. 208 Creek, Queensland, x. 65 Bocky Mts. (see Hector, Milton, Palliser, etc., B.N. American expedition) — as seen from the Athabasca, ix. 18, from the Western Butte, xx. 293 character of the country near, i. 265, 267, v. 200, vi. 232 climates at foot of, vi. ,232 elevation of, xii. 121, xx. 294 expeditions across, Milton and Cheadle's, 1861., ix. 17 Palliser's 1859., i. 460-62, ii. 49, 51, 292, iii. 122, 219, 317, iv. 73, 170, viii. 49 geologioal formation of, Anderson on, xx. 294, Hector on, 300 ; cf. xxii. 366 gold of, ii. 333, xi. 96 lake in, having two outlets, viii. 52 Lefroy and others on, i. 265-7 International boundary in, xx. 274 passes in, i. 265, ii. 51, 336, iii. 124, 219, iv. 35-6, 74, 232, 234, vi. 108, 111, viii 92, ix. 17, xii. 121, xvii. 272 , Hudson Bay Co.'s use of, vii. 73 rivers in, iii, 324, xvii. 272 slopes of, ii. 336, 338 termini of, xiii. 141 trend of, xx. 300 unexplored regions west of, I860., Murohison on, iv. 253 volcanic character of, xxii. 366 watershed of, viii. 88, ix. 18 Point, Enderby Island, off N.W. Australia, x. 47 Rode Strand, Spitzbergen, ix. 311 Roderick river, W. Australia, tributary of the Murohison, iii. 35, 54 Rodondo Island, Curia Muria Group, described, iv. 52 Rodriguez Island, Indian Ocean, Observa tion of the Transit of Venus from (1874.), xix. 406 Roe, A., on Gregory's W. Australian ex plorations, v. 10, 127 his own expedition in Australia re ferred to, vi. 112 F., of Forrest's W. Australian ex pedition, xiv. 194-5 James, of Gregory's W. Australian expedition, iii. 34, 40, 43, 44, 51; hill named after, 39 ; thanked, 53 ; cited on same expedition, v. 3 Roe Downs, N. Australia, grassy and fertile, i. 367 Roebuck, J. A., ji.p., on the passes found in the Rocky Mts. by Palliser, iv. 74 Roebuok Bay, W. Australia, v. 4, 9, region still to be explored, 1875., xix. 488 Roevald, Arctic regions, current near, ix. 166 Rogers, Com. J., surveying expedition of, in N. Pacific, 1854., i. 16 , Prof. Henry, geological work of, iii. 329 ; obituary notice of, 1867., xi. 188 Rogers Straits, N.W. Australia, Stow at, x. 40 Roget, Dr. P. M., obituary notice of, 1870., xiv. 299 Rogni pass, Khoja Amran hills, Afghan istan, xxi. 587 Rogue river, Oregon, xi. 85 Rogumba river, East Africa, the problem of, xix. 250 Rohib or Ghulbat Bay, Helaniyah Island, Curia Muria group, iv. 51 Rohilkund, India, mistakes concerning, xi. 55 Rohilla Point, Persian Gulf, i. 292, ruins at, 282 Rohl river, Nileregion, viii. 134-7, Pether ick at, 138, 145 Rohlfs, Gerhard, gold medallist of R.G.S., 1868, xii. 214 correspondence between, and the R.G.S., concerning proposed journey, viii 94-6 grants made to, by R.G.S., ix. 250, x. 69, xi. 52 Journey across the Atlas Mts., through the Oases of Tuat and Tidekelt to Tripoli vid Ghadames, 1864., ix. 312 through Morocco and Tuat, Peter mann, ix. 79 journeys of, in N.W. Africa, Murchison on, viii. '243 letters on his expedition to Central Africa, x. 69, xi. 33, 34 Rohniz Valley, Persia, Mts. near, xvi. 262 Rohtung pass, Punjab, elevation of, x. 168, xiii. 14, xv. 337 river rising in, xv. 338 Range, Punjab, trend of, xv. 337 Rollers, or great Atlantic waves at St. Helena and elsewhere, iii. 364 Rollet, — Brun, explorations of, on the Misselad, Upper Nile, i. 157 280 ROM— ROU Roma district, Queensland, gold prospects in, xii. 141 , Mt , Queensland, lofty isolated peak of, vi. 118 Romanohe river, France, lofty peaks near, vii. 43 Romania province, Siam, iv. 212 Rome, French maps of, 1857., i. 427-8 Romeh Island, Victoria Nyanza, xxi. 466 Rona river, W. Africa, manatee of, ii. 34 Rong-siang river, Garo Hills, valley of, xvii. 39 Rooke, Capt. W., r.a., Boat voyage along the Coast Lakes of E. Madagascar, 1865., x. 54 Rooksum, Trans-Himalayas, xiv. 208 Roopshoo, Rupchu, or Ladak (q.v.), ele vation of plains of, xiii. 13, great salt Lake of, iii. 367 Roorkee, India, the mutiny at, and the survey, iv. 30" Roper river, N. Australia, i. 230, 491 conflicting accounts of, vii. 86 discovered by Leichardt, i. 367-8 exploration of, xvii. 278 mouth of, found by Cadell, xii. 201 navigability of, xv. 299, xvi. 355 source and course of, vii. 82 vegetation on shores of, ix. 22 Roquette, M., French geographer, interest of, in Franklin's life and fate, i. 422, obituary notice of, 1869., xiii. 265 Roraima, Mt., B. Guiana, elevation and description of, xv. 305 latitude of, xv. 131 Rosa Island, Navigator Group, geological formation of, xxi. 141 Rosales, V. P., Essay on Chile, reviewed, ii. 371 Rosario, port, Argentine republic, bank of Parana river at, xx. 500 importance of, viii. 163 proposed railway to, across the Andes, W. Wheelwright, iv. 45, vi. 48, 174 •river depth at, iv. 49 Rosas, Las, pass in the Andes, iv. 46 Roscher, Dr. A., expedition of, in E. Africa, 1858-9., iv. 179, vi. 21, 207 murder of, near Lake Nyasa, v. 209, vi. 51, vii. 23, viii. 259, xi. 135, 140, 233 Rose, Mt, S. Australia, ii. 17, 20 copper mine near, v. 124 Roseau valley, Island of Dominica, ' Souf- frieres ' of, xx. 230 Rosengain Island, Banda Isles, xii. 325 Rosenlaui, Switzerland, glacier-bridge at viii. 230 Rosetta, silting of harbour of, iii. 309 branch, Nile Delta, iii. 179, bar of, 180, in connection with the Canal scheme, 185 Roshan, the Gilgit river at, xiii. 130 Ross, Major E. C, Report on a journey through Mekran, xvi. 139, (title only) 219 Ross, Adm. Sir James G, gold medallist of R.G.S. Antarctic explorations of, ix. 97, x. 94, 1839-43., xiii. 115, xviii. 348, xix. 35, 80, xxi. 294, 539 furthest southerly point reached by, v. 24, ix, 95, 97, xxi. 72 Arctic explorations of, i. 22-25, iv. 8, xix. 465-7 cairn of, traces of Franklin found at, iv. 4, 9 discoverer of the North Magnetic Pole, xiii. 115, 121, xix. 465, xxii. 192, 201, 202 relics of, found by Markham, xviii. 16, 17 traces of Franklin found by, i. 19 cited on Antarctic pack-ice, xiv. 149, 150-1 on temperature at which sea-water has maximum density, ii. 329 note, xxi. 294 proposed memorial to, Ommanney on, xiv. 155 soundings in S. Atlantic, ii. 266 Ross, John, exploration of Country N.W. of Cooper's Creek in search of a sheep-route to N. Australia, xv. 90 : Murchison on, xv. 297 in W. and S W. Australia, xix. 8, 42, 55, 56-7, 484 ; Rawlinson on, xix. 8, 447 Ross, Rear-Adm. Sir John, vii. 101 Arctic explorations of, xx. 64 farthest advance of, 1849., iv. 3 wintering place of, i. 25 cited on Smith Sound, xix. 212 obituary notice of, 1858., ii. 246 Ross Peak, Kerguelen's Island, elevation ' of, xviii. 545 river, B.N. America, tributary of the Anderson, ix. 128 Ross-King, see King, Lt.-Col.(W. Ross Rosse, Earl of, obituary notice of, 1868., xii. 223 Rossel's Drift current, influence of, on climate of Cape York district, Australia, xii. 318 Rossilly Island, off N.W. Australia, x. 47 Roth, Dr., German traveller in Palestine, ii. 283 ; death of, iii. 287 Rotte or Rotti island, Malay Archipelago, Christian natives from, as settlers for N. Australia, ii. 217 position of, vii. 206 Round Head, N. Guinea, language used at, xx. 269 Island, Labrador, rectification of coast-line made at, xii. 196 ROU— ROY 281 Ronle, Capt. Cornelis, furthest north of (about 1705.), ix. 178 probable discoverer of Franz Josef Land (1707.), xix. 178 Rous, Adm. Hon. H. J., obituary notioe of, 1878., xxii. 331 Roux Island, New Guinea, good anchorage near, xxi. 358 Rover, American barque, crew massacred in S. Formosa, xvi. 265 Rover's Group Islands, Formosa, charac teristics of, x. 128 Rovuma Point, E. Africa, vi. 36 or Rufuma river, E. Africa, vi. 21 area of drainage of, i. 12, viii. 259 ascent of, Kirk, ix. 284 coal beds of, xvii. 350 ebony of, xii. 272 Erhardt on, i. 12 explorations of, by Livingstone, v. 131, 209, 224 ; (I860.), vi. 20, 133, 176, 186 ; (1861-2.), ix. 284; (1862.), vii. 52-3, 199; (1866.), x. 263, xi. 16, 124, xvi. 158, xxi. 231 natives along, ix. 286 Pilotage remarks, D. J. May, extracts from, vi. 36 probably the Rhaptus of Ptolemy, xiv. 8 shallow and muddy, vi. 37, vii. 199 source and course of, native reports on, Young on, xxi. 231 ; see also Revoma tsetse fly along, vi. 29, ix. 285, xxi. 589 valley of, geologioal formation, xi. 36 Rowe, Mt., S. Australia, rugged outline of, ii. 16 , W., of Goyder's South Australian expedition, ii. 20 Rowen, Mt., Borneo, position and elevation of, i. 198 Rowlatt, Capt., journey of, to Toopang, Mishmee district (n.d.), v. 49 Roy, Gen., r.e., first director of the Trigo nometrical Survey of the U.K., 1783., vi. 139 Royal Geographical Society (see also Anniversary Addresses, Awards, Presidents under their names, Prize Medals)— Address of condolence to H.M. the Queen on the death of the Prince Con sort, vi. 40 ; adjournment of meeting on account of same, v. 119 Application to Government on behalf of F. T. Gregory's proposed N.W. Australian expedition, I860., v. 2-3, cf. vi. 173 and Africa — African exploration Fund of, Report of, cited, xxii. 463 et seq. agreement with Petherick, viii. 124, and instructions to Petherick for expedition up White Nile, viii- 125 Royal Geographical Society— continued. and Africa — continued. aid to Livingstone's expedition of 1865., ix. 264 appeal to Government on behalf of the above, xiv. 276 correspondence with G. Rohlfs, on his proposed journey from Morocco to Timbuctoo, 1863., viii. 94-6 Livingstone searoh and relief ex pedition (q.v.), proposed, xi. 154, 161, 199, 245 ; progress of, xii. 4, 9, 11, 76, 280 ; circular on, xvi. 415 ; contribution to same, xvi. 163; instructions to leader, xvi. 417, and censure on his conduct, 432 initiative of, in Niger expedition, i. 155 letter of thanks to Stanley on his finding Livingstone, xvi. 429 thanks of Council and Hon. Corr. Membership aocorded to Stanley on his discovery of the course of the Congo, xxii. 299 steady interest and support given to African exploration by, vii. 196 work of R.G.S. in, 1861-2., vi. 183 and Arctic regions — Arctic exploration proposed (1865.), ix. 266, 267-9; report on desira bility of further (1872.), xvi. 364 meeting at St. James' Hall to wel come the returned explorers(1876.), H.R.H. the Prince of Wales in the chair, xxi. 94 et seq. work of Society in relation to Arctic and African research, xxi. 9 balloting list, alterations in, xxii. 293 bye-laws (see infra, resolutions and seating difficulty) alterations in, as to the Journal, xi. 177, as to retiring offioers, xvii. 226-7, as to special and ordinary meetings, xxi. 414 changes in Staff and Officers, 1863., vii. 200 charter granted to, 1859., iii. 117, 345 government grant to, for national map office, xiii. 259, xvi. 292 grant, annual, for promotion of special scientific branches of Geo graphy founded, 1876., xx. 509, xxi. 23 grants made by — to the Leichhardt search expedition, 1865., x. 85, 252, xi. 5, 226 to Livingstone, 1865., ix. 264 to Petheriok, 1861., viii. 124 to Rohlfs, viii. 96, xi. 52 growth, development and importance of aims of, vi. 192 housing of, Murchison on, xiii. 360, xiv. 287 282 ROY— RUD Royal Geographical Society — continued. housing of — continued. in Savile Row, 1870., xiv. 357, xv. 9, 252, xvi. 82 resolution regarding, etc., xiv. 358-9 inception of original scheme for, 1830., ix. 224 increase in Members of, xiv. 287 journal of, vol. 37, Murchison on, xii. 245 library regulations of, 1863., viii. 22, and all subsequent vols. list of Hon. Corresponding Members, 1863., viii. 43 medals offered to Public Schools (see Publio School Prize Medals), xii. 203, Hughes on, 209 in relation to Murchison bust of, acquired by, xv. 247 debt of, to, xv. 53, 241, xvi. 296 vote of condolence with, on the death of Lady Murchison, from, xiii. 113 resolution of regret on illness of, passed by, (1870.), xv. 27 objects for future special heed by, Frere on, xviii. 579 officers of, Rawlinson on, (1871.) xv. 239 presidents of, see under names proceedings of, improvement in, 1875, xix. 369 progress of, see opening and annual addresses for each year of geographical knowledge since foundation of, Baber on, xxii. 165 publication by, on Physical Geo graphy of Greenland . . . , xix. 421 resolutions (see Housing, etc., supra) Hyndman's concerning Stanley, xxi. 6 regarding Journal, 1867., xi. 177 — - occasional remission of Fees, x. 175 repeal and alteration of regu lations, xv. 238 visitors other than Fellows at evening meetings, vii. 71 xii 120, 210, xix. 358, 369 seating difficulty (see previous entry); Rawlinson on, xx. 330 Wells on, xx. 121, 405-6, others on, 176-8, 404, 405-6 new regulations concerning, Alcock on, xxi. 409, xxii. 7, 8 Rawlinson and others on, xxii. 294 et seq. services rendered to, by Adm. Smyth xxi. 402 soire'e of, 1876., Rawlinson on, xx. 356 subscriptions to the Humboldt Founda tion invited by, iv. 45 Royal Geographical Society— continued. vote of thanks to E. D. Young, for aid to Livingstone-Congo expedition, xvii. 33, xviii. Ill Royal Geographical Society of Italy — courtesies shown by, to English mission to Zanzibar, xvii. 343 Royal or Sacred Cities of Madagascar, visit to, Rev. W. Ellis, 1861., x. 55 Royal Society, vii. 37, co-operation with Arctic Committee of 1873., xvii. 183, 267 Royan river, Abyssinian Nile tributary, explored by Baker, x. 6, waterfall on, 289 Boyd's station, Australia, on Dawson river, iii. 18 Royle, — , botanical work of, in India, referred to, ii. 304 Rozalez pass, Chilian Andes, discovery and elevation of, viii. 160 Ru river, W. Africa, native accounts of, vii. 107 Rua, S. Central Africa, cave dwellings at, Grant on, xvi. 387, Livingstone on, xiv. 12, 16, cited, xvi. 380, 410 mountains of, xviii. 268, 272 ; exit of Lualaba river from, Livingstone on, xiv. 9 or Rukwa Lake, C. Africa, Grant on, xvi. 411 Ruaha river, Usango, E. Africa, affluents of, iii. 350, unknown course of, xi. 240 source and feeders of, xxii. 245, 385-6 Ruambadzi inlet, Lake Nyassa, latitude of, and land near, xxii. 242 Ruana river, Victoria Nyanza, xxii. 388 area drained by, xx. 154, 155 outfall of, xx. 41, 154 shallowness of, xxii. 409 Ruanda district, E. C. Africa, long ridges and lakelets of, Stanley on, xxii. 396 Ruanga river, S. C. Africa, a large river, i. 75, 76 Rubah, Tell, and Valley, Syria, xvi. 106, 107 Rubeho, Mt., E. C. Africa, pass through, v. 127, xxi. 234 Rubuku or Lufuku river, C. Africa, xxii. 401 Ruby mines near the Oxus, see Badakh- sb&n and WakMn Rudbar district, Persia, and inhabitants, xvii. 87 Valley, mines in, iii. 5 Rud Kaneh-i-Dudzi river, Persia, course of, xvii. 87 Rudok, Trans-Himalayas, position of, xiii. 195 elevation, etc., of, ascertained by the 3rd Pundit, xiv. 208 turbulent shepherds of, xi, 9 RUF— RUS 283 Rufiji river, E. Africa, delta of, and intended visit of Burton ' and Speke to, 1858., iii. 349 explored by Wharton, 1873., xxii. 454-5 sources of its affluents, xxii. 386 watershed of, Stanley's route via, xxii. 385 wood produced by, Kirk on, xxii. 454 Rufu, or Ruvu river (see Kingani), i. 12 connected with Lake Manyoro, xx. 77 natives along, xix. 318, their fishing weirs, xxi. 501 tortuous character of, xxi. 499 Rufufu river, affluent of Lake Tangan yika, length of, xxii. 401 Rufuma river, see Rovuma Rugeshi or Rugedzi Channel (or Grant Strait), Victoria Nyanza, xx. 145 Stanley on, xxii. 388-9, 409 Rugufu or Ruguvu river, affluent of Lake Tanganyika, xix. 152-r3, xxii. 401 Ruiki river, affluent of the Lualaba, xxii. 405 Ruivo, Pico, Madeira, meteorological ob servations at, ii. 371 Rujum, Yemen, visited by MiUingen, xviii. 200 Rukigura river, E.G. Africa, course of, xxi. 239, when fordable, 241 Rukwa, Hikwa or Likwa, lake or lagoon, E. Africa, in connection with Lake • Tanganyika, xi. 240, xvii. 178 rivers draining and feeding, xix. 138, 253 Rule and Lacy's station, Queensland, x. 63 Rum, Persia, visited by Goldsmid, xvu. 90 Rumanika, King of Karagwe, xxi. 467, Speke's letter to, 1862., vii. 228 mission (proposed) to, xxi. 498, xxii. 372 Stanley on, xxii. 154 trade carried on by boats of, x. 18 Rumbue, town, S. O. Africa, i. 75 Rumbi Mts. (see Cameroons), unexplored, geological formation and connection of, vi. 239 Rumbi river, or Rio del Rey, W.- Africa, vi. 239 Ruminagui Mt., S. America, elevation of, xxi. 556 Runangwa or Marungu river, xi. 239, affluent of Lake Tanganyika, Cameron on, xix. 254 Runga, town, S. C. Africa, i. 75 tribe, location of, also known as Niam-niam, v. 38-9 Rungnu river, Garo Hills, India, affluent of the Gonassery, xvii. 38 Rungpur district, Bengal, on the Brahma putra, i. 270 Rungwa or Rikwa river, E. Africa, hot springs of, xviii. 244, length of, xxii. 101 RQnjut river, tributary of the Sumessary, xvii. 40 Runn of Cutch and Neighbouring Region, On the, Sir H. Bartle E. Frere, xiv. 120 geological formation of, Murchison on, xiv. 122 Ruo river, E. C. Africa, grave of Bishop Mackenzie at, xii. 86, xxii. 234 Rupaohasse, town, S. C. Africa, i. 75 Rupert Land, B.N. America, the Colony and its Limits, Synge, vii. 71, 75-6 French posts in, vii. 73 Bishop of, on the Esquimaux, i. 214 Rusanga, town, S. C. Africa, i. 75 Rusango river, E. C. Africa, course of, xxu. 394 Rusizi, or Rusuzi, river, affluent of Lake Tanganyika, xi. 242, 249, xix. 152, xxii. 397 length of, xvii. 14, xxii. 401 size and speed of, xix. 152 supposed an effluent from Lake Tan ganyika, xi. 241, xviii. 147 variouB travellers cited on the course of, xviii. 146-7 width of, xvii. 22, Speke on, xi. 242 Russell, Earl, aid to Franklin Searoh, vi. 26, to Speke and Grant, vii. 189 despatch from Baikie to, 1861., vi. 22 , Lord John, friendly attitude of, to Livingstone, iv. 26 Russia(n), (see Atkinson, Pamirs, Siberia, etc.) — advances of, in Asia (in historical sequence) — towards N. China, i. 104, iv. 60 in C. Asia, iii. 387, 389, viii. 271, 273- 5, xi. 14 acquires harbours in Chinese Tar tary, v. 115, and in Manchuria, vii. 29, xi. 162, 253 towards India, xiii. 202, xiv. 319, xv. 198-9, xvi. 261, xvii. 114 towards Persia, xii. 393 possessions of, in Pekin, ii. 307, xvi. 215, xviii. 77 outposts of, near Khokan, iii. 145 attitude as to Afghan frontier, etc., 1873., xvii. 108, 109, 113 boundaries of, review of, since foundation of R.G.S., ix. 237 Caspian, vi. 91, xvii. 114 Sibero-Chinese(1860.), iv. 60 ; (1862.) according to Treaty of I860., vi. 171, vii. 30 ; according to the Treaty of Pekin, xiv. 221 Turkestan (N.), ix. 271 commerce of with Indus regions, iii. 386 conquest of the Caucasus, I860., iv. 196, viii. 279 Cossacks of, vi. 59 desire for Tsusima Island, 1862,, vii. 63 284 BUS— SAB Russia(n) — continued. effect on rainfall of two much forest destruction in, ii. 181, xiii. 80-1 European, geological reason for absence of earthquakes in, iii. 230 evidences of glaciation action in, vii. 154 expeditions and explorations — Antarctic, 1819., ix. 95 Arctio, xvi. 186, xx. 421, and Arctic Siberian, xxii. 339 co-operation in C. Asian exploration (1870.) Murchison on, xiv. 317 in Asia generally — i. 432-3, ii. 277, iii. 288, iv. 196, v. 190, vi. 159, 183, vii. 157, viii. 199, ix. 237, x. 233, xi. 202, 216, xiii. 6, 301, xiv. 229, 232, 319, xv. 288, xvi. 186, 204, 348, 351, xvii. 112, 291, xviii. 8, 559, 562, xix. 14, 15, 66, 422, xx. 417, 421, xxi. 20, 21, 122, 477, xxii. 51, 339 in Central Asia, E. D. Morgan, xiv. 229 et seq., xxii. 51 ; see Boutakoff, Prjevalsty, Radde, Semenof, etc. in China, 1874-5., xx. 421 ; xxi. 21 in Turkestan, E. D. Morgan, xiv. 229, 234, xxii. 339 in the interior of Russia, vi. 161 ; on the frontier, xvii. 19 in the Ural Mountains, i. 431-2 Recent Journey of the Archimandrite Palladius through Manchuria, tr. E. D. Morgan, xvi. 204 Russian expedition to the Alai and Pamir in 1876.,Kostenko's account, R. Michell, xxi. 122 Grand Duke Constantino of, friendly attitude of, to R.G.S., vi. 7 Harbours on the coast of Manchuria, Lloyd, xi. 253 Imperial Geographical Society of, and its work, see Explorations influence on the Sea of Azov, i. 307-8 internal canal system, xi. 118, 256 progress (I860.), iv. 198, v. 193 Maps of, 1863., viii. 202 ethnographical, xix. 424 geological, vi. 161, xiii. 72 presented and promised to the R.G.S., 1861., vi. 7 Measurement of the Arcs of Meridian and Parallel (1858.), ii. 275, and see Addresses Oriental Congress, meetings of, at St. Petersburg, 1876., xxi. 20 Progress of geographical researches in, see supra, explorations routes from, to Tashkend, xi. 41 Southern, see Osborn on Sea of Azov surveys of Turco - Persian frontier, i. 353 trade with C. Asia, Mitchell cited on, iv. 197-g ; with China, ii. 307 Russian America, Whymper's explorations in, 1866-7, xii. 186, xiii. 285 Manchuria, when incorporated, xi. 162 Turkestan, water system of, Dilke, xviii. 246, 253 ; see Turkestan Russo-American telegraph works, Pro gress of, 1866., xi. 39, xii. 186 Chinese telegraph extension (1867.), vii. 94, xi. 253, 254 Russkelsky, Lake Ladoga, marble quarry . at, xiii. 378 Rustenberg, the '* garden " of the Trans vaal, xxii. 117, climate, wealth, and pro ducts of, 119 Rusugi river, C. Africa, crossed by Cameron, xix. 152 Ruwambu or Lohugati river, V. Nyanza region, source of, xxii. 393 Ruxton, Com. W. F., Report on the Rivers of W. Africa, x. 66 Ryall, E. C., visit of, to Hundes, Trans- Himalayas (1877.), xxii. 354 Ryk Ise or Yse,'Capt., ix. 177 Ryk Ise Islands near Spitzbergen, granite boulders on Lamont on, ix. 155, Lamont and Birkbeck's " furthestnorth," xvii. 99, 100 Ryswick, Treaty of, as affecting Rupert Land, vii. 74 S. Saadani, port, E. Africa, xvii. 338, xxi. 238, xxii. 384 game seen near, xvii. 339 a poor port, xviii. 241, xxi. 247 route to Unyamwesi vid, Broyon Mi- rambo on, xxii. 29 Sabachia river, N.E. Siberia, affluent of the Anadyr river, source of, xxi. 218 Sabact river, see Sobat Sabai Island, N. Guinea, London Mission ary Society's station at, xx. 105 natives of, and their customs, xviii. 31, 36-, xx. 96 Sabakr or Adi river, E. Africa, source and course of, xxii. 451 Sabanja, Lake of, Asia Minor, proposed canal from, i. 301 Sabi river, S.E. Africa, country near, xix. Ill Erskine's journey to, 1873. xix. 123, xxii. 128-9 et seq. in flood, xxii. 130-1 lagoons at mouth of, xxii. 131 latitude and width of, xix. 123 natives along, xvii. 298, xix. 123, xxii. 128 Sabia river, S.E. Africa, xiii. 320, 336, xix. 110, 111 Sabine, Cape, Arctic regions, xx, 60, xxi, 279 SAB— SAI 28c Sabine, Cape, Arctic Regions — continued.- glaciers near, xviii. 276, xxi. 276 Hayes' surveys of, ix. 186 ice near, xxi. 278 Sabine, Gen. Sir E. , an old Arctic explorer, xiii. 294, xxi. 308, 554 on Arotic exploration, (1865.), ix. 59 on Arctic temperatures, i. 20 letter on the Humboldt Foundation, I860., iv, 45 magnetic observations, etc., of, xv. Ill, xxii. 192, 194, 200, 205, 212, 213, 215 translator of Humboldt's "CosmoB," ii. 286 cited on advantages of Polar explora tions, ix. 56 on the Gulf Stream, xviii. 375 note on ice on E. Greenland, xvii. 176 services,in regard to Ocean Meteorology, x. 264 Sabine Island, Arctic regions, latitude and longitude of, xv. 103 ; loose ice pack near, 109 Sabia, S. PerBia, i. 361, dam at, 292 dry atmosphere of, i. 359 Sable Island, near Nova Scotia, soundings and dredgings in the Gulf Stream near, xiii. 92 Sablja, Mt., Ural range, elevation of, i. 432 Sabrina Land, Antarctic regions, dis covered by Balleny, 1839., ii. 171, 172 note, xiii. 115 Note on, Enderby, ii. 171 point near, suggested for observing Transit of Venus, 1882., xiii. 117 Sabuk river, Borneo, course of, ii. 347 Saoken, Baron Osten, x. 233 ; Expedition to the Trans-Naryn Country, 1867., xiv. 221 Sacramento Mts., New Mexico, Goad on, xxii. 274-5 city, U.S.A., opening up of district near, by Government mail subsidy, vi. 234 river, California, cultivation along, xi. 95, 97 souroe of, xix. 293-5 valley, fertility of, xi. 97 ; rail way to,vxix. 293 Saddak, Turkey-in-Asia, Taylor's visit to, 1867., xi. 98 Saddle Island, Torres Straits, i. 80 Pass, N. Zealand, first crossed by Harper, ix. 34 Sadek, town, Arabia, viii. 65 Sadi bin Ahedi, itineraries of, in E. Africa, xvi. 127 Sadiya, see Sudiya Sadleir, Capt., journey of, in Arabia, cited, viii. 98 note Sadong river, Borneo, Wallace's journey up, (1856.), i. 193, 201 Safah, Es-, Syria, explored by Graham, (1858.), ii. 173, geology of, ii. 298 Safakain, Turkish military station in Yemen, xviii. 200 Safata Bay, Savaii Island, Navigator Group, xxi. 142 Safed, Syria, ii. 224 ; elevation of, iii. 288 Koh or Safid Koh Mts., Afghanistan, i. 345 rivers, tribes, and routes in, xx. 247 Safi, Es, Nile region, elevation, geological formation, wells, etc., at, xx. 359 Saghalien Island, E. Siberia, coal of, i. 143, xiii. 365 passage from, to Yezo, xvi. 195 Russian exploration of, I860., iii. 288 et seq., v. 191, vi. 160, xvii. 295 Russians in, xvi. 215 ; colonies of, xviii. 227 ; posts in, xiii. 365 river, see Amur river Saguenay river, Canada, geological forma tion near, ii. 293 Saguirra, E. C. Africa, cannibal tribe at, xvii. 338 Saguti river, S.E. Africa, probable ruins near, xix. 121 Saham, S. Arabia, caravau station, xviii. 195 , Wady, S. Arabia, xviii. 195 Sahara Desert, Africa, characteristics of, x. 280 death of Couturier in, (1856.), i. 157 note expeditions in and through, 1862., Boo Moghdad's,Duveyrier's. and others, vi. 178 Denham and Clapperton's, 1822., iii. 355 Nachtigall's, (1875.), xix. 12, 456 geography and configuration of, Barth on, ii. 217-8 rivers of, vii. 260 town at northern margin of, ii. 376 trade routes of, in connection with slavery, vi. 17 Sahow, Wady, Sinaitic Peninsula, visited by Holland, 1878., xxii. 455 Sahul district, Tunis, cultivation in, vi. 213 Saian Mts., Siberia, viii. 201 Saichal Kiang (range), Burmah, trend of, xvii. 49, 51 Said Pasha, Viceroy of Egypt, conces sion granted by, to M. Lesseps, 1854., iii. 186-7 ; obituary notice of, 1863., vii. 126 , Port, see Port Said resurvey of, xvi. 817, xxi. 433 Saidabad, Persia, chief town of the valley of Sirjan, xvi 263 Saigoon, on the edge of the Gobi desert, xxi. 34 Saigon, Lower Cochin China, French fortified city of, v. 47 ; taken by them in 1861., vi. 80 286 SAI— SAI Saigon river, navigation of, vi. 82 and town, described, iv. 190-1 Sai Li (pass) Tibet, difficulties of, xxi. 343 Saimal-Kul (lake), Russian Turkestan, feeders of, xviii. 250 Sainsbury, W. N, The Two Providence Island, xxi. 148 St. Abbs, wreck of, 1855., and fate of the survivors, (see also Rigby, Gen. C. P. and Somaliland), x. 99, 101, 113, 161, 262, xi. 4, 155, xvi. 220 Anne (Sta. Anna), Madeira, meteoro logical observations at, ii. 368, 371 - Ann's Lake, B.N. America, iv. 232, forest and work of beavers near, ix. 18 Antony, Convent of, on Mt. Sinai, vi. 236 Asaph, Bishop of, on value of geo graphical verification of history, i. 482 Aubin's, Jersey, trees below high- water mark at, x. 330 ¦ Bay, tides at, x. 330 Bias, Gulf, Panama, narrowness of land between it and the Chepo river, ix. 277 Catherine, Convent of, Sinai, vii. 42-3, road to, vi. 235 Croix river, Wisconsin, U.S.A., de pression of plateau at head of, ii. 340 Cyril Island, Amur river, Siberia, ii. 154 David's, Bishop of, (1858.), on Liv ingstone's Zambesi and other expedi tions, ii. 140 ¦ Elias, Mt., B. Columbia, elevation of and glaciers on, Belcher on, xi. 95 Farina, Tunis, vi. 210 ¦ George Fort, B.N. America, vi. 109 Mt., North Queensland, xviii. 107 George's Bay, W. Africa, harbour of, and healthy highland near, ii. 228 Channel, Danube river, iii. 207 Kay, B. Honduras, described, xii. 343 Giorgio Bay, iEgean Islands, affected by eruption of Santorin, I860., x. 319 Helena Island, S. Atlantic, geological formation, fauna, etc., of, Palmer on, iii. 363 observatory at, established, 1840., xxii. 193 movements of magnetic needle at, xxii. 205 trade winds, foroe of, near, vii. 51 Helen's Mt., volcano, Cascade Range, U.S.A., xi. 84, active in 1842., 94 elevation of, and geysers on, xi. 97 Helier's, Jersey, stumps of trees at, below high-water mark, x. 330 James's monastery, Mt. Ararat, destroyed by lava, 1840., xxi. 88 St. John, Capt., r.n., surveys of Yezo by, xviii. 234; do. of other ports of Japan, xix. 407, xx. 406 cited on the Kuro Siwo, xviii. 364, xix. 504 , Lt., see Gisborne , Maj., on his journey in Seistan, 1871-2., xvii. 92-3 ; on railways in Persia, xvii. 94 , S., on the N.W. Coast of Borneo, vi. 83, 84 researches of, on the currents of Japan, xv. 268 St. John's, Newfoundland, climate of, i. 86 icebergs in harbour of, iv. 108, ix. 132 telegraphic connexion with New Orleans established, i. 146 river, C. America, i. 87 Julian, Port, Patagonia, xv. 51 Kilda Island, famine in, I860., v. 168 Kitts Island, W. Indies, guano de posits of, Crawfurd on, iv. 57, Murchison on, iii. 332 St. Lawrence, Gulf of, Canada, admiralty survey, i. 408 in connection with Atlantic Telegraph scheme, v. 66 river, Canada, how fed, Maury on, vui. 8 geological suppositions concerning, ii. 840 navigable course of, source, and falls ii. 236, 239 open water pool on, in winter, xxi. 285 smooth current of, at issue from lake xix. 257 Upper, charts of, (1860.) iv. 155 vast water area of, xxii 406 watershed of, ii. 341 Valley, mound-builders of, viii. 52 Louis, Senegal, W. Africa, French settlement at, i. 513, 514, 517, ii. 320 Lucia Bay, S. Africa, coast near, described by Erskine, xix. 121 Malo, France, losses of land at, x. 333 Marie Island, Madagascar, Gunst at, (1862.), ix. 289 Journey from Tamatave to, T. Wilkin son, xiv. 372 mixed race of, xiv. 362 Mary's Peak, S. Australia, ii. 18 Pool, S. Australia, ii. 20, 26, described, 23, water apparently per manent, 186 river, B.N. America, coal and granite near, xx. 293 Michael, tower of, Rhodes, destroyed by earthquake, 1862., vii. 205 Michel, Mont, Bay of, France, losses of land in, x. 333 submerged trees at, x. 336 SAI— SAL 287 Saint Miguel, Gulf, Isthmus of Darien, good harbour at head of, and tide in, ix. 279 Nicholas lighthouse tower, Rhodes, destroyed by earthquake, 1863., vii. 205 river, W. Africa, vi. 66 Ouen's Bay, Jersey, losses of land in, x. 329 Paul, B.N. America, distances to and from, vi. 110 postal arrangements of, ii. 47 railroad in construction to, (1858.), ii. 337 stage conveyance to, en route for Chi cago, ii. 150 , hills of, Brazil, vi. 74 river, W. Africa, iv. 218, 219 , U.S.A., settlement of, at head waters of the Mississippi river, xx. 275 de Loanda, W. Africa, Living stone's journey to, (1856.), i. 234 "Livingstone Congo Expedition" at, xvii. 13 river, W. Africa, quartz near, 219 Petersburg, Russia, route from, to Pekin, Grant, vii. 27 telegraph line from, to E. coast of Siberia, 1863., vii. 94, 1877., xxii. 25 Peter's Island, Lake of Bienne, Switzerland, geological formation of, xxii. 456 Quentin, ascent of Mt. Demavend, 1858., xxii. 219 Roque, Cape, S. Amerioa, coast- stream running from, vii., 50, trade winds between, and St. Helena, 51 Simon, Sierra de, Bolivia, a gold- bearing region, xxii. 49 Thomas, W. Indies, devastated by storms, (1864.), xii. 30 Island, W. Africa, basalt cha racter of, vi. 239 opening up of trade with, iv. 67 visited by Reade, 1861., vii. 106 , Monastery of, Greenland, xvii. 314, 316 Vincent, frontier town, B.N. America and U.S., ii. 48 Valley, Madeira, plain of snails above, ii. 367 Vincent's Gulf, S. Australia, v. 59, xii. 139 Saipote valley, Chile, steep gradient near, iv. 46 Sairam-Nor (lake), Russ. Turkestan, ele vation of, xviii. 247 Sai-Sia, Formosa, Chinese settlement at, opium and paddy cultivation near, xxii. 59, 60 Sajama, Mt., Bolivia, elevation of, xxii. 42 Sakalava tribes, Madagascar, charac teristics of, ix. 289 ; region peopled by, xix. 197, 200; explored by Sewell and Piokersgill, 1875., xxi. 165 Sakaria (Sangarias) river, Asia Minor, iii. 389 ; proposed canal vid, i. 301 Sakatu, W. C. Afrioa, Sultan of, and pro posed Niger expedition, (1856.), i. 16, 444-5 ; see Sokatu Sakay river, Madagascar, volume of, xxi. 165, 166 Sakhalin, see Saghalien Sakia, Tibet, independent province, xiii. 394 Saklawiy eh Canal, Mesopotamia, Bewsher on, xi. 155 Saksa river and valley, C. Asia, xxii. 52 Sakti village, near Leh, transport yaks of, xiv. 42 Sakut, Syria, probable former name of, ii. 224 Sakya, Tibet, Buddhist monastery of, position fixed, xvii. 290 Salaam river, Abyssinia, country near, x. 290 explored by Baker, 1861., x. 6 tributary to the Atbara river, vii. 21, 80 Salado river, Argentine Republic, affluent of the Parana, i. 468 affluents of, xvii. 63 course of, i. 169-70 source of, xvii. 60 Valley, Argentine Republic, jouine'y through parts of, Hutchinson, (1864.), viii. 163 , — , Paraguay, position of, xx. 495 Salamander, H.M.S. (Commr. Carnegie) and the settlement of Somerset, N. Australia, 1864., ix. 76, 77, health of crew at same, 78 Admiralty surveys of, in Australia, etc., viii. 192, x. 220-1, xi. 149, 150, 151, 152, 195, xii. 322 successful navigation within Barrier reef, xii. 311 Salaha or Paraha, W. Coast of Africa, Bonnat's expedition to, 1875., popula tion and commercial importance of, xxi. 474 Salamgi, Abyssinia, " saddle " plain, site of King Theodore's camp, xu. 300 Salflr, or Salarin, W. China, position of, xvi. 245 Salas Ikhwdn, Mts., Syria, corrected position of, Burton on, xvi. 114 Salatad region, Daghestan, Caucasus, sulphur springs, etc., of, iv. 249 Saldanha Bay, S.Africa, Admiralty surveys, xiii. 281, xiv. 307 ¦ , Viceroy Ayre de, in relation to the discovery of Australia, xvi. 352 Salem, Oregon, U.S.A., latitude and longitude of, xi. 85 note Saiga, W. Africa, importance of, xviii. 289 288 SAL— SAM Salgado, S., cited on his expedition up the Purus river, (1852.), x. 254 Salia (Zaria), W. Africa, largest town in the interior, ii. 32 various names for, ii. 33 Vogel's observations at, i. 518 Salian, a part of Azerbaijan, viii. 275, on the Caspian, large boats of trading to Euzilli, iii. 394 Salibala river, S.E. Africa, affluent of King George's river, goldfields on, xix. 117 Salinas Bay, Nicaragua, proposed canal to, vi. 75 Peak, New Mexico, conical shape of, Goad on, xxii. 274 Salis river, S. Africa, ruins of Bunjaai at, x. 173 Salkhad, Syria, ii. 175 Sail river, B.N. America, unmapped, ii. 45-46 Sallum, see Biir Sallum Salma, Jebel, Arabia, old capital of Koleib-Waal, viii. 64 Salouiki, Gulf of, iEgean sea, Admiralty survey, vii. 139 Salsporo Ainos, the, xvi. 200 Salt, Mr., sender of alpaca goats to the Cape of Good Hope, (1857.), ii. 79 Salt, Distribution of, in the Ocean as in dicated by the Specific Gravity of its Waters, Buchanan, xxi. 255 Salt, Es, Syria, elevation of, xvii. 328 identical with Ramoth Gilead, xix. 166 Salt desert, Australia, see Australia, Cen tral Salt Lake, Great, Utah, U.S.A., i. 263 situation of, ii. 76 city, Burton on, I860., v. 1 , Little, N. America, settlements on and journeys to, i. 165 Salt lake seen from Murnea, S. Australia, ii. 190 unnamed, S. Africa, filled at times with fresh water, v. 18 , Queensland, x. 64-5 Salt lakes along the Victoria river, N. Australia, i. 188, 367 Salt Range, Punjab, Falconer's collection of plants from, ii. 304 River, Arizona, U.S.A., rise and course of, xix. 306 Rocks, E. Africa, geological forma tion, Wagliorn's visit, 1845., iv. 56-7 Salt water, density of, Carpenter on, xvi. 239 ; see Sea Water Salter, — , cited on valuable land near L. Superior, ii. 50 Saltia Creek, S. Australia, road to, sur veyed, ii. 16, 17, 189 Salto das Bananeiras, Brazil, hostile Indians near, xx. 455 da Conceicao, Brazil, geological for mation of, and waterfall at, xx. 458 Salto Grande, boundary of Paraguay, xviii. 121 , Tibagy river, Brazil, xx. 458, 466 Saluafata Bay and town, Upolu Island, Navigator group, xxi. 145 Salween Loutse, or Lu-Chiang (q.v.), river, Burmah, v. 47, xiii. 393, xiv. 215 exploration along, cited by Coryton, xix. 272 former good order along, xix. 271 navigation of, interrupted by rapids, xi. 149, xix. 287 Richthofen cited on, xviii. 463 source of (unknown 1857.), i. 272, iv. 217, xiv. 219 summary of knowledge of, (1875.), xix. 272 teak rafts of, v. 119 Salza river, Bavaria, falls of, ii. 370 Sam, Lake, Russian Turkestan, elevation of, xix. 423 Samandara identified with Samalanga, Sumatra, Thompson on, xx. 216, 221, 223 Samanhour, Egypt, railway to, iii. 190 Samara, Russia, geological formation of, i. 416 Samarcand, C. Asia, x. 135 expeditions and explorations to and from — Khanikoffs, 1841., viii. 274 Russian, from, 1875., xx. 17 Spanish embassy to, early, Markham on, viii. 273 Vambery's visit to, 1863., viii. 267 hostile to England, (1858.), iii. 145 irrigation in province of, xviii. 252 mediaeval embassies to, viii. 273,xi. 201-2 observatory established at, (1872.), xvii. 54 ruins in, notes on, xv. 393, 394 Russian relations with, ix. 239, 271 Samasima Island, S. of Formosa, in habitants of, viii. 27 Samauw, Pulo (Island), iii. 369 , Strait of, E. Indian Archipelago, iii. 369 Samay, Tibet, French missionaries murdered at 1854., xiv. 219 Samaya, W. Africa, important town, xvii. 122 Sama-ye monastery, Tibet, position of, xxi. 340 Samba or Sambo Nagoshi falls, Ogowai or Rembo river, W. Africa, xvii. 23 gorillas at, x. 73 Sambarava bay, Madagascar, good anchorage in, ix. 289 Sambas coast, Borneo, i. 200 Sambo, Australian native, xv. 97, on lakes above Cooper's Creek, xv. 99 Sambulan river, Borneo, source of, xvi. 172 SAM— SAN 289 Same monastery, Tibet, place of banish ment for lamas, xii. 162 Sami, Kej valley, Mekran, xvi. 140 Samia Temassanin, N. Africa, ix. 314 Samleap State, Burmah, of Muong You, Lagree at, 1866., xix. 279-80 Samoa, or Navigator, Group, Forbes on, xxi. 140 ; ethnology of, 147 earthquake wave at, on day of earth quake in Ecuador, 1868., Turner, xiii. 57 missionaries in, xvi. 391 Samoyedes of Siberia, described by Seebohm, xxii. 108, traditions of, Howorth on, xxi. 44 Sam-Seen-Koom rocks, Canton river, temples, described, vi. 229 Sam-Shui, S. China, vi. 227, described, 228 ; position of, v. 238, 241 Samsun district, Asia Minor, little known, iii. 370, 372 Samuel, Mt., W. Australia, iii. 39 San, see also Saint San Andreas Mts., New Mexico, xxii. 274 Andres Valley, Chile, steep gradient near, iv. 46 • Antonio, on the Madeira river, Brazil, climate at rapids of, xxii. 48 Bartolome, Isthmus of Darien, gold- bearing soil at, i. 78 or Urabamba railway station, Peru, elevation of, xviii. 207 Bias, port, Mexico, iv. 36, vi. 77 ¦ Carlos, Brazil, i. 251 , Nicaragua, " Agua Muerta " of Lake Nicaragua at, xii.. 71 San Fernando de Atabapo, Venezuela, Humboldt at (1812 or -13.), i. 251 Francisco, California, i. 73, 165, 263-4, v. 2 Chinamen in, ii. 206-7 harbour of, U.S. survey of, v. 176 importance of, as a port, xi. 96 mail routes to, i. 85, vi. 77, 108 telegraph line from, to New York, dif ficulties of carrying, xxii. 25 Mt., Arizona, elevation of, xix. 306 Pass, Andes Mts., proposed 1 ail- way through,Wheelwrighton, iv. 45, 47 advantages of, iv. 46-48, viii. 164 river, Brazil, Fletcher on, ix. 30 map of, xi. 365 Son Francisco vessel, drift of, in the Gulf Stream, i. 177 Gavan river, Peru, explored and described by Raimondy, 1864., xi. 102, 104, 106 Gregorio, Patagonia, Barranca and Pampa of, xv. 41 Jeronymo, Brazil, " campos '' in the mountains near, xx. 461 vegetation near, xx, 463 San Jeronymo, Rio, Brazil, xx. 463, rapid fall of, 465 Jose, Mt., Isthmus of Darien, gold in, i. 78 — de Bellavista, Peru, cultivation at, xi. 105 ¦ — — de Chimbo, Ecuador, described by Simson, xxi. 559 Josef or Joseph, Br. N. America, situation of, ii. 46, 146 Juan, Island, B.N. America, boundary question concerning, iv. 35, 37, 230, viii. 92 • de Chirambira river, Isthmus of Panama, canal connecting with the Quito river, i. 70 de Nicaragua, (see also Grey- town), vi. 112 • de Nuova Island, E. Africa. wreck of the St. Abbs on, 1855., x. 99, 113 ¦ — —¦ de Ulloa, or Ulua, visited by Vespucci, (1497.), iii. 390 del Sur, C. Amerioa, good harbour at, xii. 26 proposed canal to, vi. 75 Fuca Sound, B. Columbia, out fall of the Fraser river in, viii. 87 , Mt., Isthmus of Darien, gold in, i. 78 , Port, Vancouver Id., latitude of, ix. 307 river, Cent. America, i. 63, 66, 252 dwindling of, xii. 27 navigation of, i. 90, 91 slow speed of, near source, xii. 71 (Utah), grand canons of, and of other rivers, xii. 142 Vancouver Id., Leech's exploration of, 1864., ix. 307 — r- Luis province, Argentine republio, desert near, xvii. 61 Mateo, Peru, elevation of railway at, xviii. 210 Mts., New Mexico, area and canons of, Goad on, xxii. 274 San Miguel, Paraguay, minerals of, xviii. 124 •, Gulf of, Isthmus of Darien, i. 65, 69, 78, 88 Caldwell's journey to 1865.., i. 484 canal proposed from, to Port Escoces, i. 65 to, from Caledonia Bay, vi. 77 tide in, ix. 279 river, Colombia, S. America, u head-water of the Putomayo river, xxi. 570 Miguelito, C. America, xii. 28 proposed railway to, vi. 75 Pedro on the Pacific, proposed route to, across U.S.A.. i. 264, possibilities of, as a port, iii. 96 V 290 SAN— SAN San Pedro river, Arizona, U.S.A., rise and course of, xix. 306 Rafael, Argentine Republic, railway route to, Crawfurd on, xvii. 62-3 ¦ Rosario, Mexico, silver-mine at, iii. 110 — — Salvador or Watlings island, the landfall of Columbus, Major, xv. 210 Salvador, C. America, survey of, ii. 296 work of Squiers on, referred to, i. 166 , W. Africa (see Congo City), rebellion at, against the Portuguese, (I860.), iv. 72 Soledad Mts., New Mexico, xxii. 274 Xavier del Bac, Mission Church, Arizona, U.S.A., v. 5, xix. 304 San'a'a, S. Arabia, described by MiUingen, (1874.), xviii. 197 famous temple at, xv. 334 inscriptions at, xv. 330 Sances (or Sanchez?), A., delineation of C. Africa by, 1623., iv. 27 San-chung-ho river, C. China, xiv. 184 Sand-bars at Mouths of S. African rivers, Mann's observations, Markham on, xvi. 138 Dunes of the Gobi desert, mode of advance of, Forsyth on, xxi. 34-7, origin of, hypotheses on, 39, 40 hills of Australia, general trend of, v. 59 river, S. Africa, Convention of, 1852., xxii. 115 Sanda, town, S.W. China, population of and ruins at, xv. 357 Valley, Shan States in, described, xv. 356 Sanders, S. S., H.M. Consul at Alexandria, aid given to Petherick by, vii. 21, news sent by of the same, vii. 31 Sandia Valley, Peru, beauty of, v. 225 Sandilands, Capt., letter on the Pitcairn Islanders, cited i. 11 Sandiman, Mt., W. Australia, latitude of, iii. 45 Sandwich Bay, Labrador, elevation and temperature at, ix. 131, 132 Isles, N. Pacific, climate of, xii. 307, how caused, xix. 509 focus of volcanic activity, xix. 512 Geography and Recent eruption of, Staley on, xii. 305 importation of potatoes into, iv. 35 population, xii. 308 products of, xii. 307 Queen of (1868.), xii. 313 Sandy Bay, St. Helena, landing at, iii. 364 Cape, Queensland, iv. 81 ocean level near, xxi. 318 Creek, Queensland, x. 65 ¦ Island, near Heligoland, rise of the sea at, 1858., iii. 372 Sandy Island, N. Australia, i. 185, 226, ii. 12 Point, Lake Nyasa, xxii. 238 river, Oregon, U.S.A., affluents of xi. 82 Sandygerde cove, Faeroe Islands, as a land ing place for the Atlantic cable, v. 71 Sanford, H. A., on W. Australian develop ment and wealth, vi. 58 Sanford, Major, remarks at evening meet ing, viii. 34 Sanfur, Arabia, hilly region, military station at, xviii. 