2J^ .^0^^^^ THE HISTORIAI^S OF SCOTLAIID. VOL. IIL Printed hy Thmnas and Archibald Constable, EDMONSTON AND DQUGLAS. LONDON HAMILTON", ADAMS, AND CO. CAMBRIDGE MACMILLAN AND CO. GLASGOW JAMES MACLEHOSE. c THE HISTORIANS OF SCOTLAND VOL. IIL anDrotD of 2Htntoun*0 Orrstnale Cron^fiil of^cotlantj. VOL. IL EDINBUEGH EDMONSTON AND DOUGLAS 1872. Cronpfeil (Bf ^cotlanli. BY ANDROW OF "WYNTOUN. EDITED BY DAVID LAING. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. IL EDINBUEGH EDMONSTON AND DOUGLAS 1872. TABLE OF CONTENTS. THE ORYGYNALE CEONYKIL OF SCOTLAND :— PAGE The Fytt Buke, — Continued, . . 1 The Sext Buke, ... . 59 The Sevynde Buke, . . . . 149 The Auchtand Buke, . . 267 THE FYFT BUKE of the OEYGYNALE CRONYKIL OF SCOTLAND. (CONTINUED.) VOL. II. THE FYFT BUKE OF THE OEYGYNALE CEONYKIL OF SCOTLAND. CHAP. XIL Qtohett i^tet Imxacmt the ,S« kiibz, ^ni oft tk£ ®mptj!«tor£ ^di-Qt ^tc\f$itt. A.D. 'r\ 407. JJ OUE hundyr -wyntyre and thare-tyU sevyn Efftyre that borne wes God off Hewyn, The fyrst Innocent Pape off Eome, And kepare off all Crystyndome, Fyftene yhere and t-wa dayis Held that se, as Frere Martyne sayis. The pax that tyme ordanyd he At all Mess to gyvyn be Ilk[a] day, bot quhen the Mes S'wngyn for Crystyn sa^wlys 'wes : 4030 He ordanyd als quhen men suld de Anoynted -wyth haly oyhle to be : He ordanyd to fast the Settyrday, Syne in hys graff Gryst that tyme lay. The Empryo'wre that tyme, Schyr Archad, To 'wyff a 'wykkyd -woman had, Scho callyd wes Ewxodia ; Off hyr-selff than gert scho ma 4 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. Ane ymage, aU lyk hyr propyrly In tiU an fassowne off [hyr] body ; 4040 The doytyd qwennys off that land, And damysellys yhong and a-VYcnand, Befor that ymage ilk[a] day, Scho gert cum to dawns and play. Quhen Jhon Crysostome, the gret clerk. In hys prechyug cald that werk A foule wyce off mawmentry, Scho gert that cunnand clerk, for-thi. Off ConstantynopyUys cyt^, Quhare-off byschope that tyme wes he, 4050 Be put owte and banysyde qwyte. In till gret ire and in dyspyte ; And for Archad gave his assent To that, this Pape Innocent This Empryowr in till gret hy He cwrsyd hym solemply. For that he tholyd that haly man Fra hys se be banysyd than. Jowys and Hethin that tyme he Gert condampne and banysyd be. 4060 Befor Mychalmes alsua Ordyrys he bade the byschapys ma. Quhen this Innocent wes dede Zozimus sat in that stede Aucht moneth and twa yhere And fywe and twenty dayis clere. Clerkkys that tyme forbade he Tavernaris fra theyne to be. In to that tyme Honorius And yhongare Teodosius 4070 F. 111. b. Stude Empryowrys fyftene yhere ; Ch. xii.] of SCOTLAND. 5 In Eome regnand the Gotys were. This Empryowr Honoryus TiU gud Teodosius All lyk -wertwus in governale. And off his tresore liberal. Till ilk man famylyere. In all aport he couth hym here. Quhen it wes gyvyn hym to conseil Thame to sla that wes rebell 4080 Till hym. and his state agayne, He sayd he wald be blyth and fayne, Ony man gyff that he mycht Eays be powere or be slycht Fra dede to lywe, and hald thame swa. And na man efftyr that to sla. Pelagyus borne in to Brettane, A clerk was and a wykkyd man, Proponyd that tyme heyly Conclusyo'wnys off gret herysy. 4090 Off hys conclusyownys ane this was, Man mycht be sauff, but Goddys gras, Off propyr will man mycht in mede In alkjTi rychtwysnes precede. He sayd, and barnys abortywe. And barnys borne yhong ha-wand lywe, Wes aU. fre qwyt and hale Fra the auld syne orygynalle ; Na the baptysme, he sayd, in dede, Dyd noucht bot ekyd thame thaire mede. 4100 On this a Cownsall gret wes sene, Thre hundyr byschopys and threttene In Cartage gadryd ; that tyme thare Thir herysyis all condampnyt ware. THE CEONYKIL [B. V. Than deid this Pape Zozimus ; Neyst hym Bonifacius Succedyt Pape, and twa yhere. And to that aucht moneth clere. Quhen he wes deyd than dayis nyne That se -wakyd, than Celestyne 4110 Pape off Eome wes aucht yhere And ane and twenty dayis clere. Judica me Deus ay He ordan[yd] the prest for to say Eevestyd to the Mes, before Or thai begyne Confiteor Saynt Jerome that time the Doctore Than deyd in Bethleem wyth honore. Saynt Austyne alsua in tha days Deyde, as the story sayis, 4120 That wes byschope off Yppone. That tyme wes ordanyd to be done Off Saynct Petyr the fest alsua F. 112. That we now call acZ ¦wimc'wZa ; Ilk[a] yhere that faUys ay Ewyne apon the Lammes day. A.D. Tjl 423. JJ OUEE hundyr twenty yhere and thre Efftyre the blyst Natyvyte This Celestyne Pape off Eome And kepare off all Crystyndome 4130 Send Saynt Patryk in Irland, And Saynt Pallady in Scotland, In thai landis for to preche. And men in Crystyne fay to teche. Than yho-wngare Teodosius, Ch. XIL] OF SCOTLAND. 7 Quhen deid wes gud Honoryus, AVes to this pape contemporane, And wyth hym Valentynyane, Empryo-wrys ware twenty yhere And se-vyn oure to rekyn clere. 4140 In the lie that time off Cretd, That lyis -wythin the MekiU Se, [Bot] now that lie is cald Candy, The devyU apperyd thare bodyly Till the Jowys, and sayd he wes That haly man thai callyd Moyses, And gert thame trowe that tyme that he Sauff suld bryng thame oure the Se, And all thaire gate to mak thame dry ; In that dyssayt wes tynt mony, 4150 For aU that folowyd hym that tyme thare. In [to] that depe se drownyd ware. Off Constantynopolys cyt6 than The byschope wes a wykyd man, Nestorius cald he wes be name. Off oure Lady this deffame He set, and sayd that 'werraly Scho bare noucht God off hyr body, Bot he sayde that sympylly than Off hir body scho bare bot man. 4160 Twa hundyr byschopys than onone Gadryd in till Ephesone Befor this Celestyne, in hy Cdndampnyd this fals herysy, And Otheotocos thai ordanyd all Oure Lady haly kyrk to call : That is the modyr propyrly Off God and man bath -werraly. 8 THE CEONYKIL [B.V. Quhen dede wes this Pape Celestyne, Aucht yhere and dayis nyne 4170 Syxt the Thrid held that stede : And effyre that, quhen he wes dede, Leo wes mad Pape off Eome, And byschope off all Crystyndome, Twa moneth and thretty yhere And se-vyn and twenty dayis clere. He wes a solempne clerk, F. 112. b. And dyd mony a clerklyk werk. Tyll the empryowre Marcyane That wes till [him] contemporane, 4180 And till hys -wyff the gret Emprys, He wrate and send full fayre tretys. To draw thare hart to Crystyne fay. And thare-in to be stedfast ay. And off Crystys natyvytd Solempne sermownys sere mad he. QuhQl this Pape Leo wes Syngand on Pask day hys Mes, 'A fayr woman at the offerand Wyth othir come and kyssyd hys hand ; 4190 Off that kys all suddanly Thare ras a lust off hys body. He feld off that temptatyowne Hys hand was the occasyowne ; He gert stryk off that hand, for-thi, Q-wyte fra [the] arme off hys body. Swa efftyr that gret murmwr wes That he oysyd noucht to say his Mes ; For that deffame devotly Prayer he mad tUl oure Lady, 4200 Wyth gret [waUcyng] and fastyng. Ch. XIL] OF SCOTLAND. 9 For till rele-we hym in tyll sum thyng. And tyU sauff hym fra that deffame That he sustenyd noucht swylk schame. Than Mary myld, oure Lady fre, Apperyd till hym that he mycht se. And tiU hys stwmp scho set a hand, E-wynly mete and rycht gaynand. And abyll hym mad till say his Mes. Eestoryd thus till hele he wes, 4210 And prechyd efftyr hely[ly] This myrakill off oure swete Lady, And lo-wyd hyr [on] mony wys And oblysyt hym till hyr serwys. For the gud dedys he oysed to wyrk He is yhit lowyd in haly kyrk ; On Petyr and Paulys evyn ay Ilk[a] yhere [is] hys fest day. The Sleparys sevyn than ryssyn were That slepand lay thre hundyr yhere 4220 And se-vynty yhere thare-tiU and twa Ekyd thare-tUl ware alsua. Fra the decys off Decyus Till yhoungare Teodosius TOI Leo this Pape contemporane, Valentyne and Martyane, Off the empyre held the state Se-vyn yhere, as Frere Martyne wrate. The Saxonys off Duche-land Arrywyde that tyme in Ingland. 4230 Merlyne alsua mystyly That tyme made hys Prophecy. F. 113. How Vortygerne wytht hys falshede Off Brettane made the kyngis dede ; lo THE CEONYKIL [B. V. How Latere and Awrelius, Till surname cald Ambrosius, Off Ingland passyt pre-waly than. And efftyr bad in Less-Brettan ; And the Saxonys -wyth thare slycht In Yngland come, and ay thare mycht 4240 Wes ekyd, that [in] multitude Thare wes slayne downe the Brettis blud ; And Ingland thare-efftyre ay Thai ha-we yhit haldyn to this day. The Brwte tellys opynly : Thare-for I le-we now that story. The Saxonys in Ingland ware, Quhen Teodosius the yhoungare Off the empyre held the state. As in the buk befor I -wrate. 4250 Quhen this Leo the Pape wes dede, Saynt Hylare sat in to that stede Thre moneth and sex yhere And ten dayis oure-passyt clere. Efftyr hym Simplicius, The thryd Felix, and Gelasius Off Eome war Papys successywe, Ilkane till othir in thare lyve : Sevyn and twenty [yhere] thir thre In Eome held the Papys se. 4260 Quhen thir Papys thre were than To the empryowre contemporane. The Empryowre [the] fyrst Leo, Till [hym] succedyt Schyr Zeno. Thir twa in to thare lywe Held the empyre successy-we Thretty yhere full and ma ; Ch. XIL] OF SCOTLAND. 1 1 [And] Anastasius efftyre tha Twenty thre yhere lord and syre Held the state off the empyre. 4270 And quhen this Leo wes Empryo-wre, Kyng off' Brettane wes Arthowre, That wan all Frawns, and Lumbardy, Gyane, Gaskoyn, and Normandy, Burgoyne, Flawndrys, and Braband, Henawnd, Holand, and Gotland, Swes, Swethryk, and Norway, Denmark, Irland, and Orknay ; And all the Ilys in the Se Subject ware till hys powste : 4280 And all thir landis everilkane To the Crowne off Gret Brettane He ekyd hale, and mad thame ii& Bot subdyt tUl hys ryawt^, Wyth-owte ser-wys, or homage. Or ony payment off trewage F. 113. b. Mad, to Eome as befor thai Lang tyme oysyd for to pay. Quharefor the state off the empyre Hely mo-vyt in to gret ire 4290 The hawtane message till hym send. That wryttyn in the Brwte is kend : And Huchown off the Awle Eyale In tiU hys Gest HystoriaUe Has tretyd this mar cwnnandly, Than suffycyand to pronowns am I. As in oure matere we precede, Sum man may fall this buk to rede, SaU call the Autour to rekles. Or argwe perchans hys cunnandnes ; 4300 12 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. Syne Huchowne off the Awle Eyale In till hys Gest Hystoryalle Cauld Lucius Hiberius empryoure, Quhen Kyng off Brettane was Arthoure. Huchowne bath and the Autore Gyltles ar off gret errore. For the Autor [is] fyrst to say. The storyis quha that will assay. Off Iber, Frere Martyne, and Vincens Storyis to cwn dyd dUigens, 4310 And Orosius, aU foure. That mony storys had sene oure, Cald noucht this Lucyus Empryoure, Quhen Kyng off Brettane wes Arthoure. Bot off the Br-wte the story sayis. That Lucyus Hiberius in hys dayis Wes off the hey state Procurature, Nowthir cald Kyng, na Empryo-wre. Fra blame than is the Autore q-wyte, As befor hym [he] fand, to wryte ; 4320 And men off gud dyscretyowne Suld excuse, and love Huchowne, That cunnand wes in literature. He made the gret Gest off Arthure, And the Awntyre off Gawane, The PystyU als off Swete Swsane. He wes curyws in hys style, Fayre off facund, and subtiUe, And ay to plesans and delyte Made in metyre mete his djiie, 4330 Lytill or nowcht ne-vyrtheles Waverand fra the suthfastnes. Had he cald Lucyus Procurature, Ch. XIL] OF SCOTLAND. 13 Quhare that he cald hym Empyrowre, That had mare gre-vyd the cadens. Than had relevyd the sentens. Ane empryoure in propyrte A comawndoure suld caUyd be : Lucyus swylk mycht have bene kend F. 114. Be the message that he send. 4340 Here suffycyand excusatyownys For -wylfuU defamatyownys. He mon be war in mony thyng That will hym kepe fra mysdemyng. Off Arthowris gret douchtynes, Hys wyrschype and hys prys proues. His conqwest, and hys ryaUe state. As in this Buk befor I wrate. How he held in tiU hys yherys Hys TabyU Kownd -wyth hys Dowchsperys ; 4350 How that he tuk syne hys wayage, Fra Lucyus had send hym the message, TiU Ytaly wyth hey mychtys Off kyngys, lordys, and off knychtys. And discumfyte the Empryowre, And wan gret -wyrschype and honoure Off Frawns nere the bord-wrys sete. In were as thai togyddyr mete ; And off tresowne tiU hyme done Be Modred hys systyr sone, 4360 Quharfor in hast he come agayne, And -wyth hym fawcht in tiU Brettayne, Quhare he and hys Eownd TabyU qwyte Wes wndone, and discumfyte ; Huchown has tretyd curyowsly In Gest off Broyttys auld story. 14 THE CEONYKIL [B.V. Bot off hys dede and hys last end, I fand na wryt, couth mak that kend : Syne I fand nane, that thare off wrate, I wyll say na mare, than I wate. 4370 Bot quhen that he hade fowychtyn fast, Efftyre in till an lie he past Sare woundyt, to be lechyd thare. And efftyre he wes se[yn] na mare. Bot in hys tyme Schyr Constantyne Schyr Cadorys sown, hys awyne cusyne, That wes Duk off Cornwale, He wes made Kyng off Brettane hale. And set apon hys hevyd the crowne. And gave hym full possessyowne. 4380 A.D. -n 522. Jj EA the byrth off our Lorde dere Fyve hundyr twa and twenty yhere. In this tyme I tauld off thus The Pape off Eome, Gelasius, In tyU hys devotyonys Ympnys mad and wrysownys. And the preface off the Mes, That syne for comoune oysyd wes. The byschope Mamert of Vyen The thre dayig gert be fastyd then, 4390 And haldyne the processyowne Before the Ascensiowne, That now mony natyownys F. 114. b. CaUys the Eogatyownys, For gret erddyn and felowne Strak howssys and gret towrys downe. Wytht-in the cyt(5 of Wyen Ch. XIL] OF SCOTLAND. 15 The wolwys wylde than werryd men : For this cans that tyme he Gert prayerys and this fastyng be, 4400 As yhe may yhit ilk^ yhere Se the oys and the manere. A comowne woraan in pwtry. That lyvyd in Eome than lustely, Sevyn barnys bayre at anys, Quyk in fleysch, [and] blud, and banys. By a stank at a gate syde, Quhare that men oysyd [for] till ryde, Scho layd [thir] barnys pre-waly ; Swa feU the kyng off Lumbardy 4410 Come -wyth hys court off cas rydand, Quhare thai barnys thai saw sprewland, Wyth hys spere he turnyd ane. That chyld than wyth hys hand has tane That spere, and held it wychtly ; The kyng than luch, and sayd heyly, " May this chyld lyve, he sail, but drede, Cum till gret state and manhede." He gert that chyld be takyn than And fostryd wp quhUl he grew man, 4420 And wes hys ayre off Lumbardy, Kyng and led it rycht-wysly. Quhen Leo the fyrst wes dede, Empryowre in to that sted Leo [the] Secund, hys sone, ras. And Empryowre than bot a yhere was. And efftyre hym off the empyre Zeno was full lord and syre. And stude in to that state sevyntene yhere. And made in that tyme la wys sere. 4430 16 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. He set hym thraly, wyth a trayne, Yhong Leois sone for tUl have slayne. For caus he thoucht he wald defere As ayre the state off the empire The modyre off this barne, for-thi. Set tyll dyssayve hym hyr study. Ane othire barne in hys figure Scho gert gyve to the empryo-wre. And that barne wyth-owt remede He gert in hy be put to dede. 4440 Schyr Leoys sone all pre-waly The modyr at scule held off clergy, QuhUl that Justyne, lord and syre, Eas to the state off the empyre. Teodoryk, a mychty kyng, That Gotland had in governyng, TUl this Zeno made homage. And gave hym hys sone in hostage, F. 115. That callyd wes tiU hys fadyr lyk In propyr name Teodoryk. 4450 That chylde bade wyth the empryowre, Haldyn in till gret honowre, TUl he wes auchtene yhere auld. That he mycht -wappyn and armys wald. This Zeno send hym tUl Ytaly Wyth hys awyne Gottys mychtyly, For a tyrawnd, Odonater, Held all that land tyU hym off were Agayne the mycht off the empyre. Zeno thare-for in tUl gret ire 4460 Gert this chyld pas, as I ha-we sayde, Wyth banare in hys oyst displayde, Fra ConstantinopiU throwch Bulgary Ch. XIL] OF SCOTLAND. 