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Our only evidence as to the economic and civil condition of this region at that time is to be obtained from a consideration of the village place-names and the rating or assessment of the locality to the ancient levy known as Danegeld, upon which was based the share which each town was required to contribute to penalties imposed by the officers of the Crown for offences committed within the county, hundred, wapentake, or tithing ; also for contributions of men, money, or substance for the defence of the realm on sea or land, or for levies, known in the twelfth century as " Aids," when the king required money for the general purposes of the State. The most ancient division of regions for these purposes, and for the object of mutual protection of the inhabitants, or of mutual responsibility towards the Crown and the lord of the region, was by households known, as early as the time of Bede, as manentes or casati. Each manens or casatus had at the end of the seventh and beginning of the eighth century, when Bede wrote his Ecclesiastical History, a habitation, buildings of wood, wattle, and daub for the housing of plough-oxen, other stock and crop, and a team of eight oxen for the purpose of tilling the soil and raising crops of corn, which chiefly consisted of oats, rye, and barley, often more or less mixed, and occasionally of wheat, also more or less mixed with other grains. The existence of a single casatus did not necessarily signify a family con sisting of parents and children only, but rather the exist ence of a " head-man," with his family and dependents. vi INTRODUCTION After the temporary inclusion of this district in the Mercian kingdom in 829, the local units of assessment would gradually cease to be known by the terms casati or manentes, and that of " hide " would be substituted. This term continued in use until after the Danish conquest, about the year 867, when the organization of society which distinguished those parts of eastern and northern England, known as the Danelaw, would gradually supersede and more or less obliterate the evidences of Mercian rule. In the tenth century, or, as some think, in the reign of Canute (9947-1035), these regions were rated for the purposes of taxation and administration by " carucates," a unit of assessment probably based upon the household or casatus, and theoretically containing 1 20 acres of arable land. These carucates were grouped in villages to any number from one to sixty, according to the size, popula tion, and character of the land in each village, and in the regions north of the Humber were usually from 50 per cent, to 350 per cent, more in number than the unit under the more ancient system of assessment by the casatus. These were further grouped in small " hundreds "of 12 carucates each, and large " hundreds " of 1 20 carucates each. There was also a rather mysterious grouping of areas of 14 carucates, called a " Tenmantale," a com munity originally consisting of ten households or families, which united for mutual protection, and were collectively responsible for the acts of each member of the little com munity. In the southern parts of England these were known as tithings or, in Latin, decenaries. One important peculiarity in the region lying between the rivers Ribble and Mersey, which still survived at the time of the Domesday Survey, was the assessment of some towns or vills by hides, and some by carucates. In each of such hides there were 6 carucates of land until William Rufus or Henry I. reduced each hide in the wapentakes of Salford and Blackburn to 4 carucates. It seems pos sible that the hide represented an older basis of assess ment, and that new villages created after the Danish conquest were assessed by carucates only. There is no // INTRODUCTION vii evidence that any of the towns which were included in the manors of Ightenhill and Colne had ever been assessed as hides ; so that the assumption is reasonable that they came into being after the Mercian conquest, and were not assessed by carucates until the Danelaw had been well established. Without devoting more words to the details of these systems of assessment and grouping, about which many books have been written, I will proceed to describe those places, in the valley of the West Calder or Pendle Water, which were assessed by carucates and, by, virtue of the composition of the place-name, seem most likely to have been the centre of small village communities in Saxon and Danish days. Beginning towards the foot of Pendle Water, or the West Calder, we have Padiham, the ham, or home, of Padda, or of the descendants of Padda. This town was assessed at 3 carucates of land, each carucate contain ing 8 bovates or oxgangs, and each bovate 9 Lancashire acres. Next, Habergham Eaves, formerly Habringham, the ham, or home, of Haedbeorh, with which Burnley, the leah, or field, by the burn, and Towneley, the leah near the tun, or town, were associated as one village unit, assessed at 2 carucates of land, containing 16 bovates or oxgangs, each of 9 acres. Next, Cliviger, formerly Clivecher, the etymology of which is unknown, which was assessed at 1 carucate of land. Near it, Worsthorn, formerly Wordestorn, or Worthes- thorn, the thorn-tree by the worth, or homestead, which was assessed at 3 carucates of land. Next, Extwistle, formerly Extwysel, the twisle, or fork, in the brook by the ac, or oak, which was assessed at i carucate, or 4 bovates, and was probably associated with Briercliffe, formerly Brereclive, the cliff of the briar, also assessed at \ carucate, as one town. Next, Great and Little Marsden, anciently Merkesden, or Merchesdene, and later Merclesdene, of which the prefix is of doubtful derivation and the suffix means dean or viii INTRODUCTION valley, which were assessed at 2 carucates of land, of which 6 bovates, each of 9 acres, were in Little Marsden, and 10 bovates, probably of the same area, in Great Marsden. Next, Colne, anciently Cain, or Kaun, derived like Koln (Cologne) from the Latin Colonia, a colony, which was assessed with Alkincoats, anciently Altenecotes, the cots or dwellings of Alta, at 2 carucates of land, and with which Foulridge, formerly Folric, or Folrigge, the foul ridge (?), assessed at 1 carucate, was probably associated as one town. Higham, in the Forest of Pendle, which seems from its local pronunciation to mean the high ham, or home, was made waste or spoilt as a village community, and added to the chase, or deer forest, which Ilbert de Lacy (1070- 1090 ?) or Robert his son (1090 ?— 1 1 14) created for his pastime when sojourning at Clitheroe. It is likely that it was assessed as a carucate, but when spoilt the population would be removed to Padiham, the assessment of which may have then been increased by as much as was lost at Higham. Tabulating these particulars we obtain the following assessments for the district under review : — Carucates. Bovates. Padiham (and Higham?) 3 o Habergham, 2 bovates ) Burnley, 12 bovates j- ..... 2 o Towneley, 2 bovates J Cliviger 1 o Worsthorn .... . . 2 o Briercliffe, 4 bovates ) Extwistle, 4 bovates ( l ° Little Marsden, 6 bovates j Great Marsden, 10 bovates \ ' ' ' ' 2 ° Colne and Alkincoats ... 2 o Foulridge ...... .1 u Total . . 14 o This, then, was the administrative arrangement of the district in the tenth century and after ; from which the student of history may trace, as the development of ten centuries, the boroughs, urban and rural district councils; and smaller rateable areas which exist at this day. A INTRODUCTION ix During the twelfth century the lords of the honor of Clitheroe made numerous grants to their vassals, in order that the baronial service of some 3! knights due from this honor might be provided whenever the king sum moned his barons to do military service in France, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, or on the Marches, or to repel invasion. By this means Towneley, Cliviger (for a time), Wors thorn, Extwistle, and Foulridge were granted away from the lands which are usually described as the demesne. This term describes the estate which a baron retained in his own hands, just as an English landowner keeps his home-farm in hand and works it by means of a bailiff and hired servants. So then the Lacies retained Padiham, Habergham, Burnley, Briercliffe, Great and Little Marsden, Alkincoats, and Colne in their own hands, with the ex ception of certain small freeholds there which they created from time to time. This they did because it was incon venient to have only bondmen, or villeins — that is, men of a servile status — upon these demesne manors. There may also have existed at Habergham and Alkincoats the descendants of thegns who had been in possession before the Conquest, and who retained their free condition after that event. Whether some of the free tenants, who are found in the time of Henry III. in possession of bovates of land and small tenements, which had been ridded or reduced to cultivation from the surrounding commons or wastes, had descended from thegns, or were settlers or colonists who had found it convenient to leave some distant home and settle elsewhere, one cannot say with certainty. But just as settlers are ever welcomed in our colonies to-day, so in mediaeval times they were always welcome in a wild and sparsely inhabited region ; and any land which they reclaimed would become theirs, to occupy upon the easy terms that they duly conformed to the customs of the manor and town in which they settled, and rendered yearly, by two half-yearly payments, 4 pence for each Lancashire acre admeasured by the greave with the lord's measure. This rent or acknowledgment became customary at an early period, and was seldom varied x INTRODUCTION throughout the period covered by local records from the twelfth to the seventeenth century. As to the reasons which induced the lord to create free-tenants, or to encourage them to settle by granting to them parcels of his demesne land, or lands already reclaimed and improved which came into his hands by forfeiture for felony, outlawry, the demise of the former tenant without known heir and other similar causes, they are not far to seek. It was necessary to have suitors to do suit and service to the Wapentake and Halmote Courts, to act as officials in various capacities, to hold serjeanties — that is, to fill the permanent and hereditary posts of mason, carpenter, blacksmith, falconer, forester, keeper of the lord's hounds, to lard his deer and hogs, to summon people to his local courts, and do other duties such as are commonly described in mediaeval records. Besides all these reasons there remains the commonplace one, which is as true to-day of the owners of real estate as it was a thousand years ago, that every one, were he the possessor of ten acres or of twenty manors, desired to increase, whenever he could, the yearly issues in money or in kind obtainable from his estate. I now turn to that interesting class of society which formed the bulk of the population of every normal village for several centuries after the Conquest, the villeins or rustics, bondmen, and cottiers. These classes belonged in theory to the lord of the manor as chattels, and must needs remain so from generation to generation without change, unless the lord granted manumission, and so made them free. But although their condition seems to us an odious one, it was not so servile as ,the term slave or serf conveys to our mind. They could not be required to serve in the army, like the modern conscript, and they could not, as a rule, be removed from one place to another. Their lives and well-being were insured in the place where they dwelt, because they were the pro perty of the great man of the district in which they lived, so that in famine times he fed and clothed them. They had little or no desire to tempt fortune by leaving the /,' INTRODUCTION xi home where they were born and bred — a characteristic which too often in the present time is applauded and encouraged in the congested districts of Scotland and Ireland where there is a limited scope, or perhaps no scope at all, for reclamation of the wastes to support more souls. In north-east Lancashire, in the first six centuries after the Conquest, there was unlimited scope for reclamation of land, which well repaid the labour and improvement spent upon it, and ultimately became the habitation of the great and numerous class of yeomen copyholders to whose character and physique Lancashire owes her greatness, and whose training in frugality, in dustry, and adaptability laid the foundations first of the worsted industry, and later of the cotton spinning and weaving and allied industries. Fortunately we possess a satisfactory series of records from which to obtain particulars of the services to be done by the bondmen and cottars. Of villeins or rustics we find little or no mention- in the local records. In Padiham with 24 bovates of land in demesne, in Burnley with 1 3 bovates, in Little Marsden with 6 bovates, in Colne with 10J bovates, and in Great Marsden with 10 bovates, all in demesne, the tenant of each bovate in 1258 ploughed for one day yearly 1 perch of the lord's demesne land — that is, a strip 21 feet broad by 280 yards long, or the fourth part of a Lancashire acre ; this was reckoned to be worth \\d. from each bovate, a sum which was afterwards paid in lieu of the boon-work. Further, he was required to reap the lord's corn for three days in harvest time ; this was also worth 1 \d. per bovate in the year 1258. Those who held bovates by free tenure did not perform, these services. By the year 131 1 it had been found more advantageous to the lord to commute the services for a money rent. So we find in that year , 24 bovates at Padiham, 10 bovates at Burnley, 3! bovates at Little Marsden, and \o\ bovates at Colne, paying 4 pence each for day or boon-works remitted, and 12J bovates in Great Marsden paying 6 pence each for the same. From this we see that the boon-works of the xii INTRODUCTION bondmen in Great Marsden had been half as much again as those on the other demesne manors. These rents eventually merged in the customary or copyhold rents paid for these bovates, which were later known as " ox gang land," in distinction to land ridded or improved from the commons and wastes which were known as " rode land " ; they are paid to this day by the present owners of these lands. This brings before our minds the wonderful changes that have taken place in this district during 650 years. Where then eight oxen were labouring through the stiff Burnley soil with a heavy wooden plough and bondmen at their heads and another between the stilts, the descendants of these same bondmen, it may be, in the twenty-fourth generation, are standing at six looms over the same clods which were being turned six and a half centuries ago, and are engaged in making cotton cloth for countries as far distant as India and China ! I want to show the reader how, from the very small beginnings of the first settlers, the cultivated lands, by the patient and laborious effort .of generation after generation, were extended from the first clearings, where are now the more fertile meadows and holmes by tbe water-sides, upwards to the edges of the moors. This was effected by very slow degrees — by draining the fenny places, fell ing the trees and scrub and ridding out the stocks, remov ing the rocks, and making walls and hedges against the deer, and to prevent straying of cattle and sheep. From the tenth to the thirteenth century the depredations of wild animals, especially of the wolf, among the flocks, and of the deer among the growing corn, were very grievous, and only to be avoided by constant watch, kept in turn by the husbandmen from the hour when the sheep and cattle were daily driven from the homesteads and folds to the common pasture, until the evening when they were driven home again. When we try to think of such conditions of life, we begin to grasp the true meaning of the word " common." For protection of flocks and herds the pasturage among the woods or near the moors must be enjoyed in common, and so we say that the unenclosed part of our village is " the common." The A INTRODUCTION xm husbandmen must have wood and timber for the build ing and repair of their houses, barns, and shippons, for making carts, ploughs, and harrows, and for fuel ; there fore each village had its common wood, or where there was peat, a common turbary. From the village all had need to go to the wood, the common pasture, the moor, the church, the mill, or the neighbouring market ; the road which led to all these places was the " common way." So those who had once to combine for protection and to organize themselves, so that their village and town ship might not be oppressed by neighbours or foreigners, and so that they might be responsible and attentive to the rights of their manorial lord, are known as the " commonalty " or " commons " ; their general welfare is the " commonwealth," and their place of meeting at Parlia ment is " the House of Commons." In the eleventh century we may conclude that each of the towns which I have set in the table above contained little or no cultivated land beyond the carucates and bovates upon which they were assessed by taxes. These cultivated lands lay most likely in two fields, sometimes known as the Westfield, the Southfield, the Townfield, or similar names. One was tilled each year, and the other lay fallow and was used for pasture. When therefore we read that each bovate contained 9 acres, we may assume that each bovate had 9 acres in each field. Upon this basis the cultivated land in the demesne townships under review would amount to the areas given below, which are given in Lancashire acres of 7 yards to the perch, of which 1 o are about equal to 1 6^. statute acres. " OXGANG LANDS." Lancashire Statute Acres. Modern Place. Bovates. Acres, in Two Fields. Township Area. Padiham .... 24 432 700 1953 Burnley .... 16 288 466§ 62134 Briercliffe 4 72 1 168 4227 Little and Great Marsden 16 288 466§ 7796^ Colne .... 16 288 466! 4635 XIV INTRODUCTION Thus we see how small a proportion of the modern township was then under cultivation. Not until 1258 do we glean any facts as to the area of land which had been ridded and reclaimed since the first settlement of the district. Under that year we obtain the following particulars of " rode land " : — RODE LANDS IN 1258. Lancashire Acres. Price per Acre. Total Rent. £ i. d. Padiham . 114 20 at 4d. . . I2d. . . 38 20 00 for riddings. from Gilbert de Padi ham. Habergham JJ • 30 • 3> , 3 2d. . . i,d. . 5 10 0 4 in Gunnildisford. from Robt. de Mer- clisden. Burnley • 793 50 >j 4d. . . 4d. ¦ 13 4 16 4 8 for riddings. from the Abbot of l3 Id. . . 3 3 Whalley. from Rouert, son of J J • 76 >) 2d. . 12 s WilHam (in Healey). from three other char terers. Briercliffe . 12 , , I2d. . . 12 0 from Michael de Brere- clive. Extwistle . 24 u 9d. . . -18 0 from Hen. de Wind- hul. There were also in Padiham eight cottars who paid 6 pence each for their tofts and crofts, seven in Burnley who paid 6 pence each, and one who paid 12 pence. None are mentioned in Little Marsden at this time. It was probably long before the year 1258 that Ightenhill, Padiham, Habergham, Burnley, Briercliffe, and Little Marsden had been united as one manor and made subject to the jurisdiction of the Halmote held at the Hall of Ightenhill ; not improbably this was done early in the twelfth century, when the demesne lands had been re duced by grants made to feudal tenants to much the same extent as they were in 1258. The next table shows the changes which had taken place by 1 3 1 1 . y INTRODUCTION xv RODE LANDS IN 131 1. Padiham jj »j HaberghamBurnley . . Lancashire Acres. 994 44 • at 254 2484 at 3S4. i4 ''¦ .. 50 . . J J • 20 . J J 6, 1 r. 13 • Briercliffe . j j . 1664 . 58 . 51 Little Marsden 2434 Great Marsden 335 Colne 551 10 j j 3° 16 ,, ... 32 „ 7 " ¦ • 2023 at Price per Total Rent. Acre. A,d. i,d. Ad. 6d. t\d. 4d.4d. 4d. \d. \d. 6,d. 4d. 6d. id. 4//. rf. 33 2 for riddings. 25 o from John de White- acre. 9 o 1 from Richard, son of Mawe. 4 2 10 for riddings. 5 18 ij for riddings. I from Oliver de Stanis- feld (for Heysand- forth). 4 o from John de White- acre. 4 o from Thos. de Rye- landes. 3 54 from Adam de Holden e. 3 o from Dowe (Roger) de Heley. 2 15 6 for riddings. 1 1 o from Robert, son of Mokock (Matthew) de Brerecliffe. 17 o from Adam de Wolles- hagh (for Walshaw). 4 1 2 for riddings. 511 8 for riddings. 9 3 8 for riddings. 3 4 from Robert de Emote. 7 6 from Adam, son of Nich. de Holdene. 8 2 from Robert de Catlow. 10 8 from Rich, son of Ad. de Alkencotes. 3 6 from Will, son of Ad. de Alkencotes. I 8 from Rich, son of Ad. Ayre (for Heirs House). 7 8 from Adam, son of Peter de Alkencotes. In addition to these particulars we Ieani that there were now twelve cottars in Burnley paying 1 2 pence each, a water-mill let for .£10 with tithe deducted, and a full ing-mill for 6s. 8d. In 1296 there had been an increase of rent of 12 shillings for 36 acres of land newly ridded, and 1 2 pence of increase from the toft held by Robert the 1 Ss. 6d. fad. per acre) at St. Giles' Day, and (sd. at Midsummer. VOL. II. b xvi INTRODUCTION smith. In 1305, ioj acres of land were improved in Colne. The growth of these towns can also be illustrated by the sums collected when a subsidy -was granted, as in 1237, when a thirtieth part of the goods and chattels of every householder who possessed such to the value of 40 pence or more was taxed; again, in 1327, when a twentieth part of the goods of those who had such to the value of 1 0 shillings or more was taxed ; and again in 1332, when a fifteenth in like manner was taxed. To the following table showing the total value of goods taxed to the three subsidies I have added the ancient Fifteenth, which was based upon the subsidy of 1332, and was used as the basis of assessment until the seven teenth century. THE TOTAL VALUE OF GOODS AND CHATTELS TAXED. 1237. 1327- 1332. The Fifteenth. Padiham, with Burnley? Burnley Worsthorn .... Briercliffe, with Ex- j Little Marsden, with"\ Great Marsden, with f Colne? 1 Colne _. „ . J Pendle, ) Forests, viz. jTrawden| Ightenhill Park . . . £ s. d. 43 16 3 826 14 16 3 10 17 6 60 10 0 14 5 0 13 10 0 £ s. d. 7 1 8 11 16 8 6 13 4 5 1 8 8 1 8 9 15 0 11 6 3 826 £ s. d. 7 10 74 14 S 0 11 10 0 6 15 74 12 0 74 15-7 9i 15 6 104 13 12 6 i. d. 10 4 20 0 15 0 9 6 15 0 21 9 20 8 18 0 I 66 8 1 15 0 7 6 165 17 6 67 18 9 96 9 of The great reduction in the value of goods in 1327 and 1332, as compared with 1237, was due to the fact that in the earliest year all except those who had goods worth less than 40 pence were taxed, but in the two later - INTRODUCTION xvii subsidies all who had goods worth less than io shillings were exempt. Again, the growth of the district can be illustrated by the values returned in rentals over a period of years, as in the subjoined table. In studying the particulars it must be borne in mind that those for 1258 and 1 3 1 1 are from inquests, where nominal values were returned ; that for 1242 is from an "extent," and the remainder are from rentals. COPYHOLD RENTS RECEIVED BY THE LORDS OF CLITHEROE. PADIHAM. 1242. 1258. 1296. 1305. £806 £10 3 4 £" 7 8 £11 7 8 4 12 o mill 4 13 o mill 131 1. 1324. 1342. 1440. ^12 19 21 ^11 14 2 £11 17 11 520 mill 3 12 o mill £2 13 4 mill I527- £n 15 5 HABERGHAM. 1242. 1258. 1296. 1305. £080 ^080 £4 14 4 £4 15 10 1311. 1324- 1342- I527- £4 8 10 £61 54 £6 1 94 £5 17 4 1242. BURNLEY. 1258. 1296. 1305. £16 42 ^16 3 8 £13 12 94 £13 13 54 10 6 8 mills 10 12 5 1311. 1324- '342- 1400. £16 8 3" £14 2 74 £14 7 11 £52 11 04 3 8 6 10 mills 6 18 o mills 540 mills o 10 1 Saxifeld 1440. I527- £$i 13 84 ^20 11 34 468 mills 2 9 6J new riddings. 1 Including the mill, 40J. 2 Including the mills, £$, 5s. ; Brunshaw, 18s. 3d. 3 Under " Ightenhill." The sum includes Padiham, Habergham, Burnley, Briercliffe, and Little Marsden. 4 Including Padiham (except the mill), Habergham, Burnley, Briercliffe, and Little Marsden. xvm 1242. £4 9 11 INTRODUCTION IGHTENHILL. 1258. £1 8 41 I296. £2 13 4 94 : 1324. £3 2 1242. £2 o 1311. £4 13 1242. £2 11 1311. £4 13 1242. £5 2 1242. £i4 5 9 o 19 4 1311. £18 14 10' 1342. £3 6 7 BRIERCLIFFE. 1258. 1296. £1 19 o £5 7 1324- £6 3 1 1342. £6 4 10 LITTLE MARSDEN. 1258. 1296. £0 19 6 £40 24 i324- £4 19 1 1342. £7 1 11 GREAT MARSDEN. 1258. In dower 1258. In dower 1311. £7 18 34 COLNE.6 1296. 1324. £25 14 11 12 13 6 mills 1440. £27 18 8 310 mills 1342. £26 9 6 10 10 o three mills 1311. £4 14 1 2 1527.4 £3 8 si 1305. ^5 10 i4 1527- £6 1 7 1306. £5 5 54 1527- £7 15 94 1324. In Colne 1306. £22 17 14 12 60 mills 1400. £27 10 64 268 mills 1527. £30 18 5J 1242. Not given. 1311. £" 5 i'4 CLIVIGER. 1258. 1296. £0 18 o £6 13 8 charterers free rent 463 riddings for the 1 9 free rents whole. 312 o mill 1324. £6 17 9 charterers 506 riddings 1 44 free rents 2 14 o mill 1305- £6 17 9 charterers 487 riddings 1 5 free rents 2 14 o mill 1342. £6 17 9 charterers 592 riddings I 04 free rents 280 mill 1 The mills of " Hucnhul," ^10, 13^. 4d. more. 2 Including the park, 40.?. 3 Exclusive of the park. 4 The rental for 1527 will be found in the Appendix. 6 Including Great Marsden. Also 19s. 4d. in Alkincoats is included in the rent oi £15, $s. id. in 1242. 6 Including the mills, ^5, 6s. Sd. INTRODUCTION xix These particulars tell us that the great period of growth in these places occurred between the middle of the thir teenth and the middle of the fourteenth century. Towards the end of the latter century, and through the succeeding one, the admittances to newly improved lands were in respect of continually decreasing parcels of land, proving that the individual tenements had grown by the addition of improved lands until they became practically conter minous with one another, except where improvements were forbidden, namely, on the recognized commons. Towards the end of the reign of Elizabeth even these were allotted and parcelled out, as the records given in the Appendix show. The sale and alienation of copyhold tenements was un common until towards the middle of the sixteenth century. The first recorded occasion on which a new-comer came into court and paid cash down for a copyhold tenement seems to be that on which my ancestor Richard Akeroyd purchased from Christopher Lister of Middop, co. York, esquire, in 1544, for the sum of £46, 13s. \d., the messuage and tenement then known as " The Foldes," now Folds House, in Briercliffe, but better known among the older natives of the locality as " Akrod's." 1 In the Introduction to the first volume of The Court Rolls of the Honor of Clitheroe, attention has been directed to many of the local customs which grew up under the aegis of the Halmote Courts, and conduced to good order, good morals, and the comfort and well-being of the general community. The sense of responsibility and self-respect which the local constitution engendered seems to me to have been the moving influence in the creation of those qualities of independence of character, self-reliance, geni ality of manner, industry, and thrift, which have been, are, and I trust ever will be, the distinguishing characteristics of the old natives of north-east Lancashire. Let no man to-day look upon his forefather of five or six centuries past as a man little better than a slave, and 1 This estate is now the property of the author of this volume, who is tenth in direct descent from the purchaser named above. xx INTRODUCTION Upon himself as being as free and " as good a man as any one else." " The trivial round, the common task " of those early days, contentedly borne and patiently per formed, engendered all the finest qualities which helped Englishmen to build up a great Empire during the six teenth to the nineteenth centuries. Are we to-day sure that our present mode of living, and the restless pursuit of short-lived pleasures after the working hours are over, will help us to do our duty to each other, and to do our part individually in the maintenance and government of the Empire which our forefathers won for us, as well as did the humbler and more controlled methods of our fore fathers ? Their attitude towards their life's work, amid hardships and privations unknown to-day, was surely like that which one of our modern poets has urged each one of us to employ — " Like a star that shines afar, without haste and without rest, Let each man wheel with steady sway Around the task that rules the day, And do his best." The abstracts of the Halmote Rolls of the Manor of Ightenhill were made by me in the years 1890-91. My acknowledgments and thanks are due to Mr. Arthur J. Robinson of Chatburn, late Steward of the Honor of Clitheroe, and to his son, Mr. Fred. D. Robinson, now Steward, for affording me every facility during the course of the work ; to Mr. John Brownbill, M.A., for assistance in passing the proofs through the press, and to my Secre tary, Mr. Thomas Price, for compiling the Indexes. WILLIAM FARRER. Hall Garth, Over Kellet, February 1912. CONTENTS PAGE Introduction ........ v-xx Halmotes of the Manor of Ightenhill, a.d. 1425, i495> UQ-6. i498> I5°4, iS°7 to 1567 • • 1 APPENDICES. Survey of the Forests or Chases of Blackburn- shire, a.d. 1507 373 Copyhold Rents of the Honor of Clitheroe, a.d. JS27 377 Rental of Blackburnshire, a.d. 1539 . . . 383 Old Greave Book for the Manor of Ightenhill 386 Rental of the Forests of Trawden and Pendle, circa 1662 ....... 389 Decree for the Freeholders and Copyholders within the Manor of Ightenhill, a.d. 1594 . 393 The Meres and Boundaries of the Commons of Burnley, Marsden, and Briercliffe, a.d. 1600 401 Rental of the Forests of Trawden and Pendle, a.d. 1608—9 . . . . . . .402 Survey of the Manor of Ightenhill by Roger Kenyon, a.d. 1617 . . . . . . 404 Rental of the Manor of Chatburn by Roger Kenyon ........ 408 Old Notes concerning the Manor of Ightenhill 412 A Particular, taken out of the Rolls in 1663, as to the Allotment of Commons within the Manor of Ightenhill, a.d. 161 8-1633 . . 413 xxii CONTENTS PAGE Instructions by the Duke of Albemarle to the Juries of Survey within the Honor, a.d. 1662 420 Rental of the Wapentake of Blackburnshire, 1662—3 ........ 426 Extracts from Rolls, a.d. 1478, 1499, 1510, re lating to Burnley and the Folds Family . 461 Index of Names ....... 463 Index of Places 512 Index of Things . . . . . . .529 ERRATUM Page 408, line 13 from bottom,/^?- " Danson " re(id " Dauson." £)ucb£ of ^Lancaster, HONOR OF CLITHEROE. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL. n.— court 1RoIl, 3 Ibenrs vt, 1425. (Public Record Office, Duchy of Lancaster, Bundle 78, No. 1010.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightynhyll, held at Brunlay on Thursday after the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 3 Henry VI. [8th Feb., 1424-5],. before Sir John de Stanley, Kt., Chief Steward. . The water mill of Clyuacher is in the King's hands by reason of the default of the tenants there. Proclamation was made thrice, but none appeared to take it. Thomas Whithed complains against John del Heye de Saxxefeld in a plea of trespass for making a savage assault upon him. Plaintiff withdrew his plea. William de Beuerlay sued William de Ingham for debt, but plaintiff did not appear. James Whithed complains against John del Hey in a plea of trespass for a fray upon him, whereby he had beaten the said James at Brereclif that year to his injury, in 20s. damages. The jury order the defendant to pay 3J. Henry del Brigg complains against William de Beuerlay in a plea of debt. Plaintiff did not proceed. Gilbert Jansen of Brunlay, warden of the goods and chattels of the Blessed Mary, complains against John Tatersale of Picoppe in a plea of debt, and for detention of one cow of the said goods, value 10s. Defendant prays for an inquiry. The jury award 8s. The said Gilbert also sued William del Halstede for 8s., the value of a cow. Plaintiff did not prosecute his plea. , (Amerced 2d.) Inquisition taken by virtue of office by the oath of William . del Hallestede, Adam de Bancroft, John del Foldes, sen., Thomas de Scolefeld, Thomas Whitheued, Laurence de Brereclif, Henry del Brygge, William Ingham, Robert del VOL. II; ¦ " ' A 2 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Cockshote, Richard Smyth, Richard del Fenes and Richard (? Roger) de Willoshull. Richard Wilson of Colne for a fray upon Richard de Colne was amerced 6d. There was a cross suit. Fine by pledge of William Jonson. Roger Ormerode for the like offence upon Yvo Brown amerced 6d. Fine by pledge of Oliver del Foldes. Yvo Brown for the like offence upon the said Roger, amerced 6d. Thomas de Hapton for the like offence upon Laurence Flectcher of Hapton and Laurence upon the said Thomas. Richard de Couden and William de Walshagh for a fray together, also Richard del Wymmer. . . and William Jonson of Brereclif. John del Brereclif and Richard Hanson for a fray together, also the said Richard Hanson for a fray and breach of the peace upon Richard son of John de Brereclif. James Swayne . . . John del Hey for a fray and for breach of the peace upon Jenet wife of Thomas Whittehed and upon James White- hed ; " in Wapp' xiiij huius anni." [All these names are bracketed together, and there were no amercements, because the parties lived within the jurisdiction of the Wapentake Court, and not of the Halmote Court.] James Whitebed for the same offence upon John Hey, collector of the King's herbage rents, was amerced Apd. Fine by pledge of Thomas Whithed. Thomas son of Richard del Redehalgh was amerced 2d. for not coming to the court to reply to Richard del Fence. Symon Whitehed (8d.) * for not coming to answer William del Legh in four pleas was amerced twopence for each plea. Also John del Legh (6d.) versus Richard del Redehalgh in 3 pleas, for not coming to prosecute, was amerced 2d. each plea. Thomas Hereson (2d.) for licence to make concord with William Cokshote, by pledge of Thomas de Irlonde. John del Hey (4^.) in 2 pleas versus Thomas Whithed ; William Ingham (2d.) versus William de Beuerlay; John del Hey (^d.) versus James Whitehed, in two pleas ; (4ii., 1504. (Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE * of the Manor of Ightenhyll, held there [on . . . next before the Feast of Pentecost, 19 Henry VII.— May 1504]. One messuage and 18 acres of "oxgang lond," and 2d. * This part of the Roll is almost illegible. i4 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS rent in Sabdenbank, and I acre of land called "Chapel- ford," were surrendered by Miles Whitaker, to the use of Edmund Starky. The same property was immediately surrendered by Edmund Starky, to the use of Miles Whitacre, Bernard Whitacre, Richard Smyth, jun., Roger Webster, Edmund Robynson, and Roger Cokeshote. One acre and a half of land and I rood with the ap purtenances in Haburgham were surrendered by James Jakson, to the use of William Bercroft, James Bancroft, Robert Ingham, and Robert Woderofe. One acre of land of the King's wastes in Haburgham was granted to the use of William Bercroft, James Bancroft, Robert Ingham, and Robert Woderoffe. Richard Hegyn is elected Greave there. Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Richard Pereson com plains of Thomas Pereson in a plea of land, viz. of I messuage, 17 acres of land with the appurtenances in Brunley, of which he had unjustly deprived her. [Then follow the names of the jury in this plea, and their verdict :] Ightenhill. — Richard Townley, Edmund Starky, Miles Whitacre, Lawrence Schotilworth, John Wodderofe, Hugh Haburgham. Colne. — Nicholas Townley, John Hargreves of Grenefilde, Richard Walton, John Robynson of Olde Lande, James Mersden, John Taylior. Worston, Penulton, and Chatburn.— John Kyng, Richard Ken- dell, Nicholas Westby, Richard Mersden, William Taylior, John Dawson. Acryngton.— Oliver Birtwissill, William Kenean, Peter Riley, Richard Duerden, Thomas Birtwissill, John Riley. " We fynde that Thomas Pereson is not right customet accordyng to oure Custome, for cause thay made the Indentur after the deth of Rauff Pereson a yere or more. " We fynde that no copy holde lond can not be taylet to the heires male, and if so be it is contrare to owre Customes. " We fynde that the said Thomas Pereson is feffe in the same londe, and for that cause he may not be right heire. " And so we fynde that Thomas Pereson is feffe to the use of Elizabeth, doghtur of Ric. Pereson, and so the said Elizabeth is right heire to Rauff Pereson, and Ric. Pereson hir father." MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1507 15 vii,— Court 1RolI, 22 Ibeurs \>ii„ 1507. (Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhyll, held there on Friday next before the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 22 Henry VII. [29 Jan. 1506-7], before Sir Peter Legh, Knight, Chief Steward there. Inquisition taken by the oath of Lawrence Shotilworth, Miles Whitacre, John Yngham, William Booth, Richard Pecoppe, John Wodrofe, William Foldes, Richard Hegyn, Richard Brereclif, Giles Halstidde, Richard Hardgreves, James Bancroft, .... Wyllasill. James Hanson complains of Edmund Eyglod [Elliott], executor of Henry Eglod, by the pledge of Robert Brere- cliffe, in a plea of debt. Nicholas Banastre, John Hall, Richard Marschall, James Jakson, and Christopher Banastre for non-attendance to do suit and service were each fined i2d. John Wilkynson and William Wilkynson for an affray of the peace done on John Wyndill and John Whitehede, 2od. Lawrence Townley surrendered 1 toft and 1 croft with the appurtenances in Brunley, to the use of John Catterall, Thomas Colthurst, Richard Townley and Hugh Habryng- ham. Admittance granted. Fine 4 viii., 1523. (No. 6. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burnley, on Wednesday before the Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist, 14* Hen. VIII. [22 April, 1523]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office. To that Halmote came John Smyth, Greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage, 14J acres of land and one half and a quarter rood of land, with the appurtenances, in Burnley, which Jenet Jackson, widow of John Jackson, delivered to him, to the use of Roger Rushton, Christopher Jackson, Robert Rushuston of Donowghshaw, John Halsted, Nicholas Bancroft, and Richard Shakilton. Admittance granted, on fine of 5^. It is presented by inquest that one messuage and 18 acres of oxgang land with the appurtenances in Padham, and id. rent lying in Sabden Bank, reverted into the hands of the King upon the death of Lawrence Wittacre, and that James Wittacre is his son and heir. Elizabeth forbids fine, for her dowry ; and James Wittacre finds as surety Richard Webster. He is then admitted, on fine of 6s. Richard Webster (6d.) plaintiff against Oliver Haliday (3d.) in a plea of trespass ; damages laid at 20.J. The parties come to an agreement. James Jackson plaintiff against Richard Halsted (3d.) in a plea of trespass, for cutting green wood. Verdict for the plaintiff. Oliver Halyday (3d.) plaintiff against Robert Cockshott, Henry and Thomas Cockshott, in a plea of detenue of one acre of land, 2s: rent. Verdict for defendants. * The year should be 15 Henry VIII., which began on the day of this halmote. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1523 63 The jury present that John Smyth (3d.) of Haynyate oppresses the common of Burnley with his beasts ; and Christopher Jackson and Ellis Nutter for the like offence are amerced 2d. each. Inquest from the Forest of Pendill. It is presented by inquest that 1 messuage with the appurtenances in Barlow Boithe in the forest of Pendill (annual rent, 1 $s.) has reverted to the lord upon the death of William Verley, and that Thomas Verley is his son and heir. Margery his mother forbids fine, for her dower ; and Thomas Verley her son finds surety James Hertley, and is admitted, on fine of 15J. To that Halmote came John Robynson, Greave of Pendill, and surrendered one messuage with the appurtenances in Laghher Barowfore in the forest of Pendill, with a small piece of land lying in Rushton Thornes (annual rent, 6s. 4\d.), which Omfrey Hertley had delivered to him, to the use of Robert Banestre, Nicholas Marsden, jiin., Alex ander Hertley, and Richard Michell. Admittance granted, on fine of 6s. 4\d. "The Intent of this fyne is that R. B., N. M. thonger, A. H., and R. M. feoffads of trust above writtyn shall stond and be seased to the use of James Michell, Prest, and his assignes of and in one mess and . other buldyngs, lands, meddows and pasturs with all other thyngs comprised in the said fyne, except a porcionell of land lyyng in Rushton Thornes, for the terme of xxvij yeres next after the dat of this cowert fully to be completyd and endyt. And on that the said feoffes shall stond and be seased ofthe said porcionell of land lying in R. T. above except and named, to the use of James Hertley his heres and assignes, for the terme of other xxvij yeres fully to be completyd and endyd. And further the said feoffes shall stond and be seased of and in all the premisses after the said termes of eu' awther of the said xxvij yeres above expressyd and specifyed be fully complete and spendyd, then to stand to the use of Omfrey Hertley during his lyffe naturall, and after his decease to desende to Christopher Hertley, sone of the said Omfrey, and the heres of his boddy lawfully to be gotten for euer ; and for defawt of suche issue then the said land to dissend Reuerte and com to Barnard Hertley, Laurens Hertley, James Hertley, James Mitton, and to their heires for euer." James Hergreves plaintiff against William Hergreves (3d.) in a plea oF detenue of certain lands in Pendill of gs. 3d. annual rent. The parties come to an agreement. John Hertley (3d.) plaintiff against Roger Hertley, Thomas Verley, and Robert Verley, feoffees of Richard Holgait, in a plea of trespass, for occupying and unjustly detaining certain lands, closes and pastures lying in Hay- bothe, which the plaintiff lately acquired from Richard 64 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Holgate, as appears in an indenture made between them. The jurors declare that the defendants have occupation by right for the term of years declared between them and the said Richard Holgate. It is presented that John Hergreves (4a7.) and Robert Ellott (4a7.) burn the hedges of their neighbours in Barowfore. Sum, 35.C 4\d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burnley, 17 June, 15 Hen. VIII. [1523]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office. To that Halmote came Symon Haydock in his own person and surrendered 2 messuages, 2 oxgangs of land, and 2d. rent per annum in Sabden Bank ; 2 acres of land in " le Goldfeld," 1 toft and 2 acres of Rodland with the appur tenances in Padeham, to the use of Gilbert Haydock, chaplain ; John Ingham, chaplain ; John Ingham of Fulege, and Richard Kepax, son and heir of John Kepax. Ad mittance granted, on fine of ior. To that Halmote came Symon Haydock in his own person and surrendered 1 messuage called Grymehouse and 15 acres of land with the appurtenances in Burneley, to the use of Gilbert Haydock, chaplain ; John Ingham, chaplain ; John Ingham of Fullege, and Richard Kepax, to the trust expressed in a certain indenture made between them. Ad mittance granted, on fine of 5j. Robert Rushton v. Christopher Jackson (3d.) ; debt i6j. Defendant acknowledged debt. Richard Towneley plaintiff against John Wodrowffe (3d.) in a plea of trespass, for diverting the course of a stream from its ancient and proper course. The parties came to an agreement. It is presented by inquest that the townspeople of Burnley (6s. 8a7.) have no archery butts as required by the statute. The jurors present that James Starky (3^ 4a7.) made a fray upon John Wilkynson and Richard Foster, and drew blood from the said Richard Foster. Also that John Robynson (3d.) of Old Land oppressed the common of BrereclyfF. Gyles Wilkinson with the assistance of Richard Witwham and James Robert are elected Greaves of Burnley ; Richard Walker and Richard Parker, constables there. Inquest from the Forest of Pendill. To that Halmote came Christopher More, John More, MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1524 65 Hugh More, John More, jun., Robert Hergreves, Richard Hergreves, Ralph Hergreves, and George Hergreves, and surrendered a messuage, parcel of a vaccary with appur tenances in Heygham Bothe called Bronebreke " in le Fense," in the forest or Chace of Pendill (annual rent, 20s.), to the use of Hugh Parker. Elizabeth now wife of Miles Parker forbids fine, and says that Miles Parker her husband has the concession and grant of the said messuage and other premises by the hands of Master John Burgon, now auditor of our lord the King. Thereupon the said Hugh, son of Miles Parker, finds surety John Kepax and James Hargreves of Sabden. Admittance granted, on fine of 20s. To that Halmote came John Robynson, Greave of Pendill, and surrendered a pareell of land lying on Blackoo Hill in the forest of Pendill (annual rent, id.), which Omfrey Hertley delivered to him, to the use of James Hertley of Barowfore. Admittance granted, on fine of id. Richard Tattersall plaintiff against John Hertley (3d.) of Admargill in a plea of trespass, for occupation of a certain parcel of land lying in Wittawbothe, called Robert Lee, to 10s. damages. Jury give verdict for the plaintiff. It is presented that Ellis Nutter is elected Greave of Pendill. Sum, 46s. id. Sum of the two Courts, £4, iy\d., viz., Ightenhill, 38.J. yd. ; Pendill, 42s. io\d. xxii.— court IRolI, I5*t6 1foeur\? viii., 1524. (No. 7. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Wednesday after the Passion Sunday, 15 Henry VIII. [16 March, 1523-4]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office. To that Halmote came John Smyth, Greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage and 17 acres of land lying in BrereclyfF, with the appurtenances, which Robert Brere clyfF and John Yngham delivered to him, to the use of Lawrence BrereclyfF and Peter Ormerod. Margaret, wiFe of the said Robert, forbad fine, for her dower. Lawrence and Peter find surety, Richard Halsted ; and were admitted, on fine of 5j. 4a7. To that Halmote came Lionel Grymeshay (by James Her greves, tenant), and surrendered a messuage and a garden, VOL. II. E 66 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS half a toft, and half a rood of land with the appurtenances in Paddeham, to the use of Nicholas Grymeshay, son of the said Lionel. Christopher Roo forbad fine in the name of Christopher Grymeshay, by right of his inheritance. Nicholas . finds surety, James Wittacre of Paddeham and Richard Webster ; and is admitted, on fine of 1 2d. To that Halmote came William Folds and John Wodde and surrendered a cottage in Burnley, containing 40 feet •length and 36 feet breadth, to the use of George Halsted, Robert Wodrowfe, John Wodde, jun., and Richard Folds. Admitted, on fine of 6d. John Law and Isabella his wife plaintiffs (3d.) against Robert Bothe, Henry Herger, Robert Wodrowfe, and Edward Bothe, feoffees of William Bothe, sen., in a plea of trespass and unjust detention and occupation of 2 messuages, 22J acres of land lying in Habringham Eves, called Oken- eves, from which they had been deforced by the said de fendants. The defendants reply that William Bothe, sen., being seised of the said premises, enfeoffed the defendants of them by a certain surrender made to them for the use and intention as appeareth in his last will, remaining in the custody of the said Robert Bothe, one of the co-feoffees of the said William Bothe. Plaintiffs say that defendants were seised to the use of the said John Law and Isabella, and not to the intention of said William Bothe, sen. The suit is to be decided before a jury of 24 neighbours on Thursday after Passion Sunday, 15 Henry VIII. [17 March, 1523-4], viz. before John Hoghton, esq., John Grenacres, Richard Kendell, Henry Dawson, James Starky, Henry Wittacre, Gilbert Holden, gent., Nicholas Rushton, Nicholas Mersden, Nicholas Robynson of Monkroide, Henry Mangilhols, Leonard Blakay, Richard Willisill of Huntcott, Thomas Emott, John Wilson of Bradley, Nicholas Smyth, Ellis Dugdale, Nicholas Robynson, Robert Mersden, John Hirde, Christopher Milnes, Robert Talior, Nicholas Gryme shay, Peter Ryley, Thomas Cowopp, and Richard Lache ; who say that the defendants were seised of the said premises to the use and intent of the last will of the said William Bothe, sen., and that the premises shall remain to the said Robert Bothe co-feoffee, his heirs and assigns. The great inquest presents that Christopher Jackson (2d.) oppressed Saxifeld common ; Ellis Nutter (4d.), Henry Walton (4a7.), John Smyth (4a7.) of Hagh for the like were amerced, and James Greyfe for oppressing Paddeham common was amerced 4a7. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1524 67 HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Hegham on Wednesday after Passion Sunday, 15 Henry VIII. [16 March, 1523-4]. Inquest from the Forest of Pendill taken there. Roger Hertley (3d.) and other tenants of Haybothe plain tiffs against James Hertley and other tenants of Barley^ bothe, for obstructing a way leading between Haybothe and Barleybothe at Stanghend, to damage of 20s. Verdict for defendants. Lawrence Hergreves plaintiff against James Robynson, Henry Hertley, and Nicholas Robynson (3d.), for detenue of 2 acres of land lying in Witley Bothe; 20s. damage claimed. Agreement made. The same Lawrence plaintiff against Henry Hertley (3d.), for detenue of a parcel of land ; 3s. 4d. damage. Concord made. James Hergreves plaintiff against Ellis Robynson (3d.), for diverting a stream of water called Littill Staynscote; 2s. damages. Settled by agreement. James Ballerd plaintiff against Roger Ballerd his father (3d.) and James Hertley of Barley, for detenue of certain lands in Barley Bothe. Verdict given for the plaintiff. To that Halmote came John Bulcok, Robert Bulcok, Richard Bulcok, and Thomas Verley by the Steward and surrendered a messuage with the appurtenances in Hay bothe (8s. lid. rent), to the use of Richard Holgate. Thomas Verley forbad fine, for a certain covenant and 1 is. Robert Verley, Roger Hertley, and Richard Tattersall forbad fine, for certain covenants made between them. Richard Holgate finds surety, John Smyth and Miles Nutter. Admitted, on fine of 8s. lid. It is presented by inquest that John Bulcok, Roger Her greves, John Nowell, and John Dobson should make, repair, scour (inundabunt) and cleanse (escurabunt) a certain dilapi dated road lying in the forest of Pendill, called le Lawnde in Pendill, at their expense, and that the said road should be cleansed, scoured and lawfully kept at all times of the year ; so that no liege subject of the King or stranger with his waggons going and coming, and horsemen or footmen passing with oxen, cows, sheep, horses or other animals, should be in any danger; only excepting the flocks of strangers, called " le drowfers," which shall not pass thereon. The said John Bulcok and his neighbours aforesaid shall incur a penalty to the King of iOf. for every default. Sum, i8j. yd. 68 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Barneley, on Thursday after the Feast of St. James the Apostle, 15 [16] Henry VIII. [28 July, 1524]. Inquest taken there. To that Halmote came John Kepax, Greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered half a messuage, y\ acres of land, with the appurtenances in BrereclyfF, which John Yngham, chaplain, John Halsted, John Jackson and Lawrence BrereclyfF de livered to him, to the use of John Halsted of Halsted, Christopher Jackson, son of John Jackson, Richard Folds, and William Halsted of Worstorne. Isabella Halsted, widow of Giles Halsted, forbids for her dower. Surrenderees find surety, John Kepax, and are admitted, on fine of 3s. 4a7. To that Halmote came John Smyth, Greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage and 2l| acres with the ap purtenances in Habringham, which Robert Bothe, Edward Bothe, Henry Herger and Robert Wodrowffe delivered to him, to the use of Nicholas Townle3', son of Richard Towneley of Roole, Evan Haydock, son of Simon Haydock, Lawrence Parker, James Willisill, John Herger and Henry Bothe. Admitted, on fine of 6s. Sd. To that Halmote came John Kepax, Greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered one messuage with a garden adjacent to it, situate in Burnley, which Cecily Holgait, widow of Thomas Holgait, delivered to him, to the use of John Kepax, Nicholas Rushton, Christopher Jackson and Robert Wod rowfe. Admitted, on fine of 1 2d. To that Halmote came one Thomas Farryngton and Cecily his wife, and presented to the court a certain letter of our lord the King's, bearing his sign manual, dated at Grenewiche 10th day of .July, this present year of the King's reign ; commanding his steward in his court at Ightenhill to inquire by a jury of 24 men of the neighbour hood upon oath, whether the said (sic) Thomas Ratclyf during his life surrendered certain messuages, lands, and tenements as well within the halmote of Colne, as within that of Ightenhill, as appears by the fines made upon the roll for the 14th year of this present reign, to the use of Alice Ratclyf, wife of the said Thomas Ratclyf, Thomas his son, and Cecily his daughter, as is before declared. The 24 jurors upon oath declare that the said Thomas Ratclyf the father surrendered the said premises to the use of. Alice, Thomas Ratclyf the son (the son being under age) and Cecily the daughter of the said Thomas, and that the said Thomas Ferryngton by right of Cecily his wife, ought MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1524 69 to have the third part of the said premises with the profits and advantages, during the minority of the said Thomas, by virtue of the said surrender and by the custom of the manor ; and further they declare that the said Thomas Feryngton ought to have all arrears owing from the said messuages since the surrender before named. The jurors present that Lawrence Shottilworth and Omfrey Yngham are elected greaves of Ightenhill this year. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill held at Higham on Wednesday after the Feast of St. James the Apostle, 16 Henry VIII. [27 July, 1524]. Inquest taken from the Forest of Pendle. James Hertley, Richard Verley, William Manghilholles, and Miles Crabtree (3d.) plaintiffs against Richard and Roger Ballerd, James Hyggyng, Richard Squier aiid William Robynson, in a plea of trespass ; damages 20s. No trespass proved. Thomas Cronkeshay and Roger Halsted (3d.) plaintiffs against John Cronkeshay, for trespassing with his beasts and for an unreasonable way in Over Hunterholme. The jurors say that the plaintiffs shall make and repair a gate (janua) containing five quarter ells, called Cartley, and that the said John Cronkeshay, twice a year, shall have a gap (unum le gappe) near the said gate, viz. at the feast of St. Michael Archangel and Easter for carrying and re- carrying " lee Ryse " for making his fences, and after he shall repair the " gappe " by his own labour. Richard Tattersall plaintiff against John Herteley (3d.) of Admergill, for occupying several parcels of land in Bar- bothe (sic). The jurors say that plaintiff shall have a way leading out of a close called Witley, for two years to come, without interruption. To that Halmote came John Robynson, Greave of Pendill, and surrendered a messuage with the appurtenances called Blackoo, in the forest of Pendill (rent by year, 10s. nd.), which William Emott, Thomas Dryver, Richard Michell, and James Hergreves delivered to him, to the use of John Kepax, Roger Hertley, Henry Walton, John Hergreves, Henry Shay, and Nicholas Mersden, jun. William Hirde, chaplain (by his attorney John Walles), forbids fine, for certain covenants made between them. The surrenderees find surety, John Kepax. Admitted, on fine of ioj. lid. Memorandum that at the Halmote of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Hegham on Wednesday after the feast yo CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS of St. James the Apostle, 16 Henry VIII. [27 July, 1524]; John Cronkeshay (3a7.) plaintiff against Margaret, widow of Richard Hancok, for unjust occupation of land, viz. of one rood and more, by estimation, called " lee Warthe " (i6d. per annum rent), lying between the water of Calder on the north side, and land of the said Margaret Hancok on the west side, which land now belongs to the said John, and he says that she cut down trees upon the Warth called Hollers to damage of 3s. 4a7. It is declared upon oath of John More, John Nowell, John More, sen., Edmund Stevenson, Hugh More, Christopher Jackson, John Robynson of Old- land, Lawrence Hertley, John Bulcok, James Hertley, John Stevenson, and John Smyth of Overbaroford, that the said John Cronkeshay shall make and repair a sufficient fence upon the brow of the river side, made upon the higher part called " le ouer bank of Calder " upon the north side and so ascending as far as the aforesaid land called le Warth, as of ancient custom he was used to do. And further that the said John shall make and repair a " flodzatte " erected on the water of Calder, at the end of the Warth descending upon the eastern side, as shall seem best to him, as far as defendant's land. And that the said Margaret shall now occupy and enjoy the Warth with its waste, as before in the lifetime of her husband Richard Hancok, without in terruption by the said John Cronkeshay, paying at St. Martin in winter every year 12a7. to the said John Cronkeshay his heirs and assigns. Defendant is not found guilty of the plea. To that Halmote came John Robynson of Oldland in the greaveship of Pendle and surrendered one messuage with its appurtenances in Rughlee (us. id. rent by year), which William Mitton and Isabella Mitton delivered to him, to the use of John Robynson, jun., John Herteley of Rugheley, Nicholas Robynson of Rughlee, and James Mitton of Baro- fore. Admitted, on fine of lis. id. John Haygh and John Sutclyff are presented for making a fray together, and fined iod. each. James Hargreves, for default in repairing his fences in Sabden and Westclosse, was fined 4a7. Ellis Nutter was elected greave of Pendill this year. Sum, 3ys. gd. Sum of two Courts, 56J. 4a7., viz., Ighten hill, 2U. 5a7.; Pendill, 34.5-. nd. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1525 71 xxiii.— court 1Roll, 16*17 Ibenrs viii., 1525. (No, 8.— Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Wednesday after Passion Sunday, 16 Henry VIII. [5 April, 1525]. James Herteley v. John Robynson, jun., and Ellis Nutter, executors of the last will of Robert Nutter, for detention of 6s. 8a7. ; verdict for defendant. James Hertley sues Lawrence Robynson for unjust de tention of a parcel of land at Stonehenge, 1 2d. rent by year. Verdict for plaintiff. Lawrence Robynson sues James Hertley of Barowfore for partition of certain lands at Barowfore; ioj. damages. Agreement made. Robert Bulcok and Alice, widow of James Bulcok, sue John Robynson of Oldland, executor of the will of Edward Robynson, for 3s. 4a7. Verdict for defendant. The tenants of Haybothe sue John Robynson alias Jack and John Robynson, jun., for keeping open fences and diverting the course of a stream. Agreement made. Peter Robynson v. Miles Nutter, for trespass and ob struction of a road ; ioj. damages. Verdict for defendant. Lawrence Hergreves and Henry Mitton sue James Michell for obstructing an ancient way at Barowfore, 10s. damages. The jury award a road for carrying hay, grain, and dung within " le Holmes " of Barowfore. It is presented by the great inquest taken from the Forest of Pendle that one messuage and the appurtenances in Rughlee called Wheeit heide in the forest of Pendle (33s. 4a7. rent by year), has reverted to the King upon the death of John Bawdewyn, and that Henry Bawdewyn is his son and heir, eight years old. John Bawdewyn forbids fine, for 40s. of money; and also come Elen and Joan Bawdewyn and forbid fine, for their dowers for term of their lives. The said Henry finds surety, Peter Robynson and William Bawdewyn. Admitted, on fine of 33s. 4a7. To that Halmote came Bernerd Hertley, greave of Pen dill, and surrendered a messuage with other buildings, meadows, and pasture, and half of Westcloyse and half of Cronkesheye Lee, lying in le Fence within the Forest of Pendill (annual rent, 42s. 4\d.), which Robert Croke de livered to him, to the use of John Croke, son of the said 72 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Robert. Issabel, mother of the said John, forbids fine, for her dower. John Croke finds surety, James Wittacre, and is admitted, on fine of 42s. 4a7. Hugh Parker (4a7.) diverted a stream at Blackwodclogh. William Bawdewyn (4a7.) for unringed pigs; and James Hergreves of Sabden (12a7.) and James Hertley of Over- barowfore (12a7.) for breaking the public law. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday after Passion Sunday, 16 Henry VIII. [6 April, 1525]. The jurors declare that a messuage and 14 acres of land, with the appurtenances, in Burneley, have reverted to the King upon the death of Robert Wodrowffe, and that Robert Wodrowffe is his son and heir. Admitted, on fine of 4s. 8a7., by the pledge of James Bancroft. To that Halmote came Thomas Wittacre and Robert Wittacre of Mekilhirst and surrendered a messuage and 1 3 acres of Rodland with the appurtenances in Habrungham Eves, to the use of Thomas. Ryley. Caterine, widow of John Ryley, forbids, for her dower. Thomas finds surety, Henry Herger, and is admitted, on fine of 4s. 4a7. It is presented that John Smyth (4a?.), Henry Walton (4a7.), Christopher Jackson (4a7.), Ellis Nutter (4a7.) and Robert Spenser (4a7.) overload Saxifeld common. » The villagers of Mersden (12a7.) are amerced for keeping coalpits open on the King's highway, to the great danger of the King's people. William Witwham, William Smyth, John Wodde, William Pecopp, John Wittacre, Hugh Habringham, and Richard Lee each amerced 4a?. for overloading the common pastures of BrereclyfF, Burnley, and Habringham Eves. Sum, £4, 14s. id. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Thursday, viz. 17 August, 17 Henry VIII. [1525]. Ellis Robynson and Ed. Robynson sue Edward Steven son, jun., for keeping open fences. "Ambo in M." (3d.) (? plaintiffs). Lawrence Hertley v. James Michell (3d.), for same offence. Concord made. The same Lawrence sues the tenants of Over Barowfore and Nether Barowfore for keeping open fences ; damages 1 os. The jury say both parties must repair their fences. Henry Mitton v. James Michell, for open fences and building a wall upon plaintiff's land. Wall to be removed. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1525 73 James Michell v. Lawrence Hertley, for occupying plain tiff's tenement ; damage 20s. Concord made. Bernerd Hertley v. James Michell (3d.), for broken fences. Verdict for plaintiff. James Hertley (3d.) v. James Michell (3d.) for trespass, 20s. ; also cross suit. Not guilty, in each case. To that Halmote came Nicholas Tempest, under-steward, and surrendered a messuage with appurtenances in Rushton Thornes, now in tenure of John Kepax (8s. io\d. rent), which Thomas Lister, Hugh Habringham, Richard Towne ley, and James Hergreves, chaplain, delivered to him, to the use of Eustace Hesket and Geoffry Hesket. Admitted, on fine of 8s. io\d., by pledge of Henry Towneley. Peter Waddyngton for keeping open fences is amerced 1 2d. Robert Nutter is elected greave of Pendill. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burnley, 18 August, 17 Henry VIII. [1525]. To that Halmote came John Shakilden, greave of Ighten hill, and surrendered 1 messuage and 12 acres of land with the appurtenances in Burneley, called Ryland Hall, which John Parker, Robert Wodrowfe, John Yngham of Fulhege, and Richard Tattersall of Rygge delivered to him, to the use of Thomas Wittacre, John Tattersall, Richard Kepax, and Richard Folds. Cristiana, widow of Nicholas Tattersall, forbids, for her dower. The surrenderees find surety, Richard Wittacre and James Willysill. Admitted, on fine of 4s. 4a7. To that Halmote came John Shakylden, greave of Ighten hill, and surrendered one cottage called Hysh [or, Hyrh] Ynghouse, situate in Burneley,. which John Aspeden de livered to him, to the use of John Towneley, esq., Simon Haydock, John Yngham of Fulhege, and George Halsted. Admitted, on fine of 4a?. Lawrence BrereclyfF and Redehugh (sic for Ride- halgh) are greaves of Ightenhill ; Henry Whitwham and William Witwhm, constables. Christopher Jackson, Ellis Nutter, Henry Walton, Thomas Stanworth, Roger Hergreves, Roger Lee, Robert Suttlyff, and William Pecopp are each amerced 4a7. for overloading the commons of Burnley, Saxifeld, and Habringham Eves ; and Oliver and George Ormerod, for making an incroach- ment on the lord's waste of Saxifeld, were fined 4a7. each. Oliver Ormerod, for chasing and threatening his neighbour's animals without the common pasture, was fined 4a7. 74 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS The jurors present that John Hey, chaplain (8a7.), is a common fisher who destroys the rivulet of Pendill, injuring it with nets and other engines. John Cronkeshey (2od.) and Richard Foster (20a7.) for a fray. Lawrence Shottil worth (4s.) for refusing to serve the King in that pertaining to the office of Greave of Ightenhill, and disobeying the Steward when summoned to the court by his mandate. Sum, 28J. 2\d. Sum of two Courts, £6, 2s. 3\d., viz., Ightenhill, 30s. 4a7.; Pendill, £4, us. ii\d. xxiv.-court 1Roll, 17*18 1benn? viii., 1525*6. (No. 9. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham, on Wednesday after the Feast of All Saints, 17 Henry VIII. [8 Nov., 1525]. Inquest taken from the Forest of Pendill. Pleas. — James Hergreves v. Robert Bulcok, John Robyn son jun., John Robynson sen., and William Hergreves ; debt, 2s. iod. Verdict for plaintiff. John Robynson v. Thomas Verley, John Mankynholles, Robert Verley, Roger Hertley, and William Hertley; trespass, &c. Concord made. Angnes, widow of Roger Hergreves v. John Robyn son ; for cutting turf, 13s. Verdict for plaintiff. John Hertley v. Thomas Verley, Robert Verley, and Roger Hertley ; unjust occupation of land in Haybothe, damages 20J. Plaintiff to have land for 1 year. John Robynson (3d.) plaintiff against Robert Bulcok, Angnes widow of James Hergreves, Angnes widow of Roger Hergreves, and Thomas Robynson ; for partition and unjust detention of land in Wittawghbothe, 40.?. damages. Verdict for defendants. Thomas Robynson and Angnes, widow of James Her greves, plaintiffs against John Robynson, jun. ; for unjust detention of a certain wagon load of stones called Sclait- stones and Lymestones, 10s. damages. Verdict for plaintiffs.Inquest taken at the Halmote of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham, on Wednesday after Passion Sunday, IS (sic for 17) Henry VIII. [21 March, 1525-6]. The jurors present that one messuage with the appur tenances in Rughlee and Watlyngfore in the Forest of Pendill (i6j. id. rent) has reverted to the King; which MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1525-6 75 messuage Christopher Smyth held during his life, and for the space of fifteen years after his decease and above it had been held without fine and licence of the King. Thereupon proclamation was made in three Halmote courts, according to custom, if any would tenant the said messuage from the King and thereupon came a certain William Smyth, son of John Smyth, and sought admittance; and after at the Halmote held at Heygham on 17 August, 1*7 Henry VIII. [1525] the Steward (by his Deputy, Nicholas Tempest) sur rendered the above-named premises to the use of William Smyth aforesaid. Alice Smyth, widow of Christopher Smyth, and James Smyth forbad fine. William Smyth found surety, James Hertley and John Robynson of Old Lawde; and was admitted, on fine of i6j. id. John Hirst and William Mitton for a fray were fined iod. each, and James Hertley of Over Barowfurth, for breaking the public law (birelag) by not making and keeping his "le Rengyorde and le Gappes" in Over Barowford and Nether Barowfore, was amerced 4a7. The tenants of Heyhowses, for trespass and cutting turf on the turbary and common pasture of Goldshey bothe, were amerced 3s) 4a7. William Bawdwyn and Henry Bawdwyn and the wife of Christopher Bawdwyn, for breach of the birelag and not making the " Rengyorde " at Wolfalbanck, were amerced 6d. each. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham, 6 June, 18 Henry VIII. [1526]. The jurors declare that a messuage with the appurten ances in Barley Bothe ( 1 5 j. rent) has reverted to the King upon the death of Richard Verley, and that Peter Verley is his son and heir and of full age. Cristebella, wife of the said William [Richard], forbids fine for her dower; and John Manghillholles forbids, for certain covenants between them. Peter finds surety, Robert Verley and Thomas Verley; and is admitted, on fine of 15^. To that Halmote * came the Steward (with the assent of John Burgon, the King's Auditor) and made proclamation if any would hold of the King a parcel of land called Le Fence, lying within the Forest or Chace of Pendill, paying and * In the margin: Certain information made with proclamation, by the mandate of Mr. John Burgon, general auditor of the King's Duchy of Lan caster, with advice of the Steward. y6 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS doing rent and service to the King ; or if any would inform the said John Burgon and the Steward why the King should not make improvement from the said parcel le Fence, and why the said parcel called Le Fence should not be seised to fine with the lord the King according to the custom of the Manor. Certain tenants of Heygham, Westcloyse, and Goldshey- bothe came and declared that the King should not take the said parcel called the Fence to improve, because King Henry the Seventh by virtue of his commission to Peter Leigh, kt., then Steward of Blackburnshire, and by other commissions under the seal of his county palatine of Lan caster (as appears in the roll of the xxij year of Henry VII.), did surrender by the steward the said parcel called the Fence to the use of the said tenants of Heygham, West cloyse, and Goldsheybothe, to be held by them and their heirs for ever, paying yearly to the King the rents and fines accustomed. Inquest was thereupon taken upon the oaths of Nicholas Robynson, Miles Nutter, Henry Hertley, Robert Bulcok, Roger Ballerd, James Hertley of Bareley, Robert Verley, John Robynson, sen., Lawrence Robynson, Lawrence Her greves, Henry Mitton, James Hertley, and Bernerd Hertley, who declared that King Henry the Seventh did grant the said parcel called le Fence to the tenants as abovesaid, and that they shall enjoy and occupy it without disturbance. It was presented by the great inquest that the wife of Giles Spenser (4a7.), John Nutter (4a7.) of Blackwoode, Miles Parker (4a7.), Hugh Parker (4a7.), James Folds (4a7.), the wife of William Berkcroft (4a7.), and John Smyth of Haghgotyate cut turf upon the fosses of the Fence. Lawrence Mersden was amerced 4a7. for bad fences in Barofore: James Hertley (20a7.) of Overbarowfore forfeited the sum named for not repairing his fences and ditches in Barowfore within the time limited in the previous court. William Bawdwyn (12a7.) and the wife of Jdhn Bawdwyn (2d.) and the wife of Christopher Bawdwyn (2d.), for tres pass with their beasts on Rughlee common. Christopher Jackson is elected greave of Pendill. Sum, 45 j. id. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held there Thursday after the Feast of All Saints, 17 Henry VIII. [2 Nov., 1525 — ? 9 Nov.]. George Halsted (3d.) plaintiff against Philip Spenser and MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1525-6 77 Robert Sutclyff, for trespass and unjust detention of a mease called le Saplyng vorde. Verdict for defendants. Phylypp Spenser (3d.) plaintiff against George Halsted, for 14a7. debt for wage. Verdict for defendant. It is presented by the great inquest at the Halmote of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley 18 Aug. 17 Henry VIII. [1525], that a messuage and 27 acres of land lying in Burneley have reverted to the King upon the death of Brian Watmough, and that William Watmough is his son and heir. Public proclamation was made in three Halmotes if William Watmough claimed to hold the said messuage of the King and would come and take it ; and the said William did not wish to be fined to the King for the premises. Therefore at the Halmote held at Burneley aforesaid the Steward (by his Deputy) surrendered the messuage and 27 acres to the use of John Bankecroft. Cristiana, widow of Miles Bankcroft, forbad fine, for her dower ; and Gilbert Bankcroft, for the sum of ^3, gs. od. John Bankcroft thereupon found surety, Edward Tattersall. Admitted, on fine of 8s. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held there 7 June, 18 Henry VIII. [1526]. Margery, widow of Henry Witwham, plaintiff against William Witwham, for unjust detention and partition of a fourth part of the land and tenements of the said William, for her dower. Agreement made by the jury. To that Halmote came John Shakilden, greave of Ighten hill, and surrendered a messuage and 49 acres of land and 3 roods with the appurtenances in Habrungham, called Mosseley, which Edmund Tattersall (according to the intent of the last will of the said Edmund Tattersall, here in the court shown, bearing date 6 January, 1523-4) delivered to him, to the use of John Ormerod, George Ormerod, John Yngham, and Richard Tattersall. John Towneley, kt., forbad fine, by right of inheritance of the daughters and of the goods belonging to the daughters of the said Edmund Tattersall (sic). Issabel widow of Lawrence Tattersall, and Elizabeth widow of Edmund Tattersall forbad fine, for their dowers and for the intention of the will of Edmund Tattersall. The grantees found sureties, John Ormerod and George Ormerod. Admitted, on fine of 14J. Sd. The jurors present that James Pollerd, miller of Burneley, takes excessive toll from the King's tenants there, contrary to ancient custom of mulcture ; and likewise that he refuses 78 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS to serve the said tenants of the King who come to the said mill with their grain, unless they give as much measure for his service and labour as the aforesaid mulcture requires. Amerced I2d. Robert Wittacre is elected Greave; Henry Lee and Richard Halsted, constables of Burnley. Sum, 23*. id. Sum of the two Courts, ,£3, 8s. 6d., viz., Pendill, 45^. id. ; Ightenhill, 23s. 5a7. xxv.— court IRoll, 18*19 Ibeurg viii., 1526*7. (No. io. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Wednesday after the Feast of St. Martin Archbishop, 1 8 Henry VIII. [14 Nov., 1526]. Inquest taken from the Forest of Pendill. John Hirst plaintiff against William Mitton, in a plea of partition of one messuage and other appurtenances in Rughlee, now in the tenure of the said John and William. A jury declare that the plaintiff shall have and occupy half a croft more between them, and that defendant (3d.) shall repair and make the fences between them ; and they shall also amend the course of a rivulet to run equally between them between " lee Wrecks and lee Calles." Lawrence Hergreves and John Hergreves plaintiffs (3d.) against John Smythe, for trespass and obstructing a way in a certain lane between Barowfore and Showresydclowgh. The jury declare that the plaintiffs have no right oF way there and shall for ever be excluded therefrom. John Bulcok v. Henry Parker (3d.); debt 4s. Sd. To that Halmote came William Hergreves and surrendered a messuage with other appurtenances in Witley and Hey- bothe (annual rent 4s. y^d.), to the use of James Hergreves, Roger Hertley forbad fine, for dower to Angnes Hergreves. Admitted on fine of 4s. y\d. The jurors present Richard Sheyfeld (4a7.), Thomas Bull- cok (12a7.), William Walshay (2d.), and John Robynson, jun. (4a7.), of Blackmosse for cutting down greenwood and young oaks (quarcinos) in " le Westclose and Rughlee." James Michell forfeited 2s. for not making fences and repairing a way and a flodgat in his tenement by the date limited by the jury. Lawrence Robynson (4a7.) for a broken- down gate and unlawful way in the pasture between Rugh- MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1526-7 79 lee and Barowfore ; and the wife of William Stevenson (id.) for burning " le brakans." HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burnley on Thursday after the feast of St. Martin, 18 Henry VIII. [15 Nov. 1526]. The jurors declare that a messuage and 37 acres and half a rood of land and a quarter with appurtenances in Habrung- ham Eves has reverted to the King upon the death of James Jackson, and that Alice wife of Ed. Bekerdyke is daughter and next heir of the said James Jackson and of full age. She appeared by John Shakilton and was admitted, on fine of 12s. 8a7. To that Halmote came Henry Shottilworth, then Greave, and surrendered three tofts with the appurtenances, in the occupation of Robert Smyth and Issabel Yate, and a toft called Lowlawghton, and also an acre of land on Saxefeld, called Byshophowse, and one penny rent in a place called Ganhow, which Robert Smythe delivered to him, to the use of John, son of the said Robert. Lettice, wife of the said Robert, forbad fine, for her dower. The said John found surety, George Halsted and Lawrence BrereclyfF. Admitted, on fine of 20a7. The jurors present Ellis Nutter (4d.), Christopher Jackson (2d.), Gyles Smyth (4a7.), John Nowell (2d.), Roger Hergreves (2d.), Henry Walton (4a?.), Thomas Stanworth (2d.), and Robert Spenser (2d.) for overloading Saxefeld common. Thomas Smyth (2d.) for selling " lymestones " outside the vill; George Wyndill (2d.) for the like. Adam Herre- wych (2d.) for breaking the public law ; William Walshey (2a?.) and William Colynson (2d.) for the like. William Wittwham (12a?.) for encroaching upon the common. Sum, 2ys. g\d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham, 15 May, 19 Henry VIII. [1527]. The jury declare that a messuage with other buildings, &c. (annual rent, 22s. 2%d.), in Rughlee has reverted to the King upon the death of Henry Herteley, and that John Herteley is his son and heir and 16 years of age and more ; and that Lawrence Hergreves is uncle to the said John and agrees to be his guardian until he attain his majority. Mergery, widow of Henry Herteley, forbad fine, for her dower ; and Henry Mitton forbad fine, until the said John Hertley should fulfil the intention of the last will of the said 80 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Henry Hertley his father. The son finds surety, John Hergreves. Admitted, on fine of 22s. 2\d. To that Halmote came John Halyday, Greave of Pendill, and surrendered a messuage with appurtenances in Gold- sheybothe (annual rent, 16s. y\d.), which John Robynson delivered to him to the use of Edmund Robynson. Chris topher Nowell forbad fine, for the sum of £s, Ss- °d-> which John Robynson owed to William Watson ; and John Robynson, jun., forbad fine, for a certain covenant made between him and the said Edmund Robynson. Edmund finds surety, John Robynson of Oldlande. Admitted, on fine of 16s. y\d. Lawrence Herteley, Lawrence Hergreves, Henry Mitton, and James Hertley plaintiffs against James Michell oF Colne and James Michell, chaplain, in a plea of breach of con tract and debt 3s. 6\d. for tythes to the Abbot of Whalley ; and because the plaintiffs say that the defendants ought to do suit for their tenement held of the King by custom of the Manor and ought to pay the service and payment belonging to the Church and Rectory of Colne, both for tythes spiritual belonging to the said Church and for suit owed to the King. A jury declare that the said plaintiffs and defendants have both broken the contract made between them for doing suit to the King and to the Church ; and further that the plain tiffs (3d.) shall pay 3J. 6\d. For arrears for tythes belonging to the Abbot of Whalley. The jurors present John Bybby (4a7.), son of William Bybby, for breaking the King's fold in Rughlee ; John Robynson (6a7.) of Blackmosse, jun., for cutting down greenwood growing in Rughlee ; James Folds ($d.) for breaking the King's soil in the Fence ; Robert Spenser (3a?.) for taking and graving turf in " le Fillyclose " ; Robert Close (2d.), John Heygyn (Sd.), Hugh Parker (8a7.), and the wife of Gyles Spenser (Sd.) for the like ; and Hugh Parker (2d.) for diverting a course of water in " le Blackwod." George Ormerod is elected greave of Pendill. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley, 16 May, 19 Henry VIII. [1527]. To that Halmote came Thomas Mershall (by John Shakil- den, greave of Ightenhill) and surrendered three messuages and one garden and an oxgang of land and half a rood and a halfpenny rent lying in Sabdenbank, with appurtenances in Padeham, which the said Thomas delivered to him, to the use of John Yngham, John Wodderowfe, John Cokeshott, MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1527-8 81 and John Halsted. Elizabeth Mershall forbad fine, for her dower ; and Margaret Mershall, wife of Richard (sic) Mer shall, forbad fine, for her dower. The Trustees find surety, Robert Wodrowfe and John Smyth. Admitted on fine of Ss. To that Halmote came Lawrence Shottilworth, then Greave, and surrendered a messuage and 15! acres of land with the appurtenances in Burneley, which George Orme rod, Richard Tattersall, and William Yngham delivered to him, to the use of Richard Kepax, John Wodrowfe, Nicholas Hancok, and John Ormerod. Admitted, on fine of 2s., by the pledge of Robert Banester. Thomas Bulcok (4a7.), Richard Baron (4a7.), Richard Webster (4d.), Thomas Mershall (4^.), Robert Cockeshot (4a7.), William Howghton (4a7.), John Cronkeshey (4a7.), Edward Hergreves (4a7.), and William Nutter (4d.) were amerced for cutting down hollies in the Northwod and Sabdenbank without licence: Henry Walton of Redley (4d.), Christopher Jackson (2d.), Gyles Smyth (2d.), and James Tattersall (2d.) for overloading Saxyfeld. Richard More, chaplain, is elected Greave of Ightenhill. To that Halmote came Henry Shottilworth, greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered two messuages 8 acres of land and a penny rent lying in Sabden Bank, with appurtenances in Padeham, which Richard Wittacre, Thomas Ryley, Richard Webster of Paddeham, Nicholas Mersden, jun., Richard Michell, arid Alexander Hertley delivered to him, to the use of Robert Banester. Admitted, on fine of 3s. 4a7. Sum, 5 7 j. 2\d. Sum of two Courts, £4, 55. od. ; viz. Pendill, 5 2 s. Sd.; Ightenhill, 32s. 4a7. xxvi.-court 1Roll, 19*20 Ibenrg viii., 1527*8. (No. n. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heyaham on Wednesday after the feast of St. Michael the Arch angel, 19 Henry VIII. [2 October, 1527]. Inquest taken from the Forest of Pendill. The jurors present that Lawrence Towneley, esq., Nicholas Towneley, esq., Christopher Jackson, and others their neigh bours and inhabitants there are plaintiffs against John Nowell, John Bulcok, and John Robynson of Oldland, other tenants of Sabden, Westclosse, and Heygham, in a plea of trespass for depasturing their beasts upon lands called VOL. II. F 82 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS le Fence and cutting turf and making a dyke upon le Fence ; by which reason they destroyed the profit of the said common which they were accustomed to receive time out of mind and whereby they were damaged to the extent of 100 shillings. The defendants declare that the plaintiffs have no right of pasture or turbary upon the Fence without the licence of the defendants. A jury of twenty-four from the Three Forests declared that they were prepared to give their verdict but the plaintiffs had withdrawn their suit. Hugh Parker plaintiff against John Robynson in a plea of trespass for obstructing a customary footpath leading to the church of Burneley ; settled by agreement. The tenants of Withawghboth plaintiffs against William Bawdwyn, Christopher Bawdwyn, and Henry Bawdwyn, for keeping open fences and chasing their beasts Out of the common pasture. Pleas. — William Watson v. John Robynson of Oldlande by Ed. Robynson ; debt £s, 5-y. Defendant says John More owes him the debt. John Heygyn v. John Robynson ; William Mitton v. John Hirst ; William Watson v. William Bawdwyn ; John Nowell v. Christopher Jackson ; debts. Nicholas Willan v. Nicholas Robynson, John Smyth, jun., John Smith, sen., and Peter Smyth ; detenue of I is. iod. : acknowledged. Lawrence Hargreves v. John Robynson ; occupation of lands in Witleyheybothe. To that Halmote came Robert Verley, tenant, and sur rendered a messuage with the appurtenances in Barleybothe, of the annual rent of 20s., which William Robynson delivered to him, to the use of James Robynson, James Browne, Ellis Browne, and Robert Squier. Angnes Robynson forbad fine as having the occupation of the said messuage for 20s. rent per annum for term of her life, and Angnes Robynson forbad fine for occupation of the said messuage for four years after the decease of Margaret her mother. The surrenderees found surety Richard Nutter and James Hertley. Admitted, on fine of 20s. _ Richard Bybby plaintiff against William Mitton for in direct occupation of a portion of land in le Croft within Rughlee. Verdict for defendant. To that Halmote came John Robynson, tenant, and sur rendered a messuage with the appurtenances in Hayboth (rent, 8s. nd.), which Christopher Hertley delivered to him, to the use of William Hertley (sic). John Smyth, Miles Nutter, Roger Hertley, Robert Verley and Thomas Verley forbad fine for certain covenants made between them. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1527-8 83 Christopher (sic) found surety John Robynson of Heyth- bothe, and James Robynson of Rughlee. Admitted, on fine of 8 s. nd. The jurors present John Heygyn (6a7.) and Hugh Parker (6d.) for breaking from arrest made by the Greave and Bailiff upon them for digging turf on the Fence ; James Folds (4a7.) and the wife of Giles Spenser (4a7.) for the like offence; James Michell (12a7.) for bad fences; Richard Bothman (3d.) for trespass with his beasts; Henry Hertley (3d.) for knocking down his neighbours' fences. HALMOTE of the aforesaid Manor, held at Heygham on Wednesday before the feast of Pentecost, 20 Henry VIII. [27 May, 1528]. Inquest taken from the Forest of Pendill. The jurors presented that a messuage with the appurten ances in Rughlee (igs. S\d- rent) had reverted to the King upon the death of James Robynson, and that Nicholas Robynson was his son and heir and 1 5 years old ; his guardian was Robert Bulcok. Admitted, on fine of igs. s\d. To that Halmote came George Ormerod, greave of Pendill, and surrendered a messuage with the appurtenances in Barleybothe (rent 20.T.) which Richard Ballerd had delivered to him, to the use of John Wodrowffe, sen., Oliver Halsted, Nicholas Hancok, and John Wodrowfe, jun. Angnes, mother of the said Richard, and Elizabeth his wife before the Steward released all the right, position, claim, interest, and demand which they had in the said premises by reason of their dowers. Surrenderees admitted, on fine of 20s. Christopher Hertley v. Robert Verley, Roger Hertley, John Bulcok, John Mangkilhole ; unjust detention of lands in Hayboth. Verdict for defendants. Nicholas Holcar plaintiff sued Johanna, widow of William Berkcroft and executrix of his will, for £3, os. Sd. debt. Verdict for defendant. The jurors present James Hertley (3d.) for diverting a stream; Nicholas Fawcett (4a7.) for bad fences at Blackoo; Nicholas Huster (2d.) for cutting hollies and greenwood in Wulfobank ; Peter Smyth (2d.) and James Smyth (2d.) for the like, and Christopher Robynson (2d.) ; John Smyth (6a7.) for the like in Rughlee ; Miles Robynson (4a7.) for cutting turf contrary to the public law ; John Speike (4a7.) for tres pass with his beasts in Haybothe ; Richard Hergreves (4a7.) for an open gap at Pykelaw; William Knyght (4a7.) and Thomas Dawson for cutting turf in Pendill; John Smyth 84 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS (2a?.) for cutting greenwood and underwood in Witleybank ; Roger Redehalgh (i2d.) for a fray upon Edmund Steuenson. John Towneley, kt., elected Greave of Pendill. Sum, £3, igs. S\d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday after the feast of St. Michael the Arch angel, 19 Henry VIII. [3 October, 1527]. To that Halmote came Richard Moore, chaplain, Greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered 22 \ acres and 1 \ roods of land called Clauerholle with the appurtenances in Mersden, which Lawrence BrereclyfF, Richard Kepax, and William Hergreves had delivered to him, to the use of Christopher Lister, Richard Towneley of Rolle, Christopher Jackson, and John Halsted. Admitted, on fine of ys., by the pledge of George Hoghton. The Intent of this present fyne aboue writtyn and specified is that they aboue namyd Christopher Lister, Richard Towneley, Christopher Jackson, and John Halsted in the seyd fyne and surrender, feoffes of trust unto me Laurens Leighe and Clemens my wyffe, wiche standith fyned and now seasyd in and of xxij acres of land, halfe a acre of lande, on Rodde lande and halfe a Rodde lande callyd the Clauerholle with appurtenances in Mersden, wiche was to the fornamyd feoffes surrendert up in the Cowert of Ightenhill aboueseyd by the Graue aboue namyd, wiche to hym was delyueryd by the hands of Laurens BrereclyfF, Richard Kepax, and William Hergreves at the Request of me the seyd Laurens Leghe to the use and Intent herafter to be declared and foloyng in thes words : That if Clemens my wyffe doo ouer lyffve and survyve me the seyd Laurens Leighe, and if shee from the day of deithe of the same Laurens peasably haue, hold, occupy, and Inioy unto hir and hir assignes duryn hir lyffe naturall on mes suage and all the lands and tenementts, medows, wodds, and pasturs, Rentts, Reuersions, and seruices with appurtenances in Mekill Mersden wiche now ar in the tenor and occupacion of the same Laurens, except on annuall Rent of xiijj. m\d. wiche Elizabeth Tempest now haith Duryng hir Lyffe, with owth lett, trowble, perturbacion, Wexacion, Suit, or Impediment of Robert Leghe his heires and all other person and persons that may, can, or will make tide, clame, intrest, and demande herafter for hym or in his name ; And also if the same Robert and his heires suffer the same Laurens and Clemens peasably to take, sett, and cary away yerly betwyx Cristenmess and xxiij' day of Apprill Duryng their lyves sufficient wodds within the Clauerholle and furthe ofthe same, to make their fences and hegges belongyng to the Southfeld with owth lett or trowble of the same Robert his heires and assignes : And also further the seyd feoffes afore and aboue namyd now beyng fyned and standithe seasyd of and in the seyd Clauerholle with the premiss and appurtenances theroff to the use that if Laurens Leghe aboue namyd survyve and ouer lyve Clemens his wyffe, then if the aboue namyd Robert Leghe and his heires shall suffer Lionel! Leighe MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1527-8 85 and all other that now ar and herafter shalbe Sonnes or Dowghters of the seyd Laurence and Clemens of their too bodds laufully begotten Inmediately after the decease of the seyd Laurens peasably to haue hold occupy and Injoy on measuage and all the lands and tenementts therunto belonyng with appurtenance in Mekill Mersden callyd Soth- feld unto the ende and terme of fyve yers then next foloyng fully to be completyd and endyd withowth lett, trowble, wexacion, or impedi ment of the same Robert Leghe his heires or assignes : Also further provydid that if the seyd Robert Leghe or eny other for hym or in his name and procurement doo wex, trowble, lett, or eny incomberances make unto the seyd Clemens wyffe of the seyd Laurens duryng hir lyve naturallin and offtheforseyd Clauerholle and Sothfeld aboue seyd and in euery pareell theroff and for the annuall Rent of xiij.?. iiij*/. wiche the seyd Laurens and Clemens now haith optenyd and purcheasyd furthe of the hands of the forseyd Elizabeth Tempest ; ifthe seyd Robert doo contrary to the true mynde Intent and will of me the seyd Laurens Leghe or other wyse then to the Intent aboue Rehersed and declaryd : Then I the seyd Laurens will that my for7 namyd feoffes shall suffer the seyd Clemens my wyffe to lett, sett, and assigne the seyd Clauerholle and all other the premisses to what person or persons so euer the seyd Clemens will for euer after the deithe and last will of me the seyd Laurens Leghe and after, os this Rolle doyth Recorde and makyfh mencion. To that Halmote came Omfrey Yngham, greave of Ighten hill, and surrendered a messuage 28 acres of land and f rood of land with the appurtenances in Little Mersden, which Edward Willysill delivered to him, to the use of Richard Towne, John Withwham, Robert Wodrowfe, and John Wodrowfe. IssabeU, wife of the said Ed. Willysill, forbad fine for her dower. The feoffees found surety Nicholas Bankecroft and John Haworth. Admitted, on fine of gs. To that Halmote came Robert Doghson, by John Shakil- den, greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage and one garden with the appurtenances in Paddeham, called Fertilhouse, which the said Robert Doghson had delivered to him to the use of Hugh Hergreves, chaplain, Richard More,, chaplain, Thomas Cockshott, and Ed. Yngham. Ad mitted on fine of 6d. John Smyth plaintiff against Thomas Smyth for diverting the course of a stream running from the meadow of Law rence BrereclyfF as far as Stoneracke. Agreement made. The jury present that William Flecher made a fray upon William Yngham. No fine, as he had no means. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burnley on Thursday before Pentecost, 20 Henry VIII. [28 May, 1528]. The jury present that a messuage and 14J acres of land 86 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS and f rood with the appurtenances in Burneley Wodde have reverted to the King upon the death of IssabeU, wife of John Haworth, and that Henry Haworth is her son and heir, 7 years of age. John Jackson forbad fine for half the said messuage, and Angnes, widow of Richard Pecop, forbad fine for her dower; and thereupon came John Haworth afore said, father of the said Henry, and forbad fine as having the said messuage for term of his life by right of Issabel! his wife. Henry Haworth found as his surety James Willy sill and Henry Herger, and he was thereupon admitted, on fine of $s. To that Halmote came Lawrence Brereclyffe, Greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered two messuages 40 acres of land with the appurtenances in Mersden, which John Heygyn, chaplain, John Kepax, and John Wilson of Bradley delivered to him, to the use of Richard Kepax son of John Kepax, James Folds son of Geoffrey Folds, Thomas Bulcok, and Richard Walton son of Henry Walton of Berkerhouse. Richard Heygyn forbad fine for right of his inheritance. The surrenderees found surety Henry Walton of Berker house and Lawrence Brereclyff. Admitted, on fine of 14s. od. To that Halmote came Lawrence Brereclyff, Greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage 1 7 acres and one rod of oxgang land and one penny rent in Sabdenbank, with the appurtenances in Padeham, which Nicholas Bancroft and John More delivered to him to the use of John Robynson son of Ellis Robynson and Christopher Robynson son of John Robynson. Admitted, on fine of 6s. Richard Halsted sued Lawrence Shottilworth for Ss. gd. debt, in that the defendant by threats and assurances had seized fivepence rent for 21 years past for land and tene ments of the said Richard's in Habringham Eves, to his loss and damage in 10 marks. The defendant declared that he had been seised of the said rent for the last thirty years and had received it without any hindrance. The jury declare that Richard Halsted and his heirs (3d.) ought to pay the said fivepence yearly rent to Lawrence Shottilworth and his heirs for ever. The jurors present Thomas Stanworth (2d.), the wife of Miles Spenser (2d.), Christopher Jackson (2d.), George Ormerod (2d.), and Henry Walton (2d.) for overloading Brereclyff common. Robert Croke (2d.) for the like on Paddeham common. John Parker (2s.) for encroaching to the value of 2s. per year on Brereclyff common. William MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1528-9 87 Smyth (2d.) for building two houses on Brereclyff common pasture. James Bancroft (2d.) for digging and obtaining turf on Burneley common. Richard Cronkeshey (20a7.) and John Cronkeshey (20a7.) were fined for a fray upon John Sonky ; and likewise John Sonky (20a7.) for a fray upon Richard Cronkeshey. Robert Cokshott (12a7.) for a fray upon Lawrence Childers. Nicholas Hergreves was elected Greave of Ightenhill. Sum, 51J. 4a7. Sum of two Courts, £6, us- o\d., viz. Ightenhill, 5u. 4a7.; Pendill, £3, igs. 8\d. To that Halmote came John Cronkeshey and pretended to have title to a rood and more by estimation, called the Warth, lying between the middle of Calder Water within Heigham and a rent of 12a7. a year from the said land, now in the tenure of Nicholas Hancocke ; and here in court he quit-claimed and released to the said Nicholas for ever the said parcel and rent. xxvn.-court "IRoII, 20 Ifoenrg viii., 1528*9. (No. 12. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Wednesday after St. Michael the Archangel, 20 Henry VIII. [30 September, 1528]. Mark Nutter sued John Halyday, John Bulcok, and John Nowell in 30s. damages for breach of contract concerning a parcel of land in Sabden and Bircheledole, as in exchange made between them, and for other parcels of land in Sabden. Verdict for defendants and plaintiff in mercy. The above defendants sued James Hargreaves for a breach of contract but a verdict was found for defendant. John Robynson sued Hugh Parker for trespass with his beasts and breach of agreement made between them by Bernard Hertley, Henry Mitton of Barowfore, John Hirst, and John Croke of Westclosse, for cutting down trees and destroying fences there. The plea was settled by agreement and arbitration. James Michell of Colne and. his wife sued James Herteley of Lawnde for debt and breach of contract 40s. Defendant had promised to find sufficient maintenance for Christopher, son and heir of Humphrey Hertley, to pay 40s. in money to the plaintiffs six years previously, but had not done so, the money being still unpaid ; and the said James Michell and his wife had demanded payment without avail ; whence they 88 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS have a loss of ten marks. And they say that the said de fendant had agreed to find . sufficient food and clothing for the said Christopher Herteley for 1 2 years for those lands and tenements lying in the forest belonging to the said Christopher, viz., for that third part of the land and tene ments which the defendant now occupies. The jury give a verdict for the defendant. Henry Mitton plaintiff against James Michell of Coulne (Colne) in a plea of partition of land and trespass, where by force and arms he did trespass with his beasts upon the plaintiff's land at le Rigge. The defendant was summoned -to appear to trial at Bollyng before Richard Tempest, kt., Steward, the next Wednesday with his evidence and witness to prove his title and the plaintiff likewise. The defendant did not appear, but the plaintiff asked for security against defendant as he was in bodily fear of him. It was then directed that Christopher Nowell, bailiff of the King, should give the defendant a summons to appear at Clitheroe Castle at the next court. Whereupon the defendant was called in a loud voice three several times but did not appear. The defendant was then ordered to be imprisoned for contempt and afterwards four of his friends to be charged to decide the plea. Memorandum * that at that Halmote of the said Manor held there on Wednesday next after the feast of St. Luke, 14 Henry VIII. [22 Oct. 1522] came Omfrey Hertley and surrendered a close or parcel called le Parroke in le Baraforthe (9-r. 1 id. rent by year) to the use of Lawrence Herteley and his heirs for ever. At the request and also desyre of Christopher Hartley of Barrow forth the yonger and Also of George Hartley of Barrowforth aforeseid in the Veryficacion and also in Ratificacion that this surrender was maide to all intents and purposes as heretofore is mencyoned of the Close and parcele of land callyd the Paroke in Barrafurth I haue as a Wytnes concernyng the seid matter with their Full consents, beyng presently with theym, sette my hande the Eleventh Daye of October, 1575, and anno decimo septimo Dne Elisabethe Regine at hur Gracys Castell of Clyderowe. p. Fraunciscum Semlrell, Deputat. Audit. John Hirst sued Nicholas Robynson, Margery Herteley, and John Herteley executors of the wills of Henry Hertley, Peter Smyth, and William Bawdyn for 18s. debt. They acknowledge the debt. John Bulcok v. Henry Mitton, Lawrence Hergreves, Lawrence Hertley, and James Hertley of Lande; debt 2s. Sd. Verdict for 2s. * Added in a much later hand. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1^28-9 89 James Ballerd^. William Starkey and John Bulcok his pledge ; breach of contract. 3s. 4a7. awarded. William Starkey v. James Ballerd and Richard Ballerd his pledge; debt 2s. Sd. i6d. awarded. To that Halmote came George Ormerod then Greave of Pendill and surrendered a messuage other buildings, &c, and an enclosure called Nether Heygham (26^. Sd. rent), which Margery, widow of Richard Hancok, had delivered to him, to the use of. Henry Dyneley, John Holden, gent., Robert Parker, John Wodrowffe, jun., John Wodrowffe, sen., and Robert Wodrowffe. They pay a fine of 26.?. Sd. The jurors present that Nicholas Hancok was elected Greave of Pendill. To that Halmote came John Nowell, greave of Pendil, and surrendered a messuage with appurtenances called Blackmosse, now in the tenure of John Robynson, sen. (lis. 4a7. rent), which John Robynson delivered to him to the use of Charles Towneley, esq. John Robynson and Elisabeth his wife forbad fine for half a messuage at Ss- 4a7. rent by year, as security for Elizabeth's dower or for the said John Robynson her husband or the longer liver. Charles Towneley found surety Nicholas Hancok, and was admitted, on fine of 1 is. 4a7. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Wednesday, 14 April, 20 Henry VIII. [1529]. To that Halmote came John Nowell of the greaveship of Pendill and surrendered a messuage with appurtenances in Nether Rughlee (rent, ih, i\d.), and Ss- rent lying in Watlyngforthe in the forest of Pendill, which John Smyth, jun., delivered to him, to the use of John Wodrowfe, Richard Walton, son of Henry Walton of Berkerhouse, Roger Hertley, and John Robynson, son of John Robynson of Old lande. And John Robynson of Oldlande and Peter Smyth appeared in Court and released all their right, title, &c, which they had (by right of their fine made in the last court) in the said premises and as appears in a pair of Indentures made between them on the one part and John Smyth of the other part, as at large appears in the said fine and Indenture dated 28 April, 16 Henry VIII. [1524], which was to the use of the said John Robynson, Peter Smyth, and other co-feoffees. John Hertley forbad fine at this court for 24s. arrears for three years' agistment not paid for six years back ; and the said Peter Smyth forbad fine for. 5 3s. 4a7. for money delivered to John Smyth and kept by him; and James Hargreves 90 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS forbad fine for 2s. 4a7. debt from the said John Smyth due to the said James. The Surrenderees found surety John Robynson of Oldlande and John Bulcok. Admitted, on fine of i6y. i\d. The jurors present John Hirst (6d.), William Mitton (6d.), Henry Mitton (6d.), James Smyth, sen. (6d.), Christopher Robynson (6d.) and Christopher Nutter (6d.) for cutting down greenwood and hollies in Witleybank contrary to birlaw. Nicholas Fawsett (6d.) for cutting down "duo ollera " called " Holies " growing within John Hirst's fence. John Stevenson (20a7.) and Ed. Stevenson (20a7.) forfeit the penalties limited for keeping bad fences against James Hargreves and Sibell Stevenson's land. James Michell of Colne (4d.) forfeits a penalty limited by the jurors for obstructing the King's highway in le Holme between Over and Nether Barowfore. James Michell (20a7.) for a fray upon Henry Mitton and Lawrence Hergreves. John Smyth of Barowfore (6d.) for cutting down the holies growing in Witlebankheyde. Sum, £3, Ss. 1 1 \d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday after St. Michael's Day, 20 Henry VIII. [1 Oct. 1528]. Robert Cockeshott sued Thomas Mershall for £10 for breach of contract for withdrawing rent for six years for a certain tenement let to him to farm. Settled by agreement. Henry Adlyngton and George Breche have cross suits for debt. To that Halmote came William Whyte, tenant, and sur rendered a messuage and a garden containing 100 feet in length and 60 feet in breadth in Burneley, which William Smyth had delivered to him, to the use of Christopher Aspeden. Robert Wodrowfe forbad fine. John Halsted is surety for Christopher Aspeden, who is admitted on fine of 8d. To that Halmote came Richard Moore, chaplain and greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered three messuages and two oxgangs of oxgang land, containing by estimation 40 acres with their appurtenances, on the east side of Padeham Hey, Bancroft and Crosbonk, and 2d. rent in Sabden Banck, which Thomas Lister had delivered to him, to the use of Robert Wodrowffe, John Herger, Robert Feilden, and John Ryley, chaplain. Roger Cockeshott, Richard Webster, and James MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1528-9 91 Willysill forbad fine for certain lands lying there and an in sufficient way there. Nicholas Bankcroft and Henry Heygyn are their sureties and they are then admitted on fine of 16s. 4a7. To that Halmote came John Nowell, greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage and 2 1 acres 1 rood and J rood of land (or %d. — unam quadrantem) with appurtenances in Habrungham Eves and Ightenhill, which John Aspeden, Henry Herger, and Robert Sutclyff had delivered to him to the use oF Oliver Halsted, Nicholas Hergreves, jun., John Robynson oF Padeham, and Richard Webster of the same place. Admitted, on fine of ys. 8a7. To that Halmote came John Hergreves of Lomeshey and surrendered two messuages, 40 acres of land with appurten ances, lying in Little Mersden and Pendill, to the use of William Ryley, son of Thomas Ryley, John Robynson, son and heir of John Robynson of Oldlande, John Robynson, son of Nicholas Robynson of Monkerode, and Lawrence Hergreves of Barowfore, John Ryley, chaplain, and Henry Ryley. John Kepax and Henry Walton of Berkerhouse forbad fine for a certain contract made between William, son of said John- Hargreves on the one side and the said John autem Wilson (sic) and Henry of the other part. The said William and his co-feoffees found surety John Robynson of Old Lawnde and James Hergreves of Sabden. Admitted, on fine of 14s. 8d. To that Halmote came Henry Salley, Vicar of Blackburne, and surrendered a messuage 17 acres of Rodland and half an acre of land and half a rood of land and the eighth part of a rood called Typynghill with appurtenances in Ighten hill to the use of Robert Waddyngton and Margaret his wife and Peter Waddyngton, their son and heir. Admitted, on fine of 6s. Sd. To that Halmote came Henry Salley abovenamed and surrendered a messuage and 16 acres of Rodlande called Typynghill with appurtenances in Ightenhill, and 1 acre and I rood of land lying within the forest of Pendill lying between the water of Calder and Ightenhill Park with appurtenances, and 1 rood and \ rood of waste of the King's lying near the West gate of Ightenhill Park, with appurtenances, to the use of Peter Waddyngton, Alice his wife, and Lawrence their son. Admitted, on fine of 6s. 8d. The jurors present that Lawrence Parker (20a7.) made a fray upon Roger Lee. Anthony Cokeshott (20a7.) made a fray upon Giles Croder. Lawrence Holth (20a7.) for the same 92 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS offence upon William Wittacre of Burneley. Margery Spenser (2d.), Henry Walton (4a7.), Christopher Jackson (4a7.), Giles Smyth (2d.), James Tattersall (2d.), and John Smyth (2d.) for overloading the common on Mersden Moor. William Qwitwham (6d.) and William Smyth (6d.) for en croachment upon Brereclyff common, and William Smyth for building a house and barn there without licence or rent for the same. Richard Lee (4a7.) for keeping a cottage in the vill of Ightenhill contrary to the ordinances and 2d. more for chasing and chevying his neighbours' animals out of their proper pastures. To that Halmote came Christopher (Cristovus) Grymeshey, son of Lionel Grymeshey, and released to Nicholas Gryme shey his right, title, &c, in those messuages and lands which late belonged to the above-named Lionel. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday, 15 April, 20 Henry VIII. [1529]. The jurors declare that a messuage and a garden in Burneley have reverted to the King upon the death of Richard Pecopp and that John Yngham is his kinsman and next heir. Admitted on fine of id., by pledge of the Greave. They also declare that half a messuage, half a toft, and half an acre of land with appurtenances in Burnley have reverted to the King upon the death of John Yngham, chaplain, and that Alice, wife of Robert Berkecroft, is his sister and next heir. Admitted, on fine of 8a7., by pledge of Robert Berkecroft. It is likewise presented by inquest that half a messuage, half a toft, and half an acre of land with appurtenances in Burneley have reverted to the King upon the death of John Yngham, chaplain, and that Richard Tattersall is his kins man and next heir. Admitted, on fine of 8a7. To that Halmote came John Parker, Richard Tattersall of the Rigge, John Yngham of Fulegge, and Robert Wod rowfe, and surrendered a messuage and a garden with two crofts, now in the tenure of Richard Medowod, called Per- kynroyde, with appurtenances in Burneley, to the use of William Berkecroft, Huan Haydock, Hugh Shottilworth, and Peter Ormerod. Cristiana Tattersall, widow, forbad fine for the said messuage and premises, in security for life (probably for dower). Robert Berkecroft is the feoffees' pledge, and they are then admitted, on fine of 4a7. To that Halmote came Robert Berkecroft and George Halsted, reeves of the church of Burneley, and surrendered MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1528-9 93 a messuage with buildings thereon erected and a garden with appurtenances in Burneley now in the tenure of William Whatmough, called Smythhouse, to the use of John Parker, Richard Tattersall of the Rigge, John Yngham of Fulegge, and Robert Wodrowfe. The feoffees are admitted, on fine of 3d. To that Halmote came John Kepax, greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage now in the tenure of William Bolton and an inclosure called Stackfeld, containing two acres, and another inclosure called Langfeld, containing 3 acres, which William Yngham, Richard Tattersall, Robert Wodrowffe, and George Ormerod had delivered to him, to the use of Robert Banester, Symon Haydock, Robert Feilden, chaplain, and Richard Kepax. Admitted, on fine of i6d. To that Halmote came John Nowell, greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage called Wolfendenplace and 9 acres of land, with appurtenances, in Habrungham Evez, and two tofts (one penny rent by year) lying in Burneley and another penny rent lying opposite Burnley Cross, and also a toft lately acquired from Lawrence Folds in Burnley, and half an acre of land called Byshopphowse with ap purtenances in Burneley, which John Smyth delivered to him to the use of Robert Smyth, son of the said John, and John Wodrowfe, sen. Lettice, wife of Robert Smyth and mother of the said John and Robert Smyth* jun., forbad fine for her dower. John Kepax and Lawrence Brereclyff were found as sureties, and admittance was then granted, on fine of 3s. iod. To that Halmote came James Bancroft, James Robert, Robert Sutclyff, and Lawrence Croder by John Nowell, Greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage, 30 acres of land with appurtenances in Habrungam Evez, called the Yate Feilde, to the use of John Yngham, John Wittacre son of (sic), Thomas Wittacre son and heir of Richard Witt acre, Robert Wittacre son and heir of John Wittacre, John Wodrowfe, jun., Richard Tattersall, son and heir of Richard Tattersall of the Rigge. Admitted, on fine of ys. 4a7. To that Halmote came John Kepax, greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage and 16 acres of oxgang land called Crockryddyng and Wodlyndgreve, and a penny rent in Sabden Bank, with appurtenances in Padeham, and a messuage and a toft with a croft and appurtenances lying in the higher part of the vill of Padeham, which Christopher Wittacre, chaplain, delivered to him to the use of Nicholas Wittacre, Nicholas Robynson of Chatburne, John Wod- 94 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS rowfe, and John Nowell of Pendill. Admitted, on fine of Ss. 4a7. To that Halmote came John Wodde and surrendered a messuage and two acres of land lying in Burneley Wodde, with its appurtenances, to the use of Henry Wittacre of Heigh wittacre, John Yngham, son of Omfrey Yngham, Law rence Brereclyff, and William Berkcroft. Admitted, on fine of \6d. To that Halmote came John Townley, esq., John Parker, and John Yngham, by James Shakelden, lately greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage with a garden in Burneley, lately in the tenure of Henry Lee, to the use of Oliver Halsted, son of Lawrence Halsted. Admitted, on fine of gd. To that Halmote came John Aspeden, by John Shakill- den, then greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage with a garden in Burneley, now in the tenure of Robert Walker, to the use of Oliver Halsted. Admitted, on fine of 8a7. To that Halmote came Oliver Halsted and surrendered two messuages, with two gardens and appurtenances in Burneley, to the use of John Ryley, chaplain, John Wod rowffe, Nicholas Hancok, and Lawrence Starkey, son of James Starkey. Admitted, on fine of i6d. The intent of this present fyne aboue written Surrendert up In this present Cowert by me Oliuer Halsted Jun. to the Intent, use, and behoufe of John Ryley Prest, John Wodrowfe, Nicolas Hancok, and Laurens Starkey son and heire of James Starkey, namyd and men- cionyd in the seyd fyne, wiche now standith fynyd and seasyd in the seyd Cowert in and off ij messuages and ij garthens now in the tenur of Henry Lee and Robert Walker, with appurtenances in Burneley, to the intent, use, and will of me the seyd Oliuer upon certan coue- naunts and bargans mayde betwyx the seyd Sir John Ryley Prest and John Wodrowffe apon the on partie and me the seyd Oliver Halsted apon the other partie herafter to be specifyed and declaryd : First I the seyd Oliuer will that the seyd feoffes shall stand and be seasyd In and off the seyd ij messuages and ij garthens with their appurtennances in Burneley to the seyd Sir John Ryley Prest and John Wodrowffe for the some of vj/z. of gud and lawfull money of England, wiche I the seyd Oliuer haith Ressauid at the hands of the seyd Sir John Ryley Prest and John Wodrowffe In full contentacion and payment for the seyd ij measses and ij garthens with their ap purtennances,. to theym and to their heires for euer ; Provydith alway that by this my seyd surrender I will that yff I the seyd Oliuer, myn heires of my boddy lawfully begotten, executors, and assignes do content and pay the seyd Some of vj/z\ unto the seyd Sir John Ryley Prest and John Wodrowffe and to their heires, executors, and assignes at the ende and terme of viijth yeres or within next and Imediatly foloyng the dait of this present Cowert, they takyng the MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1528-9 95 Issues profitts and Rentts of the aforeseyd meases and other the premisses In the meane season, then I will that the seyd feoffes to surrender up agayne their estate In the Cowert aforeseyd, wiche they haue In the seyd ii measses or eny pareell theroff unto me the seyd Oliuer and my heires for euer ; And ells for the defalth of suche Repayment of the seyd some of vj/z. aboue specified then I will the seyd feoffes shall stand hold and keipe the seyd ij measses and other the premisses unto the seyd Sir John Ryley Prest and John Wod rowffe and their heires for euer with owth eny clame, suit, tide, transfer and demand to be hayde or askyd of me the seyd Oliuer or of myn heires but that the seyd Sir John and John holly and clurely to haue hold occupy and Injoy unto theym and their heires for euer the seyd ij measses and other the premisses. Thomas Mershall of Padeham in County Lane, yoman came here in this court and acknowledged for himself and his heires that he and his heires should pay and ought to pay eight silver pennies yearly to the chantry of the blessed Virgin Mary in Blackburne from the rents and profits of lands and tenements of the said Thomas Mershall issuing in Padeham aforesaid. He grants powers to any occupier, procurator, or priest performing the ceremonies in the chantry aforesaid to make distress if the said Sd. be in arrears eight days after the feast at which it is due. And he acknowledged and confirmed the said 8 penny benefaction in form following : — Ego predictus Thomas et heredes mei predictum Redditum octo deneriorum prefate cantarie occupatoribus procuratoribus feoffatis sive presbiteris in eadem cantaria celebrantibus siue exercentibus veil successoribus et assignatis suis In modo et forma prenominata contra omnes gentes Warrantizabimus et imperpetuum defendemus. In cujus rei testimonium omnes homines existentes presentes in curia electi et vocati sunt esse testes huius acti et Recougnitionis per pubplicam proclamacionem In curia predicta factam. Et nichil in misericordia curie.* Richard Halsted sued Lawrence Shottilworth for the sum of looy. for wrongful taking of an annual rent of 5 pence issuing from certain lands of the said plaintiff's, being his loss in expenses for proving the said wrongful withdrawal. The plaintiff withdrew his plea when before the jurors. The jurors present that Richard Towne and Miles Ban croft his coadjutor are elected Greave of Ightenhill. John Parker (12a7.) for encroachment on Brereclyff com mon ; and William Smyth (Sd.) and William Quitwham (8a7.) for the like offence. * In margin : Fin. pro Iicentia Intrandi uijd. Quedam recougnitio siue concessio in curia prout nichil in m. curie. 96 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Robert Cockeshott (20a?.) for a fray upon Nicholas Dogh son and drawing his blood. Thomas Flecher, " corvesor," is a petty thief called "a petty micher," and is punished according to the Statute. Sum, £4, \2s. gd. Sum of the two Courts, £y, iSs. S\d., viz. Ightenhill, £4, 12s. gd.; Pendill, £3, 5*. n\d. xxviii.— court IRoll, 21*2 Ifoenrg viii., 1529*30. (No. 13.^ — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Wednesday after the feast of St. Luke, 21 Henry VIII. [20 Oct. 1529]. Miles Crabtree and Ellis Browne sued James Hyggyn, James Bailer, Peter Verley and their associates for 20.J. damages for bad fences. The jurors say that they must repair their fences and the dike of the meadow in Barleyyng. Peter Verley sued John Mangkynholles for iod. debt for arrears for 5 years past (viz. : — 2d. per annum for each year for the " Edishe ") and for 2d. rent issuing from land and tenements of the said defendants to be paid yearly for " le edishe " and in exchange, as appears by certain writings. The jury declare defendant owes both iod. for arrears and 2d. yearly to be paid to plaintiff and his heirs for ever. John Smyth sued Christopher Robynson of Overbarow- fore and Christopher Bawdwyn in 20s. damages for trespass arising from defendant failing to repair his hedges. The suit was settled by agreement. John, Abbot of Whalley, and Lawrence Forest his monk sued John Smyth and John Hegyn and John Huit (by pledge of the said John Smyth) for ss- 4a?. debt. The defendants acknowledge the debt. James Ballerd sued James Hertley for diverting a stream of water running in a meadow between them. The jurors give a verdict for defendant and further say that the defendant should permit the stream to have its free course to a certain dike of the said defendant's, and that the said dike must be 5 ells in width. Ellis Browne and James Robynson v. Margaret Robynson, widow of John Robynson, for unjust detention of a portion of land in Barley ; concord made. Peter Smyth v. William Mitton, trespass for cutting down a hedge ; the parties retire from the suit. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1529-30 97 Forest of Pendill. — To that Halmote came John Nowell, greave of Pendill, and surrendered a messuage with ap purtenances in Westclosse, Hunterholme, and le Fence (annual rent, 43s. io\d.) which John Cronkeshey, jun., delivered to him, to the use of Hugh More, Lawrence Wittacre son of James Wittacre, Christopher son of John Jackson, and Henry son of Lawrence Parker. Angnes Cronkeshey forbad fine for a fourth part of the said premises, for her dower. The surrenderees found surety Nicholas Hancok. Admitted, on fine of 43 s. io\d., by pledge of Leonard Blakey and John More. The jurors present that Roger Redehalgh (3s. 4a7.) made a fray upon James Hargreves ; John Kyngstons (12a7.) for fishing in Pendill water with his nets and other engines and instruments. William Stounes (i2d.) and John Bowker (12a7.) for fishing with nets, &c, in Goldsheybothe water and selling the fish to strangers without licence. It is presented by inquest that a messuage with appurte nances in Heigham bothe (rent, 30s.) has reverted to the King upon the death of John More, and that Christopher More is his son and heir, and 1 8 years old ; James Pollerd is his guardian. Christopher More forbad fine for a certain covenant made between the said John and Christopher, and Joan, widow of the said John More, forbad fine for her dower. Christopher found surety Christopher Jackson to reply to the said Christopher More, sen., and to his mother's forbid. Admitted, on fine of 30s. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Wednesday before Pentecost, 22 Henry VIII. [1 June, IS30]. Inquest taken from the Forest of Pendill. The jurors declare that John Robynson, by pledge of John Sutclyff, sued Peter Robynson alias Perkyn for ys. iod. debt; the Defendant acknowledged the debt. The jurors present that John Cronkeshey, sen., and John Cronkeshey, jun., his coadjutor, are elected to the office of Greave of Pendill. Sum, S2S- 2\d- HALMOTE ofthe Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday after the feast of St. Luke, 21 Henry VIII. [21 Oct. 1529]. James Willisill was plaintiff against William Banaster in a plea of trespass for obstructing a certain way belonging VOL. 11. G 98 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS to the plaintiff, leading from the Scollebank as far as Pade ham Mill and to the common pasture, whereby he has 20s. damage. A special jury declare that the plaintiff has no right to the said way for carts and carriages within the Stockbrigg and Scolbank, except that he should have free entrance and exit with carts, &c, leading between Colden moreyate and an oak tree called a saplyng growing at the end of one lane called Old Loyne, and so from the said "loyne" to the highway then existing in Padeham Hey. And further they declare that William Banester and his tenant and also John Roo and his tenant, defendants, shall make a sufficient dike or ditch, cleansed and kept in order by the said defendants ; and upon the same fence (feneani) they shall plant the qwyckewod, there to be set to grow, by the supervision of four true and lawful men. Further that all the hedges growing between the said parties are to be equally divided and partitioned between them by super vision, &c, before the month of March next ensuing ; and the said James Willisill to make a gate called Colden- moreyate and keep it in repair for ever at his own expense. Therefore both parties are in mercy. To that Halmote came John Kepax and surrendered a messuage and 40 acres of land and one rood ; another messuage and 1 1 J acres of land, called Scofeld, and another messuage and 12 acres and 1 rood of land, with appurte nances in Little Mersden, to the use of Henry son of Robert Banaster, Alexander son of John Rusworth, Vane son of Simon Haydock, and James son of Geoffrey Folds. Elizabeth wife of the said John forbad fine for her dower. Simon Haydock and Christopher Jackson were found as sureties. Admittance granted, on fine of 22s. To that Halmote came John Kepax, greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage called Crossehouse, with a stable annexed to the house of John Ingham and with its appurtenances, which John Aspeden, sen., delivered to him, to the use of John Aspeden, jun., John Kepax, John Yngham of Fulege, and George Ormerod. John Wodrowfe forbad fine, for his right to the said stable. Lawrence Brereclyff was found as surety for the feoffees abovenamed, who were then admitted on fine of Sd. To that Halmote came Richard Towne, greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage and 30 acres of land with appurtenances in Burneley wodde, which Robert Berkecroft delivered to him according to the intent of a pair of indentures made between Charles Towneley, esq., and MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1529-30 99 William Pecopp, dated 13 May 21 Henry VIII. [1529] to the use of John Aspeden, who was thereupon admitted tenant, on fine of ioj. The jurors present that James Starkey (20a7.) made a fray upon Robert Cockeshot and drew his blood. Henry Walton (4a7.) for trespass of his beasts on Saxifeld, James Tattersall (4a7.), Giles Smyth (4a7.), John Smyth (4a7.), Thomas Smyth (4a7.), Thomas Stanworth (4a7.), and James Smyth (2d.) all for the same offence. Richard Bothman (2d.) for the same offence on Padeham common and over loading it. Joan, widow of John More (2d.), James Greve (2d.), and Geoffrey Feilden (2d.) for the same offence there. HALMOTE oF the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday before Pentecost, 21 Henry VIII. [2 June, 1530]. John, Abbot of the Monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Whalley (by Laurence Forest his attorney), sued William Whatmowgh (by pledge of Lawrence Halsted) for 36s. debt, as appears by his promissory note. Defendant acknowledged the debt. To that Halmote came John Whytwham, greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage and two enclosures containing 9 acres of land called Tymberhill in Burneley Wodde with their appurtenances, which John Wodde de livered to him, to the use of John Yngham, William Pecopp, Lawrence Aunesworth, John Oldam, and Hugh Baron. Admitted, on, fine of 35. 