195 Sangai or Sangay volcano, Ecuador, i. 470 elevation of, and temperature on, xx. 557 SangaTa district, W. Africa, tribes of, xiv. 186 Sangari river, see Sungari river Sangbar, clay cliff, Seistan, xvii. 88 Sanghas, Turko-Persian frontier, decay ing village, xx. 172 Sanglech villages, N.W. Frontier of India, the Sapper at, 1871., xvi. 257, 258 Sang Ow Kiang Mts., Burmah, xvii. 51 Sangpo, Sangpo Chu, or Sanpo (the Brahmaputra, q.v.), Tibet, gorge of, xiv. 213 Anderson on, xiv. 346, 352, 353 Pundit 3's journey along, 1868., xiv. 210 question of its identity with the Brah maputra, Montgomery on, xix. 344 ; Rawlinson on, xiv. 219 ; Yule on, ib. Sangs, or open flat valleys of Turkestan, described, xxi. 329 Sanju diwan or pass, Turkestan, xi. 9, xiii. 202, xiv. 60 bad for cattle, xiv. 136 elevation of, xi. 10, and district, Hay ward on, xiv. 58 latitude and longitude of, xi. 10 Mirza Haidar cited on, xxi. 483 position of, xvi. 245 river, xiv. 59 Saniz river, R. Turkestan, xxi. 218 Sankey, Maj., cited on floods in Coorg, (1865-6.), xiii. 78-9 San-kop-yung, Formosa, camphor-trade of, xi. 168 Sankorra, supposed lake, 0. Africa, xx. 121, 130, 131, feeders of, 125 reports on, collected by Cameron, xx. 312, cited 439 Sansandi, W. Afrioa, trade at, i. 114 San-shui, see Sam-Shui San-Sing, on the Sungari river, xiii. 32, 33 town and trade of, ix. 243 Santa Beze, Zambesi river, mountains near, ii. 364 Cruz de Cana, Isthmus of Darien, gold near, i. 78 Group, S.W. Pacific, Markham, xvi. 388 discovered by Mendaiia, 1595., xvi. 388 murder of Goodenough at, 1875., xx. 394 SAN- SAR 291 Santa Cruz Group — continued. natives and dress in, xvi. 392 volcano iu, xvi. 391 Santa Cruz river, Arizona, course of, xix. 306 natives on, xix. 304 (rio), Patagonia, explored by Moreno, (1877.), xxii. 41, pampa near, xv. 42 Eulalia, and other mining places in • Mexico, iii. 110 Fe"f Argentine Republic, opening up of, i. 169, 170, 468 — , New Mexico, Goad on, xxii. 279 Baldy Mts., New Mexico, xxii. 275 de Bogota, Colombia, table lands of, i. 252 Inez, Ecuador, position and entomo logical interest of, xxi. 563 Lucia Bay, S. Africa, see St. Lucia Maria del Darien, the earliest settle ment in S. America, i. 78 , Cerro of, Paraguay, conical hill, xx. 496 Rita Mts., Arizona, elevation of, xix. 306 Rosa Mt., chain of, Paraguay, xx. 496 Ysabel de Estrella Island, Solomon Group, first visited by Spaniards, 1568., xvi. 388 Santardu or Santadon river, N.W. Fron tier, India, xiii. 21 ; glaoiers at source of, xiii. 346 Santarem, Vicomte M. F. de B., etc., de, obituary notice of, 1856., i. 130, see also 175 Santarem, Brazil, canoe trade with, xviii. 129 ; healthiness of, viii. 61 Santarou or Kara-su, Chinese viUage on edge of Gobi desert, xxii. 52 Santiago de Chile, Observatory of, work of, i. 469-70 railway communication with, estab lished, iv. 47, viii. 164 , Isthmus of Darien, gold mines at, i. 78 river, Ecuador, drainage area and fall of, xxi. 557 Santaohe Mt., C. Asia, crossed by Lemenoff, (1858.), ii. 280 Pass, Thian Shan Mts., position of, ix.272 Santo Tomas, Cerro (hill), Paraguay, xx. 495 Sao Vincente, Madeira, meteorological observations at, ii. 371 Santorin Island, Greek archipelago, cleans ing effectBof sea-water in bay of, x. 122 Volcanic eruption at, 1866., Brine, x. 317 Report on, Fouqu6, x. 323 Murchison on, x. 120, 228 Schmidt on, x. 118 Spratt on, x. 120 Sapangar Harbour, N. Borneo, best in island, vi. 83 Sapeto, G., Travels in and beyond Abys sinia, 1838., 1851-57., ii. 325 note Saporo, seat of Government in Yezo, xviii. 227-8, 230 wood-trade of, xviii. 231 Sapper, the, or Havildar, travels of, on the N.W. Indian frontier, 1870., xvi. 253, 339 Sapucai pass, Paraguay, mountains near, xx. 495 Sara, Mt., Yemen, xviii. 200 Sarai, on the Volga, capital in 1340, of the house of Chingiz, Kipchak branch, x. 271 Sarambi hills, Paraguay, geological for mation of, xx. 495 Saraswati river, Punjab, lost in the sands, xix. 437 ; upper course unknown,xiv. 123 Saraurou peak, Ecuador, non-volcanic, xxi. 556 Sarawa, Japan, x. 170 Sarawak, Borneo, cession of, to Sir J. Brooke, (1842.), i. 193, his rule in, 207 Dyak use of upas poison as febrifuge, xvi. 175 geography of, Wallace on, i. 200 river, district of, described by Wallace, i. 194 Sarbol el Khadim, Sinaitic peninsula, ruins of Egyptian city at, xvii. 333 Sarbut el Gemal, Jebel (mountain}, Sinaitic peninsula, xiii. 207 Sardar Bulakh plain, Ararat, xxii. 180 Sardinia, Island of (see also Italy), della Marmora's physical geography and geo logy of, i. 428, viii. 180, his maps of, iv. 202 Sardud river, Yemen, Arabia, course and drainage area of, xviii. 201 Sare or Saregi, Yoruba-land, ii. 91 ; con verging routes to, xxi. 487 Sarel, Lt.-Col., Expedition up the Yang- tse-Kiang, 1861., vi. 2; Barton on same, vi. 85, see also vi. 164, 167 Sargasso Sea, centre of circulation of N. Atlantic waters, Findlay on, xiii. 102 circular motion of water in, xiii. 241 Sarhad Wakhan Valley, Wakhan, hills around, pasture on, xv. 183, Gordon's journey over, 1874., xviii. 429 Sari, capital of Mazandaran, Persia, xx. 166 Sar-i-Aliabad plateau, Persia, elevation of, xvii. 194 Sar-i-darah pass, Turcoman-Persian fron tier, Napier on, xx. 167 Sari-dere river, Asia Minor, plans for utilizing, i. 302 Sari-Kamish, Trans-Caspian region, wells of, xvii. 294 292 SAR— SAU Sarikee valley, E. Turkestan, Hayward on, xiv. 48 Sarikul, Serikul or Tashkurgan fort, E. Turkestan, antiquity of, xv. 392 mountains near, xiv. 52, 54 pass into, across the Trans-Alai Mts., xx. 484 Veniukoff on position of, xiii. 348 river and valley, Kostenko on, xxi. 129 Sarkajong, Tibet, visited by the Pundit, xii. 150 Sar Laspur Valley, Trans-Himalaya, posi tion of, xxii. 353 Sarobashi, Japan, suspension-bridge near, xvii. 79 Sarsil pass, C. Asia, character of, xi. 9 Sartan river, also called Yana, Siberia, affluents of, xxi. 214 Sarydjaz springs, C. Asia, source of the main branch of the Oxus, visited by Semenoff, (1858.), ii. 280 Sary-su river, Aralo-Caspian region, tribu tary of the Syr Daria, drying-up of, xi. 214 Sascatchewan, Saskatchewan, or Bow river (q.v.), B.N. America, (see also coalfields of, iv. 172, xx. 296 country along, in relation to coloniza tion, various views, iii. 123, 126, 321, iv. 73, 231, 233, v. 201 drainage area of, iv. 231 exploration of, proposed, (1857.), i. 264-7, 320-1, 460-1-2, see Palliser Dawson's, 1859., iv. 173 Hind's, 1859., iv. 171 Rae's, (1863.), vi. 110, vii. 102 Hind's map, (1876.), correction of, by Southesk, xx. 362 Track survey of, xx. 364-5 Lower, dangers of travelling along, ii. 44 navigation of, Kelly on, vi. 233-4 ¦ , Palliser on, ii. 44, 148, 149 , Poor on, ii. 336 , Rae and others on, xii. 125 et seq. , McQueen cited on, vi. 234 no good route vi&, to B. Columbia, Mayne on, vi. Ill N. Branch, iv. 172 passes near, iii. 123 prairies and plains of, iii. 222, 318, iv. 229, 253, vii. 102 in relation to Rupert Land, vii. 73 S. Branch, iv. 170 Upper, navigation of, xii. 123 valley of, Ball . on, iv. 233 ; and Red River, water communication between, discovered, ii. 149, 152 Visit to, Rae, (1863.), vii. 102 Sassar, E. Turkestan, i. 277 glaciers and lake above, xv. 177-8 La (Pass), E. Turkestan, elevation ' of, i. 273-4, xiv. 41 glaciers of, Forsyth on, xviii. 113-5 Sassy-Kul Lake, C. Asia, in relation to the Ala-Kul, ix. 214 Satana Bay, Savaii Island, Navigator group, xxi. 142 Satishtifak Kotal pass, between Chitral and Wakhan, difficult and little used, xiii. 129 note Satow, E.,and others, travels of, in Japan, 1867., etc., xviii. 236 Satpura, see Sautpoora Satruar valley, Persia, beauty and fer tility, and elevation of, xvii. 194 Saugor, C. provinces, India, good climate of, xi. 57, 69 Saulaem kingdom, W. Africa, i. 514 town, Joloff district, W. Africa, i. 513, 514 Sault Ste Marie, B.N. America, late ice at, 1857., ii. 39 Saunders, R., on currents in the Bay of Bengal, vi. 103 Saunders, T., on the action of the sun at the Poles, xvii. 106 on Africa, Abyssinia, xiii. 224 African exploration and the Liv ingstone Search and Relief Expe dition, xvi. 166 Baikie's W. African journeys,. xi. 50 the African Lakes, xvi. 131 Madagascar, xix. 204 on Asia, on Afghan geography, xx. 250 catalogue of Maps of India made by, xv. 284 Central Asia, maps of, x. 152, xi. 166 ; mountains of, xiv. 137, 213, 214, xvi. 408 intercommunication between China and India, xi. 258 the Irawady river, xiv. 356 Kuldja and. the adjacent countries and rivers, xviii. 252 Mekran, xvi. 221 the Mountains of N. India, xiv. 137, xvi. 408 New Guinea, iii. 361 the Oxus river and Russian advances in C. Asia, xvii. 116 the Palestine exploration fund, xvii. 332-3 the Pundit's journey, 1873-5., and its results, xxi. 348 the Terek pass, etc., xiv. 233-4 the Tourho river of Chinese Tartary, xi. 254 the interior of Tibet, xiv. 213-14 travels in Tibet, etc., xii. 171 SAU— SCH 29c Saunders, T.— -continued; on Asia — continued. the Yellow River and its explorers, xiv. 37 on Australia, cause of the N.W. Monsoon in, vii. 87 horse-exportation from, xiv. 206 ; do. from Carpentaria district, vi. 58 North, Gregory's expedition, i. 327-8, 343 , settlements in, ii. 214, 215, iii. 90-1 North-Bast, settlements in, (1864.), viii. 120-1 South, .explorations in, iii. 157 on the true place in geography of the Caucasus, xiii. 73 work of, on mountains and river basins of India, xv. 284 Saunders Creek, N. Australia, i. 229 Sau-o-Bay, Formosa, viii., 25, 26 Saura Mts., C. Asia, lofty elevations in, xviii. 562 Saut, the, Syria, geological formation of, xvi. 110 Sautpoora range, Bombay, climate of, etc., xi. 68, elevation, 58 great length of, xi. 59 Sava, Arabia, visited by Wrede, xv. 330 Savaii Island, Navigator Group, xxi. 141 geological formation, size and moun tains of, xxi. 142 scenery and natives of, 143 Savalan, Mt., Persia, iv. 253 elevation, vi. 163 Savanna or Savana river, Isthmus of Darien, i. 484 navigability of.-ix. 279 Savannah river and portage,B.N. America, ii. 41, observations on, 48, 49 Savanne, the, swamp, B. N. America, iii. 126 Savoonga's Hill, Lushai district, xvii. 43 Sawady or Sawuddy route,' Bhamo to China, xx. 213, 234 Sawahili tribes, E. Africa, location of, and characteristics, ii. 55, rulers of, (1859.), iii. 349 Sawar distriot, Perso-Turcoman frontier, abandoned state of, xx. 167 Sawkins, J. G., on the geology and cas cades of B. Guiana, xv. 131, cited 305 survey of Trinidad referred to, iii. 276 Sawo Bay, village, Formosa, x. 122, 123 Sayan Mts., E. Liberia, great Lake near, ix. 238 Scamander river, Asia Minor, modern identification of, iii. 385-6 Scandinavia (see Sweden and Norway), flora of, Hooker on, xvi. 236 Scarcies river, W. Africa, (see also Great Scarcies), Fulbe tribe on, xxi. 494 Sohamaki, Caucasus, earthquake at, 1859., vi. 62, 64 Sohebulos Mt., Caucasus, elevation of, xiii. 68 Scheda, Herr von, Hon. Corresponding Member R.G.S., viii. 44 Scherescheffsky, Rev. — , see Sarel Scherzer, Dr. Karl, Hon. Corresponding Member R.G.S., viii. 43, with the "Novara," 1857., i. 431, ii. 281, his work on, vii. 151 Schickh, Lt. von, of von der Decken's E. African expedition, x. 90 Report on Disaster to the above ex pedition, 1861., x. 91, 109 Schien-kan, N. China, prosperity of dis trict near, vi. 222 Schlagintweit, A., travels in Yarkand, and death, ii. 299, vii. 132 note, xiv. 6, 62,69 Forsyth on, xxiii. 112-13, traces of, 40 Leitner on, xviii. 116 Strachey on, 1857., iii. 144, 171 et seq. at Kashgar, Valikanof on, vi. 162 last letter from, iii. 144 obituary notice, 1859., iii. 259 , H., on Kunchinginga Mt., iii. 366 ., the brothers, gold medal of the French Geographical Society awarded to, 1859., iii. 291 Journey across the Kuen-luen, Ladak to Khotan, 1856., i. 273, 436-9 journey beyond the Karakorum, xi. 7 travels in and near Ladak, 1856-7., ii. 299-301, iii. 171 et seq., xi. 7, 8, xxi. 326 works of, x. 239 Schliisselburg, Russia, geological forma tion near, xiii. 378 Schmidt, Dr., on Volcanic Erruptions in Santorin Island, 1866., x. 118 , Johann, of Baker's Nile expedition, 1864., death of, and memorial to, x. 7 Schmidthal, Baron von, on receiving R.G.S. grant on behalf of Mauch, xvi. 285 Solmitzer, Dr. E., see Emin Pasha Sohoemansdal, S. Africa, destruction of, Fynney on, xxii. 120 Schomburgk, Sir R. H., gold medallist of R.G.S,i. 409, ii. 157 Journey from Bangkok to Pecha-huri, I860., iv. 211, and General report on the trade of Siam, 212, cf. 189 Travels in Siam (I860.), v. 118, cf. 197 summary of his travels, vi. 182, ix. 244 survey of B. Guiana by, i. 469 cited on the Kaietur Waterfall, xv. 131 obituary notice, 1865., ix. 208 Schon, Mr., translator of the Haussa lan guage, xxi. 492, 493 Sohonlein, Dr. P., Cape Palmas settle ment of Liberated Negroes, i. 98 294 SCtt— SEA Sohonlein, Dr. P. — continued. explorations in Africa and death of, 1856., i. 55 Schott, C. A., on Kane's Arctic explora tion and the positions of certain capes in Greenland, ii. 360 Schougla, Nile region, iron- workers near, xx. 360 Schubra or Vacovia (q.v.), Albert Nyanza, xxi. 52 mountains near, xxi. 55 Schutte, Herr, sent by German African Society to Muata ya Nvo (1871.), xxii. 14, 376 Schuyler, E., A Month's journey in Ko kand, 1873., xviii. 408, see xxi. 42 on the Toorki language of C. Asia, xviii. 438 Schwabe, Herr, observations of, on sun- spots, xxii. 207 Schwaley, Shwelee or Shueli liver, affluent of the Irawadi, French missionaries cited on, xiv. 219, xv. 333 ; see Shueli Schweinfurth, Dr. Georg, awarded Gold Medal of R.G.S., xviii. 487, Presi dent's speech, 488, reply of Count Minister, 489, letter of thanks of recipient, 495 Societe Khe"diviale de Geographic, es tablished by (1876.), xx. 447 journeys in C. Africa, 1871., xv. 310; 1872., xvi. 325, 366 note, xvii. 12, xx. 127, 130; do., E. of the Nile, 1876., xxi. 470 map of the Nile by, xx. 442 cited on N. Africa, xiv. 4 cited ou access to the Nile via, Appuddo, xx. 472 cited on the Uelle and other rivers, xvii. 22-4 Scientific Geography, Introductory Lec ture, Strachey, xxi. 179 R.G.S. grant for the Promotion of, xx. 509 Scope of, Strachey, xvi. 443 Scinde, no regular rainy season in, xi. 62 ; railway, iii. 386 : see Sind Scisy, forest of, France, submerged, ,\. 333, 335 Sclater, P. L'., on N. Guinea, its animal life, and exploration in, xix. 242-3 Scora-la (pass), crossed by Dr. Falconer (1847.), viii. 38 Scoresby, Rev. Dr. W., highest north lati tude reached by, 1806., ix. 163 and note, xvii. 102, 319; other Arctic voyages of, xxi. 554 explorations in E. Greenland, 1822., xv. 108 cited on Arctic currents, v. 227 obituary notice, 1858., ii. 254 Scotland, Admiralty surveys, i. 138. 401, ii. 260, iii. 263, iv. 147, v. 167, vi. 131, Scotland, Admiralty Surveys— continued. vii. 138, viii, 190, ix. 221, x. 217, xi. 191, xxi. 432 cadastral survey of, vi. 140, vii. 145 geological survey of, progress, iii. 275, v. 189, vii. 146 lakes of, Deep-water temperature of, Buchanan, xvi. 364 ordnance survey of, v. 179, vi. 141, viii. 194 pre-historic geological conditions in, Murchison, vii. 75, 151, 153-4 sea-temperature round coast of, Stark's memoir on, cited, iii. 279 telegraphic connection with the N. • Atlantic Cable, iv. 101, 102, 106, 152, 169, v. 94 Scott, A. J., on Dalrymple's Overland journey from Port Denison to Rocking ham Bay, Queensland, 1863., viii. 110, x. 34, 248 , R. H., on Nordenskidld's proposed Arctic expedition (1872.), xvi. 239 , W. H., ii. 37 ; Memorandum on the identity of Mts. Everest and Deodanga, ii. 107 , Mt., S. Australia, ii. 17 Scottish Free Church Mission to C. Africa, xxi. 14 note missions, activity of, in Africa, 1876., xx. 15 Scott's Creek, Queensland, affluent of Dawson river, iii. 19 Peak, Cascade Range, Oregon, con tour of, xi. 91 Station, Queensland, viii. Ill Scythiopolis, Syria, modern name Beisan, ii. 228, ruins at, 225 Sea, encroachment of, on the W. Coast of France, 2nd to 15th centuries, Peacock, x. 329 - — , an Inland, action of Cold and Heat on, Carpenter, xxi. 31 , the, Physical Geography of, in con nection with the Antarctic Regions, Maury, v. 22 , Sudden Rise of, at HeUgoland, 1858., Harmsen, ii. 372 and its Currents, Remarks on the Undulatory Motion of, Cialdi, ii. 395 Bay and other harbours, Curlew Island, Bay of Bengal, described, vi. 208 Sea-bottom, researches on by Navy ves sels urged by R.G.S., ix. 3 Seahorse Island, Arctic regions drift ice at, ix. 310 Sea level, variations in, Evans on, xxii. 73 Range, N. Australia, i. 184, 225, 226, 219, steepness of, 230 Reach, Gulf of Carpentaria, Aus tralia, xiii. 53, 54 water, composition of, Forchhammer cited on, x. 341 SEA— SEK 295 Sea water — continued. Specific gravity of, Buchanan, xxi. 255 ; Carpenter on, xvi. 239, cited, 323 ; Murchison on, 1857., i. 413; on the W. Coast of Africa, Report on, Witt, i. 508 : see Seas, infra Seah Koh, and other Mts., near Herat, xxi. 585 Seal Bay, Spitzbergen, ix. 311 Seang district, China, and the Tai-ping rebels, i. 101 river, Southern China, explored by Dickson's party, vi. 166 in relation to the Tae-ping rebels, vi. 89 Seaou-sung river, C. China, affluent of the Han river, xiv. 182 Searla, , on the opening of the Amazon river, xv. 380 Seas between England and India, Specific Gravity, Temperature and Currents of, Toynbee, ix. 281 further observations on, x. 328 Seasons in Australia, as divided and named by the natives, xii. 315 in Congo, W. Africa, xix. 101 Seaview Range, Queensland, xii. 55 Sebahu, Mt., Borneo, and the boundary of Sarawak, i. 200 Sebaiyeh, Wady,. Sinai penins., xiii. 209 Sebarbaret, N. Africa, hot springs at, and position of, xxi. 473 Sevastopol, Russia, siege of, hampered for want of geological knowledge, vii. 124 note Sebbeh, Dead Sea, rock of, analysis of earth of, Roman camp at, viii. 280-1 Sebituane, Chief of the Makalolo, and Livingstone, xviii. 504 Sebdran Mt., Borneo, aspect of, i. 1 9S Seby Chub, Argandab Valley, inscriptions at, xx. 244 Sechele's town, Africa, punishment of husband-beating at, i. 242 Se-ching-Keaou town, C. China, long bridge at, xiv. 170 Se-ohuen province, W. China (see also Sze- chuen), condition of , in 1 86 1 . , vi. 2. 4, 87 extent and population of, xi. 258, 259 mineral wealth and natives of. xi. 256 travels of the Spryes in, (I860.), v. 45 Sectaoa province, N. Africa, visited by Hooker, 1871., xv. 217 Sedashgur, Harbour, Bombay, and other seaports of India, Maopherson, vii. 95 Showers cited on, viii. 209 Sedeyr district, C. Arabia, cultivated and populous, ix. 294 Sedgwick, Rev. Dr. (geologist), obituary notice of, 1873., xvii. 242 Seebohm, H., Journey to the Obi and Yenisei, 1877., xxii. 101 Seed Bom Noire, Morocco, harbour at, ii. 375, 376 See Kaw, Burmo-Chinese frontier, Har- court's difficulties at, xv. 350 Seeman, Dr. B., on the British govern ment mission to the Fiji Islands, (I860.), vi. 92, xvi. 391, and on the land-owning and labour in, 99, cf. 189 ; his book on, referred to, vii. 182 on the Chontales region of C. America, xii. 47 on - toddy," ix. 32 obituary notice, (1872.), xvi. 310 Seerundo, inland lake, Mekran, vii. 1 17 See-sow, Mashona village, trading at, xv. 156 Seetzen, first explorer of the Hauran, ii. 174, 297, iv. 151 Sefi'd Aub river, Persia, falls of, and nomad tribes on, iii. 10 Riid river, Persia, course au 1 affluents of, iii. 4, milky waters of, ii. 12 Segau, capital of Shen-se province, China, xiv. 183 Sego or Segou Sikoro territory, so-called gold country, W. Africa, xx. 78 explorations in; by Park and others, xi. 200 Fulbe natives in, xxi. 494 Segre river, affluent of the Guadalquiver river, x. 232 Segseg, see Salia Seh Deh, Persia, beautiful carpets of, xvii. 90 Sehend Mts., Persia, salt lake near, vi. 163 Sehir Mts., E. Siberia, effects of winter . climate on animal life in, ii. 278 Se-ho river, C. China, rise and course of, xiv. 174 Seismology, Murchison on, (1859.), iii. 279 Seistan (see also Sistan), Persia, vii. 157 boundaries of, area, and population, xvi. 219, xvii. 88 expeditions and explorations — Christie's journey to (1810.), xvi. 219 , Goldsmid's journey to Mash'had from Bunder Abbass via, 1871., xvi. 218, xvii. 86 great lake, (Hamoun), in, vii. 160 mountains near Kruk in, xvii. 87 Notes on, Rawlinson, xvii. 92 plain of, Perso-Afghan disputes con cerning, xxi. 586 Lake, xvi. 218, xxi. 586 absence of outlet from, Blandford, xvii. 94 Sejind Plain, Persia, xx. 169 Sejo, W. Africa, French settlement, i. 44 Sekeletu and his country, S. Africa, v. 18 Livingstone and, xviii. 505 river near capital, iv. 64 slave trade in, xx. 318 trading caravan from, to Loanda, (1856.), i. 249 296 SEK— SEN Seki-yado, Japan, described, xvii. 83 Sekomo's country, S. Africa, xiii. 134-5 Sekuha, modern capital of Seistan, xvii. 87, 88 Sekukune's country, S. Africa, x. 173 Sek-hwan or Sekhuan, aborigines of Formosa, Allen on, xxi. 261 Bullock on, xxi. 268 Selam, Banda Island, Portuguese ruins at, xii. 327 Selassie Peak, Abyssinia, elevation of, xii. 300, xiii. 50 Selby, Capt., on Mesopotamia and the plain of Dura, xi. 156 on the , overland telegraph to India (1861.), v. 221 travels, etc., in S. Persia, i. 220, 296 , W., of Gregory's N. Australian ex pedition, 1857., ii. 378, iii. 1.9 Selenga or Selingur river, Mongolia, iii. 92, xiii. 369 affluent of Lake Baikal, xiv. 248 (Upper) Russian travellers to, 1874., xviii. 561 Seleniah river, Siberia, rise of, xxi. 215 Seleucia, Turkey, Tigris region, colony of, its position, i. 362 Selkirk, Lord, Scotch colony planted by, at Pembina, ii. 151 . Sellasia, Battle of, Jochmus on, i. 481 Sei Sai river, C. Asia, affluent of the Muk Su, xxi. 133 Selwyn, A. R. C, vi. 1891, x. 130 geological map of Victoria by, ii. 175 Geological notes of a journey in S. Australia, 1859., v. 242 on gold in W. Australia, viii. 33 . cited on the geology and beauty of S. Australia, iv. 95 on the gold-bearing districts of Australia, ii. 314-5 survey in Victoria, Australia, i. 454 , Capt., r.n., on the Atlantic sea bed, vii. 57 Sem, Ras, Tripoli, petrified remains at, vi. 214 " Semao, see Sz'mau Semava river, Turkey in Asia, branch of the Euphrates, i. 45, how formed, 163 Semdd, town, S. C. Africa, i. 75 Semenoff, M., travels of, in the Thian Shan Mts. (1857.), ii. 279-80, vi. 183 work of, as a geographer, xi. 216 cited on the Aralo-Caspian region, xi. 213-4 Semilkameen valley, B. Columbia, climate of, vi. 232 Semipalatinsk, Russian mart in' Siberia vii. 162 Russian efforts to establish trade with China from, xxi. 22 Semirechinsk, Turkistan, district of Lake Balkash, xiv. 230 ; see Seven Rivers Semnam road to Shahriid, Persia, xx. 166 Semok, see Esmok, Sz'mau, etc. Sempangao, Burma, the Irrawady near, xv. 344 Sena, Rios de, S.E. Africa, Lacerda's mission to (1798.), xi. 235 ; see Senna Senafe', Abyssinia, climate at, xiv. 160 elevation of, xiv. 164 geological formation of mountains of, xii. 117 pass of, road through, xii. 114 plateau of, xii. 114 ruins of former Greek town at, xii. 17 table of heights between Ashangi and, xiv. 167 true position of. xiii. 223, 224 Senankan, village, Borneo, i. 197 Senegal, W. Africa, ii. 80 and its Dependencies, Murchison on, viii. 241 cotton culture in valleys of, iv. 222 expeditions and explorations, French (1867.), xi. 200 military expedition from, to Timbuctu, "i860., iv. 183 Raffenel's, failure of, i. 157 river, vii. 68, French settlements along, and inhabitants of district north of, Hewett on, i. 513 Fulbe tribes on, xxi. 494 Joloffs on, ii. 219 rain supply of, Galton on, viii. 260 sources of, Barth on, ii. 218 visited by Reade, 1861., vii. 106 Senegambia, W. Africa, the French in, 1858., ii. 32C-1, explorations in, vi. 178 ; see Senegal Sengel river, Patagonia, wooded banks of, xv. 44 Sengerema, S. of Albert Nyanza, Stanley's journey through, (1874-5.), xx. 141 Seng-i-Marsha valley, Afghanistan, in scriptions near, xx. 244 Sengsong district, tributary to Tibet, xiv. 216 Senna, Borneo, i. 197, geological formations near, 199 , on the Zambesi, S.E. Africa (see also Sena), i. 58, 315, 318, ii. 366 cinchona-growing on, i. 247 custom-houses at, iii. 105 described, iii. 101 fibre-growing near, vi. 26 rich country near, iv. 25 salt manufacture at, ii. 364 timber at, iii. 103, vi. 31 Zambesi at and near, iv. 24, 27, width of, ii. 365 , S. Persia, passes of, i. 288 Sennaar, Eastern Sudan, ii. 218, vii. 110, tribes near, viii. 264 Senned, Wady, Sinaitic Peninsula, xii. 191 SEN— SEX 297 Senoudebo, oapital of Bundoo, W. C. Africa, friendly king of, 1875., xx. 78 Senoun, Abou, Kordofan, xx. 361 Sentis, Mt., Switzerland, accident due to lightning on, 1832., iv. 245 Seonee, C. India, elevation of, xi. 57 Sera, West Crobo, W. Africa, Croft's visit to, 1873., xviii. 199 Serabit-el-Kadim, Sinaitic peninsula, Holland at, xxii. 455 turquoise mines of, xii. 191, xiii. 208 Seracoulie, see Serankules Serambo Mt., Borneo, view from, i. 200 Serankules, or Seracoulie people, W.C. Afrioa, xvii. 121-123 Foulbe traders in gold and ivory of, xxi. 494 Serapeum plateau, Egypt, in relation to the Suez canal, iii. 187, xiv. 97 Serdsa La (pass), Tibet, elevation of, xxi. 342 Serat river, Tunis, copper-mines near, vi. 215 Serbal, Jebel, Sinaitic peninsula, vi. 237, x. 159, described by Palmer, xiij. 212 inscriptions on, x. 159, xiii. 207 Serdopol, Russia, graphite and granite near, xiii. 378 Serhan, Wadi, Arabian frontier, viii. 64 Serle, Mt., S.Australia, vii. 113 colonisation extended to, (1850.), ii. 185 copper near, ii. 29, viii. 33 explorations at and near, ii. 186, 187, iii. 152; M'Donnell's, (1861.), v. 124 geology of district, Selwyn on, v. 242-3 Report on country between, and Lake Torrens, by Goyder, 1857., ii. 16 Serohi, or Beash Khund river, Kooloo dis trict, India, xv. 338 Serone, W. Africa, and mountains near, ix. 312 Serongba, Tibet, dep6t for trade with China, xiv. 218 Seronj, Bhopal, India, i. 161, latitude of, i. 370-1 Serpent Island, or Fidonsi, Black Sea, geology of, Spratt, i. 403, 483 Serrat Hills, Somali-land, products of, Hildebrand oo, xxii. 446 Serreta, Ponta da, Terceira Island, Azores, volcanic eruption near, 1866., xi. 261 Serua river, S. Africa, xv. 150 Sery Yassy Mts., C. Asia, explored by Kaulbars, (1870.), xiv. 319 Sesheke, O. Africa, cotton of, vi. 27 Kirk's explorations near, vi. 25 Livingstone at, I860., v. 128, viii. 261 Sesse or Sessi Island, Victoria Nyanza, xxii. 389 ; area of, xx. 36, 42 Baker on, xviii. 144, xx. 47 canoe-builders of, xxii. 392 Grant on,, xviii. 146, xx. 36 Setebos, cave-god of Patagonia, xv. 49, 51 Setegante Mt., Isthmus of Darien, gold in, i. 78 Sete Quedos fall, Parana river, latitude of, xx. 497 Seton Lake, British Columbia, vi. 109, xv. 138 Settlers' expedition, W. Australia, 1848., (see Gregory, A. C.,), i. 365 Settite or Taccazzi river (q.v.), Abyssinia, affluent of the Atbara, vii. 21, 80 area drained by, x. 283 explored by Baker, 1861., x. 6 Seuen-hwa-foo, N. China, capital of dis trict between Shato and Kalgan, xiv. 84 ; Russian trade at, ib. Seu-kea-ho, W. China, coal at, xiv. 177 Seun-ho river, affluent of the Han, China, xiv. 184 Seun-yang, district city, C. China, xiv. 184 Sew-yen-ho (river), affluent of the To, W. China, xiv. 169 Seven Hills Estate Harbour, Belize, described by Cockburn, xii. 341, 342 Seven Isles, Spitzbergen, xiii. 160-1, xvi. 99, 100 discovered by Dutch explorers, xvii. 99 latitude of, iv. 236 passage by, ix. 308 ,.Bay of, B.N. America, viii. 50 Rivers, Semirechinsk or Semiri Chinesk, of Turkistan, iv. 197, xiv. 230, xviii. 246 Stars rooks, Sam Seen Koon, S. China, temples and caves at, vi. 229 Sevenn Monastery, Caucasus, viii. 275 Severn river, tidal wave of, i, 71, 74 Severtseff, N. A., Journey to the Western Portion of the Tian-Shan Range . . (trs. Michell), title only, xiii. 23, see note, xvi. 409, and xviii. 424 range of his explorations, xiv. 231 cited on the Aral Sea, xix. 426-7 SevUIa de Oro, Ecuador, burned by the Jivaros natives, xxi. 566 Sevin, C. J., Journey to the Mines of Mexico, 1856., iii. 108 Sewalik Hills, N.W. Provinces, India, ex plorations of Cautley and Falconer in, 1858., and geology of, ii. 303-4 Seward, Dr., Despatches on the last journey and reported death of Livingstone, 1866., xi. 124-9, 142 Sew-choo, N. China, plain near, xiv. 209 Sewell, Mr., and Pickersgill, Mr., journey of, in W. Madagascar, 1875., xxi. 165 Sewell and Percy Islands, N. Guinea, xxi. 356 Sextant Observations for determination of Latitude and Longitude, Notes on frequent omissions of readings of Baro meter and Thermometer in, Dunkin, viii. 155 298 SEX— SUA Sextant Observations — continued. use of, in Reconnaissances, xix. 163 (see also Hints to Travellers in vol. xvi.) Seychelles Islands, Indian Ocean, M'Leod's account of, summarized by Murchison, (1859.), iii. 313 timber of, suited for ship-building, iv. 22 visited by von der Decken, 1863., vii. 198 note Seyd Burghash bin Said, Sultan of Zanzibar, letter on Dr. Livingstone, 1872., xvi. 383 Seyer Island, Bay of Bengal, currents near, vi. 117 Seymour, Adm. Sir M., naval work of, in China, i. 332, iii. 29 , H. D., m.p., ascent of Ararat by, 1846., xxii. 322-3 on the Abyssinian expedition of 1867., xii. 18 on Red River settlement, etc., xx. 298 obituary notice of, 1878., xxii. 322 , Ash, and Sims, explorations of, in interior of Africa, (I860.), iv. 184, v. 211 Seymour Mts., Vancouver id., elevation of, ix. 306 Point, Queensland, suitable site for colonization, viii. 116 Sfax, Tunis, linen trade of, vi. 211 Sha' river, N. China, affluent of the Wai river, xiv. 32, navigation of, 33 Shaab, S. Arabia, inscriptions at, xv. 326 plain of, ix. 294 Shfiaran or El Bostan, S. Arabia, hill above harbour at, xv. 320 Shabeli, Wabbe, large river, E. Africa, course of, x. 115 Sha-ch'iao town and valley, W. China, bad road and fine scenery of, xx. 205, 206 Shaching, N. China, described by Swinhoe, xiv. 84 Shadulla Khoja, Eastern Turkestan, Shaw at, 1868., xiii. 200 Shadula, frontier fort, Yarkand, xv. 25 elevation of, xiv. 50 Forsyth's visit to, 1870., xv. 25 geographical position of, xi. 10 Hayward at, (1868.), xiv. 48 and Shaw's meeting at, xiv. 5, 315 Shadzadeh Kiih Mt., Persia, source of Heraz river, iii. 4, tradition connecting it with Noah's Ark, 8 Shaffner, Col. T. P., U.S., vii. 77, 78 Communication with America, via the ¦ Fserdes, Iceland and Greenland, iv. 110, cf. 169 Electric Currents (for N. Atlantic tele graph cable), v. 94 exploration of the Faeroes, etc., with Rae, I860., v. 80, 169 Shah Abbas, Persia, fine causeway of, uptorn, xvii. 195 Shahbad Pass, near Herat, xxi. 585 Shahee Mt., peninsula of, Lake Oroumieh, Persia, viii. 277 Shahidulla gorge, C. Asia, Karakash river running through, xvi. 401 : see also Shadula Shah-i-Mardan, Alai district, C Asia, beauties of, xxi. 135, reputed burial- place of Aii, xxii. 340 Shahnaz pass, into Kashgaria, xx. 489 river, course of, xx. 485-6 valley, position of, xx. 485 ¦ , river systems of, xx. 488 ; route via to Badakshan, ib. Shaho river, W. China, source, affluents and manufactures along, xiv. 180 Shahriid, Bostam Plain, Persia, Napier at, 1874., xx. 166-8 to Astrabad, etc., Memorandum of Route from, Bower, xvii. 193 Shah-Zinda and other buildings at Samarcand of Timur's time, xv. 393 Sha Kalembe's, C. Africa, Cameron at, xx. 126, 319 hilly region beyond, xx. 126 Shakkah, Syria, tower of Bassos, explored by Burton and Drake, 1871., xvi. 105 Shako, Tibet, x. 166 Shakuh Peak, Persia, xvii. 194 Shala, N. Africa, objective of Rohlfs, 1863., ix. 313 Shali province, XT. Africa, ix. 313 Sha-lin-tien shoals, Gulf of Pe-chi-li, N. China, iii. 65 Osborn and Court's observations on, iii. 67, 84-5 Shalis river, Persia , course of, iii. 8 Shallow Bay, Queensland, lack of fresh water in, viii. 416 , N. Guinea, named by Macfar lane (1876.), xxi. 355 Shamdt, Tell, Syria, position of, xvi. 112 Shaniay, Chinese Tartary, Polish in habitants of, viii. 272 Shamba river, E. Africa, x. 28-9 Shamolera on the Zambesi, slave-trade at, iii. 102 Shamsham, Jebel, S. Arabia, a volcanic rock, xvi. 116 Shamslii Pass, Turkestan, steepness of, and pine forests on, xiv. 222 Shamtzo or Ramtchieu Lake, Tibet, dis covered by Bogle (1774.), xix. 332 Shan-Alin Mts., C. Manchuria, elevation and trend of, xiii. 32 Sbandseo Pir, Holy Rock of, Mustakh range, viii. 36 Shan-Fong - Shan, N. China, Buddhist temple at, xi. 260 Shanghai, China, vi. 95 Journey to, 1868., Gardner, xiii. 170, 182, notes, 249 Osborn on, iii. 55, 57, 65, cf. 293 SHA-SHA 299 Shanghai, China— continued. summer floods of Yang-tse near, Lock hart on, iii. 170 port of, Hockley on, xi. 263 progress of, iii. 57 Sailing directions, Shanghai to Gulf of Pechili, Court, iii. 55, 84 trade of, 1842-58., iii. 56-7; 1861., vii. 31; 1861-3., xi. 263; Chinese and European, Lockhart, Alcock, and others on, ii. 202-3, 205, 206, 209 customs at, vii. 32 European imports, 1855 and on, iii. 75, 85, 86, 164, 171, 375, 376, iv. 59, vi. 90, 272, xi. 263 ; rice imported, iii. 76 treaty port, value as, i. 331, 335, 336, iii. 170 Shang Kam vttlage, Assam, route to, xxi. 591 Shang-king, N.E. China, hills near, iii. 60 , S. China : see Shan-king Shang-tu, ruins of, Mongolia, Bushell on, xviii. 149, 156-8 river, afterwards called Lan-ho, xviii. 155 Shan - hai - kwan, Manchuria, Chinese military station, vii. 26 Shan- (or Shoo-) king, ancient capital of Kwang-tung province, China, described by Brine, v. 239, 240-1 Shanks, J:, cited on gold of Caratal, ii. 156 Shannon Island, off Greenland, ice move ment near, xix. 178, open water found by whalers near, xii. 197, visited by Koldewey, 1869., xv. 103 Shan-si province, N. China coal in, xiii. 35 , Richthofen cited on, xv. 173, 294 colonists from, in Manchuria, xvi. 206 Lamprey's journey in, 1861., xi. 259 monuments in, and products of, xiii. 35 outlet for commerce of, iii. 63 Richards and Slossin's commercial journey to, I860., vi. 218, cf. 165 Shan States of Burma, v. 47 of China (Yunnan), opium culti vation in, xx. 235 hills of, xv. 341 exports of, xix. 274 or Laos states, survey of, L 270 O'Reilly's journey to, 1861., vi. 83 of Siam, v. 46 and tribes, Harcourt on, xv. 348 traders, xix. 266, distances travelled by, xix. 276-7 harvest of, xix. 275 places visited by, xix. 285 Shan - ting - poo, W. China, described, xix. 174 Shantuk, S. China, described by Brine, v. 238, 241 Shantung Point, Yang-tsze mouth, China, iii. 58, iv. 59, 60, 61, in relation to the Yellow river, iii. 376 Shantung province, China Admiralty coast survey of, vii. 141 geography of, iii. 62 high lands of, iii. 59 inundation of, due to changed course of Yellow river, ii. 203, 306 Mickie on, 1859., iv. 58 mineral and other wealth of, iii. 63 Morrison's journey in (1861.), vi. 165 mountains of, iv. 60, 61 natives of, in Manchuria, xvi. 206 Notes of a Journey through (1869), J. Markham, xiv. 157 opened to travellers, 1862., 259 ports in, iii. 86, iv. 59 scenery of, iii. 60 shoal along coast of, iii. 61 tall natives of, iv. 60, 61 Shan-yu, E. China, rebel defence of, xiii. 171 Shao-hsing viaduct, E. China, history of, xiii. 173 Shao-king, S. China, the Si-kiang at, v. 240 Shapiir river, S.W. Persia, probably the ancient Eulseus, i. 219 ruins along, i. 291 Shara-Hulusun lake, Russia, iv. 199 Shari river, N. C. Africa, elevation of, xvii. 23 possibly the Uelle, xx. 130, xxi. 492, xxii. 405 rise of, xvii. 29 volume of, xvii. 25, xxii. 405 Sharjo Buddhist monastery, Rudok, Tibet, xiv. 208 Shark Bay or Gulf, W. Australia, i. 31, ii. 34, 43, 267, v. 2, x. 48, xix. 8, 53, 54 country near, i. 366 destination of Ball's expedition (1864.), ix. 75 pearl fisheries of, xix. 489 surveys, iii. 267, vi. 198, 199, 200 , further, needed near, xix. 55 unexplored region near, ii. 313 Point, Congo river, ii. 375 alluvial formation near, i. 311 products of, iv. 67 river, S. Australia, salinity of sur roundings, ii. 193 Sharogol river, Gobi desert, xiv. 249 Sharpways Springs, S. Australia, xvii. 277 Shart pass, Trans-Alai Mts., E. Turke stan, xx. 484 Sharna river, Central Asia, xiii. 346 and note Sharwar peak, Persia, xvii. 194 Shasha river, S. Africa, affluents of, xvi. 90 300 SHA— SHE Sba-she, or Shasze, on the Yang-tsze river, xiv. 168, large trading centre, 236 Shashi, or Shahshi, Mt., near V. Nyanza, xx. 41, 145 river, S. Africa, affluent of the Limpopo, xv. 148, Elton's journey to, xv. 154, gold district of, xiii. 321, xv. 157 Shasta Butte, California, elevation of, xi. 87 Mt., California, elevation and legends of, xix. 294 Shasze, mart on the Yang-tsze : see Sha- she Shat el Arab river, Turkey in Asia, how formed, i. 353 Shatemarah bridge, N.W. Indian frontier, passports visaed at, xv. 388 Shato and district, N. China, barrenness of, xiv. 83 Shaumur, Um, Sinaitic Peninsula, As cent of, Howlett, 1857., vii. 42, Prout, 1862., vi. 235 Shaura, l'ued, Atlas Mts., N, Africa, tribes of, ix., 313 Shaw, G. ¦ A., visit of, to Ikongo, Mada gascar, 1874., xxi. 155, 157 , Dr. H. N, iv. 209, vi. 123 as an Editor, ii. 333 on Gregory's proposed exploration of N.W. Australia, v. 2, letters to, from Gregory, v. 121 retirement from Acting Secretaryship of R.G.S., 1863., vii. 201 obituary notice of, 1869., xiii. 271 , R. B., awarded gold medal of R.G.S., 1872., xvi. 275, President's speech, 281, his reply, 283 Central Asia in 1872., xvi. 395 journey in the Karakorum district, xv. 289, xviii. 113-4, 438 to Yarkand (1868.), Forsyth on, xiii. 198, letter on, 200, Murchison on, 301, xiv. 5 ; Paper on, xiv. 124, letters on (1870.), xv. 175, 179 ; For syth on same, xxi. 41 letter to, from the Ataligh Ghazee, xvii. 197 Miscellaneous Notes on Eastern Turke stan, xvii. 195 on the Karakash river, xiv. 127, xv. 177 — — Karakoram Pass, xiv. 134-5, xx. 490-1 Karakul lakes, xx. 488-9 Kara su (river), xx. 486 Kuen Lun Mts., xvi. 397, xx. 484 Oxus and other rivers rising in the Pamirs, xvii. 163 On the Position of Pein, Charchand, Lob Nur, and other places in Central Asia, xvi. 242, cf. xviii. 83 note routes to Lob-Nor, etc, xvi. 247 from Yarkand to Peking, xvi. 249 Shaw, R. B. — continued. A Prince of Kashgar on the Geography of Eastern Turkestan, xx. 482 on the Salt-covered plains of Tibet, xiv. 212 at Shadula, xiv. 5, 49 on the Shayok river, xv. 175, his sketch- map of same, 289 A Visit to Yarkand and (1868.), xiv. 124, 137 on Wakhan, xvii. 115 Shaw, on the Niger, May at, 1857., iii. 312 river, W. Australia, affluent of the De Grey river, vi. 172 Sha-wan city, S. China, dense population of, v. 24 ¦ , village, echo at, and fishponds, vi. 228 Shawer river, Persia, grass along, i. 362 Shawl, see Quetta Shawl hills, Baluchistan, location of, xxi. 588 Shayhan, Tell, Syria, described by Bur ton, xvi. 105 Shayok, Shah-Yok, Shayuk or Nubra (see also Indus) river and valley, i. 273, xi. 32, xiv. 41 glacier sources of, xx. 491 glaciers of, i. 276-7 northern fork of Indus, viii. 34, 38 overflow, 1841., xv. 177 route via, to Yarkand, xviii. 113 Shaw on, xv. 175 source of, xv. 178, xx. 491 upper valley of, Shaw's sketch-map of, xv. 289 Shazadeh Kuh, peak of, and elevation, iii. 8 Sheba, Queen of, locality of her kingdom, xv. 333, xix. Ill, real name of, 133 Sbebeli, Webi, see Shabeli Shebulsha, Persian Gulf, i. 292 Shechem, Syria, Beke's journey to, 1862., vi. 195 Sheffield, Earl of, obituary notice, 1876., xx. 394 Shehristanek, Persia, elevation of, iii. 5 Sheik, Wady es, Sinaitic Peninsula, identified with Rephidim, xii. 191, ' xiii. 208 Sheil, Maj.-Gen. Sir J., obituary notice of, 1871., xv. 257 Shejeb, S. Arabia, inscriptions at, xv. 326 Shekani country, W. Africa, visited by Reade, 1861., vii. 106 Shekeli river, Turkey in Asia, xxi. 78 Shelaleh, Wady, Syria, described, viii. 29 Shelley river, W. Australia, affluent of the De Grey river, vi. 172 Shellifukdistrict,Trans-Himalaya,xiii.l95 Shelverton, Mr. (of Indian Trigonometrical Survey), death of, 1871., xv. 278 SHE— SHI 301 Shemakha, on the Caspian Sea,Puzukhin's winter stay at, 1672., xxi. 221 Shemlian pass, Persia, geological features of, iii. 6 Shemshang river : see Sumessary Shendy, on the Nile, burning of Ismaen Pasha at, x. 289 Shensi province, N.W. China, x. 271 commercial outlet of, iii. 63 gold of, iii. 170, iv. 61 silk culture of, xxii. 263 Mahommedan rebellion in, 1870., xviii. 76 Shepherd's Awl pass, Queensland, vi. 68 Shepstone, Sir T., xxi. 613 takes over the Transvaal, 1877., xxii. 115, 116 Sherboro' river, W. Africa, Hanson on, iv. 43, 221 route from, to Matapen, xi. 80 slave trade via, x. 66 Shere Aii Khan, Ameer of Afghanistan in 1873., xvii. 109 Sheriat-el-Beytha, Mesopotamia, Bew- sher's exploration from, 1862., xi. 155 Sheriat-el-Mandhur river, Syria, soil and vegetation near, viii. 29 Sherifabad road, Persia, plain near, xx. 175 Sher Killa fort, N.W. Indian frontier, xv 389 Sherwill, Maj. W. S., map of China coast by (1859.), iv. 192 cited on a lofty mountain in Nepal, ii. 108 She-show-hien, shallowness of the Yang tse river at, xiv. 236 She-tzu, S.W. China, passes en route to, . xx. 205 Shiang-chu river, Tibet, xix. 339 Bogle's journey in valley of, (1774.), xix. 333 Shib, Gebel, Tunis, alum mines on, vi. 214 Shibam, S. Arabia, fertile plateau near, xviii. 198 Shiehla Mt, Chino-Tibetan frontiers, described by Gill, xxii. 267 Shigar or Shiggar river, Trans-Indus, affluent of the Indus, viii. 36 sources of, discovered by Austen, I860., viii. 35, cf. viii. 224 valley of, importance of, to the Indus, and lofty mountains near, viii. 38 Thang, geographical position of, viii. 37 Shigatze, Digarcha, or Teshooloomboo, Tibet, xii. 149 ; elevation of, xix. 338 gold-diggers from, xiii. 189 large town at, xii. 150 the Teshu Lama of, xii. 150, xix. 331 the third Pundit turned back at, xiv. 211 the Tsampu river at, xix. 333, 339 viBited by Turner, xii. 160 Shignan, C. Asia, territory and ruler of, xviii. 435 Shigri glacier, Himalayas, catastrophe of, xv. 339 Shih-i-ming, Formosa, village engaged in dyeing, xiv. 80 Shih-keaou-poo, W. China, handsome stone gate near, xiv. 172 Shih-ma-P'u, C. China, small tributary river, unmapped, near, xx. 188 Shih-neu-poo, W. China, curious stone formation near, xiv. 173 Shih-new-taou, or Stone Ox Road, W. China, trade of, xiv. 175 Shih-ping-Hsien, C. China, roads beyond, xx. 191 Shih-tseuen, W. China, cultivation near xiv. 181 Shi-Kar-Maseli-Kopali Island, Tenga Pani river, Assam, picturesque, xxi. 590 Shikoku, see Sikopf Shilka river, E. Siberia, ii. 153, affluent of the Amoor, xiii. 368 village, old silver-smelting works at, xiii. 368 Shilluk district, Nile region, v. 29, xv. 92 channel in, to avoid sudd-choked Nile, xv. 95, xviii. 