YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY A TREATISE ON THE Construction of 0l&$$: IN WHICH THE PRINCIPLES OF THE PROJECTIONS OF THE SPHERE ARE DEMONSTRATED, THEIR VARIOUS PRACTICAL RELATIONS TO MATHEMATICAL GEOGRAPHY, DEDUCED AND EXPLAINED: SYSTEMATICALLY ARRANGED, AND SCIENTIFICALLY ILLUSTRATED FROM TWENTY PLATES OF DIAGRAMS. WITH AN APPENDIX AND COPIOUS NOTES. BY ALEXANDER JAMlESON. " Nothing will contribute more to the advancement of geographical studies, than the construction of maps." Encyclopedia Brita.vnica, p. 548, Fifth Edition. JLcmDoiu Printed by Darton, Harvey, and Co. For C. L a v," Ave-maria Lane; Black, Parry, and Co. Leadenhall Street; J. M. Richardson, Cornhilli Darton, Harvey, and Darton, Gface- church Street; J. Mawman, Ludgate Hill; G. Cowie and Co. Poultry; J. Booth, Duke Street, Portland Place; and W. Kent, High Holborn. 1814. PREFACE. X HE universality of geographical studies, ber speaks their importance ; and the motto which the author has chosen, contains his apology for offering this volume to the public. In a scienee that has outlived the Vicissitudes of twa thousand years, and become splendid amidst even the riot of barbarism, originality is hardly to be expected. If, however, the compiler has successfully arc- ranged and condensed the scattered researches of various authors, and united the theory of ancient, with- the practice of modern, discoveries, he has, perhaps, done all that could reasonably be ex pected. How far he has succeeded1 in- the attempt, must be referred to the decision of the judicious and candid reader. As a work of this kind must depend upon- a great many relations, geographical and mathema tical, the first two sections very naturally introduce the student to the third1. In this section, the* prin ciples of the orthographic, the sterebgraphic, and A 2 IV PREFACE. the globular projections cf the sphere, are fully demonstrated; and the last of these is investigated in a manner entirely new, to prove its superiority and admirable fitness in the construction of maps. In the fourth section, theory descends to prac tice; and as certain combinations are proposed to be effected, the projections are handled in the form of problems: by this means they are reduced to much greater simplicity than the prolixity of per suing the subject in numerous subdivisions would have allowed. , , Mercatqr's Projection might have been blended •with the former; but it was more analogous to the plan of the work, to assign a separate section to the principles and practical methods of so ingenious an invention. The origin and properties of the rhumb line, with its usefulness in navigation, occupying the sixth section, are treated as concisely as the nature of the subject would admit. ; The meridional, equatorial, and horizontal con- structions of Maps, in the seventh; section, are siu- gularly beautiful, and highly interesting, the sub ordinate parts of the problems having been enriched •with valuable elucidations. The principles of developing a spheric surface on a plane, are investigated in the eighth section ; and the application of the developement of the conic surface, in the construction of maps, pos- sesses the rare qualities of simplicity and elegance, with a nice approximation to truth. PREFACE: V The ninth section is of a miscellaneous nature; unfolding numerous projections of particular maps. These : constructions are presented in a popular form, and include whatever appeared of essential consequence in modern practice. Having treated so fully of the orthographic pro jection of the igphere, it seemed necessary to shew its extensive application in the construction and use of the Analemma — an instrument that will solve many of the common astronomical problems— ¦ and: the tenth section has been allotted to these subjects. '¦ Without pretending to contribute to the ad vancement of geographical 'studies, the Appendix will probably be deemed not the least interesting portion of this volume, since the ingenious resources which it discloses, are calculated to afford very pleasing and instructive exercises. The Notes and Illustrations with which the work concludes, will be found peculiarly useful, as the various historical and critical remarks which are blended with them, have resulted from numerous sources of information* some of which are difficult of access. When the student has attentively studied the first three sections, he should exercise himself in drawing small planispheres, agreeably to the dif ferent methods laid down in the fourth section. Mercator's Projection may then be performed, or the constructions in the seventh section, may fol low, on a small scale, those in the fourth; and the 1fl ' PREFACE. eighth and ninth sections, executed on the same plan, will form an agreeable variety, and make mathematical geography exceedingly interesting, as well as intelligible and instructive. But to facilitate the design of this volume, th• Islands ¦••. 28 Of the objects that diversify the face of a country ib. SECTION III.— On the principles of the orthographic, the ste- reographic, and the globular projections of the sphere . . 3t Principles of the orthographic projection • 33 Proposition I. The figure of a straight line, AB, is a straight line in the projection 34 Prop. II. The figure of the projection of a circle is an ellipse, when the plane of the original circle is inclined to the plane of projection ib. Prop. III. Equal parts upon the surface of the sphere, are not projected into parts either equal or similar, except, as above, in the case of circles that are parallel to the plane of projection 35 Prop. If. The diameter of a circle is the projection of a serni- -circumference of that -circle, when the plane of that cir cle is perpendicular to the plane of projection ,, 36 On the stereographic projection of the sphere 37 Proposition I. The projection of an arc, measured from the pole, is equal to the tangent of half that arc ......... 3% Prop, II. Every oblique circle not passing through jt he pro jecting point, is projected into a circle ,«••• ........ ib. Prop. Ill' The projection of all circles, parallel to the plane of projection, will be concentric circles Z% Prop. IF. Every circle of the sphere, whether great or small. TABLE OF CONTENTS. IX ¦* : flip. is projected into a straight line, when the plane of that circle, or a portion of the.saine, passes through the eye or projecting point 39 Prop.F. The radius of the projection of any great circle, is the secant of the angle,; between the plane of the circle and the plane of projection ib. Scholia 40 Prop. VI.. To find the projection of the parallels of latitude . 41 Of the globular projection of the sphere ,. ib. 1st. Assuming the point of view at a distance from the surface of the sphere, equal lo the sine of forty-five degrees . .. ib. Sc%, Assuming this point of view, equal to threerfourths.of - the. radius of the primitive circle 43 3dly. Assuming, this point of view on the vertex of ap equila- „.,.> teral- triangle, having for its base the diameter of the primitive cirple 45 On the disproportion of the distances, between the meridians and parallels in the stereograpbic projection .>. , 43 On the equality of the distances between the meridians and parallels in the globular projection 49 Illustration of a planisphere .,.. ; 51 SECTION IV. — Containing geometrical and trigonometrical pro- -. jections of the sphere, on the plane pf a meridian and the equator ..... 52 PrPB.lem I.(.To draw the>circles, of longitude geometrically,- r ,, _for a _map of the world, according to the globular. nrojec- ,.,-. tion of the spiere, on the,.p,lane of a,merjdjan ........ j ib. Prob. A. Totlecribe a. 'circle through any point D, .in the semi-circlp.AC B ......... k 55 Tr-ob. II. Ta draw the circles pf latitude geometrically, /or a s, map of the world, according., fo the globular projection of the sphere upon the plane of the meridian , ib. Prob. HI. ¦ contains, another method of Problem I. . ,-.-. . . 57 Prob. IV. contains anqthep( niethqd of Problem II. ..,.,. 58 Prob. V. To project the circles of longitude for a map of the world, on the plane of the ^meridian, according to the globular projection of the sph.ere, from a trigonometrical table of radii / ¦ 60 Trigonometrical table of radii for the meridians „ ib. • it t ABLE OF C&Nf ENfS* Tap!. Prob. B. illustrates the canon of this trigonometrical table of radii ..................... 61 Prob. VI. To draw the parallels T>f latitude from a trigo- 'mettical table of radii,: for the globular projection of the : ''Sphere on the- planfe of a 'meridian' -...' 62 Trigonometrical taMeof radii, for the parallels of latitude . . ib. Pkob. C 'Demonstration of tire canon on which this fable is • : fourrded -. * -. 63 Pkob: VII. To project a map of the world geometrically oft the plane df the equator, according to the globular projec tion of the sphere ''.V;. ib. Prob; VIII. On the plane of the meridian, aird by the stereo* " graphic projection of the sphere, to draw the -circles of lon gitude geometrically for a map of the world ......... 64 Prob. IX. To draw the tircles1 of latitude geometrically, for •a map of the world; •on thephire of the meridian, and by the-siereographic projection of the'sphere 6S" Peotb. X; To draw the circles Of longitude according to the stereograpbic projection Of the sphere, oh the plane of the nreridratr, 'from a trigonometrical table of radii 68 Trigonometrical table 'of ra'dii for the meridians, constructed from a canon of radii, as exhibited in Problem B 69 ProbvXI. To dra1* thfe circles of Jatitu'd'e stereographically on the plane of'th1* meridian, from a trigonometrical table -of radii .....•.•.-.•;..-.,.....; $. This tabic1 of latitudes Constructed from a fcahOn of radii, ai exemplified in Problem C. ........... .„., 70 1 Prob: XII.! To make a stereographic1 projection 'cf the sph'eYe, Off the plane of the equator ib. A rulWor determining the size Of a globe, Upon which the countries shall be- of the saihfe dimension^' as you' see thein Jn any mapof the wo'rld" 71 SECTION V.— The principles of Mercator's Projection, with a ' - • ¦ copious illustration Of this projection, anil Problems ex hibiting this map constructed— first, from a table of me ridional parts ;— and, secondly, geometrically;— and a method of enlarging or reducing maps 72 Proposition I. Shewing that a degree of latitude is to a degree of longitude, as radius is to the cosin-e Of latitude ..... ft TABLE OF COiNTENTS. xl Pajs- Prop. II. Determines the length of, an arc of the meridian, corresponding to any gi vera latitude 73 Table of meridional parts for every degree from Wo 84% north or south latitude ..; 75 Hemarks on Mercator's Projection 7 s Prob. I. To draw tlie meridians and parallels for Mercator's . Chart of .the World .. 77 Of the construction of a diagonal scale, by which to draw the parallels of latitude for this map 78 Of the meridian, line on Gonter's Scale 73 Of drawing the parallels of latitude in this map .. SO Of inserting. placesin this map si Prob. II. To project Mercator's. Chart geometrically «... 82 Other methods of projecting Mercator's Chart Si Of enlarging ox reducing .maps . ib. SECTION VI, — Of the origin and properties of the Rhumb Line, r or Loxodromic Curve 85 Demonstration, of .tlie increment of the Rhumb being to the corresponding increment of its latitude in a constant ratio 87 Each point of the mariner's compass expressed by a particular , . . denomination, by means of the four first points . «i. ... 8* Tte. method of determining the Rhumb upon which a 1 ship sails, in .going from one place of the world to another, exhibited on a Mercator's Partial Map ib. The parallel ruler, the readiest. and. most, useful instrument for /. 1 . . .determining wliatrhomfo thi&is ....... S9 SECTION Vn. -^Meridional, equatorial, and horizontal construe*- ;ii tionsofmaps v , got Prob. I. Toprojiect the planispifaeres orthographically for a . map- of .the world, in the position of a right sphere . . . ib. The fundamental properties of this construction demonstrated geometrically - 91 Prob. D„ To find-any- number, of points in the curve of an «llipse-'d«ft&Ced byje^and through those points to describe. thatellipse • ' 93 ?bob. IT. To project planispheres orthographically on the plane of the equator, in the position of a parallel sphere, lor a -map of the world ib. XII TABLE OF CONTENTS^ Page. Scholium -....-• 94 Of the stereograpbic construction of maps — first, upon the plane of a meridian; secondly, upon the plane of the . equator ; and thirdly, upon the horizon of a place ... 95 Prob. III. To project planispheres for a map of the world stereographically; on the plane of a meridian, in the posi tion of a right sphere . 96- In this- projection the meridians are. drawn from a line of . ..secants, and the parallels have for their radii the cotau- . gents of the latitude ib. Prob. IV. To project the planispheres stereographically for a map of the world, on the plane of the equator, in the .position of a parallel sphere ........' 97 Of the. stereograpbic projection upon the plane of the. horizon .ofany.place ;..<.... 98 Prob. V. To construct a map stereographically for a hori zontal projection of the sphere, answering to the latitude' - ofLondon, ..•* ..-.:....'.-. ... 100 First,' to, draw the circles of latitude ib. Secondly, to draw the circles of. longitude i . ... — ;.... 102 Prob. VI. The same construction, by . projecting, first, the meridians; and, secondly, the parallels-of latitude ... 103 The method of completing this niap: - . . .-'s.h .-j .......... 105 Formulae connected with thisprpjection. . . . . 106 Prob. VIL To draw a: horizontal projection with azimuth lines, to shew the hearing and distance ;of ail places within the map, from London in the centre .. ..... ...... 107 SECTION VIII. — On tlie principles and practice- of developing a, spheric surface on a plane t:. ... Ill Application of the developemeut of the cenic surface] in the. . construction of maps ¦.., 113 Demonstration of the construction of a particular map, that shall exhibit the superficial. and linear measures in their truest proportions , ,. n4 An example founded on the foregoing principle, in the con struction of a map that shall contain that portion of the earth's surface, situate between 10° and 60° north lati tude, its longitude being 1 10° from 20" east of the Cana ries, to the centre of the western hemisphere J 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XlH . - Page. The properties which such a map possesses 1 17 Another example of a map, in which the superficies of a given, zone shall be equal to the zone on the sphere; while, at the same time, the projection from the centre is strictly geometrical ,118 To construct a planisphere on the principles of developement, for a given sphere or globe 121 Scholium ,,> 123 "What is meant by developing in a right line all the parallels, and one of the meridians, that passing through the middle of the map; whilst the degrees of longitude shall be subject to the laws of decrease — that is to say, propor tioned to the cosines of the latitude 124 SECTION IX. — Geometrical projections of chorographical maps of Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas, England, Spain, a part of Italy, the Russian Empire, and a general method of drawing any partial maps 125 Preliminary observations 127 Four different methods of projecting partial maps ........ ib. 1st. The meridians and parallels being straight lines ib. 2dly. Both the meridians and parallels being curved lines . . ib. Zdly. The parallels being curved lines, and the meridians straight lines • • ib. ithly. The meridians being curved lines, and the parallels straight lines ib. Prob. I. To project the meridians and parallels for a part of Italy,. by. the third method -¦•• 128 Prob. II. To project the meridians and parallels for a map of, .Spain, by the first method 130 Prob. III. To project a map of Mia by the second method . 132 Prob. IV. To project a map of Ajrica by the second method ib. Prob. V. To project a skeleton map of Africa by the fourth method .-, '33 Prob. VI. To project a map of North America by the second method lb- Prob. VII. To project a map of South America by the first method • 134 Prob. VIII. To project a map of South America by the fourth method ib. Xiv TABLE OF CONTEXTS. **» Prob. IX. To project a map of Eierope by the second method 134 To construct a diagonal scale for laying down the meridians according to the law of their decrement shewn in pages 9 and 10 ,3* Prob. X. To project a map of Europe agreeably to the third method * 13& Construction of a diagonal scale for the meridians, agreeably to-the foundation ofthe tables of longitude, pages 9 and 10 ib. Prob. XI. To project a map of Asia by the third method . . 138 Construction of a diagonal scale for the lines of longitude, according to the law of their decrease, as illustrated in page 9th, and laid down in page 10th 139 Prob. XI J. To project a- map of England according to me thod the first - l4» Construction of a diagonal scale for the laying down of the meridians in this map • *»• Prob. XIII. To project a map of the Russian Empire by method third 141 Prob. XIV. To project a map of Russia by method second . 142 Prob.- XV. To project a map of any country ib. A remark on the term defect, shewing that it only refers to the common way of considering maps 143 SECTION X. — Of the construction and use of the1 Analemma .144 A definition of it ib. The construction of this instrument;- andj ist. To describethe points of the mariner's compass, the primitive circle being given ...., ib. Qdly. To draw the parallels of the sun's declination 145 3dty. To draw the hour-lines ., 146 Of the index of the A'nalemma ].J7 Sdli/i Of the use of this instrument ib. To find the time of the sun's rising and setting-, with-the length of the days and- nights .. ]4s T» find the beginning and ending of twilight j£. TABLE OF CONTENTS. XT APPENDIX. Pag°' Containing, 1st. Some methods of drawing large circles and ellipses; 2dly. Directions for colouring maps ; 3dly. A catalogue of some of the best maps ; and ithly. General rules and observations forjudging of the accuracy of dif ferent maps, when a comparison is to be made between them, and places inserted from one into another 151 To describe large circles ib. 1st. By the beam compasses ib. 2dly. By the ship-carpenter's rule {]/. 3dly. By the horizontal compasses , 152 Athly. By the cyclograph ib. Of the centro-linead 153 Methods of drawing an ellipse ib. To draw an ellipse upon either the major or minor axis, either axis being given 154 1st. Upon the major axis ib. 2dly. Upon the minor axis 155 3dly. By the trammel fa To make colours for washing maps 155 Yellow fa Blue fa Green ib. Eed , 157 Brown fa Newman's liquids fa Cake colours , fa Directions for colouring maps ; . . . 158 To line maps ib. A catalogue of the best maps fa Planispheres 159 Mercator's Projection ib. Maps of Europe ib. of Asia -. 162 of Africa J 63 — of America 164 General rules and observations for judging of the accuracy of different maps, when a comparison is to be made between them and places inserted from one to another 164 Notes and Illustrations 169 A TREATISE ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF MAPS. SECTION I. PRELIMINARY REMARKS ON THE NATURE OF THE TER RESTRIAL GLOBE, ITS CIRCLES AND THEIR USES, WITH THE DIFFERENT POSITIONS OF THE SPHERE. 1. .F OR the purpose of representing more accurately the globe which we inhabit, geographers have had recourse to spherical balls, on the surface of which are drawn the various divisions of the earth. But the relative divisions of the earth, and the positions of places, cannot be accurately laid down on these spherical balls, tili certain circles have been describ ed. And when these balls have been fitted up with such an apparatus, we are then enabled to illustrate and explain the phenomena produced by the motions of the earth, and the diiferent situations of its principal inhabitants. The ball thus prepared, is called the artificial globe, and what we have described is properly the terrestrial globe/ so called, to distinguish it from another of a similar form, and fur nished in a similar manner, but the surface of which repre sents the various assemblages of stars or constellations that B 2 appear in the heavens, and therefore this last is called the celestial globe*. 2. We have observed, that in order to ascertain the posi tions of places and countries on the earth, certain circles are supposed to be drawn on its surface, analogous to those which are supposed to be drawn in the heavens. 3. The circles of the globe are divided into great and small; yet they are all commensurate, and supposed to con tain 360 equal parts, or degrees, each. 4. A degree, or the S60t!i part of the circumference of the globe, or any one of its circles, contains 60 geographical, and about 69f statute miles (37.) Each degree is sub divided into 60 equal parts, called minutes; each minute, into 60 equal parts, called seconds, &c. and more conveniently marked thus : deg. min. sec. o / fl 5. Great Circles are such as divide the earth into two parts ; as, the equator, the ecliptic, &c. (9 and 16.) For example. If a sphere were cut by a plane into two equal parts, the section would pass through the centre of the sphere, and the base of each hemisphere would be a circle, called a primitive or great circle. 6. The small circles are those which divide the sphere into parts ; as, the tropics, the polar circles, &c. (41. 43.) For example. If a sphere were cut by a plane into two unequal parts, the section would not pass through the centre, and the base of each frustrum would therefore be called a secondary or lesser circle. 7. Considering that these circles are really represented' on the artificial globe and maps of the world, and that ihe methods of drawing them are the projections contained in * Encyclopaedia Britannica, 4th Edition, article, Geography^ this work, it will be proper here to consider a Httle more particularly their nature and uses. Of the Axis andJ?oles. 8. As the earth turns about on an imaginary axis once in twenty-four hours, the artificial globe is furnished with a real axis, formed by a wire passing through the centre; on this wire the globe revolves. The two extremities of this axis, are its poles; the one being called the north, and the other the south pole. And the terms north and south pole, are equally applied to the extremities of the central meridian in either hemisphere of a map of the world; the upper being the north, and the lower the south pole, (49.) Of the Equator, or Equinoctial Circle*. 9. A great circle, drawn on the globe at an equal distance from both poles, is the equator, or equinoctial line, and represents on the globe a similar circle, supposed to be drawn round the earth, and distinguished by the same names. By sailors, the equator is usually called the line; and when they pass over that part of the ocean, where it is imagined to be drawn, they often make use of various superstitious cere monies. 10. The equator, like every other great circle, is divided into 360°; and, when it is bisected in a map of the worldj by the circumscribing meridian, 180 of those degrees lie in the eastern, and the remaining 180° lie in the western hemi* * I use these terms indifferently throughout this work, though the first is more strictly applied to the terrestrial globe and geographical maps; the latter, is properly enough applied by Emerson, to the celes tial globe, and maps of tlie heavens. B 2 sphere; and through every 10th or 15th of those degrees, are drawn the meridians, or circles of longitude, (17.) And because time is measured by the diurnal motion of the earth, and this motion is performed on the plane of the equator, the equator therefore is the measure of time, (39 and 40.) ¦11. The equator being equally distant from both poles, divides the globe, or map of the world, into two equal parts, called the northern and southern hemispheres, (22. 45.) 12. Corollary. All places, therefore, that lie between the equator and the north pole, have north latitude; and those which lie between the equator and the south pole, have south latitude. 13, From the equinoctial line, the declination of the sun or stars is accounted. 14. The equinoctial points are, Aries and Libra, where the ecliptic crosses the equator ; and when the sun is in either of these points, the days and nights are equal all over the earth. 15. The equinoctial line on the earth, passes through the middle of Africa, in the almost unknown territory of Macoco and Monemugi, traverses the Indian Ocean, passes through the islands of Sumatra and Borneo, and the immense expanse of the Pacific Ocean; then extends over the province of Quito in South America, to the mouth of the river Amazons. Of the Ecliptic Circle. 16. The ecliptic is a great circle, cutting the equator obliquely in the opposite points of Aries and Libra, called the equinoctial points, for a reason we have already given, (14.) The ecliptic is designed to represent that circle which the earth describes in her annual motion round the sun. This Circle extends on each side of the equator,^ to the lati tude of 23° §8'; and in consequence of this declination, its poles are distant from those of the equator, by the same mea- sure. The ecliptic is divided by astronomers into twelve equal parts, called signs, each containing 30° ; these twelve signs correspond with the twelve months of the year. Of the Meridians, or Circles of Longitude. 17. Through every 15th degree of the equator, there is drawn on the globe a great circle, which completely invests the sphere, passing through the poles, and cutting the equa tor at right angles; but on maps of the world, these circles become circular arcs, and they are usually drawn through every 10°. These circles are called meridians, because when the sun, in his apparent course from east to west, reaches the corresponding circle in the heavens, it is noon on that part of the earth over which the meridian is supposed to pass. Properly speaking, every place on the earth has its own meridian (18), though, to prevent confusion, these circles are drawn on the artificial globe only through every J5° of the equator. Of the "brazen Meridian. 18. To supply the place of other meridians, the globe is hung in a strong brazen circle, which is called the brazen meridian, or sometimes, by way of distinction, the Universal Meridian, or only the meridian. The brazen meridian, like the equator, is divided into 360* ; but these are marked by nineties on each quadrant, being on one half of the meridian numbered from the equator to the poles, and on the other half, from the poles to the equator, 19. Though the meridians completely invest the globe, they are commonly, and perhaps properly, called only semi circles, which is the property of the meridian of any place; the other half of the same circle, being called the opposite meridian. There are twenty-four of them in all, allowing BmOUb **** Sphere Jarruarorv del . •finart- dvuOfi. ing through the centre C, in a direction perpendicular to the axis P P'. This circle corresponds to the equator, and it divides the earth of the globe into two hemispheres; EPQ being the northern, and EP'Q the southern hemi sphere, (9.) 23. Let G, I, K, represent the situation of three places on the surface of the globe; through which, let the great circles, P & P', P IP, and PG F, be drawn, intersecting the equator, EQ, in n, m, a, respectively. These circles are the meri dians of the places, K, I, G ; and as every circle is supposed to be divided into 360°, there must be 90° frqm the equator to each pole. Hence, the latitude of the place K, is measured by tlie degrees of the arc intercepted between K and n; and the latitudes of G and I, are measiired by the degrees of the arc intercepted between G and a, and I and m, re spectively. These latitudes will be called northern lati tudes, because the places lie in the northern hemisphere, (9 and 22.) 24. Let there be two other places, W and V, in the south ern hemisphere. The latitude of W, will be measured by the degrees of the arc intercepted., between W and a ; and the latitude of V, by the arc intercepted between V and m; and these will be called south latitudes, (%. 9 and 22.) The distance between K and n, is sometimes called the dif ference of latitude ; and so, for the space between I and V, we should call the extent of that portion of country over which. I V passed, the difference of latitude. 25. Further, let the circle cedvG, be drawn parallel to the equator; this circle is called a parallel of latitude, and as it does not pass through the centre, it is evidently less than the equator, or it is a small circle. Now all the arcs, such as R e, a G, &c. intercepted between the parallel and the equator, must be equal, since the circle is parallel to the .equator j and hence, every point in this parallel, or -eyery 8 place on the earth through which it is supposed to pass, has the same latitude. Latitude is, therefore, the same all over the earth, being constantly measured from the equator to the poles. Illustration of Longitude. 26. The longitude of a place is measured by the degrees of an arc of the equator, intercepted between some par ticular meridian, and the meridians passing through the place. Thus, suppose G to represent the particular meridian, and m to represent the place whose longitude is required ; the lon gitude of m, is measured by the arc m a of the equator, in. tercepted between a, and the point where the meridian of G meets the equator, and m the point of the equator where it is cut by the meridian of the place m. The particular meri dian, from which we begin to reckon the degrees of longi tude, is called the prime or first meridian, and it is different in different countries *. Demonstration of particular Longitude. 