8a7. To that Halmote came John Smyth of Brereclyff upon Hill and surrendered 1 messuage and 10 acres oF land called Dogefeld, and 6 acres of land in Brereclyff in le Townefeld, and 1 acre of land called le Marlecroft, lying between Dogefeld and le Holthill, and one acre of land called Batteholle, to the use of Stephen Smyth, chaplain, John Kepax, John Wodrowff, sen., and John Reddehalgh of Stonne Delf. Lawrence Brereclyff forbad fine, for dower to Angnes, wife of the said John Smyth, for term of her life. Lawrence Brereclyff was found surety and the sur renderees were admitted tenants of the King, on fine of 6s. To that Halmote came Richard Towne, Greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage 11 acres i| rood of land with appurtenances in Brereclyff, called Loyne howse, which William Withwham delivered to him to the use of John Wodrowffe, Robert Towne, Lawrence Brere clyff, and Richard Tattersall. Admitted on fine of 4s. 100 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS The jurors present that Richard Crosley (2od.) made a fray on Henry Walton of Reideley. Joan, widow of Nicholas Yat, (4a7.) for digging and acquiring turf on Ightenhill Rigge without right. Thomas Folds (4a7.) for trespass of his beasts on Burneley common ; Thomas Stanworth (2d.) [for the same] on Brereclyff More ; Thomas Stanworth aforesaid (12a7.) for overloading Saxifeld com mon. The widow of Thomas Mercroft (2d.) for the like offence on Saxifeld. William Talior (2d.), John Smyth (2d.), Thomas Smyth (2d.), James Tattersall (2d.), Giles Smyth (2d.), Christopher Jackson (2d.), Henry Walton (2d.) de Redeley, and Richard Bentham (i2d.) all for the same offence ; and Richard Bothman (2a7.) for the same offence on Padeham More common pasture. The widow of John More (2d.), Richard Hitchonson (2d.), Alice Stan worth (2a7.) and Grace Gartsyde (3d.) all for the same offence. Henry Cockshot (4a7.) for encroaching and building a chamber upon the lord's waste at Paddeham. Henry Walton of Berkerhouse is presented as holding of the King certain lands (to the yearly value of 2d.) within the Manor of Ightenhill, and now withdrawn and unjustly detained by him from the said manor. To be referred by the King's council. Elizabeth, widow of Lawrence Shottilworth, is elected Greave of Ightenhill, and Henry Shottilworth is admitted deputy for the said Elizabeth. Sum, 58J. 4a7. Sum of the two Halmotes, noy. 6\d.; viz., Pendill, 52J. 2\d.; Ightenhill, 58^. 4a7. xxix— court 1Roll, 22*3 Ibenrv. viii., 1530*1. (No. 14. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Wednesday, 12 Oct., 22 Henry VIII. [15 30]. Debts. — John Hanson v. Thomas Tytteryngton ; John Wodroff v. Christopher Robynson of Rughlee ; Miles Nutter v. Roger Ridehalgh; Robert Verley v. Richard Holgayt, Miles Nutter and John Smyth his pledge. To that Halmote came Robert Hergreves, Richard Her greves, Ralph Hergreves, George Hergreves, Hugh More, and Christopher More, and surrendered a messuage and ap purtenances, parcel of the vaccary of Heigham Bothe, lying in Fence in the forest of Pendill (rent, 40s.), to the use of MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1 530-1 101 Ed. Emott. Nicholas Hancoke forbad fine for himself and in the name of John Towneley, kt., and Nicholas Towneley, gent. Ed. Emott found surety John Robyn son of Oldland and Henry Mitton. Admitted, on fine of 40s. The jurors present that Christopher Robynson (20a7.) made a fray on Lawrence Robynson ; William Mitton (4a7.) for cutting brakens in Goldshey Bothe; and James Ballerd (6a7.) for not doing suit at the court. Ellen Brand- wod (4d.) for harbouring petty gamesters, and Roger Herteley (2d.) for keeping Christopher Herteley playing at cards. James Herteley (4a7.) for diverting a stream below Nugworth Banke. Robert Blakey (4a7.) and William Robyn son are petty card players, and Peter Robynson (4a7.) is the father of William and he keeps them card playing day and night. ' Sum, 45J. 8a7. HALMOTE of Ightenhill Manor, held at Heigham on Wednesday after the feast of Corpus Christi, 23 Henry VIII. [14 June, 1 531]. Inquest taken from the Forest of Pendill. Mergery, widow of Henry Herteley, sues John Smyth for breach of contract for agistment of a beast in Rughlee Pasture for 6 years past. Defendant says that its profit is in arrears for three years and so the plea is settled by agreement. Barnard Herteley and Lawrence Herteley sue Lawrence Hergreves and other tenants of Lawerbarofore for 20s. for partition of half of all the lands lying in Barofore. A special jury declare that both plaintiffs and defendants shall occupy all those lands lying between the Kylne yait and Barowfore Kiln (ustrinum), as of ancient times. Inquest taken there from the forest of Pendill. The jurors declare that the tenants of Bareley Bothe (Sd.) obstruct a certain road called " a bryddill gait " lying be tween the tenements of Bareley and of Haybothe. John Dobson (4a7.) for cutting turf on Cronkshey Lee in the Fence. Giles Smyth (8a7.) for the topps in the Fence. The relict of Thomas Mercroft (4a7.) for the same offence, because she cuts turf called " le topps in le Fence " aforesaid. John Herteley alias Goosecome (Ss.) for a fray on John Robynson, jun., and for drawing his blood. John Croke is elected Greave of Pendill. Sum, ys. 6d. 102 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday, 13 Oct., 22 Henry VIII. [1530]. At the inquest taken there by virtue of office John Cronkeshey sued Richard Webster and John Hey of Northwod for 40s. debt. The plea was settled by agree ment. To that Halmote came Richard Towne, greave of Ighten hill, and surrendered a messuage with a garden adjacent in the Warth in the higher part of the vill of Burneley, with appurtenances, which Nicholas Rushton, John Kepax, Robert Wodroff, and Christopher Jackson delivered to him to the use of Richard Kepax, Robert Jackson, Robert Halsted, and Robert Towne. Richard Folds and Richard Tattersall, attorney for Peter Browneley (sic),- forbad fine by right of the said Peter's inheritance. Christopher Jack son and Richard Halsted were found sureties by the sur renderees, who were then admitted tenants, on fine of iod. To that Halmote came Oliver Halsted, greave of Ighten hill, and surrendered a bovate and a half of oxgangland and one rood of land and three pence rent lying in Sabden- banke, with appurtenances in Padeham, which John Cocke- shot, John Halsted, John Yngham, and John Wodroff delivered to him, to the use of John Parker, William Han coke, John Wodroff, Henry Shottylworth, Henry Ryley, and Richard Hayleday. Thomas Mershall and Flezabeth his wife forbad fine, for certain covenants made between Nicholas Hancoke of the one part and the said Thomas Mershall of the other ; and Elazabet wife of the said Thomas forbad fine, for . her dower. The feoffees found surety in John Aspeden and Robert Wodroff, and were admitted tenants, on fine of 4.?. 6a7. To that Halmote came Richard Towne, greave of Ighten hill, and surrendered a house with a garden and appurte nances in Burneley, containing 60 ells in length and 30 ells • width, which John Yngham delivered to him to the use of Oliver Halsted and John Hancoke. John Aspeden, sen., forbad fine for a stable annexed to the said house, and John, son of Henry Yngham, forbad fine by right of his inheritance. Oliver and John found surety William Yngham and were admitted tenants, on fine of 8a7. The jurors present John Cronkeshey (2s.) for a fray upon William Hancoke ; James Roo (6a7.) for a road in want of repair between Padeham bridge and " le cauelache " ; John Roo, jun. (6d.), for the same offence ; Roger Cockeshott (6d.) likewise; Richard Webster (4k.) likewise; James MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1 530-1 103 Willisill (6a7.) for the same offence in Padeham Hey yait. John Hayleday (6d.) for absenting himself from taking his grain to the King's mill, and John Ratclyff (4a7.) likewise ; Richard Foort (4a7.) likewise. The relict of Leonel Gryme shey (4a7.) and the relict of John Moore (4d.) for the like offence; also James Hargreves (4a7.), Ed. Robynson (4a7.), the relict of Ed. Stevenson (4a7.), John Stevenson (4a7.), Richard Nutter (4a7.), Antony Nutter (4a7.), Ed. Stevenson (4a7.), John Nutter (4a7.), and Roger Redehalgh (4a?.). John Fletcher (2d.) for petty brewing and selling of ale contrary to assize ; and Richard Whittacre (2d.), James Pollerd (2d.), Richard Wilson (2d.), and the relict of Richard Walker (2d.) for the like offence ; also in Padeham John Wilkynson (2d.), John Cockshott (2d.), and Thomas Mershall (2d.) for the Hke offence. Sum, 16s. gd. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday after the feast of Corpus Christi, 23 Henry VIII. [15 June, 1531]. To that Halmote came Henry Shottylworth, greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage and 1 5i acres of land, with appurtenances in Burneley, which Robert Bercroft delivered to him, to the use of Lawrence son and heir of James Sterky, Vane son and heir of Simon Haydocke, John Wodroff, jun., Thomas Ryley of the Grene, Edward Pollard, and William Ryley, according to the intent of a pair of indentures bearing date 21 May, 23 Henry VIII. [1531] as in the same doth at large appear. The feoffees were admitted, on fine of Ss. To that Halmote came John Towneley, kt., and sur rendered an inclosure containing 68 acres, called Showre- hey and Hollynggreve, with appurtenances in Burneley, to the use of Gilbert Farebanke, John Ryley, chaplain, George Hoghton, and Thomas Ryley, according to the intent of a certain pair of Indentures made between the said John Towneley, kt., of the one part and the said Gilbert and his co-feoffees of the other, dated 10 June, 23 Henry VIII. [1531]. The feoffees were admitted, on fine of 20?. To that Halmote came Henry Shottylworth, greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage called Scayffold- howse, five acres of land, with appurtenances in Ightenhill and Habryngham Eves, and one and a half acre of land and one rood in Habryngham, one messuage 7 acres of land with appurtenances in Burneley wod, one messuage 21 104 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS acres of land and I rood called Okenevez with appurte nances in Habryngham Eves, and one cottage in Burneley, now in the occupation of Thomas Turner, and a house lying opposite Burnley Church on the eastern side, with a chamber called "a Crosse Chamber," and six "Shoppes" built and annexed to the house on the southern side at the end of the said house, now in the occupation of Alice Taylior ; and likewise a cottage with a garden and appurtenances in Burneley, now in the occupation of William Platts ; which Henry Herger, Robert Wodroff, James Bankecroft, John Inygham, Richard Folds, John Towneley, esq., John Aspeden, Richard Tattersall, Richard Smyth, and Nicholas Towneley of Role, Simon Haydocke, George Halsted, James Willisill, and Henry Bothe delivered to him, to the use of John Wodroff, sen., John Wodroff, jun., Hugh Shottillworth, Vane Haydock, Richard Tattersall, John Tattersall, son and heir of Ed. Tattersall, to the intent and composition now made and expressed between the greaves or guardians of the Church of Burneley of the one part, and John Wodroff and his co-feoffees aforenamed of the other part, dated 6 May, 23 Henry VIII. [1531]. The said feoffees were then admitted tenants, upon fine of 13s. Sd., by pledge of John Wodroff, sen.* Schedule on admittance : 1 messuage called Scayffold House ; 5 acres and appurtenances in Ightenhill and Habergham Eves ; i£ acre and 1 rood of land and appurtenances in Habergham Eves ; 1 mes suage 7 acres and appurtenances in Burneley Wood ; 1 messuage 11 acres 1 rood of land called Okenevez with appurtenances in Haberg ham Eves ; 1 cottage in Burneley in occupation of Thomas Turner ; 1 house opposite Burneley Church on the east side in occupation of Alice Taylyor ; 1 chamber called Crosechamber ; six le Shopps an nexed and built to and situate at the south end of the said house ; 1 cottage and 1 garden with appurtenances in Burneley in tenure of William Platts. The jurors present Robert Cockeshott (12a7.) for a fray upon George Fletcher; Robert Smyth (12a7.) for a fray upon IssabeU Smyth, widow of John Smyth, Robert Smyth (l2d.) aforesaid for a fray upon Richard Whittacre. The jurors present that Edward Stanley, earl of Derby, is elected Greave of Ightenhill for his lands in BrereclyfF. Sum, 41s. 8a7. Sum of the two courts, 58.J. 5a7. * In margin : " Memorandum, for the prist of Burneley fyne." MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1531-2 105 xxx.-court iRoll, 23*4 Ibenrs viii., t53l*2. (No. 15.— Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhyll, held at Heygham on Wednesday before the feast of St. Simon and St. Jude, 23 Henry VIII. [25 October, 1 53 1]. Inquest taken from the Forest of Pendill. Debts.— Miles Nutter, John Herteley, William Mitton, and John Hirst, v. William Bawdwyn, the relict of Chris topher Bawdwyn, and the relict of John Bawdwyn. William Herteley, jun., v. Bernerd Herteley. John Herte ley alias John Goosecome v. John Robynson of Blackmosse, jun. ; and same defendant v. same plaintiff. Hugh Parker plaintiff against John Robynson oF Old Land in a plea oF land, in that he unjustly claims and occupies and deforces the said Hugh from a certain parcel of land called le Hill, lying at Blackwodhend, containing 3 roods and more. The defendant denies the allegations and says that he the said John Robynson and his father have been seised of the said 3 roods for the space of four score years and have peaceably occupied the same. A jury of 12 men from the forests of Trawden and Pendil give a verdict for the defendant and confirm his title to the same without an3' contradiction, &c. To that Halmote came John Crooke, greave of Pendill, and surrendered a messuage with appurtenances in Haybothe (rent, 13s. 4a?.), now in the tenure of Thomas Verley, who had delivered the same to him, to the use of Peter, son of the said Thomas Verley. William Verley, brother of the said Peter, forbad fine, for the sum of 40s. of money. Peter found John Robynson, jun., as surety to pay the said sum before Pentecost next ensuing. He was then admitted, on fine of 1 3 s. 4a7. The jurors, declare that a messuage with appurtenances in Overbarofore (rent, ys. 7\d.) has reverted to the King upon the death of John Wilson, and that Lawrence Wilson is his son and heir. Joan the widow forbids, for her dower, and Lawrence then finds Christopher Jackson as surety ; he is then admitted tenant, on fine of ys. y\d. John Stevenson, sen. (6d.), for cutting greenwood in Littill Hole Clogh. William Bawdwyn (2d.), Henry Bawdwyn (2d.), and Christopher Nutter (2d.) for open fences. Peter Smyth and James Smyth absent themselves from divine service on Sundays and Feast days at various times of the year ; but 106 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS the means of reforming them is declared by this- court to be beyond the common law or function of this court. Sum, 23s. 2\d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heygham on Wednesday, 12 June, 24 Henry VIII [1532]. Inquest taken from the Forest of Pendill. James Mitchell of Colne was plaintiff against Lawrence Hargreves and Henry Mitton in a plea of trespass for open fences in the Ryge ende and that the said Henry built a wall in the Holme at Barofore on plaintiff's land to his damage in 20s. A special jury order the wall to be removed and fences to be made good, the " Whikwod " planted to be taken up and the water course to have its proper course between them, as far as the little hole in the Dyke. John Robynson, chaplain, and John Robynson of Oldland were plaintiffs against John Smyth (45-.), Henry Heygyn (2s.), John Hirst (4s.), and Angnes, widow of John Smyth, jun. (2s.), in a plea of breach of contract. The sums after their names are to be paid by defendants. Christopher Bawdwyn sued John Smyth of Barofore for damage for a certain house and garden enclosed upon his land, and for oppressing his land with the defendant's beasts. The jury authorise plaintiff to enclose as much value of land from defendant's land and so it is agreed between them. To that Halmote came John Crook, greave of Pendill, and surrendered a messuage with appurtenances in Blacker within Hunterholme and belonging to Hunterholme and Westclosse, with two parts of the Fence within the Forest of Pendill (rent, 40s. 3d.), which Lawrence Cronkeshey de livered to him, to the use of Robert, son of John Cronkeshey. John Cronkeshey, sen., forbad fine, for half the said messu age and half of all the premises for term of his life ; and thereupon came John Cronkeshey, jun., and forbad fine and unjust occupation of the land which belonged to him. John Kyngstone and Joan his wife forbad fine, for 16s. Sd. rent which they have in occupation for life. Robert Cronkeshey then found sufficient security and pledge by Edmund Robyn son and James Hergreves of Sabden, and was admitted tenant, on fine of 40s. 3d. To that Halmote came John Crook, greave of Pendill, and surrendered a messuage and all appurtenances called Blackmosse now in tenure of John Robynson, sen. (rent, 1 is. 4a7.), which Charles Towneley, esq., delivered to him, to the use of Richard Danser, chaplain, and Stephen Ellez, MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1531-2 107 clerk. John Robynson, sen., forbad fine, as he had the moiety of the said messuage and premises for term of his life. Richard and Stephen found surety Roger Herteley, and were admitted tenants, on fine of us. 4a7. The Intent of this present fyne aboue Wrytten is meanyd That the seid Sir Richard Danser, Prest, and Steven Ellez, scolemaister, shall stand and be seasyd in and off the seid mease and other synguler the premissez in this seid present Fyne aboue specifyed and declaryd, to the use of Laurence Lister, Sone of William Lister of Medopp, Esquier, and to the Heyrez and assignez of the Seid Laurence after the Custom of this present Cowrt for euer. The jurors present John Hergrevez (4a?.) alias Jacke Hergrevez, William Mitton (4d.), and John Smyth of Rughle (4a7.) for washing their sheep in the Cowhey at Rughle contrary to birlaw. William Bawdwyn (2d.) for an unringed pig ; the relict of John Bawdwyn (2d.) and Christopher Nutter (2d.) for pigs in likewise. Hugh Parker (4a7.) for cutting greenwood called Whikwod at Old Land, where he had no right, and for letting his animals trespass on John Robynson's land. Lawrence, son of James Mitchell, (20a?.) for a fray on Richard Wode, servant of Lawrence Hergreves of Barofore. Peter Smyth absents himself from divine service in church on the last festival of Corpus Christi ; idea causa, &c. [to church court]. Hugh Moore and John Moore are Greaves of Pendill. Sum, 56^. 4a7. Sum of the two courts, £3, igs. 6\d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley, on Thursday before the Feast of St. Simon and St. Jude, 23 Henry VIII. [26 October, 1531]. Inquest taken for the King by the jury, who declare that a messuage and 2d. rent in Burneley have reverted to the King upon the death of John Qwytwham, and that John Qwytwham, jun., is his son and heir. Elesabeth, mother of the said John, jun., forbad fine, for her dower. Richard Whitwham is surety for John, who is then admitted, on fine of iod. To that Halmote came Henry Shottyworth, greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage 19 acres and half a rood of land with appurtenances in Brereclyff, which George Smyth delivered to him, to the use of Robert Bercroft, John Halsted, John Wodroff, and John Clerke. Margaret Smyth forbad fine, as wife of George Smyth, for her dower ; and John Smyth, son of John Smyth of Hill, forbad fine as he 108 CLITHEROE COURT RQLLS said that he was next heir by right of his inheritance. The feoffees found surety John Kepax, and were then admitted tenants, on fine of ys. o\d. Memorandum That Thes Feoffez aboue Namyd shall stand Seasyd to the use of a pare of Indenturs mayd Betwyx the seid George Smyth and the seid Feoffez, Beryng the dait The last day of Apryll anno xxiij0 Regis Henrici Octaui [1531J, Remanyng the one of theym with the seid George Smyth on the on partie, and the other with the seid Feoffez ; Wiche effect In the same Indenturs more at large is contenyd and doith appere at large. Oliver Holth and Robert Smyth v. Geoffrey Folds, breach of covenant, damages iooy. ; verdict for defendant. To that Halmote came Henry Shottylworth, greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered three oxgangs of land and one oxgang of land called Walgreve, with appurtenances in Paddeham, and 3d. rent lying in Sabdenbanke, which Thomas Lister, John Holden, and Hugh Hargreves, chap lain of Haslyngden and Paddeham, delivered to him to the use of John Radclyff, John Ryley, chaplain, John Yngham of Fullege, Richard Grymeshey son and heir of Thomas Grymeshey, John son and heir of Ralph Holden, and Thomas Ryley of Accryngton. The feoffees were admitted, on fine of 13s. 3d. The jurors present Hugh Hergreves (ex'd) for a fray upon James Roo; Homfrey Pollerd (iod.) for a fray upon Lawrence Hey in Paddham Church; George Whittaker (ex'd) for a fray upon Robert Cockeshott; John Aspeden (20d.) for a fray upon Robert Cockeshott. No other presentments from the.vills of Burneley and Paddeham. Sum, 23s. lo^d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday, 13 June, 24 Henry VIII. [1532]. To that Halmote came Oliver Halsted, greave of Ighten hill, and surrendered a messuage and 20 acres of oxgangland lying in the Horgrevezhey, Sands Warth, Crosbank, and the western part of Paddeham Hey, with the appurtenances there, and 1 penny rent in Sabdenbank, which Roger Cock shott delivered to him, to the use of Thomas Wyllisill and Thomas Hey. Nicholas Shottylworth forbad fine, for land in Paddeham Hey. The said Thomas and Thomas Hey found surety John Robynson of Oldland and Richard Halsted, and were admitted tenants, on fine of ys. Sd. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1532-3 109 To that Halmote came Henry Whittacre, tenant of the King, and surrendered a messuage, a toft, 18 acres of oxgangland, and appurtenances in Padham, 1 penny rent in Sabdenbank, which James Whittacre delivered to him to the use of Lawrence son and heir apparent of Henry Whittacre and Richard Webster of Paddham. John Cronkeshey forbad fine in the name of Lawrence Whittacre, by right of the said Lawrence's inheritance, and Elesabeth Whittacre and IssabeU Whittacre her mother came and forbad fine, for dower to the said Elesabeth and IssabeU for their lives. Lawrence and Richard found surety John Roo and Richard Webster, and they were then admitted tenants, on fine of 6s. gd. The jurors present John Yngham of the Parke (8a7.) for getting turf upon Burneley Moore; Richard Studdert (2d.), Richard Bentham (2d.) and Joan Yait (2d.) for the same offence. Thomas Folds (2a?.) For trespass with, horses on Burneley Moore ; the relict oF Richard Hancok (4a7.) and Thomas Stanworth (2d.) For the same offence. The rehct of James Halsted (2d.) for getting turf on Saxifeld ; Alexander Ryley (gd.) for oppressing Saxifeld common and getting turf there, and John Tailyor (id.) for getting turf there. Robert Cockeshott (20a7.) for a fray upon Thomas Mershall. Peter Waddyngton and Robert Waddyngton are elected Greaves. Sum, 1 8s. Sd. Sum of the two courts, 42s. 6\d. xxxi.— Court IRoll, 24*5 Ifoenrg viii., 1532*3. (No. 16.— Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Wednesday after the feast of St. Luke, 24 Henry VIII. [23 October, 1532]. Inquest taken there. Robert Banester plaintiff against Joan, widow oF John Wilson, and Lawrence Wilson, in a plea of breach of con tract ; whereas the said Robert had agreed to take from the said Joan and Lawrence a tenement or plat of land with other appurtenances, in Barofore, let to farm by them to him for a certain term, now they had obstructed him to his serious loss, &c. The jury declare that the defendants are not guilty of obstruction. Mark Nutter sued John Nowell for 20s. for breach of no CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS agreement concerning land in exchange. Verdict for de fendant. James Hargreves, Edmund Robynson, and all other tenants in Goldsheybothe plaintiffs against John, Abbot of the Monastery of our Lady of Whalley, in a plea of trespass ; Whereas the defendant from the 20th of April 22 Henry VIII. [1531] to the day of instituting this suit had entered upon land of the plaintiffs at le Craggs called Calffhyll, in the forest of Pendle, and with his animals — -viz., oxen, cows, horses, and hogs (bidens, i.e. hogsheep) — had trodden and devoured their crops and herbs, &e, to their damage in 40.J. James Hergreves did not pursue the suit and therefore plaintiffs are in mercy. John Blakey sued James Robynson alias Jamelyn (12a7.) for 30J. for breach of agreement. The Greave was ordered to make distraint upon his goods and chattels. John Mankylhols, Peter Verley, and Thomas Verley sued James Heyggyn, James Ballerd, and their companions, for damages on account of open fences between their lands in Bareleybothe. Concord made. The jurors present Christopher Cronkeshey (2s.) for a fray upon Hugh Whittacre, who drew blood from the said Christopher in self-defence. Richard Botheman (12a7.) for cutting down and carrying away oaks and ash trees in Neyther Heygham; Nicholas Felden (12a7.) for the same offence there; Anthony Nutter (4a7.) for chasing his neigh bours' beasts. Sum, 6s. 4a7. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heygham on Wednesday after the feast of Corpus Christi, 25 Henry VIII. [18 June, 1533]. At the inquest taken there the jury declare that a certain pasture called Whitley Carre with its appurtenances, lying in the Forest of Pendle (annual rent, £6, 6s. 8a7.), had reverted to the King upon the death of Nicholas Towneley, esq., and that Richard Towneley is his son and heir ; and he is admitted tenant, upon fine of £6, 6s. Sd. The jurors present John Robert (2d.) of Blacow for cutting down and removing greenwood at Blackowfooit, to the detriment of his neighbours ; John Hanson alias Jenkyn (4a7.) and Henry Bawdwyn (4a7.) for the same offence in Wulfaw Bank. John Hergreaves alias Jack (3s. 4a7.) for washing his sheep in the Co whey at Rughlee, contrary to the birelaw. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1532-3 in James Hergreves of Sabden is elected Greave of Pendill. Sum, £6, 1 is. Sd. Sum of the two Halmotes, £6, iys. lid. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday after the feast of St. Luke, 24 Henry VIII. . [24 Oct. 1532]. George Halsted sued Philip Spenser (m.) for 40s. for trespass ; 6d. fine for not appearing to reply. Robert Lylond sued William Herteley in a plea of trespass, for obstructing and diverting a way in Littill Marsden. To that Halmote came Peter Waddyngton, Greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered 4 messuages, 35 acres of land with its appurtenances, in Burneley and Haybryngham Evez, which Thomas Whittacre son and heir of Richard Whittacre of Holme, William Barcroft son and heir of Robert Barcroft, John Yngham of Fullege, and William son and heir of John Hergreves of Lomeshey had delivered to him, to the use of Richard Towneley, jun., esq., Evan Haydock, John Whittacre, and Reginald Whittacre. Peter Clough (by Ralph Clough his father) and Catrine Tailyor forbad fine of the premisses to the feoffees by right of their inheritance. Whereupon George Halsted forbad fine, for a certain annual rent of one penny issuing out of the said lands. Thereupon the feoffees found surety Simon Haydock and Richard Halsted, and were then admitted tenants, on fine of 14^. 4d. To that Halmote came Peter Waddyngton, greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage 21 acres 1 rood of land, with appurtenances in Ightenhill and Haybryngham Evez, which Oliver Halsted, John Robynson, Richard Webster, and Nicholas Herger delivered to him, to the use of John Wodrowff, sen., John Wodrowff, jun., Henry Ryley, George Smyth, jun., Lawrence Clerke, and John Cromebock. Richard Towneley, esq., forbad fine in the name of Miles Aspeden, by right of his inheritance. The feoffees found surety Henry Whittacre, John Kepax, and John Clerk; and were admitted, on fine of ys. gd. The intent of the last recorded surrender is that John Wodrowff and his co-feoffees are to stand seised and fined in and of the messuage and other premises to the uses declared in the following indenture annexed to the Court Roll :— " Indenture Tripartyte maid the xijth day of June in the xxiiij" yere of the Reigne of Kyng- Henry the viijth [1532] Betwix John Clerke of Luddyngden within the countye of Yorke, yoman, apon thone partye, 112 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS and John Aspeden of Ightenhill within the countye of Lancastre upon thother partye." J. A. in consideration of 36/z. sterling alien- ateth to the said John Clerke his heirs and assigns for the term of 40 years the messuage 21 acres one rood with appurtenances, lying in Ightenhill and Habryngham Evez, "and over that the seid John Aspeden couenantith and grauntyth that Olyver Halsted, sone and heire apparent of Laurens Halsted, of Roulley, Nicholas Herger, sone and heire apparent of Henry Herger, Richard Webster of Padeham, and John Robynson of Padeham, Feoffez of trust seased in the premisses to the use of hym the seid John Aspeden and his heires and assignes, shall surrender and gyff upp into the Grave's hands of Ightenhill the day hereoff makyng the seid mese with other the premisses to the behove of John Woderowff thelder, John Wode- rowff yonger, Laurens Clerke, sone of the seid John Clerke, Henry Ryley, sone and heire apparent of Thomas Ryley of Hapton, George Smyth yonger, and John Crombock ; and that they shall stand feoffes of trust seased in the premisses," to the following uses : First, to the use of the said John Clerke his heirs, executors and assigns, for a term of 40 years, and afterwards the seid John Wodrowff the elder and his cofeoffees to stand seised to the use of the said John Aspeden and his right heirs for ever. Provided always that the said John Clarke his heirs, executors, and assigns shall uphold all " howsez dyks and heges, conservyng the premisses tenantable duryng all the afforeseid terme of xl yerez." BURNLEY SMITHY. " Thys order and decre is takyng by the hole ascent of all the qwest taken for the Kyng by the aduyse and Councell of the Costomers, that where as on Smethe is sett and Buledyd in the towne of Burneley wiche James Swayne nowe occupyth, The seid Inquest afforeseyd is content and agreed by the aduyse and councell afforseyd to have the same Smythe to stand still in the same steyd, wheche shal be for a Comen welth for all the hole Costomers and the comen peopple in the countre. Whereappon wee the seid Costomers hayth Elect and Chosen the same James Swayne to be Smyth and a coman seruantt Emongs hus as long as he the seid James doyth his duytie accordyng as Shal be Fondon by a quest takyn for the Kyng and for the Comen welth apon the hole Townshypp and all other the Kyng's lege peopple iff eny man will make complant apon the same James. And whereas Reparacions haith bene mayd apon the seyd Smethe by Ruchard Whittacre the seid James heyth agreed with the seid Richard and yeven unto hym iijj. iiija7. that he shall neuer forth make no busynes ne no man for hym. For the wiche aggreament Betwyx the seyd partez therfore wee the seyd Inquest will testyfy and Record at eny tyme when it shall Fortune eny person or persons that will make eny tide, trowble, or busynes consefnyng MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1532-3 113 the same Smythe. And for the more assurance it to be Recordyd in the Cowrth Rowlez accordyng to this order and agreament before mencionyd." The jury present Roger Pillyng (4a7.) for oppressing Burneley common pasture, and Richard Studdert (6a7.) for the same offence. Sum, 23s. Sd. HALMOTE oF the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday after the feast of Corpus Christi, 25 Henry VIII. [19 June, 1533]. To that . Halmote came Edmund Ascheton, esq., and surrendered six acres of land with appurtenances called Longheyhez, to the use of Thomas Ryley of the Grene and Omfrey Pollerd, who were then admitted tenants on fine of 2s. The intent being that the said feoffees should stand and be seised to the use oF the said Edmund Ascheton for the term of his life, with remainder to his brother Edward Ascheton for term of his life, with remainder to the right heirs of the said Edmund for ever. To that Halmote came Robert Woderoff, tenant of our lord the King, and surrendered a messuage called Cros- bonke [rewritten "Croshouse"] with a stable annexed to the house of John Ynggham and its appurtenances in Burneley, which John Aspeden, jun., John Kepax, John Ynggham of Fullege, John Aspeden, sen., and George Ormerod delivered to him, to the use of Oliver Halsted, Peter Ormerod, William Halsted, John Woderowff, jun., and John Ormerod. Admittance on fine of gd. John Wodrowff and others reeves of the Church of Burneley plaintiffs against Richard Tattersall of the Rigge, Edward Tattersall, and Christopher Jackson (by pledge of Richard Tattersall), in a plea of unjust detention and occu pation of land, viz., of five and a half acres of land and the third part of an acre of land, and the appurtenances lying at Habryngham Evez (annual rent 6s. Sd.), given by John Ynggham, chaplain, to the Church of Burneley for singing masses for the safety of his soul, as by prohibucion of the same fine will more at large appear. The parties were charged to appear at the Halmote to be held at Burneley before the feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist, 24 Henry VIII., viz. 13 June [1532]: When both parties appeared and sought an adjournment until the next Halmote after Easter, where the suit should be tried under penalty of contempt of the King. Whereupon they then appeared and VOL. II. H 114 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS the defendants declined to be tried then for the said plea. Therefore the Court admitted the plaintiffs to fine with the King for the said land and 6s. Sd. rent, and ordered them to recover seisin against the defendants. John Shakylden sued Edmund Bothe for los., for wrong fully taking six loads of turf. Concord made. The jurors present Christopher Stevenson (20d.) for a fray upon Thomas lately miller of Padeham mill, whose surname is forgotten. John Whitwham (5*.) for making a rescue upon Christopher Nowell, the King's Bailiff, when executing his duty. James Willisill is elected Greave of Ightenhill. Sum, 9^. I id. Sum of the two Courts, 33s. yd. xxxil— court 1Roll, 26*7 Ihenrg viii., 1534*5. (No. 17. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heygham on Wednesday before the feast of All Saints, 26 Henry VIII. [28 October, 1534]. Inquest taken from the Forest of Penhull. To that Halmote came James Hergreves, then greave of Penhull, and surrendered 3 messuages, other buildings, &c, lying in Hunterholme and the Fence in the forest of Pen- hull (rent, 33J. yd.), which John Cronkeshey, sen., delivered to him to the use of Richard Merschall, Miles Cleyton, Richard Moore, and John Crooke, according to the intent of a pair of indentures made between Thomas Ryley of Hapton in co. Lane., yeoman, of the one part, and John Cronkeshey, sen., of the other, dated 20 Oct., 25 Henry VIII. [1533]. Margaret, now wife of the said John Cronkeshey, forbad fine, for her dower. James Hergreves of Sabden was found surety, and hereupon came Geoffrey Feilden and Robert Cronkshey and forbad fine, that John Cronkshey had no right to land lying in the Fence as appears in a fine. Thereupon the feoffees found surety Hugh Moore, and were then admitted, on fine of 33J. yd. To that Halmote came Hugh Moore, greave of Penhull, and surrendered a messuage with appurtenances in Bareley Bothe (rent, 1 5.5-.), which Thomas Verley delivered to him, to the use of John son of James Herteley, Thomas son of Robert Verley, Richard son of Peter Verley, and James son of William Robynson. The surrenderees were admitted on fine of 1 Ss. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1534-5 115 "The Will and Intent of me Thomas Vefley of Barleybothe" provides that the abovenamed tenements are to be vested in the abovenamed feoffees for his own use while alive, and to the use of his wife Elsabeth after his decease for term of her life, with remainder to their issue male or female ; and the feoffees were to " surrender and yeve upp the seyd lands at such tyme as the seyd Isshew male or female or whether of theym as shall fortune then to be my heir shall requir the gyft upp of the seyd mease land by the seyd Feoffes, Wiche to the contrary they the seyd Feoffes shall not refuse to doo by this my present will and Intent. And also Further I will that for defalth of suche Isshew of the bodes of me the seyd Thomas and Elsabeth my wiff laufully to be gotten Betwyx us, Then I will that my seyd Feoffes be Fynyd and seasyd in and of the seyd mease and other the premysses to the use of one preist now wiche is or at eny tyme herafter shalbe For euer to selebrayth and syng masse at the Newe Chapell offowr Blessyd Laydy in Penhull Towerd his stypend and exibucyon — Wiche seyd prest shall pray For me all my Frends' sowls and all Cristen Souls — And that the seyd Feoffes shall yerely content and pay unto the seyd preist all the increase and profett of the seyd mease and other the premysses ouer and aboue the seyd Rent of xvj. yerely due unto our Souerand Lorde the Kyng." To that Halmote came John Hergreves, greave of Penhull, and surrendered a messuage with appurtenances in Gold sheybothe and le Craggs, lying in the forest of Penhull (rent, Ss. 41a7.), which Mark Nutter delivered to him, to the use of Richard Nutter, sen., Richard Nutter, jun., John son of James Hergreves, and Stephen Nutter. Margaret, wife of Mark Nutter, forbad fine, for her dower. Where upon the cofeoffees found James Hergreves surety, and were then admitted, on fine of Ss. 4\d. The intent declares that the said feoffees shall stand seised of the premises to the use of Mark Nutter for life with remainder to his son Richard and his right heirs, and for default of issue of the said Richard to the use of Edmund Nutter and his heirs, and for default of heirs to the right heirs male of said Mark Nutter for ever. To that Halmote came Agnes, wife of Christopher Bawdwen, and was examined by the Steward, and sur rendered a messuage with appurtenances in Overbarowfore and Nether Barowfore in the said forest (rent, ys. 6§d.), to the use of Robert Banester, who was then admitted, on fine of ys. 6\d. At that Halmote the lord the King Henry VII. on Monday next after the feast of Holy Trinity in the year of his reign the 22nd [1507] by Peter Leigh, then Steward of Blackeburneshir, granted out of his hands (by virtue of his commission to the said Steward) to Peter Smyth a mes suage parcel of the vaccary called Rughle, other buildings 116 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS and lands with appurtenances lying in the Forest of Pen- hull, to be held by the said Peter his heirs and assigns, according to the custom of the said Manor of Penhull, yielding yearly to the King his heirs and assigns igs. 6d. at Easter and St. Michael the Archangel by equal portions, with the usual fines, heriots, and reliefs. Pleas. — James Hergreves v. John Nowell, debt, 15^.; concord. John Hergreves v. John Smyth of Rughlee, Peter Smith, Henry Heigyn, and James Smyth, in a plea of open fences ; Peter Smyth culpable only. Anthony Nutter v. Mark Nutter and Richard Nutter, trespass, 3.?. 2d. ; con cord. Lawrence Herteley v. James Michell, cutting down fences ; damages, 3d. James Herteley, Ellis Browne, Robert Swyrer, and John Ballerd v. James Ballerd, John Man- kylhols, Peter Verley, and Thomas Verley, for open fences ; ordered to make the fences good. John Croke, John Cronkeshay, sen., John Cronkeshay, jun., plaintiffs against Edmund Emott and James Hergreves, for occupying land in the Fence beyond their metes and boundaries, to 20s. damage. The jury declare defendants are not guilty, and say that the stream called Holynbank Syke as then running is the boundary between them. Richard Nutter plaintiff against Mark Nutter and John Nowell in a plea of open fences. A special jury declare that Mark Nutter shall repair a fourth of all the fences between him and Richard Nutter in Byrchenlee. Robert Derwen sued John Hergreves alias Jack, for detention of four yards (virg .) of woollen cloth, value 3s. 4a7. ; the jury award plaintiff 2s. damages. James Michell plaintiff against Lawrence Hergreves and Henry Mitton, in a plea oF trespass, for wrongfully using a certain ancient way at Barowfore. Verdict given for defendant. Peter Verley sued John Mankylhols for 40s. for keeping his fences, dikes and ditches open at Mankilholls Yng. The jury order him to keep and repair for the future one half of all fences between Mankillholles Yng and le Lougher Yng. The jury present that Peter Verley of Bareley Bothe is elected Greave of Penhull. Sum, £3, ys. o\d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhyll, held at Heygham on Wednesday, 16 June, 27 Henry VIII. [1535]. Pleas. — Geoffrey Shakylden v. Lawrence Hergreves of MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1534-5 117 Lawgher Barowfore, 5 marks debt ; concord was made between them. Christopher Hanson v. Christopher Nutter, 2s. Sd. debt ; concord. James Herteley, jun., of Over Barowfore, plaintiff against John Sutclyff in a plea of unjust detention and occupation of a certain parcel of land in the pasture, to his damage in 40s. Concorded. It is presented by inquest that a messuage with appur tenances in Over and Nether Barowfore in the forest of Penhull (rent, ys. 6\d.), has reverted to the King upon the death of Robert Banester and that Henry Banester is his son and heir and 1 2 years of age ; and that Lawrence Towneley is his guardian. Elezabeth, widow of the said Robert, forbad fine, for her dower, and Christopher Robyn son of Barowfore forbad fine, for a right of way there. Thereupon the said Henry Banester, by Christopher Lister, found surety Richard Towneley, and was then admitted, on fine of ys. 6\d. To "that Halmote came Nicholas Stevenson, greave of Penhull, and surrendered a messuage with appurtenances in le Newland (rent, 44s. S^a7.), which Ellis Nutter, sen., delivered to him, to the use of John son and heir of John Robynson of Oldeland, Hugh Parker, Ellis Nutter, jun., Richard Nutter of Sabden, and John Croke, and to the use and intent of a pair of indentures dated 17 March, 26 Henry VIII. [1534-5]. Hugh Parker, in the name of Ellen Nutter then wife of the said Ellis, forbad fine, for her dower. The feoffees then found James Hergreves surety, and were admitted, on fine of 44s. s\d. John Hergreves alias Jack was plaintiff against Peter Robynson, William Robinson, William Smyth, John Herte ley, Richard Bybby, Miles Nutter, and John Hyrst in a plea oF land, in that the said defendants had inclosed and encroached severally to their own use a certain parcel of land of common pasture called le Cowhey lying in Rughlee, parcel of plaintiff's land, and had disseised and deforced him so that he had damage to the value of £6, 6s. Sd. A special jury declare that the defendants were guilty and order them to throw down the inclosures and throw.' open the said parcels. al :v The above defendants sue John Hargreves alias Jack for wrongfully placing a house with a garden thereat Thorneholme upon their lands, to their damage in,20,marks. The jury give a verdict for defendant. They also sue him together with Nicholas Robynson for unjust detention and 118 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS occupation of one and a half acre of land at Rughlee, lately encroached and inclosed, by Nicholas Robynson and James Robynson deceased. The jury declare that defendants shall throw open one half acre of land among the plaintiffs and acquit them of the rest. To that Halmote came Nicholas Stevenson, greave of Penhull, and surrendered a messuage with appurtenances in Redehaylows in the forest of Penhull (rent, 35.?.), which Ellis Nutter delivered to him to the use of John son and heir of John Robynson of Oldeland, Hugh Parker, Ellis Nutter, jun., Richard Nutter of Sabden, and John Croke and to the use and intent of a pair of indentures dated 17 March, 26 Henry VIII. [1534-5]- Elen Nutter, wife of the said Ellis Nutter, forbad fine for her dower. Thereupon the said feoffees find James Hargreaves as surety, and are admitted, on fine of 35J. The jurors present Hugh Whittacre (3s. 4a7.) and Arthur Whittaker (20a7.) for making a fray together, and Hugh for drawing blood from the said Arthur. John Browne (12a7.) of Wyswall for graving and taking turf called " le Flaghts " within Goldsheyboth, where he had no right ; Richard Ratclyff (12a7.) and John Botheman (12a7.) for the like offence. Sum, 52J. g\d. Sum of the two Courts, £5, igs. iod. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhyll, held at Burneley on Thursday next before the feast of All Saints, 26 Henry VIII. [29 Oct. 1534]. Inquest taken there in virtue of office. Robert Wodrowff, Henry Herger, Robert Feilden, and John Ryley, chaplain, together were plaintiffs against Richard Webster of Horegreve, Thomas Willisill, and Thomas Hey in a plea of unjust detention and occupation of two acres of land and 22 falls of land lying on the west side of Padeham Hey and Crosbank, whereby they had a loss of 40s. Verdict for the defendants. Among the jurors were John Herteley of Bradley, Christopher Jackson of Colne, John Halsted of Wyndilhowse, and John Halsted of Heigh Halsted. ' It is presented by inquest that a messuage, 14 acres of land with the appurtenances, lying in Burneley, have reverted to the King upon the death of Robert Woderowff, and that John Woderowff is his son and heir and under age, William Barcroft being his guardian. Jennet his mother forbad fine, for her dower. Thereupon the said John found MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1534-5 "9 surety John Robynson of Oldeland and Lawrence BrereclyfF, and he was admitted, on fine of Ss- 4a7. To that Halmote came Thomas Lister, Richard Towneley of Roole, Hugh Habringham, by Oliver Halsted, deputy for the wife of Nicholas Lee, and surrendered a parcel of land, with a house erected thereon, lying in Burneley, and con taining 60 feet in length and 30 feet in width, lately in the tenure of George Hergreves, to the use of Alexander Rusheworth, Henry Banester, Evan Haydock, John Yngham of Fullege, John Woderowff, and John, son of Charles Towneley. They were admitted, on fine of id. To that Halmote came James Willisill, then Greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered 8 acres of land called Heigh Redehalgh lying in Brereclyff, with its appurtenances, which Christopher Redehalgh, Robert Blakey, and John Kepax delivered to him, to the use oF William Barcroft, Robert Parker, Robert Halsted, and John son of John Halsted of Wyndilhowse, to the use and intent of a pair of indentures made between John Halsted of Heighalsted of the one part and Christopher Redehalgh of Brereclyff of the other part, dated last of June, 25 Henry VIII. [1533]- Admittance granted, on fine of 2s. 8d. The jurors present George Ryley (2s.) for making a fray upon George Fletcher and drawing his blood, and likewise Oliver Ryley (2s.) for a fray upon Edmund Robert, and like wise James Sterkye (12a7.), George Whittacres, and John Whittacre (nil, quia extra) for making a fray together; likewise Thomas Willisill (3s. 4a7.) and Robert Yngham (20a7.) for a fray together ; also John Clegg ([2d.) and Giles Crowder (20a7.); also Lawrence Parker (20a?.) and Oliver Halsted; also Robert Yngham (12a7.) and Hugh Halsted. William Folds is elected Greave of Ightenhill. Sum, 23s. Sd. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhyll, held at Burneley on Thursday, 17 June, 27 Henry VIII. [1535]. To that Halmote came John Aspeden, chaplain, and took from the waste of the lord the King a parcel containing 2 ells in width and 54 feet in length as it lay in Burneley on the eastern side of a certain house there called Crossehowse. He is admitted, on fine of id. for new improvement. The jurors present that Thomas Merschall of Padeham sold coals to strangers without licence, and he was amerced 8a7. Sum, gd. Sum of the two Courts, 24s. 5 a7. I.20 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS xxxm.-Court IRoII, 28*9 Ifoeun? viii., 1537. (No. 1 8. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heygham on Wednesday, viz., 17 January, 28 Henry VIII. [I536-7]- Inquest taken there from the Forest of Pendyll. Henry Bawdwen sued William Bawdwen for 405-. damages for oppressing his pasture called le Weitheid. Concorded. Edmund Robynson, sen., plaintiff against James Her greves and Edmund Robynson, jun., in a plea of trespass, occupation, and division of all messuages and other lands called Afterland, lying in Goldshey Bothe. Concorded. Hugh Moore, Richard Hergreves, Robert Hergreves, Ralph Hergreves, George Hergreves, John Moore, and Christopher Moore, tenants of the King in Heigham Bothe, were plaintiffs against James Hergreves, the relict of Edmund Stevenson, John Stevenson, Edmund Stevenson, Ellis Nutter, and Robert Nutter, tenants of the King in Sab den and Goldshey Bothe, in a plea of trespass, for not making. or repairing their hedges and ditches- upon their fences at le Tryster Topp. The defendants say that they were not accustomed to repair or make the hedges and fences there (as was asserted) of old time. The jury order them each to repair his own share sufficiently in each year for the future. Robert Nutter plaintiff against Ellis Nutter, sen., and Ellis Nutter, jun., in a plea of trespass for unjust entrance upon and occupation of a Marlpit now in the occupation of the said Robert Nutter. A special jury declare that defendants shall occupy and enjoy each his share of the marlpit for the lands which they now occupy in le Lawgher Land according to the use and intent of an agreement between Henry Nutter, Ellis Nutter, and Christopher Nutter made in former time now past. James Herteley, jun., plaintiff against James Herteley of Blakowe and Lawrence Robynson in a plea of trespass, for obstructing a way lying in the pasture of Overbarowfore. Verdict for defendants. James Herteley of Blakowe, sen., plaintiff against James Herteley, jun., in a plea oF trespass, for obstructing a certain way in le Bryghill up the Starbank. The jury de clare that the defendant shall have a right of way in each year from St. Martin until March for carrying his dung; and likewise between the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross until Saint Michael's the Archangel he shall MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1537 i2T drive his beasts to and fro upon the above-named road to le Bryghill, and not at other times. Richard and Anthony Nutter and others their associates were plaintiffs against Edmund Robynson, sen., Edmund Robynson, jun., in a plea of partition of 80 acres of land in Goldsheybothe. A special jury declare that the plaintiffs shall have the division of the said 80 acres without any gainsay of the said defendants. To that Halmote came John Smyth and Alice his wife in their own persons and surrendered a messuage and other premises in Overbarowfore (rent, iSs. 3\d.), to the use of Nicholas, son of the said John and Alice Smyth. James Banester, son and heir of the said Alice Smyth, forbad fine by right of his inheritance, and at the same halmote the said Nicholas Smyth produced a certain writing of acquit tance and release signed and delivered to the said Nicholas by the said James Banester for his title and right for the said messuage. Upon proclamation no one gainsaid the said writing, but upon a second proclamation being made, came Christopher Lister, esq., and Robert Derwen and forbad fine, for a certain covenant between the said James Banester of the one part and the said Christopher and Robert of the other part, as well as for portion and sub stance of the goods and chattels of Margaret, daughter of the said Alice Smyth and now wife of the said Robert Derwen, existing and remaining in the custody of the said John Smyth and Alice his wife, to the value of ^20. There upon Nicholas Smyth found Hugh Parker and John Hergreves of Barowfore sureties, and the messuage with the premises was demised to the said Nicholas, who paid a fine of 1 5 s. 3^d.'ior admittance. To that Halmote came Nicholas Stevenson, greave of Pendill, and surrendered a messuage with the appurtenances in Heigham (rent, 405-.), which Richard Tempest, kt., chief steward, by surrender of Edmund Emot and Chris topher Hergreves had delivered to him, to the use of John Robynson, jun., of Oldland, Ellis Nutter, jun., James Herteley of Lawgher Barowfore, and John, son of Hugh Parker. Thereupon came the said John, Ellis, James, and John Parker and sought admittance to fine. Then Chris topher Moore forbad fine, for a sixth part of the said mes suage and premises. The surrenderees then found John Robynson of Oldland and Hugh Parker sureties, and were then admitted tenants, on fine of 40y. The jurors from the forest of Pendill present that a mes- 122 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS suage with appurtenances in Rughlebothe (rent, 16s. 8a7.) has reverted to the King upon the death of Peter Robynson alias Perkyn, and that Christopher Robynson is his son and heir. Elen Robynson, wife of Peter Robynson, forbad fine, for her dower; whereupon Christopher Robynson found John Herteley alias Trock surety, and was then admitted, on fine of 16s. Sd. Christopher Robynson of Rughle is elected Greave of Pendill. Sum, £3, 13s. n\d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhyll, held at Heygham on Wednesday after the feast of Corpus Christi, 29 Henry VIII. [6 June, 1537]. Inquest taken there at which the jury present that James Herteley (4a7.) of Blackowe keeps an objectionable dog (canem irracionabilem) to his neighbours' injury ; John Robynson (4a7.) of Overbarowfore likewise. James Michell (4d.) for keeping a flock of geese contrary to the communal custom (plebicetum). John, son of Peter Robynson (12a7.) for making a rescue upon the incloser called le Pynder. Edmund Emot (4a7.), James Hergreves (4a7.), Sibell Stevenson (4a7.), John Dew- hyrst (2d.), and the relict of William Stevenson for breaking their neighbours' hedges. John Kyngstones (12a7.) for fishing with his nets within Calder and Pendill water without licence. John Smyth (12a7.), Randle Smyth (12a7.) for keeping greyhounds, spaniels (leperarios odorencicos), and other dogs for chasing and destroying hares and wild animals within the forest or chace of Pendill, contrary to the statute and without licence. James Herteley alias Byrdee (12a7.) for the like offence. Debt. — Robert Chew v. Edmund Stevenson, ys. 6d. ; concord made. Sum, ys. yd. Sum of the two Courts, £4, is. s\d. HALMOTE ofthe Manor of Ightenhyll, held at Burneley on Thursday, viz., 18 January, 28 Henry VIII. [1536-7]. Inquest taken there out of office. The jurors present that a messuage, 18 acres of land and 1 penny rent, lying in Sabden Bank with appurtenances in Padeham have reverted to the King upon the death of Robert Banester, and that Henry Banester is his son and heir (13 years of age and more) and that Lawrence Towneley is his guardian. Law rence Towneley, in the name of Elesabeth, widow of the MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1537 123 said Robert, forbad fine, for her dower ; thereupon the said Henry found surety John Kepax, and was admitted, on fine of 6s. id. The jury present that Richard Webster (12a?.) and James Willisill (12a7.) do not keep an adequate road in Padeham Hey, contrary to a penalty lately inflicted. James Smyth (6d.) and Alan Smyth (6d.) for entertaining and lodging vagabonds ; Ralph Hergreves (2d.) of Chamer, Lawrence Hergreves (2a?.) of Chamerheyd, Robert Her grevez of the same place, and James Hyndill of Pyghole entertain vagabonds contrary to the statute. William Collynson (2d.) for entertaining and keeping Margery Spenser, who is a petty larcener ; Robert Smyth (4d.) for the same cause, in respect of Edward Smyth, who is a common hunter ; and likewise William Whittacre (4a7.) for keeping Nicholas Whittacre('s) son, who is a petty hunter. Lawrence Parker for keeping a harrier contrary to the statute. John Cronkeshey (3s. 4a7.) for a fray upon Elesabeth Hergreves. Henry Banester, son of Robert Banester, and Joan Banester, widow of Henry Banester, are elected Greave of Ightenhill for lands called Whitfeld and Redefore ; Richard Bentham and John Yaits, constables. Sum, 14s. 3d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday after the feast of Corpus Christi, 29 Henry VIII. [7 June, 1537]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office. The jury present that two tofts with two gardens and orchards, lying in Padeham, have reverted to the King, upon the death of Nicholas Towneley, and that Richard Towneley of Rowle is his son and heir ; the heir is thereupon admitted, on fine of 4a7. They also present that Cecily Broneley (4a7.) entertains and lodges William Smyth, who breaks his neighbours' hedges ; and also Gylbert Farebank (4a7.), chaplain, lodges William Whittacre and Alice Tailyor, who are hedge- breakers; George Byrche (4a7.) for lodging Lettice Bothe, and Robert Smyth (2d.) for lodging Richard Pillyng, who is a hedgebreaker; Margery Walker (4a7.) for lodging John Walker, a hedgebreaker; Oliver Halsted (4a7.) for lodging Joan Grene, a hedgebreaker. Richard Walker (4a?.) for breaking his neighbours' hedges. 124 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Henry Cockeshot (12a7.) and Thomas Qwypp (4a7.) for selling coals to strangers without the lordship of Padeham, without the licence of the King's farmer there. William Hergreves (4a7.) and John Hegyn (4a7.) for the same offence without Marsden lordship. Henry Walton (12a7.) of Hogehowse and Lawrence Herteley (12a7.) for not repairing the road in a certain lane called Bradley Lone. William Smyth (2d.) of Pyghole for incroaching a certain parcel of the King's waste containing by estimation a fourth of a rood of land, without licence. William Banester for keeping a cottage within the vill of Padeham, to the injury of his neighbours, viz., the one in which Marion Crabb now dwells. William Banester (2d.) for lodging John Walker, a lawless tenant. Nicholas Whittacre (2d.) for lodging Margery Spenser, a hedge- breaker. Roger Cockeshot (2d.) for lodging Gilbert Stevenson in a cottage in the vill of Padeham to his neigh bours' hurt. Richard Wylson (2d.) for lodging George Wulfenden and Elesabeth Kent, who likewise break their neighbours' fences. Gilbert Farebank (2d.), chaplain, for lodging Edward Brygg, who breaks his neighbours' fences. John Cronkeshey (20a7.) for a fray upon Thomas Coore, Thomas Wode, and Robert Wilson. Likewise George Huncot (20a7.), chaplain, John Cronkeshey (20a7.), and Nicholas Wilkinson (nichil, quia nichil habef) for a fray upon Thomas Coore, Thomas Wode, and Robert Wilson, and drawing blood upon them.* Robert Roods for a fray upon John Whitwham and drawing his blood ; but he is not amerced for he has fled the country. Sum, 1 2 s. Sd. Sum of the two Courts, 26s. lid. xxxiv.-Court 1Roll, 29*30 1beur» viii., 1537*8. (No. 19.— Preserved,at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Wednesday, 17 Oct., 29 Henry VIII. [1537]. Thomas Clyfford, kt., Steward. Lawrence Wylson v. John Sutclyff, plea of trespass for open fences at Fulshey; the jury order defendant to make the fences good in future. Christopher Robynson v. John Hergreves alias Jacke, plea of trespass whereby defendant's beasts had damaged * In margin : Mo. to allow all save 2s. upon John Cronkeshey. MANOR QF IGHTENHILL, 1537-8 125 plaintiff's crops ; verdict for defendant. The same de fendant v. same plaintiff, plea of trespass for taking six wagon loads of stones called lymestones from plaintiff's land and injury to his crops ; verdict for defendant. William Mitton and Richard Bybby v. Peter Smyth, plea of partition and division of lands at Rughle, whereof plain tiffs were seised for a long period, called New Intack, and also for open fences between a parcel of land called the Croft and the New Intack, and for diverting a stream flowing at Ouerflodyait and Netherflodyait from its proper course at the Nether Intack, to their damage in 40s. The jury order the lands in dispute in le Meane ground to be measured between them by rate of their yearly rent to the King. Peter Smyth v. William Mitton in a plea of trespass, for unjust occupation and detention of certain parcels of land at Rughlee against plaintiff's will and contrary to the decree made by John Burgone, esq., the King's auditor, and Richard Boneham, gent., the receiver of the King's Duchy of Lancaster, and for taking the rents and profits thereof for the last 27 years, whereby he has suffered a loss of £10. A special jury give a verdict for the defendant. The same Peter Smyth v. Richard Bybby, for the same plea in all particulars ; the verdict was for the defendant. John Hergreves alias Jacke v. Peter Smyth, Henry Hyggyn, William Mitton, William Smyth, John Smyth, and Richard Bybby for detention and unjust occupation of a portion of land called the Dolez in the Intack in Rughlee. A special jury give verdict for the defendants. Miles Nutter, John Hertelay, Peter and John and William Smyth, Richard Bybby, and John Hyrst v. John Hergreves alias Jacke, Nicholas and Christopher and Miles Robynson in a plea of land, for a share of a parcel containing 3 acres and a half occupied and enclosed by defendants at Derlay- banks Ende. A special jury give a verdict for defendants. James Banester (by Christopher Lister, esq.) and Robert Derwen, attorney for the said James, are plaintiffs against John Smyth and Alice his wife by pledge of Hugh Parker and John Hergreves, as well in a plea of land con cerning a messuage and appurtenances in Over Barowfore (yearly rent, 15^. 3\d.), which upon the death of James Banester his father descended by right to James as son and right heir; as for portion of the substance of all goods and chattels which belonged to James Banester his father and should descend to him by the last will of his father, to the value of £20. The defendants in reply declare that 126 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Alice aforesaid (now wife of John Smyth) after the death of her former husband James Banester in her pure viduity fined with the King before Peter Leigh, kt., steward, for the said messuage and. premises, and so seised surrendered the said messuage to the use of Nicholas Smyth, son of the said John Smyth and Alice his wife, which Nicholas then fined for them according to the custom of the Manor as appears in the rolls ; without that the said messuage and appurtenances descended to the said James Banester by the death of his father and her (the said Alice's) hus band, or at any time before or after was seised by right according to the custom of the manor as the plaintiffs had above declared against them, or that the plaintiff claimed to have £20 from them for his portion by right of his father's will. A special jury declare that the defendants do not owe £20 to plaintiff by right of the last will of the said James Banester ; and that as regards the title to the said messuage and premises it should be tried and determined by a special jury of 24 men. Robert Derwen and Margaret his wife v. John Smyth and Alice his wife for 20 marks debt, as in the above plea. The jury give a verdict for the defendants. To that Halmote came John Bulcoke, greave of Pendill, and surrendered a messuage with appurtenances in Pendill (rent, iu. ifa7.), which John Smyth delivered to him to the use of James Smyth. John, father of the said James Smyth, forbad fine, as he held the premises in security for term of his life. James Smyth found Lawrence Towneley, gent., surety and Nicholas Robynson of Thorneholme, and was then admitted to fine, lis. i\d. The jury present that Christopher Robynson (4a7.) ob structed a gate at Derlaybanke. Peter Smyth is elected Greave. Sum, 14s. g\d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heygham on Wednesday before the feast of Pentecost, 30 Henry VIII. [5 June, 1538]. • James Hergreves of Sabden v. Mark Nutter in a plea of detention of several roof timbers and " iij le per of Crocks " of one house value Ss. The jury declare the defendant guilty. The jury present John Smyth (3d.) of Overbarowfore, Christopher (2d.) and John Robynson (id.), Thomas Dyl- worth (id.), Lawrence Robynson (4a7.), Thomas Holth(ia7.), Nicholas Fawset (3d.), John Hergreves ( 1 a7.), James Hertelay MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1537-8 127 (2d). Lawrence Blakey (2d), Christopher Blakey (4a7.), John Hanson (2d) alias Jenkyn, William Bawdwen (id), Henry Bawdwen (id), Christopher Nutter (id), John Herteley (2d) of Rughlee, Christopher Robynson (id) ofthe same place, William Robynson (id), John Hergreves (4a7.) alias Jack, Nicholas Robynson (4a7.),- Robert Bulcock (4a7.), James Hergreves (id) of Whittalgh, Robert Swire (id), the relict of Robert Blakey (id), James Ballerd (id), James Herteley (2d), Miles CrabtTe(id), Thomas Verley (id), Peter Verley, sen. (id), Robert Verley (id), Peter Verley, jun. (id), Roger Herteley (id), William Herteley (id), Nicholas Robynson (id), John Bulcocke (id) alias Jenkyn, John Robynson, jun. (id), and Nicholas Bulcoke (id) for with drawing their soke from the King's mill at Colne, without licence of the King's farmer there. John Robynson (i2d) of Oldeland for fishing with nets in Pendill water, John Kyngstones (l2d) and Giles Sclayter (12a7.) for the same offence there. John Hergreves (2s. 6d) and George Hergreves (2s. 6a7.) For a fray upon Edmund Robynson, sen., and drawing blood upon him. Fines, Ss- 2d. Sum, 13s. Sd. Sum of the two Courts, 28.?. Sfa7. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday, 18 Oct., 29 Henry VIII. [1537]. Thomas Clyfford, kt., Steward. Debts. — John Wode by William Whittacre v. John Clerke of Ovenden, £5. Thomas Hey v. same, 6 marks, 3s. 4a7. Defendant (Sd.) did not appear to either case. Alice, late wife of John Hey, v. Roger Cockeshot and Henry Cockeshot in a plea of trespass. Philip Spenser v. John Hoppay (Sd.) for keeping open fences ; but defendant did not appear. The jury present that John Hegyn (Sd), Henry Hegyn (8a7.), James Whitheid (8a7.), Richard Kepax (8a7.), Lawrence Spenser (8a7.), Christopher Cowper (8a7.), John Wyndill (Sd), Richard Whitheid (8d), Lawrence Hergrevez (Sd), Robert Hergrevez (8a7.), and James Mitton (8a7.) sold pit coals to strangers beyond the lordship of Marseden, without licence of the King's farmer there. Henry Cockeshot (20a7.) of Padeham for selling coals without the said vill, without licence; and Hugh Habryngham (2d.) sold coals beyond the Halmote in like manner. Henry Heygyn (4a7.) for incroaching a parcel of land containing \ rood and another parcel containing \ rood 128 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS from the King's waste in Marsden vill. Richard Itchon (2.?.) for a fray upon John Aspeden, chaplain. John Haworth is elected Greave of Ightenhill ; George Halsted and Thomas Yngham, constables. Thomas Merschall and the widow of Richard Hey are elected constables of Padeham, and Nicholas Hergreves constable of Little Marsden. Sum, 14s. iod. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday next before Pentecost, 30 Henry VIII. [6 June, 1538]. The jurors firstly present that whereas Robert Shakerlay, sen., was seised of six acres of land in Shottylworth Eez and thus died seised, and Thomas Shakerlay was his son and heir and was gone beyond sea out of the kingdom of England and there was tarrying when he died neither seised nor having made fine with the King according to custom, thereby the said six acres reverted into the hands of the King upon the death of the said Robert Shakerlay, sen. ; and Robert Shakerlay, son of Thomas, is his kinsman and next heir of the said Robert his grandfather. Therefore the said Robert claimed admittance, but Gilbert Holden, gent., and Henry Shottylworth and other honest persons standing round presented in court and gave intelligence to the Steward that a certain Anne Shakerlay, daughter of Robert Shakerlay, sen., and sister of the said Thomas Shakerley fined with the King for the said six acres immediately after the death of Robert Shakerlay her father by information of the said Anne to the then Steward that the said Thomas her brother was then tarrying over seas without heirs of his body begotten, whereby the said land ought to descend by right to her as daughter and next heir of the said Robert her father. Which information and fine of the said Anne, after examination in full court, was found void and of no effect, in that the said Anne did fraudulently and unjustly fine for the said premises. Thereupon after a second -proclamation had been made, as of custom was wont, no one forbad. Whereupon the said Robert Shakerlay, jun., was admitted to fine, 2s. And afterwards to the same Halmote came the said Robert Shakerlay and surrendered the said six acres of land in Shottylworth Eez to the use of Edmund Ascheton, esq., who was forthwith admitted to fine, 2s. The jury present that John Yggyn (8a7.) sold coals beyond the Halmote. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1538-9 129 John Cronkeshey (2s), Thomas Sonkye (2s), Thomas Mershall (2s), Omfrey Hey (4a7.), Thomas Bulcock (4a7.), Nicholas Dogeson (4a7.), Robert Cockeshot (2j.), Henry Byr- twissill (4a7.), Thomas Whipp (4a7.), John Wylkynson (4a7.), Richard Webster (12a7.) of Horegreve, Lawrence Whittacre (4a7.), William Nutter (Sd), Christopher Diconson (4a7.), John Hey (Sd), Christopher Nowell (4a7.), and John Crooke (12a7.) for cutting down and carrying away hollies (ussetos) m. the wood of Northewode, without licence and contrary to the birelaw. John Roo, sen. (4a7.), for cutting his turf on the moor called Thornehill More. Giles Sclayter (2s.) for fishing in Calder water. Thomas Fletcher (12a7.) for breaking down his neighbours' fences to burn them. Christopher Jackeson (4a7.), John Lonsdale (id), Ellen Hoppay (2d), Richard Saigher (3d), Giles Smyth (2d), Ralph Smyth (2d), Thomas (2d.) and John Smyth (2d.) for digging their turf on Saxifeld moor without right. Ellis Nutter, sen. (12a7.), John Hyggyn (12a7.) of Olde- land, and James Herteley (12a7.) of Wheitley for trespass with sheep and horses on Saxifeld common pasture, to the hurt of the King's tenants in Ightenhill. Nicholas Hancock (8a7.) and John Crook (8a7.) for the same offence on Padeham common pasture. Robert Cockeshot (8a7.), John son of Christopher Cronke shey (8a7.), and Thomas Bulcock (8a7.) for making a fray upon one another. John Cockeshot (4a7.) of Padeham for cutting down under wood at Whittacre Clough. Fines, 14s. 4a7.; 28.?. Sd. Sum of the two Halmotes, 43J. 6d. xxxv.— court IRoll, 30*31 Ifoenrg viii., 1538*9. (No. 20. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Wednesday after the feast of St. Martin in Winter, 30 Henry VIII. [13 Nov. 1538]. Anthony and John Nutter v. John and Nicholas Steven son in a plea of sharing in a parcel of land in Goldeshey Bothe. Concord made. William and Nicholas Stevenson v. John Robynson of Oldeland, Ellis Nutter, Robert Nutter, James Hergreves, VOL. II. I 130 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Edmund Robynson, sen., Edmund Robynson, jun., Ed mund and John Stevenson, and Sibel Stevenson, in a plea of partition and division of all lands in the Fence, parcel of the Forest of Pendill. Verdict that the lands in dispute are adequately divided and partitioned between them for ever. Lawrence Wilson v. John Smyth and Christopher Robyn son in a plea of partition and division of all lands in the Stone Edge and Qwitcroft in Pendill. Verdict that one part of the lands is divided ; the other is to be divided at Stone- edge by two land measurers, each of them for his own portions. Agnes, widow of William Robynson, v. Ellis Browne in a plea of trespass, for detention of her land at Barelay Bothe (rent, 5.?.), which she held by surrender of her husband for term of her life. Verdict that defendant is not guilty of the alleged detention, and that the said Ellis shall occupy the said land according to the testimony made by Robert Verlay, John Ballerd, Miles Crabtre, bearing date II August, 29 Henry VIII. [1537]. Miles Robynson and Christopher Robynson v. John Hergreves alias Jacke and Nicholas Robynson of Thorne- holme, in a plea of unjust detention and occupation of a parcel of land in Derlay Banke, containing three acres and a half by estimation, lately inclosed by defendants, and for taking lymestones from the stream of water which they had acquired in Derlay Banke, and obstruction of the highway jointly used. Verdict : that the defendants shall occupy the said 3 J acres and other lands in Derlay Banke as Hugh Moore (by consent of both parties) hath measured and marked out by mearestaiks for both parties ; each party to have his share of the stream running there and of the lymestones therein, and each party to repair the highway there according to the assessment made by the township. Be it known that at the Halmote of the Manor of Ighten hill held at Heigham on Wednesday after Corpus Christi, 29 Henry VIII. [6 June, 1537], came John Bulcock, then Greave of Pendill, and surrendered to the King a messuage and other premises in Blacke Carre within Hunterholme and Westclose, with two parts of the Fence within Pendil (rent, 405-. 3d), which Robert Cronkeshey delivered to him to the use of John Wodrowff, jun., John Aspeden, chaplain, Hugh Moore, and John Crooke. John Kyngstones forbad fine, for a house and buildings and parcel of land in Blacke Carre and the Westclose (rent, 16s. 8a7.), which he had for term of the life of Jenet Cronkeshey, wife of the said John MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1538-9 131 Kyngstones. John Cronkeshey, jun., forbad fine, for his inheritance in right of a certain parcel of land. John Cronkeshey, sen., forbad fine, for one half of all the land and premises named, which he held in security for term of his life. Then the feoffees found Nicholas Hancock and John Wodrowff, sen., sureties, and were then admitted to fine, on payment of 40s. 3d. To that Halmote came Christopher Robynson, Greave of Pendill, and surrendered to the King a messuage with other premises, called Redehalows, in the forest of Pendill (rent, iys. 6d), which Christopher Jackeson and Issabel his wife delivered to him, to the use of Robert Parker, Lawrence Wilson, John Hertelay son and heir of Alexander Hertelay, and Christopher son and heir of Lawrence Herteley, ac cording to the intent of a pair of indentures, dated 1st Nov., 29 Henry VIII. [1537], made between the said Christopher Jackeson of Redelay and Issabel his wife and Robert, son of the said Christopher of the first part, and Bernard Hertelay of Lawgher Barowfore and Elesabeth, daughter of the said Bernard of the other part. Hugh Parker forbad fine, by right of Catherine, now his wife, to the said premises. The said Robert, Lawrence, John, and Christopher found Bernard Hertelay surety, and were then admitted to fine, on payment of iys. 6d. To that Halmote came Christopher Robynson, Greave of Pendill, and surrendered to the King a messuage and other premises in Goldeshay Bothe (rent, 8s. 4a7.), which John Nutter delivered to him, to the use of Stephen, son of the said John Nutter. The said Nicholas (sic) sought admit tance. Elesabeth, wife of the said John Nutter, forbad fine, for her dower. Stephen Nutter then found James Hergreves of Sabden and Antony Nutter sureties, and he was then admitted to fine, on payment of 8s. 4a7. To that Halmote came the said Christopher Robynson, Greave of Pendill, and surrendered to the King a messuage and other premises in Goldeshay Bothe (rent, 13s), which John Stevenson delivered to him, to the use of William " Stevenson, jun. Richard Hergreves, in the name of Alice, wife of the said John, forbad fine, for half of all the said premises, whieh she had in security for life. The said William then found James Hergreves and William Steven son, sen., sureties that the said Alice should have half of all the premises after the decease of the said John, for term of her life ; and he was then admitted to fine, on payment of 13s. 1 32 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS It is presented by virtue of office by the jury that John Robynson, son of James Robynson alias Bewse, by com mand of James Robynson (20a7.) alias Jamelen, did break the King's fold at Overbarowfore and then took away the beasts or cattle of the said James alias Jamelen, without licence. James Robynson (20a7.) alias Jamelen for a fray upon James Hertelay and Alexander Hertelay, son of James Hertelay, lately deceased. Richard Bybby (2a7.), James Heretelay (2d), Miles Nutter, and John Robynson (2d.) for upturning ground at the Fence and there obtaining coals to the amount (numerium) of two wagon loads, without licence. The relict of Oliver Cronkeshey (2d.) for keeping open fences between her tene ment and that of John Cronkeshey, jun. James Michell (4a7.) for a flock of geese at Barowfore, in spite of the penalty laid upon him and against the enactments of the villagers of Barowfore. Christopher Robynson (is), John Hergreves (is), Nicholas Robynson (is.), Miles Robynson (is.) for obstructing a certain road at Derlay Banke ende, in spite of the penalty laid upon them. John Smyth of Overbarowfore is elected Greave of Pendill. Sum, £4, 10s. 4a7. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham 1 May, 31 Henry VIII. [1539]. Geoffrey Shakylden v. Lawrence Hargreves of Barow fore, debt and covenant, 40s. ; awarded 25J. Lawrence Hergrevez v. John Herteley alias Trock and William Edmundson in a plea of trespass and breach of contract, damage 25.J. The jury awarded 13s. 4a7. from John Herteley and 6s. 8d. from William Edmundson ; that the residue (Ss) is in the hands of John, son of Henry Mitton, and of tbe executors. of Henry Herteley. Nicholas Stevenson v. Thomas Verlay in a plea of tres pass for cutting down and removing thorns (spinas) and a fence at Outer Warth Clough in the Whynburyrye Clough growing within Goldesheybothe ; 4a7. damages awarded. John, Anthony, Richard and Mark Nutter and Edmund Stevenson v. William Stevenson in a plea of detention and wrongful occupation of a house and half a garden lying at the " Est Delts " near the Bulhof,* lying in Goldesheybothe, which should by the custom of the Manor descend to them. * Perhaps Bulhouse, or Bulhole. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1538-9 133 Verdict for defendant, who shall enjoy the said premises to himself and his heirs for ever. James Hargrevez, Edmund Robynson, sen., Edmund Robynson, jun., Ellez Nutter, jun., Robert Nutter, and William Stevenson v. James Hertelay of Barelay, John Ballerd, James Ballerd, John Wodrowff, Peter Verlay, Thomas Verlay, Robert Swire, James Robynson, John Mankylholez, and James Yggyn in a plea of trespass, for chevying and chasing plaintiffs' cattle and beasts at Whyn- bury Clough and Whittmosse with their dogs, to the damage of 40s. The jury award 4a7. damages. James Hertelay, James Ballerd, John Robynson, James Robynson, John Wodrowff, Peter and Thomas Verlay, John Mankylholls, James Hegyn, and James Ballerd v. — James Hergreves, Edmund Robynson, sen., Edmund. Robynson, jun., Ellis Nutter, jun., Robert Nutter, and William Stevenson, Nicholas Stevenson, John Stevenson, Richard and Anthony Nutter, Edmund Stevenson, Mark Nutter, John Nutter, and Elizabeth Stevenson in a plea of trespass, for keeping their fences open between the Stub- noke and the Hackgait and so going down from the said gait to Penhulton Moor. The jury give a verdict for the defendants. John Smyth, William Smyth, Richard Bybby, William Mitton, John Hyrst, v. John Hargreves alias Jacke, and Nicholas Robynson in a plea of detention and wrongful occupation of a house and a parcel of land there at Copt- hyrst Howse, which lately should have descended to the plaintiffs by right of inheritance. The jury * give a verdict for the defendants but no damages, as the plea was settled by the concord of the several parties. It was presented by the jury at inquest by virtue of office that a messuage with appurtenances in Whitlay Haybothe in the forest of Pendill (rent, 1 3 s. 3d) had reverted to the King upon the death of John Bulcock, and that William Bulcock was his son and heir. Nicholas Robynson forbad fine, in the name of Agnes, widow of the said John Bulcock, for her dower ; and further came Richard Cure, in the name of William Bulcock, and forbad fine, as by right of his inheritance. Thereupon came the said William Bulcock and found surety Nicholas Robynson of Haybothe and Nicholas Robynson of Rughlee, and was then admitted to fine, on payment of 13s. 3d. * The jury included James Hertelay of Fulshay and John Hergreves of Overbarowfore. 134 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS They also presented Christopher Lister, esq. (20a7.), and John Hertelay for a fray together; and John Hergrevez (20a7.) for a fray upon Thomas Tomlynson and John Robyn son. John Cronkeshay, jun. ( 1 2d) , for insufficiently repairing a certain way at Plode Hole for his neighbours' cartage to and fro; having made default he forfeits the penalty previously laid upon him. Sum, 21s. Sum ofthe two Halmotes, £s, us. 4a7. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burnelay on Thursday after the feast of St. Martin in Winter, 30 Henry VIII. [14 Nov. 1538]. John Berkecroft and Elizabeth his wife are plaintiffs against John Wodderowff, jun., Joan his wife, John Robynson, jun., and Elesabeth his wife, John Wodrowff, sen., and John Robynson, guardian of the said John Wodrowff, jun., and Joan his wife, and of John Robynson and of Elesabeth his wife, in a plea of detenue of a certain annual rent of 20J. yd. of ancient farm — issuing out of lands and tenements late belonging to Edmund Tattersall deceased of Moseley — which the said Edmund and his predecessors were wont to pay yearly to the King by the hands of his Greave of the Manor of Ightenhill. From which rent now and of past time issuing the said plaintiffs claim here in court to be discharged (exclus' et exonerat'), both toward the King and his Greave as well as towards the said defendants, accord ing to the true intent and last will of the said Edmund Tattersall, lately husband of the said Elesabeth Barcroft, made and approved and shown in court. A special jury declare that the said rent of 20s. yd. was payable time out of mind to the King from the whole lands and tenement which the said Edmund Tattersall of Moseley lately held on the day of his death ; and further they declare that the said plaintiffs should be discharged from the said payment for ever either to the King or to the defendants, and were absolved from payment both by the grant and true intent of the last will of the said Edmund and also by the sur render of the said Edmund of his said lands to certain cofeoffees appointed to execute his will, as appears in the said will and in the copy fine by the feoffees and in the roll of the Court. Humphrey Yngham v. James Hergreves of Sabden in a plea of partition and division of a rood and a half of land under Sonky Bank, and claiming that plaintiff should have a road set out there for himself or assigns. Plea concorded. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1538-9 135 Christopher Redehalgh v. Lawrence Brereclyff, plea con cerning an indirect dyke (fouiam) on plaintiff's land. Plaintiff withdrew. Philip Spenser v. John Hoppey, plea of open fences: withdrawn. Thomas Hey sued John Clerke for £4, 3s. 4a7. debt ; the jury awarded ^4, 20a7. John Woode sued John Clerke for £s debt, and the jury awarded £4. To that Halmote came Henry Shottylworth, then Greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered to the King a messuage called the Lone Howse with 17 acres and one rood of land lying in Burnelay, which Christopher Jackeson delivered to him to the use of Robert son and heir of John Parker, Lawrence Wilson, Christopher son and heir of Lawrence Hertelay, and John son and heir of Alexander Hertelay, to the use and intent of a pair of indentures made between Christopher Jackeson of Redelay, Isabel his wife, and Robert his son and heir of the one part, and Bernard Hertelay of Lawgher Barowfore and Elesabeth his daughter of the other part, bearing date 1st November, 29 Henry VIII. [1537]- The feoffees sought admittance to fine, which was granted, on payment oF 6s. 5a7. The jury present by virtue of office that Christopher Nowell (12a7.), Henry Cockeshott (3s. 4a7.), John Cocke shott (2d), John Hey of Northwod (2d), and Lawrence Cockeshott (2d.) sold coals to strangers, without licence. Lawrence Sterkye, gent., is elected Greave of Ightenhill ; John Woodrowff and William Yngham, constables of Burneley; Christopher Hey and Thomas Sonkye of North wod (by Henry Shottylworth his attorney) constables of Padeham. Sum, 13s. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burnelay on the feast of St. Philip and St. James, 31 Henry VIII. [1 May, 1539]. At the inquest taken there by virtue of office the jury present that Christopher Redehalgh (20a7.) and William Smyth (20a7.) made a fray together. John Yngham (n.) and Robert Roods (n.) for the same offence ; they are corporally punished, having no means. Lawrence Cockeshott (4a7.) for entertaining vagabonds. Henry Birtwissill (20a7.) for keeping and lodging common gamesters playing at illegal games. Christopher Jackeson (3s. 4a7.), Giles Smyth (2s), Ranulph Smyth (2^.) and Thomas Smyth (4a7.) for oppress- 1 36 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS ing Saxsefeild, where they had no right. Thomas Mershall for not having filled up a coalpit forfeits a penalty laid upon him at the last court. Sum, 14s. Sum of the two Courts, 27.?. xxxvi.— Court IRoll, 31 1benr£ viii., 1539*40. (No. 21. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Wednesday, 8 Oct., 31 Henry VIII. [1539]. Inquest taken there for the King. Bernard and James Herteley, Henry Mitton, Lawrence Harteley, and James Harteley of the Land, plaintiffs against Lawrence and Christopher Robynson, John Smyth, and Lawrence Hergreves, in a plea of trespass for obstruct ing a way beginning at Barowford and so extending over the Stone Edge Heid to the Blackow Hill. The jury (among whom were James Hergreves of Whittalgh, John Croke of Westclose, John Smyth of Rughlee, Nicholas Robynson of Thorneholme, and William Bawdwen of Weit- heid) declare that the defendants did obstruct the said way and that the plaintiffs shall have a road there for ever free from hindrance. Lawrence Robynson, Christopher Robynson, James Hertelay, John Smyth, and Henry Banester, plaintiffs against Bernard Herteley, Henry Mitton, Lawrence Herte ley, Lawrence Hergreves, Christopher Blakay, John Hergreves, and James Hertelay, in a plea of trespass, for obstructing a way leading from the Weitheid yait below Blackoo Well to the Rayke upon the Dry Clogh and further to Stone Edge ende. The jury find that the defendants did obstruct the said way. William Hergreves sued James Hergreves of Whitalgh for 40s. arrears of farm rent. Concorded. James Hergreves of Whitalgh and Lawrence Hergreves, plaintiffs against Lawrence Lister, gent., in a plea of tres: pass, for unjust occupation of a parcel of land lying in Fyrber Croke, which belonged to the said plaintiffs by custom of the Manor. Defendant failed to appear. Robert Verlay, Nicholas Robynson, Peter Verlay, and William Bulcock, tenants of the King's, plaintiffs against Roger and William Hertelay in a plea of trespass, for wrongfully oppressing (beyond their " stynt " and rent paid to the King) lands at Robert Lee and the Yngheyd Moore, MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1539-40 137 parcel of Whitley Haybothe. The defendants deny that they have overstinted the said land otherwise than did their ancestors or predecessors in tenure of the said land, as they were wont to occupy and agist for a long time back, both before fine made with the King for the said lands as after, by the space of 60 years past and more. The jury declare that they did not oppress the land there and that they should occupy and enjoy all lands in Whitley Hay bothe as they and their ancestors had done beforetime. James Hertelay, James Ballerd, John Robynson, John Wodrowff, James Robynson, John Mankynholls, Peter and Thomas Verlay, King's tenants in Barelay Bothe, plaintiffs against John, Mark, and Richard Nutter, Edmund Steven son, Edmund Robynson of Goldeshey, jun., Edmund Robyn son, jun., James Hergreves, Anthony Nutter, Isabel Stevenson, William Stevenson, sen., John Stevenson, and Nicholas Stevenson, King's tenants in Goldeshay Bothe, in a plea of trespass, for open fences between the Stubnoke and the Hackgait and so ascending to the Qwynbury Cloghe Topp and so descending to Whynbury Clogh water ; and because the defendants had trespassed with their cattle at the Whynbury Cloghe Brow and the Whitslacks upon the western side of the Stubnoke, being lands claimed by the plaintiffs. Defendants deny any trespass except where time out of mind they had been accustomed to depasture their cattle. A special jury declare that the defendants did not keep open fences at the places mentioned, and that the tenants in Goldshey Bothe had right of common on the moor upon the southern side of Whynbury Clogh water and likewise from the other side of the said water to an ancient wall there situate called " the old wall," following the stream running there to Horecloghfott ; and also the plaintiffs in like manner from the south side of " the old wall " beginning at Whynbury Clogh Foott, so ascending to the Horeclogh Foott over the moor. Lawrence Hergreves, Nicholas Smyth, James Herteley, plaintiffs against John Robynson, Lawrence Hertelay, Law rence Wilson, and John Hergreves in a plea of making partition of a parcel of land called Kylne Doolez ende (and) from the Warthez. The jury declare that the parties shall at their own costs have a measurer of land to set out the Warthes and the Kylne Dowls by " meirestones or staiks " according to the proportion of each in the said parcel. Richard Bybby and William Mitton came to that Halmote and sought to have partition made in the form "naturae 138 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS brevis de particione facienda" against Peter Smyth in several parcels of land and fences lying in the Wulfall Banke, Welspring heids, called le meane grond, in Over Roughlee and Nether Roughlee now in traversty between the said Richard Bybby and William Mitton of the one part and the said Peter Smyth of the other. Both parties agree to a verdict to be given by the jury. [A space follows not filled up.] To that Halmote came John Townelay, kt., and sur rendered to the King a close called Fille Close with all buildings thereupon built, lying in the Forest of Pendull, rent ten pounds thirteen shillings and eightpence (sic) to the use of Thomas son and heir apparent of Robert Heskett, kt., John son and heir apparent of Robert Nevell, kt., Richard son and heir of Thomas Sherburne, esq., and Robert son and heir apparent of William Dalton, esq., for the performance of the will after the fine to be declared and written. The surrenderees appeared by Thomas Rylay their attorney and were admitted to fine upon payment of £10, 13s. 4a7. (sic) by pledge of George Hoghton, gent. The intent declares that the feoffees shall stand seised to the use of him Sir John Townelay, Knyght, for life ; after his decease to the use of Richard Townelay, younger son of Richard Townelay the elder. Esquire, and to his heirs for ever ; charging the said land with 46s. &d. yearly to John Townelay, younger brother of the said Richard, during his life only, and 46s. iid. yearly to John son of Charles Townelay towards his "exibucion and lernyng" during his life natural. His feoffees or Richard Townley are not to "inquiet hurt vex or Trowble my Tenauntts, Fermers, and occupyers of the seyd Filly Close by eny Incomes or Ingressomes takyng of them or of eny off them, duryng their naturall lyvez onely, but their yerely rentts wich thay haue byn used and accustomed to pay unto me the seyd Sr John Townelay hereto affore. And to do suche lyke seruice as tenauntts owght to doo unto their land lords." To that Halmote came Richard Tattersall and William Emott and surrendered to the King a messuage with a garden, one close called Laygher Coppy and half a close called Coppy Topp and another close called Fedyng Close and a close called Oxe Close, parcel of vaccary of Redehaylous (rent, 1 3 s. 4a7), lying in Pendle Forest, to the use of Elesabeth, wife of Henry Bercroft, in the name of her jointure for term of her life, with remainder to the said Henry and his heirs. The said Elizabeth was admitted to fine on payment of 13s. 4a7. It is presented by inquest by virtue of office that Geoffrey MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1539-40 139 Feilden (4a7.) obtained his turf called " flaghts " in Goldeshay Bothe without licence. Lawrence Hergreves is elected Greave of Penhull. Sum, £11, gs. iod. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Wednesday, 7 April, 31 Henry VIII. [1540]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office, at which the jury present that a messuage and appurtenances in Goldeshay- bothe (rent, Ss. 4\d) have reverted to the King upon the death of Anthony Nutter, and that William Nutter is his son and heir. Elesabeth, the widow of the said Anthony, forbad fine for one fourth of the messuage and premises for her dower. The said William then found as surety Richard Nutter, and was admitted to fine on payment of 8s. 4\d. Sum, Ss. 4|d. Sum of the two Halmotes, £11, iys. ioj^. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burnelay on Thursday, 9 Oct., 31 Henry VIII. [1539]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office. Richard Townelay of Rowle plaintiff against George Halsted in a plea of trespass, for wrongful occupation of a parcel of land at Cronkeshay near (iuxta) Whyncroke and for planting fences on his land. The parties were concorded. To that Halmote came John Halsted of Heighhalsted and surrendered to the King two messuages and 36 acres one rood of land with appurtenances in Brereclyff to the use oF Robert Halsted and his heirs. Issabel, wiFe of the said John Halsted, by William Barcroft her attorney, forbad fine for her dower. Robert Halsted then found John Wod rowff, sen., surety, and was admitted to fine on payment of 12s. id. And afterwards at the said Halmote came Robert Halsted aforesaid and surrendered to the King the last- named premises to the use of John Halsted his father for term of his life. John Halsted was then admitted to fine on payment of I2.y. id. Thomas Marshall was plaintiff against Nicholas Shuttyl- worth in a plea of trespass, in that defendant had disseised and deforced the plaintiff of and in a parcel of land con taining 1 acre lying in the Dubcarre, his by right of inheri tance. The defendant denied, and declared that he and his antecessors time out of mind had occupied the said parcel. A special jury give their verdict for the defendant, and order the plaintiff to make his fence at the Dubcarre between 140 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS the two parties according to, the award of the said jury, and that Thomas Mershall should have four yards of land, parcel of the Dubcarre, from the boundary in Calder water to the end of the Dubcarre, for making his fence upon. To that Halmote came John Kepax, John Yngham, and Richard Tattersall and surrendered to the King a messuage and 24 acres with appurtenances in Burnelay Wod, now in tenure of William Yngham, to the use of Robert Yngham ; who was then admitted to fine on payment of 8s. And afterwards at the said Halmote came the said Robert and surrendered the said premises to the use of the said William Yngham and Elesabeth, wife of the said William, for term of their lives and the longer liver's. They were then admitted to fine, on payment of Ss., by pledge of John Haworth. It is presented by inquest taken by virtue of office for the King that a messuage and 13 acres of roodland with appurtenances in Hayberyam Eves has reverted to the King upon the death of Edmund Bothe and that Henry Bothe is his son and heir. Henry Herger, in the name of Alice, late wife of the said Edmund Bothe, forbad fine for her dower. Thereupon Henry Bothe found as pledge Edward Tattersall and James Willisill, and was then ad mitted to fine, on payment of 45-. 5a7. The jury present William Haleday (20a7.), William Stones (20a7.), and John Croke (20a7.) for oppressing Padeham com mon. Also Richard Bawdwen (12a7.), Richard Clayton (2d), William Michell (2d), and William Tailyor (2d.) for tres passing with their beasts upon Saxifeld common, where they had no right. Richard Towne (12a7.), Christopher Moore (12a7.), John Hayleday (12a7.) for trespass upon Padeham common with their beasts. Richard Folds (20a7.), John Yngham (20a7.) of the Parke, and Gilbert Smyth (20a7.) for , a fray together. George Smyth of Hollynggreves, John Smyth of Hill, and William Smyth of Pyghole were elected Greaves of Ightenhill, and the said John Smyth was sworn. Richard Folds and Richard Medwood were elected constables of Burnelay. John Cronckeshay and Elen Hoghton, widow, were elected constables of Padeham. Sum, 59J. iod. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burnelay on Thursday, 8 April, 31 Henry VIII. [1540]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office. To that Halmote came Lawrence Sterkye, Greave of MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1539-40 141 ¦Ightenhill, and surrendered to the King two messuages and 95 acres and a half of land of new improvement with appurtenances in Mersden, called Lynerode, which John Kepax of Mersden and Nicholas Michell of Colne delivered to him, to the use of John Townelay, jun., son and heir of Charles Townelay lately deceased ; who was then admitted to fine, on payment of 31s. iod., by pledge of Richard Folds. It is presented by inquest by virtue of office that a mes suage and ten acres and a half of land lying in Mersden within Pendle Forest, of ancient tenure, have reverted to the King upon the death of John Hergreves of Lomeshay, and that William Hergreves of Lomeshay is his son and heir. Margaret, widow of the said John of Lomeshay, for bad fine for her dower. Whereupon the said William found sureties, John Robynson of Oldland and John Smyth, and he was then admitted to fine, on payment of 3s. 6a7. They also present that one messuage and five acres and I rood of land called Law Flatt, one house called Purse Howse, and 4 acres lying with appurtenances in Brereclyff, have reverted to the King upon the death of Margaret, late wife of John Robynson, sen., and that John Robynson of Old Land is her son and heir. He is admitted to fine, on payment of 3^. 2d., by pledge of William Hergreves. Roger, son of Henry Cockeshott (20a7.), for a fray upon* Christopher Dogeson, giving him a dagger wound in the thigh. Edward, son of George Hergreves (20a7.), of the Deyne, Richard Towne (20a7.), John Croke (20a7.), William Stones (20a7.), and William Hayleday (20a7.) for oppressing and trespassing with their beasts on Padeham Common without right. Ralph Hergreves (20a7.) of the Chamber for lodging vagabonds day and night. They also present that on the 5th April, 31 Henry VIII. [1540], Thomas Merschall of Padeham, Lancashire, gent. Ralph Thorneber, curate, Robert Cockeshott and his wife did riotously break into and enter upon a toft with two gardens and an orchard (ort) lying in Padeham (of which Richard Townelay is now seised to the use of the clerk of the parish church of Padeham according to the custom of this manor), contrary to the custom of this manor and con trary to the King's peace and his crown and dignity ; and there they overturned the soil and land of the said Richard and at this time by force and arms do wrongfully occupy the said premises. They also say that Lawrence Lee ought to have a way 142 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS between the Claver Hole and Mersden Edge for fetching and carrying at all times of the year. Sum, sos. id. Sum of the two Halmotes, £s, gs. nd. xxxvn.-court 1Roll, 32*3 Ibenrs viii., 1540*1. (No. 22. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Wednesday, 27 Oct., 32 Henry VIII. [1540]. Henry Bawdwen and William Bawdwen v. John Robyn son of Blackemosse, Roger Redealgh, and William Bybby for cutting down their fences at Yng Clogh. Concorded. Edmund Robynson v. John and Richard Nutter, Nicholas, John, Edmund, and Sibyl Stephenson, for obstruction of a way beginning at the dyke at the Grene Rawe, going down to the house of plaintiff called " an owt howse." The plaintiff did not pursue his plea. James Hergreves v. Edmund Emott, in a plea of making partition of all those lands lying "in le meane" between them in the Fence. Concorded. John Hergreves sued Nicholas Robynson for 20s., value of 30 loads of limestones taken from his land, and also for "unjust occupation of half of one house at Thorneholme, late in the occupation of Margaret, now wife of the said John Hargreves. Both concorded. George and Ralph Hergreves v. Christopher Moore and William Hergreves, in a plea of trespass, that defendants failed to keep and make their fences at Heigham Deyne aliter Heigham Pasture. Verdict for defendants. John Smyth v. John Hirst, Richard Bibby, and William Mytton, for not making their fences in Wulfall Banke at le intacke. Default is proved against John Hirst (2d); the others are acquitted. William Hergreves v. Ralph Hergreves and Christopher Moor ; plea of making partition of and in all lands in the " meane ground in Heigham Bothe." Concorded. James Robynson of Bareley Bothe (by James Herteley his attorney) sues Margaret Robynson, widow, in a plea of trespass in manner and form " naturae brevis de vasto," in that she had wasted and destroyed upon her capital messu age and two other buildings in Bareley Bothe, being the inheritance of the said plairitiff, by not repairing the said houses with thatch and lime, to his damage in 40s. The MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1 540-1 143 jury declare that the defendant (by her attorney, Agnes Robynson, her daughter) shall forfeit 2s. for allowing the beams of the said two houses to become rotten and fall to the ground by reason of exposure to rain and she shall forfeit possession to the plaintiff For carrying away and burning part of the timbers called " le sparrs." Nicholas Robynson v. William Bulcocke ; plea of making indirect way at Brodyng. The jury award the defendant a way to his land in Qwhyckyngbanke at all times of the year for carrying hay and dung and also for driving his cattle up to a parcel of land to be agisted upon the higher portion of the Qwyckyngbanke — the way to be held of the said Nicholas ; and in return the said William to set to farm to the said Nicholas a parcel of land at "le Brig of Hill Stele," as awarded and set out by meirestakes by the jury. To that Halmote came Richard Nutter and Richard Her greves of Heigham, tenants of the King " et jure" and surrendered a messuage with appurtenances in Heigham Bothe (rent, iys. 6d), which Robert Hergreves delivered to them to the use of William, son of the said Robert. Isabel, the widow of Robert Hargreaves, and Edward Hergreves forbad fine, so that a certain contract previously made before George Hergreves, Nicholas Stephenson, William Stephenson, James son of Richard Hergreves, and John Hey, clerk, should be performed. Christopher Moore and Nicholas Stephenson become sureties, whereupon the said William is admitted to fine, on payment of iys. 6d. To that Halmote came Roger Herteley and surrendered a messuage with appurtenances in Whitley Haybothe in the Forest of Penhill (rent, 8.r. 1 i\d.), to the use of Christopher Herteley. The said Roger forbad fine, to have the said premises in security for term of his life. John Ballerd and Robert Bulcock were found sureties, and thereupon the said Christopher was admitted to fine, on payment of Ss. li^d. It is presented by inquest by virtue of office that John Cronkeshey (20a7.) of le Westclose made a fray upon Robert Cronkeshay of the same place. John Robynson (4a7.) of Overbarowfore, tenant of Henry Banester, for chasing his neighbours' beasts with dogs. Christopher Robynson (6d.) of Overbarowfore, John Hergreves aliter "Jacke" of Rughlebothe, Nicholas Robynson (12a7.) of the same, and Miles Robynson (12a7.) of the same, for obstructing the highway at Derelaybanke. 144 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Lawrence Towneley of Barnesyd is elected Greave of Penhull. Sum, 36s. S^d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham, 11 May, 33 Henry VIII. [1541]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office. John Robynson of Old Land v. Eliz (Ellis) Nutter, jun., for cutting his turf on plaintiff's land within the Fence, and removing his meirestakes, to the damage oF 20s. value. The jury order both parties to occupy the ground in the Fence set out by them and marked by merestakes. Memorandum an order takyn affore Thomas Suthell, Gentylman, Deputye to Sir Thomas Clyfford, Knyght, Heid Stuard of Blackeburneshir, of for and consernyng the Tur- barye nowe in traverse Betwix the Kyngs tenantts and Inhabitants of Weste Close, Heigham and Goldeshey Bothe apon the on partye, and George Grymeshey and other tenantts of Filly Close apon the other partye : that is to weit that the tenantts of Filly Close shall affore the next Cowrt at Heigham to be holden next after the Feist of Ester next ensuyng prove that the seids tenantts haith and of Right owght for to haue Turbarye in the Fence to them and to their heires for euer, or ells the seids tenantts of Fylly Close to be discharged of the seyd Turbarye and utterly be excluded fro the same for euer. And in the meane tyme for this yere the seyds tenantts of Weste Close, Heigham, and Goldeshey Bothe shall suffer the tenantts of Fylly Close to haue sufficient Turbarye at the Sight and limittacion of George Grymeshey, James Her greves de Goldeshay, James Hergreves of Heigham, Ed munde Emott, Robert Cronkeshay, and John Croke, and thay to lymitt the . seid Turbarye to the leist hurt and hynderance of the seids tenantts of Weste Close [and] Heigham as shall Seme by their discressions &c. John Robynson of Oldland v. John Heigyn, John Croke, and Richard Crooke, in a plea of trespass, for obstructing a certain way lying between a lane leading to a close called Little Blakewode. Claims 40s. damages. The jury award the abovementioned right of way to plaintiff for driving his cattle, and further the use for one month between the feast of St. Mary Magdalen and St. Martin for fetching and carrying stones in Littel Blackewod aforesaid, and also for a month between St. Martin and Ash Wednesday, &e, &c. Likewise in a plea of trespass, for trespass on plaintiff's MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1540-1 145 land in le Fence on the western side of Blackewode Howse, and also for wrongfully using a gate (j'anua) at Oldeland heid (damages 40s), the jury award a way upon plain tiff's land for the defendants to fetch and carry over from their houses at le Oldland aforesaid " par le Fence anglice Trugh the Fence " to the public way there. Likewise in a plea of trespass, wherein the defendants had dug for and acquired coal from plaintiff's coalpit to 40s. damage, the jury give verdict for 2d. damages to plaintiff. The defen dants above named in a cross suit sue the plaintiff above- named (viz. John Robynson of Oldland) for 40s. damages for getting 40 loads of coals from their pit and other tres passes. The jury award 2d. damages for wrongfully obtain ing coal from their pit. To the Halmote held at Heigham on Wednesday, 1 May, 31 Henry VIII. [1539], came Christopher Robynson, then Greave of Penhull, and surrendered a messuage with appurtenances in Heigham (rent, iys. bd.) which George Hergreves delivered to him, to the use of Edward, son and heir of the said George Hergreves, and to his heirs for ever, according to the effect of the intent following. Margaret, wife of the said George, forbad fine for a fourth part of the said messuage in the name of her dower, and it is granted to her ; and so postponed to the said Halmote held at Heigham, 1 1 May, 33 Henry VIII. [1541], whereat the said Edward was admitted to fine, on payment of iys. 6d. The intent expresses that Edward Hergreves, son and heir apparent of George Hergreves, and the heirs of the body of the said Edward shall stand fined and seised of all lands and premises of which the said George doth stand seised — except certain to be mentioned here after — to the use of the said George for term of his life, and after his decease to the said Edward and his heirs, with remainder to the right heirs of the said George Hergreves for ever. Excepting and pro viding that the said Edward shall stand seised of a mease and other lands being in a certain place called the Deane Bothome, to the use of the said Edward for term of the life of the said George, paying him yearly 10s. ; and after the decease of the said George to such son of the said George as he might appoint by will for term of such life, paying during that term 10s. yearly to Edward Hergreves or his heirs. "And also excepting and providyng the Gyestment and pastryng of the beists gaytts in Heigham Pasture, be it oxe, Cowe, Horse, Sheipp, or other beists to the use of the seid Edward duryng the lyff of the seid George," and after his decease the said three " beists gaitts, Gyestment, or Pasturyng " to remain to such other son as is above specified and without other payment than the 10s. before mentioned. Also excepting and providing to the said Edward and the said other sons before specified, during the life ofthe said George, " Reasonable Turbary to Burne in the forseid mease for their fuell to VOL. II. K 146 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS be diggyd and takyng within the seid Heigham Pastur within suche grownds as doith apperteyne and belong unto the seid George Hergreves within Heigham bothe." — Reserving all rents to the King, &c. This Agreament maid by John Robynson, James Her greves, Robert Hergreves, George Hergreves, and John Hergreves For a particion (and beyng — erased) apon a close callyd the Fence nowe in traverse Betwix James Hergreves of the Fence afforeseid oF thone partye and Edmund Emott of the same of thother partye: Furst We the seids awarders have awarded that Whether partye so euer hayth the sowthe parte of the seid Close Callyd the Fence within the Forest of Pendill shall make the new dyke Betwix the seid James Hergreves howse and the howse of the seid Edmund, And to set yt with Quyckewod and to make the old dyke downe to Jame.s Hergreves doore ; and also We the seids awarders do award that the seid Edmund Emott to haue a sufficient way Frome the howse of the seid Edmund unto his land lyyng in the Fence with carte and wayne, and yff it shall please the same Edmunde to inclose the seid hye way the seyd Edmunde levyng sufficient wayes, and that the way to be vii yerds Brode and lawfull to goo and come with Carte and wayne and carrages ; And also the same James Hergreves shall haue a nother sufficient way Frome his howse unto his land lyyng in the Fence afforeseid with Carte, Wayne and carrages, and yff it shall please the seid James Hergreves to inclose the seid heigh way so that the seid James leve sufficient heigh way and that the way to be vij yerds Brode and lefull for to come with Carte and wayne and Carrages ; And Furder we award that the seyd James Hergreves to make upp for euer the old Dyke of the ouer syde of the Fence. It is presented by inquest that John Ellott (20a7.) and Nicholas Shore (3s. 4a7.) made a fray together and the latter drew blood from John Ellott; and that John Robynson (3s. 4d) of Ouerbarowfore made a fray upon Christopher Robynson and drew blood from him. Christopher Robyn son (6a7.) for obstructing a way at Derlaybanke Ende. Edmund Robynson (nil) and the wife of Mark Nutter (nil) for a fray together ; they were punished bodily (i.e. put into the stocks). Sum, 2ys. iod. Total of the two Courts, £3, 45-. 6\d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burnelay, 28 Oct., 32 Henry VIII. [1540]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office. To that Halmote came Nicholas Hancocke, John Wod rowff, sen., and Lawrence Sterkye and surrendered a messuage and 2 gardens in occupation of Robert Walker, and another messuage in occupation of Thomas Whitheid, MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1 540-1 147 lying in Burneley, and one garden there, to the use of Evan Haydocke, Peter Ormerod, Robert Bercroft, and John Wod rowff, jun. Richard Halsted and John Roo forbad fine for a certain sum of money to be paid by Lawrence Halsted or his heir, as by his promissory note in the hands of John Roo appeareth. William Barcroft and John Halsted are found as sureties ; whereupon the feoffees are admitted to fine, on payment of l8d. The intent declares that the feoffees shall stand seised of the premises to the use of Oliver Halsted and Anne his wife for term of their lives and the longer liver's ; remainder to the heir of the said Oliver. To that Halmote came John Smyth, Greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a meadow called Helmeyng, a close called Barle Feild, a parcel of land called Falleheid, and a close of land called the Corner, with appurtenances within the said Manor ; which Henry Ryley, clerk, John Robynson, Law rence Hergreves, and John Robynson delivered to him, to the use of Thomas Willisill and Thomas Hey according to the intent of a pair of indentures made between the said James Willisill and William Hergreves, dated 6 Nov., 21 Henry VIII. [1529]. Admittance granted, on fine of 2 s. iod. At the Halmote held at Burnley on Thursday in the Feast of SS. Philip and James apostles, 30 Henry VIII. [1 May, 1538], came John Haworth, greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage, a garden, and a croft in the occupation of George Hergreve, with appurtenances in Burnelay, which Hugh Habergham, Thomas Lister, and Richard Towneley of Rowle delivered to him, to the use of Charles Towneley, esq., and his heirs ; and afterwards before reception of the fine with the King, the said Charles died, whereby John Towneley, jun., his son and heir, at the Halmote held 8 Oct. 31 Henry VIII. [1539] sought admit tance to fine and Lawrence Towneley (by William Smythes his attorney) forbad fine. But at the next Halmote held after the Feast of St. Michael, 32 Henry VIII. [1540] the prohibition was withdrawn and the said John Towneley admitted to fine, on payment of iod. by pledge of Richard Towneley, jun. To that Halmote came John Smyth of Hill, greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a house, a barn and other buildings, a garden, 3% acres 1 \ roods of land in Burneley Wode, which Nicholas Michell, feoffee of Alexander Ryley 148 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS and his heirs, delivered to him, to the use of Henry Ryley, chaplain, son and heir of the said Alexander. Margaret Halsted, then wife of William Halsted, and sister of the said Henry Ryley, chaplain, forbad fine for a certain cove nant made by the said Alexander, as follows after this fine. John Parker and Henry Banester are found as sureties, and admittance is then granted, on payment of 1 8\d. Two deeds. follow. By the first, Henry Rylay of Oxford, clerk, makes Lawrence Towneley and Christopher Michell his attorneys at the court at Burnley. This was dated at Oxford, 9 October, 32 Henry VIII. [1540], the witnesses being Lawrence Bentham, B.A., John Michell, priest, and Miles Briggs. By the second, an indenture dated last January, 10 Hen. VIII. [15 1 8-9], Alexander Rylay of Burneley granteth "that Sir John Yngham Prest and Nicholas Michell" his feoffees of all his lands in Burnley Wode shall stand seised thereof to the profit of the said Alexander and Elen his wife for term of their lives and the longer liver's, and after their decease to the use and profit of his son Henry Ryley and his heirs, with remainder to Margaret and Agnes his daughters and their heirs, with remainder for want of such lawful heirs "to thuse and profytt of the Seruice in the Rowde lofte of Burneley Churche for euer." Presented by inquest taken in virtue of office that half an acre of land lying in the middle of the field (campi) in Heigh Scole Feild at the Sowthe Rawe, with appurtenances in Little Mersden, has reverted to the King upon the death of William Lister, esq., and that Christopher Lister is his son and heir. Admittance granted, on fine of 2d. The township of Little Marsden was presented for having no stocks (cippos) wherein to punish vagabonds according to the statute ; and was amerced 3s. 4a7. Richard Bentham (12a7.) amerced for default to repair the King's fold in Burneley. Likewise John Croke (8a7.) of Weste Close, for trespass of his beasts on Padeham Common, and also (3s. 4a7.) for breaking the King's Fold in Padeham. John Brereclyff (12a7.) for trespass of beasts on Burneley Common. Alice Hancocke (4a7.) for harbouring gamesters. William Hogh ton (2s) for cutting down underwood called " le Qwynes " on Padeham common. John Yngham (4a7.) for dogging his neighbours' beasts on land about Padeham. Henry Cocke- shoot for not having in his smithy " a gryndyng stone " (mold), as of custom he is required to have for serving the King's tenants. Richard Towneley is elected greave of Ightenhill ; Richard Towneley and Edmund Sherpe, constables of Burneley; MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1540-1 149 Henry Hoghton and Christopher Cronkeshey his deputy, constable of Padeham. Sum, igs. io\d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday, 12 May, 33 Henry VIII. [1541]. Ralph Ascheton, gent., v. John Yngham, by pledge of Lawrence Sterkye, Nicholas Shuttylworth, James Willisill, and John Robynson of Padeham, in a plea of trespass, for wrongfully taking tithe of plaintiff's grain to his damage in 10s. The jury give verdict for plaintiff and award 22\d. damages and 3d. costs. To that Halmote came George Smyth, Greave of Ighten hill, and surrendered a messuage and 13 acres of land in Burnley Wode which John Wode delivered to him to the use of William Barcroft of Barcroft, John Aspeden, chaplain, William Halsted of Worstorne, Nicholas Grymeshay, and James son of Thomas Heipp deceased, and their heirs. Admittance granted, on fine of Ss- The intent (wherein the said John Aspeden is called Chaplen) declares that they the feoffees are to stand fined and seised of the premises to them and their heirs solely for ever. It is presented by inquest that a messuage and half an oxgang of oxgang land in Padeham vill, called Tynkeler Feild, and one rood and a half of oxgang land lying in le Knygtley, and a parcel of land 16 feet long and wide in le Berne Ende, one penny rent in Sabden Banke, one rood and a house thereon formerly of common pasture in Pade ham, and the appurtenances, have reverted to the King upon the death of Omfrey Yngham, and that John Yngham is his son and heir. Mergery his widow forbad fine for her •dower, and Thomas Rylay of the Grenes is found surety. Admittance was then granted, on fine of 3s. y\d. John son of Richard Hergreves (20a7.), Edward son of George Hergreves (20a7.), and Richard Towne (20a7.) for trespassing on and oppressing Padeham Common pasture ; and likewise John Crooke (3s. 4a7.) for the same offence, without right. Henry Bothe (3s. 4a7.) of Habergham Eves for raising a house on the common there without licence or fine. John BrereclyfF (20a?.) oF Gamylsyd for oppressing Habergham Eves common with sheep. John son of Peter Ormerod (20d.) and John son of George Ormerod (20a7.) of Craushey Bothe and George Ormerod for the like offence there. ISO CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS John Bancroft (6d), Peter (6a7.) and Robert Waddyngton (6d) for making default to appear at the Halmote when they owed suit. The jury present that George Grymeshay of Mawre Hyles, Thomas Watmough, John Spenser, Richard Clayton, William Michell, James Smyth, Jenet Smyth, widow, George Smyth, and William Tailyor, with divers other their neigh bours ought by right to occupy a way called a Bridillway leading to Burneley Church and to the mill there, and going " anglice Thrawgh " a parcel of land called Rowle hill and so to Saxifeld, and so from the Saxefeld "per (anglice Throgh) Myre Loyne"; which way is now obstructed by Richard Towneley of Rowle, gent. The jury order that they shall use and enjoy the said way for ever without let or hindrance. Sum, 28s. Sd. Sum of the two Courts, 48J. 6\d. xxxviil— Court 1Roll, 33*4 Ifoenrs viii., 1541*2. (No. 23. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Wednesday, 19 Oct., 33 Henry VIII. [1541]. Inquest taken there from the Forest of Penhull. Robert Cronkeshey, plaintiff against John Kyngstones and Jenet his wife, in a plea that the said defendant had deforced and deprived the plaintiff oF a house and land lying at Westclose, Blacke Carr, and the Fence, of the yearly rent of 16s. 8a7. The plaintiff refused to prosecute the plea on the day appointed for an enquiry. At the Halmote of the Manor of Ightenhill, held 1 1 May, 33 Henry VIII. [1 541], James Hergreves, Edmund Robyn son, jun., Ellis Nutter, jun., Robert Nutter, and William Stevenson, tenants of the King in Goldesheybothe, were plaintiffs against James Herteley of Bareley, James Ballerd, John Woderowff, John and James Robynson, James Hegyn, Peter and Thomas Verley, and John Mankynholls, tenants of the King in Bareleybothe, in a plea of trespass for that they for 30 years past had trespassed with their beasts, contrary to the plaintiffs' will, in a place called Whitmosse, commencing at HorecloghFott up to Horecloghheyd and thence as far as the Whytslackes, and so going up from thence to the top of the Whynbury Clogh. The defendants deny the trespass, as they claim to have had right of pas ture always in the places afore-mentioned. Therefore at MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1 541-2 151 the Halmote held 19 Oct. 33 Henry VIII. [1541] a jury composed of customers from the Forests of Trawden, Penhull, and Rossendale declare that the defendants were not guilty of any trespass ; and they further award to the tenants of Bareley Bothe all lands, pastures, moors, and mosses lying on the north side of Horeclogh Syke, following the boundary before mentioned, commencing at Horeclogh- foot and terminating at Whynburyeclogh Heid ; and they award to the tenants of Goldsheybothe all the lands on the south side of the said boundary ; the lands lying between Whynbury Clogh and a certain stream called Horeclogh Syke up to the Whytslacks and so to Whynburyeclogh Heid, to be equally divided between the two parties. To that Halmote came Lawrence Hergreves, Greave of Penhull, and surrendered a parcel of land lying in the Fence, now in the tenure of Richard Bawdwen (rent, 20a7.), which Robert Nutter delivered to him, to the use of John Robynson of Holdland, his heirs and assigns, according to the intent of a pair of indentures made by the said John Robynson of the one part and Robert Nutter of the other, dated 26 June, 33 Henry VIII. [1541]. The said John was then admitted, upon fine of 20a7. It is presented by inquest that a messuage and lands ¦called Wheitley, lying in the Forest of Penhull (annual rent, £6, 6s. Sd.), has reverted to the King by the death of Richard Towneley of Rowle, and that Nicholas Towneley is his son and heir. Margaret Towneley, widow of the said Richard, forbad fine for her dower for term of her life. The said Nicholas (by his attorney Thomas Ryley) grants her right of dower, and he is then admitted tenant upon pay ment of a fine of £6, 6s. Sd., by pledge of George Hoghton, gent. John Robynson of Overbarowfore amerced 3s. 4a7. for a fray upon the wife of George Redehalgh. James Michell (12a7.) for not making a weir called a "Walter Weire " lying in the higher part of Redefore Lone. Nicholas Towneley is elected Greave of Penhull. Sum, £6, 13s. 11 d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Wednesday after the feast of St. George the Martyr, 34 Henry VIII. [26 Apl. 1542]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office. John Hergreves alias Jacke versus Christopher, son of Peter Robynson, in a plea of trespass, claiming 10s. damages i52 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS because defendant had upturned the King's soil on land in the tenure of the plaintiff. The jury awarded id. damages. To that Halmote came Nicholas Robynson of Thorne- holme and surrendered a messuage and other lands called Thorneholme (rent, I gs. 6d.) to the use of Robert Bulcocke and his heirs for ever. The said Robert was admitted tenant, on fine of igs. 6d. ; and immediately afterwards he surrendered the same premises at the same Court to the use of Nicholas Robynson of Thorneholme and James Robyn son his son and heir and their heirs. They were admitted, upon payment of a fine of igs. 6d. To that Halmote came John Hergreves of Grenefeild and James Hergreves of Goldesheybothe and surrendered a messuage and lands lying in Overbarowe Fore in the Forest of Penhull (rent, 30s. yd), to the use of James Herteley of Fulshey and his heirs, who was thereupon admitted (without forbid) to the said premises, on fine of 30s. yd. The Intent declares that if James Herteley of Fulshaw will pay an annual rent of 13J. d,d., by half-yearly instalments, to John Hugh and Jenet his wife for the term of their two lives or the longer liver's, then and after the decease ofthe said John Haygh and Jenet his wife, the said rent to surcease and the said premises to go and remain to the said James Herteley and his heirs for ever. It is presented by inquest that a messuage with appur tenances in Rughlebothe (rent, 16s. 8a7.) has reverted to the King by the death of William Mytton, and that John Mitton was his son and heir. Emot Mitton, widow of the said William, forbad fine that the said Emot might have half the said messuage for term of her life ; which was granted to her by the said John Mitton ; and thereupon Peter Smyth forbad fine for a certain parcel of land (rent, lSs) his by right of inheritance. Nicholas Robynson of Thorneholme and James Herteley of Fulshey were found as sureties, and the said John Mitton was then admitted, on fine of 16s. Sd., paid by his sureties. Memorandum it is agreed by the said John Mitton that his mother Emott Mitton and her assigns shall have half of the said mease for term of her life ; and also by consent of the said Emott it is agreed that the said John Mitton shall have a fourth part of a mease lying in Rughle (rent, 2s. 3d.), parcel of lands (of the rent of us. id.) of which John Robynson yonger, John Herteley, Nicholas Robynson and James Myt ton stand seised as Feoffees in trust, as appeareth in a surrender made by William Mitton and Isabel Mitton, dated Wednesday next before the Feast of St. James Apostle 16 Henry VIII. [20 July, 1524]. The' jury say that John Kyngstones (12a7.) fished within the King's waters of Calder with " Fysche hookes," without MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1 541-2 153 licence of the Steward. James Michell (20a7.) by force and arms obstructed an ancient road at Barowefore in the Holme there, contrary to the verdict of twelve true and liege men sworn in a suit between Lawrence Hergreves and Henry Mitton, plaintiffs, and the said James Michell, defendant. Custome mayd by xxiiij" Customers. — Memorandum it is presentyd and provydyd by a quest of xxiiij1 Customers [whose names followed, being Customers sworn from the Forests] that Frome hensfurthe What person so euer he be that doith come in and appere before maister stuard and labor owth a Venee, and the Venee do appere and then and ther- appon he do renounce his plee then he for to pay the costs and damages of the seid Veny. And if the quest be arrayd then he Whom shalbe fondon Culpable or Cussen For to pay lykewyse Costs of the seid Venee And yff their be eny Ambyguytye or dowth herein Alwayes to be ReFormed by Maister Stuard and his Deputye or awther of them for the tyme beyng. Sum, £4, gs. Sd. Sum of the two Courts, £11, 3s. yd. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday, 20 Oct., 33 Henry VIII. [1541]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office. To that Halmote came Henry Ryley, clerk, by Thomas Suthill, deputy of Sir Thomas Clyfford, kt., Head Steward, and surrendered 3^ acres i\ roods oF land, one house, one garden and one barn in Brunley Wode, with the appurten ances, to the use of Christopher Michell and his heirs for ever. William Halsted and Margaret his wife forbad fine, as by right of her inheritance after the decease of the said Henry Ryley, clerk, and as being sister and heir to the said Henry. John Kepax and William Hergreves of Lomeshay are found sureties. Admittance granted, on fine of 2S. i\d. The intent declares that the said Christopher Michell shall stand seised of the said premises to the use of Sir Henry Ryley, priest, for term of his life, and after his decease to remain to the said Christopher Michell and his heirs for ever. To that Halmote came John Robynson of Padeham and Richard Webster of the same, tenants of the King, and surrendered an oxgang of land of oxgang land containing 16 acres with appurtenances in Padeham, lying on the east side of the town, called Wodebendgreve and Gaitwynes, 4 messuages and the buildings thereon, in the occupation of 154 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS the relict of George Ryley, the relict of William Walshay, Olyver Rylay, and the relict of Thomas Ratclyff; And also two toFts and 2 gardens, in the occupation of Ellen Hoghton and Jenet Sclater ; and another toft with 2 gardens and a croft, in the occupation of George Flecher, lying in Pade ham, with appurtenances there; and one penny rent in Sabden Banke, which Nicholas Whyttacre of Cledrow, John Woderowff, sen., of Burneley, and Nicholas Robynson of Chatburne delivered to them, to the use of Thomas Ryley of the Grene and Jenet his wife and their heirs for ever, according to the intent of a pair of indentures of arbitra tion made by John Whittacre, clerk, and Hugh Gartesyd, gent., between the said Thomas Ryley of the Grene and his wife of the one part and the said Nicholas Whittacre of Cledrowe of the other, dated 28 Apl. 33 Henry VIII. [1541]. Miles Whittacre forbad fine for a. toft, two gardens and a croft in the occupation of George Flecher, lately by him purchased from the said Nicholas Whittacre and where he has now built a house, to be held by the said Miles Whit tacre and his heirs for ever. Lawrence Sterkye, gent., is found surety. Admittance granted, on fine of 11;. yd. Thomas Ryley confessith that John Robynson of Pade ham shall have a way through Flecher Howse to a garden apon the Sowthe parte of the seid howse. And Miles Whitt acre confessith the same, accordyng as haith byn accus tomed affore the day of makyng hereoff. To that Halmote came Nicholas Shuttylworth and sur rendered a messuage and 25 acres of land lying in Ightenhill, to the use of John Aspeden, chaplain, James Bancroft, son and heir of Nicholas Bancroft, Richard son and heir of Edward Pollerd, and John son and heir of Richard Webster of Padeham, to the use and intent hereinafter following. Admittance granted, on fine of gs. The Intent declares that the feoffees in trust named in the fine of tbe said mese and the appurtenances shall stand seised to the use of Nicholas Shuttylworth, surrenderer of the said premises, for term of his life, and after his decease to the use of Hugh Shottylworth his son and heir, and to the right heirs of the said Hugh, and for default of such heirs to the right heirs of the said Nicholas for ever. The said Hugh to pay after the decease of the said Nicholas 27s. sterling, viz. to Bernard Shuttylworth, Richard and Henry Shuttylworth, sons of the said Nicholas, and to their assigns and to the longest liver of any of them, by half-yearly portions at Pentecost and Saint Martin in Winter ; and for default of such payments the feoffees to stand seised of the said premises to the use of the said Barnard, Richard, and Henry for term of their lives or the longer liver's, with remainder to the heirs of the said Hugh lawfully begotten. " Provydyd alwayes MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1541-2 155 that this present Fyne Surrender and Intent be not hurteful ne preiudiciall to the Kyng our Souerand Lord for his Fynes rentts and seruices to be had in and of the premisses after the deith of eny particler tennand." To that Halmote came Nicholas Shuttylworth and sur rendered a messuage and tenement in the tenure of Chris topher Cronkeshey, and also a house and a tenement in the tenure of John Cronkeshey, and also a house and a tenement in the tenure of Thomas Sonkye, as inclosed within its fences both in the Chace of Penhull as within the vill of Padeham; and also a toft in Padeham, in the tenure of Richard Ballerd and the relict of John Pecopp ; and also a house and a tenement, in the tenure of John Cockeshutt, with appurtenances in Padeham ; to the use of Henry Grymeshey and Robert Conclyff of the Sparthe and to the intent expressed as hereinafter followeth. Admittance granted, on fine of 6s. 8a7.* The intent declares that the two feoffees shall stand seised of the three abovenamed messuages, being parcel of Copptehyrst in " the towne and towneshipp" of Padeham, together with the other pre mises named — amounting altogether to the yearly value of 53J. 4d. sterling over all charges and " Repryses "¦ — to the use of Hugh son and heir of the said Nicholas and Anne his wife, for term of their lives and the longer liver's, with remainder to their issue and for de fault of such issue to the right heirs of the said Nicholas for ever. The jury by virtue of office present that John Ormerode (12a7.) son of Peter Ormerode, John son of George Ormerod (l2d), George Ormerod, jun. (12a7.), the relict of Olyver Ormerod (6d.), and John Brereclyff (12a7.) oppressed the common pasture called Burnley Moor. Robert Jackeson (6d.) and Christopher Jackeson (6a7.) for the same offence. They also say that whereas it is ordained by divers statutes that no one shall keep or exercise harriers, spaniels, wolf hounds, ferrets, or the nets called Pursenetts or other engines for hunting, unless he has lands, &c, of the value of 40s. yearly ; nevertheless a certain William Flecher, having no lands or tenements, keeps harriers and himself killed three hares in the snow between Martinmas and Easter, 33 Henry VIII. [1 541-2], and carried them away. As he has no lands let him be punished corporally. They also say that Issabel Tempest, widow, is elected Greave of Ightenhill this year, for lands in Northewod. Richard Webster is elected constable of Padeham and also * In margin : Memorandum this Fyne is assessed accordyng to the old copye oppenly shewed in the Cowrt. 156 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Christopher Nowell is elected constable of the said town. William Folds of Burneley Wode and the relict of Richard Towneley of Rowle elected constables of Burneley this year. Sum of this Halmote, 34.?. lo\d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday next after the Feast of St. George the Martyr, 34 Henry VIII. [27 April, 1542]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office. To that Halmote came Nicholas Bancroft, tenant of the King, and surrendered a messuage and buildings called Horegreve and Horegreve Hey, 29 acres of land with the Sands and the Crossebanke lying in Padeham, in the occu pation of Richard Webster, and l\d. rent in Sabdenbanke; and also a messuage and one acre in the tenure of Henry Byrtwissill, with appurtenances in Padeham ; and also 6d. rent lying upon Askehill in the occupation of Henry Cocke- shutt with appurtenances in Padeham ; which Richard Webster of Horegreve delivered to him, to the use of Nicholas Hancocke, Robert Cockeshutt, Thomas Whittacre, and Thomas Hey, and their heirs, to the use of the intent following this fine. Thomas Ryley, in the name of Emot, wife of the said Richard Webster, forbad fine for her dower. Nicholas Shuttylworth forbad fine, for a parcel of land lying in the Crosebanke in Padeham, by right of his inheritance. Thomas Ryley forbad fine, for a certain covenant appearing in a certain obligation or bond made between the said Thomas Ryley of the one part and the said Richard Webster of the other ; and likewise there came the said Thomas Ryley, Symon Haydock, Thomas Merschall, John Roo, and Wilfrid Banester (by Richard Coore their attor ney) and forbad fine, that they should have the right to dig and obtain marl in the Crossebank to them and their heirs at their will without hindrance. The Feoffees thereupon found sureties in William Barcroft, Nicholas Whittacre of Heiley (sic), and Lawrence Brereclyff, to reply, &c. Admit tance granted, on fine of lis. n\d. The intent declares that the feoffees shall stand seised of the said premises to the use of Richard Webster of Horegreve for term of his life, and after his decease to the use of Francis Webster, son and heir apparent of the said Richard, and to his heirs lawfully begotten upon his wife Jenett, "or eny other Wyffe or Wyffes wiche he shall happen or fortune to Wedde or take to Wyffe " ; and for default of such heirs to the use of the right heirs of the said Richard Webster for ever. The said Richard was not to " lett, dymyse ne grauntt to MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1542-3 157 ferme "any of the said premises "ne eny alienacion, Bargan, mor- gage, Wedsett, sell, Styrpe, ne waist, Gyft or Wodsale make," without the consent of the feoffees. The jury present by virtue of office that William Halsted (6d) of Worstorne broke the soil of the King's waste on Brownes Wode (or Brownesyd) and there diverted a water course, incroaching 20 rods of land by length and one rod in width. Robert Roods (2od) made a fray and drew blood upon Robert Bothe. Robert Cockeshutt (3s. 4a7.) of Padeham broke the King's Fold there and took thence two horses without licence. Hugh Moore (Ss), John Hey (5-y.), curate, and Thomas Merschall (Ss.) dug and acquired coals to the weight of 300 pounds, called " horselodds," in Padeham and sold them to strangers without licence (of the farmer of the King's coal pits [erased]) of the King. Sum of the Court, 32s. s^a7. Sum of the two Courts, 6ys. 4d. xxxix.— Court 1RoIl, 34*5 Ifoenrg viii., 1542*3. (No. 24. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Tuesday (sic), 21 Nov., 34 Henry VIII. [1542]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office. Robert Verley and Nicholas Robynson, plaintiffs against William Herteley, William Bulcock, Peter Verley, and Christopher Herteley, in a plea de particione facienda of and in a dyke at a parcel of land called Robert Lee, and for the setting out and limiting of bounds and fences to be acknowledged as such for ever. The jury award to the plaintiffs that portion which they had measured out for them, lying upon land called the Turffhill and the Robert Lee, and to the defendants lands at places called the Yngheid moore, the Stang, and the Robert Lee ; and the jury also award a road 3 roods in width for the said defen dants from the Pocke howse as far as the Yngheid howse. It is presented by inquest taken from the Forest that a parcel of one pasture called Ryscheton Thornes with build ings thereon erected, yearly rent iys. g\d., besides Ss. io\d. parcel of land called Newe Carre, parcel of premises in the hands of Eustace and Geoffrey Heskett, Feoffees to the use oF Elen Towneley for term of her life, has reverted to the 158 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS King upon the death of Thomas Lyster, gent, and that Thomas Lyster, jun., is his son and heir. And afterwards came the said Thomas Lyster and surrendered the before- mentioned parcel to the use of Lawrence Towneley and his heirs. Lawrence Towneley was admitted to fine, on pay ment of iys. g\d., by pledge of John Hergreves alias Jacke. The jury say that James Robynson alias Jamelen (3.?. 4a7.) made a fray upon Elen Nowell, servant to Lawrence Towneley. Robert Nutter is elected Greave of Penhull. Sum of the Court, 39J. Sd. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham [rest torn off] [May, 35 Henry VIII., 1543.] Inquest, taken there by virtue of office. To that Halmote came Thomas Bulcocke, Greave of Pen- hull, and surrendered a messuage and appurtenances con taining the third part of Oldeland called the " Graues in le Fence " and the moiety of land of the Lytle Blackewode, (yearly rent, 35^. iod), which John Robynson of Oldeland delivered to him, to the use of John Robynson, son and heir of the said John, and his heirs. John the father forbad fine, to have the said premises in security and occupation for term of his life ; and Margaret his wife forbad fine, for her dower as well as for a parcel of land called Lyttle- blackwode Howse, lying in the Fence, to have the said parcel in security and occupation after the decease of John Robynson her husband for term of her life; and Hugh Parker forbad fine, for an acre of land by right of his in heritance. John Robynson the son found sureties, Henry Nutter and James Mitton, to give assurance to the said persons that they should enjoy their rights ; and he was then admitted to fine, on payment of 35^. 10a7., by the pledge of John Robynson of Sabden. To that Halmote came John Woderowff, tenant of the King, and surrendered a messuage and certain parcels of land and tenements in Redehallows, in the occupation of Richard Saigher, and also a close called Banester Heilde and a parcel of a close called Olyver Yng (yearly rent, 20s), to the use of Robert son and heir apparent of Thomas Whittacre of the Holme and John Woderowff, jun., and to the use expressed in certain indentures made between Symon Haydock, gent., of the one part and Henry Bar croft, gent., of the other, dated 24 April, 34 Henry VIII. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1542-3 159 [1542]. The said Robert and John were admitted to fine, on payment of 20s. James Hergreves, Edmund Robynson, sen., Edmund Robynson, jun., Ellis Nutter, jun., Robert Nutter, and William Stevenson, tenants of the King, of Goldeshey Bothe, were plaintiffs against James Herteley of Bareley Bothe, John and James Ballerd, John Woderowff, sen., John Robyn son, James Robynson, James Heigyn, Peter Verley, Thomas Verley, and John Mankynholls, tenants of the King, of Bare- lay Bothe, in a plea in form and nature of a writ of our lord the King of making a partition of and in all those lands, moors, and mosses now in dispute, lying in the Forest of Penhull ; commencing at the Old Dyke Heid as far as the brow called Whynbury Clogh Heid, and descending from the Old Dykeheyd to the Blackebrynke in the higher part of Horeclogh Heid, and thence to Horeclogh Foott. The jury award the following metes and bounds : Commencing at the lower part of an ancient Dyke at Whynbury Clogh Heid, so down to the Whitsclacks, and so from Horeclogh Heid down by the stream of water to Horeclogh Foott, and thence ascending along the stream there flowing (called Whynbury Clogh Watter) to Whynbury Clogh Heid, to the mearestone from which the said bounds commenced. The tenants of Barley Bothe to occupy all the pastures, moors, mosses, and marshes lying within the said bounds on the eastern side, and the tenants of Goldeshey Bothe in like manner upon the western side, and abutting upon Whynbury Clogh Water ; as the jury had set out the metes and bounds, commencing at Whynbury Clogh Water under the Hangyng Stone and so direct to a stone called the " Gray Mare in the Clogh " and so forward to a small sapling called "a Byrche Tre" on the south side of Horeclogh Syke down to Horeclogh Foott and over the Whynbury Clogh Watter to a meare stone placed by the jury and thence to the " old Wall Nook apud Horeclogh Foott." All fences and dykes to be made by each party, according to the share of each, before the 1 5 April next ensuing, under penalty of forfeiting 40J. to the King. Sum of the Court, 56J. id. Sum of the two Courts, £4, 15s. gd. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday, 23 Nov., 34 Henry VIII. [1542]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office. Isabell, widow of John Smyth, and Alice, widow of John Hey, appear as the respective plaintiffs in two pleas of debt. Richard Banester of Brockeden was plaintiff against George Halsted oF Burneley, in a plea of trespass, in 160 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS cutting underwood and qwickewode growing on plaintiff's land and for open fences between the Bonkehowse and the Brygend. The jury give a verdict for the defendant, with 4a7. costs. Philip Spenser sued George Halsted for 40s., for trespass and damage done by his beasts for 20 years past between Whyncroke and Aspe Feild. The jury award 14a7. damages. To that Halmote came Henry Walton of Barkerhowse, ' tenant of the King, and surrendered a messuage and g\ acres of land lying in Ibson Feild in the Hey there, on the eastern side of the King's highway, now inclosed by Law rence Wilson, and the appurtenances in Little Marsden ; which Richard Wilson delivered to him, to the use of the said Lawrence Wilson and his heirs. Admittance granted, on payment of 3-f. 2d. It is presented by inquest that a messuage, 6 acres and one rood of land with appurtenances in Brereclyff called Batlyhole, and also a messuage and 1 1 acres with appur tenances in Mersden, and a toft and half a toft in Burneley, have reverted to the King upon the death of Thomas Lyster, gent., and that Thomas Lyster, jun., is his son and heir. He sought admittance (by his attorney Thomas Ryley) and was admitted to fine, on payment of Ss- io\d. And after wards at the same Court the said Thomas Lyster, jun., by his attorney surrendered the abovementioned premises to the use of Lawrence Towneley and his heirs ; which said Lawrence was thereupon admitted to fine, upon payment of Ss. io\d. The jury also say that a messuage, one oxgang of oxgang land and one penny rent in Sabden Banke, and one acre of land called Chappelsted, have reverted to the King upon the death of Roger Cockeshutt, feoffee to the use of John Hey, chaplain, and his successors for the celebration of divine service in the Chapel of Padeham for ever, and that Roger Cockeshutt, jun., is his kinsman and next heir and 19 years old. The said Roger is thereupon admitted to fine, upon payment of 3s. id. And afterwards at the same Court came the aforementioned Roger Cockeshutt and sur rendered the hereinbefore mentioned premises (of the annual rent of 3s. id), to the use of Edmund son and heir of Lawrence Starkye, Richard Shuttilworth son and heir of Hugh Shuttilworth, Henry son and heir of Thomas Ryley, and Robert son and heir of John Roo, and their heirs, to the use expressed after the said fine. The said cofeoffees were thereupon admitted to fine, on payment of MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1542-3 161 3.?. id. " Thuse and Intent of this present Fyne and Sur render is Suche that they the abovenamed Edmund Starkye, Richard Shuttylworth, Henry Ryley, and Robert Roo, and their Heires nowe beyng Fyned and Seased of in and apon on these on oxgang of land of oxgang land, a Penyrent in Sabden banke, and on acre of land called Chappell Steide, to the use and behove of Sir John Hey, Prest, and to his Successors to celebrait and Say Dyvyne Seruice within the Chappell of Sant Leonard in Padeham For all cristen Sowlez For euer." It is presented by inquest that two messuages and an oxgang and a half of oxgang land with appurtenances in Padeham, and l\d. rent in Sabdenbanke, have reverted to the King upon the death of William Banester, and that Wilfrid Banester is his son and heir and under age ; Richard Greneacre, his attorney, was admitted to fine, upon payment of 4s. yd. It is presented by inquest that a messuage with 7 acres of land in Haybergham, called Kereall Howse, has reverted to the King upon the death of John Clerke, and that Law rence Clerke is his son and heir. The said Lawrence is admitted to fine, on payment of 2s. 4a7. It is presented by inquest that a messuage and 13 acres and a half of rodeland lying in Habringham has reverted to the King upon the death of Thomas Ryley of Accryngton and that William Ryley is his son and heir. Alice, the widow of the said Thomas (by Alexander Ryley her attor ney), forbad fine, for her dower. Richard Halsted was found surety to secure the fourth part of the said premises to the said Alice. The said William Ryley was then ad mitted to fine, upon payment of 4s. 4a7. The jury also say that Richard Cockeshott (2od) and George Whittacre (20a7.) made a fray together, and that Nicholas Wilkynson (nil, for he has nothing) and George Whittacre (20a7.) made a fray together. Thomas Mershall obtained coals within the vill of Padeham to the amount of 500 pounds, called " horselodes," and sold them to strangers without licence. The steward decided to levy no amercement by reason of the King's demise (of certain coal pits ?). They also say that William Hergreves of Lomeshey is elected Greave of Ightenhill ; Symon Haydock and Richard Michell, constables of Burneley ; John Robynson and Robert Hoghton, constables of Padeham. They also say that it should be lawful to the Steward of VOL. II. . L 162 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS the Court or his Deputy to hold or keep the Halmote Court of the King in whatsoever house or houses, built upon soil and land of the King, wherever it should be pleasing to him within the said Halmote for ever. Sum of the Court, 39J. iod. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday the last day of May, 35 Henry VIII. [1543], before Arthur Darcy, kt., Head Steward. Inquest taken by virtue of office. John Yngham was plaintiff against Nicholas Robynson in a plea of trespass, in that defendant had forcibly entered into a house belonging to the plaintiff situate in Padeham, whence he had deforced and disseised the said plaintiff contrary to the Statute. The jury give a verdict, " Non est culpabilis." To that Halmote came Nicholas Grymeshey, Greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage, three acres 1^ roods of land in Burneley called Blackeacre Howse, which Richard Wodde, chaplain, had delivered to him, to the use of Nicholas Robert and his heirs. Thomas Willisill, in the name of Alice, widow of Edward Robert, forbad fine, for her dower. The said Nicholas then found surety Nicholas Grymeshey to respond thereunto ; and was admitted to fine, on payment of i3\d. To that Halmote came John Woderowff, tenant of the King, and surrendered a messuage, 5 acres of land and id. rent in Burneley called Law Flatt, and also a house called Purse Howse and 4 acres* of land in Brereclyff, which John Robynson, sen., delivered to him, to the use of Robert son of the said John Robynson and his heirs. John Robynson forbad fine, to have the said premises in security for term of his life and for his wife Margaret's dower. The son found sureties, William Hergreves of Lomeshey and Richard Bancroft, and was then admitted to fine, on pay ment of 3 s. 1 d. To that Halmote came Lawrence Starkye, Greave of Ightenhill, and surrendered a messuage and 3 5 acres of rode- land with the appurtenances in the town of Burneley, which Henry Herger lately deceased delivered to him, to the use of Robert, son and heir apparent of John Yngham of Fulleage, John son and heir apparent of Robert Whittacre, according to the intent hereinafter expressed. The feoffees (by their attorney Lawrence Habergham) sought admittance to fine ; whereupon Margaret, widow of the said Henry, forbad fine, MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1543-4 163 for her dower. The said feoffees then found sureties, Law rence Starkye, gent., and William Halsted, by the assent and consent of Nicholas Herger ; and they were then ad mitted to fine, on payment of 11s. Sd. The Intent declares that the Feoffees shall stand seised of the said premises to the use of Nicholas son and heir of the said Henry Herger for term of his life and to permit him to enjoy all the rents and profits thereof ; Provided that the feoffees at the request of the said Nicholas shall after his decease surrender to wife or wives of the said Nicholas in the name of her jointure one house in the occu pation of Richard Banester, a house called Cathyryne Howse, a close called Tumor Crofte, a close called the Deane, and another called the Bente, parcel of the said premises. Remainder to John son and heir apparent ofthe said Nicholas Herger and his heirs ; remainder to the right heirs of the said Nicholas for ever. It is presented by inquest taken by virtue of office that six acres of land lying in Shuttylworth Eez have reverted to the King upon the death of Edmund Ascheton of Chat terton, and that James Ascheton is his son and heir. Law rence Starkye forbad fine for a parcel of the said premises, by right of his inheritance. James Ascheton (by Edward Ascheton his attorney) found surety Thomas Ryley to respond, and he was then admitted to fine, on payment of 2S. They also say that Richard Kepax (3^. 4a7.) made a fray upon Alice Spenser and drew her blood. Sum of the Court, 21s. s\d. Sum of the two Courts, £3. 1 Sid. XL.-Court 1Roll, 35*6 Ibenrs viii., 1543*4. (No. 25. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Thursday, 25 Oct., 35 Henry VIII. [1S43]. Inquest taken from the Forest of Penhull. Surrender by Lawrence Hergreves of two messuages with other premises in Lawgher and Over Barowfore, with a small portion of land in Ryscheton Thornes (yearly rent, 2ys. H^d), to the use of John Hergreves and his heirs. Fine forbidden by the aforesaid Lawrence, for occupation and enjoyment of the said premises for term of his life, also for dower of Issabel his wife. This was conceded, and Chris topher Robynson found as surety. Fine for admittance, 2ys. 1 1 ^d. 1 64 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Surrender by Thomas Bulcocke, Greave of Penhull, and John Herteley, tenant of the King, of half a messuage and other premises in Whitleyhaybothe (yearly rent, 3s. y%d.), which William Hergreves for a certain sum of money paid by James Hergreves delivered to them, to the use of the said James, brother of the said William Hergreves and his heirs. Fine forbidden by Elesabeth, wife of the said William Hergreves, for her dower of half the said mes suage ; and also by John Robynson of Blackemosse, for a certain parcel of land lying in the Meane ground, in right of his inheritance, and for which he had fined with the King. These forbids are conceded, and Hugh Parker and James Herteley of Fulleshey Heid found as sureties. Fine for admittance, 4s. y\d. Afterwards at the same Halmote the said William Hergreves of Whitleyhaybothe, before Richard Sherburne, kt., Deputy Steward of Blackeburne- shire, surrendered, released and quit-claimed to James Hergreves his brother, his heirs and assigns, all his right and title to the above described half messuage and other premises, and warrants, &c. Memorandum of agreement between William Hergreves and James Hergreves, wherein it is agreed that the said James Hergreves and his heirs shall pay at the King's farm days twice a year, by equal portions, 6s. &d. to the said William Hergreves his brother during his life. Also William is to have " Sufficient meit and drynke Fondon by the said James and his heires conveniently as a Warkeman oughte to haue so long tyme as the same William doith contynew and abyde with the seid James Hergreves his Brother or with his Heire or Heires, the seid William laboryng and workyng therfore Suche labors, Husbondry And other necessaryes as the seid James haith to doo and is behoveable for a husbondman to haue and occupye." This and certain moneys before paid by the said James are the full satisfaction for every part of the premises released to his brother. ' Memorandum that at the Halmote held at Heigham on Wednesday after the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, 30 Henry VIII. [2 Oct. 1538], John Woderowff, Roger Herte ley, and John Robynson, jun., surrendered a messuage and other premises lying in Nether Rughle (yearly rent, lis. i^d), and also 5s. yearly rent lying in Watlingfore in the Forest of Penhull, to the use of John Parker of Munke- hall and Robert his son and heir apparent. Fine forbidden by Christopher, son and heir of John Smyth, jun., of Rughle, in right of his inheritance to the above-named premises. Thereupon fine is deferred until the Steward -should be therein better informed ; and proclamation being made in every court held during the years which elapsed until the MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1543-4 165 holding ofthe Halmote, viz., on the 25 October, 35 Henry VIII. [1543], that if anyone should have cause to forbid he should come and recover, and no other came ; therefore at the above-named Halmote the premises were demised by the Steward to the said Robert Parker. Fine for ad mittance, 16s. i\d. Christopher Herteley, son of Humphrey Herteley lately deceased, surrendered, released and quit-claimed to James Herteley of the Lawnd, for term of the said Christopher's life (to be then held by him and his assigns after the end of the term of years which James Michell, chaplain, and James Herteley, father of the said James, now have in the premises— the term not yet being completed), all one messuage and other premises in the Lawgher Barowfore, with a small portion of land in Ryscheton Thornes, yearly rent, 6s. 4\d. Fine for admittance, 6s. 4\d. Release and Surrender of Christopher, son of Humphrey Herteley deceased, of all right and title in a close or parcel of land called the Perrocke, lying in the Lawgher Barrowfore, to the use of Lawrence Herteley ofthe same place and his heirs. Fine for admittance, 1 id. Surrender of John Herteley alias Trocke, tenant of the King, of all those messuages and other premises called Lowgher Lawnde and Goldesheybothe lying in the Forest of Penhull (yearly rent, £3, 2s. 2\d), which Robert Nutter delivered to him, to the use of Ellis Nutter, jun., John son of Ellis Nutter, sen., James Herteley of the Lawnde, Robert son of Roger " Herteley by the Watter," and James son of John Herteley called Trocke, and their heirs to the use and intent hereinafter following. Fine forbidden, by Edmund Verley, for certain covenants made between the said Robert Nutter and himself, as appears in certain indentures dated 20 March, 31 Henry VIII. [1539-40]; also by Elezabeth Nutter, mother of the said Robert, for her dower ; also by Jenet Dobson, for a parcel of land lying in the Lawnd, to have occupation thereof for term of her life. These forbids are conceded, and John Herteley alias Trock and Lawrence Hergreves are found as sureties. Fine for admittance, £3, 2S. 2\d. The Intent declares that the Feoffees above named shall stand seised ot the said messuages to the only use ofthe said Robert Nutter, for term of his life, together with all rents and profits ; and after his decease to the use of Christopher Nutter, his son and heir apparent, and to his heirs ; and for default of such issue to James Nutter, brother of the said Christopher, and to his heirs ; and for default of issue to the right heirs of the said Robert Nutter for ever. The 166 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Feoffees also to stand seised of one third part of the said messuages to the use of " Alys now wyff of the seid Robert durying her lyff naturall after the decease of the seid Robert Nutter hir husbond" with all the rents thereof " withowth impechement of Waist." Surrender by Miles Nutter, Richard Bybby, and Nicholas Robynson of Rughlee of a messuage with appur tenances in Over Rughle and Nether Rughle otherwise Rughlebothe (yearly rent, izs. if a7.), which James Smyth delivered to them, to the use of Christopher, son of Wil liam [? John] Smyth and his heirs, according to the intent hereinafter following. Fine for admittance, us. i\d. The intent provides that the father, John Smyth, shall occupy and enjoy the said premises for term of his life ; and. after his decease the son Christopher and his heirs shall permit Jenet, Margery, and Agnes Smyth, daughters of the said John, to receive all rents and profits, issuing therefrom for their lives and the longest liver's ; remainder to the said Christopher Smyth and his heirs. The jury present that Hugh Whithed (4a7.) and Richard Whitheid his brother fished within the King's waters in the Forest of Penhull without licence. Christopher More, George Hergreves, and Randolph Hergreves obstructed a certain way between Foxeholeyait and the Kynford Clogh- yait. Amercements deferred. Henry Bercroft is elected Greave of Penhull. Sum of this Court, £6, 1 Ss. o^d. HALMOTE held at Heigham on Thursday, 15 May, 36 Henry VIII. [1544]. Inquest taken there from the Forest of Penhull. Surrender by James Herteley of Bareley, tenant of the King, of a messuage with appurtenances in Over Goldeshey, Nether Goldeshey, and the Craggs, in the Forest of Penhull (yearly rent, 12s. io\d), of which Sibbel, wife of John Baley, jun., is now seised, and which she had voluntarily and of her own will delivered to him, to the use of Edward son of John Baley, sen., and William Stevenson, sen., as trus tees according to the intent hereinafter following. Fine for admittance, 12s. io\d. The intent expresses that the trustees shall stand seised of the premises aforesaid to the use of John Baley, jun., and Sibbell his wile and to the longer liver and to their heirs ; remainder to the heirs of the longer liver (sic). Surrender by John Parker and Robert Parker, in con sideration of 22 marks paid to the said John by Nicholas MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1543-4 167 Fawsett, of a messuage and appurtenances in Nether Rughlee (yearly rent, 1 is. i\d), and also 5s. rent lying in Watlyngfore in the forest of Penhull, to the use of Chris topher Smyth and Agnes his wife and to the longer liver of them and to their heirs ; with remainder to the said Chris topher and his heirs for ever. Fine forbidden by the said Nicholas Fawset, for occupation of one moiety of the above- mentioned premises for term of his life, in consideration of a payment for purchase of the said premises. The said Christopher and Agnes concede this claim. Also John and Robert Parker forbid fine, for certain lands in the occupa tion of John Hyrst which Issabella Mitton, formerly wife of the said John Hyrst (sic), held by grant and demise of John Smyth, father of the said Christopher, in order that the said John and Robert Parker and their assigns should occupy and enjoy the said premises for a term of 1 2 years from the 28th day before the date of this Court. And thereupon the said Christopher and Agnes found Richard Bybby and John Smyth sureties that the said John and Robert Parker should freely have not only the lands in the occupation of John Hyrst for the said term, but also all those agistments of beasts or cattle upon land, being dower of Agnes Smyth, widow, lately deceased, according to an agreement made by the said sureties dated 14 May, 36 Henry VIII. [1544]. Fine for admittance, 16s. i\d. Surrender by Ellis Nutter, sen., tenant of the King, of a messuage and other premises in the said Forest (yearly rent, i6.r. Sd), which Christopher Robynson had delivered to him, to the use of Edmund Robynson, sen., and Edmund Robynson, jun., to the intent hereinafter expressed. Fine for admittance, i6.r. Sd. The Intent declares that the Feoffees, who are described as of Goldesheybothe, shall stand seised of the above-named premises in Rughlee to the use of Christopher Robynson and IssabeU his wife for term of their lives and the longer liver's, and to suffer them to " oc- cupye, manure and enyoye " the same ; and after their decease to the use of Nicholas, second son of the said Christopher Robynson and to his heirs. But nevertheless the Feoffees shall permit John Robyn son, the elder son, or Henry, the youngest son, of the said Chris topher Robynson — whichever of the two he shall appoint by his last will — to occupy and enjoy '"the moytye ofthe seid Meses duryng his lyff naturall," paying yearly 8s. 4d. to the said Nicholas Robynson for the King's rent, " and also Further he to doo all seruices to the Kyrke and Kyng for the same " ; and after his decease to revert to the said Nicholas and his heirs. The jury present that James Hergreves (3.?. 4^) of Whittalgh, and all his neighbours, tenants of the King in 1 68 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Whittalgh, and also John Hergreves (8a7.), Nicholas Robyn son (8d), Miles Robynson (Sd), and Christopher Robyn son (8d.) obstructed a certain way upon Derleybanke to the injury, &c. Memorandum that at that Halmote Lawrence Towneley, gent., produced in Court a letter (about Carr Mill) from John Gage, kt., Chancellor of the King's Duchy of Lancaster, addressed to Arthur Darcy, kt., Steward of Blackburneshire, and did desire the same to be read in Court. The said letter reciteth that Laurens Towneley hath taken in farm ofthe King's Majesty by Indenture under the Duchy seal his grace's new erected Milne called Penhull Mylne for term of years not yet determined " with suyt and tolle of all his Maiestie's tenantts of the Newe tenour within the Forest of Penhull." Which mill was erected at the suit and petition of the King's said tenants and is not likely to be maintained unless their suit and grist be had and made at the said mill. The Steward is therefore commanded to charge the said King's tenants to grind their grist only at the said new erected mill and to charge to the Homage at each court held at Heigham to enquire and present upon their oaths of all tenants grinding any grist away from the said mill ; " and that ye frome tyme to tyme set and put such amerciamentts of their seuerall heidds wiche shall happen to grinde any grists from the seid Mille as shalbe not onely a condigne punishement for that offence, but also an example for others to attempte the breache of our seid commaundment. And that you Frome tyme to tyme so award processe for the spedye levyeng of the seid amercia ments in that behalff to the Kyng's use, as to your dutye shall apper teyne. Frome Westminster the xviij day of Februarij in the xxxv' yere ofthe reigne of our Souerand lorde Kyng Henry theght" [1543-4]. The Homage thereupon present that one George Gryme shey (3s. 4d), John Spenser (200".), and Thomas Wat mough (20d), tenants of Richard Towneley, sen., esq., and tenants of the King in Fyllyclose, did withdraw their mul ture, toll, or grist of their grain from the said Lawrence Towneley. They also say that Hugh Whitheid (4^.) of Mersden fished without licence in the King's waters in Penhull. Sum of this Court, 58s. Sd. Sum of the two Courts, £g, 13s. 8$d. HALMOTE held at Burneley on Wednesday, 24 Oct., 35 Henry VIII. [1543]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office. Surrender by Lawrence Whittacre and Richard Webster of a messuage, a toft, 1 8 acres of oxgang land in Padeham, and one penny rent in Sabden Banke, to the use of Law rence, son and heir of James Whittacre and his heirs. Fine MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1543-4 169 forbidden by Issabel Whittacre, widow, and Elezabeth Whittacre, for dower for term of their lives. Lawrence Whittacre concedes this, by surety of Richard Webster and Hugh Shuttylworth. Fine for admittance, 6s. id. Surrender by George Halsted and Richard Folds of a cottage in Burneley, containing 45 feet in length and 36 feet in width, to the use of William, son and heir apparent of Richard Folds, and James Willisill and their heirs, accord ing to the intent hereinafter following. Fine for admit tance, id. The intent declares that the Feoffees shall stand seised of the said cottage in trust, to the use of Richard Smyth and Issabel his wife for term of their lives ; remainder to Richard Smyth's right heirs. Surrender by John Parker of Extwissill, gent., John Yngham of Fullege, and Richard Tattersall, feoffees of William Whittacre and of Alice his wife, by Nicholas Grymeshey, Greave of Ightenhill, at the special instance and request of the said William and Alice, without force but of their own free will, of a messuage and a tenement with appurtenances in Burneley in the occupation of Thomas Haughton, and 2 closes within the " demaynes " of Heyley, called Rysche Hey and the Bright Yng, containing 12 acres, and now in the several tenures of John Whitwham and Richard Michell of Burneley ; to the use of Robert son and heir apparent of John Parker, Robert son and heir ap parent of John Yngham, Richard Tattersall, jun., and John Woderowff, jun., and to the uses expressed in certain in dentures made between William Whittacre of Burneley (otherwise called William Whittacre of Heyley in co. Lane), yoman, Alice Whittacre his wife and Nicholas his son and heir, yoman, of the one part, and William Yngham of Burneley Wodde, yoman, of the other part ; dated 28 Jan., 34 Henry VIII. [1542-3]. Fine forbidden by Robert Whittacre, for occupation of the said close called Rysche Hey for a term of seven years to be fulfilled after the date of this Halmote. Also by William Lund, for a house and half an acre of land in the Rysche Hey, in his occupation for a term of 22 years to be fulfilled after this fine ; and also that he had 3s. 4a7. issuing from the land called Bright Yng and payable to him the said William for term of the life of the said William Whittacre. The feoffees concede these claims and find sureties, Lawrence Haybergham and Alex ander Lever. Fine for admittance, 4s. Memorandum that at the Halmote held at Burneley on 170 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Thursday after the feast of St. George the Martyr, 34 Henry VIII. [27 April, 1542], came Thomas Whittacre, Richard Kepax, Richard Folds, and John Tattersall, at the request of William Whittacre and Alice his wife, Nicholas Whittacre, Edward Tattersall and IssabeU, daughter of the said Edward ; and the said Alice, being examined by the Steward, did of her own free will surrender a messuage and 13 acres of land in Burneley Wodde to the use of Richard Towneley, jun., Thomas Towneley, Lawrence Haybergham, gent., William son and heir apparent of Richard Folds of Danser Howse, according to the uses expressed in an Indenture Tripartite made between William Whittacre of Heyley, yoman, and Alice his wife, Nicholas son and heir apparent of the said William and Alice, of the first part ; and Edward Tattersall of Pecopp, IssabeU wife of the said Nicholas, otherwise called IssabeU daughter of Edward Tattersall, of the second part ; and Richard Whittacre of Bacopp, husbondman, of the third part ; dated 26 April, 34 Henry VIII. [1542]. Fine for admittance, 4s. 4d. The jury present that John Croke (20d.) of Northewod oppressed Padeham common pasture. Edward, earl of Derby (by Philip Spenser and other tenants there his attornies), is elected Greave of Ighten hill ; Richard Tattersall and William Aglett, constables of Burneley and Habergham Evez. Sum of this Court, 16s. 2d. HALMOTE held at Burneley on Monday (?), 2 April, 35 Henry VIII. [1544]. To that Halmote came Arthur Darcy, kt., Chief Steward of Blackeburneshire, by Richard Grenacres, gent., and locum tenens of Richard Sherburne, esq., Deputy of the said Steward, who was absent in the wars of the King against the Scots, and surrendered a messuage, three score and four acres of land with the appurtenances in Ightenhill, forty acres of land with the appurtenances, in Burneley, 5 messuages, 26 acres of land and 2 acres of land with the appurtenances in Brereclyff, and all those messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments with the appurtenances lying and being in Ightenhill, Burneley, and Brereclyff, held by rod of the Court, according to the custom of the said Manor, which the most noble Edward, earl of Derby, lord of Stanley and Stronge, in his own person delivered and sur rendered to the use and behoof of Nicholas Towneley, gent. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1543-4 171 and lawyer, and Anne his wife, and their heirs for ever. Fine for admittance, 46s. 4a7., by pledge of Symon Hay- docke and Thomas Ryley. The above written fine was delivered by the aforementioned Steward to Nicholas Towneley, gent., and Anne his wife and their heirs according to the custom of the Manor of Ightenhill and accord ing to the tenor and effect of the said fine, before the full court of the said Halmote in the presence of Richard Towneley, jun., esq., Symon Haydock, Thomas Ryley, Nicholas Shuttylworth, Hugh Shuttyl worth, Lawrence Brereclyff, John Halsted of Wyndle Howse, William Halsted, John Robynson of Oldeland, Lawrence Whittacre, Bartho lomew Glover, John Robynson of Padeham, Richard Webster of the same, Edward Tattersall, John Roo, and William Yngham, Customers and tenants of the King, according to the custom of the said Manor and in the presence of many other Customers there present. Sum of this Court, 46s. 4^. HALMOTE held at Burneley on Wednesday, 14 May, 36 Henry VIII. [1544]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office. Surrender by Christopher Lister of Middopp in co. York, esq., by William Hergreves of Lomeshey, Greave of Ighten hill, of a messuage and 18 acres of land with the appur tenances in Brereclyff, to the use of Richard Akerode of Brereclyff and his heirs and to their own proper use for ever, in consideration of the payment of .£46, 1 3s. 4a7. paid by the said Richard Akerode to the said Christopher Lister, esq., for the said messuage and premises purchased and acquired from the said Christopher. , Fine for admittance, 6s., by pledge of John Halsted of Heigh Halsted. Then follows release of the said premises by Christopher Lister, esq., and Elen his wife — the said Elen being examined by the Steward and surrendering of her own free will and without the coercion of her husband — and concluding with the usual warranty. Surrender by John Wodrowff, sen., John Woderowff, jun., John Cromebocke, Henry Ryley, and George Smyth of a messuage, 2 cottages, 2 gardens, and 21 acres 1 rood of land in Ightenhill and Haybergham, to the use of Richard Towneley, jun., esq., Richard son and heir apparent of Hugh Shuttylworth, Robert son and heir apparent of William Barcroft, Hugh son and heir apparent of Richard Halsted, and John son and heir apparent of William Halsted, according to the intent hereinafter following. Fine for^admittance, ys. $d. The intent declares that the Feoffees shall be fined and seised of one half part of the said premises to the use of Miles Aspeden for term of 172 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS his life, and to his heirs, and for default to the right heirs of the said Miles; and ofthe other half part of the said premises to the use of the said Myles Aspeden and Margaret Smyth, daughter of Richard Smyth of Hyrstewod, " whom the seid Miles by the grace of God shall marye and take to Wyff" and to 'the longer liver of them, in the name of the jointure and dower ofthe said Margaret if she survive, and to their heirs ; for default to the right heirs of the said Miles for ever. Provided always that the said Miles shall pay to John, son of the said Richard Smyth, 20s. yearly at Pentecost and Martinmas until the sum of 20 marks, which the said John Smyth had lent to the said Miles towards the redemption of the aforesaid lands " Further of the hands of on Laurens Clerke," be fully repaid ; and in case of default of full payment the said John Smyth to re-enter upon the said lands. » Our lord the King, by John Gage, kt., Chancellor of his Duchy of Lancaster, by letters of the said Chancellor to Arthur Darcy, kt., steward of Blackeburneshire addressed, directeth as follows : — " Aftre my hertiest commendacions. Where as the laite Abbot of the lait Mon' of Whalley in our countye Palantyne of Lancastre held of the Kyngs Maiestie at Will by copye of Courte Roll the parcells of lands undre written, beyng parcells of the Manour of Ightenhill pareell of the possessions of his Duchie of Lancastre in the seid countye Palantyne : That is to say, one mease and xxj' acres of land lyyng in Burneley, laite in the occupacion of on Robert Smythe, wiche Robert payd and aunswerd yerely to the Kyng to thandes of the Reve of Ightenhill for the same Mease and other the premisses the rent of Seven Shillyngs Sterling, over and aboue Twenty and Sex Shillyngs eighth pense payde to the seid Abbott of Whalleye" — also a parcel of land in Burneley in the occupation of Charles Adlyng- ton, ofthe yearly rent to the King of 2\d. over and above 8s. paid to the said Abbot ; also a house and garden in Padiham late in the occupation of Henry Cockeshott, of the yearly rent to the King of 2s. over and above 4s. paid to the said abbot ; and also a parcel of land called the Chambre Hill in Padeham in the holding of one Marschall's wife, of one penny yearly rent to the King and 2s. to the said abbot ; "All singuler wiche premisses be nowe in his gracis hands and dis- posicion by Reason of the atteyndowr of the seyd Abbot apon Heigh treason, Therefore and for asmyche as ye be the Kyngs Stuard there Thies bee to advertyese you that his Highnes by the advyce of his Councell of his seid Duchie haith graunted the same to hys lovyng subiete Jeffray Risheton, bringer hereoff" ; Paying yearly at the usual feasts the following rents — 33s. 8d., 8s. 2\d., 6s., and 2s. id.: Total, 49J-. nid. Fine for admittance double the said rent. The steward is ordered to make him a sufficient copy of the said fine and admit tance. " Frome London the iiij* day of May, anno RR H. viij xxxvj" [1544]. Your lovyng Frend John Gage." Fine for admittance, 4gs. 1 1 \d. The jury present that four messuages and 69J acres of land with the appurtenances in Burneley have reverted to the King upon the death of Henry Herger, feoffee to the intent expressed in a certain indenture made by Edward MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1544-5 173 Tattersall, dated 23 June, 11 Henry VIII. [15 19] and that Nicholas Herger is his son and heir, to the use expressed in the said indenture. Fine for admittance, 23^. 2d. They also present that Henry Nutter (i2d), Giles Smyth (12^.), the relict of Randle Smyth (6d), Thomas Smyth (6d), John Smyth (6d), John Lonsdale (6a7.), William Tailyor (2d), William Michell (2d), Thomas Watmogh (nil), the relict of George Smyth (4^.), Jenet Hergreves (4a1.), Ellis Nutter, sen. (4^.), and Richard Bawdwen (i2d) tres passed with their cattle upon Saxifeld common pasture. Thomas Pollerd (2d.) committed the like offence. John Hyndle (l2d) was amerced for not throwing down a certain ditch inclosed around the Lawghton at Pyghole common pasture. William Smyth ( 1 2d) of Pyghole was amerced for setting to farm a certain house lately placed and built upon the King's waste, without making fine with the King for the same ; therefore the Greave is directed to seize the same against the next court into the King's hands. Sum of this Court, £6, 10s. 8\d. Sum of all the Courts, £g, 18s. 6\d. XLi.-Court iroU, 36*7 Ibenry viii., 1544*5. (No. 26. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Wednesday after the Feast of St. Luke, 36 Henry VIII. [22 October, 1544]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office. Richard Hergreves of Heigham surrendered a half mes suage with the appurtenances in Heigham within the Forest of Penhull (yearly rent, 8s. gd), to the use of James, younger son of the said Richard Hergreves, and his heirs, with re mainder to his elder brother John Hergreves and his heirs, and for default of such heirs to the right heirs of Richard Hergreves the father. Forbidden by Richard Hergreves and Anne, that they should occupy the said premises for their lives, with the exception of a parcel granted to the said James by the said Richard, the said James paying yearly 6s. Sd. to the said Richard or Anne. Forbidden by John Hergreves, to have the said premises by right of his inheri tance, according to custom. William Hergreves of Heigham is surety for the performance of the forbids. Admittance granted, on fine of 8s. gd. Then follows surrender of the 174 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS other moiety of the same messuage by Richard Hergreves to his elder son John and his heirs ; remainder to his younger son James and his heirs, &c. Forbidden by Richard and Anne as before, which is granted to them. Admittance granted on fine of 8s. gd. William, son of John Stephenson, came and took a parcel of land, &c, in le Fensse, at 22d. rent, by virtue of a decree under the Duchy Seal.* It is presented by inquest at the Halmote held at Heigham on the 15th May, 36 Henry VIII. [1544], that a messuage with the appurtenances lying in Whitleyboth (yearly rent, 25^. iod.) has reverted to the King upon the death of Robert Bulcocke, and that Christopher is his son and heir. Alice, mother of the said Christopher, forbad fine, for her dower. Likewise John Robynson of Blackemosse, James and Law rence Hergreves of Whitleyhaybothe, forbad fine, for cer tain covenants made between them and the said Robert Bulcocke. Edmund Robynson and John Robynson of Bareley are sureties for the performance of the forbids. Admittance granted, on fine of 25^. iod. The jury present that Hugh, son of George Hergreves (3 j. 4d), and Thomas Dogeson (beyond the jurisdiction) made a fray upon William Towne. Henry, son of Edmund Robynson (2od), made a fray upon John, son of John Her greves alias Jacke. John Robynson of Olde Land, Nicholas Stevenson, James Hergreves of Sabden, Edmund Emott, Edmund Robynson, sen., and Edmund Robynson, jun., Wil liam Stevenson, sen., and John Croke of Westeclose inclosed land in the Fence, whereby the King's highway was ob structed. Amercements of 2od. each — afterwards cancelled by the Steward. Nicholas (4a7.) and John Stevenson (4a7.) and John Baley (4d.) for not keeping in order nor scouring a gate below the Church of Penhull called le New Kyrke in Penhull. John Hergreves alias Jacke (i2d), Nicholas (i2d), Chris topher (i2al), and Miles Robynson (i2d.) obstructed a cer tain highway at Derleybanke. Nicholas Hancocke (20^.), Robert Nutter (20d) and Christopher Jackeson (20d) with drew their grain from the King's mill lately erected in Penhull at the New Carre. Richard Towneley, esq., sen., is elected Greave of Pen- hull, in right of land called Fillyclose. Sum of the Court, 58^. 4^. * Duchy of Lancaster Court Rolls, bundle 78, No. 1023. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1544-5 * 175 HALMOTE held at Heigham on Thursday, 23 April, 37 Henry VIII. [1545]. Inquest held there by virtue of office. The King, by the hands of Arthur Darcy, kt., Steward, granted by virtue of his commission remaining in the custody of Lawrence Towneley of Barnesyd, gent., and given at the Palace of Westminster under seal of the Duchy of Lan caster, 21 Feb., 36 Henry VIII. [1544-5],. to the said Law rence Towneley, a certain parcel of land (containing 60 feet in length and 50 feet in width), being parcel of the New Carre, and a water cornmill now built upon the said parcel in the Forest of Penhull, with all the mill dam and water both to and from the said mill, and with all the soke and suit of all tenants of the New Hold in Penhull in any wise belonging ; to be held by him and his heirs for ever, paying yearly 13s. 4«\ for the said mill and likewise 6s. Sd. of new increase. Admittance granted, on payment of 20s. and 6s. 8d. of new increase. John Croke, by Henry Barcroft, Greave of Penhull, for the sum of 23 marks 2s. 4a7. (i.e., ^15, gs) paid by Hugh Halsted and John Yngham, yemen, to the said John Croke, surrendered a messuage called Westclose with the appur tenances lying in the Fence (yearly rent, 42s. 4d), to the use of Hugh Halsted and John Yngham, to be held by them their heirs and assigns for a term of 20 years to be com pleted from the date of this Halmote, under the following conditions : That if John Croke or his issue shall pay the said Hugh and John or their executors immediately after the end of the said term the aforesaid sum of money, or within one month after to the Curate of the Parish Church of Burneley then being to the use of the said Hugh and John their heirs or assigns, then the said John Croke shall re enter upon all the said premises and this surrender shall be void ; and if the said John Croke should make default so to pay the said sum, that then the said Hugh Halsted and John Yngham shall pay to the said Curate of Burnley Parish Church, to the use of the said John Croke his heirs or assigns, ^24, us. od. sterling to be accepted as full pay ment for the said premises. Elen Croke forbad fine, for her dower ; and the said Hugh and John found Henry Barcroft and George Grymshey sureties to reply thereto. Admit tance granted, on fine of 42^. 4^. The jury present that Lawrence Herteley, James Michell, Lawrence Hergreves, Henry Mitton, John Hergreves of Barowfore, Nicholas Smyth, Lawrence Wilson, Alexander 176 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Mitton, and James Herteley of Fulshey kept their fences open at Barowfore. Each was amerced 4^. William Robynson (8d.) sold and removed a mearestone, contrary to a penalty laid upon him. Lawrence Herteley (i2d.) of Barowfore moved away mearestones lately placed by an inquest taken and sworn between the tenants of Barowfore. Sum of the court, 6ys. HALMOTE held at Burneley on Thursday after the Feast of St. Luke, 36 Henry VIII. [23 Oct., 1544]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office. Nicholas Grymeshey, Greave of Ightenhill, surrendered two messuages, two oxgangs of land with the appurtenances in Padeham, and two pence rent in Sabdenbank, also two messuages and 12 acres of land and the appurtenances in Burneley, which Gilbert Haydocke, chaplain, and John Yngham of Fullege delivered to him, to the use of Symon Haydocke, gent., and his heirs. Admittance granted, on fine of us. 4d. Lawrence Towneley of Barnesyd, gent., and John Wode rowff, sen., tenants of our lord the King, surrendered two messuages now in the several occupations of John Yngham and James Pollerd, together with an apple orchard, garden, and certain parcels of land called Fullege and Townemonyng, Waynehowsehill, the Croft, Mylne Crofte, Stakyffeildholme, Long Feildnoke, Mylner Croft, Crokeley- banke, Heipp Holme — in quantity together 23 acres, lying in Burneley — which John Yngham of Fullege delivered to them, to the use of Ewan Haydocke, gent., Richard son and heir apparent of Richard Tattersall of the Rige, John Woderowff, jun., and Robert Yngham of Burneley Wod, ac cording to the last will and intent of the said John Yngham of Fullege, dated 19 May, 1544. Admittance granted, on fine of ys. 8d. William Hergreves of Lomeshey, Greave of Ightenhill, surrendered a house and other buildings, a garden lately in the occupation of Henry Cockeshott of Padeham, deceased, and another parcel of land called the Chamberhill in Pade ham, lately in the occupation of the wife of Richard Mer shall, lately deceased, which Geoffrey Ryscheton delivered to him, to the use of Henry Dogeson and his heirs. Ad mittance granted, on fine of 8s. id.; being 6s. for the house and garden and 2s. id. for Chamberhill. Surety for payment, John Parker of Monkehall. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1544-5 177 Geoffrey Ryscheton surrendered a messuage and 2 1 acres of land in Burneley, late in the occupation of Robert Smyth, and another parcel, in the occupation of Charles Adlyngton, lying in Burneley, to the use of John Parker for term of his life, with remainder to the said Geoffrey and his heirs. Issabel, wife of Thomas Bentham, in the name of John, son of John Smyth, sen., forbad fine, so that John Smyth, jun., should have the messuage and premises in the occupation of Robert Smyth, for a certain term of years not yet com pleted, according to the intent of a pair of indentures re maining in the hands of John Byrren, kt. Also Robert, son of Robert Smyth, lately deceased, forbad fine, that he should have the occupation of the said premises, according to the intent of indentures made between John, late Abbot of Whalley, and the convent of the same of the one part and Robert Smyth of Burneley and Robert Smyth of Blag- burne of the other part, dated 16 Nov., 27 Henry VIII. [[S3S]- Thereupon the said John Parker found sureties Christopher Jackeson and William Whitwham to reply thereunto. Admittance granted, on fine of 1 is. (The yearly rents to be paid were 335-. Sd. for the messuage and 21 acres of land and 8s. 2\d. for the parcel in the occupation pf Charles Adlyngton.) . . George Halsted of Burneley surrendered, by the hands of William Hergreves of LomesheyfKjjreave of Ightenhill, one messuage and 1 5 J acres of land called Smalshey, and one rood with appurtenanggs in Habringham, to the use of Thomas Ryley of Grehe/lEvan Haydocke, Edmund son and heir of Lawrence Sfe'f kye/! ! and Hugh sort and heir of Richard Halsted, for the intent hereinafter following. Ad mittance granted, on fine of Ss- 3d. The very true meanyng andiilh-tent of the Surrender aboue written maid by the seid George Halsted.is suche, that where as he the seid George with John Yngham andrRobert Woderowff Feoffes in trust Fyned and seased to the use of Henry Ryley sone of Alexander Ryley, now Chapplen and Mr. of Arte, and to his heires of his bodye . laufully begotten and for defalth of such Isshew to the use of Mar garet Ryley Sister of the seid Henry, and nowe Wyff of William Halsted and to the heires of hir bodye lawfully begotten ; and for defalth of suche Isshew to the use and behove of on prest called the Rodde Prest Syngyngin the parische Churche of Burneley For euer ; And for somoche as the affore named Thomas Ryley of Accryngton, John Yngham, Robert Woderowff, Feoffes with the seid George, ar now departed to the mercy of God, and the seid George theym overlyved whose estait he now haith, In and apon the premisses: 'Therfore the seid George Halsted, surviuor of his seid cofeoffes at the speciall Instaunce Request and desyre of the seid Henry Ryley, VOL. II. M 178 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Chapplen and Maister of Arte, haith surrendered into the hands of William Hergreves of Lomeshey, nowe Greave of Ightenhill, on mese called Smalshey with other buyldyngs, Fyftene acres and Halff an acre of land and on Rod of land lyyng in Haburgham, to the use and behove of Thomas Ryley of the Grene, Van Haydocke, Edmund Sterkye, son and heire apparent of Laurence Starkye, and Hugh Halsted, Son and heire of Richard Halsted, to the use and Intent that they the seid Thomas Ryley and his Coffeoffes and their heires shall stand Fyned and Seased, and be Feoffes of trust in of and upon the premisses to the use and behove of the seid Henry Ryley, Chapplen and Mr. of arte, for terme of his lyff naturall, and so to permit and suffer hym to take the Isshews Revenues and profitts Commyng and Grovyng of the seid on mese and other the premysfes with appurtenances duryng his lyff ; And after his decease then the seid Thomas Ryley ofthe Grene and his Cooffeoffes and their heires to stand seased and Fyned in of and apon the afforeseid on Mese and other the premisses with appurtenances to the use and behove of Margaret Ryley, Syster of the seid Henry Ryley, Chapplen and Mr. of arte, nowe beyng wyff of William Halsted, and to the heires of hir bodye lawfully begotten for euer; and for defalth of suche Isshewe, then the seid Thomas Ryley of the Grene and other his Cooffeoffes and their heires to stond Fyned and seased in of and apon the seid on mese Fyftene acres halff of on acre of land and on Rode of land lyyng in Haybringham to the use and behove of on Prest to Syng Say and celebrait messe affore the Holye Rood in the Church of Burneley For euer. Provydyd alwayes that this Fyne intent and surrender ne enythyng therin conteyned be hurtefull ne preuidiciall to the King or Souerand Lord For his Fyne theroff after the deith of euery perticler tenantt, &c. At this present Cowrte Commyth in Richard Towneley thelder esquier in his proper person and in the name of all the Churche Reves ofthe Churche of Burneley, and haith prohibyted the Fyne Surrender and Intent aboue seid accordyng to the Fulfyllyng of the true Intent and Will of Alexander Ryley, Father of the seyd Sir Henry Ryley, mayd and declared by Writyng Indentyd as more at large doith appere Written with the hand of Sir John Ingham Prest, wiche In dentur bearith the dait the Fyrst day of Februarij in the ten yere of the Reigne of our Souerand Lord Kyng Henry the Eight (1518-9) ; And apon the same the seid Thomas Ryley and his Cofeoffes commys in and haith Fondon Surytye Hugh Shuttylworth and Edward Pollerd, to answere the afforeseid Richard and other Churche Reves of Burneley after the Custome and maner accordyng to the prohibucion afforeseid &c. Christopher Mitchell, by Christopher Merton, gent., late deputy for Thomas Clyfford, kt., steward of Blackburne- shir, surrendered a house, a barn and other buildings, a garden, 3\ acres 1 \ roods of land lying in Burneley, with the appurtenances to the use of Henry Banester, gent., Richard Michell, Robert Herteley, and John Taylyor, to the intent hereinafter expressed. William Halsted, jun., for Margaret his wife, forbad fine, that he should have the pre mises in tail male after the death of Henry Ryley, clerk. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1544-5 179 William Hergreves of Lomeshey and John Hegyn are sureties to reply thereto. Admittance granted, on fine of i6d. The intent declares that the Feoffees shall stand seised of the pre mises aforesaid, lying in Burneley Wode, to the use of Henry Ryley, clerk, for term of his life, with remainder to Christopher Michell and Luce his wife for their two lives, and remainder over to the right heirs of the said Christopher Michell. The jury present by virtue of office that a messuage con taining in length 60 feet and in breadth 40 feet, lying in Burneley, in the occupation of Richard Wilson and lying on the eastern side of the Cross in the aforesaid town, had reverted to the King upon the death of William Whitheid, and that Richard was his son and heir. Admittance granted, on fine of id. They also say that Wilfrid Banester and Richard, son and heir of Thomas Merschall, are elected Greaves of Ighten hill ; Richard Whitwham and John Bancroft, constables of Burneley; Christopher Diconson and Nicholas Dogeson, constables of Padeham. William Hergreves of Lomeshey, Greave of Ightenhill, surrendered 27 acres of land at Heigh Whittacre within the vill of Padeham, which Lawrence Whittacre of Heigh Whittacre delivered to him, to the use of Thomas Nowell of Reide, gent., John Deane of Touhworth, jun., Chris topher Whittacre, curate, to the use of the said Lawrence for life in tail and with remainder to the right heirs of the said Lawrence Whittacre. Thomas Ryley, in the name of Jenet, wife of the said Lawrence, and likewise Alice Whitt acre, late wife of Henry Whittacre, forbad fine, for their dowers. Thomas Nowell found sureties, Richard Webster of Padeham and William Hergreves of Lomeshey, to reply to the said prohibucions. Admittance granted, on fine of gs. Sum of the Court, S3S gd. HALMOTE held at Burneley on Wednesday, 22 April, 37 Henry VIII. [1545]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office. Nicholas Grymeshey, Greave of Ightenhill, surrendered the reversion of a certain parcel of land in Burneley in the occupation of Charles Adlington (yearly rent, 8s. 2d), which Geoffrey Ryscheton delivered to him to the use of Henry Hoghton, gent., and his heirs for ever. Admitted to fine, on payment of 8s. 2d. 180 . CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS The same Nicholas surrendered a messuage and 1 1 acres of land with the appurtenances in Littill Mersden, which Lawrence Towneley delivered to him, to the use of Richard Saigher and his heirs. Admitted to fine, on payment of 3s. 8d. Elen Towneley, wife of Lawrence Towneley, in her own person and of her own free will released unto Richard Saigher, his heirs and assigns, all her right, title, &c, by reason of her dower, in the third part of a messuage and 1 1 acres of land lying in Littill Mersden and lately purchased by the said Richard from her husband Lawrence Towneley. Nicholas Grymeshey, Greave of Ightenhill, surrendered a messuage or a house and six acres of land lying in Brere clyff, which the said Lawrence Towneley delivered to him, to the use oF John Wodrowff, sen., and his heirs. Ad mitted to fine, on payment of 2s. Release by the said Elen Towneley of all her right of dower in the said premises, which had lately been purchased by the said John Wode rowff from her husband Lawrence Towneley, is added. In a plea of debt between Ralph Ascheton (by his attorney Christopher Smyth) and John Yngham, Thomas Ryley, John Robynson, and James Willisill, the following were the names of the jury sworn to try the plea : Edward Pollerd, Edward Tattersall, Christopher Jackeson, Geoffrey Folds, Richard Folds, John Halsted of Wyndhilhowse, Lawrence Brereclyff, William Hergreves, John Robynson of Olde Land, William Bothe, Miles Aspeden, and William Smyth of Pyghole. It is presented by inquest taken by virtue of office that 21 acres of land lying in the Whitfeild within the vill of Little Mersden, and also one and a half acres of land and a messuage and 10 acres of land called Redefore [Rede- forthe] within Little Mersden aforesaid have reverted into. the hands of the King upon the death of Robert Banester, gent, and that Henry is his son and heir. Admitted to fine, on payment of 10s. iod. The jury also say that John Ormerod of the Loge (2s.) trespasses with his horses, beasts and sheep upon Burneley Moore and also chases his neighbours' animals with dogs, &c. John Smyth (nihil habet), Christopher Jackeson (4$,), Robert Jackeson (4a7.), Giles Smyth (6d), the relict of Re- ginold Smyth (nihil habet), Thomas Smyth (4d), Henry Nutter (6d), William Michell (4^.), Richard Claton (4^.), Richard Croke (nihil habet), William Tailyor (2d), and John Hegyn (6d) trespassed upon Saxifeld common pasture without right. John Croke (2od) keeps an open gappe at MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1545-6 181 Padeham More or pasture. James Willisill (4^.) encroached for himself a certain parcel of land at the end of the Thorner hill More upon the King's waste, 60 feet long and 3 feet wide. The Greave is directed to seize it into the King's hands. Sum of the Court, 32s. 3d. Sum of all the Courts, £4, 6s. od. xlil— Court 1Roll, 37*8 Ifoenrg viii., 1545*6, (No. 27. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham, on Wednesday next after the Feast of St. Luke, 37 Henry VIII. [21 Oct. 1545]. Inquest taken there, whereat the jury say that Nicholas Hancocke and the other tenants of the King in Westeclose and Hunterholme are elected Greave of Penhull. Henry Barcroft, greave of Penhull, surrendered certain parcels of land called Yngheid, and half an enclosure called le Hey, with the lymestones there, and another parcel called the Holme, now in the tenure of Nicholas Robynson of Rughley, lying in Whytalghbothe ; which Lawrence Her greves delivered to him, to the use of the said Nicholas Robynson and his assigns for a term of 30 years com mencing at the Feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross next ensuing. Rent to Lawrence Hergreves and his heirs, 6s. 8a7. Fine, 12s. Plea de particione facienda between Henry Banester, plaintiff, and Nicholas Smyth and Christopher Smyth, deFendants, oF lands lying between a certain parcel called Almosse Kylne and the Stony Edge. The jury order that each party shall occupy the land as now set out by meare^ stakes ; and with regard to the land not so set out at the day oF entering upon this complaint, both parties and their heirs shall hereafter occupy it in the meane, viz. from the Brighill, so going up. THE COMMYSSION FOR THE FENCE IN PENHULL FOREST HENRICUS octauus, dei gratia Anglie Frauncie et Hibernie Rex, Fidei Defensor, Ac in terris Ecclesie Anglicane et Hibernie supremum caput, omnibus ad quos presentes litere nostre peruenerint, Salutem. Inspeximus tenorem cuiusdam 182 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Recordi siue decreti inter Recordis Ducatus Lancastrie in camera eiusdem Ducatus Lancastrie apud Westmonasterium ibidem Remanentis et existentis, in hee verba : — FORSOMUCHE as in the tyme of the lait King Henry the Sevent of most Famose memorye the hole Forest of Penhull within the Countye of Lancastre was defforested, and by actorytye of Commyssion lettyn by copye of courte Roole as well by seuerall namez of vacharyes as by other names, to dyuerse and Sundre persons to them and to their heires to hold of the seid King Henry and of his Heires as of the Manour of Ightenhill within the seid countye by suche customes and seruices as tyme owte of mynd of man haith byn used within the seid Maner, And payng Suche rentts and Fynes as was lymyttyd and appoyntyd to the seuerall takeres of the seid Forest at the same commyssion as at large it apperyth by the same commyssion and Courte Rolls ofthe same Maner. And Forasmuche as within the seid Forest of Penhull their was certen grounde their called the Fence, upon the wiche Fence the herde of the Staggs of the said Forest always before the defforestyng had their seuerall beyng and lying yerely Frome May Day untyU the Exaltacion of the Crosse : wiche seid ground called the Fennce doith ly within thes grounds of the seid lait Forest Called in the Courte Rowles theire the Vacharye of Sabden, the vacharye of the West Close, and the Vachare of Heigham, the wiche seid thre vacharyes were graunttyd at the tyme of the same commyssion to dyuers persons and to their heires as affore it is seid, and by cause the seid grounde called the Fence was not named expreslye and dyrectlye in theire seid grauntts and in their seid courte Roolls although it dyd lye within the seid vacharyes, therfore on commyssion was dyrected to Sir Richard Sherburne Knyght, deputye stuard of Blackeburneshyr, and to other Furthe of this Courte of the duchye in the terme of Mychaelmas last past Returneable in the Hyllarye terme next before the Dait hereoff to Inquere and examyn what profytts the seid grounde called the Fence shuld be to the Kings maiestye, yff it shuld nowe be Improwede and letten to his grac's use, and what tide Right and intrest the Kings tenantts and occupyers of the seid grounde had in and to the premysses : apon the examynacion wheroff it appered before the chaunceller and councell by presentment of a Jure Sworne and taken within the seid Maner of Ightenhill before that tyme, affore Sir Richard Tempest Knight, then the Kings Steward of the seid Maner of Ightenhill, that the seyd grounde called the Fence was pareell and within the seid vacharyes called Sabden vachary, Westeclose Vacharye, and Heigham Vacharye. And also it appered by and apon thexamynacion of the hole matter that all the seid hoole Forest was takyn by copye of courte Roolls as is afforeseid at the tyme of the Fyrst commyssion when the seid Forest was letten, and yff the Fences had byn a seuerall thing devydyd and not pareell and adyoining to the seyd vacharyes, then it semyd to the Courte that the same Fences wold haue bene seuerallye grauntted by expressed Words, and a seuerall rent Reseruyd of the same as the Resedewe was. And also it apperyd before the Chauncellour and Councell that the rentts ofthe seid thre vacharyes at the tyme of the Improwment of the seid Forest and at the tyme of the Furst lettyng theroff by Copye were Inhaunsyd of their rentts yerely to the Kings maiestye and to MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1545-6 183 his heires aleven pondes vjj. vWjd. as well For the seid Fences as for the defforestyng of the seid Forest as it was aleged by the Kings tenantts of the seid Fences ; and for that also that John Robynson of the Olde Land, John More, Hewgh Halsted, Hewgh Parker, James Hergreves of Sabden, Edmund Robynson of Sabden, John Cronke shey of Westclose, James Hergreves of the Fence, James Hergreves of Heigham, William Stevenson, Hugh Hergreves, Christopher More, Elles Nutter, Robert Cronkeshey, for them selffes and all other being seuerally the Kings tenantts of seuerall parcells of the seyd vacharyes haith mayd humble suyt to the Right honorable Sir John Gaige Chauncellour of the Duchie, and is wyllynglye contentyd and agred to pay to the Kings maiestye on Fyne to haue the seid grounde called the Fense, with the mancion howse their called Heigham, to be to the seuerall owners and occupyers theroff to them and to theire heires after the custome of the seid Lordeshypp of Ightenhill as strong and of lyke effect in the lawe as all the Recydewe of the seid lait Forest or eny parte theroff was or is, as though the same had byn expressydly named in theire Furst Cowrte Rolls and copyes theroff. And that they wiche nowe be owners and occupyers of the seid Fences and mancion their heires and assignes shall or may surrender the seid ground called the Fence and euery parte theroff to thuse of eny person or persons in Fee Symple for terme of lyff or otherwyse, and the same Fences and mancion shall dissend in Fee Symple or otherwyse as all and euery other parte or pareell of the seyd layt Forest shall or may : Wherefore the premysses concideryd and for asmyche as it semed to the Chauncellor and councell that by the trewe and perfytt meanyng of the commyssioners that had auctorytye to lett the seid Forest as affore it is seid it was Fully ment that the seid ground called the Fence shuld passe and inure to the seid tenantts and their heires as pareell of their seid vacharyes althogh the verey name theroff was not dyrectly expressed : THERFORE [it is] nowe by the seid chauncellour and councell Fynally orderyd and decred — as well for that the seid John Robynson, Hugh Halsted, and other their Felows haue contentyd and payd to the hands of the generall Receavour of the seid Duchye at and before the making of this decre thrytye pounds for and in the name of a Fyne to the use of our souerand Lord the Kings heighnes, as for other causes this Courte movyng — that the seid John Robynson sutour for the premysses [&c.J shall junctly, and seuerally according to their Rights tides and occupacions haue hold and enyoye the afforeseid grounds called the Fences with the seid mancion to them and to their heires and assignes for suche rentts customes and seruices as they or eny of them haue the Recydewe of the seid Forest of Penhull, and that euery surrendre by them their heires or assignes or grauntt mayd by the stuard theroff of eny parte theroff shalbe as strong and effectuall in the law as thogh the seid ground called Fencis had byn expressely and dyrectly named in ther Furst grauntts maid at the tyme of the Furst commyssion ; AND also that this present decre shalbe entred and Recordyd bothe in the Courte Roolls ofthe seid manour of Ightenhill and also before the Kyngs audytour ofthe seid maner at Cledrowe. Provyded alwayes that all and euery person or persons shall haue their heigh and common wayes For horse caryage and Foote throgh owie all the seid Fences as heretofore it haith byn accustomed in the tyme of the seid lait Forest and Syns. 1 84 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS And yff eny tenantt or occupyer of eny parte of the seid Fence Refuse to beare there parte and porcion of this Fyne or of other Charges consernyng the Suyt of the same, that then the parte and porcion of euery suche person of the seid Fencis so doyng shalbe Forfeted to the King, and he that shall take at the Kings hands shall not onely Fyne for the same at the Kings Courte of Ightenhill according to the Custome theire, but also shall pay suche porcion to them that haith paid and laid once the afforeseid Fyne and Charge as all and eny other the Recidewe ofthe owners and occupyers ofthe seid Fences doith or ought to doo. NOS autem Tenorem Recordi siue decreti predicti ad in- stanciam Johannis Robynson ac aliorum duximus' exemplifi- candum per presentes. IN CUIUS rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus. DATUM apud palacium nostrum West- monasterii sub sigillo Ducatus nostri predicti decimo quinto die Maij Anno Regni nostri tricesimo septimo [1545]. King's Tenants of the Vaccary of Sabden, for lands lying in the Fence. John Robynson of Olde Land came and took of the King a parcel of land in the Fence, of the yearly value of Ss. 4a7. No fine. The following likewise took parcels there : — James Hergreves of Sabden . Edmund Robynson, sen. Edmund Robynson, jun. Nicholas Stevenson William Stevenson .... Edmund Stevenson .... William, son of John Stevenson John Baley and Sibbell his wife John Cronkeshey .... Robert Cronkeshey Ellis Nutter, jun Thomas Ryley of the Grene . Hugh Moore, John Moore alias Jenkyn and Christopher Moore now in the tenure of Edmund Emot. James Hergreves and Thomas Ryley for themselves and other neighbours, being tenants in Goldesheyboth, Westeclose and Hunter holme, forbad fine for a parcel of land, part of the premises, called Holling Banke, by right of their inheritance. Christopher Robynson of Rughle and John Hergreves of Barowfore, jun., were found as sureties for the granting of the claim. Edmund Emot also forbad fine for the said premises, by right of his inheritance, and the same pledges were found. . value 4s. Sd. , 4s. Sd. , 4s. Sd. , 3s. 4d. , 3s. ^d. , 22A7. , 22d. , 22d. , 3s. 4d. , 4s. , 2s. Sd. , 2S. . , 4s. Sd. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1545-6 185 Robert Nutter likewise took a parcel in the Fence, value 2.J. 8a?. Afterwards at the same Halmote the same Robert Nutter sur rendered the said parcel in the Fence (yearly value, 2s. 8d.) to the use of John Robynson of Olde Land his heirs and assigns, according to the uses expressed in an indenture dated 14 Feb., 37 Henry VIII. [1545-6]. The King's Tenants in Heigham Bothe took of the King a Chamber and certain parcels of land as follows : — John Moore alias Jenkyn took of the King a Chamber now built and standing at Heigham in the occupation of the said John, a reservation being made that the said Chamber should be used by the Steward, Auditor, and Receiver when doing the needful business of the King. To be repaired by the said John and his heirs for ever. Hugh, John, and Christopher Moore, and Robert, James, Hugh, George, John, and William Hergreves, tenants of Heigham Bothe, took of the King a messuage called Brownebrinke Hey lying in the Fense, in the occupation of Hugh Parker (yearly rent, 20s), which they immedi ately surrendered to the use of the said Hugh Parker and his heirs. Fine, 20s. James Hergreves of Heigham Bothe, Hugh, John, Robert, and William Hergreves took of the King a messuage lying in the Fense (of the yearly value of 20s), now in the occupation of James Hergreves of the Fense afore said, which they immediately afterwards surrendered to the use of the said James Hergreves of Fense and his heirs, paying nevertheless to the said James, Hugh, &c, 20s. for farm rent at Easter and Michaelmas by equal portions, according to the rate and quantity of rent of the said James Hergreves and others aforesaid ; and they grant to the said James Hergreves of the Fense warranty against the King and his successors for the said rent of 20s. Robert Nutter, of the Forest of Penhull, yoman, came into this court and acknowledged a certain indenture to be his deed ; whereupon Edmund Verley sought inrolment thereof. Indenture dated 20 March, 31 Henry VIII. [1539-40], Between Robert Nutter of the Cbace of Penhull and Edmund Verley of Goldesheybothe, husbondman : Reciting a lease to the said Edmund Verley of a messuage and premises in Goldesheybothe then in the occupation of the said Edmund, to be held by him and his wife Johanne (otherwise called 1 86 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Jenet) and their children lawfully begotten, from the 15 April next ensuing the date hereof for a term of 40 years, paying yearly igs. 2d. at the usual times ; Also reciting that if Elsabeth Nutter, " naturall mother of the seyd Robert Nutter," die before the expiration of the said term, the said Robert and his heirs shall suffer the said Edmund and his wife and children " to haue and enyoye on beast gait in the owte pastur of Goldeshey Bothe" for the remainder of the said term, "ouer and besyd all maner of beast gatts Q wiche the seid Edmund haith in the seid owte pastur" at the above date. The King's rent to be dis charged by the Sessor. " For the wiche seid dymyse and lease . . , the seid Edmund haith not onely mayd and byn putto greit costs charges and expenses in buyldyng upon the seid Ionds and tenements and dowyng husbondrye apon the same " but has also paid 45J. for " ingressome." Fine on admittance, 3.?. 4d. Sum ofthe Halmote, 5J. id. HALMOTE held at Heigham on Wednesday, 19 May, 38 Henry VIII. [1546]. Agnes Robynson complains against Elizabeth, late wife of Robert Blakey, and James Robynson for wrongful occupa tion of a parcel of land in Barleybothe belonging to and granted to her by the arbitrament of Roger Blakey, chaplain, John Robynson of Olde Land, Ellis Nutter, jun., and Ellis Browne, with the advice of Richard Grenacres, gent., and William Smythes. The jury award 4a7. damages. John Robynson of Bareley surrendered a parcel of land lying at Firber, containing 21 acres of land, and near a gap called the Fyrber Yait within Whitleyheybothe, which Christopher Bulcocke, James Hergreves of Whytalgh, and Lawrence Hergreves of the same delivered to him to the use of Miles Robynson and his heirs for ever, in exchange for another parcel called Derleycarre and the Derleybanke, lying in Rughle, of the yearly rent of Sd. Fine, Sd. The said John Robynson also surrendered 2 acres in Derleybanke and Derleycarre to the use of Christopher Bulcocke of Whytalgh and his heirs, in exchange for land in Fyrber, yearly rent 4a7. ; fine, 4a7. He also surrendered one acre in the same place to the use of James Hergreves of Whytalgh and his heirs, in exchange with the said Miles Robynson for land in Firber, yearly rent 2d. ; fine, 2d. Also another parcel there, containing one acre, to the use of Lawrence Hergreves of Whitalgh, in exchange for land in Fyrber, yearly rent 2d. (These three parcels are in the margin noted as " belonging to Miles Robynson.") The jury present that a messuage and premises in the Laugher Barowfore (yearly rent, 16s. 4^d.) has reverted to MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1545-6 187 the King upon the death of Henry Mitton and that James is his son and heir. William Mitton forbad fine, for dower to Margaret Mitton the widow ; Henry Banester and Lawrence Wilson are sureties for the grant thereof. Fine, 16s. 4\d. They also present that John Yngham of Padeham (12a?.) made a fray upon and drew blood upon Isabell and Alice Croke. Sum of the Court, 1 Ss. 11 \d. Sum of the two Courts, 24s. o\d. HALMOTE held at Burneley on Thursday after the Feast of St. Luke, 37 Henry VIII. [22 Oct. 1545]. Inquest taken by virtue of office. Nicholas Grymeshey, Greave of Ightenhill, surrendered a messuage and other premises with a croft and a garden in Burneley called the Thorne, in the occupation of Richard Michell, which Lawrence Towneley, gent., delivered to him to the use of John son and heir apparent of Richard Kepax and Lawrence Robert and their heirs, as Feoffees in trust as follows. Fine, iod. Indenture made 15 April, 36 Henry VIII. [1545], wherein it is recited that in conformity with the above surrender the Feoffees shall stand seised of the said premises to the use of the said Richard Mychell for a term of 20 years, he paying the yearly rent of 3s. id. ; and after the said term to the use of the said Richard for term of his life, he to pay 10s. yearly rent. Remainder to the said Lawrence Towneley. John Parker surrendered a parcel of land lying in Burneley,, in the tenure of Charles Adlyngton, to the use of Henry Hoghton, gent., and his heirs. The said Henry Hoghton was admitted in person. Fine, 8s. 2\d. Nicholas Grymeshey, Greave of Ightenhill, surrendered a messuage and 20 acres of land lying in Redefore and the Whitfeild which Henry Banester, gent., delivered to him, to the use of Alexander Ryscheworth, James Folds, Robert and Christopher Herteley as Feoffees to the use of Henry Banester and Alice his wife for term of their two lives ; remainder to the heirs of the said Henry. Fine, 6s. Sd. The said Greave also surrendered a messuage and 40 acres 1 \ roods of land lying in Padeham, and 2 pence rent in Sabdenbanke ; also two acres, parcel of Scolebanke, lying in the vill of Ightenhill; which James Wyllysill de livered to him, to the use of Thomas Wyllysill and his heirs ; remainder to the right heirs of the said James. The said James forbad fine, for occupation of half of all the said 188 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS premises for term of his life; Thomas Ryley and Hugh Shuttylworth are sureties for grant thereof, and also for the reservation of dower to IssabeU, wife of the said James. Fine, 14s. 3\d. The said Greave also surrendered a house with a garden and other premises and a parcel of land called Chambre Hill lying in Padeham, in the occupation of Henry Cockeshut deceased (sic), which Henry Dogeson of Padeham delivered to him, to the use of John Woderowff of Burneley, jun., Thomas Wyllysill, Ellis Nutter, jun., and John Whitwham of Burneley, jun., as Feoffees to the use of the said .Henry Dogeson and Alice Brereclyff for term of their two lives and to their heirs ; remainder to their right heirs. Fine, 12a7. It is presented by inquest taken there by virtue of office that 62 acres of land lying in the Role, also 47J acres lying in Cronkeshey, have reverted to the King upon the death of Margaret, widow of Richard Towneley, and that Nicholas is her son and heir. Fine, 26s. Sd. The jury also say that Robert Yngham (3d) and John Barcroft (3d) have encroached a parcel of the King's waste in Burneley Wod containing 3 falls. Thomas Pollerd, miller (6d), takes excessive toll or service. They also present that whereas in the 8th year of the reign of King Henry VL [1429-30] it was enacted in Parlia ment holden at Westminster that any person deforced or defrauded from possession of lands, &c, should recover three times the damage by action for trespass and otherwise, nevertheless that a certain Richard Moore, Under-SherifF of Lancashire (Subvid Lane'), did on the 15 Sept., 37 Henry VIII. [1545], by swords and staves expel Thomas Bentham and IssabeU his wife, and still doth by force refuse them entrance or possession. No amercement ; defendant having no goods or chattels within the lordship or Manor of Ightenhill. William Whitwham, Richard Akerode, and John Wode rowff are elected to the office of Greave of Ightenhill; Regenold Whittaker and John Clayton, constables of Burneley; Lawrence Whittacer of Heigh Whittacre and Lawrence Childers, constables of Padeham. Sum of the Court, 58^. Sd. HALMOTE held at Burneley on Thursday, 20 May, 38 Henry VIII. [1546]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office. The jury present that a messuage and 17 acres of ox- MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1546-7 189 gang land in Burneley, six and a half acres of rodland and i rood of rodland in Burneley, have reverted to the King upon the death of Richard Banester of Brockeden, and that Richard Banester of the Cottes is his son and heir. Fine,. Ss. lid. They also say that Giles Smyth (4a7.), Thomas Smyth (4a7.), William Michell (4a7.), Thomas Watmogh (2d), Richard Clayton (2d), Richard Bawdwen (6a7.), Henry Nutter (4a7.), and John Ormerod (16a7.) of Gamylsyd, jun., trespass with their animals on Burneley common pasture. Nicholas Whyttacre (20a7.) of Heyley made a fray on Edmund Watmogh. Edward Hergreves (12a?.) and John Smythes alias Hall (12a7.) trespassed with their beasts on Padeham common pasture. Sum of the Court, 13^. id. Sum of the two Courts, 7 1 .j. gd. XLin.-Court "IRoll, 38 DenrB viii. anO 1 JEowaro vl, 1546*7. (No. 28. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Wednesday, 15 Dec, 38 Henry VIII. [1546]. Inquest taken by virtue of office. Division of 60 acres by estimation in Goldsheybothe by a jury, in a plea de particione facienda between Edmund Robynson, sen., and William Stevenson, plaintiffs, and James Hergreves of Sabden, Robert and Ellis Nutter, jun., and Edmund Robynson, jun., defendants. Apportioned according to their several holdings. Likewise in a similar plea between Bernard Herteley, plaintiff, and James Herteley of the Land and James Herteley of Blackowe, defendants, a special jury divide certain lands called Blackowe Hill between the several parties in the proportion of their holdings ; viz. plaintiff's share to commence at a thorn near James Herteley's house and so to Nether Blackow, and defendants to have a lot as it fjes adjoining to them "per sortem eorum vocatam le Lotts." Richard Grenacres, gent., Deputy Steward, surrendered a messuage in Barowfore and appurtenances in Pendle Forest (yearly rent, 225-. 4\d), which Lawrence Herteley delivered to him, to the use of Henry Banester, gent., John Hancocke, Alexander Herteley, and James Herteley of the Land, and i qo CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS their heirs as feoffees to the intent hereinafter following. Fine, 22.T. 4\d. The Feoffees are fined to the use of the said Lawrence for term of his life, and after his decease as to one-fourth part thereof to the use of Jenet his wife for dower, and as to the whole to the use of Christopher son and heir apparent of the said Lawrence Herteley in tail. John Hergreves alias Jacke complains against Peter, John, William, and Christopher Smyth and Richard Bibby in a plea of trespass, in that they do not maintain their fences between the Whytle and Laugher Pastur, and pre vented him from defending his own land there against the water with "calles and weres." The jury order each party to restore their ancient fences. It is presented by inquest taken there that an enclosure called Whetley and other buildings (yearly rent, £6, 6s. Sd.) have reverted to the King upon the death of Nicholas Towneley, gent. ; and that Edmund is his son and heir, aged one year, and that George Vaughan, esq., is his uncle and guardian. Dower reserved to Ann Towneley, the widow, by sureties as in the Halmote held at Colne. Fine by the sureties, £6, 6s. 8d. The jury also say that Henry Bawdwen (3s. 4^.), William Bawdwen of Weitheid (3-^. 4^), and John Robynson of Blackemosse (nichil) keep so unreasonable a way in Weit- heidbanke and Blackemosse that the King's subjects are not able to pass. Christopher Blakey (3^. 4a7.) and Lawrence Blakey (3s. 4d) are amerced for the same offence at a gap called Admergill Yait and Blakowbyrks, and another way at Weitheid Yaite. Hugh Halsted (4^.), John Yngham (4^.), and the relict of John Croke (4^.) do not keep a sufficient way at Haggopp Yait and the Moreyaite. Christopher Bulcocke (6d), James Hergreves of Whittalgh (6d), and Lawrence Hergreves of the same (6d.) obstructed a way between the gap called Feile Yait and another at Stang Toppe. John Cronkeshey is elected Greave of Penhull. Sum of the Court, £8, ss. y\d. HALMOTE held at Heigham on Wednesday, 22 June, I Edward VI. [1547]. Inquest taken there. Nicholas Hancocke, Greaye of Penhull, surrendered a messuage in Over Heigham (yearly rent, 23s. 4d), which Hugh More delivered to him to the use of John son and MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1546-7 191 heir of Nicholas Hancocke, Henry son and heir apparent of Lawrence Whittacre, Richard son of Hugh Shuttylworth, Thomas son of Thomas Ryley of the Grene in Hapton, and their heirs, to the uses hereinafter expressed. Fine, 23s. 4d. Indenture dated 26 May, 1 Edward VI. [1547]: Hugh Moore, after reciting the surrender made as above, declares that the Feoffees so fined shall stand seised of the aforementioned premises to the use of him the said Hugh for life, and after his decease to the use of his nephews James and Richard, sons of his brother John Moore, in tail, jointly ; but one third to be reserved to his wife Issabel! for her dower for life, and then to revert to the other thirds. The division is so to be made that James Moore shall have half his houses and enclosed lands and as much of the out pasture as will fully make up one half of the whole premises ; and Richard Moore to have the other half of the said out pasture. IssabeU the wife of Hugh Moore to have for her "tercion or thyrd part" his "mancion howse" and the half of his other houses and enclosed lands, and as much of the out pasture as will make up her third or dower. James Moore to pay 13.5. i,d. yearly King's rent and Richard Moore 10s. ; and after the death of Issabell his wife, her portion (which is parcel of the moiety allotted to James Moore) shall revert to him, he being compensated during her life with " so moche more in mesure of my owte pastur for terme of lyff of the seid Issabell as the quantytye of that pareell of my lands inclosed wiche she shall haue therin ouer the thyrd parte of the same shalbe in mesure " (sic). Barnard Herteley surrendered a messuage and other pre mises, being parcel of the vaccary called Laugher Barowfore and Ryseheton Thornes (yearly rent, 21s. iod), to the use of Richard and Humphrey Herteley, sons of the said Barnard, for term of their lives ; except a parcel of land lying in Blackowehill and a cottage and 2 gardens, parcel of the premises, in the occupation of Christopher Smyth, now and always reserved to Alexander, son and heir of the said Barnard, and his heirs for ever. Forbidden for occupation of the said premises by Barnard Hartley and for dower to Agnes his wife; granted by pledge of James Herteley of Fulshey and James Herteley of the Lawnd. Reversion of the said premises after the death of Richard and Humphrey to Alexander Harteley and his heirs. Fine, 21s. iod. Nicholas Stevenson, tenant of the King, surrendered all houses, gardens, enclosures, &c, lying in Penhull in the occupation of Alexander Bawdwen, which Ellis Nutter (for the sum of £4, 1 3s. 4a7. to him paid) delivered to the use of the said Alexander Bawdwen for a term of 2 1 years from the Feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross [3 May] next to be, according to the tenor of a pair of indentures, dated 192 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS 8 Jan., i Edward VI. (sic), made between the said Ellis and Alexander. Fine, I2d. Indenture of lease dated 18 Feb., I Edward VI. [1546-7], between Elles Nutter of the Lande, yoman, and Alexander Bawdwen of Goldeshey Bothe, husbondman ; being lease of the above-named pre mises in Goldeshey Bothe for a term of 31 (sic) years from the above named Feast "otherwyse called Sant Elen Day" next to come, paying 26s. 8d. yearly rent. The said Alexander to "acquite the Churche and the Kyng of all Maner Deutyes Galds Taxes- and Subcydyes to be clamed or demandyd," King's rent excepted. Christopher Bulcocke, James Hergreves of Whittalgh, and Lawrence Hergreves complain against Peter Verley, Christopher Herteley, William Herteley, Nicholas Robynson, and William Bulcocke in a plea of trespass, in that they wrongfully entered upon plaintiffs' lands called the Stang in Whitalgh and there won " terresidua sua vocal! le Turves." The jury give a verdict for plaintiffs, with 6d. damages. Memorandum that at the Halmote held at Heigham, 3 April, 38 [? 37] Henry VIII., William and John Smyth, John Herteley alias Trocke, Nicholas Robynson of Thorney- holme, Christopher Robynson, and Peter Smyth complained against John Hergreves alias Jacke, John Hyrst, Miles Nutter, and John Mitton in a plea de particione facienda of and in all those pastures and lands lying in the Over Rughle and Nether Rughle, called "the Meane ground," viz. that each may have his due portion, if the partition be made, accord ing to the law of England and the custom of the manor. The jury of 24 customers from the three forests order the division of the said mean land in proportion and rate of the various holdings — except one parcel of land called Watlyng Fore de le Hey-ende now in the occupation of William and Christopher Smyth and now by them inclosed — by two measurers (mensuratores) called " Meaters of land." Lawrence Towneley, gent., farmer of the King's mill of the Newcarre in the forest of Penhull, lately erected by the said Lawrence, sought to have a sufficient way both over the lands of the King's tenants of Whitleybothe and also of Bareley Bothe, to be limited and set out by 24 customers of the three forests, for access to and from the said mill. The jury direct that the tenants of Whitleybothe shall have a way commencing at the gate at the eastern side of the house of Thomas Verley, across the water running there, and so going down on the north side of the said stream within the space of one rod of land on the higher side "of , MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1546-7 193 a ruptura called a Flodgapp," and so down along the said water to a croft called Perez or Peres croft and to a " Flod gapp" between a "stele" and the said Flodgapp. And also they direct that the tenants of Whitleyboth shall have a sufficient way over land of the said tenants of Bareley bothe, viz. from the said "stone gappe" to the King's high way in Bareleybothe ; but only for carrying grain to the said mill. John Hergreves alias Jacke complains against Peter, John, William, and Christopher Smyth in a plea of trespass in that they did not make their fences between " le Qwitle and le laugher pasture," and obstructed him from collecting stones from his half of the water flowing there, wherewith to make his own fences. The jury order the defendants to make their fences as of old was accustomed, and direct that the plaintiff may gather stones, except " lymestones," within half a rod of the southern side of his walls and fences for the repair thereof. The jury present that a certain road between the gate called Fordyng Yait and a gate at Stangtopp is not suffi ciently repaired, by default of Christopher Bulcocke (8d), James (Sd.) and Lawrence Hergreves (Sd). Hugh (2d), John (2d), and Thomas Whitheid (2d.) fished with nets in the King's waters without licence. Hugh Halsted (4^.) and John Yngham (Sd.) did not sufficiently repair a way from the Haggoppe Yait to a gate called the Moreyait. Robert Whittacre (i2d) of Cornefeild and George Flecher (i2d) of Padeham made a fray together ; likewise John Kyngstones (nichil habet) and Thomas Whitwham (2od). They also say that Christopher Bulcocke (i2d), James (i2d) and Lawrence Hergreves (i2d) of the one part, and Nicholas Robynson (i2d), William Bulcocke (i2d), Richard (12^.), Christopher (i2d), and Peter Herteley (i2d), of the other part, made a fray together. Christopher Bulcocke (2d.) did not sufficiently repair the road at a gate between Bareley and Derleybanke. Sum of the Court, 62.5-. 3d. Sum of the two Courts, £11, ys. iod.; viz. fines, £g, 15.?. 5a7.; amercements, 32s. sd. HALMOTE held at Burneley, 17 Dec., 38 Henry VIII. [1546]. Inquest taken there by virtue of office. Henry Botheman, [tenant] of our lord the King, sur rendered 4 messuages, 6g\ acres of land with appurtenances VOL. II. N 194 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS in Burneley, which Nicholas son and heir of Henry Herger, deceased, delivered to him, to the use of Lawrence Hay- bergham, Vane Haydock, John son of Robert Woderowff, lately deceased, and William Folds as Feoffees to the uses expressed in a pair of indentures tripartite hereinafter de clared. Fine, 23s. 2d. Edward Tattersall having read in Court the indenture following, desired to have the same entered upon the Rolls : Indenture tripartite, dated 23 June, 11 Henry VIII. [1519], wit nessing that Edward Tattersall of Pecopp had surrendered all his messuages and lands into the Greave's hands of Ightenhill to the use of Hugh and William Haybergham, Richard Pecopp, and Henry Herger, and their heirs, as Feoffees to the use of him the said Edward Tattersall for life and after his decease to the use of his son and heir John Tattersall in tail, and in default of such issue to the right heirs of the said Edward. If he " marry and cause the seid John my sone and heire to be wedded " the feoffees to stand feoffees in trust of a parcel of lands within Pecopp of the yearly value of 20J. to the use of the said wife for life. It is also provided that the said Feoffees shall stand feoffees in trust of all those messuages and lands in the occu pation of Nicholas Grymeshey called Hudhowse, and others in the occupation of Lyonell Crowder, and others in the occupation of Richard Bentham, to the use of Jenet, daughter of William Folds, for her life, she paying 6s. id. for King's rent to the Greave of Ightenhill ; but provided that the said Jenet shall take no profits of the said lands during the life of Margery Tattersall " my grandam." One copy of the Indenture to remain in the hands of the said Jenet Bothe. James son of Geoffrey Folds and Thomas Bulcocke, at the special request of John son of John Hegyn of Little Marsden, deceased, surrendered two messuages and 40 acres of land with appurtenances in Marsden to the use of John son of the said John Hegyn and his heirs. Elen, widow of John. Hegyn, deceased, forbad fine, for the full performance of the last will and testament of the said John, dated 7 June, 1 546. This and also the forbid of the said Elen and of Agnes Hegyn, widow of Henry Hegyn, for their dowers, were granted by the said John Hegyn. Fine, 13J. 4d. John, son of Robert Woderowff, surrendered the moiety of a house and a halfpenny rent in Burneley, in the occupation of Richard Johnson, to the use of Alice, widow of Robert Barcroft, and her heirs. Right of inheritance of William Halsted is granted to him by the pledge of John Wode rowff, jun. Fine, id. The other moiety is surrendered to Richard Tattersall and his heirs with the like reservation. Fine, id. Henry Walton of Barkerhowse and Christopher Aspeden MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1546-7 195 alias Cowper, tenants of the King, surrendered two mes suages and 46 acres of land in Little Marsden, with appur tenances, which Alexander Ruscheworth, Henry Banester, Vane Haydock, and James Folds delivered to them, to the use of John Hergreves of Lomeshey, Nicholas Hergreves, John Robynson of Old Lawnd, jun., and Lawrence Wilson of Bradley, as Feoffees to the uses expressed in the last will and testament of Richard Kepax, dated 19 Sept. 1546. Dower granted to Elizabeth the widow, by pledge of Henry Barcroft. Fine, 1 5 s. 4d. Richard Tattersall of the Rige by John Wodrowff, sen., and John Wodrowff, jun., tenants of the King, surrendered a messuage and 25^ acres of land in Burneley called the Ryge ; the moiety of three other messuages with one toft and of one acre in Burneley ; also one rood in Brereclyff, and 1 messuage, 16 acres I rood and the moiety of one rood in Haybergham Eves, to the use of Richard, son and heir apparent of the said Richard Tattersall of the Ryge. Dower granted to Alice, the wife of Richard Tattersall, sen., by the pledge of William and John Hergreves. Fine, 14s. The son Richard afterwards surrendered all the above premises to his father's use for life, with remainder to himself and his heirs. Fine, 14s. William Hergreves of Lomeshey, Greave of Ightenhill, surrendered a messuage, the moiety of one barn, 10 acres of land lying on the western side of Horegreves and Padeham Hey, Sands, Bondyards, Crosebonke, and Warthes between the river there, which Nicholas Conclyff and Hugh Baroue delivered to him, to the use of Roger Cockeshut, jun., and his heirs. Nicholas Hancocke and John Yngham of Padeham were sureties to reply to Hugh Shuttylworth, claiming a certain parcel of land on the west side of Pade ham Hey as the inheritance of Nicholas Shuttylworth ; and to Robert Roo, claiming 2 acres lying on the eastern side thereof. Fine, 3.?. 4^. Memorandum at the Halmote held at Burneley on Thurs day, 20 May, 38 Henry VIII. [1546], it was presented by inquest taken by virtue of office that a parcel of land in the occupation of Charles Adlington had reverted to the King upon the death of Henry Hoghton and that George Hoghton was his son and heir. Fine, 4^. It is presented by inquest taken by virtue of office that two messuages and 62 acres of land in Rowle, and 4y\ acres lying in Cronkeshey in Burneley, have reverted to the King upon the death of Nicholas Towneley, gent., and that Edmund 196 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Towneley was his son and heir, aged one year, George Vaughane, esq., being his guardian. Dower was granted to Ann, the widow, by the same sureties as appeared in the Colne and Heigham courts. Edmund Towneley was then admitted through Gilbert Holden, gent., his attorney. Fine, 23s. 4d. The jury also say that a messuage and 18 acres of land in the -vill of Padeham, and 1 acre called Gooldfeild, and 1 penny rent in Sabden Banke have reverted to the King upon the death of John Roo, and that Robert Roo is his son and heir. Dower granted to Margaret, the widow. Fine, 6s. gd. They also say that Robert Yngham (4^.) encroached a garden upon the King's waste in Burnley to the extent of one fall of land. Richard Ormerod (4a7.) for trespass with his horses on the pasture called Pykelawmore. Sir William Ratclyff, kt., is elected Greave of Ightenhill; Philip Jackeson and John Haworth, constables. Sum of the Court, £5, 14s. 5a7. HALMOTE held at Burneley, 20 June, 1 Edward VI. [1547]- Inquest taken by virtue of office. To that Halmote came Edmund, son of Thomas Robynson of Goldeshey Bothe, and surrendered a messuage and 17 acres 1 rood of oxgang land in Padeham, and id. rent in Sabdenbanke, to the use of John Robynson, son of Edmund Robynson, and his heirs. Fine, Ss. iod. Letter of Attorney appointing Gilbert Holden of Holden and John Towneley of Dutton, co. Lane, gent., jointly and severally to act as attorneys for George Vaughan of Grace in the co. Myddlesex, esq., and Ann Townley, late wife of Nicholas Towneley of Rowle, deceased, to fine for the copyhold lands belonging to Edmund Towneley, son and heir of the said Nicholas. Dated 28 May, 1 Edward VI. [1547]- Henry Shuttylworth, Greave of Ightenhill, surrendered an enclosure lying in Heyley called Greit Feild, containing 4 acres of land, to the use of Robert, son and heir apparent of John Parker of Extwissill, and Richard Tattersall of the Rige, jun., and their heirs according to the uses expressed in a pair of indentures dated 15 April, 37 Henry VIII. [1546]) and made between Thomas Townende of Brownehill in' co. York, clother, and William Whittacre of Heyley in co. Lancaster, yoman, and " Alias " Whittacre of the other MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1546-7 197 part. Henry Barcroft and Robert Yngham are pledges for grant of dower to Issabell, wife of William Lund. Fine, i6d. Nicholas Hergreves, Lawrence Wilson, John Hergreves, and John Robynson (by Nicholas Grymeshey, Greave of Ightenhill, at the special request of John Kepax) sur rendered a messuage and 16 acres of land in Braidley and Little Marsden to the use of William Barcroft, son and heir apparent of Henry Barcroft, Robert Barcroft, son and heir apparent of William Barcroft of Barcroft, Nicholas son and heir apparent of Richard Michell of Colne, and John Heigyn, to the uses expressed in the intent hereinafter following. Fine, 5-f. 4d. Intent. — The above are Feoffees to the use of Margaret Barcroft, one of the daughters of the said William Barcroft of Barcroft, " whom the aboue named John Kepax hereafter by the grace of God shall marye and take to wyfiy' for term of her life in tail ; remainder to the right heirs of the said John Kepas. Alice, late wife of Robert Barcroft, surrendered the moiety of one toft and of one acre of land in Burneley, to the use of Richard Tattersall, jun., and John son of Robert Wode rowff lately deceased and their heirs, Feoffees to the use of Thomas Barcroft for term of his life ; and after his decease to the use of William Barcroft, his brother, and his heirs. Henry Barcroft and Nicholas Hancock were pledges for the said premises to continue to the said Alice for her occupation for term of her life. Fine, 4a7. Nicholas Grymeshey, Greave of Ightenhill, surrendered a messuage in Burneley Wod called Heyley ; certain cottages, inclosures and parcels of land thereto belonging, containing 12 acres 1 rood with appurtenances, viz. one enclosure called Weit Yng and another called Littill Medowe, with all the cottages, folds, orchards, and gardens thereunto belong ing ; and also three inclosures in the occupation of John Haybergham, deceased, and the cottages and gardens thereto belonging; and also one messuage and several cottages and gardens in Burneley, now or late in the oc cupation of the said William Whittacre, Robert Hergreves, John Michell, Alice Stanworth, and Catherine Wode, which John Parker, gent, and Richard Tattersall of the Ryge at the special request of William Whittacre, late of Heyley, Nicholas Whittacre, and Alice Whittacre alias Alias de livered to him to the use of William son of Henry Barcroft, Robert, jun., son and heir apparent of William Barcroft of 198 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS the Barcroft, Robert son and heir of John Yngham late of Fullege, deceased, and Richard son and heir apparent of Robert Yngham of Burneley Wode, and their heirs. Henry Barcroft and Robert Yngham are found pledges by the Feoffees to grant to William Lund by right of his wife Issabell the said messuage and premises, to be held by him and his heirs for ever, and to Issabell, wife of Nicholas Whittacre, her dower in the said premises. Fine, Ss. Letter of commission under the Duchy seal, dated 19 May, 1 Edward VI. [1547], reciting the grant of certain premises in Burneley under a title from the Chancellor of the Duchy, Sir John Gage, kt., made at the Halmote held at Burneley on Wednesday; 14 May, 36 Henry VIII. [1544], unto Gefferey' Ruscheton, viz. one messuage 21 acres in Burnely, late in the occupation oF Robert Smyth, yearly rent 33J. Sd. ; one parcel of land there in the occupation of Charles Adlington, yearly rent Ss. 2\d. ; a house, garden, and other premises in the occupation of one Henry Cocke- shout, deceased, yearly rent 6s. ; and also a parcel of land called Chambrehill, in the occupation of the wife of Richard Marshall, yearly rent 2s. id. Therefore the said Geoffrey Ruscheton having " mayd humble peticion unto us in our Duchie Chambre at Westminster to surrender into our hands to the entent he myght by force of our commyssion to you our seid Steward in that behalff dyrected make the same premysses of use in our Cowrte there by copye of Cowrte Rooll to hym and his heires, accordyng to the custome there for a more perfit Sewrtye theroff to hym to to be had," in virtue of the commission the said Geoffrey Ruscheton hereby surrenders into the Steward's hands and takes from him a new admittance to the said premises, and pays a fine therefor of 4gs. 1 1 \d. The said Geoffrey Ruscheton immediately afterwards surrendered a house and garden late in the occupation of Henry Cockeshout, de ceased, and a parcel of land called Chambre Hyll, late in the occupation of the relict of Richard Mershall, lying in Padeham, to the use of Henry Dogeson and his heirs. Fine, 8s. id. The jury present that Henry Nutter (Sd) won turf on the Marsden common pasture called Saxifeld to the quantity of six wagon loads, and Robert Jackeson (Sd.) likewise to the same quantity. Richard Bawdwen (2s.) trespassed with his beasts on the same common pasture, and likewise William Michell (Sd). Robert Yngham (Sd) encroached a rood of land upon the common in Burneley Wode and MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1547-8 199 had not laid it open in spite of the penalty laid upon him. Edward Hergreves (i2d) of the Deane trespassed with his animals upon Padeham common pasture. Sum of the Court, 84s. 6\d. Sum of the two Courts, £g, iSs. ii^d., viz. fines, £9, 12s. y\d.; amercements, 6s. 4d. XLiv.-dourt 1Roll, 1*2 E&warO vl, 1547*8. (No. 29. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday next before the Feast of St. Martin, I Edward VI. [10 Nov. 1547]. Before Arthur Darcy, kt., Chief Steward there. Inquisition taken there by virtue of'office upon oath of the jury. John, son of Edmund Robinson (3d.), complains against Thomas Bulcocke of Padeham in a plea of trespass, for forcibly and wrongfully occupying a messuage and 1 7 acres 1 rood of oxgang land in Padeham, and one penny rent in Sabden Banke, being the plaintiff's land, contrary to the custom of the Manor. The jury * charged to try the case say that the defendant does not wrongfully occupy the premises nor otherwise than according to agreement made between the parties. John Parker of Monkehall, in consideration of a sum of money paid to him by Christopher Nutter, came and sur rendered and let to farm to the said Christopher and Issabell his wife a messuage with land and buildings and appurten ances in Little Marsden, now in the occupation of Issabell Estewode, widow ; to be held by them from the Feast of the Purification of the B.V. Mary next after the decease of the said Issabell Estewode for term of the lives of the said Christopher Nutter and Issabell his wife, or the longer liver, paying yearly to John Parker and Issabell his wife and to the longer liver and to their heirs 22s. for rent of the said messuage, at the usual feast days or within 20 days after, and paying lord's rent and upholding the premises. Admittance granted, on fine of 3s. 4d. Nicholas Grymeshey, Greave of Ightenhill, came and surrendered a close called Gaitfeild, containing four acres, in Burneley Wode with appurtenances there, which Robert * Richard Akerode was a juror in this case. 200 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Parker, gent., and Richard Tattersall delivered to him, to the use of William Barcroft, jun., Robert Barcroft son and heir of William Barcroft of Barcroft, Robert Yngham of Fullege, and Richard son of Robert Yngham of Burneley Wode, and their heirs, according to the intent hereinafter following. Admittance granted, on fine of 16^. Memorandum 20 June, 1 Edward VI. [1547], the afforesaid Robert Parker, gent., and Richard Tattersall the younger " at the Ernest desyre of William Whittacre and Nicholas Whittacre his sone" have surrendered as above "on close in Heyley called Gait Feild" that the Feoffees therein named should be fined and seised to the use of the said William for term of his life, remainder to the use of Nicholas his son for life and to his right heirs for ever. Provided always that Thomas Townende and William Hergreves of the Yaitfeild shall have peaceable possession of the premises in accordance with the covenants contained in a pair of indentures made between the said William and Nicholas and Alice Whittaker deceased of the one part and the said Thomas Townende of the other part, dated 15 April, 37 Henry VIII. [1546]. Be it remembered that at the Halmote held at Burneley 20 June, 1 Edward VI. [1 547], Geoffrey Ryscheton came and surrendered a certain parcel of land with other buildings, in occupation of Charles Adlyngton, to the use of George Hoghton son of Henry Hoghton deceased, and his heirs. Admittance was granted, on fine of I2d. It is presented by inquisition taken there by virtue of office for making enquiry for our lord the King that a mes suage and a garden lying in Padeham (yearly rent, 13.?., sic) have reverted to the King upon the death of Hugh Gartesyd and that Francis Gartesyd is his son and heir, of full age. Admittance granted, on fine of 1 3d. They say that George Walker, Charles Adlington (12^.), and Thomas Jackeson (i2d) harbour gamesters who play at unlawful games. John Lee is elected Greave of Burneley, and John Redealgh constable of Haybergham Eves. Sum of the Halmote, gs. HALMOTE of the said Manor, held as above on Tuesday next after the Feast of St. Bartholomew the Apostle, 2 Edward VI. [28 Aug. 1548]. Inquisition taken there by virtue of office upon oath of the jury. James Brandwode, son of Lawrence Brandwode, came and showed in Court a true copy of the Court Roll of 10 Henry VL, held before John Stanley, kt., Chief Steward MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1547-8 201 .there, and took a parcel of the King's waste lying upon the Roodesin the town of Burneley, containing 30 ft. long by 15 ft. wide, rent a halfpenny. Admittance granted, on fine of \d. Also a copy of Court Roll of same year upon which he took a parcel of waste in the town of Burneley, ¦lying between the house formerly belonging to Roger Dyckeson and the house of the son of Adam Dogeson, containing 40 ft. by 16 ft. Fine, id. Nicholas Grymeshey, Greave of Ightenhill, came and surrendered three messuages and 48 acres of rodeland with the appurtenances in Little Marsden, and ten acres of land and half an acre of land lying within the Chace of Penhull, which William Hergreves of Lomeshey, Henry Ryley, S.T.B., John Wodrowff, jun., William Ryley, John Robyn son, late of Olde Lande, jun., John son of Nicholas Robynson of Monkerode, Lawrence Hargreves of Barowfore, John Robynson, late of Olde Lande, sen., and Henry Hyndill, chaplain, delivered to him, to the use of William son and heir apparent of Henry Barcrofte, Richard Tattersall, jun., Robert Robynson of Holde Land, and John son and heir apparent of Christopher Aspden, to the uses expressed in the following indenture. Fine, igs. Indenture made the nth May, 38 Henry VIII. [1546], Between William Hargreves of the Lomeshey, co. Lane , yeoman, of the one party, and Richard Tattersall of the Rige in the said Co., yoman, ofthe other party ; wherein it is covenanted that John son and heir apparent of the said William Hargreves " shall wedde and by the grace of God take to wyff Johanne Tattersall doughter of the said Richard" before the Feast of Pentecost next to come, "yff the seid Johanne therunto will agre and concent and the law of holy Churche the. same will permytt and suffer," and vice versa as to John Her greves. That all the lands of the said William Hargreves, as well within the Chace of Penhull as in Littyll Marsden, are free from dowers and incumbrances, " one mese xv acres of land to Elsabeth wiff of the seid William for terme of hir lyff in the name of hyrjoynter except " ; and shall descend after his death to the said John and his right heirs. " On mese xvj acres and on halff acre of land to Margerie, naturall mother ofthe seid William, and to the seid Johanne and to the longer lyffer of them too for terme of lyff, in the name of ther joynters and Dowers as hereunder, shalbe declared also except ; and except also thre croftes called Holme Yng, Barlye Feild, the Corner, and a pareell of ground called Fall Heid to Anne Willisill for terme of hyr lyff"; except also a tenement which the said John now occupies, to Richard Hargreves, second son of the said William Hargreves, for such term and after like intent as shall be hereafter specified. Further * [William] Barcroft sone . . . Barcroft gentyl- * Three lines at foot of"skiri and part of two lines over leaf destroyed here. 202 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS man, Richard Tattersall sone and h . . . nt of the seid Richard . . ; Robert Robynson of the Olde Land, John Aspeden son . . . Chris topher Aspeden, by surrender, Fyne, or otherwise* as shalbe dyuysed by the lernyd coun[cell] of the seid Richard Tattersall the father, at his costs and charges in the law, shall be enfeoffed of, in and apon one mese, xvj acres and on halff acre of land with appurtenances in Littyll Marsden and within the Chace of Penhull afforeseid"; viz. one messuage in occupation of Antony Wilson and so much of a close called Feriefield, in occupation of the said William Hergreves, as together make up the said i6£ acres; Which messuage the said Feoffees shall hold to the use of the said Margery for term of her life, in the name of her dower, remainder to the use of the said William Hergreves for term of his life, if he outlive his said mother, remainder to the use of the said Johanne Tattersall for life in the name of her dower, remainder to the use of John Hergreves and his right heirs for ever. It is further covenanted that Henry Hyndyll, Prest, and John Robynson of the Old Lande, Feoffees in trust " of one mese and a tenement of grounde with appurtenances in Littill Marsden," in occupation ofthe said John Hergreves, containing 15 acres, held to the use ofthe said John Hergreves, shall be surrendered to William Barcroft and the other Coffeoffees, to the use of the said William Hergreves and Elizabeth his wife and the longer liver, in the name of Elizabeth's dower ; remainder to Richard, second son of the said William Hergreves for term of his life, paying yearly 26s. 8d. rent to the said John Hergreves and his heirs. Also that the said Feoffees shall hold all the other premises, except those reserved for the dower of the said Margery and Elizabeth, to the use of the said William Hergreves for life, remainder to John and his heirs ; John Her greves and Johanne Tattersall to occupy for life that mese which the said John now occupies, paying yearly 26s. 8d. rent to the said William. " For the wiche seid maryage and assuraunce of lande the seid Richard Tattersall agreith to pay to the seid John Hergreves the summe of twenty poundes in Forme followyng, that is to weit, the day of solemnizing of the seid maryage vj/z'. xiijj. iiijd'., At Whitson- day cum Twelmonth Fyve poundes, At Whitsonday cum too yerez Fyve poundes, At Whitsonday cum thre yeres thre poundes Sex Shillinges and Eight Pence ; and apparell to the seid Johanne the day of his weddyng as is becomyng for hyr degre, and that Alys wyff of the seid Richard shall gyff to the seid John Hergreves on bedde of clothez with suche other Reward as she will vowche sayff:" The said Richard Tattersall being bound in .£100 for due observance of the Covenants. William Barcroft, William Halsted of Worsthorne, James Heipp of Burneley Wode, Nicholas Grymeshey, and John Aspeden, priest, came and surrendered a messuage, other buildings, and 13 acres of land lying in Burneley Wode, with appurtenances, to the use of Robert son and heir apparent of the said William Barcroft, John son and heir apparent of the said William Halsted, John son and * William Hergreves shall make to these Feoffees " one sure suffycyent and Indiffeasible estait in the law, by Surrender, Fyne, or otherwyse as shalbe dyuysed by the lerned councell of the seid Richard Tattersall the Father, &c, of and in, &c." MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1547-8 203 heir apparent of Robert Woderowff lately deceased, and John Barcroft of Moseley, and their heirs, to the uses following. Fine, 4s. 40". The intent declares the fine to be to the use of Charles Wodde of Cleveger and his heirs for ever, reserving nevertheless one fourth part ofthe premises "to the use of Katheryne nowe wyff of the seid Charles Wode, in the name of hir joynter and dowre." Henry Banester, Richard Mychell, John Tailyor, and Robert Herteley, at the special request of Christopher Michell of Colne and Lucy his wife and of Henry son and heir apparent of the said Christopher, came and sur rendered a messuage and 3^ acres 1 rood of land lying in Burneley Wod, with appurtenances, to the use of Margaret now wife of William Halsted of Smalshey and her heirs for ever. Fine, 150". The intent is that the said Margaret and her heirs shall stand fined and seised ofthe premises to the use of " Henry Ryley of Eton College, bachelor of dyuynytye," for term of his life,* with remainder to the said Margaret and her heirs for ever ; and also to permit Richard Mychell of Burneley, his executors and assigns, to occupy the said messuage from April 15th last for ten years, paying yearly 20J. It is presented by inquisition taken there for making enquiry for the King that Lawrence Whittacre, with the assistance of Alice Whittacre his mother, is elected Greave of Ightenhill. ' That Henry Nutter (i2d) trespassed with animals on Saxefeld common pasture, and likewise (i2«\) dug and obtained turf there to the amount of twenty cartloads. Robert Jackeson (i2d.) for the same offence, and also (i2a\) for trespass with sheep and a horse. Gilbert Smyth (6d), the relict of Randle Smyth (6d), John Smyth (6d), and Thomas Smyth (6d) for trespass of sheep, horses, and beasts on Saxefeld common ; John Lonsdale (6d) for the same offence. Richard Dobson (6d) with 6 beasts, Richard Bawdwen (2d) with sheep, Chris topher Jackeson (i2*\) with two beasts and a horse, trespassed in like manner. Henry Bercroft (i2«\) on the vigil of St. James the Apostle broke the King's fold of Ightenhill and took away the animals there enclosed, without licence ; and he made a rescue (i2d) upon James Haydocke and John Hegyn, folders (inclusores) of Ightenhill. * A charge of 20.r. yearly was payable to Henry Ryley. 