YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 1934 PRIVATELY PRINTED ] ACCOMPTES OF THE CHURCHWARDENS OF THE ^arpsijt of ^t. Cf)ri0toffr^0 Ijy LONDO]S[. 1575 TO 1662 EDITED BY EDWIN FRESHFIELD, Doctor of Laws, Vice-President: of the Society of Antiquaries of London, and one of the Churchwardens of tJie Parish. LONDON: PRINTED BY RIXON AND ARNOLD, 29, POULTRY, E.C. 1885. PRIVATELY PRINTED] ACCOMPTES OF THE CHURCHWARDENS OF THE ^arpsfjt of ^t. C!)ri6tofer^0 IN LO]VDON. 1575 TO 1662 EDITED BY EDWIN FRESHFIELD, Doctor of Laws, Vice-President of the Society of Antiquaries of London, and one of the Churchwardens of the Parish. LONDON: PRINTED BY RIXON AND ARNOLD, 29, POULTRY, E.C. 1885. INTRODUCTION. The parish books of St. Christopher Ie Stocks consist of (1) a large Book of Records dating from 1483. This book has also been used as a Vestry Minute Book ; (2) a series of Vestry Minute Books, extending from 1560 to the present time ; (3) a series of parish Account Books, commencing at Christmas, 1575, and continuing also to the present time. The older account books, which are occasionally referred to in the lists of parish muniments, have been lost. The book now printed is the earliest remaining account book. It commences in 1575, and ends in 1662. This book is a large folio, written on paper, for the most part by various clerks employed for the purpose. The names of some of the scribes, and in most cases the price they were paid for their work, can be gathered from the accounts. The volume was repaired with the other parish books when I first became Churchwarden of the church, and is now in a fair condition. The period covered by this book embraces the middle and latter end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, the reigns of King James and King Charles the First, the Commonwealth and Protectorate, and ends with the Restoration. The following is a list of the Rectors of the parish during this period, taken from " Newcourt's Repertorium." At the time when the book begins, viz., 1575, Mr. Bartholomew Busfield was the Rector ; he continued Rector until 1581, when he resigned the living and became Rector of the neighbouring parish of St. Michael's, Crooked Lane. He was succeeded by Mr. WiUiam Hutchinson in 1581, who resigned the living in 1587, and was succeeded by Mr. John Thorpe. Mr. John Thorpe died in 1596, and was buried in the church on the 27th August in that year. He was succeeded by Dr. Henry Caesar. Dr. Henry Caesar was a Doctor of Divinity, and was the third son of Dr. Caesar, Physician to Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth. Dr. H. Caesar had two brothers, both well known: one Sir Julius Caesar, Master of the Rolls, and the other. Sir Thomas Caesar, one of the Barons of the Exchequer. Dr. H. Caesar was Rector of St. Christopher's for only a year, and having received various appointments, he was at last made Dean of Ely. In 1597 Dr. Henry Caesar resigned the living, and was succeeded by Mr Andrew Arnold. Mr. Arnold died in 1613, and was buried in the church on the Sth January of that year, "non sine lachrimis," as the entry adds. Mr. Arnold was succeeded by Mr. Richard Ball. Mr. Ball resigned the living in 1615, and was succeeded by Dr. "William Piers. Dr. William Piers held the living until 1630, when he was consecrated Bishop of Peterborough, and was then succeeded by Mr. John Mackerness. Mr. Mackerness died in 1636, and was buried in the church on the 29th May in that year. He was succeeded by Mr. Samuel Baker. Mr. Samuel Baker resigned in 1640, and was succeeded by Mr. John Hansley. Mr. John Hansley was, as it appears, turned out of the living in 1642 for refusing to sign the solemn league and covenant, and was succeeded by Mr. James Cranford. Mr. James Cranford died in 1657, and was buried in the vault in the church called the Parsons' vault on the 29th April of that year. He was succeeded by his son, James Cranford Junior, who died in October, 1659, and was buried on the 2nd October in the same vault as his father. He was succeeded by Dr. John Pearson, who is better known as " Bishop Pearson," and better still as the author of " Pearson on the Creed." Some reference is made in the parish books to all of these Rectors, with the exception of Dr. Caesar, who was not, I think ever resident. His brother, Sir Julius Caesar, lived in the adjoining parish of St. Margaret's, Lothbury. The Book of Accounts is a history of the everyday life of a City parish. The entries become of more general interest when they casually touch upon some important passing event, but their true value consists in the evidence they furnish of the parochial life of the inhabitants during that period. I do not propose here to do more than direct attention to a very few of the items of interest. The most momentous events are mentioned casually, and would find no place if they had not necessitated an expenditure of the parish money. For instance, under date 1580 is this entry:— "Item for bookes of prayers after the tyme of the Earthquake, xii"*." This lY INTRODUCTION. refers to one of several earthquakes with which England was visited during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The account of these earthquakes, taken from " Stow's Chronicle," page 331, is as follows : — " The 6"^ April being Wednesday in Easter week, about 6 of the Clock towards the evening, a sudden earthquake " happened at London, and generally throughout England, by violence whereof, the Great Clock bell at Westminster stroke " against the hammers, as divers clocks and bells against their hammers and clappers, both in the City and Country did the like. " In London a piece of the Temple Church fell down. In the late dissolved Church of the Grey Friars now called Christ Church, " in the sermon time, one falling from the top killed a young man out of hand, and one other stone so bruised a maiden, his " fellow servant both to one master, that she lived but four days. Divers others were sore bruised running out of the Church. " Some stones fell from the Church of St. Paul in London, and some from the Church of St. Peter at Westminster, divers " chimnies with shaking lost their tops, and ships on the river of Thames and on the seas were seen to totter : This Earthquake " continued about London not passing one minute of an hour, but in East Kent, and the Sea Coast, thereabout it was felt three " times, to wit, at 6, 9 and 11 of the clock." I have before me two editions of the prayer issued upon this occasion, to one of them is appended " A Discourse containing " many wonderfuU examples of God's indignation poured upon divers people for their intollerable sins " "Which treatise may be " read instead of some part of the Homelie where there is no Sermon." Printed at London by C. Barker, 1580. In the account of the earthquake at the commencement of this " Discourse," after mentioning that the earthquake overthrew certain stones, chimnies, walls, etc., it proceeds : — " Neither did I hear of any Christian people that received bodily " hurt by it saving two children in London, a boy and a girl, being at Sermon among a great number of people in Christ Church " by Newgate Market, of whom the boy named Thomas Gray was slain out of hand with a falling stone shaken down from the " roof of the Church, and the Girl, whose name was Mable Everite, being sore hurt there on the same presently like casualty " died within a few days after." There is an incident connected with this book of prayer so curious that I must tell it. In the spring of 1884 I acquired this book, and one morning was showing it to Mr. H. Bradshaw, the well-known librarian of the University Library at Cambridge. I was telling Mr. Bradshaw that I believed the story was an exaggeration, and left him at nine o'clock to go to my office. On my arrival I was met by my housekeeper in great trepidation at the terrible earthquake which had just visited the City, passing down Cheapside. Half an hour later I received a note from my friend, Mr. Edmund Round, a well-known barrister, asking me to defer an appointment, as his house at Wivenhoe had sufifered much by the earthquake, and he had been summoned by telegraph to go there to see to it. After this I had greater respect for the earthquake of three hundred years ago. In the year 1581 the Churchwardens made a clean sweep of many antiquities in the church ; they sold the eagle of Laton, or brasse, for 41s. 6d., they sold the pillars of the rood-screen for 13s. 4d. ; for the organ, with certain old cupboards, they received 48s. 6d. They received for the clock, being very old and worn, lOs., and for the table of ten commandments, which had been in the church since the year 1486, they received 5s. In the year 1584 is the following entry : — " Item Payde for a payer of Gloues geuen vnto the Busshopp of St. Androwes " in the name of the whole parish by Mr. Parson iiijs." This Bishop, who was really Archbishop of St. Andrew's, was a Scotchman named Adamson, he was promoted to the Archbishoprick upon the execution of the last Roman Catholic Archbishop, the well-known partisan of Mary, Queen of Scots. His history is interesting in connection with that of the period in which he lived ; he was an able and eloquent but poor man. He continued an unequal struggle with the Presbytery to maintain his position as Bishop, and had at length to succumb by reason of his finances. I believe his fellow countrymen accused him of having had his head turned by his English friends on this visit. I believe he was one of those called in Scotland " Tulchan Bishops." I understand a tulchan calf is a calf stuffed with straw which was put to a cow who had lost her calf to make her continue to give milk. I believe the suggestion was that these Bishops held the title to enable the Royal favourites to draw the revenues. In 1585-6 there are two entries which are also of some historical interest. One is as follows: — "Item paide for ringing " when Babington w"^ thother tray tors were ap'hended and weare takenn and alsoe when the queene of scotts was behedded. " (The word ' behedded ' is struck through with a pen and the words ' pclamed conspirator to ye queen and owr realrae ' " substituted), iij^ iiij." INTRODUCTION. V Stow's account of this is as follows, page 363 : — " In the month of July, divers Traitorous persons were apprehended, and detected of most wicked conspiracy against h6r " Majesty, and also of minding to have stirred up a general rebellion throughout the whole realm; For joy of whose apprehension " the Citizens of London on the 15* of the same month at night and on the next morrow caused the bells to be rung, and bonfires " to be made, and also banquetted every man according to his ability, some in their houses, some in the streets, with singing of " Psalms and praising God for preserving of Her Majesty, and people of this land : which doings of the Citizens were so well " accepted of Her Majesty, as by letters to them directed may appear." Stow mentions that these Traitors were fourteen in number, and among them was A. Babington, Esquire. " On the 6th December, the Lord Mayor of London, assisted with divers Earls, Barons, the Aldermen in their scarlet, " the principallist pfficers of the City, the greatest number of gentlemen of the best account in and about the City, with the " number of eighty of the gravest citizens in coats of velvet and chains of gold, all on horse back, in most solemn and stately " manner, by sound of four trumpets, about ten of the clock in the forenoon, made open and public proclamation and declaration " of the sentence lately given by the nobility against the Queen of Scots, under the great Seal of England, bearing date at " Richmond, the fourth of December being openly read by Master Sebright, Town Clerk of London, and with loud voice " solemnly proclaimed by the Sergeant at Arms of the said City, in four several places to wit, at the Cross in Chepe, at the " end of Chancery Lane in Fleet Street, over ogainst the Temple, at Leaden Hall comer, and at St. Magnus comer, near " London Bridge ; During which time like solemn proclamations were made with great solemnity in the country of Middlesex, " namely, in the Pallace at Westminster, without Temple Bar, and in Holborn, by the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, " assisted with sundry noblemen and gentlemen of good account, and the Justices of Peace in the said Country, to the great " and wonderful rejoicing of the people, as it seemed, ringing of bells, making of bonfires and singing of Psalms." Later on in the same year is another entry in the Account Book : — " Item paide for ringing one the daye of thexecution " of ye skotts queene ij^" There is no reference to the Spanish Armada. Under date 1596 is the following entry: — "pd for Ryngers, when my lord of essex Came whom from Calles, vj^" There is no doubt that the word in this entry is Calles, and yet I cannot say that there was much cause for rejoicing at the return of the English from Calais. Stow gives the foUowing account of it, page 403 : — " The ninth of April being Good Friday, in the afternoon the Lord Mayor and Aldermen were sent from the sermon " in Pauls Churchyard and f ortwith upon precept from the Council pressed a thousand men, which was done by eight of the " clock the same night, and before the next morning they were purveyed of all manner of furniture for the warres ready to " have gone toward Dover, and so to the aid of Callis against the Spaniards, but in the afternoon of the same day they were " all discharged, and on the eleventh of April being Easterday about ten of the clock came a new charge, so that all men " being in the parish Churches ready to have received the Communion, the Aldermen, their Deputies and Constables were " faine to close up the Church doors till they had pressed so many to be soldiers that by twelve of the Clock they had in " the whole City a thousand men, and they were forthwith furnished of Armour and weapons, &c., and they were for the most " part that night and the rest on the next morning sent away to Dover, as the like out of other parts of the realm, but " returned again about a week after, for the French had lost Callis, Sac, and in June, 1598, the town of Callis was quietly " restored back to the French." From the City records it seems that the Queen obtained £19,000 from the City on this occasion, which was contributed no doubt under the impression that Calais was to be recovered for the English. There is no question as to the interest that the City took in Calais, and the disappointment at the result, and yet in the City records the expedition is described as , " successful." (Remembrancia, page 244). In the same year the Earl of Essex did go to Cadiz, and returned home, as Stow says, " with great booties and spoUs.' Perhaps the citizens mistook Calles for Cadiz. ¦^1 INTRODUCTION. The advent of King James introduces a new item of charge. Under date 1604 there is the foUowing : — "pd the 5*" of " August for ij bookes to be Reade on thatt daye 00 . 01 . 4." This book was a Form of Prayer relating to a matter with which the English were not greatly concerned, namely — " a form of Prayer with thanksgiving to be used by all the Kings Majestys " loving subjects every year the 5* of August being the day of His Highnesses happy deliverance from the traitorous and " bloody attempt of the Earl of Gowrie and his brother with their adherents." The story of this curious attempt is well known; but the introduction of prayers for it into England marks a new era. In the year 1586 Sir Walter Raleigh had fitted out an expedition to found a Colony in Virginia. Among those who accompanied him on his journey was one, Thomas Harriote, who wrote an account of the voyage and a favourable description of the country. Mr. Harriote was a frequent resident in the parish, with his friend Mr. Buckner ; indeed he died at his house, in 1622. At a later period of Sir Walter Raleigh's life, when he had been committed to the Tower, Mr. Harriote was his constant companion. He had always kept up his interest in Virginia, and, with his friend Mr. Buckner, was instrumental in promoting the colonization of that country. There are several entries in the accounts of this time upon this subject. In 1618 there is this entry : — " Payd to the lord mayor more then I could collect for the sendinge the Children to Virginia " 00 . 19 . 03," and, in 1621, " Rd of the pishioners to send Child" to Virginia 003 . 10 . 05," and " pd the Chamberlayne to send " Chil : to Virginia 004 . 05 . 05." This would point to a general collection by the Chamberlain of London of money for this purpose. In the year 1623, among the receipts there is the foUowing entry : — " Rd of the pishoners to send ChUdren to £ e. d. £ s. d. " Virginia 3.9. 3^," and among the payments : — "paid Sir Thomas Lowe to send child to Virginia 3 . 18 . 6." In the year 1625 it would appear that there was an attempt to give the poor work for, I find the foUowing entry : — " Rec' of the pishonars to buy Hempe for the poore to spyn 08 . 10 . 04," and among the disbursements in the same year : — " paid " for hempe and for spinning 05 . 00 . 00 ;" and at the audit of the accounts, the balance of the hemp money was paid to " Mr. Forman, the incoming Churchwarden. In 1633 and '34 Mr. Alderman Sir Thomas Moulson, Lord Mayor, resided in the parish, and it became necessary to decorate his pew, and there are the foUowing entries : — " Pd to Carver for carving the sword case and two beasts on my Lord Mayor's pew 2.5.0. " To the painter for painting and gilding sword case £2." And in the following years, 1634 and 1635, there is a charge to the gilder for gilding the beasts at the Lord Mayor's pew and colouring the door and wall 13° 4''. Sir S. Moulson sat as one of the Members for the City of London in the first Parliament in King Charles the First's reign. I wUl now mention one or two items which are of particular interest to the parish. The parish were, and still are {pace the Charity Commissioners) owners of a property in Fleet Street. It is not worth while here to state the circumstances in which the property became theirs. It, like other parish property in the City, was seized by King Edward the Sixth, and was bought back by the parishioners. At the time it was bought back it was tenanted by a man of the name of Witton, under a long lease. This Mr. Witton, in 1588, finding himself in the premises, refused to pay rent or to go out, and contested the right of the parish to their property. It fortunately happens that the whole Bill of Costs relating to the trial with Witton is set out at length in the Account Book. Witton's case is not quite clear, but it seems he considered that the property was forfeited to the Crown, and expected to get a grant to himself. The case came on for trial at the sittings in London, after Trinity Term, held in the Guildhall. The full particulars will be found at page 19. A special verdict, which was equivalent to a special case for the opinion of the Court, was agreed to, and this was subsequently argued at Westminster. It resulted in a judgment for the parish. The following are a few of .the items relating to the trial : — x» ij^ xij"* iiij' xxx° iiij' iiij" xx' iij' ix" vij' viij* xxiij' iiij* vjs viij*." INTRODUCTION. Vll " Item payde to the Jurie at guide hall " Item payde to the marshalles man " Item payde for Carpett hire at guilde hall " Item payde to a sergant for warning the Jurie " Item payde to M' sergant Whamsley for his ffee at guilde haU " Item payde to M' Rust the attorney for his ffee at guilde haU " Item payde to M'' Owen for his fee at guilde hall " Item payde more the Clarke of the drapers " Item payde to ix witnesses at xij* the peece " Item payde for copying of the vardit " Item payde to M' Ikynes for drawing the demorro of the spetiall vardit ... " Item payde to M' Rust for a sepina The demurrer of the special verdict, after being made a remanet for three terms, came on for argument, and the judgement was, as I have said, in favour of the parish. The following are the entries relating to this : — " Item payde to M' Owen for his ffee at the having of Judgment x' " Item payde to M' Chibnall for his paynes at the taking of posesion ... ... iij' iiij* " Item payde to the Judges to be given to the poore ij' vj* " Item payde for a dynner for the pishoners at the hauing of Judgniet ... ... iiij' vj* " Item payde for a 7 of Sturgion w"'' was given to my lorde chiefe Justis xxiiij' " Item paide for iiij sugar loffes w* was giuen to the Judges iiij j' I do not know if this was a customary present, or represented a fee. Although the Parish got the verdict, they had to take further proceedings against Witton for arrears of rent ; and the special verdict still left Mr. Witton in possession as tenant, apparently for a further period of forty years. I shall conclude this story with an extract from the Vestry Minute Book : — " The 8* February 1597 there was a view made in the vestry house of the deeds and writings concerning our land in " Fleet Street to find out when M"^ Wittons' lease began, and we find that a lease of 40 years had begun the 6"^ of August, 1585, " as it doth appear by the copy of the special verdict and by a letter of Attorney and a note affixed to the same remaining in " the Chest. Witnesses we whose names are hereunder." Then follow the names. It was also agreed by a general Vestry that " Forasmuch as the said Wotton at sundry times hath much abused the parish " even to their faces making his comparisons with them and that as knaves he found them so knaves he would leave them and " with many other lewd speeches which the parishioners had taken to heart and therefore have agreed and desire the same at " their successors hand that the said Witton may never have nor any of his successors have any new lease of the said " messuages but that the same houses may remain unleased until the lease in possession shaU be ended and then the most to be " made for the parish that will be given for the same." It would be impossible in the course of an introduction necessarily short, to detail all the items of local interest in these books. The operation of the Poor Law is clearly marked ; the manner in which the parishioners kept the money for the poor distinct from that which was applicable to Ecclesiastical purposes ; the care of the sick, particularly in plague time ; the reparation of the church and the manner in which funds were raised for these and other parochial purposes, all find their place in the book. There were three great visitations of plague in the period covered by this book, viz., 1593, 1603 and 1625. These are all referred to in it. In the year 1593 there are the following entries : — " It"" for red wandes and bylles ffor y^ plague vi* " It"" for fowre bookes set out by y* byshope for y* plague viii* « It" more for red wandes ii* These wands were, by order of the Lord Mayor, borne by the searchers, no doubt, to let passers-by give them a wide berth. "Vill INTRODUCTION. In the year 1603 there are some items, from which the foUowing is selected : — £ _ " It™ to the poore of this Parish that were sicke in the last visitation as appeareth by the particulars vi xvi*." In the year 1625 there are several items, from which I select one or two : — "P* to Mr. Willeam Willeamson Cunstabell for sendinge of visited psons to the pest house out of the house of the good- wife Madox in the Castell aUeye 11 . 03 . 04." It was in Madox's house that the plague first declared itself in the parish. " P* for earthen Pannes, CharcoUes, stoue, pich, ffrancomsence & Incence to burn in the streats accordinge to my Lord Major his order and Cost in all 01 . 08 . 04." The items are full of information upon all subjects, from the recasting of the peal of bells by Robert Mott, bellfounder, the third beU of which cost £4 16s., to the sale, in 1618, of the last remains of the old ecclesiastical ornaments of the church, namely, an old carpet in the vestry (made of a cope) for 4s., and an old cope to cover a coffin for £2 10s. This last must have been a valuable piece of embroidery. Excomunications were not unfrequent, and, as the account proves, were used for strange purposes. One of them is amusing. In 1583, one George Paradyn, an old inhabitant, by his will, left the sum of £5 for the poor of the parish. His son and executor, Mr. John Paradyn, omitted (for this is perhaps the most charitable phrase to use) to pay it ; whereupon the Churchwardens took proceedings against him to get him excommunicated. Just as the excommunication was about to be issued against him, Mr. John Paradyn came in, and in consideration of its being staid, gave his promissory note for the amount, payable at the nest Easter. When Easter came, Mr. John Paradyn did not meet his note, but this time the Church wardens had got to windward of him, for they at once entered an action against him in the Common Law Courts, and, as the accounts show, forced him to pay, but then only by two instalments. They seem also to have let him off the costs. The last instance is, I think, in 1639 ; it is as follows : — " P* in charges for absolving M"" Lee, M' Blackwell, M' Hobbs and myself, excomunicated for not £. g. a. redelivering Easter presentment when itt was but M' Dawsons Omition as appears above ... 0 . 13 . 04." The last items I shall give are the following. They speak for themselves : — " 1639, " Deer 19, Paid and allowed of by the Generall Consent of a vestry then helde y* the Charges expended upon Peticon to my Lord Treasurer for and aboute the removing the table and reseiving the Communion as formerly they did before the Table was turned or sett up to the wall ... ... 03 . 12 . 00." The Lord Treasurer was the patron of the living. " 1640 " May. P* in charges upon Peticon to the Parlam' for redresse of innovations 2 . 07 . 00." This was the celebrated Petition got up by Isaac Pennington. Got up, in the worst sense of the word, by an unscrupulous man for an unscrupulous purpose. " 1653. P* Knight for ringing y^ bells when y® Lord Protector dyn att Grocers Hall 00 . 02 . 06." This is, I beUeve, the occasion upon which the Protector Oliver saw the King's Arms still standing in the Hall of the Grocers' Company, which was in the parish. It is noticeable that, however much the authorities may have attempted to abolish such things, in 1658 and 1659 the Churchwardens could still speak of " Christmas," " Easter," and " Holy Thursday," and that on Christmas Day the Church was decorated with " rosemary and bay," and at Whitsuntide with " strowings." The next volume, will begin in 1662, and I hope to carry it down to 1685. I shall then hope, after this is finished, to commence the printing of the Vestry Minute Book and the Book of Records. I must conclude by expressing my obligation to my friends, the late Mr. W. Brace, and to Mr. C. Welch, for the assistance they have given me. 5, Bank Buildings, E.G., January, 1885. The Booke off The yearlye A.ccomptes of the Chur chew ar dens of the Paryshe of S^ Christofers in London. Begon the first Accompt Att Christms 1573. And endinge the same Att Christms Anno 157^ Reoevd of the Churchwarden of St Christop N° the 10th 1633 for a s d breefEe gatherd f or me 09 6 Reed ffebru'ii 8* 1633 of the Churchwardens of S' Christop for a s d breefe of Jaworth 16 06 Robert Edge officer to the Archdeacon of London Reoed fEebruarii the 10'i» of ye Churchward' of S' Christopher for a s breeff for Wilby in the County [ ] 11 p me Ro Booth i.a.) Receaved this sixt of August 1633 of M' Wm Williamson Church warden of the pish of S' Cristophers the some of thirty fouer shillings eight pence for maimd souldiers for on hole yeare I li s d say Reed 1 14 8 p me Richard Parker marshall Receiued March the 10th 1633 from Willm. Williamson flfiftie pounds and it is in pte towards the repairng of the Churche of li S' Christophers 50: Wittnes The J marke of Edward Hamond Tho K KifEord mason Reeeud Aprill 24th 1634 from William Williamson flBfteen pounds towards the money covenanted for doeing the Church wch 15£ li make up what I haue had foure skore pounds I say Reed ... 15 The m'ke "j^ Kifford i.b.) Here after fEoUowyth A notte of x' geven by the wille & testamente of M" Parssone to be dystrebuted in the sighte of the clarke & s'ten others of the m'ohanttayllers, & was done in ower pryshe churche of S' Crystopers the 23 daye of Desember 1577. By m"^ gorge Sowtherton m'chante & Thoma Hasselffiote clarke and fEranees Yemons Bedelle, and mr Henry Bowyer grocer & nowe churche warden and was paide in the p'sence of ower mayster Mr Wm Belane, and ys to be dystrebutyd by the Wille of the gever to xx psones dwellynge in this sayde pryshe vj'' to every psones owne handes & not above nor lesse beynge geven to these psones hereafter foUowythe goodman Yerlyngton ... goodman EgellfEelde ... goodman Thorenton ... mother Comnante wydowe goodman Ralynce mother Colle mother Clebroke mother Jansone goodman ffowller goodman Pryme goodman Howssone goodman Hylle goodman Hankelle goodwyffie G-rene goodman Mentey clarke mother Whithede mother Blanche goodman HefEes goodwyffes Pravis goodwyfEe Clebroks pore man. yjd vj"yjd vjdvjdvjd yjdyjd yjd vjd vjdyjd yjd vjd yjdyjd vjdvjd Sma XX psones 3a.) Thaccompte of Henrye Beeoher Churchewarden of the Parysshe of S' Christo fers in London beginninge at the feaste of the birthe of oure Lorde A° 1575, fEor one whole yeare endinge at the said fEeaste of the Birthe of our Lorde then foUowinge 1576. Reoeits for the Clarkes wagis as fEoUoweth Of fErauncis Gunter for one whole yeare Of Raphaell Smyth for one whole yeare Of Willyam Yarrington for one quarter Of Robert Cudner for one yeare Of Nycholas Barnsley for one whole yeare Of Willyam Weldon for one whole yeare Of Rowlande Elrington for one whole yeare Of wedowe Kelke for one whole yeare Of Henrye Beecher for one whole yeare ... Of Rycharde Candler for one whole yeare Of Peter Vegleman for one whole yeare ... Of John Taylor & John Atkinson for one yeare Of John Lewes for one whole yeare Of John Nutshawe for one whole yeare Of Robert Thornton for one whole yeare Of Rycharde Heyes for one whole yeare ... Of Adam Wheatley for one whole yeare Of Adrian Breakpott for one whole yeare ... ... Of wedowe Lawrence for one whole yeare Of Thomas Adams for one whole yeare Of Rychard Swarlande for one whole yeare Of wedow Basf orde for one whole yeare Of John Mathewe for one whole yeare ... Of William Wilkins for one whole yeare ... Of wedowe Whjrthead for one whole yeare Of Thomas Cotton for one whole yeare Of M' Kettson for one whole yeare Of William Ramsey for one whole yeare Of Thomas Allen after xvi" the q"' Amounts 2.b.) Of Roger Rigbye for one whole yeare Of Willm. Thorowgood for one whole yeare Of George Paradyne for one whole yeare ... Of Raphe Boswell for one whole yeare ... Of John Craddocke for iij qtrs. the rest voyde ... Of Robert Yowar for one whole yeare Of John Younge for one whole yeare Of Harry Al warde for one whole yeare Of Henry Boyer for one whole yeare Of Thomas Terrill for one whole yeare ... Of John P'son for one whole yeare Of William Ryder for one whole yeare Of John Hutton after xvj" the quarter ... Of wedow Ryckman for one whole yeare ... Of John Downes for j qtr. of a yeare Of Rychaid Gillamor for one whole yeare The AUey Of Rychard Sprag for one whole yeare Of Rycharde Ho wson for one whole yeare The Churcheyarde Of John Strawhan for one whole yeare ... Of fEulke Pigott for one whole yeare vj' viij" ij" ij" j" iiij" vj' viij" vij" iiij" vij' iiij" j' iiij* X' viij" iiij' X' viij* viij' j" viij" viij" j' iij' iiij* ij' viij* j' iiij* iij' iiij" ij" viij" j' iiij* ij' viij" j' iiij" j' iiij" ij' x' viij* iiij' V iiij" iiij' iiij' y. iiij* iij' iiij* iiij' vj* iiij' vj" iiij' vj' viij" vj' viij* iij' iiij* v iiij* v« iiij* ij' j' j" iiij' iiij* Vll]"viij" i"3" viij'' b2 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. ix" vj' v" yijli yjS jd VJ" Some Receaved this yeare A" 1576 for the Clarkes wagis Amounteth by the ptycuUers More Receaved for the ffoote of WUliam Thorowgood his Accompte of Churchwardenship for the pyshe of S' Christofers for the yeare of o' Lorde 1575 wch was geven up the iiij'^ of Aprell 1577 & then Audyted, Some R'=" of Mr Aldreman Dixse for halfe a yeares allowance towards the Clarks wagis due the laste yeare. As appere th by Wm. Thorowgood his Accompt x' Soma Totalis of the whole receit of Henry Beechers Ace" Am° xvij" ij' 3.a.) Payements for the Dyschardgs of this Accompte Imprimis Pd. for this Booke to wryte the Churchwardens Accompte in iij' Pd. to John Myntye Clarke his whole yeares wagis endinge at Cristms 1576 some iij" Pd to the Skavenger for his dewe one yeare at midsom'^ last ... ... ... ... ... Pd for iij pints of muscaden th j of Novembre last Pd to the Ryngers the xvij"i of Novembre Pd for Bromes xij" & for Russhes vj" all Pd for skowringe of the Egle in the Churche Pd for nayles to mende the Pewes Pd to M' Wheatly for one dayes work in the Churche ... Pd for xj foote of boorde pd & for j quarter iij" all Pd for a potle of muscaden on Cristms daye Pd due to me Henry Becher for one whole [year] at Christms laste for the watercourse throughe my grownde Some... ... ... Pd for a booke of Homelyes for the church being iij Toomes Other chardgs pd oute before the geving up this Ace" Pd to Eglesfild for the skavenger for halfe a yeare to com Pd for warning the churchwardens before tharchdeacon Pd for iij pints of malmsey the second sonday before eastr. Pd for a quarte of malmesey the 25 m'che laste Pd for wyne & breade the Sundaye before Easter Pd to M' Babbam for regestring the Artycles Pd to Bisshopps officer for bringing them... Pd for wyne & bread on Easter daye & monday following Pd for wyne & bread the seeonde sondaye after Easter... viij" Pd to John Myntys Clark his quartridg due at o"' Lady daye 1577 xv" 1]' j' ij' j' vj" vj* iij* j' ii» j' j" j' iiij" j' iiij' j' viij" j' viij* j" iiij* iiij" j' viij" Some of All the payements v" j» ijd The Chardge of this Accompt ffor Readye mony Receaved Amounts xvij" ij' vj" The Dischardge for Readie mony Pd oute as apereth doth amounte ... v" j' ij* So Resteth for the fEoote of this Accompt in readye money. Some xij" j' iiij" This AcC of Henry Beecher churchewarden for the yeare past Audyted by us whose names are hereunder wryten And we fynde the Reste of the said Ace° to be just xij" j' iiij" Audited this xxviij"> of Aprell A" 1577 per me Gul. Hal.„ ^y me fErauncis Gunter de Londn. ministni. By me Nicholas Barnsley bv me Henry Alward 3.b.) Debtes due to the Paryshe of S' Christofers to be Receaved in by the next warden wch. are due by dyvers for the clarkes wagis 1577 for one whole yeare endinge att the sayd birthe of our lord then folowinge 1578 Receyts for the clarks wages as folowethe Off m' Alderman Dixe for one whole yeare ... ... of fErancis Gunter for one whole yeare ... ... of Williame fEoule for halfe a yeare of Robarte Cudner for one whole yeare ... ... of WiUiame Yearington for one whole yeare of Nicholas barnslie for one whole yeare ... of WilUame Welden for one whole yeare of Rowland Elrington for one whole yeare of wedowe Kelle for one whole yeare ... ... ... of Henrie becher for one whole yeare of Rycharde Candler for one whole yeare... of Petar Vegelman for one whole yeare ... ... of Henrie topsfelde for one whole yeare of John leves for one whole yeare... of Robarte thornetone for one whole yeare of Ry chard heyes for one whole yeare of Adame wheatlie for half e a yeare ... of Adriane breakepott for one whole yeare of widdowe Lawrence for one whole yeare of Thomas Adams for one whole yeare of Ryehard Swarlande fore one whole yeare of wedowe basforde for one whole yeare of wood the peuterar for one whole yeare of widdowe whithead for one whole yeare of thomas Cotten for one whole yeare of m"' ketchen for one whole yeare of wUliame Ramsye for one whole yeare ... of Thomas AUin for one whole yeare of Roger Rigbie for one whole yeare of George paradine for one whole yeare ... of Rafe boswell for one whole yeare ... of Williame Rider for one whole yeare ... of John Younge for one whole yeare of Nycholas fEuUer for one whole yeare of Henrie Alwarde for one whole yeare ... of Henrie boyer for one whole yeare of Thomas terrell for one whole yeare of luke bedforde for iij q' of a yeare of Williame Davis for f of a yeare... of John Downes for iij q' of a yeare 6.b.) of weddowe Rickman for one whole yeare of Ryehard gillmore for one whole yeare The AUie of Thomas Spragge for one whole yeare of Ryehard Hill for one whole yeare of Ryehard housen for one whole yeare ... The Church yearde of John Strawhande for one whole yeare of fEulke piggot for one whole yeare of Jeames velier for one whole yeare of John Hoocke for one whole yeare ... viij* 111]" Vll]* Vll]" 111]" iiij* viij* viij* Vll]"viij*viij* Ul]" Ul]" viij* Vll]* iuj* 3' Ul]" viij' T viij* iiij' ij' viij* iiij' i' iiij* iij' iiij* iiij' viij' iij- iiij* iiij' iiij' vj* iij' vj* ix j' j' Sum Receyved this yeare Anno 1578 for the Clarks wages amontethe by the perticulars vnto More Rd by the foote of M' Henrie boyers accompte of Churchewardenshippe for the pishe of sayncte Christophers for the yeare of our lorde 1577 whiche yjli T 111]" viij* iiij* y iiij* viij* j' 7.a.) was geven vp the first daye of marche 1577 & then Auditede. Some ... ... ... More Rd of M"^ Alderman Dixe w"'' was due by M"' Henrie bechers accompt amonts vnto some of Rd of wiUiame yearington due by him the same yeare ... Rd of M"- fEuUer forthe buriaU of his childe the lO"* daye of Aprell some of ... Rd for the buriall of Adriane breakpott the 25* daye of Maye Some of Rd for the buriall of Adam wheatlye and for the knell and the grave the 20th of november some of Rd for the buriaU of M"'' Jaykes mayde & for the knell and the grave the 25"^ daye of november some Rd for the buriaU of M"' Riders man for the knell and the grave the 29"' daye of november some Rd for the beU and the grave of W Ramseys childe ... Rd for the grave of M"' AUins daughter some of Rd for the grave of M'''« brock 29*'" of november some ... Rd for the buriaU of foules wyfEe the taylor 10* of december Soma totalis of the whole receyte of Rowlande Elringtons acompte amontethe vnto some of Debters due to the sayd acompte as vnder Thomas wUks owethe for one whole yeare William foule for half e a yeare John notshawe dead for one whole yeare ... John Egelsfelde for one whole yeare ' ... Adame wheatlie deade for half e a yeare ... John mathew for one whole yeare Williame throrogood for one whole yeare ... ... Williame Redshawe for one whole yeare ... Robarte yeward for one whole yeare Luke bedf ord for one quarter of a yeare Ryehard gilliam for one whole yeare Williame Davis for 3^ of a yeare John Downes for J of a yeare John Chaddock for one whole yeare Robarte linge for one whole yeare Some of thes debtes is , Payments for the discharge of this Acompte Paid vnto John minte the Clarke for his whole years wages endinge att Christmas Anno 1578 some of Pd more unto minte for washinge of the linnen of y* church Pd for wine to the comunion laid out by mente at 3 tymes Pd more unto minte for wine to the comunion the 30 marche Pd vnto the clarke for his due & is for burienge of M' fuUars childe 10* of Aprell some of ... ... Pd vnto the dark for wine to the comunion 18* aprell ... Pd laid out by the clarke for mindinge of the church Pd to the clarke for his dutie & is for buringe of M"^ breakpott the 25 daye of maye some of... Pd vnto the clarke for wine to the comunion 20 of Julie... Pd vnto minte for the knell & makinge vp the grave for M'' Wheatlie the 20* daye of november some of Pd for the knell & makinge vp the grave for clabrocks mayd Pd for the buriall of her to the clarke 20* of november ... Pd for the beringe of hur to the churche Pd by minte to a woman for keepinge of the bocher and his wife by the comandemente of the Alderman 25 novembr Pd to minte for the knell & makinge vp the grave for M'^'' Jaykes mayde the 26 daye of november some of Pd vnto minte for the knell & makinge up the grave for M'' Ridars man the 29 daye of november some of ix" xviij' j* vuj* xiij" iiij* xiij' iiij* xiij' iiij* xiij" iiij* V" V]' viij* V]" viij* vj' viij* XX] " 11]" ]¦ V]" Vll]* Vll]" vuj* iiij* -is iiij* ij' viij* -|i iiij* -il ij* j' viij* i" ij"* iij* ij' viij* viij* XV]' 11]" 111]' iij' ij' Ul]" j" 111]" 111]' Ul]* V]» iuj" iuj* iuj" Ulj* Accomptes of the Churchewardens of ihe Paryshe of St. Christofers in Lortdon. iij' iiij* iij' \-af vuj* iij' iiij* V]* 7 b.) 8. a.) 1]'ij' Pd unto minte for the knell and the grave for M' Ramseys childe the 29 daye of november some of Pd vnto minte for makinge vp the grave of M'' AUins doughter Pd for a poUe to swepe the church and for a baskete to carry out the eayrth out of the churche 29 of november ... Pd unto minte for makinge vp the grave of M* brooks 29 novembr Pd for 3 books of prayor for y« queue the 16 of november... Pd for wine to the comunion the 9* day of november some of Pd unto minte for his dutie & is for burienge of foules wifEe the taylor the 10* daye of December some of Pd unto goodwife clabrock to be laid out by goodman mi[n]te 14 decembr Pd for a lock & keye for the church yeard dore the 1 9 decembr Pd for bromes for the church laid out by minte 1 9 december Pd laid out by minte forringinge of the quensday 19 december Pd vnto the dark for wine to the comunion 1'' of Januarie Pd vnto M' Becher the 3 of Januarie in full paymente of 2 years rent due by M' boyer & rowland elrington churchwardens for the watercourse thorowe his grounde ending at Christmas in Anno 1578 some of Pd vnto the carpentur for 30 foots of bords the 8* Januarie Pd for a doble quarter & halfe 100 of nayles 8* of Januarie Pd to a workman for halfe a dayes work 8* of Januarie ... Pd to goodman minte and his for a quartars wages by the hands of his wife whiche is due at our ladie daye next comminge beinge payd him before hand by the appoynt- mente of the parrishe att the vestre which was payd the 20 of Januarie ... Soma of the payments Amonts to The xxiiij* daye Decembr Anno 1578 The Charge of this Accompte kepte by Rowland Elryngton for redy mony receyved as apeirs by the ptyculars after wrytten is The Dyscharge of this Accompte wch hath byne payd owt in redy monye as by the ptyculars thereof af orewry tton apeirs amonts to ... ... ... ... Soo Restethe of the fEoott of this Accompt beinge Delyvered vppe too m' Thomas aUen Churchewarden for this next yere comyng in redye monye the some of This accompt of Rowland Elrington Churchewarden for this yere past Awdited by us whose names are herunder writtin this second daye of fEebruary 1578 and we fynd the rest of the same accompt to be as afEoresaid the some of fEoretene powndes tow shilUngs and v* Harry Bech' Ri; Candeler George padine The ij" daye of fEebr 1578 afEoresaid Reeevid of Rowland Elrington for the fEoote of this accompt the some of iforetene powndes towe shiUings and fyve pence and also one Comewnion Cupe w* A cover and a patten aUgylte xiiij" ij' v" By me thomas alen The accompt of Thoms AUyn Churchewarden of the prishe of S' Christophers in London begening at the feast of the birth of o'' lord A" 1578 for one whole yere ending at the same fest 1 579 Receipts for y« clarks wagis yjll XX]" V]" XUl]" ]' V]* ]" ij» M"' Alderman Dixsey for a q'" Thomas WUks for the quarter ffraunois Gunter ... WiUm fEowle Roburt Cudner Willm Yearington iij" iiij" & yere ij" yere xij* — Xllj" Ulj* viij* Ul]" 11] d _ Vll]" xij* viij* Nichas Barnsley xij" yere Willm Welden xvj" — Rolande Elrington xvj* — Widdow Kelk ij* — Honry Beecher ... xx* — Richard Candler ix* — Peter Vegelman ij° — Henry Tapsfylde xij* — John Leaves ij* — Richard Robinson for ij quarters ... iij* — Robart Thornton ij* — Richard Hayes ij* — Henry Suker iiij* — Widdow Brekpott iiij" — Widdow Lawrence... iiij* — Thomas Addams iiij* — Widdow basford iij" — John Mathew John Wood ij* — John Heath iij* — Widdow Whythedd j* — Thomas Cotton ij* — John Kytchin ... ij' — WiUm Ramsey vj* — Thomas AUyn xij* — Roger Rigbye ,.. viij* — WiUm Throughgood George Pardyne xij* — Raphe BosweU iiij* — Willm Ryder x* — Homphfrey Strete iij* — Richard Swarlande v* — 8.b.) John Young M"^ Nichas Fuller Henry AUworth Henry Boyer Richard Haynes Thomas TirreU Lewk Bedforde Willm Davys ... John Downes Widdowe Rickman Richard Gylmer In the Alley and Thomas Spragg Richard Hills Richard Howson John Strahand fEulk Pyggott John Hooke John Eglesfyld Sum of Clarks wagis Rd. of Willm Yearington for the buryall of his wyie in y" churche Rd. of Nicholas Barnsley for buryall of his childe in y^ churche vj" viij* Sum of receits f or buryalls 9.3. Rd more by the foote of the Accompte of Rowland Elrington as maye appeere y" Somm of fowrteene poundes towe shiUings V* Sum totalis of the whole receites of y*' accompte ... xxji' The Dischardge for this presennt Accompte fol. Item pd to Thoms Cotton ow' dark© for three 111]' V"v vj"iij' viij" iiij" iii 4 111]iiij* viij* viij* viij* vj* viij* viij* xvj* xvj* xvj* xvj* xij* Vll]* Ul]" viij* Vll]" ij" iiij" ij' iij* iiij" \ ij' viij' X* iij' iiij" xij* iiij" iij" xij" xij* iiij' iij* xij* vj* ij' yjd ij' iij" xij" iij" ^#1 ri TTi-k r\ Y.rl xij" rcnyee iiij" ra xvj" XXX]' 1]" iiij" ij*ij* VU]" iiij" xvj*viij* viij" NUiUl V]" viij* V]" Vll]' XU]' xiuj" 1]' Ul]" iii* Vll] XV]d 11]' Ul]* xij* XX* V" vij* quarters of a yere his wagis TXf 8 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. Item pd unto him for wasshing y^ churche dothes iiij' Itm pd to y<= scavinger for y"= whole yere ... ... ij' Itm pd goodwyfe Mynty geven by a vestrye ... V Itm pd at Sanct Magnus y^ Archedeacons visitacon for y« Articles & Answering of them xij* Item pd for the Curates dynnar the same tyme ... xij* Item for Broomes and mending of towe keyes ... xij* Item for a new hindge & mending of pews ... vj* Itm f or Scowring of the fawlcon xij* Itm for a rope to the saunce bell viij* Itm for Ringing on y= queenes birthe day ... xij* Itm for Ringing at y' raign of y« queene xviij* Itm pd at Sanct Lawrence being the Bisshoppes visitacon for the Articles and Answering them xij* Item payde for an owre glasse for y^ prechers... iiij* Item payde for a key for the churche AUey gate viij" Item payde at S* Lawrens at visitacon of ye bisshops chauncelor for tharticles and for the answering of them xij* Item paide for xviij" waight of ropes at ij* ob y^ pound iij' ix* Item paide for a pounde of sope accupyed to y* bells ' iij* Item paide for mending a haspe and a staple for a beU vj* Item paide for a booke of orders for y* poore monthly iij" Item paide for an other visitacon at Sanct Magnus w* y' Articles and the Answering of the same xij* Itm pd more for articles the same tyme by y' syde men viij* Itm pd for broomes and for a whyt brushe ... ix* Itm pd y* glazier for six foote of glasse at vj* the foote iij* Item paide y* carpinter for mending a bell wheele viij* Item paide for mending pewes and churche alley gate xvj* Item paide for communion bred & wyne y' whole yere x' Item pd to owr dark for ij graves making in ye churche vj' viij* Item pd for carrying awaye of rubbishe vj* Itm pd to thomas Cotton ou"^ dark for wryting y" acompt xij* Sum of the payments amountes to ... ... v" xij' j.b.) The Chardge of this Accompt kept by Thomas AUyn for ready monney Receaued as Appeere th By the pticulers Afore wrytten is xxj" iiij' vij* The Dischardge of this Accompt whiche hath byn payde owte in ready monney as by the pticulers therof Afore wrytten Appeers to mount to ... v'' xij' So resteth pf the foote of this Accompt being Deliuered vp.to the haundes of M"' fErauncs Gunter churche warden for this yere w"'' began at xpistmas last past in Redy monney the som of ... ... xv" xij' vij* This Accompt of Thoms AUyn churchwarden for this yere past Awdited by vs whose names are heere vnder wrytten this xij* daye of May 1680 and we fynde the rest of the same Accompt to be as Afore sayde the some of fyftene pounds twelve shiUings and seven pence By me Robert Fishe Curate By me Roger Rigby p me Henry Toppesfild By me Willm Ryder The xxv* daye of June A" 1580 Receaued of Thomas AUyn for the foote of this Accompt the som of fyfeteene poundes twelve Shillings and seven pence and also one communion cuppe w* A cover and also A patten of SUver all of them gylt. Detts Due to the Accompt of fErauncs Gunter and is for the yeere next heerafter fEoUowing Peeter Vegelman '"'U]' John Kytchin viij' Roger Riggbey iJ' ^ij* Rog'' Riggbey for througoods howse ij' 8* WiUiam Yearington Rowland Elrington John Wood Robart Thornton M"' TirreU for Mathews howse M'' Parradyn for widdo basford Willm fEowle Thorns WUks John Downes ... John Hooke Richard Hills XV]" XV]* xij* viij* p* payde ij' VU]" Sum yjd lo.a.) The Accompt of fEraunces Gunter Churche Warden of the Parrishe of Sainct Cristophers in london begening at the feast of the birth of oure Savior Christ A" 1579 and is for one whole yeere ending at the same feast A» 1580 Receipt of Clarks wageis and for the Pews in the churche M'- Alderman Dixsey for a qter iij' iiij* & yere xiij iiij* Thomas Wilkes for a quarter ij* & yer viij* fErauncis Gunter for a q**'' William fEowle for the q*' Robart Cudner for a q*' William Yearington Nicholas Barnesley WUliam Welden Rowland Elrington Widdowe Kelke Henry Beecher ... Richard Candeler Peeter vegelman ... ij' Henry Tapsfilde John Leaves Richard Rauenscroft Robart Thornton Richard Hayes Henry Suker Widdow Brekpot ... ... Widdow Laurens Thomas Addams Richard Swarland lo.b.) George Parradyne for widdow basforde Thomas TirreU for Mathews howse John Wood for y" quarter John Heathe quarter Widdow Why thead y» qtr Thomas Cotton by y^ qtr Thoms fformau y' qf ij' Israeli Owyn y^ qtr Thomas AUyn y^ qtr ... Roger Rigbey y" quarf Roger Rigbey for thrughgoods howse George Parradyne ... Raphe Boswell ... WiUm Ryder Homphrey strete John Young xij" iiij' ij* ii] xij* ij* xij* iiij' xij* iiij' xvj* v iiij* ij* viij" XX* vj viij* ix* iij' xij* iiij' ij* viij* iiij* xvj* i] viij* ij* viij* iiij* xvj* uij* ' xvj* iiij* xvj* iiij* xvj* V* xx" iij* iiij* ij* viij* iij* xij* i* iiij* ij* viij* vj* ij* xij* iiij' vuj* viij* xij* iiij' iiij* xvj* X* iij' iiij* iij* xij* iij* xij* Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. M' Nichas fEuUer Henry Alworth ... Henry Boyer Richard Haynes Thomas TirreU ... Lewke Bedford ... Arnolde Richardson John Downes Widdow Rickman Richard Gilmer ... Lawrence Wethers Thomas Spragg ... Richard Hills Richard Howson John Strawhand fEowlk Pygot John Hooke Richard Robinson XI] " XI]" iij" vjd VU]' iij' iiij" iiij' ill]' 1]' In y= Alley and churche yeard Sum V]' ii.a.) Rd by the foote of the accompt of Thomas AUyn as doth and maye playnely appeere the Sum of fyfeteene poundes twelve shillings and seven pence Rd for the grave of M"' Tirrells childe ... vj' Rd for the grave of John Wood pewterer... vj' Rd for y' grave & knyll of Mistris Rigsbye xiij' Rd for y= grave & knyll of Richard Swarlande xiij' Vll]" viij" iiij* iiij XI]" iij" xij" iij" xij" iiij" xvj" ij" viij" j" iiij" iiij" xvj" ij" viij" ij^ viij" ij" viij" 111] XI]' VI] xl' id Suma Totalis of ye whole Receipts of this Accompt xxij" xviij' xj* Heareafter followeth payments and the dischardge of this Accompt Item pd vnto Thomas Cotton o'^ dark his yeers wagis ... iiij" Item pd vnto him more for 1 qtr before M'^ Allins accompt gevevpp .. XX" Item pd for wasshing the church clothes all the whole yeere ... ... ... iiij' Item pd for A key & mending the lock going vp into y" leadea ... ... x" Item pd at y^ bisshops visitacon at Sanct Magnus • ... xij* Item pd for Dinnar at the same tyme w"^ y^ curate & sydmen iij' vj* Item for A bill of y'' articles geven in to y" office after y" daye ... ... ... x" Item for bookes of prayers after the tyme of the Earthquake xij* Item paide for A book" of the queenes Iniunctions ... iiij* Item paide for mending of the keye of the vestrye ... iiij" Item payde for A bawlderick for one of the Bells ... xij* Item payde for A bill of warning brought by y" somne' iiij" Item payde for Broomes & brusshes for the windowes ... xvj'^ Item for mending y" olde surplus and Banding of y' newe xij" Item pd the dark for twoo graves being made in y" churche vj' viij" Item pd for carrying Awaye of certaine Rubbisshe ... vj" Item pd the Smith for hindges and Iron woork in y* churche ... ... ... ... ... xiij" Item pd more in chardgis as conserning the visitations ... iiij' Item pd (as concerning the howses & lande w* M"' Wytton dwelleth in & lying in fleete strete) to dyvers lawyers and chardge therto belonging ... xxxiiij" vj'i Item pd to goodman graye for meding y= great bell clapper cu al' ... ... iij' Itm pd for mending the churche doore keyes & locks ... viij" Item pd y= clarck for the knill and grave of M"'' Riggbye in the churche iiij' iiij" Item pd more to him for the grave & knyll of M'' swarland buryed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... iiij' iiij"' ii-b.) Item paide to Thomas Cotton o' clarck for wryting in to the Great Reigester booke of the pishe A coppy of lease made unto Nicholas Barnesley and John Woodsbawe &c with towe Lres of attumey and also a coppye of the Will of vj' Item paide unto Richard Robinson the Carpinter for a newe lattys or grate in the bellfrey and mending other things in y'= churche / v]' Item paide to the scavinger for the whole yeeare ij' Item paide to Gilmar the glasier for new glasse and for mending Divers places whear most neede was ... ix' iiij" Item paide for the bill of articles geven upp to M' godd. . . vj" Item paide for ij hasshocks that needed for the p'cher &o vj" Item paide for carrying a waye of olde matts at divers times vj* Item paide for comunion bred and wyne the whole yeere xj" Item paide for writing and pfecting this accompt ... xij* Item paide for ringing at y^ birthday & coronacon daye of y'= queene iij' Item paide Thomas Cotton for a yere for the scavinger... xij* Som' of the payments Amounts to The chardge of this accompt kept by fErauncis Gunter for redy monney Receaued as appeareth by pticulers afore writte ... The dischardge of this accompt whiche hath byn payde owte in redye monney as by pticulers thereof afore written appeers to be Soe resteth of the foote of this accompt being deliuered to the hands of M'^ William Ryder churchewarden for this yeere whiche beganne at the feast of the natiuiti of o'^ Savio' Christ last past in redy money xij" iiij" vj" This accompt of fErauncs Gunter churche warden for y' yere past Awdited by vs whose names are heere vnder written this xxviij* of June and wee fynde the rest of the same Accompt to be as aforesaide the som of twelve poundes fowre shillings & sixe pence 12 4 6 p me Barthol: Bowssett p me thomas alen p me Henry Toppesfild p me thomas tyrrell The xxviij* daye of June A° 1581 Receaued of fErauncs Gunter for the foote of this accompt of Redy monney Sum xij" iiij' vj" and also one comunion cuppe w* a cover & also a patten silver & gilt all of them I2.a.) The accompt of WiUiam Ryder Churche warden of, the parrishe of Sainct Christophers in london beginning at the feast of the birth of ow'' Savio'' Christ A" 1580 and is for one whole yeerfe ending at the same feast A° 1581 Receipts of Clarks wagis And for the Pewes in the Churche Xll]' xxij" xviij* XUl]" X]" M'' Alderman Dixsey the qtr , Thomas Willks for a qtr fErauncs Gunter for a qtr William fEowle for the quart' , Robart Cudner for the qtr William Yearington for a quarter Nicholas Barnesley for a quarter William Welden for a quarter Doctor Nepheos for a qter Widdow Kelke for a qtr Henry Beecher for a qter Richard Candler for a qter Peter Vegelman for a qter Henry Tapsfylde for y' qrter . John Leaves for the quarter II]' iiij* & yeere xiij' iiij" ij" & yere viij" xij" yeere iiij' ij*- iij* xij" ij* xij" iiij' xij" iiij' xvj" ij* viij" XX* yj« 8" ix* iij' viij' xij* iiij' VU]" 10 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. Richard Ravenscrof t the qrter Robart Thornton the qrtr Richard Hayes for a quarter Henry Suker a quarter CorneUs Camyer a quarter Widdow lawrens the qter Thomas Addams the qter JefErey Leanarde the qter (sic.) M" Brown Thomas Turner the qrter George Grave the qter I3.b.) Martyn Mayer John Heath the qrtr Widdow why thed qrtr Thomas Cotton the qrt Thomas fEorman qrtr IsraeU Owyn y« qrtr George Paradyne qt Roger Rigby the qrtr Roger Rigby for throghgood ... (sic.) M' Paradyne Edward Ryder y' qrtr Raphe BosweU qrter Willm Ryder qrtr ... Homphrey Streete qtr John Younge qrtr M"^ Nichas fEuUer qrt Henrye Alward qrt Henry Boyer qrter ... Thomas TirreU qrt Lewke Bedford qrt ... Thomas Smith qrt ... Arnold Richardson qrt John Thompson qrt ... Widdow Rickman qrt John Gybkyn Richard Gylmar In the Alley and Churche yearde Thomas Spragg Richard Hills the qrt Willm Cleyvar qrt Richard Howson qrt ... John Strahan qrt fEowlk Piggot qrt John Hooke qrter ... Richard Robinson qrt Timothy Wheelar M'' Doctor RandaU 1]' iiij" Ul]" 111]" iiij" 111]" ij" iij" j* V]" xij" viij" viij" xij* iiij" 11]" iij" xij" xij* iij" iiij" vj" yjd iij" 11]" 111]" Ul]" V]" Sum ... I3.a.) By the foote of the Accompt of M"' Prauncs Gunter \ as dooth and may playnely Appeere The Summe > of Twelve poundes foure shillings and Sixe pence ) Rd for the funerall of M'' Henry Boyer Rd for the Grave & knyU of M-^ Young Rd for the grave & knyU of Thoms WUks Rd for the Buryall of Richard, Morgan Richards ) Sonne who was prentice to M'' Paradyn ) Rd for the grave of M"' Rigbies childe Rd for the Churche dewties for M' Paradyne... Rd for the Egle of Lattin or brasse Rd for the pillars of the pticion sawne downe .. Rd for the Orgaynes w* certaine olde cubbords .. Rd for the Clocke being very Olde and worne .. Rd for an olde chest in the vestry w*owte use . . Rd for the table of the tenne commaundements.. Sum .. XU]' xiij= xiij' 111]iiij"iiij" id\ Xllj" Ul]" V]' xiij' VU]" iiij" viij" XV]" xvj*xvj"xvj" xvj" XV]" XI]" iiij" viij" viij' j-JB iiij' ii' viij" 1]° viij" Ul]" xvj" iij' iiij" xij" pd vj" viij' iij' iiij" Ul]" 1]' ij' XV]" XI]" XI]" XV]" viij" xvj" viij" viij" ij' vj" ij" ij" xij" iiij' vjd xij" V]" XU]' 111] xlviij' yjd X" X' V" vj" viij' iiij" j XXVU]" VU]' Ul]" Suma totalis of the whole receipts of this Accompt Heare after foUowth the payments & dischardge of this Acompt Item paide vnto Thomas Cotton o' Clarke his wagis iiij qrts Item paide unto him for wasshing the churche cloths y' yere ... ... ... ... Item paide more vnto him for broomes by the yere Item paide for a Bawldrick for one of the beUs... Item paide the Scavinger for j yeere & som reragis Item pd for boate hyer ij sundry tymes to f uUham p dios Item pd for candles to the ringers on the coronacon of y" queen Item pd for a furr pole for swyping the Churche ruffe ... Item paide for a bell Roope & mending of a wheele Item paide for owre dinner at the visitacon at S' Magnus Item pd to M'' Godds office for sundry articles & other things Item pd for a newe Service Booke for y^ minister Item for making cleane the Churche when y' work was ended ... ... Item pd for bromes at y' time & for the woorkmans occupying Item pd for new mattes for y" communicants w* hassocks needeful ... Item for strawing yearbes & flowers when y' work was finished ... I3.b.) Item for paving in the streete before the Church Pd for Glazing & Repayring the Churche windows It) pd the Plasterer for whyting blacking & triming y' churche ... Itm pd the Joyner for formes and certaine works doone in the Churche w* his stufEe belonging therto Item pd the Carpinter for boordes qrters & workmanship Item pd for Deales to make the stepps in y" quyer Item pd the Bricklayer for his workmanship w* his laborer and also for lime sande tyle and Brickes Item pd for Beechen boordes occupyed about y' pticion Item paide the Smith for stayes of Iron and other work Item paide the Painters for their workmanshippe vpon the tenne Commaundements y"^ fEounte & Notamy all together ... Item payde for Coales to warm the cuUers continewaly... Item paide for breade and drinck for them sundry tymes Item paide the Iremonger for Nayles and other thinges... Item paide for the carrying a waye of rubbishe ... Item payde maister Hancoks preaching on cristmas daye Item paide for breade aud wyne to y^ communions all ye yere Item paide for the grave & knyll of M'' Young to y<^ dark Itm paide the claik for grave & knyll of Thomas Wilks Item paide y" Clark for grave & knyll of M' Morgan Richards son Item paide the Clark for y« funerall of M' Boyer & M'' Paradyne ... Itm pd the Clark for y^ grave of M' Rigbeys chylde ... Item pd one the byrth & coronacon dayes of the queene for ringing Item pd Thomas Cotton for wryting & perfecting this accompt ... ... ... ... Ill]" XV]" 1]' ij' yd vj' iiij" ij" xiiij" ij' viij" V]' v ij* V]" viij" xij" iiij" U]" XI]" yli xviij" iij" ij' iij" iiij" v" viij" XV" viij" vj' viij" xiij" X" iij" iiij" vij" viij" iiij" iij' iiij" viij" xij" viij" viij" iiij" v xj' iiij" iiij" iiij' iiij" iiij' iiij" viij" viij" iij' iiij* 11]' XI]" Som of the paymennts Amounts to xxvu]" vij' Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. 11 V]" Soe the remaynerof this Accompt in reddy Monney to be deliv'd to Nichas Barnsley Churche Warden begening at Christmas Last past Anno Domini 1581 Awdited by theis whose names ar hearunder wrytten Per nie Xpoferii Dix Curat' ibidem p me Roger Rigby y p me henry alward The xvij* daye of September 1582 Receaued of WiUm Ryder for the foote of this Accompt in redy monney Sixpence. And also one comunion cuppe w* a cover and also a pattent of silver and gylt all of them M" thear is owing of the gift of George Parradyne deceased v" M" Also thear is a Certayne rent Rd & dewe to y= prishe by the Tenament in fleet Streete and Rd by James Woodshaw & others as may apeare and yet remayning in thear handes u.a,) The accept of Nicholas Barnesley Churchewarden of the parrishe of Sainct Christophers in London begenning at the feast of the Birth of owre Savioure Christ A" 1681 and is for one whole yeere Ending at the same feast in A° Domini 1582 Receipt of Clarks wagis aud for the Pewes in the Churche as followeth M' Alderman Dixsey for y'' qrtr Thomas Wylks his widow for the qrtr fEraunces Gunter for a qrtr WiUiam Meade for the qrtr Robart Cudner WiUiam Yearington Nicholas Barnesley ... WUUam Weldon ... Thomas Taylor M"KeIk M"' Beecher Ric Candler Peeter Vegelman Henry Tapsfyld John Jaynes Widdow Tanner Thomas Mosley John Leaves John Eglesfyld Richard Hayes Henry Suker Cornells Cameyor Widdow Lawrence ... Thomas Addams GeofErye Leanard ... Thomas Turner George Greave I4.b.) Martin Le Mey re Thomas Parradyne his back howse ... John Heath for the quarter ... Wyddow Whythedd Thomas Cotton Thomas fEorman Israeli Edwyn ... ... Thomas Parradyn Roger Rigbey for ij howses Edward Ryder Raphe Boswell ... WUlm Ryder Homphrey streete David Weethers ... M' fEuUer for ij howses Henry Aylwarde ij' ij" & yer xvj' viij" ij" & yer viij" XV" & year V iij" year xij" yd XX" ij* viij" xv" V' xv" yB xv" V' ij" viij" ij' j" xij" viij' iiij' iiij" ij' yjd xv" X'V" 11]" 11] d XI]" iii]' yjd ij' iiij" iij" v" xij" iiij' yjd ij' 11]" iiij" xv"XV" viij" iiij" xiij" UIJ" vjd xij" viij" iij" V V ij' iiij' iij' X' iiij' VU]" XI]" XI]" XV]" xij" xx" VU]" xij" xvj" iiij" viij" iiij" VU]" xvj" iiij"iiij" xvj" XI]" Widdow Boyer Thomas TirreU Luke Bedforde Thomas Smithe Arnolde Richardson John Thompson Willm Lewknor ... young Richard Gylmar The Church yeard M' Doctor Randall John Straughan ... fEowlk Pyggot John Hook Richard Robinson Timothy Wheeler John Lynne The AUeye Thomas Spragg Richard Hills Richard Howson Mark Pryme John fEowler Willm Clay var . . Thomas Doughty I5.a.) Receaued by the foote of the Accompt of Willm Ryder as dooth and maye appeere in redy monney Sum ... Rd for the grave and knyll of Mistris Lawrence Rd for the grave and knyll of Mistris Welden ... Rd for the grave of John Lynne his wyf Rd for the grave & knyll of William Meade Rd for the grave and knill of W"" Yearingtons Doughter x' Suma totaUs of the whole Receiptes of thisi -i; •••j Accompt ... ... ... ... ... 3 Heere after foUoweth the payments and dischardg of this Accompte 1]" vj" 11]" iiij" V]" vj" ij"ij" v]» ij* ij* ij* ij* ij"ij* 111]" v viij" ij' iij' iiij" iij' iiij" iij' iiij" xij" ij" xii]' xiij' vj' xiij' C2 Item paide to Thomas Cotton oure Clark his wagis Item paide him more for wasshing the lynnen Item paide to Thomas Nebb the sexton for ij qrtrs Item for putting aU owre awnswers at iiij or fyve sundry tymes booth to the queenes articles & to the Arch deacons Articles Item payde for y" church vnto the scavingers Item p" to M"^ Beecher for iiij yeers y^ watercourse Item pd for new turning of the greate bell Clapp Item pd for the ministers dinner & y"^ sydemens at y° daye of the archdecons visitacon kept at S' Magnus Item paide for Iron woork aboute trussing of the bells as forelocks w* nailes & other things apptayning Item paide for a newe owre glasse... Item paide for mending of a casement Item pd the Sexton for candells & other things upon the coronacon daye of the Queene Item paide Wm vndrell for new trussing vp of all the bells and for hewing them to make them tewnable... Item paide vnto Robinson Carpinter for making a penthowse ou"^ the Church yearde doore w* other . . . Item paide for new staving of ij olde ladders Item paide M'' Smith y"* soryvenor for wryting of the Churche Orders to be sett in a frame Itm paide for Broomes at sundry tymes Item paide at Sainct Magnus for ou' articles Booth for the Busshopps and also the Queenes Item paid for new casting at the founders y« bell brasses Item paide for ij new bell ropes & one olde lU]" XV]" VU]" viij" xij" xij" VU]" vuj" V]" VU]" iiij" iiij' XX' iij' iiij" ij' iiij' iij' viij' viij" iiij' vij" iiij" iiij" iij' yjd xxxiij' iiij" 111]' l]d xviij" vij' viij" xvj" xij" V]' iiij" yb VUJd 12 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. 