27. In the diagram referred to above, if G represent the observatory of Greenwich, a will be the point from which we begin to reckon the degrees of longitude ; and all places situated to the east of a, such as R, m, will have east lon gitude, while those situated to the west, as n, will have west longitude. The distance in degrees, from a to R, is some times called the difference of longitude ; and so for the space R m, we should say, the difference of longitude R m. 28. In reckoning the longitude, we sometimes number the degrees only as far as 180°, till we come to a again; * See Note A. but at other times, they are numbered all round the equator from the point a; (see Fig i' 7th, Plate X.) for instance, 180°, till we come to a again; hence, in reckoning in the direction a, R, m, we should say, that everyplace was so many degrees east longitude; while, if we reckoned in the direction n E, we should say, that all the places had so many degrees west longitude all round the equator. To accom modate the globes to both these modes of reckoning the lon gitude, the equator is usually divided both ways, in a con tinued series, from o or zero, at the first meridian, to 360°. Foundation of Tables of Longitude. 29. It is evident, that as the parallels or circles of latitude become smaller as they approach the poles, the arcs of these parallels intercepted between the same two meridians, will also be smaller as we proceed from the equator to the poles, though, in fact, they consist of the same absolute number of degrees. 30. Hence it will be easy to see, that a degree of lon gitude must be smaller towards the poles, than at the equator; and must become gradually smaller and smaller, till we arrive at the poles, where it will vanish, and be equal to nothing. 31. Thus, the arcGu, contains the same number of de grees as the arc a m, though the former arc is much smaller than the latter. And between the arc G v and the pole, the arcs gradually diminish, till they become inca pable of divisibility. 32. As a degree of longitude is therefore different at every degree of latitude, it becomes necessary to ascertain the rela tive proportion between the two; and for this purpose the following table has been constructed, which shows the abso lute measure of a degree of longitude, in geographical miles, and parts of a mile, for every degree of latitude, taking the de gree of latitude at the equator, equal to 60 geographical miles. 10 TABLE I. S3. A table showing the length of a degree of longitude for every degree of latitude, in geographical miles. Lot. Geog. Miles. Lai. Geng. Miles. Lai. Geog. Miles. Lot. 69 . Geog Miles. ' 1 59,96 24 54,81 47 41,00 21,51 2 59,94 25 54,38 48 40,15 70 20,52 3 59,92 26 54,00 49 39,36 71 19,54 4 59,86 27 53,44 50 38,57 72 18,55 5 59,77 28 53,00 51 37,73 73 17,54 6 59,67 29 52,48 52 37,00 74 16,53 7 59,56 30 51,96 53 36,18 75 15,52 8 59,40 31 51,43 54 35,26 76 14,51 9 59,20 32 50,88 55 34,41 77 13,50 10 59,08 33 50,32 56 33,55 78 12,48 11 58,89 34 49,74 57 32,67 79 11,45 12 58,68 35 49,15 58 -81,79 80 10,42 13 58,46 36 48,54 59 30,90 81 ¦ 9,38 14 58,22 37 47,92 60 30,00 82 8,35 15 58,00 38 47,28 61 29,04 83 7,32 16 57,60 30 46,62 62 28,17 84 6,28 17 57,30 40 46,00 63 27,24 85 5,23 18 57,04 41 45,28 64 26,30 86 4,18 19 56,73 42 44,95 65 25,36 87 3,14 20 56,38 43 43,88 66 24,41 88 2,09 21 56,00 44 43,16 07 23,45 89 1,05 22 55,63 45 42,43 68 22,48 90 0,00 23 55,23 46 4i,68 34. As it is often more convenient to estimate degrees of longitude in English statute miles, we have inserted the fol lowing table of English statute miles, which will, besides, be of considerable service in projecting a map of any part of Britain. li TABLE II. 35. Table 2, showing the length of a degree of longitude for every degree of latitude, in English statute miles. Lot. 0 Eng. Miles. Lai. ¦ -¦ W )...n Eng: Miles. Lot. 61 Eng. Miles. 69,2000 31- 59,31.62 33,5489 1 69,1896 32 58,6851 62 32,4873 2 69,1578 33 58,0360 63 31,4161 3 69,1052 34 57,3696 64 30,3352 4 69,0312 35 56,6852 65 29,2453 5 68,9363 36 55,9842 66 28,1464 6 68,8208 37 55,2659 67 27,0385 7 68,6845 38 54,5303 68 25,9230 8 68,5267 39 53,7788 69 24,7992 9 68,3481 40 53,0100 70 23,6678 10 68,1489 41 52,2259 71 29,5294 11 67,9288 42 51,4253 72 21,3842 12 67,6880 43 50,6094 73 20,2320 13 67,4264 44 49,7783 74 19,0743 14 67,1448 45 48,9313 75 17,9103 \5 66,8424 46 48,0705 76 16,7409 16 66,5192 47 47,1944 77 15,5665 17 66,1760 48 46,3038 78 14,3874 18 65,8134 49 45,3994 79 13,2041 19 65,4300 50 44,4811 80 12,0166 20 65,0265 51 43,5489 81 10,8250 21 64,6037 52 42,6037 82 9,6306 22 64,1609 53 41,6453 83 8,4334 "23 63,6986 54 40,6751 84 7,2335 24 63,2177 55 39,6917 85 6,0315 25 62,7167 56 38,6959 86 4,8274 26 62,1963 57 37,6891 87 3,6219 27 61,6579 58 36,6705 88 2,4151 28~ 61,1001 59 35,6408 89 1,2075 -29 60,5237 60 34,6000 90 0,0060 30 59,9293 1 . ._.. 12 Method of reducing Degrees to Miles, and vice versa. 36. Hence it appears, that the degrees of latitude are all equal (25), and that a degree of longitude at the equator, it equal to a degree of latitude, as each is Tg^th part of a great circle. 37. In the second of the foregoing tables, a degree of lon gitude at the equator, is estimated at 69,2 English miles, or about 691. 38. The length of a degree in miles, is usually estimated at 69|, (4), but this is too much. Hence, to reduce degrees of latitude, and those of longitude near the equator, to Eng lish miles, it is necessary to multiply them by 69,2, or, if great accuracy is not required, by 70. Computation of Longitude in time. 39. As the sun, in bis apparent motion round the earth, measures a great circle in about twenty-four hours, or, in one hour, passes over ^th of such circle, or 15°, it is evident that all places which lie 15° west of any meridian, must have noon, or any other time of the day, an hour later, than those situated under that meridian; and that all places which lie 15° east of any meridian, must have the same times of the day an hour sooner. Hence, because the meridians drawn on the globe, make a difference of an hour each in the time of places, they are sometimes called hour circles- and the longitude of places is sometimes reckoned in time as well as in degrees. 40. Degrees of longitude are reduced to hours and minutes, and vice versa, by allowing an hour for every 15°, and 4' for every degree. Upon this hypothesis, all machines for mea- suring time, such as sun-dials, clocks, and watches, are con« structed. 13 Of the Tropics. 41. Through those two points of the ecliptic, where it is at the greatest distance from the equator, there are drawn or the globes and maps of the world, two circles on the former, parallel to the equator, and on the latter, two circular arcs, called the tropics. That in the northern hemisphere, is called the tropic of Canter, as it passes' through the sign Cdncer; and, for a similar reason, that which is in the southern hemi sphere, is called the tropic of Capricorn. The two points through which they are drawn, are called the Solstitial Points, (44.) 42. The imaginary line, which corresponds to the tropic of Cancer on the earth, passes from near Mount Atlas on the western coast of Africa, past Syene in Ethiopia ; thence over the Red Sea, it passes to Mount Sinai, by Mecca, the city of Mahomet, across Arabia Felix, to the extremity of Persia, the East Indies, China, over the Pacific Ocean, to Mexic» and the island of Cuba. The tropic of Capricorn' takes a much less interesting course, passing through the country of Ihe Hottentots, across Brazil, to Paraguay and Peru. . Of the Polar Circles. 43. If the poles of the ecliptic be supposed to revolve about the poles of the earth, they will describe two circles, parallel to the equator, (and 23° 28', if very great accuracy be required, or) 23|' each distant from the poles of th<; equator. Two such circles are drawn on the globes, and are represented by circular arcs on maps of the \iorld, and are called the polar circles; that in the northern hemisphere, being called the arctic polar circle, or merely the arctic circle; while that in the southern hemisphere, is called the mntarctic polar circle, ox only the antarctic circle. !4 Both the tropics and polar circles are marked on the globes and maps by dotted lines, lo distinguish them from the other parallels, or circular arcs of latitude. Of the Colures. 44. The meridional circles that pass through the equinoc tial and solstitial points, are called colures; the former being called the equinoctial, and the latter the solstitial colure. The first determines the equinoxes, the second shows the solstices; and by dividing the ecliptic into four equal parts, they also designate the four seasons of the" year. Of the Hemispheres. 45. The hemispheres are those equal sections of the earth made by the great circles. Thus, the northern and southern, are separated by the equator, (9 and 12;) and the eastern and western are divided by the prime meridian (27), and by the bisection of the equator and axis, these Tiemi- spheres are subdivided into four quadrants, of 90 degrees each. Of the Wooden Horizon. 46. The globes are supported by a wooden frame, ending above in a broad, flat margin, on which is pasted a paper, marked with several graduated circles. This broad margin, is called the wooden horizon, and represents the rational horizon of the earth, or»the limit between the visible and the invisible hemispheres. On the paper with which the wooden horizon is covered, are drawn four concentric circles. The innermost of these is divided into 360 degrees, divided into four quadrants. The second circle is marked with the points of the compass: that is, the four cardinal points, 15 E. S. W. N. and these are again subdivided into eight parts, or rhumbs. (See Section VI. article rhumb.) The circle next to that just mentioned, contains the twelve signs of the zodiac, distinguished by their proper names and characters ; and each sign is divided into 30 degrees. The last circle shows the months and days corresponding to each sign. 47. This wooden ring can represent the rational horizon of anyplace marked on the terrestrial globe only, when that place is situated in the zenith ; and the method of fringing the place into this situation, is called rectifying the globe*. Of the Position of the Sphere. 48. All the possible positions in which you can place the globe of the earfh-, are reducible to three: 1st, The parallel tphete; 2ndly, The right sphere ; and 3rdly, The oblique! sphere. Of the Parallel Sphere. 49. If the globe be so placed, that one of the poles is in the zenith, and consequently the other in the nadir, it is in the position of a parallel sphere; so called, because the equator, E Q,< (Fig. 2nd, Plate I.) coincides with the horizon; and the parallels of latitude are of course parallel to it, while all the meridians cut the horizon at right angles. 50. The inhabitants of a sphere in this position, who are the inhabitants at the poles, if there can exist such beings, have the greatest possible latitude. The stars, which are situated in the hemisphere to which the inhabitants belong, * See the Note belonging to the Demonstration of the Stereograpbic Projection, upon the Plane of the Horizon of ariy place, Section VII. 16 sever set, but describe circles all round ; while those stars of the contrary hemisphere never rise. The sun is above their horizon for six months, during which it is day; and he is below their horizon for an equal interval, when it is night. ' Of the right Sphere. 51. If you place a globe in such a position, that any point of the equator is in the zenith, it is said to be in the position of a right sphere,, because the equator and its parallels are vertical, or over the horizon at right angles. This position is seen at Fig. 1st, Plate II. where the axis, P S, is in the plane of the horizon, H O, and the equa tor, EQ,is in a plane perpendicular to it. 52. The inhabitants of such a sphere, who are the inha bitants of the earth below the line, have no elevation of the poles, and consequently no latitude. They can see the stars at both poles. All the stars rise, culminate, and set to them; and the sun always moves in a curve, at right angles to their horizon; and he is an equal number of hours above and below it, making the days and nights always equal, and producing also two winters and two summers, two springs and two autumns, in one year. Of the oblique Sphere. 5®. When either of the poles of the globe is elevated above the horizon, so as not to be in the zenith, the globe is said to be in the position of an oblique sphere, in which the equator and all its parallels, are unequally divided by the horizon. 54. This is the most common position of the earth, or it is the situation which it has with respect to all its inhabitants, except those at the equator (Fig. 1st, Plate II.) and poles. (Fig. 2nd, Plate I.) to fizcabaa » •$ £i4to Sphere, Oblique, J Spher, Jand&'&n, del Smart? sculp. 17 55. To the inhabitants of an oblique sphere/the pole of their hemisphere is elevated above the horizon as many de grees as are equal to the latitude, and the opposite pole is depressed as much below the horizon ; so that' the stars only, at the former, are seen. The sun and all the heavenly bodies, rise and set obliquely; the seasons are variable, and the days and nights are unequal. This position of the sphere is re presented by Fig. 2nd, Plate II. where the equator, E Q, and the parallels, cut the horizon, H O, obliquely, and the axis, PS, is inclined to it: hence, this position is called oblique*. * See Note B. 18 SECTION II. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS ON MAPS AND CHARTS, THE NATURAL DIVISIONS OF THE EARTH, AND THE OBJECTS THAT DIVERSIFY THE FACE OF A COUNTRY. 56. W E have shown in the preceding section, that the surface of the earth may be delineated in the most accurate manner, on the surface of a globe or sphere. This mode of delineation, however, can be employed only for the purpose of representing the general form and relative proportions of the countries on a very confined scale; and it is, besides, from its bulk and figure, not suited to many of the purposes of geography. To obviate these inconveniences, recourse has been had to maps and charts, or delineations of the earth's surface on a plane; on which the form and boundaries of the several countries, and the objects most remarkable in each, whether by sea or land, are represented according to the rules of perspective, so as to preserve the remembrance that they are parts of a spherical surface. In this way the several countries or districts of the earth may be represented on a larger scale, and delineations of this kind admit of the most easy reference. Of the Distinction between Maps and Charts. 57. In maps, the circles of the sphere, and the boundaries of the countries within them, are drawn as they would ap pear to an eye situated in some point of the sphere, or at some given distance above it ; and in maps of any consider able extent of country, the meridians and parallels of lati- 19. tude are circular arcs; but if the map represents only a small district, as a province or, country, those circles become so large,' that they may, without any considerable error, be represented by straight lines. 58. In charts, which are also called hydrographical maps, as they are representations rather of the water than of the land, the meridians and parallels arc usually represented by straight lines, crossing each other at right angles, as in the smaller maps; and in particular parts there are drawn lines, diverging from several points, in the direction of the points of the compass, in order to mark the bearings of particular places. See Plate IV. 59. In maps, the inland face of the country is chiefly re garded in the delineation ; but in charts, which are designed for the purposes of navigation, the internal face of the coun try is left nearly blank, and only the sea coast, with the principal objects on it, such as churches, light-bouses, bea cons, &c. are accurately delineated; while particular care is taken ito mark the rocks, shoals, and quicksands in the sea, that may endanger the safety of vessels. The depths or soundings of the principal bays and harbours, and the direc tion of the winds, where these are stationary or peculiarly prevalent, are also very exactly marked. See Plate IV. 60. Another distinction is, that in maps, the sea.coast is shaded, or softened off from the land, towards the sea; whilst in charts, it is shaded off, or softened from the sea, towards the inland. Of the Cardinal Points on Maps. 61. In maps, the upper side represents the north, and the lower the south ; the right-hand side denotes the east, and the left-hand side the west. c.2 20 Of numbering the Degrees of Latitude and Longitude on Maps. 62. All the margins of the map are graduated or numbered; the upper and lower margins showing the degrees of lon gitude, and the right and left the degrees of latitude. See Plates III. and IV". to which you may refer in going over the following description, and in drawing your maps, as you will thence be greatly assisted in laying down the minutim that diversify the face of a country, or the waters of the ocean. 63. If (he map is on a small scale, only every 10° of lon gitude and latitude are numbered on the margin; but if the map is laid down on a large scale, every degree is numbered, and sometimes every half degree is marked with the number 30 in small figures. 64. The space included between every 10° in small maps, or between every 2° in those on a larger scale, is usually divided into ten-spaces, which are alternately left blank, and marked with parallel lines, to denote the subdivisions of single degrees or minntes. 65. Through every 10° of latitude is drawn a line, repre senting a parallel of latitude; and through every 10° of longitude, or at smaller intervals in each, where the size of the map will admit of it, there are drawn lines representing meridians. In some maps these lines are continued from side to side, or from top to bottom, across both sea and land; but in other maps they are sometimes only drawn across the sea. The first meridian, however, and the prin cipal circles of the sphere, as the equator, tropics, &c. may always be drawn across the map. 21 Of Latitude and Longitude by inspection. 66. In most maps it is marked whether the longitude is east or west, and the latitude north or south; but, if this is not the case, you will easily discover the longitude or lati tude, by observing towards what part of the map the degrees increase. If the degrees of latitude increase from the lower to the upper part of the map, the country delineated lies in north latitude ; but if they increase from the upper margin downwards, it lies in south latitude: and if the degrees of longitude increase towards the right hand, the countries are in east longitude ; but if they increasetowards the left hand, the countries are in west longitude. The method of finding the Latitude and Longitude on Maps. 67. When the meridians and parallels are straight and parallel lines, the latitude of a place is found by stretching a thread over the place, so that it may cut the same degree of latitude on the right and left side of the map, and that de gree is the latitude of the place. 68. And to find the longitude, stretch a thread over ,tlie place, so that it may cut the same degree of longitude on the top and bottom, and that degree is the longitude of the place. 69. For instance, if we take the Mercator's Chart, Pf- *e XI. and stretch a thread over Paris, we shall find that will cut each side of the map at 48° 50' 14" N. lat. am/ the top and bottom at 2° 20', E. long. These, therefore, are the longitude and latitude of that city. 70. On the contrary, if the latitude and longitude of a place be given, and you are required to find that place, stretch one thread over the given degree of latitude on each 22 side, and another thread over the given degree of longitude at top and bottom, and at the intersection of the threads, is the place required. By this means you may put down in a map, any place whose latitude and longitude are known. 71. Now, let the meridians and parallels be curve lines. Then, to find the latitude of a place, a parallel of latitude must be drawn through it, by the same rules as the other parallels are drawn, and it cuts the sides at the degree of latitude at the place. 72. And to find the longitude of a place, draw a circle of longitude through it, by the same rules as the other meri dians are drawn, and it cuts the top and bottom at the de gree of longitude of the place. 73. But as it is troublesome to draw these circles on large maps, the following method may generally be sufficiently accurate. 74. To find the latitude, find by a pair of compasses, and a scale of equal parts, how far the place is from the two parallels between which it lies, and divide the distance of the parallels in that proportion, and you get very nearly the latitude. 75. Suppose, for instance, the distance between the paral lels to be 5°, and that' one parallel is of 45°, and the other of 50°; and suppose the place to be within 3 parts of the parallel of 45% and 7 parts of the parallel of 50°; then 5° must be divided into 10 parts, and 3 of those parts must be added to 45°, and it eives the latitude. . This is done by proportion, thus : W 3X5° 15° ^ X 7, or 10 : 3 : : 5° : = . = ,io. 10 10 therefore, the latitude is 46^*, nearly. 77. In the same manner you may find the longitude nearly. 78. On the contrary, if the latitude and longitude of a 23 place be given, and you are required to find the place, draw a circle of latitude through the given latitude on each side, and a circle of longitude through the given longitude at the top and bottom, and their intersection denotes the place; or, as you know between what two parallels of latitude and longitude the place is, you know by what four lines it is bounded ; and as you know the proportional distance from each line, you may easily, by trial, find the point. DIVISIONS OF THE EARTH. 79. By examining a finished map of the world, you will perceive that the surface of the earth is exceedingly diver sified; almost every where rising into hills and mountains, or sinking into valleys ; and plains of any great extent are ex tremely rare. \ Plains. 80. Among the most extensive plains, are the sandy de- sarts of Arabia and Africa; the internal part of European Russia; and a tract of considerable extent in the late kingdom of Poland, now called Prussian Poland. But the most re markable extent of level ground, is the vast platform of Chinese Tartary, in Asia, whidh forms an immense table of 1380 geographical miles, supported by mountains running in every direction, and is the most elevated tract of level coun try on the globe. Mountains. 81. The chief mountains of .Europe, are the Doffranal, Sec. between Sweden and Norway; the Ural Mountains, * Pinkerton's Geog. p. 368. 3d Ed. 24 between Russia and Asia; the Carpathian Mountains, or Mount Karpach, between Poland and Hungary ; the Apen nines, in Italy; the Alps, between Italy and France, Swit zerland and Germany; the Pyrenees, between France and Spain. Those of Asia are, the Altayan Mountains, between Siberia and Tartary ; Mount Caucasus, between Siberia and Georgia; Mount Taurus, extending from the Archipelago to the Euphrates ; the Gaur, in Persia; and the Gauts, S. W- of Hindostan. The mountains of Africa are, the Mountains of Komri, between Guinea and Komri; the Mountains Lupata, N. E. of Caffreria ; the Mountains of the Moon, be tween Ethiopia and Nigritia; and Mount Atlas, between Barbary and Sahara. And the chief ridges of America are, the Stony and the Apalachian Mountains in the north; and the Andes, or Cordilleras, in South America. But, for a geological account of mountains, and the phenomena of the earth, I must refer you to Buffon's Epochs of Nature ; Burnet's Theory of the Earth ; De Lametherie's Theory of the Earth, a work which abounds in excellent observations; Herman's Geology ; Dr. James Button's Theory of the Earth; Dr. Kirman's Theory of Mountains and Volcanoes; Jameson's Mineralogy ; Werner, Whiston, and Whitehurst 's Theories of the Earth (98). Oceans. 82. The greatest concavities of the globe, are those which are occupied by the waters of the sea ; and of these, by far the largest forms the bed of the Pacific Ocean, which, stretching from the eastern shores of the coast of New Holland, to the western coast of America, covers nearly half of the globe. The concavity next in size and importance, is that which forms the bed of the Atlantic Ocean, extending between the New and the Old World's -, and r third concavity is filled by the Indian Ocean. Smaller collections of water, though 25 still large enough to receive the name of oceans, fill up the remaining concavities, and take the names of Arctic and Antarctic Oceans. The Arctic, or Frozen Ocean, on the north, the Pacific Ocean on the east, the Indian Ocean on the south, and the Atlantic Ocean on the west, water the eastern hemisphere. The Arctic, or Frozen Ocean, on the north, the Atlantic Ocean on the east, the Pacific Ocean on the west, and the Southern Ocean on the south, wash th« shores of the western hemisphere. Seas. 83. Smaller collections of water, that communicate freely with the oceans, are called seas, which sometimes take their names from the country- near which they flow. Yet there are large bodies of water, every where surrounded by land, called seas. Says and Gulfs. 84. A part of the sea running up within the land, so as to form a hollow, if it be large, is called a bay or gulf; and these, also, frequently derive their names from one or other of the countries between which they flow ; but if those por tions of water be small, creek, road, or haven, is the name usually assigned them. Straits. 85. When two large bodies of water communicate by a narrow pass between two adjacent lands, this pass is called a strait or straits;, and, upon examination, you will find that they have obtained their names from one or other of the countries betweeta which any particular current of this de scription flows. 26 Lakes. 86. A body of water, entirely surrounded by land, is called lake, loch, or lough; with the exception.of the Caspian Sea, and the Sea of Aral (101). 87. This term, and its synomies, loch,' or lough, is some times applied to what is properly a gulf or inlet of the sea ; as, Loch Fyne, Loch Swilly. Rivers. 88. A considerable stream of water rising inland, and run ning towards the sea or a lake, is called a river; a smaller stream of the same kind, is called a rivulet or brook. The source of a river, is the place or spring from whence it issues or rises. The mouth or entrance of a river, is the place where it empties itself into the sea, or into some other river: the latter is, more properly, the conflux of a river. When the mouth is very wide, it is called an estuary. The right or left bank of a river, is that side which is to the right or left of a person coming from its source to its mouth. The upper part of a river, is that which is nearest its source ; and the lower, that nearest its mouth (97). 89. The great extent of land which forms the rest of the globe, is divided into innumerable bodies, some of which are very large, but the majority very small. We may divide the land thus: 1. Continents;^ 2. Peninsulas; 3. Isthmuses; 4. Capes or Promontories ; and 5. Islands. 1. Continents. 90. There are three very extensive tracts of country, which may all be denominated continents, though only two of BJemeraary Map skewing ffi& various oty'ecU tfiat diversify Maps. Hate m \ Joeing page 2.,i i jiZ-'U&xrn = g : Now the triangles F K I and F D G are similar ; therefore FK : FD : : KI : DG; that is, ™=h , ™ : : , : DG - jj^; which is the value of the tangent : 44 then to shew how nearly this value is to that of the are, we lid.? * have lld—Hv 8b 1 llcf but s = (dv— -o*)1 = dk v* (I — ~d — g^r &c.) 1 &c. therefore L-^tfr&x- *d 8^ =//*,, l-rr> 1- llflf lid ( JL£_ 39 g* ^ V1 + 22d + 968d%&c->' the value of the tangent which should be equal to that of the arc; but the series expressed in the same terms for the value ' * ( v _l "* o ~\ of the arc, is dP vT x V1 + 6d 40^"' ) 'lt therefore appears that the value of the tangent is too great to express the value of the arc. The two series only agree in the first term. In the series for the tangent line, the second term is too great, and the third term much smaller than the third term for the series of the arc. When s and v become = — , then, the value of the tangent lids lid . ? , - becomes -77- which is the same value of the qua drant as the proportion of Archimedes would give*. As this series increases nearly equal with the arc itself, the representation, therefore, of equal portions of all great * See Note E. 45 circles perpendicular to the plane of projection on the said plane, will be equal parts very nearly; and their distance from the centre of the plane of projection, will be 7d*«* (, bv S9r>* a \ c .. , . , IT X 1 1 + 22d + 968^, &Cl J *' f°r thC tn^les FDG, FEO, are similar; therefore, since F D = -£- and o EF — ^, it will be, as FD : FE : : DG : EO. „ Hd 7d But since —y- is to -^ as 11 is to 7, therefore 11 : 7 : : a*o* X ( 1 + + — ¦. &c. I : x V 22 d 968d% J 11 (1 + r- ¦ &c. | = EO the distance of the 22 d 968 d* J projection from the centre of the primitive. 