17 And on swa furth throwch Pannony ; And swa furth -wyth hys ost he past, QuhiU nere Eome he come at the last. Swa quhare he lay apon a nycht, Odonater come -wyth hys mycht. And fawcht -wyth hym thare stalwartly And [he] def ens mad manlyly. 4470 Odonater in to that fycht Discumfyte wes, and tuk the flycht To Eome, bot thare, na way mycht he TiU succoure sauff resajrvyd be ; Quharfore he sped hym till Wyen And thare wes he ressayvyd then, Quhare this Teodoryk off were Assegyd hym wyth hys powere. And wan hym syne -wyth-oute remed And hym thare put tiU schemfull dede. 4480 TiU Eome syne wyth gret reawt^ He pas[si]t, and ressay-vyd wes he. And haldyn in tUl gret hono-wre, Lutenand to the Empryoure. Thus fyrst the Gottys cummyn were In tiU Eome wyth thaire powere. Bot the [king] Teodoryk Gret tyrand wes and herytyk : Boece, mast off the senatowrys. That than wes lywand in hys Howrys, 4490 Becaus that in aU tyme he Agayne stud hys inyqwyte, Haldand fo-vsTme off rychtwysnes. Off crymys fals accusyd wes ; Throwch tyrandy in to that quhille He put off Eome [was] in hard exUe, VOL. II. B 18 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. And in the cyt^ off Pa-wy, Off comfort off phylosophy. He -wrat thare the bukys fj^ve To rewle men in to stedfast lyve. 4500 F. 1 15. b. TyU the Pape Gelasius, The secund Anastasius Succedyt, and twa yhere he Held in Eome the Papys Se, And as this Pape caUyd was The Empryoure wes Anastasias CaUyd, the neyst successowre TiU Zeno before Empryo-wre. Herysys he favoryd ay And supprysyd [the] Crystyne fay; 4510 The Pape Anastas for-thi Cursyd hym [fuU] solempnely. That empryowre this Anastas, But hape or grace swa lyvand was. That na tyme off hys innymyis He wes worth to wyn -victoryis, Bot wes at wndyre throwch thame ay In dowt and dule tyU hys enday. Off Cartage than OUmpius The byschape held off Arryus 4520 In aU hys tyme the fals fay ; Swa in hys [berthe] apon a day, Wyth dispytws wordys he Deffamyd the Haly Trinyt^ : Ane angyle in to flammand fyre Wes send schwtand a dart off ire. And slwe that herytyk in hy Wyth that scharpe schot suddanly. Ane othire Arryane than was. Ch. XIL] OF SCOTLAND. 19 A byschape caUyd Barrabas, 4530 As he baptysyd a man Thir ware the wordys he sayd than, Baptizat te Barrabas per Filium in nomine Patris et Spiritu Sancto. For he dyd noucht the sacrament Wyth detfuU wordys and intent. The wattyr off the fownt for-thi Qwyt wes away rycht suddanly ; And he that baptyzyde suld have bene This myrakyU fra he had sene. Off ane othir in gud intente [He] tuk that haly sacrament. 4540 The Pape Hormysda tyU hym sowne Legatys send, quhen this was do-wne, TiU monest hym awfuUy For tUl leve hys heresy : TUl thame wald he noucht appere, Na nathyng off thare message here ; This herytyk than certanly Wes brynt wyth fyrflawcht suddanly. Quhen Anastas the Pape wes dede, Symacus sat in [tU] that sted 4550 Fyftene yhere and monethys sevyn And twenty dayis to mak aU e-wyn, Gloria in Excelsis he Ordanyd in hys tyme to be F. 116. Sayd or swngyn at the Mes, As syne than the manere wes. The Almayhnys that tyme off were Come in Frawns wyth gret powere. Godoveus that tyme kyng. That Frawns aU hade in governyng, 4560 20 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. Come -vryth his ost in gud aray Agayne the Almayhnys on a day. And a-wowyd devotly To God thare, for the wyctory. For to becummyn Crystyn man. And leUy to serwe God fra than. Wyth that the Almayhnys tuke the flycht. The kyng than wan the feld in fycht. And syne tuk baptysme devotly Off the byschop Saynt Eemy ; 4570 Saynt Leonard, as sayis oure buke. Syne off that kyng the baptysme tuke. And off the byschope Saynt Eemy, That browcht hym -wp syne tendyrly. In Symacus electyowne Thare ras gret dissentyowne. The ta part chesyd Symacus, The tothir part Laurentius, The pupUl and the clergy In this discordyd -vylausly. 4580 Before Teodoryke the kyng. That Eome than had in governyng. In to the cyt^ off Eaven The Eomanys aU assemblyd then ; Thare this Symacus gert he Chosyn and confermyd be. Bot Symacus efftyre this Defamyd wes off gret crimys. All off fallsed and inwy ; Be that Laurentius wes pre-waly 4590 Intrusyd in the papys se. And thare-in wes defendyt he ; Swa the folk and the clergy Ch. XII. j OF SCOTLAND. 21 Agayne discordyt -wylausly. A Senyhe solempne than was sene, Twa hundyr byschopys and fyftene. Off aU thir cr3'^mys mare and less, This Symacus thare purgyd wes. And wyth honowre syne wes he Agayne restoryd tiU hys Se, 4600 And Lawrens wyth hys companownnys Tholyd thare condampnatyownys. Quhen Symacus this Pape wes dede, Hormysda nyne yhere held that stede ; In fowrme he rewlyd hys clergy, F. 116. b. He techyd the pepyU wertwysly. And in the tyme that he Pape was The Empryowre deyd Anastas, And Justinus Empryowre Neyst tUl hym wes successoure : 4610 He favoryd aU t3rme Crystyn fay. And herytykys supprysyd ay. This Pape Hormysda tiU hym -vsrate For to releve the Crystyne state. That he wald the byschopys all Agayne to thare kyrkys call. That befor hym exylyd was Fra thaire seys, but trespas ; To this he consentyd sone. And has the byschopys byddyng done, 4620 The kyrkys that held off hethyn lay Sone he restoryd to Crystyne fay. Teodoryk the kyng, for-thi, W^at tUl hym dyspitusly TUl heretykys for tiU restore The kyrkys fra thame he tuk before 22 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. Or than wyt he certanly He suld hald fra hym all Ytaly, And Crystyn men all suld he sla. That he mycht in hys rayk oure ta. 4630 Quhen Justynus the Empryoure The charge had hard off the errowre. In hart set he was mo-vyd then For pyte off the Crystyne men. And, at the Papys thra prayere. He mad curtas and fayre answere. Bot or this message come agayne To this tyrand, he gert be slayne Boece and mony Crystyne men. In ire as he wes wedand then. 4640 Efft3Te this Pape Hormisdais dayis The fyrst Jhon, as Frere Martyne sayis, Twa yhere held the Papys se. Thys tyrand throwch hys crualt^ Tuk this pape and held in pyne. Till ConstantynopUl he send hym syne ; Justynus the Empryo-wre Thare hym ressay-wyd wyth honowre, Wyth sauff condyte send hym fre Agayne hame tiU his a-wyne se. 4650 Throwche this tyrand nevyrtheles. This pape agayne yhit [takyn] wes And pwt in tUl a depe downgeowne ; Swa deyd this pape in hys persowne. Sown efftyr that this kyng wes dede. And condampnyd but remede, Ane haly heremyt nere thare by. That led hys lyff relygyowsly, Saw the sawle off this tyrand Ch. XIL] OF SCOTLAND. 23 F. 117. p-wt in this pape Jhonys hand, 4660 And rycht hastyly he kest it down In tUl Vulcanus hoU caldrown, Quhare BeUyallys barnys ware brulyhand And rwtowrys raggyd rech royhland. Saynct Bryd that tyme in Scotland Wes in hyr flowrys than ly-wand. AU Fra-wns that tyme tuk Crystyn fay And that trowth held thare-efftyre ay. In tUl this tyme the bewt4 Off Antyoche, the fayre cjt6, 4670 Suddanly wes castyne down Be fors off erddyn and feUowne. Saynct Genoveffe the madyn fre. In tUl hyr -virgynyte, Ly-vyd that tyme in Parys, And in a coUegye place thare lyis Off blak chanownys regulare ; Devotly scho is honoryd thare. And obserwaunce [is] kepyt ay Thare off relygyowne to this day. 4680 Quhen this fyrst Pape Jhon wes dede, Felix the ferd in to that stede. Syne the secund Boniface Successoure neyst tUl hym was ; Sex yhere into thare lyve Ware Papys Ukane successyve. And Justynyane Empryowre Neyst tUl Justyne successoure. Effytre the secund Bonifas Jhon the Secund twa yhere was 4690 Pape off Eome ; quhen he wes dede Agapitus syne held that stede 24 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. Ten moneth ; than Sylverius ; Neyst till hym VigUius Sevyntene yhere held that se ; In tUl hys tyme ordnayd he In till the est end Ukd day Off the kyrk the Mes to say. In till a cyt^ off Sycylle Thare wes a clerk calde Teophyle 4700 That feld hym gre-vyd wrangwsly Be hys byschape ; he thoucht, for-thi, Mo-vyd in gret yre and tene Eevengyd off hym tiU have bene ; Hale hys purpos he set than For to becum the DeviUis man. Apon this hys procurature A Jowe he made, and medyature. And sone there-on a tryst wes set ; The DevyU and he togyddyr met, 4710 F. 117. b. And thare in to the fyrst band That wes made in thare cunnand, Hys Crystyndome this clerk forsuke. And the De-wyU hys lorde he tulie, Fra God he drwe hym, and Mary, And forsuk thame [al]uterly ; And off this promissyowne He wrate hys obligatyowne. And selyd it wyth hys awyne hand. Off all this heycht and this cunnand. 4720 Swne efftyre aU thir cunnandys made. In hart this clerk gret sorowe had. For he swa wnhappyly Forsakyn had God and myld Mary. Off that he feU in gret langure. Ch. xii.J of SCOTLAND. 25 In menyng sare and hard dolure, And in ane chapyll nere thare-by. That halowyd wes off oure Lady, Fourty dayis in tUl fastyng. In thra prayere and walkyng, 4730 Before the ymage off oure Lady He baid, and askyd her mercy. Oure Lady tiU hym at the last Apperyd, and repro-wyd [him] fast Off hys wnreulyd wUfulnes, And off hys rwyd wnco-wnnandnes. And off the dowtws gret peryle Off hys saule. Than TeophUe Wyth gret repentance askyd mercy. And that grantyd myld Mary. 4740 And thare scho gert the DewUl appere, Anc^hym repro-wyd off hys manere. That he set hym ay to confownde Crystyne men, and bryng thame to grownd. And -wyth hys wyle thame to supprys. That made hyr Sone and hyr ser\vys. Thare scho gert hym that restore. The obligatyowne that before He had gottyn fra that clerk Quhen he begouth this dowtus werk, 4750 And forgave aU gane by. And tuk this clerk tiU hyre mercy. And purchesyd hym forgyffnes Off aU that done tiU that tyme wes Off Jhesu Cryst hyr awyne sone. Efftyre that this aU thus wes done, This clerk to the byschope past. And mercy askyd hym rycht fast. 26 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. And rehersyd the proces And optenyd forgyffnes, 4760 F. 118. And prechyd in kyrkis heyly This myrakUl off oure suet Lady, And mad hyr ser-wys aU fra than And deyd thare-efft [gud] Crystyne man. This Pape off Eome, Vigilius, Wes archedene tUl Sylveryus, Hys predecessere immedyate. And all tyme yharnyd the papys state, And [in] tUl that covatys He anherdyde tUl ane emprys, 4770 Teodora callyd be name, A -wykkyd qwene off feUo-wne fame. For this Silveryus the Pape Wald noucht restore a fals byschape. That wes condampnyd for heresy, TUl hys state agane, for-thi. This kerlyng gert this pape be dra-wyn A quhiU wyth hors, syne fra his a-wyne ; [And him] off Eome [gert] banysyd be Throuch hyr feU inyquyte. 4780 Than deyd this Pape in that exUe, Till hym succedyt this WigUle, And for that Uk6 caus he This emprys gert hym takyn be. And layd abowt hys nek a rape. To dede swa gert scho draw that Pape. Swa throwch hyr inyquyte Dede scho gert twa Papys be. And set this ilkd Pape Vigille Entryde in to that stede wyth gyle, 4790 Stedfast he wes in Crystyne fay, Ch. XIL] OF SCOTLAND. 27 And in repentans deyd -werray. To thire sex Papys contemporane Empryowr wes Justiniane. The Pape Agapitus be prechyng Hym drw fra herrytykys fals techyng. He abbregyd than the lawys That thai off Eome held in thaire dawys. The Code and the Digest weUe TUl end he furthryde Uk[a] delle : 4800 Thai are bukys off Cy-vylle Gud, solempne, and sutyUe. In hys tyme aU halyly Off Pers the landys and Medy He wane [agane] to the empyre. And thare-off he, bathe lord and syre. To mak lawys set hys intent. And thame to hald wes dUigent. Efftyr that he had wonnyn Pers, As yhe befor herd me rehers, 4810 F. 118. b. All A ffryk he wan off were. And mad it to Eome tributere. The state grew weille off the empyre QuhUl he thare-off wes lord and syre. Thare fell in hys tyme suddanly A gret hungyre in Ytaly, That the modrys, for fawte off mete, Thare barnys wald for hungyre ete. In ConstantinopiU, hys cyte, Thare feU a gret mortalyte, 4820 For that caus with devotyone The [fest caUit the] Purificatione Off oure Lady done to be Was ordanyt wyth solempnyte, 28 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. As yhe se yhit ilk[a] yhere Haldjme the oys and the manere. Thre tytlys materyaUe Is off that fest pryncipaUe : The purificatyowne of Mary, Clengyng that is propyrly 4830 Off women, efftyre that thai have borne The byrth that thai ware -wyth beforne. The purificatyowne oure Lady Eessa-wyd in hyre fuU mekly, Bot off it scho had na nede, Scho consa-wyd but mannys sede ; Efftyre the byrth that scho had borne, Scho madyne clone was as beforne, The -wertu off the Haly Gast Mad that may off mychtys mast, 4840 Gret wame wyth barne, and borne wes he Wnfylyd hyre virgynyte, [Al] qwyt and fre sa scho wes Fra that lauche off awlde Moyses. Noucht for-thi it wes hyr wUle, The lauch at aU poynt to fulfiUe, Syne scho hym bare off hyr body That wald the lauch hald fuUyly. The secund titUl princypaUe Makand this matere festy-waUe 4850 Is Ipapanti Domini, That metyng off God is propyrly In oure twng, that is to say. In the Tempill, e-vyn that day, Symeon mete hys Sal-wyoure, Hys barne, hys beld, and hys succoure. And in hys armys that awld man Ch. XIL] OF SCOTLAND. 29 Hym tuke, and sayd thire wordys than. Nunc dimitfis, Domine, Servum tuum in pace. F. 119. The thryd titiU is CandUmes, That fyrst begouth throuch hethynes. 4860 Or thai off Eome tuk Crystyne fay, Stedfast in nakyn trowth war thai, Bot in fretys and reverys Makand to develys offt sacrifyis. Thai myskend thaire Creature And lo-wyd ma goddys than nature. Or ony -wertu mycht comprys Inspyryd or be -wyt rychtwys. The god off wyne thai caUyd Bachus, Off -wynd thai callyd god Eolus, 4870 Mars wes god cald off bataiUe, In nakyn thyng mycht he a-waylle, Neptwne thai cald the god off se, Bot lyff or saule yhit ne-vyr had he : To thir thai oysyd to mak serwys. And tynt thaire sawlys in swylk reverys. Than wes thaire oys and thaire manere The fyrst day and nycht off Fe-wreyhere, Wyth bleisys lycht and gret tortys, Syngand and dawnsand -wyth melodys, 4880 Abowte the cytd for to ga. In honowre off Dame Februa ; For thai sayd that scho modyr wes Off Mars, and a gret goddes. Yhit [than] wes thare othir ma That swa dyd for Proserpyna ; Thai sayd that scho modyr wes Off Pluto, and a gret goddes. 30 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. Pluto, as thai sayd, wes felle, Swa thai hym cald a god off heUe. 4890 Bot efftyre that quhen Crystyn fay lUumynyd thaim in trewth -werray, Syn it wes hard for tiU forbere. As clerkys sayis, a wont manere, Sergyus, a Pape off Eome, In bettyr chawngyd this custome Be hys decrete he ordanyd then. That all kynd off Crystyne men Suld bryng candlys brynnand clere In to the kyrk on fayre manere, 4900 And at the Mes in to thare hand. Syne gj^e thame wp in tUl offerand The secund day off Februere, In honoure off that madyn clere That wes kyrkkyd as that day, The modyr off God and Man werray ; And fra theyne CandiUmes Off that fest a tityll wes. Yhit besyd thire tytlys thre F. 119. b. Mony thyngys may fundyn be 4910 To be sayd off this matere. That I leve now to wryt in here. TUl the Pape VigUius Succedyt nest Pelagius, He Pape off Eome wes foure yhere And ten moneth to rekyn clere. Saynct Benet the haly man Wes in hys flowrys prechand than ; In to Frawns Sajoict Ma-wre he send, Crystyne trowth thare to mak kend. 4920 Saynct Benet gert stryk all downe Ch. XIL] OF SCOTLAND. 