1]' V]" vij' viij" yd X]" VI]' Item paide for mending one of y* bell wheeles being all broke I5.b.)ltem paide vnto a fEree mason for the Laying of the graveston vpon Mistris Weldens grave and more over for the laying of theis grave stones y' is to saye John Lynns wyves graveston William Maydes Mistris Lawrences & Willm yeringtos doughters grave, Covering morter & all Item payde the Joyner agaynst the Churche for making of the frame of wayneskott for ye ordinances of the Churche And for the new Trimming of Mistris vegelmans Pewe and mistris Kelks pe we Item payde Maister Richardson at the Castell for Breade and wyne for the Communion all ye yeere ... Item payde for wryting and perfectinge this accompt ... Somm of paimenntes amountes vnto And soe the remainer of this Accompt in monney deliuered vnto Roger Rigby Churche warden being chosen at Christmas last past A" 1682 Regni Regie Elizabeth 25 x" Awdited by theis whose names ar heere vnder written Por me Xpof eru Dix minister ibidem Ri. Chester by me harry Shukr p me henry Alward By me homf raye Streate The xxv of June Anno Domini 1583 Receaued of Nichas Barnesley for the foote of this accompt in Monney x" And one Communion Cupp with cover & a patten being all of them silver and all gilt on the owte sydes Detts owyng of this Last yeer for Clarks wagis dewe to the Accompt of the yere next ensewing as foUowth Maister Alderman Dixsey iij' iiij" M' Docter Randall for the whole yere ij' Jaques Coale ij' M"^' Raynscroft xvj" Willm Yearington viij" Richard Howson viij" Richd Cowley viij" Widdow Tanner iiij" Thomas Mosley iiij" ... P" their is dew vnto the parrishe by the gyf t of George Parradyne ... And also the Arreyredge of rennt dew by M' Wytton in fleet street M" thear is yet to Receave the gyft of M"^ Henry Boyer dewe & geven by his last will and testament to the poore of ow' prishe Su ... xj' iiij" U]" V]' i(i.a,) The accompte of Roger Rigbie Churchewarden of the parrishe of Sainct Christophers in londoun beginning at the feast of the Birth of our Sauioure Christ A" domini 1582 and is for one whole yeare Endinge at the same feast A" domini 1683 Receipt of clarks wages and for the Pewes in the Church as followeth M' Alderman Dixsey y'= qrtr ... iij' Thomas WUkes his widdow ... fErauncis Gunter JefErey Lodge Robart Cudner William Yearington Nicholas Barnesley Thomas Weldon Thomas Taylor M"-' Kelk Widdow M'' H. Beecher ij' Richard Candler Peeter Vegelman ij' Sallomon Bright ij* ye yeere 11]" XV] vuj" viij" XI]" ij* XV* V' xv* V XV" v ij* viij" j" viij' iiij" xij* iiij' viij' XV" (di yer) ij' yjd Widdow Tannar Thomas Haw Iton Thomas Mosley ... John Leaves Richard Ravenscrof t Robart Thornntonn Richard Hayes Henrie Shuker Johan Mathew ... I6.b.) William WithnaU Thomas Addams JefErey Leanard Thomas Turner ... George Graves Martin Lemare di' yeare Thoms Parradyn for his backhowse John Heath Widdow Why thed Thoms Cotton ... Thomas fEormann ... ... ij" Israel Owynn ... ... ... ij' Thomas Parradine V Roger Rigbie Edwarde Rider Raphe Bossell William Rider Humf ery streete Dauid Weethers M' Nicolas ffuUor for to houses ij' Henrie Alward ... Widdow boyer & Pairpoint Thomas Tyrrell Luke Bedford Thomas Atwood... '. Arnolde Richerson John Thompson Jno Jakes for M' Rixmans house Richarde Gillman 11]" iiij* XI]" iij" iiij" iij* v" id XI] V] id XV" xij" viij" XU]" 111]" yjd xij" XV" V]* x" Ul]" The Church yarde John Strangham... fEowlke Piggot ... M"^ Hoke Richard Robinson Timothe Wheler . . . Jacques Coll Thomas Spragge... Richard HUls ... Richard Housson Mark Prime John fEowler William Clever ... Thomas Doughtie The AUey V]" ij* ij" iij"iij" yjd yjd 1]" 111]' iii]' ij' 1]' iij'iij'iij' I7.a.) Receaued by the foote of the Accompt of Nicholas Barnesley as most plainely appeareth in Monney... Receaued for the grave and knUl of M' Harry Welden... Receaued for the Grave and Knyll of M' W"" Welden... Receaued for the Buriall of M"^ Ryders chUde Receaued for the Buriall of M' Parradins child Receaued for the Buriall of Goodman Hockley and Elizabeth Rigbie Doughter of Roger Rigbie Receaued of Goodman Busbie for his shopp in y'= church yerd ... ... ... XI]" xvj" XI]" vj" for di' yere xvj" xij" lU]" xij" xvj* iiij" viij" viij' vuj' v» iiij' ij' viij" xvj" iiij" uij" iij' iiij* xvj* X' iuj' ^ 111]" xvj* XI]" xij" VU]" viij* VU]" xiij" iiij" xvj' viij" X' vj' viij" xvj' viij" iij" iiij" Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. Receaued for Buriall of Goodman HUs wyfe in y' churche ... Suma Totalis of the whole Receipts of this accompt XU]' VI]" 1]' Heare foUoweth the paimentes & dischardge of this Accompt Item paide Thomas Cotton y= dark for his wagis Item paide more vnto him for wasshing y" lynnen Item paide vnto Nebb the Sexton his wagis Item paide vnto the Scavinger for the whole yer Item paide for laying y" grave ston of H welde Paide the last daye of August for y'' Dinner for the Churche wardenns & sworne men for y"= Busshops ^visitacon .. ... Paide for the Articles at the same time Paide vnto the Sexton for bromes for y^ church Paide ye 24 of Septembr for Answering y" Articles Paide more for Aunswing the fyve Articles at times ... Payde for laying the stonne vpon M"^ W" Welden Paide for paving the grave of M"' Paradins child Paide y"= 16 of Nouember for A Bell rope Payde for Timber and nayles abowt y^ bells ... Payde vnto the Carpinter for mending y^ bell frames ... Paide for bringing the prayer of the queenes Mtie Paide for ow' appearaunce before y' busshops chauncelor at Sainct Mary Wolnors in lumber strete and for dinner the same daye for the sworne men & minister Paide for paving the grave of M' Ryders child Paide for paving the grave of Goodman Hockley (SIC) Paide for a dinner the xvi* of Januarii att y* visitacon ... Paide for Bawldriks and mending of them Payde for warning & exhibiting y" articles to y= chancelor Paide for the staing of y^ courte & excomunicacon of Jno Paradyn and hee promising to paye all the som of fyve poundes at Easter next Paide for paving y' grave of maister Rigbies dougter ... I7.b.) Paide for A Paraphrese vpon the Epistls Paide for the first tome of homilies Paide for the Iniuncions in quarto... Paide for A booke for Christnings weddings and Buryalls to be newly written & better kept ... Paide for Laying the ston on Hills wyves grave Paide for Ringing on the birth & coronacon days of y= Queen Paide for mending and new casting of S'taine leade Paide vnto a plasterer for mortar & workmanshipp in y' leades Paide the Joyner for workmanshipp in the pewe where , mistris beechers maydes do sytt w* wainscott and other stufE. (sic) Payde the Joyner for making a pticion in the maydes pew being before M" Rigbie & M" Vegelman Paide for being warned before doctor stannopp by o'' parson for keping a stock of monney in my handes by the space of a yeere more then I ought for to doo as docter stannopp Declared vnto me saing the parson enformd him so w"'' is not true Item paide for wryting and parfecting this Accompt ... Suma Totalis of paiments So the remayner of this Accompt in Reddy Monney to be deliuered vnto Thoms Spragg Churche Warden Ul]" 111]' xl» ij' ij' iiij" vj" vj" xij" xvj" viij" xij" ij' yjd ij' vj" ij' viij" VU]' 1]' v 111]' 11]' viij' VI]' XV]" V]' vj" xvj" ij' vj" xiij' vj" ij' VU]" XV]" 111]" XV]" 1]' XV]" xij" 111]" 13 XXXlj' V]* begenning at Christms last past the Somme of xxxij shilling six pence Audited by theis parsonns whose names foUowth W™ Huchenson rector ecdise fErauncis Gunter Willm Ryder Homf raye Streate The sixte Daye of Maye A° Domini 1684 Receaued of Roger Rigby for the foote of this Accompte Ready Monneye And more one communion Cupp with cover and A patten being all of them Siluer and aU gylt one the owte Sides. I8.a.) The Accompt of Thomas Spragge Church wardenn of the parrishe of Sainte Xpofers in London Beginning at the feast of the Birth of oure Sauioure Christ A° Domini 1583 for one whole yeare Ending at the Same feast A" Domini 1584 32' 6* Recepts of Clarks wages and for the Pewes M' Alderman Dixe To wilks his widdow fErauncis Gunter John Harrisonn Robart Cudnar William Yarington Nico Barnsly Welden and Harrison Thomas Taylor John Kelks widdow M' Henrie Becher Richard Candler Peter Veghelman Salomon Bright John Jakes... Widdow Tannor John Leanes Ric Ravonscrofte Robarte Thornton Richard Heyes Henry Suger John Mathew William Wiggnall Thomas Adames Geferey Leanorde Thomas Tumur William Smalwod i8.b.)Marten Lemere Thomas Parradine for his backe side John Heal h Widdow Whithead Thomas Cotton Thomas fEorman Israeli Owen Thomas Parradine Rogger Rigby Edward Rider - Raph Bosswell William Rider Humphery Streete Thomas Paueley Nicolas fEuUer tow Howses Henrie Alwarde Robarte Pearpointe in ye Church as iiij' ij* ij* XV* iij* v* ij* XV* follow* xvj' 1]'ij' XI]" V' V V" viij" iiij" viij' V 11]" xij" iiij" iiij* VU]"viij* xij* XX* viij* viij* iiij* Vll]" iiij* xij" xvj* viij* xij" iiij" xvj"xvj" 1]' 1]' iij" xij* yd XX* xij* iiij' iiij" xvj* iiij" xvj* iij" xij* iiij" xvj* j* iiij" ij" viij' viij* X* iij' iiij* xv" v xvj" vj" viij" ij' viij* vuj" ij' viij* xiiij" iiij' iiij" X" iij iiij* iiij* xvj* yjd X' xij* ' iiij' viij" ij' viij" 14 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. Thomas TirreU Luke Beadf orde Thomas Atwoode Arnould Richerson John Thomsson John Jakes for M"^ Rixmas house Richard Gillmar In the Churcharde John Stranham fEowlke Piggot M'Hoke Richarde Robbinson Timothe Wheler Jacques Coll Widdow ffilpot Annes Martaine V]" x"x" x" iuj" V]" 11]" iij" yjd 1]' iij' iij'iij' VU]" 111]" iiij" iiij" xvj" Vll]" xij"xij" In the Alley Thomas Spragge ... Richarde Hilles Richarde Howsenn Marke Prime John fEowler William Craforde Thomas Doughtie I9.a.) Redy monney with Other Casuall Receipts as fEoUoweth Recaued by the foote of The Accompt of Roger Rigby as it doo the Appeare in monney Receaued for the Buryall of M"' Riders childe • Receued for the knell of M'' Gunters childe Being buried as S' Mich aell in Cornhill Receued for the BuriaU of M' Tirrells Childe Receued for a years rent of the Tenements in ffieet streete heald by M"' Wyttenn Sma tts Paimentes and Discharges of this Accompt Item Payde Thomas Cotten y^ Clarke for his years wages Item Payde Thomas Nebb y^ Sexten for his years wages Item Payde more to the Clarke for wasshing the Linine Item Payde more to the Sexten for Brooms Item Payde the Scavinger for ye yeare Item for Recaauing and Deliuering the Articles sonndrie times in the Courtes Item Payde for Carring away of Rubbish Item Payde for Pauing y" graue of M'' Ridtrs Childe ... Item Payde for a payer of Glouas geuen vnto the Busshopp of S* Androwes in the name of the whole Parrish by M'' parson ... Item Payde for mending the key of the Vestrye... Item Payde for two Bell Roopes ... Item Payde for E[n]tring the Action Against John Parradine Item Payde for Certaine Articles Rd at Christchurch as concerning the CoUectionn for Powles with the Aunswer of them and the Ordenary Articles Hjem paide for Rinning the Crownationn daye of the queene Item paide for A li of Candels Item paide for A new bell rope Item paide for ij Bawldricks 19.b.)Item paide for ij Bookes of prayers for the queens dale Item paide for wine dew for the accompt of Roger Rigby & also for this laste yeares accompte of Mee Thomas Spragg V]" ij* ij* ij" VU]"viij" viij" ij" viij" iij" xij" ij* viij" xxxij' vj" X' iij' iiij" X' XXX' xij" iiij' viij" iiij" xl' iiij' xviij" ij' vjd Ul]" xxij" iii]' iiij" iiij' iiij* iiij"iiij" xvj" iij' iiijd iij" xx" ij' viij" xviij' ix" Item paide for a dinner for the Parsonn minister Church wardens and side menn ... I-tem paide for A Bawldrucke for y^ forth bell being all new made Item paide for A stafe for the warder at the Chargs of the prishe... ... Item paide for A Pickacx and ij Shouels for the Church... Item paide to the Plommer for mending the Church Leads as appeareth by a byll of Perticulers Item paide for Paueinge the graue of M"' Tirrells Childe Item paide for Writinge and Pearfitinge this accompte... Somma tts paymennts Amounts vnto VU]' xvj" iij' iiij" ix' ob xx" xij" IX'i XVI] » VU]" xlvij' The fEotte of the aCounte of Thomas Spragge Church \ warden in monney Deliuered to Humphery Streete f Being chosen at Christmas last past the svmme of i xlvij' ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ^ Awdited by theis whose names ar heere vnder wrytten That is to saye Thomas TirreU WUliam Ryder Nicholas Barnesley & Israeli Owyn The ix* daye of Aprill A" domin 1585 Receaued of ) Thomas Spragg By me Homphrey Stret in Monney J And one Communion Cuppe with cover and pattenn being all of them Silver and gylded one the owtsides M" that ther is in detts yet remayning vnpayde for the Clarks wagis dewe by Roger Riggby and others as more playnely maye appere by the bill soma. -' An Inuentorie of the Church goods. 47' Item one Table Cloth of Diaper Item one fine cloth of oallico frindged Item one fyne dyaper Coverpane Item i] pewter potts one pott ell j quarte Item i greate Byble lardge volume Item j Paraphrazes vpon ye gospella Item j Paraphrazes one y Epistles Item ij Bookes of y" first & second homelia Item ij Lardge service Bookes Item iiij olde Salters & salmes Item j olde booke & j new forregestres 20.a.) Item one carpett of redd velvet Item one carpett of valewr stript w' golde Item one olde Turkey Carpett Item one Pulpett cloth of Damaske Item one hearse cloth of silver & golde Item one gatherd Surpleee Item X Joyned formes abowt y" churche Item iij Bookes of prayers for ye Queene Item Ladder in je steple for y" ledes Item iij Coffins of dedd corpes T~ Itm ij formes or benches in y' ateple & churche Thacopt of Homphery Strete Churche warden of the parrishe of Sainct xprfers in London fromm the feast of the Birth of owre Sauiowre Christ in A" Domini 1584 for one whole yeare Ending at the same feast Anno Domini 1586 Recepts of Clarks M'' Wyndover WUliam Towrolde ffraunces Gunter John Harrisonn Robarte Cudner William Yearington Nico Barnesly Robat Harrison Thomas Tailor M"-'Kealks ... M'' Henery Beecher Richarde Candeler Peter Veghelman Salomon Bright John Leanes Ric Ravonscrofte Ric Hease ... Henery Suger wages and for the Pewes in the Church as followeth Ul]' ij" XV' ij" viij" xv" V" iij" xij" yd xx" ij* viij" XV" V xv" v XV" V« ij" viij" j" viij' iiij* xij" iiij' vj' xv" v» iij" xij" iiij" xvj" iij" xij* xij" iiij' Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. 15 Hughe Dale WUliam Widgnall Thomas Addames ... Geferey Leanord ... Thomas Turner William Smal wood Tho Parradine his backside 20.b.)John Heath it (sic) Widdow whithead Thomas Cotton ... ... Thomas fEorman i Israeli Owen Thomas Parradine Richarde Addames... Edward Rider Godphrey Jonson ... Raphe Bosswell WiUiam Rider Humphery Streete Thomas Pauely Nicolas fEuUer tow houses i Henry Alwarde Robarte Parpointe... Thomas Turrell Thomas Wilsoun Thomas Smith ... ... Arnould Richardsoun John Thompson ... John Jaques ... ... Ric Gilmer ... In the Churcharde Henry Smith ... ... John Stranham M'Hoke Richarde Robinson Timothie Wheler ... WUUam Robarts Widdow ffilpot ... ... Amos Martine ... Thomas Spragge ... Richarde hiUes Thomas Howsen ... Marke Prime John fEowler Thomas Craford ... Thomas Doughtie ... 2i.a.) Redy monny with other Cassuall Recepts as fEoUoweth Receaued by the foote of the Accompte of Thomas 1 Spragge as dooth and maye Apeere Somme ... j Rd of George Wytten the 24 of October for Di' a yeares rente Dew at the feast S" Michaell Last past Rd of M' fEuUer for the olde Byble Rd of John Parradine in pt of vj" dew by Obligacion ... Rd for the Graue of M' Riders Childe Rd of M' Beeoher for the wayneskottinge in the Maydes Pewes gooinge vp to the Leades Summa Totalis Receipts Paymentes & dischargs of this accompt Item pd to Thomas Cotton the Clarke his wages and more to him for wasshing the Linnene Item pd to Thomas Nebbe the sextonn his wages Item pd to Searchfealde the plomer for mending the leades The AUey Ulj" xvj" iiij" xvj" iij" xij" yd XX" xij" iiij' iiij" xvj" iij" xij" iiij" xvj" j iij" ij" viij' viij" X" iij' iiij" xv" v xv" iij' ix" viij" ij' viij" ij" viij" ij" viij" xiiij" iiij' viij" x" iij' iiij" iiij" xvj" yjd X' xij" iiij' viij" ij' viij* XV" v iiij" xvj" vjd ij' x" iij' iiij" x" iij" iiij" x" iij' iiij" iiij" xvj" ij" viij" vjd ij' ij" viij" ij" viij" iij" xij" ij" viij" o o o o yjd ij' ij" viij" ij" viij" ij" viij" ij" viij" iij" xij" ij" viij" xlvij' XXX' XV' 11]" vij' XV]" Ul]" XX' vj' ij' V]* Ul]' xl' vij-' vj" Item pd for cost and charges of shnte in lawe for John Parradne Item pd forthe annswering of the articles at diners times Item pd the scauenger the whole yeare his wages Item pd f or a key f or a cheste in the Vestrie viij" Item pd for Plastring the leades w"» workemanshippe sande Lyme and heare and the laborores wages ... v" Itm pd Nebb for Bromes and attendance of the worke- menn from time to time when any bu[si]nise was to be doune iij' v" Itm pd f or A new Byble of the Lardgest voUume ... xxxv" Itm pd for ij Psalters w* Salmes to be songe vij' Itm pd for A prayer booke sett furth by y" busshopp ... iij" Itm pd the Ringers one the byrth and crownation Dayes of the Queenes maiestie ... ... iij' iiij" Itm pd for couering M'' Riders childes graue xiiij" Itm pd for a dynner at the visitatioun daye Itm pd for mending the Church doore key Itm pd for Charges of A childe layde in the prishe Itm pd for mending the belles w* a new clapper Itm pd M' Beecher for iij yeares the watter cowrse Itm pd the mason for making way for hanging vp y^ bucktts 2i.b.)Item Paide the Carpinter for mendinge of pewes and Hangines for the Buckttes Item pd for Communionn Breade and wine in M' Spragges time for pt of his whole yeare ... ... iij' Item p" more for Communion wine and Bread in time of this my whole yeare now laste paste p" the xix* of M'che X' Item pd for writing and perfiting this accompte Somm totales of paimennts and the dischargs of this accompte... ... ... ... xiiij'' The foote of the accompte of homphery Streete Church wardenn in monney to be deliuered vuto Richarde Candeler Churchwarden Beeing Chosen at Christmas Last paste the somme of ij" Awdited by these whose names ar heare vnder written The xxv day of Marche A° 1586 Rd of homphrey Streete By me Richard Candler Reddy Monney ij" yj' iijd And more one Communion Cuppe w* the cover and pattenn siluer & gylt An Inuentory of the Church goods. VU]' ix' XXV' iij' Ul]' 1]' V]' Item i new Byble of lardg volu Itm ij new psalters w' singing psalmes Itm ij parapharzes j of the gospeUs & j of pistells. Itm ij Bookes of y" first & second homelies Itm ij Lardge Service Bookes Itm ij olde Psalters & salmes Item ] olde booke & j new booke for to Eeiester Christnings Mariges & buryalls Item j Table cloth of Diaper Item j fine cloth of calleco fringed Item j fine Diaper couer payne Item ]¦ pottell pott j quarte pot of pewter Item ij books of prayer for the queenes daye Item j gatherd surples Itm j puUpett cloth of tany damaske Itm j obligation of John paradine A Couuterpayne of A lease made from the parrisbe vnto Mr Barnsley & Mr 'Wodliam Item j Aunsient great booke w' Sertaine coppyes of "Wills & leases Item j Lyttle olde Accompt Booke w* A parchmennt cover. Item j hearce cloth of siluer & gould Item j carpett of reade veluet Item j carpett of vallure w«> goulde ' Item j olde turkey Carpett Item X ioyned formes remayninge aboute the quier & the Church Item ] Ladder in the stepell serving to goo into the Leads Itm ij Chestes in the Vestry Itm j Presse to laie in the books and other things Itm j lonnge fom-me or bench e by the north doore in ye Church Itm i benohe or forme in je steple Itm iij new ladders Itm ij Dossen of Bucktes Itm j Table written for the order of Church Dewtyes for BuryaUs and such lyke Item iij Coffinns being olde Item j Htle olde cohhard V]" XI]" V]* V]" Per me Xpof oru Dix Clericu Nycholas Barnsley Israeli owyn Ric Adams 16 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. S2.a.) The accompt of Richard Candler Churche wardenn of the parrishe of Sainte xpofers in Loundoun from the feaste of the Birth of Our Sauiour Christ in A" Dominy 1585 for one whole yeare Ending at the same feast Anno Dominy 1586 Receiptes of Clarkes wages And for the Pewes in the Church as followeth Bamarde Wyndover William Towerall Randall kneavett ... John harrisonn Robart Cudner William Yearingtonn Nicholas Barnesly ... Robarte Harrisonn... Thomas Taylor John kelkes widdow M' Henry Becher Richard Candler M-^ shrefEe RattlifEe Salomon Brighte ... John Leanes Richard Raynscrofte Jereme Boulton Richarde heyes Henery suger hughe Daile William WidnaU Thomas Adames GefEerye Leonardo Thomas Tomer (Bic) Henry William smalwoode Richarde Adomes backeside Thomas Parradine backeside John heathe Isarell Owen Thomas Parradine... Richard Adams Thomas fEorman 22.b.) Edward Rider RafEe Bosswell William Rider Humphery Streate Thomas Pavelye ... Nicholas fEuUer ij howses ... Henery All woode ... Robarte Perpointe Thomas TirreU Thomas Willson Thomas Smithe Arnovle Richarson Thomas Carpenter ... John Jaques John Caltam Richard GUman ye quarte"^ . iiij' ij" pd viij' 4" iiij" xv" . ¦ ' iij" xv" XI]" U]" 11]" iij" xij" iiij" yjd uj* V]" o o di' yere x" xv" XV" ij' X* iiij* xiiij* x" vj* ij' vj" xij" viij* XV" x" X" x" x" Henery Smith John Strahann M'' Hooke ... Richard Robinson Tymothy Wheler WiUiam Roberts John Whitmore Widdowe fiSlpott Ul]" Tenimets In the Churchyard di' yer iij" iij" iij" iij" ij* ye yeere xvj' viij" et viij" 4* xvj* V" xij" v« yBv VU]' iiij' VU]" VU]" iiij" Ul]' i]' Ul]' ij' oo iij' v v viij' iij' iiij" iij' ij' X' iiij' ij' V' iij' iij' iij' iij' XI]" XV]" XI]" Ul]" uij" xvj" viij" iiij" VU]" Ul]" viij" viij"viij" XV]" v]" xij" xij"xij" xij" viij" Tenaments In the AUie called Sprags AUie Thomas Spragge .. Nicholas Bacon Thomas Housen Marke Prime John fowler Thomas Crayforde.. Thomas Ddwghttey Miles Adlington Thomas Cooke Widdowe Tanner V]" ]" 1]' di' year ij* Tenaments In the Castell AUie 23 a,) Redy Money with other Casualties Receaued of Homphrey Strete Church warden for the foote of his Accompt as dooth and may Appeare ... Receaued of George Witton for halfe yeers rennt of certaine tennamennts in fleete streete dew at the Annunciation of c Lady Receaued of Sallomonn Bright for the grounde breaking in the Church for the buriall of one Thoms Cutt ... Receaued of Mistris Bright widdow for the buriall of her late husbaunde maister Sallomon Bright Receaued of maister Henrie Suger for the buryall of his wyfe buryed in the Boddye of the Churche Receaued of M' Streete whiche he receaued of George Witton for halfe a years rennt dew at Midsommer Last past... Receaued for the remayner of a dett dew by John Paradyne whiche was of the gyft of George Paradyne deceased ... Receaued of Thomas Paradyne for y' buryall of his childe Somma totalis of the Receiptes Paymenntes & dischardgies of this Accompt Item paide unto Thomas Cotton y^ dark wagies... Item paide more vnto him for wasshing y" linnen Item paide vnto Thomas Nebb the Sexton wages Item paid to John Kemptoun Mason for laying stones in the Churche & vpon M' Dixey's grave o' late minister Item paide vnto Nebb for making the grave in y* churche Itm paide for the Chardge & buryall of widdow Oliarls Item paide M.' Streete for chardge of Apearaunce at christchurche ... Itm paide for A prayer Booke sett furth by y" Arch- bisshopp of canterbury Item pd to Nebb for laying y'= grave ston on Thoms Cutt Itm pd Thomas Cottoun for fettchyng of a Ire of attorney fore M"^ Holson Item pd for presentments of o"^ Articles at sundry tymes in this yere ... Item pd for A dynner the day of the Archecons visitacon in S' Magnus Item pd for tow prayer bookes sennt from the Busshoppe Item p" for anne howre glasse for to serve cheefely at sermons ... Item paide for covering the graves of M' bright & m"" Suger Item pd M"' Streete for A new table for y' names of y^ prishnors Item paide to Cotton y'= clarke for wryting of the same table Item paide the scavinger the whole year for y* soile of y' church Ul]"iiij" iiij" viij* Summa Totalis Receipts of the Clarkes Waiges vij" xij' x" xlvj" iij" xvuj' iiij" XV]' vuj" xiij' iiij" U]" XVU]" 111]" vj' viij" X' v" 14' 01" iiij' xl' V ij' 1]' V]" XV]" V]" viij' iiij" V]" XI]" XI] ij' vj id Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. 17 id 11]' Ul] 11]' 111]" U]" Ul]" IUJ' xvuj" VI]' xxxj' ij' viij' ij' Xli]' 1]* 11]" Item paide for ringing on y" Queenes coronacon daye & birthday... '. Item paide for ringing when Babington w* thother traytors wear ap'hended & weare takenn and alsoe when the queene of scotts was* [pclamed conspirator to y" queene & owr realme] Item paide for new Bell ropes ij sundry times and splising of the owlde Item paide to Nebb for making & mending y^ Bawldrickes of y' bells Iteln paide to Rowland swetman mason for laying and remouing of Sertaine graves stones and mending the tomb on y* soth side in y^ churche Item paide for carying a waye iij lode of robbishe 23.b.)Item paide vnto towrsoun the Joynar for making ij newe pewes and remouing the owlde pewes one the sowth side of ye chaunceU xiiij' Item paide to an vpholster for trimming the pulpett & desk w* greene Item paide to lancktonn the Joyner for making A new desk for y* minister Item payde the Sextonn for Bromes and other necessaries Item paide for A dinner the third of August being y'= busshops visitacon Item paide for ringing one the daye of thexecution of y^ skotts queene Item paide for coueringe the grave of maister paradins chUde ... Item paide for Corhunion Breade and wyne in the time of this Accompt Item payde for wryting & perfecting of this Accompt ... Somma Totalis of payments xv" Item Rest vnto the foote of this accompt of mee Richard Candelor Churche warden redy monney to be dd vnto Thoms fEorman being Chozen Churche Wardenn & begenning at Christms last Som iij" Anne Inuentory of the Churche goods Item one new Byble of y' lardgest volume ij new Psalters with the singing Salmes j paraphrazes one the GospeUs & j paraphrazes on y' pistles ij Bookes of the first & secounde tombe of homelies ij lardg s'vice bookes ij olde psalters and salmes Item j olde & j new booke for Regesfing Christigs marryages & Burialls j Table cloth of Diaper j cloth of Callico & one Coverpayne of Diaper Itm j pottell & j quart pott of pewter ij bookes of prayers for the queenes coronacon daye & ij other bookes of prayer sente from the Susshopps Item j gatherd Surples j pulpett cloth of damaske Item j hearse cloth of velvett & cloth of goalde Itm j counter- payne of A lease made from the parrishe vnto M"' Barnesley & woodshaw Itm one great Booke w* Certayne coppyes of wills & leases j lesser olde Booke of Accomptes w* A parchment Cover j Carpett of tawny velvet j Carpett of redd vaUner stripet w* golde j olde turky Carpett x Joyned formes iiij Ladders great & lesse ij chests in the vestry w* presse Itm ij doson of Bucketts j written Table for Church duties of BuryaUs Item j wrytten Table w* aU the prishners names j owre glasse. Itm j Long bench at the North Door j bench for to sitt on in the steple uj olde coffins j litle olde cobbart By me Homfraye Streete Thoms fEorman p me Israeli Owyn churche warden p me Ric Adams 24.a) The ij"" of fEebruary 1686 A note of the Distribution of fortye shUlinges geven to the pore of this parishe of S* ChristofEers neare the Stocks by M"' Jhon Lambarte grocer deceased and payde by m"^ Jhon Jackman grocer viz Distributed by Richarde ]' XI]' VI]" xij"iiij" Candeler and Thomas forman Churche wardens and an acquittaunce geven for the same as follow* viz Widdowe whitehead Willm yearington Widdowe Thometon Widdowe philpott Widdowe martin Izabell AnseU ' Katheren Banne Marke prime Thomas howsson Thomas harris John fEowler John Savoye Widdowe Jonson Edward Grosse minister Thomas Cotton Clarke- Thomas nebbe sexton Some Totalis is 1]' V]" iij» iiij" ij' iiij' ij' ij' ij' ij' ij' j' iij' iiij" ij' ij' iij' iiij* iiij' vj* ij' xl" V]" XVU]" A note of the distribucon of xxxiij' geven to the poore of this prishe of S« Christofers owte of the Church Boxe the xxiiij of Decemb"' 1588 Wyddow philpott iiij' Willm yearington iij" Katterin Bawn ij" Izabell AnnseU John fEowler ij' W"k. pryme ij" Thoms howson ij" Widdow Jonson Thoms harris Wyddow why thed ij' Annis martyn ij" Thoms Cotton v" Thoms Nebb iij" V]" xviij* xij* yjd iiij* 8* id VJ' Anno 1588 a.) The acompt of Thomas Forman Churchwarden of the Parish of Sainct Christofers in London begening at the feast of the birth of our lorde Jesus Christ in Anno Domini 1586 and is for two yeares ending at the same feast in Anno Domini 1688. Receiptes of Clarkes wages and for the pewes in the Church as followet[h] Rec' of Barnard Windover and M'' Alderman Skynner for ij yeares vidz eu'y quarter WiUiam Towrall Randall Knevet John Harrison Robart Cudner WUliam Yearington Nichas Barnsly fErauncs Lodge and Eobart Harrison Thomas Taylor John BiUingf orde andM"- Kelk M"^ Henry Beecher Richard Candler M' Alderman RatlyfEe M" Bright Wydow John Leaves Richard Ravenscrof t James Standley Richard Hayes Jeremie Suker Hughe Dale Cornellis Speering WiUiam WithnaU iiij' ij" and see after the rate p 2 yeres xxxiij' Ul]' 11] " qrt & so after the rat p i] yere qrt & so after the rat ij yers Rd XI]" 11]" iiij" 11]" xij" V]" Rd Rd Rd Rd 1]' X' ij' iij' VIJ' X' xvj" viij' viij' ij' ij' ij' viij" ij' 111]* viij" 111]" xvj" V]" UIJ" vuj* iiij" VUJ" XVU]" iiij* * The original entry finished with the word " behedded," which has been erased with the pen, and the words in brackets substituted above the line. D 18 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. Thomas Addames iij* JefEery Leanard yd Thomas Turner Xij* .b.) Henry Smalwod vj* George Hunt John Heath iij* Israeli Owenes backe syde Thomas Paradyne j' iij* Thomas fEorman ij' IsraeU Owyn X* John Brogdon XV* Edward Ryder xij* Raphe BosweU •. iiij* WiUiam Ryder xuij* Humphrey Streete xij* Thomas Pauely vj* M' fEuUer M' Bowser Henry Alworth xij* Robart Parpoynte viij* Thomas TyrreU , XV* Christofer Mydleton vj* Thomas Smyth X* Arnold Rychardson xij* Thomas Carpinter x" John Jaques X* John Calton Hugh Owberry In the Chur'"'yarde Henry Smyth John Strangham » iiij* John Hooke iij* Richard Robinson iij* WiUiam Roberts ij* In Spraggs alley Thomas Spragge vj" Nicholas Bacon ij* se.a.) Thomas Craforde ij* Thoms Doughty ij* Thoms Howsonn j* Mark Pryme j* John fEowlar iij" iiij* vuj" iiij" R" Summa Totalis Receipt of the Clarks wages Redy Monney with other Casuall Receipts as foUoth Receaued of Richard Candelor for the foote of his accompt for one whole ended at the feast of Christ 1686 Receaued of Edward Ryder for grounde breaking in the boddy of the churche for Buryall of his chylde Receaued for grounde breaking for the grave of one named Robert Spencer Clothworker buryed in y= boddy of ye churche Receaued for grounde breaking for y' grave of Thomas Spragg in the Syde chappell where his pew was Receaued of M' Henry Beecher for grounde breaking and grave of M" Kelke widdow in the boddy of y^ church Receaued of Raphe Boswell for the grounde breaking and grave making being in the boddy of y' church for the Buryall of his wyfe the xiiij of Januar 1587 Receaued of William TowraU Stacioner for the grounde breaking and grave making being in the Boddy of the Churche the BuryaU of his wyfe and for afternones knill w* the fowrth BeU iij October Receaued of M' Homphrey Streete for the grounde breaking and grave for his childe beinge in the X" xvj' vj' viij* X' viij" ij' viij" ix' iiij" viij" iiij' viij" yS iiij" X' iiij' vj' viij" viij" vj" viij* vj' viij" ij' viij* ij'ij' iiij' XV]" XV]" xvj* xvj* viij* viij" iiij" iij" xj» ix" vj' viij" xiij' iiij" XJ' xiij' iiij* XI]" Boddy of the Churche and buryed the vij* of September 1588 Receaued more of him for an afternones knill being with the foarth bell at ye buryall of his childe 26.b.) Summa Totalis Reddy Money and Casuall Receits Money receaued of the pishoners by foure collections to follow the sute in law against WUliam Wooten for the land that belongeth to the Church Reed of M' Nicholas Barnsley and M" IsraeU Owen for the first Collection Reed of M"^ Humphrey Streete and M" Henry Suker for the second Collection Reed of John Jaques and William WithnaU for the third Collection Reed of M"' Alderman RatUfEe for his parte of the third Collection Reed of M'^ Edward Ryder and WUliam Towrall for the fourth Collection More I do alow for my owne parte of the fowre CoUectiones Summe Totalis of the collections V]" iiij' viij* vij" xviij" ix* ix" VU] ¦;u 111]' viij" xvij" XX" id viij" ij^ ij viij 8* iiij" Summa TotaUs of all the receiptes during the time of Thomas acompt Paymentes and discharges of the foresayde acompte for the full yeares Item paide to Thomas Cotten the Clarke for two yeares wages viij" Item paide to Thomas Nebbe the sextones wages for two yeares iiij" Item paide for the presentments of the articles at sundry tymes Item paide for laying the stones vpon W" Ryders chUdes grave Item paide for pauing of diuerse decayed graves Item paide for nailes to mend M' Skynneres pewe Item paide for hordes for the pewe w"* is for M'' Skynner Item paide to a giner for newe hordes and for mending of the pewe Item paide for new painting the pew Item paide for xviij yardes of greene say for M'" Chrif es pew at xviij" y' yarde ... Item paide to M' Andrewes for iij peeces of red tape \ and for iij M of red \ Item naUles and for the workmanshipp ) Item paide for Covering of Robert Spencers grave Item paide for Covering of M"^ Spraggs grave and for ringing his k[n] ill Item paide for Iron worke aboute the belles Item paide for ringing one the Queenes birth dayes and Cronation dayes 27.a.) Item paide for Candelles one the Coronation dayes Item paide for nailles for the bell wheeles Item paide for a new Rope for one of the belles Item paide to M' Robinson for mending the bell wheeles Item paide for lajdng the stones vpon M" Kelkes grave Item paide for broomes for the Church for ij yeares ... Item paide for Careing away the rubbish out of the Church Itm paide to M"^ Richardson for two dynners one the Archdecons visitation Item paide to the scavenger for two yeares for the soill of the Church Forman his time of two VUJ' Ul]" iiij" IX' ij' xxvij' xij" ij' v ij' uij" vj' viij" V]" XV]" V]' ij' iiij' XV]' iiij' Accomptes ' of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. 19 U]» XI]" yjd viij" xvj" VU]' VJ' XVJ" Item paide to M' Richardson for Communion bread and wine for two yeares j" xiiij' iij* Item payde for mending the glasse wyndow over M" Bechers pew Item payde for two single quarters and one duble to make a place to hang the ladres in the Church yarde Item payde for making of a sete for one of the pewes ... Item payde for nailes Item payde to a Joyner for one dayes worke Item payde for a chaine and a locke to locke the laders Itm payde to a playsterer Itm payde for laying the stones upon M''' Boswelles grave Itm payde for mending of a decaid grave at the west ende of the Church Itm payde to Thomas Cotten for washing the Church lynen for ij yeares Itm payde for making of a kay for the poores boxe and for a hinge to hange the pad locke one the chest in the vestrey house Item payde for two prayer bookes for the Church Item payde for mending the Church bucketts that were hurt in Austin fryers ... Item payde for mending the Clapper of the great beU ... Item payde for mending of baldrigges Item payde for Couering of M" Towralles grave Item payde for Couering of M' Streets childes grave ... Item payd for ringing of the kniUs for M"^ Streets chUde 27.b.) Charges Payde for the sute depending in lawe betweene the parish Wutton for certaine land lying in ffleete streete Item paide for the serchat the Augmentation Court ... Item paide for the serche at M"' Osbornes office Item paide to one of my lorde cheefe Justis his Clarkes for the signing of the day of hereing Item paide to M' Garth the CounceUer for his fee Item paide to M"' Garth his man for wryting the remembrauncis Item paide to M' Greeneham for his paynes Itm payde to M"^ Owyn the CounceUer for his fEee Item paide to George TurfEett for samonen the Jurie ... Item paide to M' Sothern for the exemplification ... ij" Item payde to M'' Greeneham for his paynes Item payde to M' Sergant Wamsley for his fEee Item payde to the Clarke of the Drapers for bringing his bookes to guild hall Item payde to the Jurie at guide hall Item payde to M"^ Garth for his fEee Item payde to M' Greeneham for his fEee Item payde to the marshalles man Item payde for Carpett hire at guUde hall Item payde to a sergant for warning the Jurie Item payde to M' sergant Whamsley for his fEee at guilde haU Item payde to M' Rust the attorney for his ffee at guilde haU Item payde to M' Owen for his fEee at guUde hall Item payde more the Clarke of the drapers Item payde to ix witnesses at xij* the peece Item payde for copying of the vardit Item payde to M' Ikynes for drawing the demorro of the spetiall vardit Item payde to M"^ Rust for his fEee for iiij termes and for the Continewance of the sute at iij" viij* the terme vuj' iij" iiij" ij' XX" ij' and WiUiam ij' vj" iij" X' X" v iij' vj" X' V viij" x» ij' yjd XX" vij' vjd X' X" vj' viij* ij' xij* iiij' UJ' Ulj" XX' iij" ix' vij' viij" xxiij" iiij* xiiij" viij* Item payde more to M' Rust for a w?.rrant for the Juries Item payde to M' Rust for a sepina Item payde to M"' Greeneham for his paynes and fee in trinitie terme 8.a.) Item payde to M' Sergeant Wamsley for counsaUe Item payde to M' Cooke for CounceU Item payde to M-' Greeneham for dravring of a booke " of xlviij sheets & Item payde for a copie to be deliuered to the aduersa- ries pte Item payde to M' Cooke for mouing the matter at Miohelmas terme Item payde for boate hier to Westminster at the moving of the matter before the Judges Item payde to M' fEuUer for answering to a byU in the Chauncerie Item payde to M"' Greeneham for his fee and paynes and other charges Item payde to M' Greeneham for drawing the answere of M' Hutchinson and M' Streete and Chibnall and the ingrosing of them Item payde to M' Greeneham for his paynes in Michelmas terme Item payde to M' ffuUer for his fEee for answering the matter Item payde to M' sergeant Wamsley for his ffee in Hilliary terme Item payde to M"^ Wingatt the Clarke of the sisis Item payde to M' Greeneham for his ffee and paynes in Hilliary terme ... Item payde for the othe of M' Hutchinson and M"^ Streete and Chibnall Item payde to M"' Rotheram for his ffee in Hilliary terme ... Item payde to M"^ ffuUer for putting his hande to the Answere Item payde to M"^ Owyn for his ffee and trauaill in going to my lorde chiffe Justis Item payde for horse hyre to fetch home M' Greeneham Item payde to M'' Wingat for his paynes about the booke Item payde to M' Greeneham for his ffee and other charges in Easter terme Item payde for getting the day to haue the spetiall vardit to be harde 28.b.) Item payde for Rule entring and for a Copie therof Item payde for a Copye of the order in the Chauncery... Item payde to M"^ Cooke for his ffee Item payde for drawing the booke and ingrosing of it in parsment Item payde to M' Atkynson for Councell Item payde to M"^ ffuUer for his ffee in Ester terme Item payde to M"^ Heale for moving the matter at the Chauncery barre Item payde more to M' Atkynson for CounceU Item payde to M"^ Greeneham for his flee in trinitie terme Item payde to M"^ Greeneham for his paynes at the kings bench Item payde to M"^ Heale for his flee in trinitie terme ... Item payde to ffrauncis Greeneham for his paynes in Ester terme Item payde for an order to withdraw the Iniunction ... Itm payde to M' recorder for his ffee at the day of hering j" ix* vj" viij* X" XX' XX' ij" iiij" VUJ" VJ" VU] XX" iij" iiij" xiiij' xij" iij" iiij" X' X' XI]"xij* X" X' X" XX" XX' X' X" uj' iiijd D2 20 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. Itm payde to M' Atkinson for arguying at the kings bench -, Item payde to M' Owen for his ffee at the kinge bench... Item payde to M' Payne for the inrouling of the booke Item payde to M"^ Paynes Clarke for entering the posta Item payde to M' Cooke for arguing the demoro at the kings bench in trinitie terme Item payde to M' Garth for drawing the Cace Item payde to M' Owen for arguing the demoro at the kings bench Item payde to M' Garthe man for drawing of iiij briefs to be deliuered to the Judges Item payde to the Judges men for carying the briefes to Westminster Item payde to M"' C ookes man Item payde to M' Cooke for answering to the Queens attorney Item payde to M' Owen for his ffee Item payde to Thomas Cotton for making of ij bylles for ij CoUectiones 29.a.) Item payde to M' Greeneham for his ffee in the Chauncerie and for the Copie of diuerse rules Item payde for drawing and ingrosing the Reionder for M' Hutchinson and M' Streete and ChibnaU Item payde to M' Greeneham for his ffee in mycelmas terme Item payde to M' Cooke for his ffee at the begyning of mychelmas terme Item payde for drawing of a booke of 68 sheets to be giuen to the Judges Item payde to M"^ fluUer for his ffee in mychelmas terme Item payde to M"^ Owen for CounceU in mycelmas terme Item payde to M' Cooke for his ffee the xxix of November Item payde to M"^ Owen for his flee the vj of November Item payde to M" Cooke for his ffee the same tyme Item payde to M'' Owen for his ffee the xiij of November Item payde to M" Cooke for his ffee the same tyme Item payde to M" Greeneham for his paines and for dyuerse orderes Item payde to M"^ Cooke the xxij of November Item payde to M' Owen the same tyme Item payde to M' Owen for his ffee at the having of Judgment Item payde to M" Greeneham for drawing of uij briefs in Michelmas terme ... Item payde more to M"^ Greeneham for an order and a copie of the old Item payde to M"^ ChibnaU for his paynes at the taking of posesion Item payde to John Greenham for his paynes at sundrie tymes Item payde to the Judges to be given to the poore Item payde for a dynner for the pishoners at the hauing of Judgmet ... Item payde to M"' Rust for drawing of a booke of Lxiij sheetes and for his ffee and contynuance of the sute for iiij termes and at the gluing of Judgment Item payde for a f of Sturgion w* was giuen to my lorde chiefe Justis Item paide for iuj sugar loffes w""" was giuen to the Judges X" X" xl" XX"XX' X" XUJ' VJ" uij" xij* XX' X' ij' v viij* X" XXIIJ' X' xx» XX" X' X'X" X' 4" X"X" 15' iij= iiij" ij' vj" ij' vj" iiij' vj* xxxvij' iiij" xxiiij' iiij" j" 30.a.) Anno 1689 The accompt of Robert Cudner Church warden of the Parrish of Sainct Christophers in London begening at the feaste of the birth of our lorde 30.b.) Jesus Christ in Anno Domini 1688 and is for one whole yeare ending at the same feaste in Anno Domini 1589. Receipts of Clarkes wages and for the Pewes in the Church as Rec' of S' Phillipp Butler ... John Howell John White John Harrison Robart Cudner James Bayley Nicholas B arnsley . . . ffraunces Lodge Robart Stratforde ... Thomas Taylor John BiUingf orde ... M" Henry Beecher ... Richard Candler M"^ Alderman Radclyfe Robart WincoU John Leaues Richard Rauenscroft James Standley Richarde Hayes Jerrom Sugar Hughe Dale Cornells Speering ... WilUam WithnaU ... Thomas Addams Jefferey Leonards howse Thomas Turner Henry Smalwod Peero Mannsprugh ... George Hunte John Heathe 3l.a.) qrter yeare uij" ij* xvj" viij* iiij* xvj* XV* V" iij* xij* iiij" xvj" iij* xij" XV* V" X* iij" iiij* iij* xij" XV* V" iiij* xvj" ij' j* viij" iiij'^ xij* iiij" iij' xij" X* iij' iiij" iij* xij" iiij* xvj" iij* xij" iij* xij*. viij* ij' viij" ij* viij" iiij* xvj" vj* ij' uj* xij" V* XX* xij" iiij" vj" ij' iij* xij" Cornehill Thomas fforman Israeli Owyne Thomas Parradyne .., John Brogdayne Edward Ryder Raphe Boswell William Ryder Humphery Streate ... Thomas Paueley John Bowser Henry Alword Robart Parpoynte ... Thomas TyrreU Xpofer Midleton Thomas Carpenter ... Arnolde Richardson.. Thomas Smyth John Jakes Robart ffarrington .., Hugh Owberry John Hooke ... Richard Robinson . John Straham WilUam Robarts Richarde Normoott . Henry Smythe WUlm Martine Widow Thometon . The Church yarde IUJ" vj* XV]" IJ' vuj" X* iij" iiij" XV* v vj* ij' X* iij' iiij" iiij* xvj" xiiij* iiij* viij" X" iij" iiij" vj" ij' xviij* vj' xij* iiij" viij" ij' viij" XV* V" iij* xij" X* iij' iiij" X* iij' iiij* X* iij' iiij" X* iij" iiij" iij* xij* iij* xij" iij* xij" iij* xij* iij* xij* ij* viij* ij* vuj* ij* viij* ij* viij* ij* Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. 21 The AUey VJ" WiUm ffludde Lewis Morgaine Widow Spragge John Lofte Thomas Doughty Samuell Dowle Thomas Howson Marke Pryme John ffowler Widow Johnson Thomas Harris Somma tts Receipts of Clarkes wages... Receiptes of Money Rec' of George Wotton for one yeares rent dwe from sainct MicheU 1588 to S' MicheU 1589 Rd in the handes of M" Owyne of George Wotton one qrters Rente dew at the byrth of our Lorde ... Rd for Clarkes wages of all the prishe, as above wrytten Dew to be receiued of M'' Beecher as followeth for M' Owyne iiij Dew to be Rd of John Whyte and Isake Tylman ij' Dew to be Rd of John Heathe for a whole yere ij Dew to be Rd of John Brogden for the yeere... ij VJ" XUJ' XXXU]" ij" vj" J 3i.b.) Receiued of M' Alderman Ratlyfe clarkes wages for two yeare which was behinde 1687^ and 1588 Reed of M' Bowser also for two yeare which was behinde 1587 and 1588 Reed more of Edwarde Ryder Some Somma totalis of the Receipts XXUl]" xij' viij" iiij* xliiij" iiij* xvuj" VJ' VU]" Payments and discharges of this accompt Item payde vnto Thomas Cotton the Clarke wages Item payde for washing the Lynen Item payde to Thomas Nebbe the sexton wages Item payde for Articles at the Archdeacons vysitation... Item payde for a dinner for the pson Churchwardens and side men at the daye of the visitadon Item payde for a payring shoveU and broomes ... Item payde for iiij Bell ropes Item payde for a quyer of paper ... ... vesti-yes (sic) Item payde for Candles on the Coronation dayes c Item payde the Scavenger for Churche duste and other soyle for the whole yeare Item payde widow ffowler for Lactantious borde Item payde for communion breade and wine Item payde M' Greeneham by consent of a vestry Item payde M" Squier for a coppy of the buttles of our lande in ffleete streate, being in the tenor of M-^ Wotton Item payde M" Smyth for a deede in the hoystinges ... Item payde for a Coppye of Greenhams deede ... Item payde M' Weste before mending the beUes for tymber and Jame worke about them Item payde for Ringers at the Queenes byrth and Crownation dayes Item payde for a padde locke for the cheste where our deedes and wrytings lye Item payde for the burying of Lactantious Rowlyns ... Some Ill]" iii]' xl" vnj" ij' vj' UIJ," xij* viij" viij* viij" viij iiijiiij ij* iiii" Ul]" iiij* iiij" XIJ" UIJ*iiij* IJ" VJ" X' xix" yd xl' xij" ij' viij" xiiij" X* iij" iiij* VJ." xij" XJ* 33. a.) The halfe yeare The whole yeare viij" iiij* xvj' VU]* vj" xij" viij* xvj* X* XX* XX* iij" iiij* vj* xij* viij* xvj* vj* xij* ij' vj* yS XX* iij" iiij* 32.a.) Anno 1590 The accompt of IsraeU Owyn Church warden of the prish of Sainct Chris tophers in London begening at the feast of the byrth of our Lord Jesus Christe in Anno domini 1689 and is for one whole yeare ending at the same feaste in Anno domini 1590 Receipts of Clarkes wages and for the pewes in the Church as followeth Rec' of Si- PhilUp Butler ... M' Alderman Radclyfe John Howell ... Izake Kylborne John Whyte ... M" Spragge ... Robart Cudner... James Bayly ... Nicholas Barnsly ffraunces Lodge Robart Stratforde Thomas Taylor John Byllingford M"" Henry Beecher Ryehard Candler Robart Wincole John Leaues ... Richard Rauenscroft James Standley Ryehard Hayes Jerom Suker ... 32.b.) Hughe Dale Cornellis Spering WUliam WithnaU Thomas Addams Thomas Coxeter Thoms Turner... Henry Smalwod Pero Mansproughe George Hunt ... John Heath VJ* ij' vj* viij" iiij" ij* ij' VJ* viij* vj* vj* xvj* iiij* viij* xij* vj* XIJ* vj" viij* xij* Cornhill Thomas fforman iiij' IsraeU Owyn xx* Thomas Paradyne ij" vj" Hughe GravOj xij* Edward Ryder xx* Raphe Boswell viij" WiUiam Ryder ij" iiij Humphrey Street Thoms Pauely John Bowser ... iij" Henry Alworth ij' Robert Perpoynte Thoms Tyrrell ij» Xpofer Myddleton Thoms Sipyth xx* Arnold Rychardson xx* Thoms Carpenter Ryehard Gylmer John Jaques Edward Carpenter Hughe Owberry In the Churchyarde John Hooke Ryehard Robynson ... j* XX* xij* xvj* vj* id V] XX* vj* XX* vj* VJ* vj* VU]" iiij" iij" XIJ* XVJ* iiij* Ul]* xij* xvj* xij* xij* ij' viij* viij* xvj* 1]' Ul]" Iij' XI]* XI]* xvj* viij" 11]" Ul]* v« ij' iij" iiij* xvj* iiij' viij* iij" iiij* ij' vj' iiij" ij' viij* V" xij* iij" iiij* iij" iiij* iij' iiij* xij* iij" iiij* xii* XIJ* xij* 22 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. John Strahan WilUam Robarts .. Lewis Morgayne .. William Martyne.. Robert Hudson .. M'" Spragge Samewell Dowle ., Thomas Doughty.. John Lofte In the AUey VJ" iiij* iiij* iiij" vj" XIJ" iiij" iiij* Somma TotaUs receipts of Clarkes wages ... Receiued of Robert Cudner late Church warden for the foote of his accompt ... Rd of M' Hooke the 5 of Marche 1589 for mother PhU- pots grave in the Church Rd of George Wotton for one yeares rent of 3 tene- mets with thappurtnances caUed by the name of the Angell on the hoope lying in fleetstreete in the prish of S' Dunstons in the west payable at 4 seuerall qrter dayes the last being dew at Christ mas 1590 Rd of Robart Perpoynt the 14 of June 1590 for the grave of Agnes Perpoynt his Daughter buryed in the church 33.b.) Receiued of John Howell the 19 of June 1590 for the grave of Kathren Ryce Widow buryed in the Church Rd more of him for the knell w"^ the greate Bell Rd the 11 of December 1590 for the grave of Helen Why thed Widow buryed in the Church Rd more for the great bell for her knyll Rd by the handes of Thomas Pauely and Jerom Suker the 30 of June 1690 Collectors of thassesment of the prishioners towards the recovering of the arrerage of Rent out of the tennements in ffleet- streete dew by George and Willm Wotton Rd of the Perryshyoners for the Clarkes wages dew for one yeare ending at Christmas 1590 as appeareth on the other syde this leafe in a totaU some Soma totalis of redy money and other casuall receipts... Soma TotaUs of all the Receipts in generall of this accompt ... ... Payments and discharges of this accompt as hereafter foUowth Payde to Robarte Mott Bellfounder the 20 of November 1589 for new mettle and for casting new the third BeU Payde to Mr. Averbery for movinge an order in the Chancery for costs in the Kings bench against W"" Wytton Payde to ffraunces Greenham for making a deed in pchment for James Wodshaw to passe vnto the prish the rentcharge dew to the Queene issuing owt of the tennements in fleetestreete w""" rent he pro cured from the Queene in a booke of concealment and promysed the same to the prish for 20" w'*' all arerags thervpon dew ... Payde to Marke Pryme for keeping Lactantius Rawlins a poore boye borne in the prish Payde for presenting Artycles to Doctor ffarand and Doctor Stanhup for one whole yeare ending at Christmas i]' xij* viij" vuj" viij" xij" VUJ"viij* viij" VI]' V]' vj" Xllj" Ulj" X' iij' VUJ" Vll]" xxvuj" UIJ" VIJ' 1]" xviij" j" V" iij* lUj" XVJ' U]' XX" IUJ" VUJ' Xvuj" UIJ' xl' iiij' iij" VJ" ix" iiij" xviij id xvuj* vj xvj' ij' ij" viij' xvij' Xllj" Ulj" 34.a.) Payde the 20 of January for a dynner for the pson Church wardens syde men and other pishionerp Payde for breade and wyne for the Comunyon table for one whole yeare ending at Christmas 1590 ... Payde to Thomas Cotton the Clarke for one yeares wags dew at Christmas 1590 and pd at 4 seu''all feasts Payd Thoms Cotton for washing the Church lynnen one whole yeare ending at Christms last past Payde to Nebb the sexton one yeares wags Payde to Nebb the 26 of ffebruary for Bell ropes Payde for mending the Bell wheeles Payde for making vp Mother Philpots graue Payde to Gatonby the pavyer the 13 Aprill 1690 for Length. 27. di paving the whole pavement before the Church Breadth. 3. i qtr in the streete syde contayning 89 yards and halfe at 2" ob the yarde Payde for 4 lode of stones for the same pavement & vj lode of gravell Payde Nebb for making vp An Perpoynts grave Payde Nebb for making vp Katheren Ryces grave Payde for mending the leades the 28 of August and for wod coles and nayles for the same work Payde for ij prayer bookes Rd from Doctor Stanhop ... Payde to John Heath for making the pulpit Cloth for lyning and mending the Carpetts for the comunion table Payde to Westly the 26 of September for mending the bells with stuff and workmanshipp therunto Payde to the wardens of the Drapers the 29 of septemb' for one yeares anuyty dew towards the releef e of the poore brethren of the mystery of Drapers according to the bequest of Benedyct Harlwyne payable vpon the feast daye of S' Michell tharkangell yssuing owt of o"^ tenamets in flet stret called the AngeU on the hoope ... Payde the 20 of November 1690 to Sara Shephard towards the keeping of a Chylde which was layde on a stawle in the pishe 27 of October which childe was deliuered to y' same Sara by the consent of M"' Alderman & othe" ^,^^^T^.J¦n^^ <-n 1\Tl- T^nrrr fnn [jnTrinj-f n T>^-.^r. jr. 'TO'r.W.OTi fr. \ ¦anoworo f payde at the latter Payde to Jamog Standley oolyoytor for following the i ende of the accompt nmiTfin ij +nni-mng in tlio IHnga Vionflio nnrl r.V.QTi^oT.y ) Payde to Goodwyfe Harrys for nursing the same childe Payde the 21 of November for the buryall of the chUde in y" new Churchyarde Payde to Cotton and Neb for ringing on the Queens byrth day and coronation Daye Payde for Candles for the ringers the same tyme Payde Neb for mending of v bawdriks Payde for mending a Bell wheele at that tyme ... Payde Neb for making vp Helen Whitheds grave Payde Neb for browmes for one yeare Payde for mending M" Ratclyfs pew Payde the scavenger of brod street warde for one yeare Payde for carying away the robbish from the Church wall ... Payde Westly for making a new wheele and Iron worke for the forth Bell & a bowt the wheele uj' Ulj" iii]' XV]" iJ' UJ' uij"iiij" iiij' ij' ij' ij' vjd Ul]" IUJ" Soma totalis of Ordenary payments and necessary charges for the parrish VI]' iij" Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. 23 Sum V]" VI]' Soma totalis of aU the payments in generall of this accompt xxvj" XIU]" IUJ" Ul]" Payments for sute in law for the arrerages dew by George Wotton Payde the first of July 1590 to M' ffuUer the councellor for counsell of a declaration in the kings benche against George Wotton for the arrerags of Rent dew to the pish x" Payde to M' Cooke the counceler for councell in the same x' Payde for searche of John Wottons WiU and a note of his inventory extant in M' Argalls office ij" July Payde for arresting Georg Wotton into the kings benche vpon an action of arrerages of Rent ... ij" x" Payde to M' Man theatorney for a latitat out of the kings benche for George Wotton iij" j" Payde for drawing the declaration in the kings benche... x' 5.a.) Payde for thatturneyes fee in the kings benche ... iij" Payde for aerching in the spirituall Courte for the names of aU the psons of S' xpofers Church heretofore ... V Payde for bote hyre to Westminster Octobar Payde to M' Cooke the CounceUer for his fee ... ... ... X" 6 October Payde for serching in the spyrituall courte for the names of the busshops of london and psons of Sainct xpofers church ix' 1 Payde to M" Atkynson counceller for pvsing the declaration to be put into the Chauncery against Georg Wotton for arrearages of Rent dew to the pish X' Payde to M'^ Cooke counceUor for his fee in the same cawse X" 2 Nouember Payde to M' Parsons of Davyes In for drawing and ingrossing the declaration into the Chauncery against George Wotton for arrerags of rent ... xx' Payde to M" CordeU one of the vj Clarks for his fee ... iij" iuj" Payde to M' Dew for geving a Rule to Wotton to answere iij' Payde to James Standley solycitor for following the cawse ij tearmes in the kings benche & Chauncery... xiij' iiij" Payde to Thomas Cotton for wryting this accompt ... xij" 11]° VJ" iij" . The chardge of this accompt kept by Israeli Owyn is ... xxviij" I Maye The dischardge of the same accompt as doth apeere... xxvj" xiiij' vj* And so remayneth to the foote of this accompt to bee deliu'ed vnto the handes of John leaves Churchwarden Som ' xxx' ix" Awdited by theis parties whose names are hereunder wrytten and deliu'^ed into ; the handes of John leaues now Church warden the foresaid some of xxx'ix*thisxj'>'of May 1691. _ _ p me Johne Thorp Rectore Ecclise By me John Leaves Churche-warden Thoms fforman Robart codnar Jno L Bowssar Thoms adams ^,b.)An Inuentory of all the wrytings Books Ornaments and Church goods appertayning to the prishe n" 1 Item one coppy of a deede inrowled In the Hoystings in lattin made from John Balldock to Benedick Harlewin Draper bearing date the xxvij of Julij in the vij"" yeere of king henry the sixt for the tenaments in fleet strete called the AngeU on the hoope And also one other coppy of the same written in Englishe n» 2 Item one Certificat in paper of aU the landes and tenamentes belonging to the parrishe of Sainct Christofer presented into the Augmentacon cowrt in the raigne of King Edward the Sixt _ n° 3 Item one coppy of a presentment resting in the Augmentacon cowrt of the kings commissioners for Benedick harlewins landes geven to the parrishe of Sainct Christofer examined and f rmed w'" the' hands by Thomas fforman IsraeU Owyn and ffraunces Greenham solicit^ n" 4 Item iiij olde Bookes of accomptes one of John Jakes one of Raynolde Rauensbey & j of WiUiam Beade and one of George flormann which somewhat concerne and towching the tenaments & lands in ffleet street n" 5 Item j coppy of Benedick harlewyns wUl taken owte of the archdecons court vnder seale of office n" 6 Item j coppy of a Speciali verdicte owte of the kings benche contayning Lx sheets of paper concerning the lanndes in fleete street n» 7 Item An exemplificacion of the presentment of the Angell on the hoope in fleet stret in parchment vnder the Seale of the Exchecker n° 8 Item j letter of attorney in parchment made from Willm Hutchinson parson and Thomas Spragg & Homphrey Streete churchwardens to John hulson marchauntaUor for the demaunde of 1 qrtrs rent of thomas Wytton or his assignes for the landes & tenamentes being in flet street n° 9 Item j certificat in paper of John Mounstowe and others of the deniall & refuzall of payment of the same rent n° 10 Item iiij breviates in paper of owre proceeding in the kings benche Agaynst William Wyttoun n° 11 Item a coppy of the letters pattent from the king vnto .lohn Crooke for the tenaments in fleet street in pap of the AngeU on y" hoope n" 12 Item j copy of the speciali verdict firmed by the handes of y^ counsell one booth sydes written in one sheete of paper n" 13 Item ij papers contayning the coppies of Orders in the kings benche for obtayning the Judgemente for the sute. n" 14 Also a note of the speciali verdite deUuered to the Judges, concerning the same 36.a.) n° 15 Item maister ffuUers Opinion towching the demaunde and recouery of Arearages of rent Agaynst George Wytton n° 16 Item a coppy of A peticion made to the lorde treasurer by the parson and Church wardens for the rent chardge to the queene Issuing out of the landes in fletstreet to be past from Jeames Wodshawe to the prishe acording to his pmis. n" 17 Item a coppy in paper of John Watlars will bearing date the iiij* of Januarij in the iiij*'^ yere of the raigne of King henry the sixt n" 18 Item a coppy of an accion commensed in the kings benche by the parson and Churche wardens Against George Witton for Arerages of rent n» 19 Item Also A coppy of an Accon comensed in the Chancery by the parson and church wardens Agaynst George Wytton for the same Arerages n" 20 Item A lease in parchmente made by George Wytton to Jn" C hobnail scrivener for three yeers for to trye owre Tytle in n° 21 Item A counterpane of a lease lett to Nichas Barnesley and John & Jeames Wodshawe of owre tenamentes lying in ffleet streete. Inuentory /gjps n° 22 A coppy of John Wyttons -wifr taken owte of maister Argall's office n" 23 Item a coppy of the Bysshopps of london and parsons names of Sainct Christofer taken owte of the office of maister BlackweU n" 24 Item iij breviates concerning the sute for the Arerages w"'' is due to the parrishe by George Wytton for y'= lande in flet stret n" 25 Item j Obligacon of william pryme and marke pryme for the continewall keping and mayntayning of katterin Bawne withowt ehardging or burdening of the parrishe any manner of waye. n" 26 Item ij Acquittances from the Drapers for Robert Cudner and Israeli Owyn in dischardge of the payment whiche is yearly to be payde for y^ poore n° 27 A coppy of the special verditt in breefe writt in a sheet of paper n" 28 A Breefe note of the owlde lease lett vnto Thoms Wytton by pson stanny and the churchwardens named Dady and horspoole for the howses in flet street n" 29 Item ij papers of Seasments of the parrishnors and colection of money to f oUowe the sute for the obtayning of owre landeu in fleet streete 24 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. n° 30 Item j litle paper wherein is a remembrance of xx" & a penny geve Against WUlm Wytton by A Judgemet owt of the kings benche Item one comunion cuppe of silver and cover and patten all of the being silver and wholy gylded waying xxiij ounces & half Item one byble of the lardgest volume & ij whole psalters with singing Salmes and ij owlde salters broken and torne one paraphrases on the gospeUs and one paraphrases on the Epistles ij books of the first and second tombe of homelies one lardge service Booke one new booke & one olde booke for the registring of Christnings marriages and alsoe Buryinges Itm one greate paper booke called a vestry booke p' viij' And one new seruice booke ffor y* Clarke p' iiij' viij* s.b.) Item one Table cloth of Diaper & j coverpane of Diaper Item j cloth of calUco frindged with whyt & somwhat wrought Item j pottell pott and one quarte pott of pewter for wyne for comnio Itm j Gathered snrplesse for the parson or minister one pulpett cloth of Dammask one hearse cloth of velvet and clothe of goalde Itm j great Booke with S''tayne coppyes of wills and leases and one lesser owlde book of accompts besydes this w"* a parchment cover Itm one carpett of tawny velvet with flowres of golde j carpett of redd valewre with flowres of goalde j owlde turkey carpett x Joyned formes iiij ladders great and small ij chests in the vestry & j presse xxiiij lethern bucketts j wrytten table for church dewtyes j table of the prishnors names j howre Glasse j long bench at the north doore j bench in the steple iij Coffins j litle olde cobbart ij shoovells j pick Axe In the steeple fyve bells and one Saunce Bell All thease pedis Afore written wear deUuered by Israeli Owyn late church warden vnto John leaves now churche warden of the parrishe of S' xpofer in the presence of thease whose names ar heare vnder wrytten n" 31 Itm An Indenture of y= Conuayaunce of y^ Arrerages of forty shUlinges dew to y^ Queene ffrom Tho Butler and Walter Copinger to y" parysh of S' Xpoflers n" 32 Itm An Indenture of y^ Conuayaunce of y« rent of forty shillinges ffrom ye parysh to Robart Cudner during his lyffe & y"' liffe of his daughter n" 33 Itm An Indenture of y'^ Conuayaunce of y= rent of forty shillinges ffrom Thomas Butler & Waller Copinger to y' parysh of S' Xoffers n° 34 Itm George Wyttons generall Accquittance & release vnto y" parson & Churchwardens of S* Xoffers n" 35 Itm A Counterpane of y* acquittaunce of y" parson and Churche wardens for y'= receipte of y^ fowre skore pounds of Arrerages for rent sr.a. Anno 1591 The acompt of John leaues deseased late Churchwarden of the parrishe of Sainct Christopher neare to the stocks in london begening at the feast of the byrth of o"^ lorde Jhus Christ in Anno 1590 vnto the daye of Receaued the xj* daye of may 1591 of Israeli Owyn late Churche warde for the foote of his accompt ... xxx' ix* Receaued the xx day of maye Anno 1691 of George wytton for a quarters rent dew at owr lady daye last past for iij tenaments with appurtenancs in fletstret xxxiij" iiij" Receaued the last of July Anno 1591 of Thomas Paueley and Jerrom Suker of an asseasment graunted at a vestry the xj of Januarij A" 1689 Some xxxviij' x" Receaued the iij of August 1591 of George Wytton for a quarters rent dew at midsomer last past for the tenaments with the appurtnaunces lying in flet stret xxxiij" iiij" Receaued of the parrishnors the clarks wages for half the yeere ended at midsomer last as most playnely appeareth by yi^ bill at lardge iiij" j' vj" Receaued for the first bill of reckning and accompt kept by Jno leaues churchwarden for Katteryn Bawne as apereth ... vij" vij" Receaued for the last assesment for Katherin Bawne the ou'plusse when she was dischardged from the prishe Receaued the vj"> of October Anno 1691 of Thomas Paveley and Jerrom Suker of an assement graunted at a vestry holden the xxvj of Aprill A° 1591 Some XX" xvij" V]' ij" Soma Totalis of all the receiptes of this Accompt 37.b.) Item payde for wyne & breade for the comunion the xxv daye of December being Christms daye 1590 ... xvj" Item payde to Stead the Joyner the ix«i of Januarii 1590 for making of a newe pewe and for altering of other pewes in the church as hearafter- wards apeareth Item payde vnto the Joyner and his man for three dayes woorke eueryone of them Som viij' Item payde for seven Clapp boordes ij" vj" Item payde for towe waynskott leaves ij" iiij" Item for creastes abowt the toppe of the pewe ij" ij" Item for an oken boorde at the toppe of -f pewe ... viij" Itm for A duble quarter occupyed in y' woork Itm for An Elmen boorde for the same woork Item for nayles belonging to that woork alsoe Item for A matt for y^ new pew & other matts for jf* maydes ij' Itm payd for sertayne owlde waynscott Itm p" for candells for the Joyners to woork by Itm p" at y^ Archdecons visitacon for owre Articles Itm p" for owre Dynner at the Castell y* xix of Januar. . . vuj' Itm for mending a pewe & also y'= pyssing place in y« church yerd Item paide for the coppye of George Wyttons pleye the xxiij"" daye of Januarii 1690 in Candlemas terme ... Item layde owt the vij*'» of f ebruary for bread and wyne f or comu Item payde Edward willat for marking the pewes ... ij' Item paid at Doctor farrauts Court for answering o' articles Item p" the xv of m'che for putting in answe'' to y" queens a'ticls ... ... ... Item payde for mendinge of the Surplesse Item p" the xx'^" of marche 1590 for comunio bred & wine Item p" the xxviij* of m'ch 1591 fo' bread & wine for comu ... ... ... ij' Item p" nebb the sexten his qrters wagis f o' o' lady daye x' Item p" m' Spering for di' yeer ending at midsom' raker wagis Item on Easter daye for breade and wyne at comunion Som' ij' vij" Item p" the Joyner for mending of pewes & som boordes therunto xvj" Item payde for nayles appertayning to the same woork... ij" 38.a.) Item paide for a new paper booke the xix* of Aprill ... x" Item payde for geuing in answer to the archdecons Articles vj" Item p" the seeonde day of maye for bread & wyne at comunion... ... ... ... ... ij" vij" Item p" vnto Cotton for wryting an inventory of y^ church goods & wrytings in to the accompt booke as it maye well apeere ... vj* Item payde a plasterer for mortering in the leades & other places ... ... xvj* Item payde to a laborer for a dayes woorking w** the plasterer... ... ... x* Item payde for a loade of Lyme for to make morter ... xij" Item payde for a busshell and di' of heare for the morter x" VU]" xvj" xix" yjd xij" VUJ" X]" V]" V]" iiij" XX]" XI]" Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 25 Item paide to maister Atkinson the counsaler the first day of June for trinity tearme & for a byll to be putt into y« chancery agaynst George Wytton for Arearages of rennt Item p" the vj"» of June for Bread and wyne for the comunion... Item p" to M' Appleby by the bodgett maker for vj new lether bocketts Item p" more to him for mending and setting one of xviij bucketts on mowldes & marking them w* lether in this wyse X Item paide to M' EveUng the viij of June for trinity tearme for putting in of the biU into the chauncery agaynst George Wytton Item p" to M' Atkinson the CounceUors man for draw ing a byll agaynst George Wytton the ix* of June w""" cam to no purpose ... ... Item paide the ix of June for a Suppena to serve George Wytton in trinity tearme to answer in the Chauncery to owr byll .. Item paide Edward Wyllat paynter for marking y<^ buckets red moyle ... Item payde the smith in lothebery for vj hookes of Iron to fasten the qrters to hang the bocketts on waying xiiij" at ij" ob the pound Itm p* Robinson