m*mmmmmtmmm*mmmm**mB*ii. wtim.umtmtixwituuitmiimn ¦¦¦un. Vale University Library 39002030856851 i Mi ii m M w$$< WVSffstXaiWl mm - .. .. W» ¦ ¦WWW— I.H I .. I. II . , ., -.,,;,;; wmmmmmmmm- COI LP OF ULioxj. IJNTY, ILL. THE HISTORY CARROLL COUNTY ILLINOIS, CONTAINING A f^ISTORY OF THE (^OUNTY J TS (^ITIES, 'FoWNS, LtC. A BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF ITS CITIZENS, WAR RECORD OF ITS VOLUNTEERS IN THE LATE REBELLION, GENERAL AND LOCAL ST A TISTICS, PORTRAITS OF EARLY SETTLERS AND PROMINENT MEN, History of the Northwest, History op Illinois, Map of Carroll County, Constitution of the United States, Miscellaneous Matters, Etc. ILLUSTRATED. CHICAGO: H. F. KETT & CO., TIMES BUILDING. 1878. PREFACE. While the contents of this History of Carroll County were being prepared for the press, the writer had occasion to visit one of the public schools, and during that visit one of the teachers remarked that a few days before one of the scholars had asked the follow ing questions : " When and at what point was Carroll County first settled ? " " Who was the first settler ? " " When was the county organized ? The teacher in question, a very thorough and competent one in all the branches usually taught in the common and graded schools of the country, and a lady of more than ordinary intelligence, admitted to the scholar, as she admitted to the writer, that she could not answer these questions until she had consulted her parents, and that even they could not answer all of them. This teacher, while conversant with the general history of the United States, with all the incidents of the late war, and familiar with the physical geography of the old world, humilialingly confessed her ignorance of the history of the county in which she was born and raised and educated — a subject that bears the same relation to the history of the state that the alphabet does to orthography and the higher branches of ordinary edu cation. And this is not an isolated cas..-. More than twenty men were asked, "When was Carroll County organized ? " and not one could tell. To supply such deficiencies in the historical literature of the county is the object of this volume. That this volume will be perfect in all its details, the publishers do not expect, for per fection is yet to be attained by the most experienced book-makers. But it has been the purpose to render it not only readable, but to make it a standard book of reference — to pre serve to those who will come to succeed the present population in the not very distant by- and-by the annals and incidents pertinent to pioneer life. In the absence of written records recourse has been had to the memories of the " Old Settlers " as have survived the years that have .died since 1828. Volumes of history have been made in these forty-nine years, and strong, indeed, would be the mind that could retain it all and remit it intact to printed pa.ijes. The tooth of time leaves its impression upon every thing— upon the minds of men, as well as upon the prairies, the hillsides, the rocky bluffs, and the majestic forests. So names, dates, incidents, and happenings will pass from the minds of men as their physical vigor wastes beneath accumulating years. But without the aid of these patriarchal pioneers this offering would not be so complete. Among the many citizens to whom the publishers would tender their obligations are Dr. Elias Wood ruff and Daniel H. Bowen, of Savanna; Norman D. French, of York; Samuel Pres ton, Nathaniel Halder.man, Hon. J. F. Chapman, Major It. M. A. Hawk, Volney Armour, James Hallett and Hon. James Shaw, of Mount Carroll ; Levi Warner, of Elkhorn Grove; Hon. D. W. Dame, of Lanark; and many others whose names are none the less worthy of mention. To make personal mention of all these would be to make a preface of many pages. In the progress of the work proper credit is given to all them— and all of whom are an honor to the community in which they are honored and respected citizens. To them must be ascribed a part of the merit that may be accorded to this grouping together the history of that County of the great State of the lUini* which was named in honor of one of the boldest fathers of American Independence — Charles Carroll, of Carrollton. Fully appreciating and acknowledging the uniform kindness and courtesy extended to our representatives and agents, by the newspaper press and the people, and thanking them for their very liberal patronage, We remain, with sentiments of sincere regard, (. t, , H. F. KETT & CO., Chicago, IffiS. -L' Publishers. ?Tribe of men. c ONTENTS. HISTORICAL. Page. History Northwest Territory.. 19 Geographical Position 19 Early Explorations 20 Discovery of the Ohio 33 English Explorations and Settlements 35 American Settlements 60 Division of the Northwest Territory 66 Tecumseh and the War of 1812 _. 70 Black Hawk and the Black HawkWar 74 Other Indian Troubles 79 Present Condition of the Northwest 87 Illinois 99 Indiana 101 Iowa 102 Michigan _ 103 Page. Wisconsin 104 Minnesota.— 106 Nebraska 107 History of Illinois 109 Coal 125 Compact of 1787 117 Chicago 138 Early Discoveries 109 Early Settlements US Education 129 French Occupation 112 Genius of La Salle 113 Material Resources 124 Massacre at Ft. Dearborn, 141 Physical Features. ._ 121 Progress of Development,123 Religion and Morals 128 War Record 130 History or Carroll Co 221 Physical Geography 230 Page. History of Carroll Co. Township Organization... 260 Agricultural Society 267 War Record 277 Old Settlers' Association.298 Swamp Lands.. ..313 Criminal Mention 316 Educational 320 Railroads 323 Miscellaneous 330 Vote of County 334 Property Statement 335 History of Towns : Mt. Carroll 336 Savanna .359 Thomson ._ 365 Lanark 367 Shannon 379 Milledgeville 381 Elkhorn Grove 384 Page. Mouth of the Mississippi 21 Source of the Mississippi 21 Wild Prairie. - 23 La Salle Landing on the Shore ofUreenBay 25 Buffalo Hunt 27 Trapping 29 Hunting 32 Iroquois Chief 34 Pontiac, the Ottawa Chieftain. 43 Indians Attacking Frontiers men _ 56 A Prairie Storm 59 A Pioneer Dwelling 61 Breaking Prairie 63 Tecumseh,the Shawnoe Chief tain 69 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Indians Attacking a Stockade, 72 Black Hawk, the Sac Chieftain 75 Big Eagle 80 Captain Jack, the Modoc Chief tain 83 Kinzie House 85 Village Residence 86 A Representative Pioneer 87 Lincoln Monument, Spring field, 111.-. 88 A Pioneer School House 89 Farm View in the Winter 90 Spring Scene 91 Pioneers1 First Winter 92 Apple Harvest _ 94 Great Iron Bridge of C, R. I. Page. and P. R. R , Crossing the Mississippi at Davenport, Iowa 96 A Western Dwelling 100 Hunting Prairie Wolves in an Early Day.. 108 Starved Rock, on the Illinois River, La Salle Co., Ill 110 An Early Settlement 116 Chicago in 1833 133 Old Fort Dearborn, 1830 136 Present Site Lake St. Bridge, Chicago, 1833 136 Ruins of Chicago 142 View of the City of Chicago.. 144 Shabbona 149 LITHOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS. Page. Dame,D. W 183 Dunn. S. S 291 French, N. D 363 Hollinger, J.V 381 Hughes, W.D --399 Hunter, J. M.... .--201 Page. McDowell, F.H 417 Mackay, D 237 Millard, J. E 309 Melendey, G. S 273 Moffett, G 255 Patch, B. L 163 Page. Sessions, F. J 435 Shimer, Mrs. F. A. Wood 327 Shimer, Henry 345 Shaw, Jas 147 Thorp, L. S 453 CARROLL CorXTT WAR RECORD. Page. Infantry 285 15th 285 34th 287 45th 288 65th 290 71st 290 Page. Infantry. 92d 290 142d 394 146th 295 15.3d 295 Miscellaneous Infantry S;95 Page. Cavalry 2gn 7th 296 8th ..296 12th 297 Artillery... 297 BIOGRAPHICAL TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY. Tage. ¦Cirroll Township -.403 Cherry Grove 470 Elkhorn 482 Freedom - 479 Fair Haven 464 Page. Lima 498 Mt. Carroll City 385 Rock Creek ...449 Savanna 427 Salem 489 Page. Shannon .475 Washington 493 Woodland 495 Wysox 434 York _ 414 IV CONTENTS. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Page. Adoption of Children 160 Bills of Exchange and Prom issory Notes _ ...151 County Courts 155 Conveyances 164 Church Organization 189 Descent 151 Deeds and Mortgages 157 Drainage . _ 163 Damages from Trespass 169 Definition of Com'rcial Termsl73 Exemptions from Forced Sale,156 Estrays 157 Fences 168 Forms : Articles of Agreement 175 Bills ot Purchase.. 174 Bills of Sale 176 Forms : Page. Bonds 176 Chattel Mortgages 177 Codicil 189 Lease of Farm and B'ld'gs,179 Lease of House 180 Landlord's Agreement 180 Notes 174 Notice Tenant to Quit.— 181 Orders 174 Quit Claim Deed 185 Receipt 174 Real Estate Mortgage to secure paym't of Money,181 Release 186 Tenant's Agreement 180 Tenant's Notice to Quit. .181 Warranty Deed 182 Will 1^7 Page. Game 158 Interest 151 Jurisdiction of Courts 154 Limitation of Action 155 Landlord and Tenant 169 Liens 172 Married Women 155 Millers 159 Marks and Brands 159 Paupers 164 Roads and Bridges. 161 Surveyors and Surveys 160 Suggestion toPersons purchas ing Books by Subscription AQ& Taxes 154 Wills and Estates """-"""l52 Weights and Measures 158 Wolf Scalps 164 MISCELLANEOUS. Page. Map of Carroll Co Front. Constitution ot United Statesl92 Electors of President and Vice-President, 1876 206 Practical Rules for every day use 207 U. S. Government Land Meas ure 210 Page. Surveyors Measure 211 How to keep accounts 211 Interest Table 212 Miscellaneous Table 212 Names of the States of the Union and their Significa tions 213 Population of the U. S 214 TOO LATER AND ERRATA. Page. Population of Fifty Principal Cities of the IT. S 214 Population and Area of the United States 215 Population ol the Principal Countries in the World 215 Population Illinois... .216 & 317 Agricultural Productions of Illinois by Counties 1870 ...218 501 Ottaway & Colbert, PRINTERS, 147 & 149 Fifth Av., Chicago, 111. The Northwest Territory. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION. When the Northwestern Territory was ceded to the United States by Virginia in 1784, it embraced only the territory lying between the Ohio and the Mississippi Rivers, and north to the northern limits of the United States. It coincided with the area now embraced in the States of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and that portion of Minnesota lying on the east side of the Mississippi River. The United States itself at that period extended no farther west than the Mississippi River ; but by the purchase of Louisiana in 1803, the western boundary of the United States was extended to the Rocky Mountains and the Northern Pacific Ocean. The new territory thus added to the National domain, and subsequently opened to settlement, has been called the " New Northwest," in contradistinction from the old " Northwestern Territory." In comparison with the old Northwest this is a territory of vast magnitude. It includes an area of 1,887,850 square miles ; being greater in extent than the united areas of all the Middle and Southern States, including Texas. Out of this magnificent territory have been erected eleven sovereign States and eight Territories, with an aggregate popula tion, at the present time, of 13,000,000 inhabitants, or nearly one third of the entire population of the United States. Its lakes are fresh-water seas, and the larger rivers of the continent flow for a thousand miles through its rich alluvial valleys and far- stretching prairies, more acres of which are arable and productive of the highest percentage of the cereals than of any other area of like extent on the globe. For the last twenty years the increase of population in the North west has been about as three to one in any other portion of the United States. (19) 20 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. EARLY EXPLORATIONS. In the year 1541, DeSoto first saw the Great West in the New World. He, however, penetrated no farther north than the 35th parallel of latitude. The expedition resulted in his death and that of more than half his army, the remainder of whom found their way to Cuba, thence To Spain, in a famished and demoralized condition. DeSoto founded no settlements, produced no results, and left no traces, unless it were that he awakened the hostility of the red man against the white man, and disheartened such as might desire to follow up the career of discovery for better purposes. The French nation were eager and ready to seize upon any news from this extensive domain, and were the first to profit by DeSoto's defeat. Yet it was more than a century before any adventurer took advantage of these discoveries. In 1616, four years before the pilgrims " moored their bark on the wild New England shore," Le Caron, a French Franciscan, had pene trated through the Iroquois and Wyandots (Hurons) to the streams which run into Lake Huron ; and in 1634, two Jesuit missionaries founded the first mission among the lake tribes. It was just one hundred years from the discovery of the Mississippi by DeSoto (1541) until the Canadian envoys met the savage nations of the Northwest at the Falls of St. Mary, below the outlet of Lake Superior. This visit led to no permanent result; yet it was not until 1659 that any of the adventurous fur traders attempted to spend a Winter in the frozen wilds about the great lakes, nor was it until 1660 that a station was established upon their borders by Mesnard, who perished in the woods a, few months after. In 1665, Claude Allouez built the earliest lasting habitation of the white man among the Indians of the Northwest. In 1668, Claude Dablon and James Marquette founded the mission of Sault Ste. Marie at the Falls of St. Mary, and two years afterward, Nicholas Perrot, as agent for M. Talon, Governor Gen eral of Canada, explored Lake Illinois (Michigan) as far south as the present City of Chicago, and invited the Indian nations to meet him at a grand council at Sault Ste. Marie the following Spring, where they were taken under the protection of the king, and formal possession was taken of the Northwest. This same year Marquette established a mission at Point St. Ignatius, where was founded the old town of Michillimackinac. During M. Talon's explorations and Marquette's residence at St. Ignatius, they learned of a great river away to the west, arid fancied —as all others did then— that upon its fertile banks whole tribes of God's children resided, to whom the sound of the Gospel had never come. Filled with a wish to go and preach to them, and in compliance with a mmmtmymmem I ' J<^'' ' 5 :yy-y \^%0j0^y^y^:y^y^~ @i Pvh^ SlwliilF 1111 SP^ k a^aK SSSMk-fi ,„, 1B1B ' w !z|O a 1-3 wIB h3H fedwM H O fed SOURCE OF THE MISSISSIPPI. MOUTH OF THE MISSISSIPPI, K) 22 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. request of M. Talon, who earnestly desired to extend the domain of his king, and to ascertain whether the river flowed into the Gulf of Mexico or the Pacific Ocean, Marquette with Joliet, as commander of the expe dition, prepared for the undertaking. On the 13th of May, 1673, the explorers, accompanied by five assist ant French Canadians, set out from Mackinaw on their daring voyage of discovery. The Indians, who gathered to witness their departure, were astonished at the boldness of the undertaking, and endeavored to dissuade them from their purpose by representing the tribes on the Mississippi as exceedingly savage and cruel, and the river itself as full of all sorts of frightful monsters ready to swallow them and their canoes together. But, nothing daunted by these terrific descriptions, Marquette told them he was willing not only to encounter all the perils of the unknown region they were about to explore, but to lay down his life in a cause in which the salvation of souls was involved ; and having prayed together they separated. Coasting along the northern shore of Lake Michigan, the adventurers entered Green Bay, and passed thence up the Fox River and Lake Winnebago to a village of the Miamis and Kickapoos. Here Mar quette was delighted to find a beautiful cross planted in the middle of the town ornamented with white skins, red girdles and bows and arrows, which these good people had offered to the Great Manitou, or God, to thank him for the pity he had bestowed on them during the Winter in giving them an abundant " chase." This was the farthest outpost to which Dablon and Allouez had extended their missionary labors the year previous. Here Marquette drank mineral waters and was instructed in the secret of a root which cures the bite of the venomous rattlesnake. He assembled the chiefs and old men of the village, and, pointing to Joliet, said : " My friend is an envoy of France, to discover new coun tries, and I am an ambassador from God to enlighten them with the truths of the Gospel." Two Miami guides were here furnished to conduct them to the Wisconsin River, and they set out from the Indian village on the 10th of June, amidst a great crowd of natives who had assembled to witness their departure into a region where no white man had ever yet ventured. The guides, having conducted them across the portage, returned. The explorers launched their canoes upon the Wisconsin, which they descended to the Mississippi and proceeded down its unknown waters. What emotions must have swelled their breasts as they struck out into the broadening current and became conscious that they were now upon the bosom of ths Father of Waters. The mystery was about to be lifted from the long-sought river. The scenery in that locality is beautiful, and on that delightful seventeenth of June must have been clad in all its primeval loveliness as it had been adorned by the hand of THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 23 Nature. Drifting rapidly, it is said that the bold bluffs on either hand "reminded them of the castled shores of their own beautiful rivers of France." By-and-by, as they drifted along, great herds of buffalo appeared on the banks. On going to the heads of the valley they could see a country of the greatest beauty and fertility, apparently destitute of inhab itants yet presenting the appearance of extensive manors, under the fas tidious cultivation of lordly proprietors. THE WILD PEAIEIE. On June 25, they went ashore and found some fresh traces of men upon the sand, and a path which led to the prairie. The men remained in the boat, and Marquette and Joliet followed the path till they discovered a village on the banks of a river, and two other villages on a hill, within a half league of the first, inhabited by Indians. They were received most hospitably by these natives, who had never before seen a white person. After remaining a few days they re-embarked and descended the river to about latitude 33°, where they found a village of the Arkansas, and being satisfied that the river flowed into the Gulf of Mexico, turned their course 24 THE NOKTHWEST TERRITORY. up the river, and ascending the stream to the mouth of the Illinois, rowed up that stream to its source, and procured guides from that point to the lakes. " Nowhere on this journey," says Marquette, " did we see such grounds, meadows, woods, stags, buffaloes, deer, wildcats, bustards, swans, ducks, parroquets, and even beavers, as on the Illinois River." The party, without loss or injury, reached Green Bay in September, and reported their discovery— one of the most -important of the age, but of which no record was preserved save Marquette's, Joliet losing his by the upsetting of his canoe on his way to Quebec. Afterward Marquette returned to the Illinois Indians by their request, and ministered to them until 1675. On the' 18th of May, in that year, as he was passing the mouth of a stream — going with his boatmen up Lake Michigan — he asked to land at its mouth and celebrate Mass. Leaving his men with the canoe, he retired a short distance and began his devotions. As much time passed and he did not return, his men went in search of him, and found him upon his knees, dead. He had peacefully passed away while at prayer. He was buried at this spot. Charlevoix, who visited the place fifty years after, found the waters had retreated from the grave, leaving the beloved missionary to repose in peace. The river has since been called Marquette. While Marquette and his companions were pursuing their labors in the West, two men, differing widely from him and each other, were pre paring to follow in his footsteps and perfect the discoveries so well begun by him. These were Robert de La Salle and Louis Hennepin. After La Salle's return from the discovery of the Ohio River (see the narrative elsewhere), he established himself again among the French trading posts in Canada. Here he mused long upon the pet project of those ages — a short way to China and the East, and was busily planning an expedition up the great lakes, and so across the continent to the Pacific, when Marquette returned from the Mississippi. At once the vigorous mind of LaSalle received from his and his companions' stories the idea that by fol lowing the Great River northward, or by turning up some of the numerous western tributaries, the object could easily be gained. He applied to Frontenac, Governor General of Canada, and laid before him the plan, dim but gigantic. Frontenac entered warmly into his plans, and saw that LaSalle's idea to connect the great lakes by a chain of forts with the Gulf of Mexico would bind the country so wonderfully together, give un measured power to France, and glory to himself, under whose adminis tration he earnestly hoped all would be realized. LaSalle now repaired to France, laid his plans before the King, who warmly approved of them, and made him a Chevalfhr. He also received from all the noblemen the warmest wishes for his success. The Chev- THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 25 alier returned to Canada, and busily entered upon his work. He at once rebuilt Fort Frontenac and constructed the first ship to sail on these fi;esh-water seas. On the 7th of August, 1679, having been joined by Hennepin, he began his voyage in the Griffin up Lake Erie. He passed over this lake, through the straits beyond, up Lake St. Clair and into Huron. In this lake they encountered heavy storms. They were some time at Michillimackinac, where LaSalle founded a fort, and passed on to Green Bay, the " Baie des Puans" of the French, where he found a large quantity of furs collected for him. He loaded the Griffin with these, and placing her under the care of a pilot and fourteen sailors, LA SALLE LANDING ON THB SHORE OP GEEEN BAY. started her on her return voyage. The vessel was never afterward heard of. He remained about these parts until early in the Winter, when, hear ing nothing from the Griffin, he collected all his men — thirty working men and three monks — and started again upon his great undertaking. By a short portage they passed to the Illinois or Kankakee, called by the Indians, " Theakeke," wolf, because of the tribes of Indians called by that name, commonly known as the Mahingans, dwelling there. The French pronounced it Kiakiki, which became corrupted to Kankakee. "Falling down the said river by easy journeys, the better to observe the country," about the last of December they reached a village of the Illinois Indians, containing some five hundred cabins, but at that moment 26 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. no inhabitants. The Seur de LaSalle being in want of some breadstuff's, took advantage of the absence of the Indians to help himself to a suffi ciency of maize, large quantities of which he found concealed in holes under the wigwams. This village was situated near the present village of Utica in LaSalle County, Illinois. The corn being securely stored, the voyagers again betook themselves to the stream, and toward evening, on the 4th day of January, 1680, they came into a lake which must have been the lake of Peoria. This was called by the Indians Pim-i-te-wi, that is, a place where there are many fat beasts. Here the natives were met with in large numbers, but they were gentle and kind, and having spent some time with them, LaSalle determined to erect another fort in that place, for he had heard rumors that some of the adjoining tribes were trying to disturb the good feeling which existed, and some of his men were disposed to complain, owing to the hardships and perils of the travel. ¦He called this fort " Orevecoeur" (broken-heart), a name expressive of the very natural sorrow and anxiety which the pretty certain loss of his ship, Griffin, and his consequent impoverishment, the danger of hostility on the part of the Indians, and of mutiny among his own men, might well cause him. His fears were not entirely groundless. At one time poison was placed in his food, but fortunately was discovered. While building this fort, the Winter wore away, the prairies began to look green, and LaSalle, despairing of any reinforcements, concluded to return to Canada, raise new means and new men, and embark anew in the enterprise. For this purpose he made Hennepin the leader of a party to explore the head waters of the Mississippi, and he set out on his jour ney. This journey was accomplished with the aid of a few persons, and was successfully made, though over an almost unknown route, and in a bad season of the year. He safely reached Canada, and set out again for the object of his search. Hennepin and his party left Fort Crevecceur on the last of February, 1680. When LaSalle reached this place on his return expedition, he found the fort entirely deserted, and he was obliged to return again to Canada. He embarked the third time, and succeeded. Seven days after leaving the fort, Hennepin reached the Mississippi, and paddling up the icy stream as best he could, reached no higher than the Wisconsin River by the 11th of April. Here he and his followers were taken prisoners by a band of Northern Indians, who treated them with great kindness. Hen nepin's comrades were Anthony Auguel and Michael Ako. On this voy age they found several beautiful lakes, and " saw some charming prairies." Their captors were the Isaute or Sauteurs, Chippewas, a tribe of the Sioux nation, who took them up the river until about the first of May, when they reached some falls, which Hennepin christened Falls of St. Anthony THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 27 in honor of his patron saint. Here they took the land, and traveling nearly two hundred miles to the northwest, brought them to their villages. Here they were kept about three months, were treated kindly by their captors, and at the end of that time, were met by a band of Frenchmen, BUFFALO HUNT. headed by one Seur de Luth, who, in pursuit of trade and game, had pene trated thus far by the route of Lake Superior ; and with these fellow- countrymen Hennepin and his companions were allowed to return to the borders of civilized life in November, 1680, just after LaSalle had returned to the wilderness on his second trip. Hennepin soon after went to France, where he published an account of his adventures. 28 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. The Mississippi was first discovered by De Soto in April, 1541, in his vain endeavor to find gold and precious gems. In the following Spring, De Soto, weary with hope long deferred, and worn out with his wander ings, he fell a victim to disease, and on the 21st of May died. His followers, reduced by fatigue and disease to less than three hundred men, wandered about the country nearly a year, in the vain endeavor to rescue them selves by land, and finally constructed seven small vessels, called brigan- tines, in which they embarked, and descending the river, supposing it would lead them to the sea, in July they came to the sea (Gulf of Mexico), and by September reached the Island of Cuba. They were the first to see the great outlet of the Mississippi ; but, being so weary and discouraged, made no attempt to claim the country, and hardly had an intelligent idea of what they had passed through. To La Salle, the intrepid explorer, belongs the honor of giving the first account of the mouths of the river. His great desire was to possess this entire country for his king, and in January, 1682, he and his band of explorers left the shores of Lake Michigan on their third attempt, crossed the portage, passed down the Illinois River, and on the 6th of February, reached the banks of the Mississippi. On the 13th they commenced their downward course, which they pursued with but one interruption, until upon the 6th of March they dis covered the three great passages by which the river discharges its waters into the gulf. La Salle thus narrates the event : " We landed on the bank of the most western channel, about three leagues (nine miles) from its mouth. On the seventh, M. de LaSalle went to reconnoiter the shores of the neighboring sea, and M. de Tonti meanwhile examined the great middle channel. They found the main outlets beautiful, large and deep. On the 8th we reascended the river, a little above its confluence with the sea, to find a dry place beyond the re*ch of inundations. The elevation of the North Pole was here about twenty-seven degrees. Here we prepared a column and a cross, and to the column were affixed the arms of France with this inscription : Louis Le Grand, Roi De France et de Navarre, regne ; Le neuvieme Avril, 1682. The whole party, under arms, chanted the Te Deum, and then, after a salute and cries of " Vive le Roi," the column was erected by M. de LaSalle, who, standing near it, proclaimed in a loud .voice the authority of the King of France. LaSalle returned and laid the foundations of the Mis sissippi settlements in Illinois, thence he proceeded to France, where another expedition was fitted out, of which he was commander, and in two succeeding voyages failed to find the outlet of the river by sailing along the shore of the gulf. On his third voyage he was killed, through the THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 29 treachery of his followers, and the object of his expeditions was not accomplished until 1699, when D'Iberville, under the authority of the crown, discovered, on the second of March, by way of the sea, the mouth of the " Hidden River." This majestic stream was called by the natives " Malbouchia^ and by the Spaniards, "Za Palissade," from the great HM m HP ¦ -t ¦¦,:ms3X ?0Smt- v ^ w pggpSSh^^gS^ number of trees about its mouth. After traversing the several outlets, and satisfying himself as to its certainty, he erected a fort near its western outlet, and returned to France. An avenue of trade was now opened out which was fully improved. In 1718, New Orleans was laid out and settled by some European colon ists. In 1762, the colony was made over to Spain, to be regained by France under the consulate of Napoleon. In 1803, it was purchased by 30 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. the United States for the sum of fifteen million dollars, and the territory of Louisiana and commerce of the Mississippi River came under the charge of the United States. Although LaSalle's labors ended in defeat and death, he had not worked and suffered in vain. He had thrown open to France and the world an immense and most valuable country ; had established several ports, and laid the foundations of more than one settlement there. " Peoria, Kaskaskia and Cahokia, are to this day monu ments of LaSalle's labors ; for, though he had founded neither of them (unless Peoria, which was built nearly upon the site of Fort Creveeoeur,) it was by those whom he led into the West that these places were peopled and civilized. He was, if not the discoverer, the first settler of the Mississippi Valley, and as such deserves to be known and honored." The French early improved the opening made for them. Before the year 1698, the Rev. Father Gravier began a mission among the Illinois, and founded Kaskaskia. For some time this was merely a missionary station, where none but natives resided, it being one of three such vil lages, the other two being Cahokia and Peoria. What is known of these missions is learned from a letter written by Father Gabriel Marest, dated " Aux Cascaskias, autrement dit de l'lmmaculate Conception de la Sainte Vierge, le 9 Novembre, 1712." Soon after the founding of Kaskaskia, the missionary, Pinet, gathered a flock at Cahokia, while Peoria arose near the ruins of Fort Creveeoeur. This musj; have been about the year 1700. The post at Vincennes on the Oubache river, (pronounced Wa-ba, meaning summer cloud moving swiftly) was estab lished in 1702, according to the best authorities.* It is altogether prob able that on LaSalle's last trip he established the stations at Kaskaskia and Cahokia. In July, 1701, the foundations of Fort Ponchartrain were laid by De la Motte Cadillac on the Detroit River. These sta tions, with those established further north, were the earliest attempts to occupy the Northwest Territory. At the same time efforts were being made to occupy the Southwest, which finally culminated in the settle ment and founding of the City of New Orleans by a colony from England in 1718. This was mainly accomplished through the efforts of the famous Mississippi Company, established by the notorious John Law, who so quickly arose into prominence in France, and who with his scheme so quickly and so ignominiously passed away. From the time of the founding of these stations for fifty years the French nation were engrossed with the settlement of the lower Missis sippi, and the war with the Chicasaws, who had, in revenge for repeated * There is considerable dispute about this date, some asserting it was founded as late as 1742. When the new court house at Vincennes was erected, all authorities on the subject were carefully examined, and 1702 fixed upon as the correct date. It was accordingly engraved on the corner-stone of the court house. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 31 injuries, cut off the entire colony at Natchez. Although the company did little for Louisiana, as the entire West was then called, yet it opened the trade through the Mississippi River, and started the raising of grains indigenous to that climate. Until the year 1750, but little is known of the settlements in the Northwest, as it was not until this time that the attention of the English was called to the occupation of this portion of the New World, which they then supposed they owned. Vivier, a missionary among the Illinois, writing from " Aux Illinois," six leagues from Fort Chartres, June 8, 1750, says: "We have here whites, negroes and Indians, to say nothing of cross-breeds. There are five French villages, and three villages of the natives, within a space of twenty-one leagues situated between the Mississippi and another river called the Karkadaid (Kaskaskias). In the five French villages are, perhaps, eleven hundred whites, three hundred blacks and some sixty red slaves or savages. The three Illinois towns do not contain more than eight hundred souls all told. Most of the French till the soil.; they raise wheat, cattle, pigs and horses, and live like princes. Three times as much is produced as can be consumed ; and great quantities of grain and flour are sent to New Orleans." This city was now the seaport town of the Northwest, and save in the extreme northern part, where only furs and copper ore were found, almost all the products of the country found their way to France by the mouth of the Father of Waters. In another letter, dated Novem ber 7, 1750, this same priest says : " For fifteen leagues above the mouth of the Mississippi one sees no dwellings, the ground being too low to be habitable. Thence to New Orleans, the lands are only partially occupied. New Orleans contains black, white and red, not more, I think, than twelve hundred persons. To this point come all lumber, bricks, salt-beef, tallow, tar, skins and bear's grease ; and above all, pork and flour from the Illinois. These things create some commerce, as forty vessels and more have come hither this year. Above New Orleans, plantations are again met with ; the most considerable is a colony of Germans, some ten leagues up the river. At Point Coupee, thirty-five leagues above the German settlement, is a fort. Along here, within five or six leagues, are not less than sixty habitations. Fifty leagues farther up is the Natchez post, where we have a garrison, who are kept prisoners through fear of the Chickasaws. Here and at Point Coupee, they raise excellent tobacco. Another hundred leagues brings us to the Arkansas, where we have also a fort and a garrison for the benefit of the river traders. * * * From the Arkansas to the Illinois, nearly five hundred leagues, there is not a settlement. There should be, however, a fort at the Oubache (Ohio), the only path by which the English can reach the Mississippi. In the Illinois country are numberless mines, but no one to 32 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. work them as they deserve." Father Marest, writing from the post at Vincennes in 1812, makes the same observation. Vivier also says : " Some individuals dig lead near the surface and supply the Indians and Canada. Two Spaniards now here, who claim to be adepts, say that our mines are like those of Mexico, and that if we would dig deeper, we should find silver under the lead ; and at any rate the lead is excellent. There is also in this country, beyond doubt, copper ore, as from time to time large pieces are found in the streams." *%z ^1 * S2Hfe**r -^ - KINZIE HOUSE. Mr. Kinzie and his family crossed the river in boats, and took refuge in the fort, to which place Mrs. Burns and her infant, not a day old, were conveyed in safety to the shelter of the guns of Fort Dearborn, and the rest of the white inhabitants fled. The Indians were a scalping party of Winnebagoes, who hovered around the fort some days, when they dis appeared, and for several weeks the inhabitants were not disturbed by alarms. Chicago was then so deep in the wilderness, that the news of the declaration of war against Great Britain, made on the 19th of June, 1812, did not reach the commander of the garrison at Fort Dearborn till the 7th of August. Now the fast mail train will carry a man from New York to Chicago in twenty-seven hours, and such a declaration might be sent, every word, by the telegraph in less than the same number of minutes. ^TMtfO-C°' VILLAGE RESIDENCE. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 87 PRESENT CONDITION OF THE NORTHWEST. Preceding chapters have brought us to the close of the Black Hawk war, and we now turn to the contemplation of the growth and prosperity of the Northwest under the smile of peace and the blessings of our civili zation. The pioneers of this region date events back to the deep snow 'y ¦'""yy-o A REPRESENTATIVE PIONEER. of 1831, no one arriving here since that date taking first honors. The inciting cause of the immigration which overflowed the prairies early in the '30s was the reports of the marvelous beauty and fertility of the region distributed through the East by those who had participated in the Black Hawk campaign with Gen. Scott. Chicago and Milwaukee then had a few hundred inhabitants, and Gurdon S. Hubbard's trail from the former city to Kaskaskia led almost through a wilderness. Vegetables and clothing were largely distributed through the regions adjoining the 88 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. lakes by steamers from the Ohio towns. There are men now living in Illinois who came to the state when barely an acre was in cultivation, and a man now prominent in the business circles of Chicago looked over the swampy, cheerless site of that metropolis in 1818 and went south ward into civilization. Emigrants from Pennsylvania in 1830 left behind K=5fc^^.V LINCOLN MONUMENT, SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS. them but one small railway in the coal regions, thirty miles in length, and made their way to the Northwest mostly with ox teams, finding in Northern Illinois petty settlements scores of miles apart, although the southern portion of the state was fairly dotted with farms. The water courses of the lakes and rivers furnished transportation to the second great army of immigrants, and about 1850 railroads were pushed to that extent that the crisis of 1837 was precipitated upon us, THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 89 from the effects of which the Western country had not fully recovered at the outbreak of the war. Hostilities found the colonists of the prairies fully alive to the demands of the occasion, and the honor of recruiting ii$§ ife * J.1! ilf|l|f «l W^MMl! s-« Bin Jn*^ the vast armies of the Union fell largely to Gov. Yates, of Illinois, and Gov. Morton, of Indiana. To recount the share of the glories of the campaign won ~bf our Western troops is a needless task, except to mention the fact that Illinois gave co the nation the President who saved 90 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. it, and sent out at the head of one of its regiments tne general who led its armies to the final victory at Appomattox. The struggle, oil the ¦JHtiH FARM VIEW IN WINTER. whole, had a marked effect for the better on the new Northwest, giving it an impetus which twenty years of peace would not have produced. In a large degree this prosperity was an inflated one, and with the rest of the Union we have since been compelled to atone therefor by four THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 91 SPRING SCENE. iif m PIONEERS' FIRST WINTER. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 93 years of depression of values, of scarcity of employment, and loss of fortune. To a less degree, however, than the manufacturing or mining regions has the West suffered during the prolonged panic now so near its end. Agriculture, still the leading feature in our industries, has been quite prosperous through all these dark years, and the farmers have cleared away many incumbrances resting over them from the period of fictitious values. The population has steadily increased, the arts and sciences are gaining a stronger foothold, the trade area of the region is becoming daily more extended, and we have been largely exempt from the financial calamities which have nearly wrecked communities on the seaboard dependent wholly on foreign commerce or domestic manufacture. At the present period there are no great schemes broached for the Northwest, no propositions for government subsidies or national works of improvement, but the capital of the world is attracted hither for the purchase of our products or the expansion of our capacity for serving the nation at large. Anew era is dawning as to transportation, and we bid fair to deal almost exclusively with the increasing and expanding lines of steel rail running through every few miles of territory on the prairies. The lake marine will no doubt continue to be useful in the warmer season, and to serve as a regulator of freight rates; but experienced navigators forecast the decay of the system in moving to the seaboard the enormous crops of the West. Within the past five years it has become quite common to see direct shipments to Europe and the West Indies going through from the second-class towns along the Mississippi and Missouri. As to popular education, the standard has of late risen very greatly, and our schools would be creditable to any section of the Union. More and more as the events of the war pass into obscurity will the fate of the Northwest be linked with that of the Southwest, and the next Congressional apportionment will give the valley of the Mississippi absolute control of the legislation of the nation, and do much toward securing the removal of the Federal capitol to some more central location. Our public men continue to wield the full share of influence pertain ing to their rank in the national autonomy, and seem not to forget that for the past sixteen years they and their constituents have dictated the principles which should govern the country. In a work like this, destined to lie on the shelves of the library for generations, and not doomed to daily destruction like a newspaper, one can not indulge in' the same glowing predictions, the sanguine statements of actualities that fill the columns of ephemeral publications. Time may brin? grief to the pet projects of a writer, and explode castles erected on a pedestal of facts. Yet there are unmistakable indications before us of 94 WMf*y&yyy THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. ipM lilt -3f THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 95 the same radical change in our great Northwest which characterizes its history for the past thirty years. Our domain has a sort of natural geographical border, save where it melts away to the southward in the cattle raising districts of the southwest. Our prime interest will for some years doubtless be the growth of the food of the world, in which branch it has already outstripped all competitors, and our great rival in this duty will naturally be the fertile plains of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado, to say nothing of the new empire so rapidly growing up in Texas. Over these regions there is a continued progress in agriculture and in railway building, and we must look to our laurels. Intelligent observers of events are fully aware of the strides made in the way of shipments of fresh meats to Europe, many of these ocean cargoes being actually slaughtered in the West and transported on ice to the wharves of the seaboard cities. That this new enterprise will continue there is no reason to doubt. There are in Chicago several factories for the canning of prepared meats for European consumption, and the orders for this class of goods are already immense. English capital is becoming daily more and more dissatisfied with railway loans and investments, and is gradually seeking mammoth outlays in lands and live stock. The stock yards in Chicago, Indianapolis and East St. Louis are yearly increasing their facilities, and their plant steadily grows more valuable. Importations of blooded animals from the pro gressive countries of Europe are destined to greatly improve the quality of our beef and mutton. Nowhere is there to be seen a more enticing- display in this line than at our state and county fairs, and the interest in the matter is on the increase. To attempt to give statistics of our grain production for 1877 would be useless, so far have we surpassed ourselves in the quantity and quality of our product. We are too liable to forget that we are giving the world its first article of necessity — its food supply. An opportunity to learn this fact so it never can be forgotten was afforded at Chicago at the outbreak of the great panic of 1873, when Canadian purchasers, fearing the prostration of business mightbring about an anarchical condition of affairs, went to that city with coin in bulk and foreign drafts to secure their supplies in their own currency at first hands. It may be justly claimed by the agricultural community that their combined efforts gave the nation its first impetus toward a restoration of its crippled industries, and their labor brought the gold premium to a lower depth than the government was able to reach by its most intense efforts of legislation and compulsion. The hundreds of millions about to be disbursed for farm products have already, by the anticipation common to all commercial 96 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. nations, set the wheels in motion, and will relieve us from the perils so long shadowing our efforts to return to a healthy tone. Manufacturing has attained in the chief cities a foothold which bids fair to render the Northwest independent of the outside world. Nearly HM O P,>RH ¦< K H O K ft o H0M«pqS? o MH':' ^ SHABBONA. This celebrated Indian chief, whose portrait appears in this work, deserves more than a passing notice. Although Shabbona was not so con spicuous as Tecumseh or Black Hawk, yet in point of merit he was superior to either of them. Shabbona was born at an Indian village on the Kankakee River, now in Will County, about the year 1775. While young he was made chief of the band, and went to Shabbona Grove, now DeKalb County, where they were found in the early settlement of the county. Tr. th.3 war of 1812 Shsbbrr:^ -yt'r hi? warriors ^oir-^d Tecumseh. "¦¦ 150 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. aid to that great chief, and stood by his side when he fell at the battle of the Thames. At the time of the Winnebago war, in 1827, he visited almost every village among the Pottawatomies, and by his persuasive arguments prevented them from taking part in the war. By request of the citizens of Chicago, Shabbona, accompanied by Billy Caldwell (Sauganash), visited Big Foot's village at Geneva Lake, in order to pacify the warriors, as fears were entertained that they were about to raise the tomahawk against the whites. Here Shabbona was taken prisoner by Big Foot, and his life threatened, but on the following day was set at liberty. From that time the Indians (through reproach) styled him " the white man's friend," and many times his life was endangered. Before the Black Hawk war, Shabbona met in council at two differ ent times, and by his influence prevented his people from taking part with the Sacs and Foxes. After the death of Black Partridge and Senachwine, no chief among the Pottawatomies exerted so much influence as Shabbona. Black Hawk, aware of this influence, visited him at two different times, in order to enlist him in his cause, but was unsuccessful. While Black Hawk was a prisoner at Jefferson Barracks, he said, had it not been for Shabbona the whole Pottawatomie nation would have joined his standard, and he could have continued the war for years. To Shabbona many of the early settlers of Illinois owe the pres ervation of their lives, for it is a well-known fact, had he not notified the people of their danger, a large portion of them would have fallen victims to the tomahawk of savages. By saving the lives of whites he endangered his own, for the Sacs and Foxes threatened to kill him, and made two attempts to execute their threats. They killed Pypeogee, his son, and Pyps, his nephew, and hunted him down as though he was a wild beast. Shabbona had a reservation of two sections of land at his Grove, but by leaving it and going west for a short time, the Government declared the reservation forfeited, and sold it the same as other vacant land. On Shabbona's return, and finding his possessions gone, he was very sad and broken down inspirit, and left the Grove for ever. The citizens of Ottawa raised money and bought him a tract of land on the Illinois River, above Seneca, in Grundy County, on which they built a house, and supplied him with means to live on. He lived here until his death, which occurred on the 17th of July, 1859, in the eighty-fourth year of his age, and was buried with great pomp in the cemetery at Morris. His squaw, Pokanoka, was drowned in Mazen Creek, Grundy County, on the 30th of November, 1864, and was buried by his side. In 1861 subscriptions were taken up in many of the river towns, to erect a monument over the remains of Shabbona, but the war breaking out, the enterprise was abandoned. Only a plain marble slab marks the resting-place of this friend of the white man. Abstract of Illinois State Laws. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND PROMISSORY NOTES. No promissory note, check, draft, bill of exchange, order, or note, nego tiable instrument payable at sight, or on demand, or on presentment, shall be entitled to days of grace. All other bills of exchange, drafts or notes are entitled to three days of grace. All the above mentioned paper falling due on Sunday, Neiv Years' Day, the Fourth of July, Christmas, or any day appointed or recommended by the President of the United States or the G-overnor of the State as a day of fast or thanksgiving, shall be deemed as due on the day previous, and should two or more of these days come together, then such instrument shall be treated as due on the day previous to the first of said days. No defense can be made against a negotiable instrument (assigned before due) in the hands of the assignee without notice, except fraud was used in obtaining the same. To hold an indorser, due diligence must be used by suit, in collecting of the maker, unless suit would have been unavailing. Notes payable to person named or to order, in order to absolutely transfer title, must be indorsed by the payee. Notes payable to bearer may be transferred by delivery, and when so payable every indorser thereon is held as a guarantor of payment unless otherwise expressed. In computing interest or discount on negotiable instruments, a month shall be considered a calendar month or twelfth of a year, and for less than a month, a day shall be figured a thirtieth part of a month. Notes only bear interest when so expressed, but after due they draw the legal interest, even if not stated. INTEREST. The legal rate of interest is six per cent. Parties may agree in writ ing on a rate not exceeding ten per cent. If a rate of interest greater than ten per cent, is contracted for, it works a forfeiture of the whole of said interest, and only the principal can be recovered. DESCENT. When no will is made, the property of a deceased person is distrib uted as follows : '5i 152 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. First. To Ms or her children and their descendants in equal parts ; the descendants of the deceased child or grandchild taking the share of their deceased parents in equal parts among them. Second. Where there is no child, nor descendant of such child, and no widow or surviving husband, then to the parents, brothers and sisters of the deceased, and their descendants, in equal parts, the surviving parent, if either be dead, taking a double portion ; and if there is no parent living, then to the brothers and sisters of the intestate and their descendants. Third. When there is a widow or surviving husband, and no child or children, or descendants of the same, then one-half of the real estate and the whole of the personal estate shall descend to such widow or surviving . husband, absolutely, and the other half of the real estate shall descend as in other cases where there is no child or children or descendants of the same. Fourth. When there is a widow or surviving husband and also a child or children, or descendants of the latter, then one third of all the personal estate to the widow or surviving husband absolutely. Fifth. If there is no child, parent, brother or sister, or descendants of either of them, and no widow or surviving husband, then in equal parts to the next of kin to the intestate in equal degree. Collaterals shall not be represented except with the descendants of brothers and sisters of the intestate, and there shall be no distinction between kindred of the whole and the half blood. Sixth. If any intestate leaves a widow or surviving husband and no kindred, then to such widow or surviving husband ; and if there is no such widow or surviving husband, it shall escheat to and vest in the county where the same, or the greater portion thereof, is situated. WILLS AND ESTATES OF DECEASED PERSONS. No exact form of words are necessary in order to make a will good at law. Every male person of the age of twenty-one years, and every female of the age of eighteen years, of sound mind and memory, can make a valid will ; it must be in writing, signed by the testator or by some one in his or her presence and by his or her direction, and attested by two or more credible witnesses. Care should be taken that the witnesses are not inter ested in the will. Persons knowing themselves to have been named in the will or appointed executor, must within thirty days of the death of deceased cause the will to be proved and recorded in the proper county, or present it, and refuse to accept; on failure to do so are liable to forfeit the sum of twenty dollars per month. Inventory to be made by executor or administrator within three months from date of letters testamentary or ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 153 of administration. Executors' and administrators' compensation not t(7 exceed six per cent, on amount of personal estate, and three per cent. on money realized from real estate, with such additional allowance as shall be reasonable for extra services. Appraisers' compensation $2 pei day. Notice requiring all claims to be presented against the estate shall he given by the executor or administrator within six months of being quali fied. Any person having a claim and not presenting it at the time fixed by said notice is required to have summons issued notifying the executor or administrator of his having filed his claim in court ; in such cases the costs have to be paid by the claimant. Claims should be filed within two years from the time administration is granted on an estate, as after that time they are forever barred, unless other estate is found that was not in ventoried. Married women, infants, persons insane, imprisoned or without the United States, in the employment of the United States, or of this State, have two years after their disabilities are removed to file claims. Claims are classified and paid out of the estate in the folio wing manner: First. Funeral expenses. Second. The widow's aivard, if there is a widow ; or children if there are children, and no widow. Third. Expenses attending the last illness, not including physician's bill. Fourth. Debts due the common school or township fund . Fifth. All expenses of proving the will and taking out letters testa mentary or administration, and settlement of the estate, and the physi-. clan's bill in the last illness of deceased. Sixth. Where, the deceased has received money in trust for any pur pose, his executor or administrator shall pay out of his estate the amount received and not accounted for. Seventh. All other debts and demands of whatsoever kind, without regard to quality or dignity, which shall be exhibited to the court within two years from the granting of letters. Award to- Widow and Children, exclusive of debts and legacies or be quests, except funeral expenses : First. The family pictures and wearing apparel, jewels and ornaments of herself and minor children. Second. School books and the family library of the value of $100. Third. One sewing machine. Fourth. Necessary beds, bedsteads and bedding for herself and family. Fifth. The stoves and pipe used in the family, with the necessary cooking utensils, or in case they have none, $50 in money. Sixth. Household and kitchen furniture to the value of $100. Seventh. One milch cow and calf for every four members of her family. 154 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Eighth. Two sheep for each member of her family, and the fleeces taken from the same, and one horse, saddle and bridle. Ninth. Provisions for herself and family for one year. Tenth. Food for the stock above specified for six months. Eleventh. Fuel for herself and family for three months. Twelfth. One hundred dollars worth of other property suited to her condition in life, to be selected by the widow. The widow if she elects may have in lieu of the said award, the same personal property or money in place thereof as is or may be exempt from execution or attachment against the head of a family. TAXES. The owners of real and personal property, on the first day of May in each year, are liable for the taxes thereon. Assessments should be completed before the fourth Monday in June, at which time the town board of review meets to examine assessments, hear objections, and make such changes as ought to be made. The county board have also power to correct or change assessments. The tax books are placed in the hands of the town collector on or before the tenth day of December, who retains them until the tenth day of March following, when he is required to return them to the county treasurer, who then collects all delinquent taxes. No costs accrue on real estate taxes till advertised, which takes place the first day of April, when three weeks' notice is required before judg ment. Cost of advertising, twenty cents each tract of land, and ten cents each lot. Judgment is usually obtained at May term of County Court. Costs six cents each tract of land, and five cents each lot. Sale takes place in June. Costs in addition to those before mentioned, twenty-eight cents each tract of land, and twenty-seven cents each town lot. Real estate sold for taxes may be redeemed any time before the expi ration of two years from the date of sale, by payment to the County Clerk of the amount for which it was sold and twenty-five per cent, thereon if redeemed within six months, fifty per cent, if between six and twelve months, if between twelve and eighteen months seventy-five per cent., and if between eighteen months and two years one hundred per cent., and in addition, all subsequent taxes paid by the purchaser, with ten per cent, interest thereon, also one dollar each tract if notice is given by the purchaser of the sale, and a fee of twenty-five cents to the clerk for his certificate. JURISDICTION OF COURTS. Justices have jurisdiction in all civil cases on contracts for the recovery of moneys for damages for injury to real property, or taking, detaining, or ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 155 injuring personal property ; for rent; for all cases to recover damages done real or personal property by railroad companies, in actions of replevin, and in actions for damages for fraud in the sale, purchase, or exchange of .per sonal property, when the amount claimed as due is not over $200. They have also jurisdiction in all cases for violation of the ordinances of cities, towns or villages. A justice of the peace may orally order an officer or a private person to arrest any one committing or attempting to commit a criminal offense. He also upon complaint can issue his warrant for the arrest of any person accused of having committed a crime, and have him brought before him for examination. COUNTY COURTS Have jurisdiction in all matters of probate (except in counties having a population of one hundred thousand or over), settlement of estates of deceased persons, appointment of guardians and conservators, and settle ment of their accounts; all matters relating to apprentices ; proceedings for the collection of taxes and assessments, and in proceedings of executors, administrators, guardians and conservators for the sale of real estate. In law cases they have concurrent jurisdiction with Circuit Courts in all cases where justices of the peace now have, or hereafter may have, jurisdiction when the amount claimed shall not exceed $1,000, and in all criminal offenses where the punishment is not imprisonment in the peni tentiary, or death, and in all cases of appeals from justices of the peace and police magistrates ; excepting when the county judge is sitting as a justice of the peace. Circuit Courts have unlimited jurisdiction. LIMITATION OF ACTION. Accounts five years. Notes and written contracts ten years. Judg ments twenty years. Partial payments or new promise in writing, within or after said period, will revive the debt. Absence from the State deducted, and when the cause of action is barred by the law of another State, it has the same effect here. Slander and libel, one year. Personal injuries, two years. To recover land or make entry thereon, tiventy years. Action to foreclose mortgage or trust deed, or make a sale, within ten years. All persons in possession of land, and paying taxes for seven consecu tive years, with color of title, and all persons paying taxes for seven con secutive years, with color of title, on vacant land, shall be held to be the legal owners to the extent of their paper title. MARRIED WOMEN May sue and be sued. Husband and wife not liable for each other's debts, either before or after marriage, but both are liable for expenses and edu cation of the family. 4 156 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. She may contract the same as if unmarried, except that in a partner ship business she can not, without consent of her husband, unless he has abandoned or deserted her, or is idiotic or insane, or confined in peniten tiary ; she is entitled and can recover her own earnings, but neither hus band nor wife is entitled to compensation for any services rendered for the other. At the death of the husband, in addition to widow's award, a married woman has a dower interest (one-third) in all real estate owned by her husband after their marriage, and which has not been released by her, and the husband has the same interest in the real estate of the wife at her death. EXEMPTIONS FROM FORCED SALE. Home worth $1,000, and the following Personal Property : Lot of ground and buildings thereon, occupied as a residence by the debtor, being a house holder and having a family, to the value of $1,000. Exemption continues after the death of the householder for the benefit of widow and family, some one of them occupying the homestead until youngest child shall become twenty-one years of age, and until death of widow. There is no exemption from sale for taxes, assessments, debt or liability incurred for the purchase or improvement of said homestead. No release or waiver of exemption is valid, unless in writing, and subscribed by such householder and wife (if he have one), and acknowledged as conveyances of real estate are required to be acknowledged. The following articles of personal property owned by the debtor, are exempt from execution, writ of attachment, and distress for rent : The necessary wearing apparel, Bibles, school books and family pictures of every person ; and, 2d, one hundred dollars worth of other property to be selected by the debtor, and, in addition, when the debtor is the head of a family and resides with the same, three hundred dollars worth of other property to be selected by the debtor ; provided that such selection and exemption shall not be made by the debtor or allowed to him or her from any money, salary or wages due him or her from any person or persons or corporations whatever. When the head of a family shall die, desert or not reside with the same, the family shall be entitled to and receive all the benefit and priv ileges which are by this act conferred upon the head of a family residing with the same. No personal property is exempt from execution when judgment is obtained for the wages of laborers or servants. Wages of a laborer who is the head of a family can not be garnisheed, except the sum due him be in excess of $25. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 157 DEEDS AND MORTGAGES. To be valid there must be a valid consideration. Special care should be taken to have them signed, sealed, delivered, and properly acknowl edged, with the proper seal attached. Witnesses are not required. The acknowledgement must be made, in this state, before Master in Chancery, Notary Public, United States Commissioner, Circuit or County Clerk, Justice of Peace, or any Court of Record having a seal, or any Judge, Justice, or Clerk of any such Court. When taken before a Notary Public, or United States Commissioner, the same shall be attested by his official seal, when taken before a Court or the Clerk thereof, the same shall be attested by the seal of such Court, and when taken before a Justice of the Peace resid ing out of the county where the real estate to be conveyed lies, there shall be added a certificate of the County Clerk under his seal of office, that he was a Justice of the Peace in the county at the time of taking the same. A deed is good without such certificate attached, but can not be used in evidence unless such a certificate is produced or other competent evidence introduced. Acknowledgements made out of the state must either be executed according to the laws of this state, or there should be attached a certificate that it is in conformity with the laws of the state or country where executed. Where this is not done the same may be proved by any other legal way. Acknowledgments where the Homestead rights are to be waived must state as follows : " Including the release and waiver of the right of homestead." Notaries Public can take acknowledgements any where in the state. Sheriffs, if authorized by the mortgagor of real or personal property in his mortgage, may sell the property mortgaged. In the case of the death of grantor or holder of the equity of redemp tion of real estate mortgaged, or conveyed by deed of trust where equity of redemption is waived, and it contains power of sale, must be foreclosed in the same manner as a common mortgage in court. ESTRAYS. Horses, mules, asses, neat cattle, swine, sheep, or goats found straying at any time during the year, in counties where such animals are not allowed to run at large, or between the last day of October and the 15th &.&y of April in other counties, the owner thereof being unknown, may be taken up as estrays. No person not a householder in the county where estray is found can lawfully take up an estray, and then only upon or about his farm or place of residence. Estrays should not be used before advertised, except animals giving milk, which may be milked for their benefit. 158 abstract of Illinois state laws. Notices must be posted up within five (5) days in three (3) of the most public places in the town or precinct in whicli estray was found, giv ing the residence of the taker up, and a particular description of the estray, its age, color, and marks natural and artificial, and stating before what justice of the peace in such town or precinct, and at what time, not less than ten (10) nor more than fifteen (15) days from the time of post ing such notices, he will apply to have the estray appraised. A copy of such notice should be filed by the taker up with the town clerk, whose duty it is to enter the same at large, in a book kept by him for that purpose. If the owner of estray shall not have appeared and proved ownership, and taken the same away, first paying the taker up his reasonable charges for taking up, keeping, and advertising the same, the taker up shall appear before the justice of the peace mentioned in above mentioned notice, and make an affidavit as required by law. As the affidavit has to be made before the justice, and all other steps as to appraisement, etc., are before him, who is familiar therewith, they are therefore omitted here. Any person taking up an estray at any other place than about or upon his farm or residence, or without complying with the law, shall forfeit and pay a fine of ten dollars with costs. Ordinary diligence is required in taking care of estrays, but in case they die or get away the taker is not liable for the same. GAME. It is unlawful for any person to kill, or attempt to kill or destroy, in any manner, any prairie hen or chicken or woodcock between the 15th day of January and the 1st day of September ; or any deer, fawn, wild-turkey, partridge or pheasant between the 1st day of February and the 1st day of October ; or any quail between the 1st day of February and 1st day of November ; or any wild goose, duck, snipe, brant or other water fowl between the 1st day of May and 15th day of August in each year. Penalty : Fine not less than $5 nor more than $25, for each bird or animal, and costs of suit, and stand committed to county jail until fine is paid, but not exceeding ten days. It is unlawful to hunt with gun, dog or net within the inclosed grounds or lands of another without permission. Penalty: Fine not less than $3 nor more than $100, to be paid into school fund. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Whenever any of the following articles shall be contracted for, or sold or delivered, and no. special contract or agreement shall be made to the contrary, the weight per bushel -shall be as follows, to-wit : ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 159 Pounds. Pounds Stone Coal, 80 Buckwheat, - 52 Unslacked Lime, -' 80 Coarse Salt, - 50 Corn in the ear, 70 Barley, 48 Wheat, 60 Corn Meal, 48 Irish Potatoes, - 60 Castor Beans, - 46 White Beans, - 60 Timothy Seed, - 45 Clover Seed, - - 60 Hemp Seed, 44 Onions, 57 Malt, 38 Shelled Corn, 56 Dried Peaches, 33 Rye, 56 Oats, 32 Flax Seed, 56 Dried Apples, - 24 Sweet Potatoes, 55 Bran, 20 Turnips, 55 Blue Grass Seed, 14 Fine Salt, 55 Hair (plastering), 8 Penalty for giving less than the above standard is double the amount of property wrongfully not given, and ten dollars addition thereto. MILLERS. The owner or occupant of every public grist mill in this state shall grind all grain brought to his mill in its turn. The toll for both steam and water mills, is, for grinding and bolting wheat, rye, or other grain, one eighth part; for grinding Indian corn, oats, barley and buckwheat not required to be bolted, one seventh part; for grinding malt, and chopping 2X1 kinds of grain, one eighth part. It is the duty of every miller when his mill is in repair, to aid and assist in loading and unloading all grain brought to him to be ground, and he is also required to keep an accurate half bushel measure, and an accurate set of toll dishes or scales for weighing the grain. The penalty for neglect or refusal to comply with the law is $5, to the use of any person to sue for the same, to be recovered before any justice of the peace of the county where penalty is incurred. Millers are accountable for the safe keeping of all grain left in his mill for the purpose of being ground, with bags or casks containing same (except it results from unavoidable accidents), provided that such bags or casks are distinctly marked with the initial letters of the owner's name. MARKS AND BRANDS. ' Owners of cattle, horses, hogs, sheep or goats may have one earmark and one brand, but which shall be different from his neighbor's, and may be recorded by the county clerk of the county in which such property is kept. The fee for such record is fifteen cents. The record of such shall be open to examination free of charge. In cases of disputes as to marks or brands, such record is prima facie evidence. Owners of cattle, horses, v-c"K- i&v^ -^r. srar-c^o. cy she .former owner,, 160 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. may be re-branded in presence of one or more of his neighbors, who shall certify to the facts of the marking or branding being done, when done, and in what brand or mark they were re-branded or re-marked, which certificate may also be recorded as before stated. ADOPTION OF CHILDREN. Children may be adopted by any resident of this state, by filing a petition in the Circuit or County Court of the county in which he resides, asking leave to do so, and if -desired may ask that the name of the child be changed. Such petition, if made by a person having a husband or wife, will not be granted, unless the husband or wife joins therein, as the adoption must be by them jointly. The petition shall state name, sex, and age of the child, and the new name, if it is desired to change the name. Also the name and residence of the parents of the child, if known, and of the guardian, if any, and whether the parents or guardians consent to the adoption. The court must find, before granting decree, that the parents of the child, or the survivors of them, have deserted his or her family or such child for one year next preceding the application, or if neither are living, the guardian ; if no guardian, the next of kin in this state capable of giving consent, has had notice of the presentation of the petition and consents to such adoption. If the child is of the age of fourteen years or upwards, the adoption can not be made without its consent. SURVEYORS AND SURVEYS. There is in every county elected a surveyor known as county sur veyor, who has power to appoint deputies, for whose official acts he is responsible. It is the duty of the county surveyor, either by himself or his deputy, to make all surveys that he may be called upon to make within his county as soon as may be after application is made. The necessary chainmen and other assistance must be employed by the person requiring the same to be done, and to be by him paid, unless otherwise agreed ; but the chainmen must be disinterested persons and approved by the surveyor and sworn by him to measure justly and impartially. The County Board in each county is required by law to provide a copy of the United States field notes and plats of their surveys of the lands in the county to be kept in the recorder's office subject to examination by the public, and the county surveyor is required to make his surveys in conformity to said notes, plats and the laws of the United States gov erning such matters. The surveyor is also required to keep a record of all surveys made by him, which shall be subject to inspection by any one interested, and shall be delivered up to his successor in office. A ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 161 certified copy of the said surveyor's record shall be prima facie evidence of its contents. The fees of county surveyors are six dollars per day. The county surveyor is also ex officio inspector of mines, and as such, assisted by some practical miner selected by him, shall once each year inspect all the mines in the county, for which they shall each receive such compensa tion as may be fixed by the County Board, not exceeding $5 a day, to be paid out of the county treasury. ROADS AND BRIDGES. Where practicable from the nature of the ground, persons traveling in any kind of vehicle, must turn to the right of the center of the road, so as to permit each carriage to pass without interfering with each other. The penalty for a violation of this provision is $5 for every offense, to be recovered by the party injured; but to recover, there must have occurred some injury to person or property resulting from the violation. The owners of any carriage traveling upon any road in this State for the conveyance of passengers who shall employ or continue in his employment as driver any person who is addicted to drunkenness, or the excessive use of spiritous liquors, after he has had notice of the same, shall forfeit, at the rate of $5 per day, and if any driver .while actually engaged in driving any such carriage, shall be guilty of intoxication to such a degree as to endanger the safety of passengers, it shall be the duty of the owner, on receiving written notice of the fact, signed by one of the passengers, and certified by him on oath, forthwith to discharge such driver. If such owner shall have such driver in his employ within three months after such notice, he is liable for $5 per day for the time he shall keep said driver in his employment after receiving such notice. Persons driving any carriage on any public highway are prohibited from running their horses upon any occasion under a penalty of a fine not exceeding $10, or imprisonment not exceeding sixty days, at the discre tion of the court. Horses attached to any carriage used to convey passen gers for hire must be properly hitched or the lines placed in the hands of some other person before the driver leaves them for any purpose. For violation of this provision each driver shall forfeit twenty dollars, to be recovered by action, to be commenced within six months. It is under stood by the term carriage herein to mean any carriage or vehicle used for the transportation of passengers or goods or either of them. The commissioners of highways in the different towns have the care and superintendence of highways and bridges therein. They have all the powers necessary to lay out, vacate, regulate and repair all roads* build and repair bridges. In addition to the above, it is their duty to erect and keep in repair at the forks or crossing-place of the most 162 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. important roads post and guide boards with plain inscriptions, giving directions and distances to the most noted places to which such road may lead ; also to make provisions to prevent thistles, burdock, and cockle burrs, mustard, yellow dock, Indian mallow and jimson weed from seeding, and to extirpate the same as far as practicable, and to prevent all rank growth of vegetation on the public highways so far as the same may obstruct public travel, and it is in their discretion to erect watering places for public use for watering teams at such points as may be deemed advisable. The Commissioners, on or before the 1st day of May of each year, shall make out and deliver to their treasurer a list of all able-bodied men in their town, excepting paupers, idiots, lunatics, and such others as are exempt by law, and assess against each the sum of two dollars as a poll tax for highway purposes. Within thirty days after such list is delivered they shall cause a written or printed notice to be given to each person so assessed, notifying him of the time when and place where such tax must be paid, or its equivalent in labor performed ; they may contract with persons owing such poll tax to perform a certain amount of labor on any road or bridge in payment of the same, and if such tax is not paid nor labor performed by the first Monday of July of such year, or within ten days after notice is given after that time, they shall bring suit therefor against such person before a justice of the peace, who shall hear and determine the case according to law for the offense complained of, and shall forthwith issue an execution, directed to any constable of the county where the delinquent shall reside, who shall forthwith collect the moneys therein mentioned. The Commissioners of Highways of each town shall annually ascer tain, as near as practicable, how much money must be raised by tax on real and personal property for the making and repairing of roads, only, to any amount they may deem necessary, not exceeding forty cents on each one hundred dollars' worth, as valued on the assessment roll of the previous year. The tax so levied on property lying within an incorporated village, town or city, shall be paid .over to the corporate authorities of such town, village or city. Commissioners shall receive $1.50 for each day neces sarily employed in the discharge of their duty. Overseers. At the first meeting the Commissioners shall choose one of their number to act General Overseer of Highways in their township, whose duty it shall be to take charge of and safely keep all tools, imple ments and machinery belonging to said town, and shall, by the direction of the Board, have general supervision of all roads and bridges in their town. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 163 _ As all township and county officers are familiar with their duties, it is only intended to give the points of the law that the public should be familiar with. The manner of laying out, altering or vacating roads, etc., will not be here stated, as it would require more space than is contem plated m a work of this kind. It is sufficient to state that, the first step is by petition, addressed to the Commissioners, setting out what is prayed for, giving the names of the owners of lands if known, if not known so state, over which the road is to pass, giving the general course, its place of beginning, and where it terminates. It requires not less than twelve freeholders residing within three miles of the road who shall sign the petition. Public roads must not be less than fifty feet wide, nor more than sixty feet wide. Roads not exceeding two miles in length, if peti tioned for, may be laid out, not less than forty feet. Private roads for private and public use, may be laid out of the width of three rods, on petition of the person directly interested ; the damage occasioned thereby shall be paid by the premises benefited thereby, and before the road is opened. If not opened in two years, the order shall be considered rescinded. Commissioners in their discretion may permit persons who live on or have private roads, to work out their road tax thereon. Public roads must be opened in five days from date of filing order of location, or be deemed vacated. DRAINAGE. Whenever one or more owners or occupants of land desire to construct a drain or ditch across the land of others for agricultural, sanitary or mining purposes, the proceedings are as follows: File a petition in the Circuit or County Court of the county in which the proposed ditch or drain is to be constructed, setting forth the neces sity for the same, with a description of its proposed starting point, route and terminus, and if it shall be necessary for the drainage of the land or coal mines or for sanitary purposes, that a drain, ditch, levee or similar work be constructed, a description of the same. It shall also set forth the names of all persons owning the land over which such drain or ditch shall be constructed, or if unknown stating that fact. No private property shall be taken or damaged for the purpose of constructing a ditch, drain or levee, without compensation, if claimed by the owner, the same to be ascertained by a jury; but if the construction of such ditch, drain or levee shall be a benefit to the owner, the same shall be a set off against such compensation. If the proceedings seek to affect the -property of a minor, lunatic or married woman, the guardian, conservator or husband of the same shall be made party defendant. The petition may be amended and parties made defendants at any time when it is necessary to a fair trial. 164 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. ft When the petition is presented to the judge, he shall note therein when he will hear the same, and order the issuance of summonses and the publication of notice to each non-resident or unknown defendant. The petition may be heard by such judge in vacation as well as in term time. Upon the trial, the jury shall ascertain the just compensation to each owner of the property sought to be damaged by the construction of such ditch, drain or levee, and truly report the same. As it is only contemplated in a work of this kind to give an abstract of the laws, and as the parties who have in charge the execution of the further proceedings are likely to be familiar with the requirements of the statute, the necessary details are not here inserted. WOLF SCALPS. The County Board of any county in this State may hereafter alluw such bounty on wolf scalps as the board may deem reasonable. Any person claiming a bounty shall produce the scalp or scalps with the ears thereon, within sixty days after the wolf or wolves shall have been caught, to the Clerk of the County Board, who shall administer to said person the following oath or affirmation, to-wit: " You do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be), that the scalp or scalps here pro duced by you was taken from a wolf or wolves killed and first captured by yourself within the limits of this county, and within the sixty days last past." CONVEYANCES. When the reversion expectant on a lease of any tenements or here ditaments of any tenure shall be surrendered or merged, the estate which shall for the time being confer as against the tenant under the same lease the next vested right to the same tenements or hereditaments, shall, to the extent and for the purpose of preserving such incidents to and obli gations on the same reversion, as but for the surrender or merger thereof, would have subsisted, be deemed the reversion expectant on the same lease. PAUPERS. Every poor person who shall be unable to earn a livelihood in conse quence of any bodily infirmity, idiocy, lunacy or unavoidable cause, shall be supported by the father, grand-father, mother, grand-mother, children, grand-children, brothers or sisters of such poor person, if they or either of them be of sufficient ability ; but if any of such dependent class shall have become so from intemperance or other bad conduct, they shall not be entitled to support from any relation except parent or child. MT CARROLL ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 167 The children shall first be called on to support their parents, if they are able ; but if not, the parents of such poor person shall then be called on, if of sufficient ability ; and if there be no parents or children able, then the brothers and sisters of such dependent person shall be called upon ; and if there be no brothers or sisters of sufficient ability, the grand-children of such person shall next be called on ; and if they are not able, then the grand-parents. Married females, while their husbands live, shall not be liable to contribute for the support of their poor relations except out of their separate property. It is the duty of the state's (county) attorney, to make complaint to the County Court of his county against all the relatives of such paupers in this state liable to his support and prosecute the same. In case the state's attorney neglects, or refuses, to complain in such cases, then it is the duty of the overseer of the poor to do so. The person called upon to contribute shall have at least ten days' notice of such application by summons. The court has the power to determine the kind of support, depending upon the circumstances of the parties, and may also order two or more of the different degrees to main tain such poor person, and prescribe the proportion of each, according to their ability. The court may specify the time for which the relative shall contribute — in fact has control over the entire subject matter, with power to enforce its orders. Every county (except those in which the poor are supported by the towns, and in such cases the towns are liable) is required to relieve and support all poor and indigent persons lawfully resident therein. Residence means the actual residence of the party, or the place where he was employed ; or in case he was in no employment, then it shall be the place where he made his home. When any person becomes chargeable as a pauper in any county or town who did not reside at the commencement of six months immediately preceding his becoming so, but did at that time reside in some other county or town in this state, then the county or town, as the case may be, becomes liable for the expense of taking care of such person until removed, and it is the duty of the overseer to notify the proper authorities of the fact. If any person shall bring and leave any pauper in any county in this state where such pauper had no legal residence, knowing him to be such, he is liable to a fine of $100. In counties under township organization, the supervisors in each town are ex-officio overseers of the poor. The overseers of the poor act under the directions of the County Board in taking care of the poor and granting of temporary relief; also, providing for non-resident persons not paupers who may be taken sick and not able to pay their way, and in case of death cause such person to be decently buried. The residence of the inmates of poorhouses and other charitable institutions for voting purposes is their former place of abode. 168 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. FENCES. In counties under township organization, the town assessor and com missioner of highways are the fence-viewers in their respective towns. In other counties the County Board appoints three in each precinct annu ally. A lawful fence is four and one-half feet high, in good repair, con sisting of rails, timber, boards, stone, hedges, or whatever the fence- viewers of the town or precinct where the same shall lie, shall consider equivalent thereto, but in counties under township organization the annual town meeting may establish any other kind of fence as such, or the County Board in other counties may do the same. Division fences shall be made and maintained in just proportion by the adjoining owners, except when the owner shall choose to let his land lie open, but after a division fence is built by agreement or otherwise, neither party can remove his part of such fence so long as he may crop or use such land for farm purposes, or without giving the other party one year's notice in writing of his intention to remove his portion. When any person shall enclose his land upon the enclosure of another, he shall refund the owner of the adjoining lands a just pro portion of the value at that time of such fence. The value of fence and the just proportion to be paid or built and maintained by each is to be ascertained by two fence-viewers in the town or precinct. Such fence- viewers have power to settle all disputes between different owners as to fences built or to be built, as well as to repairs to be made. Each party chooses one of the viewers, but if the other party neglects, after eight days' notice in writing, to make his choice, then the other party may select both. It is sufficient to notify the tenant or party in possession, when the owner is not a resident of the town, or precinct. The two fence-viewers chosen, after viewing the premises, shall hear the state ments of the parties , in case they can't agree, they shall select another fence-viewer to act with them, and the decision of any two of them is final. The decision must be reduced to writing, and should plainly set out description of fence and all matters settled by them, and must be filed in the office of the town clerk in counties under township organiza tion, and in other counties with the county clerk. Where any person is liable to contribute to the erection or the repairing of a division fence, neglects or refuses so to do, the party injured, after giving sixty days notice in writing when a fence is to be erected, or ten days when it is only repairs, may proceed to have the work done at the expense of the party whose duty it is to do it, to be recovered from him with costs of suit, and the party so neglecting shall also be liable to the party injured for all damages accruing from such neglect or refusal, to be determined by any two fence-viewers selected as before provided, the appraisement to be reduced to writing and signed. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 169 Where a person shall conclude to remove his part of a division fence, and let his land lie open, and having given the year's notice required, the adjoining owner may cause the value of said fence to be ascertained by fence-viewers as before provided, and on payment or tender of the amount of such valuation to the owner, it shall prevent the removal. A party removing a division fence without notice is liable for the damages accruing thereby. Where a fence has been built on the land of another through mis take, the owner may enter upon such premises and remove his fence and material within six months after the division line has been ascertained. Where the material to build such a fence has been taken from the land on which it was built, then before it can be removed, the' person claiming must first pay for such material to the owner of the land from which it was taken, nor shall such a fence be removed at a time when the removal will throw open or expose the crops of the other party ; a reasonable time must be given beyond the .six months to remove crops. The compensation of fence-viewers is one dollar and fifty cents a day each, to be paid in the first instance by the party calling them, but in the end all expenses, including amount charged by the fence-viewers, must be paid equally by the parties, except in cases where a party neglects or refuses to make or maintain a just proportion of a division fence, when the party in default shall pay them. DAMAGES FROM TRESPASS. Where stock of any kind breaks into any person's enclosure, the fence being good and sufficient, the owner is liable for the damage done ; but where the damage is done by stock running at large, contrary to law, the owner is liable where there is not such a fence. Where stock ia found trespassing on the enclosure of another as aforesaid, the owner oi occupier of the premises may take possession of such stock and keep the same until damages, with reasonable charges for keeping and feeding and all costs of suit, are paid. Any person taking or rescuing such stock so held without his consent, shall be liable to a fine of not less than three nor more than five dollars for each animal rescued, to be recovered by suit before a justice of the peace for the use of the school fund. Within twenty-four hours after taking such animal into his possession, the per son taking it up must give notice of the fact to the owner, if known, or if unknown, notices must be posted in some public place near the premises. LANDLORD AND TENANT. The owner, of lands, or his legal representatives, can sue for and recover rent therefor, in any of the following cases : First. When rent is due and in arrears on a lease for life or lives. 