31 Kwthlys that in devotyoune Carlys oysyd on thare wys In lo-wyn off fals mawmentrys. The tempyU he gert off AppoUyne Be halowyd a kyrk off Saynct Martyne, And off Saynt Jhon the Baptyste he Ane awtere thare-in gert halowyd be. For gret -wertuys off hym sere That men saw in hym appere, 4930 Men tro-wyd in hym werraly, Sa spjTyt he wes off prophecy ; And to_ prove gywe it wes swa. The kyng off Gotys, Totyla, Cled ane rybald in clethyng, S-wylk as afferyd tUl a kyng. And bade hym that he suld pas Quhare that he tro-wyd Benet was. And say hym that he wes TotUe. That come to hym hys schryfft to ma. 4940 On hys way than als[a] fast Thus arayid the rybald past, Wyth hym twa carlys chargyd was To se and here and bare wytnas. And quhen Benet saw hym sa nere That he mycht weUe hys spekyng here ; " Put off, put off," he sayd, " leve swne That clethyng on thi body dwne ; For tUl me it is weUe knawyne That thai clathys ar noucht thi a-wyne ; 4950 It afferys noucht to th4 Prouddare than thi state to be." At thai wordys thire thre men Gretly wes abaysyd then. 32 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. And askyd at hym thare mercy. And past agayne hame spedely. And to the kyng thai tauld rycht sone Per ordyr aU that thai had done. This Totila the kyng past than To speke wyth this gud haly man, 4960 And to that kyng he sayd rycht sone That he had mekyU e-wyU done, F. 120. And yhyt to do swa couth not ces : Hys counsaU was yhit nevjrretheles S-wylk e-wyll dedys to forbere And lyve thare-efft in gud manere. " Nyne yhere kyng yhit saU thow be," He sayd, " and pas swne oure the Se, The tend yhere thow saU be slayne." Off this the kyng was na thyng fayne, 4970 Nevyrtheles yhit [sa] it feU, As this haly man couth hym speU. This kyng past o-wre the se. In trawaUe thare nyne yhere was he. The teynd yhere agayne he come And wan off fors the towne off Eome, And the land off Ytaly He drew hale tiU his senyhowry. For that caus the empryoure To sauff hys state and hys honoure, 4980 Schyr Narses off that land He made off caus hys lutenand. And he the cyte wane off were ; The Gottys als wyth hys powere He exylyd owt off Ytaly, And tuk thare kyng dispj^twsly. And slwe that kyng cald Totila ; Chap, xil] OF SCOTLAND. 33 The prophesy fuUfiUyd wes swa Off Benet the haly man. All thus off were that land he wan, 4990 And wes to the empryoure Off that land lele procuratoure. This Narses wes a nobUl knycht. In pres off were, bathe stowte and wycht. He wes off natyowne a Eoman, Off lyve a gud haly man ; He wan mare prowes and renowne Wyth prayerys and devotyowne Than he dyde wyth fors off fycht, Be pres off powere, or off [mycht,] 5000 Thare wes na thyng in to dede That in hys tyme agayne hym yliede. Quhen Pelagius Pape wes ded, Twelffe yhere, the thryd John held that stede EUe-wyn moneth and twenty And sevyn dayis e-vynlykle. Saynct Mawre deyd in hys dayis. And lyis nere Parys, as men sayis. The secund Justyne Empryoure, TiU fyrst Justyne successoure, 5010 EUe-wyn yhere lord and syre Held the state off the empyre. Hys -wyff the Emprys, a lady Cald be name wes Dame Sophy ; Dispytwus and rycht fell scho wes F. 120. b. TUl the gud knycht Schyre Narses, That wes, as I sayd, procuratoure TUl hys lord the empryoure Off aU the landys off Ytaly, Calabyre, Poyle, and Lumbardy. 5020 VOL. II. c 34 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. Scho gert this knycht accusyd be Off gret and feU inyqwyte Before hyr lorde the Empryoure, That he excedyt all mesoure Off Ul and rwyd extorsyownys, And grevous imposityownys ; Off that scho mad sa gret deray That scho gert aU the Eomanys say That bettyr had bene mony -wys For till have made thare wont serwys 5030 To [the] Gottys, than for to be Wndyre that geldengys cruellt^ : Thai cald that gud knycht a geldyng. For he wes chast in thare hethyng. Quhen thus the gud knycht Schyr Narses For in-wy accusyd wes Be thranes off that Emprys, He wes deprywyd off hys offys. For Justyne the secund Empryowre Than put that knycht fra hys honoure, 5040 That befor that mony -wys Had made hym lele and gud serwys. Thus quhen he wes fra hys state Eemovyd, the Emprys tUl hym wrate. And sayd scho gyff wald tiU hym fe Till ConstantinopyU, gyff that he Wald cum and lellely till hyre heycht. Be mesoure and be evyn weycht. To gywe hyr women tow to spyn. And yharne sponuyn to tak in. ' 5050 He wrat agayne to that Lady, And sayd, he heycht hyr trewly To that web that he suld we-we. Ch. xil] of SCOTLAND. 35 Bath tow and yharne he suld hyr re-we, And swylk a pryne he wald hyr wynd That thare suld lytill leve behynd Off warpe, or weffte, to mak hyre clath. Set scho and all hyre kyn ware wrath. Wyth that he past in Pannony, That mar chand lyis nere Wngary : 5060 The Lumbardyis in to that quhUle Thare wes bydand iu exUe. Wyth thare kyng Arbwre fermly He made a band off cumpany : Wyth that Kyng agayne he come. The cyt^ be fors he wan off Eome, Tuskane hale, and Ytaly, F. 121. Allmayhn^ and all Lumbardy He wan and drew fra the empyre. And made off thame bath lord and syre 5070 Schyr Arb-wre, that than as kyng The Lumbardys had in governyng. And Ukane efftyr othire successywe Off Lumbardy kyng in thare lywe Held aU thai landys in herjiiage, TUl thame and [to] thare lynage, Fra the empyre twa hundyre yhere And ma, gyff aU weie reknyd were, TUl the kyng off Frawns Pypyne, Wyth the Empryo-wre Constantyne, 5080 Eas and wan wyth thare powere Agayne the landys aU off were. As yhe may [heyr] here-efftyre swne, Quhen all the lave till it is dwne. Lo ! here a worthy wyff to wale. All suld the devyU have delt hys dale. 36 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. Set -wp hyr quheyll, let hyr ga spyn, Scho can bryng owt that is browcht in, Spend but sparyng may hyr spows, Swa huld a hwsy that can hows ; 5090 He spurnyd offtyr than he spede That blyslys bryde that browcht to bede This empryoure owre lychtly Tynt throwch hys wyff aU Ytaly, And othir mony landys sere That I before have reknyd here, Bot he mycht have bettyr done TUl do as Catowne kend hys sone ; Trow noucht thi wyff on thi serwand Quhen scho ys wantownly hym wrethand ; 5100 The wyff offt hatys, on gret manere, Hym that hji husband haldys dere. Saynct Brandane in to that quhille Travalyd on s^ fra ile tyU ile. Saynt Colme that tyme off Irland Come, and prechyd in Scotland : Brud-Mechonysswn, the kyng than Off Pechtys, he made Crystyne man. And baptyzid hym in to that quhUle, And gert hym trowe to the E-wangille. 5110 A.D. t;i 565. JJ YVE hundyre fyive and sexty yhere Efftyre the byrth off oure Lorde dere, Quhen Justyne the yhownge wes Empryoure, And had eUe-wyn yhere that honoure. The nynth yhere fra this Brude wes kyng, And tuk the Peychtys in governyng. Garnak-Makdownach neyst hyin syne Ch. XIL] OF SCOTLAND. 37 F. 121. b. Wes kyng, and fowndyde Abyrnethyne In [to] Strathherne, in that tyde. In tUl the honoure off Sanct Bryde. 5120 The fyrst tyme may be notyd here, Con-wertyde quhen the Pechtys were. Nest off the Peychtis regnyd then The Kyng Kynell-Makluthren. Efftyr that hys dayis wes dwne, Kyng wes Nectane Fodis swne. Brud, Golarg, and Golargan, Nest efftyr this Nectan, Ilkane tiU odyr in thare ly-we Twenty yhere were successywe. 5130 Garnat-Makdownald, and Drust hys brodyr, Brud-Bylys swne, befor othire Kyngis ware in till Scotland Atoure the Peychtys than regnand. And off Ycolmkyll than Abbot wes Saynct Adamane. And [qwhen] this thyrd Jhon wes dede, Saynct Serffe sevyn yhere held hys sted, He wes off lyff ane haly man The kyngis sone off Kanaan. 6140 Hys fadrys landys off hery tage FeU tUl hym be clere lynage. And lauchfuU lele befor all othire : That gave [he] till hys yhowngare brodyre. AU swylk cumbyre he forsuke. And till haly lyff hym tuke. God send hym a swet angeUe To gyve hym comfort and conselle : And wyth that angeli alsa fast Fyrst till Alysandyre he past ; 6150 38 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. TUl ConstantynopiU syne he come. And to the cytd fra theyne off Eome. Thare than -wakyd the Papys se ; And chosyn syne tUl it wes he. Than governyd he that sevyn yhere. And quhen aU thai oure-passyde were. The AngeU, that hys leddare was, Sayd, hym beho-wyd fra Eome to pas ; For God ordanyt noucht, that he Langare in that land suld be. 5160 Than, [ap]on a solempne day. Or he begowth to tak hys way, He made a predycatyowne And a solempne fayre sermowne To the Eomanys, that he gert call Befor hym ; and thare at thame all Hys leve he tuk but mare delay. Wyth thare blyssyng he past hys way. And -wyth that angeU wpon chans Fra theyne, throwch the rewme off Frawns, 5170 Strawcht to that Se departand Off Frawns the kynrykys and Ingland. F. 122. Schyppyng thare he gat redy, Wyth hym ane hwndyr in cumpany : In thai schyppys he made entr^. Syne tuk wp sayle, and held the se. Wyth wynd at wyll ay furth thai past In Forth quhiU thai come at the last, And arrywyd at Incheketh, The Ue betwene Kyngorne and Leth. 6180 Off YcolmkiU the abbot than Saynt Adaman, the haly man, Come tyll hyme thare, and fermly Ch. xil] OF SCOTLAND. 39 Mad spyrytualle band off cumpany. And tretyd hym to cum in Fyffe, The tyme to dry ve oure off hys lyffe. Than till Dysard hys menyh4 Off that counsaUe fwrth send he. Syne at Kynnell he come to land. Thare oure the wattyr he kest hys wand 5190 That suddanly grewe in a tre. And bare off appyUys gret plente ; And that stede efftyre ay Morglas [was caUit] mony day. And oure the wattyr, off purpos. Off Forth he passyd till Culros : Thare he begowth to red a grownd, Quhare that he thowcht a kyrk to fownd. Brwde Dargardys sowne, in Scotland Kyng oure the Peychtyis than regnand, 6200 Was movyd in gret crwallt^ Agayne the Saynct, and his menyhe : He send feUowne men for-thi To sla thame aU downe but mercy. Bot this kyng ourtakyne wes SuddaiUy wyth gret seknes ; And at the prayer specyalle Off Saynt Serffe he wes mad hale. The kyng than feU fra that purpos. And gave tUl Saynt Serffe aU Culros, 6210 Wytht aUkyn profytis ay frely. Syne till hys prayeris devotly He hym commendyt, and hys state, And put away aUkyn debate ; And ressaywyd wyth honeste Saynt Serff thare and hys menyh^. F. 122. b. 40 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. Thare fyrst Saynt Serffe tuk hys reset To lyve off that, that he mycht get. And thare he browcht wpe Saynt Mongowe, That syne wes byschape off Glasgowe. 5220 Syne fra Culros he past e-wyn To the Inche off Lowchle-wyn. The kyng Brud off devotyoune Mad till Saynct Serff donatyowne Off that Inche, and he duelt thare, TUl se-wyn yhere oure-passyd ware. In Twlybothy ane e-vU spyryte A Crystyn man that tyme taiyit. Off that spyryte he was than Delyveryd throuch that haly man. 5230 In Twlycultry till a wiffe Twa swnnys he rasyd fra dede to lyff. This haly man had a ram. That he had fed wp off a lame. And oysyd hym to folow ay, Quhare-e-wyre he passyd in hys way : A theffe this schepe in Athren stall. And ete hym wp in pesis smaU. Quhen Saynct Serff hys ram had myst, Quha that it stall, wes few that wyst: 6240 On presnmptyowne ne-vyrtheles He, that it staU, arestyd wes ; And tiU Saynt Serffe syne wes he broucht. That schepe, he sayd, that he stall noucht. And thare-tiU for to swere an athe. He sayd, that he wald noucht be lathe. Bot sone he worthyd rede for schame The schepe thare bletyd in hys wame. Swa wes he tayntyd schamfuUy, Ch. XIL] OF SCOTLAND. 41 And at Saynt Serff askyd mercy. 6250 In Do-vyn off [his] devotyoune And prayere, he slwe a fell dragowne : Quhare he wes slayne, that plas wes ay The dragownys den cald to this day. QuhUl Saynt Serffe in tUl a stede Lay efftyre Maytynis in hys bede. The DevUl come, in fuU intent For tUl fand hym wyth argument, And sayd, " Saynt Serffe, be thi werk I ken, thow art a connand clerk." 5260 Saynt Serff sayd, " Gyve I swa be, Foule wreche, quhat is that for th6 ?" The De-wyU sayd, " This questyowne I ask in oure coUatyowne ; Sa, quhare wes God, wat thow oucht, Befor that he-wyn and erd wes wroucht ?" Saynct Serff sayd, " In hym-self stedles, Hys Godhed hampryd nevyr wes." The Devell than askyd, " Quhat caus he hade To mak the creaturys that he made ?" 5270 To that Saynt Serff answeryd thare, " Off creature mad he wes Makare : A makare mycht he nevyr be, Bot gyve creaturys mad had he." The DewyU askyd hym, " Quhy God off noucht F. 123. Hys werkys all fuU gud had wroucht ?" Saynt Serff answeryd, that, " Goddys wiU Wes nevyr to mak hys werkys iU : And als, in-wyus he had bene sene Gyff noucht bot he fuU gud had bene." 5280 Saynt Serffe the De-wiU askyd than, " Quhare mad God Adam the fyrst man ?" 42 THE CEONYKIL [B.V. " In Ebron Adam fowrmyd was," Saynt Serff sayd. And tiU hym than Sathanas Sayd, " Quhare wes he efft, that for hys wyce He wes put owt off Paradice ?" Saynt Serff sayd, " Quhare he wes mad." The DevUl askyd, " How lang he bade In Paradice efftyr hys sjoie?" "Sevyn ho-wrys," Serff sayd, "he bade therein." 5290 " Quhare wes Eve mad ?" sayd Sathanas. " In Paradyse mad," Serff sayd, " scho was." At Saynt Serffe the DeviU askyd than, " Quhy God let Adam the fyrst man And Eve syne in Paradyce ?" Saynt Serffe sayd, that, " Mony wys God wyst weUe, and wndyrstude, That thare-off suld cum mykiU gud : For Cryst [tuk] fleysch man-kynd to wyne. That wes to payne put for that syne." 5300 The DevUl askyd, " Quhy mycht noucht be AU man-kynd delyveryd fre Be thame-selff, set God had noucht Thame -wyth hys precyows Passyowne boucht ?" Saynt Serffe sayd, " Thai feU noucht in Be thame-selff in to thaire syne ; Bot be [the] fals suggestyowne Off the DeviU, thare fa feUowne. For-thi he chesyd to be borne To sauff man-kynd, that wes forlorne." 5310 The DeviU askyd at hym than, " Quhy wald noucht God mak a new man, Man-kynd [for] to delyver fre ?" Saynt Serffe sayd, " That suld noucht be : It suffycyt well than, man-kynd Ch. xil] of SCOTLAND. 43 Anys suld cum off Adamys strynd." The DeviUe askyd, " Quhy that yhe Men ar qwyte delyveryd fre Throwch Crystys Passyowne precyows boucht. And we Devillys swa ar noucht 1" 6320 Saynt Serffe sayd, " For that yhe FeU throwch youre a-wyne inyqwyte : And throwch oure-self we nevyr feU ; Bot throwch youre feUowne fals conseil And for yhe DevUlys war noucht -wroucht Off brukyU kynd, yhe wald noucht F. 123. b, Wyth rewth off hart for-thynk youre syn. That throwch yhoure-self yhe war faUyn in ; Thare-for Crystys Passyowne Suld noucht be yhoure redemptyowne." 5330 Than sawe the De-wyU, that he cowthe noucht Wyth all the wyUs, that he sowcht, Ourecum Saynct Serff; he sayd than. He kend hym for a wys man ; For-thi he thare gave hym q-wyte. For he wan at hym na profyte. Saynct Serff sayd, " Thow wrech ga Fra this stede, and noy na ma In to this stede, I byd the." Suddanly theyne passyd he : 5340 Fra that stede he held hym away. And nevyr wes sene thare tUl this day. Efftyre aU this Saynct Serffe past West on tiU Culros als fast. And be hys state quhen that he knewe. That tUl hys endyng nere he drewe. The wrechyd warld he forsuke. Hys sacramentys thare aU he tuke. 44 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. Wyth schryffte, and fuU contrityowne. He yhald wyth gud devotyowne 6350 Hys cors tiU halo-wyd sepulture. And hys saule tUl the Creature. Brude-Dargartson deyd than : And hys brodyre Schyre Nectan Wes oure the Peychtys kyng regnand IntiU the kynryk off Scotland. Garnath-Makfreath ; and Oengus than, Fergus-Fynnyssown ; syne Nectan ; Oengus Frwndsowne ; syne Alphyne ; Brwde-Maktenegus regnyd sjTie. 