147. Again, suppose we find the point F (Fig. C. Plate V.) the vertex of an equilateral trangle described upon AB the diameter of the circle as its base; assume M, a point in the quadrant A D ; draw M F cutting A B in N j and let E F be perpendicular to AB ; then the line E F may be found, and also the distance at which F is beyond C. Now, because the semi-diameter E A, and the whole dia meter A B, equal to A F, are given, E F may be had, which is equal to the square root of AFX — AE*; = (AF1 — AE1)1. And, because the number of equal parts into which the diameter is divided for any given polygon, is also given, the line A N, winch is equal to two of those parts, will be given, and consequently the part EN may be had. Then, in the right- angled triangle FEN, there are given the sides EF, EN, to find the angle EFN; say, as EF : EN : : Rad. : 46 Tang, z EFN. And in the triangle EFM, because the sides FE, EM, and the angle EFM are given, the angle E M F may be found thus : As EM : EF : : sine z EFM : sine Z FME; which, being found, add to the angle EFM, and subtract their sum from 180° ; the remainder is the angle FEM; then subtract ing the angle FEN, which is a right angle, from the angle FEM, there remains the angle NE'M at the centre. The part CF may be found thus: the angle E A F = 60', the angle EAC = 45°; therefore the angle CAF = 15"; and in the triangle C A F, we have the side A F and the side A C = AE1 + EC1) Tj with *ne angle at A, consequently, having the two sides C A, A F, and their contained angle, we say, As the sum of the two given sides, Is to their difference; So is the tangent of half the sum of the two unknown angles, To the tangent of half their difference; and again, SlnezF : AC : : sine Z A : CF*. 148. Let the distance CF be three-fourths of the radius E C, and keeping the same construction of the figure, in the right-angled triangle ELM, EL being equal to ffhs of ED, we have the two sides, EM, EL, to find the side ML, and the angles at E and M. As EM : rad. : : EL : swe^EML, whose complement is the angle L EM; now, to find LM rad. : E M : : cos. z EMLsMLj or LM = ME1 -EL^. And if EM = 1, EL = -75; therefore, if L M = V ME1 — EL1) then will VME* — EL*= V lz — 75\ Again, in the right-angled triangle F L M, we have given * See Note F. 4T the sides FL, ML, to find the hypothenuse FM, and the angles at F and M. To find the angles, M L : LF : : rad. : tang, z L M F, or cos. z M FL. To find the hypoth. Cos. zLMF : rad. : : ML : MF "Now, if we take the angle LME from the angle LMF, there will remain the angle E M F; and if we take the angle MEL from NEL, there will remain the angle NEM; wherefore, in the triangle ENM, we have all the angles given, together with the side ME; and the line EN may thence be found thus : Sine. Z N : M E : : sine z M : to opp. side N E. And in this manner may each of the nine spaces in E A be computed. 149. Now, if we compare these two last articles by the one which precedes them, we have AF*— AE*=EF*; and if AF = 2, AE= 1; then 21— ¥= 4—1=3 = EF, whose square root 1-73205 is the line EF. But by the latter, since CF = |ths of 1 or • 75, therefore EF= 1-75; wherefore, the difference is -01795; and by this difference does the apex, F, of the equilateral triangle, fall within F in the line EF, when C F is = fths of the radius. 150. Upon the whole, then, it appears, that La Hire's me thod is as good as either of the other two. That in wliich we assume the point of view, distant from the sphere three- fourths of its radius, will not create any material error in the whole; and that in which the point of view is fixed on the vertex of an equilateral triangle, having the diameter for its base, differs from the latter method so little, as not to be perceptible in the whole projection. Either of them may therefore be used at pleasure, or La Hire's may be chosen in preference to both . 48 On the disproportion of the Distances between the Meridians and Parallels in the Stereographic Projection. 151. In the stereographic projection, the meridians are at Unequal distances, the greater being at the primitive meri dian, and decreasing as they approach the centre. There is also a similar inequality in the distances of the parallels of latitude being greatest at the poles, and decreasing as they approach the centre. Equal spaces on the globe of the earth, are thence represented by unequal spaces on the plana map. 152. By inspecting Fig. 3d, Plate VI. you will discover this inequality. In the semi-diameter CQ, the space C 80 is very nearly equal to the half of S 80 on the primitive circle; and by consequence, 10 Q on the equator, is nearly equal to Q 10 on the primitive circle. If, then, on the semi- tangetical line C Q, the first ten degrees towards the centre of the map, are only nearly equal to one half of their cor responding ten degrees on the primitive circle; but the first ten degrees on the same semi-tangetical line, towards the primitive circle, be nearly equal to ten degrees on the primi tive circle, as must be the case from the semi-diameter, or line of semi-tangents being half way between that and the real tangents ; then equal spaces on the globe of the earth, are represented by very unequal spaces on the plane map. 153. But to investigate this yet more accurately, because the surface of a sphere is equal to four times the area of the circle, whose diameter is that of the sphere, the whole sur face of a sphere is to one of its great circles as four to one; therefore, when the eye is on the1 surface of the sphere, the ratio will be that of two to one. The parts at the centre of the map are, therefore, only one-fourth part of their corre spondent originals; but those at the extremity are nearly equal, and would be exactly so, taking* the ultimate ratios j 49 and, consequently, the whole map cannot be a just ratio of the spheric surface. On the equality of the Distances between the Meridians and Parallels in the Globular Projection. 154^ In the globular projection, the meridians and paral lels are equidistant, when measured on the equator and axis meridian ; and, therefore, equal spaces on the spheric surface* are represented by equal spaces on the map, by an approxi mation as near the truth as any projection will admit ; for a spherical surface can, by no possible method, be represented exactly upon a plane. 155. When the eye is posited in the surface of the sphere, as, is the case in the stereographic projection, all the meridians and parallels are represented on the plane of projection as they really are on the surface of the globe itself — they are all cir cular; but when the eye is placed out of the surface, the meri dians and parallels depart from the form they possess on the terrestrial globe — they cease to be circles, and become ellipses, whose eccentricity is in proportion to the distance of the eye from the surface of the sphere. The meridians and parallels in the globular projection are, therefore, ellipses. They are not usually drawn so, geographers contenting themselves with circular, in place of elliptical curves; and, as the deviation is excessively small in this projection, we have followed the po pular mode. Mr. Peter Nicholson, who places the point of view in the globular projection at f ths of the radius (145), has given the real elliptical curve of the meridians and parallels *. To a skilful geographer, the real method of projection must always be the smallest of the difficulties presented in the exe cution of the map, especially as there are many simple and * See Dr. Rees's Encyclopaedia, Art. Proj. of the Sphere, Prob. XI. Meth. 2. Ex. 1, 2, and 3. Plate IX. Fig. 1, 2, and 3. 50 convenient methods of drawing ellipses. The horizontal prd- jection performed after Nicholson's principles*, would be capa ble of giving distances, as well as the stereographic ; for, there is no property of the stereographic projection, that can recom pense in planispheres, the inconveniences of the disproportion thence arising between the spaces that ought to be equal. 156. The orthographic projection has, with regard to spaces, the contrary defect from the stereographic, as it diminishes them from the centre to the circumference, on account of the obliquity under which the lateral parts of the sphere are represented to its diametral plan; but when we produce the optical axis out of the sphere (140), the plane of the picture still passing by the centre, we find that there exists on the produced axis a point (141), where the in equality of spaces is the smallest possible (142); for, it is evident, that when the point of view is at such a distance, that the obliquity of the rays, which tends to enlarge the spaces, becoming smaller, may be compensated by that of the projected surfaces, which fends to diminish them, and their increase must be changed into decrease +. There cannot be absolute equality in all, because the law of their variation depends upon their particular situation; but at the limit Which we have assigned, their differences are sufficiently small to be neglected in a general map. This will be suf ficient^ evident, by comparing Fig.' 1st, Plate VI. with Fig. 1st, Plate V. In the former, the lines drawn from N, to the equal divisions of the quadrant QS, have more ob liquity than the lines drawn from X to the equal divisions of the quadrant Q S, in the latter; and hence the divisions in CQ, Fig. 1st, Plate V. become nearly equal among themselves; whereas, the divisions on CQ, in Fig. 1st, Plate VI. are very unequal, being greatest towards Q. * See Proj. of the Sphere, by the rules of perspective, in Dr. Rees's Encyclopedia. t La Croix's Math, and Crit. Geo. 51 Of the two last methods of projection, the only advan tage the stereographic has over the globular, is, that the parallels of latitude and the meridians, intersect each other at right angles ; the globular is equal to the stereographic in point of facility, and much superior to it in point of cor rectness, for planispheres or particular maps. Illustration of a Planisphere. 157. In constructing a map of the world, as well as in most partial maps, the part of the sphere to be represented, is supposed to be in the position of a right sphere (47). In this mode of projection, the hemisphere to be represented, is supposed to be delineated on the plane of that meridian by which it is bounded, in the same manner as its concave surface, conceiving the sphere to be transparent, would appear to an eye placed in the opposite hemisphere, where the equator crosses a meridian ; that is 90° distant from that which forms the plane of projection (131). In a picture of this kind, we have seen that the meridians and parallels of latitude, are represented by arcs of circles, except the equator and axis meridian, which are straight lines ; and each paral lel or meridian, forms an arc of a great circle, in proportion as it approaches nearer to the centre of the map. Moreover, the projection of a map of the world, in the position of a right sphere, on the plane of a meridian, produces two hemispheres; the one the eastern, and the other the western hemisphere. 158. The projection of a map of the world, on the plane of the equator, in the situation of a parallel sphere (49), produces the representations of the northern and southern hemispheres, which appear as their convex surface would be seen by an eye placed at the opposite pole. In this way the meridians become straight lines, diverging from the same centre, and the parallels are all concentric circles ; and" equal spaces on the earth, are represented by equal spaces on the map, as nearly as in the former cases. m SECTION IV. CONTAINING GEOMETRICAL AND TRIGONOMETRICAL PRO JECTIONS OF THE SPHERE, ON THE PLANE OF A MERI DIAN AND THE EQUATOR*. PROBLEM I. 159. To draw the circles of longitude geometrically, for a map of the world, according to the globular projection of the sphere, on the plane of a meridian. See Fig. 1st, Plate V. 160. Draw the straight line E Q, of any convenient length, divide it into two equal parts in the point C, and with the radius CE or C Q, describe a circle : then, through C, draw NCS, at right angles to E Q. The lines EQ,NS, repre sent two great circles of the sphere (120): the former, the equator ; the latter, the central meridian of the hemisphere in which it is placed ; and N, S, are the poles (8). 161. Divide the quadrant of the circle QS, into nine equal parts, 10, SO, 30, &c. and bisect the quadrant ES, in the point s; this point * is situated in the 45° of the quadrant : then, through the point s, draw the straight line ss, perpen dicular to C S, or parallel to E C, and * 5 will be the sine of 45° (142). i' 162. Produce the axis meridian beyond the pole to X, and set off NX equal to the line ss (142); then, from the point X, to the sub-divisions in the quadrant QS, draw'the oblique lines X 10, X 20, &c. which will divide the semi- diameter CQ, into nine nearly equal parts (146). The same * See Note G. 5>3\ operation being performed in the quadrant ES, will divide the radius C E into nine nearly equal parts. But, it, is qb vious that all the foregoing work is unnecessary, as f^e.quatoi| mayr be very easily divided into nine equal parts, ftyi^hputit. The exhibition of it, however, .gives a connect, idea of,. $e. manner in which the gradatipn,of the equator js, obtained;,, j,^. 163. Secondly. Through the points, of .these equa^ sub divisions in the equator, the circles (155), eaeh ¦parallel may be described by Problem A. 176. The other method to which we alluded (167), was employed by Mr. Arrowsmith, in constructing his large map of the world. It requires, however, considerable address, to draw the individual degrees by this or any other method ; but even this is practicable to the greatest nicety, where there 57 are patience and assiduity. Problems III and IV. shew this method*. PROBLEM III. 177. By the globular projection of the sphere, and on the plane of the meridian, to project geometrically the meridians for a map of the world. See Fig. 1st, Plate VIII. 178. About the centre C, with any radius, as CB, describe a circle representing the plane Of projection; draw the diameters N S and A B, crossing each other at right angles ; the former of these will represent the axis meridian, and the latter the equator. Then divide each semi-diameter into nine equal parts, as seen in Fig. 1st; and each quadrant also into nine, as shown in Fig. 2nd, Plate VIII. thus will the diameters be divided into eighteen equal parts each, and the circumference into thirty-six, which may again be sub divided into 180° and 360°, by the mere subdivision of the great divisions into ten equal parts each. 179. The next object is to find thie centres from which to describe the meridians passing through every tenth degree of the equator. 180. Suppose we are to draw the meridians of 80" and 50" west of Greenwich, \ye have here three points given, the two poles, and the points 80° or 50° on the equator, and a circle is to be described, that shall pass through these three given points ; an arc of this circle will be the meridian of 80° west longitude. -, ... 181. About the point S, as a centre, with the radius, SC, describe a circular, are, as lha,t,dptfed by X C X ; with the same radius, and about N as centre, . describe the dotted arc ZCZ; then about the centre 80?,, with the same radius, describe the arcs, 1, 1; 8,2, crossing the former ; draw ... . \ * See' Mr. Arrowsmth's Comp. to his M*ap off he World. 4to. Lond. 1794. 58 straight lines from 2 to 1, one on each side of A B produced in D ; — D is the centre of the circular arc, representing the meridian of 80° west of Greenwich ; and, with the same radius, the meridians 140* west, 40» and 100° east longitude, may be drawn. 182. The 50th degree of longitude west, has for its primi tive centre the point 50 in C B, from which the arcs a, a; b, b, are drawn crossing the dotted arcs Z, X : on either side of A B, are drawn the straight lines b a E, b a E ; E is there fore the centre of the meridian of 50' west longitude, and the same radius will describe the meridians 170° west-, 10* and 130° east longitude. And you can draw all the other meri dians in a similar manner,' by using N as one point, the required degree as the secoad, and S as the third, through which the circle must . PRpBLEM IV. 183. To draw the parallels of latitude according to the method of Problem III. on the plane of a meridian, for a map of the world. See Fig. 2nd, Plate VIII. 184. Keeping the consttuction of the foregoing: problem, of which the plane of projection is identical to Fig. 2nd, we have in this last diagram, the axis meridian and circum ference of the plane of projection graduated, or divided, the former into 18, and the latter into 36 equal parts; and suppose we were to draw the parallels of 30° and 60* north latitude, we should proceed thus i • 185. First. For 30% about the 30th degree, with M as a centre, and with any radius, describe the circle L K T, and about the points 30% 30' in the primitive circle, with the same radius, you describe the arcs s,s; n,n cutting the cir cle LKT; then, through the points of intersection, draw straight lines, and the point where they meet in the line of IAGEAMS ^EidraiilbMMg1 tfo<& Globular ^ro/ectwn ofth&JlferufazAdran£s each into nine equal parts, find from a scale of equal j.orls, the length of half the chord of each arc," and the versed sue of half the same arc ; then add together the square of half the chord, and the square of the versed sine, and divide the sum by the versed sine ; the quotient is equal to the diameter, and i of this to the radius of the circle required. In this manner the radii of the meridians and parallels may be found +. 190. The two following Problems exhibit in their contents, trigonometrical methods of the globular projection on the plane of a meridian. * See Note H. t Encyclop. Britan. Vol. IX. Part II. Page 541. TTfth Edition. 60 PROBLEM V. 191. To project the circles of longitude for a map of the world, on the plane of the meridian, according to the globu lar projection of the sphere, from a trigonometrical table of radii. See Fig. 3rd, Plate VIII. 192. Draw the circle W N E S, as the plane of projection, and draw WE, N S, at right angles to each other, the former will be the equator, and the latter the axis meridian. Then divide each arc of the quadrant into nine equal parts, and the two diameters also into nine equal parts. 193. The meridians, as we have already seen, must pass through three given points, the poles, and a division on the semi-diameter, as N oS, or N bS, &c. The centres for these arcs will be in the line of measures CE produced; and the centres for those on the other side, will be on C W produced. 194. Observe, that the radius CW, is divided into 90 equal parts ; and the following table shews the length of the radius of each meridional arc in those parts. Trigonometrical Table of Radii for the Meridians. For the arc SaN the radius a a — 90-61 say 90$ ~) -g S&N ScN — SdN SeN — S/N — SgN — SAN bb = 92-82 93 cc = 97-32 ¦ — 97k dd = 106 106 ee == 121 1 121 ff = 149-7 149| gg = 215-6 215f hh = 410-7 410|J _ © - o> t II ' '3 CO r * 2 « w en .a © -»* O O And with the radius a a, i. c. a 90 j, you can describe the arc S a N, and so on for any of the others. 61 195. The following Problem shews the canon of radii we we have given for this method of projecting the sphere on the plane of a meridian. PROBLEM B. See Fig. 4th, Plate VIII. 196. Let N, S represent the two poles, and W E the equa tor, it is required to find the radius of an arc that will pass through the three given points N aS. 197. In the right angled triangle N a C, the base and per pendicular are known, and of course the angle C a N, and the hypothenuse Na, by trigonometry thus: a C : C N : : Rad. '. tang, z a, or cot. z N ; and cos. a z '• Rad. : : a C : a N, or Rad. : Sec. Za : : a C : a N. 198. Bisect N a in D, and if a perpendicular to N a, be drawn from D, it will intersect WE, and form a right- angled triangle, of which the base D a, and the angle D a B, are known, and of course the hypothenuse a B, (as above,) which is the radius for describing the arc N a S ; and so oft for the other arcs N 6 S, &c. 199. There is another way of dividing the radius, as for example, into a hundred equal parts. See Fig. 1st and 2d, Plate V. in which we might, by any convenient scale of equal parts, divide C E or C Q, into a hundred, and then the circular arc answering to 10° -will be equal to 12 20°'- ¦ ¦ .' 1 25 30° 42 40° • ... 61-5 50°, 88 6oo 133 70° 208 80" —— ^...,~.. 464 Of those parts set off from C towards Q or E, added to the distance between C, and the several points 10, 20, &c. in the radius C E, or C Q. Thus the radius of the circle of 10* longitude, fe equal to th« dip'^.f-re between QC, and 10 in the line CE; the radius of that o( 50°, is equal to the distance between 50 and 50; and that of 80°, between 80 in the line Q C, and a given point in 0 E produced, which, taken from C, will be equal to 342 2 parts of which radius is equal to a hundred*. PROBLEM VI. 200. To draw the parallels of latitude from a trigbWh metrical table of radii, for the globular projection of the sphere on the plane of a meridian. SeeFig. 4th, Plate VIII. 201. Retaining the primary construction of the foregoing problem, we have here also three points, through which the parallels are to be drawn ; namely, one of the divisions 1c, I, or m, &c. upon the axis meridian NS, and the two corre sponding divisions of the primitive circle NESW. The centres for these arcs, will fall on the line of measures NS produced both ways , and the following table shows the length of the radius of eapb , in equatorial parts, as in the former case in meridional arcs. 202. Trigonometrical Table of Radii, for the Parallels of Latitude. For the arc 10A 10 the radius — ti 20 1 20 23*. T 23*, T. 30 m 30 ¦ .40 n 40 50 o 50 . 60 p 60 66J A 66| A. 70 q 70 80 r 80 Ick = 703.5 say 703£t // = 337-5 — 337| Tropic= 281-4 — 28l£ mm = 210 — 2J0 n n =143 — J 43 o o — 97-71 — 97| p p = 65-3 Arctic = 48-19 — 65£ — 48-f qq = 39-75 — 39J rr —. 18-44 — 18* <° _• o o •3 oi til O •— ta u V.-S.5 ilo * Goldsmith'* Poplar geography, p. 578. Sixth Edition. + In tbe diagram, the point 703A h goes beyond the plate, though »xpre< sed ¦pon it. 63 203. The following Problem shews the canon of radii we have given for drawing the circles of latitude in this method of projecting the sphere on the plane of a meridian PROBLEM C. See Fig. 4th, Plate VIII. 204. Let N, S represent the poles, W E the equator, it is required to find the radius of an arc that will pass through the three points 30 m 30, in the quadrant W N E. 205. Draw 30 F perpendicular to CN, and 30 F will be known, and E C, as sine and cosine of 30° ; whence C F — C m gives F m, one side of the right-angled triangle 30 F m ; consequently, in the right-angled triangle 30 F m, having the z at F, and the sides 30 F, Fm given, the side 30 m, and the angle 30 m F may be found thus, by plane trigono metry: As m F : F 30 : : Rad. : tang z m, or, cot. z F 30 m; and cos. Z m : Rad. : : m F : m 30, or Rad. : sec. Z m. : : m F : m 30. 206. Bisect 30 m in G, and if a perpendicular be drawn to 30 m from G, it will intersect C N, or CN produced, and form a right-angled triangle, of which the base G m, and the angle GmF, are known; and, consequently, the hypothe nuse, which is the radius for the arc 30 m 30, may be deter mined from the above formula ; and so on for the other arcs or circles of latitude, 10 k 10, 20 1 20, 40 n 40, &c. PROBLEM VII. 207. To project a map of the world geometrically on the plane iof '(he equat'dr^ according to the globular projection of the sphere. See Plate IX. 64 208. About C as a centre, and with any radius, as C B, de scribe a circle which will represent the equator, as A E B Q. Draw A B and E Q at right angles, and there will be formed the quadrants AE, EB, BQ, QA, each of which you divide into nine equal parts, representing 10° each ; and if you subdivide each of these tenth parts again into ten equal parts, the whole circumference will be divided into 360*. See article 178. 209. Now, to draw the meridians, which, in this case, will be right circles (120), or straight lines (158); from the centre C to the divisions in the plane of projection, draw the straight lines C 10, C20, &c. representing the meridians.. 210. To draw the circles of latitude, which, in this in* stance, are concentric, divide any meridional line, as CE, into nine equal parts; and through each of those points, from C as a centre, describe the concentric circles 10, 20, &c. which will represent the circular parallels of latitude. Draw the other hemisphere in the same manner, and you may then fill up your skeleton map with all the variety of objects that diversify the map of the world. See Article 144. PROBLEM VIII. 211. On the plane of the meridian, and by the stereo graphic projection of the sphere, to draw the circles of Ion- gitude geometrically, for a map of the world. See Plate VI Fig. 1st. 212. With any radius C Q, describe a circle; draw EQ and N S, at right angles to each other ; divide the quadrant QS, into nine equal parts, to which draw the lines N 10, N 20, &c. which will divide the radius C Q, unequally into nine parts; or CQ is now marked as % line of semi-tangents, which must also be set off on the radius C E. 213. Bisect CN in P, and draw PT perpendicular to Diagrams l&xMibittint'g' tEe Stereo graf? file &+rli\t*-}e NyT ii^N, \ ...-" C 00 1 1?0 'i 7a 'i aV. if0\.ff\Jfl-\» ''Jff * i? IS : :, \ \ ¦•. '/*> \ \ \ y™° & V iW *J ¦'ofl! ."ttt^p 65 CN; then will PT bisect all the lines drawn obliquely froni N, to the radius C Q, by Prop. IV. Orthographic Projection- 214. Secondly. See Fig. 2nd. Produce QE indefinitely beyond E, for your line of measures, and from the points of intersection, formed by the line PT crossing the lines drawn obliquely from N to the radius C Q, raise the perpendiculars 10 10, 20 20,' &c. to meet CE produced. Then, these points 10, 20, &c. in the line of measures CE produced, are the centres, about which the respective circles, of longitude are to be described. 215. And provided you produce CQ, as CE was pro duced, but in the contrary direction, and perpendiculars, as in the.former case, fall upon it, the centres for the circles of longitude in the other semi-circle will be determined. But as all the centres of these imagihary circles of longitude in the.semi-circle N E S, are at the same distance from C, in the radius C Q produced, as those in N Q S are from C in the radius C E produced— it is obvious that they may be found, or set off in C Q produced, by spaces equal to the distances C 10, C20', &c. in CE produced; and not only so for this semi-circle N E S, but also for the two other semi-circles in the other planisphere. • 216. Fig. 3d, Plate VI. exhibits at one view all tlie lines in Figures 1st and 2nd, together with the meridians drawn from their respective centres. PROBLEM IX. 217. To draw the circles of latitude geometrically, for a map of the world, on the plane of the meridian, and by the stereographic projection of the sphere. See Plate VII. Fig. 1st. ^. 218. From the centre C, with the radius C Q, describe a circle, as in the former problem; or, if you are going to 66 complete a planisphere, you would make use of that Circle on which you have already drawn the meridians. Divide one quadrant, as QS, into nine -equal parts, and set off S3|° for a tropic, and 66 j* for a polar circle; then from E draw the oblique lines E 10, E20, &c. which will mark on CS a line of semi-tangents, that are to be setoff on CNalso. Bisect the segment of each of the oblique lines falling within the quadrant Q CS, in the points c, c, &c. 219. From the points c, c, i&c. raise the perpendicular* c 10, c20, &c. to meet the line of measures produced to wards It ; then, on the line C R, a 10, b 20, &c. will be the radii of the circular parallels, corresponding to the different degrees of south latitude, the tropic of Capricorn, and the Antarctic Circle; and about the points 10, 20, &c. on SR, with the distance 10 a, 20 b, &c. these parallels are to be described, as will appear obvious by a slight inspecting of the diagram. But the centres of the dfrcvlar parallels may also be found agreeably to Problem A. frotn'Mngents, thus ; 220. See Fig. '2d, 2»la:te VII. from whose centre C, to the divisions t>f (Iie'c]uadr9nt'ES,iyou drawthe-Tadii C 10, C20, &c. ; produce the axis towards R, and from the extremities of the radii, raise- perpendiculars, which will give in N S pro duced, the centres of the parallels. 221. For example: From C 10, and at the point 10, is raised the perpendicular 10 10, meeting N R in the point 10, justR; from C20,' is raised 20 20, the point 20 in NR, being the centre of 20* of latitude. Now, if one foot of your compasses be placed in the point 10, in the line NR, and the other be extended to the point 10°, in the circumference of the plane of projection, by .sweeping across the whole plane, the circular arc, answering to 10° of south latitude, will be described. The remaining circles of latitude are drawn in a similar manner, as will be perceived by glancing at the diagram. Plate \ tzf Irvrupap, BMtitmci mo methods of ' a>TZftructm^ fii&(%rcleapw