the carpinter for making ij Raokes w"' iuj doble quarters for the bocketts to hang on for workmashipp naUs Item p" the xuij of June for carrying answer of the 5 articles Item p" for a hasshook for the parson to kneele on at y" comunion... Item p" Nebb the sexton y" xxiij of June his qrter wagis for midsom' ... Item p" Cotton the dark y^ xxiij of June for halfe yer ending at midsom' ... ... Item p° more to Cotton for wasshing the church lynnen for midsom' qrtr... ... ... Item p" the xxuj of June for y' coppy of y" aunswer of George Wytton made in the Chauncery Item paid maister Speering the rakers wagis for halfe for the Soile of the Churche which shall end at Christmas 1691 Item paide for breade & wyne for the comunion the 4 of July Item paide the v* of July for carrying in answer of y" archdecons artiols ... is.b.) Item paide for a Case made for y' Comunion Cuppe ... Item payde to Sergent Owyn the xuij of July for his CounseU abowt y* arearages dew to y" Queenes Ma'' geuen to supersticious vses— tenn s Item payde for a matt for y' pewe being the highest pewe in y" Church & now appointed for m' Alderma Radclyfe ... ... Item payde vnto M' Addams in colman street the xvj of July 1691 for Ingrosing of ij payer of Indentures for the setting ouer of the queenes rent Issuyng owt of the landes in fleestreete that is to say xl" a yeere was geuen to supersticious vses Item payde the xvj* of July 1591 for acknoledging the Indenture of rent chardge before at j" doctors commons one of y" maysters of the Chauncerye Item payde to Thomas Hill grocer y" xxij of July for ij Suger loves geuen to M' Addams the waight con tayning xxiij" xiij ounces at xiij" the pounde XUl]' 11]' 11]" i]' X]" ij' V]" XJ" yjd vjd V" xl' 1]' VU]" XI]" X]" V]" yjd XV]" XVJ" XJ" Ul]' IJ' V]" xiij" xvij" x" xvij" vj" ij" xiij" xvij' x" iij" viij' iiij" Item payde more to thomas hiU for one loafe of barbery suger geuen m' wodshawe waying xvj" at xij" the pounde ... ... ... Item paide the first of august for comunio bred & wine Item paid y" first of Septemb' for bred & wine for comunion ... Item paid to nebb the Sexte for couering of y° grave of M" Hayes ij' and for couering the grave of John leaves owr late Church warden ij' p" by vs y" Awditors... Item payde also by vs the Awditors of this Accompt vnto Thomas Cotton owr prishe dark ffor the wryt ing and parfetting of the same Soma Totalis of aU the paymentes of this Accompt The chardge of this accompt of John leaves is ... The dischardge of this same accompt as dooth apeere is And so remayneth to y^ foote of this accompt to be deliuerd into the handes of henry Aylward now church warden Audited by theise parties whose names ar hearunder written the viij* of October 1691 & the som of iij" viij' iiij" deliuered to the churchwarden as afore mencioned and also the cupp for comunion w* pattent and cover all of them silver & aU gilt waying xxiij ounces & halfe p me Johne Thorp i Henry Alward Churchwarden Rectore Sti xpofferi ) Nycolas barnesly Israeli Owen Robte Cudner aODett vnto this accompt S'tayne monney for Clarks wages and ij quarters whiche shall ende at christmas nex ensuing for henry Aylwarde now church warden to reaceve as it doth and may most playnely apeere by a byll thereof made ...' And also forthe grave and knUl of Ric hayes his wyfe ... And more for the grave & knill of Ro¥t parpoint buryed in y'= chappel Item ij qrters rent of George wytton the on is dew for michalms last past and the other shalbe dew at christms next ensuyng 33' 4" eu'y qr' ... ... iij" vj' 8" Also such church goods as is specifyed in an Inventory made and sett downe in this Book at the latter end of M' Owyns acompt Anno 1592 The accoumpte of Henry AUwarde Churchewarden of y paryshe of S*- Xpoflers begining at y'^ feast of y« birth of our Lord Jesus Christe in anno 1591 & is for one whole yere floUowinge & for pte of y= yere goinge before at y" deceasse of John Leaues late Churchwarden as yt may appeare by this accoumpte foUowinge Receiptes Receaued flor breakinge the grounde in y' Chappell flor John Leaues late Churchewarden octob 7 1591 Receaued ffor the bells at the same tyme. . . Rd from the Auditors of John Leaues accoumpte octob 9 Rd ffrom Thomas Pauely for foUowinge the suite in Chancery agaynste George Witton the fowrth of Nouember Rd of George Wytton tenante of y" landes in flete streate for a quarters rent dew at Michaelmas 1591 noueb 8 Rd from M' Lynford renter warden of the Merchan- taylors for y" poore of y= paryshe the xxv* of December 1591 , Rd from George Wytton for a quarters rent dewe at y" feaste of the Natiuyty of our Lord God 1591 ... xxxiij" iiij* xiij' iiij" xvj" viij" 39.b.) XU]' iij" uij" iij" 11]" viij" iiijd XXXU]' XXXU]' uij" 26 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. Rd ffrom M' Hayes flor a debt in y« Churche booke for the buryaU of his wyffe the x* of february 1591 ... Rd from M'» Parpoynt ffor y buryaU of her husbande in y« Churche Rd from M" Parpoynt for y" buryall of her daughter in the Churche Rd ffrom Nebbes f 6r the knyU of the fourthe bell for Jeames bayliues wyffe Rd from Robarts for breaking the grounde in the Churche for John HoweU & for his knyU the xij* of May 1592 Rd from George Wytton for a quarters rent dew at our ladye day last past 1592 May 12 Rd from George Wytton for a quarters rent dew at Mydsomer last y<= 5* of July 1692 Rd from M' ffluton of lothbury ffor y^ Churche duties & for y" buryall of his wyffe in the Chappell by her brother M' flelix Lawrence Rd from diuerse of the paryshioners as yt appeareth by a roUe for the relief e of Cottons children Rd from M' florma of his beneuolence to y^ reUefe of Cottons children y" 6* of August 1692 Rd from George Wytton ffor a quarters rent dew at Michaelmas last 1692 Nou' 1 Rd from George Wytton for a quarters rent dewe at Xpemas last the xxx* day of fiecember 1592 Rd of y" Clarkes wages ffor y' Accoumptes of John Leaues from y feast of S' John baptyste vnto y"= feast of yo Natiuyty of ou' Lord God 1591 Rd more flor myne owne accoumpte of y^ Clarkes wages for one whole yeare endinge at y" feast of y"= Natiuity of ou' Lord God 1592 Soma totaUs of all the receiptes in generaU «-a.) Paymentes 1592 In primis to Cotton the Clarke for presentinge y^ five artickles Sep 22 Itm for new ropes for the belles weyghing? xxx poundes the xxvij* of September 1591 Itm payd to M' Wickens y" Clarke of the Drapers for the vse of the poore of y" Company y' first of October 1691 Itm to Cotton for presenting y^ artickles into y*^ Arche deacons Courte the 2* of October 1691 Itm for bread & wyne at the Comunion on the thirde day of October 1591 Itm to Robte Cudner for his quarters anewety dew at Michaelmas last y'= g'l" of October 1692 Itm the same daye to Cotton for his wages dewe at Michaelmas last Itm paid him more for washinge the churche lynnen ... Itm y' same day to Nebbes y" sexten for his wages dew at Michaelmas last Itm to Nebbs for couering of M' Parpoynt his graue ... Itm to Nebbs for mendinge y'= seeonde mens pewe Itm to M' Atkinson y* Councelor for his opynion in y^ suite agaynst Wytton y'= 20 of October 1691 Itm to M' Jarret y' Councelor for his opinyon in y« same suite Itm to M' buckly y^ Attorney in y' Chancey for his fee in Michaelmas terme Itm for drawing y order agaynst Wytton & for enteringe y^ same order XU]' VJ" XUJ" xxxiij' xxxiij" xxxv" 11]" U]" viij" vij" XUJ' xxxix" iiij' u]' X' ij' UJ' iiij' iiij* viij" iiij" Iv' viij" xxxiij" iiij" xxxiij' iiij" XI]" vuj* viij* xij" xij" XI]" lUj" Itm for bread & wyne at a Comunyon y* first of Nouember 1691 Itm for y« Coppye of y« answer of George Wytton vpon y^ order in chancery Itm to Cotton for Candles & ringers on y= Coronation daye 1591 Itm to Nebbes for mendinge on of y' bell wheles & a baldrick Itm to Cotton for pntinge y' five artickles Itm to Nebbes for his wages dew at Xpemas 1591 Itm to Nebbes for broome for y' whole yere Itm to Nebbes for carying y^ broken matts & hassockes away Itm to Cotton for his wages dew at Xpemas last 1591 Itm to Cotton for washing y^ Churche lynen Itm for iij quartes of Muskadell at y^ Comunyon on Xpemas daye 1591 Itm to y" pore of y" paryshe from M' lyntf ord renter- warden of y" Merchantaylers ... Itm to M' buckly attornay in y' Chancery for a new Coppy of Wyttons answer Itm to M' ffuUer for Councell agaynst George Wytton Jan 27 Itm spent to and fro in hillary terme w"» M' barnseley &M' Stanly ... Itm to M' Poole for drawinge y* order agaynst Wytton in hiUary terme Itm for a Coppy of y" order giuen to george Wytton ... Itm for entring y"^ order in y' regyster Itm to M' Buckly for his paynes to haue y" order entred Itm for bread & wyne at y* Comunyon 6 of ¦ february 1591 Itm to M' ffuUer for his paynes to goe to Doctor f oordes howse Itm spent y^ same day extraordynarUy ... Itm to Cotton for part of his wages dew at o' lady day following Itm for a lofe of suger giuen to Doctor ffloorde feb 16 1591 Itm to Robte Cudner for his quarters annewity for Xpemas last Itm to M' ffuUer for penning y^ reporte ffro Doctor ffoorde Itm to Nebbes for coueringe y'^ graue of M" Parpoynts daughter Itm for Morter vsed by y glasyer to y* Churche wyn- dowes 40.b.)Payd at y" Archdeacons visitacon for Artickles March 4 Itm for a dynner at y same visitacon Itm to Nebbes for y" fowre bearers for Cotton March 6 Itm geuen to Nebbes for y« reUef e of Cottons children March 6 Itm more to Nebbes ffor Cottons chUdren March xj* ... Itm to y glasyer y same day for repayring y" Church windowes ... Itm to Nebbes for presentinge y Answer of y" v Artickles March 14 Itm more to Nebbes for Cottons chUdren March 15 1691 , Itm for iij quartes of wyne for y" comunyon on palme sonday Itm more to Nebbes for Cottons chUdren Mar 20 Itm to a bricklaer for repayring y Church porch & Churchyard Itm to Nebbes to carry out y" rubbyshe & fylth IUJ" X' ij' X]" XVU]" xij" yjd XI]" ij' vij" X' ij' vj" iij' vj" xij" xij" X]" iij" iiij" xij' VUJ' VU]" xij" XV]" V]" ij' vij" XX' ij" xij* Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 27 Itm for carying awaye y" same rubbyshe by a Carte ... Itm to Nebbes for Cottons children 24 of March Itm to Nebbes for his quarters wages dew y" xxv* of March 1692 Itm for bread and wyne at y= Comunyon on Easter day 1592 Itm to Nebbes for Cottons children March 27 1592 Itm for Cottons graue & his wyues graue & for their k[n]ylls Itm to Nebbes for water for Cottons howse Itm to Nebbes for washinge y» Church lynnen Itm more to Nebbes ffor Cottons children Itm more to Nebbes ffor Cottons chUdren 3 Aprill 1692 Itm to Nebbes for y" woman w"!" kept Cotton & chUdren 5 of ApriU Itm to Cottons mayd y' kept y children & woman y' was sick 7 Aprill Itm for bread and wyne at y" Comunyon 9 of Aprill ... Itm to Henry Patrick who was in election for ye Clarke Itm for mending y Clapper of y tenor beU 3 of May ... Itm to Robte Cudner for his quarters anewety at our lady day last Itm to y Marbler for for uj brasse plates for y« vestry & exchange Itm to John Heath for y debt of Thomas Cotton Itm to Nebbes for Couering of John HoweUs graue Itm for bread and wyne at y Comunyon on Whitsonday Itm to Robinson y" Carpenter ffor two Coffins for Cotton & his wyffe & for other thinges don in y Churche Itm to Nebbes for his wages dew at Mydsomer next coming Itm for y* booke y" booke of artikles author" by y ij Archbyshops Itm to y regyster for y" Archdeacon entring an order into his Courte before Doctor Creake concerninge Wytton Itm to y register for ou' p[rese]ntment 7 of June Itm in y Archdeacons Court for y vexation of y Clarke Itm to Nebbes for Carying in y artickles Itm for bread & wyne for y Comunyon 2 of July 1592 Itm to Robte Cudner for his quarters anewety dew at Mydsomer last Itm to Hodsons wyffe for 12 wekes & 3 dayes boorde for Cottons daughter ... Itm to WUlm Robartes y Clarke for his wages dew at Mydsomer last Itm for mending y" booke of Comon prayer Itm for mending y Parsons surplus & washing y Church lynen Itm to Nebbes for making y graue for M" flflicton Itm to y Clarke & sexton ffor y Quiridge for M" flicton Itm to y Clarcke & sexton for their duties & y knyU ofM^fflicton Itm to Nebbes for Couering y graue of M'" flecton 4i.a.) Payd to one of "Cottons daughters M" dwelling in Water lane ... ... Itm for bread & wyne at y" Comunyon 6 of August 1592 Itm for bread & wyne at y^ Comunion 2 of September... Itm to Nebbes his wyffe for her husbandes wages at Michaelmas last • Itm more to her for washing y Church lynnen Itm to M' Wickens y'' Clark of y" Drapers for y"= pore of y' company dew at Michaelmas last 1592 1]' VI]" 11]" uij" xij* xviij" xij" iij' iiij" VI]' iij' iiij" ij' vij" v xvj" xij' iiij" V iij" ij' xj" VU]' X]" xiij' iiij'i XV]" xij* xvj" viij" XX]" xxuj' 1]" VUJ" IJ' ij' v ij' XV]" X]" xj* ' iil-i" XU]" Ul] xij" 30 Octob Itm payd to M' Heyes w* he layd out in my absence as followeth ffor two women y' serched y bodye of Nebbes Itm for couering Nebbes his graue Itm for bread & wyne at a Comunyon 1 of October Itm for mending ye Comunion table Itm for mending y wheles of y^ bells Itm for mending y' bells at y" same tyme Itm a new Clapper for ye sans bell Itm for Iron worke about y beU wheles & nayles Itm for ropes for y" bells Itm for Couering of M' Paradynes childes graue Itm to Robte Cudner for his quarters anewety dew at Michalmas last Itm to y' man & his wyffe y' had Cottons daughter in southwark x Itm to M' Hayes more w* he spent vpon y' man & his wyffe Itm to y Scryuenor for making of Indentures & obligaco for Cottons daughter Itm Robtes y" Clarke for Candles & ringers one y'= Quenesday & other things Itm more to M' Hayes for other chardges about y' bells 6 of Decemb 3 Itm to Robte Cudner for his quarters anewety at xpemas last Itm to y sexton for his wages dew at xpemas last Itm to him for washing y'= Church lynen Itm more to him for broomes & other thinges Itm to Robtes y" Clarke for his halfe yere wages Som totalis of all y^ payments in generall The Chardge of this Accoumpte kept by Henry Alward is Vll]" xx" xij* ij' vj' viij* vj' viij* ij' vj* XJ" VJ' xuij" XVllj" VJ" X" xiij' iij' xl" VJ" UIJ" xij" viij" xxxiiij" The Dischardge of th^same accoumpte as doth appeare is xxxiiij" And so remayneth at y^ foote of this accoumpte in y« handes of Henry Alward late Church warden the some of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... v" Vll]' iuj' viij" XUJ' Ul]" iij" iiij* V" IJ' VUJ" This Accoumpte wus audited by vs whose names are vnder written & y foresaid some of v" ij" viij" was deliuered into y" handes of Richard Hayes now Churche warden w* y Comunyon Cup hauinge a patent & Couer of siluer & guilte weighinge xxiij* ounces & a halfe At w* tyme also was deliu'd vnto him y« said Richard Hayes all such writing books writings ornaments & other Church goods as are expressed at large in an Inuentory in this booke of Accoumptes bearing date y' yere of ou' Lord God 1591 this 6* of ApriU 1593 Moreou[er] debtes behind to be receaued by Richard Hayes Church warden Of Thomas Paradyne for breaking y^ ground & y« beU forhischild Also of John Heathe for Clarkes wages for one whole yere past... xij* p me Johne Thorp Rectore ) Nycolas Barnsley EccEe S" Xpofferi ' Homfrye Streete Robart codnar Richard Heyes Church warden «.b.) Anno 1593 42.a.) The Accounte of Richarde Heye Churchewarden of y^ paryshe of S* xpoflers in London flrom y= feaste daye of y= byrthe of ou' Lord God 1592 vntill on whole yeare endinge at y'= same feast 1593 Receiptes Receaued of Henry AUwarde ffor y= ffoote of his accoumpte Rd of Thomas Paradyne for his Childes buryall in y Churche Rd of John Heathe ffor Arrearages of Clarkes wages ... 1]' viij* e2 vj" viij* xij* 28 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. Rd of Edward Ryder ffor his ChUdes buryaU in y" Churche Rd of ffor y buryall of M" Skynner in y^ south yle of y'= Chancell Rd ffor y'= feuryaU of Thomas Carpenter his Child in y'' Churche Rd ffor y« buryall of Henry AUwarde in y"* North yle & y'' great bell Rd ffor y buryall of Mary Gorlay an old mayd in y= Churche ... ... Rd ffor ye buryaU of George Rysby Doctor Parkins man in y Churche Rd ffor ye buryaU of Willia Pynnock seru[ant] to Aid. Ryder Rd ffor y" buryall of Thomes Dauys ser[uant] to Jeames Stanly ... ... ... Rd ffor y^ Clarkes wages flor one whole yeare Rd of George Wytton ffor one whole yeares rent Rd ffor ye buryall of Samuwell Greene Soma Totalis of all y= Receiptes 42. b.) Paymentes 1593 The accompte of Richarde Heye Inprimis payd ffor bread & wyne y" first sonday in december ... ... ... ' ... Itm to M' Lodge skauenger ffor M' Alward Itm for a dynner at y" Casle at y^ Composition w* George Wytton ... Itm for a dynner at y^ Archdeacons visitacion ... Itm for couering y^ grounde ffor M' Ed. Ryders child ... Itm for two paper bookes ... Itm flor a hassock Itm for bread & wyne y first sonday in february Itm for Answeringe y" Artickles ... Itm for Answeringe of the byshoppes Artickles Itm for bread & wyne y'' first sonday in Aprill Itm to Crosyer y^ sexton for on whole yeares wages ... Itm to Willia Robtes y' Clarke ffor on whole yeares wages Itm f or cou'inge of two graues ... ... Itm to Thom' Crosyer sexten for bromes & washing y'' Church lynen Itm for bread & wyne y" sonday before Easter day Itm for bread & wyne on Easter day 1693 Itm for worke aboute the bells Itm for cou'ing of two graues Itm for bread & wyne y' first sonday in June Itm for a booke of Artickles Itm to Robarte Cudner a pencion for one whole yeare... Itm for bread & wyne y firste sonday in July Itm for red wandes & bylles ffor y'= plague Itm to M' WyncoU skauinger for on whole yeare Itm for fowre bookes set out by y'= byshope for y"= plague Itm for bread & wyne y'' first sonday of August Itm to a poore woman y' laye great w* child at y'* church doore Itm for cou'ing Henry Alwardes graue Itm more for red wandes Itm for mending a beU whele Itm for footing two tressells Itm for a ramer Itm for a planck to stay y^ bells Itm for a dayes worke [of] y" carpenter Itm for a hassock & knot of scales for y* paryshe Itm for bread & wyne y'= first sonday of September Itm x» Itm 43.a.) xxxj' vj? Itm Itm xiij" iiij* ItmItm xvj' viij* Itm Itm xiij' iiij* Itm xiij' iiij* ItmItm X' Itm xij" Itm vij" xij' viij* Itm vj" xiij" iiij* Itm V Itm xxv" xiiij' yjd ItmItm xvj* Itm ij' Itm xvij' x" viij" Itm XX* Itm ij' Itm iij* Itm xj* Itm ij' iuj* Itni ij' Itm ij' viij* Iiij' iiij* ItmItm iiij" Itm ij' Itm vj' vjd Itm ij' viij* Itm ij' ij* iiij" X* Itm iiij" Itm ij.' xl' V]" XVJ" vj* VU]"xxj" XI]" XIJ* xiiij" xiiij" xij" xvj" V" xj" for lyme sand & tyles & a workman a day & a halfe for bread & wyne y'= first sonday in Noueber flor seeling ye Gallery . for iij bundells of yard lath L for a m & halfe of ij* nayles . for ij loade of lyme . for sand & heare... ... . to y" plasterer for two dayes worke ... . to y" laborer for two dayes worke ffor making a new pew vnder y" gaUery . fe>r Rubbishe for raysing y foundacion . for brick morter a bricklaer & laborer . for ij waynscots & eleuen deale boardes & sawing of them ... ... ... ... L for ix Clapboardes I for ij thick shelues of waynescot . for ix single quarters & two double ... toy'' turner ... ... ...' 1 for two mens worke a fortnighte & candells ffor y^ Parsons Pew to read diuyne seruice . for vj Clapbordes two leaues of wainscot & one deale boarde ... I for ij thick shelues one batting & two mens workes f or V dayes & half e . for iij deale hordes for y" gallery for sawing and setting them vp & nayles for two loade of stoane & for pauing pte of y" Churchyard . for payntinge y° gallery y' fonte and two old pewes L for a seruice booke for y" Clarke ... I for a great vestry paper booke . for an yron to hold vp the Church howre glasse ... . for two bell ropes poiz xvij" die for y'^ Clarkes pew I for a table of recorde for yerely payments out of y payshe ... : for y answer of y Byshoppes Artickles I for bread & wyne one xpemas daye ... I for a till in y Clarkes pew ¦ to robtes for deliuer y Archdeacons artickles p an1i paper & wax to Thomas Crosyer for oyle ffor y" bells to y poore brethren of y Drapers at Michaelmas last ... ... ... ... ... . for y Ingrossing of this accoumpte , to y^ Clarke & sexton for attending on y work in y church... Some of all y paymentes in generall vj" vj* xj" UJ' ij' ij' ij' ij' viij" xx* X" iij' iiij" xxiij" ij* iij" vj* ij' iiij" iij' yjd viij" xxxij' iiij" iiij' yjd xvij" viij" xij" x" xiij" iiij* iiij" viij" viij" xij* iij" viij* X]," Ul]" V]" ij' IUJ' 26" 14' 23" XIJ" iij' iiij* xij" iiij' yjd 23" 0 10* 6* 0 10* 13 8* The Charge of this Accoumpte kepte by Richard Heye is The Dischardge of the same Accoumpte as doth appeare is There remayneth at y foote of this accoumpt in y hands of Richard Heies late Churche warden the some of ... 43.b.) Debtes owinge of y Clarkes wages to be gathered by Raphe BosweU as ffoUoweth The Earle of Northuberland for one whole yeare Hugh Dale for one whole yeare Hugh Graue flor one whole yeare ... Abraha harnard for one whole yeare Will Marten ffor one whole yeare Richard Cade for one whole yeare Some of all y debtes .... xvj' VU]" xij"xij" viij" Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 29 This foresaid Accoumpte of Richard Hey was Audited by vs whose names are vnder written & y^ fore said sume of Iiij' viij* was deliu'ed into y^ hands of Raphe Boswell now Church warden w* y' Comunyon Cup & a couer & a patent of syluer & guilte weighing xxiij* ownces & a halfe At •^"'^ tyme Also was deliu'ed vnto the sayd Raphe Boswell all such writinge bookes writinges ornaments & other Churche goodes as are expressed in pticulars in an Inuentory in this booke of Accoumptes bearing date y" yere of ou' L God 1691 AU w^^" were deUu'd y'= x* day of Marche 1693 in y" presence of p me Johne Thorp Rectore sti xpofferi Nycolas Barnsley Robart codnar J Rafe boswell Churchwarden 44.a.) Memorand' y' y" viij* day of May 1594 was deliu'ed into y« handes of Raphe Boswell now Churchwarden In dyschardge of nyne seuerall obligacons from George Witton & John PoUard the sume of thirty sixe pounds & five shillinges in the presence of us whose names are' subscribed w"* fore said sume is to y vse of y paryshe Rafe boswell Churchwarden p me Johne Thorp Rectore Nycholas Barnsley Robart codnar Jerom Shuker 45.a.) ¦ Thomas Turna' Churchwarden Anno 1694 The accoumpte of Raphe Boswell Churchwarden of y parysh of S' Xpoffers in Londo flro y' feast day of y^ byrth of ou' Lord God 1593 vntill on whole year ending at y^ same feast 1594 Receiptes Rd of Richard Heyes late Churchwarden for y'' foote of his accoumpt .... Rd for flather yaringtons buryall in y^ Church .., Rd for Tho Ward his wyues buryall ringing & all Rd for Jo Thorogood his wyues buryall ringing & all ... Rd for y' buryall of Henry forrest gentleman Rd of George Wytton for one whole yeres rent Rd of y^ last yeres of arrerages of y" Earle of Northub... Rd of Hugh Dale Rd by y" byll of y" Clarckes wages for on whole yeare . . . Soma totalis of aU ye receiptes 45.b.) Payments In p'mis payd for mending y= great bell Clapper Itm to y carpenter for making of a whele to y"' great beU Itm for hanginge of y" hells Itm to y smyth for wedges & spikes Itm for a Crane Itm to y Carpenter for Nayles tymber & workmanship Itm to M' Altom Counselor y« 4 of March 1593 Itm layd out in expenses about y" buisines of y parysh w* M' tyrrell & M' barnsly Itm for on' dynner at y Archdeacons visitacion Itm for Cou'ing of father yaringtons graue Itm for Tho Ward his wines graue Itm for Jo Thorowgood his wines graue Itm for henry forrest his graue Itm to S' Barthlemewes hospitali Itm for an order taken for y" payment of ix" vj' viij* to S' Barth. hospitali 1]" XU]' x° VUJ* XUJ" iiij* XUJ' iiij* XUJ' uij* vj" XU]" uij" xvj" viij* xij* vij" xj' vj* V]" X"-X' viij' ij' v» iij" viij' XUl]" xxij" vij* XXI]" XXI]"xxij* xxvj' viij* XI]* ij' V]" iij' iiij* xl" xl" X' iiij' x» XV' iij' viij' XXI]" yjd UIJ" Uij' iiij* xvj» XVll]" 46.a.) Itm for an obligacon for y payment of y debt of y paysh to y said hospitali Itm for a new baldrick & mending of an olde Itm to y poore brethren of y drapers acordg to M' Benedict Harlewin his will Itm to M' Newman for pte of y payment of ix" vj' viij* to y" hospitali ... Itm to M' Cudner for his Annuitye & his daughter Itm for a rope for y fonte Itm for a tongue to y great bell ... Itm to y ryngers vpon y Queues daye ... Itm for bell ropes Itm for pauinge before y Church dore ... Itm for a rope of 30 yardes longe ... Itm for yrons vnto y° fonte... Itm to Willia Robtes Clarck for on whole yeres wages... Itm to Tho Crosyer sexton for on whole yeres wages ... Itm for bread & wyne at y Comunyon for on whole yeare , Itm to y Archdeaco at S' Magnus for his artickles Itm for y deliu[ery] in y 5 artickles & y Archdecos fowre tymes Itm for oyle & broomes for all y yere ... Itm for washing of y Churche lynnen for on whole yere Itm for two hordes to set vp y" artickles & other arrearages Itm for repayring of y bells & new sauce bell ... Itm for y= engrossing of this accompte Soma of aU y payments in generall The Charge of this Accoumpte kept by Raphe Boswell is The Dyscharge of y' same Accoumpte as doth appeare is So there restes dew to Raphe BosweU by this Accoumpte Debtes owinge of y Clarkes wages to be gathered by Thomas Turner now Churchewarden as followeth The Earle of Northuberland xvj' viij" William Beecher ... ... ... ... iiij' ij". Richard Rauenscrofte ... viij* Willia Marten viij" John Cade ... viii" Soma of y arerages ... ... xxij" x" This Accoumpte of Raphe Boswell was Audited by vs whose names are vnder written on thursday beinge y xxx* day of Januarie 1594 At w'^'' tyme were deliuered into y handes of Thomas Turner now Churchewarden y Comunio Cup w*' a couer & a patent of siluer & guilt weighing xxiij* ounces & a halfe together w"" all such writing bookes writinges ornaments & other churche goodes as are expressed in pticulers in an Inuentorie in this booke of Accompts bearinge date y yere of ou' L God 1591 > At w""" tyme also was deliuered by Raphe Boswell vnto y said Thomas Turner now churchewarden the some of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xxxiij" y° sayd Raphe BosweU being paid y above named some VU]' UIJ" ij" iij' UJ' iij' vjd iij" viij' xij" xxiiij" ij' ix* xx" vj' ij" xxiiij" ij' ix.^ iij" XV]" vij" XV]" of uj" XV] » VI]" p me Johne Thorp 1 by me Thomas Rectore Sti Xpofleri i Turner Churchwarden Nicolas Barnsly homfrye streate • Robart Codnar 47.a.) Anno 1595 The accoumpte of Thomas Turner Churchewarden of y paryshe of S" Xpoffers in London begining at the feaste of y byrthe of our Lord 1594; vnto y same feasta 1596 30 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St, Christofers in London. Receiptes of Clarkes wages & for y" pewes in y" churche 47.b.) 48.a.) M' Alderman Radclyffe M' John Quarles Robart Cooke Robte Dickyns ... Thomas Westroe ... John GuUliams ... John Lorymer Thomas Jeffries ... Nicolas Barnesly ... ffrancis Lodge M" Bates Jerom Shuker PhiUip Sparke William Beecher ... Henry Riuers Richard Sanders ... Richard Rauenscroft Tho Warde Richard heyes .... Joyce Otton Hugh Dale Cornelius Spiring... WiUiam WithnaU... Thomas Adams ... Hugh Richardes ... Henry Leuett Thomas ColUns ... George Hunte John Heathe Hugh Goddard ... Thomas fforman ... Rob*" Molesworth Thomas Paradyne Jerom Roystan . . . John Thorogood ... Edward Ryder ... Raphe Boswell ... Thomas Alport ... Humf rie Streate ... Thomas Pauely ... WilUam CawUe ... Widow Alward Richard Smyth ... Thomas Terill Arthur Mydleton ... Jeames Stanly George Makereth... Thomas Carpenter John Jaquez a Thoms Twigg Edward yerbye ... Lewis Morgan John Straghan Willm Gibson Richard Robinson John Hooke Xpofler Lee Henry Huchins ... Widow bourne M" Spragg Samwell Dowle ... 'he halfe yere The whole yere vj' xij" viij' iiij" xvj" viij* viij* xvj" X* XX* XX" iij' iiij" xij* ij' vj* xij" yjd xij* ij' yjd V' XX" iij« iiij* X* XX* ij' vj* V' viij* xvj" v X' ij" iiij" VJ*vj* vj*vj* xvj" XI]" xij* xij"xij ij viij" id VJ" XI]" viij" xvj* xij" ij' vj" xij* x" XX* ij" iiij' xij" ij' xij* ij' xij* ij' vj* xij" xij* ij' iiij' viij' ij' iiij" ij' vj* V" X* XX* xij* ij' ij' iiij" xij" ij' ij" iiij' ij' vj* V >xij* ij' iij' vj" xvj* ij' viij" xvj* ij' viij" ij' yjd V" yjd xij" XX* iij" iiij" xx* uj" iiij" XX* iij' iiij" ij' iiij' yjd xij* yjd xij" vj* xij" X* XX* iiij* viij* iiij* viij" viij* xvj" iiij* viij" yjd xij" XI]" viij" 1]' XV]" Tho Shutleworth... John Keysar John Meriot John fletewood ... lU]" iiij"iiij" iiij* Ready money w* other Casuall receiptes as followeth Rd of Raphe Boswell Churchewarden for the foote of his accoumpte as maye appeare Rd of George Wotton for a quarters rent dew at our Lady day Rd of George Wotton for a quarters rent dew at Myd somer Rd of George Wotton for a quarters rent dew at Michaelmas Rd of George Wotton for a quarters rent dew at xpemas Rd of M' Cudner for burying his daughter Rd for y Clarkes wages and for maymed soldiers Rd for y bur. of M' stretes child Soma of all the Receiptes ' Payments Payd at y visitacion for y Artickles paid for carying in y Artickles paid for carying in y five Artickles paid for bread & wyne at y Comunyon the first sonday in february 1596 paid to WiUiam Roberts Clarke for one quarters wages dew at on' Lady day paid to Thomas Crosier sexton for one quarters wages dew at ou' Lady daye paid for washing y churche lynen for on whole yere ... paid for broomes for one whole yere paid for coueringe a graue in y church paid for 2 baldrings & a buckle for y bells paid for bread & wyne spent at y Comunyon on passion sonday ... paid for bread & wyne spent at the Comunion on palme sonday 'J- paide for bread & wyne spent at the Comunyon on Easter daye paid for bread & wyne spent at the Comunyon y 4th of Maye 1595 ,; paid for bread & wyne spent at the Comunyon y viij* of June 1595 paid to Willia Robtes Clarke for one quarters wages dew at Mydsomer ... ... paid to Thomas Crosier sexton for one quarters wages dew at Mydsomer ... paid for couering a graue in y church paid for bread & wyne spent at the Comunyon the third of August 1595 paid for ynck & paper for on whole yere... paid for Artickles paid for Artickles y xj* of September 1695 paid to y raker for on whole yere paid for mending y clapper of y great bell paid for ou' dyner when the Clarkes wages was ceased ... paid for bread & wyne spent at y Comunyon the sixt of October 1595 paid to M' Thorp parson for writing all the parishioners names in a table of waynscott 49_a jpaid for mendinge y pewes in y churche viij*viij" viij* viij" 33 16 5 xxxiij' iiij4 xxxiij" iiij* xxxiij' iiij4 xxxiij" iiijd xiij' iiij" xj" ij" iij" Iij" XV' iiij" XV]' vj'vj xxij id Xllj' 111]" uj' iiij* ij' xvj* ij' ix* xvij" IJ' IX* ij' iij* 11]' V]" X]" xiij" 111]* xvj* XVJ" vj*vjd xvj* ij' iij' uj' vj" XV]" ij" v» ix* Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 31 paid for our dyner at the visitacion of y archdeacon of London holden at S' Magnus paid to Willia Robartes Clarke for one quarters wages dew at Michaellmas , paid to Thomas Crosier sexton for on quarters wages dew at Michalmas ... ... paid for ringinge on y« daye of the Queenes Coronaoion... paid to Richard Robinson for a ladder paid to Crosier for mending M' Shukers pew paid for oyle for y beUs for on whole yere paid toWUlia Robartes Clarke for on quarters wages at xpemas ... paid to thomas Crosier sexton for one quarters wages dew at xpemas ... paid more as appeareth by acquittances paid by abatements y' cannot be gotten in paid more for y ingrossing of this accoumpt Soma of aU the payments Arrerages for y relief e of y maymed soldyers VU]" XU]' iuj" vuj' XX" xiij" iiij" ix" xij" yj. x" xij" xvij" VI]" M' Cawlie M'Alporte M' TerriU Tho Hanson M'CoUens Arrerages for the Clarks wages Tho Hanson M' Streete xpofler lee Hugh oberry 48,b.) Giuen by M' Turner voluntarUy for y use of y Churche stock mony xl' R* more of Hugh obery for clarks wages The charge of this accompte for one whole yeare is ... liiij" xvj' The discharge of the same accompt for one whole yeare is xx" So there rests at the foote of this accompt of Thomas Turner to be deliuered to Tho Paradine .xxxiiij" xv' DeUuered vnto Thomas Paradyne now Churchwarden y abouesaid some of Thirtie fowre poundes fiftene shUUnges nyne pence in y presence of vs whose names are vnder wrytten the xij* of Marche 1596... xxxiiij" xv" p me Johne Thorp Rectore Sti xpoffer: Nycolas Barnsley Richard Heye Rafe boswell ,} XI]" XV]" ij* Xlj" xij* iiij* VI] id Anno 1596 '"¦''¦^The accoumpte of Thomas Parradyne Churchwarden of the parryshe of Sn' xpofers in London begyninge at the feast of the byrthe of our Lord 1695 vnto the same feaste 1696 Ready money w* other Casuall receipts as followeth Imp' Received of Thomas Tvrnar Churchwarden for the foote of his acoumpte as may apere in this boke ... xxxiiij" xv" ix* Rec* of George Wottone for one quarters Rent due att our Lady daye last past xxxiij' iiij". Rec" of George Wottone for one quarters rent due att Mydsomer last past xxxiij' mj' Rec* of George Wottone for one qua'ters rent due att Mychelmas last „, .r. " ..' xxxiij" iiij" id Rec* of George Wottone for a qvarters rent due att Christmas in Anno 1596 Rec" of M' BosweU for the buriall of his wyfe Rec" of M' Suker for the buriall of his kynsman Rec* of M' Suker for beriall of his mane Rec* of M' Ryder for the beriaU of his Sonne Rec* of M' Cawley for y beriaU of his ChUde Rec" of M' hooke for y beriall of his wyfe Rec* for the beriall of Mathias Semtper gent' being no paryshner , Rec" of M' Carpenter for his Childs beriaU Rec* of the parishners for ye Clarkes wages according as they are assesed Rec* in the parryshe for maymed Soulders for the whole yeare More given by m' parradyne voluntarely for the vse of the Churche Stocke money Somma of all y Receiptes ... si.a.) Payments Imp", pd for our dyners when we toke our Charge pd for a booke wch was dd att Sn' Magneis pd for brede & w3Tie att the Comvnyon pd for breade & wyne for the Comynion pd for a locke for the bellfree doore pd for mendynge the gallerye ... pd f or a pycke axe pd for a booke sent from the bvshope pd to M' Newman treasurer by a bonde ... pd for making M'" Bosewels grave pd for making M' Sukers mayds grave pd to M' Standley by the appoyn' of the parrishe for the sute of the parryshe , pd for brede & wyne for the Comunyon , pd for breade & wyne for the Comunyon on paulme Sundaye pd for a whele for the trebell bell pd for nayles & Irone worke pd for a grave ffor ould Robartts , pd for breade & wyne on whetsundaie pd for Covering WUliam Rydars graue pd for a baldrocke for one of the beUs ... pd for 2 books sent to the parryshe , pd to M' Tanner for preachinge , pd to M' Cudner for his anuittye for y whole yeare ... pd to Christes hospytall for Rent due to them att mychelmas pd to the drapers for Rent due to them, att mychelmas pd for breade & wyne for the Comynion pd for yncke & paper for a whole yeare ... pd f or 2 balldrocks for the beUs pd for Ryngers when my lord of essex Came whom from. Calles pd for mendynge the fovrth bell Clapper pd for Rynginge & all other dvties for the beriall of M' thorpe parsone of the Churche pd for ye Coverynge of his grave , pd for Coverynge M' Cawles Childs graue pd for mendynge y Churchwardens pewe pd for hynges & nayles to mend the pewe wherin M' formans daughters Sytt , pd for brede and wyne for the C(Maunyon pd for 2 bell Roupes , pd f o' Parrish beinge \ for 12 poore 12" pece ... xij" ( M' Horspooles I to the clarck for anewty xiij' gif t yerely viz'. ' to the Sexten for Anewety vj' vu] To the Warder at M' Walters house in Cornehill for warding 27 dales at vj" p diem To Marten ffreeman for the Maymed soldiers for one yere To the Payneter for Worck donn in the church & for drawing of a plott by him some is To Thomas CoUyns Joyner for makinge vj doores of way nescoate in the churche some is ... To The Smith, for Hindges, staples, bolts, nayles A lock and key &" for the saied doores, some is To The Brickleyer for burning 2 hookes leade into j " wall To The Plomer for 2 pipes of Leade & mending the Leades of the Church some is L" & for wood & candells ... To The Glassier for glasinge the bellfrey wiudowe To, M' Hopkins geven him for his paynes preachinge dyve" tymes ... ... „j|. Payments anno 1608. for viij newe Bucketts and mending xvj old buckets ... for A new Ladder and mendinge the old on for Three Baldricks for the bells and for Ropes... for mendinge the Clapper of the least bell for Two Locks for the Cheest in the Vestry for Two black boxes to put the church writings in for Coveringe of vj graves in the Church... for Penn Ynck and Paper ... for Bromes ij" and for nayles vj" ... for Washinge the Lynnen this yare for Oyle for the bells for Ringers vppo the kings day for part of A dynner for o' pishioners at the Castell . . . Some Totallis paied out by this Accompt Ap- pearinge Amounts vnto ... ... ...xxxviij" ij' v" wherof I haue Reeeuid on thother side of this Leafe Appearinge some is xxxiij" ij' j>i And .soe Resteth, due to me vppon the ffoote of this Accompt geven vpp the iiij* day of May 1609 v" — ' iiijd this accompt was audited & allowed ou the 4"' of may 1609 by vs whose names are vnder written A Arnold parson homfraye Streate Thomas Moweson 74 a) An Inventory of, all the writings, Bookes, Ornaments and Church goods, Appartayninge to the Parrish of S.) Goods & ornaments One comunion Cup of silver guilt — with a Cover to the same of silver guilt and a plate guilt w' 23 oz ^ A pulpit Cloath of purple veluet w"" gould and silke fringe about w'?i a pulpit pillow of the same w* the like gould and silke fringe and fayre tassells alsoe a Comunion Carpet Cloath of the same velvet and ffringe all which suite is the gift of S' Samuell Tryon Knight One pulpit pillow of greene Cloath Vacat One other pillow of Branched stuffe worne ij Communion table Cloathes of dyep j Coverpane of dyep fo' the Comunion ij surplusses j bason of pewter w''» a Christopher in y bottom j fayre branch of brasse w* 16 sookettsof the gifte of S' Samuell Tryon Knight A table of ordinances concerninge dueties fo' the parish for the Clarke and seiton ij frames of the scituation of the lands in fleet streete belonginge to this parish A comunion table in the Church A table in the vestry An ould veluet Carpet f o' the vestry table and another for the Comunyon tabh an ould turky Carpet in the Vestry A waynscot presse w* ij locks in the Vestry to keepe the ornaments of i Church in A Chest in the Vestry wherein the writings are kept An ould table and Carpett w* an ould Chest whereon yt standeth in the vestry viij new waynscot formes in the Church 30. iiiiij bucketts of leather & ij ladders A table of remembraunce fo' payment of rent in the Churchwardens seate ij fflagon pewter Pottes An Addition to these thinges 8* of maye 1623 j newe table in the vestrye house V bucketts more then is above sett downe one ladder in the churche yearde iij ladders in the Churche yearde j long & 2 shorte j long fyer hooke in the churche yearde h2 52 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. j booke of Cannons in the Chest -2 faire siluer potts waying 104 ownes and 2* waight being the guift of M' Thomas Westrow somtyme inhabitant of this parish giuen by him the XX* daie of march 1623. S9.b.) A" 1618 The Account of Richard Downes Churchwarden of the parysh London as fol[loweth] Church stoeke Red of m' Thomas fforman being the Remayner of the Church stoeke as p his account appereth xl' Red of Robets the Clarke for an ould table Red of John Witton for a yeares rent ... Red of m' Humber for ould Iron and brasse Red for the buriall of m' Swone scriuener Red for the buriall of m' Sparkes 2 July Red for the buriall of m' Vickars Childe Red fo' the buriall of m' Jaeksons Childe Red fo' the buriall of m" Tryon Red for the buriall of tho fforman Red for an ould Carpet in the vestry Red for an ould Cope to Couer a Coffyn Red for the releefe of maymed souldyers Red of the parishioners towards the lecture Some of the Receiptes this yeare ys Some of the payments this yeare ys Soe the Church resteth indebted vnto mee as appeareth by this account xiii" ii" i" of S' Christopher -h 02 00 00 00 02 6 06 13 4 00 07 6 00 13 4 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 01 10 0 01 13 4 00 04 00 02 10 0 01 14 8 26 13 00 45 11 8 75 01 so.a.) 1618 The Account of Richard Downes Church Warden of the parish of S' Christopher London as foloweth Church Stocke pd for the articles at S' magnus pd for o' dinner that day we were sworne pd fo' o' Audite dinner ... pd fo' a booke Called Mundayes survey of london pd fo' poynts on Ascention day pd fo' Coveringe Roberts Graue pd fo' a comunion booke for the clarke pd to the releefe of maymed souldiers fo' a yeare pd fo' an houre glasse and a register booke pd for ropes for all the bells and the branch pd fo' bread and wyne fo' this whole yeare pd fo' giving in articles and p'sentments this yeare pd fo' a dynner at the byshopps visitacon pd fo' the waynscotte p'sse in the vestry and 8 new waynscott fo'mes in the Church v' and the ould ones & oth' lumber ... pd f o' 2 shouells and a spade pd to S' Bartholomewes hospitali fo' a quit rent pd to the Company of Draps fo'a quit rent pd fo' mending 20 bucketts and 4 new ones and paynting all pd the Clarke of the band fo' broad street m' Plucknet.. pd fo' mending the vault in the ChaunceU where m' forman was buried pd for ringing the 5"" november & 24 m'ch 1618 pd the Skauenger for a yeare pd fo' the pikes in the Church yard and diuers other Iron workes about the Church as appereth by John Barnadbill 00 01 08 00 08 00 00 13 04 01 00 00 00 03 00 00 01 00 00 08 00 01 14 08 00 01 06 00 11 08 01 18 09 00 06 00 00 07 00 05 00 00 00 04 06 01 03 04 00 03 04 01 08 00 00 06 08 00 05 00 00 06 06 00 03 00 01 12 00 payd the Carpenter in full of his bill payd the glasier for worke done this yeare payd fo' scouring the braunoh and other things as p lacyes byll payd fo' Couering m" Tryon her graue ... pd fo' Carying away rubbysh this yeare ... pd f o' broomes and washing the lynnen and scouring the potts and oyle fo' the beUs this whole yeare payd for Candles for this whole yeare , paydfor 11 ellsof hollandat4" 8" thell pd for making the surples ... payd m' Solicito' m' Stone m' Turner and m' Latham about our suite w* m' Israeli Owen at severall times this yeare as pticularly appereth payd m' Boarne fo' his lecture this whole yeare Some payd out this yeare 00 14 06 00 09 00 00 10 00 00 01 06 00 02 08 00 10 00 00 08 00 02 11 4 00 10 00 20 17 7 30 00 00 75 01 6 90.b.) 1618 The Account of Richard Downes Church warden of the parish of S' Christopher London Poore Stocke Red of m' Thomas fforman being the remayner of the poore stocke the some of liiij" V' viij* Red of Hillary Hancocke being m" Dane her gifte Red of m' Horspoole by his ffathers gif te Red of m' Raph Bore fo' the Compan of m'chantaylors Red for the vse of m" Spragges x" Red of the Clarke of the groc's fo' the gifte of m' Stile and m' Lambart... ... Red of m' noreot for m" meades license ... Red of m' mo wleson fo' his licence Rod of S' Samuell Tryon fo' his Ueence ... Red of the Comunicants this whole yeare Some of the poores stock Red Some of the poores stoeke pd forth Soe there remayneth of the poores stocke as appeareth p this account xiiij" xij' ix* 91.3.) 1618 The Account of Richard Downes Churchwarden of the parish of S' Christopher London vz — Poore stock Payd for 52 dozen of bread p m' Horspooles gifte payd to the poore of the parish by his gif te payd to the Clarke and Sexton by his gifte payd to the poore for the m'chantaylors gifte ... ' ... payd to the poore by the gifte of m" Dane payd to the poore of m" Spraggs legacy ... Given to diuers poore distressed people this yeare that haue bene sent by m' Doctor and m' Boarne Payd to the lord mayor more then I could collect for the sendinge the Children to Virginia Given to the poore of the Comunion money this yeare Some of the poores stock pd out ... This xiij* of Aprill 1619 y' appeareth that the Church is in debte at this tyme the some of twenty nine pownds nyne shilUngs x* to mee Richard Downes . . . 14 05 8 00 02 0 04 04 0 00 10 00 00 15 00 00 09 2 00 00 8 00 06 8 00 14 00 06 06 02 27 13 4 13 00 7i 14 12 9 27 13 4 02 12 00 00 12 00 01 00 00 00 10 00 00 02 00 00 15 00 02 03 06 00 19 03 04 06 m 13 00 7i Ii 5 d 29 09 10 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. 53 The Remayner of the poores stocke this same day as appeareth is foureteene pounds twelue shillings ix" w""" money was given by good benefactors to the vse of the poore ... .'. 14 12 9 This account was audited this IS"" of Aprill 1619 by these whose names are vnder written William Peirs Rector ibidem Thomas Moweson John Nevell Thomas Buckner Wyllyam Lee Henry Denham Laurence Norcott 91.b.) Anno 1620 The accoumpt of William Chapman Churchwarden of the Parish of S' Christophers London as foll[oweth] Church stocke Red of S' Samuell Tryon w'^'" was the gifte of his mother towardsy' repreations of the Church y" some of ... 25. 00 00 Red of Witton for a yeares rent ... 06 13 04 Red for the buriaU of m' Jaxons Chillde 00 10 00 Red of m' Tucke for the fourth bell for his man ... 00 02 00 Red for the buriaU of m'i' Willcokes & the kneU ... 00 12 00 Red of m" Ventris for hir husbandes kneU 00 03 00 Red of m' Goodston for the buriaU of his Chillde ... 00 10 00 Rod of m' Norcott for the buriaU of his Chillde ... 00 10 00 Red for the buriall of W" Chapmans ChiUd & y" bell ... 00 12 03 Red of M' Parkines for the buriall of his Chillde ... 00 10 00 Red of the parisners for the relefe of maymed soulders 01 14 08 Red of the Paritiners for m' Bournes Lecture 28 01 04 Red more of the Paritiners for the poore 28 15 04 Some Red this yeare is ... ... 93 13 11 Some of the payments this yeare is.. 131 10 11 So the Church Resteth indebted vnto me as appeareth by this accoumpt xiivij" ivij' 92..a.)The Accounpt of WiUiam Chapman Churchwarden of Christophers London as ffoU. Church stocke Payd to m' Downes for so much due to him vpon his account pd for y' Dinner att the visitation pd for m' Dounses Audett Dinner pd for Wood to mend y" lathers & to Carpentars for one day & a haUfe and Caridge of it 00 10 00 pdfor the Couering of Graues in y" Church and mending the padfements ... ... pd for poynts one Assention Day for y boyes pd for mapes for the Church pd to a smith as appeareth for lorne workes about y beUs 00 10 06 pd to the Chamberlayne of London to come in to y" pataye granted by the Kinge concerning our land... 10 00 00 pd to a pauiour for pauing befoure the Church for 94 foote att 3" the foote pd for Grauell & stones pd to m' Twayhgs of S' Bartlamawes Hospitalle for a quitt rent pd to the Company of the Draps for a quitt rent pd for the Cartage of Rubidge pd to the Scauinger for a yeare pd for a rope for a bell, for scouring y lanthorne & mending it 00 03 00 the Parish of S* 14 17 00 00 08 00 00 13 04 00 08 08 00 02 00 00 01 00 01 03 06 00 12 04 01 03 04 00 03 04 00 01 02 00 03 00 pd for nayles ' pd for Ringing one y fifte of Nouem' & y 24 of March pd for Scouring of our branch & mending of it pd for hinges for m' Buckners pue pd to S' Samuell Tryon for a watur Corse for y'= Church pd to y'BedeU for warning Vickers befoure y Alderman pd for Bread & wine for the Communion pd for Artickells Presentments & Othes pd to Lacey as appeareth by his bUle for Candles for the Lanthorne pd to hime for Washing of y Linen for y yeare pd to him for Broomes for the yeare pd for Oyle for the Belles pd for spUtting of Ropes for the beUes & lethers pd for making dene y leades & Caridge of Rubidge ... pd for mending the Branch pd to a Carpenter for making a penth ouse ouer the sauce bell & nayles pd for a Cay e for the Church Doure pd for tow punes for the Baldrope w'" tow Cayes & foure Spickes pd for tow newe Ropes for y BeUes pd for pap penes & yncke for y yeare pd to the maymed souldiers pd to m' Solisiter m' Recorder m' Stone & m' Turner & others & to m' Pye & m' Latham our atturnes as shall appeare att the shutte of m' Owen pd to m' Bourne for his lecture pd to y pentiners Some payd out this yeare 00 00 04 00 05 00 00 06 00 00 01 06 00 01 00 00 00 04 01 19 11 00 07 10 00 08 00 00 06 00 00 03, 06 00 01 06 00 02 00 00 02 00 00 02 00 00 06 06 00 02 00 00 01 06 00 04 00 00 00 06 01 14 08 31 16 08 30 00 00 31 18 00 131 10 11 92.b.) 25 00 00 00 02 00 04 04 00 00 10 00 00 13 04 00 06 08 00 06 08 06 14 Oli Anno 1620 The accounte of WiUiam Chapman Churchwarden of the Parish of S' Christofers London as foil Poore stocke Red of S' SamueU Tryon w"'' was the gifte of his mother to the poore of the parish Rod of m'is Lanes for the poore Red of m' Horspoole by his ffathers guift Red from the Marehant Taylors , Red of S' Samuell Tryon for his Lisance Red of m' Moulson for his Lisanee Red of W™ Chapman for his Lisance Rod of the Communicants this yeare Red of Some of the poore stoocke Red Some of y« poore stocke payd fourth... So there remayneth of the poore stoeke as appeareth by this accoumpt ) 1620 The accounte of WUliam Chapman Churchwarden of the parish of S' Christofers London as foil. Poore stoeke Payd for 52 Doson of Bread pd to y' poore of y° parsh by his gif te pd to y^ Clarcke & Sextone by his gifte pd by mris Danes gifte pd to Diuers poore Destressed men by consent of m' Docter & m' Bourne ... ... pd to the poore of the commnnian money pd to the poore by the marchant taylors gifte 37 13 16 13 09^ 10^ 24 02 11 37 16 09 jr 02 12 00 00 12 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 17 09 06 14 01* 00 10 00 54 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 06 00 13 13 m 37 17 00 24 02 11 13 14 01 pd to goodwife Robertses sonne to put in his purse to Carie him to Oxford pd to Jarman the Shuemaker & his wife being sick ... pd to Mather & his wife being sicke Some of the poore stocke pd out The Church is indebted vnto me the some of thirtie seauen pounds seuentene shUUngs w* I payd out as appeareth Red out of the poore stock as appeareth p Contra some of Rest due to me Audited this 11* of maye 1620 the Accompt of m' William Chapman by thes whose names are vnderwriten Immanuel Bourne Curat'. John Nevell Thomas Moweson Thomas forman 93b ) Anno Domini 1621 The accoumpte of George Harwood Churchwarden of the Parish of S' Christophers London Church stoeke Reed of m' Witton for a yeares Rente Reed of m' Williams for the keping of a chUd borne in m' vyears each [?] Reed for the BuriaU of S' Samuells Trions ChUd Reed for the BuriaU of m' Perkines ChUd Rd for the Buriall of George Harwoods Child Rd of mrs Arnold for the 4* Bell Rd of the parishioners for maymed souldiers Rd of Stephen Lacy towards the Communion Cupp ... Rd of the pishioners to send Child :to Virginia Rd of the parisioners for the pore Rd of the parishioners for the Lecture Some of the Receites this yeare Some of the Payments this yeare Soe the Church Resteth indebted vnto me as appeares by this accoumpte xlviij" viij' £ s d O06 13 04 008 00 00 000 13 00 000 10 00 000 10 00 000 02 06 001 09 03 000 10 00 003 10 05 027 16 04 029 16 08 079 10 03 127 18 03 048 08 00 94,a.) Anno Domini 1621. The accounpte of George Harwood Churchwarden of the Parish of S' Christophers London viz Church stoeke Payd m' Chapman deu to him as p his accoumpte Pd for a dinner of that day we were sworne pd for m' Chapmans Auditt dinner pd for a dinner when we went to vew the rents in ffleete streete pd a Carpenter & Brickler pd for poyntes for the boyes on assention day pd for a key & mending the lock of the vestry Chest ... pd a Plummer for worke donn aboute the Church pd for a Claper for the greate BeU pd a quit rente to S' Bartholomewes Hospitali pd M' CoUines for worke done aboute the pewes pd for Candells for the hole yeare pd for scowring the Branch twise pd for Broomes for the hole yeare pd for oyle for the bells pd for nayles & lether to mend the badrepe 013 14 00 000 08 00 000 13 00 000 13 04 000 04 06 000 01 00 000 02 04 004 06 00 000 12 10 001 03 08 002 06 00 000 08 00 000 10 00 000 03 06 000 01 00 000 01 00 pd for a new Cottrell for the tenor pd for Carrijnge of Rubbish pd for scouringe & mendinge the lanthorne pd for washinge the Church linnen pd for pap pens & Inck pd f or a Transereepp pd a Brickler for worke don aboute the pews pd for a Chaine for the Church Lanthorne pd for searching the Drapers Certificate pd a quitt rente to the Draps pd for a Communion Cupp and couer w' 26"' 12"^" pd for Ingrosing m' Princes Lease pd m' Ren for sertayne writtinges pd for writting other thinges ... pd for Articles & presentements pd the scauenger pd for Couering 3 graues pd for Bread & wine for the Communica pd for a key for the Church dore ... pd for a new badreepe for the trebell pd a playsterer pd for Ringing the 5* of novem: & the 24 March pd S' Samuell Trion for a water Course pd for Releefe of maymed souldiers pd the Chamberlayne to send Chil : to Virginia pd for Close & nursing 3 Children that were found in the parish this yeare Burijng one & finding the mother of an other of them pd the pentioners ... ... pd m' Borne for his lecture pd m' Solicitor m' Recorder & Turner m' Stone m' Latham & others in following the suite wth m' Owen as by perticulars appeareth 000 00 04 000 01 10 000 01 00 000 06 00 000 00 06 000 01 00 000 09 06 000 04 00 000 14 06 000 03 ' 04 009 01 06 000 05 00 000 03 03 000 02 00 000 05 04 000 08 00 000 04 06 002 04 05 000 00 10 000 01 06 000 01 06 000 06 06 000 01 00 001 14 08, 004 05 06 009 07 02 029 01 01 030 00 00 012 14 04 127 18 03 94.b.) Anno Domini 1621 The accoumpte of George Harwood Churchwarden of the pish of S' Christophers London Pores stocke Reed of m' Boulton being the Gifte of m' Horsepoole Rd of Stephen Lacy for m' Trip Rd of the Marchantaylors ... Rd the Gifte of mrs Dauies Rd of S' Samuell Trion for his licence Rd of m' Moulson for his lycence Reed of m' Soward for his lycence Reed of the Comunicants this yeare Some of the pores Stocke Rec Some of the pores Stocke payd out ... Soe the pore Resteth indebted vnto me as appeareth by this accoumpte iij" viij" ... war w"' the church rest indebted to me as before The whole w"*" is due vnto me is Audited the 4* of maye 1621 the account of .George Harwood by these whose names are vnderwritten WUliam Peirs John Nevell Thomas Moweson WiUiam Chapman £ s. d. 004 04 00 001 .10 00 000 10 00 000 02 OD 000 13 04 000 06 08 000 06 08 005 19 01 013 11 09 016 12 05 003 00 08 048 08 00 051 08 00 I 95.a.) Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London Anno Domini 1621 55 The accoumpte of George Harwood Churchwarden of Christophers London Pores Stock Payd for 52 do : of Bread the Gifte of m' Horspoole ... pd the pore by his Gifte pd the Clarke & Sexton by his Gifte pd the pore for the vse of m" Praggs mony pd the pore by the marchantaylors gifte pd the pore by mrs Daiues Gif te pd m' Tripp pd vnto pore distressed peple most of them sente by the Doctor & mr Borne pd the pore of the Comunion Mony Giuen goody Harris when shee was sick Giuen Richard Mathers the pish of S' £ s d 002 12 00 000 12 00 001 00 00 000 15 00 000 10 00 000 02 00 001 10 00 002 09 00 005 19 01 000 10 00 000 13 04 016 12 05 95.b.) 13 6 13 10 13 12 12 00 08 13 10 d 48 44 66 00 6 0000 96.a.) Anno 1622 The Accompt of John Helmes Churchwarden of the Parrish of S' Christophers London Church Stock li Receiued of m' Witton for a whole yeers rent 6 Red for the knell of m' Harriote Red of m' NeweU for the buriall of his soun ... Red of m' Vickers for the buriall of his Child ... Red of m" Goodson for the buriall of hir husband Red for the burial! of m" Ward Widdow Red of m' HiU for the buriall of his Wife Red of m' John Kendrick for the freeing him of all offices 40 Red of the prishnors for the vse of the pore 29 Red f or the Lectur 29 Red for maymed Souldiers 01 The sum of the Receipts this yere is... 110 13 2 So the Church Resteth endebted vnto me as Appereth by this Accompt Cx" xuij" v" Payd to m' Borne for the Lectur for the whole yeere ... 30 , pd to the penscinaryes and for Nurssing of the ChUdren 32 13 04 pd to WUlm Parker to free the prish of Elizab Christopher 1 14 06 pd for maymed Souldiers ... 1 14 0 pd for Covering of five graves 7 6 pd for the booke of Cannons and an other small pap booke 1 4 pd to the Playsterer for worke don in the steepU ... 2 „ pd for entrust for 60" for a yeere and makeing a bond... 4 „ 8 pd to the Scavendger 8 „ pd to to the Kings Attorny to m' Noy m' Bredgman m' Turner m' Stone m' Ladham and m' Bromhall & others in following the sute w* m' Owin as Appereth by ptieculiers 19 4 2 The whoU som of the payments of both sydes is 221 7 7 Ann" 1622 The Accompt of John Helmes Churchwarden of the prish of S' Christophers London Church Stock Payd m' George Harwod for so much due to him vpon his Accompt li s d 51 08 00 pd for Answering the Articles for the whole yeere ... pd for a dinner that day we were sworne pd for six new buckits and for mending 8 ould buckits pd for writing the seasment bookes for the pore ^ pd to m' Bunbery for makeing a Lease coneering o' Lands in fleet streete pd for a Transcript pd to the Smyth for an Iron hoock & Cheine & Iron pines for 2 ladders pd the Paynter for prymeing the Ladder and m'king all the buckits pd the Carpenter for a Ladder & a place to hange the buckits on pd for fower bell Ropes and a Rope for the branch ... pd for poynts for the Children pd for a wassher of brasse for the fount pd the Smyth for mending the Clapper of the great bell and for other worke don about the Church as appereth by his bill pd the bellfounder for Casting the greate bell & 1' iv 26" of metteU as appereth pd for Carring and Recarring the great bell and for makeing two bonds pd for Takeing downe and hanging vp the greate bell ... pd for a diner at the vewing of the Rents in fleet streete pd to a Carpenter & bricklayer vppon the vew day pd to the breeklayer for Rayseing the Battellments on the West end of the Church and for other worke as Appereth by his bill .. pd for nayles pd the Plastrer for whitting the Church & othe' worke as p his bill Appereth pd m' CoUins for worke don About the Church as by his bUl Appereth pd for Ptveing the Church & for 450 Tyles pd for sey & triming 2 pewes for m' shrive and his wyfe pd for II ells of Cloth to paynt the Commaundements & the kings Armes on pd m' Watterson for mending the glasse about the Church pd for Charcole for the workemen while the Church was Tryming pd m' Isaekson for paynting the Church ... pd for bread & beere for the workmen & makeing Cleane the Church ... pd for Paveing before the Church & for stones and gravell pd for a Quitt rent rent to S' Bartholamews hospitaU ... pd for a Quitt rent to the Company of Drapers ... pd the Plumer for worke don about the Church as p his bill Appereth pd for a dinner at the vissitacon of the Bisshopp pd for mending the stocks pd for mending the Lanthorne ... ... pd for oyle for the bells for the whole yere pd for Candlls pd for paper pennes & enck pd for Scouring the branch Twyse pd for wasshing the Church Lynnen pd for Broomes for the whoU yeere pd for Lether to lyne the the baudribbs for the bells ... given to m' Gilpin by Consent of a Vestrey pd to S' Samwell Tryan for a watercourse pd to the Clarke of the band pd for 2 lockes for the vestry Cheast 7 3) 8 V 1 08 )) 3 6 2 J» )J 1 00 3 10 I) 9 )? 1 7 06 13 6 1 4 2 ¦ 6 1 8 )T 13 11 J) 6 10 2 16 SJ 13 04 4 )7 1 10 ?» 1 4 1 12 jy 4 14 6 4 3 e: 1 3 n 1 4 n 4 8 5 )> if 1 5 JI 1 18 )» 1 3 4 3 4 1 17 )j 8 )> 2 6 1 6 1 0 8 J' 6 10 n 6 n 3 06 1 » 1 10 1 2 6 13 56 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. pd for bread and wyne for the Communion for the whole yeere pd for Ringing on Cronation day 12 2 96.b.) Ano 1622 The Accompt of John Helmes Churchwarden of prish of St. Christophers London Pores stock " ' " Receiued of m' Boulton being the gift of m' Horspole ... Red of m' Bueknor being the gift of m' Harriot Rod of the Comp : of marchantaylors Red of m'" Goodson being the gift of hir husband Red of m' Seaword f or his Lyssence Red of m' Chapman for his Lyssence Red of S' Samwell Tryan for his Lyssence Red out of the Communion mony 4 4 » 4 1> 1) 10 1) 2 ri J) 6 8 6 8 14 !) 5 6 JJ 17 6 4 17 15 6 9 2 110 14 5 111 3 7 The som of the pores stock Receiued is The som of the pores stock payd out is So the pore resteth endebeted vnto me as Appereth by this Accompt the some of More the Church Resteth endebted vnto me as appereth by that accompt Cx" XV' V* The whole some dew vnto me is Cxj" iij' vij" Receued of m' Moulson for his licence vj" viij" Soe The poore Resteth in debted vnto me the some of ij" vj" More the Church Resteth endebted vnto me as appereth by that account Cx" xiiij" v" The whole some dew vnto me is Cx" xvj" xj" Audited this 7* of may 1622 the account of John Helmes Church warden the yeare aboue sayd by these whose names are vnderwritten William Peirs John Nevell Homffrye Streate Thomas Moweson Richard Downes W™ Chapman Thomas forman Isack Seward Thomas Jackson 97.a.) An" 1622 The Accompt of John Helmes Church warden of the Parish of S' Christophers London Pores stock Payd for 52 dossen of bread the gift of m' Horspoole ... pd to the pore by his gif te ... ... pd to the Clark and the Sexton by his gif t pd to the pore by the gift of the marchantaylors pd to the pore for the vse of mrs Sprags mony pd to the pore out of the Communion mony pd to the pore by the Gifte of m' Harrioat pd to the pore by the gift of m' Goodson pd to pore destressed peopell sent may of them by m' Borne 97.b.) 2 12 12 1 1015 5 5 4 H 2 )J 1 1 6 17 15 6 120 0 0 6 13 4 13 4 13 4 1 06 8 3 9 31 30 14 6 26 16 07 1 14 8 192 1 8* 34 8 10 30 10 2 1 14 8 6 >J 1 4 8 12 09 4 16 )J 214 15 08 At a vestrie held the 13 apriU 1623 was Chosen Churphwardens by whole consent of the pish Th 98-a.) Anno 1623 98.b.) The Accompt of Isacke Seward Churchwarden of S' Christophers London Parish Stock Receaued of m' Lawranc and taken vp at Intrest Rd of m' Witton for a whole yeares rent Rd of m' Owen for the bureall of his wife Rd of m' Speringe for the Bureall of his Mother Rd for the Bureall of m'" Lodge Rd of the pishoners to send Children to Virginia Rd of the pishoners for the vse of the poore Rd of the pishoners for the lecture Rd of m' Alport money due to be paid m' Helmes The somme of the receipts this yeare is Just paid m' Whord and m' BlackweU for their leeturs a whole yeare pd to the pensioners and for Nursinge Children and finding them dothes a whole yeare ... paid the Martiall for Maymed souldears paid for coueringe four graues paid for a booke for the pish paid the Kinges Attorney and other Lawyers and attorneys as appeereth by pticulers fo' m' Owens shute paid m' Lawranc for vse money ... The whole somme of the payments on both sides is 99.a.) Anno 1623 The Accompt of Isacke Seward Churchwarden of S' Christophers neere the Stocks Church stock Paid m' Helmes money due to him accordinge to his accompt Audited ... 110 paid more to him laid out sine his accompt audited paid for a dinner that daie wee were sworne paid for writing the seasement books f o' the poore . . . paid for goinge by water and carryinge witnesses to the Temple to be examined at 2 tymes paid for thexamination of the will and serchin Offices... paid for pointes for Children geuen diuers poore on their peticions & passes ... paid m' Collins the Joyner accordinge to his noote paid John Williams for worke donne in the Church accordinge to his noote paid Sir Thomas Lowe to send child to Virginia paid for skewering the Church Leads ... paid for a dinner at the vewinge of the Rents in ffleet street paid a bricklayer and carpenter the same daie ... ... paid the plummer for woork donne accordinge to his bill paid for the wheele of a Bell ... , paid for ringinge on Car'nation day & fo' the Prince ... paid for p'sentments for the whole yeare .., paid the Scavenger for a yeare paid the Smith for wo'ke donne in the church , paid for 5 bell Rops ... paid for a quuit Rent for the poore of s' Bartholemes HospitaU paid for a quuit rent to the poore of Draps company ... paid fo' wo'ke donne by m' Collins accordinge to his BiU paid for bread and wyne for the comunion a yeare paid for Candles a yeare paid for skoweringe the Branches this yeare 0 16 11 7 11 . 8 )! 4 8 1 8 3 J) 1 4 1 )) )J 4 )» )) 4 7 3 18 6 1 6 1 7 ;) 4 )> 2 5 il 6 8 5 I) 1 )> 8 0 5 )J 11 8 1 3 4 3 4 1 1 » 3 3 10 8 )J 10 J» Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. paid for skoweringe the poots and Basons pd the clarke paid for washinge the Church lynnen a yeare paid for bromes this y estre ... paid for Oyle for the bells this yeare paid for mendinge the Roopes paid for lether to lyne the laddrips of the beUs paid for 5 Articles paid for a transcript paid for pens Inke and paper for writinge the Articles and transcript ... ... 134 06 11 9-b-) Anno Domini 1623 The Accompt of Isacke Seward Churchwarden of S' Christophers in London Poores stock Rd of m' Boulton beinge the guift of m' Horspoole ... Rd of the Company of Marchant Taylers Rd of Brodstreet ward Rd the Comunion money out of the pooremans box ... Rd from S' Thomas Day to good f riday at the Comunions the somme of ... ... Rd of m' Molson f or his lyeene Rd of m' Chapman for his lycenc Rd of Isacke Seward for his lyeene The somme of the poores Stocke receaved... 4 4 JJ 10 V 02 M 2 10 ^ 3 2 4 6 8 6 8 6 8 11 8 n 11 H L 22 8 d Hi The somme of the poores Stocke paid So the Church Resteth indepted to me the somme of Twenty two pounds thirteene shillings Eleuen penc halfe peny xxij" xiij" xj"ob. out of which money I Rest indebpted to the poore the somme of V The whole somme due vnto me is twenty two pounds Eight shillings eleuen penc halfe peny This Accompt of Isacke Seward was Audited the 8* of may 1623 by vs whose names are heere vnderwritten John Nevell Thomas Moweson W*" Chapman Henry Denham George Harwood John Helme.'? 