5 170 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Second. When lands are held and occupied by any person without any special agreement for rent. Third. When possession is obtained under an agreement, written or verbal, for the purchase of the premises and before deed given, the right to possession is terminated by forfeiture on con-compliance with the agreement, and possession is wrongfully refused or neglected to be given upon demand made in writing by the party entitled thereto. Provided that all payments made by the vendee or his representatives or assigns, may be set off against the rent. Fourth. When land has been sold upon a judgment or a decree of court, when the party to such judgment or decree, or person holding under him, wrongfully refuses, or neglects, to surrender possession of the same, after demand in writing by the person entitled to the possession. Fifth. When the lands have been sold upon a mortgage or trust deed, and the mortgagor or grantor or person holding under him, wrong fully refuses or neglects to surrender possession of the same, after demand in writing by the person entitled to the possession. If any tenant, or any person who shall come into possession from or under or by collusion with such tenant, shall willfully hold over any lands, etc., after the expiration the term of their lease, and after demand made in writing for the possession thereof, is liable to pay double rent. A tenancy from year to year requires sixty day's notice in writing, to termi nate the same at the end of the year ; such notice can be given at any time within four months preceding the last sixty days of the year. A tenancy by the month, or less than a year, where the tenant holds over without any special agreement, the landlord majr terminate the tenancy, by thirty days notice in writing. When rent is due, the landlord may serve a notice upon the tenant, stating that unless the rent is paid within not less than five days, his lease will be terminated ; if the rent is not paid, the landlord may consider the lease ended. When default is made in any of the terms of a lease, it shall not be necessary to give more than ten days notice to quit or of the termination of such tenancy ; and the same may be terminated on giving such notice to quit, at any time after such default in any of the terms of such lease ; which notice may be substantially in the following form, viz: To , You are hereby notified that, in consequence of your default in (here insert the character of the default), of the premises now occupied by you, being etc. (here describe the premises), I have elected to deter mine your lease, and you are hereby notified to quit and deliver up pos session of the same to me within ten days of this date (dated, etc.) The above to be signed by the lessor or his agent, and no other notice or demand of possession or termination of such tenancy is necessary. Demand may be made, or notice served, by delivering a written or ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 171 printed, or partly either, copy thereof to the tenant, or leaving the same with some person above the age of twelve years residing on or in posses sion of the premises ; and in case no one is in the actual possession of the said premises, then by posting the same on the premises. When the tenancy is for a certain time, and the term expires by the terms of the lease, the tenant is then bound to surrender possession, and no notice to quit or demand of possession is necessary. Distress for rent. — In all cases of distress for rent, the landlord, by himself, his agent or attorney, may seize for rent any personal property of his tenant that may be found in the county where the tenant resides ; the property of any other person, even if found on the premises, is not liable. An inventory of the property levied upon, with a statement of the amount of rent claimed, should be at once filed with some justice of the peace, if not over $200 ; and if above that sum, with the clerk of a court of record of competent jurisdiction. Property may be released, by the party executing a satisfactory bond for double the amount. The landlord may distrain for rent, any time within six months after the expiration of the term of the lease, or when terminated. In all cases where the premises rented shall be sub-let, or the lease assigned, the landlord shall have the same right to enforce lien against such lessee or assignee, that he has against the tenant to whom the pre mises were rented. When a tenant abandons or removes from the premises or any part thereof, the landlord, or his agent or attorney, may seize upon any grain or other crops grown or growing upon the premises, or part thereof so abandoned, whether the rent is due or not. If such grain, or other crops, or any part thereof, is not fully grown or matured, the landlord, or his agent or attorney, shall cause the same to be properly cultivated, harvested or gathered, and may sell the same, and from the proceeds pay all his labor, expenses and rent. The tenant may, before the sale of such pro perty, redeem the same by tendering the rent and reasonable compensation for work done, or he may replevy the same. Exemption. — The same articles of personal property which are bylaw exempt from execution, except the crops as above stated, is also exempt from distress for rent. If any tenant is about to or shall permit or attempt to sell and remove from the premises, without the consent of his landlord, such portion of the crops raised thereon as will end-anger the lien of the land lord upon such crops, for the rent, it shall be lawful for the landlord to distress before rent is due. 172 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. LIENS. Any person who shall by contract, express or implied, or partly both, with the owner of any lot or tract of land, furnish labor or material, or services as an architect or superintendent, in building, altering, repairing or ornamenting any house or other building or appurtenance thereto on such lot, or upon any street or alley, and connected with such improve ments, shall have a lien upon the whole of such lot or tract of land, and upon such house or building and appurtenances, for the amount due to him for such labor, material or services. If the contract is expressed, and the time for the completion of the work is beyond three years from the com mencement thereof ; or, if the time of payment is beyond one year from the time stipulated for the completion of the work, then no lien exists. If the contract is implied, then no lien exists, unless the work be done or material is furnished within one year from the commencement of the work or delivery of the materials. As between different creditors having liens, no preference is given to the one whose contract was first made ; but each shares pro-rata. Incumbrances existing on the lot or tract of the land at the time the contract is made, do not operate on the improvements, and are only preferred to the extent of the value of the land at the time of making the contract. The above lien can not be enforced unless suit is commenced within six months after the last payment for labor or materials shall have become due and payable. Sub-contractors, mechanics, workmen and other persons furnishing any material, or performing any labor for a contractor as before specified, have a lien to the extent of the amount due the contractor at the time the following notice is served upon the owner of the land who made the contract: To , You are hereby notified, that I have been employed by- (here state whether to labor or furnish material, and substantially the nature of the demand) upon your (here state in general terms description and situation of building), and that I shall hold the (building, or as the case may be), and your interest in the ground, liable for the amount that may (is or may become) due me on account thereof. Signature, 'Date, If there is a contract in writing between contractor and sub-contractor, a copy of it should be served with above notice, and said notice must be served within forty days from the completion of such sub-contract, if there is one ; if not, then from the time payment should have been made to the person performing the labor or furnishing the material. If the owner is not a resident of the county, or can not be found therein, then the above notice must be filed with the clerk of the Circuit Court, with his fee, fifty cents, and a copy of said notice must be published in a newspaper pub lished in the county, for four successive weeks. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 173 When the owner or agent is notified as above, he can retain any money due the contractor sufficient to pay such claim ; if more than one claim, and not enough to pay all, they are to be paid pro rata. The owner has the right to demand in writing, a statement of the contractor, of what he owes for labor, etc., from time to time as the work progresses, and on his failure to comply, forfeits to the owner $50 for every offense. The liens referred to cover any and all estates, whether in fee for life, for years, or any other interest which the owner may have. To enforce the lien of sub-contractors, suit must be commenced within three months from the time of the performance of the sub-contract, or during the work or furnishing materials. Hotel, inn and boarding-house keepers, have a lien upon the baggage and other valuables of their guests or boarders, brought into such hotel, inn or boarding-house, by their guests or boarders, for the proper charges due from such guests or boarders for their accommodation, board and lodgings, and such extras as are furnished at their request. Stable-keepers and other persons have a lien upon the horses, car riages and harness kept by them, for the proper charges due for the keep ing thereof and expenses bestowed thereon at the request of the owner or the person having the possession of the same. Agisters (persons who take care of cattle belonging to others), and persons keeping, yarding, feeding or pasturing domestic animals, shall have a lien upon the animals agistered, kept, yarded or fed, for the proper charges due for such service. All persons who may furnish any railroad corporation in this state with fuel, ties, material, supplies or any other article or thing necessary for the construction, maintenance, operation or repair of its road by con tract, or may perform work or labor on the same, is entitled to be paid as part of the current expenses of the road, and have a lien upon all its pro perty. Sub-contractors or laborers have also a lien. The conditions and limitations both as to contractors and sub-contractors, are about the same as herein stated as to general liens. DEFINITION OF COMMERCIAL TERMS. "$ means dollars, being a contraction of U. S., which was formerly placed before any denomination of money, and meant, as it means now, United States Currency. £ means pounds, English money. @ stands for at or to. ib for pound, and bbl. for barrel; f) former or by the. Thus, Butter sells at 20@30c f ib, and Flour at $8@12 f bbl. fo for per cent and # for number. May l. — Wheat sells at $1.20@1.25, "seller June." Seller June 174 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. means that the person who sells the wheat has the privilege of delivering it at any time during the month of June. Selling short, is contracting to deliver a certain amount of grain or stock, at a fixed price, within a certain length of time, when the seller has not the stock on hand. It is for the interest of the person selling "short," to depress the market as much as possible, in order that he may buy and fill his contract at a profit. Hence the " shorts " are termed "bears." Buying long, is to contract to purchase a certain amount of grain or shares of stock at a fixed price, deliverable within a stipulated time, expecting to make a profit by the rise of prices. The "longs" are termed "bulls," as it is for their interest to "operate" so as to "toss" the prices upward as much as possible. NOTES. Form of note is legal, worded in the simplest way, so that the amount and time of payment are mentioned. $100. Chicago, 111., Sept. 15, 1876. Sixty days from date I promise to pay to E. F. Brown, or order, One Hundred dollars, for value received. L. D. Lowry. A note to be payable in any thing else than money needs only the facts substituted for money in the above form. ORDERS. Orders should be worded simply, thus : Mr. F. H. Coats: Chicago, Sept. 15, 1876. Please pay to H. Birdsall, Twenty-five dollars, and charge to F. D. Silva. RECEIPTS. Receipts should always state when received and what for, thus : $100. Chicago, Sept. 15, 1876. Received of J. W. Davis, One Hundred dollars, for services rendered in grading his lot in Fort Madison, on account. Thomas Brady. If receipt is in full it should be so stated. BILLS OF PURCHASE. W. N. Mason, Salem, Illinois, Sept. 15, 1876. Bought of A. A. Graham. 4 Bushels of Seed Wheat, at $1.50 - $6.00 2 Seamless Sacks " .30 - .60 Received payment, $6.60 A. A. Graham. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 175 ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT. An agreement is where one party promises to another to do a certain thing in a certain time for a stipulated sum. Good business men always reduce an agreement to writing, which nearly always saves misunder standings and trouble. No particular form is necessary, but the facts must be clearly and explicitly stated, and there must, to make it valid, be a reasonable consideration. GENERAL FORM OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement, made the Second day of October, 1876, between John Jones, of Aurora, County of Kane, State of Illinois, of the first part, and Thomas Whiteside, of the same place, of the second part — Witnesseth, that the said John Jones, in consideration of the agree ment of the party of the second part, hereinafter contained, contracts and agrees to and with the said Thomas Whiteside, that he will deliver, in good and marketable condition, at the Village of Batavia, 111., during the month of November, of this year, One Hundred Tons of Prairie Hay, in the following lots, and at the following specified times ; namely, twenty- five tons by the seventh of November, twenty-five tons additional by the fourteenth of the month, twenty-five tons more by the twenty-first, and the entire one hundred tons to be all delivered by the thirtieth of November. And the said Thomas Whiteside, in consideration of the prompt fulfillment of this contract, on the part of the party of the first part, contracts to and agrees with the said John Jones, to pay for said hay five dollars per ton, for each ton as soon as delivered. In case of failure of agreement by either of the parties hereto, it is hereby stipulated and agreed that the party so failing shall pay to the other, One Hundred Dollars, as fixed and settled damages. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands the day and year first above written. John Jones, Thomas Whiteside. AGREEMENT WITH CLERK FOR SERVICES. This Agreement, made the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, between Reuben Stone, of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, party of the first part, and George Barclay, of Englewood, County of Cook, State of Illinois, party of the second part — Witnesseth, that said George Barclay agrees faithfully and dili gently to work as clerk and salesman for the said Reuben Stone, for and during the space of one year from the date hereof, should both live such length of time, without absenting himself from his occupation ; 176 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. during which time he, the said Barclay, in the store of said Stone, of Chicago, will carefully and honestly attend, doing and performing all duties as clerk and salesman aforesaid, in accordance and in all respects as directed and desired by the said Stone. In consideration of which services, so to be rendered by the said Barclay, the said Stone agrees to pay to said Barclay the annual sum of one thousand dollars, payable in twelve equal monthly payments, each upon the last day of each month ; provided that all dues for days of absence from business by said Barclay, shall be deducted from the sum otherwise by the agreement due and payable by the said Stone to the said Barclay. Witness our hands. Reuben Stone. George Barclay. BILLS OF SALE. A bill of sale is a written agreement to another party, for a consider ation to convey his right and interest in the personal property. The purchaser must take actual possession of the property. Juries have power to determine upon the fairness or unfairness of a bill of sale. COMMON FORM OF BILL OF SALE. Know all Men by this instrument, that I, Louis Clay, of Princeton, Illinois, of the first part, for and in consideration of Five Hundred and Ten dollars, to me paid by John Floyd, of the same place, of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have sold, and by this instrument do convey unto the said Floyd, party of the second part, his executors, administrators, and assigns, my undivided half of ten acres of corn, now growing on the farm of Thomas Tyrrell, in the town above mentioned ; one pair of horses, sixteen sheep, and five cows, belonging to me, and in my possession at the farm aforesaid ; to have and to hold the same unto the party of the second part, his executors and assigns, forever. And I do, for myself and legal representatives, agree with the said party of the second part, and his legal representatives, to warrant and defend the sale of the afore-mentioned property and chattels unto the said party of the second part, and his legal representatives, against all and every person whatsoever. In witness whereof, I have hereunto affixed my hand, this tenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. Louis Clay. BONDS. A bond is a written admission on the part of the maker in which he pledges a certain sum to another, at a certain time. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 177 COMMON FORM OF BOND. Know all Men by this instrument, that I, George Edgerton, of Watseka, Iroquois County, State of Illinois, am firmly bound unto Peter Kirchoff, of the place aforesaid, in the sum of five hundred dollars, to be paid to the said Peter Kirchoff, or his legal representatives ; to which payment, to be made, I bind myself, or my legal representatives, by this instrument. Sealed with my seal, and dated this second day of November, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. The condition of this bond is such that if I, George . Edgerton, my heirs, administrators, or executors, shall promptly pay the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars in three equal annual payments from the date hereof, with annual interest, then the above obligation to be of no effect ; otherwise to be in full force and valid. Sealed and delivered in presence of George Edgerton. [l.s.J William Turner. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. A chattel mortgage is a mortgage on personal property for payment of a certain sum of money, to hold the property against debts of other creditors. The mortgage must describe the property, and must be acknowledged before a justice of the peace in the township or precinct where the mortgagee resides, and entered upon his docket, and must be recorded in the recorder's office of the county. GENERAL FORM OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE. This Indenture, made and entered into this first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, between Theodore Lottinville, of the town of Geneseo in the County of Henry, and State of Illinois, party of the first part, and Paul Henshaw, of the same town, county, and State, party of the second part. Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in consider ation of the sum of one thousand dollars, in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, sell, convey, and confirm unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, all and singular the following described goods and chattels, to wit : Two three-year old roan-colored horses, one Burdett organ, No. 987, one Brussels carpet, 15x20 feet in size, one marble-top center table, one Home Comfort cooking stove, No. 8, one black walnut bureau with mirror attached, one set of parlor chairs (six in number), upholstered in green rep, with lounge corresponding with same in style and color of upholstery, now in possession of said Lottinville, at No. 4 Prairie Ave., Geneseo, 111. ; 178 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Together with all and singular, the appurtenances thereunto "belong ing, or in any wise appertaining ; to have and to hold the above described goods and chattels, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever. Provided, always, and these presents are upon this express condition, that if the said Theodore Lottinville, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, shall, on or before the first day of January, A.D., one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, pay, or cause to be paid, to the said Paul Ranslow, or his lawful attorney or attorneys, heirs, executors, adminis trators, or assigns, the sum of One Thousand dollars, together with the interest that may accrue thereon, at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, from the first day of January, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, until paid, according to the tenor of one promissory note bearing even date herewith for the payment of said sum of money, that then and from thenceforth, these presents, and everything herein con tained, shall cease, and be null and void, anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided, also, that the said Theodore Lottinville may retain the possession of and have the use of said goods and chattels until the day of payment aforesaid ; and also, at his own expense, shall keep said goods and chattels; and also at the expiration of said time of payment, if said sum of money, together with the interest as aforesaid, shall not be paid, shall deliver up said goods and chattels, in good condition, to said Paul Ranslow, or his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns. And provided, also, that if default in payment as aforesaid, by said party of the first part, shall be made, or if said party of the second part shall at any time before said promissory note becomes due, feel himself unsafe or insecure, that then the said party of the second part, or his attorney, agent, assigns, or heirs, executors, or administrators, shall have the right to take possession of said goods and chattels, wherever they may or can be found, and sell the same at public or private sale, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, after giving ten days' notice of the time and place of said sale, together with a description of the goods and chat tels to be sold, by at least four advertisements, posted up in public places in the vicinity where said sale is to take place, and proceed to make the sum of money and interest promised as aforesaid, together with all reason able costs, charges, and expenses in so doing ; and if there shall be any overplus, shall pay the same without delay to the said party of the first part, or his legal representatives. In testimony whereof, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal, the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Theodore Lottinville. [l.s.] Samuel J. Tilden. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 179 LEASE OF FARM AND BUILDINGS THEREON. This Indenture, made this second day of June, 1875, between David Patton of the Town of Bisbee, State of Illinois, of the first part, and John Doyle of the same place, of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said David Patton, for and in consideration of the covenants hereinafter mentioned and reserved, on the part of the said John Doyle, his executors, administrators, and assigns, to be paid, kept, and performed, hath let, and by these presents doth grant, demise, and let, unto the said John Doyle, his executors, administrators, and assigns, all that parcel of land situate in Bisbee aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit : [Here describe the landi\ Together with all the appurtenances appertaining thereto. To have and to hold the said premises, with appurtenances thereto belonging, unto the said Doyle, his executors, administrators, and assigns, for the term of five years, from the first day of October next following, at a yearly rent of Six Hundred dollars, to be paid in equal payments, semi-annually, as long as said buildings are in good tenantable condition. And the said Doyle, by these presents, covenants and agrees to pay all taxes and assessments, and keep in repair all hedges, ditches, rail, and other fences ; (the said David Patton, his heirs, assigns and administra tors, to furnish all timber, brick, tile, and other materials necessary for such repairs.) Said Doyle further covenants and agrees to apply to said land, in a farmer-like manner, all manure and compost accumulating upon said farm, and cultivate all the arable land in a husbandlike manner, accord ing to the usual custom among farmers in the neighborhood ; he also agrees to trim the hedges at a seasonable time, preventing injury from cattle to such hedges, and to all fruit and other trees on the said premises. That he will seed down with clover and timothy seed twenty acres yearly of arable land, ploughing the same number of acres each Spring of land now in grass, and hitherto unbroken. It is further agreed, that if the said Doyle shall fail to perform the whole or any one of the above mentioned covenants, then and in that case the said David Patton may declare this lease terminated, by giving three months' notice of the same, prior to the first of October of any year, and may distrain any part of the stock, goods, or chattels, or other property in possession of said Doyle, for sufficient to compensate for the non-performance of the above written covenants, the same to be deter mined, and amounts so to be paid to be determined, by three arbitrators, chosen as follows : Each of the parties to this instrument to choose one, 180 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. and the two so chosen to select a third ; the decision of said arbitrators to be final. In witness whereof, we have hereto set our hands and seals. Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of David Patton. [l.s.] James Waldron. John Doyle. [l.s.] FORM OF LEASE OF A HOUSE. This Instrument, made the first day of October, 1875, witnesseth that Amos Griest of Yorkville, County of Kendall, State of Illinois, hath rented from Aaron Young of Logansport aforesaid, the dwelling and lot No. 13 Ohio Street, situated in said City of Yorkville, for five years from the above date, at the yearly rental of Three Hundred dollars, pay able monthly, on the first day of each month, in advance, at the residence of said Aaron Young. At the expiration of said above mentioned term, the said Griest agrees to give the said Young peaceable possession of the said dwelling, in as good condition as when taken, ordinary wear and casualties excepted. In witness whereof, we place our hands and seals the day and year aforesaid. Signed, sealed and delivered Amos Griest. [l.s.J in presence of Nicholas Schutz, Aaron Young. [l.s.J Notary Public. LANDLORD'S AGREEMENT. THrs certifies that I have let and rented, this first day of January, 1876, unto Jacob Schmidt, my house and lot, No. 15 Erie Street, in the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, and its appurtenances ; he to have the free and uninterrupted occupation thereof for one year from this date, at the yearly rental of Two Hundred dollars, to be paid monthly in advance ; rent to cease if destroyed by fire, or otherwise made untenantable. Peter Funk. TENANT'S AGREEMENT. This certifies that I have hired and taken from Peter Funk, his house and lot, No. 15 Erie Street, in the City of Chicago, State of Illi nois, with appurtenances thereto belonging, for one year, to commence this day, at a yearly rental of Two Hundred dollars, to be paid monthly in advance ; unless said house becomes untenantable from fire or other causes, in which case rent ceases ; and I further agree to give and yield said premises one year from this first day of January 1876, in as good condition as now, ordinary wear and damage by the elements excepted. Given under my hand this day. Jacob Schmidt. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 181 ^ „ ™ NOTICE TO QUIT. To F. W. Arlen, Sir : Please observe that the term of one year, for which the house and land, situated at No. 6 Indiana Street, and now occupied by you, were rented to you, expired on the first day of October, 1875, and as I desire to repossess said premises, you are hereby requested and required to vacate the same. Respectfullv Yours, P. T. Barnum. Lincoln, Neb., October 4, 1875. TENANT'S NOTICE OF LEAVING. Dear Sir : The premises I now occupy as your tenant, at No. 6 Indiana Street, I shall vacate on the first day of November, 1875. You will please take notice accordingly. Dated this tenth day of October, 1875. F. W. Arlen. To P. T. Barnum, Esq. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE TO SECURE PAYMENT OF MONEY. This Indenture, made this sixteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, between William Stocker, of Peoria, County of Peoria, and State of Illinois, and Olla, his wife, party of the first part, and Edward Singer, party of the second part. Whereas, the said party of the first part is justly indebted to the said party of the second part, in the sum of Two Thousand dollars, secured to be paid by two certain promissory notes (bearing even, date herewith) the one due and payable at the Second National Bank in Peoria, Illinois, with interest, on the sixteenth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three ; the other due and payable at the Second National Bank at Peoria, 111., with interest, on the sixteenth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four. Now, therefore, this indenture witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for the better securing the payment of the money aforesaid, with interest thereon, according to the tenor and effect of the said two promissory notes above mentioned ; and, also in consideration of the fur ther sum of one dollar to them in hand paid by the said party of the sec ond part, at the delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold, and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, and convey, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever, all that certain parcel of land, situate, etc. [Describing the premises.] To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the Tenements, Hereditaments, Privileges and Appurtenances thereunto 182 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. belonging or in any wise appertaining. And also, all the estate, interest, and claim whatsoever, in law as well as in equity which the party of the first part have in and to the premises hereby conveyed unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, and to their only proper use, benefit and behoof. And the said William Stocker, and 011a, his wife, party of the first part, hereby expressly waive, relinquish, release, and convey unto the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, all right, title, claim, interest, and benefit whatever, in and to the above described premises, and each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of this state per taining to the exemption of homesteads. Provided always, and these presents are upon this express condition, that if the said party of the first part, their heirs, executors, or adminis trators, shall well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, to the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, the afore said sums of money, with such interest thereon, at the time and in the manner specified in the above mentioned promissory notes, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, then in that case, these presents and every thing herein expressed, shall be absolutely null and void. In witness whereof, the said party of the first part hereunto set their- hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of James Whitehead, William Stocker. [l.s.J Fred. Samuels. Olla Stocker. [l.s.] WARRANTY DEED WITH COVENANTS. This Indenture, made this sixth day of April,- in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two; between Henry Best of Lawrence, County of Lawrence, State of Illinois, and Belle, his wife, of the first part, and Charles Pearson of the same place, of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Six Thousand dollars in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, and sold, and by these presents do grant, bargain, and sell, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, all the fol lowing described lot, piece, or parcel of land, situated in the City of Law rence, in the County of Lawrence, and State of Illinois, to wit : [Here describe the property.] Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof ; and all the estate, rignt, title, interest, claim, and demand whatsoever, of the said party of the nrst part, either in law or equity, of, in, and to the J2lfj> cyyt^y^LJ^' LANARK ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 185 above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. To have and to hold the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever. And the said Henry Best, and Belle, his wife, par ties of the first part, hereby expressly waive, release, and relinquish unto the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, all right, title, claim, interest, and benefit whatever, in and to the above described premises, and each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of this state pertaining to the exemption of homesteads. And the said Henry Best, and Belle, his wife, party of the first part, for themselves and their heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenant, grant, bargain, and agree, to and with the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents they were well seized of the premises above conveyed, as of a good, sure, perfect, absolute, and indefeasible estate of inheritance in law, and in fee simple, and have good right, full power, and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell, and convey the same, in manner and form aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments, and encumbrances of what kind or nature soever ; and the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons . lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the said party of the first part shall and will warrant and forever defend. In testimony whereof, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Henry Best, [l.s.J Jerry Linklater. Belle Best. [l.s.J QUIT-CLAIM DEED. This Indenture, made the eighth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, between David Tour, of Piano, County of Kendall, State of Illinois, party of the first part, and Larry O'Brien, of the same place, party of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in considera tion of Nine Hundred dollars in hand paid by the said party of the sec ond part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the said party of the second part forever released and discharged therefrom, has remised, released, sold, conveyed, and quit-claimed, and by these presents does remise, release, sell, convey, and quit-claim, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interest, 186 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. claim, and demand, which the said party of the first part has in and to the following described lot, piece, or parcel of land, to wit : [Here describe the land.] To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging, or in any wise there unto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest, and claim whatever, of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit, and behoof of the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof the said party of the first part hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year above written. Signed, sealed and delivered David Tour. [l.s.J in presence of Thomas Ashley. The above forms of Deeds and Mortgage are such as have heretofore been generally used, but the. following are much shorter, and are made equally valid by the laws of this state. WARRANTY DEED. The grantor (here insert name or names and place of residence), for and in consideration of (here insert consideration) in hand paid, conveys and warrants to (here insert the grantee's name or names) the following described real estate (here insert description), situated in the County of in the State of Illinois. Dated this day of A. D. 18 . QUIT CLAIM DEED. The grantor (here insert grantor's name or names and place of resi dence), for the consideration of (here insert consideration) convey and quit-claim to (here insert grantee's name or names) all interest in the following described real estate (here insert description), situated in the County of -in the State of Illinois. Dated this day of A. D. 18— — . MORTGAGE. The mortgagor (here insert name or names) mortgages and warrants to (here insert name or names of mortgagee or mortgagees), to secure the payment of (here recite the nature and amount of indebtedness, showing when due and the rate of interest, and whether secured by note or other wise), the following described real estate (here insert description thereof), situated in the County of in the State of Illinois. Dated this day of A. D. 18 . RELEASE. Know all Men by these presents, that I, Peter Ahlund, of Chicago, of the County of Cook, and State of Illinois, for and in consideration of One dollar, to me in hand paid, and for other good and valuable considera- ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 187 tions, the rqceipt whereof is hereby confessed, do hereby grant, bargain, remise, convey, release, and quit-claim unto Joseph Carlin of Chicago, of the County of Cook, and State of Illinois, all the right, title, interest, claim, or demand whatsoever, I may have acquired in, through, or by a certain Indenture or Mortgage Deed, bearing date the second day of Jan uary, A. D. 1871, and recorded in the Recorder's office of said county, in book A of Deeds, page 46, to the premises therein described, and which said Deed was made to secure one certain promissory note, bearing even date with said deed, for the sum of Three Hundred dollars. Witness my hand and seal, this second day of November, A. D. 1874. Peter Ahlund. [l.s.J State of Illinois, ) Cook County. ) I, George Saxton, a Notary Public in and for said county, in the state aforesaid, do hereby certify that Peter Ahlund, personally known to me as the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Release, appeared before me this day in [ *,°s£Sf1' ] person, and acknowledged that he signed, sealed, and delivered the said instrument of writing as his free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and seal, this second day of November, A. D. 1874. George Saxton, N. P. GENERAL FORM OF WILL FOR REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. I, Charles Mansfield, of the Town of Salem, County of Jackson, S?ate of Illinois, being aware of the uncertainty of life, and in failing health, but of sound mind and memory, do make and declare this to be my last will and testament, in manner following, to wit: First. I give, devise and bequeath unto my oldest son, Sidney H. Mansfield, the sum of Two Thousand Dollars, of bank stock, now in the Third National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio, and the farm owned by myself in the Town of Buskirk, consisting of one hundred and sixty acres, with all the houses, tenements, and improvements thereunto belonging ; to have and to hold unto my said son, his heirs and assigns, forever. Second. I give, devise and bequeath to each of my daughters, Anna Louise Mansfield and Ida Clara Mansfield, each Two Thousand dollars in bank stock, in the Third National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio, and also each one quarter section of land, owned by myself, situated in the Town of Lake, Illinois, and recorded in my name in the Recorder's office in the county where such land is located. The north one hundred and sixty acres of said half section is devised to my eldest daughter, Anna Louise. 6 188 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Third. I give, devise and bequeath to my son, Frank Alfred Mans field, Five shares of Railroad stock in the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and my one hundred and sixty acres of land and saw mill thereon, situ ated in Manistee, Michigan, with all the improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging, which said real estate is recorded in my name in the county where situated. fourth. I give to my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, all my household furniture, goods, chattels, and personal property, about my home, not hitherto disposed of, including Eight Thousand dollars of bank stock in the Third National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio, Fifteen shares in the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and the free and unrestricted use, pos session, and benefit of the home farm, so long as she may live, in lieu of dower, to which she is entitled by law; said farm being my present place of residence. Fifth. I bequeath to my invalid father, Elijah H. Mansfield, the income from rents of my store building at 145 Jackson Street, Chicago, Illinois, during the term of his natural life. Said building and land there with to revert to my said sons and daughters in equal proportion, upon the demise of my said father. Sixth. It is also my will and desire that, at the death of my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, or at any time when she may arrange to relinquish her life interest in the above mentioned homestead, the same may revert to my above named children, or to the lawful heirs of each. And lastly. I nominate and appoint as executors of this my last will and testament, my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, and my eldest son, Sidney H. Mansfield. I further direct that my debts and necessary funeral expenses shad be paid from moneys now on deposit in the Savings Bank of Salem, the residue of such moneys to revert to my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, for her use forever. In witness whereof, I, Charles Mansfield, to this my last will and testament, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this fourth day of April, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. Signed, sealed, and declared by Charles N Mansfield, as and for his last will and testament, in the presence of us, who, at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have sub scribed our names hereunto as witnesses thereof. Peter A. Schenck, Sycamore, Ills. Frank E. Dent, Salem, Ills. Charles Mansfield. [l.s.J Charles Mansfield. [l.s.J ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 189 CODICIL. Whereas I, Charles Mansfield, did, on the fourth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, make my last will and testa ment, I do now, by this writing, add this codicil to my said will, to be taken as a part thereof. Whereas, by the dispensation of Providence, my daughter, Anna Louise, has deceased November fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and whereas, a son has been born to me, which son is now christened Richard Albert Mansfield, I give and bequeath unto him my gold watch, and all right, interest, and title in lands and bank stock and chattels bequeathed to my deceased daughter, Anna Louise, in the body of this will. In witness whereof, I hereunto place my hand and seal, this tenth day of March, eighteen hundred and seventy-five. Signed, sealed, published, and declared to' us by the testator, Charles Mansfield, as and for a codicil to be annexed to his last will and testament. And we, at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have sub scribed our names as witnesses thereto, at the date hereof. Frank E. Dent, Salem, Ills. John C. Shay, Salem, Ills. CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS May be legally made by electing or appointing, according to the usages or customs of the body of which it is a part, at any meeting held for that purpose, two or more of its members as trustees, wardens or vestrymen, and may adopt a corporate name. The chairman or secretary of such meeting shall, as soon as possible, make and file in the office of the recorder of deeds of the county, an affidavit substantially in the following form : State of Illinois, > County. ss. I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be), that at a meeting of the members of the (here insert the name of the church, society or congregation as known before organization), held Mt (here insert place of meeting), in the County of , and State of Illinois, on the day of , A.D. 18 — , for that purpose, the fol lowing persons were elected (or appointed) [here insert their names] trustees, wardens, vestrymen, (or officers by whatever name they may choose to adopt, with powers similar to trustees) according to the rules and usages of sucb (church, society or congregation), and said 190 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. adopted as its corporate name (here insert name), and at said meeting this affiant acted as (chairman or secretary, as the case may be). Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of , A.D. 18—. Name of Affiant which affidavit must be recorded by the recorder, and shall be, or a certi fied copy made by the recorder, received as evidence of such an incorpo ration. No certificate of election after the first need be filed for record. The term of office of the trustees and the general government of the society can be determined by the rules or by-laws adopted. Failure to elect trustees at the time provided does not work a dissolution, but the old trustees hold over. A trustee or trustees may be removed, in the same manner by the society as elections are held by a meeting called for that purpose. The property of the society vests in the corporation. The corporation may hold, or acquire by purchase or otherwise, land not exceeding ten acres, for the purpose of the society. The trustees have the care, custody and control of the property of the corporation, and can, when directed by the society, erect houses or improvements, and repair and alter the same, and may also when so directed by the society, mortgage, encumber, sell and convey any real or personal estate belonging to the corporation, and make all proper contracts in the name of such corporation. But they are prohibited by law from encumbering or inter fering with any property so as to destroy the effect of any gift, grant, devise or bequest to the corporation ; but such gifts, grants, devises oi bequests, must in all cases be used so as to carry out the object intended by the persons making the same. Existing societies may organize in the manner herein set forth, and have all the advantages thereof. SUGGESTIONS TO THOSE PURCHASING BOOKS BY SUBSCRIPTION. The business of publishing books by subscription having so often been brought into disrepute by agents making representations and declarations not authorized by the publisher ; in order to prevent that as much as possi ble, and that there may be more general knowledge of the relation such agents bear to their principal, and the law governing such cases, the fol lowing statement is made : A subscription is in the nature of a contract of mutual promises, by which the subscriber agrees to pay a certain sum for the work described ; the consideration is concurrent that the publisher shall publish the book named, and deliver the same, for which the subscriber is to pay the price named. The nature and character of the work is described in the prospectus and by the sample shown. These should be carefully examined before sub scribing, as they are the basis and consideration of the promise to pay, ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 191 and not the too often exaggerated statements of the agent, who is merely employed to solicit subscriptions, for which he is usually paid a commission for each subscriber, and. has no authority to change or alter the conditions upon which the subscriptions are authorized to be made by the publisher. Should the agent assume to agree to make the subscription conditional or modify or change the agreement of the publisher, as set out by prospectus and sample, in order to bind the principal, the subscriber should see that such conditions or changes are stated over or in connection ivith his signa ture, so that the publisher may have notice of the same. All persons making contracts in reference to matters of this kind, or any other business, should remember that the law as to written contracts is, that they can not be varied, altered or rescinded verbally, but if done at all, must be done in writing. It is therefore important that all persons contem plating subscribing should distinctly understand that all talk before or after the subscription is made, is not admissible as evidence, and is no part of the contract. Persons employed to solicit subscriptions are known to the trade as canvassers. They are agents appointed to do a particular business in a prescribed mode, and have no authority to do it in any other way to the prejudice of their principal, nor can they bind their principal in any other matter. They cannot collect money, or agree that payment may be made in anything else but money. They can not extend the time of payment beyond the time of delivery, nor bind their principal for the payment of expenses incurred in their buisness. It would save a great deal of trouble, and often serious loss, if persons, before signing their names to any subscription book, or any written instru ment, would examine carefully what it is ; if they can not read themselves, should call on some one disinterested who can. 192 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND ITS AMENDMENTS. We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Article I. Section 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Sec. 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of mem bers chosen every second year by the people of the several states, and the electors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legislature. No person shall be a representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chosen. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the sev eral states which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons. The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subse quent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each state shall have at least one Representative ; and until such enumeration shall be made the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plan tations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylva nia eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, and Georgia three. When vacancies happen in the representation from any state, the Executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other officers, and shall have the sole power of impeachment. Sec. 3. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each state, chosen by the Legislature thereof for six years ; and each Senator shall have one vote. Immediately after they shall be assembled in consequence of the first election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three classes. The seats of the Senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expira- AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 193 tion of the second year, of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, and of the third class at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one-third may be chosen every second year; and if vacancies happen by resignation or otherwise, during the recess of the Legislature of any state, the Executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such vacancies. No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years and been nine years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state for which he shall be chosen. The Vice-President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote unless they be equally divided. The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice-President, or when he shall exercise the office of President of the United States. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried the Chief Justice shall preside. And no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. Judgment, in cases of impeachment, shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States ; but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment according to law. Sec. 4. The times, places and manner of holding elections for Sen ators and Representatives shall be prescribed in each state by the Legis lature thereof; but the Congress majr at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing Senators. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day. Sec. 5. Each house shall be the judge of the election, returns, and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members in such manner and under such penalties as each house may provide. Each house may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may, in their judgment, require secrecy ; and the yeas and nays of the members of either house on any question shall, at the desire of one-fifth of those present, be entered on the journal. Neither house, during the session of Congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two houses shall be sitting. Sec. 6. The Senators and Representatives shall receive a compen sation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the United States. They shall in all cases, except treason, 194 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES felony, and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective houses, and in going to and returning from the same ; and for any speech or debate in either house they shall not be questioned in any other place. No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time ; and no person holding any office under the United States, shall be a member of either house during his continuance in office. Sec. 7. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives ; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills. Every bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the President cl the United States; if he approve he shall sign it ; but if not he shall return it, with his objections, to that house in which it shall have origi nated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration two-thirds of that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objec tions, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of that house, it shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted), after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress, by their adjournment, prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law. Every order, resolution, or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment), shall be presented to the President of the United States, and before the same shall take effect shall be approved by him, or, being disapproved by him, shall be re-passed by two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the rules and lim itations prescribed in the case of a bill. Sec. 8. The Congress shall have power — To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts, and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United states ; but all duties, imposts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States ; To borrow money on the credit of the United States ; To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes ; To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States ; To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures ; To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States; To establish post offices and post roads ; AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 195 To promote the progress of sciences and useful arts, by securing, for limited times, to authors and inventors, the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries ; To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court ; To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations ; To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water ; To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years ; To provide and maintain a navy ; To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces ; To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions ; To provide for organizing, arming and disciplining the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the disci pline prescribed by Congress ; To exercise legislation in all cases whatsoever over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the Legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock yards, and other needful buildings ; and To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any depart ment or officer thereof. Sec. 9. The migration or importation of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed. No capitation or other direct tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state. No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or rev enue to the ports of one state over those of another; nor shall vessels bound to or from one state be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law ; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expeditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. 196 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States : and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state. Sec. 10. No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confeder ation ; grant letters of marque and reprisal ; coin money ; emit bills of credit ; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts ; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. No state shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws, and the net produce of all duties and imposts laid by any state on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the Treasury of the United States ; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress. No state shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty on tonnage, keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. Article II. Section 1. The Executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and, together with the Vice-President chosen for the same term, be elected as follows : Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of Electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the state may be entitled in the Congress ; but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. [*The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each ; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The Pres ident of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Rep resentatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed ; and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately choose by ballot one of them for President ; and if no person have a ma jority, then from the five highest on the list the said House shall in like manner choose the President. But in choosing the President, the vote shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the President, * This clause between, brackets has been superseded and annulled by tne Twelfthlamendment. AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 197 the person having the greatest number of votes of the Electors shall be the Vice-President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from them by ballot the Vice-Presi dent.] The Congress may determine the time of choosing the Electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes ; which day shall be the same throughout the United States. No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President ; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice-Pr.esident, and the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation, or inabil ity, both of the President and Vice-President, declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the dis ability be removed, or a President shall be elected. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services a com pensation which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States or any of them. Before he enters on the execution of his office, he shall take the fol lowing oath or affirmation : " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." Sec. 2. The President shall be commander in chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardon for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present con cur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be ' established by law ; but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers as they think proper in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. Sec. 3. He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the Union, and recommend to their consideration such mea sures as he shall judge necessary and expedient ; he may on extraordinary 198 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES occasions convene both houses, or either of them, and in case of disagree ment between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper ; he shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers ; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States. Sec. 4. The President, Vice-President, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and con viction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. Article III. Section I. The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and ,such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the Supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. Sec. 2. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority; to all, cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls ; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; to controversies to which the United States shall be a party ; to controversies between two or more states ; between a state and citizens of another state ; between citizens of differ ent states ; between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a state or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens, or subjects. In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls, and those in which a state shall be a party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions and under such regulations as the Congress shall make. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by , jury ; and such trial shall be held in the state where the said crimes shall have been committed ; but when not committed within anjr state, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed. Sec. 3. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levy ing war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the tes timony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attainted. Article IV. Section 1. Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proqeedings of every other state. And AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 199 the Congress may, by general laws, prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. Sec. 2. The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states. A person charged in any state with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice and be found in another state, shall, on demand of the executive authority of the state from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the state having jurisdici'.on of the crime. No person held to service or labor in one state, under the laws thereof escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on the claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due. Sec. 3. New states may be admitted by the Congress into this Union ; but no new state shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state ; nor any state, be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the Legislatures of the states concerned, as well as of the Congress. The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States ; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States or of any particular state. Sec. 4. The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and on application of the Legislature, or of the Execu tive (when the Legislature can not be convened), against domestic vio lence. Article V. The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the ap plication of the Legislatures of two-thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of this Constitution, when rati fied by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by con ventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratifi cation may be proposed by the Congress. Provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article ; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate. Article VI. All debts contracted and engagements entered into before the adop tion of this Constitution shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution as under the Confederation. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land ; and the Judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the mem- 200 constitution of the united states bers of the several state Legislatures, and all executive and judicial offi cers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this Constitution ; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. Article VII. The ratification of the Conventions of nine states shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same. Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the states present, the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names. GEO. WASHINGTON, President and Deputy from Virginia, New Hampshire. John Langdon, Nicholas Gilman. Nathaniel Gorham, Rufus King. Connecticut. Wm. Sam'l Johnson, Roger Sherman. Delaware. Geo. Read, John Dickinson, Jaco. Broom, Gunning Bedford, Jr., Richard Bassett. Maryland. James M'Henry, Danl. Carroll, Dan. of St. Thos. Jenifer. New York. Alexander Hamilton. New Jersey. Wil. Livingston, Wm. Paterson, David Brearley, Jona. Dayton. Pennsylvania. B. Franklin, Robt. Morris, Thos. Fitzsimons, James Wilson, Thos. Mifflin, Geo. Clymer, Jared Ingersoll, Gouv. Morris. Virginia. John Blair, James Madison, Jr. North Carolina. Wm. Blount, Hu. Williamson, Rich'd Dobbs Spaight. South Carolina. J. Rutledge, Charles Pinckney, Chas. Cotesworth Pinckney, Pierce Butler. Georgia. William Few, Abe. Baldwin. WILLIAM JACKSON, Secretary. MT CARROLL AND ITS amendments. 203 Articles in Addition to and Amendatory of the Constitution of the United States of America. Proposed by Congress and ratified by the Legislatures of the several states, pursuant to the fifth article of the original Constitution. Article I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Article II. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Article III. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war but in a manner to be pre scribed by law. Article IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be vio lated ; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. Article V. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia when in actual service in time of war or public danger ; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. Article VI. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor ; and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. Article VII. In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fp^t 204 constitution of the united states tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States than according to the rules of the common law. Article VIII. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Article IX. The enumeration, in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Article X. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. Article XL The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or sub jects of any foreign state. Article XII. The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves ; they shall name in their ballots the person to be voted for as president, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice- President, and of the number of votes for each, which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes for President shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed ; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest number not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two- thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a Presi dent whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice- President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be the majority of the whole number of electors appointed, and if no person have a major- AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 205 ity ; then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President ; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States. Article XIII. Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their juris diction. Sec. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appro priate legislation. Article XIV. Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States, and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Sec. 2. Representatives shall be appointed among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of per sons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed ; but when the right to vote at any election for the choice of Electors for President and Vice- President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the execu tive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged except for participation in rebellion or other crimes, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the num ber of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state. Sec. 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or Elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previ ously taken an oath as a Member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state Legislature, or as an execu tive or judicial officer of any state to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each house, remove such disability.. Sec. 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States author ized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and boun ties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be ques tioned. But neither the United States nor any state shall pay any debt or obligation incurred in the aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any loss or emancipation of any slave, but such debts, obligations, and claims shall be held illegal and void. 206 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Sec. 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this act. Article XV. Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any state, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Sec. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appro priate legislation. ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT. November 7, 1876. COUNTIES. t» tt-2 a « -a - . <« O ^ .~ O o c a S«o O =3 c Is CO ft. % o gs (Bo ' O 1=1 ¦< COUNTIES. Hayes and Wheeler, Republican. T3 . . C 00 .i pan Sg 0.^ c o '— ~ o a <- coo- sl CO o J. o +JCO< 4953 131915201965 944 3719 441 3831 1209 45302501 181414161329 2957 36548 1355 1145 3679 19281631 21292715 970 11451881 1601 966 4187 703 1695 1996 627 3496 330 1315 417737682040 6308 12801142 363 1495 2218 900918 16183103 3287 2197 1541 1989 2822 39240 1643 1407 1413 1174 13571276 2883 466 2265 2421 742 1302 4669 114031601142 14334207 611 10151928 35782071 41 355J27883120356745542009 1553 15661231 2952 3465 63631115 2209 845 2486 3069 1245 38334665 131915411807 3055 1043 646 2357 1410 3912 980 4851 1522 910 2069 1140 4708 3198 2850 978 4372 650 2795 1911 15701297 3851 4770 1672 4505 1733 213425952782 40764730 2444 14301939 793 2811 1874 4410 1657 1428 1651 30133174 16721921 5443 800 13831316 4040 772459 2589 1552 2838 1081584718041269 3553 786 5891 2758 S171 21553031 936 1984 16711751 206621318999 16441568 2105 1170 37 268 114 39 209 135 86 20 347 34 518 10 90 7 201 109 28 104 95 5 48 117 35 16 1 "3 "8 17 43 183 145 2 1 2 "ii 1 111 74 604 207 236 112132102 277 38 129 65 746 94 25 161 61 43 57 204391 89 282 108 770 17 "i 3 "i 6 9 S 7 s Cook 1 "id"2 33 8 1 '9 4 8 DeWltt.... 1 Piatt 14 2 55 27 641 29 115182341 .96 99 2644 3 288207 138 39 482469 133677 4170 237 '"2 "8 Scott Shelby 134 1 340 249 106 4 14 6 1 1 s Tazewell o 9 134613452907 13675398 2627 1869 5235 26196277 1198 3087 1667 2166 2276 893 2850 1363 524 2632 16476001 1329 2080 647 140 61 172 26 309 141 55 514 27 100 12 2 2 "'3 52 11 15 6 1 Whi te 4 1 Kendall Will 13 1 130 ? 4 275958 257099 16951 157 Practical Rules for Every Day Use. How to find the gain or loss per cent, when the cost and selling price are given. Rule. — Find the difference between the cost and selling price, which will be the gain or loss. Annex two ciphers to the gain or loss, and divide it by the cost price ; the result will be the gain or loss per cent. How to change gold into currency. Rule. — Multiply the given sum of gold by the price of gold. How to change currency into gold. Divide the amount in currency by the price of gold. How to find each partner's share of the gain or loss in a copartnership business. Rule. — Divide the whole gain or loss by the entire stock, the quo tient will be the gain or loss per cent. Multiply each partner's stock by this per cent., the result will be each one's share of the gain or loss. How to find gross and net weight and price of hogs. A short and simple method for finding the net weight, or price of hogs, when the gross weight or price is given, and vice versa. Note. — It is generally assumed that the gross weight of Hogs diminished by 1-5 or 20 per cent. of itself gives the net weight, and the net weight increased by % or 25 per cent, of itself equals the eross weight. To find the net weight or gross price. Multiply the given number by .8 (tenths.) To find the gross weight or net price. Divide the given number by .8 (tenths.) How to find the capacity of a granary, bin, or wagon-bed. Rule. — Multiply (by short method) the number of cubic feet by 6308, and point off one decimal place — the result will be the correct answer in bushels and tenths of a bushel. For only an approximate answer, multiply the cubic feet by 8, and point off one decimal place. How to find the contents of a corn-crib. Rule. — Multiply the number of cubic feet by 54, short method, or (207) 208 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. by ii ordinary method, and point off one decimal place — the result will be the answer in bushels. Notk— In estimating corn in the ear, the quality and the time it lias been cribbed must be taken into consideration, since corn will shrink considerably during the Winter and Spring. This rule generally holds good for corn measured at the time it is cribbed, provided it is sound and clean. How to find the contents of a cistern or tank. Rule. — Multiply the square of the mean diameter by the depth (all in feet) and this product by 5681 (short method), and point off ONE decimal place — the result will be the contents in barrels of 31J gallons. How to find the contents of a barrel or cask. Rule. — Under the square of the mean diameter, write the length (all in inches) in reversed order, so that its units will fall under the tens ; multiply by short method, and this product again by 430 ; point off one decimal place, and the result will be the answer in wine gallons. How to measure boards. Rule. — Multiply the length (in feet) by the width (in inches) and divide the product by 12 — the result will be the contents in square feet. How to measure scantlings, joists, planks, sills, etc. Rule. — Multiply the width, the thickness, and the length together (the width and thickness in inches, and the length in feet), and divide the product by 12 — the result will be square feet. How to find the number of acres in a body of land. Rule.— Multiply the length by the width (in rods), and divide the product by 160 (carrying the division to 2 decimal places if there is a remainder) ; the result will be the answer in acres and hundredths. When the opposite sides of a piece of land are of unequal length, add them together and take one-half for the mean length or width. How to find the number of square yards in a floor or wall. Rule. — Multiply the length by the width or height (in feet), and divide the product by 9, the result will be square yards. How to find the number of bricks required in a building. Rule. — Multiply the number of cubic feet by 22i. The number of cubic feet is found by multiplying the length, height and thickness (in feet) together. Bricks are usually made 8 inches long, 4 inches wide, and two inches thick ; hence, it requires 27 bricks to make a cubic foot without mortar, but it is generally assumed that the mortar fills 1-6 of the space. How to find the number of shingles required in a roof. Rule. — Multiply the number of square feet in the roof by 8, if the shingles are exposed 4i inches, or by 7 1-5 if exposed 5 inches. To find the number of square feet, multiply the length of the roof by twice the length of the rafters. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 209 To find the length of the rafters, at one-fourth pitch, multiply the width of the building by .56 (hundredths) ; at one-third pitch, by .6 (tenths) ; at two-fifths pitch, by .64 (hundredths) ; at one-half pitch, by .71 (hundredths). This gives the length of the rafters from the apex to the end of the wall, and whatever they are to project must be taken into consideration. Note.— By % or % pitch is meant that the apex or comb of the roof is to be % or % the width of the building higher than the walls or base of the rafters. How to reckon the cost of hay. Rule. — Multiply the number of pounds by half the price per ton, and remove the decimal point three places to the left. How to measure grain. Rule. — Level the grain ; ascertain the space it occupies in cubic feet ; multiply the number of cubic feet by 8, and point off one place to the left. Note. — Exactness requires the addition to every three hundred bushels of one extra bushel. The foregoing rule may be used for finding the number of gallons, by multiplying the number of bushels by 8. If the corn in the box is in the ear, divide the answer by 2, to find the number of bushels of shelled corn, because it requires 2 bushels of eai corn to make 1 of shelled corn. Rapid rules for measuring land without instruments. In measuring land, the first thing to ascertain is the contents of any given plot in square j^ards ; then, given the number of yards, find out the number of rods and acres. The most ancient and simplest measure of distance is a step. Now, an ordinary-sized man can train himself to cover one yard at a stride, on the average, with sufficient accuracy for ordinary purposes. To make use of this means of measuring distances, it is essential to walk in a straight line ; to do this, fix the eye on two objects in a line straight ahead, one comparatively near, the other remote ; and, in walk ing, keep these objects constantly in line. Farmers and others by adopting the following simple and ingenious con trivance, may always carry with them the scale to construct a correct yard measure. Take a foot rule, and commencing at the base of the little finger of the left hand, mark the quarters of the foot on the outer borders of the left arm, pricking in the marks with indelible ink. To find how many rods in length will make an acre, the width being given. Rule. — Divide 160 by the width, and the quotient will be the answer. 210 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. How to find the number of acres in any plot of land, the number of rods being given. Rule. — Divide the number of rods by 8, multiply the quotient by 5, and remove the decimal point two places to the left. The diameter being given, to find the circumference. Rule. — Multiply the diameter by 3 1-7. How to find the diameter, when the circumference is given. Rule. — Divide the circumference by 3 1-7. To find how many solid feet a round stick of timber of the same thick ness throughout will contain when squared. Rule. — Square half the diameter in inches, multiply by 2, multiply by the length in feet, and divide the product by 144. General rule for measuring timber, to find the solid contents in feet. Rule. — Multiply the depth in inches by the breadth in inches, and then multiply by the length in feet, and divide by 144. To find the number of feet of timber in trees with the bark on. Rule. — Multiply the square of one-fifth of the circumference in inches, by twice the length, in feet, and divide by 144. Deduct 1-10 to 1-15 according to the thickness of the bark. Hoivard's new rule for computing interest. Rule. — The reciprocal of the rate is the time for which the interest on any sum of money will be shown by simply removing the decimal point two places to the left ; for ten times that time, remove the point one place to the left; for 1-10 of the same time, remove the point three places to the left. Increase or diminish the results to suit the time given. Note.— The reciprocal of the rate is found by inverting the rate ; thus 3 per cent, per month, in verted, becomes % of a month, or 10 days. When the rate is expressed by one figure, always write it thus : 3-1, three ones. Rule for converting English into American currency. Multiply the pounds, with the shillings and pence stated in decimals, by 400 plus the premium in fourths, and divide the product by 90. U. S. GOVERNMENT LAND MEASURE. A township — 36 sections each a mile square. A section — 640 acres. A quarter section, half a mile square — 160 acres. An eighth section, half a mile long, north and south, and a quarter of a mile wide — 80 acres. A sixteenth section, a quarter of a mile square — 40 acres. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 211 The sections are all numbered 1 to 36, commencing at the north-east corner. The sections are divided into quarters, which are named by the cardinal points. The quarters are divided in the same way. The de scription of a forty acre lot would read : The south half of the west half of the south-west quarter of section 1 in township 24, north of range 7 west, or as the case might be ; and sometimes will fall short and sometimes overrun the number of acres it is supposed to contain. The nautical mile is 795 4-5 feet longer than the common mile. SURVEYORS' MEASURE. 7 92-100 inches make 1 link. 25 links " 1 rod. 4rods -. " 1 chain. 80 chains " 1 mile. Note. — A chain is 100 links, equal to 4 rods or 66 feet. Shoemakers formerly used a subdivision of the inch called a barley corn ; three of which made an inch. Horses are measured directly over the fore feet, and the standard of measure is four inches — called a hand. In Biblical and other old measurements, the term span is sometimes used, which is a length of nine inches. The sacred cubit of the Jews was 24.024 inches in length. The common cubit of the Jews was 21.704 inches in length. A pace is equal to a yard or 36 inches. A fathom is equal to 6 feet. A league is three miles, but its length is variable, for it is strictly speaking a nautical term, and should be three geographical miles, equal to 3.45 statute miles, but when used on land, three statute miles are, said to be a league. In cloth measure an aune is equal to li yards, or 45 inches. An Amsterdam ell is equal to 26.796 inches. A Trieste ell is equal to 25.284 inches. A Brabant ell is equal to 27.116 inches. HOW TO KEEP ACCOUNTS. Every farmer and mechanic, whether he does much or little business, should keep a record of his transactions in a clear and systematic man ner. For the benefit of those who have not had the opportunity of ac quiring a primary knowledge of the principles of book-keeping, we here present a simple form of keeping accounts which is easily comprehended, and well adapted to record the business transactions of farmers, mechanics and laborers. 212 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 1875. A. H. JACKSON. Dr. Cr. Jan. 10 a 17 Feb. 4 u 4 March 8 u 8 u 13 u 27 April it 9 9 May 0 24 July 4 To 7 bushels Wheat at $1.25 By shoeing span of Horses To 14 bushels Oats at $ .45 To51bs. Butter at .25 By new Harrow By sharpening 2 Plows By new Double-Tree _ . To Cow and Calf To half ton of Hay ... By Cash By repairing Corn-Planter To one Sow with Pigs By Cash, to balance account 48 6 17 50 05 $218 2 25 4 35 50 00 40 25 00 7515 05 1875. CASS A MASON. Dr. Cr. March 21 at $1.25 $6 8 10 22 20 18 00 10 0075 70 00 20 $3 25 12 18 9 7t " 21 " 23 May 1 1 To 2 Shoats To 18 bushels Corn.. By 1 month's Labor ' at 3.00 at .45 on To Cash June 19 26 By 8 days' Mowing. To' 50 lbs. Flour at $1.50 00 July 10 29 Aug. 1212 To 27 lbs. Meat By 9 days' Harvesting. __- By 6 days' Labor _ _ To Cash at $ .10 at 2.00 at 1.50 00 00 Sept. 1 To Cash to balance account $67 75 $67 75 INTEREST TABLE. A Simple Rule for accurately Computing Interest at Any Given Per Cent, j-or Any Length of Time. Multiply the principal (amount of money at interest) by the time reduced to days ; then divide this product by the gttofrient obtained by dividing 360 (the number of days in the interest year) by the per cent, of interest andt/ie quotient thus obtained will be the required interest. illustration. Solution. Require the interest of $462.50 for one month and eighteen days at 6 per cent. An $462.50 interest month is 30 days; one month and eighteen days equal 48 days. $462.50 multi- .48 plied by .48 gives $222.0000; 360 divided by 6 (the per cent, of interest) gives 60, and $222.0000 divided by 60 will give you the exact intere-it, whieU is $3.70. If the race of 370000 interest in the above example were 12 per cent., we would divide the $222.0000 by 30 B)3B0 \ 185000 (because 360 divided by 12 gives 30); if 4 per cent., we would divide by 90; if 8 I per -!—— \ cent., by 45 : and in like manner for any other per cent. 60/$222.0000($3.70 180 420 420 ~oo MISCELLANEOUS TABLE. 12 units, or things, 1 Dozen, I 196 pounds, 1 Barrel of Flour. 12 dozen, 1 Gross. 200 pounds, 1 Barrel of Pork. 20 things, 1 Score. I 24 sheets of paper. 1 Quire. , 20 quires paper 1 Ream. 56 pounds, 1 Firkin of Butter. | 4 ft. wide, 4 ft. high, and 8 ft. long, 1 Cord Wood. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 213 NAMES OF THE STATES OF THE UNION, AND THEIR SIGNIFICATIONS. Virginia. — The oldest of the States, was so called in honor of Queen Elizabeth, the "Virgin Queen," in whose reign Sir Walter Raleigh made his first attempt to colonize that region. Florida. — Ponce de Leon landed on the coast of Florida on Easter Sunday, and called the country in commemoration of the day, which was the Pasqua Florida of the Spaniards, or " Feast of Flowers." Louisiana was called after Louis the Fourteenth, who at one time owned that section of the country. Alabama was so named by the Indians, and signifies " Here we Rest." Mississippi is likewise an Indian name, meaning " Long River." Arkansas, from Kansas, the Indian word for " smoky water." Its prefix was really arc, the French word for " bow." The Carolinas were originally one tract, and were called "Carolana," after Charles the Ninth of France. Georgia owes its name to George the Second of England, who first established a colony there in 1732. Tennessee is the Indian name for the " River of the Bend," i. e., the Mississippi which forms its western boundary. Kentucky is the Indian name for " at the head of the river." Ohio means " beautiful ; " Iowa, " drowsy ones ; " Minnesota, " cloudy water," and Wisconsin, " wild-rushing channel." Illinois is derived from the Indian word illini, men, and the French suffix ois, together signifying "tribe of men." Michigan was called by the name given the lake, fish-weir, which was so styled from its fancied resemblance to a fish trap. Missouri is from the Indian word " muddy," which more properly applies to the river that flows through it. Oregon owes its Indian name also to its principal river. Cortes named California. 'Massachusetts is the Indian for " The country around the great hills." Connecticut, from the Indian Quon-eh-ta-Cut, signifying "Long River." Maryland, after Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles the First, of England. New York was named by the Duke of York. Pennsylvania means " Penn's woods," and was so called after Williana Penn, its orignal owner. 214 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. Delaware after Lord De La Ware. New Jersey, so called in honor of Sir George Carteret, who was Governor of the Island of Jersey, in the British Channel. Maine was called after the province of Maine in France, in compli ment of Queen Henrietta of England, who owned that province. Vermont, from the French word Vert Mont, signifying Green Mountain. New Hampshire, from Hampshire county in England. It was formerly called Laconia. The little State of -Rhode Island owes its name to the Island of Rhodes in the Mediterranean, which domain it is said to greatly resemble. Texas is the American word for the Mexican name by which all that section of the country was called before it was ceded to the United States. POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES. States and Territories. Alabama Arkansas California Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Mai ne Maryland Massachusetts — Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New J ersey New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Total States Arizona Uolorada Dakota ¦ District of Columbia Id alio Montana New Mexico Utah Wwhi ngton Wyoming Total Territories Total United States Total Population. 484.560,537.125.187. 184,539.680, 191, 364 .321. 726,626,780,457, 184, 439,837, 721. 122. 42, 318,906, .382.,071,,665. 90. ,521, 217. 705, ,358. 818, 330, ,225, 442, ,054, 992471 247454015748 109 K91637792 399011915 !) I 5 894 351 059 706922 295 993491300 096 759 361360923 791353606520579551 163 014 670 1413,253 9,658 39.864 14,181 131.700 14,999 20,59591,874 86.786 23,955 9,118 442,730 38,555,983 POPULATION PRINCIPAL OF FIFTY CITIES. Cities. New York, N. Y Philadelphia, Pa Brooklyn, N. Y St. Louis, Mo Chicago, 111 Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass Cincinnati, Ohio New Orleans, La. .. San Francisco, Gal.. Buffalo, N. Y Washington, D. C... Newark. N.J Louisville, Ky Cleveland, Ohio Pittsburg, Pa Jersey City, N. J ... Detroit, Mich Milwaukee, Wis Albany, N. Y Providence, R. I Rochester, N. Y Allegheny, Pa Richmond, Va New Haven, Conn.. Charleston, S. C Indianapolis, Ind. .. Troy, N. Y....~ Syracuse, N. Y Worcester, Mass..., Lowell, Mass Memphis, Te mi Cambridge, Mass. . . Hartford, Conn Scranton, Pa Reading, Pa Paterson. N.J Kansas City, Mo Mobile, Ala Toledo. Ohio Portland, Me Columbus, Ohio Wilmington, Del... Dayton, Ohio Lawrence, Mass Utica, N. Y Charlestown, Mass Savannah, Ga Lynn. Mass Fall River, Mass... Aggregate Population. 942,292674.023 396,099310,864298.977267,354250,526216,239 191,418149.473 117,714109,199105,059100,753 92,829 86,076 82.546 79,57771,44069,42268,90462,38653.18051.03850.84048,95648,24446,46543,05141,10540,92840,226 39,63437,18035,092 33,93033.57932,26032,034- 31,58431,41331,274 30.84130.47328,92128.804 28,323 28,23528,23326,766 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 215 POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES. States and Territories. States. Alabama Arkansas California Connecticut Delaware.... Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts...Michigan* Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire. New Jersey New York North Carolina. . Ohio Oregon, 1 Last Census of Area in square Miles. 5052, 188. 4,, fl58.55.3355.81.3741,31, 11 7; 56,S347, 1,5, 75, 112, Population 996, 560,537, 125,187, 1.184, 2,539, 1.680, 1,191, 364, 1,321, 726, 626, 780, 1,457,1.184, 439,827, 1,721. 123. 42, 318906, 4,382, 1,071. 3,665, 90, Michigan Miles R. R. 1875. 1872. 1,350,544 528,349 857,039 992 471 24T 454015 748 109 891 6377 92 399 Oil915 9158943511)511 Tim,922 295 (.93 491300 ,•„; 7593612611 923 taken in 1874. 1,651,9121,334,031 598,429 246,280 52,540 1,026,502 4,705,208 States and Territories. States. Pennsylvania... Rhode Island... South Carolina. Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia West Virginia... Wisconsin Total States. , Territories. Arizona Colorado Dakota Dist. of Columbia, Idaho Montana New Mexico Utali Washington Wyoming Total Territories. Area in square Miles. 46,000 1,306 29.38545,600 237,504 10,212 40.90423,00053,924 1,950,171 113,916104,500147,490 60 90,932 143.776121,201 80.05669,944 93,107 965,032 Population. 3,521, 217, 705, 1,258, 818, 330, 1,225. 442, 1.054, 38,113,253 14. 131, 14 20 9186. 23 9. 442,730 1875. 258.239925,145 1,236.729 MilesR. R. 1872. 5,113 136 1.2011,520 865675 1,490 485 1.725 59,587 375 498 1,265 Aggregate of U. S.. 2,915,203 38,555,983 60,852 * Included in the Railroad Mileage of Maryland. PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD; Population and Area. Countries. Population. Date of Census. Area in Square Miles. Inhabitants to Square Mile. Population. China British Empire Russia United States with Alaska. , France Austria and Hungary Japan Great Britain and Ireland.. German Empire Italy Spain Brazil Turkey Mexico Sweden and Norway Persia Belgium Bavaria Portugal Holland a ew Grenada Chili Switzerland Peru Bolivia Argentine Republic Wurtemburg Denmark Venezuela Baden Greece Guatemala Ecuador Paraguay Hesse Liberia San Salvador Hayti Nicaragua Uruguay Honduras San Domingo *'osta Rica Hawaii 446,500 000 226.817,108 81,925,40038,925,60036,469,80035,904,40034,785.300 31,817.100 29,906.09327.439,921 16.642.000 10000.000 16,463,000 9,173.0005,921 500 5,000.0005,021,3004,861,4003,995,200 3,688.3003.000.000 2,000.0002,669.1002,500,000 2,000,000 1,813,0001.818.5001,784.7001,500,000 1,461,400 1,457.9001,180,0001,300,0001,000,000 823,138718,000600,000 ' 573.000350.000300,000 350,000 136,000 165.000 62.950 18711871 1871 18701866 1S691S71 187118711871 1867 18691870187018691871186818701870 186(1 18701871 18691871 1870 '1871 1870187118711871 1871 1871 1871 1871 '1870 3.741,8464,677,4328.003,778 2.603.884 204,091240.348 149,399 121.315160,207 118,847195,775 3,253 029 672.621761.526 292.871 635.964 11,37329,29234,49412.680 357.157 132.616 15,992 471.838497.321 871,848 7,533 14,753 368,338 5,912 19,353 40,879 218,928 63,787 2,969 9,5767,335 10,205 58,17166,722 47,092 17,837 21.505 7.633 119.3 48.6 10.2 7.78 178.7149.4 233.8262.3 187. 230.9 85. 3.07 24.4 20. 7.8 441.5 165.9115.8 390.9 8.4 15.1 166.9 5.34. 2.1 241.4 120.9 4.2 247. 75.328.9 5.9 15.6 277. 74.981.8 56. 6. 7.7 80. Pekin London St. Petersburg. Washington Paris Vienna Yeddo London Berlin Rome Madrid Rio Janeiro Constantinople Mexico Stockholm Teheran Brussels Munich Lisbon Hague Bogota Santiago Berne Lima Cliuquisaca Buenos Ayres.. Stuttgart Copenhagen — Caraccas Carlsruhe Athens Guatemala Quito Asuncion Darmstadt Monrovia Sal Salvador . . . Port au Prince Managua Monte Video... Comayagua San Domingo... San Jose Honolulu 1,648,800 3,251,800 667,000 109,199 1.825.300 833,900 1,554,900 3,251,800 825,400 24'4.484 332,000420.000 1,075,000 210.300 136.900 120,000 314,100 169.500 224,063 90,10045,000 115,400 36.000 160,100 25.000 177.800 91,600 162,042 47,00036,60043,40040,000 70,000 48,000 30.000 3,000 15.000 20,000 10,000 44.500 12,000 20.000 2.000 7.633 216 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION POPULATION OF ILLINOIS, By Counties. COUNTIES. AGGREGATE. 1870. 1850. 1840. 1820. Adams Alexander. . Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign.Christian . . Clark, Clay Clinton Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland De Kalb... De Witt... Douglas Du Page Edgar Edwards Effingham. . Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin Greene Grundy . Hamilton . _ Hancock Hardin Henderson . Henry Iroquois Jack son... . Jasper.. J.. Jefferson Jersey Jo Daviess. Johnson Kane. Kankakee. . Kendall ... Knox Lake La Salle Lawrence ._ Lee Livingston . Logan 56362 10564 13152 1294212205 32415 6562 16705 11580 3273720363 187191587516285 25235 349966 13889 12223 23265 147681348416685 21450 7565 15653 19638 9103 12652 38291 1 "34 20277 1493813014 35935 5"3 12582 35506 25782I96341 1234 17864 1505427820 1 1248 3909124352 12399 3952221014 60792 12533 271713147123053 41323 4707 9815 11678 9938 26426 5144 "733113251462910492 14987 9336 10941 14203 144954 11551 8311 1908610820 7140 1470116925 5454 7816 III 1979 9393 33338 8055 16093 10379 9915 29061 3759 9501 20660 12325 9589 8364 12965 12051 27325 9342 30062 1541213074 28663 18257 48332 9214 1765111637 14272 26508 2484 61447624 7198 88413231 4586 7253 26493203 95324289 5139 9335 43385 7135 37187540 5002 9290 10692 352437998075 5681 22508 5448 12429 30236362 14652 2887 4612 3807 4149 5862 3220 8109 7354 18604 4114 16703 7730 132791422617815 6121 5-29* 1553 5128 14476 33135060 1705 4183 3067 1 741 1023 2981 1475 1878 7453 322837i89616 10201 4422 1697 3247 3535 82253070 1675 6328 3682 13142 10760 11951 3945 9946 1378 12601695 356614725762 4535618036266501 7060 26349348 7092 2035 759 2333 2186 . 1390 3124 626 2931 1090 3940 755 • 2330 . 931 3"7 2999 4071 . 1649 3444 2704 4083184174057674 1763 3155 2616 483 4i 1828 2555 1542 691 2111 . 1596 843 274. 3668 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 217 POPULATION OF ILLINOIS— Concluded. COUNTIES. Macon Macoupin Madison Marion Marshall Mason _ Massac McDonough.McHenry McLean Menard Mercer Monroe Montgomery Morgan Moultrie Ogle Peoria Perry Piatt Pike Pope Pulaski Putnam Randolph Richland Rock Island Saline Sangamon ... Schuyler Scott Shelby Stark ., St. Clair Stephenson.. Tazewell Union Vermilion Wabash Warren Washington . Wayne White Whitesides . . Will Williamson.. Winnebago .. Woodford AGGREGATE. 1870. 1860. 1850. 1840. 1830. 1820 Total. 2648132726 44I3I 20622 16950 16184 9581 265092376253988 "73518769129 25314 28463 10385 27492 47540 1372310953 30708 "437 875; 6280 2085912803 29783 12714 46352 17419 10530 25476 1075 1 51068 3060827903 16518 30388 8841 23174 1759919758 16846 2750343013 17329 29301 18956 2539891 13738 2460231251 1273913437 10931 6213 20069 22089 28772 9584 150421283213979 22112 6385 2288836601 95526127 27249 6742 39435587 17205 97" 21005 9331 32274 14684 9069 14613 9004 37694 2511221470 1118119800 7313 18336I373I 12223 1240318737 29321 12205 24491 13282 1711951 12355 20441 6720 5180592i 4092 7616 1497810163 6349 5246 7679 6277 16064 3234 10020 17547 5278 1606 18819 3975 22653924 1 1079 4012 6937 5588 1922810573 79'4 7807 3710 20180 1 1666 12052 7615 1 1492 46908176 69536825 8925536i 16703 7216 "773 4415 851470 30397926 14433 4742 1849 53o8 2578 6565 4431 2352 44814490 19547 34796i533222 11728 4094 21317944 2610 14716 697262156659 1573 13631 2800 7221 5524 9303 4240 67394810 5133 79192514 10167 4457 4609 476183 11221990 6221 2125 (*) 26 2000 2953 12714 1215 23963316 «3io 4429 a 2960 £2959 2972 7078 4716 3239 5836 2710 308 1675 25536091 1574^5 PRODUCTIONS OF AGRICULTURE, STATE OF ILLINOIS, BY C0UNTIES.-I870. JOUNTIES Total Adams Alexander Bond .-: Boone brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign Christian Clark Clay Clinton Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland DeKalb DeWltt Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards Effingham Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin Greene Grundy Hamilton Hancock Hardin Henderson Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane K.ankakee Kendall Knox Lake LaSalle Lawrence Lee Livingston Logan Macon Macoupin Madison Marion Marshall Mason Massac McDonough McHenry McLean Menard Mercer.... Monroe Montgomery Morgan Moultrie Ogle Peoria Perry Piatt Pike Pope Pulaski Putnam Randolph Richland Rock Island Saline Sangamon Schuyler Scott Shelby Stark St. Clair Stephenson Tazewell Union Vermilion Wabash Warren Washington Wayne White Whitesides Will Williamson Winnebago Woodf ord Improved Land. Number 19.329.952 287.926 13,836 145,045 137,307 57,068 398,611 37,684 186.864 92.902 419,368241.472 118.594146.922150,177 208,337348.824 105,505 75,34 334, 50* 168,539147,1J 64.874 «S65,458 58,912 120,343 187,196 141,228 80,749 228,132 49,572 175,408 193,999 88,996 311,517 28.117 140,954 265,904322,510 78,548 90,867 118,951 94,147 156.51 57.82U 240.120312,182164.004330,829 207,779 533,724 87,828 322,212377,505321,709805,259231.059257,032173.081166,057 209,453 25,151 261.635 230.566 494,978 134,173 222 806 92.81(1 276,682243.456 144,220 316,883 170,729 93.75494,454 233 785 55.980 19,319 37.271 140.764 75,079 155.214 72,309 421, 74t 96,195 85.331 310.179 138,129 231,117 254,857 229,126 75,832 360,251 54.063 266.187 177 592 147,352 92.398 339,809419,442128,448 241,373225,504 Woodl'nd Numbei . 5,061.578 Other un improved 112,576 17,761 42,61329.88635,49141,866 63.443 29,793 33.49316,78919,803 102,201 80,612 48,r"~ 45,214 19,635 78,350 40,334 17,722 29,548 11,897 17,243 66,80357,58556.33U 93,460 2,996 3.994 123.823 68,75093,242 6,256 93.878 43.38544,77134,705 12,620 22,47887,64267,023 94,888 51,427 82,07fc 3 34,646 10,97814,244 41,566 21,07248,117 72,73812,07112,46217,394 18,153 81,22489.45061,57928.26U31,73933,39652,54153,29340,36634.93145,97783,36947,80460,21724,78343,643 48.66668,470 5,978 128,953 87.754 12.516 17,184 162,274 50,61831,239 70.39351,08562,47744,63374,908 12,375 76,591 43.16745,268 83 606 53,07837,55827.294 55,852 146,794 78.167 21.82324,261 116,949 37,238 25,217 Number. 1.491.331 Spring Wheat. Bushels. 10.133.207 Winter Wheat, Bushels. 19 995.198 Rye. Bushels. 2 456.578 Indian Corn. Bushels. 129.921.39! Oats. Bushels. 42.780.851 19,370 1.915 2,658 25,608 15,803 2.754 33,302 6,604 58,508 19,173 5,420 5.2258,722 3,274 17,33" 27,185 5,604 6,551 17,633 7,316 3.851 14,282 830 26,206 16.786 63,97686,710 4,0762.665 29.653 4,5053,343 18.480 107 14,24331,45963,498 5,991 12,250 778 1,363 45,779 79,141 39g 10,598 2,283 25.15524,399 2.356 3,2737,409 41,788 408 9,1157,343 13,675 4,1422,976 31,013 30 14,035 57.998 49,087 13,952 22,588 666 8.4951,376 13,112 14,918 2,516 220 13,897 9,302 4.174 1.170 2 025 20,755 809 19,932 21,294 1,6109,314 2,7832,016 13,701 14,846 5,300 31,122 509 14,583 1931 10,486 869 37.310 6,3351,648 15,237 23,135 16,191 700 241,042 13,276 465,236 75 418,073 12,165 102.577 18,360 1,894 500 2.651 144,296 60 550 398,059106,493 7,683 106,096 13,283 77 42,571 365 193,669 21,700 129 .181,378 13 161,112 462,379 57,160 890 282,758 188,826103,466 90.681 267,764 168,914 271,181 450.793 120,206198.05b 55,239 160 551 106,129 73,261 273,871401,790 211,801 36,152 289,291 59 18,19617,128 497,038 92,361 26,382 130 28,137 450 243,541 200 89,30456,221 18 15,526 124,630 2,550 527,394 132,417 44,806 "186,290 266 457,455 195,286 176 408,606 178,139 947.616 42,658 368.625 599 117.502 724 221,298 260 127,054 123,091 504,041 195.118 85,737 610.888 154,485 4,904 212,924 84,697 190 > 11,695 65,461 693 247,360 122,703195,716 351,310 1,008 111.324 223.930 83,098 57(7,400 1511 92,347 232,750 32,306 69,062 445 10.480 329,036 87.808 100.553558,367 555 92,191 325480 1,249 7.654 221 2.193 264,134 2.260 1,339 40.983 196,613 861,391: 1,207,181 173,65!: 900 125,628 72.31636,14b 270 10,955 45,793 13,208 651,767 744.891357,523 196,436 5,580 31.843 350,446 39.762 1057,497 70,45744,922 796 1,031,022 150,268 2.279 83.011 247.658 165.724 266.105452,015 1,562.621 2,118 72,410 180.231249.558202.201 5,712 672,486164.689184,321 264 1,996 170,787 2,468 108,307 20,989 30 6,240 35,871 4,742 43,811 186 25,721 2 772 45.75210,722 7,308 3,2211,619 8,825 20,171 15,49714,798 21,018 11 540 9,0177,532 37,508 528 19,759 25.32H 11,577 5.195 131,711 5U 415 4,931 11.672 133,533 865 96.43035,761 23,250 524 9,1655,93^ 7.185 2,461- 23.618 12,935 5.16: 113,54-; 5.871 48.30) 1,121 14,828 26,16; 37.232 29,22:-, 2.404 3,68f 1'4,517 36,13549.18S 544 52.40129,26 39.824 4.28 40,771- 1.42; 3,29t5,53.' 6,670 157,504 99, 50* 1,0119.24S- 25,303 2.309 222 7.7073,236 3.401 20,003 568 23,07820,841 930 23.686 30.534 1,008 135,362 59,027 1,737 52,476 72,212 2,576 8,665 418 31.658 8.030 6,228 137.985 20.426 1,452,905 244,220 1,064,052 466,985 337.769 3,030,404 234,041 1.367.9651.146,980 3,924,720 1,883,336 614.582 1,019.994 813.257 2,133,111 670,42'581.964403.075 1.023.C : 1,311,6351,680,226 331,981 2,107,615 352,371 620.247962.525565,671 653.20" 1,508.763 509,491 1,051.313 295,971735,252 1,510,401 172.651 1,712.901 2,541,688 799,816611,951461,345887,981 519,120 1,286,326 343,29^ 674.33:637.390 681,261 2,708,31! 517,35: 3,077,02- 656,36: 1,656,971- 1,182.6914,221,641 2,214,46E 1,051,544 2.127,5491.034,05r< 1,182,90:, 2,648,721 133,121 1,362,491' 1,145.0063,723 37! 1.973 88 2,054.96!; 543.7U 1,527,891- 3,198,835 1,753 141 1,787,066 969,224384,446 1,029.7251,399,18b 315,958 195,735334,259510.081 482.594 1.459,65? 531,511 4,388.763 440.975 752.771 2,082,578 1,149 878 1,423.1211.615,679 2,062,053 679.753 2,818.027 421,361 2,982,853 836.115 1,179,291 870.521 2,162,943 1.131,458 655,710 1,237.406 2,154,185 759,074 21,627 461,097579,127 70,852 987,426 26.234 775,100 168.784 721,375383,821 212.628269:945446.324315.954 1,584:225 136,255171,880 1,087,074 216,756225,074860.809290,679 129,152 386.073 497,395 154,589 222,426261,390 27,164 64,029 269.332203,464 579,599 26,991 229,286668.367 430,746 149,931 149,214285,949 71.770 874,016 74,525 785,608 772,408468.890787,952 699.069 1,509,642 131,386 903,197659,300490,226 454.648 459,417475,252389,446362,604272,660 22,097 280,717 910.397911,127 235,091 452,889 152.251 668,424 198,724 263,992 141,540 334,892 338,760130,610161,419 67,886 16,511 86,519 414,487204.634276.575 69.793 397,718119.359 13.462 637.812316.726476.851960.620 505,841124,473 436.051 110,793 601.054 533,398 404,482 119.652 880 838 1,868.682 180.986 868.903744,581 History of Carroll County. In January, A.D. 1818, the territorial legislature of Illinois petitioned Congress for the admission of the territory into the Union as an inde pendent state. At that time Nathaniel Pope was territorial representative (delegate) in Congress, and it was through him the petition was presented to Congress. By reason of a pressure of other business, the petition was allowed to remain in abeyance until the following April, when, with certain amendments prepared by Mr. Pope, it became a law, and Illinois was de clared to be a sovereign and independent state of the American Union. The amendments proposed by Mr. Pope were, first, to extend the northern boundary of the new state to the parallel of 42 degrees, 30 minutes north latitude; and second, to apply the three per cent, fund, arising from the sales of the public lands,,to the encouragement of leaving instead of to the making of roads leading to the state, as had been the practice on the admission of Ohio and Indiana. "These important changes," says Ford's History of Illinois, "were proposed and carried through both houses of Congress, by Mr. Pope, upon his own responsibility. The territorial legislature had not petitioned for them — no one at that time having suggested or requested the making of them, but they met the unqualified approbation of the people of the state." Under the ordinance of 1787, there were to be not less than three, nor more than five, states, erected out of the territory northwest of the Ohio River. The boundaries of these states were defined by that ordinance. The three states of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, were to include the whole territory, and were> to be bounded by the British possessions on the north. But Congress reserved the right, if they thereafter found it expedient, to form one or two states in that part of the territory whicli lies north of an east and west line drawn through the southern bend of Lake Michigan. "That line, it was generally supposed," continues Mr. Ford, "was to be the north boundary of Illinois." Judge Pope, seeing that the port of Chicago was north of that line, and that it would be excluded by it from the state, was led to a critical examination of the ordinance which resulted in a clear and satisfactory conviction that it was competent for Congress to extend the boundaries of the new state as far north as they pleased, and he found no difficulty in convincing others of the correctness of his views. The same ordinance vested Congress with the power, if they should find it expedient, to establish a state north of Illinois, in that part of the northwestern territory which lies north of the parallel running through the southern bend of the lake. " Under this provision, Wisconsin, at one time, laid«claim to certain part of the northern section of Illinois, includ ing," said Mr. Ford, at the date of his writing (1847), "fourteen counties, embracing the richest and most populous part of the State." When Illinois was admitted into the Union in 1818, the whole people numbered only about forty-five thousand souls. Of these, some two thou sand were the descendants of the old French settlers at Kaskaskia, Prairie 13 222 HISTOEY OF CARKOLL COtTNTT. du Rocher, Prairie du Pont, Cahokia, Peoria and Chicago. These people lived in the style of the French peasantry of more than two hundred years ago. They had made no improvements in anything, nor had they adopted any of the improvements made by others. The other forty-three thousand- were made up by people from Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Vir ginia and Pennsylvania. In that year (1818) the settled part of the state extended a little north of Edwardsville and Alton; south, along the Missis sippi to the mouth of the Ohio; east, in the direction of Carlysle, in Clinton county, to the Wabash, and down the Wabash and the Ohio to the confluence of the Ohio with the Mississippi, where Cairo has since been built. But the country included within these boundaries was not all occu pied at that time. Between the Kaskaskia River and the Wabash, and between the Kaskaskia and the Ohio there was a large wilderness that could not be traversed in less than three days. The entire northern part of the state was a trackless prairie. But gradually the settlements extended north ward. Year by year immigration increased, but, as a rule, the early settlers selected homes in the timbered districts, leaving the prairies as worthless for agricultural uses, because of the scarcity of timber for fencing and other purposes. Gradually, however, a change came over the minds of men in regard to these things, and the prairies were sought after and put under cultivation ; and as their easy subjection to farm tillage and rich returns came to be known, their fame spread abroad, and Illinois began to be regarded as a very Valparaiso.* But with all their wealth and productive ness the prairies of Northern Illinois remained comparatively unknown, and almost entirely unoccupied by white men until after the close of the Black Hawk Indian troubles, in 1832. The first part of Northern Illinois to be permanently occupied by white men, so far as any records can be found, seems to have been La Pointe (now Galena). As to who made the first settlement the authorities differ. Ford's history ascribes that honor to Colonel James Johnson and a party of miners, from Kentucky, who located there in 1824, and commenced mining operations about one mile above the present site of the city. Another authority gives the honor to Ira Barker, who went from Terre Haute, Indi ana, with an exploring party in the Summer of 1824. This party made the entire journey across the state without seeing a single white man or sleeping in a house until they reached La Pointe, which, on their arrival, only boasted three or four log huts. The same authority from which this information is derived says that in the same Summer three other men, Smith, Meeker and Harris, also arrived at the same place, La Pointe. Whatever the differences of opinion as to who were the first settlers there, all agree as to the time — the Summer of 1824. These men, it is fair to presume, were all mining adventurers, and the extraordinary success that attended their ventures induced a great rush there in 1825; while in 1826 and 1827 fortune hunters poured in by thousands. In 1825 Galena was mapped out, and February 17, 1827, Jo Daviess County was organized. With the ex ception of the Galena miners of 1824, and a few scattered fur traders, there were no white settlers in all of Northern Illinois at that time. . The first settlements made in Carroll County were at Savanna, in 1828. In November of that year, George and Vance L. Davidson, Aaron Pierce and William Blundle, and their families, who had gone to the lead mines * Spanish for Vale of Paradise. HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 223 at Galena during the great excitement attending their early discovery and development by white men, removed from the mining district and settled at what was then known as the "Council Bluffs of the Upper Mississippi." This name was derived from the high, rocky bluffs that overlook the river at Savanna, and from the fact of an Indian council house having been built there. This house was built of poles and the bark of trees, and was two stories high, and sufficiently large to hold 1,000 persons. This old council house was still standing when the above named families came there, and was occupied by the Pierce family as a frontier hotel, and may be recog nized as the first hotel or tavern opened in Curroll County. The Pierce family continued to occupy this old council house as a residence and house of entertainment until a log cabin could be built. Settlements in Western and Northwestern and Northern Illinois at that date were few and far between — the Galena raining district being by far the largest, as it was the nearest to the new settlement made at the " Council Bluffs of the Upper Mississippi" by the Davidson, Pierce and Blundle families. Westward across the Mississippi and far away towards the setting sun the country was unknown to white men, and uninhabited save by Indian tribes. It was one vast wild, the stillness of whicli had never been broken by the voice of civilization and the resounding strokes of industry as they fell upon river, forests and flowery prairies. Eastward to Dixon's ferry, the prairie was just as wild as that from whicli it was divided by the Father of Waters, and the nearest settlement on the south was at Albany. Thus situated the new settlement was an isolated one — almost entirely shut out from civilization and civilizing influences, and to the hardy and resolute men and women who commenced it belongs the honor and the glory of being the advance guard of that large multitude of intelligent, refined and wealthy men and women who came after and swept on before them even to the golden slopes of the mighty Pacific ocean. In a historical sketch of the county, prepared by Hon. James Shaw, of Mt. Carroll, and read by that gentleman at Lanark, July 4, 1876, there is the following reference to some of the surroundings of these pioneers, whicli we transfer to these pages as a part of the county's Past : "The Indians were numerous and friendly. Game and fish were abundant, and so were musquitoes, flies and raccoons, also blackbirds, crows and other birds of prey. In fact, the first corn fields had to be guarded from the depredations of the latter. * * * River navigation was then done mostly by keel boats, by cordeling, poling, sailing and rowing, and the usual time from St. Louis to Galena was 30 days. Skiff voyages were often made to St. Louis. In July, 1828, Aaron Pierce and Marshal B. Pierce, his son, went to Bond County, this state, where they first made a temporary settlement on coming to the West, and drove their horses and cows to then- new home at (now) Savanna." These, it is to be assumed, were the first domestic horses and cows known to the territory now embraced in the present County of Carroll. The Winter of 1828-9 was spent in building cabins, making and haul ing rails and preparing the ground for spring crops. These pioneer families had moved from the mines in wagons drawn by oxen, and, coming in November, when the season was too far advanced to make hay, the oxen were subsisted upon the green grass that was protected and sheltered from frosts and snows by the thick growth of wild rushes that grew abundantly along the bottom lands. 224 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. From November, 1828, to the Spring of 1830-1, these families lived alone, but about the latter date John Bernard and three other men, named, respectively, Hays, Corbin and Robinson, joined the little colony, and set about making farms on claims they selected. Says Mr. Shaw in the paper already quoted: "John Bernard settled on the place now known as the 'Hatfield' place, and Hays and Robinson on the farm now owned by George Fish. Corbin took up the farm now owned by Noah McFarland. Corbin built his house or nest in a tree, eight feet from the ground, to keep away from the snakes that abounded there." These men were all bachelors when they first settled here, but all of them subsequently became convinced that it was not good for man to be alone, and took wives unto themselves. Up to the breaking out of the Black Hawk War, in 1832, the families of George and Vance L. Davidson, Aaron Pierce and William Blundle, and the "old bachelors," Bernard, Hays, Robinson, Goss and Corbin, and a man named Upton, constituted the entire population of the lower river part of Jo Daviess County. When Black Hawk and his tribe of Pottawatomies declared war against the whites -who had settled on various parts of their hunting grounds, the women and children of the settlers at the " Council Bluffs of the Upper Mississippi," were removed to Galena for safety, while the men remained to take care of their stock, cultivate their crops, etc. " To provide for their own safety," continues Mr. Shaw, " they built a small block-house fort of logs, near the point of the bluffs and not far from where the residence of Mr. M'Dupuis now stands. In this fort they withstood the fire of the Indians all of one afternoon without the loss of life, but their horses and cattle were not so fortunate. During that afternoon attack, Upton, who was a wild, daring, generous man, but of intemperate habits, and withal a kind of favorite with the settlers, had quite an adventure. When the attack commenced, he was out hunting, and not far from the site of the " Whitton farm " had shot a deer and was in the act of cutting its throat when he saw a band of Indians advancing in a circle towards him, with the evident intention of making him a prisoner. He didn't stop to finish the slaughter of the deer, but, re-loading his rifle, he struck out for the fort at a pace that has never since been equalled on the Upper Mis sissippi savannas.* Bullets flew thick and fast from the Indian guns, but Upton ran so fast they did not reach him, or dodged so quick as to escape their range, and escaped unharmed, although it was said that one ball did cut off the strap of his powder horn. As he neared the fort he heard the firing, and, turning from his course, sought concealment and safety in a cave, about half a mile above the present village site, which has ever since been known as " Upton's cave." He remained in the cave until darkness came on. The besieged men remained in the fort until nightfall, when, under cover of darkness, they made their escape to the river and started for Galena in a skiff. From his place of concealment Upton could hear the plashing of the skiff's oars and the murmuring voices of the occupants, and hailed them and thus escaped with the rest. It was said that, as" the little boat was rounding to take him on board, the occupants urged him to jump in before it had got within forty feet of the shore. During the afternoon, when the Indians were after him, Upton had done some pretty good jump ing as he thought, but forty feet was a little more than he was willing to undertake, particularly as the night was dark and he didn't know the depth *An open, grassy plain of large extent, and destitute of trees. HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 225 of the water. He was particularly anxious to keep his powder dry. It was also said before leaving the fort the men drew lots to see who should first go out and reconnoitre the surroundings and hunt up their boat. The lot fell upon Aaron Pierce, who, though his hair almost lifted his hat from his head, did his duty like a brave man. Mr. Goss happened to be outside of the fort when the attack commenced and was shut off from the main entrance by the Indians, but climbed up on the top and let himself down through the chimney. The Black Hawk War was not of long duration, and in 1833 the influx of settlers to this part of the state was pretty large, and many accessions were made to the " Upper Mississippi Council Bluffs " colony, the first settlers having returned as soon as the danger had passed. In 1832 Luther H. Bowen, a surveyor, after assisting in establishing the boundary line between Illinois and Wisconsin, settled at Galena, where he engaged as a clerk in some of the heavy smelting works. In 1835 he came down to the " Council Bluffs of tne Upper Mississippi," and bought the claim inter ests of George Davidson and Aaron Pierce, in sections four and nine, where the village of Savanna was founded. In 1836 he returned and laid off the town, and soon after commenced business by opening a store, and where he continued to live until his death, lamented by all, May 5, 1876 — a period of forty years, during whicli time he was recognized as one of the most public-spirited men of the county, and in which he was called to fill several positions of trust and honor, in all of which he was approved by his fellow- citizens as a good and faithful servant. When Mr. Bowen subdivided his land into town lots, he named the place Savanna, by which name it will hereafter be called in these pages. The name was suggested by the marshy plains lying south of and adjoining the town site, which were supposed to resemble the savannas that abounded along the course of the lower Mississippi river. The first post-office in this part of the Galena or Joe Daviess territory — for it was a territory then, embracing all the country north of the 41st parallel of latitude and west of Cook County — was established at Savanna, in 1836, and Mr. Bowen was appointed postmaster. Soon after Mr. Bowen opened his store, another was opened by Pierce & Davidson, and still others followed from time to time, for the Savanna settlement was the only one of importance between the villages of Galena and Rock Island, and a few years later became of almost as much import ance as either of those places, a prominence it maintained until towns and trading places grew up with the settlement of the country east to Rock River and the Kish'waukees. Freeport then — although a prominent trade and railroad center now — was known as Winnisheik (Indian) village. In August, 1837, Dr. Elias Woodruff came from Orange County, New York, and took up his residence here. John W. Fuller and David L. Bowen had also become Savannans, and, being men of spirit and enter prise, became prominently identified with the town and its subsequent his tory. Dr. Woodruff, John Fuller and David L. Bowen are still living, at the date of this writing. [November, 1877.] Dr. Woodruff in 1851 opened a drug store in a small frame building on the main street of the village, and in which he has continued business without interruption to the present. About the same time, Aaron Pierce, who had, in 1828, occupied the old council house as a residence and hotel, or tavern, built a frame hotel on the site now occupied by the home of John B. Rhodes, but it was afterwards 226 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. moved further down town, and is now known as the Chambers House. In 1837, Mr. L. H. Bowen also erected a hotel building, which was christened the Mississippi House, but the name was afterwards changed to the Wood ruff House. This building of forty years ago is still standing and occupied as a hotel. Miss Fuller, a sister of John W. Fuller, taught the first Savanna school in the Summer of 1837. In the Winter of 1837-8 Dr. Woodruff taught the vil lage school in a log build ing that stood down toward the lower end of town. He was the first male teacher and likewise the first physician to prescribe and administer fever and ague remedies, then, as in all new countries, the pre vailing diseases. And north of the 41st parallel of latitude he was the frontier physician. West to the Pacific Ocean, there was no other one, and no need of one, for that vast region of country, now so full of life and civ ilization, was a wild, uninhabited by white men. It is said to the credit of Dr. Woodruff that he never failed to respond promptly to all calls, whether rich or poor, and that no settler was ever allowed to suffer and languish for want of medical treatment and medicine, no matter how poor he might be; that fees did not concern him nearly as much as the health of those among whom he had cast his fortunes. The first saw-mill was erected in 1833, by Captain Craig, at Bowen's mill site, on Plum River, about two and a half miles to the east of the main part of the village. A year later, the Bowen Brothers (Luther H. and John L., the last named having joined the settlement in 1835-6) came in posses sion of this property and continued to operate it for some years. A powder mill was built at the same place in the course of the early history of Savanna, but both it and the old saw-mill went down long ago. Perhaps it ought to be written that the powder mill went up, as, in 1845, two of these mill buildings blew up, killing a young man named Balcom, and seriously injuring Elinathan Jacobs and one or two others. The mill was immedi ately rebuilt, and the manufacture of blasting powder for the mines (for which they were originally built) continued. In time, they ceased to be sufficiently remunerative to justify their continued operation, and the enter prise was abandoned. Idle and untenanted, some fishermen encamped in them, and in attempting to light a pipe, another explosion of powder that had been embedded in the loose soil succeeded, instantly killing one of the party, named Hicks, terribly burning another one, named Smith, and badly injuring a third one. The mills were originally built by Porter Sargent in • 1839, but a man named Bemis and some other eastern capitalists subse quently became interested in the enterprise, and at one time, when the Galena and other upper river lead mines were in the zenith of their success, proved a profitable investment. The site of these mills is now occupied by the large flouring mills of Messrs. Wood & Kitchen. ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTY. While Savanna was building up as a village, settlements had been making and extending back into the country, and the people found it incon venient and expensive in time and money to go to Galena to attend to county business, the distance being about forty miles by river, and about the same distance across the country and the hills. As the settlements increased, this inconvenience began to be a subject of general complaint, and ways and means came to be considered by which these inconveniences might be obviated. After mature deliberation, the formation of a new HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 227 county was conceded to be the surest and quickest means of emancipating themselves from the inconveniences against which the settlers had just cause of complaint. The necessary measures were inaugurated to carry out their purpose, and the eleventh session of the General Assembly of the State, which convened at Vandalia on the third day of December, 1838, passed the following act defining the boundaries of Carroll County, and providing also for the manner of choosing a seat of justice. Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, repre sented in the General Assembly, That all that tract of country contained within the following boundaries, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of town 25 north, range 2, east of the fourth principal meridian; thence east, on said township line, to the middle of range 7; thence south on the section line, to the north boundary of Whiteside County; thence west along the north boundary of Whiteside County to the middle of the channel of the Mississippi River; thence up the middle of the channel of the Mississippi River to a point opposite the place of beginning ; thence east to the place of beginning, shall constitute the County of Carroll. Sec. 2. That, for the purpose of fixing the permanent seat of justice of the said county, it shall be lawful for the legal voters within the above named boundaries to meet on the second Monday in April next, at the several places of holding elections, and vote for the place where the county seat shall be located, and the place receiving a majority of all the votes given shall be the permanent seat of justice of said county; and if no one place shall have received a majority of all the votes given, then it shall be lawful for the said legal voters to meet at the several places of holding elections on the second Monday of July, 1839, and then and there select and vote for one of the two places only heretofore voted for in April having the two highest number of votes, where the county seat shall be located; and that place having a majority of all the votes given, shall be the per manent seat of justice of said county. Sec. 3. The county seat shall be located on lands belonging to the United States, if a site for said county seat on such lands can be found equally as eligible as upon lands owned by individuals. If such location shall be made upon lands claimed by any individual in said county, or any individual having pre-emption right or title to the same, the claimant or proprietor upon whose lands, claim, or pre-emption right, the said seat of justice may be located, shall make a deed, in fee simple, to any number of acres of said tract, not less than twenty-five, to the said county ; or, in lieu thereof, such claimant, owner or owners, shall donate to the said county at least three thousand five hundred dollars, to be applied to the building of county buildings, in six, twelve and eighteen months after locating said county seat. If the town of Savanna, in said county, should receive the majority of all the votes given, the proprietors or owner of said town are herebv required to donate to said new county, for the purpose of erecting public buildings, a sufficient number of lots, in the town of Savanna, for the accommodation of the necessary public buildings, and three thousand five hundred dollars in cash, payable in three equal instalments, say in six, twelve and eighteen months, from the time the location of said county seat is established. Sec. 4. An election shall be held on the second Monday in April, next, at the different election precincts, for the purpose of electing county officers, who shall hold their offices until the next general election, and 228 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. until their successors are qualified; which said election shall be conducted, in all respects, agreeably to the provisions ot the law regulating elections. Returns of said election shall be made by the judges and clerks to the justices of the peace within said county. Said justices of the peace shall meet at the town of Savanna within seven days after said election and proceed to open said returns, and in all things perform the duties required by law of the clerks of county commissioners' courts and justices ot the peace in like cases. Sec. 5. That the county commissioners shall meet at the town of Savanna, within ten days after their election, and being firtit duly sworn, shall proceed to lay off the county into justices districts, and shall order an election to be held for the purpose of electing additional justices of the peace and constables within said county; shall provide means for raising county revenue, lay off the county into road districts, appoint supervisors, assess the amount of road labor, and perform such other duties as are required by law; Provided, That nothing in this section shall be so con strued as to repeal out of office any justice of the peace or constable now entitled and residing within the limits of said new county. Sec. 6. The courts of said county shall be held at the town of Savan na until a suitable preparation can be made of the county seat; said county shall constitute a part of the sixth judicial circuit, and the circuit court shall be held for said county twice a year, at such time as may be fixed by the judge of said district, until otherwise provided by law. Sec. 7. The qualified voters of the County of Carroll, in all elections, except county elections, shall vote with the district to which they belong; and the clerk of the county commissioners' court of said county shall com pare the election returns of said county with the clerk of the County of Jo Daviess, and shall make returns of elections to the Secretary of State, as is now required by law. The provisions of this section shall be observed until the next apportionment, or until otherwise provided by law. Sec. 8. The east half of the seventh range lying north of Whiteside County and South of Stephenson County, in towns 23, 24 and 25 north, shall be attached to and form a part of Ogle County. Approved, February 22, 1839. [Laws 1838-9, pp. 160-1-2.] In those days there was perhaps as much political figuring, according to the population, as there is now, and men who had county seat aspirations to gratify were no less wily and watchful than are the politicians of 1877. The founders of Savanna were naturally and creditably ambitious to have that point made the county seat of the new county, but there were some in fluences inimical to their interests to overcome. These influences, in the main, were confined to the three eastern townships. At Elkhorn Grove, a settlement almost as large as that at Savanna had grown up, which, united with the other influences opposed to Savanna, would overcome and defeat the last named place for the county seat. If that influence could be divided, the Savannans felt assured of success. These influences were fully considered, and plans matured for their division or removal. In pre paring the bill for the erection of the county it was so drafted (as the reader will see by reference to the first section) as to split the eastern tier of town ships in the centre from north to south. This legal maneuvering crippled Savanna's opposition and rendered the choice of that place as the county seat certain beyond doubt, and accounts for the three half townships of Lima, Elkhorn Grove and Shannon, on the east. HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 229 As will be seen by reference to section four of the law under which Carroll County was organized, it was made the duty of the voters to elect a full board of county officers at the same time they voted for the location of the seat of justice, and that the returns of the election should be certified to by the judges and clerks of the election in the several precincts, and transmitted to the justices of the peace within the county by virtue of their election under the jurisdiction of Jo Daviess Coimty, who should open the poll books, count the ballots and declare the result. The law further pro.T vided that these justices should meet at the town of Savanna within seven days after the election, for the discharge of this duty, and on Thurs day, the 11th day of April, they so met, and, after examining the returns, made the following certificate: We, the undersigned, acting justices of the peace in and for the original county of Jo Davieos, now within the limits of Carroll County, do hereby certify that the town of Savanna received the greatest number of votes for the county seat of the said county of Carroll, being one hundred and twenty-six votes, at an election held in said county, on the 8th inst. Given under our hands and seals this 11th day of April, A. D. 1839. John Knox. [Seal.] Leonard Goss. [Seal.] Alvin Humphrey. [Seal.] J. C. Owings. [Seal.] Benjamin Church. [Seal.] This certificate was returned to the County Commissioners' Court and ordered to be spread upon the record, and is to be seen on the 6 th page of the old journal. Within the territory of the county there were only .three precincts or voting places — Savanna, Plum River and Elkhorn Grove. Only two places for the county seat were voted for — Savanna, and Section 9 in town ship 24 north, range 5 east, about three miles to the southeast of Mount Carroll. The vote in the three precincts was as follows: Precincts. Savanna. Section 9. Savanna - 108 19 PlumRiver - 4 30 Elkhorn Grove - 14 37 Total for each place 126 86 Aggregate number of votes cast 212 Majority in favor of Savanna 50 Of the 212 votes cast (and this was a full county vote) only eighteen were given for Savanna outside of that precinct. Thus far we have traced the history of the settlement of the territory within the limits of Carroll County, from its first occupancy at Savanna by George and Vance L. Davidson, Aaron Pierce and William Blundleand their families, in November, 1828, to its organization as a separate and independent county and the location of the seat of justice, in 1839. Now, from the fact of its coming within the range of the Galena district, a brief synopsis of its Physical Geography and Geological Formations will not be without interest, after which the political, commercial and social history will be resumed. 230 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. The following is taken from the Geological Survey of Illinois, and written by Hon. James Shaw : Carroll County is situated in the northwestern part of the State of Jllinois, and is bounded north by Jo Daviess; east by Stevenson; south by Ogle, Lee and Whiteside, and west by the Mississippi River. It contains an area of about 450 square miles. By surveys of the Illinois Central Railroad, its elevation above Lake Michigan is about 400 feet, and above the mouth of the Ohio River at Cairo about 800 feet. About one third of the county, the northwestern, is somewhat rough, being mineral or "lead- bearing" land. The surface of this is hilly and sparsely timbered, but in the valleys along the streams of this part of the county, many excellent farms have been opened. The usual alluvial bottom skirts the Mississippi, being from half a mile to four miles in width. Immediately adjoining the river there is a belt of heavy timber, but the rest of this bottom is composed of drifted sand banks, marshy swamps and rich tracts of the best pasture and farming lands. The southern and eastern parts of the county are composed of gently rolling prairies, with here and there an island-like grove, as if the fingers of the retiring ocean had stroked the soft surface into swelling undu lations. The agricultural portions of the county are perfect garden spots — rich in their almost virgin soil and manifold resources of wealth. Nor is the county wanting in picturesque scenery. Carroll Creek flowing west through its center, and Plum River running through its mineral land, have each cut channels deep into the underlying rocks. These are piled about in massive grandeur — are crowned with evergreens; and are in many cases the abodes of wonderful echoes. Above Savanna, along the Mississippi River, the huge, towering Niagara rocks lift their heads like a Cyclopean wall. Geological Formation. — This country lies deep down in the Geological world, almost -in the line of union between the upper and lower Silurian systems. Three distinctly marked groups of the rocks outcrop in Carroll County. These are the Galena Limestone, Cincinnati Group and Niagara Group. Above these are the usual deposits belonging to the quaternary system. The Galena Limestone. — This is a massive grayish, yellowish or brownish drape colored Magnesian limestone — friable and coarse grained near its union with the clays, but very solid in its lower stratification. In Jo Daviess County it is estimated to be about 250 feet thick; in this county it has never been accurately measured, but is perhaps somewhat thinner, as we are on the edge of the lead basin. Its heaviest outcrop commences near the geographical center of the county. Thence, westward, heavy ledges of it outcrop along the banks of the Carroll Creek almost to Savanna. North of this little stream similar outcrops may be found, and the banks of Plum River. The former of these streams, especially, has cut its channel deep into this rock. Along this stream an anticlinal axis seems to run as the rocks dip slightly in both directions from the creek, and a slight upheaval must have once taken place here. Along the ridge of elevation thus formed, a fissure naturally would be left. The frost, the rains, and the tooth of old Father Time disintegrated, wore down and gnawed away the HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 231 rocks, until the fissure became partially filled. This, in process of time, formed the little valley in which Carroll Creek now runs. This is the famous "lead-bearing rock" of the Northwest. The ore occurs in fissures and caverns running through the rock in the form of what miners call " sheet " and " log," or crystalized mineral, the common sulphuret of lead. In the reddish clay overlying the rock and formed by the decom position of its upper beds' "float," ore is found, never, however, in very large quantities. Mining operations have never been carried on, on a large scale or on scientific principles. The diggings extend for several miles north and west of the town of Mt. Carroll. The pick, spade, common windlass and bucket are the only machinery in use. Little more than a livelihood has ever been made by these primitive miners. For a long time it was thought a system of deep mining would reveal heavy deposits of the ore. In two instances companies were formed and a considerable amount of capital invested. In one instance, water compelled the abandonment of the mine, and in the other nothing was found to repay a tithe of the expenses of the company. This surface mining will still go on as a temporary employment for those whose other employments are not steady. But no one will probably be found willing to spend money enough to thoroughly test a system of deep mining. The deepest section of this rock measured by me is one hundred and fifty feet, but the bottom was not exposed and extended down indefinitely. The early writers have been treating the Galena limestone as a separate svstem. We believe it is now coming to be regarded ai a member of the Trenton limestone, none of which latter rock outcrops in this county, although it is reached in sinking deep wells in the southeastern part, and one quarry of the real blue Trenton limestone is now worked in Ogle County, two or three miles from the county line. Of the characteristic fossils, the Receptaculities sulcata, or " Sunfiower coral," of the miners is the most usually observed, and very perfect specimens are sometimes found. The Murchisonia obtusa and Lingtda quadrata also abound. Orthocera several feet long, several species of the Orthis, corals of a number of species also abound. A very interesting species of trilobite has left its remains in these rocks, and we firmly believe that many new fossils will be found when the quarries in this rock are carefully and scien tifically examined. Of the economic value of this rock we will speak again. It is the underlying rock in perhaps two thirds of the county, embracing the central, northern and eastern parts, being our chief building stone. The Cincinnati Group. — The gentle slopes from the Mississippi bottom lands up to where the bluffs are capped with the castellated crags of the Niagara Rocks, if exposed would reveal outcrops of this group. Some of the small streams have cut down into this formation through the overlying Niagara. Johnson Creek, winding in a sinuous course from the central to the southwestern portion of the county, shows the same rocks, sometimes near the surface. One half of the southern part of the county has this as the immediate underlying formation. About one mile below Savanna, there is a fine outcrop, where the county road cuts the side of the hills. About one mile above Savanna, there are considerable quarries opened in this formation on the side of the bluffs. Here the formation, as near as we can measure, is 80 feet thick. This is the best place in the county to make a selection. At some large springs just at the level of the Mississippi, in a full stage of water, the group begins resting solidly on the Galena lime stone as a foundation. Far up the hillside the overlying Niagara rocks are 232 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. just as distinctly marked. In the railroad cut on the Tomlinson farm, some four miles southwest of Mt. Carroll, may be found another and perhaps the finest exposure in the county. At Bluft'ville, also, it is exposed by quarries. There are, however, few natural exposures of this rock. It soon disinte grates and crumbles away. Gentle hills and slopes and graceful undulations are characteristic of its physical geography. Many springs burst out from the bases of these hills, and marshes and swampy places are not infrequent. Shales and shaley limestones compose a large part of the rocks of this group, but its lower beds are sometimes solid and massive enough for a building stone, and even contain lead in small quantities. These shales are of a bluish-white color, their particles are finely comminuted, as if deposited in deep, peaceful seas. A vast amount of carbon is contained in the black shales of this group. Speci mens taken fiom near Savanna and from near the Beers Tomlinson farm, are almost as black as cannel coal and burn with an oily, bright flame for a considerable time. Misled by this, some capital has been expended at the latter place boring for coal, and nothing but experience will convince those engaged that such a search is useless. One of our citizens also succeeded in extracting some oil, which he pronounced petroleum, out of similar speci mens. When the great oil excitement arose in this country, an oil com pany was formed here, and but for the advice of the geologists, this company would now be spending its money in a vain effort to strike oil. The geolo gist of Iowa, Prof. Whitney, estimates that the carbon of these rocks, if gathered into one strata, would form a bed twenty-five feet thick. Whence comes this mass of- combustible in these old silurian rocks? No geologist, to my knowledge, has undertaken to answer this question. Is it of organic origin — the remains of an ancient vegetation ? Is it the result of animate life ? The Coral Halls Iowa Report states that no trace of vegetation has as yet been observed in the widely distributed shales of this group, except a few traces of fucoids in the Utica slates of New York. This makes him doubt the vegetable origin of this bituminous matter. In this county, however, we have discovered fucoids woven all over the tops of some of the strata in this formation. May it not be that a condition of things similar to that of the Carboniferous eras existed over the broad basin in which these shales were deposited ? The vegetation consisted of the lowest orders — such as would decay and leave few traces of their existence. The disorganized remains would alone remain in the form of carbon, or coaly shale. The day may come when this substance, whatever it is, will be of economic value for light, or even fuel. With this brief notice, we must dismiss, for the present, this very interesting question. This formation is prolific of fossils. Countless remains, with occa sional perfect specimens of the splendid large trilobite, the Asaphus gigus are the most noticeable. Orthis occidentalis and 0. lestudinaria abound. Some of these shales are covered with beautifully marked dendrites. Fucoids are also found. Orthoceratites and a large Lituites have been found in it, together with numerous other fossils. The Niagara Limestone. — This is Owens' " pentemerus beds " of the upper Magnesian limestone. It is next in order above the,group just con sidered. The traveller on the Upper Mississippi must have been struck with its bold and picturesque appearance, as he passed between Fulton City and Dubuque. Now the bluffs sweep down to the water's edge, now they trend off in a semi-circular direction, as if for the site of a colossal amphi- HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 233 theatre. Their bases indicate the gentle slopes of the Cincinnati shales, but their summits are capped with the Niagara rocks. Like vast mural structures, they rise along the highest elevations, weather worn into all kinds of fantastic shapes, and displaying in their escarped cliffs resemblances to old forts and ruined cathedrals, time-worn, castellated battlements, or distant spires and minarets of some old town. Such is the appearance of these rocks along the river bluffs above Savanna, and towards the southern line of the county. The beholder, especially if he be a geologist, feels a strange spell stealing over him. Mighty visions of the old geologic ages enrapture his soul. A. leaf from the old stone book is upturned before him, and he reads in the great Bible of Nature her sublime truths. He has discovered hard sense — common sense, in the rocks. But enough of dream and fancy sketching. Leaving the river, we do not find exposures of this limestone. Over the northern and northwestern portions of the county all the highest portions are covered with it, in broken, frag mentary masses. Once it doubtless covered a large part of the county, but it has been denuded and carried off, leaving chert beds, corals and fragments of the rock itself, as memorials of where it once existed as the surface rock. The frost, the rain and the atmosphere pulverize the Niagara rocks, and the chert beds in them, being harder, settle down like a crop of white flints, sown over farm, field nnd hill. These chert beds show that the water of the old Niagara seas contained much silica in solution. The Niagara limestone abounds in fossils. The most common and characteristic is the beautiful Pentamerus oblongus, or '¦ petrified hickory nut " of the miners. But the old Niagara seas were particularly the homes of the coral builders, and these minute animals swarmed in countless myri ads everywhere, leaving their fossil monuments. Among the most charac teristic are the Favosites favosa, F. Niagerensis, Stromatopora concen- trica, Halysites calenulatus, and many other species and genera, contain ing, doubtless, new and undescribed corals. This brings us through the Illinois rocks as developed in this county. Sometimes traces of the Trenton proper are found in the southern part, but they hardly deserve a place in the surface geology of Carroll County. The rocks of all three of these formations possess value as building stone. The Galena ranks first and the Cincinnati group last in economic value. The Quaternary System. — Alluvium. The Mississippi bottom, from Savanna to the south line of the county, in width averaging nearly five miles, is composed of this recent river deposit. The same deposit also exists north of Savanna on the Mississippi, and along some of the small streams in the interior. Some of it is a rich, deep black and rather wet soil, much of it consists of sandy deposits, while a portion forms our very best agricultural lands. The loess or bluff formation does not exist to a great extent in Carroll County, unless the soil and sub-soil of our productive prairies belongs to this deposit. Some of our bluffs, as, for instance, where Johnson Creek breaks through to the Mississippi bottom, are composed of the loess clays. The drift formation is also manifest, in our county, to a considerable extent, although some seem to argue that it is undetected in the Galena lead basin. Deposits of drift in our county can be found resting immediately on the Galena rocks. All our little streams almost have cut down into deposits of boulders and gravel beds. The following section, made in a well in the town of Mount Carroll, might be taken as a fair type of the superficial deposit resting upon our rocks, beginning at the top and measuring downwards : 234 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. Black prairie mold 2 feet. Yellow, fine-grained clay. 13 Common blue clay 2 Reddish clay aud gravel 15 Tough blue clay 2 Coarse, stratified gravel bed 3 Pure yellow saad bed 11 Black mucky clay 5 53 feet. Another well, some three miles distant, passed through a second soil some fifteen feet below the surface, and immediately thereafter a, deposit of timber or wood, twe or three feet in thickness, many of the pieces having tenacity enough to hold together for months after exposure to the atmos phere. This well is on the farm of Felix O'Neal, and at the time of its opening was considered an object of much interest. We can not leave this part of our subject without again adverting to the boulders. For us they have a peculiar charm and interest. These " nigger heads," " hard heads," or lost rocks, abound in many places where the streams and rains have carried the soils away. Oftentimes they are asso ciated with gravel beds of the transported drift. Among them have been found several nuggets of copper, one of which was found lodged in a crev ice of one of our Galena quarries. Some of these boulders are striated and furrowed by the glacier or the iceberg. Quartz, feldspar, granite, gneiss hornblende, porphyry syenite, and various combinations of these and other minerals make up these travelled rocks. Would that we could have the true history of one of these lost rocks — real old cosmopolitans in a primal world. What a wonderful interest would cling around its wanderings from the time when it left its home among the Plutonic rocks of Lake Superior until some iceberg dropped it into its present bed, through gently-moving cur rents towards the southwest ! Ocean streams rolled these uncouth stones for ages at the bottom of the " vasty deep." Frozen into glaciers, they have been pushed along their snail-like pace. Adhering to icebergs and ice fields and ice floes, they floated hither and thither through Northern seas, until the ice dissolved in its genial warmth. Could we know their true history, the masquerade of the elements, the lost history of the world, would be made as plain as a well-conned lesson. The associated pieces of water-worn copper are "finger boards," telling from whence they both came, and the direction of the ocean currents which deposited our drift. HISTORICAL RESUME. Monday, April 8, 1839, the county seat was established at an election ordered and held for that purpose. At the same election and under the same special law, the people voted for a full board of county officers. At that time politics did not cut much of a figure in the selection of candi dates, although it is reasonable to suppose that the election was full of interest to the settlers, as from that day they were to be recognized in the management ot the affairs of the state as a separate and independent county, and entitled to all the rights and privileges of the other and older counties. For judicial purposes, the county was made to form a part of the sixth district, of which Dan Stone, of Galena, was the presiding judge. Courts were to be held twice a year at such times as the judge should des- HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 235 ignate, and the early records show that Judge Stohe^appointed these terms for May and September. The county officers elected were: County Commissioners, Samples M. Journey, Garner Moffett, and Luther H. Bowen; County Clerk, William B. Goss; She/ iff, Hezekiah Francis; Probate Justice of the Peace, John C. Owings; Coroner, Mason C. Taylor; Recorder, Royal Cooper; Surveyor, Levi Warner. On the 1 3th day of April, five days after their election, two of the county commissioners. Samples M. Journey and Luther H. Bowen, met and organized as a county commissioners' court. The first entry made on their journal of proceedings was the oath of office administered to William B. Goss as county clerk, which is in these words, to-wit: "State of Illinois, Carroll County. — I, the undersigned, being duly elected clerk of the county commissioners' court for said county, do hereby swear that I will support the con stitution of the United States, and of this state, and that I will fulfil the duties nf my office as clerk of said court truly and faithfully to the best ot my knowledge and ability ; so help me God. " Subscribed and sworn before me this 13th day of April, 1839, at Savanna. Benj. Church, J. P. [Seal.] " The next entry was the oath of office administered to each of the two commissioners, and in the same words, except that " county commissioners" is substituted for " county clerk." The oath of office was administered by the same justice, Benjamin Church. The court then proceeded to business, and "Ordered, That Elijah Bellows and Alva Dames be appointed assessors for Carroll County, for the year 1839. " Ordered, That Norman D. French be appointed for collector for the above county, for the year 1839. " Ordered, That there shall be four days' road work required of each man, if nec essary." This was the style of their orders. There was no waste or unnecessary use of words. " Short, quick and sharp " was their method — a rule of action that characterized Luther H. Bowen, the guiding and controling spirit of the board, in all his business transactions, and each order was signed by the commissioners, as they were written by the clerk. At this session the commissioners divided the county into ten road districts and appointed a supervisor for each district, etc. Having thus started the county machinery, the commissioners adjourned until the 3d day of June following. At this session the first business appearing of record was the appoint ment of C. Grant and Jno. Ankeny, of Elkhorn Grove, and Herman Downing, of the Preston Settlement, to review the road from " Stoney Creek to the county line in the direction to Buffalo Grove, touching Elkhorn Grove," which appears to be the first road viewed in the county. There is no record of any petition having been presented "praying" for the estab lishment of this road, and hence there is a probability that the road was petitioned for before Carroll County was set off from Jo Daviess, or that the commissioners ordered it without petition. Two petitions follow this order*— one for a road leading from " Savanna in said county to Knox mill on Elk Horn creek, and also a road diverging from the first named road at or near Johnson Creek to the county line, in a direction to Harrisburgh on Rock River." The viewers appointed for these roads were Vance L. Davidson, A. L. Knox and Thomas Francis. The second petition " prayed " for the location of a road " from Savanna via Bowen's ferry to the south line of the county in the direction of Fulton 236 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. City, and that a road diverge from said road on or about two miles from Savanna and intersect the road leading from the Savanna Mill to Prophets- town, near the farm now occupied by Elijah Stearns." The viewers appointed for this road were Elijah Stearns, Asa Patrick and Andrew Dodds. At this session of the Board of County Commissioners the regulation and formation of election precincts claimed attention, and it was "ordered that the Cherry Grove Precinct include all of Cherry Grove, the inhabitants within the limits of range 5, 6 and 7 in township 25, and that Garner Mof- fitt, G. W. Harris and John C. Owings be appointed judges of elections and the elections be held at the house of John C. Owings." " Ordered. That the inhabitants within the limits of townships twenty-three and twenty- four, east of the center of range four and west of Little Rock River or creek, be recognized as the Preston Precinct, and that Samuel Preston, Heman Downing and Daniel Cristian be the judges of elections, and that the elections be held at the house of Samuel Preston." Ordered, That the inhabitants of all that part of Carroll County laying west of the middle of range 4, in townships 23 and 24, and all west of range 5 in township 25, be in cluded in the Savanna Precinct, and thai N. D. French, Vance L. Davidson, and John A. "Wakefield be appointed judges of elections, the election to be held at Wm. L. B. Jinks' tav ern, in Savanna. The following named settlers were selected as grand and petit jurors for the first term of the Circuit Court, which was expected to convene in Sep tember of that year: Grand Jurors. — John Knox, A. Painter, Hiram McNemur, Daniel Stormer, Thos. I. Shaw, E. W. Todd, Francis Garner, John C. Owings, Geo. Swagert, Nathan Fisk, Samuel Preston, Sr., David Masters, B. Tomlinson, Aaron Pierce, Thos. Roof, John Eddowes, John Barnard, John Laswill, Stephen N. Arnold, Elijah Stearns, Wm. Dyson, Jr., Wm. Dyson, Sr., and Daniel Cristian — 23. Petit Jurors. — Wm. Ayers, Aaron Bobble, Wm. Jenkins, Israel Jones, John Isler, Sumner Downing, Nelson Swaggert, Irwin Kellogg, Vance L. Davidson, Alonzo Shannan, John Orr, David Ashby, Geo. W. Brice, Wm. Eaton, Levi Newman, John Johnson, Jonathan Cummings, Geo. Christian, P. D. Otis, Elias P. Williams, Royal Cooper, David L. Bowen, Wm. Blundle and John W. Fuller— 24. The term of court for which these jurors were selected was not held, and consequently the prescribed oath was not administered to them. A second selection was equally useless because of informality in the manner of selection, and when the court met, on the first Monday in June, 1840, they were dismissed by Judge Stone, in the words following, as entered of record : It being made manifest to the court that no legal summons had been issued by the clerk of tlie County Commissioners' Court to the Sheriff of the County of Carroll, command ing him to summon the persons selected by said Commissioners' Court, at their April term, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty, as grand and petit jurors, to appear before said Circuit Court on the first day of said term ; and, it further appearing that the Sheriff of said county had summoned, without any legal venise or summons, twenty-three persons as grand jurors, and twenty-four persons as petit jurors, to appear on the first diiy of said term, which said persons were in attendance as grand and petit jurors, not having been summoned according to law, it is ordered that they be discharged from further attendance on said court. The County Commissioners, at this term of court, also Ordered, That the sum of seven dollars be granted to Alva Daines for three and one half days' services as assessor, and the sum of seventeen dollars be granted to Elijah Bel lows for eight and one half days' services as assessor. And that the above be paid out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. SALEM HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 239 It was further Ordered, That Messrs. Smith and Journey should have a license for the term of one year from this date to keep a grocery in Savanna, by paying twenty -five dollars into the county treasury and giving bonds according to law. This last order concluded the second session of the Commissioners' Court, when they adjourned. Ad interim, County Clerk Goss made the following entry: In pursuance of the law in regard to the County Commissioners drawing tickets for their term of service, the tickets were presented by the clerk of the said court at their June term, 1839, and Luther H. Bowen drew the ticket which had the word one year written upon it, and S. M. Journey drew the ticket which had the word three years wrilten upon it, and the remaining ticket which had the word two years written upon it was left for Garner Moffit who was absent at the time. Wm. B. Goss, Clerk. A special term of the court was held on the sixth day of July, when the following claims were audited and ordered to be paid out of the County Treasury: To Benjamin Church, J.P., for swearing in Clerk and County Commissioners, 75 cents; to Vance L. Davidson, $3.75, for three clays' services as road viewer; to Thomas Fran cis, $3.75, and to A. L. Knox, $3.75, for same services. Six dollars were allowed to John Eaton and son for three days' services as chainmen in opening a road, etc. Nine dollars were ordered to be paid to L. H. Bowen, for three days' services of himself and team, in assisting to open a road. Eight dollars and seventy-five cents were allowed to Levi Warner for three and a half days' services as road surveyor, and $8 were allowed to W. B. Goss for books and stationery furnished the county up to date. The next session of the court was held in September. An election had been held on Monday, the 5th day of August, and Wm. B. Goss had been re-elected to the office of County Clerk, and had filed his bond in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, with Vance L. Davidson as his bondsman, for the faithful discharge of the duties of the office. John Eddowes had been chosen at the same election as County Commissioner, to succeed Luther H. Bowen (who, at the first term of the court, in April, had drawn the short- term ticket), and had qualified accordingly. For a number of years the settlers whose names figure so conspicu ously in the early affairs of the county continued to be prominent charac ters in the public interests. Some of them were repeatedly elected to places of trust, and made faithful, honest servants of the people. The first county order issued was in favor of James Craig (a captain in the Black Hawk War), for $10.50, in payment for a copy of the law und'-r which the county was organized. Craig was a member of the House of Representatives, from Jo Daviess County, and had introduced the bill and secured its passage. The first term of the Circuit Court commenced on the first Monday in May, 1840. The building used as a court house was a frame structure situated on block forty at the upper end of town. It was owned by a rail road or steamboat engineer, and was untenanted. Besides serving as a court house, it was used as a school house, church, and such other meet ings as the times and occasions demanded. When court was called, Leonard Goss presented his appointment from Judge Stone as clerk, together with his official bond in the sum of $2,000 for a faithful discharge of the duties of the office. John Bernard and Aaron Pierce were his bondsmen. After subscribing to the oath of office, he entered upon the discharge of its duties. Hezekiah Francis filed his commission from Governor Carlin, as sheriff, and also his official bond in the sum of $10,000, with John Bernard, William- 14 240 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. R. Craig, Aaron Pierce, D. H. Whitney, John Laswell and V. L. Davidson as bondsmen. His bond was approved, the oath of office administered, and he entered upon the discharge of the duties of sheriff. Mason C. Taylor, coroner elect, also presented his official bond in the sum of $2,000, and took the oath of office. His bondsmen were Milus C. Robinson and John Bernard. After the dismissal of the grand and petit juries as already stated, the approval of the several bonds, and administering the oath of office to the clerk, sheriff and coroner, as above noted, the business of the court com menced. The old docket shows that twelve cases had been entered for trial. Martin P. Sweet, Judge Drummond (now U. S. Circuit Judge), a Mr. Chase and a Mr. Hoge, were present as attorneys. Judge Drummond had two divorce cases — the first of the kind in the county. They were entitled Jeremiah Humphrey vs. Hannah Humphrey, and Dudley C. Humphrey vs. Lavina Humphrey. Of the other ten cases, two were slander suits, brought by the same man — Robert Ashby vs. Peter Bashaw and Oliver Bashaw. Bnth cases were dismissed from the docket without trial. Among the lawyers who attended the early courts of Carroll County, quite a number attained prominent distinction in the judicial and other departments of public affairs. Among these, in addition to those already mentioned, were E. B. Washburne and Judge Heaton. The name of Wash- burne is as familiar as household words, not only here where he first came into notice as a young lawyer, but from one end of our common country to the other. For jury rooms in those days, some of the rooms in Pierce's Hotel were brought into requisition, for which the county commissioners usually made an appropriation of fifteen dollars for putting the rooms in order for each term of the court. Judge Dan Stone was succeeded by Judge Browne, also of Galena, since when the succession has been Wilkinson, Drury, Eustace and Heaton. The third selection (and the first to serve) for grand and petit juries was as follows: Grand Jurors. — Alvah Dains, Henry Hunter, John Ankeny, Harry Smith, Tilson Aldrich, Israel Jones, Francis Garner, Joseph Taylor, Edward C. Cochran, John Knox, Samuel Preston, Sr., Joshua Bailey, Col. Beers Tomlinson, Amos Leonard, Elijah Stearns, William Dyson, Sr., James M. French, Royal Jacobs, Vance L. Davidson, Milus C. Robinson, James Kim ball— 21. Petit Jurors. — Joshua McKillops, Stephen N. Arnold, David L. Bowen, W. L. B. Jenks, M. W. Hollingsworth, Jonathan Cummings, Samuel L. Bayless, John B. Christian, Rezin Everts, Squire Garner, Alfred JN ewman, Henry Jenkins, John Fuller, Richard Wright, William Blundell, M. B. Pierce, David Ashby, Benjamin Church, David Masters, Garner Moffett, Samuel Toutz, Joseph Hire, Daniel Stormer — 23. Early Resident Attorneys. — " When the first term of the Circuit Court was held," says Volney Armour, Esq., in 'A Glance at the Early History of Carroll County,' " there was but one resident attorney — John A. Wake- feld. John Wilson came about 1841." In the same paper Mr. Armour says: "I wonder what our present race of hotel keepers would say to legislation such as the following, passed March 5, 1844, by Beers Tomlinson, Henry Smith and John C. Owings, county HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 241 commissioners, to-wit: 'Ordered, that the following be the tavern rates in the County of Carroll up to March, 1845: Each person, per meal, not exceeding 25 cents; horse to hay and grain per day, 50 cents; lodging, one person, 12£ cents; all kinds of liquor, per drink, 6J cents.' " REMOVAL OF THE COUNTY SEAT MOUNT CARROLL. As settlements increased and spread out to different parts of the county, the question of removing the county seat from Savanna to a more con venient or central location began to be discussed, and finally took definite shape. The removal was hastened, perhaps, by the neglect or inability of the Savanna interests to comply with the provisions of Section 3 of the law under whicli the county was organized. These provisions were to the effect that the town of Savanna should " donate to said new county, for the purpose of erecting public buildings, a sufficient number of lots, in the town of Savanna, for the accommodation of the necessary public buildings, and three thousand five hundred dollars in cash, payable in three equal instalments, say in six, twelve and eighteen months from the time the loca tion of said county seat is established." At the September term, 1840, of the County Commissioners Court, Porter Sargent, Esq., was appointed agent " to confer with the proprietors of the town of Savanna on the sub ject of the money donated by them for the purpose of erecting buildings for the county, and in conjunction with them to devise means for assessing the town property and making out a pro rata list and collecting the obli gations or money accordingly, and return the same to the County Court by their next meeting in December, or sooner, the obligation, if taken, to be made payable in instalments, as called for by the commission." In Decem ber there was no meeting of the court, and consequently no report made by Mr. Sargent. Nor do we find any report, whatever, in regard to this mat ter, although the record of the Commissioners' Court has been carefully examined. But, on Monday, the 6th of December, 1841, at a regular ses sion of the court, a special session of the court was ordered to be held on the first Monday in February, 1842, to receive proposals for building a jail. At that special session Messrs. L. H. Bowen and Vance L. Davidson were appointed a committee to confer with the property owners of the town of Savanna "to see what measures they would take in regard to the donation required by law of the proprietors of said town," etc. No proposals appear to have been received for building the jail, and the court adjourned until the next term in course. On the second day of the March term, 1842, the following entry was made: "On the report of L. H. Bowen and Vance L. Davidson * * * * it is hereby ordered that Beers Tomlinson and Norman D. French be appointed a committee to contract with the proprietors of the town of Savanna for a building for the use of the county, to be used as a court house and offices for county officers, to be donated as a part of the bonus," etc. Several orders of this kind were entered, but they seem to have been without avail. No decided and decisive steps were taken, further than to get out some timber for a kind of block jail, but it was never used for the purpose for which it was intended. Some time in 1836, Paul D. Otis, a driver, and Granville Mathews, superintendent of the Winter's stage line from Peoria, via Dixon's Ferry and Cherry Grove, to Galena, made a claim of the lands covering the mill site and lands at Mount Carroll. In 1837, Daniel Christian, Nathaniel 242 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. Swingley, Samuel L. Hitt and George Swaggert formed themselves into a mill company, and bought the Otis and Mathews claim, for which they paid $1,100, but did not enter upon its improvement. In 1841, Nathaniel Hal- derman and David Emmert entered into an arrangement to build a mill somewhere in the county, and for a time had their attention called to the site now occupied by the mills of Messrs. Wood & Kitchen, on Plum River, then known as the Bowen mill site. Negotiations, however, were not com pleted, and they purchased the interest of Daniel Christian, Nathaniel Swingley, Samuel L. Hitt and George Swaggert in and to the Mt. Carroll property, for which they were to pay $3,000. The original company had dissolved its partnership arrangement some time prior to this, and had made a division of the property. The new company was known by the firm name of Emmert, Halderman & Co., and soon after the purchase of the property was completed, they commenced operations — making excavations for the mill foundations, starting the dam, etc., etc. In the Spring of 1842, their enterprise was well under way and the centre of attraction to new coiners. The removal of the county seat to a more central location was a general theme of conversation and interest among the settlers, and by reason of its nearness to the geographical centre of the county, the new mill came to be regarded as the legitimate and only rival of Savanna. And it is not un reasonable to suppose that the managers of the new enterprise availed them selves of every possible opportunity to keep the advantages of their site for county seat honors before the people. In 1837, George W. Christian had come in possession of that tract of land now embraced in the farm of Sherman Cole, a tract of ten acres owned by Hon. J. M. Stowell, and extending north to the Baptist Church and east to Clay Street. Of this tract, Christian proposed to give thirteen acres to the county if the seat of justice should be located here. Emmert, Halder man & Co., the mill company, likewise proposed to donate forty acres on the east side of the present town site, on the same condition. Both parties — i. e., Christian, and Emmert, Halderman & Co. — kept their faith and did convey to the county commissioners and their successors in office, tlie lands referred to. Savanna had failed up to this time to comply with the requirements of the law under which the county had been organized, and during the ses sion of the legislature of 1842-3, an act entitled " An act to re-locate the county seat of Carroll County" was passed, and "John Dixon, of Lee County, Moses Hallett, of Jo Daviess County, and Nathaniel Belcher, of Rock Island County, were appointed commissioners to select a site for the re-local ion of the county seat. * * * And the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall meet at Savanna, in the County of Carroll, on the first Monday in May next (1843), or wiihin fifteen days thereafter, and after being duly sworn to the faithful discharge of their duties, shall proceed to examine such parts of said county as they may think proper to enable them to select such a site as in their opinion shall give the greatest amount of good to the greatest number of inhabitants of said county, as a county seat; and said commissioners, after having made such selection, shall report to the clerk of the County Commissioners' Court of said county a certificate thereof, which certificate of said selection shall be recorded by the cleTk of said County Commissioners' Court; Provided, always, that such selection so made shall not be the town of Savanna." Section 2, of the same act, provided as follows : " That an election shall ,' HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 243 be held in the County of Carroll, on the first Monday in August next, at the usual place of holding elections in said county, for the removal of the seat of justice of said county; at which election the clerks thereof shall open two columns, one for Savanna, the present seat of justice, and one for the place whicli shall be designated by the commissioners hereinbefore appointed, and shall receive and record the votes of each qualified voter for one of the aforesaid places as the seat of justice thereafter for said county. * * * * The clerk of the County Commissioners' Court shall immedi ately after the receipt by him of the returns of said election, in the presence of two justices of the peace, open said election returns, compare them, and certify the same to the County Commissioners' Court, and the place having the greatest number of votes shall be and remain the seat of justice in said county." Pursuant to their appointment under this law, two of the commissioners, John Dixon, of Lee County, and Moses Hallett, of Jo Daviess County, pro ceeded, within the time specified, to examine the ground, etc., and on the 17th day of May, 1843, made the following report : The undersigned (who constitute a majority of the commissioners so appointed lo select a site as a county seat for said county), who, after having examined said county with a view of the best interests of the greatest number of inhabitants of said county, and alter taking into consideration the liberal donation to be secured to the county commissioners of said county for the use of the people thereof, clo, by these presents, make known and declare that the site selected, as aforesaid, is the south lialf of the east half of the southeast quarter of section one (1), township twenty-four (24) north, range four (4) east of the fourth principal meridian, and that a substantial stake has been set in the place selected as a public square, to which site we have given the name of Mount Carroll. As witness our hands and seals this seventeenth day of May, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and forty -three. John Dixon. [Seal.] Moses Hallett. [Seal.] The returns of the August election show that 421 votes were polled on the county seat question, of which Mt. Carroll had 231, and Savanna 190. There were only four precincts, or voting places, at each of which votes were cast as follows: Precincts. Mt. Carroll. Savanna. Savannah.. 6 130 Cherry Grove __ 46 16 Elkhorn Grove 78 38 Preston 101 6 231 190 Majority for Mt. Carroll 41 The report of the commissioners to re-locate the county seat was entered upon the journal of the County Commissioners Court at their September session, 1843. In August the people had voted and the result was known, so that at this session the commissioners inaugurated measures looking to a removal of the county offices from Savanna. John Wilson was appointed as an agent for the county to demand the execution of a warranty deed from George W. Christian to the county for the land he had agreed to donate to the county if the county seat was located at Mt. Carroll, and also to super intend the division of the Emmert, Halderman & Co. tract into town lots, etc., and to give public notice of the sale of lots and to sell on such terms and conditions as the county commissioners should direct, to receive notes, execute title bonds and deeds to purchasers under his proper hand and seal, for and in behalf of the county," etc. 244 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. The immediate site designated by the locating commissioners by driv ing a stake into the ground, was at or near the west line of Main Street, on the top of the hill near the Baptist Church. Upon the first organization of the county, the choice of a name was left to the settlers in Cherry Grove Precinct, the most -of whom were Marylanders, and they named the new county in honor of that grand old patriot who wrote his name to the Decla ration of American Independence, "Charles Carroll, of Carrollton." From the point where this stake was driven in the earth, the ground sloped in all directions, and was elevated above the surrounding country. The name of Mount Carroll was given to the new county seat — a place before unknown by any name except Emmert, Halderman & Co.'s Mill Site. THE FIRST COURT HOUSE. December 5, 1843, Col. Beers Tomlinson, one of the members of the Board of County Commissioners, was "appointed agent for the County of Carroll to contract for the building of a court house of the following descrip tion, to-wit: Thirty feet by forty on the ground; a basement of stone sixteen inches above the surface of the earth, two feet thick. The first story to be eight feet and nine inches high in the clear, divided into four rooms, entrance and one flight of stairs as marked on plat number one on plan on file in this office. The timbers of the lower floor to be good substantial sleepers; the joists of the second story floor to be ten inches deep and two inches thick and twenty inches apart from centre to centre. The second story to be eleven feet high, to be finished according to a specified plan in this' office. Roof, cupola, cornice, and frontispiece all to be finished accord ing to the last above named specified plan. The walls of the building above the basement to be brick; first story walls to be sixteen inches thick or the length of two brick; flues suitable to receive stove pipes prepared in each room; doors to each room containing six panels each and one and a half inches thick; outside doors to be two inches thick. Floors to be of good white oak, tongued and grooved, one and a quarter inches thick. The roof covered with good merchantable pine shingles. The building to be painted throughout — outside and inside — the whole building to be finished on or before the October term of Circuit Court of Carroll County, A.D. 1844, in accordance throughout with the plan on file in this office, to be built of good sound material, and built in a workmanlike manner. If it should be necessary, our agent, in entering into a contract with builders may make such slight changes in the above specified plan as may be deemed proper." A sale of lots was advertised for the 20th of November, A.D. 1843, at one third cash in hand, one third in six months, and the remaining one third in twelve months from the day of sale, secured by the notes of pur chasers, the county commissioners giving .title bond for deed when last payments were made, the county commissioners stipulating to receive specie, current paper and county scrip in payment for lots, etc. The day of sale came, but in consequence of objections raised by the Mill Company, no sales were made. In agreeing to donate forty acres of land and one thou sand dollars in money to the count}T, if the seat of justice were located adjacent to their mill property, the company understood and expected that the site for the court house would be selected near the line dividing their land from the forty acres they would deed to the county, that they might be equally benefitted by the nearness of the public buildings to them. But, when Mr. Wilson, the county clerk and special agent for the county to HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 245 superintend the division of that forty acres of land into town lots, selected the site for the court house, etc., instead of locating the court house square on the northwest corner of the land donated by the Mill Company, he selected the county square near the centre of the forty acres, and hence the objections of the company. That company not only objected to the meas ures, so far as they had been prosecuted by Mr. Wilson, and to the sale of lots as a violation of the agreement entered into when they donated the -land, but refused to pay the thousand dollars which they had offered in addi tion to the land. The county needed public buildings. The treasury was empty, the people were poor, and to raise a sum sufficient' to build a court house, etc., by taxation, would have imposed a heavy burden upon the set tlers — a burden they could not carry. A thousand dollars in those days was a " bonanza " to Carroll County, and it was to the public interest to secure the money offered by the Mill Company, as well as the forty acres of land. A compromise was made on terms offered by Emmert, Halderman & Co., to this end: that, if the county commissioners would deed back to the company the forty acres which they had donated to the county and release them from the payment of the one thousand dollars they had offered, and also deed to them the Christian tract of thirteen acres, they would give a sufficient number of acres of ground near their mill, and build thereon a court house, and deed the same to the county. The terms were accepted, and the present public square was surveyed out and the erection of a stone court house commenced and completed on the northwest corner of the square, whicli served the county until the present handsome brick temple of justice was completed, in 1858. Afterwards, with a frame addition built on the north side, it was used and occupied by Messrs. Blake & Stowell as a hardware store. It was burned down in October, 1872. Nathaniel Halderman, of the firm of Emmert, Halderman & Co., seems to have been the representative, or business man, of the Mill Company, and to have conducted all their business matters, particularly in arranging and adjusting the differences that came up between his company and the county, and to no one man, perhaps, is there due a greater degree of credit for the inauguration and management of the public interests of Mount Carroll than to Nathaniel Halderman, who, though now nearing the last of the years allotted to man, is remarkably well preserved, intellectually and physically, and one of the most active business men of the community, and highly respected not only at home, but abroad. March 6, 1841, while the county commissioners were in session, Beers Tomlinson, building agent for the county, submitted his first report, in the words following, to -wit: To the Honorable County Commissioners Court, of Carroll County, III. — Gentlemen : In conformity to required duties, on the first clay of January, '44, I presented a blank bond, received from the clerk of said court, to Messrs. Emmert, Halderman & Rinehart, lo be exe cuted by them to the people of said county, whicli they refused to sign, stating that the bond required more of them than they agreed to perform, which was the addition of a cupola, bell, frontis and elevation of the upper floor. With that alteration they would sign said bond. Accordingly a bond was drawn, copied from the original, with the above exceptions, and signed by David Emmert, N. Halderman and S. M. Hitt, for the completion of said house as required in the original blank bond. At a subsequent period, I made a verbal contract with the said Emmert & Halderman, to put up tlie said house with stone instead of brick. The last named alteration was, that the building should be 31 by 41 feet, instead of 30x40. I am informed by said E. & H. that about one half the stone is now on the building spot. Thus far I have gone and no further. Very respectfully your humble servant, B. Tomlinson. Savanna, 5th March, 1844. 246 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. Second Report. — At the June session of the County Commissioners Court, Mr. Tomlinson presented his second report, as follows: To the Honorable County Commissioners Court of Carroll County, III. — Gentlemen: Since my last report, I have made no alteration in the construction of the court house. The men who are engaged in putting up the building are progressing as fast as can be ex pected. The walls are stone instead of brick, as was calculated in the first place, when the contract was made. The first story of the wall is laid,'and the work appears to be done in a good, substantial, workmanlike manner, and the house will be completed by the first of October next, and I see no reason why the next Circuit Court should not be held at Mount Carroll. All of which is respectfully submitted. 