204 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Richard Towne (4^.) and Edward Hergreves (4^.) tres passed with their beasts on Padeham Moor; Thomas Pollard the same (in respite). Sum, 35-r. 6\d. HALMOTE of the said Manor, held at Heigham on Wed nesday next before the Feast of St. Martin in Winter, 1 Edward VI. [9 Nov. 1547]. Inquisition taken there out of the Forest of Penhull upon oath of the jury. William Hergreves, Greave of Penhull, came and sur rendered a messuage and other buildings lying in Goldeshey bothe (yearly rent, 8s), which Richard Nutter delivered to him to the use of Edward Nutter, John Hergrevez alias Jacke, Robert son of Stephen Nutter, and Christopher son of Robert Nutter, and their heirs, to the uses following. Fine, Ss. Intent. — To the use of said Richard Nutter for life, and after his death to William son and heir apparent of the said Richard Nutter and his heirs for ever ; reserving half the said premises to Agnes wife of the said Richard for life, if she survive the said Richard, and permitting the said William to occupy half of the said premises from the date hereof for ever, paying yearly to the said Richard and his assigns 8s. ; and further as to one fourth of the said premises, after the death of the said William, to the use " of Alysone Derwen, who by the grace of God the seid William shall marye and take to wyff," for term of her life, in the name of her dower. William Stevenson, a tenant, being sworn came and surrendered a parcel of land lying in the Fence (of the annual value of 45-. Sd), which James Hergreves of Sabden delivered to him, to the use of James son of the said James for life, without rent. John Hergreves forbad fine, that the said James the son should pay the said rent of Ss. Sd. (sic), and for dower of Johanne late wife of the said James the father. Pledges were found to reply thereunto. Fine, 4s. Sd. Be it remembered that at the Halmote held on Wednes day, 22 June, 1 Edward VI. [1 547], Henry Nutter complained against Ellis Nutter, jun., Hugh Parker, Richard Nutter, and John Robynson in a plea of land, viz. of and in one messuage and other buildings lying in le Land (yearly rent, 44^. Sid), and likewise of and in one messuage, &c, lying in Redehallows (yearly rent, 3Ss), of which they had de forced him: Which messuages, &c, ought to descend to plaintiff by right upon the death of Ellis Nutter, father of ..j* »¦.;*¦ j MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1547-8 205 the said Henry, as son and next heir ; wherefore he suffers £10 damages, &c. And the said defendants came, &c, and denied, and said that they rightly fined for the said premises at the said Halmote upon the surrender of the said Ellis Nutter, sen., at the hands of the Greave of Penhull by the rod of the Court, viz. of and in one mes suage, &c, in le Land (of the yearly value of 44s. Sid) to the uses expressed in certain indentures of the iast will of the said Ellis, as follows : — To all, &c. " Elles Nutter of the Forest or Chase of Penhull, thelder, yoman, sendith gretyng in our Lord God euerlastyng," reciting his surrender to John son and heir of John Robynson of the Old Land, Hugh Parker, Elles Nutter, jun., Richard Nutter of Sabden, and John Croke to the uses which he should declare in his last will, viz. as to the messuage in le Land, value 44s-. 5^., to his own use for life and after his death to the use of John Nutter his son and to his heirs and assigns for ever, reserving a lawful dower to Ellen wife of the said Elles Nutter, sen., for her life. Dated the 17th "day of the moone of Marche" 26 Henry VIII. [1534-5]. "Thes witnessez : John Aspeden, prest, Elys Nutter yonger, Robert Nutter, John Woderowff yonger, William Mychell, and others." And they further say that they are fined and seised of the premises in Redehawlows to the use of the said Henry son of the said Ellis Nutter, sen., and his heirs. The said Henry declared that the said writing of indentures of the last will of the said Ellis Nutter was not true but false, and he sought an enquiry by 24 customers. These upon oath at the Halmote held on Wednesday before the Feast of St. Martin in Winter 1 Edward VI. give their verdict in accordance with the statements and evidence of the said Feoffees, and the said Henry Nutter " pro falso clamore suo est in misericordia Curie iijd." [Be it remembered that at the Halmote held] on Wednes- • day viz.: — 19 May 3- (? 38) Henry VIII. [1546] Hugh Moore, John Moore alias Jenkyn, and [Christopher] Moore, tenants of Heigham, came and took from the King a parcel [of land], &c, lying in the Fence, now in the occupation of Edmund Emott (yearly rent, 20s ), by virtue of a decree from the King under the Duchy Seal to the Steward in this part directed, and dated from Westminster 15 May, 37 Henry VIII. [1545], to be held by them and their heirs for ever, paying no rent, as was determined and granted by the King's Council of his duchy of Lancaster, as in the said decree doth more at large appear. Fine nil, because it was demised gratis. Inquisition taken there by the King's tenants, by virtue 206 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS of the said decree for leading the ways in the Fence and Heigham Bothe, viz. : — upon the oath of Henry Banester, Nicholas Hancock, Lawrence Robynson, Chris topher Bulcocke, Peter Verley, sen., Christopher Robynson of Rughle, Nicholas Robynson of Thorneholme, James Mitton, John Herteley alias Trocke, John Hyrst, Lawrence Wilson of Bradley, and Lawrence Hergreves of Barowfore, who say, Inprimis they present on heigh way Frome Kynfeldclogh yait to the hege noke or corner of the tenement apperteynyng or belongyng to Christopher More and so discendyng to the tenement of George Hergreves as the metes or meares doith appere, and so furthe to Heigham. Item they present a heigh way Frome Heigham Deane yait to Heigham Lawe, and from thence to Browne Held gapp and Frome Browne Held gapp to Heigham. Item it is presentyd that William Hergreves shall haue a way twyse in the yere to dryve and fetche his cattle to and fro a place called the Far Hey dole and to chase his beastes so ofte as neide require, and also to leid his haye at a lefull tyme. Item they present on heigh way begynyng at Kynfeld clogh yait to Heigham Lawe and so to the tenement of Edmund Emott, and so discending to a yait of Edmund Robynson thelder, and frome thense folowyng the nether syde of [a] dyche a bove the Horestones, now in the holding of Edmund Robynson thelder and Edmund Robynson yonger, to the tenement of the lait wyff of James Hergreves, discending to the netherende ofthe seid tenement. Item we present all maner of usuall wayes lyyng in Heigham Bothe and the Fence as they ar occupy ed or heretofore haith byn,occupyd. It is presented by inquisition taken for the King that a messuage, other buildings, &c. (of the yearly rent of 13s), lying in Goldeshey Bothe have reverted to the King upon the death of Edmund Stevenson, and that Lawrence is his son and heir and of full age. Thomas, brother of the said Lawrence, forbad fine, claiming occupation of a certain parcel lying in the Fence (yearly rent 22d., payable to the said Lawrence) and for the fourth part of land in the owte pasture for term of his life, which are granted to him. Fine, 13J. Also they present that a messuage, other buildings, &c, lying in Whitley Haybothe (yearly rent, 13s. 3d), have reverted to the King upon the death of Robert Verley, and that Thomas is his son and heir and of full age. Peter Verley and John Robynson, in the name of Agnes, late wife of the said Robert Verley, forbad fine, claiming to occupy a moiety of the said premises for life in accordance with the tenor of a pair of indentures dated 1 1 November, 3 5 Henry VIII. [1543], made between the said Robert Verley of the Haybothe of the one part and Thomas son of the said MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1549 207 Robert of the other part. And William Verley forbad fine, for certain covenants made between them. Which were granted to them. Fine, 1 3s. 3^. Sum, 40J. iod. HALMOTE of the said Manor, held at Heigham on Wed nesday next after the Feast of St. Bartholomew the Apostle, 2 Edward VI. [29 August, 1548]. Inquisition taken there from the Forest, upon oath of the jury. Miles Robynson came and surrendered a parcel of land with buildings lying in a place called Fyrber, containing ten and a half acres over against a gate called Firber yait in Whitley Bothe, to the use of James Hygson and Ellen his wife for term of their lives and the longer liver's. Fine, 4^. Lawrence Hergreves, by William Hergreves, Greave of Penhull, came and surrendered a parcel of land lying in Der leybanke and Derleycare within Rughle (yearly rent, 20d), to the use of Richard son of William Herteley, Christopher son of James Hergreves, Henry son of Thomas Willisill of Marsden, and Geoffrey son of the said James Hergreves, and their heirs as Feoffees to the uses following. Fine, 2od. Intent. — To the use of Henry, son of William Herteley, and his assigns "from the Anunciacion of our blessed Ladye last past to thende and terme of threttye yeres," paying yearly to the said Lawrence, hisa heirs and assigns, 20^. in the name of King's rent only, and to discharge the said Henry "anentyst the Churche and the King our souerayng lord towching all maner of dues." At the expira tion of the term the parcel of land to be refeoffed to the said Lawrence and his heirs. The jury present John Close for taking stones in John Nutter's tenement (i2d), and Peter Smyth for taking stones from the water running in Rughley (35-. 4d). [Christopher] Moore is Greave of Penhuli this year. Sum, 6s. 4d. Total, 47.J. 2d. XLV.-court IRoIl, 3 JEDwarS vl, 1549. (No. 30. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Thursday in the second week of Lent, 3 Edward VI. [21 March, 1548-9]. Inquisition taken there by the jury by virtue of office upon oath. 208 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Nicholas Smyth of Over Barowfore complains against Christopher Robynson of the same place in a plea of land, concerning a parcel of land lying on the Stony Ege upon Blackowe in the Forest of Penhull, being rightfully the property of the said Nicholas by the surrender of John Smyth and Alice his wife, father and mother of the said Nicholas ; from which land the said defendant had deforced and disseised him, &c. The defendant replies that he holds the said parcel on the Stony Edge in exchange for land belonging to him (the defendant) in Barowfore. Plaintiff afterwards withdrew his plea. In a suit concerning ways between the Laugher Barow fore pore (sic) and the Blackow between Bernard, Law rence, James, Christopher, and James Herteley of Fulshey and James Hertley of Blackowe, Lawrence and John Hergreves, and Lawrence Robynson, James Mitton and Lawrence Wilson, plaintiffs, and Henry Banester, gent., Nicholas Smyth and Christopher Robynson, defendants, a special jury award a sufficient way from the Almys Kylne to a gappe called the Owte yait upon a parcel of land called Blackowe, Henry Banester, Christopher Robynson, and Nicholas Smyth and their heirs to repair the same for ever. Also a sufficient way from every one's doles across Stony Ege, along a hedge over against Nicholas Smyth's house, to the King's highway. Also that Lawrence Hergreves and his heirs shall have a way at Shorte Clogh fooite to the King's highway. Ellis Nutter by William Hergreves, greave of Penhull, surrendered a parcel of land lying in the Fence (yearly rent, 2s. Sd), to the use of Robert, son of John Robynson of Olde Land, for a term of 23 years from the Feast of the Inven tion of the Holy Cross next to come. John Robynson of Olde Land, jun., is surety for acknowledgment unto John Croke, who forbad fine for certain covenants and demissions made by the said Ellis to the said John, for which the said John paid for admittance to the said land 33s. 4d. to Ellis Nutter. Fine, 2s. Sd. Lawrence Stevenson, at the special request of Thomas Stevenson his brother, surrendered a certain parcel of land within the Fence in Penhull Forest (yearly value, 22i.) to the use of John Robynson of Olde Land, sen., for a term of 17 years from the usual feast. Fine, 22d. Christopher More, Greave of Penhull, surrendered a messuage with the appurtenances in Lower Heigham in the occupation of John Smythes, one inclosure in the same MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1549 209 place called Rugh Close in the occupation of Richard Banester, another inclosure there called Clayfeild in the occupation of Nicholas Hancocke (yearly value, 6s. 8d), which Robert Parker, John Holden, gent., John Woderowff, sen., and John Woderowff, jun., at the request of Nicholas Hancocke of Lower Heigham, delivered to them, to the use of Richard son and heir apparent of Hugh Shuttylworth, Richard Hancocke, John son and heir apparent of John Woderowff, jun., and James Bancroft, to the uses declared in certain indentures of covenant made between Nicholas Hancocke, gent., of the one part and the said Nicholas Shuttylworth of the other, dated 13 Oct., 2 Edward VI. [1548]. Fine, 6s. 8d. John Robynson of Olde Land, sen., by William Her greves, greave of Penhull, surrendered a messuage and the appurtenances called the Olde Land (yearly rent, 28^. lo^d), in his own occupation, and all his lands lying in the Fence (yearly rent, Ss- 4d), and also a messuage and tenement called Blackewode (yearly rent, 2od), being in his own occupation or of his assigns, to the use of John Robynson, his son and heir apparent, and his heirs after the death of the said John Robynson, sen. Fine, 35^. ic^d. In the first place the jury present that William Robyn son (20d) and John Nutter (20^.) made a fray together, that John Forte (6d) took turf from the King's soil in Goldeshey Bothe where he had no right, that Agnes wife of Robert Asteley (6d) in her pure viduity keeps her hedges open between Calff Hill and her land in Goldeshey Bothe. Sum ofthe Court, 51^. io^d. HALMOTE held at Heigham on Tuesday before the Feast of Pentecost, 3 Edward VI. [4 June, 1549]. Inquisition taken there by the jury by virtue of their office, upon oath. Firstly, they say that John Hergreves is elected greave of Penhull. Memorandum that at the Halmote held at Heigham on Wednesday before the Feast of St. Martin in Winter 1 Edward VI. [9 Nov. 1547] Thomas Ryley of the Grene in co. Lane, yoman, came and showed in court an indenture made between him the said Thomas of the first part, and Richard son and heir of Thomas Merschall late of Padeham deceased and Miles Claton of Fenefold in the same county, yoman, feoffees to the use of the said Thomas, of the other part, and sought enrolment thereof at this present Halmote. VOL. II. O 210 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS The said indenture dated 9 Oct. 1 Edward VI. [1547] and made between the abovenamed parties witnesseth that the Feoffees named had surrendered the same day two messuages, a parcel ofvaccary and other lands called Hunterholme (yearly rent, 33s. 6d.) in the occupa tion of Nicholas Hancocke, John Ellott, and Nicholas Shore, to the use of Henry son and heir apparent of John Robynson of Blacke^ mosse, Myles Ryley, Prest, John Hey, Prest, and Thomas son of George Holerode of Rybbenden, to uses hereafter declared : viz. to the use of Thomas Ryley for term of his natural life and after his decease to James Ryley, second son of the said Thomas in tail, with provisions as to James Ryley's acceptance thereof as his "filiall porcion," and that if Lawrence Cronkeshey do not contest the title as to Hunterholme the said James shall permit the said Lawrence to hold one messuage and lands now in the occupation of Nicholas Shore if the said Lawrence did outlive the said Thomas Ryley, paying yearly 16s. 8d. Power retained to revoke the above uses by William, Then follows surrender by Nicholas Hancocke, greave of Penhull, to the feoffees named above ofthe 2 messuages and other land (yearly rent, 33^-. 6d.). Yearly rent of 2d. issuing forth of the said premises granted to John Cronkeshey by surety of John Robynson, jun. Fine, 33s. 6d. The said Thomas Ryley at the Halmote holden at Heigham on Tuesday before the Feast of Pentecost, 3 Edward VI. [4 June, 1549], declared openly that his will and intent was duly expressed in the above indenture and likewise in a pair of indentures dated 10 May, 3 Edward VI. [1549]) which witnessed that whereas Lawrence Hayberham late of Haybergham, Symond Haydocke - of Hezandforth, Gefferey Ryscheton of Burneley, and Robert Hergreves of Symondstone, arbitrators in a long dispute between Thomas Ryley and Lawrence Cronkeshey respecting Hunterholme, had been selected to decide the dispute, therefore the award was to be binding upon both parties. It records : — Thomas Ryley having showed an alienation made to him the said Thomas by John Cronkeshey, grandfather ofthe said Lawrence Cronke- sh ey, the arbitrators award that Thomas Ryley shall have quiet possession of the same and that Lawrence Cronkeshey shall make a full release of all his claim to the said lands at the next Halmote. And that the said Thomas having covenanted to pay to the said John a certain sum of money he the said Thomas shall make a demise or lease of and in two farms in the occupation of Nicholas Shore and John Ellott and Elizabeth his wife and all lands belonging lying in the Fence, unto the said Lawrence Cronkeshey and Alys his wife from April 15th next for term ofthe natural lives of the said Lawrence and Alice, paying yearly to Thomas Ryley and his heirs i8j. of rent for the farm in the occupation of John Ellott ; and for a moiety of the farm in the occu pation of Nicholas Shore, from the day of the decease of Agnes, wife ofthe said Nicholas Shore, and of William, father ofthe said Nicholas, during the term of the natural life of the survivor of the said Lawrence and Alice if either of them overlive the said William Shore or Agnes MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1549 211 Shore, paying yearly iar. rent to the said Thomas Ryley ; and like wise as. to the other moiety after the decease of Elizabeth Ellott, if either the said Lawrence or Alice his wife survive her, paying as before iar. rent. The King by the Steward granted to Henry Robynson, Miles Ryley, John Hey, and Thomas Holerod of Rybbenden two messuages and a parcel of vaccary called Hunter holme (yearly rent, 33^. 6d), and thereupon Lawrence, son of Oliver Cronkeshey, pretending to have a title in the said premises, did for divers good reasons release and quitclaim to Thomas Ryley and his heirs all his right and title in the said premises. Peter Verley, jun., by Peter Verley, sen., a tenant, did surrender a messuage lying in Whitleyhaybothe in the occupation of Richard (yearly rent, 6s. 8d) to the use of the said Richard [Verley] for term of his life and remainder to the said Peter Verley, jun. Fine, 6s. 8d. James Ballerd of Bareley, by Peter, Verley, sen., sur rendered a house and a " howsesteid " with a garden and parcel of land adjacent lying in Fyrbanke, with one dole in the lowigher yng in Bareley, lately in the occupation of the said James (yearly rent, 4d), to the use of Richard Verley and his assigns for term of 17 years from the date of that Court. Fine, 4^. Sum of the Court, 40s. 6d. Sum of the two Courts, g2s. 4^d. HALMOTE held at Burneley, on Wednesday in the second week of Lent, 3 Edward VI. [20 March, 1548-9]. Inquisition taken there by the jury * by virtue of their office upon oath. Firstly they present that a messuage and 2 acres of land in Haybergham Eves have reverted to the King upon the death of William Bothe, and that Richard Bothe is his son and heir and under age, Thomas Brokysbanke being his guardian. Fine, 8d. They also say that Lawrence Wilson for his lands and others his associates, viz. Lawrence Lee, Richard Saigher, and Lawrence Herteley, are elected greave of Ightenhill. Sum, Sd. * Richard Akerode was a juror in several complaints concerning trespass Between Philip Spenser and George Halsted. 212 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS HALMOTE held at Burneley, on Tuesday after the Feast of St. John Baptist, 3 Edward VI. [25 June, 1549]. Inquisition taken there by the jury* by virtue of office, upon oath. John Halsted of Wyndilhowse and Christopher Jackeson, of Worstorne at the special request of Lawrence and Robert Lee surrendered a messuage 22 acres and \ and i\ roods of land called Claverhole with appurtenances in Little Marsden to the use of John Hergreves of Lomeshey, John Kepax of Little Marsden, John son of John Halsted, John son of William Herteley of Bradley, and their heirs as feoffees to the uses hereinafter expressed. Fine, ys. 6d. The uses under which the feoffees are seised of the said premises are firstly to the use of Lawrence Lee for term of his life and after his decease to his son Robert Lee in tail : Provided that if the said Robert or his heirs do not permit John son of Antony Wilson and Issabel his wife, Lyonel Lee and Isabel his wife equally to hold and enjoy a messuage and 30 acres called Sowthfeld with appurtenances in Mikyll Marsden for reran of 20 years following the decease of the said Lawrence Lee (a close called Stubyng being excepted, to use of Robert Lee for the last 15 years of said 20 years), paying yearly to Robert Lee 48J. 4^., that in that case the feoffees shall hold the pre mises to the use of the said John and Lyonell Lee and their wives for the term of 20 years after the decease ofthe said Lawrence, paying yearly 28.?. iod ; and they are to have power to take yearly between Christmas and 23 April for the said term of 20 years as much wood from the said Claverhole as they may require for their fences and hedges at Sowthfeld and also to build two houses in any part of the said land called Sowthfeld " wiche shalbe most for ther pleasour," and " to have sufficient gaits and wayes to carye and recarye to the seid place and howses throgh any parte of the premisses stones and tymbre necessarye for the seid howses." Bertholomew Glover and Robert Glover surrendered a messuage, 21 acres 1 rood of land and 1 penny rent lying in Brereclyff, with appurtenances, to the use of John Wode rowff and George Smyth as feoffees to the uses expressed in certain indentures, dated 14 May, 3 Edward VI. [1549], made between Bartholomew and Robert Glover of the one part and Thomas and Brian Glover of the other. Fine, ys. i\d., by surety of George Halsted. Nicholas Shuttylworth, by Nicholas Grymeshey, greave of Ightenhill, surrendered a messuage and 2g\ acres of rodeland lying in Haybergham Eves to the use of Edward, * Lawrence Haybergham, Nicholas Herger, Edward Pollerd, Edward Tat tersall, Charles Wodde, Oliver Halsted, Richard Tattersall, Richard Akerode, George Smyth, John Smyth, John Parker of Monkehall, Christopher Robyn son, Richard Webster of Padeham, Robert Roo, and Richard Whitwham. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1549-50 213 son of Edmund Pollerd, and his heirs according to the uses expressed in certain indentures, dated 20 Sept., 8 Henry VIII. [15 16], made between Edward Pollerd of the one part and Robert Waid of the other part. Fine, gs. iod. It is presented by inquisition taken for the King that a messuage and 37 acres 1 J rood of land lying in Hay bergham Eves, with appurtenances, have reverted to the King upon the death of Alice Byckerdyke, and that Robert Knaysburgh is her kinsman and next heir and aged 18 years. Fine 12s. 8d., by surety of Hugh Hergreves. Hugh Nutter (4^.) is presented for trespassing with his beasts on Burneley common pasture. Sum of the Court, 37.J. s\d- Sum of the two Courts, 3 8 s. i\d. XLVL-Court 1RoIl, 3*4 Eowaro vl, 1549*50. (No. 31. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Tuesday after the Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist, 3 Edward VI. [22 Oct. 1 549]. Inquisition taken there from the Forest of Penhull for the King. Ellis Nutter, jun., and William Stevenson, jun., by William Hergreves, Greave of Penhull, came and surrendered a parcel of land called the Cragges (otherwise the Over Calffhill and the Lowgher Calffhill) with other buildings, being parcel of the vaccary of Goldeshey Bothe, to the use of John Cromebocke of Whalley, his heirs and assigns, for 21 years. Fine, 10s. Sd. Ralph Hergreves, by Christopher Moore, Greave of Penhull, came and surrendered a messuage, and other buildings lying in Over Heigham, otherwise Heigham Bothe (yearly rent, iys. 6d), to the use of Hugh Hergreves and his heirs, according to the uses following. Fine, iys. 6d. Intent. — To the use ofthe said Hugh Hergreves and his heirs for ever, permitting Rawff Hergreves, father of the said Hugh, and his assigns to occupy and enjoy, &c., the capital messuage and half the said lands (no term mentioned), remainder to the said Hugh and his heirs. Afterwards the said Hugh came and surrendered two closes called Deane Bothome and four beast gates (animalia agesf) in the owte pasture and parcel of turbary there, to 214 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS the use of Richard son of Ralph Hergreves and his assigns for term of his life, paying yearly 10s. Fine, 2s. Lawrence Hergreves, by Christopher Moore, Greave of Penhull, came and surrendered certain parcels of land called the Stangyng and the Byrkynbanke, on the north side of the water running there, lying in Whitley Haybothe (yearly rent, 2od), to the use of Richard Verley of Bareley for term of 29 years. Matilda, wife of the said Lawrence, forbad fine, for her dower. Fine, 2od. It is presented by inquisition taken there for the. King that a messuage and other buildings, &c, lying in Bareley (yearly rent, 15s.) have reverted to the King upon the death of Peter Verley, and that Richard Verley is his son and heir, and of full age. Agnes, late wife of the said Peter, forbad fine, that the said Richard should perform the last will of the said Peter, bearing date 20 September, 1549, as therein appears. Sureties are thereupon found. Fine* 15s. Edward Hergreves keeps "irracionabilem bestiam " (i2d). Sum, 54^. 6d. HALMOTE of the said Manor, held at Heigham on Wed nesday, 18 June, 4 Edward VI. [1550]. Inquisition taken there for the King, whereat it is pre sented that a messuage and other buildings, &c, lying in Bareley (yearly rent, 6s. Sd), have reverted to the King upon the death of James Hegyn, and that John Hegyn is his son and heir and of full age. Miles Yggyn, Alice, Johanne, Margret, and Jane Hegyn forbad fine, to haye security of the said messuage for term of two years, and it is granted by the Court ; and also they forbad fine, to have the occupation of half a house and 3 roods of land lying in several places, — \ acre in Stangendes and 1 rood in the Blallerd Crofte — for term of their lives and the longer liver of them, and it is granted them by the said John during their virginity, for I2d. rent. Fine, 6s. Sd. Sum, 11s. 4d. Total, 65 s. iod. HALMOTE of the said Manor, held at Burneley on Thurs day next after the Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist; 3 Edward VI. [24 Oct. 1549]. Inquisition taken there by virtue of office upon oath of the jury.* Nicholas Herger of Haybergham Eves sought to recover * Richard Akerode a juror. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1549-50 215 £6 against Alexander Ryley, Margaret Herger, widow, and Elizabeth Harger. The said Alexander is ordered to pay 20s. and the said Margaret 20s. Nicholas Shuttylworth and Christopher Robynson, by Richard Grenakers, gent., deputy Steward, came and sur rendered an oxgang of oxgang land, containing by estima tion 16 acres of land, with a tannery called a berkehowse, a garden, parcel of oxgang land belonging to the said berkehowse, lying in Padeham on the north side, with appurtenances called Wodebend greve and the Gait- whynes ; four messuages and other buildings in the occu pation of the relict of George Ryley, the relict of William Walshey, Olyver Ryley and John Walker ; and also a toft with 2 gardens and a croft in the holding of George Flecher, lying in Padeham, and one penny rent in Sabden ¦Banke ; and also a house and a garden in the holding of Johanne Sclater, and a house and garden in the holding of Leonard Grymeshey and Agnes Hancocke and all the ap purtenances in Padeham ; which Thomas Ryley delivered to them, to the use of Richard Banester of Aluetham, esq., Nicholas son and heir apparent of Richard Banester, gent., and John son and heir apparent of Richard Grymeshey, gent., and their heirs, to the uses expressed in certain indentures made between James Catterall of Folrygg, gent., of the one part, and Thomas Ryley of the Grene, yoman, of the other part, bearing date 20 November, 38 Henry VIII. [1546]. Fine, 3.?. 4^. Lawrence Brereclyff and Richard Foldes by Richard Grenakers, deputy Steward, surrendered a messuage and a garden called Blacker Hall and threepence rent in Burneley, with appurtenances, to the use of Richard and John, sons (?) of Christopher Jackeson of Redeley and their heirs. John Parker of Monke Hall forbad fine, for .£40, in which sum the said John is bound to Bernard Herteley by his writing of obligation. Lawrence Brereclyff and John, son oF John Hegyn, were Found as sureties to reply. Fine, 4d. Thomas Ryley and Humphrey (Offridus) Pollerd came and surrendered six acres of land called Long Eez to the use of Edmund Ascheton, esq., and his heirs. Richard Webster for himself and for Edmund Sterkye and other King's tenants in Padeham forbad fine, for a yearly rent of 2s. issuing from the said six acres and yearly payable to the said Richard and the other tenants. Surety was found to reply. Fine, 2s. 216 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Nicholas Grymeshey at the request of Hugh Halsted came and surrendered a messuage and 25! acres of land in Haybergham Eves in the occupation of the said Hugh, to the use of Evan Haydocke, John Nutter, Miles Aspeden, and Alexander Hergreves as Feoffees to the uses expressed in certain indentures bearing date 20 October, 3 Edward VI. [1549], made between Richard Towneley of Burneley, esq., of the one part and the said Hugh Halsted of Hay bergham Eves of the other part. Fine, Ss. 6d. It is presented by inquisition taken there for the King that six acres of land lying in Shuttylworth Eez have reverted to the King upon the death of James Ascheton, and that Edmund Ascheton is his son and heir. Forbidden by Richard Webster as above. Fine, 2s. Also a messuage and 7 acres of land lying in Hayberg ham Eves, called Kereall Howse, have reverted to the King upon the death of Lawrence Clerke, and that George Smyth is his kinsman and next heir and of full age. Gilbert Holden, in the name of Edmund, son of Nicholas Towneley, without letter of attorney, forbad fine in right of the in heritance of the said Edmund. Sureties were found to reply. Fine, 2s. 4d. Edmund Towneley, with the aid of Olyver Halsted, is elected Greave of Ightenhill ; and Nicholas Grymeshey and Robert Roodes, constables of Burneley, this year. Sum, 16s. 6d. HALMOTE of the said Manor, held at Burneley on Thurs day next before the Feast of St. John Baptist, 4 Edward VI. [19 June, 1550]. Inquisition taken there by virtue of office upon oath of the jury. One William Whittacre of Heyley came here in Court and pretended to have the title and use of and in 30 acres of land called Yait Feild for term of his life, but for divers considerations surrendered and released to one Thomas Whittacre, his heirs and assigns, by the licence of the King, all his right and title in the said premises for the aforesaid term, for the yearly rent of 10s. besides King's rent. Fine, 3s. 4d. It is presented by inquisition taken there for the King that half an acre of land lying in the middle of the field (in medio campi) in Heigh Scofeld at the Sowth Raw with appurtenances in Little Marsden have reverted to the King upon the death of Christopher Lyster, esq., and that MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1550 217 William Lyster is his son and next heir and of full age. Fine, 2d. The tenants of Penhull (18s. 3d) and Ightenhull Parke (13^.) trespass with their beasts on Saxifeld, Marsden Moore, and Burneley Moore. Sum, 2 5 s. yd. Total, 42s. id. XLVii.-Court IRoll, 4 JE&waro vl, 1550. (No. 32 — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill held at Heigham by virtue of a commission of our lord the King on Wednesday, viz. i October, 4 Edward VI. [1550], before Sir Arthur Darcy, knight, chief steward there. The Commission concerning chantry priests is enrolled,* Ightenhill. — Richard Itchon by the same assignment took from the King one messuage and 5 acres of land, with the appurtenances in Burenley, parcel of the manor of Ighten hill, now in the occupation of Richard Lee, and late be longing to the chantry of St. Peter founded in Burneley Church, to the use of Gilbert Fayrebanke, priest, late incum bent of the said chantry for term of his life, and after his death to the use of him the said Richard Itchon, his heirs and assigns : Which are granted, &c. Fine, 20^. Isabell Plattes, widow, late wife of William Plattes, by the same assignment took one messuage and other build ings, a croft and a garden, now in her own occupation, lying in Burneley, with the appurtenances, lately belonging to the chantry of St. Peter founded in Burneley Church, to the use of Gilbert Fayrebanke, priest, late incumbent of the said chantry, for term of his life, and after his death to the use of the said Isabell, her heirs and assigns. Granted, &c. Fine, 2d. • Hugh Halsted, by the same assignment, &c, took a close and 1 acre 3 roods of land now in the occupation of the said Hugh, lying in ... , with the appurtenances, lately be longing to the chantry of St. Peter, &c, to the use of Gilbert Fayrebanke for life and then to the said Hugh (as before). Fine, 12^. Thomas Haugton,| by the same assignment, &c, took a * See i. 161-5. f This grant is entered twice on the roll. The Second time the fine is recorded as 7s- 2 1 8 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS messuage and 7 acres of land and meadow lying in Burneley Wode, with the appurtenances, in the occupation of the said Thomas, lately belonging to the chantry of St. Peter, &c, to the use of Gilbert Fayrebank for life and then to the use of the said Thomas, &c. (as before). Fine, 2s. 4d. Thomas Flecher by the same assignment, &c, took five acres of land lying in Habergham Eves, now in the occupa tion of the said Thomas, lately belonging to the chantry of St. Peter, &c, to the use of Gilbert Fayrebanke for life, and then to the use of the said Thomas, &c. (as before). Fine, 20d. Regenold Whittecre and John Whittacre, by the same assignment, took a messuage with 30 acres of land lying in different closes in Burneley, called Hollinggreve, with the appurtenances, in the occupation of the said Regenold, which lately belonged and pertained to the finding and maintenance of a priest or the service of a priest within Colne Church, to the use of John Feilden, priest, late incum bent of the said service, for term of his life and after his decease to the use of the said Regenold and John Whittacre and their heirs and assigns for ever. Which, &c. Fine, 10s. Lawrence Haybergham, by the same assignment, took a messuage with 1 1 acres I rood of land called Oken Eves, lying in Haybergham Eves in different closes, now in the oc cupation of Richard Bothe, with its appurtenances ; and also took a messuage with 1 1 acres of land, the other paft of Oken Eves, now in the occupation of the said Lawrence Hay bergham, lying in Haybergham Eves, with its appurtenances, lately belonging to the chantry of St. Peter, Burneley, &c, to the use of Gilbert Fayrebanke, priest, late incumbent of the said chantry [for term of his life],* of and in one messuage, &c, for term of his life and after his death to the use of him the said Lawrence Haybergham and his heirs ; and likewise of and in the other messuage, &c., immediately after the death of Robert' Bothe of Haybergham Eves, to the use of the said Lawrence Haybergham, his heirs and assigns. Granted. Fine, 3s. 8d. John Arscot, esq., and Edward Warner, kt., jointly by the assignment of Henry Savell, esq., and James Gardiner by virtue of the King's commission above enrolled, took of the King one messuage and one close of meadow (contain ing by estimation 10 acres of land) now in the occupation of Edward Smyth, lying within the township of Burneley, and an oxgang and a half of land lying in Padeham within the * Interlined (? in error). MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1550 219 Halmote of Ightenhill, now in the occupation of Christopher Dogeson and Richard Barrow, which lately belonged to the chantry of Blagborne, to the use of Thomas Burges, priest, late incumbent of the said chantry for term of his life aud after his death to the use of the said John Arscot and Edward Warner, kt., their heirs and assigns. Granted. Fine, 10s. Henry Houghton, by the same assignment (as the earlier grants), took a messuage and 8| acres and 36 " le falles " of land lying in Padeham, with the appurtenances, which late belonged to the finding and maintenance of a priest or the service of a priest within Padeham Church, to the use of John Hey, priest, late incumbent of the said service, for term of his life, and after his death to the use of him the said Henry Houghton, his heirs and assigns. Granted. Fine, 2s. iod. Robert Houghton, by the same appointment, took a -messuage, 8J acres, and 36 falls of land lying in Padeham, with the appurtenances, which lately belonged, &c. (as last), to the use of John Hey, &c, and the use of the said Robert Houghton, &c. (as before). Granted. Fine, 2s. iod. Nicholas Hancocke, by the same appointment, took a house called " Prest Howse," with a garden, lying in Padeham, and appurtenances, which lately belonged to the finding and maintenance of a priest or the service of a priest within Padeham church, to the use of John Hey, priest, late incumbent of the said service for term of his life and after his death to the use of the said Nicholas Hancocke, his heirs and assigns. Granted. Fine, id. Alice Hancocke, by the same appointment, took a mes suage and garden called " Sant Leonerd Howse," lying in Padeham, with the appurtenances, which lately belonged to the finding and maintenance of a priest or the service of a priest within Padeham church, to the use of John Hey, &c, and of Alice Hancock, &c. (as before). Granted. Fine, id. John Hey, priest, by the same appointment, took a mes suage and garden called t( Smyth Howse," another called " Fartill Howse," a messuage and 8 " le falls " of land at the Barrowgappe, and 1 acre of land called " Chapell Stede," lying in Padeham, which lately belonged to the finding of a priest, &c, in Padeham Church, to the use of John Hey, &c, and his heirs and assigns for ever. Granted. Fine, 2d. Thentent of this present fyne is suche that the said Sir John Hey at no tyme or tymes hereafter shall alynait, morgage, wedset, or sell the afforeseid meses, landes, and other the premisses or any pareell 220 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS therof with appurtenanses to any maner of person or persons but onely to Richard Grenakers of Worstone, gent., his heires or assignes,- any thing or thinges in this fyne to the contrarye not withstanding. Henry Barkecroft, gent., by the same appointment, &c., took a cottage with the appurtenances in Burneley, now in the tenure of William Whittacres, a cottage now in the tenure of Alice Taillyor, five " opellas " called " le shopps " there, now in the tenure of James Smyth, William Halsted, William Mercer, . . . Battersbey alias Pynner, another " opellam " called " shoppe " now in the tenure of John Close, and a chamber now in the occupation of Gilbert Fayrebanke, priest, which lately belonged to the chantry of St. Peter in Burneley Church, to the use of the said Gilbert Fayrebanke, &c, and then of Henry Barkecroft, &c. (as before). Fine, I2d. Richard Redealghe alias Brige and Alice his wife, by the same appointment, came and took One cottage and a croft appurtenant, lying in Haybergham Eves, with the appur tenances, which lately belonged to the finding and main tenance of a priest or the service of a priest within Burnley church, to the use of Richard Itchon, priest, late incumbent of the said service, for term of his life, and after his death to the use of Richard Redealgh alias Brige and Alice .his wife, their heirs and assigns. Granted. Fine, 4^. John Nuttoo, by the same appointment, took a messuage and two crofts containing 2\ acres of land by estimation called Perkin Rod, now in the occupation of James Hargreves, with the appurtenances, which lately belonged to the finding and maintenance of a priest, &c, in Burneley church, to the use of Stephen Smyth, priest, late incumbent of the chantry or service aforesaid, for term of his life, and after his death to the use of the said John Nuttoo, &c. Granted. Fine, Sd. John Towneley, esq., Henry Banester, William Hargreves, Nicholas Hargreves, John Kepax, Thomas Willisill, and John Hyggyn, by the same appointment, took, &c, the chapel of Marsden and a cottage to the same appurtenant or annexed and otherwise built, now in the tenure or occu pation of the said John Hargreves (? Hyggyn) with the appurtenances, which lately belonged to the finding and maintenance of a priest or the service of a priest within the said chapel, to the use of John Towneley and his other cofeoffees and their heirs, according to the uses and intent following this fine. Granted. Fine, 2d. Thentent of this present fine above wrytten is suche that the afore said John Towneley, esquirer, Henry Bannyster, and other their co- MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1551 221 feoffees in the aforesaid fine nominated and their heirs is fined and seased, and so shall stand fyned and seased, in, of, and upon the afforesaid chapell and cottage and other buyldings in Marsden to suche use as it may and shall contyne to for the devine service for the ease of the people thydder Resorting or for on gramer scolle to be deuised in, of, and upon the premisses : to that Intent that they the said Feoffees and their heires Imedyatly upon the said grauntt shall surrender over to the said John Hyggyn and Johanne hys wyff and thers heires for euer the said cotage and other buyldinges, yelding and paing to them seid feoffees and to their heires for ever xxd. yerely to thuse as abouesaid or elles this admittans to be voide. To that Halmote came the said John Towneley, Henry Bannester, William Hargreves, Nicholas Hargreves, John Kepax, Thomas Willisill, and John Hyggyn, and surren dered the said cottage and other buildings belonging to Marsden Chapel, now in the holding or occupation of the said John Hegyn, with the appurtenances, to the use of him the said John Hegyn and Johane his wife and their heirs, according to the uses and intent above written for ever. Fine, id. Penhull. — Richard Grenakers, gentleman, by the same appointment, took a messuage with other buildings, land, meadow, pasture, and feeding ground, lying within the Forest or Chace of Penhill, now in the occupation of Chris topher Blakey and Lawrence Blakey, of the yearly rent of iar. lid., which late belonged to the finding and main tenance of a priest or the service of a priest within the church of Colne, to the use of Robert Blakey, late incum bent of the said service, for term of his life, and after his death to the use of him the said Richard Grenakers and his heirs for ever. Granted. Fine, ioy. lid. Sum, with fines assessed in the greaveship of Ightenhill, S6s. yd. xlviii.— court "IRoll, 4*5 Eowaro vl, l55t. (No. 33.— Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Tuesday, 20 January, 4 Edward VI. [1550-1]. Inquisition taken there for the King, &c. James Herteley, Greave of Penhull, came and surrendered a certain parcel of land lying upon Firber* over against Lawrence Lyster's land (yearly rent, Sd), which Miles Robynson delivered to him, to the use of William son of * "James Hygson lands at Fyrber." 222 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS the said Miles and his heirs. Henry Robynson, elder brother of the said William, forbad fine, for his inheritance ; but agreement was made that the said William and his heirs should yearly pay 4s. I ofi., besides 8d. King's rent, to the said Henry Robinson his heirs and assigns. Fine, Sd. Dower granted, after a forbid, to Agnes, late wife of the said Miles. By an intent it is further declared to be the will and intent of the said Miles that the said William, being seised of the premises lying upon Fyrber, shall also pay yearly 6s. 8d. to Thomas brother of the said William for term of life. James Herteley of Bareley, a tenant, came and surren dered a messuage, other buildings, &c, in Bareley Bothe (yearly rent, 20s), which John Ballerd delivered to him, to the use of James son of the said John Ballerd and his heirs ; the said James permitting Margery, wife of the said John, occupation of the premises for term of fourteen years, with remainder to the said James. Miles Crabtre forbad fine, for a tenement, parcel of the premises, wherein he dwelt for term of his life for an ancient customary rent; the said Margery also forbad fine, for her dower. Which were granted by the surety of John Herteley, uncle of the said James. Fine, 20s. James Herteley of Blackow is ordered to make a sufficient way for fetching and carrying as far as the Foote Doole land ; and the doors on the north side of a house, built upon land at Stony Ege (and occupied by Hugh Wilkinson, Agnes Dawtrye and others) belonging to Henry Banester, gent., are to be closed up, to stop the trespass on the said Henry Banaster's land. A partition of lands in the Fence is made by Lawrence Towneley and others between several persons tenants of West Close and Hunterholme on the one hand and others tenants of Goldeshey Bothe and Heigham Bothe on the other. Robert Parker, John Holden, John Woderowff, sen., and John Woderowff, jun., by James Hergreves of Heigham, a tenant, at the request of Nicholas Hancocke, came and sur rendered the fourth part of all the messuage, other build ings, &c, except a close called Clay Feild, lying in Nether Heigham in occupation of the said Nicholas (yearly rent, 20f.), to the use of Jane, now wife of the said Nicholas, in the name of her jointure for term of life. Fine, 20.?. John Crombocke, by John Hergreves, Greave of Penhull, MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1551 223 came and surrendered a parcel of land and other buildings called the Cragges (otherwise the Over Calffhill and the Lowgher Calffhill), parcel of the vaccary of Goldeshey Bothe, to the use of Robert Asteley and his assigns from the feast of St. Michael last past for a term of 19 years. Fine, 10s. Sd. Paying yearly to the hands of Edmund Robynson, jun., and his heirs, to the use of Ellis Nutter and other King's tenants of Lawgher Goldeshey and their heirs, 10s. Sd. Ightenhill. — Thomas Aighton came and surrendered a messuage and 7 acres of land lying in Burneley Wodde, with appurtenances, now in the occupation of the said Thomas, late belonging to the Chantry of St. Peter founded in Burneley Church,* to the use of Gilbert Fairebanke, priest, late incumbent of the said Chantry, for term of his life and after his decease to the use of John Waid and his heirs : Provided that at the next Halmote the said John surrender the premises to the use of the said Thomas Aughton and Alys his wife for term of their lives and the longer liver's, paying yearly to the King and to the said Gilbert during his life the accustomed rents and services, and after the death of the said Gilbert such like rent to the said John Wayde and his heirs. The said John Wade is admitted tenant. Fine, 2s. 4^. . Thomas Flecher came and surrendered five acres of land lying in Haybergham Eves, late in the occupation of the said Thomas, late belonging to the Chantry or service in Burneley church,f to the use of Stephen Smyth, priest, for term of his life, and after his decease to the use of Richard Tattersall, jun., of the Rige and his heirs, which said Richard is admitted tenant : Provided that the said Richard at the next Court do surrender the premises to the said Thomas Flecher and his wife and Gylles Flecher and to the longer liver of them. Fine, 20^. Penhull. — Richard Grenakers, gent., came and surren dered a messuage and other buildings, &c, in the occupation of Christopher Blakey and Lawrence Blakey (yearly rent, IOJ. lid) which late belonged to the maintenance and finding of a priest or the service of a priest within Colne Church, to the use of Robert Blakey, priest, late incumbent of the said, service, for term of his life and after his decease to the use of Lawrence Blakey and his heirs for ever, and * " Fine of land of St. Peter's Chantry in Burnley." t " Fine of land in Burnley for the service of Stephen Smyth, priest, ¦founded in Burneley Church." 224 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS the said Lawrence is admitted tenant : Provided that Chris topher Blakey and his wife shall have the occupation of that whole tenement now in their occupation for term of their lives and the longer liver. Fine, ioj. I id. Ightenhill. — Reynold Whittacre came and surrendered the moiety of a messuage and 15 acres of land lying in several closes within the township of Burneley, called Hollingreave, which late belonged to the maintenance and finding of a priest or the service of a priest within Colne Church, to the use of John Feilden, priest, late incumbent of the said service, for term of his life, and after his death to the use of John Whittacre and his heirs for ever. The said John Whittacre is admitted tenant. Fine, 5.?. Forest of Penhill. — It is presented by inquisition, &c, that a messuage, other buildings, &c, in Whitley Bothe (yearly rent, Ss. lid) have reverted to the King by the death of William Herteley, and that Richard Herteley is his son and heir and of full age. Fine, 8s. 1 id. They also say that a messuage, other buildings, &c, lying in the Olde Land and Blackewode (yearly rent, 155-. 6\d) have reverted to the King by the death of Richard Croke, and that James Croke is his son and heir and aged 14 years. John Higyn and his wife forbad fine, for the premises to be secured to them for their lives and the longer liver's. Sureties were found to reply thereto. Fine, 15.?. 6\d. It is also presented that a messuage, other buildings, &c, in Rughle (yearly rent, ioj. 4\d) have reverted to the King by the death of Miles Robynson, and that Henry Robynson is his son and heir and of full age. Dower reserved to Agnes, late wife of the said Miles. Fine, iay. 4\d. It is also presented that a messuage, other buildings, &c, in Barowfore (yearly rent, iOi-. lid) have reverted to the King upon the death of Humphrey Herteley, and that Alexander Herteley is his brother and heir and of full age. Fine, ioj. i id. John Nutter is elected Greave of Penhull. Sum, £5, 18s. od. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Thursday, 11 day of June, 5 Edward VI. [1551]- Inquisition taken there upon oath, &c. Nicholas Hancocke complains against Robert and John Cronkeshey in a plea of land, viz., of a close of land called Heigham Parrocke, otherwise Olde Parrocke, lying MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1551 225 within Lawgher Heigham, parcel of plaintiff's land by right of inheritance, for which he was answerable to the King for the rent thereof and of which close the said defendants had disseised him, &c. The defendants say that from time to which the memory of man is not to the contrary and before the disafforesting of the Forest of Penhull their ancestors were occupiers of the said close at the will of the King ; that at the disafforesting of the said forest by virtue of a Commission of King Henry VII. under the duchy seal directed to Sir Peter Leigh, kt., Chief Steward, the ances tors rightfully fined for the said close as parcel of the Weste Close ; and they deny that the ancestor of the said Nicholas Hancocke ever fined for the said close after the disafforesting of the said forest, or that it is parcel of Lawgher Heigham, and say they are not culpable, &c. Plaintiff did not continue his pleading. John Parker, Symon Haydocke, gent., John Halsted of Heigh Halsted, William Saigher, John Robynson, jun., and others, tenants and inhabitants of the townships of Littill Marsden and Brereclyff, complain against John Nutter of New Land for obstructing and stopping up " an olde brydill way" going out from a place called Helfoore in Penhull, leading and going up to the top of the height of the New Lawnde aforesaid. The jury declare that the said plaintiffs have no right, nor ever should have a right to the said way, and that there was no obstruction as charged against the said defendant. Elizabeth and Margaret, daughters of John Hyrst of Rughle, complain against John Robynson, jun., John Herte ley of Rughle, Nicholas Robynson of the same, and James Mytton of Barowfore for deforcing them from a messuage, other buildings, &c, in Rughle (yearly rent, 1 is. id), which William Mitton and Issabell Mitton, by John Robynson of Olde Land, then Greave of Penhull, surrendered to the use of John Robynson and others his cofeoffees in the Court held at Heigham on Wednesday after the Feast of St. James the Apostle, 15 Henry VIII. [29 July, 1523], who then levied a fine as feoffees to the use of the said Issabell for term of her life and after her decease to the use of the said Elizabeth and Margaret Hyrst, daughters of the said John and Issabell and their heirs, &c. The jury say that the defendants as feoffees were seised as to half of the said premises to the use of the said plaintiffs and as to the other half to the use of John Mitton and his heirs, and as to any trespass they are acquitted. VOL. II. P 226 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS The jury present that Alice Nutter, late wife of William Nutter, obstructed a way in the Bullehole so that Richard Nutter cannot have his road for driving his beasts, &c. That John Nutter (i2d) and Stephen Nutter (i2d) keep open fences at Littill Staynescome and in the Whynburye Clogh. Edward Hergreves (20d. and 2od) for an unrea sonable gate (januam) over against Deane Broke and an unreasonable way at Heigham Deane yeat. Sum, 6s. 6d. Total, £6, 4s. 6d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Wednesday, 21 January, 4 Edward VI. [1550-1]. Inquisition taken there by virtue of office upon oath of the jury. John Robynson of Olde Lande by John Woderowff, sen., and John Woderowff, jun., tenants, came and surrendered a messuage, other buildings, 23 acres 1 rood of rodeland in Marsden, to the use of John Hergreves of Goldeshey Bothe, son and heir of James Hergreves defunct, James son and heir apparent of Nicholas Bancroft of Burneley, John son and heir apparent of Thomas Dryver of Colne, and Edmund Robynson of Goldeshey Bothe, jun., feoffees to the uses declared in certain indentures bearing date 20 September, 2 Edward VI. [1548]. Fine, ys. 8d. John Bancroft of Upton in co. Lane, yoman, by Nicholas Grymeshey, Greave of Ightenhill, came and surrendered a messuage and other buildings, &c, in Burneley Wode on the south side of the River Calder, going down by the town of Burneley, now or late in the occupation of William Aglot, containing by estimation 8 acres, to the use of Edward Byrtwissill of Childersgrene and William Clayton and their heirs, to the uses following. Fine, 2s. Sd. Intent. — " Where as the afforeseid John Bancroft dyd borowe of Thomas Pollerd Elleven poundes of lawfull money of England and in concideracion yff no Repayment theroff with xxs. of increase for the loyne theroff, affore a certen day betwix them Covenantted, be maid " then the feoffees to be fined, &c, to the use of the said Thomas and his heirs. But whereas at this Court the said Thomas acknow ledged repayment of the said sum and interest, the feoffees are therefore to surrender the said premises at the next Court to the said John and his heirs. Thomas Nowell and John Deane, gent., by Nicholas Grymeshey, deputy Greave of Ightenhill, came and sur rendered 27 acres of land lying in Whittacre to the use of John Hancocke, William Hancocke, Miles Claton, and MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1551 227 Hugh Clayton as feoffees to the uses declared in certain indentures bearing date 15 September, 3 Edward VI. [1549], and made between Lawrence Whittacre of the one part and Nicholas Hancocke of the other part. Fine, gs. Henry Barcroft by Oliver Halsted, Greave of Ightenhill, came and surrendered a house in Burneley in the holding of William Whittacre and a house now in the holding of Alice (?) Tailyor, a chamber now in the holding of Gilbert Fairebanke, priest, and five shoppes with one pentys an nexed to this said chamber, lying in Burneley, to the use of the said Gilbert Farebanke, late incumbent of the Burneley chantry, for term of his life, and after his decease to the use of Thomas, son of Robert Barcroft, deceased, and his heirs. Fine, 3s. 4d.* William Barcroft of Barcroft, by the assent of Richard Tattersall, sen., and Richard Tattersall, jun., came and showed here in Court a writing of arbitration by the said William made between the said Richard Tattersall, sen., and Richard Tattersall, jun., of the one part, and Thomas Flecher and Agnes his wife and Gyles Flecher son of the said Thomas of the other part, and sought enrolment thereof. It is agreed by the said parties that the said Thomas, Agnes, and Gilles Flecher shall be tenants to the said Richard and Richard and their heirs of all those meses, lands, &c, in Haybergham Eves in the holding of the said Thomas ; viz. " too partes of the premisses, Frome myd aprill day come a twelmonthe " for term of the life of the said Thomas, paying yearly as aforetime with " boynes and seruices " and discharging lord's rent ; and the said Gilles to enjoy the other half for * The following petition shows that the chaplain had some difficulty in retaining possession of the chantry lands : To the right honorable Sir Will. Paget, Knight. — Gilbert Fairbanke, late incumbent ot the Chantry of St. Peter, founded within the parish Church of Burneley in co. Lane, complains that where he was and is lawfully seised in his demesne as of freehold for the term of his life of I mease and 1 1 acres of land with the appuitenances lying within the town and fields of Haberjam in the said county, being ' ' Custumary holde and holden of the King as of his manor of Ighnell," and has always taken the issues and profits thereof until the 2nd day of May last when Edward Whitacre, Richard Boothe, Margret Katersby, John Hergreves, Henry Emote and Thomas Emote, with force of arms, that is to say with bows, swords, bucklers and other weapons defensive, in most riotous manner entered the said mease and land and expulsed plaintiff from every part thereof, and will in no wise suffer him to enjoy the same, to plaintiff's utter impoverishment. Plaintiff prays that letters of Privy Seal may be directed to the said Edward Whytacre, Richard Boothe, and others commanding them personally to appear and make answer. Hilary Term, 5 Edward VI. [1551] : — Hereupon a Privy Seal to Edward Whitacre, Richard Booth, &c, to answer within 13 days of Easier next. Duchy of Lane. Pleadings, xxix., F3. 228 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS term of his life in like manner, paying yearly 6s. 8d. : " Provyded always that the seid Richard Tattersall the yonger and his heirs shall discharge the seid Gylles duryng the terme of the naturall lyff of Steven Smyth, Chapplen, of on annuall rent of vjj. viijrf. goyng owte of the premisses, payable to the seid Steven Smyth duryng the terme of his naturall lyff." After the death of the said Thomas Fletcher, the said Gylles to occupy one half of the farmhold and Agnes his mother the other during the term of their lives, and the longer liver of them, paying yearly to the said Richard and Richard 23s. 4d. of rent. Consideration for the performance £4 paid by the said Thomas, Agnes, and Gilles. The jury say that a messuage and 25 acres 1 rood of land in the town of Burneley have reverted to the King upon the death of Richard Towne, and that Robert Towne is his son and heir. Fine, Ss. 4d. They also say that John Barcroft is elected Greave of Ightenhill, Gilbert Haydock, clerk, and Nicholas Whittacre constables of Burneley and Haybergham Eves. It is also presented by inquisition, &c, that a messuage and 47 acres of land lying in Haybergham Eves have reverted to the King upon the death of John Whittacre, and that Robert Whittacre is his son and heir and of full age. Dower right secured by surety to Christiana the widow. Fine, 15J. Sd. Sum, yos. 2d. HALMOTE held at Burneley, on Wednesday, 10 June, 5 Edward VI. [1 55 1]. Inquisition taken there by virtue of office.* Antony Watson with the assent of William Laton, esq., and by the appointment of Sir Edward Warner, kt., Henry Savell, esq., and James Gardyner, came and took by virtue of the King's Commission enrolled in the Roll of the Hal mote of Chatburne, Worston, and Penhulton held at Cled- rowe Castle, 6 October, 4 Edward VI. [1550], one close called Rigehey, now in the occupation of Edward Smyth, containing 10 acres lying in Burneley, to the use of Thomas Burges, chaplain, late incumbent of the Chantry of Blag- burne, for term of his life, and after his decease to the use of him the said Anthony Watson his heirs and assigns; which are granted, &c. Reservation to Edward Smyth for life of the occupation of the said premises. Fine, 3s. 4d. Edward Byrtwissill and William Clayton of Burneley, at the request of Thomas Pollerd, surrendered the premises in Burneley Wode described in the roll of the previous Hal- * Richard Akerode, juror. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1551 229 mote (q.v) to the use of John Bancroft, son of Brian Bancroft, and his heirs. Fine, 2s. 8d. Johanne Hergreves, widow, of Sabden came and surren dered a chamber, a barn, and half an oxgang of land and a halfpenny rent in Sabden Banke, with appurtenances in Padeham, to the use of William Whittacre and Grace his wife, for term of their lives and the longer liver's ; and with remainder to the said Johanne and her heirs. Paying 3s. 2\d. rent for King's rent beyond 6s. Sd., to the said Johanne. Fine, 3s. o^d. Thomas Willisell presented for open fences at Byrkyn bankes. Nicholas Hancocke, with the assent of William Laton, esq., and by the appointment of Sir Edward Warner, kt., and others, came and took by virtue of a Commission, &c, one and a half oxgang of land containing 27 acres of land and three halfpence rent in Sabden Banke, lying in Pade ham, in the occupation of Christopher Dogeson and Richard Barone, to the use of Thomas Burgesse, priest, late incum bent of the Chantry of Blagburne, for term of his life, and after his decease to the use of him the said Nicholas Han cocke and his heirs. Which are granted, &c. Reserving occupation of the premises to the said Dogeson and Baron for their lives. Fine : — Not yet fixed. Anthony Watson came and surrendered a close called Rige Hey, containing 10 acres of land (now in the occupa tion of Edward Smytli, and lying in Burneley, to the use of Oliver Halsted and his heirs), to the use of Thomas Burges, priest, late incumbent of Blagburne Chantry, for term of his life, and after his decease to the use of the said Oliver and his heirs. Which are granted, &c. Reserving occupation to the said. Edward Smyth for life. Fine 3s. 4^., but re spited to the Council, because the lands should be free. Richard Banester of Barnollesweke Cottes, by John Robynson of Olde Land and John Robynson of Sabden, tenants, came and surrendered 16 acres of land lying within the town or township of Burneley, now or late in the occupation of one Richard Bentham, to the use of Henry Banester, gent., William Barcroft of Barcroft, gent., Thomas Barcroft of Worstorne, and John Blakey of Colne, brother of Robert Blakey of the same place, and their heirs, to the use hereafter expressed. Fine, Ss. 8d. Intent. — To the use of Robert son and heir apparent of John Parker of Monkehall, gent., James son and heir apparent of John Grenewod, and their heirs during the life of Margaret wife of John 230 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Blakey, late of the Newhall, who with the Feoffees shall permit Richard Banester his heirs and assigns to occupy the said 16 acres of land during the life of the said Margaret, paying to the said Parker and Grenewod 26s. 8d. yearly, with power of distress ; with further covenants as before recited in an intent enrolled at the Halmote held at Colne, 12 June, 5 Edward VI. (q-v.). Sum, 33s. 6\d. Total, £5, 3s. S\d. xlix— Court 1RolI, 5*6 JE&waro vi., 1551*2. (No. 34. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham, on Tuesday next after the Feast of All Saints, 5 Edward VI. [3 November, 1551]. Inquisition taken from the Forest of Penhull. William Bawdwen of Weithead, by James Herteley, Greave of Penhull, came and surrendered half of one mes suage, other buildings in Weteheid in Rughle Bothe (yearly rent, 16s. Sd), to the use of Nicholas son of the said William Bawdwen and his heirs. Sureties were found to reply to Henry Bawdwen, who claimed half the messuage and other premises by right of inheritance. Fine, 16s. 8d. The said William Bawdwen in like manner surrendered the other moiety, subject to the same forbid on the part of Henry Bawdwen, to Christopher son of the said William Bawdwen and his heirs. Fine, 16s. 8d. Release. — Henry Bawdwen afterwards released all his title by surrender of and in those messuages, lands, &c, lying in the Weit head in Rughle Bothe (yearly rent, 33J. 4d.), now in the holding of William Bawdwen, and by Richard Grenakers, locum tenens of Sir Arthur Darcy, kt„ and in consideration of a sum of money to him paid he surrendered the same to Nicholas and Christopher Bawdwen and their heirs for ever. Fine, I2d. (sic). It is presented by inquisition taken for the King that a close of land containing g\ acres of land, lying within Pen- hull Chace (yearly rent, 3.5-.), which Agnes Blakey late [wife ?] of Nicholas Blakey and mother of Symon Blakey died seised of, the said Symon wrongfully entered upon and occupied by the space of 16 years and more, without fining with the King for the same. Whereupon the Greave of Penhull was ordered to seize the same into the King's hands and to reply concerning the rents and arrears of rent in the mean time ; he has thereupon returned the said precept as executed. Nicholas Blakey of Admergill, son of the said Symon, came and took the said close called the Morehey with the appur- MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 155 1-2 231 tenances lying in the Morehey of Blakey, yearly rent 3s. ; which is granted to the said Nicholas to be held, &c. Fine, 3s. 2d. The jury say that James Hergreves of the Fence (4^.) obstructed a way in the Fenceheid and that James Herteley of Twissill (sic) is elected Greave of Penhull. Sum, 43s. 6d. HALMOTE held there on Thursday next before the Feast of St. John the Baptist, 6 Edward VI. [23 June, 1552]. Inquisition taken from the Forest of Penhull. John Parker, Symon Haydocke, John Robynson, jun., Richard Saigher, and James Swane complain against John Nutter of the Newlande in Penhull for obstructing " a bridillway" for the free passage of the King's subjects from the Helleforthe at the Chambre in Penhull, so going up and leading to the Fence through the tenement of the said John Nutter, which the ancestors of the said John Parker, &c, had from time out of mind freely used without any hindrance on the part of the ancestors of the said John Nutter. The said John Nutter denies the charge and de clares that the road had never been used except by his permission or that of his predecessors. Whereupon 24 customers are chosen and charged, who declare that the plaintiffs have no right to the said heighway or bridillway and that defendant is not culpable. John Hergreves alias Jacke fails to obtain a verdict against William and Christopher Smyth, whom he charged with wrongfully encroaching a parcel of ground from the " meane grownde " lying in the Hey Ende and in the Burned Helmes in Rughle Bothe. Sum, 18^. Total, 45 s. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Saturday next after the Feast of St. Simon and St. Jude the Apostles, 5 Edward VI. [31 Oct. 155 1]. Inquisition taken there by virtue of office. The jury* say that Richard Webster and Roger Cockeshut are elected Greaves of Ightenhill. The wife of Thomas Flecher of the Ganno and Issabell Grene milked their neighbours' cows without licence, and are punished bodily. Philip Spencer and Thomas Sutclyff defendants are * Nicholas Hergreves of the Ege ende, John Smyth of the Hill, &c, jurors. 232 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS ordered by the jury * to make good their hedges and fences at Whittilshey. John Hoppey was complainant. Anne, wife of Richard Banester of the Cootes, examined by the Deputy Steward, surrendered and released all her right and title by reason of her dower of and in 16 acres of land in Burneley in the holding of Richard Bentham (yearly rent, 26s. 8d), to one Robert Parker and one James Grene- wode, gent., and their heirs ; which lands the said Richard lately surrendered to the use of Henry Banester, gent., William Barcroft, gent., Thomas Barcroft, and John Blakey of Colne, feoffees to the uses and intent inrolled upon the Court Roll of 10 June, 5 Edward VI. [155 1]. Sum, 6d. HALMOTE held there on Wednesday next before the Feast of St. John the Baptist, 6 Edward VI. [22 June, 1552]. Inquisition taken there by virtue of office. Richard Tattersall, surviving feoffee, at the request of Richard Whitwham, came and surrendered a messuage and 9 acres of land in Burneley to the use of the said Richard Whitwham and his heirs. Fine, 3s. Firstly the jurors present that a cottage or messuage with two gardens and a croft lying in Burneley have reverted to the King upon the death of Robert Wilkinson, and that Edmund Wilkinson is his son and next heir and of full age. Fine, 4d. They also say that Henry Nutter (i2d), Gyles Smyth (i2d), and others trespass with their beasts on Saxefeld and Marsden Ege, where they have no right. John Ormerode, sen. (3.?. 4^.), and John Ormerode, jun. (3s. 4d), for the same offence and for open fences and chasing their neighbours' beasts with dogs. Many other cases of trespass on commons of Burneley are noticed. Sum, 17.?. iod. Total, i8.r. 4$. L.-court IRoll, 6*7 Eowaro Vl, 1552*3. (No. 35. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham, on Wednesday, viz. 26 October, 6 Edward VI. [i5S2]- Inquisition taken there upon oath. James Herteley of Bareley, by James Herteley of Fulshey, * William Smyth of Pyghole, Richard Akerode, William Hergreves of Lomeshey, jurors among others. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1552-3 233 Greave of Penhull, came and surrendered a messuage, other buildings, &c, parcel of the vaccary of Bareley Bothe (yearly rent, 20s), to the use of John son of the said James Herteley and his heirs. Occupation of the premises reserved to the said James for term of his life. No fine made, but postponed by the steward for divers reasons.* Ellen, late wife of John Sutclyff, by Nicholas Robynson of Thorneholme, Greave of Penhull, came and surrendered a messuage and other buildings in Over Barowfore (yearly rent, ys. 8d), to the use of Barnerd Sutclyff and his heirs, immediately after the death of the said Ellen. Fine, ys. Sd. Lawrence Hergreves of Whitalgh, yoman, by Richard Grenakers, gent., Deputy Steward, in consideration of forty marks to him paid by Richard Hole, came and surrendered a messuage and other buildings, &c, in Whitley Bothe (yearly rent, gs. yd), to the use of Christopher Bulcocke, James Browne, William Dugdale, and Robert Hergreves, bastard, feoffees to the uses following. Fine, gs. yd. Intent. — To the use of Richard Hole and his heirs, with power of redemption within four years to the said Lawrence Hergreves, sub ject to which redemption the premises shall be held by the Feoffees to the use of the said Lawrence Hergreves and his heirs, and for default of heirs to the use of Robert Hergreves, bastard, and his heirs ; provided also that Lawrence Hergreves, his executors and assigns shall be permitted to occupy and enjoy the said premises for the said term of four years, paying to the said Richard Hole or his heirs and assigns 40s. yearly. Grant of the last-named premises by the steward to the said feoffees, and release by Richard Hole of his right and title therein to William Mitton and his heirs. Fine, gs. yd. The jury present by inquisition that a messuage and other buildings, &c, in the Fence, called the Browne Brynke Hey (yearly rent, 20s), have reverted to the King upon the death of Hugh Parker, and that John Parker is his son and heir and of full age. Dower reserved to Catherine, late wife of the said Hugh, for term of her life. Fine, 20s. They also say that Lawrence Towneley, gent., is elected Greave of Penhull for his lands called Ryssheton Thornes. They also present that a messuage with other buildings, &c, in Rughle (yearly rent, us. i\d) has reverted to the King upon the death of Christopher Smyth, and that John * A note in another hand states that the matter was in litigation in the Duchy Court. 234 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Smyth, aged 19 years, is his brother and next heir according. to the uses and intent appearing by copy of Court Roll bearing date Thursday, 25 October, 35 Henry VIII. [1543], and that John Halsted of Heigh Halsted is his guardian, Fine, lis. i^d. They also say that a messuage with other buildings, &c, in Barley Bothe (yearly rent, 10s) has reverted to the King upon the death of John Mankynholes, sen., and that John Mankynholles, jun., is his son and heir and of full age. Half the said messuage and premises reserved to Alice, late wife of the said John Mankynholles, for term of her life. Fine, 10s. They also say that a messuage with other buildings, &c, in Over Barowfore (yearly rent, 15J. 3\d) has reverted to the King upon the death of Nicholas Smyth, and that John Smyth is his son and heir and aged 13 years; Richard Holte is his uncle and guardian. Dower reserved to Issabell, late wife of the said Nicholas, for term of her life. Fine, iSs. 3\d. Henry Nutter complains of Robert Jackeson in a plea of land, viz. of and in the moiety of 17 acres of land in Rede- hallows now in the occupation of the said Robert, who had disseised him of the said premises which ought to have descended to him upon the death of Ellis Nutter, sen., father of the said Henry, as son and next heir. The defendant denies and says he rightfully fined for the said premises and asks for the production of the roll in proof thereof. The plaintiff did not prosecute his plea. An assize came to make recognition whether James Herte ley of Blackoo wrongfully disseised Christopher Herteley of Lawgher Barowfore of his free tenement in Blackoo. Where upon the said Christopher Herteley complained that the said James disseised him of divers lands, &c, in Blackoo and upon Blackoo (yearly rent, ios), and sought, &c. The defendant denied and said that the lands had been ex changed for other lands lying in Lawgher, Barowfore, which Lawrence, father of the said Christopher Herteley, had given him the said James. The jury declare that as to certain lands in Blackoo and upon Blackoo (yearly rent 4^., parcel of the said rent of ios), the defendant did disseise the said Christopher, and his damages were taxed by the jury at 6d. ; the jury considered that the said Christopher should recover seisin of the said lands (yearly rent, 4s) according to the surrender made to the said Christopher by the said Law rence Herteley his father. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1552-3 235 Memorandum that at the Halmote on Thursday, 1 1 June, 5 Edward VI. [1551], Lawrence Herteley came £nd surrendered a parcel of land in Barowfore (yearly rent, 4s.) to the use of Christopher Herteley, son of the said Lawrence, and his heirs. James Herteley of Blackoo forbad fine by right of his inheritance. Surety found to reply. Dower reserved to Johanne, late wife ofthe said Lawrence Herteley, for term of her life. Fine, 4s. John Robynson of Oldelaunde, sen., by Nicholas Robyn son, Greave of Penhull, came and surrendered a parcel of land lying in the Fence (yearly rent, 2s. 8d), to the use of Robert Nutter and his heirs. Fine, 2s. 8d. Ellis Nutter, Richard Nutter of Sabden, and John Robyn son, at the request of John, son of Ellis Nutter, deceased, came and surrendered a messuage with other buildings, &c, in the New Land (yearly rent, 44s-. S\d-)< t0 the use of John Nutter, son of Ellis Nutter, deceased, and his heirs. Henry Nutter forbad fine by right of his inheritance. Sureties found to reply. Fine, 44s-. S\d. Sum, £6, 18s. S\d. Fines of land, £6, 14s. 4\d. The amercements, amounting to 4s. 4d., were pardoned by virtue of the general pardon of the King. HALMOTE held at Heigham on Saturday next after the Feast of St. Philip and St. James the Apostles, 7 Edward VI. [6 May, 1553]. Inquisition taken there by virtue of office. William Kenyon, gent., — by virtue of a letter or mandate of Sir John Gage, kt., chancellor of the King's Duchy of Lancaster, directed to Richard Grenakers, gent., Deputy Steward of Blackeburneshyr, in this behalf — came to this Halmote and the said Deputy Steward granted to him a close of pasture called the Heigham Parrocke alias the Olde Parrocke, and now in the occupation of John and Robert Cronkeshey (yearly rent, 10s). The said John and Robert forbad fine, by right of their inheritance, having previously fined for the same by virtue of the commission of King Henry VII. directed to Sir Peter Leigh, kt., then Steward, on this behalf. William Kenyon, by his attorney Richard Kenyon his son, found sureties to reply. Fine, 10s. Christopher, Nicholas, and Hugh More in three different plaints (by John Herteley the attorney for each) complain against Edmund Emot in a plea of land upon demand of -three respective third parts of one messuage with other buildings, &c, called Hollyng Banke and the Fence, now in the occupation of the said Edmund (yearly rent for the three 236 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS parts, 205\). The defendant denies the charge that he had disseised them of the said premises, as they are his lands and he had duly fined for them in the Halmote of the said Manor. The jury of 24 customers declare that the defen dant did not disseise plaintiffs. The jury present nine persons — amerced 12^. each— for keeping " Bareley Loyne " in an unreasonable state. Leonard Cronkeshey (3s. 4^.) made a rescue upon Robert Chatburne, servant of Nicholas Hancocke, when going to the King's fold with 14 beasts which had been trespassing in the said Nicholas' corn. John Yngham (3s. 4^.) broke the King's fold at different times and with an axe cut down the door of the said fold, to the evil example of others. Sum, 26s. Sd. Total, £8, Ss- i\d. HALMOTE held at Burneley on Thursday, viz. 27 October, 6 Edward VI. [1552]. Inquisition taken there by virtue of office. Thomas Whittacre of Holme, Robert Whittacre of Myckilhirst, John son and heir of Robert Woderowff of Burneley, and Richard Tattersall of Brereclyff, at the re quest of William and Nicholas Whittacre, by Nicholas Grymeshey, Greave, came and surrendered two messuages and 30 acres of land called Yait Feild with appurten ances in Burneley, to the use of Robert son and heir apparent of Thomas Whittacre, John son and heir apparent of Robert Whittacre of Myckylhyrst, John son and heir of John Woderowff, son and heir of John Woderowff (sic), and Edmund son and heir of Richard Tattersall, to the intent that they should be feoffees to the uses hereafter following. Fine, ior. Intent. — To the use of Gefferey Ryssheton, gentylman, and Thomas Whittacre, their executors and assigns, during the term of nineteen years from the date of this Court, paying yearly to the said William Whittacre 32s., and discharging the said William and Nicholas Whittacre from all rents, taxes, and services. And if the said William Whittacre die before the expiration of the said term, the said rent to be paid to the said Nicholas Whittacre and his heirs during the residue of the term. After the said term of nineteen years to the use of the said William Whittacre for term of his life, with remainder to the use of the said Nicholas Whittacre and his heirs, and in default of such issue to his right heirs for ever. John Barcroft, Greave of Ightenhill, came and surren dered the third part of one messuage and of 29! acres of rodeland lying in Haybergham Eves, which Edward Pollerd MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1552-3 237 delivered to him, to 'the use of Isabell, now wife of the said Edmund, for term of her life in the name of her jointure. Issabell now wife of Richard Pollerd forbad fine in right of the inheritance of the said Richard. Sureties found to reply thereto, as also concerning the uses and intent of an inden ture of covenant made between Edward Pollerd, sen., and Robert Waide. Fine, 3s. 3d. The said Greave came and surrendered a messuage with other buildings, a croft and a garden in the occupation of Edward Pollerd and lying in Burneley, which Issabell now wife of the said Edward in her pure viduity delivered to him, to the use of Thomas Towneley and Henry Bercroft and their heirs, for performance of the last will of the said Issabell and to the uses therein to be expressed. Fine, 4d. Nicholas Hancocke, gent., by the assent and consent of William Laiton, esq., and by the appointment of Sir Edward Warner, kt., and others and at the request of Richard Grenakers, gent., in consideration of £40 duly paid by the said Nicholas to the said Richard Grenakers, came and took by virtue of the King's Commission (6 Oct., 4 Edward VI.) two messuages, other buildings, one and a half oxgang of land (containing 27 acres), and three halfpence on Sabden Banke, lying in Padeham, now or late in the occu pation of Christopher Dogeson and Richard Barone, to the use of Thomas Burges, priest, late incumbent of Blag burne Chantry, for term of his life, and after his death to the use of him the said Nicholas Hancocke and his heirs. Which are granted, &c. Fine, gs. The jury say that Charles Halsted (i2d), James Pollerd (4d), William Flecher (4^.), John Flecher (2d), John Smyth (2d), Richard Studdert (2d), Thomas Foldes (2d), Bernerd Lee (2d), and William Hancocke (i2d), all tenants of Sir Richard Towneley, kt., in Ightenhill Parke, trespass with their beasts on the common pasture of Burneley and of Haybergham Eves, called the Pyked Lawe More. Also that Henry Nutter (i2d), Robert Jackeson (Sd), John Nutter (8^.), Giles Smyth (4^.), the relict of Regenold Smyth (2d), John Smyth (2d), John Halsted late of Roley (4^.), John Londesdale (4^.), William Michell (4d), Richard Hyrde (2d), and Thomas Watmough trespass with their animals upon Saxifeld More. Also that George Hergreves (12^.), Richard Mychell (i2d), John Whitacre (i2d), and John Flecher (i2d) did wrongfully make coalpits on the King's highway on the Ryge More. They also say that Thomas Radclyff of Wymberle, esq., 238 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS for his lands called the Chambre and with the aid of John Robynson, sen., is elected Greave of Ightenhill; Richard Michell and William Watmough, constables of Burneley and Haybergham Eves. Sum, S9S- 7d., viz., fines of land, 22 s. yd. ; penalties, 3ys. od., the whole being pardoned by the King's general pardon.HALMOTE held at Burneley on Tuesday, 2 May, 7 Edward VI. [1553]. Inquisition taken there by virtue of office.* William Kenyon, gent., by Richard Grenakers, gent., Deputy Steward, by virtue of the mandate of the Chancellor of the Duchy bearing date 2 March last past, came and took a messuage with other buildings, two gardens and 13^ acres of land lying in Haybergham Eves, now in the occu pation of John Catterall and John Whittacre, which lately belonged to the maintenance of Stephen Smyth, priest within Burneley church : Which are granted to the said William Kenyon, &c. Fine, 4s. 6d. The said William Kenyon immediately afterwards surrendered the said pre mises to the use of William Halsted of Smaleshey and Hugh Halsted and their heirs. Fine, 4s. 6d. Alice Hancocke, by Richard Webster, Greave of Ighten hill, came and surrendered a cottage and a garden called Sant Leonerde Howse with the appurtenances, in Padeham, to the use of Robert Hancocke alias Whittacre, son of the said Alice, and his heirs. Fine, id. The said Robert im mediately afterwards surrendered the said cottage to the use of Alice Hancocke for term of her life. Fine, id. Richard Hychon of Worstorne by Thomas Hay, Greave of Ightenhill, came and surrendered a messuage, other buildings, sh acres of land with appurtenances in Burneley, now in the occupation of Richard Leigh, to the use of John Hichon and his heirs according to the uses following. Fine, 22d. Intent. — To the use of Gilbert Fairebanke, chapplen, for term of his life and after his decease to the use of the said Richard Itchon for term of his life, "yff he fortune to overlyffe the seid Gilbert Fairebanke '' ; and after the death of the survivor of the said Gilbert or Richard, to the only proper use of the said John Hitchon his heirs and assigns. To that Halmote came Catherine Tailyor, Peter Clogh, Geoffrey Ryscheton, and William Flecher in their own * William Smyth of Pygghole and William Hergreves of Lomeshey among the jury. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1552-3 239 persons and say that William Wilkynson was seised of and in one oxgang of land with the appurtenances and of one messuage, 8 acres of land and three tofts of rodeland with appurtenances, in Burneley, in his demesne as of fee ; and so seised he enfeoffed John Yngham, priest, John Kepax, William Foldes, and Robert Woderowff in the said premises ; for which they duly and justly fined in the Hal mote of the Manor of Ightenhill held there on Wednesday next after the Feast of All Saints, 20 Henry VII. [6 Nov. 1504], before Sir Peter Leigh, kt., Steward there, to such uses and intent as were expressed in a certain indenture made between the said William Wilkynson of the one part and the said John Yngham, priest, and his cofeoffees of the other part, bearing date the last day of September, 20 Henry VII. [1504]. By reason of which indenture (in that Gyles Wilkinson and Geoffrey Wilkynson, brothers, died without heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten) the said oxgang of land with the appurtenances, one messuage, 8£ acres of land, and three tofts of land with the appur tenances in Burneley, ought by right to descend to the aforesaid Ellen, Catherine, and Agnes Wilkinson, by right of inheritance, and because the said John Yngham and his cofeoffees were fined and seised to the only proper use of the said Ellen, Catherine, and Agnes after the death of him the said Geoffrey Wilkinson, who survived his brother the said Gyles Wilkynson. Which said Ellen was married to Ralph Clogh and has issue Peter Clogh, son and heir, and she is now dead ; and the said Agnes was married to John Flecher and has issue William Flecher, son and heir, and she is now dead ; and so the said Catherine was married to William Tailyor and has issue John Tailyor, son and heir, and she is still alive. And thereupon came the said Peter Clogh and William Flecher (sons and heirs of the said Ellen and Agnes) as kinsmen and heirs of the said Geoffrey Wilkynson, and the said Catherine Tailyor, daughter of the said William and sister and heir of the said Geoffrey, and sought admittance to fine, &c. And likewise came Alexander Lever and Agnes his wife, late wife of Gyles Wilkynson, deceased, who now holds and occupies the said premises in the name of her feoffment or jointure for term of her life ; of which Thomas son and heir of Richard Whittacre, William son and heir of Robert Barcroft, John son and heir of Robert Yngham, and William son and heir of John Hergreves of Lomeshey were fined and seised by the sur render of John Kepax, William Foldes, Robert Woderowff, 240 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS and John Yngham, priest, to the use of the said Agnes for term of her life, as by the copy of Court Roll doth more at large appear. And likewise came Sir Richard Towneley, kt., Evan Haydocke, and Reginald Whittacre, and said that they were fined and seised of and in the said premises to certain uses expressed in their fine, as also in a certain indenture. By the unanimous assent of all the parties the verdict of their country is sought by 24 customers of the Old Hold, who declare upon oath that Peter Clogh and William Flecher are the kinsmen and heirs of the said Geoffrey, and Catherine Tailyor, widow, the sister and heir upon the death of him the said Geoffrey Wilkynson her brother, and that the fine and surrender made by William Wilkynson was his true and lawful act, &c. ; but that the fine made by Thomas Whittacre and his other feoffees to Richard Towneley, esq., and others is null and void and of no force or value, as by the evidence and testimony of sworn witnesses is made clear. Admittance granted to the heirs. Fine, 6s. id. The said Peter Clogh, William Flecher, and Catherine Tailyor, widow, came and surrendered the last-named premises in Burneley, to the use of John Aspeden, priest, and his heirs, to the intent that he should resurrender one third part of the premises to each of the three said surren derors. Fine, 6s. id. And afterwards at the said Halmote John Aspeden came and surrendered a house and other buildings, a close of land near adjacent to the said house, and a house late in the holding of Geoffrey Wilkynson, with a garden lying within the Holme of one Richard Woderowff, containing 13 roods and 6 falls of land; and also 13^ roods of land called the Hayley Roode, and also five roods of land beside ten falls lying on the north-east side of a close called the Newe Royde, and a way for fetching and carrying through the Long Home and the Lame Banke, with appurtenances, to the use of Peter Clogh and his heirs. Fine, 2s. Likewise the said John Aspeden came and surrendered a house with two crofts, 5 roods 15 falls of land called the Wyndill Howse ; one close of land called Rappocke Rode, containing 10J roods 1 fall of land; also IO roods 10 falls of land called the Copte Rode, and also another close of land called the Stubbeyng, containing 4 roods and 9 falls of land ; and also a tannery called a Barkehowse and an orchard and garden called the Barke- howse yarde, containing 16 falls of land, lying in Burneley, with the appurtenances, to the use of John Tailyor and his MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1553-4 241 heirs. Fine, 2s. Likewise the said John Aspeden, priest, came and surrendered a house now in the holding of John Flecher, with a garden and a croft ; and another croft called the Willcroft, containing 3! roods and 13 falls of land ; and seven and a half roods of land called the Long Holme, and also half of one rood and 14^ falls of land called the Wheit Pyghle, and also 6 roods and 5 falls of land lying in Lame Banke, and 6\ roods of land lying upon the Newe Rode, and likewise 34 falls of land lying upon the southe east end of the Stubbyng, and likewise 6\ roods and 9 falls of land callqd the Deane Roode, lying in Burneley, with appurtenances, to the use of Geoffrey Rissheton, gent., and his heirs. Fine, 2s. Peter Clogh, John Tailyor, and Geoffrey Rissheton came and surrendered the above-named premises, viz. in the whole, one oxgang of land,* one messuage, 8 \ acres of land, 3 tofts of rodeland, with appurtenances in Burneley, to the use of Alexander Leaver and Agnes his wife for term of their lives or the longer liver's, according to the form and effect of an indenture bearing date 1 May, 7 Edward VI. [1553], made between Alexander Leaver and Agnes his wife of the one part and Geoffrey Rissheton, Catherine Tailyor, John Tailyor, Peter Clogh, and William Flecher of the other part. Fine, 6s. id. Sum, 3gs. yd. Total, £4, igs. 2d. ll— court "IRoll, 1 /l&ars, 1553*4. (No. 36. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Thursday, 19 October, 1 Mary [1553], before Arthur Darcy, knight, chief steward. Inquisition taken there from the Forest of Penhull. Memorandum that at the Halmote held at Heigham on Wednesday the 26 October, 6 Edward VI. [1552], James Herteley of Bareley in his proper person, by James Herte ley of Fulshey, greave of Penhull, surrendered one messuage, &c, parcel of the vaccary of Bareley Bothe, within Penhull (rent, 2or.), to the use of John Herteley son of the said James and his heirs. James Robynson of Sowrebye Deane forbad fine, and the said John Herteley found pledge, John * On adding together the details it will be found that the oxgang in Burnley was about 15 acres (customary). VOL. II. O 242 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Hergreves alias Jacke, to answer him. Admittance granted ; fine, 20s. At the Halmote held at Heigham, on Saturday next after the feast of Philip and James, Apostles, 7 Edward VI. [6 May, 1553], Robert Nutter in his proper person came and surrendered two closes of land lying in Le Fence within Penhull (rent, 2s. Sd.) ; to the use of Bernerd Herteley, junior, and his assigns, for 31 years from Martinmas next. Admittance granted ; fine, 2s. 8d. At the Halmote held at Heigham, on Thursday next before the feast of St. John the Baptist, 6 Edward VI. [23 June, 1552], John Hergreves alias Jacke complained of Christopher Smyth in a plea of land, encroached from com plainant's land of Le Meane Grounde in Le Heyende and Le Burned Helmes lying in Le Rughlebothe. Verdict for defendant ; John Hergreves is amerced 3d. It is presented by the said inquest that 1 messuage and other buildings, lands, meadows, &c, in Bareley (rent, 20s), came to the Queen's hands by the death of John Robynson of Bareley, and that Christopher Robynson is his son and next heir and of the age of 8 years ; and that Christopher Bulcocke is his guardian, who in full court found pledges, John Robynson of Blackemosse and Richard Herteley, to answer and account to the said Christopher of the profits of the premises at his full age. Alice, late wife of John Robyn son, forbad fine for her dower, and also Agnes late wife of Richard Robynson the same; and Christopher found pledges, James Ballerd and Christopher Herteley, to answer the said Alice and Agnes. Admittance granted ; fine, 20J. At the Halmote held at Heygham on Tuesday next after the feast of All Saints, 5 Edward VI. [3 Nov. 155 1], it was presented by the inquest that 1 messuage, &c, lying in Heigham, Le Fence, and Hollyngbanke (rent, 30s.) came to the King's hands by the death of John Moore alias Jenkyn, and that Nicholas Moore is his son and next heir and of full age. Elizabeth Moore, late wife of the said John, came and forbad fine for her dower, and it is conceded to her by Nicholas. And Edmund Emot came and forbad fine for all those lands lying in Le Fence now in his tenure in right of inheritance. Admittance granted, saving the right of the said Edmund ; fine, 30s. John Yngham of Le Loyne amerced 3s. 4d. because he broke the Queen's pound (foldum) of Heigham. Henry Barcroft elected greave of Penhull, with the aid of MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1553-4 243 Henry Nutter, Ellis Nutter, Robert Nutter, John Nutter, and Robert Jackeson. And they say that they have nothing else to present. Sum of this Halmote, y6s. 3d. HALMOTE ofthe Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham, on Friday next before the feast of St. John the Baptist, ' 1 Mary [22 June, 1554], before Thomas Talbot, knight, chief steward. Inquisition taken there from the Forest of Penhull. John Cronkeshey of Le Weste Close, by James Herteley, Greave of Penhull, came and surrendered all his lands lying in Le Fence within the forest or chace of Penhull (rent, 2d) ; to the use of John Estewode alias Nutter of Littill Blacke- wode and James Foldes and their assigns, for 29 years from the date of this court. Admittance granted ; fine, 2d. Memorandum that at the Halmote held at Heigham, on Saturday next after the feast of Philip and James, Apostles, 7 Edward VI. [6 May, 1553], John Robynson, junior, of Olde Lande, Ellis Nutter, junior, James Herteley of Lawgher Barowfore, and John Parker, son of Hugh Parker deceased, by Richard Grenakers, gent., under-steward, surrendered a messuage, &c, lying in Heigham, called Le Hollingbanke and Fence within Penhull (rent, 20s), now in the occupation of Edmund Emott, of which the said John Robynson, jun., &c, were seised as feoffees to the use of the said Edmund, at the special request of the said Edmund, in consideration of a sum of money paid to Edmund by Richard Bancroft and Richard Verley, and which they delivered by the said Richard Grenakers, gent.; to the use of the said Richard Bancroft and Richard Verley and their heirs. Hugh Moore, Nicholas Moore, and Christopher Moore forbad fine in right of their inheritance ; and the said Richard Bancroft found pledges, John Cronkeshey and Nicholas Hancocke to answer them. Admittance granted ; fine, 20^. The jury present that Nicholas Blakey unjustly made a gate at the, upper side of Le Sym Close, and that he chased his neighbours' beasts. Amerced 12^. John Hey, chap lain, is a common fisher within the Queen's waters without licence ; amerced 1 id. John Robynson alias Bewse, keeps " a Grewe bytche " contrary to the statute ; amerced 2S. Sum of this Halmote, 24s. 2d. Sum of these two Halmotes, 100s. S^- '> namely, fines of lands, £4, 13s. id.; amercements, ys. 4d. 244 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Thursday, 19 October, 1 Mary [1553]. Inquisition taken there. Richard Banester of Boothes, by Nicholas Hancocke and John Woderowff, customary tenants, for a sum of money paid to him by William Hancocke and Richard Woderowff, surrendered 1 messuage, ij acres 1 rood of land, &c, in Burneley, now in the tenure of Richard Bentham, and the reversion of 16 acres of land in Burneley which Margaret Blakey, now or late wife of John Blakey, had or held ; to the use of the said William Hancocke of Cornefeild and Richard Woderowff of Burneley and their heirs. Admittance granted; fine 2s. yd., by the pledge of John Woderowff, junior. Geoffrey Ryssheton, gent., by Lawrence Haybergham and Nicholas Hancocke, customary tenants, for a sum of money paid to him by George Ryley and Margaret his wife, surrendered 7 ridges (seliones) called 7 " landes " in a close called Le Towne Oldefeild in Burneley, containing 2 acres of land with the appurtenances, to the use of the said George and Margaret and issue, with remainder to their right heirs ; rendering 1 2d. yearly. Admittance granted ; fine Sd., by the pledge of Henry Barcroft. Edward Tattersall, in his proper person, surrendered and to farm demised the moiety of a house called Le Hude- howse with lands, &c, now in the tenure of William Wat mogh ; to the use of the said William and his assigns for the term of the life of the said Edward Tattersall, rendering yearly 13.C 4d. by equal portions at Pentecost and St. Martin, and further the rent due to the Queen. Admittance granted; fine, I2d. Peter Waddyngton and. Robert Waddyngton, customary tenants, surrendered 1 messuage and 19 acres of land in Burneley, now in the tenure and occupation of John Clayton and William Cleyton, which John Bancroft delivered to them, to the use of Nicholas Hancocke and Richard Wode rowff; to the use and intent inrolled below. Edward Cleyton and John Cleyton forbad fine, as well for John Bancroft as for the tenants holding by his demise for a term not ended : and the said Nicholas Hancocke and Richard Woderowff found sureties, Thomas Whittacre and William Hancocke, to answer. Admittance granted ; fine, 6s. 4d. Intent. — Be it known to all that John Bancroft now or late of the lordship of Wyddyns, co. Lane, yeoman, for £24 paid to him by MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1553-4 245 Nicholas Haworth of Blagburne, John Woderowff of Burneley the elder, and John Woderowff, son and heir of the late Robert Wode rowff late of Burneley deceased, hath surrendered into the hands of Peter Waddyngton of EccleshiU the elder and Robert Waddyngton of Lower Derwen in the said county, yeomen, customary tenants, 1 " mese," &c. (as above), to the behoof of Nicholas Hancocke of Lower Heegham and Richard Woderowff of Burneley ; to the only use and intent that they shall be feoffees to the use of the said Nicholas Haworth, &c. (provided that the said John Bancroft shall receive all the rents for the premises during the year next ensuing the date hereof) ; and if the said John Bancroft make no alienation, bargain, or sale of any lands or tenements before the 20th November 1551, and pay to the said Nicholas Haworth, &c, in the church of Blakeburne at any time before the 20th November the sum of ,£24 and do not deny to pay the same, then the said Nicholas Hancocke, &c, after the said 20th Nov. shall stand seised of the premises to the use of the said John Bancroft, his heirs and assigns for ever. Dated the 22 November, 4 Edward VI. [1550]. John Bancroft, by Robert Towne and Richard Whit wham, customary tenants, for £50 paid to him by Olyver Halsted of Rooley, surrendered 1 messuage and 8 acres of land, &c, in Burneley Wode now in the occupation of Wil liam Aiglott, to the use of Peter Ormerod and Robert Bar croft, as feoffees. Admittance granted ; fine 2s. Sd. The intent is that Peter Ormerode and Robert Barcroft are fined and seised of the premises. If the afore-named John Bancroft pay or cause to be paid to the above-named Olyver Halsted, his executors or assigns, the sum of ^50 at or before the Annunciation, 1554, then the feoffees shall be seised of the premises to the use of the said John Bancroft and his heirs ; and for default of payment to the use of the said Olyver Halsted and his heirs for ever. John Barcroft, Greave of Ightenhill, surrendered 1 mes suage and 9 acres of land lying in Haberiam Evez, now in the tenure of Oliver Qwytheid ; 1 other messuage and 1 acre of land lying in Burneley now in the tenure of Margaret Herteley, widow, relict of Richard Herteley ; 1 messuage, 1 garden, and I parcel of land called Gannowe, now in the tenure of Thomas Flecher, senior ; and all those messuages, &c, in Burneley, now in the tenure of Richard Towneley, esquire, James Leigh, Thomas Bentham, Edward Smyth, George Holgait, Edward Foldes, and Richard Pilling, which John Smyth of Burneley delivered to him, to the use of Lawrence Hayberiam and his heirs, and all the right of the said John Smyth therein. And thereupon Isabella Bentham forbad fine for 1 messuage and 9 acres of land in the tenure of Oliver Qwytheid in the name of her dower. And Law rence came and found Thomas WiUissill of Scolebanke and 246 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS John Whittacre to answer as well the said Isabella as Thomas Smyth according to the custom of the manor, Admittance granted; fine, 3s. Geoffrey Ryssheton, by John Barcroft, greave of Ighten hill, for £40 paid to him by Henry Tailyor of Sowthefeild, surrendered a house now in the tenure of John Flecher with a garden and croft, and another croft called Le Wyndill Croft containing 3 rodelands of land and 13 " le falles " of land, and y\ roods of land called Le Long Holme, and the moiety of 1 rood and 14 " le falles " and \ " le fall" of land called Le Wheat pyghill, and 6 roods and 5 " le falles " of land lying in Le lambe banke, and 6\ roods of land upon Le Newe Rode, and 34 " le falles " of land lying upon Le Sowth est ende of Le Stubyng, and 6\ roods and 9 " le falles " of land called Le Deane Rode lying in Burneley, with their appur tenances ; to the use of the said Henry Tailyor. Admit tance granted ; fine 2s., by the pledge of Simon Haydocke. Memorandum that at the Halmote held at Burneley on 20 June, 1 Edward VI. [1547], John Parker, gent, and Richard Tattersall of Le Rige, feoffees to the use of William Whittacre late of Hayley and Nicholas Whittaker his son, by Nicholas Grymeshey, greave of Ightenhill, surrendered at the special request of the said William and Nicholas, inter alia a close of land called Le Weit yng with the appur tenances in Burneley, and likewise three closes late in the tenure of John Haybergham, deceased, and his assigns, and all cottages and gardens thereto belonging ; to the use of William Barcroft, junior, son and heir apparent of Henry Barcroft, Robert Barcroft son and heir apparent of William Barcroft of Le Barcroft, Robert Yngham son and heir of John Yngham late of Fullege, deceased, and Richard Yngham son and heir apparent of Robert Yngham of Burneley and their heirs, as feoffees to be seised according to the uses and intents in the fine inrolled below. Ad mittance granted ; fine, 2od. The intent is that the cofeoffees shall stand seised of the premises : First that Thomas Pollerd of Burneley and his assigns, in considera tion of £4, 6s. 8d. sterling paid to and for the said William Whit taker and Nicholas Whittaker, shall peaceably occupy and enjoy the profits of the said three closes late in the occupation of John Haberiam and his assigns, from the 15 April last past for 21 years, paying therefor yearly to Joan Hayberiam, late wife of the said John Hay- beriam, 13J. 4^. at Pentecost and St. Martin, and if she shall die within the term then the said rent to be paid to William Whittaker during the term, and if he shall happen to die then to Nicholas Whittaker and the heirs of his body, and for default of such issue to MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1553-4 247 the right heirs of Nicholas. And also that Thomas Pollerd and his assigns shall pay yearly during the said term to the said William and Nicholas and their assigns or to the King and his successors for the " owte " rent for the said three closes and garthings i6d. And that it shall be lawful for Richard Mychell and his assigns, in considera tion ofthe sum of 40J. which he paid for the said close called Wete yng quietly to occupy the same from the 15 April last before the date ofthe abovesaid surrender for 20 years, paying 7s. 6d. yearly to the said William Whittaker, &c, who shall acquit the said Richard Michell and his assigns of all "owte" rents to the King and his successors for the same. Presentments. — Giles Smyth, Henry Nutter, Robert Jackeson, Ranulph Smyth, John Halsted of Hawgh Yait, John Smyth, John Lonsdale, William Mychell, Richard Hynd, Richard Grymeshey, John Nutter, Richard Dobson, and George Dobson, trespassed with their beasts upon the moor of Saxifeild ; in mercy. John Ormerode, junior, tres passed with his beasts upon the moor of Burneley, and keeps his hedges open, and chased with his dogs the beasts of the Queen's tenants. John Ormerode, senior, keeps his hedges open near Cleveger More. Sum, 14s. Sd. Lawrence Whittaker and John Marshall made an affray. The relict of John Croke, Richard Dobson servant of Chris topher Dyconson, John Nutter son of Miles Nutter, Chris topher Moore, Edward Hergreves son of Robert Hergreves, and Edward Hergreves son of George Hergreves trespassed with their beasts upon the moor of Padeham. Sum, Ss- Sd. Henry Nutter, by Ellis Nutter and Richard Nutter his sons, broke the pound of Marsden ; amerced 3s. 4^. Thomas Foldes and James Pollerd trespassed with their beasts upon the moor of Burneley called Le Pykyllaw More, and dug turves ; amerced 3s. 4^. At the Halmote held at Burneley on Wednesday, IO June, 5 Edward VI. [1551], William Barcroft and Richard Tattersall of Ridge surrendered 1 messuage and 1 garden in Burneley now in the tenure of James Herteley and Mar garet Towneley and 15 J acres of land, parcel ofthe demesne lands of Danser Howse and now in the tenure of Richard Foldes, namely, 2 closes next adjacent to the said messuage and abutting upon the land of George Halsted of Banke- howse, &c. ; to the use of Robert Barcroft, John Halsted son of William Halsted of Worstorne, John Halsted son of Olyver Halsted, John Halsted son of John Halsted of Le Wyndillhowse and their heirs. Admittance granted ; fine, ys. 3d. Indenture made the 24 April, 5 Edward VI. [1551]. between Wil liam Barcroft of the Barcroft, gent., of the one part, Richard Foldes 248 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS of Danser Howse in the said county, yeoman, and William Foldes son and heir apparent ofthe said Richard Foldes of the other part. In consideration of a marriage to be solemnized between the said William Foldes and Joan Barcroft, daughter of the said William Barcroft, the said Richard Foldes and William Foldes covenant that William Barcroft and Richard Tattersall of the Ridge, feoffees in trust to the use of the* said Richard Foldes, shall surrender on the day of the solemnization of the said marriage one messuage [&c. as above], to the behoof of Robert Barcroft, &c, to the intent that they shall stand seised thereof to the use ofthe said Richard Foldes during his life, and after his decease to the use of the said Joan Barcroft for life in the name of her jointure and dower of all the freehold and copyhold lands ofthe said Richard Foldes and William his son; re mainder to the said William Foldes and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, and in default to the right heirs of the said William Foldes. For which marriage the said William Barcroft shall pay to the said William Foldes 80 marks. Geoffrey Foldes has been elected greave of Ightenhill, with the aid of Geoffrey Ryssheton, Richard Jackeson, and John Jackeson ; Thomas Pollerd and Thomas Whittaker of Ryland Hall, constables of Burneley and Hayberiam Eves ; John Tattersall and Hugh Shuttylworth, constables of Padeham. Richard Michell of Le Thorne lately encroached a parcel of the waste in Burneley, 14 feet by 8 feet, upon which he erected part of a chamber ; put in respite. Sum of this Halmote, 54-f- 2d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Wednesday next before the feast of St. John the Baptist, 1 Mary [20 June, 1554]. Inquisition taken there by the jury. Philip Jackeson complained against Edward Tattersall in a plea of debt of 2s. They agreed. Francis Webster complained against Roger Cockeshut and Elizabeth WiUissill (late wife of Roger Cockeshutt) in a plea of trespass, for that their hedges and fences were open at Horegreve Heid, whereby he had 40s. damage. The parties agreed. Amercements. — Henry Nutter, Robert Jackeson, the relict of Ranulph Smyth, Giles Smyth, John Smyth, John Halsted, John Lonsdale, William Michell, Thomas Wat mogh, George Byrtwissill, Richard Dobson, George Dob son, John Nutter, and Richard Grymeshey, because they trespassed with their beasts upon the pasture of Saxe- feild. The relict of Ranulph Smyth, Giles Smyth, John Smyth, John Halsted, and John Lonsdale, because they MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1554-5 249 dug turves upon Saxefeild moor. Henry Nutter (3s. 4d) for a rescue of his beasts impounded in the Folders by John Parker, William Hergreves, and Nicholas Hergreves. George Ryley and James Lee (2od. each) for unlawful games. John Ormerod, junior, for trespass with his beasts upon Pykelaw more. James Pilling, because he chased with his dogs the beasts of the Queen's tenants. Sum, 21s. 6d. William Hancocke, Barnard Lee, Thomas Foldes, Richard Stodart, Charles Halsted, William Flecher, James Pollerd, John Flecher, and Lawrence Leaver, for trespass with their beasts upon Pykydlaw more. Barnerd Lee, Thomas Foldes, Richard Studdert, the relict of John Yngham, William Smyth, Charles Halsted, George Wolfenden, James Pollerd, William Flecher, John Flecher, Lawrence Leaver, Roger Robert, John Merley, Nicholas Foldes, and the relict of Christopher Botheman, because they dug turves upon Le Pykydlawe More. Sum, 30s. Sum of this Halmote, 52J. Sum of these two Halmotes, 106s. 2d. ; namely, fines of lands, 2ys. 2d., and amercements, ygs. Lii.-court IRoll, 1=2 fl>bilip 8. /Ifoary, 1554=5. (No. 37. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley on Wednesday, 12 December, 1 and 2 Philip and Mary [1554], before Thomas Talbot, knight, chief steward. Inquisition taken there by oath. Richard Whitwam, by Richard Akerode customary tenant, surrendered a messuage, &c, in Burneley, now in the tenure of the said Richard, containing 9 acres of land ; to the use of Richard Tattersall, John Hargreaves, John Hertley, and Christopher Bawdwen, as feoffees according to the follow ing indenture. Admittance granted ; fine, 3s. Indenture made the 14th January, 1 Mary [1553-4], between James Swayne of Sowthfeild, yeoman, and Richard Whitwham of Brunley, husbandman. In consideration of a marriage between John Swayne, son and heir apparent of the said James, and Agnes Whitwham, one of the daughters of the said Richard, it is agreed that the said James shall surrender into the hands of Henry Mankynholes and John Tailliour, one "mese," &c, in Great Marseden, now in the occupation of the said James Swayne and his assigns, containing i6£ acres of land ; to the behoof of Richard Tattersall of Brereclif, John Hargreaves of the Edge ende, John Hertley, son of Alexander Hertley, and Christopher Bawdwen, son of Henry Bawdewen, to be feoffees to the use of the 250 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS said James Swayne for life ; and after his decease to the use of the said John Swayne and his heirs of the said Agnes lawfully begotten, and in default of such issue to the use of the right heirs of the said James Swayne for ever. The feoffees shall be seised of a fourth part of the premises to the use of Lettis Swayne, now wife of the said James, in the name of her dower for life; and of another fourth part to the use of Agnes for life, after the decease of James Swayne and John Swayne. And the said Richard Whitwham shall surrender into the hands of Richard of Burneley one " mese," &c, in Burneley now in the occu pation of the said Richard Whitwham and his assigns, containing 9 acres of land, to the behoof of the said Richard Tattersall, &c, as feoffees to the use ofthe said Richard Whitwham and Agnes his wife and the survivor of them for life ; and after the decease ofthe survivor to the use of Issabell Whitwham, eldest daughter ofthe said Richard, for her- life, she paying yearly to John Swayne and Agnes and the heirs between them, the rent of 17s. ; remainder to the use of the said John Swayne and Agnes and their heirs ; remainder to the right heirs ofthe said Richard Whitwham. If John Swayne shall declare by writing that any younger son of the said Agnes begotten by him shall have the premises in Marseden, then the feoffees shall be seised of the same to the use of such younger son. William Hancocke and Richard Woodrowff, by Richard Grenakers, gent., deputy steward of Blackburnshire, sur rendered I messuage, &c, y\ acres 1 rood of land and 16 acres of land in Burneley, in the occupation of Richard Bentham, to the use of John Aspeden, chaplain, and his heirs ; so that at the request of the said William, the said John Aspeden and his heirs should be re-enfeoffed and surrender one moiety to the use of the said William and his heirs ; and the other moiety to the use of the said Richard Woodrowff and his heirs, at the request of the said Richard Woodrowff. Admittance granted to John Aspeden ; fine Ss., by the pledge of Nicholas Hancocke and Thomas Rylay. Nicholas Hargreaves of Le Edge end, customary tenant, surrendered 5^ acres of land lying in two closes in Little Marseden called Le Heigh and Olde Wiffhey, parcel of a tenement called Hogehowse, the which s\ acres Laurence Hertley of Bradeley delivered to him ; to the use of James Hertley of Wynewall, William Hanson, John Mankynholes, and Robert Hertley son of Roger Hertlay and their heirs, as feoffees, as below. Admittance granted ; fine, 2s. The intent is that James Hertley, William Hanson, &c, shall stand seised of the said 5J acres to the use of Lawrence Hertley and of George Hertley his youngest son and the survivor of them during their lives, and afterwards to the use of William Hertley son and heir apparent of the said Lawrence for life ; and after the decease of the MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1554-5 251 survivor of the said Lawrence, George and William, to the use of John Hertley son and heir apparent of the said William and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, with remainder to the right heirs of William Hertley. Geoffrey Foldes, greave of Ightenhill, surrendered 2 mes suages and other buildings and 30 acres of land in Padyham called Northwood, now in the several tenures of Nicholas Halsteid and John Heigh, which Richard Wood, at the re quest of Lawrence Whittaker of High Whittaker, delivered to him ; to the use of Alexander Risshewourth, Henry Banester of Parkehill, gent, Thomas Ryley, senior, Hugh Cleyton, and their heirs, to the intent declared in indentures between John Risshwourth of Colay, esq., and the said Lawrence Whittaker, dated 24 July, 2 Mary [1554]. Ad mittance granted ; fine, lis. Nicholas Grymeshay, greave of Ightenhill, surrendered I cellar on the west side of the capital messuage of William Ingham of Brunleywood, 1 chamber built upon the said cellar, 1 stable annexed to the said cellar and chamber, 1 close called Marcledfeild lying in Brunleywood and another close there called Ouer Hertishead, now in the occupation of the said William Ingham, which two closes contain 6 acres of land, and which premises the said William Ingham and his wife delivered to him ; to the use of John Ingham younger son of the said William, during the lives of the said William Ingham and Elizabeth his wife. Admittance granted ; fine, 3s. Memorandum that at the Halmote held at Burneley the 20 June, 1 Mary [1554], John Barcroft, greave of Ighten hill, surrendered 1 messuage, &c, 6 acres 3 roods of land in Haberghameves called Keryall Howse ; to the use of John Woodroof son and heir of Robert Woodrof deceased, and Robert Robynson of Olde Laund son of John Robynson, and their heirs, as feoffees to the intent declared in inden tures between the said John Robynson and George Smyth of Extwissill, dated 12 November, 1 Mary [1553]. Ad mittance granted ; fine, 2s. 4$,. At the same Halmote Joan, late wife of James Hargreves of Sabden, by Richard Wester then greave of Ightenhill, came and surrendered 1 messuage and 18 acres of land lying on the west side of Padiham ; to the use of Edmund Robyn son son of John Robynson the younger, James Robynson son of Nicholas Robynson of Rughlee, Ellis Robynson son of Edmund Robynson the younger, and Christopher Blakey son of Lawrence Blakey as feoffees to the uses in indentures 252 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS dated 24 September, 6 Edward VI. [1552]. Admittance granted ; fine, 6s. A mercements. — George Ryley of Brunley (4^.) and James Lee of the same (3s. 4^.), for keeping unlawful games in their houses, namely, carticia illusores. Henry Nutter, Robert Jackson, the relict of Ranulph Smyth, Giles Smyth, John Halsted, John Smyth, John Lounesdale, and William Mechell, for trespass with their beasts upon Saxefeild, John Ormerode the younger, for trespass with his beasts upon Brunley moor. William Hancock, Bernard Lee, Thomas Foldes, Richard Studdarde, Charles Halstede, James Pollerd, John Flecher, Lawrence Leyuer, and John Smyth, for trespass with their beasts upon Le Pykelaw more, and for digging turves upon the same. Sum, 1 5 s. Sd. Nicholas Bercroft has been elected greave of Ightenhill ; John Whittacre, constable of Brunley, and James Hargreves constable of Haberhameves. Sum of this Halmote, 51J. HALMOTE of the Manor of Hightenhill held at Brunley on Wednesday, 12 June, 1 and 2 Philip and Mary [iSSS]- Inquisition taken there by oath. John Aspeden, chaplain, at the request of Richard Wod- rof, surrendered the moiety of 1 messuage, &c, and the moiety of 7 \ acres \ rood of land and of 16 acres of land in Brunley, in the occupation of Richard Bentham [&c. see above]. Admittance granted to Richard Wodrofe ; fine, 3.?. John Aspeden, at the request of William Hancock, sur rendered the other moiety of the same. Admittance granted to William Hancock ; fine, 3s. (?). Geoffrey Ryshton, gent., by John Townley customary tenant, for the sum of ^42 paid to the said Geoffrey by Hugh Halstede of Habringham Eives, gent., surrendered 1 messuage, &c, in Brunley now in the tenure of the said Geoffrey and late in the tenure of Richard Wylson, John Flecher, George Walker, and William Flecher, to the use of the said Hugh Halstede and his assigns from the 26 March last past for the term of 7 years. Admittance granted; fine, 2s. " I Gefferey Ryshton gentilman one of the Kyngs ma18 yeomen of his graces chamber " do hereby surrender into the hands of the King and Queen to John Townley one of their copyholders of their manor of Hightnell, for the sum of ,£42 paid to me by Hugh Halstede, MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1554-5 253 gent., of Habryngham Eves, co. Lane, 1 " mese," &c. Provided that if Nicholas Ryshton my father be living at the end of three of the said seven years, and if then Richard Townley, esq., do not occupy the premises himself, then I the said Gefferey to have again all the said premises shall pay to the said Hugh Halstede or his assigns £6 for every year not expired except the last year for which £7 shall be paid. And although Nicholas Ryshton my father be living and the said Richard Townley occupy not the premises to his own use when the said three years are ended, yet if I the said Gefferey be provided of a dwelling house or shall then stand in no need of the premises to dwell upon, then this surrender to be good and effectual to Hugh and his assigns during the residue of the said years. Dated 25 May, 1 & 2 Philip and Mary [1555]. Amercements. — George Ryley of Brunley (2od.) for using unlawful games in his house, namely, "cardes and dise." Ranulph Smyth, Giles Smyth, John Smyth, John Halstede, John Lounesdaie, John Nutter, Richard Dobson, George Dobson, George Birtwissill, Lawrence Smyth, Richard At- kynson, and William Mechell, for trespass with their beasts upon the moor of Saxifeild. John More son of John More alias Genkyn (3s. 4d) for breaking the lords' pound of Padiham. Thomas Foldes, Nicholas Foldes, George Pollard, William Hancok, Bernard Lee, Alice relict of Richard Studderd, and John Ormerode, for trespass with their beasts on Brunley more. Robert Cronckshay of Westclose, Leonard Cronckshay, George Cronckshay, and Edward Hargreves, for a trespass with their beasts on Le Padyham more. Richard Atkynson alias Hird and George Birtwissill broke the lords' pound and took out their beasts. No amercement because they have nothing. Sum of this Halmote, igs. 6d. Sum of these two Halmotes, yos. 6d. ; namely, fines of land, 43s. 4d. ; amercements, 2ys. 2d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Thursday, 13 December, 1 and 2 Philip and Mary [I5S4J- Inquisition taken there from the Forest of Penhull by oath. It is presented that a chamber at Higham now in the tenure of the relict of John More came into the lords' hands by the death of John More, and that Nicholas More is his son and next heir and of full age ; provided that the said chamber may be reserved for the necessary business of the steward, auditor, receiver, and other officers of the King and Queen, and they shall at their proper costs repair and 254 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS sustain the said chamber, admittance is granted ; fine 4^., by the pledge of Edward Hargreves. Hugh Halstede and John Yngham, by John Robynson greave of Penhull, surrendered 1 messuage, &c, called the West Close with Le Fence, and all their right therein which they lately had of John Croke, deceased; to the use of Miles Whittaker and Nicholas Whittacre their heirs and assigns. John Croke, in the name and right of Richard Croke his brother forbade fine ; Miles and Nicholas found pledge, Nicholas Hancock, to answer the said Richard Croke. Admittance granted ; fine 2s., by the pledge of Thomas Ryley. Memorandum that at the Halmote held there on 1 August, 3 Edward VI. [1549], Christopher More, greave of Penhull, ¦ surrendered 1 messuage, &c, now in the tenure of Richard Bancroft and Thomas Whittwham ; and another parcel of land which contains 4 acres with a house thereupon built, now in the tenure of Margery Cronckeshay, lying in Le West Close (yearly rent, 2d), which Hugh More, Lawrence Whittacre, Henry Parker, and Christopher Jacson, at the special request of John Cronckeshay, delivered to him ; to the use of Richard Bancroft and his assigns for the term of 26 years. Grace, now wife of the said John Cronckshay, confessed that she had released her dower in the premises to the said Richard Bancroft during the term. Admittance granted ; fine, 2d. The intent is that Hugh More, &c, feoffees to the use of John Cronckshey for a sum of money paid to the said John Cronckshey, surrendered the premises to the use of Richard Bancroft and his heirs for 26 years. It shall be lawful for the said Richard Bancroft "to haue and take sufficient tynsell to make his higges at the West Close as oft as nede shall require." At this Halmote Richard Bancroft surrendered the moiety of I messuage, &c, lying in Le Fense (yearly rent, ios) ; to the use of Edmund Emmott and his assigns for life, and after his decease to the use of John Hertley and Isabella his wife for their lives, and after the death of the survivor to remain to the said Richard Bancroft and his heirs. Ad mittance granted ; fine, 3s. Memorandum that at the Halmote held there on 28 April, 1 & 2 Philip and Mary [1555], Hugh Hargreves sought admittance to 1 messuage, &c, in Higham Boithe (yearly rent, iys. 6d), which he lately held by copy of court, and forfeited for non-payment of the rent. Katherine Shakilton prohibited fine in right of the inheritance of Blase Her- MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1554-5 255 greves as son and heir of the said Hugh ; and Hugh found pledges, James Hargreves and William Hergreves, to answer Blase. Admittance granted ; fine, 1 ys. 6d. " To his lovyng Freynd Sir Thomas Talbot knyght geve these. " After my hertie Commendacons although the beirer hereof for non payment of his money haith Forfaycted his copie hold yet for so moche as he is the quenes seruant, And now haith paid his rent as moche as was dew promysyng before me hereafter to vse hym aswell in payment of his rent as otherwise as vnto his dewtie shall apper teyne I haue therefor graunted vnto hym his said copiehold agayne Wherefore I requyre you to admitte hym to the same accordyngly And so bydde you hertely fairwell. "From the Court the Secunde of Marche Anno 1554 [-5]. " Your Lovyng Freynd "Robert Rochester." And afterwards at this Halmote held the said 28 April, Hugh Hergreves surrendered the premises to the use of John Hergreves of Sabden, James Bancroft son of Nicholas Bancroft, Henry Hayworth son of John Haworth of Brun- leywode and Robert Hargreves of Symondston and their heirs, to be feoffees according to indentures bearing date 23 July, 6 Edward VI. [i552]> made between the said Hugh Hergreves of Higham Boith, yeoman, and Katherine Shakylton. Richard Hergreves prohibited fine, as he should have two closes lying in Le Deyne bothome with four " le beast gates in le owt pasture '' for life, and it is conceded to him. iAdmittance granted ; fine, iys. 6d. The intent is that the said John Hergreves, James Bancroft, &c, feoffees as above, shall permit Hugh Hargreves to make any grant or surrender of the premises by copy of court roll ; and shall permit Nicholas Shore and his assigns to occupy and enjoy a close and parcels pf ground (parcel of the same), lying in Higham Deyne called the Marled Erthe, containing 18 acres, from the 15th April before the date of the said fine for 20 years, paying to the said Hugh Hargreves and his heirs and assigns at the rate of 2od. for every acre. Amercements. — John Robynson alias Bevse (12*?.) for breaking his neighbours' hedges, whereby their grain and herbage have been trampled down. Edmund Hargreves of Deyne, the relict of Edmund Verley, the relict of Robert Hargreves, Robert Astley, James Hygson, and William Robynson (2d. each) because they withdrew with their grains from the mill of the King and Queen. John Robynson, senior (12^.), for not making a road in Le Fence near John Parker's gate, according to the penalty imposed upon him. James Foldes,, John Estwode, Richard Croke, and John Croke (4^. each), for the same. 256 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Nicholas Hancok elected greave of Penhull. Sum of this Halmote, 44s. iod. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Friday, 14 June, 1 & 2 Philip and Mary [1555]. Inquisition taken there, from the Forest of Penhull, by oath. Miles Nutter in his proper person surrendered 1 mes suage, lands, &c, now in his tenure (yearly rent, 22.?. 2\d.) ; to the use of John Nutter and Richard Nutter, sons of the said Miles, and their heirs and assigns. Admittance granted ; fine, 22s. 2\d. James Hertley of Blackoo ih his proper person sur rendered 1 messuage, lands, &c, in Higher Barroforth (yearly rent, 1 Ss. 3^d) ; to the use of Roger Hertley son of John Hertley of Wycoller, Peter Hertley of Wynewall, James Hargreves of Nether Barroforth, and James Hertley of Rughlee, and their heirs, as feoffees according to the uses enrolled below. Admittance granted ; fine, 15^. s\d. The intent is that the said Roger Hertley and his co-feoffees shall stand seised ofthe premises to the use of the said James Hertley of Blackoo and Kateryne now his wife during their lives and the life of the survivor of them ; and afterwards to the use of Joan Hertley and Isabel Hertley, daughters of the said James, and the heirs of their bodies. Memorandum that at the Halmote held there on 13 De cember in the year abovesaid [ 1 5 54], it was presented that 1 messuage, lands, &c, lying in Rughlee (yearly rent, 195-. 6d) came to the lords' hands by the death of Peter Smyth, and that Margaret Smyth is his sister and next heir and of full age. Admittance granted to Margaret Smyth ; fine, igs. 6d. Nicholas Halstede made an assault and fray upon Edward Hargreves and drew blood upon him ; amerced 6d. Henry Banaster of Parkehill, gent., and James Hertley of Blakoo, senior, keep an unreasonable tenant (irraconabilem tenen- tem) called John Robynson alias Bewse, who. with his dogs drives away and harries his neighbours' beasts and cattle depasturing in and upon their proper ground ; amerced I2d. each. Sum of this Halmote, 57s. Sum of these two Halmotes, 101s. iod.; namely, fines of lands, £4, iys. 6d.; amercements, 4s. 4^. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1555-6 257 Lin.-Court IRoll, 2=3 pbtlip ano flfcary, 1555=6. (No. 38.— Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Brunley on Thursday, 17 October, 2 & 3 Philip and Mary [1555], before Thomas Talbot, knight, chief steward. Inquisition taken there by oath. Memorandum that at the Halmote of the said manor held at Brunley, 12 December, 1 & 2 Philip and Mary [1554], Nicholas Grymshay, then greave of Ightenhill, sur rendered two messuages, i\ oxgang of land, &c, in Padi ham, now in the tenure of Christopher Dogeson and Richard Baron, which Nicholas Hancock of Lower Higham, gent., held and delivered to him; to the use of Nicholas Halstede of Northwode and his heirs for ^5° Paid to Nicholas • Hancock by Nicholas Halstede for purchase of the same. Christopher Dogeson forbad fine as he should possess one messuage and one oxgang of land, parcel of the premises, for life; and Nicholas Halstede, in court, conceded the same to him for life for the yearly rent of 12s. And Richard Baron forbad fine that he should possess one messuage and half an oxgang of land for life ; and it was conceded to him, paying ys. yearly to Nicholas Halstede and his heirs. Admittance granted ; fine, gs. At this Halmote Nicholas Grymshagh, greave of Ighten hill, surrendered 1 messuage, and garden called Blacker- hall, and the rent of 3d. yearly, in Brunley, which Richard Jacson and John Jacson, son of the late Christopher Jacson late of Redihallus, deceased, for 8 marks paid to the said Richard by the said John Jacson, delivered to the said Nicholas ; to the use of John Kepas of Little Marsden, Lawrence Wylson of Bradley, James Foldes of Wheateley, Ellis Foldes son of the said James Foldes, and their heirs, to the use of the said John Jacson and his heirs. Admit tance granted ; fine, 4^. Nicholas Grymshagh, greave of Ightenhill, surrendered 1 messuage and 2 acres of land in Habryngham Eives, which Richard Boithe delivered to him ; to the use of Edward Pollard and Richard Aitetalgh, as below. Admit tance granted ; fine, Sd. The intent is that the said Edward Pollerd and Richard Aitehaugh shall be feoffees to the use of the said Richard Boith until the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross, in the year 1557 ; and after to the use of Alexander Ryley of Habryngham Eves for 7 years next VOL. II. R 258 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS . ensuing, in recompense of £3 paid to the said Richard Boith by the said Alexander, and the latter paying to Richard Boith in the last year of the term the rent of ios. John Townley, esquire, Henry Banaster, gent., William Hargreves, John Kepas, John Hygyn, Thomas Willisill, and Nicholas Hargreves complained of Joan, relict of John . Higyn, for unjustly occupying a house and garden belong ing to complainants, whereby they have 20s. damage. Defendant did not appear, and was fined 4^. John Flecher has been elected constable of Brunley, and Edward Butterworth constable of Habryngham Eves. Amercements. — Lawrence Cockshote (2d) for keeping his pigs unringed. John Halyday (2d) for breaking the soil of the land of which the tenants of Padiham stand possessed by fine, and taking therefrom certain stones against the will of the said tenants. John Ormerode, junior, William Hancock, Thomas Foldes, Bernard Lee, William Bolton, John Ingham, Charles Halstede, John Flecher, Lawrence Leyuer, Nicholas Foldes, James Pollard, and George Pollerd (4<#. each) for trespassing with their beasts on Pykelaw More. John Ormerode (4d), because with his dogs he drove away his neighbours' beasts from their proper pasture there. George Ryley and James Lee (6d. each) for keep ing in their houses unlawful games, namely, cards. Robert Jacson, Henry Nutter, the relict of Ranulph Smyth, John Smyth, John Halstede, John Lonnesdale, John Nutter, William Mechell, Richard Hyrd, Thomas Watmoigh of Penhull, George Dobson, and the relict of John Dobson (2d. each) for trespassing with their beasts upon the common of Saxefeld. Sum of this Halmote, 2ys. 2d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Brunley on Thursday, 21 May, 1 & 2 (sic, for 2 & 3) Philip and Mary [1556]. Inquisition taken there by oath. Richard Grenacres, gent., John Wodrofe junior, and George Ryley, customary tenants, surrendered 1 messuage and 65 acres of land with the appurtenances in Habryng ham Eves, which Hugh Watmoigh, chaplain, Thomas Ryley, Henry Ryley, Edward Tattersall, and Peter Habryngham, one of the sons of Hugh Habryngham late of Habryngham, deceased, delivered to them ; to the use of Lawrence Habryngham, gent., and his heirs. Admittance granted; fine, 21s. Sd. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1555-6 259 Roger Ryshton, gent., John Halstede, and Nicholas Ban croft, customary tenants, came and surrendered 1 messuage, 14J acres \ rood and \ rood of land, with the appurtenances, in Brunleywode ; to the use of Christopher Jacson and his heirs. Admittance granted ; fine, Ss. Memorandum that at the Halmote held there on Thurs day the 6 August, 3 & 4 Philip and Mary [1556], Robert Wadyngton, customary tenant, surrendered 1 messuage, 1 \ oxgang of land, &c, in Padiham, and l\d. rent in Sabden Banck, and 10 acres of land in Brunley called Ryghey, which George Cowburn of Witton, surviving feoffee, at the request ofthe inhabitants and. churchwardens of the parish church of Blackburn, delivered to him ; to the use of Lawrence Aynysworth, Richard Levesay, George Astley, James Gar- stan, gent., Thomas Lussell, John Issherwode, Robert Aspeden, Robert Morley, Robert Bolton, Thomas Holden of Ewood, Nicholas Haworth of Blackburn, and Thomas Walmysley, and their heirs, as feoffees to be seised accord ing to the custom of the manor as fully appears by a certain agreement or foundation of a free school (unius liberi ludi literarii) at Blackburn. Oliver Halstede prohibited fine for Le Righey, whereupon Lawrence and his co-feoffees found pledges, Thomas Ryley and Robert Wadyngton, to answer him. Admittance granted ; fine, 6s. 8d. In the margin : Respited because the matter is before the chan cellor and council of the Duchy of Lancaster. At this Halmote Roger Cockshote, by Richard Gren- acres, gent., deputy steward of Blackburn, surrendered 1 messuage, 1 garden, 1 orchard, and 7 acres of land, &c, in Padiham, now in the occupation of Richard Cockshote ; ' to the use of John Brendwode and Margery his wife and their assigns for 30 years from the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary last past, rendering the rent and service due to the Queen and gs. Sd. yearly to the said Richard Cockshote and his heirs and assigns. Admittance granted ; fine, 2s. 4^. Lawrence Wylson and Thomas Barcroft, customary tenants, surrendered 3 messuages and 48 acres of land in Little Marsden, and io| acres of land within the forest or chace of Penhull, which William Barcroft, Richard Tattersall, Robert Robynson, and John Aspeden delivered to them ; to the use of Alexander Ryssheworth, gent., John Hertley son of Alexander Hertley of Admergill, John Hergreves son of Nicholas Hargreves of Eige Ende, and Edmund Robynson son of John Robynson of Oldland, junior, and 260 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS their heirs, as feoffees to the intent of certain indentures made between Henry Banaster of Parke Hill, gent., on the one part, and William Hargreves and John Hargreves on the other, bearing date 10 January, I Mary [1553-4]. Admittance granted ; fine, 19J. 4^. Thomas Wyllisill did trespass to Thomas Whitwham in removing certain hedges between them in three places in Le Byrkyn Bancke near outside the land of the said Thomas Willisill, as far as and upon land of the said Thomas Whittwham and to his damage 6d. Amerced 4^. Sum of this Halmote, 48s. 8d. Sum of these two Halmotes, yss. iod. ; namely, fines, 6ys. 4d. ; amercements, 8s. 6d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhyll, held at Higham on Friday, 18 October, 2 & 3 Philip and Mary [1555]. Inquisition taken there by oath. Memorandum that at the Halmote of the Manor of Ighten hill, held at Higham on Thursday, 13 December, 1 & 2 Philip and Mary [i554]» Margery Smyth surrendered 1 mes suage, &c, in Rughlee within Penhull (yearly rent, 19^-. 6d.) ; to the use of William Smyth and his heirs, rendering the said rent to the King and Queen, and double rent after the death of each tenant of the premises and after each other demise or surrender of the premises. Admittance granted ; fine, igs. 6d. To this Halmote came Nicholas More, customary tenant, and surrendered 1 messuage and other buildings in Deyne Bothome now in the tenure of Edward Hargreves, and a close of land called the Furhey now in the tenure of Nicholas Hancok (yearly rent, 12^.), which William Har greves delivered to him ; to the use of the said Nicholas Hancock and his assigns for 12 years from the 20 March next coming. Admittance granted ; fine, 1 2d. . Miles Whittacre and Nicholas Whittacre of Symondston, for the sum of £22 paid by Ellen Croke, surrendered (by Nicholas Hancok, reeve of Penhull) 1 messuage, lands, &c, called the West Close with Le Fence (yearly rent, 2s. 4d.) ; to the use of John Hancock son and heir apparent of Nicholas Hancock and Nicholas Halstede of Northwode and their heirs, as feoffees to the use following. Admit tance granted ; fine, 2s. 4d. The intent is that John Hancock and Nicholas Halstede and their heirs shall stand seised as feoffees to the use of Ellyn Croke, widow, and her heirs and assigns, according to a surrender and bargain made MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1555-6 261 between John Croke, deceased. Hugh Halstede and John Ingham, as appears by copy of fine (enrolled), bearing date 23 April, 37 Henry VIII. [1545]- And further that the said Nicholas Hancock and his heirs or assigns shall yearly have " Fyve maide beast gates to depasture within the West Close in the best gresse with the kye of the said Ellyn," during the term specified ; and Ellyn or her heirs shall yearly pay to the said Nicholas Halstede or his heirs 13s. 4d. on the feast of St. Thomas alias Becket, at the font stone in the. parish church of Brunley, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. John Halstede, customary tenant, came and surrendered 1 messuage, &c, in Le Fence within Higham Boith (yearly rent 20s), which James Hargreves of Fence, " Talior," Ellis Nutter, John Robynson the younger, James Hertley of Launde, and John Parker son of Hugh Parker, at the request of the said James Hargreves delivered to him ; to the use of John Nutter son of Ellis Nutter, Nicholas Har greves son of Lawrence Hargreves of Whitefeld, Chris topher Nutter, Edmund Robynson son of John Robynson, and their heirs, to the use following. Admittance granted ; fine 20J. Indenture made 7 February, 1 & 2 Philip and Mary [1554-5], between James Hargreves of the Fence, " Talior," and Nicholas Shore of Hunterholme, " whelewright." It is agreed that James Hargreves son to the said James Hargreves shall marry Jane Shore daughter to the said Nicholas ; in consideration of which marriage, &c, the said James the father and others shall surrender into the hands ofthe "grave" of Penhull, a mese and other buildings, lands, &c, lying in the Fence, now in the occupation of James Hargreves the father and of Lawrence Wyndhill ; to the use of John Nutter of Newlaunde, Christopher Nutter son of Robert Nutter, Edmund Robynson son of the said John Robynson, and Nicholas Hargreves son of Lawrence Hargreves of Whittefeld and their heirs, in trust to the following uses : One moiety to the use of the said Nicholas Shore and of Agnes now his wife and the survivor of them, for life, and after the death ofthe survivor to the use of the said James Har greaves the son and Jane Shore and the survivor of them, for life, with remainder to the right heirs of the said James Hargreves the son for ever ; And the other moiety to the use of the said James Hargreves the father for life, and after his decease to the use of the said James Hargreves the son and his heirs and assigns for ever, except that if it fortune Issabell Hargreves now wife to the said James Hargreves the father to "overlif" her said husband, the said feoffees shall be seised of this moiety to her use for life in the name of her dower. For which the said Nicholas Shore and Agnes shall bear the necessary charges for meat, drink, and apparel for the said James Hargreves the son" and Jane Shore and the issue lawfully begotten between them, during the life of James Hargreves the father ; and the said Nicholas Shore shall pay to the said James Hargreves the father 8 marks. And the said James, the father, agrees to repay to the said Nicholas Shore 26s. 8d. of the said 8 marks if John Hargreves his second son, shall happen to die within seven years next coming. 262 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS William Nutter complained of John Nutter of Gold- shayboith and Stephen Nutter of the same concerning i messuage, &c, in Goldshayboith (yearly rent, 8s. 4d), which ought to descend to him by the death of Stephen Nutter his father as next heir. John and Stephen said that Stephen Nutter, deceased, brother of the said John Nutter, in his lifetime surrendered the premises to the said John Nutter and his heirs, whereupon the said John Nutter rightly and duly fined with the lord the King for the same. Plaintiff was amerced 3d. For an unjust complaint. Edward Hargreves complained of Christopher More for enclosing and encroaching 5 acres of complainant's land in Higham pasture, whereby he has .£10 damage. Verdict for defendant : Edward Hargreves is amerced 3d. for an unjust complaint. Anne Grymeshay, widow of George Grymeshay, com plained of Richard Grymeshay of Maior Hiles, in that he unjustly disseised her of a messuage, &c, called Maior Hyles (yearly rent, £6) and received the issues and profits thereof during a long time whereby she has £40 damage. Afterwards the parties agreed for an award of friends, and defendant shall be amerced 3d. Memorandum that at the Halmote of the manor of Ightenhill, held at Higham on Friday, 14 June (sic), 2 & 3 Philip and Mary [1556], John Hargreves of Nether Baroo- forth, by Richard Grenacres, gent., deputy steward of Blackburnshire, at the request of John Nutter and Richard Nutter sons of Miles Nutter, surrendered 1 messuage, &c„ now in the tenure of the said Miles (yearly rent, 22s. 2\d) ; to the use of John Hargreves alias Jack, William Smyth, Nicholas Robynson of Rughlee, senior, and John Hertley alias Crock, and their heirs, to be seised as feoffees according to the intent below. Admittance granted ; fine, 22s. 2\d. The intent is that the said John Hargreves alias Jack, &c, shall be seised of the premises to the use of the said Miles Nutter, father of the said John and Richard, for life ; and after the decease of Miles to be seised of two parts of the premises to the use of Elizabeth Nutter, now wife of the said Miles, during her life, and of the other third part to the use of the said John Nutter, elder son ofthe said Miles, during the life of Elizabeth. And after the decease of Miles and Elizabeth, the feoffees shall stand seised of one moiety of the premises to the use of the said John, son of Miles, and his heirs for ever ; and of the other moiety to the use of the said Richard, younger son of Miles, and his heirs for ever. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1555-6 263 John Robynson alias Bevse made a [fray] upon John Oldfeild of Barroforth, servant of Lawrence Robynson, and drew blood. He has nothing, and shall be punished by his body. Nicholas Blakey, Lawrence Blakey, and Bernard Blakey amerced 4^. each for unlawfully with their dogs driving away their neighbours' beasts from the pasture of Blackoo. Nicholas Blakey is dead. William Hargreves is elected greave of Penhull. The jury have nothing else to present. Sum of the above Halmote, 66s. y\d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Higham on Wednesday, 20 May, 2 & 3 Philip and Mary [ISS6]. Inquisition taken there by oath. John Hargreves of Goldshay, James Bancroft, Henry Haworth, and Robert Hargreaves, at the request of Hugh Hargreves, surrendered, by Nicholas Ancock, greave of Penhull, a parcel of land or meadow called the Furhey now in the tenure of John Hancock ; to the use of the said John Hancock and his assigns for the term of 19 years from the 15 April last past, at the yearly rent of 3s. 4d. Admittance granted ; fine, 3-r. 4^. • William Hargreves surrendered 1 messuage and other buildings lying in Le Deyne Bothome, now in the tenure of Edward Hargreaves (yearly rent, 10s), and a parcel of land now in the tenure of Nicholas Hancock called the Lower Medow; to the use of the said Nicholas Hancock and his assigns for 12 years from the 1st March last past, rendering i2d. yearly to the lords and 10s. to the said William Hergreaves and his heirs or assigns. Admittance granted; fine, ios. John Hargreaves of Sabden and James Hargreaves complained that James Hargreves of Fence keeps his hedges open leading from Le Fence yate into all his lands. Amerced 3d. Christopher Bawdwen complained that Henry Bawdwen obstructed a certain road and watercourse and a door of complainant's barn, and broke his hedges. Defendant did not appear and was amerced 3d. Henry Bawdwen complained that Christopher Bawdwen obstructed the right course of the water between his land, and unjustly fixed a gate upon complainant's land. De fendant did not appear and was amerced 3d. 264 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS The jury present that Henry Banaster, gent., and James Hertley of Blackoo, senior, keep a violent tenant, John Robynson alias Bevse, who dug turves in his neighbours' ground. Amerced 2d. each. Simon Blackey made a gate and placed and fixed it upon land of the tenants of Baroforth in the tenure of Benfard Blackey. The said Simon Blakey made another gate upon land of Henry Banaster, Christopher Robynson, and John Smyth, in the tenure of Hugh Wylkynson. No amerce ments because the right remains in dispute. Ellen Croke, widow, and John Crocke, because they keep their hedges open towards William Hergreves, were amerced — Ellen 4d., John has nothing. James Ballard amerced 3s. 4d. for keeping a savage dog (irraconabilem canem) . Sum of this Halmote, iSs. Sum of these two Halmotes, £4, 4s. o\d. ; namely, fines of lands, yys. io\d. ; amercements, 6s. 2d. liv.— court IRoll, 3=4 ipbUip ano /l&ars, 1556=7. (No. 39. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Higham, 3 October, 3 & 4 Philip and Mary [1556], before Thomas Talbot, knight, chief steward. Inquisition taken there by oath. It was presented by the inquest that 9 acres of land called Moorehey lying within the forest or chace of Pen- hull came to the hands of the lords by the death of Nicholas Blakey, and that Simon Blakey is his son and next heir and of full age. Admittance granted ; fine 3s., by the pledge of Lawrence Blakey. Nicholas Hancoke, greave of Penhull, came and surren dered 4 acres of land lying in Le Westclose called Longlay, which Richard Croke, Christopher Nutter, and Hugh Moore delivered to him ; to the use of Thomas Whittaker and Nicholas Whittaker, as specified in indentures between Leonard Cronckshay on the one part, and Thomas Whit taker and Nicholas Whittaker on the other, of which the date is 17 September, 3 & 4 Philip and Mary [1556]. Admittance granted ; fine, i6d. William Stevenson complained against John Nutter, Stephen Nutter, William Nutter, Edmund Robynson, junior, Mark Nutter and Richard Nutter his son, Lawrence MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1556-7 265 Stevenson, and Richard Nutter, senior, in that they closed up a road long used, from his house to a place called Bulhole. The jury say that William should have a suffi cient road to carry and recarry between his house and a close called Le Bulhole at the west corner of the said close as far as the lower end of the same, and to enter upon land of John Nutter and Stephen at " le Gatherhillgaite." Defendants were amerced 2d. each. Christopher Bawdwen complained that Henry Bawdwen dammed and diverted a certain water course. The jury order that the water shall revert to its old course ; defendant is amerced 3d. James Hargreaves of Fence complained against Edmund Emmott and Richard Bancroft in that they keep their hedges open, and did not sufficiently make a certain road according to promise. Amerced 3d. each. John Nutter and Stephen Nutter complained of William Stevenson, son of John Stevenson, for unjustly occupying a road lying at Bullhole. The jury say defendant did no trespass ; and defendant (sic) is in mercy 3d. John Mytton complained of John Hargreaves alias Jacke in that he closed up a road between Le Rughe Lee and Newchurche. Defendant is not guilty; and defendant (sic) is in mercy 3d. Christopher Robynson of Rughlee complained against John Hargreaves alias Jacke because he closed up a road between Rughlee and a place called Le Darlaybancke. The jury — Robert Jackson, John Parker, Christopher Moore, Richard Moore, John Cronckshay, Henry Bawdwen, James Hargreaves, Christopher Robynson, John Bayley, John Hertley, John Hargreaves, Edward Hargreaves, Nicholas More, and William Hargreaves — say that defendant is guilty, and that complainant shall occupy the road as it shall be assigned and limited by four men. Amerced 3d. Lawrence Hargreaves of Wittalghe complained against John Hargreaves alias Jacke for the same obstruction. Defendant is guilty, and complainant shall have a sufficient road issuing by a place called " Le oldegappe " on the west side of the leach (lacus) proceeding by the valley directly as far as the road called " Le Turfgaite." Defendant amerced 3d. John Hargreaves alias Jacke complained that Christopher Smythe deforced him of divers lands, meadows, &c, now in the tenure of the said Christopher, lying in Le Rughlee Boithe lately by him taken and inclosed as parcel of the 266 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS land of the portion of the said John of the common land called Le meane ground within Le Rughlee Boith afore said (yearly f ent, 2 \d), of which he was seised and possessed in his demesne as of fee in right of his wife. Christopher Smyth said that he had justly and duly fined for the same parcel in Le meane ground according to the custom of the manor. The jury say that Christopher fined, &c. [as above], and John Hargreaves shall take nothing by his plea, but is in mercy 3d. for a false claim. Sum of this Halmote, ys. Sd. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Higham on 18 January, 3 & 4 Philip and Mary [1556-7], before Thomas Talbot, knight, and John Townley, esquire/ chief stewards. Inquisition taken there by oath. It was presented by the inquest that 1 messuage, lands, &c, in Newlaunde (yearly rent, 4^. 5f^-)» and another mes suage, lands, &c, in Goldshayboith and Fence (yearly rent igs. S~kd), came to the hands of the lords by the death of Ellis: Nutter, and that Ellen Nutter is his daughter and next heir and of the age of 24 years. Alexander Bawdwen forbad fine that he should have a messuage in Goldshay boith, parcel of the premises, according to the tenor of an indenture made to him thereof: Robert Robynson also forbad fine for a parcel of land in Le Fence (rent, 2s. Sd.), for a term of years, and Bernard Hertley for another parcel ; and Agnes Nutter, widow, forbad fine that she should have the fourth part as dower: and Ellen Nutter came and found pledges, Nicholas Hancocke and Nicholas Moore, to answer. Admittance granted ; fine, 23s.. lid. Afterwards Nicholas Hancocke, greave of Penhull, sur rendered 1 messuage, lands, &c, in Newlaunde late in the tenure of Ellis Nutter, deceased (yearly rent, 4s. 5f^.) ; and a parcel of land called Le Fence lying in Goldshayboith now in the tenure of Robert Robynson^ and a messuage and buildings and lands, &c, in Goldshayboith now in the tenure of Alexander Bawdwen (yearly rent, igs. 4\d), except 1 acre of moss and turbary lying in Goldshayboith : all which premises the above-named Ellen Nutter delivered to him ; to the use of Edward Braddill son and heir apparent of John Braddill, gent, John Hancocke son and heir apparent of Nicholas Hancocke, Gilbert Shotilwourth son of George Shotilwourth, William Crombocke son of John Crumbocke, John Parker son of Hugh Parker, and MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1556-7 267 Bernard Hertley son of James Hertley, as feoffees to the intent of indentures made between Robert Nutter of New launde, yeoman, and John Crumbocke of Whalley, yeo man, dated 15 January, 3 & 4 Philip and Mary [1556-7]. Admittance granted ; fine, 23s. lid. Nicholas Hancoke, greave of Penhull, surrendered one acre of moss or turbary lying in Goldshayboithe (yearly rent, id), which the said Ellen Nutter delivered to him ; to the use of John Crombocke of Whalley and his heirs. Admittance granted ; fine, id. Sum of this Halmote, 47J. 1 id. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Higham on 13 June, 3 & 4 Philip and Mary [1557]. Inquisition taken there by oath of the jury. John Nutter of Launde and John Robynson of Olde Launde, junior, customary tenants, surrendered I mes suage, lands, &c, lying in Bairley Boith (yearly rent, 20s), which, Nicholas Hancocke, Oliver Halsteide, and John Woudrof delivered to him ; to the use of Richard Woodrof of Brunley and his heirs. Admittance granted ; fine, 20s-. ' Memorandum that at the Halmote held there on 18 October, 2 & 3 Philip and Mary [1555], Christopher Jackson, Hugh More, Henry Parker of Holtehowse, and Lawrence Whittaker of Padyham, by John Robynson of Oldelaunde, junior, greave of Penhull, at the request of John Croncke shay of Hunterholme, surrendered 1 messuage, lands, &c., lying in Westclose and Hunterhoome (yearly rent, 43 s. io\d) ; to the use of Christopher Nutter son of Robert Nutter, Richard Croke, George Cronckshay, Robert Cronck shay, and Hugh Moore son of Christopher Moore, and their heirs, as feoffees to the uses of indentures dated 25 Novem ber, 1 Mary [1553], made between John Cronckshay of Hunterhome, yeoman, and Elizabeth More of Over Higham. And Richard Bancroft forbad fine for 4 acres of land for 25 years, and Roger Halsteid for parcels of land called Westclose with a house thereon now in his occupation, for 15 years: Subject thereto, admittance was granted; fine, 43.J. io\d. Memorandum that at the Halmote held there on 18 October, 2 & 3 Philip and Mary [1555], John Hargreaves of Goldshayboith, James Bancrofte, Henry Haywourth, and Robert Hargreaves, by Nicholas Hancocke, greave of Penhull, at the request of Hugh Hargreaves, surrendered the moiety of 1 messuage, &c, called Le Heyvnderthehowse 268 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS and Le Slacke (yearly rent, 1 2d.) ; to the use of Robert Whittaker and his assigns for 19 years from the 15 April after the date of this Halmote. Admittance granted; fine, 6d. John Hargreaves of Goldshayboith, James Ban crofte, Lawrence Haywourth, and Robert Hargreaves surrendered the other moiety of the same to the use of Nicholas Halsteid and his assigns for 19 years [&c. as above]. Admittance granted ; fine, 6d. Memorandum that at the Halmote held there on 3 October, in the said years, William Robynson surrendered 1 messuage, lands, &c, in Whitlayboithe, called Firthbarre, now in his tenure (yearly rent, Sd) ; to the use of John Robynson brother of the said William and his heirs. Admittance granted ; fine, 8d. At this Halmote Isabella wife of the said William Robynson surrendered to the lords, and released to John Robynson and his heirs, all her right to dower in all that messuage, lands, &c, in Whitleyboithe. Fine, 4d. The jury present that Leonard Cronckshay and James Astley made a fray together. They are now in the Queen's war. Nicholas Moore and Richard Moore closed up a road lying between land of James Hargreaves and a gate called Greneholeyate. They are likewise in the war. Henry Bawdwen did not sufficiently repair his hedges between him and the tenants of Rughle, in a place called Oastgaitcloighe. Amerced 6d. Sum of this Halmote, 66s. 4\d. Sum of these three Halmotes, £6, 23\d., the whole in the charge of the greave of Penhull ; namely, fines of lands, llSs. i\d.; amercements, 3s. iod. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Brunley, 8 October, 4 & 5 Philip and Mary [1557]. Inquisition taken there by oath. William Foldes and James Willysill, by Lawrence Whit taker, greave of Ightnyll, at the request of Richard Smyth, senior, surrendered a cottage in Burnley containing 45 feet in length and 36 feet in breadth ; to the use of Margaret Smyth and her heirs. Admittance granted ; fine, 2d. John Parker of Netherwood, Henry Rylay, William Hancocke, John Woodrof, and Richard Hallyday of Hey- howses, at the request of Richard Marshall of Padyham, and for the sum of £16 paid to the said Richard Mar shall by Nicholas Hancocke of Lower Higham, gent, sur- MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1556-7 269 rendered a close in Padyham containing 5 acres of land ; to the use of the said Nicholas Hancock, and his heirs. Admittance granted ; fine, 2od. It was presented by the inquest that a messuage, lands, &c, and 6 acres of land, in Brerclif, came to the lords' hands by the death of John Woodrof, senior, and that John Woodrof is his next of kin and heir, and of full age. Admittance granted ; fine, 2S. Ann Townley, widow, has been elected greave of Ighten hill ; Edmund Watmough constable of Brunley, and Richard Woodrof constable of Habringham Eyves. Amercements. — Robert Jackson (2d) for trespass with his beasts upon the common of Sa(x)efeild. Barnard Lee, Thomas Foldes, William Bolton, James Pollard, Charles Halsteid, William Flecher, and Nicholas Foldes (4^. each), for similar trespass on Pykedlaw. Sum of this Halmote, 6s. 4^. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Burneley, 12 May, 3 & 4 Philip and Mary [1557]. Inquisition taken there by oath. Geoffrey Rysshton surrendered all his right in the moiety of a close called Le Yaiteffeild ; to the use of William Hargreaves and his assigns, during the term which Geoffrey ought to have therein. Admittance granted ; fine, 4d. James Willisall complained against Robert Roo and Henry Roo For keeping open hedges. Amerced 6d., and he shall sufficiently make and repair his said hedges ; and also all other persons who have lands adjoining to the lane leading from Cowden Mooryaite to Crossebancke shall likewise make their hedges. Lawrence Whittaker complained that John Ingham keeps his hedges open and a gate called Le Mooreyaite, and trampled upon plaintiff's grain and crops. Amerced 3d. and to repair his hedges. John Ingham complained that the said Lawrence Whit- taker's beasts trampled upon and consumed the grain and crops of the said John. Defendant is guilty of trespass to the value of i6d., and is amerced 3d. Lawrence Whittaker complained against Henry Banaster for closing up certain roads. The jury say that each common road between plaintiff and defendant ought to be, if for pedestrians, an ell wide; and if for waggons and other carriages, half a rod wide. Amerced 3d. Edmund Starkie complained that Richard Webster closed 270 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS up a road lying at " Le yaite at white crosse " and at the end of Le Hilles. Defendant guilty, and ought to enlarge and widen the said road so that it shall be 2 rods wide. Amerced 3d. Robert Lee complained that Richard Saigher closed up a road. The jury say that plaintiff shall have a sufficient road between Claverhole and Marseden Edge, beginning at Claverhole and proceeding by the land of Richard Sagar by the west hedge to the end of a lane called Kepas lane, and thence to the moor, containing in breadth by the whole land of the said Richard Sagar \ rod of land. Amerced 3d. John Townley, esq., Henry Banaster, gent., William Hargreaves, John Kepas, John Hygen, Thomas Willysall, and Nicholas Hargreaves complained against Joan, relict of John Hygen, in a plea of trespass. Defendant did not appear, and was amerced 6d. Robert Ingham of Burneleywoode, by Nicholas Gryme shay, greave of Ightenhill, came and surrendered 1 messuage and 18 acres of land lying in Brunleywodde, now in the tenure of William Ingham, John Ingham, and Robert Ingham ; to the use of Robert Ingham of Fullage, Robert Towne, junior, John Whittacre, and Robert Whittacre son of Nicholas Whittacre, and their heirs, as feoffees to perform the last will of the said Robert Ingham of Brunley wodde. Admittance granted ; fine, 6s. Robert Halstede, Robert Jacson, and Robert Towne, at the request of Robert Horwiche and Margery his wife, surrendered 1 messuage and garden lying in Brunley, now in the tenure of the said Robert and Margery ; to the use of Robert Jacson and William Saigher and their heirs. And the said Margery forbad fine that she should have a parcel of the house now in the tenure of Alice Talior, and a parcel of land of the garden now in the tenure of the said Margery, for life, rendering nothing if she occupy the same solely, but if not, then Ss. yearly to the said Robert Jacson and William Saigher and their heirs ; and likewise George Holgate forbad fine that he should have a barn, parcel of the premises, for 6 years next coming : and the same were conceded to them. Admittance granted ; fine, 4d, Sum of this Halmote, 8s. 1 id. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Brunley on Tuesday, 22 June, 3 & 4 Philip and Mary [1557]- Inquisition taken there by oath. The jury say that two cottages, two gardens and a croft MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1556-7 271 in the town of Brunley (yearly rent, 6d), came to the hands of the lords by the death of Edmund Wilkynson, and that Robert Wilkynson is his son and next heir and of the age of 3 years, and that John Wilkynson has been elected his guardian. Admittance granted ; fine, 6d. A messuage and the moiety of 1 acre of land (yearly rent, 2d.) came to the hands of the lords by the death of Richard Redihalgh and of Alice Redihalgh, and that Richard Redihalgh is their son and next heir, and of full age. Admittance granted ; fine, 4^. At this Halmote Laurence Aynysworth, Richard Levisay, George Astley, John Cleyton, Thomas Lussell, John Issher- wode, Robert Morley, Robert Bolton, Robert Aspeden, Thomas Holden of Eiwode, Nicholas Ayworth of Black burn, and Thomas Walmysley, feoffees now seised of 1 messuage and i\ oxgang of land with the appurtenances in Padiham, and i\d. rent in Sabden Banke, and 10 acres of land in Brunley called Ryghey, by Robert Wadyngton, one of the lords' tenants, surrendered the said premises to the use of Alexander Levesay, gent, and his assigns, for the term of 60 years from the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross last past, according to the intent declared below. Admittance granted ; fine 2s., and no more because for a good work, and therefore it has been considered in the fine. The intent of the above surrender is such that whereas divers variances and suits have been had and moved between the said feoffees and the parishioners of Blakburn on the one part, and Oliver Halstede and Nicholas Halstede on the other part, the said Oliver and Nicholas claiming the said premises by their several purchases : Forasmuch as the said Alexander Levesay at the request of the said feoffees and parishioners, upon his proper costs and charges of law hath disbursed great sums of money to defend and obtain tbe right ofthe said premises out of the hands of the said purchasers into their former estate of the said feoffees and parishioners, which the said Alexander hath so done as appears by a decree of the Duchy Chamber, for the maintaining and keeping of a free school in Black burn according to the uses and intents in a composition or foundation thereof made between Thomas, Earl of Derby, Lord Stanley and Strange on the one part, and tbe " Church maisters or chyrche Reves" of the parish church of Blackburn, co. Lane., for the whole parishioners, given at Lathom 4 April, 15 14, and in the 5th year of Henry VIII.: In consideration whereof it is agreed by the said Lawrence Aynysworth and his cofeoffees and the said church reeves and parishioners that the said Alexander Levesay and his assigns shall at the next " heide court" ofthe manor of Ightenhill at Brunley stand fined of the said premises for the term of 60 years, paying the rents and services to the King and Queen, and to the said feoffees and their heirs 33s. yearly for the only use of the said free school. 272 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Afterwards at this Halmote Alexander Levesay, gent., in his proper person came and surrendered I oxgang of land lying in Padiham on the west side, now in the tenure of Christopher Dogeson, and id. rent in Sabden Banke; to the use of the said Christopher and his assigns for 60 years from the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross last past, rendering 1 2s. yearly to Alexander Levesay and his heirs and assigns. Admittance granted ; fine 1 2d., and no more for the reason above. And afterwards Alexander Levesay, gent., surrendered the moiety of an oxgang of land lying in Padiham on the west side, and \d. rent in Sabden Banke, now in the tenure of Richard Baron and Nicholas Baron; to the use of the said Richard and Nicholas and the assigns of Nicholas, for the term of 60 years, rendering ys. yearly [&c. as above]. Admittance granted; fine 6d. and no more. And the said Alexander Levesay surrendered I messuage and other buildings and 10 acres of land called the Ryghey in Brunley, now in the occupation of Alice, relict of Edward Smyth ; to the use of the said Alice and her assigns for 60 years at the yearly rent of 1 4s. Admittance granted ; fine 6d. and no more. Memorandum that at the Halmote of the said manor held there on 17 October, 2 & 3 Philip and Mary [1555], John Ingham came and surrendered the moiety of 1 oxgang of land in Padiham called Tynkyller Howse, and certain parcels of land containing 18 feet in length and breadth, now in the occupation of the said John, and likewise a house and garden in Padiham now in the tenure of the relict of William Favcet, and i\ rood of land lying in Knyghtley now in the tenure of William Whittacre, and \d. rent in Sabden Banke ; to the use of John Wodrof, junior, Richard Shotilworth son of Hugh Shotilworth, Robert Bercroft, and James Bancroft, for the performance of the last will of the said John Ingham. Admittance granted ; fine, 4s. Memorandum that at the said Halmote held on 17 Oc tober, Henry Bercroft, gent., surrendered the half of a messuage and other buildings and 19 acres of land in Brere cliff called Hollyngreave, which George Smyth of Extwissill delivered to him ; to the use of Stephen Smyth, chaplain, and his assigns, for the term of 10 years, in recompense and satisfaction of £11, 13s. 4^. paid to the said George by the said Stephen : provided that it shall be lawful for the said George Symth and his assigns to occupy the pre mises, rendering 33s. 4^. yearly to the said Stephen and his assigns. Admittance granted : fine, 3s. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1556-7 273 At the said Halmote it was presented that 18 acres of land lying on the west side of Padiham, and id. rent in Padiham Banke came to the hands of the lords by the death of Christopher Robynson, and that Ellis Robynson is his brother and next heir and of full age. And Margaret Robynson, late wife of the said Christopher, forbad fine for the fourth part of the premises as her dower ; and subject thereto, admittance granted, fine 6s. At this Halmote George Hoghton, by Francis Webster, greave of Ightenhill, surrendered a parcel of land and buildings thereupon erected, now in the tenure of Charles Adlyngton ; to the use of the said Charles Adlyngton and his heirs. Admittance granted ; fine, 4^. Thomas Wyllysill of Scolle Bancke surrendered a house, 21 acres of land, &c, in Le Scolle Banke, now in the tenure of the said Thomas ; to the use of Richard Shotilworth son and heir apparent of Hugh Shotilworth, Richard Marshall, Henry Whittacre son of Lawrence Whittacre of High Whittacre, John Cleyton son of Miles Cleyton of Fenyfold, and their heirs, as feoffees to the intent declared below. Admittance granted ; fine, 3 s. 4^. The intent is that the said feoffees shall be seised of all the pre mises to the use of James Yate and his assigns, that is to say, of 3 acres of land parcel ofthe premises to the 15th April next after the decease of James Wyllysyll father of the said Thomas, paying 3J. yearly to the said Thomas and his assigns ; and after the said 1 5 April they shall stand seised of all the premises to the use of the said James Yate and his assigns for 10 years, yielding the rents due and accustomed. At this Halmote Henry Banester of Parkehill and Law rence Wylson, customary tenants, surrendered 2 mes suages and other buildings, and ij oxgang of land, in Padiham, containing by estimation 30 acres of land, whereof 2 acres lie in Le Gold Feild, now in the tenure of Robert Roo and Henry Roo, and i\d. rent in Sabden Banke, which Wilfrid Banester delivered to him; to the use of Roger Banaster son of John Banester of Wadyngton, gent., and their heirs. Admittance granted; fine IOS., by the pledge of Lawrence Habryngham. And afterwards Roger Banester son of John Banester of Wadyngton, gent, surrendered the said 2 messuages, &c, for ^70 ; to the use of Hugh Shotil worth and his heirs for ever. Admittance granted; fine iar., by pledge of James Wyllisyll. At this Halmote John Wodrof and Thomas Bercroft, customary tenants, surrendered 1 messuage and 16 \ acres VOL. ll. S 274 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS I rood of land called Dobson Heyes, Olde Hug, and High Rood, in Brunley, now in the tenure of Oliver Halstede and John Lee, which Richard Townley, esquire, delivered to him ; to the use of the said Oliver Halstede and his heirs. Admittance granted ; fine, 5-f. yd. At this Halmote Nicholas Grymeshay, greave of Ighten hill, came and surrendered I messuage and 6\ acres and I rood of land, in Habryngham, called Keriall Howse, which John Wodrof, junior, and Robert Robynson, at the request of George Smyth delivered to him ; to the use of the said George Smyth and his heirs. Admittance granted ; fine, 2s. 3d. Anne Townley, widow, caused the office of greave of Ightenhill to be executed for her lands in Brerclif. Amercements.— The said Anne (2od) for closing up a road between and beyond Le Roile Hille as far as Saxe- felld. William Talior, Richard Hyrd, William Mechell, Richard Grymeshay, Richard Dobson, George Dobson, the relict of Henry Nutter, and Robert Jacson (4^. each) be cause they trespassed with their beasts upon the common of Saxefeld. John Hargreves, Richard Grymeshay, William Bolton of Ightenhill, Bernard Lee, Charles Hal stede, Thomas Foldes, and John Ormerode of Gamlesyde (4d. each), because they trespassed with their beasts upon the common of Padiham. Sum of this Halmote, 56^. Sum of these three Halmotes, yis. 3d., the whole in the charge of the greave of Ightenhill ; namely, fines of lands, 59J. iod.; amercements, iu. sd. Lv.-court IRoll, 4=5 pbWp anb fl&arst 1557=8. (No. 40. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Higham on 17 November, 4 & 5 Philip and Mary [1557], before Thomas Talbot, knight, and John Townley, esquire, chief stewards. Inquisition taken there by the oath of the jury. It was presented that 1 messuage and other, buildings, lands, &c, in Goldshayboith (yearly rent, 3s) came to the hands of the lords by the death of Simon Blakey, and that Bernard Blakey is his son and next heir and of full age. Admittance granted ; fine, 3s. Richard Danser, chaplain, and William Bulcock, at the MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1557-8 275 request of Anthony Lyster, gent., surrendered 1 messuage, lands, &c, within Penhull, now in the tenure of Roger Redihalgh and William Bulcock (yearly rent, iij. 4d) ; to (he use of the said Anthony Lyster and his heirs. Ad mittance granted ; fine, lis. 4d. And afterwards the said Anthony Lyster surrendered the same to Lawrence Townley, gent., and his heirs, for the use of Anne Lyster, now wife of Anthony, for life, with remainder to the said Anthony and his heirs ; rendering yearly to the lords us. 4d. Ad mittance granted ; fine, Ss. Sd. John Robynson of Blackmosse, by Thomas Ryley and Robert Cronckshay, greave of Penhull, surrendered 1 mes suage, lands, &c, within Penhull (yearly rent, 18s. 6d.) ; to the use of William Starkye, Robert Robynson of Old Launde, Edmund Robynson son of John Robynson, junior, of Old Launde, and Thomas Ryley son of Thomas Ryley of Grene and their heirs, to the use of the said John Robyn son of Blackmosse for life, and after his death to the use of the last will of the said John Robynson. Admittance granted ; fine, 1 8s. 6d. Nicholas Hancock, customary tenant, surrendered the moiety of all messuages and other buildings, land's, meadows, &c, in Le Fence now in the tenure of Richard Bancroft, Edmund Emot, and John Hertley (yearly rent, ios) — ex cept a new house now in the occupation of Roger Steneson — which premises Richard Bancroft of Lower Higham delivered to him, to the use of Nicholas More and his heirs. And John Hertley and Isabella his wife forbad fine, that they should have parcel of the premises for their lives. Subject thereto, admittance was granted ; fine, ios: Provided always that the said Nicholas More shall enter into the one moiety of all the lands now in the holding of the said Richard immediately, and also to the other moiety of the residue after the deaths of Edmund Emot, John Hertley, and his wife, as it shall fall ; and also to pay to Lawrence Emot his part of 6s. 8d. which is- charged upon the whole land. Thomas Ryley of Grene, by Nicholas Hancock, customary tenant, surrendered a parcel of land in Le Fense, now in the tenure of John Robynson (yearly rent, 2d) ; to the use of Thomas Ryley the younger, son of the said Thomas Ryley of Grene, and the heirs of Thomas Ryley the son. Admittance granted ; fine, 2d. The jury present that John Croke made a rescue upon Richard Croke on driving his beasts to the lords' pound. 276 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Amerced i2d. The said John broke the pound of Higham and was amerced 12^. William Hargreves has been elected greave of Penhull. Sum of this Halmote, 50J. Sd. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Higham on Tuesday, 7 June, 4 & 5 Philip and Mary [1558]. Alexander Hertley complained that Bernard Hertley dis seised him of 1 messuage and 9 acres of land lying in Colne, late in the tenure of John Holgate alias Block, and within the precincts of the manor of Colne, of which plaintiff was seised according to the custom of the manor of Colne, and whereby he has damage. Bernard said that he did not disseise plaintiff, because he has and ought to have the premises as his right and inheritance by virtue of a sur render made thereof by James Hertley his brother, deceased. And Alexander said that he as brother and next heir of the said James Hertley, deceased, ought to have the premises according to the custom of the manor. A jury of 24 say that Bernard did not disseise plaintiff who shall take nothing by his plea, and is in mercy 3d. for a false claim. Alexander Hertley also complained that Alice Hertley, widow of James Hertley, disseised him of 1 messuage and the moiety of a barn called " the new berne," lands, called " a pareell of Ryshton Thornes " (yearly rent, Ss. 2d), with a parcel of land called Humfra Dolles, of which plaintiff was seised, according to the custom of the manor of Ightenhill. Alice said that she did not disseise plaintiff. He did not prose cute and is in mercy 3d. The which plea should have been tried and determined in the manor of Colne. Whereas there have been uncertainties and doubts amongst the customary tenants concerning certain articles in a commission of the lords the King and Queen, under the Duchy seal, directed to the steward, and by him shown and declared to the customary tenants, who assert the same not to be consonant with the old custom there ; jurors have been elected and charged to inquire for the said lords as well of the said articles as of others of old usage, but they have not yet rendered their verdict. Sum of this Halmote, 6d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Brunley on Thursday, 18 November, 4 & 5 Philip and Mary [1557]- Inquisition taken there by oath. John Wodrof surrendered 1 messuage, 6 acres and the MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1557-8 277 moiety of T acre of land, and 1 rood' of land, called Keriall Howse, lying in Haberiam Eives, which George Smyth of Extwissill, otherwise called George Smyth of Hollyngreave, delivered to him ; to the use of James Bancroft, Oliver Halstede, Miles Aspeden, and Nicholas Herger and their heirs, as feoffees to the following intent. Admittance granted; fine, 2s. 3d. The intent is that James Bancroft, &c, shall be feoffees in trust, to the use of Thomas Foldes of Ightenhill and his assigns from the feast of the Purification B.V.M. next coming for the term of 21 years, in recompense of ,£21 paid to the said George Smyth by the said Thomas ; and afterwards to the use of the said George Smyth and his heirs and assigns. Provided that the tenant ofthe premises shall not be removed during the first years, paying to the said Thomas Foldes and his assigns 23s. 4d. yearly, discharging the church and the King and Queen; It was presented that 1 messuage, and 29J acres £ rood of land lying in Habringham Eives came to the lords' hands by the death of Edward Pollard, and that Richard Pollard is his son and next heir and of full age. Admittance granted ; fine, ios. At the Halmote held there on 8 October, 3 & 4 Philip and Mary [1556], Richard Webster of Padiham, by Nicholas Bancroft, greave of Ightenhill of the old tenure, surrendered 1 messuage and 1 8 acres of land lying on the west side of Padiham, and id. rent in Sabden Bancke ; to the use of Robert Roo, Francis Webster, Lawrence Whittacre of Padiham and Ellis Robynson, as feoffees to the use of the intent hereafter enrolled. Admittance granted ; fine, 6s. The intent of this surrender is that the said Robert Roo, &c, shall be seised to the use of the said Richard Webster of Padiham for life, and after his decease to the use of John Webster son and heir of the said Richard Webster and his right heirs. At this Halmote it was presented that 1 messuage, 2 gardens, a parcel of land abutting upon Le Calder in the township of Padiham, now in the tenure of John Bulcock, and a close lying in Padiham called "the est ende of Padiham Hey," a close called Bancroft, a close called Holelyng, and the moiety of a close called the Segmoncroft, lying in Padiham, with 2d. rent in Sabden Bancke, all which premises extend in the whole to 28 acres of oxgang land ; and likewise 7 acres of land lying in Le AJcome Eez alias Galthroppe Eez, in Padiham, and likewise 7 acres of land lying in Ightenhill called the Guldfeild, came to the lords' 278 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS hands by the death of Nicholas Shotilworth, and that Hugh Shotilworth is his son and next heir and of full age. Ad mittance granted ; etb, 1559*60. (No. 42. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Tuesday next after the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, 2 Elizabeth [5 Dec, 1559], before John Townley, esq., steward. Inquisition taken there by virtue of office. John Townley, esq., Steward of Blakeburneshire, came and surrendered a messuage with other buildings, &c, in Roigh Lee (yearly rent, Ss- 6d), to the use of Barnerd Herteley of Lawnde and Christopher Herteley of Barowefforth and their heirs, which said messuage Richard Redyhaulgh and Margaret his wife delivered to him, to the use (as aforesaid) of Barnard and Christopher Herteley, as feoffees to the following uses, viz. : — To the use of the said Richard Redyhaulgh and Margaret his wife and the longer liver and to their heirs, and for default of issue to the right heirs of the said Richard for ever. Fine, Ss. 6d. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1559-60 293 John Parker of Brawne Brynke, by John Nutter, a tenant, came and surrendered a house built upon land of the said John Parker by Edmund and Henry Parker his brothers, and a parcel of land (yearly rent, \d) on the eastern side of the said house, to the use of the said Edmund and Henry Parker for term of their lives and of the longer liver's, according to the intent of a pair of indentures of covenant made between the surrenderor and the surrenderees, bear ing date 16 July, I Elizabeth [1559]. Fine, \d. John Hergreves, a tenant, came and surrendered half a messuage and certain lands, &c, in Whytlay Boith (yearly rent, 6s. Sd), which Johanne wife of John Blaykay in her pure viduity delivered, to the use of the said John Blaykay her husband and his assigns for term of his life. A cove nant between the said Johanne and William Mankynholes and the right of dower of . . . mother of the said William in the said premises are admitted, and surety found. Fine, 6s. 8d. John Nutter of New Lawnd, Robert Herteley of Great Marsedene, and James Herteley of Roughleigh, at the request of Robert Nutter of Newe Lawnde and Christopher son of the said Robert, came and surrendered all that part of one messuage, other buildings, &c, in the Forest of Pen- hull, now in the occupation of Robert Astlay, — whereof the said Robert Nutter was before time seised, — to the use of the said Robert Astlay and his assigns for term of the life of the said Robert Nutter and Christopher Nutter and the longer liver's. Fine, 15^. Richard Nutter of Goldshay, senior, James Hargreves of the same place, and Stephen Nutter of the same place, at the request of Mark Nutter of Goldshay, came and surren dered a messuage, other buildings, &c, in Ouer Goldshay (yearly rent, 8s. 4\d), now in the occupation of Richard Nutter of Goldshay, junior, son of the said Mark, to the use ofthe said Richard, junior, and his heirs. Half the said messuage is reserved to the said Mark for term of his life. Fine, Ss. 4\d. Nicholas Robynson of Rughlee, a tenant, came and sur rendered one messuage, other buildings, &c, in Whytlaye Boithe (yearly rent, 25J. iod), late in the occupation of Christopher Bulcocke, deceased, and Alice his mother, which Christopher delivered to him, to the use of James Robynson of Thornyholme and Christopher Robynson of Bareley and their heirs, to be feoffees to the uses ex pressed in the last will of the said Christopher Bulcocke. Fine, 25^. 10^. 294 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS James Ballard, by John Herteley, a tenant, came and surrendered a messuage with other buildings (yearly rent, 1 3 j. 4d) lying in Barelay, to the use of Roger son of the said James Ballard and his heirs. Fine, 1 3s. 4^. The jury present that John Hergreves is elected Greave of Penhull. Richard Walton (3s. 4^.) took a warrant (precept') from the deputy of Hugh Halsted, bailiff of the Wapentake. Nicholas and Christopher Moore (2j.) obstructed a common highway between Fenceyate and Addyngesheade. It is presented by inquisition taken there that a messuage with other buildings in Lower Barowefforth (yearly rent, 16s. shd), has reverted to the Queen upon the death of Alexander Herteley, and that Barnerd Herteley is his brother and next heir. The said Barnerd finds surety for the performance of certain covenants made by him with Henry Herteley his brother. The right of dower of Alice*, late wife of the said James Herteley, deceased, reserved by the forbid of Henry Shawe. Fine, 16s. Sid. Total, £4, 11s. S\d. HALMOTE held at Heigham on Tuesday next before the Feast of Pentecost, 2 Elizabeth [28 May, 1560]. Margaret wife of Henry Herteley and Agnes wife of William Herteley came and sought admittance to fine for a messuage, other buildings, &c, in Over Roughlee and Nether Roughlee alias Roughle Boith (yearly rent, 1 is. l\d), now in the occupation of the said Henry and William Herteley and late in the occupation of one John Smyth, late of Roighlee, deceased, by virtue of the surrender of one James Smyth, also deceased, which surrender is enrolled upon the Court Rolls and bears date 5 Oct., 35 Henry VIII. [1543]. The right of inheritance of John Smyth is reserved by surety. Fine, us. i\d. William Smyth, by Christopher Smyth, a tenant, came and surrendered a close of land in the Graystones in Roigh- leigh, to the use of William Mytton and his assigns from 1 5 April last past for term of 25 years, paying yearly 1 3 s. 4d. Fine, 2s. Afterwards at the same Halmote William Smyth, by Nicholas Robynson of Thorneholme, a tenant, came and surrendered a messuage, other buildings, &c, in Roigh- leigh (yearly rent, igs. 6d), to the use of John son of the said William Smyth and his heirs, according to the intent of certain indentures of covenant made between the said William Smyth of the one part and Henry Shawe of MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1559-60 295 Newsam in co. York, clothier, of the other part, bearing date ?il April, 2 Elizabeth [1560], concerning the mar riage of the said John Smyth and Alice his wife, one of the daughters of the said Henry Shawe. The occupation of a close in the Graystones is reserved to William Mytton according to the terms of the preceding surrender, and a reasonable dower in the said premises reserved to Issabell wife of the said William Smyth, for term of her life. Fine, igs. 6d. Edward Bradill, gent., John Hancocke, William Crom bocke, John Parker, and Bernerd Herteley, at the request of Christopher Nutter and Ellen his wife, by the Greave, came and surrendered a parcel of land called a parcel of the Cragges alias Over Calffehill and Lower Calffehill, with buildings in Goldshay Boith, now in the occupation of Robert Astley — and whereof the said Edward and his cofeoffees were seised — to the use of the said Robert Astley and his assigns for term of 2 1 years, to commence immedi ately after a term of 2 1 years which John Crombocke has in the same by surrender made to him bearing date at Heigham on Tuesday next after the Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist, 3 Edward VI. [22 Oct., 1549] Fine, 15^. James Ballerd obtains a verdict for 6s. damages — £20 claimed — against his son Roger Ballerd for breach of con tract contained in an indenture made between them bearing date 5 June, 1 Elizabeth [1559]. The jury say that all the tenants at Barofforthes Boith shall make their fences at Alis-stele as far a Blacco Hill, under penalty of 20s. each. Henry Banester and others are ordered to make good the road between the Allmes Kylne and Thomas Holte's house ; and the tenants of the western part of Goldshay Boith to observe truthfully the number of their [cattle] gates accord ing to the byrlaw. The jury also say that John Blaykay (20d.) keeps a dog called "Anglice a shepe werier." Richard Crooke complains against Ellen Crooke, his mother, for wrongful detention of a parcel of land lying in the Fence, containing 20 acres, and buildings thereon erected and now in the occupation of James Hergreves.* Sum, 3gs. 6\d. Sum of two Halmotes, £6, 1 is. od. * The names of the jury are enrolled, but no verdict is recorded. 296 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, • held at Brunley on Monday, viz. n December, 2 Elizabeth [1559]; before John Townley, esq., steward there. Inquisition taken there by virtue of office. John Halsted of Wyndyll Howse, senior, by John Bar croft, Greave of Ightenhill, came and surrendered half a messuage, other buildings and half of 1 5 acres 2 J roods of land to the said messuage appurtenant and lying in Brere clyff, now in the holding of the said John Halsted, with the appurtenances, to the use of Robert Brereclyff of Burwyns, John son of Richard Aicroid of Brerecliff, William Mychill, and Robert son of Christopher Jacson, and their heirs to be feoffees fined and seised to the use and intent declared in a certain pair of indentures of covenant made between the said John Halsted of the one part and the said Richard Aicroid of the other part, bearing date 1 8 Nov., 5 & 6 Philip and Mary [1558].* Fine, 2s. y\d. John Jacson of Brunley, by Nicholas Hergreves, a tenant, came and surrendered a messuage called Blaccar Hall and a garden adjacent, with appurtenances, in Brunley, to the use of John Herteley of Bradeley and John Highyn and their heirs, to be feoffees fined and seised to the use and intent expressed in certain indentures of covenant made between the said John Jacson of the one part and Lawrence Wilson of Bradeley of the other part, bearing date 8 January, 4 & 5 Philip and Mary [1557-8]. Fine, id. Afterwards the said feoffees, at the request of the said John Jacson and Lawrence Wilson, came and surrendered the above-named premises, to the use of John Kepas, Lawrence Wylson, Ellis Foldes, and George Foldes and their heirs, to be feoffees to the use of the said John Jacson and Margaret his wife and the longer liver, and their heirs, and in default of issue to the right heirs of the said John Jacson for ever. Fine, ld. John Redyhaulgh of Delves, by Richard Tatersall, junior, and William Smyth, senior, at the request of William Smyth, junior, came and surrendered a messuage, other buildings, 10 acres of land called Dogeffeild, 6 acres lying in the Towne Feild of Brereclyff, 1 acre of land called Marlid Erth and 1 acre of land called Battiehole with the appurtenances lying in Brereclyff to the use of the said William Smyth, junior, and his heirs. Sureties were found to provide security that the said Richard Tatersall of Brereclyff should occupy a parcel of the premises adjoining his land or farm, in length * The regnal year is given wrongly, Queen Mary having died on 17 November ; but this would not be known in Lancashire for some few days. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1559-60 297 10 rods and in width 8 feet, for a term of 60 years commenc ing on the morrow of the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle last past ; and to secure the performance of certain covenants made by the said William Smyth, junior, with Alice Smyth, widow, relict of John Smyth, by indentures. Fine, 6s. Oliver Halsted, Peter Ormerod, John Woderoff, William Halsted of Bankehowse, and John son of George Ormerod deceased, by the Greave, at the request of John Aspedene, priest, came and surrendered a messuage, other buildings, and a parcel of land in Brunley, now in the several occupa tions of William Hergreves, schoolmaster, Issabell Foldes, widow, and Johanne Holgate, widow ; and a parcel of land in Brunley with a stable lately set thereon, to the use of John Halsted of Mearecloigh and his heirs, to be feoffees to the use of John Wodroff, senior, Richard Tatersall of Brereclyff, and John Robynson of Old Lawnde, and their heirs, in consideration that they do pay certain sums of money which the said John Aspedene, priest, oweth. Fine, id. And afterwards the said John Halsted of Mearecloigh, at the request ofthe said John Aspedene, John Wodroff, Richard Tatersall, and John Robynson, came and surrendered the aforesaid premises in Brunley to the use of Richard Shotil worth, son of Hugh Shotilworth of Gawthroppe, and John .Ormerod of Gamylside, junior, and their heirs, to be feoffees to the use and intent declared by the said John Aspedene, priest, in and by his last will, and in case he should die without will to the use of his right heirs for ever. Fine, id. Lawrence Haberiam of Haberiam and Margaret his wife came and surrendered a messuage, another house, two gardens, a toft or a croft with the appurtenances in Brunley, now in the occupation of George Hergreves, junior, to the use of Christopher Smyth of Stonyrakes and his heirs, in lieu or in recompense of a certain sum of money paid by the said Christopher to the said Lawrence Haberiam. Fine, i2d. The jury present that John Halsted of Heigh Halsted and Robert Robynson are elected Greave of Ightenhill, George Smyth and Robert Spenser, constables of Brunley. Also that Edmund Ascheton, esq. (4d), Roger Cockeshote (4d), and Thomas Knayburgh and Robert Glover are suitors at this Court and make default ; that John Hergreves of the Chamber broke the " pawnd " in Little Marsedene. Twelve persons are each amerced 4^. for trespass with .their cattle on the common of Saxeffeld and Fynslawe. John Wodroff complains of William Foldes of Dawnser 298 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Howse in a plea of trespass, in that he did not maintain his share of the fences lying between defendant's land and the said John Wodroff's land, and for wrongfully moving a fence. The jury say that the defendant encroached two trees, viz. an oak and an ash, and they also say that he must maintain his fences in like manner as his ancestors used to do. Be it remembered that at the Halmote held at Brunley 21 April, i Elizabeth [1559], Henry Banester of Parkehyll, gent, for the sum of .£16 to him paid, surrendered a toft, a house, a garden, a barn, a croft, and £ acre of land, &c, in Padyham called Padyham Bryghe-ende (now in the holding of Jane Wylkynson, widow), to the use of Richard Webster and his heirs. Fine, 14^. Henry Banester of Parkehill, gent., and Alice his wife and Lawrence Chi(l)ders of Padyham, by John Robynson and Lawrence Whyttiker, tenants, and in consideration of £61, ios. od. paid to the said Henry Banester, surrendered a messuage, other buildings, 18 acres of land, &c, in Padyham in the west end of Padyham, and a penny rent in Sabdene Banke, now in the occupation of the said Lawrence Childers ; and a cottage and a garden in Padyham, now in the holding of Jhane, relict of John Worseley; to the use of Frauncis Whebster and his heirs. Fine, 6s. id. And immediately afterwards the said Frauncis Whebster and Johanne his wife surrendered the above- named premises to the use of the said Lawrence Childers and any one of his boys then living, from the Feast of St. George the Martyr last past for term of 29 years. Henry Barcroft forbad fine, for right of dower of Elizabeth his wife, which right was acknowledged. Paying yearly during the life of the said Elizabeth to the said Francis Whebster and his heirs 15J. lid., and after her death 20s. Fine, 2s. It is presented by inquest taken there, that a house, other buildings, a garden, &c, in Padyham, now in the holding of Alice, relict of Henry Doigeson, and another house there called the Chamber on the Hill, now in the holding of John Brandwod, have reverted to the Queen upon the death of Henry Dogeson, and that Issabell Doge son (aged 10 years) and Margaret Dogeson (aged 4 years) are his daughters and next heirs ; Lawrence Brereclyff is their uncle and guardian. Dower reserved to the said Alice [Dogeson], and 6 pence yearly rent reserved to Francis Webster and his heirs issuing out of the said premises. Fine, id. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1559-60 299 Richard Marschall, late of Padyham, by the Greave, came and surrendered a parcel of land in Padyham con taining three feet in width and sixteen feet in length, now in the holding of Richard Brockedene, to the use of John Yngham of Padyham and his heirs. Fine, id. , .Edmund Starkie, John Hergreves, John Robynson, and Ellis Robynson complain against Henry Banester, Richard Marschall, John Whebster, Lawrence Whittiker of Pady ham, Robert Hoighton, John Hoighton, Richard Lyffsay, • and others, feoffees of certain premises in the west end of Padyham, belonging to the Free School of Blackeburne or the late chantry there recently dissolved, in a plea of land: for deforcing them from 1 2 acres of land in the west end of Padyham whereof they the said complainants were lawfully seised, and also for wrongful occupation of the same con trary to the demise or partition made between James Starkie and others (whose interest they the complainants now possess) of the one 'part, and Henry Banester, deceased, and others (whose interest the defendants now possess) of the other part, of and in twelve oxgangs of land lying in the west end of Padiham, whereof six oxgangs belong to the complainants and six to the defendants, by virtue of an Indenture of Partition bearing date 24 June, 13 Henry VIII. [1521], whereby to each oxgang of land an equal measure and quantity of the said twelve acres (sic) of land was awarded, and by the said partition the said parties were fined ; wherefore they desire to see the Queen's rolls of the said manor. And they further say that the land and build ings which are now in the possession of the defendants are greater than those lands which the complainants enjoy in the west end of Padiham by the measure and quantity of 24 acres of land, whereby they suffer damage, &c. The de fendants deny the deforcement, and say that they occupy and possess their land by virtue of an arbitration. The complainants say that the award was made for preserving and maintaining the peace and quiet of the vicinity and not for the award of the quantity of each oxgang of land of the said twelve oxgangs ; also that the arbitrators made no mention in their award that the said defendants should have any particular part (aliquant partem) of the said 12 oxgangs more than the complainants have thereof; and lastly that no arbitration can diminish any oxgang of land of the said 12 oxgangs, according to the custom of the manor, without a surrender of the same in performance of the said arbitrament, and thereupon they put themselves on 300 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS their country, &c. ; and defendants likewise. Jury*:— William Rilay, John Kenyan, Christopher Jacson, Giles Whyttiker, Robert Duredene, Nicholas Mychell, Richard Duredene, Henry Walton, Henry Mytton, Lawrence Wilson, John Emotte, Thomas Taillor, Richard Harrison, Chris topher Mygecocke, Richard Dugdale, John Walton, Otwell Feildene, Richard Aicroid, Richard Saigher, Nicholas Herger, William Foldes, Henry Boith-, Christopher Smyth, and Adam Holdene ; who say that each one oxgang of land of the said twelve lying in the west end of Padyham ought to be equal in measure according as each one of the said complainants, as also of the said defendants, is severally seised according to the custom of the manor. Defendants are in mercy 2d. each. Henry Banester, gent., John Kepas, William Hergreves, Nicholas Hergreves, and John Highyn complain against Johanne Highyn, relict or widow of John Highyn, late of Little Marsdene, in a plea of land, for "deforcing them from a cottage and a garden lying in Little Marsden and whereof the complainants were seised to them and their heirs. The defendant denies that she deforced the said complainants, and says that she together with John Townley, esq., and Thomas Willisell, now deceased, were fined and seised thereof, and so seised they did surrender the same to the use of John Hegyn son of the said John Hegyn and his heirs, who fined for the same and afterwards departed this life ; after whose death the premises descended to Marjory and Alice Highyn, daughters of John Highyn the father and sisters of John Highyn the son, and to whose use the said defendant occupies the premises as guardian of the same, they being her daughters. The same jury as in the last plaint f declare that the complainants together with the said John Townley, esq., are fined and seised of the pre mises to their own proper and sole use and that defendant did deforce them of the said premises. Sum, 34s. y\d. HALMOTE held at Brunley, on Wednesday next before the Feast of Pentecost, 2 Elizabeth [29 May, 1560]. Inquisition taken there by virtue of office. J Roger Cockeshote of Walton in the Dale, by Richard * This jury met and decided on the Wednesday before Pentecost [29 May, 1560]. f Monday before Pentecost, 2 Elizabeth [27 May, 1560]. J Richard Aicroid a juror. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1559-60 301 Marschall, a tenant, came and surrendered a cottage, a barn, a shop, and a garden, &c, in Padyham, now in the several holdings of Richard Cockeshote and James Mar schall ; and a parcel of land upon le zandes in Padyham, and the whole of the said Roger's part of the Boundyard in Padyham (otherwise a parcel in the eastern end of Padyham called the Boundyard), &c, in the holding of Nicholas Cockeshote, to the use of Nicholas Hancocke of Lower Heigham, gent., and his heirs. Fine, 2d. Nicholas Bancroft came and surrendered 4 messuages, other buildings, and 75 acres of land lying in Ightenhill and Haberiam, to the use of James Bancroft, son of the said Nicholas, and his heirs ; reserving the occupation of the premises for term of life of the said Nicholas — excepting one messuage, &c, lying on the west side of a lane leading between a parcel of the Queen's waste in Ightenhill called Thornyl More and a certain water called Cowdene Brooke — ¦ and reserving the right of inheritance of Issabell Bancroft, one of the daughters of the said Nicholas, by the forbid of William Yngham of Brunley Wod. Fine, 2 5.?. Afterwards came the said James Bancroft and surrendered a messuage, other buildings, &c, and 6 acres of land lying in Ightenhill, in the holding of Henry Bancroft, to the use of Richard Bancroft for term of his life, paying yearly the Queen's rent and 205-. yearly to the said James. Fine, 2s. John Parker, gent., came and surrendered a messuage, other buildings, and 2 acres of land in Brerecliff, now in the occupation of William Smyth, senior, and his assigns, to the use of the said William Smyth and his heirs. Fine, Sd. John Whebster, by the Greave, came and surrendered a parcel of land containing by estimation i\ acres of land lying in a certain close within the town of Padyham called Yarykar, to the use of Thomas Whyttiker of Symonstone and Nicholas Whittiker, for term of 22 years, as declared in certain indentures made between the said John Whebster of the one part and the said Thomas and Nicholas Whittiker of the other part, bearing date 30 January, 2 Elizabeth [1559-60]. Fine, 6d. Gilbert Fairbanke, clerk, at the request of John Townley, gent., and Mary his wife, came and surrendered a close of land called Shore Hei and Hollyn Greyve, containing by estimation 68 acres of land, &c, in Brunley, and now in the occupation of the said John Townley, esq., to the use of the said Mary, wife of the said John Townley, esq., and their heirs. Fine, 22.J. Sd. 302 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Henry Barcroft, a tenant of the New as well as of the Old Hold, came and surrendered two closes of land lying in the Fence in the Forest of Penhull, late in the holding of Barnard Herteley ; and a house and a garden lying in the said Fence, late in the same holding ; which the said Barnerd Herteley delivered to him, to the use of Roger, son of John Nowell, late of Newe Lawnde in Pendnill, and his assigns, from the Feast of St. Martin in Winter last past for term of 24 years. Fine, 2s* Richard Marschall, by Ellis Robynson, a tenant, came and surrendered a close of land called Dubcar, lying in Padyham, containing 5 acres of land, &c, now in the occu pation of Henry Byrtwissill, to the use of Edmund Starkye, gent., and John Marschall, and their heirs, to be feoffees fined and seised to the uses following. Fine, 2od. Intent. — To the use of Nicholas Hancocke of Lower Heigham, gentleman, and his heirs for ever ; unless the said Richard Mar schall, his heirs or assigns, pay ,£20 to the said Nicholas, his heirs or assigns, at the Feast of the Purification, 1558-9, or within 12 years after. John Parker, gent, complains of Hugh Whyteheade of Little Marsedene, in a plea of trespass for wrongfully occupying a messuage, 13 acres 1 rood of land in Little Marsedene, and detinue of profits. The jury say that the defendant lawfully occupies the premises by the demise of Issabell Nutter of Extwissill, made for the term of her life. Issabell Nutter of Extwyssill, widow or relict of Chris topher Nutter, late of the same place, deceased, by Nicholas Hergreves of Edge-ende, a tenant, came and surrendered a messuage, other buildings, 13 acres 1 rood of land lying in Little Marsedene, late in the occupation of Issabell Estwod, now deceased, and now in the holding of Hugh Whytehead, to the use of the said Hugh Whyteheade and his assigns for term of the life of the said Issabell. John Parker of Extwissill forbad fine — as he said — because the surrender was not according to the custom of the manor. Fine, 4s. 4d. The jury present that William Boith of Okyneives (41I) keeps 4 cattle and a horse — belonging to some one living in Yorkshire whose name is unknown — depasturing upon Haberiam Eives common pasture. The jury also present that whereas the jury at the last Halmote laid a pain that a certain road across the Roole Hill, and so leading to Saxeffeld Common, should be made * In margin : This Fine in Penhull. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1559-60 303 open before this present Halmote, and the same is not yet laid open, the guardian of Edmund Townley, tenant of the said Roole Hill, shall forfeit the said 20s.* They also say that John Hogeson (2d) and George Stansffeld (2d) trespassed against Alexander Leaver in cutting "Hollyns" and thorns in the said Alexander's hedge called " the Ryng yard " for repair of the Queen's pound of Brunley. Thomas Willisell of Scolebanke, by the Greave, came and surrendered a messuage, other buildings, 42 1 acres | rood of land called Scolebanke and Parrockes, &c, in Padyham and Ightenhill, to the use of William Barcroft of Redyhalus, Robert Barcroft, Richard Marschall, Miles Clayton, George Grenehalgh, Richard Halyday, and their heirs to be feoffees, &c, to the following uses : t Intent. — The feoffees to be fined, &c, of and in one howse called Newe howse, one other howse called Newe barne, and 20 acres of land parcel of the premises, to the use of Johanne Becansall, one of the daughters of the late Nycolas Becansall, late of Cutone (Cuntone), deceased, for term of her life in the name of her dower, in considera tion of a weddyng hereafter to be solempnyzed betwix Yngaram Wyllisell off the Scolebanke and the said Johane, and in considera tion of her filia.ll portion descended to her after the death of her father or by the gift of Annes Adlyngton her grandmother, now departed ; and after the decease of the said Johanne Becansall to the use of the said Yngaram Willisell and his heirs ; and for default of such issue to the use of Rycherd Wylisell of Scolebanke, brother to the said Yngaram, and to his heirs ; and for default of such issue to Charles Wyllisell of Scolebanke, brother to the said Yngaram, and his heirs ; and for default of such issue to the use of Thomas Wyl- lysell ofthe Scolebanke the younger, and his heirs ; and in default of such issue to the right heirs of the said Thomas Wyllysell the elder, for ever. And as to the remaining moiety or residue of the messuage and 42^ acres £ rood of land to the use of the said Thomas Wyllisell the elder for term of his life, and after his decease to the use of the said Yngaram and his heirs ; remainder to Richard Wyllisell and his heirs, remainder to Charles Wyllysell and his heirs, remainder to Thomas Wyllysell the younger and his heirs, remainder to the right heirs of the said Thomas Wyllisell the elder for ever. Provided that after the death of the said Thomas Wyllisell the elder, the feoffees shall be seised of a messuage, one barn, 1 2 acres of land (parcel of the residue of the premises) to the use of Anne, syster of the said Rycherd, during the term of her life ; and if the said Thomas the elder outlive the said Anne, then to the use of " any woman or women as the said Thomas Wyllisell may happyn to espowse," for the term of such wife's life, in the name of her joynture. Sum, yos. Total, 104*. y\d. * The fine seems to have been reduced to iar. ("m. xs."). f Carried over to next year. No fine. 304 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS lviil— Court IRoll, 2=3 3Eli3abetb, 1560*1. (No. 43. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Wednesday, viz. 25 September, 2 Elizabeth [1560]. Inquisition taken there by virtue of office. It was presented by inquisition that a messuage and other buildings, &c, in Goldshay (yearly rent, 8s. 4^.) have reverted to the Queen upon the death of Stephen Nutter, and that John Nutter is his son and heir, aged 17 years. No fine. The jury present that Nicholas Moore (4^.) and Richard Moore (4^.) obstructed a road between a gate hanging in a pasture belonging to William Hergreves of Heigham and another gate called " the Fence yate." Thomas Rilay v. Richard Crokes, open fences in the Laigher Close in the Fence. H. Banester, gent, plaintiff concerning diversion of watercourse at water meetings in Lower Barrowefforth. William and James Herteley com plain against John Mytton for obstructing a road in Roigh- leigh in a place called Leches, leading by the eastern side of Pers crofte and so to the Wolffay banke ; concord made. Sum, 6s. HALMOTE held at Heigham on Friday, 9 May, 3 Elizabeth [1561]. Inquisition taken there by virtue of office. John Robynson of Olde Lawnde, by the steward, came and surrendered a messuage, a barn, two gardens, a croft, a meadow called le Oilers, a house built thereon, and I acre of land on the south side of the said meadow, a close called Blackwod and a house there (yearly rent, 4s. 8d), in the occupation of Robert Robynson and his assigns, to the use of James Bancroft of Ightenhill, James son of Nicholas Robynson of Thorneholme, John Robynson of Goldshay, and Ellis son of Edmund Robynson of Goldshay, and their heirs to be feoffees to the uses expressed in certain inden tures of covenant made between the said John Robynson of Olde Lawnde and the said Robert Robynson, bearing date 6 April, 3 Elizabeth [1561]. Fine, 4s. 8d. It is presented by inquisition taken there for the Queen that a messuage, other buildings, &c, in Goldshay Boith, the Fence, and the Craghes (yearly rent, 34.?. 6d), have MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1 560-1 305 reverted to the Queen upon the death of Edmund Robyn son, and that John Robynson is his son and heir and of full age. Fine, 34s. 6d. It is also presented in like manner that a messuage, other buildings, &c, in Heigham (yearly rent, 23^. 4J.), have reverted to the Queen upon the death of Christopher Moore, and that Hugh Moore is his son and heir and of full age. Dower in one fourth part of the premises re- , served to Lucy, relict of the said Christopher Moore. Edmund Starkie, gent., and Henry Rilay forbad fine, for a parcel of Sabdene Banke, by right of their inheritance; surety found. Fine, 23s. 4^. Nicholas Robynson of Roighlee, junior, a tenant, came and surrendered a messuage, other buildings, &c, in Roighlee (yearly rent, 22s. 2\d), which James Herteley, lately deceased, delivered to him to the use of William Herteley his uncle, from the last day of April last past for a term of 9 years, according to the last will of the said James Herteley. Fine, 22s. 2\d. And afterwards it was presented by inquisition, &c, that the said James Herteley died seised of the reversion of the said messuage and premises after 9 years' term, and that Henry Herteley is his brother and next heir, aged 1 1 years and more, and that Barnerd Herteley is his uncle and guardian. Fine, 22s. 2\d. Memorandum that at the Halmote held at Heigham on Wednesday, viz. 25 Sept., 2 Elizabeth [1560], it was "pre sented by inquisition, &c, that Stephen Nutter died seised of a messuage, other buildings, &c, in Goldshay (yearly rent, Ss. 4^.), and that John Nutter is his son and heir, aged 17 years, and that Roger Herteley of Trawdene is his guardian ; and at this present Halmote Lawrence Steue- son, a tenant, came and surrendered a- fourth part of the said premises which the said Stephen delivered to him, to the use of Robert Nutter, brother of the said Stephen Nutter, and his assigns for term of his life. John Nutter, father of the said Robert, forbad fine, for himself and Eliza beth his wife for her dower and for occupation of the premises for term of his life ; and one Edward Nutter like wise forbad, for his inheritance. A reasonable dower was reserved to Margaret, relict of the said Stephen. Fine, 2s. id. The said John Nutter, son of Stephen, was admitted to the other three fourths and also to the reversion of the above fourth part of the premises and found sureties to reply to the above recited forbids. Fine, Ss. 4^. VOL. 11. U 306 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Edmund Steueson, by James Hergreves, a tenant, came and surrendered a messuage, other buildings, and a parcel of land in the Fence, in the occupation of John Whytehead, to the use of William, brother of the said Edmund Steueson, for term of his life, according to the following intent. A reasonable dower was reserved to Elizabeth, wife of the said Edmund. Fine, 2s. Intent. — To the use of William Steueson for life, paying yearly to the said Edmund his heirs and assigns 6s. 8d. Bernard Walton and Helela his wife, complainants in a plea of debt. John Hargreves of Heigham complained against Nicholas and Richard Moore for diverting a watercourse at Cocke- bullyons in Heigham pasture at the head of the said pasture. The jury order the watercourse to be made to run by the dyke between Richard Moore's land on the north and the said Nicholas's land on the west, down to the Cockebullyons, and so down to a "merle pytte" in the said Nicholas Moore's close. That the defendants so ob structed their dykes that the water had made its course into one of John Hergreves' fields. The jury present that William and Edmund Steueson are elected Greave of Penhull Forest. John Smyth of Ouerbarowefforthe, yoman, son and heir of Nicholas Smyth, deceased, sought to recover against Christopher Robynson of the same place, yoman, and Chris topher son and heir of the said Christopher Robynson, senior, a parcel of land containing 12 acres of pasture land in Blackowe, whereof the said defendants had disseised him. The complainant brought his suit and made protest to conduct his plaint in the nature of our Lady the Queen's writ "de ingressu in le post." He says that the de fendants have no entry into the premises except by John Smyth, grandfather of the complainant, and Alice his wife, who at the time of the entry of the said defendants had no estate in the premises except at the will of the said Nicholas Smyth. That the said John. Smyth being seised of the premises in his demesne as of fee according to the custom of the manor, in right of Alice his wife, on 1 7 Jan., 28 Henry VIII. [1536—7], levied a fine to the use of the said Nicholas Smyth and his heirs, and the said Nicholas was seised, &c, until his deforcement by the defendants. The jury give a direct verdict for the complainant. John Smyth (4^.) withdrew his plea against Henry MANOR. OF IGHTENHILL, 1 560-1 307 Herteley and Marjory his wife, William Herteley and Agnes his wife, in a plea of detinue of a messuage, &c, in Nether Roighlee (yearly rent, lis. i\d). James Mytton of Barowfforth, by Henry Banester, gent., a tenant, came and surrendered the moiety of a messuage, other buildings, crofts, and gardens in Barowforth, the moiety of the said James Mytton's part of all lands and tenements in Barowfforth which are called Peive, all that parcel of the said James Mytton's called "the Lawnde" and the parcel called " the Town pasture," the third part of the said James Mytton's land, lying in a pasture called Owte Blackowe, and as much of his land called " Rydge ende " adjoining the " laith stiddes " as will with the other premises amount to the full moiety * of all his lands lying between the higher part of Rydge ende and the lower part ofthe Lawnde, and beyond to the measure of half, an acre, viz. beyond the measure of the moiety of the lands and tenements of the said James, lying between the said two meres; and also a close called the Holme (yearly rent, Ss. yd) to the use of Robert son and heir apparent of Henry Banester aforesaid, Christopher Nutter of Newe- lawnde, Lawrence son of Christopher Herteley of Lower Barofforth, and Robert Bulcocke of Whythalghe, and their heirs, to be feoffees to the uses following, reserving dower in one fourth part of the said premises to Elizabeth, wife of the said James Mytton. Fine, 5-y. yd. Intent. — That part of the said premises, being in the occupation of Barnerd Herteley off the Lawnde, is to be to the use of the said Bernard and Johane his wife for term of their lives and of the longer liver's and to their heirs, and for default of such issue to James Mytton for life, remainder to Henry Mytton of Colne and his heirs for ever. The moiety of the said messuage, buildings, gardens, and crofts and the residue of all the lands, to be to the use of the said James Mytton for life, remainder to the use of the said Barnerd and Johane his wife and their heirs, and in default of issue to the said Henry Mytton of Colne and his heirs. Power granted to make a partition hereafter of the said lands and tenements. Sum, £6, ys. 3d. Total, £6, 1 3s. 3d. * This moiety is in the occupation of the said James Mytton. 308 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS HALMOTE held at Brunley on Thursday, viz. 26 Septem ber, 3 [2] Elizabeth [1560]. Inquisition taken there by virtue of office. The jury * say that the owners of lands in Padyham late belonging to Blakeburne Chantry now dissolved, or the maintenance of a school there, and to Richard Marschall for the moiety of one oxgang of land in the western part of Padyham, are elected Greave of Ightenhill. James Lee is constable of Brunley, and John Whittiker of Cowedene constable of Haberiam Eivez. Ightenhill Greaveship. — John Parker of Extwyssyll, gent., and Issabell his wife, in consideration of a sum of money to him paid by Henry Parker, one of the sons of Hugh Parker, late of Browne Brynke, deceased, surren dered a messuage and tenement, &c, in Little Marsedene (containing 13 acres 1 rood) now or late in the occupation of Hugh Whithead and the reversion of the same after the death of Issabell, relict of Christopher Nutter, late of Extwissill, deceased, to the use of the said Henry Nutter and his assigns according to the uses following. Fine, 4s. sd. Intent. — To the use ofthe said Henry Parker and his assigns from the day of the death of the said Issabell Nutter, widow, for term of " Fawrtie yerez," paying yearly 22s., " one day mawyng and tto daiez sheryng For bownez and seruyce to the said John Parker and Issabell his wyff" and their heirs. Afterwards the said John Parker surrendered the said premises after the reversion and term of years above stated, to the use of William Barcroft of Barcroft, Robert Barcroft his son, Richard Tatersall of Brereclyff, and Edmund Tatersall his son, and their heirs, to be feoffees to the uses following. Gyles Haydock, for Johane Parker, daughter of Robert Parker, deceased, forbad fine, for the right of inheritance of the said Johane. Fine, 4.?. 5^. Intent. — To the use of the said John Parker and Issabell his wife and the survivor of them two, and after the decease of the survivor to the uses to be declared in the last will ofthe said John Parker. Robert Barcroft and Peter Ormerod, at the request of Oliver Halsted of Rooillay, came and surrendered a mes suage, other buildings, 8 acres of land in Brunley Wod, in the holding of William Eiglot, to the use of the said William Eiglot and Christabell his wife for term of their lives and * Richard Aicroyde a juror. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1 560-1 309 ofthe longer liver's, according to the following intent. Fine, 2s. Sd. Intent — To the use abovesaid under the yearly rent of 14.?., pro vided always that if any wife of John Bancroft hereafter happen to recover any part of the premises as parcel of her dower one fourth part of such rent of 14.C to cease during the enjoyment of such dower. This fine to be cancelled by the remarriage of the said Christabell if she survive her husband and remarry. Robert Glover and John Wodroff and George Smyth at the request of the said Robert by Richard Aycroid and Christopher Smyth, tenants, surrendered a messuage, other buildings, &c, in Brereclyff, in the occupation of John Hanson and late in the occupation of his wife Margaret, who was the relict of Brian Glover (containing 10^ acres \ rood of land), to the use of Barnerd Townley of Hyrstwod, Richard Tatersall of Brereclyff, John Robynson of Olde Lawnde, and their heirs, to be feoffees to the uses ex pressed in certain indentures of lease made between the said Robert Glover and the said John Hanson and Mar garet his wife, bearing date 23 July, 2 Elizabeth [1560]. Fine, 3s. 6\d. John Robynson of Olde Lawnde, Nicholas Hergreves of Edge Ende, Lawrence Wylson and John Hargreves of Lomyshay, at the request of John Kepas of Little Marse dene, came and surrendered two messuages, other build ings, &c, 46 acres of land, in Little Marsedene, in the occupation of the said John Kepas, to the use of the said John Kepas and his heirs and assigns. Fine, iss. 4d. John Parker, gent., Symon Haydock, gent, William Yngham, and Richard Tatersall, senior, at the request of Robert Yngham of Fullege, came and surrendered a mes suage, a garden, a barn, and a parcel of land called " the Folde," in Brunley, in the holding of John Whittiker ; and also 1 5 acres of land in Brunley in the occupation of the said Robert Yngham and John Whyttyker, to the use of John son of Oliver Halsted, John Wodroff, junior, Robert son of Nicholas Whittiker, and Richard son of John Kepas, and their heirs, to be feoffees to the uses expressed in certain indentures of covenant made between Peter Ormerod of Ormerod of the one part and the said Robert Yngham of the other part, bearing date 6 Oct., 1 Elizabeth tJS59]i as hereafter followeth. Fine, 5s. Intent.— To the uses of the said indenture, provided that if the above-named William Yngham and Richard Tatersall or their 310 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS executors, &c, " be impleded, molested, or putte to charge by reason off one annual rent of sixtene shillynges to be yereley payd to Alyce wyff to one Henry Rayynffor and doughter to the late Jamys Ban croft, late off Ightenhill, now departed, or to hir asseignez For terme off hyr lyff," for which they as sureties of John Yngham father to the said Robert " or other his awncestors did seale one obligacion or escripte obligatorie," and yet stand bound by the same to the said Alyce, that then the said feoffees shall stand fined, &c, of and in one close called Broodeyate Feild, parcel of the said 15 acres, to the use of the said Richard Tattersall, William Yngham, their executors, &c, until they shall have received therefrom such sums as will recompense them for their charges sustained by reason of the said obligation. Robert Towne, by the Greave, came and surrendered a messuage, 25 \ acres I rood of land in Brunley to the use of John Hyrstwod, junior, Richard Yngham of Brunleywod, John Whytquam of Worstorne, and William son of John Yngham of Hirstwod, junior, and their heirs, to be feof fees to the use of the last will of the said Robert Towne. Fine, Ss. yd. Sum, 55^. y\d. HALMOTE held at Brunley on Friday, viz., 16 May, 3 Elizabeth [1561]. Inquisition taken there by virtue of office.* John Robynson of Goldshay, by the Steward, came and surrendered three parts of a messuage and other buildings whereof he was then seised, lying in Padyham (containing 1 8 acres of land), and three parts of a penny rent in Sabden Banke, to the use of Thomas brother of the said John for term of his life, according to the following uses. Fine, 4s. 6d. Intent. — To the use of the said Thomas Robynson as abovesaid, paying yearly id. to the said John Robynson. Richard Boith of Okyneivez came and surrendered a messuage, 2 acres of land, &c, in Haberiam Eives, and the reversion of the same after the Feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross 1 564, to the use of Henry Hauworth, John Whyttiker of Myckillhirst, Richard Pollard, and Richard Aytehalgh to be feoffees to the following uses. Fine, Sd. Intent. — To the use of Alexander Rilay and his assigns until the feast day and year above mentioned, paying yearly to the said Richard Boith ios. ; and afterwards to the use of the said Richard Boith and Elizabeth his wife and the longer liver and their heirs; remainder to the right heirs ofthe said Richard Boith. * Richard Aycroyde a juror. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1561-2 311 William Smyth of Pyghehole, by Richard Ayicroid and Christopher Smyth, tenants, came and surrendered a mes suage, other buildings, 2 acres of land, &c, in Brereclyff, to the use of John Aicroyde, son of the said Richard Ayicroid, and John son of the said Christopher Smyth, and their heirs, to be feoffees to the uses to be expressed hereafter in the last will of the said William Smyth. Fine, 8^. Nicholas Hancocke of Lower Heigham, gent., and Richard Wodroff of Brunley, at the special request of Nicholas Hauworth of Blackeburne, surrendered two mes suages, other buildings, 19 acres of land in Brunley, in the occupation of William and Edward Clayton, to the use of John Wodroff of Brunley his heirs and assigns. Fine, 6s. 4d. Sureties found that the said John Wodroff should pay all the costs and charges of the said surrender. Robert Whyttiker of Myckyllhirst plaintiff against Law rence Haberiam, gent., in a plea of trespass, for obstruction of the customary road through complainant's land leading between Myckylhirst and Brunley Mill. The defendant denied complainant's right to any such road. Complainant withdrew his plea. Many persons were amerced for having their cattle upon the common pasture called Marsedene Edge. George Rilay forfeited a penalty of 3-r. 4d. for making his dunghill upon the highway in Brunley. Sum, 23.J. 3d. Total, 76s. 10^. Lix.-court iRoll, 3=4 Elijabetb, 1561*2. (No. 44. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Thursday, viz., 6 November, 3 Elizabeth [1561]. Inquisition taken there. The jury present that James Robynson is elected Greave of Penhull. John Hergrevez of Roigh Leigh, William Smyth of the same, and Nicholas Robynson, senior, of the same, at the request of Miles Nutter of Roigh Leigh, Elizabeth his wife, and Richard Nutter, son of the said Miles ; and also the said Richard Nutter, by Richard Bybbie and Christopher Smyth, tenants, surrendered half a messuage, other build ings, &c, in Roigh Leigh (yearly rent, 22s. 2\d), to the use of John son of the said William Smyth, John son of 312 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS William Smyth of Pighole, James and John sons of Giles Whyttiker of Huncote, and their heirs, to be feoffees to the uses following. The right of John Nutter reserved. Fine, us. l\d. Intent. — To the use of Miles Nutter and Elizabeth his wife and the longer liver, and afterwards as to a fourth part "to thuse off Alyce Nutter nowe wyff to Rycherd Nutter named in the said Fyne " for life, in the name of her dower ; remainder to the said Richard and his heirs ; and as to the other three parts to the use of the said Richard and his heirs, after the death of his said parents. Memorandum that at the Halmote held on Friday, viz., 9 May, 3 Elizabeth [1561], Roger Ballard, by the Greave, surrendered a messuage, &c, in Barelay Boith (yearly rent, 13s. 4d), to the use of Ingaram Ballard, son of the said Roger, and his heirs, to the intent following. The right of James Ballerd in one half of the premises was reserved for his life, and occupation of part of the premises reserved to John Mankynholes, in right of his wife Alice, for life. Fine, 1 3s. 4^. * Intent. — To the use of an intail ; viz., to the father for life, then to son and his heirs ; in default to fathers right heirs. John Herteley of Admargyll surrendered a parcel of land in and upon Blackowe (yearly rent, 4s. 8d), to the use of Hugh Wylkynson, Jenet his wife, and Elizabeth his daughter, and the survivor, to the use following. Fine, 14s. Sd. (Sd. erased). Intent. — To the use of the surrenderees and the longer liver, pay ing Queen's rent and paying 14J. to the said John Herteley, his heirs and assigns, and " one day shearyng, one day off Turves drawyng, and one day off makyng hay." Total, 39*. s\d. HALMOTE held at Heigham, on Saturday, viz., the last (sic) day of May, 4 Elizabeth [1562]. Inquisition taken there. Roger Harteley of Wykeoller, son of John Harteley of the same, and James son of John Hargrevez of Barrofforth, by a co-tenant, and at the request of James Herteley of Blackowe and Katherine his wife, Henry Herteley of the same and Jenet his wife, and Issabell his daughter, sur rendered a messuage, &c, in Over Barofforth (yearly rent, Ss), in the occupation oF James Dryver, to the use of the said James Dryver and his assigns, from the last day of MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1 561-2 313 January last past for term of 20 years. Paying yearly Queen's rent and 21s. Sd. yearly to the said James and Katheryn Harteley and their heirs. Fine, 5*. John Hergrevez of Baroforth, senior, by Lawrence Towneley, gent., deputy steward, surrendered the third part of two messuages, &c, in Barofforth (yearly rent, us. Sd), in the several holding of the said John Hergreves and Henry his son, to the use of James son of John Hergreves and Hugh son of Richard Moore of the Fence, and their heirs, to the uses following. Fine, 3J. iof^. Intent. — To the use of John Hergreves, senior, and Alice his wife and the survivor, and after to the use of Robert his son for life, he paying to Henry Hergreves, his brother, and his heirs 2s. yearly. Remainder to the said Henry Hergreves and his heirs. John Cronkeshey of Hunter Holme, by John Hergreves of Heigham, sen., a tenant, surrendered a parcel of land lying in the Fence (yearly rent, 3*. 4d) to the use of Leonard, son and heir apparent of the said John Cronke shey, and his heirs, saving the rights of Jamys Foldes and one John Eestwod, deceased, by virtue of a demise heretofore made. Fine, 3*. 4d. Christopher Herteley of Barofforth, junior, and Jenet his wife, by the Greave, came and surrendered certain lands and tenements, &c, in and upon Blaccowe hyll with a house there (yearly rent, 45-.), containing IO acres, to the use of Henry Herteley of Blackowe and his heirs, upon his purchase of the same. Fine, 4s. James Hygson and Ellen his wife, by a tenant, sur rendered and released to the use of John Robynson of Whytlay Hayboith and his heirs all their right and title of and in a messuage, &c, in Whitlay Hayboith (yearly rent, 4^.). Fine, 4^. The jury say that William Wallshey shall permit Robert and George Cronkeshay to have a Foote way (semita usualis) through and over his land from the house of the said Robert to the Whittiker Foote. Three persons amerced for fishing with " a wade " (reticulo). Sum, 23s. 6\d. Total, 63J. HALMOTE held at Brunley on Friday, viz., 7 November, 3 Elizabeth [1561]. Inquisition taken there. The jury present that Edward Cockeshote, aged one 314 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS year, is the son and heir of Roger Cockeshote, deceased, to a messuage and iy\ acres of land in Horgreaveheigh in the east end of Padyham, in the several holding of John Heigh and John Brandwod; and that Henry Estham is his guardian. Nicholas Whittiker of Meareley, in consideration of a sum of money, surrendered and released the half of a parcel of land in Padyham called Yarrake, containing i\ acres of land, to his brother Thomas Whittiker and his assigns for ever. Fine for enrolment, 3d. William Halsted of Bankehowse and Margaret his wife, by the Deputy Steward, surrendered a messuage and 4 acres of land in Brunley Wod, to the use of Richard Mychyll of Brunley and Jenet his wife and the survivor, according to the uses following. Fine, 2s. Sd. Intent. — To the use of the said Richard and Jenet and the sur vivor, paying yearly Queen's rent, and 20s. to the said William Halsted and to the heirs of Margaret his wife. John Hyckson, jun., at the request of Richard Hyckson, his father, came and surrendered a messuage and S\ acres of land in Ightenhill and Haberiam Eives, now in the occupa tion of Richard Lee, to the use of George Hyckson and John Hyckson, senior, from the decease of the said Richard for a term of 20 years ; reserving occupation of the said premises to Gilbert Fairbanke, priest, for term of his life, and reserving to Richard Lee and Ellen his wife for term of their lives and the longer liver's, occupation of the premises, paying yearly after the decease of the said Gilbert Fairebanke to the said Richard and John Hyck son, jun., his heirs and assigns, or to his said uncles. . . . Fine, 22d. Henry Banester of Parke Hyll, gent., by a tenant, sur rendered a messuage, &c, 10J acres of land in Little Marse dene, now in the occupation of Nicholas Hargreves of Whyteffeild, to the use of Barnerd son of Barnerd Parker of Allkyncotes, John Hergreves of Lomeyschay, John Her greves of Greneffeild, and John son oF John Hergreves of Roigh Lee alias Jacke, and their heirs, to be feoffees to the uses following. Fine, 3s. 6d. Intent. — To the use of Nicholas Hergreves of the Whyte ffeild and his assigns from the 24 March next to come for term of 1 9 years, paying yearly to the said Henry Banester and his heirs 20J. ; " and that the said Nycolas Hergreves MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1 561-2 315 off the Whyteffeild and his assignes shall use them sellfes anendes the said Henry Banester and his heires duryng the said terme as shalbe semyng For such a tenant to do." Barnerd Townley, Richard Tatersall, and John Robyn son of Old Lawnde, at the request of Robert Gloover and John Hanson, came and surrendered a parcel of land in BrereclyfF, containing in length 9 rods and in width 12 feet, late in the holding of the wife of the said John Hanson and now of the said Richard Tatersall, to the use of John Wodroff and Richard Aycroid and their heirs, as feoffees to the uses following. Fine one farthing. Intent— -To the use of the said Richard Tatersall and his assigns from the Feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross next to come for term of 29 years, paying yearly to Robert Glover and his heirs l2d. yearly. Usual reversion to Robert Glover. Total, Ss. 3\d- HALMOTE held at Brunley on Wednesday, viz., 3 June, 4 Elizabeth [1562]. Inquisition taken there. The jury* say that Thomas Knaysburghe, a tenant of this manor, has died without issue, and that Edward Knays burghe is his brother and next heir to a messuage 3y\ acres of land and the appurtenance, called Rose Greave, in Haberiam Eives, and that he is of full age. The occupa tion of the premises for a term of years created by a former surrender of Thomas Knaysburgh is reserved to Robert Shakilton. Fine, I2.r. 6d. It is presented by inquisition that a messuage and 9 acres of land in Padyham and a halfpenny rent in Sabden Banke have reverted to the Queen upon the death of Henry Hoighton, and that John Hoighton is his son and heir and of full age. Fine, 3*. o\d. The jury also present that a messuage, other buildings, 13 acres of land with appurtenances in Haberiam Eives have reverted to the Queen upon the death of Henry Boith, and that Thomas Boith is his son and heir and of full age. Fine, 4*. 4^. Nicholas Halsted by Edmund Starkie, a tenant, surren dered half a messuage, &c, and half of 1 8 acres of oxgang land in the west end of Padyham, in the occupation of Chris topher Dogeson, to the use of the said Christopher Dogeson * Richard Aycroid and William Smyth de Hyll among the jurors. 316 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS and Anne his wife for term of their lives and the longer liver's, according to the uses following. Fine, 6s. Intent. — To the use above named, the said Christopher paying yearly 7j. to the said Nycolas Halsted and his heirs. John Parker of Extwissill and Henry Rilay of the Grene, gent, John Wodroff of Brunley and Richard Haliday of Heigh Howses, by the Greave and at the request of Richard Marschall of Wakeffeld in co. York, gent., son and heir of Thomas Marshall, late of Padyham, deceased, in con sideration of ^35, 13s. 4d. surrendered a close of land called Myddill Feild in Padyham, containing 5 acres of land with the appurtenances, now in the occupation of Elizabeth Marschall, relict of the said Thomas Marschall, to the use of Nicholas Hancocke of Laigher Heigham in co. Lane, gent., and his heirs for and in satisfaction of the sum of ^35, 13s. 4d. Fine, 2od. The above-named John Parker and others, being feoffees to the use of Richard Marschall of Wakeffeld afforesaid and by his request and in consideration of a sum of money surrendered all that parcel of land lying in a close of land in the west end of Padyham town, called the Old Heigh, containing 3 acres with the appurtenances, to the use of Nicholas Robert of Symonstone and his assigns from the Feast of the Purification last past for term of 20 years. Fine, I2d. The above-named John Parker and others, at the request of the said Richard Marschall, surrendered a messuage, a toft, a croft, two gardens, and 6 acres of land called Towne- wall Banke, lying in the eastern end of Padyham town, and a penny rent in Sabdene Banke ; a messuage, &c, 7 acres of land lying in the western end of Padyham town, and the reversion of the parcel of land called the Old Heigh, con taining 3 acres of land, after the term before recited, and a halfpenny rent in Sabdene Banke, to the use of the said Richard Marschall and his heirs. Fine, 55-. Sid. John Ewod by John Wfodroff, a tenant, surrendered the fourth part of a messuage and 19^- acres of land called Hol lyngreave with the appurtenances in Brereclyff, with all the right, title, &c, to the use of Robert Sherpe and his assigns. The right of George Smyth, senior, is reserved. The term was from 20 March last past for term of 10 years, but the intent does not appear. Fine, 19-^. Alexander Ryscheworth, Henry Banester, gent, and Hugh Clayton, by the Deputy Steward, at the request of MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1 561-2 317 Lawrence Whyttiker of Heigh Whyttiker, surrendered two messuages and 30 acres of land called North Wod in Pady ham and a penny and a halfpenny rent in Sabdene Banke, to the use of the said Lawrence Whyttiker and his heirs. Richard Marschall for himself and all other tenants having any right in Sabden Banke forbad fine, for the said lid. rent in Sabden Banke, and William Halsted of Bankehowse was found surety to reply to them. Fine, 10s. lid. After wards the said Lawrence surrendered the said two mes suages called North Wod to the use of Robert Banester, Thomas Ryscheworth, Edmund Starkye, and John Han cocke, gentlemen, to be feoffees to the uses following. Forbid as before. Fine, ios. lid. Intent. — To the use of the said Lawrence Whittiker of Heigh Whittiker and Jenet his wife and the longer liver, and after to the use of Henry son and heir apparent of the said Lawrence Whittiker and his heirs ; remainder to the use of the right heirs of the said Lawrence. Memorandum that at the Halmote held at Brunley on Friday, viz., 16 May, 3 Elizabeth [1561], Roger Cockeshotte, by the Deputy Steward, and in consideration of a sum of money, surrendered a close of land in Padyham called Newe Parrocke alias Cockeshote Parrocke, containing 2 acres, now in the occupation of Hugh Shotilworth, to the use of the said Hugh Shotilworth of Gawethroppe and his heirs. Dower of the relict of the said Roger Cockeshote reserved. Fine, Sd. At the same Halmote last named Lawrence Brereclyff of Brereclyff, senior, and Peter Ormerod of Ormerod, at the request of the said Lawrence Brereclyff, surrendered a mes suage, other buildings, and 17 acres of land with appurten ances in Brereclyff, to the use of Robert son of the said Lawrence Brereclyff and his heirs. A reasonable dower reserved to Mary, wiFe of the said Lawrence Brereclyff. Fine, 5j. 8d. The jury present that George Smyth is elected constable of Brunley; Nicholas Herger constable of Haberiam Eivez. John Ormerod (12^.) alias Litill Howse and John Ormerod (i2d.) alias Loge respectively keep their dykes open between their lands and Brunley common pasture. Robert Jacson of Redyhalus (4^.), Ellis Nutter (4^.), the relict of Henry Nutter (4d), John Pullane (4^.), Thomas Tattersall (40?.), Giles Smyth (4^.), Richard Nutter (4^.), John Smyth (4^.), 318 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS and John Lonsdale (4^.) do dig turves (cespif) upon Saxeffeld common pasture. John Mychill, a son of Christopher Mychill late of Colne, by Richard Mychill of Brunley his attorney, and Lucy Mychill, relict of Christopher Mychill, complain against William Halsted of Bankehowse and Margaret his wife, Henry Banester of Parkehill, John Taillor of Cloigh, Richard Mychill of Colne, and Robert Herteley in a plea of land, viz., of two messuages, 2 gardens, and 2 enclosures of land containing 3% acres 1 rood of land, in Brunley Wod ; and they make protest to prosecute by writ de forma donacionis in le Remaynder, &c, in that Christopher Mychill being seised of the said premises surrendered the same to the use of the four last-named defendants to be feoffees to his own use for life, remainder to the use of the said Lucy and John Mychill and the heirs of the said John ; and that defendants did wrongfully deforce them of the same, &c. The de fendants deny and say that the said Margaret is seised of the premises to herself and her heirs by the Roll of this Court, &c. The jury give their verdict for the defendants, finding their allegation to be true. James Bancroft, Nicholas Herger, Oliver Halsted, and Miles Aspden, at the request of George Smyth late of Extwissill, otherwise Hollyngreave, John Smyth his son, and Thomas Foldes of Ightenhill, and . . . wife of the said George Smyth, and the said Smyth and ... his wife in consideration of .£23, 6s. 8d. paid by the said Thomas Foldes surrendered a messuage, &c, 6\ acres 1 rood of land in Haberiam Eivez in the occupation of Lawrence Parker, to the use of Robert Halsted of Cockedene, John son of William Halsted of Worstorne, Robert Yngham of Fullege, and Richard Wodroff and their heirs to be feoffees to the uses following. Fine, 2s. 3d. Intent. — To the use of the said Thomas Foldes, his heirs and assignez. Provided that if George Smyth and his heirs pay ^23, 6s. 8d. to the said Thomas Foldes, his heifs and assigns, " on the Fonte Stone in Brunley churche in the Feist day off the Purifi- cacion off our blessid ladie the Virgyn," a.d. 1565, "betwix the hawres off nene off the clocke afore noone and three off the clocke at after noone off the same Feist day," then after the term of years which the said Thomas Foldes had to him and his assigns, viz., after the feast of the Purification, 1578, the feoffees to be seised of the premises to the use of George Smyth and his heirs. John Hergreves of Lomyshay, John son and heir of John Halsted late of Wyndyll Howse, deceased, John Kepas of MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1 561-2 319 Little Marsedene, and John son of William Herteley, at the request of John Wylson of Sowthffeld and Lionel Lee, surrendered a messuage, 22| acres i\ rood of land called Claverhoole with appurtenances in Little Marsedene, to the use of Robert Lee of Croston, son and heir of Lawrence Lee late of Sowthffeld, deceased, and his heirs. Fine, ys. y\d. John Kepas of Little Marsedene surrendered a messuage, &c, 12 acres of land called Scoffeld with appurtenances in Little Marsedene, to the use of Robert Kepas, uncle of the said John, and his assigns from the day of the death of Elizabeth, mother of the said Robert for term of 2 1 years, paying Queen's rent and 33s. to the said John Kepas. Robert Pierson complained against William Halsted of Banke Howse in a plea of land, viz., of a messuage, an oxgang of land with the appurtenances in Brunley, and of 6 acres 2 roods of rood land in Brunley ; and makes protest to prosecute by writ de forma donacionis in le Remandre at the common law; and by reason that Ralph Pierson his grandfather was seised in his demesne as of fee of the said messuage, one oxgang, &c, and being so seised did on Saturday next before the Feast of the Conception, 16 Edward IV. [7 December, 1476], surrender the said mes suage and other premises to the use of himself the said Ralph Pierson for life, and after his decease to the use of Richard Pierson, son of William Pierson son of the said Ralph Pierson, and his heirs ; and in default of such issue to remain to one Richard Pierson, one of the sons of the said Ralph and his heirs, and for default of such issue to remain to Thomas Pierson, son of the said Ralph and father of the said Robert and his heirs : by virtue of which surrender or grant the said Ralph Pierson was seised of the messuage and other premises in the life of his father, viz., in the time of King Edward the Fourth, and after wards died at Brunley ; after whose death the said Richard son of Ralph entered upon the said premises and so was seised thereof in his demesne as of fee tail, viz., filius masculus de corpore suo legittime procreatus, per formam donacionis predictae. . And afterwards the said Richard died at Brunley without heirs male ; after whose death the said Thomas Pierson entered upon the said premises and so was seised, &c, and afterwards died at Brunley ; after whose death the said premises reverted to Robert Pierson the now complainant as it rightfully ought to descend to him and his heirs male, by reason that the said Richard son of William Pierson and the said Richard son of Ralph the 320 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS grantor died without heirs male.* Wherefore he has damage, &c, and brings his plea, &c. Therefore the Greave of this Manor is ordered to summon the said William Halsted to be at the Halmote held at Brunley on Wednesday, viz., 3 June, 4 Elizabeth [1562]. Whereat the Greave returned his warrant and the defendant ap peared and denied, &c, and produced in Court the tenor of a certain Roll as follows : — HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhull, held there on Wednesday next before the Feast of Pentecost, 19 Henry VII [1504], before Thomas Stanley, Earl of Derbe, Steward there. Elizabeth daughter and heir of Richard Pierson complains against Thomas Pierson in a plea of land, viz., of a messuage and 17% acres of land with the appurtenances in Brunley whereof he did wrongfully deforce her. Defendant denied and put himself upon an inquiry, &c. Jurors and verdict : Ightenhull — Richard Townley, Edmund Starky* Miles Whytacre, Lawrence Shotilworth, John Wodrdffe, Hugh Habryngham; Cohie — Nicholas Townley, John Hergreves de Grenefeld, Richard Walton, John Robynson de Old Lawnde, James Marsedene, John Talier ; Worston, Penhulton, and Chatburne — John Kyng, Richard Kendall, Nicholas Westby, Richard Mersden, William Tailior, John Dawson ; Acryngton — Oliver Bertwisill, William Kenian, Peter Ryeley, Richard Durden, Thomas Birtwisill, John Ryeley. " We Fynd that Thomas Pereson is not Right customet accordyng to our custome for cause thay made the Indenture after the death off Rauff Pierson a yere and moore — " We Fynd that no copyhold land can not be Taylet to the heires male, and [if] it so be it is contrarie to our customez — * The following is the pedigree, correcting Whitaker : — Rauff Pierson =... made an entail 16 Edw. IV. I William Pierson =... Richard Pierson first remainder man I . Thomas Pierson second remainder man Defendant, 19 Hen. VII. Richard Pierson heir tail of his grandfather Robert Pierson „ Complainant, 4 Eliz. Elizabeth Pereson Complainant,19 Hen. VII. William Halsted of Banke howse Defendant, 4 Eliz. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1562-3 321 "We Fynd that the said Thomas Pierson is Feoffe in the same land and For that cause he may not be right heire — " We Fynd that Thomas Pierson is Feoffe to the use off Elizabeth doightor off Rycherd Pierson and so Right heire to Rauff Pierson and Richard Pierson hir Fader." And hereupon the said William Halsted asked if the said Robert ought against the meaning of the roll to continue his action, for that according to the custom of the Manor when an action had been tried by a jury of 24 lawful men and their judgment given the parties and their heirs were for ever debarred from having such issue again tried ; and he asked for a verdict whether the said Robert ought to maintain his action against him. Wherefore a jury of 24 lawful men of the Old Hold were chosen, &c. ; who say as follows : We Fynd that the custome off the Manor of Ightenhill &c. ys that after any Issue be tryed and Found by the oith and veridit off xxiiij" lauffull menne off the said manor, that then the said Issue shall not be any moore tried or Inquyred upon Within the Courte off the said manor. Sum, £4, 13s. lid. Total, 102s. 2\d. lx.— court IRolI, 5 JEli3abetb, 1562*3. (No. 45. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Heigham on Tuesday, viz. 24 November, 5 Elizabeth [1562]. Inquisition taken there. The jury by virtue of office present that Richard Herteley is elected Greave of Penhull, Richard Croke and Robert Cronkeschay fence lookers in the West Close, James Hergreves and Richard Moore fence lookers in Goldschey Boith, John Hergreves and Richard Nutter fence lookers in Bareley Boith, John Herteley and Richard Herteley fence lookers in Roighlee, Nicholas Robynson, sen., and Richard Bibbie fence lookers in the Barofforth, Henry Banester and Barnerd Herteley fence lookers in the Newe Lawnd, Christopher Nutter fence looker in the Old Lawnd, and John Robynson in the Redyhalus. They also present that William Bulcocke, one of the Queen's tenants in Whitlay Hayboith, is dead, and that Richard Bulcocke is his son and next heir, being aged 10 years and more, and that Roger Cooke is his guardian. VOL. II. X 322 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Thomas Verley, a tenant, surrendered a messuage, &c, in Whitlay Hayboith (yearly rent, 13s. 4d), which William Bulcocke, deceased, delivered to him to the use of Richard, son and heir of the said William Bulcocke, and his heirs, according to the uses following. Dower reserved to Eliza beth Bulcocke, the relict. Fine, 1 3.?. 4^. Intent. — To the use of himself the said Richard Bulcocke, Elizabeth his mother, John and Agnes son and daughter of the said William, for term of 12 years next ensuing the date of this court ; remainder to the said Richard and his heirs. Provided that " yff the said Elizabeth be espowsed to any manne before the determynacion off the said twelve yeres" the said Richard, John, and Agnes may "Resceve, perceve, take and haue all the profects," &c, during the remainder of the term. Richard Wodroff, a tenant, surrendered certain lands, &c, in Redyhalus (yearly rent, 23^. 