ALEXANDRAS CHRISTMAS GIFT BOOK PHOTOGRAPHS FROM M MY CAMERA ? • iLniBis^aisy • Gift of the family of PROFESSOR WILLIAM D. WHITNEY ansvnssioKT o^ !,iE3 3R3 "w & ;d QUEEN ALEXANDRA'S CHRISTMASGIFT BOOK PHOTOGRAPHS FROM MY CAMERA To be Sold for Charity PUBLISHED BY "THE DAILY TELEGRAPH" LONDON 1908 Copyright in this Book has been secured in the United Kingdom and the United States, and in all Countries and Colonies having a treaty or an understanding with either The Photographs herein contained are Copyright and must not lie reproduced The thanks of the Publishers of this book, issued on behalf of the Queen's charities, are due to : — The Anglo Engraving Co., Ltd., Photo-Engravers ; Messrs. R. Clay & Sons, Ltd., Messrs. Cassell & Co., Ltd., Messrs. Ballantyne, Hanson & Co., Ltd., and The London & County Printing Works, Printers ; Messrs. Venables, Tyler & Co., Ltd., and Messrs. Cannon & Clapperton, Ltd., Paper-makers; Messrs. F. Gruneisen & Co., Bookbinders ; Messrs. W. & D. Downey, Photographers (for the Frontispiece) ; Mr. D. L. Honeyman, C.A., of Messrs. Lever, Anyon & Spence, Chartered Accountants ; the following Shipping Lines for generously granting facilities for free freightage and the selling of the book on board their steamers : Aberdeen (South Africa) ; Allan ; American ; Anchor Atlantic Transport ; Booth ; Canadian Pacific ; Cunard Dominion ; Egyptian ; Leyland ; Lund's Blue Anchor Natal ; New Zealand ; Nippon Yusen Kaisha ; Nord- deutscher-Lloyd ; P. & O. ; Orient-Royal ; Royal Mail ; Union-Castle ; White Star ; and Wilson ; and for kindly assisting the distribution of the book by issuing it in their respective districts — The " Glasgow Herald," Glasgow ; The " Liverpool Daily Post and Mercury," Liverpool ; The "Western Mail," Cardiff; The "East Anglian Daily Times," Ipswich. and, further, to Kodak Limited [whose Kodaks were used by Her Majesty), for placing their extensive system of distribution at the Publishers' disposal. ERRATA. " Colonel Kjbr " should read " Colonel Kjoer." " Vaseenkollen " should read " Voxenkollen." " Bygdoe " should read " Bygdo." The Publishers have to thank the following ad ditional firms for valuable assistance given: The London & Edinburgh Shipping Co., Ltd. The General Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. John Allen & Co. of The Powell Line London-Welsh Steamship Co., Ltd. R. & W. Paul, Ltd., Shipowners, Ipswich Elder, Dempster & Co. Pacific Steam Navigation Co. Shaw, Savill & Albion Co., Ltd. Messrs. Richard Dickeson & Co., Ltd. Messrs. Liptons, Ltd. Messrs. Thomas Cook & Son and "The Isle of Man Times." The King, George and his two Sons. Victoria and Myself. The King at Balmoral. The King,. May, Lady Katherine Coke and Captain Welsh. The King returning for Lunch from a Deer Drive. The King, Sir Dighton Probyn and Sir Henry Knollys. George, Prince of Wales. Victoria and Mac. YALE \ i fj ^ 1 !fF ¦ i i \ ¦ 1 *r 1 Edward of Wales (Little David). My Father and My Brother. Bernsdorff, 1904." Party at Balmoral. Arthur Connaught, Mr. Hervey and May. My Two Grandsons wading. Victoria and Captain Welsh. Fishing Party at Loch Muick. Sir A. Davidson and General Sir D. Probyn. My Father and Colonel KjbT— Danish Hussars, My Father inspecting a new cavalry repeating rifle. Testing the new repeating rifle. I Cameronfishing with me in Scotland. The Piper Cameron and Victoria. Group at Balmoral. Duchesse dAosta and Colonel Henry Knollys. Shooting Party : Duke of Connaught, his son, Count de Benckendorff, Sir M. de Bunsen, and Sir C. Hardinge. Princess of Wales and Duchesse d'Aosta. King of Denmark and his two grandsons. Victoria riding at Bernsdorff. At Bernsdorff. ¦¦¦, ¦¦:¦' .'¦ .¦¦:. _ -- ¦:¦.¦¦¦.¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ .- , ¦>.