133 Fashoda station established in, 1864., xv. 95 value of, to Egypt, Baker on, xv. 95 Shimba river, E. Africa, crossed by Von der Deoken, vi. 47 Shimbuta bluff on the Saguti river, S.E. Africa, royal burial place, xix. 121 Shimeeyu or Leewumbu river (q.v.), Equatorial Africa, affluent of the Nyanza, xx. 154, 155, xxii. 388 confluents, rise and course of, xx. 41 latitude of, southern source of Nile, Stanley on, xx. 152, xxii. 391 ; cited on, xx. 436, xxi. 465, 468 length of, Stanley on, xx. 145 other names of, Stanley on, xxii. 388 in wet and dry seasons, xxii. 408-9 Shinan river, Manchuria, affluent of the Liao-ho, xiii. 27 Shinanimane Mt., S.E. Africa, elevation and latitude of, xix. 127 Shindoo, district, Bengal, elevations of mountains in, xxii. 43 ; natives of, xix. 266 Shingking province, N. China, opening of a port in, (1858.), iii. 64 Shingshal pass, Mustagh Range, source of the Hunza-Nagar river in, xv. 13, 15, xvi. 246 Shin-Hing-Foo, S.W. China, pagodas of, vi. 228-9 Shin-Hing-Huss pass, S.W. China, vi. 228, 230 Shiniz, Persia, ruins of, i. 282 302 SHI— SHU Shinking, on the Canton river, S.W. China visited by Oliver, (1862.), vi. 85 Shinla district, W. Africa, ceded to G. Britain, 1792., iii. 384 Shin-Loo-Hsien, N. China, walled city at, vi. 225 Shinshiu Mts., Japan, elevations and trend of, xvii. 81 Province, ib. Shinto, S. Africa, mice used as food in, i. 241 Shinzamee river, shores of Persian Gulf, vii. 117 Shipartai, Mongolia, elevation of, xviii. 155 trade of, xviii. 153 river, course of, xviii. 153, 163 Shipki, Indo- Tibetan frontier, pass near, xi. 13, xiii. 191-2 ; road to, xi. 12 Shirar, Wady es, Syria, ruins in, viii. 29 Shirati river, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 41 country near, xx. 146, 155 Shiraz, Persia, i. 163, vii. 164; Abbott's journey from, 1850., i. 321 geological formation near, xvii. 93 ; salt desert towards Herat, i. 299 Lovett' s journey from, to Bam, (1872.), xvi. 261 passes near, i. 288, 293, 322 port of, at Bushire, viii. 19, 20 route from, to Bushire, Monteith on, i. 279 ; Champneys on, vii. 95 Shire or Chire, etc., river, Equatorial Africa cataracts or Falls of, iv. 87, 88, vi. 20, xii. 85, 87, 88, xxi. 226 clearness of, vi. 37 course of, iv. 20, 87, xviii. 507 current, strong, of, xxii. 234 affluent of Lake Nyassa, viii. 260, 261 explorations in valley of, Livingstone's, iv. 19, 20, 21, 87, 181, v. 131, 224, vi. 25, 176, 186, vii. 19, 20, 51, 53, 199, 200, viii. 4, 233-4 Godhino cited on, (1663.), xi. 249 Kirk on, viii. 261 Macqueen on, iv. 27 navigability of, ii. 364, vi. 27 Portuguese knowledge of, and names for, iv. 27 rise and fall of, iv. 87, 177-8, vi. 30, 37 source of, iv. 26, 87, 177-8, vii. 185 valley of, upper and lower, products and capabilities of, Kirk, I860., vi. 25 ; Livingstone on, iv. 19, cited 111 Shirwa Lake, South- East Africa, brackish water of, vi. 21 capabilities of, Livingstone on, iv. 19 cotton near, vi. 30 discovered by Livingstone, (1859.), iv. 20, 87, vi. 186, xviii. 508 effluent of (see Shire), xxii. 234 elevation of, viii. 262 explored by Livingstone, iv. 19, 20, Shirwa Lake — continued. Ill, 178, 181, v. 209, vii. 19, 20, viii. 262 hills near, vi. 28 level of, iv. 179 slave-trade on, iv. 21 Speke on, iv. 88 Shirwan, Persia, decorated stone near, xx. 171 Shira country, E. Africa, lake in, vi. 21 Shi-san-shan Hills, N.E. China, volcanic origin of, xvi. 209 Shi Shan or Western Mts., N. China, xi. 259 Shishawan Island, Lake Oroumieh, Persia, sheep of, viii. 277 Shitee-Meru, S.W. China, first news of Margary 's death received at, xx. 213 Shizu Island, V. Nyanza, xx. 1 45, xxii. 389 Shoa or Shooa, Abyssinia, xii. 117; An- tinori's Italian expedition to, 1875., xix. 326, xxii. 378 latitude of, x. 13 Roth's journey to, with Harris, 1841-3., iii. 287 Shoal Point, W. Australia, x. 49 Reach, N. Australia, i. 261 Shogoth, Chitral, xvi. 258 Shohozoii river, S. Africa, confluent of the Limpopo, xix. 116 Sholl, R. J., expedition in W. Australia, 1867., xi. 227 , T. C, expedition in W. Australia, 1867., xii. 261 Shomer, Jebel, Arabia, independent princi pality, viii. 64 religious practices in, viii. 79 Shonga Ferry, Niger river, countries reached via, xxi. 487 Shor Kundi, Baluchistan, vii. 117 Shor ranges, vii. 117 Short, Capt., ascent of the Juba river by, and snowy mountains seen by, ii. 56 Shoshong, S. Africa, chief town of the Bamangwato, xv. 1 48 Shoughan, Persia, mountains near, xx. 172 Showell, Mr., of the N. Australian expe dition (18580, «¦ 378 Showers, Maj., cited on Indian railway termini, viii. 208 Shubbiin, W. Africa, trade route via, i. 215, 216 Shubra, Albert Nyanza, xxi. 51, 55 Shueli river, W. China, course and fall of, xx. 235, 236 ; see Schwaley valley, journey to, 1875., Elias, xx. 234, Yule on, 239 Shugla, Tibet, x. 166 Shugra or Shoogra, Fudhlee Port, S. Arabia, Miles on, xv. 328 ; von Malzan on, xvi. 117, 118 Shuia (see also Chama), marshy lake, C. Africa, i. 244, iii. Ill, xi. 237 SHU— SIC 303 Shui-ch'i, C. China, river-gorges near, xx. 189 Shum Valley, Mekran, vii. 117 Shumfaito pass, Abyssinia, xii. 16 Shumla Khoja, Turkestan, iii. 173 Shuni or ZuiBag river, Ecuador, affluent of the Pastassa river, xxi. 557, 563 Shupanga, S. Africa, on the Zambesi, agricultural district, iv. 25 burial-place of Mrs. Livingstone, 1862., xviii. 509, xxii. 234 india-rubber of, vi. 31 indigo of, vi. 32 valuable woods near, iv. 20, vi. 26 Shura, natural canal, Persia, xi. 37 Shuhr, Subz, C. Asia, rebellion at, xi. 152 Shush, Persia, the site of ancient Susa, i. 219 Shushang, Bengal, Austen at, 1869., xvii. 36-9 Shushidurra river, N.W. Indian frontier, affluent of the Koomir river, xvi. 255 Shuster, PerBia, bund at, i. 220, 221 described, i. 289 great heat at, and fertility, i. 359 Liiyaid on, i. 295 Monteith on, i. 292, 361 products, i. 360 Rawlinson on, i. 288, 356-7 rise of the land towards, i. 362 route from, military opinions on, i. 356-7, 361 Shuttleworth, Sir J. P.Kay, Bt., obituary notice of, 1878., xxii. 330 Shwelee river, see Shueli Shyal-chu river, Tibet, source, branches, and outfall of, xxi. 333 Sia, Hauran district, Syria, Palmyran inscriptions at, xvi. 105 Siah Koh Mts., Afghanistan, rivers rising in, xx. 247 Siah Posh Kafirs, xv. 182, xvii. 20, 129, their alleged Greek origin, xiii. 20, xviii. 117 Siam (see also Shan States), vii. 209 Admiralty surveys of, i. 143, 406 boundaries of, iv. 212 Chinese emigrants in, i. 337 Crawfurd on, i. 14, iv. 216-17, his em bassy to, ii. 143 explorations in, (see Gamier, etc.), Schomburgk's, I860., ix. 189, 212-3, v. 118, 197 Geographical Notes on, Parkes, i. 13, 164 mountains of, on British frontier, v. 119 progress of foreign commerce in, (I860.), iv. 190 in relation to Cambodia, (1862.), vi. 80 rice of, markets for, iii. 77 Trade of, Schomburgk on, iv. 213 Travels in, Schomburgk on, I860., V- 118 Siam — continued Travels in, (1859.), King, iii. 365 Siam, Gulf of, vii. 58, 59 ; Admiralty sur vey, i. 143, 406, ii. 267, iii. 269, iv. 153 described, iv. 212 Siang river, S. Central China, affluents of, and outfall, xii. 51 non-navigability of, xv. 294 rapids in, xii. 52 Siberia, i. 211, vii. 28, 189 Eastern, and the Amur, Bridgett, (1868.), xiii. 365 explorations of, Atkinson's, (1856.), ii. 59, 76, 154, 273, vi. 129 Grant's, vii. 27, 165 Hay's, vii. 162 Humboldt's, referred to, i. 100 Russian, (1854. et seq.), i. 433, ii. 277, iii. 288, iv. 197, v. 191, (1864.), viii. 200, ix. 237, results, 241, x. 233, xi. 217 gold in, xiii. 368 gradual upheaval of, in progress, xix. 27 magnetic pole of, position deter mined by Mttller, (1874.), xix. 424 ; focus of magnetic intensity in xxii. 198 map of, vi. 161 telegraph route across, vii. 28, 30, 89, ix, 241 zoology of, Radde's work on, viii. 204-5 Northern, explorations of, German, 1873., xxi. 447 Seebohm's, 1877., xxii. 101 Swedish, (Nordenskidld"s, 1873.), xix. 420-1, xx. 20-1, xxi. 447, xxii. 102, 338 gold in, xxii. 112 ice-bound coast of, i. 29 open Polar sea found by Wrangel (1820-23.), i. 20 Journey to the rivers Ob and Yenisei, 1877., Seebohm, xxii. 101 North-Eastern, Tchoukot expedition in, 1868., Neu mann, xxi. 213 Russian surveys, 1872., xx. 417 completed by MiiUer, 1877., xxii. 342 telegraphic communication across, to China, (1863.), viii. 203 , extension of, 1865., ix. 241 Sibree, Rev. J., journeys in Madagascar, xx.; with Mr. Street, 1876., xxi. 159 et seq. Sicocoeni, S. African Chief, rebellion of, 1876., and consequences, xxii. 116 Siccus river, S. Australia, geological formation of valley of, v. 243-4 Sichang, S. Central China, coal mines of, xu, 52 304 SIC— SIM Sicily, Admiralty survey of, see Mediter ranean Sidi Mokhtar, N.W. Morocco, geological formation of hills near, ix. 26 Sidmouth, Cape, Queensland, geological formation at, xii. 143 Sidney, S., Proposed search for Leich- hardt's missing party, i. 322 on the Suez Canal project as affecting England, iii. 199 Sidon, Syria, ii. 224, 265, v. 172 Sidoos, C. Arabia, surrounded by date- groves, visited by Pelly, (1865.), ix. 294 Siduda's country, S. Africa, xiii. 330-1 Siebold, Col. von, cited on maps made by Japanese, vii. 63 Siemrab, province, Cambodia, ruins in, ix. 85 Sientong state, Siam, xix. 279 Sierra Leone, W. Africa, Bulama colonists at, 1792-3., i. 42, 43 cola nnts of, i. 517 effects of education in, vi. 16 English ignorance concerning, iv. 43 free natives from, as colonists in Nigeria , ii. 84 future of, Blyden on, xvii. 127 Gerard's journeys to and from, vii. 70, 197 highlands near, vi. 239 immunity from fever of natives of, ii. 98 settlement of, O'Connor on, (1861.), vi. 15 slave trade of, (1865.), x. 66, 68 Si-fan country, W. Chinese borders, natives of, xxii. 262 plateau of, its elevation, xxii. 263 Sigan-fu, N.W. China, ancient Christian inscription at, xiv. 37 ; see Singan Sigato Vailoa river, Upolu Island, Navi gator group, xxi. 143 Sigillyeh, Wady and Mt., Sinaitic Penin sula, described, xiii. 215 Sigono, on Lake Nyassa, }. 9 Sihanaka province, Madagascar, xix. 193 mountains in,xix.l83,natives of, xxi. 171 physical features, population, etc., xix. 194-6 Sihuu, Belize, mountains at, xii. 341 Si-kiang or West river, S. China, canal-connection with the Yang-tse, xii. 52 expeditions and explorations, Brine's, 1859., iv. 191, v. 197, 238 Oliver's, 1861., vi. 228 relation of, with other rivers, McMahon on, xviii. 463 rock in valley of, v. 240 Sikkim, India, E. Himalayas, glaciers of, Hooker cited on, viii. 223 Hooker's journey through, xii. 166 mountains of, ii. 108, 109, 111, rhodo dendron thickets on, xi. 89 Sikkim, India, E. Himalayas — cont. passes out of, explored by Blanford and Elwes, etc., 1871., xxi. 337-8 rice and tobacco of, xii. 163 Waugh's journey in, 1847., ii. 103 Sikopf or Sikok Island, Japan, iii. 271, vi. 203, vii. 168 volcanoes of, x. 172 Sikung, Tibet, elevation of plateau at, xxi. 342 Sikung Sangpo river, S.W. Tibet, alleged affluent of the Brahmaputra, other names of, xxi. 342 Sikyam, Borneo, i. 198 river, i. 201 Silillica, Cordillera of, S. America, railway line at end of, xii. 128 Siling or Sining, N. China, identification of, with Jiling, geographical position of, xiv. 209 Silliman, Prof. B., obituary notice of, 1865., ix. 213 Silva Porto, see Porto Silver Island, Yang-tse river, iii. 168 Sima district, V. Nyanza, xx. 145, 154 slave trade at, xx. 146 Simah river, C. Africa, water connection of, with other rivers, i. 240 Simbaweni, E. Africa, xx. 305 Simbo river, S. Africa, Mashuna gold- workings at, xv. 151 Similkameen river, B.Columbia," benches" of, xv. 134 Simla, India, vii. 132 note, 159 ; Viceroy's seat at, vi. 248 rainfall beyond, and hot weather at, xi. 65-7 road from, to Gartok partly made, xiii. 198 Simmonds, P. L., Animal Life in the Arctic regions, i. 53 on the proposed search for Dr. Leich hardt, i. 326 raw products of Siam, i. 14, 15 Simoda, Japan, Admiralty survey, iii. 267, 271 ; earthquakes at, 1854., xv. 89 Simois river, of Homer, modern identifica tion of, iii. 385-6 Simon's Bay, Cape Colony, time signals established at, 1859., iii. 266; sole good harbour in S. Africa, xiii. 341 Simons, Dr. John, Arctic explorer, iv. 5, 10, 112, obituary notice of, I860., iv. 13S Simpson, Capt., survey work of, in S., America, xxii. 40-1 , Sir G., travels in N. America, cited, i. 264-6; in and after 1857., ii. 39, 40, iii. 322, iv. 75, 233 obituary notice of, 1861., v. 163 W., The Modoc Region, California, xix. 292 — — Fort, B.N. America, gold in district of, vi. 188 SIM-SIR 305 Simpson Fort, Queen Charlotte Islands, Torrens' visit to, 1859., iv. 226 Mt., New Guinea, height of, xiv. 202 Simpson's Bay, Queensland, poor anchor age at, viii. 115 Cairn, Cape Herschel, Arctic Regions, examined by M'Clintock, 1857., iv. 3 Sinis Island, N. Australia, anchorage near, ii. 11 Simson, A., Journeys in the Interior of S. America (Ecuador), (1876.), xxi. 556 journeys up the Putomayo, Markham on, xvii. 44, Rawlinson on, xx. 435 Simunjon river, Borneo, coal, etc., near, i. 193 Sinai, Peninsula of, Asoent (partial) of Um Shamur, 1857., Howlett's, vii. 42; 1862., Prout, vi. 233 explorations in, Holland's, 1865., x. 158 ; 1867., xii. 190 ; 1868., xiii. 204, 1870., xxii. 455 Welbey's, xii. 192 Wilson's (surveys), (1873.), xvii. 326 inscriptions in, x. 160, xii. 192, xiii. 207-8, 213-4, 217-8 , Josephus cited on, vii. 194 , Palmer's work on, xvii. 332 , Robinson's work on, ii. 224 mountains of, geological formation of, vi. 237 ; and surroundings, xvii. 326 stone circles in, xiii. 211 Sinamanes, the Zambesi near, v. 129, viii. 261 ; natives near, vi. 34 Sin Ching, Formosa, soil at, xiv. 82 Sincholagua Mt., Ecuador, elevation of, xxi. 557 Sinclair, Capt., discoverer of Port Denison, Queensland, 1859., iv. 79 Sind (see also Scinde), surveys in, and geological formation of, xxii. 356 , Sindan, or St. John, Guzerat, first landing- place of the Parsees in India, i. 287 note Sinde or Sindy river, Equatorial Africa, discovered by Cameron, 1874., rise and oourse of, xix. 142 grass bridge over, xix. 148, 247, hills near, 248 Sinfan city, W. China, xiv. 170 Si-ngan-fu, N.W. China, capital of Shensi, x. 235, inscription at, xiv. 37, rebels at, 1870., xviii. 76 Singapore, Malay Peninsula, i. 10, iv. 79, v. 223 Chinese friendliness in, i. 337 influx into, iv. 60 communication from, to Australia, i. 79, 81, 86, v. 175, vi. 119, 199, vii. 42, viii. 118-9, ix. 77, x. 52 - — , telegraphic, from, to Australia, v. 106, vii. 165, xv. 299 early governors of, ii. 143 harbour of, Admiralty survey of, iii. 269 Singapore — continued. importance of, x. 249 market for Australian sheep, x. 328 movements of the magnetic needle al, xxii. 205 Raffles at, ii. 143, 214 rice supply of, i. 273 sea -bottom near, iv. 81 settlement at, ii. 214 Thomson on the rise of, xx. 222 Singelelah, Sikkim, ii. 108 Singh-ghi-chu or Indus river (q.v.), xiii. 186 Singleton, Mt., see Churchman, Mt. Singphoo or Singpo Country, Indo- Chinese frontier, Cottam's journey through, 1876., xxi. 590, 592 tribes, looalo of, etc., xx. 237-8 Sinin(g)fu, Siling, or Jiling (q.v.), N.E. entrance to China from Tibet, xii. 167 note; in the hands of the Tungani rebels, 1872., xviii. 78; position of, xiv. 209 Si-Ning-Si, city and valley, N. China, described, vi. 219 Sinjoarivo, Madagascar, reef at, in Onibe river, xix. 185 Sinkang or Sin-Kong, Formosa, xxii. 59 mission station and natives of, xxi. 260 Sinkara, Mesopotamia, temple of the Sun at, i. 47 Sinoa river, W. Africa, expedition to, of AmoB, (I860.), iv. 184 Sinope, Turkey-in-Asia, tunny fishery of, iii. 389 Sinou, W. Africa, colony of freed negroes at, i. 99 Sintan, N. Africa, the Djebel near, Rohlfs' journey via, 1864., ix. 314 Sintiam, Formosa, Ohinese colony at, and rocky plain near, xxi. 261 Sin-too district, W. China, xiv. 170 Sipumgambile hill, S. Africa, timber and grass on, xix. 124 Sir-ab-Sea valley, Persia, i. 361 Sirabe valley, Madagascar, hot spring and lime pits of, xix. 189 population of, xix. 189 Siraf, Persian Gulf, i. 284, pass near, 290 Sir Alexander Milne Bay, N. Guinea, steel sand at, xviii. 28, xix. 225 Siramuren river, Mongolia, affluents of, xviii. 161 Siranosi, Saghalin, distance of, from Yezo, xvi. 195 Sircub, Afghanistan, xxi. 588 Sir Daria or Jaxartes river (q.v.), Russian Turkestan, fords of, xviii. 410 Russian outposts near, iii. 145 Sir-i-Dasht, Persia, lead-mines of, xvi. 263 Sirikul river, O. Asia, sources and affluents of, xv. 188-9 — — vallev and natives of, described by the Mirza, xv. 187, 188 X 306 SIR-SMI Sir James Hall's Islands, off Korea, latitude of, visited, 1816., ix. 298 Sirjan Valley, Persia, road to Saidabad via, xvi. 263 Sir John Franklin Island, Arctic regions, latitude of, i. 18 Sirke Mts., Mongolia, elevations in, xvii. 188 Sir Thomas Smyth Inlet, or Waaygat or Hinlopen Str. (q.v.), Spitsbergen, xvii. 99 Sis, l'ued, river, N. Africa, course of, ix. 313 , plain of, ix. 312 SiBciony river, Madagascar, xix. 184 source of, 199 Sistan or Seistan (q.v.), Persia, Goldsmid's journey to, and account of, 1871., xvii. 86 SittaM, Mesopotamia, position of, Bewsher on, xi. 156 Sittang river, Burma, xix. 271 tidal features of, xix. 272 Siukuluan port, Formosa, latitude of, etc., xxi. 264 Siu-Shan or Sui Shan Mts., Yunnan, xiv. 339 marble of, xv. 164 Siu Yen, Manchuria, geographical position and business of, xiii. 28 Sivash river or Putrid Sea, Russia, delta of, i. 306, 404 Si-ying-sze, W. Mongolia, Belgian missionary station, cultivation at, xvii. 185 Sizicus, Turkev-in-Asia, ruins of, visited by Leahy, 1857., ii. 376 Skagen of Iceland, light beacon erected on, v. 78 Skager Rack, southern limit of cold Polar stream, xviii. 365 Skaptar Jdkull, volcano, Iceland, eruption of, 1867., xii. 58 Skardo or Iskardo (q.v.), capital of little Tibet, x. 163 Skarling Hill, Faeroe Islands, elevation of, v. 80 Skaro Point, Santorin, Greece, wrecked by earthquake of 1707., x. 322 Skeena river, B. Columbia," benches" on, xv. 135 Skelligs, the, mapped, 1856., height and geological formation of, i. 140 Skene, Capt. R. W., of the Philomel, ex ploration of rivers on W. African coast, 1857., i. 156 Skialfandafliot (river), Iceland, described by Rae, v. 84, 88 Skidegate Bay or Harbour, Queen Char lotte Islands, B. Columbia, xiii. 381 coal of, xiii. 383 tribes and village, xiii. 390 width of channel, xiii. 382 Skiolchinge Island, German Arctic ex pedition at, xv. Ill Skincuttle Island, B. Columbia, copper of, xiii. 384 Skinner, Capt., route traversed by, avoid ing the Karakorum Mts., xvi. 399 Skirmish Hill, (Gosse's) W. Australia, xix. 313 Skjaldbreith, Iceland, a liquid volcano, xx. 29 Slade Island, off N. Guinea, reefs near, xix. 229 Sladen, Maj. E. B., xiv. 349 Expedition from Burma via the Irra waddy and Bhamo to S. W. China, 1868., xv. 343, 362-3, xx. 213 Murchison on, xiii. 305 ; his remarks on the above, xiv. 354, xv. 172, cited, xv. 166, on roads met with, xviii. 465, on railways, xix. 270, 288 in Burma, 1871., Murchison on, xv. 291 Sledge Travelling in the Arctic Region, A. H. Markham, xxi. 110; Osborn on, ix. 53 Sloman, W. F., letter on death of Mc lntyre, xi. 44 death of, (1866.), xi. 227 Sloop Harbour, Labrador, v. 66 Slossin, tee Richards and Slossin Smao, see Esmok and Sz'mau Smeerenburg Harbour and oil establish ment, Amsterdam Island, Spitzbergen, ix. 165, deserted by whales, 167, Sofia repaired at, 1818., xiii. 166 Sminjah, Tunis, battlefield, and black marble quarries at, vi. 211 Smira, Morocco, geological notes on, ix. 26 Smith, A., obituary notice of, 1859., iii. 258 , A. J., Ross's expedition of 1874 (S. Australia), xix. 56 , B. Leigh, explorations and obser vations of, in and near Spitzbergen, 1871-2-3., xvii. 101, xviii. 373, xix. 177, xxi. 308 furthest north latitude reached by, xvi. 361, xvii. 102, 265 , Capt. H. U, Trip to Tibet, Kylas, sources of the Sutlej river, and the Mansurowar and Rakhas Lakes, 1865., xi. 119 , E., see Robinson, E. , E. O., obituary notice of, 1864., viii. 187 , F. P., The Transliteration of Chinese names, xxi. 580 , J. W., r.n., exploration of the Burdekin river, Queensland, (I860.), v. 121-2, 175 , Lt.-Col. Sir C. F., obituary notice of, 1859., iii. 251 , Lieut. S., East African Expedition of the Church Missionary Society under, (1877.), xxi. 498 SMI— SOC 307 Smith. Lieut. S. — continued. death of, at Ukercwe, 1878., xxii. 251, 372 maps of V. Nyanza by, xxii. 408 , Mr., success of his plantations in Cape Palmas, i. 99 Smith land, N. Zealand, new province of, formed 1861., wheat-growing in, vi. 72 Smith (or Smith's) Sound, Arctic regions, ii. 199, iii. 326 animal life at, xv. 108, xvii. 179, xxi. 276-7 Belcher's exploration of, 1853., i. 106 British attempts to enter, xii. 102-3 discovered by Baffin, 1616., xix. 212 freedom from ice, 1871., xviii. 13 furthest point reached in, up to 1865., ix. 91 geological formation of coasts of, xxi. 444-5 Hayes' exploration of, 1860-1., ix. 181, 268 note Inglefield's furthest in, 1852., xix. 213 Investigation of, Richards on, xix. 212-4 Kane in, 1850., i. 17, 30, results of his discoveries on, i. 152, ii. 195,362,iv. 168 as route to the N. Pole, Koldewey cited on, xvi. 230; Markham on, ix. 142, 145, xvii. 97, 103, xx. 60-1 ; Nares on, xxi. 274; Ommanney on, xvi. 240 ; Osborn on, xii. 102, cited, xix. 207 ; Payer on, xix. 31-2 ; Peter mann on, ix. 90, xix. 35, 174, 178 ; Riohards on, xix. 212-4 ; Wrangei cited on, xvi. 238 temperature and food supply in, ix. 60 tides in, Gray on, xix. 222 voyage of Polaris to, xviii. 7, 13, 15 Strait, ix. 181, Esquimaux of, i. 96 Smith's Station, the most advanced in the interior of W. Australia, (1863.), viii. 45 , Queensland, xii. 57, telegraph extension to, xii. 55 Smoky Bay, S. Australia, Admiralty survey, xxii. 336 Smyth, Adm. W. H., on Gen. Sir T. Bris bane, iv. 123 Presidency of R.G.S. and benefits of, to the Society, xxi. 402 obituary notice of, 1866 , x. 193 , Capt. E., proposed exploration of, in Chinese Tartary (1861.), vi. 7, see 181 • , Rear-Adm. W., obituary notice of, 1878., xxii. 321 ¦ , Prof. P.. i. 177, 224,.Observations on the Peak' of Teneriffe, i. 412-3, use of his free revolver telescope stand in, i. 421, cited, iii. 283 cited on the Great Pyramid, xi. 223 Suako Bay, N. Guinea, birds and snakes at, xx. 103 ¦; — river, B. Columbia, "benches'' on, xv. 134 Snake or Lewis fork of the Columbia river, Oregon,Brown's explorations on,1866., xi. 91 falls of and gold on, xi. 92 Snoefell, Mt., Iceland, xx. 26 Snotoppen, Spitzbergen, latitude of, xii. 96 Snow, Capt. P., exploration of, near Cape Horn, I860., iv. 175 (proposed) in search of Franklin's party, (I860.), iv. 168, 252 to King William land (Arctic regions), 1861., v. 199 on Capt. Hall of the American Polar expedition, xviii. 20 — M'Clintock's search for Franklin, 1859., iv. 11 — proposed Arctic expedition, 1875., xix. 222 Snowdon, Mt., former Glaciers of, iii. 291 Snowshoe Mts., B. Columbia, gold in, viii. 89 Snowy Mts. in East Africa, (see also Kenia and Kilimanjaro), iii. 208, 213, 304 Barth on, ii. 56 Beke on, vii. 110 causes of snow on, Maury, viii. 8 Murchison on, viii. 8, 9 various opinions and theories on, iii. 113-7 Von der Decken's paper on, viii. 5 , W. China, country near, xii. 338 rivers rising in, iv. 217 , N. Zealand, source of many rivers, viii. 49 Range, C. Asia, xiv. 69-70, xv. 300 Sobat river, Nile basin, iii. 210, v. 222-3, vii, 46 ; described by Baker, x. 7 Baker's station on, 1873., xviii. 53 course of, and sudden drying-up of, Baker on, vii. 80 Gordon's station established on, 1875., xxi. 56 Mme. Tinne at, 1863., vii. 197, 223, viii. 12 mouth of, navigation of, and source, v. 30, vii. 80 Petherick at, 1862., viii. 129 Speke on, vii. 222, 223 sudd on, xviii. 53 volume of water of, viii. 143, xviii. 132 Sobi, conical mountain, W. Africa, ii. 92 Soburi river, S.C. Africa, affluent of the Chambeze, xiv. 9 Soccorides, Rio dos, Madeira, fall of, ii. 369 Societe' Africaine, foundation proposed by Ge'rard, 1862., vi. Ill d'Etudes du Canal de Suez, estab lished by Pere Enfantin, 1846., xiv. 91 Khediviale de Geographie,established by Dr. Schweinfurth, (1876.), xx. 447 des Missionaires d' Alger, work of, xxii. 377 308 SOC— SON Socotra Island, aloeB of, and Christian colonies in, xxii. 447 geological formation of, iv. 57 Soda Creek, B. Columbia, dry landslip at, xv. 141 Sod&h Island, Curia Muria group, Arabia, described iv. 51, 52 Sodos village, Borneo, natives of, i. 199 Soerabaya, Java, position of, vii. 211 Sofala district, S.E. Africa, ii. 364 desirability of exploring, Erskine on, xix. Ill identified with Ophir, by M'Leod, iv. 205 Sofi, Abyssinia, the Atbara river at, x. 284 Baker at, 1861., a. 283 Sofiensk, On the Amur, Russian station at, xiii. 366 Sofi-Kurgan, Alai district, C. Asia, slope of mountains near, xxi. 123 Sofunso river, S. C. Africa, affluent of the Chambeze, xiv. 9 Sogne fjord, Norway, depth of, and temperature of water in, xviii. 344 Soh&r, Arabia, ancient capital of Omi,n, viii. 66, 103 Soheil, hill, S. Arabia, xv. 321, artesian springB at, 332 Sokatu or Sokoto, chief state in C. Sudan, ii. 86, 99, vi. 17, 22 Baikie's proposed expedition to, 1856., i. 16, 156, 444-5, ii. 317 the Fulbes at, xxi. 494 slave-trade at, ii. 33 suzerainty of, over Nupe, ix. 74 Soko apes or gorillas seen by Cameron near Tanganyika, xix. 254 Sokpo or Sokpa of Tibet, xii. 168, tribes of E. Asia, ferocity and location of, Shaw on, xvi. 402, oases visited by, xxi. 29, residence of their ruler, 331 Soktui Mts., E. Siberia, ii. 278 Sokut, near Yarkand, visited by Schla gintweit, iii. 173 Solar, Jebel, Sinaitic Peninsula, pottery found on, x. 159 ; ancient road on, ib. Solei, Wadi, S. Arabia, viii. 104, course of viii. 105 Solemieh, Arabia, a large town, viii. 65 Solferino, Italy, battlefield of, moraine near, viii. 40 Soligman, town, Tunis, described, vi. 210 Solimoens, river, Brazil, xxi. 570 Solitary Islands, off N.S. Wales, Admiralty survey of, ix. 222, x. 220 Solomon Islands, S.W. Pacific, discovery in 1568., and explorations of, xvi. 388 native boats at, xvi. 394 Somali-land, E. Africa, (see St. Abbs) — coast of, Frere on, xvii. 346 character of, x. 115 European detenus in, xi. 4, Xvii. 347 explorations of, Burton's, iii. 219, vi. 185 Hildebrand's, 1875., xxii. 446 Somali-land, E. Africa — continued. Kirk's (visit to coast), 1873., xvii. 340 Malcolm's, 1873., xvii. 403 Miles', 1872., xvi. 149 Speke's, iii. 217 frankincense of, xvi. 150, Birdwood on, 154-5 natives of, x. 95, xvi. 155-6, xxii. 447, Rigby on, x. 99 Somass river, Vancouver Island, falls on, ix. 308 Sombrero Island, W. Indies, guano of, iii. 332, iv. 57 Somerset, Cape York, N. AustraUa, xi. 195 coast near, xi. 150, 151, xii. 314 described by Bowen, ix. 76-9 Jardine, x. 85 Richardson, x. 33 geological formation near, xii. 315 latitude of, x. 249 pearl trade of, xviii. 48 point of departure for N. Guinea, xii. 314, xx. 19, 92-4, xxii. 219, 220, 223 temperature at, xii. 317-8 of sea near, xii. 317 un suited for sheep, x. 249 wet and dry seasons at, xu. 315-9 ¦ in relation to health, 320-1 Bay of, good water at, viii. 116 - — ¦ Port, a man-of-war at, xiv. 202 North, Arctic regions, i. 19, iv. 2 river, part of the Nile, x. 14, note Gordon at, 1876., xx. 473 " Somerset House," the Ross's dwelling on Fury Beach, 1832-3., xviii. 17 Somerville, Mrs., author of " Physical Geography," ii. 273 awarded gold medal of R.G.S., 1869., xiii. 253, 257 death of, 1872., Rawlinson on, xvii. 56 Sona peak, Sinaitic Peninsula, xiii. 210 Sonakoda, N.E. India, latitude cf, i. 370 Sonakte, Abyssinia, geological formation at, xii. 114 Songka, see Sonkoi, also Tongkin river Songklar Glacier, Arctic regions, xix. 25 Sonkoi river, S.W. Chinese borders, coal found on, xix. 285 Lagre"'s expedition on, 1867,, xix. 281 de Came cited on, xix. 282 Richthofen cited on, xix. 283 Son-Kul (lake), C. Asia, xiv. 222, Veniu- koffs visit tp, 1860, v. 192 plateau, xiv. 222, Kirghiz of, 223 Sonmeani, near Kurrachi, road from, to Gwadur, vi. 92, 117 Sonntag,Mr.,of Hayes' Arctic Expedition, 1860-1., frozen to death, ix. 183 Sonora State, Mexico, Apache Indians pf, xix. 305 SON— SPA 309 Sonora State, Mexico — continued. Bell on, xiii. 140 Poston on, xix. 302 Papagos Indians of, xiii. 143 "sand-food" of, xix. 306 silver works of, iii. 109 Sonthal distriot, Bengal, tribes subdued by Cleveland (17—), xix. 331 Soogalup, Abyssinia, waters of the Gash at, x. 282 Sooget Hills, Yarkand, position of, xiv. 59 Valley, position of, xiv. 51 Sook Pilal, Mts. of, Lushai region, xvii. 45 Sooke Harbour, Vancouver Island, ex plored by Leech, 1864., ix. 307 Lake, elevation, ib. river, ix. 307, " benches " of, and gold-diggings on, xv. 135 Soolima distriot, W. Africa, gold of, and scenery, xvii. 127-8, Hooboo bandits in, 124 Sooltanpore, Punjab, the Bubboo pass near, xv. 337 ; see also Sultanpur Soonderlik Dagh, volcano, Armenia, xiii. 244 Soorong river, Indo-Burmese frontier, xiii. 247 Soos river, Morocco, rise and course of, ii. 375 or Sous Valley, south of the Atlas Mts., xv. 215, mountains crossing, 219, unknown to Europeans, 220 Sorghabiti river. S. Africa, game near, xiii. 321 Sosnofsky, Col., travels of, in W. China, 1874-5., xx. 421, xxi. 21, 22, 204, 448 Sotano Mt., Ecuador, landslip at, Simson on; xxi. 568 . » Soudan, Africa (see also Gordon), iv. 90, xiii. 40 chief seat of future African civilisation, Saunders on, xi. 50 consulate in, withdrawn, 1864., viii. 150 elastic frontiers of, vii. 22, 126 expeditions in, French and other, (1864.), viii. 242 fish in rivers of, fable told of, ii. 34 Memoir on, Esoayrac de Lauture,i. 157, ii. 220 a populous region (1859.), iii. 355 slave trade in, viii. 150 Southern, robber tribes in, ii. 32 trade from, to the Mediterranean, xviii. 193 ; other outlets for, vi. 17 Souffriere Valley, Dominica, W. Indies, aqueous solfateras of, xx. 230 Souidoun, Russian Turkestan, xviii. 247 Souk Tchermik, Turkey-in-Asia, mineral spring at, affected by earthquake, 1859., iii. 63 Souli, former capital of Persia, Chinese "name for, and position of, Rawlinson on, 179-80 Sounkwaha, Abyssinia, mountains and plateau near, xiii. 40 Souris river, B. Columbia, in relation to the boundary, ii. 146 in conneotion with the Backfat Lakes, viii. 51 and valley, xx. 286 Soushwap Lake, B. Columbia, passes near, xii. 121 South Cape, Formosa, bay at, x. 127 dangers of, and aborigines at, viii. 27 ¦ — — , Spitzbergen, Swedish expedi tion at, 1868., xiii. 154 , Van Diemen's Land, xviii. 520 Southampton Island, Arctic regions, ice movements at, ii. 198-9 Southern Mangi, Notices of, Phillips, xviii. 168 Southern Ooean, the, as a fertilizing agent, ii. 29 winds and ourrents in, iv. 239 Southesk, Earl of, journey of, in B, Columbia (1858.), iv. 75-6 On an error in Hind's map of the Sas katchewan, xx. 362 on the rule of the Hudson Bay Co., xx. 301 South Pass, route via, for the Pacific Railway, i. 263 Pole, Nares' views on, xxi. 104 cold current from, trend of, xii. 256 Sea Islands, Admiralty surveys among, xvii. '258-9, ootton of, Belcher on, vi. 100 Passage, the search for, vii. 72 Shetland Islands, S. Pacific discovered by Biscoe, v. 25 latitude and temperature at, v. 23 supposed discovery by Gerritz, 1599., xiii. 114 Snake Kay, Belize, geological forma tion of, etc, xii. 344 Theresa Colony, Brazil, foundation of, 1847., and condition in 1850., vi. 74 Sow and Pigs Shoal, Sydney Harbour, N.S. Wales, Admiralty survey, xxii. 336 Sowayra Mt., Abyssinia, elevation of, xii. 115 Soya, Yezo, Japan, importance of, xvi. 194 Spain, absence of ioe-aotion in, viii. 232 Admiralty survey of (see Mediterranean), iv. 148 deep-sea soundings near, iv. 152 expulsion of, from Japan, vii. 167 French maps of, mentioned, iv. 201 possessions and trade of, in the Philip pines, I860., iv. 193 progress of geographical knowledge of, 1866 232 surveys' of, i. 148, Coello's, 1862., vi. 157, xii. 251 , Trigonometrical, i. 423-5. Spaitla, Tunis, copper-mines at, vi. 215 310 SPA— SPI Spanish river, Canada, first mapped, 1853-6, ii. 294 Specimen Gully, Queensland, gold-dig gings at, xii. 142 Speke, Capt. J. H. (see also Burton and Speke and Grant), awarded gold medal of R.G.S., 1861., v. 137, Presi dent's speech, 139, Earl de Grey's reply, 140 as explorer, Burton on, ix. (i, Stanley on, xxii. 393 on the course of the Kivira, v. 15 discovery of the Nile sources by, 1863., v. 108, 182 et seq., vii. 217 E. African expedition under him self and Burton, 1857., ii. 52, 323, iii. Ill, 210, 301, 348, iv. 40, 175, xvi. 127, 411, xviii. 147, xix. 262, 317 ethnology of Equatorial Africa, vii. 223 gold medals awarded to, and Grant, by the King of Italy, 1863., vii. 215, 216, ' 224 expedition of, with Capt. J. A. Grant, in search of the Nile sources, iv. 179, 222, 251, v. 11, 12, 20, 21, 127, 140, 188, 209, 1861., 209, 210, vi. 17, 209, 1862., 176, vii. 20, viii. 147, 244, 245, success of, announced, 1863., vii. 108-9, 182-3, 217, later references, xviii. 146, 257, xix. 248-9, xxi. 232, 466 et seq. ; botanical results, xxii. 416 ; meteorological observations, Galton on, vii. 225 ; sextant observa tions, viii. 155, 156 to assist, see Petherick explorations of, earlier, iii. 112, 217, 301 note on granite hills near the Bahr al Gazal, iv. 41 letter to, from Heuglin, 1863., viii. 264 , from Petherick, 1861., vi. 19 of, to King Rumanika, 1862., vii. 228 to Petherick, from Karagwe, 1862., vii. 235 map of Africa by, presented by Baker to R.G.S., 1865., x. 21 on the meeting with Baker at Gondo koro, 1863., vii. 190, Baker on the same, x. 8 Nile branches, iv. 41 — Nyanza Lake, and its outlets, etc., viii. 52 (see cdso Stanley, vol. xx. and vol. xxii.) — Nyassa or Niyanyizi Lake, iv. 88 and Tanganyika Lakes, viii. 258 cited on missionary work in Africa xxi. 48 Nile region rainfall, viii, 8 — — — L. Tanganyika, xi. 234 death of, Murchison on, ix. 2 monument to, x. 5, 258, xi. 6 Speke. Capt. J. H. — continued. obituary notice of, 1865., ix. 196 Speke Gulf, V. Nyanza, named by Stanley, xx. 145 rivers entering, and configuration, Stanley on, xx. 154, xxii. 388 Spencer, Earl, obituary notice of, 1858., ii. 252 Spencer Gulf, S. Australia, i. 31, ii. 29, iii. 157, 272, iv. 94, v. 55, vi. 13, 14 Admiralty survey (see also S. Australia), xv. 319-20 isthmus between, and head of Lake Torrens, ii. 189, 191, 214 land near, Eyre's view on, upset by facts, vi. 57,Gawler's view on,iv. 78-9, v. 10 rivers feeding, iii. 31,32, iv. 84, xii. 139 three good harbours in, iv. 78, 79 Sphere, Geometrical projection of Two- thirds of, James, 1857., i. 421 , New projection of, Herschel, iii. 174 Spice Islands, Crawfurd on, ii. 184 Spires, George of, his search for Eldorado, 1536., xxii. 45 Spitfire expedition to the Burdekin river, Queensland, I860., v. 122-3 Spiti Valley, Himalayas, crops, passes, and lamas of, Harcourt, xv. 336, 340, 341, 343 lamaserys of, xv. 343 language and climate of, xv. 347 physiognomy, religion, etc., of, xv. 342-3 • and river, elevation of, x. 208, xv. 340 Spitzbergen — Discoveries East of, and attempt to reaofc the Pole on the meridian of, Markham, xvii. 97 expeditions and explorations : Boat voyage along coast, 1864., Nor wegian, ix. 308 from, Parry's, 1827., ix. 45 early Dutch voyages in seas of, Jansen cited on, ix. 163 explorations in 1870-1., Petermann on, 174-5 German, 1870., Von Zeil and Von Heuglin's, 1870., xv. 8, 306 list of early expeditions, xiii. 164 Swedish, 1861., v. 199, xii., 96; 1868., and after, xiii. 154, xvi. 230, xviii. 16, 100-1, 264 ice-barrier dividing, from Novaya Zem lya, ix. 174 icebergs at, ii. 198 ice, notes on, ix. 163 — on coast of, i. 29 ice-drift off, v. 76-7, xix. 178 — fields off, ix. 167, xvii. 173 et seq. isotherms between, and Iceland, iv. 100 migration of birds and mammals from, xix. 177 SPI— STA 311 Spitzbergen — continued. mountains of, elevations of, iv. 237, geological formation of, xiii. 154-5 and note ocean current from, i. 61, iv. 104, 107, 169, 238, v. 225 et seq., xvii. 97, 178, xix. 178 open sea off, found by Parry, i. 20 Purchas' chart of, xvii. 99 reindeer in, xv. 113 route to the Pole vid, Collinson on, xvii. 104 Hopkiu on, iv. 100 Ingleflpld on, ix. 153 Lamont on, ix. 154, xvii. 104 Markham on, ix. 138 Osborn on, ix. 45, xvii. 172-3 et seq. Petermann on, ix. 91, 114, discussion on, 116-25 Richards on, xxi. 283 Swedish report on, xii. 96, discussion on, 108-12 Young on, ix. 154 soundings near, ix. 169 temperatures at and near, iv. 235, v. 232, xvii. 102 winds prevalent near, iv. 239 walrus of, ix. 308 et seq., xiii. 155 Spottiswoode, W., Abstract of Cameron's paper on the Ethnology of the Cau casus, vi. 59 Method for determining Longitude . . ., v. 234-7, referred to, vi. 191 On Typical Mountain Ranges, with reference to Abioh's classification, iv. 97 retires from Senior Secretaryship of R.G.S., 1864., viu. 170 Sprague's river, Oregon, warm climate of, xi. 91 Spratt, Capt. T. A. B., r.n., xv. 32, On the geology of. Serpent Island, Black Sea, i. 483 map by, of the rivers of the Plain of Troy, iii. 386 Mediterranean surveys by (see Mediter ranean), iv. 149, v. 170, vii. 139, viii. 190, xxi. 302 Routes between the Danube and the Black Sea at Kustendji, i. 94, cf. 141 on the Santorin eruption of 1866., x. 120 "Travels and. Researches in Crete," reviewed, ix. 252 work of, as a geographer, Murchison on, ix. 252-3 cited on the Gibraltar current, xvi. 84, xviii. 336-7, 386 Nile Delta, its silt, and the Suez Canal, ii. 265, iii. 198, 265, 30S Sea of Marmora, ii. 264 Silt of the Nile, xiv. 314 note Sproat's or Kleecoot Lake, Vancouver, ix. 308 Spruce, R., travels of, in S. America, 1849., iii. 94, iv. 174, vi. 188, viii. 220-1, ix. 245, x. 254, xxii. 44, 46 Spuskovaya river, Siberia, xxi. 218 Sprye, Capt. R., and Sprye, R. F. H., on communication with S.W. China from Rangoon, v. 45, of. 119, 196, vii. 61 route advocated by, Rangoon to Kiang Hung, xix. 271 Squier, E. G., on Lake Yojoa, Honduras, 1859., iii. 106, cf. 330 travels of, in C. America, (1856.), i. 166, ii. 296 Srednie Kolymsk, Russian military station, Siberia, xxi. 215 " Srharhar," N. Africa, passed by Rohlfs, ix. 314 Srinagar, capital of Kashmir, a. 142, Hay ward at 1870., xv. 15 route from, to Bonji, x. 146 Ssu Ch'uan province, China (see also Se-ohuen and Szechuen), physical for mation of, Gill on, xxii. 256-7, people of, 284-5, others on, 283-4 Staalbierghuk, Iceland, Greenland ice in fiords beyond, v. 228, 230 Staaten river, Queensland, affluents of, xii. 140 Stabus, Capt., cited on ganyahs of Car pentaria natives, xiii. 54 Stacey Island, off N. Guinea, named and described, xxi. 359 Staley, Dr. T., Bishop of Honolulu, On the Geography and recent eruption of the Sandwich Isles, xii. 305, 313 Stanhope, Earl, obituary notice of, 1876., xx. 396 Stanley's river, Queen Charlotte Islands, source of, and outfall, xiii. 390 Stanley, Capt. O., (see also Blackwood and Stanley), Australian surveys by, vi. 135, 136, viii. 120, 193, xii. 322 New Guinea coast surveys by, ix. 260, xiv. 201, xviii. 22 cited as adverse to Port Essington, iii. 88 , Dean, offer of funeral in West minster Abbey to Livingstone, xviii. 182-3 Stanley, H. M., elected Hon. Corresponding Member of R.G.S., 1878., xxii. 299 awarded gold medal of R.G.S., 1873., xvi. 441, xvii. 7, 225, Rawlinson on, 228, xxii. 299 dinner to, 1872., xvi. 441 discovery of course of Congo, Alcock on, xxii. 370 expeditions in Africa : in searoh of Livingstone, 1871., xvi. 88, 103, 159, 226, 370, 371, 410, 415, 417, 420-1, xvii. 8, 10, 13, 68, xviii, 255, his meeting with 312 STA— STE Stanley, H. M. — continued. expeditions in Africa — continued. Livingstone, xvi. 375, 387, 410-11, 416, 419, 420, xvii. 6, 8, 299; letter, of acknowledgment from R.G.S. on, 429, Livingstone on, xvi. 433, xvii. 72, xviii. 267 et seq., 5 1 0, with Livingstone, xix. 249, 252 in C. Africa, (1874-1878), xix. 10, 40, 454, 492, xxi. 144, circumnaviga tion of V, Nyanza, 1875., xx. 9, 134, Grant on, xx. 34 et seq., meeting with LinantdeBellefonds, 1875.,xx. 151 ; progress, 1876-7, xx. 435-7, xxi. 13, 15, 465, xxii. 10 Geographical Sketch of the Nile and (Livingstone) Congo Basins, xxii. 382 on the deaths of Elton, Smith, and O'Neil, and on the Uganda mission, xxii. 252 On his Explorations and discoveries in C. Africa, (1878.), xxii. 144 on Haddan's " pioneer railway," xxii. 253 — his journey to V. Nyanza and Cir cumnavigation of the Lake, (1874-5.), xx. 134 — Livingstone's work in Africa, and on missionary effort, xviii. 280, cf. xxii. 370 — the name of the Congo river, xxii. 410 special meeting to welcome, 1878., xxii. 126, 143 thanks of R.G.S. accorded to, 1878., xxii. 299 treatment of natives, resolution on, pro posed by Hyndman, xxi. 6, discussion on the same, 58 visit to the Rufiji, xxii. 454 cited on King Mtesa, xxii. 470 ; on L. Tanganyika, xviii. 146 , Mr., Surgeon of H.M.S. Erebus, relics of, found by Anderson, 1855., i. 21, 152 Stanley Harbour, Falkland Islands, Government Station at, (I860.), iv. 175 Range, N.S. Wales, iii. 157 Cadell's exploration near, (1862.), vi. 55 Stainton, Fort, New Mexico, caves near Goad on, xxii. 277, ration-post at, 279 Stans Foreland, Spitzbergen, Swedish expedition at, 1870., xv. 306 Stanton Cape, Greenland, depot for the Arctic Expedition at, xx. 61 Star Creek, Queensland, xii. 140 Maps, new edition of, (I860.), iv. 206-7 Stars, Probable Occultation of, by the Moon, in E. Africa, 1878-9., Hind, xxii. 64-5 Starved Steppe, C. Asia, position and cause of, xiv. 319 Station Hill, (of Stokes), Queensland, v. 123 Staunton, Sir G. T., obituary notice of, I860., iv. 141 Staveley, Sir C, on Abyssinia as seen by Lord Napier's forces, xiii. 51 Stavropol, Caucasus, ii. 276, Cossack popu lation of, vi. 59 Stawell, W. F., Report of, on the Victorian Camel Expedition, 1861., vii. 35 Steam, advantages of, to future Antarctic Explorers, Hamilton, xiv. 145, 148 Communication between England, Australia, and the Cape of Good Hope, Stokes, i. 79, 83, 85, 172 launches, use of, by Baker on the Nile, 1869., xiv. 4 Power in Ice navigation, value of, demonstrated by Osborn, xix. 373 Steep Head, N. Australia, i. 186, 226, 227, 261 Island, Formosa, x. 123 force of equatorial current at, viii. 26 Steere, Bishop, journey of, to L. Nvassa, (1875.), xx. 15, 74, 446, xxi. 584^ mis sionary station of, xxi. 237, and work of, 471, xxii. 16 Steinhausen, Surgeon, with Burton and Speke, ii. 53, 55 S token Canon, Alaska, how formed, xiii. 146 Stekla, old volcano, Iceland, last eruption of, xii. 58 Stephens, Port, N.S. Wales, i. 129 Admiralty survey, x. 220, xi. 195 Stephenson, Capt. F., xix. 207, The(Arctic) Winter Quarters of the Discovery, 1875., xxi. 106 , R., inspection for Suez Canal, iii. 184 line between Alexandria and Cairo built by, iii. 193 on the proposed Atrato canal, i. 71 Suez Canal, iii. 202 cited on the same, iii. 200-1, xiv. 91-92 yacht lent by, for Observing party at Teneriffe, (1857.), i. 412 obituary notice of, I860., iv. 138 river, S. Australia, good grass along, xix. 49 Stereoscopic Maps from Models of Moun tainous Countries, F. Galton, ix. 104 Stern, Rev. — , prisoner in Abyssinia, (1868.), xiii. 47, 49 Steudner, Dr., death of, on the Nile, viii. 15 Stevens Island, Torres Straits, i. 80 Stevenson, J., xxi. 471, efforts to open up Africa, xxi. 60 on Elton's explorations in Nyassaland, etc., xxii. 249 on the Scotch Mission-stations on Lake Nyassa, (1876.), xxi. 14 note Stewart, Col. P., on the Indo-European Telegraph, vii. 94, cited on the same, 164, work of, in connection with the above, vii. 91, 93 STE— STR 313 Stewart, Dr., and the Nyassa Mission station, xx. 244, xxii. 233, 242 , H., Beresford Creek, S. Australia, discovered by, xv. 97 , Mr., of Hann's Queensland expedi tion, (1873.), xviii. 