4^.), now in the occu pation of Henry Barcrofte of Redyhalus, gent., and called Saigher Place, with closes called Olyuer Ynge, Zandes Banke and the Holme, which Richard Tatersall, late of Ridge, Robert Whittiker of the Holme, and John Wodroff, senior, at the request of the said Henry Barcroft, delivered to him, to the use of Symon Haydocke, jun., Robert son of William Barcroft, Giles Haydocke, and John Wodroff, jun., and their heirs, to be feoffees to the uses following. Fine, 2 3 s. 4d. Intent. — To the use of " Issabell Barcroft nowe wyff to the said Henry Barcroft, one off the doighters off Symon Haydocke off the Hayzandfforth," for term of her life, in the name of her jointure and dower ; remainder to the use of Henry Barcroft and his heirs. Edmund Stevenson of Goldshey surrendered a house and a parcel of land in Goldshay, in the holding of William Whytehead, and sufficient turbary there for the house fire of the said William and his assigns to be used and burnt upon the said parcel of land (yearly rent, 6s. Sd), to the use of the said William Whyteheade and his assigns from 1 5 April next for term of 29 years. Fine, 6s. Sd. Lawrence Wylson complains against Christopher Robyn son of Over Barofforth, jun., in a plea of land, viz. of the detention of a parcel of land lying in the Crofte Banke above the house of John Smyth of Barofforth and another parcel in the Holme in Over Barofforth (yearly rent, 8^.), being his inheritance, and he claims £3 damages. The jury say: "We do Fynd that the sayd Laurence Wylson the com- plenant must haue one parcel off land callid the Banke and one other pareell off land lying in one close callid the MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1562-3 323 Holme, as they shalbe thoight in concience it was worth vii]d. by yere at the tyme off particion makyng off the landes off the said partiez, the which parcelle off landes 'the said diffendant doith wrongffully detene From the said complenant." The same Lawrence Wylson complained against John Hergreves, senior, of Barofforth, in a like plea, viz., of the detention of a parcel of land (yearly rent, S\d), being his inheritance, lying at Ryngstone Hill lying in Barofforth. He claimed £4 damages. The finding of the jury was in the same words as in the previous case ; as also in a third plea against John Hergreves, jun., concerning the deten tion of another parcel of land at Ryngstone Hill (yearly rent, S\d). William Nutter, by Alexander Darwyn his guardian, complains against Richard Nutter, Edward and John Nutter, John Hergreves alias Jacke, and Christopher Nutter, son of Robert Nutter, in a like plea, viz., of the detention of the moiety of a messuage, &c, in Goldshay (yearly rent, Ss.). The jury say: "We do Fynd that the said complenant must haue the one halffe off the landes late oF Richerd Nutter one of the said diffendantes accordyng to the copie of his Fyne and thyntent thereafter writtyn ; and that the particion or particions which theroff haith byn made wether it be off the hole or off parte to stond For good and be in effect." Elizabeth, relict of Anthony Nutter, complains against John Robynson of Old Lawnde, in a plea of dower, and says that she ought to have a fourth part of a parcel of land in the Fence (yearly rent, 5^. 4d), in the occupation of the said defendant and his assigns, in the name of her dower, which he doth wrongfully detain from her. The jury give their verdict for the defendant. Be it remembered that at the Halmote held on Thursday, viz. 6 November, 3 Elizabeth [1561], Ellen Crooke, widow, by the Greave, surrendered a messuage, &c, in Weste Close and the Fence (yearly rent, 42 s. 4\d) and all her right and title thereto, to the use of Richard Crooke, her son and his heirs, and to the uses following. Fine, 42s. 4\d. Intent. — To the use of the said Rycherd Crooke and his heirs, reserving one fourth part of the said premises to the said Hellyn Crooke in the name of her jointure and dower, and without prejudice to the interests of Nycolas Hancocke or his assigns, or to the said Hellyn or her assigns in any part of the premises, until the end of 20 years to be accom- 324 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS plished from the 23rd April which was in the 37th Henry VIII. [I545]- The interest or title of John Crooke, brother of the said Rycherd, in the premises or any part thereof to be ascertained at the next Halmote by xij homagers of the said Court or otherwise as might be agreed. Sum, £4, ys. o\d. HALMOTE held on Thursday, viz., 3 June, 5 Elizabeth [1563]- Inquisition taken there. Christopher Robynson of Over Barofforth, son of Law rence Robynson, deceased, a tenant, surrendered five messuages, &c. (yearly rent, 30s. yd), lying in the Over Barofforth, now in the several occupation of John Grene, Hugh Moore, Robert Dylworth, John Robert, John Her greves, and lately of James Herteley of Stone Edge, deceased ; which the said James Herteley delivered to him, to the use of Henry Banester of Parke Hyll, gent., Nicholas Mychyll of Colne, Henry Highyn of Sowthffeld, John Mytton of Roighleigh, and their heirs, to be feoffees to the uses following. Fine, 30s. yd. Intent. — As to the chief messuage, wherein the said James Herteley did dwell in the time of his life, and the moiety of the other mes suages and premises to the use of Mariarie (sic) Herteley, wedowe, late wife ofthe said James Herteley, in the name of her jointure and dower ; and after her decease to the use of Margaret Townley, now wife to Laurence Townley the younger of Barneside, and to the heirs of her body lawfully begotten ; and for default of such issue to the use of Laurence Haigh of Longlay and his heirs. And as to the other moiety of the other messuages and premises, to the use of the said Margaret Townley and her heirs with the like remainder over. Afterwards the said feoffees, at the request of the said Lawrence Haigh of Longlay, and the said Lawrence in his own person, in consideration of a sum of money to him paid by Lawrence Townley of Barnside, jun., surren dered the above-mentioned premises in Over Barofforth and all their right and title therein, to the use of Robert son of the said Henry Banester, William son x>t John Mytton, Lawrence Highyn, and Christopher Smyth and their heirs, to be feoffees to the uses as before expressed, excepting the remainder, which is to the right heirs of Lawrence Towneley instead of to Lawrence Haigh and his heirs. Fine, 30^. yd. Edmund Robynson of Goldshay Boith, at the request of Christopher Robynson of Roighleigh, Nicholas his son and MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1562-3 325 Jenet his wife, surrendered a messuage, &c, in Roighleigh (yearly rent, i6j. Sd), to the use of the said Nicholas Robynson and his heirs, and to the uses following. Fine, 16s. Sd. Intent— To the use of the said Nicholas Robynson and his heirs, without prejudice to the life interest of the said Christopher Robyn son in all such part of the premises as he might have had if the said surrender had not been made ; and as to two closes (parcel of the said premises), called Dympanlie, to the use of Henry son ofthe said Christopher Robynson for term of his life, paying yearly the Queen's rent of 6s. John Baylay and Sibell his wife, by the Greave, surren dered a parcel of land in Goldshay Boith (yearly rent, 4^.), in the holding of Edmund Parker, to the use of the said Edmund and his assigns from the Feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross last past for term of 14 years. Fine, 4^. Edmund Steveson surrendered a parcel of land in Goldshey (yearly rent, 8^.), in the holding of Christopher Whyttilles, and turbary in Reade Mosse in Goldshay suffi cient for a fire to be spent and burnt on the said parcel, to the use of Christopher Whyttilles and his assigns for term Of 29 years from this date, paying yearly ys. 4d. to the said Edmund and his heirs. Henry Robynson of Roighleigh, by the Greave, surren dered a messuage, barn, and certain lands in Roighleigh (yearly rent, Ss- 4d), in the occupation of Henry Robynson, to the use of John brother of the said Henry Robynson and his heirs, in exchange for a messuage upon Fyrrebarre, parcel of Whytlay Hay Boith (yearly rent, Sd). Fine, Ss. 4^. John Herteley of the Fence and Issabell his wife com plain against Nicholas Moore and Hugh Moore in a plea of land, viz., of a messuage, &c, in the Fence (yearly rent, 20.J.), whereof the defendants did unjustly disseise them and detain from them for a long time past, to their loss in ^20. The jury give a verdict for the defendants. John Nutter, by Robert Nutter his guardian, complains against Richard Nutter, sen., Richard Nutter, jun., Edward Nutter, John Hergreves, and Christopher Nutter, in a plea of land, viz., of certain land and buildings, &c, in Goldshay (yearly rent, 3^. 4^.), whereof the defendants did unjustly disseise him, &c. Verdict for defendants. The jury present that Richard Herteley is elected Greave of Penhull. Roger Crooke and the relict of William Bulcocke ob- 326 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS structed a public way between the Badgergate and the Holme. Sum, £4, ios. 1 id. Fines for lands, £3, ios. sd. ; amerce ments pardoned, i6d. ; amercements charged, 6s. gd. HALMOTE held at Brunley on Wednesday next before the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, 5 Elizabeth [25 November 1562]. Inquisition taken there. Nicholas Hancocke, by a tenant, surrendered a cottage, barn, shop, and garden in Padyham (yearly rent, \d), in the holding of Richard Cockeshote ; a parcel of land lying upon the Zandes in Padyham (yearly rent, \d), and his share of a parcel of land called Bounde Yarde, lying in the eastern end of the town, in the holding of Nicholas Cockeshote ; to the use of John Brandwod and his heirs. Fine, 2d. Richard Marshall of Wakeffeld in co. York, gent., by a tenant, surrendered a house, garden, croft, and part of a barn (laith) (yearly rent, \d), lying in Padyham, and in the holding of Nicholas Cockeshote, to the use of the said Nicholas and Alice his wife for term of their lives according to the intent following. Fine, id. Intent. — To the use of the said Nicholas, and Alice as abovesaid, they paying yearly 4s. for four years and 6j. 8d. afterwards to the said Richard Marshall and his heirs. Richard Saigher of Walfferden, by John Highyn of Little Marsedene, a tenant, surrendered the moiety of a messuage, other buildings, and the moiety of 1 1 acres of land in Little Marsedene, in the holding of the said Richard Saigher, to the use of Lawrence Wylson of Bradeley and Elizabeth daughter of the said Richard Saigher and the heirs between their two bodies lawfully begotten ; remainder to the right heirs of the said Richard Saigher. The said premises to be reserved to the said Richard and Margaret his wife for term of their lives and the longer liver's. Fine, 3s. 8d. The late Henry Nutter's wife (2d), and the relict of Randle Smyth (2d), trespass on Saxeffeld common pasture, where they have no right. Jenet Hoppay (2d) overstinted Burnley common pasture. Sum, 6s. 4d. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1562-3 327 HALMOTE held at Brunley on Tuesday, viz., 25 May, 5 Elizabeth [1563]. Inquisition taken there. The jury present that Lawrence Haberiam is elected Greave of Ightenhill, Richard Banester and William Her grevez constables of Brunley. Nicholas Saigher (i2d), Charles Holte (nil), and Robert Haberiam (nil) played unlawful games, viz., for silver, on the 19 Nov. in the house of the said Nicholas. The jury also present that Richard Tatersall, surviving others his cofeoffees, died seised of two messuages, 49 acres 3 roods of land called Moiseley and Huddehowse, with the appurtenances, in Brunley or Brunley Wod, to the use of Issabelle Tatersall, Elizabeth Robynson, and Jenet Wodroff, daughters and heirs of Edmund Tatersall, late of Moiseley, deceased; as well of all those parts of the said messuage and lands which the said Issabell, Elizabeth, and Jenet, with their husbands, now have in their own possession as of the reversion of all those parcels of the said messuages and premises after the death of Elizabeth Barcroft, now wife of John Barcroft of Brunley, viz., to the use of each of the said heirs of and in those parts of the premises if and when a partition of the same shall happen to be made ; and that Richard Tatersall is his son and heir. Fine, 16s. yd. William Foldes of Brunley Wod and Ellen his wife sur rendered a messuage, other buildings, 3 \ acres 1 rood of land in Brunley Wod, to the use of John, son and heir apparent of the said William and Ellen, and his heirs. The premises are reserved to the said William and Ellen for term of their lives and the longer liver's. Fine, 1 sd. John Hyckson (son and heir of Richard Hyckson, late of Worstorne, deceased), by a tenant, surrendered a messuage, Si acres of land with the appurtenances in Haberiam Eves and Ightenhill, in the occupation of Richard Leigh, and the reversion of the same after the end and expiration of 20 years after the day of the death of the said Richard Hickson, to the use of Alice Hyckson, wife of John Hyckson, senior, if she be living at the expiration of the said term, and paying then yearly to the said John Hyckson, son of Richard, to his heirs and assigns, 13s. 4^. rent. Fine, 22^. Francis Whebster, Robert Roo, Lawrence Whittiker, and Ellis Robynson, by Hugh Shotillworth, a tenant, at the request of John Whebster and Jenet his wife, surrendered a messuage, a cottage, and 18 acres of oxgang land in the west end of Padiham, and a penny rent in Sabdene Banke, 328 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS to the use of Richard Whebster, jun., John Roo, John son of Lawrence Whyttiker, and John son »of the said Ellis Robynson, and their heirs, to be feoffees to the uses ex pressed in certain indentures tripartite, made between the said John Whebster of the one part and Edmund Sterkie, gent., Francis Whebster, Robert Roo, Lawrence Whittiker, Ellis Robynson, Thomas Lonsdale, and Miles Lonsdale of the other part, bearing date 6 November, 4 Elizabeth [1562]. A parcel of the premises, lying in a place called Yarraker, containing one and a half acres of land and 15 falls, is reserved to Thomas Whittiker for a term of 19 years from the date of this Court ; another parcel called the Esse, con taining 2 acres, is reserved to John Heigh for term of seven years ; and a reasonable dower is reserved to Jenet, wife of the said John Whebster, by the forbid of Thomas Lonsdale. Fine, 6s. id. Richard Marshall surrendered half a rood of land in the west end of Padyham, in a place there called Over Feilld, to the use of Nicholas Grymschey of Heighhowsez and his heirs, in exchange for a certain part of a house in Padyham, containing in length 18 feet and in breadth [12] feet, in the occupation of Elizabeth Marschall, widow, together with a parcel of land on the north side of the said house. Fine, \d. Nicholas Grymschay of Heighhowses surrendered the said house and appurtenances in exchange as above said. Fine, id. Intent. — To the use of the said Richard Marshall and his heirs, and to the intent " that the said Nycolas Grymschey and his heires shall haue libertie, auctoritie, and power to sette a ladder and have sufficient easement when nede shall requyre For repairyng off one howse off the same Nycolas therunto adioynyng." Sum, 29s. 6d. HALMOTE held at Brunley, on Thursday, viz., 19 August, 5 Elizabeth [1563]. Richard Marschall of Wakeffeld, co. York, gent., by John Wodroff of Brunley and Nicholas Robert of Symonstone, tenants, and in consideration of a sum of money to him paid by Nicholas Hancocke of Lower Heigham in co. Lancaster, gent., surrendered a messuage, a garden, and a croft in the west end of Padyham, in the holding of Robert Sherpe; a chamber and a garden in Padyham, in the holding of James Marshall ; an acre of land in the east end of Padyham called Wall Syke, a close of land called Townewall Banke, and another parcel called Hyles, with appurtenances, in the MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1562-3 329 holding of Elizabeth Marshall, widow — which two last men tioned parcels contain 6 acres of land ; and a penny rent in Sabdene Banke ; to the use of the said Nicholas Hancocke and his heirs for ever. Fine, 2s. sd. Richard Marshall of Wakeffeld, gent., by two tenants and in consideration of a sum of money to him paid by Nicholas Robert of Symonstone, surrendered a parcel of land in the west end of Padyham in a close called Olde Heigh, containing 3 acres of land, to the use of the said Nicholas Robert and his heirs for ever. The said parcel of land is reserved to Elizabeth Marshall, widow, as part of her dower by the forbid of her son, John Marshall. Fine, i2d. Edmund Starkie, gent., and John Marshall of Padyham, by a tenant, at the request of Richard Marshall of Wakeffelld, gent., and Nicholas Hancocke oF Lower Heigham, gent., surrendered one enclosure oF land called Dubbe Carre, lying in the east end of Padyham, containing 5 acres of land, to the use of John Hancocke of Lower Heigham, gent., and his heirs for ever. Fine, 20^. Roger Banester of Wadyngton in co. York, gent., came to this Halmote in his own person ; and whereas at the Halmote held at Brunley on Tuesday, viz., 22 June, 3 & 4 Philip and Mary [1557], the said Roger by the title of Roger Banester, son of John Banester of Wadyngton, gent., being then under age, in consideration of £yo to him paid by Hugh Shotilworth of Gawthroppe, gent., surrendered two messuages, other buildings, one and a half oxgangs of land in Padyham, containing 30 acres of land, whereof 2 acres lie in the Gooldeffeild, in the holding of Robert and Henry Roo, and a penny and a half penny rent in Sabdene Banke, to the use of the said Hugh Shotilworth and his heirs, as appears in and by the roll of the said Halmote : therefore at this Halmote he surrendered and quitclaimed the said premises to the said Hugh Shotillworth and his heirs for ever. Those parcels of the premises in the occupation of Robert Roo, and held under a certain rent payable to the said Hugh Shotillworth, are reserved to the said Robert for term of his life, and other parcels in like manner to Henry Roo. Fine, ios. Sum, 15s. Total of three Halmotes, 50s. lid. 330 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS lxl— court IRoll, 5*6 Bli3abetb, 1563*4. (No. 46. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Hegham on Wednesday, 27 October, 5 Elizabeth [1563]. Inquisition taken there. Nicholas Robynson is elected Greave of Penhull. The jury present that a messuage, &c, in Goldshey (yearly rent, 13s. 4c?.), has reverted into the Queen's hands by the death of John Steneson, and that William Steneson is his brother and next heir, being aged 16 years, and that Christopher Robynson is his guardian. Dower reserved to Elizabeth Stevenson by the forbid of Christopher Nutter. Fine, 13 s. 4^. They also present that Richard Tatersall, late of Brunley, was seised to the use of Henry Barcroft, gent., and his heirs, of and in certain . houses and lands in Redihalus (yearly rent, 26s. Sd), in the several holding of John Smyth, Giles Smyth, Thomas Smyth, deceased, and Randle Smyth, deceased, and of and in a messuage, two gardens, an enclosure of land called Cawcliff, and other -parcels of land in Redyhalus in the holding of Henry Barcroft ; and he died so seised, and that Richard Tatersall is his son and of full age. Fine, 26s. Sd. John Robynson of Firbarre, by the Greave, surrendered a messuage, &c, lying in and upon Fyrbare (yearly rent, Sd), late or now in the occupation of John Robynson, to the use of Henry Robynson, brother of the said John, and his heirs, in exchange for a messuage, &c, in Roighleigh (yearly rent, 5s. 4^.), late in the occupation of the said Henry. Fine, 8d. Henry Banester, gent, by a tenant, surrendered a mes suage in Higher Barofforth, late in his own holding and in that of one William Redehalgh (yearly rent, ys. y\d), to the use of Bernard Parker of Allkyncottes, Barnerd Herteley of Lawnde, Christopher Herteley, jun., and their heirs. Fine, ys. y\d. Afterwards the said Bernard, &c, re-surren dered the said messuage to the use of the said Henry Banester and his heirs. Fine, ys. y\d. John Kenyon, son and heir of the late William Kenyon, deceased, formerly of Piljkyngton, complains against John Cronkeshay, Robert and Leonard Cronkeshay, in a plea of land,, in that the said William Kenyon in his lifetime at the Halmote held at Heigham on Saturday next before the MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1563-4 331 Feast of St. Philip and St. James the Apostles, 6 Edward VI. [1552], lawfully fined for certain lands in the Weste Close called Heigham Parrockes, now in the several holding of John and Robert Cronkeshey (yearly rent, ios.), to his own use and his heirs, in the time of peace, &c. ; and so seised he departed this life, &c. After whose death the said premises ought to descend to the said complainant, &c, and the said defendants disseised and deforced him, &c. The defendants deny, &c, and say that by virtue of a commis sion of King Henry VII. directed to Sir Peter Leigh,, then Steward, the said premises in the Weste Close and Hunter Holme were granted to Lawrence Cronkeshay, now de ceased, and others, and to their heirs, &c. ; and that they or their feoffees are fined, seised, or enfeoffed to the use of them the defendants and their heirs, &c. The jury say that the premises in the occupation of the said defendants lie ih the Hunterholme and West Close, and by virtue of the said' commission of King Henry VII. were demised to the said Lawrence Cronkeshey and others and to their heirs ; further that a certain John Aspedene, clerk, is seised of one part of the premises to the use of the said Robert Cronke shey and his heirs ; and further that one Robert Nutter, son of Christopher Nutter, and others, are seised of the rest of the premises to the use of the said John Cronkeshey for term of his life, with remainder to Leonard Cronkshey and his heirs, &c. Plaintiff for his false claim is in the mercy of the Court. Sum, 56s. 2id. HALMOTE held at Heigham on Wednesday, 31 May, 6 Elizabeth [1564]. Inquisition taken there. William Smyth and Richard Redyhalgh are elected fence lookers of the Roighe[lee] ; Christopher Herteley, jun., and Christopher Robynson fence lookers in Lower Barofforth ; John Robynson and Robert Hergreves Fence lookers in the Olde Lawnde; Thomas Rilay and Richard Crooke fence lookers in the Weste Close ; Hugh Moore and John Her greves fence lookers in Heigham ; Edmund Steuenson and Edmund Robynson fence lookers in Goldshey; Thomas Verlay and John Mankynholes fence lookers in Barelay and Whitlay ; John Nutter and Robert Jacson fence lookers in Newelawnde and Redyhalus. A penalty is laid that no one after the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist next ensuing sell any turf 332 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS (cespites) from any turbary in the Forest now in common and held undivided, under pain of 20s. ; and a penalty is laid that no one thereafter get any stones in any part of Barelay Boith now occupied in common, to sell the same to strangers, under pain of 3s. 4d. John Herteley of Bareley Boith, by the Greave, surren dered a messuage, &c, in Bareley Boith (yearly rent, 20s.), to the use of James Herteley, servant to the said John Herteley and his heirs, to be fined and seised to the uses expressed in certain indentures of covenant made between the said John Herteley of the one part and John Aspedene, clerk, of the other part, bearing date 24 January, 6 Elizabeth [1563-4]. Life-interest reserved to the said John Herteley. Fine, 20s. Richard Crooke of Weste Close, by the Greave, surren dered a messuage, &c, in the Weste Close and the Fence (yearly rent, 42s. 4id), to the use of Richard Shotilworth, Thomas Kenyan, Robert Ryscheton, and William son of James Hergreves, and their heirs, to be feoffees to the uses expressed in certain indentures of covenant made between John Kenyon of Mylneshay of the one part and Richard Crooke of the other part, bearing date 6 May, 5 Elizabeth [1 563]. John Crooke, brother of the said Richard, forbad fine, for himself and for Ellen his mother, viz., for the per formance of a certain arbitrament made between himself and his brother by John Hergrevez of Goldshay, Edmund Robynson, Robert Cronkeshay, and Edward Hergreves, and for a, reasonable dower for the said Ellen. Sureties were found to reply. Fine, 42s. 4id. Nicholas Robynson of Roighleigh, senior, surrendered a house, other buildings, &c, in Roighleigh (yearly rent, 3 j. lid), in the holding of William Tyndale, to the use of the said William and his assigns from the 1 5 April last past for term of 36 years, paying yearly 15s. Fine, 3s. i\d. Henry Robynson of Roighleigh, by a tenant, surrendered a house, &c, in Roighleigh, with turbary in Dymppanleigh, for his house (yearly rent, Sd), and right of entry and egress, to the use of William Byrkeheade and Marjory his wife for term of their lives, and to the following intent : — To the use ofthe said William and Mariarie for term of their lives and the longer liver's, paying the accustomed rent, and that they " shall honestly loke to and ouerse the rest off the tenemendes off the said Henry Robynson adioyng to the premisses" abovenamed, " and to loke to and in like maner ouerse the goodes and catalles off the said Henry which from tyme to tyme shalbe kept on the said Residue, as well as the same William and Mariarie or aither off MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1563-4 333 them shall loke to ther awne proper goodes withowt colour or collu sion, withowt bearyng off any costes and charges of foder or pastur." Henry Banester, gent., by a tenant, surrendered a mes suage, &c, in Higher Barofforth (yearly rent, 4s.), viz., a messuage and a croft in the holding of William Redyhalgh, a close called Newe Boith, New grownde, Instoni Edge, and a barn between the last-named close and another called Owte Stony Edge, and all the appurtenances, to the use of Alexander Ryscheworth, Robert Herteley, James Foldes, Christopher Herteley of Barofforth, and their heirs, to be feoffees to the use of the said Henry Banester and Alyce his wife and the longer liver of them, and to the heirs of the said Henry. Fine, 4s. Memorandum that at the Halmote held on Tuesday, 24 November, 5 Elizabeth [1562], Lawrence Townley of Barneside, gent., then feoffee to the use of Anthony Lyster of Strikehowse in Craven in co. York, gent., by a tenant, and at the request of the said Anthony and Anne his wife, in .consideration of a sum of money paid to the said Anthony by William Bulcocke of Blackemosse, surrendered a mes suage, &c, called Blackemosse (yearly rent, 5^. Sd), to the use of the said William Bulcocke for term of his life and according to the intent that he should pay yearly for farm rent the sum of 40s. Fine, Ss- Sd. At the same Halmote the said feoffee surrendered under the same conditions another messuage at Blackmosse (yearly rent, 5.5-. 8d), to the use of William, son of Roger Redehalgh of Blackemosse, for a like term and rent. The jury by virtue of office present John Smyth (12^.), Robert Highyn (i2d), and Robert Hergrevez (i2d), and Nicholas Robynson, senior, for keeping each "a gray hawnd " ; and John Robynson of the Olde Lawnde (3s. 4d), Nicholas Shore (3s. 4d), the relict of Henry Nutter (who has nothing), Lawrence Steneson (pauper), and Edward Hargrevez (3.?. 4d) for keeping each of them unlawful mill stones, anglice called " Wherryns," to the great injury of the farmer or tenant of the Queen's mill newly erected within the said Forest. Sum, ^4, 1 5 s. 6d. Total, £y, 1 is. Sid. HALMOTE held at Brunley on Tuesday, viz., 9 November, 5 Elizabeth [1563]. Inquisition taken there. Edward Willisell and John Parker are elected Greave of Ightenhull. 334 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Thomas Wyllysell of the Scolebanke, by a tenant, surren dered certain lands, tenements, &c, lying in the Scolebanke in the town or township of Padyham, containing 1 2 acres of land, to the use of Robert, brother of the said Thomas Willisell and his assigns, from the 15 th April to be in a.d. 1569 for term of 5 years, according to the intent fol lowing. Fine, 4s. Intent. — To the use ofthe said Robert as abovesaid, in satisfaction of all debts due by the said Thomas to the said Robert "ayther by reason off the laste Wyll, or off the admynystracion off his goodes off the late Jamys Wyllysell decessid, Father to the saides Thomas and Robert." Further the said 12 acres shall be accepted, " alawed takyn and understand concernyng the particion thereoff — to be those landes and tenementes lying in Scolebanke, which Thomas Whyttaker and Nycolas Whyttiker his Brother now occupyith, yff the custome off the said Maner wyll so permytte and suffer" ; and if not, so much land there as custom will permit, and the 12 acres to be made up in such other places in Scolebanke " as by Rycherd Grymshey, esquyer, and John his sonne shalbe thoight mete arid convenyent." "According to the custome off the said Maner the said Robert Wyllisell may occupie the said 12 acres off lande too First yerez off the said terme1 off Fyue yerez with ployng and sawyng or otherways, and the other iij yeres nether to ploowe nor sawe, bot to occupie the same with pasturyng or mawyng." Richard Tatersall of Ridge, at the request of Issabell his wife, John Robynson of the Old Lawnde, Elizabeth his wife, John Wodroff of Brunley and Jennet his wife (the said Issabell, Elizabeth, and Jennet having been examined by the Steward), surrendered a messuage, &c, in Brunley Wod (containing 21 acres 19 roddeffalles of land), whereof Edmund Tatersall, deceased, father of the said Issabell, Elizabeth, and Jennet, in the time of his life was seised to him and his heirs, viz. closes called Paweroode, Dobberoode, Merliderth, Nanne Heighwod, a capital messuage called Moiseley, two barns, an apple orchard, and a garden appur tenant, a parcel of land called the Fold, a meadow near the orchard (whereof one parcel was parcel of a certain close called Parrocke, and one other part parcel of a close called Nanne Ridying), and the reversion of another close of land called Greate Medowe after the death of Elizabeth, now wife of John Barcroft ; to the use of the said Issabell Tatersall and her heirs according to the true intent of indentures tripartite made between the said Richard Tatersall and Issabell Tatersall of the first part, the said John Robynson and Elizabeth his wife of the second part, and the said John Wodroff and Jennet his wife of the third part, bearing date 8 November, 5 Elizabeth [1563]. Fine, ys. t Wf$%jf&?- MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1563-4 335 The said Richard Tatersall of the Ridge in like manner surrendered to the said Elizabeth Robynson and her heirs, according to the true intent of the above indenture, a mes suage, &c, containing 10 acres 1 rood of land lying in Brunley Wod, whereof the said Edmund Tatersall was lately seised, &c, viz., a messuage, a barn, two gardens, and two closes of land called Huddehowse, now in the holding of Edward Wodde, a close called Rycroft, a parcel of a close called Parrocke (viz., as much thereof as lies on the west side of a new hedge and ditch, between the said hedge and lands and a tenement in Brunley Wod called Hollyn Greave), and also all that parcel of land called Nanne Ridyng or the reversion thereof after the death of Elizabeth Barcroft, except a small parcel of the said close, inclosed with a little meadow called the Parrocke lying near the capital messuage called Moiseley, with the appurten ances. Fine, 3s. Sd. The said Richard Tatersall of Riddge in like manner sur rendered to the use of the said Jennet Wodroff and her heirs, according to the true intent of the above indenture, a house and certain lands, &c, lying in Brunley or Brunley Wodde, containing by estimation 19 acres of land, whereof Edmund Tatersall, late of Moisley, was lately seised, &c, viz., a close of land called Leccomme Holme, a house built upon the same, a parcel of land called Nanne Hill, a close called Nevieffeild, another close called Nanne Medowe, and the reversion of one other close of land called Nanneheigh after the death of Elizabeth Barcroft, now wife of John Barcroft. Fine, 6s. 4d. Francis Garthside of the Ewod, by Lawrence Haberiam, the Greave of Ightenhill, surrendered a messuage, other buildings, a toft, a garden, and certain parcels of land in Padyham, containing i acre of land, to the use of Hugh Halsted of Haberiam Eives and his heirs. Fine, 2d. John Whebster of Padyham and Jennet his wife, by a tenant, surrendered an enclosure called " Kerre or Hese " in Padyham, containing 2 acres of land, to the use of Thomas Lonsdale of Symonstone and his assigns from 26 June of the present year for a term of 38 years, according to the true intent of an indenture made between the said John Whebster and Jennet his wife of the first part and the said Thomas Lonsdale of the second part, bearing date 26 June, 5 Elizabeth [1563]. Fine, Sd. John Swayne of Sowthffeild and Agnes his wife, by the Deputy Steward, surrendered a messuage, other buildings, 336 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS and 9 acres of land in Brunley, late in the holding of Richard Qwytquam, deceased, to the use of James Saigher of Clyuy- cher and his assigns from the Feast of the Annunciation next ensuing for term of 20 years, and to the intent that he should pay 20s. yearly rent during the said term. Fine, 3s. George Rilay and Margaret his wife, by a tenant, surren dered seven sellions, anglice called " vij landes,'' lying in a close in Brunley called Towne Oldfeld, and containing by estimation 2 acres of land, with the appurtenances, to the use of John Wyndyll and John Turner and their assigns from the Feast of St. Edward, King and Martyr, next en suing for term of 20 years. Fine, 81a?. Memorandum that at the Halmote held on — April, I Elizabeth [1559], Thomas Townley, gent., and Henry Barcroft, gent., by Oliver Halsted, a tenant, and at the request of Issabell Pollard, widow, surrendered, in con sideration of a sum of money to her paid by John Aspedene, priest, executor of the will of Geoffrey Wylkynson, deceased, one messuage, a barn, a garden, and a toft, with appurten ances, in Brunley, now or late in the holding of James Leigh ; to the use of Richard, son of Lawrence Haberiam, gent., John Parker, jun., Simon Haydocke, jun., William Barcroft, jun., Robert, son and heir apparent of Thomas Whittiker of the Holme, John Wodroff, jun., and their heirs, to be feoffees to the uses following. Saving the right of Gilbert Fairbanke, clerk, for term of his life. Fine, 3d. Intent— The intent, meanyng, cause and consideracion off makyng off the said surrender next and last aboue writtyn and off the ad- myttance off the Fyne upon the same is this : that is to say, that the saide Rychard Haberiam, John Parker, Symon Haydocke, William Barcroft, Robert Whittiker, and John Wodroff named in the said Fyne, and ther heires, shall stond and be Fyned and seisid in the said mesuage, Barne, Gardyn, and Tofte in the same Fyne contened, with thappurtenances after and from the day and tyme off decesse off the aboue named Gilbert Fairbanke, clerke, to and For the onely use, Fundacion, and ereccion, supportacion, and mayntenyng off one Free Gramer Scole Founded or erected, or hereafter to be Founded or erected, in the Towne off Brunley in the countie off Lancaster and to and For the use and supportacion and mayntenyng off a Scole maister in succession — in the same Scole to instrucke and Teiche children and Yong menne — From tyme to tyme For euermoore, Edward Cockeshote, by Henry Esthum, his guardian, complains against Thomas Willisell, feoffee to the use of the said Edward, John Heigh and Elizabeth his wife in a plea of land, saying that defendants deforced and disseised him of a messuage and 1 1 acres of land in Padyham, in the MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1563-4 337 occupation of the said John Hei and Elizabeth his wife, being his inheritance. Verdict: "This Jurie doith Fynd that the Diffendents doith dissease the pleyntiffe off one acre and not off tenne." The jury present that the Queen's fold in Brunley has not been sufficiently repaired for three years past by the default of Lawrence Haberiam (4d), William Halsted (4^.), and Nicholas Halsted (4^.), then being Greaves. Sum, 33s. 5^. HALMOTE held at Brunley on Thursday, 18 May, 6 Elizabeth [1564]. Inquisition taken there. Alexander Ryscheworth, gent., James Foldes, Robert Herteley, and Christopher Herteley, at the special request of Henry Banester of Parke Hill, gent., and Alice his wife, by a tenant, surrendered 10 acres of land, with the appur tenances, in Little Marsedene, called Redyfforth, to the use of the said Henry Banester and his heirs. Fine, 3j. 4d* Henry Banester of Parke Hill, gent., by a tenant, sur rendered a messuage, other buildings, 1 1 acres of land in Little Marsedene, called Whyteffeild, now in the holding oF Nicholas Hergreves, senior, to the use oF Barnerd Parker of Allkyncotes, senior, Barnerd Herteley, and Christopher Herteley, jun., and their heirs. Fine, 3s. 8d. The said Barnard and the others afterwards resurrendered the said premises to the use of the said Henry Banester and his heirs. Fine, 3s. Sd. Alice Banester, wife of Henry Banester, gent., and also Alexander Ryscheworth, gent., James Foldes, Robert Herteley, and Christopher Herteley, junior, at the special request of the said Henry Banester and Alice his wife, by Richard Saigher, a tenant, surrendered a messuage, other buildings, 10 acres of land in Little Marsedene, called Whytefeild, now in the holding of Nicholas Hergreves, junior, to the use of the said Henry Banester and his heirs. Fine, 3s. 4^. The said Henry Banester and Alice his wife, by the Deputy Greave, surrendered and released for themselves and their heirs, two messuages, other buildings, 2 1 acres of land, called Whyteffeld in Little Marsedene, in the several holding, as abovesaid, to the use of Lawrence Wilson of Bradeley and his heirs, in consideration of the sum of * See also Colne Halmote in vol. i. 454. VOL. II. Y ,338 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS £g6, 1 3^. 4d. paid by the said Lawrence to the said Henry. Fine, ys.* Robert -Leigh of Croston, by a tenant, surrendered a messuage, other buildings, 22£ acres, called Claverhole, with appurtenances, in Little Marsedene, now or late in the several occupation of the said Robert and of Thomas Leigh, to the use of John Kepas and Nicholas Hergrevez of Edge Ende, and their heirs, to be feoffees to the uses following. Fine, ys. 6d. Intent. — As to the messuage and those lands which are now in the occupation of Thomas Leigh, to the use of the said Thomas Leigh and Alice his wife and the longer liver, paying yearly to the said Robert Leigh his heirs and assigns 15J. ; remainder to the use of the last will of the said Robert. And as to the other messuage and lands, to the use of the said Robert Leigh and Elizabeth his wife and the longer liver ; remainder thereof as above said. Lawrence Haberiam, gent., by a tenant, surrendered a messuage, other buildings, 9 acres of land, in Haberiam Eivez, now or late in the occupation of Oliver Whytehead or his assigns, to the use of Henry, son and heir apparent of Lawrence Townley of Barneside and Barnard Townley of Hirstwod and their heirs, to be feoffees to the uses follow ing. Fine, 3s. Intent. — To the use of Hugh Hallsted off Haberiam Eivez, co. Lancaster, gentilman, and his heirs and assigns, in con sideration of £21 of good, &c, whereof the said Lawrence hath already received ^14, 6s. Sd., and £6, 13s. 4d. residue thereof to be paid by the said Hugh " at the Fonte in the churche or chappell off Brunley " on the 1 st March next en sueing, " betwix the howres off Nene off the clocke before noone and too off the clocke at after noone " unless repay ment of the sum of £14, 6s. Sd. be previously made, "on the said Fonte stone " in the Feast of the Purification off our blessed ladie the Virgyn next comyng after the day off the date hereoff commynly called Candilmas day," &c. The jury present Anne, relict of Nicholas Townley de ceased (3s. 4<2.), and Christopher Whittiker, her servant, that they with others, servants of the said Anne Townley, made a fray with Agnes Spenser ; John Ormerod (6d) for trespass on the Pykedlawe Moore with his beasts. The jury lay a penalty, that no one henceforth sell any turf to strangers, which they have obtained upon the com- * The estates were thus in four parts, viz. — Reedy ford, 10 acres in Colne, 10 acres in Little Marsden; fine, 6s. 8d. Whitefield, 10 acres and 11 acres, both in Little Marsden ; fine, 7s. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1563-4 339 mon pasture of the town, under pain for each load, anglice called " a Wayne Fother," of 1 2d. They also present Issabell Heigh (2s.) for harbouring unlawful tenants at the Fertill howse, who burn their neigh bours' hedges and make roads over their neighbours' lands, where none ought to be ; and William Clayton (40?.), James Dyeson (4d), and William Holgate (4^.) for taking calves out of the country. John Wilson is elected constable of Brunley, and Edmund Leigh constable of Haberiam Eives. Sum, 40J. 6d. HALMOTE held at Brunley on Friday, viz., 14 July, 6 Elizabeth [1564]. The following decree was published in favour of Robert Piccope : — 'Elizabeth by the Grace of God, &c, to all, &c. — 1 have inspected the tenor of a certain decree or record in the Duchy Chamber at Westminster, in the Term of Trinity, in these words : "Whereas heretofore matter in variaunce haith byn dependyng before the Chancellor and councell off the Duchie off Lancaster in the Duchie Chamber at Westminster betweene Robert Piccoppe pi1 and John Whittiker partie Diffendant For and concernyng the Right, title, and interest off one mese and thirtie Acres off land medowe and paster, beyng customere and copihold lande and holdyn off the maner off Ightenhill . . . where also there haith upon the heryng off the matter allreidie too seuerall decrees [been] made and decreid in this honorable courte thone agenste the said Whittiker and thother agenst John Townley, esquyer, to this effect : that the same Whit tiker nor John Townley nor eny other person or persons by their meanez or procurement shuld interruppe or vexe the said pit' posses sion in and to the same premisses, bot that the same plentiff and the heires off his bodie lauffully begotten shuld and myght quyetly haue holde occupie and enioye the same premisses with their apperten- ances without the lette, vexacion, troble ... as by the tenor off the same Decres moore playnly yt may appere. And For that that manyffestlye dyd Fall owte and was approved unto this courte that the same Piccoppe pf cowde not be admyttid tenante unto the same premisses payng his Fyne, notwithstondyng dyuers letters and com- andementes off the Chauncellor . . . unto the stuard and his deputie had and made in this behalffe, the deffalit and lacke whereoff haith byn cheffelye by delays and deuyses off the said Mr. Townley, beyng stuard their, and sometymes by meanes off other persons pretendyng colorable to Clame the premisses and so to hynder and lette the same admyssion, and somme tyme For that the Feoffez which stand and be seasid to the use off the same Piccoppe by the like meanes and dyuyses off the same Mr. Townley, Whyttiker, or other their Frendes and Fauorers do not comme into the said courte to sur- rendre and assure the same ; and so by thiez and dyuers other synyster and straunge meanes dyuyses and practises off the same 340 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Whittiker and Townley or somme other person or persons . . . the admyssion off the said Robert Pikopp haith byn hytherto differred: Yt ys therfore this present terme off the Holy Trynytie the xvj"1 day off June in the sixt yere off our soueraigne ladie the Quenez maiesties Reigne ordered and decreid . . . that within tene daiez after the Recepte off this order at the Furthest . . . the stuard . . . shall cause a court to be holdene at the said Manor off Yghtenhill . . . and cause one William Barcroft, survyuer off the said Feoffes of trust contined in the said Former Decre made agenst Whittacre, to come into the said courte to make his Fyne For the lande mencioned in the same decre and after his Fyne paid then to surrender, &c, to the onely use off the same Robert Pikoppe, Playntyff, tenant to the pre misses, &c. . . . Neuertheles . . . yff any person shall Forbidde the Fyne or thadmyssion off the said Robert or Issabell Pykoppe, Syster off the same Robert, to his use accordyng to the same decre, that then the same Robert Pykhopp shall putte in suerties as accordyng to the custome off the said Maner to answer all and euery such claymes and demandes — so that the same sute be made and prosecuted onelie in the heigh courte off Duchie Chamber and not elleswhere. . . . And for the moore perfite executyng off the same order and For avoydyng off delays and delatarye cavillacions, excusez, or querelles yt ys Fur ther ordered that yff the said Feoffee, the stuard or his deputie shalbe Founde in any defalcte or to be off Covyn and confederatie or Remyse in thexecucion off this order or shall not after puplicacion hereoff doo his goode Will endeuor and diligence what in hym liyth . . . Then he in whome such deffaulte is or shalbe Founde shall not onely content and pay unto the same Robert Pykhopp tenne powndes off .good and lauffull monay off England . . . but shall Further stond to such other ponyschment and correccion as to this honorable courte shall seme moste mete and convenyent. . . ." Given at our palace of Westminster, under the Duchy seal, 24 June, 6 Elizabeth [1564]. William Barcroft of Barcroft sought admittance to fine for a messuage, 30 acres of meadow and pasture in Brunley Wod, and the Steward by his Deputy by virtue of the above decree admitted him tenant thereto, on fine of ios. After wards William Barcroft surrendered the same premises to the use of Robert Pyceoppe and his heirs. Fine, 10s. At the Halmote held On Wednesday, viz., 3 June, 4 Elizabeth [1562], John Parker of Extwissill, by a tenant, surrendered a messuage, other buildings, 25-J acres 1 rood of land in Little Marsedene, to the use of Nicholas Hergreves of Edge Ende and his heirs. Fine, 8s. yd. At the Halmote held on Tuesday, viz., 25 May, 5 Elizabeth [1563], Nicholas Hergreves of Edge Ende surrendered the third part of a messuage, &c, in his own occupation, and closes called Cloighheigh and Calffecroft, with the appur tenances in Little Marsedene, containing 6 acres of land, to the use of John Kepas and John Highyn and their heirs, to be feoffees to the uses Following. Fine, 2S. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1563-4 341 Intent— "To the use off Jenet Hergreves, wiff to Nycolas Her greves named in the said surrender," for term of her life in the name of her jointure, remainder to the said Nicholas and his heirs. Sum, 30J. yd. HALMOTE held at Brunley on Monday, viz., 24 January, 6 Elizabeth [1563-4]. Richard Grymshey, esq., and John Holdene, gent., at the special instance and request of William Sterkie, son of Alice Hancocke of Padyham, spynster,* with the said William Starkie by Lawrence Whittiker of Heigh Whyttiker, gent., a tenant, surrendered and for themselves and their heirs released and quitclaimed three messuages, other buildings, and three oxgangs of land, lying in the western end of Padyham, containing 54 acres of land, with the appurten ances, and three penny rents in Sabdene Banke, one mes suage, other buildings, and 21 acres 3 roods of rodeland called Wall Greue in Padyham, and all their right, &c, to the use of Edmund Starkie of Hunterode, gent., and his heirs, saving the right of Alice Hancocke of and in a yearly rent or annuity to her and her assigns for term of her life. Fine, 25.J. 6d. Richard Marschall of Wakeffelld, by a tenant, surrendered and for himself and his heirs released, &c, two messuages, a toft, two gardens, and 8 acres of oxgang land in the west end of Padyham, and a halfpenny rent in Sabdene Banke, to the use of Edmund Starkie of Hunterode, gent., and his heirs, and for money considerations, &c. Fine, 2s. Sid. Afterwards the said Edmund Sterkie surrendered 4 acres of land in the western end of Padyham, now in the holding of John Marschall, to the use of the said John Marschall and his assigns for term of his life, paying yearly 16s. for farm rent. Fine, i6d. At the Halmote held on Wednesday, viz., 25 November, 5 Elizabeth [1562], Evan Haydocke, gent., and Reynold Whyttiker, by William Halsted, a tenant, at the request of William Flecher of Brunley, Cecily his wife, and John his son, together with the said William Flecher and John Flecher, surrendered 4 messuages, other buildings, and 35 acres of land in Brunley, in the several occupation of Agnes Leaver, widow, John Flecher, sen., William Flecher afore said, Richard Mychyll, William Ysocson, and Richard Wodroff, to the use of Barnard Townley of Hyrstwod, Robert Yngham of Fullege, James Bancroft, and their heirs, * Will'mi Sterkie filij Alicie Hancocke de Padyham, spynster. 342 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS to be feoffees to the uses following. The right of inheritance of John Taylior of Cloigh, Henry Taylior, and Peter Cloigh being reserved, " For that the matter above expressyd is in contencyon and Sute byfor the Chancyllour and Councell of the Duchie of Lancaster." Intent. — To the use of the said Agnes Leaver, widow, for term of her life, remainder to the use of Thomas Townley of Brunley, gentil- man, and his heirs and assigns, and to the uses to be expressed in and by his last will if he fortune to make one. Sum, 4 1 s. 2id. HALMOTE held on Friday, viz., 8 September, 6 Elizabeth [1564]. Inquisition taken there by virtue of the following man date to inquire for the Queen to whom possession and inheritance of the land and tenements late of Gyles Wil kinson ought to descend according to the custom of the manor : — To the Right Wirshipffull and my verie louyng Frende John Townley, esquyer, stuard off the quenez maiestes Manor off Yghten- hill in the Countie off Lancaster Yeve thes. After my verie hertie Comendacions. Yt haith byn infformyd unto me on the behalffe off one Thomas Townley that one Agnes Welkyn- son being discessid he haith goode tytill off inheritaunce unto serten landes which off late she occupied Within the quenes Maiestiez manor off Ightenhill — and For the mayntenaunce off his estate therin he haith enteryd into possession thereoff, and as I heare contynuythe : whereoff untill other apparant matter and better be schewed For the contrarie I cauld not myslike, so that he meddill not with the Corne, grasse, and howsehold stuffe which off right appertenyth to enie other. Whereunto I praye you youe haue good Recarde and so soone as convenyently may be I will you cause a courte to be holdene and that youe examyne wether he ought to be right heire therunto or no, and to Whom the same landes by equytie oight to dyscende and thereoff to assertene me by your letters ; Whereoff I pray you not to Fayll. So Fare you hertely well. From . . . this xxiijth off August, 1 564. Your verie loveng Frend Ab: Caue. The following were the jury: — Hugh Hallsted, gent., Nicholas Harger, John Hauworth, Thomas Wyllysell of Scolebanke, Robert Roo, Ellis Robynson, John Kepas, John Hergreves of Lomyshay, Christopher Smyth, John Hallsted of Wyndyll Howse, William Smyth of Hyll, Richard Tatersall of Ridge, William Folldes of Dawnser Howse, Richard Aycroyde, Miles Aspedene, Richard Pol lard, and William Smyth of Pighole. These having been sworn and charged, declare as follows : — MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1563-4 343 In primis the said Jurars do present and say that Gyles Wylkynson was awner off the landes or tenementes contened or mencioned in the said comandement aboue inrolled.and that John Yngham, Chapplen, John Kepas, William Foldes and Robert Wodroff were seasid off and in the premisses to thuse off the said Gyles and hes heires ; and at the request off the same Gyles dyd surrender all the said premisses to the handes off the late Kyng Henry the eight, late Kyng off England, to the behove off Wylliam Barcroft, Thomas Whittiker, William Hergrevez, and John Yngham, late off Fullege, and ther heires, to be Feoffez seasid off and in all the said landes and tene mentes with the appertenances to thuse off the said Giles Wylkynson and theires off hes bodie lauffully begottyn ; and For defaulte off such Issue to thuse off the Right heires off the said Gyles. And that the saides Wylliam Barcroft and hes saides coffeoffes dyd (For and in consideracion off the somme off faurtie markes unto the said Giles paid and contentid by Geffray Wilkynson hes brother and one John Flecher, whose wyff was sister to the said Gyles, and off which somme the said Geffray dyd pay thone halffe and the said John Flecher thother hallffe) dyd then at the request off the said Gyles Wylkynson surrender all the said landes to the behove off Rycherd Townley the yonger, esquyer, Ewan Haydocke, gentillman, Renold Whyttyker, and John Whyttiker, and ther heires, to thuse off the said Gyles Wylkynson and the aboue namyd Agnes Wylkynson, then beyng hes wyffe, and to thuse off the longer lyffer off them For terme off ther naturall lyvez, and For terme off lyff off the longer lyffer off them, and to theires off the bodie off the said Gyles lauffully begottyn ; and For defailte off such Issue to thuse off the said Geffray Wylkynson and theres off hes Bodie lauffully begottyn ; and For deffalcte off such Issue to thuse off William Flecher sonne to the said John Flecher and to theires off the Bodye off the said William lauffully begottyn, who had Issue John Flecher ; and that afterward the said Giles Wylkynson dyed withowte Issue off hes bodie lauffully be gottyn, and that In likemaner the said Geffray Wilkynson died also dye withowte Issue off hes bodie lauffully begottyn, and that the saides Rycherd Townley and John Whyttyker, coffeoffez with the saides Ewan Haydocke and Renold Whyttyker, died, the said Ewan and Renold them survyuyng. And also they do present and say that after the decesse off the saide Gyles Wylkynson, Geffray Wylkynson, Rycherd Townley, and John Whittiker, and after the decesse of the longist liffer off them (when the said John Flecher sonne of William was off the complete aige off xxj" yeres or aboue), the saides Ewa"n Haydocke and Renold Whyttiker at the desyre, request, and speciall instaunce off the saides William Flecher and John Flecher hes sonne dyd surrender the saides landes and tenementes with thappertenances to thuse and behove off Barnerd Townley, Robert Yngham, Jamys Bancroft, and ther heires, to be Feoffez Fynyd and seased off and in the said premisses with thappertenances, to thuse off Thomas Townley and hes heires and asseighnes For euer. All which sur- rendres and euery off them, they say, were lauffull accordyng to the custome off the said Maner, and that the said Thomas Townley haith the right and inheritaunce off all the saides landes and tenementes after the custome off the said Maner. Sum of 5 Halmotes, £y, Ss- 8\d. 344 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS LXII.— court IRoll, 6*7 Eli3abetb, 1564*5. (No. 47. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhyll, held at Heigham on Thursday, viz., 2 November, 6 Elizabeth [1564]. Inquisition taken there for the Queen for making enquiry by the oath of the jury, who present that Nicholas Mytton of Roigh Leigh is elected Greave of Penhull. At the Halmote held at Heigham, 3 1 May, 6 Elizabeth [1564], John Robynson of Olde Lawnde, Henry Robynson, and Thomas Hooleroode, by a tenant, and at the request of Thomas Rilay of Hunterholme, surrendered a messuage, other buildings, &c, lying in Hunterholme (yearly rent, 2Ss. od), now in the occupation of the said Thomas Rilay, to the use of Edmund Starkie, gent., John Hancocke, William Starkie of Twyston, and Barnard Townley of Hyrstwod, and their heirs, to be feoffees fined and seised thereof to the use and intent contained in certain indentures of covenant made between Nicholas Hancocke of Lower Heigham of the one part and the said Thomas Rilay of the other part, bearing date the 2 April, 4 Elizabeth [1562]. The right of inheritance of the children of the relict of one Lawrence Cronkeshay is reserved. Fine upon admittance, 25s. od. William Stevenson, by a tenant, surrendered a messuage, other buildings, &c, lying in the Fence (yearly rent, 2od), now in the occupation of John Whyteheade, to the use of the said John Whyteheade and his assigns from the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross last past for term of 1 2 years ; remainder to the said William Steneson and his heirs. The dower of Agnes Steneson, widow, is reserved. Fine upon admittance, 20d. At the Halmote held there 3 1 May, 6 Elizabeth [1 564], John Robynson of Olde Lawnde, Henry, son of John Robynson, late of Whytlay (?), deceased, and Thomas Holerode, by a tenant, at the request of Thomas Rilay of Hunterholme, surrendered a messuage, other buildings, &c, lying in the Hunterholme (yearly rent, 8s. 4^.), now in the occupation of Henry Thomson, tenant of the said Thomas Rylay, and of Alice, wife of the said Henry, to the use of the said Henry and Alice for -term of their lives, according to the true intent hereafter following ; remainder after the decease of the longer liver to the said Thomas Ryley and his heirs. Fine upon admittance, 4s. 2d. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1564-5 345 The intent provides that the said tenants shall pay the Queen's majesty's copyhold rent and also the yearly rent of 2od. to the said Thomas Rilay his heirs and assigns. William Hergreves of Heigham, by a tenant, surrendered a messuage, other buildings, &c, lying in Heigham Boith (yearly rent, 2S.), viz., a messuage and other buildings, &c, lying in Heigham Deyne, now in the occupation of Edward Hergreves, with sufficient turbary for digging and getting turf (cespit) in the owte pasture of Heigham for the said Edward Hergreaves and James his son, to burn and expend in and about the said premises ; also two acres and a half of land lying in the owte pasture of Heigham of equal fertility as the land lying in Heigham Deyne, to the use of the said Edward Hergreves and James his son and their assigns for term of their lives, according to the intent fol lowing ; remainder, &c. Fine upon admittance, 2S. The intent declares that the said Edward and James Hergreves shall be seised ofthe said premises, except the two acres and a half lying in the owte pasture, to the use of the said Edward for term of his life, paying the Queen's Majesty's copyhold rent, and also 8s. yearly to the said William Hergreves and his heirs, and to the use of the said James Hergreves for term of his life, if he survive his father; "and yffyt happyn the said Wylliam Hergreves to dye affore the determynacion off the said termes (Elizabeth his wyff hym sur- vyvyng) and that she the same Elizabeth happyn to clayme dower off the premisses or any pareell theroff excepte onely off the said two acres and one halffe acre off lande," that then the said Edward Hergreves shall have and enjoy the said two and a half acres of land for term of the life of the said Elizabeth and Edward " in recompense For lacke off havyng off the said dower " ; the like provi sion applying to the said James Hergreves in case the said Elizabeth should survive the said Edward Hergreves. William Robynson complains against Nicholas Robynson of Roigh Leigh, senior, John Robynson of the Olde Lawnde, and John Hergreves of Lomyshey in a plea of land, viz., of a messuage, other buildings, and 60 acres of land lying in Roigh Leigh alias Roigh Leigh Boith (of the yearly rent of 19s. Sid), held of her majesty the Queen as of her manor of Ightenhyll ; and he makes protest to prosecute his suit in the nature of the Queen's writ De forma donacionis in le remanere at the common law ; for that one Nicholas Robyn son, late of Roigh Leigh, now deceased, was seised to himself and his heirs in his demesne as of fee and right, &c, in the time of the late King Henry VIII., &c, and so being seised he enfeoffed the said premises to one Edmund Starkie, deceased, William Starkie, deceased, John Robynson, 346 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS deceased, and William Hergreves of Lomyschey, and their heirs, to be seised of the same to the use of himself the said Nicholas Robynson, deceased, and Margaret, sister of the said Edmund and William Starkie, afterwards his wife, and now the wife of John Hergreves, senior, of Roigh Leigh, and to the use of the survivor ; with remainder to the use of their surviving heir. Afterwards the said Nicholas, the grantor, departed this life, and the said Margaret took to husband the said John Hergreves of Roigh Leigh. After wards the said Edmund and William Starkie and John Robynson all died, and William Hergreves, at the request of the said John Hergreves and Margaret his wife, surren dered the said premises into the hands of the said King Henry VIII., the said John Robynson of Olde Lawnde and John Hergreves of Lomyschey to be feoffees to the use of the said John and Margaret for term of their lives ; and after the decease of the survivor, to the use of John Robynson, brother of the said William Robynson, and his lawful issue ; remainder for default of issue, to the said complainant and his heirs, as appears in the rolls of this Court. Afterwards the said John Robynson, brother of the said complainant, died without issue, when the said premises descended or should have descended to the said William Robynson, com plainant ; but the said defendants surrendered the said premises to certain use and intent unknown to complainant, to his disinheriting, &c. The defendants denied the allega tion, and said that they had rightfully surrendered the premises to the use of Barnerd Townley and others and their heirs, to be feoffees to the use of a pair of indentures of arbitrament, made by Richard Greneacres and Richard Smythes, gentlemen, and not to the disinheritance of the said complainant, for that he had no title in the said pre mises, &c. They recite the feoffment of the said Nicholas Robynson, deceased, and say that he died without issue; whereupon the premises descended to Nicholas Robynson, one of the said defendants, as kinsman and next heir of the said Nicholas Robynson the grantor, viz., son and heir of James Robynson, who was brother of the said Nicholas Robynson the grantor ; and moreover that the said Nicholas Robynson surrendered the premises to the feoffees above named to the use of the said Nicholas Robynson his uncle, and Margaret, late his wife, and the survivor, with re mainder to their right heirs, as complainant had unjustly declared in his pleading, &c. A jury from the forests having been duly charged, &c, declared as follows : — MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1564-5 347 " In primis the said Jurie do say that the said Nycolas Robynson one off the said diffendauntes haith the inheritaunce off all the pre misses by virtue off the surrendre off his uncle above named." " Memorandum that to this Halmote off the maner off Ightenhill, holdene at Heigham the secunde day off novembris afforesaid in the vjth yere 0ff the reigne off our said souerayng ladie the quenez maiestie that nowe ys [1564] before the xxiiij" customers named in the plea or accion next and last aboue writtyn were thereupon Inpanelled, came Nycolas Robynson namyd in the said plea and one offthe diffendantes in the same and John Hergrevez thelder off Roigh Leigh in their proper persons and then and there did (affore Mr. Stuard in the open courte) Knowelege, condiscend, and agre — that is to wete, aither off them did (For hym selffe) Knowelege and confesse, condiscende and agre for and with other — Faithfully to obserue, stond to, and performe the order and award betwixt them made by Richerd Greneacres and Rycherd Smythez gentilmen off in and concernyng such interestes, titlez, and Rightes which they the same Nycolas and John Hergrevez severally haue or owe to haue off in For or concernyng the saides landes, tenementes, and other the premisses in the said plea contaned, withowte colour or collusion." The surrender referred to above, made at the Halmote held at Heigham, 2 November, 6 Elizabeth [1564], by William Hergreves of Lomyshey, William Starkie of Twys- ton, gent., John Robynson of the Olde Lawnde, and John Hergreves of Lomyschey, at the request of Nicholas Robyn son, sen., of Roigh Leigh, John Hergreves, sen., of the same place, and Margaret his wife, the said Margaret having been examined by the Steward, was to the use of Barnerd Townley of Hyrstwod, Jamys Bancroft, John son of William Smyth, and Robert Bulcocke, and their heirs, to be feoffees fined and seised of the premises to the use and intent of a pair of indentures of arbitrament made between the said Nicholas Robynson of the one part and the said John Her greves and Margaret his wife of the other part, made by Richard Greneacres, gent., and Richard Smythes, gent., bearing date the 5 August, 5 Elizabeth [1563]- Fine upon admittance, 19s. Sid. Sum of this Court, 52s. 6id. HALMOTE held at Heigham, on Wednesday, viz., 23 May, 7 Elizabeth [1565]. Inquisition taken there for the Queen by the oath of the jury, who present that Henry Herteley died seised of and in a messuage, other buildings, &c, lying in Roigh Leigh (yearly rent, 22s. lid), and the third part of id., and that Margaret Blaykay, relict of Christopher Blaykay, deceased, Elizabeth, now wife of Henry Blaykay, and Ellen Whyt tiker, now wife of Nicholas Whyttyker of Heighhill, are his 348 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS sisters and next heirs and of full age. At the Halmote adjourned to the 14th June, the said three sisters were admitted to three respective third parts of the said pre mises, saving the fourth part of the whole, which was reserved to Agnes, the widow of the said Henry Herteley, deceased, in the name of her dower for term of her life, by the forbid of her father,* Henry Herteley. Three fines of ys. 4\d. and one-ninth part of a halfpenny. Afterwards the said Margaret Blaykay, widow, surren dered her third part of the said messuage and other premises, to the use of James, son of Barnerd Herteley of Lawnde, and William, son of John Smyth, junior, of Roigh Leigh, and their heirs, to be feoffees to the intent following. Admit tance granted, saving the dower of Agnes Herteley, widow ; fine as above. The intent declares that the feoffees shall be seised of the pre mises to the use of the said Margaret for term of her life, then to the use of Lawrence Blaykay, son and heir apparent ofthe said Margaret, and his heirs ; remainder to Christopher Blaykay, second son of the said Margaret, and his heirs ; remainder to Elizabeth Blaykay, sister to the said Margaret, and now wife of Henry Blaykay, and her heirs; remainder to the right heirs of the said Margaret Blaykay. And provided also that the widow of any man coming into possession may have her dower in a full fourth part of the said premises for term of life. In like manner Elizabeth, wife of Henry Blaykay, surren dered her third part of the said premises to the same feoffees, the dower of Agnes Herteley being reserved, to hold the same to her own use and the use of her husband for term of their lives and to their lawful issue, remainder to the use of her sister, Margaret Blaykay, widow, for life, with remainders over to Lawrence and Christopher Blaykay, sons of the said Margaret, in tail ; remainder to the right heirs of the said Elizabeth Blaykay, and making provision for dower as before. In like manner Ellen, now wife of Nicholas Whyttiker of Heighhill, surrendered her third part of the said premises, to the use of Barnerd Herteley, senior, and Miles, son of Thomas Whyttiker of Symonston, and their heirs, the dower of Agnes Herteley being reserved ; to hold the same to the use of the said " Hellyn Whyttiker " and " Nycolas hir husband " for the term of their lives and to the use of their lawful issue. Nicholas Robynson, jun., of Roigh Leigh, by a tenant, * Two out of three entries have patrem ; the second has fratrem written over patrcm, or vice versa. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1564-5 349 surrendered a parcel of arable land, meadow, and pasture lying in Roigh Leigh, on the north-westerly side of the house where Nicholas Robynson, senior, now dwells (yearly rent, 6d), to the use of William Herteley of Roigh Leigh and his assigns, from the 15 April, 1570, for a term of ten years. Fine upon admittance, 6d. Henry Bawdwyn of Wetehead, by James Herteley of Blacowe, a tenant, surrendered a messuage, other buildings, &c. (yearly rent, 33s. 4d), to the use of Lawrence Blaykay, John Swayne of Sowthffeld, and John Swayne of Follridge, and their heirs, as feoffees in trust. Fine upon admittance, 33s. 4d. The intent declares a trust as to the lands and ¦ buildings now occupied by Christopher, son of the said Henry Bawdwyn, to the use of the said Christopher, in tail, charged with a yearly rent of 40s. to be paid to the father ; and as to the residue of the premises, to the use of the said Henry Bawdwyn for life, remainder to Christopher his son in tail ; with power, if the son should marry, to grant his wife dower in lands (parcel of the premises) of 6s. 8d. yearly rent. John Nutter of Newe Lawnde, Christopher Nutter of the same, Edmund Robynson of Olde Lawnde, and Nicholas Hergreves, jun., of Whyteffeild, by a tenant, at the request of James Hergreves, sen., and James Hergreves, jun., both ofthe Fense, surrendered 2 messuages, other buildings, &c, lying in the Fense in Penhull, late in the several occupation of the said James Hergreves, sen., and Richard Hergreves, to the use of John, son of William Smyth of Roigh Leigh, and Henry Thomson, and their heirs, as feoffees in trust. Fine upon admittance, ios. The intent declares a trust as to one messuage and 5 acres of land, late in the occupation of the said Richard Hergreves, to the use of the said James Hergreves, sen., and Crystian his wife for life ; remainder to James Hergreves, jun., in tail. And as to the other messuage and lands now in the occupation of the said James Her greves, jun., " lyyng on the Sowth parte off the howse wherein Olyuer Shoore dwellith," to the use of the said James Hergreves, jun., and Marjorie his wife for life ; remainder to the said James absolutely. James Mytton of Barofforth, by Barnerd Herteley of the Lawnde, a tenant, surrendered a messuage, other buildings, &c, lying in Lower Barofforth, in his own occupation, to the use of John, one of the sons of John Nutter of Newe Lawnde, and William, son of John Mytton of Roighleigh, and their heirs, as feoffees in trust. Fine upon admittance, Ss. Sd. 350 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS The intent declares a trust in the said premises to the use of the said James Mytton and Elizabeth his wife for life ; remainder to the use of Issabel Foldes, widow of Christopher Foldes, deceased, for life ; remainder to the use of James Foldes, son of the said Issabel, for life ; remainder to other issue of the said Isabel for term of ten years after the decease of the survivor of the above-named four lives ; remainder to the use. of William Mytton of Bareley Boith, brother of the said James Mytton absolutely. The said James Mytton, by a tenant, surrendered a mes suage, other buildings, &c, lying in or upon Blackowe, in his own occupation, to the use of Edmund Robynson of Olde Lawnde, and Robert, son of Christopher Bulcocke, deceased, and their heirs, as feoffees in trust. Fine upon admittance, 5 s. 5^- The intent declares a trust in the said premises to the use of the said James Mytton and Elizabeth his wife for life, with remainder to the use of Robert Bulcocke of Blackowe and Helyn his wife for life ; remainder to the use of Jamys, son of the said Robert Bulcocke, for life; remainder to the use of Robert, brother of the said Jamys Bulcocke, for life ; remainder to- the use of Henry Mytton of Colne absolutely. To that Halmote came Lawrence Townley of Barneside, esq., and Ellen his wife by Ralph Ryscheton, esq., deputy steward, and by the Greave of Penhull, the said Ellen being separately examined, in consideration of a sum of money paid to them by Edmund Parker of Brawnebrynke, surren dered and released a barn and certain parcels of land (being parcel of Ryscheton Thornez, and lying between the land of Lawrence Spenser, sen.,, and lands and tenements called Litill Blackewod on the western side), now in the occupation of the said Edmund, to the use of the said Edmund Parker absolutely. Fine upon admittance, 2od. William Mytton, by a tenant, surrendered a house and lands lying in Roigh Leigh, in the occupation of John Whyteheade of Graystones, to the use of the said John Whyteheade and his assigns from 15 April last past for term of 20 years. Fine upon admittance, 3s. Edmund Steneson, a tenant, surrendered a house and lands lying in the Fence in Penhull, in the occupation of Richard Steneson, and one rood of moss lying in "Litill Mosse" in Goldshay Boith, which William Steneson, de ceased, delivered to him, to the use of John, one of the sons of the said William Steneson absolutely, according to the last will of the said William. Fine upon admittance, 2S. Sd. Edmund Steneson, a tenant, surrendered three houses and two parcels of land called the Craghes in Penhull, one MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1564-5 351 parcel also being called Nether Callffehyll and the other Over Calffehyll, and an acre of moss lying in Goldshey on the east side of a way there called Hacke Gate, which William Steneson, deceased, delivered to him, to the use of Christopher Steneson, one of the sons of the said William absolutely. Fine upon admittance, s\d. The said Edmund also surrendered a messuage, other buildings, &c, lying in Goldshay Boith (yearly rent, 20s.), which William Steneson, deceased, delivered to him, to the use of Nicholas, son and heir of the said William Steneson, absolutely, according to the last will of the said William. Fine upon admittance, 20s. Nicholas Robynson, sen., of Roigh Leigh, by a tenant, surrendered a messuage and certain lands lying in Roigh Leigh, in the occupation of the said Nicholas and his assigns, to the use of Edmund Robynson of the Olde Lawnde, John Wodroff, jun., Robert Bulcocke, sen., and Robert Bulcocke, jun., and their heirs, as feoffees in trust. Fine upon admit tance, 19s. S\d- The intent declares a trust in the said premises to the use of the said Nicholas Robynson for life, remainder as to ''one Foote or Full Faurte" to the use of James, son of the said Nicholas, in tail to the issue borne by his wife Margaret ; remainder to the right heirs of the said Nicholas. And as to the other three parts of the premises, to the use of the said James and Margaret for life ; remainder to the right heirs of the said Nicholas. Provided also that if the said Margaret survive the said Nicholas and James and remarry, having issue by the said James "not inheritable to the said landes and tene mentes," that then such issue to have one of the said three parts last mentioned, for such term of years as the said James might determine in and by his last will. Lawrence Blaykay, sen., of Blakowe, and Barnerd Herte ley of Lawnde surrendered the moiety of a messuage, other buildings, &c, lying in Laigher Barowefforthe and upon Blacowe, in the occupation of the said Lawrence, to the use of James, son and heir of the said Barnerd Hertley, and William, son of John Smyth, jun., of Roighleigh, and their heirs, as feoffees in trust. Forbid by Alice Herteley, widow, for dower. " Fine upon admittance, ys. The intent declares a trust in the said moiety of a messuage and other premises to the use of the said Lawrence Blaykay for life, and remainder as to "one halffe offthe said motie or halffe doole of one mesuage," &c, to the use of Margaret, now wife of the said Lawrence, for life, if she survive her husband, in the name of her dower ; re mainder of the whole to the use of Lawrence Blaykay the younger of Blakowe, in tail ; remainder to the use of Christopher Blaykay his 352 CLITHEROE COURT. ROLLS brother, in tail ; remainder to the use of Henry, son of the said Law rence Blaykey the elder, in tail male;* remainder to the use of the right heirs of the said Lawrence Blaykey the elder. Provided always that the said Lawrence Blaykey shall pay to the said Christopher Blaykey when the said Christopher attains 20 years of age the sum of j£i7, ioj., otherwise the whole premises, except the dower of any wife or wives, to vest in the said Christopher and his assigns until such payment be made. The said Lawrence and Barnerd likewise surrendered the other moiety of the said messuage and other premises to the use of the said feoffees, dower being reserved to Alice Herteley, widow. ' Fine upon admittance, ys. The intent declares a similar trust in the said moiety of a mes suage, &c, as that which precedes ; but the remainder after the death of the said Lawrence Blaykey, and as to half of the said moiety after the death of Margaret his wife, to be to the use of Henry, second son of the said Lawrence Blaykey, in tail ; remainder to the use of Lawrence Blaykey the younger of Blacowe, in ta'il ; remainder to Christopher, his brother, in tail ; remainder to the use of the said Lawrence Blaykey, the donor ; reserving dower in one fourth part of the said premises after the decease of the said Henry and Lawrence the elder, to Elizabeth, the wife of the said Henry, for life, or to " eny other woman which hereafter may happyn to be lauffull wife to any other manne beyng awner off the said howses," &c. : provided always that the said Henry do pay to the said Christopher Blaykey the sum °f £l7> I0S- when the said Christopher attain 20 years, otherwise, &c. Thomas Verley complains against Peter Verley in a plea of land, and says that the said Peter disseised and deforced him from a messuage, other buildings, &c, lying in Whytlay Boith (yearly rent, 13s. 4d), and doth still detain tbe same, &c. The jury of 24 customers of the New Hold declare that the said defendant has the inheritance of the said mes suage, &c, and did not disseise the complainant ; wherefore complainant for his false claim is in the mercy of the Court. Be it remembered that to the Halmote held there 3 1 May, 6 Elizabeth [1564], came Edward Braddyll, gent., John Hancocke, William Crummocke, Barnerd Herteley, and John Parker of Brawnebrynke, at the request of Chris topher Nutter of Newe Lawnde and Ellen his wife (who was separately examined), and surrendered certain lands and tenements lying in the Fence in Penhull, to the use of James Crooke and Richard Crooke and their heirs, to be feoffees in trust for a term of 21 years to the uses created in a pair of indentures, made between the said Christopher and Ellen Nutter of the one part and Roger Nowell of the * This was contrary to custom. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1564-5 353 other part, bearing date 31 May, 2 Elizabeth [1560]. Fine upon admittance, 2s. Sd. Sum of the two Courts, £11, 2s. 3%d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Brunley on Tuesday, viz., the last day of October, 6 Elizabeth [1564]. Inquisition taken there for the Queen to enquire by the oath of the jury. Henry Banester of Parke Hyll, gent., by the Steward, surrendered ten acres of land called Redyffore, lying in Little Marsedene, to the use of William, son and heir apparent of Henry Barcrofte of Redyhalus, gent., and Christopher Herteley, jun., of Barofforth, and their heirs, as feoffees in trust. Fine upon admittance, 3s. 4d. The intent declares a trust " in the said tenne acrez off land callid Redyffore, liyng and beyng in Lytill Marsedenne," to the use of Nicholas Hancocke of Laigher Heigham absolutely, in consideration ofthe sum of ,£33, ioj. paid to the said Henry, but subject to redemp tion on or before the feast of Pentecost next coming. Afterwards the feoffees surrendered the said ten acres of land to the use of Henry Banester of Parke Hyll, gent., in fee. Fine upon admittance, 3s. 4^. - The said Henry Banester and Alice his wife (separately examined) by Lawrence Townley, Deputy Steward, surren dered and released the said ten acres of land called Redyffore to the use oF Robert, son and heir apparent oF the said Henry Banester, and his heirs, in Fee. Fine upon admittance, 3s. 4d. The said Robert afterwards, in consideration of a certain sum of money paid by Edward Saltonstall of Heigh Oldeffeld in the parish oF Haliffaxe and co. of York, cloith worker, surrendered the said ten acres of land called Redyffore to the use of the said Edward Saltonstall in fee. Fine upon admittance, 3s. 4d. Lawrence Wylson of Bradeley and Elizabeth his wife (separately examined) surrendered a messuage and 10J acres of land called Whyteffeild, lying in Little Marsedene, in the occupation of Nicholas Hergreves, jun., of Whyteffeild, to the use of the said Nicholas and Jennet his wife for life, according to the following intent. Fine upon admittance, 3s. 6d. The intent declares a trust in the said premises to the use of the said Nicholas and Jennet for life, paying yearly to the said Lawrence VOL. II. z 354 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Wylson his heirs and assigns 20s. " with .the boonez and seruyce of one day mawyng, one day shearyng, one day deluyng turvez, and too hennez yerely"; provided that in case the said Lawrence die, Elizabeth his wife surviving, she shall have her dower in the said yearly rent and service; provided also that if the said Jennet survive Nicholas her husband and remarry the said trust to determine immediately. At the Halmote held at Brunley on Thursday, viz., 18 May, 6 Elizabeth [1564], Nicholas Banester, esq., Richard Grymschey, esq., and John his son and heir, by Thomas Wyllisell of Scolebanke, a tenant, at the request of Henry Rilay of the Grene in the parish of Whalley, surrendered a messuage and a garden lying in Padyham (now or late in the occupation of Elizabeth Byllyngton, widow), and three closes of land lying in the east end of Padyham, containing 15 \ acres of land (now in the occupation of Thomas Rilay of Hunterholme), and one penny rent in Sabdene Banke, to the use of Edmund Starkie, gent., and Barnerd Townley of Hyrstwod, and their heirs, as feoffees in trust. Fine upon admittance, 5s. 3d. The intent declares a trust in the said premises to the use of Thomas Rilay of Hunterholme and his assigns, from the 1 5 April, 1 566, for a term of fifty years, paying yearly, after the 15 April, 1579, the sum of 13s. 4<7. to the said Henry Rilay, his heirs and assigns. The jury by virtue of office present Ann Townley, widow (ios.), for not making passable an ancient way lying upon lands and tenements called Roill Hill ; Nicholas Saigher (20^.), William Saigher (2od), and Lawrence Holgate (4^.) for playing at unlawful games in their houses, viz., "ad cartas pictas"; Robert Jacson (4^.), Ellis Nutter (2d), Robert Sharpe (2d), the relict of Henry Nutter (2d), Richard Nutter (2d), Randle Smyth (2d), John Lonsdale (2d) for digging turf on Saxeffeld common pasture, where they had no right. Sum of the Court, 33s. gd. HALMOTE held at Brunley on Friday, viz., 25 May, 7 Elizabeth [1565]. Inquisition taken there for the Queen to enquire by the oath of the jury. The jury present that Symon Haydocke for land and tenements in Padyham is elected Greave of Ightenhill ; Charles Adlyngton, constable of Brunley, and Thomas Flecher, constable of Haberiam Eivez. m- ffirfr MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1564-5 355 William Bolton, Charles Halsted, Richard Yngham, Thomas Jacson, James Pollard, Thomas Foldes, Lawrence Taylior, Thomas Barcroft, Nicholas Foldes, Lawrence Leaver, fined 2d. each for trespass on Burnley common. Barnerd Townley of Hyrstwod, James Bancroft, and Robert Yngham of Fullege, at the request of Thomas Townley of Barneside, gent., and together with the said Thomas, surrendered and released a house and a close adjacent thereto, late in the occupation of Agnes Leaver, deceased, also another house late in the occupation of Geoffry Wylkynson, deceased, and an orchard lying within a close of land of the inheritance of Richard Wodroff, called the Holme, containing in the whole 13 roods of land and six falls, also 13J roods of land, called Heyley Rode, also 5 roods ten falls of land lying "in le north est Syde" of a close of land called Newe Roodes, and a road for fetching and carrying with carts, &c, through the Lambe Banke and Longe Holme, to the use of Peter Cloigh of Great Mearley in fee. John, son of William Flecher, forbad fine, for his inheritance ; William Halsted of Bankehowse forbad fine, for a penny rent issuing from the said premises to him and his heirs. Fine upon admittance, 2s. y\d. Afterwards the said Peter Cloigh and Agnes his wife (separately examined) surrendered and released a messuage and other buildings late in the occupation of Agnes Leaver deceased, a close of land thereto adjacent on the north side of the Queen's highway in Brunley, containing 13 roods of land, a close of land called Heyley Rode, containing 13 J roods of land, also 5 roods and ten falls of land as described above, with right of way, &c, to the use of Thomas Town- ley, gent., and Lucy his wife, for life, according to the trust created by an indenture of arbitrament made between the said Thomas Townley of the one part and John Taylior of Great Marsedene, Henry Taylior of MaorehaU, and the said Peter Cloigh of the other part, by John Townley of Corne- fild, esq., and Richard Greneacres of Worston, gent., bearing date 20 April, 7 Elizabeth [1565]; remainder to Peter Cloigh in fee. Fine upon admittance, 2s. yd. Barnerd Townley of Hyrstwode, gent., James Bancroft, and Robert Yngham of Fullege, at the request of Thomas Townley, gent., &c, as before, surrendered and released a house called Wyndyll Howse, a croft thereto adjacent called Wyndyll Croft, containing 5 roods and 15 falls, also a close of land called Rappocke Roode, containing lo| roods and one fall of land, another close of land called Copte Roode, 356 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS containing IO roods and ten falls, another close called Stubbynge, containing 4 roods, 9 falls of land " unum tanarium, anglice a. barkehowse," with an orchard called the Barkehowse yarde and a garden adjacent to the said barkhouse, containing 16 falls, with the appurtenances in Brunley, late in the tenure of Agnes Leaver, deceased, Richard Michill, and William Ysockeson, to the use of Thomas Taylior of Great Marsedene in fee. John, son of William Flecher, forbad fine, for his inheritance. Fine upon admittance, 2s. 6\d. Afterwards the said John Taylior and Margaret his wife (separately examined) surrendered the said Rappocke Roode, Copterode, and Stubbynge, late in the occupation of Agnes Leaver, deceased, to the use of Thomas Townley, gent, and Lucy his wife for life, according to the above-recited inden ture of arbitrament ; remainder to the said John Taylior and his heirs. Fine upon admittance, 2s. 2.d. The said Barnerd Townley and his other co-feoffees, at the request of and together with the said Thomas Townley, surrendered and released a house, one garden, and one croft, in the occupation of John Flecher; also another croft called Wyll' Croft, containing 3 J roods and 13 falls of land; also a close called tbe Longe Holme, containing y\ roods ; a parcel of land called Wheate Pighill, containing half a rood and 14! falls ; also 6 roods and five falls of land lying in Lame Banke, 6\ roods lying in a close called Newe Rode, 6\ roods and 9 falls called Deane Rode, and 34 falls of land " in le Sowth est parte " of a close called Stubbynge, with the appurtenances in Brunley, late in the occupation of Agnes Lever, deceased, to the use of Henry Taylior in fee. John Flecher forbad fine for his inheritance. Fine upon admittance, 2s. Sd. Afterwards the said Henry Taylior and Agnes his wife (separately examined) surrendered the above-mentioned premises, containing in the whole 7 acres 3 roods of land, to the use of Thomas Townley, gent., and Lucy his wife for life, according to the above-recited indenture of arbitra ment ; remainder to the said Henry Taylior and his heirs. Fine upon admittance, 2s. Sd. Sum of the two Courts, 50s. 6\d,. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1565-6 357 LXIII.-Coui't 1R0II, 7*8 Elf3abetb, 1565*6- (No. 48.— Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill held at Brunleye, on Thursday, 6 December, 8 Elizabeth [1565], before John Towneley, esquire, chief steward. Inquisition taken there by oath. Amercements. — Ellen Nutter, late wife of -Henry Nutter, Robert Jackeson, Giles Smythe, Robert Sharpe, Richard Nutter, Nicholas Smythe, John Loundesdall, John Nutter, the wife of Richard Bawdwen, Richard Dobson, William Michell, Richard Herde, Thomas Smythe, George Spenser, George Birtwisill, and Lawrence Smythe (2d. each) tres passed upon the common pasture of Saxifeilde, not only With their beasts but in digging and carrying away turves. Richard Michell (\d) keeps unringed pigs which root up and trample upon the neighbours' grass. Richard Willson and Nicholas Saigher, the like (4c?. each). James Leighe for the like (4^.). Nicholas Saigher (3s. 4^.) keeps unlawful games in his house, namely, cards. John Watmoughe, the like (3s. 4d) . John Ormerod of Loidge (3s. 4(?.) trespassed with his beasts upon the common pasture of Bruneley. Ellen Croke, Richard Croke, Edward Hargreaves of Sabden, John Hargreaves of Deane, and James Dugdall (2d. each) trespassed upon Padyham Moore. James Dugdall (8d.) for harrying the neighbours' beasts upon the common pasture of Padyham. Anne Towneley, widow (6s. 8d), because she did not open a road used from ancient time through Roylhill. Thomas Barcrofte, tenant of the Queen, surrendered 1 messuage and other buildings called Cowden-broke, 2 gardens, a parcel of land called Folde, a close of land called Bridgefeilde, and 2 other closes lying between Bridgefeild and the said messuage, containing 6| acres 1 rood of land, lying in Bruneley, late in the tenure of John Whitacar, which Hugh Halsted and William Halsted delivered to him ; to the use of Nicholas Halsted of Padyham, as feoffee to the intent declared below. Admittance granted ; fine, 2s. 3d. The intent is that Nicholas Halstede shall stand seised to the use ofthe said Hugh Halsted and his heirs, upon condition that the said William Halsted and his heirs shall have a sufficient way to lead, drive, and carry with wain, cart, cattle, &c, until such time as the said Hugh or his heirs shall have purchased a sufficient way for like ease to the said William Halsted and his heirs through and over the lands, &c, of Nicholas Harger, or through and over lands, &c, in the tenure of James Hargreaves. 358 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Memorandum that at the Halmote held at Bruneley on Tuesday the last day of October, 6 Elizabeth [1564], John Halsted, Elizabeth his wife, and Robert Halsted, son of the said John, surrendered 2 messuages, 36 acres 1 rood of land in Brereclyf, and all their interest therein ; to the use of Barnerd Towneley of Hurstwod, gent., and Gilbert Deane, and their heirs,, according to the intent recited below. And thereupon Miles Hanson forbad fine for land called Oldmanrode, parcel of the premises, for a term of 10 years ; and Richard Saighar of Walferden forbad fine for an agreement in indentures made between the said Robert Halsted and Richard Saigher : and subject thereto, ad mittance was granted ; fine, 24s. 2d. The intent is that Barnard Towneley and Gilbert Deane and their heirs shall be seised of the premises (except Oldman Roode) to the use ofthe said John Halsted and Isabel his wife during their lives; and after the decease of the survivor of them to the use of Richard Saigher of Walfordeane and his assigns until he or they shall have received 100 marks, which the said Richard has paid to the said Robert Hallsted ; and afterwards to the use declared in indentures made between John Towneley of Cornefeild, esq., and Thomas Bar- crofte, ofthe one part, and the said John Halsted and Robert Hal sted and John. Halsted, son of the said Robert, of the other part, dated the 20th May, 5 Elizabeth [1563]. And that the said feoffees shall be seised ofthe ground called Oldman Roode to the use of the said Myles Hanson and his assigns for 10 years, and then to the use declared in the said indentures. And after the decease of the sur vivor ofthe said John Halsted and Isabel, the said feoffees shall be seised of the residue of the premises to the use of the said Robert Halsted for 20 years ; and afterwards to the use declared in the said indentures. Thomas Barcrofte, the Queen's tenant, surrendered 1 close of land called Longefeilde, in Bruneley, late in the tenure of John Whitacar, son of George Whitacar, and 2 other closes of land which abut upon customary land of Nicholas Harger on the south side, and upon the said Longefeilde on the north, lying in Bruneley, containing 6\ acres 1 rood of land, late in the tenure of the said John Whitacar, which pre mises Hugh Hallsted and William Hallsted delivered to him ; to the use of Oliver Hallsted, to be seised thereof to the use declared below. Admittance granted ; fine, 2s. 3d. The intent is that Oliver Hallsted and his heirs shall be seised to the use ofthe said William Halsted and his heirs. Hugh Shottleworth, gent., and Lawrence Whitacar of Padyham, the Queen's tenants, surrendered a parcel of land, lying in and upon Padyham Sandes, containing 28 " le falles " of land ; to the use of Francis Webster of Padyham and his heirs. Admittance granted ; fine, \d. MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1565-6 359 Francis Webster, by Robert Roo the Queen's tenant, surrendered land, parcel of Bound yarde, lying in Padyham, containing 30 "le fales" of land; to the use of Hugh Shotleworth, gent., and his heirs and assigns. Admittance granted ; fine, \d. Nicholas Hargher and Richard Woodrof, the Queen's tenants, surrendered 1 house and 1 parcel of a barn with a garden, now in the tenure of Alice Smythe of Hill, widow ; and a close of land called Dogefeilde, another parcel called Headland adjacent to the said Dogfeilde, and also 8 ridges (seliones) of land abutting upon the said Headland, which ridges, called "landes," lie in Le Townefeild of Bruneley, containing 5 acres of land ; which the said Alice Smythe delivered to Nicholas and Richard, to the use of William Hallsted of Rydyhaulghe and his assigns during her life, in consideration of a marriage to be solemnised between the said William Halsted and Margaret Smythe, daughter of the said Alice. Admittance granted ; fine, 2od. Richard Woodrof surrendered the moiety of 1 messuage and other buildings, and of 1 orchard and 2 gardens and 7 acres of land, and of \ acre \ rood of land, and of 16 acres of land, in Bruneley, now in the tenure and occupa tion of the said Richard Woodrof; to the use of Isabel Woodrof, now wife of the said Richard Woodrof, for her life in the name of her jointure, with remainder to the said Richard Woodrof and his heirs and assigns : provided that if Isabel, after the death of the said Richard, shall remarry, then the moiety of her said dower shall immediately there after remain to the right heirs of the said Richard Woodrof. Admittance granted; fine, 5s. 2\d. Memorandum that at the Halmote held at Bruneley, on Wednesday, 3 June, 4 Elizabeth [1562], Nicholas Han cocke, by John Towneley, esq., chief steward, came and surrendered i\d. of rent in Sabdenbanke; to the use of John Hancocke, son of the said Nicholas, and his heirs. And thereupon Hugh Shotleworth, gent., and others of the Queen's tenants of Padyham, forbad fine, the said sur render not being consonant with the custom of the manor unless some parcel of oxgang land be surrendered with the said rent. And, moreover, Nicholas Halsted of Padyham forbad fine in right of his inheritance. And the said John Hancocke found pledge, Henry Barcrofte, to answer them. Admittance granted ; fine, i\d. Sum of this Halmote, 57s. lid. 360 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhyll held at Brunley, on Thursday, 13 June, 8 Elizabeth [1566]. Inquisition taken there by oath. Anne Towneley and Edmund, for lands and tenements in Roill and Cronckeshaie, have been elected greaves of Ightenhill; John Tailior constable of Bruneley, and Law rence Parker constable of Haberghameves. Amercements. — Bernard Leighe, Nicholas Foldes, Charles Halsted, William Bolton, Thomas Jackeson, Richard Ingham, and Lawrence Tailier (2d. each), for trespass upon • Bruneley More, not only with their beasts but in digging turves and carrying the same away. John Ormerod, junior (l2d), for trespass with his beasts upon the said common pasture. Anne Towneley, widow (3s. 4^.), for not laying open an ancient road through Roylhill. James Pillinge (2d.) for harrying the beasts or cattle of the neighbours of Habarghameves. John Tailior surrendered 1 messuage and 1 croft or close of arable land and pasture called Windle Crofte, containing 5 roods and 15 " le falles " of land, in Bruneley ; to the use of John Hargreaves, son and heir apparent of John Har greaves of Grenefeilde, and Lawrence Hartley, son and heir apparent of Christopher Hartlie of Barrowforde, junior, and their heirs, to be feoffees to the intent recited below. Ad mission granted ; fine, Sd. The intent is that the feoffees and their heirs shall be seised to the use of the said John Tailior for life, and after his decease to the use of Margaret Tailior, now his wife, with remainder to his right heirs. Informations and complaints made by the Queen's copy holders to the right worshipful John Towneley, esq., head steward of Blackburnshire, under the Queen's majesty : Forasmuch as contentions, ambiguities, arguments and doubts have been stirred and moved among the Queen's copyholders touching their surrenders and fines by them lately made otherwise than hath heretofore been used and accustomed, some holding opinion they stand with their custom and some to the contrary, whereupon many com plaints have been made to the steward : For reformation thereof the steward hath thought mete and convenient to address his precept and letters to 24 of the most substantial customary tenants of all the Halmotes and Manors within Blackburnshire, to summon them to appear before him and to be sworn to inquire of such articles as hereafter follow for the final determination of the same doubts, and to set MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1565-6 361 forth their custom in the same. The said steward at the special request of all the customaries hath caused these their doings in the premises to be enrolled for a perpetual memory, namely, by the oaths of Lawrence Habergham, gent., Edmund Starkye, gent., Hugh Shottleworthe, gent., Nicholas Hancocke, gent., Henry Barcrofte, gent., Lawrence Whitacar, gent., Lawrence Willson, William Hartley, John Tailior, John Mankinholes, John Swayn, John Emott, Wil liam Collynson, John Birtwisill, John Ryley, Thomas Bridge, Lawrence Fenton, Oliver Romesbothome, Thomas Tailior, John Dawson, Richard Mylnes, Christopher Migecocke, John Robinson,, and Francis Webster, sworn to inquire of these questions following, who upon their oaths say concerning the same as follows : — Inprimis whether A Coppieholder may Surrender landes and tene mentes in to the quenes maiesties Handes to two tenauntes of the same holde or not, and whether the landes so Surrendred may by one of the same tenauntes withowt consent of thother be geven into the Cowrt ouer againe or not. The Jurors to the said questyon saye that A Coppieholder maye Surrender landes into the quenes maiesties handes by twoo tenauntes ofthe same holde ; and further say the same tenauntes beinge then Lyvinge ought Joyntlye to geve the same Landes into the Cowrt Accordinglie as they Receyved the same and to no other use or intent. Item yf A Coppiholder Surrender landes into the quenes Maiesties Handes to A tenaunte of the same Holde whether the same tenaunte may geve into the Cowrt ouer againe the same Landes to A Contrary vse or nott. The afforesaid Jurors to the said question say that if A Coppie holder Surrender Landes as is aforesaide yi the said question, that the same Landes cannot be geven in to the Cowrt by the saide tenaunte to A Contrarye vse or intent. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill held at Bruneley, on 8 January, the Tuesday next after the Epiphany, 8 Elizabeth [1565-6], by virtue of the letters or mandate of the honourable men, Nicholas Bacon, knight, Keeper of the Great Seal, and Ambrose Cave, knight, Chan cellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, before John Towneley, esq., chief steward there. James Lawe complained against Lawrence Habergham concerning 1 messuage and 20J acres of land in Habergham Eves, called Okeneves, claimed as his inheritance, of which the said Lawrence unjustly disseised William Lawe his brother, whose heir he is, within 30 years last past. Law rence denied the disseisin, and put himself upon the country ; 362 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS and a day is given to the parties at the Halmote of the said manor at Bruneley, on Tuesday the 30 April, 8 Elizabeth [1566]. A jury of 24 say upon oath that the said Lawrence did not injure or disseise the said William Lawe, plaintiff's brother, of the premises or of any parcel thereof, or unjustly detain the same ; therefore the said James Lawe is in mercy 3d. for a false claim. Sum of this Halmote, 6s. 4^. Sum of these two Halmotes of Ightenhull, 64s. 3d. ; namely, fines of lands, 36s. 5^. ; amercements, 27s. 10^. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Higham on Thursday, 8 November, 8 [7] Elizabeth [1565]. Inquisition taken there by oath. Nicholas Bawdwen of Weteheade has been elected Greave of Pendill. Amercements. — Roger Nowell of Fence (12^.) for an affray upon strangers or unknown persons. For an un lawful road in Le Fence, in and upon lands and tenements in the tenure or occupation of Robert Robinson (3s. 4d.) and Roger Nowell (i2d). Anne Willysell and Grace Bol lard (3s. 4d. each) for an affray upon the wife of James Bollarde. Edmund Stephaneson (3s. 4^.) for an unlawful road in and upon his land and tenement adjacent to the tenements of Christopher Twittill and William Whithead. James Bollarde, John Higgyn, Richard Verley, and Thomas Verley (i2d. each) for open hedges in their lands and tenements and the tenement of William Mitton. Leonard Cronckeshaie of Westclose, and Elizabeth his wife, and Grace Cronckeshaie, wife of John Cronckeshaie, and mother of the said Leonard, surrendered 4 acres 5 roods of land lying within Pendle ; to the use of Thomas Whitacar of Symondston, and Nicholas Whitacar of Highehill, brother of the said Thomas, and their assigns for 6 years, to the use below declared. Admittance granted ; fine, 20d. The intent is that Leonard, Elizabeth, and Grace shall permit Thomas and Nicholas to hold the said 4 acres and 5 " roode lande," for 6 years from the expiration of a former demise made of the pre mises by John Cronckeshaie, father of the said Leonard, and the said Leonard to the said Thomas Whitacar and Nicholas Whitacar by indentures dated 16 September, 3 & 4 Philip and Mary [1556]. Provided that Thomas and Nicholas shall sow the said land with corn and grain, reserving the last year unsown ; and they and their assigns shall have a barn belonging to Leonard during those years in which corn and grain shall be sown upon the premises : and the said r W?~" MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1565-6 363 Leonard, &c, shall discharge them of all charges except the yearly rent of 4d. to Leonard and his assigns during the said term. Sum of this Halmote, 21s. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Higham on Wednesday, 12 June, 8 Elizabeth [1566]. Inquisition taken there by oath. The jury present that 2 messuages, lands, &c, called Russheton Thornes (yearly rent, 26s. Sd), and also a parcel of land containing 60 feet in length and 50 feet in breadth, parcel of Le Newe Carr, and a water corn-mill now built thereon, with the mill-pool, and the whole soke and suit of all the tenants of new tenure within the forest of Pendle, called " le neweholde " (yearly rent, 20s.), came to the hands of the Queen by the death of Lawrence Towneley, late of Barneside, esq., and that Henry Towneley is his son and next heir, and of full age. Admittance granted ; fine, 46s. 8^. Afterwards the said Henry Towneley, esq., surrendered 2 closes of arable land and pasture lying on the south side of the tenement of Lawrence Spenser (yearly rent, i2d), parcel of Russheton Thornes, and the half part of a house thereupon built ; to the use of Edmund Parker and his assigns for the term of 24 years from the Feast of the In vention of the Holy Cross last past, according to the intent of indentures dated the 15 th April in the said year of the Queen's reign [1566]. Admittance granted ; fine, 12^. And afterwards the said Henry Towneley, esq., surrendered for a sum of money paid to him by Barnerd Hartley of Lawnde, two closes of arable land and pasture called Forest Dooles (yearly rent, 8d), now in the tenure of the said Barnerd, parcel of Russheton Thornes ; to the use of Barnerd and his assigns for 30 years next after the date of this Halmote, according to the intent recited below. Admittance granted ; fine, 8d. The intent is that the said Barnerd Hartley shall be seised of the said two doses to the only use of himself and his assigns for 30 years, paying therefor yearly to Henry Towneley and his heirs 5J. 4d. Blase Hargreaves, and also James Bancrofte, John Har greaves of Sabden, and Henry Hauworth, at the request of the said Blase, by Nicholas Moore the Queen's tenant, sur rendered certain messuages, &c, lying in Higham (yearly rent, 4s. 4\d), now in the several tenures of John Hancocke, Nicholas Halsted, James Hargreaves, Lawrence Windle, 364 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS and , relict of Richard Walton ; to the use of Jenet Pollarde for life. Admittance granted ; fine, 4s. 4\d. John Perker, the Queen's tenant, surrendered 1 messuage, &c, in Le Fence (yearly rent, 2S. 8^.), late in the tenure of Barnerd Hartley, which Roger Nowell of Fence delivered to him ; to the use of Lawrence Spenser and his assigns, for the whole term which the said Roger Nowell had by virtue of a surrender to him by Christopher Nutter. Ad mittance granted ; fine, 2s. Sd. William Hargreaves of Higham and Elizabeth his wife, by Thomas Ayley, tenant of the Queen, surrendered a close of land or meadow called Further Heighe, lying in Higham, now in the tenure of John Hancocke (yearly rent, 6d) ; to the use of the said John Hancocke and his heirs and assigns. Admittance granted ; fine, 6d. The jury present that Anne Willysell keeps "A flocke of geise " upon the common pasture of Bareleyboithe ; amerced 2s. Roger Bollarde surcharged the said common pasture with his beasts ; amerced 2s. Sum of this Halmote, 59s. io%d. Sum of these two Halmotes of Penhull, £4, lo^d. ; namely, fines of lands, 57s. 6\d.\ amercements, 23s. 4^. Lxiv.-Gourt 1R0II, 8=9 J£li3abetb, 1566=7- (No. 49. — Preserved at Clitheroe Castle.) HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Higham on Tuesday, 10 December, 9 Elizabeth [1566], before John Towneley, esquire, chief steward. Inquisition taken there by oath. Lawrence Towneley, gent., and other tenants of Barro- fowrde have been elected greaves of Pendle. Richard More, the Queen's tenant, surrendered 1 mes suage and certain parcels of land lying in Goldshay (yearly rent, 4^d) ; to the use of John Nutter, clerk, and his heirs. And thereupon Nicholas Robinson, alias " Roughe Nycoll," forbad fine for William Nutter, son of William Nutter, deceased, in right of his inheritance. And the said John Nutter, clerk, by John Nutter of Newlaunde, his attorney, came and found pledge, James Hargreaves, to answer the said William, and also Alice, late wife of John Nutter, who forbad fine for her dower. Admittance granted ; fine, 4\d. At the request of Henry Barcrofte of Rydyhallowes, gent, MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1566-7 365 Richard Tattersall of Brereclyf, feoffee to the use of the said Henry, together with the said Henry and William Barcrofte, son and heir of the said Henry, surrendered, in Consideration of divers sums of money paid to the said Henry, 1 messuage, lands, &c, in Rydihallowes (yearly rent, 17s. 4d), lately in the tenure of Ranulph Smyth and of Giles Smyth, late of Rydihallowes — except all p'arcels of the same now in the tenure of Lawrence Parker — to the use of Robert Sharpe and his assigns, from 15 April, 9 Eliza beth [1567], for the term of 21 years, according to the following intent. Admittance granted; fine, 17s. 4^., by pledge of John Nutter. The intent is that the said Robert Sharpe, in consideration of certain sums of money, shall be fined and seised of the premises (except as in the surrender) to him and his assigns, for 21 years; paying the yearly rent of 1 7 s. &,d. to the Queen and her successors, and £3, gs. 4d. yearly to the said Henry Barcrofte and his heirs and assigns. John Nutter of Newelawnde surrendered 1 messuage, lands, &c, in Newlawnde, now in the tenure of the said . John Nutter (yearly rent, 44s. S\d) ; to the use of Robert Banester, Robert Brereclyf, John Parker of Brownebrincke, and John Kippax, as feoffees to the use of the said John Nutter for the term of his life, and after his death to the use of his last will. Admittance granted; fine, 44s. Si^-> by pledge of James Hargreaves. Thomas Verley, tenant of the Queen, surrendered 1 mes suage, lands, &c, in Hayboth (yearly rent, 13s. 3\d), which Peter Verley delivered to him ; to the use of Thomas Verley and Richard Verley, sons of the said Peter, as feoffees to the use of the said Peter for the term of his life, and after his death to the use of his last will. Admittance granted ; fine, 13s. 3\d., by the pledge of Nicholas Robinson. William Hargreaves of Higham, by Richard Woodrof, tenant of the Queen, surrendered certain lands, meadows, &c, lying in Higham or Higham Deane, now in the tenure of William Watmoughe, containing 21 acres of land, between the bounds assigned by Hugh Hallsted, gent, (yearly rent, 4s.) ; to the use of the said William Watmoughe and of Alice, now his wife, and their assigns, for the term of 21 years from 11 April, 8 Elizabeth [1566], and for their lives and the life of the survivor of the said William and Alice, after the determination of the said years, according to the intent declared below. And thereupon the said William Hargreaves forbad fine for ihe dower of Elizabeth his wife, 366 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS and William Watmoughe and Alice found pledge, Richard Woodrof, to answer the said Elizabeth. Admittance granted ; fine, 8s. The intent is that William Watmough and Alice his wife and their assigns shall be seised, to the use of the said William and Alice and their assigns, during the terms recited in the said surrender ; paying the yearly rent of 4J. to the Queen and her successors, and 17J. yearly to the said William Hargreaves and his assigns. Sum of this Halmote, £4, 3s. 6\d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Higham on Wednesday, 28 May, 9 Elizabeth [1567]. Inquisition taken there by oath. Amercements. — Christopher-Whittle and James Moore (2od. each) made an affray together. Christopher Robinson, junior (12^.), keeps his hedges open between his tenement and the tenement of Barnard Hartley of Lawnde, called Fullshay. Barnerd Hartley of Lawnde, tenant of the Queen, sur rendered a close of arable land and pasture called Laigher pasture, lying in Barrowforde (yearly rent, 4^.), now in the tenure of James Willson, which Christopher Hartley, senior, delivered to him ; to the use of the said James Willson and his assigns, during the life of the said Christopher Hartley. Admittance granted ; fine, 4^. At the request of Christopher Nutter and Ellen his wifej Edward Braddill, John Hancocke, William Crumbocke, Barnard Hartley of Lawnde, and John Parker of Browne- brincke, together with the said Christopher and Ellen his wife, surrendered 2 closes of land, meadow, &c, called Le Holme and Firrbancke in Le Newe Lawnde (yearly rent, ios.) ; to the use of George Dobson and his assigns for 1 9 years from the date of this Halmote, according to the intent below. Admittance granted; fine, ios., by pledge of Hugh More. The intent is that George Dobson shall be seized as above, paying iar. yearly to the lady the Queen and her successors, and iij. yearly to Christopher Nutter and Ellen his wife. John Mytton, greave of Pendle, surrendered a parcel of land called Darleybancke Clough and one " le Doole " lying in a close of land called Great Intacke in Roughleigh (yearly rent, 2s.), which Nicholas Robinson of Roughleigh delivered to him ; to the use of Barnerd Hartley of Lawnde and his heirs, according to indentures made between the said Nicholas Robinson and James .Mytton, bearing date the MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1566-7 367 24th September, 8 Elizabeth [1566]. Admittance granted ; fine, 2s., by pledge of John Mitton. William Byrckehead, by Nicholas Robinson, tenant of the lady the Queen, ca,me and surrendered 1 messuage, 1 other house, and a parcel of turbary, lying in Roughleigh (yearly rent, Sd.) ; to the use of William Tyndale and his assigns during the life of the said William Byrkehead. Admittance granted; fine, 8d., by pledge of Nicholas Robinson. William Hargreaves of Higham, by John Hargreaves of Barrowforde, tenant of the Queen, surrendered a parcel of land, pasture, and moss called "le Topp of the Height," lying in Higham, containing 12 acres (yearly rent, id), now in the tenure of the said William ; to the use of James Hargreaves, son of John Hargreaves of Goldshaie, and William Hargreaves, son of James Hargreaves of Higham, and their heirs, to be seised as feoffees to the use declared in indentures between the said William Hargreaves of Higham and James Hargreaves of Higham, dated 1 June, 8 Elizabeth [1566]. Admittance granted; fine, id., by pledge of Hugh More. John Croke of Oldlawnde, by John Hargreaves of Lower Barrofowrde, junior, tenant of the Queen, surrendered 1 messuage and other buildings, lands, &c, lying in Le Old lawnde (yearly rent, 15s. o|^.) ; to. the use of James Croke, James Hargreaves son of the said John Hargreaves, George Cronckeshay son of Robert Cronckeshay, Nicholas Moore, and their heirs, as feoffees to the use declared below. Ad mittance granted; fine, 15s. o\d., by pledge of Edmund Stephanson. The intent is that the said James Croke, &c, shall be seised to the use ofthe said John Croke for life ; and after his decease, to the use of Richard Croke, son of the said John, for life, if he happen to survive his father ; with remainder to the use of Robert Crooke, son ofthe said Richard Crooke, and his heirs. Provided that the said feoffees shall, after the decease ofthe survivor ofthe said John Croke and Richard his son, stand seised of the 4th part of the premises to the use of such woman as shall happen to be wife ofthe said Richard at his death, for the term of his life. John Nutter of Newlande complained that Christopher Nutter of the same closed and obstructed a usual road leading from plaintiff's tenements in Le Newlawnde in and by a close of land of defendant called Le Holme, as far as Le Sand forde, by which road plaintiff used to cross. A jury of 12 say that the said John Nutter ought to have, according to the custom of the manor, a sufficient road in 368 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS and by the said close called Le Holme, not only with waggons, carts, and other carriages, but also to gather together and drive his cattle, and all other things necessary for his house, and that it shall be lawful for all persons having occasion to come to the said house to cross at all times, except when the said Le Holme shall be planted or sown. Defendant amerced id. Sum of this Halmote, 32s. 6§i#. Sum total, of the two Halmotes of Penhull, 11 6s. id. ; namely, fines of lands, 1 1 1 s. Sd. ; amercements, 4s. Sd. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Bruneley on Wednesday, 11 December, 9 Elizabeth [1566]. Inquisition taken there by oath. Amercements. — Henry Barcrofte (4d), Robert Jackeson (4d), Ellis Nutter (4d), the wife of Henry Nutter (2d), Edmund Sharpe (2d), Lawrence Parker (2d), Giles Smyth (2d), Richard Nutter (2d), Nicholas Smyth (2d), John Londisdale (2d), George Dobson (2d), Richard Dobson (id), Lawrence Smyth (1^.), Thomas Smyth (id), Richard Hyrde (id), William Mitchell (id), and William Tailior (id), for trespass with their beasts upon Saxifeild. Henry Ryley (6s. 8d) and Henry Webster and Henry Whitacar (3s. 4^.) for a breach of the peace. Nicholas Cockeshott and Oliver Dodshone (2s. each), because they made an affray together at night. Henry Webster, Henry Clayton, and John Cockeshott (12^. each) because they broke the orchard of Henry Byrtwisill and carried away apples. John Heighe (3s. 4d) and John Denby (6d) for an affray together. John Webster, by John Robinson and Christopher Smythe, tenants of the Queen, surrendered 2 houses and a garden lying in Padyham, now or late in the tenure of John Turner, deceased ; to the use of John Turner, son of the said John, during the life of the said John Webster. Admittance granted ; fine, 2d , by pledge of John Houghton. Robert Ingham of Fullage, and John Whitacars, son and heir apparent of Robert Whitacar of Micklehurst, at the request of Nicholas Harger, surrendered 1 messuage and 34 acres of land called Hargerclough within Bruneley, and also 2 acres of land in Ightenhill, now in the tenure of the said Nicholas ; to the use of the said Nicholas Harger and his heirs and assigns. Admittance granted; fine, lis. 4d., by pledge of Barnerd Towneley. Christopher Smyth of Stonyrakes, surrendered 1 messuage, 1 garden, and 1 acre of land called Busshophowse, in manor of Ightenhill, 1566-7 369 Bruneley ; and I messuage and i toft or croft in Bruneley, how in the tenure of Robert Thornebarowe ; to the use of John Smythe son of the said Christopher, and Thomas Smyth son of Stephen Smyth, and their heirs, as feoffees to the use of the said Christopher Smyth for his life, and after his death to the use and intent of his last will. Admittance granted ; fine, Sd., by pledge of Nicholas Harger. Richard Smythes, deputy of John Towneley, esq., chief steward, surrendered 2 messuages and 21 acres of land in Little Marsden, called Whitfeild, now in the tenure of Nicholas Hargreaves, senior, and Nicholas Hargreaves, junior, which Robert Banester, son and heir of Henry Banester, gent., delivered to him ; to the use of Lawrence Willson of Bradley and his heirs. Admittance granted ; fine, ys., by pledge of Hugh Hallsted. Francis Nuttall surrendered 1 messuage with 2 crofts, containing 2\ acres of land, called Perkinrood, now in the tenure of James Hargreaves ; to the use of Lawrence Nuttall and his heirs. Admittance granted ; fine, 10^., by pledge of John Tattersall. Thomas Barcrofte surrendered 1 house in the town of Bruneley, late in the tenure of Ellen, late wife of William Whitacar, deceased ; to the use of William Lunde, senior, and William Lunde, junior, and their heirs, as feoffees to the use following. Admittance granted; fine, id., by pledge of Thomas Barcrofte. The intent is that the feoffees shall be seised to the use of them selves and their heirs, provided that they pay yearly to the said Thomas Barcrofte and his heirs ioj., "at and vpon the tabell in Brunley churche," on the feast of St. Michael the Archangel. John Wade surrendered 1 messuage and other buildings, and 7 acres of land, lying in Bruneley Woode, now in the tenure of Thomas Aighton and Alice his wife, for their lives ; to the use of Blase Hargreaves and Barnard Towneley and their heirs, as feoffees to the use declared below. Admittance granted, subject to the estate of Thomas Aighton and Alice his wife, for their lives, at 20s. rent; fine, 2s. 4d., by pledge of Christopher Smythe. ¦ The intent is that the said Blase and Barnard and their heirs shall stand seised of the premises, immediately after the decease of Thomas Aighton and Alice his wife, to the use of Robert Wade, base begotten son of the said John Wade, and Elizabeth now his wife, for their lives ; paying the rent, &c, accustomed, and 20J. yearly to the said John Wade and his heirs, with the usual boons of one day mowing and three days shearing. Provided that if the said Elizabeth after VOL. II. 2 A 3-70 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS the said Robert's death espouse any other man or miscarry, then the said feoffees shall be seised of the premises to the use of the said John Wade, his heirs and assigns, for ever: and also in case the said Robert Wade shall by his own provision or by means of the said John Wade be at any time hereafter preferred to any "ferme or mansion place" better than the premises contained in the said surrender. Sum of this Halmote, 49s. 6d. HALMOTE of the Manor of Ightenhill, held at Bruneley on Thursday, 22 May, 9 -Elizabeth [1567]. Inquisition taken there by oath. John Tattersall and the wife of Edward Tattersall have been elected greaves of Ightenhill — namely, the said John for three parts of the year, and the late wife of Edward Tattersall for the fourth part of the year. The jury say that whereas a penalty of 20s. was imposed at the last court, that Anne Towneley, widow of Nicholas Towneley, esq., should lay open a road from ancient time used through her tenement called Royle Hill, the said Anne did not lay open the said road, to the grave damage of the neighbours ; therefore she is in mercy 20s. Henry Barcroft (4^.), George Dobson (2d), Nicholas Robinson (4d), Richard Croke of Oldlawnde (2d), Robert Jackeson (4^.), Ellis Nutter (4d), the wife of Henry Nutter (2d), Edmund Sharpe (2d), Robert Sharpe (2d), Richard Nutter (2d), Nicholas Smyth (2d), John Londisdale (2d), Richard Dobson (2d), Lawrence Smyth (id), Thomas Smyth (1^.), Richard Hyrd (id), William Michell (id), and William Tailior (id), amerced for trespass with their beasts upon the common pasture of Saxifeild. Peter Ormerod amerced 12^., and John Ormerod 3 s. 4d., for trespass with their beasts upon Pykelaw More. Richard Michell and Thomas Pollard, for the occupation of lands and tenements of George Ryley, have been elected constables of Bruneley ; Oliver Whithead and James Whit- head, constables of Haberghameves. The jury present that Geoffrey Foldes died seised of 1 messuage and 8 acres of land in Bruneley, and of 1 other messuage and 1 garden (yearly rent, 1^.) in Bruneley, and that James Foldes is his son and next heir and of full age. Admittance granted ; fine, 2s. Sd., by pledge of John Tat tersall of Piccopp. John Kippax surrendered 1 rood of land lying in Little Marsden, called Lomme Cloughe ; to the use of John Leighe of Croston and his heirs and assigns., in exchange for a rF MANOR OF IGHTENHILL, 1566-7 371 parcel of land in Great Marsden called Le Warthe. Ad mittance granted ; fine, 1 d-, by the pledge of Thomas Leighe. John Willson and Isabel his wife, Lionel Leighe and Isabel his wife, and Thomas Leighe, surrendered 1 messuage and 22 acres of land called Claverhoole, lying in Marsden ; to the use of John Leighe of Croston and his heirs and assigns. And thereupon the said John and Isabel, Lionel and Isabel, and Thomas forbad fine, that they should have the premises to them and their assigns according to inden tures of award made between them and the said John Leighe, bearing date 26 June, 8 Elizabeth [1566], and the same was conceded to them in full court. Admittance granted; fine, ys. 4d., by the pledge of the said Thomas Leighe. William Ryley of Hawkeshay surrendered the half of 1 messuage and 8 acres of land, in the several tenures of Peter Ormerod of Nutshay and Elizabeth Ryley, widow, late wife of Alexander Ryley, deceased, lying in Habergham- eves ; to the use of Thomas Ryley, son of the said William Ryley, and his heirs. Admittance granted ; fine, 2S. Sd., by the pledge of William Halsted of Banckehowse. John Willson surrendered 5 acres of land called Le Sowthende of Claverhoole, lying in Little Marsden ; to the use of Robert Kippax and John Parker of Marsden and their assigns, for the term of 1 1 years from the feast of the Purification B.V.M. last past. Admittance granted ; fine, I2d., by pledge of John Kippax. Sum of this Halmote, 41s. 4^. Sum of these two Halmotes of Bruneley, £4, ios. iod. ; namely, fines of lands, 36s. 2d. ; amercements, 54s. Sd. APPENDICES. i. SURVEY OF THE FORESTS OR CHASES OF BLACKBURN SHIRE RETURNED IN ANSWER TO THE COMMISSION FOR GRANTING THE FORESTS, ISSUED 22 HENRY VII. [1507]- Blakburneshyr. Westclose and Huntersholme. — Fyrst there is a pasture callid the Westeclose with an otther pareell of grounde callid Huntersholme late in tenure of Laurence Crokeshawe, John Crokeshawe, Thomas Crokeshawe and Robert Croke for 11 35. 4d., the same Laurence and the othir aforseyd offren and be agreed to pay there for £8 by yere so that they may have the same to theym and their heires by copy of court Rolle wherein wilbe encreasyd yrelye for euer 46s. 8d. Higham bothe. — Item there is a Vachery there callid Higham bothe wheroff the old ferme was 10 marc by yere and wherof one half is laten to Hugh Standen and Edmond Standen for 1005. by ¦yere and for the othir part Sir John Bothe, knyght, offreth 100s. by yere, so there is enproved therin yerely 66s. 8d. Newlaund. — Item there is a pasture callid the Newlaund whych hath not be used to be let to ferme bicause of the dere there but hathe been agistid yerely with a certen nombre of catell to the some of 8 marc by yere and now Robert Noter the old agister of the same hathe taken upon hym to encrease the seyd agistament unto 10 marc yerelie from hensforth and the Kyng to be encreased therein yerelie 265. 8d. Barleybothe.