5360 Efftyr that aU thir regnyd thus, Alpyne ras Maktenegus. Durst-Maktalarge nest thame than. Efftyre thire kyng wes Talargan. E, jFFTYE that Saynt Serff has past Fra Eome, Benet the fyrst als fast Tuk and twa yhere held that se. And nest thare-efft quhen deyd wes he Secund Pelagyus yheris fy-we Led in to that state hys lyve. 5370 Sa in hys tyme gret raynis feU Wytht thyk ythand schowrys [and snell]. That the spatys and the flud The wallys off Eome a part ouryhud, Gret hey howssys it kest down. And mony drownyd with-in the town. Off men and wemen [and] barnys bath, F. 124. In Eome this rayne than dyd the skayth. For serpentys gret and a dragowne Ch. xil] of SCOTLAND. 45 Dysesyd all that [haU] regyown ; 5380 For qnhare thai bestys dede ware lefft. For stynk the ayre movyd thaire-efft Sa gret a mortalyte. That nere all wast wes the cyt^. Pape Pelagius deyd than, Bot tiU [hym] contemporane Tyberius wes Empryoure And held sevyn wyntyr that honoure. He wes a gud Crystyne man. The tresore off the empyre than 5390 He delt to pure folk largely : The emprys, hys wyff, for-thi, Eeprowyd, and cald hym a wastore That swa dystroyid the tresore Off the empyre, quhare-for that he Suld off the lauche depri-wyde be Off hys stayte, and he agayne Sayd he deser-wyd noucht that payne, Bot he thowcht till have reward Off God that wes hys soverane lard, 5400 The quhUk suld ger that tresore be All tyme habowndand in plente. For the tresore gyvyn thare Wes delt to thaim that had mystare, Thare wes he dettyd tUl succoure Off that that he wes procuratoure. As on a day he gangand was In a chawmbyr off hys palas, Wndyrnethe hys fete he sawe, Gra-wyn in fyne marbyr law, 5410 Off the Cors a takyn welle, Portrayid at [ilk] poynt Uk[a] deUe. 46 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. This takyn, he sayd, men suld set In to the heycht off thare foret. And nevyr suld ly in to that sted Quhare man wyth fete mycht on it tred. Quhare-fore thare in gud intent Wpe he gert tak the pathement. And quhen -wyth that he swa had done. That Uke takyn he saw sone 5420 Lyand lauch wndyr that plas Quhare the fyrst Cors fundyn was, Lyk to the fyrst in allkyn gre ; Wp that he gert takyn be, [And] wndyr that the thryd alsua. And that he gert sone wp-ta. And, lawch wndyrneth that thryd. He fand a hwrde off fyne gold hyde. With that he ekyd the tresore P. 124. b. That he in almows ga-we before, 5430 And fwndyd abbays relygyus ; And dyd gret dedys off almws. CHAP. XIIL ^his Clhapittc tellig off §asnt dregxir %ktit qtokgkmc iote tke dret g'l^^tor- A.D. T? 592. JJJFFTYE that Jhesu Cryst wes borne. To sawffe oure lyff that wes forlorne, Fy-we hundyr wyntyr and nynty And twa to rekyn fully [ly], Neyst Pelagyus, Saynct Gregore, That wes the gret solempne doctor. Ch. XIIL] OF SCOTLAND. 47 Pape off Eome wes thretten yhere. And rewlyd that state in gud manere. 5440 He made mony omelys That declerys on quhat wyis We suld the -wangell wnderstand, And -wyth that he tuk on hand For to declere opynly EzechyeUys prophecy. The buk off Job he tretyd hale. In clerklyk manere and morale, TiU wudyrstand oppynly The wordys that Job spak mystyly. 5450 Off the Pask candUl the halowyng he Dytyd and syne gert songyn be On Pask evyn Uk^ yhere, As yhit is oysyd the manere ; Dyalog and rygystyre. And othir mony ma to thire. That now may noucht reknyd be. Trajanys saule redemyd he Fra the lestand pyne off heU As before yhe have herd teU. 5460 And in the tyme that he wes Pape, He send in Ingland ane byschape ; Saynct Austyne he wes cald be name : And wyth hym mwnkys off gud fame, Crystyne trowth thare for to preche. And the Saxonys for to teche To ressa-we, and kepe that fay For sawffte off thare sawlys ay. Swa he con-wertyd Ingland, That blynd in hethynes wes layand, 5470 Fra the Saxonys had wonnyn fre A.D. 162. 48 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. To thare natyowne that cuntr^. The Kyng off Brettane Lucyus Wrat tiU Elewtherius, That in hys tyme was Pape off Eome ; And sayd, he wald tak Crystyndome In hym and in hys natyown In hope off thare salvatyown. That pape send twa clerkys than, F. 125. And thai con-wertyd all Brettan 5480 Ane hundyr twa and sexty yhere Efftyr the byrth off oure Lord dere. That fay the Brettownys than held clone Ane hundyr wyntyr and sextene, QwhiU that Dyoclytiane, And hys falow Maximiane, Tuk the state off the empyre. And Crystyne men slwe in thare ire. And efftyr that ane hundyre yhere Se-vynty and thre oure-passyd clere 5490 The Brettownys held that fay but dowt, TiU the Saxonys put thame owt. And, fra that the Saxonys blud Ingland wyth thare pyth oure-yhud. Thai ressay-wyd na Crystynedome, QuhiU that Gregore wes Pape off Eome Fywe hundyr yhere nynty and se-wyn Efftyre the byrth off God off He-wyn. Swa the Saxonys in Ingland In fals errowrys war lyand 5500 Ane hundyre se-vyn and fourty yhere Fra in the land thai cummyn were, TiU the tyme off Saynct Gregore, All ordanyd as yhe herd before. A.D. 597. Ch. XIIL] OF SCOTLAND. 49 Quhen con-wertyd he had that land, The AppostiU thai cald hym off Ingland ; For that offys he dyd weUe In that conversyown ilk[a] deUe. Saynct Awstyne gert thame off Ingland The rewle off Pask weUe wndyrstand, 5510 That befor thai had in were, QuhiU he thare-off made knawlage clere. And in this tyme Saynct Mongowe Wes byschap lyvand off Glasgowe. In Saphat, nere Jherusalem, Crystys kyrtiU noucht so-wyd wyth seme Wes fwndyn, as Frere Martyne sayis. And tUl Jherusaleme in thai dayis Wes browcht, and in a coffyre closyd, Thare for a relyk wes reposyd. 5520 And Morys that tyme lord and syre Wes twenty yhere off the Empyre ; He wan bathe Pers and Armany, And rewlyd hys empjTe -wertusly. He dowtyd Gode on gret manere. And aU tyme askyd in hys prayere That he suld noucht de before That here [he] tholyd hys purgatore. In the heycht than off hys yhete F. 125. b. In a weUe mad rowme wes set 5530 A[ne] ymage off the Trinyte That men gret plesans had to se. For perfytly mad it was. And weUe polyst aU off bras. In tUl hys slope, apon a nycht, Downe he sawe that ymage lycht And tuk hys set in a cheyare VOL. II. D 50 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. All lyk a juge he semyd thare ; Off he-vynnys spyrytys he wnd3rrstude That he saw thare a multitwde. 5540 Swne that juge bad ane call That Empryowre before thaim aU ; Quhen he apperyd the Trinyte Bade hym chese gyve that he Wald suffyre in this warld, before Or he deyd, hys purgatore. Or he walde byde wyth hys consent Goddys rychtwys jugeraent, Fra that the saule frely Departyd wes fra the body. 5550 Fra that the juge [ap]on this wys Had sayd, the Empryowre, than Morys, Sayd, " Lord God, that scha-wys th^ Lu-wand man-kynd in aU kyn gre, Thow grawnt me in this warld, befor Or that I M my purgatore." Till Phocas than the Trinyte Bad [that] he suld delyweryd be. Owt off hys slope quhen he [wes] browcht Off this dreme he had gret thoucht ; 5560 Swa had he ane specyaUe man. That cald be name wes Phylipe than ; He speryd at hym gyff a knycht was In tyU hys cowrt thai cald Phocas. " Yha," he sayd, " I ken that knycht Off were a manly man and -wycht. And lycht off aU condytyowne, TUl allkyne folys redy bowne." The Empryo-wre than petwysly Tald tiU PhUipe opynly 6570 Ch. XIIL] OF SCOTLAND. 51 AU hys dreme, and mad hym bowne For hys cas wyth devotyowne. It hapnyt that efftyre this on were Assemblyd he had a gret powere ; Throwch aU hys ost than gert he cry That na man suld be swa hardy Ony gud, but prys, to ta, Bot redy payment thai suld ma. Off thare wagys redyly He made na payment ; thai, for-thi, 5580 F. 126. Murm-wryd till Schyre Phocas, And he throwch thame swa movyd was. That he hym cled in pourpowre. And tuk till hym the hale honowre Off the Empyre. Than Ma-vnys Sawe hys state turnyd on this -wys, TiU a wode nere by he fled And hyd hym in a prewa sted Wyth hys swnnys and hys wyff; Thare fell the endyng off hys lyff, 5590 Thare was he slayne be feU purchas Off hys successowre Schyre Phocas. Neyst Saynct Gregore, Fabyane Wes Pape off Eome na yhere bot ane. TUl hym the thryd Bonifas Pape off Eome aucht moneth was. The ferd Boniface, quhen that he Wes deyd, sex wyntyr held that Se. Than Schyre Phocas, lord and syre. Held the state off the empyre, 5600 And gawe tUl this Bonifas Panteon, that that tyme was In Eome a gret tempUl made 52 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. That the Eomanys in honoure had. Ane ymage in cheffe thare-in wes set Off Eomule, that wes the gret mawmet In Eome, and in that tempUl by Off Uk4 mawment, syndryly. There wes made a gret ymage Off Uke rewme that aucht homage, 5610 Or trewage payid, and be gUry Off the dewyU that wes slychty Sum ymage thare offt wald set And twrne the bak on the mawmet Off Eome, that thai oysyd aU In propyre name than Eomule caU. Fra thai than couth thare knawlage get Off quhat cuntre was that mawmet That tUl Eomule turnyd hys bak. Than suddane counsail thai wald tak 5620 TUl gadyre thaire ost and mo-we thaire were Agayne that land wyth gret powere : Thai thowcht that land wald conspyre Agayne the state off the empyre. Be the takyn that that ymage Had turnyd fra Eomwle hys wysage. Quhen Pantyon, this tempiU, was Gyvyn to this Pape Bonifas, He halowyd it wpe in hy In a kyrk off oure Lady, 5630 Mary myld, that clene -wyrgyne, And off all othir halowys syne, F. 126. b. And purgyd it off all de-wylry That hethynes oysyd oppynly : This the fyrst mater wes Off the fest we call AUhalowmes. Ch. XIIL] OF SCOTLAND. 53 Efftyre the dede off this Phocas Heraclyus -wyth hys sone was. That Constantyne wes callyd be name, Bath mychty lordys off gret fame, 5640 Empryo-wrys bath successyve. And thretty yhere in to thare lywe Thai governyd that state stowtly. And gert the Jowys devotly Turnyd be to Crystyne fay. And herrytykys abandonyd thai. Quhen this Heraclius, lord and syre. Held the state off the empyre, Cosdroe, a fellowne kyng, That Pers than had in governyng, 5650 Set hym to wast halyly The landys off the Jowery. Jerusalem, and othir sere Placys that in gret honowre were. He brynt -wp in hys fellown ire And dystroyd 'wyth feUown fyre. And hade ¦wyth hym that Croys away That Cryst deyd on on Gud-Fryday, And 'wytht hym it broucht in to Pers. This Heraclius, I herd rehers, 5660 Slwe this tyrand mandely. And swa deljrv^eryde aU frely Hys captywys that in hys persowne Ware than, and wyth devotyowne That haly Croys he tuk away. In lowyng off the Crystyne fay. In this tyme gret Machomete, That Sarracenys thaire prophete Held, than ras to state and hycht, 64 THE CEONYKIL [B. V. And was a man off mekill slycht. 5670 Offt he tuk the faUand iUe, And quhen that acces come hym tille That he wes as dede lyand. Than wald thai say he wes spekand Wyth ane angeli spyrtuaUy, That wald than teU hym suthfastly, AU thyngys that he wald say Suld fall efftyre that he soke lay. The Exaltatyowne festyvaUe Off the Croys wes usualle 5680 Tane and dra-wyn off that story. And done in kyrk devotly, F. 127. And yhit it is oysyd Uk6 yhere In plesand and solempne manere. Off Eraclius -wictoryis And Cosdroys tyrandryis. Quhen dede wes the ferd Boniface, Pape neyst Dominus Dedit was, Nyne dayis and yheris thre For Pape off Eome he held that se. 5690 Neyst hym the fyrst Boniface Fywe yhere off Eome Pape he was. Honorius the fyrst and Severyn, Jhon and Teodoryk, syne Off Eome war Papys in thare lywe Ilkane tUl othir successywe. And to thire Papys aU tyme than Eraclius contemporane Wes hale lord and Emprioure, And held that state in gret honoure. 5700 Quhen this EracUus wes deyde Constantyne, in tiU hys sted, Ch. XIIL] OF SCOTLAND. 55 Hys sone hale Empryoure wes, A man all gyvyne to wykkytnes. And Martyne wes Pape than Off Eome tUl hym contemporane ; Sex yhere he held that se, Ane haly man off lyffe wes he. Apon a day quhen that he was Buskand for tUl say his Mas, 5710 A feUowne man by hym standand Hys swerd to slay hym wes drawand, Bot that man wes blynd than suddanly And cryit on kneys, " Lord, mercy," And confessyd hys trespas. And quhen throwch that he chargyt was. This Empryowre syne Constantyne Gert slay this haly Pape Martyne. For he pwnysyid herysyis That he fa-woryd mony wyis ; 5720 Slayne syne wyth hys awyne wes he For hys feU inyqwyte, And thai that pwt hym tiU dede Eassyd wp ane othire in his sted, Merentyus, a manly knycht, Bot that state feU noucht be rycht TUl hym : Constantyne, for-thi, Hys sone that slayne wes fellownly. And off hys fadyre bare the name, A manly knycht and off gud fame, • 6730 Fra ConstantynopUl suddanly Be na-wyne to Eome come, and manly F. 127. b. Merentjrus he slwe in fycht. And all thai syne to dede he dycht That had hys fadyre put to dede, 66 THE CEONYKIL [B.V. And ras syne in [his] fadyre stede In purpowre cled imperyaU, And it in honowre governyd hale. Quhen Martyne the Pape wes dede Ewgenius twa yhere held that stede ; 5740 Neste hand hym Wytalyane Threttene yhere wes Pape and ane ; Syne wes othir papys sere That spedys noucht to rekyne here. Constantyne the ferd than. And efftyr hym Justynyan, Empryo-wrys wer successywe Ilkane tiU othir in thare lywe. The secund Leo ten yhere And oure sevyntene dayis clere 5760 In Eome he held the Papys se. And at the Mes than ordanyd he Agnus Dei that we suld say, And Pax to be gyvyn ay. Quhen this Leo had tane the dede Benedict sat in [tyU] that sted, Jhon the thryd, and syne Conon, Sergyus neyst thaim onon Nyne yhere wes Pape off Eome And kepare off all Crystyndome. 6760 Justynyane the secund than Wes Empryo-wre contemporane. Nest this Pape Sergyus Jhon, Jhon, and Sysynnyus, Constantyne, and Gregore efft, Ilkane efft othir Papys lefft. Constantyne and Justynyane, Leo, and Tiberius than. Ch. XIIL] OF SCOTLAND. 67 Justyane and Philippus, Anastas and Teodosius 5770 Lordys ware off the empyre, Bot off thaim mast lord and syre This Leo wes, off feUowne -wUl, And in hys tyme dyd mekiU Ule. Off haly halowyis the ymagys he Brynt in tiU hys tyme gert be ; This secund Gregore Pape, for-thi Cursyd than hym solemply. The Duke off Frysis wes noucht than Crystynyd, bot wes hethyn man, 5780 Bot off a byschape nere hym by Tretyd he wes [rycht] thraly, F. 128. Off baptysme, wyth gud entent. To tak that haly sacrament ; Tretyd he was to this sa fast That he consentyd at the last. The byschape and he than in gret hy To the kyrk passyt bodyly ; Thare the fwnt wes halowyd swne. The duk fra hym hys clathys has dwne. 6790 Quhen he hys a fwte had pwt in The fwnt, he speryd than off hys kyn Quhethir ma in heU wes or in hewyn ? Answeryd he was than, wyth hey ste-wyn. That fere ma was than in tUl heU ; Wyth thai he chesyd hym to dweU, And sayd. He dowtyd for to be Eeprowyd wnkynd, gyff that he Suld wyth-draw hym [in to] dede Fra hys kyn tiU ane wncouth lede ; 5800 Till strawngerys fra hys a-vryne kyth. 58 THE CEONYKIL OF SCOTLAND. [B. V. Quhare he wes nwrysyd and browcht wp wyth, Quhare nevyre nane wes off hys kyne, Auld na yhowng, mare na myne. That [n]evyr wes blenkyd -wyth that blame : Ab-renuncio, for-thi, that schame He sayd, and off the fwnt he tuke Hys fute, and hale he thare forsuke Crystyndome evyr for to ta. For tiU hys frendys he wald ga, 5810 Wyth tham stedfastly to dueU E-wyre mare, in the pyne of hell. »jg' Sevyn hundyr wjmter and sextene, Quhen lychtare wes the Virgyne clene, Pape off Eome than Gregore The Secund, quham off yhe herd before. And Anastas than Empryowre, The fyrst yhere off hys honowre, Nectan Derly[ng] wes than regnand Owre the Peychtis in Scotland. 