7z< zfft ' a C s ^3« <3 '* I J}raM>n, Ay -*1 Jaznieavm/. Untpwrca 67 222. Fig. 3d, Plate VII. displays a combination of both the foregoing methods, which we shall briefly explain. 223. By the first method, Prob. IX. for the parallel of 60° north latitude, the segment 60 s, of the line Q 60, is bisected in r, and from this point is raised the perpendicular rr, meeting the produced axis in r; the point r without the circle, is then the centre of the circular arc of 606 N. L. ; and if about this point r, as a centre, and with the radius r 60°, there be described a circle 60*60, you would call it the parallel of 60° N. L. 224. Again : Suppose it was required to draw the tropic of Cancer, you bisect m 23£° in the point n, raise the perpen dicular n n, meeting S N produced in n; and about n as a centre, with the radius n 23§°, describe the circle 23|° m @3§°, and it will represent the tropic of Cancer. , 225. Moreover, it is by this method that the ecliptic in the southern hemisphere is described-; for, let Q k be bisect ed in d, and a perpendicular dd be raised, crossing SN pro duced in d, you would about d as a centre, and with .the radius d Q, describe the ecliptic E Ic Q. ,226. By the second method, i. e. by Prob. A. for the paral lel of 40° south latitude, C 40 is a radius of the primitive cir cle, CS is produced beyond S towards p, and from the extre mity of the radius C 40, is raised the perpendicular 40 &0 ; then, about 40 as a centre, in NS produced towards p, and with the radius 40 40, you can describe the circular arc for the parallel of 40° of south. latitude, marked on the engraving 40 south latitude. 227. Again, if you have to describe the Antarctic Circle, (here is the radius C 66{°, b 661" for the tangent, and b in C p, is the centre, about which, with the radius b 66±9, you have to describe the Antarctic Circle. 228. You will observe that, in this diagram, the semi circle ENQ, represents the northern half of the eastern ?2 68 hemisphere; and the semi-circle ESQ, is supposed to be the southern half of the western hemisphere. It may also be noticed, that the radii we obtained for describing the circles of 60° N. L. the tropic of Cancer, and the Antarctic Circle, will describe also the circles which are the converse of these, and so on for all the others (168). The stereographic projection of the sphere, may also be performed on the plane of a meridian, by means of trigono metrical tables of radii; and the two following problems ex hibit this method. PROBLEM X. 229. To draw the circles of longitude according to the stereographic projection of the sphere, on the plane of the meridian, from a trigonometrical table of radii. See Plate VIII. Fig. 5. 230. About C as a centre, describe a circle, and through its centre draw the diameters W E, N S, at right angles ; the former you would call the equator, and the latter the axis meridian. Divide the quadrant ES, into nine equal parts ; and from N, to these divisions, draw oblique lines, which will divide the radius C E, into nine unequal parts, in the points a, b, c, &c. These oblique lines are given in specimen, from E to the subdivisions, in the quadrant N W, and the intersections made by means of them on the semi- diameter C N, mark a line of semi-tangents, which must also be set off on the radius C W- 231. The two poles N, S, and the semi-tangents a,b,c, &c. on C E, mark three given points, through which each meridian line must pass. 232. Secondly. Take the radius C E, and divide it into ninety equal parts, of which the following table shows how many are to be taken for the radius of each meridian. aMqonvvuiiical wwlmetwn cfthe Glchilar and Stereo o rap i Projedforu? of the Splure on , t7i& Tlcuw of a tu vidian no ¦no"/- ¦--an 263 180 ¦ \ >-~ / Kt>2? -¦ ?--'' ••'n ::::-v"--X?\ W o; .K - t°l - ?M* \ O ^ t? S to ..J — > > 1- it ast xid I A GMAM 8 11". and JBxfdtit a tecmftn'Ml eonstnielion of flat Globulzar projedww at ' i/ie SMure on ih& pLana of a ineridian Jhn*m. T>v j£.Jamic*tra. Bv ,,-.-,, /., "(' 69 S33. Trigonometrical Table of Radii for the Meridians, con- , structed from a canon of Radii, as exhibited in Problem B. page 61. For the arc NaS the radius a a = 91-4 say 91| N6S -j bb = 95^78 96 — o ._ NcS — cc = 104 104 ._ NdS -^— dd = 117-5 — 117| -Ne'S ^ — ee = 140 140 - N/S — — — // = 180 — 180 — NgS . gg = 263. 263 _ NAS kh *= 518:3 518|J £ b o -a to 2 L-fi .2 O. si S 8 O J3 .a — 234. Set one foot of your compasses in a, on the line C W, extend the other to a, on C E, and you -will be able to draw the meridian NaS; and so on for any of the others. PROBLEM XI. 235. To draw the circles of latitude stereographically on the plane of the meridian, from a trigonometrical table of radii. See Fig. 6th, Plate VIII, 236. You construct the plane of projection, as in the last problem, and then divide the quadrants NE, N W, each into nine equal parts, to each of which, as well as to 231" and 66\°, there are drawn lines front the points W and E, and the intersections made by them, as seen on the semi-diameter C S, mark a line of semi-tangents, which are denoted on C N by the letters r, s, A, t, &c. And here we have three points, through which to describe the parallels of latitude; namely, a point r, s, &c. on C N, and the corresponding divisions on the arcs W N, and E N. The centres of these parallels, will be in the line S N produced. 237. If the radius CN, bo divided into ninety equal parts for a scale, then the following table shows the length in those parts of ihii scale, which you take to describe each arc. Trigonometricql Table bf Radii for Latitudes, ConStructedfrofif a canon of Radii, as Qxemplified in Probleni C. page 63, Forthearc '80r80 thpradiusis 'r r. = 15.87 say 16. Ji : 70s 70 — . ss == 32-75 — 32| : — 66§A66i— A. Arctic = 39-19 — 39 . '¦ 60*60 tt =51-96 — 52 '¦ SOoSo ,— : vv = 75:S2 — 751 -^- s- 4bw40 . tow =• 107-3' — 107| ¦ 30a; 30 x x = 1559 — 156 ¦ 23|T?3| T.Tropic= '207 — 207 20 #'20 . yy = 247-3 — 247£ , JO a 10 — r— -. — . xz = 510-4 — 510| a ts O.I-. o *¦ J3 238. If, then, you set off these distances on SN produced, and extend your compasses from r to r, you will be able to describe the circular parallel 80° r 80p ; and so on for any of the rest, PROBLEM XII. 239. To make a stereographic projection of the sphere, on the plane of the equator. See Plate X, 240. Describe the circle NWSE, with any radius, and draw the diameters W E? N S, at right angles to one another, Divide the arcsi of each of the four quadrants, into nine equal parts ; subdivide each of those parts into 10®, so shall the whole equator be divided into 360°. 241. Ttien, from P, the pole, or centre of the ^circle, to each of the primary divisions in the equator, draw radii, t ^ :^«§r S Br 71 which will represent the meridians projected into straight lines, as P 10, P 20, P 30, &c. 242. For the parallels of latitude, project a line of semi- tangents, thus* from W, to the divisions 10, 20, &c. in the quadrant EN, (or 90,) draw straight lines, which will di vide the radius PN into a line of semi-tangents, through. the intersection of which, describe, about P as a centre, the circles of latitude 10, ^0, &c. number the degrees of lon gitude and latitude, and the projection will be completed. The following rule may be employed for determining the size of a globe, upon which the countries shall be of the same dimensions as you see them in any map of the world. 243. When in any map the degrees of latitude on the pri mitive circle are Just one inch in length, the globe, of which that map represents the surface, will be ten feet in diameter. The reason is obvious, by considering that the circumference of that globe will be divided into 360 inches, each degree of the circumscribing circle being one inch, in !length~; and as the diameter of every sphere is one«third. part of its circum ference nearly, JSfi- « 120 inches,, which, divided by 12, give just 10 feet; and, therefore* a map, on which the de grees of latitude are f an inch in length, will he the part of the surface of a globe half so much in diameter, or 5 feet. If the degrees in a map are T«*h of an In4;h, the diameter of the globe will be 12 inches. On the other hand, if the de grees of latitude are two inches on the map, then such a map is part of the surface of a globe 20 feet in diameter; and so in proportion for degrees of any other length*. * "Young Gent, and Lady's Philosophy," Vol. 2d. Dialogue XI V. Page 134, Edition, 1763. n SECTION V- THE PRINCIPLES OF MERCATOn's PROJECTION, WITH A, COPIOUS ILLUSTRATION OF THIS PROJECTION, AND PRO BLEMS EXHIBITING THIS MAP CONSTRUCTED FIRST, FROM A TABLE OF MERIDIONAL PARTS; AND, SECONDLY,? GEOMETRICALLY; AND A, METHOD OF ENLARGING OR JtEDCCJNG MAPS, PROPOSITION I. 244. If P be thepole of the earth, E Q the equator, P E, PR, two meridians, mn a small circle parallel to ER ; then the length of. a degree of latitude is to the length of a de gree of longitude at m, as radius is to the cosine of the latitude at m, supposing the earth to be a sphere. See Fig. 2, Plate XII. 245. For, let PC be the radius of the earth; draw mr, nr, perpendicular to it, and join EC, RC. /Then mr, n r, being parallel to EC, R C, respectively, the angle mm, is equal to the angle, ECR; hence, by similar sectors, E R i mn: : EC : mr, the cosine of m E. But when the angle is given, the length of arc of a degree, is in proportion to the radius; also, the length of a degree of the great, circle ER, is a degree of latitude; and the length of a degree of the circle mn, is a degree of longitude at m. Hence, a de gree of latitude j a degree of longitude : : radius : the cosine of latitude*. . * See page 227, in the " Principles of Fluxions," hy the Rev. S. Vince, AM. F.R.S. 3d Ed. 1805. See also Emerson'} " Math.' Prjn. of. Geo." referred to page 74. 73 246. In Mercator's- projection, the sphere is projected upon a plane; and th^-meridians E P, RP, are projected into straight lines, and parallel to each other; consequently, P in the projection, must be at an infinite distance from the equatorEQ. In this case, the arc mn being the same for all latitudes, the length of a degree of longitude is every where the same. To preserve, therefore, the proper pro portion between the- degrees of latitude and longitude, the degreqs of latitude must increase as you go from the equator, go that they may always be to the degrees of longitude, in the proportion of radius to the cosine of latitude, \" PROPOSITIQN II. ¦ . In this. projection, it is r£quired to find the length of an arc of the meridian, correspdnding to any given latitude. See Fig. 3, Plate XII." 247. Let P be the pole, E the equator, P C Q the axis of the earth, C the centre, m any place on the surface ; draw mr perpendicular to PQ; and join ut C, w Q. Put Cm i=i= r,Em= x, C r (the sine of E m the latitude of m) = y, and the length of Em on the projection = %, called the meridional parts. Then, (by Prop. I.) V r* — yz (cos of lat.) r x • ; but * x = - r '^— ; hence, V r*— yx ' V rl—yz z = — ,-J-a. =_i- v — r-M—- therefore, z = 77 ' X !•¦ !• r*— r/* 2 rz—yx ' 2 . * By Art. 46, in " The Principles of Fluxions," To find Fluents by Circular Arcs, Prop. XIX. n ,¦*¦ ¦<¦•- - — - -f cor. *=>rxIi.L V ^ ^ + cor., by the nature r—y r—y J -¦ -ii ) ¦ -i of logarithms. But, by Plane Trigonometry, V rz — y* fXf + y (bit) : r + y (r Q) : : r (rad) : /— r-. _, ~€ *» r V the tangent of the angle rwiQ = cotangent of r Qm — cot. of f r C m = cot. of half the complement of , , „ /r + y cot. | comp. lat. latitude. Hence, V — —£¦ == - — — — ' ¦•'r" i con- ., , , cot. | comp. lat. sequently, s = r x h.I. + cor.; but when s = O, cot. f comp. lat. = r ; therefore, the last equa- r lion becomes O == r X h. 1. — -f cor. = rxi.l. 1 + r cor. = O + cor. therefore the correction is = 0 ; con* , , cot. \ comp. lat. sequently, * = r X h. 1. — -¦¦ r =rX h.I. cot. 1 comp. lat. — r X h. I. r, the length qf the meridian Em on the projection. If, therefore, we take the latitude = 1°, 2°, &c. 90% we can construct a table, showing the length of the meridian on the projection, for every degree of latitude. In like manner, it may be constructed for every minute+. Siifeh a table, is called a table of meridional parts. * Art. 45. Ex.6. Prop. XVIII. Tojindtliejluentofajluxionrtt;hick isthefit&cimtdfwiy quaatitp'ty) timidbd by that quantity (yy,-6r in a given- ratio to it. f See the article " Navigation," in Emerson's Math. Prin. of Geo graphy, octavo, London, 1770, w 248\ Table of Meridional Paris for every Degree, from 1* to 84°, north of south of the Equator. i , Deg. Mer. Pfe. Deg. 56 Mer.Pts. Deg. 28 Mer. Pts. c 84° 10137 4074 173 1 83 9606 55 3968 §7 1684 82 9145 54 3865 26 1616 81 8739 53 3764 25 1550 SO 8375 52 3665 24 1484 ~ 79 8046 51 3569 231 1451 78 7745 50 3474 23 1419 77 7467 49 3382 22 1354 79 7210 48 3292 21 1289 75 6970 47 3203 20 1225 7i 6746 46 3116 19 1161 73 6534: 45 3030 18 1093 72 6335 44 2946 17 1035 71 6146 43 2863 16 673 70 5966 42 278* 15 910 69 5795 41 2702 14 848 68 5631 40 2623 13 787 67 5474 39 2545 12 725 66\ 5398 38 2468 11 664 66 5324 37 2393 ] 10 603 65 5179 36 2318 9 502 64 5039 35 2244 8 .482 63 4905 34 2171 7 421 62 4775 33 2100 6 361 61 4649 32 2028 5 360 " 60 4527 31 1958 4 240 £? 4409 30 1888 3 180 58 4294 29 1819 , 2 120 57 4183 -B egin at 1 M 60 and go up the table t ill you cc >mc (( ) 84°, or the po ' ' ' V.' ' int C. 76 249. If we take the earth of its true figure, that of a sphe* roid, we may compute the meridional parts upon the same principles; but we shall not here give the investigation, as we only want to explain the nature of this projection, so far as it may be necessary, to show how the charts are con structed. If we assume Sin Isaac Newton's ratio of the diameter of the earth for 50° latitude, the difference of the meridional parts on a sphere and spheroid, will not be above the 60th part of the whole. It is manifest that this projec tion cannot give the true position of the parts of the earth ; for the figure of the part ER, mn, (Fig. 2nd, Plate XII.) on the projection, would be a parallelogram. It is, how ever, very convenient for navigation, because the rhumbs are all projected into straight lines ; for, the meridians being all straight and parallel lines, the line which cuts them all al the same angle, must be a straight line, which is the proi perty of the rhumb. See Section VI. article Rhumb Line. 250. Mercator's projection is chiefly confined to charts for the purposes of navigation. In this projection the meridians, parallels, and rhumbs, are all straight lines; but, instead of the degrees of longitude being every where equal to those of latitude, as is the case in plain charts, the degrees of latitude are increased as we approach towards either pole, being made to those of longitude in the proportion of radius to the sine of the distance from the pole, or cosine of latitude; or, what is the same thing, in the secant of the latitude to radius. Hence, all the parallel circles, are represented by equal and parallel straight lines ; and all the meridians, as has already been noticed, are parallel lines also ; but these increase inde* finitely towards the poles *. * Encyclopedia Britannica, article, Mercator's Projection, under the word Geography. See also Martin's Mathematical Institutions, article, "Navigation," Vol. 2d. Edition, 1764. London, 77 251. From this proportional increase of the degrees of the meridian, it is evident, that the length of an arc of the meri dian, beginning at the equator, is proportional to the sum of all the secants of the latitude ; or, that the increased meri dian bears the same proportion to its true arc, as the sum of all the secants of the latitude, to as many times the radius. The increased meridian is also analogous to a scale of the logarithmic tangents, though this is not at first very evident*. 252. The meridian line on Mercator's chart, is a scale of logarithmic tangents of half co-latitudes. The differences of longitude on any rhumb, are the logarithms of the same tangents, but of a different species; those species being to each other, as the tangents of the angles made with the meri dian. Hence, any scale of logarithmic tangents, is a table of the differences of longitude to several latitudes upon some one determinate rhumb ; and, therefore, as the tangent of the angle of such a rhumb : tangent of any other rhumb : : the difference of the logarithms of any two tangents : difference of longitude on\ the proposed rhumb, intercepted between the two latitudes, of whose half complements the logarithmic tangents were taken t. 253. Mercator's projection is exhibited by Fig. 1st, Plate XI. where a fourth of the chart of the world is drawn, from the equator to 84° north, and 90° east and west of London. PROBLEM I. Of Drawing the Meridians for this Map. To Draw the Meridians and Parallels for Mercator's Chart of the World. 254:. First. Draw the line A B, representing the equator, bisect this line in o, and erect the perpcndicnlar o o for the * Note I. f Note K. 78 meridian of London. Assume a distance fojf 10°, whish get off from p towards A nine times, and from o towards B nine times; numbering both ways 10°, 20?, 3Q°, fyc Then, from the points fy. and B, draw indefinitely AC, BDj parallel to oo„ the meridian of London; and through tlie points J.0, 20, 30, &c on either side of o, draw lines parallel tp A C or B D, which will be the meridians. On the two lines A C, B D, are to be set off the parallels of latitude. 255. In order to draw these parallels of latitude, it will be necessary to construct a diagonal scale of equal parts, 60, of which shall be equal to 10° on the equator; consequently, one part will be equal to one-sixth of a degree, or to ten geographical miles, or to ten meridional parts. The con struction of this diagonal scale depends immediately upon a geometrical problem, which teaches to cut off the successive parts of a given straight line*. The diagonal scale is of the most extensive use, and constituted the first improvement On astronomical instruments. Of the Construction of a Diagonal Scale, by which to Draw the Parallels of Latitude for this Map. 256. Draw A C (Fig. 2d, Plate XL) equal to the dis tance assumed for fen degrees on the equator in Fig- 1st, Plate XI. and considering AB (=AC) as a division, containing 10° of the extreme portion of the equator, set off sixty times from A to B, and divide A C into ten equal parts, each of which is again subdivided into sixty secondary parts, by means of ^the diagonals which decline from A B by intervals equal to the primary divisions, .and which are cut transversely into ten equal segments, by equi distant parallels. In article 256, we have constructed a * LeslieVGeom. B. VI. Prop. 5, -Second -Edition. 79 diagonal scale, from Gunter's line of equal parts, in order that you may construct Mercator's chart by means of that diagonal scale (Fig. 3d), and the meridian line on Gunter's scale. 257. The meridian line on Gunter's, scale, is nothing but tlie table of meridional parts in Mercator's projection trans ferred on a line, which may be done in the following man ner, by means of the line of equal parts set under it, and a table of meridional parts*. See Plate XL Fig. 3d. 258. Thus, take any one of the large divisions from the line of equal. parts on Gunter's scale, known by the letters EP+, signifying equal parts, and on the scale set under the line of meridional parts, and let this division from the scale of equal pa»ts, be the estreme portion of a .horizontal line, which is to be divided into sixty equal parts. Let A B, Fig- 3d, Plate XL be -the length of one of those divisions^ and divide it into six equal parts; then, at the points AB, perpendiculars A.C, BD, are raised equal in length to AB, and the line D C completes the parallelogram ABCD. Each:of the sides AC, BD, is divided into ten equal parts, and these are virtually subdivided into secondary parts by the diagonals A F, 10 20, &c. 259. Yon will now have a diagonal scale, by which any part of the aforesaid division, under 60, may be easily taken ; and it is obvious, that this subdivision is effected by means of the diagonal lines, which decline from the. perpendicular, by intervals equal to the primary divisions, and which are cut transversely into equal segments, by equidistant parallels. Each,j)rimary part on the diagonal scale, contains ten meri dional parts, or 10 geographical miles (253.) * See Bion's Const, and Use of Math. Tnstr. by Stone. 2nd Edition. Folio. Page 41. Fig. 9. Plate V. London, 1758. f It will be perceived, tljat in this instance I used one of the old scales. 80 Of Drawing the Parallels of Latitude in this Map. 260. Now, supposing that you are to draw every degree* of latitude north and south from the equator to 84", for Mercator's chart cf the 'world, as these degrees of latitude must be set off by unequal divisions of the meridian line, you look in the foregoing table of meridional parts, for 1#, and over against it you will find 60, and rejecting the last figure, or unit's place, which' in this case is o,> take 6 equal parts from the aforesaid diagonal scale, and lay it off on the meridian line, which will give the division for one degree of latitude. Again, to find the division for 2", seek in the table of meridional parts, for the number opposite to 2°, and you will find 120; striking off the units's place, (which is always to be done,) take 12 from your scale, and lay^t off from the beginning of the meridian line, and the division for 2° will be had. Moreover, to find the division for 11°, you will find answering to it 664, and rejecting the last figure, the remain- der'66 laid off from the beginning of the meridian line, will give the division for 11°. But, because 66 cannot be taken from the diagonal scale, you must take only 6 from it, and for the 60, take its whole length, or else lay off the six from the end of the first division of the line of equal parts, and the division for 11° will be found. In this manner may the meridian line be divided info degrees, and every SO' as it is upon the scale. There are several other methods of dividing this meridian line;. but let the examples we have given suffice, remembering, that the great use of the meridian line on Gunter's scale, is to project and use M creator's chart. 261. The meridians and parallels of latitude having now been drawn to every ten degrees of the map, Fig. lsts C 80 ¦W Merc-ator's J^ojection 60 SO 4.0 30 20 20 c 10 Fhiladdfihia, go SO JO JarmJtcrn cfeL'. I JhtaOrVo ZandAn sPan? ^€Hralta. ZC L J? d0 J° $° 7° So- T> on&vm fettr. ^f&wpv Consta* vUrwp't & So 1° 65 60 JO as ao \3S 30 2J 20TS 10 -J JO 40 30 20 /tquaUrr jtteridtanoFZtm&ort, 20 SO /W SO 6b /O So go Mff2 Smart sculp, hale XI 81 Plate XI. I have only to observe, that if you project a map of this kind on a scale of one inch to each 10° on the equator, till the objects that diversify the map are inserted, pencil lines may be used, being drawn through every indi vidual degree ; and a mariner's compass may be placed in some convenient place that is otherwise blank, together with a scale of geographical miles. 262. When the map is thus prepared, any place may easily be inserted in it, if the latitude and longitude are given. For example: let it be required to lay down the following places in the map, according to the latitude and longitude affixed to each. North Lat. Longitude. 51° 31' 0° EDINBURGH 55° 27' 3° 7' W 53° 21' 6° 1' — 53° 59' 1° 1' — Paris .... 48"40" 50'25' 2° 3° 25' 20' E. W- 48° 12' 16e 22' E. Constantinople 41° 1' 28° 58' — Philadelphia . 39" 56' 75° 9' W. Gibraltar 36° 5' 5° 17' — ¦ Jerusalem 31° 11' 30° 21' — Petersburgh . . 59° 56' . 30° 24' — 9.63. The latitude of London is 51° 31' north; but as the scale is small, it is difficult to set off the odd minutes exactiy, and a few more or less than the actual number, is an error of no magnitude to affect the work. In this example we shall call London 51|" N. Lat. which being set off on AC and B D, at a and a, lay your ruler from a to a, and the point on the meridian of London, is its situation. G 82 264. Again. The latitude of Edinburgh is 55" 57', say 56°, which set off at n, n, on the lines A C and B D. The longitude is 3° 12' west of the prime meridian, or London, which set off on the lines CD and AB, and draw a line, which will determine the situation of Edinburgh; for, where two straight lines drawn from n to n, and from r to r, inter sect each other, there the place is situated ; and in the same manner may the situation of any other place, or the mouth of any river, be determined. But we must now refer the student to the objects that diversify the face of a country, and the waters of the deep, for the materials with which to fill up his map. See Section II. p. p. 23 — 30. PROBLEM II. To project Mercator's Chart geometrically. See Fig. 1st, Plate XV. 265. 1st. Draw the line AB, of any convenient length, which divide into nine equal parts ; then, at the extremities A and B, raise the perpendiculars AC, B D, and through the points of division in AB, draw the other eight meridians parallel to A C or B D. These will now be the meridians for one eighth part of a map of this nature. 266. 2d. Set one foot of your compasses in A, extend the other to B, and sweep the quadrant B F. Divide B F into nine equal parts, and from A to each of these, draw the radii A 10, A 20, &c. You will observe, that these radii cut off unequal spaces on the line G H, and that the lines A 1, A 2, A 3, &c. are the distances of the parallels from one another. 267. 3d. Take the line Al in your compasses, and from the points A and B, set off the parallel of 10 degrees; then, take the distance A 2, and placing one foot of your compasses in the point I, and set off IK, whieh will be the parallel of 20 degrees. Again, as A3 is equal to KL, A 4 =LM, 83 A5 = MN, A6 = NO, A7=OP, A8 = PCandPD, you may with the utmost ease determine and draw the eight parallels for this diagram. 268. This construction is simple and beautiful, but it is only an approximation to the truth. It is, however, so very easy of execution, for drawing general maps, or finding the points of each tenth parallel, that where there is not the greatest accuracy required, I believe the young geographer will adopt it in preference to that in Problem I. Other Methods. 269. Mercator's Chart may also be projected by a line of secants on the sector; or by a line of lines on the sector; by Gunter's scale, from the line of meridional parts ; all which, with Problem II. geometrically, may be considered as four methods of constructing a nautical map instrumentally ;• and if you add to these Problem I. which is an arithmetical pro jection from the table of meridional parts, there will be five methods by which this projection may be effected. Of enlarging or reducing 3Iaps. 270. A diagonal scale will be found very convenient for enlarging or reducing maps in any given proportion. For, example: Suppose it were required to enlarge a map one- half, one-third, or one-fourth ; say that we enlarge our map in the ratio of four to one; draw the line A B, (Fig. 4th. Plate XI.) and having taken 10° on the given map within your compasses, set off on the line A B, five equal parts, each = 10° in question. At the first division C, erect the perpendicular C E ; A C is = |th of C B. Next, take any convenient distance in your compasses, and set off any num ber of equal parts on the perpendicular; for example, 60; g2 , 84 and through each point of subdivision in CE, draw a line parallel to A B, and draw the two diagonal lines, one from A, and the other from B, intersecting each other at the same point E. 271. Measure any distance in the original map, and apply it to the smallest scale, and find which line among the paral lels it exactly coincides with ; keep the point of your com passes on the perpendicular; turn the other point over, en larging them at the same time, till the other foot falls into the diagonal BE; and this corresponding parallel on the larger scale, will be four times the original quantity; or you will have enlarged your map in the ratio of four to one; for all the other distances are to be taken in a similar manner. 272. It is evident, that to reduce a map one-half, one- third, or one-fourth, the operation is precisely the opposite to this ; for, in diminishing your map, the compasses would be applied to the larger scale first, and turned over on the perpendicular, and then closed to coincide with the extreme points of the corresponding parallel on the smaller scale; and so on for every distance taken in diminishing the map. 273. But after all that can be said about scales for reduc ing or enlarging maps, there is nothing so effectual and so sure for this purpose, as the proportional compasses. To those who know the method of using this admirable instru ment, nothing need be said; but, as there may be some to whom even the name of such an instrument is altogether new, the following note may be of very considerable ser vice*. * See Note L. 85 SECTION VI. OF THE ORIGIN AND PROPERTIES OF THE RHUMB LINE, &C. 274. A HE rhumb line, loxodromia in navigation, is a line prolonged from any point of the compass in a nautical chart, except the four cardinal points ; or it is the line which a ship, keeping in the same collateral point or rhumb, de scribes throughout her whole course. 275. The chief property of the rhumb line is, that it cuts all the meridians at the same angle ; and this angle is called the angle of the rhumb, or loxodromic angle. But the angle which the rhumb line makes with any parallel to the equator, is called the complement of the rhumb. 276. An idea of the origin and properties of the rhumb line, the great foundation of navigation, may be conceived thus : — A vessel beginning its course, the wind by which it is driven, makes a certain angle with the meridian of the place ; and as we shall suppose that the vessel runs exactly in the direction of the wind, it makes the same angle with the meridian which the wind makes. Supposing, then, the wind to continue the same, as each point or instant of the progress may be esteemed the beginning, the vessel always makes the same angle with the meridian of the place where it is each moment, or in each point of its course which the wind makes. 277. Now, a wind, for example, that is north-east, and which consequently makes an angle of 45° with the meridian, is equally N. E. wherever it blows, and makes the same angle of 45° with all the meridians it meets ; and, therefore, a vessel driven by the same wind, always makes the same 86 angle with all the meridians which it meets on the surface of the earth. 278. If the vessel sail north or south, it describes the great circle of a meridian. If it runs east or west, it will cut all the meridians at right angles, and describe either the circle of the equator, or else a circle parallel to it. 279. But if the vessel sails between the two, it does not then describe a circle, since a circle drawn obliquely to a meridian, would cut all the meridians at unequal angles, which the vessel cannot do. It describes, therefore, another curve, the essential property of which is, that it cuts all the meridians in the same angle ; and it is called the loxodromy, or loxodromic* curve, or rhumb line. 280. This curve on the globe, is a kind of spiral, tending continually nearer and nearer to the pole, and making an infinite number of circumvolutions about it, but without ever arriving exactly at it But the spiral rhumbs on the globe, become proportional spirals in the stereographic projection on the plane of the equator. 