— Item there is a Vechery callid Barleybothe late at 113s. 4d. by yere and 2 smal pareell of ground adioynyng to the same at js. 4d. for al the -whych Vacherie and pareell the old occupiers and tenauntes of the same, that is to sey, John Robynson, thelder, Richard Arley, Wilham Arley, Roger Bowland, John Robynson theunger, James Manconholes, Richard Ballald, James Healey and Margaret Ballald, Wydowe, offren yerelie for euer £10 they to have the same after the custume of manor as is aforseyd and the Kyng therin is emprowed yerelie ye somm of 79s. 4d. Musbury Park. — Item there is a Wast ground there callid Musbury park whych was sometyme a park in dede and now the closure is downe and is laid to pasture savyng the dere of the foreste of Rossindale hath recorse therin amonge wherof the old ferme is £9, I2d. Whych ground is now by us devided into divers pareell and 8 personnes every man 60 acres wheroff 20 the best, 20 myddyl and 20 of the worst every man to pay for every suche 60 acres 33s. 4d. the hole somm emonges theym wyl atteyne to £13, 6s. Sd.. wherof let be abatyd the seyd £9, I2d. of the olde ferme 6s. 8d. in so moche as there islakk emonges them al 10 acres and the Kyng shalbe enproved therin yerely forever so they may have it to them and to their heires after the custome of manor by copie of corte Roll and at every 373 374 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS alienacion or diyng eche of theym to doble their Rentes and so is encreasyd therin yerelie 79s. Higham close alias Netherhighigham. — Item there is an odyr Vachery callid Higham close otherwyse callid Netherhigham which Richard Hancok deceasid held for £4, 13s. 46.. by yere the same is now leten to the wif of ye sayd Richard for £6 by yere so that the Kynges grace shalbe encreasyd therin yerely 26s. Sd. Overgoldsha and Netherg[ol]dsha. — Item there is an othyr vachery callid Ouergoldsha and Nethergoldsha with the Crages wherof the old ferme was but £8, ios. by yere, now is the same laten ageyn of new to the old fermours and tenauntes therof that is to say Robert Noter, Edmond Noter, Steven Noter, Edmond Robynson, Elys Robynson, Thomas Robynson, Edmond Aspeden, Laurence Aspeden, John Aspeden, Henry Noter, William Bybkeby, and the wyf of Roger Aspeden for 20 marc by yere, so the Kynges grace shalbe encreasyd yerely £4, 16s. Sd. Felyclose. — Item there is a close callid Felyclose whych alweyes hath ben usyd to be agistet to the somme of £9, 6s. Sd. yerely and no more by cause of the recourse yl the dere of Penhull hath therunto wherupon it was ordret that ye seyd agistament shuld be ferthermore encresed to ye somme of 26s. Sd. yerely above the seyd £9, 6s. Sd. of old ferme and in so moche as ye seyd encrese myght not be ever certen by wey of agistament but rather som yere more and som lesse and in so moche as Lawrence Tonneley and Rauff Askue cam afterward to us and desyred to have ye same by copy of courte Rolle to them and to their heires after the maner and forme as other tenauntes nowe have and to do at every alienacion and dethe as other tenauntes ther shall do it was though by us that yey shall so have it savyng ye lyke recourse of dere as hath ben used afore. And so ye Kyng to be ever in certen of seyd increse that is to sey yerely for ever more 26s. Sd. Oldlaund. — Item there is a pasture callid the old lande at 60s. to ferme by yere, it is now laten to John Robynson and Richard Croke they to pay therfore by yere £4, 6s. Sd. so the Kyng is enproved 26s. Sd. Whytleycarre. — Item there is a pasture callyd Whytleycarre late at 106s. Sd. by yere is nowe leten to Nicholas Towneley for £6, 6s. Sd. by yere and so is enproved therin 20s. Overbarreford and Netherbarford. — Item there be 2 other pastures and vacheries one callid Overberford late at £4 in ferme by yere and that other callid Netherbarreford with a certan othir pareell of ground to them bylongyng callid Russheton thornes at £4, ios. by yere be now laten to the old tenauntes of the same for £12, 13s. 4d. so therin is enproved yerely £4, 3s. 4d. Overrughey and Netherughey alias Roughleyboth. — Item there is another pasture and Vachery callid Overruggehey and Nethirrughey otherwyse callid Rughleyboth.es Wherof the old rent wa[s] £9 by yere, the same is nowe laten to Christofer Boldwyn, Christofer Smyth, Petre Smyth, John Smyth, John Bilby, Henry Mitton, William Mitton, Richard Noter, Laurence Nutter, Piers Robynson, John Robynson, Bartram Robynson and Nicholas Robynson for 20 marc by yere, Wherin is enproved yerelie £4, 6s. Sd. Hawbothe. — Item there be 2 pareell of pasture the one callid Hawbothe late at 53s. 4d. by yere and that other caUid Whytley in Hawbothe late at 51s. Sd. by yere the old Rent of bothe togyder 105s. so they be now laten to James Hergrave, Robert Bulcokke, William Holgate, John Robynson thelder, John Robynson the yonger, Thomas Erley, Robert Erley, Roger Hertley, John Bulcokk, for £& by yere so is encreasid 55s. Redhalowes. — Md. to mete yis grounde ayen. Item there is an APPENDICES 375 othyr Vachery callid Redhalowes containing] by mesure 200 acres late at £9, 6s. Sd. by yere is nowe laten to William Wynder and hys fellowes for £10. Wherin is encreasyd yerelye 13s. 4d. Berdshabothe. — Item there is an othir Vachery callid Berdsha- bothe late ^10, 13s. 4d. by yere now is laten by Geffrey Hertley, John Hertley and othir old tenauntes of the same for 20 marc by yere wherby is emprowyd yerely 53s. 4d. Overwicoler and Netherwicoler. — Item the vacheries of Over- wycoler and Netherwicoler that late where in ferme at £4, 13s. 4d. but now laten to ferme to Piers Foldes, Pyers Hertley thelder. and othyr old fermours of the same for £6 by yere wherby is emprowyd yerely 26s. Sd. Wynewall. — Item there is an other Vachery callid Wynwall late at £6 by yere is now laten to James Shotelworth, Laurence Smyth, Hugh Hertley and old occupiers of the same for £8, 13s. 4d. whereby from hensfurth the Kyng shalbe emprowed yerely 53s. 4d. Overhaddes. — Item there be 2 other pastures one callid Over- haddes and Frerohill, othyrwise callid the Henneheedes whych all the Kynges tenauntes and fermours in hys forest of Rossendale have had alweyes amonge them inCommen paying therefore by yere 13s. 4A. And now the same be laten ayen in ferme to the seyd tenauntes they to have the same ayen amonge them in hke forme and to pay yerelie from hensfurth of encrease 13s. 4d. Cowhouses. — Item the Vachery callid the Cowhouses late at £6 by yere to be laten to Thomas Warmesley, Richard Haworth and othir old tenauntes of the same by copie with the encrease yerelie of 60s. and so they to pay by yere £9 — 60s. Runstall. — Item an othir Vacherye callid Rounstall, othir callid Rotenstall late at 53s. 4d. to be laten to Thomas Pycop, John Pycop, Peter Crosseley and Robert Hepe by copie now for the somm of 76s. Sd. and so is encreasid — 20s. 4d. Constablelegh and Okeneywood. — Item an othir Vachery callid Constablelegh with an othir pareell of ground callid Okeneywod late in ferme at £10, 13s. 4d. to be now laten in 2 parcelles that is to say the seyd Constablelegh is laten to Laurence del Holte, Reynold Ingham, Otowell Haworth, Charles Haworth for 100s. by yere and the seyd other parcelles callid Okeneywood in lykewyse is laten and devided into 2 parcelles Wherof one moyte to be laten to Edmond Rannes- botom, Oliver Rannesbotom, and Richard Hey for £4, 6s. Sd. by yere and the othir moyte to be laten to Otiwell Haworth and Charles Haworthe for othir £4, 6s. Sd. they to hold after the custom of the maner so the increase yerof shalbe by yere 53s. 4d. Dedonclough. — Item the Vachery calUd Dedonclough late in ferme at £6 by yere to be laten to Jurden Brugge, James Crawsha, William Holt and Thomas Crawsha under the somme asceseyd for ^10, 13s. 4d. — [£10, 13s. 4d.— in a different hand.] Wolfendenboth. — Item anothir Vacherye callid Wolfendenboth late in ferme at £6 with an othir pasture callid Cowhope with 2 othir smal parcelles in Cowhope and now Wolfeclose now to be laten to John Hepe, WiUiam Asshworth, Edmond Shaa, and Nicholas Assh- worth for £4, 16s. Sd. and Cowhope is laten to James Pecop, Elice Brugge, John Whiteacre, and Robert Aspinol for 113s. 4d. so in them bothe is encreasyd [73s. iii.]. Gamelseud. — Item there is an other Vachery in Rossendale callid Gamelseud late in ferme at 44s. Sd. by yere now to be holden in Uke wise to OUver Ormerode and George Ormerode for £4 by yere— £4. Herleyhed alias dictus Bacobbothe. — Item there is an othir Vachery calUd Herleyhed othirwyse callid Bacob bothe late in ferme at £8, 13s. 4d. by yere now to be laten to Laurence Lord, Alexander Lord, John Whiteacre and Christofer Tatersale for £11 by yere— ^11. 376 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Tunsted. — Item an othir Vachery callid Tunsted late in ferme for 76s. 8d. by yere now to be laten to John PilUng, Henry Durden, Gilbert Cryshawe and the wiff of John Tatersale for 8 marc by yere — 106s. Sd. Hodlesden and Newhey. — Item an othir Vacherye callid Hodlesden and an othir litill pareell of ground calUd Newhey in Hodlesdon to be leten to John Radclyf esquier for ^10 — £10. Highgrylley alias Horleyhed. — Item there is an othir Vacherye callid Highgrilley otherwyse Horleyhed late in ferme for £6, 13s. 4d. is now to be letten to Christofer Hardegreves, Alexander Ryley, Christofer Ryley and the wyff of George Riley for £8 by yere — £8. Anteley — Item in Acryngton Foreste there is a Vachery callid Anteley to he leten to Rauff Russheton for ^10 by yere by copie as aforseyd — £10. Baxtonden. — Item there is an other vacherye in the seyd Forest calUd Baxtonden to be laten to Deonyse Rysley the wiff of Thomas Holden and to Robert Horeden for £6 by yere — £6. Crawshaboth. — Item in the Forest of Rossindale there is a Vachery callyd Crawshabothe to be leten to George Haworth, Henry Haworth and Reynold Haworth for £9 by yere and they to stond chargeable and to be collectours of 20 marc yereUe of and for the ferme of Wolfenden landes whych is laten to al tenauntes of the seyd forest — ^13, 6s. 8d. Godshaugh. — Item there is an othir Vachery in the same Forest of Rossindale caUid Godshaugh to be laten to Thomas Bretteswell, Roger Pyllyng, George Hardegrawe and Richard Hardegrave for 100s. by yere — 100s. Fulclough. — Item an othyr Vachery in the same Forest of Rossin dale callid Fulclough to be leten to Richard Brettewesill and Margery late the wif of George Brettewesel for 100s. by yere — 100s. [in margin] '' Margaret." Primerosefeld. — Item there is an othir lytill place with a certein ground thereto callid Prymerosefeld to be leten to George Ormerode and John Ormerod for 43s. 4d. by yere — 43s. 4d. Newhalhey and Overlynche and Hallecarre. — Item there is an othir Vachery in the seyd forest of Rossindale callid the New halhey with 2 othir parcelles of ground therunto nygh adioynyng wherof one is callid the Ouerlynche and the othir half of the HaUe carre whych 3 parcelles to be leten in 3 several fermes that is to sey the seyd Vachery of Newhalley to Thomas Crashaa, Henry Rames- botom, Richard Ramesbotom and Hugh Bredshaa for £6, 16s. Sd. by yere and the seyd parceU calUd Overlynche to be laten to Nicholas Towneley for £4, 6s. Sd. by yere, And the seyd half of the Halle carre for 16s. by yere — [blank]. Wolfenden. — Item there is an othyr grete large wast ground in the myddes of the seyd Forest of Rossyndale callid Wolfenden with a feir logge [fair lodge] theren set whych ground was. never arrentid ne set to no certen ferme but hath bene reservid for socour of dere and to Releve al the Kynges tenauntes in the seyd Foreste as a commen amonge them and now to be leten to the seyd tenauntes in comen and they to pay yereUe therfore ^13, 6s. Sd. — ^13, 6s. 8d. Emottes More. — Item there is a wast ground callyd Emottes More in the Foreste of Trewden whych paid at thys day nothyng and every man depastureth it that wyll, whych waste ground is graunted to Laurence Towneley and to Rauff Askue or to ye one of them to have the same by Copye of Court Roll &c. and they to do after ye, forme as other tenauntes in Blakeburneshyr do &c. and to pay therfor yerely for evermore. 20s. — 20s. The Moyte of Rusheton- thornes. — Item ther is an other pasture called Russheton thornes, wherof no profite was had afore- tyme and wherof the one moyte is laten to ferme joyntly with Over- APPENDICES 377 barreford and that other halfe should have ben laten to Miles Parkar for 20s. and nowe cometh John Chaloner and offerreth therfor 26s. Sd. by yere, Wherunto Mr. Chaunceler is agreed and so is enprowed therin yerely 26s. Sd. by yere — 26s. Sd. Rowclifwode. — Item ther is a nother pasture called Roucliffwode wherof the olde rent is 13s. 4d. by yere the seid pasture is now laten to the abbot of Whalley and to his successours by copye of court Roll &c. and they to do after the forme as other tenauntes in Blakebourne- shire do &c. And so they to pay yerely 16s. Sd. for ever more — 16s. &d. II. COPYHOLD RENTS OF THE HONOR OF CLITHEROE, a.d. 1527.1 COPYHOLD OF THE NEW FYNES. Pendle : Tenants of the Lord the King there. Ightenhull parke. John Towneley, knight ^30 {£30, os. od.] Oldelande. John Robynson . . . 57s. John Hugyn .... 28s. Item John Robynson and John Hugyn for httle Blakewud . . 3s. [£4, os. 1 id.] West Cloyse. Laurence Cronkeshagh 40s. lid John Cronkeshagh, junior .... • 43*- U John Cronkeshagh senior .... ¦ 33*- 7id Robert Croke . . . . 42s. 4\d l£7, i9«- 3- i£ ii 6t 8| 4 6|-2 ii John Hartley . . ,. Peter Smith for himself and for John Smith, junior 3 ... John Hurst • ... Henry Baldwyne . William Smith . . . Sum 385 : ii 5 13 Whyttley in Hayboth. John Bulcok . . Nicholas Robinson . Laurence Hargreaves James Hargreves . Robert Bulcok . . John Robinson, senior John Robinson, junior William Hartley . . Robert Verley . Peter Verley . . Roger Hartley Sum 3 664 4 12 5 9 4 6 64 12 9 4 ii 6J 4 7i7i 7i7i 'oi 8 3Si7i 7i 51 6 11 ii Redehaloes. Christofer Jackson . 17 6 The wife of Henry Barcroft .... 2 10 o George Ormeroide . 150 Ellis Nuttor ... 17 6 Sum ; o o FOREST OF TRODEN. Wymewall. Hugh Shotylworth John Hartley for his tenement .... The said John for part of the tenement of the said Hugh . James Driver . . Roger Hartley . . John Hartley, senior Roger Roberts . . Sum 7 2| H 5i 7 M i 1010 6 2jsi 8 1010 Over WycolleR and Nether [Wycoller]. John Hartley ... 10 Christofer Hartley, junior 10 Peter Hartley ... 150 John Emmott ... 76 The wife of James Foldes 46 Christofer Hartley, senior 12 o Sum 300 Bradillhay ° Booth. Henry Hartley . . Roger Hartley son of John Hartley mor- tuus est Nicholas Hartley, chap lain Richard Shakylden James Shakylden . . 10 5 9 Si 16 8 10 5 10 5 1 For part of the tenement. Ibid 3 Peter Smith — 9s. 9d. Ibid. Rogleghis. Ibid. John Hurst for himself and for John Smith- '' Bardishay. Ibid. Now Beardshaw. VOL. II. -8s. Ad. Ibid. 2 B 386 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Geoffrey Foldes . . . io O Roger Hartley, son of John Hartley . . . IO O 10 James Hartley, junior 1.3 4 Nicholas Hartley, junior 6 Roger Hartley, senior . 8 4 Richard Hartley . . 6 William Hartley . . 9 H Sum 6 13 5 ui"i 4 RENTAL FOR BLACKBURNSHIRE, MICHAELMAS, 31 HENRY 8 [1539].1 Sapdenhey. The heirs of Thomas RadcUfe .... The said heirs of Thomas Radclife for 40 ac. of land in Reedley hollowes Sum Copinhursthey. Henry Shuttleworth . Symon Blakey for 3 ac. of meadow . . 2 13 ¦3 6 d. A John Hargreves for a vaccary of the waste (pro vacar' vasti) in . 6 Sum 15 Carrhey. John Russhworth, yearly 106 6J Thomas yearly Emmot more. Emmott, I IV. AN OLD GREAVE BOOKE FOR THE MANNOR OF IGHTENHILL. Ightenhill Parke. Feliclose. The vicare [of Rochdal 0 30s. George Grymshaye • £3 Thomas Foldes 24s. Sid. Thomas Watmoighe . 15s. William Hancocke . SS^- 6d. John Spenser . 1 6s. Studdarde wiffe . . 31s. Sd. Richarde Clayton . 9s. 6d. James Holte . . I2S. gd WilUam Michill . . 9s. 6d. Richarde Boithman I3S. 6id. James Smythe . . 15s. WilUam Shore . . 27S. 3d. George Smythe . . 15s. 6d Edmunde Rishton . I4S. William Teilior . . 15s. Henrie Harger . . I4S. Henrie Barcrofte 2d. James Pollarde . . 27S. 9\d- Sum total, £y, 15's. 8d.3 George Halsted . . 20S. i\d. Brunley mylne . • 33«- 4(2. Richarde Bentham . 20S. Sd Padyham mylne . . 6s. Sd. John Spenser . . . 33*- ' 3d. Colne mylne . . • 33*- 40". John Ingham . . . £3, Ss. lid. Clidrowe mylne . . 25s. Richarde Clayton . 2S. 6d. Colemyne de Brode Sum total, £ 19, I4S 3d.1 Heade . . . . . 13*- 4<2. 1 The following rents were for the whole year. 2 Total of the rents for the half-year only. 3 Note in margin in later hand : " These Tents' owe suit to Burnle Mill " (including all but the first two names). APPENDICES 387 Ightenhill iis. 42s. Ss. 25s Peter Wadington Robert Wadington Nicholas Townley Myles Aspdene . Nicholas Bancrofte Kirke lande . . Thomas Flecher . Nicholas Harger . Nicholas Shotilworthe 8s. Sum, £4, 16s. 4id. Thomas Sutcliffe . . 13s. The wife of Nicolas Har ger 25s. PhilUppe Spenser . . 4s. Brunley. iod 10i,d. Aid- 20d. id. I2d. 6d. 6id. id. 6id. Haberiam eves. Robert Whiteacre . . 1 5s-. Sid. Lawrence Haberiam 21s. 8«T. William Bothe ... 3s. 5 d. Edmunde Spenser . . 3s. sd. Richarde Bothe ... 8d. William Rilaye ... 4s. yd. Hughe Halsted . 9s. id. Henrie Bothe . . 4s. 40?. John Grenewoode . . gd. Robert Shakelton . 12s. sid. George Smythe . . 2s. 3d. OUver Whiteheade . . 3s. Richarde Pollarde . . us. sd. Nicholas Harger . . . us. WilUam Halsted ... 5s. sid. Richarde Bridge ... 2d. Thomas Flecher ... 5s. sid. Myles Aspdene . . . 2o4i. Yate Feilde .... 10s. id. Sum, £6, ss. iod. Brunley Woode WilUam Ingham . . 6s Charles Woode ... 4s Thomas Haghton WilUam Foldes . Richarde Mychell WilUam Eylotte . John Barcrofte . Richarde Tattersall John Wodroffe . . John Haworthe . . John Ridihaulghe . Reynolde Whittacree Nicholas Whittacre . Edwarde Tattersall . John Catterall . . John Nuttowe . . Richarde Wodroffe . Sum, £s, 6s. i Ss 2S 45. . id. Ss.ys As-4s. gs. 13s. 23s 4s . iod. . 4id. iSid.1 Sid. . Sd. . id. (sic) 8d. . iod. io%d.iojo*. lid. ys. id. 6d. 3d. ioid. Robert Towne . . Oliver Halsted . . Robert Jacson . . Richarde Whitquam Richarde Tattersall John Clayton Nicholas Grymshaye Robert Ingham Alexander Leaver . Richarde Mychell . Robert Wilkynson . George Halsted . . Richarde Johnson John Wodroffe . . William Foldes . . Edmonde Townley The same Edmonde for Cronkeshay . . Symon Haydocke . Geoffraye Foldes William Hargreves . John Wodroffe . . John Aspdene preist The howse anede the crosse .... James Strickelande . James Smythe . Alexander Wilson . William Holgate . . John Wilson . . . Geoffraye Risheton . Item the same Geoffray* James Brandewoode Charles Adlington 2id John Wilson . . George Smythe . . John Watmoughe . James Lee . . . John Whitwham John Jacson . . . Nicholas Whittacre Robert Jacson . . Christoffer Cowper . John Townley esquyer The wife of William Whittacre . . Brunley Mylne . . £3, Richarde Wilsone . George Rilaye . . Bishoppe howse . . John Smythe. . . Christoffer Smythe . 8s. yd. Ss- 7d. Ss. io\d. 3s- Ss. 2d. 6s. 4d. lAid- 14s. nid. lis. i2d. 6d. Ss. 10a. id. 4s. Sid. 1 6s. 7^aT. 20s. 8d. 15s. iooT. ios. Sd. 7s. 4id. id. id.id. id. id. (sic) \d. id id. 2d. ys.1 26s. Sd. lid. Item 8s. I2d. 4d. i8d. ios. 3a'.2 2d.3d.3d. Sid. Sid. 46s. 6d. id. 6s. 8d. I4d. id. I4d. I3\d. i2d. Sum, £10, 12s. 3%d. The some of Haberiam eves ys £16, ios. 9d. 1 For 1 messuage, 21 acres, part of lands of dissolved Monastery of Whalley, ys. old rent, 26s. 8d. additional rent. 2 Or,i8d. more probably. 388 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Brerecliffe. James Whittacre Richarde Acroide . . 5s. 1 1 id. Lawrence Brerecliffe . os. iod. George Smythe ... 6s. 4d. William Smythe de Hill 6s. William Smythe . . Sd. Thomas Whitwham . 3s. ioid. Christoffer Redihalgh . 8s. 2jd. Edmunde Townley . 40s. 8d. John Robinson . . . \ John Halsted . . . / ?Sm William Hanson . 23id. John Hyndle ... 3s. 4d. Richarde Tattersall . 8s. id. Thomas Glover ... ys. lid. John Halsted . . . 12s. id. Sum, £6, 14a*. Marsdene. John Robinson ... ys. 9id. John Higgyn . 1 3s. 4id. WilUam Hargreves . . 19s. John Kepas . . . ¦ \ 7S 6id Lawrence Spencer . . J ' ' 4 " John Kepas 13s. sd- Item 4s. id. The wife of John Hyggyn .... id. Nicholas Hargreves . 8s. yid. Lawrence Hargreves . ys. Rediforthe .... 3s. 4aT. John Parker ... 4s. 5d. John Townley esquyer 31s. iod. Thomas Willisell . . 9s. 4id. The heires of Wymmerlye 13s. 4 ^^ft^of * ' *¦ Now in the yeare 1618 it was Burnley Moore . . 93 3 21 by consent agreed that WUUam Meane field slake . . 22 o 25 Eaves and Roger Walkden shold ThornehiU Moore . . 32 3 9 measure the commons and wasts IghtinhiU Ridge . . 46 2 16 whose particular is as foUoweth — Summe is 1 209 ac. 2 r. 17 f. ac. r. f. within Habergham-eves. BriercUfe Common . 789 1 11 Total, 2240 ac. o r. 15 f. within Marsden 241 o 27 IghtinhiU. ac. r. f. I finde that Padiham Common was measured by Roger Walkden and Edmund Starkey the 10 of August 1618 (sic) 378 1 17 The summe of aU the commons in the whole manor of IghtinhiU 2618 1 32 Note that out of the former summe of 2254 ac. 1 r. 20 f. it was by Decree for the manor decreed that Mr. Shuttleworth shold have out of it for the King's Share belonging to IghtinhiU Parke 200 ac, And that nothing shold be answared to the Graive for the said manor soe there wiU remaine 2054 ac. 1 r. 20 f. which after the rate of 6d. the acre not having regard to the ode rood and faUs wiU amounte unto £51, ys., And for the incroachments amounting unto us. 4fd. which beeing added to the former summe wiU amount to £51, 18s. 4fd. the Graive's charge according to the Decree. Now in regard that the Heyhouses being supposed to be none of the manor of IghtinhiU yet having Custome of Enter Common it was decreed by the same decree that the Heyhouses for 60 ac. for them out of the former somme paying therefore after the rate of 6d. the acre amounting unto £1, ios. which said summe and lis. 4fd. there will 1 Printed from C. Towneley's MS., Honor of Clitheroe, p. 67. .APPENDICES 4i2 remaine of the former summe of £si, 18s. 4fd. £49, 17s. for the rente to be payed for the commons of Marsden, Burnley, BretUffe and Habergham eves with Padiham. Note out of every of the former acres the proporcionaU parte must be deducted for the said 260 ac. which wilbe as foUoweth From Burnley share of acres beeing 1209 ac. 2 r. 17 f. deducted for the King's parte and Heyhouses 120 ac. 17 f. there will remaine 1089 ac. 2 r. X. A PARTICULAR TAKEN OUT OF THE ROLLS OF WHAT COMMONS WAS ALOTTED TO SEVERALL PERSONS AND AT SEVERALL COURTES WITHIN THE MANNOR OF IGHTENHILL BY Mr. ANDREW HOLDEN STEWARD OF THE SAID MANNOR IN THE YEARE I663.1 Halmote of the manor of Ightenhill, 17 February, 17 James, i6i8-[i9]. In Padiham. ac. r. f. I s d Richard Shutleworth Esq. . . . 153 o o 3 16 6 John Starkey Esq. . . . 29 2 35 i4I0£ John Starkey 2 1 27 1 2% Nicholas Hallstead 1 1 3 22 . u| Thomas Robinson . . . . . 7215 X ni Henry Robinson , , 4! John Shutleworth 60 26 31 John Robinson 323 10 John Sonkey and Miles Whitaker . . . 3 3 34 1 n3- WiUiam Houghton 3 3 34 1 11* Francis Webster . . . . .2136 10 lot- Richard Hey . 1 1 1 1 yi Nicholas Duxbury 22 i Nicholas Robert . . . ; . . 2 2 22 13 Nicholas and WilUam Hancocke . . • 9 o 39 4 7i Isabell Anderton in Padiham . . . .6121 3 6f James Hargreaves 7 3 28 3 nf Hugh Roe 7 3 28 3 nf James Whitehead .... . 225 3 a Lawrence Whitaker 8213 4f George Whitaker 2 25 3f Richard Sagar alias Hargreaves . . 4 2 19 2 3i Thomas Grimeshay ^25 3 Raph Ashton Esq.' . . . . 25 o 10 12 4 John HaUiday 12 1 31 64 Roger NoweU, gent 22 o 39 nil In Burneley. George, archbishoppe of Canterbury . . 19 3 10 9 iof Henry Jackson upon the top of Saxifeld . . 8 2 14 4 3i 20 June, 18 James [1620]. Richard Towneley upon Saxifeild . . .53312 Upon IghtenhiU Ridge 900 Upon the Ridge above Burneley . . .800 1 Printed from C. Towneley's MS., Honor of Clitheroe, p. 81. 414 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Upon Turfe Moore Upon Meanefield Slacke .... Upon Thornell Moore .... Upon the Roydes ..... More upon Saxifeild whereof 2 ac. benaith Bishopps house the rest above . Upon Ightenhill Ridge Under the Plaintree upon Broadhead Moore At Nutshaw house ..... Upon the great hill on Broadhead moore nere Whoreley pasture .... One halfe acre nere TimberhiU yate . Hayslacks and Croune Brooke Richard Shutleworth, Esq., on ThornehiU Moore Upon Broadhead Moore .... John Parker of Extwisle upon the Royds WilUam Barcroft upon the Royds . On Turfe Moore Abraham Colthurst upon the Royds Upon the Turfe Moore .... Above the Bishopshouse .... Edmond Ashton, Esq., in Padiham Nathaniell Banester, Esq. 55 4 I 5 3 19io 5935 13 II 3 5 12 f. O 16 oo 3 o 24 oooo o o 30 o 10 27 30 8 5 7 £ s. d. Halmote, 27 October, 18 James [1620]. upon Evan Haydocke upon the Royds above Burnley Abraham Colthurst, Walshay . Upon Broadhead Moore . George, archbishopp of Canterburie, Broadheade Moore Charles Ryley . . More in Ightenhill .... Richard Shutleworth, Esq., upon Broadhead Moore ..... More there .... John Wilkinson on Saxefeld John Foulds in Burneley Wood More in Habergham Eaves Thomas Jackson in Burneley Wood . Robert Ingham in Burneley Wood Charles Wood in Burneley Wood More there ..... Thomas Brewer in Burneley More there ..... John Habersham, gent., on Saxefeld On Broadhead Moore More upon Brodhead Moore In Habersham Eaves In Meanefield Slacke More in Habersham Eaves nere Whorley Nicholas Barcroft on Thornell Moore On Ightenhill Ridge In Habersham Eaves Edward Pining .... Richard Wade in Burneley Wood More' there On Woostonhill .... 3 2 17 ) 100/ ii 410 6i6i 9 3i 3i I 2 20 9+ 8 10 3 ° I 9 20/ y 81 1 2 0 9 ioi 18 1 0 , 3 0 4i 1 3 25 \ 28 / 1 oi 7 3 3i 3 11* 9 3 0 4 ioi 7 1 15 \ , 2 16 J 3 ni 1 2 20 1, 4 J r ni 1 2 20 1 36 2 IS T5 1 0 28 -1 20 • 2 7 b 5 2 25 7 1 4 , 14 0 0 5 0 4 - 15 9 12 2 0 6 1 0 3 ii 1 2 20 2 0 ? 1 11+ 1 3 6 j APPENDICES 415 ac. r. f. Henry Walton on Saxefeild More on Saxefeild In Burnley On Brodhead Moore John Clough in Ightenhill On Saxefeild . In Brerecliffe . Bridgend .... On Brodhead More . Robert Ingham on Turfe Moore On Saxifield More there More on the Wast On Sandway side On Saxifield Richard Towneley, Esq. . George HaUstead in Habergam More there More there SmaUeshaw on Saxefield . More on Saxifield On the Ridge . On Broadhead Moore Richard Towne of Burneley on the Ridge More there ..... On Saxifield ..... Item more there .... In Burneley wood .... WiUiam Foulds on Saxifield More there for the Gleab More upon Saxifield On Broadhead Moore Adam Bridge on Ightenhill Ridge About Nutshaw .... More upon Ightenhill Ridge Nicholas Towneley, Esq.j on Saxefield Item more there .... Item more there .... Item more there .... Item more there .... On Ightenhill Ridge On Broadhead Moore More there Item more there .... In Burneley wood .... Mris. IsabeU Towneley on Saxefield Item more there .... Upon the Ridge above Burneley Item more there .... In Burneley Wood .... More there Robert -Whittaker .... More in Ightenhill .... Richard HaUstead in IghtenhiU George Britwissill in Habergham Eaves On Meanefield Slacke John Starkie, Esq., in Padiham Henry Robinson in Padiham . 4 0 0 ) 1 3 19 r » 2 j. 10 1 30 J 2 0 0 1 1 2 20 1 32 ]j f 3 0 • 5 0 39 6 1 0 4 1 0 7 23 2225 2 2 3 13 4i 10 0 0 5 0 S 3 17 "* 6 12 3538 2 0 15 >- 11 7i 4 0 25 2 2 0 1 3 0 , 4 0 0 1 3 2 1 3 1 17 " 6 ioj 2 0 2 1 0 20 J 5 0 - 13 8 0 0 51 8 0 3 22 3 <, 2 2 0 2 1 20 2 »* 1 0 13 J IS 1 23 7 0 0 18 0 20 1 1 0 14 1 20 16 1 5 18 0 IS 16 0 13 12 0 0 1 0 25 2 13 ui 5 2 9i 8 1 4 2 2 3 0 36 H 0 0 2 2 10 16 1 if 23 2 10 1 3 30 12 9 65 2 9 1 12 9i 2 0 20 5 0 H 3 6f 1 0 27 7 1 1 1 71 416 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Nicholas Duxburie in Padiham William Wadington ac. r. f. 15 1 1 26 Halmote, 8 May, 19 James [1621]. John Willisill in IghtenhiU .... 2 Item more there 2 Item on the higher end of Broadhead James Emott on the Ridge above Burneley . 1 On Saxifield ....... More there On Broadhead Moore John Banister on the Ridge above Burneley . 1 On Saxifield More On Broadhead Moore EUzabeth Aspden on IghtenhiU Ridge . . 3 On Broadhead Moore . . » . .6 On Meanefield Slacke ^ Christopher Smith on Saxifield 1 Henry Jackson on Broadhead Moore John Parker, gentleman, on Saxifield, for the use of the Scoole, and others joyned with him 2 Edward Tattersall for the Royds In Whitlane 1 On Broadhead Moore Robert Pollard in Meanefield Slacke . . 1 John Habergham ...... 1 James PiUing ....... Nicholas Bancroft on Broadhead Moore . . 2 Item more there ...... 1 Richard Ingham in Meanefield Slacke On IghtenhiU Ridge 1 Thomas Barcroft on Saxefield .... 3 On Broadhead Moore 1 On the Royds Ewan Haydock, gent. . . . . 2 More on Saxefield 5 More 9 More 5 More 10 On the Ridge above Burneley . . . . 1 WilUam Foulds ...... 1 John HaUstead of Rooley on Broadhead Moore 5 On Saxifield 6 On the Ridge above Burneley .... 8 On Saxifield 3 On the Ridge above Burneley .... John TatersaU on Saxefield .... 5 On the Ridge above Burneley .... 4 On Broadhead Moore 26 On Saxefield . . . . . . .3 Thomas Whitaker in Padiham .... These foUowing are admitted at the same Court for the Common within BrerecUffe and every one of them are to have the preportiall part of 25 ac. which I suppose to bee mosse. 17 \ 23 I 2 5i I 2i I 2f 6 oi91 51 I 2i I I 9i9 il 1 6f 1 3 2 6 1 3i 15 4i 19 5i 4 APPENDICES Richard Towneley, Esq., in BriercUffe with his proportionaU part according to his rent and acres . Nicholas Towneley, Esq., for the Uke More incroachment Robert Briercliffe and James Foulds Barnard Whitwham there .... Item more there Item incroachment ...... Mris. IsabeU Towneley there .... Item more Ewan Haydocke, gent. . . . . .75 Incroachment Lawrance BriercUffe . . . . . .55 Incroachment . . . . . . . John HaUstead of High HaUstead . Incroachment ....... John TattersaU Incroachment John HaUstead of Rowley and John HaUstead of Worshorne, Feoffies at the request of John HaUstead of Windle house Incroachment .... John HaUstead of HoUingreave Richard Aicroide Incroachment . 417 ac. r. i. £ s. d. 11 133 1 9415 7 19 3 1 So 62 James Foulds . Incroachment . Edmond Robinson Incroachment . WiUiam Sagar in BriercUffe 26 2441 2 17 3 23 o o o o 3 44 o 9 20 5 5 9i 3 6 ni 270 15 29 1 34 o 21 3 3i20 11 o 12 S o 1111 1 17 1 8 1 5 111 32 5 16 617 2i2i If 13 oi \ 12 4i >' O 81 } 6 5* 4 31 Halmote, 24 October, 19 James [1621] . John Haworth, jure uxoris, in Burneley wood . 4 2 In Burneley 10 2 Upon Hudclough head 10 Geoffrey Rushton of Antley in Harger clough . 9 o On Turfe Moore 21 Incroachment with his part of the Mosse . John Smith son of Stephen in BriercUffe . . 24 3 Incroachment ....... With his proportionaU part of 25 ac. John Smith son of John of Pighoale . .23 Incroachment with his proportionaU part of 25 ac. of mosse ...... 2 There is to bee taken notice of 25 ac. of mosse which is to have it rent looked for . . 25 o 3 20 o t) o ) oi 71 1 8 Halmote, 22 May, 20 James [1622]. Thomas Barcroft and WilUam Foulds above the Hudhouse . Nere Hunderfeild side Benaith the Hudhouse Nere Whorley pasture Edward TattersaU . Richard Towneley, Esq., on Broadhead Moore More there VOL. II. 18 1 21 55 6 0 27 3 25 2 38 2 16 14 1 0 0 0 0 18 2D 3i 6 S r 4 of 16 J 418 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Halmote, 23 October, 20 James [1621]. ac. r. f. £ a. d. Edmund Robinson upon Moysley hill . . 304-1 Nere Edward Woods house . . . 2 o 20 I Nere Smallshaw . . . . . . 1 2 o f 4 ! £ Upon HolUncrosse I 2 20 j Lawrence Towneley, Esq., neer Mr. Haber- gham's land ......120 9 John Poole nere Mr. Habergham's land . . 1 o 20 2 Halmote, 6 May, 21 James [1623]. John Habergham, gent., 4 part of an Incroach ment called Shakelton lane ... ij Richard HaUstead f of an Incroachment in Shakelton lane f Abraham Colthurst severall house and cottages in Burneley 3i Halmote, 16 October, 21 James [1623]. William Pollard upon Moysley hill . . .300 Above HolUncrosse land . . . . .42 Benaith HolUncrosse land .... 2 Richard Starkie in Padiham . . . .002 Halmote, 27 October, 22 James [1624]. Nicholas Rushton of Antley, nere the house \ of Edward Wood 1 1 o J- 2 6 Nere Whoreley pasture 3 3 o J Memorandum that upon Fryday, 9th of July 1624, wee whose names are here under written being (amongst others) Commissioners for the devideing of the Commons and wasts within the manner of Ightenhill did with the consents of all the Freeholders and Coppie- holders in BriercUffe devide 15 ac. of the said common in Ightenhill BriercUffe caUed or knowne by the name of the Land or Limestone Scarrs in Thersden amongst the said Freeholders and Coppy holders as foUoweth, namely, the upmost part or east part from the top or northend therof unto the water wee allotted &c unto Richard Towneley, Esq., Evan Haydocke or William Pollard whether of right ought to have it, John Tattersall of Britcliffe, John HaUstead of High HaUstead, Edmund Robinson of Ould Laund, and to John Smith, Alderman, as the same upmost part is set out with hoales to bee sub devided equaUy according to every man's ratable part to his rents and inlands, The Midle most part Ukewise from the upperend therof unto the water wee aUotted &c unto James Foulds of Trawden, Lawrence BriercUffe, Richard Aicroid, HolUngreave lands, Richard HaUstead of Windlehouse, WilUam Sagar, and to John Smith of Pighoale, as the same Midlemost part is now set out with hoals to bee subdevided equally amongst them according to every man's ratable part of his rents and inlands. Every man's acres of inlands in BriercUffe. These severaU parcells of commons in Thursten. a. r. f. y. ft. James Foulds . . . . . . . 31210 Lawrence BriercUffe . . . . . . 1 o 16 1 1 HolUngreave and Windlehouse . . . . 3 34 1 o 1 p. Richard Aicroid 1 39 o o William Sagar 26 3 o John Smith of Pigholc 8 4 5 APPENDICES 419 ' And the lowest part or west part of the said 15 ac. wee allotted unto Nicholas Towneley of Roile Esq., and Isabell now his wife, as the same lowest part is set out with hoales and bounds and is devided betweene them according to ether of their ratable parts of their rents and lands. Mem. that a dame of water is to bee drawne hereafter betweene the said midlemost part and lowmost part which water all that falleth from heaven or cometh without the leave of anie must runne to ether of the said parts one weeke for another weeke, namely, to the lowmost part one weeke and to the midlmost part another weeke for ever heare after. By us John Nutter, Nicholas Duxbury, Lawrence Towneley and George Whittaker, Commissioners. The severall parceUs of Common in BriercUffe in the Lymestone Scars in the upmost Scarrs in Thursden subdevided as hearafter foUoweth. To the heires of Heasonford . John TattersaU of Briercliffe . John Smith ..... John HaUstead of Cockden . To the heires of Barnard Whitwham Charles Towneley of Townley, Esq. Robert Breercliffe f. 11 7 32 2434343i ft. o 1 1 2 o 1 p. o 1 p. I Halmote, 14 October, 4 Charles [1628]. Little Marsden. A. Richard Towneley, Esq. . ' . . . -39 More there ........ 22 John Robinson .16 John Higgin ........ 16 Edward Spencer and Anne his wife . . .10 Henry West and EUz: his wife . . . .10 Richard Towneley of Carr., Esq 11 Richard Kepax . . . . . . -3° John Hargreaves 10 Margret Wilhsell 11 Robert Lee 9 John Heartley ....... 4 Robert Hargreaves ...... 3 WiUiam PoUard 4 Nicholas Hargreaves and Richard Kepax . . 8 f. s. d. 16 }i9 7\ 38 8 2i 37 8 2i 10 5 2 10 5 2 20 5 6f 20 15 3* 28 5 4 0 5 0 25 4 8i 20 2 Si 24 1 ni 20 2 Si 17 4 31 Halmote, 17 ApriU, 5 Charles [1629]. In Little Marsden. John Parker, gent. J6 Halmote, 21 October, 5 Charles [1629]. Lawrence Hargreaves in Little Mardsen . ¦ 3 John Heartley there ....•• 3 EUis Nutter ° John Robinson of Haukeshole l Robert Deane, John Higgan, Henry HaUstead and John Robinson . . . •, -4 1 6 0 0 1 6 0 15 1 7i 1 6 3 if 6i 2 25 2 4 1 2 0 I IO i 15 - 9i 0 12 i 15 J 3 24 I Ilf I 20 2i 420 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Halmote, 8 May, 6 Charles [1630]. a. r. f. a. d: Charles Banester of Parkehill surviving feoffee of Richard Towneley and others of the Chapel of little Marsden o 1 18 2 o Halmote, 21 October, 6 Charles [1630]. Lawrence Wilson there 1 1 14 8 Halmote, 22 ApriU, 7 Charles [1631]. Josias Booth there 50126 Halmote, 26 October, 7 Charles [1631]. George HaUstead, by virtue of an order of the duchy &c. in Smalshaw lane . . . o And at Le Royds in Burneley . . . . o And there o ,, ........ o ,, ,, ........ o Halmote, 8 May, 8 Charles [1632]. Nicholas Towneley, Esq., caUed Limeston Scars in Thursden ....... 3 Isabell Towneley there ..... o Halmote, 24 October, 8 Charles [1632]. John Leigh and Jane his wife, in Little Marsden .014 ii Halmote, 8 May, 9 Charles [1633]. Robert Parker son and heir of John Parker, gent., and WiUiam Hartley of Bradley, upon Broad head Moore 9 3 35 4 iof Hugh Roe there 025 3 Halmote, 23 October, 9 Charles [1633]. Lawrence Ormerrod of Ratchdale, schoolmaster, in Little Marsden, late belonging to Chris topher Aspden 7 1 28 3 8 WilUam Dawson, son of Henry, there . . . 2 1 36 1 2j XI. INSTRUCTIONS.1 The Duke of Albemarle his lettere and instructions to the Juries of Survey within the honour of CUtherow and the severaU present ments of the severall Juries within the severaU mannors are as foUoweth. To the Right Honourable Charles, Viscount MoUheux, Steward of CUtherow, Tottington and Blakeburne, or to his Deputie. Whereas as by the greate negUgence of the Steward and Under Steward that have heretofore kept the severall Courts of the Mannors 1 Printed from C. Towneley's MS., Honor of Clitheroe, p. 1. APPENDICES 421 within the Honour of CUtherow many and greate disorders hath beene comitted by reason that they seldome or never kept any Courts of Survey but minding their owne profitt more then his majesties advantage they_ tooke noe care to perfect the Rentalls betweene his majestie and his tennants in which they were the more incouraged by the late unhappie times wherein his majesties Goverment was usurpt and his officers not permitted to execute their offices to put any remedie to those evels which in twenty years have much increased, These are therefore to require you for the Reformation thereof that at your next Halmot Courte you also keepe a Courte of Survey and summon six or more of the gravest and most discretest Coppieholders out of everie mannor within the said Honour, that is to say six or more for Tottington, six for Accrington, six for Ightenhill, six for Colne, and six for Chatburne Worston and Pendleton, and out of these to impanneU a sufficient number of Jurors to survey aU the rents of the said mannors according to the Instructions hereunto annexed in that behalf, and Ukewise that you summon a competent number of the tennants of the wapentacke of Blakeburneshire and of the foure Forrests for one or more Jurie or Juries for ascertaining the RentaU of the tennants thereof and you and aU the said respective tennants and copieholders are to bee diligent and faithfull therein, given under my hand and seale at Cockpitt this ii day of October 1662. Albemarle. Instructions to the Steward of the Honour of Clitherow arid the severall mannors therein to bee observed by himselfe and deUvered in to the severall Juries of Survey within the said mannors or by his Deputie Stuard in his absence. 1. You are to give in charge to the Jurors impaneUed for Survey [&c See Colne, page 439]. 2. You are to direct. them to make strict inquirie [&c. Ibid.]. Accrington. 3. In the mannor of Accrington for the rent of a Millne the yearly rent of ys. which miUne was heretofore in the tenure of one WilUam Shaw, and they are to inquire by your assistance and veweing of antient Rolls who occupies the same now and where the rents is answered. Tottington. 4. In Tottington you are to inquire if Tottington and Toddington bee both one and the same mannor or two distinct mannors because the RentaU of the King's Auditor which is deUvered to mee there is Tottington and Toddington and Courtes kept in both the places and there is a Baihffe in Fee of Tottington who is answerable for these rents followeing, besides the rents which the Grave receive (that is to say) a certaine rent of which many years since one Richard Langley dyed seased, of the vearly value of 5s., and also of the Toll at Shutle worth, Berry and Eades within the Fee. of Tottington the yearly rent of 8s» which you are to give in charge to bee settled soe as they may bee for ever hereafter answared, and you are to examine the BayUffe in Fee of this mannor. 5. You are also to inquire after the Freehold rent of 3s. 5fd. pay able for Franchised Lands in Toddington now in the occupation of Richard Towneley, Esq., for which hee hath lately answared but 3s,, and you are to take care that the due and full rent bee restored. 422 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Ightenhill. 6. In Ightenhill Quitt Rents for the Freeholders within the said mannor of the yearly rent of 58s. ifd. which you are to ascertaine by setting downe the name of everie particular person from whome it ia raised and for what. 7. You are also to cause inquirie to bee made by the Jurors and also to search the Courte Rolls for certaine parcells of wast improved in Burneley wood, Habergham Eves, Little Ightenhill and Little Marsden, and the rent of £2, 13s. 4d., BrerecUff and Padiham at the rent of 13s. 4d., Sabdenbanck 2s., which were aU let antiently by Coppie of Courte Roll to some one person and as is received are not in the Rentall annexed to the Decree. 8. You are also to inquire after a rent let heretofore by Coppie of Courte Roll to Lawrance Habergham and his heirs, of aU the Cole- mines within the Coppiehold Lands of the said Lawrance at the yearly rent of ios. which is to bee answared over and above the Rentall annexed and the new rents mencioned in the Decree, and to inquire whether Miles Whitaker of Simonstone worke the Coale mines in Habergham in the Coppiehold or in his owne Freehould. Colne. 9. In Colne Quitt Rents [&c, see p. 440]. 10, 11. Cottages [see p. 440]. 12. Fishing [see p. 440]. Haslingden. 13. In HasUngden you are to inquire for the Quitt rents of the Freehoulders which amount unto £2, 2s. 4d. and are to ascertaine .them by the setting downe of the names of everie particular person from whome it is received and for what. 14. For the rent of a Millne in Houlden the yearly summe of 5s. which is now answared and to bee inquired unto. Pendleton. 15. You are to inquire after half an acre of land let heretofore by Coppie of Courte RoU to one John Braddill at the yearly rent of one penny, and for certaine lands with a building thereuppon caUed Grindle let antiently by Coppie of Courte Roll to Edward Braddell and his heirs at the yearly rente of 54s. 16. You are also to inquire for a certaine pareell of land and parte of a house heretofore let by Coppie of Courte Roll to Robert Webstar and his heirs at the yearly rent of 4d. 17. And also a rent of severall parcells of land held heretofore in the severall tenures of Richard Sellar and John Goodshey and soe let to them by Coppie of Courte Roll at the yearly rent of is. 8d. Worston. 18. In Worston you are to inquire for halfe an acre of land and a certaine building thereuppon heretofore let to Anne Greenacre at the yearly rent of 8d. 19. And also of certaine parcells of land contayning 4 lez falles and two lez falles in a place called lez holds, and a smithie heretofore in the tenure of Thomas Brotherton, which were all let to one Christopher NoweU by Coppie of Courte Roll at the yearly rent of £7. APPENDICES 423 Chattburne. 20. In Chattburne a certaine rent of divers parceUs of land hereto fore let to Christofer Dugdall and John Harrison by Coppie of Courte Roll at the yearly rent of 1 3s. 4d. 21. And also the rente of a smithie at the east bridge of Chatt burne heretofore let to John Dobson and his heirs by Coppie of Courte Roll at the yearly rent of 6d. 22. And also 6 cottages let to WiUiam Boyes at the yearly rent of 3s. 23. And also a rent of a messuage with a certaine pareell of land thereto adioyning in Chatburne uppon Rible Bancke granted by Coppie of Courte Roll to one John Paslow and his heirs at the yearly rent of is. 8d. 24. You are moreover to take notice that all the severaU before mencioned rents whereof any are by Coppie of Courte RoU may bee easiUe by search discovered by you especiaUy where any of the antient tennants were named and by veweing the Rentalls annexed to the severaU Decrees you may without dificultie finde if any of these rents bee mencioned therein. 25. The rents of the Wapentack of Blakeburneshire are to bee carefully ascertained by the Jurors and you are to retume a particular of what chiefe rents of Downeham Sir Raph Ashton pays the summe of ^14, 6s. 9d. and cause the same particulars of the rents for Standinghey commonly paid by him which is yearly £3, 8s. 8d. all which is to bee set downe in the Rentall of this Wapentack. 26. And you are also by the Jurors or your selfe to make a certaine returne of severall things in CUtherow which could not bee discovered by Sir Thomas Clargies and Mr. Stringer at their beeing their but by the Jurors and informacion of antient inhabitants they must be ascertained because they have beene antient rents answared to the Crowne and never alienated before which are as foUoweth. 27. A rent of a certaine toft in CUtherow which came into the Crowne by escheate and did belong to one Richard Rosse of Chat burne outlawed for felony. 28. A Uttle close of land in CUtherow called Littleblood windemill granted by Coppie of Courte Rolle at the yearly rente of 2d. 29, The rente of one burgage heretofore in the tenure of Adam Smith and now in the tenure of widdowe Yates who is supposed to hould the same onely by occupation of the yearly rent of 4s. and there fore is to bee inquired how she houlds the same and what it is shee houlds. 30. You are also to inquire after a certaine peece of land in CUtherow heretofore let at the yearly rent of 6d., and for a place called the Foarge there let by Coppie of Court Roll at the yearly rent of is. 31. And also 7 acres of land heretofore of the farme of the abbot of WhaUey. 32. And also of a certaine garden nere the Castle let by Coppie of Courte RoU at the yearly rent of ios. 33. You are Ukewise to inquire after a meddow called Greenlach medowe used heretofore for hay for the King's Auditors horses, And you are to give in speciall direction to inquire to whome the said medowe doth now apertaine as well by their owne knowledges as the testamony of some of the most antient inhabitants nere the same place. 34. You are also your selfe in my name to confirr with the bailiffe and other magistrates and inhabitants of the towne of CUtherow to bee satisfide by what authority they inclose their common and take to themselves sawtellwood because I am informed that by antient 424 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Records the soile is in the lord of the mannor, which you may judge of upon perusaU of their grante thereof, and you are to returne mee your opinion thereuppon with the date of your grante. 35. You are also to search for antient Courte Rolls of the wapentack to informe your selfe of what lands were held by OUver Stanfeild in CUviger, WilUam Halton in CUviger, Richard Brelaffe, Adam Faber, Richard Symonson, Richard TunstaU, Thomas Surrey and John Shippendale nere Prestcote and who now houlds those lands. 36. You are to send to Barnard Driver, Deputie to Sir Raph for the Recept of my rents in the Honour of CUtherow, and to desire him to bring with him a Rentall of the office of the Collector of the rents and farmes of the Forrest of Blakeburneshire, which doth containe the rent of the 4 Forrests, or such other ways as you shah judge con venient cause an exact RentaU of that recept to bee made, with not onely the names of tenants but also the names of every particular or pareell of lands, tenements or other hereditaments for which they pay there respective rents because in the Auditors RentaU to mee delivered the rent of the foure Forrests besides the Milne at Trawden, Henheads in Accrington and Rossindale doth amount to the summe of ^322, 9s. 4d. and the rent answared to Sir Raph is noe more then ^3r3» 9s- i°d. soe that you must not onely bee carefull to see their tenures but compared with the Record. 37. You are to inquire after a certaine pasture in this Recept called Copenhurst heretofore let to Lawrence Shutleworth at the yearly rent of 6s. 6id. 38. You are to inquire for a certaine pasture called Shapdenbanck let at the yearly rent of 2s. 39. You are also to search and finde out what Lawrance Blakey, John Hargreaves, Gilbert Haghe and John Lee did antiently hould for they are the names of antient tennants, and also John Rushworth who held a. certaine pareell in Trawden called Carrhey at the rent of 20s. 6d. l -' 40. You are also to inquire after Thomas Radchffe who antiently held a place caUed Shapdenhey at the rent of £2, 13s. 4d. and a place called Little Reedhallowe at the rent of 1 3s. 4d. and who doth occupie these lands, and you are also to informe your selfe of (sic) Shapdenhey and Heyhouses bee the same thing and what parte of the Heyhouses was taken into the Decree of the mannor of Ightenhill because I finde that in the said Decree parte of the Heyhouses was included, and also I finde that John Radchffe and other tenants doe pay for the said Heyhouses the rent of £2, 13s. 4d. and that the Heyhouses for which the said Radchffe and they did pay are not included in the said Decree. 41. You are to take notice that the Henheads are called Henleade alias Overheade and Fryamhill, and are certaine pastures in Rossin dale and Accrington let to severall tennants there for the tenants of Accrington were antiently to pay the yearly summe of 6s. 8d. and the tennants of Rossindale 6s. 8d., but afterwards and many years since there was an increase of rent of the yearly summe of 6s. ' 8d. uppon Accrington and 6s. 8d. uppon Rossindale, which increase of rent the tennants of Rossindale have continually payd but I perceive by Sir Raph Ashton's account that the tennants of Accrington have answered but halfe their rents for the said Henheads soe that you are to take care that the> fuU yearly rent of £2, 6s. 8d. for the Hennheads in Rossindale and Accrington bee answared. 42. You are to inquire what Slatemines are within the Hundred of Blakeburneshire within the mannor of Newhould in Accrington, and who sels the slatestones out of Greenehaworth which were in lease to Edward Kippey, and the slatestones of HasUngden Grene Post APPENDICES 425 and the Pikelawes, and what rent is answared to the lord of the mannor for the same and by whome. 43. You are in specill mannor to give it in charge to the Jurors to make an exact Returne of all cottages and incroachments uppon the wastes in all the mannors and places before mencioned since 16 yeare of King James [161 8-19] and make a Returne thereof to mee with the values thereof. Albemarle 44. The severall cottages exacted uppon the Wasts in the mannor of Colne returned by Mr. Shalcrosse, Surveyor of the Dutchie to bee improvements since the Decree made in the 16 or 17 yeare of King J 3,1X1 GS . One smale cottage in the tenure of WilUam Haycock and John Hargreaves worth per annum . (The Uke) in the tenure of Giles Dodson and Eliz: Gurne tenants of Thomas Hey per ann. . One cottage in the tenure of Edmund Tattersall per ann! I cottage in the tenure of Henry Stanworth tenant to Jane CartmeU per ann 1 cottage in the tenure of John Baldwine and James Stanfeild per ann. ...... 1 cottage in the tenure of Jennet Balden per ann. 1 cottage in the tenure of Mary Parkinson or her under tennants ....... 1 cottage in the tenure of John Hewett 1 cottage in the tenure of Richard Fauster per ann. I cottage in the tenure of Grace Ernshow or her under tenants per ann. ...... 1 cottage in the tenure of Barnard Hartley per ann. 1 Gottage in the tenure of Richard Hartley per ann. 1 cottage in the tenure of EUz: Eastwood 1 cottage in the tenure of John Shosmith per ann. . I cottage in the tenure of Henry Othward alias Bridge I cottage in the tenure of John Laycock or his under tenants per ann. ....... I dwelling house in the tenure of Abram Smith per ann. I house and garden in the tenure of Christofer Trewman per ann. . . . . ... I house in the tenure of Widdow Houlgate per ann. 1 house in the tenure of Robert Hewett ... 6s. 6s. £1, ios. 13s. 4d. ios. 6s. Ss. 3s. 4d- 3s. 4d. 6s. 6d. 3s. 4d- 6s. 3s- 4d. is. 6d. 8s. 13s. 4d. £2, ios. Ss.8s. £9, Ss. The Duke of Albemarle's instructions concerning Yate Banck and Trawden. Mr. Steward. — I finde by perusing of the instructions which I lately sent you for a Courte of Survey that I omitted many things concerning the Forrest of Rossindale, you are therefore to give in charge to the Jurors dihgently to inquire for all Commons to mee belonging whereupon any incroachments have beene made within the said Forrest ether by digging of Cole mynes, inclosure or erecting of cottages, and. particularly concerning a pareell of Common Land caUed the Yate bancke or nere adjoyning thereunto contayning about 160 acres with two or more tenements or edifices thereon, and you are Ukewise to direct them to inquire after any Cole Mynes or other Mynes that hath beene illegaUy digged within the Forrest of Trawden and to make Returne thereof with those returnes which are alheadie in preparacion by them in presence of my former instructions in that 426 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS behalfe, and for your soe doeing this shalbee your warrant, given under my hand and seale at the Cockpit nere Whitehall this third day of February i662[-3]. To Mr. Andrue Houlden Deputie Steward of the honour and mannor of CUtherow in Blakeburneshire and Tottington, &c. Albemarle. The Duke's seale annexed to the OriginaU. XII. Wapentake of Blakeburneshire.1 Court of the right honourable George, Duke of Albemarle, &c, of his wapentake of Blakeburne, held at Padiham within the wapentake aforesaid on the 8th day of January, 14 Charles II, i662[-3], before Charles, Lord Viscount MolUneux, chief steward there. Inquisition taken there to inquire for the said Duke by the oath of John Houlkar of Reade, Peter Ormeroid of Ormeroid, Richard Marsden of Pale, John Dewhurst of Blackburne, Richard Waddington of Worston, John Heartley of CUviger, Charles Wood of the same, Thomas Eastwood of the same, Richard Johnson alias Carleton oi Worston, Richard Dugdale of Clitherow, John Deane of the same, Richard Marsden, the younger, of Lagrum, Richard Calvert oi Balderston, homagers of the said court, who say upon their oath as follows : — Wee say and present that the antient Copihould Rent of the Wapen take Lands of Blakeburneshire aforesaid is in the whole £s, 3s. gid. which is now to bee paid according to a. Rentall hereunder written but what quantitie of land and number of acres everie Copiehoulder hath for the same wee know not. Wee also say and present that the Copieholders in CUviger (pareell of the said wapentak) are to pay for 240 ac. heretofore inclosed from the commons in CUviger aforesaid 4d. the acre and for twenty acres more inclosed from the said commons id. the acre and that the Wapentack Coppiehould tenants of Blackburne aforesaid are to pay for 24 acres of land lately inclosed from the commons there 6d. the acre and the Wapentack Coppiehould tennants in Reade for thirtie acres there latly inclosed six pence the acre and for twelve acres in Simonstone there latly inclosed six pence the acre aU which are like wise to bee paid according to a Rentall hereunder written, &c. A Rental of the Antient Lands. Henry Blundell, Esq., for his lands in CUtherow . . £1, 6s. 8d. Richard Wamsley, Esq., for his lands there . . . ios. Richard Shuttleworth, Esq., for his lands there . . is. Tho: Braddill, Esq., for his lands there .... 6s. 6d. John Deane for his lands there ..... is. Nicholas Dugdall for his lands there .... is. Thomas King for his lands there ..... 2s. Richard Waddington for his lands there ... 7s. 6d. Richard Johnson alias Charleton for his land there . is. Thurstan Maudesley for his lands in Blackburne . . 2s. 1 Printed from C. Towneley's MS., Honor of CUtheroe, p.. 109. APPENDICES John Dewhurst for his lands there Richard Marsden, thelder, for his lands' nere' Lagrum Richard Marsden, younger, for his lands there John Holkar for his lands in Read Tho: Barcroft, gent., for his lands in CUviger Peeter Ormeroid, gent., for his lands there Thomas Whitaker for his lands there Robert Towne for his land there . Thomas Eastwood for his land there Sum total £s, 3s. 427. s. Hid Ss. 4d IS. Sd 2S. Sd IS. Sd SS. id 9s. 6d 3s. IS. 6d. 9id. IS. 8d e ios. 3d IS. ofd 8s. 5i<* 13s. 4d 8d 2S. 2S. Id 8s. 2fd. 3*- 6d. 8s. 6d. • £1, is. 6, ios. 8Jd. A Rentall of the New Improvement. Richard Towneley, Esq., for his commons in CUviger at 4d. the acre ....... Item for 20 acres at a penny the acre Thomas Wittaker for his commons there at 4d. the acre Thomas Barcroft, gent., for his lands there . Peeter Ormeroid, gent., for his lands there Thomas Barcroft, gent., more there Robert Towne for his lands there . OUver Ormeroid for his lands there John Heartley for his lands there .... John Smith for his lands there .... Charles Wood for his lands there ..... Thurstan Mawdesley for his commons in Blakeburne John Dewhurst for his commons there . John Houlkar for his commons in Reade Sum total Wee also say that the Copieholders in CUviger aforesaid are to pay £y, ios. per annum for 300 ac. of the commons in CUviger aforesaid which as yet doe he common and undivided which is for everie acre 6d. and is to bee payd according to the Rentall hereunder written and to bee collected by the baihffe of the said wapentack namely : — Richard Towneley, Esq. Thomas Barcroft, gent. Peeter Ormeroid, gent. Thomas Whittaker . John Hartley Robert Towne OUver Ormeroid John Smith . Charles Wood Thomas Eastwood . Wee also say and present that Thomas Whittaker of Holme in CUviger aforesaid is to pay for certaine incroachments in CUviger aforesaid (which is to bee collected by the said baiUff e) the yearly rent of 5s. id. Wee Ukewise say and present that there is a rent of 4s. due to bee payd for four acres or thereabouts of Coppiehould land lying in a place called Santellside in CUtherow aforesaid lately in the occupacon of one widdowe Yates and now in the occupation of one Christofer Nowell which said rent is to be collected by the baihffe of the said wapentack and antiently hath beene collected by him as wee are informed . 4s. £5, os. 9id 17s. id is. 8fd 8s. 8W 2S. 3d is. 2d. 2s. 6fd. In 5d. 3id.Sid. all, £y, ios. 428 CLITHEROE COURT. ROLLS Wee also say and present that there is a parceU of land nere ad- joyning to the castle of CUtherow aforesaid on the north west side thereof which is now in thoccupacon of one Thomas Smith of CUtherow aforesaid which is worth about 20s. per annum which wee conceive to bee the land given us in charge to enquire of called a garden nere the said castle . . . . . . . . . £1, os. od. Wee also say and present that one Richard Calver holdeth by copie of Courte RoU according to the custome of the said wapentack one water corne milne in Chipping within the said wapentack for which hee is to pay the yearly rent of six shiUings eight pence which is to bee collected by the bahffe of the said wapentack . . . .6s. 8d. Wee say that wee doe not knowe nor cannot bee informed of any toft in CUtherow aforesaid which came into the Croune by escheate and did belong unto one Richard Rosse of Chattburne who was outlawed for Felonie nor a close of land in CUtherow aforesaid called Little- blood Windmilln nor a close in CUtherow aforesaid at the rent of 6d. nor a place called the Forge given us in charge to enquire of . 6d. Wee have noe cottages nor other or more rents or proffitts within the said wapentack due to the lord thereof to our knowledges. Another inquisition taken there the day and year abovesaid to inquire for the said Duke, by the oath of John Harwood of Livesey, Thomas Ainsworth of Plesington, Thomas Aspinall of Roidshaw, Giles Haworth of Lower Darwin, Lawrence Osbalston of Oxenden, Richard Radcliffe of Balderston, Thomas Alker of Samsbury, Richard Hawshaw of Showley, George Euxtone of Walton in le Dale, Roger Foster of Little Harrwood, Thomas Broughton of Aspden, John Smith of Cuerdall, John Taylor of Chattburne, John Dawson of Worston, Richard Rendall of Riddinghey, Edmund Starkey of Simondstone, John Hodgson of Read, George Greene of Hendthorne, John Sellar of Whalley, Robert Rawcliffe of Ribchester, Nicholas PoUard of Altham, Robert Ratliffe of Chipping, John Dillworth of Thorneley, James Whalley of Salesbury, and Richard Towne of Habergham Eaves, gent., homagers of the said court within the hundred of Blakeburne, who say upon their oath as follows : Wee say and present that the Freeholders within the hundred of Blakeburne aforesaid are to pay to his highnesse the said Duke of Albemarle the quit rents, rents of assize, castleward rents and pitture rents in the severall towneshipps within the said hundred accordingly as are menconed in a Rentall hereunder written, which said rents are to bee collected and answered by the baliffe of the wapentack of Blakeburneshire aforesaid at the feast of sant Gyles Abbot yearly, namely : — 1. Aighton Baley and Chageley. Richard Sherburne, Esq., for his lands called Stony hurst a quit rent ....... ys. 3d. Robert Reade for his lands in Aighton ... is. Richard Aighton ....... 6d. Edward Braddell 8d. Bartholamew Gooday, Richard Austin and James Austin . 8d. Robert Lowde ........ id. Nicholas Towneley, Esq. .... . id. Thurstan Tomlinson ....... 6d. Henry Hayhurst 6d. Sum us. 3d. APPENDICES 429 2. Balderston. Raph Livesey of Livesey, gent., called Smalley tenement for his lands there Sum 6d. 6d. 3. Blakeburne. Thomas, Lord Bellasis, a rente called Piture for his land there ........ The towne of Blakeburne for their Toll and Stallage valued to bee worth per annum . Sum 4s. 6s. ios. 8d. Sd. 4. Burneley and Cliviger. Richard Towneley of Towneley, Esq., for his Freehold land at Towneley and in Cliviger a quit rent of . £y, ys. Sd. Item for a tenement in Cliviger called Abraham Lawes tenement ........ 3$. sd. Item for the Mereclough in CUviger .... is. >f< John Parker, Esq., for lands at Extwisle . . ioid. Thomas Barcroft, gent., for his lands in CUviger . . £1, is. yd. Peeter Ormeroid,. gent., for his lands at Ormeroid . 12s. 11 d. Thomas Whitaker for his lands called Holme . . £1, 2s. nfd. Edmund Tattersall for Blackhouse Lane . . . 8d. Robert Towne for land in Burneley wood ... 3d. Lawrance BrerecUffe for Burons ..... 8d. Oliver Ormeroid for the Foxstones .... 2s. 6d. John Smith for the Jumhole ..... is. 8d. Symon Hadock, gent., for Fezonford .... 2id. Thomas Eastwood for lands called Ryley Lands . . is. 6d. Charles Wood f d. John Smith a Piture Rent for Worsthorne . . . us. 4d. Sum j£ii, 8s. 7id. 5. Chipping. Elizabeth Walmesley widdowe for lands lately belong ing to the Earle of Darby ..... Item for a tenement in the occupacon of Thomas Swinglehurst ....... Item for a tenement called Coldcotes Tenement . Robert Sherburne, gent., for his land called Woolf- house ......... Michaell Bleasdale and Richard Bleasdale for lands called Bleckstikes Tenement .... Thomas Kirke for a messuage and land there Thomas Thomlinson for the like .... Richard Tomlinson for the like Edward Richmond for a messuage and land called Hall Trees ........ William Sydall for a messuage and land called Crow- trees ......... Robert Alston for a messuage and land called Hesket end George Eckles for a messuage and tenement called Judholme ........ James Rodes ........ Anthony Airie ........ EUen Richmond widdow ¦<' Christopher Sidgreaves ...... £1, igs. iod. 3d. 6d. id. bd.6d. 6d. 6d.6d. id. 6d. 3d.3d.3d- 430 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS John Seede . ...... William Yates for a tenement called Mawdsleys Richard Boulton for Gooselaine . John Startivant .... Robert Radcliffe .... John Salesbury .... Edward Richmond for Stannerhouse Richard Walmesley for Mr. Sherburnes land Raph Parkinson ... Christofer Barton William Alston for Marsdens house John Parkinson for Walker house Richard Boulton of Towne . Robert Dunderdale Thomas Boulton for Peakokhey . Henry Winder for Mr. Sherburnes land Item for a tenement called Clarkes tenement should have beene entred before . this Sum £3, ss- 2S. IS. 7d. IS. 2d. 3id. 3id. 3id. 3id. 3d- 3d. 3d. is. 6d. 4s. lid. id. 3d. 3s- 2id. 3id~. 6. Colne. Robert Hammond, gent., for land called Blakey John Blakey for part of the same lands James HasUngden for part of the same land Richard Burton for the Hather holte Christofer Trewman for Alkincotes James Smith for Houlthouse John Halstead for land in Colne . Barnard Hartley Lawrance Ormeroid 7. Claiton in le Dale. Richard Cooper for Showley fould Robert Shaw for Stubheade John Parker, gent., for Gadshawe George Talbot, gent., for Barkers tenement Robert Calvert and John Entwisle for part of the land of Jo: Talbot, Esq. Robert Catterall for part of the same land John Haworth for part of the same land Thomas Lund for part of the same land Robert Collinson for part of the same land Robert Bolton and Richard Dewhurst for part of the same land called Oakes John Talbot and Thomas Calvert for part of the same land called Clayton Hey .... Mary Tomson widdowe for parte of the same land Richard Astley and John Morris for parte of the same land called Dewhursts and Moores Richard Cooper of Nooke for parte of the same lands John Hesmenough ...... Robert Catterall for part of Hesmenought lands ios. 5s.is. is. 4d. id. Sum 19s. 6d. 6d. 3id.3id. i\d. lid. 3d- Sd.id.id.id.id. id. id.id. id. id. id. id. id.id. Sum 2s. 7d. 8. Clayton super Moores. Richard Walmesley, Esq., for his lands called Dun kenhalgh a Piture Rent of . Richard Grymeshaw, Esq., for his Demaine Lands called Clayton 5d. APPENDICES Thomas Grymeshaw of Okenshaw George Christian and John Grymeshaw for the Sparth John Rushton for lands there John Leach ...... William Duxbury Richard Duckworth for the Ringestonehalshe Thomas Whalley Lawrance Duxbury, gent. .... William Sherburne 431 2d. 5d. id. id.id. id. id. id.id. Sum 2s. 3d. 9. Church. Richard Walmesley of Dunkenhall for lands called Pantogh Item for other lands called Collinsons .... Jeffrey Rushton of Antley, gent., for his lands there . Sum 10. Clitherow, Edward Coulthurst for land called Waddingtons a Quit Rent Robert Yates for land late John Dalef's] . John Aspinall for his land called Standen . John Johnson alias^ Charleton . . . Richard Waddington of Worston for a pareell of land called Starr or neere adioyning thereunto . Sum 11. Cuerdall. Richard Ashton, Esq., for his demesnes at Cuerdall . The Puture Rent for the towne of Cuerdall is 3s. 4d. which is payd as foUoweth — Richard Coope Thomas Thorneleys tenement John Smith John Marsden Richard Seedall . George Blakey Thomas Worthington . John Dave Margaret Bruer, widdowe Abraham Ernshowe George Coope Robert Blakey The rest being yd. is paid by the Constable 12. Darwind superior. The Piture Rent there is 4s. 2d. is assessed by the Cunstable amongst the inhabitants of the towne and by them to be payd ..... Sum 13. Darwin inferior. Thomas Haworth for lands called the Eacroft . John Crosse for part of the same lands Henry Fish for part of the same lands The Pitter Rent is there 2s. iod., and is assessed and payd by the Constable ..... Sum 6s. 6s. iod. Ss.3s. 2S. Ss. 4d.6d. 6d. is. 2d. 16s. 8d. is. 8d. 5d.Sd.3d. 2d. 4d.4d. 2d. Id. id.id. 2d. 3d. yd. Sum 5s. 4s. 2d. 4s. 2d. 3d. lid.lid. 2s. iod. 3s- Ad. 432 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS 14. Downeham. Sir Raph Ashton Barronet for the mannor of >J< Downeham a Quit Rent . . . . ¦ £14, As. 9d. Item for Castle ward there ...... 2s. Sum £14, 6s. 9d. 15. Dutton. Richard Towneley, gent., for his lands there Rob: Ash Thomas Alston .... John Houlden .... Jennett Cromblholme for Walmesley house Henry Hayhurst . . Richard Hayhurst of Hough Henry Hayhurst of the same Rob: Blackburne for Dugdall land John Barlow .... Richard Dewerst 2S. Sd. IS. nd. IS. 6d. 3d. bd. IS. 2d. IS. 2d. IS. id. id. Sum ios. id. 16. Foulrigg. The Puture Rent there is ys. 2d. which is assessed and paid by the Constable of the said towne . . 7s. 2d. Sum ys. 2d. 17. Haslingden. The puture rent there is foure shillings sixpence which is to bee as foUoweth — Robert Houlden, Esq. 8d. Andrue Houlden, gent. ...... id. Robert Duerden ....... ^d. John Gregory 4d. Hugh Taylor and others owners and occupiers of the land called Carterplace ..... 6d. John Heape ........ id, Item for the lands in the Graneheade ... 2d. Henry Hargreaves ....... id. Edward Heape, Jo: Rothwell, widdowe Rothwell . id. Edward Hartley id. Christopher Hargreaves ./.... id. John Houlden ........ lid. Mathew Haworth . id. Gyles Hoyle lid. Robert Fish ........ id. George Haworth ....... id. Gilbert Hey and Oliver Taylor ..... i\d. Henry Coupe ........ 2d. Adam Romsbothome . . .... 7d. Otiwell Haworth ....... id. Laurance Rausthorne ...... id. Richard Romsbothome ...... id. Randle Sharpies, gent., for Cronshaw -heade . . id. Richard Duerden id. Richard Dukworth ....... id. John Gregory id. Rafe Rushton ........ id. Oliver Houlden id. John Haworth .... ... fd. APPENDICES 433 Widdowe Crooke f d. James Hargreaves id. Lawrance Heape ....... id. Sum 4s. 6d. 18. Hapton. >J< Widdow Birtwisle for half a roode of land there . is. 6d. Sum is. 6d. 19. Harwood magna. Robert Hesketh, Esq., for Martholme ... is. 8d. Roger Nowell for the lower towne of Harwood . . iod. Puture rent there assessed and collected by the Cunstable ........ ys. 2d. Sum 9s. 8d. 20. Harwood parva. John Clayton, gent., for his demesne lands and tene ments there ....... is. William Whalley for a messuage and 5 acres or there abouts called Willworth ..... 6d. Thomas Haworth for a messuage and 1 8 acres or there abouts called Harston Lee ..... 6d. Edmund Cockshut for a messuage and 16 acres called Edholes ......... 3d. George Page for a messuage and 5 acres or thereabouts . 3d. John Peele for a messuage and 36 acres at Banckhey . 4d. The said Thomas Haworth for a messuage and 36 acres at Bankehey aforesaid ..... 4d. Sum 3s. 2d. 21. Huncoate. Edmund Ashton for his land there .... 6d. A Castleward "Rent assessed and collected by the Constable of ....... . 2S. Richard Bannaster, Esq., for Brownehouse . . . lid. Thomas Birtwisle, gent., for Huncote Hall ... is. Item for Whiteryding Sd. Gyles Whitaker for land in Huncote aforesaid . . 6f d. John Ormeroid Clerke for land there .... 5d. John Coope for land there ...... $d. John Cunliffe for lands called the Browne birkes and Tillhouse . . - nid. George Ormeroid for lands called the Spoutehouse . 7id. Nicholas Grymeshaw for lands there .... 3d. Thurstan Pilkington for lands there late of William Collinsons ........ 3d. Andrew Houlden for the Lowerhouse .... id. Sum 5s. lid. 22. Livssey cum Tockholes. Raph Livesey for his demesne of Livesey . . . £1, gs Item a puture rent there . . . • • Thomas Houlden for his land called the Ewood . John Aynesworth of More yate . . Thomas Fish for the Ouerlockshaw Raph Livesey for Jenkinhouse .... Thomas Astley, gent., for Stakes VOL. II. 2 E is. 1 id. lid. lid.lid. id. Sd. 434 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS James Whitalgh for Whithalgh 8d. Gerard (sic) for Famscliffe Sd. Item for Nicholas Haworth ...... id. William Grymeshawe ...... ijd. Randle Sharpies, gent., for the same .... 4d. George Thomson, gent., for Witton .... 5s. 7d. Christofer Marsden for Redlome .... 4\d. John Law for Mollington tenement .... i|d. Raph Walmesley of Tockholes for his lands called the Hill 6d. William Walmesley for the lands called the Barkers Lands ......... 6d. Thomas Croichlow for his lands there .... 6d. Richard Houlden for Greene Tockholes . . . 4d. John Abbot for Dickonson tenement .... 2d. John Walkden for the same 2d. James Piccop for the lands late of Thomas Wilton . 4d. Edward Warren, Esq., for the Hollinhead ... 2s. Sum £2, ss. 4d. 23. Mellor cum Ecclshill. Lawrance Haworth, gent., for Aireley . ... 6d. William Yates for the Scheie lands .... 6d. Henry Walmsley for Whitecroft ..... 6d. Christofer Marsden for a messuage and twelve acres there ......... 6d. John Southward, Esq., for Whitehalgh Tenement . 6d. A Puture Rent there assessed collected and payed by the Constables ....... 6d. Richard Grimeshawe, Esq., for his land called Grim- shawe in Ecclhill is. 6d. Sum 4s. 6d. 24. Mitton, Henthorne and Couldcoms. Thomas Sherburne, Esq., for little Mitton . . . is. iod. Richard Shutleworth, Esq., for Henthorne ... 5s. Tho: Walmesley, gent., for Couldcotes .... 7d. 25. ME ARLEY. Joshua Radcliffe, Esq., for greate Mearley Will: Nowell, gent., for Little Mearley Raph Clough ..... John Aspinall for Halsteed tenement . George Wood for the same . Sum 7s. Sd. is. gid. 3d.3d- 2d. Sum 2s. 5ld. 26. Osbaldeston. Alexander Osbaldeston, Esq., for his lordshippe of Osbaldeston 8s. 8d. Item a Puture Rent for the said lordshipp . . . is. 6d. Lawrance Osbaldeston for his land called Oxenden . 3d. John Ingham for a messuage and 30 acres called Studle- hurst Sd. Sum us. id. APPENDICES 435 27. Oswaldtwisle. Thomas, Lord Bellasis for severall tenements there Thomas Broughton for Aspden sometimes called the mannor of Aspden ...... John Abbot a Castleward Rente for messuage and tenement in Cockerley ..... William Mitton the like rent there .... Henry Hartley the like rent there .... A Puture rent in Oswaldtwisle paid by their Cunstable there ......... 7s. gd. 2s. 6d. id.id.id. 2s. 6d. Sum 13s. 28. Pendleton. Sir Raph Ashton Barronet for his lands called Standenhey £3, 6s. Sd. Item for the seaven acres of land lyeing amongst the Demesne Lands lately belonging to the late Monas- trie of Whalley ....... 2s. Sum £3, 8s. Sd. 29. Plesington. John Aynesworth, Esq., for a messuage and 20 acres of land called Shorrockhey is. 3d. Thomas Livesay for a messuage and 18 acres or there abouts 4d- Wm. Marsden for a messuage and 18 acres . . . 4d. James Aynesworth for a messuage and 9 acres . . 2d. Thomas Aynesworth for a messuage and 9 acres . . 2d. Richard Aynesworth for a messuage and 12 acres in the occupacon of Gyles Cunliffe ..... Item for lands late of Robert Whitackers Thomas Londsdale for his antient lands .... Thomas Robinson and the heirs of John Londsdale for lands late pf Robert Whitakers .... Jo: Robert for his antient lands ..... Item ,f or lands late of Miles Whitakers .... Richard Webstar for a messuage and tenement in the occupation of Henry Hargreaves .... Richard Shutleworth, Esq., for a messuage and tenement in the occupacon of Gilbert Grymeshaw . A Puture Rent assessed upon the towne and collected and paid by the Cunstables ..... Sum 1 6s 3d.S*. 2S. 2d.6d. is. 6d. id. is. id. 2d. 2S. . iod. 30. Thorneley cum Wheatley. John Starkey of Huntroid, Esq., for sixtie acres of land purchased from John Rodes . . George Eccles for 18 acres as abovesaid . Randle Sharpies, gent., for 24 acres purchased from the said Roads ...-••• WilUam Wawne for 6 acres purchased [as] abovesaid Benjamine Hayhurst for 10 acres purchased as above said . . . ¦ • • • . ¦ Henry Rodes for 10 acres purchased as abovesaid . Jo: Cockshut for 17 acres purchased as abovesaid . Christofer Simson for 1 1 acres purchased as abovesaid William Wawne for a messuage and 4 acres of land is. 6d. 4 id. 6d. lid.2 id. 2id. Aid. 2fd. Ad 436 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Richard Sherburne, Esq., for a messuage and tenement in the occupacon of Thomas Rogerson ... 6d. Thomas Tildesley, Esq., for a messuage and 12 acres in the occupacon of Ellis DiUworth' .... 6d. Item for a messuage and 12 acres in the occupacon of James Dilworth ...... 6d. John Dilworth for a messuage and 10 acres ... is. Michael Doughtie for a messuage and tenement in the occupacon of Henry Cottome .... is. id. Item for a messuage and tenement in the occupacon of WilUam Thorneley 3s. 4d. Item for a messuage and tenement in the occupacon of James Wilkinson 4d. Sum us. 31. Twiston. Lister of Westby, Esq., for his lands there . . . ios. Thomas Starkey, gent. ...... 5s. Lawrence Duxburie, gent. ...... 5s. Sum £1. 32. Walton. Sir Richard Houghton, Barronet, for his demesne of Walton ......... 9s. Edward Walmesley, gent., for a capitall messuage and demesne lands called Banister hall . . . . is. 6d. Thomas Walton, gent., for a messuage and tenement . is. 'Andrewe Dandie for lands called Lostock . . . is. Theirs of (sic) Leigh, gent. ...... is. John Jackson for Pedderhouse ..... is. Theirs of (sic) Sericant for Manehouse .... is. 2d. Thomas Woodcock for Cuerden jure uxoris ... 9d. Thurstan Darwen ........ 8d. Daniel Chaddock for Relief house ...... 6d. Thomas Shawe for Stoneshouse ..... 6d. Richard Baldwine ....... 3d. Thomas Woodcock of Walton ..... is. Henry Catterall of Knowleshouse ..... • 6d. Nicholas Norris for Ridinghouse ..... is. A puture there are (sic) assessed upon the towne and coUected and payed by the Cunstable ... 4s. Sum £1, 4s. iod. 33. Wilpshire cum Dinkeley. John Talbot, Esq., for his demesne lands in Dinkeley . ioid. John Parker Gen: for his lands called Loueley . . 8d. Item for the lands called Hallheade .... is. 6d. John Dewhurst for lands caUed Dewhurst ... is. lid. John Braddill for his lands caUed Carr .... 3d. Richard Craven ........ 6d. Item moore ......... 4d. Robert Shawe 6d. Richard Craven and Richard Hindle .... iod. WiUiam Gabbot 8d. Lancellot Boulton . ....... 4d. John Elston ......... 2id. John Aynesworth 2fd. Richard Sherburne ........ Bd. Richard Almond 3d. 3d. lid. id. id. yd. gs. gid. gs. gd. 6d. iod. 3s. 6d. 14s. yd. 2s. 4d. IS. 1 id. 1 id. 6d. APPENDICES ' 437 The said Richard for a messuage and 12 acres in the occupacon of Dorothy CunUffe .... George Aynesworth for a messuage and six acres . Thomas Whalley for a messuage and three acres . Agnes and AUce Aynesworth for a messuage and 3 acres James Astley for a messuage and 10 acres Sum 34. Reade. Roger Nowell, Esq., for his demesne lands there . Item for a tenement called Sellars Tenement . Item for a tenement in the occupacon of Edward Merser A Puture Rent there assessed, collected and payd by the Cunstables * . Sum 35. Ribchester cum Dill worth. Richard Sherburne, Esq., for the mannor of Ribchester [Dynkeley cancelled] ...... Item for an house in Ribchester ..... Richard Sherburne, gent., for his lands called Buckley . William Yates for a messuage and tenement in the occu pacon of William Walmesley ..... Richard Ward for bis lands caUed Wardgreene Randle Sharpies, gent., for a messuage and lands in Ribchester ........ is. 2d. Richard Darwen for Swinglehurst and John Boulton for lands there ........ is. William Dewhurst, gent., for the lands called Boyshouse yd. John Romsden for parte of Boyes lands ... ijd. John Romsden and Richard Walmesley, gent., for their lands yd. Richard Walmesley 3d. Richard Dewhirst and Thomas Shaw for Idesforth . 3d. John Entwisle ........ 6d. Richard Watson 6d. Item for parte of Boyes lands ..... id. Parcivall Ribchester ....... 6d. Adam Lund 3^- WiUiam Bury 3d- Thomas Rudd id. Thomas Yates for Jacksons house id. Lenard Walmesley 6d. Edward Walmesley for Rodes Milne .... 3d. Sum 12s. 7ld. 36. Rishton. Richard Walmesley, Esq., for Cunliffe house . Item for Le Holte and Bottoms John Hindle for his lands in Totleworth Thomas Duxbury for his lands there Robert Halstead for his lands there Hesketh, Esq., for a tenement in the occupacon of John Feilden . Item for a tenement in the occupacon of Christofer Duck worth ....-••• A Puture Rent assessed, collected and payd by the Con stables ....-¦• is.IS. 3d. 2d. 2d. 2d.2d. 3s. 4d. Sum 6s. 3d. 438 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS 37. Samlesburie. John Southworth, Esq., for the Upperhall in Samlesbury and demesne lands thereunto belonging . . 10s. 8d. Richard Walmsley, Esq., for his lands there called Seed- house bd. Sum us. 2d. 38. Salisburie. John Talbot, Esq., for his lordshipp of Salesbury . . £1, iys. yd. Sum £1, iys. yd. 39. Simonstone. John Starkie, Esq., for his demesne lands caUed Hunroid ioid. Item for lands by him lately purchased of one WilUam Mercer now in the occupacon of Miles Lonsdale . is. Item for lands lately purchased of one Robert Whitaker v 7d. John Cockshutt for his ancient lands there ... 3s. s\d. Item for lands late of Richard Marcers ... 4d. Item for lands late of Robert Whitakers ... 2d. Miles Whitakers for his antient lands .... 2s. 3d. Sum 8s. 1 id. 40. Worston. There is a puture rent there of 6s. 4d. which is to bee paid as foUoweth— Thomas Braddill, Esq., for lands in the occupacon of Lawrance Arbor . . . . . . . is. 3d. Item for lands in the occupacon of Jennet Winnell . . is. Item for a tenement in the occupation of John Lobley . iod. Item for a tenement in the occupation of Richard Browne is. 6d. Richard Johnson ........ is. 9d. Sum 6s. 4d. 41. Wiswall. A Puture Rent assessed upon the town and collected and paid by the Constable is. 4d. Sum is. 6d. 42. WlTTON. Thomas Astley of Stakes, gent., for his lands there . . 8d. George Towneson ~\ Christofer Marsden J- vide in Livesey. John Lawe J Wee finde by relacon from Sir Raph Ashton, Barronet, that the meddowe given us in charge to inquire of caUed Greenelach medowe now in the occupacon of the said Sir Raph Ashton his under tennants or assignes doth belonge unto him as farmor to the archbishopp of Canturburie of the rectorie of Whalley and cannot heare but that he and his ancestors have beene in possession thereof time out of minde, and that the 7 acres of land said to bee heretofore of the farme of the Abbot of Whalley and given us in charge to enquire of is the same seaven acres for which the said Sir Raph Ashton payeth the yearly Rent of 2s. charged uppon him in this Rentall in the towneshippe of Pendleton. 3s. gid. 3s- 8fd. IOS. Ss. id. 4s. 6s . 8d. , 4s. 7id. APPENDICES 439 Wee cannot finde nor discover any other Quit Rents which have beene collected by the Baliffe of the wapentack of Blakeburneshire then are before herein menconed. In the whole, £51, 4s. 7id. The whole charge of the Baliffs of the wapentacke of Blakeburne aforesaid which is to bee by them answered is as foUoweth : — The antient Copiehould rent £s, The rente of the newe improvements .... 6, The rent of 300 acres in Cliviger ..... 7, Tho: Whitaker of Holme for incrochments The rent for the lands called Sawtakside late in the occu pacon of Widdowe Yates ... . . The rent of Chipping Milne The Rentall abovesaid 51 In the whole, £70, 1 5s. 8f d. Colne. Halmote of the manor of Colne held there on Friday the 21st November, 14 Charles II [1662], before Charles, Lord Viscount Molly- neux, chiei steward there, and thence adjourned to the 2nd December 1663, before the said steward. Inquisition taken there the day and year abovesaid, to inquire for the right honourable George, Duke of Albemarle, lord of the manor aforesaid, by virtue of a special precept of the said Duke directed to the said steward, by the oath of Robert Hammond of Crawshaw, gent., Giles Hammond of Catlow, WilUam Hartley of Admergill, Miles Whita car of Townehouse, Christopher Trueman of Colne, Christofer Smith of Edge, George Hartley of Bradley, WilUam Sagar of Catlow, Henry Walton of Marsden, John EUott of Edge, Laurence Ridialgh of Marsden, John Banister of Botthouse, James Shackelton of Harden, James Blakey of Laneheade, John Hartley of Clough, Henry Legh of Catlow, and Robert Hargreaves of Southfeild, homagers for the court aforesaid, who say upon their oath as foUows : — Colne. Instructions to the Steward of the mannor (sic) of CUtherow and the severall mannors therein to bee observed by himselfe and delivered in charge to the severaU Juries of Survey within the said mannor or by the Deputie Steward in his absence. You are to give in charge to the Jurors Impannelled for Survey that they examine the severall RentaUs annexed to the severaU Decrees made in the 15, 16 and 17 of king James [1618-9] for Accrington, Tottington and Huncoate, Ightenhill, Colne, HasUngden, Pendleton, Worston and Chatburne, and the wapentack of Blakeburneshire, and that they ascertaine the perfect Rentalls according to the Rentalls annexed to the severall and respective Decrees of the Customarie rents . of the Oldholding and also to ascertaine the New rents contayned and mencioned in the same Decrees of the number of acres whereof and the yearly summes expressed in the said Decrees, and by comparing of the Rentalls of that time with the severaU Copies now and Court Rolls from that time to this, they are by your assistance to set downe the severall lands which each tennants houlds and for which each particular rent is paid. You are to direct them to make strict enquirie in the severall before mencioned Mannors of the severall rents hereafter mencioned which are concealed and to bee by them discovered and are not parte of the Rentalls annexed to the Decrees or the new rents confirmed by the 440 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS said Decrees for improvements of Wasts, namely, the severall cottages erected upon the wasts in the mannor of Colne returned by Mr. Shal- crosse, surveyor of the Duchie, to bee improvements since the Decree made in the 16 or 17 yeare of king James. You are to inquire of Quit Rents of the Freeholders of the yearly rent of £2, 12s. fd., which you are to ascertaine by setting downe the names of everie particular person from whome it is raised and for what. You are also to inquire after severaU cottages not confirmed by the Decree and therefore not to bee coUected by the Greave as Customarie Rents, most of which were let heretofore to one Scarberow for a terme of yeares and the rents are now to bee answered unto mee as lord of the said Mannor. You are Ukewise to inquire after severaU cottages in Colne which were in the yeare 1621 since the makeing of the Decrees in difference betwixt the Coppiehoulders of Colne and the cottagers and refferred to bee composed unto one Roger Kenyon, gent., by the then ChanceUor of the Dutchie, a copie of which agreement and also of the cottages to which it relates and of the cottages afore mencioned are hereunto annexed. And also for a certaine Fishing Pound in Colne heretofore lett to one WilUam Lister at the rent of is. 8d. Wee say that the Rentall of the Mannor of Colne annexed to the Decree for confirmacion of our Coppiehould Estates made in the 15, 16 and 17 years of the raigne of the late king James over England comes unto the summe of £26, 5s. 2ld., as thereby appeares and the rente for the Commons and New improvement is the summe of £50 as by a Decree appears, which summes ought to bee paid by the tennants of the said mannor, that is to say, 4d. an acre for the Ouldhould and six pence an acre for the Newhould according to this RentaU f oUoweing. Colne. Nicholas Towneley of Royle, Esq Mr. Christofer Towneley in right of his wife .... Mr. Robert Hammond of Crowshay Wm. Emmott of Emott Wm. Hanson of Emott John Emott of Bridge James Emott of Lane Tho: Emott of Lane James Blakey of Lanehead Jo: Hargreaves of Heroyd Margt. Emott for Oldearth John Adkinson John Hartley of Clough . Wm. Hartley of Admergill Henry Shaw of Langroid . Christopher Smith . James Smith . John Ellott of Edge . Richard Burton Thomas Smith James Foulds of Trawden Christopher Trueman Wm. Hanson, senior Rob: Hanson for Whickensteel Theirs of Rob: Hargreaves Old hould. New hould. £1, 16s. yid. £4, igs. 2fd. £1, ss- 7d. £S, 3s- 3d- £1 ios. 3d. £1, lis. lid. £1, ys. 3s. Sid. 3s- id. 2s. 61d 2S. 5d. 4s. 5d 8s. 4d. ios. nfd IIS. 8d. £1 , is. yd 2S. 3d. 2s. Sd IS. 2s. 4ld IS. 4d. is. 1 id • 6s. 6d. 5s. iod 9s. 2id. 17s 4id £1, OS. 4d. 4d. Ss. 4s . Sid. 2s. Id 13s. sd. 6s. Sd. £1 4s. I2S. id. 6s. £1. 3s- 4d. 15s. 1 ild 6s. 6s. 1 id 2S. 3d- IS. 8d. APPENDICES Ja: Hargreaves of Barrowford Mrs. EUz: CunUffe . John Hanson of Colne Jeffrey and Peeter Shacklton Christofer Dickonson of Barnoldsweek Edmund Cockshutt and Jo: ElUs John Hargreaves of Greenfeild Jo: Hargreaves of Noynow Jo: Blakey of Colne . Jo: Robinson of Sabden . Mris. IsabeU Shawe Widdow Bulcocke of Colne William Greene Nicholas Mitchell Richard Craven Christofer Morvell . Robert Tattersall Thomas Hey . John Emott Peeter MorveU Henry Hargreaves . John Mitton Widdow Rushton Theirs of Bartle Howker . James Nuttor Mris. Anne Towneley of Barnside John Shakelton Wm. Shakelton James Hartley of Shawhead Thomas Hargreaves . Lawrence Mitchell . William Northen Mr. Richard Habergham . James Shakelton of Harden Thomas Driver Richard Hindle James Driver . Henry Spencer Thomas Stanworth Mris. Towneley New rent paid by her Tenants — Ja: Hartley of Shawhead Barnard Hartley of Shawyate . Widdow Robinson of Munkroid Laurance Robinson of Munkroid James Hartley, Junior Henry Spencer William Smith Theirs of Wm. Hanson of Shawhead Robert Hanson Thomas Emott Marsden. Theirs of John Emott Gyles Hamond William Sagar Henry Walton Jane Leigh of Barkerhouse 441 Old hould. New hould. IS. 4d. 14s. £1 14s. 9id. 2S. id. IS. 8d. IS. 1 id. 9s. 9s. 3d. 6s. 4d. 4s. 3s- gid. 9d. Ss. 6d. IS. Sd. id. id. IS. 3d.3d- 6d. ys. iod. 4d. id. IS. iod. 2d. id. id. 4d. id. 2d. 6d. id. 4s. Sd. £2, 6s. 3id. 9s. 8-|d. £1 13s. 3d. £1 14s. yd. ys. 3d. 3s. ioid. 2S. is. Ss. 11s. 4fd. 4s. 3d. 8s. 3d. 8s. IS. 2d. IS. 2S. 2 id. ys. 6d. 3s. 6d. IS. IS. IS. 2s. 2 Id. IS. 4d. 2s. 6d. IS. I2S. £*, ys. 6id. IS. ios. 2d. 4s. 2d. 17s. 1 lid. 2S. 3s. 6d. IS. 2d. 2S. iod. 442 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Robert Leigh Robert Hargreaves . Francis Acrondly John Hartley of Kirkclough Robert Hartley of Colne . Theirs of Robert Jackson Robert Halstead John Vipan Lawrance Ridihalgh EUz: Hartley . Lawrance Hargreaves John Halstead WilUam Salstanstall Tho: Leigh and Joseph Rushton Barnard Hartley George Hartley Myles Whitacar Ambrose Walton Henry Leigh Theirs of Roger Preston . John Smith Thomas Leigh of Southfeild Theirs of Robert Leigh John Banester and Wm. P[o]Uard Lawrance Robinson Theirs of John Houlgate . John Walton of Gibhill . James Ridialgh Theirs of Will: Sagar of Colne Mris: Hammond John Robinson of Sabden Theirs of Jennet Ridialgh Henry Higgine Henry Vipan . John Kippax . Ralph Fairborne for Jo: Robinson land James Whitacar WiUiam Whiticar Tymothy Houlgate Jeffrey Hartley Robert Parker James Vipan for his owne land Ja: Vipan for Mris. Towneley land Jo: Hartley for Mris. Towneley land John Saltonstall Jo: Blakey and his mother Lawrence BrerecUffe Theirs of Law: Wilson Theirs of Sir Henry Savill Robert Jackson John Boothman Quit Rents payd to the Mannor as followeth : Nich: Towneley of Royle, William Hanson of Emot, Christofer Trueman , Gyles Hamond . William Sagar . John Halstead . £1, Greave of the Esq. Junior Old hould, New hould. 2S. ys. 5S. 2d. is. iojd. 2s. 4id. 8d. gs. i|d. 3s. 4d. 3s. iod. is. sid. 2S. lid. 3s. 9d. IS. is. 6|d. 7id. 4s. 3d. 2S. 2d. 2S. iod. is. 7id. 9s. 6d. is. iod. 3s. 8d. 2s. 4d. 3s. 4d. 3s. 8d. is. 4id. 4d. 9s. id. £2, os. iod. 6s. 9fd. £1, Ss. sid. 5s. 9id. £1, iSs. 3id. 3s. 6d. 1 8s. 2ld. 6d. 3s. Ad- is. 8d. 3id. 8s. 2S. 13s. 8s. 3s- 4d. is. 8d. 13s. 7d. IS. 2S. id. ys. 8s. iod. 3s. gd. 3s. 9d. 3s. 3d. iod. 2d. 3d- ioid. 2d. 6s. 2+d. 2s. 7d. 4\d. Ss. 6d. is. Id. is. \d. 6s. 9d. 12s. bd. £1, os. 6d. 1 6s. 7d. ys. 6d. 2S. 3d. 2s. 4id. 8s. gid. 13s. ioid. 4s. 6d. 2S. 6d. id. 6d. £1, iSs- Sid- 3s. 4d. 8s. bd. 2s. pid. 3s. yd. Ss. 4d. APPENDICES 443 Old hould. New hould. Barnard Hartley 2s. Lawrance Robinson 2s. John Blakey and his mother ... 3s. 4d. Theirs of Law: Wilson .... 3s. 4^. The new rent within Colne and Marsden is ^49, 14s. g\d. Unto which being added new rent fee farmed by Nicholas Towneley of Royle, Esq 15s. 11 d. The totall sum amounteth to . . . /50, ios. 8id. These lands doe Ue within the Forrest of Trawden called Carrieheys of the yearly rent of 20s. but are pareell of Colne and were left out of the Composition by the Inhabitants of Trawden yet doth not pay the rent to the Greave of the Mannor of Colne but to the Receiver of the Forest of Trawden. James Foulds 1 James Hargreaves I £1, os. od. Theirs of Robert Hargreaves J Feef armed by Nich: Towneley of Royle, Esq., for Old Rent ... 13s. 2d. Feefarmed by the aforesaid Nicholas Towneley, Esq., for New improvements 15s. 1 id. Which said rents are now payd to the Greave of the Mannor of Colne to Sir Ralph Ashton as Receiver. The Old Rent within Colne and Marsden . . . £24, 12s. fd. Unto which beeing added Old Rent feefarmed by Nich: Towneley, Esq. . . • . . . . 13s. 2d. And the rents abovenamed lying within the Forest of Trawden beeing £1, os. od. The totall summe amounteth to 226, Ss. 2fd. Manor of Colne. Concerning Cottages. Wee finde that all and everie the moores commons and all and everie improvements and incrochments now or heretofore inclosed or improved or hereafter to bee inclosed or improved were granted by king James to the Freeholders and Coppieholders of Colne and Greate Marsden as by the Decree of the Honorable Courte of the Duchie of Lancaster bearing date the 20 of June 161 8 more plainly appears and thereupon Comissioners were appointed by the said Courte for deviding allotting and setting forth to everie Freeholder and Coppieholder within the Mannor their proportionable parts according to their severall rents and inlands, and when the cottages came to bee allotted and devided to the freehoulders and coppieholders by the said Commissioners the cottagers did withstand the same and did repaire to the honorable courte of the Duchie for release therein and did obtaine a Reference for Compounding of the diferences betwixt them and the copieholders of Colne for the cottages taken up and incroached from the Commons of the Mannor of Colne unto Roger Kenyan gentleman who did com pound and agree the same and thereuppon it was ordered and agreed that some of the said cottagers should bee Coppieholders of Inheritance to his Majestie and shall pay such rents to the king and such other to the use and benefite of the Schoole in Colne as is therein expressed and uppon everie admittance to pay there Fines to the king and schoole as in case of other coppieholders bv one yeares rent to the king and one yeares rent to the schoole. And some other cottagers were to have leases some for Uves and some for yeares and the inheritance of the coppieholders estate therein to bee put into the hands of two coppie- 444 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS holders elected by the rest who are to bee but feoffies in trust to the use of the schoole. In which surrender it is to bee provided that the said feoffies are not to displace and put out the said cottagers at the end of their termes but to make them new leases uppon reasonable rents and fines as the honorable Courte of the Duchie shall, from time to time set downe if they cannot agree amongst themselves as by a Record of our Courte to us delivered by the Stuard thereof and hereunder written doth plainely appeare. To our Loveing Frend Mr. John Nutter deUver these. Whereas wee referred the Compounding of the differences betwixt the Coppieholders of Colne and the Cottagers taken up and in- croached from the Commons of the Mannor of Colne unto Roger Kenyan, gentleman, who hath certified us of the manner and convenience of that agreement which hee hath made with and amongst them, which agreement wee have caused to bee entred and ratified amongst the Orders of the Duchie and Records thereof, and for that wee presume the said Roger Kenyan can deUver you a copie thereof which wee will him hereby to deUver and that the same may bee entred by you amongst the records or Courte RoUs of the said mannor, Wee will and require you that after such entrie thereof by you made you admit and pro cure admittance to bee made to everie the said Cottagers according to the purporte thereof and also that estates bee made by the Coppieholders accordingly and these our Letters shalbee to you sufficient warrant, And that you admitt the instant (whereof the said certificate of the said Mr. Kenyan maketh mencion and referreth to our further direction) according to his opinion in and by the said Certificate, and further wee will and require you that as farr as in you Ueth you see the said certificate in all pointes observed or els certifie us in whose default it is not performed that wee may take further order therein, and soe wee bid you hartie farewell this 20 of November 1621. Your Loveing frends Houmfry May Edward Mosley. Colne Roll, 20 James [1622-3]. At this Halmote, by virtue of the warrant aforesaid, Joseph Blakey took of the lord the King, a cottage [and] one " le Gardenstead," in his own occupation ; to hold to him and his heirs for ever accord ing to the intent of the said warrant, rendering yearly id. to the King and I2d. to the school of Colne. Fine id. and to the school of Colne 1 2d. Edmund Waterhouse and Sibill his wife took a cottage, 2 " les outhouses " and one " le Gardensteed," in the occupation of the said Edmund ; to hold to them and the survivor of them, and to the heirs of the survivor at the request of Edmund. Fine id. and to the school of Colne is. Robert Blakey took a. little house and one " le Gardinstead ' in the occupation of the said Robert ; to hold to him and his heirs. Fine id. and to the school 6d. Henry Houlgate alias Block took a Uttle cottage and one " le Gardinstead " in the tenure of the said Henry ; to hold to him and his heirs. Fine id. and to the school I2d. Robert Hewett took a cottage in the occupation of the said Robert ; to hold to him and his heirs. Fine id. and to the school 6d. John Habergham took a cottage, one " le outhouse" and "gardin stead " in the occupation of the said John ; to hold to him and his heirs. [Fine not mentioned.] APPENDICES 44S Leases for 3 Lives from the Kinge. Mary Parkinson, widow, took of the lord the King a Uttle cottage in her occupation ; to hold to her and her assigns during her life and the Uves of George Parkinson and Anne Parkinson her children, and afterwards according to the tenour and intent of the said warrant. Fine id. and to the school 6d. Agnes Huet took a cottage in her occupation ; to hold to her and her assigns for the term of her life and the Uves of Robert Huet and Margaret Huet her children and afterwards as above. Fine id. and to the school 4d. Jane CartmeU took a cottage in her occupation ; to hold to her and her assigns during the term of the Ufe of Jane wife of Roger Cartmell, and of Edmund CartmeU and James CartmeU, children of the said Roger, and afterwards as above. Fine id. and to the school 3d. Margaret late the wife of Alexander Foster took a cottage ; to hold to her and her assigns during the term of the life of Richard Foster, John Foster and James Foster sons of the said Alexander, and afterwards as above. Fine id. and to the school 2d. Thomas Ernshaw took a little cottage ; to hold to him and his assigns during the term of the Uves of the said Thomas and of WilUam and Grace Ernshow his children, and afterwards as above. Fine id. and to the school 2d. Barnard Hartley took two " les Swinesties " ; to hold to him and his assigns during the term of the Uves of him the said Barnard and of Jenett Ricroft and Isabell Ricroft daughters of Henry Ricroft, and afterwards as above. Fine id. and to the school 2d. Richard Hartley took a cottage ; to hold to him and his assigns during the term of the Uves of him the said Richard, and of John Houlgate son of John Houlgate, and of Francis Blakey son of Robert Blakey, and afterwards as above. Fine id. and to the school 2d. WiUiam Eastwood alias Wight took a cottage and one " le Gardinstead " ; to hold to him and his assigns during the term of the Ufe of him the said WiUiam and of EUzabeth his wife and Agnes his daughter, and afterwards as above. Fine id. and to the school 4d. ' James MitcheU alias Blakey took a cottage and a garden ; to hold to him and his assigns during the term of the Ufe of the said John, and of Margret Mitchell daughter of John Mitchell, and Ann Hargreaves daughter of Nicholas Hargreaves of Edgend, and afterwards as above. Fine id. and to the school 4d. Henry Brigg took a cottage ; to hold to him and his assigns during the term of the hfe of Elizabeth wife of Robert Orthward, Christiana Orthward and Alisona Orthward daughters of Robert Orthward, and afterwards as above. Fine id. and to the school 2d. Jennett wife of John Foster took a cottage ; to hold to her and her assigns during the term of her hfe and the Uves of John Foster her son and Anne Orthward daughter of Robert Orthward, and after wards as above. Fine id. and to the school 2d. Anne Hargreaves, widow, took a cottage and garden ; to hold to her and her assigns during the term of the life of Thomas Hargreaves and Stephen Hargreaves her sons, and afterwards as above. Fine id. and to the school 2d. Edward Showsmith took a cottage and garden ; to hold to him and his assigns during the term of the Ufe of John Showsmith, Edward 446 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Showsmith and AUce Showsmith his children, and afterwards as above. Fine id. and to the school 2d. Halmote of the manor of Colne held there on Tuesday the 22nd of October, 20 James [1622], before Richard Mollyneux, knight and baronet, chief steward theje, and thence adjourned to Wednesday the 4th December in the said year before the said steward. To this Halmote, upon the aforesaid adjournment, by virtue of a warrant under the hands of Humfrey Maie, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, and Edward Mosley, attorney general there, and in- rolled amongst the records of the Halmote of the manor of Colne held there on Tuesday the 21st May, 20 James [1622], and thence adjourned to Monday the 12th August, 20 James [1622], before the said steward, came Nicholas Mitchell son and heir apparent of Nicholas Mitchell of Colne, and John Blakey son and heir apparent of Lionel Blakey of Emmot Lane, and took of the said lord the King ana his said steward a Uttle cottage now in the tenure of Mary Parkinson, widow, or her assigns ; one other cottage and garden now in the tenure of James Stanfeild ; one other cottage now in the tenure of Agnes Huet ; one other cottage now in the tenure of Jane Cartmell ; one other cottage in the tenure of Margaret late wife of Alexander Foster ; one other cottage now in the tenure of Robert Ellis ; one other cottage now in the tenure of Thomas Ernshow ; one other cottage now in the tenure of John Eagland ; one other cottage and two " les Swinesties " now in the tenure of Bernard Hartley and Richard Hartley ; one other cottage and garden now in the tenure of WilUam Eastwood alias Wight; one other cottage and garden now in the tenure of John Mitchell alias Blakey ; one other cottage in the tenure of Henry Bridge ; one other cottage in the tenure of the wife of John Foster ; one other cottage and garden now in the tenure of John Robert ; one other cottage and garden now in the tenure of John Camell ; one other cottage and garden now in the tenure of Ann Hargreaves, widow ; one other cottage and garden now in the tenure of Edward Showsmith ; one other cottage now in the tenure of John Moore ; and all the said premises are situate within the said manor : to hold to the said Nicholas MicheU the son and John Blakey and their heirs, feoffees to the use of the school of Colne, according to the custom of the said manor. Provided that the said feoffees are not to displace and put out the said cottagers at the end of their terms, but to make them new leases upon reasonable rents and fines as the honourable Court of the Duchy shall from time to time set down if they cannot agree amongst themselves, according to the certificate of Roger Kenyan, gent., likewise inroUed amongst the said Records of the Halmote ; rendering to the King and his heirs and successors, and to the school of Colne, all rents, fines, customs and services according to the custom of the said manor, and according to the true intent of the said warrant and certificate. Fine for entry i8d. Examined, and it agrees with the Roll of the Court, by Andrew Holden, deputy steward. Wee say that the rent of the cottages standing at Colne water side is payd to the Greave of the said mannor as foUoweth , namely : — These are Copieholders of Inheritance. Christopher Trueman . . . . . . . . .id. Abraham Smith .......... id. Edmund Tatersall id. Widdowe Houlgate id. Edmund Tattersall id. APPENDICES 447 These have Leases for Lives. Robert Topping \ Robert Symson \ 3^. Laurance Halstead J Christofer Foster id. John Lacock id. Grace Ernshaw id, Barnard and Richard Hartley id. Widdowe Towers id. James Foster and Rob: Beacham 2d. Henry Brigg id. John Hey id. Christopher Trueman id. John Showsmith id. Henry Stanworth id. John Baldwaine id. WilUam Huett id. WilUam Lacock . id. John Hargreaves id. Hugh Gurner id. Jennet Baldwaine . id. Wee say there is not of our knowledge or by any evidence given unto us any other cottage or cottages (then before menconed) and not confirmed by the Decree nether doe wee know of our knowledge or by any evidence to us produced of any lease made to any Scarberow or of any rent to bee answared to the lord of the mannor of the same. Wee doe not know of any other cottages in Colne which were in the yeare 1621 since the making of the Decrees which were in difer- ance betwixt the Coppieholders and Cottagers and referred to bee composed unto Roger Kenyan, gent., by the then Chancellor of the Duchie other then the before menconed cottages and hereunto annexed onely there are some few cottages which were falne into ruine and are now repaired and some of them something inlarged but standing uppon the lands formerly surrendered as they produce their copies for the same. It may bee true Mr. ShaUcrosse made such a Survey of certaine cottages in Colne as by a paper shewed unto us appears which cottages wee conceive to bee the sum hereinbefore set downe but the truth or vahditie of that survey wee are alltogether ignorant of. Wee finde there is a pareell of marssh ground nere Colne called the Vivar formerly occupied as a Fish Pound and leased by king James for 60 years from and after the first day of November in the 8 yeare of his Majesties raigne over England [1610] as by a coppie out of the Duchie appears and shewed unto us by Christopher Smith one of our Jurie under the rent of 2s. 4d. which rent is and formerly hath beene paid unto Sir Raph Ashton, Receiver, &'c. The Fishing Rent is payd as foUoweth — Inprimis by Christopher Smith 7d. Item by John HaU 7d. Item WilUam Hartley 7d. Item Rob: Hargreaves 7d. Sum 2s. 4d. Wee finde noe other Copiehold Lands within the mannor then what is expressed in the particulars above named. Rob: Hammond Gyles Hammond WUUam Hartley Myles Whitaker Christofer Trueman Christofer Smith George Hartley WilUam Sagar Lawrence Ridiough John Ellott Hen: Leigh his + marke James Blakey Rob: Hargreaves Jo: Banester. 448 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Colne. Forrest of Trawden, 21 November 1662. Inquisition taken there the day and year above said to inquire, for the right honourable George, Duke of Albemarle, lord of the manor aforesaid, by virtue of a special precept of the said Duke directed to his said steward, by the oath of James Foulds of Trawden, John Hargreaves of Heyrode, John Kippax of WycoUer, WiUiam Emott of Emott, James Hartley of Wanlesse, Robert Midgley of Wynewall, George Emott of WycoUer, Barnard Hartley of the same, Robert Hartley of Trawden, Geoffrey Hartley of the same, Roger Foulds of the same, John Driver of Winewall, WilUam Hanson of the same, James Foulds of WycoUer, and Richard Shacklton of the same, homagers of the said court within the Forest of Trawden, who say and present upon their oath as follows, namely : — Trawden Forrest. Wee present and finde that the yearly rent for the Forrest of Trawden aforesaid to the right honorable George, Duke of Albemarle, lord thereof, is £29, and that the same is paid by the Copiehold Tennants whose names are hereunder written as foUoweth at the feasts of Easter and Sant Michaell the ArchangeU by equall porcons, namely — Wicollor. Elizabeth Cunliffe of WycoUor Barnard Hartley of same Rich: Shackleton of same John Keppax of same Robert Emott of same . James Foulds of same George Emmott of Emott Sum Wynewall. John Cunhffe of HolUngs, gent. James Hartley of Wanlesse Robert Midgley of WynewaU . John Hargreaves of Hieroyde WilUam Hanson of WynewaU John Keppax of WycoUer John Driver of Stunstead Lawrance Shutleworth of Wanlesse Sum Trawden James Foulds of Trawden Jeffray Hartley of same James Hartley of Lane . Robert Hartley of Trawden Roger Foulds of same James Hartley of same . Jo: Crumboke of Clarkehill Ja: Hartley of Wanlesse J a: Hartley of Olderhurst Jeffrey Shackletun of Trawden James Shackelton of same £1. 13s. £1, IS. 15s. 15s. 15s. 9S. 12S. £6 £2, 3s. 4d. £*. 3s. 4d. ios. iod. ios. iod. £1, is. 8d. IS. £1, 18s. nfd. 13s. 4iJd. £s. 13s. 4d. £i. 3s. 6d £1, ys. 2d £1, os. od £1, is. 2d £1, 6s. 8d 13s. 1 id 13s. 1 id 1 6s. 8d 19s. 6d £1. 3s- fr. os. iod APPENDICES John Hartley of Gelfordclugh James Hartley of Beyghur James Hartley of Ludgemosse Peter Hartley of Beardshayhead John Hartley of Trawden Roger Hartley of same . James Bancroft 'of same . Sum £13, 449 Ss. 4s. iod. 4s. 6d. 12s. gd. Ss. 8|d. 2s. 3|Jd. 5s. 2f d. 6s. 8d. Emmot Moore. WilUam Emmot of Emmot 1 3s. 4d. WiUiam Hanson of same 6s. 8d. Sum £1 Wee further likewise present and finde that the yearly rent for Trawden Milne is . . 5s. id. And that the same is paid to the said Duke by all his Coppiehold tennants within the Forrest of Trawden aforesaid joyntly at the feast of Sant Michaell Tharchangell wholly. Sum total ^29, 5s. id. Wee further Ukewise present and finde that formerly there hath beene a Cole Myne in Trawden and Cole gotten therein, And that by Anthony Freiston and John Hobert, gent., who had the said Myne by force and virtue of a lease thereof to them made by king Charles the first for and during the terme time and space of thirty and one years from the feast of Sant Michaell Tharchangell, 15 Charles I, 1639, and that the said Anthony Freyston and John Hobert, gent., have past all the revercion and remainder of the said tearme to Nicholas Towneley of Royle, Esq., Laurance Ridialgh of Marsden and Henry Coulthurst, as by the assignement of the said Anthony Freiston and John Hobert it playnly doth and may appeare, but noe Coles now gotten there. Wee have nether cottage nor incroachment within the Forrest of Trawden. James Foulds of Trawden John Kippax of Wycollor James Hartley of Wanlesse WilUam Emmott of Emmot George Emmott of Flasse Robert Midgley of Wynewall WiUiam Hanson of WynewaU John Driver of Stunstead Barnard Hartley of WycoUer Richard Shackelton of same Jeffrey Hartley of Trawden Robert Hartley of same Roger Fouldes of Trawden James Foulds of WycoUer. Pendle. Halmote of the manor of Ightenhill held at Higham, on Saturday the 22nd November, 14 Charles II [1662], before Charles, Lord Viscount Mollyneux, chief steward there. Inquisition taken there the day and year above said to inquire for the right honourable George, Duke of Albemarle, lord of the said manor, by virtue of a special precept of the said Duke directed to the said steward, by the oath of Edward Stephenson of Barley, gent., Lawrence Duxbury of Deien, gent., Henry Banester of Parkehill, gent., John Hargreaves of Higham, Christopher Varley of Whitley, John Crooke of Roughlee, Richard Nutter of Goldshawe, John Stephenson of the same, Christopher Hartley of Barrowford, Christopher Hartley of Whitley, Henry Hargreaves of the same, James Foulds of Barrowford, John Sutcliffe of Paster, John Hey of Northwood, John Stephenson of Height, Henry Crooke of Wheatley lane and James VOL. II. 2 F 450 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Mitton of Roughlee, homagers of the said court, who say and present upon their oath as follows, namely — Adjourned tiU 20 February next. Wee say that the Rentall of the Forrest of Pendle within the said mannor of IghtenhiU annexed to the Decree for confirmation of the said Forest made in the 8th year of the raigne of the late kinge James of England &c. or thereabouts attaines unto £119, 16s. io^d. as thereby appears which together with a surplus ought to bee paid by the Tennants of the said Forrest accord ing to this Rentall following to the best of our knowledge. Filliclose. Richard Towneley, Esq. £10 13s. 4d. Sum ^10, 3s. 4d. Hunterholme and Westclose. Richard Shutleworth, Esq £2, os. 3d. The same for Yates Tenement fr 13s. 4d. John Crowshay and Rob: Crowshay fr 3s. iofd. Margaret Browne, widowe is. bid. John Hey 8s. 2d. EUen PoUard 8s. lid. John Smith ...... 8s. 2d. Charles Wood ... 6s. 8d. Robert Marsden, Clarke ios. DrueUs Land 2d. Sum £8, os. 3fd. Roughlie. John CunUff, gent. £1 6s. 4\d. John Hammond ..... lbs. Sd. Christopher Bawlden for lands late Henry '. 3awldens fr. 13s. 4d. John Bawlden ..... lbs. 8d. Henry Bulcock 15s. 3fd. Anthony Dickson for Robert Shawes land and lands late Slaters 2s. 4d. WilUam Hartley 6s. Id. James Bulcocke ..... 1 8s. lid. Christofer Varley ..... 13s. 8d. John Robinson of Yate .... ys. 8d. John Hartley fr 1 is. 6d. James Ridihalgh 5 s. 6id. James Mitton ..... 19s. id. Henry Nutter 6s. nid. Ja: Bulcock for parte of his lands . 4s. 2d. Christopher Hanson .... 9s. 6d. Robert Robinson 5s. 8d. James Robinson for parte of his lands . 3s. 4d. John Crooke ys. 4d. John Robert is. Thomas Crooke ..... 3s. 4d. Christopher Varley of Dolehouse . 2S. 4d. Abraham Knowles .... 4s. 4/d. John Hargreaves ..... is. 8d. James Hargreaves of Barrowford . 2s. 8d. Henry Robinson is. iod. John Halsteade jure uxoris 3s. lid. Christofer Varley jure uxoris . is. lid. John Slater Christopher Towneley, Milne James Hartley APPENDICES gent., jure uxoris for Roughlee 45 1 2s. 6id. Sum ^13 Barley Booth. Edmund Stevenson James Robinson for part of his lands WilUam Varley .... Christopher Bulcock of Barley WilUam Barcroft for parte of his lands Richard Nutter .... WilUam Crombock Christopher Bulcock and Jennet his mother WiUiam Barcroft .... James Crooke jure uxoris for his lands Richard Waddington for Holkar lands Geoffrey Hargreaves jure uxoris Henry Hargreaves Christopher Varley Henry Thrailford jure uxoris . Mary Varley .... Richard Cooke George Phillipson , Christofer Robinson Margery and Anne Blakey Luke Balden and Jo: Bulcock Christopher Bulcocke infant . . Whitley Booth. 2S. 3s. 4d. 3, 1 8s. 6d. £1, Ss. 6d. 2S. 6d. fr, As-gs. lid.iod. IS. 2S. £1, OS. 2d. 2S. 4s.4s. 1 6s. 3d.yd.yd. 6d. IS. 4d. id. 2S.2S. gd. 6d. 2S.2S. Sd. yd.6d. fr is. gs. Sd. Sum ^8 4s. 4d. Christopher Bulcock John Stevenson Christopher Varley Richard Bulcock Richard Varley Henry Hartley Richard Nutter Robert Lee Robert Hirst The same for Bawlden lands Henry Hargreaves cum matre Christopher Bawlden for lands late Henry Bauldens John Robinson of Padiham . John Robinson of Narrowgates Robert Hartley WiUiam Hartley Richard Forte Christopher Hartley WiUiam Speake for the lands of Christopher Bulcocke Sum Gouldshaw Booth. John Robinson Thomas Croysdall . Christofer Hartley jure uxoris John ElUs Nicholas Stevenson fr. OS. SS. iod. 15s. 9d. fr. 6s. 8d. 13s. 5d. 8s. 1 id. 6s. 6s. 2d. 3s. id. 3s- id. Ss. 1 id. 8s. 8d. 4s. 3S. 3d. Ss. Sd. Ss. Sd. yd. 4s. 6d. 2S. £7. 4s. 2d. fr. 12s. Hid. Id. fr 6s. 3s- 5d. igs. 452 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS EUz: Robinson, widdow, for the wood Lawrence Duxbury, gent. Henry Walker .... Richard Nutter .... Edmund Stevenson, son of Lawrence Thomas Marsden, Clarke, for his lands John Stevenson of Sabden Thomas Driver for part of his land Jo: Bailey and Edward Baily Richard Greene for part of their lands John Robinson of Horestones Isabell Shaw, widdowe . John Stevenson of Height Edmund Stevenson of Barley . Nicholas Stevenson Jonas Moore . John Starkey, Esq. Thomas Driver The same jure uxoris Christopher Robinson Christofer Varley . The same jure uxoris Richard Crombock, gent, WilUam Varley jure uxoris Richard Nutter, husbandman John Moore of Whitlee . John Moore of Greeneheade . Eliz: Moore, widdowe Edward Radcliffe .... Randle Hollkar for Lambe Tenement Richard Bankes for the lands of Edmund Moore, Clarke and John Stevenson ..... Sum Barrowford with Rushton Thornes i. Christopher Towneley gent., jure uxoris The same for Carr Milnes 2. James Bulcock .... The same for Parker Lands 3. Lawrance Robinson of Lawnd . 4. Christofer Hartley of Lawnd . 5. Lawrance Robinson of Barrowford . 6. William Saltenstall .... 7. Edward Hilton .... 8. Henry Parker . 9. Barnard Hartley 10. Robert Bulcock 1 1 . James Hargreaves 12. James Foulds . 13. James Robinson 14. James Wilson . 15. Thomas Banister 16. Christofer Hartley, senior 17. Lawrance Towneley 18. Christofer Smith of Fulshay 19. James Hartley of Blackow 20. Henry Shawe . 21. Francis Page . 22. Henry Blakey . IS. • fr is. 5d. 2S. 12s. 5id. 6s. 5*- 4s. 9id. is. 6d. 7s. 6d. 4d. 13s. 3s. 4d. 4s. 6d. 15s. ijd. 6d. 4d. 2d. gs. 2d. 3s. 6id. 9s. 2d. 3s. 2d. 2S. 6d. 3s. 6id. IS. id. 3s. 6Hd. id. Ss. 3id. 3s. 4d. 15 s. 6d. £13, is. 3id. ¦ fr Ss. ¦ £1 ios. nid. 4s. 6\d. ios. 2id. 4s. Sid- 14s. yid. 4s. 2s. 8d. is. 8d. ios. ifd. ios. yd. ¦ £1 10s. Sid- 4s. 1 6s. 2id. 8s. 3id. 2s. 4d. • £1 2S. 13s. 2d. 3s. 6d. us. 8fd. 6s. ioid. 2S. lid. ys. 4d. APPENDICES 453 23. William Hartley 24. John Sutcliffe . 25. EUz: Hartley, widdowe 26. Henry Farrer . 27. Christofer Robinson . 28. Barnard Sutcliffe 29. Henry Banister 30. Christofer Blakey The same for Towneley land Wheatley Carre. Nicholas Towneley, Esq. Issabell Towneley, widdowe Henry Parker Ould Lawnd. Henry DrueU, gent. Nich: Stevenson for part of his lands Edmond Stevenson John Sharpe £1, ss- 6d. 14s. iod. 6id. 2S. 2S. ios. 5ld. 6s. 3s. 8d. 2S. Sum £15, 9s. 2fd. • £A. 7s- lid. . £1, 9s. id. ios. 6d. Sum £6, 6s. 8d. ¦ £3, 3s- 7d- 4s. . £1, us. 6d. 2d. Sum £4, 15s. 7d. Newlawnd. John Nutter . Richard Crombock Jo: Moore Barnard Parker, jure uxoris . £2, 4s. 6d. ¦ fr, 9s- 7\d. ¦ fr, 9s- 7id. ¦ fr, 9s- 7id. Sum £6, 13s. 4-J-d. Reedley hallowes. Thomas Barcroft, gent. EUis Nutter .... John Jackson .... WilUam Robert for Jackson land . £6, ios. . £1, igs. . . £1, Ss.3s. Sum £10. Nether Higham. Mr. Hugh Anderton . £6, os. 61 Sum £6, os. 6d. Higham booth. Lawrance Duxbury, gent. John Hargreaves . John Moore of Greenehead Jennett Raustorne, widdow John Moore of Whithe . John Moore of Fence Henry Crooke jure uxoris Lawrance Whitwham Thomas Walmesley EUz: Robinson Nicholas Stevenson John Stevenson of Whitalgh 19s. 2\d. 12s.ios. 2d. 13s. 4d. 15s. 2d. fr, 16s.IOS.IOS.1 6s. id. 4s. $s. 4d. 4s. 8d. 454 CLITHEROE) COURT ROLLS Hugh Hargreaves .... Christopher Stevenson . John Birtwisle .... Ja: Dickonson for part of his lands John Hargreaves Dr. of Phisick Edmund Stevenson Thomas CroysdaU .... Margret Browne .... John Stevenson of Goldshay . 6s. 8d. 4s- is. iod. is. 4d. 5s. 6d. 3s. • fr. 2d. is. 6d. Sum £g, igs. nid. Sum total of this Rental £120, 4s. iofd. Wee say that the tennants of the said Forrest hould their severall and respective shares of land by Coppie of Court RoU according to the Custome of the said mannor of Ightenhill under a certaine yearly rent therein menconed payable at the feasts of Easter and St. MichaeU Tharchangell by equaU porcons and not by any number of acres, nether was the same Forrest at time of the disforresting thereof which was in the raignes of king Henry the Seventh and king Henry the Eight granted to the takers thereof otherwise. Wee say that Sir Raph Ashton barronet houlds a parceU of land in the said Forrest by Coppie of Court Roll according to the custome of the said mannor under the yearly rent of 4d. which is not menconed in the Rentall annexed to the said Decree. Wee say that there is not of our knowledge or by any evidence given to us uppon oath anie lands, tenements, rents, duties or services conceiled and withholden from the lord of the said mannor, Nether is their of our knowledge or by any evidence given to us a certaine pasture called Coppinghirst heretofore letten to Lawrance Shutleworth at the yearly rent of 6s. 61d. or at any other rente within the said Forrest, but there is a close of land now devided into two parcells called the Copthursthey lyeing as weU within the towneshipp of Padi ham as within the chace of Pendle and Halmott of IghtenhiU now the inheritance of Richard Shutleworth, Esq., which nether of our knowledge or by any evidence to us given is or hereafter hath beene reputed or taken as pareell of the said Forrest of Pendle or ever answered or paid anie rents, services or duties as chargeable therein. Wee say that wee doe not know of any place within the said Forrest called Little redhallow at the yearly rent of 13s. 4d. of our owne knowledge or by any evidence given to us, neither doe wee know who now occupieth any such place. Wee say that all the lands within the said Forrest were granted to the tennants there by Coppie of Courte Roll as before is menconed, and that noe wast land remaines. Chatburne, Worston, and Pendleton. Halmote of the right honourable George, Duke of Albemarle, of his manor of Chatburne, Worston and Pendleton, held at the Castle of CUtherow, on Tuesday the nth day of November, 14 Charles II [1662], before Charles, Lord Viscount MolUneux, chief steward there. Inquisition taken there the day and year abovesaid to inquire for the lord of the said manor, by virtue of a special precept of the said Duke, by the oath of John Stevenson of Chatburne, Henry Robinson of the same, James Harroppe of the same, John Swinglehurst of the same, Thomas Shires of the same, Richard Waddington of the same, Alexander Dugdale of the same, John Kendall of the same, Richard Johnson of Worston, John Tomlinson of the same, John Beaver of the same, James Catterall of Pendleton, Thomas Somerton of the APPENDICES 455 same, John Cockshoit of the same, and John Hammond of the same, who say and present upon their oath as follows : — Chatborne. The towne of Chatborne doth consist of severall towneshipps namely : — HaU demene land at the acre Rood land at the acre Oxegang land for an acre 8d. 4d. The totaU of which rents within the said towne by the Decree doth amount [to] ^14, 17s. 2fd. The severall tennants of the said towne and the number of acres they hould, but the severall and dificult tenures hereof wee cannot distinguish or finde how there severall rents are paid as foUoweth. John Taylor . More for Fishing . Thomas Ryley More for Fishing Edmund Stevenson More for Fishing The coheirs of Robert Taylor John Swinglehurst . Robert Hodgson EUin Shires . Thomas Kendall Robert Taylor, Corvisor John KendaUe John Bridge . Henry Robinson More for Fishing Myles Londsdale . John and Thomas Robinson Alexander Dugdall Nicholas Robinson Mris. NoweU . Henry Ellott ' John Loodge Richard Fogge Robert Bulcock More for Fishing WiUiam Brenand Thomas Hodgson James Wignow Thomas UdaU John Winter . Richard Dugdall Thomas Chatburne More for Fishing Elizabeth Dobson Christofer Harrison Richard Sigesweeke WiUiam Atkinson . Henry Varley Richard Whallbanke .and in heir Rents for possession. their lands. a. r. P- £ s. d. yo 0 O 2 8 0 6 26 0 0 II 88 16 2 O 10 4 8 35 0 O 1 3 4 5 1 O 3 8 2 0 O 2 0 2 11 0 O 3 8 2 O 4 16 0 O 7 3 22 0 O 10 10 15 0 0 7 5 1 5 0 0 3 0 6 7 1 0 7 0 6 3 0 0 3 8 6 1 2 0 1 21 6 11 0 0 4 4 2 2 0 1 0 2 3 0 11 5 1 2 0 2 6 7 3 0 7 0 1 4 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 1 9 3 0 46 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 456 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS Alexander Foster Robert Ryley Jeofery Wignoll John Wignall EUis Greaves Richard Loynd Lawrance Higgan The coheirs of Thomas Kendall WilUam Kendall Henry Dyneley WilUam Steaven More for Fishing John Airton . Richard Tunstall More for Fishing Henry Bleasdall John Eidsforth James Walker Thomas Denholme Christofer Coocke More for Fishing William Hirst Richard Waddington Lanslott Erie Christofer Tatersall Agnes Lawson For Airton Land Thomas Kendall Thomas Kennyan James Harroppe More for Fishing Thomas Bould More for Fishing WilUam Baldwen Elizabeth Kaley Edward Marcer The coheirs of Gyles DugdaU John EyeUan Mr. John TomUnson for John Harrison['s] wood A nswers to the Queries. As for the parcells of land formerly letten to John Harrison and Christofer Dugdall wee knowe none such, but if there were any such it is included in the rents abovesaid. As concerning the Smithie at 6d. rent its included in Richard Waddington's rent above menconed. As for the Cottages and the rents due for them theire rents are severally charged downe above. As to that house upon Rible Bancke formerly letten for 2od. rent as wee conseive it is included in WiUiam Baldwens rent above menconed. Wee have noe Cottages nor Incroachments uppon the wasts that wee know of since the 16 of king James [1618-19]. Henry Robinson Thomas Shires John Swinglehurst Richard Waddington James Harroppe Alexander DugdaU. John Kendalle ..ands in their possession. a. r. p. Rents for their lands. £ s. d. 2 1 22 6 1 0 3 2 2 0 0 3 0000 00 0 A 1 49 1 0 2 1 1 9 7 1 8 14 0 0 1 6 8 6 9 2 00 00 2 4 96 23 131 6 2 0 0 2 1 6 7 4 2 2 0 0 000 2 4 ii 2 8 1 4 3 0 0 3 4 6 22 0 0 II 10 35 0 0 1 2 10 2 8 0 0 4 0 2 11 2 0 10 0 2 0 2 29 0 0 4 1 10 0 1 [frs. 2 2s. 9fd.] APPENDICES 457 Worston. Wee finde and present that the antient Coppiehould Rent for the mannor of Worston aforesaid by the Decree is ^5, 18s. yid. And that the same is payd for lands called Hall Demesne Lands "which pay is. per acre and for Oxgange Land at 4d. per acre, but what acres everie particular tennant hath of those wee know not but the whole rent is now payd according to the Rentall annexed. / s. d WilUam Nowell, gent. ? °' o ' Joshua Radchffe, esq. Thomas Braddill, esq. Katharine Lister, an infant John TomUnson, gent. John Dawson John Dawson for Greeneacrs Richard Waddington . Mathew Feareneside, infant William Hayhurst John WaUer Robert Hammond, gent. WilUam Baley Richard Johnson . Thomas Ryley 6 8 1114 9 8 10 46 1 I 7 2 2 Summe is £6, is. 3d. 64i 66 1 8 o4i ooo 7 o Worston. Wee finde and present that the new Improved rents within the mannor aforesaid amounts unto £y, ios. which is collected uppon the particular persons according to the Rentall annexed at the rate of 6d. for everie acre of the persons following : — Katharine Lister, infant, for Ashton .... WiUiam NoweU, gent. WiUiam NoweU for Ashton John Dawson ........ WilUam Baley . Mathew Fearneside, infant Richard Johnson Richard Waddington WilUam Hayhurst John Beaver s. 1418 7 13 9 67 6 3 d. 41 11 67 Pendleton. a* 4 2 1 if Summe is [£y, ios. 3fd.]. Richard Johnson, John Bever. Wee finde that Pendleton Old Lands doth consist of Oxgang Lands and hould under the severaU Tenants and Rents following and here unto annexed the whole rent of the Old Lands according to the Decree beeing £6, is. 8d. Tennants menconed in the Decree. The old rents menconed in the Decree. £ s. d. Thomas Houghton, gent 1 Peeter Jenings 68 Robert Sellar 7 John Whiteheade 6 9} 458 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS The old rents menconed in the Decree.£ s. d. John Bowker ......... 14 Richard Marsden 6 81 Bartholamew Barker ........ 3 41 EUz: Moore 3 4f Richard Webster 7 7i Roger Nowell, Esq 4 Thomas Walmesley, gent. . . . . . . .102 Edmund Robinson ........ 3 4f Edmund Walmesley ...... . 1 jji Francis Pasley ........ 84 James Feilden 6 8i William Taylor ....... . 69 William Hodgson 84 Henry Hammond ........ 7 oJ Heirs of Henry Southworth . . . . . 18 iof Robert Carrier ......... 46 John Proctor 14 Anne Seller ......... 7 ol Roger Brisough 7 Their lands descended and transferred to these severall Tennants in possession. Rents corn- Old rents from pleated an- presant Tenants, swering the Decree. £ S. d. £ S. d. Joshua Radchffe, Esq. ..... 1 1 Edmund Bower and his wife halfe Oxgang con taining 10 acres ..... 3 4 James Catterall, Tennant for some years in beeing fourth parte of one Oxegang con taining 5 acres 18 6 8 Bernard Jennings the other fourth parte 5 acres 1 8i John Varley ....... 7 7 John Whitehead one Oxegang containing 20 acres 69! 6 9I Thomas Bowker . . ....14 14 Thomas Somerton one Oxegang containing 20 acres ....... 6 81 6 81 John Welchman one Oxegang containing 20 acres 6 8f 6 8f Richard Webstar 7 y\ 7 Ti Roger Nowell, Esq. ...... 4 4 Thomas Walmesley, gent., one Oxgange con taining 20 acres ..... 6 8f John Welchman (, ,f Oxee-ans?! John Hammond I ^„Z,^' g , „, Edmond Bowker j C°nt^"esg f " ' ' 3 ^ Thomas Bowker I J Thomas Sumerton ...... 1 o 2i Thomas Walmesley, gent., halfe Oxegang con taining 10 acres . . . . . 3 4i Eliz. Marsden one Oxegang containing 20 acres 6 8f Henry Druell half Oxegang 10 acres . . 3 4f 3 4i Richard Walmesley, gent., fourth parte of Oxegang 5 acres 1 8J 1 81 Alice Nuttar one Oxegang 20 acres ... 8 4 84 John Grimeshawe one Oxgang 20 acres . . 6-8 John Hammond, messuage and 15 acres . . 5 f 69 APPENDICES 459 Rents corn- Old rents from pleated an- presant Tenants, swering the Decree. £ s. d. £ s. d. Thomas Walmesley, 5 acres . . . . 1 8f John Cockshutt one messuage and one Oxegang and 4th part 25 acres . . . . 84 John Hammond 21 acres ..... 7 4 James CatteraU one messuage and one Oxegang 20 acres 6 8f 8 iof Richard Walmesley, gent., 4th Oxegang, acres 5 2 2} Robert Carier, messuage 2 parts Oxgang, acres about 13 46 Edmund Baynes acres 4 14 Thomas Sumerton, messuage and acres 21 . 7 1 Edmund Bowker and wife, messuage and garden called a Toft 7 Pendleton New Lands. Wee finde that the Commons of Pendleton doe amounte to Six hundred and Thirtie acres the rent for everie acre to the lord beeing 6d. and the totall rent for the said Commons according to the Decree beeing ^15, 15s. iod. payd by the severaU Tennants foUoweing: — Tennants menconed in the Decree. 1. Tho: Houghton for 10 Oxegange. ¦z. Peeter Jennings. 3. John Whitehead. 4. Richard Marsden. 5. Bartholamew Barker and EUz: Moore. 6. Richard Webster. 7. Tho: Walmesley. 8. Edmund Robinson. 9. Edmund Walmesley. 10. Francis Paslowe. n. James FeUdeng. 12. William Taylor. 13. WiUiam Hodgson. 14. Henry Hammond. 15. Coheirs of Henry Southworth. 16. Robert Carrier. 