87, 94 Stewart, Cape, N. Australia, Gregory at, 1855., ii. 12 or Kennedy's river, Queensland, xviii. 97 Stirling, Adm. Sir J., obituary notice, 1865., ix. 215 Mt., W. Africa, ix. 72, xxi. 485 .Range, N. Guinea, trend of, xix. 231 Stockholm, mean temperature of, xv. 75 Stoddart, Col., murder of, with Conolly, at Bokhara, (1842.), viii. 268, 272, ix. 71 Stokes, Adm. J. L., ii. 342, Admiralty survey of N. Zealand, i. 406, ii. 268, (1843-58.), ix. 34 on Arctio Research, i. 94 on Camden Bay as a settlement, x. 87 explorations of, in N. Australia (Carpen taria), in the Beagle and other ships, 1837-42., referred to, i. 5, 33, 186, 230, 259, 260, 262, 337, 367, 502, ii. 4, 6, 14, 313, 378, v. 123, 206, vi. 136 ; conclusions justified by subsequent explorers, vii. 87, 114, 116 ; xii. 261, xiii. 53 on Gregory's N. Australian exploration, h 191-2 On Steam Communication between England, Australia, and the Cape of Good Hope, i. 79, 83, 85, 86, 172 cited on the Flinders river, Gulf of Carpentaria, xii. 57 on N. Australia, i. 327, iii. 90 on the Plains of Promise, vii. 87, 114, 116 , Lt., r.n., with Burton on Elephant Mt., W. Africa, vii. 105 ; with Swinhoe on the Yang-tsze river, 1869., xiv. 237 ; on the navigation of that river, xiv. 241, cited on the same, xv. 293 , Maj. J., r.e., Notes on the Lower Danube, I860., iii. 206, iv. 201 Mt., N. Zealand, vi. 72 gorge near, viii. 56 Range, N.W. Australia, geological formation, i. 502 Stokes' Victoria river (see Victoria River), N. Australia, i. 5, 366, 502, ii. 30, 193, 313, iii. 156 Stoliozka, Dr., geologist, companion of Forsyth in 1873. and earlier, xviii. 115, xxi. 42; companion of Trotter, 1873., xxi. 456 ; death of, due to cold in the Pamirs, (1878.), xxii. 289 ; extinct vol cano discovered by, xxi. 451 Stone, — , with Smith's expedition to the Burdekin river, I860., v. 122 ; member of Victorian Camel expedition, and death (1861.), vii. 35, 39 Stone, Gen., Colston's survey Itinerary, Debbe to El Obeyad, Upper Nile region, xx. 357 letter on the Circumnavigation of L. Albert Nyanza by Gessi, 1876., xx. 470; on the connection of the Nile with the Albert Nyanza, (1876.), xx. 443 note , O., xx. 352 Description of Country and Natives of Port Moresby . . . 1876., xx. 19, 330 Discovery of the Mai-Kassa or Baxter river, N. Guinea, 1875., xx. 19, 92 Explorations in interior of N. Guinea, 1875., xx. 266, cf. 428 et seq. Stone Island, Queensland, x. 65 Stonehenge, Arabian parallels to, viii. 81 Stony or Central Desert of Australia (q.v.), iii. 31 ; accounts of, explained, xii. 289 Burke on, vi. 54, cited on, 70 discovered by Sturt, (1845.), xv. 297 good sheep-run in, ix. 302 Point, New Guinea, xx. 97 Stor Fiord, Spitzbergen, Austrian expe dition at, 1871., xvi. 231 Barentsz at, 1616., xvii. 98 German exploration of, 1870., xv. 306, xvii. 100 Swedish explorations near, xvii. 100 Storm-warning Signals, memorandum on, v. 184 Storojensky, Cape, Ladoga Lake, Russia, geological formation of, xiii. 378 Stow, J. P., Boat Voyage from Adam Bay to Champion Bay . . . 1865 , x. 34 Murchison on, x. 51, 250 , W., with the above, x. 35 Strachan, R., Report on the Hypsometrical Observations in Paraguay of Johnston and Congreve, 1874., xx. 504 Strachey, Sir H., awarded gold medal of R.G.S., 1852., U. 300, 303 East branch of Indus river indicated by, xiii. 193 note exploration in Indian mountains, ii. 300 on the fate of A. Schlagintweit (1858.), iii. 144, 172 cited on Lake Mansurwur, xi. 121, 122 , Gen. R., xxii. 366, exploration in Kumaon, (1848.), ii. 302, 303 exploration of Pindur and Kuphinee rivers, 1847., viii. 222, note on the change of course of the Jaxartes and Oxus rivers, xvii. 164 On Evolution in relation to Geography, xx. 79, Alcock on, xx. 9, xxi. 25 on the Garo Hills, xvii. 42 Introductory Lecture on Scientific Geo- " graphy, xxi. 179, Alcock on, 408, referred to, xxii. 188, cited, 400 314 STR— STU Strachey, Gen. R. — continued. on Kostenko's journey in the Pamirs, xxi. 139 Report on PubUc Schools Examina tion in Physical Geography, 1873., xix. 534 On the Scope of Scientific Geography, xvi. 443 on Shaw's paper on C. Asia and its mountains, (1872.), xvi. 407 Strain, Lt., expedition of, in Darien, i. 70, 88, 486 Strande Syssel, Iceland, ice-bears at, v. 230 Strange, Lt.-Col. A., obituary notice of, 1876., xx. 397 Strangford, Viscount, xiv. 209, on receiving gold watch of R.G.S. for Moolah Abdul Mejid, 1866., x. 183, on re ceiving gold watch of R.G.S. for the Pundit, 1868., xii. 217 on Australian expedition in search of Leichhardt, x. 85, 154 sheep-rearing and settlements, x. 88 — China in deoay, x. 277, xi. 11 — El Lejah, viii. 30 — Formosa, viii. 24 — the geography of C. Asia, and on the journeys of Georg Ludwig von , xiii. 20, cf. x. 315 — Madagascar, x. 57 — the names of the Oxus and Jaxartes rivers, etc., xi. 118 Remarks on Khanikoff's letters on the MS. travels of Georg Ludwig von in C. Asia, and Rawlinson's criticisms thereon, x. 315 on the Russian advance on India, xiii. 22 — Tibet, xii. 166 — Vambery's and on Wolff's travels in C. Asia, viii. 272 death of, Murchison on, 1869., xiii. 66 obituary notice of, 1869., xiii. 260 Strangways Spring, S. Australia, v. 102, 124, xv. 97 Stratford de Redcliffe, Lord, ix. 262, on trees in relation to rainfall, Turkey, ix. 109 Straubenzee, Mt., S. China, elevation of, vi. 228 Streaky Bay, S. Australia, Admiralty sur vey near, xix. 409, xx. 408, xxi. 435 Hack's expedition near, 1857., ii. 189 minor expeditions near, iii. 152 Stuart's expedition near, iii. 337, ix. 233 Warburton's expedition near, iii. 337 Street, Mr., see Sibree Stre'tensk, E. Siberia, boat-building at, xiii. 368, limit of navigation of Amur and Shilka rivers, ib. Strickland, Comm., on Abbeokuta and its natives, vi. 52 Stromboli, volcanic scorise of, i. 470 Stromoe Island, Faeroe Islands, in con nection with the Atlantic Telegraph, iv. 101, 103, v. 72 et seq. channel near, v. 63, 81 exploration in, Rae's, I860., v. 80 geological formation of, v. 81 sandbank near, v. 73 tides at, v. 72 Stromness, Orkney Islands, mean tempe rature of, xv. 75 Strong, F. K, obituary notice of, 1875., xix. 403 Struve, Prof. F. G. W., Hon. Corr. Member of R.G.S., geodetic work of, in Russia and C. Asia, ii. 275, ix. 206 obituary notice of, 1865., ix. 206 , Otto, Geographical work of, in Russia and C. Asia, iii. 289, x. 233 Strzelecki, Count Sir P. E. de, vi. 13, gold medallist of R.G.S., i. 172, v. 105, xix. 41 explorations of, in Australia (1840 and prev.), i. 453, ii. 313, iii. 338, 222-3, and discovery of gold, ix. 228-9, xvi. 295 on Leichhardt's work and Gregory's expedition in search of him, iii. 33-4 — the Meteorology of Australia, i. 34-5 — the Probable Condition of the interior of Australia (Landor's paper), i. 34 • — receiving gold watch for McDouall Stuart, 1859., iii. 223 — Stuart's C. Australian expedition and on the Central Desert, v. 60 — travelling in arid countries, ii. 76 cited on the Central Australian Desert, v. 105 death of, 1873., Frere on, xviii. 12 obituary notice of, 1874., xviii. 518 Creek, part of Cooper's Creek, Australia, iii. 28, 29, 31, 156, 334 Stuart, Col. P., on Indo-European tele graphic communication, vii. 94-5 Stuart, J. Macdouall, vi. 167, ix. 22, xvi. 295, xix. 41 awarded gold watch by R.G.S., 1859, iii. 215, President's speech, 222, Strzeleoki's reply, 223 awarded gold medal of R.G.S., 1861., v. 137, President's speech, 141, Duke of Newcastle's reply, 144 discoveries towards Arnheim land, vii. 37 discovery of Adelaide river, Adam Bay, x. 52 expeditions of, in S. Australia, 1858., iii. 151 et seq., results of, 336, 337, iv. 254 ; ditto, 1859., iv. 77, 78-9, 194, v. 55, 104, results of, vi. 10, 13-15 from South to North across Australia, 1860-1., v. 205, vi. 8, 167, 168, results of, vi, 70, 171, 174, vii 35, xvii- 20, XX. 370 STU— SUB 315 Stuart, J. Macdouall — continued. expeditions of, from Adelaide across Australia, 1862., vii. 11, 12, 82, 89, discussion on, 85-90, and results, xiv. 195, 200, 201, 203, 204, 290, xv. 97, 297-8, xvii. 57, 276, xix. 41,49 , Murchison on, vi. 189, vii. 169-70, 172, 176, ix. 22, 226, 230-3, xii. 295, 322; Neumayer on, xii. 287-8, 291-2 Exploration of Central Australia, 1861., vi. 8, fate (in 1861.) uncertain, vii. 11 furthest point reached by, in N. Australia, vii. 5, 14 Journal of Expedition across the Centre of Australia, (1859.), v. 55; Further Details relating to Discoveries in C. Australia, v. 104 as a surveyor, vii. 14 cited on the fertility of C. Australia, iv. 83, v. 60, 126 on the Roper river, vii. 86 ou probability of gold near Lake Gregory, vii. 11 on well-watered regions traversed by, iv. 84 map of S. Australia by, v. 124, 126 one omission of, vii. 180 portrait of, and models of boats found by, in C. Australia, exhibited, vii. 2 praise of, vii. 85, 89, 122 subsidized by Chambers and Fincke, vii. 134, 135 with Sturt, iii. 153, 153, ix. 230, xiv. 290, xv. 97 death of, x. 251 note , Maj. R., Ascent of Mt. Ararat, 1856., xxi. 77, referred to, xxii. 363 Stuart, Mt., S. Australia, ii. 16 Range, S. Australia, iii. 153, as watershed, 154, 155, 157, 336, route to, 337 river, Rocky Mts., vi. 110 Stuart- Wortley, see Wortley, J. Stuart Stuart's Land, North of S. Australia, vii. 86 Sturgeon Lake, B.N. America, ii. 41, country near, 43 river, ii. 43 Sturt, Capt. C. (see also Stuart, J. McD.), gold medallist of R.G.S., xix. 41 discoveries of, and their results, ix. 227- 30, xiv. 287, 290 explorations of, in C. Australia, referred to,'i. 5, 6, 10, 32, 34, 326, 328, ii. 24, 28, 188, 192, 314, iii. 153, 157-8, 334, 337, iv. 82, 96, 254 ; horses used in, iii. 1, 28, 58, 88 ; stopped by desert, i. 192, ii. 28-9, 60, 314, iii. 334, 337, iv. 78, 82, v. 57, 105, 141, 144, vi. 70, xiv. 290: 'vi. 55, 70, vii. 12, 85, ix. 226; value of, as to region N. and N-E. of the Darling river, yi. 168, Sturt, Capt. C. — continued. vii. 16; opens the door on C. Aus tralia, vi. 169, 171; of 1828, sum marized, ix. 227; 1831-2., results, xiv. 191, 203 ; 1843., ix. 227, 230, re sults, 232; xii. 139, 295; 1844., non- success of, xiv. 290 ; xv. 97, 297, xvi. 295 exploration of the Macquarie river, with Hume, 1828., xviii. 533 furthest Northern point in Australia reached by, 1845., iv. 78, v. 141, vii. 5 on W.C. Australia, iii. 158 — Gregory's N. Australian expedition, i. 5 ; instructions to him, i. 328, 365, 367 — Stuart's expedition of 1858., iii. 155 ; of 1861-2, v. 58-9 cited on the dryness of the interior of Australia, ii. 214 on the desert of C. Australia, iii. 27 on native huts in Australia, ii. 24 on watershed of Australia, iii. 31 theory of C. Australian desert, con troverted, xii. 287, xix. 49 thermometer readings by, in C. Aus tralia, i. 32 obituary notioe of, 1870., xiv. 287 , Capt., Afghan surveys of, xx. 242, 250 Mt., re-named Central Mt. Stuart (q.v.), vii. 11 Sturt's Central Desert of Australia, or Stony Desert, i. 6, 322; ii. 214, iii. 27, 158 extent of, vii. 112, 174 good sheep-run on, ix. 22, 302 state of, in 1845., xv. 297 water-worn aspect of, vii. 42 Creek, N. Australia, named by Gregory, i. 188, 190, ii. 7, iii. 158, v. 58 fall of waters in, v. 9, geological for mation of and survey needed, xix. 55 Eyre Creek, see Jarvis river Plains, iv. 96, named by Stuart, 1861., vi. 9-11, stock fed on, ix. 32 Ridge, ii. 215 Suakin, Egypt, port of, Baker on, xii. 117 Suanetia, Caucasus, described by Fresh- field, xiii. 70, tribe inhabiting, vi. 60 Suan- or Suen-hwa-foo, or Suen-hoa-foo, town, N. China, coal-pits and French missionaries at, vii. 27 elevation of, xiv. 245 Swinhoe at, 1868., xiv. 84 Whyte at, 1869, xiv. 245 Suba, Equatorial W. Africa, near the Rembo falls, x. 74 Subhah, limestone wall of, effect of, on climate of Curia Muria Islands, iv. 54 Subashiri, Japan, lava-bed near, xvii. 78, position of, described, xix. 171, 173 316 SUB— SUM Subeihah district, S. Arabia, described by von Maltzan, 1870-1., xvi. 120 Subezwar fort, Afghanistan, xxi. 585 Su-chow, on the Yangtsze, alluvial plain of, iii. 375 coal at, vi. 3, 87-8 geographical position of, and rebels at, vi. 2 size of, vii. 26 Suchuan Province, China, see Ssu-Chuan Suckling, Mt., New Guinea, height of, xiv. 202 Sucubdi river, Darien, Gisborne's expedi tion on, (1856.), i. 88 Sudiya, Sadiya, or Suddya, Assam, British advanced post, v. 54 confluents of the Brahmaputra at, v. 48 distance of, from Batang, vi. 95 fair at, xxi. 590 proposed railway to, xix. 284-5 trade at, xii. 338, xiv. 216 Sueh river, C. Afrioa, Schweinfurth on, xvii. 22 Suen-hoa-foo, see Suan-hwa-foo Suez, Egypt, ii. 223, iv. 56, distance of, from Bombay, iii. 183 geographical position of, iii. 177 harbour of, iii. 178 mail routes via, i. 84, 86, 405 bay, Admiralty survey, i. 405 ¦ Canal, de Lesseps on, J856., i. 67 Lange on, iii. 201, 203 Linant Bey on, iii. 1 184 Mansell's survey in connection with, (1856.), i. 142 Mercer on, i. 90 Murchison on, i. 160, iii. 308, xiv. 314 Opening of, 1869., Lord Houghton on, xiv. 88, Murohison on, ib. passages of the Newport through, 1870., xiv. 304 Pilotage directions for, Nares, xiv. 72 proposed, Pirn on, iii. 177, length, 188, and probable cost, 189, 190 Sidney on, iii. 199 Sprat? s views cited, ii. 265 Stephenson on, iii. 202 , Gulf of, see Africa; aZso Red Sea, Admiralty surveys lighthouse set up in, 1862., vi. 133 thermal condition of, xxi. 307 , IsthmuB of, and Proposed Canal, Pim, iii. 177 supposed changes in climate of, and causes, Holland on, xxii. 456 railway of, built by Stephenson, iii. 193; its valuable carrying trade, vii. 60 Sugar-cone Mt., S.W. China, quarries at, vi. 231 Sugar-Loaf Island, off E. coast of Aus tralia, xxii. 136 Sugar-Maple district, Canada, good land at, ii. 50 Suget, E. Turkestan, distances to and from, i. 274, 276, 277, position of, iii. 144 Sugud river, Borneo, inhabitants of shores of, ii. 345 Suhatu river, affluent of the Karam river, Indo-Chinese border, xxi. 593 Subjuck or Sujjuk river, Lushai district, Bengal, course of, xvii. 43, navigation of, 46 Suhmai Kha river, alleged Eastern branch of the Irawady, Wilcox cited on, xiv. 347, 348 Sui fun river, Manchuria, navigation of, xi. 254 Sukkertopfen, Greenland, xx. 56 Sukkur, iii. 386, rise of the Indus at, xi. 22 Suk Sai river, Pamir region, C. Asia, affluent of the Muk su, xxi. 133 Suku-'l-Zuma'ah, S. Arabia, market vil lage of, xvii. 201 Suku-'l-Khamis, S. Arabia, route to, xviii. 201 Sulakh river, Caucasus, iv. 246, 247, 248, Nogai Tartars on, vi. 60 Suleiman country, W. C. Africa, Fulbes in, xxi. 494 Suliman Range, prolongation and geo logical structure of, xiv. 124 Sulimanieh, Persia, bad passes near, i. 288 Sulina Channel, of the Danube, iii. 207 survey of, (1858.), ii. 264, vi. 132 Sullivan, Capt., r.n., on the La Plata river at Rosario, iv. 49, cf. 175 , Mr., see Palliser Sulphur Caves, Demavend, Thompson's ascent to, 1 858., xxii. 218 Island, Pacific Ocean, seen by Capt. Cook, i. 63 Springs in Formosa, near Tamsui, xiv. 81 Sultan Chushun, Khotan district, Schla gintweit at, (1856.), i. 277 Sultanpur, Punjab, xx. 483 ; Bubboo pass to, xv. 337 Sulu Archipelago, E. Indian Archipelago, Admiralty survey, xvii. 255 depth of water at, xxi. 316-7 natives of, in Sugud, ii. 345, piratical habits of, xvii. 255 Sea, xv. 384, Admiralty surveys in, 268 thermal condition of, Carpenter on, xviii. 345, xix. 301, 316, 323 Sumao, see Sz'mao Sumata, W. Africa, trade importance of, xvii. 122 Sumatra (see also Samandara), vii. 208, 209 Admiralty survey, iv. 153, important corrections made as to, vi. 135 botany of, similar to that of the Anda man Islands, vi. 4 currents off coast, Heathcote on, vi. 117 gutta percha of, i. 207 SUM— SUS 317 Sumatra— continued. sheep of, vii. 115 winds blowing off, vii. 61 Sumbawa (Symbaua), discovered by the Portuguese, 1511., xvi. 354 surveys of H.M.S. Serpent near, 1868., xiii. 283 voloanoes of, i. 503 note, forecast of eruption of, 1814., vii. 211 Sumbe, Buddhist monastery of, C. Asia visited by Golubef, 1859., iv. 197 Sumera Parbut Mt., Himalayas, Robert son's ascent, 1855, ii. 109 Sumessary or Shemshang river, Lushai distriot, xvii. 36, affluents of, 40 Summer Palace, near Peking, x. 156 burning of, (I860.), Walker on, x. 158 ruins seen by Whyte, 1869., xiv. 244 Summit Lake, source of the Deschutes river, Oregon, xi. 89. Suna, Urimi district, Equatorial Africa, beauty of natives, xx. 136 ; suspicious character of same, xxii. 150 water-parting in, xxii. 386 Sund, 8. C. Afrioa, i. 75 • Sunday Island, Niger river, highest point reached by sea tide, xxi. 483 Sunderbunds, mouths of the Ganges rotary tides off, vi. 115 surveyed, (1859.), iii. 268 Sundi, Congo region, reported white man at, supposed to be Livingstone, (1872.), xix. 87 Sungari, Songari or Girin-ula river, Man churia, xi. 162, described by Adkins, 1872., xvi. 351 Russian expeditions up, 1864., ix. 242, xiii. 32, 367, xvi. 205 source of, xiii. 32 ; and course, viii. 33 tribes to the south of, xiii. 369 tributary of the Amur, ii. 153, xvi. 205 Sungbust, near Meshed, history of, Marsh on, xxi. 583 Sung Pan T'ing, W. China, ascent to, described by Gill, xxii. 259 inhabitants of, plateau of, elevation of, xxii. 262-3 Sung Ting Lake, C. China, vi. 86 ; see also Tung- ting Sun Signals for TraveUers, Galton on, iv. 14 Spots, in relation to terrestrial mag netism, xxii. 207 Suok, Chinese Border town, Alai region, xvii. 190 Supa Pass and River, Benguela, xx. 323 Superior, Lake, N. America, i. 264, 462, iv. 234, xii. 123, on the boundary line, iv. 233 copper lodes of, xii. 141, 144 elevation of, ii. 336, 339, xii. 867 exploration of Hind W. of (I860.), iv, 171 Superior, Lake, N. America — continued. geology of district, ii. 293 government exploration between, and Red River, 1857-8., iii. 126 'late ice on, 1857., ii. 39 river rising in, ii. 339 Supinu river, N.W. Amazon basin, tribu tary of Curarai river, xxi. 568 Surabaya, Java, i, 191, ii. 215, coast near, ii. 9 Tom Tough schooner at, i. 262 Surabit-el-Khardim, Sinaitic Peninsula, geology and minerals, vi. 237 traces of turquoise mining at, x. 159 Suraswati river, Punjab, unknown upper course of, Campbell on, xiv. 123 ; see Saras wati Surco, Peru, elevation of station at, xviii. 209 Sureeya, S. Arabia, the Fudhlee capital, position of, xvi. 117 Surinam, winds of, vii. 50 Surkatti, on the Nile, Petherick at, 1863., viii. 133 Surkhab, Surkab, Kizil-su, or WakhBh river, affluent of the Oxus, xxi. 133 confluents of, ib. identity determined, xx. 17, 484 valley, route via, to the Oxus, Raw linson on, xxi. 138 Surkuja, Tibet, good road from, much used by Bhooteas, x. 166 Surnada, Sea of, Japan, vi. 202, area of, 203 volcanic formation along, vi. 205 Surprise schooner, voyage of, along coast of N. Guinea, 1871., xvi. 203 Mt., Queensland, xviii. 94-5 telegraph-route via, xii. 55 Surramphang, (Garo Hills), market for edible dogs at, xvii. 40 Surtokh, Kashmir-Tibetan border, ridge of, watershed of the Pangong Lake, xi. 32 Suru, Abyssinia, elevation and tempera ture of, xiv. 160 Sus, N. Africa, Gerard's journey to, 1863., viii. 94 Susa, east of V. Nyanza, volcanic region, xx. 155 , Persia, i. 357 ancient, Rawlinson on, i. 282, 357 (Shush) excavations of, Loftus, i. 49 note, 219, 220, Monteith on, i. 220-1, 292 heat at, i. 358-9 , Tunis, manufactures of, vi. 212 Susafeh, Ras, Sinaitic Peninsula, the Mountain of the Law, xui. 210 ; eleva tion of peaks of, xiii. 209 Susaki, Japan, as a harbour of refuge, xvii. 255 Susannah river, C. America, affluent of the Rama river, xii. 33, 35 318 SUS— SWE Susi, Livingstone's faithful " boy," xviii. 222 ; awarded ' bronze medal, 1874., 495 his devotion to his master, 244-5, 300 presence at meeting of R.G.S., ib. with Bishop Steere, xx. 15, and his party, 69, 74 Susiana, Persia, plains of, i. 362 fertility of, i. 359 heat of, i. 358 inhabitants of and near, i. 291 military geography of, i. 290 open country of, i. 288 rivers of, change of course of, i. 292 Susus, the, road from, to the Mellacoure, opened by Foulbe traders, xxi. 494 Sutherland, Dr., expedition in Quath- lamba Mts., Natal, 1856., i. 83, Beechey on, 160 on Natal, i. 55 ciieri on ice surfaces Arctic and Alpine, vii. 77 Island, Smith Sound, depot of Arctic Expedition of 1875., xx. 60 Sutlej river, India course of, viii. 39, explored by the Pundits, xiii. 192 — — — supposed former, xix. 437 note gorges of, vii. 132 note iron suspension bridge over, x. 168-9, xiii. 185 resemblance of, to the Nile, iii. 357 sources of (see Mariam La), ii. 300, viii. 39, x. 168, visited by Smith, 1865., xi. 119, 121, 123 ; by the Pundit, 1865-7., xii. 157 Suttor River or Creek, Queensland, i. 325, v. 4, connected with the Belyando, i. 342, 368, 495, x. 64 geological formation along, xii. 141. 142 gold found near, xii. 138, 140 junction of, with the Burdekin, i. 325, 495 latitude of, v. 4 Sunk or Suyok Pass, Trans-Naryn region, Russian Turkestan, elevation of, xiv. 225, 226 Trotter on, xviii. 419 river, source and affluents of, xiv. 228 Suvando Island, Lake Ladoga, xiii. 378 Suwa Lake, Japan, castle, shrine, and hot springs near, xvii. 81 Suwando Lake, near Lake Ladoga, river rising in, xiii. 379 Suyok Pass, see Siiiik Svarfaraa river, Iceland, sources of, v. 231 Svarta river, Iceland, source and course of, xx. 27 Sverbe'ef, Cape, Manchuria, ii. 153 Sviask, Russia, in the glacial period, i. 416 Svir river, Lake Ladoga, xiii. 377, boat' building on, xiii. 376 colour of water of, xiii. 379 Swaiswa river, S. Africa, northward course of, xiii. 135 Swakop district, S. Africa, meteorological variations in, i. 60 Swan Hill, C. Australia, v. 8, vii. 36 Swan river, W. Australia, i. 31, 322, iii. 46, x. 34, xi. 44 Admiralty survey, iii. 272, xvii. 257, xviii. 539, xix. 408, xx. 408, xxi. 435 birds of, iii. 54 expeditions and explorations — Eyre's (1840-41), ii. 192 Forrest's from, 1870., xvii. 277, xix. 8 Leichhardt's to, 1847., i. 322, iii. 34, x. 85, xii. 291 Neumayer's (proposed) to (1865.), xii. 292, 322 Warburton's to, 1873., xviii. 571 settlement or colony (see also W. Australia), v. 3 early days of, ix. 226 sheep from, failure of, at Adam Bay, x. 88 tidal observations near, xxi. 73 uncertain flow of rivers in, iv. 96 Swanzy, A., liberality of, to Reade's W. African expedition, 1868., xiii. 355, xix. 399 Swart, J., Hon. Corr. Member, obituary notice of, 1866., x. 209 Swartefugle Bay, Greenland, " loomery " at, xx. 58 Swat, N. Indian frontier, the Akhoond of, and Hayward's murderers, xv. 286 well-disposed to Science, xv. 203 river, xvi. 254 affluents and source of, xxii. 354 Valley, route via, to Chitral, xiii. 16 Swatoi, Cape, Russia, specific gravity of water at, xviii. 372 Swatow, E. China, Treaty Port, iii. 86 oil-cake trade of, from N. China, vii. 33 Sweden, in the glacial period, Murchison on, vii. 155, Ramsay on, 77 Swedish African expedition, northwards from the Cape of Good Hope, 1857., ii. 54 Arctic expns., Torrell and Nordens- kiold, 1858., xiii. 152, 257, 291 ;' I860., proposed under Torrell, iv. 169, 200 ; 1861., do., v. 199 ; 1861., xii. 96, xiii. 291 ; 1864., xiii. 291 ; 1868., Nordenskiold's, xii. 257, xiii. 151, and other years, 291, xv. 307, xvii. 100; 1871., xvi. 86, 227, xx. 55, 230 ; 1872. (proposed), xvi. 363; Nordenskiold's, xvii. 16, 264 ; summary of, 1858-68., and 1872., results of, xvii. 100, 102 Siberian coast expedition, (Norden skiold's), 1875 et seq., xix. 420-1, xx. 20, 416, xxi. 447, xxii. 338 SWE— SYN 319 Sweers Island, N. Australia, discovered by Flinders, Chimmo on his visit to, 1856., i. 259, 260 dead bodies on, i. 259 Ellis at, 1867., xii. 57 Flinders' well and "blazes" found in 1858., ii. 14-5, in 1862., vii. 3 new settlement (Carnarvon) on, 1867., xi. 227, xiii. 52, gardening at, 55, healthiness of, 56 turtle on, i. 258 Sweet Grass Hills, see Three Buttes Swift river, B. Columbia, rush of gold- miners to (1862.), vi. 109 Swinburne, Sir J., on the Mashona gold- workings and workers, xv. 155 Swinhoe, R., expedition to Kalgan, 1868., xiv. 83 on the Great Wall of China, xiv. 83 On the Island of Formosa, viii. 23 ; additional notes on. x. 122 Murchison on, viii. 209 Special Mission up the Yang-tze Kiang, 1869., xiv. 235 ; Alcock on, xx. 208, Osborn on, xiv. 33-4, Murohison on, xv. 292 Obituary notice of, 1878., xxii. 325 Swiss glaciers, measurements of, xii. 252 Lakes, origin of, Murchison's views, viii. 231, Studer's views cited, 230 Recent measurements of Depths of, Chaix, xxii. 456 Thermal Condition of, Carpenter on, xxi. 300, 305 Switzerland, Earthquakes in, i. 149, iii. 279, Volger cited on, ii. 287 Federal Map of, Chaix, iv. 243, vi. 180 Hydrometric Measurements in, ii. 287, xvii. 204 Hypsometrical Observations in the Central Alpine Chain of, Ziegler, xvii. 207, cf. 204 in the glacial period, vii. 77 Limnimetric and Meteorological Obser vations in, Chaix, 1871., xvii. 204 progress of geographical knowledge of, i. 149, 426, ii. 287, iii. 290, iv. 202, 243. vi. 180, viii. 199, x. 231, xii. 252, xiii. 296, xv. 273, xvi. 327, xvii. 263 Sydney, or Port Jackson (q.v.), N.S. Wales, vi. 200, 232, xx. 393, xxii. 219 Admiralty surveys of, see N.S. Wales •expansion of, vi. 56, xv. 298. xvi. 295 explorers not popular in, i. 323 explorations from : Chimmo's, 1857., i. 255, 325, 326 D'Albertis' to N. Guinea, 1876-7., xxi. 459 Gregory's, 1855., i. 5, 50, 366, iii. 18, and return to, ii. 26, iii. 29, 33 HoveU and Hume's, 1827., xiv. 199 Leichhardt's, to Port Essington, 1844-5., vii. 85, x. 59, xiv. 200 Sydney, or Port Jackson, N.S.W. — cant. explorations from — continued. Strzelecki's, 1839., xviii. 520 Sturt's, 1827., xiv. 288 Goodenough at, xx. 393 hot winds of, ii. 192, v. 60 isotherm of, xii. 318 Landsborough at, vii. 175 Library of, vii. 179 mail route from, via Torres Straits, i. 80, 84, 129, 193, iv. 154, v. 175, vi. 199 meridian of, vi. 136 sailing distance from, to Booby Island, viii. 117 sheep trade of, x. 328 superior wool of, x. 83 aud Singapore, proposed steam mail route between, i. 80, 81, 84, viii. 118, 119, ix. 77 Harbour, xxii. 136 dredging operations at, xxii. 336 , Nova Scotia, beauty of, xii. 195 Sydow, Col. E. von, Hon. Corr. Member of R.G.S., death of, 1873., Frere on, xviii. 12 obituary notice of, 1874., xviii. 315 Sykes, Col. W. H., V.P. of R.G.S., i. 161 on changed course of the Indus, i. 221 — communications between Siam and China, iv. 217 — the navigation of the Zambesi, iii. 105 — Petherick's Nile expedition and the Lake sources of that river, iv. 42 — the proposed railway in Honduras, iii. 106 — Speke and Grant's expedition (1861.), vii. 23 — snowy mountains in Africa, iii. 213, vi. 51 — the sources of the Nile and de Lauture's expedition, i. 301, iii. 213, 354, iv. 42 — the supply of atmospheric moisture in Australia, v. 59, 60 cited on Zanzibar as a base for geo graphical exploration, vii. 196 question on the geology of Persia, i. 220-1 obituary notice of, 1873., xvii. 248 Syloo district, Lushai region, Bengal, rivers of, xvii. 43 Sylvia, S. America, forest near, ix. 278 , Mt., Formosa, xxii. 58 Symes, Col, and Dr. F. Buchanan, mission of, to Burma, 1795., and its results, i. 269 Symonds, R. Adm. Sir W., obituary notice of, 1856., i. 131 Synal Kiang Mts., Lushai region, Bengal, trend of, xvii. 45 Synam, S.W. China, temples of, vi. 228 320 SYN— TAC Synge, Col. M. H., journey in the Rocky Mountains (1852.), iii. 320 Rupert Land, the Colony and its Limits, vii. 71, 75 cited on B. N. American route and its advantages, iv. 173, 253 Syr Daria or Jaxartes river, C. Asia, alpine lakes connected with, ii. 280 change of course of, ii. 209 debouchment of, iii. 388 hills near, ix. 272 drainage area of, ix. 273 in Veniukoff's map, xiii. 347, and see note Russian posts along, ix. 239 theories concerning, xviii. 250 Syria, Admiralty surveys of, coast and inland, iii. 266, iv. 150, v. 171, vi. 132, vii. 139 barometric altitudes in, variations between, i. 222 explorations in : Burton's, 1871., xvi. 104 Coote's, I860., iv. 187 Eaton's, 1864., viii. 29 Graham's, 1858., ii. 173, 297, proposed I860., iv. 180 Porter's, (1855.), i. 7, cf. 162 Robinson's, (1838. and 1852.), ii. 223 extinct craters in, iv. 95 gypsies of, i. 41 hot wind of, i. 35 progress of geographical knowledge of, ii. 297, iv. 187, xvi. 331 Roman remains in, Eaton on, viii. 30, 31 Sy-Tsz-Tow, Mt., or Lion's Head Peak, S.W. China, vi. 227 Sze-chuen, Se-chuen, or Ssii-Chu'an pro vince, China, (see Yang-tsze river), vi. 2, 4, 87 ; Balfour on, xi. 256 climate of, xiv. 242 explorations in, needed (1869.), xv. 292-3 ; Sarel's, Blakiston's, and others, referred to, vi. 164, 167 extent of, xi. 258 Gill on, xxii. 256-7, 284-5 limit of navigation of the Yang-tse river in, iii. 170 opium cultivation in, xix. 242, xxii. 284-5 people of, friendly to foreigners (1869.), xiv. 238-9 physioal formation of, xxii. 256-7 population of, xi. 258-9 silk, etc., and minerals of, xi. 256, 262 Sprye on, v. 45 wealth of, xi. 259, xii. 337, xix. 286, xxii. 284-5 well-watered agricultural region, xxii. 283-4 Sz'mau, Semao, or Esrnok (q.v.), frontier city of Yunnan, v. 47, 52 i T. Tab river, Persian Gulf, Rawlinson on, i. 282, 287 Tabalah district, Siberia, rivers of, xxi. 214 Tdbala torrent, Arabia, viii. 98 Tabarca Island, Tunis, ruins of Tagasta near, vi. 212; roads to, and lead mine near, 215 Ta-beh Ket, Formosa, rice cultivation near, xxii. 58 Tabi or Sihlabi river, S. Africa, southern limit of the Matsamba game district, xix. 129 Tabid, S. C. Africa, i. 75 Tabistanee route, Leh to Yarkand, xiv. 41 Tablas, Las, on the Orinoco river, S. America, ii. 156 Table Bay, Cape Colony, surveyed, ii. 265, iii. 266, v. 173 low temperature of water in, ix. 282 native fishing spear of, ii. 12 Hill or Wind Hill Slope, Formosa, xxi. 259 Island, Arctic regions, land north of, i. 106 vegetation and traces of birds on, 110 Tabokan, Borneo, natives and village of, i. 195 river near, 199 Tabor Mt., Syria, viii. 29 elevation of, iii. 288 note Tabreez, Persia, earthquake at, 1859., vi. 62 elevation and description, viii. 277-8 its commerce, 278, telegraph from, to Teheran, v. 220, viii. 279, trade route to, and from, viii. 19 Tabuhan district, Borneo, natives of, xvi. 172 Tacoazzi or Settite river, Abyssinia, affluent of the Atbara, vii. 21, 80, x. 283, xii. 298 source, course and elevation of, xii. 299 watershed of, xiii. 39 Ta Chien Lu, Tachindo, or Darchando, Chino-Tibetan border, xii. 163 ; natives, position and trade of, Gill on, xxii. 266 ; Eastern entrance of China from Tibet, xii. 167 note, various names of, 168 ; see also Ta-tsian-loo Taohuelo Pass, Ecuador, S. America, elevation and direction of, xxi. 558, 559, 560 Tack Taok,' W. Africa, Frenoh factory near, 357 Tacua, Peru, destroyed by earthquake, 1883., xii. 130 Ta-coo, on the Pei-ho river, Macartney at, 1793., ii. 362 ; see also Taku Tacora Pass, Andes, and sulphur stream near, xxii. 48 TAD— TAK 321 Tadmait, X. Africa, elevated plain of, ix. 314 Tadum, . oi' Tadum Gumpa, monastery, Tibet, elevation of, xii. 157, xix. 338 the Pundit at, xii. 149 route south of (alleged), xiii. 196 Taehu Lake, E. China, iii. 375, outlet of, 376 Tae-nyan-foo, N.-East China, and its temple, described by J. Markham, xiv. 138-9 Tae-pih Mt., N. China, river-sources in, xiv. 179 Taeping ho (river), W. Central China, branches of, xiv. 169 rebels and rebellion, 1862., Lay on, vii. 31-2, results of, xii. 52 Tae Shan, sacred Mt., N.E. China, culti vation at foot of, xiv. 138, elevation of, 139, temple of, 138 Tae-yih hill, N.W. China, source of Seun- ho river, xiv. 184 Tafileh, Syria, Roth's visit to, 1858., iii. 287, height of, 288 note Tafilet Oasis, Morocco, ix. 313. routes southward from, viii. 96 Ta-fu-Bze, Yang-tze river, temple of, xiv. 239 Ta-gan, N. China, garrison town, xiv. 179 Taganrog, Russia, ballast knolls near, i. 306 Russian trade route via, i. 307, its drawbacks, 308 Taghaima or Tagarma peak, Kizil Yurt Mts., Eastern Turkestan, xx. 488, elevation of, xiv. 66-7, xxi. 138; pass of, practicable for artillery, xviii. 432 ; Shaw on, xvi. 401 Taghanna, Chinese Turkestan, xviii. 440 Taghdumbash Mt., Yarkand, head of Sarikol province, xvi. 246, xx. 483 Taghlak or Teerrik Pass, Kokan borders, crossed by the Moolla, I860., x. 51, route via, from the Pamirs to Kokan, x. 149 Tagumbe, E. Africa, i. 75 Tagume, S. 0. Africa, i. 75 Ta-he-san, Island, E. China, sandbanks near, iii. 61 Tahiti Island, Friendly Group, Pacific Ocean, coral barrier of, in 1825-40., iv. 85 , ootton culture in, vi. 100 in French hands, vi. 98 Pitcairn islanders in, (1831.), i. 77 terraces of, xiv. 117 times of tides in, iv. 108 Tah-mey-lon, S.W. China, monastery at, xv. 349 Tah-muh-shoo, N. China, rugged peaks near, xiv. 176 Taifaha, Madagascar, xx. Ill Taiiah pass, E. Turkestan, xiv. 69 Taimena, Cape, Arotic region, ice barrier beyond, i. 29 Taimir-ula (see also Tangnu-Oola) Mts., W. Mongolia, crossed by Potanin, 1877., xxii. 52 Taimdro district, Madagascar, xxi. 160 hills near, xxi. 162 tribes of, xxi. 163 Taimyr Cape, N. Siberia, difficulty of passing, xxi. 553 Taipal Island, L. Ladoga, Russia, soil of, xiii. 378 Taipala river, N. Russia, course of, and water of, xiii. 379-80 Tai-ping-wan, see Quiet Bay Taita district, E. Africa, explored by Hildebrandt (1876.), xxii. 450 Hills, E. Afrioa, iii. 115 Tai Tong Fu, N. China, walled city, coal trade of, xi. 219, 220 Tai-tun Hills, Formosa, elevation of, xi. 167, trend of, 168 Tai-tow ho river, W. China, Suspension bridge over, xii. 337 Talvang, Bhotan, the Pundit at, 1873., xxi. 343 rice, etc., of, xii. 163 chu river, Tibet, course of, xxi. 342 Tai-wan, see Formosa Taiwan foo, or Tae-wan, Formosa, changes at, Thomson on, xxi. 265 climate of, xvi. 271 difficulty of landing at, xvii. 145 Dutch fort opposite, xvii. 145, 155 harbour and town described by Swin hoe, 1863., viii. 23 Journey to, from Tamsui, 1875., Allen, xxi. 258 from, to the Interior, 1873., Bullock xxi. 266 population of, and aborigines near, xvii. 146 town and forts, Corner on, (1877.), xxii. 54 trade at, viii. 26 treaty port, 1858., iii. 86 ; Elgin's stipu lation for opening, viii. 28 Tai-yau, N. China, trade of, vi. 220 Taiyibeh, Wady, Sinaitic Peninsula, xii. 190 Tai-yuen-foo, capital of Shansi, China, described, vi. 222, 223 Tajrish, Persia, iii. 4 Tajurra, E. Africa, xii. 117, Beized by Egyptians, 1875., xxii. 446 Takan-con, Formosa, harbour at, becoming choked with ballast, xi. 172 Takasaki, Japan, centre of silk district, xvii. 81 Takashima, Japan, fishing village at, xvi. 196, hot springs of, and shrine at, xvii. 81 Takasima Head, Japan, xvi. 196 T 322 TAK— TAM Takaw river, S.W. China, affluent of the Ta-ping river, xv. 357, course of, 358 gorge of, xv. 359-60 iron suspension bridge at, xv. 360 Ta-keen-shan Hills, W. China, xiv. 175 Takianzi Valley, Russian Turkestan, xviii. 247 Tak-i Gerrah pass, S. Persia, i. 290 Takiwo, Japan, coal-mines and hot sul phur springs at, vi. 204 Takla-Makan desert, C. Asia, near Lake Lob-Nor, xvi. 404 Polo's province of Peyn, xv. 24 sands of, lands engulfed by, xvi. 243 Takmak, C. Asia, Russian Turkestan, Russian garrison at, xv. 195 Takoonda pass, Abyssinia, scarcity of water in, xii. 116 Takow, or Takao, Formosa, British settlement, xix. 515 climate and situation of, xvi. 271 consulate established at, x. 124 harbour of, Admiralty chart of, x. 128 Corner on, xix. 315 peculiarities of, xvii. 144 latitude and longitude of, xix. 515 meteorological observations at, xxii. 62 trade of, viii. 28 visited by Swinhoe, 1864., x. 124 Takpana, on the Ogun river, W. Africa, cultivation near, vi. 65 Taku, Peiho river, N.E. China, and Forts, ii. 362, iii. 66, 70 Ta-ku-Shan, port, Manchuria, geographi cal position of, and trade at, xiii. 28-9 village, Manchuria, sandhills near, xviii. 159 Tal pass and plateau, Kohistan Mts., posi tion of, xxii. 354 Talan, Formosa, trade at, xxii. 61 Talanta Plateau, Abyssinia, xii. 299, de scribed, 300 Talar Pass, Mekran, opening on the Dusht district, xvi. 139 Talas river, Turkestan, ix. 272 Taldyk pass, Archat Mts., Pamir region, advantages of, xxi. 123 Talgai, Queensland, non - auriferous, xii. 141 Ta-lien-hwang (or wan) Bay, N. China, the fleet at, in the China war of I860., v. 174 trade of, xiii. 28 Tali-fu, S.W. China, xv. 167, capital of W. Yunnan, xix. 267 customs duties at, Cooper on, xii. 338 expeditions to — Garnier's, 1868., xiii. 56,308, xix. 281-2 Gill's, 1877., xxii. 269 Margary's journey to, from Hankow, 1874., xix. 267 (letters), xx. 184 208-12 fall of, previous to 1875., xix. 289 Tali-fu, S.W. China — continued. Jesuit engineering works at, traces of, xv. 166 position fixed by Gamier, xviii. 515 probably visited by Polo, xix. 267 reported European artillerists at, 1869., xiv. 215 routes to, xviii. 463, 465, xix. 271 trade, and marble quarries at, xv. 165 Yule on, xx. 214 , Lake of, extent and beauty of, Cooper on, xv. 163 , Plain of, population of, xv. 163 Talighan, Mt., Persia, elevation of, iii. 6 river, source of, iii. 4 Talish, S. of Caspian, iii. 391, viii. 275-6 Mta., Persia, vi. 162-3, viii. 276 Talki Valiey and pass, Russian Turkestan, xviii. 247 TaUa Lobrong, Tibet, elevation at, xix. 338 view of the Brahmaputra river from, xii. 150 Tallert Bank, Greenland, ice-islands off, v. 77 Talmudic geography, Neubauer's work on, xiii. 286 Taman, peninsula, Sea of Azov, Chinese parallel to, iii. 60 river and currents near, i. 306 volcanic phenomena at, i. 305 Tama-no-ura Harbour, Goto Islands, Korea, discovered, 1863., vii. 241 Tamarugal, S. Peru, Pampa de, table land of, xii. 127, earthquake felt at, 1854., 130 waters of, xviii. 215 Tamatave, Madagascar — chain of lakes south of, x. 54 good country near, ix. 289 Journey from, to St. Mary Island, Wil kinson, 1868., xiv. 372 Oliver's mission from, 1861., vi. 68 port at, xx. 114 scenery and population between, and Mananzari, xix. 200 town and bay described by Holding, xiv. 363 Tambagawa river, Japan, xvii. 81 Tambala's village, E. Africa, xxii. 235, 237 Tambo river, affluent of the Ucayali river, Peru, xiii. 133 descended by Wertherman, 1876., xxii. 369 Tambopata river and valley, S. America, descended by Markham, I860., and sub sequently by Raimondi, xxii. 42 Tambuca, S. C. Africa, i. 75 Tamiaru river, Borneo, natives along, _ ii. 345 Tdmjun Khd, or Tsanpo (q.v.), river, width of, near Samaye in Tibet, xxi. 341 TAM— TAN 323 Tampanak, Borneo, i. 206 Tampico, Port, Mexico, identical with Vespucci's Lariab, iii. 390 Tampolo, Lake, Madagascar, close to the sea, its outlets, xiv. 374 Tamsui, Tamsuy, or Hoowei, Formosa — boats used at, x. 123 ColUngwood on (1866), xi. 167 , hemp plantations near, xxii. 57 Journey from, to Taiwanfu, 1875., Allen, xxi. 258 (Boat) from, to Keelnng, xi. 167 old Dutch fort at, and hill near, xxi. 259 trade at, viii. 28 river, Formosa, course of, xi. 168 depth of, viii. 24 explored by Kopsch, 1867., xiv. 80 Ta-muh shoo, N. China, rugged peaks near, xiv. 176 Tamuk-Su valley, near Kokan, xiii. 347 Tamzerah, N.E. Anatolia, mines of, visited by Palgrave, (1872.), xvi. 223 Tana or Azov, route of Pegolotti from, to China, 1340., x. 271 Tana or Dana river, E. Africa, xxii. 448 i - — , Taenia, or Dembea (q.v.). Lake, Abyssinia, Blanc's journey along W. i Shores of (1868.), xiii. 39 tana, near Bombay, visited by Friar Odoric, (1280-1329), x. 273 Tan-Ah-Yee, N. China, manufacture of agricultural implements at, vi. 223 Tahaia province, Madagascar, xxi. 160 population, .xix. 193, and tribes of, xxi. 155, 163, 165 Tanapata, N. Guinea, population of, , xx. 331 Tanchi inlet, E. Africa, formerly infested by slavers, ii. 54 Tandee, Lahoul valley, river-junctions at, xv. 339 Tandoro, Mustagh Mts., N. India, viii. 36 Tanela river, Isthmus of Darien, de Puydt's explorations along, 1865., xii. 66 outfall of, xii. 63, 65 slope of, xii. 69 Tanga, E. Africa, i. 8, routes from, to the interior, 9, 158 Tangale and Yem Yem cannibal tribes, C. Africa, visited by Vogel, 1855., ii. 22 " Tanganyenko," Lake, E. Africa, Living stone on, i. 244 ; see Tanganyika Tanganyika, Lake, or Lake of Ujiji, E. C. Africa, viii. 260, x. 22, xiii. 363, xix. 153 affluents of, iii. 353, 355, vii. 186, viu. 257, xvi. 376 and effluent of, vi. 185, viii. 258, xix. 138, 250, xx. 309 ; Livingstone's discovery concerning, xvi. 131, xvii. 301; Stanley on, xxii. 401-2 Tanganyika, Lake— continued. altitude of, approximate, Speke on iv. 88, cited, xi. 145 in relation to the Albert Nyanza, Baker on, xviii. 144. xx. 54 ; to the Congo, Cameron's theory, xx. 324 Ball on, ix. 12 Burton on, ix. 6, xx. 49 cotton of, iii. 357 elevation of, iii. 210, iv. 88, viii. 262, xi. 145, 232 et seq., xvi. 131, xvii. 22, xix. 77, 155, 251, xxii. 403 explorations of, Arab, 1842., iii. 363 Burton and Speke's, 1857., iii. Ill, 210-11, 218, 348, 351, vii. 184 Cameron's first sight of, 1874., xix. 153, xx. 309 ; and circumnavigation of. 1874., xviii. 468 examination of its southern half, (1875.), xix. 246, summary of expe ditions previous to same, xix. 248 Livingstone's explorations of, 1867. et seq., xiii. 298, xv. 116, 336, xvi. 130, 411, 435, xvii. 9, 10-14, xviii. 256, xxii. 397 ; results, xi. 232, xvi. 130, xvii. 301 Price's waggon journey to, 1877., xx. 236 Speke's, see Burton and Speke's, supra Stanley , and Livingstone's, 1871., xxii. 397 Stanley's oiroumnavigation of (1875- 8.), xxi. 467, xxii. 154 Findlay on, xi, 232 et seq., xviii. 146-7 Galton on, iii. 355, ix. 10 hydrography of, xix. 257 knowledge of, in I860., iv. 177-9 latest theories concerning, 1871., xiv. 330 Livingstone on, and cited on, ix. 9, xvi. 131, 380, 435, xvii. 68-9, 72 301, xviii. 268, 272; observations made by, xix. 249-50 mountains near, xviii. 280 Murchison on, iii. 301 et seq., vi. 192, ix. 8, xi. 245 Murie on, ix. 11 native reference to, ix. 7. xxi. 495-6 in relation to the Nile, ix. 6, 12, xi. 244, xvi. 435, xviii. 144, 268, 272, xx. 49, 324, xxii. 396 outlet (see also affluents and effluent), vi. 185, x. 234, xvi. 130, xvii. 72, 301, 302, xviii. 178 discovered by Cameron, 1874., xix. 75, 256-7, xx. 324 Stanley on, xxii. 397, 399, 401, 402 probable ultimate source of the Nile, Findlay on,, xi. 232, 244 Ptolemy's Western Lake Reservoir of the Nile, Burton, ix. 6, 12 rainfall near, iii. 356, vii. 219, viii. 260 324 TAN— TAR Tanganyika, Lake — continued. rainy season at, xvii. 29 Rawlinson on distance between, and Manakoso, xv. 336 rising of, Stanley on, xxii. 397, 399 seasons, winds, and flow of water in, Stanley on, xxii. 402-3 shape and depth, Rigby on, xvi, 130, Stanley on, xxii. 401 stages of journey to, from Zanzibar, xxi. 233 surroundings of, Livingstone on, xviii. 