3d June, 1844. B. Tomlinson. Tuesday, June 4, 1844, the County Commissioners Court Ordered, That the several officers of this county who are required to hold their offi ces at the county seat, move their offices from Savanna to Mount Carroll on the first Mon day of September next, and that Henry Smith, Esq., be required to procure suitable offices at said Mount Carroll, to be occupied by said officers, elc. Careful inquiry fails to locate the offices after their removal here any where except in the court house. As it was only about one month after their removal here until the court house was finished, if they occupied any other quarters, it must have been in Mr. Wilson's private residence — a house that stood on the corner now occupied by the bank block, at the cor ner of Main and Market Streets. When Emmert, Halderman & Co. entered into a contract to build the court house, they exacted a guaranty from the county authorities that, when completed, it should be open for a period of ten years to religious meet ings and such other public gatherings as occasion and the necessities of the time demanded. July 4, 1844, the building had so far advanced towards completion that it was fitted up and decorated with evergreens, etc., for a celebration of our nation's birthday, which was the first time the day had been publicly observed and respected in Mt. Carroll. Hon. Thomas Hoyne, then of Galena, but now of Chicago, and at one time not long ago mayor de jure of the latter city, was orator of the day, and although there have since been thirty-three recurrences of the day, nearly all of which were pub licly observed, none of them were more happily spent. In pioneer life there is a soul and a feeling — a genuine spirit of hospitality and sociability that is comparatively unknown when a country grows older and richer. Pent-up conventionalities and self-constituted castes do not interfere to crip ple the truer inwardness of the human soul. Distinctions and fashions do not turn up their noses at their neighbors. The people more fully believe in the truth of the sentiment that " all men are created free and equal " than they do in later years, when farms have been opened and made remunera tive, fine houses made to take the places of log cabins, cities to supersede wayside post-offices, and finely-constructed church edifices, with their cush ioned pews, to supplant the old log school houses and primitive dwellings as houses of worship. These modern achievements are well enough in their way, but they cripple rather than develop the grander and nobler attributes of the human heart, and dwarf that genuine hospitality and sense of humanity that obtains among pioneers everywhere. The first session of the County Commissioners Court held in Mt. Car roll, commenced on Monday, the 2d day of September, 1844. There were present of the old board, Henry Smith and John C. Owings. Beers Tom linson had been succeeded at the August election by Henry B. Harmon, who presented to the board his certificate ' of election, when the oath of HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 247 I office was administered to him by Leonard Goss, P.J.P., and he entered upon a discharge of the duties of a county commissioner. During this session of the commissioners (on Wednesday, the 4th), the court Ordered, That the debt of Carroll County in the hands of Emmert, Halderman & Co., amounting to six hundred dollars, is this day funded as follows: Said indebtedness to be paid at the expiration of two years, in six equal instalments, with interest payable half yearly, at the rate of eight per cent per annum; and tlie clerk of this court is authorized and required to give bonds in accordance with the above agreement, the evidence of the original indebtedness, as above, having been given up in open court and paid over to the treasurer. Also Ordered, That John Wilson, clerk of this court, be our agent to procure suitable furniture for the court house, and to see that the same is put in readiness for holding court in October next. The next session of the County Commissioners Court was held in De cember, the recorded proceedings of which show that Emmert,. Halderman & Co. were allowed $50 for two stoves and seventy pounds of pipe, including three elbows, and that Leonard Goss was appointed to take possession of the stoves on behalf of the county, and directed to appropriate one to the use of his office (Circuit Clerk) and the other to the use of the room designed for the use of the County Commissioners Court. From these several orders last quoted, it would seem that the court house had been completed and turned over to the uses of the county, but, in hnnting over the journal, the writer could find no record of the fact — an omission that should not have occurred. But oral evidence, as well as an order directing County Clerk Wilson to procure the necessary furniture and prepare the building for the fall term (1844) of the Circuit Court, the completion of the court house is fixed about the first of October of that year. In the completion of the building, Em mert, Halderman & Co., as shown by an order made at the March term (1845) of the County Commissioners Court, had done extra work to the amount of one hundred and fifty-six dollars, to secure the payment of which the following contract was entered into by and between the county com missioners and Emmert, Halderman & Co.: They (Emmert, Halderman & Co.) shall be permitted to rent out that part of the court house used as a school room, at a reasonable price, until the above amount ($156) is raised, provided such time shall not exceed a term of ten years from the 10th day of Octo ber, 1844; and unless the above amount is raised as aforesaid, then the above order to be void, and no liability resting upon the county. It is also understood that said room is at all times to be open for county purposes, free of charge. The said Emmert, Halderman & Co. are further required to report semi-annually the amount received as above, which shall be credited on this order. On the margin of this order appears this endorsement: This contract cancelled and contract given up, March 4, 1847. This, it seems, completed in good faith, all matters between Emmert, Halderman & Co. and the county commissioners, .in relation to the build ing of the court house. Nearly six years had come and gone since the county was organized and the first election of county officers in, April, 1839. The county had in creased largely in population and wealth, and, so far, its public affairs had been carefully and economically managed. The liberality and enterprise of Emmert, Halderman & Co. had provided for the county. a courthouse amply sufficient and commodious for any new county, and one that answered well for nearly twenty years, thus enabling the people to avoid making a debt, or subjecting them to heavy taxation for public building 248 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. purposes. ' This liberality and public spirit of the founders of Mt. Carroll, Emmert, Halderman & Co., provided the means by wdiich the county could prepare themselves against the day when a larger and better court house would be needed. FIRST SETTLEMENTS. Thus far only the first settlement at Savanna, the history of the or ganization of the county, the re-location of the county seat, the building of the first court house, etc., etc., have been followed. To render our under taking more complete and comprehensive, the settlement of the different parts of the county will now be taken up, that the names of the first settlers and some of the pioneer incidents may be preserved. Taking these settlements in their regular order, we return to Savanna, to add a few additional items that were omitted in the beginning of these pages for want of the proper data. After the work had been commenced, the writer visited Dr. E. Woodruff, of Savanna, to solicit his aid in mak ing some corrections and supplying some important dates, etc. While on that visit, that very courteous and intelligent gentleman kindly consented to "hunt up " sundry items of Savanna's early days, without which this history would be incomplete. True to his word, as he has ever been to all his promises, Dr. Woodruff remits to these pages the missing links in the history of that part of Carroll County of which he has been an honored, respected and useful citizen and representative man for over forty }'ears. Savanna, III., Nov. 19, 1877. H. F. Kett & Co. — Dear Sirs: I wrote to Mr. Pierce, at Hampton, 111., for items of interest to your praiseworthy undertaking — the " History of Carroll County," but, owing to the death of his sister, Mrs. Rhodes, his attendance at her funeral, etc., I did not receive an answer until this morning, when I received the following: "Mrs. Mary Jane Rhodes, whose death is referred to above, was the first white child born in what is now Carroll County. She was born May 8, 1829, and died Nov. 14, 1877. "The principal tribes of Indians here when the settlement at Savanna was com menced were, the Foxes, Keokuk, chief; the Sacs, Black Hawk, chief; and a few Winne bagoes and Pottawatomies." The first marriage occurred (I think) in 1835, when Vance L. Davidson was married to Harriett M. Pierce. They subsequently moved to California, where they were still living at last accounts. Marshall B. Pierce, (now of Hampton, 111.,) and Julia A. Baker procured the first marriage license after the county was organized, and were married by Benjamin Church, Justice of the Peace, Aug. 25, 1839. We had occasional preaching, as a preacher happened among us. No church record prior to 1858 is known, to my knowledge, although there was an M. E. Church organization as early as the Spring of 1838, but I can not give you any definite information about it. The first death of which I have any positive knowledge was in the family of Luther H. Bowen, when they lost an infant son. The second death was in the same family, in the Fall of 183^7, when the wife and mother followed the infant son to a home beyond the skies. The first church edifice was erected by the Methodist people, in 1849. The first steamboat to land at Savanna was the "Red Rover," Captain Throckmor ton, that stopped to take on wood — red cedar, cut along the bluffs above town. In these days, when cedar posts, for fencing posts, etc., are worth twenty-five cents each, that kind of fuel would be rather expensive. The land upon which the town of Savanna was built was patented by A. Pierce and George Davidson. I think Vance L. Davidson also patented some, but I can not say now what part, or how much. M. B. Pierce says in his letter to me : " Father's house was a hospital for the sick of the whole country for several years, which was the cause of Savauna bearing the name of being a sickly place, bilious fever and ague being the principal diseases." And again he says: '• Rattlesnakes were very plenty and denned in the bluffs above town. For the first few years we used to go snaking, and killed hundreds of them as they came out of their dens in the spring." Since my acquaintance with him, I have often heard him relate snake stories of his boyhood's days. HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 249 James Craig built the first saw mill. It was built on Plum River, about two miles east of town, at the site now occupied by Messrs. Wood & Kitchen's flouring mills. The Winter of 1842-3 was a long and cold one. Snow commenced falling in October, and did not entirely disappear until late in April. On the 10th of April, 1843, we crossed the Mississippi River on ice, with four yoke of cattle, hauling bridge timber. During the Winter, owing to the severe and intense cold and deep aud continued snow, stock of all kinds suffered severely, and a great many cattle starved and froze to death. The like of that Win ter has never since been experienced. Very Respectfully and Truly Yours, E. Woodruff. The 4th of July, 1876, was celebrated by the Mt. Carroll people in right royal style. In perfecting their arrangements, C. B. Smith, Esq., was selected as orator of the day, and Volney Armour, Esq., was appointed to prepare and read a historical sketch of the early history of the county, which was subsequently reproduced in the Carroll County Mirror, running through several numbers of that paper. While compiling this book, these papers were placed in possession of the writer, and very materially assisted him in perfecting his chain of history, and especially in regard to fixing the dates and names of the settlers in the different parts of the county — facts now undqr consideration. Beferring to the condition of Savanna when the first settlers came there, in the Fall of 1828, Mr. Armour said: Above the place where the Irvine Saw Mill used to stand, extending from the bluffs nearly to Main Street, the timber was splendid. The trees, however, were all dead, having been girdled by the Indians a year or two prior to the arrival of the settlers. Some of these trees were more than ten feet in circumference. The near neighbors were the few settlers at Albany, Whiteside County, Dixon, Lee County, and Hanover, Jo Daviess County. Each of the first settlers brought with them a pair of cattle, with which they did their logging and breaking. They planted the first crop ever cast into the bosom of the prolific earth of Carroll County in the Spring of 1829, and while they planted, the Lord watered; yet the earth would have brought no increase except that the boys and girls had been kept by clay scaring the countless millions of birds of every kind and hue from devouring the germinat ing seed in the Spring, and the ripening corn in the Fall; and the men and boys had kept in check the hundreds of raccoons that came upon their fields, like the plagues of Egypt in the night. But perseverance and industry conquered, and the settlers gathered a harvest of golden grain, that gave proof of the fatness of the land. M. B. Pierce says that we of to-day have no idea of the throngs of birds that filled the groves and made vocal the solitudes around, nor of the wild fowl that swam in the sloughs and creeks at that time. I gather from what he says that they swarmed around Savanna then like the grasshoppers on the plains and prairies of Colorado. * * * * The Indians at that time were numerous and friendly, and, for a trifling compensation, shared the products of the chase and fish from the streams. These substantials, as well as delicacies, the mere thought of which, at this late day, makes our stomachs hunger, and our mouths water, consisted of venison, wild turkeys, prairie chickens, and ducks, geese, woodcock and snipe, in their sea son; and occasionally buffalo meat, as countless herds of bison then roamed the prairies of Iowa and Minnesota. Whether these settlers hankered after the flesh-pots of Egypt, such as hog meat, I do not know, but certainly the grunt of the porker was yet unheard in Carroll County. And I know they sighed for milk and butter, for of these they had none until M. P. Pierce and his father went down to Bond County in the Summer and came back in August, 1829, with a few cows. They also brought up a few horses. While these settlers had so much to gladden their stomachs, the county was not without its pull-backs or draw backs, for the voracious musquito sang and hummed about the unsilent couches, and wood ticks, buffalo gnats and horse flies sought their life blood in revenge for being disturbed in their hitherto quiet domain. * * * * * * * * In the Spring of 1830-1, John Bernard settled in what is now Washington Township, at the Hartfield place. Hayes and Robinson settled on the George Fish farm', the same Spring. Corbin (heretofore mentioned) on the land now included on the Noah McFarlaud farm. Corbin's house or hut was built in a tree about ten feet from the ground, to avoid snake bites, rattlesnakes then abounding in all this region. An idea of how numerous were some of the fur-bearing animals around the Dyson neighborhood, in York, may be reached by a statement of the fact that M. B. Pierce and another man, in five weeks killed 1,600 muskrats, the skins of which brought them the snug little sum of $200 per man. Mr. Armour next referred to the breaking out of the Black Hawk War and the attack made by the Indians upon the Savanna settlement, an ac- 250 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. count of which we have already written, and the statements are so nearly alike that a further mention would be entirely superfluous, hence the omis sion of this part of his address. Resuming an examination of the address from which we are copying, the speaker continues: Aaron Pierce was Savanna's first tavern keeper; he even commenced entertaining strangers while living in the old council house, and still continued afterwards. He built the present Chambers House in 1836-7. Luther H. Bowen built the Woodruff House, which was first called ihe Mississippi House. These hotels were built in anticipation of a glorious future for Savanna. During the Winter of 1835-6, the Legislature of Illinois inaugurated its grand scheme of internal improvements, embracing about 1,350 miles of railroad. One of these contemplated lines was intended to terminate at Savanna, and had this road been built at that time, Savanna would, no doubt, have become one of the most important cities of the state. What Quincy is, may be safely regarded as a fair representation of what Savanna might have been. It was in anticipation of this supposed future that these hotels were built. They were then the best hotels in all this region of country. It is sad, even at this late day, to contemplate what possibilities for Savanna were blasted by the financial tornado of 1837. The late Luther H. Bowen, probably the most enterprising citizen Savanna ever had, came to the state in 1832, and assisted in the early surveys of the northwestern terri tory. Although he came to Savanna several years after the Pierces, Davidsons and Blun- dells, he became the original proprietor of the town, in connection with some Quakers by the name of Murray, of Philadelphia. Settlers came in slowly until 1833 and 1834, when there was a very noticeable increase. Stephen N. Arnold, who gave his name to the land ing above Savanna, settled on what subsequently became the farm of John Robinson, came about this time. Royal Cooper came about 1835, and was an active participant in the early affairs of the county. Nathan Lord and Elijah Bellows settled in the Savanna district about the same time. At the April election, 1839, when the first board of county officers was elected, Savanna precinct cast 127 votes, of which 60 were residents of the village. This, according to the established rule of estimating five persons to each voter, would fix Savanna's population at that time at 300 men, women and children. Cherry Grove. — This settlement next claimed Mr. Armour's attention: "The first settlement of any locality is always around a grove, if there be one, or along roads of travel, if there be any. Carroll County was not an exception to the rule, for we find that our first settlers, except those at Savanna, who came there to found a village, settled at Elkhorn Grove, Chambers' Grove, which, in fact, is a part or branch of Elkhorn Grove, and Cherry Grove, in the immediate vicinity of the route of travel from Dixon's Ferry to Galena, but as Chambers' Grove is almost entirely in Ogle County, we will have but little to say about that old-time land mark. At which particular grove the first settler marked his claim and reared his hut or cabin, is not very clear, as no record of the event seems to have been kept. But, from the best and most reliable data to be had, the first settlement is credited to Cherry Grove, and was made by Thomas Crane; and from the fact of his having built a log or block house in the grove, a little east of the Garner Moffett House, he must have had some companions or associates. It is also presumable that he had some knowledge of Indian character, for he surrounded his house by an abatis* to protect its inmates from surprise. The walls of the house were pierced with post holes, and the abatis was large enough to include within it a small garden. For many years this old house offered shelter and protection to all new-comers and wayfarers. Geo. W. Harris and family found shelter within it in 1837; David Emmert and family in 1840; and the father and family of W. A. J. Pierce in 1841. Numerous other families whose names are not remembered at this late day, also found temporary homes beneath the old house's friendly roof and within its protecting walls. * A species of fence placed in front of a breastwork, or on a glacis, for the purpose of impeding the advance of an attack. It is usually made of felled trees, with the branches pointed outward. HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 251 " Shortly after the close of the Black Hawk War, Thomas Crane sold his claim to Samuel M. Hitt, of Maryland, who afterwards became prominently identified with the public affairs of Ogle County, and Crane removed to what was subsequently known as Crane's Point, in Stephenson County. Francis Garner, wife and family, including five or six children, came here from Southern Illinois soon after the Indian tronbles were conquered. His youngest daughter, Mary, and probably Jane, also (but of this I am not certain), was born in Carroll County. Garner had been one of the army against the Indians, and he selected his claim when he was en route home, after his discharge at Galena. " In 1833, Wm. Thompson settled either at Cherry Grove or Arnold's Grove. If at Cherry Grove, he soon sold out and took up the claim of the old Arnold and Henry Strickler places. Levi Walden (or Walker) took up a claim the same year. George Swaggert came the next year, and soon after his arrival his wife died. She had selected the place for her burial, and hers was the first grave in the Cherry Grove graveyard. Garner Moffett came in 1835, and purchased a claim, probably Swaggert's. Moffett lived in the original log house until 1846 or 1848. Wm. Daniels came in 1837, and made a claim on the creek near Lanark, where George Ransover now lives. This was the pioneer claim — away out beyond the frontier line of settlement, and was considered a bold move on the part of Mr. Ransover. In 1837, George W. Harris, another Marylander, came to the Grove, more to look after and take care of Hitt's interests than as a settler. He first lived in the old, fort-like house built by Crane, and kept a kind of tavern therein for three years, when he. built the old Cherry Grove House for Hitt, which he also occupied for a time, as did also David Emmert in 1840 and 1841. Emmert was succeeded by a Mr. Pierce. John Her and Peter Meyers came about the same time that Harris came. Some time about 1835 or 1836, a line of stage coaches was established between Galena and Peoria, via Dixon's Ferry. The line was kept up until 1816, and made a station with Harris as long as he remained at Cherry Grove, and when he removed to Plum River, his place there was made a station, also. Emanuel Stover afterwards came into the ownership of the farm on which the Cherry Grove House stood, and either Mr. Stover, or some one to whom he sold it, removed it to Lanark, and it now makes a part of the Taber House barn. Sarah, daughter of Garner Moffett (now the wife of Emanuel Stover), was born in 1837, and is the oldest native resident of that vicinity. . When i I arris left the Grove, he took the claim that is now covered by the farm of Samuel Ludwick, on Plum River. In 1847, he moved to Mt. Carroll, where he was postmaster from 1853 to 1861 — eight years, and jus tice of the peace for a much longer period. He died in 1875. Jas. Mark came without money or property in 1837. In 1841 he was living in an 8 by 10 pole shanty on his claim, east of where H. F. Lowman now lives. Nathan Frisk, Israel Jones, and Bradstreet Robbins made claims about 1838-9. Frisk located on the north side of the Grove, Jones at the Big Springs near Shannon, and Robinson east of the Grove — Jones venturing further out than any settler had ever attempted before. Some time previous to these last-named accessions to the Cherry Grove settlement, the father of John Laird either selected or bought a claim. When George Swaggert left the Grove, he bought the claim of Win. Thompson, who in turn took up the Shultz farm in Woodland, which, a few years later, he sold to Daniel Arnold and Henry Strickler, and in 1838, together with S. M. Hitt and 252 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. Daniel Christian, bought the Otis and Mathews claim to Mt. Carroll and vicinity, and in 1841-2 lived where Hartman now resides. In later years, he took up the farm two miles southeast of Mt. Carroll, where he died in 1856 or 1857. " John C. Owings came to the county in 1834, from some one of the Southern States, and settled a little to the southwest of the Grove. He was a man of energy and influence, and a kind of leader or representative man, and served for a number of years as a justice of the peace, and also as post master. He removed from the county in 1868, and now lives in Iowa. " Garner Moffett, of whom mention has heretofore been made, was a kindly, genial gentleman, of fair talents and some degree of culture. He filled several offices of trust and honor, always being elected by large majorities, notwithstanding he was a Democrat, and the county decidedly Whig. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention in 1848, and died in 1856, respected and regretted by every citizen and acquaintance." Elkhorn Grove. — This settlement dates back to 1830, at which period John Ankeny and Thos. Parish built cabins on the east side of the Grove, both near, if not both on, the Harry Smith place, but both left about the time of the breaking out of the Black Hawk War, in 1832. So far as known, neither one of them ever returned to their claims — in fact, Parish was never heard of afterwards, while Ankeny turned his attention to keep ing a hotel or tavern at Buffalo, a few months after leaving his claim. This beginning excepted, Elkhorn Grove remained an unbroken, undisturbed wild until about 1834, when Levi Warner settled on the south side of the Grove. A surveyor by profession, he was elected county surveyor at the first county election, in April, 1839, and re-elected for several successive terms. He caine here a bachelor, and remained in " single blessedness '' for a number of years. John H. Hawes now lives where Warner first settled. In 1835 Alvin Humphrey settled at the northeast corner of the Grove, and Caleb Dains and Thos. Hughes at the southeast corner. Humphrey was a great wag, and a great many of his "jokes " are still remembered with broad faces. John Knox and family, including Geo. W. Knox, came about 1834 or 1835, and made- a claim on the south side of the Grove, where he " set out " the first orchard planted in the county. Geo. W. Knox now occu pies the old home place. -In 1835, John Ankeny returned to the Grove. Uncle Harry Smith and Samples M. Journey settled at the Grove in 1834 — the first-named on the land where he now resides, and the latter a little further to the east, on the farm on which Ransom Wilson died a short time ago. Miles Z. Landon, Elder John Paynter, Joseph Steffins, Manasas Neikerk and Lyman Hunt came soon afterwards. A rapid tide of immi gration now set in, and among them came a number of our now most prom inent citizens. In 1837, Elijah Eaton built a saw mill — the first in the township. The same year the people of the Grove celebrated the 4th of July with great pomp and ceremony, at the place of Alvin Humphrey. Felix Connor delivered the oration, and a right good one it is said to have been. In 1834, a millwright named Peters settled on Elkhorn Creek bottom, near the present village of Milledgeville, but, falling sick, he gave up his claim to Jesse Kester, who improved it with a saw mill. Kester subse quently sold out his claim to Adam Knox, who built the grist mill. In 1839, his daughter, Eliza J., was born, which was the first birth. Soon after, his son Albert died, which was the first death at or near Milledge ville. In 1844, a post-office was established there, and Jacob McCourtie HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 253 was appointed postmaster. At that time, Milledgeville (it is said) was a larger place than Mt. Carroll . In 1839, Simeon Johnson and his son, J. B. Johnson, Byron and Nelson Fletcher, and Abel Eastabrooks, the father of L. F., and the other Eastabrooks boys, settled in the present town of Wysox. About this time — some a little before and some a little afterwards — the fol lowing named persons had settled in the Elkhorn Grove neighborhood, in which are included the towns of Lima and Wysox : Tilson Aid rich, John Richardson, I. H. Woodruff, Hiram McNamer, Geo. G.Colton, N. Spencer, Alvah Dains, Henry Hunter, E. W Todds, Chas. Redman, Stephen Jen kins, Philetus Peck, several by the name of Grant, and D. Stormer. " With but few exceptions, these settlers hugged the Groves, only the boldest of them venturing out on the prairie. The sweep of the winter winds, it was thought by some, would render the prairie practically uninhab itable. Others could not bear the idea of removing so far away from the timber. Two gentlemen who had sold their farms in Pennsylvania, came to Milledgeville in 1840, with the intention of investing their means in lands thereabouts, and rearing stately homes on the broad fields nature had cleared. Some parties had accompanied them to show them the beautiful prairie between Milledgeville and Cherry Grove, etc. After traversing the broad and undulating expanse, vaster than anything of the kind their imag ination had ever pictured, they came to the conclusion that the prairie was and must forever remain worthless, because it could never be inhabited to any extent for want of timber. So they repacked their dollars, turned their backs upon that garden-spot of nature, and re-invested their wealth in rocks and mountains and hills and timber of Pennsylvania. "A Mr. Ingalls was the first school teacher in the Elkhorn Grove neighborhood, and taught in what is now known as the Centre School House District." Mount Carroll. — " Samuel Preston, Sr., made the first claim and was the first settler in Mt. Carroll Township. His claim covered the water power of Fulrath's Mill and what has ever since been known as ' Preston's Prairie.' The same day, Paul D. Otis and Granville Mathews made a claim of the land and water power at Mt. Carroll, which afterwards became the property of Emmert, Halderman & Co. These claims were made some time in 1836 and in 1837. Messrs. Otis and Mathews built a cabin near what subsequently became the Christian homestead, and into which Mr. Mathews removed his father. As already stated in these pages, Otis and Mathews sold their claim to Geo. Swaggert and others, and they in turn sold it to Emmert, Halderman & Co., who were the real founders of Mt. Carroll. "In the Fall of 1836, Nathan Downing took a claim that is now known as Kinney's Farm. Nathan Downing sold his claim to his brother, Heman Downing, within a year afterwards, who continued to occupy and improve it until 1856, when he sold the farm to John Kinney. " The first white child born in the Mt. Carroll settlement was a daugh ter to Nathan Downing, born in the Spring of 1837. When this daughter grew to womanhood, she was given in marriage to Gideon Carr. This same Spring, Rezin Everts took up the land now known as the Trail Farm ; and Samuel S. Bayless claimed a part of section 12, at the present fair grounds. He laid off a town there, which, in honor of the capital of his native state, Virginia, he culled Richmond. He made liberal offers of lots to settlers, and two small houses were built, but the financial troubles of 254 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 1837 killed Richmond, and blasted the hopes and expectations of its founder. Otis and Mathews, like a great many other claim-takers, were greedy and tried to 'slide ' their claim over on to Bayless', but he ' didn't scare worth a cent,' and wisely held on to his claim. In 1S39, a post-office was estab lished at Richmond and was entered on the post-office records at Washing ton under that name. When the Whigs came into power under Harrison, in 1841, the ' Richmond, Carroll County, Illinois ' post-office was stricken from the list of U. S. P. O.'s, and has never since been known by that name. A little circumstance in connection with the appointment of the first post master at Richmond is worthy of preservation. A part of the settlers wanted old 'Squire Chas. G. Hawley for postmaster, and another part of them wanted Heman Downing. Both were Whigs. The appointing power (Van Buren's) was Democratic, so Downing's friends ventured to assert in their petition that l.e was a Jeffersonian Democrat, thinking that would be an irresistible and unanswerable argument in his favor, and sure to settle the question — and it did. Both parties handed their petitions to Luther H. Bowen, postmaster at Savanna, who was a Democrat. He looked over the petitions and made this simple endorsement on Downing's : "He is a Whig." He said nothing about Hawley's politics, but Hawley got the post-office. " In the Spring of 1838, Daniel Christian moved on to the Otis and Mathews claim and built the old saw mill down the creek. Wm. Mackay (the elder br&ther of Duncan Mackay) and John George leased and ran the mill for some time. This year Heman Downing built the first frame barn of any size in the county. Its sills and posts and beams and girders were made of hewn oak timber, and, as was' the practice in those days, they were large and heavy, and required the united strength of all the settlers between Plum River a"nd Cherry Grove to raise it. It was the model barn of the county in those days, but its glory departed before many years. " In 1838, Geo. W. Stewart settled on the Samuel Hayes farm, on the Savanna road, and a man by the name of Hinckley settled on the land now covered by the Daniel Grouse farm. " Somewhere" about 1838 (the exact date is unknown), John Kinney, Joseph Ferrin, Rezin Everts and others were fishing down Carroll Creek, early in the Spring, and all at once they heard a hissing and rattling noise, and, looking around, they found themselves overtaken by hundreds of rat tlesnakes that had come out from their dens to sun themselves. They quit fishing and went to snake-killing, and when none but dead ones were to be seen, they took an inventory of the stock on hand, and found that they had disposed of one hundred and ninety, and they didn't think it was a very good day for snakes, either ! They had more snakes than fish. " In 1839, Mr. Whipple, a travelling Presbyterian minister, preached the first sermon on the prairie. The first school was taught the same year, by Sarah J. Hawley, in the upper part of the senior Preston's house. " Previous to the time which we have reached in the history of the county, Sidney and Lewis Bliss, John O'Neal, Benj. Church, Jos. Ferrin, John Kinney and a few others had settled on Preston Prairie, and David Masters a half a mile south of the Mt. Carroll depot. "A man named Leonard built a grist mill in 1838-9, at the site of the mill now owned by Adam Fulrath. The mill-stones were quarried from the Galena Limestone that crops out along the creek, one of which may still be seen at the Fulrath mill." 7ts7-7si^rY~ HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 257 Mount Carroll. — " David Emmert and family, of Pennsylvania, came to Cherry Grove in May, 1840, and kept the Cherry Grove House for a while. In the Fall of 1841, N. Halderman, also, came into the county, and, stopping at Cherry Grove, made Emmert's acquaintance, and entered into an arrangement with him to build a mill somewhere in the county. Their attention was directed to the Mount Carroll mill site, which Halderman examined some time in the month of November, and being fully satisfied with its advantages, a mill company was formed, the site purchased, and operations commenced. The company was composed of David Emmert, N. Halderman, John Rinewalt, and Thomas Robinson, of the firm of Irvine & Robinson, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A log house was built at " Stags' Point," on the ground now occupied by the residence of I. P. Sheldon, and in January, 1842, the Emmert family moved in and occupied it. About this time Halderman fell in with Daniel Hurley, at Cherry Grove, who, with Hugh Slowey and one or two other men, were en route for Galena hunting a job of work. Halderman entered into a contract with Hurley to build the dam and lay the foundation of the mill building. Some twenty men were employed oh this work, quarrying the stone for the mill, etc., all of whom boarded with Emmert. The next dwelling houses were built by some of the men employed in the mill enterprise. Jesse and Thomas Rapp settled here in 1842, intending to unite their fortunes with the mill company, but subsequently changed their minds. Jesse Rapp built the first house south of the stone hotel (now the Chapman House), soon after the town was laid out, some two or three houses having been built in advance of the survey. The first season after the survey, a man named Goltman built a house on the lot subsequently occupied by John S. Miller's store. The same year a house was built on the first corner south of that now occupied by the Chapman House. Until 1844, when the Chapman House was built, this was the largest and bet>t house in town, and was used as a boarding-house by Thomas Rapp. Soon after the completion of this (then) somewhat aristocratic house, Harlan Pyle built another one just west of the mill-race, which was afterwards rebuilt by Evan Rea." Thus commenced the settlement of Mount Carroll, and here the settlement will be left to be taken up again in a local history of the growth and pros perity of the city. York. — To Norman D. French belongs the honor of pioneering the settlement in this division of the county, where he made a claim in 1835; broke up some ground in 1836; built a cabin in 1837, and raised his first crop in 1838. Mr. Armour says he had, by his early experience among the hills and mountains of Vermont, become disgusted with them, and while assisting in the United States' survey of the lands along the Mississippi, selected the site of his present home. William Dysen, Sr., and his sons, William, Jr., and Hezekiah; his son-in-law, Russell Colvin, and George Helms, a relative, came in 1836. These new settlers, because of the numer ous gushing springs to be found there, made their claims along the bluffs. A. year or two later, a man named Edgerly settled near French, and William St. Ores and Jacob Potter settled just west of the centre of town 23, range 4 — probably on section 9. No other settlements are recorded until 1838, when Col. Beers Tomlinson located on the lands now occupied by his son, Beers B. Tomlinson. When Col. Tomlinson came to Carroll County to locate a new home his attention was directed to York by Samuel Preston, Sr., who says of him : " Colonel Tomlinson was a man of dignified presence, 15 258 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. and would at once be recognized as a man born to lead and not to follow. Yet he had none of those airs of loftiness suggestive of the great ' I ' and little 'U' that characterize some men. His nature was social and jovial, and he relished a joke equal to the best in that line. His wife was a Bailey, and he was soon followed to his new home by that family and their kindred, the Balcoms. His brother, Seymour Tomlinson, and the Athertons came afterwards, but only Daniel B. Kenvon and his sons, and Joshua Bailey, came prior to 1841. Col. Tomlinson was a captain in the war of 1812, and was born almost in sight of old Fort Ticonderoga, and, no doubt had some of the Ethan Allen spirit in him." Levi Kent was York's first school, teacher and taught at BluffVille. Frkedom. — This township has but little history that is not included in that of Cherry Grove settlement. Owen's Point, as it was called, where John C. Owen resided, was in the limits of Freedom, as were the farms of the Moffetts, Marks and Lairds. The Indians were numerous for several years after the Black Hawk War, and as late as 1835-6 a trading post was main tained at Owen's Point, where guns, ammunition, calico, blankets, whisky, red handkerchiefs, beads, etc., were exchanged to the Indians for peltries, etc. The Indians were a source of annoyance and fear, especially to the women and children. Salem. — The earliest settlers of Salem, of whom any trace has been kept, were David Masters, George Swaggert, Seymour Downs, William Mackay, Duncan Mackay, and Henry Reynolds, David Masters being the first settler, having selected a claim and built a cabin, in 1837. Rock Creek's first settlers were David Becker and Zachariah Kinkaid. Becker sold to Daniel Belding. Richard A. Thompson was an early settler, and the first to introduce cheese-making in the county. Lima. — John Chambers and Philetus Peck were the first white occu pants of this beautiful and naturally rich and attractive section of the county. Peck came some time previous to 1840. Woodland. — This is the most heavily timbered-part of the county, and was first occupied by William Thompson and Moses Wooten. The Hen dersons and Gills came in 1842 or 1843, and Uriah Green came about the same time. These notes on the first settlements in the different parts of the county .bring us back to the general history of the county, at the point from which we digressed. A first court house had been erected and was occupied by the various county officers. The first term of the Circuit Court in the new building was held in October, 1844 — Judge Thomas C. Browne, presiding. The following named citizens were the Grand Jurors. — Alvin Humphrey, Samuel Drain, David Becker, James McCourtie, James Webster, E. Longsdon, Royal Cooper, David B. Hartsough, James Burnett, Thomas B. Rhodes, Vance L. Davidson, Francis Garner, Israel Jones, John Johnson, Peter Atherton, Griffith Carr, G. W. Dwinnell, R. R. Brush, Harlan Pyle, Beers Tomlinson, William Harmon, Alexis Bristol, B. C. Baiiy— 23. Petit Jurors. — David L. Bowen, Nathan K. Lord, William Blundell, Anson Closson, Butler E. Marble, John P. Garr, Walton Thomas, Jared Bartholomew, Samuel McHoes, Stephen Goff, Thomas Hough, Benjamin Church, William Owings, John Pierce, Jr., Robert Beatty, John Fosdick, Hiram McNamer, J. C. Shottenkirk, William Lowry, Cyrus Kellogg, Lyman Kent— 24. HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY 259 •I. B. Wells, the attorney for the people, not being present, the Court appointed James M. Strade attorney for the people pro tern. There were eight criminal cases — one for perjury, on a change of venue from Jo Daviess County; one for assault with intent to kill; one for contempt of court as a grand juror; one on forfeiture of recognizance; one for riot; one for larceny, on a change of venue from Jo Daviess; one on indictment against a super visor; and one on indictment for malicious mischief — shooling a mare. It is to the credit of the people of the county that but few really bad or desperate characters ever found an abiding place in their midst. The criminal docket, as compared with other counties, shows a lower percentage of convictions than most of them — not because evil-doers have not been prosecuted, but because crimes were not committed. In 1845, six years after the county was organized, the total amount of county tax was $935.27. The old journal of the county commissioners court, under date of Wednesday, June 3, 1846, shows that the " following settlement was made with the collector, Sumner Downing : Cr. for amount of tax paid into treasury $841 39 " " " " delinquent list 49 60 " " " " collector's percentage - 44 28 Total _ $935 27 which being the amount of receipts for county tax-list, 1845, the same were ordered canceled and satisfied." Compared with the annual tax-lists for the last seven years, this amount of $935.27 is very insignificant, indeed. From 1870 up to and including 1877, the amount of county tax is as follows: In 1870, $12,135.63; 1871, $14,332.86; 1872, $17,339.58; 1873, $15,250.50; 1874, $17,927.02; 1875, $17,542.64; 1876, $15,222.95; 1877, $17,452.88. Total, in seven years, $127,204.06. In 1840 the population was 1,023. In 1850 it was 4,586; in 1860, 11,733; in 1870, 16,705; increase from 1860 to 1870, 4,792, or a little over twenty-five per cent. Since the last census, in 1870, the increase, according to the best sources of information, has not been more than ten per cent. COUNTY JAIL MATTERS. In October, 1846, the commissioners ordered the county clerk to adver tise for sealed proposals for building a jail, the " walls to be of stone, each two feet in thickness, and not less than one and a half feet long and one foot deep, jointed and coupled top and bottom with iron pins, three quarters inch rod; the walls to commence four feet below the surface of the earth, and to raise twelve feet above the surface; the building to be 16 by 20 feet on the outside; the first floor to be made of solid hewn timber, ten inches thick, and to be firmly set in the outside walls, and to be covered with well- seasoned, two-inch, merchantable oak plank, jointed, the top of the floor to be two feet above the surface of the ground, and spiked to the hewn timber four inches apart. Also, a floor at the height of the top of the wall, of solid hewn timber, jutting over sufficiently to give eave, and to be covered on the inside with well-seasoned one-and-a-half-inch oak plank, and spiked the same as the lower floor," etc. The inside of the building was to be divided, according to the plans, into three apartments, or sections, by strong, thick oaken walls, made of seasoned two-inch oak plank, three thicknesses, firmly bolted and spiked together. The outside door was to be a heavy 260 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. oaken one, covered with sheet iron. The inner one was to be of equal thick ness, and same kind of material." Bids were solicited through the adver tising columns of the Jeffersonian and Gazette, of Galena, and by three written notices put up in the three most conspicuous places in the county, etc. The records, however, do not show that any bids were ever received. But this is not surprising, for it is a subject of universal regret, if "not of complaint, among the people of the county, that the records in the county clerk's office were very indifferently and negligently kept until Major Hawk succeeded to the office, in December, 1865. When he came into the office many of the important papers had not been filed in regular succession, but had nearly all been tumbled into boxes, without any regard to order, and it was many months before they were resurrected from chaos and confusion and arranged in any thing like decent shape. Now, there is a place for every thing and every thing is in its place* Whether any bids were received for the building of a jail or not is a matter of but little consequence, since it is known that no jail, such as pro posed in the plans quoted above, was ever built. In those days there were not many evil doers in the county, and what few there were, were of the petty order, and in cases where they were unable to give bail, they were placed in the keeping of some citizen. Sometimes a pretty hard customer would " turn up," that couldn't be trusted to the keeping of any citizen, and such characters would be taken to the jail at Galena. This practice prevailed until about 1850, when one of the lower rooms of the old court house was converted into a jail and divided off into cells, and continued to be so used until the erection of the present county buildings. That jail was none of the strongest, and when, perchance a desperate character, tramping through the country, would commit some of the higher grades of crime, and would be arrested and held to answer, he would be transferred to the jail of Jo Daviess County, to await trial at the next term of the circuit court. But with the erection of the present court house and jail — the latter being considered the strongest and best in the state — the county became thoroughly independent in this regard, and fully competent to take care of the worst of " jail birds." TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION. From the organization of the county in 1839, up to November, 1849, the management of county affairs had been under the control of three county commissioners. The law under which they were elected provided that one of them should serve for one year, one for two years, and one for three years, so that one commissioner only should be elected annually. At the first session of the County Commissioners Court, terms weie drawn for in the manner following: Three tickets were prepared, on one of which was written " one year," on another one " two years," and on a third one, " three years." These slips of paper were put into a hat or box, and passed to the commissioners, when each one of them would draw out a ticket. The one who drew the "one year" ticket would serve one year; the one who drew the "two year" ticket was entitled to serve two years, and the one drawing the " three year " ticket would hold his office for three years. Under this * R. G-. Bailey was Major Hawk's immediate predecessor, and had made great im provements in the management of the records. The real fault belongs to the early county clerks, and the carelessness of county judges, prior to Judge Patch, in not enforcing order. HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 261 law there were always two members of the court familiar with the routine of business and the condition of the county. Elijah M. Haines, in his "Laws of Illinois, Relative to Township Organization," says, the county system "originated with Virginia, whose early settlers soon became large landed proprietors, aristocratic in feeling, living apart in almost baronial magnificence on their own estates, and own ing the laboring part of the population. Thus the materials for a town were not at hand, the voters being thinly distributed over a great area. The county organization, where a few influential men managed the whole business of the community, retaining their places almost at their pleasure, scarcely responsible at all except in name, and permitted to conduct the county concerns as their ideas or wishes might direct, was moreover conso nant with their recollections or traditions of the judicial and social dignities of the landed aristocracy of England, in descent from whom the Virginia gentlemen felt so much pride. In 1834, eight counties were organized in Virginia; and the system, extending throughout the state, spread into all the Southern States, and some of the Northern States, unless we except the nearly similar division into 'districts' in South Carolina, and that into ' parishes ' in Louisiana from the French laws. " Illinois, which, with its vast additional territory, became a county of Virginia on its conquest by Gen. George Rogers Clark, retained the county organization, which was formally extended over the state by the constitu tion of 1818, and continued in exclusive use until the constitution of 1848. Under this system, as in other states adopting it, most local business was transacted by three commissioners in each county, who constituted a county court, with quarterly sessions. During the period ending with the. consti tutional convention of 1847, a large portion of the state had become filled up with a population of New England birth or character, daily growing more and more compact and dissatisfied with the comparatively arbitrary and inefficient county system." It was maintained by the people that the heavily populated districts would always control the election of the com missioners to the disadvantage of the more thinly populated sections — in short, that under that system " equal and exact justice " to all parts of the county could not be secured. The township system had its origin in Mas sachusetts, and dates back to 1635. The first legal enactment concerning this system provided that, whereas, "particular towns have many things which concern only themselves, and the ordering of their own affairs, and disposing of business in their own town," therefore, " the freemen of every town, or the major part of them, shall only have power to dispose of their own lands and woods, with all the appurtenances of said towns, to grant lots, and to make such orders as may concern the well-ordering of their own towns, not repugnant to the laws and orders established by the General Court." "They might, also (says Mr. Haines) impose fines of not more than twenty shillings, and ' choose their own particular officers, as constables, surveyors for the highways, and the like.' Evidently, this enactment relieved the *general court of a mass of municipal details, without any danger to the powers of that body in controlling general measures or public * The New Eugland colonies were first governed by a "general court," or legislature, composed of a governor and a small council, which court consisted of the most influential inhabitants, and possessed and exercised both legislative and judicial powers, which were limited only by the wisdom of the holders. They made laws, ordered their execution by officers, tried and decided civil and criminal causes, enacted all manner of municipal regu- lations, and, in fact, did all the public business of the colony. 262 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. policy. Probably, also, a demand from the freemen of the towns was felt, for the control of their own home concerns." Similar provisions for the incorporation of towns were made in the first constitution of Connecticut, adopted in 1639; and the plan of township organization, as experience proved its remarkable economy, efficacy and adaptation to the requirements of a free and intelligent people, became universal throughout New England, and went westward with the emigrants from New England, into New York, Ohio, and other Western States, including the northern part of Illinois. Under these influences, the constitutional provision of 1848, and sub sequent law of 1849, were enacted, enabling the people of the several counties of the state to vote "for" or "against" adopting the township organization system. The question was submitted to the people at an elec tion held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1849, and was adopted by all of the counties north of the Illinois River, and by a number of counties south of it. February 12, 1849, the legislature passed a law creating a county court. Section one of this law provided " that there should be established in each of the counties of this state, now created and organized, or which may hereafter be created or organized, a court of record, to be styled ' the County Court,' to be held by and consist of one judge, to be styled the ' County Judge.' Section seventeen of the same act [see pp.307-10, Statutes of 1858] provided for the election of two additional justices of the peace, whose jurisdiction should be co-extensive with the counties, etc., and who should sit with the county judge as members of the court for the transac tion of all county business and none other. Tuesday, September 4, 1849, the county commissioners Ordered, That the question of "town organization" be submitted to the voters of Car roll County at the next general election, to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November next, and that a vote by ballot be given for or against a " town organization." At the general election on the " first Tuesday after the first Monday in November," a majority of the votes were cast in favor of "a town organiza tion," and in April, 1850, the township organization law went into effect. The last meeting of the county commissioners was held on Saturday, December 1, 1849. The board at that time consisted of H. Smith, D. L. Bowen and J. Bartholomew. Their last business was the examination and allowance of sundry bills to judges, clerks of election, etc. The three last orders were in these words: Ordered, That two dollars and fifty cents be allowed Henry Smith for one day special term. Also, that David L. Bowen be allowed the same for the same. Also, that Jared Bartholomew be allowed the same. These orders were numbered respectively 1327, 1328 and 1329. The " court adjourned without day." And thus passed away and out of practice the old system of managing county affairs. At the election held on the "first Tuesday after the first Monday in November," 1849, under the provisions of the law creating the county court, George W. Harris was elected County Judge. Turning to the records, we find the following entry: "Mt. Carroll, Carroll Co., III., Dec. 3, 1849. "The County Court of Carroll County, Illinois, this day convened at the court house, according to law, for the transaction of business. Present: HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 263 George W. Harris, County Court (Judge?) and Norman D. French and G. W. Knox, associate justices of the peace, when the following orders were made: "The commission of George W. Harris, County Judge, was presented and ordered to be placed on file." This commission bore the signature of Aug. C. French, as governor, and Ii. S. Cooley, as secretary of state, and was dated at the City of Springfield, November 19, 1849. On the back of the commission was the prescribed oath of office, and was subscribed by Mr. Harris before Thomas T. Jacobs. Reuben W. Brush, having been elected to the office of county clerk, at the same election, also presented his commission as such officer from Gov. French, and was sworn into office by Leonard Goss, probate justice of the peace. His official bond in the sum of three thousand dollars, with Aaron Belding and John Irvine, Sr., as bondsmen, was also presented, approved and place on file. The court then proceeded to business, taking up and disposing of petitions for roads, passing upon claims against the county, etc., and in a general way discharging nearly the same duties as those confided by law to the county commissioners. Among the other business transacted, R. H. Gray, John Wilson and Rollin Wheeler were appointed commissioners under the "act to provide for township organization, passed and approved February 12, 1849," to divide the county into towns or townships, and make their report according to law. The county court remained in session two days, and then adjourned until the next term, in course, which, by law, was the first Monday in March, 1850, that day being the fourth day of the month. This term the court remained in session only two days, adjourning on Wednesday, the 6th of March. During this session of the court a large number of orders were passed, sundry accounts examined and ordered to be paid, etc. The following month — April — the first board of supervisors was elected. The first record under the new order of county management is as follows: Mount Carroll, April 8, 1850. In pursuance of an act approved February 12, 1849, authorizing "township organiza tion in the several counties of Illinois," the board of supervisors of Carroll County met on this day, at the court house in Mount Carroll, as provided in the second section of the six teenth article of said act, to-wit: Jared Bartholomew, Henry L. Lowman, and Daniel P. Holt. A quorum not being present, the board adjourned, to meet on the 15th inst. (Monday), at 10 o'clock A. M. R. W. BRUSH, Clerk. Monday, the 15th, pursuant to adjournment, the first active session of the board was commenced. There were present Jared Bartholomew, Daniel P. Holt, Ryllin Wheeler, Sample M. Journey, George Sword, Monroe Bailey, Henry F. Lewman, John Donaldson — 8. Jated Bartholomew was chosen chairman of the board. At this meeting of the board the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed as commissioners to locate a quarter- section of land, out of the funds raised by a tax for that object on the taxable property for 1849, for the purpose of erecting a poor-house. The chairman appointed Henry Smith, R. M. Brush and Porter Sar gent as such committee. Tax Levy. — Ordered by the board that a tax of four mills on the dollar's worth of tax able properly in the county be assessed, for the year 1850, for county revenue; also, that a tax of five and eight tenths mills be assessed on the same as a state tax. 264 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. At this meeting of the board of supervisors, the commissioners appointed to divide the county into towns or townships made their report, establishing the townships as follows: Commissioners' Report Showing the Boundary Lines of the several Towns laid off in Carroll County.— Wo, the undersigned, commissioners appointed by the County Court of Carroll county, under and by virtue of an act of the legislature of the State of Illinois, approved February 12, 1849, entitled "An act to provide for township and county organiza tion, under which any county may organize whenever a majority of the voters of such county, at any general election may determine," do hereby establish the following-named boundaries for the following described towns in Carroll County, laid off by us in pursuance of the act aforesaid, to-wit: Lost Grove— W. %. T. 25, R. 7, and, for the time being, added to T. 25, R. 6. Cherry Grove— T. 25, R. 6, including, for the time being, the W. % of T. 25, R. 7. Freedom— T. 25, R. 5. Woodland— T. 25, R. 4. Bush Creek— Fractional T. 25, R. 3, added to fractional T. 24, R. 3, for the time being. Portsmouth — Fractional T. 25, R. 2, for the time being, added to fractional towns 24 and 25, R. 3. Savanna — Fractional T. 24, R. 3, including, for the time being, T. 25, ranges 2 and 3. Mount Carroll— T. 24, R. 4. Salem— T. 24, R. 5, and, for the time being, the W. Y% of T. 24, R. 6, and the N. E. % of T. 23, R. 5. Rock Oreeh— -T. 24, R. 6, and, for the time being, the W. % shall be added to T. 24, R. 5; theE. % to T. 24, R. 7. Lima—W. % T. 24, R. 7, including the E. y2 T. 24, R. 6, for the time being. Blkhorn Grove— -W. Y2 of T. 23, R. 7. Enterprise—?. 23, R. 6, and, for the time being, including the S.E. % T. 23, R. 5. Harlem—"?. 23, R. 4, including, for the time being, the W. % of T. 23, R. 5, and frac tional T. 23, R. 3. Bluffville— Fractional T. 23, R. 3, and, for the time being, added to T. 23, R. 4. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this 12th day of February, A. D. 1850. Rollin Wheeler, John "Wilson, R. H. Gray, ' Seal. Seal. Seal. Changes, etc. — Lost Grove continued a part of the town of Cherry Grove until Sept. 13, 1864, when, by the action of the board of super visors, it was erected into the present town of Shannon, named from the village of Shannon, within its limits. Its separate life commenced April 1, 1865. In 1855, the territory designated for the town of Rush Creek was erected into the town of Washington, including, also, the territory of Portsmouth. Enterprise lost its name, and Wysox was substituted, at the time the report of the committee was acted upon. Harlem was changed to York upon motion of Mr. Bailey, supervisor of that town, on the 14th day of November, 1850. Subsequently it was changed to Argo by the legislature, but was re-christened York at the next meeting of the board of supervisors after the change. This second change to York was through the influence of the same Mr. Bailey. Bluffville has never had an existence as a town, its territory having always constituted a part of York. POOR FARM REDIVIVUS. The first committee appointed to locate a quarter-section of land for a poor farm do not appear, by the records, to have made any report, so, on Monday, Dec. 24, 1851, another committee, consisting of Messrs. R. W. Brush, David Becker and David Emmert, were appointed to that duty, and " authorized to view out and purchase a suitable tract of land on such HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 265 terms as they might deem expedient, and to apply the money then in the treasury, and that to be collected that year," to the payment thereof. Feb ruary 12, 1852, this committee reports that they had purchased the farm formerly owned by Samuel S. Bayliss, containing two hundred acres, for the sum of eleven hundred dollars. "The money in the treasury appropri ated to that object, and that to be collected in 1851 (amounting in all to about five hundred dollars) is to be paid on the execution by said'Bayliss of a sufficient deed, and the remainder in county orders, to be issued, bear ing interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from the date of purchase." February 13, Henry F. Lowman, Jesse Rapp and David Becker were appointed a committee to contract with some person to take charge of the poor farm for one year, and to direct such improvements as the committee might deem necessary to the reception of paupers, etc. March 1, this com mittee reported a contract, signed by themselves and Jacob Strickler, for the term of one year from that date, which was accepted and placed on file. The same day the board of supervisors ordered that " the house purchased of Samuel S. Bayliss be established as a poor house " from that date. The house referred to was a kind of double concern — half frame and half log. Improvements were soon after commenced, and continued from year to year, as the county had means, until in 1872 a handsome, commodious and con venient brick house, of two stories and basement, wras commenced and com pleted. In the basement are three rooms a cellar. On the first floor there are five rooms and two cells. On the second floor there are seven rooms — all well ventilated, and sufficiently roomy for all practical purposes. The contract was originally awarded to Karn & Rhinedollar, carpenters and builders at Mount Carroll. They sub-let the masonry part of the building to Mr. James Hallett, also of Mount Carroll. The contract price was $6,050, but by the time the building was completed extra work had been done that increased its cost to about $6,200. When the poor farm was first purchased, R. W. Brush was appointed a special "agent to put into operation, and take a general supervision of the poor house in Carroll County for the ensuing year." BRIDGES, ETC. For several years after the management of the affairs of the county passed from the commissioners to supervisors, a good deal of their time was taken up in road and bridge matters. New roads were laid out, old ones straightened and re-located to conform to the greater interests and convenience of the people. March 7, 1853, a bridge was ordered to be built acrossPlum River,near Savanna, on the road leading southeastwardly to the Town of York, and Monroe Bailey, Reuben H. Gray and Norman D. French were appointed a committee to act with the road commissioners of Savanna to locate and superintend the building of the said bridge. Previous to the erection of this bridge, the only means of crossing Plum River at that point, in times of high water, was by ferry. In June, 1851, the supervisors granted license to Wade H. Eldridge to keep a ferry there for three months, on the condition that he would not obstruct the ford, give bond in the sum of fifty dollars, and pay into the treasury of the county the sum of one dollar — all of which requirements were filled. The rates of toll were: Footmen, 5c. ; do. going and returning the same clay. Man and horse and horse and buggy, 10c. ; do. going and returning same clay, 15c. ; wagon and two horses, or two oxen, 15c; do. going and returning same day, 25c. ; wagon and four horses, 25c. ; do. going and returning same day, 20c. each way. 266 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. These rates were established by the board of supervisors, and may be found under their proceedings of June 3, 1851. May 6, 1853, the board passed an amended order directing the com missioners appointed March 7, 1853, to superintend the building of the bridge, not to exceed the sum of $2,000 in all their charges against the county for that purpose. September 13, 1853, Supervisor D. P. Holt offered the following resolution : That the orders heretofore passed in relation to building a bridge across Plum River, near Savanna, be sustained and approved, and that the sum, not exceeding $2,000, be appro priated for that purpose. The ayes and nays were called for, and C. VanVeghten, E. Brock, David Becker, G. Denny, D. P. Holt and H. B. Puterbaugh voted in the affirmative, and James Linke, Joseph Steffins, R. J. Tomkins and H. B. Loman voted in the negative. The records do not show very clearly to whom the contract for build ing this bridge was awarded, but, from the following entry in the super visors' records, under date of Thursday, January 12, 1854, we are led to conclude that D. P. Holt was the builder. The entry reads: That the. clerk of the supervisors be and is hereby authorized to issue a county order to the amount of three hundred and sixty-nine dollars, to D. P. Holt, as balance on his con tract for building Plum River Bridge, on his filing an order of the committee of the accept ance of the said contract. Then there comes a subsequent entry, in the course of the proceedings of that meeting, wherein the board is petitioned by the supervising commit tee to direct the clerk to issue an order for one thousand five hundred dollars to D. P. Holt, in part payment for the Plum River bridge, on his filing his bond, with good and sufficient security, etc. — from all of which it appears that Mr. Holt was the contractor and builder of the first bridge across Plum River at that point. This bridge and the one at Bowen's old mill, on Plum River (now Wood & Kitchen's), were the largest and most costly in the county. They were wooden structures, and went down from time, before floods and constant use. But at last they are succeeded by strong iron bridges, that defy the force of floods and ravages and decay of time. There are other bridges in the county, but they are wooden ones and of minor importance. These bridges are kept up and repaired from time to time by the several townships in which they are situated. From the time of the permanent location of the -county seat at Mt. Carroll, and the removal of the county offices from Savanna, in ] 844, until the breaking out of the war, in 1861, there was but little to disturb the industrial pursuits of the people. As a rule, the people were of a sober, industrious character who had come to the county* to secure homes they had not the means to secure in their native states, and possessed but little money to help them in their new location. But " where there is a will, there is always a way," and, careful and prudent, and, by education and force of circumstances, economical, they succeeded in conquering the hard ships incident to pioneer life. And, although they were sometimes " hard run " for the necessaries of life, they kept up brave hearts, and in two or three years had reduced their claims to remunerative farms — at least, they had been made to produce enough to support their family occupants, and something to spare. As the years increased, the productions of their farm and stock increased, and the memories of the scanty meals and scanty HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 267 wardrobes, physical hardships, etc., of their pioneer days were sweetened in the contemplation of farms and houses and barns and other surroundings of comfort their industry and perseverance had brought forth from the prairies and forests, that but a few years ago had been the grazing places of the buffalo,* the elk and other animals natural to the wilds of the north west, and the undisturbed hunting grounds of the red men. Nature seems to have designed certain localities of our common coun try for certain purposes. The rock-bound rivers and creeks of the New England states pre-eminentlj' suit that part of the country for manufactur ing purposes. But the Great Architect that unfolded the beautiful prairies and reared the grove-covered hillsides of Carroll County seems to have intended it for agricultural and stock-growing purposes, and to these ends the people directed their energies and their industries. THE CARROLL COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Was organized in 1853. On the 3d day of September of that year, in pur suance of a call signed by Manasses Neikisk, Harry Smith, David Emmert and one hundred and twenty others, a meeting was held at the court house for the purpose of organization. Garner Moffett was chosen chairman of the meeting, and Luther H. Bowen and H. G. Grattan were appointed sec retaries. After a general interchange of views and opinions, Messrs. L. Tomlinson, M. Bailey, R. H. Gray, B. R Frohock, John Iler, H. Smith, T. Aldrich, E. Brock and H. G. Grattan were appointed a committee to pre pare a business programme, etc. The committee retired and, after a brief absence, returned and reported That a society be formed in Carroll County to represent the interests of Agriculture. Horticulture and Mechanics, and that a committee be appointed by this meeting to prepare a constitution and by-laws, preparatory to tlie permanent organization of this society, to be submitted at an adjourned meeting to be held on the second Tuesday of September, inst., and that said committee consist of the following named persons: Garner Moffett, Benjamin R. Frohock, H. G. Grattan, R. H. Gray, E. Brock. After some other business of rather an unimportant character, the meeting adjourned until the second Tuesday in September. Tuesday, September 13, 1853, the meeting re-assembled, and was called to order by the chairman, Garner Moffett. The committee on constitution and by-laws submitted a constitution and by-laws, each article of which was acted upon and adopied separately. After the adoption of the constitution, the society proceeded to the election of officers, with the following result: Piesident — John Keach. Vice President — Henry Smith. Treasurer — R. J. Tompkins. Secretary — H. G. Grattan. Executive Committee — Tilson Aldrich, Ephraim Brock, Benj. R. Fro hock, D. P. Holt and Monroe Bailey. Monroe Bailey was chosen as a delegate to represent the society at the state fair, to be held at Springfield, on the 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th of October, 1853; and Tilson Aldrich, Henry Smith, and Henry G. Grattan were selected to represent the society at the Fruit Growers' Convention, to be held at Chicago, on the 14th, 15th, and 16th days of October, 1853. * Some authorities have maintained that the buffalo never appeared east of the Missis sippi River, but recent discoveries have proved the contrary, skeletons of this animal having been found in this section of the state. 268 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. The secretary was directed to " furnish printed copies of the constitu tion to be distributed throughout the country for signatures," when it was voted to adjourn. The next meeting relating to the interests of the society, of which there is any record, was held by the executive committee, on Monday, April 24, 1854. That meeting adopted a resolution requiring the treasurer of the society to give bonds in the sum of one thousand dollars; that the first annual fair be held on the first Thursday of October, and that the Board of Supervisors of Carroll County be petitioned for an appropriation of five hundred dollars, to be expended in fencing and arranging the fair grounds for the use of the society. The first bill that seems to have been presented against the society was by H. G. Grattan, the secretary, for "printing and stationery," and he was ordered to " draw on the treasurer for the same." The first fair commenced on the first Thursday of October, 1854, and was held on the farm of A. Monroe Bailey, about seven miles south of Mt. Carroll, and was rather a primitive affair. It is related of the president that he took a sow there to be shown and put her in a pen, but that he did not know that the rules of the society required all stock and articles intended for exhibition to be entered upon the books of the secretary. His ignorance of the rules was not discovered until the fair closed, when he loaded his female porker into his wagon and hauled her home, a wiser man than when he dumped her into the pen in the morning. The writer of this history was unable to find any record of that first fair — the nu mber of entries, the premium list, award of premiums, or any thing of the kind, so he is unable to present any of the particulars. Only the first report of the treasurer has been preserved among the records, and this is presented in full: Carroll County Agricultural Society, In Account with R. J. Tompkins. Sept. 25 By amount received from members to date - .$104 00 Sept. Sept. 29 Sept. 29 Sept. 29 Oct. 1 Oct. 29 state " " 50 00 " for membership " " 74 00 " " tickets of admission to fair grounds.. 57 25 from Pierce for grocery permit 5 00 " for membership _ -. 100 of interest on money received to date 13 57 $304 82 1853. Dr. Dec. 10, 1 blank book for Grattan _ 50 Dec. 10, 1 qr. paper " " _ 25 Dec. 16, 3 " " " " 75 1854. Aug. 19, Paid Grattan bill for printing 8 80 1855. Sept. 28, " Ed. Phillips for attending gate 150 Sept. 28, " Ira Bailey for watchers of tent and contents at fair 4 00 Sept. 28, " Wheeler on account of printing 30 00 Sept. 28, " Mrs. Ferrin premium on Rug 100 $46 80 Balance of cash in hands of treasurer _$258 02 R. J. Tomkins, Treasurer. Mt. Carroll, Oct. 29, 1855. The second, fair was held in the Fall of 1855. The ground selected was on the hill on the east side of Dog Run, and a little west of the present HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 269 residence of Nathaniel Halderman, Esq. The records fail to show where it was held in 1856, and the old settlers with whom the writer talked were at fault as to its location that year, but it is probable it was held on the same ground it occupied in 1855. June 8, 1854, a petition was presented to the board of supervisors, asking for help from the county in the sum of $500. The petition was not acted upon at that time, but on motion, was laid over until the next meet ing of the board, but a close following of the record fails to reveal any fur ther action in regard to the petition, or at/ least the appropriation of the sum asked, until Tuesday, May 5, 1857, when the board of supervisors Resolved, That five hundred dollars -($500) be appropriated out of the County Treasury to be expended by the Executive Committee of the Carroll County Agricultural Society in the purchase and fitting up of Fair Grounds to be used at the annual exhibition of Agricultural, Horticultural and Mechanical Fairs in said county, and that the title to said grounds shall stand in the name of the Board of Supervisors of Carroll County and their successors in office. Pending the consideration of this resolution, the following amendment was presented, to-wit: Resolved, That the board accept the proposition of J. "Wilson to build a court house, jail, etc. Upon which substitute the ayes and nays were taken, as follows : Ayes — James Hallett, Peter Markley, N. Stephenson — 3. Nays—K. Bailey, O. S. Beardsley, James DeWolf, M. C. Taylor, E. Chamberlain, J. R. Shelby, M. Neikerk, Albert Healy, H. L. Lowman — 9. And the substitute was lost. On motion, the original resolution was then passed. May 29, 1857, Joseph Warfield and wife deeded to the board of super visors a little over five and a half acres of ground in the southwest quarter of section twelve, town twenty-four, range four east, in consideration of $550. October 4, 1858, Jackson Beaver and wife also conveyed to the board one acre and sixty one-hundred ths, adjoining the Warfield tract, for $125. This increased the domain of the society to about seven acres, which served the purposes of a fair ground for several years, and until the population and growth of the county had so increased that a larger area became a necessity. April 15, 1865, the executive committee appointed a committee of three, consisting of John Nycum, Daniel Becker and Elijah Bailey, to ascertain whether the old fair grounds could not be sold, and larger and more com modious grounds be purchased, the committee to report at the next meeting. At the same meeting, the executive committee caused the following entry to be spread upon the journal: Whereas, Certain friends of agriculture and members of the executive committee believe the prosperity of the agricultural society would be enhanced by moving the fair about to different parts of the county; therefore, Resolved, That propositions will be received at the next meeting of the executive com mittee as to such removal, by any portions of the county interested in having the fair held in their midst. May 20, 1865, a meeting of the executive committee was held at Lanark, when the committee appointed at the last previous meeting, in regard to selling the old fair grounds and purchasing a larger area, reported that additional ground could be purchased from Joseph Warfield to enlarge the old fair grounds; also, that new and suitable grounds could be pur chased from William T. Miller, north of the town of Mt. Carroll, and that 270 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. the old fair grounds could readily be sold at a fair value. The report of the committee was received and the committee discharged. A committee of Lanark citizens appeared at this meeting to ask that the fair be removed to that place, but had no definite propositions to make in regard to the removal. After some conversation relating thereto, they asked for further time to canvass the matter, which was granted. A committee of five, John Kridler, M. Z. Landon, John Keach, R. M. Cook and Elijah Bailey, was appointed to receive such propositions as might be presented, and to report thereon at the next meeting of the executive committee, when final action would be taken on the subject. The next meeting of the executive committee was held at the office of the secretary of the society, in Mount Carroll, on June 3, 1865, when the committee on the location of the fair grounds submitted a report, which was accepted. The report embraced the proposition of the people of Lanark, and was substantially as follows: The people of Lanark, on condition that the Carroll County Fair be held in the town of Rock Creek, at or near the village of Lanark, for 1865 and 1866, will furnish grounds, suitably fenced, and the necessary buildings, free of expense to the society; provided that the executive committee will give the use of the old lumber on the old fair ground (the posts and buildings excepted), and the net proceeds of the fair for the year 1865. (Signed) M. D. Welch, Z. B. Kinkaid, M. Z. Landon, committee ; M. Z. Landon, chairman. This proposition was amended by requiring the Lanark people to enter into a lease of the grounds to the society for two years, when it was accepted, and the fairs for 1865 and 1866 were held there. January 6, 1866, a meeting of the executive committee was held to consider the proposition of purchasing additional grounds of Mr. Warfield. The proposition was fully discussed, and a vote finally taken upon the sub ject. Those voting in favor of the purchase were, Messrs. Bailey, Beardsley, Pierce, Hathaway and Funk. Those voting against the pur chase were, Messrs. Stover, Reasoner and Davis. The proposition was accepted, and September 17, 1866, Joseph Warfield and wife deeded to the board thirteen and nine one-hundredths acres, adjoining the old grounds, for the sum of $823.12, making a little over twenty acres, the whole cost of which was $1,498.13. All of this tract was put in one enclosure in time for the fair of 1867, since when the fairs have been regularly held thereon. The last fair was held September 4, 5, 6 and 7, 1877. The total num ber of entries were 1,554; total amount of premiums offered, $2,148; total amount of premiums paid, $2,006.15. The number of shareholders or members is 436. The cash value of real estate and the improvements thereon is $3,000. FINANCIAL EXHIBIT FOR 1877. Amount in treasury last report $154 70 Amount received 1877 : Fees (gate and entrance), 1,514 60 Booth rents, permits, etc 308 40 Sale membership tickets _ 415 00 State appropriation 100 00 , Amount paid in 1877 : In premiums $2,006 15 For current expenses other than premiums 655 10 Amount deficit, net (including debt covered by mortgage). 168 55 $2,661 25 $2,661 25 Indebtedness secured by note and mortgage $1,485 00 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 271 Officers, elected September, 1877 '.—President, H. C. Blake, Mount Carroll; Vice President, L. E. Byington, Lanark; Treasurer, 0. P. Miles, Mount Carroll; Secretary, E. T. E. Becker, Mount Carroll. A NEW COURT HOUSE. From October, 1844, to 1853, the court house erected by Messrs. Emmert, Halderman & Co. was sufficiently commodious to furnish accom modations to the circuit court, the county offices, jail, etc. But population and business had been steadily increasing, and in the last named year the people began to agitate the building of a larger and better building — one in keeping with the importance and wealth to which the county had attained. In September of that year, the agitation of the subject had grown so general that, on the 13th of that month, the board of supervisors Ordered, That R. J. Tomkins be a committee to obtain a draft of a court house, and ascertain the probable expense of building one. A careful examination of the record falls to discover any report made by Mr. Tomkins, and it is fair to presume that he never made any report, or that, if he did, it was not a written one. The next entry in regard to the contemplated building is found under date of November 9, 1855, when the board of supervisors Resolved, That a good and sufficient building or buildings be constructed, suitable for the uses and purposes of a jail and court house for the County of Carroll, said building to cost not less than $12,000 nor more than $20,000. The ayes and nays being called upon the above resolution, the vote stood as follows: Ayes — R. Wheeler, Philetus Reck, George Denny, Leonard Pratt, William Carroll, M. W. Hollingsworth, Nathan Stevenson, W. A. Shoe maker — 8. ¦ Nays — None. November 30, 1855, the supervisors " resolved that M. W. Hollings worth be appointed to procure a draft «f some competent architect for acourt house and jail, with suitable rooms for sheriff, juries, clerk, recorder, and jailor, with specifications as to the size, material, finish and cost, and report to the next session of the board." Tuesday, March 11, 1856, Mr. Hollingsworth presented his report, together with a draft and plan of a court house, which was accepted, when the board appointed M. W. Hollingsworth, R. H. Gray and Leonard Pratt " a building committee, to superintend the construction of said build ing, upon the plan and in the manner designated; and also that the com mittee, or a majority of them, be authorized to let the same to the lowest bidder therefor, and to enter into contract with any person or persons to construct the same upon the plan aforesaid, upon such terms as may be for the best interests of said County of Carroll, at the point heretofore desig nated by said board." The board also adopted the following: Resolved, That said committee be required to take from the contractor or contractors of said building good and sufficient bonds to secure the completion of the work and materials furnished in the manner and form described ; also, upon entering into contract, giving bonds as aforesaid, said committee be authorized to draw orders upon the county treasury, in favor of said contractors, in the sum of five thousand dollars ; and, upon the covering in of said building, said committee are authorized to cause bonds, drawing ten per cent interest, to be executed, payable in equal instalments, in one, two and three years, for one half the bal ance of contract price. And, upon the completion of said building, to cause bonds for the balance remaining unpaid to be issued, at ten per cent, as aforesaid, payable in two, three and four years from date, in equal sums. 272 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. The " draft and specifications " were drawn by Olmsted & Nicholson, architects, Chicago. Tuesday, September 9, 1856, the following resolution was presented to the board: Resolved, That the committee for building court house, jail, etc., be, and they are hereby instructed to let the contract for building court house, etc., in accordance with a resolution of the board of supervisors, of March term, A.D. 1856. To which an amendment was offered as follows, to-wit: So far as to erect and cover in said building and finish the basement story. And, on motion, a vote by ayes and nays was taken on said resolution as amended, which vote resulted as follows: Ayes — Garner Moffett, Daniel Hurley, N. Stephenson, Peter Markley, M. W. Hollingsworth — 5. Nays — James Lewker, M. Neikirk, E. Chamberlain, Robt. Artt, M. C. Taylor, Asahel Aldrich— 6. The resolution did not pass. The following resolution was then pre sented : Resolved, That a committee be appointed to obtain a draft and specifications for a jail and county offices, the same to be fire-proof buildings — the offices and jail to be separate — said committee to report at some future meeting. The resolution was adopted, by the following vote : Ayes — James Lewker, A. Aldrich, Robt. Artt, E. Chamberlain, M. C. Taylor, N. Stephenson — 6. Nays— Garner Moffett, M. Neikirk, M. W. Hollingsworth, D. Hurley, P. Markley. B. R. Frohock, Asahel Aldrich, and Garner Moffett were appointed as such committee. Friday, November 7, Leonard Pratt tendered his resignation as a member of the building committee, which resignation was accepted. Saturday, the 8th, the committee appointed at the September terra to obtain draft and specifications for a jail and county offices, reported that, owing to the death of .Garner Moffett (a member of the board), and other circumstances, they were unable to attend to their duties as they would like to have done. A draft for a jail was presented by the committee, which was examined by the board. The same day, John Wilson, Esq., appeared before the board, and stated in substance as follows: " That if the county would loan its credit to the amount of $100,000 for a term of years (perhaps ten), in consideration thereof he would build the court house for the county according to the plan and specification now (then) belonging to the county, then in the hands of M. W. Hollingsworth, and would secure the county in double the amount of the bonds the county might issue against the payment of said bonds or any interest thereon." Messrs. Artt, Stephenson and Aldrich were appointed as a committee to consult with Mr. Wilson with regard to the matter, "to procure from him a contract, or form, or statement in writing, of his proposition to build the same; also, to ascertain what kind of security the county had best receive for the fulfillment of any contract that may be made," etc. In the afternoon of that day the committee reported that they had met Mr. Wilson, but that they were unable to present a contract or statement from him. at that time, but would do so in future, whereupon Daniel Hur- HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 275 ley and D. R. Frohock were appointed for the purpose of receiving and consulting with Mr. Wilson in regard to entering into a contract with him to build a court house, jail and fire-proof county offices, etc., and to report upon what terms and in what time said Wilson would build said court house, jail and fire-proof county offices, and how payment should be made for the building thereof; also, the nature, kind and amount of security that would be given for the peiformance of said work, the amount of bonds to be issued by the county, the rate of interest, time and manner of payment of interest and principal. February 20, 1857, this committee reported that they had consulted with Mr. Wilson, and that he had no proposition to make, whereupon the committee was discharged. Tuesday, May 5, 1857, Mr. Wilson again presented a proposition for building a court house, jail, etc., which was received. This proposition was, in substance, as follows: That he Would so far complete the jail the first year as to render it available and secure, and also provide jailer's rooms — the year to commence March 1. The second year to have the offices ready for occupancy; the third year to so far complete the whole building that it could be occupied for offices, jail and court purposes, and the fourth year to have the whole building entirely completed in accordance with the plans furnished. He asked payment to be made as follows : 1st. Five thousand dollars to be paid in hand; $5,000 to be paid March 1, 1858; $5,000 March 1, 1859; $5,000 March 1, 1860; $5,000 March 1, 1861, with ten per cent on fifth payment twelve months; and $5,000 payable March 1, 1862, with ten per cent interest per annum, paya ble annually for two years, and to enter into bonds with sufficient security to carry out his proposition. Upon the reading of this proposition, the fol lowing resolution was offered : Resolved, That the board accept the proposition of J. Wilson to build court house, jail, etc. Upon which the ayes and nays were taken, with the following result: Ayes — Jas. Hallett, Peter Markley, N. Stephenson — 3. Nays— M. Bailey, O. S. Beardsiey, Jas. DeWolf, M. C. Taylor, E. Chamberlain, J. R. Shelby, M. Neikirk, Albert Healy, II. L. Lowman — 9. So Mr. Wilson's proposition was rejected. The following resolution was then offered: Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the board, who shall have power to let a contract for the building of a court house upon the public square in the town of Mt. Carrol], in accordance with the specifications and profiles of a plan now in the hands of Mahlon Hollingsworth, provided such contract is let to such parties as will agree to build the same within four years. ******* Upon which the ayes and nays were taken: Ayes — James Hallett, Peter Markley, O. S. Beardsiey, N. Stephenson, H. F. Lowman — 5. Nays—W. Bailey, Jas. DeWolf, M. C. Taylor, E. Chamberlain, J. R. Shelby, M. Neikirk, Albert Healey— 7. The resolution was lost. The board then resolved — 1. That it is necessary for the convenience and interest of Carroll County that a jail, county offices and jury rooms should be built at the earliest practical da3'. 2. That, in the opinion of the board, the most economical plan of building the same is to combine them with the court house. 16 276 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 3. That measures be now taken by the board to secure that object. 4. That a committee of three be appointed to let a contract upon the most favorable terms, in accordance with the specifications and profiles of a plan of a court house now in the hands of Malilon W. Hollingsworth, and that such contract, before it is filed and in binding, shall be submitted to the board and supervisors at as early a day as the said com mittee shall think proper to call a meeting of said board. M. Neikirk, M. Bailey and J. P. Emmert were appointed as the com mittee to carry into effect the above resolutions. Wednesday, May 27, 1857, the board again met, when the above- named committee presented their report, setting forth that they had exam ined all the proposals for the building of said court house, and presented for the consideration of the board the proposal of Wm. T. Miller, the said proposal being, in the opinion of the commit! oe, the most favorable for the county, said proposal being as follows: I propose to build the court house in accordance with the specifications, profiles and plans furnished by Olmsted and .Nicholson, of Chicago, for thirty-one thousand five hun dred dollars, in the following payments, to-wit: In hand, $4,500; March 1, 1858, $4,500; March 1, 1859, $4,500; March 1,1860, $4,500; March 1, 1861, $4,500; March 1, 1862, $4,500; March 1, 1863, $4,500; interest at ten per cent on each payment after due, if not paid at maturity. I propose for the above pay. ments to put the whole building under roof, finish jail and jailer's rooms, county offices and tire-proof vaults by March 1, A. D. 1859; finish court room for court purposes by March 1, 1860 ; and complete the building by March 1, A. D. 1861. And I propose further that, should said proposition be accepted, I will enter into good and sufficient bonds for the ful fillment of my part of the contract. WM. T. MILLER. By J. P. Emmert. A motion was made to accept the above proposition, upon which the yeas and nays were called: Yeas—K. Bailey, P. Markley, Jas. Hallett, Albert Healey, O. S. Beardsiey, N. Stephenson, H. F. Lowman — 7. Nays— E. Chamberlain, M. Neikirk, J. R. Shelby, Jas. DeWolf, J. M. Manning — 5. The motion prevailed, and Miller's proposition was accepted. Tuesday, May 28, David Emmert, Abraham Beeler and Philander Seymour were appointed a committee to enter into a contract on the part of the county with Wm. T. Miller, in accordance with his proposition. The committee were fully instructed, and required to take a good and sufficient bond from Mr. Miller for a faithful performance of his undertaking, etc. Several resolutions of instruction to the building committee were spread upon the journal, with a view to the protection of the interests of the tax payers of the county. The contract was duly drawn up and signed by the contracting parties, and all the preliminaries arranged to commence building the present very handsome, commodious and convenient county buildings, Mr. Miller being required to enter into bond in the sum of $6,000, with good and sufficient security, etc. August 3, 1857, the first instalment, as provided in Mr. Miller's proposition, was paid to him in county orders, the numbers commencing with 1804 and ending with 1834 — thirty-one in all — and representing $4,500. ^ V ^ September 15, 1857, the board ordered that " W. T. Miller and Jacob P. Emmert be allowed the exclusive use and occupation of the court house square, in the Town of Mount Carroll, during the time they are engaged in building and finishing the court house thereon, for all purposes connected with the erection of said court house." HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 277 June 1, A. D. 1857, a contract was entered into by and between David Emmert, Philander Seymour and A. Beeler, building committee, on the part of Carroll County, and State of Illinois, as party of the first part, and William T. Miller and Jacob P. Emmert, party of the second part, etc., by which the last named undertook the building of the court house, on the terms proposed in Miller's proposition by Emmert, May 27. Work was at once commenced. The building of the stone basement walls were let to Mr. James Watson, and were completed that year. In May, 1858, James and B. H. Hallett, masons, commenced the brick walls, which were fully completed, and the building enclosed, by the beginning of Winter. In the Spring of 1S59, Sheriff Nase was ordered by the judge of the circuit court to occupy the jail department, but the building was not accepted by the county until Tuesday, June 4, 1861, when the board of supervisors ordered " that the clerks and sheriff be instructed to remove, occupying the offices in the new court house." The delay in occupying the new building grew out of the fact that a controversy had grown up between the county authorities and the contract ors. The former maintained that the terms of the contract had not been filled, and that, in many respects the plans and specifications had not been followed. The main sources of difference arose in regard to the roof (which was claimed to be imperfect and leaky) and the fire-proof vaults. Committees of investigation were appointed, and suits against the con tractors for damages, etc., were threatened, but the differences between the parties in interest were finally satisfactorily settled, without resort to the courts of law. However, the vaults were overhauled and remodeled, and the roof repaired. These expenses were incurred by the county, for the reason that the building committee had accepted the contract as completed. WAR RECORDS. If there is any one thing more than another of which the people of the Northern States have reason to be proud, it is of the record they made during the dark and bloody days of the War of the Rebellion. When the war was forced upon the country, the people were quietly pursuing the even tenor of their ways, doing whatever their hands found to do — making farms or cultivating those already made,' erecting homes, founding cities and towns, building shops and manufactories — in short, the country was alive with industry and hopes for the future. The people were just recov ering from the depressions and losses incident to the financial panic of 1857. The future looked bright and promising, and the industrious and patriotic sons and daughters of the Free States were buoyant with hope — looking forward to the perfecting of new plans for the ensurement of comfort and competence in their declining years, they little heeded the mutterings and threatenings of treason's children in the Slave States of the South. True sons and descendants of the heroes of the " times that tried men's souls " — the struggle for American independence — they never dreamed that there was even one so base as to dare attempt the destruction of the Union of their fathers — a government baptized with the best blood the world ever knew. While immediately surrounded with peace and tranquility, they paid but little attention to the rumored plots and plans of those who lived and grew rich from the sweat and toil, blood and flesh of others — aye, oven trafficked in the offspring of their own loins. Nevertheless, the war came, with all its attendant horrors. 