100 a.) Anno Domini 1624 lOO.b.) The Aeeompt of Thomas Jackson Churchewarden of S' Christophers London Reaceved of m' Addam Larrance At Intterrest Rd of Steephen Lacey ffor ould Brasse sould by him ... Rd of m' Witton ffor 3 quarters Rentt Rd of m'' Dounes ffor the buriall of his man Rd of m'™ AUport ffor her husbands buryall & knill ... Rd of m' Norcott ffor the buryall of his wife Rd of m' Morrys ffor the buryall of his wife & knell ... Rd of m' Watkins ffor the buryall of his mother & kneU Rd of the Earle of Clanricard his Steward for the yere I Last past ending at mychalemas Rd of m' Webb due to m' Seward & myself ffor the ! lecture & y poore ending at Ester 1623 Rd of the prishioners ffor the vagrand Poore to be set a worck in Bridewell ... Rd of the prishioners ffor maymed souldyers ' Rd of the prishioners ffor the vse of the poore ffor the last yere ending At Easter 1623 30 00 00 00 06 00 05 00 00 00 10 00 00 13 00 00 10 00 00 13 04 00 13 04 01 00 00 08 14 01 27 0006 00 08 06 10 27 109 30 33 00 Rd of the prishioners ffor the Lecture ffor this yere Last past to Easter 1624 the some of The some of the Receiptes this yere is in All ... Paide to m' Whoord & m' BlackweU for the lecture ffor the yere last past ending At our ladye daye Paide to the Pensioners And for nursing children & find ing them clothes A whole yere the some of Paide ffor the Coverryng of five graues & ^ A hundred of tyle & A Elme Planck ffor the Vault in wch m' AUportt was buryed Paide to m' AUderman Raienton ffor the setting A worck of the vagrand Poore in Bridewell The whole some of the payements of both these sides is in All I01.a.) Anno Dominij 1624. The Accompt of Thomas Jackson Churchewarden of S' Chrisfoph Paide to m' Isaack Seward in money due to him Accord ing to his Accompt Audyted the some of ... Paide to m' Lawrence ffor Interrest mounye 120' due to him in maye 1623 the some of ... Paide to m' Addam Lawrence ffor 150' taken vp of him At Interrest & due to him in november last past ... Paide ffor A dynner that daye wee were sworne Paide ffor 2 small bookes & carrying in the Articles this yere , Paide ffor A veiw dynner of our houses in ffleestreete... Paide to the Carpenter & Bricklayer flor their paines ... Paide for A second veiwe dynner Capenter & bricklayer Paide to m' Bromehall ffor veiwing our wrjtinges and his paines in going twise w"" vs into ffleete streete Paide to S' Bartholmewes ffor A Quitt Rent Paide to the Companye of the Drapers ffor A Quit Rent Paide to the Ringers flor this yere beeing flour seuerral 57 09 08 14 06 00 00 19 10 14 06 14 06 00 79 00 04 141 18 lOV 03 01 Paide flor A p' of bread scales & Troye weightes Paide flor A Case ffor the Comunion Cupp Paide ffor 18 new buckets At 3" the peece Paide ffor the mending of 12 ould bucketts 12" peece & marking ... Paide ffor 2 shouels & A spade & ffor the mending of the mattock Paide to m' whoard ffor m' moorers mothers buryall ... Paide to the Clearckffor his dutyes ffor the same buryall Paide to the marshall ffor maymed ssouldyers ffor A yere Paide to the Scavenger ffor A yere Payde to the Clearck ffor scowring the branch washinge the lynnen & other thinges As p his byll Appeareth Paide to John Corbye ffor A new wheele ffor A beU & ffor the mending others & ffor A Penthouse ouer the church stepps & ffor A Rope ffor the sance Bell ... Paide ffor A hassock ffor the pulpitt 3 trenchers & A brushe & ffor the ffetching some of the ladders &hooke Paide to m' ffauester ffor wine & bred ffor the Comu^ nieants ... Paide ffor 4 dossen of silk poyntes ffor the children ... Paide for 8 sessment notes ffor the Poore & lectur & A bond , Paide to the Plummer ffor worck About the leades dyvers times ... ... ... Paide to the Plaisterrer ffor worek don About the church 22 04 ers London. 08 11 ob 00 01 16 00 06 00 00 00 08 00 00 07 06 01 03 02 00 04 00 00 12 10 00 11. 0) 01 03 04 00 03 04 00 12 06 00 15 00 00 04 06 02 14 00 14 00 00 06 08 00 07 04 00 06 10 01 14 08 00 08 00 10 00 02 05 00 00 10 00 02 14 08 00 01 04 00 10 00 00 19 10 01 03 03 58 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. Paide to the Bricklayer ffor oouerryng the church wall Paide to theCarpenter ffor tenter hookes& A dayes worck Paide to the mason ffor leade & the putting in the Iron barr Paide to the Smyth ffor dyvers lockes & keyes & A branch ffor the Pulpitt Paide to the Pavyer ffor Paving beeffore the church A Loade of stones & gravell ... Paide to m' waterson flor glasing & mending y windoes Paide to m' German shooemaker by Consent Vestrye ... Paide to m' westraues man that brought the 2 sylver Potts Paide to m' Plueknett Clarck of the Band Paide and geven to dyvers ministers & Poore distressed men & woomen by waye of passe & som ffor breif es & manie of them sent by m' Dockter Perce m' BlackweU & m' wharde 00 00 08 04 00 03 00 18 00 00 10 09 01 14 07 00 11 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 03 04 01 19 04 62 18 06^ 04 00 04 00 10 00 00 02 00 00 06 08 00 06 08 00 06 08 loi.b.) Anno Domini 1624 The Aceoampt of Thomas Jackson Church warden of S' Christophers London. Rd of m' Garffoote beeing the gift of m' Simon Horse poole Rd of the wardens of the marchant taylors beeing the gif te of m'" Cotton Rd the guifte of the widdowe dawes to broade street ward Rd of m' Shreife moulson ffor his License Rd of m' WilUam Chapman ffor his License Rd of m' Isaack Seward ffor his License Rd of Comunion monye ffrom Easter daye to S' Thoma" his daye the some of Rd ffrom S' Thomas his daye to good ffridaye of the Comunion monye ... The Some of the Poores stock Receved The Some of the Poores stock payde ... So I Rest Indetted to the Poore So the Church Resteth indepted to me the some of Thirtye One pounde nienteene shillinges And ffive pence halfe pennye ... The Accompt of Thomas Jackson was Audyted the 13* of Apprill 1624 by vs whose names Are vnder wrytten John Nevell w"" Chapman Tho : forman Lau : norcott 06 03 15 15 00 31 04 00 05 08 06 08 00 05 19 0800 5i George Harwood lD2.a.) Anno Domini 1624 The Accompt of Thomas Jackson Church warden of S' Christophers London. Paide ffor 52 dossen of Bread bing the guifte of m' Simon Horsepoole to the Poore Paide the Poore his guifte ... Paid the Clearck & Sexton his guif te Paide the Poore the Interrest of m'" Spraggs monye ... Paide the Poor the guifte of m"" Cotton... Paide the Poore the guifte of the widdowe daues Paide the Poore the Comunion monye 02 12 00 00 12 00 01 00 00 00 16 CO 00 10 00 00 02 00 09 09 08 16 00 08 lOAb.) Anno Domini 1625 The Aeeompt of Thomas Carleton Churchwarden of S' Christophers London Receued of m' Adam Laurince at Interest 50 ' 00 00 Receued of m' Witton fBue quartars Rent Receued of m' fflack the buriall of his Child Receued of m" Smith the buriall of hir daught' for the kneU Receued of m'" Barffeild for the buriall of hir brother the ground and knell being a strangar Receued of m' Gascoigne the buriaU of his daugh tar ... Receued of m" Aleock the buriall of hir husband and kneU Receued of m' Halsted the buriall of m' Kendrick ground and blacks Rec' for the ground for a Child of myne Rec' for the buriall of Symon Gandine ground & kueU Rec' of the pishonars to buy Hempe for the poore to spyu Rec' of the pishonars for the vse of the poore for the last yeare ending at Easter 1624 Rec' of the pishonars for maymed souldiars .' Rec' of the pishonars for the lecture for this yeare last past to Easter 1625 The some of the Receipts this yeare is in all Paid to m' Blackwell for the lecture for the yeare last past ending at on' Lady day paid the pentionars and for Nursing Children and ffind- ing them Clothes the whole yeare paid for hempe and for spinning paid m' fforman the remainder of Hemp mony ... paid the marshall for maimed souldiars ... paid for the Couering of eight graues 08 06 08 00 10 00 00 03 04 01 04 00 00 12 06 00 13 04 02 01 08 00 10 00 00 16 08 08 10 04 28 14 00 01 08 06 29 10 07 133 06 07 30 00 00 lOS.a.) Anno Dominij 1625 The Accompt of Thomas Carleton Churchwarden of S' Paide to m' Thomas Jackson in mony dew to him according to his accompt Audited the some of paid to m' Laurince Adams for Interest mony 160" dewe fiue monethes I say paid him for vse mony the some of paid to m' Laurince Adams for 200" taken up of him at Interest dew to him the 18 of October last past paid to M' Laurince Adams for 200" eontinewed with him at vse dewe the 18 of Aprill 1626 paid for A dynnar that day wee weare sworne ... paid for 4 small bookes and Carying in the Articles this yeare paid Steephen Lacy the Clarke as by his bill appeareth paid for 6 sessment bookes ... paid m' Plunket Clarke of the band paid the Seaueniar the whole yeare paid William doden & Edward Gybbs at the gluing there bond to the pish in discharge of Robert wilcx nurschild paid for A dinnar the vew day of ou' house in fleet street paid 2 workmen for theire paynes ... paid for an hower glasse and caning away rubish paid for gildiog and paynting trenchers & howerglass ... paid for ringing 4 seuerall dayes paid for new Ropes for the fiue bells paid the quit Rent of S' Bartholmewes paid the drapars theire legasie paid for a Laddar to goe up to the bells ... 32 14 02 05 00 00 03 10 04 01 14 08 00 13 10 73 13 00 Christophers London 31 19 06 06 08 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 08 00 00 08 06 01 17 04 00 06 00 00 00 03 08 0400 02 14 00 00 18 00 00 04 00 00 02 10 00 04 00 00 08 06 00 11 00 01 03 04 00 03 04 00 04 00 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 59 paid the Smyth for Iron worke aboute the bells & hower glass paid for inending the fframe of the S" bell & new stock and a new Clapper & baldrick w"" taking downe & hanging up ... paid the plummar for mending the leades paid for mending the glaswindowes and Iron worke and masons in the vestry and Church paid at the byshopes first visitation for the 116 articles to his regesster and giuen to the parretor ... paid for new trussing the greate bell 00 10 08 01 04 06 01 13 11 00 08 06 00 07 06 00 06 00 66 13 08 l03.b.) Anno Domini 1626 The Accompt of Thomas Carleton Churchwarden of S' Christophers London Receued of M' Garffoote being the gift of m' Horspoole 04 04 00 Receued of the warden of the marchantaylors being the gift of mistris Cotton Receued the gift of widdow dawes to broad street ward Receued of m' Alderman Moulson for his license Receued of m' William Chapman for his license Receued of m' Isack Seaward for his license Receued of Comunion mony from Easter Day to S' Thomas day the some of 06 06 07 Receued of Comunion mony from S' Thomas Day to good ffriday the some of 00 10 00 00 02- 00 00 06 08 00 06 08 00 06 08 The some of the poores stock Receued 02 13 11 02 13 09 1043.) The some of the poores stock paid ... 12 13 09 Soe I rest Indebted to the poore 01 00 00 Soe the Church Resteth Indebted vnto mee the some of sii pounds and one penny ... 06 00 01 The Accompt of Thomas Carleton was Audited by us whose names are here vnderwritten the 19 of May 1625 WilUam Chapman Thomas Buckner Lau : norcott Richard Downes George Harwood John Helmes Anno Domini 1625 The Accompt of Thomas Carleton Churchwarden of S' Christophers London Paid for 25 dossen of Bread being the gift of m' Symon Horspoole to the poore t paid the poore his guif t paid the Clarke and Sexton his guif t paid the poore the guift of mistris Cotton paid the poore the guift of the widdow Dawes paid the poore the Comunion mony ,, jj [, , Maye the 9* day Anno 1626 An Inventory of all the writinges Books Ornaments and Church goods belong inge to the Parishe Church of Saint Christophers nigh the stocks London, taken there Writinges ffor all the former and auncient writinges that were in oure Custody before the yeare of oure lord God 1609 and that present tyme looke into the Accompt of m' Thomas Alport maied in that yeare 1609 and ther youe shall fflnd a ffayer Inuentory of all the pticulers to that tyme w"" the number endorsed on every writinge and in the booke one awnswerabell to the other and therto I refer youe for them. 02 12 00 00 12 00 01 00 00 00 10 00 00 02 00 07 17 09 12 13 09 Bookes A great BibeU of the newe translaeion Tow Communion Bookes Jewells Apology in ffolio Tow volumes of Erasmus paraphrases One whit larg booke in ffoUo Conteyninge Auntient will and leases w* a parchment Couer A Vestry Booke w* a Parchment Couer A Booke of the Churchwardens accompts w"" a black Couer. Towe Register Books of Christininges mariages and bewrialls one of parch ment one other of paper An oulde booke of Register of paper Goodes & ornaments A paire of Scalles and 4' of brase waits in one PUe One sUuer plat trencher wayinge sixht onces and a fortene peneye wayte One black hood lyned w* chaungabell taffetye for the menister to weare when he readeth service I05.a.) One Communion Cup of siluer guilt w"" a Couer to the same of Siluer guilt wayinge 23 onces and a halfe A Pulpit Cloth of purpell veluat with gold and Silke ffring about with a pulpit pUlowe of the same with the like gould and silke ffring and fayre tasselles also A Communion Carpet Clo'th of the same veluet and ffringe all w""" guifte is the guifte of Sir Sammuell Tryon Knight who somty[me] lined in this Parishe One Pulpit Pillowe of greene Cloath Towe Communion Tabell Clothes of Diaper Towe Surplusses One Basaon of pewter w"" A Christopher in the bottom One ffayre branch of brasse with ivj Sockets beinge the guifte of Sir Samuell Tryon Knight A Tabell of Ordinances Concerninge duties for the parish for the Clarke and Sexton Towe fframes of the situaeion of the lands in ffleet street belonginge to the parish A Communion tabel cloth in the Church Sixe kerseye Cushens One old veluet Carpet for the vestry Tabell. A Wanscott presse w* Towe locks in the vestry toe kepe in the Ornaments of the Church. . A great Chest in the Vestry w"" Three locks wher in the writinges are kepte One newe Tabell of wanscot w'^'' standeth in the vestry house Eight newe wanscot fformes in the Church Thertye Bucketts of leather, whereof two was burnt att Sir Will. Cokenes A Tabell of Remeberanee for the payment of rent in the Churchwardens Seate Towe fflaggon Pewter potts Three ladders in the Church yard one long and tow short One booke of Cannons in the Chest Towe fair Siluer Potts wainge 104 ownces and a towe peney waight beino-e the guifte of m' Thomas Westrowe lat alderman sonetyme an inhabitant of this parish geauen by him the 20* daye of March 1623 One long ffier hoake in the Church yard One Standish of Pewter One paper boake to set downe the noate of the maymed Soldiars and other thinges One glace lanthorne to hang at the Church dore beinge the guift of m' humphre waterson glaeear los.b.) Anno 1626 The Accompt of Thomas fforman Churchwarden of the Parish of Saint Christophers London as ffol oweth Churche stoke C. Rd of m' Thomas Carlton lat Churchwarden beinge the Remainder of the hemp money as p his accompte... 03 10 04 i2 60 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. ' Rd of m' Thomas Bucknar the 19* of maye 1625 for A ffyne for his Churchwardenship the some of Rd of m' Nicholas HaU Skynner the 25"" of nouember and the 16* of January 1625 and the 15* of Aprill 1626 beinge in all for halfe a yeare and halfe a qters rent dewe one the 26"> of march last past Rd of m' Richard ffuUer Tayller the 26* of nouember and the 6* of ffebruary 1626 and the 22* of Aprill 1626 beinge in all for halfe a yeare and halfe a quarters rent dewe one the 26* of March last past Rd of m' John Prince Lynen Seller the 15* of Januarye 1625 and the 21* of ApriU 1626 in aU for halfe a yeare and halfe a quarters rent dewe the 25tli of marche last past the some of ... Rd of m' Robart Grinkine Clockmaker the 15* of Aprill 1626 beinge for halfe a yeare and halfe a quarters rent dewe the 26* of marche last paste ... Rd the 8"" of ffebruary 1626 of m' Lawrence Halstead executor toe m' John Kendrieke deceased for his Legacy towards the reparinge of oure Parishe Church the some of Rd the 19* of ApriU 1626 of the Wardens of the drapers Companie beinge the guifte of m' John Kendrieke deceased to the Parish Church of Saint Christopher quarterly and for eauer towards the maintenance of morninge prayer for the menister Clarke and Sextons waiges and Candelles the some of loe.a.) Anno 1626 Churche stock. C. Rd of the parishioners towards the releife of maymed Soldiars for the whole yeare last paste the some of Rd of the pstrishioners towards m' blackwell his lecter money endinge at miehaelmas last past beinge for half e a yeare Rd for a knell w* the great Bell for mistris Walkington whose body was berried at ffuUam Rd for a knell w* the great bell and for the ground of m' Parris beinge in the boddy of the Church Rd for the ground of mistris Carlton who was bewried in the north eyle of the Churche Rd for one howers knell w* the 4* bell for one mistris howson a Stranger ... ... Rd for one afternones knell w* the great bell for m' mosley and the ground in the Churche for his bewriaU Rd in all Rd for a knell w* the 4* bell for one Jeames Symson who died out of m' Willeam Chapmans house Rd for the ground in the Church beinge in the midell Eyle for a Child w'^'' died at m' alderman molsons house the some of The Totall of the Receipts belonginge to the Accompt of the Church Stocke Amonteth toe in all the some of One hondreth Twenty Towe Pounnds Sixtene Shillinges and Eight pence as p ther pticulers 05 — — 08 06 08 16 13 04 14 11 08 10 08 04 40 — — 07 10 — 106 — 05 01 09 - 12 10 — 03 4 16 8 10 — 02 06 13 04 02 06 10 — 16 16 04 122 16 08 1 «.b.) Anno 1626 The Accompt of Thomas fforman Churchwarden of the Parish of Saint Christophers London as fflloweth Churche Stock. D. pd for the artikeUs at 8' magnes the 20* of ApriU 1625 and to the paratar pd for A dynner that daye at the Castell for m' Deane Pearce and other parishioners w"" the old Church wardens and sidemen the some of pd to m' Willeam Willeamson Cunstabell for sendinge of vesited psons to the pest house out of the house of the goodwife madox in the Castell alleye Spent that night for attendance to helpe them awaye and to see them Conueyed ... ... pd for a Coffen for one of the goodwife madox Children to Lacey pd to m' Thomas Carlton beinge the foat of his accompte according as it was audited pd for Silken points one Assention daye for the Children and oure Dynner withe some parishioners at the Castell , pd for Chardges of a Child that came from Puckeridge and wold haue beene laedd in oure Parish and sent the same toe Westminster by the beadell & goinge alongest therwith seinge it deliuered p oure beadell to the Churchwardens of Westminster spent pd to Steauen lacy for prouision for the Church for the whole yeare as p his bUls pd for boaks for the Church at Seuerall tymes from the Bishop of london and his archdeacon pd for the Searchinge of the goodwife madoxe Child after it was dead ... Spent at A meatinge w* some of oure Parishioners to haue Confferrence wth m' Pearce about his duelUnge house for m' Blackwell lO'-a-) ' Anno 1626 Church stock D pd for Earthen Pannes CharcoUes stoue Pich ffrancom sence and Incence to burne in the streats accordinge to my lord maior his order and cost in all ... pd for speninge of Hempe to the goodwife madoie pd to the goodman Croien for Three Coffens w<"" he mayed and after was enforsed to make newe ons w* are at presennt remaininge in the Churche and Cost all togeither pd for A rake of Iron for to Cleange the Kennells w* all pd to the Bricklayer and Carpenter toe viewe the houses in ffleat streat and for the Parisshioners dynner at the Andwerp pd toe m' bulets Clarke for takinge in of the ArtikeUs in regard they wer brought in after the daye pd for my goinge into ffleat streat toe Speake w* the Tennants and 8d Spent there Amongest them pd to m' Robart Tayller for the quit rent dewe to Saint Bartholomewes hospitali p his acquitance ... pd to m' And re we Blackwell oure menister the 7* of JuUy 1625 for his lecter for midsomer quarter as p his receipt pd to m' Andrewe Blackwell oure menister the 25* of ffebruarye 1626 for his lectory for miehaelmas qter as p his receipte the some of .. pd for A newe great lanthorne for to hange at the Church dore & cost ... pd to m' fflacke Scauenger for one whole yeare Salleridge for Careinge Awaye the soyle of the Churche — 01 08 01 16 - 11 03 04 — 02 06 — 02 - 06 — 01 — 12 06 — 08 06 02 10, — — 04 06 — — 08 — 02 04 23 04 01 01 08 04 — 01 05 01 05 - _ — 08 02 06 02 — 02 — — 01 06 01 03 04 07 10 — 07 10 -- — 10 — — 08 - 22 06 05 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. 61 107.b.) Anno 1626 Churche Stock. D. pd to Steuan Lacey for a rope for the Saints bell pd to the Renter of the drapers for there quit rent as p ther receipte ... ... ... pd to Steauan Lacey toe Carry In the ffiue ArtikeUs to m' huUets office pd to the Marshall dauis for one yeares Sallere for maymed Soldiars pd toe m' Job Dam port menister p the parishe order as p his receipt will apeare pd to m' Ridley and m' Becket for viewinge & decidinge to whome the right of the passage of thentry to the great house did belong to ther paines pd for a dynner at the Castell for the parishioners ther beinge m' Israeli Owen and Companie when as the Tennants Came out of ffleat streat to haue the difference of the gutter decided w'^'" cold not then be effected and Cost ... ... pd for wyne for the Parishioners that went w* me for the demaundinge of rents in ffleat streat spent ... pd for the Copiinge of m' Wittons leace toe m' John Wodward Scriuner w""" we had p m' Owens meanes pd for pusinge of diuerse of the Churche writinges w"" the Parishioners and spent one them for ther paines and trauell pd for Towe dossen and Towe plate Candelsticks and towe dossen of Eistinguisers and towe dossen of stone Candelsticks w* Tenter hoaks , pd to m' Barnard the Smith for worke done for the Church in this whole yeare as the branches in the menisters Pewe and hinges for the gallery dore and diuerse other necessarye thinges ... 108A) Anno 1626 Churche Stock. D. Paied to m' Lewis Bromhall oure Atorney in the Kinges Bench for Perfectinge of oure SpeciaU Verdit w"" the Record as p his mans Receipte pd to m' Stone for his Counsell at tymes... pd toe ffrancis Porter mistris Westrowes man who brought her husbands legacye '. pd for one halfe ower glace for to Remayne in the belffrye pd to m' mathewe ffoster p the Parishes order w^i" he had formerly desbursed for the sendinge of one of the goodwife madoxe her Children to the pest house as p his receipt wiU apeare pd and Spent vppon oure Parishioners at a meatinge toe Confer w* them about the Parishes busineses pd to Steauan Laceye to Cary in the ffower ArtikeUs into the Corte pd to the vpholster for the trimynge of m' Chapman and m' Lee ther pewe pd to the Joyner for worke done for the Church as p his receipt will apeare pd to m' fflacke Cunstabell for helpinge A pore woman A waye that was w* Child pd toe m' Raph Hartleigh Scriuner for writinges for the Church and his paynes as p his receipt will apeare... pd for oure Supers in ffleat streat it beinge very lat in the night when as we receaued m' Grinline his rent and for a linke to light vs whome — 01 06 — 03 04 — — 06 01 14 08 01 04 — — 06 — 02 04 — — 03 06 04 ^ — 02 06 — 16 09 01 15 06 08 16 03 03 — — — 16 — — 03 — — 01 — pd this 19* of Aprill 1626 toe m' Adam Lawrence for the vse of 200' Continued at 8 p cento for one whole yeare dewe one the 18* presennt as p his receipt will apeare ... •¦• ••• •¦• Anno 1626 los.bj Churche Stock D. pd the 19* of ApriU 1626 to m' Andrewe BlackweU oure Curat for his quartridge dewe the 25* of marche last past beinge the guifte of m' John Kendrieke deceased for the maintenance of morninge prayer for the Curat his paynes qterly for eauer fiue ponds ... pd to Steauan Lacey as he Supplieth the place of Clarke and Sexton for his Salleridge quarterly out of m' Kendricks guifte one pond fiue shUl pd for Candells the same quarter out of m' Kendricks guifte one pond fiue sh pd to Steauan Laceye for the Carreinge in of the 26 ArtikeUs into m' H. Hulets office pd to Steauan Lacey to ffech A writing out of m' Hulets office belonginge to the menister and is to remayne in the Church and Coste pd to pore destresed menisters and ther wines and the widdowes of menisters w* maney other pore destresed peopell some hauinge Certificats as p ther pticuler beneuolences for the whole yeare will apeare the some of pd for wood for Bonfyars p order from the lord maior at seuerall tymes pd to m' Plum for readinge of deuyne seruice 18' and geauen in Charrety at seuerall tymes 12' w""" maketh in all the some of 109.a.) Churche stock D. pd for Ringinge ouer and seuerall tymes Anno 1626 besids lacey his bills at 01 19 -r. — 06 — 17 04 06 16 06 -^ — 08 01 02 04 06 The Totall of all the Payments Conteyned in this Accompte for the Church Stocke as p ther Seuerall pticulers wUl Apeare Amountinge toe nyntey ffiue pounds Seauen tene Shillinges and Three pence lOS.b.) 16 26 06 06 05 — 01 06 01 05 — 01 — 04 06 10 — 04 01 10 16 19 OG 00 95 17 0:3 1 26 27 Soe ther is Remaininge in my hands to the ballancinge of this Accompte the some of Twenty Sixe Pounds nyntene Shillings and ffiue pence w""" her with I deliuer I saye the some of more we find an error of xij" too little set downe w"' being added maketh iust Andrew Blackwell w» Chapman Thomas Bucknei- wyllyam ley Lau: norcott Richard Downes Anno 1626 The Accompt of Thomas fforman Church Warden of the Parish Christophers London as ffoloweth 05 00 05 of Saint 62 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. Pores stock. C. Collected the 17"" of maye 1625 of the Parishioners towards the Sendinge of the good vrife madox and her children to the pest hpuse Rd the 19th of maye 1625 of m' Thomas Buckner for the Surplusage of the pores accompte the some of... Collected at Seuerall tymes of the Parishioners at the Church dore and at ther seuerall houses as p ther pticulers wiU apeare Rd of m' John neavell to the vse of the pore the some of 3' at twise I saye Rd Rd of m' Thomas Bucknar beinge the guifte of m' deane Pearce the some of ..• Rd of m' Thomas Bucknar for the Erectinge of m' Herriot his monument in the ChaunceU the some of Rd of the Communion money from Easter daye the 17* of ApriU 1625 tUl the daye of Saint Thomas the Apostell beinge the 21* of december 1625 the some of Collected at the Communions from the 21"" of december 1626 tUl the 16* of Aprill 1626 the some of Rd of m' Alderman Molson Rd of m' Alderman Molson for his licence Rd of m' Roddewaye renter Warden to the marchantaylors beinge the guifte of mistris Cotton to the vse of oure pore the some of Rd of Cotsford for the guifte of mistris Elowayes to the vse of the pore Rd of m' Willeam Chapman for his lycence ,. llO.a.) Anno 1626 Pores Stock C. Rd of m' Peater Ricouet for his lycence Rd of m' Garford beinge the guifte of m' Symond HorspoUe to the vse of oure pore the some of Rd of ffrancis Porter seruant to mistris Westrowe for m' Alderman Westrowe deceased his Legacy geauen to the vse of oure pore the some of 10' as p my receipt ... Rd of the Wardens of the drapers Companye the 19* of Aprill 1626 to the vse of our pore quarterly beinge the guifte of m' John Kendrieke deceased and it is to be Continued for eauer I saye Rd The Totall of all the Receiptes Belonginge vnto this Accompte of the Pores Stocke Ammonteth to the some of fflftey Seauen pounds and Aleauen pence as by ther seuerall pticulers will apeare 09 14 06 — 13 07 16 08 — 03 — — 03 — — 01 -_ _ 03 17 — 02 13 -- 01 — 06 10 08 10 — — 04 — — 06 08 41 15 03 06 08 04 04 _ 10 — — — 15 15 05 08 57 — 11 Geauen to Richard Melsame and his Widdowe at seuerall tymes as p ther pticulers will apeare and for to helpe her mad Sister awaye out of oure Parishe who kept possesion after they wer all gone pd for the Curinge of goodman Jenkins his legg and geauen his wife toe releaue her at seuerall tymes ... pd to the goodwife madox after that they came out of the pest house to releaue her pore Children and herself e at seuerall tymes pd to mistris Cressey to releaue her in the tyme her house was vesited and shut vpp pd for wachinge of mistris Cresseyes housse p order for my lord maior pd toe mistris perkins at Twise she beinge Sick of the Sicknes ... lll.a.) llO.b.) Anno 1626 The Accompt of Thomas fforman Church Warden of the Parish of Saint Christopher London as ffoloweth Pores stock D. pd the 9"^ of JuUy 1625 to the Church wardens of Saint Butolphes Bishope to the vse of ther pore as p ther receipte the some of Oi 05 pd the 9* of JuUy 1626 to the Church wardens of Saint Butlophes Algat to the vse of ther pore as p ther recept 01 05 — pd the 27* of JuUy 1625 to the Churchwardens of Saint Giles w"" out Cripelgat to the vse of there pore as as p ther Receipte the some of 01 — — Anno 1626 Pores stock. D. pd to the goodman Bowers whilest he lined and to his widdowe hauinge towe small Children who died of the Sickness and geauen them to releaue there wants at seuerall tymes pd to goodman Croxen whilest he lined to releaue his wants wthall & to his wife towards the releife of her Sicke Children and her selfle in the tyme of her widdowehood at seuerall tymes as will apeare pd to the Sister of Judith Allen to releaue her with all in the tyme of her Sicknes and toe her freinds towards her bewriall ... pd to the widdowe Leonard to releaue her wants at seuerall tymes pd to the widdowe Harrison toe releaue her wants at seuerall tymes ... pd to the widdowe Robinson to releaue her wants at seuerall tymes ... pd to mistris nickholson to releaue her wants w"" all ... pd to Steauan laceye to releaue his wants at seuerall tymes pd to Bawldwine Wilson whilst he liued and to his widdowe duringe her ahead w* vs towards the releife of herself e and her Child pd to the goodwife Chainbers to releaue her wants and her Children at seuerall tymes and to helpe to send one of them into the Cun trye lii.b.) Anno 1626 Pores Stock. D. pd the 23* of december 1625 to the pore out of the Communion moneye pd the 2* of marche 1625 p m' Reddowaye his man to6 Twenty pore peopell of oure Parishe beinge the guifte of the marehantaylers and left to them p the widdowe Cotton deceased pd the 9"" of march to flower poore peopell of oure Parishe beinge the guifte of mistris Elowayes deceased ... pd the 28 of marche 1626 out of the legacy of m' Alderman Westro to the pore of oure Parishe accordinge to the diuision therof the some of 9' ... pd to Steauan lacey as he Suplieth the place of Clarke and Sexton out the guifte of m' Symond horspoUe pd to the Baker for ffifty and Towe dossen of bread out of the guift of m' Symond horspole 02 16 .^ 01 10 — 01 12 06 — 06 - — 06 — — Os lo 05 06 01 13 — 03 02 06. 01 12 06 — 12 06 — 12 06 _. 16 08 — 16 08 — 06 08 02 10 01 04 13 07 04 17 — 10 — 04 — 09 — 01 — 02 12 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 63 aforesaied money of m' pd to the pore out of the horspoUes guifte pd to the pore of oure Parishe the 3"^ of maye 1626 beinge the guifte of m' John Kendrieke deceased to bee pd quarterly and for eauer by the Companie of the Drapers the some of 12 — — 15 112.0.) 19 10 — lad 43 02 06 The Totall of all the Payments Conteyned in this Accompt for the Pores Stocke Ammonteth to the Some of ffortey Three Pounds Towe Shillinges and Six pence as p ther Seuerall pticulers will Apeare pd the some of ... Soe ther is Remaininge in my hands to ballance this accompt the some of Thertene Pounds Eightene Shillinges and ffiue pence the wich herwith I deliuer ' ' '' to the Custody of the Succeadinge Church Warden 13 18 05 The Accompt of Thomas fforman was Audited by vs whose names are her vnder written the 9* of maye 1626 Andrew Blackwell Curat w™ chapman Thomas Buckner willyam Ley Lau : norcott Richard Dounes The remayner of this whole account audited as above is forty pownds eighteene shillings ten pence which was dd to m' Laramore f or m' Gaseoyne li 40 18 10 112.b,) 113.a.) 027 00 Ap'U this 17* 1627 As concerninge an Inuentory of all the writings Bookes ornaments and Church Goodes belonging to the parish Church of S' Christophers nigh the stocks London Reveiw M' fformans Accompt Anno 1626 there is A full Accompt of all Except Six quishions 2 were changed & 4 bought. Anno Domini 1627 The Accompt of Aluery Gascoigne Churchwarden of Saint Christophers of London prish stock Rd of m' Thomas fforman being the Remainder of The Church stocke as p his Accompt appeareth Jld of m' fforman the some of Tenn poundes tenn shill : being a part of the mony dew to m' BlackweU for his lecture from Michaelmas 1625 vnto our Lady day 1626 Rd of The Company of Drapers being the gifte of M' Kenricke for morninge prayers some of Rd of the Tennants in fleet streete for three quarters of a yeares Rent the some of Rd for the buriall of M' Norcotts (laughter Rd for the buriaU of M" Thurswell Rd for the buriall of Margeret Haynes a stranger Rd of the prishtioners for the Lecture Rd of the prishtioners for the poore Anno 1625 Rd for yarne sould to M' Roberts Rd of the prish for maymed souldiers Rd more one quarters Rent The some of the Receipts this yeare is in all Paid to M' Blackwell for a yeares Leeturinge ending at Easter Last the some of ... Paid to M' Blackwell for Reading morninge prayers ... Paid to Steeuen Lasy as Clarke & sexton Paid for Candles for morninge prayers 010 10 00 030 00 0 060 00 00 000 10 00 000 13 04 001 06 8 023 07 2 040 06 6 002 14 1 001 00 0 020 00 0 217 08 2 030 00 0 020 00 0 06 00 0 005 06 4 Paid to the pentioners for nurssing of children and clothes Giuen vnto Chambers in his sicknes 10' Paid to Release a man out of bridweU 12" Paid the Officer that brought the book from y lord maior Spent vnpo" the tennants and their wiues Paid and giuen vnto many poore ministers and their wiues and to many poore destressed souldiers most of them by way of passe hauing many presidents for it and at the request of m' BlackweU the some of three pound seauen' & sixpence The whole some of the paymentes of both these sides is in all ... li4.a.) Anno 1627 The Accompt of Aluery Gascoigne Church Warden of the prish of S» Christophers prish stocke paid for the Artickles at S'^ magnus paid for our dinner that day wee were sworne ... Paid for m' fformans Audit dinner Paid more to m' fforman that day Paid to m' BlackweU for halfe A yeares Lecture dew at our Lady day 1626 Paid for fower quishings Paid for pain tinge the new Rayle & gallery dore Paid for poynts on the pambulaton day Paid for tow Bookes for the fast day Paid to p'cure the childe of Chambers into the hospitaU Paid To discharge widdowe chambers out of prison ... Paid m' Spencer for prachinge Paid for maymed souldiers... ... Paid to Steeuen Lasy in full of his bill ... Paid for new Ropes for all the BeUs Paid y= Carpenter & bricklayer uppon the vew day ... Paid for A dinner on the veve day Paid for Takinge downe three bells and S" beU trimming and making new stocks finding new gudgions & brasses & hanging the vpp ... Paid the Bell founder for mending y bell Paid the Carpenter for a wheele for y great bell Paid for a lock and key for the bellfry doore ... Paid for A Coppy of the Kings letter Paid to S' Bartholomewes hospitaU Paid to the Company of drap's Paid the Scauenger for the whole yeare ... Paid to M' Lawrence the interest of tow hundred Poundes for nine monthes Paid to M' Lawrence p' of his principall Paid for Carring the names of mariages to the office ... Paid for 2 shouells & a spade Paid for Couering of 3 graues in the church Paid for makinge the pew for churchwardens and sidmen Paid for mendinge 2 Church Bookes Paid for six seasment books & a bond Paid for the Articles & p'sntments Paid the Clarke for burling of poore in sicknes time Paid for Ringinge 2 dayes Paid for wine from S' Thomas daye to good fry day Paid for the buriall of goodwife Chambers child 030 10 0 000 10 00 000 01 00 000 01 00 000 10 00 003 07 6 095 05 10 195 09 6 00 01 08 00 08 00 00 13 04 01 06 08 16 00 00 00 06 00 00 06 00 00 01 08 00 01 06 00 03 00 00 08 00 01 00 00 01 14 08 01 17 00 00 12 00 00 05 00 01 08 00 04 00 00 00 10 00 01 05 06 00 04 06 00 02 00 01 0.-! 04 00 03 04 00 08 00 12 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 06 00 05 00 00 06 00 00 06 CO 00 06 00 00 07 00 00 05 00 00 12 00 00 05 00 01 12 00 00 10 00 100 03 0^ 64 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. the prish of S' 04 04 00 13 18 05 00 10 00 00 02 00 00 06 08 00 06 08 00 06 08 00 06 08 03 00 00 03 18 07 03 14 06 01 16 06 32 10 8 014 16 07 021 18 8 the prish of S' iu.b.) Anno Dommini 1627 The Accompt of Aluery Gascoigne Churchwarden of Christophers London Poores stoeke Rd of M' Garfoote being the gifte of M' Simon Hors poole the some of ffower Poundes fower shUl. Rd of M' fformon beinge the Remainder of the poore stocke as p his Accompt Appeareth Rd of The marehantaylers the guifte of M" Parsons ... Rd the guifte of Widdowe Dauis Rd of M' Alderman Moulson for his Licence Rd of M' Chapman for his Licence Rd of M' Rickit for his Licence Rd of M' Seaward for his Licence Rd of the Company of Drapers being the guifte of M' Kenricke for the poore of our prish Gathered at the Communion from the 7"' of may to S' Thomas day some of three pound eightene" & 7" ... Gathered at the Communion table from S' Thomas vnto Goodfryday the some of Gathered more vppon Easter day & Low Sunday The whole some of the poores money Rd is Soe there Remaineth of the poores stocke as Appeareth by this Accompt some of Resteth more as appeareth by this Accompt of the parish stocke the some of 21' 18" 8" iis.a.^ Anno Domini 1627 The Acompt of Aluery Gascoigne Church Warden of Christophers London Poores stocke Paid for 62 dos. of bread being the gift of M' Simon Horspoole for the poore of our prish Paid the poore the guifte of M' Horspoole Paid the Clark & sexton his guifte Paid the Poore the guifte of M" psons Paid the poore the guifte of widdowe dauis Paid the Poore the guifte of M' Kenricke Paid the poore the Communion mony ... Paid the poore the Interest of M'" Sprags mony The whole some of the poores mony paid is... The account of Alvery jGascoygne Churchwarden this p'sent yeare 1627 was audited by vs whose names were vnder wrytten the jcvij* day of Aprill 1627 the whole remayninge stocke beipg audited the day above written both for the Church and poore is ' xxxvj" XV' iij" w"^*" was dd to M' Laramore accord ingly in p'sence of , , ,Andr^w Blackwell curat w" chapman Tho formal! Richard Pownes John Heln\es 115 b.) Thomas Carjjeton lis.a ) The Acompt of John Lorrymer Churchwardep of the parrish of S' Christophers London Anno Domi 1628 Church stock Rd of M' Aluery Gascoigne being the remainder of the Church stock as by his accompt appeareth the some of , ,,., .... ,., 21 18 08 Rd of the Company of Drapers being the guifte of M' ^enrick for morning prayer the summe of 30 00 00 00 13 04 00 13 04 00 10 00 00 10 00 28 11 02 07 00 00 33 18 07 80 00 00 02 10 00 02 12 00 00 12 00 01 00 00 00 10 00 00 02 00 03 00 00 07 13 01 02 05 00 17 14 01 li 36 15 4 03 00 10 00 01 06 06 208 01 07 30 00 00 20 00 00 05 00 00 06 10 10 27 14 02 00 06 10 0L2 01 03 Rd for the buriall of Mis"" Streate the summe of Rd for the buriall of Mis"" Slade the summe of Rd for the buriall of M' Sheepheards Childe the summe of ... Rd for the buriall of M' Harwoods Childe the summe of Rd of the parrishti oners for the lecture the summe of... Rd of M' Jenner for his Child the summe of Rd of the parrishtioners for the poore the summe of ... Rd of the tennants in fleetstreat for a yeares Rent the summe of... Rd of M' Boulton for his fine the summe of Rd of the Communion mony for M' Seawards seruants Child Rd of the parrishtioners for maimed souldiers the summe of... ... ... The totall summe of the receipts this yeare is Paid to M' Blackwell for a yeares Leeturinge ending at our Lady day last past the summe of Paid to M' BlackweU for reading morning prayers Paid to Steeuen Lasie as Clarke and sexton the summe of Paid for Candles for morninge prayers Paid to the pentioners for nurssing of Children and Clothes ... Paid for Coales for the poore the summe of Paid for pauing before the Church for 91 yards at 3" p yarde and for 5 loade of grauell at 18" p Loade and stones 2 loade at 5" p L. Paid and giuen to many poore ministers and their wiues and to many poore disstressed souldiers and other decayed people some of them by waye of passe haueing many presidents for it and at the request of M' Blackwell and M' fforman the summe of Paid for the pentioners seales the summe of Paid for our dinner that day wee -were sworne ... Paid for poynts vpon assention day Paid for Articles and presentments „. lle.b.) The Accompt of John Lorrymore Churchwarden of the parrish of Sainte Christophers London Anno Domini 1628 Church stock Paid for our Audit dinner the summe of,,. ... .., Paid to Steeuen Lasy in full of his bill Paid for our dinner vpon the veiw day the summe of ... Paid to the Carpenter and bricklare vpon the veiw day Paid for wine in fleet street for the parrishtioners Paid for Clasps for the plate boxes the summe of Paid for bringing the Childe tp London trances Cbritopher Paid to M' Hartley for M' Kenricks wiU Paid to M' Lawrence the interest of one hundred and fiuety pounds for a yeare the summe of Paid more to M' Lawrence pte of his principall the summe of .., .., ... Paid to a may son for his worke and Lead Paid for our dinner vpon the visitation day Paid to M' Hipwell for reparations Paid to the Carpenter for worke done in fleet street ... Paid to the Plommer for woorke done in fleet street and for lead the summe of ... Paid to the plaisterer and brioklare for worke in fleet street ... ... Paid to the Smith for iron worke in fleet street... Paid to M' Haule for reparations 05 12 04 00 03 00 00 08 00 00 02 08 00 08 04 97 06 05 00 13 04 01 18 06 01 17 03 00 05 00 00 04 11 00 08 00 00 05 06 01 04 08 12 00 00 50 00 00 00 03 08 00 07 06 02 00 00 01 11 00 07 14 00 00 19 00 00 05 10 01 00 00 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 65 Paid for painting the Church doore Paid to the Scauenger for the whole yeare Paid to Sainte Bartholmewes HospitaU Paid for earthen Candlesticks the summe of Paid for ringing 3 dayes the summe of Paid for new roopes Paid for Couering of 4 graues in the Church Paid for Rosemary and bayes Paid to a man sent for by M' Carleton Paid to a nurse that hath M' Jenners Child Paid for sealing of the leases the summe of Paid to M' Gascoigne for Carriing a woman with Child from his doore the summe of ... Paid for maimed souldiers Paid for wine for the Communion Paid for 2 prayers books for the fleete and 2 bookes for the fast ... ... Spent vpon the Tennants and there wiues Paid f or a beanch f or a pew Paid for 3 bonds the summe of 00 18 00 00 08 00 01 03 04 00 00 09 00 07 00 00 05 00 00 07 10 00 05 00 00 02 06 007 10 00 00 09 06 00 03 00 01 14 08 01 16 06 00 01 08 00 16 Hi 00 01 06 00 03 06 99 12 10 ii7,a.) Anno Domini 1628 The Accompt of John Lorrymer Churchwarden of y' parrish of Sainte Christophers London Church stocke Paid to the smith for iron worke for the bells and for other necessaries for the Church the summe of Paid for M' Jenner and his Child the summe of... Paid for 2 letters from the Lord of London Paid for mending of 4 bells the summe of Paid to the Plaisterer and bricklare for worke done y' Church Paid for the buriall of goodwife Jenkens Paid for Cartage of Rubbidge Paid for M' Seawards seruants Child for nurssing and Cloths and for other necessaries in the time of liing in The totaU somme of these three sides is in all . ... 02 06 00 ... 01 00 06 ... 00 00 06 ... 01 07 08 for ... 01 10 06 ... 00 06 00 ... 00 00 08 for her ... 03 02 09 09 13 07 206 12 10 117.b.> Anno Domini 1628 The Accompt of John Lorrymer Churchwarden of the parrish of Sainte Christophers London Poores Stock Rd of M' Garfoote being the guift© of M' Simon Horse^ poole the some of foure pounds foure shillings ... Rd of M' Gascoigne being the remainder of the poores stock as by his aeeompt appeareth the some of Rd of the marehantaylers the guifte of Mis''" Parsons ... Rd the guifte of widdowe dauis the summe of ... Rd of M' Alderman Moulson for his licence Rd of M' Richaut for his licence Rd of M' Seaward for- his licence Rd of the Company of Drapers being the guifte of M' Kenrick for the poore of our parrish the summe of Rd the guifte of Mis"" Marie Westro for the poore of our parrish the summe of Rd the guifte of M' Chapman for the poore of our parrish Gathered at the Cummunion table from the 6th of AprUl to good flrydayth© summe of... «.. 04 04 00 14 16 07 00 10 00 00 02 00 00 06 08 00 06 08 00 06 08 03 00 00 05 00 00 03 00 00 09 01 06 Gathered at the Cummunion vpon Easter day and low Sunday the summe of The totaU summe of the poores mony Rd is Soe there remaineth of the poores stock as appeareth by this Accompt the some of Soe there resteth more of the parrish stock as appeareth by this Accompt the some of H8.a.) Anno Domini 1628 The Accompt of John Lorrymer church warden of the j Christophers London Paid for 52 dozens of bread being the guifte of M' Symon Horsepoole for y poore of our parrish Paid the poore the guifte of M' Horsepoole Paid the Clarke and sexton his guifte Paid the poore the guifte of Mis"" Parsons Paid the poore the guifte of widdow Dauis Paid the poore the guifte of M' Kenrick Paid the poore the guifte of Mis"' Marie Westro Paid the poore the guifte of M' Chapman Paid the poore the interest of Mis'" Sprags mony Paid the poore the Cummunion mony The whole summe of the poores mony paid is The Accountt of m' John Larromore Church warden this p'sent yeare 1628 by vs whose names are vnder written this 29"" of Aprill auditted, and the whole remayning stocke both for the church and pore is iust seuenteene pounds nine shUlinges foure pence w*^ was deliuered vnto m' Jonas Hopkins Andrew Blackwell Curat 01 04 00 41 18 01 16 00 07 01 08 09 rrish of Sainte 02 12 00 00 12 00 01 00 00 00 10 00 00 02 00 03 00 00 05 00 00 03 00 00 01 00 00 09 01 06 25 17 06 017 09 04 of 50= Tho forman George Harwood John Helmes Thomas Jackson Thomas Carleton Alverey Gascoigne must be brought neit yeare into the pores M" that m' Boultons fine account md aUso m' Hopkinges hath receued a bond of three ponds of William Jenner & Robt Haynes imb.) The names of the Pentioners the 29'^ of Aprill 1628 and there pentions 2- 2" 1' 1" Widdow Harris weekly Widdow Leonard weekly Widdow Ameis weekly ... Widdow Madox weekly The names of the nursse ChUdren the same time Christopher Melson aged 3 yeares Ann Christopher aged 10 yeares ffrancis Christopher aged 3 yeares PhiUip Christopher aiged 1 yeatre died Maijo pri" 162$ Anuall guif tes Anno 1628 for the pore M' Samuell HorspooU ... m'" Parsons of the inarohanttallors widdow Danes m' John Kendrick receued of the Drapers .. Ii9.a.) An" Dni 1629 The Account of Jonas Hopkins Churchwarden of the parrishe of S* Christophers London Church stocke Reed of m' John Larramore beinge the Remainder of " > d the parrish stocke the some of qOI 08 09. 04 04 0 00 10 0 00 02 0 03 00 0 07 16 ,00 66 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. Reed of the Company of Drapers beinge the guift of M' Kendrieke for morninge prayers ... Reed of the tennants in fleet street for a yeares Rent the some of ... ... ... Reed for the buryall of m' Buckners Child Reed for the buryall of m'" mallpise Reed for the buryall of m" Seagrafe Reed for the buryall of m' Jaeksons Child Reed for the buryall of m' Smyth Reed for the buryaU of m' Streett Reed for the buryall of m' Moorewoods Child Reed of the parishioners for the poore Reed of the parishioners for the lecture ... Reed of William Jenner & Robert Haynes p a bond ... Reed of the parishioners for maymed souldiers Reed for Ringinge the great beU for m' RattUffe and m' Streett the some of Reed of the parishioners towards the nursinge of the Widdowe Nelsons ChUd the some of Pd to m' Blackwell for a yeares leeturinge endinge at our lady day last past the some of Pd to m' Blackwell for readinge morninge praiers Pd to Steephen lacy as Clarke and Seiton Pd to the pentioners for nursinge of Children and Clothes the some of Pd for pauinge before the Church Pd and giuen to many poore ministers and their wiues and to many poore distressed souldiers and other decayed people some of them byway of passe hauinge many presidents for it and at the Request of m' Blackwell the some of Pd for our dinner that day wee were sworne Pd for our Auditt dinner the some of Pd for a booke of Cannons the some of Pd for a Warrant from Alderman Moulson Pd for the buryall & other charges of PhilUp Christopher the some of ii9.b.) Anno Domini 1629 The Account of Jonas Hopkins Churchwarden of Christophers London Church stocke Pd to Henry Cramphorne for Jeames Jenners Child the some of... Pd for a barer to carry PhiUip Christopher to Church the some of ... ... Pd for poynts upon Assention day y" some of Pd for meate for assention day y= some of Pd Steephen Laeye in full of his bill Pd for Coueringe of 5 graues in y'' Church Pd for Ringinge 3 dayes the some of Pd for Articles & presentments y' some of Pd for mendinge the bells the some of Spent vpon the tennants and theire Wiues Pd for makinge cleane the Church yard Pd to the Scauenger for the whole yeare Pd for maymed souldyers the some of Pd for our dinner vpon the vew day Pd to 2 workmen to vew y houses in fleet streett Pd to 2 men for warninge vs to y= visitation Pd to y' plaisterer for mendinge y^ Churchwindowes ... 030 080 000000 000 000000 000000037 029 003001 000 001 187 00 00 00 00 10 00 10 00 03 04 10 00 05 00 10 00 10 00 09 00 12 08 00 00 06 06 06 08 09 02 11 00 030 020 006033 001 000000 16 01 0000 00 1010 004 08 11 000 08 00 000 13 04 000 01 06 000 01 00 Pd to S' Bartholomewes hospitaU Pd to the Company of Drapers the some of Pd for Carrige of Rubbige from y* Churchwall... Pd for mattinge 2 pewes the some of Pd for bayes & Rosemary the some of Pd for mendinge the glasse windowes y some ... Pd m' Laurance pte of his principall mony Pd m' Laurance for the Interest of 100" for a yeare Pd for 2 hassacks for the Communion table Pd for a hassacke for y" pulpitt & 2 for y font... Pd for 2 bookes for the fast & a prayer for y^ queen Pd for a bible for An Christopher Pd to the BedeU of the Ward the some of Pd the Smyth for worke done for the Church ... Pd for Candles for morninge prayers y" some of The whole some of the payments in these 2 sides is 176" 2' 3* and m' Boultons fine 2" 16'. 00 Soe there Remayneth of the pishe stocke as appeareth by this accompt y some of So there Remayneth of the Poores stoeke as by this Accompt appeareth the some of 001 03 04 000 03 04 000 00 02 000 04 06 000 05 00 000 12 00 060 00 00 008 00 00 000 01 08 000 05 00 000 01 08 000 03 06 000 02 06 000 05 00 005 10 02 080 05 04 008026 18 09 11 07 120.a.> Anno Dom 1629 000 06 06 096 16 11 the parrishe of S' li ' d 004 00 00 000 00 06 000 02 02 000 03 00 001 16 06 000 08 04 000 07 06 000 06 02 000 04 06 001 10 10 000 01 04 000 08 00 001 14 08 001 09 00 000 06 00 000 01 00 000 10 00 Ii s d 004 04 00 016 00 07 000 10 00 000 02 00 005 00 00 000 06 08 000 06 08 000 06 08 003 00 00 The Account of Jonas Hopkins Churchwarden of the pishe of 8' Christophers London Poores stocke Reed of m' Garfoote beinge the guift of m' Symond Horspoole the some of Reed of m' Larramore being the Remainder of the poores stocke the some of Reed of y" Marehantaylers y guift of m" Parsons Reed y' guift of the Widdowe Dauis Reed of m' Alderman Mowlson beinge y'= guift of m' Rattliffe for y poore of o' parrishe Reed of m' Alderman Mowlson for his lycence Reed of m' Rickard for his lycence Reed of m' Seaward for his lycence Reed of y Company of draps beinge y guift of m' John Kendrieke for the poore Reed of m' Venner beinge a Legacy giuen by m' William Lee to y poore of o' parrishe... Reed of m'" Collingsworth for a fine Gathered at"y" Communion table frome the 4"" of May 1628 to y 29* of Mrch 1629 Gathered at y Communion vpon Easter day and Lowe Sunday the some of Reed by soe much was charged the last yeare to y' Church stocke beinge m' Boultons fine Receiued by m' Larramore w""" should haue bin put to the poores accompt for wchi ame to deduct out of the Church stocke the some of 2" 10' Pd for 52 dozens of bread beinge the guift of m' Symond Horspoole the some of Pd the Clarke & Sexton y guift of m' Horspoole Pd the poore the guift of m"" Parsons ... Pd the poore the guif t of y Widdowe Dauis Pd the poore the guif t of m' Kendrick Pd the poore the Communion mony Pd the poore beinge soe much Receiued of m'" Collingsworth the some of 001 00 00 001 00 00 006 13 07 001 09 00 002 10 00 042 09 02 002 12 00 001 00 00 000 10 00 000 02 00 003 00 00 006 13 07 000 17 00 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. 67 Pd to 2 promouters about m" Collingsworth Pd the poore y guift of m' Lee 000 001 0300 0000 120.b.) 015 17 07 The Accompt of m' Jonas Hopkins Churchwarden this present yeare 1629 was Audited by vs whose names were vnder written the 25"" of AprUl 1629. the whole Remaininge stoeke beinge Thertey ffiue pounds Tenne ShiUinges and ffower pence as p the Accompt Apereth Andrew Blackwell Curat Thomas Buckner Tho forman Richard Downes John Helmes Thomas Jackson Thomas Carleton l2i.a.) Anno 1630 The accompt of John Rushton Churchwarden of the parish of S*. Chris tophers London Receaued of m' Hopkins being the foote of his accompt of the parish stock the some of Rec of the tenants of ffleetstreet Rec of the Drapers Rec of the parish ffor m' BlackweU Rec Jenner p bond ... Rec of Goodman Jenckin Rec of the parish ffor Maimed souldiers Rec ffor the ChUdren of m' Downes m' Shepheard & m' Perce theire burung Payd for the visitation dinner payd for tharticles payd for the Audit dinner payd for a standish & a pap book payd for a booke of Cannons payd for the p'session dinner payd for ppynts payd for 6 new bucketts and mending the rest payd the paynter payd Steuen Lacies bUl ... payd the gouldsmith for a siluer plate as p bUl payd for 6 plates of brasse grauen for the bounds of the parish payd for Couvering three graues payd for a vew dinner payd for the ladders and the stocks as p bUl payd the smith ffor his bill for work vpon the ladders stocks & for locks and other things payd for paynting the ladders and stocks payd for a peale for the church payd to two sargeants for aresting one payd to m' Hopkins for bell reaps which hee had omitted in his accompt & for a Rope for the Candlestick ... payd for artecles and p'sentm" payd to the skaufinger payd to m' Lambert for mending the branch payd to the pauier payd to m' BlackweU for his lecture payd for a Roape for the great bell 008 18 9" 080 00 0* 030 00 0" 029 08 6" 001 00 00" 000 14 00* 001 04 10 001 10 0" 162 16 01 li a 000 08 00" 000 01 6" 000 13 4" 000 06 0" 000 1 6" 000 14 0" 000 2 3" 002 1 0" 000 2 6" 001 17 0" 002 09 7" 000 16 6* 000 08 0" 001 09 6" 004 03 0" 002 02 0" 000 13 6" 000 01 6" 000 01 6 01 04 6" 000 06 0" 000 08 0" 00 10 4" 02 8 6" 30 00 0* 00 04 0* 121.b.) 053 13 Anno 1630 The accompt of John Rushton Churchwarden of S payd for a warrant for Slade and inditing of him payd for a quit rent for the land in fleet street payd the Clark of the band payd for earthen Candlesticks payd for rosemary and bays payd for the cariing of Soyle ffrom the church wall ... payd for the Queens prayer and to the paritors payd for dinner when wee attended at christchurch about the kings instructions payd to m' Laurence ... payd for interest mony payd to Steuen Lacy being m' Kendricks mony payd for Candles payd to m' BlackweU payd for maimed souldiers ... , payd for two warrants and charges in takeing Thurswell payd to Deane Perce for a hood payd the ioyner for worke in the church .. . payd for triming the pue in the quire payd the glasier payd the plummer payd to my Lord Maiors officer payd ffor Ringing two days... ... ... Spent this yeare vppon the tennants Lent to Goodman Jenckins payd to two workemen on the vew day payd at Drapers Hall to the Company payd for burling Widdow Amis payd a surgion for vewing a Corps payd to lame souldiers, Ministers & other poore payd to the skriuener for books bonds &c Theare remaineth of the parish stock nothing but the parish stock oweth vnto the poore stock as by this accompt appeareth Christophers 1 s 00 03 0* 01 03 4 00 02 6 00 01 0 00 06 0 00 01 2 00 02 6 00 03 4 050 00 0 004 00 0 006 00 0 006 14 0 020 00 0 001 14 4 000 15 0" 000 12 0" 004 03 0" 000 19 4 000 2 6 000 7 0 000 1 0 000 5, 0" 001 7' 0* 001 10 0 000 05 0 000 03 4* 000 18 0 000 05 6 005 10 6 000 16 0 106 53 09 13 160 02 li 07 122.a,) Anno 1630 The aeeompt of John Rushtoun Churchwarden of 3' Christophers Receaued of m' Hopkins being the foote of his accompt of the poores stock Rec at Christmas of m' Garfoote being the guift of Symon Horsepoole Rec of the Marchantailors being the guift of m" Parsons ... Rec the guif t of widdow Dauis Rec of Alderman Moulson of m' Rieott & of m' Seward for theire flesh Licenses Rec of the constables in Cornhill 5' whearof giuen to the watchmen for theire paynes xij"... Rec at the communion table from the 3* of May to the 21"" of march Rec at the Communion vpon Lowe Sunday and Ester day Rec of the parish for the poore Rec of m' Seward for the childe begott by his man Rec more of the Drapers 10 9" 26 11 7* 04 04 0* 00 10 0" 00 02 0" 01 00 0" 00 04 0" 04 19 2" 01 01 0" 037 00 2" 00 10 0" 03 00 0" 079 01 11 k2 68 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. Payd for 52 dossen of Bread payd the Clarke & sexton ffor this yeare payd to the poore for m' Horspooles guift payd to the poore for the guift of m" Parsons payd the guif t of widdow Dauis payd to the poore for the guift of m' Kendrick payd ,to the poore for the vse of m' Sprags tenn pounds payd to the poore the Communion mony being the some of payd to Almes Women & Nursing of chUdren Theare remaineth due to the poores stock Layd out of this ffor parish businesse 02 12 0* 01 00 0" 00 12 0" 00 10 0* 00 2 0" 03 00 0" 00 15 0" 04 19 2" 30 01 10" 43 12 0 li B d 36 09 11 7 6 9 123.b.) 28 Rest in mony ... The accompt of M' John Rushtoun Churchwarden this yeare 1630 of the parish of S'. Christophe's was audited by vs whose names are heare vnder written the 29* of Aprill The whole Stock remainig being Twenty eyght pounds three shillings and two pence as by the aeeompt " » appea'eth 28 3 2" John Nevell Thomas Buckner Tho: forman Richard Downes Thomas Jackson Thomas Carleton 123.,T.) 1630 & 1631 The accompt of John Roberts Churchwarden of S' Christophers London anno Domini 1631 Of the parish stock " » Receaued of the tenants in ffleet street ... receaued of the Drapers ... receaued of the parish for m' Blackwell for three quarters of the years Lecture ... receaued vpon Jenners bond receaued of the parish for maimed souldiers receaued for the grownd and knell for the buriall of the children of m' Neuell 12' 6" m" Gaskoyne 13' 4* m' Heath 13' 4* m' Goodday 10' receaued of M' Peeter Richaut for a fine for all offices... receaued of the parish for m' Hooke for one quarter of a years lecture ... , Imprimis payd for the booke of articles ... payd for the visitacon dinner ... payd to the poores stock which was owing to it the Last yeare ... payd ffor the audit dinner April 9 1630 payd to m' Hulet for a written Coppye of the kings instructions May 4"" 1630 payd for mending the pauemt w*in the quire dore & for tyles for diuers places in the church payd ffor a spade and two shoueUs payd ffor 2 basketts 6* payd for the psession dinner payd for poynts 080 00 00* 030 00 00 020 17 6" 001 00 00" 01 07 04" 002 09 2" 010 00 00" 004 15 09 150 09 09 000 01 04" 000 08 00* 007 06 09 000 13 04 000 01 00 000 04 06 000 04 06 000 00 08 000 18 08 000 02 06 123.b.) payd at 4 seuerall tymes to Goodwiffe Jenckins for goodie Robenson she being shut vpp after the death of one in hir howse giuen to the gossipps that christened Christoffer Murry borne in Castell ally for drink mony ... 12"" payd the ioyner ffor the bredd Case ffor worke in mending some seats 22"^ payd ffor pfumes for the church... 30"' payd for Smiths worke masons worke &c about the curtaine payd for 30 yards of bustian for the curtaine payd to the vphoulster ffor Rings & makeing ... payd f or a coard f or it June 4"" 1630. payd for a thanksgiuing for the queen ... 8 p" Steeuen Lasyes bill 11"" pd m' Walters glasier for worke July 6"" 1630. payd ffor the vewe dinner payd more to m' Walters for mending the Lanthorne ... payd to workemen onn the vew day 1630 1631 The accompt of John Roberts August 31 : 1630 payd to m' Williamson by order of a Vestry for the charge hee was at against Slade ... 7 tembe' 4* 1630 payd for 15 yards of matt about the communion table 7* payd ffor ioyners worke in the vestry howse & for mending some seates... 8* payd at m' Hunts office for serching Concerning Church duties 10* payd ffor plasterers worke about the church ... ... payd flor earbs for the church for 16 weeks ... payd to m' Blackwell for hallf a yea' Reading morning seruice ... Octobe' 4* 1630 payd to m' flerne Scauenger ... payd to m' Blackwell by consent of a vestry ffor one to help him to read Moring seruice hallf e a yeare 7"" payd to m' Midnall (beeing ordred by a vestry) towards Charge of reparacons payd to m' fforman for mony which hee layd out to one that lent him a Coppye of duties 8: payd at the castell vppon ocation of the meeting of such as was appoynted to repaire thould table of duties ... 9: payd more at the castell vppon the same ocatio 14* payd for 2 b'asses for the seaeond bell & for one pound & ^ ouer waight payd for a new Rope for the branch ... payd for charcoles for the vestry howse 16 payd to Charles Berrye for mending the bells 20: payd more at the Castle tauerne at the Confirming of the table of duties ... 000 03 02" 000 02 001 001 000 06 000 000 00 001 001 018 07 00 02 00 10 00 00 000 05 00* 000 03 04 06 10 10 00* 00" 02 06 04 18 10 000 08 04 13 05 000 01 06 000 05 00 06 04 12 0" 00 06 8 00 03 6 00 01 0" 1 06 6 00 08 0 10 00 0 00 08 0" 03 00 0" 06 13 4 0" 13 10 00 13 9 00 04 6. 00 04 8 00 18 0 00 14 4 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. 26* 30* payd to m' Hartly f or wrighting the table w* a parchmt role ifec payd to m' Borne Stationer for Clasps bosses & buff e for the bookes of Juell & Erasmus vpon the gospeUs payd the ioyner for a turning desk for the sayd books for the frame of the table of duties & other worke payd for matting of diuers pues in the church payd at the Castle tauerne at m' Mackernesse his induction payd for a Common prayer booke payd ffor buffe bosses & clasps ffor the Church byble Nouemb 4"' 1630 payd the quitt rent for our Land ... payd the clarke of the ward payd ffor earthen Candlesticks payd to the scriuener for books, a bond a Counte' bond & peticons payd for maimed souldiers I34.a,) 1680 1631 The accompt of John Roberts Nouembe' 5 payd flor a Loope and a Chayne for Erasmus vppon thepistles & allso for a desk for it allso a settle in the clarks pue w"" Lock & hynges payd to Goodman Hewghes bricklayer ffor worke ouer the Vaults 6 trays of morter & sertaine tyles payd for planoks to couer the vaults ... payd Ralph for opening the vaults payd more for tyles and Labor 8 payd to John Thorpe ffor the whipping post ., payd for paynting of it ... payd for paueing worke in the street ... payd to m'. Blackwell for 3 quarters of a yeare Lecturing 26 payd ffor a Look and cay Good : Leo ward ... 26 payd for a long hassack for the christ- ing pue... December 20 payd for holly & luye &c for the church January 13"" pf yd to the Draps Company 15 payd to m' Downes for bell Reaps payd for a footestoole for m' Hooke payd ffor the couering of 4 graues viz for the children of m' Neuell, m" Gaskoyne m" Heath and m' Gooday 25 payd Charges of Goodwiffe harris sick- nesse & buriall viz payd to George Haughton payd to Heward the surgion to bearers 4' a cloth 1' graue makeing 12" Steuens attendance 2' 6" fiebruary 3 1630 Spent at the casteU w"" some of the tenants wee haueing had a vestry ... payd for dynner at ou' vew in fleet street at the chapge of a tenant ... payd ffor repairing of the plate case ... payd to m' Viner for Burnishing of the plate ... ... ... ... ... payd for Candles to m' fflack 01 39 00 12 00 06 6 01 07 6 01 09 3* 00 02 2 00 09 0" 00 03 10 001 03 4 000 02 6 000 01 0" 000 10 0 001 14 8 12 06 00 06 04 00" 00 05 00" 00 04 00" 00 04 00" 00 03 00" 00 11 00" 00 02 00" 00 01 06 20 17 06 00 01 00* 00 02 00" 00 05 00" 00 03 4" 00 05 0" 00 01 0" 00 10 00" 00 02 6 00 08 6 00 05 0" 01 00 6 00 03 0* 00 02 8 05 00 0" payd to m' Ridly ffor a warrant w'^'" hee gott Concerning a woman suspected to send a childe to ou' parish March 14"" 1630 payd for two Common prayer books w* ohaines host and buft payd to the bishipp of Londons porte' in presents of m' Mackernesse payd the goodman Thorpe Carpenter toward the floring of princes shopp 1631:25* 1631 payd & giuen to Goodm : wood whea' Garth ; Harris Lay for buriall &c ... payd at the Castell w"' m' Mackernesse & others hauing distributed m' Crosshaws guift 1630 1631 X24JJ,) The accompt of John Roberts March 25"' 1631 payd to m' Hooke for a quarter of a yeares Lecture paydfor wine for 3 Sundays Communions viz vpon Ester day & the next Sunday before and after payd for bredd for these 3 Communions payd to M' Mackarnesse for hallf e a years reading Morning seruice payd to Steuen Lacye this yeare the guift of m' Kenrick ... payd for Ringers viz 28* of may 28"" June 5 Nouember 19* Nouem : 27 march ... 26"" payd to Goodm : Warde for worke about the readers pue & desk & other worke Aprill 1 1631 payd at the castle w* diuers about the table of Charitable duties and Legacies payd to the beadle of Broadstreet ward toward the reparacons of the cage... 2 payd for 2 basketts ... payd for 2 days worke for bringing Rubbish out of the church yarde ... payd for the cariing of it away payd to the poores stock for the vse of m" Spraggs mony Spent vpon the tenants this yeare at the receauing of rent ... payd for Letters sett vppon diuers seats in the Church payd to John Barnard Smith as by his bill for Iron worke for the whipping post &e... payd for two howre glasses payd for gluing in artecles & p'sentm'' & to the paritors ... The whole some of all the receapts for the Church stock amounteth vnto The paym" are as it apeareth 18 . 07 . 6 ^ 39 . 12 . 4 / .33. 17. '2 ( ¦ 26 . 01 . 8 / Rest of the church stock the some of 32 . 11 . 1 8 69 00 01 00* 00 19 00" 00 01 6" 00 05 0* 00 07 10 00 12 08 33 17 02 04 15 09 00 19 0* 00 01 6 10 00 0 05 00 0* 00 17 6 00 03 0 00 01 4 00 8 0 00 1 0 00 4 0 00 2 0 00 15 0* 01 08 1 00 04 6 00 08 0 00 07 0 00 06 0 026 01 08 u S d 150 09 09 -117 18 08 32 U 01 70 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 25.S.) 1630 1631 The accompt of John Roberts Church warden of the poores stock Receaued of the parish for the poore in the year 1629 receaued of m' Rushton being the foote of his accompt rec : of the parish stock w""" it ought to this stock reo the guift of m' Symond Horspoole... rec : of m' Street being his fathers Legacie receaued of the Marchantailors rec : the giuft of M" Dauis rec : the Legacie of M" Heaths daughter rec : of the drapers being the giuft of m' Kendrick receaued of the Parish stock for the vse of m" Spraggs mony rec : of M' StockweU at the seaUng of his Lease rec : of Alderman Moulson M' Richaut & m' Seaward for thea' fflesh Licences rec : at all the communions frome the 2* of May 1630 to the 6* of of March 1630 ouer and aboue the mony w"* payd for wine & bredd being 13 Comunions receaued vpon the Sunday before Ester 0 rece : vpon Ester day ... 1 rec : vpon the Sunday after Ester 0 the wine & bredd was payd for out of y" parish stock Payd by the mony w""" was receaued of the parish in the yeare 1629 to Almes women & ChUdren as ffoll : to Goodwiffe Amis for 27 " to Goodw : Harris for a yeare to Goodw: Leonard for a 2. 5. 6. 2. 04. 4. 12, 1630 to Goodw : Madox ... payd to Nurses viz to Goodw: ffarington for Ann Christopher 4.15.4" pd hir more for cloths 6' p quarter ... 1.0.0" giuen hir for cloth thrid & needles 0.2.0* payd to Beniamin Hill for Goodwiffe Melsams Childe 2' p week ... 6.4.0 payd to Beniamin ffrancis for Elizabeth Christopher at 24' 6" p quarter ... 4 . 18 . 0 giuen him ouer for his Care of the child 0 . 1.0 payd to m' Hartly for the poores books 0 . 6 • 0 payd to Cotsfforde ffor a warrant for thouerseers 036 08 00" 028 03 02" 007 06 09 004 04 00 006 00 00 000 10 00" 000 02 00 001 00 00" 003 00 00" 000 15 00" 001 10 00" 001 00 00" 003 03 01" 12. 0 0 • 0 ^ 001 19 11 7. 