261 sweet waters of, vi. 21, problem of, xvii. 160, xviii. 215 water-parting of, and of the Nile, xxii. 396 Tanganyiko or Voi river, E. Africa, xxii. 450 Tang-chow, N.E. China, treaty-port, iii. 86 Tangier Harbour, Nova Scotia, gold at, 1862., vi. 137 Tang-i-ludidn defile, Persia, xx. 167 Tangir country, N.W. of India, xv. 13 river, tributary of the Indus, xv. 13 Tang-i-Shanshirbur pass, Persia, described by Napier, xx. 167 Tang Jung Lake, Tibet, Pundit at, 1873., xxi. 336 Tangnu Oola, or Taimir Ula, Mts., W. Mongolia, crossed by Pavlinof (1871.), xv. 291, by Potanin, 1877., xxii. 52 Tangiir, Nile cataract, i. 507 Tangut tribes of Tibet, xviii. 84-6 Tanguth country, C. Asia, xv. 24 Tanibe Province, Madagascar, Notes on, Holding, xiv. 359 Tanifotsy, Madagascar, geological features of the road to, xxi. 171 Taniindndry, Madagascar, military station at, xxi. 166 Tanjore, Madras, irrigation in, xiii. 78 outlets for trade of, vii. 96 Tankrala pass, Sikkim, elevation and features of, xix. 241 • Tanks, the, Queensland, deep sandstone water-holes, poison-plant near, x. 65 Tankse" or Tanksee, last victualling place in Kashmir, xiv. 42, xviii. 114, xxi. 326 Tanld Mts., Alashan region, C. Asia, xviii. 80 Tanna, Japan, in the silk district, xix. 170 , Busar, Arru Islands, Malay Archi pelago, described, ii. 163 Island, S.W. Pacific, natives of, xvi. 392 visited by Cook, 1774., xvi. 389 punitively by H.M.S. vessels, xvi. 391 Tanner, Capt., and Macdonald, Major, On the Lushai Expedition, 1871-2., xvii. 42 Tanuu Mts., see Tangnu Tauoe river, course of, W. Africa, xiii. 357 Tanon-Tong-Ghee Mts., borders of Siam, trend of, v. 46 Taoa-pa, or Nan-ho river, C. China, xiv. 176 Taoke, Toug, or Dalakee, S. Persia, Raw linson on, i. 282-3 Tao Lae, Formosa, xxii. 55 Taoof, a province of Burmah, vii. 58 Taos, New Mexico, large Pueblo at, Goad on, xxii. 278 Taou-ho (river), C. China, xiv. 184 T'ao-yuen Hsien, C. China, pottery trade of, and mountains near, xx. 189 rebel capture of, 1853., i. 502 Tapaharti, Mt., N. Guinea, elevation and vegetation of, xx. 331 Tapajos river, explored by Bates, (1863.), vii. 169 ; tributary of the Amazon river, xviii. 1J9 ; as a water route for traders, 120 Tapeng, Tai-ping, or Taping river, Burmo- Chinese borders, tributary of the Irra- wady river, xiv. 349, xv. 346, 349, 353- 4, 357, xx. 212, source of, xv. 358,360 Valley, beauty of, xv. 353 Ta-plh-shwuy-ho (river), N. China, xiv. 184 Tapona. Formosa, xxi. 264 Tapsell, Capt., Antarctic voyage of, from Auckland, 1850., ii. 172 Taptee river, Bombay, watershed of, xi. 58-9 Tapii, village, E. Turkestan, xviii. 418 Taranaca river, Brazil, affluent of the Jurua, source of, xii. 340 Tarapacd, Peru, and province, elevation of, and earthquake at, xii. 130 Bollaert's journeys in, 1827., 1866., xii. 126 tables of elevations in, xii. 131 et seq. of latitudes and longitudes in, xii. 134 waters of, xviii. 215 Tarapto, province, Peru, medium of exchange in, viii. 60 Tarbarca, Tunis, lead and silver mines near, vi. 215 Tarbagatai province, belonging to China, iv. 197 Tarena peak. Isthmus of Darien, xii. 65 Tdrgot - Gydkharma Mt., Tibet, rivers rising in, xxi. 338 Lhd peaks, Tibet, elevation of, xxi. 335 Yap peak, Tibet, lake at foot of, and pilgrimages to, xxi. 336 Taribadi or Wanaba river, N. Guinea, forest along, xviii. 42-4 Tarifa, Cape, Spain, width of the Strait of Gibraltar at, xv. 55 Tarim-gol (river), E. Turkestan, xxi. 46 affluent of Lob Nor, xxii. 343 TAR-TAT 325 Tarim-gol (river), E. Turkestan— cont. basin of, xvi. 408 rivers forming, xxi. 128 Tarma valley, S. Peru, xviii. 212 Tarmou, Formosa, described by Corner (1877.), xxii. 55 Taromoi volcano, Japan, lakes near, xvi. 201 Tarrangolle, chief town of Latooka, Nile region, x. 12, elevation of, 25 Tartary, iv. 59 Morrison on travelling in, xii. 171 note Shaw on, in 1869., xiv. 125 surveys hindered by rebellion in China, ii. 306 Russian advance in, Osborn on, xi. 166 , Parkes on, vii. 29 and acquisition of harbours along (1861.), Nicholson on, v. 115 Smyth's (proposed) explorations in (1861.), vi. 7 Chinese (see also Turkestan), Notes on, Osborn, 1867., xi. 162 Pilgrims from, to Mecea, viii. 267, 269 , High, Rawlinson on Shaw's " Travels in," xvi. 340 , Independent, iii. 388, characteristics of its fighting forces, iii. 389 , Gulf of, Admiralty surveys in, i. 143, 406, iv. 154; surveys needed, iii. 85, 270 gold diggings on shores of, iv. 61 Tasawai river, E. Siam, bad road to, iii. 365 Taset-el-Sadur, Jebel, Sinaitic Peninsula, inscriptions found near, xiii. 214 Tash, Persia, routes to, and from, xvii. 193 Tash-bailik or Tashmulak peak, E. Turkestan, xx. 488 Tash-balik river gorge, E. Turkestan, xx. 489 Tashi-Bhup Cho (Lake), Tibet, affluents and effluents of, and mountains near, xxi. 333, 334 Tashkend, Russian Turkestan, xi. 218 ; true position of, determined, x. 233 and Orenburg, routes between, xi. 41 Tashkurgan fort, Pamir region, capital of Sir-i-Kul, xiii. 125, 304 garrison of, xv. 392 elevation of, xv. 189 importance of, xv. 188 the Mirza at (1868-9.), xv. 187-8 Rawlinson on, xv. 201 passes en route to, xviii. 434 position of, xiv. 55, 66 ¦ — valley, elevation of, and wheat cul ture in, xv. 189 Tash Robat Mts., and pass, E. Turke stan, xviii. 422-3; elevation of pass, xiv. 225-6 Tasman, and his Australian explorations, 1627., ix. 225, xxi. 186 Glacier, N. Zealand, extent of, viii. 57 Tasmania, or Van Diemen's Land, vi. 199, vii. 171, ix. 228, xiv. 199 Admiralty surveys, needed, and in progress, iii. 271, iv. 155, v. 176, vi. 135, vii. 142, xvi. 320, xix. 409, xxi. 436 cable from, to Victoria, laid, xiv. 307 coal in, iii. 340, vi. 175 confederation rumours concerning, xix. 244 development of, vii. 172 discovered by the Dutch under Tasman, 1627., xxi. 186 geological survey of (1859.), iii. 276, 340 gold in, ix. 229 hot wind in, i. 35 mountains of, in relation to dry winds, i. 59 settlers from, in Victoria, 1803., ix. 228 sheep-rearing in, x. 327 in the Tertiary period, xxi. 533 Trigonometrical surveys of, i. 137 Taso Mts., E. Tibet, perpetual snow on, xiv. 339 Ta-so pass, E. Tibet, elevation, native notions on, and circular basins on summit of, Gill on, 1877., xxii. 267-8 Tassemarout, Morocco, xv. 213; fort at, 214 Tass-Hayatah Mts., Siberia, rivers rising in, xxi. 215 Tasso Harbour, Queen Charlotte Island, portage near, xiii. 382 Tate, Dr., botanist of Hann's N. Queens land expedition, xviii. 87, 88 Tate river, N. Queensland, xviii. 89, 90, 107 Ta-Ten-Tse Lake, N. China, vi. 225 Tati river, S. Africa, affluent of the Shashi river, xlr. 148, Elton's explora tions of (1870.), xv. 154, and journey from, to the Limpopo, xvi. 89 Ta-taou (or tow) - ho (river), W. China, xiv. 335 ; coal-working at, xiv. 183 Ta-Too-Koo, N. China, vi. 219 Ta-tsian-loo, Tai-tsian-loo, or Ta-chien- lu (q.v.), border town of W. China, xii. 168, xiv. 335 Cooper at, 1868., xii. 337, xix. 284 gorge aud river of, xiv. 335 and town described, xii. 337 Ta-tsing-ho (river), N.E. China, in con nection with the Yellow river, vii. 141, xiv. 21, 28, old bed of, 23 Tatsizio Island, Japan, penal settlement at, vii. 140 Tatton North's High Lands, see Sabrina Land 326 TAT-TCH Tatuqua, Mt., Paraguay, conical shape of, xx. 495 Tauan Island, New Guinea, missionary station at, xviii. 31 ; natives of, xx. 96, 105, rocky formation of, 107 Taulebe Lake, see Yojoa Taumaco, Island, Duff group, S.W. Pacific Ocean, xvi. 389 Tau Murun pass, Trans- Alai Mts., E. Turkestan, xx. 484 Taunton, Lord, cited on the prospects of Victoria river settlements, N. Australia, 1857., x. 251 Taurus Mts., spurs of, extending along the ¦ Persian Gulf, viii. 19 Tau si Kak, Formosa, trading station and natives at, xxii. 61 Ta-veh Ket, Formosa, xxii. 58 Taveta, E. Africa, caravans shut in at, by Masai tribes, 1877., xxii. 453 inhabitants of, New on, xvi. 168, 170 Tavil river, Perso-Turkish frontier, affluent of the Atrak river, xx. 170 Tavoy, Burma, distance of, from Bangkok, xxii. 356 Island, position of, vi. 208 Point, position of, iv. 212 River, vi. 208 Ta-wan Ho (river), Shantung, N. China, good timber along, xiv. 139 Tawat, oasis, Sahara, desirability of ex ploring, viii. 96 ; see Tuat Tawilah, fortress, S.W. Arabia, xviii. 200 Tay, Loch, and others, deepwater tem perature of, Buchan, xvii. 73 Ta-yang-ho (river), Manchuria, course of, etc., xiii. 27, important town on, 29 Tayecua, Panama, gold at, i. 78 Taye'i river, W. Africa, course of, xi. 80 Tayibeh, Syria, old names for, ii. 224 Tayler, J. W., on the " Aurora Borealis " in Greenland, iii. 117 Fiords of South Greenland, v. 90 On Greenland Fiords and Glaciers, xiv. 156 cited on glaciers and fiords, xiv. 328 note Taylor, — , geologist to Hann's N. Queens land expedition, xviii. 87, 88, 92, views on auriferous character of region, 89, 90, 94 , Capt., i.n., cited on Kurachee har bour, xi. 31 , Capt. A. D., late I. Supt. of new department (1877.) of Indian Marine Surveys, 1st Report of, xxi. 451 ¦ , Consul, on cotton in Africa, vi. 52 ; on the prosperity of the Niger district, vii. 70 , Lt., cited on the importance of Sedashgur, vii. 97 , J. G., on American missionaries in Armenia, ix. 39, 40 Taylor, J. G. — continued. on subdivision of Christians inKurdistan, ix. 40 . — his journeys, Erzeroum to Diabekr, 1867., xi. 97, xii. 302 in Kurdistan and C. Asia (1867.), xi. 97, 159 to sources of Euphrates, (1869.), cited by Lynch, xiii. 243 — the Sources and Courses of the Lycus and other rivers in Kurdis tan, xi. 97 Visit to sources of Tigris and ruins near (1865.), ix. 36 , Richard, obituary notice of, 1859, iii. 257 Taylor Creek, S. Australia, source and course of, ii. 20 , Mt., New Mexico, always snow- covered, xxii. 275 Taylor's Carboniferous Range, N. Queens land, xviii. 92 Taymd, Syria, Druze village, xvi. 107 Ta-Yang-ho (river), S. Manchuria, course of, xiii. 27 Tayoung, port, Gulf of Siam, vii. 58, 59 Tayra or Sta Maria river, Panama, i. 78 Tazang, Tibet, visited by Bennett, 1865., x. 166 Tazgun river-system, E. Turkestan, need of knowledge regarding, xx. 488 Tchad, or Chad, Lake, C. Africa, affluent of, xxi. 492 ; see Chad Tchadda, Tschadda, Tshadda, Tsadda, or Chadda river, W. Africa (see also Benue and Chadda), vi. 187 affluent of the Niger, viii. 260 explorations to and near, Baikie's, 1854., ii. 227, vi. 187, do., 1862., viii. 10; Taylor's, 1854., vii. 70 Tchardjui, Bokhara, border town, Pazukin at, 1671., xxi. 221 Tcharyn river, Russian Turkestan, rise of, xviii. 249 Tchaikooski, Col., theory of, as to Lake Issyk-kul, xviii. 250 Tchauf, Jebel, S. Arabia, high peak of, xvi. 120 Tcheboksar, E. Russia, geological forma tion near, i. 416 Tchemkend, R. Turkestan, conquest of by Russia, ix. 239, true position of, determined, x. 233 Tchenga, Mt., Nyassa region, xxii. 238, 241 Tcherkask, S. Russia, trade of, i. 308 Tcherkess country, Caucasus, area and inhabitants, vi. 6, 60, organisation of tribes, vi. 5 Tohihatchef, P. de, xiv. 73 Asie Mineure: Description Physique, Statistique et Archeblogique de, re- ' viewed, iii. 385, xiii. 283 TCH— TEN 327 Tchihatchef, P. de — continued. Journey in Asia Minor, 1858., iii. 370 cited on vegetation in Asia Minor, iv. 253 Tchiling-foo, N.W. China (see also Jiling), xii. 167 note Tohinaz, C. Asia, position of, determined, x. 233 Tchokondo Mountains, N. Siberia, zoology, etc., of, ii. 278 Tcholok river, Asia Minor, course of, xvi. 224 Tckoruk river, Asia Minor, iii. 389 Tchoukchi tribes, N.E. Siberia, a long- skulled race, x. 171, origin and location of, Neumann, xxi. 213 Tchoukot expedition, in N.E. Siberia, 1868., Neumann, xxi. 213 Tchraya, independent province, Tibet, xiii. 394 Tchui river, Russian Turkestan, course of, xviu. 250-1 Tchungurski Alataou mountains, Russian Turkestan, xviii. 248 Te Anau, Lake, N. Zealand, rivers feed ing, viii. 48 Tebbes, or Tebes, Khorassan, wrongly placed in maps, iii. 289, iv. 198 Tebicuary river, Paraguay, xx. 495, useful as highway, xx. 498 Tecopia Island, S.W. Pacific, xvi. 389, traces of La Perouse found at, 1826., 390 Teenai, Tibet, xiv. 217 Teen-How, W. China, fine temple at, vi. 228 Teen-ma-shan, C. China, hill of, and legend, xiv. 185 Tefafan hill, C. Africa, elevation of, viii. 12 Tegethoff, Cape, Arctic regions, elevation of, xix. 25 Teheran or Tehran, Persia, i. 289, 291, vi. 103, vii- 159, viii. 267 Clerk's journey to, 1857-8-, vi. 184 elevation of, iii. 16, 17 Marsh's visit to, 1872., xxi. 582 position of, iii. 3, ascertained by tele graph, xvi. 345 routes to and from, i. 164, 293, iv. 187, viii. 19 telegraphic connection of, with Tabreez and elsewhere, v. 220, vii. 94, 164, viii. 279 Vambery's journey from, viii- 267 visited by Khanikoff, vii. 160 Wolfs journey from, viii. 272 Tejend river, Turko-Persian frontier, trend of, xx. 174-5 Tekapo, Lake, N. Zealand, affluents of, viii. 214 Tekcham, Formosa, capital of Tamsui distriot, hill at, xxi. 259, 260 Tek-chime Monastery, S. China, temple at, described, vi. 230 Tekel, Patagonia, Musters at, 1869-70., female industry at, xv. 46 Tekes river, Russian Turkestan, affluent of the Hi river, rise and course of, xviii. 249 Telbachuk river (see Derbuchek), E. Turkestan, xviii, 567, xx. 486, 488 Telegraph, African inland, route for, Erskine on, xxii. 224 , Trans-Australian, history of, xv. 228 Telegraphic communication, proposed (see Atlantic Cable, Wallich, etc.), with America, Sohaffner on route for, iv. 101, 169 , submarine, between Australia and Great Britain, xix. 378 between Australia (Queens land), India, and Europe, xii. 54, 55 by Land and Sea, Murchison on, vii. 163 " Telegraphic Plateau," the, N. Atlantic Ocean, xv. 33 Telegraphy in relation to astronomioal determination of positions, xv. 300, see xvi. 344 Telescope, revolver-Btand for, Piazzi Smyth's, i. 421 Tel-Ibrahim, Mesopotamia, local name for the ruins of Kutha, xi. 157 Tembwe, Ras, Equatorial Africa, on L. Tanganyika, xix. 255, visited by Speke, 1857., iii. 112 Temperate or Intermediate Flora, Dyer, xxii. 425 Temperature, The, of the Deep - Sea Bottom and the Conditions by which it is determined, Carpenter, xxi. 289 Temperatures, Comparative, Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, Car penter's table, xv. 73 ; see Oceans Temple, R., On the Basin of the River Mahanuddy, 1863., ix. 81 Temriuk Bay, Sea of Azov, submarine explosion in,' 1799., i. 305 Temsift river, Morocco, rise of, xv. 218 Tenasserim province, Burma, iii. 268 vi. 208, 216 annexed by G. Britain, 1826., xii. 198 subsequent progress of, 199 coal in, vii. 58 mountains near, v. 46 Tende river, Africa, xix. 86 Teneriffe,' Peak of, Canary Isles, as a sanatorium, vi. 65, observations on summit of, Piazzi Smyth, 1856., i. 412-3, do., 1859, iii. 283 Tenga Nuddi river, Assam, confluent of the Tenga Pani river, xxi. 591 Tenga Pani river, Assam, xiv. 216, islands in, xxi. 590, junction of, with the Tenga Nuddi, 591 328 TEN— TET Tengawai river, N. Zealand, course of, traced, viii. 214 Teng-chow-fu, city, N. China, iii. 59 forecast of its future, 63-4 shoals near, 60-1 Teng foo or Ten foo Mt., S. China, beauty of, vi. 85 celebrated in Chinese poetry, vi. 230 partial ascent of, Oliver, 1861., vi. 231 Tengri or Tingri Maidan (plateau), Tibet, i. 349 elevation of, xvii. 289 explorations towards, Montgomerie on, xiv. 211 explorers crossing, xix. 335, 338 Nepalese defeated at, by Chinese, 1792., xix. 335, 338 Tengri Nor or Namcho Lake, Tibet, described', xix. 339, elevation of, and sacred character, 340 Tengri Obo Hill, Mongolia, sacred cairn at, xviii. 154 Teng-yuen-chow, Ten-yua-chow, or Mo ment, Burma, xv. 166, Kachyen tribes near, 171 rice culture of, xv. 163 Margary at, 1875., xx. 210 Tennant, Lt. J. F., ii. 106, on Mt. Everest, ii. 111-12 , Prof. J., On the Discovery of Diamonds at Hope Town, Cape Colony, xii. 322 Tenneke river, N.E. Siberia, xxi. 216 Tennent, Sir J. E., cited on the geological distinctness of India and Ceylon, vi. 45 work of, on Ceylon, reviewed, iv. 203 Teno valley and river, Chilian Andes, xvii. 62 Teoge river, S. Africa, connected with other rivers, etc., i. 240 Tepic, Mexico, cotton manufacture of, vi. 77 Terable Fort, Isthmus of Panama, tide of the Bayanos river at, ix. 278 Teramakan river, N. Zealand, viii. 49, Walker's expedition on, ix. 33; see Teremakan Terano Hau, extinct volcano, Easter Island, xiv. 109 Kau, extinct volcano, Easter Island, xiv. 109 Terap river, xiii. 245, coal-fields of, xii. 334 Terceira, Azores, volcanic eruption at, 1866., xi. 261 Terek Davan,Tian Shan Mountains, river rising in, xviii. 417, xxi. 123 river, ii. 277, iv. 91, 247, vi. 5, x. 24, affluent of the Naryn river, xiv. 224 Nogai Tartars of, vi. 59, 60 route, Khokand to Kashgar, xx. 484 valley, ii. 280, described, xiii. 67, xviii. 417 Terekti pass, Russian Turkestan, position of, xiv. 226 Tere-, Tara-, or Tirimakan river, N. Zea land, viii. 49, Waiker's expedition on, ix. 33, drowning of Whitcombe at mouth of (1863.), 57-8 Teriah - Yurea, treeless district, N.E. Siberia, xxi. 214 Teriah - Yuriah, stream, N.E. Siberia, xxi. 214 Terinka river, Abyssinia, xui. 43 Terki, Caucasus, former capital of the Lesghian confederation, iv. 91 Ternate Island, Malay Archipelago, rule of, over Dorey, iii. 339 wet and dry seasons indistinguishable at, vii. 208 Terrestrial Magnetism, Naval observa tions of, 1861., v. 177-8 Terror, M.M.S., Franklin's ship, traces of, i. 19, 21, 24 Ters-Agar stream, Pamir region, rise and divided course of, xxi. 132 Teshu Lama, of Tibet, xix. 331, 335, visited by Bogle, 1775., xix. 333-334 Teshu-lumpo or Tashilumbo (see also Shigatze), Tibet, monastery and resi dence of the Teshu Lama, xix. 331, 334 plundered by Nepal forces, 18 th century, xix. 335 position near, determined in 1783., xii. 147 the Pundit's observations at, 1866., xiv. 15 Tessek (or Tessik) Tash or Karawal, E. Turkestan, Chinese outpost at, xviii. 418 last place visited by Osten-Sacken (1868.), xiv. 228 Tessermiut Fiord, Greenland, explored by M'Clintock for the Atlantic cable, etc., I860., v. 67, 94, 95 Tessin river, Switzerland, volume of, xvii. 206 ; see Ticino TessuSssak, Greenland, latitude of, ix. 181 Teste Island, off N. Guinea, reefs at, xix. 229 Testu, G. le, his map of Australia, 1555., xvi. 353, 354 Tete, or Tette,E. Africa, on the Zambezi, iii. 102, vi. 21 coalatandnear,i.248,ii. 321, 363, iii. 105 cotton culture at, vi. 28 crops, minerals, and weather at, ii. 365 custom-houses at, iii. 105 fights between Portuguese and natives at, i. 242 game near, i. 241 indigo at, i. 247 latitude of, i. 245 Livingstone at (1855.), i. 93, intended return to, 1858., ii. 83 TET— THI 329 Tete, or Tette, E. Africa— continued. rainfall at, viii. 261 sugar industry of, vi. 30 alua" " 32 as a wheat-producing place, iii. 104, iv. 22, vi. 32 the Zambesi at, ii. 363 cataract on, above, iv. 28 navigation of, up to, i. 316-7, iv. 19, 23, 26 to Quilimane by river, time occupied, i. 58 Tete Jaune's Cache, or Robson's Peak, mountain at the fork of Frazer river, N. America, ix. 19 Teu-men-Kiang (river), northern boundary of Korea, ix. 297 Tewfikeeya, see Towfikia Texas, U.S.A., Admiralty coast survey, 1862., vi. 137 explorations in (1856.), i. 166 proposed route via, acroBS N. America, i. 264 travels in, of Abbe" Domenech (before I860.), iv. 99 Texeira, travels of, in Africa, referred to, i. 92 Texier, — , journey of, in the Euphrates valley (1839-40), xiii. 243 Tezah, Djebel, Marocco, elevation and geological formation of, xv. 219, vegeta tion on, 220 Thabacheu, S. C. Africa, geological forma tion of district of, vi. 32 Thafa or Mweranga river, E. C. Africa, vii. 221 Thajung, Tibet, late snow near, xii. 153 Thaldat, E. Turkestan, plains, elevation of, xviii. 112 lake at, xiv. 45 Thalesab, Lake, Cambodia, overflows of, ix. 85 Thallah, S. Arabia, fort and village of, xviii. 198 , Jebel, xviii. 199 Thames, River, Gisborne's scheme for embankment, v. 159 improvements in, due to deepening the bed, i. 400, ii. 259 Thamur, Jdbal, S. Arabia, xviii. 195 Thang Sang peak, Uiphum Mts., Bengal frontier, observations of Capt. Tanner made from, xvii. 49 Tharalaturs - fiord, Iceland, summer temperature, etc, at, v. 233 Thaur, Wadi-, S. Arabia, gorge and town of, and fruit culture at, xviii. 198 grottoes in rocks at, xviii. 199 Thebes, Egypt, Graham's journey to, 1859., iv. 180 Theebo, Burma, xix. 271 Thee-ha-dan, Burma, coal at, xv. 344 Thein-nee, Burma, trade of, xii. 136, xix. 277 Theodore, King of Abyssinia (see Rassam), native land of, etc., xiii. 41 et seq. project of, for diverting the Gash river from the Nile, x. 300 Theotonio rapids on the Madeira river,' S. America, xxii. 49 Thera and Therasia Islands, Cyclades Group, land-slip at, x. 322 volcanic character of, x. 121 Theresa, South, Brazil, colony at, founded in 1847., vi. 74 Theri, torrent, affluent of the Bisheh river, Arabia, viii. 98 Thermal Oceanic Circulation, Objections to the Doctrine of, by Croll, cited by Carpenter, xviii. 388 Thermometrio observations at Le, 1873., Johnson, xvii. 199-203 Thermus, site of battle of, Jochmus on, i. 481 Thevet, Andre", French cosmographer, 15th century, xvi. 354 ' Thew-een-kut river, Vancouver Island, B.N. America, affluent of Cowichen Lake, ix. 306 Theijre, S. Arabia, elevated position of, xvi. 117 Thian-Shan or Aktag mountains, E. Turkestan, xi. 9 branches of, xiv. 70 elevation of, ix. 272 explorations of — Kaulbars' survey of, (1870.), xiv. 319 Potanin's journey among, 1877., xxii. 52 Russian survey as far as, x. 164 SemenofFs journeys to (1857. and later), ii. 280, vi. 183, xi. 213, 216 Severtsof's (1868.), title only, xiii. 23 glaciers in, xvi. 405 geological formation of, i. 433, 470, xi. 216-7 highest peak of, xviii. 249 part of the Russo-Chinese frontier, 1862., vi. 161 passes in, xiv. 224, xvi. 405 Trotter on, xviii. 417 region near, xvi. 404 rivers rising in, v. 192 sheep and wool of, xi. 9 trend of, ix. 272, xx. 482 volcanic character of, i. 433, xviii. 419- 20, 424 Thibaut, — , Expedition a la Recherche des sources du Nil, 1839-40. (revieie), ii. 222 Thiri or Ut'hiri, ou Lake Ukerewe, com merce and position of, xvi. 129 Thirlwall, Bishop, (St: David's), obituary notice of, 1876., xx. 395 330 THI— THO Thistelton Dyer, W. T., see Dyer, W. T. Thistelton Thok-Daurdkpa, Tibet, gold-fields of, xxi. 333-4 Thok-Jalung, Tibet, chief gold-field of, elevation and climate of, xiii. 187-189, xiv. 210 Thok-Sarlung, Tibet, gold-fields of, xiv. 210 Thom, Consul, cited, on the importance of retaining Canton, i. 340 note Thomas, Messrs., their station the furthest in N.E. of S. Australia, (1857.), ii. 20 , W. N, R.N., On the Oil Rivers of W. Africa, (1872.), xvii. 148 Mt., Queensland, the Endeavour river near, xviii. 105 Thompson, D., explorations of Hudson's Bay territory by, 1792-1817., Murchison on, iii. 320, 322 , Dr., work by, on N. Zealand, re viewed, iv. 204 , G., On the Site of Ophir, x. 173 cited, xii. 270-1 , J., On the gold-fields of Tuapeka, N. Zealand, vi. 71 , Mr., at Khiva, viii. 269, 271 , Mr. and Mrs., at Lake Ngami,(1860.), v. 18 , Sir W., on snow cables, xvii. 65 Thompson or Thomson river, B. Columbia, ii. 50, iii. 320, iv. 229 explored by Hector, (1859.), iv. 73, 74, 170, by Mayne and others, (1858.), iv. 33 gold found in, iii. 324 terrace-formation in valley of, ix. 19, 20, xv. 134 , River, Queensland, see Thomson Thompson's Range, N. Queensland, geo logical formation of, xviii. 107 Thomson, A. E. W., travels of, in W. Tibet, ii. 303 , Capt. F., r.n., successor to Nares as Commander of H.M.S. Challenger, xix. 411 , Dr., Maps of B.N. America by, referred to, iv. 234 , J., Notice of a journey in Southern Formosa, 1871., xvii. 144 On the Physical Geography of Formosa . . . , xxi. 265 , J. T., Journal of Reconnaissance survey in the South of Otago Province, N. Zealand, 1857., ii. 354 , Marco Polo's Six Kingdoms or Cities identified, xx. 215 , Dr. T., awarded R.G.S. gold medal, 1866., x. 176, 178-9, 180 botanical work on India and Tibet, with Hooker (q.v.), i. 175, ii. 303, xxii. 434 first crossing of the Karakorum by (1848.), ii. 300-1, xi. 7 Thomson, Dr. T. — continued. on Lake Mansurwar, xi. 122 on Tibet and its explorers, xii. 165 cited on the glaciers of W. Tibet, viii. 223 obituary notice of, 1878., xxii. 309 , Prof, (afterwards Sir) Wyville, cited on the Gulf Stream, xv. 69, 70, 72 note, 11, 80, on Ocean circulation and tempera ture, etc., xviii. 302, 306, 347-93 passim, xix. 412, 507, xx. 410, 411, 413, xxi. 72, 77, 82, 86, 89, 322, xxii. 80 note. temperature sounding machine de vised by, xix. 509 , R. F., and Kerr, Lord S. H., Journey through mountains N. of Elburz and ascent of Demavend, 1858., iii. 2, 291, xxii. 219 , Taylor, identification of the southern arm of the Oxus by, 1840-1., xx. 176-7 Thomson river, Queensland, Australia, probable main head of, x. 64 cattle pastured along successfully, ix. 303 course of, vii. 112 district near, iii. 23-25, 334 Landsborough at, vii. 83, 174 natives of, iii. 33 named " Landsborough " by Cornish, vi. 68 source of, discovered by Landsborough, vii. 112 and course of, xii. 140 tributary or possibly main branch of the Victoria or Barcoo river, vii. 41, 42 tributaries of, x. 62, xii. 140 , River, B.N. America, affluent of the Fraser river (see also Thompson), ii. 50, vi. 232, 234 flats near, xv. 137-8 "Thomson's Monument," Arctic regions, xiii. 374 Tbong-yeen river, Burma, crossed by M'Leod, 1836., xix. 275 Thorburn, see Dickson Thornton, R., expedition to KUimanjaro with Von der Decken, (1861.), vi. 41, 47, 177, 186, 207, vii. 195, viii. 4, 6, xvi. 127 Journey of Baron von der Decken's party to Kilimanjaro, 1861., ix. 15 notes by, disposal of, ix. 4-5 with Livingstone's Zambesi expedition, ii. 82, 162, iii. 99, iv. 181, death of, viii. 2, and work of, 4, 313 obituary notice of, 1864., viii. 184 Thorsa river, Iceland, v. 88 Thorshaven, Fasroe Islands, Bay of, iv. 101, v. 70, 80, 170, sea-conditions at, iv. 103 good bays near, v. 62, 80, 94 temperature of air and sea at, observa tions on, xviii. 367 Young's report on, v. 71 TH0-T1B 331 Thouvenard Island, W. Australia, x. 47 Three Brothers Mt., Cascade Range, U.S.A., xi. 90 Buttes, or Sweet Grass Hills, N. America, geological formation and coni cal summits of, xx. 292-3 Sisters Mt., Cascade Range, xi. 84, 89 peaks, Madagascar, xix. 185 Thsoung-Ling Mts., boundary between India and Turkistan, ii. 300 and note Thugadeh, Wady, Sinaitic Peninsula, described, xiii. 215 Thuillier, Maj.-Gen. Sir H. L., ii. 37, 102, xix. 277, on the Great Trigonometrical and Topographical survey in India, 1866., x. 239 Topographical Surveys under, Indian Territories, xv. 282, xvi. 345, xxii. 360-1 retirement of, and work done by, 1870., xxii. 348 Thula, E. Africa, latitude of, x. 28 river, proposed exploration of, by von der Decken, 1865., x. 4, 28 Thull Gbat, Bombay, rail opened to, xi. 71 Thunder Peak Pagoda, near Hankow, China, legend of, xiii. 180 "Thurr," Cutoh, described, xiv. 121 Thymen or Freeman Strait, Spitzbergen, xv. 306 Tiaboa, village, Albert Nyanza, country near, xxii. 227 Tiahuanoca (sic), Peru, ruins of, xiv. 116 Tian-shan, see Thian-Shan Tibagy river, Brazil, falls of, xx. 458, 465 floods of, xx. 463-4 rapids on, xx. 455, 457, 463 town, aspect of country near, xx. 456 climate, etc., of, xx. 459 population of, xx. 460 rich soil, and trade of, xx. 459 Valley, explored by Bigg-Wither, 1874., xx. 455 Tibbs, Lake, S. Australia, mountains near, v. 126 Tiberias, Lake, Syria, viii. 29, elevation of, iii. 288 note Robinson's journeys along, ii. 224-5 temperature of hot springs near, xvii. 328 Tibesti, see Tu Tibet, v., 54, borax of, viii. 41 boundaries of, xii. 337, indeterminate, xi. 12 Catholic Missionaries in, native at tempt to reach, Gregory on, 1869., xiv. 214-15, letter from, 215 course of the Yang-tse river in, iii. 170 distrust of the English in, xiv. 218, xix. 330-1 ethnology of, Crawford on. vL 82 explorations and expeditions in — Bennett's, 1865., x. 165 Tibet — continued. explorations and expeditions in — contd. Cooper's journey through eastern, 1867-8., xii. 336, xiii. 392, xiv. 335 Godwin-Austen's, 1863., xi. 32, 219 Hay, Lord W., and brothers, vii. 132, 162 Hue's, ii. 300, v. 46 Prejevalsky's journey to, 1877., transl. Morgan, xxi. 51 Pundits' (q.v.), 1865-7, etc., xii. 146 et seq., 266-9, xix. 325, 328, 338 et seq. Schlagintweit's, 1856. (and death), i. 436, iii. 144-5, 172 Smith's journey to, 1865., xi. 119 various, ii. 37, Markham on, xix, 328, from 1812 and onward, 337 , Rawlinson on, xii. J68-70 gold-fields of, xiii. 187, 197, xiv. 210, 338, xix. 344 historical invasions of, Shaw on, xvi. 402-3 interior|of, Rawlinson's speculations on, xiv. 212 lapchas of, as guide-posts, xii. 157 mountains on borders of, iv. 217, xiv. 342 . glaciers of, Schlagintweit on, iii. 366 in, great height of, i. 350 surrounding, ii. 300, v. 49 Murchison on, xii. 165, 266 native customs and food, etc,, Gill on, xxii. 258-9 Notes on, by Cooper, 1869., xiii. 392 , by a French Missionary, (1868.), xiii. 393 passes into, i. 348, iii. 171, v. 48, xiv. 128,. xix. 338, xxi. 342 plains of (see Tengri Maidan), i. 349 xiv. 212 plateau, rivers rising in, xiv. 214 progress of geographical knowledge of, i. 436, xi. 219, xii. 266 provinces of, xiii. 394; 16th century account of, xx. 483 rain in, xi. 65 reasons of exclusive policy in, xix. 330-1 relations with Indian Border States, xix. 331 rivers of, i. 272, ii. 202, xiv. 219, 352, xix. 393 roads of, xiii. 394 to, made by Lord Dalhousie, vii. 132 note Route Survey in, by the Pundit, 1865-7., xii. 146 et seq., 266 salt-water lakes of, how formed, iii. 367 Shaw on, in 1872., xvi. 402, 403 sterility of, xiv. 128 survey of, 1708-17., xix. 328-9 trade of, xiii. 395 trade-routes between, and C. Asia, 332 T1B-T1H Tibet — continued. (see M'Cosh, and Sprye), Forsyth cited on, xiii. 11 wealth of, in wool and herds, etc., xix. 343 Eastern, Travels in, Cooper, 1868., xiv. 335 Gill's journey along border, 1877., xxii. 255 Hooker's botanical researches in, ii. 303 , Great, area of, and average elevation, xix. 329-30 Journey of Pundit Nain Singh in 1873., Trotter, xxi. 325 trade in, and products of, Bogle cited on, xix. 342 Travels in, and Trade between, and Ben gal, Markham, xix. 317, cf. xx. 426 , Little, Speke's work in collecting fauna of, iii. 217 , North, uninhabited regions of, and game in, Preshewalsky on, xviii. 81 , Western, botanical researches of Thomson in, ii. 303 glaciers of, Thomson's exploration and description of, viii. 223 Strachey's map of, mentioned, ii. 303 work on, cited as to difficulty of penetrating, x. 305 Tibnin, Syria, ruins at, ii. 224 Tiboo country, near Lake Chad, visited by Vogel, 1858., viii. 10 Tiburon, Cape, Isthmus of Darien, moun tain ranges near, xii. 70 Ticino, Switzerland, glacier of, viii. 40 , or Tessin, river, source and course of, iii. 354 ; volume of, xvii. 206 Tidal observations in the Gulf of Kutch, (1875.), xix. 433 streamB around English coasts, Beechey on, i. 178 Tides, absence of, at Courtown, Ireland, i. 176 , Evans on, xxi. 73 Tidikelt Oasis, N. Africa, Rohlfs' journey to, 1864., ix. 312 Tie-ling on the Liao-ho, Manchuria, limit of navigation at, xiii. 27 Tie-men-quan, N. China, salt from, xiv. 24, and trade of, 26 Tien-chwang-tai, Manchuria, limit of navigation of the Liao-ho at, xiii. 27 Tieng Liek, Formosa, rice culture near, xii. 60 Tientsin, N. China, vii. 29 entered by English, 1858., iii. 72-3 and described, 74-5 expeditions to and from, Lord Elgin's 1858., iii. 56, 293 Michie's, to Mukden (1862.), vii. 25 Slossin and Riohards, to Shansi and Pechili, I860., vi. 218 Whyte's, to Kiachta, 1869., xiv. 243 Tientsin, N. China — continued. grain trade of, iv. 61-2 importance of access to, iii. 86 massacre at, (1870.), xv. 295 Peiho river near, iii. 69-70 position of, ii. 362 prices fixed at, 1858., iii. 77 temperature observations in, iii. 80 treaty port, its trade, in 1862., iii. 69, 76, 77, vi. 166, with Tie-men-quan, xiv. 26 valley of, vi. 218 Tierra del Fuego, S. America, early men tion of, supposed, xvi. 354 minerals in, viii. 161 natives of, ii. 219 Snow's examination of harbours in, (I860.), iv. 175 wind-created current off, iv. 239 Tietkens, Mr., of Giles' 1875 Australian expedition, xx. 431 Tiflis, Russian Caucasus, ii. 270, vi. 64, 130, xiii. 67, capital of the province, xxi. 582, described, viii. 276 military road from, to Russia, iv. 91 Ossetes near, vi. 61 proposed telegraph to, from Persia, (1861.), v. 220, 223 Tiger Island forts, Canton river, S. China, i. 332 Tigranocerta, Mesopotamia, long-lost site of, discovered by Taylor, (1864.), ix. 39 Tigre river, Ecuador, source, course, and outfall of, xxi. 557 Tigris river, or Dibeneh-Su (see also Shat- el-Arab), Turkey-in-Asia, i. 353, vii. 95 Beechey on, i. 163 Bewsher on, xi. 155-6 course of, and changes in, i. 46, 220, xxii. 169 danger of neglecting, xi. 157 German colony on, i. 362 old road to, ii. 175 Rawlinson on, i. 46, ix. 37-9 Visit to the Sources of, and account of ancient remains near, Taylor, ix. 36 valley, cotton of, viii. 21 inference as to slope of, xi. 23 proposed telegraph line through, vii. 91 Zats of, i. 40 Tih, Jebel et, Sinaitic Peninsula — desert region of, crossed by Palgrave, 1862., viii. 63, geological formation of, xvii. 326, the Wilderness of the Israelites, xvi. 332 limestone range of, minerals in, vi. 237 passes in, examined by Holland, 1878., xxii. 455 Tihamah coast-plain, S. Arabia, described by MiUingen, (1874.), xviii. 194-5 natives of, etc.; xviii. 201 TIH— TIT 333 Tih-King, S. China, walled city, v. 240, the Canton river below, 241 Tih-Shing Gate, N. China, pass at, xiv. 83 Timber Creek, N. Australia, described, i. 228 Timbo, W. Africa, Blyden on the King of, xvii. 123, 124 Fullah immigration to, xxi. 493 Hooboos of, xvii. 123-4 Lambert's journey to, (1862.), vi. 178 Timbona river, N. Guinea, geological for mation of bed of, ii. 183 Timbore, S. C. Africa, i. 75 Timbuctoo, N.W. Africa, ii. 80 Barth's journey to (1849-55.), i. 82, 113, 154, 441, ii. 318 Caillaud's visit to, vii. 125 von Bary's expedition towards, xxi. 473 Rohlfs' proposed journey to, 1863., correspondence on, viii. 94-6 murder of French missionaries on way to (1876.), xx. 445 proposed French military expedition to, (1860), ii. 183 trade route to, from Gambia river, Cooper, xx. 78 trade of, i. 114, vi. 17 Timor, Island of, E. Indian Archipelago, i. 183, 191, 225, 230, 260, 261, ii. 3, 8, 10, vii. 206 aspect of south coast of, ii. 9 communication (mail and telegraphic) with Australia desired, vi. 119, vii. 165, ix. 77 Geognostic Sketch of Western, Miiller, iii. 368 geological features of, i. 503 monsoon weather at, ii. 170, vii. 208 ocean depth near, vi. 200 ponies of, Bent to India, xiv. 206, value of, to local explorers, xx. 431 rice of, ii. 217 shoal water near, vi. 200 wooUess sheep of, vii. 89 Timon Laut, East Indian Archipelago, ii. 10 Timsah, Lake, Egypt, xiv. 96, 104, ab sence of current in, xiv. 77, level of, iii. 181, level slowly rising, xiv. 266 Tinahula, active volcano, Santa Cruz Islands, S.W. Pacific, xvi. 391 Tinah or Pelusium, Bay of, i. 68 cost of proposed harbour at, iii. 198 geographical position of, iii. 177 Lange on, iii- 205 Philigret's observations on, iii. 198 and note in relation to the Suez Canal, iii. 184, 186 Tinda fell, mountain, Iceland, xx. 29 Tindal, Comm. C, r.n., obituary notice, I860., iv. 143 Tindang, W. Africa, ii. 32 Vogel at, 1855., i. 16 Tirig-chu, Tibet, cold climate of, xiii. 195 Tinghae, chief town of Chusan, E. China, i. 335 Tingia, Tunis, fishery at, vi. 215 Tingidyu Peak, extinct volcano, Johanna Island, Comoro group, elevation of, xxii. 448 Tingin, " Southern Mangi" (China), other names of, and porcelain manufacture at, xviii. 171 Tingri Maidan, Tibet : see Tengri Tinguisa river, Ecuador, xxi. 567 Tingy-tingy, or sudd on L. Tanganyika, xix. 254 Tinia, Jebel, (Mt.), Sinaitic Peninsula, half-built palace on, xiii. 211-2 Tinne, Mme. and Mile., expedition of, up the White Nile, (1862.), vii. 24, 64, 103, 109, 183, 196, 233, viii. 5, 11, 18, 196-7; letters on same, vii. 204, viii. 12 death of 'Mme. Tinne-, and progress of expedition, viii. 251-2, 264, its results, ix. 248 Livingstone on, xviii. 258 Murchison on, vii. 64, 109, 183, 196, ix. 248 Petherick's news of, viii. 148-9 ,Mr., on the above expedition, vii. 12, 24, 103, viii. 11,12, 16,17 Tinnevelly Hills, India, xi. 61 Tinrhard region, Algeria, brooks of, ix. 314 Tintellust, N. Africa, i. 441 Tintingue or Mahela Bay, Madagascar, good anchorage at, xiv. 375 Tioghe river, W. Africa, course of, iv. 72, supposed affluent of, ii. 353-4; see Teoge Tiongkong, Formosa, large town, xxi. 260 Tionglek, Formosa, xxi. 259 Tipai Mukh, Cachar, N.E. India, xvii. 52 Tipara Bay, S. Australia, mining district, Admiralty survey of, vii. 142 Reef, xv. 266 Tipperah : see Hill Tipperah Tipta-la or Wallangchoon pass, Eastern Nepal, xix. 338, 342 Tipu Tib, TipooTib, Tipo Tipo, or Hamed ibn Hamed, a great slave-hunter, xx. 133 Cameron'sdealingswith,1874.,xx.l20-1 meeting with, 1874., xx. 311-12 engaged by Stanley, (1876.), xxii. 157 Tiquina station on Lake Titicaca, Peru, xviii. 214 Tisa river, A. Nyanza, probably Baker'g Kaigiri river, xxi. 52 Tissinei oasis, Marocoo, ix. 313 Tista river and valley, route vi&, to Tibet, xiii. 394, xix. 337, 342, 347 Titicaca, Lake,' Peru, basin described, xv. 371 dwellers near, xv. 369j 334 TIT— TON Titicaca, Lake, Peru — continued. elevation of, xii. 129, xviii. 219, xix. 330 exploration of region for cinchona, Markham, 1861., v. 224 explorations and surveys of, Markham on his own and others, xviii. 215-6 Pentland's (1826-27.), ix. 244 firBt steamer on, (1872.), xviii. 214 images on shores of, xiv. 116 lofty plateau region of, xviii. 212 meaning of word, xiv. 119 sacred island and terraces of, xviii. 216 Titihai Head, N. Zealand, reached by Harper and Brunner, 1846-7., etc., ix. 34 Tiub river, affluent of Lake Issik-kul, Siberia, ii. 280 Tiugun-Erestiah district, Siberia, extent of, xxi. 214 Tiva river, E. Africa, xxii. 451 Tiwahat ei Deir convent, Sinai, vii. 43 Tizi Iskari, Yezo, xvi. 201 Tiznaf river, Chinese Turkestan, affluent of the Yarkand river, source of, xiv. 52, and course, 61 To river, N. China, xiv. 169-70 Toa Hung, Formosa, xxii. 60 Toalam, Formosa, missionary station at, xxi. 263 Toangoo, Burmah, Route from, to the Shan States, O'Reilly, vi. 83 Toa-paw-na, Formosa, described, xxii. 55 Toa-sia, Formosa, plain near, xxi. 261, rice culture near, xxii. 58 Toa Tu Tia, N. Formosa, foreign settle ment at, xxii. 60 Tobacco Plains near the U.S. and B.N. American boundary, iii. 220 or Gwaii River, see Gwaii Tobago Island, British W. Indies, geo logical theories concerning, i. 254 , off Formosa, race to which in habitants belong, viii. 27 Tobbaan, Wady and river, S. Arabia, xvi. 119 Tobiesen, Skipper of the ffiolus, Norwegian whaler, on Spitzbergen in 1864., ix. 309 Toburba, Tunis, manufactures of, vi. 214 Tocantins river, affluent of the Amazon, xviii. 119 Todd, C, surveyor for Trans- Australian Telegraph line, xvii. 276 Report on Roper river, xvi. 355 Telegraph scheme of, xv. 299 , Major D'Arcy, travels of, Teheran to Cabul, vii. 159 Todogawa river, Japan, source and course of, xvii. 82 Todos Santos, Lake, Chile, viii. 160 Tofua, volcanic peak, Upolu Island, Navigator Group, xxi. 143 Togia fort, Russian Turkestan, Russian garrison at, xv. 195 Tdhalla Grande river, S. America, tributary of the Putomayo river, xxi. 572-3 Toka-ham, river, rapids, and town of, Formosa, xiv. 82 Tokaido road, Japan, xvii. 80, xviii. 236, xix. 169 Tokat, Asia Minor, iii. 370, 371 Tok-e-Tok, Chief of the Eighteen Tribes, Southern Formosa, Visit to, Hughes, (1872.), xvi. 265 To-ki village, S.W. China, mountains and gorge near, vi. 228, 230 Tokos Dewan, or Nine Mountains Pass, S.E. of Charchand, C. Asia, xvi. 244 Tola, La, port of, Ecuador, iii. 94 Toll or Tula river, Baikal region, affluent of the Selenga, xiv. 248 Toll Pass, Ural Mts., elevation of, i. 432 Tollogo, Nile region, mountains near, x. 11 Tolo Azime, cataracts of Limpopo river, S. Africa, Elton on, xvi. 91-3 Tomahawk Creek, Queensland, scrub growth near, x. 65 Tomato, Abyssinia, at junction of Settite and Atbara rivers, x. 283 Tomboko, W. Africa, xix. 81 Tomboro, volcano, Sumbawa Island, Malay Archipelago, eruption of, in 1814., vii. 211 ; in 1815., ii. 144 Tome-Tengi pass, Japan, xix. 171, 173 Tomkinson, Mr., on Forests' Australian journeys, xix. 489 Tomkinson Creek, S. C. Australia, Stuart's station at, 1861., vi. 8 Ranges, S. Australia, xix. 58, 313, land near, 314 Tomsk, Siberia, starting point of Russo- Chinese boundary, 1862., vi. 161, steppes near, xxii. 103, wide forest lands near, xxii. 104 Tom Taylor's Creek, Belize, C. America, geological formation of its bed, xii. 342 Tondour, Lake, New South Wales, vi. 55 Tonegawa river, Japan, xvii. 83 Tonga or Tongo land, S.E. Africa, earthquake in (1874.), xix. 128 Erskine on, xix. 113-14, 126-8, xxii. 108-9 mapped by H.M.S. Herald, 1852-61., vi. 198 mountains of, xix. 126 natives of, xxii. 128-9 possibilities of, xix. 127 rulers of, xix. 113-114 Tongamara, S.E. Africa, coast incorrectly mapped near, i. 312 Tongataboo Harbour, Navigator Islands, xxi. 144 Tong-chou, walled city, N. China, ii. 363 Tongchuan, or Tong-tchouen, Yunnan, death of De Lagre'e at, 1868., xiii. 56, 308, xix. 281-2 Tong King and river, see Tonquin TON— TOR 335 Tonglo, in the Himalayas, ii. 103, 112 Tongoni, S. Africa, ruins at, xx. 75 Tongoo, B. Burmah, xix. 272 Tong-tohouen, on the Yang-tse river, see Tongchuan Tong-Tiea-Mun, pass, N. China, Great Wall at, vi. 224 Tongwe, or Tongue, Mt., E. Africa, xx. 77 falls of the Pangani river at, xix. 318 Tonna, L. H. J., obituary notice of, 1857., i. 394 Tono river (see also Purus), xi. 107; explored by Maldonado, 1861., xi. 103; by Markham, 1853., x. 253, xxii. 43 Tonquin, encroachments of, on Cambodia, vi. 82, French explorations in, McMahon on, xviii. 463 or Songka river, navigability of, xviii. 464 or Tongking, Gulf of, unsurveyed in 1859., iii. 269 Toodyay, W. Australia, iii. 34, 35 Tooi Chong river, Lushai district, Indo- Burmese frontier, area drained by, xvii. 49 Tooka, Abyssinia, volcanic ridges near, xiv. 162 Tooke district, Vancouver Island, as a port for trade, viii. 81 Toondulya, S. Australia, grass and water near, ii. 190 Toopang, Tibet, visited by Capt. Rowlatt, v.49 Tooran Mull, Kandeish, Bombay, climate of, xi. 68 Too Rang Peak, Bengal-Burma frontier, elevations at and near, xvii. 44, 45 Toot or Gootur river, Lushai district, Bengal, xvii. 45 Topo river, Ecuador, affluent of the Pas- tassa river, xxi. 557 sudden risings of, Simson on, xxi. 563-4 Topographical Surveys of India, xv. 279, 281,lxvi. 345, xvii. 288, xviii. 