278 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. April 12, 1861, Fort Sumter, at Charleston, South Carolina, Major Anderson, U.S. A., commandant, was fired upon by rebels in arms. Although basest treason, this first act in the bloody reality that followed, was looked upon as the mere bravado of a few hot-heads — the act of a few fire- eaters whose sectional bias and freedom hatred was crazed by excessive indulgence in intoxicating potations. When, a day later,, the news was borne along the telegraphic wires that Major Anderson had been forced to surrender to what had at first been regarded as a drunken mob, the patriotic people of the North were startled from the dreams of the future — from undertakings half completed — and made to realize that behind that mob there was a dark, deep and well organized purpose to destroy the government, rend the Union in twain, and out of its ruins erect a slave oligarchy, wherein no one would dare question their right to hold in bondage the sons and daughters of men whose skins were black, or who, perchance, through practices of lustful natures, were half or quarter removed from the color that God, for His own purposes, had given them. But they " reckoned without their host." Their dreams of the future — their plans for the establishment of an inde pendent confederacy — were doomed from their inception to sad and bitter disappointment. Immediately upon the surrender of Fort Sumter, Abraham Lincoln — America's martyr president — who, but a few short weeks before, had taken the oath of office as the nation's chief executive, issued a proclamation calling for 75,000 volunteers for three months. The last word of that proc lamation had scarcely been taken from the electric wires before the call was filled. Men and money were counted out by hundreds and thousands. The people who loved their whole government could not give enough. Patriotism thrilled and vibrated and pulsated through every heart. The farm, the workshop, the office, the pulpit, the bar, the bench, the college, the school house — every calling offered its best men, their lives and their for tunes in defense of the government's honor and unity. Party lines were, for the time, ignored. Bitter words, spoken in moments of political heat, were forgotten and forgiven, and, joining hands in a common cause, they repeated the oath of America's soldier statesman — " By the Great Eternal, the Union must and shall be preserved ! " Seventy-five thousand men were not enough to subdue the rebellion. Nor were ten times that number. The war went on, and call followed call, until it began to look as if there would not be men enough in all the Free Stages to crush out and subdue the monstrous war traitors had inaugurated. But to every call, for either men or money, there was a willing and a ready response. And it is a boast of the people that, had the supply of men fallen short, there were women brave enough, daring enough, patriotic enough, to have offered themselves as sacrifices on their country's altar. Such were the impulses, motives and actions of the patriotic men of the North, among whom the sons of Carroll made a conspicuous and praise worthy record. Of the offerings made by this people during the great and final struggle between freedom and slavery, it is the purpose now to write. April 14, A. D. 1861, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, issued the following PROCLAMATION : Whereas, The laws of the United States have been, and now are, violently opposed in several states by combinations too powerful to be suppressed in the ordinary way, I there fore call for the militia of the several states of the Union, to the aggregate number of 75,000, HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 279 to suppress said combination and execute the laws. I appeal to all loyal citizens to facili tate and aid in this effort to maintain the laws and the integrity of the perpetuity of the popular government, and redress wrongs long enough endured. The first service assigned to the forces, probably, wiil be to repossess the forts, places and property which have been seized from the Union. Let the utmost care be taken, consistent with the object, to avoid devastation, destruction, interference with, the property of peaceful citizens in any part of the country ; and I hereby command persons composing the aforesaid combination to dis perse within twenty days from date. I hereby convene both houses of Congress for the 4th day of July next, to determine upon measures for public safety which the interest of the snbject demand. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Wm. H. Seward, President of the United States. Secretary of State. The gauntlet thrown down by the traitors in the South was accepted — not, however, in the spirit with which insolence meets insolence — but with a firm, determined spirit of patriotism and love of country. The duty of the president was plain under the constitution and the laws, and above and beyond all,' the people from whom all political power is derived demanded the suppression of the rebellion, and stood ready to sustain the authority of their representatives and executive officers. The first war meeting held in Carroll County convened at the old court house on Wednesday evening, April 17, 1861, for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of organizing a military company to act in con junction with other companies for the defense of a common country. T. T. Jacobs was chosen as president of that meeting, and S. C. Hays was appointed to act as secretary. Volney Armour stated the object of the meeting, when stirring speeches were made by J. P. Seedy and Hon. B. L. Paten. Y Armour, B. L. Patch, A. Nase, Samuel Preston, of Mount Carroll, and Monroe Bailey, of York, were appointed to prepare a series of resolu tions expressive of the sense of the meeting, and during their absence, short and enthusiastic speeches were made by Messrs. Hays, Colehower, Chapman and others. After an hour's absence, the committee returned and reported the following, which were unanimously adopted: Whereas, The people of several states of the Union are in open and armed rebellion against the Government of the United States, and have, without any reasonable excuse or any invasion of their rights by the general government, seized the forts, arsenals, and prop erty of the government, and to crown their outrageous acts, have actually levied war upon the government, by their late attack on and forcible occupation of Port Sumter; therefore, be it Resolved, 1. That we, the citizens of Mount Carroll and vicinity, without distinction of party, hereby declare our unalterable attachment to the Union and Constitution as it is, and that we will stand by the stars and stripes, and support the administration in its measures to vindicate the rightful authority of the government in suppressing treason and enforcing the laws in all the states. 2. That we deem it our duty to organize a military company in this county, to meet any call that may be made by the government of the state, for the purpose of supporting the general government in the present emergency. Yolney Armour was then appointed as recruiting officer, when the meeting adjourned to meet again on Saturday evening, the 20th. SATURDAY EVENING MEETING. Pursuant to adjournment, the meeting re-assembled in the new court house, for the purpose of commencing the organization of a volunteer com pany to be tendered to the governor of the state. Judge Wilson presided at this meeting, and J . P. Emmert acted as secretary. Upon taking the chair, Judge Wilson electrified the audience with a manly and patriotic 280 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. speech, which was frequentlv interrupted with heart-swelling cheers. Judge Wilson was followed by Hon. W. T. Miller, Dr. B. L. Miller, H. A. Mills, C. B. Smith, Henry Ashway, James Shaw, Y. Armour, N. Halderman, William T. Frohock, and others, with warm and patriotic speeches, which were heartily cheered. Mr. Armour presented a roll for the signatures of volunteers, and the work commenced. While the roll was being signed, a delegation from York Township, headed b_y a martial band, entered the court house and were greeted with wildest applause. As soon as quiet was restored, Monroe Bailey, the chairman of the delegation, announced " that York Township was all on fire for the cause of their country — that nine of her sons had already enrolled themselves, and that at least as many more would before the Carroll County company was filled." This announcement created an enthusiasm that could not be restrained, and cheer after cheer greeted Mr. Bailey as he resumed his seat. The York boys were also greeted with hearty shouts as they filed forward to enroll their names. During the reception of the names of volunteers, the following agree ment was presented for signatures, which was promptly and unhesitatingly signed by a large number of prominent citizens: We, the undersigned citizens of Carroll County, Illinois, do hereby agree to support, maintain and protect the families of all persons who may volunteer from our county for the defense of the honor and perpetuity of our beloved government, so long as said volunteers shall be engaged in such defense. For the performance of this agreement we pledge our sacred honor. A subscription was then started for the purpose of raising money to defray the contingent expenses of the volunteers while completing their organization, and two hundred and fifty dollars were subscribed before the meeting adjourned. Thus was awakened the war spirit in Carroll, and thus it continued till the wnr was ended. Wednesday, April 24, the Carroll County Weekly Mirror, Messrs. I. Y. Hollinger and A. Windle, publishers ; James Shaw, Esq., editor, sounded the key note to the war feeling in Carroll County, in the following editorial : THE DIE IS CAST ! The whole country is in aflame of excitement; the fires of patriotism are.being lighted in millions of Northern hearts ; while the dark fires of a hellish and infernal fanaticism are crazing the Southern mind. Sumter has fallen — the flag of our glorious country is trailed in the dusi — spurned, spit upon, insulted by Southern mutineers. Arsen als and forts are taken by storm. Northern men are insulted, endangered, slain for no crime. The rebels are marching upon Washington. There is danger that the capital of our country will fall into their vandal hands. Virginia has seceded. Gov. Hicks, of Maryland, has proved a traitor. The bridges are broken down ; the railroad track is torn up; everything is being done to hold back the forces of the Union, until Washington|shall fall into the hands of those marching upon it. Men of the great North, of the mighty West, must these things be ? Are we to tamely sit in inactivity until the whole country shall be overrun with a military usurpa tion? Is the nigger-driver to possess our government, make our laws, reduce us to bondage ? Millions will answer — No! by the everlasting God, No! — Never! Next to our fire sides and hearthstones, the City of Washington is dear to the loyal American heart. Let the old fires of the Revolution once again be lighted. Let patriotism and self- sacrificing devotion to our country warm every heart, and lead to promptness in action. Let all who can, volunteer. Let all who can not do this, give their prayers, their means, their sympathies, to the holy cause of freedom. Silence traitors and tories at home; stop the Southern boats on the upper Mississippi River. Keep our lead at home, until we give it to them in the shape of bullets ; keep our iron until we can send it in the shape of swords, HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 281 rifles, and cannon. Keep our provisions until they go to our armies in the South. Proclaim liberty to the slave everywhere. Let the power of the nation be summoned to crush out the rebellion just inaugurated. Let those be honored who assist in fighting their country's battles. We hope "Little Carroll " will furnish a hundred good men as her first instalment; and when others are needed, let them be ready. Others were needed, and they were ready. The First Company. — In the Mirror of May 1, we find the follow ing : " Our large new court house is turned into barracks for the Carroll County volunteers now awaiting the Governor's orders to go to Springfield, or any other point. The company is under the command of Captain Nase. The boys are exceedingly anxious to be off. They are a fine-looking com pany, and will fight like tigers and bull-dogs. Woe to the equal number of rebels that fall into their hands. * * " Below is a list of the names of the officers : " Captain, Adam Nase; first lieutenant, R. J. Heath; second lieutenant, James O'Brien; first orderly sergeant, John W. Puterbaugh; second orderly sergeant, P. D. Kenvon; third orderly sergeant, James A. Shaffer; fourth orderly sergeant, Charles W. Wilcox; first corporal, Milo Cummings; second corporal, Albert P. Rapp; third corporal, George Kridler; fourth corporal, Henry McCall, Jr." Then follow the names of ninety-four of the sons of Carroll who were ready to march to the field of danger, courage and strife— all of whose names will be found in another place. While the men were busy polling up this company, the ladies of Mount Carroll were not idle, but their deft fingers had fashioned a handsome flag, which, on Monday evening, April 29, was presented to the company, with proper ceremony, at the court house. Rev. O. D. W. White represented the ladies, and on their behalf made a very appropriate presentation speech. Dr. Miller received the flag for the company, and responded to Mr. White's remarks in fitting terms, when Captain Nase, whose modesty had kept him in the background, was called out, and "made an excellent, solid, short, impromptu speech. Others of the volunteers also pledged themselves and comrades to stand by, defend and return the flag to the fair hands from which they received it." This company could not be received at once, in consequence of the quota of the six regiments assigned to Illinois being so quickly filled, and on Saturday, the 4th of May, were dismissed for the time, but ordered to hold themselves in readiness to be summoned at any time. The boys were disappointed, but their turn came ere long. Before a week had passed, Captain Nase received orders to march his company to Freeport, and go into camp as a part of a regiment for this congressional district. The evening before their departure, they assembled in the court house, where they were feelingly addressed by Rev. C. M. Woodward and John Irvine, Sr. Early on Saturday morning, the 11th, the boys marched awaj', escorted to the outskirts of the town by the Carroll Cornet Band and a large number of citizens of both sexes. This company was raised under the call for volunteers for three months, but, a£ before stated, the quota of Illinois was filled before the company was ready. When it reached camp at Freeport, the alternative of being mustered into service for three years or during the war, or of being dis missed, was presented. The choice was with the men, and they nearly unanimously accepted the situation, and were sworn in accordingly. The informal election of officers, held before the company left Mount Carroll, was 282 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. confirmed, and the duty of camp life on the tented field commenced in good earnest. Shortly after, the company was ordered to Alton, whither it was soon followed with a uniform provided by the people from whose midst the men composing its rank and file had been raised. May 14, the board of supervisors elected for 1861- — H. Smith, L. Hefflefinger, J. J. Eacker, Samuel Sheller, A. Moffett, J. F. Chapman, John Hillman, E. Hathaway, D. W. Dame, and D. L. Bowen — met for the transaction of business. After the examination of their certificates of election, as shown by their journal entries, the following resolution was offered and passed unanimously — all the supervisors voting aye: Resolved, That the sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be sufficient, be appropriated for the purpose of uniforming and equipping the volunteers from this county who have, or who may hereafter enlist in the service of the state or of the United Stages, and supporting the families of the same, as may be necessary from time to time. Resolved, That the said sum be raised by special tax on all the taxable property of the county ; and, further, be it Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed, with power to draw orders through the clerk on the treasury, to be paid out of the funds arising from such special tax, in such amounts as, in their discretion, the same may be needed to carry out the object of the fore going resolution. Supervisors Chapman, Hefflefinger, Bowen, Moffett and Hillman were • appointed as the committee provided for in the last resolution above quoted. This committee appointed a sub-committee, consisting of Messrs Chapman and Hefflefinger, to negotiate the orders thus provided for, and superintend the purchase of a uniform for Captain Nase's company. Captain Nase was advised by Mr. Chapman of the action taken by the county, and that the sub-committee would visit Chicago to carry out the object expressed in the first resolution — to procure a uniform for his company, and that they wished him to have the measure of every man of his company taken by the time they reached Freeport on their way to Chicago, naming the day when they would stop at the camp to receive the list. Arrived there, Captain Nase expressed a desire to accompany Messrs. Chapman and Hefflefinger on their mission, and was made an honorary member of their committee, but defraying his own expenses. The dealers in Chicago did not have much faith in the credit and honor of the Carroll County taxpayers, and declined to accept the orders in exchange for their ¦ goods at any price. They did not seem to regard them as worth ten cents on the dollar. The committee came home somewhat disappointed, but not discouraged. Mr. Chapman then sought the agency of Mr. H. Ashway, and tried to sell the orders to Mr. James Marks. At that immediate time that gentleman was not pre pared to cash them, but agreed to do so in two months, when he should dis pose of a lot of cattle he was fattening for market. As soon as these were sold he would take the orders at a discount of twenty-five per cent. Re ceiving this assurance, Mr. Chapman, who was then in the mercantile business, returned to Chicago, and, on his individual faith and credit, con tracted with a house of which he bought goods for a sufficient quantity of cloth and its manufacture into uniform suits, which cost $1,200 — the net amount of cash realized from an issue of $1,600 in county orders, at a dis count of twenty-five per cent. Two months later, when Mr. Marks shipped his cattle to Chicago, Mr. Chapman met him there, turned over the county orders, received the money, and paid the debt he had contracted to uniform the first company sent out from Carroll County to help defend the life and maintain the perpetuity of the government. The uniforms were forwarded HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. 283 to Captain Nase at Alton, where the boys were dressed out in blue. From there they went wherever the fortunes of war directed. In this connection it is but an act of justice to remark that to Mr. J. F. Chapman, a true patriot and an honest man — the noblest work of God — belongs the credit of uniforming the first company. It is true the faith of the county was at his back, but that could not be made immediately avail able, and but for his energy, tact and credit among the business men and wholesale dealers in Chicago, the uniforming of Captain Nase's company would have been much longer delayed. While the war lasted — or, at least, for a large part of the time — the county looked after the interests of the soldiers' families, as the people had pledged themselves to do at the first war meeting. Mr. Chapman was the trusted and faithful agent for the dis tribution of money and supplies, as they were needed, and not a dollar of the means thus entrusted to him failed to find its way to those for whom it had been provided. And many is the mother and soldier's child that has occasion to remember with grateful heart his honor and goodness. Mr. Chapman was succeeded in this duty by Mr. O. S. Beardsiey, another patriot and honest citizen, whose record is without blemish. The war went on and recruiting continued. A second company was soon after raised, which met at the court house on Saturday evening, May 18, and proceeded to the election of officers. Abram Beeler was elected captain; S. S. Dunn, first lieutenant; James Watson, second lieutenant; J. P. Beebe, first sergeant; and D. W. Price, second sergeant. This com pany was christened the " Hickory Rifle Guards." While there was a hand raised against the government, the people of Carroll were alive and active. Men, women and children were busy — the men in the more arduous duties of recruiting and providing " ways and means " for equipping the volun teers and sending them forward, and the women and children in providing and shipping to the " Boys in Blue " a thousand and one things that car ried gladness and joy to hundreds of tents. The first appropriation made by the board of supervisors was in the sum of $5,000, a part of which was used for the purpose of uniforming Captain Nase's company. The balance was applied to similar purposes and for the support of such of the families of the volunteers as might need assistance. No one then imagined that the war would be of long duration, or that instead of $5,000, millions would be needed before the rebellion was conquered. And so it came, as the war was prolonged, call after call was made for men. As these men enlisted, money was needed for their equip ment, for the payment of bounties, the support and maintenance of wives and families; but there was no stinginess attending. Appropriation fol lowed appropriation from public sources. Thousands were multiplied by tens and twenties. Tax was added to tax, but the people bowed willingly to the increased burdens. Never were taxes more willingly paid. About their payment there was no grumbling, for the life of the nation was at stake. Now, in times of peace, when the people have time to think, the large amount of money contributed by them from township and county sources seems almost wonderful. But few have even an approximate idea of the immense sums they helped to pay. Nothing can be presented in letters and figures fuller of interest than the actual sums thus provided. The following is a statement of the money expended by Carroll County during the War of the Rebellion : 284 HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY. Disbursed as county bounty $131,525 00 Disbursed for support of families of soldiers, by J. P. Chapman.-. 16,835 00 Disbursed for uniforms for volunteers by " " 1,600 00 Disbursed for support of families of soldiers by O. S. Beardsiey. - . 12,975 00 Total $162,935 00 Of the fourteen townships in the county, Mount Carroll is the only one included in the above statement, it being the township in which the city of Mount Carroll is located. The township authorities were equally liberal, and to their several clerks we are indebted for the following statement, as we are indebted to Thomas D. Davis, deputy county clerk, for the above state ment. Besides the county appropriations, each of the outside townships were equally liberal and patriotic. So far as it has been possible to obtain these several amounts, they are respectively as follows: Rock Creek $16,031 79 Fair Haven _ 11,69129 «„ o „ ( Private subscriptions to pay volunteers $3,528 00 &avanna } Town tax 3,500 00—7,288 00 Elkhorn Grove _._ 3,500 00 Woodland _ , 7,000 00 Salem 7,086 00 Lima... 2,000 00 v ¦ j Principal.. .53,800 00 1 orK } Interest on same. 15,326 00—69,326 00 $123,923 08 These are only eight of the fourteen townships, not including Mount Carroll. Efforts were made to secure the amounts paid by the other town ships — Shannon, Washington, Freedom, Cherry Grove and Wysox — but our postal cards either went amiss, or the township clerks did not answer, or, if they did answer, their answers failed to reach us. We would like to present the exact figures, but can not for want of the proper data. The above sum of $123,923.08, added to the county appropriation heretofore quoted, and making a liberal and fair estimate for the five townships not heard from, would swell the grand total to very nearly $325,000, contrib uted by this people to aid in the suppression of the war of the rebellion. Besides these public appropriations, individual citizens contributed and paid large sums toward the payment of bounties to avoid the humilia tion of a draft, and to help the needy families of those who had gone out with their lives in their hands. The actual amounts of these contributions can not possibly be known, but it is safe to assume that they were equal to one fourth of the county and township appropriations, which would swell the grand total to the enormous sum of $406,250! In concluding this section of the History of Carroll County, what more fitting tribute can be paid — what greater halo of glory cast about their deeds of valor than a full and complete War Record, embracing the names, the terms of enlistments, the battles in which they engaged, and all the minutiae of their soldier lives? It will be a wreath of glory encir cling every brow, and a memento which each and every one of them earned in defence of their country's honor, integrity and unity. Carroll County War Record. ABBREVIATIONS. Adjt _ _ Adjutant Art __ Artillery Bat _ Bafalion Col _ ..Colonel Capt Captain Corpl Corporal Comsy.. Commissary com __ commissioned cav .__ cavalry captd captured d esrtd deserted disab _ _, disabled d isd discharged e _ enlisted excd exchanged inf infantry kid .......killed Lieut __ Lieutenant Maj Major m. o mustered out prmtd . promoted priT prisoner Regt Regiment re-e _ re-enlisted res , resigned Sergt _.' Sergeant trans.. transfered vet _ veteran wd _ wounded hon discd honorably discharged 15th Infantry. The Fifteenth R-giment Infantry Illinois Volunteers was organized at Freeport, Illinois, and mustered into the United States service May 24, 1861 — being the first regiment organized from the state for the three years' seivice. It then proceeded to Alton, 111., remaining there six weeks for instruction. Left Alton for St. Charles, Mo.; thence by rail to Mexico, Mu. Marched to Hannibal, Mo.; thence by steamboat to Jefferson Barracks; then by rail to Rolla, Mo. Arrived in time to cover Gen. Siegel's retreat from Wilson's Creek; thence to Tipton, Mo., and thence joined Gen. Fremont's army. Marched from there to Springfield, Mo.; thence back to Tipton; then to Sedalia, with Gen. Pope, and assisted in the capture of 1,300 of the enemy a few miles from the latter place; th^n marched to Ottervilte, Mo., where it went into winter quarters Dec. 26, 1861. Remained there until Feb. 1, 1862. Then marched to Jefferson City; thence to St. Louis by rail; embarked on transports for Fort Donelson, arriving there the day of the surrender. The regiment was then assigned to the Fourth Di vision, Gen. Hurlbut commanding, and marched to Fort Henry. Then embarked on transports for Pitts burg Landing. Participated in the battles of the 6th and 7th of April, losing 252 men, killed and wounded. Among the former were Lieutenant-Colonel E. F. W. Ellis, Major Goddard, Captains Brownell and Wayne, and Lieutenant John W. Puter-augh. Captain Adam Nase, wounded and tak?n prisoner. The regiment then marched to Corinth, participating m various skirmishes and the siege of that place, losing a number of men killed and wounded. After the evacuation of Corinth, the regiment marched to Grand Junction; thence to Holly Springs; back to Grand Junction; thence to Lagrange; thence to Mem phis, arriving there July 21, 1862, and remained there until September 6th. Then marched to Bolivar; thence to the Hatchie river, and participated in the battle of the Hatchie- L'>st fifty killed and wounded in that en gagement. Then returned to Bolivar; from thence to Lagrange; thence, with Gen. Grant, down through Mississippi to Coffeeville, returning to Lagrange and Memphi-.; thence to Vicksburg, taking an active part in the siege of that place. After the surrender of Vicksburg, marched with Sherman to Jackson, Miss.; then returned to Vicksburg and embarked for Natchez; Marched thence to Kingston; returned to Natchez; then to Harrisonburg, Lri., capturing Fort Beauregard, on the Washita river. Returned to Natchez, remained there until Nov. 10, 1863. Proceeded to Vicksburg and went in o winter quarters. Here the regiment re- enlisted as veterans, remaining until Feb, 1, 1864, when it moved with Gen. Sherman turough Mississippi On Champion Hills had a severe engagement with rebel Carney. Marched to Meridan; thence south to Enter prise; thence back to Vicksburg. Was then ordered to Illinois on veteran furlough. On expiration of furlough joined Seventeenth Army Corps and proceeded up the Tennessee river to Clifton; thence to Huntsville, Ala.; thence to Decatur and Rome, Ga.; th -nee to Kingston; and joined Gen. Sherman's army, marching on Atlanta. At Allatoona Pass the Fifteenth and the Fourteenth Infantry were consolidated, and the organization was known as the Veteran Battalion Fourteenth and Fif teenth Illinois Infantry Volunteers, and numbering 625 men. From Allatoona Pass it proceeded to Ackworth, and was then assigned to duty, guarding the Chatta nooga and Atlanta Railroad. Whilst engaged in this duty, the regiment being scattered along the line of road, the rebel Gen. Hood, inarching north, struck the road at Big Shanty and Ackworth, and captured about 300 of the command. The remainder retreated to Ma rietta, were mounted and acted as scouts for Gen. Van- dever. They were afterwards transfered to Gen. F. P. Blair, and marched with Gen. Sherman through Georgia. After the capture of Savannah, the regiment pro ceeded to Beaufort, S. C; thence to Salkahatchie river, participating in thr various skirmishes in that vicinity —Columbia, S. C. Fayetteville, N. C. battle of Ben- tonville — losing a number wounded; thence to Golds- boro and Raleigh. At Raleigh, recruits sufficient to fill up both regiments were received, and the organiza tion of the Veteran Batt-dion discontinued, and the Fif teenth reorganized. The campaign of Gen. Sherman ended by the surrender of Gen. Johnson. The regi ment then marched with- the army to Washington, D.. C, via Richmond and Fredericksburg, and participa ted in the grand review at Washington, May 24, 1865; remained there two weeks. Proceeded, by rail and steamboat, to Louisville, Ky.; remained at Louisville two w eks. The regiment was then detached from the Fourth Division, Seventeenth Army v_orps, and pro ceeded by steamer to St. Louis; from thr nee to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., arriving there July 1, 1865. Joined the army serving on the Plains. Arrived at f'ort Kearney, August 14th; then ordered to return to Fort Leavenw irth, Sept. 1, 1865, where the regiment was mustered out of the service and placed en route for Springfield, 111., for final payment and discharge — hav ing served four years and four months. Number of miles marched.- 4299 Number of miles by rail 2403 Number of miles by steamer 43T° Total miles traveled 11,012 Number of men joined from organization 1963 Number of men at date of muster-out 640 286 CARROLL COUNTY WAR RECORD. 15th Infantry, Maj. Adam Nase, com. capt. Co. K, April 25, 1861, prmtd. maj. Nov. 2/62, res. July 7. '63. Quartermaster Ahiman V. Bohn, com. Nov. 21, '61, m. o. at consolidation. Sgt.-Maj. A. H. Hershey, e. Sept. 12, '61, Enorsu Hershey, Field and Staff Veteran Battalion. (See 15th Regt. Reorg inized.) Hospital Steward Lyman P. Clark, com. Jan. 1/64, trans. to Field and Staff Veteran Battalion. Company E. Wiser Solomon W. e. Jan, i,'64, trans, to Co. E, Veteran Battalion, m. o. May 30/65. Company H. rst Lieut. J. F.Allison e. April 22/61, prmtd. Sergt. M:-iy 24, '61, prmtd. 2d lieut. Jan. 12, '63, trans, to Veteran Reserve Corps June 18, '64, m. o. as 1st heut. Jan. 1, '68, w . at Hatchee river, Oct. 5, '62, lost left hand and part of right, wd. March 4. '64, in right leg. Backes John, e. Jan. 1/64, vet. m. o. May 30/65. Tourtelott N. H. e. Nov. 26/63, m- °* July 2o.'6s. Company K. Capt. Phinias D. Kenyon, e. as sergt. May 24/61, prmtd. 1st lieut. April 16/62, prmtd. capt. Nov. 2/62, honorably disd. May 15, '65. 1st Lieut. Jas. O'Brien, com. April 25/61, res April 16/62. 1st Lieut. Wm. W. Wheelock. e. as private May 24/61, prmtd. 2d lieut. April 7/62, prmtd. 1st lieut. Nov. 2/62, m. o. at consolidation. 2d Lieut. John W. Puterbaugh, com. June 6/61, kid. in battle Pittsburg Landing. 2d Lieut. Chas. W. Wilcox, e. as Sergt. May 24/61, prmtd. 2d lieut. Nov. 2/62, m. o. at consolidation. Sergt. Jas. A. Schaffer com. May 24/61, disd. for long absence, May 11/62. Corpl. Cummings M. A. e. May 24/61, m. o. May 24/64. Corpl. Rapp Albert P. e. May 24/61, disd. Aug. 10/63, disab. Corpl. Kridler Geo. H. e. May 24, '61, died May 10, '62, of wounds received at Pittsburg Landing. Corpl. McCall (Jr.) Henry, e. May 24/61, disd. Oct. 20/61, disab. Corpl. Sautbin Jesse W.e. May 24/61, m.o. May 24/64. Corpl. Schaffer Jno. M. e. May 24, '61, kid. Shiloh, April 6/62. Wooden C. S. e. May 24/61, prmtd. corpl. Allison Henry, e. May 24, '61, disd. May it, '62, long absence. Allyn Daniel L. e. May 24/61, disd. Feb. 7/62, worth- lessness. Bristol Perry, e. May 24/61, disd. Jan. 14/64. Blattenburger James, e. May 24/61, m. o. May 24/64. Burnett Joshua, e. May 24, '61, died of wounds in Hos pital, at Covington, Ky. Burnett R. B. e. May 24/61, disd. May 11/62, long ab sence. Barlow, M. S. e. May 24/61, m, o. May 24/64. Bohart John E. e. May 24/61. Bacon J. R. e. May 24/61, disd. May 19/62. disab. Krown Wm. e. May 24/61, disd. May 19/62, long ab sence. Carter Wm. H. e. May 24/61 disd. Nov. 10/62, wd . Clouser John, e. May 24/61, kid. at Shiloh, April 6/62. Cain Edward M. e. May 24/61, m.o. May 24, 62. Calkins Stephen, e. May 24/61. m o. M«y 24/62. Cady Samuel A. e. May 24/61, disd. Feb. 7, 62, disab. Dullebon PI. E. e. May 24/61, disd. Oct. 18/62, wd. Davis Thos. J. e. May 24/61, died May 23/63. Deitrick David S. e. May 24/61, diud Oct. 4, 61. Ferguson Richard S. e. May 24/61, m.o. May 24/64. Ferguson Jas. D. e. May 24/61, vet. m.o. May 30/65. Ferguson Benj. F. e. May 24/6T. Gallagher Jos. e. May 24/61, vet. m.o. May 30/65. Griswold D. J. e. May 24/61, m.u. May 24/64. Grim Otis, e. May 24, 61, m.o. May 24/64. Geisz H. R. e. May 24/61, m.o. May 24/64. Howe Lewis, e. May 24/61, vet. m.o. Sept. 16/65. Horner Geo. e. May 24/61, vet. m.o. May 30/65. Harrison Wm, e. May 24/61, vet. m.o. July 3/65. Holt Henry H. e. May 24/61, vet. m.o. Sept. 16/65. Hallock James T. e. May 24/61, disd. Nov. 9/61, disab. Heierodt Jas. E. e. May 24/61, kid. at Shiloh, Apl.6/62. Hicks Newton, e. May 24/61, m.o. May 24/64. Hollingshead Samuel C. e. May 24, 1861, disd. Aug. 20, 1862, disab. Humbert David L. e. May 24/61, m.o. May 24/64. Johnson John, e.May 24/61, disd. May 2/62, disab. Jackson Hiram, e. May 24/61, disd. Sept. 30/63. Jackson Jas. e. May 24/61, m.o. May 24/64. Kenyon I 'elancy, e. May 24, *6i, disd. May 11/62, long absence. King Thomas, e. May 24/61, kid. at Shiloh, Apl. 6/62. King Jas. A. e. May 24/61, disd. Jan. 4/64, disab. Leister Geo. W. e. May 24/61, disd. Aug. 20/62, disab. Lyttle A. D. e. May 24, 1861. Lychel Henry, e. May 24/61, vet. prisr. of war. Lee James A. e. May 24, 1861. McFadden John, e. May 24/61, died Apl. 4/62. Miles Geo. B. e. May 24/61, m.o. May 24/64. Myers Henry, e. May 24/61, vet. Mitchell Wm. R. e May 24/61, m.o. May 30/65. Nichols Wm. H. e. May 24/61, disd. Nov. 7/62, wd. Price David R. e. May 24/61. m.o. May 24, 1864. Palmer John S. e. May 24, 1861, disd. Oct. 26/61, disab. Pettit F. R. e. May 24, 1861, vet. m.o. May 30, 1865. Parker A. W. e. May 24, 1861, m.o. May 24, 1864. Price John, e. May 24, 1861. m.o. May 24, 1864. Rule John R. e. May 24, 1861. disd. Oct. 18/62. wd. Ransom Chas. M. e. May 24/61, vet. m. o. Sept. 16/65. Reynolds Robt. e. May 24, 1861, m.o. May 24, 1864. Root Thos. S. e. May 24, 1861, died Sept. 7, 1861. Richmond Henry, e. May 24, 1861, vet. m.o. May 30*65 Rush Jas. e. May 24, i86r, vet. m.o. Sept 16, 1865. Rinedollar Mark, e. May 24, 1861, m. o. May 24, 1864. Robinson Jonathan, e. May 24, 1861, m.o. May 24/64. Smith Wm. F. e. May 24, 1861. m.o. May 24, 1864. Strickler Benj. F. e. May 24,1861, died Sept. 13, 1861. Siddles Jas, e. May 24, 1861, m.o. May 24, 1864. Smith Jos. P. e. May 24, 1861, disd. Dec. 16/62, disab. Smith John, e. May 24, 1861, m. o. May 24, 1862. Turner Burton J. e. May 24, 1861, kid. at Shiloh April 6, 1862. Todd Jabez W. e. May 24, 1861, m. o. May_ 24, 1864. Vanrechten Harman, e. May 24, 1861, disd. Nov, 10, 1862, disab. Weider Jacob A. e. May 24, 1861, vet. m. o. Sept. 16/65. Weston Hugh, e. May 24, '61, died May 6, '62, wd. Wall Wm. J. e. May 24, 1861, disd. May n, 1862, long absence. Willfong Wm.H. e. May 24/61, disd. Aug.20,'62, disab. Winters Perry, e. May 24, 1861, m. o. May 24, 1864. Wheelock Chas. W. e. May 24, 1861, kid. at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Wilson Chas. A. e. May 24/61, disd. Feb. 7/62, disab. Ames Simon, e. Dec. 10, 1863, m. o. May 30, 1865. Berge Robt. J. e. June 18, '61, disd. Oct. 5, '62, disab. Bennett Eh, e. Sept. 12, 1861, m. o. Sept. 23, 1864. Bosworth Geo. e. Sept. 12. 1861, m. o. Sept. 23, 1864. Brown Daniel, e. Dec. 19, 1863, m. o. May 30, 1865. Bradley Horace S. e. Dec. 1/63, disd. March 27, 1865. Crawford Wm. J. e. May 24/61, disd. Oct. 18/62, disab. Eastwood Thos. e. Dec. 10, 1863, deserted July 16/65. Hunter Wm. H. e. March 24, 1861, disd. Oct. 13, 1863, for promotion in 6th Regt. U. S. C. T. Hiesrodt Jos. B. e. June 8, 1861, disd. Jan. ig. 1864. Holroyd J. 3. e. Jan. 1, 1864, m. c. Aug. g, 1865. Hall John S. e. March 31, 1864, m. o. July 31, 1865. Irvin Lott W. e. Feb. 26, 1862, vet., m.o. May 30, 1865. Lowell Chas. W. e. Jan. 1. 1864, m. o. May 30, 1865. Steffins Jas. e. May 24, 1861, m. o. May 24, 1864. Tebs Caleb F. e. Sept. 12, 1861, m. o. Sept. 23, 1864. Thomas Edw. e. Sept. 12, 1861. disd. Jan. 7. 62, disab. Thompson W. F. e. April 28, 1864, m. o. May 30, 1865. Welfong G. W. e. Dec. 10/63, vet. m. o. Sept. 16V65. Wilcox Daniel J. e. Dec. 10/63, m- °- May 31/65. 15th Reorganized Infantry (three years.) Company A. Sergt. Tohn W. Keithley, e. March 1, 1865. m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. Corpl. Chas. T. Robinson, e. Mch. 1, 1865, m. u. Sept. 16, 1865. Corpl. Barzila Morris, e. Feb. 24/65, m. 0. Sept. 16/65. Bryson Jas. e. March 1, 186;., deserted June 25, 1865. Chapman H. W. e. March 1, 1865, m. o. July 28. 1865. Fade Geo. T. e. March 1, 1865, m- °- June 12, 1865. Farrell Jas. e. March 1, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. I Griffen Pat'k, e. March 1, 1865, m. 0. Sept. 16, 1865. CARROLL COUNTY WAR RECORD. 287 Haskings Jos. e. Feb. 23, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. Howarth Thos. e. March 1, 1865, sick at m. o. Haynes Martin, e. Marc'i 1, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. Holland John H. e. Feb. 22, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. Ives S. D. e. March 3, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. Lucas Wm. e. Maich 3, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. Leonard D. H. e. March 3, 1865, m. 0. July 10, 1865. Mace jos. e. March 1, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. Morris Joseph, e. Feb. 20, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. Noble Jas. e. March i, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. Noble Wm. F. e. March 1, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. Phillips Isaac, e March 1, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. Smith Jas. e. March 3, 1865, m. o. June 28, 1865. Shimmin Philip, e. Feb. 22, 1865, deserted June 25/65. Sheridan John, e. Feb. 2s, 1865, m. o. May 30, 1865. Stadel Wm. e. Feb. 17, 1865, m. o. July 31, 1865. Smith Wm. R. e. Feb. 25, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. White Henry, e. March 3, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. Company C. Captain And. A. Hershey, e. Sept. 12/61, com. adjutant July 20, 1864. Promoted captain Aug. 21, 1865. Mustered out (as adjutant) Sept. 16, 1865. Brown Daniel, e. Dec. 19, 1863, m. o. May 30, 1865. Company H. First Lieutenant Thos. C. Shelby, com. March 17,1865. Mustered out Sept. 16, 1865. Second Lieutenant Wm. Dodds, com. March 17, 1865. Mustered out Sept. 16, 1865. First Sergt. John J. Boyer, e. Feb. 25, 1865, m.o. Sept. 16, 1865. Sergt. Jas. iVT. Willfong, e. Feb. 25, '65, m. 0. July 3/65. Sergt. R. W. Healey, e. Feb. 25, '65, m. o. Sept. 16/65. Corpl. Jas. Aurand, e. Feb. 25, '65, m, o. Sept. 16, 1865. Corpl. Robt. Templeman, e. Feb. 25, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. r Corpl. Jacob H. Shugart, e. March 7, 1865, m. u. Sept. 16, 1865. Corpl. Jerry Klechner, e. Feb. 25, '65, m.o. June 9, 1865. Corpl. Robt. B. Carr,e.Feb.25, '65, deserted June 27/65. Corpl. Harry Cressinger, e. Feb. 25/65, m.o. Sept. 16/65. Corpl. Clark Johnson, e. Feb. 25, '65, died Apl. 30, 1865. Corpl. J, R. Truckenmiller, e. Feb, 25, 1865, m.o. Sept. 16, 1865, private. Wagoner. Aug, Anderson, e. Feb. 25/65 m.o. July 3/65. Carter John B. e. Feb. 25, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. Cannon Michael, e. Feb. 25, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. Caiion Edw. e. Feb. 25, 1865, deserted June 27, 1865. Cook John, e. Feb. 25, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. Dunman John, e. March 7, 1865, m. o. Aug. 8, 1865. Hay Samuel, e. Feb. 25, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. Koch Henry, e. May 25, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. Lashell D. H. e. March 7, 1865, m. 0. July 25, 1865. Meyers Louis, e. Feb. 2s, 1865, m. o. Sept. t6, 1865. Parneby Thos. e. Feb. 25, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. Snyder Henry, e. Feb. 25, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. Straus Reuben B. e. March 7, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, '65. Wagerly Jacob, e. Feb. 25, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1805. Wood Hugh. e. Feb. 25, 1865, deserted July 16, 1865. 34th Infantry. The Thirty-fourth Infantry Illinois Volunteers was organized at Camp Butler, Illinois, September 7, 1861, by Colonel E. N. Kirk. Moved, October 2, to Lexing ton, Kentucky, and from thence to Louisville, and then to Camp Nevin, Kentucky, where it remained until February 14, 1862. Marched to Bowling Green, and thence, via Nashville, Franklin and Columbia, to Savanna, on the Tennessee River. Arrived at Pitts burg Landing, April 7, 1862, and was hotly engaged in that battle, losing Major Levanway and 15 men killed, and 112 wounded. From thence moved to Corinth, and was engaged on the 29th of May, losing one man killed and five wounded. From Corinth, moved to luka and Florence, Alabama. Crossed the river at that place, and moved to Athens, Huntsville and Stevenson Ala bama. Was encamped over a month at Battle Creek. From thence marched, via. Pelham, Murfreesboro and Nashville, to Louisville, Kentucky, arriving September 27, 1862. October 1, 1862, left Louisville for Frankfort. Regi ment commanded by Lieut. Col. H. W. Bristol, Brigade, by Col. E. N. Kirk, and Division, by Brig. Gen. Sill. October 4, was engaged in a skirmish at Clayville, Kentucky. From Frankfort, moved, via Laurensburg, Perryville, Danville, Crab Orchard, Lebanon and Bowling Green, to Nashville. November 27, had a skirmish at Lavergne. Regiment remained in camp five miles southeast of Nashville until December 26, 1862. December 27, Right Wing moved to Triune, and, after a sharp fight, drove the enemy from town. On the 29th, moved, via Independence Hill, toward Mur freesboro. On the 30th, took position as extreme right of Union lines. On the 31st, the enemy attacked the regiment in overwhelming force, driving it back on the main line. Following the advantage gained by his infantry, the enemy's cavalry charged the line, and captured many of the Regiment. Loss — killed 21, wounded 93, missing 66 Gen. Kirk was mortally wounded. While at Murfreesboro, the Right Wing, Fourteenth Army Corps, was organized into the Twentieth Army Corps, and Major Gen. McCook assigned tn command. June 24, 1863, the Twentieth Corps moved by the Shelbyvilie Pike, toward Liberty Gap. On the 25th, the Second Brgade was ordered forward, ami advanced across an open cornfield, eighty rods in width, lately plowed and softened by the rams which fell the day and night before, until the men sunk half way to the knee in mud at every step. Without help, and in the face of a rebel brigade advantageously posted, they drove the enemy from his position — the Second Arkansas Infantry leaving their battle flag on the hill, where they fought in front of the Thirty-fourth. The regiment losing 3 killed and 26 wounded. Moved, on 26th, via. Beech Grove, to Manchester, enteriag Tullahoma on the morning of July 1. August 16, moved via Larkin's Valley, to Bellefonte, Alabama. The Thirty fourth was here detailed as Provost Guard. On the 30th, moved to Caperian's Ferry, on Tennessee River. Here the regiment was left to guard the pontoon bridge. Sep', ember 18, moved the boats to Battle Creek. October 20, 1863, moved, under command of Brigadier General J. D. Morgan, to Anderson's Cross Roads, in Sequatchie Valley. November 8, moved to Harrison's Landing, on Tennessee River. November 14, ordered to to report Brigadier General John Beatty, commanding Second Brigade, Second Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, Jeff C. Davis commanding Division. Arrived at Chattanooga 15th, and camped on Moccasin Point. November 25, ordered to join the Brigade on the battle field of Chattanooga. Arrived 11 0 clock P. M. Moved at 1 o'clock A. M. of 26th, and moved via Chic- amauga Station. On the 28th, moved back to Chattanooga, where those unable to march were put in camp, the remain der of the regiment moving on the expedition into East Tennessee, as far as Loudon, where the Thirty-fourth were detailed to run a grist mill, grinding corn and wheat for the Division. Returned to Chattanooga, arriving December ig, 1863. f December 22, the Thirty-fourth was mustered as a veteran organization, and January 8, 1864, started for Springfield, Illinois, for veteran furlough. Received veteran furlough, and rendezvoused at Dixon, Illinois. February 28, moved, via Chicago, Louisville and Nashville, arriving at Chattanooga March 7, 1864, and moved out to join the Second Bri gade, Colonel John G. Mitchell, One Hundred and Thirteenth Ohio, commanding, in camp near Rossville, Georgia. Mustered out July 12, 1865, at Louisville, Kentucky. Arrived at Chicago July 16, 1865, for final payment and discharge. Quarter Master Abram Beeler, com. Aug. 15, 1861. Resigned March 21, 1863. Company A. First Lieutenant Richard J. Heath, e. as sergt., Sept. 7,1861. Re-enlisted as vet., Dec. 23, 1863. Pro moted first sergeant, then second lieutenant, s April 2, 1864. Promoted first lieutenant, Sept. 13, 1864. Mustered oul July 12, 1865. Bradley Robt. e. Sept. 7, 1861, kid. at Shiloh, Apl. 7/62. Miller Samuel T. e. Sept. 7, 1861, vet., m. o. July 12, 1865, as sergt. Company B. Gardner Geo. W. c. Sept. 7, 1861, vet., m.o. July 12/65. Company I. Captain Lewis Heffelfinger, com. Aug. 15, 1861. Re signed April 18, 1862. 288 CARROLL COUNTY WAR RECORD. Captain Amos W. Hostetter, com. first lieutenant, Aug. 15, 1861. Promoted captain, April 18, 1862. Died of wounds July 26, 1864. Captain Jos. Teeter, e. as corporal, Sept. 7, 1861. Pro moted first sergeant, then second lieutenant, June 29,1863. Promoted ciptain, April 20, 1865. Mustered out July 12, 1865. First Lieutenant Jackson Beaver, e. as first sergeant, Sept. 7, 1861. Promoted first lieutenant, April 18, 1862. Resigned Jan. 29, 1863. First Lieutenant Mason C. Fuller, e. as sergeant, Sept, 7, 1861. Promoted first sergeant, then second lieutenant, May 4, 1862. Promoted fiist lieuten ant, Jan. 29. '63. Honorably discharged, Feb. 25/65. First Lieutenant Jas. A. Wells, com. May 5, 1865. Died of wounds, M.iy 14, 1865. First Lieutenant Israel Solt, e. as corporal, Sept. 7, 1861. Re-e listed as veteran, Dec. 23, 1863. Mustered out July 12, 1865, as sergeant. Second Lieutenant Jas. Watson, com. Aug. 15, 1861. Resigned April 28, 1862. Sergt. Jas. Wills, e. Sept, g, 1861, vet. Sergt. Willis Ray, e. Sept. 7, 1861, vet. Corpl. Jos. McKee, e. Sept. 7, 1861, vet. July 12/65, W(i. Corpl. John C. Gelwick, e. Sept. 7, 1861, vet. Corpl. John H. Scott, e. Sept. 7, i86r, disd. as private. Corpl. S. D. Walley, e. Sept. 7, 1861, trans, to Invalid Corps, Aug. 22, 1863. Corpl. Isaac Scott, e. Sept. 7/61, vet. m. o. July 12/65, as sergt. Corpl. James Masters, e. Sept. 7, 1861. Musician Henry Lego, e. Sept. 7, '61, m. o. July 12/65, as corpl. Solt Israel, e. Sept. 7/61, vet. m.o. July 12/65, %s sergt. Wagoner Philip Queckbranner, e. Sept. 7, 1861, right thumb defective. Backman Christian, c. Sept. 7, 1861, vet., m. o. July 12, 1865, as corpl. Benefield Geo e. Sept. 7, 1861. Border David M. e. Sept. 7, 1861, vet., m. o. July 12/65. Clark Thos. e. Sept. 7, '61, vet., died June 27, '64, wd. Crab C. e. Sept. 7, 1861, disd. Carr Mark, e. Sept. 7, r86i, vet., missing in action June 27, 1864. Farrell Peter, e. Sept. 7, 1861. Fleming Geo. e. Sept. 7, i86r. French Wm.H. e. Sept. 7,1861, vet., m.o. July 12,1865. Forsyth Wm. e. Sept. 7,1861, died at Camp Wood, Ky. Grinfield M. e. Sept. 7, 1861. Gregison Levi, e. Sept. 7, i86i,died at Louisville. Harold D. P. e. Sept. 7, i86t, m. 0. Aug. 12, 1865. Heglem Jacob, e. Sept. 7,1861, vet., m.o. July 12, 1865. Heglem Jno. F. e. Sept. 7,1801, vet., m.o. July 12,1865. Heath W.H. e. Sept. 7/61, vet. m.o. July 12/65, as corpl. Harvey Chas. W. e.Sept. 7,1861, vet., trans, to 1st U.S. V. V. Eng., July 30, 1864. Hager Wm. e. Sept. 7, 1861, vet. m.o. July 12, 1864. Hartman Henry, e. Sept. 7, 1861, disd. Dec. 27, 1863, as corpl. di^ab. Houghtailing Henry, e. Sept. 7,1861, m.o. Sept. 12/64. Ikeman F. e. Sept. 7,1861, vet., m.o. July 12/65, corpl. Johnson S. e. Sept. 7, 1861. Kinyon J. B. e, Sept. 7, 1861. Kuhler Adam, e. Sept. 7,1861, vet., trans, to Vet. Res. Corps, Dec. 21, 1864. Knox Robt.S. e. Sept. 7,1861, died at Nashville,Tenn., Feb. ir, 1864. Lauver Adam, e. Sept. 7, 1861, vet., m.o. July 12, 1865. Lagrant Wm. e. Sept. 7,1861, vet., m. o. July 12, 1865. Lump John, e. Sept. 7,1861. Lower Levi, e. Sept. 7, 1861, m. o. Sept. 12,1864, Maynard Hiram H. e. Sept. 7, 1861. Miller Chas. H. e Sept. 7, 1861, vet., disd. Sept. 2g, 1864, as sergt. disab. O'Donnell Edw. e. Sept. 7, 1861, deserted June 30, '64. Ortman John, e. Sept. 7. 1861, vet., trans, to U. S. V. V. En?., July 30, 1864. Robbins Geo. e. Sept. 7, 1861. Russell Jas. P. e. SDpt. 7, 1861. Ransom Caleb, e. Sept. 7, 1861, left eye defective. Rxe Wm. H. e. Sept, 7, 1861, died at Louisville. Sauer Peter, e. Sept. 7/61, vet., m.o. July i2,'65,corpl. Smith Elias W. e. Sept. 7, 1861. Sawer Jos. e. Sept 7, 1861. Stormer Sam'l, e. Sept. 7, 1861, disd. at Chicago. Traum Henry, e. Sept. 29, 1861, disd. Oct. 16, 1864. Wood John W. e. Sept. 7, 1861, m. o. Sept. 12, 1864. Wilson Henry S. e. Sept. 29, 1861, m. o. Oct. 15, 1864. Wa lace Isaac, e. Sept. 29/61, died at Camp Wood,Ky. Willis Austin, e. Sept. 7, 1861, vet., m.o. July 12, 1865. Ward Alfred, e. Sept. 7, i86t, vet., m. o. July 12, 1865. Yonson Nels, e. Sept. 7, 1861 vet., m. o. July 12, 1865. Zimmer Peter, e. Sept. 29, 1861, vet., m.o. July 12, '65. Corning N. R. e. March ig, 1865. in. o. July 12, 1865. Dinehart Wm. H. e. Feb. 10, 1864, vet. recruit, died at Atlanta, Oct. 20. 1864. Forsyth Thos. e. Feb. 10, 1864, vet. recruit, kid. at Reseca, May 14, 1864. Gallup Andrew, e. Jan. 27, 1864, m, o. July 12, 1865. Meisner Wm. H. e. Feb. 10, 1864, vet. recruit, disd. June 16, 1865, wd. Manning N. W. e. March ig, 1865, m. o. July 12, 1865. Sullivan C. e. Dec, 30, 1863, m. o. July 12, 1865. Scott San/1, e. March 9, 1865. m. o. July 12, 1865. Wells Geo. W e. March 9, 1865, m. o. July 12, 1865. Willis Leman, e. March 2, 1865, m. o. July 12, 1865. Brooks Jas. e. Dec. 23, 1863, m. o. July 12,1865, as first sergeant. Canady B. F. e. Dec. 23, '63, m.o. July 12/65, as sergt. Clark Thos. e. Dec. 23, 1863, died June 27, 1864. wd. Gelwicks John C. e. Dec. 23, 1863, disd. Mari.h 19, 1864, as sergeant, wd. Hills T. e. Dec. 23, 1863, m. o. July 12, 1865, as corpl. Johnson A. A. e. Dec. 23, 1863, m.o. July 12, 1865. Marion Geo. W. e. Dec. 23, 1863, m.o. July 12. 1865. McKee Jos. N. e. Dec. 23, 1863, m. o. July 12, 1865. Smith Geo. W. e. Dec. 23, 1863, kid. near Marietta, Ga., June 27. 1864. Willis Jas. A e. Dec 23, 1863, m. o. July 12/65, corpl. Winchester H. C- e. Dec. 23, 1863, m. o. July 12, 1865. 45th Infantry. The Washburne Lead Mine Regiment was organized at Chicago, III., Dec 25, 1861, by Col. John E. Smith, and mustered into the United States service as the Forty-fifth Infantry Illinois Volunteers. January 15, 1862, moved to Cairo, III.; February 1st, assigned to Brigade of Col. W. H. L. Wallace, Division of Brig. Gen. McClernand ; February 4th, landed below Fort Henry, on the Tennessee, and on the 6th marched into the fort, it having been surrendered to the gun-boats. February nth, moved toward Fort Donelson, and dur ing the succeeding days bore its part of the suffering and of the battle. The flag of the Forty-fifth whs the first planted on the enemy's works. Loss— 2 killed and 26 wounded. March 4th, moved to the Tennessee River, and nth, arrived at Savinnah. Was engaged in the evpedition to Pin Hook. March 25th, moved to Pittsburg Landing, and encamped near Shiloh' Church. The Forty-fifth took a conspicuous and honorable part in the two days' battle of Shiloh, losing 26 killed and igg wounded and missing — nearly one-half of the regiment. April 12th, Col. John E. Smith, of the Forty-fifth, took command of the Brigade. Duringthe siege of Corinth, the regiment was in the First Brigade, Third Division, Reserve Army of the Tennessee, and bore its full share of the labors and dangers of the cam paign. June 4th, the regiment was assigned to Third Brigade, and moved towards Purdy, fifteen miles. On the 5th, matched to Bethel ; 7th to Montezuma, and on the 8th to Jackson, Tennessee, the enemy flying on its approach. During the months of June and July, engaged in garrison and guard duty. August nth, pssigned to guarding railroad, near Toon's Station. On the 31st, after much desperate fighting, cmnpanies Cand D were captured. The remainder of the regiment, concen trating at Toon's Station, were able to lesist the attack of largely outnumbering forces. Loss — 3 killed, 13 wounded, and 43 taken prisoners. September 17th, moved to Jackson ; November 2d, to Bolivar, and was assigned to First Brigade, Third Division, Right Wing, Thirteenth Army Corps. Nov. 3, 1862, marched from Bolivar to Van Buren ; 4th, to Lagrange,' and were as signed to provost duty ; 28th, marched to Holly Springs ; Dec. 3d, to Waterford ; 4th, t > Abbeville ; 5th, to Ox ford, to Y( cona river, near Spring Dale. Communications with the North having been cut off, foraged on the country for supplies. Dec. 17th, notice received of the promotion of Col. John E. Smith, to Brigadier General, ranking from Nov. 2gth, Dec. 22d, returned to Oxfoid ; 24th, moved to a camp three miles north of Abbeville, on the Tallahatchie river, where the regiment remained during the month. Mustered out July 12, 1865, at Louisville, Ky., and arrived at Chicago, July 15, 1865, for final payment and discharge. Major Leander B. Fisk, com. captain Co. E, Sept. 14, 1861. Promoted major, May 22, 1863. Killed in battle, June 25, 1863. CARROLL COUNTY WAR RECORD. 289 First Assistant Surgeon Francis Weaver, com. Nov. 18, 1861. Died. Sergeant Major Louis G. Comparte, com. Oct. 5, 1861. Mustered out Jan. 16, 1865. Hospital Steward Wm. S. Stansbury, com. Sept. 18, 1861. Discharged Sept. 2g, 1864. Term expired. Company A. Captain Abraham Polsgrove, com. Aug. 30, 1861. Re signed Jan. 2T, 1863. Captain Wm.T. Frohock, com. first lieutenant, Aug. 30, 1861. Promoted adjutant, Oct. 31, 1861. Pro moted captain, Jan. 21, 1863. Promoted colonel Fourth Mississippi Colored Troops, Jan. 12, 1864. Captain las. P. Beattie, e. as corporal, Nov. 4, 1861. Re-enlisted as veteran, Jan. 5, 1864. Promoted first lieutenant, Oct. 15, 1864. Promoted captain, April 20, 1865. Mustered out July 12, 1865. First Lieutenant Geo. Moore, com. second lieutenant, Aug. 30, 1861. Pmmoted first lieutenant, Nov. 1, t86t. Died. First Lieutenant Jos. Myers, e. as first sergeant, Aug. 30, 1861. Promoted second lieutenant, Dec. 1, 1861. Promoted first lieutenant, April 9, 1862. Resigned Oct. 15, 1S64. First Lieutenant Baley Cleranger, e. as corporal, Aug. 30. 1861. Re-enlisted as veteran, Dec. 24, 1863. Mustered out July 12, 1865, as Sergeant. Commis sioned first lieutenant, but not mustered. Second Lieutenant Jacob Febs, e. as private, Aug. 30, 1861. Re-enlisted as veteran, Jan. 5, 1864. Mus tered out July 12, 1865, as sergeant. Commissioned sec >nd lieutenant, but not mustered. Sergt. Louis LaBrush, e. Aug. 30, 1861, disd. Dec. 15, 1863, as private, to receive promotion in colored regiment. Sergt. Chas. E. Rose, c. Aug. 30, 1861, vet., m. u. July 12, 1865. Sergt. John Mack, e. Aug. 30, i86i,m.u. Sept. 29, 1864, term ex. Sergt. Hollis M. Hurd,e. Aug. 30, 1861, kid. at Shiloh, April 6, 1865. Corpl. Wm. T. Dougherty, e. Aug. 30, 1861, trans, to Invalid Corps, Sept. 15, 1863. Corpl. Henry Kernnaghan, e. Aug. 30, 1861, m.o. Sept. 2g, 1864, term ex. Corpl. John H. Botts,e.Aug. 30, 1861, missing in action May 1, 1863. Corpl. John Mahood, c. Aug. 30, 1861, disd. July 12, 1862, wounded. Corpl. Robert Morehead, e. Aug. 30, 1861, m. u. Sept. 2g, 1864, term ex. Musician Henry Winters, c. Aug. 30, 1861, trans, to V. R. C. May 1, 1864. Wagoner Paul D. Otis, e. Oct. 3, 1861, died at Savan nah, Tenn. Bristol S. W. e. Aug. 39, 1861, died at Ft. Donelson. Bennett Porter, e. Aug. 30, 1801, vet., m. o. July 12, 1865, as Corpl. Benefield Wm. C. e. Aug. 30, i86i,kld. atMendenSta. tion, Tenn., Aug. 31, 1862. Corrigan Barnhard, e. Aug. 30, 1861, disd. April 27, 1862, wd. Eddy Wm. H. e. Aug. 30, 1861, kid. at Vicksburg, June 21, 1863. Frazer Alex. e. Aug. -w, 1861, vet. Fulton Wm. e. Aug. 30/61, vet., m. o. July i2,'65,Sergt. Guy Louis, e. Aug. 30, 1861, died May 22, 1863. Gill Phillip C. e. Aug. 30, 1861, m. o. Sept. 29, 1863. Galliger Hugh, e. Nov. 1, 1861, disd. July 13, '62, wd. Hilbert Christian, e. Aug. 30, '61, vet., m.o.July 12/65. Hardin Wm. H. e. Oct. 15, 1861, vet., died at Rome, Ga., June 15, 1864. Jarvis Francis, e. Aug. 30, 1861, died at Savannah, Tenn., April 27, 1862. Kenyon H. C. e. Aug. 30, 1861, vet., m. o. July 12, 1865, as Corpl. Kenyon E. R. e. Aug. 30, 1861, vet., m.o.July 12, 1865. Kimmins Henry, e. Aug. 30, 1861, m. o. Sept. 3, 1864, wounded. Meyers Franklin, c. Aug. 30, 1861, missing in action May 22, 1863. McGrinty Michael, e. Aug. 30/61, dropped Aug.18, 62. Noble Wm. e. Aug. 30, 1861, vet., m. o. July 12, 1865. O'Sullivan Timothy.e. Aug. 30/61, vet., m.o. July 12, 65. Patten Robert, e. Aug. 30, 1861, dropped Aug. 18, 1862. Rowley Louis, e. Aug. 30, i86r, died at St. Louis, Oct. 30, 1861. . Rowland M. <=. Nov. 20, 1861, disd. Jan. 8, 1862. Smith Tohn M. e. Aug. 30, i86i,disd. June 26, '62, wd. Smith John A. e. Aug. 30, 1861, kid. Shiloh, Apl. 6/62. Smith John C. e. Aug. 30, 1861, kid. Feb. 13, 1862. Smith Jas. B. e. Aug. 30, 1861, trans, to Invalid Corps, Sept. 15, 1863. Shilling David, e. Aug. 30, 1861, disd. April 14, 1862. Scott E. E. e. Aug. 30, 1861, disd. Feb. 17, 1864, disab. Taylor H. A. e. Aug. 30, 1861, trans, to Invalid Corps, Sept. 15, 1863. Wolfley Wm. e. Aug. 30, '61, kid. at Shiloh, Apl. 6/62. Wootan Daniel, e. Aug. 30, 1861, vet., m. o. July 12, 1865, as corpl. Ballou S. A. e. Jan. 5, 1864, disd. June 9, 1865, disab. Lillibridge R. L. e. Jan. 5, 1864, m. o. July 12, 1865. Bean M. M. e. Dec. 16, 1861, disd, Nov. 2, '63, disab. ¦Brnwn Wm. H. disd Jan. 1, 1862. Collier S. M. e. Aug. 29, 1862, died March 18, 1863. i 00k J. H. e. Sept. 20, 1864, m. o. June 3, 1864. Fuller E. L. e. Dec. i, 1863, m. o. July 12, 1865. Gill John M. e. Aug. 26, 1862, m. o. June 22, 1865. Gill W. C. e. Aug. 18, 1862, died April 13, 1863. Gill Jas. e. Oct. 10, 1864, m. o. July 12, 1865. Henderson Thos. J. e. Oct. 10, 1S64, m. o. July i3/'65. Keeger Wm. e. Nov. 24, 1862, trans, to Inv. Corps, Aug. 14, 1863. McKee John, e. Aug. 26, 1862, died at St. Louis/April 9, 1863. Mell-m Jas. e. Aug. 20, 1862, m. o. June 3, 1865. Ray Wm. P. e. Nov. 17, 186?, trans, to Inv. Corps. Roggenthine F. e. Oct. 8, 1864, absent, sick at m. o. Smith H. J. e. Dec. 1, 1863, m. o. May 26, 1865. Wilson Alfred, e. Oct. 3, 1863, trans, to V. R. C. May 1, 1864. Company E. Captain John M. Adair, e as first sergeant Sept. 14, 1861. Promoted second lieutenant Dec, 1, 1861. Promoted first lieutenant Nov. 4, 1862. Promoted captain May 22 1863. Mustered out Nov., 1864. Second Lieutenant Oliver Swartz, e. as corporal Sept. 14,1861. Re-enlisted as veteran Jan. 5,1864. Com missioned second lieutenant, but not mustered. Mustered out July 12, 1865. Sergt. Jos. A. Wallace, e. Sept. 24, 1861, disd. Sept. 2, 1862, disab.' Corpl. Wm. Robee, e. Sept. 24, 1861. Corpl. Jas. L. Carroll, e. Sept. 24, 1861, m. o. Sept. 2g, 1864, term ex. Wagoner D. M. Hewett, e. Nov. 12, '6r, disd., term ex, Beatie Samuel P. e. Sept. 14. 1S61. Brown B. B. e, Sept. 24, 1861, disd. June 16, 1862. Coats Benj. e. Sept. 18, 1861, died at St. Louis, April 28, 1862. Carr John N. e. Sept. 18,1861, died at Quincy,Ill., April 28, 1862, wd. Carpenter H. B. e. Sept. 18,1861, died Dec. 15, 1861. Carpenter Jas. E. e. Sept. 24, 1861, m. o. Sept. 29, 1864, term ex. Edwards Albert, e. Sept. 18, 1861, m. o. Sept. 29, 1864, term ex. Edwards Oscai , e. Nov. 6, 1861, m. u. Nov. 8, 1864, as sergeant, term ex. Everhart John, e. Sept. 14, 1861, trans, to Inv. Corps, Sept. 15, 1863. Frederick Conrad, e. Sept. 24/61, disd. Sept. 26/62,wd. Gleason Solon F. e. Sept. 24,1861, m. o. Sept. 29, 1864, term ex. Goddavd Levi W. e. Sept. 24, 1861, disd. April 5, 1862. Graham Daniel J. e. Sept. 24, ji86i, died at Mound City, April 4, 1862. Hill Geo. e. Sept. 18, 1861, vet.,"m. o. July 12, 1865. Mathison A. e. Sept. 14, 1861, vet., m. o. July 12, 1865 as sergeant. Mullarky Hugh, e. Sept. 14/61, vet., m.o. July 12, '65. Mason Sam'l, e. Sept. 18, 1861, disd. Nov. 18/61, disab. Powers John, e. Sept. 18, 1861, disd. ' July 25, '62, wd, Sisler Benj. e. Sept. 14, 1861, vet., m. o. July 12, 1865. Simmons David, e. Sept. 18, 1861, died at Mt. Carroll, 111., April 23, 1862. Simmons John, e. Oct. 2, 1861, died March 27, 1862. Stansbury W. S. e. Sept. 18, 1861, appointed Hospital Steward. Smith Benj. e. Oct. 4. 1861, m.o. Nov. 8,1864, term ex. Watson Daniel, e. Sept. 14, 1861, disd. or died at Quincy, Oct. 23, 1862. Wills Heniy B. e. Sepi. 18, 1861, died at Quincy, July 9, 1862. Carter John E. e. Jan. 3, 1864, m. o. July 12, 1865. Carter M. F. e. Jan. 5, 1864, disd. July 1, 1864, disab. 290 CARROLL COUNTY WAR RECORD. Dales B. H. e. Dec. 3°, 1863, m. o. July 12, 1865. Lindsay L. F. B. e. Jan. 17, 1862, disd. Oct. 27, 1863, to receive piomotion in col'd regt. 65th Infantry. Company B. Booth Alfred R. e. Oct. 6, 1862, trans, from g2d I.V.I., m. 0. July 13. 1865. Brown Henry J. e. Oct. 28,1863, trans, from g2d I.V.I., m. o. July 13, 1865. Brown Benj. B. e. Oct. 28, 1863, trans, from g2d I.V.I. , m. o. July 13, 1865. \ Black Jas. B. e. Dec. 30, 1863, trans, from g2d I. V. I., m. o. Tuly 13, 1865. Clark Louis A. e. (Jet. 31, 1863, trans, from g2d I.V.I. , m. o. July 13, 1865. Smith Sam'l B. e. Oct. 28,1863, trans. fromg2d I.V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. Company C. Barrett Arthur, e. Dec. 29, 1863, trans, from g2d I.V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865, was prisr. Chase Francis M. e. Oct. 31, 1863, trans, from g2d I. V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. Chapins Geo. e. Oct. 31, 1863, trans. fromg2d I. V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865, was prisr. Davis John C-e. Oct. 30, 1863, trans. from g2d I.V. I., m.o. July 13, 1865. Elliott Jas. e. Jan. 4, 1864, trans, from g2d I.V. I., m.o. July 13, 1865. Eymer E. D. e. Oct. 3T, 1863, trans, from g2d I. V. I., m. o. July 13. 1865. French Jas. e. March 23, 1865, trans, from 92! I. V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. French Wm. e. March 23, 1865, trans, from 92d I.V. I., m. o. luly 13, 1865. Fuller John A. e. Oct. 31, 1863. trans, from g2d I.V. I., m. o. July 13; 1865. Holhngshead N. e. March 23,1863, trans, from g2d I.V. I., m. o. July 13. 1865. Hurlbut Jas. W. e. Dec. 29, 1863, trans, from g2d I.V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. Lester J. L. e. Oct. 31, 1863, trans, from 92d I. V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. Mularkey Jas. e. Dec. 1, 1863, trans, from 92d I.V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. Mowery H. T. e. Dec. 31, 1863, trans, from 92 d I.V.I. , m. K. July 13, 1865. Malen Robt. J. e. Jan. 5, 1864, trans, from g2d I.V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. Marsh Jasper N. e. Oct. 31,1863, trans, from 92d I.V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. Nettleton Sam'l, e. March 23, 1865, trans, from g2d I.V I.,m. o. July 13, 1865. Company D. Davis John, e. Dec. 30, 1863, trans, from g2d I. V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. Hitchcock Thos. A. e. Oct. 30, 1863, trans, from g2d I. V. I., m.o. July 13, 1865. King Daniel, e. Dec. 30, 1863, trans, from g2d I. V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. Mills Dan'l A. e. March 23, 1865, trans, from 92d I. V. L, m. o. July 13, 1865. Nelson A. B. e. Oct. 31, 1863, trans, from 92d I. V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. RayGeo. W. e. Jan. 5, 1864, trans, from. g2d I. V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. Sleer John A. e. Dec. 30, 1863, trans, from g2d I. V.I., m. o. July 13, 1865. Smith Thos. J. e. Dec. 30, 1863, trans, from g2d I.V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. Company E. Fidler Geo. E. e. Feb. 18, 1864, trans, from 92d I.V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. Gillidott Miles S. e. Oct. 6,1862, trans.from g2dI.V.L, m. o. July 13, 1865. Wilder R. L. e. Oct. 31, 1863, trans, from g2d I. V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. Walker Wm. L. e. Oct. 28, 1863, trans, from g2d I.V.I. , m. o. July 13, 1865. Will aras Henry C, e. Oct. 28,1863, trans, from g2d I.V. I., m. 0. July 13, 1865. Company G. Apple Balsar, e. Oct. 3, 1862, trans, from g2d I. V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. Free Francis A. e. Oct. 31,1863, trans, from g2dI.V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. GalushaD. E. e. Jan. 5,1864, trans, from g2d. I. V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. McCord Eathan, fc. Feb. 17, 1865, trans, from g2d I.V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. Merchant Van Buren, e. March 27,i86s,trans. from g2d I. V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. Rhodes Alex. e. Dec. 1, 1863, trans, from g2d I. V. L, m. o. July 13, 1S65. Shilling Wm. W. e. Dec. 31, 1863, trans, from g2d I. V. I., m. o. July 13, 1865. 71st Infantry (three mos.) Company B. Second Lieutenent Emanuel Stover, com. July 22,1862. Mustered out. Sergt. Matthew F. White, e. July g, 1862. Corpl. Jas. K. Howell, e. July g, 1862. Corpl. Jas. W. Humphrey, e. July 9, 1862. Corpl. Geo. W. Zook, e. July 11, 1862. Boyd Geo. e. July 9, 1862. Bundy Chris, e. July 9, 1862. Badger Wm. e. July 9, 1862. Bean Alanson, e. July 1, 1862. Chasm Thos. e. July 9, 1862, Everhart Jacob, e. July 10,1862. Grant Hiram, e. July 9, 1862. Green John L. e. July 9, 1862. Granger Chas. e. July g, 1862. Lindsay Wm. O. e. July 8, 1862. Lovelady H. W. e. July 10. 1862. Meredith Wm. e. July 9, 1862. Noel Jacob J. e. July 11, 1862. Owings G. C. e. July 10, 1862. Renshaw Alfred, e. July 9, 1862. Renshaw Elisha, e. July 9, 1862. Renner I.^aac, e. July g, 1862. Ritter Franklin, e. July g, 1862. Sturdevant Wm. e. July 14, 1862. Swartz Sam'l W. e. July 9, 1862. Slew John A. e. July 14, 1862. Umphrey S. B. e. July g, 1862. Wilson Taylor, e. July g, 1862. 92d Infantry. The Ninety-second Regiment Infantry Illinois Vol unteers was organized at Rockford, Illinois, and mus tered into United States' service September 4, 1862. It was composed of five companies from Ogle County, three from Stephenson County, and two from Carroll County. The Regiment left Rockford, October 11, 1862, with orders to report to General Wright, at Cincinnati, where it was assigned to General Baird's Division, Army of Kentucky. It marched immediately into the interior of the state, and, during the latter part qJ" October, was stationed at Mt. Sterling, to guard that place against rebel raids, and, afterwards, at Danville, Kentucky. On 26th January, 1863, the Regiment, with General Baird's Division, was ordered to the Army of the Cum berland. Arriving at Nashville, the command moved to Franklin, Tennessee, and was engaged in the pursuit of the rebel General Van Dorn. Advanced to Murfrees boro, and occupied Shelbyville, June 27. On July 5, Regiment was engaged in rebuilding wagon bridge over Duck River. Ju y 6, was ordered by General Kosen- crans to be mounted, and, armed with the Spencer rifle, and attached to Colonel Wilder's Brigade of General Thomas' Corps where it remained while General Rosen- crans had command. The Regiment crossed the moun tains at Dechard, Tennessee, and took part in the movements opposite and above Chattanooga, when it re-crossed the mountains, and joined General Thomas, at Trenton, Alabama. On the morning of 9th September, it was in the ad vance to Chattanooga, and pArticipated in driving the rebels from Point Lookout, and entered the rebel strong hold, unfolding the Union banner ( n the CrutchfieTd House, and kept in pursuit of the rebels. At Ringgold, Georgia, was attacked by a Brigade of Cavalry, under command of General Forrest, and drove them from the town, killing and wounding a large number. ^During the Chicamauga Battle, the Regiment took part in General Reynolds' Division, of General Thomas1 Corps. THOMPSON CARROLL COUNTY WAR RECORD. 293 In April, 1864, it was again at Ringgold, Georgia, doing picket duty. April 23, Captain Scovil, with twenty-one men, were captured at Nickajick Gap, nine miles from Ringgold, and one man killed. Of the men thus taken prisoner^, twelve were shot down, and six died of wounds, after being taken prisoners. The remainder weie taken to Andersonville ; and very few ever left that place, hav ing died from the cruel treatment received there. From Ringgold, May 7, 1864, the Regiment entered upon the Atlanta Campaign, and was assigned to Gen et al Kilpatrick's command, and participated in the bat tles of Resaca, raid around Atlanta, Bethesada, Fleet River Bridge, and Jonesboro. The Regiment lost, at Jonesboro, one fifth of the men engaged. From Mount Gilead Church, west of Atlanta, October 1, the Regi ment moved, and took active part in the operations against Hood's Army. At Powder Springs, it had a severe engagement, lo-ing a large number of men, killrd and wounded. The Regiment then returned to Mari etta, and participated in the various engagements and skirmishes in Sherman's march to the sea. At Swift Creek, N. C., Captain Hawk, Company C, was severely wounded, losing a leg. The Regiment, during its term of service, was in some forty battles and skirmishes. It was mustered out at Concord, North Carolina, and paid and discharged from the service at Chicago, Illinois, July 10, 1865. Major Jno. H. Bohn, com. Sipt. 4, 1862. Resigned April 21, 1864. Second Assistant Surgeon Nathan Stephenson, com. Oct. 11, 1862. Mustered out June 21, 1865. Quarter-Master Sergeant Wm. M. Gerhart. Mustered out June 21, 1865. Chaplain O. D. White, com. Sept. 4, '62, resigned at Danville, Ky. Commissary Sergeant Geo. W. Fouke, e. Sept. 4, 1862. Mustered out June 21, 1865. Principal Musician Collan Bawden, c. Sept. 4, 1862. Mustered out June 21, 1865. Company C. Captain Wm. Stouffer, com. Sept. 4, 1862. Died Jan. 21, 1863. Captain Robert M. A. Hawk, com. first lieutenant, Sept. 4, 1862. Promoted captain, Jan. 21, 1863. Mustered out June 21, 1865, First Lieutenant Norman Lewis, com. second lieuten ant, Sept. 4, 1862. Promoted first lieutenant, Jan, 21, 1863 Transferred to Co. G, 65th Regiment. Second Lieutenant Geo. P. Sutton, e. as sergeant. Aug. 7, 1862. Promoted second lieutenant, Jan. 21, 1863. Mustered out June 21, 1865. First bergt. Jacob Kettle, e. Aug. 7, 1862, disd. April 13, 1863. Sergt. Chasr H. Jones, c. Aug. 7, 1862, m. u. June 21, 1865, as first sergt. Sergt. John Hitchcock, e. Aug. 6, 1862, m.o.June2i/65- Sergt. Geo. R. Stoddard, e. Aug. g/62, disd. Feb. 4/63. Corpl. C. B. White, e. Aug. g, 1802. disd. Jan. 12, 1863. Corpl. Nicholas Fagan, e. Aug. 5, 1862, disd. May 8/63. Gorpl. Thos. F. Elliott, e. Aug. 9, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865, as sergt. Corpl. John L. Strock, c. Aug. 6, 1862, m. u. June 21, 1865. as sergt. Corpl. Thomas M. Hawk, e. Aug. 6, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. as sergt. Corpl. Geo. Gray, e. Aug, 9, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865, as private. Corpl. Oscar E. Ritter, e. Aug. 7, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865, as private. Corpl. F. W. Carpenter, e. Aug. 7/62. disd. June 18/63. Musician W. F. Balcom, e. Aug. 7, 1862, m. o. June 21 , 1865, as private. Musician Geo. W. Clark, c. Aug. 16, 1862, m. u. June 21, 1865. Wagoner Wm. B. Rea, e. Aug. 9/62, disd. Mch. 11/63. Atkinson Evan, e. July 30, 1862, disd. May 5. '63, disab, Adair Thos. C. e. Aug. 7, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Allen Truman, e. Aug. 7, 1862. m. o. J une 21, 1865. Bohn Jos. H. S. e. July 24, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Bevins N. R. e. ^ ug. 7, 1862, died March 3, 1865. Biown James H. e. Aug. 7, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Brown J. C. e. Aug. 9, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Bowers Jos. e. Aug. 9, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Church C. W. e. July 28, 186?, disd. June 9, 1863. Carey Wm. R. e. July 30, 1862, m. o. June 21/65, corpl. Cooke D. G- e. Aug. 6, 1862, disd. Sept. 1, 1863, for promotion in colored regiment. 17 Clevidence Jno. T. e. Aug. 6, 1862, m. u. June 21, 1865, wounded. Christian A. J. e. Aug. 6, 1862, disd. Feb. 2, 1863. Collins Geo. W. e. Aug. 6, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Densmore N. e. July 30, 1862, disd. Oct. 24, 1863. Davis C. e. July 6, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Uyson Jas. H. e. Aug. g, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Dunshee Geo. W. e. Aug. 18, 1862, died at Danville, Ky., Jan. 25, 1863. F.mbrick Daniel, e Aug 8, 1862, disd. March 6, 1863. Edmunds Wm. e. July 26, 1862, trans, to naval service June 30, 1864. Engler Thomas, e. July 2g, 1862, m. 0. June 21, 1865. Etnyre Daniel, e. Aug. 8, 1 62, m. o. June, 21, 1865. Elithorp Chas. M. e. Aug. g, 1862, m. o. June 2r, 1865. Fife Newton, e. Aug. 4, 1862, died July 25 1863. French Ralph, e. Aug. 5, 1862, m. 0. June 21, 1865. Fuller Geo. W. e. Aug. 6, 1862, trans, to Invalid Corps Aug. 6, 1864. Ferris R. W. e. Aug. 9, 1862, m. o, June 21, 1865. Frank Geo. M. e. Aug. 9, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Green J. H. e. Aug. 1, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865, corpl. Goddard John, e. Aug, 1, 1862, disd. Feb. 2, 1863. Goddard Levi W. e. Aug. 1, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865, as corpl. Gettv Robert, e. Aug. 6, 1862, m. o. June 21. 1865. ^earhart Wm. M. e. Aug. 7, 1862, prmtd. Q, M. sergt. Halleck Ja.s. T. e. July 30, 1862, kid. Sept. 19, 1863. Hitchcock N. e. Aug. 6, 1862, disd. Feb. 4, 1863. Hum ert F. e. Aug. 6, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865, corpl. Henry Rudolph, e. Aug. 7, 18^2, m. o. June 21, 1865. Helsinger Jacob, e. Aug. 15, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Johnson Wm. e. Aug. 7, 1862, m. o. June 21, '65, corpl. Kirby Geo. M. e. Aug. 1, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Kenyon S. D. e. Aug. 1, 1862 died at Danville, Ky. Kearney Francis, e. Aug. 2, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. King Amos, e. Aug. 9, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Lawrence Leo, e. July 26,1862, died at Danville, Ky. Lasher Wm. J. e. Aug, 1, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Lawrence L. e. Aug 7, '62, m.o. July 25, '65. prisr. war. Miller W. A. e. July 30 1862, tr.ins. to Inv Corps,Jan. 23, 1864. - Marcue Jos. e. Aug, 1, 1862, disd. June 1, 1863. Mar. h E. E. e. Aug. 2, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. McClure Allen, e Aug. 7, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Myers Maroni, e. Aug. 7, 1862, died April 24, 1863. McCulloch Chas. e. Aug. 7/62, m.o June 21/65, corpl. Magee Thos. e. Aug. 8, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Milligan Wm. e. Aug. g, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1S65. Nichols N. e. Aug. 7, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Nagle John, e. Aug. 7, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Olney D. E. e . Aug. 1, 1862, disd. Feb. 2, 1863. Oakley Thos. D. e. Aug. g, 1862, m. o. June 24, 1865, was pri^r. Perry Henry C. e. Aug. 7, 1862, disd. June 3, 1863. Reinhart J. F. e. July 26, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Skidm re I\ e. July 24, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Stacey Jas. F. e. July 28, 1862, disd. April 4, 1863. Summey Dan'l C. e. Aug. 30, 1862, trans. Sept. 11/63 Strong Jas. C. e. Aug. 1, 1862, first sergt., disd. Apr 27, 1864, to accept commission in colored regt. Shay John J. e. Aug. 6, 1862, det.iched at m. o. ^ouders Wm. e. Aug. 6, 1862, disd. May 16, 1865. Stacey John H. e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. Jan. 19, 1863. Tuckery Cyrus, e. Aug. 9. 62, missing in action, Sept. '64. Vaughn David, e. Aug. 6, 1862, died at Nashville, Tenn., March 5, 1863. Wulfey John K. e. Aug. 4, 1862. absent at m.o. of regt. Wells A. e. Aug. 5. 1862, disd. Sept. 8, 1863. Watson O. e. Aug. 6, 1862, m.o. June 21,1865, as corpl. Whitney Luther, e. Aug. 7/62, m.o. June 21/65, corpl. Yates Edw. e. Aug. 7, 1862, sick at m. o. Bennett C. C. e. Sept. 16, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Emory Edw F. e. Sept. 20, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Glamon Chas. e. Sept, 26/64, detache i at m.o. of regt. Gunn Luther, e. Sept. 20, 1864, m.o. June 21, 1865. Goodell Cyrus, e. Sept. 20, 1864, m. o. June 21, 1865. Gadbois John B. disd. March 3, 1863. Goishell W. S. e. Oct. 31, 1863, died June 18, 1864. Jackson Alex. e. Oct. 31, 1863, kid. April 12, 1865. Marcoux Peter, e. Aug. 30, 1864, m. o. June 21, 1865. Company I. Captain E. T. E. Becker, com. Sept. 4,1862. Mustered out June 21, 1865. First Lieutenant Uavid B. Colhour, com. Sept. 4,1862. Died March 17, 1863. First Lieutenant Alex. M. York, com. second lieutenant Sept. 4, 1862. fiomoted first lieutenant March 17, 1863. Resigned April 4, 1864. 294 CARROLL COUNTY WAR RECORD. First Lieutenant Joshua S. McRea, e. as sergeant Aug. 15, 1862. Promoted sergeant major. Promoted second lieutenant March 17, 1863. Promoted first lieutenant April 18, 1864. Mustered out June 21, 1865. 1st Sergt. O. B. Edson. e. Sept. 15/62, desrtd. Oct. 2/62. Sergt. Edw. English, e. \ug. 12, '62, m.o. June 21/65. Sergt. Wm. H. Hollinger, e. Aug. 15, 1862, disd. Aug. 17, 1863, for promotion. Sergt. Dan 1 H Stouffer, e. Aug 13, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Corpl. N. Stephenson, e. Aug. 13, 1862. disd. Oct. 8, 1862, for promotion as second as^t. surgeon. Corpl. Wm. H. Price, e. Aug. 6, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865, as sergt. Corpl. John M. Noyes, e. Aug. i;, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865, as sergi. Corpl. Jas. A. Bigger, e. Aug. 11/62, kid. Sept. 19/63. Corpl. Henry Bashaw, e. Aug. 15, 1862, m. 0. June 21, 1865, as sergt. Corpl. Robt. Gunn, e. Aug. 12/62, m. o. June 21,1865. Corpl. Jas. A. Colhour, e. Aug. 9/61, m.o. June 21/65. Corpl John K. Burgess, e.Aug.i5,'62,disd.Mch 11/63. Musician Jas. C. Wheat, e. Aug. 15, 1862, disd. Oct. 24, 1863. Musician Frederick Deihl, c. Aug. 14, 1863, m. u. June 21, 1865. Wagoner John H. Miller, e. Aug. 15, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Aldrich Warren, e. Aug. 15, 1862, died Mt. Sterling, Ky. Feb. 18, 1863. Ashley John W. e. Aug. 15, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Arnold Simon, e. Aug. 15, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Bennett Edgar, e. Aug. 13, 1862, died Feb. 19, 1863. Bauden Collin, e. Aug. 14, 1862, prmtd. prin. musn. Beattie Wm. e. Aug. 15, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Barbar las. e. Aug. 15, 1862, sick at m.o. Carroll Wm. e. Aug. 15, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Carter Wm. H. e. Aug. 13, 1862, sick at m.o. Church Harvey, e. Aug. 15, 1862, m.o. June 21. 1865. Curry Abner, e. Aug. 15, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Eshleman B. F. e. Aug. 15, 1862, died Kentucky, Jan. 19, 1863. Eshleman Abraham, e. Aug. 15, 1862, m.o. June 21/65 Forbe. James, e. Aug. 12, 1862, m.o. Aug. 25, 1865, prisr. war. Finlayson Geo. e. Aug. 9, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Fraser D. R. e. Aug. 9, 1862, m.o. July 15, 1865, prisr. war. Focht Anthony, e. Aug. 13, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Gaylord A. e. Aug. 15, 1862, disd. Feb. 3, 1863. Goodell W. H. H. e. Aug. 15, 1862, m.o. June 21/65. George J. H. e. Aug. 14, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Gotshall Geo. A. e, Aug, 15, 1S62, m.o. June 21, 1865. Green Thomas, e. Aug. 18, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Gray Lyman C. e. Aug. 14, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Hollowell Jas. e. Aug. g, disd. Oct. 17, 1863. Hollman I. F. e. Aug. 12, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Higgins Michael, e. Aug. 11, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Hayward H. F. e. Aug. 13, 1862, m.o. Tune 21, 1865. Honsell Chas. R. e. Aug. 12, 1862, desrtd. Feb. 1/63. Hobart M. H. e. Aug. 15, 1862, disd. June 25, 1863. Hooves Jno. (Jr.) e. Aug. 15, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865, as wagoner. Johnson Samuel H. e. Aug. 5, 1862, died Feb. 15/63. Keech John H. e. Aug. 15, 1862, disd. Mar. 11. 1863. Kingery A. J. e. Aug. 15, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Larkins Korn, e. Aug. 13, 1862, m.o. June 91, 1865. Lower M. L. e. Aug. g, 1862, died Tenn. Feb. 20, 1863. Miller S, H. e. Aug. 9, 1862, im. o. June 21, 1865. Markley Jos. e. Aug. 15/62, trans, to Vet. Res. corps. Michael Isaacs, e. Aug. 11, 1862, died .Sept. 16, 1863. McCracken Thomas, e. Aug. 15, 1862, m.o. June 21/65 Minnich Wm. e. Aug. 13, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Metz Saml. e. Aug. 14, 1862, m.o. June 21. 1865. McGill Frank W. e. Aug. 12, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. McWorthy Henry A. e. Aug. 13, 1862, m.o. June 21/65 McWorthy Wm. P. e. Aug. 22, 1862, died Sept. 25, 1864, Andersonville prison. Morris Isaac e. Aug. 13, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. O'Neal Dudley, e. Aug. 15, 1862, m.o. June 2r, 1865. O'Neal Jas. e. Aug. g, 1862, died Ky. Jan. 17, 1863. Pitman Robt. e. Aug. g, 1862, died Ky. Jan. 6, 1863. RinedoIlarN. e. Aug. 15, 1862, disd. to e. as hospital steward. Reynolds Wm. H. e. Aug. 15, 1862, kid April 23, 1864. Reynolds Chas. W. e. Aug. n, 1862, m.o. June 21/65. Rhodes Jas. W. e. Aug. 14, 1862, kid. Apl. 23, 1864. Richardson Sam'l e. Aug. 14, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865, as corpl. Snyder Jas. H. e. Aug. 15, 1862, disd. April 24, 1865. Schick Jones, e. Aug. 14, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Schreiner John, e. Aug. n, 1862, disd. May 26, 1864. Steinman Barnhart, e. Aug. n, 1862, died Jan. 21/64. Smith John K. e. Aug , 1, 1862, died Feb. 26, 1863. Smith John P. e. Aug. g, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Salsbury Saml. e. Aug. 15, 1862, corpl. sick at m.o. Statemiller Jacob (Jr.) e. Aug. 15/62, rn.o. June 21/65. Swaggart E. M. e. Aug. 13, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Shore T. M e. Aug. 14, 1862, died at Ky. Feb. g, 1863. Sheimer Wm. C. e. Aug. 15, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Thimas Henry, e. Aug. 15, 1862, died Dec. 10, 1862. Vandagrift Wm. Q. e. Aug. 15, 1862, m.o. June 21/65. Willis J. Pratt, e. Aug. 13, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865, as corpl. Willis S. C e. Aug, 13/62, m.o. June 21/65, as corpl, Winter John C. e Aug. 11, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Walker Solomon, e. Aug. 13, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Weber John, e. Aug. 14, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Weber Henry, e. Aug. 14, 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Weaver L. J. e. Aug. 15. 1862, m.o. June 21, 1865. Walker James, e. Aug. 22, 1862, disd. Feb. 3, 1863. Yeager H. H. e. Aug. 15, 1862, m.o. June 21. 1865. Downs Geo. W. e. Sept. 15/62, kid. at Ga. Df.c. 4/64. Fox Geo. e. Dec. 16/63, m-o- June 24/65, prisr. war. Lang Peter, e. Oct. 7, 1864, kid. at S.C. Feb. ir, 1865. Short Wm. e. Sept. 20, 1864, m.o. June 21, 1865. ¦ 142d Infantry (100 days.) The One Hundred and Forty-second Infantry Illinois Volunteers was organized at Freeport, 111., by Colonel Rollin V. Aukney as a battalion of eight companies, and ordered to Camp Butler, 111., where two companies were added and the regiment mustered, June 18, 1864, for 100 days. On June 21st, the regiment moved for Memphis via Cairo and the Mississippi river, and arrived on the 24th. On 26th, moved to White's Station, 11 miles from Mem phis, on the Memphis and Charleston railroad, where it was assigned to guarding railroad. Mustered out of the U. S. service, Oct. 27, 1864, at Chicago.Quarter-Master Wm. D. McAfee, com. May 21, 1864. Mustered out Oct. 27, 1864. Company G. Captain Hyatt Sinclair, com. June 18, 1864. Mustered out Oct. 27, 1864. First Lieutenant M. J. Boyle, com. June 18, 1864. Musteied out Oct. 27, 1864. Second Lieutenant Caleb S. Ransom, com. June 18, 1864. Mustered out Oct. 27, 1864. Sergt. Chas. P. Sutton, e. May 15, '64, m.o. Oct. 26/64. Sergt. John Heffelfinger, e. May 15/64, m.o. Oct, 26/64. Corpl. Chas. Hollingsworth, e. May 15, 1864, m.o. Oct. 26, 1864. Corpl. L. R. Pritchard, e. May 15, '64,m.o.-Oct. 26/64. Corpl. Rodney S. Wells, e. May 15/64, m.o. Oct. 26/64. Corpl. Benj, C. Bohn, e. May 15, '64, m.o. Oct. 26, '64. Corpl. Chas, W. Bohn, e. May 15, '64, m. o. Oct. 26, '64. Corpl. Wm. R. Wood, e. May 15, '64, m. o. Oct. 26, '64. Corpl. Valentine Nelson, e. May 15/64, m.o. Oct. 26/64. Byrne Hugh, e. June 12, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. Barns Wm. e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. Badger Wm. e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. Bowman Geo. e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864, for re-enbstment. Bullett Chas. B. e. May 15. 1864, m. o. Oct. 26. 1864. Cook Nelson, e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. Clifford Chester, e. May 15, 1864. m. o. (Jet. 26, 1864. Fox Dennis, e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. Jenkins Chas. e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. Keiter Chas. J. e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864 Kennedy W. H. e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. Lascomb Wm. e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. Lines Frank, e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. Livingston W. e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. McNicholas Jno. e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. McNkholas Wm. M. e. May 15, 1864. m. o. Oct. 26, '64. O'Brien Jas. e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. O'Marrow Stephen, e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. Pratt U. A. e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. Ransom Thos. e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. Rose Warren C. e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. Shaffer Daniel, e. May 15, 1864, in. o. Oct. 26, 1864. Spaulding S. W. e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. Simmons Chas. e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864, for re-enlistment. CARROLL COUNTY WAR RECORD. 295 Sheets David, e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. Simpson Wm. e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. Stall Geo. M. e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. Tribeau Edw. e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. Winters Isaac, e. May 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. White Clark, e. June 1, 1864, m. o. Oct. 26, 1864. 146th Infantry (1 year.) Was org.mized at Camp Butler, 111,, Sept. 18, 1864, for one year, and Henry H. Dean appointed colonel. Companies C and B were ordered to Brighton, III.; companies D and H to Quincy, 111., and Co. Fto Jack sonville, III., and were assigned to duty guarding drafted men and substitutes. The remaining companies were assigned to similar duty at Camp Butler, 111, On 5th July, 1865, the regiment was mustered out of service, at Camp Butler, 111. Company A. Captain John M. Lingte, com. Sept. 18, 1864. Mus tered out July 8, 1865. First Lieutenant Wm. Graham, com. Sept. 18, 1864. Mustered out July 8, 1865. Second Lieutenant Geo. R. Stoddard, com. Sept. 18, 1864. Mustered out July 8. 1865. Q. M. Sergeant Lyman G.irratt, e. Aug. 2g, 1864, disd Feb, 20,1865, for promotion to Q.M. of i52d I.V. I Sergt. A. Windle, e. Aug. 29, 1864, m. o. July 8, 1865 Sergt. Jas. M. Pecker, e. Aug. 29, '64, m.o. July 8, '65. Sergt. J. B. Cnshman, e. Aug. 29, '64. m.o. July 8/65 Sergt. Peter Ramer, e. Aug 30, 1864, m. o. July 8, '65 Corpl. C. Mennert, e. Aug. 30, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865 Corpl. E. M. Heffelfinger, e. Aug. 29, 1864, disd. June 17, 1865. disab. Corpl. I. V. Hollinger, e. Aug. 30, '64, m. o. July 8, '65. Corpl. John R. Ruthrauff, e. Aug. 29/64, m.o.July 8/65. Corpl. John Hild, e. Aug. 29, 1864, m. 0. July 8, 1865. Corpl. Benj. F. Aikens, e. Aug. 29/64 m.o. July 8/65. Corpl, Dan'l R. Miller, e. Aug. 2g/64, m.o. July 8, '65. Corpl. John C.Rinedollar, e.Au^.2g,'64,m.o. July 8/65. Musician This. J. Masters, e. Aug. 2g, 1864, m. o. July 8, 1865. Musician uelaney Kenyon, e. Aug. 29,1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Wagoner Carlos St. Claire, e. Aug. 2g, 1864, dibd. June 14, 1865, for re-enlistment. Atherton Ralph B. e. Aug. 2g, 1864, m. o.July 8, 1865. Albright Jos. T. e. Aug. 29, 1864, died at Camp Yates, Ill.,Oc«. 20, 1864. Albright John S. e. Aug. 30, 1864, m. o. July 8, 1865. Butterbaugh Sam'l H. e. Aug. 2g, '64, m.o. July 8, '65. Barklow Wm. e. Aug. 2g, 1864, m. 0. July 8, 1865. Baker Philemon, e. Aug. 29, 1864, m. o. July 8, 1865. Clendening Tho-;. C. e. Aug. 29/64, m.o. July 8, 1865. Clifford Proctor M. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Dill Henry, e. Aug. 29, 1864, m.o. Ju'y 8, 1865. Dimbolton Jos. W. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m. o. July 8, 1865. Dersham David, e. Aug. 29, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Ellithorpe Lyman P. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m. 0. July 8, '65. Eisenbise P. W. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1864.. Emmett Daniel, e. Aug. 29, 1864, m. o. July. 8, 1865. Etnyre Sam'l, e. Aug. 30, 1864, m. o. July 8, 1865. Frazey Geo. M.e. Aug. 29, 1864, m. o. July 8 1865. Frazey Wm.D..r-. Aug. 30, 1864, m. 0. Jul 8, 1865. Fisher Geo. W. e. Aug. 30, 1864., m.o. July 8, 1865. Fisher Elhanom, e. Aug. 29, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Flantiigan John H. e. Aug. 2g, 1864, m. o. July 8, 1865. Grim Mahlon, e. Aug. 30, 1864, m. o. July 8, 1865. Grim Sam'l, e. Aug. 2g, 1864, m. o. July 8, 1865. Garratt Richard, e. Aug. 2g, T864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Gelwicks Geo e. Aug. 2g, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Gettmacher Aug. e. Aug. 2g, 1864, m. o. July 8. 1865. Harden B. D. C. e. Aug. 2g, 1864, m. o. July 8, 1865. Hollingsworth H. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m. o. July 8, 1865. Kremer John M. e. Aug. 2g, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Kennedy Milford, e. Aug, 29, 1861, m. o. July 8, 1865. Kechler Harrison, e. Aug. 29, 1864, m. o. July 8, 1865. Kettle Jacob, e. Aug. 29, 1864, m. o. July 8. 1865. Leavitt Jos. e. Aug. 2g, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Law er Philip, e. Aug. 29, 1864, m. o. July 8, 1865. Long Geo. W. e. Aug 29, 1864, m. o. July 8, 1865. Moore Jos. B. e. Au^. 