11 J )r out of 094 01 11 015 00 06 016 05 04" 000 01 00" May 5 giuen the mother of Christopher Murry borne in Castle ally at hir going away June 26 giuen to goodwiffe Madox for some head cloths for y« child giuen to m' Ridly for shews & further releiffe for y woma m' the booke of I26.b.) The accompt of John Roberts October S"" 1630. payd to the poore the giuft of Street as appears distribucon of the poores mony folio 9 payd more at the same tyme the giuft of m" Heaths daughter October 12"' giuen to Goodw : Madox for cloths for the Child Layd at m' Nicholls dore Nouemb 26* 1630 Layd out for doth for Goodw: Leonard viz for 2 smocks 4" 8* for 2 sheets 6" for a gowne 4" for a peare of Stockings 21* payd for 62 dossen of bredd for the poore pd to the Clark & sexton m' Horspooles guift pdto the poore m' Horspooles giuft info:10 pd to the poore m'" Parsons giuft pd to the poore mony rec: of the ward... pd to the poore the giuft of m' Kenrick as in fo: 9: fo: 10: in the booke of distribucon of poores mony pd to the poore all the Comunion mony togeather w"" that which was rec: vpon the Sunday before Ester being as in ffolio 9: 10 & 11: pd to goodwiffe Madox for cloths for the child shee now hath giuen to Goodman Perkins at twise in his sicknesse giuen to Goodman Jenckins in his sicknesse payd to the poore the giuft of m' StockweU pd them allso for the vse of m" Spraggs mony as appears in the sayd booke fo: 10 giuen to Palfryman a prissoner 5" allso distributed 7" 6" which eiceeds y° mony allotted to bee distributed as info: 11 giuen this yeare to poore ministers & others in distresse payd more to a minister All the receapts for the poores stock amount to ... 000 10 OOa 000 01 06 000 04 003 00 000 32 . 2 . 4 ) The payments are as apeareth 27 ' 11 ' 10 V ^^ ^^ The rest of the poores stock is The rest of the church stock... The totall rest is 136.a.) 00 32 02 04 005 00 00 001 00 00 000 05 00" 000 16 05" 002 12 00 001 00 00 000 12 00 000 10 00 000 02 00 00 003 15 1" 000 05 00 000 5 00 000 5 00 001 10 00 000 15 00" 12 06 003 001 14 12 04" 06 027 11 10 094 59 01 14 11 02 34 32 07 11 0901 66 18 10 This account of John Rob'ts Churchwarden fo' the yeare last past was audited this 28* day of Aprill ad 1631 by vs whose names are vnder Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 71 v"" chains written the Church stocke and poores stocke beinge 66 . 18 . 10 as appereth on the p'cedent page John Nevell Richard Downes Thomas forman Thomas Carleton Alverey Gascoigne Jonas Hopkins John Rushton. An inuentorie of all the wrightings Books ornaments and Church goods belonging to the parish Church of S' Christophers: anno 1631 Wrightings Such wrightings as deeds Leases wiUs &c as weare in the church wardens Custodie in anno 1609 are at Large sett downe by m' Thomas Alporte vnto which are added ffowre Counterpaines of Leases of the Land in fleet street viz granted to m' Hall m' HipweU m' Midnall and m' StockweU. One draught or Coppye of the table of duties Confirmed by a full vestrye w* aU thea' hands to it that wea' p'sent The ould table of Church duties Bookes One great bible host and buft 4 Common prayer books whea'of 2 of them are in the seate of the churchwardens host & buft & fastned w* chaines JueUs AppoUogie host & buft i One booke of Erasmus vpon the gospell host and buft j ^ One booke of Erasmus vpon the Epistles w* a Chaine One white booke w"' a parchm' Couer Containig anscient wills & Legacies One vestry booke w* a parchm' Couer One booke of the churchwardens accompts w"" a black Couer Two register books of Christnings Mariages and buriaUs whea'of one of parchm' an ould register booke of paper an other paper booke a book of Cannons i26.b.) plate Two faire potts waighing 104 ounces and 2" waight of Siluer being the giuft of m' Thomas Westrowe Alderman deseased giuen the 20 March 1623 One comunion Cupp of siluer giult w* a Couer answearable all waying 23 ounces & hallfe One siluer plate trencher wayghing 8 ounces and 14 penny waight. Pewter Two fiagon pewter potts One bason of pewter w* a Christopher in the bottom One standish of pewter Brasse & Iron One faire branch of brasse w"" 16 socketts being the giuft of S' Samuell Tryon Knight. One peare of Scales & 4 pound of brasse waights Two Iron turing Candlesticks for the reader & clarks vse in winter at morning prayer Ornaments One pulpit Cloth of purple veluett fringed w"" silk & gould & a pulpitt pUlow & a Carpett for the Comunion table, all answearable being the giuft of the sayd S' Samuell Tryon One pulpitt pillow of greene cloth Two Comunion table Cloths of diaper Two surplisses One black hood for the minister to read in goods One comuion table of wainscote One table of wainscote in the vestry howse Eyght wainscote formes in the church One wainscote presse in the vestry howse w"" locks & Cays One great Chest in the vestry howse w"' 3 locks & Cays One table of Ordenances for duties Two frames or mapps of the oittuaoon of y' lands in ffleete street belonging to this parish of 8' Christophers A table for direction of the receauing of Rent and the disposing of Legacies &c A mapp of the seates in the church w* theire Nombers Sii Carsye cushions One glasse Lanthorne the giuft of m' Humphry Waterson thirtye bucketts of Leather in the church Three Ladders in the church yarde One great fire hooke in the ehuroh yarde One little boi with Look & Cay in the churchwardens seate One frame in the sayd seate to sett bredd in for y poore One Curtaine in the great west windowe Containing thirty yards of bustian w"" a curtaine rodd of iron One new turing desk ffor the bookes of Erasmus paraph'asse & Juells appoUogie to lye vpon being Chained One pickax & two shouells Three Coffens 127.a.) 1630 1631 32 11 01 080 00 00 030 00 00 07 17 09 01 00 00 i27.b.) The Accoumpt of Humphry Castle Churchwarden of S' Christophers London Anno Domini 1631 Red of m' Roberts for the Church stock as may appeare " ' * at the ffoote of his accoumpt Red of the Ten''nts in ffleet street Rod of the Draps Red ,of the pish for M' Mackaness for one quarter and pt of another ffor M' Hooke Red vpon Joyners bond Red ffor the ground & knell of M' Underwood 16" 8" ffor M' Jackson 16' 8" and ffor the ground in the body of y" church being for a strainge Child w'^'' dyed out of the howse of M' Hurst 15' ffor S' Peter Delameere being buryed in the vault 1" 6' 8" and for the knell of the great bell 6" 8" and for the ground in the bodye of the Church for a Child of M' Tobye Maydewells 10" Red of the pish for Maymed soldiers Receaued of j John Roberts flor the grownde flor the buriall of his childe still borne I' Imprimis pd for the booke of Articles ... ' ... paid for a Visitation Dynner payd for the Audite Dynner payd for a p'cession Dynner ... payd for points the same daye payd for 2 bell roapes for the 2 bigger bells payd for bricks lyme and haire for the brick wall in the Church yard aud some at the Church doore in the street side & workemanship ... payd for a prayer for the Queene ... payd to M' Hartly for writeing bills books & bonds payd to the Lord Bishop of Londons Officer at twice when the tryniaU Visitacon was payd for a booke of Orders the same visitacon payd and spent the same daye the Lord Bishops visitation payd to the Draps Compa 0401 11 07 08 03 157 00 07 10 0900 167 17 09 00 01 04 00 08 00 00 13 04 01 00 00 00 02 06 00 03 00 01 02 03 00 00 06 00 10 00 00 01 00 00 01 06 00 01 04 00 03 04 04 08 01 72 Accomptes. of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 128 a.) The Accoumpt of Humphrye Castle 1630 payd and spent vpon a Dynner on the veiwe daye payd to the workeman the same daye October payd the rent to the hospitaU ^^ca * payd and giuen to the Lord Bishop of Londons porter & other officers ... payd to Stephen Lacye for the ringing of the bells fiue seuerall dayes the 16"' & 17"" of Nouember and the 17* of March payd for not ringing the bells when the Lord Bishop roade his Visitacon ... ... ... payd for 4 sacks of Charcole payd to the pauio' for grauell paueing, Carriinge awaye the Rubbish and other eipences payd to the Scauenger for one whole yeare flor the Church ... payd to Stephen Lacye for hoUye & Rosemarye and bayes ... ... ... payd more for Carrynge awaye Rubbish from the Church payd and giuen to a Bishop being a stranger & bound for his owne Countrye by the Consent of diuers of this warde of Broad Streete when they Chose officers at Church payd to M' Edwards for maymed soldiers payd to M' Matterson for mending two Casem*" in the Vestrye house payd to the plumber for soder Lead & billett payd at the Archdeacons for Goodman Jenckins payd and spent at the Castle tauerne at seuerall meeteings about a Child of M' Hopkins Mayds payd to a Mason for his worke at the Church payd for the mending of the Cortayne rod of the Cb,uroh windowe payd to a plasterer for mending the windowe ouer M' Neuells pewe payd for Carring awaye a woman out of the pish that was great w* ChUd & ready to be deliu'ed payd to Stephen Laeye for his bill for y whole yeare . . . payd & giuen to M' Maokanes by a generall Consent of a Vestrye when M"^Delue was Chosen Lecturer payd to M' Macaness mony gatherd of the pish for one quarters Leoture pt of it being for one quarter of M' Hookes Lecture I2a.b.> The Accoumpt of Humphry Castle 1630 payd and spent vpon the ten''nts in ffleet street this whole yeare payd for bread and wyne for the Sacramt this whole yeare being 15 Sacram*" dayes payd to M' Mackanes for reading momeing prayer this whole yeare payd to Stephen Lacye this yeare being Clark and Sexton being the gift of M' Kenrick payd to M' fflack the Chaundeler for Candles this yeare payd to Stephen Lacye for faggotts on the kings daye ... payd for glueing in Articles & p'sentm'" quarterlye payd for Matting of M' Mackanes pewe Receaued of the Parrish in the year 1630 ffor the poore Red of M' Roberts being the ffoote of his accoumpt being the poores stock Red the gift of M' Symon Horsepoole 01 05 02 00 05 00 01 03 04 00 03 01 07 00 12 06 00 06 08 00 03 00 02 01 06 00 08 00 00 06 00 00 00 08 20 00 17 41 04 04 11 01 00 00 01 14 08 00 05 00 00 14 00 00 07 06 00 04 09 00 01 08 00 01 00 00 01 02 00 06 00 01 17 00 00 09 11 05 00 02 20 00 00 05 00 00 05 00 00 00 00 09 00 02 06 00 03 06 36 02 11 35 06 02 34 07 09 04 04 00 Red of the beadle of the warde as a gift from the Ironmongers Red of M' Boulton 18" wch he Red by order from S' Edward Berkham of Mathew Strangham Red of M' Johnson by order from S' Thomas Middleton & S' Richard Deane towards the keeping of Stephen Christopher Red the gift of M' Crawshawe deceased for the poore of this pish ... ... Rod of the Draps being the gift of M' Kenrick deceased Rod of M' Alderman Moulson and M' Rickard for tljeir flesh Lycences ... ... ... Red at the Sacrament for the whole yeare being 15 Comunion dayes for the poore Red from the Company of Merchantailo's Rod of M"' Smyth of Haggerstone the gift of her sonne Joseph Smyth deceased M' Castell doubted thatt theare remaineth in his hands 32' appoynted fformerly ffor Goodwiffe Harris & Widow Leonard soe that he wold rather hassard to wrong himsellfe then the poore 00 02 00 00 18 00 01 10 00 50 00 00 03 00 00 00 09 13 04 15 Hi 00 10 00 05 00 00 01 02 146 08 isaa). it I 1 05 03 05 02 00 00 00 11 00 The Accoumpt of Huiaphry Castle 1630. payd by the monye w"*" was Red of the psh in the yeare 1631 to Almes. woemen & Children as ffoUoweth payd to Goodwife Leonard for her pencon & dyett in the tyme of her sicknes 5" 18' 11" whereof I Red the 25* of March when monye was distributed 10' & 2" of Mr Neuell & 3" 6" of M' Downes Soe that I paid for her ... payd to Goodwife King for keeping Goodwife Leonard 20 weekes at 2' p weeke is ... ... payd for all Charges for her buryall ... payd to Goodwife Harris for her pencon and ouer and aboue in her sicknes 5" 2' but she allowed me 4" when monye was distributed so I layd out ... payd to Goodwife Maddox for her pencon 2" 12' and to Goodman Jenckins 1" 7' w'^'' is payd to Goodwife ffarrington for Nurseing Anne Christopher 4" 15' 4" and for Clothes and other necessaries I'l 2" wch is... ... payd to Benjamen flrances & to Benjamen HUl for Nurseing Elizabeth Christopher & M''" Melsoms child payd for Nurseing of Turswells ChUd at 20" p weeke 4" 7' 4" & 1" for Clothes payd to M' Jarman for keepeing Anne Christopher thelder for euer as may appeare by his bond and suertyes ... Aprill payd for keeping M'"" Murrye when she laye in 18* at Goodwife Maddox & for her ChUde ... 1631. payd to goodwife Maddox for keeping Anne Christopher the younger payd more to Nurse Sturgis for Clothes & nursing the same Child payd to Goodwife Maddox for keeping Stephen Christopher ... ... payd to Nurse Sturgis for keeping of it 10 weekes 16" 8" & spent at the Sessions howse waiteing there for 30' 1" and 6' for Clothes payd for the buryall of the same Child and other Charges to the Nurse 04 18 00. 03 19 00 05 17 04 10 04 00' 05 07 04 07 06 00 00 13 00 00 10 00 04 04 00 00 09 00 01 02 08 00 06 02 62 10 11 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 73 39.b.) 00 10 06 01 00 00 00 12 00 00 10 00 00 02 00 03 00 00 The Accoumpt of Humphry Castle 1630 payd to Goodwife Maddox for keeping of Katherine Rose 20 weeks 2" and to m' BouLon & to m' Jarman when the mother was found for 6" Charge that they were att 02 06 00 payd to Nurse flarrington when Anne Christopher Came to m' Jarmans 5" and more for a bible and other occacons 6" 6" wch is ... payd to Stephen Laeye as the gift of m' Horsepoole ... payd to the poore as m' Horsepooles gift 12' as maye appeare in the distribution booke fol 13 payd to the poore as m" Parsons gif t .. payd to the poore as the gif t of m'"' Dauis paid to the poore as the gift of m' Kenrick Decemb' paid to the poore monye gathered at the the 16"' „ — . ... ,, ir,^ 1631 Comunion 4" 4" 10" as may appeare in the distribucon booke fol : 13 ouer and aboue the 4" that m' Mackanes distributed of the 8" he reo of m' Crawshawe and 2" 4" & 4* that was resting in my hands both somes giuen in his Life tyme ... 04 04 10 March the paid and giuen to the poore in the same 28'" 1632 fol. 13 March the 28* 1632 3" 11= besides the gift of m' Kenrick 3" m' Horsepooles 12" the gift of m''' Parsons 10' and 2' the gift of m"' Dauis w""" I rec of the beadle of Broad Street ward ... payd more for 52 dozen of bread 2" 12' as the gift of m' Horsepoole ... payd to the poore as the gift of m' Joseph Smyth deceased as may appeare in the booke of distribution monye fol 16 payd to Katherine Harris kinsman in Southwrack for keeping her in her sicknes after her mothers death... 76 Red of the parishe ffor m' Rogers at our Lady day last the some Red of Jenner for his bound due to the parishe... Red for the Church ground for John Trion ... flor m' flern his sonn flor m' Israeli owen for the great bell ... ... for ground for m' W"" Watkins in the north Chapell for a knell great bell for the ground for m''' nevell ... for ground for m' wmson daughter . . . Colected one a briefe for the minesters in the palatanate 006 05 007 04 5 3... ¦¦"n 001 00 00 01 3 0 j 00 10 o| 00 10 01 00 03 4( 004 06 06 00 13 4I 00 3 4 1 00 10 0 \ 00 12 6 j 03 11 00 02 12 00 05 00 00 00 16 00 24 03 04 52 10 11 14 10 11* n 1.) This accompt of M' Humphry Castle Church Warden flor the yeare Last past Was audited the Last day of AprUl 1632 by vs whose names are heare vnder written. The church stock remaining apeareth to bee 076 1 There remaineth aUso of the poores stock 069 13 The whole stock remaining is one hundreth 146 15 florty ffiue pounds fflfteene shUlings & nine pence hallfe penny Thomas forman Richard Downes John Helmes Thomas Carleton John Rushton John Roberts 30 b ) The Account of William Bolton Churchwarden of S' Christophers London Anno Domn 1632—1633 217 Red of m' Humfry Castell the Church stocke by the ffoote of his accountt Red of the tenants in ffleet streett for one yeares Rent due at our Lady day 1633 Red of the Drap Company for m' 5endrick Red of the parishe wch was Colected p m' Richard Downes & my selfe for m' Maconesse Red of the parishe for m' Maconesse at MicheUmas quarter 76 01 080 030 00 00 006 15 007 05 10 00 00 09 I3i.a.) The Account of W" Bolton 1632 Imprimis paid for the booke of articles ... pd for a diner at visitation ... pd ffor the Audit diner pd for bread & wine for 17 Comuons pd for registering the Church warden & sidmen... given to m' Hulett when our psentments ~ weare not Carried in pd m' Taylor quit rent for the hospitaU Spent vpon the tennants in fleett streett ... pd for a diner on the view day pd to a bricklayer & a Carpenter at the veiew ... pd for matts & worke at m' & m'"' macones pew pd for a dinner at psession ... ... pd for 8 dozen of points pd Stephen Lacie for 6 bell ropes ... pd for Carriing Rubishe from the Church pd the marshaU for maymed Soldiers pd for 6 sacks Charr Coles ... pd for 2 Chaldron & half Sea coles for the poore... pd for burnishing the plate pd for ringing 7 dayes viz kings birthday queenes birthday ... princ his birthday novembr the 5 papist Conspirac. when the king Came to Shrif eperry the 29th dee ... the kings Cronation day ... ... pd m' waterson for a Lanthorne pd Lacie m' Horspooles gift pd for paving before the Church ... pd m' web for woorke on m' Maconesse pew pd for a dore for the Leades wth paintinge &c ... pd for xj elles hoUand for a Surplis & ffor making it ... pd for Atering and matting pewes ... pd to Robert Scute for 17 new bucketts when the bridge was burnt pd him for repaireing 13 new bucketts pd for marking 30 bucketts pd f or hasocks f or the f ountt pd the Smith for worke about the Church i3i.b.) The Account of WilUam Bolton 1633 pd for a wheale for the third beU & mending the brasees pd m' Maconesse for one quarter at midsomer being Colected by m' Downe & my selfe 000 000 18 04 17 0000 000 01 04 000 08 00 000 13 04 005 05 08 000 02 00 000 01 08 001 03 04 001 09 06 001 05 00 000 06 00 000 10 00 001 00 00 000 02 08 000 17 06 000 02 02 001 14 06 000 05 00 000 00 00 00 0& 000 05 00 001 00 00 001 02 03 000 17 06 000 09 00 003 04 00 000 11 00 002 11 00 000 19 06 000 07 06 000 01 02 000 05 6 028 01 7 001 08 00 006 19 9 74 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London.- pd to m' Maconesse that we could not gaither pd m' Maconesse the gift of the parishe at the Choise of m' Samuell Roger lecturer pd m' Maconesse one quarter at miehellmas pd m' Hoocke for lectiring being the free gift of the parishioners pd m' Maconesse & m' Hooke money given p m' Kend'ieke for devine service pd Stephen Lacie being sallery for clarke & sexton accor[d]ing to the will of m' Kend[r]ick pd for Candell being m' Kendricks gif t pd the parator pd m' Castell a mistake in his accountt ... pd Stephen Lacie a bill of pety Charges for one yeare ... pd m' Lemote & m' hint for the minesters palatanate ... pd m' Rogers for Lecturing from begining of november till Chrismas pd m' Roger from 26 dee till 25 march 1633 pd m' Kentisse m' Colman m' Rogers 3 Ser pd for a Coppie S' petter La mere will ... pd for a copie of a certificate pd for Couering the graves of m' Owen m'"" Nevell m' Watkins m' win" daugh tr pd for 2 shouells pd to poore minesters scoUors soldiers & passes ... pd m' Hartly for wrightings pd m' Colison Iron work ... ... pd Draps Companie pd a minister to asist m' Rogers on east'day given to a poore ministre at the request of many of the parishioners whom had preached at our Church I32.a ) The Account of WUUam Bolton 1633 Red of m' Humfry CasteU being the stock of the poore as apereth by his aeoountt ... ... Colected of the parishe for the poore Rod of m' Garffoott the gif t of m' Horspoole Red of widow Seager p order of S' Ed Barham selling lesse beare then j quart p j* ... Red of m' Maconesse being pt of m' Croshaw ... Red of the Draps Comp. the gift of m' Kendick Rod of Alderman molson his fleshe Lioenoe 0 . 6 Rod of m' Rioolt f or the like 0.6 Red of m' Maid weU for the Like 0.6 Red at the Sacrement at the Communion ffrom the 6 may 1632 to the 30* ApUl 1633 as doth appeare by the distribution booke Red of the marchant Taylors being the gift of M""ts Parsons ffor 8 001 10 3 010 00 00 007 10 00 007 121 001 008 000 10 -00 020 00 00 006 00 00 005 00 00 000 01 00 000 16 08 001 17 0 006 05 0 004 00 00 007 10 00 001 10 00 000 04 08 000 01 06 000 10 00 000 03 00 004 06 00 000 10 00 000 03 04 000 03 04 000 05 00 001 00 00 093 03 06 028 01 07 069 13 m 033 07 04 004 04 00 001 00 00 004 00 00 003 00 00 00 00 16 00 10 00 pd of the poores money to the poore pentioners & Children 1631 as fowloeth pd Goodwife madox j yeares pention pd An thoney Jenkins j yeares pention pd widow pkins j yeares pention pd for nursing An Christopher Junior & ffor Clothes ... pd for nursing & Cloths ann Christopher senior... pd for nursing & Clothes for Elizbeth Christ : pd flor keeping & Clothes widow Melsams Child one hole yeare 1631 pd for keeping & Clothes for James Truswels Child one yeare ... 125 11 03i 1631 as fowloeth 002 12 00 002 12 00 002 12 00 005 06 00 006 04 00 005 04 00 006 04 00 005 06 pd goodwife madox for keeping a child & Cloths for 12 weekes pd Ann King for keeping mother Lenord & the Cooke for hir meat 6 weekes till she died i32.b.) The Account of W"" Bolton 1633 pdfor Carriage of divers sacks meale for the poore paid Jane Roe when we did deliuer hir hir child wch we had kept ... ... ... pd Jenkins for keeping m' Hobkins his servant & hir ChUd & for Cloths pd goodwife weekes for keeping Robert Christopher 26 weekes & Cloths for him pd goodwife pkins for keeping & Cloths for a child was found in Castel Ally pd goodwife madox for keping a child & Cloths ffor it being found on petter Eldreds stall ,.. pd goodwife Russell for keeping Charitie Christopher j month & Cloths for it pd olaue pinchett for keeping j Child j week pd & given to an minstr Ed : Lewis who hath given bound to cleare the parishe for euer of ffrancis Christopher the bond resting in the vestry Chest I say paid him given to the poore at a distribution by m' Kendricks 3" m' Horspoles mony mtis Parsons mony & Comunion colection as doth apeare p distribution booke 14 dec 1632 more paid to the poore mony of like quaUtie wch was distributed the 17"" of Apill 1633 as doth apere p the distribution booke ... pd for 2 Chaldron & halfe of Coles for the poore to the beadle of the ward given to poore minsters Seolers Soliders and such as haue had losses p fires shipwrak &c charged to the parishe pd widow melsam for keeping hir sonn j yeare being allowed at a vestry for Anno 1632 ... pd for 52 dozens of Bread being the gift of m' Horspoole pd Steven Lacie the gift of m' Horspoole for Clark & Sexton 001 10 00 001 04 00 36 14 08 000 02 04 000 05 0 001 04 8 002 10 00 001 11 10 001 11 06 000 15 8 000 02 0 010 10 00 133.a.) The Account of WiUiam Bolton 1633 The totall Reeeitts of the Church stocke as doth appeare p the pticulars facit The dispursments for the parishe... ... 28 . 1 . 7 as doth apeare p the perticulars 93.3.6 ther doth rest of the Church stock The totall of Reeeitts of money belonging to the poore facitt as apeathe ... ... ... The disbursments for the poore 36 . 14 . 8 as doth apeare p the pticulars 44 . 03 . 7 there doth rest of the poores stock the more from Broad streete ward by m" Dane 2' rest iust 044 15 Oi The goods & ornaments of the Church are according to the inventory 1631 colected and registered in this booke p m' John Roberts then Church warden The Accompt of m' William Boulton Church Warden ffor the yeare last past was Audited the 14"" day of May 1633 by vs whose names are heare vnder ¦written 009 06 7 008 10 00 001 10 00 000 00 00 002 12 00 002 12 00 001 00 00 044 03 7 36 14 8 80 18 3 li , d 217 18 00 u B d 121 05 01 096 12 11" u s d 125 11 03i 080 18 03 044 13 Oi Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. 75 The Church Stock Remaining as apeareth to be Ther Remaineth of the Pores stock The whole stock Remaininge is Thomas forman Richard Downes Thomas Carleton John Larymer Averey Gascoigne John Rushton Humfry CasteU 135-bt) Anno 1633 & 1634 The Accompt of WiUiam Williamson Churchwarden parrish london Recepts for the parish R. Impr[}mis] of m' WiUiam Boulton as apeers by the ffoote of his accompt R. of the Tennants in ffleet street for a yeares Rent Ending at our Ladye daie laste R. of the Worp" Companie of Drapers beinge the Gifte of m' Kendrieke for maintainening morneing praier in the said Church R. of the parish for m' Rogers towards his yeares Lecture W^" Ended 25"" of march R. of m' Jenners in pte of his Bond Receued for Burialls R. of m' Parker for his man ... R. of m' Abbott for twoe of his Child" R. of m' Roberts for his Child R. of m" Garland for her husband . R. of m' ffeame for his Child R. of m' Edmond Vnderwood for his Child R. of m' Helmes for his Child R. of m' Blackewell for his Child Pd as apeers Borowed of the poores mony to ballance this aooompte wch the Parish must pay baoke ... _... Anno 1683 & 1634 34.3.) The Accompt of WiUiam Williamson 1634 Pam*" for the parish P. for the Booke of Artickles & y Kings Inst' P. for our diner the same daye P. for bread for the Comvnions this yeare P. for wine for the Comvnions P. for Regesteriug the names of Churchward" and side- men P. To m' Taylor Quitt Rent for y= hospitaU P. Spent on the Tennan*" in ffieet street P. To m' Rogers his Chargis for being Admitted our Cureat P. for our diner on the Audiat day ... P. for a Warrant from Aid" ffreeman and Aid"" Monson for ouerseing the poore P. Spent on the sesm'" daie on the Ceasars P. Spent on a diner on the visitation day P. for points to give the boies ... P. To Stephen Lacie his bill of pettie cha[rges] P. for a Rope for the sain" Bell „ P. To the MarshaU for Maimed Sould'" P. for Mending a place that fell downe in the Church ... P. Given S' ffrancis Craines porter 9644 12 15 11 141 07 14 of S' Christophers 096 12 11 080 00 00 030 00 00 024 10 08 001 00 00 000 13 04 001 00 00 000 10 00 000 13 04 000 10 00 000 13 04 000 10 00 000 10 00 237 03 07 282 12 05 027 08 10 000 01 10 000 08 00 000 05 04 004 17 00 000 02 00 001 03 04 000 18 00 001 07 00 000 13 04 000 02 00 000 10 02 001 07 00 000 02 06 001 17 00 000 01 06 001 14 08 000 03 00 000 01 00 P. Spent vpon the masons and others in vewing the Church at seuerall tymes P. To m' Bromlowe 10" for vewinge the Writtings and a Qu" of wine the same tyme P. To m' Hartly for 2 bonds 3 seasm*' and Entering M' Petter Lamers Will in to the Vestrie Booke P. To the Clarck for washing Church Linen P. To m' Thorp for making a doore in the Church yard... P. for our diners on the vew day ... P. To A Bricklayer and Carpenter the said day P. for 6 sacks of ould Cole to burne in the vestrie howse P. for Altering of twoe Pewes and for matting them And a Locke for them P. Spent w"" m' macarnis and m' Rogers when we went before y Bushop i34.b.) Anno 1633 & 1634 The Accompt of William Williamson paymen" for the pish P. for a booke from the Bushop and a praier and thanks giveing for the Queene to the parator P. To Stephen Lacey for holly and bayes P. To two Masons for there Estemats Holmes and Gleu- dunyon 10" a peece - P. To m' Clarcke the Plaister for his Estemat P. To m' Hartlie for Copyinge out notes and drawing Covenan'" for the mason and plaister P. To m' Edwards Gouldsmith for a double gilt cup and Cover waying 27oz. 9d. at 6" 10" P. for a Case for it P. for Ringinge these dayes foUoweinge the ' kings " Queenes " prinees * dukes birthdaye the = kings comeinge out of Scotland " Novembr 6"" and ' kings Coronation P. To m' Rogers his yeares Lecture monie Endinge at oure Lady day last past P. To Thomas Kifford Mason for stone and towards 200 " that he was Covenanted wth P. To m' Macarnis ffor Reading devine seruice vpon the weeke daie momeings P. To m' ffiack ffor Candels for the same P. To the Clarcke and sexton for there Sallery for the same aeoording to m' Keudriekes Will P. To the parator P. To m' Macarnis for Admittinge m' Rogers to Lecture tell Christ, next P. To the Clarcke to bye mops Broomes and a pale to Cleane the Church P. pd for Carieing in ou' presentm" at seuerall tymes ... P. for mending the pulpit Cloth P. To the scavenger P. To m' Thomas GoodaUe in p"= of 60" that he is to haue to Ruffe Cast the Church w*al And white it within & aU other things belongs & to plaister worke Accordinge to Covenant seald wth seourety P. for Covering the 9 graues as apeers on the Contrary sid reed 20" grav 15' ... P. To a Doctor and a proctor for advise 13' 4" and spent the same tyme 10* aU is P. To doctor Robts for advise Some is 000 02 06 000 11 01 000 16 04 000 09 00 000 09 04 001 15 00 000 05 00 000 06 00 002 00 00 000 02 00 022 09 11 000 02 00 000 05 00 001 00 00 000 06 00 000 12 06 009 06 02 000 06 00 000 17 06 030 00 00 065 00 00 020 00 00 005 00 00 005 00 00 000 01 00 010 00 00 000 05 00 000 01 10 000 01 00 000 08 00 010 00 00 00 15 00 00 14 02 00 03 04 l2 160 04 06 76 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. I38.a.) Anno 1633 & 1634. The Accompt of WiUiam Williamson pam" made for the parish. P. To poore Ministers and maymed souldiers and other poore some having testimony from ou' minister of there necessty P. for Reading devine service on sonne dales P. To a tyler for mending m' Abbotts howse w'^'" was Broken by pulling. downe the Church P. To Thomas Kifford for Clearing away the stones and other rubish out of the way P. To the pavyer for paveing all along the Church and for stone and Gravill P. To Goodman Ward Joiner for worke pf ormed by him vpon seuerall pewes in the Church P. To thomas Ashton Glasier for 11 Windowes glaseing and Newe Leading P. To m' Watterson Glasyer for his worke P. To m' Webb Vphoulster for his workes done about my lord maior pewe and my Ladyes P. To m' Thorp Carpinter for his worke... P. To the Carver for Carving the sword case and twoe beasts on my Lord maio" Pew P. To the Painter for painting and gildinge the sword Case P. To m' Thomas Goodaile for plaisteringe and stoping the windowes and Church 10"" aug' ... P. For mattinge the pewes and for hassocks P. To the Smith for making Newe Iron Barrs for the Windowes and for other Worke P. To Lacye ould Hill and another for cleaneinge the Church and other Attendants about the Church bussines ., ... P. for Carieing away the rubish P. for Quitt Rent to the Drapers ... ... ... P. To Thomas kifford the mason for stone & worke wch makes vp the some in all 80" ... ISS.b.) Anno 1633 & 1634 The accompt of William Williamson Receued for ye .use of the poore Receued of m' William Boulton as apeers by the foote of his accompte for the remainer of the poores stocke then in his handes as apeers ... Reeeud of the parish for the vse of the poore as apeers by the pticulers... ... ... ... Reeeud of the Wop" Company of Drapers beinge the gifte of m' Kendrieke ... Anually ... Reeeud of m' John Neuell being the Legacie of his wife bequeathed to the poore of this parish Reced at the Sacrements this yeare as apeers by the mony CoUected in the litle Booke till this p'esen firstof May ... ... ... ... Reed of the worp" Companie of Merchantaylo" being the gift of m" Parsons for the poore Reeeud of m' Garfoote beinge the Gifte of m' Horspoole Receued of the Beadell of Brodstreet ward from y' Copanie of Ironmongers ... ... Reed of the right honorable y Lord maeior for his licence to Eate ffiesh this Lent 0 . 6.8 Red of m' Ricaut the same 0 . 06 . 8 Reed of m' Meadwell the same tyme ... 0 . 06 . 8 004 08 02 000 02 00 000 08 08 000 10 00 002 02 00 015 05 00 009 14 00 006 00 00 009 04 00 001 05 10 002 05 00 002 00 00 006 05 00 001 04 00 004 00 00 002 02 00 000 03 06 000 03 04 015 00 00 082 02 06 044 15 Oi 036 09 00 003 00 00 003 00 00 008000 004 00 01 101 14 Oi 10 00 04 00 02 00 00 00 138.a.) 14 Paments made for the poore pd To Olive ffincet in hand Alley in Bishopsgate str. for a Child put to nurse By m' Bowlton w'% Child we passed away w"" a ps of money to be Nursed and brought vp in Kent Pd for Elizabeth Christopher the yonger to Beniem flranc" from the 16* of AprUl 1632 to the 25"" of March 1633 and for Clotheing it Pd to Joseph Henman of Whit Chapell for Nursinge Richard Turswell sonne to James Turswell late of this parish wch yeare Ended le"" of Aprill 1633 20" a week & XI" p Ano for Clothes Pd to Nurse Sturges for Anne Christopher a yearsNursinge at 20" weekly & Clothes 20' Anually & for bringing vp tbe twoe Child' that beniem ffrancskept Pd Goody Maddox for the Child shee kept, w"" Nowe is dead and for Clothes ... Pd Goody Perkins for the Child shee kept w* nowe is dead and for Clothes that year Anno 1633 & 1634 The Accompt of William Williamson Pd. Beniemen flrancs for Elizabeth Christopher theld' and Clothes Pd Goody Melsam for a months wagis for her Child . . . Pd Goody madox for 14 M<" pention viz from Aprill 14"" 1632 to may the 12'" 1633 Pd the like to Jenckins Pd the Uke to Goody Perkins Pd for a woman that was Brought to bed at Goody madox and for Burieing her and her Child and other Charges pd for Coles for the poore 2 Chathern and halfe Pd Goodman AUin and Goodm' hill in tyme of goodm' AlUns sickenes and the others want 10" pece Pd m' Haughton 6' and 3' 6" to goody Perkins for phisick and other necessares in the tyme of that poore Childs sicknes Pd for makeing goodman Allins grave Pd Lacie as Clarke and sexton from m' Garfoot as the gif t of m' Horspoole deceased ... Pd the Baker for 52 dosen of Bread as his gift Pd to the Poore of this parish at 2 Distrabutions as apeers in the litle -Booke wherein is pticulerly exprest Resting in Cash this first day of maye 1634 to ballance this accompt ffor the poore of the parish of S' Christophe" Thirty-six pounds three shillings iij* ahalfepenye ... ,.. ... ... Borrowed of this monie towards the reparienge of the Church twenty seven pounds eight shillings 10" wch the pish stock must pay backe. Rest in all ... ... ... ... 36 . 3 . 2 Borrowed this present day belonging to the poore whea'of the parish hath borrowed Twenty- seauen ponds 8" 10" ... 27 . 8 . 10 8 . 14 . 4 001 00 00 006 02 11 005 06 08 005 08 08 005 06 08 006 06 08 027 11 07 005 06 08 000 08 00 002 16 00 002 16 00 002 16 00 000 17 10 091 10 02 001 00 00 000 09 06 000 01 00 001 00 00 002 12 00 16 06 02 ob 37 19 04^ 27 11 07 065 10- 11 36 03 03 101 14 02 36 3 2 27 8 10 8 14 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. 77 The accompt of m' WilUam WilUamson was audited the ffirst of may 1634 by vs whose names are heare vnder written The whole mony remaiing being eyght pounds ffowreteene shilUngs and ffowre pence John Macarnesse John Roberts Thomas Forman Humfry Castell John Helmes Thomas Carleton John Larrymor 36.b.) An Inventory of all the writtings Books ornam" And Church goods Belonginge to the parish of S' Christophers London An" Dom. 1634 Imprimis Writtings. ffor all the former and Anehant Writtings that weare in our Custody 1609 are at Large sett downe By m' Thomas Alport vnto w"^" are Aded ffoure Counterpaines of the Leases of the Lands in ffleet street viz. granted to m' Hall to m' Hipwell to m' Mednoll and m' StockweU One draught or Copy of the Table of duties confirmed by a ffuU vestrie w"'all there hands to it that weare present as alsoe the ould Table of duties. Bookes — one great Bible Bost and Buf te 4 Comvnion prairs bookes one in the Churchwardens seat w"" a Chaine the other in the reading place the other two being imperfect in the Vestrie howse. Jewells ApoUigie Bost and bufte \ Erasmvs vpon the Ghospels bost & buft V all three in Chaines. Erasmus vpon the Epistles j one whit Booke w"" a partehment Cover Containeing the Anehant Wills and Legacies Concerneing this parish one vestrie Booke w"" a whit parchm' Cover one Booke wth a Black Cover wherein is the Churchwardens accompts — this booke. Twoe Regester Bookes of Christening weddings and bureings one of them being of parchm' 1 ould register book of pap and ane other pap book a Booke of Cannons plate Twoe faire flagon potts of siluer waieing 104 oz and ijd weight being the Gifte of m' Thomas westrowe Alderman deceased Given the 20"' of march 1633 Twoe faire Comvnion Cups and Covers gilt all the 4 parcells of plate weinge ffiftye ounces and a halfe and 5* weight. pewter Twoe fflagon pewter potts one Bason of pewter w''' a Christopher in the bothom one standish of pewter Brasse One faire Branch of brasse w"" 16 sockets being the gift of S' Samuell Trion Knight and Barronet one peare of seales foure pound of Brasse weights twoe Iron Turneing Candlesticks ornam" One pulpit Cloth of purple veluit beinge the gift of S' Samuell Trion and a pulpit pUlowe and a com' table Carpet all purple veluit and done w"" si[l]ke and gould fringe Suteable 37.a.) Twoe Comvnion Table Clothes of dyap Twoe Surpluss one Black hood for the minister to Read in one Comvnion Table of waynscott. one Table of wainscott in the vestrie howse Eight wainscott formes in the Church one wainscott press in the vestrie howse w* Locks and keys one Table for ordinances of duties one great Chest in the vestrie howse w* 3 Locks and 3 keys whereof the pson keeps on & the Churchwardens one a ps. Twoe fframes or Mapps of the Cituation of the Lands in ffleet street belonging to this pish of S' Christophrs A Table for dereetion for the Receueing of rents and disposinge of Legacies, A map of the seats in the Church w"" there nombrs. Sixe Carsey Qushons one Glass Lanthorne for winter now broken Thirty Bucketts of Lether Three Ladders in the Church & Church yard one great fflre hooke in the church yard one litle Box w"" Lock and key in the Chvrch Wardens seate and one frame in the same seat to sett Bread in for the poore. One Curtaine in the great west windowe Contan[ing] 30 yards of bustion wth a rod of Iron. a Lion and vnioorne Carved and gUded and sword Case for my Lord Maior one New Turneing deske for the booke of Erasmus paraphrase and Jewells apoUge to lye on Being Chained. 1 pale 1 pick ax Twoe shouells Three Coffins Itm more Two bookes of Comon Praier whereof one is in M' Makarnesse hands. 137.b,) Anno 1634 & 1635 The Accompt of George Webb Churchwarden of S' Christophers Parish London Receipts for the Parish Inprimis rec of the Right wor" S' Thomas Moulson, borrowed of him towards repairing the Church ... Of the Tennts in ffieet street for a yeares Rent ended at Lady day last 1635 ... Of the wor" Company of the Draps being the guift of M' Kendrick for mayneteyning morning prayer in this Church Of the parish for M' Rogers towards his yeares Lecture ended at Lady day last Of M' Jenners in pt of his bond... Rec. back againe for charges of suite for recovery of 100" given to the parish Of M' S' Lowe for not serving Sidesman Of M' Benbrooke for his fine for refusing to Scavinger Of M' Kinge for the same Receaued for Burialls Of M' Seisson for the grounde & the knell for buryall of his maide ... ffor the buryall of M' Vnderwoods childe ffor the knell when the Stranger was buryed Of M' Riccaut for buryall of his childe in the Vault and for the kneU Of M' Kinge for the buryall of his man & the knell ... Receaued as appeares Received more of M' Webb for the grownd in the body of the church for the buriall of M" Dring late the wife of M' Sparks a Strang' the some of xiij" iiij'i being omitted in M' Geo: Webbs accompt & his accompt would not passe by the Audito'" tiU the same was paid to the vse of the said parish ... Sum total' , li s d 060. 00 00 080 030 00 00 00 00 026 18 01 001 * 00 00 001 10 00 002 00 00 001 00 00 001 00 00 000 13 04 000 15 10 000 05 00 002 03 04 000 13 04 197 18 11 000 13 04 198 12 03 78 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. 138.a.) Anno 1634 & 1636 The Accompt of George Webb Paym" for the Parish ffor the booke of Articles ffor our dynner the same day ffor bread for the Comunions this yeare ffor wyne for the Comunions To the Smyth for worke done at Church about the Bells in May 1633 To M' Taylor for quitt rent for the hospitaU Spent on the tenuts in ffleet street ffor our dynner on the Auditt day ffor the Aldermans warr' for overseeing the poore Spent the same day at the Assessem' for the poore ffor a dynner on the visitacon day To Steven Lacy the Clarke vpon his bill of chargs To the Marshall for maymed Souldiers To the porters for laying vpp the ladders To the Smyth for 4 hooks to hange the Ladder on To the Clarke of the Ward To the Scriveno' for writing the bonds and the Assessem'" & setting downe all the mens names in y pish Spent at the same tyme ffor Rosemary and bays ... Spent on the precession day ffor points to give the boyes ffor Bellropes and mending the beUs ffor going to Councell To the Prockter for charges of suite Spent with M' Mackernesse and the Prockter at seu'all tymes ffor a prosees and serving of it ffor mending the hower glasse ... ffor breaking the church waU for a doore and a bricklayer for making vpp the wall To a carpenter for making a doore in the wall .. . To the Gilder for gildinge the Beasts at the Lo : Maiors pewe and eouloring the doore in the wall ... To the joyner for worke done in the gallery & bellfree... ffor matting the gallery ffor 6 sacks of Charcole To M' Mackernesse for reading divyne service at morning prayer ... ... ... To M' Rogers for one whole yeares Lecture To the Clarke and Sexton for their sallery for the same according to M' Kendricks will Anno 1634 & 1636 i38.b.) The Accompt of George Webb Paym" for the Parish To M' fflack for Candles for the same To M' GiflEord the Mason ffor a dynner on the view day Given to the workemen Paid to the Scavinger Paid for not ringing when the Bpp went by ffor hassocks for M' Mackernesse pewe ffor a chayne for the Sidemens pewe and a rope for the Lanthorne ffor a Lanthorne and a boxe for it ffor 2 Books of Comon prayer ffor 2 Books of thankesgiving vpon the 5 of November li 6 d 000 01 04 000 08 00 000 06 02 004 18 00 000 14 00 001 03 04 001 09 06 000 13 04 000 02 00 000 08 08 000 16 01 001 07 00 001 14 08 000 01 02 000 10 00 000 02 06 000 09 06 000 01 06 000 05 00 001 06 03 000 03 06 000 12 06 000 06 00 002 10 10 000 06 02 000 06 02 000 02 00 000 07 02 001 14 00 000 13 04 000 19 00 000 05 10 000 05 00 020 00 00 032 10 00 005 00 00 082 17 06 Ii b d 005 00 00 020 00 00 001 14 10 000 05 00 000 08 00 000 07 04 000 01 00 000 01 00 000 10 00 001 01 00 000 01 00 To the Clarke of Draps hall ffor a booke of Articles from the Bpp ffor carrying the Articles into the offlce at Christchurch for the whole yeare ffor delivering in the presentem" To the Pariter for warning of them to the visitacon ... To the smyth for a branch to hange the lanthone in ... ffor opening & covering the vault, and for covering 3 graves ... Paid for ringing 5 dales ffor warning to Christchurch Given to poore Ministers and maym'd souldiers and others in distresse Given to a Grecian and a poore Minister at the request of M' Mackernesse Delivered and paid to the poores stock w* was borrowed vpon the last yeares accompt for the vse of the parish Anno 1634 & 1636 i39.a.) The Accompt of George Webb Receaued for the vse of the Poore Receaued of M' William WUliamson as appeares by the foot of his accompt for the last yeare for the Re maynder of the poores stock then in his hands as appeares... Reed, of the parish stock w'='' it ought to this stock being borrowed the last yeare as appeares Receaued of the parish for the use of the poore as appeares by particulers Of the wor" Company of the Draps being the guift of M' Kendrieke Reed at the Saoraments for the whole yeare Of M' Gurfoot, being the guift of M' Horspoole Reed of the Grocers Company ... ... Of the wor" Company of Merehant-taylors being the guift of M" Parsons Of the Beadle of Broadstreet ward from the Company of Ironmongers Of the right hono'"''' the Lo Maior for some that swore at seu'all tymes... ... ... ... Of S' Thomas Moulson, M' Riccaut and M' Maydwell for their licenses to eat flesh vj' viij" a peece Paym" made for the poore Payd for nursing Richard Turswell the sonne of James Turswell a whole yeare To Nurse Sturgis for nursing Anne Christopher for a yeare and for Cloth ... To Beniamyne ffraunois for nursing Eliz. Christopher th'elder and Elizabeth the younger a whole yeare and for Cloth ... Anno 1634 & 1635 139 b) The Accompt of George Webb Paym" made for the Poore To Nurse Beniamin for nursing a ehUde taken vpp on S' Thomas day named Thomason, from S' Thomas day till o' Lady day To goodwife Allen for keeping the childe tUl the Nurse 000 04 06 000 01 06 000 04 02 000 01 10 000 01 00 001 13 00 000 08 08 000 12 Ofr 000 00 06 004 06 10 000 07 06 027 08 10 065 00 00 u s d 008 14 04 027 08 10 034 15 06 003 00 00 008 02 Oli 004 04 00 000 09 00 000 10 00 000 02 00 000 05 00 001 00 00 088 10 09i U B d 005 06 08 006 009 06 08 16 00 20 09 04 Ii s d 001 04 06 000 02 00 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. ffor blanketts Clouts & other Cloth for the child that was taken vpp naked vpon M' ffearnes staU ffor horse hier for the Nurse when shee fetcht it away Given to Lacy and the woman to drinke To Nurse ffrancis for horse hier, to bring vpp the children for the parish to see To goodwife Parkins for nursing a childe 49 weeks at xx" a week and V a quarter for Cloth, in all More to her towards the buriall of y Childe ffor healing a childs scare mouth..'. , ffor schooling of the chUde that was att Nurse Parkins... To goodwife Maddox for nursing a childe 29 weeks at XX* a week and for cloth To goodwife Maddox in tyme of the Childes sicknes... More to her for keeping a childe from the 26"' of ffeb ruary to the 18"" of AprUl Given to her at twoe tymes for a woman that lay in at her house More to her for 48 weeks pension To goodwife Perkins for 50 weeks pension To goodwife Jenkins for the like To goodman AUin and his wife in tyme of their sicknes & towards his buryall To the Clarke being M' Horsepooles guift To the baker for 62 dozen of bread To the poore of the parish at twoe distributions as appeares by the little booke of pticulers wherin their names are sett downe ffor buriall of the childe that was nursed by goodwife Perkins ... ... ... Anno 1634 & 1636 i40.a.) The Accompt of George Webb Paym" made for the Poore Paid for the buryaU of goodwife Maddox childe ffor 2 Chaldrons and a quarterne of Sea Coles 000 17 04 000 03 00 000 01 00 000 04 00 006 01 08 000 03 00 000 02 00 000 08 00 002 18 04 000 02 06 000 039 000 001 06 06 001 [ ffor the Parish I ffor the Poore 198 088 147 061 060 027 ,12.10 03 09* . 17 . 06 1 . 02 . 02^ ) ,14.08 09 07 287 208 078 12 08 000 04 00 002 08 00 002 10 00 002 10 00 001 09 06 001 00 00 002 12 00 014 00 01 000 07 00 00 07^ 000 a 00 03 12 03 03 00^ 19 08^ 03 04 The totaU some reed by this Accomptant Laid out by the f ffor the Parish Accomptant ( ffor the Poore And so remaines { intheAccomp- q^ ^j^^ p^^j^j^ ^^^^^ tants hands < ^^ ^^^ p^^^^^ ^^^^ this Last of / Aprill 1636 I The Accompt of M' George Webb was audited the Last day of ApriU 1635 by vs whose names are hereunder written. The whole mony remayning being Seaventy & Eight Pownds Three shillings & ffower pence John Macarnesse Rector Thomas forman John Helmes Thomas Carleton John Rushton John Roberts l0.b.) fo:l. Anno 1635 & 1636 The Accompt of Nathanid Flack Church-warden of the Parish of 8' Christofer in London Receipts for the Parish Inprimis Receaved of M' George Webb as appeares by the foote of his accompt for the last yere for the " " * Remainder of the Parish stock then in his hands ... 060 14 Rec* of o' Tenants in ffleet street for a yeres Rent ending at our Lady day last Of the wor" Company of the Drapers being the Guift of M' Kendrick for mainteyning Morning prayer in o' Church Of the Parish for M' Rogers towards his yeres Lecture ending at o' Lady day last Of M' Jenner in part of his bond Of M' Stangrum for not serving Constable and Questman, he gave towards the repaire of the Church Receaved for Burialls Reed of M' Helmes for the grownd & kneU for buriaU of his wife Reed of M''" Downes for the grownd & knell for the buriall of her husband ^00 Reed of M' ffeame for the grownd & kneU for the buriall of his wife Reed of M''' Moseley for the grownd for her man Reed of M' Stangrum for the grownd for his Child Reed of M' Thomas Bolton for the grownd for his ChUd Reed of M' Thorpe for the kneU of the ffowerth BeU ... Sum totall Received on this side is l4i.a.) fo: 2. The Accompt of Nathaniel Flack 1636 & 1636 Received of the Parishioners towards Repaire of the Church Receipts of the Parish viz' Of S' Thomas Mowlson ffiLEty Pownds vpon Bond to be paid the 10* of Novemb. next pd M' George Harwood pd M' John Nevell pd 10" & 16" pd M' Peter Richaut pd M' William Bolton pd M' Abraham Chambers pd M' Thomas fforman ffive pownds w""" he gave pd M' John Helmes M' John Roberts pd M' Gilbert Morewood by a gif t pd M' Toby Maidwell pd M' Edmond Vnderwood pd M' WiUiam King pd M' WilUam Lea pd M' Humfrey Castle M' Henry Bainbrigg pd M' Hewitt Lent ffive Pownds which he gave pd condioonally, to be excused from serving Scavenger pd M' Hugh Sowden pd M' George Godday pd M' Peter Eldred pd M' Richard Abbott pd M' Mathew ffeame pd M' WiUiam WUUamson pd M' Thomas Carleton ... pd M' Andrew Glascock pd M' Joseph Vaughan pd M' John Parker M' Joseph Blackwell pd M' George Webb pd M' Thomas Hobbs ¦ pd M' Alvery Gascoigne ... pd M' Thomas Bolton pd M'"" Jackson pd M' John Saintlowe pd M' Nathaniell fflaok 080 00 030 00 060010 020 025 010 010005 006 006 008 005 005 005 006005 005 006 005 004004 004 004 004 003 003 003 003003 003 003 002 003 003 005 003 0000 00 00 000000 13 13 00 00 00 000000 00 79 00 00 026 05 00 001 00 00 005 00 00 13 04 13 04 000 13 04 000 10 00 000 10 00 000 10 00 000 02 00 196 11 09 00 00 00 00 00 000004 04 00 00 00000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00' 248 8 80 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. ui.b.) fo. 3; The Accompt of NathanieU Flack 1635 & 1636 Receipts of the Parish of pd M' John Rushton pd. M' Thomas Hamor pd M' John Skynner ... pd M' John Thorpe pd M' Edward Rogers which he gave pd M' Isack Knight which he gave pd M' Mathew Stangrum pd Martyn Dallison... ... ... ... pd M' Thomas Smart The some totaU of this side & th'other is Rec" in fo. 1. for the vse of the Parish Suma totiis Payments for the Parish ffor the Booke of Articles ... ffor a praier for the Queene ffor o' Dynner the Visitacon day ffor Bread for the Comunion this yere ffor Wyne for the Comunion this yere ... To M' Taylo' for quit rent for the HospitaU Spent vpon o' Tennants in ffleet street ffor our Dynner on the Audite day ffor the Aldermans warrant for overseeing the Poore ... Spent the same day at the Assessem' for the poore To Stephen Lacie vpon his bUl of charge To the Marshall for maymed Souldiers To the Clarke of the Ward To the Scriveno' for divers Writings for the whole yere as appeares by his BiU Paid to Isack Knight being putt upon the Precinct by the Quest ... ... ... ... Ii s d 002 00 00 002 00 00 002 00 00 002 00 00 002 00 00 001 10 00 001 00 00 001 10 00 001 10 00 263 16 08 196 11 09 460 08 05 000 01 04 000 00 06 000 08 00 000 03 06 003 04 00 001 03 04 001 08 06 000 13 04 000 02 00 000 09 00 001 18 06 001 14 08 000 02 06 002 10 04 001 02 06 015 02 00 l42.a.) fo. 4. The Accompt of NathanieU Flack 1635 & 1 Paym" for the Parish ffor Rosemary & Bayea Spent on the Procession day ffor Points to give the Boyes ffor Belropes and mending the BeUs ffor a Rope for the Branch ... ffor Ten sacks of Charcole To M' Macarnesse for reading divine service every morning ... To M' Macarnesse as a Gratuity for admitting M' Rogers to be Lecturer ... To M' Rogers for one whole yeres Lecture ending at o' Lady day last To the Clarke & Sexton for their Salary for the same according to M' Kendricks will Paid for Candles for the same ffor a Dynner vpon the view Day Given to the Workemen the same day Paid to the Scavinger To the Clarke of Drapers HaU ffor carying the Articles into the Office at Christchurch for one whole yere ffor delivering in the Presentments ' ffor Paving of Sixe Graves Paid for Ringing Sixe dales 636 000 05 00 001 16 04 000 03 06 001 08 00 000 04 02 000 10, 10 020 00 00 010 00 00 040 00 00 006 00 00 006 00 00 001 11 02 000 05 00 000 08 00 000 04 06 000 02 00 000 01 10 000 10 00 000 15 00 Given to poore Mynisters & maymed Souldiers & others in distresse Given to Two poore Mynisters at the request of M' Macarnesse Paid to the Drapers for Two yeres quitrent Paid the Turno' for Nyneteene Acrons Paid the Labourer for carying Rubbish out of the Church yard Paid for Two Labourers for a dayes work Spent when we weighed o' Lead ... Spent upon Whitson-Monday when we measured o' worke about the church Paid a Labourer for his paynes Paid to workmen after the death of Kifford vntil Henry Wilson did vndertake the work Spent on the Churchwardens of Bishopsgate I4;.b.) fo: 6. The Aeeompt of Nathaniell Flack 1636 & Paid for entring a Caveatt against the Admi'stracon of Kiflord's goods Paid f or a trusse of Hay & a Porter Paid for Pynning in of Tymber on the North side of the Church Paid for viewing of Churches Spent vpon the agreem' w* the Painters and in earnest Paid to the Carver Paid to a Labourer for a dales worke Paid for a Cloth to M' Waterson to cover the Pewes ... Paid for a Labourer Three dales & a bapkett Paid for a Lanthorne for the Church Paid for a Labourer for one day ... To the Pavier for paving the street and for gravell & stones Given the Paviers & Painters to drinke ... Paid for Sixe ffire pans Paid for water to wash the Church Paid the Matt maker... Paid the Smith for a Mattock Paid the Vpholster for covering the Pew where divine service is read ... Paid M' Ward vpon his Two Bills Paid the Carpenter vpon his Two Bills ... Paid M' Bernard the Smith vpon Two bills Paid the Iremonger vpon his bill ... Paid the Plaisterers James Goodale & John Smith as appeares by their Articles of agreem' & bill Paid M' HUl the Smith for mending the stocks & Whipping post & three locks Paid for washing the stocks Paid for mending of M' Abbotts howse ... Paid the Glasier as appeares by his bill Paid M' Parker Bricklayer as by his bill Paid the Plummer as appeares by his biU Paid to the Mason M' Henry Wilson Paid to the Paynters Edward Andrewes & Jarvis Goffe as by their Articles and bill appeares 004 07 00 000 05 00 000 06 08 000 13 04 000 00 06 000 02 10 000 01 01 000 02 00 000 00 08 005 02 10 000 00 08 099 06 11 1636 000 01 CO 000 01 05 000 02 06 000 02 04 000 02 10 001 06 08 UOO 01 06 000 03 00 000 04 06 000 06 08 000 01 06 002 02 00 000 01 00 000 02 00 000 02 06 000 18 00 000 03 00 000 08 00 007 10 07 063 16 06 001 06 00 000 10 04 045 461 I43.a.) fo: 6. The Accompt of Nathaniell Flack 1636 & 1636 Paid in charges laid out about the fetching forth of the Hundred Pownds given by S' Peter Le Maire to the poore out of the Court being there deposited by S' ffrancis Crane 10 00 000 08 09 000 00 06 000 16 09 017 15 00 002 12 00 143 00 00 100 00 00 072 00 00 16 08 002 18 0 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 81 Paid for the vse of the said One Hundred Pownds to the Poore... ... ffor Mopps and broomes Paid for the warrant that came from the Lords of the Councell and the Lord Bishopp concerning the Articles about o' Vestry &e Spent at the Castle when those Articles were answered Paid for making a bond to S' Thomas Mowlson for the 60" Paid to the Plaisterers for allowance for their Breakfasts Paid to the Masons for allowanoe for their breakfasts ... Paid to Mathew Stangrum for breakfasts in Kiffords tyme ... ... Spent at the Castle vpon the abatem* of the worke- mens bills ... ... ... ... Paid for carying away Rubbish at seu'all tymes Paid Stephen Lacy & old Hill & Raphe for making deane the Chureh & their attendance Paid for a hundred & a halfe of lyme & 2 load of sand Paid back to M' George Webb Paid for a warrant to keep the boyes out of the Exchange vpon Sundaies ... ... Paid M' Parker the Bricklayer for mending the wall in the Churchyard ... ... 006 00 00 000 04 10 000 01 00 000 02 06 000 00 08 000 11 09 002 15 00 003 000 05 000 13 005 00 000 14 000 13 000 002 i I43.b.) f o : 7. The Accompt of NathanieU Flack 1636 & 1636. Received for the vse of the Poore Received of M' George Webb as appeares by the foot of his accompt for the last yere for the Remaynder of the poores stock then in his hands Received' out of the Court of Arches the some of One Hundred Pownds which was recovered by sute from S' ffrancis Crane and is to remayne as a Stock for the poore of the said Parish for ever being the guift of S' Peter Le Major knight deceased Received of the Parish for the vse of the poore as appeares by perticulers... Taken out of the Parish Stock for the vse of the said one hundred Pownds given by S' Peter Le Majer... Rec* at the Sacram" the whole yere Of the wor" Company of Drapers being the guift of M' Kendrick Of M' Garfoot being the guift of M' Horsepoole Of the wor" Company of Marchantailo'" being the guift of M"" Parsons Of the Beadle of Broad street ward from the Company of Iremongers ... ... ... ... Ot S' Thomas Mowlson M' Peter Richaut and M' Toby MaidweU for their Licences to eate flesh vj" viij* a peece ... ... ... Received out of Christs HospitaU with Elizabeth Chambers 027 100 037 005 004003 004000 000 001 000 i44.a.) fo : 8 The Accompt of NathanieU Flack 1635 & 1636 Payments made for the Poore " Paid for Nursing Richard Turswell the sonne of James Turswell for a yere & for Clothes 006 05 00 0006 00 07 04 02 00 10 00 fo. 6. 021 17 01 Paid for the parish as in fo. 3 015 02 00 More info. 4 099 06 11 More in fo. 5 : 461 16 08 Suma totiis 598 02 08 08 07 00 00 16 07 00 00 11 07f 00 00 04 00 10 00 02 00 00 00 10 00 184 02 09| 06 08 To Nurse Sturgis for nursing Anne Christofer for a yere and for Clothes ... ... ... To Beniamyn ffrancis for nursing Elizabeth Christofer the elder & EUz: the yonger &Thomazin Christofer & for clothes & schooling of one Paid to Goodwife Madox & Goodwife Porter for nursing of John Christofer for a whole yere & for Clothes Paid to Goodwife Madox for her pencon for fflfty Two weekes Paid to Goodwife Perkyns for her pencon Paid to Anth : Jenkenson for his pencon Paid to Goodwife Allen for Twenty sixe weeks at sixe pence a weeke Paid to Goodwife Melson for her Child for Twenty weeks ... Given to Goodwife Madox at seu'all tymes in her Daughters sicknes flor the buriall of her Daughter. ... Paid Goodwife Perkins for keeping a Child left in Castle yard ... Spent on a woman which did thinke she did know the Child Given to Stephen Lacy being Godfather Given to a Milch Nurse ... ... ... Paid to a Nurse for soape & Candles Paid to Thompson for inquiring aEter the Mother Paid for Clothes of all sorts for the ChUd Paid for a Porter to fetch the Nurse w"" the child Paid for Two Monethes nursing of the child Paid for a warrant for the Mother of the child Spent the same day & given the Mother when she fetcht away the Child Given Lacie for going w"" vs for his paynes Given to Goodwife Porter for inquiring out the Mother 005 06 08 015 02 00 006 06 08 002 12 00 002 12 00 002 12 00 000 13 00 001 00 00 000 13 00 000 07 00 000 i44.b,) fo : 9. The Accompt of NathanieU Flack 1636 & 1636 Paid with Elizabeth Chambers for bynding her Appren tice w"" Edward ffinch flor making her Indentures... ffor inroUing the same before Justice Muskett ... Paid for Two Chaldron & a halfe of Seacoles for the Poore To the Clarke & Sexton being M' Horsepooles guift .... To the Baker for fflfty Two dozen of bread To the Poore of the Parish at Two distribucons as appeares by the little booke of pticulers wherein their names are sett downe Given to the Clarke, Matron & beadle of Christs hospitali at the fetching forth of Elizabeth Chambers Given to Three great bellied women to passe them away fo:9 More in fo : 8 014 000 000 024 044 The some totall dish : for the poore is 069 The accompt of m' Nathaniell fflacke was audiated the 17"" day of may 1636 by vs whose names are vnder written and it apeers that there is disbursed by him as apers p his acompt for repaireing the Church and other Charg concemeinge the parish five hundred foure score and eighteen pounds twoe shillings eight pence ... ... ,,, 02 02 000 00 06i 000 01 00 000 01 00 000 02 00 000 02 06 000 19 04 000 00 04^ 000 13 04 000 01 00 000 05 00 000 01 00 000 04 00 044 04 03 004 10 00 000 02 00 000 02 08 001 09 08 001 00 00 002 12 00 13 05 02 17 04 01 07f00 03 OOf03 03f 598 02 08 82 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. Reed by him towards the said dyabursm' foure hundred and three skore pounds eight shilling five pence ... Soe there hath byne disbursed more then Receued conoe rnge that accompt Reeeud by him this yeare vpon the poores acompte Disbursed this yeare for the poore... ... Soe there remaines due vnto the poores stock more dew to m' fflacke from the parish for mony disbursed more then he hath reeeud 460 08 06 137 14 03 184 069. 02 01 0903 116 022 01 12 06 09 137 14 03 John Macarnesse Thomas forman Thomas Carleton William Williamson Alverey Gascoigne John Rushton John Roberts Humfry Castell U5a.) Anno Dom. 1636 & 1637 The Accompt of Andrew Glasooke Church- Warden of the Parish of S' Chris tofer in London Receipts for the parish Inprimis received of o' Tennants in ffieet street for a yeres Rent ending at o' Lady day last Received of the wor" Company of Drapers being the guift of M' Kendrick for mainteyning morning praier in o' Church Rec" of the Parish for M' Rogers for his Lectures for Three q'ters of a yere ending at Christmas last Received for Burialls Received for the grownd and the Knell for buriaU of a Stranger ... Rec" for the grownd & Knell for buriall of M'" Thorpe... Rec" of M' fflack for the grownd & Knell for buriall of M' Thorpe Received for the KneU for the buriall of a Stranger ... Sum total rec" for the Parish 145 b.) 2. The Accompt of Andrew Glasooke 1636 & 1637 Payments for the Parish ffor the Booke of Articles fEor a Dynner on the Visitacon day flor bread for the Comunion this yere ffor wyne for the Comunion this yere To M' Taylor for quitrent for the HospitaU Speut vpon o' Tennants in ffleet street ... rt'or the Aldermans warrant for overseeing the poore ... .'^pent the same day at the Assessment for the poore ... To Stephen Lacie vpon his bill of charges To tne Marshall for maymed souldiers To the Claike of the ward ... To the Scriveno' for severall writings for the whole yere flor Rosemary & bales Spent on the Procession day ... ffor points to give the boies ffor a belrope for the great bell flor flower sacks of Charcoale for the church To M' Baker for reading divine service evfery morning being the guift of M' Kendrick 20 u s d 80 00 00 30 00 00 23 13 09 133 13 09 00 16 00 00 13 00 00 12 00 00 05 00 02 06 00 136 18 09 00 01 4 00 08 0 00 05 6 04 05 0 01 03 4 01 04 10 00 02 0 00 09 0 01 17 0 01 14 8 00 02 6 00 15 6 00 05 0 01 00 6 00 03 0 00 03 0 00 05 4 00 CO To M' Rogers for Three q'ters of a yeres Lecture ending at Christmas last ... ... To M' Sapine for his Lecture from Christmas to o' Lady day & M' LoveU To the Clarke & Sexton for their salary according to M' Kendricks will ffor Candles for the same ffor a Dynner vpon the view day ... Given to the Workemen the same day To the Scavenger for the whole yere To the Clarke of Drapers hall ffor carying the Articles into the Office of Christchurch for the whole yere ffor delivering in the Presentments 30 00 05 00 81 19 146.a) 3. The Accompt of Andrew Glaseoke 1636 & 1637 ffor covering of Three graves ffor a q'terne of tiles... ffor ringing sixe dales Given to poore Mynisters & maymed souldiers & other distressed people To the Drapers for quitrent this yere ffor a Rake flor cleering & digging the Churchyard & sowing it To M'' Eaton for paving siiteeue yards in the Churchyard ffor mending one of the fflagon potts& burnishing both... flor a Lanthorne for the Church ... ffor ffive books of the ffast To the man that brought them ffor a Proclamaoon ... To Robert Turner vpon his bill for mending the bell wheeles ... To the ffownder vpon his bill To M' Wilson the Mason the some of Twenty & Three pownds w'*" was mony that was left vnpaid the Last yere when M' fflack was Churchwarden Paid to M' fflack for mony disbursed Vy him for the Parish last yere, more then he received as by the foot of his aooompt ... ffor passing away a woman great w"" child To Goodman ffrancis for his paines comyng to London about a child ne had flor a Copy of the precept that came from the King & Councell & for a mans paines that brought it flor warning that day we were sworne To a Mynister that preached that Sunday M' Macarnesse was sick ... 2200 00 0000 00 146.b.) 4. The Aeeompt of Andrew Glasooke 1636 & 1637 flor the Bearers of M' Maoarnesse ffor opening the Vault ffor laying of the stone & for tiles... ffor carrying in M' Watersons coales ffor warniug the Churchwardens and Sydemen to Chrii chuich ffor a reader that read divine service last Whitsondny ffor carrying in the names to Christchurch the day th we were sworne... ffor a spade & a shovell ffor expences at M' Bakers meeting ffor mending the case for the Two flagon potts ... 00 00 06 00 00 05 00 00 01 12 10 00 06 0 00 08 0 00 04 6 00 02 0 00 01 10 08 00 06 OO 00 01 04 00 16 06 04 15 00 00 OS 04 00 00 10 00 14 10 00 04 00 00 01 06 00 07 00 00 04 02 00 01 00 00 00 02 02 11 00 00 17 08 23 00 00 12 09 00 04 02 00 02 00 01 00 04 00 57 06 05 00 04 0 00 01 0 00 03 0 00 00 3 st- 00 00 4 00 02 0 lat 00 00 8 00 03 0 00 04 8 00 02 , 6 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. Paid to the poore for the vse of One hundred pownds being the guif t of S' Peter Le Maire To a Midwife Paid for passing away a woman great w"" child Paid to the Apparito' for bringing a praier for the Queenes safe deliverance To Lacie for Extinguishers for the church ffor Two hassocks for the Pulpitt Paid to the Beadle in Cornhill for passing away a woman great w"" child ffor ringing for the queenes safe deliu'ance Paid to Robert Scutter for new bucketts and mending the old ... ... Paid to Mathew Cox the Painter for painting the bucketts Paid to M' Hipwell Towards a pipe of lead for his f unnell Paid for the Thanksgiving for the queens safe deliverance Paid to the Smith vpon his bill Paid for a warrant for S' Robert Napper Paid for a booke of the decree in the Starrchamber 06 00 0 00 02 0 00 02 0 00 01 0 00 03 0 00 04 6 00 00 6 00 04 0 01 12 6 00 05 0 03 00 0 00 01 0 01 08 0 00 02 0 00 00 6 13 |;47.a.) 5. The Aeeompt of Andrew Glasooke 1636 & 1637 Paid to my Lord Majo's Officers for warning the Churchwardens before him about the Sixe Moneths gathering... ... ... Laid out for the Visitacon Dynner Paid for warning the new Churchwardens to S' Magnus Church ... Paid to my Lord Majo" Officers for comying about getting vs the poores mony of S' Robert Napper ... ffor brickwork done going vp the steps into the church & workmens labo' Paym" for the parish 00 00 CO Paid more for the Parish for visited howses. 