565,xix. 433. 438,'xx. 423, xxi. 453, xxii. 348, 349, 357 Topographical . . . Depot, Ordn. Survey, work of, I860., iv. 161 ; 1861., v. 181, vii. 136 TordUlo, Rio, Pern, affluents and course of, xvii. 58 Torell, O., xii. 97 ; Polar expeditions of, 1858-1861., v. 199, xiii. 152, 257 ; see also Swedish Arctic Expn. Torey, Lake of, N. Siberia, visited by Radde, (1856.), ii. 278 Tori Toge, Japan, steep ascent of, xvii. 81 Tormik river, affluent of the Indus near Mendi, viii. 37 Toronto, Canada, magnetic observations at, xxii. 193 meaning of name of, xix. 135 Rae's journey from, to the Rocky Mts., 1861., vi. 110 Torotoram, N. Guinea, natives of, canoes of, xviii. 32-3, houses, 36, population of, 37, and friendliness, xx. 105 Torowato or Torowotto Swamp, Queens land, vi. 53, vii. 35, 39 Torre de Cerredo, Spain, a lofty mountain, elevation and formation of, i. 426 Torrens, Capt. R. W., Journey to Fort Simpson, Queen Charlotte Islands, B. Columbia, 1859., iv. 226, other journeys referred to, vi. 188 , Mr., on sheep-farming in N. Aus tralia, vii. 88 on tree-deBtruction in relation to rain fall in S. Australia, x. 269 Torrens, Lake, S. Australia, ix. 227 another lake near, iii. 29, vii. 11 desert north of, iii. 31, v. 10, well ex plored, vii. 7 development of district, vii. 88 district east of, iv. 78 north of, iii. 31 expansion of Cooper Creek, iii. 32 expeditions to, ix. 232-3 Babbage's, 1858., ii. 191, 314, v. 142 Eyre's, ii. 188, v. 142, vi. 168 (and others), ix. 227, 232-3 Hack's, 1857., ii. 189 Warburton's, 1857., ii. 189, v. 142 feeders of, iii. 28, 31, 29, 156, v. 58, 104, xx. 430 Gawler on, ii. 28, 191, as outlet for waters of C. Australia, iv. 78, 94, Jukes ou, 97 Murchison on Gawler's views concern ing, ii. 313 Report on country between, and Mt. Serle, Goyder, ii. 16, Freeling on same, ii. 185, cited, ii. 60 settlers' knowledge of, vii. 84 true shape of, iii. 152, 153, 157, 335, 337, v. 104, vii. 11 Torres, voyage of, to N. Guinea, (1606.), xiv. 201 Torres Straits, N. Australia, ii. 182, iii. 89, iv. 82, v. 143, viii. 114, x. 85, xx. 19, . 108, xxii. 364-5 Admiralty surveys of, iii. 267, 271, v. 175, vi. 135, vii. 198-200, viii. 120, xviii. 539 as seen from Somerset, ix. 77, 78 coral reefs of, iv. 81, xii. 317 currents in, xii. 318-19 Firefly wrecked in, vii. 8, 1 73 Herald in, vi. 198-9, 200 islands of, aborigines of, xii. 313, their condition and character, xix. 243 , healthiness of, xxi. 351 mail-routes (proposed) via, from the Cape, and to Singapore, etc., i. 79 et seq., iv. 154, vi. 199, x. 52 monsoon in, xii. 316-7 Moresby's discoveries in, 1872., xiii. 22, 24, 47 336 TOR— TRA Torres Straits, N. Australia — continued. navigation of, i. 34, 79, 81, 172, 256, 366, ii. 3, 15, iii. 89, vi. 136, vii. 42, ix. 77, 234, x. 52, 89, 249, xii. 314 opened up for steamers, x. 52 pearl trade of, xviii. 22, 48 sea-marks required in, xi. 151 settlement on (see Cape York), viii. 192 shallowness of, xii. 317 steamer-line vid, to Brisbane and Singa pore, established, 1865., x. 52, xi. 151 trade with Australia, xviii. 48 width of, xii. 313 Torske Bank, Disco Island, Arctic regions, microscopic organisms of, xx. 57 Tortola Island, W. Indies, injured by storms (1867.), xii. 30 Tortoum Chai, or Lake, Asia Minor, how affected by earthquake of about i759., vi. 62-4 Toruputii Peak, Dufla region, N.E. Indian frontier, xx. 425 Tosave, N.W. Africa, the Niger near, i. 114 TosBukatek fiord, Greenland, glacier of, xx. 59 Tostah district, N.E. Siberia, extent of, xxi. 214 river, N.E. Siberia, xxi. 214 Totfela, Congo region, xx. 122 Totling, Tibet, the Sutlej at, xiii. 185, 192 Totolo, King of Congo, friendly to Came ron (1873.), xix. 89, 94 Totoro, Colombia, cinchona district, ix. 278 Touchwood Hills, B.N. America, ii. 149 Toulak, Formosa, xxi. 264 Toulon Island, N. Guinea, largest of the Amazon Isles, xxi. 357 Toumilat, see Goshen, Land of Toumilat, Wady, Egypt, in relation to the Suez Canal, iii. 185 Toungu, Province of, Burma, in 1500., i. 270 Tourho river, Manchuria, only marked in old Jesuit maps, xi. 254 Towaj hills, Arabia, well-cultivated plain below, ix. 294 Towang Pass, to Tibet, trade route via, xix. 346 Towering Table Mountain, Majita, E. Africa, xx. 41 Towfikia or Tewfikeeya, on the Sobat, xviii. 137, lat. and long, of Baker's Station on, xvi. 187, xviii. 187 Townsville, Queensland, telegraph ex tension from, xii. 54, 55 Toyanda river, E. Turkestan, xiv. 227, affluent of the Slink river, xiv. 228 and valley, Trotter on, xviii. 417 Toynbee, Capt., on the climate of Natal, xi. 19 Toynbee, H., On the Specific Gravity, Temperature, and Currents of the Sea between England and India, ix. 281, 283 ; Further observations, x. 338 Tozer, Tunis, on caravan route to Cairo, vi. 211, natural hot bath near, 214 Trabonjy, Madagascar, good road to, xxi. 170 Trachonitis district, Syria, Burton and Drake's explorations in, 1871., xvi. 105 de Saulcy cited on early rulers of, xvi. 114 Trade winds, action of, xv. 82, direction of, iv. 240 Fine Regions of, Hopkins, ii. 357 in relation to the concentration of Ocean waters, Buchanan, xxi. 257 Trafalgar, Mt., N. Guinea, elevation of, xix. 233 Traitor's Bay, N. Guinea, hostile natives of, xix. 233 position of, xix. 230 Tranqueritd hill, Paraguay, contour and elevation of, *xx. 495 Trans- Alai Mts., C. Asia, xxi. 123 mists of, xxi. 131 passes in, xx. 484, xxi. 124 in relation to the Pamirs, xxi. 100 Trans-Andean telegraph line, difficulties of construction of, xxii. 26 Trans - Baikalia, Siberia, described by Bridgett, (1868.), xiii. 368-9 Russian explorations in, ii. 278-9, and results, v. 191 Trans-Chu region, Russian Turkestan, ix. 271 Trans-Caucasian provinces, Rawlinson on, vi. 6 Trans - Himalaya region, see Chinese, Eastern and Russian Turkestan, Chitral, etc., Himalayas, Indian surveys, Tibet Trans-Ilian District (see Semerechinsk) R. Turkestan, Russian explorations in, viii. 206 Alataou(Mts.), Russ. Turkestan, xviii. 249 Trans-Naiyn country, Russian Turkestan, expedition to, in 1867., Osten Sacken, xiv. 291 Trans-Siberian route to China, Parkes on, vii. 30 telegraph line, xiii. 365 Transit of Venus, observations Of, xiii. 119- 20, 295, at Rodriguez Island, Indian Ocean, (1874), xix. 406 Transvaal, S. Africa, Boers of, defeated by Manukusa, on the Limpopo, xix. 125 Geography and Economic Features of, Fynney, xxii. 114 gold found in, (1868.), xii. 268 and mineral wealth of, xiii. 342 TRA-TRG 337 Transvaal, S. Africa— continued. historical summary of events to 1878., xxii. 115 Trautwinc, J. T., survey of the Atrato, etc, by, (1852.), i. 63 cited on the Honduras railway, iv. 137 Travancore, S.W. India, Hills of, xi. 61, explored by Markham, x. 245, rainfall of same, x. 266 Inland Navigation of, Markham, xi. 78 Traveller, qualifications of a good, Glad stone on, vii. 34 Travellers, Hints to, xvi. 1-78 Travers Island, Torres Straits, i. 80 Travesia valley, Patagonia, xv. 42, its sterility, 49 Treachery Bay, N. Queensland, i. 32, 225 Capt. Stokes speared at, i. 260 Trebeck, see Moorcroft Trebizond (Trapesos), Asia Minor, routes from, xvi. 223 ruins of, iii. 389 Trees in relation to rainfall, Arabia (Aden), ix. 109 E. Africa, xxii. 448 S. Africa, ii. 159, ix. 106 S. Australia, x. 269 India, ix. 108-9, x. 266-8, xiii. 74, xvii. 20 Russia, ii. 181, ix. 107 Syria, ii. 181, 298 Turkey, ix. 109 W. Indies, ix. 109 Tremenheere, Col. C. W., r.e., On the Physical Geography of the Lower Indus, xi. 22, cf. 221 Tres Cruces Plains, Chilio-Argentine railway route via, iv. 46 Trcstrail, Mt, W. Africa, described, vi. 243 Trevelyan, Sir G, on Nassick as a possible Indian capital, and on Bengal, xi. 75 Trew river, S. Australia, affluent of the Trucur river, xv. 97 Tribulation, Cape, North Queensland, xviii. 104; 'fine views near, xii. 314 Trichinoply, district served by railway of, vii. 96 Trigaardt's farm, S. Africa, latitude of, xiii. 321 Trigonometrical operations of the Ord nance Survey partly published, 1861., v. 180-1 surveying, importance of studying early in life, Warren on, xix. 156 ¦ and Topographical Survey of India, progress of, ii. 302, iv. 189, x. 239, xv. 278, xvi. 343, xvii. 287, xviii. 564, xix. 432, xx. 421, xxi. 452, xxii. 350 Trimmer Bluff, S. Australia, scenery near, ii. 21 Trinidad, W. Indies, geological survey of, iii. 276 ; importance of, i. 254-5 journey to, at, Trinidad and the Orinoco, O'Connor, i. 278 Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, examined for cable purposes, 1858., ii. 263, 1863., iii. 273, vii. 143 Trinity Bay, N. Queensland, geological formation of, xii. 143 Tripoli, N. Africa, Rohlfs' 1864., ix. 312 route from, to Tintellust, i. 441 slave-trade abolished at, i. 114 trade at, vi. 17 Tripolis (Treboli), Asia Minor, iii. 370 Tripolitza, Greece, earthquake felt 1866., x. 322 Tristram, H. B., work of, in exploring Palestine, x. 160 Tristan d'Acunha Island, S. Atlantic, climate of, ii. 368 Herald's soundings near, vi. 198 roller waves at, iii. 364 shoal off, planted with coco-nuts, (1856.), i. 146 standing on an ocean ridge, xxi. 70 Triton Bay, N. Guinea, ii. 181, early Dutch settlement near, xiv. 201 Trivandum, S. India, observatory estab lished at, by native Prince, xxii. 193 movements of magnetic needle at, xxii. 205 Trochiameter distances, Chapman's S. African expedition, I860., v. 19, 20, and deviations, 20 Trollope, A., on S. Africa and the labour difficulty, xxii. 124 Trombetas river, tributary of the Amazon, explored by Spruce (1849.), viii. 220, xxii. 46 Tropical climates, influence of, on Euro peans (see Cape York), ii. 212, 215, iii. 90, ix. 78 Trotter, Capt. H., awarded gold medal of R.G.S., 1878., xxii. 255, 288, 291, 296, President's speech, 298, reply, 299 Account of the Pundit's journey in Gt. Tibet in 1873-5., xxi. 325 explorations : E. Turkestan, (1874-5.), xix. 442, xxi. 348, 456 Trans-Himalayas, 1873-6., xxi. 456 on Forsyth's Kashgar mission, 1873., xviii. 415, 432, on its geographical results, xxii. 287 on the Indian surveys, (1878.), xxii. 347 cited on the Munshi's travels on the Panjah river, xx. 16 note other similar travels, xx. 420-3, 490 Pamir mountains, xxi. 136 the position of Charchand, xxi . 29 work of, xxi. 346, 347 Trotter, Rear-Adm. H. D., r.n., enquiries after Livingstone at QuiUmane, (1856.), i. 57 expedition up the Niger, ii. 98-9 z 338 TItO-TSE Trotter, Rear-Adm. H, D., r.n. — cont. on Livingstone's Zambesi expedition, ii. 122 obituary notice, 1860.,iv. 143 Troughton Island, N.W. Australia, an chorage at, x. 39 Trounce Lake Vancouver Id., effluents and affluents of, ix. 308 Trout Lake, B. N. America, its two out lets, viii. 50, 51 , Upper, ii. 294 Troy, (Ilium), iii. 386, true position of, ascertained by Chevalier, iii. 385 Truando river, C. America, proposed trans oceanic canal via, Kelly, i. 63 Beechey on, i. 168 Humboldt on, i. 69 Rennie, Stephenson and others on, i. 72, 74, etc. Truant Island, N. Australia, ii. 13 Trucur river, S. Australia, aborigines of, xv. 96, 100 affluents of, xv. 97 disappearance of, xv. 98 junction with the Jarvis, xv. 99 Truman, Dr., on trade in China, ii. 206 Trusan river, Borneo, xvi. 172 Truxillo, Peru, early inhabitants of dis trict, xv. 372 Truzza, Mt., Tunis, hot bath at, vi. 215 silver mine at, ib. Tsad, Lake, see Chad Tsadda or Tschadda river, see Chadda Tsagan Turgerik, Gobi Desert, latitude and longitude of, xiv. 246 Tsaidam country, Mongolia, wild camels of, xviii. 79, 80 note position of, xviii. 83 races of, xviii. 79, 85 or Baian-gol river, xviii. 82 Tsakoutin, E. Tibet, language and writing of tribes to the west of, xxii. 261 Tsa-leh Mts., boundary between Yunnan and Bathang, Gill on, xxii. 269 Tsamatskama, Nodwengu, or Tshama Tshama, Umzila's Kraal, S.E. Africa, xix. 124, climate near, xxii. 130 geographical position of, xix. 125, xxii. 130 Tsamdo, Tibet, xii. 339 ; see Tsiamdo Tsampu, or Tsanpo river, Tibet (see also Brahmaputra), xxi. 341, xxii. 9 area watered by, xix. 329-30 et seq. called Dihong at confluence with the Brahmaputra, v. 48 course of, Cooper on, xiii. 392 elevation of valley of, xix. 338 only Englishmen who have crossed, xix. 328 Pundit's route survey of, xix. 344, and journey down, 1873., xxi. 340-1 supposed connection with the Irawadi, Yule on, xx. 339-40 Tsana Lake, see Tana, and Dembea Lake" Tsan fan, N. China, coal in hills at, xiv. 25 Tsang province, Great Tibet, extent of, xviii. 394, pass between it and Ari prov., xix. 338 Tsangpo, see Sangpo, and Tsampu Tsarabdfatra station, Madagascar, xxi. 170' Tsarasdhatra river, Madagascar, rise of, xix. 199 Tsarasvatra, Madagascar, hills near, xx. Ill Tsavo river, E. Africa, mountain source of, xxii. 451 Tschadda river, see Chadda river Tschebsen, Mongolia, lamasery of, xviii. 78 Tschelga plateau, Abyssinia, xiii. 46 Tscherek river, Caucasus, sources of, xiii. 71 Tschudi, Herr von, Hon. Corresp. Member R.G.S., viii. 44 Tseen-fnh-yae, N.W. China, Buddhist sculptures at, xiv. 177 Tseen-shwuy "river, N.W. China, course of, xiv. 170, 177-8 Tseentang or TBien-tang river, E. China, ascended by Baker, (1862.), vi. 166, temporary disappearance of, recorded, iv. 62 Tsehya Valley, N.E. China, silk culture of, xiv. 138 TseTh-le-teen, N.W. China, village festival at, xiv. 180 Tseih-pwan Pass, N. China, crossed by Wylie, 1868., xiv. 178 Tse Kin ching or Forbidden City, part of Peking, x. 156 Tsenan, capital of Shansi province, China, visited by Morrison, 1861., vi. 165 Tsenbo on the Irawady, xiv. 348 Tsenga, on the west shore of Lake Nyassa, ix. 288 Tseoompyoon river and town, Gulf of Siam, tides at and bar, vii. 59 Tsetse fly, always found where there are giraffe and game, xv. 207, xiii. 337, xvii. 351 danger of bite of, exaggerated, accord ing to Elton, xvi. 96 distribution of, in Africa, Frere on, xvii. 331 dogs erroneously supposed to be specially affected by, xix. 129 donkeys and man, supposed immunity of, according to Livingstone, xiii. 359 bitten by, according to Cameron, xix. 37 native remedy for bite, Baloka region, vi. 34 in E. Africa, on the Bagamoyo road, xxi. 241 near the Kingani river, xv. 207 in the Mangao district, xxi. 589 TSE— TSZ 339 Tsetse &y— continued. in E. Africa — continued. unknown on L. Tanganyika, iii. 303 found in Lower Shire Valley, vi. 29 thought to be absent on the Mpwa- pwa route to interior, xxi. 14, 22, 61, 241, 243, 389, 472, but later on found there, xxii. 373 suspected on route to Ujiji, xix. 137 not found N. of the Wami river, xxii. 37 in C. Africa and on the Nile, iv. 40, v. 35, x. 12 in S. Africa, Cumming on, i. 246 disappearance of, before man, and on destruction of game, Erskine's view on, xiii. 337, proven according to Frere, xvii. 351, and Fynney, xxii. 120 distribution of — near Bomba hills, xiii. 337 beyond the Drakensberg, xiii. 321, 340 . , in Leydenburg district at Kwarri- Kwarri, x. 174 along the Limpopo, xii. 271, xvi. 96 near the Omguini river, iii. 373 between Umzila's kraal and the sea^xx. 116, 129 Owen on'^ii. 137 "scourge of S. Africa," Murchison on, iii. 303, temporary character of, Fynney on, xxii. 120 in S.E. Africa, buffalo wrongly sup posed immune from, x. 5, xi. 17 on the Rovuma river, vi. 29, vii. 53, ix. 285 on the route to Nyassaland, xxi. 589 compared with a, fly equally venomous in Abyssinia, x. 284-5 ¦ the Donderobo fly, near Kilimanjaro, fatal to asses and goats only, viii. 6 the Ofroi fly in W. Africa, fatal to horses and donkeys, xiii. 359 Tshadda or Tschadda, see Chadda Tshama-Tshama, see Tsamatskama Tshantshe'gga, river, Niger, tributary of, ix. 73, rapid fall of water in, ix. 74 Tshian-ghai, N. China, ruined city at, vi. 226 Tshomo village, on the Niger, W. Africa, xxi. 490 Tsi-afa-baldla rock, Madagascar, xxi. 157 Tsidfadre'harelia river, Madagascar, rapids of, xxi. 168 Tsiamango river, Madagascar, xiv. 375 Tsiamdo, Tsamdo, or Chamdo, chief town of N.E. Tibet, xii. 167, 339 ; mountains "behind, xiv. 345 TBi-e'nim-'pdrihy plain, Madagascar, xxi. 157 Tsi-ho-hion, N. China, described by Elias, xiv. 23 Tsi-huan-ling, hill just outside the Great Wall of China, xvi. 209 Tsimanandrafdzani river, Madagascar, French traders' settlement on,xxi. 168-9 Tsimandao valley, Madagascar, xxi. 157, 158 Tsinan, see Tsenan Tsi-Nan-foo, Shantung, China, latitude of, xiv. 138, trade of, xiv. 24 Tsing'plh-keang river, W. China, xiv. 170 Tsinjoarivo, Madagascar, military station, . xxi. 166 Tsin-Kiang-pu, visited by Elias, 1867., xiv. 21 Tsiribihina river, Madagascar, xxi. 168 Tsit-Kaw village, starting-point of route from Bhamo to China, xx. 212 Tsi-tsi-Har, Tsi-tsi Khar or Tsitsigur, province, N. Manchuria, area of, xiii. 34 ceded to Russia by China, 1858-60., vii. 29 city, position of, xvi. 205 Meadows' journey to (1868.), xiii. 29 penal settlement, xvi. 211 silver smelting at, xiii. 367 Tsitsiren-gol river and valley, Mongolia, xxii.,52 Tso mo Gnalari, salt lake of Pankong, iii. 367 Tso mo Ri ri, salt lake of RupchU, iii. 367, no overflow from, iii. 357 Tsugar Strait, Japan, Admiralty survey of, i. 142, iii, 271 formerly called Sangar in error, i. 142 Tsui-hwan or Tsui-Siu-hai Lake, and aborigines of, Formosa, Allen on, xxi. 263, Bullock on, xxi. 267, Corner on, xxii. 56 Tsui Kut Than, Formosa, stream near, xxii. 54 Tsui-Sia, Formosa, natives of, xxii. 56 Tsung-ming Mand, E. China, rapid formation of, iii. 59, surveyed, 167 Tsung ning, W. China, district city, xiv. 169 Tsuruhailpvietsk, Russo-Mauchurian bor der, journey of Kropotkine from, to the Amur (1868.), x. 233 Tsusima Island, Japan, iii. 271, vii. 141, ix. 297 fine harbour of, vii. 168 first visited by Europeans, 1861., vii. 168 garrison from, in Korea, ix. 299 Oliphant's visit to, (1863.), vii. 61 strait dividing, in two parts, iv. 154, vii. 141 trade of, with Korea, ix. 299 Tsy-T6ng, S. China, dykes near, and fine district around, vi. 227 Tszai-San, Lake, Siberia, fisheries of viii. 206 340 TSZ— TUN Tsze-tung river, bridge, and city, W. China, xiv. 173 Tsze-yang district and city, W. China, xiv. 182, 183 Tu or Tibesti country, N. Africa, mapped by Rohlfs from report, 1866., xi. 33 Tuamini, Isthmus of, Venezuela, project for canal across, Humboldt on, i. 251 Tuanhete river, W. Africa, i. 75 Tuapeka, N. Zealand, goldfields of, Thomson, vi. 71, vii. 181 Tuat, or Tawat, Oasis of, N.W. Sahara, Exploration of, desirable, viii. 96 Rohlfs' journey to, 1863-4., ix. 312 Petermann ou, ix. 79 Tubac, Arizona, foundation of, 1858., xix. 307 Tubas, Syria, former name of, ii. 224 Tubesi or Tumbiri river, Upper Nile, iii. 307 Tubugwe basin, E. Africa, populous region near Mpwapwa, xxii. 384 Tucker, Don J. R., Report on Peruvian exploration of the Ucayali river, 1868., xiii. 133 Tuckett, F. F., The Alps of Dauphine", vii. 43 Tuckey, Capt., exploration of the Congo, 1815-6., i. 7, 310, iv. 68, 69, 72, xvii. 23, 31, xx. 128 Tucopia, see Tecopia * Tucson, chief town of Arizona, xix. 307 Tuctu-Cccha, Peru, copper-mines of, xviii. 205 Tucuman, Peru, i. 170, cedars of, xvii. 64 Tucumuraque Mts., Guiana, crossed by Crevaux (1876-1877.), xxii. 369 Tucuti, Isthmus of Darien, gold at, i. 78 Tugela river, Natal, recipient of aU streams from the Drakensberg, xi. 18 Tuh-keaou-ho (river), W. China, course of, xiv. 170 Tui or Moshabar pass, N.W. Indian fron tier, elevation and glacier of, xxii. 353 Tui river, N.W. Indian frontier, glacial source of, and course, xxii. 353 ¦ , W. Mongolia, ruined city on, xvii. 187 Tui-La-Sok river, Formosa, safety of ship wrecked sailors at, xvi. 265 Tukhtapool, Afghanistan, robber village, xxi. 587 Tukht-i-Turan, ruined city near Kuchar, Gobi Desert, Forsyth on, xxi. 38 Tuknie Cataract, Potaro river, B. Guiana, xv. 124 Tukulan river, N.E. Siberia, rise of, and course, xxi. 213 Tula river, see Toll Tule, Modoc, or Rhett Lake, California, xix. 299 Tule river, C. America, Collinson on, xii. 31 Tuleil-el-Ful, Syria, old name of, ii 224 Tuli river, S. Africa, affluent of the Shasha, xvi. 90 Elton's journey down, 1870., xvi. 90 game of, and natives along, xvi. 90 Tull-hari, E. Africa, rendezvous of An- tinori's expedition, 1877., xxii. 14 Tullar Hills, Mekran, road at foot of, vii. 92 Tulola Sari Island, Lake Ladoga, granite of, xiii. 378 Tulul el Safa, Syria, Burton's exploration of, 1871., xvi. 104 Tulung river and valley, Tibet, affluent of the Lhasa river, natives of, and food in valley of, xxi. 339 Tumac-humac Mts., see Tucumuraque Tuman river, E. Turkestan, source and course of, Mirza Haidar on, xx. 485 Tumatamari cataract, Potaro river, B. Guiana, xv. 123 Tumbak or Ayanat, Persia, limestone mountains near, xi. 38 Tumbasabe' river, Isthmus of Darien, gold in, i. 78 Tumbiri, see Tubesi Tumbuca, E.C. Africa, i. 76 Tu-men river, boundary between Russian Manchuria and Korea, xi. 253 Tumut, N. S. Wales, iii. 338 Tundras of Siberia, nature of, x. 234 geological observations near, xxii. 112 in summer, Seebohm on, xii. Ill Tchoukchis of, xxi. 213, 215 Tung Chal range, Persia, salt lake near, xvi. 263 Tung-Chaw, N. China, walled city, vi. 221 Tung-chow Harbour, N. China, iv. 60, 62 ; landing-place for Peking, iii. 79 Tung-chuan, see Tong-chuan Tunggan or Tingin, S.E. China, porcelain manufacture of, xviii. 171 Tung-ho (river), C. China, affluent of the Pei river, xiv. 172 Tungi Bay, E. Africa, xxi. 588 Tunglowan, Formosa, hills near, xxi. 261 Tungnafell Mt., Iceland, xx. 29 Tung-olo Mts. and village, Chino-Tibet border, described, xiv. 236 Tung-ting Lake, also called Sung-ting, C. China, vi. 89, xiv. 235, xx. 187, coal transit over, vi. 95 exploration of, Dickson and party, 1861., vi. 166 floating population on, xii. 52 Yaug-tzse river at, vi. 86, 135, and beyond, xv. 158 Tunguragua Mt., Ecuadorian Andes, ele vation of, xxi. 557 Tungusska, Lower, region of, C. Siberia, Russian exploration of, 1874., xix. 423 Tungwa, river and town, Congo region, described by Grandy, xix. 99 TUN— TUB 341 Tunis, N. Africa, Admiralty survey of, see Mediterranean French map of, ii. 288 Topographical notes on (anon.), vi. 210 trade at, with 0. Africa, vi. 17 Tunobis, S.W. Africa, drought at, v. 17 Tunuyan river, Argentine Republio, irriga tion from, xvii. 65 Tupuquen, near Caratal, S. America, gold diggings near, ii. 155 Tuphselei village, N. Guinea, rivers near, xx. 355 Tura range, Assam, xvii. 39, 40 region, E.C. Africa, famine in, I860., vi.17 river, Siberia, aspect of region near, xxii. 103 Turagat Pass, Trans-Naryn district, Asia, xiv. 227 ; see Turgat Turan, C. Asia, area comprised by, ix. 271, basin of, iii. 388, Russian outposts near, iii. 387 Turbat, Persia, position of, and cultivation at, xvii. 91 ; Marsh on, xxi. 584 Turbo river, Isthmus of Darien, outfall of, xii. 64 Turcoman country, war withPersia, (1861.), v. 193 Russian Expn. in, xvii. 293 Macgregor on his journey in, xx. 174-5 Napier's journey on, 1874., xx. 168 and people, Vambery on, viii. 269 horses, whence obtainable, Moorcrof t and Trebeck's journey to purchase, x. 137 Turoo-Persian boundary, iii. 290 note delimited, 1848., i. 163, 353 ; 1849-53., vii. 161 Turfan, E. Turkestan, xv. 25, coal at, xvi. 406 inhabitants of, xv. 25, xvi. 404 wild camels of, xviii. 79 wool of, xvii. 170 Turgat or Turagat Range and Pass, Russian Turkestan, xiv. 227 elevation of, xviii. 418, 423, 424 geological formation at, xiv. 228 rivers rising in, xviii. 417, 423 road from, xviii. 419 trend of, xviii. 424 river, as a natural boundary, xviii. 424 Turgat Bala, road, Russian Turkestan, volcanic formation at, xviii. 419 Turgen Lake, W. Mongolia, sand-hills along, xvii. 189 Turin, Geographical Society of, its pro gress in 1875., xix. 422 Turituri, N. Guinea, xx. 254 Turk Island, the Great, Turk Islands, W. Indies, considered to be' the Land- faU of Columbus, xv. 280 Turkestan or Turkistan, see Chinese, Eastern, and Russian (below), i. 273, 274, ii. 300, iv. 197, xviii. 246 Turkestan, or Turkistan — continued. Alexander the Great's journey in, and others, xvi. 290 Arab MSS. on, xiv. 231 borders of, geology of, Shaw's collec tions, xv. 179 cotton of, etc., xi. 13 fort and town of, Khokand, commer cial importance of, and sacred mosque- tomb in, ix. 273, true position ascer tained, x. 233 hydrography of, xiv. 238 maps of, xiii. 302, xiv. 320, xv. 289, xxii. 341 Russian explorations in (see also Russian explorations in C. Asia), iv. 297, Schepeleff's, xvi. 350 three chief commercial centres in, xi. 164 Trade Routes between India and, Raw linson, xiii. 10 Yakoob Beg and the Chinese, xx. 492 Chinese, xi. 14, xii. 170, 125, 257 native name for, xi. 7 revolt in, 1866., xi. 11 Eastern (see also Hi), xi. 162, area of, and political history, Rawlinson on, xviii. 414 elevation of plateau of, xiv. 231 expeditions and explorations — Forsyth's mission to, 1873, xviii. 222 Hayward's (1869), xiii. 198, 200, 201, xiv. 46, Murchison on, xv. 72-3, Rawlinson on, xiv. 73, 136 Schlaginweit's (A.), iii. 171 Shaw's, 1868., xiv. 124, 137, xv. 175, 179, xvii. 198, Forsyth on, xiii. 198, xxi. 41, Murchison on, xiii. 301, xiv. 5, 315, Rawlinson on, xiv. 136 Geography of, a Prince of Kashgar on, Shaw, xx. 482 Macqueen on, 1876., xx. 174 Transit of tea to, from N.W. India, Forsyth, xiii. 198 Russian, Water system of, Dilke, xviii. 246, 253 Western, ix. 271, x. 134, 135 Turkey and Turkish Empire (see Asia Minor), iv. 201 boundary between, and Greece, deli mited, 1830., iv. 118 Cossacks in, vi. 59, 60 telegraphs in, vii. 93 tree-felling in relation to rainfall in, ix. 109 viticulture in, iii. 392 Turkey-in-Asia, (see also Asia Minor, Palestine, Syria, etc.) cotton-growing region in, viii. 21 earthquakes in, 19th century, vi. 64 expeditions and explorations — Leahy's, to Sizicus, 1858., ii. 376 Taylor's, Erzerum to Diabekr, (1866.), xii. 302 342 TUR— UBW Turkey-in-Asia — continued. Porter's map of, etc., (1856.), i. 162 mail transit in, ii. 226 Turkish Archipelago, see Mediterranean, Admiralty survey Turkomania, Russian expedition and operations, 1871-2., xvii. 293 Turks, the, various views on, xi. 12 Turneffe Island, Brit. Honduras, geology of, xii. 343 Turner, Rev. Dr. G., wave observed at Samoa, on the day of the Earthquake in Ecuador, 1868., xiii. 57 , Major S., mission of, to Tibet, (1783.), xii. 169, xix. 335 , Point, N. Australia, xii. 201 Turnuk or Turnak river, Afghanistan, and its feeders, xx. 243, source of the, 246 ; slow and muddy, xxi. 587 Turon Bay, Annam, Admiralty survey, iii. 269 Turtle Islands, Queensland, geology of, xii. 143 Mt. or Ridge, on the boundary of B.N. America, ii. 44, 292, described, 146, xx. 285 ; wooded area of, 286 ; buffalo at. 298 Turukkansk, Siberia, Tundras northward of, x. 234 Tiis, Turco-Persia frontier, ruins of, xx. 169 Tuscarora, U.S.S., observations of ocean temperature, Carpenter on, xix. 493, 502, xxi. 296 Tus-Shih-kou pass, Kalgan Mts.,Mongolia, xviii. 153 Tustchibas Bay, Aral Sea, xix. 426 Tusuk river, Afghanistan, sources and course of, xx. 246 Tuti or Thuti river, affluent of the Limpopo, gold tract on, xii. 269 Tuticorin (Tutecoreen), Madras, port of, vii. 96 Tutong river, Borneo, xvi. 172 Tuttle, H. P., U.S.A., on Hall's Arctic Expedition of 1871., xv. 38 Tutuila Island, Navigator Group, xxi. 142 Bougainville at, 1768., xxi. 141 described by Forbes, xxi. 146-7 La Perouse at, (1787.), xxi. 145, 146 Tuwaruk river, near, Kashgar, wide bed of, and wooden bridge over, xv. 191 Tuyama village, Japan, halting-place for pilgrims to Fusi Yama, xvii. 78 Tuyra river, Isthmus of Darien, explored by de Puydt, (1861.), xii. 63, 68 Tuyuk-Su Pass, across the Trans-Alai Mts., xxi. 130 Tuz-Altyn-Dara river, Trans-Alai region, quarries of rock-salt upon, xxi. 131, source of, 132 Twa Lara and Go Kum Swa, Christian villages, Formosa, xxii. 57 Twas, S. Africa, diminutive elephants found by natives of, v. 17 Twin Glacier Valley, shores of Smith Sound, Arctic regions, recent traces of Arctic life found at, 1875., xxi. 276 Twiss, Dr. T., on the Hudson Bay Co., and its powers, vii. 73 Twyford, A. W., with de Lauture's Nile expedition, 1856., i. 301, 447, 503, ii. 100 Notes on the said expedition, i. 503 Tyndall,Prof. J., on the value of Dr. Neu- mayer's observations, xii. 297 Tyndall, Mt., New Zealand, rivers rising in, viii. 214 Typical Mountain Ranges, Spottiswoode, iv. 97 Tyre, Palestine, Mansell's visit, I860., v. 172, Robinson's visit to, ii. 224 Tyrol, Austria, glaciers of, iii. 286, moun tain attraction on plummet in, ii. 282 , Tytler, Col. Fraser, materials for map of Afghanistan collected by, 1S38., xx, 247-8 Tyumen, Siberia, level country near, xxii. 103 Tzaritzin, S. Russia, geology near, i. 416 Tzavoi, river, E. Africa, source of, viii. 7 Tz-coo, W. China, French missionaries at, xiv. 342, xv. 169 Tze-fan, W. China, described, xiv. 343, natives of, xv. 171 Tzigan, see Gipsies Tzkenis:Tsquali river, Caucasus, xiii. 69, sources of, and thickets along, 70 Tzo riyer, S.E. Africa, connection of, with other waters, i. 240 Tzu-chi on the Yung river, E. China, quarries near, xiii. 170, and water connection between branches of river at, 171 U. [For names beginning with this letter see also under Ow.] U, or Tibet Proper, xii. 167 province, Tibet, xix. 329 Uamache, town, S.C. Africa, i. 75 Uara, N. Africa, xi. 34 Uaupe's, river, Brazil, Wallace on, xi. 108-9 Ubena, and its natives, E. C Africa, xxii. 244 Ubengu, S.C. Africa, xiv. 10 Ubenu, E.C. Africa, slaveB from, xviii. 71 Ubsa, Lake, Altai region, C. Asia, position of, and visits to, xxii. 52 Ubwari, Promontory, Tanganika, escape of bitumen at, Stanley on, xxii. 402 Eength of, Stanley on, xxii. 40} UCA— UJI 343 Ucayali river, tributary of the Amazon, Peru, S. America, i. 252, viii. 59 Explorations of — Maldonado's, xi. 103 Peruvian, about 1869., xiii. 133 WaUace and Mann'B, 1865., xi. 173-4 Wertherman's, 1876., xxii. 369 Extent of its drainage area, xv. 369 Sources of, xv. 131 Uohambi district, Viotoria Nyanza, Stanley's journey to, xx. 141, 154 Udalgori, Assam, trade route to, xix. 341 Uddu, Victoria Nyanza, xxii. 392 Speke in, vii. 231 Uemba, L. Tanganika, xxii. 398 Uelle', or Welle, river, Central Africa (eee oZso Aruwimi) direction of, xvii. 22, rise of, 29 discovery of, by Dr. Schweinfurth, xv. 311, xxi. 492 various names of, history of exploration of, course of, xx. 130 volume of, xvii. 24, xxii. 405 Uffpa, district, Central Africa, xviii. 244 Ufumbiro Mountains, C. Africa, source of the Alexandra Nile in, xxii. 392 Ugaga, C. Africa, xx. 309 elevation of, xix. 248 Ugamba, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 147 Ugana, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 147 Uganda, Kingdom, Victoria Nyanza, vii. 190 ; see also Ougonda boundaries of, vii. 186 customs in, 1871., xviii. 142 - hills and timber in, H. M. Stanley on, xxii. 322 journeys in, S. W. Baker, x. 20, Belle- fond's, 1876., xx. 10, Kirk, 1872., xvi. 166, Col. Long's mission, 1874., xix. 107, Speke, vii. 182, 185, Stanley, 1875., xx. 10. King Mtesa of, Stanley on, xx. 148 et seq. mission from, to Sultan of Zanzibar, Kirk on, xvi., 186 missionary prospects in, Stanley on, xx. 152-3, xxii. 252-3 missionary journey to, and death of Lt. Smith, xxii. 372 products of, xxii. 253 proper, as ruled by Mtesa, extent of, xx. 46 rivers of, xx. 367 temperature of, Speke and Grant, vii. 225 Ugara, C. Africa, level country in, xix. 247, Lt. Cameron in, xx. 308 Ugarrowwa river, see Lualaba , theories concerning, xix. 75-78 Ugerengeri River, E. Africa, xvii. 334-6 Ugeyeya, country, Victoria Nyanza, de scription of, and inhabitants, xx. 146 Mountains of, xx. 155 ; their great size, xx. 42, sources of the Nile in, H§ Ugeyeya, country, Victoria Nyanza — cont. slave trade in, xx. 146 Ugingo island, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 42 155, xxii. 389 Ugogo, country, E. Africa, v. 11, 15 difficulties of journey to, xxi. 234 dominant tribe in, xxii. 32 1 extent and surroundings of, Stanley on, xxii. 385 journeys to, Cameron's, xviii. 72, xx. 306, Speke's use of porters on, v. 11, Stanley's, xx. 134-5 native prince of, xxii. 149 plains of, xx. 155, desert plains and elevated, plateaus, xx. 43, marBhy plains, xxii. 29 Ugoma Mountains, C. Africa, xx. 309 crossed by Lt. Cameron, xx. 310 Ugombo lake, E. Africa, xx. 306 source of river Mukondokwa or Ma- kata, xxi. 234 Stanley's views on, rebutted by Lt. Cameron, xviii. 70 Ugono Mountains, E. Africa, vi. 49 elevation and inhabitants of, Baron Charles von der Decken, viii. 5 Ugoweh river, Viotoria Nyanza, xx. 41 natives at, xx. 156 Ugufu Mountains, C. Africa, xxi. 468 Uguhha country, C. Africa, description of natives in, Lt. Cameron, xx. 310 Ugunda, E. C. Africa, Lt. Cameron's visit to, xx. 308 Ugungu, native name for western shores of Victoria Nyanza, xxii. 390 Uhha hills, C. Africa, xix. 152 dominant tribe in, xxii. 32 waterparting in, xxii. 396 Uiphum range, N.E. Frontier, India, Capt. Tanner's journey in, 1872., xvii. 48 Ui tagh, see Tagharma Ujfalvy, M. de, Exploration in Ferghana 1877., xxii. 340 Ujiji, Lake Tanganyika (q.v.) altitude of, iii. 114 Arab post, i. 9 area drained by lake of, iii. Ill cattle of, iii. 357 distance from the coast, xxi. 233 journeys to — Burton and Speke's, 1858., iii. Ill, 112, 348, Murchison on, iii. 302 Livingstone's, xii. 176, xv. 116, 206-7, xvi. 159, difficulties on journey to, xvi. 226 ; his account of his stay at, xvi. 435 Speke's exploration of, iii. 351 Stanley's visit to, xxii. 154, his meet ing with Livingstone at, 1871., xvii. 9 lake of, its dimensions, iii. 117 ; shrink age of, vii. 221 ; (see Tanganyika) 344 UJI— UNC Ujiji, Lake Tanganyika (q.v.) — continued. latitude and longitude of, xix. 251 Mountains opposite to, xviii. 256 position of, iii. 117, xii. 281, xvii. 69 rivers near, xvii. 69, xviii. 268 routes to, i. 9 Ukafu, bay, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 148 Ukali, W.C. Africa, ii. 33 Ukamba country, East Africa, visit of Hildebrandt to, 1877., xxii. 451 Ukara or Ukerewe, lake (The Victoria Nyanza), i. 8, iii. 113, 114, xvi. 128 Burton on, xvi. 129, 131 discovery of, by Speke, iii. 211 exploration of, by Speke, iii. 348 estimated latitude of, iii. 117 native names for, i. 8, and report on size of, xvi. 130 position of, iii. Ill , island of, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 145, xxii. 389 inhabitants and king of, xx. 154 Ukaranga-Tongwe', country, Lake Tan ganika, xxii. 398 Ukembane, E. Africa, Krapf 's journeys to, iii. 115 Ukerewe, island, Victoria Nyanza, vii. 220 description of, Stanley, xxii. 388 extent of, xx. 42 missionary report on good government of, xxii. 37 natives of, xx. 145 slave trade of, xx. 146 Ukimbu, or Uyanzi, Lake region, Africa, Stanley's visit to, 1874., xx. 135 Ukraine, CoBsacks of the, vi. 59 Ukuugwe, Lake Tanganyika, iii. 112 Ulagalla or Uragara, capital of Uganda, xx. 150, geographical position of, 144 Ulala, province, Livingstone's death in, 1873., xviii. 245 Ulambi, district, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 147 Ulangur, river, Russia, viii. 206 Ular Bulu, mountain, Borneo, visited by Lieut, de Crespigny, xvii. 133 Ulegga, C. Africa, xx. 120 ; see Uregga Ulenge (see Lange'), lake or river, Central Africa, xiv. 8 Uliassutai, river, Western Mongolia, xvii 188 ¦ , town, visited by Pavlinof (1871.), xv. 291 ; by Elias, 1873., xvii. 188-9 Uliunghur, Lake, Sosnoffsky on, xviii. 561 UUadulla, New South Wales, Admiralty survey of coast near, xii. 245 Ulunda, W.C. Africa, jungle district of, xx. 318-9 Um Alowee, Jebel, possibly the Sinai of the Bible, xii. 192 Umatilla river, Oregon, xi. 84 Umba, river, E. Africa, viii. 5 Umba, village, Africa, xx. 75 elevation of, xx. 76 Umbang, river, Assam, xii. 336 Umberatana, station, Queensland, xv. 96 Um Blay, valley of, lowest point of the Garo Hills, Assam, xvii. 36 Umchlasi River, S. Africa, Erskine's journey up, xiii. 321 Umcomogaz river, see King George's river, and Umkomogazi Um el Jemal, Syria, walls of, ii. 178 Umfule, river, S. Afrioa, gold workings near, xv. 155 Umgerania, S.E. Africa, goldfleld of, xix. 117 Umgoniland, South-East Africa, cotton culture in, xix. 123, leopards in, 124 Umgwema, river, South Africa, xiii. 336 Um-ihlatlangalor, Kraal of No-Bengule, S.E. Africa, xv. 153 Umkeis, Syria, visit of Eaton to, viii. 29 Umkomasi. river. South Africa, xiii. 336 Umkomogazi, river, S.E. Africa, xiii. 336, xvi. 97, 98; see also King George's river Umkonto, river, South Africa, xiii. 337 Umlumase or Umlumazi, river, South Africa, rain at, xiii. 336; source of, xix. 117 Umm Nirdn, cave, Syria, explored by Burton, 1871., xvi. 104, 110 Umm Rakibeh, Syria, xvi. 112 Um-Mzoghal, ruins, possibly those of Sodom, viii. 280 Umon, Island and Town, West Africa, natives of, averse to trade, xx. 224 Umpqua, river, Oregon, U. S. America, xi. 85 Um Shaumur, Peninsula of Sinai, partial ascent of, 1857., by Rev. F. Howlett, vii. 42, height of, x. 159, xii. 191 Umswelisi, river, S.E. Africa, possibilities of production in valley of, xix. 124 Umtasiti, river, South Africa, quartz reef near, xiii. 32i, game near, ib. Umtonto, district, S. Africa, forest-covered rocks and hills in, xxii. 129 Umtshan-tshan, hills, South Africa, xiii. 332 Umvoloosi, White, river, South Africa, xiii. 337 Umyati, river, South Africa, xiii. 136 Umzeila, South African chief, history of, xiii. 324, deputation from, to St. V. Erskine, xix. 112, interviews with St. V. Erskine, xxii. 129, 132 ; his kraal, geographical position of, xvii. 298, de fined by St. V. Erskine, xix. Ill, its name, 124 Unalacheet, river, Alaska, North America, xii. 187 Uncomogazi, see Umkomogazi and King George's river UND— UNY 345 Undulatory motion of the Sea and its currents, Cialdi on, iii. 395 Ungnesi, river, Central Africa, vi. 32 Ungsang, peninsula, Borneo, ii. 347 Ungudya Mkun, or Old Zanzibar, xx. 70 Uniamesi. Uniamwesi, Unyamesi, or Un- yamwesi, Central Afrioa — District, Central Africa, xx. 308 ; Arab government in, traces of, xxii. 35; boundaries of, P. Broyon-Mirambo, xxii. 29-31 ; burial ceremonies in, xxii. 35 ; king and rulers of, xxii. 32- 3 ; marriage ii, xxii. 34-5 ; products of, Burton on, iii. 357 ; rainfall in, ix. 14; routes through, i. 9; Best route thither from the East Coast, P. Broyon-Mirambo, xxii. 28 et seq. ; superstitions of natives of, xxii. 34 ; tribes of, xx. 29-31 Lake of, i. 8, 450, ii. 52 ; other names for, i. 8 ; length of, iii. 114 Union, Cape, Arctic regions, xx. 60 United Kingdom (see also Great Britain and separate parts) — Surveys : Admiralty survey, 1856., i. 137 ; 1857., i. 400; 1858., ii. 258-263; 1859., iii. 261; I860., iv. 145 ; 1861, v.166; 1862., vi. 130; 1863.. vii. 137; 1864., viii. 189 ; 1865., ix. 219 ; 1866., x. 216 ; 1867., xi. 190 ; 1868.,xii. 239 ; 1869., xiii. 274; 1870., xiv. 303; 1871., xv. 261-3 ; 1872., xvi. 315 ; 1873., xvii. 253 ; 1874., xviii. 535 ; 1875., xix. 405; 1876., xx. 404; 1877., xxi. 431 ; 1878., xxii. 333 Cadastral survey, vi. 140, vii. 145, viii. 195 Geological survey, progress of, i. 409-12, v. 182, vii. 146, viii. 196 Ordnance survey, I860., iv. 158 ; 1863., vii. 144; 1864., viii. 195 Triangulation of, carried into France and Belgium, etc., viii. 195 United States — Admiralty Surveys : see Progress of Geographical Knowledge, infra Baohe's coast surveys, ii. 233, 270 commercial routes across, ii. 336 cotton cultivation in the Southern States of, iii. 315, vii. 68 development of the whaling trade due to Arctic Exploration, i. 154 expeditions and explorations : Burton's to Salt Lake City, v. 1 ; Government, (Pacific), i. 165, iv. 85; Palliser's, (Rocky Mts. of California), ix. 33; Sevin's, (New Mexico), 1856., iii. 108 ; Wheeler's (to the same), 1878., xxii. 272; Whymper's (in Russian America), 1865-7, xii. 186; pro posed, 1857., i. 465, do, from Zanzi bar, ii. 52, xvii. 274 United States — continued. Geographical and Statistical Society of, work of, i. 463, iii. 327 progress of, xv. 273, xvi. 329, xvii. 272 gold in, xxii. 275 Notes on a Map of, Poore, ii. 336 Physical Geography of the Coloraao Basin and Great Basin region of, Bell, junr., xiii. 140, 142 progress of geographical knowledge in, i. 165, 462, ii. 289, iii. 327, vi. 137, xv. 273, xvi. 329, xvii. 272, xix. 488, xx. 431, xxi. 461, xxti. 365 railway surveys in Western, Bell on, xiii. 140 railways and canals in, mileage of, in 1858., ii. 342 rivers of, compared with Chinese rivers, ii. 206 Russo-American Telegraph Work, pro gress, 1866., xi. 39 (proposed) Telegraphic Communication with, and route for, (see N. Atlantic Cable), Schaffner, iv. 101 United States Minister in England, on Goad's paper on Lt. Wheeler's explo rations in New Mexico, xxii. 282 Universities Mission, foundation of Magila Station, E. Africa, by, xxii. 373, other stations of, xx. 69 Unknown lake, Afrioa, Livingstone on, xii. 435 Unkomogazi, river, South Africa, xvi. 97 ferry over, and navigation of, 98 ; see Umkomogazi, and King George's river Un-kwesi, river, S. Africa, xv. 149 Unyama, or Unyame, river, Africa, affluent of the Nile, xviii. 138, xxii. 391 ; rich soil on banks of, xviii. 140 Unyampaka, Africa, Stanley's camp at, xxii. 394 Unyamwezi, see Uniamesi Unyanyembe, Central Africa, altitude of, iii. 113; border heights, xix, 142 ; Bur ton and Speke's station in, iii. 303, 348; Cameron at, xx. 307; Cameron's journal of journey from, to Ujiji, 1873., xix. 130; disturbances at, xvi. 102-3 ; geographical position of, iii. 211 ; letters from, on Livingstone, xvi. 385-6; road to and beyond, xxi. 234 ; tsetse fly on route to, xxii. 373 ; unsuited to Europeans, xxii. 37 ; war in, Speke's action, vii. 231 ; watershed of, xix. 142 Unyara, country, Victoria Nyanza, geo graphical position of, xx. 146 Unyoro, kingdom, Albert Nyanza, vii. 190 ; exploration of, by Speke and Grant, vii. 187; Stanley's journey through, xxii. 394; meteorological observations in, by Speke and Grant, vii. 225; 346 UNY— USA Unyoro — continued. rivers of, vii. 221 ; temperature, vii. 225- 6 ; under rule of Mtesa, xx. 150 ; see Minyoro Unyu, river, W. Africa, ii. 91 Upata, Venezuela, ii. 154, 156 Upernavik, Arctic regions, latitude of, xv. 112 ; meteorological observations at, ix. 184; reindeer at, xv. 112; visit of Dr. Kane to, 1855., i. 19, ii. 195 Upolu, Island, Navigator Islands, xxi. 141, geological formation of hills, 143, pos sesses no rivers, ib., natural harbours in, 144, "Manu Mea" bird in, 145, natives of, 145, 146, general aspect of, 145 ; equatorial wave at, 1868., xiii. 57 Upper Allumetu Lake, Canada, ii. 294 Upper Beas Valley, Kulu, Punjab, de scribed by Capt. Harcourt, xv. 337 Upper Kootenay river, British Columbia, benches of, xv. 134 Upper Trout Lake, Canada, communica tion with Ottawa, ii. 294 Upshi, Tibet, hot springs at, feeding Indus river, xvii. 198 Upstart Bay and Cape, Queensland, at mouth of Burdekin river, v. 4, 7, 123; vii. 2, 13 ; timber at, iv. 80 Ur of the Chaldees, site of, ix. 39 Rawlinson on, i. 47, xi. 157 Uraba, Gulf of, Colombia, xii. 64, sedi mentary deposits of R. Atrato in, 65, depths of, 70 Ural Mountains, described by Seebohm, xxii. 103; boundary of the Aral basin, iii. 388; dividing line of, xiii. 73; atmo spheric pressure at places in, in rela tion to height, xiii. 364; absence of glacial action in, viii. 232-3; Russian exploration in, i. 431-2 ' River, Calmucks of, xxi. 218 Uramba, Mount, Viotoria Nyanza, xx. 41, 145 Urambo, Central Africa, capital of Unya- mwesi, route to, from East Coast, P. Broyon-Mirambo, xxii. 28-9 Urawa, post town, Japan, xvii. 82 Urbano, M., conductor of expedition up Purus river, I860., x. 104 Urcullu, Don J. de, obituary notice of, i. 131 Uregga, C. Africa, mountains and forests of, xxii. 405 ; see Ulegga and Walegga Forests of, Stanley on, xxii. 157 Urga, Mongolia (see also Kurin), Russian garrison of, admitted by Chinese, xviii. 