29, 1864, m o. July 8, 1865. Mower Sam'l B. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. McCall Elliott, e. Aug. 29, 1864, m. o July 8, 1865. Miller John M. e. Aug. 29 1864, in. o. July 8, 1865. Miller Elias, e. Aug. 29, 1864, m. o. July 8, 1865. Miller Jos. B. e. Aug. 29, 1864, disd. Feb. 14/65, disab. Miller Wm. F. e. Aug. 29,1864, m.o. July 8. 1865. Mcllyaton John, e. Aug.2g/64. disd. June 17/65, disab. Manning Geo. L. e. Aug. 29. 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Moore Geo. A. e. Aug. 30, 1864, m. o. July 8, 1865. Myers Sam'l, e. Aug. 30, 1864, m. o. July 8, 1865. Nichols Thos. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Palmer F. D. e. Aug. 29, 1C64, m. o. July 8, 1865. Price John T. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m. o. July 8, 1865. Palsgrove Jackson, e. Aug. 29(1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Pearse Jas. T. e. Aug. 2g , 1864, m. o. July 8, 1865. Picket Danl. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Price Jonas R. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Rupright Geo. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m. 0. July 8, 1865. Rup right Benj. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m. o. July8. 1865. Rowley Geo. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1864 RuihraufFU. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m. 0. July 8, 1865. Royer David B. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Rule John R. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Ripper Philip, e. Aug. 29, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Stoddard lohn.e. Aug, 29, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Schnee Theo. T. e. Aug. 30, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Steel H. C.'e. Aug. 29, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Schirner John, e. Aug. 2g, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Strickler Saml. F. e. Aug. 2g, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Switzer W. H. e. Aug. 2g. 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Sword M. V. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m.o. July d, 1865. Stouffer John B. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Tyson John W. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m.o. July 8, 2165. Whaley Danl. W. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Wallace Jos. A. e. Aug. 2g, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Wayman Jacob, e. Aug. 30, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. Waters Geo. W. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. White E. C. e. Aug. 29. 1864, m.o. July 8. 1865. Weaver Jos. E. e. Aug. 29, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865. 153d Infantry (one year.) Company D. Second Lieut. Alonzo W. Fuller, com. Feb. 27, 1865, res. May 29, 1865. First Sergt. Thos. B. Davis, com. Feb. 15, 1865, m.o. Sept. 21, 1865. as sergt. Sergt. Wm. J. Wood, com. Feb. 15, 1865, m.o. Sept. 21, 1865. Corpl. Elijah Johnson, com. Feb. 17, 1865, m.o. Sept. 21, 1865. Corpl. Joseph B. Sage, com. Feb. 17, 1865, m. u. July 25, 1865. Artt Jas. J. e. Feb. 13, i86<;, m.o. July 25, 1865. Atherton L. W. e. Feb. 22, 1865, sick at m.o. Bohn Benj. C.e. Feb. 15, 1865, m.o. Sept. 21, 1865. Brock Wm. e. Feb 17, 1865, m.o. Sept. 21, 1865. Balcom T. H. e. Feb. 13, 1865, m.o. Sept. 21, 1865. Bohn Chas. W. e. Feb. 22, 1865, m.o. ^ept. 21, 1865. Church Robt. A. e. Feb. 17, 1865, m.o. bept. 21, 1865. Coats Jas. e. Feb. 15, 1865, m.o. Sept 21, 1865. Cormany John, e. Feb. 17/65, disd. May 30, 65, disab. Delano Wm. B. e. F<-b. 13, 1865, m.o. May 24, 1865. Hulett John, e. Feb 14, 1865, m.o. Sept. 21, 1865. Sperry Wm, O. e. Feb. 13, 1865, m.o. Sept. 21, 1865, as corpl. Tuttle Francis L.*e. Feb. 13, 1865, m.o. July 20, 1865, as corpl. Wolf Jacob, c. Feb. 25, 1865, m.o. Sept. 21, 1865, as corpl. Company F. Ferringer Wilson, e. Feb. 25, 1865, sick at m.o. Kaufman John G. e. Feb, 25, 1865, m.o Sept. 21/65. Tibbie Lewis, e. Feb. 6, 1865, m.o. Sept. 21, 1865. Company I. Brown Luther D. e. Feb. 20, 1865, m.o. Sept. 21, 1865. Bristol Peleg, e. Feb. 20, 1865, m.o. Sept. 21, 1865. Bristol Augustus, e. Feb. 20, 1865, m.o. Sept. 21. 1865. Gholson John E. e. Feb. 18, 1865, m.o. June 1, 1865. McClatchey John, e. Feb. 18, 1865, m.o. Sept. =1/65. McCauley John. e. Feb. 18, 1865, m.o. Sept. 21, 1865. Ranslow S. e. Feb. 20, 1865, disd. Aug. 31., 1865. White Eli E. e. Feb. 18, 1865, m.o. Sept. 21, 1865. Miscellaneous Infantry. 14th and 15th Inf., Vet. Bat. Vol. Hitchcock John A, e. Feb. 6, 1864, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. Preble Hiram, e. April 4, 1865, recruit, m.u. Sept. 16/65. Welch John, e. April 3, 1865, m. o. Sept. 16, 1865. 296 CARROLL COUNTY WAR RECORD. 75th Infantry. Brewer Marada, c. March 27, 1865, trans. Bronson Chas. S. e. Jan. 5. 1864, trans. Jones Richard, e. Marc 1 27, 1865, m. o. Sept. 26, 1865. Miller H. J. e. May 27, 1865, tran-. Tobyne John, e. Jan. 5. 1864, died Feb. 24, 1864. Smith Jos. e. Aug. 5, 1862, sick at m. o. Isenhart F. M e. March 27, 1865, m. o. M.*— **_ fc^ yVk /"^i >-«« --tM r-tD i-tfc* HHQ©CDrnOOHilffJCD(SraC- COlCOCOOlHlO^OCOOQOri^ t- it— ItHt— ICQCM-^T— l-^i— ICOt— 'COi— I 0«OSOWQ«10QIO^!>010^0003^-^000'" ~ •raoiino tMQOTHt-COr.THCCI-aOMl'-O'Sc©C3£-CSO}-tfCOCO^-C5IOi— COCOO •}.lBA31g •S3J&3H joQffiTHOcooot-inoonm-*© HHrlMHW Oi 7-1 Oi ¦napiIX o H o02 s>§ a 3 a p. 3£> S3 IS •jCaxi'ea OC-IOHCDOOOQOrHQTHoaO tHHtH GO ¦tRirag ioiOHa)«owoi«cic:c;iOTH y r- IS Hfv I YORK TOWNSHIP HISTOEY OF CAEEOLL COUNTY. 365 roads blasted their hopes, disappointed their expectations. As an instance of the immense trade of those days, it is recorded that one single merchant, Luther H. Bowen, sold two thousand barrels of flour during the year 1837. It must be remembered that there were other merchants doing a proportionate share of business, and that the population then was very meagre as compared with the population of the present day. Nestled down on a level plateau or savanna of land, at the foot of towering bluffs, crowned with a heavy growth of timber, Savanna has a very handsome, if not picturesque, location. The business houses are, in the main, confined to one street, running parallel with the river, and extending nearly two miles in length. Some of the business houses are large, and carry heavy stocks. They are supported by local trade, and carefully managed. Many of the residence houses are handsome and commodious. They are nearly all built of wood and brick, although the bluffs afford inexhaustible quarries of the best of building stone. The first brick house was erected in 1838, by Mrs. Harford. It is now owned by Miss Ewing, of Clinton, Iowa. Such is the history of Savanna at the close of the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, dating from the Fall of 1828, and compiled from data furnished by Dr. E. Woodruff, D. H. Bowen, John Orr and Simon Greenleaf, Esq., editor of the Savanna Times, and respectfully dedi cated to the memory of Luther H. Bowen, the founder of the village, the first merchant, and for over forty years a useful and influential citizen. THOMSON. The Village of Thomson is an outgrowth of the Western Union Railroad. It is situated on sections 24 and 25, York Township, in the centre of a very beautiful valley, hemmed in by the Mississippi River on the west, and a high range of bluffs on the east. At this point, the valley is very nearly four miles in width between the bluffs and the river, and Thomson is about midway between them. North and south the level prairie, dotted all over with well-cultivated farms, handsome houses and large barns, stretches away as far as the eye can reach. ' The first house erected on the ground now occupied by Thomson was built by Norman Judson. It was of the kind known as a " grout house," and is still standing and occupied by Dr. Saunders. At the time Mr: Judson was building this house, there was an unmarried man here, and who remained for some time, but his name had escaped the memory of those from whom these data were gath ered. That gentleman is now a resident of Morrison. Herman Worthington bougtht out Judson's interest ; Worthington sold to a Mr. Hoover, and Hoover sold o the railroad company. This tract of land is described as the west half of th** southeast quarter of section 24. The village site was laid off by Messrs. Thomson and Smith, of the railroad company, in 1864. In 1868, Norman D. French bought out Thomson's inter est, and March 6, 1867, Smith transferred his interest to Noah Green. The first buildings erected after the town was laid off were the Thomson House, now under the management of D. W. Herman, and the store rooms occupied by Mrs. Stephenson and J. O. Vallette. For two years after the sale of lots commenced, building was active. January 12, 1865, the first regular train of cars passed Thomson. In the middle part of this Winter, an old warehouse was moved down from Savanna, by Enoch Chamberlain, and re-erected near the depot buildings. Chamberlain occupied this building about one year, and then sold it to Noah Green. A little later, Dr. Snyder built an addition to this old building, which, in a short 21 366 HISTOEY OF CAEEOLL COUNTY. time, also fell into Green's hands. The warehouse is now occupied jointly by Noah Green and Norman Lewis, although they are not partners in business. Last year (1877) their business amounted to $120,000. Green continued to manage the business alone for about two years after he bought out Enoch Chamberlain, when he admitted Mr. John A. Melendy as a partner. This partnership continued about two years, when Melendy retired. Educational. — In 1865, the first school was taught in Thomson. A Miss Brown, daughter of Noah Brown, was the teacher. When the building of a school house was undertaken, there were only five legal voters in the district, three of whom were school directors. The building was commenced in 1865. The house then fashioned answered the demands of the district until 1 871, when an addition was made for graded school purposes. The school is now com posed of three departments, accommodating 150 scholars, who are under charge of Professor McKay, as principal. Churches. — Two church edifices grace the Village of Thomson — the Chris tian and the Methodist Episcopal. The Christian Church was built in 1866-7, at a cost of $2,000. The present membership is about fifty. There is no reg ular pastor, but the organization is kept up, and services held whenever occa sion presents for securing a preacher. Its Sabbath-school is in good condition, and numbers fifty scholars. John Murphy is the superintendent. The M. E. Church was built under the pastorate of Elder Campbell, in 1870, at a cost of $2,500. The society numbers about seventy-five communi cants, with a flourishing Sabbath-school of fifty scholars, of which Homer Judd is superintendent. Rev. J. S. Best is the preacher in charge of this work, and is serving his second year. Masonic. — Thomson Lodge, No. 559, A. F. and A. M., was chartered in 1868-9. The following named brothers were the first officers of the Lodge : W. M., Peter Holman ; S. W., Noah Green ; J. W., R. D. Smith ; Treas., John A. Melendy; Sec, D. T. Hobart; S. D., John Green; J. D., H. E. Osgood; Tyler, James Green. This lodge now numbers about fifty members, but is des titute of a hall. On the evening of December 14, 1877, Volney Armour, Esq., and his daughter, Miss Capitola Armour, of Mount Carroll, began a temperance work in Thomson that continued until the evening of the 1 6th, that had a marked effect among the people. It was a Red Ribbon movement, and took in over three hundred persons — among them several hard and almost confirmed ine briates. The older citizens of Thomson and the surrounding country took an active interest in the work, and the New Year (1878) dawned upon a happier state of things at Thomson than had been known for many a long day before. Thomson numbers about twenty business houses of various kinds, all of which seem to do a good business. It is a shipping port for a district of coun try of ten by fifteen miles in extent, that is rich and well improved. To Captain Dunn, a true patriot, an old settler, ex-sheriff of the county, and an enterprising and pushing business man, the readers of this book are indebted for the follow ing statistics as showing the business transacted through the railroad station at this point for the last year, ending December 31, 1877: Stock — Hogs .113 cars. Sheep 1 " Cattle 38 " Grain .412 " Total. 564 cars. Amount of freight received 2,186,580 pounds. HISTOEY OF CAEEOLL COUNTY. 367 LANARK. Lanark is situated on section five, in Rock Creek Township. The first settler in this township was David Becker, who settled here in 1844, and made a claim of the land now included in the farm of Daniel Belding. Until Mr. Becker settled here, the primitive stillness had never been disturbed nor the soil broken by the innovations of civilization. The settlements, as elsewhere noted, had been confined to the shadows of the groves, and when Mr. Becker selected his claim and expressed his determination to settle " away out on the prairie," it was supposed he was making a very hazardous and foolish experi ment — that no civilized white man or white woman could withstand the expo sures and winds of an open, unobstructed prairie plain. But he only laughed at such objections, and ventured upon the trial. Time and industry proved his wisdom. His cabin was built, and while his neighbors in the groves were grub bing, cutting and mauling away to make farms, he was enjoying the ease of a farm already made, the enclosures alone excepted. Soon after the selection of his claim, the virgin soil was turned over by the breaking team and plow of E. Spaulding and L. T. Easterbrook. The next settlers were Z. B. Kinkade, John Kinkade and Nathaniel Sutton, who came in the Spring of 1846, and located on section seven. Z. B. Kinkade was the next man after Becker to commence making a farm by breaking up the prairie. Settlements in the townships were slow for a number of years, and until there was a prospect for a railroad, after which immigration was rapid. In locating the town, John Nycurn donated 80 acres to the railroad company, and they purchased 80 acres more — making them owners of i 60 acres. The company has contributed liberally, in lots, to most of the church societies. After the lands granted to the Illinois Central Railroad were selected, land entries were rapid, and nearly all were taken up for farms and homes — but very little being entered for purposes of speculation. From 1845 to 1850, the people of Northern Illinois were considerably inter ested in devising ways and means for building railroads. Almost every neigh borhood had a scheme of its own. Every settlement wanted a railroad, and many men who owned land that was intersected by cross-roads imagined that, if railroads were built, they couldn't fail to centre at his particular place. In some instances, magnificent plans were based on small prospects. Many towns were laid off — on paper. High-sounding names were given them and their streets and avenues, but their glory and prosperity didn't last long. They went down before more fortunate rivals, and are now only known in name. Among such towns in this part of Carroll County was Georgetown — about four miles north of Lanark, of which Messrs. Stanton, Turner and Puterbaugh were the proprietors. At one time, when the Racine & Mississippi Railroad bade fair to be a completed success, Georgetown had a promising future, but when that enterprise failed, Georgetown's glory departed. The first house built in Lanark was a small one-story frame structure, 16 by 96,jintended for a boarding house, for the accommodation of the men employed in building the Lanark Hotel, now occupied by Samuel Deitrich. The old boarding house was built under the direction of D. W. Dame, and, when com pleted, was put in charge of Daniel H. Stouffer and wife, the first family to claim an abiding place in the new town. That shanty-like structure has undergone a good many changes and alterations since that time, and is now included, for the most part, in the building occupied by C. E. Wales & Co., as a hardware store, on the east side of Broad Street. When it was known beyond question that the railroad would be built, there was a rapid influx of aspiring business men. Situated in the centre of as grand a farming district as there is in Illinois, Lanark was conceded to be the " coming town " in this part of the state, a concession that has been fully sustained by 368 HISTOEY OF CAEEOLL COUNTY. time and its developments. Building didn't drag, but men of brains, money and muscle, went to work with a will, and it was not long until all the promi- nent corners were taken and occupied. Where, but a few months before, there was nothing but an undisturbed prairie, with no really productive and remuner ative farms within sight, all became hurry and bustle. Stores and trading places were opened just as fast as accommodations could be secured. The country around began to liven up, farms to be made, houses and barns to be built, every month adding some new improvement, until now, look out in any direc tion, and evidences of wealth and comfort and progress rise up to relieve the eye's wanderings. From the old boarding shanty of a few years ago, Lanark has grown into a well regulated and well governed town of 1,500 people, whose homes and business houses give token of intelligence, thrift and comfort. Many of the business houses are large ones, their annual transactions reaching far up into the thousands. The founders of the town were wise and liberal in their establishment of the streets and avenues. They are not narrow, pent up, alley like concerns, but wide and convenient, and, as they come to be occupied with residence houses, have been handsomely shaded, while wide, substantial plank walks line their sides from one end of the town to the other. With all the streets and avenues macadamized, as is the purpose of the citizens, Lanark will become as popular among non-residents for its attractive beauty as it is dear to the people whose homes are within its limits. The Lanark House was commenced on the first day of July, A.D. 1861, under the patronage of the railroad company. It may be regarded as the first house of more than one story completed in Lanark. Others soon followed, but it is the pioneer building of more than one story. The first business house was a small establishment, opened by " Uncle ' Chauncy Grant and his one-armed son, William. Their stock was small, and did not exceed $150 in value. However, they prospered, and made some money and accumulated some property. Their old business stand is now occupied by Mishler, as a grocery establishment. Among the first houses erected here, was a one and a half story building, now owned by Andrew Tomlinson, the lower part of which is occupied as a fire engine house, and the upper part as a dwelling that has a history within itself. It stands on the east side of Broad Street, between Carroll and the railroad track. This building was first erected in New Orleans out of live oak lumber and timber for a warehouse. In later years it was taken apart, moved up to St. Louis, and re-erected on the levee at that city. When the steamboat interest became strong, and demanded the tearing away of the small warehouses, this building was again taken down and moved up to Savanna, and again re-erected as a warehouse. When the Western Union railroad track was established, it ob structed the proposed track, and was condemned and ordered removed. Henry Pierce then became its owner and when the railroad was completed, the com pany gave him free transportation for it, and he removed it to Lanark. Here it was again re-erected, and in the upper part two or three rooms were fitted up for family use, and were occupied by A. M. York, in whose family occurred the first birth and first death in Lanark. York came here as a young attorney, and hung out his shingle from this building, and used it both as a residence and a law office. When the war came on, he enlisted, and in due course of time, became manager of the Freedman's Bureau, at Paducah, Kentucky. After the war closed, he found his way to Independence, Montgomery County, Kansas, and was elected as State Senator from that district. While serving as such senator, an election of United States Senator occurred, in which York took an active part, and won a national reputation, by exposing the means (as he alleged) by which Pomeroy proposed to secure his re-election to the United States Senate, and sent up to the speaker a package of $7,000, which he declared Pomeroy had given him for his vote. He also acquired some notoriety by HISTOEY OF CAEEOLL COUNTY. 369 tracking up the murderer of his brother, Dr. York, and fastening it upon the Benders, who lived near Thayer, in Kansas. Since the time when these buildings were first erected in Lanark and the first business house opened, there have been many changes. Business houses increased in number and importance as the country around was developed and improved, until there are now about seventy-five establishments of various kinds — dry goods stores, clothing stores, grocery and provision stores, millinery establishments, grain elevators, lumber yards, etc. The aggregate business, is, perhaps, larger than the business of any other town in the county. The annual shipments of grain and stock are large — a statement of which will be found in another place. Besides the stores and other trading places, there are a num ber of shops of various kinds, devoted exclusively to tlje demands of the farmers of the country surrounding. Among them all there are none that rise to the dignity of manufacturing establishments as compared with those of larger towns and cities, and which are the life and support of the communities in which they are located. But this is no fault of the Lanark mechanics. They are just as industrious, just as competent as the mechanics of larger places, and the only reason their shops are not larger is because the same practices exist here that exist in many other localities, to wit : people prefer to go abroad for a manu factured article — a wagon, a plow, a cultivator, or whatever else they may need, to buying of their own home manufacturers. Of their church edifices and school building, the people of Lanark have just occasion to be proud. When the town was four years old, the people moved for the erection of a school house, the style and architecture of which should be in keeping with the character of the town that had been named in honor of the home" county of the Glasgow (Scotland) banker who had advanced the money to build the line of railroad on which it was situated. In laying off the town, the railroad company, through Mr. Dame, as their agent, had designated one entire square or block, for the uses of a public park, and another square for the uses of a public school house. When the people came to consider the building of the school house, a controversy arose between them and the com pany's agent, that resulted in the building of the house in an entirely different location. This controversy enters so largely into the history of Lanark, that the following proceedings of the board in relation to it are deemed essential : At a meeting of the board held on the 13th of May, 1863, notices were issued for a special school meeting to be held at the school house on Wednesday, May 25, 8 o'clock P. M., for the following purposes: "First, to vote upon the number of months school shall be kept the following school year; second, to vote upon building a house for a graded school upon the block of ground donated for that purpose by the Railroad Company." At that special meeting, the whole number of votes cast was 24, of which 15 were in favor of ten months' school, 7 in favor of eleven months' school, and 2 in favor of a nine months' school. The question of a graded school was then considered, and, after some dis cussion, Messrs. " D. W. Dame, M. Martin and G. Lobingier were appointed a committee to make arrangements for a general meeting of the town. An organ ization was then effected. Edgar H. Dingee was chosen president; Elias Miller, secretary, and P. B. Stouffer, treasurer." The meeting then adjourned until Monday evening, May 30. At that meeting, a portion of the committee being absent, " a general debate took place upon the subject of education as connected with the graded school." Messrs. Porter, DeWolf, Newcomer, Lobingier and Dame were appointed a committee to report a plan based upon the principles of the School Law of Illinois, for the establishment of a graded school in Lanark, said committee to report to a general meeting'to be held in Lanark, Saturday, June 4. Saturday, June 4. — At this meeting the above-named committee reported as follows : 370 HISTOEY OF CAEEOLL COUNTY. That a majority of the committee visited the graded schools in Freeport, that they consulted and advised with the directors and teachers of said schools, and with leading and prominent friends of the cause, and that after a pretty thorough investigation of the subject, they would recommend that School District No. 3, in Kock Creek Township, move in the enterprise and raise funds for the same by taxation, according to the school law pertaining to the power of districts through their directors, to borrow money and assess taxes ; and by any other means deemed proper and best, such as donations, excursions, festivals, selling of scholarships, etc. The committee would also recommend that the directors, after the sum desired is obtained, procure a deed of the block proposed to be donated for a graded school from Richard Irvine, Esq., to the trustees of schools of said township. All of which is respectfully submitted. Jas. DeWolf, J. B. Porter, Thomas W. Newcomer, D. W. Dame, George Lobingier, Committee. The report of the committee was adopted, and an excursion made to Racine and Milwaukee, by railroad and steamboat, for the benefit of the school district; the management and arrangements of the excursion being left to a committee consisting of D. W. Dame, Dr. J. Haller, and T. W. Newcomer. June 16th, a special meeting of the citizens of the district was held at the school house, under call of the directors, to vote — first, upon the building of a house for a graded school ; second, to levy a tax of two per cent, to apply towards building the same; and third, to authorize the directors to borrow money for the above purpose. The result of that election was as follows : For building a house for graded school, 25 votes were cast — against, 2 ; for the tax of two per cent, 28 — against, 3 ; to authorize the directors to borrow money, 25 — against, 1. The excursion to Racine and Wisconsin did not turn out well, but left the district in debt to a small amount, but which was subsequently liquidated. September 27, Mr. Dingee tendered his resignation as a school director, and at a special meeting, October 31, Z. B. Kinkade was chosen to fill the vacancy. From the last date above mentioned, until the regular annual meeting, in August, 1865, the records of the clerk of the board are principally taken up with financial minutes. In August, however, Mr. Edgar H. Dingee was again elected as school director for three years, and at a meeting of the board held at the office of P. B. Stouffer, on the 14th of August, Mr. Dingee was elected clerk of the board. August 26, a special school meeting was held to authorize the directors to select and acquire the title, by donation or purchase, of a suitable piece of land upon which to erect and build a school house ; to authorize and empower the directors to levy a tax annually of such amount as they might deem necessary, not exceeding three per cent, in any one year, and to borrow any sum of money , not exceeding five per cent, in any one year, and to erect and build a school house of such size as shall be determined upon, not to exceed in dimensions 60 by 40 for the main building, with 3 vestibule not to exceed 16 by 48 feet, etc., the directors, however, not being required to build in that precise manner, but were allowed to exercise their own judgment as to size, style and architecture. Third, to borrow money, in any sum they might deem necessary, for the pur pose, at any rate of interest at which it could be secured, not exceeding ten per cent, etc. Fourth, to vote on the number of months school should be taught, etc. These propositions were voted upon under the head of Articles 1, 2, 3 and 4. Forty-eight votes were cast, as follows : For article 1, 45 votes were cast; against, 1; for article 2, 45 votes ; against, 1 ; for article 3, 45 votes ; against, 1 ; article 4, for nine months' school, 46 votes ; for twelve months' school, 1. From the date of this meeting until the next regular meeting, in August, 1866, we find but little in regard to the proposed building. At this meeting, Dr. J. Haller was elected director for three years, to succeed Thomas W. New comer, whose term expired. Ten months' school was also adopted. January 15, 1867, a special meeting was called, on motion of Dr. Haller, to HISTOEY OF CAEEOLL COUNTY. 371 determine by vote whether the district would build a brick or wooden building. At that meeting, plans and estimates of cost were submitted, as follows : A 56 by 60 feet brick, $10,070; ditto, wood, $9,279.16, exclusive of seating. Seventy- one votes were cast in favor of a brick building, and twenty-four in favor of a wooden structure. December 27, the board had resolved to enter into a correspondence with the railroad company, to ascertain upon what terms they could secure the block of ground the company had surveyed out for school purposes when they laid off the town. The company had set aside two blocks — one as a public park, and the other for school purposes, as already intimated. In considering the building of the school house, the board of directors had determined to build it independent of contractors — i. 21 days on the way; arrived here 1849; entered 160 acres land from govern ment ; has sold wheat at 30 cents a bushel ; used to haul grain to Peru ; he owns, to gether with his son, 540 acres land ; has held school offices ; married Sarah Pond, March 22, 1838 ; she was born New York, March 7, 1815 ; they had 4 children : Al bert W., born Feb. 7,1839, and died Oct. 12, 1877, Emily A. Shumway, Clive A., Lucy E. died in infancy. Manning I. O. farmer; Sec. 34; P. 0. Mil ledgeville. MANNING S. D. Farmer; Sec 19; P. O. Milledgeville; born McKean Co., Pa., May 30, 1824; lived there 25 years, and in New York one year; in Ohio 3 years; came to Carroll Co., in 1854; engaged in farming and stock raising ; owns 334 acres land ; holds office Road Commissioner and has held school offices ; married Lucy M. Wright, from New York, Jan. 6, 1848; they have 8 children : Clinton H., Emma M., Justina Alice, Albert D., Oreson A., Edwin A.,VilettaE., Nellie, all living in this Co. Matthews James, blacksmith; Milledgeville. Matthews Merion, blacksmith ; Milledge ville. Mease John, farmer; Sec. 5; P. O. Lanark. MEYERS ELDER HENRY, (De ceased) who died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. U. W. Miller, was born near Berlin, Somerset Co., Pa., a little over eighty years ago, at which place he has a brother still living — Mr. Samuel Meyers. When about 21 years of age, he married Miss Anna Lichty, of the same Co., with whom he had sixteen children, twelve of whom grew to manhood and womanhood, married and raised families. His oldest child, Mrs. Sallie Livengood, now lives at Elklick, Pa.; Henry, Jr., and Michael Meyers, Mrs. A. Livengood, Mrs. Lichty and Mrs. Harrington, five in number, live in Carroll Co., 111. ; Joseph and Philip Meyers, Mrs. Nedrow, Mrs. Miller, and Mrs. Saylor live near this city. Mr. Meyers leaves nearly one hundred grand children, and fifty greatgrandchildren. He always showed untiring zeal in affiliat ing all these with the church of his choice — the German Baptist, or Dunkard denom ination — and very nearly succeeded in en listing all of them when reaching mature years. Early in life he began preaching for this church. Soon after his marriage he removed from Berlin, to Milford, Pa., where at Middle Creek he preached to what became one of the largest and most influential congregations in that state. In accord with those days and places, Mr. and Mrs. Meyers, with the aid of the chil- 444 CAEROLL COUNTY DIEECTOEY: dren as they grew, hewed the trees and gathered the rocks, making a fine Penn sylvania farm in a solid wilderness. While spiritual and temporal prosperity smiled upon the labors of this family, they determined, some thirty years ago, and be fore railroads were extensive, to remove to the then new country of Carroll Co., 111., taking with them most of their children, nearly all the others follow ing within a few years. Some of the journey was made by steam boat and some by wagon. At this place, deceased helped organize, and for about twenty years assisted in presiding over, what is now known as the Dutch Low Church in Illinois ; he was a walking library ; nine years ago some of the chil dren moved to this Co. with their families, Father Meyer and his wife soon following, seeking wider fields of labor, even in ad vanced age. There was something very touching, indeed, in the manner the peo ple of that congregation bade adieu to his remains; how young and old always re joiced to meet him with the name " grand father," and how he labored untiringly for the peace and prosperity of his peo ple. He exerted much influence in keep ing all his posterity from commercial business and out of politics. With one single exception, all his children, grand children, and great-grandchildren, are to-day engaged in farming. We think it within bounds to say that over one hun dred farms were opened and owned by himself and his descendants. His counsels to young and old in morals, business and religion were always highly respected by all. He retained his reason until his last moment, and departed with bright faculties for one so old. His wife, aged seventy- seven, will spend her future with her children here. Her health and strength are yet good. The funeral services were conducted at the Baptist Church, in this city, by the Rev. Joseph Lichty, of Brown Co., Kan., an old-time friend of the deceased. The remains were interred at the church cemetery, north of town, followed by a large concourse of relatives and friends. — The Richardson (Neb.) County Record. MEYERS HENRY H. Farmer; Sec. 17; P. O. Milledgeville; born Somerset Co., Pa., Sept.ll, 1832 ; lived there 21 years ; came to Carroll Co. March 29, 1854; and has lived here for 24 years; engaged in farming and stock raising; owns 320 acres of land ; has held office Road Commissioner 3 years; married Mary A. Niekirk, daughter of Mrs. Mary Niekirk, one of the early settlers, May 20, 1858 ; she was bora in this Co., Oct. 12, 1837; they have 3 children : Fred. B., born June, 1859, Delia L., March, 1865, Oscar M,. Oct. 1868. MEYERS JACOB H. Farmer; Sec, 26; P. O. Milledgeville; bora Somerset Co., Pa., April 27, 1850; lived there 11 years, and came to Carroll Co. with his parents in 1861, and has lived here 16 years, and is engaged in farming and stock raising; owns 100 acres land; mar ried Miss Emma A. Jenkins, of this Co., Oct. 4, 1874; they have two children, Lilly May, born Aug. 29, 1875, baby, Sept., 1877. MEYERS MICHAEL H. Farmer; Sec. 16 ; P. O. Milledgeville ; born Somer set Co., Pa., Oct 22, 1823 ; lived in that state about 37 years ; carpenter by trade, and worked at it 18 years, and removed ' to Iowa in 1S61 ; came to Carroll Co. in 1863 ; built the church here ; also engaged in farming; owns 368 acres land; mar ried Mrs. Harriet Hanger, from Somerset Co., Pa., May 23, 1847; they have had 13 children : Ann Catherine, Jacob H., Sallie, Mary E., Hannah, Hiram, Tobias, Lydia, Abraham L., Hattie, Maggie M., Amanda E., William M. MILLARD EDWARD S. Firm Millard, Campbell & Co.; Milledgeville; Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries; born Steuben Co., New York, May 13, 1828; lived there 24 years, and came to 111., to Carroll Co., in 1853; engaged in farming; then engaged in agricultural implement business for about 8 years ; his sales inside of three months have amounted to $15,000 ; after being out of business two years, he entered it again in his present location; married Miss Mittia Scoville, from Erie Co., Pa., Jan. 26, 1853 ; she is daughter of James Scoville, Esq., an early settler of this Co., now of Whiteside Co. ; they have 2 children, James W., who as sists his father in managing the busi ness, and Lizzie ; have lost 3 daughters. MILLARD W. O. Farmer; Sec 34; P. O. Milledgeville ; born in Steuben Co., N. Y., Sept. 17, 1833; lived there about 22 years ; received his education in the State of N. Y. and in this state ; came to this Co. in 1855, and was engaged in teaching for 12 years ; was engaged in business in Sterling for 7 years; then returned to this Co. and engaged in farming and stock raising; owns 200 acres land; has held office of Deputy School Examiner for eight years ; married Miss Mary S. Crouch, from Seneca Co., N. Y., March 31, 1859; they have four children : Anna E., Delia A., Alice M. and Ralph E. MILLER F. C. Physician ; Milledge ville; bora in Mt. Carroll, May 15, 1852; is a son of Dr. Miller, the oldest practic ing physician of that city ; studied medi cine with his father, and graduated at Chicago Medical College, in 1872; has practiced his profession in Iowa and in this state; married Miss Emily E. Fisher, in Iowa, in 1875 ; they have one daughter, Grace E. WYSOX TOWNSHIP. 445 MILLER DANIEL M. Farmer; Sec. 8 ; P. O. Lanark ; born in Somerset Co., Pa., Nov. 22, 1829 ; lived on the same farm on which he was born 35 years ; was en gaged in carding and fulling mill business in connection with farm, and also carried on saw mill; came to Carroll Co. in March, 1864, and engaged in farming and stock raising ; owns 300 acres land ; has held offices of Triangular Assessor and Town Auditor, also school offices in Som erset Co., Pa.; married Mary Lichty, daughter of Solomon Lichty, from Somer set Co., Pa., in March, 1852; they have nine children: Ellen, Amanda, Sarah, Susan, Wilson, Calvin, John E., Annie, Alice, and William Wallace; lost one son, Albert. Miller Isaac B. Miller Samuel H. Miller W. H. Milroy G. farm ; Sec. 2 ; P. O. Milledgeville. Milroy W. farm ; Sec. 2 ; P. O. Milledgeville. Moeller A. laborer; S.28; P.O.Milledgeville. Moeller F. renter ; S. 28 ; P. O. Milledgeville. Moor M. laborer; S. 19; P. O. Milledgeville. Moore Jas. W. farmer ; Sec. 6 ; P.O. Lanark. Moore J. farmer ; Sec. 6 ; P. O. Lanark. Moore J. K. farmer; Sec. 6; P. O. Lanark. MULL, GEO. Farmer; Sec. 26; P. O. Milledgeville ; born in Somerset Co., Pa., April 7, 1842 ; lived in that state 31 years ; came to Carroll Co. in 1863 ; then lived in Whiteside Co. 12 years, and returned to this Co. ; engaged in farming; owns farm of 160 acres ; has held office of School Di rector ; married Esther Flick, from Som erset Co., Pa. ; they have four children : Mary Ann, Susie Ann, Aaron and Sylves ter ; lost four children. NEIKIRK BENJ. farmer; Sec. 12; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. NEIKIRK MRS. MARY A. Sec. 13; P. O. Milledgeville; born in Washington Co., Md., April 20, 1810; lived there 27 years, and came to Carroll Co., being two weeks on the river and two Weeks by wagon ; arrived here in Sept., 1837; one of the early settlers ; only few here now that were here then; married Manassas Neikirk, Dec. 21, 1831 ; he was born in Washington Co., Md., March 3, 1809 ; when coming here, bought interest in saw mill, and exchanged it for claim of farm where she lives ; he carted grain to Chicago, Galena and Savanna; held office of Assessor, and school offices; he died Dec 28, 1870; has seven children; Benja- ' min F. was born here, Nov. 7, 1849 ; en gaged in farming; owns 240 acres land; married Miss Hattie Brant, from Somerset Co., Pa., April 7, 1874; they have two chil dren: Maggie May, born July 4, 1875; Lottie, July 9, 1877. OLDS EDWIN W. Wagon Maker; Milledgeville ; born in Bradford Co., Pa. Oct. 17, 1812; learned trade of carpenter and joiner; lived there 42 years, and came to Carroll Co. in 1854; put up several buildings; went to farming; came to this village in 1861 ; has held office of Assessor two years, School Trustee and School Director ; has held office of Town Clerk for past seven years ; married Nancy Shel don, of Mass., in 1832; she died in 1861; had five children : Ellen, Uphelia, Amelia, Mary and Warren E. ; married Mrs. Sarah Goss, from N. J., in 1861. OLIN JAS. D. Farmer; Sec. 24; P. O. Milledgeville ; born in Wyoming Co., N. Y., Aug. 4, 1842 ; lived there 17 years, and came to Carroll Co. in 1859 ; engaged in farming and stock raising; owns 170 acres land; married Miss Sophia Neikirk, daughter of the late M. Neikirk, one of the early settlers of this Co., Sept. 20, 1867; they have three children : Cora B., born March 7, 1869; Eva, April 25,1873; Carrie May, Aug. 13, 1875. Olmsted A. farm; S. 36; P. O. Milledgeville. OLMSTED CHESTER E. Farm- er; Sec. 15; P. O. Milledgeville; born in Wayne Co., N. Y. ; lived there 25 years ; came to 111., to Aurora, and walked from there to Carroll Co. ; arrived in June, 1852 ; in the Fall of the same year engaged in mer cantile business in Milledgeville; walked to Rockford and went to Chicago, and, with $500, bought his first stock of goods ; has been engaged in farming many years, and sold the first load of wheat ever sold in Lanark, to Fletcher Hutton, for 68 cents a bushel, the day the railroad track was laid ; they went to Georgetown for scales to weigh the grain ; owns 160 acres land ; has held offices of Postmaster, Town Trustee, for eight years, and school offices many years; married Miss Eme line Hallett, from Wayne Co., N. Y, July 15, 1848 ; have three children ; Emma J., Homer H. and Hattie E. Olmsted H. farm ; S. 15 ; P. O. Milledgeville. PALMER J. S. farmer; Sec. 6;' P. O. Lanark. Peters H. laborer; S. 25; P.O. Milledgeville. Phillips Almond. Provont J. farm ; S. 18 ; P. O. Milledgeville. Prowant W. farm; S.18; P.O. Milledgeville. Purcel Thos. machinist ; P. O. Milledgeville. /^vUIOY GEORGE. RRichardson Chas. farmer ; Sec 32 ; P.O. Mil ledgeville. RICHARDSON JOHN, Farmer; Sec. 32 ; P. O. Milledgeville ; born in Ash Co., N. C, in 1825 ; came to Carroll Co. in ANKIN GEORGE. 446 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIEECTOEY: Dec, 1845 ; only one house in Milledge ville then — sod house of Adam Knox; only five settlers here on prairie ; engaged in farming; has sold wheat for 25 cts. per bushel ; carted oats to Sterling and sold it for 10 cts. per bushel ; entered land from government, and owns farm where he lives; has held office of School Director some years; his first wife was Lizzie Makison, from Pa. ; she died in 1857 ; mar ried Catherine Hanna, from Md., Sept. 4, 4, 1860; four children: Charles E., EllaB., John L., Elmer E. ; lost two children. Robinson A. farm ; S. 4 ; P. 0. Elkhorn Grove. ROBINSON EZEKIEL, Farmer; Sec. 36; P. O. Milledgeville; born in .Cayuga Co., N. Y, Jan. 17, 1804; lived there 46 years, and came to Carroll Co. in 1850, and has lived here 27 years ; there was but little improvement here when he came ; entered land from government and went to farming; owns 120 acres land; married Catherine Bushman, from N- Y., in Jan., 1821; they have been married 56 years; have seven children: Lany, Daniel, Norman, George, Isaac (was in army, 7th I. V. G), Ezekiel, Jr. (was in army, 15th Regt. I. V. I.), Jonathan (was in army, 15th I. V. I.) ; lost five children. Robison J*, farmer ; Sec. 6 ; P. O. Rock Creek. RODERICK JOSEPH H. Farmer; Sec. 35; P. O. Milledgeville; born in Washington Co., Md., Jan. 21,1847; came to this state and Co. when 17 years of age, with his parents; engaged in farming; rents farm of 120 acres, belonging to his father's estate ; married Miss Sarah Ather ton, from Steuben Co., N. Y., Dec. 21, 1871 ; they have three children : George Hamil ton, John William, Alexander Carroll. RODERICK WILLIAM S. Farm er; Sec. 23; P. O. Milledgeville; born in Washington Co., Md., Dec. 5, 1848; lived there 14 years ; came to Carroll Co., 111., with his parents, in 1862 ; engaged in farm ing ; married Miss Mary A. Bidlack, from Pa., Dec. 31, 1872 ; they have one child, Ella May, born Oct. 2, 1873 ; his mother lives here on the farm ; his father came to this Co. in 1862; kept store in Milledge ville, and then engaged in farming; died in 1874 ; left an estate of 100 acres land. Russell J. J. constable; P. O. Milledgeville. SAYLOR MILTON W. Farmer; Sec. 8 ; P. O. Lanark ; bom in Somerset Co., Pa., Jan. 19, 1854; came to Carroll Co., with his parents, in 1867; is engaged in farming, and teaching school wiuters ; owns 120 acres land ; married Miss Emma Fike, daughter of Samuel Fike, of Pa., Nov. 23, 1874; they have one son, Marcel- lus Howard ; his father, Jonathan Saylor, was born in Somerset Co., Pa.; married Mary Whipkey, from same place, and came to this Co. in 1867 ; have five chil dren : Eva, Harvey, Milton, Simon M. and Allen. Seymor Orlando, retired ; P. O. Milledgeville. Shugars J. lab. ; Sec. 19 ; P. O. Milledgeville. SMITH HENRY, Farmer; Sec. 14; P. O. Milledgeville; bom in Bradford Co., Pa., Oct. 17, 1829; lived there about 23 years ; learned carpenter and joiner's trade ; came to Carroll Co. in 1853; worked at his trade two years, then engaged in farming ; owns 120 acres land ; has held office of Road Commissioner, and also school offices ; married Miss Phoebe Humphrey, from Conn., daughter of Frederick Humph rey, one of the earliest settlers of this Co., Aug. 19, 1855; they have two children: E. Viola, Gertrude A. Smith Jas. carpenter ; Sec. 6 ; P. O. Lanark. Smith J. farm; Sec. 20; P. O. Milledgeville. SNELL FRANCIS A. Farmer; Sec. 27; P.O. Milledgeville; born in Lewis Co., N. Y., Dec. 7, 1842; lived there 15 ' years ; went to Chicago in 1857, and came to Carroll Co., May 9, 1858; owns farm of 80 acres, and is very much interested in bee culture, raising from 1,000 to 1,500 pounds of surplus honey yearly; also, manufactures bee hives, honey extractors and apiary supplies ; married Miss Ella R. Campbell, daughter of Mrs. Julia A. Campbell, of this Co., March 1, 18J1 ; they have one daughter, Clara May, born May 9, 1874. Spanogle G H. tinner ; P. O. Milledgeville. SpauldingE. farm ; S. 12 ; P.O.Elkhorn Grove Spaulding Geo. R. farmer; Sec. 12; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. Spaulding H. farm ; S. 3 ; P.O.Elkhorn Grove. Spencer J. foundryman ; P. O. Milledgeville. Spencer L. foundryman; P.O. Milledgeville. Spencer N. foundryman; P.O.Milledgeville. Springer G.W. farm ; S.23 ; P.O.Milledgeville. SPRINGER JOHN E. Farmer ; Sec. 5; P.O.Lanark; born in Franklin Co., Pa., Aug. 29, 1839; lived there a short time, and was raised in Md. ; came to this Co. in 1867; engaged in farming; owns 80 acres land ; married Miss Harriet Meyer, daughter of Martin Meyer, Dec. 12, 1867 : they have four children: Anna Mary, Martin V., Flora A., Susan G Springer N.E. farm ; S.23 ; P.O.Milledgeville. Storer D. B. farm ; Sec. 3 ; P.O.Elkhorn Grove. SturtevantG. farm; S. 3; P. O. Milledgeville. TAYLOR WILLIAM G farmer ; Sec. 12 ; P. O. Milledgeville. TAYLOR NELSON, Farmer; Sec 12 ; P. O. Milledgeville ; born in Bradford Co., Pa., Dec. 17, 1816 ; lived there 39 years ; learned the shoemaker's trade ; came to Carroll Co. in 1855; lived here 22 years; engaged in farming; owns 40 acres land; has held offices of School Director and WYSOX TOWNSHIP. 447 Overseer of Roads; married Martha Fletcher, from Bradford Co., Pa., in 1840 ; she died in Nov., 1868 ; they had five chil dren: Byron, Charles, Gertrude, Egbert and Elbert ; married Lovina Wells, from Susquehanna Co., Pa., in Jan., 1870; three children : Roy, Nellie and Fay. TEACHOUT CYRUS, Farmer; Sec 24; P.O.Milledgeville; born in N. Y., March 22, 1825 ; lived there 27 years, en gaged in lumbering ; came to this state, Whiteside Co., in 1852, and came to Car roll Co. in 1859; engaged in farming; owns 127 acres land ; was in army, 55th Regt. I. V. I., Co. H ; was wounded in the face at battle of Shiloh; married Miss Mary T. Olin, from N. Y., in 1850; they have three children : William, Morton and Lillian ; lost two children. Thomas G farm renter ; S. 11 ; P.O. Milledge ville. TODD JABEZ IV. Farmer; Sec. 36; P.O. Milledgeville; born in Town of Elk horn Grove, this Co., Aug. 18, 1841, and has lived here over 36 years ; is one of the oldest native-born citizens of this Co. now living here ; was in the army ; enlisted in Co. K, 15th I. V. I.; was in the batile of Shiloh, at the surrender of Fort Donelson, and in all the fights and skirmishes between Shiloh and Corinth ; discharged June 17, 1864; owns farm of 80 acres; married Miss Iantha V. Cheesman, from this Co., July 15, 1865 ; they have two children, Charlie J. and Eunice W. TRACY SQUIRE H. Retired; Mil ledgeville; born in Montgomery Co., N Y., Feb. 12, 1813 ; lived in that state 39 years; then came to Whiteside Co., 111.; came to Carroll Co. in 1865 ; engaged in farming ; owns 175 acres of land ; has held the office of Overseer of Highways ; mar ried Miss Graty P. Leonard, from Mass., in Nov., 1837; they have six children: Mary, Lorin, Dolly, Anna, Erwin and Leonard ; lost one son, William H., in the army ; was in the 75th I. V. I. TRACY S. L. Farmer; Sec. 30; P.O. Milledgeville ; born in Lewis Co., N. Y, Dec. 13, 1852 ; came to Whiteside Co., 111., with his parents when three years of age ; came to Carroll Co. in 1863 ; engaged in farming, and rents his father's farm, 160 acres; married Miss Susan Cheesman, from England, daughter of Robert Chees man, of this Co., Sept. 19, 1876. Tucker G farm; S. 12; P.O. Elkhorn Grove. TUCKER C. E. Farmer; Sec. 3; P.O. Elkhorn Grove ; born in Bradford Co., Pa., April 27, 1818, moved to N. Y, and lived there 17 years ; came to Chicago in 1838 ; came to Elkhorn Grove in 1842 ; one of the early settlers ; was not a house within nine miles west of him then ; took up a claim and entered land from the govern ment; has carted grain to Chicago, and sold wheat at 50c. a bushel ; sold wheat at Mt Carroll at 30c. a bushel ; sold pork at Galena at $1.25 per cwt., after draining 24 hours ; owns 80 acres land ; holds office of Road Commissioner; has been School Director ; married Almira A. Grant, from Bradford Co., Pa., Oct. 30, 1844; they have two children, Luellen and Frank W. ; lost one son in infancy. Tucker F. farm ; Sec.3 ; P.O. Elkhorn Grove. Tucker W. farm ; S. 12 ; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. VINCENS CLARK, laborer; P.O. Mil ledgeville. VANDUSEN STEPHEN, Loans Money; Milledgeville ; came to Jo Daviess Co. in 1836, and has lived in Iowa; came to Carroll Co. about 1849, 28 years ago ; engaged in farming and in stock business ; has also been engaged in merchandizing many years; has two stores in Iowa; is also a large land owner, owning from 5,000 to 6,000 acres ; was in the Mexican war, in the Lead Mine Regt., 31st I. V. I. ; was elected Lieut, under Capt. White; Gen. Grant was in the same Co.; afterwards joined a Cavalry Regt; his brother was ensign or flag bearer at the battle of Buena Vista; married Nancy Eads, from Ohio, in 1849 ; they have eight children, and lost four. WAGLEY JOSEPH, Sec. 33; P.O. Mil ledgeville. Walker H. farm; Sec. 9; P.O. Milledgeville. Walker Jacob J. Walker S. farm ; Sec 9 ; P.O. Milledgeville. WALLACE LEWIS, Farmer; Sec. 33; P.O. Milledgeville; born in White side Co., Oct. 15, 1848 ; lived there 14 years, and came to this Co. in 1862; has lived here 15 years ; engaged in farming ; owns 63 acres ; has held office of School Director ; married Miss Sarah E. Wilfong, Feb. 10, 1870; they have two children: Elnora, born Jan. 15, 1872; Libbie, March 10, 1876. WALLACE WILLIAM, Farmer; Sec. 33; P.O. Milledgeville; born Onon daga Co., N.Y., April 17, 1841 ; came to this Co. in 1842, with his parents, 35 years ago ; only a few people here then ; lived in Dallas Co., Iowa, eight years; has held office of Path Master ; owns 90 acres land ; married Sarah G Nance, from Ind., Jan. 1, 1868; they have five children: Cora, Oscar, Bertha, Harry and Edgar. Walters Samuel, threshing machines ; Sec. 18; P.O. Milledgeville. Walters T. H. drugs; P.O. Milledgeville. Webster Ed. S. farm ; S.9 ; P.O. Milledgeville. Webster LW. farm ; S. 9 ; P.O. Milledgeville. Wetherwax Edward, farm ; Sec. 2 ; P.O. Elk horn Grove. Wetherwax Newberry, farm ; S. 2 ; P.O. Elk horn Grove. Whitney Monroe, laborer ; Milledgeville. 448 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIBECTOEY: WILFONG GEORGE W. Farmer; Sec. 30 ; P.O. Milledgeville ; born in Ver million Co., Ind., Nov. 20, 1845 ; at the age of eight years came by team to this Co., with his parents, in 1853, being 16 days on the way ; has lived here 24 years ; en gaged in farming; has 80 acres land; Geo. Wilfong, father of above, was born N. Y., in 1803; married Catherine Wilfong ; lived in that state 30 years; in Ind. 17 years; came to this Co. in 1853; he died Jan. 17, 1874; had 10 children: James, Martin, Timothy, ' William, George, Elizabeth, Phebe, Mary, Sarah and Nancy; lost three children. Willsey Ira, farm ; S.32 ; P.O. Milledgeville. WILLIAMS WILLIAM, Farmer; Sec. 13 ; P.O. Milledgeville ; born in Hunt erdon Co., N. J., April 10, 1837 ; went to Pa. when 10 years of age ; lived there 10 years ; came to Carroll Co. in Dec, 1855 ; engaged in farming and stock raising; owns 205 acres land; holds office School Director; married Miss Jeannette Neikirk, from Washington Co., Md., daughter of the late M. Neikirk, one of the early set tlers, Aug. 30, 1859 ; they have four chil dren : Alice May, Amy Jeannette, Walter Henry and Lilly Maud ; lost one daughter, Emma A. Winters E. farm ; Sec. 29 ; P.O. Milledgeville. Winters J. M. farm ; S.33 ; P.O. Milledgeville. WINTERS W. J. Farmer; Sec. 30; P.O. Milledgeville; born in Washington Co., Ind., March 23, 1834; lived there 14 years ; came with his parents by team to Carroll Co. Oct. 10, 1847, beingthree weeks on the way ; has lived here 30 years, being one of the early settlers ; owns 80 acres land; has held the office ot Town Col lector and school offices, and is Superin tendent of Sabbath-school ; married Miss Elizabeth Fowler, from Lawrence Co., Ind., Nov. 14, 1854; they have five chil dren: William E., Mary J., James P., Sarah Elizabeth and Viola M. ; lost two children. WOLFE T. O. of the firm of Wolfe & Greenawalt; Dry Goods, Groceries and Clothing; Milledgeville; born in Pa., Aug. 31, 1850 ; came to this state at the age of 7 years ; entered store as clerk, in 1865 ; be came associated with Mr. J. F. Greena walt, and they are doing a large trade ; married Miss Emma Olmsted, daughter of Chester Olmsted, Esq., an old settler of this Co., Oct. 5, 1875. Wood Henry, farmer; Sec. 1; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. WOOD JAS. M. Farmer; Sec. 28; P. O. Milledgeville; born in Peekskill, N. Y. ; removed to Cayuga Co. ; lived there 8 years ; came to Carroll Co. with his par ents, sister and four brothers; came by wagon, being five weeks on the way, and arrived here Oct. 4, 1844, over 33 years ago ; one of the early settlers ; he went to work for $10 a month; and died in 1847; Mr. Wood owns 520 acres land ; married Miss Lucy Ann Baker, daughter of Rens selaer Baker, an early settler, from Cayuga Co., N. Y., April 29, 1847; they have three children : Mary Ann Gregory, Andrew J. and Franklin E. WOOD M. A. Farmer; Sec. 33; P.O. Milledgeville ; bora in Branch Co., Mich., Dec 12, 1838 ; came by wagon to Carroll Co., being five weeks on the way ; arrived here in Nov., 1845; one of the early settlers; only little improvement here then; engaged in farming and stock rais ing; owns 145 acres land; married Miss Louisa Stallsmith, from Pa., Jan. 1, 1860; they have five children: Sarah P., Ida May, Edith Ann, Delia M. and William Henry. WOODIN RANSOM, Farmer; Sec. 1 ; P. O. Elkhorn Grove ; born in Hartford Co., Conn., July 20, 1833 ; came to Carroll Co., 111., in 1849, and has lived here 28 years ; engaged in farming and stock rais ing; owns 147 acres land; married Josephine Reynolds, from Mich., in July, 1862 ; they have two children : Emma Grace, born March 23, 1868; Chas. Sev- erns, Oct. 6, 1873; Naaman Woodin, brother of the above, lives on Sec. 6, Elk horn Tp. ; born in Hartford Co., Conn., Aug. 17, 1839 ; came to Carroll Co. with his parents in 1849 ; is engaged in farm ing; own 280 acres land ; has held offices of Commissioner of Highways, Assessor and Collector. WOODRING CYRUS, Proprietor of Milledgeville Flouring Mills; Mil ledgeville; born in Northampton Co., Pa., May 31, 1836 ; lived there 20 years ; then went to Lambertsville, N. J. ; came to Winnebago Co., and was at Rockton four years and Brookville three years; came here in 1873 ; does a good business, both custom and merchant work; married Miss Mary H. Horn, from Lambertsville, N. J., in July, 1857 ; they have nine chil dren: Wm. H, Chas. W., Hiram W., Joseph, Julia E., Anna M., Lizzie, Clara, Adaline. X^OCUM CALVIN. Young Jonathan. ZIMMERMAN SHEP. teacher; P. O. Milledgeville. BOOK CEEEK TOWNSHIP. 449 ROCK CREEK TOWNSHIP. A IKENS E. teamster ; Lanark. Allemony J. H. druggist ; Lanark. Alter G. farm hand ; Sec 31 ; P. O. Lanark. Altenhiem W. farm ; Sec. 36 ; P.O. Fremont. Arnold Jacob, farmer; Sec. 4; P. O. Lanark. Aspinwall Jno. wind pumps, etc. ; Lanark. B AKER GEO. H. shoemaker ; Lanark. Baker Henry, shoemaker ; Lanark. Barkley E. J. farmer; Sec. 5; P. O. Lanark. Bates W. E. clergyman ; Lanark. BEAN REV. JAS. M. Retired Clergyman; Lanark; bora in N. H., in 1827 ; came to this Co. in 1870 ; married Miss Grace Etheridge, in 1847 ; she was born in N. H. ; lost one son, Orlando S. ; has two adopted sons: John and Willie. BEANS WILL. Dealer in Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and Gents' Furnishing Goods ; Lanark ; born in Ohio, in 1835 ; came to this Co. in 1863 ; has been in business since that time ; mar ried Miss Elizabeth Morton, in 1861 ; she was born in Ohio ; have three children : Charles M., Harry M. and Delia. BELDING DANIEL, Farmer; Sec. 30; P. O. Rock Creek; born in Vt, June 30,1813; came to this Co. in 1855; owns 365 acres land ; has held office of School Director, and holds office of Postmaster; has a large cheese factory, and is prepared to manufacture 1,000 pounds of cheese per day, the greater part of which is sold in Europe; married Harriet Black, in 1834; she was born in England ; have seven chil dren living: Martha, Helen, Annie, Lizzie, Zella, Martin and Edgar ; lost two sons. Belding E. farmer; Sec. 31; P. O. Rock Creek. Belding W. M. farmer; Sec.31 ; P.O. Lanark. Bingman Elias, laborer ; Lanark. Bingman Geo. grain dealer ; Lanark. BINGMAN J. R. Grain Dealer; Lanark; born*in Carroll Co., in 1854; married Miss Emma Diedrich, in 1876 ; she was born in Carroll Co. BIRGE JOHN H. Retired Farmer; Lanark ; born in Conn., July 4, 1801 ; came to this Co. in 1855 ; married Mary Deuel, in 1830 ; she was born in Washington Co., N. Y. ; have one daughter, Emily -S., the wife of Jas. S. Stevens ; was Captain of the Penn. Militia 14 years, and was commis sioned by Governors Schultz and Potter. BIXBY ASA, Farmer; Sec. 27; P. O. Lanark ; born in Susquehanna Co., Pa., in 1822; came to this Co. in 1852; owns 240 acres land ; has been School Director and School Trustee; married Rebecca P. Squires, in 1843; she was born in Pa.; have seven children: John, Mary, Adel- bert, Martha, Lydia and Charles. Bixby A. S. blacksmith ; Lanark. Blough A. J. dentist ; Lanark. Bowen H. farmer ; Sec. 10 ; P. O. Lanark. Bowers Jas. farmer; Sec. 10; P. O. Lanark. Bowers John, farmer; Lanark. Bowman John, mason ; Lanark. Boyle M. J. tailor; Lanark. Bradway A., Jr., farm; S. 12; P. O. Shannon. Bradway B. farmer ; Sec. 12 ; P. O. Shannon. Bradway H. farmer; Sec. 12; P. O. Shannon. Bradway J. farmer; Sec. 12; P. O. Shannon. Bradway L. farmer; Sec. 12; P. O. Shannon. Bradwray W. H. farm; S. 12; P. O. Shannon. BRAY LEVI T. Farmer; Sec. 29; P. O. Lanark; born in Penn., in 1841; came to this Co. in 1866 ; married Miss Julia A. Dame, in 1868 ; she was born in N. H; have three children: Carrie E., Mary A. and Chas. W. ; he enlisted in the 57th Pa. V. I., and served three years ; he was with McClellan in the Peninsula, at the siege of Yorktown, Williamsburg, Fair Oaks and Fredericksburg; was taken prisoner .and confined in Libby Prison, and afterwards paroied. Brenyan A. F. traveling agent ; Lanark. Brown M. mason ; Lanark. BROWN JOHN P. Farmer; Sec 26; P. O. Lanark ; born in Pa. ; came to this Co. in 1854; married Miss Esther Snoble, in 1864; she was born in Pa.; have four children: Mary E., Laura, Elma L. and Wm. A. BROWN MAHLON, Farmer; Sec. 4 ; P. O. Lanark ; born in Pa., in 1849 ; married Miss Lolla M. Landon, in 1871 ; she was born in Carroll Co.; have one child, Lulu ; lost one son. BROWN ORRIN M. Farmer; Sec. 4; P. O. Lanark; born in Pa., in 1846; came to this Co. in 1855; married Miss Sophia Bosworth, in 1877 ; she was born in Pa. Brown W. M. farm ; Sec. 32 ; P. O. Lanark. BROWN WM. T. Farmer; Sec. .4; P. O. Lanark; born in Mass., in 1802; came to this Co. in 1855 ; owns 80 acres land ; married Cynthia Wells, in 1831 ; she was born in Pa.; have three children: Benj. F., Orrin and Malilon; lost one son and two daughters. Buchanan Jas. cloth peddler : Lanark. Buckwalter A. farmer; Sec. 4; P. O. Lanark. 450 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIEEOTOEy: Buffington Jonas, carpenter ; Lanark. Bull John, retired ; Lanark. BUNKER I. S. Farmer; Sec. 21; P.O. Lanark; born in Maine, Dec. 29, 1824; came to this Co. in 1860 ; owns 80 acres land ; holds office of School Director ; mar ried Mary Frances Cook, in 1853; she was born in N. H. ; have one daughter, Jennie. Burnett C. A. teacher; Lanark. BUSELL SAMUEL, Farmer; Sec. 10; P. O. Lanark; born in Carroll Co., N. H., in 1824; came to this Co. in April, 1865 ; owns 80 acres land ; has held office of Assessor two years, Supervisor four years, and School Director ; married Mar garet Young, in 1849 ; she was born in Dover, N. H. ; has one child living, Chas. S. ; lost one son, Geo. A. Bussey Geo. farmer ; Sec. 19; P.O.Lanark. BUTTS G. H. Dealer in Agricultural Implements, Windmills and Pumps; Lanark; born in N. Y., in 1849.; came to this Co. in 1 865 ; has been in business 12 years ; deals largely in the U. S. Star Wind mills, manufactured at Delavan, Wis. /^AGERICE M. laborer; Lanark. Calkins Dennis, retired ; Lanark. Carmack John, clerk Lanark Hotel. Carroll Patrick, laborer ; Lanark. Cassidy Nelson, stone mason ; Lanark. Chaffee L. A. wagon maker; Lanark. Chamberlain G W. photographer; Lanark. Champion G farm. ; Sec. 11 ; P. O. Lanark. Champion P. W. farm. ; S. 11 ; P. O. Lanark. Clay D. R. laborer ; Lanark. Clay William, laborer ; Lanark. COGGSWELL CHAS, Farmer and Plasterer; Sec. 30; P. O. Lanark ; born in Pa., in 1818; came to this Co.-in 1851; holds office of Justice of the Peace and was the first one elected under town or ganization ; he married Miss Lucy Beld ing in 1840 ; has four children : Charles H, Geo. E., Leonard, and Ella. COOK JOSIAH. Farmer; Sec 16; P. O. Lanark; born in Carroll Co., New Hampshire, in 1801 ; came to this Co., in in 1858; owns 100 acres; married Jane Cox, in 1823; she was bora in New Hampshire, and died in 1852 ; his second wife was Elizabeth Hays, who was born in New Hampshire ; has four children by first marriage: Mary Frances, Hattie, Susan E., and Rufus M. Copp D. P. farmer; Sec. 33; P. O. Lanark. COPP M. W. Farmer; Sec. 33; P.O. Lanark; bora in New Hampshire, in 1804; came to this state in 1855; owns 160 acres; he married Anna Page in 1831 ; she was born in New Hampshire; has three chil dren, Geo. H., Sarah and David ; lost two, George and Harriet A. D CORBETT J. B. Farmer; Sec 2; P. O. Lanark ; born in Mass., in 1820; came to this Co., in 1855; owns 120 acres; he married Miss Sarah A. Thompson, in 1845 ; she was born in New York. Cotta John V. nurseryman; Sec. 12; P. O. Lanark. Creps Irwin, farmer ; Lanark. Crinklaw Gilbert, carpenter; Lanark. CRINKLAW WM. S. Blacksmith; P.O.Lanark; born in Toronto. Canada, in 1840; came to this Co., in 1864; holds office of City Alderman; he married Mary Reynolds in 1868; she was born in this Co.; has 4 children, Herbert, Er nest, Bernice and Mark. Cross Chas. G laborer; Lanark. Cross John M. laborer ; Lanark. AME G .S. farmer and stock dealer; P. O. Lanark. Daugherty Pat. laborer ; Lanark. Davis J. M. plasterer; Lanark. DAME DANIEL W. Whose portrait appears in this work, was born in Sand wich, Carroll Co., New Hampshire, on Feb. 8, 1820. On the death of his mother, which occurred when he was but four months old, he was taken to live with his grandparents, in Rochester, Stratford Co., N. H, where he lived till he removed to Rock Creek, Carroll Co., 111., in June, 1857. At the death of his grandparents, at the age of 13 years, he was left to his own care, and has since, without pecuni ary assistance, made his way in the bat tle of life, by his own energy of character. He obtained such education as was to be had in the common schools of his native state, with one term in Rochester Acad emy. Mr. Dame, after arriving at the age of 21 years, was often called upon to serve his country in a public capacity, and filled various offices, from town, county and state, to Representative in the State Legis lature, for 2 or 3 terms ; was prominently identified in the construction of several railroads leading to the city of Rochester; married Miss Mary A. Roberts, of Milton, N. H., on Nov. S8, 1841; died Sept. 4 1846, leaving one daughter, Julia A. ; mar ried Sophia W. Worster, on April 12, 1847 ; have one son, Charles S. ; lost one by first and three by last marriage. Mr. Dame located on Sec. 29, Rock Creek Tp., 160 acres, and has since added until he has about 500 acres in that farm. He pur chased the land, and laid out the present thriving City of Lanark, under the au spices of the Northern 111. R. R. Co. ; has been publicly identified with the growth and prosperity of Carroll Co., filling va rious offices in town and Co., and has rep resented Carroll and Jo Daviess Cos. in the State Legislature ; has always been in terested in educational matters, and de- EOCE CEEEK TOWNSHIP. 451 voted time and means to its promotion; has been prominently identified with the construction of several railroads in this state, acting in the capacity of superin tendent, and locating agent and director. We clip the following from the Rock Island Araus: The party left Port Byron at7 :30, on the W. W. Ry., in charge of D. W. Dame, Esq., one of the most gentlemanly railroad men it has ever been the fortune of travelers to meet. Mr. D. is a member of the State Legislature, and has a general superin tending, under the Board of Directors, over all the concerns of the company, to execute all orders of the Board in matters relating to the right of way, surveys, loca tion of road, making contracts for land, and materials for construction of the road, buildings, fixtures, engines, cars, and making repairs and improvements. At a meeting, held in the office of G. W. Pleas ant, acting Judge of the Fifth Judicial District of Illinois, we quote from the fol lowing resolutions passed : Resolved, That the" excursion to Racine and Milwaukee, from which we have just returned, has been a most complete and delightful success in all respects, exceed ing our highest expectations, for which we are chiefly indebted to the courtesy of the W. W. R. R. Co. and its gentlemanly officers and agents, who had us in their charge. That our acknowledgments are especially clue to D. W. Dame, of Lanark, one of the directors, etc. Mr. Dame was elected the first mayor of the City of Lanark, where he now resides. He has retired from active life, and is enjoying in his pleasant home the fruits of his labors, in peace and quiet, and still takes a lively interest in county, state and national prosperity. DAVIS M. R. Retired; Lanark; born in Washington Co., Virginia, in 1825; came to this Co., in 1842, and is one of the oldest settlers; he holds office of City Alderman. DELAUNEY GEO. W. Dealer in Paints, Oils, Paper Hangings, Picture Frames and Stationery ; Lanark ; he was born in Mo., in 1838 ; came to this Co., in 1865 ; he married Miss Cynthia Peniston, in 1865, who was born in Georgia ; they have one child living, Mary;' lost three children, John G., Dora and Intian D. Deibler J. B. farmer; Sec. 23; P. O.Lanark. Depue F. clerk cheese factory ; Lanark. Deuel H. farmer; Sec. 22; P. 0. Lanark. Deuel, W. farmer; Sec. 22; P. O. Lanark. Dewell, I., Jr., farmer ; Sec. 22 ; P. O. Lanark. Diehl Conrad, harness maker ; Lanark. Diehl F. farmer; Sec. 23; P. O. Lanark. Diehl G. H. farmer ; Sec. 22 ; P. O. Lanark. DIEHL GEO. H. Farmer; Sec. 13; P. O. Shannon; born in Penn., in 1842; came to this Co., in 1867 ; owns 303 acres ; he married Catharine Fry, in 1863; she was born in Canada; they have three children, Jacob, Emma and Agnes. Diehl H. farmer ; Sec. 22 ; P. O. Lanark. Dietrick Samuel, hotel keeper ; Lanark. Deiterman Lewis, laborer ; Lanark. Dimon G. W. farmer ; Sec. 20 ; P. O. Lanark. DIMON W. J. Farmer; Sec. 19; P. O. Lanark; born in Bradford Co., Penn., 1834; came to this Co., May 28, 1856; owns 290 acres ; has held offices of School Director and Road Commissioner; mar ried Mary J. Wood, in 1868; she was born in Conn ; they have two children, Cornelius and William R. Dindermann Frank, I'aborer ; Lanark. Dinderman John, laborer ; Lanark. DINGEE EDGAR H. Lanark; bom in West Chester Co., N. Y., 1824; came to this Co. in 1860 ; married Miss M. Sher lock, in 1859 ; she was born in N. Y. ; has two children, Edgar H. and Lizzie, wife of R. B. Hower; he has held offices Super visor, School Director, and Town Trustee, enlisted in the 7th I. V. G, Co. B, and served till discharged. DIVENS JOHN, Farmer; Sec. 17; P. O. Lanark ; born in Franklin Co., Pa., in 1822 ; came to this Co. in 185Q ; owns 109 acres ; has held office of School Director nine years ; he married Barbary Lamp, in 1853, who was born in Pa. ; died in 1861 ; in 1862 he married Margaret Lamb ; she was born in 111.; he has two children, Henrietta and Elsie B. Dore George P. shoe dealer ; Lanark. Dubble D. W. farmer ; Sec. 6 ; P. O. Lanark. Dubble Joseph, farm ; Sec. 6 ; P. O. Lanark. Dull Emanuel, nurseryman ; Lanark. DUMBMAN HENRY, Farmer; Sec. 36; P.O. Elkhorn Grove; born in Ger many, in 1833 ; came to this Co. in 1855 ; owns 160 acres ; he married Mary Peters, in 1858 ; she was born in Germany ; has seven children : Ida, Frank, Lizzie, Henry, William, Anna, and Emma; lost one son, John. Droyer P. J. laborer ; Lanark. E ASTWOOD G E. clerk, Lanark. Ebbekee Lewis, farm; Sec. 24; P. O. Lanark. Eby J. R. merchant; Lanark. Eckman D. G. farm ; Sec. 17 ; P. O. Lanark. Eick Jacob, retired ; Lanark. Elder T. J. painter ; Lanark. Ellsworth C. B. farmer ; P. O. Lanark. ELLSWORTH OLIVER, Farmer; Sec. 28 ; P. O. Lanark ; born in Pa., 1816 ; came to this Co. in 1855 ; owns 80 acres ; has held offices of School Director and Constable; he married Julia Beardsiey, 452 CAEEOLL county dibectoey: Nov. 9, 1837 ; she was born in Conn., in 1819 ; has three children living : Frances A., Emma E., and Charles B. ; lost one daughter, Sarah S., wife of William Bussey. Emmert Josiah, bricklayer ; Lanark. ESHELMAN M. M. Editor; Lanark; born in Mifflin Co., Pa., in 1844; he. lived three years in Ohio, and came to this Co. in 1864; he is associated with J. H. Moore and S. H. Bashor, as editor and publisher of the Brethren at Work; he married Lizzie A. Best, in 1865 ; she was born in Pa.; has six children: Olive, Vinnie, Har vey, Clara, Alvin, and Amy. FAGAN NICHOLAS, harness maker; Lanark. Flanagan J. H. shoemaker ; Lanark. Flautt Jacob, farm hand ; Lanark. FLAUTT JOS. Farmer and Auc tioneer ; Sec. 8 ; P. 0. Lanark ; born in Washington Co., Md., 1815 ; came to this state in April, 1855, and to this Co. in 1867 ; owns 58 acres ; he married Catharine Williard, in 1839 ; she was born in Md., and died in 1862 ; he married Sarah Haller, in 1865 ; she was born in Md. ; has five chil dren by first marriage: Cinderella A., Amanda, Catharine, Emma, and Jacob, and two by second marriage, Annie and George W. FLETCHER BYRON, Retired Farmer; Lanark; born in Pa. in 1814; came to this Co. in 1839 ; has held offices of Justice of the Peace, Supervisor, and School Director ; he married Miss L. A. Johnson, in 1837 ; she was born in Pa. ; has two children, Simeon J., and Helen M., wife of Maj. G. A. Root. FLICKINGER NOAH, Farmer; Sec. 16 ; P. O. Lanark ; born in Ohio, 1836 ; came to this Co. in Feb., 1870 ; owns 160 acres; has held office of School Director; he married Rachel A. Ettling, in 1856; she was born in Ohio ; has seven children : Adam H, David D., Lottie I., Cora B., William I., Eliza M., and John F. ; lost one son, Lambert. Foley Daniel, laborer ; Lanark. Forsythe John, agricultural implements; Lanark. Foster J. E. janitor; Lanark. Foulds Henry, post master ; Lanark. FRANCK CHARLES W. Retired; Lanark; born in Pa., in Nov., 1835; came to this Co. in 1860; has held office of School Director; he married Mary E. Laflin, in 1861 ; she was born in N. Y. ; has two children, William and Edwin. FRAZEY JOHN C. Farmer; Sec. 16; P. O. Lanark; born in Bedford Co., Pa., in 1849 ; came to this Co. in 1859 ; he mar ried Miss Mary L. Taylor, in 1869 ; she was born in Pa.; has four children: Burt, Harry, Sarah, Olive. FRAZEY NELSON, Retired Farmer ; Lanark ; born in Pa., in 1815 ; came to this Co. in 1858 ; owns 100 acres ; he married Sarah Myers in 1838 ; she was born in Pa. ; has five children : Emaline, George, Mary, John, and Amanda ; lost three. FRAZEY NOAH, Retired Farmer; Lanark; born in Pa., in 1812; came to this Co. in 1859 ; owns 80 acres land ; married Elizabeth Maiken, in 1833 ; she was born in Pa.; have seven children; John W., Nathan D., Mary E., Wm. David, Emma J., Ella A. and Frank H. /^«ANS DAVID, retired; Lanark. Garrett Lyman D. clerk ; Lanark. Garrison Freborn, gunsmith ; Lanark. Gashan M. farmer ; Sec. 21 ; P. O. Lanark. Gibbons Thomas, laborer ; Lanark. GIBBS R. B. Farmer; Sec. 14; P. O. Lanark; born in N. Y., in 1827; came to this Co. in 1863 ; owns 80 acres land ; has served as School Director; married Mary E. Baker in 1869 ; she was born in Ger many ; they have six children : James H., Isaac N., John E., Arthur M., Joseph C. and George H.; he emisted in the 15th I. V. I., and served till the close of the war. Gilbert R. L. sewing machines and organs ; Lanark. Glotfelty Ed.baker and confectioner ; Lanark. GLOTFELTY J. M. of Glotfelty Bros., Bakers, Confectioners and Fancy Grocers ; born in Alleghany Co.. Md., in Jan., 1844; came to this Co. in 1864; holds office of School Director; does a large Fire Insurance business, representing the following companies: Home, of N. Y.; North American, of Philadelphia; Phenix, of Brooklyn ; Hartford, of Hartford ; Ameri can, of Chicago, and German, of Peoria; married Miss Mary A. Gans, in 1865; she was born in Lee Co., 111. ; they have one child, J. W. Clay. Godwin Richard, cheese mfg ; Lanark. Golden G. W. sewing machine agt; Lanark. GRAHAM JAMES, Farmer; Sec. 8; P.O.Lanark; bom in Nova Scotia, in 1834; came to this Co. in 1843;. owns 120 acres land ; has held office of Collector ; married Miss Phoebe Reynolds, in 1859 ; she was born in Ohio ; they have five chil dren : Nellie, Edward W., Charles, Kate and Fanny. Grant R. P. cloth agent ; Lanark. Grimes David, farmer; Sec. 11; P.O.Lanark. GRISINGER CALVIN M. Farmer; Sec. 10; P. O. Lanark; born in Pa., in 1849 ; came to this Co. in 1869 ; married Sadie Fagan, in Dec, 1875. GRISINGER WILLIAM, Farm er; Sec 10; P. O. Lanark; born in Pa., in 1819 ; came to this Co. in 1869 ; owns 240 acres land ; holds office of School Director ; IfW- sjsw. £^>U^r COUNTY SURVEYOR ELK HORN GROVE. EOCK CEEEK TOWNSHIP. 455 married Miss Susan A. Bamdoller, in 1846 ; she was born in Pa. ; they have eight chil dren living: Frank, Calvin M., George B., Mary E., Emma, Albert, Millie and Mag gie; lost one son, John Wesley. Grosh Philip, laborer ; Lanark. GROSSMAN JACOB, Farmer; Sec. 1 ; P. O. Lanark ; born in Pa., in 1837 ; came to Co. in 1861; owns 151 acres land; has held offices of School Director and Commissioner of Highways ; married Miss Sarah Stitzel, in 1864; she was born in Carroll Co.; they have three children: Emory G, born in Oct., 1865 ; Addie L., March, 1867, and Gertie E., Oct., 1870. Grossman Jerry, school teacher ; Lanark. Guenther Godfred, cooper ; Lanark. H ALL CHARLES S. farmer; Sec 21; P. O. Lanark. HALLER J. Physician, Surgeon and Gynecologist, Lanark ; born in Washing ton Co., Md.,, July 17, 1836; came to this state in 1846, and to this Co. in 1862 ; he graduated at the Chicago Medical College in 1862 ; has held office of School Director 6 years, and Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Lanark, also Sec retary of the Carroll Co. Medical Society, and Medical Examiner of the leading Life Insurance companies doing business in Illinois; married Miss Martha Miller in Feb., 1863 ; she was born in Md., and died in Sept., 1869; he afterwards married Mrs. Lizzie S. Hostetter, who was born in Pa. ; has three children: Harry M., Anna B. and Frank H. ; Mrs. Haller has one son by former marriage. HAMILTON I. L. Grocer; Lanark; born in Pa., in 1834; came to this Co. in 1845; has carted wheat to Chicago and sold it for 40 cts. per bushel ; sold dressed pork for $1.25 per cwt.; married Miss Amanda Guyer, in 1856; she was born in Dauphin Co., Pa. ; they have two children living : Luella M. and Le Roy ; lost two children : Oscar W. and John N. Hammon G M. farmer ; Sec. 2 ; P. O. Lanark. HAMMOND EDWIN, Farmer; Sec. 12; P. O. Lanark; born in Washington Co., Md., in 1819 ; came to this Co. in 1857 ; owns 75 acres ; has held office of School Director; married Mary Knode, in 1842; she was born in Md. ; they have eight chil dren: James, Zerusha, Althea, Angeline, Charles, Eliza, William and Mary. Hammond Jas. farmer; Sec. 10 ; P.O.Lanark. HARNISH M. E. Lumber Dealer; Lanark ; born in Pa., in 1833 ; came to this Co. in 1857; has served as member of the City Council and School Trustee ; married Miss A. H. Hershey, in 1858; she was born in Pa.; they have four children: Emerson, Frances, Harriet and Annie. Harrigan William, laborer; Lanark. 26 HAWK A. M. Grain and Stock Buyer ; Lanark; born in Freedom Tp., Carroll Co., in 1853; married Miss Ella S. Puter- baugh in 1877 ; she was born in this Co. Haws Leroy, clerk, cheese factory ; Lanark. Hay William, laborer; Lanark. Hedgeman Cornelius, retired ; Lanark. Henkle J. W. retired ; Lanark. Hess John F. hardware ; Lanark. Hess Wm. H. merchant ; Lanark. HETH ALONZO, Farmer; Sec. 30; P. O. Lanark ; born in New York in 1831 ; came to this Co., in 1848 ; owns 378 acres ; holds office of School Director; he mar ried Mary A. Parker, in 1856 ; she was born in Canada; has 2 children, Ernest E. and Frank D.; lost 4: Amelia, Fred die, Hattie and Nettie. Heth John W. merchant; Lanark. Hill D. A. carpenter; Larark. Hill Jacob, farmer; Sec. 7; P. O. Lanark. Hill Jesse, farmer; Sec. 7; P. O. L mark. Hill John, farmer ; Sec. 7 ; Lanark. Hill Josiah, farmer; Sec. 7; P. 0. Lanark. Hill Sam. farmer ; Sec. 7 ; P. O. Lanark. Hill V. retired farmer ; Lanark. Hixon Ezra, farmer; Sec. 3; P. O. Lanark. HIXON REUBEN, Farmer and Pro prietor of Lanark Nursery; born in Pa. in 1833 ; came to this Co., in 1859 ; owns 120 acres ; has held office of School Director ; he married Emaline Frazey in 1859; she was born in Pa. ; has 2 children, Harvey P., and Sarah C. Hixon William, laborer ; Lanark. Hodge Joel, farmer; Sec. 13; P. O. Lanark. Hodge Mark, farmer; Sec. 13; P. O. Lanark. Hogan Thomas, laborer ; Lanark. Horner Peter, farmer ; Lanark. Howard John, laborer ; Lanark. HOWER R. B. Firm of Hower & Copp, • Bakers and Confectioners ; Lanark ; born in Pa., 1846; came to this Co. in 1869; he married Miss Lizzie Dingee, in 1871 ; she was born in New York ; has 2 chil dren ; Edgar H. and Alfred. Humberger Henry, farm hand ; Sec. 8 ; P. O. Lanark. SRAEL BERNARD, merchant; Lanark. EENEYE. J. blacksmith; Sec.24; O. Lanark. I K Keeney O. M. farm. ; Sec. 27 ; P. O. Lanark. KEENEY WM.E. Farmer; Sec. 27; P. O.Lanark; born in Pa., in 1818; came to this Co., in 1855; owns 160 acres; has held office of School Director ; he married Sarah A. Skinner in 1840 ; she was born in Pa.; has 7 children: Wait S., Ed ward J., Oscar M., Griffin S., William 456 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIEEOTOEY: E., Jr., Mary E., and Parke ; lost 2 sons and 1 daughter, Wait S., and Edward J. ; enlisted in the. 7th I. V. G, and served un- till the close of the war. KEMME BLING REUBEN, Farm- er; Sec. 27; P. O. Lanark; born in Ohio, in 1840; came to this Co., in 1853; owns 235 acres ; is School Director ; he married Miss G Schriner, in 1861 ; she was born in Germany; has four children: Zipporah, Clinton, Joshua, Milton. Kennedy Michael, farmer; Lanark. Kendle E. J. farm laborer ; Lanark. Kingery Daniel, retired ; Lanark. KINKADE, W. S. Farmer; Sec. 18; P. O. Lanark ; born in this Tp., in 1853 ; rents 200 acres of his father ; he married Elizabeth Belding, Aug. 31, 1875; she was bom in Pa.; has one child, Hattie J. Kinkade Z. B. retired ; Lanark. Kimmel J. farmer ; Sec. 15 ; P. O. Lanark. KimmelM. farmer; Sec. 21; P. O.Lanark. Kimmel W. farmer ; Sec. 20 ; P. O. Lanark. LAIRD JOHN, Retired Farmer; La nark ; born in Ohio, in 1817 ; came to this Co., in April, 1837; owns 950 acres; he married for his first wife, Elizabeth B. Beatty, who was born in Pa. ; his second wife was Christine Eshelman ; he has six children: William R., John E., James M., Sarah A., Amelia and Joseph; lost 2, Mary E., and Abraham. Laird James M. farmer ; Lanark. Laird John E. farmer ; Lanark. LAMOREAUX JOHN, Farmer; Sec. 33; P.O. Lanark; born in Pa., in 1831 ; came to this Co. in 1857 ; owns 160 acres land ; has been School Director for 10 years; married Eliza Cross, in 1859; she was born in Bradford Co., Pa.; has four children : Edwin E., Walter, Frank lin and Mary. Lamoreaux M. farm ; Sec. 27 ; P.O. Lanark. LAMOREAUX SAMUEL, Farm er; Sec. 33; P.O. Lanark; born Luzerne Co., Pa., in 1828 ; came to this Co. in 1857 ; owns 160 acres land ; has held office of School Director ; married Phoebe Wilcox, in 1849 ; she was born in Pa. ; have fifteen children: Bent, Bertha, Bethia, Maria, Reuben, Clara, William, Georgeanna, Emma J., LeRoy, Cora D., Lizzie, Samuel, David and Clarence ; lost one child. Lamoreaux W.J. carpenter ;S.35;P.O.Lanark. LELAND ERASTUS D. Professor of Music; Lanark; born in Holliston, Mass., Sept. 13, 1828, and lived with his parents until 13 years of age, when he went to Westborough, Mass.; remained there two years ; learned the shoemaker's trade ; then returned to Holliston, and en gaged in the manufacture of shoes and studying music ; remained there until the Fall of 1851, with the exception of about six months, which were spent at Bangor, Me., where he clerked in a grocery store ; Oct. 31, 1850, he married Serena C. Mor gan, in Holliston, Mass. ; in 1851, went to Vt, and worked at his trade ; his wife died at East Randolph, Vt, May 11, 1852; mar ried Harriet A. Persons, Nov. 24, 1852 ; in the Fall of 1854, moved to Erie, Pa., where he continued his business of shoe- making; in 1857, moved to Monroe, Wis., and there commenced to make a business of teaching vocal music; while living in Monroe he organized the " Nationals," a concert troupe, well known throughout the Northwest; in this undertaking he was ably assisted by his sister, Mrs. Henry Foulds, who was noted for her rich so prano voice; Mrs. Foulds remained with the troupe during its existence; while liv ing in Monroe, June 3, 1864, his wife died ; in Aug., 1866, he moved to his present home, and has lived here ever since, with the exception of three years, during which he made Freeport, 111., his home; March . 11, 1867, married Susan C. Newcomer, who was born in Northumberland Co., Pa., Dec. 23, 1832; during the past twenty years the Professor has been engaged in teaching music in all parts of the North west, having taught in Aurora, Blooming- ton, Monmouth, Freeport, 111., Adrian, Mich., Salem, O., Des Moines, Iowa, and has been engaged in thepublic schools of various Western cities, among which are Lincoln, Neb., and Freeport, 111.; has seven children living : Effendi P., Hattie S., Henry F., Adela G, George N., Clara May and Ella P. ; lost one child, Ploomey S. ; was a staunch democrat until the breaking out of the war, since which time he has worked with the republican party. Lepman David, merchant; Lanark. Lichty David, retired farmer ; Lanark. Lichty Levi, farm ; Sec. 22 ; P.O. Lanark. Lichty Milton, farm; Sec 22; P.O. Lanark. Lines Frank, teacher ; Lanark. Lines Samuel, laborer ; Lanark. Lines Washington, laborer ; Lanark. Linskell John, farm; P.O. Lanark. LIVINGOOD ELIAS P. Farmer; Sec. 21; P.O. Lanark; born in Pa., in 1847; came to this Co. in 1854; owns 160 acres land ; married Miss Ellen Miller in 1868 ; she was born in Pa. ; has two chil dren, Sadie A. and Mary S. ; lost one son, Theodore J. LIVINGOOD JOSEPH, Farmer; Sec. 16 ; P.O. Lanark ; born in Pa. in 1853 ; came to this Co. in 1854; owns 160 acres; married Miss Susan Miller, in 1874; she was born in Pa. ; has one child, Willie. Lloyd J. G LONG DAVID B. Constable; Lanark; born in Pa. in 1822; came to this Co. in 1856 ; has held offices of Highway Commis- EOCK CEEEK TOWNSHIP. 457 sioner, School Director and Constable married Sarah Kounson, March 29, 1846 8he was bom in Pa.; has six children William, Margaret G, Emma J., Octavins L., Carrie F. and Mollie. Lower David, retired; Lanark. LOWELL DAVID, Dealer in Lime and Stone; Lanark; born in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., in 1836 ; came to this Co. in 1867 ; married Jane A. Bailey, in Sept., 1855; has seven children: Charlotte E, Harriet J., Gertie, Fred F., Albert F., Wil liam P. and Ida ; lost two children. Lowell Amos, teamster; Lanark. LOWIS WM. W. Editor; Lanark; born in England, in 1849 ; came to this state in 1854, and to this Co. in 1865 ; he is associated with F. H. B. McDowell, as edi tor and proprietor of the Carroll Co. Gazette; married Miss Mary Newcomer, Jan. 6, 1870; she was born in Freeport; lost one child, Orester W. Lowman D. J. farmer ; Sec. 1 ; P. O. Lanark. M cCOOG MICHAEL, farmer; Sec. 14; P. O. Lanark. McCOY S. B. Farmer ; Sec. 7 ; P. O. Lanark; born in Washington Co., Vir ginia in 1835 ; came to this Co. in 1842 ; owns 160 acres; he married Mary G Lower, Dec 19, 1872; she was bora in Penn.; has two children, Frank H. and Ethel May. McCOY W. F. M. Farmer; Sec. 7; P. O. Lanark; born in Washington Co., Virginia, 1837; came to this Co. in 1842; owns 120 acres; he married Mary Hallowell, in Dec, 1867 ; she was born in Penn. ; has one son, Geo. P. McDOWELL F. H. B. Editor; La nark ; born in Freeport, in 1854 ; came to this Co. in 1876 ; he is associated with Wm. Louis, as editor and proprietor of the Carroll Co. Gazette; he married Miss A. F. Magnusson, in 1876 ; she was born in N. Y. McMullen Wm. M. farm hand ; Lanark. McNamer A. farmer; Sec. 31; P. O. Lanark. MANNING I. M. Farmer ; Sec. 24 ; P. O. Lanark ; born in Knox Co., Ohio, in 1818 ; came to this Co. in 1842 ; has held offices of School Director, Assessor, Collector, and Supervisor ; he married Rebecca Har mon, in 1845 ; she was born in Maryland, in 1825; has three children; William, Anna and Cora ; lost one son, Milford. MANNING N. W. Farmer; Sec 25; P. O. Elkhorn Grove; born in Knox Co., Ohio, in 1830 ; came to this Co. in 1851 ; owns 576 acres ; has been School Director ; he married Miss M. J. Schaffer, July 3, 1863 ; she was born in Ohio ; has four chil dren : Wm S., Martha A., George N. and Marshal O. ; lost one son, Ira P. ; he enlisted in the 34th I. V. I., and served till the close of the war. MARR AUGUST, Firm of Marr & Schaad, butchers, Lanark ; born in Ogle Co. in 1854; came to this Co. in Feb., 1876 ; married Mary Nicodemus, Feb. 29, 1876 ; she was bora in Lima Tp., in 1854 ; has one child, Lillie May. Martin Joseph ; clerk ; Lanark. MASTIN C. A. Saddle and Harness Maker ; Lanark ; born in N. Y., in 1851 ; came to this Co. in 1873; he married Miss A. W. Robson, in 1874; she was born in England; has one child. Mastin F. R. retired clergyman; Lanark. Matheny G. H. farm hand; Lanark. Mathina Henry, laborer ; Lanark. Mershon E. H. farmer; Lanark. MERSHON T. O. Physician; and Surgeon ; Lanark ; born in Fleming Co., Ky., in 1818 ; he lived in Iowa from 1856 to 1871, at which time he came to this Co.; he has practiced medicine for 38 years ; he married Miss Mary J. Secrot, in 1844; she was born in Ky. ; he has foir children: - Sarah A., James W, Elias H. and Addie Douglass. Metzger Philip, clerk Lanark Hotel. MEYERS B. K. Farmer; Sec. 16; P. O. Lanark ; born in Lancaster Co., Pa., in 1847 ; came to this Co. in 1874; owns 80 acres; he married Amanda Eckman, in 1870; shev was born in Pa.; has two chil dren : Francis F. and Christian M. Meyers George H. Meyers J. H. wagon maker; Lanark. Meyers J. J. farmer ; Sec. 1 ; P. O. Shannon. MEYER MARTIN, Farmer; Sec. 33; P. O. Lanark; born in Somerset Co., Pa., March 11, 1815; his early education was limited, not attending school quite six months, educated himself by his own efforts and taught school for 13 years dur ing the winter season; engaged in survey ing and was elected County Surveyor of Somerset Co., in 1853 ; was much interested in the ehurch'and was elected deacon and then minister 1st degree, and minister 2d degree ; he came with his family to Carroll Co., Nov. 19, 1863; engaged in farming; was elected minister 3rd degree and or dained elder or bishop, and is house keeper of the Milledgeville Church; mar ried Sarah Witt, from Berlin, Somerset Co., Pa., Aug. 21, 1836; she was born Nov. 27, 1820 ; they have 15 children : Mary, Ada- line, Harriet, Rebecca, David, William, Elias, Sarah, Michael, Anna, Elizabeth, Lydia, Martin W., George and Susan. Meyers M., Jr., farmer; Sec.33; P.O. Lanark. Meyers William M., farmer; P. O. Lanark. MICHAELS JACOB Farmer; Sec. 11 ; P. O. Lanark ; born in 111., in 1848 ; came to this Co. in 1857 ; rents 240 acres of Scott Cowan; he married Miss Sarah Schnee in 1868. Michaels Joseph. 458 oaeeoll"' COUNTY DIBECTOEYt MILLARD JAMES EDGAR, Superintendent of Public Schools for Carroll Co.; Lanark; born in Camp bell, Steuben Co., N. Y, Oct. 7, 1831 ; re moved to Tioga Co., Pa., in 1861 ; resided there until 1865, when he came to Mil ledgeville, this Co. ; settled in Lanark in 1866, where he still resides ; has been a republican since the organization of that party ; was editor and proprietor of the Lanark Banner for three or four years; is a thorough, practical educator, most of his life having been devoted to teaching and literary pursuits ; was elected to the office of Superintendent of Schools for Car roll Co. in the Fall of 1869, after a spirited contest, by a majority of only four votes, which position he has since filled ; is now serving his third term of four years, hav ing been elected in 1877 without organized opposition ; the present efficient condition of the schools ot the Co. shows very con clusively that their care and supervision have fallen into the proper hands ; married Miss Hannah D. Hammond, of Campbell, Steuben Co., NY., Oct. 17, 1855 ; has one son, Norman, born in Bradford, Steuben Co., NY., Dec. 13, 1857. Miller Cyrus, fanner; P. O. Lanark. Miller David, laborer ; Lanark. Miller Geo. W. clerk ; Lanark. MILLER HIRAM M. Farmer; Sec. 21; P. O. Lanark; born in Pa., in 1840; came to this Co. in 1865 : owns 120 acres land; married Miss Rosanna Hoover, in 1867 ; she was born in Pa. ; have two chil dren : Mary Alice and Calvin Ira ; lost one son, Baton E. Mishler Fred, confectioner ; Lanark. Mizemer W. H. laborer ; Lanark. Moffett T. M. druggist; Lanark. Moor D. farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Lanark. MOORE J. H. Editor; Lanark; born in Va., in 1846; lived in Woodford Co., 111., Cedar Co., Mo., and in Adams, Cass and Champaign Cos., 111. ; he was elected to the University, in 1868 ; -settled in this place in 1876, and is associated with M. M. Eshelmen and S. H. Bashor as editor and publisher of the Brethren at Work; married Mary S. Bishop, in 1872 ; she was born in Ind., and moved to Champaign Co., 111., at an early age, where she re mained until married ; have two children : Geo. B. and Jas. M. MOORE MALLERY, Farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Lanark; born in Pa., in 1838; came to this Co. in 1861 ; owns 160 acres land. Moore Wm. farmer ; Sec. 34 ; P. O. Lanark. MORRIS DAVID, Farmer; Sec. 35; P. O. Lanark; bom in Bradford Co., Pa., in 1833 ; came to this Co. in 1856 ; owns 144 acres land; married Mary Jacques, May 30, 1876 ; she was bom in Pa,, and died in 1877. MORRIS JOHN, Farmer and Stock Raiser; Sec. 32; P. O. Lanark; born in Bradford Co., Pa., in 1831 ; came to this Co. in 1854; owns 480 acres land; holds office of School Director; married Miss Sarah Copp, in 1862 ; she was born in N. H. ; have two children: George and Baby; lost two. Myers Christ, carpenter; Lanark. Myers Geo. farmer; Sec. 33; P.O.Lanark. Myers H. L. farmer; Sec. 1; P. O. Shannon. MYERS JASPER T. Farmer; Sec 1 ; P. O. Shannon; born in Orange Co., N. Y., in 1821 ; came to this Co. in 1862; owns 160 acres land; has served as School Director; married Esther Hoyt, in 1850; she was born in Conn. ; have six children : Hendricks L., Jason J., Jasper F., Marion, Martin and Myra; lost two: Emma and Maltbie. Myers W. T. farmer; Sec. 33; P. O. Lanark. "JVTEWCOMER D. O. farmer; Lanark. Newcomer Geo. retired farmer ; Lanark. Newcomer T. W. ditcher ; Lanark. NICHOL ELLIOTT, Farmer; Sec. 2; P. O. Lanark; born in Scotland, in 1825; came to this Co. in 1859; owns 160 acres land ; holds office of School Direct or; married Mary Scott, in 1858; she was bora m Scotland ; have six children : Eliz abeth, Robert S., George W., Agnes, Thomas and Elliott; lost one son, Walter. NOBLE BENJ. Grocer; Lanark; born in Bristol, Eng., in 1822; came to this country in 1844 ; lived 9 years in Mass., and 3 years in Australia, previous to his coming to Carroll Co. in 1861 ; has held office of School Director, and holds office of Justice of the Peace; married Mary White, in 1843, who was born in England, and died in 1857; married Hannah H. Perry, in 1865 ; she was born in N. Y. ; has seven children : George W., Ada W. and Thursa S., by first marriage ; Althea R., Harriet H., Herbert and Baby, by sec ond marriage. /^VKIEF TIMOTHY, retired; Lanark. OBER SAMUEL, Farmer; Sec 33; P. O. Lanark ; born in Penn. in 1813 ; came to this Co. in 1869; owns 227 acres land; married Mary Lichty, in 1837 ; she was born in Pa. ; lost two children : Jacob and Elizabeth; have four grandchildren: Sam uel, Joseph, Mary and Annie Miller. Oldt F. F. T. principal public schools; Lanark. Olmsted Edson P. farm hand ; Lanark. PALEY JOHN, Cashier First Na tional Bank of Lanark ; born in Eng land, in 1848 ; came to this Co. in Feb., 1871; married Miss H. Hollister, in 1872; she was born in N. Y. ; have two children : Robt. M. and Clara. BOCK CEEEK TOWNSHIP. 