1636 Paid for M' Lacies howse when it was visited Paid for Holdens howse when it was visited Paid for M' Thorps howse when it was visited ... Paid for M' Lynakers howse when it was visited Paid for M' Jayes howse when it was visited Paid for Two searchers to goe into M' Leats howse 15 176 Sum total disbursed for the Parish 7.b.) 6. The Accompt of Andrew Glaseoke 1636 & 1637 Receipts for the vse of the Poore Received of the Parish for the vse of the poore as by the perticulers Received of the Company of Drapers being the guift of M' Kendrick Received of the parish stock for the vse of One hundred pownds given by S' Peter Le Maire Received at the Sacram" for the whole yere Received of M' Garfoot being the guift of M' Horspoole Rec" of the wor" Company of Marchant tailo" being the guift of M''" Parsons 07 li ' d 00 03 00 23 12 00 01 06 1218 192 10 00 04 00 02 fo: 5 24 06 02 4 13 07 05 fo: 3 67 06 05 fo: 2 81 19 08 Sum : total' 176 18 08 07 02 03 02 03 04 01 09 00 03 07 07 01 09 00 00 .01 00 0208 10 37 06 8 03 00 0 06 00 0 09 06 5* 04 04 0 00 10 0 Rec" of the Beadle of Broad street ward for the company of Ironmongers Reo* of S' Thomas Mowlson M' Peter Richault & M' Toby Maidwell for their Lycences to eate flesh Received vpon the breif e collected at the fasts ... Received of the Parishioners for the placing forth of Richard Turswell sonne of James Turswell as may appeare by the perticulers Rec" of S' Robert Napper for the vse of the poore I48.a.) 7 rpjjg Accompt of Andrew Glaseoke 1636 & Payments made for the poore Paid for nursing of Richard Turswell sonne of James Turswell & for clothes for a yere Paid for nursing of Anne Christofer & for clothes for the whole yere ... Paid for nursing of John Christofer & for clothes for the whole yere ... Paid for nursing of Mathias Christofer & for dothes & other charges about finding out the mother of him Paid for nursing EUzabeth Christofer th'eld' & Elizabeth the yonger & for clothes for the whole yere ffor schooling for Elizabeth th'elder a whole yere Paid for nursing of Thomasin Christofer for part of the first quarter ffor the Buriall of Thomasin Christof er Paid to my Lord Major the first gathering of the breife of the ffast ... ... Paid to Goodwife Madox for her pention for fl&fty and sixe weeks ... ... Paid to Goodwife Perkins for her pencon for ffifty and sixe weeks Paid to Goodwife Nelson for her pention for her sonne for ffifty and sixe weeks ... Paid to M' Waterson his pencon for Twenty one weeks Paid to Goodwife Jenkins for her pencon for ffifty and sixe weeks Paid to Goodwife Jenkins at severaU tymes in her husbands sicknes Paid for the buriall of Anthony Jenkins Paid to Steven Lacie & Anth. Jenkins and Goodwife Perkins for being Godfathers & Godmothers for Mathias Christof er 00 1637 02 148.b.) 8. The Accompt of Andrew Glaseoke 1636 & 1637 Paid to 1 the Clarke and Sexton being the guift of M' Horspoole ... Paid to the Baker for ffifty Two dozen of bread Paid to the Beadle in Broad street for Twenty seaven sacks of seacoale for the poore... Paid to the poore of the pairish at Two distributions as appeares by the little booke of perticulers Paid to Joseph Henman for taking Richard Turswell app'ntice the some of... ffor a bible for the boy ffor making the Indentures & for a bond to discharge the parish & inroUing of him before S' Nicholas Raynton Paym" for the poore 'l *°- ^ ' fo. 7 Sum total' 83 02 0 01 00 0 07 08 3i 06 19 0 08 00 0 82 16 5 06 06 08 05 06 08 05 06 08 04 06 10 10 00 00 00 08 00 01 00 00 00 07 06 01 05 06 02 16 00 02 16 00 02 16 00 01 01 00 16 00 00 07 06 00 10 00 00 01 06 46 11 10 7 li s d 01 00 0 02 12 (.1 01 07 0 14 15 3i 06 10 0 00 05 6 M 2 00 06 6 2646 16 11 10 73 08 1* 84 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 136192 1810 09 10 056 12 01 082 073 10 08 05 Oli 009 08 03i 116 01 06 124 09 09^ 047 009 0308 09^ 03^ 066 12 01 The Accompt of M' Andrew Glaseoke was audited the Eight Day of May 1637 by vs whose names are vnderwritten & it appeares by his accompt that there is rec" by him for the vse of the parish Disbursed by him for the vse of the parish So there hath byn disbursed more then rec" concerning that accompt ... ... ... ... Rec" by him this yere vpon the poores accompt ... Disbursed this yere for the poore ... So there remaynes due to the poores stock vpon this accompt ... ... ... ... ... And due to the poores stock on M' fflacks aeeompt the last yere ... ... ... The poores stock And there is due to M' Glascocke vpon this his accompt for mony disbursed by him more then he hath received Auditors Sa : Baker Parson Thomas forman Thomas Carleton Alverey Gascoign John Rushton John Roberts Willm Williamson Nathaniell fflacke l49.a.)fo: 1. Anno Dom : 1637 & 1638 The Accompt of Toby Maydwell Church- warden of the Parish of St. Christofer in London Receipts for the Parish Inprimis received of the Tennants in ffleetstreet for a u . d yeres rent ending at o' Lady day last. . . Reo* of the wor" Company of Drapers being the guift of M' John Kendrick for mainteyning of morning praier in o' church Rec" of the Parish for M' Sapine for his Lecture for one quarter of a yere ending at Midsomer last ... Rec" of the Parish for M' Hood for his Leoture for Three quarters of a yere ending at o' Lady day last 23 03 80 00 30 00 00 00 To M' Taylor for quitrent for the Hospitali ffor bread for the Comunion this yere Spent that day the Assessem' was made for the poore . . ffor wyne for the Comunion this yeare Spent vpon o' Tennants in ffleet street Spent vpon the Procession day ffor points to give the boies ffor o' dynner last yere on the Auditt day that M' Glascock forgott to putt to his accompt ffor o' dynner this yere on the Auditt day Paid to the Lord Majo" Officer Spent at the Castle about making an end with M''' Macarnesse Paid the Scavenger for the whole yere Paid vnto Stephen Lacie for his bill of charges Paid to the Marshall for maymed souldiers Paid to the Clarke of the Ward To the Scrivenor for severaU writings for the whole yere ffor Rosemary and Bales To M' Baker for reading divine service every morning being the guif t of M' Kendrick To M' Sapine for one q'ter of a yere ending at Midsomer last To M' Hood for his Lecture from Midsomer vntill o' Lady day being three q'ters of a yere To the Clarke & Sexton for their Sallary according to M' Kendricks wiU ... ffor Candles for the same to M' Flack ISO.a.) fo. 3: The Accompt of Toby Maydwell 1637 & 1638. 06 02 00 03 Received for BuriaUs Received for the grownd and the Knell for buriall of M' Humfrey Castle y some of Reo" for the grownd and the KueU for buriall of M'"' Malpus ... Rec" for the grownd and the Knell for buriall of M"'' Anne Chapman the some of Some totall received for the Parish 139 05 03 00 13 04 00 10 00 01 11 08 02 15 00 142 00 03 l49.b.j fo. 2: The Accompt of Toby MaidweU 1637 & 1638 Payments for the Parish i" ¦ ffor the Booke of Articles 00 01 ffor a dynner on the Visitacon day 00 08 Paid for the Kings declaraoon 00 00 Paid for the Booke of Homilies 00 07 Paid for the Booke of Canons 00 00 Paid for the Aldermans warrant for the Assessem' for the poore ¦•• GO 02 04 00 06 00 1000 To the Clarke of Drapers Hall ffor a Dynner vpon the view day ... Given to the workmen the same day ffor carrying the Articles into the office at Christehuroh for the whole yere ffor carrying the Kings Articles Paid for covering of Three graves... Paid for a quarter of Tiles ffor linging severall dales ... Paid given vnto poore Mynisters maymed souldiers and other poore distressed persons To the Drapers for quitrent this yere Paid to the searchers when they were sworne ... Paid to Bowles the Beadle of Broad street ward for 24 sacks of coales dd. to the poore of o' Parish putt to the poores accompt Paid the Lo: Majors Officer for warning about the Assessement To the Messenger that gave notice of the Lord of Londons Visitacon Spent vpon a Dynner at the Lord of Londons Visitacon Paid for bookes & ffees Paid for a Rope for the second bell Paid for a rope for the branch Paid the Smiths bill for worke that he did about the bells as p note ... ... ... ... Paid the Carpenter & ffownder for worke about the bells as by their bills appeareth Paid to M' Glascock at three severall paym" being mony due to him as p ace the Idst yere & as by his receipts will appeare ... ffor a Stopper of brasse for the ffont Paid for Sixe sacks of Charcole for the Church 01 03 04 00 03 06 00 09 00 04 04 00 01 03 10 01 12 04 00 C3 06 00 13 04 00 13 04 00 01 00 00 01 06 00 08 00 02 01 00 01 14 08 00 02 06 00 12 06 00 05 00 20 00 00 06 02 00 23 03 00 05 00 00 05 00 00 76 17 00 00 04 06 01 13 06 00 05 00 00 02 00 00 01 00 00 05 08 00 01 04 00 15 06 04 07 06 00 03 4 00 02 6 00 00 0 00 02 0 00 01 0 01 01 10 00 01 06 00 03 0 00 04 0 00 18 0 03 12 0 47 03 9i 00 03 0 00 10 0 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 85 Novembrse 1637 Paid the Taylor for a hood that was made for M' Baker Paid given the Beadle of the Drapers hall Paid vnto the Joyner for altaring the Comunion Table which was formerly done by M' Bakers only direction without the privity or consent of the parishioners ; Nevertheles at the request of M' Baker this fforty shillings was allowed M' Maidwell vpon this his accompt vpon auditing thereof 01 00 02 uo.b.) fo; 4 The Accompt of Toby MaydweU 1637 & 1638 Paid for warning the Churchwardens and Sidemen to Christchurch ... Paid vnto the poore for the vse of One hundred pownds being the guifte of S' Peter Le Maire Paid for a hassock for the Pulpitt... ... ffor Two shovells ffor a Brush ... Paid the Smith for worke about the church ffor Three bell ropes for three bells ... Paid for warning the New Churchwardens to S' Magnus Church ... Paid vnto George Wright Pavier for paving all before the Church being 91 yards at 3" p y'd & for ffive loads of gravell at 18" p load and for three load of stone at 5" a load all is Paid vnto Robert Cutler for trymming 17 buoketts at 14" a peiee & painting 18 bucketts at 3" a piece & for one new buckett three shillings Paid for Two praiers for the 5"" of Novemb Paid more to M' Glasoook for mony owing by the parish to him which he lent towards the repayring of the Church ... ... 02 01 00 03 012 i»ia.) fo. 5 The Accompt of Toby MaydweU 1637 & 1638 Paid more for the Parish about visited howses Paid for searchers for searching the howse of John Wells in the Castle yard Paid vnto the M' of the Pesthowse for John Wells his wife & child to goe into the Pesthowse Paid for carrying them to the Pesthowse... Paid Lacie for his paines Paid the Cobler for waiting to keep them in & his attendance ... ... To M' Vpton of the Pesthowse for comyng to see them Spent at the Taverne Paid for the Marshalls warrant Paid searchers to search Goodman English his howse ... Paid the M' of the Pesthowse for Goodwife Madox & her Daughter Paid Goodman Knight for warding at Goodman English his doore 14 dales ... Paid given Goodwife Madox Paid more for warding at Goodman EngUsh his dore ... 161 b.) fo. 6: The Accompt of Toby MaydweU 1637 & 1638 Receipts for the vse of the Poore Rec" of the Parish for the vse of the Poore as by the perticulers wUl appeare 18 01 00 li 00 s 00 05 00 00 02 00 03 00 01 00 07 00 07 00 01 04 00 66 01 11^ 0 00 00 6 10 6 05 0 07 0 01 0 00 0 16 02 Ii 8 d 00 03 0 06 00 0 00 08 0 00 01 0 00 01 0 00 02 6 00 00 10 00 03 0 00 02 6 00 14 0 00 01 0 00 14 0 012 12 10 34 04 10 Rec* of the Company of Drapers being the guift of M' Kendrick Rec" of the Parish stock for the vse of One hundred pownds given by S' Peter Le Maire Received at the Sacram' for the whole yere Rec" from S' Thomas Moulson for two Oathes Rec" of M' Garfoot being the guift of M' Horspoole ... Rec* of the Wor" Company of Marchantailo" being the guif t of M''' Parsons Rec" of the Beadle of Broadstreet ward for the Company of Ironmongers ... Rec" of M' Glaseoke that he had in his hands of the poores mony Rec" of S' Thomas Moulson M' Peter Richaut & Toby MaidweU for their licences to eate fiesh 03 00 0 05 00 0 05 07 7f 00 02 00 04 04 0 00 10 0 00 02 0 04 13 0 01 00 00 58 03 05^ I52.a.) fo: 7. The Accompt of Toby MaydweU 1637 & 1638 Payments made for the Poore Paid Goodwife Perkins for 48 weeks at 12" p weeke ... Paid Goodwife Madox for 48 weeks at 12" p weeke Paid M'"" Nelson for' her sonne for 48 weekes at 12" per weeke Paid Goodwife Jenkins for 36 weeks at 12" p weeke ... PaidM' Waterson for 32 weeks at 12" p weeke Paid M' Watersons Daughter for his releife in his sicknes Paid for nursing Mathew Christofer 48 weeks whereof one at 2' & 47 weeks at 20" p weeke Paid for clothes for him ffower q'ters Paid M' Hill for 16 weeks at 12" p weeke Paid for the buriall of Mathew Christofer Paid for nursing a Child to Goodwife Porter for 12 Monethes at 6' 8" a Moneth Paid M' Glascock for passing away a poore woman Paid for clothes for 4 q'ters to Goodman Porter Paid for nursing Richard Turswell 4 q'ters at 1" 6" 8" a q'ter ... Paid to Beniamyn ffrancis for nursing of Two children called both by the name of Elizabeth Christofer for 4 q'ters & for schooling at 2" 11' per q'ter Paid to M' Bowles the Beadle of Broadstr. ward for 24 sacks of coales at 12" p sack w"'' were dd. to the poore of o' parish ... ... ... Paid Goodwife Jenkins & Goodwife Perkins being searchers for one weeke Paid M' Castle that he paid for nursing Anne Chiistofer for 4 q'ters at 1" 6' 8" a q'ter Paid to Thompson the Beadle for keeping a Child all night 02 08 0 02 08 0 02 08 0 01 16 0 01 12 0 00 05 10 l52.b.)fo:8. The Accompt of Toby MaydweU 1637 & 1638 04 03 04 8 01 00 0 00 16 0 00 12 0 04 00 0 00 04 0 01 00 0 06 04 01 04 0 00 07 0 06 06 K 00 02 6 44 02 6 Paid given to a poore Mynister 00 01 Paid given to M' Waterson in his want 00 01 Paid to the poore of the parish at Two distributions as appeares by the little booke of perticulers 14 16 86 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. Paid to the Clarke & Sexton being the guift of M' Horspoole Paid to the Baker for 62 dozen of bread Paym" for the poore fo: 7 Some totall dish: for poore The Accompt of M' Toby Maidwell was audited the ffirst Day of May 1638 by vs whose names are vnder, written and it doth appeare by his Accompt that there hath beene received by him for the vse of the Parish Disbursed by him for the vse of the parish as by the pticulers ... So there hath byn disbursed more then rec" concerning that accompt Received by him this yere vpon the poores accompt -Disbursed this yere for the poore ... So there is disbursed more then rec" vpon the poores aeeompt ... Disb: as above for y' pish more then reo"... Rests in all Due to M' Maidwell The poores stock last yere was Whereof disbursed this yere more then rec" So that the poores stock this yere for w""" the parish stock is debto' is More disbursed by M' Maidwell for a Carpett of greene j". ij". vj* So there resteth, due to him in all Audited by Sa: Baker Parson Thomas forman Thomas Carleton John Rushton John Roberts Nathanie" fflacke 01 02 00 12 018 10 00 044 02 06 062 12 06 142167 0007 03 Hi 025 07 m 058 062 03 12 05} 06 004 026 09 07 Oi 08^ 029 16 08| 124004 09 09 9iOi 120 00 n 030 19 2J J.iSa.) Anno Domini 1638 An Inventary of all the Writings Bookes Ornaments and Church goods apperteyning to the Parish of S' Christofer in London now remayning this ffirst day of May 1638 Writings In primis all the former and auncient writings that were in o' Custody A" 1609 w""" are at large sett downe in this Booke by M' Thomas Alport vnto which are added ffower Counterparts of Leases of the Lands in Fleetstreet viz' graunted to M' Hall, to M' Hipwell, to M' MednoU and to M' StockweU One Draught or Copy of the Table of duties confirmed by a full Vestry with aU their hands to it that were p'sent, as also the old Table of duties. Bookes One great Bible bost and buft, fflve Co'munion Prayer bookes. One in the Churchwardens seat other two in the reading place the rest in the Vestry being imperfect. Jewells Apologie bossed & buffed •\ Erasmus on the Gospell bost & buft [aU 3 in Chaines Erasmus on the Epistles J One booke of Canons, One Booke of Homilies One white booke with a Parchment Cover conteyning the auncient wiUs & legacies concerning this Parish One Vestify Booke with a white Vellome Cover This p'sent Booke of the Churchwardens accompts Two Register Bookes of Christnings Weddings and Burialls one of them being of Parchment, One old register booke of Paper and another paper booke. iss.b.; Plate Item Two faire fflagon potts of silver weighing 104 oz ij" weight being the guift of M' Tho: Westrow Alderman deceased Given the 20"" of March . 1633 Two faire Comunion Cups and Covers guilt all the ffower parcels of plate weighing ffifty oz & a halfe & 6" weight One Trencher plate of silver weighing 8 oz 14" w". Pewter Item Two fflagon Pewter potts ; one Bason of Pewter with a Christofer in the bottome. One Standish of Pewter. Brasse Item One faire Branch of Brasse w"" 16 socketts being the guift of S' Samuell Trion Knight and Baronett One paire of scales ffower pownd of brasse weights and Two iron Turning Candlesticks Ornam*" Item one Pulpitt Cloth of Purple Velvett being the guift of S' SamueU Trion and a pulpitt Pillow, a Carpett for the Comunion Table all of Purple Velvett with silk & gold fringe sutable. Item Two Comunion Tableclothes of Dyaper. Two surplisses. Two hoods one for the Parson the other for the Reader Goods. One Comunion Table of Wainscott, One Table of Wainscott in the Vestrey howse & an old Carpett on it. Eight wainscott formes in the Church One Wainscott presse in the Vestrey howse with locks & keyes. One great Chest in the Vestry howse with Three locks & keyes whereof the Parson keeps one & the Churchwardens each of them one. Two Mapps or fframes of the situation of the Lands in ffleet street belonging to this parish of S* Christofer. A Table for direction for receiving the parish Rents and disposing of legacies. I54.a.) A Mapp of the seats in the Church & their number Sixe Karsie Cushions. One Lanthorne for winter Thirty Bucketts of Leather Three Ladders in the Church & Churchyard One great ffire hooke in the Churchyard One little Box in the Churchwardens seat with lock & key & a frame in the same seat to sett bread in for the poore. One Curtaine in the great West window conteyning Thirty Yards of Bustian w"" a rod of iron A Lyon & Vnicorne carved & gilded & a swordcase for the Lord Major. One turning deske for the Booke of Erasmus Paraphrase and Jewells Apologie to lye on being chained ; One Pickaxe, one shovell, & one spade I64.b.) The Accompt of WUUam Lee Church warden of the parish of S' Christophers London Anno Dom. 1638 & 1639. Receipts for the Parish " ' * Im primis of y Tennants in fleet streete for one yeares Rent ending at o' lady day last Rec" of the wor" Company of y' Drapers for the Mayn- tenance of Morneing prayer being the guifte of M' John Kendrick ... Rec of the parishioners for the yeares lecture of M' Timothy Hood & M' Bembridg Rec" for BuryaUs Rec. for y grovnd & knell of m" Hawkes Rec. for the knell of Jeremy Woodgate 80 00 00 30 00 00 25 16 04 135 15 04 li a d 00 10 00 00 02 06 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 87 Reo. for the grovnd of m' Hamors ChUd Rec. for the grovnd and knell of m' John NeviU Rec. for the knell for S' Thomas Moulsonn Rec. for the knell of Christopher Howsonn 155 a.) Some totall Rey"* for y" Parish is just 00 10 00 00 13 04 00 03 04 00 03 04 02 02 06 136 16 04 137 17 10 The Accompt of William Lee for y yeares 1038 & 1039 Payments for the Parish viz : i' For the booke of Artickles ... ... ... for a dynner the same day the Churchwardens wer sworne for a dynner on the veiw day ... for the bricklayer and Carpenters paines ... for poyntes for y* boyes on y^ preambulation day for a dynner the same day at the 3 Craynes for the Audyt dinner for a booke to write the minesters names in y ' preach . . . for the Rakears wages for the whole yeare for new CoUering and whiteing the surples for two bookes of Common prayers for making a partision in a pew p" to Steven Laycey his bill of Charges for Reading prayers for m' Hood foure tymes ... for Cleering the parish of a woaman that Cryed out at S' Thomas Moulsonns gate paid to m' Timothy Hood and m' Bembridg for a yeare paid for m' Madewell his summons for y= Transorip ... for Cleering the parish from dorethy Vesey at y Ses sions of peaee and Jayle of ddry and for Counsells and the Clarkes ffees ... ... .. pd to the wor" Company of y' drapers for quit Rent ... pd to m' Taylor Ree^"' for S' BarthoUmewes Hospytall for quyt Rent for o' land in ffleete street called y= Angle & hoope ... pd to m' Willsonn o' Curate for Reading morneing prayer in o' Church being the guifte of m' Jo. Kendrick ... paid to Steven Laysey his sallery as Clark & Seiton ... paid to m' fflack for Candles for y same paid to m' Clement Vnderhill for Maymed Souldiers ... Spent at y^ Castle when the parishioners answered the demand of the parsons 120" tithe ... for Ringing seaven dayes paid towards the Redemptio of 3 Captives from slauery... for mending the Church lanthorne for searching after the mother of Steven Christopher ... paid for a knyfe to cut the Comunyo bread paid the Lord Mayo' his Officer for calling for y = Assess ment ... ... ... ...I ... 00 00 01 06 00 08 00 01 17 08 00 06 00 00 03 00 01 04 06 00 13 04 00 00 06 00 08 00 00 08 06 00 17 00 00 06 00 02 07 10 00 04 00 00 02 06 26 00 00 00. 05 04 02 16 00 00 03 04 01 74 166.b,) The Accompt of WiUiam Lee for y yeares 1638 & 1639Ii ffor a prayer for the Queenes Ma" saife delivery ... 00 for Rosemary and Bayes ... ... ... 00 paid to m' Dallisou for wryteing the Assessments bonds and petisions ... ... ... ... ... ... 00 for bell Ropes waying 18" 3qr at 6" povnd 00 paid the Bricklayer and Carpenter for Veiwing m' Hip- wells wall and they Concluded it a ptie wall ... 00 03 04 20 00 00 05 00 00 05 00 00 01 14 08 00 09 06 00 17 06 01 00 00 00 01 06 00 03 06 00 02 00 02 06 00 00 01 00 05 00 13 06 09 00 06 00 pd for a procklimatio and the proctors ffee Spent at three meetings when wee went to speake w"" S' Symon Baskervile Spent after the Assessment... paid the Apparitor for Oyteing the new Churchwardens paid the Smyth his biU of Charg for worke y yeare paid the Apparitor for a warant for y^ Maunday paidtothePavyorforpaveinge before and Round aboute the Church yard & for stones & gravell paid for y vse of one hundreth povnds being the gu^ f te of S' Peter Lamere Spent on the Tennants in ffleet streete ... pd the beadle of Brodstreete ward for a warrant for the Assessment and the Clark of y Bond his ffee pd for Answering the quarterly Artickles the Kings In- strucktions and the presentmen" this yeare paid to m' Santlow for wine for the Comunyons given to the Clark of y Drapers & y Renter given to Maymed and Decayed souldiers and Sundry dis tressed by ffiyer and Robbors: and to help other home given to sundry poore Minesters at y request of ni' Willson for Covering three graves paid to m' Tobye Madewell being mony y pish was In debted to him as appereth by Accompt paid the Joyner for worke done this yeare paid for six sacks of Charcble for y'' vestry house paid for being warned in to Christ Church May 13"" ... Some is I66.a.) The Accom'pt of William Lee for y yeareS 1638 . Reycepts for the vse of the poore Reycd of y" parishioners of y Assessm' for y'^ poore Reo. of y" Company of y^ drapers being y^ guyfte of m' Kendriek... Rec. of y" Church stock for S' peter Lameres hundred povnds Rec. of Sacrament mony this yeare Rec. of m' Garford being the guifte of m' Sy mo Horspoole Rec. of y wor" Company of y= Marchant Taylors being the guif t of m" Parsonns Reo. of y beadle of brodstreet ward being the guift of y Iremongers ... Rec. of the wor" y Ladye Moulson m' Richaut & m' Toby Madewell for lycense mony Rec. of \ " wor" the Ladye Moulson Exequetrix to the wor" S' Thomas Moulsonn deceased his Legasy for Stock Payments for the vse of the Poore pd for Richard Tirswell by the Appoyntment of M' MadeweU pd to goodwife MeUsam for her sonn for 53 weekes pd to goodwife Jenkines for ffyftye three weeks pd to goodwife Perkines for ffyftye three weeks pd to goodman HUl for ffyftye three weekes pd to goodwife Maddox for fforty nyne weekes 00 01 00 00 09 00 00 06 00 00 01 00 01 12 00 00 01 00 02 04 16 00 05 00 00 01 08 04 00 05 00 00. 08 06 04 16 10 00 05 00 16 00 00 18 00 00 05 00 30 19 ¦ > 00 04 oi; 00 10 00 00 01 04 56 17 08 74 05 00 131 02 OS : 1639 li ¦ d 34 06 00 03 00 00 06 00 00 07 01 08 04 04 00 00 10 00 00 02 00 01 00 00 20 00 00 75 04 02 Ii H (1 00 18 00 02 13 00 02 13 00 (12 13 00 02 13 OO 02 09 00 88 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. pd to goodwife Sturgis for a yeares wages for Ann Christopher and for Clothes f or her . . . for her seooling for a yeare, for boat hier to bring her to Londo and for a testament for her pd to goodwife Portor for Nurseing John Christopher... for Clotheing him ffetcheing him vp and putting him to goodwife Sturgis and carrying him downe more for Laysey & hills paines severall times & horse ... i58.b.) The Accompt of WilUam Lee for y" yeares 1638 & paid to Beniamin ffrancis for both the Elizabeth Christophers for a yeare ending at o' Lady 1638 ... for seooling horse hyer to bring them vp and for Bookes ffor them for keepeing a Child that was layed in the Castle & for Clothes for it and for keepeing and Clotheing the Mother after wee fovnd her for the Beadle his paines the Marshalls man and given her at her departure ... ... ... for Cleering the pish of a woaman at m' Gascoynes doore for 30 sackes of sea cole ... pd m' Harding Baker for bread y* guyft of m' Horspoole pd to Steven Lacey the guifte of m' Symo Horspoole as Clark and Sextonn to see the distrybutio of the 52 doz of bread ... pd to m' Madewell for a medecyn for Mathew Christopher distributed to the poore of o'pish a[s] p the little booke given to an ould parishioner paid to WilUam Lee to discharg the pish of Elizabeth Christopher for ever ... ... paid to Cleer the pish of a woaman that Cryed out at m' Carletonns doore in the night 05 06 08 00 15. 00 06 06 08 00 18 06 00 10 00 26 15 10 1639 11 6 d 010 06 08 001 08 00 001 10 04 000 04 10 000 02 06 001 10 00 002 12 00 001 00 00 000 02 00 015 04 00 002 00 00 008 00 00 00 02 06 044 02 10 026 15 10 070 18 08 May 1639 June 1639 July 1639 dicto August 1639 dicto 00:08:00 0:07:00 0:16:00 0:06:00^ This Accompt was Audyted by vs whose names are heer vnder written and wee find Remaynying to the Church stock being brought in this yeare 006 15 02 pd to the vse of the poore less then Rec 004 06 06 Oil 00 08 157.a.) 157.b.) Soe the Remayner of the debt of o' pish Church to the poores stock the somme of 124": 6" : 6" Audited by vs whose names are heare vnder written Thomas forman Thomas Carleton Alverey Gascoigne John Rushton Nathaniell fflacke Toby MaydweU Thaccompte of Mathew Feme church warden anno 1638 & 1639 his Rec'" For y Poore In primis Red of the Seuerall pishon's of S' Christoph's by vertue of an Assesment Octob 1639 dicto Nou' 1639 made for the Poore thereoff an. Dom. 1638 the some of 16 Red of my p'dicessour m' w"" Lee for thuse of the Poore as appers by his next precedent Accoumpte the some of 2 Red by way of Collection att Whittsontyde Comunion ... 7 Red att a second Comunion ... 10 Red of the Draps by way of m' Kenricks guift for Mids q'ter ' ... 04 Red att a third Comunion ... 13 Red of m' Archdell m' Raynder Executors w* m' Tennant Executrix of the last will & Testament of m' John Neuill pishon' late deseaced, according to the wordes of the Will viz' Item to the poore people of y' pish of S' Christophers London xx" I say Rod ... Septemb' 1639 29 Red oute of Pish stock for Michaellmas halfe years vse of S' Peter Leemeres 100 & S' Tho Moulsons 20" as Poores Stock, & for theire only vse ... 06 Red by a Collection att a 4"" Comunion 23 Red of the draps as by m' Kenricks guift for Ma- chiaells q'ter 03 Red by way Collection att 5* Comunion ... Decemb' 1639 01 Red by Collection att a 6 Comunion ... 17 Red of m' George ffranckUn Renter of March tails Comp: for m" Psons gifte to the poore of o' Pish euery Christmas 25 Rod by the Collection on Christmas day Comunion ... 00.12.00 January 1639. 13 Red of the draps as m' kendricks gift to the poore for x'mas q'ter 2 Red by a Collection at a Comunion 7 Red of Bowles the Beadle from the Irne Mongers Comp: as the guifte of m'" Margrett Payne for y" poore 0 : 02 : 00 26 Red of the worp" Lady Mowleson for Lycence this Lent for poores Acc'> 16 Red of m' Tho Garford by hands of Edmon Fletcher being the Guift of m' Symon Horspoole ... 24 Red oute of the Pish Rec" for thuse of S' Peter Lamire his 100 & S' Tho Mowlsons 20" poores Stock & for y vse for Lady dayes halfe yeare the some of 29 for a Collection at the Comunion on Palme Sunday 0 : 07 : 06 036 10 04 04 05 OS aU is 01 16 00 dicto dicto ffeby 1639 00:06:00 0:15:00 0:07:00 0:06:00 0:10:00 00:16:00 0:08:06 20 00 00 03 00 00 is 01 08 00 is 00 16 00 is 02 04 02 dicto March 1639 0:06:08, 04:04:00 dicto 07 11 06 03:00:00 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. 89 ApriU 1640 2 Red of m' Tobyas MaidweU for his Lents Lycense ... 00:06:08 Of m' Peter Richaut for thlyke 0:06:08 V is 01 08 04 Red of the draps as m' Kenricks gift to y" poore for Lady dayes qu't' 0:16:00 dicto 6 Red by a CoUeetion of Easter dayes Communion 01:02:06 12 Rod by a CoUeetion on Low Sundayes Comunion ... 0 : 12 : 00 Red to the vse of the Poore the some of... Paid to the vse of the Poore as app" p Contra ... ... Resting dew to the Poore besydes theire Stock of 120" Sterling for w-"" the Pish is Indebted & doth allow 5" p C p Anu to theire pp vse is 01 04 06 079 04 04 076 08 08 02 15 08 lS8.a.) Thaccoumpte of Mathew Feme church warden an dom 1638 & 1639 by Payments made to y Poore In primis to Pention" from y'= 7* ApriU 1638 to 20* ApriU 1639 as foU. Paid to Goodwyfe Maddox for 56 weeks 2.16.00 Paid to Goodwyfe Perkins the same 2.16.00 Paid to Goodwyfe Melson for \ aU is 11 08 00 her Chylde 2.15.00 Paid to Goodman Hill the same 2.15.00 Paid to Goodwyfe Jenkins butt for 8 weeks ' 0.08.00 May 1639 June 1639 dicto August 1639 Septli 1639. Decemb' 1639 dicto dicto 24 Paid to m' Attkins a poore Minister vpon doe' Westfeilds Certiffioate 0:01:06 15 Paid to Bowles the Beadle for 36 Saeks Coales for o' poores vse 1:16:00 21 Paid to 2 Maimed Souldiers vpon the Major Sandwitch his Certifficate 0:01:00 24 Paid to Stephen Lacey as m' Horsspooles guift 01:00:00 02 Pd to Stephen Hayes by order of a vestry vpon his petition butt to be taken as y' mony vsually giuen him att Christm" 0:10:00 18 Paid to Seuerall Poore of the Pish & some others accustomed to be gi,uen to, oute of the Comunion CoUeotions & mony Annually giuen by m' Kenrick & others as app'" by the Little Booke for thatt AcC the some of ... 18 Paid to the Poore people of o' Pish onely as the first halfe of m' John Neuill his Guift to that purpose as foil. To : John Larramoore 03 : 00 : 00 To: Stephen Lacey... 02:00:00 To: Oulde Goodman 01 18 06 is 01 10 00 07 00 00 HUl 02:00:00 To: Oulde Widdow Perkins 00:10:00 To: Oulde Widdow aU makes just 10 00 00 May 1638 19 'i , I Paid to 3 SeueraU Poore Persons at threquest of m' Willson & others 24 > 29 J 7 Paid to m'" Castle to pay for Nurssing 2 Children at Chertsey 10 Paid to m' W" Lee to pay for the 2 EUzabeths Cloath & Scooleing ... 9 Paid to Benjamin ffrancis y charges of y yong' Elizabeths Buryall ... more Pd him to cleare for Nurssing since last qrt' 29 Pd to m' w"" Lee for theld' Elizabeth this^qrt' 12 Pd to Poore Psons haueing many small Children 17 Pd to m" Castle to pay for Nurssing 2 Children at Chersey 2 . 17 . 04 Decemb' 1638 18 Paid to m' James Roach by in- treaty from m'Bakero' Pson 00:02:00 24 Paid to m'" Castle for the 2 Children at Cherssey ... 02:17:04 Paid alsoe to m' wm Lee for thelder Eliza: qrt'idge ... 01 :06 :08 30 Paid to m'" Castle for the 2 ChUdren at Chersey ... 2 . 1 7 . 04 01 Paid to m' w"" Lee for Elizabeth this qrtr 1.06.08 10 Paid Goodiff Madox & Stephen Lacey for Nurssing & BurieU Charges off a Chylde founde y' 6* None & dyde y' 10* dicto as app" by thaco" ... 03 0 06 06 July 1638 dicto August 1638 Sept' 1638. Nou' 1638 dicto dicto March 1639 ApriU 1639 dicto 2:17:04 2:17:04 1.02.10 0.06.08. 01.06:08 0:04:00 07 04 02 aU is 04 08 00 04 06 00 aUis04 04 00 dicto January 1639 March 1640 ApriU 1640 dioto Maddox 00:10:00 To: Oulde Widdow Jenkins 00:10:00 To: ffrancis Shelley an ould Pishon ... 01:10:00, 20 To:m'" Jarmin a poore Pishon' att m'" Tennts request as ptt of her ffather N[e]uill his 20* guift to the Pish fo' that purpose as is nex' aboue exprest 08 Paid to Tho: Harding Baker for y Poores bread m' horspooles guift 27 Pd one JohnLecester a Scoolemaster recomended by m' Willson & others 2 Paid to Seuerall Poore of the Pish & some others accostmed to be remembred at this tyme of the yeare as appears by the little booke Paid thremainder of m' Jno Neuills guift of 20' as foU 01 00 00 02 12 00 0 05 00 07 12 00 To .lohn Larramer 2:10:00^ To Stephen Lacey 1:10:00 To Oulde goodman Hill ... 1:10:00 To Widdow Maddox ... 0:10:00 > To Widdow Perkins 0:10:00 To Widdow Jenkins 0:10:00 aU makes 09 00 00 To ffrances Shelly 0:10:00 To Jermin a poore & sick Pishon' 1:00:00 To widdow Wells 0:10:00^ 076 08 08 14 06 1 58.b.) Man 1639 Thaccoumpte of Mathew Feme church warden an 1639 his Rec'" ffor y" vse of the Parrish as foil : 15 Rod. of my Predioessor m' W"" Lee ffor soe Re maining as Stock appering more at Large by his Accoumpte next precedent , 06 15 02 90 July 1639 dicto Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. 07 10 00 Octob' 1639 dicto dicto 10 Red. of the WorP" Company of Draps for Mid som' quarter Charges of dayly Morneing Prayer being the Guift of m' John Kendrick drap 15 Red. of Nic" HaU by thands of Nic Bales for Mid. qrtrs Rent 3.06.08 Of m" Mednall for the same oc casion of Rent 4:03 :04 V is 20 00 00 Of Thexecutors of o' Tennant m' drip well late deceased ... 6 : 13 :04 Of m' StockweU Tennant for Mid: qrtrs Rent alsoe 5:16:08' 16 Red. of m' Hall by thands of m' Dobson for Mica: qrtrsRent... 03:06:08 23 Of m' HipweUs Exeeuto" for Rent alsoe 06:13:04 Of m" Mednall for Miohaellmas qrtrsRent 04:03:04 Of m' StockweU for the same occasion ... ... ... 05:16:08 23 Red. of Worp" Company Draps for MiehaeUmas qrtrs Charge of 6 Clock dayly morneing prayer being m' John Kendricks guifte 07 10 00 is 20 00 00 0:11:08 0800080808 aUis 04 06 00 :00 Decemb' 1639 18 Accoumpted w"" Stephen Lacey att a Vestrey then helde for dyvers occasions & toucheing his Receiueing of Buryall monyes as foil ffor m'" An y Lady Mowlsons kinswoman... ffor soe he Red for m" Gas- koynes BuryaU 0:11 ffor m' Hyndes Chyldes BuriaU 0:08 ffor m' Whitcherlyes Buryall ... 0:11 ffor m' Hammons Buryall ... 0:11 ffor m" Woodgates Buryall ... 0:11 ffor m' Hawkes his Chylds buryaU 0:08 ffor m' Hainsworth his Buryall 0 : 11 :08 January 1639 13, Red: of the worP" Comp: Draps for Christmas qrtr charge of 6 Clock dayly morning prayer being m' Jn° Kendricks guift, I say Red by the hands of m' TrimneU theire Rente' .. 07 10 00 dicto 17 Red: Nio° HaU by thands of m' dobson for Christm' qrtrs Rent 03:06:08 Of m' Humfry Stoekwell for thelyke 05:16:08 1 20 00 00 Of m' HipweUs Executors for the same 06:13:04 Of m" Mednall alsoe for the same occasion 04 : 03 : 04 ffeb' 1639 05 Reed: of m' BromhaU for his Chyldes BuryaU 0:08:04 dicto 7 Red: of m' DaUison for EUz: his Chylde BuryaU.,. ...0:08:04 dicto 15 Red: of m' George Goodday for y buriall Grownde of m' Strutt in y syde chappell 1 : 05 : 00 for the kneUof the greate bell 0:05:00 March 1640 31 Rod: of the Clerke for the buryall grownde of m' ffrancklins Chyld 0 08 04 Aprill 1640 11 Red: of the wo'pU Comp: Draps being the gift of m' Jn° Ken[d]rick for 6 a Clock weekly morning prayer & is for Lady dayes qrtr ... 07 10 00 is 20 00 00 0:08:04 V is 00 16 08 0:08:04. 124 12 10 103 04 05i 021 08 04i 02 15 08 aUis 02 06 08 dicto 16 Red: of Humfry StockweU for Lady dayes qrtrs Rent ... 06 : 16 : 08 Of m' HipweUs Executors for thelyke 6:13:04 1 Of m" Sarah Mednall alsoe for the same 4:03:04 Of Nic HaU for his qrtrs Rent then dew 3:06:08 dicto 17 Of m' Jasp Sellwin for y buriall of his Chylde in the Church ... May 1640 04 Of m' Rogers for the buryall Grownde for his Seruant Red to thacC of the Parrish Stock Paide to thacc & vse of the Pish as p Contra ... Resting as Pish Stock for thuse thereof more by soe Resting dew to the Poore as appT" by the p'eedente pages Paid the 7"' May 1640 to m' Edmond Vnderwood succedingChurchwarden... 024 04 OOJ This acompt Acompt was Audiated this 7"" of may 1640 by vs whose names are vnder written. Thomas forman Thomas Carleton Jo" Roberts John Rushton WiUiam WUliamson Gilbert Morewood i»».a.) Thaccoumpte of Mathew Feme church warden an 1639 by way of his Pay ments made to & for thuse of y Parrish as foil : Ap'iU 1639 26 Paid for the Booke Articles & his Maties Injunctions ... 00:01:06 paid toward a dinner thatt day 0 : 08 : 00 May 1639 10 Paid to m' Dallison for make- V aU is 01 12 10 ing of Bonds & asseasmts . 0 : 10 :00 dicto 14 Paid Toward thaudiet dynner as is allowed 0:13:04 dicto 17 Paid to m' George Harwood for soe he lent toward threpaires of the Church 10 00 00 dicto 23 Paid for Poyntes for the Pream bulation day 0:03:00 I Paid for a dinner att the Castle Tauerne the same day ...2:04:03^18 02 07 U pd for thinhibition of a new presentm' & dd m' dawson himselfe 00:08 28 paid to Lacey as app'" by his dioto 02:07:00 June 1639 dicto 0:01:06, 0:01:00 2:00:00 bill of Charges this yeare. 29 paid for fastning Curtaine Rod hookes ouer an vpp window at Church 12 Paid for dd in the presentm' to y 5 Articles 15 pd to m' George Webb as app" by his bill 18 pd to an Officer for comeing aboute the Poores asseasment 0 :02 :00 21 paid m' Hunt vphoulster for 6 Quishings 0:11:00 27 paid m' ffloode & m' Jermin for viewing 6' & spent ij' vj" 0 : 07 : 06 paid m' Jaye Skauenger for Ladysqrtr 0:02:00 02 08 06 >aUis 03 03 06 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. 91 July 1639 dicto dicto dicto dicto aU is 04 12 02 00 14 06 10 Paid m' Josuah WiUson for Mid' qrtrs reading 6 Clock dayle morning Prayer 05 00 00 16 Pd Stephen Lacey for his whole years allowanoe for his attendance vpon the same... 06 00 00 Paid for soe was spent among and vpon the Tennants ... 00:06:00 23 Paid m' vnder Treasur' of thospetall for maymed Souldiers 01:14:08 24 Paid in Charges aboute viewing the Wall twiit thland of S' Symond Bas kervile & y Parish as app" vpon thorder 02:11:06 25 Paid m'. fforeman m' Harwood & m' Norcott att Sealing & deliuery of a New Pheffm' of the Pish land in ffieet streete some of 0:10:00, pd more in Charges at S' Rob' Riche his Chamb" iij" & spent vpon them 18" ... 0:04:06. August 1639 03 pd for Ringing by Order vpon his Ma"'" returne oute of the north 0:05:00 5 pd m' DaUison Scribe as app" byhisbiU 2:01:00 20 Paid for the view day Dynner being made vpon 28 an eitraordinary occasion 02 2 Pd to Nic Hall orderd att Vestry to be giuen him in Charrity Pd in Charges to prevent a Womans labour or cryeing oute in o' Pish dicto 27 Pd in Charges for absolueing m' Lee m' Blackwell m' Hobbs & my Selfe excomu nicated for not redeliuering Easte's presentm' when as itt was butt m' Dawsons omition as app" aboue ... 0:13:04 , dicto 29 Paid ouer to the vse of the Poore as being Miohaellmas halfe yearly alloweance vpon S' Peter Leameres 100' & S' Tho. Mowlsons 20' dictodicto Decemb' 1639 dicto dicto dicto dictodicto Septe 1639 is 02 06 00 02 06 01:00:00 0:02:00 aUis 01 15 04 Octob' 1639 dicto 0 = 03=03jl ilj^ 02 14 dicto Stocks for y' vse 11 Paid m' Jaye Skavenger biU Christmas 00:06:00 pd Lacey for deUuering In the 6 Articles presentmt 00 :01 :00 23 paid & spent vpon the Tennants att Michaell qrtr Rec'" Paid m' Taylor Rent' of Bartlemews Hospetall & is for y" quitt Rent of y Pish Land in ffleete streete phis Re" 01:03:04 Paid for Bell Roapes as app'" by his Note & Re" 01 :00:10 24 Paid m' Josua WUlson ffor 6 Clock dayly morneing Prayer being m' Kenricks gift ... 06 03 00 00 05^ 00 00 None 1639 05 Paid Lacey ffor Ringers aU the day pd Pearsivall an Officer for warning myselfe & Peed' to Guylde HaU aboute the Poores Seasment 19 pd for Ring" ij' vj" & p" m' fforeman xij" for expences 28 pd m' Tucker Plum' for worke & new lead as app" by his bill 14 paid for new hanging & mending the S" BeU as app" by the bill 18 Paid and lentStephen Lacey of Buryall Monys by Consent w""" he.is to pay to the Churchwarden by xx' a quarter 18 Paid & allowed of by the generall Consent of a Vestery then helde y' the Charges expended vpon a Peticon to my Lord Trea surer for & aboute the remoueing the Table & Receiueing the Comunion asformerly they did before the Table was turned or sett vp to the Wall dicto 20"' pd the Clerke for Rosemary & Bays for the Church... Januy 1639 06 Paid for 6 Sacks of Char coale for the vestry vse... dicto 14 Paid m' WiUson Reading 6 Clock dayly Prayer as m' Kendricks giuft 17 Paid & spent vpon the Tennants at threceipte of thrent 20 Pd in Charges in hope of recouery of 53' 4 vpon m' Owens house as ap" p biU 31 Pd to m' HaU by order of a vestery in fuU of all his requests ffeby 1639 07 Pd for makeing anew Ptition in y Chureh yard as app" p the bill pd vnto Bowles the Beadle for the Clerke of the Warde dicto 22 Pd y" Carpent' for mending y= stocks 15" 6" & y Plum' for mending y vestry Roofe March 1639 14 Paid to a Paynter as appears by his bill for seuerall occasions dicto Paid to m' fflack for Candles for m' Kendricks morne prayer 24 Paid for thuse of the Poore stock for halfe a yeare ending this p 'sent Ladyday 26 Paid the Clark for Ring" on Coronation day dicto 30 Pd Lacy for inhebition of pre sentm' 1" more for 2 Loads a Rubbish ij' & a.Parito' 1' ... 00:02:06 0:02:00 >aU is 04 01 00 0:03:06 3:13:00 \ 00:17:00 03:00:00 aUis 07 14 00 03:12:00 0:05:00 0:09:00 6:00:00 0:04:00, 5:12:00 2:00:00 the aUis 13 06 00 00:17:00 0:02:06 01:04:06 02:14:00 06:00:00 02 04 00 03:00:00 /^« ^^ ^^ OC 0:02:06 0:04:00, n2 93 AprU 1640 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. May 1640 13 Pd the WorP" Comp Draps for quitt Rent Paid m' Willson for dayly Morning prayer m' Ken- drics gift for Ladyday qrtr Paid the Smith for worke this yeare as app" by his bill 15 Paid& spent on y Tennants at the Receipt of Lrdyday qrtrsRent 20 Pd the Bricklayers & La- borou'" bill for Worke aboute the Church yard 5 pd m' Dallison his bill Paid in Charges vpon Peti con to the Parlam' for redresse of Innnovations Some totall is ... 00:03:04 \ 06:00::00 02:08:00 0:04:05 2:07:000:12:06 2:07:00' aUis 13 02 03 103 04 06i 159.b.) fol 1. Anno Dom 1640 & 1641 The Accompt of Edmond Vnderwood Churchwarden of the parish of S' Christofer in London Receipts for y" Parish Inprimis received of M' Mathew Feme as appeares by u b d the foot of his accompt for' the last yere for the Remaindo' of the parish stock then in his hands ... 021 08 04|^ Rec" of o' Tenants in ffleet street for a yeres rent ending at o' Lady day last 080 00 00 Of the wor" Company of Drapers being the gift of M' John Kendrick for reading morning praier in o' Church 030 00 00 Rec" 19"' of June 1640 of Stephen Lacie for mony due to the parish 003 00 00 Received for Burialls Rec* for M' Blackwells mans Buriall Rec" of M' Bolton for his Childs buriall Rec* for M' CuUings Childs buriall 8" 4" kneU 2' 6* .. Reo" for M' Fearne his buriall Rec* of M' feoberts for his Daughters buriall Reo" for M' Tho: Bickley his buriall Rec" for buriall of M' Williams his Sister k.. Reo" for buriall of M' Thomas Carleton 04 I60.a.) fol 2. The Accompt of Edmond Vnderwood 1640 & 1641 Paym" for the Parish " ffor the Booke of Articles 00 Towards a Dynner on the Visitacon day 00 Towards a Dynner on the Audite day ... ... ... 00 Paid for writing the Assessm" & bonds 00 Paid for Points at the Perambulation 00 Paid 14* May for a Dynner at the Castle 02 Paid M' Lacie his bUl of charges 02 Paid M' ff erne for an iron chaine 01 Paid the Clarke for the Presentments 00 Paid M' Gascoigne his mony lent to the parish 02 Paid Stephen Lacie for this yeres Salary as Clarke and Sexton 06 00 07 00 20 00 00 04 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 10 00 02 06 01 17 10 00 01 00 00 02 06 00 06 00 01 03 00 00 04 06 134 08 04^ 00 11 08 00 11 08 00 10 10 00 11 08 00 11 08 00 17 06 00 08 04 00 11 08 16 00 01 06 08 00 13 04 11 00 06 00 16 01 04 06 01 10 01 00 00 00 00 00 Lent him vpon his Complaint of his want & poverty ... 01 00 ffor Two books of prayer for the fast in June 1640 ij". a copy of the Assessem*" for the poore 1". and for Two Ind" from my Lo: Major ij' & to two poore Ministers 2" Paid M' Josua WUson for reading morning praier, being the guift of M' John Kendrick Paid by consent of a Vestry for placing Lacies sonne Apprentice w"" .... a Shoemaker in o' parish Given to a poore Minister ... Paid for the Booke of Canons Paid for mending the branch in the Church Paid for mending & new making many of the Bucketts Paid for the thanksgiving for the Queenes delivery To the Ringers for the Queenes delivery Paid the Surveyers on the view day Paid for a Dynner on the view day Spent on the Tenants ... ... ... Paid for Two brasse pieces to sett at the bounds of the parish 00 10 00 Paid for Three Chaldron of Coales — this beionga to tbe poores accompt there entred .. . Paid M' Saintlow for wyne in M' ffernes yere Paid the Scavenger Spent on M' Ansley o' Parson at ffulham Paid M' Lacies Boat hire to ffulham I60.b.) fol 3. The Account of Edmond Vnderwood 1640 & 1641 Paid for mending the Bells as by notes ... Paid for ropes for the Bells Paid the Smith for Two new Clappers, & for bolts & other iron worke ... ... ... Paid for the Praier for his Ma*'.' ... ... Paid Clement Vnderwood for maymed souldiers Paid for severall charges when we dyned at ffulham w"' M' Hansley Given to Two men for their Ransome Given to one to read service ... Paid Lacie his charges to ffulham ... ... Paid Lacie for delivery of the Presentments Paid M' Tailo' Reo' for S' Barth: HospitaU for quit rent for o' Land in ffleetstreet called the Angell & hoop Sp' on o' Tenants receiving Michas rent ... Paid for a Dynner by consent of the parish at M' Saintlowes ... Paid M' Haydon for a sermon ... ... Paid M' Jones for Two sermons 20" To M' Simpson for 4 sermons 40" M' Nelson 3 sermons 30' M' Harlow 1 sermon 10' M' Defflngham 1 sermon 10' M' Constable 1 sermon 10' M' RandaU 10' 06 10 00 Paid M' Williamson for charges by him laid out about the parish busines & 3 sermons as by his notes Paid the Ringers when the King came out of y= North... Paid for sixe sacks of Charcoales ... ... Paid for Matts to M' Webb Paid for 4 books of the ffast To M' Johnson a poore Minister Paid the Ringers 17"' November Paid for a Lanthorne for o' Church Paid for Rosemary & bales Paid the Scavenger for the Church Paid M' Cartwright for his charges comying vp agreed by Vestrey 10 00 00 00 00 00 04 13 04 00 04 00 01 16 00 00 02 00 51 16 09 u 3 d 06 10 00 00 06 06 03 11 00 00 01 00 01 14 00 02 07 00 00 04 00 00 02 00 00 03 06 00 01 00 01 03 04 00 04 06 06 02 04 00 10 00 06 00 00 00 06 00 00 12 10 00 14 00 00 03 08 00 02 00 00 02 06 00 12 00 00 05 00 00 04 00 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 93 00 09 06 00 12 06 02 00 00 00 02 04 52 06 06 Given Two poore Ministers recomended by M' Ansley and M' Wilson Paid for mending the Church windowes Paid the Carpenter for worke done in the Church Paid for a Warr' sent to appeare about Croshawes mony at GuUdhall 1' and other charges 1' 4" i6i.a.) fol: 4. The Accompt of Edmond Vnderwood: 1640 & 1641 Paid for the vse of the poores stock being 100" of S' Peter Le Maire & 20" S' Thomas Mowlson at 5" p Cent for a whole yere ending at o' Lady day ... 06 00 00 Gvien to M' John Jerman at M' WUsons intreaty ... 00 02 06 Paid M' Webb for altering a pew 00 05 00 Given Stephen Lacie vpon complaint of his poverty neere his death 00 12 06 Given to Edward Tarbie by M' Ansleys intreaty ... 00 05 00 Paid for a Stone sett vp at S' W"" Middletons further part of the bounds of the Parish 00 05 00 Paid M'i' Lacie for charge of her husbands buriaU ... 01 10 00 Spent in charges at the Castle 00 02 03 Paid the Ringers on Coronation day 00 06 08 Paid the Bricklaier for the Church 01 00 00 Paid the Sinith 01 01 00 To the Grave maker for Lacie 00 01 00 ffor Broomes 00 02 06 Paid the Pavier for paving the street before y" church... 02 08 06 Paid M' fflack for Candles for the yere 05 00 00 Paid for ropes more for the beUs 00 10 06 Paid M' Saintlow as appeares by his notes for wyne ... 04 11 00 Paid mony which I lent towards repayring y" church ... 05 00 00 Paid M'" ffeme mony lent by her husband towards repaire of the Chureh 04 00 00 To a Counoello' for recovering the poores mony of such as refused to pay 10' & an Officer 2' 6* 00 12 06 ffor amending the Leads in the Church 00 16 08 Spent on the Tenants receiving Lady dales Rent ... 00 06 00 34 M" at the auditing of this accompt it was ordered by the Audito" that the Ten pownds menconed in this accompt to be disbursed for M' Cartwrights charges comyng vp. & Three pownds parcel of the Sixe- pownds paid M' Williamson w'*"he laid out to one that went a Journey to bring vp M' Cartwright shalbe aUowed & paid to the succeeding Churchwardens in convenient tyme out of the monies lent by the Parishion" towards repaire of the Church pro- porconably, (whereof M' Vnderwood allowed Ten shUlings out of his ffive pownds) I6i.b.) fol: 5. The Accompt of Edmond Vnderwood 1640 & 1641 Receipts for the vse of the Poore Received of the Parish for the vse of the Poore as by the perticulers Received of the Company of Drapers being the guift of M' John Kendrick Received of the parish stock for the vse of One hundred pownds given by S' Peter Le Maire ffive pownds & for vse of Twenty pownds given by S' Thomas 1 Mowlson Twenty shillings Received at the Comunions the whole yere 17 07 30 03 06 03 06 00 0016 08 00 00 03 Received of M' Tooly being the guift of M' Horspoole... Rec" of the wor" Company of MarchantaUo'" being the guif t of M''" Parsons Rec" of Bowles the Beadle of Broad street Ward from the Company of Ironmongers as the guift of M''" Margarett Dayne Rec" of the Lady Moulson, S' Peter Richaut and M' Maidwell for their licenses to eate flesh vj" vuj" a piece Rec" of M' Feme for the Remaynder of the poores stock in his hands as p his accompt ... This accompt was audited the 13* of May 1641 By \ which it appeares theres rec" for the parish ... ) Disbursed for the vse of the parish So remayning to the Church stock Rec* vpon the poores accompt Disbursed for the poore Rests to the poores stock over & above their 1 20" 3.3.11 Audited by Thomas forman p me John Robei;ts John Rushton Willm Williamson Nathaniell fflacke Gilbert Morewood ie2.a.) fol: 6 The Accompt of Edmond Vnderwood 1640 & 1641 Payments made for the Poore Paid Goodwife Madox for her pention for fflfty and Two weekes ... Paid Goodwife Perkins for ffifty Two weekes Paid Goodwife Hill for ffifty Two weekes Paid Goodwife Melson for ffifty Two weekes ... Paid Goodwife Jenkins for fforty Nyne weekes Paid M' ffeme for severall charges of nursing of Children of the parish as by a note will appeare Paid M' ffeme which he gave to a Nurse for Clothes for a Child Paid Widow Layton for nursing a Child Paid Goodwife Sturgis for nursing Two children John and Anne Christofer ... ... Paid her for Clothes Paid for curing a poore child of the Ricketts Paid for buriall of Elizabeth Christofer Jun' Given the Nurse before the child was dead ffor Clothes for that Child two q'ters ... ffor Three Chaldron of Coales ... Paid to the poore at Two severall distributions as by the little booke appeareth Paid M' Harding the Baker for bread being the guift of M' Horspoole ffor a Warrant to find out a Mother for a child laid in the parish and for other charges Paid M' Goodday for mony laid out by him for Coales for the poore by consent of the parish Paid the Clarke & Sexton being the guift of M' Horspoole 04 04 00 00 10 00 00 02 00 01 00 00 02 15 08 61 14 07 139 03 04^ 139 00 10 00 02 06J 61 14 07 48 10 08 03 03 11 u s d 02 12 00 02 12 00 02 12 00 02 12 00 02 09 00 04 00 00 00 08 02 01 13 04 09 05 04 00 10 00 00 03 00 00 10 02 00 06 06 00 10 00 01 16 00 11 04 00 02 12 00 00 06 08 01 08 06 01 00 00 48 10 08 94 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. i62.b.) '^^® Accompt of George Goodday '¦ Churchwarden An" 1641 & 16' 12 The Names of the Parishon" As the Haue payd to the Lec Nowe Inhabbltinge. turer this Quarter. M' MaydweU ... .. 00 06 06 M' BlackweU ... .. 00 06 6 8' Petter Richaut .. 01 00 00 M' Robarts .. 00 06 6 M' Lammas .. 00 02 02 M' Hynd .. 00 02 6 M' Seaward .. 00 03 00 M' Blanden .. 00 02 2 M' Bayly .. 00 01 00 M'Peepes .. 00 02 6 M' Hawkes .. 00 01 06 M' Dalyson .. 00 02 6 M' Benbrioke ... .. 00 08 00 M' Morewood ... .. 00 08 8 M' Laramore Sennior . ,, M' Anis worth ... .. 00 02 6 M' Kinge ,, M' East .. 00 02 2 M'Toe .. 00 01 03 M' Sanokloe .. 00 06 6 M' Hawe .. 00 04 04 M' Webb .. 00 04 4 M' Snart .. 00 02 06 M' Brookes .. 00 01 6 S' WUUam Middelton .. 00 10 00 M'Jey .. 00 02 4 M' WilUamson ... .. 00 06 06 M' CuUen .. 00 05 0 M' Sowden .. 00 00 00 M' ffraneklyne . . .. 00 02 6 M' Mahoe .. 00 01 01 M' Laramore Junior .. 00 00 0 M' Williams .. 00 02 02 M' Ridley .. 00 M" Castle .. 00 02 00 M'Malpas M' Huntt .. 00 02 02 M' English .. 00 01 1 M' Goodday .. 00 04 04 M'Ward .. 00 01 0 M' Hobbs .. 00 02 02 M' Jarman ,, M' Ruston .. 00 02 06 M' Banister .. M' Weathers ... .. 00 02 06 M' Browne .. 00 02 2 M' Hardcastle ... .. 00 03 00 M' AsteU .. 00 01 0 M' Eldred .. 00 04 06 M" Mosley .. 00 00 6 M' Burton .. 00 04 00 M' Ramant .. 00 00 6 M'Niren .. 00 04 00 M'Burd .. 00 00 6 M' fflacke .. 00 03 06 The Lady Moulson .. M' fforman .. 00 04 00 M' Graues .. 00 06 0 M'Whittinge ... .. 00 02 00 03 09 11 M' Rog's .. 00 06 06 08 09 4 M' Straford .. 00 02 06 M' Breet .. 00 .. 00 05 05 0000 Wee Rec" But .. 11 19 ~3 M' Boulton M'WaUser .. 00 02 02 Payd to m' Cartwrig ht M' Sefton the Leotoure the i )* M' BrumhaU ... .. 00 04 06 of July 1641... .. 12 10 0 M' Vaghan .. 00 04 04 M' Boulton .. 00 04 04 M' SomerfeUd ... .. 00 04 04 M'Lee .. 00 06 00 M' Vnderwood ... .. 00 06 06 M' Hamor .. 00 02 00 The Names of the Inhabitants of the Parrish as the pay to Mr. Cranford Lecturar quart'ly. 1641 M' MeadweU M' BrumhaU ... 00 04 6 S' Petter Richout M' Vaughan .. 00 10 0 M' Lammas .. 00 03 0 M' Boulton .. 00 05 0 M' Sheaward .. 00 04 0 M'Lee .. 00 10 0 M' Bayley .. 00 02 0 M' Som'feUd ... .. 00 05 0 M' Hawkes .. 00 02 0 M' Vnd'wood ... .. 00 10 0 M' Benbrioke .. 00 08 0 M' Hamor .. 00 04 0 M' Laramore M'WoUiston ... .. 00 10 0 M' Kinge .. 00 10 0 W' BlackweU ... .. 00 07 6 M'Toep .. 00 02 0 M' Robarts .. 00 16 0 M' Hawe .. 00 04 0 M'Hynde .. 00 04 0 M' Snart .. 00 03 6 M'Blunden .. 00 03 0 S' W""" Middleton M'Peepes .. 00 05 0 M' Williamson ... .. 01 00 0 M' Dalyson .. 00 05 0 y" Lady Moulson .. 02 10 0 M' Morewood .. 00 10 0 M' Sowden .. 00 00 0 M'Ainesworth ... .. 00 05 0 M' Mahoe... 00 01 4 M' East ... M' Willeams .'.. 00 02 0 M' Sanckloe M" Castle... 00 05 0 M' Webb ... M' Huntt... ... 00 05 0 M' Brooks M" Goodday ... 00 10 0 M' Jey ... M' Elkine p ... 00 01 0 M' CuUen... M' Hobbes ... 00 04 0 M' ffraneklyne M' Ruston ... 00 07 6 M' Laramore M' Weath's ... 00 06 0 M' Ridley... M' Abbott • *• M' Malpas M' Eldred ... 00 05 0 M' English M' Graues p ... 00 05 0 M'Ward ... M' Niren p ... 00 03 0 M' Jarman M' Whittinge . ... 00 03 0 M' Banister M' fflacke... ... 00 07 6 M' Raymant M' fforman ... 00 04 0 M" Browne M' Burton ... 00 05 0 M' AsteU ... M' Coker ... . Rdlo. 00 06 0 M" Mosley M' Straford . M'Burd ... M' Breet ... 00 05 0 M' Boulton ... 00 10 0 M' Walker ... 00 02 6 00 05 0 00 15 0 00 10 0 00 01 6 00 05 0 00 02 6 00 02 6 00 01 3 00 01 0 00 01 0 00 01 0 00 01 0 00 02 0 00 00 6 63.b. 00 22 60 08 These are y" names of those that haue not payd to m' Cranford viz gr -^m Middleton S' Pett' Richout M' Maydwell M' CuUen M' Straford The Accountt of M' George Goodday Church Warden An" 1640 And 1641 Recepts for the Parish Rd of m' Edmund Vnd'wood fo' y Chureh Stocke as App'eth Rd for 3 quart'" of A yeare of y wor" Draps fo' y Gift m' Kendrieke Rd for 3 quart" Rent of y Tennants in ffleet Street ... Rd of m' Henery Benbrioke fo' his fyne of Cunstable & questman ... ... Receued fo' Burialls Rd fo' m' Heaths kneU Rd f o' m" Mead wells Ground & kueU Rdfo'm' Weath's Child Ground Rd fo' m" Cuffes Ground & kneU Rd fo' m" Smyths kneU Rd fo' m' fflacks Dowght" BuriaU Rd fo' m' Georg Gooddys Churchwarden his Buriall Rd fo' m' Shewards Child BuriaU Rd f o' m" Baldynes BuriaU Recepts f o' the Poore Rd of m' vnd'wood as Apeareth by the ffoote of Account Rd of y'= wor" Comp. Draps for 3 qut' yeare m' Kendrieke Rd of the parrish for yi^ poore Rd of m' Garfoot fo' m' Horspoole Rd for S' Pett' Lemere J yeare Rd of the Marchantaylo" for m" Parsons Gift ... Rd of m" Prage 02 6^ 10 00 00 0 90 12 6^ 00 05 0 00 15 10 00 10 0 00 16 8 00 06 8 00 13 4 00 16 8 00 13 4 00 13 4 05 10 lOi 03 03 11 e 02 05 0 33 05 4 04 04 0 02 10 0 00 10 0 00 10 0 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St Christofers in London. 93 Rd of m' Bowles fo' y= Comp. of Ironmung'" Rd for 9 Sacremts this 3 quart" of A yeare Rd by A CoUeetion one the fast day 00 02 0 07 03 5 03 04 6 56 18 2 ¦164.a.) The Account of m' George Goodday Church warden Ann" 1640 And 1641 Paym" f o' y Parish pd for 17 sacks ould cole pd for 2 peale's of on' bells when wee were att Dinnr pd to m' Boules for a warrant to Cease pd y Clarkes wags of y" ward ... pd to A poore Freshman pd for A warant to Cease S' Pett' Richout & y= Lady Moulson pd m' Williamson fo' y ord' fo' y Protestation pd m' Gray A pson of Glostersheire pd Pidgion for Ambulation poynts pd S' Nico Rayntons Clarke for his m' Hand to Ceassment pd m' Sanckloe fo' Ambulation Dinn' pd for y Auditt Dinn' ... pd Henden a poore man pd fo' Ringinge a peU when wee were at Dinn'... pd y Treasure fo' maimed Sould"... pd m" Smyth fo' her husband pd m' Drap Curatt for 3 quart'" a yeare fo' Kendrieke pd the Clarke w"" Mercer fo' his 3 quart'" fo' Kendrieke pd to Hawks a poore pson pd to A poore minist' of HoUand pd for the vewe Dinn' pd y' Carpint' & Brickler for there Attendance... pd & spent vpon on' Tennants ... pd to m' Cartwright fo' money that was Rd. short pd for on' Goeinge to ffuUam pd to poore marinars pd to m' Attkinson a poore minist' pd to m' Cranford for preachinge pd to m' Goodyeare & m' Coleman fo' preachinge pd to m' Cranford for preaching pd y" Scaveng' fo' A whole yeare pd m' Cranford fo' preaching pd m' Vincent fo' preachinge pd m' Davis a poore pson pd 2 poore psons pd m' Jaggard fo' 2 sermons pd for 3 books of Mart" pd to m' Jackson w* his Sister in Lawe lent pd to m' Burkett y= Carpent' p note pd to A poore jerman pd Dysmond Vandrake a Strang' pd & spent on ou' Tennants in fleet street pd to m' Tucke' the plum' p note pd to S' Barthlemews hospitaU pd to 3 shipracke men pd to 2 poore men & 2 poore psons pd to 2 poore marina" pd m' AsteU Glassiar p note pd y paynt' p 2 bills pd m' Parker y Brickley' p note 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 000300 00 0001 00 15 03000003 00 0000 00 00 000202 0200 06 0000 00 01 030301 00 0000 0001 0000 00 000301 17 02 02 02 01 02 02 01 04 0109 1301 02 14 01 00 15 01 0202 06 04 10 03 02 02 000000 12 00 10 01 03 00 000004020107 18 03 0204 03 1812 03 pd for 2 books Pett' Mart' & WiUets Sinopsis pd y= Clarke w"" Mercer p note pd m' Bayley y Smyth p note ^^*-''') The Accountt of George Goodday Church Warden An" 1640 And 1641 Paym" f o' y Parish pd to m' Evans y" Plasterar p note pd m' Ward the Joyner p note ... pd & spent vpon the Tennants pd the Clarke for Coveringe 4 graues pd for Eipencs to Peoklsham pd to my selfe for money Lent y" Church pd for \ C tilles fo' y Church pd to m' Ward for worke pd m' WaUes Bill for tiles & mort' p note 01 13 0 01 15 11 05 14 0 70 14 7 00 18 0 26 00 0 00 05 3 00 09 4 04 00 0 04 00 0 00 03 0 00 04 0 01 14 1 37 13 8 i66.a.) The Aeoountt of m' George Goodday Church An" 1640 And 1641 Paymts f o' the Poore pd to Thomas HiU fo' 52 weekes at 18" pd to widdow Jenkins 62 weekes at 12* pd to widdow Wells 62 weekes at 12* pd to old ffrauncis 52 weeks at 6" pd to widdow Melson 62 weeks at 12* pd fo' nursing 2 Children at 2' 17" 4 a qut' fo' yere pd for the Buriall George Christoph' ... pd for the Nursing of Georg Christoph' to Stephen ) Hayes viij' & to Ann Ingram viij' all ... ... i pd for Coats & oth' nesecarys for him p note pd more for a nurse Child ... pd m' Bowles for 18 sacks of Coles pd y" Bak' for m' Horspoole Gif t of bread pd the Clarke for m' Horsepoole pd ye poore for m' Horspoole pd to minist" pte of y' money Collected at y fast pd to 2 poore women out of y= same CoUexcion pd to m' Williamson to Giue away of y" same Collex^... pd to m' Bowles A Gift as Beadle pd to the poore as Appeareth in the Little Booke Warden '.!! This acompte was Audiated the 26"' of februrii 1641 and there is receued for the parish acompte Pd for the parish , Resting dew by the parish to ballance Receued for the poores vse paid to the poores vse Resting dew vnto the poore Soe that we find the parish indepted to y= poors stock 1. .. i Resting to the poore in all besids the 123.03.11 :5. 02. 8 to the poore in all p me Willm Williamson ' p me George Webbe Nathaniell fflacke W" Lee Edmund Vnderwood 03 18 0 02 12 0 02 12 0 01 06 0 02 12 0 11 09 4 00 02 6 00 16 0 00 13 2 00 10 2 00 18 0 02 12 0 01 00 0 00 12 0 01 10 0 00 10 0 00 10 0 00 02 6 06 04 6 39 10 2 096 03 04J 108 08 03 012 04 11 066 17 09 039 10 02 017 07 07i 012 04 11 128 06 07 140 11 06 96 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. I66.b,) The names of the Parishion" who pay to M' James Cranford o' Lecturer w* the somes by them paid for the quarter ending at Lady day 1642 M' John Hansley Rector 07 10 00 M' Geo ffranckling ... 00 02 6 M' John Saintlow ... 00 15 00 M' Jarman 00 01 0 M' George Webb ... 00 10 00 M'Tho:Peapes ... 00 05 0 M' GUbert Morewood ... 00 10 00 M' George BromhaU ... 00 03 0 M' Henry Eynsworth... 00 05 00 M'Ward 00 01 0 M' Humfrey Blunden... 00 04 00 M'" Mosley 00 01 6 M' Joseph BlackweU ... 00 07 06 M' William King ... 00 10 00 M' Thomas Hamor ... 00 04 00 M' NathanieU ffiack ... 00 07 06 M' WUliam Lee ... 00 10 00 M' Hynd 00 04 00 M' Joseph Vaughan ... 00 10 00 M' Stephen Jaye ... 00 05 00 M' John Brett 00 10 00 M' ... ... 00 01 00 M' Stephen Bolton ... 00 10 00 cuected of the pari- 00 00 04' M' John Lammas M' BaiUe M' John Hawe... M' Thomas fforman M"" Browne M' Hawkes M' Burton M' George Graves M' Withers Martyn Dallison M' John Rushton 00 03 00 00 02 00 00 04 00 shion" Short of the monyes pmised to m' Cranford for a q'ters 00 04 00 igj.t^j,e 04 08 8 00 01 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 00 rpjjese are the names of those that 00 05 00 jj^^g ^^^ p^jij ^^ ^, Cranford 06 05 00 8' WiUiam Middleton 00 07 06 00 07 06 S' Peter Richaut M' Toby Maidwell M' Henry Bainbrigg ... 00 08 00 M' Edmund Vnderwood M' Tho CuUing M' WUUam Stratford M' Coker M' Toe M' Peter Eldred M' WiUiams ... M' Majo M' John Brooke M' Jeremy East M" Goodday ... M' Thomas Snart M' Roger Hunt... 01 02 00 00 06 00 00 02 00 00 01 04 00 01 06 00 06 00 00 10 00 00 03 00 00 05 00 M' WUliam WiUiamson 01 00 00 M' WiUiam She ward ... 00 04 00 M' Mathew Whiting ... 00 03 00 M' William Som'feUd... 00 04 00 M' John Roberts ... 00 15 00 M' Thomas Bolton ... 00 06 00 M' Walker 00 02 06 M' Thomas Hobbs ... 00 04 00 M' Richard WoUaston... 00 10 00 M' ... 00 02 00 M'Nyren 00 03 00 The Lady Moulson ... 02 10 00 M'Bird 00 01 00 lee.a.) The names of the Parishioners who pay to M' James Cranford o' Leeturer with the somes by them paid for the quarter ending at Midsomer 1642 M' John Hansley Rector 07 10 00 M' John Saintlow ... 00 16 00 M' Thomas Pepis ... 00 06 00 Martyn Dallison ... 00 07 06 M' Gilbert Morewood... 00 10 00 M' Walker 00 02 06 M' Coker 00 10 00 M' WiUiam Sheward ... 00 04 00 M' Thomas fforman ... 00 04 00 M' Bailie 00 02 00 M' NathanieU fflack ... 00 07 06 M' Browne ... ,,. 00 01 00 M' Hawkes 00 02 06 M' Richara Abooii ... 00 10 00 M' George BromhaU M' John Hind ... M' Henry Eynsworth M' Rich : WooUaston M' John Roberts M' Humfrey Blunden M' Jc Brooke ... M' Ridley M' Stephen Joy M' AUeyne 00 03 00 00 04 00 00 06 00 00 10 00 00 16 00 00 04 00 00 01 06 00 02 05 00 06 00 00 02 06 02 12 05 03 03 08 05 16 01 M' George ffranckling... 00 02 06 Collected of the Pari- ' M' English 00 01 06 shion" short of the i M' John Rushton 00 07 06 monies promised to M' >04 3 11 M' John Hawe 00 04 00 Cranford for a q'ters ' M'EUyn 00 00 01 05 00'00 Lecture M''" Castle 30 00 00 M' Rich WilUams 00 02 06 M'.Majo M"' George Webb 00 01 04 These are the names of those that 00 10 00 have not paid to M' Cranford this M' Joseph BlackweU ... 00 10 00 q'ter. viz'. M' Thomas Snart 00 03 04 8' WUUam Middleton ... M' WiUiam Lee 00 10 00 S' Peter Richaut M' Tho: Bolton 00 06 00 M' Toby MaidweU M' Joseph Vaughan ... 00 10 00 M' Peter Eldred M' Mathew Whiting ... 00 03 00 M' W"" Stratford M' WiUiam WiUiamson 01 00 00 M' Stephen Bolton M' Jeremie East 00 05 00 M' John Brett M' WUliam King 00 10 00 M' Edm: Vnderwood ... The Lady Moulson 02 10 00 M' Tho Culling M''' Goodday 00 10 00 M'Toe 00 02 00 M' Geo Graves 00 06 00 M' Burton 00 05 00 M' Bainbrigg 00 08 00 M' John Lammas 00 03 00 M' Tho AsteU 00 02 00 M' Roger Hunt 00 06 00 M' Thomas Hobbs 00 04 00 M' Withers 00 06 00 M' Niren 00 05 00 M' William Som'feUd ... 00 04 00 M' Tho Hamor 00 04 00 03 03 8 i66,b.) The names of the Parishioners who pay to M' James Cranford o' Lecturer, w"" the s'omes by them paid for the q'ter ending at Michaelmas last 1642 M' John Anslow Recto' M' John Saintlow M' Martyn Dallison ... M' Joseph Blackwell ... M' William Lee M' Thomas Bolton M' Joseph Vaughan ... M' John Lammas M' Bailey M'Bird M' Thomas Bingham ... M' Nathaniell fflaok ... M' George Graves M' John Rushton M' Towe M'Elkyn M''' Goodday M' William WiUiamson M''" Sara CasteU M'Niren M' John Brooke M' Richard Abbott ... M' Thomas Muschamp M' Thomas fforman ... M' Thomas Snart M' WiUiams M' Thomas Hamor M' Gilbert Morewood ... M' George Bromhall ... M' Walker -. 070000 00 00 0000 00 10 00 16 00 07 10 10 00 10 00 05 00 10 00 03 00 00 02 00 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 07 06 00 06 00 00 07 6 00 02 00 00 01 00 00 10 00 00 00 06 00 05 00 01 6 10 00 00 06 00 00 04 00 00 03 6 00 02 00 04 00 10 00 03 00 02 M''' Allen 00 02 6 M'— 00 00 00 M' WiUiam Som'feUd ... 00 04 00 M' Hawkes 00 02 06 M' AsteU 00 02 00 Captayne WoUaston ... 00 10 00 M' Edward Ridley ... 00 02 05 M' Henry Enisworth ... 00 05 00 04 15 01 Collected of the Parish ion" short of the | monyes pmised m' > 05 04 U Cranford for a q'ters | Lecture 00 00 00 0100 0000 00 6 00 00 00 6 These are the names that haue not paid to m' Cranford this quarter,- viz' : — gr -^m Middleton S' Peter Richard M' Toby Maidwell M' Peter Eldred M' W"" Stratford M' Stephen Bolton M' John Breet M' Edm Vnd'wood M' Th". CuUing Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 97 M' Edmund Coker M' Sheward M'i" EngUsh The lady Moulson M' Maio M' George webb M' Humfrey Blunden... M' John Robert s M' Henry Bainbrigg ... M' Thomas Hobbs M' Mathew whiting ... M' Jeremy East M' John Hawe ; M' W-" Withers M' Burton M' John Hind M' Stephen Jay 00 06 00 00 04 00 00 01 6 02 10 00 00 01 04 00 10 00 00 04 00 00 16 00 00 08 00 00 04 00 00 03 00 00 05 00 00 04 00 00 05 00 00 06 00 00 04 00 00 05 00 l67.a.) The names of the Parishioners who pay to M' James Cranford o' Lecturer w* the somes by them paid for the quarter ending at Christmas last 1642 'M' John Ansley Recto' 07 10 00 These are y names of M' John Saintlow 00 15 00 those y' haue not payd M' Martyn DaUison ... 00 07 06 this quart' towards M' John Hind 00 04 00 M' Cranfords Lecture M' Jos: BlackweU 00 10 00 M' Tho: Hamor 00 04 00 M' Ainesworth M'W-^Lee 00 10 00 M' ffraneklyne M' W" SomerfeUd ... 00 04 00 M' Maydwell M' Thomas Bolton 00 05 00 S' Peter Richout M' Joseph Vaughan ... 00 10 00 M' Kinge M' Walker 00 02 06 S' W" Midleton M' Sheward 00 04 00 M" Eldrid M' Bayley 00 02 00 M' CuUen M' Burton 00 06 00 M' Stratford M'Grawes 00 05 00 M' Stephen Boulton M' Ruston 00 07 06 Capt E. Breet M'LawdeU 00 10 00 M' BrumhaU M'WUliams 00 02 06 M' Vnd'wood M' Mahoe 00 01 04 M' Webb 00 10 00 M' Robarts 00 15 00 M' Cocker 00 05 00 M'Peepes 00 10 00 M' Abbott 00 10 00 M' fflacke 00 07 06 M' Goodday 00 10 00 M' Brookes 00 01 06 M' Elkine 00 01 00 M' fforman 00 04 00 M'Whittinge 00 03 00 M' Morewood 00 10 00 M' Muschamy 00 10 00 M' Hawkes 00 02 06 M' English 00 01 06 M'Joy 00 05 00 M'Toe 00 02 00 M'Niren 00 05 00 M' Smart 00 03 06 M' WUliamson 01 00 00 M'Hawe 00 04 00 M' AsteU 00 02 00 M' Weath's 00 06 00 The Lady Moulson 02 10 00 M' Lammas 00 03 00 M' Ridley 00 02 06 M' East ... 