6820 In Eos he fowndyd Eosmarkyne, That dowyd wes wytht kyngys syne. And made was a place Cathedrale Be-north Murrave severaUe ; Quhare chanownys ar seculare Wndyr Saynt Bonyface lyvand thare. The tyme off this fundatyown QQ^ Wes efftyre the Incarnatyowne To be reknyd sex hundyr yhere, Quhether mare or les, bot thare-by nere, 5830 F. 128. b. Quhen Schyre Morys wes Emprioure, And held that state in gret honowre. [ffixpUat 'Eixh&t %axdvte.'\ THE SEXT BUKE OF THE OEYGYNALE CEONYKIL OF SCOTLAND. [ 61 ] [Capitula.] F. 128. b. i. V^WHEN the Were begowth betwen the Scottis and the Peychtis. ii. Quhen the Empyre was translated into Charlys. iii. Quhen the Pape Leo wes demenbryd. iiu. Off a story off Frawns. V. Off sere Papys successy-we. vi. Off a Pape that wes a woman. vii. Off Constantyne, and off Hwngus dayis. -viu. Quhen the Kyng Alpyne wan Galaway. ix. Quhen the Kyng Gregore wan Yngland. X. Off a Kyng that mad hym Keld[^] in Sanct- androws. xi. Off the Empreowre Schyre Oto. xu. Off SUvestere that become the De-wUlys man to be Pape. xiu. Off a spyryte off a dede Pape. xiui. Off a Legate, that come fra the Court into Frawns. XV. Off the sext Pape Gregore. x-vi. Off the Kyng off Scotland Duncan Malcolmys fadyr. xvii. Off the slauchtjrre off Edmwnd Yrnesyd. xviu.Quhen Makbeth Fynlakeras. xix. Off the begynnyng off the Lauche of Clan-Makduff. XX. Quhen Saynct [Edwarde] come owt off Normandy in Ingland. THE SEXT BUKE OF THE OEYGYNALE CEONYKIL OF SCOTLAND. Wi\e prolong off t\it Bext 38ufte In tfjis next Cijaptto; glje luft. OlEEKYS sayis that prolixyte. That langsumnes may caUyd be, Gendrys leth mare than delyte. Off this Tretys for-thi the dyte Here dra-wys in a dystynctyowne ; As efftyr that dyssentyowne. That betwene the Scottis felle And the Peychtis rycht crwelle. The Peychtis ware put owt off the land, F. 129. Quharin befor thai ware duelland 10 A thowsand sexty yhere and ma. Owt off this land thai ware put swa. That nowthyre remanys off thame lynage, Na nakyn takyn off thare langage. The Scottis fowndyd off thare rycht. But ony helpe off owtwart mycht, Eeco-weryd swa thaire herytage Ewyr to lest wyth thare lynage ; 64 THE CEONYKIL [Peol. And oure Kyng to halde hys state Off God hym-selff immedyate : 20 Swa for hys warde and hys releffe Trete he -wyth God : he is [his] cheffe. And nane othir meyne persowne. Hald this aferme conclusyo-wne : By this aU othire argument Precede, or than byd jugement. For this fredwme wyth dUigens And Goddis helpe mak we defens. Quha this wald argwe wylfuUy, Lat hym be answeryd rycht lychtly. 30 The Pape oure fadyre is spyrytuaUe : Devote hys swnnys we ar haUe : And redy aly tUl hys byddyng In lefuU and in honest thyng : And yhit mare indyfferent We ar all tyme obedyent : Swa has owre eldrys aU tyme bene. Be gret -wytnes that has bene sene Off thame, that reco-weryde oure land To thame and thayris -wyth stalwart hand. 40 It is my purpos nowe tiU hast Throwch -wertu off the Haly Gast, [And] be -werray relatyowne Thare personale successyowne. That has ws in that fredwme sete. Gywe it ware wilfuUy foryhete. It wald be repute wnkyndnes. Wan wyt, or than reklesnes. ®xplidt ^xolosns. ittdptt "^ibsx §izxtxi0. Ch. I.] OF SCOTLAND. 65 CHAP. L ^tohm in 9r.et Mte tke §£flrl:ts0. In ^ffltlanli, toar tDgth the ^egrktis. 724. IkjEWYN hundyre twenty yhere and foure Fra borne wes oure Sa-wyoure, And the tend off this Gregore The secund, quham off yhe herd befor, The nynd off this curst Empryowre F. 129. b. Leo, that lywyd in fals erroure. Oure the Scottis the Kyng Ewan, Wyth the Peychtis, regnyd than In tUl the kynryk off Scotland, [The] Peychtis tharein than duelland. 10 That State he governyd stoutly : Wryttyn it is off hym for-thi In Cornyklys awld, the fyrst wes he That oure the Scottis had powst^, Quhen the Peychtis war regnand In [to] the kynryk off Scotland. A.D. Se-vyn hundyr fourty yhere and ane '^'^^' Fra Jhesu Cryst had manhad tane. This Ewanys dayis war aU done. Mwrthak succedyt tiU hym his sone, 20 And oure the Scottis yheris thre That State as kyng welle governyd he. A bataUl that tyme wes betwene The Scottis and the Peychtis kene. A hundyr yhere yhit ne-vyrtheles Efftyre that the Peychtis wes VOL. II. E 66 THE CEONYKIL [B. VI. In the kynrik off Scotland In thare mychtis ay duelland. The thryd Gregore than wes Pape, And off the warld mast byschape ; 30 And this Leo yhit Empryowre Lyvand in hys fals erroure This Pape tretyd bysyly TUl hono-wre ymage devotly Off All Halowys in generaUe, Fra this he dyssentyd hale. And forsuk hys counsell qwyte. And dyd till ymage gret dispyte. This Pape Gregore the thryd for-thi Cursyd hym than solemply, 40 And entyrdytyd aU trewage, AU ser-wys fra hym, and homage Off aU the landis off Ytaly And off the Empyre halyly : And mony [othyr] natyownys sere Offt -wencust hym and hys powere : And he na had in nakyn thyng Hape tUl honest governyng ; Bot deyd curst in that errure. And gat nane halo-wyd sepulture. 50 This Pape off Eome the thryd Gregore, Quham off yhe have thus herd before, Gert a Senyhe solempne be sene. Four hundyr byschapys and awchtene. And fere ma prelatis regulare, F. 130. Wyth mony a gret clerk seculare In till hey solempne greys A-wawnsyd be syndry faculteys. Thare thai decleryt oppynly. Ch. II.] OF SCOTLAND. 67 That aU men suld devotly 60 Do tUl ymage aU honowre, Syn thai schawyd the fygowre Off Halowys, that war ay plesand To God, quhUl thai war qwyk ly-wand : For swa thai spendyt thare ser-wys, Thare sawlys ar nowe in Paradys. Quhen this Gregore the thryd wes dede, Zacharyas, set in hys sted, Succedyt, aud ten wynter he Held in Eome the Papys se. 70 Ewan the secund in hys dayis, Murthakis swne, oure story sayis, Wes oure the Scottis than regnand In to the kynryke off Scotland. A.D. Sevyn hundyr -wynter and fourty 745 And fyve to rekyn f uUyly, Sternys in the ayre fleand Wes sene, as flawys off fyre brynnand. The fyrst nycht off Januere, AU that nycht owre schynand clere. 80 CHAP. IL :en ihz ©mjjgre fra tke drekga .ts tranjdatgt tonttr Cltkarlgg. A.D. 749. iOEVYN hundyre fourty yhere and nyne Fra lychtare wes the swet Virgyne, Stevyn the secund in to lyve Pape off Eome wes yheris fyve. As.stulphe than Kyng off Lumbardy 68 THE CEONYKIL [B. VI. Supprysyd the kyrk dyspytwysly. This Ste-wyn than Pape sowcht succoure At Constantyne the Empryowre In tUl the last yhere off hys Se, For Empryo-wre that tyme wes he. 90 Bot to the Pape inclynyd he noucht. As off det he suld and mocht, Na for the kyrk mad na defens Wyth helpe, consaUe, na diUgens ; Na the Papys lele desyre He dyde noucht. Thare-for the Empyre This Pape translatyd fra Grekis ay. To byde -wyth Almayhnys fra that day Ewyr, and that translatyowne Wes mad in Charlys a-wyne persowne, 100 A.D. Se-wyn hundyre fy-we and fyfty yhere 755 F 130 b Efftyr the byrth off oure Lord dere, Quhen Charlys wes in hys yhowthade Growand wp to rype manhade. Venerabilem twychys nere The Decretale this matere, That the thryd Innocent Pape made in that intent, Pryncys to ken, how thare powstt^ Thai had, and thare awtoryt^. 110 The oyhle is halowyd off the Pape, Or wyndyr hym off a byschape, Quhare-wyth kyngis and empryowris Are oyhntyd takand thare honowris, Thaire ryng, thaire sceptyre, and thare crownys With haly prayere, and orysownys Off byschapys [that] ar devotly blest. Or thai in to thaim be addrest. Ch. II.] OF SCOTLAND. 69 Thus it accordis tUl resowne. That all examy natyowne 120 Off thai persowyns propyrly The kyrk suld ha-we in gret party. For to refws, or to comend. As swylk inqweystis may mak kend. Or s-wylk statys to thaire greys Eele-wyd be in dignyteis. Or than in cas it mycht fall lyk. Sum hethyn man, or herytyk Mycht wsurpe Crj'-styn feys. And wyn and joys swylk dygnyteis. 130 That war abhomynatyowne. And owttragews transgressyowne Agayne aU poynt off Crystyn fay. For-thi pryncys suld alway The kyrk honowre devotly. And tret the mynystrys reverendly. This Pape Stevyn yhit lyvand. And Scottis Cornyklys accordand, Twa yhere regnand Schyr Ewan As Kyng off Scottis endyt than. 140 And efftyr that he than dede wes qwyte. As kyng succedyt than Hed-Qwhyte. In the meyne tyme this Stevyn wes dede The secund, and PaiUe in hys stede Nest wes Pape, and ten yhere he In hono-wre held the Papys se. He wes a man off almows grete, Bath off mon6, and off mete. Ilk^ nycht in [to] pri-wat6 F. 131. He wald -wyte the necessyte 1 50 Off aU, that nede had nere hym by : 70 THE CEONYKIL [B. VI. For he wald -wysyte bodyly All thaire herbrys, and se welle, And rele-we thame ilkd delle Off weddowys, and helpe thame wald fra scathe. That fadyre and modyr wantyd bathe. In Burgoyhne that tyiue wes a man, That Gengulphus cald wes than ; He wes a man off gret pyte : Bot a wykkyd -wyff had he, 160 That ly-vyd in tiU adultery. And had a lemman specyally. That for till have at wyU that wyffe, Eefft fra hyr husband sowne the lyff : And efftyr that he wes dede, he wroucht Myrakylys, bot yhit scho tro-wyd noucht That hys wyff; bot scho sayd ay, Als offt as scho herd say, That efftyre hys dede he -wroucht swUk thyng, ' Swth' scho sayd in hyr hethyng ; 170 ' My maystyr wes kend off gret pyt6 ; Ane haly man, I -wyst, wes he. And a man off gret meryte ; I trowe hys sawle fra heU is q-wyte : Quhen he doys myrakylis, or swylk thyng, Than oysys myn ers,' scho sayd, ' to syng.' In publyk placis, fra that day, Scho wes behynd trumpand ay : Sa wes scho schamyd in [ilk] sted, QuhUl in this warld hyr lyffe scho led. 180 Quha that lu-we wald per drwry. He suld have chosyn this lady : In welth he ware that wenche to wede. That couth sa blyth here hyr in bede. Ch. III.] OF SCOTLAND. 71 To this Paule dede nest hym syne Succedyt the secund Constantyne ; Ste-wyn the thryd, syne Adryane, And Leo, Papys were ilkane, Quhen Empriowre [was] Constantyne, And off Frawnce wes Kyng Pypyne, 190 And gret Charlys lord and syre To rys begouth in the empyre. Thir Papys war gud haly men, And oysyd the tro-wth to folk to ken. CHAP. IIL (Utoken '^to ^ape toes hymtmbfst, ^nb he tke Romanis iefxralgt. F. 131. b. CI_, •v^TT.T 11 A.D. kjEWYN hundyre wynter and nynty 798. j^mj aucht to rekyn e-wynlykly, Quhen Ste-wyn the thryd, and Adryane Papys kyndly dede had tane, Leo the thryd Pape thare-efft Ly-wand in to that Se wes lefft : 200 He techyd the Eomanys Crystyn fay, Bot fowUyly hym demembryd thai : Off hys throt thai tyt owt q-wyte Hys twng, and syne in tiU dyspyte Thai put owt hys eyne twa, And banysyd hym demembryd swa Owt off Eome the Papys se. Eestoryd yhit tiU hys state wes he. And be myrakUl nevyrtheles He spekand weUe, and seand wes. 210 72 THE CEONYKIL [B. VI. Than Charlys gud, that lord and syre That tyme ras to [the] empyre, Thir dyspytws traytowris feU, That demembryd, as yhe herd teU, This Leo, that wes Pape off Eome, This Charlys wald be lauchfuU dome To schamful dede have put thame thare, Na ware the Papys thra prayare. Nevyrtheles yhit gert he Thaim [punyst,] and syne banysyd be. 220 Than worthy Charlys the Empryoure Grew in state, and in honowre ; And gert the Unyversyt^ Fra Eome to Parys drawin be. That the Eomanys befor than Be mycht owt off Athenys wan, A famows cyte quhUl off Grece, Quhen Eomanys mast wes off prowes. In aU this tyme the Peychtis In Scotland dwelt by the Scottis. 230 This Empryo-wre Schyr Charlys, than Emprj'o-wre, wes gud Crystyne man : He honoryd God, and haly kyrk. And oysyd gud dedis ay to -wyrk : Sa mony Abbays fowndyde he. As lettyrys ar in the A, B, C ; And ay a lettyr capytale. To byde thare testimonyale. Off fyne gold per ordyr made, As he thai abbays fowndyt had, 240 Worthe ane hundyr pownd Towrnayis, That per ordyr thai abbayis Mycht be kend in [thar] fundatyowne. Ch. hi.] of SCOTLAND. 73 Ilk ane be thare successyowne. Archebyschaprykis twys twa F. 132. In Almayhne fowndyt he aUsua, Trevere, Coloyne, [and] Maguntyne, Salysbwrg, and dowyd thame syne Wyth gret landis and ryches. AU Spaynyh^ he wan fra Sarracenes, 250 Quhare slayne [was] Eoland in tresown Be the fals traytowre Gamelown. He wes a men off gret strenth ; Hys herd a fwte wes large off lenth. Ane hare offt he lu-wyd tUl ete. For he wes off mekill mete. At the erd apon hys hand Ane armyd knycht he wald gere stand. And syne lyfft hym e-vyn wp-rycht Off hys browys rycht to the hycht. 260 He leryd hys sonnys to ryd on hors. And armyd offt tUl oys thare fors. And alsua tiU assay thare pyth ; Gret curtasy he kend thame wyth. Hys dochteris he kend to we-we and spyn. As pure wemen thare met to wyn. That thai suld noucht for ydUnes FaU in till i-wyU thowlysnes. He wes off gret devotyoune ; For aU tyme wyth-owt the towne 270 A myle, quhen he made hym to cum To the cyt^ off gret Ewme, Off hys hors than wald he lycht. And on hys fute he wald ga rycht To the kyrkis in to the towne. And thare do hys devotyowne. 74 THE CEONYKIL [B. VI. Gret Gestis ar mad off hys prowes ; Bot noucht sa gret, as thare caus wes. At Aqwysgrayne hys body lyis : Hys saule he send to Paradys, 280 -*-^- Aucht hund-yr wyntyr and fourtene 814. ¦' . Fra lychtare wes the Virgyne clene. Off hys kynryk the fowrtyde yhere And the fyft to rekyn clere ; Empryowre yhit nevertheles Bot fourtene off' thai he wes. CHAP. IV. ©ff Jfrannre is a §tOTg here #ext folttanbe in tkig (Ekayitere. X HE Gestis off Frawns orygynale Tretyd thus sayis Hystoryale, That thare wes a prynce cald Pypyne, That gat apon hys concubyne 290 F. 132. b. A s-wne caUyd Charlys Martel, A hawtane knycht and a crwelle: AU Almayhne he wan off were, Swavyn, Saxon, and Ba-were, Bowrgowne, Provynce, and Gyen, Twryn, Awstryche, he wan then. He spendyd sa fast in hys travayle. That hys gold begouth gretly to fayle. To hys knychtis swa thaire fe Lytill or noucht offtsyis had he : 300 For sic delyte, as he wes in. He spendyt mare, than he couth wyn. Ch. IV.] OF SCOTLAND. 75 Fra the kyrk the tendis then He refft wyth mycht, and ga-we his men. Thus quhen he had travelyd fast, Hys dede oure-tuk hym at the last. Than with solempne and hey ser-wys He wes ent^ryd in Saynt Denys. Ayrys tiU hym succedyt twa : Karoloman wes ane off tha ; 310 Be byrth he wes the eldast brodyre : Neyst hym Pypyne wes cald the tothyre. To this eldare Charoloman Twryne and Awstryche fell to than : Bot Bo-wrgowne and Provynce to the tothyre FeU, Pypyne, the yhongare brodyre. And efftyre this mony day. The graffe, quhare this dede Pypyne lay. Thai rypyd, and the body soucht ; Bot thare-off cowth they fynd rycht noucht, 320 Bot a serpent aU wgly, -That breyd thame all standand thare-by, FeU, apperand, [and] venenows, TUl aU, that saw it, rycht dowtows. That delff thai stoppyd hastyly, And away sped thame rycht spedyly. This eldest brodyre Karoloman TUl halynes aU gawe hym than. And tuk in tUl hys devotyowne The habyte off relygyo-wne, 330 And drew hym fra all besynes, A mounk lyvand in wUdyrnes, And fowndyd [gud] abbays twa : Off Saynt Andrew was ane off thai. Off Saynt Sylvester wes the tothir. 76 THE CEONYKIL [B. VL This Pypyne than, the yhongare brodyre, Worthyd tUl tak tiU hym aU hale Off Frawns that tyme the governale. In aU this tyme Schyr Hilderyk Had in possessyowne the kynryk 340 Off Frans ; bot yhit he wes than b\ 133. In hys deyd bot a dasyd man. In nathyng repute off valu, Na couth do na thyng off -wertu : He had bot nomen sine re ; Comendyt the les for that wes he. The statis off Frawns soucht for-thi TUl the Pape than Zachary, And prayid hym be hys consaiUe To decerne for thare governale, 350 Quhether he war worth tUl ha-we the crown. That had be vertu the renowne Off manhad, helpe, and off defens. And thare-tiU couth gyve diligens ; Or he that lay in lythyrnes Worth to nakyn besynes. For the comoune state than he Decretyd hym thar kyng to be. That wes lyk to mak defens For hys land wyth dyligens ; Bot the possessoure to procure 360 He gave thame byddyng wyth honoure And abowndans off ryches. Wyth HUderyk swa done it wes : Than past he by till ane abbay. And led hys lyff tiU hys enday. And Pypyne for hys gret renowne Kyng wes made, and bare the crowne. Ch. IV.] OF SCOTLAND. 