459 Parker Wm. retired ; Lanark. Parsons R. farmer ; Sec. 3 ; P. O. Lanark. Paul Jacob, farmer ; Sec 13 : P. 0. Lanark. Paynter John, teamster ; Lanark. Peck J., Sr., retired farm ; S. 17 ; P. O. Lanark. Peck J., Jr., farmer ; Sec. 17 ; P. O. Lanark. Peck J. H. farmer; Sec. 17; P. O. Lanark. Peck L. farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Fremont Peck S. J. farmer ; Sec. 17 ; P. O. Lanark. Peters G farmer ; Sec. 36 ; P. O. Fremont. PETERS JOHN, Farmer ; Sec.36 ; P.O. Elkhorn Grove ; born in Germany, in 1831 ; came to this country in 1852, and to this Co. in 1854 ; owns 220 acres of land ; has held office of School Director ¦, married Theodora Schriner, in 1855 ; she was born in Germany, and died in 1862 ; then mar ried Mary Snoble, in 1863 ; she was born in Pennsylvania; has two children by first marriage, Adelia and Catharine; six by second; Reuben, Frank, John, Albert, Melinda and Lauraetta. Pierce R. M. carpenter ; Lanark. Pierce William, Lanark. Plock G farmer; Sec. 24; P. O. Lanark. Plock H. farmer; Sec. 24; P. O. Lanark. Pollock J. A. painter ; Lanark. Porter John B. physician ; Lanark. Porter P. physician ; Lanark. Porter P. P. druggist ; Lanark. Price John T. butter dealer ; Lanark. Puterbaugh Calvin, teacher ; Lanark. PUTERBAUGHF. P. Farmer; Sec. 18 ; P. O. Lanark ; born in this Co. in 1851 ; rents 170 acres of his father ; he married Bertha Lutz, in 1876; she was born in Penn. PUTERBAUGH H. S. Druggist, Chemist and Bookseller ; born in Carroll Co., in 1850 ; has been established in busi ness five years. T3 AHN JOHN, farmer; P. O. Shannon. RAHN CONRAD, Farmer; Sec. 13; P.O.Shannon; born in Ogle Co., 1847; come to this Co. in 1849 ; owns 62 acres ; he married Catharine Snoble, in 1867 ; she was bora in Penn., and died June 3, 1873 ; he married Maggie Dill, in 1874 ; she was born in Germany; has six children by first marriage, William O., Henry S., Mary E., George, Frank and John E. ; two by second marriage, James O. and Elmer. RAHN JOHN C. Farmer; Sec. 24; P. O. Shannon; bom in Germany, in 1844; came to this Co. in 1849 ; owns 80 acres ; he married Mary E. Messner, in 1867 ; she was born in Penn. ; they have three chil dren, Clinton A., Ida J. and John A. ; Mr. Rahn enlisted in the 15th I. V. I., and served until the close of the war. Ramson H. farmer ; Sec. 34 ; P, O. Lanark. Ranson G. farmer ; Sec. 35 ; P. O. Lanark. RANSOM MINER, Farmer; Sec. 35; P. O. Lanark; born in Penn., in 1813; came to this Co., in 1852 ; owns 120 acres ; he married Elizabeth Shonk, in 1838 ; she was born in New Jersey ; they have eight children, Elsia, Charles, Caleb, Keturah, Michael, George, Harrison and Rhoda; lost three ; Charles enlisted in the 15th I. V. I., and served until the close of the war; Caleb enlisted in the 34th I. V. I., and was wounded at Stone River. Rapp Lewis, blacksmith ; Lanark. Redline John G. tinsmith ; Lanark. RENNER WM. Retired Farmer; La nark; born in Hagarstown, Maryland, in 1807 ; he came to this Co.,in 1837 ; he carted wheat to Chicago and sold for forty cents per bushel ; has sold dressed pork for $1.00 per 100 pounds ; he made the first trail from North Grove to Wilson's Mills ; has held offices of School Director, Highway Com missioner and Assessor; he married Miss Mary A. Rench, in 1831 ; she was born in Maryland ; they have ten children living, Rebecca, Simon P., John D., William H., Samuel I., Eli P., Elizabeth J., Annie, David B., Daniel A. ; lost one son, Theo dore. REYNOLDS HENRY, Retired; Lanark; born in Essex Co., N. Y., in 1806 ; he removed to Ohio, in 1827 ; he lived in Michigan seven years, and built twenty miles of the Michigan Southern R. R., and came to Carroll Co., in 1844; has held offices of County Commissioner, School Trustee, School Director and Su pervisor ; he married Miss Eleanor Hay- ward, April 29, 1827 ; she was born in N. Y. ; they have seven children living, Lewis, Phoebe A., Josephine, Charles, George, Mary and John; lost four; their sons, William and Charles, enlisted in the 96th I. V. I. ; the former was brutally murdered after his surrender, at a skirmish near Ringgold ; one son, Robert, enlisted in the 15th I. V. I., and was the first man en listed in Carroll Co. ; he served three years. REYNOLDS J. L. Firm of Reynolds & Graham, Dealers in Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps ; Lanark ; born in Carroll Co., in Feb. 1851 ; he married Miss Carrie Goodell, in 1873; she was born in this Co. ; has two children, Flora and Fannie. RINEHART HENRY A. Farmer; Sec. 2; P. O. Lanark; born in Md., in 1840 ; came to this Co. in 1870 ; owns 93 acres; he married Miss A. E. Lowman in Feb., 1866 ; she was born in Ogle Co. ; has three children: Theodore, Sarah J., and Genora. Rister Henry, farm; Sec. 27; P. O. Lanark. RORINSON ANDREW, Farmer; Sec. 31 ; P. O. Lanark ; born in N. Y., 460 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIEECTOBY: 1810; came to this Co. April 7, 1854; owns 322 acres ; has held office School Director ; he married Affa Smith in 1833 ; has seven children : Alanson B., William H., Sarah, John, Lydia A., Perry, and Andrew. Robinson Henry, farm; Sec. 31 ; P.O. Lanark. ROBINSON W. H. Farmer; Sec. 15; P. O. Lanark ; born in Seneca Co., N. Y., in 1840 ; came to this Co. in 1856 ; owns 120 acres ; holds office of School Director ; he married Miss Cornelia Becker in 1868 ; she was born in Pa. ; has three children : Harry, Hattie, and Virgil. ROOT G. A. Farmer; Sec. 15; P. O. Lanark ; born in Conn, in 1839 ; owns 120 acres ; has held offices of School Trustee and Assessor, and holds office of Super visor; he enlisted in the 7th I. V. G, as a private, and was promoted to Ser geant, then to 2nd Lieutenant, and 1st Lieutenant, and served as Adjutant three years, and was promoted to Major; he was at the siege and battle of Corinth, luka, Colliersville, Nashville, Franklin and in Grierson's Raid, and was mustered out after serving four years and three months ; he married Helen Fletcher in 1866; she was born in Carroll Co. ; has three chil dren : Anna, Fletcher, and Lizzie. Rose N. R. city marshal ; Lanark. Ross William, wagon maker ; Lanark. Roth Conrad, boot and shoe dealer ; Lanark. Rowland Augustus M. clerk; Lanark. Rowland M. clerk ; Lanark. Roger David B. carpenter ; Lanark. Rupp David, farmer ; Brink Place. RUTHRAUFF JOHN R. Carpen ter; Lanark; born in Franklin Co., Pa., in 1833; came to this Co., June 13, 1856; holds offices of Collector and City Alder man; he married Mary A. Garner in 1858 ; she was born in Carroll Co. ; has two children, Millie Bell and Laura May. OANTMAN ELIAS, farmhand; Lanark. Santiman John, farm hand ; Lanark. Schaffer John. Schadt Philip, butcher ; Lanark. SCHREINER GEORGE, Farmer ; Sec 34; P. O. Lanark ; born in this Co. in 1848 ; owns 166 acres ; he married Louisa Bond in 1872 ; she was born in England ; has two children, May and Jennie. SCHREINER GEORGE H. Farmer; Sec. 36; P. O. Lanark; born in Germany in 1808; came to this Co. in 1845 ; owns 149 acres ; he married Eliza beth Rahn in 1835 ; she was born Germany ; has seven children: Peter, Christiana, Warner, Theodore, George, Mary and John. SCHREINER JOHN H. Farmer; Sec 25 ; P. O. Lanark ; born in this Co. in 1852 ; owns 80 acres ; he married Lucy Fry, in 1876 ; she was born in Ogle Co. ; has one child. SCHREINER PETER, Farmer; Sec 36 ; P. O. Lanark ; born in Germany in 1835 ; came to this Co. in- 1845 ; owns 520 acres ; holds office of School Director he married Miss Catharine Peters, in 1855 she was born in Germany; seven children John, Christiana, Adelaide, Wesley, Melinda, Rosa, and Albert. SCHREINER THEODORE, Farmer; Sec. 26; P. O. Lanark; born in Germany in 1842; came to this Co. in 1845 ; owns 80 acres ; he married Elizabeth Miller, in 1863 ; she was born in Germany ; has three children : Charles Henry, Cpori, and Ezra. SCHREINER W. Farmer; Sec. 26 P. O. Lanark; born in Germany in 1841 came to this Co. in 1845 ; owns 165 acres he married Miss Catharine Miller, in 1861 she was born in Germany ; has two chil dren, Amelia and Mary. Schoen Carl, harness maker ; Lanark. Schrock Josiah, farmer; P. O. Lanark. Schumcker Levi, farmer ; Lanark. Scott Lafayette, farmer; P. O. Lanark. SCOTT SAMUEL, Farmer; Sec. 18; P. O. Lanark ; born in N. J. in 1826 ; came to this Co., June 15, 1849 ; owns 180 acres ; holds office of School Director ; he enlisted in the 34th I. V. I., and served until the close of the war; he married Mrs. Mar garet Newman (whose maiden name was Neikirk), in 1851; she was born in Md.; has eight children: Mary E., Alice J., Olive R., Manasses N, Lizzie R , Laura V., Milo W., and Maggie. Scovil B. G. farmer ; Lanark. SHAFFER JACOB, Farmer; Sec. 28; P. O. Lanark; born in Pa., 1815; came to this Co. in 1852; owns 120 acres; holds office of School Director ; he married Miss Susan Powers, in Feb., 1838; she was born in Pa. ; has eight children : Joshua, Samuel T., Jemima, John, Catharine, Jacob, Emma, and Franklin; lost two, William and Ellen J. Sheller J. G. tailor ; Lanark. Sherwood G. W. banker; Lanark. Sherwood Warren, laborer ; Lanark. SHI LEY MRS. ELIZABETH, Farmer ; Sec. 2 ; P. O. Lanark ; born in Ohio, in 1840; came to this Co., in 1852; own 120 acres ; she married John Shiley in 1861 ; he was born in Pa., and was killed by lightning Oct 29, 1875 ; has 4 children, Laura A., William S., Elda A., John N. SHILEY TOBIAS, Farmer; Sec. 12; P.O. Lanark; born in Northumberland Co., Pa., in 1819; came to this state in 1845, and to this Co. in 1867; owns 325 acres; has held office of School Director; he married Elizabeth Hornberger in 1839; BOCK GREEK TOWNSHIP. 461 she was bom in Pa.; has 12 children: John, Susanna, Tobias H., Ben, William, Henry, Sarah, Peter, Catherine, Samuel, Mary, and Amanda M. Shiley, Wm. farmer ; Sec. 12 ; P. O. Lanark. Shirey Charles, baker ; Lanark. Shively Christian, retired ; Lanark. Shultz F. M. farmer; Sec. 6; P. O. Lanark. Shultze H. D. Christian Lutheran Church ; Lanark. SHUMWAY A. Druggist and Notary Public ; bom in Winnebago Co., April 11, 1838 ; he came to this Co., in 1859 ; has been in the business 13 years ; he was the first police magistrate of the town, and the first City Attorney under city organi zation ; has held office of Justice of the Peace 16 years, and Town Clerk; he does a general collecting business for Car roll Co. ; he married Miss Emily A. Man ning, in 1861 ; she was born in Ohio; hits 3 children, Jennie, Rosa and Hattie. Sickles Geo. A. farm hand; Lanark. Siry Casper, farmer ; Sec. 14; P. O. Lanark. Sleer John A. carpenter ; Lanark. Slick J. N. clerk ; Lanark. SLICK JEREMIAH, Retired Farm er; Lanark; was born in Maryland in 1822; came to this Co., in 1853; has held offices of Highway Commissioner and School Director; he married Elizabeth Sedy in 1847 ; she was born in Maryland ; has 5 sons, George G, Jeremiah Luther, David A., John N., and Jerome Roscoe. Slifer Ezram, farmer; Sec 19; P. O. Lanark. Slifer Henry, retired farmer ; Lanark. SMITH ADAM, Farmer; Sec. 23; P. O. Lanark ; bora in Germany in 1819 ; came to this Co. in 1856 ; owns 85 acres ; he mar ried Fredrika Dowilder, in 1846; she was born in Germany; has 5 children, Charles, William, Louisa, Mary and Catherine; lost 3 children. SMITH GEO. A. Station Agent, La nark; born in Wisconsin, in 1841; came to this Co., in 1868 ; he enlisted in the 2d la. V. I., and was wounded at the first battle of Fort Donelson ; he married Miss Hattie M. Piatt, in 1866 ; she was born in New York; has three children, Mazie, Geo. H. and Homer F. Smith Patrick, laborer ; Lanark. Smith Wm., R. R. hand ; Lanark. Snyder D. H. carpenter ; Lanark. Snyder Sam. A. laborer; Lanark. SNOBLE ELIAS, Farmer; Sec. 11; P. O. Lanark; born in Pa., 1816; came to this state in 1849 ; owns 80 acres ; has served as School Director; he married Elizabeth Viger, in 1848; she was born in Pa., and died Jan. 1, 1877 ; has 8 children, Ellen, Hiram, Columbus, John, Nelson, Amanda, George, and Marcus ; lost 2 ; he has carted his pork to Galena, and sold for $1.50 per cwt., and eggs for 3 cts., and butter 6 cts., all in trade. Speicher Christian, Lanark. STALEY W. G. Restaurant and Con fectionery; Lanark; born in Ohio, in 1852; came to this Co., June 21, 1876; he mar-. ried Miss Katie Tomlinson, in 1877 ; she was born in Ohio. Steffy Solomon. STEVENS J AMES S. Farmer; Sec. 22 ; P. O. Lanark ; born in Pa., in 1826 ; came to this Co. in 1854; owns 280 acres; has held offices of School Director and Road Commissioner, and was the first Town Clerk after the organization of the Tp. ; he married Miss Emily Birge,in 1851 ; she was born in Pa. : has 1 son, Oscar. Stickler Fred, drayman ; Lanark. Stein Conrad, Lanark. STILES JOHN S. Farmer; Sec. 5; P. O. Lanark ;'born in New York, in 1819; came to this Co., in 1865; has held office of Collector ; he married Nancy Snell in 1851 ; she was born in New York; has 3 children, J. Stephen, George S. and Jessie L. STEINEMAN JOHN Farmer; Sec. 3; P. O. Lanark; born in Germany, 1834; cametothis Co. in 1860; owns 80 acres; his father, Bernard Steineman, enlisted in the 92d I. V. I., and died from accident received while in pursuit of the enemy near Nashville. STEINEMAN MABTIN Farmer; Sec. 6; P. O. Lanark; born in Germany, Jan. 26,1832 ; came to this Co., in Oct., 1855 ; owns 175 acres; he married Miss Mary Sivelly, in 1854; she was born in Pa.; has 8 children: Lizzie, Emma, Lillie, Charles, Olive, Victor, Scott and Maud. STITT JOHN, Farmer; Sec 10; P. O. Lanark; born in Franklin Co., Pa., in 1815; came to this Co. in March, 1864; owns 40 acres ; has held office of School Director; married Margaret Wilt in 1839 ; she was born in Pa. ; they have two children : John and Elizabeth. Stitt John, Jr., farmer; P. O. Lanark. Stone G W. stock and grain dealer ; Lanark. STOUFFER P. B. Dealer in Gro ceries, etc.; Lanark; born in Pa., in 1830; came to this Co. in 1854 ; has held office of School Director for many years ; mar ried Miss Mary Miller, Sept. 10, 1850 ; she was born in Washington Co., Md. ; have two children : John W. and Emma Kate. STOVER E. Manufacturer of the Stover Wind Pumps and Barbs for fence wire ; Lanark; bora in Franklin Co., Pa., in 1828 ; came to this Co. in 1853 ; has held office of School Director; married Mis<< Sarah I. Moffett, in 1856; she was born in Carroll Co.; they have two children: Robert and Frank. 462 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIEEOTOBY: STRANG TV. G. Blacksmith; Lanark; born on the line between N. Y. and Pa., in 1814; came to Ogle Co. in 1836, and to this Co. in 1863 ; married Mary M. Lowell, in 1847 ; she was born in N. Y. ; they have six children : Mary M., Alice J., Martha A., Clara A., Willie and Nellie. SWORD HENRY, Retired ; Lanark ; born in Pa., in 1806 ; came to this Co. in 1847; married Miss Hannah Martin, in 183 1 ; she was born in Pa. ; they have five children: Elizabeth, Catharine, Martin, James 0. and Susan. Sward M. V. pressman ; Lanark. Syforth Ed. watch mkr. and jeweler; Lanark. T ABRE G. G Lanark. w ALES G E. hardware ; Lanark. Tabre O. B. hotel keeper ; Lanark. TALLMAN JOHN, Farmer; Sec. 23; P. O. Lanark ; born in Pa., in 1841 ; came to this Co. in 1866 ; owns 120 acres ; holds office of School Director ; married Sarah Sarber, April 10, 1868; they have four children: Ellen P., Jacob A., Ada F., Cora A. ; lost one daughter, Anna M. ; he en listed in the 173d Pa. V. I., and served 10 months ; he afterwards enlisted in the 9th Pa. V. G TALLMAN MATHIAS, Lanark; born in Pa., Sept 12, 1833 ; came to this Co. in Dec, 1866; owns 160 acres; has held office of School Director; married Miss Sallie Buffing, in 1855 ; she was born in Pa. ; they have seven children living : Henry F., George W., Amanda, Birdie, Edward, Luella and Baby ; lost three chil dren: John J., Annie M. and Maria E. Taylor W. S. farmer, Teachout Henry, horse buyer ; Lanark. Teachout Henry, Jr., painter : Lanark. Thompson M. B. farm ; Sec. 32 ; P. O.Lanark. Thompson R. A. retired farmer; Sec. 31 ; P. O. Lanark. Thompson W. L. well digger ; Lanark. Thompson W. P. Tomlinson Andrew, Lanark. TRESCOTT M. Lumber Dealer; La nark ; born in Penn, in 1825 ; came to Ogle Co. in 1825, and to this Co., in 1861 ; has held offices of Town Trustee, Supervisor, School (Trustee, School Treasurer, and is the Mayor of the city ; he married Miss Mary J. Powell, in 1863 ; she was born in Ohio ; they have four children, Edwin M., Wm. S., Charles E. and Buritt G. Trum G farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Lanark. VALENTINE J. T. Grocer; La nark ; born in Washington Co., Mary land, in 1839; came to this Co., in 1876; he mar/ied Miss Cressia K. Hartley, in 1865 ; she was born in Washington Co., Maryland; they have three children, Maudie A., Ida S. and Cora M, WALES H. W. Physician and Sur geon ; Lanark ; born in Ogle Co., in 1840 ; came to this Co., in 1864 ; was educated at the Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago ; he married Miss Lizzie Muir, in 1865; she was born in N. Y. ; they have three children, Albert, Fred and Henry W. WALES R. P. Physician and Surgeon Lanark ; born in Ogle Co., in 1838 ; came to this Co., in 1859 ; has practiced medi cine for seventeen years ; he married Miss Anna Belding, in 1863 ; she was born in Penn. : they have two children, Albertine M. and Marianna. WALTER CALEB, Farmer; Sec. 5; P. O. Lanark ; born in Union Co., Penn., 1829 ; came to this Co., in 1851 ; owns 102 acres; he married Miss Isabel O'Neal, in 1853 ; she was born in N. Y. ; they have two children, Sarah and Mary. WABNER ELI, Farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Lanark ; born in Penn., Feb. 20, 1813 ; came to this Co., in 1869 ; owns 80 acres ; he married Sallie A. Cole, in 1844 ; she was born in Penn., and died in 1875 ; has two children, Jerub A. and Phinis. Waters Josiah. WATERS R. Farmer ; Sec 23 ; P.O. La nark ; born in Pa.,in 1817 ; came to this Co., in 1855 ; has held office of School Director and Justice of the Peace ; he owns 280 acres; he married Miss Margaret G Hower, in 1873; she was born inPenn.,in 1826; has five children by former mar riage, Josiah, Mary, John, Laura and Andrews; Mrs. Waters has one son by former marriage, William J. Hower. Way Henry, photographer ; Lanark. WEED GEO. H. Meat Market; La nark ; born in 111., in 1849 ; came to this Co. in 1857 ; married Miss Leah Lower, in 1874; she was born in Pa. ; they have two children : Charlie and David. WELCH J. H. Baker and Confectioner; Lanark ; born in Iowa, in 1854 ; came to this Co. in 1874 ; is associated with F. B. Boyle, under the firm name of Boyle & Welch. Wells Geo. D. farmer; Sec. 15; P.O. Lanark. Wells R. L. farmer; Sec. 15; P. O. Lanark. Werntz James O. saloon ; Lanark. Wheat James G carpenter; Lanark. WHITE O. L. R. Retired Physician; Lanark; born in Mass., in 1816; came to this state in Oct., 1846, and to this Co. in April, 1864; owns 280 acres ; married Miss Mary S. Smythe, in 1852 ; she was born in N. H. ; they have four children : Estelle F., Caroline G, Emma G. and Henry Kirk. Widner J. O. blacksmith ; Lanark. Wiley Daniel D. pump dealer ; Lanark. Wiley S. C. plasterer ; Lanark. BOOK OEEEK TOWNSHIP. 463 Wills D. G carpenter; Lanark. Willis L. blacksmith ; Lanark. Wilson Rev. J. A. pastor Christian Church ; Lanark. WILSON J. S. Furniture Dealer; Lanark ; born in O., in 1838 ; came to this Co. in 1873 ; married Mary J. Bishop, in 1859 ; she was born in O., and died in 1872 ; in 1874, he married Mrs. Kate Mowry, who was bom in Pa. ; have two children : Carrie and Frederick. Wiltsey Joseph, poultry dealer ; Lanark. Wirth George, barber ; Lanark. Witt Herman, farmer; Sec. 8; P. O. Lanark. WOLF AMOS, Farmer and Stock Raiser; Sec. 9; P. O. Lanark; born in this Co. in 1845 ; owns 380 acres ; has sold 177 head of hogs in one shipment of his own raising, netting him $4,828 ; has held office of School Director; married Miss Susan Sword, in 1867 ; she was born in Pa. ; they have four children : Addie A., Carrie E., Franklin G. and Ora May. Wolf D. E. laborer ; Lanark. Wolf John, capitalist ; Lanark. Wolfley J. D. carpet weaver ; Lanark. Wood E. S. painter ; Lanark. Wood John D. machinist ; Lanark. Wood Jno. J. farmer; Sec. 8; P. 0. Lanark. Wood R. S. laborer; Lanark. WOODIN STEPHEN, Farmer; Sec. 21; P. O. Lanark; born in this Co., June 19, 1851 ; owns 240 acres land. Woodside T. H. cabinet maker ; Lanark. WOODSIDE J. Furniture Dealer and Undertaker ; Lanark ; born in Pa., Dec 11, 1821; came to this Co. in April, 1862; married Miss Henrietta Eshelman, July 19, 1852; she was born in Pa., Oct. 14, 1829; she died Aug. 20, 1866; married Esther Rechmire, April 27, 1869 ; she was born in Pa.; has four children living: T. Howard, Agnes J., Joseph F. and George B. ; one daughter, Elnora, died July 11, 1860. CENTER GOTLIEB, laborer; Lanark. YEAGER JOS. Wagon and Carriage Maker; Lanark; born in Pa., in 1832; came to this Co. in 1861 ; holds office of School Director ; married Miss Sarah A. Bowers, in 1856 ; she was born in Pa. ; have five children : Verna G, J. A. Frank, Mary I., J. R. Henry, Jennie I. ; lost one son, Alfred. 464 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIEEOTOEY: FAIR HAVEN TOWNSHIP. ALTENSEN GEORGE, farmer; Sec. 6; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Altensen H., Sr., farm; S.5;P. O. Mt. Carroll. Altensen H.,Jr., farm ; S.5 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. BACHMAN CHRISTIAN, farmer; Sec 10; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Bell Francis, postmaster and farmer; Sec. 28; P.O. Fair Haven. Bell Joseph, farm; Sec.34; P.O. Fair Haven. Bissell Chr. farm; Sec. 9; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Bohn Samuel, farm ; Sec. 1 ; P.O. Lanark. Boyts Jno. farm; Sec. 30; P.O. Fair Haven. Boyts J. A. farm; Sec. 30; P.O. Fair Haven. Brubaker H. farm; S. 27; P.O. Fair Haven. Byerly John, farm ; Sec. 19 ; P.O. Thomson. COON R. R. farm; Sec. 3; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Croom Robt. farm ; Sec 34 ; P.O. Fair Haven. DAHLER HENRY, farm; Sec. 3; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Dahler L. farmer; Sec. 12; P. O. Mt Carroll. Dahler J. G farm; Sec. 3; P. O. Mt Carroll. Daubmann H. farm ; S.13 ; P.O.Milledgeville. Dampman Conrad. Davis G W. school teacher ; Sec.7 ; P. O. Argo. Davis Chr. renter ; Sec.21 ; P. O. Fair Haven. Davis J. M. farmer ; Sec. 7 ; P. O. Argo. Davis Monroe farmer; Sec. 7; P. O. Argo. Davis Rufus ; agent ; Sec. 7 ; P. O. Argo. Dial Wesley, farmer ; Sec. 30 ; P.O. Thomson. Diehl Fred, farmer ; Sec.ll ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Diehl Jacob, farmer ; Sec. 3 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Dietterich Harvey, farmer ; Sec. 30 ; P.O. Fair Haven. Dietz Eli, farmer; Sec. 34; P.O. Fair Haven. Dietz J. L. farmer ; Sec. 34 ; P.O. Fair Haven ECKHART GEORGE, laborer; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Emerson G farmer; Sec. 8 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Emerson R. G. farm ; Sec. 8 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. FINK MICHAEL, farmer; Sec 24; P.O. Fair Haven. Fox Daniel, farmer ; Sec.31 ; P.O. Fair Haven. Fox Henry, farmer ; Sec. 31 ; P.O. Fair Haven Fox Jno. A. arm; Sec. 3; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Fox Jno. B. farm; Sec. 3; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Fox Jno. G renter ; Sec.31 ; P.O. Fair Haven. Fox Josiah, lab; Sec. 29; P.O. Fair Haven. Frederick G farm; Sec. 3; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Frederick J. farm; Sec 10; P.O. Mt. Carroll. FRENCH HARVEY M. Farmer; Sec. 6 ; P.O. Argo ; born in York Tp., this Co., Feb. 24, 1844; is a son of James H. French ; owns 40 acres land ; married Car oline R. Otis, Nov. 4, 1868; she was born in this Co. ; they have two sons and two daughters: Minnie May, Norman O., Gertie and Bernee. Fulton David, farm ; Sec. 19 ; P.O. Thomson. Fulton David K. farm ; S. 19 ; P.O. Thomson. Funk Balser, farm; Sec. 10 ; P.O. Mt.Carroll. GABLE HENRY, farmer; Sec 5; P.O. Mt. Carroll. GALUSHA L. E. Farmer; Sec 15; P. O. Fair Haven; born in Town of Sodus, Wayne Co., N. Y., Sept 26, 1818; came to this town in Nov., 1844; built the first house in the Tp. ; has been Town Clerk about 18 years ; was School Treasurer a number of years; has been married twice; first wife was Editha R. Brown, native of Ohio; married in 1843; died in April, 1858; married again to Ella A. Hewett, in June, 1860 ; she was born in Steuben Co., N. Y., in 1836 ; has five children by first wife, six by second : Daniel, Elma, Robert, James, Mary, Perry, Alinson, Hemy, Emma, Byron and Sarah L. Geisz Henry, farm; Sec. 6; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Geltmacher G farm; S. 8; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Geltmacher F. farm; S. 8; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Ginter H. farmer; Sec. 4; P. O.Mt. Carroll. GOLDING JAS. Farmer; Sec. 20 j P. O. Fair Haven ; born in England, Dec. 30, 1828 ; came to the U. S. and to this Co. in Dec, 1852; owns 140 acres land; mar ried Miss Annie Grant, June 17, 1852; she was born in Inverness, Scotland, in June, 1829 ; they have one son and one daugh ter: Sarah, born in this Co., Feb. 13, 1854; Wm., May 28, 1856 ; was School Director a number of years. Gorwick Chas. farmer; Sec. 35; P. O. Fair Haven. Gorwick Jacob, farmer ; Sec. 36 ; P. O. Fair Haven. Gorwick Lewis, farmer ; Sec. 35 ; P. O. Fair Haven. Grady H. farmer; Sec. 33; P. O. Fair Haven Grady J. farmer; Sec 33 ; P. O. Fair Haven. Grady Jno. farm ; Sec. 33 ; P. O. Fair Haven. GRADDY T. B. Farmer; Sec. 33; P. O. Fair Haven; born in Nova Scotia, in 1812; came to the U. S. and this Co. in 1871 ; owns 127 acres land ; married Miss Rebecca Stephens, in 1846; she was born in the same place, in 1825 ; they have five sons and three daughters: John, born Sept. 15, 1847; James, Sept. 16, 1849; FAIB HAVEN 'TOWNSHIP. 465 Henry, Oct. 10, 1851 ; Thomas, Dec. 25, 1856; Robert, Feb. 16, 1858; Annie, May 12, 1861; Lucy, April 20, 1863; Lizzie, Oct 29, 1868, Green P. renter; Sec. 29 ; P. O. Fair Haven. Greenwalt Philip, carpenter; Sec. 29; P. O. Fair Haven. H AAG ANDREW farmer; Sec. 16; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Haag John, farmer ; Sec. 16 ; P.O.Fair Haven. Hager G. farmer; Sec. 30; P. O. Fair Haven. Hage Joseph, laborer ; P. O. Fair Haven. Harris J. farmer ; Sec. 15 ; P. O. Fair Haven. Hartman H. farmer; Sec. 5 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Hartman J. farmer ; Sec. 4 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. HARTMAN MICHAEL, Farmer; Sec. 4; P. O. Mt. Carroll; born in Hesse- Darmstadt, Germany, Oct. 16, 1 843 ; came to the U. 8. and to this Co. in 1854; owns 80 acres ; married Annie M. Traum, Dec. 16, 1869 ; she was born in the same place ; they have two sons and two daughters : William, born Feb. 28, 1871; George, March 27, 1873 ; Annie, Jan. 27, 1876 ; has been School Trustee, and is School Director. Haslam Jas. farmer ; Sec.21 ; P.O.Fair Haven. HATHAWAY EDWIN, Farmer; Sec. 22 ; P. O. Fair Haven ; was born in Geauga Co., O., Jan. 19, 1832; came to this Co. in Nov., 1853 ; has been Justice of the Peace for 20 years ; has been School Treas urer since 1861, Assessor 4 years, Town Clerk 2 years ; owns 340 acres ; married Miss Flora A. Downs, April 6, 1858 ; she was born in Bradford Co., Pa., April 18, 1838 ; they have four sons and three daugh ters : Hattie M., born Jan. 14, 1859 ; Frank L., Feb. 20, 1865; Fred D., May 28, 1866; J. Bird, Jan. 13, 1872; Lola M., March 24, 1873; Eva B., May 28, 1874; Charles E., July 28, 1875 ; lost two sons and two daugh ters : Carrie B., born May 10, 1861, died Jan. 24, 1863 ; Nettie A., bora April 23, 1860; died Feb. 12, 1863; James E., bora Aug. 13, 1863, died Sept 18, 1864; Burton, born July 5, 1870; died March 3, 1871; Mr. H. taught school 12 terms in Fair Haven. Heacock J. 8. farm ; Sec. 23 ; P.O.Fair Haven. Hill David, renter; Sec. 11 ; P. O. Lanark. Hiller Geo. farmer ; Sec. 35 ; P.O.Fair Haven. Hiller M. farmer; Sec. 35; P.O. Fair Haven. Hinkle Franz, farmer; Sec. 3; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Hohnadel G. farm. 8. 22; P. O. Fair Haven. Hohnadel Henry, Sr., farmer; Sec. 22; P. O. Fair Haven. Hohnadel Henry, Jr., farmer; Sec. 22; P. O. Fair Haven. HOLT HENRY H. Farmer; Sec. 21; P. O. Fair Haven ; was born in Geauga Co., Ohio, July 31, 1841 ; he came to this town and Co., in Nov., 1850; owns 80 acres; he married Miss Mary N. Dyer, Sept. 29, 1866 ; she was born Bradford Co., Pa., June 6, 1848 ; they have 3 sons and 2 daughters : Edgar G, born June 20, 1867 ; Orpha B., Feb. 7, 1869 ; Carrie M., Nov. 7, 1871; Edwin R, June 14, 1874; James L., Oct. 21, 1876 ; he served nearly five years in the late Rebellion ; enlisted April 21, 1861 , mustered out Oct. 24, 1865 served in Co. K, 15th I. V. I. ; is constable Homedew G H. farm. S. 7 ; P.O. Mt Carroll Homedew Nat. farm. S. 7; P.O. Mt. Carroll Homedew N.B. farm. ; S. 7 ; P.O. Mt.Carroll HOMEDEW SAMUEL A. Farmer : Sec. 7; P. O. Mt. Carroll ; was born in St. Lawrence Co., New York, June 26, 1838 ; came to this Co. in Sept., 1851 ; owns 157 acres; was Commissioner of Highways three terms; he married Miss Sallie Dwi- nell ; she was born in Brandon,Rutland Co., Vt, Sept. 16, 1820; they were married Aug. 23, 1849 ; have 4 sons : Geo. W., born Sept., 23, 1850, Chas. H., April 6, 1852; Nathan iel J., June 20, 1856 ; Henman B., Sept. 14, 1858. Houghman H. farm. ; S. 5 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Houghman J. farmer ; S. 5 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. HOWE H. D. Farmer; Sec. 1; P. O. Lanark; was born in Carroll Co., N. H., March 10, 1814; has been a resident of this Co. 24 years ; owns 148 acres ; he married Miss Eliza A. Johnson, Feb. 2, 1836 ; she was bora the same Co., Sept. 18,1810 ; they have one son living, Orlando, born Feb. 27, 1844; lost one son and two daughters : Isah J., born Jan. 31, 1839, died June 25, 1863; Elmira W., born Oct., 14, 1850, died May 12, 1863; Rebecca H, born Jan. 29, 1853, died June 1,1863 ; Mr. Howe hauled the first grain ever brought to Lanark. Huffman Aaron, farmer; Sec. 23; P. O. Fair Haven. Huffman Frank, farmer-, Sec. 23 ; P. O. Fair Haven. Hughs E. L. farmer ; Sec. 1 ; P. O. Lanark. I MEL FRANKLIN, farmer; Sec. 30; P. O. Fair Haven. Imel James, farm ; Sec. 14 ; P. O. Fair Haven. Imel John, farmer ; Sec. 22 ; P. O. Fair Haven. IMEL JOHN, Farmer; Sec. 27; P. O. Fair Haven ; was born in Fayette Co. Pa., April 12, 1853 ; he came to this Co. in the Fall of 1864 ; owns 80 acres ; he married Elizabeth F.. Fisher, Aug. 30, 1876; she was born in Lawrence Co., Ind., May 27, 1855; one son, Xanthus, born Aug. 14, 1877. Imel Levi, farmer ; Sec. 27 ; P.O. Fair Haven. Imel Lewis, farm ; Sec. 21 ; P. O. Fair Haven. Isenhart Henry L. farmer; Sec. 21 ; P.O. Fair Haven. ISENHART JACOB B. Farmer; Sec. 21 ; P. O. Fair Haven ; was born in Alleghany Co., Md., Dec. 12, 1814; came 466 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIEEOTOBY.' to this Co. in Nov., 1853 ; he built the first house on the prairie ; he married Elizabeth Winter; she was born in the same place, Feb. 23, 1814 : they have five sons and two daughters : Nathan T., bom Feb. 7, 1838 ; Henry L., April 3, 1839 ; Francis, June 25, 1841 ; Sarah A., July 19, 1843; Peter M., Aug. 6, 1845; David S., Aug. 11, 1848; Eugenia, Sept. 16, 1856; lost three sons and one daughter: John W., born Nov. 30, 1836, died May 29, 1875 ; Mary M. April 10, 1847, died April 10, 1852; Joseph G., Jan. 27, 1851, died Oct. 9, 1851 ; Jacob W., Sept. 21, 1853, died July 30, 1854; was Justice of the Peace 14 years, and held other town offices. ISENHART NATHAN T. Farmer; Sec. 27 ; P. O. Fair Haven ; was born in Alleghany Co., Md., Feb. 7, 1838 ; he came to this Co. in Nov. 1853; he married Miss Mary M. Bouton, Nov., 19, 1859; she was born in Oswego Co., N. Y. June 11, 1836; they have six sons and two daughters: James H., born Aug. 19, 1859 ; George D., March 23, 1861; Rosetta. Dec. 16, 1862; Elmer W., Dec 5, 1864; Ernest J., Oct. 26, 1866: Chas. O., April 2, 1868; Roy, Feb. 27, 1874; Wealthy E., Oct. 27, 1872, died Feb. 15, 1873. ISENHART P. M. Farmer; Sec. 30; P.O. Fair Haven ; born in Alleghany Co., Md., Aug. 6, 1845; came to this Co. April 1, 1853; owns 146 acres land; married Miss Emma Johnson, Jan. 15, 1871 ; she was born in Pa. ; they have two sons and one daughter: Clarence B., born Jan. 24, 1872 ; Louisa and Leroy J., born April 17, 1874. lost John, farm; Sec 4; P.O. Mt Carroll. JOHNSTON JAMES H. farm ; Sec. 31 ; P.O. Fair Haven. K IEL CHARLES, farmer; Sec. 4; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Kiel Conrad, farm ; Sec. 4; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Kness Henry, farm ; S. 23 ; P.O. Fair Haven. Kohler Adam, farm ; Sec. 9 ; P.O. Mt.Carroll. Kohler Casper, farm; S. 8; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Kohler John, farm ; Sec. 9 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Kulp Samuel, renter; P.O. Lanark. AKE J. P. farm ; Sec. 6 ; P.O. Mt.Carroll. L Lanfer Adam, farm, S.24; P.O.Milledgeville. Lang Geo. farm ; Sec. 3 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Lang Philip, farm; Sec. 3; P. O. Mt.Carroll. Laut M. farm ; Sec. 35 ; P.O. Fair Haven. Laut Jacob, farm ; Sec.35 ; P.O. Fair Haven. Lewis Decius, retired ; 8.15 ; P.O. Fair Haven. Lewis D.D. farm ; Sec.15 ; P.O. Fair Haven. Lewis Ezra, farmer ; Sec. 15 ; P. O. Fair Haven. LEWIS IRA, Farmer; Sec. 15: P. O. Fair Haven ; was born in Tioga Co., Penn, April 18, 1826; he came to this Co. in May, 1857; owns 240 acres; he married Abagail Hagar, Sept. 28, 1848; she was born in Bradford Co., Penn., Sept. 28, 1832; they have a family of two sons and six daughters ; lost two : Lovisa E., born Jan. 1, 1850; Daniel D., May 3, 1853; Ez ra J., August 29, 1855; Emma M., June 8, 1859 — deceased; Amelia R. June 15, 1862; Mary D., Nov. 11,1864; Adelia A., May 6, 1868; Mina, Jan. 1, 1870; Lyda E., Aug. 16, 1872; Hattie, July 10, 1877. Lichel Henry, farmer; Sec. 11; P. O.Mt. Carroll. Line Henry, farmer; Sec. 17; P. O. Fair Haven. Lohr Z. T. renter ; Sec. 33 ; P.O. Fair Haven. Luckert Andrew, farmer; Sec. 10; P. O. Mt. Carroll. McCARTY, MICHAEL, Farmer; Sec.23; P. O. Fair Haven. McGaire Michael, farmer; Sec. 23; P.O. Fair Haven. McMullen B. farm ; Sec. 35 ; P. O. Morrison. Mackay James R. laborer; Sec. 16; P.O. Fair Haven. Mead R. W. farmer; Sec. 6 ; P.O. Argo. Mertz H. farmer; Sec. 24; P.O. Milledgeville. Michael Balthaser, farmer; Sec 11; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Michael Gfarm; Sec. 3; P. O. Mt.Carroll. Miller G farm; Sec. 9; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Miller G farmer; Sec. 10; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Miller D. farm ; Sec. 33 ; P. O. Fair Haven. Miller G. farm; Sec. 24; P. O. Milledgeville. Miller Henry, farmer; Sec. 16; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Miller Henry, farmer; Sec. 11; P.O. Mt Carroll. Morris J. laborer; Sec. 34; P.O.Fair Haven. Morris S. carpenter; S. 34; P.O. Fair Haven. Mormon F. farmer; Sec 8; P.O. Mt.Carroll. Moyer G. W. school teacher; P. O. Argo. MOYER GEO. Farmer ; Sec. 5 ; P.O. Argo ; born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Aug. 3, 1819 ; came to this Co. in the Fall of 1854: owns 87 acres land; married Caroline Ancona, Dec. 25, 1845; she was born in Berks Co., Pa., Feb. 17, 1821 ; they have seven sons and two daughters living: Geo. P., born March 6, 1854;' Jos. M., July 25, 1855; Catharine E., Sept. 22, 1856; Wm. G, March 5, 1858; Francis A. and John S. (twins), May 29, 1860 ; Edward L., March 21, 1862; Moses M., May 24, 1865; Mary A., Feb. 28, 1850 ; lost one son and two daughters: Jacob, born Jan. 7, 1849; died April 9, 1852; Martha, Feb. 28, 1850, died April 11, 1852; Hester S., May 7, 1852, died Sept. 2, 1874. Mullen J. farmer; Sec. 11; P. O.Mt. Carroll. FA1E HAVEN TOWNSHIP. 467 Muroff J. farmer; Sec. 6; P. 0. Mt. Carroll. MYERS HENRY, JR. Farmer; Sec. 5 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll ; born in Mercer Co., N. J., Oct. 27, 1827 ; came to this Co. in Nov., 1845 ; owns 200 acres land ; mar ried Sarah L. Myers; she was born in Monmouth Co., N. J., March 12, 1837; they have six children: Alice F., born Jan. 3, 1858; Benj. F., Nov. 10, 1860; Wm., June 14, 1863 ; Lewis, Aug. 27, 1865 ; Ella, Dec. 16, 1867; Nettie, June 14, 1874; has been School Director nine years. Myers L. farmer; Sec. 13; P. O. Lanark. NICKERSON H. G. farmer; 8ec. 30; P. O. Fair Haven. PLOUCH JOHN, farmer; Sec. 4; P. O. Mt. Carroll. PLUMER B. W. Farmer ; Sec. 2 ; P. O. Lanark ; was born in Belknap Co., N. H, March 17, 1837; he came to this Co., Dec. 3, 1857; owns 162 >£ acres; he married Miss Elvira Green, Nov. 24, 1867 ; she was born in Pickaway Co., Ohio, Oct 27, 1847; have two children, one son and one daugh ter: Franklin L., born Aug. 13, 1871; Bertha A., Feb. 10, 1877 ; was Supervisor three terms, School Trustee two terms, Justice of the Peace one term. PLUMER D. W. Farmer; Sec. 1;P. O. Lanark ; was born in Belknap Co., N. H., Feb. 10, 1844; he came to this Co. Dec. 3, 1857 ; owns 80 acres ; not married. PRESCOTT JOHN H. Farmer, Sec. 1; P. O. Lanark; was born in Graf ton Co., N. H., June 10, 1845; he came to this Co. in Sept. 1858; owns 50 acres; he married Miss Rebecca Petitt, Feb. 17, 1865 ; she was born in England ; no family. QUICKBURNER CHARLES, farmer; Sec. 17; P. O. Mt Carroll. Quickburner Fritz ; farmer ; Sec 17 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Quickburner Philip, farmer; Sec. 11; P. O. Mt. Carroll. RAILEY WILLIAM, Farmer; Sec. 12; P. O. Lanark. Ray Frank, renter; P. O . Mt. Carroll. Reagan John, farmer ; Sec. 21 ; P. O. Fair Haven. Reagan John, farmer; Sec. 22; P. O. Fair Haven. Reagan Michael, farmer ; Sec. 21 ; P. O. Fair Haven. Reagan N. farm; Sec 23; P.O. Fair Haven. Reagan Thos. farm ; S. 21 ; P.O. Fair Haven. Reed Samuel, farm; Sec. 18; P.O. Thomson. Reed Wm. farm; Sec. 18; P.O. Thomson. Riehl Henry, farm ; Sec. 8 ; P.O. Mt.Carroll. Roemerschneider Rev. A. pastor Evangelical Church; Sec. 9; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Ross Jno. farm; Sec. 20; P. O. Fair Haven. QACK CONRAD, Sr., farm; Sec. 16; P.O. O Fair Haven. Sack G, Jr., farm; Sec. 16; P.O. Fair Haven. Sauer Jno. farm ; Sec. 17 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Schleining Andrew, renter; Sec. 11; P.O. Lanark. Schlenning Adam, farm ; Sec. 9 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Schlenning H. farm ; S.17 ; P.O. Fair Haven. Schriner B. farm ; Sec.13 ; P.O.Milledgeville. Sears W. M. farm; Sec.35; P.O. Fair Haven. Senneff A. W. farm ; S. 33 ; P.O. Fair Haven. SENNEFF DAVID, Farmer; Sec. 27 ; P.O. Fair Haven ; born in Fayette Co., Pa., June 8, 1841 ; came to this Co. in May, 1865 ; owns 80 acres ; served three years and six months in the late Rebellion ; was sixteen months in Co. F, Pa. Reserve ; then transferred to Battery G, 5th U. S. Art. ; married Miss Sarah Lohr ; she was born in Somerset Co., Pa., Nov. 15, 1839 ; were married May 23, 1865 ; have four sons and one daughter : Emma M., born March 31, 1866; Charles W., Feb. 18,1868; William E , Aug. 18, 1870 ; Harry T., July 14, 1873 ; Clinton, Aug. 11, 1875. SENNEFF JOHN B. Farmer; Sec. 33 ; P. O. Fair Haven ; born in Fayette Co., Pa., April 6, 1822; came to this Co. in the Fall of 1855 ; owns 80 acres ; married Miss Phoebe Fritz; she was born in Som erset Co., Pa. ; they have five sons and two daughters : Joel F., born June 29 ; Eliza beth, Aug. 29, 1847;' Amos W., Jan. 16, 1855 ; Samuel F., July 25, 1857 ; George W., May 17, 1859; David, Sept. 19, 1863; Lavinia A., April 25, 1866. Senneff J. F. farm ; Sec 33 ; P. O. Fair Haven. SENNEFF SAMUEL, Farmer; Sec. 33 ; P. O. Pair Haven ; born in Favette Co., Pa., Aug. 19, 1838 ; came to Whiteside Co. in 1864, and to this Co. in 1866; owns 240 acres ; married Sarah Lohr, Sept. 21, 1858 ; she was born in the same Co., June 14, 1837 ; they have five sons and two daugh ters : John E., born Aug. 12, 1859 ; Rachel, April 12, 1861 ; Mary E., March 26, 1863 ; William H., May 1, 1865; Henry B., Jan. 1,1868; Charles D., June 5, 1870; Albert G, May 22, 1873. SENNEFF SOLOMON, Farmer; Sec. 32 ; P. O. Fair Haven ; born in Fay ette Co., Pa. ; came to this Co. in the Spring of 1857; owns 780 acres; married Miss Margaret Imel ; she was born in the same place; they have two daughters: Martha A., born March 16, 1852, now Mrs. Wesley Dyal; Dora E., Oct. 11, 1864. Senneff W. farmer; Sec. 29 ; P.O.Fair Haven. Senneff Wm. F. farm ; S. 29 ; P.O.Fair Haven. Shibly G. farmer ; Sec. 13 ; P.O.Milledgeville. Shilling J. laborer ; Sec. 36 ; P.O.Fair Haven. Shore A. farmer; Sec. 20; P. O. Fair Haven. 468 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIBEOTOBY: SHULER W. IV. Pastor of Zion Church ; Sec. 33 ; P. 0. Fair Haven ; born ' in Clinton Co., Pa., in 1840; came to this Co. in 1854; took charge of the above church, April 1, 1876; has been married twice; first wife was Miss Julia Saterlee; she was born in Stephenson Co., 111. ; she died in 1865 ; married again to Elizabeth E. Irwin : she was also born in this state ; they have four children: Ellen B., born April iO, 1864, by first wife ; Ida M., Aug. 4, 1867 ; Gertrude, May 15, 1871 ; Margaret, April 2, 1875, by second wife. Siem G. farmer; Sec. 16; P. O. Fair Haven. Siem H., Sr.,farm; S. 16; P. O. Fair Haven. Siem H., Jr., farm ; Sec. 6 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Siem J. farmer ; Sec. 16 ; P. O. Fair Haven. Smith Charles farm; Sec. 12; P. O. Lanark. Smith G farm; Sec. 35; P. O. Fair Haven. Smith N. M. farmer; Sec. 1; P. O. Lanark. Smith W. B. farm ; S. 35 ; P. O. Fair Haven. SPIEALMAN EMANUEL, Farmer and Stock Raiser ; Sec. 2 ; P. O. Lanark ; was born in Washington Co., Md., Sept. 11, 1833 ; he came to this Co., in 1865; owns 332 acres; he married Miss Margie Tigh, Oct. 1, 1871 ; she was bom in Canada, Dec. 25, 1848 ; they have two sons and one daughter : Effie May, born Dec. 13, 1873 ; Martin L., May 25, 1875 ; Harvey, March 13, 1877; is School Director. Spinker A. farm; Sec. 8; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Stein G. farm; Sec. 14; P. O. Milledgeville. Stone A. farmer; Sec. 12; P. O. Lanark. Stranch A. farmer; Sec. 24; P. O. Milledge ville. Stranch G. farmer; Sec. 23; P. O. Milledge ville. Stranch H. farmer; Sec. 24; P. O. Milledge ville. Strumb G renter ; Sec. 2 ; P. O. Lanark. Strumb G. renter; Sec. 2; P. O. Lanark. Strumb Wm. renter; Sec. 11; P.O. Lanark. Stung Casper, lab; Sec. 10; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Sucher Jos. farm ; Sec. 36 ; P.O. Fair Haven. Sucher Geo. farm ; Sec. 36 ; P.O. Fair Haven. Sucher Michael, farm ; S.36 ;P.O. Fair Haven. SwersgoodH. farm; S.16; P.O. Mt.Carroll. Switzgable D. farm ; Sec.35 ; P.O.FairHaven. IGH JOHN, renter; Sec.18; P.O. Thomson. Tilton Geo. farm ; Sec. 26 ; P. O. Fair Haven. Tilton J. T. farm: Sec. 34; P.O. Fair Haven. Traum Geo. farm ; Sec. 3 ; P.O. Mt Carroll. Traum H. G farm; Sec. 9; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Traum M. farm; Sec. 4; P.O. Mt Carroll. Tripp Anthony. TURNBAUGH JOSEPH, Farmer; Sec. 29 ; P. O. Thomson ; born in Luzerne T Co., Pa., July 13, 1829; came to Lee Co. in 1851, and to this Co. in 1861 ; is Super visor, and has been School Director eight years ; has been married twice; first wife was Miss Harriet Smith, born in the same Co.; died Sept. 24, 1869, aged 39 years, 3 months and 27 days; married again to Harriet Brink, born in Pa. ; died Jan. 24, 1877, aged 31 years, 8 months and 18 days; had five children by first wife: Mary, Catherine, Adaline, Elmira and Samuel ; three children by second wife: Bertie, Nora; and Alice. VORNHOFF WILLIAM, pastor Luther an Church; Sec. 5; P.O. Mt. Carroll. WAGONER SYLVESTER, farmer; Sec. 4; P. O.Mt. Carroll. Ward C. farmer; Sec. 30; P. O. Fair Haven. Williams H. farmer ; Sec. 18 ; P. 0. Thomson. WINGERD JACOB, Farmer; Sec. 28 ; P. O. Fair Haven ; was born in Frank lin Co., Pa., March 1, 1826 ; he came to this Co. in 1865 ; owns 117 acres ; he married Miss Nancy Brechbiel, Sept. 17, 1857 ; she was born in the same place, Jan. 2, 1831 ; have one son and one daughter: Katie, born Nov. 6, 1863; Simon, June 22, 1867 ; Mr. W. has one daughter by a for mer marriage, Elizabeth, born Feb. 12, 1850. Wingard S. farm ; Sec. 27 ; P. O. Fair Haven. WRESSELL DAVID, Farmer; Sec. 27; P. O. Fair Haven; was born in Home Dist, Upper Canada, Sept. 30, 1825; he came to the U. S., and to this Co., in 1839; owns 80 acres ; has been married twice, first wife was Elnora E. Johnson ; she was born in Pa., May 11, 1832 ; they were married Nov. 19, 1851; she died April 3, 1864; he married Mrs. Elizabeth Bailey, Dec. 14, 1864 ; she was born in Alleghany Co., Pa., Feb. 3, 1833 ; has one son by first wife, and three daughters by second : Saml. D., born Nov. 28, 1858; Lydia, Sept. 9, 1865; Char lotte, June 5, 1869; Ella M., Nov. 11, 1873; Mrs. W. has three children : Israel J., born July 29, 1853; Willis W., Nov. 29, 1856; Mary J., Aug. 14, 1862; Mr. W. served three years in the late Rebellion, in Co. D, 46th, I. V .1. ; mustered on Dec. 1, 1861 ; was wounded in the right hand and injured in the back at the battle of the Hatchee. Wressell J. W. farm ; Sec.28 ; P.O.Fair Haven. WRESSELL JOSEPH, Farmer; Sec. 28 : P. O. Fair Haven ; was born in Canada, Sept. 14, 1823 ; he came to the U. S., and to this Co., in 1838 ; owns 320 acres ; he married Miss Amelia Lambert, July 13, 1848 ; she was born in England, June 17, 1828 ; they have five sons and three daugh ters: Saml. Y., born June 20, 1850; John, Oct. 1, 1855; Wm., June 15, 1860; Geo;, July 27, 1862; Orville, July 7, 1867; Bar bara, June 23, 1849; Mary A., Sept 16, 1852; Amelia, July 4, 1864; lost one son EAIE HAVEN TOWNSHIP. 469 and one daughter : Thos. L , born Sept. 20, 1858, died Oct., 1862; Lena, born March 8, 1871 ; died Nov. 6, 1876. WBESSELL SAMUEL, Farmer; Sec 22; P. O. Fair Haven; born in Lin colnshire, England, April 23, 1816 ; came to the U. S. and to N. Y, with his parents, in 1818 ; they remained there about three years, and then removed to Canada; he came to Whiteside Co. in 1839. and to this Co. in the Fall of 1£65; married Miss Susan Davis; she was born in Canada, Aug. 27, 1819; no family; owns 40 acres. YOCHIM HENRY, farmer; Sec. 14; P. O. Fair Haven. ZINNEL HENRY, farmer; Sec. 9; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Zinnel J. farmer ; Sec. 20 ; P. 0. Fair Haven. Zugschwerdt Henry, farmer ; 8ec. 16; P. 0. Fair Haven. ZUGSCHWERDT HENRY B. Farmer; Sec. 16; P. O. Fair Haven; bom in Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany,May 5, 1834 ; came to the U. S. and to this Co. in the Spring of 1848 ; owns 160 acres ; married Margaret Quickbourner, Oct. 5, 1858 ; she was born in Germany, June 3, 1834 ; they have five sons and four daughters : John born May 6, 1859 ; Frank, Feb. 8, 1861 Eliza, May 25, 1863; George, May 3, 1865 Henry, June 3, 1867 ; Annie, Nov. 23, 1869 Fred, Jan. 6, 1871 ; Alice, April 27, 1873 Emily, Oct. 18, 1876. ZUGSCHWERDT WERNER, Farmer and Stock Raiser; Sec.ll; P.O. - Lanark ; bom in Hesse-Darmstadt, Ger many, Nov. 17, 1825 ; he left there April 18, and arrived in N. Y., June 1, 1846; came to this Co. in Sept., 1850 ; owns 560 acres ; married Miss Catherine Eiszfelter, April 29, 1860 ; she was born in the same place, Oct. 22, 1840 ; have six sons and two daughters: William, born Feb. 4, 1861 Mary, Aug. 24, 1862; Carl, April 23, 1864 John, Dec 28, 1866 ; Henry, April 17, 1870 Annie, March 5, 1872 ; Lewis, May, 23, 1874 Frank W., Dec. 11, 1876; lost one, Mary A., born March 20, 1868; died May 3, 1868. 470 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIBEOTOBY! CHERRY GROVE. ANDERSON WILLIAM, Farmer ; Sec. 3 ; P. O. Shannon ; born in Scotland, in 1830 ; came to this country in 1857, and to this Co., in 1863 ; owns 160 acres ; he married Miss Marion Craig, in 1855 ; she was born in Scotland ; has four children, Isabel, Alexander, John and Margaret. B ARNES WILLIAM, Farmer; Sec. 8; P. O. Shannon. BAIRD J. S. Farmer; Sec. 36; P. O. Shannon; born in Penn., in 1836; came to this Co., in 1858 ; owns 240 acres ; holds office of Assessor and School Director; he married Mary A. Hutchinson, in June, 1860; she was born in Penn.; they have three children, Irene, Suetta, John S., Jr. Baum ; H. farmer ; Sec. 2 ; P. O. Shannon. Bear E. farmer; Sec 13; P. O. Shannon. BECK AARON S. Farmer; Sec. 25; P. O. Shannon; born in Penn., in 1842; came to this Co. in 1846 ; owns 160 acres ; he married Mary A. Miller, in 1867 ; she was born in Lima Tp.; they have four children, Emory E., Minnie M., Ira L., and Lester M. Beck G. farmer; Sec. 36; P. O. Shannon. ' Beck J. farmer; Sec. 36; P. O. Shannon. BILES WILLIAM, Farmer; Sec. 23 ; P. O. Shannon ; born in England, in 1820 ; came to this country in 1847 and to this Co., in 1849 ; owns 300 acres of land ; holds office of School Director ; he mar ried Mary A. Dunman, 1851 ; she was born in England; they have three chil dren, William, Annie and Mary. Biles W., Jr., farm; Sec. 23; P. O.Shannon. Binkley E. farm hand; S. 20; P. O. Lanark. Bixler John, farmer; P. O. Shannon. Blue W. farmer ; Sec. 12; P. O. Shannon. Bohlinger G. farm ; Sec. 15 ; P. O. Shannon. Bolinger M. farmer; Sec 20; P. O. Lanark. Bowen J. farmer ; Sec. 12 ; P. O. Shannon. Bowman A. farmer ; Sec. 36 ; P. O. Shannon. Bowman A. D. farm ; Sec 36 ; P. O. Shannon. Bowman G. farmer ; Sec. 36 ; P. O. Shannon. Bowman H. farm ; Sec. 36 ; P. O. Shannon. Bowman J. farmer; Sec. 36; P. O. Shannon. Boyd David, farm ; Sec. 15 ; P. O. Shannon. Boyd Geo. farmer; Sec. 21; P. O. Lanark. Boyd Jacob, farmer ; Sec. 21 ; P. O. Lanark. Boyd Otho, farmer ; Sec 21 ; P. O. Lanark. Boyd Wm. farmer. Brennerman J. farm hand ; P. O. Shannon. BROWN JOHN, Farmer; Sec 31; P. O. Lanark; born in Penn. Nov. 12, 1831 ; came to this Co. in 1854; owns 251 acres ; he married Miss Sarah Miller in 1858; she was born in Maryland; they have five children : George, Oliver, Benja min, J. Franklin and Charles. Buckwalter Irving, school teacher; Sec. 20; P. O. Lanark. Buckwalter Jos. farm ; Sec.*20 ; P.O. Lanark. BUNDY ISAAC, Farmer; Sec. 10; P. O. Shannon; born in Indiana, 1814; came to this Co. in 1850; owns 80 acres; he married Sarah Vest in 1839 ; she was born in North Carolina; they have eight chil dren living : Ambrose, Charles, Sarah J., Mary, Obadiah, Angeline, Willie, Abra ham, they lost nine. Burt J. F. carpenter; P. O. Lanark. BUTCHERS DANIEL, Farmer and Well Driller; Sec. 22; P. O. Shannon; born in New York in 1832; ' came to this Co. in 1857; owns 160 acres; he is the inventor of what is known as the Boss Drill, whicli excels any drill in use; he married Phebe A. CasBidey in 1854; she was born in New York, they have six children: William L., Frank L., John P., David B., Lillian M. and Nellie S. Butcher Wm. L. well driller; Sec. 22; P.O. Shannon. Butterbaugh J. F. farm ; Sec.30 ;P.O. Lanark. Butterbaugh John, retired farmer ; Sec. 31 ; P.O. Lanark. Byington E. L. farm ; Sec 16 ; P.O. Lanark. /^ARTER GEORGE, farm ;*P.O. Lanark. CHEESEMAN GEORGE, Farmer; Sec. 25 ; P. O. Shannon ; born in Kent, England, Dec. 25, 1814; came to this Co. in 1858; owns 160 acres land; has held the office of School Director ; married Caroline Fowle in 1842 ; she was born in England, have ten children : Alfred, George, Caro line, Robert, Joseph, Elizabeth, Hemy, Elijah, Esther and Charles; lost two, Har riet and William. Cheeseman Robt. farm ; S. 25 ; P.O. Shannon. Chilty J. N. farm; Sec. 3; P.O. Shannon. Chitty O. B. farm; Sec. 10; P.O. Shannon. CHITTY R. L. Farmer; Sec. 10; P.O. Shannon ; born in Ky. in 1826 ; came to this Co. Dec 1, 1848 ; owns 160 acres ; has held offices of School Director and Com- missioner of Highways; married M. J. Creppin in 1851 ; she was born in Mich., and died Feb. 28, 1865 ; July 4, 1865, mar ried Susan B. Potter, who was born in Ohio ; has nine children by first marriage: Sarah J., Sophronia A., Robert N., Edward L., Mary, Julia, George, William H. and CHEEEY GEOVE TOWNSHIP. 471 Flora; five children by second marriage: Stella, John, Edna, Rosa and Charles H. Christley Philip, farm; S. 11 ; P.O. Shannon. Clark Henry, farm ; Sec. 12 ; P. O. Shannon. Coon Ralph, farm ; Sec. 3 ; P.O. Shannon. Coon Sheldon, farm; Sec. 3; P.O. Shannon. Cromwell John, farm ; Sec. 29 ; P.O. Lanark. CRIPPEN R. H. Farmer; Sec/ 4; P. O. Shannon; born in Pa., in 1830; came to this Co. in 1850; owns 220 acres land; has held offices of School Director and Road Commissioner; married Miss P. Powers, in 1851 ; she was born in Mich., and died in June, 1865 ; in Dec, 1865, married Esther Wilkins, who was born in Ohio ; had six children by first marriage, and two by second. Crippen Wm. farmer; Sec. 4; P.O.[Shannon. CURTICE JOHN, Farmer; Sec. 24; P. O. Shannon; born in Carroll Co., in 1841 ; rents 86 acres of his father ; he mar ried Mary Lutz, in 1868 ; she was born in Pa., and died in April, 1876 ; has 3 chil dren : Lula, William and John. DILLEHAUNT JOHN F. laborer; Sec. 6; P. O. Lanark. DILLEY ZEN AS R. Farmer; Sec 20; P. O. Lanark; born in Pa., 1854; came to this Co. in 1870. Dumfmeir Henry, farmer. Dysbin Clark, Sec. 6 ; P. 0.:Lanark. Eby Jacob, farmer; Sec. 22; P.O. Shannon. Eisenbice Lee, farmer; S. 18; P. O. Lanark. Eisenbice N. W. P. O. Lanark. Eisenbice Wm., farm. Sec. 18 ; P. O. Lanark. Eshelman John, farm hand ; P. O. Lanark. Eshelman M. farm hand ; P. O. Lanark. FINNEFROCK ELIAS, farmer; Sec. 20; P. O.Lanark. Forney Elias, farm. S. 2; P. O. Shannon. Forney F. B. farmer; Sec. 2; P. O. Shannon. Forney Peter, farmer ; Sec. 2; P.O. Shannon. GARNER CHARLES, retired; Sec. 30; P. O. Lanark. Garner George S. farm ; 8. 29 ; P. O. Lanark. Garner J. F. farmer; Sec 29; P. O. Lanark. GARNER I. G. Farmer; Sec 30; P.O. Lanark; born in Randolph Co., 111., in 1829 ; came to this Co. March 3, 1834, and is one of the oldest settlers ; his father, Francis Garner, was born in N. G, in 1787, and died in 1860 ; his mother was Miss Ameiia Crane previous to her marriage ; she was born in Knoxville, Tenn., in 1795 ; they were among the earliest settlers of the Co. Garrison M. farmer ; Sec. 8 ; P. O. Lanark. Gaul Henry, farmer ; Sec. 18 ; P. O. Lanark. Gault Samuel. 27 GILMAN L. U. Farmer; Sec. 3; P. O. Shannon ; born in Freeport, in 1854 ; came to this Co. in 1877 ; owns 69 acres land ; married Mary Myers, in 1876 ; have one child, Arthur M. GRILLY A. F. Book-keeper for H. B. Puterbaugh; Lanark; born in Oswego Co., N. Y, in 1833 ; came to this state in 1862, and to this Co. in 1864; holds office of Supervisor. Grove Jas. farmer; Sec. 11; P. O. Shannon. Grove M. farmer ; Sec. 11; P. O. Shannon. Grove Sol. farmer; Sec. 11; P. O. Shannon. HAMMOND JOHN, farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Lanark. HAMMOND CHAS. Farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Lanark; born in Md., in 1822; came to this Co. in 1864 ; owns 160 acres land ; has been School Director for many years, also Road Commissioner; married Miss A. Bloomfield, in 1848; she was born in Ohio; have five children': Francis H., John E., Mary L., Chas. B. and Isaac B. Harmon John, farmer ; Sec.34; P.O. Lanark. Harris Sam'l, farm; Sec. 12; P. O. Shannon. Harsh Benj. farmer; Sec. 31 ; P. O. Lanark. Harsh David, retired; Sec. 31 ; P. O. Lanark. HARSH G. W. Miller; Sec.31; P.O. Lanark; born in Ohio, in 1851; came to this Co. in 1860; married G M. Eyler, in 1873 ; she was born in Md. ; have two chil dren : Rosa L. and Ida M. HAY JACOB, Retired Farmer; Sec. 29; P. O.Lanark; born in Pa., in 1811; came to this Co. in 1856 ; married Eliza beth Puterbaugh, in 1857 ; she was born in Pa. ; have one child, Sarah A. Hay Samuel, farm hand; P. O. Lanark. HEISLEB JOHN GEORGE, Farmer ; Sec. 16 ; P. O. Shannon ; born in Germany, in 1819 ; came to this country in 1851, and to this Co. in 1866; owns 200 acres ; married Christine Shilling, in 1845 ; she was born in Germany; they have five children : Conrad, Maggie, Henry, Daniel and Katie. Hepfir John, laborer ; Shannon. Hofer M. farmer ; Sec. 13 ; P. O. Shannon. Hofer Wm. farmer ; Sec. 13 ; P. O. Shannon. Holmes David, farmer ; Sec. 9 ; P.O.Shannon. HOLMES THOMAS, Farmer; Sec. 10; P. O. Shannon; born in England, in 1830 ; came to this Co. in 1&51 ; owns 671% acres ; married Miss Margaret Boardman, in 1853 ; she was born in La Salle Co., 111. ; they have five children living: William B., Martha, Mary J., Fanny and Thomas ; lost five : Mary, John, Anna, Phoebe and Ida A. HOY HENRY, Farmer; Sec. 13; P.O. Shannon ; born in Pa., in 1840 ; came to this Co. in 1869 ; owns 210 acres land ; served three years in the 92d I. V. I., and 472 OAEBOLL COUNTY DIBEOTOBY: was with Sherman in his March to the Sea; married Miss Eliza R.Johnson, in 1871 ; she was born in Carroll Co. ; they have three children: Amanda, Daniel and Una. JONES ISRAEL, retired farmer; Sec.23; P. O. Shannon. Jones Jas. farmer; Sec. 23; P. O. Shannon. K L EENEY GRIFFIN, farmer; P. O. Lanark. Kersey Henry, farmer ; Sec. 14 ; P.O.Shannon. Kersey Sam'l, farmer; Sec. 14; P.O.Shannon. Kopph John, farmer ; Sec. 24 ; P. O. Shannon. Kramer B. F. farmer ; Sec. 23 ; P. O. Shannon. Kramer W. F. farmer , Sec. 23 ; P.O.Shannon. AMM ANDREW, farmer; Sec. 1; P. O. Shannon. Lamm T., Sec. 1 ; P. O. Shannon. Layman S. farmer; Sec. 25; P. O. Shannon. Larking Robert, farm. ; S. 17 ; P. 0. Lanark. Leonard Sam. farm. ; See. 3 ; P. O. Shannon. Lindsey Jas. laborer ; Sec. 28 ; P. O. Lanark. Lowman S. F. farmer ; S. 36 ; P. O. Lanark. Lowman Scott, farm. ; Sec. 36 ; P. O. Lanark. Lutz Isaac, farmer ; Sec 13 ; P. O. Shannon. Lutz John, farmer; Sec. 23; P. 0. Shannon. Lutz Wm. farmer; Sec 4; P. O. Shannon. M cCUNE FRANK, farmer; Sec. 35; P. O. Lanark. McCune John, farmer; Sec 33; P.O. Lanark. McGinness Patrick, farm. S. 7 ; P.O. Lanark. Mackey Fred, farmer ; Sec. 31 ; P. O. Lanark. Martin Henry M. farmer; Sec. 16. Mattis John, farmer; Sec. 3; P. O. Shannon. Mattis Sol. farmer ; Sec. 3 ; P. O. Shannon. Mellinger Ed. farmer; Sec. 30; P. O.Lanark. MELLINGER HENRY, Farmer; Sec. 30; P. O., Lanark; born in Franklin Co., Pa., 1819 ; came to this Co. in 1856 ; has been a School Director, and held the office of Assessor two terms ; he married Sarah Wolf, in 1846 ; she was born in Pa., and died Sept. 5, 1875 ; has seven children : Annie, Edward, Emma, Ella, Alice, Ma- zie, and William. Merchant Jas. farmer ; Sec. 5 ; P. O. Lanark. Miller Abraham, farmer 8. 6 ; P. O. Lanark. Miller J. P. renter. Miller J. farm; Sec. 6; P. O. Lnnark. MOLL DAVID, Farmer; Sec. 1 ; P. O. Shannon; born in Penn., 1821; came to this state in 1854 and to this Co. in 1863; owns 240 acres ; has held office of School Director ; he married Miss Sarah Hilde- brand, Dec. 24, 1846; she was born in Penn; they have six children: John G., Eli H., Susan Verdelia, Rosilla M., David G. and Oscar B. Moll Eli, farmer; Sec. 12; P. O. Shannon. Moll J. G. farmer ; Sec. 15 ; P. O. Shannon. Montague A. farm ; Sec. 26 ; P. O. Shannon. Mooney E. laborer ; P. O. Lanark. NORTHEY WM. Farmer; Sec. 24; P. O. Shannon; born in England, 1819; came to this country in 1832, to Ogle Co. in 1837, and to this Co. in 1859 ; owns 75 acres; he has carted wheat to Chicago and sold for 40 cts., and sold his pork for $1.50 per 100 lbs.; has held office of School Director; he married Fanny Basset, in 1852, she was born in N. Y. ; they have four children: Mary E., Myrena, Lucy and William. PAYNE DAVID, farmer; Sec. 11; P. O. Shannon. Payne J. farmer; Sec. 11 ; P. O. Shannon. Payne Wm. farmer ; Sec. 11 ; P. O. Shannon. Payne W. B. farm ; Sec. 11 ; P. O. Shannon. PEARSE JOHN, Farmer; Sec. 24; P. O. Shannon ; born in England in 1820, came to this country in 1837, and to this Co. in 1838, and during this time has lived some years in Jo Daviess Co. ; owns 240 acres; holds office of School Director; he married Miss C. Dunman in 1857 ; she was born in England ; they have seven chil dren: John, Charles, Franklin, Alfred, Emma, Ida and Nellie. Peterson J. farmer; Sec. 5; P. O. Lanark. Pratt J. farmer; Sec. 22; P. O. Shannon. PRATT JOHN, Farmer; Sec. 9; P.O. Shannon; born in England in 1818; came to this Co. in 1854; owns 360 acres; he married Ann Callow, in 1854; she was bora in the Isle of Man. Puterbaugh A. farm ; Sec. 22 ; P. O. Shannon. Puterbaugh D. B. farmer; Sec. 31; P.O. Lanark. PUTERBAUGH DAVID, Farmer; Sec. 22; P. O. Shannon; born in Pa. in 1817 ; came to this Co. in 1846 ; owns 678 acres in this state, and 377 acres in Iowa; he married Martha Neal, in 1840; she was bom in Pa.; has nine children: Wil- loughby, Samuel, Stephen, Isaac, Aimer, Eugene, Sarah, Minnie, Aaron. Puterbaugh Eugene, farmer; Sec. 22; P.O. Shannon. PUTERBAUGH GEORGE W. Farmer; Sec. 28; P. O. Lanark; born in Pa., 1834; came to this Co. in 1848; owns 300 acres ; married Katie Sword, in 1869 ; has three children: Collin P., Howard R., and George E. PUTERBAUGH HENRY, Farmer ; Sec. 27 ; P. O. Lanark ; born in Pa. in 1828; came to this Co. in 1848; owns 258 acres ; has held office of School Director; he married Ruth Prather, in 1858 ; she was born in Md. ; has four chil dren : Walter Scott, Flora, Harry, Ernest. OHEEEY GBOVE TOWNSHTP. 473 PUTERBAUGH HENRY B. Farmer and Grain and Stock Dealer ; Sec 29; P. O. Lanark; born in Pa. in 1827; came to this Co. in 1827; owns 625 acres; has held offices of Town Treasurer, Supervisor, and Justice of the Peace; he ships more cars of stock and grain than any one shipper on the line of the Western Union R. R. ; he married Miss M. E. Yontz,in 1850 ; she was born in Md. ; has nine children living: Frank P., Amanda, Ella S., Emma, Albert, Willie, Edwin, Ida, and Maud ; lost one. Puterbaugh Isaac, farmer; Sec. 22; P.O. Shannon. Puterbaugh Nicholas, farmer; Sec. 20; P. O. Lanark. Puterbaugh Samuel, farmer ; Sec. 26 ; P. O. Lanark. Puterbaugh Stephen, farmer ; Sec. 22 ; P. O. Shannon. Puterbaugh Willoughby, farmer; Sec. 15; P. O. Shannon. RANDALL A. E. farmer; Sec. 6; P. O. Lanark. Reaper Philip, farm ; Sec. 20 ; P.O. Lanark. Reasoner Geo. farmer; Sec. 32; P.O. Lanark. Reasoner W. farmer; Sec. 32; P.O. Lanark. Reffley Fred, farmer; Sec. 20; P. O. Lanark. Renner J. D. farmer; Sec. 5; P. O. Lanark. Roach John, farmer ; Sec. 6; P.O.Lanark. Rodgers Wm. farmer; Sec. 6; P.O. Shannon. ROWLAND COLLIN P. Farmer; Sec. 33; P. 0. Lanark; born in Cherry Grove Tp. ; owns 240 acres land ; married 8adie Boyd, in 1873 ; she was born in this Tp. ; have two children : Harry M. and Clinton P. Rowland D. farmer; Sec. 35; P. O. Lanark. ROWLAND GEO. H. Farmer; Sec. 28 ; P. O. Lanark ; born in this Tp., in 1848 ; owns 160 acres land ; married Han nah Zuck, in 1870 ; she was born in Pa. ; have three children: Bertha, Katie and Charlie. Rowland Jno., Sr., retired farmer ; Sec. 33 ; P. O. Lanark. ROWLAND JOHN E. Farmer; Sec. 32; P.O.Lanark; born in Cherry Grove Tp., in 1854 ; owns 160 acres land ; mar ried Helen A. Dubbel, in 1876 ; she was born in Md. ; have one child, Carrie E. Rowland S. farmer; Sec. 23; P. O. Shannon. Royer Dan'l, farmer ; Sec. 33 ; P. O. Lanark. Royer D. B. carpenter; Sec.33; P.O. Lanark. Royer D. S. farmer; Sec. 31 ; P. O. Lanark. Royer G. A. farmer Sec. 31 ; P. O. Lanark. RUBENDALL BENJ. Farmer; Sec. 36 ; P. O. Shannon ; born in Pa., in 1827; came to this Co. in 1846; owns 80 acres land ; has held offices of School Di rector and Collector; married Rebecca Wolf, in 1845 ; she was born in Pa., and died in 1863 ; in 1864, he married Rebecca Deet, who was born in Pa. ; he has eight children : James, Henry, William, David, George, Abagail, John and Samuel ; lost one son, Isaac. SCHNEIDER JOHN M. farmer; Sec. 19; P. O. Lanark. Schrader E. farmer; Sec. 6; P. O. Shannon. Sheller David, farm; Sec 31; P.O. Lanark. Sheller Samuel, farm ; Sec. 30 ; P.O. Lanark. Shideler David, farm ; Sec. 18 ; P.O. Lanark. Shore Daniel. SHOBE JOSHUA, Farmer; Sec. 1; P. O. Shannon ; bora in Pa. in 1815 ; came to this Co., April 13, 1866; owns 160 acres land ; married Miss Nancy Parks, in 1838 ; she was born in Pa. ; have seven children : Edward A., Evaline, Daniel, Nelson, Jen nie, William and Lizzie. Smith John, farmer ; Sec. 7 ; P.O. Lanark. SPANGLER FRANK A. Farmer; Sec. 11 ; P.O. Shannon ; born in Germany, in 1834; came to this Co. in 1856; owns 160 acres land ; married Mary Stephens, in 1857 ; she was born in N. Y. ; have six children: Josephine, Joseph, Charles, Barney, Mary and Rosa. Stall G G. laborer; Sec. 17; P.O. Lanark. Straup E. A. farmer; Sec. 2; P.O. Shannon. Straup Henry, farm; Sec. 2; P.O. Shannon. Straup Jacob, farm; Sec. 14; P.O. Shannon. Straup John, farm ; Sec. 2 ; P.O. Shannon. Straup Wilson G. farm ; S. 14; P.O. Shannon. Straup Wilson, farm ; Sec 2 ; P.O. Shannon. Straw R. B. farm; Sec. 14; P.O. Shannon. Strickler Henry, farm ; Sec. 34; P.O. Lanark. Strickler Jacob H. farm; S. 34; P.O. Lanark. Stover Benj. farm; Sec. 32; P.O. Lanark. Stubbs William, rambler. Sturtevant Jacob, lab ; Sec. 17 ; P.O. Shannon. Sturtevant J. laborer; P. O. Shannon. Sword B. F. farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Lanark. Sword David, farmer ; Sec. 21 ; P. O. Lanark. Sword Geo. farmer; Sec. 28; P. O. Lanark. Sword John farmer ; Sec. 15 ; P. O. Shannon. Sword J. B. farmer ; Sec. 32 ; P. O. Lanark. Sword N. M. farmer ; Sec. 31 ; P. O. Lanark. Shrader H. G farmer; Sec 7 ; P. O. Shannon. Sword Mon. farmer ; Sec. 32 ; P. O. Lanark. Sword Saml. farmer ; Sec. 28 ; P. O. Lanark. TEMPLEMAN JOSEPH, Farm er; Sec 2; P. O. Shannon ; born in the place he now lives, in 1853; owns 120 acres ; he married Miss S. Verdelia Moll, in 1877; she was born in Stephenson Co. THORNTON GEO. Farmer; Sec. 35; P. O. Lanark; born in Nottinghamshire, England, in 1820 ; came to this Co. in 1853 ; 474 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIBEOTOEY: owns 220 acres ; has held office of School Director ; he married Miss A. Holmes, in 1851; she was born in England, and died Feb. 21, 1877 ; has three children : Mary A., John W. and Elizabeth. UPDEGRAPH WILLIAM, farmer; Sec. 23; P.O. Shannon. VAN BROCKLIN NELSON, farmer ; Sec. 8; P. O.Lanark. Van Brocklin S. farmer; Sec. 8 P. O. Lanark. VAN BROCKLIN GILES, Farm er; P. 0. Lanark; born in N. Y., March 18, 1824; came to this state, Oct. 15, 1849; has held offices of School Director, Town Trustee and Collector ; he married Matilda Garrison, March 14, 1852; she was born in Pa. ; has four children : Nelson M., Silas G., Francis S. and Phebe R. ; lost two : Eunice E. and Maurice G. WARBLE AARON, farmer; Sec 34; P. O. Lanark. Weigle Jacob, farmer ; Sec. 3 ; P. O. Shannon. Whitmer A. M. carp. Sec. 21 ; P. O. Lanark. WILFONG JAMES, Farmer; Sec 1; P. O. Shannon; born in Ind., 1829; came to this Co. in 1856 ; owns 185 acres ; has held offices of School Director, School Trustee, Road Commissioner and Collec tor; he married Miss Elizabeth Hepbern, in 1850; she was bora in Ind.; they have eight children living: Martin, Marinda, Phoebe, William, Mary, George, John and Thomas. Wilfong M. farmer ; Sec. 1 ; P. O. Shannon. Wilhelm E. farmer; Sec. 14; P. O. Shannon. Wilhelm H. farmer; Sec. 13 ; P. O. Shannon. Wilhelm G. farmer; Sec. 14; P. O. Shannon. Willey R. farmer; Seel; P. O. Shannon. WILLEY WM. Farmer; Sec. 1; P.O. Shannon; born in England, in 1809; came to this country in 1831, , and to this Co. in 1837; owns 200 acres; has held office of School Director; he mar ried Miss Jane Pearse, in 1844 ; she was born in England; they have six children living: Dorathy J., Mary G, Robert P., Maggie F., John A. and Abraham L. ; lost three: John, Elizabeth and William. Wolf S. farmer; Sec. 16; P. O. Shannon. WolfordD. farmer; Sec. 19; P. O. Lanark. ZIER JOHN, Farmer; Sec 16; P.O. Shannon; born in Germany, in 1829; came to this country, in 1849, and to this Co., in 1854; owns 214 acres; he married Margaret Dieterich, Dec. 4, 1857 ; she was born in Germany ; they have three chil dren : Emanuel Lenford and John. ZIER PAUL, Farmer; Sec.18; P. O. Lanark; born in Germany, in 1824; came to this country, in 1849 ; lived five years in Penn., and came to this Co., in 1854; owns 230 acres ; has sold pork for $1 per 100 pounds; has worked for $12 per month; he married Lizzie Paul, in 1853; she was born in Germany ; they have four children : Mary, Margaret, George H. and Frank. Zuck David, farmer; Sec. 21 ; P. O. Lanark. Zuck Jacob, farmer; Sec. 21: P. O. Lanark. Zuck Samuel, farmer; Sec. 21 ; P. O. Lanark. ¦fir' 1" 'ii'i '' mm SHANNON TOWNSHIP. 475 SHANNON TOWNSHIP. B ALEXANDER JAMES, retired farmer; Shannon. Amelsberg Benhard, laborer ; Shannon. Amelsberg Dick, teamster ; Shannon. Artz Amos, teamster ; Shannon. Artz Sam, farmer ; Sec. 18 ; P. O. Shannon. . Ayers Mahlon, well driller ; Shannon. Ayers Robert, well driller ; Shannon. ARNES WILLIAM H. farmer; Sec. 20; P. O. Shannon. BARNES JEFFERSON, Farmer; Sec. 20; P. O. Shannon; born in Mary land, in 1827 ; came to this Co., in 1871 ; owns 560 acres : he married Miss Amanda Dye, in 1853 ; she was born in Maryland ; has four children : William H, John J., Ed ward S., and Delpha ; lost one daughter, Louisa. Barron Jos., farmer; Sec. 6; P. O. Shannon. Barron Thos. Sr., farm ; S. 6 ; P.O. Shannon. BARRON THOMAS, Jr. Farmer; Sec. 6; P. O. Shannon; born in Ireland in 1831; came to this state in 1849; has held office of Road Commissioner ; owns 450 acres ; he married Miss Ann Barron, in 1862 ; she was born in Ireland ; has four children : Mary J., William H., C. Agnes, and Alice G BAYSORE JOSEPH, Miller; Shan non ; born in Pa., in 1836 ; came to this Co. in 1877; he is proprietor of the Shannon Steam Mills ; he married Miss Eliza Medora, in 1858 ; she was born in Pa. ; has two children : Elmer and Merrill ; lost two, Russell and Merritt. Bear F. X. clerk ; Shannon. Beahler Reuben, shoemaker ; Shannon. Beck Joseph, farmer ; Sec. 17 ; P.O. Shannon. Beggin Patrick, laborer ; Shannon. Beldt John, farmer ; Sec. 28; P. O. Shannon. Berket Henry, laborer ; Shannon. Black William, blacksmith ; Shannon. BOHEN J. T. Shoemaker; Shannon; born in Germany, in 1825; came to this Co. in 1855; married Hannah Feltman, in 1856; she was bora in Germany; they have six children : Herman, Elias, John, Lizzie, Mary and Hannah. Bolinger Eli, farmer; Sec. 7; P.O.Shannon. Bowen James, farmer; P. 0. Cherry Grove. Bowers H. farmer; Sec. 31 ; P. O. Shannon. Bowers Jos. farmer; Sec. 31 ; P. O. Shannon Brandt M. L. well driller; Shannon. Brenner Benjamin, farmer; P. O. Shannon, Brenner Henry, wagon maker; Shannon, Bromse Wilkie, farmer. Brown Sanford, carpenter ; Shannon. Burt Edmund, stock dealer; Shannon. BurtR.B. farmer; Sec. 30; P. O. Shannon. Burt Wm. farmer ; Sec. 30 ; P. O. Shannon. BUTTERBAUGH S. H. Druggist; Shannon; born in Pa. in 1844; came to this Co. in 1849 ; has been established in business 9 years ; he enlisted in the 146th I. V. I., and served until the regiment was mustered out ; has held office of Town Clerk; married Miss M. Giddings, in 1868 ; they have four children : Anna M., Lucia G., Meda and Ethel. Byers D. C. farmer ; Sec. 31 ; P.O.Shannon. BYERS GEO. C. Farmer; Sec. 31; P. O. Shannon; born in Blair Co., Pa., in 1844; came to this Co. in 1854; owns 160 acres ; married Miss Mary Bossier, in 1873 ; she was born in Pa. ; they have one child, Charles H.; enlisted in the 142d I. V. L, and afterwards re-enlisted in the 15th I. V. I., and served until the close of the war. CAMPBELL GEORGE, laborer; Shan non. Cannon Michael, laborer; Shannon. Carter George, farmer ; Sec. 5 ; P. O. Shannon. Clark John, blind man ; Shannon. Clark Owen, stone mason; Shannon. COLLINS CHARLES C. Grain Dealer; Shannon; born in Orleans Co., N. Y., in 1831 ; came to this Co. in 1865 ; he married Miss Cornelia Goodrich, in 1856; si' e was born in N. Y; thev have three children : Minnie B., Kitty G. and Albert, lost one son, Harvey. Connelly R. clerk post office ; Shannon. Conner P. laborer ; Shannon. COOK R. M. of the firm of Sherwood & Cook, Bankers, Shannon; born in New Hampshire! in 1835 ; came to this Co. in 1856; owns 80 acres; has held offices of Town Clerk, Supervisor, School Trustee, and School Director; he married Miss Phebe Sherwood, in 1863 ; she was born in N. Y ; they have five children : Hattie E. , Emma, Alice, Harry S. and Herbert Cooney Frank, laborer; Shannon. CORRIE WILLIAM, Painter; Shannon ; born in Scotland in 1845 ; came to this Co. in 1874 ; he married Anna Black, in 1866; she was born in Ogle Co. ; they have four children: Belle, William A., Edward and Blanche. Coulter J. H. meat market; Shannon. COWAN W. S. Grain Dealer, Shan non; born in Penn. 1849; came to this Co. in 1856; married Miss Lucy Hileman, in 1873 ; she was born in Penn. 476 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIEEOTOEY: Cowley Joseph, Shannon. COWLEY T. C. Hardware and House Furnishing Goods, Shannon; born in Mass. in 1852 ; came to this Co. in 1860. Crabtree M. farmer; Sec. 29; P. O. Shannon. Cram D. farmer ; Sec. 21 ; P. O. Shannon. D ANIELS JACOB, farmer; Sec. 28; P. O. Shannon. Daniels A. farmer; Sec.33; P. O.Shannon. DEAL A. W. Druggist and Dealer in Stationery, Paper Hangings, etc, Shan non; born in Penn. in 1849; came to this Co. in 1871 ; he is associated in business with Jno. G Moyer, under the firm name of Deal & Moyer ; he married Miss Lor- etta Madison, Dec 25, in 1872 ; she was born in Illinois; they have one child, Nevvia, lost one daughter. Dellinger B. L. stone mason ; Shannon. DODDS ANDREW, Farmer; Sec. 6; P.O. Shannon; born in Scotland in 1809; came to America in 1831, and settled in Savanna in 1837, and is one of the oldest settlers; owns 160 acres; has held offices of School Director, Highway Com missioner, and Supervisor; he married Miss Elizabeth Pearse, in 1838; she was born in England; has five children: Wil liam, Mary, Joseph, Dollie, and Andrew. Dodds Joseph, farmer ; Sec. 6 ; P.O. Shannon. DODDS WM. Clerk for G G Collins; Shannon; born in Savanna, Carroll Co., in 1839; he married O. E. Dougherty, in 1867 ; she was born in Ohio ; has one child, Ida, by former marriage, and two by second marriage, Zula G. and Wm. Martin. Dunman John, laborer; Shannon. Dugard Charles, laborer; Shannon. E BY JOSEPH, retired farmer; Shannon. EICHHOLTZ DANIEL, Grain and Stock Dealer ; Shannon ; born in Pa. in 1835 ; came to this state in 1855, and to this Co. in 1859 ; owns 160 acres ; has held offices of Road Commissioner, Town Clerk, School Director and School Trustee ; he married Miss L. Neikirk, in Jan. 1863 ; she was born in Md. ; has one child living ; lost four. Eisenbise John, farm ; Sec.29 ; P.O. Shannon. Erb Joseph, farmer ; Sec. 7 ; P. O. Shannon. T^LORY HENRY, blacksmith ; Shannon. Flory John, R. R. carpenter; Shannon. Flory Louis, cooper ; Shannon. Fox Frank, teamster ; Shannon. FRUCKSEN LUCAS, Farmer; Sec. 4; P. O. Shannon; born in Germany, 1838 ; came to this country in 1854 : owns 280 acres ; has held office of School Director ; he married Miss Taka Kards, in 1865; she was born in Germany ; has four chil" dren, Peter, Jopa, Nannie and Fukal. FRY GEORGE, Retired Farmer; Shannon ; born in Germany in 1814 ; came to this country in 1830, and to Ogle Co. in 1852 ; owns 260 acres ; he married Margaret Kline, in 1840 ; she was born in Germany ; has ten children: Christianson, Jacob, Samuel, George, Moses, Catharine, Eliza beth, Mary, Lucy, and Sarah ; lost two. GALLAGHER PETER, laborer; Shanl non. Garrity Pat. laborer ; Shannon. GEMMILL WM. Farmer; Sec. 6; P. O. Shannon ; born in Pa., in 1826 ; came to this state in 1852, and to this Co. in 1857; owns 202 acres ; holds office of School Di rector and Assessor ; married Miss Susan Brenner, in 1850 ; she was born in Pa. ; have nine children : Wiley, Calvin, Emma J., Howard S., William N., Carrie L, Etta, Luella M., John A. and Harry E. Gemmill W. G Gerhart Benjamin, hostler. Gettemy H. H. farmer ; Sec. 21 ; P.O.Shannon. Giddings V. farmer; Sec. 5 ; P. O. Shannon. Good Elias, farmer ; Sec. 8 ; P. O. Shannon. Guyer Wm. G farmer ; Sec 28 ; P.O.Shannon. HARMAN CHRIST, farmer; Sec. 29; P. O. Shannon. Hartman J. farmer; Sec. 29; P. O. Shannon. HAUGHEY JOHN Y. Farmer; Sec 20; P. O. Shannon; born in Jefferson Co., O., in 1821 ; came to this Co. in 1860 ; owns 80 acres ; has held office of School Direc tor ; married Miss Mary J. Ewing, in 1846 ; she was born in Pa. ; they have four chil dren living: James H., Mary J., John E. and Laura B. ; lost five. HEALY RICHARD W. Insurance Agent, Real Estate Dealer and Money Loaner ; Shannon ; born in Wyoming Co., N. Y., in 1835; came to this Co. Aug. 5, 1845 ; enlisted in the 15th I. V. I., and served until the regiment was mustered out ; married Cora Z. Lambert, in 1856 ; she was born in Pa. ; they have seven chil dren : Livingston L., Nellie, Clyde M., Fay B., Hattie E., Stewart L. and Cora Z. ; lost one daughter, Eulalia. Heber Mat. carpenter ; Shannon. HERMAN DAVID, Farmer; Shan non ; born in Pa., in 1818 ; came to this Co. in 1866; owns 110 acres; married Rachel Graves, in 1840 ; she was born in Pa.; they have six children: Manuel, William, Lincoln, Sarah, Aurora and Mary ; lost two : Henry and Robert. Herman M. H. laborer ; Shannon. Hillery Lemuel, preacher; Shannon. HINES C. Dealer in Hardware, Stoves, Agricultural Implements and Tinware; born in Germany in 1833 ; came to this SHANNON TOWNSHIP. 477 Co. in 1865 ; has served as Town Trustee and and Police Magistrate; he married Elizabeth Wirth, in 1857 ; she was born in Pa. ; has ten children ; Clara, Anna, Rob ert, Maggie, Katie, Eda, Josephine, Theo- dore, Paul, and Fred ; lost two, Minerva and Lizzie. Hood William, tailor; Shannon. Hoyman H. H. grain buyer ; Shannon. Humbert D. L. laborer ; Shannon. Hursh Sam. L. teacher ; Shannon. Hyzer Andrew, farm ; Sec. 31 : P.O. Shannon. HYZER PETER, Farmer; Sec. 31; P. O. Shannon ; born in N. Y., 1828 ; came to this Co. in 1855 ; owns 160 acres ; has held offices of School Director and Jus- tice of the Peace ; he married Elizabeth Hoyt, in 1852; she was bom in N. Y. ; has five children : Hannah, Andrew H., Sarah E., Abraham L., Emma J. ' RVIN LOTT M. well driller; Shannon. I KEHM JACOB, Lumber and Coal Dealer ; Shannon ; born in Ger many in 1832; came to this Co., in 1861; has served as Town Trustee ; he married Miss Catherine Meinzear, in 1861 ; she was was born in Germany ; has three children : Jacob L., Luella, and Clayton W.; lost two ; he enlisted in the 74th I. V. I., and % was discharged for disability. Kettner Peter R. school teacher ;^Sec. 20; P. O. Shannon. Kenniger Jas. farmer; Sec. 7 ; P.O. Shannon. KIMMERLINE JACOB, Retired Farmer; Shannon; born in Pa., in 1811; came to this Co., in 1854; has held office of School Director: he married Miss Nancy Becker, in 1830 ; she was born in Pa.; has four children: Julia, Reuben, Mary, Ellen, Jennie ; lost six. Kinney John, section boss ; Shannon. Krider Christ, Sec. 9; Shannon. Krider Eli, Sec. 9; P. O. Shannon. Krocker John, groceryman ; Shannon. Kruiger E. farmer ; Sec. 20 ; P. 0. Shannon. LASHELL CLARENCE, clerk; Shan non. Lashell D. H. egg and butter dealer. Lashell George M. merchant; Shannon. LASHELL J. S. Of the firm J. S. Lashell & Son ; Shannon ; Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps; born in Penn., in 1815; came to this state in 1854, and to this Co. in 1861; has held office of School Trustee and School Director, Supervisor and School Treasurer ten years ; he married Miss Martha Kipp, in 1837 ; she was born in Penn.; they have eight children: George, David, Lydia, Mary, Anna, Clar ence, Charles and William. LAUKER JAMES, Retired Farmer; Shannon; born in Penn., 1825; came to this Co. in 1850; owns 160 acres; has held offices of School Director, Commis sioner of Highways, Supervisor and Col lector ; he married Miss Sarah Sanders, in 1847 ; she was born in Penn. ; they have nine children : Mary S., Anna E., Sarah F., Nancy J., Emma A., Lucy A., Amanda G., James, Madison and Daniel S. Leonard John A. carpenter ; Shannon. Lichtenberger William. Linderman A. F. merchant; Shannon. Lockman Fred, grocery; Shannon. Lory Abraham, butcher ; Shannon. Lutz B. F. teacher ; Shannon. M cCOURT B. laborer; Lanark. McGinnis Frank, laborer; Shannon. McGregor J. W. retired ; Shannon. McGuire James, laborer ; Shannon. McNamond T. railroad laborer; Shannon. McNutt T. G. farm; Sec. 7; P. O. Shannon. Mattingly George, constable ; Shannon. MASTIN J. M. D. Lumber and Coal Dealer, Shannon ; born in Ohio in 1825; settled in Stephenson Co. in 1825, and came to this Co. in 1861 ; has held offices of Collector and School Trustee, and holds offices of Justice of the Peace and Super visor; is Chairman of the Board; prac ticed medicine many years ; married Miss Catherine Dougherty, in 1853; she was bom in Ohio; they have three children: George C, James W. and Maggie. Miller Geo. blacksmith, Shannon. Miller J. B. retired ; Shannon. Mishler Barton.dealer in ag. imp. ; Shannon. Molchior H. shoemaker; Shannon. Moran Mat. F. Shannon. Mozer G retired farmer; Shannon. MOYER .INO.C. of the firm of Deal & Moyer, Dealers in Drugs, Stationery and Wall Paper, Shannon ; born in Dau phin Co., Penn., in 1854; came to this Co. in 1870. Moyer Wm. farm hand ; Shannon. Mnlvaney J. farmer ; Sec. 5 ; Shannon. Mulvaney R. farm; Sec. 5; P. O. Shannon. Myers L. well driller ; Shannon. NEWCOMER T. P. Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, etc., Shannon ; born in Penn. in 1829 ; came to this state in 1857 and to this Co. in 1864; has held office of Post master for the past four years ; is Justice of the Peace and School Trustee; he mar ried Miss Anna M. Conway, in 1856 ; she was born in Penn; they have two chil dren : Gertrude and Hortense. 478 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIEECTOEY: NESSEMEEER CONRAD, Far mer; Sec. 16; P. O. Shannon; born in Germany, 1816; came to this Co. in 1862; owns 440 acres; he married Christine Ritchmeyer in 1855 ; they have five chil dren: Fred, Harmon, Caroline, August and William; Mrs. Nessemeier hasone son by former marriage: Henry Ritch meyer. NORTHEY ELIJAH, Jeweler and Watchmaker, Shannon; born in England in 1826 ; came to this country in 1832, and to this Co. in 1854; has served as School Director; he married Eliza Droze, June 13, 1850 ; she was born in Philadelphia. o BRIEN P. farmer; Sec. 5; P. O. Shan non. -pASSHITZ MAT, Cherry Grove. Peterson E. E. carpenter ; Shannon. Piper J. F. carpenter ; Shannon. Potorf W. H. retired farmer ; REDDINGTON DENNIS, teamster; Shannon. Reddington Ed. teamster ; Shannon. Reddington J. laborer ; Shannon. Reddington Patrick, laborer ; Shannon. Richards Mat. carpenter ; Shannon. Rogers John, retired ; Shannon. Rummel George, laborer; Shannon. RUMMELL JOHN, Furniture Deal er and Undertaker, Shannon ; bora in Germany, in 1815 ; came to this country in 1844; and to this Co. in 1874; owns 170 acres in Ogle Co. ; he married Mary L. Guyerin 1845; she was born in Germany; has seven children : George, William, Rich ard, Louisa, John, Cornelius and Eliza beth ; lost five. Rummel William, clerk ; Shannon. QHANER MIKE, merchant; Shannon. SHAFER GEORGE, Farmer ; Sec.16 ; P. O. Shannon; born in Germany; came to this country in 1830, and to this Co. in 1852 ; owns 500 acres ; has held office of School Director ; he married Miss Margar- etta Miller, in 1841 ; she was born in Ger many; has ten children: William H., Elizabeth,Melvina, Martha, Mary,Michael, Reuben, George, Joseph and Wesley. Shafer George, farmer ; Sec 16 ; P.O.Shannon. Shannon William, Shannon. Sueffler J. restaurant ; Shannon. Shelly E. A. farmer; Sec 16; P. O.Shannon. Sherwood Charles, banker ; Shannon. Shily B. F. saddle and harness maker; Shannon. Shily Frank, farmer. Shirk Levi B. farm ; Sec. 16 ; P. O. Shannon, Shirk H. L. farmer; Sec. 9; P. O. Shannon. Shirk Samuel B. retired ; Shannon. Shore N. G laborer ; Shannon. Shout James A. butcher ; Shannon. Shout J. A. retired ; Shannon. Sizer Thomas, well driller: Shannon. Smith G A. carpenter ; Shannon. SMITH JOHN I., M. D., Physician and Surgeon ; Shannon ; born in Canada, June, 1843; came to this Co. in 1872; he married Miss Wealthy Taber, in 1877 ; she was born in Ohio. Smith Philetus, retired ; Shannon. SMITH T. A.? M. D., Physician and Surgeon; born in Byron, Ogle Co., Dec. 30, 1846; came to this Co., 1874; he mar ried Miss Lydia Kellogg, Jan. 1, 1873 ; has one child. Snow D. plasterer ; Shannon. SPEENBUBGH PETER, Proprie tor of the Shannon House ; Shannon ; born in N. Y. in 1831 ; he came to this Co. in 1864; he married Adelia A. Jones, in 1852 ; she was bom in N. Y., and died in 1863 ; he married for his second wife Miss Emily De Lopp, in 1869 ; she was born in Wis. ; has four children by first marriage : Mary E., Effie M., Ada B., and Leonidas D., and two by second marriage: Arte misia and lone. Spengler Charles, blacksmith ; Shannon. Spengler John, shoemaker; Shannon. Spengler Joseph, retired ; Shannon. Spies Jacob, retired; Shannon. Sprogle S. H. physician; Shannon. Springstead Wm. restaurant; Shannon. Stineman Jacob, drayman ; Shannon. Stoner David, farmer. Stoner Henry, retired farmer ; Lanark. Stoner Jacob, farmer; Sec. 29; P.O.Shannon. STONER SOLOMON, Farmer; Sec. 8; P. O. Shannon; born in Pa., in 1846; came to this Co. in 1877 ; owns 120 acres; married Miss Mary Fry, in 1872 ; she was born in Ogle Co. ; they have two children : Laura M. and Edgar R. Stonerook S. farmer; Sec 20; P.O. Shannon. Strow N. H. retired farmer; Shannon. T EMPLE BENJAMIN, farmer; Sec. 29; P. O. Shannon. Temple H. farmer ; Sec. 29 ; P. O. Shannon. Temple W. farmer; Sec. 20; P. O. Shannon. THOMETZ STEPHEN, Restau rant and Confectionery; born in Austria, in 1840 ; came to this Co. in 1869 ; married Miss Ella Reichard, in 1865; she was born in Cook Co., 111.; they have six children: Michael, Margaretta, Henry, Annie, Mat tie and Tracy. Thornton John, laborer; Shannon. SHANNON TOWNSHIP. 479 Truckermiller C. F. clerk ; Shannon. TTANDERLAS B. plasterer; Shannon. Vaughan M. railroad hand ; Shannon. Vaughan Wm. railroad hand ; Shannon. TT7HITMORE ED. laborer. Whitmore George N. constable ; Shannon. WHITE J. D. Shannon; born in O., in 1834 ; came to this state in 1854, and to this Co. in 1857 ; married Mrs. S. G Bole, in 1874; she was born in Pa.; has two children by former marriage: Hortie and Lida. Whisler Victor; laborer; Shannon. Wiche Frank, harness maker ; Shannon. Williamson J. farmer ; Sec. 20 ; P.O.Shannon. Wirner Wm. J. farmer ; Sec. 10 ; P.O.Shannon. Wolf S. R. farmer; Sec. 30; P. O. Shannon. YEAGER A. Lumber and Coal Dealer; Shannon; born in Pa., July 15, 1821; came to this Co., April 15, 1864; has held office of School Director ; mar ried Lyclia Werner, in 1844 ; she was born in Pa.; they have five children: Delia, Enoch L., Lizzie, Mary J. and Hannah. TINN PETER, carpenter. FREEDOM TOWNSHIP. ADAMS CHRIST, farmer 36; P. O. Lanark. Adams Robert J. farm ; S. 3 ; P. O. Lanark. Armoland Samuel, lives with father, John S. Arnold J. S. farmer; Sec. 9; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Arnold Wallace, Sec 2; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Awbrey Thos. farm renter ; Sec. 19; P. O. Mt. Carroll. BAKER HENRY, farmer; Sec. 14; P. O. Lanark. Baumbaugh J. S. farm ; S. 21 ; P. O. Lanark. Bashaw D. E. farm ; Sec. 6 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Bashaw J. farmer. Bashaw Oliver, lives with father, D. E. Bashaw W. D. farm ; S. 6 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Bast Conrad, farmer; Sec. 14; P.O.Lanark. Beeler P. farmer; Sec. 27; P.O. Mt Carroll. Bender G., Sr., farm; Sec 27; P. 0. Lanark. Bissicummer U. farmer ; Sec. 17 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Blair John, farmer ; Sec. 14; P. O.Lanark. Bopp A., Sr., farmer; Sec. 11; P. O.Lanark. CARTER S. E. farmer; Sec. 10; P. O. Lanark. Cleridence J. T. laborer ; Mt. Carroll. Collins S. farmer; Sec. 9; P. O. Lanark. DAUGHTERTY JONES H. farmer; Sec. 15; P.O. Mt Carroll. Dean Oscar G. farmer; Sec.12; P.O. Lanark. Dean H. Isaac, farm ; Sec. 12 ; P.O. Lanark. Ditsworth H. farmer; Sec. 26; P.O. Lanark. Dysling Frank, farm ; Sec. 1 ; P.O. Lanark. Dyslin Lewis H. farm ; Sec. 1 ; P.O. Lanark. Dyslin Morris, farm; Sec. 1 ; P.O. Lanark. EBY MATHIAS, farm; Sec. 22; P. O. Lanark. Eisenbise G. farm; Sec. 21 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Emert Jno. farm; Sec.33; P.O. Mt Carroll. Esherman David B. rents farm ; Sec.30 ; P.O. Lanark. Eserhart Joseph, laborer; P.O. Mt. Carroll. FEEZER LEWIS, farmer; Sec. 24; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Frederick A. farm ; Sec. 6 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Fritz Jno. Sec.31; P.O. Mt Carroll. FRITZ WILLIAM, Farmer and Stock Raiser; Sec. 31; P.O. Mt. Carroll; born in Washington Co., Md., July 13, 1828 ; came to this Co. in 1855 ; owns 136 acres land, valued at $8,160 ; is a demo crat ; never held any office ; no office man ; married Christina Richmond, of Alle ghany Co., Pa. ; had eleven children : George, William, Samuel, Thomas, John, Catherine, Margaret, Emma, David, Ralph and Franklin. Fritz Wm., Jr., Sec. 31; P.O. Mt. Carroll. GIDDINGS JABEZ, farmer; Sec. 3; P. O. Lanark. Giddings Luther, Sec. 3 ; P. O. Lanark. Gill Eli, farmer ; Sec 14 ; P. O. Lanark. Grimm L.M. laborer; S.30; P.O. Mt.Carroll. HARST CONRAD, farmer; Sec 19; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Hawks W. H. farmer; Sec. 35 ; P.O. Lanark. Haynes W. H. farm; S. 19; P.O. Mt Carroll. HESS CHRISTOPHER L. Farm- er; Sec 19; P. O. Mt Carroll; born in Baltimore, Md., Oct. 18, 1833 ; came to this Co. in May, 1847; married Nabby Eliza Rowley, Dec. 25, 1867 ; she was born in Armstrong Co., Pa,, Dec. 14, 1840; she 480 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIBECTOBY! came to this Co. Oct. 15, 1854 ; he enlisted in Co. M, 2d Col. V. G, Jan. 21, 1863; discharged Sept. 23, 1865 ; did good ser vice in Missouri against the rebels. Hess L. farmer; Sec. 19; P. 0. Mt. Carroll. Howell A. G. M. farm; Sec.35; P.O. Lanark. Howell Henry, with father; Sec.35; P.O. Lanark. Howell Isaac N. Sec. 35 ; 'P. O. Mt. Carroll. HOWELL JAS. R. Farmer; Sec 35; P. O. Lanark; owns 102 acres land in this Co., valued at $70 per acre ; 160 in Iowa, valued at $10 per acre ; born in Hagars- town, Washington Co., Md., July 21, 1823 ; came to this Co. in the Fall of 1845 ; en listed in the 71st I. V. I., July 9, 1S62; discharged Oct 29, 1862, having served his time of enlistment ; democrat ; Christian Baptist; married Barbara Eshelman, March 1, 1849 ; she was born at Sidehill, Bedford Co., Pa., July 20, 1822; have had six children : Abram G., Thomas F., Han nah S., Grace N, Charles S. (deceased), Joseph M. ; his son, Thomas F., and daughter, Hannah S., were the first white children in Rock Creek Tp., where Lanark now stands. Howell Thos. F. lives with father, Jas. R. Hungerford Grant,rjfarmer ; Sec. 20; P. O. Mt. Carroll. I LER DAVID, farmer; Sec. 28; P. O. Mt Carroll. Her John, farmer ; Sec. 15 ; P. O. Lanark. JACKSON JAMES H. Farmer; Sec. 32; P. O. Mt. Carroll; rents farm; was born May 13, 1839, in Marion Co., Ind. ; came to this Co., 1841; republican; Methodist; enlisted May 24, 1861, in the 15th I. V. I. ; was in 20 engagements ; dis charged May 24, 1864; married, Aug. 1, 1864, Jane E. Stakemiller, who was born Jan. 19, 1845; they have had eight chil dren : Alexis W., born Jan. 26, 1866 ; Mary G, April 29, 1867; Anna M., Jan. 30, 1869; Etta W., Aug. 3, 1870; Samuel S., Nov. 1, 1871 ; Jane E., Aug. 25, 1873, died July 18, 1874; Lulu May, June 2, 1875; Bertha Clara. Oct. 13, 1877. Johnston J. M. farm; S. 18; P.O. Mt.Carroll. Johnston W. farm; Sec. 20; P.O. Mt.Carroll. K AUFMAN D. farmer ; Sec. 6 ; P. O. Mt Carroll. Kaufman G. farm ; Sec. 6 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. KEISTER DAVID, Farmer; Sec. 12; P. O. Shannon; owns 120 acres land; value, $30 per acre; republican; Evan gelical; born, June 2, 1844, in Portage, Ohio; came to this Co., June 2, 1868; enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, in the 93d I. V. I. ; was in two engagements — Jackson and Champion Hill, Miss.: was wounded in the last engagement ; discharged June 8, 1865; married Dorothy Behringer, who was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, Aug. 26, 1849 ; they have four children : William Henry, Ida May, Junsger Eliza, Harriet. Klippings F. farmer ; Sec. 2 ; P. O. Lanark. LAIRD WILLIAM R. farmer; Sec. 35; P. O. Lanark. Landt Jerry, farmer: Sec. 2; P.O. Lanark. Layman Andrew, Sr., farmer; Sec. 29; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Layman And., Jr., Sec. 29 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Lohr Jacob, auctioneer ; Mt Carroll. Lowman A. farm ; Sec. 33 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Lowman H. F. farm ; S. 33 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Lowman Jos. M. Sec. 33; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Ludwick W. farm; Sec. 7; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Ludwick M. S. farm ; Sec. 5 ; P.O. Mt.Carroll. McALHATTAN JOHN, farmer ; Sec. 26 ; P.O. Lanark. MILLER BENJAMEtf F. Farmer; Sec 35; P.O. Lanark; born in Washing ton Co., Md., April 15, 1842 ; came to this Co. Sept. 29, 1869 ; owns 40 acres land, valued at $65 per acre ; is a republican ; member Methodist Church ; married Mary Mark, July 2, 1868 ; she was born in Free dom, this Co; have had two children: Francis P., bom Oct. 9, 1869, died March 16, 1876 ; Iva Auba, born Nov. 28, 1873. Miller Jacob H. (lives with his father, Jona than) P.O. Lanark. Miller Jonathan, farm; S. 36; P.O. Lanark. Miller Henry, farm; Sec. 13; P.O. Lanark. Miller John E. farm ; Sec. 16 ; P.O. Lanark. MOFFETT GARNER (Deceased), born in Va., in Jan., 1807 ; came to this Co. in 1836 ; was among the earliest set tlers of the Co. ; died in Oct., 1856 ; was Co. Superintendent of Schools of this Co. for many years, and was a member of the second Constitutional Convention of this state for revising the constitution ; married Miss Mary J. Davis, who was born in Wash ington Co., Va. ; she still survives him ; he left five children: William, John, Robert, Sarah and Margaret. Moffitt John, farmer ; Sec. 26 ; P.O. Lanark. Moore Jacob, farm ; Sec. 31 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Moore Harlye, farm ; S.31 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Murmert S., Sr., far ; Sec. 18 ; P.O. Mt.Carroll. Murmert S., Jr., lives with father, S., Sr. Myers Bart, Sec. 30 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. MYERS DANIEL, Farmer; Sec. 19; P.O. Mt. Carroll; owns 79 acres of land in this Co., and 14 acres in Jo Daviess Co. ; born April 4, 1850, in Freedom, Carroll Co., 111. ; married Susan Deitrick, Nov. 11, 1869 ; she was born Oct. 13, 1850, in Free dom, Carroll Co., 111. ; they have three chil dren ; Amos, Henry and Eddy. MYERS FRANKLIN, Farmer; Sec. 28; P. O. Mt. Carroll; was born Feb. 21, 1847, at Freedom, Carroll Co., 111. ; mar- EEEEDOM TOWNSHIP. 