76 Urgendj, important town in Khiva, xix. 428 UrgundaborUrgundas,river,AfghaniBtan, course of, xxi. 587, mountains near. 586 Urguru, district, E.C- Africa, xx. 307 Uriji, White Lake of, Africa, (Luero to Uriji), Speke on, vii. 219 Urimba, Lake Tanganika, xix. 249 , Bay of, Livingstone and Stanley's visit to, xix. 252 Urimi, country, E. Africa, cultivation of, xx. 137; description of plateau near, xx. 141 ; elevation of, and wooded regions of, Stanley on, xxii. 386 ; Masai natives of, Stanley on, xxii. 149, 151 ; sources of streams feeding the Nile in, xx. 142 Urique, Mexico, silver«mines of, iii. 109-10 Urisino, Japan, hot sulphur springs at, vi. 204 Urmia, salt lake of, Persia, level of, vi. 163; see Urumiah Urondogani, C. Africa, navigation of the Nile to, xix. 109; Gordon's post at, xx. 474 ; lake near, xxi. 57 Urori, E. Africa, and natives of, Stanley on, xxii. 385 Urpi canal, Yarkand, xiv. 65 Urquhart, W. S., survey of gold region of Mount Alexander, Victoria, by, ii. 315 Urtai, Russian caravan station, Mongolia, xviii. 155 Urtas, Palestine, American missionary colony near, ii. 226 Urua, C. Africa, visit of Lt. Cameron to, xx. 126, 130; chiefs of, xx. 121; empire of, xx. 310 Urubamba, river, Peru, ascent of, by D. Juan R. Tucker, xiii. 133 ; see Utcu- bamba Uruch, river, Caucasus, sources and valley of, xiii. 71 Uruguay, river, S. America, i. 170, xviii. 119; forests on borders of, vi. 74 ; partial survey of, i. 407 ; exploration of, by Lt. Page, and others, i. 467 Urumchi, city, Central Asia, xv. 25; position of, xvi. 404 Urumiah or Urmia, lake, Armenia, vi. 163, viii. 277, no outlet from, xxii. 169 Urundi, C. Africa, lake in, vii. 219 Urungu, country, C. Africa, xxii. 398; mountainous region of, xviii. 261 Ururi, country, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 146 ; hilly nature of, xx. 41; districts com prised in, xx. 146 ; cattle in, xx. 155 ; extent of pastoral country in, xx. 155, xxii. 389 ; slave trade in, xx. 146 Uruspieh, Baksan valley, Caucasus, Tartar princes of, xiii. 70 Uruwa, Central Africa, white man Been in, probably Livingstone, Kirk on, xii. 21 Urville, Admiral d', Antarctic Exploration of, ii. 171, xiii. 115 U'Sabia, river, South Africa, course of, xiii. 340 ; see Sabia Usafa, C. Africa, xxji. 245, rnouptftins of, 247 USA— UVU 347 gara, province, East Afrioa, iii. 349; Stanley on, xxii. 384; dominant tribe in, xxii. 32 ; mountains, xx. 305 ; eleva tion of upper plateau of, xxi. 234 ; gorge in, xxi. 240 ; see Useghara Usakuma, Victoria Nyanza, Stanley wel comed in, xxii. 152 ; see Usukuma Usambara, country, East Africa, xx. 74 ; visit of Burton and Speke to, iii. 210; condition of, when visited by New, xix. 321 ; tribes of, xix. 322 , mountains of, vi. 47, xix. 318 Usarau, district, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 147 Usandawi, district, E. Africa, xx. 141 ; ele phants of, xx. 135 Usango or Urori country, E. Central Afrjca, Livingstone on, xiv. 9 ; vast plains and rivers in, Cotterill on, xxii. 245; see Urori Usavara, Uganda, xx. 150 Usborne, river, New Guinea, xx. 333, country near, Goldie on, xxii. 221 Usdum, Jebel, Dead Sea, fish in brine spring near, i. 223 ; visit of Clowes to, viii. 279 Useghara, E. Africa, xviii. 70 ; hills of, xviii. 71 ; see Usagara Useit, Wady, Sinai, xiii. 207 Usekhe, Africa, xxii. 248 ; boulders at, xx. 306 Uselet Mts., Tunis, and inhabitants, vi. 212 Ush, town, C. Asia, xviii. 411-2; see Osh , Wady el, Sinai, xiii. 208 Ushiuruyama,- volcano, Japan, elevation of, x. 169 Ush-Kurgan, Turkistan, visited by Ujfalvy, xxii.' 341 Usiha, C. Africa, Stanley's journey through, xx. 141 Usmaow, C. Africa, Stanley's journey through, xx, 141 Usoga, district, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 147 ; course of the Nile in, vii. 221 ; governed by Mtesa, xx. 150 ; products of, xxii. 253 ; description of, by H. M. Stanley, xxii. 390, natives of, ib., shores and terraces, 391 Usongora, district, Victoria Nyanza, position of, xx. 158; products of, xxii. 253 Usowa, district, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 147 Uspallata, plain, S. America, elevation of, xvii. 65 , pass, telegraphic route over, and elevation of, xvii. 64 Ussambi, country, C. Africa, Cameron on, xx. 318 UBSuri, Ussouri, or Usuri river, Eastern Asia, tributary of Amur river, ii. 153; ascent of, by Capt. Veniukoff, iii. 289 ; establishment of a colony on, viii. 203 note; good land near, xiii. 365; possi bility of opening up, xvi, 216 ; rise and course of, xi. 253, xiii. 32-3 ; length of, xi. 254 Ust Strelka, Eastern Asia, Russian settle ment at, xiii. 368 Ust Urt, desert, Turkey in Asia, viii. 200 ; lofty plateau, iii. 388, xi. 206 ; elevation of, xix. 423 Usuguru, Island, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 147, 157, xxii. 389 ; extent of, xx. 42 ; visit of Stanley to, xxii. 390 Usui, district, C. Africa, waterparting of Nile and Ttfnganika, xxii. 396; under rule of Mtesa, xx. 150 Usui no Yama, active volcano, Yezo, 1872., xvi. 201 Usukuma, Victoria Nyanza, xxii. 389 ; visited by Speke, iii. 348, by Stanley, xx. 141, xxii. 152 Usuma Island, Victoria Nyanza, xxii. 390 'Usur, mountains, Yemen, geology of, xviii. 197 Usutu, river,- South-East Africa, examined by Erskine, xxii. 131 little and great rivers, xiii. 337 Utah, lake, North America, fresh water of, xiii. 142 ; routes to, ii. 50 Utambara, Central Africa, Zulus at, viii. 259 Utanata, river, New Guinea, geological theories in connection with, ii. 166 Utarunai, port, Yezo, xviii. 227, 234 Utcubamba (sic, pro Urubamba?) river, Peru, exploration of, by Arthur Wertber- man, xv. 303 Utendi, C. Africa, xix. 247 Utes, natives of New Mexico, Goad on xxii. 279 Utiri, district, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 146 Utrecht, Holland, provisions of treaty of, 1713., as to Rupert Land, vii. 74 , county, Transvaal, coal in, xxii. 121 Utuhue river, tributary of Putumayo river, S. America, xxi. 572 Utumbi, kingdom, Africa, vii. 190 Utumbuca Modone, S. C. Africa, river at, i. 76 Pambraculima, town, S. C. Africa, i.76 Utura, town, S. C. Africa, i. 75 Ututwa, district, Victoria Nyanza, people of, xx. 145 Uvenda (Kowende), C. Africa, hills near, xix. 145, 247 Uveriveri,vUlage,Central Africa, Stanley's difficulties at, xx. 136 Uvinza, district, C. Africa, chiefs of, xix. 148-9, fine country in, ib. ; domi nant tribe in, xxii. 32 Uvira, district, Albert Nyanza, xviii. 142 ; narrowness of the lake near, xviii. 144 , district, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 147 Uvuma, Island, Victoria Nyanza, xxii. 389- 90; extent of, xx. 42, 147; natives of, xx. 40 ; products of, xxi}. 253 348 UVC— VAN Uvuma, town, S. C. Africa, i. 76 Uwanji, E. C. Africa, cattle of, elevated plateau of, Cotterill on, xxii. 244 Uwet, W. Africa, farms of the Creek Town people at, xx. 224, natives of, ib. Uwya, Victoria Nyanza, natives of, xx. 158 Uyanzi, C. Africa, dominant tribe in, xxii. 32 ; plateau of, xx. 141 Uzaramo, Victoria Nyanza, form of slavery in, Holmwood cited on, xxi. 502 Uzbegistan, Central Asia, Russian Expedi tion to, under Pazukhin, 1671-2., Clarke on, xxi. 218 Uzbel, pass, Central Asia, elevation of and views from, xxi. 128 Su, affluent of Chon Su, valley of, xxi. 127, mountains near, 128 Uzeristan, Afghanistan, xx. 244 Uzi, town, Zanzibar, description of, xx. 70 Uzielli, Mr., in connection with North Australian Expedition, 1856., i. 35, 172 Uzimba, Albert Nyanza, xxii. 394 Uzinja, Uzinza, or Mweri, district, Vic toria Nyanza, xx. 158 ; pastoral country of, xxii. 389 Uziri, Island, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 148 Uzongora, plateau, Victoria Nyanza, tribe inhabiting, Stanley on, xxii. 393 Uzura, Lake Tanganika, rocky plains of, xxii. 403 V. Vacovia, Alb. Nyanza, xxi. 52, 55, lati tude of, x. 17 width of lake at, xviii. 142 Yadil, Ferghana, elevation and fertility of, xxi. 136 pictufesqueness of, xxii. 340 Vaigats, island and Strait, Arctic region, see Waigats Vakage, Congo district, Africa, xix. 80 Vakinankaratra district, Madagascar, country west of, xxi. 167 Vakihankarat valley, Madagascar, popu lation of, xix. 193 Valaam Island, Lake Ladoga, geological formation of, xiii. 379, good water, 380 Valais, Switzerland, geological structure of, Volger on, iii. 279 Valdivia, Patagonia, ship-wrecked Eng lishman at, xv. 48 Vallack Point, Cape York, Australia, ex plored, viii. 116 Valorous, H.M.S., return voyage of, 1875., Markham, xx, 55, work of, 65 Valparaiso, ChUe, longitude of, i. 469 magnetic dip at, increasing, xxii. 214 trade of, in relation to Panama, vi. 77 Vambery, A., journeys through C. Asia to Khiva, etc., 1863., viii. 267, ix. 251 on his journeys, viii. 269 cited on Khiva, xvii. 165 Vambery, A. — continued. Rawlinson on his travels, viii. 272 » Strangford on, viii.. 272 Van, Asia Minor, earthquake at, in about 1659., vi. 64 Lake, vi. 64 ; no outlet from, xxii. 169 ; visited by Taylor (1869.), xiii. 244 Van CapeUen, T., Dutch resident at Coepang, Timor, ii. 9, 15 Vancouver, discovers Rapa Island (1791.), xiii. 83, his N.W. passage expedition, a visit to Nootka Sound, i: 489 Vancouver Island, B.N. America, Admiralty surveys, ii. 268, iii. 272, iv. 155, vi. 136, vii. 142, viii. 191, 217, ix. 222 bench and other geological formations at gold-diggings of, xv. 135 boundary deUmitation, 1857., i. 407 coal in, iv. 230, v. 203, viii. 91, ix. 307 communication with E. Canada desired, i. 462, proposed, i. 263 described by C. W. Grant, (1857.), i. 487 exploration in interior of, R. Brown, 1864, ix. 305; do., Mayne, (1862.), vi. 107 geological formation of, Murchison on, iii. 322 good harbours of, v. 203 missionary work in, etc., i. 489 Murchison on, viii. 86 natives of, i. 266, 267 its physical geography, climate, and mineral resources, Dr. C. Forbes, viii. 83 progress of geographical knowledge of, 1864., viii. 215 Proposed communication from, to Hud son's Bay, Banister, i. 263 proposed routes to, i. 264 routes to gold district of, Forbes on, viii. 85 . saline springs of, vi. 232 soil of, viii. 93 value and importance of, ii. 49, 333 Van Diemen's Gulf, N. Australia, i. 502, viii. 211, ix. 23 Admiralty survey begun, x. 221 colonized from S.Australia, vii. 170, 171, establishment at, ix. 234 colony near, xii. 290 Stuart's expedition, 1862., reaches, vii. 82, 169, xii. 288, and takes posses- of, ix. 233 Van Diemen's Land (see a7so Tasmania), vii. 171, ix. 228 geology of, i. 503 hot wind in, i. 35 mountains of, in relation to dry winds, i. 59 , N. Australia, once an island, v. 59 river, Stokes' chart of, xiii. 53 VAN— VIC 349 Vangaindrdno, Hova fort, Madagascar, xxi. 162, district described, 163 Vanikoro, shipwreck of La Perouse at, xvi. 390 Van Rensselaer Harbour, Greenland, Kane's winter quarters, i. 17 Vansittart Bay, W. Australia, anchorage in, x. 39 Vansittart, Capt. E. W., on Chinese barbarities and on Chinese emigrants, ii. 207, on the trade of Yangtse river, ii. 203 Varahina river, Madagascar, course of, xix. 184, source of, 199 Variata, see Astrolabe Mt. Variation Charts (see Hydrographical Department, work of) for 1858., ii. 270 by F. J. Evans, 1859., iii. 273; I860., iv. 156 Researches on, 1862., vi. 138 ; 1865., ix. 177 Varivara or Parivara Island, N. Guinea, xviii. 37 Varthema, Ludovic de, travels of, in Yemen (circ. 1503.), xv. 330 Valalda Hills, Iceland, view from, xx. 27 Vatna Jokull, Iceland, journey across in 1875., W. L. Watts, xx. 21 river rising in, v. 82 Vatra river, Argentine Republic, S. America, xvii. 63 Vaughan, D., on explorations in S.Arabia, xvi. 123 Vavabato, or Vavavato, granite Mts. of, Madagascar, xix. 189, xxi. 157 Veden, Daghestan, taken by Russia, iv. 250 Veldt district of the Transvaal, extent, etc., described by Fynney, xxii. 116 Vellir, Iceland, Greenland ice near, v. 230 Venbulli, S. America, castellated rocks of, ii. 18 Vendres, Port, France, surveys near, i. 405 Venezuela, gold in, ii. 157 republic of, how formed, ui. 93 Venice, freedom of, from silt, how secured, iii. 310 Veniukoff, Col., Additional remarks on the Bolor Highlands, xiii. 342 map of N.W. Mongolia, xvi. 350 on Palladius's route-map of Eastern Asia, xvi. 205 Ventenat, Cape, N. Guinea, channel near, xix. 229 Venus, Point, Tahiti, mark on, to deter mine subsidence, iv. 85 tides at, iv. 108 , Transit of, 1882, in connection with Antarctic Discovery, Davis, xiii. 114, 121 Antarctic observation station chosen, xiv. 155 Venus, Transit oi— continued. plans for observing, xiii. 295 Spitzbergen as an observation station, xii. 109 Stations for observing, in S. Indian Ocean, xviii. 544 Waugh on, xiii. 113 Vera Cruz, Mexico, discovery of, iii. 390 Veramin, plain of, Persia, irrigation in, iii. 4 Verde river, S. America, affluent of the PaBtassa, xxi. 557 Vereker, Hon. H. P., Report on the Brazilian Province of the Parana, vi. 74 Verkhoi Mts., Siberia, elevation of, and difficulty in crossing, xxi. 214, unin habited region near, xxi. 213 Verkhoyansk, Siberia, low temperatures at, xxi. 214 Vermeja, mountain stream, feeder of the Putumayo, S. America, xxi. 572 Vermejo river, a boundary of Paraguay, xviii. 121 Vermilion Pass, Rocky Mts., found by Palliser's expedition, 1858., iii. 123 value of, Kelly on, vi. 108 water-parting in, vi. 234 wheat-growing distriot near, vi. 233 Verneuil, E. de, value of his geological researches, i. 426 Verney, Sir H., on the African explora tion fund, xxii. 473 on Alcook's Presidency of E.G.S., xxii. 303 — the cattle of Patagonia, xv. 50 — the marshes of Paraguay, xviii. 129 — mining methods at Coquimbo, xviii. 220 Vernoe, or Vernoye, C. Asia, Russian fort at, xiv. 221 elevation of, iv. 197 pass to, xviii. 250 Vernon Islands, N. coast of Australia, x. 36 Verrugas Bridge, Peru, xviii. 208 Vertical convection movements in Seas, local effects of, xviii. 309 Verzino, old name for Brazil, xvi. 354 Veshni Oudinsk, Siberia, situation of, and trade at, xiii. 369 Vespucci, theory of his discovery of Vera Cruz, iii. 390 Vesuvius rock, Sea of Azov, i. 305 Vetura, or Owen Stanley (q.v.), Mt., New Guinea, xx. 266, peculiar shape of, 332 river, N. Guinea, xx. 333, affluents of, 334 Veuru river, N. Guinea, xviii. 42 Via Mala, Splugen, chasm of, xv. 177 Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy, sends gold medals to Speke and Grant, 1863., vii. 215-6, 224 obituary notice, 1878., xxii. 330 350 VIC— VIC Victoria, Queen of England, addresB of condolence from R.G.S. to, on the death of the Prince Consort, vi. 40 Victoria, Colony of, (see also Australia, New South Wales and Queensland), vii. 12 admiralty surveys of, vi. 135, vii. 142, viii. 192, ix. 222, x. 221, xi. 194, xii. 244, xiii. 281, xiv. 307, xv. 266, completed, xvi. 320; subsidiary do., xvii. v256, xviii. 535, 539, xix. 409, xx. 403, 408, xxi. 436, xxii. 336 Alps of, Gawier on, v. 10, Jukes on, iv. 82, 95, 97, 195, v. 10, Muller on, i. 3 ; source of the Murray river, iii. 338, iv. 97 at first called Australia Felix, xv. 200 Expeditions connected with — see Burke and Wills, and expeditions in search of same, (Landsborough, Howitt, Norman, Walker and others), Eyre, Mclntyre, etc. Hume's, 1824, etc., xviii. 532, xix. 51 joint colonial expedition in search of Leichhardt organized, (1865.), x. 59, 252 Miiller's in the Alps, (1854.), i. 3 Royal Society of Victoria's expedi tions in relation to Burke and Wills, vii. Ill, 174, Report of, 1861., vii. 35 Victorian camel expedition, see Burke and Wills Ladies' fund for expedition in search of Leichhardt, ix. 304, x. 5, 60, 252, xi. 226; death of leaders, 226-7 first settlement of, 1827.,. xviii. 533, rapid development of, vi. 56, vii. 172, xiv. 322; state of, in 1875., Bowen on, xix. 315 geological formation, xii. 140, Jukes on, iv. 95; geological maps of, made by Selwyn, vi. 175 gold in and gold produce of, i. 452-6, ii. 314-5, iii. 339, 341, iv. 79, 253, v. 243, vi. 57, vii. 181, viii. 32-3, ix. 228-9, xii. 138-9, 286, 315, xv. 243, xvi. 295, xviii. 520, 522 honour paid to Burke and Wills in, vii. 173 interest of colony in mail routes to England, i. 86 mountains of, formation of, Jukes on, iv. 95 saline desert north of, Murchison on, iii. 337 settlers from, pushing north into Queens land, vi. 13 sheep -fanning and wool production in, Lamb on, x. 327 Victoria, Vancouver Id., Admiralty sur veys of harbour, I860., iv. 155 Victoria, Vancouver Id. — continued. future of, Moody on, viii. 91 harbour of, Forbes on disadvantages of, viii. 85 progress of, (I860.), iv. 230 , W. Africa, missionary station at, vi. 239 • Victoria Bay, Russian port in Manchuria, xvi. 216 Channel, Arctic Regions, animal life of, i. 54 open sea in, i. 20 or Mosioatunya Falls, Zambesi river, i. 248 altitude at, and drop of, Frewen on xxii. 223 cultivation near, and freedom from tsetse fly, vi. 27 depth of river at, v. 129 described by Livingstone, v. 208 discovered by him, ii. 159 geological formation at, vi. 32 Land, Arctic regions, i. 19 deer, etc., of, i. 54 ' discovery of, ix. 97 , Mt., North Australia, named by Gregory, i. 229, 231 Victoria Nyanza or Ukara Lake (q.v.), v. 15 affluents of, xxi. 466 altitude of, various estimates of, xx. 11, 43, 143, 159, xxii. 387 area of, xx. 37, 43 Baker on, xx. 144 Burton on, ix. 6, xvi. 129, 131 Cameron on, xviii. 178 circumnavigation of, by Stanley, 1875., xx. 9 et seq. Climate of, Galton, vii. 225 depth of, xx. 152 described by Speke, viii. 217 drainage area of, xxii. 393 expeditions to (see also Speke and Svaulev) — C.M.S'., ' 1876-7., Hutchinson on, xxi. 498 Long's, 1874., xix. 108 Speke's, iii. 351, xi. 241 Stanley's exploration of, 1874., Grant, xx. 34 et seq. Galton on, ix. 10 Grant on, xix. 261 inflow and outfall of, vii. 215, and two outlets of, viii. 51 length of coast-line of, xxii. 253 Livingstone on, xviii. 257 maps, erroneous, of, xx. 39, 40 by Smith and O'Neill, xxii. 408 — — , Turner's, combining Speke's and Stanley's surveys, xx. 46 native information on, gleaned by Speke, iii. 852 ; sent by Livingstone, xvi. 439 VIC— VOG 351 Victoria Njrahza or Ukara Lake— cont. native routes to, ix. 8 need for further exploration of, viii. 249 Notes on the Height of, C. GeoTge, xx. 159 shape of, xvi. 131 Stanley's letters on his journey to and circumnavigation of, 1874-5., xx. 134 et seq. description of, xxii. 152, 387 et seq. tribes on, xvi. 129 unity of lake, Grant ou, xviii. 33 Port, Seychelles, fine harbour of, iii. 314 reef, S. Atlantic, fishing on, vi. 198 Victoria river, N.W. Australia, v. 2, 3, 9, 57, vi. 13, 14, vii. 171, 177 Admiralty surveys, x. 221 Caddell's opinion on, xii. 202 characteristics of, vi. 171 climate of, vii. 170 colonization, forecasts, i. 86, vii. 14. 89, ix. 234, established, x. 251 country near, i. 491 course of, i. 228-9, 366 disoovery of, by Capt. Wickham, r.n., vii. 169 drainage area of, vii. 13 Expeditions to and Explorations of, Chimmo's, i. 260-1 Gregory's, i. 5, 6, 31, 33, 34, 50, 171, 184, 188, 191-3, 324, 328, 365, 367, ii. 5-12, iii. 157 Stokes' survey of, i. 262, 502 Stuart's expedition to, 1862., vii. 12 Wickham and Stokes, (1839.), i. 366 fine country on, iii. 91, xiv. 197 ¦ harbour at mouth of, vii. 90 healthy district of, i. 456-7, 459 largest tidal river of Australia, vii. 86 latitude of, vii. 89 mountains near, xii. 288 native weapons on, ii. 12 navigability of, ii. 211, 2J2 position of bay at mouth of, v. 144 shoal in, i. 262 size of, vii. 14 source, ii. 7, v. 9 suited for cotton culture, vii. 13 table lands of, i. 230 tides, i. 225, vi. 14 varying freshness, ii. 14 , Barcoo, or Cooper's Creek, Queensland, iii. 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 30, 88, 334, vii. 4, xii. 286 Victoria, H.M.C.S., sent on search for Burke and Wills, vi. 24, 70, salves the Firefly, 173, vii. 3, returns, 6, 7, further details, 36, 37, 38, 173 surveys on the N. Australian coast, vii. 114, xi. 194 - — Strait, (of Rae), Arctic regions, Frank's crews pass down, 1849., i. 22 Victory, Cape, Arctic regions, Franklin's record found at, iv. 11 — — , Mt., N. Guinea, elevation of, xix. 233 Vioucu, town, S.C. Africa, i. 75 Vienchang, capital of Laos, xiii. 307 Vienna to Asterabad, route via the Danube and Caspian, i. 306 Geographical Society, foundation of, i. 51, 151 Vigne, G, T., cited on the course of the Indus, x. 307-8 cited on the Karakoram Mts., xx. 491 on Kashmir, its climate, etc., iv. 32 Viloariota, Peak of, Andes, water-parting near, xv. 369 Villa, Chev. I., Planispheres by, vi. 249 Villa Occidental, Paraguay, unhealthy situation of, xx. 500 Rica, Paraguay, route to, xx. 495 Village Island, Australia, i. 80 Villano, S. America, tributary of the Curari, xxi. 567-8 ViUarino, B., expedition of, up the Rio Negro, viii. 160, 162 Villeta, Paraguay, healthy situation of, xx. 500 Vincennes, U.S.S., survey exploration in N. Pacific Ocean, 1854., i. 16, corrects Wrangell as to Arctic ice, i. 29 Vindu, Lower Congo, xix. 96 Vinland, site of, xvii. 317 Vinyata, basin of, C. Africa, Stanley on Nile feeders in, xx. 137, xxii. 386 Virago, H.M.S., rescues Strain's Darien exploring party, i. 88 surveys of inner Channel, Gt. Barrier Reef, xiii. 282 Virgin Gorda, W. Indies, earthquake at, (1867.), xiii. 280 Virgin Islands, W. Indies, earthquake at, xii. 243 Virgin's Pass near Shiraz, nature of, i. 322 Visca, Rio de, tributary of the Amazon, xviii. 211 Visconti, Marquis Giammartino Arconatl, obituary notice of, 1876., xx. 388 Vision, Mt., Australia, vi. 55 Visp, earthquakes at, i. 149, ii. 287 Vitalatlolu, S. E. Africa, missionary station at, x. 174 Viuda, pass de la, Andes, elevation of, xv. 131 Vizagapatam, India, rainfall of, xi. 64 Vladikavkaz, see Wladikafkas Vladiovostock, or Port May, Harbour, Russian settlement at, xi. 253, xiii. 365 Vloe, on the Volta, Africa, rocks near v xviii. 187 Vdambdhitra, Mt., Madagascar, elevation and aspect of, xxi. 170 Vogel, Dr. E., Astronomical observations for Latitude and Longitude in C, Africa, i. 444, table of, 518 352 VOG-WAI Vogel, Dr. E. — continued. explorations of, in N.C. Africa, i. 155, journey along the Chadda, i. 114 ; do. (1855.), ii. 30, 35, viii. 10, 11 fate of, accounts of, ii. 79 on the Ivory trade of C. Africa, i. 215 letters from, Three Letters to Dr. Barth on African latitudes, i. 15 , Murchison on, viii. 4 on his journey in C. Africa, viii. 10-11 Bearch for papers of, by Baikie, (1861.), xi. 49 traces of, and of Corpl. M'Guire found by Dr. Baikie, viii. 10 obituary notice, ii. 257 award to his sister, viii. 243 note Vohemaro, Madagascar, ix. 289, described by Gunst, 290 Vohidoity, Madagascar, described by Holding, xiv. 369 Vohileha Hill, Madagascar, xxi. 170 Voi or Tanganyiko river, E. Africa, source and course of, xxii. 450 Voksa river, affluent of Lake Ladoga, xiii. 379 Volcano Bay, Japan, active volcanoes of, and mineral wealth, xvi. 201 breadth of, xviii. 228 exploration of W. Shores of, Forbes, x. 169, 172 filling up, x. 318 Volcano Mts., S. America, iv. 46 Volcanoes, extinct and active, formation of, Duncan on, xxii. 90 Volchoff river, affluent of Lake Ladoga, xiii. 376, 378, 379 Volga river, deepening of mouth of, i. 307 high right bank of, i. 416 rise and course of, ix. 265 sidewise movement of, xx. 499 Volger, Dr., observations and history of earthquakes in Switzerland, Murchison on, iii. 279 Volta river, Africa, boatmen of, xviii. 189 distance of, from the Niger, Glover on, xviii. 286 explorations of: Bonnat's, 1875., xxi. 474, Croft's, 1872., xviii. 183, Dolben's in H.M.S. Bloodhound, vi. 49, Glover and Kennedy's, 1869., xiii. 360 Vomzongo district, Madagascar, natives of, xix. 197 Von Bary, Dr. E., see Bary, Dr. E. von Voorland, the (Prince Charles Island), Spitzbergen, soundings near, ix. 169 Vorkai river, Arru Islands, ii. 164 Vorlegenhed Hook, Spitzbergen, ix. 311 Votovorono, volcanic peak, Madagascar, xix. 188 Vrana, modern name for Marathon, i. 481 Vuelta del Norte channel, Parana river, xx. 500 Vuga, E. A frica, explorers' visits to, xix.317, climate, 321, coal near, ib., peaks of, and position, 319-20 Vulkano, Santorin I., Greek archipelago, volcanic eruption at, x. 118 Vunga, Africa, Middle Zambezi, i. 248 Yyndya, Mts., India, Campbell on, xi. 57 W. Waaygat, see Waigats Wabash canal, North America, its course, ii, 207 Wabbe Shabeli, river, Somaliland, x. 115 Wachungu, tribe, L. Nyassa, district, etc., of, Cotterill on, xxii. 242, 3 Wadai, Sudan, Africa, ii. 34, 80 ; ivory of, i. 215 ; Vogel's reported death at, i. 443 Waddington, A., On the Geography and Mountain Passes of British Columbia, in connection with an Overland Route, xii. 121 ; additional remarks, 122, 126 Waddouring Springs, West Australia, xiv. 191 Wadela plateau, Abyssinia, described by Markham, xiii. 299 Wad en Fys, river, North Africa, sources of, xv. 218-9 Wadigo, East Africa, low lands of, xix. 322; visited by New, 1874., xix. 317 Wadnoon, Morocco, commencement of desert, ii. 376 Waduruma, Central Africa, coast lands of, xxii. 450 Wadusi, river of the, Central Africa, i. 9 ; its size, i. 10 Wafipa, district, Central Africa, river in, i. 9 Wagga Wagga, town, New South Wales, iii. 338 Waghorn, Lt., and the Overland Route to India, iii. 192, iv. 56 Wagish, identified with Surkhdb or Wakhsh river, Central Asia, xx. 17 Wahabite Kingdom, Arabia, Palgrave on, viii. 67 ; extent of, 69 ; government and religion of, 70-73, 74 ; capital of, see Riadh Wahambia Cataract, Albert Nyanza, xxi. 52 * Wahganyab, S. Australia, x. 129 Wahidee StateB, S. Arabia, district de scribed, xvi. 116 Wahlberg, J. F., Swedish Traveller, obituary notice, 1857., i. 396 Wahnapitae, river and lake, Canada, connection with French river, ii. 294 Wahsatch Mts., North America, xiii. 140 Wahumba, or Masai, land of, E. Africa, watercourses trending to, xxii. 385 Wai, river, E. China, outfall of, xiv. 32 WAI— WAL 353 Waiau, river, New Zealand, forests near, ii. 356 Waigat, Greenland, i. 105; icebergs in, xx. 58, 62 , Spitsbergen, Icebergs in, ix. 176; originally called Sir Thomas Smyth inlet, xvii. 99 Waigats (Vaigats, Waaygat, Waigatz, or Waygats), Island and. Straits, Novaya Zemlya, i. 432 ; icebergs in, ix. 172 ; navigation near, i. 29; swell near, ix. 174 ; tide in, ix. 173 Waigiou, Island, New Guinea, vi. 43 Wai-ho (river), E. China, Grand Canal at, xiv. 22 Waikawa, Whaling Settlement, New Zea land, ii. 356 Wailili, bay, Upolo Island, Navigator Group, blind harbour, xxi.144 ; German cotton plantation at, xxi. 145 Waimea, plain, Hawaii, climate of, xii. 307, fertility of, 310 Waini, river, B. Guiana, forests on, ii. 154 Wainwright, Jacob, at Livingstone's death, xvni. 245-6; at Livingstone's funeral, xviii. 511 ; present at evening meeting, 1874., xviii. 254 ; his journal, 255 ; tribute to his character, Hut chinson, xviii. 182 Waitaki, riverK New Zealand, explored by Hector, 1863., viii. 47 vaUey, sterility of, vi. 72 Waite, Peter, letter to, from Ross, on his exploration of Cooper's Creek district, 1870., xv. 96 river, Australia, xv. 97 ; course of, 98-9 Waitemata, harbour and river, New Zea land, surveyed, i. 406 Wakamatsu, Japan, siege of, 1868-9., xviii. 236 Wakatipu, Lake, New Zealand, Hector's visit to, viii. 48, ix. 33 Wakefield, Rev. T., on the death of New, 1875., xix. 323; map of East Africa, notes on, by K. Johnston, xvi. 125 and New, journeys in East Africa, xvi. 127 Wakhan, Pamirs, position of, xviii. 433; territories of, xviii. 431 ; extent of, 435 ; tribes of, claiming descent from Alex ander the Great, xviii. 430 valley, glacial lake in, xv. 13 ; the Mirza's travels in, xv. 182-3 and Badakshdn, Observations on, by Sir H. C. Rawlinson, xvii. 108 Wakhsh, river, Central Asia, see Wagish Wakool, river, New South Wales, naviga tion of, iu. 338 * Wakua, river, New Guinea, geological theories connected with, ii. 166 Walegga, mountains, Central Africa, position of, xvii. 22 ; see Ufegga Wales, H.R.H. Prince of, and the Anni versary Dinner, ,1869., xiii. 318; at Royal Geographical Society, xvii. 165 ; Patron and President of African Ex ploration Fund's Committee, xxi. 17. 393, 476 ; at meeting on proposed new Arctic Expedition, xix. 206, 223; in the Chair to welcome the returned Arctic Expedition under Nares, xxi. 93 ; vote of thanks to officers of Expedition, 119; assistance to Sir Samuel Baker in suppression of slave trade, xviii. 52 ; sends Baker's letter to Royal Geo graphical Society, 1872., xvi. 187 ; letters from, on Sir Samuel Baker's expedition, xviii. 5, 6; speech on Sir Samuel Baker's Nile Expedition, xviii. 67; at Stanley's lecture, 1878., xxii. 143, proposes vote of thanks, 165 ; illness of, 1871., Rawlinson on, xvi. 124 ; presentation of maps of Upper Egypt by, 1875., xx. 14; travels of, I860., iv. 256; Governor Kennedy on, vii. 17-18 Walfisch Bay, South Africa, Hahn's journey to, 1856., i. 55,- v. 16 Walker, A., explorations in New Zealand, account of, viii. 215 ; journey along West Coast of Middle Island, New Zealand, 1863., ix. 33-4 , Gen. Beauchamp, on the career of Consul Elton, xxii. 250 ; on the Mirza's and other travels in the Pamirs, etc., xv. 203; on the population of Pekin, x. 157-8 , F., award to, vii. 120, 122 Expeditions in Australia, ix. 230, 304, xii. 207; offer to seek Leichhardt, i. 323 ; in search of Burke and Wills, vi. 24, vii. 3, 36, 37, 38, 111, 173 ; route taken, vii. 4, 9, 175 ; finds traces of them on Flinders river, vi. 174, vii. 4, 6, 7, 41, 112, 175; finds traces of Leichhardt's expedition, x. 59; tra verses good country, vii. 8, 42 ; journey home, vii. 9 ; results, vii. 175, xii. ] 40 ; in expansion of Queensland, vii. 111- 1 13 ; surveys for telegraphic exten sion, xii. 54 ; mountain named after, vii. 83 ; refers to Jardine Creek as Macadam River, xii. 141 death of, 1866., xii. 54 , J., On projects for inter-oceanic canal, Central America, i. 65 , Capt. J. B., Note on the Old Calabar and Cross rivers, xvi. 135, 368; Visit to the Old Calabar and Qua rivers, the Ekoi country, and the Qua rapids, 1875., xx. 224 , Col. J. T., In charge of Great Trigonometrical Survey, xv. 278-80, his work in connection, xvi. 344; on the Himalayan Provinces, xix. 439 ; on the 2 A 354 WAL— WAX Walker, Col. J. T. — continued. Mullah's surveying journey in Trans- Himalayan regions, xxii. 352-4 ; on the results of explorations in Central Asia, xvi. 260; on survey work in India, i. 161 Walker, R. B. N., journey up the Ogowe river, West Africa, xvii. 354 ; letter on his explns. in W. Africa, 1865., x. 128 , Mr., missionary, Gaboon district, testimony favourable to the truth of Du Chaillu's narrative, v. 215 note Walker, Cape, Arctic regions, i. 22;. animal life of, i. 54; sea usually icebound at, i. 24 Mt., North Australia, vii. 83 point, Queensland, xi. 151 River, Queensland, gold at, xii. 142 Walker's Creek, Queensland, geological- features of, xii. 142 Plains, Queensland, xii. 142 Walla, river, E.C. Africa, xix. 142 Wallace, A. R., iv. 193 exploration of the Sadong river, 1855. i. 193 ; in Malay Archipelago, Mur chison on, viii. 210 ; voyage to New Guinea, iii. 358 ; in S. America, ix. 245 OntheArru Ids.,Malay Archipel.,ii.l63 ; 310; on the colonization of North Australia, vii. 88-9 ; on the north west portion of Borneo, i. 439 ; the Comparative Antiquity of Continents as indicated by the Distribution of living and extinct Animals, xxi. 505 ; on Kilwaru Island, and water in Islands of Indian Archipelago, ix. 32; on the Physical Geography of the Malay Archipelago, vii. 206; on the rivers of Peru, xi. i08-9 ; on the Trade between the Eastern Archi pelago and New Guinea, vi. 43 ; work on the Malay Archipelago, cited, xiii. 286 et seq. and Main, Peruvian exploration of the Ucayali and other rivers, 1865., xi. 173 Mt., South Australia, ii. 17 . Wallad Shellai", Egypt, described by Petherick, v. 28 Wallamette, river, Hudson Bay territory, American missionaries invited to settle on, iv. 35 ; and the result, 36 Wallangchoon, pass, see Tipta la Waller, Rev. H., on Cameron's African Explorations, xix. 77, xx. 132-3 ; on Erskine's Explorations in South-East Africa, xix. 132; on Livingstone and on the River Congo and other Expe ditions, 1872., xvii. 33 ; on alleged death of Livingstone, xi. 146 ; on the fate of Livingstone, xi. 251 ; on the possible safety of Livingstone, xii. 24; on the success of Livingstone's Expedition, xii. 86; on a letter from Livingstone on the slave trade of L. Nyassa, 1868., xii. 185 ; on Livingstone's progress, xv. 209 ; on proposed expedition in search of Livingstone, 1872., xvi. 148-9 ; on the lack of news concerning Living stone, xvi. 242; on Livingstone's ex ploration of the African Lake district, xvi. 411 ; on Livingstone's death and his servants, xviii. 222 ; receipt of last sheet of Livingstone's Map, xix. 104; on Livingstone's pocket book, brought home by Cameron, and on the Lukuga river, xix. 261 -2 ; on Lake Tanganika, and its unknown outlet, xviii. 160 ; on Young, and his Exploration of Lake Nyassa, xxr 453 ; on the tonnage of Young's steamer on Lake Nyassa, xx. 468 Mt., Livingstone range, L. Nyassa, elevation and features of, Young on, xxi. 231 Wallich, Dr., on Gunnbjorn's Skerries, xvii. 319-21 , G. C, Survey of the Physical Con dition of the Atlantic Seabed, with special regard to the establishment of Transatlantic Telegraphic Communica tion, vii. 53 Walrus settlements, Arctic regions, i. 96 shoal, as a resting-place, Nares on, xxi. 279 Walsh, river, Queensland, named by Hann, xviii. 89, geological aspect of, 90, junction with Mitchell river, 91-2, not perpetual, 107 Walsingham, Cape, Arctic regions, coal at, i. 105 Walton, letter on telegraph line from Kurrdchi to Gwadur, 1833., vii. 117 Walwich bay, S. Africa, see Walfisch bay Walyamurra, lake, West Australia, xiv. 191 Wa-Mbane, E. Africa, Krapfs journey to, Macqueen on, viii. 7 Wdmi, river, East Africa, affluents of, xxi. 234, 239; ascent of, by C. H. Hill, 1872., xvii. 337, by Church Missionary Society's Expedition, xxi. 498-9 ; mouth of, xxii. 384; suspension bridge over and rapids in, xxi. 502; unfitness for navigation, xxi. 60, 498-9 Wamma, island, Arru group, ii. 164 ; Christians in, 168 Wanaba, or Taribidi, river, New Guinea, xviii. 42 Wanaka, or Wanuka, lake, New Zealand, visited by Dr. Haast, viii. 214, by James Hector, 47 Wandaigumbal, Queensland, i. 322 Wandige', province, AbysBinia, description of, xiii. 42 Wanga, E. Africa, viii. 5 WAN— WAT 355 Wanganui, river, New Zealand, Albert Walker's expedition reaohes, 1863., ix. 33 Wang-leo bum, Mts., Assam, pass through, Wilcox and Burlton cited on, v. 49 Wang-Long-Poo, N.E. China, busy walled city, vi. 221 Wanika, East Afrioa, coast lands of, xxii. 450 Wanja, in Kakoa, Nile Region, viii, 130 Wanji, river, E.C. Africa, xxii. 244 Wankie, town, S.C. Afrioa, elevation of, xxii. 223 Wanzi, lake, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 148 Wapogo country, C. Africa, i. 9 Wara, town, N.C. Africa, ii. 34; sacred mountain near, Vogel's ascent causes his murder, ii. 80 Waraweena station, South Australia, ii. 19, 20 Warburton, Col. Egerton, awarded gold medal, 1874, President's speech, xviu. 489, Bateman's reply, 490 ; on the value of camels in Australian expeditions, xix. 316; on Water Supplies in West Central Australia, xix. 317 Expeditions : — in Central Australia, 1872, xviii. 277 ; in South Australia, v. i24, ix. 75, 1866., xv. 297; in West Central Australia,1873-4.,xviii. 570-1, xix. 8, 445, xx. 430 ; account of journey across Western Interior of Australia, xix. 41 : from Fowler's Bay to head of Great Australian Bight, v. 124-5 ; towards Lake Torrens, ii. 189-90 ; Fraser's report on, xix. 483 ; furthest point reached, iv. 77; Mueller on, xix. 55 ; results of, iii. 152-4, 335, 337, xix. 484 ; success of West Australian expedition, 1874., xviii. 183 , Mr., son of Col. Egerton, xiv. 42 , Henry, obituary notice, 1859., iii. 245 Warchagam, or Yassim, river, North- West Frontier, rise and course of, xv. 12; confluence of, with Tui river, xxii. 353 Ward, Capt. the Hon. W. J., on Capt. Hall's Arctic Expedition of 1871., xv. 382 Ward mountains, New Zealand, rivers rising in, viii. 214 Hunt Cape, D'Entrecasteaux Ids., xix. 233 Straits, xix. 226 Wari river, branch of Niger river, called Benin by Lander, xxi. 483 Warigo, river, Australia, see Warrego Warner, surveyor, Hann's North Queens land expedition, xviii. 87-8, 91, 95, 97 ; finds gold, 93 Warner's Gully, Queensland, gold found in, xviii. 94 Warner's Range and Peaks, xviii. 92 War Office, Topographical Department of, Summary of its work, I860., iv. 157 Waru, on Zambesi river, waterfall at, iii. 311 Warwick, town, Queensland, v. 122 Warran, Wady, Syria, boundary of Djebel Ajlun, viii. 29 Warratu, British Guiana, views at, xv. 123 Warre, John Ashley, m.p., Obituary notice of, v. 165 Warrego, or Warigo, river, E.C. Australia, vi. 53, vu. 41 ; debouchment of, xii. 288 ; Landsborough at; vii. 84, 112, 174 river and valley, aspect of, iii. 20, 30 Warren, Capt. O, on the Reconnaissance of a new or partially known Country, xix. 155 point, Arctic regions, grave at, iv. 9 Warrior Island, Oceania, sandy, within coral reefs, xx. 107 reef, Torres Strait, Admiralty Survey of, 1874., xviii. 539 Warroona, South Australia, water at,ii. 190 Warshejkh, see Worsheikh Waseen, East Africa, xx. 77 Wasegua, tribe, East Africa,, district in habited by, xix. 318 ; villages of, x. 92 Washere, Afghanistan, xxi. 586 Washgird, old capital of Karategin, Central Asia, route via, xxi. 138 Washington, Admiral J., on Admiralty Surveys, 1863., vii. 136-7; on the Bellot memorial, and on Arctic discoveries, i. 2-3 ; quoted on Dutch Exploration of New Guinea, ix. 260 ; letter to, from Livingstone, 1863., viii. 256 ; on Maury's labours in Meteorology, and on Antarctic exploration, v. 25 ; obituary notice, viii. 173 City, United States of America, Canal from, i. 90 Land, Arctic Regions, correoted position of, ii. 290 Washington Irving Island, Arctic Regions, grounded icebergs near, advantage of, Nares, xxi. 279 Wassia Island, Arru Group, ii. 164 Wategi, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 155 Watelai, river, Arru Islands, ii. 163 Water (see Rainfall), lack of, on Sturt's expedition, iii. 155 , Salt, Specific Gravity of, Challenger observations, J. Y. Buchanan, xxi. 255, 258 Waterberg, country, South Africa, Moun tains and other features of, xxii. 119 Waterhouse anchorage, Tasmania, Ad miralty survey of, 1877., xxi. 436 Waterton or Chief Mountain Lake, Rocky Mountains, xx. 294 Watiejeh, Arabia, Palgrave at, 1863., viii. 66 356 WAT— WEL Watling Island, West Indies, probably the LandfaU of Columbus, i. 94; do., accord ing to Major, xv. 210 Watson, R. G., Notes of journey in Island of Yezo, 1873., and on progress of geo graphy in Japan, xviii. 226; Visit to Elburz Mountains and ascent of Dema vend, 1861., vi. 103 Watts, W. L., Journey across the Vatna Jokull, Iceland, 1875., xx. 21-31, 416 Watts' sugar-loaf hill, South Africa, ii. 18 Watuara, river, New Zealand, geological features of, vi. 72 Waugh, Sir A. S., on Antarctic Explora tion and the Transit of Venus, xiii. 113, 121 ; on Central Asian Exploration, xv. 202 ; in the Chair, February, 1869., xiii. 112, March, 1869., 139 ; on the Colo rado region, Dr. Bell's expedition, xiii. 140-2 ; on Croll's work on the Gulf Stream, xiii. 233 ; on the death of Lady Murchison, xiii. 113 ; on the Himalayas and Mount Everest, i. 345 ; on Mounts Everest and Deodanga, ii. 102 et seq. ; presented with gold medal for Trigonometrical Survey of India, 1857., i. 369-73 ; Survey of India, i. 161 ; on Trans-Himalayan Explora tions, x.' 163, 164, by Montgomerie xiii. 198 ; on the Transit of Venus, xiii. 113; obituary notice of, 1878., xxii. 315 Waverley Creek, North-Eastern Australia, v. 6 Waves, movement of, Cialdi's views cited by Murchison, ii. 328 Wdwd, Nigeria, ii. 98 Way, Dr. W., notes on Limpopo river, South Africa, iii. 375 Way-Lu, China, marble near, vi. 226 Wazaramo tribe on the Kingani river, East Africa, xxi. 500, Holmwood's opinion of, 501 Wdoi, alleged cannibal tribe on Wami river, East Africa, xvii. 338-9 Weary Bay, Australia, xviii: 103 Weathered Hill, South Australia, forma tion of, ii. 24, 25, 26, 27 ; mirage from, 187 ; survey of district up to, ib. Weatherstone Lake, South Australia, v. 124 Webb, Capt., Indian Trigonometrical Sur vey, ii. 302 Webbe Shebeli, see Wabbe Webeck, Labrador, survey of, 1867., xii. 196 Webo, Kabo, and Dibo, countries, West Africa, woods and manufactures of, iv. 219 Webster, Mr., on proposed inter-oceanic canal, Central America, i. 66-7 Weddell, James, furthest point South reached, 1823., Antarctic Regions, ix. 95, xiii. 114 Wedell, W., with Gregory's Leichhardt search expedition, 1858., iii. 19 Wedge rock, New Guinea, xxi. 359 Weeseefoo, China, see Wei-see-foo Weiching, C. China, rivers near, xiv. 173 Wei-fung-shan, hill, C. China, temple at, xiv. 177 Wei-hai-wei, harbour, N.E. China, iii. 59 Wei-hsien, E. China, coal-pits near, xiv. 138 Weilbarrin, West Australian native, on the remains of white men in the interior, xiv. 194 Weir, William, Obituary notice of, 1859., iii. 250 Weisee-foo, Imperial city, S.W. China, climate of, xv. 164 ; Cooper imprisoned at, 1868., xiv. 344, xix. 284; country near, xiv. 343 ; ruins of, and tribes near, xv. 171 Wei-tching-pu, or Dyn-Joan-In, Mon golia, latitude and longitude of, xviii. 77 note, Prshewalsky at, 78 Welbey, — , travels of, in the Sinaitic peninsula, xii. 192 Welcome, river, S. Australia, xv. 97. Weld, — , Governor of Western Aus- traua, originator of Forrest's expedition in search of Leichhardt, 1870., xy. 8, 296, xix. 316, 482 ; his practical interest in geography, xix. 316 Weld spring, Western Australia, xix. 485 Welle, river, Central Africa, see Uelle Wellesley Island, Australia, vii. 14 Wellington, New South Wales, discovery of gold at, 1839., xviii. 