281. The length of a part of this rhumb line or spiral, then, is the distance run by the ship while it keeps in the same course. But as such a spiral would prove very per plexing in the calculation, it was necessary to have the ship's way in a right line, which, however, must have the essential properties of the curve line; viz. to cut all the meridians at right angles. 282. The arc of the rhumb line is not the shortest dis tance between any two places through which it passes ; for the shortest distance on the surface of the globe, is an arc of the great circle passing through those places ; so that it would be a shorter course to sail on the arc of this great * The word is from the Greek, and signifies ah oblique dourse. Dr. Johnson's Dictionary gives the best definition to be met with. 87 circle i but then the ship cannot be kept in the great circle, because the angle it makes with the meridians, is continually varying more or less *., 283. Let EQ (Fig. 4th, Plate XII.) represent the equa tor, let P be the pole, and let P E, PR, be two meridians ; also let the spiral, or curve line A smv, represent a rhumb ; then will the angle P s m, be equal to the angle P m v. Draw now the small circle n m, parallel to E Q ; and let P E, P R, be conceived to be indefinitely near one another ; then you may look upon the triangle s m n, to be a plain triangle : hence sm : sn : : Rad. : cosine nsm; but the angle nsm, is constant for the same rhumb, and there fore sm is to sn, in a constant ratio; in other words, as the rhumb A smv, approaches towards the pole,, the increment of the rhumb is to the corresponding increment of its latitude in a constant ratio ; therefore, by composition, the whole increase of the rhumb, is to the whole corresponding increase of latitude in the same constant ratio -f . 284. When, therefore, a ship runs upon the same rhumb, and changes her latitude five degrees, for example, if she continues on the same rhumb, and describe the same space,. it is evident that she will again have altered her latitude five degrees. 285. It may be observed generally, that equal parts on the same rhumb are contained between equidistant parallels of latitude. 28g. The rhumbs, or points of the compass, have each a particular denomination, expressed by means of the initials of the four first points, North,. East, South, and West, viz. * Dr. Hutton's Mathera. Diet. vol. 2d, p. 373. Edition, 1795. f Vince's Astronomy, art. Rhumb Line; and No. 93 of La Croix'fi Crit. Geog, 88 North. East. South. West. N. by E. E.byS. S. by W. W. by N. N. N. E. E. S. E. S. S. w. W.N. W. N. E. by N. S. E. by E. S. W.byS. N. W.byW N. E. S.E. s. w. N.W. N. E. by E. S. E. by S. S. W.byW. N.W.byN. E. N.E. S. S. E. w.s. w-/ N.N. W. E. byN. S. by E. W.byS. N.by W. Each of these points contains 11° 15', which are again divided into \ points, containing 2° 48' 45". It was the Greeks who at first gave only four names to the winds, corresponding to the four points, called afterwards the Cardinal Points. They afterwards added four others, corre sponding to the four points in which the sun rose and set at the winter and summer solstices. Seneca, in his Questiones Naturales, has given their names ; and the inquisitive student will find in No. 91 of La Croix's " Introduction to Critical and Mathematical Geography," a beautifully classical ac count of Eurus, Zephyrus, Boreas, and Notus, among the ancients, and the assemblage of the thirty-two divisions of the modern well-known mariner's card. The method of determining the Rhumb upon which a ship sails, in going from one place of the world to another, ex hibited on a Mercator's partial Map. 287. The very full manner which I have entered on this projection, renders it unnecessary to add much more ; but I shall shew you now, that the most convenient way for a ship in traversing the ocean, and going from one place to another, is always to sail upon one point of the compass, or, in the language of a sailor, upon the same rhumb. The rhumb line has been illustrated at the beginning of this section, and we have seen in the construction of Mercator's chart, that it consists wholly of straight lines, and no others are necessary 89 for its use ; we can, therefore, determine immediately upon what rhumb you are to sail. 288. For, suppose that A B, (Fig. 10th, Plate XII.) re presents 4° of longitude, lying between the seventh and eleventh, that AC, perpendicular to it, contains 4° of lati tude, extending from 30° to 34° : the former - degrees are equal one to another, but the latter are increasing, as was shown by article 246 ; they are, therefore, to be laid down by a table of meridional parts (245, 248, and 249). 289. Let us now conceive by this partial hydrpgraphical map, that a ship is sailing from a, in longitude 7° and lati tude 31°, to b, in longitude 10° and latitude 33°, and you were required to find the rhumb she must sail upon; you have only to join a b, and that is the rhumb. 290. The method of determining what this rhumb is, is equally simple. There is always in these maps, one or more points, from which are drawn the thirty-two points of the com pass, as you find in this diagram, or on Plate IV. and you may easily discover to which of those lines, or nearest to which a b is parallel, and thus you obtain the rhumb you are to sail upon *. 291. But you will observe, that rhumbs are denominated from the points of the compass in a different, manner from the winds : thus, at sea, the north-east wind is that which blows from the north-east point of the horizon towards the ship in which we are ; but we are said to sail upon the north east rhumb, when we go towards the north-east. 292. The readiest and most useful instrument for this pur pose, is a parallel ruler ; for, by laying one edge to coincide with a b, and bringing the other edge over the point from which the lines of the compass diverge like so.mahy radii, you in an instant find what you seekt. * See Note M. f See Emerson's Math". Princ. of Spherical and Spheroidal Sailing, Section III. 90 SECTION VII. MERIDIONAL, EQUATORIAL, AND HORIZONTAL CONSTRUC TIONS OF MAPS*. 293. W E have already shown that a map is the repre sentation of the whole or a part of the surface of the earth; and to be perfect, it ought to exhibit, first, the true latitude and longitude of every place ; secondly, all the countries on such a map ought to be of their proper figures' and magni tudes; and, thirdly, the relative situations of all the countries ought to be truly laid down. But it is impossible that all these circumstances can take place on a plane surface of any construction. No map upon a plane, can then be a true representation of the countries upon the earth's surface; but representations may be obtained sufficiently exact for all the purposes of geography. PROBLEM I. To project the planispheres orthographically for a map of the world, in the position of right a sphere. See Fig. 5th, Plate XII. 294. Suppose that this figure represents to you the ortho graphic projection of the earth, upon the plane of a meri dian, in the position of a right sphere ; then would P repre sent 'one pole, and p the other; and the equator would be the lineEQ. ' * NoteN. 91 295. The meridians, you will perceive, are all projected into ellipses (128), whose semi-minor axes Oa, Ob, Oc,Od, O e, are the cosines of the meridians from P E p Q. And, as the cosines of the meridians near the plane of projection differ but slowly, those meridians will there be crowded together, and the figures of the countries will be very much contracted in longitude. 296. The eye at an infinite distance from the surface of the sphere, as is the case in this projection, would view the parallels of latitude perpendicular to the plane of projection ; they would, therefore, be projected into straight lines in their proper proportion (126). 297. The fundamental properties of this construction may be demonstrated geometrically as follows. See Fig. 2nd, Plate XX. 298. First. Describe a circle of any radius O W, draw the diameters W E and NS, at right angles to each other, and divide the quadrant WN, into nine equal parts; then, as the eye in the direction of S, at an infinite distance from the surface of the sphere, would view the rays of light pro ceeding from the several divisions 10, 20, 30, &c. in WN, as right lines, parallel to NO, and consequently parallel among themselves, the projection of the ray corresponding to the 80th degree, will be distant from O, by the space O w, equal to n 80, the sine of 10° from N. But, on the other part of the hemisphere, the projection of 10°, by the ray 10^>, is no more than the line W p, which is the versed sine of 10°, and is very small in comparison of Ow in the middle of the planisphere* If you, in executing this projection, draw through the points 10, '20, 30, &c* lines parallel to N S, they will divide the radius O W, in the proper propor tion. The space Op, or O q, or O w, comprised between the diameter and the visual ray 10^, or 20 q, or 80 w, is the semi-conjugate axis of the ellipse, which this circle has for its projection j and the great or transverse axis is the 92 diameter of the sphere, or of the first meridian, which remains circular. If ellipses (303) be described through the points w, c, u, &c. in the radius O W, the meridians shall be described in the semi-circle NWS, for an orthographic projection of the sphere on the plane of a meridian. 299. Secondly. To draw the parallels to the equator, whose planes are perpendicular to the first meridian, draw through the points 10, 20, 30, &c. in the quadrant WN, straight lines parallel to W E, and the parallels of latitude shall be described as they appear by the lines / 10, g20, h 30, i'40, &c. in the quadrant WNO. 300. Thirdly. If the meridians were required to be drawn through every fifteenth degree, divide the quadrant ES, into six equal parts ; and, as the eye at an infinite distance from the surface of the sphere, in the direction of N, would view all the rays proceeding from the points 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, in ES, as right lines parallel to S N ; if you draw the parallel lines 15 V, 301V, 45 III, 60 II, 75 1, the projection of 15" in the middle of the hemisphere by the ray of 75 I, will be equal to Ol, equal to 75 e, the sine of 15°. But, on the other part of the hemisphere, towards E, the pro jection of 15°, by the line 15 V, is no more than V E, which is the versed sine of 15°, and is very small in comparison of O I in the middle. The elliptical meridians drawn through I, II, &c. constitute the hour-lines on the Analemma, be cause 15° is equal to one hour of time, by article 39. 301. Fourthly. WeTe the parallels required to be drawn for every fifteenth degree of latitude, then through the points 15, 30, 45, &c. draw lines parallel to the diameter WE, and what was required will Be done. These parallels arc seen in the lines a 15, b 30, c 45, &c. 302. The following problem for drawing an ellipse, will, I presume, in the construction of orthographic maps and the Analemma, be of considerable service to the young geor grapher. 93 PROBLEM D. Let it be required to find any number of points in the curve of the ellipse denoted by c$ and through those points^ lo describe that ellipse. Fig. 5th, Plate XIX. 303. Let Pp be the transverse axis, and c O the semi-con jugate axis ; let it be required to find any number of points through which the ellipsis denoted by c shall pass. On the transverse axis Pp, describe a semi-circle PEjj ; and with the radius O c, describe the semi-circle GcF; take any number of points nm, &c. in the circumference PEp, and draw nO, mO, &c. cutting the semi-circle GcF, at a and r; from the points n, m, &c. draw lines nb, ms, &c. perpendicular to Pp; also, from the points a, r, &c. draw lines ab, rs, &c. parallel to Pp; then the points b, s, &c. are in the elliptic curve, and thro tfgh these points may an ellipse be described. When the points for half the curve are found, the corresponding points for the other half will be readily obtained, by producing the perpendiculars to the other side of Op, and making the ordinates on the one side equal to those on the other*. (See the Appendix, art. Ellipse.) PROBLEM II. To project the planispheres orthographically on the plane of the equator, in the position of a parallel sphere, for a map of the world. See Fig. 6th, Plate XII. 304. You can conceive that, in this figure, the projection is made upon the plane of the equator E QUA, and as your eye is supposed to be situated at an unlimited distance be- * See Mr/ P. Nicholson's Architectural Dictionary, article, Ellipse, p. p. 424—436. 94 yond the pole, the meridians would form so many radii, whose common termination inward would be the pole, and the parallels of latitude would be circles concentric with EQUA. 305. To form an idea of this, it is sufficient to inspect Fig. 2d, Plate XX. (analogous to Fig. 6th, Plate XII.) the visual rays 10 p, 20 q, &c. drawn by the different points of the circle E N WS, considered as the equator, will deter mine on its radius O W, (equivalent to P A, Fig. 6th, Plate XIL) the graduation conformably to the laws of the projection. The distances Op, Oq, Or, Os, Ot, Ou, Ot, O w., are, therefore, the radii of the concentric parallels of an orthographic map on the plane of the equator. Thus do the lesser axes of the elliptical meridians of the meridional projection, become the diameters of the concentric parallels of Abe equatorial projection, 306. But you will perceive that as these concentric circles are diminishing slowly towards the equator, they will there be very much crowded together, and the figures of the countries as they approach the primitive circle, will be very much contracted in latitude. Scholium. 307. In the orthographic projection of a map, upon the plane of a meridian, we have seen that the meridians are ellipses ; but that, on the plane of (the equator, they are straight lines; — that, in the former case, the parallels of .latitude, are all straight lines ; but in the latter, they are concentric circles; consequently, by that method the longitude, and by this the latitude, are very much contracted towards the cir cumference of the map. The contraction of the extreme paits of the map, therefore, with the objections before stated (125), render this projection very unfit for the construction of maps. 95 Of the stereographic construction of Maps, first, upon the Plane of a Meridian ; secondly, upon the Plane of the Equator; and thirdly, upon the Horizon of a place. 308. Setting aside the oblate form of our globe, and con sidering it as spherical, it may be perceived that the whole of the visual rays extended to all the points of any circle formed on the globe, constitute a cone, of which the section, in the plane of the picture, can only be one of the curves of the second degree, and even in some cases a straight line. It would appear that the first decisions, in the choice of the point of view, were dictated by the consideration of the consequent facility in the construction of the map ; and that from the time of Ptolemy, it had been Observed, that in making the plane or picture pass by the centre of the sphere, and placing the point of view at the extremity of the radius, drawn perpendicularly on that plane, all these circles of the globe were represented by other circles, of which the con struction was easy, and which intersected each other on the map, under the same angles as upon the sphere, so that the rectangular quadrilaterals, comprehended between the meri dians and parallels, -were represented by curvilinear quadri laterals, also rectangular *. It has since been proved, that the infinitely small portions of the globe, assume in this pro* jection their natural figure; but it must be observed, that this similitude only takes place in very small spaces. Such are the conventions which have given rise to the stereographic^ projection, and such are its principal properties %. * Ptolomaei Planisphserium, etc. Aldus Venetiis, 1558. f The word is -derived from the 'Greek, meaning the art of drawing the form of solids on a plane. X La Croix's Intro, to the Paris Edition of Pinkerton's of the principal: places, it will be easy to set them down in the map; for any city, town, cape, &c. must be placed where -> the circles of its latitude and; longitude intersect. For in stance, Gibraltar, whose latitude is 36° 11', and longitude 12* '27', ~! will be at,G; and Madrid, "whose?, latitude5 is 40° 10', and longitude 14° 44', will be at M. In the: same manner the mouth of a river may be set down ; but to de scribe iJsi whole course, the latitude and longitude of every turningy and of the towns arid; bridges by which it passes, must- alsb be marked. The same is1 ; necessary for woods,' forests, lakes', mountains, castles, &c. and the boundaries exterior, are described by- setting down the remarkable places on the sea-coast, and drawing a continued line through' them alii '¦[ ' ¦ "''•"' i "U: -\ '.. .. ... ;•} •¦:•,.-; -.-:.' ¦:¦; •' ,»1 hi- v^ 425. As maps of particular places are only parts of a map of the world, you may project the sphere on the plane K.2 132 of a meridian with pencil lines ; and any portion of the earth's surface, may be included in a parallelogram, and the superfluous parts rubbed out; as for example : PROBLEM III. To project a map of Asia by method 2nd. Fig. 1, Plate XVII. 426. Project a planisphere by Problems I. and II., III. and IV., or V. and VI., Section IV. and that your Asiatic map may contain the Eastern Archipelago, and Australasia, draw a line on the southern side of the equator parallel to it, .and about fifty-five and a half degrees from it : raise on this line two perpendiculars, about sixty degrees each from the central meridian ; and let another line, parallel to the equator, pass through the eightieth degree of north latitude; so shall a parallelogram be formed, that will contain as much of this planisphere, as is necessary for the proposed map. PROBLEM IV. To project a map of Africa by method 2nd. Fig. 2nd, Plate XVII. 427. Project a planisphere as directed in the last problem, and as Africa extends itself on both sides of the equator, two lines may be drawn, parallel to that one, at about forty degrees from it ; and two other lines, drawn parallel to the central meridian, and about fifty degrees each from it, will complete the parallelogram, that shall contain as much of the planisphere as is necessary to bound the quarter of the world for which the map is intended. 133 PROBLEM V. To project a skeleton map of Africa by method 4rA. Fig. 3d, Plate XVII. 428. In this construction the meridians only are curved lines, the parallels are straight lines, and you would, there fore, by Problems I., III., or V., Section IV. draw those meridians. The axis meridian you will divide into eighteen equal parts, and as Africa extends on either side of the equator, you would set off two lines parallel to that one, drawing them through the fortieth degree of north and south latitude ; the other parallels are also parallel to the equator, and by drawing two lines at the proper distance on each side of the central meridian, and parallel to it, the parallelogram that shall contain the proper quantity of the hemisphere for a map of Africa, will be completed. PROBLEM VI. To project a map of North America by the second method. Fig. 4th, Plate XVII. 429. Project a planisphere by Problems I. and II., or III. and IV., Section IV. construct a parallelogram that shall contain as much of the whole projection as is requisite; rub out all the pencil lines beyond the parallelogram, and insert the countries, &c. of that portion of the New World. If your projection is large, it will be unnecessary to construct a whole planisphere, a semi-planisphere only may be pro jected, 134 PROBLEM VII. To project a map of South America by rnelhod first. Fig. 5th, Plate XVII. 4301 Project a planisphere as directed in the last Problem, and enclose in a parallelogram the proper quantity of the whole projection; efface the superfluous pencil lines, and insert the countries, cities, rivers, &c. agreeable to their respective positions as to longitude and latitude. PROBLEM VIII. "' To project a map of South America by the Mi method. Fig. 6th, Plate XVII. 431. Project the meridians of a planisphere, as directed in Problem I. Section IV. and through the ambit of each parallel, or the equal divisions of the axis meridian, draw the right-line parallels; then construct a parallelogram, that shall contain the country in question ; rub. out the exterior lines, and insert the places, &c. PROBLEM IX. To project a map of Europe, in which the meridians and parallels shall be curve lines, according to method 2nd. See Plate XVIII. Fig. 2nd*., 432. Draw a base line GH, in the middle of which erect the perpendicular I P. Assume any distance for 10° of lati tude; and as Europe extends from 36° to 72° north latitude, let I be situated at the 30th ; from which set off six of the * NoteT. H^jettwfu ^par^thrMabs on tTie plane of aMendum. AFRICA \ \ \ •¦ \ \ \ ! / / / / / / / / - '-. \ ^ \ • * \ \ \ \ I / I / ' ' ,' / ¦' ISORTB AME RICA SOUTH AMUEICA MEUICA 0^^ \\\\\\X\ ! \\W\\\ / ///// / / / / // •-' / / / ismart jvufe>. 135 assumed distances to P, which will be the north pole. Num ber the distances 40, 50, 60, &c. 433. About P as a centre, describe arcs passing through the points of division in the perpendicular IP, which will be the parallels of latitude. 434. Divide the space assumed for 10° of latitude, into 60 parts, by a diagonal scale, thus : Draw A B (Fig. 3) equal to the assumed 10° of latitude; from A and B draw two indefinite t;perpendiculars AC, BD; on AC set off six equal parts, and through the points C, 10, 20. &c. draw lines parallel to AB; join BC, which will be the diagonal; number the divisions 10, 20, 30, &c. and subdivide them into 10 secondary equal parts each, and your diagonal scale will be completed. 435. Now^ to draw the circles of longitude, Took in the table of geographical miles, page 10, for the number of miles answering to 30°, which being 51.96, say 52, take from the diagonal scale at b, by extending your compasses from b to the diagonal line : let this distance be set off both ways on the arc 30 30, from the central line or perpen dicular IP. Do the same for 40, 50, 60, &c by setting off according to the table, the measure of the miles from the diagonal scale answering to those degrees; and through the corresponding divisions on all the arcs draw curve lines, which will represent the meridians; and about 30|° both ways from the central meridian, raise the perpendiculars G W, HV, and through the point 80, in IP, draw WV parallel to GH. You will perceive that the parallel of 30°, goes not beyond the parallelogram, yet, in drawing the meridians, it is necessary to project it nearly to the arc of a quadrant, and the same for 40°, 50°, &c. Number the degrees of latitude and'longitude, which will complete the diagram. 436. By inspecting this diagram, it appears that the meri dians will never deviate much from a straight line, and it , 136 will not create any very material error, if you should make them perfectly straight, as in the following Problem. PROBLEM X. To project a map of Europe, in which the parallels shall be curve lines, and the meridians straight lines, agreeably to the third method. See Fig. 1st, Plate XVIII. 437. Draw the base line K L, bisect it in M, and raise the perpendicular MN. Assume a distance for 10° of latitude, and as Europe extends from 36° to 72° north latitude, let M be situated at 30°, from which set off 5 of the assumed 10 degrees of latitude towards N. Number the distances, 40, 50, 60, &c. 438. The next thing to be done is, to take from a diagonal scale the distances answering to the number of miles in the latitudes 30° and 70°, which may be had from the foregoing scale; or you may, if you please, construct another diagonal scale, thus : 439. Let K L (Fig. 5th) be equal to the assumed 10° of latitude: divide K L into six equal parts, which will deci mate the assumed 10 degrees of latitude ; at the points K and L, raise the perpendiculars KG, LH; make KG equal to K L, and draw G H parallel to K L, which will complete the square GHLK. Then divide KG into ten secon dary parts, (as is shewn in Fig. 4th,) and through these 10 secondary divisions, (in Fig. 5,) draw lines parallel toKL or GH; and from the points K, 10, 20, &c. in KL, draw oblique lines to the primary divisions in G H ; as for example, K10, 1020,2030, &c. which will virtually subdivide the secondary lines into a diagonal scale, similar and suitable in all respects to the former scale, known by the title, diagonal scale. Fig. 3. 440. In the table of geographical miles, page 10, you 137 will find the number of miles answering to 30°, to be 51 96, say 52 ; take the half of this, which is 26, from the scale, Fig. 5th, and set it off from the point M both wtys, towards a and b; the distance ab will be 10° of longitude. 441. Again, look in the table, page 10, for the number of miles answering to 70°, which is 20 52, say20|; lake the half of this, which is 10£, from the scale, Fig. 5th, and set off from the point 70°, both ways, at c and d; the distance ct/will contain 10 degrees of longitude in the latitude of 70° ; (cd should be drawn parallel to the base line KL;) and then draw the two meridians ac,bd, which, if produced, will meet in N, beyond the pole. 442. To set off the remaining meridians on the circular arc 30°, take the distance ab, or from scale 5th, take the line 2 a in your compasses, and about a as a centre, describe the arc ef, and about b as a centre, describe the arc gh with the same distance. Also, with the radius cd, or the line c m on the scale, about c and d as centres, describe the arcs m and n. 443. Take-in Fig. 1st, the diagonal ad in your compasses, and with one foot in c, cross with the other the arc ef in the point K, and with the s-me distance, and one foot on das a centre, cross with the other the arc gh in /. With the same distance, and one foot in a, cross with the other the upper arc inm; and with the same distance, and one foot on b, cross with the other the other arc in n ; then draw the two meridians km, In. With the same three distances ab,cd, ami the diagonal ad, perform the same operation for the other ten parallelograms. 444. Produce any two meridians that are equidistant from the central line M N, till they meet in a point, as acN, bdN. The point of intersection N, becomes, then, a common cen tre for describing all the circular arcs of latitude. For with the radius N M, you will describe the arc a Mb; and with the radius N40, the arc representing the parallel of 40 degrees; 138 also, on the same centre, the parallels 50°, 60°, and" 70"., are to be described. Then, at about 30° from the central line MN, draw the lines KR, LT, perpendicular to KL, and through the point 80°, draw RT parallel to K L, which will complete the parallelogram KLTR. You will observe, that all the lines without the parallelogram, and the arcs at m, n, k and /, together with those letters that note them, are supposed to be drawn only in pencil lines, to be rubbed out. 445. Number the degrees of latitude and longitude, and your skeleton map will be ready for the towns, cities, coun ties, &c. being placed on it. 446. It is proper here to observe, that the pole is not the fixed centre on which the parallels are to be described. It was so in the last Problem— in this one it is about 6° and ^>ths beyond the pole; and in that of Asia it is 30° beyond the pole, varying, you will perceive, with every alteration of lati tude and longitude. PROBLEM XI. To project the meridians and parallels for a map of Asia by method third. See Plate XIX. Fig. 1st. 447. Draw a base line AB, on which raise the perpen dicular CD of any length, and from C- set off nine equal parts to P, which will be the pole; and if you go beyond P, with three more of these spaces of the latitudes, the point 30 at D, will be the centre of the parallel of 60 degrees; that is, the centre of the parallel of 60, as will presently appear, is found to be 30 degrees beyond the pole, or, at the same dis tance north of the parallel of 60°, as the equator is south of it ; and the centre for this parallel is the centre for all the others ; and it is evident that in this map the two diagonals of each little figure are equal to one another, so that all the parts of the map are of their proper size or magnitude. i n II! liii i ill! ill liiiiii; !i iiiiii — -- — 139 448. But you may construct your map from a diagonal scale, of which HK, Fig. 2nd, would be equal to C 10, or 10 20, on the line C P of Fig. 1st ; and on H G Fig. 2nd, are set off six equal parts, through which there are drawn perpendiculars to KI, (KI being drawn parallel to HG.) Those six primary divisions in H G, are subdivided into 10 secondary divisions each; and IH, the diagonal of the pa rallelogram II K I G, completes the construction of your dia gonal scale. 449. Then, to draw your meridians, with the quantity of 10° of latitude in your compasses, having previously about D as a; centre, described the circle aCb, set off 10 equal parts on the equator, both ways from C, and having describ ed the arc c 80° d, through 80° in CP, draw EF at right angles to C P. You may now find from the table of geo graphical miles, the number of miles contained in 80° of latitude, which you will take off a little beyond the number 20 (80° being 20° beyond 60°) in your scale, and set it off ten times from 80 in the circular parallel 80, in the direction 80 c; and the same number of times in the same circular parallel, in the direction of 80 b. Then, to the correspond ing divisions in the equatorial circle, draw straight lines for your meridians. These meridians will all terminate in D, which is; therefore, the common centre for the parallel circles of latitude (447)*. 450. For the parallels of latitude, take D for a common centre, about which, with the radii D 10, D20, D23|, &c. describe the circular arcs of latitude. Through the points 40° and 140°, raise the perpendiculars AE, BF, which will complete the skeleton map of Asia. * NoteU. 140 PROBLEM XII. ¦ To project a map of England according to method first. 