00 05 00 M' Hobes ... 00 04 00 M' Banbricke ... ... 00 08 00 M" Castle ... 00 05 00 M'BlundeU ... ... 00 04 00 Collected of y Parri- son" of Christoph" fo' m' Cranfords Lecture this quart' ending att Crismas Last past ... 04 18 04 u iB d 100 00 00 041 06 00 004 04 00 000 10 00 04 18 04 Wantinge of this quar- t" Collection for m' Cranfords quart'ige ... 06 01 08 Anno Dni 1641 & Anno Dm 1642 I87.b.) The Accompt of John Saintlow Church Warden for one yere and a quarter ended att or about our Lady day 1643 the odd quarters service being occasioned by the death of his predecessor M' George Goodday Receipts for the Parish Of the Tenannts in ffleete streete for 5 Quarters rent ended att our Lady day 1643 Of the Company of Drapers for 5 quarters of a yere reading of morning prayer &c being the guift of M' Kenrick Of the guift of M' Symon Horsepoole Of the Company of MerchanttaUors for M" Parsons guift Of M' Vade for toleracon of the lights of his howse called by the signe of Jerusalem ffor a deske w"'' was in the middle of the Church Of the Beadle of Broad streete Ward Receipts for buryalls ffor the duties of M' Mildmayes child w""" was buryed in the Countrey ffor the buryall of M" Joy & the ground and knell ffor the buryall of M' Sowdens child ffor the buryall of M' Hamores child ffor the buryall of M' Hawkes his child ffor the buryall of M' ffrancklins child ffor the buryall of M' Bell one of the Scotts Comissioners buryed in the body of the Church & for ringing the bells ffor M' Bells monument place ... ffor the knell at M' Brownes buryall ffor the ground and knell of M' Brothwick a Minister and one of the Scotts Commissioners who lyeth buryed in the north lie of the Channoell ffor the buryaU of M' Peter Eldred & for the ground & kneU ffor the buryall of a child of M' Eldreds & the ground & kneU ffor the buryall of M" HiU & for the ground & knell ... ffor M" Hobbs her knell I68.a.) The contynuaunce of the accompt Receaued att the Sacram' Collections in theis 5 quarters " The somme totall of the Sacram' Collections is ... The Totall of all the former Receipts is... Payments for the parish ffor M' Goodday es Audite Dynner To M' fflack for candles spent in M' Gooddayes three quarters To the Renter warden of the Drapers w"* was due in M' Gooddayes time 000 10 00 000 04 00 000 02 00 146 15 00 000 10 00 000 11 00 000 07 08 000 07 08 000 07 08 000 02 00 001 06 08 006 13 04 000 03 04 001 13 04 000 11 00 000 07 08 000 13 04 000 03 04 013 18 00 li 8 d 020 08 06 181 01 06 000 13 ' 04 005 00 00 000 03 04 98 Accomptes of ihe Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. ffor wyne att the Sacraments in M' Gooddayes time ffor change of bad money collected of the parishioners for Ireland ffor reading morning prayer this yere and quarter To WiUiam Mercer the parish clarke for 5 quarters of M' Kenricks allowaunce paid and spent on the Tennts in ffleet streete att 5 seu'all meetings ffor the view dynner To the Carpenter & Bricklayer for their attendaunee att the view ... ... . To M' DalUson Ser: for wryting seu'all assessements for the poore & for bonds &c in the yeres 1641 & 1642... To Mercer the Clarke for the yere 1641 as appeeres by his note To him more out of S' Simon Horsepooles guift To M' Cranford to make vpp what the coUections of his quarteridge came short of att our lady day 1642 Midsomer 1642 Michaelmas 1642 and Christmas 1642 as will appeere in the ffower sides before this accompt ... ... ... To my Lord Mayo's officer for carrying the poores roll of Assessment to his LoP Paid and spent at Westm' in soUiciting the buisines betweene m' Ainslowe & M' Cranford verte i^s.b.) ipiie Accompt of John Saintlow Paid Bartholomewes HospitaU for quit rent due to his Ma"' Paid the Drapers Company for M' Benedict Harlems guift To the Clarke of Broad streete ward ffor wyne on Sacrament dayes and fast dayes this yere and quarter ... Paid M' Harding the Baker for 62 dozen of bread being S' Symon Horsepooles guif t ... Paid M' fflack for Candles More to him for candles on Leoture dayes fast dayes pre paration dayes & for the Lanthorne at the church doore as by his note will appeere Paid to two Watchmen for watching at the Church doore 24 nights by comaund of the Lord Major ffor perambulation points ... ffor the perambulation dynner ffor the Sessement & the Aldermans warrant to collect the poores money ... To M' Vnderhill Trear for the maymed Souldiers Paid (by appointment) towards M' Cranfords bringing of his children and bcokes to London Paid M' Vaughan for monies disbursed This 10" 16' 9" was disbursed for ffees about M' Crand- fords induction Moneys repaid that were lent to the repaire of the church To my selfe To M' Rushton To M' Strangram To M" Carleton w'='' was lent by her husband To M" Eldred w* was lent by her husband 003 17 02 000 02 00 025 00 00 006 05 00 001 15 04 001 17 06 000 05 00 001 02 00 005 15 02 001 00 00 018 19 02 000 01 00 004 00 00 076 16 00 Ii s d 001 03 04 000 03 04 000 02 06 013 00 06 002 12 00 006 00 00 001 09 00 001 04 00 000 04 00 002 03 04 000 02 00 001 14 08 003 00 00 010 16 09 005 00 00 002 00 00 001 00 00 003_ 00 00 004 00 00 048 18 8 10 16 9 59 05 5 ]69.a.) The contynuannce of the Accompt Payments for worke done about the church and for other church this yere and quarter &e To M' Webb for lyning & trymming M'= Cranfords pew as p his note ... ... ... To the Carpenter for mending the church-yard-doores & for two roll[er]s and two leavers as p his note J... More to him for making a new ladder and other worke as by his note To the Glazier for his worke about the church windowes as p his note To Bay Ue the Smith as p his two notes more to him as p his note ... To the Joyner as p his notes more to him for making a new doore to the pew of M" Bolton & M" Eldred To the Bricklayer as p his note To Giles Gilbert for paynting of three Ladders and the hooke for the church ... To the Scavenger for one yere for the church ... ffor 18 sacks of Coles for the poore ffor 12 sacks of Char-coles for the Vestrie ffor two shovells 3" for a crow of iron 4' 10* for a padlock for the chayne att S' Peter Richaults gate 3" for a cord to hang the lanthorne on 9* and for an hatchett 1» 6" in toto Paid the Carpenter for making the outward doore to the churchyard & for worke done to M' ffranckUns howse as p his note & receipt ... Item paid the plaisterer Evans for worke done to M' ffrancklins howse necessaries forthe li 8 d 001 14 06 000 13 06 000 18 06 001 09 08 002 06 06 000 09 00 001 05 08 000 06 00 000 02 08 001 10 00 000 12 00 000 18 00 000 12 00 000 13 01 006 08 00 006 03 00 026 02 1 i69.b.) The Accompt of John Saintlow of receipts & payments for & to the poore Receaved as per the roll will appeere Paid To the widow Melson for 62 weekes To the widow Jenkins for 62 weekes To the widow Wells for 52 weekes To ffraunces Shelley for 52 weekes To the widow Maddox for 19 weekes To Goodman Hill for one weeke ffor 4 weekes warding att the widow Brownes howse w* w""" was visited w* the plague 28" to the Searchers of Lothbury parish 2" & towards the Charewomans wages 10" ffor nursing of John and Anne Christofer & for apparrell for them ffor a bible for Anne Christofer & for their charges to London ... To the Churchwardens of Andrew Wardrobe To a woman in the Cage who fell in labour of child bearing att the church doore Disbursed and given to poore Ministers poore Pro testants from Ireland poore Souldiers & towards redempcon of Captives as p my booke appeeres Item distributed to and among the poore of the parish and oth' poore att two seu'all distributions the one made the 22* of December 1642 and the other the Last of March 1643 036 03 08 002 12 00 002 12 00 002 12 00 001 06 00 000 19 00 000 01 06 002 00 00 Oil 09 04 000 09 00 006 00 00 001 005 13 06 15 06 017 15 06 64 06 4 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 99 M" the parish is to allow in theis paymi" for the vse of the poores stock remayning in their hands being 100" of S' Peter Lamier 10" of the widow Spragg for w:^ somes they are to allow 5" p Cent p annu and there is a yeres interest due att our Lady day last 1643 no.a.) The monyes Reyceaved in this Accompt for the vse of the parish by Rents BuryaUs & dutyes are in all the Somme of The monyes disbursed as appereth by the Indorsment of this Accompt Collected appeers pd more then Reed of the Church stock Reyceved to the vse of the poore as p Covnt of Sacra ment mony CoUected Red by the Assesment of the pishioners ... Red for five quarters from the Comp Drapers being M' Kendricks gift the somme of paid out of the poores monyes to the pensioners and ChUldrens Nurseing and Clotheing Ther rests due to the poore on this Accompt More brought in not disbursed of the Twentye pounds of m' Heths gif t by mony & deed borrowed of this stock for the Churches vse this yeare... Soe the Church stock is Indebted to the poores stock more then the 123" 3» 11" before spesifyed 10" 2" 4" w""" makes in all the somme of one hu[n]dred thirtie three povnds six shiUings & three pence resting in the hands of m' Abbot Churchwarden 11 " 05 10 li . 166 18 167 00 d 00 d 0004 li 010 02 d 04 li a 020 08 036 03 d 06 08 003 15 00 60 7 2 n 54 8 05 d 04 06 01 10 li Oil s 14 d 00 17 16 10 10 02 4 07 13 6 07 13 06 iro.b.) The accompt of John Saintlow for M' Heaths 20" and for moneys collected by order from ParUament on fasting dayes & other dayes at the church doores Reeeaued of M" Heath as Executrix of the Will of her late husband M' John Heath Paym" out of the 20" by M" Heaths appoyntment To the Widow Larimore To the Widow Lacie To ffraunces Shelley To the widow Jenkins To the widow Maddox ffor a coppy of the WUl To M' Draper the late Curate by consent There remaines in my hands to ballance this 20" in | money 8" 14" 10* and a specialtie for 3" ) Receaued as aforesaid by order of Parliament The discharge of the said 200" 3" 8J Paid to S' Robert Py & M' Wheeler Members of Par- liam' ... ... ... ... Paid the Petitioners of London Derry Paid M' Jenour for maymed Souldiers Paid the Petitioners of Colerayne & to the Lord Majo' Paid M' Calamy for plundered Ministers in England ... u 3 d 020 00 00 001 10 00 001 10 00 001 00 00 001 00 00 000 10 00 000 15 02 002 00 00 008 05 02 Oil 14 10 020 00 00 200 03 08J 050 00 00 033 06 00 027 08 05 048 06 03J 014 02 07 010 017 00 02 00 05 200 03 08^ 2 9 13 01 8 2 11 14 10 00 6 10 11 8 00 Paid M' Calamy for plundered Ministers in Ireland ... Paid M' Calamy for the Agents of New England due to the poore by the Church more to make this accompt to m' Heathes mony rest of xj" xiiij" x" Allowed for the writeing of this Accompt this 9"' May 1643 resting in both This Accompt was Audyted by vs whose names vnderwritten the day written Ja: Cranford Willm Williamson John Rushton George Webbe Nathaniell fflacke Wm Lee I71.a.) Anno Dm 1642 & Anno Dni 1643 The Accompt of Richard Abbott Churchwarden of Christofers parish for one yere ended att our Lady Day 1644 as followeth viz' Receipts for the parish Of M' Saintlow as p the foote of his accompt will u s d appeere in money ffive pounds fower shillings fower pence & a bill of Larimores for Three pownds Of the Tenants in ffleetstreete ... Of the Company of Drapers for reading morning prayer being the guift of M' Kenrick Of the guif t of Symon Horsepoole Of the Company of Merchanttaylors for M" Parsons guift Of the Beadle of Broadstreete Ward Receipts for buryalls ffor M'" fformans Knell ffor the Knell of Captaines Bretts man & the grownd... ffor the ground & Knell for M' William Lee ffor the ground & Knell for M" Webb ffor M' fformans knell ffor the ground & Knell for M' Larymore ffor M' Burtons childs buryall Receipts att the Saoram*" this yere and att two fast dayes The somme totall of theis receipts is 023 I7i.b.) The accompt of Richard Abbott Payments for the parish u To M' Mercer for his biU of charges 1642 ffor Twentie saeks of Coles ffor carrying two loads of rubbish from M' ffrancklins howse ffor paving before the Church and laying a Stone att the alley gate and lead for the staple and oyling the gate ffor the pambulation Dynner and poynts ffor taking vpp of supstitious inscriptions ffor pt of the Audite dynner To Edward Stock Bricklayer for worke done to M' ffrancklins howse 008 04 04 080 00 00 030 00 00 004 04 00 000 10 00 000 02 00 123 00 04 000 03 04 000 11 00 000 14 04 000 11 00 000 03 04 000 11 00 000 07 08 003 01 08 004 001 16 06 02 000 . 02 09 06 1004 001 08 10 002 04 04 000 03 06 000 13 04 009 02 06 02 100 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 001 08 00 002 00 00 000 04 00 001 004 13 000 06 001 14 000 12 001 12 000 05 000 05 006 05 000 04 000 03 001 03 005 00 006 02 000 08 000 11 003 05 66 08 To M' Ward the Joyner for worke done to M' Cranfords howse To Henry Parkinson for paynting worke done to M' fEranckUns howse ffor matting a pew ... ... ... To M' Mercer for M' Crandfords bonds att the first frui tes office More to M' Mercer to pay for M' Crandfords first f ruites iij" V vj" & for his tenths xiviij' iiij" in all To M' Webb for worke done in the Church To M' UnderhUl for maymed Souldiers he beiug Trear... Spent att receaving the rents ix' ix" & ij' vj" ffor the view dynner... ... To the workemen for viewing ... To Henry Parkinson for oyling Six casem'' & the frames To M' Tucker the Plummer in full of his bill for a f unnell att M' ffrancklins howse To Goodwife Wells for scowring a cloake &c To the Renter warden of the Drapers for a quit rent ... To Barthewes HospitaU for a quit rent out of the Angell and Ball in ffleetstreete To John ffitzwUliams Mason for the new font To Edward Bayly in full of his bill for Casements &c ... more to him To M' Webb as p his biU More to M' Mercer for M' Cranfords first fruites in July 1643 yj^ -. The contynuannce of the paym" for the pish To M' Ward the Joyner for worke done as p his bill ... To M' Ashton the Glazier To M' Mercer for worke done for M' Crandford ffor paynting and guilding the ffont To M' Evans the Plaisterer as p his bill ... To M' Mercer to pay the Baker for the poores bread ... To M'" Parker for laying stones in the church To M' Mercer out of M' Horsepooles guift To M' Mercer for a peticon drawne by M' Brooke To the Scavenger for this yere for the Church To M' fflack for candles To the Clarke of Broad streete ward To M' Saintloe for wyne this yere ... ffor mending 30 Bucketts ffor reading morning prayer this yere To M' Mercer for this yere of M' Kenricks allowanoe ... To Knight the Sexton for carrying of rubbish & atten daunee vpon the workemen ... ... To M' fflack for Candles vpon ffast dayes p'paracon dayes <^c ... To the Beadle for a Warrant to assesse the poores money To the Lord Majors officer 4' & spent att 2' 6" ... To M' Brooke for wryting this Accompt. Moneys repaid that were lent to the repaire of the Church To myselfe 004 00 To M' Webb 003 00 To M' Helmes 006 13 00 00 10 060803 0900 00 00 0004 0400 000006 06 09 016 05 002 16 001 06 000 12 001 10 002 12 000 07 001 00 000 01 000 12 005 00 000 02 012 07 001 17 020 00 005 00 000 10 000 09 000 02 000 06 000000000000 10 00060000 06060000 00 00 0000 06 72 15 10 000 06 08 073 02 06 0000 04 13 13 04 Ii s i 034 17 08 003 00 00 037 17 08 002 12 00 002 12 00 002 12 00 002 12 00 002 12 00 002 12 00 001 06 00 006 02 00 I72.b.) The Accompt of Richard Abbott of receipts and payments to & for the poore Receaued as p the Roll wiU appeere Of the Company of Drapers being the guift of M' Kenrick Payments for the poore To the widow Melson for 52 weekes To the widow Jenkins for 62 weekes To the widow Lacy for 62 weekes To the widow Madox for 52 To ffraunces Shelley for 62 weekes To the widow Wells & Nathaniell Jermin To ffraunces Shelley for 62 weekes To the Churchwarden of Andrew Wardrobe ffor nursing John & Anne Christofer & for their apparell this yere ... ... ... ... ... ffor two women carryed to the cage & one delivered there & the other in Whitecross streete in severall charges ffor charges about another woman in travaile deliu'ed att M" Lacies To the Warder in ComehiU w'*" he gave to poore women ffor charges of christening the two ffoundlings a boy & a girle To Nurse Black dwelling w"'out Bishopsgate in Three Tonnes alley who is to haue 2' p week for the nurs ing the boy in hand To Goodwife Knight for keeping the two foundlings one weeke iiij' and for keeping the Girle 2 weekes iiij' in all ... ... ffor coates and other fitting things for the same children To the widow Tripp by order of Vestrie x' and for the allowaunce of 6',p weeke from the time it was allowed her being the 13 of ffebruary 1643 to the 18«" of ApriU 1644 w"'' is 9 weekes ilv" in all Disbursed and given to poore Ministers & towards releife & redempcon of Captives & others ... More disbursed to the poore as appeereth in the little booke l73.a.) The accompt of Richard Abbott for moneys collected vpon seu'all ffast dayes this yere w* I paid (as I receaued them) according to order of Parliament as followeth viz CoUected ApriU the 26"' and paid the 28 ApriU 1643 ... Collected May the 31'" and paid June the 2" to M' Randall Collected June the 15"" and paid June tbe 17"" to M' Randall Collected July the 26* and paid July the 28 to M' Randall Collected August the 30'" and paid Sept the 2" to M' Pocock Collected Sept the 27'" and paid to M' GreenehUl 1° Sept CoUected Octob the 26'" and paid the 27"" October to M' Hutchinson CoUected in November & December & paid to Mr Pocock ... ... Collected March the 27* 1644 & paid to M' GreenehiU Oil 002 001 000 000 000 000 002 13 04 07 10 04 04 00 09 01 00 04 00 08 00 01 04 002 15 00 008 08 07 048 12 02 020 10 03 069 02 05 li 015 02 07 009 10 02 008 11 08 005 05 10 006 00 07^ 008 01 00 004 19 04 010 18 07 003 00 09 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. CoUected ApriU the 2" and paid ApriU the 12"" 1644 to M' Greenhill Collected for the Protestants of Banton bridge in Ireland & paid the 30* of ApriU 1643 to M' Abraham Savage Collected for Redempcon of Captives in Turkey aud paid the 24"' of June 1643 and paid to W. Cooling CoUected the 28'" June 1643 and paid the 30«" of the same to M' GreenehiU and M' Hutchinson 93 . 8 . 8 Memorand there is receaued by Mr Abbott for the vse of the children of Thomas Hill Twentie pounds in pt of a bond due by Taylor and others out of w"* xi'' M' Saintloe had for necessaries disbursed for 006 13 00 007 02 02 001 17 09J 007 06 02 the children accompt ... IV' iij* so rests vpon M' Abbotts 019 04 09 The ffirst of August 1644 M' Abbotts Accompt was audited and there is due to him vpon accompt Eight po'inds six shillings and ten pence there being disbursed by him for the parish 212 " 07" and receaued but 207" 00' 2* as p receipts & payments doth appeere of w"" 8" 6' 10" a bill of iij" due by Lorymore and now deliu'ed to Captaine Vaughan the succeeding Church Warden is pt Ja: Cranford W"" WiUiamson Gilbert Morewood Toby Maydwell George Webbe Nathaniell fflacke John Rushton John Roberts John Saintlowe I73.b.) The ffirst of August 1644 1. It is this day ordered That no Churchwarden shall pay aboue ffortie shillings w'^out the consent of a Vestrie one any one payment 2. Also that the wyne for the Saoraments be paid out of the money collected for tyme to Come 3. Also that although wee now are contented that the charge of M' Crandfords first ffruites paid & to be paid shalbe disbursed by and allowed to the Church wardens yett it shall not be any president for time to come w"'out consent of a Vestrie l74,a.) The Accompt of Maig' Joseph Vaghan Church Warden of Christoph" Parish Anno 1643 & Anno 1644 as ffoU. Recepts for y" Parish ImprimisRd of the Tennts in ffleet street fo' this yeare Rd of the Compeney of Drapers y Gift of m' Kendrieke Rd the Gift of m' Simon Horspoole Rd of y Marchtaylors the gift of m" Parsons Rd of y= beadle of Brod street ward Rd of m' Santloe 14'" Aprill 1644 w"'' was the money of Thomas Hills children deceased by order of Vestrey Rd of the Contribute" of y Parish f o' & towards the repayringe of m' Cranfords house Rd on' and aboue wch was Assessed & pd to the Mayned Sould'rs Recepts fo' Burialls Rd fo' m' Streets Ground & kneU Rd fo' M" Peeps Ground & knell ... Rd fo' M' Stratfords ChUds Ground Rd fo' M" Eldrids chUds Grounds being 2 Rd fo' M' John Hynds Ground & knell ... Rd fo' M' BlackweUs Ground & knell ... 071 13 4 030 00 0 004 04 0 000 10 0 000 02 0 050 00 0 041 00 2 001 12 2 199 01 8 001 06 8 000 14 4 000 07 8 000 15 4 000 11 0 000 11 0 004 06 Recepts fo' y Sacrem* The some Totall of all the money Reed att the Sacrem' this yeare Last past is Just ... I74.b.) The Aooompt of Maigo' Joseph Vagha Paym" f o' y" Parish Imp'imis pd m' Abbott f o' what hee disbursed as Appeares by the ffoot of his Last yeares Accountt pd my selfe fo' money I Lent to repare the Church pd m' Abbott for Cranfords Tenths pd mercer Clarke for his bill 1643 pd Mercer Clarke for his bill 1644... pd m' Isaekson Treasurer of y HospitaU... pd M' Webb fo' mendinge 2 pewes pd m' John Parker w"" hee Lent to repare y= Church ... pd m" Snort w"^" her husband Lent to rep' y Church ... pd m" Lee w"" her husband Lent to repa' y Church ... pd fo' Bell ropes ... pd m' Hardinge fo' bread fo' y poore pd Mercer Clarke for m' Horspooles Gif t pd m' Cranford Recto' m' Kendricks Gift pd Mercer. Clarke m' Kendrioks Gif t pd m' fflacke for Candells m' Kendricks Gift pd m' fflacke for Candells fo' fasts dayes pd the Companey of Drap" pd p Abatm' of m' Smyths Rent pd p Abatm' of m' Vades Rent pd m' Blundell fo' Ann: Christoph' pd fo' One Yeares first frewts fo' m' Cranford pd for 20 sackes of Coles fo' y Vestrey pd the Scavinger fo' y Church fo' 1 yeare pd to John Raynolds to take John Christop' Ap'entis pd M' Santloe fo' Wine fo' y Sacrem' fo' this Last yeare past & fasts dayes ... pd the Carpint' & Bricke Lay' fo' vewe & expene' pd m' Bowles y Clarke of ye Ward brod street i76.a.) The Accompt of Maigo' Joseph Vaghan fo' Collections CoUections att the Church att ffasts Imp'misReed the 22* ApriU Reed the 30* May Reed the 18* Julij Reed the 31'" Julij Reed the 26* Septem Reed the 30* Octob' Reed the 27* Octob' Reed the 6"' Novem Reed the 27'" Novem Reed the 25'" Decem Reed the 29"' Januarey Reed the 10* March Reed the 26* March Rd ... pd ... Resting w'l" is posted to y Accompt one y oth' sid Paym" of these Collections by ord' of Parlem' pd p m' Sowden att Tallow Chandle" hall 014 101 09 5i 008 06 10 003 00 0 001 08 0 003 17 7 003 03 6 001 14 8 000 10 0 003 00 0 001 10 0 005 00 0 000 11 6 002 12 0 001 00 0 020 00 0 006 00 0 005 00 0 000 07 5 000 03 4 001 00 0 001 00 0 003 00 0 006 11 0 001 05 0 000 12 0 003 00 0 010 11 10 000 10 0 93 14 8 00 02 6 93 17 2 And Disbursm" 01 15 7 03 06 8 02 13 8 03 05 Oi 02 08 0 02 10 0 03 11 7 03 06 9 04 01 8 03 12 3 03 08 0 04 14 9i 03 16 6 42 09 5} 29 17 2 12 12 A 03 06 8 102 pd Coil West p ord'... pd m' Pococke p ord' pd m' GreenehiU p ord' pd m' Pococke p ord' pd m' Randall p ord' pd m' Herring p ord' pd m' GreenhUl p ord' This acompt was audited this 13* of may 1646 and there is resting in Cash in y parish stocke as apeares By y Pticulers Just Seven pounds eight shillings eight pence w'^'' is p* ouer to m' Sowden Church warden By maio' Joseph Vaughan Ja: Cranford Rector John Roberts W" WiUiamson Gilbert Morwood Toby Maydwell John Saintlowe ^751,) The Accompt of Hugh Sowdon Churchwarden Poores mony The parrish of Christophers Dr. ' To Cash paid the poore pension" as appeares by the pticulers in the booke of petty charges To the Churchwardens of Andrew Wardrobe by assesment of the Lord Mayor & Justices To Cash for Coales the Kings gift 48" and portridg 1" is To the poore of our Parrish Distributed by ordre of Vestry To Cash paid for the relief of distressed Strangers To the Tresurers at Tallow Chandlers Hall & elsewher by order of Plament &c Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 03 11 7 03 05 9 04 01 8 03 12 3 03 08 0 04 14 9 03 16 6 29 17 2 Parrish Stock The Parrish of Christophers Dr. To the BaUance of the Poores acco' v* supra To mony lent towards repaire of the Church p H.S. ... To m' Isaekson Tresurer of the Hospitali To m' W"" King his mony lent to repaire the Church... To Cash paid for poores bread this yeare To the pson and clarke m' Kendricks gift for mornig prayer To Bartholmew HospitaU a quitt rent To Cash as p pticulers in petty b" of charges To the Beadle of Brodstreet Ward a Duty To Ballance ix' xv" xj" deliuered vp heerwthall and in mony paid the Succeeding Church W. An» 1644 & 1645 The Ace' of Hugh Sowdon Churchw. P Contra Cr Poores mony P the Rowles of Assesment in the parrish Collected ... P sundry Collections at Commnions & elce[ where] P so much of Aid' Atkins for oath mony P sundry Collections fast dales & dayes of Thanksgiueing This account rest Dr to Parrish stock & is ther charged to Ballance xx" xviij' vij* 029 006 000 043 08 38 08 100 09 01 15 0608 020 18 11 007 10 0 002 09 0 006 16 4* 001 17 5 043 08 9^ 020 18 7 006 00 0 001 14 8 005 00 0 002 13 0 012 10 0 001 03 4 004 19 8 000 02 6 009 15 11 063 17 8 9H0 100 09 Parrish Stock P Contra Cr P the Ballance of my Predecessor Churchwardens acco' P rent of the Tennants in fleet street for one half yeare xxxviij" vj" viij*... P so much of the Drapers Company for Moring Prayer half yeare m' Kendrick gif t P buriaUs viz' m" Toe 11" Lady Crane 5" m' Lammas 11" m' Baylie 3' 4" P a Duty of the Beadle of Broad street li 1 i 007 08 8 038 06 8 016 10 0 001 10 4 000 02 0 063 17 8 006 13 04 003 06 08 005 00 00 004 03 04 001 16 08 009 15 11 002 01 06 000 02 00 This accompt was audited the llth of March 1645 & this is resting in Cash in the Parrish stocke as appeares' by the perticulers Just nine pounds fifteene shillings & eleuen pence wch is paide ouer to Toby Maydwell Churchwa'den by Hugh Sowden vpon delinerey heareof GUbert Morwood John Rushton Toby Maydwell Tho Bolton l76.a.) 1645 Toby Maydwell Debitor vnto Christopher Parrsh ffor Moneys Receauied Janury 19 Reed of m' John Mathues & Jea: Vade for A " • " qu' rent ... 19 Reed of m' Will Melsom for a qu' rent 19 Reed of m' Hen: Sharpe for rent 19 Reed of m' WiU Smith for rent Reed of the Companey of Drapres ... March 11 Reed of m' Hug: Sowden that hee had in his hand ... ... 1646 Reed by A colection by order of Plement ... Aprill 16 Reed of m' Boules the bedell for the poore... 21 Reed of the Companey of drapres & gift of m' Kenriek ... ... Reed of the mar''"taylers the gift of m' parsons ... Reed of m' Mathus f or a qu' rent Reed of m' Dobbes f or a qu' rent Reed of m' Sharpe for q' rent Reed of m' Smith for a qu' rent Rec thatt was left of money gathered att two Comuniones the wine being paid for ... The acompt of m' Tobyus Maidwell was Audiated this 28* of ApriU 1646 and there resteth in Cash to Ballance acompt as apears by the pticulers twoe pounds fourteen shillings ten pence halfe peny & more aU into m' Boultons hands twoe pounds twelue shillings out of wich he is to pay the Baker for bread since Christm[as] and to be acomptable for y rest to the parish Ja: Cranford pson W"" WiUiamson John Rushton Nathaniell fflacke Richard Abbott I76.b.) 1645 Toby MaydweU Creditor to the Parrish of Christophers ffor moneys 008 05 00 000 10 00 006 13 04 003 06 08 005 00 00 004 03 04 000 11 m 061 09 Oli disbursed as fol: viz pd m' merger for the scauinger for the Church ... ... pd for Roopes for the bells ffebury 5 pd for Ringe the belles on a thanick giuen day pd Knitte for fechinge the buckets from Coll: Gower n « '- 000 12 00 000 17 06 000 01 09 000 00 09 'Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 103 pd for mending the belles as P' note March 07 pd for mending 2 buckets pd m' fflack for Candles for m' Hendrikes giftt 11 pd spent at the Auditung m' Soudens Ac compt ... pd the Glazur for mending the Church windoes pd that was expended vpon the tennants when the rent was Reed pd to the tresures w°" was reed: for the soulgres ... ... 12 pd m' Boulton for Coles w'^"hee disbursed for y" vestrey 13 pd knight for Ringers & his paynes for 2 thaniokgiuings days 21 pd knight for 2 dayes atendanc vpon him that mended y" bells 23 pd m' Hall for a Lanthorne for the presenke 1646 Aprill 3 pd the pauer for pathing a Longe the Church side 4 pd the smith for worke about the Church ... 16 pd the Clarcke of the ward 20 pd m' Abbot for m' Cranfords tenths 20 pd to my selfe w'^" I lent to the reparing of o' Church ... 21 pd spent on the tenents in ffleestreet 21 pd m' Cranford the gift of m' Henrick 21 pd m' messer for his quartige the gift of m' kenrick pd m' merser w"" hee spent one the tenent ... 27 pd m' merser Clark in full of his bill 27 pd m' Harding for bread for the pore 27 pd the breeklayer in Pt 27 pd the Carpingdar in Pt pd m' Bouelton fo' p' of the Auditt dinner... pd m' Santlowe f o' wine vpo fast & thanekes- giueinge dayes ... pd the plasterer in fuU lost by bad money ... 1646 Ap'ell 28"' restinge vnto the parrish fo' to ballance this accompt the sume of ... 001 16 00 000 02 04 006 10 06 000 01 08 000 09 06 00 15 06 002 01 06 000 04 00 00 03 00 00 02 06 000 11 00 002 10 00 000 10 06 000 02 06 001 08 04 005 00 00 000 05 08 005 00 00 001 05 00 000 00 06 003 07 06 002 12 00 006 15 00 010 00 00 000 13 04 001 12 06 005 00 00 000 01 11 068 14 03 002 14 m 061 09 ou 177.b.) Anno Dni 1645 Anno Dni 1646 I78.a,) The Accompt of Thomas Boulton Churchwarden of Christofers Parish ffor one yeare ended att our Lady day 1647 as followeth viz'. Imprimis receaved of M' Maide well the Stocke Receaved more of him to pay the Baker Rd of the Tenants in ffleete streete for one whole yeares Rent Rd of the Company of Drapers ... Rd of M' Garfoote the guift of M' Horsepoole 2 yeeres Re,ceipts for Buryalls Receaued for M" Carletons Buryall Receaved for the ground for 3 children of M'"' Larymore and her maide ... ... ... ... Receaved of M'"" Saintloe for her husbands buryall ... Receaved for M' Joy Child 02 14 m 02 12 00 76 13 04 30 00 00 08 08 00 120 00 11 •2J 00 Receaved for M' CuUings Child Receaved of M' Watkins for his Wife Receaved for M" fflnch her buryaU Receaved for M' Hamonds Child Receaved for M' Neiring Child Receaved for M' Hawkes his Child Receaved for M' Owfeilds ChUd Receaved for M' Blackwells child Receaved for M'"" Leigh buryaU ReceavedforM'" Castles buryaU... Receaved for M" Jaeksons buryall i78.b.) The Aooompt of Thomas Boulton An" 1645 : 1647 Receaved of the Beadle Broad street Receaved of the Merchaunttailo" for M"» Parsons guif t Receipts for the Parish for the Poore Imprimis receaued of the Parish for the poore ... Receaved for the poore 31'" January ffast day ... Receaued the 10'" January for a ffine of M' Low from S' John WooUaston Receaved the 25*" ffebruary ffast day Receaued the 12'" March Thancksgiving day f or the west Receaued the 2" Aprill thancksgiving day for the West Receaued the 29"" of AprUl ffast day Receaued the 28* October ffast day Receaued the 5* of November Receaued the 10'" of March ffast day for Schisme & heresey Receaued the 28'" AprUl ffast day Receaued of the Company of Drapers Sacrament receipts Receaued at the Sacrament the 12'" ApriU 1646... Receaued at the Sacrament the 7'" June 1646 ... Receaued at the Sacrament the 28'" March 1647 02 00 00 00 03 04 00 07 08 00 11 00 00 05 00 00 16 08 00 11 00 00 07 08 00 07 08 00 07 00 00 11 00 00 15 00 00 11 00 00 15 08 08 19 8 li , i 00 02 0 0 10 0 0 12 0 u . i 33 01 2 01 08 0 00 13 4 01 00 0 00 15 0 00 11 4 01 02 0 01 12 0 00 10 0 01 00 0 01 08 0 03 00 0 46 00 10 01 01 0 00 17 0 01 08 0 03 i7».a.) The accompt of Thomas Boulton An» 1645 : 1647 Disbursements i Imprimis paid M' Cranford w"" was receaued of the Company of Drapers 20 Paid Mercer Clarke for his attendance & Sexton ... 05 Paid M' fflack for Candles 05 Paid for making 6 new Bell wheeles 06 Paid for new ropes ... ... ... 00 Debts paid in my tyme Paid M' Jurden Carpenter in full Paid Jones the Bricklayer Paid M' Hobs that he lent Paid M' Skynner that he lent Paid the Lady Rioolt that her husband lent Paid Thomas Bolton that he lent... Disbursements for the Parish Spent about M' Garfoots Rent and distributing the poores money 06 0000 00 10 10 26 00 00 00 0000 00 37 00 0 li , ll 05 00 00 03 00 00 03 00 00 02 00 00 10 00 00 03 00 00 I 01 16 00 00 104 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. Paid for Muskadine 3 Sacrament dales ... Spent in ffleete streete 4 dales Spent 2 vestries at M' Chubbs Paid M' Madox the Baker that was owing May 1646 Paid M' Madox this Last yeare for the bread one whole yeare 1 May 1647 Paid the Smith bill for worke done this yeare as by his noate Paid for Matts ..* 02 02 00 ••• ¦•• 01 18 00 ¦ t • ¦•< 01 09 00 1645 vntiU 00 18 00 one whole ... ... 02 12 00 i as by his ... ... 00 10 06 00 03 06 11 09 i;9.b.) The Accompt of Thomas Boulton An- 1645 1647 Disbursements for the Parish ' Paid the Glasiers BiU M' Austin 00 Paid Major Vaughan that he laid out 00 Paid for the Auditt Dynner & Ambulation Dyner ... 01 Paid M' fflack for Candles 5'" Novemb & ffast day ... 00 Paid and gaue away to poore distressed Ministers and poore people from Ireland, Argier and other parts of the Kingdome 04 09 Paid Mercer Clarke for the guift of M' Horsepoole 2 yeares 02 00 Lost by badd money this yeare 00 02 Paid and spent by going before the Lord Mayor about the assessement of Andrew Wardropp 00 03 Disbursements for the poore Paid M''' Tripp 41 weekes Paid for a coate for her & a new smock Paid for a Coffin for her, the bearers & to bury her Paid Widow Jenkins 51 weekes Paid widow Madox 51 weekes Paid widow Lasey 61 weekes ... Paid Goodman Jarmine 51 weekes Paid for Edward Christofer for 61 weeks paid for dothes for him Paid for Elizabeth Christofer 3 weeks Paid Knight she being sick and burying of her and clothes iso.a.) The accompt of Thomas Boulton An" 1645 1646 Paid John PoweUs wife for a chUd 9 weekes ffor clothes for itt Gaue John Powells wife she having the fowle disease by peticon Paid and gaue M'"" Tripps Maide Paid for Elizabeth Peepes 32 weekes ffor elothes for her Paid for John Peepes 23 weekes paid for clothes for him ffor charges laid out to gitt him into the Hospitali p M' Roberts and myself Paid Two for his Schooling Paid Knight, he being sicke and burying him and for a Coffin Paid M"=» Saintlow | yeares rent for widow Maddox ... Paid for the poore as by the narrow booke Audited ... 09 4 10 0 00 0 11 8 09 05 10 10 05 0 01 03 6 00 16 0 02 11 0 02 11 0 02 11 0 02 11 0 22 8 6 05 02 0 01 00 0 00 06 0 00 08 10 16 10 00 18 00 181.a.) 00 09 06 ISl.b.) 01 04 00 00 02 06 03 04 00 00 18 00 02 06 00 00 16 06 00 11 00 00 09 00 00 14 00 01 05 00 18 19 10 31 17 05 00 00 00 03 08 01 03 04 01 14 00 00 06 08 00 01 00 00 04 06 13 Disbursements for the Parish Paid M' Coles for composicon for the poore of S' Andrew Wardropp ' ... Paid for carrying the poores coales into the house Paid the quit rent to 8' Bartholomew HospitaU Paid M' Isaekson maymed souldiers ... Paid Mercer for writing M' Gooddayes accompt when he was Churchwarden Paid for the Table of Statutes Paid the Lord Majo" Officer for warning m' Joy M'Hind M' Ryman for not paying the assessm" iso.b.) The aooompt of Thomas Boulton An" 1645, 1647 ' Disbursements for the parish ' ' Paid M' Bainebrigg the Auditt Dynner Paid the Company Draps ... ... ... Paid the Beadle of Broad streete ... Paid the Scavenger ... ... Paid the Lord Majo" Officer for the assessement for the poore ... ... ... ... ... Paid Knight for ringing 3 Thancksgiving dales Paid Knight for sweeping the Leads and church Paid the Marshalls man and the Warders for 2 women being w'" child ... Paid for 6 sacks of Coales ... Paid for Coales the 1° ffebr 1° March 12 March 27 March Paid for the view Dynner ... Paid the Carpenter and Bricklayer Paid to M'«' Saintlow for wine Paid M' Mercer as by his bill Paid M' Brookes for writing the accompt This acompt was Audited this 3'* of June 1647 and there is resting to Ballance yt Just thirteen pounds sixteen shillings foure pence half peny deliuered in to the hands of M' Henry Benbrick nowe Church warden for the yeare Insuing We say Audited By vs whose names are vnderwrytten ... "Wm Williamson Gilbert Morewood John Rushton Toby MaydweU Nathaniell fflacke Joseph Vaghan Anno domini 1646 & 1647 The accoumpt of Henry Baynbrigg churchwarden, as followeth payd to the poore of the pishe in the yeare 1646, as by " ' perticculer acc viz' 042 16 pd m'" Sanckloe for widdowe Madox yeeres rent pd Widdowe Madox 2" 6" p weeke from the 28* of March 1646 to the 24'" of ApriU 1647 beeing 56 weekes ... pd widdowe Jenkens 16" p weeke for the said tyme pd widdowe Lacie 12" p weeke as aforesaid pd widdowe Larrimore 12" p weeke 66 weekes pd Nathaniell Jerman & his wife 12" p weeke 65 weekes pd m' Maupus in his sicknesse beeing in want pd the Churchwardens of S' Andrew Wardrobe pishe by y order 05 00 pd for keeping Edward Christop' 62 weekes 2' p weeke & for bis aparrell 20" 06 04 pd the like for Elsabeth Peepes 06 04 00 13 4 00 03 4 00 02 0 00 12 0 00 02 0 00 04 0 00 02 6 00 05 10 00 12 0 00 18 6 01 14 6 00 05 0 01 11 8 04 06 4 11 13 0 00 06 8 li 5 d 13 16 : 4 03 10 00 07 00 00 03 10 00 02 16 09 02 15 00 02 15 00 01 10 00 Accomptes of the Churcheicardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 26 August 18* 20 Septemb' 27* Octob' 4'" 14 pd about Elsabeth Wilcockes a vagarand whoe was deliu'ed of a girle heere pd Richard Knight & his man for carring home the poores coales ... pd 2' to the beadle of this ward his fee for warrant to Seace for y poore pd m' Ward Joyner for worke done in the church pd for poyntes & perambulation Dinner 48" pd for taking downe & hanging vp the great bell & for Iron worke about it & the other bell wheles & for a new pickax the 1'" of July 1647 pd m' Jeames Waynwright the one moyetie of the collection at the fast for chest' ... ... pd Edward Castell w* his father f orm'ly lent towards repayring o' church... pd m' fflacke 3" w"" he lent about the repairing our church pd m' Williamson 4" w"" he lent about repairing our church pd John Alsope with Elizabeth Pepes for the bringing of hir vp & freeing y° pishe pd for 12 sackes of old coles pd Henry Isaekson for maimed souldiers pd Thomas Hamor w'=" he lent about repairing our church pd a carpenter for worke & stuffe about the church yard & steeple pd Mynisters viz' Docter Warmeter & m' ffuUer for Six sermons pd for a yeeres quit rent to 8' Barthol mewes hospitaU pd the money that was owing to S' Peter Richaut about the chureh repaire pd Abraham Chambers the money he lent towardes repairing our church pd for ringing the bells the 5'" of Nouemb' & crownation day pd Martine Dallison the money he lent about repajrring our chureh pd for Masons Smithes & Carpenters worke about the Sance bell pd the Draps comp" for a yeeres rent charge ended & dewe at Michaell- masse ... pd for 8 sacks of charcoles 6" 8" & 20" of leade vsed about the sance bell ... pd m' W"" Boulton the money that he lent towardes repairing o' church... pd m' fflacke for candles for morning prayer m' Kendricks guift pd him for 2 doss: of candles for fast day & prepation Searmons & pre- cincke lanthorne pd Hugh Thorpe the E[i]ecutor of Jn". Thorpe lent about o' church repaire pd m' Joseph BlackweU for the Auditt Dinner pdthe beadle of this ward for 18 sackes of sea coles for y poore the kings guift pd m' Austine scavenger for the Assess ment of the church soyle 23 Nouemb' 1 January 7'" 11 22 28 ffebruary 8'" March 6 24 ApriU 17 1648 01 08 00 00 04 00 00 02 00 00 11 04 02 08 00 00 19 06 01 04 00 06 00 00 03 00 00 04 00 00 06 00 00 00 12 00 01 14 08 02 00 00 01 04 06 03 00 00 01 03 04 16 00 00 10 00 00 00 04 00 01 10 00 00 09 10 00 03 04 00 10 00 10 00 00 06 00 00 00 13 00 02 00 00 00 13 04 00 18 00 00 12 00 pd Richard Knight for sweeping the leades of the church & other thinges pd for a lyne & mending the precinkt lanthorne pd the baker for the poores bread this yeare pd m'" Saintloe for 9 gallons of Muskea- dine for the Sacram' this yeare ... pd hir for old Malligoe wine for the minnister in the vestrie house pd m' Cranford m' Kendriokes guift ... pd m' Mercer the clarke for his pay out of m' keudriekes guif t pd him for his pay out of m' Horsepooles Guift pd him in full of his bill as apeareth by the same in pticuler pd at three seauerall distrybutions to the poore of this pishe as p the little booke pd to the poore of other places this yeare pd Spent withe the tennants in fleetest. about receiuing their rent ... pd m' Render Eiecutor to m' Neuill 20" w"" was lent about repayring o' church 105 00 03 00 00 02 06 02 12 00 02 02 01 07 0008 20 00 00 06 00 00 01 00 00 02 03 08 16 15 00 02 00 00 02 00 20 00 00 00 198 14 08 i82.a.) Anno domini 1646 & 1647 The Accoumpt of Henry Baynbrigg, Churchwarden u Receiued of the pishioners for the poore as apeareth in pticculer in my rowle of asseasem' 1646 June y 3" 1647 Rec" of m' Thomas Boulton, beeing the rest on his accoumpt Reced the 30'" of June at collection of almes beeing fast day Reced the 25*" of August at a CoUee tion, beeing fast day Reeed the 27'" of Octob' at a collection beeing ffast day Reoed the 29'" of Deoemb' at a collec tion beeing ffast day Reced the 18'" of January of the beadle of the ward m" Deanes guift to our poore January 31'" Reced of m' Garfoote m' Horsepooles yearely guifte Reced of a collection the 23" of ffebruary beinge ffast day Reced at a Collection after the Comunion the 4'" of July 1647... Reed the 6'" of Decembr at a collection at the Sacriment Reed the 2" of January a collection of the Comunion Reced the 5'" of March at the Communion Reoed the 2" of Aprill 1648 being Easter day at Comunion collection Reced of the Marehantaylers Company being the guift of m" Parsons Reced of the Tennants in fleet streete one yeares rent 034 013 002 002 001 001 000 004 001 000 000 as followeth c d 09 09 16 04i 08 00 00 00 05 05^ 04 00 02 00 04 00 09 11 16 00 18 00 000 09 10 000 15 00 000 18 00 00 10 00 76 13 04 106 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. Reced of the Draps Company, m' Kendrioks guift Reced, for the buriall of m' Hamond his ChUde Reced for tbe buriall of m' Armytage Reced from his Eiecutors for our poore Reced for the buriall of m" Bellowes Reced for m' Nyrens buriall Reced for the buriall of a Childe Named Jane Leigh Reced for the buriall of m" Marsh e ... Reced of Henry Baynbrigg to ballance this Accoumpt This accompt was audited this 3* of Maye 1648 and ' there is to ballance this accompt thatt appeaTes due vnto m' Henry Benbrige the sume of nineteene pounds sii shillinges & foure pence. W" is toe bee paide vnto him by m' Joseph Blackwell Church warden out of the first monies thatt he receiues Ja : Cranford rector. Gilbert Morwood John Roberts John Rushton Nathaniell fflacke Toby MaydweU Joseph Vaghan Red the 17"' day of July 1648 of m' Joseph BlackweU churehwarden the Some of nyneteene poundes six shillings & fower pence, in full paytti' of Soe much disbursed by and to ballance my aocounlpt Henry Baynbrigg iS2.b,) Tjig ^(jopt of Joseph BlackweU Churchwarden Deb' 1647 & 1648 for moneys viz Reed of the parsn" as appeares by y Rowle of AssBasm' Reed of the Wo'p" Company of Drapers M' Kendricks guift Reed the Rents in ffleetstreete Reed by ord' of y Hon''''' Lord Major for ye pore for one taken in this pish earringe a Burthen vppon the Lords day, five shills: pd out of it to the Informer 1' 6" Rem Reed of Merch' Taylers Company M" Parsons Guift... Reed at severall Collections vppon Sacram' dayes Reed at 5 sundry Collections vppon fast dayes Reed for the Buriall of m' Williamsons Child Reed forthe BuriaU of M' Abbots Daughter • Reed for the Buriall of M" Lee Reed for the Buriall of M' Eaires Reed for the BuriaU of M" Marsham Reed for the Buriall of M" Ruston Reed m' Horspooles Guift p the hands of m' Garford Reed of the Beadle of Broad street Ward severall disburm" Rest to bee payd to m' Tho: CuUen 33 00 00 00 07 08 01 11 08 00 12 00 00 11 00 00 11 00 00 07 08 00 07 08 19 06 04 198 14 08 19 06 04 Ii 19 06 04 vnto Christoph" An" 034 09 09 033 00 00 076 13 04 0600 00 040808 0008 0808 July 26 1647 Decemb 1 5 1647 Febru 22 1647 000 03 000 10 006 18 007 02 000 07 000 07 000 11 000 07 000 14 000 07 160 13 03 0400 04 02 0000 164162 19 04 03 02 002 15 01 I83.a,) The Accpt of Joseph Blackwell 1647 & 1648 Cred' vnto money pd : viz To the Widdow Maddoi from the 24'" of Apr" 1647 to the first of ApriU 1648 beinge 49 weeks at 2" 6" p wk. To the Widdowe Jenkings 49 wks at 15* p wk... To the Widdow Lacye at 12" p wk p Idm To the Widdow Laramore at 12" p wk p49 To M' Jarmon pention' at 12" p wk p 6 To Edward Cristop" keepinge 49 wks at 2' & Clothes 20" To John Alsop for keepinge Elizabeth Peps 17 wks Clothes 6' Peace Christoph' found in the pishe vn An pd To A Nurse for her keepinge 35 wks at 2" Clothes 20' John Christop' found in like manner To A Nurse for his keepinge 15 wks at 2' Clothes 20' Mary Christopher found naked as the others To A Nurse for her keepinge 6 wks at 2' Aparell 10' To M" Sainctlow for Widdow Maddox Rent ... To the Churchwarden of Andrewes Wardrope July 1648 17'" To M' Baynbrigge to ballance his Acopt To the Beadle of Broade street ward for his fee for A Warrant, from the Lord Major to Aseease for y poore for bell roopes ... for viewinge the Tenini" in fleet street To M' Isaaokson for Maymed Souldiers To A Smith for an Iron Chaine To Bartholmews Hospitali To the Renter for the Company of Drapers To the Scavenger for the Church and M' Cranford To A Mason for mendinge the Steeple To M' Webbe for Re-ooveringe M' Cranfords pew & 3 matts ... To the Joyner for mendinge some seates To M' Tucker p order of the Vestry for m' Cranfords house To M' Merscer his Bill for the Minist' at Morninge Exercise To the Glasier for worke don ... To M' John Roberts to pay the Clarke \ for Attendance vppon y Classieall \ Christophf !rs Pai ..h for I a k 006 02 06 003 01 03 002 09 00 002 09 00 000 06 00 005 18 00 002 00 00 004 10 00 002 10 00 001 02 00 003 10 00 005 00 00 019 06 04 000 02 00 000 10 03 000 (i2 00 001 14 08 001 12 06 001 03 04 :} 000 008 004 000001 183.K) 184 a.) Minist' ) M' fflacks biU for coles for the vestrey... for wine for the Sacram" To the Smith for mendinge pewes To the Baker for 12 mouths bread for the poore Turne over leafe ... 096 Joseph Blackwell C' vnto Christophers Parrishe for money pd viz 96 03 04 000 14 00 000 03 06 002 06 00 000 04 06 01 00 05 10 0000 00 00 005 06 00 001 01 06 006 09 08 000 06 06 002 12 00 10 10 10 10 Accomptes of ihe Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 107 96 10 13 15 Jany 12 Jany 12 Jany 12 Feb' 5 April 14 ApriU 11 April 11 Feb 27 Feb 5 Feb 6 10 06 13 04 00 00 00 03 01 00 20 00 00 02 00 00 00 To M' John Roberts for soe much by him disburst for Repaire of y Church ffor coles for the vestry The paviors Bill To M' Cranford M' Kendricks Guift ... To distressed poeple To the poare of the parish at severall l times as appeares by the booke of \ petty charges J To M' Sharpe 12 """" taxes for the Army out of his Rent To m' Scrivener 12"""'"" Taxes for y" Army To M' Henry Sharpe 6 ¦"'"" Irish Asseasm' To M' Scrivener Areares fo' y^ Army... To Henry Sharpe Areares for Army ... To John Price Arreares forthe Army... To m' Wi" Smith Arreares p Army ... To Rich" Scrivener Irish Asseasm' To W-" Smith Irish tax To m' John Price Irish Asseass' To M' Mercer his SoUery for this yeare ) M' Horspoles & M' Kendricks Guif t j for p'ambulation dinner To M' CuUen Audit dinner Spent in Recevinge the Rents in fleet str' To Joseph Blackwell disburst for Re- } payre of the Church formerly ... ) To Richard Knight, his wife beinge sicke ) & at other times j This Accpt was Audited this 7'" of March \ C 1649 & Rest due to be pd to M' Tho: / D' CuUen Churchwarden fifty five shUl' one I Rest due to penny 2' 15' 1" j ballance Ja: Cranford Gilbert Morwood John Roberts W"" Williamson John Rushton Nathaniell fflacke Tho Bolton i84.b.) The AcC off Thomas CulUnge, Churehwarden of the Parish of S' Christops London 1648& 1649 01 10 00 01 16 00 00 05 00 00 06 00 00 05 00 00 07 00 00 04 00 00 05 00 00 04 00 00 09 00 06 00 00 02 08 00 00 13 04 02 00 00 03 00 00 00 11 08 162 04 02 160 13 03 001 10 11 ffor buryalls in 1649 ffor the Ladie Midelton ffor a Sonne of m' Berries ffor a Sonne of m" Neerings ffor a Sonne of m' Hawkes ffor a Sonne of m" Lordels ... ffor a Sonne of m' Savidgs fEor a Sonne of m' Sturtons ffor a Sonne of m' Tho Boultons... ffor a Child of m' oldfdlde 02:00:00. 00:07:08 00:07:08 00:07:08 j 01:00:0000:07:08 I 01:00:00 00:07:06 00:07:08- 06 05 10 is Debyto' ffor Monyes receiued as f oUoeth 164 off the inhabitance assesed on them for the poore 1649 off the Draps Comp: the gift of John Kenricke ffor the Parson for morninge prayer 20 :00 :00 ffor the Clarke & Sexton 05 : 00 : 00 ffor Candels for the mornings ... 05 : 00 : 00 ffor the poore of the parish 03 : 00 : 00 li B d 38 01 09 33 00 00 off m' Joseph Blackwell the ballance of his AcC off the March' Taylors Comp m" Parsons gift off m' Garford the guift of Symon HorspooU ... off the Beadle of Broad street ward Margret Deans gift off m' Stephen Boulton the gift of his ffather m' W" J Boulton for the poore of this pish ) Collected at 13 Saoraments off my Lo : Maior for Misdemeanors in this Parish x' pd the officer 12" rest ... off m" Neeringe her husbands legacie to y= poore off the Quest in Cornwall for the poore Collected for the poore the 5'" Novemb Collected more on Christmas daie ... Som X' 1 0200 04 00 02 06 00 01 00 0001 1610 04 02 00 15 09 00 02 1212 0100 00 00 00 10^ 00 00 00 00 m 174 03 09 185.3.) The Acc of Thomas CuUings is Credyto' Paid to the poore there weekly pentions To the widdoe Lacie on weeke 0 :01 :00 ¦¦ To the widdoe Maddox 52 weeks 6:10:00 To m"S' loe for widdoe Maddox Rent ... 3:10:00 To widdoe Jenkins 12 weeks at 16" & 40 at 18" 3:16:00 1 To widdoe Larramore 12 at 12" & 40 at 18* 3:12:00| To widdoe Mawpus 40 weeks 2 :00: 00 | To Richard Knight 40 weeks 2:00:00 21 08 00 ffor a yeers Rent for the Tenan" in ffleet street off John Mathewes & vade 26:13:04 off Henry Sharpp 20:00:00 ¦ off William Smyth 16:13:04 off Richard Sorevener 13:06:08 76 13 04 ffor Nurceinge poore Children To Sara osbome 2 ChUdren 13 m" at 16" \ 40' for deaths & 8' for Seooling ... J To Mary Dickinson for mary Christop for ) 13 m» at 8' & 20' for Cloathes ... ) To Grace Stratford 4 m" for Eliz. Xop at 8' p m" & 10" for Cloathes ... To Grace Stratford for 8 m" for peace Xop 1 at 8" p m° & 20" Clothes ) To a poore woman for keepinge a Child & 1 Clothes & sending to Nurce ) ffor discoueringe the mother of Eliz Chris- 1 top 20' and p" to porters & a Midwife \ to get a woman away w'" Child atl 21:08:00 12:16:00" 06:04:00 02:02:00 1 04:04:00' 00:07:00 01:04:06 26:17:06. 26 17 06 Alowed the. Tenants in ffleet Street for yeeres taxes To Vade & Mathewes 06:14:09 To Henry Sharpp 03:06:00 To William Smyth ... 02:12:00 To Richard Screvener 03:17:00 15 08 06 16:08:09 p2 108 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 05 20 05 05 0200 1 0100 0 01 7 01 02 0 02 01 0 00 00 00 00 2 0300 0000 00 07 16 1403 14 08 12 14 08 04 03 12 00 02 02 01 0813 12 0701 00 00 00 09 15 06 00 000400 0000 10 04 0804 00 00 00 0600 000400 04 06 To the poore of 8' Andrew Wardops To m' James Cranford for Morninge prayer To the Clarke & Sexton for there attendance To m' Nathanell fflack for Candels ffor 18 Sacks of Sea Cole 0:18:0611648] ffor 36 Sacks of Sea Cole 1:17:00)1649] ffor Chercole for the vesterry To m' Antrabus for releifEe of Maymed Souldyers To Bartlemews Hospitell for ffleet street rent To the Scavenger for on yeere for the Church To Jn" Moss a Mason for mending Churchyerd wall ... To m' webb & m' ward for mendinge 2 pews ffor wine at 13 Sacraments & for m' Crandford ffor m' Crandfords rent to m' Abbot 1 yeere ffor a vew Diner 39' 8" & to 2 workmen 6' To the Draps Comp: for Rent of Ten""'" in ffleet stret ... To w"" wamsly for 62 dozen of Bred for the poore To the Clarke beinge m' HorspooUs guift To the Beadle of Broad street ward for y" poores war'... To m' windus the Clarke to the Quest To an officer for discoueringe m' Boltons legacy To a Smyth & Carpenter for mendinge C:yerd dores ... To m' Jn" Brett for the auditt Diner To my selfe, wi^" I form'ly lent towards m' Cranfords house To m' Mercer the Clarke as by his note ffor mendinge the Church lan thorn & a Cord ^^'¦''•) Paid as by the perticulers on the other side paid youngs wiffe to convay her to her husband pd widdoe Jenkins in her Sicknes & charges of buryall pd knight for a coffen & buriinge a parish Child pd knight for Clensinge the Church yeard 1648 pd knight for Clensinge the Chureh leads pd for Clensinge the Church yerd 1649 ... pd widdoe Maddoi in her Sicknes... ... pd the poore wch was Collected the 5''' Novem' pd for Carridge of the poores at twice pd Spent at receiuinge ffieet street Rent pd the poore m' Neereings Legacey pd to the poore at Chrismas 1649 ... pd to the poore at Easter 1649 ... pd giuen to Severall poore in 1648 & 1649 Rest to ballance to be pd to m' Jn" Brett Ja : Cranford parson W"" Williamson Nathaniell fflacke Joseph Vaghan Tho Bolton Henry Baynbrigge I86.a.) The Accompt of John Brett Churchwarden of Christophers Pish Anno 1649 i86.b.) 1650 is Debitor for monyes rec : viz : 130 15 06 11 s d 130 15 06 002 00 00 000 10 06 000 02 06 000 03 00 000 01 06 000 03 03 000 06 00 000 12 00 000 03 00 002 00 00 001 00 00 008 10 00 004 10 00 002 00 00 021 07 07 174 03 09 Of the Inhabitants Assessed on them for the poore Of the draps Company the guift of m' John kendrieke ffor A yeares Rent for severall houses in ffleet street vizt Of m' vade sen' for Rent of Jerusalem ... 26:13:04 Of Henry Sharpe 20:00:00 Of m' WUliam Smith 16:13:04 Oi Richard Scrivener 13:06:08 u36 33 0600 76 13 10 00 04 ffor the BuriaUs 1650 for the kneU for m' Morewood and his wife 00 : 06 : 08 ' ffor the Ground for m' Blackwells sonne ... 00 : 07 : 08 ffor m' Tobias Meadwells Ground and kneU 00 : 14 : 04 | ffor m' Mashams daughters ground 00 :07 :08 ffor m' Hawkes sonnes buriall 00:07:08 for m' Mashams sonnes buriall 00:07:08 for m' Seawards sonnes buriall 00 : 1 1 : 00 , Of m' Thomas Culling the BaUance of his Accompt ... Of the M'cht TaUors Co : m''' Parsons guift Of Aid. Lambert & Aid. Stiles for' the poore in Broad street ward Of the Beadle of Broad street ward Of m' Garfort the guift of Simon Horsepoole Of the Ld Maior for misdemeanours Committed in the l Pish 1" 10' given the officer 12* j Of the Quest of CornehUl Ward Reed for A 11 Sacraments Paid as Appeares on the other side Remaines to pay to m' Gey Churchwarden Reed & borrowed of m' Henry Bainbrig (according to ¦ an order of the Vestrey 19'" of November 1660) fifty Pounds which was to make up ffouresoore j Pounds which the Parish paid & gaue to Hills Children Receaued as aboue Paid out as by pticulars on the other side the summe of Rest to BaUance this Accompt which is paid to m' Gey } the succeeding Churchwarden ) 03 02 08 21 00 00 00 04 07 10 10 02 04 01 09 0006 03 15 07 00 00 00' 00 00 04 00 184 168 02 11 09 04 15 11 05 50 00 00 50 00 00 184 02 09 2,34 02 09 218 11 04 15 11 05 187,a.) The Accompt of John Brett Churchwarden is Creditor Paid to the poore their weekly Pensions " " to the widow Jenkins 10 weekes at 18" w. ... 00 : 16 : 00 " to the widow Madoi 43 weekes 2' 6" ... 05:07:06 to m'"' Larimore 62 weekes at 1" 6" 04:13:00) to Rich : Knight 16 weekes at 12" & 46 w"^' atl" 6" 04:05:00 I to widow Malpas 62 weekes at 12" 03:02:00 to Richard Elkin 21 weekes at 12" 01:01:00, 19:03:06 ffor Nursing poore children To Grace Stratford for nursing Peace Chris- ¦» topher 15m'' & Anne Madoi 3 m° at V 07: 04: 00 S'm" J to Mary Dickinson for nursing Mary Chris- 1 .no .nn topher 3 m" at 8" & for her buriall 4", j To Sara Osburne for nurseing Edward & l Jn" Christopher 15 m" at 8' A m" & for > 12 :18 :00 Edwards Schooling 6 q" at 3' q' ... -' more for cloathes for them ... ... ... 02:00:00 to Grace Stratford for 12 m" Clothes peace lop 01:00:00 Ii 19 03 d 06 to Richard Knight for nursing Elizabeth i Christopher 18 weekes at 2' P we. 01:16:00 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 109 more for clothes for EUzabeth Christopher ... 00 : 10 : 00 to m' Mercer for blankets & bed (w"" he) pd) for the chUd in Bishopsgate street J 0° = ^^ : 03 27:05:03 AUowed for the Tennants in ffleet street for Taxes to Vade for Jerusalem houses ... ... 03:03:07 to m' Henry Sharpe 03:01:08 to m' WUliam Smith to m' Richard Scrivener 02:14:08 ( 03:08:08; 12:08:07 To m' Taverner for the poore of Andrew Wardrope ... to m' James Cranford for morning prayer to the Clarke & Sexton for their attendance to m' Nathaniell ffiaoke for Candles ffor Charcoales for the vestry to m' Antrobus for maimed souldiers & Ld; Maiors officer to Bartholomews HospitaU ffleet street Rents to m' Burton Scavenger for A yeare to m' Tho : Hooton Smiths worke to m' GUbert Painting the church lathers 36" colouring ¦\ the cloath before the Kings Armes 6' more for V marking the Pewes 9' 3" , ... J i87.b.) more John Bret Creditor spent at 4 Parish dinners in ffleet street ... to m' Mercer mony laid out for the church to m' Phillip Wingfeild for bread .„ to the draps Company for A Rent charge to m' Gey for Hills children ... to the Poore at Christmas & Easter Paid for the buriall of Thompson to m' Henry Bainbrig mony lent by him... to Richard Knight in fuU of A bill for A Pulpett Hassocke to Knight for matting Pews to Nathaniel Ward Joyners worke to m' Mercer m' Horspooles Guif t to m' Mercer for Bell Ropes for the Aldermens warrant of asseassm' to my lord maiors officer fetching the booke to ni''' Santilo f yeares Rent Madoi house to m' Gadsden worke done about Bells for nursing, cloathing & burying A fondling to Nurses & other charges for widow Madox & Coffin & Graue &c & for her daughter for A warrant for m' Lees Alehouse Shoes & stockings for Anne Madox to Knight for necessaryes more for A spade shovell & baskets for helping women out of Parish ready to ly in & for releife of poore people Paid on thother side W" is brought over . 27 12 0520 05 05 00 0101 00 0002 101 67 101 05 03 08 07 00 00 00 06 16 16 03 14 06 02 00 01 10 00 00 00 0000 08 04 00 06 50 00 00 168 11 04 218 11 04 li tl d 16 11 05 Paid vnto Hills ChUdren (according io an order of the \ Vestrey 19'" November 1660) the Summe of ffifty I Pounds w"=" was rec" of m' Bainbrig W" with Thirty ( Pounds Paid them as aboue makes the summe of j Eighty Pounds. I say pd ) 1651 This accout was audytted may 13 and there 1 remaines to bee pd to y next Churchwarden fifteene r pound eleven shillings and five pence -' Ja: Cranford parson John Roberts W"" Williamson Nathaniell ffiacke Henry Baynbrigg Joseph Blackwell Tho CuUing I88.a.) The Aeeompt of Stephen Gey Churchwarden of the Parish of S' Christophers I88.b.) London 1650 & 1661 being D' for moneys rec" as foUoweth 10 03 10 01 04 14 10 02 13 06 02 12 00 00 03 04 30 00 00 10 16 00 00 10 00 05 00 00 00 07 06 00 02 00. 00 08 10 00 08 00 01 00 00 00 15 06 00 02 00 00 02 06 02 12 06 00 10 00 00 16 00 00 16 00 00 01 00 00 06 00 00 02 09 00 04 00 00 03 01 168 11 04 Inprimis Reod the Ballance of m' Bretts Accompt Of the Inhabitants Asseased on them for y poore Of the Drapers Company y Guift of m' Jn" Kendrieke ffor a yeares Rente for severall houses in fleet street ... vizt Of m' Vade sen for Rente of Jerusalem ... 26 : 13 : 04 Of Henry Sharpe 20 : 00 : 00 Of m' Willm Smith 16 : 13 : 04 Of Richard Scrivenor ... 13 : 06 : 08 u 14 40 33 76 11 08 00 13 05 4 00 04 76 : 13 : 04 ffor the Burialls 1651 ffor m" Smiths grownd & knell one of them the yeare ffor m' Boultons 2 Children ... 1660 ffor m' Williamsons daughters grownd &kneU ffor m' John Roberts grownd & knell ffor m' Adrians childes grownd & knell ... ffor m' Stratfords kinsmans grownd & kneU ... ' ffor m' Richardsons childes grownd Moneys reed at 13 Sacrament dayes U s d d 00 00 : 11 00 : 15 : 00 00 : 11 : 00' 00 : 11 : 00 1 00 : 11 ; 001 00 : 11 : 00 00 • 07 : 08 . li s d 00 : 13 : 00 01 : 02 : OOj 01 : 01 : 09 00 : 13 :01i( 00 : 19 : 00^ | 01 : 00 : 10 00 : 14 : 07 06 : 04 : 04^ Reed of m' Gilbert Morewood Legacie for the poore ... Reed a Legacie of m' Morewood given to the Parish ... Reed of M'ch' Taylors m" Parsons guif te Reed for M' Simon Horsepooles gif t ... Reed of the Iremongers companie by y Beadle of broad street ... , Reed more of the Beadle of Broad streete Reed of m" Sanckloe due for the poore in m' Brets yeare Sum tot' Rest by ballance due from the Parish 03 17 08 1661 ApriU MayJuneJuly August Sep ' 00 : 19 : 05^ 00 : 14 : 03^ 00 : 16 : 02 00 : 18 : 10 00 : 11 : 06^ 01 : 00 : 00 04 : 19 Octo: 5* N" 2 Dec Jan Feb Mch Ap 11 1208 00 0400 00 03 00 00 100402 02 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 08 205 026 01 17 0004 £231 18 04 no Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryslie of St. Christofers in London. ^^^^•> The Accompt of Stephen Gey— C. Paied to m" Sanckloe due in m' Brets yeare ffor wine... pd more two BiUs of Taxes to Jn" Price of the last y'.... pd by m' Brets order to m' Abbot for one yeares tenthes for m' Cranford pd to John Osborne for taking Edward Xpofer as p bonde off from this Parish pd to the Ladie Mowleson and M' Stephens as p bond... pd James Jenner by order of a Vestre ... pd the Bricklayer for mending the churchyard wall pd the pavier for paving the Streete & Stones To the Poore of Andrues wardops To the scauenger ffor one yeare ffor the Church To m' Cranfford ffor moreing Prayer To the Clarck and Sexton q' m' ffieack ffor Candelles To m' Antrubos ffor releiffe of mained souldyers To Bartlemues hospital! for ffleet street Rentt ffor 12 sackes of Charcoole ffor the vestrye 22" the sacke ffor a vew Dinner 42" 8" and too workemen 5' q' ffor winde ffrom the Castell as p bill ... To the Beadell of Brod strea[t] warde ffor a warrentt ... To the Lord Mayors officecer ffor the ffiching the Role... ffor 12 sackes off sea coolie 1651 ffor 24 sackes of sea cole 1662 To the Backer ffor Bred ffor the Poore To the Drapers Company ffor Rent payd m' Sheppard ... q'' To m' mercer the Clarok as by his note apeares q' To Richard Knight the Sexton as p note To m' Humffrey Blundell ffor the auditt Dinner To the Clarke and Sexton the guift of m' Horspoole ... To m' Abbott ffor one years Rent ffor m' Cranford To the Poore att Chrisrhas as by Booke apeares and allso three Chaldron off CoUes part off m' morwoods guiEt To the Poore at Ester 7' 10" wheareoff 6" of m' more- woods giufte payd the glasier as by his notes apeare payd the smith as by his note apeares payd & spent att the Receueng off the Rentes ... payd geauen away to seauerall poore 1660. 1661 payde a Carpenter ffor putting in a borde in the billf ree i89.b,) Allowed to the Tennants in ffleet street for Taxes To m' Wade for Jerusalem houses 05:00:02- To m' Henry Sharpe 03:15:06 To m'W" Smith 03': 01 : 00 To m' Rich: Scrivener 02:10:00- Paied to the Pentioners as foUoweth 3 : 15 ; 00 • 3:04:06, 2:03:00 ' 3: 18: 10 I 2:03:00, To John Roaehe 50 weacks is To Richard Knight 43 weacks is To Richard Elkin 43 weacks is Widdowe Larramore 43 weeks is Widdowe Malpas 43 weacks is Paied to those that kept the Children Pd for Clothes for the 4 Children to Grace Stratford... To Grace Osborne for Edward Christopar 46 weacks 2"p'w John Christopher 31 weacks 2' p' w 09 02 01 02 16 11 14 15 04 04 00 0204 08 04 08 00 00 21 14 10 60 00 00 04 10 00 01 10 02 02 02 00 05 00 00 00 14 00 20 00 00 06 00 00 05 05 06 01 14 08 01 03 04 01 02 00 02 07 08 08 11 00 00 02 00 00 02 06 00 12 06 01 04 6 02 12 00 00 03 04 02 02 10 00 18 00 00 13 04 01 00 00 01 08 04 06 00 00 To George Benson ffo' Ann maddock 46 weacks att 2p'w To Richard Knight ffor Richard Gardner 29 weaekes 2'p'w Paid to Grace Osborne for Elizabeth as p note to bee repaied at her husbands Retoume in all pd Widdowe Sturny when her husband was sicke pd to the quest of Broade streete warde toward an Engine ... ... ... ... ... pd m' Gilbert Morewood w"* he lent to repaire the Church by accepting his Legacie payd to m' Piggen for j groce off poyntes geauen to the Chill[dren] payd to Grace Stratford ffor peace xtop' 46 w att 2' p' w payd to Robartt Lewen flor John xtop' 14 weacks 2'p'w ... ., payd allso for Richard Gardner and charges aboute thare goeing into the Country payd Richard Knight for tacking in too Chilldren payd to Grace Osbourne ffor scooUing Brought over from y" other side pd m' Windus the Clarke to y" quest for 2 yeere Rest by ballance to reoeiue of the next Church warden w* I am out of puree ... .. ... 04 12 00 02 18 00 00 19 00 00 10 00 00 07 00 08 00 00 00 04 00 04 12 00 01 08 00 01 18 00 00 02 00 00 03 00 66 16 00 165 02 04 231 18 04 0 05 00 232 03 04 27 02 04 205 01 00 00 07 10 00 01 15 04 00 08 10 02 18 08 02 00 00 00 01 00 165 02 04 14 06 08 04 03 10 02 04 00 0000 This Acc" of m' Stephen Geyes was Auditted & allowed the 3* of June 1652 & then was due to him twenty seaven pounds two shillings & fower pence Joseph Blackwell W"" Williamson Tho CuUings Nathaniell ffiacke Henry Baynbrigg i90.a.) The Aeeompt of Humphrey Blunden Churchwarden of the Parish I90.b.) Christoph" London 1651 & 1652 being D'. for Moneys received followeth of d 6 0004 Imp'mis Reod of the Inhabitants asseased for y poore 39 01 Reed of y" Draps Company y" gift of M' Kendriek ... 33 00 for a yeares Rent for severall houses in Fleet street ... 76 13 viz of M" Vade for Rent of Jerusale ... 26 : 13 : 4 of Henry Sharpe 20:00:0 of M' W" Smith 16:13:4 of M' Rich Serivner 13:06:8 76 : 13 : 4 For BuriaUs 1652 For M" Savidge ground & knell ... 00 : 11 : 0 ¦ M' Williamson (junior) his Wife gro. & kneU 00:11:0 M' Richardsons child, ground & knell ... 00 : 11 : 0 | M" Adrian vault & kneU 02:03: M' Martin ground & kneU 00:11 :0V 08 12 10 M' Edw. Williamsons child 00:07: M' Brooks 2 Children gr & kneU ... 01:02:0| M" Moross vault & knell 02:03:4 M' Shewards ground & knell 00 : 11 : 0 M' Tho : Boltons mayd knell 00 : 01 : 6 . Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. Moneys Rec' on Sacram' dayes " Mayy2" 01: June y 6* ... ... oO : July y" 4* 01 : August y" 1" ... ... 