77 And in lele maryage efftyr that He to swne gud Charlys gat, 370 That succedyt be that chans Kyng tUl all the re-wme off Frans, And sjme deyd [gud] Empryoure, As yhe have herd, wyth gret honoure. Be this ensawmpUl yhe may ken. That offt -wertu relevys men. Honowre drawys tUl dygnyteis Be -wertu oftsys, as men seys. Dignyte -wyth-owt -wertu Is UtiU repute off -wain : 380 This is the sentens off Boes, That a wys clerk commendyt wes. In this mene tyme the kyng cald Hed Off Scottis deyd. Than in hys stede Hys swne ras, thai caUyd Fergus. Bot this Hed that cald wes thus, Wes cald Hed-Fyn in Scottis lay. In Inglys Hed-Qwhyt that is to say. This Fergws Hed swne, quhen he wes awlde. Had a swn, wes cald Sewald 390 (Sum men cald that swne CokaU), That kyng wes oure the Scottis all. Hys sown DowgaU gat Alpyne. F. 133. b. Kyned Mak-Alpyne gat he syne. Hed and thir kyngys were Before Alpyne fyfty yhere. THE CEONYKIL [B. VI. CHAP. V. i:ki0 Chapiter tellis kere WWHEN Charlys dayis war aU done, Lowys nest hym, hys a-wyne sone. Twenty yhere he wes and fyve Emprj^owre nest successyve. 400 And this Leo Pape than dede, Stevyn the ferd thare tuk hys stede. Syne Pascale, and Ewgenius, Valeriane, and Gregorius The ferd, held the Papys se. The Sarracenys -wyth thaire menyh^ The cyt^ off Eome than oure-yhud : Sa mony thai war in multitud. That all the land thai tuk off fors. And stabUid in kyrkys thare thaire hors. 410 In till Eome all this tyme wes The Crystyne men in gret dystres : For sum fals Crystyne men, that war than, Wrat owt off Eome tiU the Soldan, And sayd, gyve he wald cum in hy Till Eome, he mycht wyn [aU] Ytaly. Apon that he come on were. And wastyd all wyth hys powere Tuskane, Eome, and Ytaly. The Empryowre Lowys wyth gret hy 420 The Lumbarddys gaddryd als[sa] fast TiU hym, and to Eome he past : Ch. v.] OF SCOTLAND. 79 Wyth thai Sarracenys faucht he then, Quhare mony ware slayne off Crystyne men ; Bot off the Sarracenys slayne war ma. Owt off the land he gert thame ga. Bot as thai past in to that quhiUe, All PoyhM thai wastyd and SycUle. A gret fyreflawcht and a felle Than hapnyd in Eome, as I herd telle, 430 All a nycht atoure fleyand Lyk tiU dragownys fyr schutand. A mayden als in that cuntr^. But mete or drynk, lyvyd yheris thre. And aU that tyme in a full streyuth. Off haylstanys than ane feU off leynth Off mannys fute met fyftene. And awcht fute brayd, that wes well sene. Quhen this Pape deyd the ferd Gregore, Quham off yhe last herd here before, 440 The secund Sergyus yheris thre Wes Pape fuU[y] and held that se. In that tyme he crownyd thare F. 134. The Empryowre, that than wes cald Lothare. Leo the ferd nest Sergyus Off Eome wes pape, quhen Adulphus Off Ingland kyng, Frere Martyne sayis. Past off hys land in to tha dayis. As in gud haly pylgrynage TiU Eome takand hys -wayage. 450 Eessaywyd he wes thare curtaysly. And festyd offt delytably. Befor this Pape off Eome Lyowne Be -wow and clere devotyowne To the kyrk ilk[a] yhere 80 THE CEONYKIL [B. VI. Off Eome he heycht a denere To pay (a penny that is to say) Off Uk fyre hows fra that day In Yngland to the Kyrk off Eome E-vyr mare to the day off Dome 460 For hjon and hys ayris all. The rekpenny thai oysyd to caU In aU landis that payment. That this kyng dyd in gud intent. CHAP. VL ®M a ^xr^re, that toas tkan Jkone be name, anb toae Wtrman. Qwhen this Leo the ferd wes dede, A woman occupy d that sted Twa yhere as Pape full, and mare. Scho wes to wantown off hyr ware. Scho wes Inglis off natyowne, Eycht wyly off condytyowne, 470 A burges dochtyr, and hys ayre ; Pryv6, plesand, and rycht fayre : Thai cald hyr fadyr Hob off Lyne. Fra fadyr and modyr and all hyr kyne, Wyth hyr lu-we scho past off land, A woman yhong tUl eyld growand ; And at Athenys in study Scho bayd, and leryd ythandly : (And nane persayvyd hyr woman, Bot all tyme kythyd hyr as man) 480 And cald hyrselff Jhon Magwntyne. Ch. vil] of SCOTLAND. 81 Yha -wyt yhe weUe, a schrewe fyne. Swne agayne fra Grece to Eome As a solempne clerk scho come. And had off clergy sic renowne. That be concorde electyowne Pape scho wes chosyn thare : Yhit feU [it] that hyr cubiculare By hyr lay, and gat a barne : That aU hyr clergy couth noucht warne. 490 In tiU processyown on a day, F. 134. b. As scho past in tUl the way, Hyr chyld-iU aU suddanly Travalyd hyr sa angyiiy, That suddanly thare wes [scho] dede, And erdyd in that Uk stede Wyth-owt prayere, or orysown, Or ony kyn devotyown. And but aU othir honest^ Solempne, or in pri-watd. 500 Benedict neyst that Wyff Twa yhere Pape wes, in hys lyff. CHAP. VIL ®fE Cottstantsne anb f|ttngu0 Jags, ^gngis ot f ejiehtis, tke etorji sa-Qs. A.D. A 815. .£xWCHT hundjrr wyntyr and fyftene Fra God tuk fleysch off Mary schene, Leo and Charlys bath ware dede. And Lowys than in Charlys stede. The kyng off Peychtis Constantyne VOL. II. 82 THE CEONYKIL [B.VL Be Tay than fowndyd Dwnkeldyne, A place solempne cathedrale, Dowyd welle in temporaUe. 510 The byschape and chanownys thare Ser-wys God and Saynct Colme, seculare. Off oure byschoprykis, off renowne The thryd, and reputatyowne. JiiFTYE that Natyvyte, That wes the matere off oure gl^, ^¦^- Aucht hundyr wyntyr and twenty, Quheyn ma, or les, bot few [thar]-by. Be Saynct Andrew spyrytualy He confordyde hym rycht heyly : 520 Hwngus the Kyng off Peychtis than Faucht agayne Adhelstan, And wan hym off fors in fycht. And browcht hym, for aU hys mycht. Till Elstanfurd by Hadyngtown ; And mad hym accusatyown. That he dyde a gret dispyte Till hys men, and na condyte Wald hald, na kepe to thaim his fay, QuhiU prisownyd -wyth hym war thai. 530 Swa, for hys gret falshede Thare he gert stryk off hys hede ; And on a spere gert heyly Than here it to the Qwenys-ferry : In to that crage he gert but lete That he-wyd apon a stayke be sete. Than fwrth in hys devotyowne [He] ekyd the dotatyowne Ch. VIIL] OF SCOTLAND. 83 Off Saynt Andrewys Kyrk in fe F. 135. Wyth landis in regalyt^ 540 Syne Sanctandrewys relykis thare Wytht honowre gret ressay-wyd ware. Fra [that] done aU hys dayis were, The Peychtis ware noucht twenty yhere Wyth-in the kynryk off Scotland In powere or off mycht bydand. CHAP. VIIL ^oto .^Ipsne toan in ®altoag ; ^nb koto ^ajint ©abmnnbe toC0 slagne atoag. A.D. i 840. ilWCHT hundyr wyntyr and fourty Fra God wes borne off oure Lady, Alpyne kyng wes yheris thre. Wyth the Peychtis swa faucht he, 550 That mony off thame wyth fors off hand Owt he pwt than off Scotland. He wan off were all GaUuway : Thare wes he slayne, and dede away, Quhen Lowys wes Empryoure, Charlys sowne, in gret honoure, A.D. Aucht hundyr wyntyr fourty and thre *^^' Efftyr the blyst Natyvyt(5. Quhen Alpyne this kyng wes dede. He lefft a sowne was cald Kyned : 560 Dowchty man he wes and stowt. All the Peychtis he put owte. Gret bataylys than dyde he To pwt in fredwme hys cuntre. 84 THE CEONYKIL [B. VI. Fra the Peychtis left the land, Sextene yhere he wes lyvand. Owt off Ergyle the Scottis He browcht, and quhare that the Peychtis Had before than thaire duellyng. He gert thame dueU, and wes thare kyng: 570 And tretyd the Scottis favorably. And thame defendyd manlyly. Lawys he mad that efftyre syne War cald the lawys Mak-Alpyne. At Fortevyot hys lyff tuk end. TiU IkoUnkiU than wes he send : Thare entferyd yhit he lyis Wndyr epitaphe on this wyis : Primus in Alhomia fertur regnasse Kynedus, Filius Alpini, prelia multa gerens. Expulsis Pictis regnaverat octo his annis : Et post Fortevyot mortuus ille fuit. A.D. Aucht hundyr fyfty yhere and nyne Fra lychtare wes the swet Virgyne, 580 Saynt Edmwnd off Est Ingland F. 135. b. Tuk all the kynryk in hys hand. And that Uke yhere, wes dede The King off Scottis this Kynede. Downald hys brodyre, in Scotland Wes efftyre hym as kyng regnand Foure yhere ; and syne at Skwne Be slawchtyr wes hys dayis dwne. In IkolmkiU lyis he : Thare thir -wers wryttyne men may see : 590 Bex Donaldus erat in Scotia quatuor annis : In bello miles strenuus illefu,it. Ch. VIIL] OF SCOTLAND. 85 Begis predicti frater fuit ille Kynedi, Qui Scone fertur subitus esse neci. Quhen dede wes Donald, Constantyne Nest efftyr hym kyng wes syne Fyftene wyntyr in Scotland, And wyth the Norwayis than fychtand Wes slayne in tUl Verdofatha. In YkolmkUl he lyis alsua : Oure hys gra-we yhit to rehers Wryttyne men may fynd thir wers ; lam Constantinus fuerat Bex quinque ter annis : Begis Kynedi filius ille fuit. In bello pugnans Dacorum corruit armis : Nomine Nigra specus est, ubi pugna fuit. This Constantyne than regnand Oure the Scottis in Scotland, 600 Saynt Adriane -wyth hys cumpany Come off the land off Hyrkany, And arrywyd in to Fyffe, Quhare that thai chesyd to led thar lyff. At the kyng than askyd thai Leve to preche the Crystyn fay. That he grantyd wyth gud will, And thaire lykyng to fuUfiUe, And [leif] to dueU in to his land, Quhare thai couth ches it mayst plesand. 610 Than Adriane -wyth hys cumpany Togydder come tyl Caplawchy. Thare sum in to the lie off May Chesyd to byde to thare enday. And sum off thame chesyd be northe In steddis sere the Wattyr off Forth. In Invery Saynct Monane, 86 THE CEONYKIL [B. VI. That off that cumpany wes ane, Chesyd hym sa nere the se TiU lede hys lyff: thare endyt he. 620 Hwb, Haldane, and Hyngare Off Denmark this tyme cummyn ware In Scotland wyth gret multitude, And -wyth thare powere it oure-yhude. F. 136. In hethynnes aU lyvyd thai; And in dispyte off Crystyn fay In to the land thai slwe mony. And put to dede by mart5rry. And apon Haly Thurysday Saynt Adriane thai slwe in May 630 Wyth mony off hys cumpany : In to that haly lie thai ly. Than past thai furth in Ingland Fast Crystyne men thare slayand. That tyme thare thai browcht to grownd The kyng off that land, Saynct Edmwnd A.D. Aucht hundyr wyntyr and se-vynty And aucht to rekyn fuUyly. Hed regnyd bot a yhere. This Constantynys brodyr dere : 640 Bathe war thai sownnys off Kynede Mak-Alpyne. Gregore slwe this Hede ; And efftyre hym neste wes he kyng. And Scotland had in governyng. In YcolmlciU lyis hys body Wndyr this epitaphy ; Ejusdem frater regnaverat Alpius Hedus, Qui Grcg-Mahdougall saucius enseperit. Hic, postquam primum regni compleverat annum, In Strath-haline vitam vulnere finier at. Ch. IX.] OF SCOTLAND. 87 Thai off Denmark in this qwhylle In Ingland wes in gret peryle. Sum off thaim thau for thaire syne The erd opnyd and sweUyd in : 650 And off that folk he wes ane. That be name wes cald Haldane. Quhare he swa peryst is nowe na grene, Bot a blak loucht, that yhit is sene : And that blak lowcht, as I herd teUe, Cald is thare yhit Haldanys Welle. CHAP. IX. ^tohen ^gng ®rsg all Inglanb toan, ^ellatoek off (Sagnctanbretois ^tsekaye tkan. A.D. A 881. .ZxWCHT hundyre yhere foure score and ane Fra God off Mary flesch had tane, Pape off Eome than Nycholes Nyne yhere in that sege wes ; 660 And Lo-wys the secund Empryoure Wes twenty yhere in that honowre. This Gregor kyng, that slayne had Hede, Kyng wes regnand in hys stede Auchtene -wyntyr, and than he In gret state held that reawt^. The Kyrk off Scotland, befor hys dawys That grevyd wes be the Peychtis lawys, F. 136. b. He rele-wyd in gret fredome, Fra in the kynryk kyng he come. 670 All Ingland he wan off were. And Irland nere, wyth hys powere. THE CEONYKIL [B.VL He lyis als in YcolmkiU : Hys epitaphy red quha will : Greg sua jura gerens annis deca Bex fit et octo. In Dundorne probus morte retentus erat. Hic dedit Ecclesie libertatem Scoticane, Que sub Pictorum lege redacta fuit. Hujus ad imperium fuit Anglia tota subacta. Quod non leva dedit sors sibi helia terens. This Greg, that I spak off beforne, Tuk hys endyng at Dwndorne. All thus this kyng, hys Kyng that kend. Had grace in hap hys tyme to spend. For he Imvyd God, and Haly Kyrk, Wyth -wyt he wan hys wiU to wyrke. 680 Thoucht and deid he mad bath e-wyn. And send hys spyryte syne till he-wyn. Pryncys yharnand hey honoure This kyng suld hald tyl thaire myrowre. To lu-we fyrst God, and Haly Kyrke, Gy-we thai thaire will wyll wysly wyrke. Quha God to greve wUl [haf] na drede. He sail offt spwrne, quhen he wald spede. And at hys last end wrechydly Sail be condampnyd perpetuaUy. 690 Off Saynt Andrewys byschape than Wes Kellawch, cald a haly man, Quhen that kyng wes this Gregore, Quham off yhe herd me spek before. Neyst this Pape Nycholes Pape off Eome fywe wyntyr wes Haldand that Se Schyre Adryane. He send Legatis in Brettayne To renew thare Crystyn fay. A.D.885. Ch. X.] OF SCOTLAND. 89 That takyn before lang had thai. 700 Jhon the auchtand Pape wes syne. TUl hym succedyt the Pape Martyne : Aucht hundyr yhere four score and fywe Martyne this Pape endyde hys ly-we. Charlys than, a kyng off Frans, Hapnyd be a fellowne chans To be ryivyn -wyth a bare In hwntyng ; swa he deyd thare. Quhen Gregorys dayis ware all dwne, Donald, Constantynis swne, 710 Wes kyng in Scotland off powere. And held that state eUe-wyn yhere. In Murrawe syne he murthrysyd was In tiU that towne is cald Foras. In YcolmkUl lyis he : F. 137. Owth hym thir -wers yhit men may se ; Post hunc in Scotia regnavit Bex Do[ve]naldus : Hic Constantini filius ortus erat. In villa fertur Bex iste perisse Forensi, Undecimo regni sole rotante sui. CHAP. X. ^oto the SsM Con0tantine Wits ^elbe in .Sasnetanbretoi^ sgne. A.D. vr 908. JAI YNE hundyr wyntyr and aucht yhere, Quhen gayne aU Donaldis dayis were, Heddis sowne cald Constantine Kjmg wes [thretty] yhere : and syne 720 Kyng he sessyd for to be. 90 THE CEONYKIL [B. VI. And in Sanctandrewys a Kylde. And thare he lyVyd yheris fywe. And Abbot made, endyd hys lyve. Off hym thare-fore wes this -wers In Latyne -wryttyn to rehers ; Constantinus item, cujus pater Hed fuit Albus, Bis deca Bex annis vixerat atque decem. Andree Sancti fuit hic quinquennis in urbe : Beligionis ibi jure fruens ohiit. Bot in the Pape Jhonys dayis The auchtand, as Frere Martyne sayis, Charlys the thryd than Empryoure Bad a yhere owre in that hono-wre 730 [And] monethys to tha thrys thre. Abbays mony fowndyd he, And kyrkis of relygyowne : Swa hys tyme in devotyoune Wes spendyd and in halynes. Flawndrys in hys dayis wes Eelevyd tiU ane erldwme Wyth custymabUl honoure and fredwme ; Quhare before that tyme it wes Bot a land off gret sympUnes : 740 The grettest befor lyvand thare The Kyng off Frawncis forsteris ware. The Dwch^ off Normawndy Than fyrst to state ras halyly. Quhen this Charlys the thryd wes dede, Arnwlphus twelff yhere in hys stede Lord wes hale off the Empyre, And governyd it as off it Syre. Syn byttyne he wes -wyth lyis to dede : For that he cowth get na remede. 750 Ch. X.] OF SCOTLAND. 