481 ried Margaret A. Eisenbise, Feb. 13, 1872; she was born Oct. 13, 1851, in Elkhart Co., Ind. ; they have one child, Lyman, born Feb. 15, 1874; owns 120 acres land; value, $50 per acre; has taught school and been School Trustee^four years. Myers Paul, farm ;.Sec 30; P. O. Mt. Carroll. N ASON JESSE, farmer; Sec. 31; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Noble John, farm; Sec. 6; P. O. Mt. Carroll. NOBLE WILLIAM, Farmer; Sec.22; P. O. Mt. Carroll ; was born April 15, 1844, in Ireland ; married Sarah Smith, Aug. 9, 1867 ; she was born July 16, 1848, in Wash ington Co., Md. ; they have six children : Willie, Joseph, John, Laura, Ella and Lib- by ; enlisted Aug., 1862, in the 45th 111. Lead Mine Regt. Inft; re-enlisted in the 45th, Jan. 5, 1864; served during the war; was in twenty-three engagements ; liberal repub lican. o RR JESSE, farmer; Sec. 26; P. O. Mt. Carroll. OVERCASH SAMUEL, Black smith : Sec. 21 ; P. O. Lanark ; was born June 10, 1825, in Franklin Co., Pa. ; mar ried Rebecca Lehman, Feb. 8, 1848; she was born Nov. 25, 1823, in Green Tp., Franklin Co., Pa ; they have five children : Jacob, Daniel, Franklin, Ella and Alta; came to this Co. March 17, 1875 ; worked at blacksmithing twenty-four years ; taken prisoner by Gen. Lee's Army at the time of his raid in Pa., and held ten days. PARKER JOHN P. Farmer; Sec. 27; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Paul G. H. farmer ; Sec. 12 ; P. O. Lanark. Phyle M. farmer; Sec. 22; P. O. Lanark. Peterbaugh Martin, farmer ; Sec. 25; P. O. Lanark. R ENNER ALBERT, Lanark. RennerEli P. fanner; Sec. 9; ;P. O. Lanark. Renner Dan. farmer ; Sec. 9; P. O. Lanark. Renner David, farmer; Sec. 9 ; P. O. Lanark. Renner Nat, farmer ; Sec. 3 ; P. O. Lanark. Renner Sam.' farmer ; Sec 4 ; P. O. Lanark. Renner Simon P. farm. ; S. 6 ; P, O. Lanark. Ritnour A. farmer ; Sec. 13 ; P. O. Lanark. Ritenour Adam, Sr. Rhan Henry, farmer; Sec. 12; P. O. Lanark. Rousch Kasper, farmer ; Sec. 17 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Rouser G Sec. 18; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Rouser Jno. D. farmer ; Sec. 18; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Royer Dan. farmer ; Sec. 15 ; P. O. Lanark. SHADT WILLIAM, farmer; Sec. 16; P. O. Lanark. Sing W. farmer; Sec. 13; P. 0. Lanark. Sisler D. farmer; Sec 29; P. O. Mt. Carroll. SLEEK GEO. C. Farmer; Sec. 23; P. O. Lanark ; born in Carroll Co., Md., in 1847 ; came to this Co., in 1853 ; owns 220 acres; holds offices of Town Clerk, Justice of the Peace and School Director; he married Katie Ditswarth, in 1868; she was born in Penn. Slifer J. W. painter; Sec. 29; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Smith C. farmer; Sec. 30; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Smith E. farmer; Sec. 30; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Sonders J. farmer ; Sec. 33 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Spears J. E. farmer; Sec. 1; P. O. Lanark. Stakemiller W. farmer; Sec. 32; P. O. Mt. Carroll. STITZEL JOSEPH, Farmer and Stock Raiser; Sec. 22; P. O. Mt. Carroll; born in Franklin Co., Pa, Jan. 20, 1833 ; came to this Co., June 23, 1845 ; was on the road five weeks coming here, in com pany with Mr. George Grove and family, Daniel Sherar and family, Daniel Leter and family, and Samuel Mitchell and family; owns 233 acres, valued at $6,524; takes no part in politics ; German Baptist ; married, Feb. 23, 1858, Catherine Slifer; they have nine children : Laura, Thomas, David, Louisa, Francis, Mary, Daniel, Alice and Isaac. Snell Joseph, Sec. 22; P. O. Mt. Carroll. TAYLOR HENRY, Farmer; Sec. 21; P. O. Lanark. Taylor W. Farmer; Sec. 16; P. O. Lanark. TEETER DANIEL, Farmer; Sec. 30; P. O. Mt Carroll; born July 22, 1811, in Franklin Co., Pa. ; came to this Co. June 25, 1845, being thirty-five days on the road; owns 200 acres land, valued at $50 per acre ; married, Nov. 26, 1840, Rebecca Stitt ; she was born in Franklin Co., Pa., Oct. 19, 1817; they have ten chil dren : Joseph, Mary Jane, Elizabeth, John, Daniel, Eliza R., Nancy, Katie, Emma (now deceased), Ida ; republican ; Metho dist. Teeter John, Sec. 30; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Thomas M. farmer; Sec. 12; P. O. Lanark. Truckamiller E. farmer; Sec. 29; P. O. Mt. Carroll. WARFIELD CHARLES ; Farmer; Sec. 30; P. O. Mt Carroll. Welder Jonathan, farm; S. 2; P. O. Lanark. Weldon S. 8. farmer ; Sec. 5 ; P.O. Lanark. WITMORE JOSEPH, Farmer and Stock Raiser; Sec. 29; P.O. Mt. Carroll; bora in Washington Co., Md., Dec. 4, 1851; came to Ogle Co., 111., in 1873; to this Co. in 1874; owns 140 acres land, valued at $5,600 ; is a republican ; married Elizabeth Her, who was born in Carroll Co., in 1854 ; have one child, Vernie B. 482 CAEEOLL CO0NTY DIBEOTOEY: WISE ANDREW J. Farmer; Sec. 28 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll ; bom in Cumberland Co., Pa., April 7, 1841 ; came to this Co. Feb. 25, 1875; is a democrat; is a German Baptist; married Susan Shank, April 20, 1864 ; they have six children : Calvin, John S., Anna E., Jacob A., Daniel W. and George Z. Wise Samuel. WOLF DAVID, Farmer; Sec. 34; P. 0. Lanark; born in Freedom Tp., in 1847; owns 270 acres land ; married Miss Mary E. Sword, Jan. 11, 1870. Wolf John R. farmer; Sec. 26; P.O. Lanark. Wolrod Wm. farm; Sec. 2; P.O. Shannon. ZILLHART JOHN, farmer; Sec. 21 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Zuck Jacob, farmer ; Sec. 23 ; P.O. Lanark. ELKHORN TOWNSHIP. ABEL SOLOMON, blacksmith ; Sec. 7 ; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. Adams, William T. Allison Chas. W. farm ; Sec. 31 ; P. O. Mil ledgeville. ALLISON FISHER, Farmer; Sec 30; P. O. Milledgeville; born Cumber land Co., England, Aug. 13, 1815; came to Canada, 1834; came to Ills, to Carroll Co. May, 1840 ; one of the earliest settlers ; en tered land from government; engaged in farming, and has lived in this town 37 years ; has carted grain to Chicago ; has sold wheat at 37ic. a bush ; has held offices Supervisor and Collector of this town and also school offices ; Mr. A. and son own 220 acres land and Elkhorn Grove Mills ; married Jane G. Van Buskirk, from Ohio, Oct. 26, 1837 ; they have eight children, five sons and three daughters, lost five children ; had four sons in the army dur ing the war. Allison I. farm ; Sec. 30 ; P. O. Milledgeville. Allison J. farm ; Sec, 30 ; P.O. Milledgeville. Allison Chas. Wesley, farmer; Sec. 30; P.O. Milledgeville. Andrews R. farm ; Sec. 28 ; P. O. Milledge ville. BARBER H farmer; Sec. 31 ; P. O. Mil- ledgeville. Baumgart H. farm ; Sec. 33 ; P. O. Milledge ville. Beaty S. farm ; Sec. 17 ; P. O. Eagle Point. BEEKM AN GERARDIIS, Farmer, Sec. 28 ; P. O. Milledgeville ; born Somer set Co., N. J., March 9, 1801; lived there 19 years ; went to New York City ; was clerk in store, and also in Tobacco Busi ness ; came to Chicago and came to this Co. in Fall 1842— over 35 years ago ; an early settler; only very few here now that were here when he came ; bought claim where he now lives of Esq. Knox; owns farm 84 acres; married Miss Sophia Gil- lett, from Conn., in 1828 ; she died in 1844. BEGEMAN & BOETTCHEB, Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Fremont; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. Fred Begeman was Dom in Ger many, and came to this country at an early age ; clerked in store in Wis. ; also clerked here nine years ; then engaged in business here. Herman Boettcher was born in Germany, and came to America, 1871 ; engaged clerk in store, and associ ated himself with Fred Begeman in Nov., 1877, and are doing large business. Benedict Abraham, farmer; Sec. 17; P.O. Elkhorn Grove. Berkee Henry. Bonner David T. farmer ; Sec. 5 ; P. O. Elk horn Grove. BOHNEB DAVID, Farmer; Sec. 8; P. O. Elkhorn Grove; born Northumber land Co., Pa., Sept. 22, 1823 ; lived there and in Dalton Co. ; learned cabinet making trade ; worked at it 8 years ; then went to farming; lived in Pa. 46 years, and came to Carroll Co. in 1869, and engaged in farming; has held office of School Direct or ; owns 409 acres land ; married Cather ine Yeager, from Dalton Co., Pa., March 6, 1845 ; they have eleven children: Ann E., Adaline, David T., Leah Jane, John H., Daniel L., Frank, Sallie, Lilly, Kate, George ; lost two, Mary, Catherine. Bohmer John, farmer ; Elkhorn Grove. Bohmer T. farm ; S. 5 ; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. Boyer A. farmer; S. 7 ; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. BBACKEN MBS. MELINDA, Sec 33 ; P. O. Polo ; bom Germany, 1833, and came to this country in infancy ; lived in Pa., ten years, then moved to Ind. ; she has been married three times; her first husband was Charles Maccan, from Eng land; he died, 1857; had three children: Anna M., Sarah E., and Francis M.; her second husband was James Murray, of Ireland; they had two children, William L., Samuel J.; her third husband was John Bracken, from Ireland; he died 1870; had five children: Henrietta E., John, Melinda, Nora Jane and Thomas. Brandt John, Sr., farmer; Sec. 4; P. O, Eagle Point. ELKHOEN TOWNSHIP. 483 Brandt J. farm ; Sec. 4; P. O. Eagle Point. Brewbaker Isaac. Brown James, farmer; Sec. 18; P. O. Elk horn Grove. Buffington Luther, laborer ; Sec. 7 ; P.O. Elk horn Grove. Buffington Missus. BUS WELL J. B. Farmer ; Sec. 9 ; P.O. Eagle Point, Ogle Co. ; born Vermont Feb. 4, 1884; lived there 20 years; then moved to Iowa ; came to Carroll Co., 1858 ; has lived here 20 years ; engaged in farming and stock raising ; owns 215 acres, and has held office of Town Clerk, and also holds office School Treasurer; married Miss Laura Shoemaker, daughter of Pearson Shoemaker, Polo, one of the earliest set tlers, in Feb., 1865 ; they have four chil dren: Emily F., Clark A., Elizabeth P., James Cromwell. Chafer William W. justice peace; Sec. 7; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. Clark J. hunter ; Sec.17 ; P.O .Elkhorn Grove. CoballP. farmer; Sec. 6 ; P.O.Elkhorn Grove. CURTICE GEORGE, Farmer; Sec. 4; P. O. Eagle Point; born in Devonshire, England, April 3, 1814; learned shoe maker's trade; lived there 22 years, and came to this country Nov. 17, 1836 ; came to Carroll Co. by wagon, being about two months on the way; arrived here June 11, 1837 ; one of the earliest settlers ; only very few now living that were here when he came ; bought claim and entered land from government ; gave yoke of cattle for claim ; owns 125 acres of land ; married Hannah Pierce, from England, in 1835 ; she died Jan. 29, 1872; they had ten children, four sons and six daughters: married Mrs. Mary Besore, from Franklin Co., Pa., Dec. 5, 1876 ; she was born near Harrisburg, Pa. D ARROW ALBERT, farmer; Sec. 5; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. Delp S. M. lab; Sec. 32; P. O. Milledgeville. DERR CYRUS E. Elkhorn Grove Mills; Sec. 31; P. O. Milledgeville; born in Frederick Co., Md., in 1854 ; lived there 20 years ; learned the milling business ; came to 111., to Ogle Co., in 1874; was in flour and feed store; rented the Elkhorn Grove Mills in 1876, and is doing good business, principally custom trade. DEYO BENJAMIN A. Plasterer; Sec. 4; P.O.Eagle Point; born in Dela ware Co., N. Y., June 9, 1833 ; came to Peoria, 111., when only one year old ; lived in Lee Co. some years ; also lived in White side Co. ; enlisted in army, 92d Regt. I. V. I., Co. E; married Alice R. Davidson, from Morrison, daughter of one of the oldest settlers, Jan. 9, 1877 ; she owns 160 acres land. ICK GEORGE, lives with father ; Sec. 29 ; P. O. Milledgeville. E Eick J. farmer ; Sec. 29 ; P. O. Milledgeville. FARHNEY ANDREW, farmer; Sec 32; P. O. Milledgeville. Farhney G farm; Sec. 28 ; P.O.Milledgeville. Farhney E. farm ; Sec. 28 ; P.O.Milledgeville. Fender J. laborer; Sec. 9; P. O. Eagle Point. FENDER HIRAM, Farmer; Sec 9; P. O. Eagle Point, Ogle Co. ; bora in Law rence Co., Ind.. Sept. 9, 1825 ; came to Sugar Grove, Lee Co., with his parents, when nine years of age ; they came with an ox team, his father being one of the first settlers in that Co., and when he came, drove the first wagon through that grove with twelve yoke of oxen ; they brought a large amount of stock : 100 cattle, 30 horses, 100 hogs, and 100 sheep — a large amount for that early day ; they located on the north side of Sugar Grove; the first Summer there were 17 of them lived in a log cabin, 14 by 16, without floor or door ; they kept tavern for all who came along; when he has been out on horseback, he has caught many a wolf, tied their mouth, and carried them home; his father entered 1,600 acres of land ; he used to sharpen plows for settlers for 25 miles distant; made first mills (Iron's) in this Co. ; he died in the year 1849. Hiram came to Carroll Co. in 1854, located here, and owns 400 acres land ; has held office of Road Commissioner and school offices; married Miss Mary Mc- Counell, from Ind., April 3, 1851 ; they have two children : Adelia and Alice Maud. Flowers Josiah, farm ; S.16 ; P.O. EaglePoint. Flowers Wm. farm; S.16; P.O. Eagle Point. Flowers W. Jr. farm ;S,16 ; P. O. Eagle Point. Fosdick L.B. farm ; S.5 ; P.O. Elkhorn Grove. H AWES JOHN H., Jr., farmer; Sec. 20; P. O. Milledgeville. HA WES JOHN H. Farmer; Sec. 21; P.O. Milledgeville; born in Bedford Co., Va., Dec. 16, 1808 ; his father went to Tenn., and enlisted in the British war of 1812 ; went down the river with Gen. Jackson, and died just before the battle of New Orleans; John H. went to Ohio for eight years; lived in Ind.; came to this Co. Sept. 22, 1840 ; settled on the claim made by Levi Warner, the first claim made on the south side of the grove ; there are only a few here now that were here then ; has carted wheat to Chicago and sold it for 49 cents a bushel ; carted lumber from Chi cago to put in the house where he now lives ; has held the office of Justice of the Peace for eight years, was Highway Com missioner many years, and has held various school offices; has been married twice; first wife was Mary Hunter, from Miss., she died Dec. 25, 1840 ; married Catherine J. Sisney, from Ohio, in 1841 ; has three sons and six daughters. HawesT.H.B. farm ; S.20 ; P.O.Milledgeville. 484 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIEECTOBY: HEALY A. H. Farmer; Sec. 6; P. 0. Elkhorn Grove ; born in Genesee Co., NY., Dec. 26, 1818; lived there 23 years; started for this state, and arrived here Oct 12, 1841, with only fifty cents in his pocket, over 36 years ago ; was one of the early settlers ; in 1844 and 1845 was break ing prairie ; he and M. Z. Landon raised 40 acres wheat in 1845 ; had 47 bushels per acre ; has hauled wheat to Chicago, and sold it for 51 cents a bushel, taking nine days to make the trip; owns 235 acres land; has held the offices of Supervisor, Road Commissioner, Assessor, and school offices ; holds office of Postmaster here ; married Naomi Tucker, from N. Y., in 1847; she died in 1853 ; had one son, Fred F., now in Kas. ; he was in the army, 55th I. V. I. ; married Martha Fields, from N.Y., in Jan., 1854; they have five children: Laura, Clara, Mattie, Ola and Lottie. HEALEY HORACE T. Farmer; Sec. 32 ; P. O. Milledgeville ; born in Erie Co., NY., April 22, 1843; came to Ogle Co., 111., at an early age, with his parents ; they came by wagon, and were six weeks on the way ; has also lived in Whiteside Co. ; owns farm of 200 acres ; was in the army, in Co. H, 55th I. V. I. ; was wounded at Vicksburg ; was in the battles of Shiloh, Arkansas Post, and others ; married Miss Sarah Jane Scoville, daughter of James Scoville, one of the earliest settlers of this Co., June 19, 1866 ; have seven children : Horace G., Frank, Bennie, Virgil, Albert, James and Nettie Maud. Holly Henry, farm ; S.29 ; P.O. Milledgeville. HOLLY LEONARD, Farmer; Sec. 29 ; P.O. Milledgeville ; born in Bradford Co., Pa., Oct. 25, 1827; lived there 23 years ; came to Carroll Co. May 27, 1850 ; bought land of Isaac West; has lived here over 27 years ; has carted grain to Rockford; has sold wheat at 27 cents a bushel, and corn at 12% cents ; owns farm of 80 acres ; was in the army, Co. I, 75th I.V. I. ; had held offices of Town Collector and Road Commissioner; married Cath erine Johnston, from Canada, July 7, 1853 ; they have four children : Francis A, Henry J., Hannah L. and William B. ; lost one child in infancy. Hodge G. farm; Sec. 20; P.O. Milledgeville. Host Jacob, shoemaker ; Sec. 17 ; P. O. Elk horn Grove. Huff Aaron, blacksmith; Sec. 32; P. O. Mil- ledgeville. Hull Joseph. HUNTER HEBJRY C. Mason; Sec. 7 ; P. O. Elkhorn Grove ; born March 23, 1834 ; came to this Co. in 1839 ; owns one half of a stone quarry, lime kilc, brick. yard and grist mill ; valuation of his share is $5,000 ; married Miss A. Dyer, in July, 1857 ; she was born in Pa. ; they have three children living, one son and two daugh ters ; Mr. H. enlisted in Co. F, 1st Art, in 1863 ; was in all engagements from Mis sion Ridge to Nashville ; was connected with what was called the Salt Water Bat tery ; served to the close of the war, and was honorably discharged. Hutchison Albert, cooper; Sec. 7; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. Hutchison Chas. farmer; Sec. 7; P. O. Elk horn Grove. Hutchison Eugene, farmer; Sec. 7; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. Hutchison Robt broom -maker; Sec 7; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. Hutchison Wm. farmer; Sec. 7; P. O. Elk horn Grove. Hutchison Willis, farmer; Sec 7; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. JACKSON JAS. farmer; Sec. 30; P. O. Milledgeville. Jenkins B. F. Elkhorn Grove. Jenkins Jas. H. farmer;? Sec 6; P. O. Elk horn Grove. Jenkins L. B. farmer; Sec. 1; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. Johnston B. farm ; S. 29 ; P.O. Milledgeville. JOHNSTON BARNABAS, Farm er; Sec. 29; P. O. Milledgeville; born near Niagara Falls, July 13, 1800 ; learned the trade of carpenter and mill-wright ; went to State of N. Y. ; lived there five years; came by wagon, with his own family and two nephews, and they were just four weeks coming from their old home in Canada to this Co. ; one of the early set tiers; entered land from government; owns 327 acres land; has carted grain to Chicago ; married Hannah Johnston, from Canada, in July, 1831; they have seven children: Catharine, Lois, Susan, Mary, Samuel, Benjamin and William; lost three children : James, John and Abagail ; James enlisted in Co. B, 7th I. V. G ; was shot while on scout, in Alabama; John enlisted in Co. H, 55th I. V. I. ; was in battle of Pittsburg Landing, and died in hospital. Johnston Samuel, farmer ; Sec. 31 ; P. O. Mil ledgeville. Johnston Samuel P. farmer; Sec. 31; P. O. Milledgeville. Johnson Wm. B. farmer; Sec. 29; P. O. Milledgeville. JOHNSTON WM. L. Farmer; Sec 31 ; P. O. Milledgeville ; born in Canada, March 28, 1848 ; lived there eight years, and came to Carroll Co., with his parents, at the age of 17 ; went to California, over land route ; was engaged in teaming five years ; went to Mexico, on his way home ; returned home, and bought the home farm ; owns 190 acres ; married Miss Mary J. Thomas, from Canada, March 7, 1870 ; ELKHOEN TOWNSHIP. 485 they have four children : Nellie, Minnie, Olla, Hattie. Jones Samuel, farmer ; Sec. 5 ; P. O. Lanark. Judson L. farmer; Sec. 4; P. O. Eagle Point. K ECKLER PETER, Elkhorn. Kimball Isaac, farmer; Sec. 5; P.O. Elk horn Grove. Knox Walter R. farmer ; Sec. 21 ; P. O. Mil ledgeville. KNOX G. W. Farmer; Sec. 21; P. O. Milledgeville ; born Grayson Co., Ky., Feb. 6, 1818 ; he came to Sangamon Co., Ills., near Springfield, when nine years of age, with his father's family, in 1827 ; in 1829, they moved to Putnam Co., his father hav ing located a claim there the previous year; was the first settler in Putnam Co., and was there during the Black Hawk War ; he started to mill from there, in Dec, 1829, and was gone three months before he returned, on account of swollen streams ; he came to this Co. in 1834, and located claim upon which they now live, and Washington came with the family in Nov., 1835, over 42 years ago; there are only two families, Levi Warner and Hiram McNamer, living here now that were here when he came ; he has carted wheat to Chicago and sold it for 42 cts. per bush., and has also carted flour to Chicago ; sold the first pork here for $12 per cwt., and has seen it sold at Galena for 80 cts. per cwt; owns 161 acres land; has held office of Constable; was elected Associate County Justice, 1849 ; has held office Jus tice Peace about 25 years ; also office of Collector and Assessor, and various school offices; married Miss Mary Jane Palmer, from Ashtabula Co., Ohio, December 23, 1851; they have three sons: Walter R., born May 27, 1855; Harry, Jan. 8, 1863; George W., June 21, 1865. LANDON ALEXANDER M. farmer; Sec. 6; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. Landon Asa, blacksmith ; Sec. 6 ; P. O. Elk horn Grove. Landon George W. miller ; Sec. 6 ; P. O. Elk horn Grove. Landon M. E. farm; Sec. 5; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. LANDON M. Z. Farmer; Sec. 6; P. 0. Elkhorn Grove ; born in Delhi, Delaware Co., N. Y., March 13, 1819; lived there 19 years; worked at carpenter's trade ; came by lake and wagon; came from Mich. across the lake, and arrived in Chicago Nov. 1, 1838; came to Carroll Co. in Nov., 1838, over 39 years ago; one of the earliest settlers; only few living here now that were here when he came; worked at car penter's trade about 15 years; was also en gaged in farming; has carted wheat to Chicago, and sold it for 60 cents a bushel ; has held office of Magistrate 15 years ; was elected Sheriff of Carroll Co. in 1860; has held offices of Assessor, Road Commis sioner and School Trustee ; is now Super visor of this Town ; owns 344 acres land ; married Mary Sanborn, from Canada, Dec 11, 1845 ; they have four children : Alex ander M., Gertrude, John P., Jessie S. ; lost two daughters. Lardis John R. LEIGH MRS. ELIZA JANE, Sec. 18; P. O. Milledgeville; born in Dutchess Co., N. Y., Dec. 10, 1834; lived there 20 years; she married B. Prindle, from same place, in 1854 ; they had one son, Theron; she married James Leigh, in 1860 ; he was born in England, and came to this country in 1844; engaged in farm ing; he died Oct. 22, 1876; she has four children: Amanda, Henry J., Joseph A. and Arthur G ; owns 369 acres land. Lester J. M. farm; S. 20; P.O. Milledgeville. Lester S. farm; Sec 20; P. O. Milledgeville. Lester Samuel, farmer ; Sec 20 ; P. O. Mil ledgeville. Lester W. farm; Sec. 20; P.O. Milledgeville. LOWRY MRS. ELIZABETH A. Sec. 30; P. O. Milledgeville; born in Davis Co., Ky., March 16, 1821 ; she came to this Town and Co. at the age of 18, in 1839; one of the early settlers; married John Lowry, from Pa., July 7, 1844; he was born in 1805 ; followed school teach ing many years ; he held office of Justice of the Peace ; died Aug. 14, 1875 ; left an estate of 165 acres land ; has five children : Wesley, Hiram, John, Clarinda and Annis ; lost two children : Augustus and Martha; Wesley enlisted in 147th I. V. I. ; Augus tus enlisted in 92d I. V. I., and died in hospital, at Mound City. Lowry E. farm; Sec. 30; P.O. Milledgeville. Lowry J. farm; Sec. 30; P. O. Milledgeville. Lowry W. farm; Sec. 30; P.O. Milledgeville. Lowry Wm. farmer; Sec. 30; P.O. Milledge ville. ly/TcARTHUR D. McELHANEY ANDREW J. Farmer; Sec. 17; P. O. Eagle Point, Ogle Co.; born in Chester Co., Pa., July 7, 1829 ; came to this Co. in 1855, and en gaged in farming ; owns farm of 20 acres ; married Miss Anna Boyer, from Lancaster Co., Pa., July 17, 1859 ; they have two chil dren : Clinton, born April 21, 1860 ; Emma, April 20, 1864; lost one son, Frances Marion, born March 28, 1862 ; died April 22, 1876. McElhaney G. farm ; S.28 ; P.O.Milledgeville. McElhaney J. farm ; S.21 ; P.O.Milledgeville. McELHANEY SAMUEL, Farmer; Sec. 21 ; P.O. Milledgeville ; born in Ches ter Co., Pa., Oct. 3, 1811 ; lived there 21 486 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIEECTOEY: ' years ; learned the blacksmith trade ; lived in Lancaster Co., Pa., 22 years ; came to this Co. in April 1854, and lives on the old Father McKean place; he entered it from the government; owns farm of 135 acres ; has held the office of Overseer of Highways; married Hannah McCue, from Lebanon Co., Pa., Feb. 28, 1839 ; they have three children: George W, Joseph and Lizzie ; have lost five children ; Joseph and William McElhaney were in the army; Joseph was slightly wounded at Atlanta: was with the regiment during its campaigns. McNamer E. farm ; S.20 ; P.O. Milledgeville. McNAMER HIRAM, Farmer; Sec. 20 ; P.O. Milledgeville ; born in Davis Co., Ky., June 2, 1812; came to Carroll Co. when 23 years of age; arrived here April 27, 1835 ; one of the very earliest settlers here ; Levi Warner is the only settler here now that was here when he came ; camped here on this place three weeks in his wagon; built a cabin; paid Mr. Shoe maker nine dollars in silver, the only money he had, to break three acres of prairie ; they had so little money, it made him glad to get letters, and sorry he did not have money to take them from the postoffice; entered land from th"e govern ment: has carted grain to Chicago; has hauled lumber from Chicago to put in this house ; owns 200 acres land ; has held the office of Commissioner ot Highways, and school offices ; was Trustee of School Fund 17 years ; married Emeline Locket, from Ky., March 28, 1833; she died Feb. 29, 1843 ; had one child, Martha, now in Iowa; married Maria Stewart, from N. Y., April 20,1848 ; they have seven children : Eugene, John, Willie, Nellie, Frank, Harry and Jessie. McNamer Wm.farm ;S.20 ;P.O.Milledgeville. McWhinney T. farm ;S.18 ;P.O.Milledgeville. Mathews W. farm; S. 19; P.O. Milledgeville. Messner E. farm ; Sec. 5 ; P. O. Eagle Point. Miller P. farm ; Sec. 6 ; P.O. Elkhorn Grove. Misner E. farm ; Sec.5 ; P.O. Elkhorn Grove. Myres Harry. NEIKIRK LEVI, Farmer; Sec.7; P. O. Elkhorn Grove : born in this town and Co. May 14, 1844, on the farm where his mother now lives ; has lived in this Co. 33 years ; engaged in farming and stock raising; owns 142 acres land; has held the offices of School Director and Overseer of Highways; married Miss Eliza S. Patton, from this Co., March 23, 1863 ; they have three children : Willie U, born June 16, 1865; Harry M., Sept. 7, 1867, and Jessie M., Sept 3, 1874. ORMSBEE CHARLES N. farmer; Sec. 4; P. O. Eagle Point. PAGE HERBERT, farmer; Sec. 6; P. 0. Elkhorn Grove. Paget Wm. farmer ; Sec. 10 ; P.O.Eagle Point. PAYNTER HIRAM A. Farmer; Sec. 33; P. O. Milledgeville; born in Litchfield Co., Conn., Feb. 6, 1820 ; moved to Mass. when 10 years of age ; came to this state with his father's family ; came by wagon to Albany, thence by lake to Detroit; they were 16 days on Lake Erie; came from Detroit by wagon ; got to Ogle Co. in 1836, and came to Carroll Co. in 1837 ; bought claim and entered land from government; has carted wheat to Chicago and sold it for 50 cts. per bushel; owns farm of 85 acres ; has held office of Con stable; married Elizabeth Miller, from Canada, Nov. 3, 1842 ; his father has carted pork to Albany, 40 miles, and sold it for 75 cts. per cwt. Ports D. farmer; Sec. 20; P.O.Milledgeville. Ports J.H. farmer ; Sec.20 ; P.O.Milledgeville. Ports O. farmer; Sec. 33; P. O. Milledgeville. Ports S/farmer; Sec. 28; P. O. Milledgeville. PrindleT. farmer ; Sec. 18 ; P.O.Milledgeville. R ANSOM FIRMAN, farmer; Sec 7; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. Ransom T. farm; S. 7; P. O." Elkhorn Grove. Reynolds B. lab; S. 6; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. REYNOLDS LEWIS, Farmer; Sec. 4 ; P.O.Brookville ; was born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., Aug. 8, 1832; came to this Co. with parents by wagon, 1842 ; owns a farm 168 acres ; held office Road Commissioner and School offices ; married Miss Martha Maria Warner, daughter Levi Warner, Esq., oldest settler here, Sept. 7, 1854; she was bora here at the Grove, Feb. 15, 1837, the oldest child now living here that was born here; they have one son, Harry, bom May 9, 1859; lost one son, Leonard. Reynolds L. farm ; Sec. 4; P. O. Eagle Point. Rogers D. ROGERS G. P. Farmer; Sec. 4; P.O. Elkhorn Grove ; born m Elk Co., Pa., Dec. 15, 1846 ; lived there 20 years ; came to Carroll Co. in 1865 ; is engaged in farm ing; owns 160 acres land; has held office of Overseer of Highways; married Abbie Ripley, from Polo, Feb. 24, 1873; they have one child, Ada Anna, born Aug. 26, 1876. Rogers Jos. farmer ; Sec. 4 ; P. O. Eagle Point. Rogers Plummer. SARGENT ENOCH, Stumptown, Sec. 7; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. Schryver E. W. farmer; Sec. 33; P. O. Mil ledgeville. Schultz J. farm ; Sec. 20; P. O. Milledgeville. Selover Andrew, house mover ; Sec. 7 ; P. O, Elkhorn Grove. ELKHOEN TOWNSHIP. 487 Sheetz Luther, well driller; Sec. 6; Fre mont ; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. Shooly Peter, Sec. 6; Fremont; P. O. Elk horn Grove. Shryon Amos. Shryon Erastus. Shryon John H. Shultz J. farm; Sec. 20; P. O. Milledgeville. Smith A.H. farm ; Sec.8 ; P.O. Elkhorn Grove. Smith F.G. farm ; Sec.8 ; P.O. Elkhorn Grove. Smith F. farmer ; Sec.8 ; P.O. Elkhorn Grove. SMITH HARRY, Sec. 8; P. O. Elk horn Grove. Harry Smith, familiarly known all over the Co. as "Uncle Har ry," was born in Nottingham, Stratford Co., New Hampshire, Dec. 21, 1803 ; moved to Virginia when eight years of age ; lived in N. Y. State five years, and then moved to Ind. ; came to 111., to Rock Island, in 1827 ; went to the lead mines in Wis. in 1832 ; was there at the breaking out of the Black Hawk War ; was enrolled and was elected Captain of the company called the While Oak Springs Volunteers; he and S. M. Jarney were in partnership, the latter attending to their interests here, where they started the first store in this Grove ; " Uncle Harry " came to this Co. in Feb., 1840, and bought claim where he now lives from John O Ankeny, and afterwards entered it from government, the first claim entered in this town; he has lived on this farm thirty-seven years ; he has carted grain to Chicago, and sold wheat for 40 per bushel, and he has also sold it for $2.50 per bushel ; has driven hogs to Galena, killed them and sold the pork for $1.50 per cwt. ; owns 400 acres of land ; he has held offices of Super visor and Road Commissioner; was mem ber of Constitutional Convention in 1860-1, and represented this Co. in the State Leg islature in 1843 and 1844; married Mrs. Lucinda Dalton, from N. G, Oct. 2, 1837; they have five children: Samuel' S., born July 14, 1838, in Kansas ; Tip Garland, Jan. 3, 1841; Frank, June 29, 1843, in Kansas; Albert H., Feb. 9, 1846 ; John Quincy, Jan. 6, 1848; Samuel was in 1st Ills. Artillery, Battery F ; was transferred and promoted Captain, Battery A; was taken prisoner before Atlanta and confined for eight months, at Macon, Columbia, and Charles ton ; Tip was in Co. H, 7th I. V. G ; Frank was in the 140th Regt. I. V. I., Cap. Co. D. Smith Henry, Jr. Smith John Q. Sec. 8. Smith W. R. farmer ; Sec. 21 ; P.O. Milledge ville. Snook Adam. Snook H. farm; Sec. 29; P.O.Milledgeville. SNOOK JOSEPH, Farmer; Sec. 29; P. O. Milledgeville; born Canada West, Nov. 28, 1837 ; came to America when two years of age ; came to Ogle Co. in 1839, and came to Carroll Co. in 1863 ; engaged in farming; owns 160 acres land; was in the army, Co. G, 15th Regt. I. V. I; holds offices Road Commissioner and School Director; married Miss Mary J. Berry, from this Co., March 3, 1864; they have four children: William H., bom June 5, 1865; Vesta A., Nov. 16, 1868; Hetty A, May 7, 1872; Mary M., Oct 9, 1875 ; lost one, Effie May, born Dec. 24, 1866, and died Jan. 25, 1872. Spencer Elmer, driller-, Fremont; Sec. 6; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. Stapley Henry, farmer; Sec. 6; P.O. Elk horn Grove. STARMER DANIEL, Farmer; Sec. 19 ; P. O. Milledgeville ; born Wash ington Co., East Tenn., Sept. 12, 1799; lived there about 20 years; then came to Morgan Co., Ills.; lived there ten years; was there during the Black Hawk War; was in Black Hawk War, under Capt. Massus, in Gen. Hardy's command ; came to Carroll Co. in 1836, over 41 years ago; one earliest settlers; only three families here at the Grove that were here when he came ; bought claim and entered land from government; he has carted grain and pork to Chicago ; his house is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, house here at the Grove ; owns 127 acres land ; married Sarah E. Hart, in Jackson ville, Ills., April 3, 1836: she was born in Tenn., March 17, 1820, and died April, 1871; they have four children: Harriet, Mary, Samuel, Carrie; lost two children : Catherine and Ella; Samuel was in the army, Co. I, 34th Regt I. V. I., and was wounded at Battle of Shiloh. STEFFENS ALFRED, Farmer; Sec. 32; P.O.Milledgeville; born Niag ara District, Canada, Jan. 18, 1822; lived there about 18 years ; came here with par ents to Carroll Co., Spring 1840, and has lived here over 37 yeais; one of the early settlers ; only a few here when he came ; owns 260 acres land; has carted wheat to Chicago and sold it for 40 cts. a bush. ; has held office of Road Commissioner; mar ried Miss Ellen H. Hawes, daughter of John H. Hawes, Esq., one of the early settlers, Oct. 24, 1855 ; she died Aug. 26, 1875; they have three children: Mary Ellen, Sarah Gertrude, Fred A. Steffens J. farm ; Sec. 20 ; P. O. Milledgeville. THORP GEORGE, Sec. 7; Stumptown; P.O. Elkhorn Grove. Thorp Horace L. farmer and pedler; Sec 7; P. O. Elkhorn Grove. Thorp John, Sec. 7 ; Stumptown ; P. O. Elk horn Grove. THORP LUCIUS S. Co. Surveyor and Drainage Commissioner; P. O. Elk horn Grove ; born in Genesee Co., N. Y, Nov. 15; 1825; came to this stale and Co. Oct 26, 1846; Mr. T. is proprietor of Flouring Mill at Elkhorn Grove; owns as 488 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIBECTOBY: 47 acres, with improvements, all of which is valued at $12,000; he married Miss Phoebe A. Biles, who was born in Brad ford Co., Pa., Oct. 26, 1832; they were married June 18, 1854; have three chil dren : Eva A.., Charles S., and Carrie E. ; he was Justice of the Peace from 1862 un til 1877 ; was Supervisor one term, and Assessor a number of years. Todd E. W. farmer; Sec. 30; P. O. Milledge ville. Todd Samuel, farmer ; Sec. 31 ; P. O. Mil ledgeville. Turpin John, farmer; Sec. 7; P 0.|Elkhorn Grove. T 7AUGHT HENRY. WAKEFIELD EDW ARD,;farmer; Sec. 9; P. O.Eagle Point. Wakefield Thomas, farmer ; Sec 9 ; P. O. Eagle Point. WARNER LEVI, Retired; Sec. 4; P. O. Brookville, Ogle Co. ; born in Pitts- ford, Rutland Co., Vermont, Sept. 11, 1795; at the age of 21, he started on a tour of observation, on foot, for the purpose of seeing the country ; came as far West as Missouri, then through the Southern States, on foot and alone, keeping a daily journal of where he went and what he had seen; returned in the Fall, having walked 4,000 miles; the following year he came to Bond Co., 111., went South to New Orleans ; came to Galena, and was there during the Black Hawk War; came to Elkhorn Grove in 1832, and made the first claim on the south side of the Grove, where 'Squire Hawes now lives; he sur veyed the State Road from Peoria to Ga lena; also Co. road from here to Mt. Car roll ; he is the oldest settler here at the Grove, if not the oldest in the Co. ; he was the first Co. Surveyor of this Co. ; was the first Town Clerk of this Town and served until 1866 ; held office 'Justice of Peace ; ex amined teachers; first settlement; married Mrs. Martha Winters, formerly Martha Bailey, from Greenbriar Co., Va., April 12, 1835 ; she kept Stage House for John D. Winters, at Cherry Grove, at an early day ; they have only one child, Mrs.L. Reynolds ; Mrs. Winters had seven children : Cather ine J., John G, Robert, James, William K, Joshua J., William H. C. Warner Norman. WEBSTER NOVATUS B. Farm er; Sec. 33; P. O. Milledgeville ; born Del aware Co., N. Y., Dec. 29, 1821 ; came to Ogle Co., 111., Nov. 25, 1836; came to Car roll Co. in 1845, and has lived here 32 years; one of the early settlers; engaged in farming and stock raising; owns 135 acres of land; has held office of School Director ; married Martha Beardsiey, of Delaware Co., N. Y., in 1845 ; she died in 1861; married Mrs. Sallie A. Ruggles, from Delaware Co., N. Y., in 1863 ; they have five children by first wife : Urbane, Hester A., Eliza M., Aaron, Franklin ; one son, George, by present wife. WELSTEAD MRS. HARRIET M. Sec. 19; P.O. Milledgeville; born in this town and Co. Oct 29, 1838 ; she mar ried Fletcher Hutton, from Pa., Sept. 7, 1853; married John H. Welstead, fiom N. Y., Oct. 10, 1866 ; owns farm of 40 acres ; she has had seven children : Jennie, Ben- nie, Emma, Jessie, Maggie, Mary, Delia. Wilson G farm; Sec. 8; P.O. Eagle Point Wilson H. farm; Sec. 8; P.O. Eagle Point. WILSON MRS. ISABELLA, Sec 8; P.O. Eagle Point; bom in England; came to America in infancy ; was raised in Wis. ; married Ransom Wilson, from Richland Co., O., July 29, 1849 ; they came to this Co. in 1849, and bought the Jour ney farm, one of the earliest located claims here; he drove cattle across the plains to Cal.; drove the first drove of cattle from here to Chicago ; he died Sept 5, 1873, leaving an estate of 240 acres; she lives in the old stage house, where the first store was kept in this town ; has ten chil dren, seven sons and three daughters. Wilson S. farm ; Sec« ; P.O. Elkhorn Grove. Woodin Dennis, blacksmith; Sec. 6; P.O. Elkhorn Grove. Woodin N. farm; S. 6; P.O. Elkhorn Grove. Worlferl F. farm; S. 19; P.O. Milledgeville. T'OH CHORAS. SALEM TOWNSHIP. 489 SALEM TOWNSHIP. ADAMS ARTHUR, farmer; Sec.21 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Apple Baltze, farm ; Sec.19 ; P.O. Mt.Carroll. Apple John, farm ; Sec. 19 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Avery Alex. Arnold Joseph, farm; Sec. 12; P.O. Lanark. Asay Edwin, Sec. 34; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Asay J. H. renter; Sec. 16; P.O. Mt Carroll. Asay Jno.W. renter; S. 34; P.O. Mt Carroll. BAST HENRY, farmer; Sec.33; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Beattie Jas. farm ; Sec. 21 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Beargenstock John, farmer ; Sec. 31 ; P. O. Mt Carroll. Beardenstock Philip, farmer ; Sec. 31 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Beede G H. farm ; Sec 36 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Beede T. H. farm; Sec. 36; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Bermond Daniel, renter; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Betner Geo. farm; Sec. 32; P.O. Mt Carroll. Bowman Abram, farm ; S. 4 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. BOWMAN GEORGE, Farmer; Sec. 5 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll ; born in Cumberland Co., Pa., Aug. 21, 1813 ; bought land on this section 24 years ago, and settled here permanently 19 years ago ; owns 172 acres land, worth $75 per acre; married, in Aug., 1836, Susan Hostetter, who was born in Lancaster Co., Pa., in 1812; have three children : John.Abraham and Ann Martha. Burwell A. farmer ; Sec. 22 ; P.O.Mt Carroll. BUR WELL CHAS. Well Drilling; Sec. 22; P. 0. Mt. Carroll; born in Pick away Co., O., Dec. 8, 1852 ; came to this Co., with his parents, in 1855 ; not married. Burwell M. S. renter ; Sec. 36 ; P.O.Mt.Carroll. CHAPMAN THOMAS H. farmer; Sec. 23 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. CHAPMAN CHAS. G. Farmer; Sec. 23 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll ; born in Monmouth Co., N. J., June 9, 1830; came to this Co. in April, 1873 ; married Miss Mary Han cock, May 23, 1850; she was born in Clin ton, May 6, 1833 ; they have nine children living: Mahlon, Thomas H., John J., U. S. Grant, Harry, Peerless S., Sadie, Mary, Fanny ; lost five : Charles G., Jr., William H., Edward, Eliza, Daniel. Clina Jacob, renter ; Sec. 35 ; P.O.Mt. Carroll. Corning R. R. farmer; Sec. 24; P. O.Lanark. Cummings D. lab ; Sec. 14; P. O. Mt. Carroll. DAGGART HENRY, farmer; Sec. 31; P. O. Mt Carroll. DAGGERT ADAM. Farmer; Sec. 30 ¦ P.O. Mt Carroll ; democrat ; Lutheran ; born Aug. 24, 1809, in Germany ; came to this Co. in 1836; owns 390 acres land, value $11,700; married Kath. Weitzel, in 1835 ; three children living and three de ceased ; she died July 12, 1849 ; married second time Miss Elizabeth Schriner; she died Feb. 5, 1865, and April 15, 1870, he married Miss Margaretha Friedrich, his present wife. Daggart J. farmer ; Sec. 30 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Daggart W. farmer ; Sec. 29 ; P.O.Mt.Carroll. Davis P. T. farmer ; Sec. 35 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. DITSWORTH JOHN, Farmer; Sec. 12; P. O. Lanark; born in Mifflin Co., Pa., in 1834; lived there 18 years; came to Carroll Co., 111., in 1852, and has lived here 25 years ; but little improvement here when he came ; not a house i n Lanark ; has husked corn where the town now stands ; engaged in farming and stock raising; owns 160 acres land ; has held school offices ; married Catherine Emmert, daugh ter of Joseph Emmert, Nov. 9, 1865 ; they have five children: • Clayton, Oliver, William, Charles, Frank; lost one son. Downs G P. farmer; Sec. 24; P. O. Lanark. Downs J. K. farmer ; Sec. — ; P. O. Lanark. Downs Seymour, farmer; Sees. 23, 24,25; P. O. Lanark. Dresbach H. farmer ; Sec. 13 ; P. O. Lanark. Dresbach J. M. farm; S. 9; P.O. Mt. Carroll. E ISEFELLOW JOHN, farmer; Sec. 33; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Eisehowen W. renter; Sec.18; P.O.Mt. Carroll. Ethridge Jas. farmer; Sec. 11; P. O. Lanark. Evans Andrew, Mt. Carroll. Evans John, Sr. renter; Sec. 5; P. O. Mt. Carroll. EVANS JOHN R., JR., Farmer; Sec. 5 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll ; born in Lancas ter Co., Pa., May 15, 1851 ; lived there 16 years, and came to 111., Carroll Co., in 1869 ; has lived here 8 years ; engaged in farming ; rents Geo. Bowman's farm, 200 acres; married Miss Annie Walburg, from Pa., April 18, 1871 ; they have two children: Ada May and Mable Dora. FINK EMANUEL, laborer; Sec. 9; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Finlayson Chas. Sec. 29; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Finlayson W. farm ; S. 29 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Fox Chas. H. laborer for A. Willis. French J. J. farmer ; Sec. 1 ; P. O. Lanark. Frisbee G A. farm ; Sec. 23 ; P. O. Lanark. Frisbee H. M. farm; Sec. 23; P. O. Lanark. Fritz T. laborer; Sec. 29; P. O. Mt. Carroll. 490 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIEECTOBY: GALEGHER HUGH, stone quarry ; Sec. 28; P.O.Mt. Carroll. Gearhardt John, laborer with A. Adams. Gelwicks G. W. farm ; S. 4 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. GELWICKS JOHN, Farmer; Sec 4; P. O. Mt. Carroll; born in Adams Co., Pa., April 12, 1812; married Feb. 8, 1838, Elizabeth Alleman, who was born Oct. 9, 1815 ; they came to this Co. April 16, 1848 ; they have ten children, six boys and four girls. Graham R. farmer; Sec. 29; P.O.Mt. Carroll. GRAHAM WM. Farmer ; Sec. 28 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll ; born in the Parish of Lairg, Sutherlandshire, North of Scotland, in Jurie, 1802 ; landed in Nova Scotia 14 years after; coming to this state in 1843; mar ried Deorna Mackay in 1828 or '29, who was born at the same place as her husband, in 1804; they have seven children: James, Jennie, William, Ellen, Daniel, Annie and Robert. Greenan J. farmer; Sec. 28; P.O.Mt. Carroll. Greenan T. renter; Sec. 28; P.O. Mt Carroll. HALL SAMUEL, farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Hallowell Wm. farmer ; Sec. 24 ; P.O.Lanark. Hamiller F. farmer ; Sec 19 ; P.O.Mt.Carroll. Hammond F. renter; Sec. 3; P. O. Lanark. Hartimer D. farmer; Sec. 19 ; P.O.Mt.Carroll. Hawk T. M. farmer ;|Sec 2 ; P. O. Lanark. Heimbaugh Catharine, Sec. 21 ; P. 0. Mt. Carroll. Holmes D. F. farmer ; Sec. 9 ; P.O.Mt.Carroll. HOSTETTER ABRAM B. Farm er and Stock Breeder; Sec. 9; P. O. Mt. Carroll; lives on East Wilderberg; born in Mt. Carroll, 111., June 1, 1847; his father, Dr. Abraham Hostetter, was one of the early settlers ; owns 213 acres land, worth $60 per acre; married, May 19, 1875, Hattie S. Irvine, who was born Sept. 18, 1848, at Mt Carroll, 111.; have one daughter, Ada I.; Mr. Hostetter is a breeder of shorthorn cattle and Berkshire and Poland China hogs. HOSTETTER C. L. Farmer; Sec. 8; P.O.Mt.Carroll; owns "Wilderberg Place ; " born in Cumberland Co., Pa., near Harrisburg, Nov. 18, 1842, and came to this Co. with his parents in 1845; his father, Dr. Abraham Hostetter, was a prac ticing physician of Mt. Carroll for ten years, bringing the first complete stock of drugs to that place ; he moved on the farm in 1852; in 1865 he brought the first herd of shorthorn cattle into the Co.; Mr. G L. Hostetter is breeding them at the present time quite extensively, having some of the best cattle in the U. S. ; has served two terms as Justice of the Peace, and is now serving his fourth term as Su pervisor ; owns 187 acres land, worth $75 per acre. Hostetter W. R. farm; S.18; P.O.Mt.Carroll. Howe A. M. farmer; Sec. 36; P. O. Lanark. Howell H. farm; Sec. 22; P. O. Mt Carroll. Hurly J. farmer ; Sec. — ; P. O. Mt.Carroll. JACK ROBERT L. renter; Sec. 27; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Johnson Mason B. lives with father; Sec 36; P. O.Mt. Carroll. Johnson W. E. farm; Sec. 30; P. O. Lanark. Jones E. farmer; Sec. 10; P.O.Mt.Carroll. Jones Jos. Sec. 15; P. O. Mt. Carroll. KEEFER RICHARD, laborer; Sec. 26; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Keiter Edwin, lives with father; Sec. 10; P. O. Mt. Carroll. KEITER GEO. W. Farmer; Sec. 10; P. O. Mt. Carroll ; born in Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 22, 1817; lived there 27 years; removed to Pittsburg, and lived there 5> years; came to 111., to Carroll Co., in 1854; has lived here 23 years ; engaged in farm ing and stock raising ; owns 87 acres land ; has held office of School Director; mar ried Miss Emma M. Miles, from Chester Co., Pa., Feb. 4, 1841 ; they have five chil dren: Lewis M., John M., Charles I., Sallie M. and Edwin. KENNEDY HENRY R. Rents his mother's farm; Sec. 4; P. O. Mt Carroll; born in this Co. April 24, 1850 ; married Mary B. Philips March 3, 1875 ; she was bom in this Co. March 3, 1856 ; one child only. Keohleor G. farm; Sec. 19; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Kingery B. renter; S. 17; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Kingery D. farm; Sec. 8; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Kime G H. farm; Sec. 17; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Kinney Albert, P. O. Mt. Carroll. Knot Jas. renter; Sec 9; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Kreps Jos. farmer; Sec. 2; P. O. Lanark. LAMP CONRAD, farmer; Sec. 12; P. O. Lanark. Lear George, farmer ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Lego Albert, farm; S. 14; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Lego Henry, farm; S. 14; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Lego John, farm; Sec. 14; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Lego T. Sec. 14; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Low G renter; Sec 25; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Low J. D. renter ; Sec. 25 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Low Wm. renter ; Sec. 25 ; Mt. Carroll. LOWER ELI L. Farmer and Stock . Raiser; Sec. 13; P. O. Lanark; came to this Co. in the Fall of 1865; was born in Blair Co., Pa., in July 17, 1843; has 320 acres land, valued at $35 per acre— $11,- 200 ; republican ; maiden name of wife, Naoma Snell; born in Bedford Co., Pa., SALEM TOWNSHIP. 491 Feb. 3, 1852; married in 1871; one child, George Clyde. MCLAUGHLIN MILTON, laborer; Sec 9; P. O.Mt. Carroll. Mckay A. renter; Sec. 5; P. O. Mt. Carroll. MacKay Daniel S. teacher ; Mt. Carroll. MACKAY DUNCAN, Banker, Farm er and Stock Raiser; P.O. Mt.Carroll; born in Sutherlandshire, Scotland, in 1812; came to Nova Scotia in 1833, and to Maine in 1835; he en gaged in the manufacture of fine car riages, and did an extensive business, but in 1837 his affairs suffered on account of the panic; in 1840 he removed to Carroll Co., 111. ; purchased several claims on ar riving here, one of which is his present residence in the Tp. of Salem ; Mr. Mac-. kay has given especial attention to the rais ing and developing of horses, having some of the finest specimens to be found in the country of the Percheron stock, having taken the sweepstake premium at the State Fair at Freeport in the Fall of 1877 ; in 1862 he associated with seven other cit izens of Carroll Co. in establishing the First National Bank at Mt. Carroll, with a paid up capital of $50,000, increasing in the second year to $100,000; Mr. M. has been President of this institution for the last 14 years; has held most of the Co. offices of trust and con fidence in the gift of the people; in 1873 Gov. Beveridae appointed him Commis sioner to the Vienna Exposition; after dis charging the duties connected therewith, he traveled extensively in Europe, where born; married Miss Jessie Mackay, of Nova Scotia, June 9, 1840; had twelve children: Anna M., Donald J., Helen B., Jennie M., Lena B., Kate and Ellen, (twins) Charles, Henrietta J., M. Jenette, Duncan and Ada. Mackay Henry, teacher ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. MACKAY JOHN, Farmer; Sec. 27; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Mackay Wm. farm ; Sec. 22 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Mackay Wm. A. teacher ; Sec. 28 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Merboth H. farm; Sec. 19; P.O. Mt Carroll. Miller Albertus, farm renter; Sec. 13; P.O. Lanark. Miller George, renter ; Sec. 23 ; P.O. Lanark. MILLER GEO. ERTE (Deceased), died June 20, 1877; born in Brensbach, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, April 11, 1808 ; came to this country in April, 1832, to Baltimore, where he staid a few years; married Margaret E. Davis June 28, 1838 ; she was born in Youngstown, West moreland Co., Pa., Oct. 15, 1819; they came to the state in 1855, and settled on Sec. 16 the following year, where they have since resided; have had thirteen children: Mary A., George (since dead), Kate, Louisa E. (also dead), S. Elliot, Em ma R., W. Albert, M. Luther, J. Scott, Upton McHenry, Gertrude A., Abe Lin coln and Maggie M. Miller L. renter; Sec. 16; P.O. Mt.Carroll. Miller L. M. farm; Sec. 16; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Miller J. S. farm; Sec. 16; P.O. Mt. Carroll. MOFFETT WM. D. Farmer ; Sec. 2 ; P.O. Lanark ; born in Hancock Co., Ind., June, 27, 1832; came to this Co. in 1836 ; married Susan R. Reichard, March 5, 1861 ; she was born near Martinsburg, Va., March 19, 1836, and came to this Co. in 1861 ; they have three children : Lester G, Nellie R. and Thorn J. Moore Robt. farm ; Sec 22 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. NESBITT John D. farmer ; Sec. 33 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. NesbitfR. J. farm; S. 33; P. O. Mt. Carroll. PAUL J. renter; Sec 22; P. O. Mt. Car roll. Phillips G. renter ; Sec. 14 ; P. O. Lanark. Phillips Henry, Sec. 13 ; P. O. Lanark. Phillips Jos. renter; Sec.14; P.O.Lanark. Phillips Wm. farmer; Sec. 13; P. O. Lanark. Pluck H. farmer; Sec. 33; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Poorman H. B. farm ; S. 5 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Poorman William, Sec. 5 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Prescott J. G farmer; Sec. 35; P. O. Lanark. RAH AN PETER, farmer; Sec. 32; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Ray Willis, renter; Sec. 2; P. O. Lanark. Richter G farm; Sec. 32; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Richter G. farm; Sec. 20; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Richter J. G. farm; S. 20; P. O. Mt. Carroll. RICHTER JOHN, Farmer ; Sec. 20 ; P. 0- Mt. Carroll ; born July 8, 1832, in Germany; came to this Co. in 1856; owns 356 acres of land, valued at $12,468; mar- ried Miss E. Weitman, in 1859 ; she was born in Germany; they have three chil dren living, two boys and one girl ; Mr. R. is Commissioner of Highways.. Robbins W. farmer; S. 33 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Roderick E. P. Sec. 10; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Roderick John, Sec. 10 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Roderick P. farm; S. 10; P. O. Mt Carroll. Rohrer A. H. farm; Sec 9; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Ruple F. farmer; Sec. 20; P. O. Mt. Carroll. SACK HENRY, farmer; Sec. 29; P.O. Mt. Carroll. SEIPLE D. J. Renter; Sec. 25; P.O. Mt Carroll ; born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Feb. 25, 1850; came to this Co. in 1870; owns personal property to the amount of $2,500; married Carrie Jeffers Jan. 4, 1872 ; she was born in Del. ; they have one child living. 492 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIBEOTOEY: SCHR1NER CHAS. R. Farmer; Sec. 29; P.O.Mt.Carroll; independent; Evangelical Association; born in Germany Dec. 27, 1847; came to this Co. in 1854; owns 80 acres land, valued at $3,200 ; mar- ried Miss Eliza Schriner April 7,1868; she was born in this Co. Oct. 6, 1849 ; they have four children living, three sons and one daughter: Chas. W., Johnny A., Frankie B. and Katie A. Shriner C. farm; Sec. 32; P. O. Mt Carroll. Shriner G R. farm; S. 29; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Shriner F. farm; Sec. 20; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Shriner Geo. lives with father; Sec. 32; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Shriner H. G farin; S. 19; P. O. Mt Carroll. Shriner H., Jr., farm; 8.32; P.O. Mt"Carroll. Shriner J. J. renter ; Sec.32 ; P.O. Mt.Carroll. Sheller G. renter; Sec 17; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Shrader Albert, student ; Mt. Carroll. Shrader P. farm; Sec. 10; P. O. Mt. Carroll. SHRADER PETER, Farmer; Sec 15; P. O. Mt. Carroll; born in Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa., Jan. 8, 1822; came to this Co. in 1846; married Cordelia Ray in Aug., 1849 ; she was born in Trum bull Co., Ohio, Aug. 21, 1830; have six children, three sons and three daughters ; owns 180 acres land, valued at $65 per acre. Smith J. farmer; Sec. 26; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Smith J. L. renter; S.28; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Smith Wm. P. farm; Sec.36; P. O. Lanark. Snyder M. farm; Sec. 20; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Spealman J. farm ; Sec. 26 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Stakemiller Jacob, Sec. 16 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Stakemiller Sam. farm ; S.7 ;P.O. Mt. Carroll. Stakemiller W. farm ; S.16 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Stakemiller J. Wm. farm ; Sec1. 9 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Stakemiller Wm. K. farm; Sec. 8; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Stevens Gould, farm ; Sec. 25 ; P.O. Lanark. TAYLOR JOHN, Farmer; Sec. 24; P. O. Mt. Carroll ; born in Alleghany Co., Pa., May 14, 1837 ; came to this Co. in Sept., 1857 ; owns 120 acres land, worth $50 per acre ; married, Jan, 20, 1863, Em ma O. Beaver, who was born in Franklin Co., Pa., April 13, 1846 ; have no children. Teeter D. farm; Sec. 10; P.O. Mt Carroll. Teeter John, Sec. 10; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Thoman C. renter; Sec. 14; P.O. Mt Carroll. Traum G renter; Sec. 26; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Traum G M. farm ; Sec. 32 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. VAN BUSKIRK THOMAS, farmer; Sec. 15 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. VAN BUSKIRK JESSE, Farmer and Stock Raiser ; Sec. 15 ; P O. Mt. Car roll ; born in Ohio, July 26, 1804; came to Jo Daviess Co. in 1827 ; came to this Co. in 1841 ; owns 320 acres land, valued at $35 per acre, or $11,200; is a democrat; mar ried Clarasa Morton, who was born in Sum mit Co., O., Jan. 29, 1827 ; have had six children, three of whom died in infancy: Washington Elderado, Julia and Francis. WATERS JOSIAH, renter; Sec 4; P. O. Lanark. Watson O. renter; Sec. 26; P.O. Mt. Carroll. WERER HENRY, Farmer; Sec. 30; P.O. Mt. Carroll ; born in Germany in 1843 ; came to this Co. 1858; is a democrat; member Lutheran Church ; owns 160 acres land, valued at $5,000 ; enlisted in Co. I, I. V. Mounted I., in 1862 ; was in all the skirmishes that his Regt. was engaged in, and served to the close of the war; mar ried Miss D. Shulz, March 30, 1866 ; she was born in Germany ; they have five chil dren living, three boys and two girls. Weitzel H. farm; Sec. 32; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Willis A. farmer; Sec. 11; P. O. Lanark. Willis N. farmer; Sec. 32; P. O. Lanark. ZAILLHART JACOB, farmer; Sec 18; P. O. Mt. Carroll. ZIESCHE GOTTFRIED, Farmer; Sec. 20; P. 0. Mt Carroll; democrat; Lutheran; born July 17, 1822, in Ger many; came to this Co. in 1868; owns 100 acres of land, valued at $4,000 ; mar ried Christiana Richter in 1848; she was bom in Germany; they have three chil dren ; two boys and one girl. Z1LLHART J. C. Farmer; Sec. 18; P. O. Mt. Carroll; born March 20, 1836, in Washington Co., Md. ; came to this Co. in 1849 ; owns 120 acres of land ; married Miss Sarah Her, May 14, 1864 ; she was born in this Co. ; they have five children living, two boys and three girls: Ira, Emeiy, Ina, Lizzie and Lydia ; lost one, Effie, who died in 1872. Zuck H. farmer; Sec. 20; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Zuck J. H. farm; Sec 20; P. O. Mt. Carroll. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. 493 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. A TKINSON THOMAS. BARBER ARMOR, farmer; Sec. 7; P. O. Savanna. Barber Wm. farmer; Sec. 7; P. O. Savanna. Barth Julius, farmer; Sec. 15; P.O. Savanna. Beam A. laborer; P. O. Savanna. Boden Wm. renter; Sec. 2; P. O. Hanover. Breneker H. farmer; Sec. 15; P. O. Savanna. Byars F. farmer; Sec. 12; P. O. Savanna. Byars John, farmer; Sec 12; P. O. Savanna. CAROTHERS JOHN A. farmer; Sec. 11 ; P. O. Savanna. Chapman W. farm ; Sec. 17 ; P. O. Savanna. Cooper T. farmer; Sec. 4; P. O. Hanover. Corbett John, farm; Sec. 14; P. O. Savanna. Corbett Jos. farmer; Sec 14; P. O. Savanna. Croffoot H. farmer ; Sec. 3; P. O. Hanover. Croffoot H. farmer ; Sec. 3 ; P. O. Hanover. Curtis William, laborer; P. O. Savanna. DANGLE CHRISTIAN, farmer; Sec. 23 ; P. O. Savanna. Donaldson Jos. farm; Sec. 8; P. O. Savanna. ELLIOTT JOHN, farmer; Sec. 23; P. O. Savanna. FISH GEO. R. Farmer; Sec. 17; P. O. Savanna; born in Orleans Co., Vt., Sept. 8, 1825; came to this Co. in 1856 ; owns 416 acres land ; has been mar ried twice; first wife was Miss Eveline Pierce ; she was born and married in this Co.; he was married again, to Lizzie Stakemiller, of Mt. Carroll, April 14, 1870; she was born June 20, 1843 ; has two children by first wife: Julia Bell, born Oct. 27; 1861; Ira A, June 9, 1864; three by second wife: Geo. A., born April 3, 1873 ; Mary L., Nov. 25, 1875 ; Chas., Nov. 7, 1877. Fosdick Francis, fanner; P. O. Savanna. GIBBONS JAMES, farmer; Sec. 18; P. O. Savanna. Gibbons W. farmer; Sec. 18; P. O. Savanna. Gillespie H. farmer; Sec. 11; P. O. Savanna. Gillespie I. farmer; Sec. 2; P. O. Savanna. Gillogly Jas. farmer ; Sec. 36 ; P.O. Savanna. Gillogly J., Sr., farm; S. 36; P. O. Savanna. Gillogly J. Jr., farm ; Sec. 36 ; P.O. Savanna. Gillogly H. farmer ; Sec 24 ; P. O. Savanna. Gillogly R. farmer; Sec. 24; P. O. Savanna. Gillogly R. F. farm ; Sec. 36 ; P. O. Savanna. Grayon Henry, laborer; P. 0. Savanna, H Grigsby Chas. laborer ; P. O. Savanna. Groves J. farmer; Sec. 13; P. O. Savanna. ANDLE DANIEL, farmer; Sec. 8; P. O. Savanna. Handel John, farmer; Sec. 8; P. O. Savanna. Hatfield Benj. farmer ; Sec. 21 ; P.O. Savanna. Hatfield D. B. farmer ; Sec. 21 ; P.O.Savanna. HATFIELD EDWARD, Farmer; Sec. 21 ; P. O. Savanna ; born in Henry Co., Ind., June 18, 1831 ; came to Jo Daviess Co. in 1837, and to this Co. in 1859 ; owns 240 acres ; married Miss Clemmie Snead March 19, 1873 ; she was born in Grant Co., Wis., June 7, 1849 ; they have two children : Shirley A., bom July 14, 1875 : Myrta E., Aug. 17, 1877. Hatfield J., farmer; Sec. 17; P. O. Savanna. Higly Jacob, laborer; P. O. Savanna. Hingle Jacob, farmer ; P. O. Savanna. Howland S. G. farmer ; Sec. 35 ; P.O .Savanna. KEARNINGHAM HENRY, farmer; Sec 2; P. O. Savanna. Kearningham S. farm; Sec. 2; P.O. Savanna. KELLEY JOHN, Farmer; Sec. 6; P.O.Savanna; born in Ireland in 1821; came to the IT. S. in 1852; came to this Co. in 1865 ; owns 170 acres ; married Mary Jordon ; she was born in Ireland in 1852 ; they have five children, two sons and three daughters: Bridget, James, Anne, John and Catherine. Keyger George, farmer ; P. O. Savanna. Keyger John, farmer ; P. O. Savanna. LANGHRAN BERNARD, farmer; Sec. 4; P. O. Savanna; Langhran D. farm; S. 2; P. O. Savanna. Langhran S. farmer ; Sec. 3 ; P. O. Savanna. Langhran T. farmer; Sec. 11 ; P. O. Savanna. Law A. farmer ; Sec. 25 ; P. O. Savanna. Learts Henry, farm; Sec. 5; P. O. Savanna. Lennday T. farmer ; Seel; P. O. Savanna. Lister Barker, blacksmith : Savanna. McCABE ROBERT, farmer; Sec. 3; P. O. Hanover. McCall J. farmer ; Sec. 2 ; P. O. Savanna. McFarland Noah, farmer; Sec. 28; P. O. Savanna. McGuire Thomas, laborer; Savanna. McHale J. laborer ; Sec. 7 ; P.O. Savanna. Mclntyre D. farmer ; Sec. 6 ; P. O. Savanna. Mclntyre H. farmer; Sec. 6; P. O. Savanna. McINTYRE NEIL, Farmer; Sec. 7; P. O. Savanna; born in Canada, Feb. 17, 494 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIEECTOEV1 1837; came to this Co. in 1849; not mar ried ; owns 193J^ acres of land, valued at $5,790; was Justice of the Peace four years and Constable two years. McKeague A. farmer ; Sec. 2 ; P. O. Savanna. McMicken J. laborer ; Sec. 7 ; P. O. Savanna. Mace Joseph, farmer; Sec. 1; P. 0. Savanna. MACE JOHANNA MRS. Farm ing; Sec. 7; P. O. Savanna; was born in the Province of Hanover, Germany, Jan. 21 , 1826 ; has been a resident of this Co. since Oct. 9, 1855 ; has been married twice ; first husband was Leo Kratzenstein, born in Prussia, July 17, 1824, and died Jan. 9, 1861 ; she married again, to Thomas Mace, July 9, 1861; he died in Feb. 1874; she has two children by her second husband : Emily R., born Jan. 2, 1874; George B., Jan. 3, 1866. Martin Jas. farmer ; Sec. 9 ; P. O. Savanna. May John, farmer ; Sec. 3 ; P. O. Hanover. May Wm., Sr. farm ; Sec. 3 ; P. O. Hanover. May Wm., Jr., farm ; Sec. 3 ; P. O. Hanover. N ESBIT MICHAEL, Farmer; Sec 13; P. O. Savanna. PAISLEY WILLIAM, Farmer; Sec. 23; P. O. Savanna. Phillips George, laborer ; P. O. Savanna. Pinfer F. farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Savanna. TJ ATH JOHN, farmer; P. O. Savanna. Reisel C. farmer; Sec. 27; P. O. bavanna. Riley Charles, laborer; Savanna. ROBISON JOHN A. Farmer ; Sec.12 ; P. O. Savanna; was born in this Co. Nov. 12, 1837; his father, Milos G, came here in 1833, and was one of the first settlers ; he married Miss Lyda A. Hatfield, Feb. 22, 1859; she was born in Ohio, April 19, 1834 ; they have six children : Ida E., born Dec. 26, 1859; Mary G, April 8, 1862 ; M. John, Jan. 12, 1865 ; Jennie L., July 6, 1 867 ; Jesse A, June 26, 1870 ; Clara B., Jan. 1, 1873 ; served eighteen months in the late Rebellion, in Co. F, 96th I. V. I. ; had his right arm shot off in the Battle of Chicamauga, Sept. 20, 1863 ; Justice three terms ; School Trustee twelve years ; Col lector three years ; Assessor two. Ross J. farmer ; Sec. 25 ; P. O. Savanna. Ross J. farmer; Sec. 35; P. O. Savanna. Ross W. J. farmer ; Sec. 13 ; P. 0. Savanna. Rush P. farmer; Sec. 10; P. O. Savanna. OALSER ADAM, farmer; P. O. Savanna. Salser Christian, farmer; P. O. Savanna. Salser John, farmer; P. O. Savanna. Sanderson Andrew, farmer; P. O. Savanna. Shannon S. farmer; Sec. 23; P. O. Savanna. Snyder N. laborer; Sec. 34; P. O. Savanna. Story E. farmer ; Sec 1 ; P. O.Hanavor. Sture Henry, laborer ; P. O. Savanna. Sullivan P. farmer ; Sec. 18 ; P. O. Savanna. T ACK JOHN, Sr., farmer ; P. O. Savanna. Taylor J. L. farmer; Sec. 1; P. O. Savanna. TAYLOR MASON C. Farmer; Sec, 1; P. O. Savanna; born in Chillicothe, O., Jan. 1, 1806 ; came to Galena in Spring of 1829 ; was reared in Ky. and Va. ; mined around Galena and worked at wagon-mak ing, for six years ; he enlisted in the Vol unteers at Galena, and served during the Black Hawk War, and was honorably dis charged at its close ; settled on a farm near where he now resides ; helped gather corn on the farm located by Kirker, in Rush Tp., in the Fall of 1831, for Hiram Innis; mar ried Miss Mary Cummings in 1840 ; she was born in Pa. ; were married in Iowa ; have two children living ; James W. and Jos. L. owns 260 acres of land ; served two terms as Coroner of Carroll Co., and three years as Supervisor of the Tp. in which he lives. VANDORN NATHANIEL, renter; Sec. 1 ; P. O. Savanna. Voegle Jacob, farmer; P. O. Savanna. WATSON GEORGE W. laborer; P. O. Savanna. Westfall J. farmer; Sec. 22; P.O.Savanna. White John, farmer; P. O. Savanna. WOODLAND TOWNSHIP. 495 WOODLAND TOWNSHIP. ADAMS JAMES, Sr., farmer; Sec. 30; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Adams Jas., Jr., farmer; Sec. 30; P.O.Mt. Carroll. Adams S. farmer; Sec. 30; P. O. Savanna. Adams S. B. farmer ; Sec. 30 ; P.O. Savanna. Adams T. farmer; Sec. 18; P. O. Mt.Carroll. Alban N. farmer; Sec 35; P. 0. Mt Carroll. BAIRD JOHN, farmer; Sec. 35; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Bayers Henry, laborer. Benson Benfeil, renter; Sec. 5; P. O. Pleas ant Valley. Bense A. farmer; Sec. 8; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Bock Fred, farmer; Sec. 18; P. O. Savanna. Bowman D. renter ; Sec.23 ; P.O. Mt.Carroll. Boyer H. farmer; Sec. 35; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Brock W. farmer; Sec. 27; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Buckwalter Benj. laborer; Sec. 27; P.O.Mt Carroll. Buckwalter Clayton, laborer ; Sec. 27 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Buckwalter S. mason ; S.27 ; P.O. Mt.Carroll. C-^ ARSON SOLOMON, farmer; Sec. 6; s P. O. Savanna. Christenson P. G farmer; Sec 29; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Church A. mason Sec 28; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Coates J. farmer; Sec. 28; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Curbay P. farmer; Sec. 4; P. O. Mt. Carroll. DAVIS ANDREW I. farmer; Sec. 17; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Davis A. renter; Sec. 17; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Davis J. farmer; Sec. 18; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Davis J. S. farmer; Sec. 5; P. O. Polsgrove. Davis Jos. farm; Sec. 18; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Davis S. farmer; Sec. 18; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Davis Wm. farmer and carpenter; Sec.18; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Davis W. S. farmer; S.18; P. O. Mt. Carroll. DAVIS WM. Farmer; Sec. 7; P. O. Mt. Carroll; born in W. Va. April 13, 1815 ; moved to Ohio ; came to this state in 1824, to Vermillion Co., and then to La Salle Co.; lived on Indian Creek, six miles from Ottawa, in 1832, where his father was building mill at the commence ment of the Indian War ; all the neighbors had gone to Ottawa, except the two fam ilies of Hall and Pettigrew, who were at his father's cabin when they were at tacked by the Indians ; his father, mother, two brothers and two sisters were killed, together with Mr. and Mrs. Hall and one daughter; two daughters of Mr. Hall were taken prisoners ; Mr. Davis and his brother Stephen escaped ; Mr. Davis came to this Co. in Feb., 1841 ; there was not a house here then, the Claim House not being built; he run a saw mill for some time, the first mill built in the Co. ; owns farm of 125 acres land; has held office of School Director ; married Sarah Ann Law, from Ireland, Dec. 24, 1848; they have eight children, six sons and two daughters : Ste phen, Alexander, Thomas, Matnew, John, Robert, Sarah Jane and Mary Ann ; lost two children. Denney G. farmer; Sec. 35; P. O. Savanna. Denney Jas. farmer; Sec. 7; P. O. Savanna. Douglas L. farmer ; Sec. 32 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Durham G. laborer ; Sec. 12 ; P.O.Mt.Carroll. Durham J. G Sec. 11; P. O. Mt. Carroll. EACKER BYRON L. farmer; Sec. 10; P. O. Polsgrove. Eacker G. farmer ; Sec. 9 ; P. O. Polsgrove. Eacker J.I. farmer; Sec. 15; P. O. Polsgrove. Eacker J. J., Jr., farm ; Sec. 9 ; P.O.Polsgrove. EACKER L. B. Farmer; Sec 10; P.O.Polsgrove; born in Herkimer Co., N. Y., Oct. 23, 1829 ; came to this Co. in 1860 ; Independent ; married Edelind Shulz in 1854; she was born in Montgomery Co., N. Y. ; owns 50 acres land, valued at $1,500 ; they have three children living, one boy and two girls. EACKER MRS. SALOME, Widow; Sec. 10; P. O. Polsgrove; owns 260 acres land, valued at $7,000 ; married ' John I. Eacker in 1820 ; Mr. Eacker was born July 14, 1800, in Montgomery Co., N. Y. ; came to this Co. in 1858 ; has been Supervisor 17 years ; four sons living and one deceased ; Mr. E. died June 23, 1877. EDWARDS HARMON, Farmer; Sec. 26 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll ; republican ; Methodist; bom in Conn. ; owns 290 acres, valued at $8,700 ; married M. Gillmore in 1839 ; she was born in Va. ; they have nine children living, four boys and five girls : Nancy, Ancheline, Reuben, John, Ella, Alice, Ida, Edward and Freeman; three deceased. EDWARDS JOHN G. Farmer; Sec. 6 ;. P. O. Mt. Carroll ; born April 27, 1852, in this Co., and has been here ever since ; married M. Deitrich, Jan. 11, 1873 ; she was born in this Co. also ; they have one child, a little girl ; Mr. E. owns 130 acres land, valued at $4,500. Elliott Jas. renter; Sec. 4; P. O. Polsgrove. Elliott J. farmer; Sec. 12; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Elliott R. farmer; Sec. 18 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Ellioth T. farmer ; Sec. 12 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. 496 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIBEOTOBY: Espie A. farmer; Sec. 33; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Espie J. farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Espie R. farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Mt Carroll. ESPIE WILLIAM, Farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Mt. Carroll; born Feb. 29, 1844, in Scotland ; republican ; Lutheran ; came to this Co. in 1866; owns 140 acres land, valued at $4,200 ; not married ; lives with his father, James Espie, who came to this Go. with him. Etnyer S. laborer ; Sec. 38 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. FISHER JAMES, farmer; Sec. 35; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Fisher E. renter; Sec. 14; P. O. Mt. Carroll. FISHER GEORGE I. Farmer and Stock Raiser; Sec. 35; P. O. Mt. Carroll; born in Wayne Co., O., in 1833; owns 38 acres land, valued at $1,500 ; married Susan Itnyro, who was born in Washington Co., Md., Jan. 6, 1838; has held offices of Jus tice of the Peace, Assessor, Commissioner and Collector; their children are: Mary, Ellen, Jennette, Martha and Linna. Fisher H. farmer; Sec. 16; P. O. Polsgrove. Fisher H., Jr., farm ; Sec. 27 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Flink O. farmer; Sec. 35; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Flink N. laborer; Sec 35; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Frederick R. N. farm; S.17; P.O.Mt Carroll. GABLE ANDREW, farmer; Sec. 11; P. O. Mt Carroll. Gill Philip, farm; Sec. 4; P.O. Polsgrove. Gill Philip G farm ; Sec. 5 ; P.O. Polsgrove. Gill Zach. farm ; Sec. 5 ; P.O. Polsgrove. Gordon Cal. farm; Sec. 36; P.O. Mt Carroll. Gordon H. W. farm; S. 36; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Grim G V farm; Sec. 25; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Grim J. H. farm; Sec. 25; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Grim Samuel, farm ; S. 25 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. ALL ARCHIE, farmer; Sec. 21; P.O. Mt Carroll. Hall E. W. farmer; Sec. 11; P.O. Polsgrove. Hall Geo. laborer; Sec. 21 ; P.O. Mt.Carroll. HARRISON THOMAS, Renter; Sec 15; P.O. Polsgrove; born in Jo Da viess Co., Jan. 22, 1851 ; came -to this Co. in 1876 ; has personal property valued at $500; married Mary A. Eacker May 1, 1877; she was born in this Co. in 1860. Harshaw Jos. farmer; Sec. 6; P.O. "Savanna. Harshaw W. farmer ; Sec. 6 ; P.O. Savanna. Harshaw Wm. farm ; Sec 9 ; P.O. Savanna. HAY ELIZABETH, Sec 35; P.O. Mt. Carroll; born in Scotland in 1835; came to this Co. in 1851 ; married Peter Hay July 3, 1854 ; he was born in Scot land; died Feb. 20, 1871; she has four boys living : William J., John H., Alfred and George ; lost one spn ; John H. grad uated at Mt. Carroll College as a school teacher ; has been teaching one year. H Hay Wm. farmer; Sec. 35; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Helsinger H. lab; Sec 25; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Helsinger J. farm ; Sec. 25 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Helsinger Jos. renter ; S.23 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Helocuger W. farm ;Sec 25 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Henas John, farmer; Sec. 2; P.O. Polsgrove. Hen gerford John G. farmer; Sec. 12; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Henderson G farm ; Sec. 14 ; P.O. Mt Carrol1.. Henderson Lawson. Hess Felix, farmer; S. 19; P.O. Mt Carroll. Hicks Ed. laborer; Sec. 34; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Hickman J. G farm ; Sec.15 ; P.O. Polsgrove. Hickman W. A. farm ; S. 15 ; P.O. Polsgrove. Hilsinger B. lab; Sec. 25; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Hodges S. S. farm; Sec. 18; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Horner Geo. farm ; Sec. 8 ; P. O. Polsgrove. Humbert F. lab; Sec. 36; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Humbert J. W. lab; S. 21 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Humbert Jno.Jfarm ; S. 24; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Hungerford G. farm ; S. 12 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. HungerfordW.farm; S. 12; P.O. Mt Carroll. JEFFERS CHARLES, farmer; Sec. 1; P. O. Mt Carroll. Jeffers J. farmer ; Sec. 1 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Jeffers R. J. farm; S. 11 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Johnson E. farm ;|Sec. 20; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Jordon E. laborer; Sec. 6; P. O. Mt. Carroll. K L ING JOHN, fanner; Sec. 28; P. O. Mt. Carroll. King R. laborer; Sec. 29; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Kling J. renter; Sec 16; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Klites S. farmer; Sec. 26; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Kretser^D. lab. ; Sec. 20; P.O.Mt.Carroll. ANGHRIN OWEN, farmer; Sec. 6; P. O. Savanna. Lashill G. H. lab.; S. 16; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Lashill T. F. lab.; Sec. 1; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Lashill W. farm ; Sec. 33 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Law Sam. farmer ; Sec. 28 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Law Thos. farm; Sec. 18; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Liberton J. farm : Sec. 28 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Liberton P. B. farm ; S. 28 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Liberton R. M. farm ; S. 28; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Lowler P. farm ; Sec. 35 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. McCAIN ALEXANDER; 'farmer; Sec. 4; P. O. Polsgrove. McCall R. farmer; Sec.8; P. O. Mt Carroll. MADER JOHN, Stock Raiser and Shipper; Sec. 2; P. O. Pleasant Val ley, Jo DavieSs Co.; property valued at $6,500; married Miss Anna Green, ^ November 5, 1867; she was bom in this Co. ; Mr. Mader was born in Pa., Feb. 14, 1844 ; came to this Co. in WOODLAND TOWNSHIP. 497 1867 ; they have five children, one boy and four girls ; he enlisted in Co. F, 92d I. V. I., in 1862 ; was in the battle of Chicamau- ga and Atlanta, where he was taken pris oner and kept eight months ; served to the end of the war, and was honorably dis charged. Markley J. farm; Sec. 25; P. O. Mt. Carroll. MARLOW ALEX. Renter; Sec. 3; P. O. Polsgrove; born in Ohio, March 17, 1849 ; came to this Co. in 1851 ; works a farm belonging to D. W. Wooton, in part nership with him, valued at $2,000. Mason Sam. farmer; Sec. 7; P. O. Savanna. Mathewson A. farm ; S. 34 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Mathewson Archie, farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Mitchell Charles H. Pastor of Presbyterian Church; Sec. 7; P. O. Savanna. Morehead J. G. farmer; Sec 5; P. O. Pols grove. Morehead S. farm ; Sec. 5 ; P. O. Polsgrove. Morehead F. farm; Sec. 5; P. O. Polsgrove. Motchman J. farm ; Sec. 8 ; P. O. Polsgrove. Myers L. farmer; Sec. 25; P. O.Mt. Carroll. NICKOLAS GILBERT, farmer; Sec. 29; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Nickolas Nicholas N. farmer; Sec. 29; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Nickolas T. farm; Sec. 29; P.O. Mt Carroll. Noble John, farm; Sec. 1; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Noble Wm. laborer; Sec. 1 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. OLSON OLEY, farmer; Sec. 27; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Orr Jesse, farmer; Sec. 25; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Orr L. farmer; Sec. 25 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. PALMER DAVID G. farmer; Sec. 16; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Palmer E. farmer ; Sec. 16 ; P. O. Polsgrove. Palmer G. S. laborer; S. 3; P. O. Polsgrove. Palmer Heram, farmer; Sec. 16; P.O.Mt Carroll. Palmer H. G. farm; S. 16; P. O. Polsgrove. Panly Aaron, farm; S. 21; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Patton J. farmer; Sec. 12; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Patton J. G farm; S. 32; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Phillips J. farm; Sec. 27; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Powers J. farmer ; Sec. 28 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Powers J. Jr., laborer; Sec. 28; P.O.Mt Carroll. Powers John, farmer; Sec. 29; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Powers M. laborer; S. 28; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Powers P. laborer; S. 28; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Price D. M. farm; Sec. 36; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Price D. W. farmer; S. 18; P.O. Mt. Carroll. RANDECKER CHRISTOPH, Farmer; Sec 11; P. O. Polsgrove; born in Wurtemburg, Germany, Sept. 29, 1827 ; republican ; Lutheran ; came to this Co. in 1859; owns 150 acres of land, val ued at $4,000 ; married B. Kaufman, March 15, I860; she was born in Germany; they have three children living, two boys and one girl, and one deceased ; Mr. R. has been School Director for twelve years. Rittenhauer Henry, laborer; Sec. 36; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Roberts J. R. farm ; S. 29 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Roberts John R., Jr., farmer; Sec. 29; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Roherts Wm. farm; S. 33 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. ROBERTSON L. N. Renter; Sec. 15; P. O. Polsgrove ; bora in Washington Co., N. Y., Oct. 2, 1851 ; came to this Co. in 1857 ; owns property valued at $500 ; mar ried H. Eackert, Oct. 20, 1874; she was born Wis.; they have two children, one boy and one girl. S CHILLY JOHN, farmer; Sec. 24; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Scroppel W. J. laborer; Sec. 11; P. O. Pols grove. Scroppel William, farmer ; Sec. 11 ; P. O. Polsgrove. Shirk J. B. farm; Sec. 10; P. O. Polsgrove. Shultz G farmer; Sec. 10; P. O. Polsgrove. Schultze W. farm ; Sec 10 ; P. O. Polsgrove. Sisler Ben. farmer ; Sec. 36 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Sisler John, farm ; S. 36 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Sisler W. S. farm ; Sec. 36 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Sisler Wm. farm; Sec. 25; P. O. Mt Carroll. Smith D. farmer; Sec. 6; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Smith Ely Y. farm ; S. 36 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Smith J. farmer ; Sec. 5 ; P. O. Polsgrove. Somerville George, farmer; Sec. 28; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Somerville Joseph, farmer ; Sec. 21 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Somerville R. farm ; Sec. 19 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Bonders W. farm; Sec. 27; P.O.Mt. Carroll. Spahr John farmer; Sec. 5; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Summerville J. retired ; Sec. 28 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Summerville William, renter ; Sec. 30 ; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Stewart H. farmer; Sec, 24; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Strickler V.-farmer; Sec.16; P.O. Mt Carroll. TAYLOR ELISHA, farmer; Sec. 27; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Taylor William H. Thompson David. Thompson J. farmer; Sec. 5; P. O. Pleasant Valley. I Tibbits E, farmer; Sec, 26; P.O. Mt. Carroll, 498 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIEECTOEYI Tibbits T. laborer; Sec. 26; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Tibbits W. laborer ; Sec.26 ; P.O. Mt Carroll. Tripp S. A. farmer; Sec. 9; P. O. Polsgrove. Tubes R. renter; Sec. 35; P. O. Mt Carroll. w AY GEORGE, teacher; P. O. Mt. Carroll. Watson R. farmer; Sec 35; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Wacker J. P. farmer; Sec. 4, P.O. Polsgrove. Wells Andrew, Sec. 28; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Wells J. farmer; Sec. 28; P. 0. Mt. Carroll. White E. G farmer; Sec.36 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. White Robert, farmer ; Sec. 7 ; P. O. Savanna. White Thos. farmer; Sec. 7; P. 0. Savanna. Williams T. farmer : Sec.13 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. Williamson A.farm ; Sec.13; P.O.Mt. Carroll. Williamson J. farm ; Sec.13 ; P.O. Mt. Carroll. WILLIAMS R. A. Teacher and Post Master ; Polsgrove ; born in Pa. July 25, 1844; came to this Co. in 1870; owns a house and lot of three acres, valued at $1,000; married Mary E. Tailor Jan. 25, 1874; she was bom in Oswego Co., N. Y.; they have two boys living; Mr. W. has taught school for seven years, and is Tp. Treasurer ; enlisted in Co. F, 184th Pa. V. I. in Jan., 1864; served about nine months; was taken with typhoid fever, and by improper treatment lost one leg. Williamson W. farm ; Sec.13 ; P.O. Polsgrove. Winters F. farmer; Sec. 4; P. O. Polsgrove. Wooton D. farmer ; Sec. 3 ; P. O. Polsgrove. YOUNG EDWARD, farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Mt. Carroll. LIMA TOWNSHIP. ACKER A. B. Farmer; Sec 33; P. O. Brookville ; born in Pa. in 1830 ; came to this Co. in 1867; owns 310 acres land; has held offices of School Director, Highway Commissioner and Supervisor; married Miss Sarah Shenefel in 1854; she was born in Pa.; have four children: Almira, William, Calvin and Bertie. BAHNEY ADAM, farmer ; Sec. 21 ; P. O: Brookville. Bahney J. farmer; Sec. 21 ; P.O. Brookville. Bahney Jno. farm; Sec 21 ; P.O. Brookville. Baker Henry, retired farmer; Sec. 19; P.O. Brookville. Beck Geo. farm; Sec. 17; P.O. Brookville. BECK JONAS, Farmer; Sec. 16; P. O. Brookville, Ogle Co.; born in Pa. in 1813 ; came to this Co. in 1847 ; owns 215 acres land ; has held the offices of School Director aud Highway Commissioner; married Miss Elizabeth Shaffstallin 1841; she was born in Pa. in 1823; have three children : Aaron S., Julia A. and Sarah J. B1NGAMEN WM. Farmer; Sec. 18; P. O. Brookville; born in this Co. in 1847; farms 160 land; married Miss Eleanor Marks, Dec. 26, 1876 ; she was born in this Co. Bitner John, farm hand ; P. O. Brookville. Boddeger Peter, Sec. 28 ; P. O. Brookville. Bohmer G. farm ; Sec. 28 ; P. O. Brookville. Bohmer Wm. farm ; S. 28; P. O. Brookville. Boyer H. B. stone mason; Sec. 21; P.O. Brookville. BYERS DAVID, Farmer; Sec. 9; P. O. Shannon; born in Pa. in 1812; came to this state March 27, 1854; owns 177% acres land ; has held the offices of School Director and Highway Commissioner; married Susan Cowen in 1844; she was born in Pa. ; have three children : George, David and John. CARBAUGH SEYMOUR, farm hand; Sec.7; P. O.Shannon. CARBAUGH J. H. Farmer; Sec.7; P. O. Shannon; born in Franklin Co., Pa., in 1851; came to this Co. June 1, 1672; owns 160 acres land ; has held the office of School Director; married Mrs. Jane M. Dean, March 13, 1873 ; has one child, Nel lie; lost one child, Mary Edith. Cheesman A. farm; Sec. 9; P.O. Brookville. Cheeseman G. farm ; Sec. 9 ; P.O. Brookville. Cobell I. farm hand ; Sec. 31 ; P.O. Fremont. Cowen G. farmer; Sec. 32; P.O. Brookville. Cowen O. farmer; Sec. 32; P.O. Brookville. DREIBELBIS ORLANDO, farmer: Sec. 20; P.O. Brookville. FLEISHER W. H. Farmer; Sec. 17; P.O. Brookville. FRANKS CHAS. 'Retired Farmer; Sec. 21; P.O. Brookville ; born in England in 1793 ; came to this state in 1835 ; to this Co. in 1846 ; has held the offices of Justice of the Peace, Town Treasurer and School Director; married Ellen Young in 1818; she was born in England; died in 1828; he married his second wife, Mary Hart, in 1831 ; she was born in England ; died in 1862 ; has three children by first marriage : James, Millie and Jane ; nine by second marriage : Charles, John, Joseph, William, Jeremiah, George, Hannah, Margaret and Sarah. Franks Geo. farm; Sec. 21; P.O. Brookville. FRANKS JOHN W. Farmer; Sec. 21 ; P.O. Brookville; born in Canada in LIMA TOWNSHIP. 499 1834 ; came to this Co. in 1846 ; owns 120 acres land ; married Miss Charlotte Gress- inger in 1860 ; she was born in Pa. FRANKS JOSEPH, Farmer; Sec 21; P.O. Brookville; bom in Toronto, G W., in 1836 ; came to this Co. in 1844; owns 98 acres land; married Miss M. Mossington in 1864 ; she was born in Can ada; they have four children: Frederick, Mary, Nellie and Jane. Fry Christian, farm; Sec. 4; P.O. Shannon. Fry Samuel, farmer; Sec. 8; P. O. Shannon. GERMAN PRATT, farm hand; Sec. 10; P.O. Brookville. Good Christian, farm; Sec. 8; P.O. Shannon. GOOD DAVID S. Farmer; Sec. 5; P. O. Shannon ; born in Pa. in 1833 ; came to this Co. May 11, 1852 ; owns 240 acres land ; has held the offices of School Director and Assessor; married Susan Kingery in 1858 ; she was born in Pa. ; they have eight children : Tillie A., Flora E., Ira K., Harvey G, Samuel K., Levi J., Etta M. and Nancy L. ; lost three children : Andrew J., Mary G and Lydia B. Grimes Jesse, farmer; Sec. 6 ; P.O. Shannon. Grimes S. farmer; Sec 6; P. O. Shannon. Gross Chas. farmer; Sec. 8; P. O. Shannon. GUYER F. Farmer; Sec. 20; P. O. Brookville; born in Germany in 1820; came to this Co. June 3, 1853 ; owns 160 acr£s ; has held office of School Director ; married Mrs. Susan Betterman; she was born in Pa.; they have two children: Joseph and Louisa; Mrs. Guyer has three children by a former marriage : Amanda A., Cyrus and Catherine. Guyer Jos. farmer; Sec. 20; P. O. Shannon. HARMAN CHRISTIAN, farmer; Sec. 9; P. O. Brookville. Harman William. HEPLER EMANUEL, Farmer; Sec. 28 ; P. O. Brookville ; born in Pa. in 1823; came to this Co. in 1849; owns 96 acres ; has held offices of Assessor, Collec tor, Supervisor and Highway Commis sioner ; married Mary Herb in 1846 ; she was born in Pa., and died Oct. 31, 1876; eight children: Daniel, Lydia, John, Amelia A., Mary, Cora D., Nora A. and Franklin ; lost two. HILEMAN A. O. Farmer; Sec. 29; P. O. Brookville ; born in this Co. ; owns 160 acres ; his father, John Hileman, came to this Co. in 1856, and died in 1872. Horming M. agent; Sec. 28; P.O.Brookville. Horming S. farmer; Sec. 28; P.O.Brookville. Hull Jos. farmer; Sec. 29; P. O. Brookville. I8KIE GEORGE, 'farmer; Sec. 19; P.O. Brookville. KETTERMAN JOHN, Farmer; Sec. 6 ; P. O. Shannon ; born in Pa. March 22, 1822; came to this Co. April 7, L 1855 ; owns 160 acres land ; holds office of School Director ; married Elizabeth Stoner in 1849; she was bom in Pa.; they have four children : John S., Lottie A., Mary J. and Daniel B. ; lost three : William, Jacob and David R. KETTERMAN JOHN S. Teacher; Sec. 6 ; P. O. Shannon ; born in Pa. in 1853 ; came to this Co. in 1855 ; is the inventor and has letters patent for a pruning shear that excels any thing of the kind yet in vented, and is worthy the attention of any one interested. Kingery G. farmer; Sec. 17; P.O. Brookville. Krider J. farmer ; Sec. 7; P.O.Brookville. KREBS NATHAN, Farmer; Sec. 9; P.O. Brookville; born in Pa. in 1816; came to this Co. in 1845; owns 190 acres; has held office of School Director ; married Miss Catherine Hamilton in 1840; she was born in Pa. ; they have two children : Mary and Sarah A. Krider Wm. farmer ; Sec. 7 ; P.O. Brookville. INKER GEORGE, farmer; Sec. 20; P. O. Brookville. Lograntz Wm. farmer; Sec.31; P.O.Elk horn Grove. Long W. A. farm hand; Sec. 33; P. O. Brookville. McCULLOUGH CHARLES, Sr., carpen ter; Sec. 28; P.O.Brookville. Marks D. farmer; Sec. 18; P. O. Brookville. MARKS Z. D. Farmer; Sec. 18; P. O. Brookville, Ogle Co.; bora in Conn, in 1822 ; came to this Co. in 1848 ; owns 160 acres; has held office of School Director; married Miss Ellen Reynolds in 1856 ; she was born in Mich., and died Nov. 16, 1871 ; married Ellen Hilemen, Oct. 28, 1875 ; she was born in Pa. ; has seven children by first marriage : Amy L., Dennis, Robert, Eieanor, Henry, Leslie and Luna; two by second marriage: Elmer E. and Lionel. Messner J. farmhand; Sec.8; P.O.Brookville. Meyers J. farmer; Sec. 19; P. O. Brookville. MICHAEL ELIAS, Farmer; Sec. 28; P. O. Brookville; born in Pa. in 1825; came to this Co. in 1853 ; owns 87}^ acres land ; has held offices of School Director, Collector and Assessor; married Elizabeth Bomgardner in 1852 ; she was born in Pa., and died seventeen days after marriage; married Catherine Rickert in 1853; she was born in Pa. ; they have eight children : Mary E., John W., Charles, Samuel, George, Delia, Joseph and Albert. Michaels J. farmer; Sec. 28; P.O. Brookville. Michael P. farmer; Sec. 20; P. O. Brookville. Michael Wm. farmer; Sec. 8; P.O.Brookville. Miller J. farmer; Sec. 30; P. O. Brookville. Miller L. farmer; Sec. 19; P. O. Brookville. MILLER 'WARNER, Farmer; Sec. 19; P.O.Brookville; born in Germany 500 CAEEOLL COUNTY DIBEOTOEY: in 1817 ; came to this Co. in 1846 ; has held office of School Director ; married Chris tiana Baker in 1846 ; she was born in Ger many; they have eight children: Mary, Louisa, Lewis, Amelia, Sarah, William, Josephine and Robert C. Morris Edw. carpenter ; Sec.31; P. O. Elk horn Grove. NICODEMUS GEO. farmer; Sec. 4; P. O. Shannon. o TTO SAMUEL, farmer; Sec. 32; P. O. Brookville. OVERFIELD F. S. Physician ; Sec. 21 ; P. O. Brookville ; born in Germany in 1827 ; came to this state in 1856, and to this Co. in 1867 ; owns 93 acres land ; has held office of School Director; married Miss Elizabeth Walkey; she was born in Pa. ; have three children : Joseph, Walter and Lee. PAUL ISAAC, Farmer; Sec. 33; P.O.Brookville; born in Pa. in 1838; came to this Co. in 1849; owns 100 acres land; has held office of Highway Com missioner; enlisted in the 92d I. V. I., and served three years; married Miss Susan B. Acker in 1870 ; . she was born in Pa. ; have four children : Ida M., Eva A., Aza A. and Maggie E. Plock Casper, farm ; Sec. 16 ; P.O. Brookville. Plock Chas. farm ; Sec. 19 ; P. O. Brookville. Plock Conrad, farm ; 8. 19 ; P.O. Brookville. Polm Benj. farmer; Sec. 5; P.O. Shannon. RAHN H. C. Farmer; Sec. 18; P.O. Shannon; born in Ogle Co. in 1848; came to this Co. in 1849 ; owns 120 acres land ; married Elizabeth Fry in 1871 ; she was born in 111.; have three children: Geo. W., John A. and Harvey E. RAHN JOHN, Farmer; Sec. 31; P. O. Elkhorn Grove ; born in Germany in 1820 ; came to this Co. in 1847 ; owns 800 acres land; married Louisa Shelp in 1855 ; she was born in Germany ; have six children : Catharine, Mena, Abimelech, Emma, Enoch and Henry ; lost two : Emma and Esther. Rubendall Jas. farm; Sec. 4; P. O. Shannon. 'ARBER SAMUEL, farmer; ) P. O. Brookville. Sec. .17; SARBER ALBERT, Farmer; Sec. 16; P.O.Brookville; born in Ogle Co., this state, in 1851; came to this Co. in 1857 ; owns 80 acres land ; married Miss Sarah E. Tate in 1873 ; she was born in Pa. SARBER EMANUEL, Farmer; Sec. 32 ; P. O. Brookville ; born in Pa. in 1830 ; came to this Co. in 1865 ; owns 250 acres land ; has held office of School Di rector; enlisted in the late war, in the 15th I. V. I., and served till the close of the war ; married Mary Chaffee in 1851 ; she was born in Pa. ; have seven children : Rosella A., William Wirt, Lucinda J., John Edward, Charles H., Lovina E., Lola Viola ; lost four. SARBER GABRIEL, Farmer; Sec. 18; P. O. Brookville; born in Pa. in 1829; came to this Co. in 1845 ; owns 220 acres land; holds offices of Justice of the Peace and School Director; married Harriet' Michael in 1849; she was born in Pa.; have fourteen children living: Sarah, Albert, Julia A., Elizabeth, Ellen J , Jon athan M., Nathaniel W., Margaret L., Jas. O., Alice M., Andrew J., Ada T., Harry G and Baby. Sarber Wm. farmer; Sec. 32; P. O. Fremont. Schnee W. F. farm ; S. 17 ; P. O. Brookville. Schreffler J. A. farm hand ; Sec. 17 ; P. O. Brookville. SHAFER REUBEN, Farmer; Sec. 29 ; P. O. Brookville; born on the place he now lives June 18, 1854; owns 160 acres land; married Miss Adelia Peters March 28, 1877 ; she was born in this Co. ; have one child. SHAFER WM. Farmer; Sec. 29; P.O.Brookville; born in Ind. in 1842; came to this Co. in 1852 ; owns 400 acres land ; married Elizabeth Emrick in 1868 ; she was born in Brookville, Ogle Co.; he enlisted in 15th I. V. I., and served till close of war. Shelly J. farmer; Sec. 18; P. O. Brookville. SHILEY TOBIAS H. Farmer; Sec. 5; P. O. Shannon; born in Pa. in 1844; came to this Co. in 1865 ; rents 200 acres of his father; enlisted in the 142d I. V. I. during the late war; married Mary A. Stoner in 1867 ; she was born in Pa. ; have 4 children: Ida, Minerva, Mary A., Adelia. Spatz W. S. farm; Sec. 29; P. O. Brookville. Swisher J. farmer; Sec. 21; P. O. Shannon. VALKAMA HIRAM, farmer; Sec. 6; P. O. Shannon. w ALKEY HARVEY, P. O. Brookville. farmer;. Sec. 21; WALKEY JACOB, Farmer; Sec. 21; P. O. Brookville; born in Pa. in 1808; came to this Co. in 1851 ; owns 132 acres land; has held offices of School Trustee and School Director ; married Mary Win ters in 1829; she was bora in Md., and died in 1861; has eight children: Benja min, William, Jacob, Amanda, Elizabeth, Mary Jane, Joanna and Harvey. Weaver E. farm hand ; S. 29 ; P.O. Brookville. Weaver F. farm ; Sec. 33 ; P. O. Brookville. WEAVER MOSES, Farmer; Sec 23; P. O. Brookville; born in Pa. in 1818; came to this Co. in 1864 ; owns 287 acres land ; has held offices of School Director and Highway Commissioner; married Sarah Freas in 1845; she was born in Pa.; have six children : Henry, Jesse, Freeman, Mary, John and William. ZOBLE HENRY, farm hand; Sec. 20; P. O. Brookville. TOO LATES. 501 TOO LATES. [Receiyed too late for insertion in its proper place.— See pages 383 and ! UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST, OTTER CREEK CLASS.— WYSOX TOWNSHIP. This class or church was organized in the Fall of 1864, by Rev. J. D. Brown. It is a branch of the Hazel Green Class, in White side Co., organized on account of the dis tance of the members here from Hazel Green. There were three members, or three who signed their names the day they made the organization: Mrs. Susan Winters, John Meakins and W. J. Winters. The class or ganized with twenty-six members. The day being bad prevented their coming out. They organized in the Otter Creek school house, and worshipped there until 1870, when the original building at Hazel Green was donated by that church or society. It was moved here, on its present location, May, 1870. It was built in 1862, at a cost of $1,000. Upon its being moved here, it was repaired at a cost of $650, and was re-dedicated in July, 1870. It has just undergone repairs again at an additional cost of $230. Ministers of Otter Creek Class : 1. J. D. Brown ; 2. G Wendle; 3. J. H. Grim; 4. J. W. Bird; 5. Wm. Coursey; 6. E. D. Palmer; 7. F. Rei- ble; 8. N. E. Gardner is the present pastor, and lives in Coleto, Whiteside Co. Present church membership, thirty-seven; has a Sunday-school of sixty scholars in a flourish ing condition. W. J. Winters, one of the three organizing members, is leader of the class. S. D. Manning, class steward; B. M. Beers,, Sunday-school superintendent. ELKHORN GROVE.-OLD CLAIM ASSOCIATION. The settlers were Charles Hawes, T. Hughes, John Hill, Jesse Hill, Clark Green, George Green, and George. Maider entered the land from them, which caused the set tiers to hold a large meeting in 1846. Many were in favor of sending them across the Mississippi River unless they would give up the land. This they refused to do, and the consequences were that Clark Green was given thirty-three lashes with a raw-hide; Bob Green had received eleven, when they gave up the land. Maider gave up the land, and was not whipped. But instead of giv ing up the land, they prosecuted the citizens for riot, and many were fined. Old Centre School House, Elkhorn Grove, was built in the Fall of 1835. A man named Ingalls was the first teacher. He was frozen to death in the Winter of 1836, while going home intox icated. Levi Warner was first Justice of the Peace. M. Z. Landon and Wm. Lowry, first Justices of the Peace under town organ ization. Elkhorn Grove Mutual Fire In surance Company was organized in 1868, of people of township. Present officers : Miles Z. Landon, Pres. ; Lucius L. Thorp, Sec; Naamin Woodin, Treas. ; William Lowry, Surveyor. ERRATA, J.P. Seedy, page 279, should read "Leedy." Dr. B. L. Miller, page 280, should read "B. P." Danger, courage and strife, page 281, should read " carnage and strife." 'Since friendship, on page 298, should read " sincere." Hegerman, on page 300, should read " Hegeman." Tector, on page 300, should read " Tee. tor," and J. G. Garner should read " I. G. Garner." Pean, on page 301, should be " Paean." Mellendy, on page 304, should read " Me lendy." Teachut should be " Teachout." Stahler, page 305, should be " Stebler." Thus they travel together, page 306, should read " traveled." A. H. Andrews & Co., 211 & 313 Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO, ILL. Largest Manufactueees in the World of School, Church, Office & Bank Fittings, School Globes G£?£SL), Apparatus, Maps and Charts. School Furniture and Apparatus. We believe that we Andrews' "Triumph" Desk. The in the world, because Dove tailed together. best offer the only School Desk that is durable, and which will grow stronger and stronger by use and time. It is made by dove tailing the iron into the wood, and the shrink ing of the wood only tightens the work. School Officers will ob serve that we received the highest award for the Tri umph School Desks at the Philadelphia Internation al Exposition of 1876. Church,Hall — AND — Sunday School Fittings. Send for Illustrated Catalogue of School, Church and Office furniture, Marquetry Flooring, §c. No. 613. We have very large facilities for the manufacture of Church Furniture SUCH AS Pulpits, Pews, Chairs, Settees, &c. "Sunday School Seats. JErfL j** Estimates sent on short notice. No. ISO. Sunday School Settee. Arranged for sweeping or for entering the Pew. A reversible seat corresponding accom panies the above to alternate.