521 , New Zealand, geological survey desired, 1862., vi. 175 Channel, Arctic Regions, animal life of, i. 54 ; ascent by Franklin, 1845., iv. 3 ; current in, i. 24 ; main ice cur rent near, i. 25 ; searched for Franklin, i. 104 ; traces of Frankhn found in, by Capt. Penny, i. 22 Mountain, Australia, i. 3 Wellpuna, mountains, Australia, elevation of, xv. 97 Wells, Sir Mordaunt, on the rules and practice concerning admission to even ing meetings, xxi. 121-2, 152 ; proposes motion on same, 176-8 ; explanation of Council on same, 249-53 ; on the altera tion of regulations concerning same, 405 , Capt. R., on the Arctio Ice, xvii. 182 ; statement as to open Polar Sea, 1867., xii. 103 ; on the Polar expeditions and possible Spitzbergen route to the Pole, xvii. 104 ; on Smith's Sound, xii. 103 Wells, chain of, leading from Port Au gusta to Lake Torrens, required, ii. 27 Wellsted, Mr., travels in Arabia, cited by Miles and Badger, xv. 319 et seq. WEN— Will 357 Wenho, river, N.E. China, xiv. 84 Wentworth, river, Victoria, Australia,!. 3 Weosai (sic pro Deosai) Plains, Central Asia, elevation of, x. 162 Werne, F., among Bari people, East Africa, iii. 356 Werta-Warta, creek, South Australia, why so called, ii. 24 Wertherman, A., Exploration of the Ut- cumba river in Peru (1871.), xv. 330 ; Journey down the Perene, and other Peruvian rivers, 1876., xxii. 369 and Whiteley, expedition up the Perene river, xxii. 43 Wessel, Cape, North-West Australia, ii. 10 Islands, North-West Australia, ii. 214 ; geological formation of, i. 501, 503 ; water at South Island, ii. 13 West Cape Howe, Australia, Admiralty surveys at, 1877., xxi. 435; 1878., xxii. 366 Westgarth, — , on gold-mining in Aus tralia, i. 454 West Hill, Queensland, Admiralty surveys near, 1876., xx. 408 ; 1878., xxii. 336 West India Pilot, first volume issued, 1861., v. 177 West Indies, Earthquake wave in, 1867., xiii. 280 ; geographical summary, i. 167 ; progress of . geographical knowledge in, 1859., iii. 332 Admiralty surveys in, 1856., i. 146 ; 1857., i. 407; 1858., ii. 269; 1859., iii. 273; I860., iv. 156; 1861., v. 177; 1862., vi. 137; 1863., vii. 143; 1864., viii. 191 ; 1865., ix. 222; 1866., x. 219 ; 1867., xi. 193 ; 1868., xii. 242; 1869., xiii. 280; 1870., xiv. 306; 1871., xv. 264; 1872., xvi. 318; 1873., xvii. 256; 1874., xviii. 538; 1875., xix. 408; 1876., xx. 407; 1877., xxi. 435 ; 1878., xxii. 335 Geological Survey, Murchison on, iii. 276 Mineral Survey planned, i. 278 West Lake, Hankow, description of, xiii. 178-181 Western Port, Victoria, Australia, Ad miralty surveys of, 1866., x. 221 ; 1868., xii. 244 Westmanhoe, Iceland, late ice at, 1826, and 1840., v. 228 Westmanshaven, Fiord, Fceroe Islands, harbour of, v. 62 ; Young on, v. 72 Westminster, Marquis of, obituary notice of, 1870., xiv. 298 Westmoreland, mountains in, heights of, i. 222 Wetzstein, cited on the Hauran district, Syria, xvi. 105 et seq. Weyd el Erg, river, Tunis, ruins near, , vi. 214 Wey-Lu-Hien, N.E. China, granite walls of, and trade in, vi. 225 Weymouth Bay, Queensland, Australia, i. 84 Weyprecht,Lt., Austrian Navy (see Payer), awarded Gold Medal, 1875., xix. 347, 385, President's speech, 359, Beust's reply, 361 ; cited on Siberian sea route to Pole, xix. 176 Wezi, island, Victoria Nyanza, natives of, xx, 154 Wha-Lee-Hien, N.E. China, traders at, vi. 218 Whalefish Islands, Arctic Regions, animal life beyond, i. 54, sea fowl of, i. 53 Whaler Point, Arotic Regions, bird life of, i. 53 Whale Sound, Arctic Regions, Esquimaux of, and Sonntag's death near, ix, 183 ; Hayes on, ix. 186 Whampoa, S.E. China, anchorage at, drawbacks of, i. 331 Whangarua, Harbour, New Zealand, Ad- ' miralty survey of, 1857., i. 406 Wharncliffe, Lord, obituary notice, 1856., i. 132 Wheatstone, Professor, in connection with Submarine Telegraphy, 1840., viii. 188 Wheeler, T., cited on country near Bhamo, Upper Burmah, xv. 345 Wheelwright, W., explorations in South America, ix. 246 ; on the development of Peru, xviii. 205 ; on a proposed rail way route across the Andes, iv. 45; on his railway plans in South America, viii. 162-3, 218 ; obituary notice, 1874., xviii. 531 When-ho, river, N.E. China, iii. 78 Whewell, Dr. W., obituary notice, 1866., x. 189 Whindi, port, East Africa, xxii. 384 Whitcombe, Henry, explorations in New Zealand, and death, 1863., viii. 215, Dr. Haast on, viii. 57-8 White, Charles, obituary notice, 1873., xvii. 250 , Dr., member of Leichhardt search expedition, 1866., xi. 227 , John, sailing master, Stow's West Australian boat expedition, x. 35, 37, 42 , Mr., Lord Howe Island, xxii. 139 , R., remarks on the Open Sea in the North Polar Basin, i. 27 , Capt. T. P., On a Bifurcate stream at Glen Lednoch Head, Perthshire, xiii. 352 White Mountains, C. S. Africa, quartz or snow on, Livingstone on, i. 244 on Amoor river, Eastern Asia, xiii. 368 , Greece, height of, i. 405 : , Spitzbergen, elevation of, xii. 96 Sea, traces of Gulf Stream in, ix. 120 White Earth river, North America, i. 266 358 WHI— WIL White Fish river, Canada, North America, first accurate map of, ii. 294, Palliser's exploration of, 1857., ii. 40 ; tributary of Kaministiquoia, iii. 125 White Mud river, North America, gorge of, xx. 291 Whitley, N., On the Surface Temperature of the North Atlantic, in reference to Ocean currents, xiii. 229 Whitney, Mr., Surveys in Colorado, xv. 274 , Mt., California, elevation of, xv. 274, xix. 294 Whor Country, Central Asia, location of, xiii. 195 Whydah, town, West Africa, in ruins, i. 513 Whymper, E., Arctic Expedition of, 1872., xvii. 16 ; on the fiords of Greenland, xiii. 149, xv. 112 ; proposed expedition to Greenland, x. 257 ; on the Smith Sound route to the Pole, xvii. 182 , Frederick, on the glaciers of British Columbia, xii. 125; Journey from Nor ton Sound, Behring Sea, to Fort You- kon, 1866-7., xii. 186 ; work on Alaska, review of, xiii. 285 Whyte, W. A., Journey from Tientsin to Kiachta, 1869., xiv. 243 Wibe Tians (Jans) Bay, Spitzbergen, ix. 167 Wibisi, Africa, aspect of region of, xix. 80 Wiche's Land, near Spitzbergen, xvii. 99, recent visits to, and description of, 101 Wick Harbour, observations at, on the effect of sea-currents and winds, i. 414 Wickham, Capt., i. 34 ; discoverer of the Victoria or Barcoo river, Australia, vii. 169 ; explorations, in Australia, ii. 313, vi. 136, of the Victoria river, 1839., i. 366 , G. H., Journey among the Woolwa and Moskito Indians, 1867., xiii. 58 river, North Australia, i. 492 Widdrington, Capt., S. E., Obituary notice, 1856., i. 132 Wide Bay, Australia, i. 86 ; Admiralty soundings in, xiii. 282 ; Admiralty sur vey of bar of, xvii. 256 ; natives of, i. 256 • , New Guinea, xx. 101 Wielhorski, Count de, obituary notice, 1856., i. 133 Wien Cape, Arctic Regions, latitude of, xix. 32 Wiener, Dr., ascent of Illimani Mt., Bo livia, xxii. 369 Wiggins, Capt., visit to Obi, xix. 175, to Obi and Yenisei, 1874., xxii. 102 and Seebohm (see also Seebohm), journey to Kurayeeka, xxii. 102-6 Wijbe Jans bay, see Wibe Wilberforce, S., see Winchester Wilby, Australia, x. 63 Wilcox, cited on the Irawady, xiv. 347, criticised, 351 Wilczek, Count, Arctic Expedition of, xvii. 15 Wilczek land, Arctic Regions, discovery of, its latitude, Payer on, xix. 23 Wild Horse Creek, British Columbia, latitude of, xv. 140 Wild rice in Australia, ii. 212, 215, 312 Wilkes, Commodore, Antarctic explora tions of, ii. 171 , Mr., results of explorations in Aus tralia, in connection with wool culture, ix. 234 Wilkie, Dr. D., Letter on Mclntyre's ex pedition and discovery of traces of Leichhardt, ix. 303 Wilkinson, Commander, Australian Ad miralty survey by, xi. 194; death of, 1867., xii. 244 , J. F., Journey through the Gold country of South Africa, xiii. 134 , Sir J. Gardner, obituary notice, 1876., xx. 398 , T., Journey from Tamatave to the French Island Colony of St. Mary, Mada gascar, 1868., xiv. 372 Wilkowi basin, Danube river, iii. 207 Willamette, river, Oregon, xi. 81, 84, 85 ; American encroachment near, 1838-9., xi. 95 William, Fort, British North America, i. 462 Williams, B., on Fishbourne's boat journey beyond Nankin, ii. 208 Williamson, Rev. A., Notes on Manchuria, xiii. 26, Visit to Shansi, W. China (1866), xiii. 35 Williamson Mountain, Cascade range, Oregon, xi. 89 Williams' Station, Australia, vii. 41, a camel on the run at, 42 William's Town Observatory, Australia, vi. 54 Willis, Capt. W. A., obituary notice, 1864., viii. 184 Willoughby, Sir Hugh, discovery of Nova Zembla (1553.), and death on Kola Peninsula (1554.), xxii. 101 Wills, D. Travels in Japan, 1868-9, xviii. 236 , W. J. (see Burke and Wills), vii. 35 explorations of, in Central Australia, v. 8 ; view of Wright's creek, vi. 53 search for water, 53-4, route map and determination of latitude and longi tude, 54 portrait of, shown, vii. 2 ; merits recog nized, vii. 10 Wills creek, Queensland, Australia, mis taken for Leichhardt's Carron river, xiii. 52, width, 53, 54 , Fort. Australia, vi. 194 WIL— WOO 359 Wilmot. Commodore Eardley, letter on the Lukoja settlement, x. 117; on the resources of the Niger as regards legi timate trade, 1863., viii. 53 Wilmott Horton, river, Arctic regions, outfall of, ix. 128 Wilpina Pound and mountains round, S. AustraUa, ii. 18 Station, ii. 19 Wilson, Capt., on E. D. Young's work in Africa, xxi. 244-5 , E., Letter on further search for Leiohliardt, ix. 305 , J., Geographical notes on Campana, province of Esmeraldas, Ecuador, 1862., vi. 248-9 ; on the opening of Ecuador, x. 105 , James, geologist to North Aus tralian Expedition, 1855., letter from, i. 33, on Viotoria river, ii. 5, 8, ix. 232 ; on climate of same, x. 251 ; notes on North Australia, vii. 178, on the Physical Geography of North-West Australia, ii. 210-217 ; praise of his work and character, ii. 311 , J. F., On the progressing desiccation of the basin of the Orange river, South Africa, ix. 106 , J. S., on the physical features of AustraHa, iv. 84 , Major C. W., Address to Geographical Section, British Association, at Belfast, 1874., on physical geography and its relation to war, xix. 63, cited by Sir R. Alcock, xxi. 24 ; cited on extent of survey of Sinaitic Peninsula, xiii. 216 ; on recent surveys in Sinai and Pales tine, xvii. 326, foUowing remarks, 332 ; on the ruins of Jebel Abu Mas'ud, xiii. 211 , , and Capt. Palmer, in command of expedition in peninsula of Sinai, xiii. 205 Wilson, Cape, Australia, latitude of, xiv. 199 Mountain, North Australia, i. 367 Promontory, Australia, xviii. 520; Admiralty surveys at, xii. 244, xiii. 281, near, xiv. 307, xv. 267 WUtschek, Count, see Wilczek, Arctic Expedition of Winchester, Bishop of (S. Wilberforce), Obituary notice of, 1874., xviii. 527 , Mr., on Formosa, and other islands, xvii. 156 ; on Yezo, its inhabitants, mineral wealth, etc., xvi. 201 Windich, T., Australian native, with Forrest's expedition, 1874, xiv. 191, 192, 193, xix. 311-14 Wind River Mountains, United States, North America, xxii. 366 Winds, in the Atlantic, Capella cited by Maury on, vii. 51 Winds — continued. of Australia, iv. 82-3 in Albany Island, N. Australia, ix. 78 Trade, speed of, v. 23 and currents, relation between, iv. 239 ; permanent effects of, Murchison on, 1857., i. 414-7 Winnipeg, capital of Manitoba, Cameron on, xx. ,297 , Lake, i. 462, ii. 41 ; country near, i. 265 ; elevation of, ii. 336, extent of, 337 ; Icelanders colonizing near, xx. 296 Winter Island, Arctic Regions, latitude of, and winter at, iv. 235 Wiregedi country, Victoria Nyanza, natives and river of, xx. 154 Wirgman,Mr., Japanese traveller, xviii. 236 Wisbech, tides at, i. 74 Wither, T. P. Bigg-, The valley of the Tibagy, Brazil, exploration of, 1874., xx. 455 Witt, H. M., Specific gravity of sea- water, West coast of Africa, i. 508 ¦ Wladikafkas, Caucasus, xiii. 71 Wladivostock, see Vladiovostock Wochnee, Abyssinia, tribes near, xiii. 40 Wodgerat, mountains, Abyssinia, xii. 298 Woioutaou, West Africa, i. 513-4 Wokan, Island, Arru Group, ii. 164, Chris tians at, 168 Wolff, Dr., travels in Central Asia, viii. 272 ; obituary notice, 1862., vi. 130 Wollaston Land, Arctic Regions, animal life of, i . 54 ; traces of Franklin found on, by Dr. Rae, i. 22 Wollumbilla, Queensland, geological for mation of, xii. 142 Wolseley, Sir Garnet, on the Ashanti campaign and its geographical results, xviii. 292-6 Wolstenholme Sound, Arctic regions, animal life of, i. 53 Esquimaux of, Ommanney on, xix. 221 " Hayes' survey near, ix. 186 Woudaj pass, Abyssinia, xii. 299 Wonder Source, or Wonder Fontein, caverns of the Momooi river, South Africa, xxii. 118 Wood, Commander James, obituary notice, I860., iv. 144 , Captain John, Explorations on the Oxus river, 1838., xvii. 112; obituary notice, 1872., xvi. 300 , R., on proposed search for Dr. Leich hardt, i. 325-6 Wood bay, New Guinea, xx. 100 , Lake, Pamir region, xviii. 429, 432, elevation of, 436 Woods, Mr., Scientific aid to Young's North Atlantic expedition, I860., v. 78 , Rev. J. E. T., cited on water-supplies to Lake Gairdner, Central Australia, xii. 289 360 WOO— YAC Woods, Lt., H.M.S. Victoria, exploration of Albert river, North Australia, vii. 114 , S., on the falls of Kaieteur, xv. 131 ; on Foster's interpretation of Sinaitic inscriptions; xiii. 219 Woods, Lake of the, North American boundary, xx. 274 Point, Victoria, gold in granite at, viii. 33-4 Woody Mount, North America, Anderson on, xx. 288 Woohoo, China, see Wuhu Wool culture, in Australia, ii. 215, 216; Bowen cited on, x. 248-9 ; Crawford on, x. 88 ; facts and figures concerning, xix. 316; Nicholson on, x. 88 ; Strangford on, x. 89 ; in Burke district, x. 326-8 ; in Queensland, Lamb on, x. 325 Woolwa, river, Central America (see Blew flelds) Indians of, Wickham's journey among, 1867., xiii. 58 Woorianda creek, South Australia, ii. 18 Woo-ting-hea, C. China, gorge and legend of, xiv. 178 Woo-tsze, hills, W. China, position of, xiv. 174, elevation of, 175 World, the, Fullarton's Gazetteer of, new Edition of, iii. 285 Wornoka Creek, South Australia, ii. 18 Hill, South Australia, ii. 18 Worrell, D., with Gregory's Leichhardt search expedition, 1858., iii. 19, hurt by falling horse, 25 Worsheikh, port, East Africa, xvii. 341 "WorthingtoD, D., on the influence of level and character of country on the colour of inhabitants, ii. 219-20 ; on Dr. Wolff's travels in Central Asia, viii. 272 Wortley, J. Stuart, on the North Atlantic Telegraph Scheme, i860., iv. 106-7 Wosung, E. China, iii. 162 ; see Wusung Wouchang-fu, C. China, ii. 202 Woukee settlement, Central America, falls near, xiii. 61 WrangeU, Baron, i. 16 ; journey from Lena to Kamchatka, i. 29 ; cited on an open Polar sea, i. 20, 27 ; Polar Expedition of, 1847., xvi. 238 Land, Arctic Regions, discovered by Kellett (1849.), xix. 176 Wreck Bay, Newfoundland, icebergs near, xii. 195 Wrede, Baron de, explorations in Arabia, 1843., Badger on, xv. 330; travels in Southern Arabia, extent of, xvi. 115 Wright, Mr., with Burke and WUls, Vic torian Expedition, vi. 69; difficulties of, vii. 35, quits dep6t, 35, 36, causes of his failure, 38, 39, exoneration of, 39, 40 ; finding of the Commissioner on his conduct, vi. 169 Wright's Creek, Australia, Wills' view of, vi. 53 Wroxeter, Shropshire, Roman remains at, iv. 255 Wuchang, central city of China, trade of, xi. 264 Wuchau, city, China, geographical posi tion of, v. 240 Wu-hu, China, and valley near, description of, iii. 169 ; after rebellion, vi. 86 Wuibu (see also Ibo), Central Africa, i. 9 Wukari, Niger river, unsuccessful Fulah attack on, and its results, xxi. 489 Wu-liang, river, China, junction of, with Yang-tse river, latitude and longitude of, xi. 262 Wunagi, Niger river, viii. 53 ; limit of navigation of Niger, ix. 73 Wurda valley, India, coal of, xv. 283 Wurka, or Erech, Asiatic Turkey, ruins at, i. 45, Rawlinson on, 46, and on its bricks, inscriptions, etc, 47, burial modes at, 48-9 Wurkallay barrier, Travancore, C. R. Markham on, xi. 78 Wuru, Niger Region, W. Africa, ii. 98 Wusung, river, E. China, changes in, iii. 375 ; silk trade on, xi. 262 Wyatt, Mt., Australia, copper at, xii. 141 Wyche's land, Spitzbergen, see Wiche's Wyi, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 146 Wylde, W. H., on Elton's Nyassa journals, xxii. 249 Wylie, A., Journey from Ching-too to Hankow, xiv. 168 ; on his journey up the Yang-tsze river, China, xiv. 34 , J. W. S., on the Suez Canal, xiv. 105 ; obituary notice, 1870., xiv. 296 Wynaad, India, coffee district, x. 245; climate of, xi. 67 ; cultivation of, vii. 96 ; elevation of, xi. 67 Wyse, Lt. L., French Navy, exploration in Panama, 1876., xxii. 368 X. Xambia, S.C. Africa forest, i. 75 Xavier, Jerome, travels in China, x. 272 Xiengmai, or Zimmay, Siam, teak trade of, v. 118-19, other trade, xix. 273 Xingu river, trib. of the Amazon, xviii. 119 Xumphon, or Champon river, Siam, pro posed canal near (1860), iv. 212 Y. Yaafait, Mt., S. Arabia, and its in habitants, xvii. 118 Yablonoi Mts., Siberia, xiii. 369 limit of navigation of the Amur, iii. 92 Yabricoya, Peru, copper-mines of, xii. 128 Ya Chou, S.W. China, tea-trade of, and wax culture near, xxii. 265 YAC— YAN 361 Yacoba or Yakoba, Nigeria, situation of, i. 15, 442, ii. 31, size of, i. 16, Vogel at, i. 443, 155 Yafir pass, Ahl Mts., E. Africa, Hilde- brandt's journey to, xxii. 446 Yagama river, Victoria Nyanza, xx. 41, 157 Yagn'an river, C. Asia, sources of, xv. 288 Yaguaohi valley, Ecuador, S. Amerioa, railway in construction in, 1877, xxi. 558 Yahuas river, S. America, tributary of the Putomayo, xxi. 572 Yak of Tibet, xviii. 81 Yakan Cape, Siberia, land seen from, xii. 98 Yak-la (pass), Sikkim, explored by Bland- ford and Edgar, (sic pro Elwes?), xix. 341 Yakoob Beg, ruler of E. Turkestan, For syth on, xxii. 290 ; Shaw on, xiv. 129 Yala Shimbo Mts., Tibet, xxi. 340, main watershed of the Himalayas, xxi. 342 Yale, Brit. Columbia, proposed emigrant route to, Kelly, vi. 231 rapids of the Fraser at, vi. 109 Yale, Mt., Colorado, elevation of, xv. 274 Yallila or Yellala, rapids of, on the Congo, ii. 317, iv. 68, xix. 79, xxii. 406 Yalong river, China, tributary of Yang-tse, xiv. 336 Ya-lu Kiang (river), northern boundary of Korea, ix. 297 Y'alu river, Persia, course of, iii. 9 Yalung river, Tibet, valley described by the Pundit, xxi. 341 ; see Yarlong Yamacouslunai, Japan, x. 170 Yamanaka Lake, Japan, xvii. 79 Yamanieh valley, Arabia, viii. 65 Yamanyar river, Kashgaria. xviii. 424 streams uniting to form, xx. 486 Yamba range, S. Australia, geological formation of, ii. 21 Yamdok-chu or Yamdok-cho (lake), also called Palti, Tibet, island in, xii. 166, xix. 338 Pundit's information on, xii. 151 shape ofi Montgomerie on, xii. 173 Yamina, W. Africa, boats of, xx. 78 geographical position of, xi. 200 Yamuru, Japan, silk- weaving at, xvii. 79 Yamut tribes, C. Asia, area dominated by, xx. 173 Yana river, Siberia, affluents of, xxi. 214 Yandaboo, treaty of, between Great Britain and Burmah, xvii. 54 Yang river, China, course of, xiv. 180, xviii. 150, rise of, xiv. 180 Yanga, clove farm, Zanzibar, described, xx. 73 Yangana Creek, S. Australia, ii. 19 Yanganooka, Australia, iii. 34 Yangarusawa pass, Japan, xix. 171 Yangheen, on the Yang-tse, xiv. 168 Yangi diwan (pass), Kuenluen Mts., elevation of, xi. 10; and country near, xiv. 52 Hayward's information concerning, xiv. 316 Yangi-Hissar, E. Turkestan, cultivation at, and country near, xxi. 34 described by Forsyth, xviii. 225 elevation of, xiv. 108 environs of, xiv. 66 . great gorge near, xx. 488 latitude and longitude of, Hayward on, xiv. 67 the Mirza at, xv. 191 route from, to Yarkand, xx. 485 river, described by the Mirza, xv. 191 Yangi- or Yungi-Shahr, or Yenghi- Sheher, " The King's Fort," xviii. 225 ; the new town of Kashgar, xv. 191 ; one of the six great marts of Chinese Turk estan, xi. 7 Yang-lin, China, lake near, xx. 201 Yang ling Mts., limit of foreign trade with China, via Hang-kow, xii. 338 Yang-tse-Kiang, or Kin cha Kiang (river), China, Admiralty surveys, vi. 135, re-survey of mouth, viii. 193, ix. 223 affluents of, xii. 51, xiv. 336 as means of internal communication, xiv. 34 called Kinchar, xiv. 336 Chinese authorities cited on, iii. 375 course of, xiii. 393, xiv. 344 Eyre on, at Hang-kow, iv. 62 expeditions to, and explorations of, 1859., iii. 267, 270 ; 1862., Blakiston's (with Sarel, etc.), see below ; Cooper's from India, xii. 336 ; Lagree at, xix. 281 ; Margary's travels up, xix. 283, xx. 184 ; Oliphant's do., ii. 162; reached by Prshewalsky, xviii. 80 ; Sarel and Blakiston's, v. 216, vi. 2, 85, 164, xiv. 168, xv. 173; Swinhoe's special mission up, 1869., xiv. 235 , Upper, called Mouroui Oussou in Tibet, expedition up, 1869., xv. 292 floods of, xix. 445 insect wax of, iii. 316 natural phenomena of, Murchison on, iii. 294 navigable length of, xi. 262 navigation, Garnier's opinion on, xiii. 56 , difficulties of, abovelchang, xiv.240, 241 ,possibUities of, ii. 201, 213 , steam suitable for, i. 336 Notes on, with Corrections of existing Charts, J. M. Hockley, R.N., xi. 261 opened to English merchants, ii. 305, and trade in first year of opening, vii. 31 rapids of, xiv. 236, 237, 240, 241 362 YAN— YED Yang-tse-Kiang — continued. summer rise of (1861.), vi. 4 source, in Tibet, xiv. 219 state of valley of, before and after rebel occupation, Dawson on, ii. 164 Yani Daria (river), Russian Turkestan, antiquity of, xix. 428 old course of the Syr Daria, xviii. 250 Yao-chan, Yunnan, valley and river at, xx. 205 Yao-chow, city, C. China, Tung- ting Lake, Margary at, xx. 187; see also Yo Chow , . , Yunnan, Margary at, xx. 206 Yappar, or mouth of the Norman river, xiii. 52 Yaquachi river, Ecuador, x. 107 Yardea, S. Australia, good land nt, ii. 190 Yarigua-d and Yarigua-mi, sugar-loaf hills, Paraguay, xx. 496 Yarkand, E. Turkestan — affairs in, Mar. to Sept., 1870., Cayley on, xv. 25 anarchy in, 1866., xi. 8 brick-tea sold in, xxi. 33 climate of, 182 coal near, xvi. 406 described by Forsyth, xviii. 223, by Hayward, xiv. 62 district round, xi. 7 disturbances in, 1857-8., iii. 144 elevation of, x. 162, 238, xiv. 108 Expeditions to — English and other travellers to (1869.), xiv. 5, 6 Forsyth's expedition to, 1870., xv. 23, Cayley on, 24: 1873., xviii. Ill, 222 Hayward's journey to, 1868., xiv. 40 Schlagintweit at, iii. 172 Shaw's journey to, 1868., Forsyth on, xiii. 198 ; letters on, etc., Shaw, xiii. 200, xv. 175, 179 foreign trade of, xiv. 133 geographical position of, Montgomerie, x. 162 importance of, as trade centre, xxi. 21 in 1869., Shaw on, xiv. 125 1 Indian currency exchange with, Shaw on, xvii. 195 latitude of, x. 62, xiv. 65, xv, 287-8 longitude of, x. 162, xv. 180, 201, 287-8 merchants of, i. 274 Mirza Haidar (15th cent.) on, xx. 483 old pass to, viii. 36 population of, xiv. 133, xv. 24 region between Ladak and, Shaw on, xv. 175 rivers of, ii. 300 roads from, xiv. 66 Route from Jellalabad to, given by Mahomed Amin, with remarks by G. S. W. Hayward, xiii. 122 Yarkand, E. Turkestan — continued. route to Pekin from, Shaw on, xvi. 249 routes to, Forsyth on, xviii. 112 from India to, Hayward on, xv. 15 temperatures at, xiv. 71, xviii. 116 trade of, 1870., xv. 16 traveller's experiences at, xxi. 42 Visit to, and Kashgar, R. B. Shaw, xiv. 124 River, xx. 487, course of, xviii. 426, difficulties of early course of, Shaw on, xiv. 127, how formed, xv. 189, source, course, and elevation of, EUas on, xiv. 56, 57, 62, sources, xv. 186, sources explored by Hayward, 1868., xiv. 41 Yarkioute-tsan-po river, Tibet, Cooper and the French Missionaries on, xiii. 393 Yarlbinda, S. Australia, country round, ii. 190 Yarlong river, Tibet, supposed continua tion of the Tsang-po, xiii. 393 ; see Yalung Yarmak river, Syria (the ancient Hiero- max), viii. 29 Yarmouth, Admiralty survey, xvii. 254 Yaro Plains, Australia, discovered by Hume, etc., 1821., xviii. 532 Yarwandutta, S. Australia, ii. 190 Yaschen or Yashen, Tibet, stone quarries at, i. 276, 438 Yasin or Yassin river, Chitral, rise and course of, xiii. 130 town, xiii. 131 elevation of, xvi. 260 geographical position of, xv. 13 Hayward's journey to, xv. 10 murder at, 1870., and map of, xv. 5, xxii. 353 slave-trade of, xiii. 133 road from, to Mastuj, xxii. 353 Yasowah, active volcano, Tanna Island, N. Hebrides, xvi. 392 Yassaou, Gambia river, ,W. Africa, ceded to Gt. Britain, i. 513 Yata, E. Africa, high land of, viii. 7 Yates, J. B., obituary notice, i. 133 Yatezu village and tribe, S.W. China, xv. 169 Yauri, W. Africa, i. 114 Yavisa, Yavizo or Chico river, C. America, Spanish fort at, i. 78, 485 Yea Min Quay, China, mountain village, vi. 221 Yeadie Hill, W. Australia, view from, xiv. 192, and bearings, 193 Yeats, — , on Miiller's paper on N. Guinea, ii. 185 Yeddo or Jeddo, or Tokio, Japan, v. 132, 134, Alcock's journey to, 1861., vi. 197, 200 British embassy at, attacked, vi. 206 YED-YOR 363 Yeddo, Jeddo, or Tokio — continued- Elgin' a account of, v. 133-4, his treaty with Japan, signed at, iii. 297 journey to, Laurence, xvii. 80 native map of, vii. 62 treatment of English in, 1874., xviii. 237-8 a treaty-port, xviii. 238 winter climate of, vi. 201 Bay, and harbour, Admiralty surveys of, iii. 267 Yegaar, E. Africa, gum-trees of, xvi. 151 Yellala Falls, see YallUa rapids Yellow Head or Leather pass, Rocky Mts., Milton and Cheadle's journey through, 1862., ix. 17 Yellow river, China (see also Hoang-ho) — characteristics of, Osborn on, xiv. 34 Egre or Bore on, Macgowan on, iv. 62 elevation of, at Hokow, xvii. 186 journey to new course of, 1868., Elias, xiv. 20 ; Murchison on, xv. 295 journey along, of Prshewalsky, 1871., xviii. 77 Wyhe on, xiv. 35 Ta-tsing-ho river, in connection with, vii. 141, xiv. 21, 23, 28 Yellow Sea, colour of, iii. 59 currents of, iii. 65 Yellowstone River, N. America, explora tions in district of, 1871-2., xvii. 272 geographical, position of mouth of, ii. 363 hot springs and geysers of, xix. 294 survey of, and nationalization, xvi. 330 Yemamah river, Arabia, viii. 97 Yemen, Arabia, European travellers in, Badger on, xv. 329 locality of, viii. 69 modern conquerors of, xvi. 120 mountain ranges of, viii. 97, xviii. 200 Notes of a journey in, MiUingen, xviii. 194 rivers, dyked, of, viii. 97, Yen Chang pass, China, xiv. 181 Yengi Awat, Kashgaria, limit of inhabited country, xviii. 425 Yenikali, Straits of, S. Russia, current through, i. 306 discharge of the Don through, xv. 65 Yenisei river, Siberia, at the break-up of the ice, described by Seebohm, xxii. 109-10 explorations in basin of — Chekanoffsky's expedition to, xxi. 448 Russian expedition to, x. 234 Seebohm's journey to, 1877., xxii. 101 Swedish expedition to mouth of, xxii. 21 immense size of, xxu. 105 navigation of, xxii. 114 Yeniseisk, Siberia, forest district near, xxii. 105 gold mines of, xxii. 112 Yeoma river, boundary between Burma and British dominions, xvii. 54 Yeou river, N.C. Africa, i. 443, ii. 31 Yerbal, the, of Chiriguelo, Paraguay, elevation of, xx. 494 Yerelina creek, S. Australia, described, ii. 20, hill near, 21 Yesou Cape, Japan, x. 169 , Yesso or Yezo Island, Japan, Ainos of, Forbes, (1865.), x. 169 climate of, vi. 201, xviii. 233 explorations in — journey round, Blakiston's, xvi. 188 four explorations in, Hodgson on, v. 113 journey in, 18.73., Watson on, xviii. 226 mineral wealth of, xviii., 232 Russians in, xvi. 215 unknown to the Japanese in 1613., v. 114 Yew-heang-poo, China, pagoda, etc., at, xiv. 172 Yew-tsze Ho (river), W. China, xiv. 169 Yezil Irmak or Iris river, Asia Minor, iii. 389 Yimaha, Igbira district, W. Africa, Hausa language spoken in, xxi. 493 Yimata river, Mongolia, military station on, xviii. 60 region of, and geology, Bushell on, xviii. 162 Yimbereh, W. Africa, xvii. 121, king of, and region described, 123 Ying-tse, newport on the Liauho, N. China, vii. 26, xiii. 28 Yipe Lake, see Jipe Yisun river, Mongolia, route along valley of, xviii. 161 Yiu lu, see Grand Canal Ynamberi or Ynambari river, S. America, x. 253 affluents of, xi. 103-6 sources of, v. 224 Yncas, the, of Peru, Markham on, xv. 367 Yo-chow city, on the Yangtse, vi. 86 ; Hope Grant's furthest up the Yangtse 1861., vi. 2 ; course of river to, xiv. 235; see aZso Yao-chow Yojoa Lake, or Taulebe, C. America, described by E. G. Squier, iii. 106 Yokohama, Japan, treaty port of, xviii. 238 Yola or Yole', W. Africa, i. 16, 442, ii. 32 ; massacre at, i. 155 Yonge, Mt., Australia, water at, xi. 150 Yoorkakadnia Peaks, (Dutchman's Stern), S. Australia, ii. 17 York, Archbishop of, on Palestine ex plorations, x. 160; moves a resolution respecting the slave-trade, at a meet ing of the African Exploration Fund, 1877, xxi. 609 , Cape, Arctic, whales, etc., near, i. 17, 53 364 YOR— YUI York, Cape, N. Australia, (see Somerset), vi. 119, viii. 118, 119, 221, ix. 76, x. 51, 52, 61, xi. 195, xiv. 201, xx. 19, 93, 94, 428, 429 Admiralty survey estabUshment at, ix. 234, x. 220 Bowen's report on the district of, viii. Ill channel near, xiii. 282, xiv. 203 climate of, ix. 77-8 coast protected by the Barrier reef, viii. 117 coral formation near, iv. 80-1 described by Jardine, x. 85 development near (see settlement, infra), x. 248 distance from Brisbane, x. 246 expeditions to, and explorations at and near, Jardine's,1864., x. 32, 85, xi. 151, xviii. 96 Leichhardt at, vii.. 15 latitude of, xiv. 199 man-of-war at, xiv. 324 missionaries at, xx. 105, 264 mountains near, vii. 14 natives of, and their canoes, ii. 4 as place of refuge for wrecks in Torres Straits, iii. 89-91, x. 89 rivers near, viii. 120, explored by Jar dine, 1865., xi. 151 in relation to N. Guinea, xix. 241 settlements at and near, proposed and established, i. 266, vii. 4, 6, 14, 172, viii. 114, 115, 119, 192, 211, x. 89 District, W. Australia, expeditions in, Hunt's, 1865., ix. Ill, Lefroy's, 1863., viii. 45 : good lands near, vi. 59 Fort, Hudson Bay, proposed route from, across N. America, i. 264-6 Island, near Cape York, N. Australia, xxi. 350 Peninsula, N. Australia (see also Cape York, supra), i. 84 Admiralty survey of, xii. 245 colonial extension towards, vii. 6 described by Rattray, xii. 313 explored by Jardine, 1865., xi. 149 geological formation of, xii. 139, 143 Yoruba country, W. Africa, ii. 83 horses of, iv. 220 mud-bearing streams of, xxi. 482 ownership of land in, vi. 65 reUgion in, iv. 221 state of trade in, vii. 66 woods of, iv. 220 Yoshida village on the slope of Fuji Yama, xix. 171, place whence ascent of mtn. is made, xvii. 78, caves near, and cultiva tion at, 79 Young, Capt. Allen, Arctic expedition planned by, i. 475, xix. 420 explorations on behalf of the N. Atlantic Telegraph route, v. 62, 70 Young, Capt. Allen — continued. On Korea, ix. 296, 300 on routes for the proposed N. Polar expedition of 1865., ix. 154 on Smith Sound as a route to the N. Pole, xvii. 106 on the uses of Arctic exploration, xii. Ill work of, on Prince of Wales Island, iv. 113 Young, E. D — explorations by — of Lake Nyassa, 1876., xx. 451, xxi. 225, xxii. 17 in search of Livingstone, 1867.,xi. 161, 199 plans, progress, and reports of, xi. 245, xii. 9, 79, 86 praised, by Back, xii. 76 progress of, at Livingstonia, Lake Nyassa, xx. 445 Recent sojourn at Lake Nyassa, 1875., xxi. 225, 233 , J., Giles' 1875 expedition, xx. 431 , Sir J., governor of N.S. Wales, 1863., vii. 175 , Jess, on his proposed expedition to N. Guinea, xx. 354 , J., of Kelly, aid to Livingstone, xi. 240, xv. 7, and to search expeditions, xvii. 13, 304, xviii. Ill, vote of thanks acknowledging, xvii. 33 , T., obituary notice, ix. 214 Youngoona Creek, S. Australia, ii. 19 Yoush, Persia, iii. 9 Yoyie, Upper Nile, xx. 67 Ypane river, Paraguay, navigability of, xx. 498 Ypod, lagoon of, Paraguay, xx. 495, extent of, 498 Yquitos, Peru, progress at, (1867.), xi. 173 Yreka, California, beauty of region, xix. 293 Ys, T., on the Sea around Nova Zembla, ix. 170 Yuan river, China, Margary's voyage up, 1874., xx. 188 Yuba river, Africa, see Juba Yubuto or Yubutz, Yesso (Japan), xvi. 201, survey station at, xviii. 234 Yucatan, C. America, discovered by Ves pucci, iii. 389 Yu chu town, China, coal of, vi. 218, trade of, vi. 219, valley, desoribed, vi. 218 Yue ho river, China, affluent of the Han, xiv. 183 Yuen-mung yuen, granite road to, from Pekin, xiv. 243-4 Yuen se, city, China, xiv. 184 Yuen yang, city, China, hill and temple of, xiv. 185 Yuin chang, China, products and climate of, xv. 163 YCK— ZAI 365 Yukon, Fort and river, Alaska, Whymper's journey to, 1866-7., xii. 186 Yuldus river, Mongolia, branches of, crossed by Prshewalsky, xxii. 343 Yule, Capt. C. B., survey Vork of, in Australia, iii. 267, vi. 136 , Col. H., awarded gold medal, 1872., xvi. 275 "Cathay and the way thither," re viewed by Murchison, xi. 201 on the French missionaries in Tibet, xiv. 219 on the Geography of Burma, i. 269, 440 on Maps of Afghanistan, xx. 250 " Marco Polo," Murchison on, xv. 270, Rawlinson on, xvi. 339 on Margary's route to Talifu, xx. 214 Notices of Cathay, x. 227, 270 on the Ruined Cities of Lake Lob nor distriot, xxi. 45 on Russian explorations in Asia (Pamir region), xxi. 136 on Stanley's treatment of natives and Hyndman's resolution concerning, xxi. 58 on Tibet, and our ignorance of it, xxi. 345 on the travels of Ney Elias, xx. 239 cited on the Aral Sea, and early accounts of it, xi. 210-13 on Turkestan, xiii. 303 Yule Island or Roro, N. Guinea, xix. 229, xxi. 350 described by GUI, xviii. 37 by Moresby, xviii. 23 elevation of, xx. 107 exploration of, D'Albertis', 1875\,xx. 108 healthiness of, xx. 339 murder of Dr. James on, xxii. 220 natives of, xviii. 26, xx. 269 , Mt., N. Guinea, height of, xiv. 202 ; splendour of, xxi. 350 river, W. AustraUa, vi. 172 Yu ling, China, celebrated tablet in temple of, xiii. 174 Yunchang, Yungchan or Yungchang-fu, W. China, Margary at, xx. 210, plague- stricken plain near, xxii. 270-1, roads to, xviu. 4, 5 Yung river, China, stone quarries on, xiii. 170 Yung ho or Euho (river), China, valley of, coal in, xiv. 244 Yung leang ho (river), China, ii. 362 Yung mun poo, N.E. China, vi. 221 Yung swin, N.E. China, limit of tide on the Peiho, ii. 363 Yung woo poo, China, tree wax of, xiv. 174 Yunnan, S.W. China, and its Borders, T. T. Cooper, xv. 163, 173-4 climate of, xiv. 242, xx. 199 coal beds in, xix. 285 Davis on, v. 51 Ynnnan, S.W. China — continued. elevation of plateau of, xix. 267 expeditions and explorations in — Elias' visit to the valley of the Shueli, 1875., xx. 234 French expedition to, 1868., xiii. 56 McLeod's from Moulmein (?1836.), v. 218, xix. 275 Sprye's, v. 45 gold of, iv. 61 hills beyond, xix. 280 Mahomedan insurgents in, xv. 291 mineral wealth of, v. 46, 52, xxii. 283 minerals and manufactures, xi. 262 mountains of, and their heights, xv. 346 population of, i. 337 products of, iv. 217-18, v. 51 rivers of, xviii. 468 rising in, iv. 217-18 route to, overland, via Assam, xxi. 590 size of province of, xi. 258 southern, Lagree's description of, cited, xix. 281 trade of, and its possibilities, xx. 199, 205 Yunnan-chien plain, S.W. China, mines of, xv. 164 Yunnan-fu, chief city of Yunnan, xiii. 56, xv. 163, described by Margary, xx. 202 Yunnan Pass, near Puan, S.W. China, described by Margary, xx. 199 Yunnan Sen, provincial capital of Yunnan, Lagre"e at, xix. 281 Yun pin sien, China, prosperous walled city of, vi., 221 Yun woo Hill, C. China, river rising in, xiv. 181 Yurimaguas on the Huallaga, Peru, steamers plying to, x. 106 Yurongkash river, Tibet, ii. 301 Yuruari river, Guiana, mouth of, ii. 155 Yu Shan, China, point of junction of the channels of the Yellow River in 1868., xiv. 23 Yuva, Peru, baths of, xviii. 213 Yu Yao, China, cotton mart of, xiii. 171 Yzerberg Mt., S. Africa, iron ore of, xxii. 119 Z. Zabid, Arabia, date trees of, xviii. 195 Zabith, Tuat, N.W. Africa, ix. 313 Zafaran-boly, Asia, saffron culture at, iii. 389 Zafarane Point, Red Sea, additional light set up on, (1862.), vi. 133 Zagai, Abyssinia, near Lake Dembea, x. 299 Zagazig, Egypt, railway to, iii. 190 Zagubia village, Lake Ladoga, geological formation of, xiii. 378 Zaila, E. Africa, identified with Mundus, xvi. 153 366 ZAI— ZAV Zaire or Zembre Lacus, the, of Ptolemy's imitators, ix. 7 Zaire river, see Congo Zak Valley, Pamir district, Kostenko on, xxi. 125 Zalia, W. Africa, ii. 34 Zambezi river (see also Leeambye), i. 240, v. 16, viii. 4 affluents of, ii. 248, 366, xi. 235, and alleged source, xiv. 9 branches and tributaries of, i. 248 cataracts on, v. 130, 208 changes at month of, (1867.), xii. 10 coal along, i. 248, ii. 321, xvii. 350 continuity of, Kirk on, viii. 260 course of, Quilimane to Tete, M'Leod on, ii. 363 Delta of, fossil bones from, Kirk, viii. 151 Distriot of, products and commerce in, Livingstone on, i. 247 explorations of — Andersson's to headwaters, iv. 182 Baines', ii. 99, viii. 262 Lacerda's, 1798., ii. 316 Livingstone's, i. 233, 243, 448, ii. 35, 116, 316, v. 128 ; see below falls of, iv. 27, and rapids, i. 248 White Mountains beyond, i. 244 fish-curing work on, ii. 364 game along, i. 241 gold-bearing affluents of, xv. 152 gold region near, xv. 147 Hyde Parker on, i. 312 level of, v. 129 Livingstone's discoveries on, xviii.- 504 route from, to Loanda, i. 56 view of its importance, ii. 162 Lower, products and capabilities of the Valley of, (I860.), Dr. J. Kirk, vi. 25 name of, xvii. 68 ; its meaning, Waller on, xiv. 10 native maps of, i. 240 navigation of, iv. 68 Crawfurd on, iv. 21, 71 Livingstone on, iv. 19, others on, 21 et seq., MacQueen on, 27 Portuguese views on, iv. 27 Portuguese plans of, ii. 321 rainfall area of, Galton on, viii. 260 rate of flow, v. 129 sources of, ii. 324, xiv. 9, xx. 125 , and country near, Cameron on, xx. 319 , Livingstone on, xviii. 266 tobacco grown beside, vi. 36 towns on, above Quilimane, ii. 363 as a trade route, xix. 132 value of, to commerce, iii. 362 voyages on, times required, i. 58 water supplies of, ii. 57 Zamirs Valley, Persia, iii. 8 Zamistanee route, Leh to Yarkand, xiv. 41 Zandar, Centr. Sudan, ii. 80 Zandenge, S.E. Africa, the Shire river at, vi. 21 Zangue or Zongue river, tributary of the Zambesi, ii. 366, coal in bed of same, v. 129 Zanscar river, Karakoram Mts., glaciers of, Falconer on, viii. 38 Zanzibar Island, Admiralty survey, xviii. 537 and the East coast of Africa, Sir H. B. E. Frere, xvii. 343 explorations in and from, Belleville's, 1875., xx. 69, Cotterill's journey from, to Nyassa, 1867., xxii. 233, explora tions, lay and missionary in, Kirk on, xxii. 19, journey of Moors from, to Benguela, 1853-4., i. 58 European merchants of, ii. 52 geology of coast near, xi. 36 held by the Imaum of Muscat, 1857., i. 282 new harbour at, (1865.), xi. 18 ; do., opposite, Kirk on, xi. 35 oil-nut tree of, and other timber, xvii. 352 position of affairs in, 1861., Speke on, vii. 232 Rigby's report on, cited 1862., Galton on, vi. 177 Rigby on, xiii. 25, xix. 491 slave trade of, xi. 147; and sources of supply, Waller on, xii. 90 Speke at, v. 11-15 territorial extent of, xxii. 384 Princes, the, at Evening Meeting of R.G.S., xiii. 25 Sultan Seyd Burghash of, his friend liness to English travellers, xiii. 25 ; present at Evening Meeting of R.G.S., 1875., xix. 490, reply to greeting of President, 491 treaty between, and England, Rawlinson on, xvii. 354, Frere on, ib. Zarafshan or Zerafshan, river, absence of outfaU for, xvii. 164, importance of its waters to Bokhara, xviii. 252 valley, cotton of, xi. 13 Russia in, xiv. 230, Murchison on, xv. 288- explored by Fedchenko, xiv. 233 by Michell, ib. Russian explorations of valley and river, xiv. 319 Zardandan, of Marco Polo, xx. 215, Elias on, xx. 239 Zardeh Kuh range, Persia, difficult passes in, i. 294 Zarefa, Wady, Egypt, wood in, xx. 358 Zariya country, Africa, elevation of, Baikie in, 1861., xi. 49; see Salia Zavora river, Africa, Erskine's visit to, xix. 115 XAY— ZYU 367 Zayul, see Zyul Zea, Greek Archipelago, earthquake at, x. 121 Zebak, Hindu Kush Mts., source of the Kokcha, near, xv. 181, road from, to Chitral, 308i; on the Kokcha river, xvi. 256 Zebir, Jebel, Sinai, elevation and geo logical formation of, xvii. 327 Zeerust, S. Africa, trade of, xxii. 119 Zeeuschen Uisky point, Spitzbergen, current near,i nd ice, ix. 166 Zeg Zeg district, Nigeria, i. 443 Zeila, see Zaila Zeitunen, Wady, Sinai, vi. 236 Zelandia Fort, Formosa, xxi. 258 dried-up haven at, xvii. 145 latitude and longitude of, Corner on, xxii. 53 remains of, xxi. 265 Zenga river, effluent of Gokcha Lake, Armenia, xxii. 169 Zeno, the brothers Nicolo and Antonio, voyages of, in the North Sea, 14th century, and elsewhere, xvii. 270-1 ; Major on, xvii. 312 Zerka, Wady, Syria, (Jabbok River), crocodiles in, ii. 283 ; ford of, vi. 196 Zer Keshan, Afghanistan, old gold mines at, xx. 246 Zertash, Khirgiz region, ' routes to, and Russian fort at, xv. 195 Zeugger Mts., Java, crater at, xii. 327 Zeyar river, Asia, ii. 153 Zhibu, or Chunbum,:W. Africa, i. 443, dis trict and town, Fuiah settlement on south bank of Niger, xxi. 228, 489 Zhiru, Fulah settlement, south bank of Niger, xxi. 490 Ziaret pass, Kurdistan, xi. 97 Zibb-el-Bahayr, Sinai, hill and view from, xiii. 208 Zichy Land, Arctic regions, discovered by the Austro-Hungarian Arctic Ex pedition, xix. 26 Ziegler, Dr. J. M., Explanations of the Physical Map of Madeira, ii. 366 Hypsometrical Observations in the Swiss Centra] Alps, xvii. 207 Zihl river, Switzerland, volume of, xvii. 206 Zilm, C. Asia, situation of, xvi. 245 Zimbabwe, see Zumbye Zimmay or Xieugmai, tributary state, , Siam, trade of, xix. 273, in teak wood, ' v. 118-9 Zinder, N.C. Africa, xi. 49, Vogel's astro nomical observations at, i. 441 Zinguichor, Portuguese settlement, W. Africa, i. 44 Zion Mt., Christian cemetery at, iii. 288, height of, ib., v. 172 Zirs, El, Syria, rook and cave, xvi. Ill Ziwambo, Lake, C. Africa, xx. 125 Zohab, Turkey in Asia, i: 354 Zojji-La, pass into Kashmir, xiv. 49, xvii. 198 Zomba, Zombo or Zumba Mt., E. Africa, xix. 95, altitude of, iv. 87, vi. 20, 28 University Mission established at, 1861., vi. 20, vii. 18 Zombo or Zumbo, S.C. Africa, coal-field at, i. 244, v. 130 commercial prosperity of, xix. 83 custom house at, iii. 105 junction of Loangwa and Zambesi rivers at, xiv. 9 Portuguese raid at, vi. 36 river near, i. 245, iv. 27 Zonzo, Lower Congo, xix. 100 Zoology, gain in knowledge of, from Livingstone's expeditions, Owen, ii. 137 Zoology of Australia, xviii. 46 note, xix. 50 Wallace on, xxi. 528 Zoutpansberg Mt., S. Africa, described, iii. 375, xvi. 94, xxii. 120 district, mineral wealth and fly region of, Fynney, xxii. 120 Zowwan, Tunis, dyeing trade of, vi. 211 Zulla, Gulf of, Abyssinia, xui. 221 Zululand, climate of, xiii. 342 extent and features of, xix. 121 tribes of, near Mahili, xxii. 128-9 Zumbo, see Zombo Zumbye (Zimbabwe), S.E. Africa, dis covered by Mauch, xix. Ill Zunga, Lower Congo, good water at, xix. 80 Zungaria, Mahommedan insurrection in, 1866., xi. 14 Zungomero, district, E. Africa, Hi. 349 Speke's lunar observations for longitude of, v. 127 ZuSi, old Aztec town, N. America, xiii. 142-3 Zuriga, Nigeria, geographical position determined, i. 443 Zuweirah, Wady ez, Syria, ruins at, viii. 280 Zwecker, John Baptist, obituary notice of, 1876., xx. 400 Zyul district, S.E. Tibet, geographical position of, xiv. 340 PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BEC0LES, EN81AND.