91 TiU Jhon the auchtand the Pape Martyne The secund a yhere Pape wes syne. In tUl hys tyme ordanyd he In fredwme the Pape to chosyn be : Empryoure tharein till hys sete Nothir hys helpe, na nakyn lete ; Bot that electyowne to be ay F. 137. b. In aU kyn fredwme fra that day. Empryowris and Papys sere I leve nowe to wryt in here ; 760 For all thare dedis to record Wald lenth the tyme -wyth-owt conforde. A.D. Nyne hundyr wyntyr fourty and thre Efftyr the blest Natyvyte, Quhen dede wes the Kyng Constantyne, Kyng off Scotland nest hym syne Malcolme-Makdonald yheris thre ; And syne in Murrawe slayne wes he. In YcolmkiU hys body lyis : Hys -wers are -wryttyn on this -wyis ; 770 Huic Bex Malcolmus successit ter tribus annis, Begis Donaldi filius ille fuit. Interfecerunt in Wlru Moravienses. Gentis apostatice fraude doloque cadit. Nest this Malcolme wes regnand Indulff nyne yhere in Scotland. Fodawche the byschape banysyd he Owt off Sanctandrewys hys awyne Se. YEit this byschape nevertheles Aucht yhere efftyr that lyvand wes. He made a tysst3Te in that qwhylle, Quhare-in wes closyd the WangyUe, 92 THE CEONYKIL [B. VI. Platyd oure wyth sU-vyre brycht. On the hey awtyr standand rycht 780 At the north end : thare to rehers Wyth Scottis hand gravyn ar thir wers ; Hanc Evangelii thecam construxit aviti Fodawch, qui Scottis primus Episcopus est. [In] tui Sayntandrewys off Scotland Kyrk cathedrale yhit standand This tystyr Uke man may se. As befor now herd hawe yhe. This kyng Indulff faucht sa fast Wyth the Norwayis, quhUl at the last He wes at CoUy slayne in fycht. In YcolmkiU syne wes he rycht 790 Enteryd : and thare to rehers Owth hym wryttyn were thir wers ; Post hunc Indulfus totidem regnaverat annis Ens Constantini filius Heddhayde. In bello pugnans ad fiuminis hostia Collyne Dacorum gladiis protinus occubuit. Quhen Indulf kyng wes dede away, Dwlff wes kyng efftyre hys day : In Murrawe dede efftyr he was In the towne murthrysyd off Foras, And karyd out off that towne wes he Dede on a nycht in priwat^ TUl a wattyr by rynnand. That cald is Fyndarne in Scotland: 800 In till a pwle wndyr the bryg Thai kest hym downe, and lete hym lyg. F. 138. Bot thare wes ne-wyre Sowne schenand Thare sene, quhille he wes thare lyand : And be the takyn off that thyng Ch. X.] OF SCOTLAND. 93 Men trowyd that thare than lay the kyng. Than thai rypyd thare sa fast, QuhUl he wes fowndyn at the last. Owth hym, quhare hys body lyis, Thir -wers ar wryttyn on this wys ; 810 Quatuor et semis Bex Duff regnavit aristis, Malcolmo natus, regia jura gerens. Hunc interfecit gens perfida Moraviensis. Cujus erat gladiis cesus in urbe Foras. Sol abdit radios, ipso sub ponte latente. Quo fuit absconsiis, usque repertus erat. QrUien this kyng Duff ded wes then, Nest hym ras the kyng Culen. As kyng regnyd yheris fowre In Scotland, [and] ane half yhere owre. In to this kynryk wes a man, Eodard be name that cald [was] than : He hade a dochtyr fayre and yhyng And rycht plesand ; quharfore this kyng Ee-wysyd hyr. Eodard for-thi Slw this kyng in hys foly ; 820 As is nottyd be thire -wers, Oppynly to mak rehers ; Filius Indulfi totidem quoque Bex fuit annis. Nomine Culenus; vir fuit insipiens. Fertur apud Lovias ilium truncasse Bodardus Pro rapta nata, quam sibi Bex rapuit. To this Kyng Culen dede, Malcolmys sowne the Kyng Kynede Wes oure the Scottis in Scotland Twenty yhere and foure regnand. The Erie off Angws in hys dayis Conquhare cald, the story sayis. 94 THE CEONYKIL [B.VL Had a dochtyre FynbeUe cald. The quhUk had a sone yhong and bald : 830 At Dwnsynane this Kyned The kyng put this man to dede. Fra thine hys modyr had ay in thowcht To ger this kyng to dede be browcht ; And for scho cowth noucht do that be mycht, Scho made thame trayto-wyrs be hyr slycht. That, the kyng befor than wend. For hys lele legis hade bene kend. As throw the Mernys on a day The kyng was rydand hys hey way, 840 Off hys awyne curt [al] suddanly Agayne hym ras a cumpany In to the towne off Fethyrkerne : To fecht wyth hym thai ware sa yherne, F. 138. b. And he agayne thame faucht sa fast ; Bot he thare slayne was at the last. And off this makand rehers Owth hym wryttyn ar thire -wers ; Post quem rex fertur Scotis regnasse Kynedus Malcolmi natus quatuor et deca his. Iste Fethyrherne telis fit et arte peremptus Nate Cuncari Fimbel fraude cadens. Quhen Constantyne Kyng Culynys swne The Kyng Kyned to dede had dwne, 850 At the wattyr hed off A-wyne The Kyng Gryme slwe this Constantyne. He wes bot othire half yhere kyng, Quhen all thus hapnyd hys endyng. Swa wryttyne owth hym ar thire -wers In Latyne, that yhe may rehers ; Ch. X.] OF SCOTLAND. 95 Rex Constantinus Culeni filius ortus Ad caput amnis Awyne ense peremptus erat. \In jus regale regens vno rex et semis annis Ipsum Kenedus Malcolomida ferit.] Quhen Constantyne wes slayne, neyst hyme The selff slayare the Kyng Gryme Succedyd, and aucht yhere than regnand In to the kynryke off Scotland. 860 The Kyng Malcolme feUownly Slwe this kyng in Bardory. Hys epitaphy than in wers Wryttyn thus men may rehers ; Annorum spatio Bex Grym regnaverat octo Kynedi natus, qui genitus Duf erat. Quo truncatus erat, Bardorum campus habetur, A nato Kyned nomine Malcolomi. Quhen dede wes thus this Kyng Gryme, Malcolme ras kyng, that slayne had hyme : And thretty wyntyre in Scotland Kyng this Malcolme wes regnand. He wes in deyd a manly knycht, Bawld, and stowt, worthy, and -wycht. 870 ' In to the Glammys on a day. For he had rewyst a fayre May Off the land thare lyand by, Thar ras agayne hym suddanly ; Mony off thame thare gert he de. And mony als ware threte to fie ; Bot yhit fechtand nevertheles Slayne in to that feld he wes. Quhen that thus aU hys dayis wes dwne, Efftyre hym he lefft na swne ; 880 Bot a dochtyre Bethok fayre 96 THE CEONYKIL [B. VI. He lefft off kynd to be hys ayre : Scho wes to Cryny in hyre lyffe. The Abbot of Dunkeldynys wyffe. To here wytnes ar thir -wers F. 139. Thar-off made now to rehers ; Bex quoque Malcolmus deca ter regnaverat annis : In pugnis miles victoriosus erat. In vico Glammys rapuit quandamque pniellam. Sub pede prostrafis hostibus ille peril. Abbatis Cry ni, jam dicti, filia Begis Uxor erat Bethok, nomine digna sibi. CHAP. XL ^tohen tke ffimprgotore ®to qtokile Wizs szt anb stab in gret perjiUe. A.D. XT 990. 1>| YNE hundyr wyntyr and nynty Fra God wes borne off myld Marj"-, Benet the secund wes Pape off Eome And Kepare off the Crystyndome, 890 And Oto the secund Empryowre Aucht wyntyr wes in that honowre : He wes in deyd a dowchty knycht, Stowt off manhad and off mycht. Off Agare and off Barbary Twa gret ostys hawtanly Come in Calabyre aU off were Arayid weUe wyth gret powere ; Wyth fyre and armys thai broucht downe. And wastyd all that regyowne. 900 Agayne thaim off Eomanys Ch. XL] OF SCOTLAND. 97 He gadryd, and off Almahnys ; Wyth thai strawngeris he fawcht sa fast, That thai hym vencust at the last. Bath hys ostis fra hym flede, Fewe bydand in to that sted Wyth hym ; bot, as hym beho-wyd, Owt off the feld he hym removyd : And tiU a schype, that nere wes by. And [to] sayle made aU redy, 910 He come rynnand in gret hast. As owt off pres he had bene chast. And fenyheyd hym a sympUl knycht. That eschapyd fra that fycht. And sayd, to pas in pylgrimage He thare wes in hys -wayage To the b-wrch off Jerusalem, And fra that syne to Bethleem. For-thi he made thame fayre prayare, Owre s4 that he mycht wytht thame fayre. 920 All thus he gate be fayre tret6 In thare [galay than] entr^. And as thai ware on s6 sayland, In Grewe [he] hard thame thare sayand, That thai wald hald on in that trade Tyl ConstantynopiU, and in that rade F. 139. b. Thai wald stryk, and thare tak land. And mak off that knycht a presand. For reward wyth gret honoure, TiU hym, that than wes Empryoure 930 Off ConstantynopUl. Quhen he this herd. In tUl hys hart he wes aferd : For he wndyrstud [rycht] weUe Off Grewe the langage Uke delle : VOL. II. G 98 THE CEONYKIL [B. VI. Bot the schypemen trowyd noucht. Off that twng that he cowth owcht. Swa, he be-thowcht hym off a wyle. How thai schypmen he mycht begyUe. The mastyre than in prewat^ He cald, and sayd tUl hym, that he 940 All hys gold had in that lie. That thai ware sayland by, Sycyle, For-thi, he sayd, it ware hys wUl, Gyff thai wald gyff consent thare-tiU, Apon the land thare to be set, Hys gold that he had than to get ; And swne he suld than cum agayne. Thai grawntyd him this, for thai war fayne. And tro-wyd rycht weUe than, that he Off gold had a gret quantyt^ ; 950 AU that thai thowcht fra hym to ta, And mak hym presonare alsua. Apon land thai set hym rycht. And fra he gat owt off thare sycht. He sped hym in gret hy to Eome. And thidder efftyr that he come, AU thai schypmen he gert spy, QuhUl thai agayne come : than in hy He gert thai traytoures e-wyre ilkane Arestyd be, and qwyke aU tane, 960 Fourty thai ware in so-wme and ma ; Thare hedys all he tuk thame fra. And qwyt thaim swa thare -warysowne. That wald have done hym this tresowne. Ch. xil] of SCOTLAND. 99 CHAP. XII. (^token ^ilbestsr tke secnnb tkan §®cs, to be ^ope, tke ^etoillia man. A.D. -n 1004. Jl EA that Natyvyte past oure A thowsand yhere and thare-to foure, Fra that dede wes this Benet, Nest hym foure Papys had thaire det Payd off kynd, and tane thare dede. Thare succedyt in thare stede 970 The secund SUvestyr, and yheris foure Wes Pape off Eome, and mare atoure, F. 140. A Frankys man be natyowne, A mo-wnk yhit be professyowne Off the Abbay Floryacens In the byschapryke off Aurelyens. Bot pre-waly he staU away A nycht owt off hys abbay. And worthyd ane apostata. And qwhiU that he [was] lyvand swa, 980 He desyryd oure mesoure Hey statis -wytht honowre : Apon that in pry-wat^ Wyth the De-wiU he had tret4 And mad hym full homage. And he thare heycht hym avawntage ; That wes, rele-vyd that he suld be. Or he deyd, in the Papys Se ; And in the meyne tyme -wyth-aU Till othir statis that mycht faU. 990 100 THE CEONYKIL [B. VI. The byschapryke off Eeyns swne FeU vacand ; in it than wes he dwne. The Archebyschapryke off Ea-wen Wakyd efftyr ; that gat he then. Efftyre that -wakyd the Papys Se ; Chosyne to that swne wes he. Fra state to state thus ras he fast, Pape qwhill he wes at the last. Hys promotowre oft hym assayid. How off hys state he. held hym payid ? 1000 All weie, he awnsweryd blythely. And thankyd hym off his curtasy. Quhen he was in hys state heyast. In tiU hys thowcht ay wald he cast, Efftyr-hend hys statis aU How the latere end suld faU. Than at hys falow, on a day, Togyddyr quhen thai war in thare play. He askyd hym, how lang that he In tUl that state suld lywand be. 1010 The De-wUl awnsweryd tUl hym agayne. That in aU ese, -wyth-owtyn payne. He suld lyve in prosperyt^, Jerusalem quhiU he suld se. And in tiU it syng hys Mes. This Pape than blyth off this word wes. [And] it feU efftyr on a day. As in tUl oys the Pape had ay, Wyth the CoUage throwch the to-wne To gang intUl processyowne. 1020 Than sone till a kyrk thai come. That thai Jerusalem cald in Eome ; And quhen the Pape rewestyd wes Ch. xil] of SCOTLAND. 101 Be the custwme to syng the Mes, He herd abo-wt hym wgsum dyn, F. 140. b. As mony de-wUlys had bene thare in. Than speryd he, quhat thai oysyd to call That kyrk. Than thai awnsueryd aU, Jerusalem in Vy Laterane. Than sychys made he mony ane ; 1030 And made a predicatyowne Off hys obUgatyowne ; And offt cryid AUace ! alias. That e-wyre off hys modyr borne he was ! Bot ay [he] trowyd lelely, Off hym that Gode wald have mercy. Than gert he fyrst hys twng owt tak. That -wyth the DewiU the wordys spake : He gert stryk off hys twa handys. That festnyng wes off the co-wnandys : 1040 And hys twa fete in to deyde He gert stryk off, syne thai yheyd To the De-wUl in to that place, Quhare festnyd aU thare cownandys was. Swa off hys menbrys he mad de-wyce. That ser-wyd the De-wUl off thaire office. All tha tUl hym in lyff he yha wid : Tak thame tUl hym, gy-we he wauld. Bot he comendyd tiU endure Hys spyryt tUl the Creature. 1050 Swa, mony trowyd than, that he Wyth Halowys tuk hys sawffte. This SUvester in yhowthade To name Gerbert be baptysyne hade : And off hym was made thire wers. As he was greyd tUl rehers ; 102 THE CEONYKIL [B. VI. " Transit ab R Gerhertus in B, fit Papa vigens B." (Quia fuit promotus ab archiepiscopatu Bamen- si ad archiepiscopatum Bavenensem, et ultimo ad Papam Bomanum.) He had twa lordys at lare. That hys yhong scolarys sumtyme ware, Schyr Oto the fyrst Empryoure, And Eobert, that Kyng wes -wyth honowre 1060 Off Frawns. And he Pape lyvand thus. Made wes Sancti Spiritus Assit nobis gratia ; That sequence, -wyth othir ma Wersys, men oysis for to say like yhere on Wytsonday, Befor the WangeU in the qwere At the Hey Mes Uke yhere. The Denmarkis wyth stalwart hand Dystroyid the sowth than off Ingland, 1070 All Cawntyrbery, and Lyncolnsyre, Wyth armys, wapnys, and -wyth fyre. Men, barnys and women Thai sowmyd ay be ten and ten : F. 141. The tend part thai kepyd qwyk ; The lawe thai wald all sla and styk, Sparand na condytyown, Seculare, na off reUgyown. Aucht hundyr sowmyd than ware kend Off persownys sauffyd for the tend, 1080 And foure monkys : bot feUownly The la-we ware slayne downe but mercy. Off Ingland that tyme the barnage Payid to the Denmarkis gret trewage, Foure and fourty thowsand pwnde Ch. XIIL] OF SCOTLAND. 103 Off wsuale mone, gud and rownd. And for Saynct Elpheg wald noucht pay Thre thowsand pownd off that monay, Bot for the kyrk of Cawntyrbery TiU hald it fre he stwde fermly, 1090 Quhare-off he wes byschape than, Thire tyrandys tuk this haly man. And held hym lang in tiU herd pyne : A lurdane off thame slwe hym syne. That he confermyd in Crystyn fay Befor that oure-gane bot a day. CHAP. XIIL ^token tkat a ^ape hefior hzhz Wizs ftonbgn stanbanbe in a atebe. A.D. A 1014. J\_ THOWSAND wyntyr and fourtene Fra God wes borne off Mary clene. The awchtand Benet tuk the Se Off Eome as Pape, and that yhere he 1100 Q-wte off that sege wes pwtand downe r And ane othir in tUl it swne Wes set, and gret scyssm4 swa Eas that tyme betwene tha twa. Bot that Pape Benet dede, And ane othir set in hys sted, As Petyre Damyane thare-off sayis, Thare was a byschape in thai dayis. That on a blak hors saw rydand This Pape bodyly thare sittand. 1110 This byschape wnabayssytly 104 THE CEONYKIL [B. VI. Spak to that spyryte than stowtly. And sayd, " Is thow noucht that Benet, That quhylome held the Papys set ? And now we wat weUe, that thow art dede, Ane othir haldand that ilk stede." " That sary Benet," [he] sayd, " am I, That led that state wnworthyly." "Fadyr," he sayd, "thow teU me nowe Thi state." And he sayd, " Yhit I trowe 1120 Owt off thir [Ule] paynys frely To be dely-weryd be mercy Off my rycht-wys Creatoure, Be prayere off the Madyn pwre, F. 141. b. That is my helpe and my succoure. Ga thow tUl Jhon my successoure. And byd hym sek this certane plas Be name, for in it sum tyme was. And yhit is, off gold a sowme lyand. Byd hym, that he be off that gyvand 1130 TUl pure men all, for in na thyng That I delte in my lyvyng, Helpys me nowe ; for be thyfft, Oppyn reffe, or -wrangwys gyft. Or wyth falshad, all I wan The gud, that I dyspendyd than." This byschape dyd hys byddyng weUe, And fuUfiUyd Uke deUe ; And lefft hys byschapryk that day. And rendryde hym mownke in ane abbay : 1140 Swa, entryd in reUgyown, He deyd in till devotyo-wn. ^Quhen Benet the auchtand Pape wes dede, Jhon the twentyd tuk that sted. Ch. XIIL] OF SCOTLAND. 105 Nest hym Benet the nynd : than he Fourtene wyntyr held that Se. Gret ryotis, as Frere Martyne sayis. Fell in tiU this Benetis days. For off that state quhUle he, qwhUl he. Off syndry persownys, held that Se. 1150 Bot this Pape the nynd Benet TUl Benet the auchtand, that that set Held before, wes ne-wow nere. Bot efftyre that he wes broucht on here, TUl a bysyn best all lyke Sene he wes besyd a dyke, That nere hand a myll wes made. For bath hewyd and tale he had As a hors, and hys body All tiU a here wes mast lykly. 