451. England is situated between 2° east, and 6° 20' west from Greenwich, and between 50° and 56° north latitude. See Plate XIX. Fig. 3d. 452. Draw an indefinite base line AB, take any point o, and raise the perpendicular oo, which will be the prime meridian. Assume any distance for a degree of latitude, and set off on o o as many degrees as are wanted, which in this case are six ; but as a little space beyond the limits of the country is generally left, set off seven. Then, through these points draw lines parallel to AB, which will be the parallels of latitude. 453. Respecting the degrees of longitude, it must be ob served, that, on the equator they would be of the same length as they are on a meridian, but, as has been demon strated (31), they gradually decrease. 454. Construct your diagonal scale by dividing the as sumed degree of latitude into sixty equal parts for a scale. This scale is Fig. 4. 455. Then, the number of miles answering to 49 degrees of latitude, is 39.36, say 39%, which take from your scale at a, and set off seven times from o to A, and three times from o towards B. The top of the meridian oo, is 56° of latitude; opposite to which, in the table (33), is 33.55, say 33%, which take from the scale at b, and set it off seven times from o to wards F, and thrice from o towards E. Draw the meridian lines to the corresponding divisions at the top and bottom of your map, and of these meridians, oo is the prime meridian, being that of London. 456. Finally, through A and B, draw AF, BE, perpen dicular to AB; the 56th degree of latitude, or the line FE X Diagonal ScaU J£ i 10 to 30 go to So \ TrojecUon/ of th&Meriduzw Sl TaraJlds 20 \tb~r aMdp '0./cJ„'t /i amz&ron/ deZ Sittnvl .pmlti 141 parallel to A B being already drawn : you will now have a skeleton map of England, which you can easily fill up, by inserting the differents objects that are necessary to be known and viewed in such a map. PROBLEM XIII. To project a map of Russia by method third. 457. There is no diagram for this map, but it may be constructed easily enough from a description of the prin ciples on which its projection depends. 458. Draw any straight line for a central meridian, as C D, in the projection of the map of Asia, Fig. 1st, Plate XIX. and as the common centre for all the parallels is found to be ten degrees beyond the pole, or 100 from the equator, the point 10, between P and D, would be this com mon centre, about which to describe the parallels of 80, 70, 60, and 50 ; but as it is necessary to go as far beyond 50 as the forty-fifth degree, you may do so. 459. The 45th degree of latitude, by a reference to the table, page 10, contains 42'43 geographical miles. Then divide the assumed 10 degrees in C D into sixty equal parts, by a diagonal scale, and on the parallel of 45 degrees, set off in 10 spaces both ways from the central meridian, the quan tity 42-43 taken from your diagonal scale. 460. The meridians being straight lines, and their com mon termination being the pole P, (and not the 100th degree, or point 10 beyond P,) you will draw straight lines from the equal divisions in the 45th parallel, to the pole P. 461. You will observe, that the central meridian is that of 100 degrees east longitude ; the other meridians extend to 190° east longitude, and to 10" of west longitude from this primary line, on which the projection proceeds. . , 142 462. To finish the construction, draw a straight line through the 50th- parallel, and another parallel to that,- both being at right angles to the central meridian ; and also draw1 two perpendiculars to those horizontally parallel lines, suf ficiently distant from the central meridian to contain the whole empire ; so shall a parallelogram be constructed, con taining that portion of the meridians and parallels requisite for laying down the countries in Europe and Asia subject of Russia. PROBLEM XIV. To project a map of Russia by method secsnd.. ¦. , ; - * 463. Project a serai-planisphere by the globular, projectipn of the sphere on the plane of the meridian,', and .jbounct as much of this figure by a parallelogram as shall contain the whole empire., There is no diagram for this projection,' butt it must be very obvious from the preceding ones.. problem xv;.:1' To project' a map of any country. ' 464. When you have drawn a perpendicular line, and' setoff the assumed degrees of latitude on it, as 'mentioned in the foregoing Problems, take 2£S degrees in your com passes, set one foot in the perpendicular, On the dot answer-' ing to the 70th degree of latitude, extend'thd 'otbet foot of yout compasses beyond the pOle, onrhe continued1 per pendicular^ arid this point is the common centre for 'all the parallels of latitude, they being" concentric' circles: f This point is 8 degrees beyond the pole. '' ' ,'" " ¦'¦' V* ' 143 465. The meridians must be laid down on each parallel, from the table in page 10th, and their common termination will be the pole; because, being subjected to the laws of the decrement, shown in page 9tb, they are all, except the cen tral one, curvilinear lines. 466. The assemblage of so many different kinds of maps in this and the foregoing Sectionsj'will enable the student to esti mate the properties and defects of each ; but it is very pro perly observed by La Croix, that the term defect only refers to the common way of considering maps ; for if we view them with Euler and Lagrange* , as a transformation, of co ordinates, it is always mathematically possible to obtain on a mapj.j'all the geographical relations which may be required. In fact, the position of different points of the sphere being determined by their latitude and longitude, as the different points of the plane are by two co-ordinates, if we assume on a map,j lines subjected to a mathematical law, in order to repre sent these co-ordinates, we Wall establish between the points of the map and those of the sphere, such a relation that we may assign on, the map the equation' of the lines, which cor respond with circles, or even with any curves traced on the sphere, and compare the relative spaces with each other. Reciprocally it may be asked, What Ought to be, the nature' of the co-ordinates of the map; that is, of the lines which represent the meridians and the, parallels, in order that, the parts of the map may have such and such a, relation, with those of the sphere? In the solution of this last question by the most refined analysis, Euler and Lagrange have deter mined, a p riori, the construction of different kinds of, maps, according to the qualities which they ought to possess. But it is unnecessary further to enlarge on this way pf viewing maps. * Memoued' Euler, Acta Academ. Petropol. torn. i. p. 1. Memoir* de Lagrange, Academ, de Berlin, an nee 1799. ' 144 SECTION x: OF, THE CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF THE ANALEMMA*. A Definition of it. 467. i\NALEMMA, in geography, is a projection of the sphere in the plane of the meridian, orthographically made by a straight line and ellipses, the eye being supposed at an infinite distance, and in the east or west point of the horizon. 468. Analemma denotes, likewise, an\instrument of brass or wood, upon which this kind of projection is drawn with a horizon and cursor fitted to it, wherein the solstitial colure, and all circles parallel to it, will be concentric circles ; all circles oblique to the eye will be ellipses; and all circles whose planes pass through the eye, will be right lines. The use of this instrument is to show the common astronomical problems ; which it will do, though not very exactly, unless it be very large. With the assistance of good maps, the Analemma will not only solve many curious problems, but be almost equivalent to a terrestrial globe. 469. I shall, first, give the construction of this instrument; and, secondly, its use. First. THE CONSTRUCTION QF THE ANALEMMA. 1st. To describe the points of the mariner's compass, the primitive circle S W N E being given. Fig. 1st, Plate XX. * See Note V. x 145 !( 469. Divide the quadrant SE, into eight equal parts, and draw through the points 11$, 22£, 33f, &c. straight lines parallel to S N, and these parallel lines will divide the radius OE, into a line of unequal parts; and each point of inter section in OE, as 1, 2, 3, &c. is, reckoning from O the centre, the extremity of the radius for that circle, which will describe the first, second, third, &c. point of the compass. 470. Thus, with the radius O 1, you describe one point of the compass; with the radius O 2, two points of the com pass; and so on for the others. But for the proof, ' 471. As there are 360° in every circle, and 32 points in the mariner's compass, 360° -f- 32 — 11° 15', being one point; and 11° 15' + 11° 15' = 22° 30', being two points pf the compass: and thus, by the continual addition of 11° 15' to the last quantity, you find that 90° contain just 8 times 11° 15'. 472. Those concentric circles, at the distance of ll£* each from the centre of the primitive, shew the point of the com pass on which the sun rises and sets, and on what point twilight begins and ends. t 2dly. To draw the parallels of the sun's declination. ^473. Divide the circumference of the circle (Fig. 3d) into 360 equal parts, and through those points in the cir cumscribing circle, draw lines parallel to the diameter, till yon have come to 23\" on both sides of that equatorial dia meter. These lines will represent the degrees of the sun's declination from the equator, whether north or south, amount ing to 23\ nearly. . On these lines you would now mark the months and days, which correspond to such and such decli nations. You will find these lines tolerably accurately laid down on the diagram. But even the size of this diagram does" not admit of having, every, day in the year inserted; 146 yet, by making an allowance for the intermediate days in proportion to the rest, the declination may be guessed at with tolerable exactness. 3dly. To draw the hour-lines. 474. Divide the quadrant ES (Fig. 2) into six equal parte, each of which shall contain 15°, or one hour of time. Then, through the points 15, 30, 45, &c. in the quadrant ES, draw the lines 15 V, 30 IV, 45 III, &c. parallel to the axisSN, and the radius OE will be divided into a line of unequal parts, which you will transfer to the line O W, to give you the hours I, II, III, IV, V, the primiiive circle being VI. Or you might at once draw on O W, the parallels 75, 60, 45, 30, 15, which divided OE in the points I, II, &c. 475. Now, as 60 minutes make an hour of time, a fourth part of the space between each of the hour-lines will repre sent 15 minutes, This distance, in using the Analemma, your eye will readily guess at, and it is as great exactness as can be expected from any mechanical invention, or, in deed, as is necessary to answer any common purpose. , 476. You have now to describe through the points NIS, N II S, &c. five ellipses, which, with the plane of pro jection N E S W, will be the hour-circles, designed to show the time of sun rising or sun setting, before or after six o'clock, in north latitude. The properties of the ellipse have been already investigated in Section III. under the article, Ortho graphic Projection; and the method of drawing an ellipse in this case, has been shown by Problem D, page 93, Sec tion VII. ; but I shall suggest a mechanical or geometrical method of describing these semi-ellipses or hour-lines. We have seen how the division of OE has been obtained; now, let the point a (Fig. 2) be taken for a centre, and u 15 as a radius, and describe a circle. Then, if you divide a qua- 147 drant of this last circle info six equal parts, and to each fcixth part, draw a line perpendicular to 15 a 15, its diameter, you shall have On a 15 its proper quantities, as accurately as you have those on OE; and, doing the same by the other lines, b SO, c45, d 60, e 75, you will obtain the exact points through which the ellipses cut the several lines OE, a 15, b30, &c. and you may form them, if drawn with a free hand ; but I must again refer you to Problem D, page 93, and tlie Appendix, for drawing an ellipse. Of the Index of the Analemma. 478. The index is made thus : Take a slip of Bath paper or pasteboard, and draw three parallel lines about £ of aa Inch separate ; then cut out the inverse parts at the proper length, so as to meet the primitive circle, as seen in that on the 3d diagram; You may rivet your index on the instrument, by a thread or fine wire, with a flat tin head, to prevent its giving way by Use. Secondly, of the use of the analemma. 479. In order to make nse of this Analemma, it is only necessary to consider, that, wheh the latitude of the place, and the sun's declination, are both north, or both south, the sun rises before six o'clock, between the east and the elevated pole; that is, towards the north, if the latitude and declina tion are both north ;^or towards the south, if the latitude and declination are both south. 480. Let us now suppose it is required to find the time of the sun's rising and setting, — the length of the days and nights, — the time when twilight begins and ends, — and what point of the horizon the sun rises and sets on, for the l2 148 Lizard point in England, Frankfort on the Mayn, in Germany, or Abbeville in France, bn the SOth of April. 481. The latitude of these places will be found by the maps, to be nearly 50° north. To find the lime of the Sun's rising and setting, with the Length of the' Days and Nights. 481. Place the moveable index so that its point may touch 50° on the quadrant of north latitude in the figure; then observe where its edge cuts the parallel line on which the 30th of April is written. From this reckon the hour-lines towards the centre, and you will find that the parallel line is cut by the index nearly, at the distance of one hour and 21 minutes. So the sun rises at 1 hour and 21 minutes before six, or 39 minutes after 4 in the morning, and sets 21 minutes after 7 in the evening. The length of the day is determined, by doubling the time of his setting, which, in this instance, is 7h- 21m# -f- 7h'2Im^== 14h-42m- 482. Observe how far the intersection . of the edge Of the index, with the parallel of April the SOth, is distant from any of the concentric circles, which you will find to be a little beyond that marked two points of the compass; and this shews that, an the SOth of April, the sun rises two poipts, and somewhat more, from the east towards the north, or a little to the northward of east-north-east, and sets a little to the northward of west-north-west. To find the beginning and ending of the twilight, 483. Take from the graduated arc of the circle, 17|-de- grees, with a pair of compasses ; move one foot of the com passes extended to this distance, along the parallel of the SOth of April, till the other just touches the edge of the - ¦ ^«tr^r:.» r.-.n. tr- ¦ jtr ¦:¦»>£ of JUn,7ismg KjOtzng. wpole ^ i%e Tmath -of itieDqys kM/Tos and tfi& ~"~ -¦ ~~ -¦¦-r7r -¦*¦-•- -^ tie Sun, w&^zZ^-*—^ *. *^ fir every Lyme ofZatttude. a?, Fig. 5 for every Degree/ of the- Sum" Worth, ^^s* and/ South* J) eclijzatwris. and FlateJX. Payc 148. Fig. 4 . if ^ ..;< - i Drawn, iy j£ Jajmeron/ '<***¦ ^ft y V.Synart. 149 index, which must still point to 50. The place where the other foot rests on the parallel of SOth of April, then denotes the number of hours before six, at which the twilight begins. This is somewhat more than 3 hours and a half, which shows that the twilight then begins soon after two in the morning; and likewise, that it begins to appear near five points from the east towards the north. 484. The uses of the Analemma may be varied in a great number of ways ; but the example now given, will be suf ficient for the ingenious student. 485. The most ancient treatise on this instrument now ex tant, was written by Ptolemy, and printed at Rome in 1562, with a commentary by Commandine *. ' Since that time, many authors, as, Aquilonius, Jacquet, Dechales, &c. have written on the same subject. 486. Sutton's Analemma of 18 inches diameter, has tha meridians and parallels drawn through every degree, and many of the principal stars laid down. * Claudii Ptolemaei Liber de Analemmate cum commefttariis a Frederico Cqmmandine, Romae, M.D.LXII. APPENDIX; containing 1st. Some Methods of Drawing Large Circles and Ellipses ; 2dly. Directions for Colouring Maps ; Sdly. A Catalogue of some of the best Maps ; and'4thly. G en eral rules and observations for judging of the accuracy of different BJaps > when a comparison is to be made between them, and places inserted from one into another. TO DESCRIBE LARGE CIRCLES, The Beam Compasses, made of brass, steel, or wood, from 3 to 4 feet in length, may be used. Or if the radii of your circles exceed that length, the instrument may be made longer. There must be two brass boxes or cursors exactly- fitted to the branch, upon each of which may be screwed on steel, pencil, or drawing-pen points, according as you have use for them. One of the cursors is made to slide along the branch, and may be made fast to it by means of a screw at the top; the other cursor is fixed very near one end of the branch, -where there is a nut so fastened to it, that, by turning it about the screw at the end of the branch, the said cursor may be moved backward or forward at pleasure, to describe the circle. These compasses may be had at the shop of any mathema tical instrument maker. By the Carpenter's Rule. Another instrument, called a Ship-carpenter's Rule, will be found useful in large projections. This instrument consists of a strong piece or back of wood, on each end of which is fixed a socket, to receive an elastic spline, that may be forced to any degree of curvature by means of three screws, one in the middle of the back.pjece, and the two others between this central screw and the ends of the instrument. It is usually sold at half-a-guinea. 152 By the Horizontal Compasses. The improved Bevel or Horizontal Compasses, will draw an arc of a circle through any three points, without the centre being known. But as any instruments the student may use in projections, are described in those works which treat of mathematical instruments and their uses, J shall only detain him here with a description of the Cyclograph, an instrument that will describe the arc of a circle to any chord and versed sine ; but chiefly used in flat segments, or those whose curvatures approach t6 straight lines. There are several constructions of this instrument, but Peter IfipJioI- son's improved. brass Cyclograph, is superior to any I have yet seen. It may be thus described : — The two legs are connected by a folding joint, and these legs in the instrument before me, are twelve inches long, T%ths of an inch thick, and Toths of an inch broad. This part of the instrument then is,, in shape and movement, exactly like a car penter's foot rule of 12 inches. On these legs, at 5iin. from the joint, there are ri vetted two slips, about 6|in. long, -j^th of an inch thick, and i an inch broad ; these slips have' a folding joint, that connects their other ends, so that when the legs are opened, this joint also opens. That which serves as a rivet fpr each joint, is a piece of brass projecting in the form of a pillar, above the upper face of the instru ment about | an inch, and having a cylindric tube, through which goes a rod, about T^ths of an inch in diameter. This rod is fixed immovably, by a screw passing through the tube at the joint of the major legs, but it slides easily through the tube over the joint of the minor legs; and at this tube there is a nut, to fix the instrument -when opened for use. In the end of this rod, next the head of the instru ment, is a square pipe, that admits the shaft of the drawing-pen ox pencil-foot, which is also made fast by a nut; and to keep the draw ing-pen in the same plane with the major legs, is a guide that is fast ened by a screw to one of the major legs. There accompany this instrument, two triangular pieces of brass, having1 a steel point in each corner, for- the purpose of fixing them, one in each extreme part of the curve, in order to direct the instrument, or rather its head and pen, in the curvilinear motion it shall take. It is now very obvious, that there are three points, through which the proposed circle is to pats : — one at the one brass guide, in the pane on which we describe the circle ; another at the point of the pen or pencil; and a third at the other brass guide. If, therefore, the instrument be moved laterally 153 close to the plane directors, the curve will be described accurately and beautifully. See article 165 and 167. The principle of this instrument is founded upon the 21st Proposition of the Third Book of Euclid's Elements, in which it is announced and proved, that, " The angles in the same segment qf a circle, are equal to one another." Nicholson's ". Centro-linead," is another instrument that will be found useful in drawing lines or radii to a, point, when it is not known where the centre is situated, because of being beyond your paper. When the meridians are straight lines, as for example, in the map of England, the instrument, which is nothing more than an improved kind of bevel, being set to the angle, which the first meridian from that which is perpendicular, makes. with the base line, and moved to the points of division along the base line of your projection, all the meridians may be drawn with ease and accuracy. METHODS OF DRAWING AN ELLIPSE. In any ellipses we have occasion to draw in orthographic or globular constructions of maps, as, for example, in Fig. 5th, Plate XII. and the Analemma, Fig. 3rd, Elate XX. the major axis is the longest, and the minor axis is the shortest, diameter. Thus, referring to Problem D, page 93, Pp is the major axis, and the minor axis lies on a portion of the line EQ of Fig. 5th, Plate Xfl. ; and the ordinate of any ellipse being a line drawn perpendicular to the major axis, II, Fig. 3rd, Plate XX. will be a double ordinate qf the ellipse N I S. You will perceive, that of all the double ordinates in this ellipse, the longest is that which is next the minor axis of the ellipse ; and that of the others, that which is near to this one, is always longer than one more remote — they diminish gradually in departing from the minor axis, till they arrive at the vertex of the ellipse, where they entirely vanish. In any ellipses you may have occasion to draw in orthographic or globular projections, the major and minor axes are always given. Now, if you were to draw the ellipse by means of a string or thread, from one extremity of your minor axis, as, for example, from If, Fig. 2nd, Plate XX. with a radius equal to one-half of your major axis, that is, equal, to OS or ON, describe an arc intersecting the major axis in two points, which will be the foci of your ellipse: these points fall about d and I. Next draw two pencil lines from the foci of the ellipse to II, one extremity of the minor axis ; and fix a. pin in 154 each focus. Then, lo these two pins, you shall fasten the two end* fef a string or thread, which must be exactly equal in length to the 'two pencil lines drawn from d and I to II; that is to say, when the thread is stretched as much as possible from the foci or fixed points, the middle of it shall just touch the end (II) of the minor axis^ Finally, take your pencil, apply it to the inside of the thread, and leepmg the thread always stretched as much as possible, move your pencil quite round from It to N and S, oh both sides of N S, so shall the ellipse N 1 1 S be drawn, a portion of which is seen in Fig* 3, and the complete ellipse is offered to your view by fdp in Fig.. 5th, Plate XII. Upon either the major or minor Axis, the following are other Methods of describing an Ellipse, whose major and minor Axes are mven. ¦minor Axes are given. As by this method we can describe our ellipse either upon the major orntinor axis, we shall, therefore, describe it, first, upon the major axis. See Fig. 4th, Plate XX. Divide the major axis N S, into any number of equal parts, say ten, and number them both ways from »r 1, 2, 3,4, 5; through II draw the lineg/r parallel to NS, and through N and S draw lines parallel to O Wj which will form the parallelogram NS/g-. Divide S/, and Ng, into the same number srf is a nut, with a hole to hold a pencil; at 2 and 3 are two sliding puts. Now, to use the instrument, make the distance of 2 from 1 half * The Major's book is compiled and adapted to the mode of " British instruction." ' + Nicholson's method applies equally to a circle, the hyperbola, and the parabola ; for which, see his Work*. 156 th£ shortest diameter of your ellipses, and from the nut I to 3 equal to half the longest, the points 2 and 3 being pat into the grooves of the same size, move your pencil round at 1, and it will describe the true curve of an ellipse. See also Note L. Mr.Farey, a very ingenious mathematician in London, has lately invented an instrument, by which to describe ellipses of any curvature. This instrument may he had at Harris's the optician. TO MAKE COLOURS FOR WASHING MAPS. Colours proper for washing maps, are obtained by boiling different kinds of wood, or staining substances, in water ; as, logwood for purple; cochineal for red ; Brazil, madder, turnsol, &c, and the following colours may be readily made; For Yellow. Tate two ounces qf Avignon berries, (called also French berries,) a dranvof alum, and one pint of rain water. Put them into an earthen pot, and allow them to simmer over the" fire about, the space of half an hour; then filter the liquid. This liquid, when cool, will be fit for use; but should it be too strong, add water to it; or, if too weak, simmer it again, for a very short time. This colour ought to be washed, pretty pale, as it becomes deeper in drying. For Blue. Take an ounce of verdigrise, and three-fourths of an ounce of red argil, three-fourths of a pint of clear rain water; put them together, and let them soak for two days ; then boil them till they are dissolved, and allow the liquor to settle before you pq.ur it off fqr use. For Green. A very excellent green may be made by mixing the yellow and blue colours together; and verdigrise boiled in vinegar makes a very good green ; but, as it dries deep, the wash must of course be very pals. 157 For Red. An ounce of Brazil shavings infused in a pint of water, and boiled* should have added to it a quarter of an ounce of powdered roach alum; and, when cold, you may strain it off for use. Or you may, in place of this tincture, use good lake, which will do full as well. You will find that a little of this colour added to the tincture of Aviguoa berries, will produce a colour similar to yellow ochre. For Brown. Boil bistre in urine. A good brown may be procured from gall- , stone as it is taken from cattle, and the real stone may be obtained in anyplace where they are slaughtered. Ileart-of-oak chips boiled in water, will produce an excellent colour, between brown and yellow- ochre. Mr. Newman, artist's colourman, 24, Soho Square, has in liquids the following colours: gamboge, verdigrise, carmine, purple, bistre or vandyke-brown, Prussian blue, light green, dark green ; and of his cake colours, red take, Prussian blue, Indian yellow, burnt terra- siennae, and yellow ochre, may be used ; but it is hardly possible to obtain a green from cake colours for maps. In using cake colours, you must dilute them with soft water, observ ing to mix them intimately together, till the desired tint of colour has. been obtained ; then, with a brush' in proportion to the size of the space you are going to colour, apply the wash steadily and quickly; but do not suffer the proper limits to be passed, nor a greater quantity of colour to be used than will evenly cover tlie space; as, when tco much is used, it is liable to settle in particular places, and, by making deeper tints in one place than another, the work will appear clouded. You should also observe not to allow any two limits of the same colour to touch each other, and endeavour to distribute your colours so as to produce a pleasing effect on the whole ; but that taste which quickly perceives excellencies or defects, so as to be soon delighted with the former and disgusted with the latter, must assist you in distinguishing and discriminating the most striking methods of giving this finish to your maps (108). The circular space beyond the outward meridian, as, jfor example, that which contains the degrees of longitude in the Annexed Figure, Plate XIII. may be coloured with burnt terra-sicnnE ; 158 and the space containing the rhumbs (286) may be washed with any other colour. The water should be coloured last, with a very light wsish of ver digrise, and if it is not very expeditiously laid oh, it will be clouded and offensive to the eye. The map should be damped with a clean, moist cloth, laid Over it for a few minutes previously to colouring the water. And should you have occasion to colour a printed map, the colours may be kept from sinking, by wetting the back of the print with a solution of four ounces of roach alum in a pint of spring water, allowing the paper to dry from the water, before the colours are laid on. This will not only prevent the colours from sinking, but give them an additional beauty and lustre, and preserve them from fading; and if the paper is not good, toash it three or four times, suffering it to dry between every wash. The printing or let tering the names of places, should be done when the colours on your Inap are perfectly dry. To line Mttpg. Cut the edge of your map even, so that if it consist of several parts, it may join properly ; then take a piece of Irish cloth, the size of the whole map, paste it with thin paste, and whilst wet, stretch it by nailing the edges on a flat board; paste the several parts of the map with thin paste, and lay them properly on the cloth ; attend to it whilst it is drying, that it may not pucker, and when perfectly ^ry, cut the edges, and nail it on a roller. A CATALOGUE OF THE BEST MAPS. As a collection of good and accurate maps is of the greatest import ance in the study of geography and history, I shall here subjoin a list »f some of the best modern maps that have been published. Those maps which may be collected for the purpose of forming an Atlas, may be arranged under three heads, according to their size, or the extent of their scale. 