¦¦; Sandringham, Sandringham. Wilton House, Salisbury. Wilton tea-party : Lord and Lady Lansdowne, Lady de Grey, and Lord Pembroke. The Club at Maidenhead. The Thames — Boulter s Lock. On the River. In the Lock. The King and Emperor off Reval. The Mother, Sister, and Children of the Emperor of Russia, Colonel Brocklehurst, at Bernsdorff. King Christian and his Grandsoiis. " Victoria and Albert," Copenhagen.Group on board. %/•-? t ^ • ; ¦¦ ' The little Caesarevitch with his Sailor Friend. The Emperor s children and Victoria. Reval. On board the Emperor's yacht " Standart." The young Empress and Victoria. Sir Charles Hardinge, Sir Arthur Nicolson and General Sir John French. Empress of Russia at Hvidbre. Empress of Russia and her son Michael at Hvidb're. Empress of Russia. Danish Ships off Hvidbre. V'<&-* ' -. kW'i a wL.-- ' lw. 19 .; 4 ** : V w&% ¦ ¦ i mm ¦* j * i •• ¦: 1 ¦.'-..-.... . j Hvidore. — Danish Gunboats during Manoeuvres under Prince Waldemar. Hvidore. Copenhagen.-Group on board. :«&**a^ The Hussars, commanded by Colonel Kjoer. My Father inspecting a new repeating Cavalry Rifle. Colonel Kjcer, Commander of the Hussars (Danish). Hussars at Bernsdorff. Victoria and Colonel Brocklehurst riding at Bernsdorff. Professor Tuxen and family. His House at the Skaw. Landing at the Skaw. King of Greece in his garden, Athens. Family Group at Athens. /.- 0 , .''¦ ¦MR* Charles and Maud, on our way from Voxenkollen. My Sister the Empress, Victoria, Maud and Charles (Haakon), Norway. Charles and little Olav. At Bygdo.— Charles, little Olav and Victoria. Maud and little Olav at Bygdo. Little Olav, Bygdo. Charles and little Olav. Duke of Sparta ia his garden at Athens. The Stadium at Athens (built of white marble). The Harbour at Malta. Landing near Christiania for a Picnic. Fiords — Norway. Fiords — Norway. Norway. — The Seven Sisters. *4* " Victoria and Albert " at Christiania. Norway. — The " Polar Star" at Sunset Professor Tuxen's house. Victoriaand Utile Olav. Mediterranean, 1905. Miss Knollys and Lady Antrim. Litde Olav. At Sea — Mediterranean. (Little Olav.) Group on board, Christiania. Group on board, Christiania. ^p Off Christiania. Bergen — Norway. ^dMS-^fc. Count de Benckendorff and Lord Errington. Officers trying to play Diabolo on board " Victoria and Albert." Merok — Norway Group on board, Christiania. iJB^BHH^HB^i^i^^H Our Escort ('' Juno ") and Pleasure Boat off Christiania. WSBBmamfcia,. Oran — Africa. BJ My brother George of Greece and Chevalier Martino, at the Empress of Austria's Villa, "Achilles," Corfu. At Corfu. " The Dying Achilles " in the Garden of the Empress of Austria s Villa, Corfu. At Corfu. The Harbour at Gibraltar. Commodore Milne and Captain V. Stanley. Ship Boys on the "Victoria and Albert.' " The Spartan," Norway, 1904. Return of the Prince of Wales from India. The " Renown " at Corfu. Our Tea-party at Monrepos, Corfu. 1 Escort of the Prince of Wales from India. Corfu. My brother George, Commodore Keppel and Lord Howe. Our Escort— 1906. H.M.S. " Essex. Merok, Norway. At Norway. Victoria on the swing. Lord Charles Beresford. ml The King and his Grandson (Little David). On board our yacht " Britannia. Our Captain and Crew. The King inspecting the Fleet off Cowes, '1907. Commodore Keppel, Duke of Connaught and Commodore Crampton. Edward of Wales and' Sir Charles Cust. The Lords of the Admiralty. Naval Review, 1907. , Commodore Keppel & Duke of Connaught inspecting the Fleet off Cowes, 1 907. »* The Fleet saluting the " Dreadnought ' as we pass. .. 01 Cowes — Victoria, Miss Knollys and Lord Knollys. Commodore B. Milne and his sub-lieutenant, Pipon. Victoria, Colonel Legge and my Dogs Commodore Sir B. Milne. Kft- BWfc?,Trr'-4iit/r: >• ifc B9&MI Portsmouth. On leaving Portsmouth. The Deck of the " Dreadnought' Submarine A 9. On the " Dreadnought." The Pilot, Norway. Crew of the "Victoria and Albert,' Norway, 1904. Group of Children taken in Norway. At Norway. Sailor* of the - Victoria a«l Albert," The Raising of the " Gladiator." The King's Birthday. The United Bands. The Opening ol the Alexandra Dock, Cardiff, 1907. " On board " Victoria and Albert." Opening of the Alexandra Dock. Cardiff, 1907. Commodore Sir B. Milne. Naval Review off Portsmouth, " The Nimrod " (Captain Shackleton) going to the South Pole (1907) iiiW— ^ ¦?!»•-*¦) f*~**--