1160 He, that hym saw, wes than sa rad. That, for the dowt, he wes in stad. He wald rycht fayne have bene away. Bot than that best begowt to say, " Ha-we na dowt, bot I pray thd, Thow byd a qwhiUe, and spek wyth me. As thow art now, I wes a man Sum tyme ; bot I bare me noucht than. As I suld ha-we dwne off dete ; Bot fra that I as Pape wes sete 1170 In Sege, I bare me aU bestly. And led my lyff all lustyly : Swa, am I now, as thow may se. Bot yhit I trow to sauffyd be Be helpe off the Virgyne pure The Modyre off my Creature." Henry the fyrst, and Conrade 1 06 THE CEONYKIL [B. VI. F. 142. In this meyne tyme the Empyi'e hade ; Til Henry Conrade successywe : He mad gret la-wys in hys ly-we. 1180 Quhat evyre he wes, that brak his pes. Off qwhat condytyown sa e-vyr he wes. He suld thole the payne off dede. But ony manere off remede. An Erie than was nere hym by. That slwe a man in hys felny ; And for that payne, as hym beho-wyd, Prevely he hym remo-vyde Till a forest nere thare-by : And for tUl lyve thare qwyetly 1190 Wyth hys wyff on his tresore. That he had gaddryd lang before, A maner plas thar byggyd he For hym, hys wyff, and hys menyhe. The Empryoure than on a day Ead in hwntyng hym to play. And tra-welyd sa lang in that forast In gamyn, quhiU aU that day oure past, And the myrk nycht [al] suddanly Hym partyd fra hys cumpany. 1200 And in that myrk nycht wawerand wiU, He hapnyd off cas for to cum tUl That Uke new byggyd plas, Quhare that Erie than dueUand was. Thare he ressayvyd that Empryowre Wyth gret reverens and honowre. And herbryd hym all that nycht, QwhiU on the morne that day wes lycht. That ilke nycht, as hapnyd thare. The Erlys awyn -wyffe wes lychtare 1210 Ch. xiiL] OF SCOTLAND. 107 Off a knawe barne befor day. The Empryowre than, quhare he lay. Herd a -woce t-wys or thrys Oppynly sayand on this wys, " This chyld now borne Empryowre SaU be, and nest successoure TUl this Conrade, that is syre And lord now all hale off the Empyre." Fra this the Empryoure had herd. In tiU hys thoucht he wes afferde : 1220 And on the morne rycht ayrly, Quhen tUl hym come hys cumpany, Twa men he bad in pre-wet^ To wayt ane oportunyt^. And steyle that barne, and wyth it ga To the wode, and thare it sla ; And the hart syne tUl [hym] bryng. That he mycht -wyt be that taknyng. That the barne aU dede suld be, F. 142. b. And swa ware brokyn destyn^. 1230 The twa men the chyld tuke sone. The Empryo-wris byddyng for tUl have done : Bot pytd swa movyd thare thoucht. That byddyng thai fulfiUyd nowcht ; Bot in thare gamyn thai slwe a hare : The hart off it thai wyth thame bare. And gave it to this Schyre Conrad, And sayd, thai dyd, as he thame bad ; That wes, that thai slwe the chUd, And lefft hym in that forast wild. 1240 It hapnyd a Duk to cum rydand, Quhare that that chUd wes qwyk lyand : That chyld he tuk, and bare it hame. 108 THE CEONYKIL [B. VI. And tUl hys wyf than sayd he, " Dame, Bryng -wp this barne now, I pray th(5 ; For he may hapnyn oure ayre to be. Syne we ar lyk na barne till ha-we, Nothir madyn child, na kna-we." The barne scho tuk than blythly. And browcht hym -wp rycht tendyrly. 1250 Lang efftyre this, in pylgrinage This Uke Empryoure hys -wayage Tuk, and in till his way Wyth this Duk he ete a day. Before [the burde] than standand thare The Dukis brede this childe than schare ; For he wes yhowng, and avenand. And tUl aU lordys rycht plesand. Be sum consayt yhit than agayne The Empryo-wre wald he had bene slayne. 1260 Than to that Duk in pre-wet^ He sayd, ane erand gret had he Foryhet, that the Empryce Beho-wyde to do on onywys : Quharefore he made hym than prayere. That that chyld mycht a lettyr here TU hys wyff in pre-wyt^. The Duk hym le-wyd, and than he Wrat in that lettyr on this -wys. Be strayt byddyng the Emprys, 1270 Scho suld ger that chyld be put to ded, Bot ony maner off remed : Gyff scho had gert that lettyr rede, Thir wordis thare war wryttyne in dede : " Visa litera, lator illiiis morte moriatur." Quhen this child thus le-wyd was. Ch. XIIL] OF SCOTLAND. 109 He buskyd hym hys way to pas. And wyst rycht noucht off this perylle. Bot it hapnyd in that qwhiUe, Wyth a prest in tUl his way 1280 He ete, and bad wyth hym a day. F. 143. And as he wes than thare slepand, A fayre ptu:s he had hyngand : The prest that purs opnyd swne, And fand in it that lettyr dwne. That he opnyd, and red the payne. The berere off it for to be slayne. That lettyr away than pwte he q-wyte ; And sone ane othir than couth he wryte. As send fra the Empryo-wre 1290 To the Empryce -wyth hono-wre, Sayand, " Visa litera, Filia mea latori tradatur." " This lettyr sene, my Dochtyre dere, Sone thow spows wyth the berere." He closyd this lettyr curywsly. And tn the purs aU prewely He pwt it, quhare the tothir was. The chUd fra slope thare-efftyr ras : Off aU this dede wyst he rycht noucht, Bot on hys trawale set hys thoucht, 1300 And on hys -wayage furth he past. To the Emprys at the last He come, and present wyth honowre That lettyr, fra the Empryo-vsTe, He sayd, wes send : and honestly Scho hym resayvyd, and hastyly That lettyr scho gert tiU hyre rede. And efftyr that rycht sone in dede Scho gave to that chUd hyr Dochtyr fayre 110 THE CEONYKIL [B.VL TiU hys wyff, syne scho wes ayre 1310 TiU hyr lorde the Empryowre, As off that lettyr the tenowre Bad, that al swa suld be done. The Empryowre thare-efftjrr sone Hapnyd to cum hame suddanly. The chUd remo-wyd hym prewely, QuhiU that he mycht here, or se, Gyff that all mycht sykkyre be. The Empryoure thare-efftyre sone Speryd, how that scho had done 1320 Off that lettyr, that he [hir] send. Than tald scho hym fra end till end ; And sayd, scho had fuUfiUyd welle All hys byddyng ilka deUe. And fra he herd [that] this wes done. He tro-wyde he wes the Dukys sone. He held hym [payit] off that spowsall, And gave that chUd full governale Off hys land wyth hys dochtjnc fayre : Destyn^ swa mad hym ayre 1330 TUl Conrade this Empryoure, And tyU hym hys neyst successoure. Gyff destynd be ony thyng, I comend to thare demyng. That clerkys are, for nane am I. F. 143. b. That me forthynkys inkyrly. Swa, qwhen this Conrad wes dede, Thys chyld succedyt in hys stede, Tytlyde the secund Henry, And governyd the Empyre -wertusly 1340 Ch. XIV.] OF SCOTLAND. Ill CHAP. XIV. ^token fro ^ome come a legate In Jfratonee, to se tke ^grkis state. J_N this meyne tyme, wpon chans Thare come in to the rewme off Frans A Legate send a latere. For tiU -wysyd, and tUl se. How the Byschapys governyd ware. And led thare state and thare poware. Swa, this Uk Legate fand. That a Byschape off that land Gat that state wyth symony, And led hys lyff -wytyusly, 1350 Co-watows, and incontynent. This Legate thare-for in jugement. Or syttand in chapytere. This Byschape he cald, and gert appere ; And sayd hym, be publik fame Thare put tUl hym wes gret blame. That [he] entryd be symony, And lywyd alsua rycht -wytyusly. This Byschap was a -wyly man : All thai he had corruhipyd than 1360 Wyth gret gyfftis, than that he Hys accusatowris trowyd to be. QuhiU this Legate was syttand thare, Thare wes na man that wald contrare This Byschape in till word or deyde. This Legate swa cowth noucht proceyde 112 THE CEONYKIL [B.VL Be ony accusatyowne In to that -wysitatyowne : Bot yhit he trowyd nevertheles, AU -wytyows that this Byschape wes. 1370 Than sayd the Legate, " Syn I na kan Precede be help off ony man. Be Goddis -wertu in to dede On this -wys now I wiU precede. Be [the] Haly Gast now let s^, Gyff in thi state wes thi entr6. Say, Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto." " Gloria Patri, et Filio," The Byschape sayde, and thare mad ho : And that rehersyd he offtsys ; Offtare yha than anys, or twys ; 1380 Bot Spiritui Sancto be na way Mycht he wyth hys lyppys say. The Byschape than confessyd, how he Off hys byschapryk gat entr^. That wes aU -wyth symony ; And led hys lyff aU -wytyously, F. 144. Bath covetows, and incontynent. The Legate thare, in jugement, Assolyhyd hym off aU cursyng. And pwnysyd hym for hys le-wyng. 1390 In this meyne tyme in Eome thai fand A body off a ded Gyand : Fra he-wyd to fute, as thai hym mete, Gyff he on fwte mycht have bene sete, Lyk it war, that he had bene Heyare, than than off Eome wes sene The waUys aU off that cyt^. The heyast, that than mycht jugyd be. Ch. XIV.] OF SCOTLAND. 113 A wound wes sene in tUl hys syde Four fute off lenth, and mar, that tyde. 1400 And in hys graff wes sergis twa Brynnand clere, and ane off tha Wes brycht brynnand at his hewyd. The tothire at hys fete wes levyd. In evynlyk lycht brynnand clere. That mycht be sloknyd on na manere Be wattyr, na be wyndis blyst : Bot gyve a man wald in thame thryst A scharpe brode, or than wald styke In to thai sergis a scharpe pryke, 1410 Quhare the ayre mycht ha-we entre ; Swa sloknyd mycht thai lychtis be. His epitaphy to rehers Thus wryttyn thare thai fand thir -wers ; Filius Evandri Paulas, quem lancea Tumi Militis occidit, more suo jacet Mc. This Geand in till hys tyme was Be [name] than caUyd PaiUas : Tumus, the sowne off E-wander, Before had slayne hyme wyth a spere : In to this graffe heyr dede he lyis. As yhe aU se now on this -wys. 1420 In tUl Appule, as off a man A gret ymage sen wes than Off marbyr ; bot a cerkiU was Sene apperand, as off bras ; And all wryttyn thare -wyth-owte That cerkyU than wes rede abowte, " The Kalendis off May, the sowne rysande. My he-vyd saU be off gold glytterande." Sa was thare than a Sarracene, VOL. II. H 114 THE CEONYKIL [B.VL That lang tyme presownare had bene ; 1430 He tuke swilk resowne off this wryte, That he thoucht helpe tUl get off it. Swa wayttyd he the fyrst day. As the sowne than ras, off May : The he-wyd he brak off that ymage. And thare-off wan he sic a wage. That gold he gat in swUk foysowne. That it payid aU owt hys rawnsowne. And mad furth honest governale TiU hym and hys perpetuaUe. 1440 F. 144. b. In this ilke tyme in Frans TUl a lord hapnyd a feU chans ; As he wes syttand at the mete, Wyth myis he wes swa wmbesete. That wyth hym and hys menyh^ He mycht na way get sawffte, Na -wyth sta-wys, na -wyth stanys. Than thai wald cle-w apon hys banys : Na kyn wapnys, that men mycht get, Mycht thai myis fra hys body lete ; 1450 Schype, na bayt, na yhit galay Mycht be sawffte ony way : Nowthir on wattyr, na on land, Mycht this lord hym get warand. Than, bwt ony kyne remede, Thir mys pwt this lord to dede. The auchtand and the nynd Benet In Eome haldand the Papys set, Malys in Scotland, a wys man, Wes off Saynctandrewys byschape than 1460 Aucht wyntere. And quhen he Wes dede, than Kellawch tuk that Se, Ch. XV.] OF SCOTLAND. 115 And held it twenty yhere and fy-we. He secund Kellauch in hys lywe Wes titlyd. And quhen dede wes he. The secund Malys tuk that Se. TiU hym succedyt Schyr Malmore. Off thire is gud to mak memore. CHAP. XV. ten tke sext ®regore be jngement ^ete sla tkame, tkat reJft tke 3w^^ rent. V^WHEN this Benet the nynd wes dede, Gregor the sext than tuk that stede, 1470 And twa yhere held that Se. Bot y-will arayid than fand it he ; For litUl or noucht that tyme he fand. That tiU hys state wes suffycyand ; For mony Papys befor his dayis Ware rekles, as Frere Martyne sayis. For in defawt off gud defens Off -wertu, or off negligens, Gret possessyownys thai tynt qwyte Be mysdoarys, that had delyt 1480 Pylgrymys to tak, and [tulye,] Or ony lele men wald dyspoyle. Or qwha his cursyng wald noucht drede, Agayne thame swa he wald precede. As to be takyn, and to be slayne. Or in presowne to thole the payne Off dede, be jugement off the lawe. And sum to hang, and sum to drawe. 116 THE CEONYKIL [B. VI. A feUown tyrand he wes for-thi Cald, and murmwryd oppynly. 1490 F. 145. Swa in hys last infirmyt^, Quhen noucht wes, bot he suld de. The Cardynalys sayd oppynly. And hym decleryd wnworthy TUl hawe halowyd sepulture. Syne he wes off hart sa dure. That he gert sla men, but mercy. And spylt gret blud [aboundandly]. Off this quhen he herd thare decrete. In tUl hys seknes lyvand yhete, 1 500 Befor hym than gert he caU The Cardynalys, and the pepill aU ; And thare rehersyd thare sentens. And sayd. Off gud conscyens AU that wes done, that he gert do, Na nakyn blame suld fall thare-to, Na he [de]serwyd na defame, Suppos thai oysyd swa hym to schame. " Gyff God will, (he sayd,) for-thi Se for me swa, quhen ded am I, 1510 Tbat I may ha-we halowyd sepulture Wyth-owtyn schame and dyshonure. Be yhe noucht sa obstynate TUl hendyre, or supprys my state." The Cardynalis yhit nevertheles, Fra he wes dede in this seknes, Wald noucht lat hym ha-we entr^ In to the kyrke : bot thai gert be AU the durys stekyd fast. Bot off wynd a suddand blast 1 520 AU the durys brak wp sone. Ch. XV.] OF SCOTLAND. 117 Be myrakill than thai trowyd that done. And swa than made hys entr^ In the kyrk -wyth solempnyte : Devotly syne -wyth gret honure Thai mad hym halowyd sepulture. In this meyne tyme Athelred, Edgare the pessybUl sowne, we rede, Off Ingland tuk possessyowne, Sceptyr, and coronatyowne, 1530 Quhen the Denmarkys wes wedand, Wytht fyre and slawchtyr dystrwyand. Sparande nothire wyff na man ; That stwde agayne thare purpos than. Ane erlys dochtyr, hys fyrst wyffe, TiU hym a sowne bare in hyr lyffe : Edmwnd Irnesyd cald wes he ; He grewe a man off gret bowntd. Sone efftyre that this wyff wes dede, F. 145. b. He bade noucht lang in wedowhede : 1540 The Dukys dochtyr off Normandy, Dame Emd be name cald oppynly, (And Eychard wes hyr fadyr name, A manly knycht and off gud fame) This Ethelred tuk tiU hys wyff, And on hyr gat in tUl hys lyff Bodyly thire sownnys twa : And the eldast swne off tha Wes be name cald Ethelredo ; Saynt Edward the tothire wes in-dede. 1550 Bot a fals traytoure cald God-wyne This Ethelrede betraysyd syne. And hym murtherysyd swykfuUy In tiU the cyt^ off Ely, THE CEONYKIL [B. VI. Be the alyawns off Normandy Ethelred hym trowyd the mare forsy : Swa gert he aU apon a day Be slayne to dede and pwte awaye The Denmarkys, that tyme that he fand The kynryk wastand off Ingland. 1560 The Denmarkys than, beyhond the Se That dueUand ware in thare cuntr^, Fra thai had herd the slawchtyr done, Wyth a gret na-wyne thai come sone : In all the havenys off Ingland Thai arryvyd, and tuk land. Than thai forbare nowcht to do skayth TUl abbays, and tiU kyrkys bayth. Awld and yhowng, bath man and wyff. Thai sparyd noucht to rewe the lyff. 1570 Swanus, and Knowt hys swne, then Chefftanys ware, and maste oure-men Off that straynge natyowne. That mad this feUe dystructyowne Bot Ethelred mad gret deffens, And to thare felny resystens. And mellayid offt on feld in fycht, Quhare mony dowre to ded wes dycht. And for mare drede and gret peryUe Till Normandy in to that qwhylle 1580 Hys wyff and hys sown fyrst he send : Swne thidder he folowyd efftyr-hend. And thare thai bade, qwhiU that Schyre Swane Owretakyn wes wyth dede subytane. As sum men demyd, be Edmwnd Irynesyd he wes browcht to grwnd Be slawchtyr, or be sum othir dede. Ch. XVL] OF SCOTLAND. 119 The IngUs men than Ethelred F. 146. Fechyd owte off Normandy, And hym restoryd honestly 1590 TiU hys State. Bot ay Schyr Knowte, This Swanys, sowne, set hym in dowte. AU tyme als lang as he Lyvj'd, and held that ryawte. In Londyn endyd syne hys lyff. This weddyt this Schyr Knowt hys wyff. The Dukys dochtyr off Normandy, Dame Emd, a qwene off gret felny. CHAP. XVL ten 3W9 ^nneane in ¦ .:-.¦ m