1st. Those which consist of more than six sheets, such as De Bovge's 159 map of Europe in fifty half sheets, and Cassini's map of France in one hundred and eighty-three sheets. idly. Those from four to six sheets, to which class belong several maps of kingdoms. 3dly. Those from one sheet to four, wliich is the smallest size that can answer the purpose of an atlas. PLANISPHERES, OR MAPS OF THE WORLD. Arrovisndth's, in four sheets, 1794. Smaller planispheres by Faden, Harrison, &c. Northern and southern hemispheres by Faden, mat sheet each, 1302. MERCATOR'S PROJECTION. The best on this projection is that by Arrozvsmilh, eight sheets.' That of Faden, in one sheet, MAPS OF EUROPE. Iff size. That of De Bouge, published at Vienna, 1799; or that by Sortzmann, in" sixteen sheets, which is the better of the two. 2d sine. By D'Anville, six sheets, 1754; or Arrowsmith's in four sheets. 3d sbe. That by Faden, in one sheet. Maps of England. I. The Trigonometrical Surveys of the several Counties, published by Lindley and Gardner. Some of the best surveys are published by Faden. II. Cary's Atlas of the Counties, and his England and Wales in eighty-one sheets. Smith's Atlas. III. Faden' a map in one sheet. When the grand Trigonometrical Survey of England shall be finished, as it is reported to excel in accuracy, abundance of positions, clearness, and beauty, we shall enjoy one uniform map, like Cassini's map of France. Maps of Wales. I. That of Evans, in nine sheets. I II. The maps in Pennant's Tours, Evans's Cambrian Itinerary, and Aikin's Journey. 160 Maps of Scotland. I. The Surveys of the several Counties. II. Aiiislie's nine-sheet Map. Ill, Ah excellent map by General Roy, very scarce ; Pennarit's, and Aiiislie's reduced Map, all in one sheet* Maps bf Ireland* /.I. Surveys of some of the Counties. III. A valuable map by Dr. Beaufort, in two sheets, 1792 and 1797; the same reduced, one sheet, Faden; and Taylor's^mt sheet, Faden, 1793. Maps of Russia in Europe. I. Maps of the different grovernments in the Russ character. The same recent, in nine sheets. III. The Russian Empire, PetersbUrgh, 1789. Reduced map, one sheet, London. Maps of Sweden. I. Atlas of the Swedish Provinces, by Baron Hermelin, excellent, and adorned with interesting prospects in Lapland. III. DelaRochette'sj by Faden, one sheet. Maps of Denmark. I. Maps of the Provinces, under the direction of Bygge. III. Faden's maps of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, in one sheet. Maps of Prussia. I. Poland and Prussia, by Zannoni, twenty-five sheets. Sortzmann's Atlas, in twenty-one sheets. III. Sortzmann's reduced to two sheets in France, and by himself to one sheet, in 1800. Maps of Germany. II. Chauchard's Map of Germany. I. Atlas of the Tyrol, twenty- one sheets. Atlas of Bohemia, by Mutter, twenty-five sheets. Military Atlas, twenty sheets. III. A Map of the Austrian Dominions, by Baron Lichtenstern. Moravia, by Fenuto, two sheets. 161 Maps of the Netherlands. i . I. Ferrari's, in twenty-five sheets. II. Atlas de Department Belgique. III. Ferrari's reduced Map, by Faden. Maps of Holland. II. Kep's Maps of the United Provinces. III. Faden's Map of the Seven United Provinces. Maps of France. I. CassinPs, mentioned above, and the Atlas Nationale in eighty-five sheets. III. Faden's one sheet Map ; and a Map in Departments, by Bellycime, in four sheets. France Physique, by Buache, one sheet, which shews the mountains and rivers. Maps of Spain. Lopez's Atlas ; not, however, very accurate. II. A Map of Spain, by Montelle and Chanlaire, jn nine sheets. III. Faden's Map in one sheet. Maps of Portugal. II. Geqffry's, improved by Rainsford, in six sheets} 1790. III. De la Rochette's Chorographical Map, in one sheet, published by Faden, 1797. Maps of Italy and Venice. I. Maps of the various states divided into provinces. States of the King of Sardinia, by Borgognio, twenty-five sheets. III. D'Anville's Map of Italy, improved by De la Rochette, in four sheets, published by Faden. ' Venice, by SaiUini; Venetian Territory, Nplin, DeWitt, and Jaillot? whose is the best. 162 Maps of Turkey in Europe. II. Moldavia, by TSicarr, six sheets. Danube, by Mantfeld, seve* small sheets. III. Bulgaria by Schenk. Bessarabia, by Gussefeld. Greece, by D'Anville, and the Atlas of the Travels of Anacharsis. Arrovismith's Turkey, two sheets. De la Rochette's Greece, one sheet. Maps of Swhterland. 1. WeiSs's Atlas, published at Strasburgh in 1800, excellent. Weiss's Seduced, one sheet. MAPS OF ASIA. The best general map of Asia, is that by Arrowsmitk, in four sheets, published in 1801 ; and D'Anville's, in six sheets* may still be consulted with advantage. There are a few good maps of the individual countries ; but the fol lowing are esteemed among the best. Of China. D'Anville'i Atlas, which Pinkerton thinks ought to accompany the ¦work of Du Hatde. A Map of China, by Arrowsmith. See also the maps in Grosier's Account of China; but particularly those in the Histairt Generate de la Chine. Of Tartary. A map by Witsen, 1687, in six sheets, and one by DeWitt in one sheet. Strahlenberg's is curfew. Of Japan* ItofarCs Map in one sheet. Of the Birman Empire, Tlie maps published in Mr. Symes's Embassay. The Geography of lExterior India is very imperfect, but expected to be improved by the 163 Researches of Mr. Ddlrympk. For an outline of the coasts, the Cliarts of D'Aspres are deservedly esteemed; and for Siam, D'Anville's Map of Asia may be consulted. Of Hindoslan. RennelVs Map, in four sheets. De la Rochette's, one sheet, good, third edition, 1800. RenneWs Atlas of Bengal, and his Map of the Southern Provinces, 1800. Faden's Peninsula of India, 179S, two sae.ets. Of Persia. There is no good modern map of this interesting country; but La Rochette published a very beautiful one to illustrate the expedition vi Alexander the Great. That of De Lisle, in one sheet, may be com pared with the Asia of D'Anville or Arrowsmilh. Georgia and Armenia, four sheets, 1788. Of Arabia. There are some good partial maps in Niebuhr's Journey. Of the Asiatic Islands, There is an excellent Chart by Arrowsmith, in four sheets. Of Australasia, or New Holland. The best drawing is contained in ArroKsmith's Chart of the Pacific Ocean, nine sheets. The same reduced, one sheet. MAPS OF AFRICA. The best general map of Africa is still that of D'Awdlh, three sheets, 1749, though some little addition may be made to it, derived from the Journeys of Park and Brown. Wilkinson's four-sheet Map, pub lished, in 1800. Major RenneWs partial Maps, may be consulted with advantage. Of Abyssinia. 'There-is a good map in Bruce's Travels, that may be compared With. «,hose of Tellcz and Ludolf, and the Africa of D'Anville. U2 164 Of Egypt. The best maps are those of the Delta, by Niebuhr, and Lower Egypt, by La Rochette, 1802, one sheet. Of the Makomedan Slates. , The best maps are those by Shaw, and a Chart of the Mediterranean, in four sheets, by Faden. Of the Cape of Good Hopet The best is Barrow's Survey. Of the Eastern Coast, There is a small map by D'Anville, called Ethiopie Occidentdle. Of Madagascar, Fkcourt has published a map, and Bellin has given a large one. Of the African Islands, There is a general map; and there are detached maps of the Isles of Bourbon and Mauritius. MAPS OF AMERICA. There is no modern general map of America that can be relied on. The best is that of D'Anville, in five sheets, published in 1746 and 1748. Mr. Arrotosmith has published an excellent map of North America, on a very-large scale, but has omitted the Spanish dominions.. Of the United States, Arrowsmith's, in four sheets, published in 1S02, is the best; and there are very good maps of the individual provinces, in Morse's Ame rican Geography, 165 Of the British Possessions in North America. Besides Arrowsmith's mentioned above, Smith's Upper Canada, in. one sheet, published in 1800, is very decent. Of the West India Islands, The best map is that of Jeffery's, in sixteen sheets, from which a smaller one in one sheet has been reduced. Of South America, The best map is that published by Faden, in 1799, six sheets, from 3n engraving done at Madrid some years before *. On Hydrography, I must refer the reader to Pinkerton's Geography, where the best account of charts is to be met with. See the 3d London octavo edition, p.p. 795—797. GENERAL RULES AND OBSERVATIONS FOR JUDGING OF THE sACCURACT OF DIFFERENT MAPS, WHEN A COM PARISON IS TO BE MADE BETWEEN THEM, AND PLACES INSERTED FROM ONE INTO ANOTHER. In employing this rule, it will be found that we disregard entirely the projection employed in constructing the maps; for, in examin ing different maps of Eur6pe, for example, we should judge of their accuracy, by noticing what discordance exists in the latitudes and -•* Tii e above catalogue differs but little from that in the " Jincjclopadiif pritannica," See the article Geography, fifth edition. 166 longitudes assigned to the same place ; or by examining minutely the distances of well-known places, such as the capitals of kingdoms, ihe courses of rivers, and'the direction of great chains of -mountains, the boundaries of the respective kingdoms and states, and the configura tion of the checquered sea-coast, &c. we shall soon discover in what they agree, and in what they differ, so as to form a pretty accurate judgment of their comparative worth, and to which a merited pre ference decidedly bfelongs. The student should use this rule especially in classical geography, and the construction of those maps that would .represent the old world at the period when imperial Rome boasted her universal sway. But it is unnecessary here to give from Herodotus a de tailed account of the map constructed by Aristagoras, tyrant of Miletus, when he proposed to Cleomenes, king of Sparta, to attack Darius, king of Persia, at Susa ; for even Ptolemy, who introduced meridians and parallels into those maps which he copied from Marianus Tyrius, &c has placed the longitudes of the places on the shores of the Mediter ranean and remote from Egypt, much too great; and the celebrated Peutingerian tables, or rmaps, though they Gontain an itinerary of the whole Roman Empire, exhibit all places, except seas, (far .the Medi terranean is there represented only as a broad river,) woods, and deserts, according to measured distances, without any mention of latitude, longitude, and bearing*. In fact, the countries are so dis torted towards the north and south, in the map of Peulinger, that they cannot be recognized. From a copy of the splendid edition given by Scheele in 1753, thirty-five degrees of longitude in this map occupy twenty feet eight inches, whilst thirteen degrees of latitude are comprised within the space of one foot. But this is a circumstance uot so remarkable, when we refiect.that the routes of the Roman armies extended almost entirely from east to west; whence, to measures in these directions, would be paid special regard ; whilst those between north and sotfth 'quarters, whidh were'but partially -penetrated, might almost entirely be neglected. But in most of the ancient maps and charts, the most common defect is, .to assign -too -much space between .places situated east and west ;of each other ; for itthe latitude 'of a place .being more easily determined than fits longitude, maps constructed from the relations * :8ee ithe fHistoiy cof the cAcmleniy of inscriptions, vol. 18th, and the History of the Academy Df;Siti8iicBs;£ard761. 167 ?nd observatipns of travellers, would possess greater . accuracy as to the latitude of places, whilst the erro.rs \a their longitudes would be the greater in proportion as those places were further removed from th* principal meridian. Now, to form any tJjing like a precise judg ment as to the difference of longitude expressed in degrees, we must attend to the diminution of the decrees between the parallels, and wliich are ipfersected by the oblique line joining these ,two points, But even this correction, is small in comparison of the error that more modern observations have detected in these ancient determinations.-^ an error arising not only from the curvature of the earth being neg lected, but because the itinerary measures were estimated in a vague and incorrect manner, by day's journeys by sea or land ; as, for example, in the map of Aristagoras, where on one straight line, called the royal road or highway, were comprehended all the stations or places of encampment from Sardis, the beginning of the route, to Susa, a dis.- tance of 13,500 stadia, or 1687J Roman miles, of 5000 feet each, mak ing thereby the total number of encampments in this whole route, one hundred and eleven: and when in other instances these journeys are reckoned by the windings of roads, through mountainous traets, pi by fheir vicinity to the sinuosity of the shore, the difficulty of giving a general outline of the map, must, from such data, become the more considerable. With the materials to be gathered from the obr nervations and relations of historians and travellers, the student, by the assistance qflfilkinson's elegant " Atlas Classica," and M. Gosselin's. work about to be mentioned, may complete a set of maps peculiarly adapted to illustrate— 1st. The events of sacred history — 2dly. The ex tent of the jurisdiction of the eastern and western churches— 3dly. The accounts and descriptions which are met with in the classic authors — and, 4thly. The histories of subsequent events, down to what are usually- denominated the middle ages. In comparing small maps by means pf the distances between differ ent points — distances which, perhaps, have been the foundation qf the map — we assume two points, whose distance shall serve as a standard, to which the rest may be compared. In comparing the position pf a third place with those on two different maPs? two triangles shqpjd^ be constructed on the same base, and the difference of their summits will shew the discordance' between them : the middle point between them is, therefore, to be chosen as the mean between them. Three comparisons of this kind will give a triangle, and several will give a polygon; and the mean position will be found, by taking the centre of gravity of the figure thus formed. And to find the centre of gravity qf 168 a triangle, you have only to draw lines from each ahgle to the poin| bisectingthe opposite side. This rule will serve for three determina tions ; and when you have thus determined the distance of one place from two others, supposed given in position, its longitude and latitude may be determined, and the place transferred on the new chart or map, whatever may be its projection. But, as hinted, I must, for further information, refer the reader to M. Gosselin's " Recherches sur la Ge.ographie Systematique et Positive des Anciens." See also Notes A, S, and T. MOTES and ILLUSTRATIONS, Note A. Page 8. The method of estimating the distances of places by longitudes and latitudes, is of considerable antiquity, and was employed hy Eratos thenes, who first introduced a regular parallel of latitude, whieh began, at the Straits of Gibraltar, passed eastward, through the island of Rhodes, to the mountains of India, all the intermediate places through which it passed being carefully noted. Soon after drawing this paral lel through Rhodes, which was long considered with a degree of pre ference, Eratosthenes undertook to trace a meridian, passing through Rhodes and Alexandria, as far as Syene and Mertie. > Pythias of Marseilles, according to Strabo, considering the island of Thule as the most western part of the then known world, began to count the lon gitude from thence, while Marianus of Tyre placed their first meridian at the Fortunate Islands, or the Canaries; but they did not determine ¦which was the most westerly of those islands, and consequently which ought to serve as a first meridian. The parallel and meridian of Hali- carnassus, according to the idea of Herodotus, the father of history, as far as can be collected from hie history, Major Rennell makes to intersect at right angles over the town of Halicarnasus *, in Doris, a (Jrecian colony on the we,st coast of Asia Minor. This parallel cuts the 37th degree of N. Lat. and the meridian corresponds with that of 45£ long, ab Fort. Ins. versus orient. See Wilkinson's Atlas Classica, plate XI. ; Among the Arabians, Alfragan, Albategnus, Nassir Eddin, and Ulug Beg, also reckoned from the Fortunate Islands ; but Abulfeda began to reckon his longitude from a meridian ten degrees to the east ward of Ptolemy, probably, because it passed through the western ex tremity of Africa, where> according to him, were situated the Pillars of Hercules ; or because it passed through Cadiz, which was at that time rendered famous by the conquests of the Moors in Spain. * This place gave birth to Herodotus, who flourished about four hundred «nd forty-five years B. C. 170 When the Azores were discovered by the Portuguese in 1448, some geographers made us>e of the island of Tercera as their first meridian. Other geographers, as Blaen, father and son, placed the first meridian at the Peak of Teneriffe, a mountain so far elevated above the sea, that it may be easily known by navigators ; while others have made the island of St. Philip, one of the Cape de Verde's, the first meridian, because they conceived this to be the place wheie the magnetic needl? ftsd no variation. For a long time it -wns customary to reckon the longitude in most countries from theisle of Ferro, one of the Canary Jates; but it is now customary for each nation to reckon the longitude either from the metropolis pf the country, or from the national observr story situated near it. Thus, in France, Paris is , the first metidjaiij »»»d in Great {kjtain, the RoyaJ .Observatory at Greenwich. As, in several good maps, the isle of Ferro is still used as a first meridian, it may be proper to remark, that the observatory at Green wich lies 17" 45' to the east of Ferro. Hence, it is very easy \q reduce ¦the longitude of Ferro to that of Greenwich : fpr, if the longitude required be east, we have only to subtract 17" 45' from the longitude «rf Ferro, aad ,the remainder is the longitude east from London: 0n. the other hapd, if the place be west from Ferro, we obtain the longir 'Indie-- west from London, by adding to that of Ferro 17° 45/. If the place lies between Ferro and London, its longitude from London will fee obtained, by subtracting its longitude .east .from Ferrp from 17° 45', It is evident, that by .the reverse of this iinetbod, we may reduce thlj Jor>g.Uude from London to that of Ferro, Note B. Page 17. Having said so much on the nature of the terrestrial globe, we shall subjoin the following practical rules for the choice t>f ^globes; atrd, - . I. Thepa.pers or gores should be well and neatly pasted on the globes, which may be known by the lines and circles, exactly meeting^ and continuing all the way even and whole; the circles not breaking into several arches, nor the papers either coming short, or lapping over que another. 2. The colours should be transparent, and not laid too thick upon the globe, to hide the names of places. 3. T-he -globe -should hang -evenly -between -the -biaaen meridian and the wooden, horigon, not inclining either to one sid^or the other. 4« The globe should move as (Slose to the horizon and. the meriduil in as it conveniently may, -otherwise there will be too much trouble to find against what part of the globe any degree of the meridian or hori zon is. 5. The equinoxial line should be even with the horizon all round, when ftie north or south pole is elevated 90» above the horizon. 6. The equinoxial line should cut the horizon in the east and west points, in all the -elevations of the pole from zero or 0» to 90°. 7. The degree of the brazen meridian marked o, should be exactly over the equinoxial line of the globe. 8. Exactly half of the brazen meridian should be above the hori zon, which may be Jmown fay bringing any of tlie decimal divisions on the meridian to the north point of the horizon, and finding their complement to 90» on the. south point. 9. When the quadrant of altitude is placed as far from the equator or brazen meridian, as the pole is elevated above, the horizon, the -beginning of the degrees of the quadrant should reach just to the iplane surface of the horizon. 10. When the index of the hour circle, provided the globe be fur nished with one, passes from one hour to another, 15" .of the equator •wiust pass under the graduated edge >of the brazen meridian ; and when the globe circle is without an index, the division for one hour and 15° on the equator should be exactly cut by the .graduated edge of the brazen meridian. 11. The wooden horizon should be made substantial and strong, it being generally observed, ithat in most globes the horizon is ,the first •part that fails, on account of ihs having been made too slight. The best globes are those by Adams, Cary, and Bardin. The last maker covers his from drawings by Arrowsmith, with the newest dis coveries ; the celestial globes are also executed with great care and pre cision. In Cary's celestial globe (1808) the constellations are only marked by boundary lines, and the eye is not distracted with the ridi culous figures of animals, '&c. Some astronomers, however, prefer the ancient figures, on account of speedyiand, accurate reference. Note C. Page 36. ilihe Rev. Dr. Vince uses this projection in the construction of solar eclipses. , See his " Complete Astronomy," Vol. I. second edition, quarto, 1814. Consult also Dr. Hutton's " Mathematical Dictionary, on the Laws oT fhe Orthographic Projection," -Vol.H. Page-293, -Ed+f-ien 1795. Dr. Rees's Encyclppaedi3,Traite de Topographie, d'Arpentage, et de Nivellement ;" as, likewise, in Bonnycastle's '- Trigonometry," Dr. Hutton's and Mr. Barlow's ff Mathematical Dictionary," and Mr. Ktitlis ''Trigonometry." Note D. Page 40. Of all the ancient geographers, posterity is most indebted to Ptolemy, who produced a work much more scientific than had ever before been written on this science; a geography in eight books, which must ever be considered as one of the principal monuments of the labours of its author. In this work there appear, for the first time, an application of geometiical principles to the construction of maps; the different projections of the sphere; and a distribution of the several places on the earth, according to their latitudes and longitudes. This work must have been the result of a great many relations, both historical and geographical, that had been collected by this indefatigable man. It lias passed through numerous editions. Ptolemy not only rendered to geography the greatest service, in collecting all the known longitudes and latitudes of different places, and laying the foundation of the method of projections for the con struction of geographical charts ; the astronomical edifice he raised, subsisted nearly fourteen centuries, and now that it is entirely destroy^ ed, his " Almagest," considered as a depository of ancient observa? tions? is one of the most precious monuments of antiquity *. Note E. Page 44. ¦ Mr. Bonmjcastk, in a note, page 59, '.' Mensuration,'' says, 'f this construction is the invention of Rhenaldinus, and was first given in his second book, ' De Resol. &c. comp. Mathem, p. 367.' The rule for polygons in general, is onjy an approxiinatiqn, but holds true in the. equilateral triangle and hexagon." But you will observe that Mr. Bon-? nycastle does not divide the radius, but describes an equilateral triangle. Stone, in his " Mathematical Dictionary," examines this trigonomei _ , ,, .fu4 • La Place's System of the World, p, 281. V9L l|« 173 Ideally. See " Regular Polygons," in that work. The series is the! only general method, however, than can be applied in the investiga tion of this property. See Mr. P. Nicholson's " Architectural Dic tionary," page 340. Indeed, this gentleman was the first who sug gested to me the idea of taking |ths of the radius for the point X, and he assured me that it strqek his mind, many years ago, as applicable to the globular projection of the sphere, though he never reduced ' it to practice till the present (1814), in, the article " Projection of the Sphere," for Dr. Rees's Encyclopaedia. This projection is not new, but, on the contrary, very ancient, for Ptolemy mentions it in his Geography, and so does Blundevill in his Exercises. Note F. Page 46. Of the regular polygons, three only are susceptible of perfect adapt ation, and capable, therefore, of covering, by their repeated addition, a plane surface. These are the equilateral triangle, the square, and the hexagon. The angles of an equilateral triangle, are each twp-thirds of a right angle, those of a square are right angles, and the angles of a hexagon are each equal to four third-parts of a right angle. Hence, there may be constituted about a point, six equilateral triangles, four squares, and three hexagons; But no other regular polygon can admit of a like disposition ; and, on this principle, the adaptation of patch work, and the construction of tessellated pavement, are founded *. Note G. Page 52. By separating the principles of the projections of the sphere front these geometrical and trigonometrical practical methods of projection, the student is not brought to encounter one undistinguishable mass, requiring superior perspicuity to disentangle perplexity and regulate confusion. But even this part of our work involves the nicest prin ciples of science — principles,, which being purely geometrical, con dense the most rigid theory with the most rapid facility of practice, and admit the mind, delighting in assiduity, to a richly diversified banquet. ' With respect t.o the method by which I determine the centres of the meridians, in Problems I. and VIII. I have to observe, that it is * Prof. Leslie's Geom. p.p. 120 and 420, second edition, Edinb. 1SU, 174 the most expeditious of stny yet presented to the public : it is equaf to Arroii'smilh's in Problems III. and IV. or the trigonometrical methods, in Problems V. and X. for the formulas upon which it de pends are strictly trigonometrical. This method presented itself to my mind, from the labour I used to be- at, in dividing each of the lines drawn obliquely from the point of view, to the equal divisions of the equator, in the globular, and the semi-tangetical divisions of the equator, in the stereographic projection. The moment it occurred, its simplicity and facility were too powerfully felt to be resisted — I have adopted it without hesitation, in preference to the tedious method which is hinted at above, and which is usually given to effect the same geometrically. Note H. Page 59. ¦problems III. and IV. are really elegant, and do great credit t« Mr. Arroxvsmith, who, with great labour and exactness, drew all the meridians and parallels of latitude to every degree on two hemispheres,. which laid the foundation of his excellent four-sheet map of the world. His pamphlet, called " A Companion to a Map of the World," ex plains the projection, and contains some valuable information. A satisfactory account, and a just critique of the maps and charts of this deservedly-esteemed geographer, will be found at the end of the third octavo edition of Pinkerton's Geography, published in 1811. See also the Encyclopaedia Britannica, fifth edition, Vol. IX. Part II. article, Geography, No. 126> page 546, where, " of the latest maps and charts," those constructed by Arrowsmith, are declared to be "in the greatest estimation." Note I. Page 77. It is not certain by whom this analogy was at first discovered, but the discovery seems to have been made by accident, in some such similar manner as the curious properties of the crescents or lunula? were discovered by Hippocrates of Chios, in his attempts to square the circle. The analogy between the increased meridian and a scale of loga rithmic tangents, was first published and introduced into the practice of navigation, by Mr. Henry Bondx by whom this property is men-. tioned in an edition of Norwood's " Epitome Qf Navigation," published about 1645. 175 Note K. Page 77. It was the great study of our predecessors to contrive such a chas* in piano, with straight lines, on which all or any parts of the wortd might be truly laid down aecoirding to their, longitudes and latitude*. A method for this purpose was hinted at by Ptolemy, nearly two thou sand years ago ; and a general map, in such an idea, was made hw Gerardus Mercator, about 1550, Wherein the degrees of latitude jweiie increased from the equator towards each pole; bat the principle* were not demonstrated, nor was a ready way shown of describing the chart, till Wright, an Englishman, about the year 1590, dise»vei:e€ the true principles, and explained how to enlarge the meridian line^ iiy the continual addition of secants, so that all the degrees of lon gitude -might be proportional to those of latitude, as on the .globe itself, which renders this chart in several respect-s far more convenient for the navigator's use tban the globe itself, and which will show .tauhy the course and distance from place to place hi all cases of sailing. This skilful, but unsuspecting mathematician, communicated fr«e%r the principles of this projection to one Jodocus Hondins, an engraver, who, contrary to his honest faith and engagement, published the sante as his own invention. This occasioned Mr. Wriglit, in the year 1599, to exhibit "his method of construction, in his book, entitled, " Correc tion of Errors in Navigation ;" in the preface to which may be sees Ms charge and proof against Hondius; and also how far MerGOt or has any light to share in the honour due for this great improvement ia geography and navigation *. But Mercator's name will, by this map, be transmitted to future ages with deathless fame. This Unassuming, wonderful genius — Wright, conceived a glob* or sphere, with the susual delineations, posited in a cylinder, to toe -blown like a bladder, till every part of the surface touched Or adhered to the tcyliader. Thus would each parallel have the same diameter with the equator or cylinder, and the meridians becoming parallel ito each other, would in all latitudes have the same distance as on the equator. In short, the rhumbs and all other circles of the globe, would! ¦unbend themselves into straight lines. f Se0 the Philoso. trans, for JT58, Vol. L. Part II. p., 565. 