01 : October 3* 01: Novemb y= 7'" 00 ; Decemb' y<= 6* 01 Jan'y«2" 00; Feb'y7'" 00 Mrchy 6'" 01 ApriU ye 3* 00: Mayy 1" 00 Rsceived of Alderman Atkin for y poore & for an oath of M' Peter Cole for an Oath whe" Constable M' Horsepooles Gif t of March' Taylo" M" Parsons Gif t of the Ironmongers Company p Beadle of street ; 00:0> 19:6 00: 05:0 1 08 :0 18 :0' 04:0, 18:0 19:6 1 01 :0 18:0 19:0- 12 10 00 00 00 04 00 10 03 03 04 10 broad 00 02 175 10 Remayning in M' Mercer y" Clarks hands of this foresaid money the sume of seaven pounds one shilUng as apps p his note is i li 07 01 d .0 So that of the aforesaid sumes I haue ¦) received only a hundered sixtie eight \ 168 pounds & nine shillings I say J 9:0 And therefore to baUanee this Accompt is due to me 15 06 190 16 l.il.a.) The Accompt of Humphry Blunden Churchwarde 1651 & 1662 Disbursments for y Parish as followeth Imprimis Pd to M' Stephen Gey being due on his Accompt ... ... ... Paid to y poore of Andrews Wardrop ... To M' Cranford for morning prayer To the Clark & Sexton To M' Flack for Candles To M' Antrobus for relief of Maymed Soldiers To Bartholomews HospitaU for ffleet street Rents ffor 12 Sacks of Charcole for y<' Vestry To y' Beadle of broad street ward for a warrent ... To my L" May" officer for y Rowle To y' Baker for Bread for y" poore To y Draps Company for Rent To Major Richard Finoh for y Audit Dinner To y poore at Christmas as p book apps To y" poore at Easter as p book D'sburKcd in charges about M'Sherringtons will ... for a lardge Curteine for y Chureh window & setting it vp for Paveing on y South side y" Church for Mending y water passage to M' Cranfords Seller To the Carpenter as p his note To the Smith as p bill charged above To y" Baker for y poores bread for a yeare ... ... pd & spent at Receiving y= Rents in Fleet street ... for 2 Coaches thither 0 4 4 00 0 10 0 10 li s d 27 00 0 05 00 0 20 00 0 05 00 0 05 06 0 01 14 8 01 03 4 01 04 0 00 02 0 00 02 6 02 12 0 00 03 4 00 13 4 06 00 0 06 00 0 01 03 9 01 17 6 03 04 0 01 04 0 00 12 0 00 11 0 00 00 0 05 04 3 00 02 0 Given to severall poore 1661 & 1662 To the Tennants in ffleet street for Taxes ... To John Roach for a yeares pension To y other 4 Pention" for 54 weeks Moreover to M" Laramore p order of vestry For Nursing, keeping & Cloathing y Children To Goodwife Osbome for wages & Cloathes for Rich Xtpr To Grace Stratford for Sarah & Peace Christopher To George Benson for keeping & Cloathing Ann Madox To Robt Lewen for John Xtopher wages & deaths To Goodwife Barker for Rich Xtopher To widdow Dunmore for wages & Cloathes... for keeping 4 Infants till Nurses were pvided for Baptizing them To the Scavinger for one yeare for y Church To M' Pidgion for a gross of points given y^ childre To M' Windus clarck to y" quest ... for mending M' Williamsons pew To the Clarck & Sexton y Gift of M' Horspoole .. The Clarcks yearly bill as apps for 26 Gallons of Muscadell for y^ Sacram" for 8 Gallons & a qrt of Old Mallego for vestry .. To y Sexton as p his years bill apps 02 12 04 14 01 040906 0504 0300000000 00 00 01 0110 0301 111 00 0 09 0 00 0' 14 4 00 0 08 10 07 10 08 06 15 05 14 0402 00 00 13 08 14 05 0 0 04 6 06 6 006 8 0 6 0 04 The mony pd as aboue In the Clarks hands Sum tot' 183.15.10 007 : 01 : 00 190 16 10 183 16 6 [10] This Acc of m' Hump. Blundels was Audited & allowed the 4*" of May 1653 and then due to him 15:06:00 of w"^" the Clarke oweth Seaven pounds on shilling w"" he is to pay to m' Rich" ffinch next Church war[den] Ja. Cranford W"" Williamson Tho CuUing Nathaniell fflacke Tho Bolton The Aooompt of Maigo' Joseph Vaghan isi.b.) Paym'" fo' the Parish l92.a.) Imprimispd fo' Caringe A Child out of the Parish pd fo' A booke of Statuts pd exspenes in Recs rent pd for A Warrant fo' to rate y Poores Assesm Parish pd f o' poynts y P'ambulation day & exspecs pd exspenes in Recs y" rent... pd f o' a Key pd exspenes in Recs rent pd Barthlemews Hospitali fo' a quick rent pd Knight fo' his Attendance pd fo' Caringe of 20 Loads of rubish pd f o' 2 Laborou" to ffetch it f orth pd fo' 2 baskits pd W""" Jarden the Carpint' fo' worke pd W"" Johnnes Brickler pd W"" Evans Plasterar pd John ffitohwilliams pd Edmond Bayly Smyth ... pd Thomas AsteU Glassiar 000 01 0 000 00 3 000 03 5 000 02 0 000 06 8 000 01 2 000 00 6 001 01 0 001 03 4 000 02 0 001 03 8 000 13 4 000 00 8 050 00 0 016 00 0 020 00 0 001 09 0 003 18 7 007 09 7 112 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. pd fo' exspenes of y Audiet Vewe and P'ambulation dinner ... pd Mercer fo' Writtinge the Accompt 004 03 1 194.a.) 1652 1653 000 06 8 108 05 11 '^' '^ 1643 The Acompt of Maige' Joseph Vaghan Church Warden of Recepts & jg^^ Paym"" fo' y Poore Recepts fo' the Poore Imp'mis Reed f o' y Poore by y" Roule of Assesm' for y' yeare 044 10 1643 028 18 Reed of the Drap" Compeney ye Gift of m' Kendrieke... 003 00 Reod att the Church Dore one faste dayes as Appeares one the other sid of y Leafe w"" was not ordered oth'wayes to bee dispossed one 012 12 Paym'" f o' y Poore Imp'mispd GoodwifEe Jenkines 50 weekes at 12" p weeke pd ffranncis Shelley 16 weekes at 6" p weeke pd Goodwiffe Maddockes 50 weekes at 12" p weeke pd Goodwiffe Lacey fo' 50 weekes at 12" p weeke pd Goodwiffe Melson 50 weekes at 12" p weeke pd Nathaniell Jerman 50 weekes at 12" p weeke pd m" Castle fo' 2 chUdrens bord fo' 1 yeare pd to y Church Wardens of Andrewes Wardropp pd Goodwiffe Knight f o' Nursinge a Child 2 weeks pd to the y'= Poore of this Parish by ord' of Vestrey ... pd & given to severall poore p'sons in want the names of w"" are in the Little vestrey booke pd Mercer to give the poore of o' Parish to them Coles in steed of y' Kings Gift 002 10 0 000 08 0 002 10 0 002 10 0 002 10 0 002 10 0 Oil 09 4 005 13 0 000 04 0 007 00 0 009 11 9 006 00 0 052 16 Paid this yeare more then Reeeud for the poore eight pounds five shiUings 4" w"=" is made good by the parishes stock 08 05 04 193.1.) The Accoump' off Richard ffinch Churchwarden of the Psh off S' Christopher I93.b.) Londone 1662 and 1653 Beeinge debito' for monyes rec" as ffoUoweth Rec" of the Inhabitants asseased for y" Poore Rec" the Guift of m" Wiseman for y Poore Rec* of the Drap" Comp y' Guift of m' Jn° Kendrick Saoraments. Reed att 9 Sacraments Reo" A yeares Rent for y seuera" houses in ffleet streett 041001033 008 16 000005 080000 06 076 13 For Burialls • ffor m" Wiseman knell M' Dickens Wiff g'ound & knell M' Phillipp Rickett Child g'ou' and kneU & \ y vaulte ) M' Joseph BlackweU ChUd ground and i kneU \ M" Newsonn g'o'. & knell Rec" for the Ground of Nehemiah Bond ... Rec" fo' y" ground of M' Marsh 0:05:00 0:11:00 02:03:0400:11:00 00:11:00 00:10:00 00:07:08 04 19 Rec" the Guift of M" Margarett Deane Reed the Guift of M' Symon Horsepoole Reed M' Jn" Andrian to cleare him from p'sh' offices Reed of y= Marchant Taylors y gift m" Parsons 000 004020 000 02 0400 10 000000 00 190 10 The Accoumpt of Richard ffinch Churchwarden Disburstments for y P'ish as follow'". pd M' Humphry Blundell dew to him apon acc" To M' Overtone the Beadle p a wa'ant to y Cease p y' poore pd & exspended to discharge y" p'" of a Child To Tho Jones Churchwarden of 8' And'ewea y wardrope To seuerall Ministers & Wyddowes & Poore people fo' y^ye'" Pd the Audite Dynno' pd the Dynno' one y" Preambulatione day To Pigeone for a groce & a half of Poynts To overton the Beadle for two Chaldr of Cole for y poore To M' Antrobus for ye Maimed Souldiers p on whole ye" To M' Hudsonn for mendeng the Bell To two Laborers for brushinge the Church To ye Lord Mayre officer for y^ poore role To M' Watterman for BeU Ropes To the Drap" Comp : a Cheeff dew to them To M' Langlea for a new Cheusen for y" Pulpitt and \ for new seateinge a pew ... ... ... ... > To a Joyno' for Mendeinge M' Hawkes pew To M' ffr. Burton & M' Dickens to y ques« Mace & for 7 y stocks and whipping Post & y Indian for fier ... j pd Caryng ould Lynnen to tower hUl for y" souldiers ... To M' Dicksonn for 8 sacks of ould Cole pd the lanthorne Mendeinge ... ... To S' Bartlemew hospitaU for A Cheff dew out of the i houses y ffleett streett ... J To M' Parker y^ Scaueng' one ye'^ for the Church To Jno Netherway y" Playsterer for wo'ke To M' Austine y Glazer ffor worke p y Church pd the P'sh Pentioners att Christmas ... ffor mendinge the Pulpitt To M' Loe on' questman y' demand of y" quest towa'"" Beame and Scalles ... To M' Ri: Carpenter fo' Plumers wou'ke donn one y leades To Knight for Ring" y^ bells when y' dynd att g'ocers hall pd Coueringe M' Horseman graue ... pd Carridg of Rubidge out of y Church yarde pd ou' Pentioners ag" Easter I94.b.) Paid two the Pentione'" Richard Elkine 10 weekes John Roch a yeare widdow Mapur 62 weeks wid : Larremore 52 weeks Ri : Knight 52 weeks ... To M' Cranford for Morning prayer To M' Mercer y" Gift of M' Kendrieke ... To M' Knight To M' fflack fo' CandUs being m' Kendrick gift To M' fflack for Candlls ffor y p'cinot Lanthorne To Hootonn the Smith for wourke p the Church To W"" Paybody for Joyno' wo'k p y Church pd for 3 Chussens for y pews To M' Younge for Sacrament wyne 11 9 i 15 00 00 00 02 06 00 03 08 05 00 00 02 00 00 00 13 04 01 15 6 00 06 00 01 04 01 14 8 01 01 00 00 08 00 00 02 6 01 07 6 00 03 4 03 05 00 00 01 00 00 19 00 00 02 00 00 16 00 00 02 6 01 03 4 00 14 00 00 10 00 01 06 00 06 00 00 00 01 6 00 06 00 00 03 62 17 00 Lor^ Protecto' ¦¦¦ ... 00 02 6 ¦ •> 00 03 6 yarde 00 01 00 ¦ ¦ ¦•• ••• 06 00 00 10 0 10 .0^ 4 00 .0 2 12 0 16 04 0 5 04 0 3 18 0 20 00 00 ¦ ¦¦ 02 10 00 • ¦¦ 02 10 00 t 05 00 00 ne 00 08 00 h 00 05 06 ... 00 06 ... 00 10 .. 01 16 8 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 113 To M' Robrt Watkins for y« Register Booke To the Baiker 52 weeks bread for y poore beeing M' 1 Symon Horspoole gif t \ To M' Mercer y gift of M' HorspooUe To Knight y gif t of M' HorspooUe To y' poore y= gif t M' Horspoole for Nurse keepinge & Clothing y» Children pd Grace Stradfourd for nurseing of Children audi Clothes p one yeare 3 To Goody Barker for Clo thinge & nurseinge To Goody Dunmore for the like To M' WiUy Stratfourd for y« Audite Dynno' ... A Batement for Taxes for y"= houses in ffleet strett 1 3 d To M' Smith for one ye" 03.09.4\ To M' Vade for one ye'° 06 . H . 8 i To M' Sharpe a yere 04 . 02 . 8 I To M' Scriueno' 02.16.0/ 04 00 0 02 12 0 00 13 4 00 06 8 00 12 07 12 06 01 0 06 00 0 00 13 4 15 19 To Knight for taUringe in of Children & Clothes To Robert Leven for keepinge & Clothes p Children To Sara Osboome for keeping & Clothes p Children To George Bensonne )6.a ) , Paiments pd & spent the 4 quarters Receiueinge y" rents in ffleett streett ... pE,ide ffor 3 Cooh hyer pd M' Willyam Mercer for his ye"ly bill pd Mercer for his paines aboute ye accoumpt Paiments apone the ffirst side paiments apone y" second side paiments ... Rest to Ballance Twenty pownds Nyne shUlings eight pence 01 06 03 03 00 6 02 0 19 8 15 2 107 16 10 li a d 05 11 10 00 03 00 03 04 08 00 06 8 09 6 2 52 17 10 107 16 10 170 00 10 020 09 08 190 10 06 This Accompt audited this 9" of May 1664 and ordred the ballence to be p" vntOj M' Henery Bainebrigg in pt of a debt of fifty pownds dew to him by the parish 20 : 9 : 8 Tho Culling W"" Williamson Nathaniell fflacke Joseph Blackwell John Brett i6.b.)The Aooompt of William Stratford Churchwarden of the Parish of S' Christofer London 1653 and 1654 being Debto' for monies rec" as followeth viz' Reed of the Inhabitants an Assessem' for the poore ... Rod of the Drapers Company the Gift of m' John i Kendrieke ... ... ... j Reed at 12 Saoraments Reed a yeares rent for the severall houses in ffleetestreete For burialls ffor m' Aylesworth's child Ground & knell... 00 : 11 : 10 for m'' Robert watkins chUd ground & knell 00 : 13 : 04 for m' John Webbs kinsman Ground ... 00 : 08 : 06 for m' W."" Moores wife ground & knell ... 00 : 11 : 10 for m'Nath" Brookes child ground & knell 00:10: 6 for W" Masons childs knell 00 : 02 : 00 for m' Zach: Sawens brother Ground & kneU 00 : 11 : 10 for m' Joseph Wrights child Ground ... 00:08:06 j. qq^ for m' Joseph Blackwells wife the kneU ... 00 : 03 : 04 ' 041 033 010 076 07 00 11 13 d 08 0000 04 08 02 for m' Adrians maide y Ground & knell ... 00 : 10 : 06 for m' CuUings chUd y Ground 00 : 08 : 06 for m' Horseman's Ground & knell 00 : 13 :04 for m' Steph. Parkers child ground & knell ... 00 : 1 1 : 1 0 for m' Tho Boltons child ground 00 : 1 0 : 00 for m' Tho Hinds Child ground and kneU. . . 00 : 12 : 04 , Reed the Gift of m'" Margaret Deane Reed the gif t of m' Simon Horsepoole Reed of the Merchant taylo" y" gift of m" Parsons Reod from the Quest in Cornhill ... Reed of the Tenants in ffleetestr[eet] for the poore 20 Apr: 1655 Reed of the Tenants in ffleetestr: for fynes upon renewing their leases viz' Of m' Vade Of m' Smith Of m' Sharpe Of m' Scrivener Reed upon sale of the Goods of the wid: Malpas & what 1 money was left by her ... ) Sume TotaU is 000 02 00 004 04 00 000 10 00 000 05 00 000 17 06 070028 028 020 00 00 0000 0000 0000 008 14 00 329 12 08 li 1 d 029 10 08 010 00 00 009 04 00 001 13 00 000 05 00 003 06 62 020 00 00 001 05 00 002 10 00 001 05 00 10 10 06 00 I.) Creditor The Accompt of William Stratford Churchwarden 1653 & 1654 Disbursements for the Parish as followeth viz' Imprimis Paid m' Bainbrigg the PrincipaU vpon 14 May 1665 Bond & for Interest vpon the same bond for 23 Gallons of Muskadine for the Sacraments for 4 Gallons & a pint of sacke for the vestry ... Paid m' WindaU CI. to the Quest pd for Duties to m' Cranford & rent to m' Moore for l the wid: Malpas & other Charges j pd to m' Cranford for Morning Prayer to y" Clarke for the same ^ yeare ... & to y" Seiton for the same for one whole yeare & to the wid of W"" Mercer ^ yeare for y same Paid for making the pulpit stayres & mending seu'all 1 pewes in the Church 3 To the Pentioners Paid the wid. Larrimore for 52 weekes ... 05:04:00^ the wid Malpas for 52 weekes ... 05 : 04 : 00 I Rich : Knight & his wife for 62 weekes 03 : 18 : 00 i John Roach for 52 weekes 04 : 00 : 00 J Paid for 24 Sacks of Charcoale for the vestry ... pd knight for broomes 2 shovells & a Mop Given to seu'all Ministers widowes & poore people For nurse-Keeping & Cloathing the Children pd Grace Stratford for Peaee Christofer for 1 yeare pd her more nursing Cloathing & buryall of Jn": Chr: ... pd her more for nursing & cloathing of Mary Christofer pd Robert Leven for John Christofer for 1 yeare pd Robert Barker & Goodwife Bradford for Richard ) Christofor for 1 yeare (& bringing him vp 3") all ... ) pd Nichol. Chapman for nursing cloathing & buryall of ) Anne Christofer ) pd Nichol. Chapman for nursing & Cloathing of Richard ) Christofer j pd John Osborne for nursing & cloathing of Sarah 7 Christofer ... ... ... ... f pd m' Little John for Christning 5 Children 7" 6" & pd knight for keeping of them till they were put out to nurse 12' 6" aU 004 018 002 000 002 006 002 000 006006 002000000 08 12 00 04 1618 04 07 000400 00 000000 00 001 isT 17 00 18 00 18 00 00 00 17 00 114 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. '96.b,) The Accompt of W"" Stratford Church-warden is Credito' Paid m' Benj : Warden for the poore of S' Andrew ¦» wardrobe J pd to the painter for making the bounds of the Parish... pd m' Brookes for making the bond for the Ch:wardens i seourety to the Parish y pd m' Pidgeon for a Grosse of points pd the Beadle of Broadstr: ward for 2 Chaldron of Coales pd m' Kelsey for a Dinner on Holy Thursday for tjie l Auntients of the pish ... J pd for 2 Sackes of Coales w'=" m' ffinch left to pay pd m' Cartwright Beadle for the wor" Company of Draps pd m' Roberts for 2 hassocks 1 for the Readers pew & 7 y'' other for the pulpitt i pd m'' W"" Seires Beadle of Barthol. Hospitali for Quit i 005 00 00 000 02 06 000 02 06 000 04 00 001 04 06 001 12 00 000 04 00 000 03 04 rent for the houses in ffleete str: J pd for a Lanthorne for the Church pd for a brush 6" & a rope for the Lanthorne 6" all pd m' Anthrobus for the Maimed Soldiers pd m' Townsend for officiating as Reader & Clarke pd 4 others for officiating as Clarkes pd for Rosemary & bayes pd the 3 viewers for viewing the houses in ffleetestr: ... pd the Scavenger for the Church for 1 yeare pd knight his old bill pd a Labourer for digging y Church yard pd m' Howton the Smith for worke don in y Chureh ... pd knight for hay seeds for the Ch :yard & looking after 7 the buckets J pd m' fflacke for Candles pd for an yron rake pd for mending 18 buckets pd the Clarkes bill ... ... ... ... pd the Clarke the Gift of m' Horsepoole pd the Sexton for the same Gift pd m" Horseman for wyne for the old yeare Given by the vestry to the poore at Christmas Also to them at Easter 001 042 00 13 007 I97.a.) The Accompt of William Stratford Ch:warden is Credito' Abatements for Taxes for the Houses in Fleete Streete Tom' Smith 03:00:00 To m"- Scrivener 02:03:04 Tom' Vade 04:11:00 Tom' Sharpe 03:16:00 Paid for 4 Dinners 1 of w"" being extraordinary at y \ receiving the rents & fynes of the Tenants in ffleete > str: & for Coach hire pd m' Waterman for bell-ropes pd m' Wingfield for bread for the poore pd Tho Marten for writing this Accompt Paid as aboue ... ... Paid as on the first side Paid as on the second side Paid in all Rest Two Ballance one hundred twentye Seuen pound theirteene shiUings ten peince 000 08 00 03 04 000 07 00 000 01 00 001 14 08 000 05 00 000 10 00 000 05 00 000 13 04 000 12 00 001 05 00 000 03 00 000 08 06 000 01 06 005 00 00 000 01 08 001 04 00 001 19 05 000 13 04 000 06 08 005 15 06 004 10 00 006 00 00 This accoumpt Audited the 24 May 1655 and the abonesd BaUance of 127" 13" 10 is ordered to Bee paide By M' Stradford vnto M' Jno Haw the suckseeding Church warden Ja : Cranford rector W"" WiUiamson Nathaniell fflacke Joseph Blackwell John Brett Richard ffinch i97.b.) Debitor. The Accompt of John Hawe Churchwarden of the Parish of S' Christopher London 1654 & 1656 being debtor for Moneyes rec" as followeth Reed the Ballance of M' Stratfords Aooompt Reod of the Inhabitants an Assessem' for the poore ... Reod of the Drapers Company the Gift of m' kendrieke Reed at 10 Sacram" Reed three quart" rent of the severall Tenants in ffleet 7 streete ending at xpmas 1656 i 127 13 10 44 10 06 33 00 00 07 06 00 63 00 00 09 09 04 06 07 001002 000 07 12 06 06 00 08 025 01 01 134 042 17 00 0009 201 18 10 li 127 1 13 d 10 Reed for buryalls viz' ffor the ground for buryall of m' Jey child 00 for the vault and knell for buryall of ni" 7 00 0000 00 00 : 10 03 Judith Ent for ground and knell for m' Hubards Child 00 : 1 3 for ground and knell for m' John De Villis 00 : 13 for ground & knell for m' Russells child ... 00 : 13 for ground for m' AUibones Child ... 00 : 05 for Ground for m' Gregoryes Child ... 00 : 10 for ground & knell for m' Aylworthes child 00 : 12 for Ground & knell for m' John Hawe ... 00 : 13 Reed the Gift of m" Margaret Deane Reed the Gift of m' Symon Horsepoole Reod of the Merchanttaylo'" Company the gift of Parsons ... Reod of m' Adrian the Gift of m' John De Villis to Poore Summe Totall is... :00: 4 04] 04 :04: Oj :00 00 :04 the 05 13 08 00 02 (10 04 04 00 00 10 00 01 10 00 288 . 09 00 I98.a.) Creditor The Aeeompt of John Haw Churchwarden Disbursem'" for the Parish as followeth Inprimis Paid Benjamin Warden for the poore of S' \ Andrewes wardrobe Parish for one whole yeare \ ending 6 Decemb 1654 ... ... ... ... ... ) Paid m' Windus being Money allowed him for writing 7 on S' Thomas day J Paid for wyne for 1 Sacram' 16' and for the rest as by 7 biU8"14'aU ) Paid m' Cranford for a whole yeare for Morning prayer Paid the Clarke for a whole yeare for the same... Paid the Sexton for the like Paid m' fflacke for Candles To the Pentioners Paid the wid. Laramore for 11 weekes at 2" p weeke ... Paid the wid. Malpas 36 weekes at 2" p weeke Paid Richard Knight & his wife 66 weekes beginning ) Apr 8 1664 & ending Aprill 21 1655 inelusiuely ... j Paid John Roach & his wife for 62 weekes ending at l Lady day 1665 ) Paid at severall tymes for wid: laramore when she was 7 sioke ... ) 1664 li 0500 09 & 1656. 00 00 02 10 06 00 20 00 00 02 10 00 02 10 00 05 00 00 01 02 00 03 12 00 04 02 06 04 00 00 00 03 08 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 115 Paid Knight when he was sicke Paid him for keeping a Child found in the Parish the i 29 Novemb. 1654 { For Nurskeeping & Cloathing Children Paid John Osborne for Sarah Christopher for 16 weekes ) ending 19 July 1654 & then she was put over to > Grace Stratford to keepe > Paid Grace Stratford for Sarah Christopher for 40 weekes \ ending 23 Aprill 1655 at 2' p weeke 4" & halfe a ( yeares Cloathing 10' all ) Paid her more for Peace Christopher for 56 weekes ending the same tyme 5" 12" for a yeares Cloathing , 1" and for a yeares Schooling 8' 6* all Paid George Benson for Mary Christopher for 29 weekps ending 23 Octob 1654 2" 18' & for Cloathing 10' & for her buryall 7' all Paid Nicho : Chapman for Richard Christopher for 58 weekes due 19 ApriU 1665 5" 16' for Cloathes 1" & a trusse 2' 6" all Paid Goodwife Bradford for Rioh'd Christopher for 60 weekes 5" & for Cloathing 1" all Paid Hannah Benson for Cloathes for Christopher 10" & for buryaU of the Child Paid Rob* Lewin for Jn" Christopher for 55 weekea ending 14 Apr 1655 5" 10" & for Cloathing 1" aU The oharge of the Pentioners 13 : 08 : 02 ; of the ChUdren 37 : 01 : 00 ' 00 00 05 00 03 00 01 04 0703 06 0600 06 96 12 00 10 00 OO 06 15 00 18 06 00 00 15 00 10 00 01 08 ,.; The Aeeompt of John Hawe Ch : warden Creditor Paid m' Overton Beadle of Broadstreete for the warr' 7 for assessem' for the poore j Paid m' Blackston the lo: Mayo'" officer for gathering up y poores Rowle Paid m' Brookes Scrivener for twice writing the poores rowle Paid Porters for carrying the yron hooke when y* fire was in Threadneedle st. Paid Knight severall tymes for broomes mops & Clouts 7 12' 6" and for 2 whiskes 3" aU ) Paid for 1 grosse ^ of Poynts for the boyes when they 7 went the Bounds of the Parish 3 Paidy Scrivener for making a Bond Paid m' Overton Beadle of the ward for 4 Chaldron of ) Coles » Paid for a Diner on the Audit day Paid for mending a Cup case 0000 00 00 0000 00 00 0000 02 06 020301 12 0502 16 13 00 00 00000900 06 00 0406 For repairing of the Church Paid Edward Pearce Painter his bUl Paid him more for new guilding the Majo" sword case Paid Thomas Paybody Joyner his biU Paid Tho: Ashton Glazier his biU ... Paid him more for painted Glasse ... Paid John Jones Carpenter his 2 seu'all Vaid Tho: Howton Smith his 2 seu'all aid Capt Stanyan Plasterer his bill Vid the Bricklayers their breakef asts \id to a Mason for lead & worke for Churehdoore ... i the Plumer his bill Lo: bUlsbiUs the 28 : 00 : OO"] 0 : 00 : 00 00 : 17 : 00 05 : 04 : 00 00 : 06 : 00 02 : 19 : 00 01 : 05 : 06 22 : 00 : 00 00 : 00 : 10 00 : 02 : 00 01 : 11 : 00 84 07 04 Paid m' Dod the vpholsterer his seu'aU bills for worke done about the pewes \-,r . r^n . on 9" 13' and more for 2 peeces of serge 5"16'aU Paid John Lay the Pavier for paving before y" Church 03 : 06 : 00 Paid Giles Gilbert for oyling and colouring ¦\ the Church ladders & hooke & posts for 01 : 19 : 00 y" bucketts ) Paid Wm Jones Bricklayer his bUl ... 01 : 03 : 00 pd to the plasterer 00:05:00] Paid by the deed m' Haw to himselfe being money he \ disbursed for the repayre of m' Cranfords house \ 01 An" 1643 ) For repairing m' Cranfords house Paid Henry Hastinge Carpenter his bill ... Paid Edward Lucas Plasterer his bill Paid John Wharton Bricklayer his bill ... Paid Thomas Ashton Glazier his bill Paid for carriage of rubbish from the carriage of ladders & to a labourer ... 14 08 08 : 07 : 00 ¦ 13 : 00 : 00 01 : 10 : 00 04 : 10 : 06 , Churchwall i 27 00 07 06 02 00 116 10 01 199.a.) The Aeeompt of John Hawe Ch : warden Creditor Paid Goodwife Weaver to bury her Child Paid for bread and wyne the 10 May 1655 being a fast day Paid knight by order of vestry 24 May 1655 for cleansing the leades of the Church & ringing 5 No : An" 1654. 5" & paid him for the like service An" 1655. 5' both Paid John Turner for 1 doz. of new leather buckets at 3' 6" Paid to distressed People Paid to knight for making the Church cleane after y workeme ... Spent at the Castle sept 14" 1666 vpon receiving y Rents Paid Robert Lewin for discharging the Parish of Jn" Christofer Paid for Candlestickes for the Chureh Paid Peter Moulson a whole yeares quitt rent to 8' j Barthol. HospitaU due at Michals 1665 j Paid for 11 Sacks of Charooale Paid for ringing & Candles when y Peaee was pclaimed j between Engl: and ffrance j Paid to m' Cartwrights son Paid Valentine Overton Beadle of Broa: ward towards ] y repayre of the wards Engine J Paid m' Antrobus Trear for y« Maymed Soldiers Paid to the Lo: Majors officer by order... Paid Goodwife weaver by order of the Vestry 10' & more 3" ... ... ... Paid knight for triming the Church Given 2 poore Ministers by order Paid the Scavenger for the Church waU Given a poore Minister Paid knight for broomes and Coles Paid him for digging the Churchyard & for 3 sackes of Coles Paid to severall people by order of the vestry at xpmas | 1656 I Paid them by the like order at Easter 1656 00 03 00 00 03 08 00 10 00 02 02 00 00 10 00 01 02 00 00 13 00 10 00 00 00 01 00 01 03 04 01 02 00 00 03 06 00 01 00 00 08 00 01 14 08 00 02 00 00 13 00 00 05 00 00 05 00 00 12 00 00 02 06 00 09 08 00 07 06 00 07 00 08 00 00 07 00 00 Q2 116 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. Paid the bakers biU for bread given the poore for 12 7 Monethes ending at Easter 1656 3 Paid knight for washing the Church at Easter 1666 ... Paid him for cou'ing 6 Graues Paid the bricklayer for cou'ing Graues & for 7 new brickes. ... ... ... ...) Paid for mending m" webbs seate & spent at y» setting - vp the armes &o belonging to y« Monum" Church y setting -J m" in y^ V 02 00 00 00 41 '' The Accompt of John Hawe Churchwarden Creditor Paid to m' Stratford being Money he had paid to m" Horseman by order of the vestry 24 May 1666 Paid the Clarke his bill Paid being the Gift of m' Symon Horsepoole To the Clarke And to the Seiton ... i"i 01 . 12 . 00 ¦ 01 . 17 . 06 ( 03 . 10 . 00 ( 02 . 00 . 00 . Abatem" by Taies for the 3 quart" rent reed for the houses in Fleete streete To m' Smith To m' Scrivener Tom' Vade To m" Sharpe Spent at the Castle taverne vpon receiving Michals ^ quarters rent 13' and vpon receiving xpmas quarters \ rent 14' both Paid for drawing & writing this Accompt Paid as above Paid as on the first side on the second side on the third side InaU This Accompt was audited the O"" of May 1656 and \ there is due from m" Hawe vpon the baUance twenty pounds eleaven shillings & eleaven pence wch wee order to be paid by m" Hawe to m' Thomas Coleclaugh the p'sent Churchwarden 01 01 00 00 08 20 288 Reed y 16*" May 1666 of m" Hawe according to y aboue order 20.11.11 Tho : Colclough Tho CuUings Henry Baynbrigg Joseph Blackwell Nathaniell ffiacke Stephen Gey 12 00 02 09 0600 00 10 5 . 02 10 13 13 06 19 08 0004 08 06 Rd of y Marehantaylers y' guift of m" parsons... Reed of m' Garfoote y'' Guift of m' Horspoole ... Reed for buryalls viz' for y" ground for Buriall of Sarah Traoey ... 0 for y« ground for buriall of m' Gregoryes Child 0 f or y ground for buriall of m' Aylworthes Child 0 for y" ground & knell for m' Brookes Child 0 : for y^ ground for m" Hamond ' ... ... 0 : for y« ground & knell for m' Moore 0 : for y ground & knell for m" Oldbury ... 0 . 13 . 4 for ye ground and knell for m" Rose Vnder wood ... ... 1.11.8 for y^ ground & knell for m' Tho Muschampe 1 . — . — for y" knell for m' Vaughan 0.03.4 Receiued paid rest 00 04 10 04 10 10 13 12 : 10 ; 13 : 06 17 00 233150 06 06 05 07 82 19 10 01 07 00 00 10 00 015 00 02 095 01 08 116 10 01 041 05 02 267 17 01 11 11 09 !Oo:a.) 1655 & The Account of Thomas Colclough Churchwarden of the parish soo.b.) 1656 of S' Christophers for monyes receiued Ann" 1655 & 1656 as foU: viz' Reed the BaUanee of m' Jn" Hawes Account ... Reod of the parishioners on y= Assessm' for y poore . Reed of y*' Draps Company y Guift of m' kendrieke . Reed att 10 sacram*" Reed of y severall tenants in fleetstreete 5 quarters rent except 1 q"' of m' Scrivener ... Reod of m' Toby Maydwells Execute" his Guift to y= poore Reed of m'Nic" ffrancklyn his wifes guift to y" poore... Reed of m'" Haw giuen by her husband to the poore ... Reod of m' Hamond y" guift of m' Muschamp to y" poore Reed of y Comp* of Ironmongers y' guift of m" Deane '} Debtor 20 11 43 17 33 — 08 14 01 10 05 _ 01 — 03 — 05 00 02 11 06 This Accoumpt was Audited this seaeond day of June 1657 and there is due from m' Thomas Colclaugh upon the ballance Eighty two Pounds nineteene shillings & ten pence wch wee order him to pay to mr ffrancis Mayo the p'sent Churchwarden Henry Baynbrigg Nathaniell ffiaoke Tho: Bolton John Brett WiU Stratford 20l,a.) 1655 & The account of Tho: Cololough Churchwarden 1656 parish for monyes pd To Jn" Warden Churchwarden of 8' Andrewes Wardrobe pd Goodman roche a yeares pension pd Goodman knight for 50 weekes ... pd Goodwife Bradford of Hartford for 58 weekes for \ Ric" Christopher 5' 6' for Clothes 20" for schooling > 4' in all J pd Goodwife Stratford for 12 m° dyett for peace and ¦\ sarah Christopher 9" 12* for Clothes 40' for a booke > & schooling 9» 8* J pd Robt Liueing for 23 weekes for Jn" Christopher 46' i & for Clothes 20' j pd Nic" Chapman for 55 weekes dyett for Jn" Christopher ~t 5 . 10' for Clothes 20' & for A tmss 2' 6" in all ... j pd knight for brushes, broomes. Mops & Clouts ... pd him for washing the Church 3 severall tymes pd for clensing & digging the Churchyard & Carrying | away y" rubbish 3 pd for belropes ... pd for Coles for y" Vestrey pd Knight for 2 Nurse Children pd for rosemary & Byes to trym'y^ Church att X"mas... pd for A payle 18" for 2 dozen Candlestickss 16" in all... pd for Mending the Chureh Lantherne pd knight for laying y Grauestone on m' Brookes Child pd M' Overton for A warrant to assess y poores role ... pd to y" late kings poore servants by order paid for y" pambulacon dinner for marking y" bounds of y parish 3' for poynts 10' in aU for mending one of y^ Church flagons pd Blackston y " Id Mayors Officer for y poores roale . . . pd Goodwife Weaver by order to dept y" parish pd m' Overton y beadle for 2 Chaldron of Coles pd m' Cartwright 2 yeares rent for y Draps Comp* of S* Chrstophers Cr 06 00 — 05 04 — 03 16 — 07 — — 12 01 08 03 06 — 06 12 06 00 13 06 00 09 — 00 09 10 00 09 06 01 05 06 00 04 — 00 05 — 00 02 10 00 01 06 00 02 — 00 02 — 00 10 — 01 08 — 00 13 _/ 00 04 qIo 00 02 7 10 — / 01 04 l_ 00 06 I 8 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 117 pd to 8' Bartholomewes HospitaU pd m' Overton towards a payre of brass standards for y" ward pd m' Antrobus fo' Maymed soldiers pd m' Jones y Carpenter as by his bill pd by order to y« poore att X"mas & Easter pd to y" Scavenger for y Church water Course pd to m' Kensy in f uU for wine pd y Smyth as by bill pd m' Windus for S* Thomas day pd for bread for y" pentioners for A yeare pd m' Cranford for morning prayer for A yeare pd y^ Clarke his allowance for y same pd y" Sexton his allowance for y same pd y Clarke y Guift of m' Horspoole pd him for Covering 7 graues pd him more disbursem' as by bill to m' Little Jn" to releiue him in his sicknes to y'= seiton m' Horspooles guift pd him for cleansing y' leades & for y" 5*" of 9"" pd to m' ffiack for Candles as by his bill pd to m' Baynbrigg mony lent by him to build m' Cranfords house pd y Audit dinner pd by taxes to y severall tenants as by reseits pd m' Jones y bricklayer as by bill spent att y" veiw dinner in fleestreete 52' & att 4 q"" rent 46" 6" pd to severaU distressed people pd & spent by severall Journes to West' Whithall &c. ... pd for goodwife weavers bond & A bond to y parish ... pd to m' Jn" Peirson for preaoheing 2 sermons 01 03 04 00 11 — 01 14 08 00 05 06 16 — — 00 12 06 09 00 06 00 08 — 00 02 06 02 12 — 20 — — 02 10 — 02 10 — 00 13 04 00 10 06 00 16 04 00 10 — 00 06 08 00 05 — 05 — — 02 10 00 13 04 07 11 — 01 05 — 4 2 2 18 06 1 06 0 4 — 2 — — 150 06 07 82 19 10 233 6 5 000 02 00 000 004 10 04 00 00 260 149 02 14 09 11 110 07 10 082 19 10 042 10 03 033 00 00 002 14 08 084 00 00 003 10 00 b.) Debitor The Aooompt of Francis Mayo Churchwarden of the Parish of S* Christofer London for the yeares 1656 & 1657 is Debitor for Moneys reed' as followeth ¦' ' ^ Reed the BaUance of m' Colclaughes Accompt Reed of the Inhabitants an assessem' for the Poore Reod of the Drapers Company the gift of m' Kendrieke Reed a Colleocon on a Thankesgiving day 7" and at 7 9 Sacram" 2" 7" 8" aU 3 Reed a whole yeares rent of the seu'all Tenants in l ffieetstreete ending at Lady Day 1668 3 More of m' Scrivener for Lady Day 1667... Reod for buryaUs viz' ffor The ground & knell for buryall of m' Davyes chUd 0:13:4 The ground & kneU for m' HaUs child... 0 : 12 : 0 The knell for m' Rich : Culling buryed in y" ChanceU The ground and knell for m' W"" Moore The ground & kneU for m' ffinches child The ground for m' Buntings child The ground & kneU for m' Clarkes chUd 0:13:4 The ground and knell for majo' Brets son 0:16:8 The knell for buryall of m' Broomes chUd in y ohanceU 0:03:4 0 : 03 : 4 0 : 13 :4 0 : 13 : 4 0 : 10 :0 \ 006 12 00 The ground and knell for m' Kenseys child 0 : 13 : 4 The ground for m' Gregoryes chUd ... 0 : 10 : 0 The ground for m' Hinds child 0 : 10 : 0 Reed of y" Ironmongers Company y" gift of m" Deane of the m'ohant Taylo" company y" gift of m' Parsons of m' Garfoote y" gif t of m' Horsepoole ... Summe Totall is Some payd Rest The Acc" of m' ffrancis Mayo was Audyted the 6'" day of Maye 1658 and there rest due from him one hundred & tenn pounds Seaven shiUings & ten pence which wee order him to pay vnto m' William Walker the present Senior Church warden Joseph BlackweU Henry Baynbrigg Tho Culling NathanieU fflacke Thomas Colclough 202.a.) Creditor The Accompt of Francis Mayo Churchwarden for the yeares 1656 & 1657. is Creditor by Disbursem" as followeth viz'. Payd as a quitt rent for the use of S' Barthol. Hospitali pd m' Roger Turner Churchwarden for y Poore of 8' Andrewes Wardrobe for one whole yeare ending at Easter 1657 pd m' Windus for writing and his attendance on 8' Thomas day pd m' Kenseyes bill for wyne for y Sacram" & vestry... pd m' Cranford for a whole yeare for Morning prayer ... pd y" Clarke a whole yeare for y same pd y"^ Sexton for y" like pd m' ffiacke for Candles pd to y" Drapers Company a quit rent for an house in ffleete str : To the Pentioners & Poore Payd Rich: Knight for 51 weekes ending 28 m'ch 1657 at 18* p weeke pd John Roach 52 weekes ending La: day 1667 at 2' p weeke Given Knight in the tyme of his sicknes pd to m' Little John by order out of m' Muschamps 7 gift to y' poore, in regard m' Colclaughes acc" was \ made up before ... ' Given m' Webb by order upon his peticon for releife he being in priso Given to y poore at xpmas 1657 by order & at Easter 1658 pd to Weavers wife at 2 seu'aU tymes pd m' Overton for y" Poores Coales 01 03 04 07 13 00 00 02 06 05 19 00 20 00 00 02 10 00 02 10 00 05 00 00 00 03 03 16 04 06 05 04 00 00 09 " 00 01 00 00 Christofer ^ cloathes 1" > For Nursing & Cloathing Children Payd Nurse Bradford for nursing Rich 50 weekes ending La: day 1657. 5" Schooling 8' 4" aU 3 pd Grace Stratford for nursing Peace & Sarah Christofer i 52 weekes ending 23 m'ch 1656 10" 8' Cloathes 2'i& [ Schooling 4' 4" all > pd Knight expences at y" baptizing Rich. Christofer a child left to y charge of y" pish 11 octob. 1656 12* & for keeping it a weeke 2' 02 Of! 00 06 10 00 07 05 00 00 (,7 06 ' 00 12 00 06 08 04 12 12 04 00 03 00 118 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. pd Grace Stratford for his nursing 8 weekes ending 7 8 x"" 1656 16' & cloathes 10" 3 pd for a coffin pish dutyes & expences at ye buryaU of y^ chUd pd Knight for expences at y baptizing Eliz. Christofer a child left to y charge of y" Parish 17 Dec. 1666 & keeping it before it went to nurse pd Grace Stratford for nursing it 2 Mon : ending 18 m'ch i 1656. 16' & for cloathes 10" 3 pd nurse Chapman for keeping Rich. Christofer 49 weekes ending 28 m'ch 1667 4" 18' cloathes 1" a trusse 2" 6" 01 06 00 } 100 00 01 01 '"'•i'-) The Accompt of Francis Mayo Ch : warden is Creditor Payd Kjiight for cleansing the Church leades 2" 6 " for ") " bromes 7' 2 baskets 12" a map 12", oyle 6" & washing > y" church 5' ... J pd for Coales for y" vestry ... pd m' Overton y° beadle for an Assessing warr' for y" poore pd to y late K. Servants by order pd m' Overton for a warr* pd for y" Pambulacon diner for poynts & m'king y' bounds of y° Pish pd for warning before y"= Lo: Major about AbigaUe Short 7 whome y" Parish is now charged w*"... ... ... 3 for binding over 4" 8" m' Lees counseU & assistance \ 3' 6" for 2 warr'" for Tho: Wyth 2" w'"drawing the / Recognizance 10" 8" & spent in this busines & at y'= | Sessions 6' ... ... ... ... / Payd for a bond pd to m' Anthrobus for maymed Soldiers pd for warning before y" Lo. Mayo' about y' Church wall pd y paviers bill for paving before y^ Church pd m' ffiacke w"* he lent to y" repayre of m' Cranfords house ... Spent at y Audit Dinner Given seu'all distressed people pd to y^ Scavenger for y Chureh ... pd y Bricklayers biU pd for 8 matts 1 pulpit hassocke & matting to lyne a bench pd y Joyners bill for worke in y" Church pd y Smithes bill pd y' Glaziers bill pd y" Upholsters bUl pd for putting in a report upon oath concerning Papists pd for belropes pd for Rosemary & bayes at xpmas to trim y Church ... pd to Knight & Mathewes for digging y' Church y" & hay seedes pd y" beUhangers bill ... ... pd y" Clarke y gift of m' Horsepoole pd him according to his bill Repd him what he had pd Knight for cou'ing 9 Graves at 1' 6"p Gra: pd Knight as Sexton m' Horsepooles gift pd y' baker for y" poores bread ... Abatem" by Taies to the Tenants in Fleetestreet To m' Scrivener for 5 q" & arreares of assm'' 01 . 1 6 . 04 ^ To m' Smith for 4 q" & arr. of assessem"... 01 . 09 . 00 | 08 00 03 01 06 06 00 12 17 00 02 00 00 00 00 06 "04 i 00 To m" Sharpe for 4 q" & arr. of ass"" To m' Wheately for m' Vade 4q" & arr. of ass'" ... ... pd at a view diner in ffleet str pd at y= Castle upon receiving the rents ... pd for writing this Acc" pd as on the former side of this leaffe 01 02 . 13 . .04 }. I 11 .00-1 07 09 08 03 01 00 100 0714 0612 03 06 08 04 149 14 11 203.a.) Debito' The Accompt of WiUiam Walker Churchwarden of the Parish of S' Christopher London for the yeares 1657 & 1668 is Debito' for, moneys received as followeth viz. " ¦ d 03 02 00 02 00 00 10 00 00 02 00 02 03 08 00 16 02 00 06 10 00 02 00 01 14 08 00 02 00 03 14 00 01 05 00 00 13 04 02 00 00 00 12 00 01 10 00 00 16 00 00 06 00 01 10 04 00 10 06 00 08 00 00 01 00 00 14 08 00 05 00 00 08 00 06 18 00 00 13 04 01 07 08 00 13 06 00 06 08 02 12 00 Reed the ballance of M' Mayo's Accompt Reed of the Inhabitants an Assessement for the poore.. Reed of M' Garfoote the gift of M' Horsepoole... Reed of the Merchanttaylo" Company the gift of M' Parsons Reod of the Drapers Company the gift of M' Kendriek.. Reod the C'oUeooons at 10 Saeram" Reed a whole yeares rent of the severaU Tenants in ffleete streete ending at Lady day 1658 110 040 004 07 04 04 000 10 033 00 002 16 10 11 00 00 00 07 084 00 00 Received for burialls ffor the ground & knell for buriall of M' Tippins wife The ground & knell for M' Suttons wife The ground and knell for M' Bunting... The ground for M' Davis ChUd The ground for Richard Stanbridge in » the Churchyard j The ground for M' Claytons child The ground & knell of M' Reymonds wife The ground & kneU of M" Elizabeth Hewett The ground & knell of M' Mathew ffeme The ground & knell for John Denton... The ground & knell for M' Thorowgoods child Some totall is li s d 1:00:00' 0:13:04 0:13:040:10:000:03:04 I 0:10:00 0:13:04/1:00:00 1:00:00 0:12:00 0:13:04/ 007 08 08 282 12 00 203.b.)The Accompt of WUliam Walker Churchwarden for the yeares 1667 Credito' by disbursem'" as followeth viz. " " * Paid Knight his Pension for 10 weekes ... 0:15:00) And for 44 weekes 4:08:00 3 Paid Roohe his Pension for 62 weekes Paid M' Overton Beadle for a warrant for the Assesse- ) .ment of the Poores Roll J Paid for biskett & wryting paper for the Vestry Paid for a bond to the parish Paid for mending the houre glasse Pd for mending the Plate eases Paid for the Perambulation dynner Paid for ribons, for marking the bounds of the parish | and for worke done in the Church 3 Paid Knight in his sicknes Paid for the Auditt dynner Pd the Lord Mayo" Officer for the Poores roU Pd the Seiton for basketts broomes & whiskes s 1667 & 1668 is li s d 06 03 00 06 04 00 00 02 00 00 01 06 00 02 00 00 00 08 00 10 00 02 06 10 00 19 06 00 04 06 00 13 04 00 02 06 00 10 08 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 119 Paid to the Churchwardens of S' Andrewes Wardrobe 7 for the poore there ... ... ... 3 Pd the Churchwardens of S' Mildreds parish towards i keeping a ChUd passed at the Sessions 3 Pd M' Dod for worke in the Church Paid for searching M' fformans will Paid for delivering in a warrant for Papists Paid M' Overton for the Poores Coales & his paynes ... Paid M' Wattis Joyner for worke in the Church Paid M' Dod for worke in the Church Paid M' Roch given to him in his sicknes Paid concerning Elizabeth Lukin Paid M' Antrobus for maymed Souldiers... Paid M' Littlejohn for 3 quarters salary Paid a Quitt rent to the vse of 8' Bartholomewes hospitaU Paid a quitt rent to the Drapers Company Paid for a View Dynner in ffleete streete Paid for ropes for the branch & beU Paid for two flag matts ... Paid for taking a Copy of M' Croshawes will Paid to the late Kings servants by order Paid for Charcoales Paid the Scavinger ... Paid for Rosemary and bayes Given to poore distressed people ... ... Paid for Candlesticks Paid more about M' fformans buisines Paid M' Paybody the Joyners bUl 07 10 04 00 08 09 01 12 00 00 08 04 00 01 00 00 18 06 01 13 00 00 18 00 00 10 00 01 08 06 01 14 08 03 00 00 01 03 04 00 03 04 04 01 03 00 13 06 00 06 06 00 16 00 00 10 00 00 07 05 00 12 00 00 08 00 02 00 00 00 01 06 00 01 00 00 06 00 47 11 4,a.) The Accompt of Willm Walker Churchwarden is Credito' Paid Mathewes the Seitons bUl Paid him for cleansing the Church Paid for a black Buriall cloth Paid for expences on Nurses Paid for clearing the plate ... Paid M' Jones the Carpenters bill Paid & spent vpon Tenants at the Castle Paid for covering 8 graves Paid M' Hootons bill for worke Paid M' Winfeild the Baker Paid M' fflack for Candles ... ., Paid M' Kensey for wyne Paid the Clarkes bill Paid & given to the poore at Christmas & Easter Paid M' Austin the Glaziers bill Pd M' Windus for his attendance on 8' Thomas day ... Gifts of the deceased Paid M' Cranford M' Kenricks gift Paid the Clarke M' Kendricks gift Paid the Sexton M' Kendrick-i gif t Paid the Clarke M' Horsepooles gift Paid the Sexton M' Horsepooles gif t For nursing, cloathing & buriall of children Paid Nurse Bradford for nursing Richard Christopher 54 weekes 5" 8' for Clothes schooling & bringing vp 1"11"8" Paid Nurse Chapman for Richard Christopher for 54 weekes nursing 6" 8" for Clothes, trusses and school ing 1" 6' 2" in aU Paid Nurse Stratford for 4 weekes nursing of 3 ChUdren Paid her for the buriall of Elizabeth Christopher 06 0601 00 19 14 04 10 06 00 15 00 00 01 06 03 13 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 12 00 02 04 07 00 12 06 01 15 08 02 12 00 06 00 00 06 08 06 00 15 00 16 10 00 01 12 00 00 02 06 20 00 00 02 lO 00 02 10 00 00 13 04 00 06 08 08 0200 00 Paid her for 6 weekes nursing of Sarah Christopher ... Paid her for the buriall charges of the said Sarah Paid for Clothes for the said 2 ChUdren due Paid for Peace Christophers nursing 62 weekes 5" 4' 0" l for Clothes 1" 10" 0" schooUng & other charges 10" 10" 3 Pd Nurse King for AbigaeU Short for 40 weekes nursing -j 4" 0' 0" for Clothes 1" 00' 0" schooUng & charges 8' > inaU J Pd Nurse Edwards for AbigaeU Short for Clothes i 0" 10' 0" Carriage charges 3" 6" \ Pd Nurse Edwards for Mary Christopher for Clothes . 1" 0' 0" Carrying downe 2" 6" for her buriall charges / 10" 4" for nursing her 14 weekes 1" 8' 0" & to Knight i for lodging her 3" 6" in all / 204.b.) The Accompt of WiUm Walker is Cred' Abatem'" of taxes to the Tenants in Fleete streete To M' Wheatley To M" Sharpe To M' Scrivener ToM' Smith Paid for drawing this Accompt „ 00 10 00 00 13 00 01 00 00 07 04 10 06 08 00 00 03 103 Paid as appeareth in the first side ... Paid as appeareth on the second side The Acc" of m' William Walker the last yeers Church j ]; warden was Audyted the 5th of Maye 1669 and the > 282 totall receats being ) And we finde the disbursements to be 158 Soe rest dew on his acc" one hundred twenty fower pounds fower shiUings & eight pence which wee order him to pay vnto m' Thomas Ashton the present Sen' Churchwarden 124 Joseph Blackwell Stephen Gey Tho: Colclough James Cranford Rector Tho CuUing Henry Baynbrigg NathanieU fflacke ^ 13 06 04 04 08 03 02 11 00 01 14 00 01 08 00 01 08 00 00 06 08 07 07 08 047 11 05 103 08 03 158 07 04 12 04 00 07 04 Wee find this 30*" of May 1661 paid out since the Abouesaid foote of Accoumpt li 5 d paid out by m' Walker to m' Aston twelue pounds pd by him & m' Blackwell to m' Robinson for repaireing ] of the parsenidge house ... ... j paid by him & m' Blackwell to the poore & other pticulers And wee apoynt m' Walker to pay the remaynder w'" is ) Twenty fower pounds thirteene shiUings vnto m' > Thomas Ashton ... ...I Henry Baynbrigg Tho Culling NathanieU fflacke Tho Colclough Reced the 3* day of ffebruary 1661 of m' W" Walker late Churchwarden the some of Twenty pounds in pte of the xxiuj" xiij' dew to the pishe on the ffoote of his accoumpt Stephen Skynner Churchw. 12 00 00 46 10 00 41 01 08 24 13 00 1-24 04 8 120 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 12 00 00 41 00 01 33 00 00 04 04 00 00 10 00 07 08 03 84 04 02 00 00 00 10 0000 Reced this 12*" of May 1662 of M' W-" Walker in fuU for the baUancing of his accompt the summe of four pounds thirteene shilUngs Steph: Skynner So6.a.) The Accompt of Thomas Ashton late Churchwarden of the parish of S« Chris tophers London for the yeares 1668 and 1659 is Debtor for monies received as followeth (vizt) Received of M' Walker in parte of the foote of his) Accompt 3 Received of the Inhabitants an Assessement for the poore Received of the Company of Drapers M' Kenricks gift... Received the gift of M' Horsepoole Received of the merchantailors the gift of M' Parsons... Received the CoUections of Seaven Sacraments Received a whole yeares rent of the severall Tenants in 7 ffleet street ending at Lady day 1660 ) Received of the Drapers Company towards the putting out of Roaches Children Received out of Christs HospitaU for the same For Burialls ffor the buriall of M' Parker ffor the buriall of M' Copperwhite ffor the buriall of M' Lambes Child ffor the buriall of M' Watkins his child ffor the buriall of M' Kenseys child ffor the buriall of M' Williams flor the buriaU of M' Potten ffor the buriall of M' CUffords chUd ffor the buriall of M' Guidotts chUd ffor the knell ground and poore at buriall of M' Henery Owen ... ffor the buriall of M' Suttons wife ffor the buriall of M' Stroud ffor the buriall of M' Boltons chUd Some totall is... 205.b. rpjjg Accompt of Thomas Ashton Churchwarden for the is Creditor by Disbursem" as followeth (vizt) Paid John Roach is Pension for a yeare Paid Adrian Roach for the same tyme Paid Richard Knight for the same tyme Paid Elizabeth Knight for the same tyme Paid M' Overton Beadle for a warrant for the Assesseing of the poores Roll Paid for Biskett and writeing paper for the Vestry Paid to M' Bell the Scrivener for a bond & other things Paid a yeares quitt rent to S' Bartholemews hospitaU ... Paid a quitt rent to the Drapers Company Paid to Deputy Antrobus for maimed Soldiers Paid M' ffiacke for Candles ,. Paid to the Churchwardens of the parish of 8' Andrew Wardrobe towards the releife of the poore there ... Paid the Scavenger for a yeare Paid the Beadle of the Ward of coales for y'= poore Paid for coales for the Church Paid for bread for the poore for a yeare Paid the late Kings servants as by order Paid for Ribbands on Ascention day and for markeing the bounds of the parish Paid for a dinner on that day Paid for dinner on the Auditt day Paid for dinner vpon takeing a veiw of the parishs houses in ffleet street ... Laid out for Coach hire then 188 12 04 ... 00 13 04 \ 00 13 04 ... 00 10 00 • >¦ 00 12 00 ... 00 10 00 • ¦• 00 13 04 ... 00 00 1310 04 V 00 / 09 12 00 00 10 00 fchei 020000 00 10 :13.13 10 00 \ 040400/ 198 04 04 yeares 1658 and 1659 02 02 02 02 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 00 02 0000 01 0001 0507 00 CO01 02 00 00 02 00 04 00 0103 0303 14 00 00 060004 04 08 00 :} Paid for mending the Church Bucketts ..i Paid for hanging the BeUs and spent then Paid for BeU Ropes Given to severall poore distressed people Given to the Poore at Easter Given Widow Mosely and widow Knight each of them Paid M' Windus for the Clarke of Drapers haU... Laid out that moneth the momeing Exercise was at parish Church Paid M' Kensey for wine • Paid the Sextons bills , Paid the Brickelayer for worke done in the yeare 1667 Paid him for worke done in my yeare Paid the Painter for worke done Paid the Jojnaer for mending the pews Paid for six matts for the pews Paid the Smith for worke done 206.a.) paj^ for giazeing worke Paid for a shovell Paid for carrying away Rubbish , Paid for leaneing the Ladders vp in the Church yard . . . Paid for Cutting the grasse Paid Auditor PhiUipps his Clarke for a petition touching j the poore ••. 3 Spent then Paid the offlcer at Guildhall Paid for a box for the Branch ... ... Paid for strowings at Whitsuntide... Paid for washing Roaches. Childrens Clothes Spent in lookeing after Roaches leases in Whitecrosse^ 01 00000206 01 00 03 060200 01 00 00 00 00 70 00 00 00 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 } Sanctelow t 07 04 1219 02 12 10 18 03 13 10 03 0000 040000 0602 04 10 00 street Paid for warning Widow Weaver and M" before the Lord Majo' and spent then Paid the woman that lay in the Church yard Paid Goodman Knight for keeping a Child Paid to M' Little-ffinger and Thomas ffenn for Elizabeth 7 Lukin ... ... ... ... 3 Spent in that buisnesse ... Laid out for keeping Roaches children ... Paid and laid out for putting forth Christopher Roach 7 apprentice to a Shoemaker i ... ... 3 Paid and laid out in putting forth Joseph Roach 7 apprentice to a SUke Weaver ... ... ) Paid to the Ringers for the fif eth of Novemb' and one 7 other day... ... ... ... ...3 Spent on the Tenants at the Castle Expences on Nurses Paid for writeing this Accompt Guifts of the deceased Paid M' Cranford and M' Peirson M' Kenrickes gift ... Paid the Clarke M' Kenriokes gif t Paid the Seiton the like Paid the Clarke M' Horsepooles gift Paid the Sexton the like 31 . 17 . 00 26 . 00 . 00 "57 . 17 . 00 67 . 17 . 00 70 . 11 . 00 paym" 128 : 08 : 00 0000 01 00 02 11 10 19 18 12 0000 0002 12 06 11 19 11 19 1118 11 0701 03 0001 01 01 04 02 03 00 01 00 05 07 02 06 04 11 00 04 26 00 06 0000 0000 00 06 02 05 00 06 11 0406 06 0006 00 08 060606 04 06 00 0400 00 00 060604 00 00 07 04 0000 06 02 04 00 02 16 "04 00 10 00 00 06 08 31 17 00 20 00 00 02 10 00 02 10 00 00 13 04 00 06 08 00 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 121 06 06 06 ' ij.l,.) For nurseing Cloathing and Christening of Children Paid nurse Bradford for nurseing Richard Christopher -j 52 weekes v" iiij' for cloathes schooling a booke and \ bringing vp xxviij" viij* in all J Paid Nurse Chapman for Richard Christopher for 62 j weekes nurseing v" iiij" for clothes and bringing vp > xxvij" in all J Paid Nurse Stratford for nurseing Peace Christopher 62 -j weekes v" iiij" and for clothes and schooling xxv' >¦ in all ) Paid Nurse Edwards for nurseing Abigail Christopher j 52 weekes v" iiij' and for schooling and Clothing \ xxv" in all J Paid for nurseing William Christopher one moneth and for Clothes Paid for Christening him Spent then Paid the Sexton for goeing to the nurse and keeping the ChUd 12 08 11 00 09 00 06 09 00 00 18 00 00 02 00 00 02 06 00 04 00 27 08 02 Abatements of taxes to the Tenants in ffleetstreet ToM' Sharpe ToM' Smith ToM' Grace To M' Scrivener Totall of the whole Receipts Totall of the whole Disbursem" Rest due to the Parish . The thirty one pounds nyne shiUings & ten pence aboue said was receiued by me Stephen Skinner this 3" day of ffebruary 1661 of m' Thomas Ashton in full of his Acoumpt 02 11 04 02 02 00 04 04. 00 02 01 00 10 18 04 Ii s d 198 04 04 166 14 06 031 09 10 li 31 d 10 Stephen Skynner Churchwarden .a.) Wee whose names are herevnder written have on the foure and twentieth day of May 1660 And in the twelfth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord King Charles the second by the grace of god King of England Scot- I land ffrance and Ireland Defender of the ffaith &c Audited and sumed vp the foresaid Accompt of m' Thomas Ashton And find the same to be true Tho CuUing Henry Baynbrigg Tho Bolton Stephen Gey Nathaniell fflacke J, ^ Memorand that the 31'" day of December 1663 it is agreed on by the persons whose names are subscribed Audito" of the Accompt of M' Peter Cole formerly Churchwarden of this parish, and vpon the auditing of his accompt they haue concluded the foote and rest of the same due to the parish to be Eleaven pounds and six shiUings, w* they haue ordered the present Churchwarden M' Thomas Hooton to receive in full discharge of the said M' Coles Churchwardens Accompt, the said M' Coles Church wardenship expiring in Ano Dni 1661 Henry Baynbrigg Stephen Gey Tho CuUing Tho: Colclough Tho Bolton 208.a.) The Accompt of Stephen Skynner Debtor late Churchwarden of 208.b.) ^j g, Christophers London for the yeares 1660 and 1661 is moneys Received as foUoweth (viz) Reced the ballance of M' Thomas Ashtons Account Reced of M' WiUiam Walker for the ballance of his acoo' Reced of M' Jno Potter a fine for Church wardenshipp... Reced of the Tenants in ffleet street Reced of S' Gilbert ^Garret th Legacey of the Lady Moulson Reced for Goods of Roches of M' Paybody , Reced the Gif t of M" Parsons Reeed the Gif t of M" Deane Reced the Gift of M' Kendrick Reced the Gift of M' Horsepoole Reced the Legacey of M' Thomas Jaques Collected at 14 Sacraments Reced of y Inhabitants an assessment for the poore ... Reced for buriaUs viz' Of 8' John Jaques & given to the poore Of Leventhorp Thorowgood ... ... Of M' Humphrey Banister Of M' Thomas Jaques Of Widdow Mosely Of M' Phillip Mallery Of M' ffrancis Burnham ... Of Jn" Harper Of Judeth Harwar Of M" Elizabeth Browne Of M" Elizabeth Wiseman Of Mary Watkins Of M' Cave Bury Of the Lady Moulson ... Of Jonathan Williams Of Elizabeth Harris ... ... ... 209.a.) The Accompt of Stephen Skynner Churchwarden for the is Creditor by Disburse""" as followeth viz. pd the Beadle for a Warrant to assese y poores Bill ... pd M' Bell for writeing the poores roll ... pd him for making a Bond ... pd M' Pratt Scavinger for y^ yeare 1660 pd M' Sutton Soavinger for the yeare 1661 pd at Christmas to the poore pd at Easter to the poore pd M' Windous for writing at Drapers HaU pd for 12 Sacks of old Cole for the Vestry pd the offlcer when he brought the poores Roll . pd the Drapers quitt Rent pd for 3 pewter Dishes to collect in pd M' White & M' Dobbing for 2 Sermons pd M' Overton for 3 Chaldron of Coales for y' poore ... pd for 4 Divine service books ... Spent in looking after M' Vincent... pd for 2 BeU Ropes pd for a quire of paper for the vestry Spent at 6 meetings at the Castle .. . pd Henry Smith Churchwarden of Aldgate an assesm' 7 Vpon our parish towards their poore 3 pd M' Ives foreman of the Quest towards y= mending of 7 Stocks whipping post and Engine 3 pd M' Lloyd foreman of the Quest towards y' altering of 7 the Quest Mace and Engine 3 irden of the parish 1661 is Debtor for Ii B d 31 09 10 24 13 00 08 00 00 84 00 00 20 00 00 02 04 00 00 10 00 00 02 00 33 00 00 04 04 00 02 00 00 18 19 11 44 09 06 02 01 10 00 12 00 00 13 04 01 11 08 00 13 04 00 08 04 01 04 00 00 13 04 00 12 00 00 09 08 00 09 08 00 12 00 00 16 08 00 03 04 00 10 00 00 10 08 285 14 01 yeares 1660 & 1661 a ' d 00 02 06 00 01 06 00 02 06 00 12 00 00 12 00 09 00 00 06 10 00 00 02 06 ^0 17 02 06^ - 02 06 00 03 04 00 05 08 01 00 00 01 16 00 00 02 00 00 02 06 00 09 09 00 00 04 00 18 04 07 13 00 01 16 00 01 07 00 122 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. pd at the Auditt Dinner Spent at the Castle vpon Ascension day pd to M' Webb for points and Ribbin pd M' BuckerfeUd for a paper book pd for the view dinner pd to M' WiUiam Jones to survey pd Captaine Kensy as by bill pd to the BeU hanger as by bill pd more to him as by Bill pd M' Jones Carpenter as by Bill pd M' George Sturdy for paveing the Church doore & breakfast in 60 pd more for paveing a hole at the Church doore 61 pd Thomas Pister Joyner as by 3 Bills pd quitt Rent to M' Moulson for the houses in ffleet 7 street to 8' Bartholomews HospitaU ... ... ... ) pd to M' Tomlins Mason as by bill ... .,. pd M' Barker Painter as by bill pd M' Ashton Glasier as by bill pd M' Hooton as biU pd M' Jones Bricklayer as by bUls 60-61 209.b.) The acoompt of Stephen Skynner Churchwarden Brought from the other side to this accompt pd M' fflaxney Plumer as by 2 Bills pd M' fflaok for Candles pd M' ffltton for Bisket for the Vestry pd Jn" Goodyer for taking Christopher Roach ... pd M' Wingfeild for bread for y" poore ... Spent vpon the tenants at the Castle pd y Sextons 4 quarter bills pd to M' Charles Mynne for maymed Soldiers ... pd Docter Pearson M' Kendrioks Guif t ... pd the Clarke M' Kendrioks guift pd the Seiton M' Kendrioks guif t pd the Clarke M' Horsepooles guift pd the Seiton M' Horspooles guift paid to pencioners pd to Goodwife Knight 5 weekes pencon pd Mathews & his Wife 46 weekes at 12" p weeke pd Litle John 4 qt" pd y Widdow Mosely 52 weekes at 18" p weeke Nursing & Cloathing of Children pd M' Raymonds Eieou to" as by bill pd Grace Stratford for nursing of peace Christop' and 7 Jn" Michaell 45 weekes apeece J for cloathing them pd to Grace Stratford for 4 weeks for Charles Haynes ) 08" and Cloathing 10" J pd to John Sawyer for nursing WiUim Christopher 45 7 weeks and Cloathing J pd Goodwife Bolton for nursing Martha Ryland 36 7 weeks and Cloathing J pd Goodwife Edward for nursing Abigail Short 53 \ weeks Cloathing & seooling J pd Nicholas Chapman for nursing Riohard Christopher •\ 61 weekes 6" 2" for cloathing schooling & a Trusse >¦ 1"10'6" J pd y severall Nurses for bringing to Towne their Chil- 7 dren in all ... ... ... ... ... •¦¦J 00 020100 030009 00 00 04 1 00 0401 01 0601 02 06 000204 03 13 04 03 07 00 02 00 100606 14 10 06 03 161616 02 02 81 is Cred' li 81 04 05 00 02 02 01 03 0120020200 00 12 12 11 00 15 00 12 1214 14 00 10101306 16 05 00 18 04 06 09 00 02 00 00 18 05 10 04 12 06 11 06 12 0 10 0406 0000 00 060000 000000 0000 04 000000 00 08 11 a 11 000006 00 00 0000 0800 00 00 0408 000000 00 04000000 00 000006 00 pd Christopher English for keeping George Roach 7 ) weekes ... ... ... ... ••• ' pd Mathews for lodging a wandering Child and Carrying ) him to S' Gyles in y= feilds i pd him his disburstm" for a woman y' was delivered in 7 the parish as by biU appeares 3 pd y° Midwife and a woman to draw downe the womans 7 breasts ' 00 14 00 00 03 07 01 09 06 00 03 06 183 00 06 210.a.) The Acoompt of Stephen Skynner Churehwarden is Creditor In M' Brookes his absence Brought over to this side ... paid to Grace Stratford for nurcing Peace Christopher \ and John MichaeU 14 weekes a peece 2" 16" for > deaths for them both 20" J pd to her for nursing Joana Christopher 2 weeks pd to Goodwife Sawyer for nursing WUlim & TriumphaU ^ Christopher 7 weekes a peece 28' for Cloaths for V both20" _ J pd to Goodwife RawUngs for nurcing Will Yeates 8 pd her more for nursing Stephen Christop' 4 weekes Abatements to the Tennants by Taxes to M' Wheatley as by 2 acquittances to M' Sharpe as by 2 acquittances to M' Smith as by 2 acquittances ... to M' Scrivenor as by 2 aoquittanoes for writeing out this accompt ... ... for scowring & clearing y' church plate ... Ballance due remayning in m' Skynners Custody li S d 183 00 06 03 16 00 00 04 00 02 08 00 0 16 00 0 08 00 01 04 00 00 14 08 00 12 00 00 12 00 00 06 00 00 02 06 £194 91 02 11 , 0805 £285 14 01 The Account of m' Steven Skynner was audited this\ fourteenth of May 1662 & there rests due to y^ | parish in his hands Ninety one pounds Eleven shil- y. lings fiue pence w''" wee order him to pay m' Nathan I Brookes the present senior Churchwarden wee say... J Tho: Bolton Natha fflacke Tho: Colclough Stephen Gey ffrancis Mayo Reed the 15 of May 1662 of m' Steven Skynner by order \ as aboue the some of Ninety one pounds Eleven f shillings 5" to y" vse of y parish of S' Christophers j by y stockes london I say / Nath: Brooke 091 11 05 £91 11 2io.b.) 1659 paid by order of the Vestry for the Debt of Jn" Roach by Thomas & 1660 CuUing Esq' pd Ald'man Bainbrigg pd to my self due by bond pd to the Widdow Knight pd M' Holeman for Rent and writing pd for getting Jn" Roach into the HospitaU pd to John Crisp for work done pd Thomas Hooton the Smith pd M" English w"=" shee lent pd James Stilgoe Carpenter... pd to young James Cranford 10 16 05 — 5 — 6 — — 10 2 — — 7 1 10 3 — 6 — 00 40 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 123 liLb.) T'l® names of the prishnors of 8' xpofers in London whiche do paye wekely ^ vnto the poore w'" the names of the CoUectors for this yeare 1687 begeninge the first of September John Hooke Edward Ryder } Collectors. M'^ Alderman Rat lyfe .. .. xij" Rd Iij" 1. M' Alderman Rat lyfe Skyner ohRd ij" ij^ 2. WiUiam TowraU.. obRd ij' ij" 3 Randall Kneveit . . ij"Rd viij" viij" i John Harrison j"Rd ij' ij" "Widdow Spragge.. j*Rd ij" ij" 5 Robart Cudner . . j"ob Rd iiij" iiij* Nicholas Barnsly . . iiij" Ed xvij' iiij" 6 Rohart Harrison . . iij" Ed 7 Thomas Taylor . . iij" Rd xiij" 8 M' Henry Beeoher viij" Ed xxxiiij" viij" 9 Richard Candler . . iij" Ed xiij" 10 Widdow Bright .. 0 1 1 John Leaves ob Rd ij' ij" Richard Rauenscrofte j" Rd iiij" iiij" 12 John Bolting . . . 0 ComeUis Speringe j"Ed iiij" iiij" Richard Hayea . . ob Ed ij' ij* 13 Heniy Suker iij" Ed X" vj" Hugh Dale ob Rd ij" ijd "WiUiam WithnaU.. j"Rd iiij" ii'j" Thomas Addames.. 0 14 Jefferie Leonarde . . j" Ed iiij" iiij" 15 Thomas Turner . . ij"Ed viij" viij" 16 Henry Smalwod . . i"Ed iiij" iiij* 17 Peter Mansproughe 0 Thomas Parradyne iij" Ed xiij" John Heath i"Ed iiij" iiij" Thomas fforman . . iiii"Rd xvij' iiij" Israeli Owyn iij'i Rd xuj' IS Eicharde Addames. ij" Rd v' iiij* Edward Eyder . . ij" Rd viij- viij" Eaphe BosweU . . ob Rd ij' ij^ 19 "William Eyder .. vj"Rd xxvj' Humphrey Streete. iiij" Ed xvij" iiij" Thomas Pauely . . j"Rd iiij" iiij" 20 Jolm Bowser iiij" Rd xvij" iiij" Henry Alworth .. ij"Rd viij" viij" 21 Eohart Parpoynte.. j"ohRd vj" vj" Thomas TyrreU .. iiij" Rd xvij' iiij" 22 Christofer Midleton 0 23 Thomas Smyth . . ij" Rd viij' viij" 24 Arnolde Eychardson ij' Ed viij' viij" Thomas Carpinter.. j-iRd iiij' iiij" John Jaques iij" Hugh Owhry 0 Lewis Morgaine . . ob John Straham j"Rd iiij' John Hooke j"Rd iiij' iiij" Eichard Eohinson.. oh Rd ij' ij" William Eoherts . . 0 26 William Martine.. 0 26 Henry Smyth . . 0 27 Thomas Craforde.. ob Rd ij' ij" 28 Thomas Doughtie.. oh Rd ij' ij" Some is xix" xij' vj" Paid to the poore pensioners "1 -n ., „4^ +1,0 „o™-oi, "^J J iiij" More paide iuto the hospitali ) . at two seu'aU-tymes . . ) Some is . . xij" j' iiij'* Remaining dewe VI]" The names of the poore pensioners in the parish Katheren Baime ElUn Whitheade IsaheU AunseU . . Agnis Eglesfelde Magdalen Philpot VJ-vj" iiij" vj"vj" Katherine Bawne Isabell ansel goodwyfEe onyon Agnies Eglesfelde Widow fowler . 2.a.) Anno Domini 1588 A Bill for the Rakers wages to be gathered by W""" WithnaU Seavinge' of Set xpofers Presinct in y" warde of Brodstrete for the halfe yeere that is to saye from Christmas to Midsomm' & Agayne from Midsommer vnto Christmas A" 1589 M' Alderman Skinne' i , S' Phillipp Butler. . mj' v]" The AUeye John Howell . . vj" Nicholas Bacon ij* RandaU Knevett . . xvj" Thomas Howson ij* Jn° Whyt y warehowse . iiij" "Wyddow Spragg viij" John Harrysonn ij* Marke Pryme ij" Rohart Cudnar iiij" John ffowlar ij* Will"" Yearington . . ij" Widdow Jonson ij* Nichas Barnsley xviij" Thoms Harrys ij* y" Church wardens . . xij" Thoms Crayforde . ,1 iijd firaunces Lodge xij" Thoms Doughty iiij" Robart Harrison iiij" The Churchyerde Thomas Taylor xvj'i Wyddow Thometon. . ij* John BiUingforde . . vj" John Strahan ij" M' Henry Beeoher . . ij" viij" Henry Smith ij* Richard Candler xvij" Willm Martin ij" M' AldermaT Ratlyfe iiij" Joyce Skipper iiij* M' Bright widdow . xv" ffoster Ric Normoot . . iiij* Arnolde Richardson . x" Lewys Morgan viij* John Leaves . . iiij* WiUiam Roharts iij" Eichard Eavenscroft vj" Whytmore nowe John Onion ij* James Standley iiij" Riohard Eohynson . . iiij* Comelis Spering . .. vj" John Hooke iiij* Eichard Hayes iiij" Jerrom Suker xiiij* Sum . . . . xl" iiij" John Bowser.. xvj" Hughe Dale . . iiij" Willm WithnaU . .. vj" Thoms Addams iiij* JefErey Leanard vj" Thoms Turner xvj* Henry Smalwod vij" Peter Mansprugh iiij" Eichard Normcot y shopp . . ij" SeorgeHunt.. vij" Thoms Paradyn .. .. xij" John Heath . . V* Israeli Owyn viij" Thoms formans waterooWse viij" 212-b-) Red ... 4'" March 1639 of Mathew fferne . . . Some of ffiue poundes w''" is in full for lightes for thuse of the Church this yeare past being the Gyft of m' Jn° Kendrick ... ... I say Receaued p me Nathaniell fflacke Received the 15'" of April 1640 Prom Matthew Ferii~ the sume of 5' for y^ reading of prayers at 6 of y clock at 8' Christoph' Church Jos: Wilso Reced the 17*" of July 1647 of Henry Baynbrigg •, Churchwarden the Some of ffiue poundes w"" is in / full payment for soe much money lent heretofore \ by my ffather Humphery Castle deceaced towardes the repairing of S' Christop'" church I say rec in fuU p me Edward Castle ¦i Reced the 26'" of July 1647 of Henry Baynbrigg the\ some of Three poundes ¦w'^ is in full paym' of three I poundes w°" I formerly lent towardes repairing our I church. I say reced ... ... ... / p me Nathanell fflacke Reced the IS"* of August 1647 of Henry Baynbrigg the ) some of ffower poundes w"^" is in full for soe much / form'ly lent about repairing our Church I say receaued for the vse of my ffather m' W" Wil liamson 05 : 00 00 1 06 00 00 li 05 00 d 001 li 03 00 oa li 04 00 00 By mee William Williamson Jn' 124 Accomptes of the Churchewardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofers in London. 2l3.b.) Reced the 8«" of ffebruary 1647 of He[nry] Baynbrigg \ Churchwarden the Some of ten poundes in full / paym' of the saide some W^" I form'ly lent towardes i the repayring S' Christop'" Church I say receaued... v p me W"" Bolton Senior u 16 Reced the 23* of Octob' 1647 of Henry Baynbrigg the Some of fflfteene poundes w"" is in full paym' of money my ffather S' Peter Richolt form'ly lent | about repairing the Church, I say rec: for my said ffather ... ... ... by me J. Rychaut Reced the prime of Nouemb' 1647 of Henry Baynbrigg > the Some of Tenn poundes w* I did fform'ly lend I towardes repayring S' Christop" Church I Say | receaued in full payment the Some aforesaid p me Abraham Chambers Rec* the 7"' of January 1647 of M' Henry Bainbrigg the •» some of Thirty shilUngs w"" I did form'ly lend V 001 towards repayring S' Christofers Church I say rec" -' Mart3m DaUison 00 d 00 li 10 00 d 00 10 00 li 10 00 d 00 Receaued the 21'" day of ApriU 1648 of m' henry Bayn brigg Churchwarden the some of twenty pounds in ffuU payment for soe muche formerly lent by my » u ffather in Lawe John Nevill Esquire deceased I say )- 20 Rd ffor my Brother Archdaile and my selfe w"^" s" twenty pounds was lent towards the repaireing of the Church p me Robert Render The 24'" daie of March 1647 Receaved of M' Henry Banbrig the some of forty shil- \ lings of Currant money of England which my / Brother John Thorp did lend in his Ufe tyme > towards repaireing of the Church of S' Christophers \ I say receiued fortie shillings ' p mee Hugh: Thorp Wittnes me Nathaniell fflacke October the 4'" 1647 Receiued the day & yeare aboue written of m' Henery Banbrige Churchwarden of the pish of Christophers / u London the some of forty shillinges being for soe > 2 much by me lent vnto the pish long since I say I Receiued the some of p me Tho: Hamor 00 d 00 xl» THIS IS THE END OF THE FIRST VOLUME OF THE ACCOUNT BOOKS. EN TH BASIAEIA SOY MNHSeHTI KYPIE T2N AOYAQN SOY EAOYINOT 4'PE2*IEAA KAI ZQH2 THS TYNAIKOS AYTOT KAI EAOYINOY TOY YIOY AYTQN. • il H mi^mmmm