176 ' Note L. Page S4. The proportional compasses is an instrument made of two equal fclips or pieces of brass or silver of any length, the breadth and thick ness of which must be proportionable, with four equal steel points. The slips .are, connected by a cylindric pin, which, when they are made to coincide, is moveable along a slit through both pieces, so that the axis pr centre of the pin, and the two extreme points of each piece, may lie in the same straight line, and fixed at any point, which will keep its situation in each of the pieces, whether the instrument be opened at any angje or shut. The two surfaces of the instrument, which appear wh^n it is shut, are the sides ; and the four parts of the instru ment from the centre of motion, are called legs.- Hence, any pair of legs will be equal to each other, and of the same invariable length, whatever angle these legs make each other. The proportional compasses have usually laid down upon their faces the line of sines, the line of chords, &c. This instrument may be employed — lit. To divide a given line into any given number of equal parts from 2 to 10 or 100; idly. A right line being given, and supposed to be divided into one hundred equal parts, to' take any number of those parts; Zdly. The radius being given, to -find the chord of any arc under 60°; itltly. The radius bejing given, to fiud the sine of any number of degrees ; 5t}ihj. The radius being given, to find the tangent of any number of degrees, not above 71". But the proportional compasses may be applied to. perspective, some branches of practical geometry, and different parts of geometrical architecture. For these applications I must refer the^reader to the article " Proportional Compasses," in Rees's Encyclopaedia, written v by my friend Mr, Peter Nicholson.. ,..',.¦ In conjunction with the proportional compasses, a pair of screw dividers, and light beam compasses about a yard long; several ellipses- rulers may be used for, drawing lines, which are too large to be struck with beam compasses; and these ellipses-rulers will be found par ticularly useful, when large partial maps are being done, in curved lines, from the table of proportion of latitude, and decrease of lon gitude, pages 10th and llth. By the method I have given (page 93^ ef drawing an ellipse, or from the art-ide Ellipse- in the Appendix, the student may make out of stiff cards, card boards, ,or^ thin holly- wood, ellipses rulers and sweeps, which will answer his purpose as well as an expensive brass ellipsograph. 177 There are various simple means for reducing or enlarging maps, besides what I have mentioned; but there is, perhaps, none more effectual, than that of proportionate squares. The method is this : Divide the original map or picture, into any number of equal squares ; then divide the paper upon which you are going to. work, into the same number of equal squares, either greater or less than those in the original, according as the pi^ce is to be. enlarged or contracted ; then draw or project the several parts of the piece as they fall in the squares of the original, in the corresponding squares of the paper you are.' drawing on: then outline it with Indian ink, and rub out the black- lead maiks of the squares; insert the minutiae, and lay on your colours, so as readily, and at a,; cursory view, to render the ,map. still, more intelligible; for whether your colouring be more or less beautiful, it should always assist us in distinguishing the face of a country at a glance. See Note T, p? 186. Note M. Page 89. The logarithmic spiral may be drawn from a series of points to be, found in the curve,; the centre, and two opposite points in a straight line passing through the centre, being given in the curve. The chief instrument in performing this, is the proportional compasses. The principle is this: Two right lines being drawn, cross each other at right angles, and two others at 45fl, pass through the point of intersec tion; a distance is then assumed for a radius, and a mean proportional is found between the radius and the fifth point in the curve: this mean gives the third point in the curve. Also, a, 'mean proportional is found between the radius and third point in the; curve. A straight line is then drawn equal to the radius, and the- cpmpass.es are set in the ratio of the radius to the first proportional, or point in the spiral curve. The radius is taken between the longer legs of ,ttie compasses, and the distance hetween the shorter gives .the n>st proportional in the curve; then, the longer legs" set,, to. this proportional, determine by the space between the shorter ;legs,--the third proportional. Again, this third proportional taken between the-lpngerjegs of the instrumept, expands the shorter legs to the fourth proportional; and so on in regular geometrical proportion; and, therefore, if a curve be drawn through all these points of revolution; it will be the spiral required. 17S Note N. Page 90. It may be worth the student's pains and labour, to examine the projections of the sphere, and the constructions of maps, in Dr. Rees's Encyclopaedia. Mr. Peter Nicholson, who furnished these articles, has reduced Brook Taylor's " Perspective," to projection generally, and to the projection of the sphere particularly"; and the extreme simplicity with which these projections are given, proves how very successfully Nidholsdn'' has exerted his ingenuity, in converting par ticular to general rules ; wliich, by their novelty and singular beauty, must prove as highly interesting, as they will be deservedly valued. The horizontal projections contained in this section, are stereo graphic projections ; but it was observed in page 50, that the globular is capable of giving distances, as well as the stereographic ; and Boidlanger's Map of the World (1760), is on the horizon of a point, 45° of the height of the pole towards the north. In 1774, Father de Gy published one similar, projected on the horizon of Paris. These maps present, under one point of view, the four parts of the world, which, as Fleurieu says, "nature has assembled under the same hemi sphere." There are planispheres published at Vienna, stereographically projected on the horizon of the place 6f publication. Note O. Page 99- Horizon, in geography and astronomy, is a great circle of the sphere, dividing the world into two parts or hemispheres; the one upper and visible, the other lower and hid. The word ' is pure Greek, and literally signifies hounding or terminating the sight; whence it is called finitor— finisher. The horizon is either rational or sensible. The rational, true, or Astronomical Horizon, which is also called simply and absolutely the horizon, is a great circle, whose plane passes through the centre of the earth, and whose poles are in the zenith and nadir. It divides the sphere into two equal parts or hemi spheres. The sensible, visible, or apparent Horizon, is a lesser circle of the sphere, which divides the visible part of the sphere from the invisible. Its poles are likewise the zenith and nadir ; and, consequently, the sensible horizon is parallel to the rational, and it is cut at right angles, and into two equal parts, by the vertical. These two horizons, though 179 distant from each other by the semi-diameter of the earth, will appear to coincide, when continued to the sphere of the fixed stars, because the earth, compared with this sphere, is but a point. The sensible horizon is divided into eastem.and western. The eastern or ortive Horizon, is that part of the horizon wherein the heavenly bodies rise. The western or occidental Horizon, is that wherein the stars set. By the sensible horizon is also frequently meant a circle, which determines the segment of the surface of the earth, over which the eye can reach; called also the physical horizon. In this sense we say, a spacious horizon, a narrow, scanty horizon. It is manifest, from Fig. 2, Plate XIV. that the higher the spec tator is raised above the earth, the further this visible horizon will extend, as the respective distances A D, B A, will be greater. On account of the refraction of the atmosphere, distant objects on the horizon will appear higher than they really are, or appear less depressed below the true horizon S S, and may be, seen at a greater distance, espe cially upon the sea. Legendre, in his Memoir on Measurements of the Earth, in Mem. Acad. Sci, for the year ] 787, says, that, from several experiments, he is induced to allow for refraction one-fourteenth of the distance of the place observed, expressed in degrees and minutes of a great circle. Thus, if the distance be 14,000 toises, the refraction will be 1000 toises, equal to the fifty-seventh part of a degree, or 1' 3". Note P. Page 109. When the sun's amplitude is to be found, the latitude and sun's declination being given, say, As the cosine of the latitude, Is to radius ; So is the sine of the sun's or star's declination, To the sine of the amplitude. Thus: were it required to find the amplitude of the sun in the latitude of London (51° 32') : the declination being 23° 28', Ascos.5l°32' 97938317 Is to -radius 10-0000000 So is sin. dec. 23° 28' ., 9-6001181 To the amplitude 39° 48' , 9-806S864 And this is of the same name with the declination ; viz. north, when the declination is north ; and south, when it is south. n 2 180 The azimuth, at the time of the equinox, may be found trigono- metrically thus: As radius, < Is to the tangent of latitude ; So is the tangent of the altitude of the sun or star, To the cosine of the azimuth from the south. To find the azimuth of the sun or a star at any other time, consult any of our elementary treatises on astronomy. Note Q. Page 111. The principle of developement is very fully treated in Nicholson's " Architectural Dictionary ;" see the words " Carpentry" and " Dome." Plate XIII. belonging to the former article, and Plate If. answering to the latter, show at once the data upon which this principle is found ed. What Langley, Swan, Pain, and Price, had said on the principle of covering the inscribing and circumscribing spherical dome, the same ingenuity which the previous publications of Nicholson had made familiar to us, legitimately applies to the developement of the terrestrial globe oh a plane surface, as that of a planisphere. Murdoch's method is a mixed scheme of concentric circles and straight lines; Nicholson's consists entirely of arcs of circles and cur vilinear lines. Though I have adopted Nicholson's application, I have, as will appear from the investigation, treated it purely geome trically, agreeably to my own ideas of the principles on which it rests. 1 Note R. Page 124. It is to the develbpements of the globe, that we must refer the con struction of spindles or gores, which are drawn upon paper, in order to cover globes of a moderate size. The surface of the globe is divided into twelve or eighteen parts, according to the size of its diameter/ by drawing meridians from 30a to 30°, or from 20° to 20°. The space comprehended between two of these meridians, having a very small curve in regard to breadth, may be considered as forming part of a cylindric s-.-rface, circumscribed on the sphere, according to the meri dian which divides it into two equal parts. This meridian being developed in bearing perpendicularly- on each side, according to the law of ordinates, the half-widths of the portions or parallels, com prehended between the meridians which terminate the spindle, we obtain the form of its entire developement For, suppose that O P, 181 Fig. 3d, Plate XV. of the axis of the curve, is equal to the fourth- part of the circumference of the intended globe (397), the intervals of the parallels on the axis O P, are all equal ; the radii of the circles 10, 20, 30, &c. which represent the parallels, are equal to the cotangents of the latitude, and the arcs of each, such as 30, are nearly equal to the number of degrees that correspond* to the breadth of the gore, mul tiplied by the sine of the latitude: thus, there will be found no dif ficulty in tracing them ; but the principal difficulty proceeds from the change which those parts of the gores undergo, when they are glued upon the globe; as, in order to adjust them to the space which they ought to occupy, it is necessary to make the paper less on the sides than in the middle, because the sides are too long. Bion, in his " Usage des Globes," torn, iii., and Robert Faugondy, in the viith vol. of his "Encyclopedia," and LaLande, " Astronomie," torn. iii. p. 616. third edition, have gone fully into the methods employed by artists for engraving these gores. In glancing at the figure referred to above, you are to view that part of it included between the two meridians M and N, on each side of the central meridian, as the semi-gore ; but even this does not represent the exact construction. However, when it is impossible to prescribe a rigid operation, sufficient to make a plane which shall cover a curved surface, it will be here necessary only to inform the reader, that the curved ordinates 10, 20, 30, &c. of the semi-gore MPN, have for their respective radii, the points b, c, d, &c. of No. 1 . Fig. 2d. And these successive curved ordi nates, described from different centres, we should name eccentric ordinates. But the gore i&. sometimes truncated at the two extre mities, at 15° or 20" from the poles ; and these two zones are drawn apart, as if they were flat. The student, to form some tolerably fair notion of the making. of gores, has only to visit a cooper's workshop, and observe the form and manner in which the staves of a cask are prepared and put together. The principle of shaping the staves, is analogous to that of constructing the gores for a globe. -Note S. Page 125. The examples of particular constructions of maps, in Section IX. might have been augmented by others of the different kingdoms of Europe or Asia ; but this was thought unnecessary, as, from the final results of the operations before the student, he may very expeditiously project a series of skeleton maps for the political divisions of Europe or Asia, and form them into an atlas, to be filled up at his leisure. 182 This method of proceeding will give him a general knowledge of the natural and artificial divisions of those two quarters of the earth's surface, and make him well acquainted with the relative positions of the individual countries, whose historical, political, civil, and; natural geography, are to be properly learned from Pinkerton's "Geography." Such a combination of plan in the study of this science, will give the student a decided superiority, in rendering clear to his mind that knowledge to be derived from application to books of voyages and travels. But it isnot sufficient in maps to represent merely the situa tion of places ; the connexions of countries, their extent, their divisions, and their boundaries, are circumstances which belong to this part of mathematical and political geography, as is likewise the form of the terrestrial surface of those regions — that which is called the face qf the country — that is to say, whether it is flat or mountainous, open or wooded, dry or marshy. Means may be devised, sometimes pic turesque, oftentimes arbitrary, to express upon trigonometrical surveys, and topographical maps, these different circumstances, which, com bined with the climate, and the meteorological phenomena of each country, constitute its physical geography. Parts, more or less strongly shaded, would represent declivities more or less steep, on which the light loses itself in proportion as they are more perpendicular. In topographical maps the mountains should be particularly regarded, because the extent of forests in civilized countries having been con siderably diminished, they have nearly disappeared from all maps; but the inequalities of the ground, from the most lofty chains of moun- to hills of the lowest order, should be expressed in a manner corre-, sponding to all the geographical circumstances, and should, con sequently, have a place in the details proportionate to their size. Peaks, or insulated points in general, rest upon elevations more or less considerable ; but the extent of which gives the outlines to deter mine the form of the valleys, like the sinuosities of the coasts, which are, with regard to the sea, like the hollows of mountains. If these. remarks are well founded, the insulated points which usually mark the mountains on the majority of niaps, must be very vague and insignificant. Nothing is seen but that the country they occupy is mountainous ; and, it has been suggested, that to write, here are moun tains, would do as well ; for, either this mode ought to be adopted, or we should indicate the course of their chains, their various de pressions, and their connexions, either with each other, or with the islands formed by the summits of the chains of sub-marine mountains. In referring the reader to article 81, I present him with fine exercises 183 of this nature; as, from the immense chains of mountains which are" there noticed, his topographical map, that would be projected for any of the provinces or districts in which those fine chains of mountains are situated, might-be formed to express in relief, though in an exag gerated manner with respect to the scale of the parallels and meri dians, so as to give an idea of the branches of the different mountains connected with their perpetual inequalities and the depth of the valleys, whether considered as elevated or depressed plains. Indeed, were a topographical map composed in this style, you might indicate the chains of mountains by the outline of their summits, to which might be joined profiles or sections, following given lines, on which might be constructed, from a convenient scale, the heights of the different points on the face of the country. A profile or vertical section traced in this way, Would exhibit at one glance the great features of a coun try. Philippe Buache constructed a globe to shew the inequalities on the terrestrial surface; and, in 1736, he traced, with particular care, a section,- following the line which passes from Gape Tagrin to Rio Grande, in which direction Africa and America approach the nearest each- other. And Professor Leslie, (page 494), in his "Geometry," has combined and reduced, as a specimen of this operation, the sec tions which the celebrated philosophic traveller Humboldt, has given nf the continent of America, running in a twisted direction from Acapulco to Vera Cruz, and connecting the Pacific with the Atlantic Ocean. A ground plan expresses the several directions and distances —a divided scale shews the horizontal distance in miles — the whole mass is placed directly over this, and exterior of this mass, horizontal parallels on a much larger scale, mark the elevation in feet; but as the profile is really composed of four successive sections, denoted by the ground plan, these sections are distinguished by opposite shadings. The mensuration of heights by the barometer, is in most cases pre ferred as the easiest, and often the more exact method ; and Leslie has given (pages 490—500, " Elements of Geometry") an elegant investigation of- Torricelli's immortal discovery of the weight of our atmosphere, whence is determined the elevations of mountains. It is from the 498th page to the end of the " Elements," that he gives a con cise table of the most remarkable heights in different parts of the world, expressed >in English feet. But it is La Croix who details the method of M. Dussain Triel, as ingenious as satisfactory, to represent geome trically the form of the surface of a. country, and I shall, therefore, refer the reader to pages 71, 72, 73, and 74, of his elegant " Mathe- 184 matical and Critical Geography," prefixed as an introduction to Pin- kerton's " Geography." In looking over a map, one is struck with the strange appearance of net-work, formed by the lines denoting the course of rivers — lines which, like threads, intersect each other at every possible inclination, from the most acute to the most obtuse angles. Now, it is possible from the course of rivers and their branches, to deduce, some general indications of the form of the ground in the dif ferent countries of the earth. We know that the greatest rivers pass through the greatest "valleys— that' torrents precipitate themselves over rocks, and find their way, even if by a multiplicity pf windings, through hilly grounds, till they join some more considerable stream, which, in its turn, empties itself into some principal river, whose in crease is proportionate to the prolongation of its course in approaching nearer to the level of the sea. Retracing our steps* from the mouth of a river to its source, as well as the streams from their confluence with it, we shall generally arrive at the most elevated points. How easy then, to infer the steepness of a declivity from the greater or less degree of curvature iu the bed pf the river. In ascending from the Indian, the Chinese, and Northern Seas, the great rivers of Asia, we shall ultimately arrive in Thibet, and to the north of the country of the Eleutheri ; from which it is obvious, that very high mountains sur? round these countries, and here is found that plain referred to in arti cle 80. It is very evident, from pursuing the course of the Asiatic rivers, that, from this plain, three immense declivities extend them selves to the above^eas, whatever may be the course of the auxiliary streams, whose sources may be traced to branches of the intersecting mountains. Note T. Page 134. Very little sagacity is required to perceive that projections of this kirid, preserving the relations arid superficial extent among different countries, must have early and generally interested geographers ; for, being not only easy of execution, from the concentric circles described from a fixed point, taken as the axis of the map, and the meridians being right lines terminating in that point, as in Problem X. or curved lines as in the problem before us ; the quadrilaterals comprised between the parallels and meridians are, as was mentioned in article 405, equiva lent to those on the sphere. This projection is said to be much used in France, and we know that Delille and D'Anville have employed it. 185 in fact, it is not surprising that this method should be popular: for, assuming any right line as a radius, we have only to divide it into nine equal parts, to take the ninth as our common centre of the con centric parallels, divide the circle described by the lower extremity of our radius into portions, equal to the axis meridian of the map, and trace the other meridians by the laws of their decrease from page 10th, and the work is done. See Ency. Brit. p. 541, method third. A map of Europe projected on a very large scale, might combine all the properties essential to a good map. Though the methods of taking surveys belong properly to geometry and trigonometry, as I have in the last Note mentioned topographical maps, it will be necessary, before I conclude this note, to take some notice of the manner in which general surveys are united in one topographical plan or map. I am well aware, that many into whose hands this volume shall come, would be more gratified, had I assigned an entire section to the article of surveying, embracing, with trigono metrical accuracy, the nice operations of geodaetical and maritime surveying ; but it is to Colonel Mudge's " Trigonometrical Survey," the " Notes and Illustrations" of Leslie's " Elements," Hutton's " Ma- matics," vol. 2d, Keith's ** Trigonometry," and Crocker's " Elements of Laud Surveying," that I would refer the reader, for the information. on this subject, which it is not possible to give in a note. When an extensive geodaetical survey is taken, as, for example, that of Britain, allowances must be made for the minute derangements occasioned by the convexity i)f the surface of the earth.- In deter mining the boundaries of that portion of the island south of Berwick and Longton, near the Solway Frith, we might take Cary's Map of England and Wales, and reduce the whole extent of country now mentioned, to triangles and trapeziums ; for, by ascertaining the positions of all the prominent objects within the scope of observation, we should thence be able to measure the mutual distances and relative heights of these objects, and, consequently, define the various contours which mark the surface, and the number of acres it contains. In a survey of this kind, the sinuosities of those portions of the land, over wliich the grand lines of observation might pass in measuring along the coast, would tolerably well compensate each other. But to determine the Positions of remarkable headlands, and other conspicuous objects that present themselves along the vicinity of a coast; as also the situation of the various inlets, rocks, shallows, aud soundings, which occur in approaching the shore, recourse must be had to the mixed Jmethod of maritime surveying, in which we should have to. combine o 186 a survey made on the land, with observations taken from boats moored at proper intervals on the water. When detached. surveys of this kind have been taken, the topo graphical plan formed from them, in order1 to pass into the chorogra phical map of England, described in Problem XII; of this Section, we should not only assemble the different plans and survey's we had made, but subject them to the projection oftlie meridians and paral* lels traced in Fig. 3d, Plate XIX. ' But to do this with precision, the student who has made himself pretty well acquainted' with mixed mathematics, especially those principles which depend on geometry, and its kindred sciences, trigonometry and perspective, will clearly understand how to connect by one leading line, on his topographical plan, those spaces comprised within triangles and trapeziums on the leaves of the original survey, by fwlucing them to triangles and tra peziums formed on the topographical plan, like those on the sheets of the survey ; so that the sides of the first may be to those of the second, in the relation exacted by the reduction. And it is very obvious, that, in this procedure, the method of reduction by dividing each of the corresponding parts of the whole, into divided squares (Note LJ p. 177,) is the most convenient for the construction of the details of the country; and that, the more those squares are multiplied, pro gressively is the facility in judging of the place to be occupied in each square, by the points and circumstances contained within it ; and inscribing them with a strict resemblance in the correspondent squares; traced on the reduced plan. But as these squares might not corre spond strictly with the quadrilaterals1 on the map before us, we should take, by reference to the sides of the first, that is to say, the sides of the parallels and meridians on the topographical plan; the distances of the principal points therein contained, and convert these distances into subdivisions of the degrees of latitude and longitude, and the like are taken from the parallel and meridian contiguous to. the correspond* ing quadrilaterals on the map. •> . . ... N,ote 11, Page 133. This construction is hinted at in Goldsmith's " Popular Geography^" and a skeleton map is given, but which is perfectly Unintelligible to every beginner, as there is no ready 'elucidation of the principle on which the centre of all the concentric parallels is- posited at thirty de grees beyond the pole, and in the axis of the map. But as the old work,- from which Goldsmith copied that map, did not furnish him with thi? 187 accessary assistance, his readers must beat it out of their own brains, as well as they can, or abandon the work, from its resemblance to the eternal labour of the life-loving Sisyphus. Were w,» to adopt De Lisle's projection' of a map of Asia, according to the polar method, the equa tor being circular, the degrees of longitude would thereby, in all the parallels south of the equator, be greater than those on the equator, and those on the equator, less than the degrees of latitude with which they should be equal. Note V. Page 144. There is to be found in the " Encyclopaedia Britannica," a diagram of an Analemma, of which the figure I 'have given is similar, and in page 544, article 123, fifth edition, there is described its construction; Girt the manner In which that description is wrapt up, makes it intel ligible only to those who are well acquainted with the laws of the orthographic' projection, and when the student shall have examined the one before him, with that in the Encyclopaedia, he will determine which merits the preference. Mr. Planta, with a disinterestedness which distinguishes. him as a librarian, gave me every" facility of-access. to- the work of Ptolemy I have referred to, and which I could .only. find in the British Museum. FINIS. Page 23d— Insert an asterisk * after the numerals 1380 *, to correspond with the reference made at the bottom of the page. '86th— In the fourth line from the top, for (101), read (83). — — 28th— In the fourteenth line from the top, for (89), read (83). — — 49th — In the foarteenth line from the top, destroy the comma betweea os and is, and read " as is." •— — lOlst-r-In the fourth line from the top, for (356), read (355). •«¦— 166th— >Ib the eighth line from the bottom, transfer the comma to the left of the word aimrters, and read " quarters which," &c