17. John Proctor. 18. Anne SeUer. Present Tennants. Number of acres. Rent paid. a. r. p. £ s. d. 1. Heirs of Mr. RadcUffe . . . . 131 3 o 3 5 nf 2. Bernard Jennings"! Richard Webster V 13 o 30 6 yi Thomas JoUy J 3. Thomas Whitehead \ . , 0 ,0 5 .1 Thomas Sumerton J " ' - * 5 6 /T 4. Thomas Sumerton 13 o 30 6 yi 5. John Welchman 13 ° 3° 6 7i 6. Richard Webster 13 ° 3° 67! 7. Thomas Walmesley . . . . 39 2 10 19 9i 8. Henry DmeU 6 2 15 33! 460 CLITHEROE COURT ROLLS 9. Thomas Walmesley \ Thomas Sumerton / 10. AUce Nutter n. John Grymeshawe . 12. John Hammond 1 Thomas Walmesley / 13. John Cockshutt \ Thomas Sumerton / 14. John Hammond 15. James CatteraU Richard Webstar 16. Robert Carrier 17. Edmund Baines 18. Thomas Summerton Thomas Bowker Thomas Jolly . Sir Raph Ashton 1 John AspinaU sTum oer of acres. Rent paid. a. r. p. £ s. d. 3 1 7i 1 7l 14 3 H 7 4f 13 0 30 6 7f 13 0 30 6 7i 14 3 14 7 4f 13 0 30 6 7i 11 1 37 5 9 5 0 0 2 6 9 3 22 4 ioi 3 1 7 1 7i 13 0 30 6 ii 4 2 0 2 3 4 HOL 2 0 0 Lands. 2 3 169 2 0 4 4 9 30 2 27 Present Tennants. Myles Whitaker 26 1 20 13 3 J Tennants of Heyhouses. Mr. Tho. Walmesley aUotted of the Common of Pendleton 30 o o 150 Total rent. Totall number of acres 632 o 113 ^15, 15s. of d. Pendleton. Wee conseive and are informed by the antient inhabitants of Pendleton that the pareell of land [blank] called Grindle of the rent of £2, 14s. was antiently the lands of John BraddiU and was exchanged by him with Savill Radchffe, Esq., for other lands out of his mannor, and that since Mr. Radchffe infranchased the said rent of £2, 14s. Wee cannot finde any such pareell of land or parte of a house of the rent of 4d. formerly aledged to bee let to Richard Webstar and his heirs. Wee cannot finde any rent of severall parceUs of land heretofore in possession of Richard Seller and John Gosheere at the rent of is. 8d. Wee cannot finde halfe an acre and certaine buildings thereuppon aledged to bee let to Anne Greenacres at the yearly rent of 8d. Nor a pareell of land contayning 4 falls and two faUes or a Smithie heretofore supposed to bee in tbe tenure of Thomas Brotherton of the rent of £7. Wee cannot finde that the house or cottage lately erected by Richard Webster doth stand uppon the Highway. John Cockshutt, John Hammond, Jennett Catterall. APPENDICES 461 EXTRACTS FROM VARIOUS ROLLS. The following are from the Burnley School Deeds : — 1. Ictinhull, 7 Nov., 1478, before Thomas, Lord Stanley, chief steward. A messuage in Brunley and 8 acres of land came into the king's hands after the death of Robert Foldes. Richard Foldes, son of the said Robert, was admitted on fine of 5s. 4d. 2. Ightenhill, 5 June, 1499, before Thomas, Earl of Derby. The same messuage as above came into the king's hands by the death of James (?) Foldes ; Robert Foldes, his next heir, was admitted. 3. Ightenhill, 5 June, 15 10. The same messuage came into the king's hands after the death of EUzabeth Foldes, daughter of Robert Foldes and wife of John Smyth (?). Geoffrey Foldes was her next heir. Joan wife of Oliver Holt forbad fine for her dower. Agree ment being made Geoffrey was admitted ; fine 2od. INDEX OF NAMES A name occurring more than once on the same page is indexed only once. Abbot, John, 434, 435 Abbot of Whalley, 5, 15, 19, 22, 27, 48, 80, 96, 99, no, 172, 177, 381, 382 Acroide. See Ecroyd Acrondly, Francis, 442 Acroyde. See Ecroyd Adlington, Annes, 303 Charles, 172, 177, 179, 195, 198, 200, 273, 280, 354, 387 Henry, 90 Isabel, w. of Charles, 280 Thomas, s. of Charles, 280 Aicroid. See Ecroyd Aighton (Aughton), AUce, w. of Thomas, 223, 369 Richard, 428 Thomas, 223, 369 . See Haughton Aiglott (Aglett, Aglot), WilUam, 170, 226, 245 Ainsworth (Aunesworth, Aynes worth, Aynysworth), Agnes, 437 AUce, 437 George, 437 James, 435 John, 433, 435, 436 Lawrence, 99, 259, 271 Richard, 435 Thomas, 435 of Pleasington, Thomas, 428 Airie, Anthony, 429 Airton, John, 456 , — — 456 Aitalgh (Aitehaugh, Aitetalgh, Atalgh, Aytalghe, Aytehalgh), John, 46 Richard, 257, 282, 310 of Accrington, Richard, 401 Akerode. See Ecroyd Albemarle, George, Duke of, 420, 425, 426, 439, 448, 449, 454 Alker of Samlesbury, Thomas, 428 Almond, Richard, 436, 437 463 Alstid. See Halstead Alston, Robert, 429 Thomas, 432 WilUam, 430 Altham (Althome), Richard, 57 Thomas, 409, 410 Ancoats (Ancotes), Helena, 23 Lawrence, 23 Ancock. See Hancock Anderton, Hugh, 392, 453 Isabel, 408, 413 WilUam, 404, 408 Arbor, Lawrence, 438 Arley (Erley), Richard, 3y3 Robert, 374 Thomas, 374 WUIiam, 3y3 Arnold, Christopher, 290 Arrowsmith (Arrousmyth), John le, 3, A, 6 Arscot, John, 218, 219 Ash, Robert, 432 Ashton. See Assheton Ashworth, Nicholas, 375 WilUam, 375 Askew (Askue, Askwe), James, 46 Ralph, 42, 46, 374, 376 Aspden (Apisden, Haspeden), Christopher, 90 Edmund, 51, 374 Elizabeth, 416 — — John, 48, 50, 51, 57, 60, y3, 91, 94, -98, 99, 102, 104, 108, 113, 119, 128, 130, 149, 154, 202, 205, 240, 241, 250, 252, 259. 297, 331, 332, 336, 374, 38i, 387, 399 John, s. of Christopher, 201, 202 Lawrence, 374 Margaret, w. of Miles, 172 Miles, 9, m, 171, 172, 180, 216, 277, 318, 342, 387 Nicholas, 46 Richard, 405 Robert, 259, 271 Roger, 374 464 INDEX OF NAMES Aspden, Thomas, 398, 406 WiUiam, 51 Wilham, s. of John, 250 of Ightenhill, John, 112 alias Cowper, Christopher, 194 alias Stevenson, Lawrence, 49 WilUam, 49 Aspinall (Aspinol), John, 431, 434, 460 Robert, 375 of Roidshaw, Thomas, 428 Assheton (Ascheton, Asheton, Ashton), Edmund, 113, 128, 215, 297, 407, 414, 433 Edmund, s. of James, 216 Edward, 113, 163 James, 216 Ralph, 20, 149, 180, 393, 402, 408, 413 — of Chadderton, Edmund, 163 James, s. of Edmund, 163 of Cuerdale, Richard, 431 of Downham, Sir Ralph, 389, 423, 424, 432, 435, 438, 443, 454, 460 Astley, Agnes, w. of Robert, 209 Christopher, 31 George, 259, 271 James, 268, 437 Richard, 430 Robert, 223, 255, 293, 295 Thomas, 433 of Stakes, Thomas, 438 Atkinson (Adkinson), John, 379, 440 Richard, 253 Thomas, 379 William, 455 of Pendle, William, 6 alias Hird, Richard, 253 Atthaw, John, 57 Austin, James, 428 Richard, 428 Aveson (Avyson), Thomas, 380 Aycroid, Aycroyde, Ayicroid. See Ecroyd Ayley, Thomas, 364 Ayworth. See Haworth ' Bacon, Sir Nicholas, 361 Bailden, Luke, 391 Bailey (Baley, Baylay, Bayley), Edward, 391, 452 ¦ Edward, s. of John, 166 John, 174, 184, 265, 325, 39'. 452 Bailey, Robert, 403 Sibil, w. of John, 166, 184, 325 William, 457 Baines (Baynes), Edmund, 459, 460. Baldwin (Balden, Bald waine, Bald wyn, Bauden, Bawden, Baw dewyne, Bawdwen, Bawdwyn, Bawlden, Boldyn), Agnes, w. of Christopher, 115 Alexander, 266 Christopher, 22, 28, 40, 43, 45. 61, 75, 76, 82, 96, 105, 106, 249, 263, 265, 374, 378, 380, 385. 390, 39L 403. 450, 451 Christopher, s. of Henrv, 249, 349 Ellen, 71 Ellen, w. of Christopher, 40 Henry, 71, 75, 82, 105, no, 120/ 127, 142, 190, 230, 263, 265, 268, 292, 385, 450, 451 . Isabel, 391 Jennet, 425, 447 Joan, 71 ¦ John, 43, 45, 54, 71, 105, 107, 378, 403, 425, 447, 450 John, s. of Christopher, 40 Luke, 451 Miles, 42 Nicholas, 390 Richard, 140, 151, 173, 189, 198, 203, 292, 357, 380, 403, 436 Roger, 403 WiUiam, 43, 54, 71, 72, 75, 76, 82, 88, 105, 107, 120, 127, I42, 378, 385, 456 WiUiam, s. of Christopher, 40 of Goldshaw Booth, Alex ander, 191, 192, 289, 290 of Weethead in Roughlee, Christopher, s. of WiUiam, 230 ¦ Henry, 349 Nicholas, 362 ¦ Nicholas, s. of WiUiam, 230 . William, 136, 190, 230 alias Walker, Christopher, 390 Ballard (Ballerd, Barlard), Agnes, mother of Richard, 83 Agnes, w. of Richard, 56 EUzabeth, w. of Richard, 83 Ingaram, s. of Roger, 312 James, 67, 89, 96, 101, no, 116, 127, 133, 137, 150, 159,242, 264, 291, 292, 294, 295, 312, 377, 3»4 INDEX OF NAMES 465 Ballard, James, s. of John, 222 ¦ James, s. of Roger, 54 John, 54, 116, 130, 133, 143, 159, 222 Margaret, 373 Margaret, w. of Roger, 54 ¦ Margery, w. of John, 222 Richard, 28, 56, 69, 83, 89, 155. 373. 377 Richard, s. of Richard, 56 Roger, 36, 54, 56, 67, 69, 76, 312 Roger, s. of James, 294, 295 of Barley, James, 211 . See Bollard Banastre (Banaster, Banester, Ban ister, Bannaster, Bannister, Ban- nyster), Alexander, 401 AUce, w. of Henry, 187, 333 AUce, w. of James, 126 -. Charles, 404 Christopher, 15, 19, 33 EUzabeth, 403 EUzabeth, w. of Robert, 117, 122 H., 304 Henry, 11, 57, 119, 136, 143, 148, 178, 181, 187, 189, 195, 203, 206, 208, 220, 221, 222, 229, 232, 258, 264, 269, 270, 295. 299, 300, 307, 316, 321, 33o, 333. 381, 382, 453 Henry, s. of Robert, 98, 117, 122, 123, 180, 283 Henry, s. of Robert, s. of Henry, 287 James, 121, 125, 126 James, s. of James, 125 Jennet, 40 • Joan, w. of Henry, 123 John, 36, 40/380, 405, 409, 410, 416, 442, 447 Nathaniel, 407, 414 Nicholas, 15, 17, 18, 19, 33, 354, 382, 388 Nicholas, s. of Richard, 278 Richard, 16, 26, 163, 209, 230, 278, 327, 433 Robert, 51, 63, 81, 93, 109, 115, 117, 122, 180, 283, 287, 317. 365. 381 Robert, s. of Henry, 307, 369 Thomas, 392, 452 - — — Wilfrid, 156, 179, 273 ¦ Wilfrid, s. of William, 161 WilUam, 36, 97, 98, 124. 161, 380, 388 WilUam, s. of John, 40 ¦ — - of Altham, Richard, 215 VOL. II. Banastre of Altham, Nicholas, s. of Richard, 215 Robert, 21 of BarnoldswickCottes, Rich ard, 189, 229 of the Cootes, Anne, w. 6f Richard, 232 of Boothes, Richard, 244 of Botthouse, John, 439 of Brockden, Richard, 44, 159, 189 of Park Hill, Alice, w. of Henry, 298, 337, 353 Charles, 420 Henry, 27, 251, 256, 260, 273, 278, 279, 285, 286, 298, 314, 318, 324, 337, 353, 449 Robert, s. of Henry, 324. 353 of Waddington, co. York, Roger, s. of John, 273, 329 Bancroft (Bankecroft), Adam de, 1. 3 Agnes, 52 Christiana, w. of Miles, yy Gilbert, 77 Henry, 301 Isabel, dau. of Nicholas, 301 James, 14, 15, 19, 20, 22, 26, 28, 57, 72, 87, 93, 104, 209, 263, 267, 268, 272, 277, 318, 34i. 343. 347. 355. 363. 381, 399 James, s. of Nicholas, 154, 255. 3°i John, yy, 150, 179, 389 John, s. of Adam de, 4 John, s. of Brian, 229 Miles, 95, 381 Nicholas, 37, 55, 62, 85, 86, 91, 156, 259, 277, 301, 387, 406, 408, 409, 410, 416 Richard, 162, 243, 254, 265, 267, 275, 287, 301 Robert, 32 William, s. of James, 60 of Burnley, James, s. of Nicholas, 226 of Habergham Eaves, James, 283 of Ightenhill, Alice, dau. of James, 310 James, 304 of Lower Higham, Richard, 275. 287 of Trawden, Jarties, 449 of Upton, co. Lane, John, 226 of Widdins, co. Lane, John, 244, 245 2 G 466 INDEX OF NAMES Bank, John, 379 Bankes, Richard, 391, 392, 452 Barcroft (Barkecroft, Bercroft, Berkcroft), Alan, 35, 50, 54, 56 Ahce, w.of Robert, 92, 194, 197 EUzabeth, w. of Henry, 138, 298 EUzabeth, w. of John, 134, 335 Henry, 158, 166, 175, 181, 197, 198, 203, 220, 227, 237, 242, 244, 272, 278, 282, 288, 298, 302, 330, 336, 359, 361, 368, 370, 385, 386 Johanna, w. of William, 83 John, 134, 188, 228, 236, 245, 246, 251, 282, 286, 296, 387 Nicholas, 252, 414 Robert, 20, 92, 98, 103, 107, 147, 245, 247, 248, 272, 281, 286, 303, 308, 399, 404 Robert, s. of William, 171, 202, 322 Thomas, 35, 197, 232, 259, 273, 282, 284, 287, 355, 357, 358, 369, 392, 416, 417. 427. 429. 453 Thomas, s. of Robert, 227 William, 10, 13, 14, 21, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 42, 44, 45. 46, 48, 55. 58, 76, 92, 94, 118, 119, 139, 147, 156, 197, 201, 202, 232, 247, 259, 286, 336, 343, 378, 390, 399, 414. 45i William, s. of Henry, 197, 201, 246, 288 WilUam, s. of Robert, in, 239 of Barcroft, Joan, dau. of William, 24S Margaret, dau. of William, 197 Robert, s. of William, 197, 200, 246, 308 William, 149, 227, 229, 247. 3°8, 340, 4°5 of Burnley, Elizabeth, w. of John, 327 of Lodge, Thomas, 405 William, 281 of Mosley, John, 203 of Reedley HaUows, Henry, 322, 364 Isabel, w. of Henry, 322 William, 303 WilUam, s. of Henry, 353, 365 Barcroft of Worsthorn, Thomas, 229 Barker, Bartholomew, 458, 459 . 43o, 434 Barley, Edmund, 403 Barlow, John, 432 Baron, EUzabeth, 282 Hugh, 99, 195 Nicholas, 272 Richard, 81, 229, 237, 257, 272, 388 Barrow, Richard, 219 Barton, Christopher, 430 Battersby (Batersby), Margaret, 227 n. Nicholas, 43 alias Pynner, — , 220 Beacham, Robert, 447 Beaver, John, 457 of Worston, John, 454 Becconsall (Becansall) of Cuntone, Joan, dau. of Nicholas, 303 Beetham (Beitham), Thomas, 43 Bekerdyke, AUce, w. of Ed., 79 . See Bickerdyke Bellasis, Thomas, Lord, 429, 435 Bentham, Isabella, 245, 246 Isabel, w. of Thomas, 177, 188 Lawrence, B.A., 148 Richard, 100, 109, 123, 148, 194, 229, 232, 244, 250, 252, 386 Thomas, 188, 245, 281 Beverley (Beuerlay), Margaret, w. of WiUiam de, 5 William de, 1, 2 Bewse. See Robinson alias Bewse Bibby (Bibbi, Bilby, Bybby, Bybkeby), Jennet, w. of John, 45 John, 374 John, s. of WilUam, 80 Richard, 45, 82, 117, 125, 132, 133. 137. 138. 142, 166, 167, 190, 311, 321, 378, 385 William, , 43i Colne, Jennet, w. of Robert de, 6 Jennet, w. of William de, 6 1 Richard de, 2, 5 Robert de, 6 INDEX OF NAMES 471 Colne, William de, 4, 6, 8 Colthurst (Coulthurst), Abraham, 399. 405, 414. 418 Edward, 431 - Henry, 43, 449 Thomas, 15 Cooke, Christopher, 456 Richard, 390, 451 Roger, 321 Coope (Coupe), George, 431 Henry, 432 John, 433 Richard, 431 of HasUngden, John, 401 Coore (Cure), Richard, 133, 156 Thomas, 124 Corbrigg (Corbryg), James, 47 - — John, 57, 60, 379 Cottome, Henry, 436 Cowburn, George, 38 of Witton, George, 259 Cowden (Couden), Richard de, 2 WUIiam de, 4 Cowopp, Thomas, 60, 66 Cowper (Cooper, Couper), Chris topher, 127, 387 Richard, 430 ¦ Stephen, 4 , 400 alias Aspden, Christopher, 194 of Nook, Richard, 430 Crabb, Marion, 124 Crabtree, Margaret, w. of Miles, 56 Miles, 56, 58, 69, 96, 127, 130, 222, 377, 384 Craven, Richard, 436, 441 Crawshaw (Crashaa, Crowshay, Cryshawe), Gilbert, 376 James, 375 John, 450 Robert, 450 Thomas, 375, 376 Creve, James, 20 Critchley (Crychelay), Ralph, 38 Crock. See Hartley alias Crock Croichlow, Thomas, 434 Crombock (Cromacke, Cromback, Cromebocke, Crumbock, Crum- boke, Crumboll, Crummocke), John, in, 112, 171, 222, 295, 389, 403, 404 Richard, 27, 391, 392, 452, 453 William, 289, 295, 352, 366, 391.451 William, s. of John, 266 of Clerk Hill, John, 448 of WhaUey, John, 213, 267 Cronkshaw (Cronckeshaie,Croncke- shay, Cronkeshagh, Cronkeshay. Cronkeshey, Cronkshay, Crown shagh, Crunshay), Agnes, 97. Alice, w. of Lawrence, 210, 211 Christopher, no, 149, 155 George, 253, 267, 313 George, s. of Robert, 367 Grace, w. of John, 254 Jennet, 130 John, 55, 69, 70, 74, 81, 87, 97, 102, 106, 109, 114, 116, 123, 124, 129, 131, 132, 134, 140, 155, 190, 210, 224, 235, 243, 254, 265, 287, 330, 331, 377, 383, 390, 403 John, s. of Christopher, 59, 129 John, s. of Thomas, 4, 59 Lawrence, 28, 55, 106, 210, 211, 290, 331, 344, 377 Lawrence, s. of Oliver, 211 Leonard, 236, 253, 264, 268, 290, 33°, 331 Lionel, 20 Margaret, w. of John, 114 Margery, 254 OUver, 132 Richard, 2, 4, 62, 87 Robert, 130, 143, 144, 150, 183, 184, 224, 235, 267, 275, 313. 32i, 33°. 33i. 332, 383. 390 Robert, s. of John, 106 Thomas, 28, 55, 69 of Hunterholme, John, 267, 313 Leonard, s. of John, 313 of West Close, EUzabeth, w. of Leonard, 362 Grace, w. of John, 362 John, 143, 183, 243, 362 Leonard, 362 Robert, 253 Crook (Crocke, Croke), Ellen, 175* 260, 261, 287, 295, 323, 332, Ellen, w. of John, 264 Henry, 393, 453 Isabel, 72 James, 352, 390, 451 James, s. of Richard, 224 John, 101, 105, Io6> "4. 116, 117, 118, 129, 130, 140, 141, 144, 149. !75. 180, 190, 205, 208, 247, 254, 255, 261, 275, 280, 287, 288, 324, 332, 383. 4°3. 45° 472 INDEX OF NAMES Crook, John, s. of Robert, 71, 72 Richard, 144, 180, 224, 254, 255, 264, 267, 275, 295, 304, 321, 323. 33L 352, 357, 374, 404 Robert, 31, 36, 42, 46, 53, 55, 7i. 86, 373, 377 Roger, 325 Thomas, 404, 450 Widow, 433 of Northwood, John, 170 of Old Laund James, 367 John, 367 Richard, 370 Richard, s. of John, 367 Robert, s. of Richard, 367 of Roughlee, John, 449 of West Close, John, 87, 136, 148, 174 Richard, 332 of Wheatley Lane, Henry, 449 Crookshaw (Crokeshawe), John, 373 Lawrence, 373 Crossdale (Croasedall, Crossdall, CroysdaU), Roger, 391 Thomas, 391, 393, 451, 454 Crosse, John, 431 Richard, 38 Crossley (Crosley), Peter, 375 Richard, 100 Crowther (Croder, Crowder), George, 21 Giles, 91, 119 Lawrence, 20, 32, 42, 93 Lionel, 194 Crumbleholme (Cromblholme), Jennet, 432 Cunliffe (Conclyff), Dorothy, 437 Elizabeth, 389, 441 Giles, 435 Henry, 55 John, 389, 391, 403, 433, 450 Nicholas, 195 of Hollins, John, 448 of the Sparthe, Robert, 155 of WycoUer, Elizabeth, 448 D Dale, John, 431 Dalton, Robert, s. of WiUiam, 138 Dandie, Andrew, 436 Danser, Richard, 106, 107, 274 Darcy, Sir Arthur, 162, 168, 170, 172, 175, 199, 217, 230, 241 Darwen (Derwen), Alison, 204 Darwen, Margaret, w. of Robert, 121, 126 Richard, 437 Robert, 116, 121 Thurstan, 436 Robert, 125, 126 Darwin, Alexander, 323 Dave, John, 431 Dawson (Dauson, Dodgesone, Dodgson, Dodshone, Dogeson, Doggeson, Doghson, Doigeson, Dowson), Adam, 201 AUce, w. of Henry, 298 Anne, w. of Christopher, 316 Cecily, w. of Henry, 16 Christopher, 141, 219, 229, 237, 257, 272, 279, 315 Henry, 57, 60, 66, 176, 198, 298, 379. 388 Isabel, 298 John, 4, 14, 41, 320, 361, 457 John, s. of Adam, 2, 15 Margaret, 298, 408, 410 Nicholas, 96, 129, 179, 388 Oliver, 368 . Richard, 411 Robert, 16, 85 Thomas, 60, 83, 174 Wilham, 379 WilUam, s. of Henry, 420 of Downham, WiUiam, 54 of Padiham, Henry, 188 of Worston, John, 428 Richard, 401 Dawtry, Agnes, 222 Deane (Deyne), Gilbert, 358 John, 226 Robert, 407, 419 William, 46, 47, 49 of CUtheroe, John, 426 of Townworth, John, 1 79 Denby, John, 368 Richard,' 27 Denholme, Thomas, 456 Derby, Earl of, 320, 381, 382 Edward Stanley, Earl of, 104, 170 Thomas Stanley, Earl of, 9, 10, n, 33, 38, 59, 271, 461 Dewhurst (Dewerst), John, 122, 427. 436 Richard, 430, 432, 437 William, 437 , . 430 of Blackburn, John, 426 Dicconson (Dyconson), Christo pher, 129, 179, 247, 380 William, 380 Dickenson, Bartholomew, 390 INDEX OF NAMES 473 Dickinson of Colne, Bartholomew, 401 Dickonson, James, 393, 454 , . 434 of Barnoldswick, Christopher, 44i Dickson (Dyckeson), Anthony. 450 Robert, 2 Roger, 4, 5, 8, 201 Dilpy, Roger, 15 DUworth, EUis, 436 James, 436 John, 436 Robert, 324 Thomas, 126 of Thornley, John, 428 Dmeley (Dyneley), Henry, 89, 456 WilUam, 27, 33, 36 WiUiam, s. of WilUam, 13 of Coldcoats, William, 13 Dobson, EUzabeth, 455 George, 247, 248, 253, 258, 274, 284, 366, 368, 370 Jennet, 165 John, 67, 101, 258, 423 Richard, 203, 247, 248, 253, 274, 284, 357, 368, 370 Dodson, Giles, 425 Dogeson. See Dawson Doughtie, Michael, 436 Driver (Dryver), Bernard, 389 Geoffrey, 27 James, 312, 379, 385, 441 John, 57, 380, 389, 402 Thomas, 69, 380, 391, 441, 452 of Colne, John, s. of Thomas, 226 of Tunstead, John, 448, 449 of WinewaU, John, 448 Druell (Drewell), Henry, 390, 392, 450,453.458,459 Duckworth, Christopher, 437 John, 55 Richard, 431, 432 Duerden (Durden, Dureden), Henry, 376 Richard, 14, 300, 320, 432 Robert, 300, 432 •Dugdale (Dudgdall,. Dugdall), Alexander, 455, 456 Christopher, 379, 423, 456 Edward, 379 Ellis, 57, 60, 66, 379 • Giles, 456 James, 357 John, 379 : Nicholas, 426 Richard, 300, 408, 409, 410, 455 Dugdale, William, 233 of Chatburn, Alexander, 454 Richard, 401 of Clitheroe, Richard, 426 of Worston, Richard, 401 Dunderdale, Robert, 430 Duxbury (Duxberry), Ellen, 391 Lawrence, 391; 393,431, 436, 452, 453 Nicholas, 403, 408, 413, 416, 4i9 Thomas, 437 WiUiam, 431 of Dean, Lawrence, 449 Dyson, James, 339 E Eagland, John, 446 Eastham (Esthum), Henry, 314, 336 Eastwood (Eestwod, Estewod, Estwood), EUzabeth, 425 Isabel, 199, 302 James, 43 John, 255, 313 Lettice, 44 Thomas, 429 of CUviger, Thomas, 426, 427 alias Nutter of Little Black wood, John, 243 alias Wight, Agnes, dau. of WilUam, 445 Elizabeth, w. of William, 445 William, 445, 446 Eaves, WilUam, 412 Eccles (Eckles), George, 429, 435 Ecroyd (Acroide, Acroyde, Aic roid, Aicroide, Akerode, Aycroid, Aycroyde, Ayicroid, Ecrod, Ec- rode), John, 400, 407 Richard, 188, 199^, 21m, 212M, 214*1, 232*1, 249, 300, 309, 311, 315, 342, 388, 417, 418 of Briercliffe, John, s. of Richard, 296 Richard, 171 Edmundson, WilUam, 132 Eghe, John del, 3 Eghes, Elizabeth, w. of Lawrence, 35 George, 9, 11 Lawrence, 34, 35 Eidsforth, John, 456 EUerhead, Margaret del, 4 Elliot (Eglod, Eiglot, Ellott, Eyglod, Eylotte), Christabel, w. of William, 308, 309 474 INDEX OF NAMES Elliot, Edmund, 15 EUzabeth, w. of John, 210, 211 Henry, 15, 455 John, 146, 210, 380, 447 Robert, 64 WiUiam, 308, 387 of Edge, John, 439, 440 ElUs (EUez), John, 391, 441, 451 Robert, 446 Stephen, 106, 107 ElUson (EUesson, Helysson), Rich ard, 3, 6, 382 Elston, John, 436 Emmott (Emot, Emote, Emott, Emotte), Edmund, 101, 116, 121, 122, 142, 144, 146, 174, 184, 205, 206, 235, 242, 243, 254. 265, 275, 384 Elizabeth, w. of Robert, 402 George, 389 Henry, 227*1, 380 James, 380, 405, 416 John, 300, 361, 385, 389, 399, 402, 441 ¦ Lawrence, 275 Robert, 379, 389, 402 Thomas, 66, 227M, 379, 380, 386, 441 WiUiam, 35, 69, 138, 278, 403 of Bridge, John, 440 of Emmott, George, 448 WilUam, 440, 448, 449 of Flasse, George, 449 of Lane, James, 440 Thomas, 440 of Old Earth, Margaret, 440 of WycoUer, George, 448 Robert, 448 Entwistle, John, 430, 437 OUver, 16 Erie, Lancelot, 456 Erley. See Arley Ernshaw (Ernshowe), Abraham, 43i Grace, 425, 445, 447 Thomas, 445, 446 WilUam, 445 Euxton of Walton-in-le-Dale, George, 428 Ewood (Eiwode, Ewod), Isabel, 285 John, 285, 316 EyeUan, John, 456 Faber, Adam, 424 Fairbank (Farebanke, Fayre banke), Gilbert, 103, 123, 124, 217, 218, 220, 223, 227, 238, 301, 314, 336 Fairborne, Ralph, 442 Farrand of Pendleton, Randle, 401 Farrer, Henry, 392, 453 Farrington (Farryngton, Ferryng- ton), Cecily, w. of Thomas, 68 Thomas, 68, 69 WilUam, 393 Fawcet (Favcet, Fawset), Nicho las, 41, 83, 90, 126, 167 WilUam, 272 Fence, Richard del, 2 Fenes, Richard del, 2, 7 Fenton, Lawrence, 361 Fernside (Feareneside), Matthew, 457 Ferrand, John, 380 Fielden (Feilden, Feildeng, Felden), Bartholomew, 43 Charles, 380 — — Geoffrey, 99, 114, 139 Henry, 27, 38 James, 458, 459 John, 43, 218, 224, 380, 437 Nicholas, no Ottiwel, 43, 300 Richard, 38 Robert, 90, 93, 118 Fish, Henry, 431 ¦ Robert, 432 Thomas, 433 Fletcher (Flecher), Agnes, w. of John, 239 Agnes, w. of Thomas, 227, 228 Edmund, 30, 31 George, 52, 104, 119, 154. 193. 215 Giles, 223 Giles, s. of Thomas, 227, 228 John, 103, 237, 239, 241, 246, 249, 252, 258, 343, 356 John, s. of WiUiam, 355, 356 Thomas, 96, 129, 218, 223, 227, 228, 245, 281, 354, 387 WUIiam, 85, 155, 237, 238, 239, 240,241, 249, 252, 269 WiUiam, s. of John, 343 of Burnley, Cecily, w. of William, 341 John.s. of WilUam, 341 WUUam, 341 of Hapton, Lawrence, 2 of the Gannow, in Burnley, Thomas, 231 Flore, Roger, 6 Fogge, Richard, 455 ^ . INDEX OF NAMES 475 Folds (Foldes, Foldez, Folldes, Fouldes, Foulds), Charles, 399 Christopher, s. of John del, 7 Edward, 245, 281, 286 . EUzabeth, dau. of Robert, 461 Ellis, 296 Geoffrey, 49, 52, 108, 180, 248, 251, 370, 379, 381, 386, 387, 461 George, 296 Henry del, 6 Isabel, 297 Isabel, w. of Christopher, 350 James, 58, 76, 80, 83, 187, 195, 243, 255, 313, 333, 337, 379. 385. 389, 390, 392, 400, 402, 404, 405, 407, 417, 418, 443. 452, 461 James, s. of Geoffrey, 86, 98, 194. 370 James, s. of Isabel, 350 Jennet, dau. of William, 194 John del, 1, 3, 5, 6 John, 18, 39, 402, 406, 414 Lawrence, 93 Margaret, w. of WilUam, 55 Nicholas, 249, 253, 258, 269, 284, 287, 355, 360 Oliver del, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 Piers, 375 Ralph, 52 Richard, 9, 10, 12, 52, 57, 66, 68, 73, 102, 104, 140, 141, 169, 170, 180, 215, 247, 380, 405, 461 Robert, 461 Roger, 389, 402 Thomas, 100, 109, 237, 247, 249, 252, 253, 2S8, 269, 274, 287. 355. 386 WilUam, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 26, 28, 51, 52, 55, 57, 58, 60, 66, 119, 194, 239, 268, 279. 300, 381, 387, 415, 416, 4i7 WilUam, s. of Richard, 169 of Barrowford, James, 449 of Brierchffei, John del, 4 of Burnley Wood, EUen, w. of William, 327 William, 156, 327 of Danser House, Richard, 247, 248 Joan, w. of William, '248 Wilham, 297, 342, 343, 399 ¦ William, s. of Richard, 170, 248 Folds of Ightenhill, Thomas, 277, 3i8 of Trawden, James, 399, 418, 440, 448, 449 Roger, 448, 449 of Wheatley, Ellis, s. of James, 257, 278 James, 257, 278 of WycoUer, James, 448, 449 Forest, Lawrence, 96, 99 Fort (Foarte, Foort, Forte), Chris topher, 31 John, 209 Richard, 103, 391, 451 Foster (Fauster, Forster), Alex ander, 445, 456 Christopher, 447 James, 445, 447 Jennet, w. of John, 445 John, 26, 445, 446 Margaret, w. of Alexander, 445. 446 Richard, 52, 59, 64, 74, 425, 445 of Little Harwood, Roger, 428 Foulds. See Folds Frankland (Frankelaund), John, 383 WilUam, 383 Freiston (Freyston), Anthony, 449 Frewinde, Thomas, 3 Gabbot, William, 436 Gage (Gaige), Sir John, 168, 172, 183, 198, 235 Galler or Giller, John, 43 Gardiner, James, 218, 228 Garstan, James, 259 Gartside (Garthside), Francis, s. of Hugh, 200 Grace, 100 Hugh, 200, 382, 388 of Ewood, Francis, 335 Geh'es, Lawrence, 18 Gerard, 434 Gerard(Gerrard), Sir Thomas, 400, 401 Gill (Gyle), Peter, 401 Richard, 407 Giller or Galler, John, 43 Glover, Bartholomew, 33, 51, 53, 171, 212, 382 Brian, 212 Margaret, w. of Brian, 309 Robert, 212, 297, 309, 315 Thomas, 212, 388 Gooday, Bartholomew, 428 476 INDEX OF NAMES Goodshaw (Goodshey), John, 422 Goosecome alias Hartley, John, ioi, 105 Gosheere, John, 460 Greave (Greve, Greyfe), James, 3L 66, 99 Greaves, Ellis, 456 Green (Greene, Grene), Isabel, 231 Joan, 123 John, 324, 380 Nicholas del, 5 Richard, 452 William, 441 of Henthorn, George, 428 Greenacres (Greenacre, Grenacre, Grenacres, Grenakers, Gren- nacre), Anne, 422, 460 John, 57, 60, 66 Richard, 161, 170, 186, 189, 215, 221, 223, 230, 233, 235, 237, 238, 243, 250, 258, 259, 262, 346, 347, 379, 408, 409, 410 of Worston, Richard, 220, 355 Greenhalgh, George, 303 Greenwood, James, 232 James, s. of John, 229, 230 John, 387 Gregory, John, 432 Grimshaw (Grimeshay, Gryme- shagh, Grymeshaw, Grymeshay, Grymeshey, Grymsehey, Grym shagh, Grymshay), Anne, w. of George, 262 Christopher, 66 • Christopher, s. of Lionel, 92 George, 25, 144, 168, 175, 386 Gilbert, 435 Henry, 155 John, 431, 458, 460 John, s. of Richard, 215, 334, 354 Leonard, 215 Lionel, 36, 65, 103, 382, 388 Nicholas, 26, 92, 149, 162, 169, 176, 179, 180, 197. 199. 226, 236, 246, 274, 280, 281, 433 Nicholas, s. of Lionel, 66 Richard, 247, 248, 274, 284, 334. 34L 354. 404, 430, 434 Richard, s. of Thomas, 108 Thomas, 408, 413 ¦ William, 434 of Heyhouses, Nicholas, 328 187, 201, 202, 212, 251. 257, 282, 283, 194. 216,270, 387. Grimshaw of Moor Isles (Mawre Hyles), George, 150 (Maior Hiles), Richard, 262 of Oakenshaw, Richard, 401 Thomas, 431 Grundy (Grundie), Thomas, 284 Gurne, EUzabeth, 425 Gurner, Hugh, 447 H Habergham (Haberchame, Habe riam, Habringham, Habringiam, Hayberham, Hayberiam, Hay- bringham), Ewan, 53 Hugh, 14, 15, 18, 20, 26, 28, 31, 34, 39, 40, 41, 42, 48, 50, 5L 57. 59. 60, 72, 73, 119, 127.. 147, 194, 320, 381 Joan, w. of John, 246 John, 197, 246, 406, 414, 416, 418, 444 Lawrence, 162, 169, 170, 194, 212 n., 218, 244, 245,' 258, 273, 281, 282, 286, 327, 335, 337. 338, 361, 362, 387, 398, 422 Mr., 418 Richard, 441 Richard, s. of Lawrence, 336 Robert de, 6 Robert, 327 WilUam, 29, 51, 194 of Habergham, Lawrence, 210, 297 Margaret, w. of Law rence, 297 Peter, s. of Hugh, 258 Haigh (Hagh, Haghe, Haygh, Heigh), Gilbert, 424 f " [ ¦' __"] Jennet, w. of John," 1 52 John, 37, 40, 47, 48, 70, 152, 251 . See Hey of Longley, Lawrence, 324 Haldesworth of Sowerby Bridge, George, s. of George, 283 Hall, John, 15, 17, 19, 447 Ryland, 381 alias Smythes, John, 189 Halliday (Haleday, Haliday, Hali- dey, Halyday, Hayleday, Holy- day), Ellen, w. of John, 43 James, 378 John, 21, 24, 25, 41, 58, 59, 80, 87, 103, 140, 258, 377, 37g. 408, 413 OUver, 62 Richard, 102, 303 William, 140, 141 INDEX OF NAMES 477- HaUiday of Heyhouses, John, 34, 5° Richard, 268, 316 Halsall, Sir Henry, 13 Halsey, John, 404 Halstead (Alstid, Hallsted, Hal- stidde, Halstyd), Agnes, 21 Anne, w. of Oliver, 147 Charles, 237, 249, 252, 258, 269, 274, 284, 287, 355, 360 Edward, 26 EUzabeth, w. of George, 38, 41 Elizabeth, w. of John, 358 George, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 34. 55. 56, 60, 66, 73, 76, yy, yg, 92, 104, 111, 128, 139, 160, 169, 21 m, 212, 381, 386, 387, 405, 407, 415, 420 Giles, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24, 26, 382 Harry, 398 Henry, 419 Hugh, 119, 175, 183, 190, 193, 217, 238, 254, 261, 284, 294. 342, 357. 358, 365, 369. 387, 398, 402, 406 Hugh, s. of Richard, 171, 177, 178 Isabel, w. of John, 139, 358 Isabella, w. of Giles, 24, 68 — — ¦ James, 109 Jane, 17 Jennet, w. of Lawrence, 45 Joan, w. of Lawrence, 18 John del, 3, 5, 6 John, 10, 13, 24, 36, 55, 57, 60, 62, 68, 81, 84, 90, 102, 107, 147, 252, 253, 258, 259, 261, 284. 358, 382, 388, 397, 400, 430, 442, 450 John, s. of John, 212 John, s. of Oliver, 247, 309 John, s. of Robert, 358 John, s. of William, 171, 202, 281 Lawrence, 18, 27, 34, 50, 56, 99. H7. 381, 447 Lawrence, s. of Oliver, 46 Margaret, w. of William, 148, 153. 177. 178 Nicholas, 251, 256, 268, 271, 3i5. 316, 337. 363. 407. 413 Oliver, 13, 27, 28, 46, 83, 91, 94, 95, 102, 108, in, 113, 119, 123, 147, 212W, 216, 227, 229, 259, 267, 271, 274, 277, 285, 297, 318, 336, 358, 387 OUver, s. of Lawrence, 94 Richard, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 4L 45. 54, 55. 56, 57. 58, 59. 62, 65, 78, 86, 95, 102, 108, in, 147, 161, 381, 415, 418 Halstead, Robert, 102, 119, 139, 270, 437. 442 Robert, s. of John, 358 Roger, 69, 267 WiUiam, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 38, 41, 52, 113, 153, 163, 171, 194, 220, 337, 341, 357, 358, 387 - . . 434 of Bank House, Elizabeth, 320 George, 247 Margaret, w. of William, 314, 318 WilUam, 297, 314, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 355, 371 of Burnley, George, 159, 177 of Cockden, John, 400, 419 ¦ Robert, 284, 285, 318 of Habergham Eaves, Hugh, 216, 252, 253, 335, 338 of Halstead, John, 68 Robert, 55 of Hawgh-yait, John, 247 of High Halstead, John, 118, H9, 139. 171. 225, 234, 297, 407, 417, 418 of Hollin Greave, John, 417 - — — of Mere Clough, John, 297 of Northwood, Nicholas, 257, 260, 261 of Padiham, Nicholas, 357, 359 of Ridihalgh, Margaret, w. of William, 359 William, 359 of Rowley, John, 237, 399, 405, 416, 417 OUver, 245, 282, 308 . — Oliver, s. of Lawrence, 112 of Smallshaw (Smaleshey), William, 203, 238 of Windle House, John, 118, 171, 180, 212, 296, 342, 400, 407. 417 r , John, s. of John, 119, 247, 285, 318 Richard, 418 of Worsthorn, John, 417 John, s. of William. 247. 3i8 William, 68, 149, 157. 202 Halton, William, 424 Hammond (Hamond, Haymond); Giles, 441, 442, 447 Henry, 458, 459 I 478 INDEX OF NAMES Hammond, John, 390, 450, 458, 459. 460 Mrs., 442 Robert, 430, 447, 457 William, 41 of Catlow, Giles, 439 — — of Crawshaw, Robert, 439, 440 Hancock (Ancock, Hancoke), Agnes, 215 Alice, 148, 219, 238 • AUeson, 388 Jane, w. of Nicholas, 222 John, 102, 189, 226, 263, 281, 282, 289, 295, 317, 344, 352, 363, 364, 366 John, s. of Nicholas, 190, 260, 266, 359 Margaret, w. of Richard, 70 Margery, w. of Richard, 89 Nicholas, 81, 83, 87, 89, 94, 97, IOI, 102, 129, I3L I46, 156, 174. 181, 190, 195. 197. 206, 209, 210, 219, 222, 224, 225, 227, 236, 237. 243. 244, 250, 254. 256, 260, 26l, 263, 264, 266, 267, 275. 280, 287, 323, 326, 359, 361, 384, 388,. 408, 413 Richard, 33, 53, 109, 209, 374. 377. 409, 410 William, 102, 226, 237, 244, 249, 250, 252, 253, 258, 268, 284, 386, 408, 413 of Cornfield, WilUam, 244, 280, 281 of Lower Higham, John, 329 — Nicholas, 209, 245, 257, 268, 269, 301, 302, 311, 316, 328, 329, 344, 353 of Padiham, WilUam Starkie, s. of Alice, 341 alias Whitaker, Robert, 238 Hanson, Christopher, 47, 117, 450 James, 15, 46 John, 100, 309, 315, 380, 389. 402 John alias Jenkyn, no, 127 Margaret, w. of John, 309 ¦ Miles, 358 Richard, 2, 404 Robert, 440, 441 WiUiam, 250, 380, 388, 440 ¦ ¦ of Colne, John, 441 • of Emmott, William, 440, 442, 449 of Shawhead, WilUam, 441 • of Winewall, William, 448, 449 Hapton, Thomas de, 2 Harger (Hargher, Herger, Hergher. Heriger), EUzabeth, 215 Henry, 17, 18, 22, 24, 28, 5i. 55. 57. 60, 66, 68, 72, 86, 91, 104, 118, 140, 162, 172, 194, 381, 386 John, 55, 57, 68, 90 John, s. of Nicholas, 163 Margaret, 215 Margaret, w. of Henry, 162 Nicholas, in, 163, 2i2«, 277. 3°o, 317, 318, 342, 358, 359. 368, 369, 387 Nicholas, s. of Henry, 112, 163. 173. 194 • of Habergham Eaves, Nicho las, 214 Hargreaves (Hardegraw, Harde- greves, Hardgrevis, Haregreve, Hargreffs, Hargrefues, , Har grewes, Hergrave, Hergres, Her- greve, Hergreves, Hergrevez, Hergrevys, Horgrouys), Agnes (Annes), 61, 78, 378 Agnes, w. of James, 74 ¦ Agnes, w. of Roger, 57, 74 Alexander, 216 AUce, w. of John, 313 ¦ Anne, 445, 446 Bernard, 61 Blase, 363, 369 ¦ Blase, s. of Hugh, 254, 255 Christian, w. of James, 349 Christopher, 121, 376, 381, 432 Christopher, s. of James, 207 Edward, 23, 81, 143, 189, 204, 214, 226, 253, 254, 256, 260, 262, 263, 265, 292, 332, 333. 345 Edward, s. of George, 145, 149, 247 Edward, s. of Robert, 247 Elizabeth, 123, 391 EUzabeth, w. of WiUiam, 164 EUen, 404 Geoffrey, 3, 33, 391, 403, 451 Geoffrey, s. of James, 207 George, 42, 65, 100, 119, 120, 127, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147, 166, 206, 237, 297, 376, 377. 384 George, s. of James, 45 Henry, 47, 52, 56, 39 1, 392, 432, 435. 441. 451 Henry, s. of John, 313 Hugh, 18, 19, 24, 30, 32, 34, 53, 85, 108, 183, 185, 213, 254, 255, 263, 267, 403, 404/454 INDEX OF NAMES 479 Hargreaves, Hugh, s. of George, 174 Isabel, 39 Isabel, dau. of Robert, 32 Isabel, w. of Lawrence, 163 Isabel, w. of Robert, 143 James, 20, 23, 27, 28, 29, 32, 34. 36", 40, 41. 42, 45. 46, 49. 5i. 54. 58, 59. 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 70, y3, 74, 78, 87, 89, 90, 97, 103, no, 114, 115, 116, 117, 120, 122, 129, 131, 133, 137, 142, 146, 150, 159, 164, 185, 193, 206, 220, 255, 261, 263, 265, 268, 279, 280, 288, 290, 292, 295, 306, 321, 349, 357. 363. 364. 365, 369. 374. 378, 382, 384, 385. 388, 392, 403, 408, 413, 433. 443. 452 James, s. of Edward, 345 James, s. of Richard, 143 Jane, w. of James, 24 Jennet, 173 Jennet, w. of James, 28 John, 20, 22, 23, 26, 29, 35, 39, 42, 47, 50, 59, 64, 69, 78, 80, 115, 116, 125, 126, 127, 132, 134, 136, 137, 142, 163, 168, 185, 195, 197, 204, 209, 220, 222, 227M, 249, 260, 265, 274, 279, 280, 284, 293, 294, 299, 313. 321, 324, 325. 33L 37». 380, 382, 385, 386, 389. 390, 404, 419, 424, 425, 447, 45°. 453 Dr. John, 393, 454 : John, s. of Henry, 52 John, s. of James, 1 1 5 John, s. of Richard, 149 John alias Jack, 107, no, 116, 117, 124, 125, 127, 130, 133. I5L 1S8. 174. 190, 192, 193, 204, 231, 242, 262, 265, 266, 323 John, s. of John alias Jack, 174 Lawrence, 39, 41, 43, 47. 67. 71, 76, 78, 79, 82, 88, 90, 101, 106, 116, 127, 132, 136, 137. 139, 147, 151, 153, 163. i6"5. 175, 181, 186, 192, 193, 207, 208, 214, 378, 385, 388, 403, 406, 419, 442 Lawrence, s. of Roger, 57 Lettice, w. of James, 45 Margaret, w. of George, 145 Margaret, w. of Henry, 52 Margaret, w. of John, 142 — Marjory, w. of James, 349 Mary, 391 Hargreaves, Matilda, w. of Law rence, 214 Nicholas, 87, 91, 128, 195, 197, 220, 221, 249, 258, 270, 284, 296, 300, 337, 369, 388, 404, 407, 419 Ralph, 58, 65, 100, 120, 142, 213. 377. 3»4 Ralph, s. of James, 45 Randolph, 166 Richard, 12, 15, 19, 61, 65, 83, 100, 120, 131, 255, 349, 376, 377. 384 Richard, s. of James, 45 Richard, s. of Ralph, 214 Robert, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35. 39. 40, 43. 45. 46. 48, 56. 65, 100, 120, 127, 143, 146, 185, 197, 233, 255, 263, 267, 268, 33i. 333. 377, 3»i. 384. 404, 406, 419, 440, 442, 443, 447 Robert, s. of James, 45 Robert, s. of John, 313 Roger, 36, 44, 46, 56, 57, 58, 67. 73. 79 Roger, s. of James, 27 Stephen, 445 Thomas, 441, 445 William, 50, 58, 63, 74, 78, 84, 124, 136, 141, 142, 147, 164, 180, 185, 195, 202, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 213, 220, 221, 249, 255, 258, 260, 263, 264, 265, 269, 270, 276, 278, 288, 297, 300, 327, 343, 387, 388, 399 WiUiam, s. of James, 61, 332 WilUam, s. of John, 91 WiUiam, s. of Robert, 143 — , — of Barrowford, James, 390, 44L 450 , , James, s. of John, 312, 3*3 John, 121, 175, 184, 313. 323, 367 Lawrence, 91, 107, 132, 201, 206 of Barrowford, Lower, James, 256 John, 262, 287, 288, 367 Lawrence, 1 16 of Barrowford, Over, John, i33n of Chamber, John, 297 Ralph, 123, 141 of Chamber Head (ChameF- heyd), Lawrence, 123 Robert, 123 of Dean (Deyne), Edmund, 255 480 INDEX OF NAMES Hargreaves of Daan, Edward, 199 Edward, s. of George, 141 John, 357 of Downham, Richard, 53 of Edgend, Ann, dau. of Nicholas, 445 Jennet, w. of Nicholas, 341 John, 28, 249 John, s. of Nicholas, ' 259, 285 Nicholas, 23 im, 250, 302, 309, 338, 340, 401 of Fence, Isabel, w. of James, 261 James, 146, 183, 185, 231, 261, 263, 265 James, s. of James, 261 Jane, w. of James, s. of James, 261 John, s. of James, 261 of Goldshaw, James, 144, 293 James, s. of John, 367 John, 263, 332 of Goldshaw Booth, James, 152 John, 267, 268 ¦ John, s. of James, 226 of Greenfield, John, 14, 152, 314, 320, 441 John, s. of John, 360 • ¦ of HasUngden, John, 401 • of Heyroyd, John, 440, 448 of Higham, Anne, w. of Richard, 173, 174 EUzabeth, w. of Wil liam, 345, 364, 365 ¦ ¦ James, 144, 183, 222 James, s. of Richard, 173. 174 John, 306, 313, 449 — ¦ John, s. of Richard, 173. 174 Richard, 143, 173, 174 WilUam, 173, 287, 304, 345, 364, 365. 366, 367 WilUam, s. of James, 367 of Higham Booth, Hugh, 255 James, 185 ¦ of Little Marsden, John, 31 of Lomeshaye, Elizabeth, w. of William, 201, 202 • • Joan, w. of John, s. ol William, 201, 202 John, 27, 31, 39, 91, 141, 195, 212, 287, 309, 314, 318, 342, 345, 346, 347, 379 Hargreaves of Lomeshaye, John, s. of William, 201, 202 Margaret, w. of John, 141 Margery, 201, 202 Richard, 10 Richard, s. of WUUam, 201, 202 William, 153, 161, 162, 171, 176, 177, 178, 179, 195, 201, 232 n, 346, 347 WilUam's.of John, in, 141. 239 of Noynow, John, 441 of Roughlee, John, 311, 346, 347 Margaret, w. of John, 346, 347 of Roughlee Booth, John alias Jack, 143 John, s. of John alias Jack, 314 of Sabden, Edward, 357 James, 57, 65, 72, 91, 106, in, 114, 126, 131, 134, 174, 183, 184, 189, 204 James, s. of James, 204 Joan, 204, 229, 251 John, 255, 263 of Simonstone, Robert, 210, 255 of Southfield, Robert, 439 of Wheatley (Whitley), Henry, 449 of Wheatley Hey Booth, James, 174 Lawrence, 174 William, 164 of Whitefield, Jennet, w. of Nicholas, 353 John, 287 Nicholas, 3 14, 349, 353 Nicholas, s. of Law rence, 261 of Whithalgh, James, 127, 136, 167, 186, 190, 192 Lawrence, 186, 190, 233, 265 — — of the Yatefield, WilUam, 200 — alias Sagar, Richard, 413 Harris (Harreis), Thomas, 27 Harrison (Hareson, Harreson, Hereson, Herreson), Christo pher, 379, 455 George, 383 John, 11, 60, 379, 408, 409, 423. 456 Richard, 300, 383 Stephen, 383 INDEX OF NAMES 481 Harrison, Thomas, 2 William, 409, 410 Harrop, James, 379, 456 John, 379 Richard, 408, 409, 410 of Chatburn, James, 454 Hart (Hert), John, 27 Hartley (Heartley, Hertelay, Her teley, Hertle, Hertley), Agnes, w. of Bernard, 191 Agnes, w. of Henry, 348 Agnes, w. of WilUam, 294, 307 Alexander, 63, 81, 189, 224, 276, 294 Alexander, s. of Bernard, 46, 191 Alexander, s. of James, 132 AUce, 351, 352 Alice, w. of James, 276, 294 Bernard (Barnard), 26, 28, 40, 52, 54, 56, 57, 63, 71, 73, 76, 87, 105, 131, 136, 189, 191, 215, 242, 266, 276, 289, 294, 295. 302, 305, 321, 348, 352, 364, 378, 380, 385, 389, 392, 425, 430, 442, 443, 445, 446, 447. 452 Bernard, s. of Bernard, 279 Bernard, s. of James, 267 Christopher, 23, 55, 63, 82, 83, 101, 143, 157, 187, 192, 193, 242, 290, 331, 337, 366, 379, 385. 39i. 392, 403, 45i. 452 Christopher, s. of Humphrey, 87, 88, 165 Christopher, s. of Lawrence, 131. 135 Edward, 432 — — Elizabeth, 392, 442, 453 Ellen, 403 Geoffrey, 375, 380, 389, 442 George, 401, 442, 447 Henry, 27, 36, 37, 67, 76, 79, 80, 83, 88, 101, 132, 294, 305, 306, 347, 379, 385, 391. 403, 435, 451 Henry, s. of WilUam, 207 Hugh, 375, 403 Humphrey (Omfrey), 47, 50, 63, 65, 88, 224, 385, 404 Humphrey, s. of Bernard, 191 Isabella, w. of John, 254, 275 James, 30, 47, 53. 55. 56, 58. 63, 67, 69, 70, 71, 73. 75. 76, 80, 82, 83, 96, 101, 116, 120, 122, 126, 127, 132, 133, 136, 137, 165, 221, 230, 243, 247, 276, 304, 3°5. 332, 377. 378. VOL. II. 379, 380, 384, 385, 386, 389, 39°. 392, 402, 403, 404, 441, 45i Hartley, James, s. of James, 389, 402 James, s. of Lawrence, 402 James, s. of Richard, 402 • James, s. of Roger, 389, 402 James, s. of William, 402 Jennet, w. of Lawrence, 190 John, 13, 43, 52, 57, 63, 74, 88, 89, 105, 117, 125, 132, 134, 152, 164, 222, 235, 249, 254, 265, 275, 294, 321, 375, 378, 379. 380, 381, 385, 386, 389, 402, 403, 406, 419, 442, 450 John, s. of Alexander, 131, 135. 249 John, s. of Henry, 79 John, s. of James, 114 John, s. of John, 402 John, s. of William, 319 Lawrence, 30, 56, 63, 70, 72, y3, 80, 88, 101, 116, 124, 136, 137, 165, 175, 189, 190, 211, 378, 380, 382, 385, 388, 404 Margaret, 281, 385 Margaret, w. of Henry, 294 Margaret, w. of Richard, 245 Margery, 88 Margery, w. of Henry, 79, 307 Mary, 391 Nicholas, 379, 385, 386 Piers, 375 Peter, 193, 379, 385, 389, 402 Richard, 193, 224, 242, 286, 321, 325, 379. 386, 425, 445, 446, 447 Richard, s. of Bernard, 191 Richard, s. of WilUam, 207 Robert, 19, 178, 187, 203, 318, 333. 337. 389. 39L 403, 451 Robert, s. of Roger, 250, 288 Roger, 27, 47, 52, 55, 61, 63, 67, 69, 74, 78, 82, 83, 89, 101, 107, 127, 136, 143, 374, 378, 379. 385, 386, 402 Roger, s. of James, 38 Roger, s. of John, 385 Roger, s. of Robert, 402 Thomas, 379 WilUam, 55, 74, 82, 105, in, 127, 136, 157, 192, 224, 304, 305. 307, 361, 378, 379. 385. 386, 390, 391. 392, 403. 404, 407, 447, 450, 4SL 453 2 H 482 INDEX OF NAMES Hartley of Admergill, John, 65, 69, 287, 312, 404 John, s. of Alexander, 259 William, 439, 440 of Barley, James, 55, 6y, 76, 133, 150, 166, 222, 232, 241 John, s. of James, 233, 241 of Barley Booth, James, 159 John, 332 of Barrowford, Christopher, 88, 292, 313, 333, 353, 449 George, 88 Henry, 28 James, 65, 71 ¦ Jennet, w. of Chris topher, 313 John, 44 Lawrence, 176 Lawrence, s. of Chris topher, 360 of Barrowford, Lower, Bernard, 131, 135 Christopher, 234, 235, 3°7 EUzabeth, dau. of Bernard, 131, 135 ¦ James, 121, 243 — ; Joan, w. of Lawrence, 235 Lawrence, 234, 235 of Barrowford, Over, James, 72, 75, 76, 117 of Beardshaw Head, Peter, 449 of Beaver, James, 389 of Beghur, James, 449 of Blacko, Henry, 312, 313 Isabel, dau. of Henry, 312 Isabel and Joan, daus. of James, 256 James, 120, 189, 208, 222, 234, 235, 256, 264, 312, 313, 349. 452 Jennet, w. of Henry, 312 Katherine, w. of James, 256, 312, 313 of Blackwood, James, 389 of Bradley, George, 439 George, s. of Lawrence, 250, 251 John, 118, 296 John, s. of William, 212, 251 Lawrence, 250, 251 William, 420 Hartley of Bradley, WiUiam, s. of Lawrence, 250, 251 of CUviger, John, 426, 427 of Clough, John, 439, 440 of Colne, Robert, 442 of Draughtgates, Robert, 389 of Fence, Isabel, w. of John, 325 John, 325 of Fulshaw, Bernard, 208 Christopher, 208 James, I33», 152, 164, 176, 191, 208, 232, 241 Lawrence, 208 of Gelfordclough, John, 389, 449 of Great Marsden, Robert, 293 • • Robert, s. of Roger, 288, 289 of Kirkclough in Colne, John, 442 Roger, 401 of Lane, James, 389, 448 of Laund, AUce, w. of James, 288 Bernard, 292, 307, 330, 349. 35L 352, 363. 366 Christopher, 452 James, 87, 88, 136, 165, 189, 191, 261, 288 James, s. of Bernard, 348, 351 Joan, w. of Bernard, 307 ¦ ¦ of Lodge Moss (Ludgemosse), James, 389, 449 of Longroyd (Longrode), Richard, 287 of Oaken Bank, Roger, 389 of Olderhurst, James, 389, 448 of Reedyford, Christopher, 392 of Roughlee, Henry, 28 James, 256, 289 John, 70, 127, 225 of Shawhead, James, 441 of Shawyate, Bernard, 441 of Stone Edge, James, 324 ¦ Marjory, w. of James, 324 of Trawden, Geoffrey, 448, 449 James, 448 John, 449 Robert, 448, 449 Roger, 55, 305, 449 of Twissill, James, 231 INDEX OF NAMES 483 Hartlej' of Wanless, James, 389, 402, 448, 449 of Wheatley (Whitley), Christopher, 449 James, 129 of Winewall, James, 250 Peter, 256 of WycoUer, Bernard, 448, 449 John, 312 Roger, 312 Roger, s. of John, 256 alias Byrdee, James, 122 alias Crock, John, 262 alias Goosecome, John, 101, 105 alias Trock, John, 122, 132, 165, 192, 206 James, s. of John, 165 WilUam, 403 (Herteley by the Watter), Robert, s. of Roger, 165 Harwood of Livesey, John, 428 HasUngden, James, 430 Haspeden.1 See Aspden Hatgill, John, 409, 410 Haughton (Haghton, Haugton), Thomas, 169, 217, 218, 387 . See Aighton of Padiham, WiUiam, 401 Hawkshaw (Hawkescay), Richard, 38 (Hawshaw) of Showley, Richard, 428 Haworth (Ay worth, Hauworth, Hayworth, Haywourth), Charles, 375 ¦ George, 376, 432 Henry, 263, 267, 310, 363, 376 Henry, s. of John, 86 Isabel, w. of John, 86 John, 85, 86, 128, 140, 147, 196, 342, 387, 406, 417, 430, 432 Lawrence, 268, 434 Matthew, 432 Nicholas, 434 Ottiwell, 375, 432 -. Reynold, 376 Richard, 55, 375 Thomas, 431, 433 . . 399 of Blackburn, Nicholas, 245, 259, 271, 311 of Burnley Wood, Henry, s. of John, 255 of Lower Darwen, Giles, 428 Hay. See Hey Haycock, William, 425 Haydock (Hadocke, Heydok), Evan (Ewan, Huan, Van, Vane), 42, 92, 104, in, 119, 147, 176, l77. 178, 194, 195, 216, 240, 343, 405, 414, 416, 417, 418 Haydock, Evan (Vane), s. of Simon, 68, 98, 103 — — Gilbert, 64, 176, 228 Giles, 308, 322 James, 203 Jane, w. of Simon, 24 John, 405 Simon, 20, 24, 46, 49, 55, 60, 64, 73, 93, 98, 104, m, 156, 158, 161, 171, 176, 225, 231, 246, 309, 322, 336, 35-4, 381, 382, 387, 388, 398, 399. 400, 429 of Hesandford (Fezandford), Isabel, dau. of Simon, 322 Simon, 210 Hayhurst (Haerst), Benjamin, 435 Giles, 379 Henry, 428 WiUiam, 457 of Hough, Henry, 432 Richard, 432 Hayke, John, 378 Healey, James, 373 Heape (Heipp, Hepe), Edward, 432 James, s. of Thomas, 149 John, 375, 432 Lawrence, 433 Robert, 375 of Burnley Wood, James, 202 Hellefore, John del, 5 Helysson. See Ellison Heneage (Henadge), Sir Thomas, 394 Henreson (Henryson). See Harri son Hesketh (Heskett), Eustace, 73, 157 Geoffrey, 73, 157 John, 12 Robert, 433 Thomas, 12 — — Thomas, s. of Sir Robert, 1 38 , , 437 Hesmenough, John, 430 Hewett (Huet, Huit), Agnes, 445, 446 John, 96, 425 Margaret, 445 Robert, 425, 444, 445 William, 447 Hey (Hay, Hei, Heigh, Heye), Alice, w. of John, 30, 127, 159 Andrew, 29 Barnard, 29, 30 Christopher, 135 4«4 INDEX OF NAMES Hey, EUzabeth, w. of John, 336, 337 Gilbert, 432 Humphrey (Omfrey), 26, 44, 129 Isabel, 339 Isabel, dau. of Lawrence, 282 John del, 5 John, 29, 30, 40, 74, 129, 143, 157, 160, 161, 210, 211, 219, 243, 282, 314, 328, 336, 337. 368, 388, 390, 447, 450 Katherine, w. of Christopher, 20, 22 — : — Lawrence, 29, 108, 282 Miles, 44 Richard, 128, 375, 408 413 Richard, s. of Christopher, 282 Thomas, 28, 29, 53, 108, 118, 127, 135, 147, 156, 238, 283, 425, 441 . See Haigh of Northwood, John, 102, 135. 449 of Saxifield, John del, 1,, 2 of Scolbank, John, 43 Hichon, Hitchon, Hychon. See Itchon Hickson (Hicheson, Hyckson), Alice, w. of John, 327 George, 314 John, s. of Richard, 314 Richard, 8, 314 of Worsthorn, John, s. of Richard, 327 Higgin (Hegen, Heggyn, Hegyn, Heigyn, Heyggyn, Heygyn, Higgan, Highyn, Hugyn, Hygen, Hyggyn, Hyggyng, Hygyen, Yggyn), Alice, 214 Henry, 20, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, 39, 40, 42, 91, 106, 116, 125, 127, 382, 442 Isabel, w. of Richard, 31 James, 36, 69, 96, no, 133, 150, 159, 214, 377, 384 Jane, 214 Joan, 214 ¦ Joan, w. of John, 221, 258, 270 John, 62, 80, 82, 83, 86, 96, 124, 127, 128, 144, 179, 180, 197, 203, 220, 221, 224, 258, 270, 296, 300, 340, 362, 377, 384, 388, 401, 403, 407, 419 John, s. of James, 214 John, s. of John, 215, 300 Lawrence, 324, 456 Margaret, 214 Higgin, Marjory and AUce, daus. of John, 300 Miles, 42, 214 Richard, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 28, 86 Robert, 333 Thomas, 3 of Little Marsden, Agnes, w. of Henry, 194 Ellen, w. of John, 194 Joan, w. of John, 300 — John, s. of John, 194 of Old Laund, John, 129 of Southfield, Henry, 324 Higson (Hygson), Ellen, 207, 313 James, 207, 22 m, 255, 313 Hill alias Taylor, Robert, 411 Hilton, Edward, 392, 452 Hinchchff, AUce, 286 John, 286 Hinchley, Henry, 399 Hind (Hynd), Richard, 247 Hindle (Hyndill, Hyndle), Chris topher, 388 Henry, 201, 202 Hugh, 408 John, 173, 388, 437 Richard, 436, 441 Roger, 404 of Pighole, James, 123 Hird (Herd, Hirde, Hurd, Hyrd), John, 60, 66, 379, 408, 409 Margaret, 282 Richard, 237, 258, 274, 284, 357. 368, 370 WilUam, 69, 379 . See Atkinson alias Hird Hirst (Herst, Hurst, Hyrst), EUza beth and Margaret, daughters of John, 225 Isabella, w. of John, 167 John del, 8 John, 75, 78, 82, 87, 88, 90, 105, 106, 117, 125, 133, 142, 167, 192, 206, 378, 384, 385 Robert, 391, 451 WiUiam, 456 of Roughlee, John, 225 ; Isabel, w. of, 225 Hitchon. See Itchon Hitchonson, Richard, 100 Hobert, John, 449 Hobson, Thomas, 382 William, 19 Hodge, Richard, 409 Hodgkinson (Hochkynson, Hoge- kynson), Christopher, 383 • ¦ George, 383 John, 383 INDEX OF NAMES 485 Hodgkinson, Thomas, 31 Hodgson (Hogeson, Hoggeson), Christopher, 283 Edmund, 380 John, 303, 380 Robert, 399, 405, 455 Thomas, 409, 410, 4^5 ¦ WiUiam, 380, 458, 459 of Read, John, 428 Hoghton, Ellen, 140, 154 .- George, 60, 84, 151, 273 George, s. of Henry, 195, 200 ¦ Henry de, 5 Henry, 149, 179, 195 Henry, s. of Richard de, 7 John de, 4, 5 John, 18, 20, 29, 43, 66, 279 Richard, 25, 52 Sir Richard, 436 Robert, 161, 279 Thomas, 29 William, 148 . See Houghton Holden (Houlden), Adam, 300 Andrew, 413, 426, 432, 433, 446 Denise, w. of Thomas, 376 GUbert, 66, 128, 196, 216, 38i John, 19, 24, 30, 89, 108, 209, 222,341,432 John, s. of Ralph, 108 Richard, 434 Robert de, 3 Robert, 432 Thomas de, 2, 3 Thomas, 433 of Ewood (Eiwode), Thomas, 259, 271 of Holden, Gilbert, 196 of Simonstone, Thomas de, 7 Hole, Richard, 233 Holgate (Holgait, Holgayt, Houl gate), Cecily, w. of Thomas, 68 George, 245, 270, 281 Joan, 297 John, 442 John, s. of John, 445 Lawrence, 354 Margaret, w. of WiUiam, 45 Richard, 36, 45, 54, 63, 64, 67, 100 Richard, s. of WiUiam, 43 Thomas, 43, 44, 45, 59 Timothy, 442 Widow, 425, 446 WiUiam, 23, 43, 44, 339, 374, 3«7 alias Block, Henry, 444 John, 276 Holker (Holcar, Holkar, HoUkar, Houlkar, Howker), Bartle, 441 Nicholas, 83 Randle, 391, 452 . , 451 , of Read, John, 426, 427 Holme, Richard, 21 — — Robert, 21 Hohoyd (Holerode, Hooleroode), Thomas, 290, 344 of Rybbenden, Thomas, s. of George, 210, 211 Holt (Holth), Charles, 327 James, 386 Joan, w. of Oliver, 461 Lawrence, 23, 91, 375 OUver, 108, 432 Richard, 234 Thomas, 126, 295 WilUam, 375 Hoppay, EUen, 129 Jennet, 326 John, 127, 135, 232 Peter, 13 Horeden, Robert, 376 HorUck (Horloych), Giles, 61 Horwich (Herrewych), Adam, 79 (Horwyche), ElUs, 52 Margery, w. of Robert, 270 Robert, 270 Houghton (Hoighton, Howghton), Henry, 219, 315 John, 299, 315, 368, 380, 408 Robert, 219, 299 Thomas, 457, 459 WiUiam, 81, 388, 408, 413 . See Hoghton Hoyle, GUes, 432 Hugyn. See Higgin Huncoat (Huncot), George, 124 Huntington, Thomas, 383 Hurst. See Hirst Hurstwood (Hyrstwod), John, 310 (Hirstwood) of Hurstwood, WilUam, 28 Huster, Nicholas, 83 Hychon. See Itchon Ingham (Inygham, Yngham), AUce, 92 Catherine, w. of John, 22 Edmund, 44, 85 Elizabeth, w. of WiUiam, 140 Henry, 16 Humphrey (Omfrey), 31, 33, 69, 85, 134, 149, 382 IsabeUa, w. of Robert, 22 John, 6, 9, 10, n, 13, 15, 17, 486 INDEX OF NAMES 18, 19, 22, 24, 26, 34, 35, 39, 44, 47. 52, 55. 57. 58,64,-65, 68,77, 80, 92, 93, 94, 98, 99, 102, 104, 113, 135, 140, 148, 149, 162, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180, 190, 193, 236, 239, 240, 249, 254, 258, 261, 269, 270, 272, 310, 343, 381, 3S6, 388, 434 Ingham, John, s. of Henry, 102 John, s. of Humphrey (Om frey), 94, 149 John, s. of Robert, 29, 239 Sir John, 381 Margery, w. of Humphrey, 149 Reynold, 375 Richard, 284, 355, 360, 406, 416 Robert, 12, 14, 119, 140, 188, 196, 197, 198, 270, 278, 280, 387, 399. 4H. 415 Robert, s. of John, 169 Thomas, 128 William de, 1 , 2 WilUam, 8, 20, 37, 81, 85, 93, 102, 13?, 140, 171, 270, 309, 310, 381, 387 of Burnley, Richard, s. of Robert, 246 of Burnley Wood, Elizabeth, w. of William, 251 ¦ John, s. of William, 251 Richard, 310 Richard, s. of Robert, 198, 200 Robert, 176,270, 405 William, 169, 251, 301 • of Fulledge (Fullach, Ful- lowehege), John, 28, 37, 64, 73, 92, 93, 98, 108, 111, 113, 119, 162, 169, 176, 343 Robert, 200, 270, 286, , 309.3io,3i8,34i.343,3S5.368, 405 Robert, s. of John, 198, 246 ¦ of Hurstwood, William, s. of John, 310 of Le Loyne, John, 242 of Padiham, John, 187, 195, 299 ofthe Park, John, 109, 140 Ingill, John, 17 Ireland (Irlonde), Thomas de, 2 Isaacson (Ysockeson, Ysocson), WilUam, 341, 356 Isherwood(Issherwode.Ysherwod), John, 259, 271 — - — William, 38, 406 Itchon (Hitchon, Hychon), John, 238, 399 Richard, 128, 217, 220 of Worsthorn, Richard, 238 Jackson (Jacson, Jacsun), Christo pher, 10, 16, 21, 27, 29, 31, 35, 39, 44, 48, 52, 54, 56, 58, 6b, 62, 63, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 75, 76, 79, 81, 82, 84, 86, 92, 97. 98, 102, 105, 113, 129, 131, 135, 155, 174, 177, 180, 203, 2(4, 259, 267, 300, 378, 381, 385, 399, 402, 404 ¦ Christopher, s. of John, 68, 97 — — Henry, 405, 413, 416 Isabel, w. of Christopher, 32, 131 James, 14, 13, 17, 19, 33, 62, yg. 381, 399 Jennet, w. of John, 62 John, 24, 68, 86, 248, 380, 387, 392, 406, 436, 453 John, s. of Christopher, 278 Matthew, 57, 60 Nicholas, 52 Philip, 196, 248 Richard, 17, 27, 248, 257, 278, 380 Robert, 102, 155, 180, 198, 203, 234, 237, 243, 247, 248, 252, 258, 265, 269, 270, 274, 284, 33i. 354. 357, 368, 370, 387, 399, 442 Robert, s. of Christopher, 131, 296 Thomas, 200, 355, 360, 414 . , 392, 399. 437. 453 of Burnley, John, 296 Margaret, w. of John, 296 of Colne, Christopher, 118 of Extwistle, William John son, 4, 6 of Reedley HaUows, Chris topher, 135, 215 Isabel, w. of Christo pher, 135 John, s. of Christopher, 215, 257 Richard, s. of Christo pher, 215 Robert, s. of Christo pher, 135 Robert, 317 of Worsthorn, Christopher, INDEX OF NAMES 487 Jansen of Burnley, Gilbert, 1 Jennings, Bernard, 458, 459 Peter, 457, 459 Johnson, Richard, 194, 379, 387, 438, 457 WilUam, 2, 4 of Briercliffe, WilUam, 2 of Worston, Richard, 454 alias Carleton of Worston, Richard, 426 alias Charleton, John, 431 Richard, 426 Jolly, Thomas, 459, 400 K Kaley, Elizabeth, 456 Kay, Thomas, 41 1 Keighley (Kyghley), John, 23, 24 Kemp, Thomas, 383 Kendal (Kendall, KendeU, Ken- doll), Christopher, 379, 408, 409 John, 455, 456 Richard, 14, 57, 60, 66, 320, 408, 410 Thomas, 60, 379, 455, 456 William, 456 of Chatburn, Christopher, 401 John, 454 Keneair, William, 13 Kent, Elizabeth, 124 Kenyon (Kenean, Kenion, Kenn- yan), John, 300 Richard, s. of William, 235 • ¦ Roger, 404, 408, 412, 440, 443. 444. 446, 447 Thomas, 332, 456 WilUam, 14, 235, 238, 320 of Milnshaw (Mylneshay), Christopher, 401 John, 332 of Pilkington, John s. of William, 330 King, John, 14, 320 Thomas, 426 Kingstones (Kyngstons), Jennet Cronkeshey, w. of John, 1 30 Jennet, w. of John, 150 Joan, w. of John, 106 • John, 97, 106, 122, 127, 130, 150, 151, 193 Kippax (Kepas, Kepax, Kepes, Kippas, Kypas, Kypes, Kyp- pax), EUzabeth, 319 Elizabeth, w. of John, 98 Elizabeth, w. of Richard, 195 John, 18, 22, 26, 31, 32, 33, 39, 42, 45, 50, 60, 68, 69, 73, 86, 91. 93. 98, 99, 102. i°8. m. 113, 119, 123, 140, 153, 197, 220, 221, 239, 258, 270, 284, 296, 300, 338, 340, 342, 343, 365, 370, 371. 382, 388, 389, 401, 442 Kippax, Margaret, w. of John, 197 Miles, 9, 12, 16, 20, 22 Richard, 50, 73, 81, 84, 93, 102, 127, 163, 170, 195, 407, 419 Richard, s. of John, 64, 86, 279, 309 Robert, 319, 371 William, 7 of Little Marsden, John, 141, 212, 257, 278, 285, 309, 318, 319 of WycoUer, John, 448, 449 Kippey, Edward, 424 Kirke, Thomas, 429 Knaresburgh (Knaesburgh, Knais- burgh, Knayburgh, Knays- burghe), Edward, 315 Robert, 213, 279 Thomas, 279, 282, 297, 315 Knight, William, 43, 83 Knowles (Knolles), Abraham, 450 ¦ Roger, 382 Lache, Richard, 66 Langley, Richard, 421 Laton (Laiton), William, 228, 229, 237 Law, Abraham, 429 Isabella, w. of John, 66 James, 361, 362 John, 66, 434, 438 William, 361, 362 Lawson, Agnes, 456 Laycock (Lacock), John, 425, 447 William, 447 Leach, John, 431 Lee (Ley), Alice, w. of Nicholas, 36 ¦ Bernard, 237, 249, 252, 253, 258, 269, 274, 284, 287, 360 Ellen, 57 Ellen, w. of Richard, 314 Gilbert, 36 Henry, 78, 94 IsabeUa, w. of Thomas, 45, 47 James, 249, 258, 308, 387 John, 34, 200, 274, 381, 424 Lawrence, 141, 211, 212, 382 Nicholas, 34, 40, 42, 45, 53, 61, 119, 382 Richard, 30, 31, 72, 92, 217, 3H. 381 488 INDEX OF NAMES Lee, Robert, 65, 212, 270, 391, 419. 45i Roger, 36, 54, 73, 91 of Burnley, James, 252 Legh, Alice, w. of Nicholas, 9, 13 James, 281 John del, 2, 7 John, 13, 22, 23, 26 Lawrence, 380 Nicholas, 33, 48, 50 Sir Peter, 15, 18, 19, 21, 23, 76, 126, 225, 235, 239, 331 Richard, 13 Thomas, 380 William del, 2, 4, 7, 8 of Burnley Wood, John, 29 of Catlow, Henry, 439 of Lindred, John de, 2 Leigh, Alice, w. of Thomas, 338 Clemence, w. of Lawrence, 84,85 Edmund, 339 Henry, 442, 447 Isabel, w. of Lionel, 212, 371 James, 245, 336, 357 Jane, w. of John, 420 John, 420 Lawrence, 84, 85, 388 Lionel, 84, 212, 319, 371 Peter, 115 Richard, 238, 327 Robert, 84, 85, 407, 442 Thomas, 338, 371, 401, 442 , , 436 — — of Barkerhouse, Jane, 441 of Croston, John, 370, 371 Robert, 319, 338 of Southfield, Lawrence, 319 ¦ Thomas, 442 Lever (Leaver, Leyver, Leyvor), Agnes, 342, 355/356 Agnes, w. of Alexander, 239, 240, 241 Alexander, 169, 239, 241, 303. 387 Lawrence, 249, 252, 258, 284, 287, 355 Lewnys, Thomas, 46 Leyland (Lylond), Robert, in Lister (Lyster), Anne, w. of Anthony, 275 ¦ Anthony, 275 Christopher, 13, 84, 117, 121, 125, 216, 381 Christopher, s. of William, 148 Elizabeth, w. of William, 13 Katharine, 457 Lawrence, 136, 221 Thomas, 19, 26, 30, 40, 41, 42, 73, 90, 108, 119, 147, 158, 160, 382 Lister, Thomas, s. of Thomas, 158, 160 WiUiam, 148, 284, 381, 382, 440 William, s. of Christopher, 217 . , 19 of Midhope co. York, Chris topher, 171 Ellen, w. of Christopher, 171 Laurence, s. of WilUam, 107 - — of Strikehouse, in Craven, Anthony, 333 Anne, w. of Anthony, 333 Little House. See Ormerod, John Livesey (Levesay, Levesey, Levi- say, Lyffsay, Lyvesay), Alex ander, 271, 272, 279 Ralph, 433 Richard, 35, 38,259, 271, 299 Thomas, 435 of Livesey, Ralph, 429 Lobley, John, 438 Lodge (Loodge), John, 455 Lodge, Richard, 411 (Loge). See Ormerod, John Lonsdale (Londesdale, Londisdale, Lonsdell, Loundesdall, Lounes- dale), James, 19 John, 129, 173, 203, 237, 247, 248, 252, 253, 258, 284, 318, 354. 357. 368, 370, 435 Miles, 328, 438, 455 Ihomas, 328, 435 • of Simonstone, Thomas, 335 Lord, Alexander, 375 Lawrence, 375 Lowde, Robert, 428 Lowe, Christopher, 43 Loynd, Richard, 456 Lund (Leound), Adam, 437 • Annes, 379 Isabel, w. of WilUam, 197, 198 Thomas, 430 William, 169, 198, 369 Lussell, Thomas, 259, 271 M Mankinholes (Magnolles, Manck- noles, Manconholes, Manghill- holles, Mangilhols, MangkUhole, Mangkilholles, Mangkilhollez, Mangkynholl, Mangkynholles, INDEX OF NAMES 489 Mankenels, Manknells, Mank- nols, Manknowles, Mankylho- lez, Mankylhols, Mankynholles), AUce, w. of John, 234, 291, 312 Mankinholes, Henry, 66, 249, 380 James, 373, 403 John, 54, 74, 75, 83, 96, no, 116, 133; 137, 150, 159, 234, 250, 291, 292, 312, 331, 361, 377. 378, 380, 384. 390, 39i John, s. of John, 234 William, 58, 61, 69, 293 Marcroft (Mercroft), Thomas, 100, 101 Marsden (Mersden), Christopher, 38, 434, 438 Edward, 404, 407 Elizabeth, 458 James, 14, 320, 380 John, 380, 390, 431 Lawrence, 76 Nicholas, 20, 63, 66, 69, 81, 380 Richard, 14, 43, 320, 458, 459 Robert, 66, 380, 450 Thomas, 391, 452 William, 38, 435 , . 43° ofLeagram, Richard, 426, 427 of Pale, Richard, 426 Marshall (Marschall, Merschall, Mershall), EUzabeth, 81, 3.28, 329 Elizabeth, w. of Thomas, 102 James, 301, 328 John, 247, 302, 329, 341 Margaret, 35 Margaret, w. of Richard, 81 Richard, 15, 33, 34, 36", 46, 49, 114, 176, 198, 273, 279, 280, 299, 300, 302, 303, 308, 317, 328, 388 - — - Thomas, 80, 81, 90, 102, 103, 109, 128, 129, 136, 139, 140, 156, 157, 161, 179, 388 , ¦ , 172 of Padiham, Elizabeth, w. of Thomas, 316 John, 329 Richard, 268, 299 Richard, s. of Thomas, 209 Thomas, 95, 119, I4L 316 of Wakefield, co. York, Richard, 316, 326, 328, 329, 341 Marton (Merton), Christopher, 178 Oliver, 383 Marton, Robert, 383 Mawdesley, Edward, 38 Thurstan, 426, 427 , , 43o May (Maie), Humfrey, 444, 446 Meadowood (Medowod), Richard, 92, 140 Mechell. See Mitchell Mercer (Marcer, Merser), Edward, 437. 456 Richard, 438 William, 220, 438 Merley, John, 249 Midgecock (Migecocke, Migecok, Mygcok, Mygecocke), Christo pher, 300, 361 Henry, 57, 379 Midgley (Migley), Robert, 389 of Winewall, Robert, 448, 449 Milner, Gilbert, 4, 8 Jennet, 8 William le, 6 Milnes, Christopher, 66, 379, 408, 410 Edward, 379 Richard, 361 Mitchell (Mechell, Michell, Michill, Mychell, Mychill, Mychyll), Christopher, 148, 153, 178, 179 James, 37, 57, 63, 71, 72, 73, 78, 80, 83, 90, 116, 122, 132, 151, 153, 165, 175, 378, 381, 385 John, 148, 197 Lawrence, 441 Lawrence s. of James, 107 Lucy, w. of Christopher, 1 yg, 3i8 Margaret, dau. of John, 445 Nicholas, 147, 148, 300, 380, 441 Richard, 46, 63, 69, 81, 161, 178, 203, 237, 238, '247, 278, 34L 356, 357- 370, 380, 387 Thomas, 380 William, 140, 150, 173, 180, 189, 198, 205, 237, 247, 248, 252, 253, 258, 274, 284, 296, 357. 368, 370, 386 of Burnley, Jennet, w. 01 Richard, 314 Richard, 169, 203, 314, 318 of Colne, Christopher, 203 Henry, s. of Christo pher, 203 James, 80, 87, 88, 90, 106 490 INDEX OF NAMES MitcheU of Colne, John, a. of Chris topher, 318 Lucy, w. of Christopher, 203 Nicholas, 141, 324, 401 Nicholas.s.ofNicholas, 446 Nicholas, s. of Richard, 197 Richard, 318 WilUam, 401 of Le Thorne, Richard, 248 alias Blakey, James, 445 John, 446 Mitton (Mytton), Alexander, 176 Emot, w. of William, 152 Henry, 27, 28, 30, 47, 51, 71, 72, 76, 79, 80, 88, 90, 101, 106, 116, 136, 153, 175, 187, 300, 374. 378. 385, 403 Isabel, 27, 70, 152, 167, 225 James, 27, 51, 62, 63, 127, 152, 158, 206, 208, 390, 450 James, s. of Henry, 187 John, 192, 225, 265, 304, 366, 367, 441 John, s. of Henry, 132 John, s. of William, 152 Margaret, w. of Henry, 187 Richard, 27 Roger, 403 Thomas, 27, 37, 44, 51, 55 William, 27, 37, 39, 45, 51, 70, 75, 78, 82, 90, 96, 101, 105, 107, 125, 133, 137, 138, 142, 152, 187, 225, 233, 294, 295, 350, 362, 374, 378, 385, 435 William, s. of Henry, 5 1 of Barley Booth, William, 35o of Barrowford, Elizabeth, w. of James, 307, 350 Henry, 87 James, 70, 225, 307, 349. 350 of Colne, Henry, 307 of Roughlee, James, 450 John, 324 Nicholas, 344 William, s. of John, 324. 349 Mollington, — , 434 Molyneux (Mollineux, Mullinex), Charles, Viscount, 420, 426, 439, 449, 454 Sir Richard, 393, 401, 446 Moore (More), Christopher, 20, 31, 41, 46, 64, 100, 120, 121, 140, 142, 143, 166, 183, 184, 185, 205, 206, 207, 208, 213, 235, 243, 247, 254, 262, 265, 280, 294, 305, 377. 384 Moore, Christopher, s. of John, 97 Edmund, 452 EUzabeth, 392, 452, 458, 459 Elizabeth, w. of John alias Jenkin, 242 Hugh, 41, 65, 70, 97, 100, 107, 114, 120, 130, 157, 184, 185, 190, 191, 205, 235, 243, 254, 264, 267, 324, 325, 331, 384. 404 Hugh, s. of Christopher, 267, 305 Hugh, s. of Richard, 287 • Isabel, w. of Hugh, 191 ¦ James, 288, 366 James, s. of John, 191 Joan, w. of John, 97, 99 John, 37, 41, 55, 64, 65, 70, 82, 86, 97, 100, 103, 107, 120, 183, 185, 253, 377, 384, 391, 392, 403, 404, 446, 453 John alias Jenkin, 184, 185, 205, 242 John, s. of John alias Jenkin (Genkyn), 253 Jonas, 391, 452 Lucy, w. of Christopher, 305 Nicholas, 235, 243, 260, 265, 266, 268, 275, 288, 294, 304, 306, 325, 363, 367 Nicholas, s. of John, 253 ¦ ¦ Nicholas, s. of John alias Jenkin, 242 Richard, 54, 81, 84, 85, 90, 114, 188, 265, 268, 288, 304, 306, 321, 364 Richard, s. of John, 191 . . 430 ¦ of Deynebothome, Christo pher, 287 of the Fence, Hugh, s. of Richard, 313 John, 453 of Greenhead, John, 391, 393, 452,453 of Height, John, 393, 404 of Higham, John, 404 of Over Higham, Elizabeth, 267 of Whiteheagh, John, 392 of Whitlee, John, 452, 453 Morley, Robert, 259, 271 Morris, John, 430 Morvell, Christopher, 441 Peter, 441 Mosley, Edward, 444, 446 Mytehalgh, John, 26 INDEX OF NAMES 491 N Neuehell, Roger, 379 Nevill (Nevell), John, s. of Sir Robert, 138 Norcotte, William, 19 Norfolk (Norfoke), Ann, w. of Henry, 21 Henry, 21 Norris, Nicholas, 436 Northen, William, 441 Nowell, Christopher, 80, 88, 114, 129, 135, 156, 388, 409, 410, 422, 427 EUen, 158 Florentia, w. of Roger, 279 George, 379 IsabeUa, 24, 25 John, 26, 56, 67, 70, 79, Si, 82, 87, 89, 91, 93, 97, 109, 116, 377. 378 Mrs., 455 Ottiwell, 20, 31 Richard, 21 Richard of Sabden . . . House, 25 Roger, 279, 284, 352, 408, 413. 433. 458 — — Thomas, 226 WilUam, 434, 457 William, s. of Roger, 13 of Fence, Roger, 362, 364 of New Laund, Roger, s. of John, 302 of Pendle, John, 94 of Read, Roger, 437 Thomas, 179 Nuttall, Christopher, 403 ¦ Francis, 369 • Lawrence, 369 Nutter (Noter, Nuttar, Nuttoo, Nuttowe, Nuttor, Nuttur), Agnes, 266 Agnes, w. of Richard, 204 Alice, 458, 460 Alice, w. of John, 364 Alice, w. of Richard, 312 Alice, w. of Robert, 166 Alice, w. of William, 226 • Alison, w. of William, 204 Anthony, 32, 52, 103, no, 116, 121, 131, 132, 133, 137. 139. 378, 384. 403 Christopher, 27, 45, 46, 53. 90, 105, 107, 117, 120, 127, 199, 261, 264, 289, 295, 321, 325, 330. 364. 366, 367 , , Christopher, s. of Robert, 165, 204, 261, 267, 333 Nutter, Edmund, 23, 26, 28, 32, 52, 59, 115, 374, 378 Edward, 204, 305, 323, 325 Elizabeth, 165, 186 Elizabeth, w. of Anthony, 139. 323 Elizabeth, w. of Christopher, 53 Elizabeth, w. of John, 131, 305 Elizabeth, w. of Miles, 262 Ellen, 41, 267 Ellen, dau. of Ellis, 266 Ellen, w. of Christopher, 295, 366 Ellen, w. of Ellis, 117, 118, 205 Ellen, w. of Henry, 357 EUis, 29, 31, 33, 37, 39, 40, 4L 43. 45, 48, 50, 54. SS. 56, 63, 65, 66, 70, 71, 72, 73, 79, 117, 118, 120, 121, 129, 133, 144, 150, 159, 167, 173, 183, 184, 186, 188, 189, 204, 205, 208, 213, 223, 234, 235, 243, 247, 261, 266, 281, 317, 354, 370. 377. 378. 384. 385. 392, 419.453 Ellis, s. of Henry, 47, 368 Francis, 279 Henry, 27, 37, 41, 120, 158, 173, 180, 189, 198, 203, 232, 235. 237, 243, 247, 248, 249, 252, 258, 274, 284, 317, 326, 333. 354. 37°. 374. 404. 45o Henry, s. of Ellis, 204, 205, 234 Hugh, 213 Isabel, 308 Isabel, w. of Christopher, 199 James, 441 James, s. of Robert, 165 Joan, w. of Edmund, 59 John, 41, 46, 52, 103, 129,131, 132, 133. 137. 142, 207, 209, 216, 220, 224, 226, 237, 243, 247, 248, 253, 258, 264, 265, 279, 284, 293, 305, 312, 323. 325. 33L 357, 364. 365. 367. 378, 384. 387. 403. 404. 419, 444. 453 John, s. of EUis, 205, 235, 261 John, s. of Miles, 247, 256, 262 John, s. of Richard, 290 John. s. of Stephen, 304. 3°5 Lawrence, 27, 374 Marcolph, 378 Margaret, 404 492 INDEX OF NAMES Nutter, Margaret, w. of Mark, 115 Margaret, w. of Stephen, 305 Mark, 59, 87, 109, 115, 116, 126, 132, 133, 137, 146, 264, 384 Miles, 39, 40, 67, 71, 76, 82, 100, 105, 117, 125, 132, 166, 192, 256, 262, 378, 385, 403 Richard, 59, 82, 103, 115, 116, 121, 132, 133, 137, 139, 142, 143, 204, 226, 247, 265, 288, 290, 317, 321, 323, 325, 354. 357. 368, 370, 374, 378, 384, 391, 451, 452 Richard, s. of Mark, 264 Richard, s. of Miles, 256, 262 Robert, 23, 26, 28, 53, 71, 73, 120, 129, 133, 150, 151, 159, 165, 166, 174, 185, 189, 205, 235, 242, 243, 305, 325, 373, 374. 384 • Robert, s. of Christopher, 331 Robert, s. of Stephen, 204 Stephen, 115, 226, 262, 264, 265, 304, 305. 374 Stephen, s. of John, 131 Sybil (Cibill), w. of Henry, 288 William, 81, 129, 139, 262, 264, 323, 403 William, s. of Richard, 204 • WilUam, s. of WilUam, 364 , , 403 of Blackwood, John, y6 of Bullhole, John, 403 of Extwistle, Isabel, w. of Christopher, 302, 308 of Goldshaw, Mark, 293 — Richard, 293, 449 of Goldshaw Booth, John, 262 of Hall, Richard, 391 of Laund, Christopher, 289, 290 Ellen, w.ofChristopher, 289, 290 Ellis, 191, 192 John, 267 of New Laund, Alice, w. of Robert, 289 Christopher, 307, 349 352 Christopher, s. of Robert, 293 EUen, w. of Christo pher, 352 John, 225, 231, 261, 288, 293, 349, 364, 365, 367 John, s. of John, 349 ¦ Robert, 267, 289, 293 Nutter of Pendle Forest, Robert, 185, 186 of Reedley Hallows ,' Ellis Richard, Miles, Henry, Robert, sons of Henry, 288 Henry, 288 Isabel, Ellin, Elizabeth daughters of Henry, 288 of Roughlee, Elizabeth, w. oi Miles, 311, 312 John, 292 Miles, 311, 312 Richard, s. of Miles, 311 of Sabden, Richard, 117, 118, 205, 235 alias Eastwood. See East wood O Oldfield of Barrowford, John, 263 Oldham, John, 99 Ollerhead, Adam del, 8 Ormerod (Ormeroid), George, 21, 26, 34. 36, 37. 56, 73. 77. 80, 81, 83, 86, 89, 93, 98, 113, 149, 155. 375. 376, 378, 385. 433 Isabel, w. of George, 34, 37 John, 11, 24, 26, 29, 34, 35, 56, yy, 81, 113, 232, 247, 249, 252, 253, 258, 287, 338, 360, 370, 376, 381, 433 • John, s. of George, 149, 155, 297 John, s. of Peter, 149, 155 Lawrence, 430 Oliver, 36, 56, 73, 155, 375, 427. 429 Peter, 9, 12, 13, 65,92, 113, 147, 245, 297, 308, 370 ' Piers, 1 1 Richard, 196 Robert, 21 Roger, 2 of Gambleside, John, 189, 274, 297 of Lodge, John, 180, 357 of Nutshaw, Peter, 371 of Ormerod, John, 52 Peter, 309, 317, 426, 427, 429 of Rochdale, Lawrence, 420 alias Little House, John, 317 alias Lodge, John, 317 Orthward, AUsona, 445 Anne, 445 Christiana, 445 Elizabeth, w. of Robert, 445 Robert, 445 INDEX OF NAMES 493 Osbaldeston (Osbalston), Alex ander, 434 Lawrence, 434 of Oxenden, Lawrence, 428 Othward alias Bridge, Henry, 425 Padiham, Robert de, 3 Page, Francis, 392, 452 George, 433 Paget, Sir William, 227M Paley, James, 400 Parker (Perker, Perkor), Anthony, 382 Bernard, 281, 392, 453 Bernard, s. of Bernard, 279 Brian, 33, 382, 383 Catherine, w. of Hugh, 131, 233 Christopher, 380 Edmund, 32, 293, 325, 363, 382 Edward, 12, 43, 383 Elizabeth, w. of Miles, 41, 65 Ellis, 382 Giles, 383 Henry, 78, 254, 293, 380, 392, 404, 452, 453 Henry s. of Lawrence, 97 Hugh, 58, 65, 72, 76, 80, 82, 83, 87, 105, 107, 117, n8. 121, 125, 131, 158, 164, 183, 185, 204, 205, 233, 377, 384 James, 380, 383 Joan, dau. of Robert, 308 John, 9, 31, 33, 34, 39, 42, 48, 53. 73. 86, 92, 93, 94, 95. 102, 148, 166, 167, 177, 197. 225, 231, 246, 249, 255, 265, 281, 284, 289, 295, 301, 302, 309. 333. 336, 364. 380, 383. 388, 397, 399. 401. 404. 405, 406, 416, 419, 430, 436 ¦ John, s. of Hugh, 121, 233, 243, 261, 266 Lawrence, 18, 55, 68, 91, 119, 123, 318, 360, 365, 368 Matthew, 382 Miles, 35, 42, 65, 76, 282, 377 Nicholas, 16 Raynold, 382 Richard, 64 Robert, 89, 119, 131, 166, 167, 199, 209, 222, 232, 383, 442 Robert, s. of John, 135, 169, Parker of Alkincoats, Bernard, 330.337314 Bernard, s. of Bernard, 420 Thomas, 380 452 of Brown Brink (Brawne- , brynke), Edmund, 350 Henry, s. of Hugh, 308 John, 288, 293, 352, 365, 366 of Dunchelth, Richard, 22 of Extwistle, Isabel, w. of John, 308 John, 169, 302, 308, 316, 340, 399, 414. 429 Robert, s. of John, 196 of Foulridge, Lawrence, 8 of Holthouse, Henry, 267 of Ightenhill, John, 6, 8 of Marsden, John, 371 of Monkhall, Isabel, w. of John, 199 John, 10, 29, 52, 55, 61, 164, 176, 199, 212W, 215 Robert, s. of John, 164, 165, 229, 230 of Netherwood, John, 268 of Old Laund, Edward, 30 Parkinson, Anne, 445 George, 445 John, 430 Mary, 425, 445, 446 Ralph, 430 Parr, Brian, 2 1 EUzabeth, w. of Brian, 21 Parry, Sir Thomas, 402 Paslew (Paslawe, Pasley), Francis, 458, 459. John, 19, 408, 409, 410, 423 Peele (Pele), John, 383, 408, 433 Perkin (Perkyn). See Robinson, Peter PhiUipson, George, 451 Piccope (Pecop, Pecopp, Picoppe, Pikopp, Pyccoppe, Pycop), Agnes, w. of Richard, 57, 86 Isabel, 57 James, 375, 434 Joan, dau. of Richard, 57 John, 155, 375 Richard, 11, 15. 18, 19. 22, 23, 48, 5L ST. 92, 194 Robert, 16, 21, 32, 339, 340 Thomas de, 3, 6 Thomas, 375 William del, 3 William, 48, 72, 73, 99, 381 William, s. of Robert, 32 of Laund, Richard, 381 Pierson (Pereson), Elizabeth, dau. of Richard, 14 494 INDEX OF NAMES Pierson, Elizabeth, 320, 321 Ralph, 14, 319, 320 Richard, 319, 320 Robert, 319 Thomas, 14, 319, 320, 321 William, 319, 320 Pilkington, Tnurstan, 433 Pilling (Pyllyng), Edward, 414 James, 249, 280, 360, 416 John, 376 Richard, 123, 245, 281, 286 Roger, 113, 376 Plattes, Isabel, w. of William, 217 Platts, William, 104, Pollard (Pollerd), Edmund, 9, 10 Edward, 26, 34, 60, 103, 178, 180, 2i2n, 213, 236, 237, 257, 277. 381 Edward, s. of Edmund, 212, 213 Ellen, 390, 450 Ellis, 21 George, 253, 258 Humphrey (Homfrey; Offri- dus, Omfrey), 10S, 113, 215 Isabel, 336 Isabel, w. of Edward, 237 Isabel, w. of Richard, 237 James, 34, yy, 9y, 103, 176, 237, 247, 249, 252, 258, 269, 284, 287, 355, 386 Jennet, 364 John, 26 Richard, 237, 310, 342, 387, 398, 406 Richard, s. of Edward, 154, 277 Robert, 416 Thomas, 173, 188, 204, 226, 228, 248, 370 William, 406, 418, 419, 442 of Altham, Nicholas, 428 of Burnley, Thomas, 246, 247 Poole, John, 418 Preston, Roger, 442 Proby, Peter, 394 Proctor, John, 458, 459 Pullane, John, 317 Pynner. See Battersby 0 Qwithed. See Whitehead Qwitqwam. See Whitham Qwittaker. See Whitaker Qwittwham. See Whitham Qwypp. See Whipp Qwytheid. See Whitehead Qwytisham. See Whitisham Qwytquam. See Whitham Radchffe (Ratclyf, Ratclyff), Alice, w. of Thomas, 59, 68 Cecily, dau. of Thomas, 60, 68 Edward, 391, 452 John, 103, 108, 376, 424 Joshua, 434, 457, 458 Mr., 459 Richard, 25, 26, 118 Robert, 430 SaviU, 460 Thomas, 25, 26, 59, 68, 154, 378, 380, 381, 382, 386, 424 Thomas, s. of Thomas, 59, 68 William, 39 Sir William, 196 of Balderston, Richard, 428 of Chipping, Robert, 428 of Wymberle, Thomas, 237 Rainford (Rayynffor), AUce, w. of Henry, 310 Robert de, 8 Ramsbottom (Rannesbotom, Romsbothome), Adam, 432 Edmund, 375 Henry, 376 Oliver, 361, 375 Richard, 376, 432 Rawcliffe of Ribchester, Robert, 428 Rawsthorne (Raustorne), Jennet, 393. 453 Lawrence, 432 Reade (Rede, Redde), AUce, w. of John, 52 John, 284 Ottiwell, 43 Robert, 284, 428 William, 19 Rendall of Riddinghey, Richard, 428 Ribchester, Percival, 437 Richmond, Edward, 429, 430 Ellen, 429 Ridding, John, 57 Ridehalgh (Reddehalgh, Redde- hough, Redealgh, Redeall, Rede halgh, Redehugh, Redihalgh, Redyhalgh, Redyhaulgh, Riddi- halgh, Ridialgh, Ridihaulghe, Ridiough, Rydehalgh, Ryte- halgh), Alice, 271 Christopher, 119, 135, 388 Edmund, 20 George, 151 James, 390, 403, 442, 45c INDEX OF NAMES 495 Ridehalgh, Jennet, 442 John, 21, 27, 58, 200, 380, 387 Katherine, w. of Richard del, 5.7 Lawrence, 10, 382, 442, 447 Margaret, w. of Lawrence, 10 Margaret, w. of Richard, 292 Nicholas, 42 Richard, 271, 292, 331, 380 Richard, s. of Richard, 271 Roger, 84, 97, 100, 103, 142, 275 Thomas del, 2, 4, 7, Thomas, s. of Richard del, 2 WiUiam, 330, 333 . , 73 of Blackmoss, WilUam, s. of Roger, 333 of BriercUffe, Christopher, 119 of Delves, John, 296 of Marsden, John, 401 • Lawrence, 439, 449 of Stone Delf, John, 99 alias Bridge (Brige), AUce, w. of Richard, 220 Richard, 220 Rider (Ryder), Robert, 383 Riley (Rilaye, Ryelay, Ryeley, Rylay, Ryley), Adam, 11 Alexander, 17, 22, 26, 39, 109, 161, 177, 178, 215, 310, 376 Catherine, w. of John, 72 Charles, 398, 406 Christopher, 55, 376 Denis, 55 Denise, 376 Edward, 30, 55 EUzabeth, w. of Alexander, 371 George, 119, 154, 215, 244, 249, 258, 311, 336, 370, 376, 387 Henry, 9, 12, 20, 24, 36, 91, 102, in, 147, 148, 153, 161, 171, 179, 258, 268, 283, 305, 368, 381 Henry, s. of Thomas, 160 Henry, M.A.,s. of Alexander, 177. 178 Henry, S.T.B., 201 of Eton College, B.D., Henry, 203 John, 13, 14, 54, 90, 91. 94, 95, 103, 108, 118, 320, 361, 381, 393 Margaret, sister of Henry, 177, 178 Riley, Margaret, w. of George, 244. 336 Miles, 210, 211 Oliver, 119, 154, 215 Peter, 14, 57, 60, 66, 320 Robert, 456 Thomas, 46, 49, 53, 57, 72, 81, 103, 151, 156, 160, 163, 171, 179, 180, 188, 215, 250, 251, 254, 258, 259, 275, 290, 304, 331, 388, 408, 410, 455, 457 WilUam, 103, 201, 282, 300, 387 William, s. of Thomas, 91 , , 429 of Accrington, Alice, w. of Thomas, 161 Thomas, 108, 161, 177 Wilham, s. of Thomas, 161 of Burnley, Agnes, dau. of Alexander, 148 Alexander, 23, 147, 148 Ellen, w. of Alexander, 148 — - George, 252, 253, 286 Henry, s. of Alexander, 148 Margaret, dau. of Alexander, 148 Margaret, w. of George, 286 of the Green, in Hapton, Henry, 16, 316, 354 James, s. of Thomas, 210 Jennet, w. of Thomas, 154 Thomas, 103, 113, 149, 154, 177, 178, 184, 209, 210, 211, 215, 275 Thomas, s. of Thomas, 191, 275, 291 of Habergham Eaves, Alex ander, 257, 258 of Hapton, Henry, s. of Thomas, 112, 114 of Hawkeshay, Thomas, s. of WiUiam, 371 William, 371 of Hunterholme, Thomas, 344. 345. 354 of Oxford, Henry, 148 Rishton (Ruscheton, Rushton, Rushuston, Russheton, Rysche ton, Ryshton, Ryssheton, Rysshton), Edmund, 386 Geoffrey, 172, 176, 177, 179, 198, 200, 236, 238, 241, 244, 496 INDEX OF NAMES 246, 248, 252, 269, 282, 387, 405 Rishton, John, 431 Joseph, 442 Nicholas, 55, 66, 68, 102, 253. 398 Ralph, 279, 284, 350, 376,432 Richard, s. of Ralph de, 8, 9 Robert, 64, 332 Roger, 62, 259 Roger, s. of Ralph de, 8, 9 Thomas de, 8, 9 • Widow, 441 of Antley, Geoffrey, 417, 431 Nicholas, 418 of Burnley, Geoffrey, 210 of Dunnockshaw, Robert, 62 Robert (Robarte), Alice, w. of Edward, 162 Edmund, 119 James, 28, 32, 61, 64, 93, 381 John, 29, 40, 43, 324, 405, 408, 435, 446, 450 Nicholas, 162, 413 Roger, 249, 379, 385, 389, 402 William, 4. 8, 392, 453 of Blacko, John, no of Simonstone, Nicholas, 316, 328, 329 Roberts, James, 20, 22 Richard, 23 Robinson, Agnes, 82, 143, 186 Agnes, dau. of Henry, 38 Agnes, w. of Christopher, 291 Agnes, w. of Miles, 222, 224 Agnes, w. of Richard, 47, 242 Agnes, w. of William, 130 Alice, w. of James, 58 Bertram, 374 Bertred, 47, 56 Christopher, 58, 61, 83, 90, 101, 124, 125, 126, 130, 131, 133, 136, 145, 146, 163, 167, 168, 174, 192, 208, 2I2M, 215, 264, 265, 273. 306, 330, 331, 366, 378, 384, 385, 39i, 392, 403. 406, 451, 452, 453 ¦ Christopher, s. of John, 86 Christopher, s. of Peter, 122, 151 Edmund, 14, 20, 24, 34, 36, 50, 51, 55, 72, 80, 82, 103, 106, no, 120, 121, 127, 130, 133, 137, 142, 146, 150, 159, 167, 174, 184, 189, 206, 223, 264, 305, 331, 332, 374. 378, 382, 384, 388, 398, 399, 401, 404, 406, 409, 410, 417, 418, 458, 459 Robinson, Edmund, s. of Ellis, 384 Edmund, s. of John, 251, 261 Edward, 71, 404 Elizabeth, 37, 38, 327, 391, 393, 403, 452, 453 Elizabeth, w. of Henry, 45 Elizabeth, w. of John, 89, 134 Ellen, 403 — Ellen, dau. of Henry, 37 Ellen, w. of Peter, 122 Ellis, 16, 20, 27, 28, 34, 36, 37. 43. 47. 67, 72, 273, 277, 279, 281, 285, 286, 299, 302, 327, 328, 342, 374. 378, 382, 388 ElUs, s. of Edmund, 251 ¦ Henry, 37, 38, 290, 291, 330, 344, 403, 407, 413, 415, 450. 455. 456 Henry, s. of Christopher, 167 Henry, s. of Edmund, 174 Henry, s. of Miles, 222, 224 Isabel, w. of Christopher, 167 Isabel, w. of Robert, 283 Isabella, w. of William, 268 James, 45, 57, 58, 67, 82, 83, 96, 118, 133, 137, 150, 159, 186, 3". 378. 390, 392,404,450,451, 4.5 2 James alias Jamelen, no, 132, 158 James, s. of WiUiam, 114 Jane, dau. of Edmund, 24 John, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 22, 25, 29, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 54, 57, 62, 63, 65, 69, 70. 71, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 87, 89, 97, 101, 105, 106, 107, in, 126, 127, 132, 133, 134, 137, 146, 147, 150, 152, 159, 161, 162, 180, 197, 204, 206, 210, 225, 231, 235, 238, 254, 255, 261, 268, 279, 290, 298, 299, 321, 331. 345. 361, 368, 373, 374. 377. 378, 382, 384, 385, 388, 391, 392, 403, 407, 413, 419, 442, 455 John alias Jack, 71 John, s. of Christopher, 167 John, s. of Edmund, 196, 199. 305 John, s. of Ellis, 86, 328 ¦ John, s. of John, 23 John, s. of Peter, 122 ¦ John, s. of William, 404 Lawrence, 39, 47, 51, 58, 61, 71, 76, 78, 101, 120, 126, 136, 206, 208, 263, 324, 378, 384, 390, 442, 443 INDEX OF NAMES 4$7 Robinson, Margaret, 29, 142 Margaret, m. of Agnes, 82 Margaret, w. of Christopher, 273 Margaret, w. of John, 96, 162 Mary, 391 Miles, 83, 125, 130, 132, 143, 168, 174, 186, 207, 221, 224, 378, 385 Nicholas, 28, 40, 53, 55, 57, 60, 61, 62, 66, 67, 76, 82, 88, 117, 118, 125, 127, 142, 143, 152, 174, 192, 193, 333, 136,168,321,374, 455 33o, 365, 378, 379, 380, 132, 157. 235. 367.385. 133. 162, 292, 370, 403, Nicholas, s. of Christopher, 167 Nicholas, s. of James, 83, 346 Peter, 54, 55, 71, 117, 378 Peter alias Perkin, 97, 122 Peter, s. of William., 101 Piers, 374 Richard, 33, 37, 41, 47 Robert, 259, 266, 274, 283, 297, 304, 362, 390, 392, 450 Robert, s. of John, 162 , Thomas, 53, 61, 74, 374, 403, 407, 413. 435. 455 Thomas, s. ot Miles, 222 William, 69, 82, 101, 117, 176, 209, 255, 268, 345, 346, 377, 403, 409, 410 * WiUiam, s. of Miles, 221 alias Bewse, James, 132 John, 243, 255, 256, 263, 264 alias " Roughe Nycoll," Nicholas, 364 of Barley, AUce, w. of John, 242 Christopher, 293 Christopher, s. of John, 242 John, 174, 186, 242 of Barley Booth, James, 142 of Barrowford, Christopher, 117 Lawrence, 392, 452 of Barrowford, Over, Chris topher, 96, 143, 208, 287, 322, 324 Christopher, s. of Christopher, 287 John, 122, 143, 146. 151 of Blackmoss, Henry, s. of John, 210, 211 VOL. II. Robinson of Blackmoss, John, 80, 105, 142, 164, 174, I90> 242, 275 of Chatburn, Henry, 454 Nicholas, 93, 154 of Firbar, John, 330 of Goldshaw, Edmund, 137 Ellis, s. of Edmund, 304 " John, 304, 310 — ¦ Thomas, 310 — — of Goldshaw Booth, Edmund , 226, 324 — Edmund, s. of Thomas, 196 Joan, w. of Thomas, 289 Thomas, 289 of Hawkshole, John, 419 of Haybooth, Nicholas, 133 of Heybooth, John, 83 of Hoarstones, John, 391, 452 ¦ of Laund, Lawrence, 392, 452 of Monkroyd (Monkerode), John, s. of Nicholas, 91, 201 Lawrence, 441 Nicholas, 66 Widow, 441 of Narrowgates, John, 451 • of Old Laund, Edmund, 349 350, 35L4I8 Edmund, s. of John, 259, 275 . EUzabeth, w. of John, 334 John, 14, 23, 28, 30, 39. 47, 52, S3, 55, 59. 61, 64, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 82, 89, 90, 91, 101, 105, 106, 108, 119, 121, 127, 129, 141, 144. 145. lSi. 158, 171, 174, 180, 183, 184, 185, 186, 195, 201, 202, 205, 208, 209, 225, 226, 229, 235, 243, 267, 288, 297, 304, 309, 315. 320, 323, 333, 334, 344. 345. 346, 347. 384 John, s. of John, 89, 117, 118, 158, 209 Margaret, w. of John, 158 Robert, 201, 202, 275 Robert, s. of John, 208, 251 of Padiham, John, 91, 112, 149. 153. 154. 171. 45i of Roughlee, Christopher, 100, 122, 127, 184, 206, 265, 324, 325 Henry, 325, 332 2 I 498 INDEX OF NAMES Robinson of Roughlee, Henry, s. of Christopher, 325 • James, 83 James, s. of Nicholas, 251. 351 Jennet, w. of Christo pher, 325 John, s. of Henry, 325 Margaret, w. of Nicho las, 346, 351 ¦ Nicholas, 62, 70, 133, 166, 181, 225, 262, 293, 305, 311, 332, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 351, 366 Nicholas, s. of Christo pher, 324, 325 of Sabden, Edmund, 183 John, 158, 229, 441, 442 of Sowerby Deane, James, 241 ¦ of Thorneyholme, James, 293 James, s. of Nicholas, 152, 304 Nicholas, 126, 130, 136, 152, 192, 206, 233, 294 of Wheatley, John, 344 of Wheatley Hey Booth, John, 313 of Whithalgh, John, 28, 29 of Yate, John, 390, 450 Rochester, Robert, 255 Rodes (Roodes), Henry, 435 James, 429 John, 435 Robert, 124, 135, 157, 216 , - — , 437 Romsden, John, 437 Rosse of Chatburn, Richard, 423, 428 Rothwell, Jo., 432 Widow, 432 of HasUngden, Richard, 401 " Roughe Nycoll." See Robinson Rowe (Ro, Roe, Roo), Christopher, 66 Henry, 269, 273, 329 Hugh, 40S, 413, 420 James, 31, 44, 102, 108 Joan, w. of Robert, 12 John, 22, 23, 26, 44, 60, 98, 102, 109, 129, 147, 156, 171, 196, 328', 382, 388 Margaret, w. of John, 196 OUver, 12 Robert, 12, 16, 161, 195, 2121?, 269, 273, 277, 327, 328, 329, 342, 359 Robert, s. of John, 160, 196 Rowe, Simon, 4, 8 of Padiham, Hugh, 401 Rushton. See Rishton Rushworth (Risshewourth, Risshe- wurth, Ruscheworth, Rusworth, Ryscheworth, Ryshworth, Rys sheworth), Alexander, 119, 187, 195, 251, 259, 281, 316, 333, 337 Alexander, s. of John, 98 John, 379, 386 Thomas, 317 of Colay, John, 251 Ruskin, John, 379 Rycroft (Ricroft), Henry, 445 Isabel, 445 Jennet, 445 Sagar (Sagher, Saighar, Saigher, Sayher), AUce, w. of WiUiam, 31 Henry, 31 James, 281, 399, 405 Nicholas, 327, 354, 357 Richard, 129, 158, 180, 211, 231, 270, 300, 337, 381, 408 William, 12, 225, 270, 354, 417, 418, 441, 442, 447 , , 401 of Burnley Wood, John, 405 of Catlow, WilUam, 439 of CUviger, James, 336 of Colne, WiUiam, 442 of Little Marsden, Richard, 285 of Walverden, EUzabeth, dau. of Richard, 326 Margaret, w. of Rich ard, 326 Richard, 326, 358 alias Hargreaves, Richard, 413 Salesbury, John, 430 Salisbury, Earl of, 402 SaUay, Henry, Vicar of Blackburn, 38 Salley, Henry, 91 Salter of Graystones, John, 392 Saltonstall (Salstanstall), John, 442 WilUam, 392, 407, 442, 452 of High Oldfield, par. HaU- fax, Edward, 353 Sankey (Sonkey, Sonky), Henry de, 4 John, 62, 87, 413 Thomas, 129, 155 of Northwood, Thomas, 135 INDEX OF NAMES 499 Savile (Savell), Henry, 218, 228, 442 Sawer, Raynold, 382 Scarberow, -, 440, 447 Scholfield (Scolefeld), Thomas de, 1. 7 Sedgwick (Sigesweeke), Richard, 455 Seede, John, 430 Sellar, Anne, 458, 459 Richard, 422, 460 Robert, 457 • , 437 of WhaUey, John, 428 Semlrell, Francis, 88 Senke, John, 52 Serjeant, , 436 Shackleton (Schakelton, Schakil- den, Shakelden, Shakeldon, Shakelton, Shakilden, Shakilton, Shakylden, Shakylton), Geoffrey, 116, 132, 389, 441 James, 55, 94, 379, 385, 389 John, 23, 26, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39. 50. 58, 73. 77, 79. 80, 85, 114, 441 Katherine, 254, 255 Peter, 441 Richard, 27, 30, 62, 379, 385, 402 Robert, 282, 315, 387, 398 Thomas, 402 WiUiam, 441 of Harden, James, 439, 441 ¦ oi Trawden, Geoffrey, 448 James, 448 of WycoUer, Richard, 448, 449 Shaer, Richard, 29 Shakerley, Anne, dau. of Robert, 128 • ¦ Robert, 128 • Robert, s. of Thomas, 128 • Thomas, 21 •• Thomas, s. of Robert, 128 Shalcross, Mr., 425, 440, 447 Sharpe (Sherpe), Edmund, 148, 368, 370 ¦ • John, 392, 453 Robert, 285, 316, 328, 354, 357, 365, 370 of Burnley, Robert, 283 Sharpies, Randle, 432, 434, 435, 437 Shaw (Shaa, Shay), Edmund, 375 Henry, 69, 294, 380, 402, 404, 452 Isabel, 441, 452 Robert, 404, 43°. 436- 450 Thomas, 436, 437 Shaw, William, 421 of Langroyd, Henry, 440 of Newsham, co. York, Henry, 294, 295 Sheffield (Sheyfeld), Richard, 78 Sherburne (Sheirburne, Shyr- borne, Shyrburne), Hugh, 383 Mr., 430 Richard, 170, 428, 435, 436, 437 Richard, s. of Thomas, 138 Sir Richard, 164, 182, 393 Robert, 429 Thomas, 379, 434 William, 431 Shippendale, John, 424 Shires, EUin, 455 Thomas, 456 of Chatburn, Thomas, 454 Shore (Shoore, Showre), Agnes, w. of Nicholas, 210 Gilbert, 34 Giles, 29, 31, 33, 39, 42 John, 29, 33 Nicholas, 146, 210, 255, 333 ¦ Oliver, 349 William, 210, 381, 386 of Hunterholme, Agnes, w. of Nicholas, 261 Jane, dau. of Nicholas, 261 Nicholas, 261 Showsmith, AUce, 446 Edward, 445, 446 John, 425, 445, 447 Shuttleworth (Schotilworth, Sco- tilworth, Shotelwortb, Shotill worth, Shotilworth, Shotil wourth Shottillworth, Shottle- worth, Shottylworth, Shotty- worth, Shotylworth), AUce, 59 Anne, w. of Hugh, s. of Nicholas, 155 Bernard, Henry, Hugh, Richard, sons of Nicholas, 154 Elizabeth, w. of Lawrence, 100 Gilbert, s. of George, 266 Giles, 35 Henry, 53, 79, 81, 100, 102, 103, 107, 108, 128, 135, 196, 386 Hugh, 55, 56, 92, 104, 169, 171, 178, 188, 195, 248, 273, 327, 358, 3S9. 361, 379, 385, 398 Hugh, s. of Nicholas, 155, 278 James, 375 John, 407, 413 Lawrence, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 30, 31, Soo INDEX OF NAMES 33, 34. 35. 38, 53. 57. 60, 69, 74, 81, 86, 95, 320, 379, 381, 382, 389, 402, 424, 454 Shuttleworth, Mr., 412 Nicholas, 60, 108, 139, 149, 154, 155, 156, 171, 195, 209, 212, 215, 27S, 387, 388 Richard, 161, 332, 390, 403, 407, 413, 414, 426, 434, 435, 450, 454 Richard, s. of Hugh, 160, 171, 191, 209, 272, 273, 281 Thomas, 42, 43, 380 Ughtred, 7 of Gawthorp, Hugh, 317, 329 — •— Richard, s. of Hugh, 297 of Padiham, Thomas, 401 of Wanless, Lawrence, 448 Siddall (Seedall, Sydall), Richard, 43i William, 429 Sidgreaves (Sydgreves), Christo pher, 429 Richard, 54, 380 Simonstone (Symondston), John de, 4, 5, 6, 7 John, s. of Robert de, 3 Robert de, 3 Simonson (Symonson), Richard, 424 Simson (Symson), Christopher, 435 Henry, 4 Richard, 379 Robert, 447 Singleton, Elizabeth, w. of Thomas, 22 Skelton (Scelton), Henry, 36 of Osynthorpe, Henry, 13 Skerrow, , 390 Slater (Sclater, Sclator, Sclayter, Sklater), Giles, 127, 129 ¦ — ¦ — James, 403 Jennet, 154 ¦ Joan, 215 John, 12, 16, 30, 392, 451 , . 4SO Smalley, , 429 Smith (Smyth, Smythe), Abraham, 425, 446 Adam, 423 Agnes, Jennet, and Margery, daus. of John, 166 Agnes, w. of Christopher, 167 Agnes, w. of John, 99, 106 • Alan, 123 Alice, w. of Christopher, 75 Smith, AUce, w. of Edward, 272 AUce, w. of John, 121, 125, 126, 208, 295, 297, 306 Christopher, 26, 28, 39, 75, 167, 181, 190, 191, 192, 193, 231, 233, 242, 265, 266, 292, 294, 300, 309, 311, 324, 342, 368, 369. 374. 378, 380, 387, 392, 416, 440, 447 Christopher, s. of John, 166, 167 Clement, 22 Edmund, 44 Edward, 123, 218, 228, 229, 245, 281 EUzabeth, w. of John, 461 George, 20, 23, 26, 28, 40, 46, 60, 107, 108, m, 112, 149, 150, 171, 173, 212, 2I2W, 216, 274, 297, 309, 317, 382, 386, 387. 388 ¦ Gilbert, 140, 203 Giles, 12, yg, 81, 92, 99, 100, 101, 129, 135, 173, 180, 189, 232, 237, 247, 248, 252, 253, 284, 285, 317, 330, 357, 368 Isabel, w. of John, 104, 159 ¦ Isabel, w. of Nicholas, 234 Isabel, w. of Richard, 52, 169 James, 75, 83, 90, 99, 105, 116, 123, 150, 166, 167, 220, 294, 386, 387, 408, 430, 440 James, s. of John, 126 James Banester, s. of AUce, 121 Jennet, 31, 150 — — ¦ Joan, 59 — — John, 5, 16, 18, 19, 36, 44, 50, 52, 58, 60, 61, 62, 65, 67, 68, 72, 78, 81, 82, 83, 85, 89, 90, 92, 93, 96, 99, 100, 101, 106, 121, 122, 125, 126, 129, 130, 133. 136, 141, 142, 147. 173, 180, 190, 192, 193, 203," 208, 2I2K, 233, 237, 247, 248, 252, 253, 258, 264, 283, 284, 286, 306, 317, 330, 333, 374. 378, 381, 382, 384, 385, 387. 390, 398. 399. 40O, 404. 405. 418, 419, 427, 429, 431, 442, 450 John, s. of Christopher, 311 John, s. of John, 177 John, s. of Nicholas, 234 John, s. of Robert, 79 John, s. of Stephen, 417 John, s. of William, 294, 295, 347 Lawrente, 253, 284, 357, 368, 370, 375 INDEX 0F NAMES SOI Smith, Lettice, w. of Robert, 79, 93 Margaret, 256, 359 Margaret, dau. of AUce, 121 Margaret, w. of George, 107 Margaret, w. of Richard, 24, 25 Margery, 260 Michael, 390 Nicholas, 56, 66, 137, 175, 181, 208, 234, 306, 357, 368, 370, 380, 404 Nicholas, s. of John, 121, 126 Peter, 37, 39, 41, 45, 62, 82, 83, 88, 89, 96, 105, 107, 115, 116, 125, 126, 138, 152, 190, 192, 193, 207, 256, 374, 378, 385 Ralph, 129 Randle, 122, 173, 203, 326, 330, 354 Ranulph, 135, 247, 248, 252, 253, 258, 284, 365 Reginald, 180, 237 Richard, 2, 14, 17, 19, 22, 24. 29, 31, 33, 39, 40, 42, 43, 45, 48, 50, 57, 104, 169, 268, 382 Robert, 12, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23. 27, 38, 48, 51, 53, 79, 108, 123, 172, 177, 198, 381, 382, 388, 403 Robert, s. of John, 93 Stephen, 99, 220, 223, 228, 238, 272, 400, 407 Thomas, 79, 85, 99, 100, 129, 135, 173, 180, 189, 203, 246, 284, 330, 357, 368, 370, 399, 440 - Thomas, s. of Stephen, 369 Wilham, 11, 50, 72, 86, 90, 92, 95, 117. 123, 125, 133, 135, 190, 192, 193, 231, 249, 260, 262, 281, 294, 295, 296, 297, 301, 331, 381, 382, 384, 385, 388, 441 William, s. of John, 75 of Barrowford, John, 90, 106, 322 of Barrowford, Over, John, 70, 126, 132 John, s. of Nicholas, 306 Nicholas, 208 of Blackburn, Robert, 177 of Burnley, John, 245 Robert, 18, 27, 28, 177 of Clitheroe, Thomas, 428 of Colne, James, 401 of Cuerdale, John, 428 Smith, of Edge, Christopher, 439 of Extwistle, George, 251, 272', 277 ofExtwistleorHollinGreave, George, 318 John, s. of George, 318 of Fulshaw, Christopher, 452 of Haggate (Haghgotyate), John, 76 of Hagh, John, 66 of Haynyate, John, 63 of HiU, in Briercliffe, AUce, 359 George, 19 John, 9, 27, 99, 140, 147, 23m John, s. of John, 107 William, 315, 342, 388 of HoUin Greave, George, 140, 277, 285 George, s. of John, s. of George, 285 ot Hurstwood, John, s. of Richard, 172 .Margaret, dau. of Richard, 172 of Marsden, WilUam, 58 ¦ of Padiham, John, 3 Richard, 20 Robert, 50 of Pighole, John, 400, 418 John, s. of John, 417 John, s. of Wilham, 312 Richard, 27 WiUiam, 124, 140, 173, 180, 232M, 311, 342 of Reedley Hallows, Giles, 36"5 of Roughlee, Christopher, s. of John, 164 John, 107, 116, 136, 294 — — John, s. of WilUam, 3H, 349 WilUam, 311 WilUam, s. of John, 348, 351 of Stonyrakes, Christopher, 286, 297, 368 John,s. of Christopher, 369 Smythes, John, 208, 411 — — Richard, 346, 347, 369 WilUam, 57, 60, 147, 186 alias Hall, John, 189 Southworth (Southward), Henry, 458, 459 John, 434, 438 502 INDEX OF NAMES Speke (Spake, Speake, Speike), John, 83 William, 391, 451 Spenser (Spencer), Agnes, 338 Alice, 163 Anne, w. of Edward, 419 Edmund, 387, 406 Edward, 419 ¦ ¦ Ellis, 58 George, 357 Giles, 42, 76/80, 83 Henry, 441 John, 26, 150, 168, 386 — ¦ — Lawrence, 127, 350, 363, 364, 388 ¦ Margery, 92, 123, 124 Miles, 86 Philip, 76, in, 127, 135, 160, 170, 2IIM, 231, 387 Richard, 8 Robert, 29, 31, 39, 42, 72, 80, 297 Squire (Squier), Richard, 69 Robert, 82, 377 Stackwood, Thomas, 45 Standen, Edmund, 33, 41, 373 ¦ Henry, 27 Hugh, 41, 373 Stanley, Edward, 59, 104 Sir John, 1, 6, 200 Thomas, 33, 38, 320 Thomas, Lord, 461 and Strange, Edward, Lord, 170 Thomas, Lord, 271 Stansfield (Stanfield, Stansfield), George, 303 James, 425, 446 • Jane, w. of Geoffrey, 17 Joan, dau. of Giles, 22 Oliver, 5, 424 Stanworth, AUce, 100, 197 Ellen, 31 Henry, 425, 447 • Thomas, 31, 39, 40, 73, 79, 86, 99, 100, 109, 441 Starkey (Starkie, Starkye, Sterkie, Sterkye), Agnes, 24 Alice, 24 ¦ Edmund, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 161, 215, 269, 279, 281, 282, 299, 302, 305, 315, 317, 320, 328, 329, 344, 345, 346, 354, 361, 403, 412 ¦ Edmund, s. of Lawrence, 160, 177, 178 Elizabeth, 24 Elizabeth, w. of Edmund, 18 James, 30, 31, 34, 64, 66, 99, 119, 299, 382 Starkey, Joan, 24 John, 391, 407, 413, 415. 452 Lawrence, 135, 140, 146, 149, 154, 162, 163, 388 Lawrence, s. of James, 94, 103 Margaret, 346 Nicholas, 407 Richard, 418 Thomas, 436 WilUam, 89, 275, 341, 345, 346 of Huntroyde, Edmund, 341, 401 John, 435, 438 of Simonstone, Edmund, 24, 428 of Twiston, WilUam, 344, 347 Startivant, John, 430 Steven (Steaven), William, 456 Stevenson (Steneson, Stephaneson, Stephenson, Stevynson), Agnes, 344 AUce, w. of John, 131 Christopher, 1 14, 393, 404, 454 Christopher, s. of William, 351 Edmund, 55, 70, 84, 90, 103, 120, 122, 130, 132, 137, 142, 184, 206, 306, 325, 331, 35o, 362, 378, 384, 390, 391, 392, 45 1,' 453, 454, 455 Edmund, s. of Lawrence, 291, 39L 452 EUzabeth, 133, 330 EUzabeth, w. of Edmund, 306 Gilbert, 124 Isabel, 137 John, 55, 56, 70, 90, 103, 105, 120, 129, 130, 131. 133, 137, 142, 174, 330, 378, 384, 391, 392, 393. 45L 452 John, s. of WilUam, 350 Lawrence, 264, 333, 403 Lawrence, s. of Edmund, 206, 208 Nicholas, 117, 118, 121, 129, 132, 133. 137,' 142, 143, 174, 184, 191, 291, 391, 392, 393, 403, 451, 452, 453 Nicholas, s. of William, 351 Richard, 350 Roger, 275 Sybil, 49, 51, 90, 122, 130, 142, 378, 384 INDEX OF NAMES S03 Stevenson, Thomas, s. of Edmund, 206, 208 WiUiam, 51, 79, 122, 129, 131, 132, 133, 137, 143, 150, 159, 166, 174, 183, 184, 189, 204, 213, 264, 265, 291, 306, 330, 344, 350, 351, 384, 403 WilUam, s. of John, 174, 184, 265 of Barley, Edmund, 452 Edward, 449 of Brown Hill, Edmund, 390 of Chatburn, John, 454 of Goldshaw, Edmund, 322 John, 449, 454 of Height, John, 391, 449, 452 of Sabden, John, 452 of Whithalgh, John, 453 alias Aspden, Lawrence, 49 WiUiam, 49 Stoddard (Studdard, Studderd, Studdert), Alice, w. of Richard, 253 Richard, 109, 113, 237, 249, 252 , ¦ , 386, 390 Stoke (Stokke), Laurence del, 6 Stones (Stounes), William, 97, 140, 141 Strickland, James, 387 Stringer, Mr., 423 Summer-ton (Somerton, Sumerton), Thomas, 458, 459, 460 of Pendleton, Thomas, 454 Surrey, Thomas, 424 Sutcliffe (Succlyff, Sutclyf, Sutt- hfe, Suttlyff), Bernard, 233, 392, 453 EUen, w. of John, 233 John, 45, 61, 70, 97, 117. 124, 378, 384, 392, 404, 453 Robert, 20, 32, 73, yy, 91, 93 Thomas, 231, 387 of Pasture, John, 449 Suthell, Thomas, 144 Suthill, Thomas, 153 Suttill, Thomas, 278 Swaine (Swane), James, 112, 231, 399 John, 39, 58, 361, 399 of Foulridge, John, 349 of Southfield, Agnes, w. of John, 335 r T . Agnes, w. of John, s. of James, 249, 250 • James, 249, 250 John, 335, 349 John, s. of James, 249, 250 Swaine of Southfield, Lettice, w. of James, 250 , . . ., James, 2 Swan, John, 380 Thomas, 380 Swinehurst, John, 382, 383 Robert, 383 Swinglehurst of Chatburn, John, 454. 455. 456 Thomas, 429 Swire, Robert, 127, 133 Swyrer, Robert, 116 Syme, Richard, 411 Talbot, George, 430 John, 430, 436, 438 — Sir Thomas, 243, 249, 255, 257, 264, 266, 274, 280 Tattersall (Tatersale), AUce, 24 Bartholomew, 398 Christiana, 92 Christiana, w. of Nicholas, 73 Christopher, 375, 456 Edmund, 9, 10, 11, 13, 19, 20, 29, 55, 57, yy, 334. 335. 381, 398, 400, 425, 429, 446 Edward, 10, n, 13, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 39, 42, 51, yy, 113, 140, 170, 171, 172, 180, 2i2», 244, 248, 258, 370, 381, 387, 406, 416, 417 ¦ EUzabeth, w. of Edmund, 77, l3A EUzabeth, Isabel, and Jennet, daus. of Edmund, 334 Isabel, 327 ¦ Isabel, dau. of Edward, 170 Isabel, w. of Lawrence, yy James, n, 12, 34, 38, 81, 92, 99, 100 John, 5, 73, 170, 248, 369, 370, 376, 405, 4i6, 417 John, s. of Ed., 104 John, s. of Edward, 32 John, s. of Thomas, 5 Lawrence, 24, 29 Margery, 32, 194 Margery, w. of Edward, 39, 42 Mary, w. of John, 20 . Nicholas, 13 Nicholas, s. of John de, 7 Richard de, 5 Richard, 12, 17, 35, 55, 57, 65, 67, 69, yy, Si, 92, 93, 99, 102, 104, 113T 138, 140, 169, 170, 194, 197, 200, 201, 2I2M, 227, 228, 232, 249, 259, 284, 504 INDEX OF NAMES 309, 310, 315, 327, 382, 387, 388 TattersaU, Richard, s. of Richard, 327 Robert, 406, 441 Thomas, 317 WilUam, 282 of Briercliffe, Edmund, s. of Richard, 236, 281 ¦ John, 418, 419 Richard, 236, 249, 250, 296, 297, 308, 309. 365 — — of Burnley, Richard, 330 Richard, s. of Richard, 330 of Mosley, Edmund, 134, 327 • of Pickup (Pecopp), Edward, 170, 194 Isabel, dau. of Edward, 170 James, 399 • John, 1, 2, 4, 370 • John, s. of Edward, 194 of Ridge, Ahce, w. of Richard, 195 — — Isabel, w. of Richard, 334 • Joan, dau. of Richard, 201, 202 Richard, 29, 73, 92, 93, 113, 195, 196, 197, 201, 202, 223, 246, 247, 248, 322, 334, 335. 342, 381 Richard, s. of Richard, 176, 195, 202 of Walefold, Richard, s. of John, 17 Taylor (Tailier, Tailleur, Tailliour, Taillyor, Tailyor, Talier, Talior, Taliour, Taylior, Teilior), Agnes, w. of Henry, 356 Alice, 104, 123, 220, 227, 270 Catherine, in ¦ Catherine, w. of WiUiam, 238, 239, 240, 241 Christopher, 40 Henry, 342, 356, 399 ¦ Hugh, 432 Jennet, w. of Christopher, 42 John, 14, 57, 60, 109, 178, 203, 239, 240, 241, 249, 320, 360, 361, 379, 380, 455 Lawrence, 355, 360 Lawrence, s. of John, 279 Margaret, 409, 410 Margaret, w. of John, 360 Oliver, 432 Richard, 10 Taylor, Robert, 66, 379, 408, 409 455 — — Thomas, 300, 361, 379 WilUam, 14, 100, 140, 150, 173, 180, 274, 284, 320, 368, 370, 380, 386, 408, 409, 410, 411, 458, 459 of Chatburn, John, 428 ¦ of Clough, John, 318, 342 of Great Marsden, John, 355. 356 Thomas, 356 Margaret, w. of John, 356 of Moorehali, Henry, 355 of Pendle, John, 4 of Southfield, Henry, 246 alias Hill, Robert, 411 Tempest, Elizabeth, 84, 85 • Isabel, 155 Nicholas, 73, 75 of Barnoldswick, Richard, 44 383 Sir Richard, 44, 88, 121, 182, Thomas, miller of Padiham, 114 Thomson, Alice, w. of Henry, 344 George, 434 Henry, 344, 349 Mary, 430 Thornber, Ralph, 141 Thornebarowe, Robert, 369 Thorneley, Thomas, 431 WiUiam, 436 Thrailford, Henry, 451 Threlfield, Henry, 391 Tindale (Tyndafe), WiUiam, 332, 367 Tingnell (TynkUiiU), Henry, 43 Richard, 380 Titterington, Thomas, 100 Tomlinson (Thomlinson), John, 456, 457 Richard, 429 Thomas, 134, 429 Thurstan, 428 of Worston, John, 454 Topping, Robert, 447 Towers, Widow, 447 Towne (Toune), Richard, 9, 17, 60, 85, 95, 98, 99, 102, 140, 141, 149, 204, 228, 405 Robert, 99, 102, 245, 270, ¦310, 387. 399. 427. 429 • Robert, s. of Richard, 228 William, 174 of Burnley, Richard, 415 ; of Habergham Eaves, Richard, 428 INDEX OF NAMES 505 Towneley (Thonley, Thowneley), Anne, 269, 274, 284 Ann, w. of Nicholas, 171, 190, 338 Bernard, 17, 315, 346, 368, 369 Charles, 89, 98, 106, 147 Christopher, 390, 391, 392, 393. 440, 451. 452 Edmund, 216, 303, 387, 388, 399. 400 Edmund, s. of Nicholas, 190, 216 • Elizabeth, w. of Thomas, 9 Ellen, 157 Ellen, w. of Lawrence, 180 Henry, 9, 25, 73, 380, 381, 399 Henry, s. of Lawrence, 18. 281 ¦ Isabel, 392,415,417, 420,453 James, 381 John, 18, 55, 56, 57, 73, 94, 104, 220, 221, 252, 258, 266, 270, 274, 280, 283, 292, 296, 300, 301, 339, 340, 342, 357, 359, 3fio, 361, 364, 369, 382, 387. 388, 398, 400, 401, 405, 406 John, s. of Charles, 119, 138, 141, 147 John, s. of Richard, 138 Sir John, 13, 17, 20, 31, 48, 60, yy, 84, 101, 103, 138, 377, 378, 382, 384 Lawrence, 15, 20, 24, 26, 28, 41, 42, 47, 54, 81, 117, 122, 126, 147, 148, 158, 160, 168, 180, 192, 222, 233, 275, 313, 364. 374. 376, 377. 380, 381, 382, 384, 392, 405, 418, 419, 452 Lettice, w. of Nicholas, 10 Lucy, w. of Thomas, 355, 356 Margaret, 247 Margaret, w. of Richard, 18, 48, 49, 188 Mary, w. of John, 301 Michael, 24 Mrs., 441, 442 Nicholas, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 27, 28, 29, 32, 36, 38, 40, 58, 59, 81, 101, no, 123, 151, 170, 171, 190, 320, 374, 376, 377, 380, 387, 392, 404, 415, 417. 420, 428, 453 -• Nicholas, s. of Nicholas, 18 Nicholas, s. of Richard, 188 Richard, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 29. 32, 33. 34. 4i. 42, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60, 64, 73, no, in, 117, 141, 148, 168, 170, 171, 174, 178, 240, 245, 253, 274, 281, 320, 343, 380, 381, 384, 388, 390, 403, 404, 413, 415, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 427, 432, 450 Towneley, Richard, s. of Nicholas, 48 Richard, s. of Richard, 138 Sir Richard, 237, 240 Thomas, 170, 237, 285, 336, 343. 355. 356 • . 453 of Barnside, Anne, 441 Ellen, w. of Lawrence, 350 Henry, s. of Lawrence, 338, 363 Lawrence, 144, 175, 176, 324, 333, 350, 363 Margaret, w. of Lawrence, 324 Thomas, 355 of Burnley, Richard, 216 Thomas, 342 of Carr, Lawrence, 403 Richard, 419 of Cornfield, John, 355, 358 of Dutton, John, 196 of Hurstwood, Bernard, 309, 338, 34L 343, 344, 347. 354, 355. 356, 358 of Royle, Anne, 354, 357, 360 • Anne, w. of Nicholas, 196, 370 Edmund, 396, 397 Edmund, s. of Nicholas, 196 Margaret,w.of Richard, 151 Nicholas, 104, 195, 419, 440, 442, 443, 449 Nicholas, s. oi Richard, 68, 151 Richard, 40, 46, 84, 119, 123, 139, 147, 150, 151, 156 of Stanroid, Ellen, w. of John, 390 John, 390 of Towneley, Charles, 419 Richard, 429 Townend, Thomas, 200 of Brownhill, co. York, Thomas, 196 Townson, George, 438 Trock. Sec Hartley alias Trock Trueman, Christopher, 425, 430, 442, 446, 447 of Colne, Christopher, 439, 440 506 INDEX OF NAMES TunstaU, Richard, 424, 456 Turner, John, 336, 368 John, s. of John, 368 Thomas, 104 Twiston (Twesylton), Thomas, 380 Twittill, Christopher, 362 Tyldesley (Tildesley), Thomas, 436 U Udall, Thomas, 455 Varley (Verlay, Verley, Vorley), Agnes, w. of Robert, 206 • Christabella, w. of Richard, 75 Christopher, 390, 391, 450, 45i, 452 Edmund, 165, 255 Henry, 455 John, 403, 458 — Margery, w. of William, 63 Mary, 451 Peter, 96, no, 116, 127, 133, 136, 137, 150, 157, 159. 192, 206, 211, 291, 352, 365, 377, 384, 385 Peter, s. of Richard, 75 Peter, s. of Thomas, 105 ¦ Richard, 28, 69, 75, 211, 243, 290, 291, 292, 362, 391, 392, 451 Richard, s. of Peter, 114, 365 - — - Robert, 56, 63, 67, 74, 75, 76, 82, 83, 100, 130, 136, 157, 206, 378, 385 Thomas, 56, 67, 74, 75, 82, 105, no, 114, 116, 127, 132, 133, 137, 150, 159, 192, 322, 33i, 352, 362, 365, 378, 384, 403 Thomas, s. of Peter, 365 Thomas, s.ofRobert, 114,206 Thomas, s. of WilUam, 63 William, 56, 61, 63, 207, 291. 377, 390, 391. 451, 452 WiUiam, s. of Thomas, 105 of Barley Booth, EUzabeth, w. of Thomas, 115 — • Peter, 116, 214 Richard, 214 Thomas, 1 1 5 of Goldshaw Booth, Ed mund, 185 Joan or Jennet, w. of Edmund, 185 Varley of Dolehouse, Christopher, 450 of Whitley, Christopher, 449 . See Warley Vaughan, George, 190, 196 of Gray's (Grace), co. Middle sex, George, 196 Vavasour, Sir' Thomas, 409, 41 1 Vertley (Virtley), Robert, 23 Thomas, 23 Vipan, Henry, 442 James, 442 John, 442 W Waddington (Wadyngton), AUce, w". of Peter, 91 Lawrence, s. of Peter, 91 Margaret, w. of Robert, 91 Peter, 38, 53, 57, 60, 73, 109, in, 387 Peter, s. of Robert, 91 Piers, 381 Ralph, 38, 44 ¦ Richard, 451, 456, 457 Robert, 91, 109, 150, 259, 271, 387 Thomas, 12, 379 WilUam, 408, 416 of Chatburn, Richard, 454 of EccleshiU, Peter, 244, 245 — — of Lower Darwen, Robert, 244, 245 of WhaUey, Richard, 391 of Worston, Richard, 426, 43i Wade (Waid, Waide, Wayde), EUzabeth, w. of Robert, 369 John, 223, 369, 370, 406 Richard, 399, 414 Robert, 213, 237 Robert, s. of John, 369, 370 Walbank (Wallbancke, Whale- banke, Whallbanke), Richard, 455 WiUiam, 409, 410, 411 Walkden, John, 434 Roger, 412 Walker (Walcar), George, 200, 252 Henry, 391, 452 Isabel, w. of John, 12 — — James, 456 John, 5, 6, 8, 123, 124, 215 Margery, 123 — — Richard le, 6, 8, 58, 64, 103, 123 Robert, 94, 146, 380, 390 alias Baldwin, Christopher, 390 INDEX OF NAMES 507 Waller, John, 457 Walles, John, 69 Walmesley (Walmersley, Wal- mysley, Wamsley, Warmesley), Edmund, 458, 459 Edward, 436, 437 EUzabeth, 429 Henry, 434 Leonard, 437 Mr. Justice, 402 Richard, 38, 426, 430, 437, 438, 458, 459 Thomas, 55, 259, 271, 375, 392, 434 Thomas, 453, 458, 459, 460 WilUam, 434, 437 , , 432 of Dunkenhalgh, Richard, 430, 43i — of Tockholes, Ralph, 434 Walshaw (Wallshey, Walshay, Walshey), WiUiam de, 2 WiUiam, 78, 79, 154, 215, 313 Walsingham, Sir Francis, 463 Walton (Wolton), Ambrose, 442 Bernard, 306 — — Helena, w. of Bernard, 306 Henry, 20, 41, 66, 69, 72, 73, 79, 86, 92,. 99, 300, 380, 382, 388, 405, 407, 415, 441 — — John, 300, 401 Reginald, 380 Richard, 14, 294, 320, 364, 380 Thomas, 436 of Barkerhouse, Henry, 60, 86, 91, 100, 160, 194 Richard, s. of Henry, 86, 89 of Gibhill, John, 442 of Hogehouse, Henry, 124 of Marsden, Henry, 439 of Reedley, Henry, 81, 100 Ward, Richard, 437 Warley, Richard, 61 . See Varley Warner, Sir Edward, 218, 219, 228, 229, 237 Warren, Edward, 434 Waterhouse, Edmund, 444 Sibil, w. of Edmund, 444 Watmough (Watmogh, Watmoigh, Whatmough, Whatmowgh), AUce, w. of WilUam, 365, 366 Brian, yy Edmund, 189, 269 Hugh, 258 John, 284, 357, 387 Thomas, 150, 168, 173, 189, 237, 248, 386 Watmough; William, 93, 99, 238, 244, 365, 366, 381 William, s. of Brian, yy of Pendle, Thomas, 258 Watson, Anthony, 228, 229 Richard, 437 William, 80, 82 Wawne, William, 435 Webster (Webbester, Wester, Whebster), Emot, w. of Richard, 156 Francis, 248, 273, 277, 278, 283, 298, 327, 328, 361, 413 Henry, 368 Jennet, w. of John, 327 Joan, w. of Francis, 298 John, 279, 299, 301, 327, 328, 368 Lawrence, 9, 10, 16, 19, 44 Margaret, w. of Lawrence, 22 Richard, 44, 46, 62, 66, 81, 90, 91, 102, 109, in, 123, 153, 155, 156, 168, 169, 215, 216, 231, 238, 251, 269, 298, 328, 382, 388, 408, 435, 458, 459, 460 Richard, s. of Francis, 283 Richard, s. of Lawrence, 19, 22 Robert, 422 P"; J Roger, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18 of Hargreave, in Padiham, Francis, s. of Richard, 1 56 Jennet, w. of Francis, s. of Richard, 156 — Richard, 81, 118, 129, 156, 388 of Padiham, Francis, 358, 359 Jennet, w. of John, 335 John, 335 John, s. of Richard, 154, 277 • Richard, 109, 112, 171, 179, 2i2n, 277, 401 Week, Robert, 394 Welchman, John, 458, 459 Welles, Thomas, 54 West, Elizabeth, w. of Henry, 419 Henry, 406, 419 Westby, Nicholas, 14, 41, 43, 320, 380 Whaley, EUzabeth, 391 Whalley, Roger, 38 Thomas, 431, 437 William, 433 of Salesbury, James, 428 . See Abbot 508 INDEX OF NAMES Wheatley (Whetlay), Isabel, 35 Whipp (Qwypp, Whyppe, Wyppe), Robert, 380 Thomas, 44, 59, 124, 129 Whitaker (Wetacre, Wetakur, Whetacre, Whitacar, Whitacre, Whiteacre, Whittacree, Whitt- acres, Whittiker, Whittecre, Whytacre, Whyttacre, Whj'tt- iker, Witeacre, Wittacre, Witt- aker), Agnes de, 7 • Agnes, 49 Agnes, w. of Lawrence, 46 AUce (Alias), 196, 197, 200, 203 AUce, w. of Henry, 179 Alice, w. of William, 32, 169, 170 — — Arthur, 118 • Bernard, 9, 13, 14, 20, 21 Christiana, w. of John, 228 Christopher, 12, 46, 49, 93, 179, 338 Edward, 227*2 EUzabeth, 20, 32, 62, 109, 169 ¦ EUzabeth and Isabel, daus. of Bernard, 34 EUen, w. of WilUam, 369 George, 29, 108, 119, 161, 413, 419 Gilbert, 25 — — Giles, 300, 433 Grace, 20 Grace, w. of William, 229 Henry, 50, 53, 57, 60, 66, 109, in, 368, 382 • ¦ Henry, s. of Henry, 281 Henry, s. of Lawrence, 191 Hugh, 16, 21, 39, no, 118 Isabel, 20, 32, 109, 169 ¦ • Isabel, w. of James, 25 Isabel, w. of Nicholas, 170, 198 James, 12, 17, 72, 109, 382, 388, 442 James, s. ot Lawrence, 62 Jennet, 49 Jennet dau. of Lawrence, 46 Jennet, w. of Lawrence, 179 John, 20, 25, 30, 72, 93, in, 119, 154, 218, 224, 228, 237, 238, 246, 252, 270, 309, 339, 340, 343, 357, 375, 380, 398 John, s. of George, 358 John, s. of Lawrence, 328 • John, s. of Reginald, 279 John, s. of Robert, 11, 162 Lawrence, 18, 21, 28, 33, 34. 35. .39, 50, 62, 109, 129, 168, 169, 171, 203, 227, 247, 254, 268, 269, 283, 298, 327, 328, 361, 388, 408, 413 Whitaker, Lawrence, s. of Henry, 109 Lawrence, s. of James, 97, 168 Miles, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 23, 24, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 43, 154, 254, 260, 320, 413, 435, 438, 442, 447, 46o Nicholas, 19, 20, 46, 49, 53, 54, 93, 123, 124, 170, 197, 228, 236, 254, 264, 284, 301, 334, 382, 387, 406 Nicholas, s. of Wilham, 200 Ralph, 47 Reginald (Renold, Reynold), in, 188, 218, 224, 240, 279, 34L 343, 387 Richard, 20, 29, 46, 73, 81, 103, 104, 112, 399 Robert, 11, 16, 18, 21, 23, 26, 28, 57, 60, 78, 169, 268, 381, 387, 406, 415, 435, 438 Robert, s. of John, 93, 228 Robert, s. of Nicholas, 270, 309 ¦ Robert, s. of Thomas, 236 Thomas de, 6 Thomas, 20, 25, 46, 72, 73, 156, 170,. 216, 236, 240, 244, 264, 284, 328, 334, 343, 416, 427 Thomas, s. of Richard, 93, 239 WilUam, 32, 42, 44, 123, 127, 169, 170, 197, 200, 220, 227, 229, 236, 272, 387, 442 • — — WilUam, s. of WilUam de, 7 ¦ of Bacup, Richard, 170 of Burnley, AUce, w. of William, 169, 170 Nicholas, s. of WilUam, 169, 170 William, 92, 169, 170 of CUtheroe, Nicholas, 154 of Cornfield, Robert, 193, 281 of Cowden, John, 308 of Healey, Nicholas, 156, 189 Nicholas, s. of WiUiam, 246, 247 Robert, 399 WiUiam, 169, 170, 196, 197, 216, 246, 247 of Henthorn, Henry, 46, 49 ¦ of High HiU, Ellen, w. of Nicholas, 347, 348 — - Nicholas, 362 INDEX OF NAMES 509 Whitaker of High Whitaker, Henry, 94 Henry, s. of Lawrence, 273, 317 Lawrence, 179, 188, 251, 317, 341 of Holme, in CUviger, Robert, 322 Robert, s. of Thomas, 158, 336 Thomas, 236, 427, 429 • Thomas, s. of Richard, 111 of Huncoat, James and John, sons of Giles, 312 of Mearley, Nicholas^--^^ Thomas, 314 of Micklehurst, John, 283, 3io John, s. of Robert, 236, 368 Robert, 28, 72, 236, 284, 311 of Padiham, James, 66 John, 401 Lawrence, 36, 267, 277, 279, 281, 299, 358 • of Ryland Hall, Thomas, 248 of Simonstone, Miles, 422 • Miles, s. of Thomas, 348 Nicholas, 260 Thomas, 301, 362 of Townhouse, Miles, 439 ,- of Whitaker, Henry de, 3 alias Hancock. See Han cock White, WiUiam, 90 Whitehead (Qwithed, Qwytheid, Whiteheede, Whithed, Whit heid), Hugh, 166, 193, 302, 308 James, I, 2, 7, 47, 127, 370, 413 Jennet, w. of Thomas, 2 ¦ John, 15, 193, 306, 344, 457- 458, 459 Nicholas, 5 OUver, 245, 281, 338, 370, 387 Richard, 127, 166 Richard, s. of William, 179 Simon, 2, 4, 8 Thomas, 1, 2, 3, 8, 146, 193, WiUiam, 179, 322, 362, 381 of Graystones, John, 350 of Little Marsden, Hugh, 168, 302 Whithalgh (Qwytbalgh), James, 434 Whithalgh, John, 54 , , 434 Whitham (Qwitqwam, Qwittwham, Qwittwhm, Qwytquam, Whit- qham, Whitquam, Whitqwam, Whitwam, Whytquam, With wham, Witqham, Wittqwam, Wittwam.Wittwhm.Wytquam), Bernard, 400, 407, 417, 419 ¦ Christopher, 9, 32, 381 EUzabeth, 107, 393 George, 37 Henry, 73 John, 9, 11, 39, 85, 99, 107, 114, 124, 169, 381, 387, 399 John, s. of John, 107 Lawrence, 453 Margery, w. of Henry, yy Richard, 64, 107, 179, 2i2», 232, 245, 336, 387 Thomas, 193, 254, 260, 388 William, 9, 11, 19, 31, 32, 33, 39, 40, 42, 48, 50, 52, 53, 59, 61, 72, y3, yy, 79, 92, 95, 99, 177, 188, 382 of Burnley, Agnes, dau. of Richard, 249 Isabel, dau. of Richard, 250 John, 188 Richard, 249, 250 of Worsthorn, John, 310 Whitisham (Qwytisham), George, 29 WiUiam, 29 Whittle, Christopher, 366 Whittles (Whyttilles), Christopher, 325 Whitworth (Wytteworth), John, 380 Wight. See Eastwood alias Wight Wignall (Wignoll), Geoffrey, 456 John, 456 Wignow, James, 455 Wildaughter (Wildoghter), Jennet, 3 Margaret, 3 Wilkinson (Welkynson), Agnes, 239, 342, 343 Agnes, w. of Giles, 239 Catherine, 239 Edmund, 271 Edmund, s. of Robert, 232 Elizabeth, dau. of Hugh, 312 Ellen, 239 Geoffrey, 239, 240, 336, 343, 355 Giles, 32, 64, 239, 342, 343, 381 Henry, 381 5io INDEX OF NAMES Wilkinson, Hugh, 222, 264, 312 James, 30, 436 ¦ Jane, 286, 298 Jennet, w. of Hugh, 312 John, 15, 64, 103, 129, 271, 405, 414 Nicholas, 124, 161 Robert, 47, 232, 387, 399 Robert, s. of Edmund, 271 ; WiUiam, 15, 239, 240 Willan, Nicholas, 82 WillisiU (WellaseU, WiUacill, WiUa- sell, Willisall, WilUsshyll, Willo- shull, WillysaU, Wulloshull, Wyllasill, WyUesell, WylUseU, WyUysell, WyUysiU), Anne, 362, 364 Edward, 19, 23, 30, 85, 333, 382 EUzabeth, 248 Henry, 401 Isabel, w. of Edward, 85 James, 10, 17, 18, 26, 29, 30, 68, 73, 86, 91, 97, 98, 102, 103, 104, 114, 119, 123, 140, 147, 149, 169, 180, 181, 187, 268, 269, 273, 382, 388, 407 John, 406, 416 Margaret, 419 Richard de, 2 Robert de, 6 ¦ Thomas, 108, 118, 119, 147, 187, 188, 220, 221, 229, 258, 260, 270, 278, 300, 336, 388, 398 . ,15 of Huncoat, Richard, 66 of Marsden, Henry, s. of Thomas, 207 of Scolebank, Anne, 303 Charles, 303 James, 334 Joan* w. of Yngaram, 303 Richard, 303 Robert, 334 Thomas, 245, 273, 283, 303, 334, 342, 354 Yngaram, 303 Wilson, Agnes, w. of Henry, 44 Alexander, 278, 387 Anthony, 202 Isabel, w. ofjohn, 371 Isabel, w. of John, s. of Anthony, 212 James, 9, n, 366, 392, 452 Joan, w. of John, 105, 109 John, 20, 31, 39, 43, 44, 46, 61, 91, 105, 339, 371, 378, 380, 382, 387 Wilson, John, s. of Anthony, 212 Katherine, 23 Lawrence, 109, 124, 130, 131, 135, 137, 160, 175, 187, 197, 208, 211, 259, 273, 300, 309, 322, 323, 361, 385, 388, 420, 442, 443 Lawrence, s. of John, 105 Richard, 11, 16, 18, 20, 103, 124, 160, 179, 252, 357, 380, 387, 4H Robert, 124 , , 404 of Bradley, EUzabeth, w. of Lawrence, 326, 353, 354 John, 56j 66, 86 Lawrence, 195, 206, 257, 278, 296, 326, 337, 369 of Burnley, Ahce, w. of Richard, 286 Richard, 286 of Colne, Richard, 2 of Southfield, John, 319 Wilton, Thomas, 434 Winder (Wynder), Arthur, 26 Henry, 430 Humphrey, 34, 35, 38 Jennet, w. of WilUam, 35 — - — WiUiam, 11, 17, 22, 35, 375 Windle (WyndhiU, Wyndhull, WyndiU, Wyndyll), George, 79 John de, 3, 8 John, 15, 17, 31, 59, 127, 336 Lawrence, 29, 42, 45, 50, 261, 363 Winnell, Jennet, 438 Winter, John, 455 Wolfenden (Wulfenden), George, 124, 249 Wood (Wodde), Catherine, 197 Charles, 212K, 387, 390, 406, 414, 429, 450 Edward, 335, 418 George, 434 James, 36, 39 John, 17, 36, 39, 41, 66, 72, 94, 99. 127. 135, H9, 38i, 399 Richard, 46, 49, 107, 162, 251, 405 Thomas, 124 ¦ of Cliviger, Charles, 203, 426, 427 Katherine, w. of Charles, 203 Woodcock of Walton, Thomas, 436 INDEX OF NAMES 5" Woodcroft, John, 28 Woodruff (Wodderofe, Wodde- rowff, Woderoff, Woderowff, Wodrof, Wodrowff, Wooderofe, Woodrof, Woodroof, Worof, Woudrof ), Isabel, w. of Richard, 359 Jennet, 327 Jennet, w. of Robert, 118 Joan, w. of John, 134 ¦ John, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 42, 49, 64, 80, 81, 83, 85, 89, 93, 94, 95- 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 107, m, 112, 113, 119, 130, 131, 133, 134. 135, 137. 139, 146, 147, 150, 158, 159, 162, 164, 169, 171, 176, 180, 188, 194, 195, 201, 205, 209, 212, 222, 226, 244, 258, 267, 268, 269, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 279, 280, 281, 297, 298, 309, 315, 3i6, 320, 322, 336, 351, 381, 384, 387, 398, 399, 400 John, s. of John, 209, 236 John, s. of Robert, 118, 194, 197, 203, 251 Richard, 240, 250, 252, 269, 282, 318, 322, 341, 355, 359, 365, 366, 387, 397. 399. 403. 406 Robert, 14, 22, 24, 29, 35, 52, 55- 57. 66, 68, 72, ys, 81, 85, 89, 90, 92, 93, 102, 104, 113, 118, 177, 239, 343 Robert, s. of Robert, 72 of Burnley, Jennet, w. of John, 334. 335 Woodruff of Burnley, John, 154, 188, 245, 281, 282, 283, 311, 316, 328,334 John, s. of Robert, 236, 245 Richard, 244, 245, 267, 281, 311 Woodward, Hugh, 21 Jane, w. of Hugh, 21 Worsley, Jane, w. of John, 298 John, 285 Worthington, Thomas, 431 Wymmer Richard del, 2 Wythey, Richard, 380 Yate (Yait, Yat), George, 52 Isabel, 79 James, 273, 283 , Joan, 109 Joan, w. of Nicholas, 100 John, 31 Yates (Yaits), John, 123 Robert, 431 Thomas, 437 Widow, 427, 439 WiUiam, 390, 430, 434, 437 , . 450 Yggyn. See Higgin Yngham. See Ingham YngiU. See Ingill Yorke, John, 38 Ysherwod. See Isherwood Ysockeson, Ysocson. See Isaac- II INDEX OF PLACES Abryngham. See Habergham Eves. Se~e Habergham Eaves Accrington (Acharinton, Acrin- ton), 14, 108, 161, 177, 320/401, 411, 421, 424, 439 Forest of, 376 Addyngeshead (Addyngesheide), 288, 294 Admergill (Admargyll), 45, 69, 230, 259, 287, 312, 404, 439, 440 Yate, 190 Afterland, in Goldshaw Booth, 120 Aighton, 428 Aireley, in Mellor, 434 Alcome Ees (Eez), Le, in Padi ham, 277. See Ees and Long Ees Aldwelfote, 31 AUs-stele, in Barrowford Booth, 295 Alkincoats (AUkyncotes, AUkyn- cottes), in Colne, 314, 330, 337, 430 Alms Kiln (AUmes, Almosse, Almys Kylne), 181, 208, 295 Altham (Aluetham), 26, 215, 428 Antley, 376, 417, 418 Ashton, in Worston, 457" Askehill, in Padiham, 1 56 Aspden, 428, 435 Aspe Field, 160 Bacup (Bacopp), 170 Booth (Bacobbothe), 375 Badgergate 326 Bailey, 428 Balderston, 426, 428, 429 Bancroft, in Padiham, 90, 277 Bank Hey, in Little Harwood, 433 House (Bonkehowse), in Burnley, 38, 41, 160, 247,- 297, 314,317. 3i8, 319. 320, 355, 371 Bannister HaU, in Walton-le- Dale, 436 Barcroft, 197, 198, 200, 227, 229, 246, 247, 308, 340, 405 Barkerhouse (Berkerhouse), 60, 86, 89, 91, 100, 160, 194, 441 Barker Tenement, in Clayton-le- Dale, 430 Barker's, in Tockholes, 434 Barkhouse, in Burnley, 240 Barkhouse-yard, in Burnley, 356 Barley (Bareley), 55, 67, 76, 96, x33> 15°. J66, 174, 186, 193, 211, 214, 222, 232, 241, 242, 293, 294, 331,449,451,452 Booth (Bairlayboith, Bair- ley Boith, Barlow Boithe), in Pendle Forest, 36, 41, 43, 47, 53, 54, 56, 61, 63, 67, 6g, ys, 82, 83, 101, no, 114, 115, 116, 130, 137 142, 150, 151, 159, 186, 192, 193, 222, 234, 267, 290, 291, 312, 321, 332, 35o, 364. 373. 377. 384, 39o, 403, 45i Vaccary of, 233, 241 — Field, 147, 201 Lane (Bareley Loyne), 236 Ing, 96 Barn (Berne) End, Le, 149 Barnoldswick (Barnolswyke), 44, 441 Cotes (BarnoUeswekeCottes), 229, 232 Barnside (Barnesyd), 144, 175, 176, 324. 333, 338, 35o, 355. 363. 441 Barrowford (Baraforthe, Baro forth, Barowfore, Barrafurth, Barroiourth), 28, 44, 45, 52, 64, 65. 70, 71, 76, 78, 79, 88, 91, 101, 106, 107, 109, 116, 121, 132, 136, 153. 175. 176, 184, 189, 201, 206, 224, 225, 263, 264, 292, 307, 312, 313, 321, 322, 323, 333, 349, 353, 360, 364, 366, 367, 378, 390, 392, 403. 44L 449, 450, 452 Le Holmes of, 71 Higher (Over), 28, 32, 37, 48, 58, 70, 72, 75,76,90,96,105, 115, 117, 120, 121, 122, 125, 126, 132, INDEX OF PLACES 515 143, 146, 151, 152, 163, 208, 233, 234, 256, 287, 306, 312, 322, 324, 330, 333. 374. 376, 384 Barrowford, Lower (Nether), 28, 30,43, 63, 75, 90, 115, 117, 121, 131,135, 163, 165,208,234,235, 243, 256, 262, 287, 288, 294, 304, 307, 33L 349, 35L 367, 374, 378, 384, 385 Vaccary of, 191 Booth (Barofforthes Boith), 288, 295 Kiln, 101 Barrowgappe, in Padiham, 219 Baterax, in Bowland, 383 Battybole (Bathehole, Batley- hole, Batteholle), in Briercliffe, 40, 99, 160, 296 Baxenden (Baxtonden), 376 Beardshaw (Bardishay, Bardshey, Bardysshay, Berdshabothe, Bradillhay) Booth, 375, 379, 385, 389 Head, in Trawden, 449 Beaver (Beyghur), in Trawden, 389, 449 Bent, the, in Burnley, 163 Bircheledole, 87 Birchdenley (Byrchenlee), 116 Birkin Bank (Byrkynbank), in Wheatley Hey Bootb, 214, 229, 260 Bishop House (Busshophowse, Bysbopphowse), in Burnley, 79, 93, 286, 368, 414 Blackacre House, in Burnley, 162 Blackburn (Blagborne, Blagburne, Blakeburne), 38, 91, 177, 245, 259, 271, 280, 311, 420, 426, 427, 429 Chantry of, 95, 219, 228, 229, 237 Church of, 45 Free school in, 259, 271, 299, 308 Blackburnshire, 13, 76, 115, 144, 164, 168, 170, 172, 178, 182, 235, 250, 262, 284, 292, 360, 386, 411, 421, 423, 424, 426, 439 Forests or Chases of, 373, 424 Black Carr, 150 (Blacker), in Hunter holme, 106, 130 (Blaccar) Hall, in Burn ley, 215, 257, 278, 296 Blackebrynke, 159 Blackhouse, 11 Lane, 429 Blackmoss, 54, 78, 80, 89, 106, 142, 164, 174, 190, 210, 242, 275, 333 VOL. II. Blacko (Blackall, Blackowe, Bla cowe, Blakoo, Blakowe), in the Forest of Pendle, 37, 69, 83, 1 10, 120, 122, 189, 208, 222, 234, 235, 256, 263, 264, 306, 312, 350, 351, 352, 404, 452 Foot (Blackowl'ooit), no (Blacco) Hill, 65, 136, 189, 191, 295, 313 Nether, 189 Out, 307 Well, 136 Blackwood (Blakwode), 80, 209, 224, 304, 384, 389 Little (Lytle Blackewode), 144, 158, 243, 350 Clough (Blackwodclogh), 71 End (Blackwodhend), 105 House, 145 Little, in the Fence, 158 Blakey, in Colne, 430 Morehey of, 231 Blakowbyrks, 190 Blallerd Croft, 214 Bleckstike Tenement, in Chipping, 429 Boleman Croft, 410 BolUng (Bollyng), 88 Bond-yard (Boundyard), in Padi ham, 301, 326, 359, 388 Botthouse, 439 Bottoms, in Rishton, 437 Bowland, 382, 383 Boyes House, in Ribchester, 437 Bradillhay. See Beardshaw Bradley (Braidley), 56, 66, 86, 118, 195, 197, 206, 212, 257, .278, 296, 326, 337, 353, 369, 420, 439 Lane (Lone), 124 Brent Slack (Brentslake), in Bow land, 382 Bridge, in Colne, 440 End (Brygend), 160, 388, 415 Bridgefield, in Burnley, 357 BriercUffe (Brereclif, BretUffe, Britcliffe, Byrhcliff), 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, n, 13, 15, 24, 27, 33, 40, 42, 44, 45, 50, 52, 53, 59, 61, 64, 65, 68, 72, 86, 87, 95, 99, 100, 104, 107, 119, 139, 141, 160, 162, 170, 171, 180, 195, 212, 225, 236, 249, , 269,272,274,281,283,285,288,296, 297, 301, 308, 309, 311, 315, 316, 317. 358, 36S. 382, 388, 394, 395. 399. 400, 401, 402, 407, 412, 413, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 422 Brighill, Le, 120, 121 Brigholme, 25 2 K Si4 INDEX OF PLACES Brig of Hill Stile (Stele), Le, 143 Bright Ing, in Healey, 169 Broad Head, Coal-mine of, 386 Broadhead Moor, 414, 415, 416, 417, 420 Broad Ing (Brodyng), 143 Brockden (Brokden), 44, 159, 189 Broode-yate Field, 310 Brown Birks, in Huncoat, 433 Brink (Brawne Brynke, Bronebreke, Brownebrincke), in Le Fence, 65, 185, 233, 288, 293, 308, 350, 352, 365, 366 Held Gap, 206 Hill (Brounehill), 390 co. York, 196 House, in Huncoat, 433 Brownes Wood or Browneside, 157 Browsholme (Brysholme), in Bow land, 382 Buckley, in Ribchester, 437 Bull Hole (Bulhof, Bulhole, Bul- house), 132, 226, 265, 403 Burned Helmes, in Roughlee Booth, 231, 242 Burnley (Barneley, Brunlay), 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. 38, 39, 40, 42, 45. 46, 50, 5L 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59,62,63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 72, 73, yy, yg, 8o, 81, 82, 84, 85, 87, 90, 92, 93, 94, 97, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 107, 108, 109, in, 112, 113, 118, 119, 122, 123, 127, 128, 134, 135, 139, 140, 146, 147, 148, 149, 153, 154, 155. 156, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 169, 170, 171, 172, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 187, 188, 189, 193, J94. 195. 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 210, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 220, 224, 226, 227, 228, 229, 231, 232, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 257, 258, 259, 261, 268, 269, 270, 271, 274, 276, 278, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 286, 287, 296, 297, 298, 300, 301, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 334, 336, 337, 339,341,342,353, 354.355.356, 357. 358, 359. 360, 361, 362, 368, 369. 370, 387, 388, 394, 395, 396, 398, 401, 402, 404, 405, 412, 413, 414, 415, 417, 418, 420, 429, 461 Chantry of St. Peter in the Church of, 217, 218, 220, 223, 227 Burnley, Church of, 104, 113, 150, 175, 177, 178, 220, 223, 238, 318, 338 Common of, 4, 45, 53, 56, 63, 72, 87, 100, 148, 189, 213, 284, 317, 326, 355, 357 Cross in, 93, 179 Fold or pound in, 303, 337 Free school of, 336, 405, 416, 461 Mill of, 311, 382, 386, 388 " Le Rodys " of, 15 Moor of, 36, 39, 40, 109, 155, 180, 217, 247, 252, 253, 360, 412 Rood loft in church of, 148 Smithy in, 112 Town Oldfield in, 244 Wood (Brounley Wod, Brun lay wode, Brunleywodde), 8, 17, 29, 34, 36, 56, 57. 85. 94. 98, 103, 104, 140, 147, 148, 149, 153, 156, 169, 170, 176, 179, 188, 197, 198, 199, 200, 202, 203, 218, 223, 226, 228, 245, 251, 255, 259, 270, 278, 301, 308, 310, 314, 318, 327, 334, 335. 340, 369, 381, 387. 394. 395. 405, 412, 414, 415, 417, 422, 429 Burwains (Burwyns, Burons), 296, 429 Bury (Berry), 421 Byreden, in Pendle, 55 Burholme (Byrholme), in Bow land, 382 Calder, Water of, 35, 70, 87, 91, 122, 129, 140, 152, 226, 277 Calfcroft, in Little Marsden, 340 Calfhill (Calffhyll), no, 209 Nether and Over, in Gold shaw Booth, 213, 223, 295, 351 Calles, Le, in Roughlee, 78 Carr, 403, 419, 436 New, in Pendle Forest, 192 Hey (Carrieheys) in Traw den, 379, 386, 424, 443 Mill, 168, 174,. 175, 392,403, 452 New, in Pendle, 174, 175 Carter Place, in HasUngden, 432 Cartley-gate, 69 Castygatclogh, 43 Catherine House, in Burnley, 163 Catlow, 25, 26, 439 Catlow-green, 26 CawcUff, in Reedley Hallows, 330 Chadderton (Chatterton), 163 Chaigley, 428 INDEX OF PLACES 515 176, 160, 320, Chamber, in Pendle, 25, 28, 33, 59 123, 141, 231, 238, 297, 393 Head (Chamerheyd), 123 Hey, in Marsden, 405 Hill, in Padiham, 172 188, 198, 298 Champion, 410 Champyn, in Bowland, 383 Chapeltord, 14 Chapel-stead, in Padiham, 161, 219, 282, 388 Chatburn, 14, 93, 154, 228, 379. 383.401,408,411,421,423 428, 439, 454, 455 Moor, 409 Childersgrene, 226 Chipping, 428, 429, 430 Mill, 439 Clarkehill, in Trawden, 448 Clarkes Well, 402 Clarke Tenement, in Chipping, 430 Claverhole, in Little Marsden, 45, 84, 85, 142, 212, 270, 319, 338, 371 Clay Field, in Nether Higham, 209, 222 Clayton Hey, in Clayton-le-Dale, 430 Chfton, 10 Clitheroe (Cledrowe, Cliderow, Clid- rowe), 33, 154, 183, 420, 421, 423, 426, 427, 428, 431, 454 Castle, 88 Mill, 386 CUviger (Cleveger, Clyuacher, Cly- uycher), 1, 203, 336, 424, 426, 427. 429. 439 Moor, 247 Clough (Cloigh), 318, 342, 439 in Colne, 440 Hey (Cloighheigh), in Little Marsden, 340 Cockden, 284, 318, 400, 419 Cockebullyons, in Higham, 306 Cockerley, in Oswaldtwistle, 435 Cockpit, near WhitehaU, 426 Cockshott Parrock, in Padiham, : 317 Coiay, 251 Coldcoats (Calcotes, Couldcoats), 13, 429, 434 Coldholme (Couyldholme), in Igh tenhill, 3 Cold Weather (Couldweether) Clough, 402 House, 278 ColUnson's, in Clayton-le-Moors, 43i Colne (Coulne), 2, 11, 14, 42, 68, 87, 88, 90, 106, 118, 127, 141, 190, 196, 197, 203, 226, 229, 232, 276, 279, 307, 318, 320, 324, 350, 379. 380, 390,401,411,421,422, 425, 43o, 439. 440, 44L 442, 443. 444. 445. 446, 447. 448 Colne, Church of, 218, 221, 223, 224, 406 Fishing pound in, 440 Mill in, 386 Rectory of, 80 School in, 443 Constable Lee, 375 Coppy, Le, in West Close, 55 Lower (Laygher), in Pendle Forest, 138 Top, in Pendle Forest, 138 Copthurst (Copenhurst, Coppte hyrst), in Padiham, 155, 424 Hey (Copinhursthey, Cop- pinghirst), in Padiham, 278, 379, 386, 454 House, 1 33 Copt Rood, in Burnley, 240, 355, 356 Corner, 147, 201 Cornfield, 193, 244, 280, 281, 355, 358 Cotefield, Le, 20 Cottes, the, 189 Cowden, 308 Brook, 301, 357 Mooryate (Colden moreyate), 98, 269 Cowhey, Le, in Roughlee, no, 117 Cowhope, 375 Cowhouses, 375 Cowley, Le, in Roughlee, no, 117 Cowpergate, 402 Craggs (Craghes, Craks), the, in Pendle Forest, 51, no, 115, 166, 304. 35o, 384 the, in Goldshaw Booth, 213, 223, 295 Crawshaw (Crowshay), in Colne, 439. 440 Booth (Craushey, Crawsha- both), in forest of Rossendale, 149. 376 Creswall, 25 Croasdale Scar (Crosdale Scor), in Bowland, 383 Crockridding, in Sabden Bank, 93 Croft, the, in Burnley, 176 , the, in Roughlee, 82, 125 Croft Bank, in Over Barrowford, 322 Crokeleybank, in Burnley, 176 Cronkshaw (Crankshagh, Croke- shay, Cronckeshaie, Cronckshay, Cronkeshay, Cronkeshey), in 5i6 INDEX OF PLACES Burnley, 18, 49, 139, 188, 195, 360, 381, 396 Cronkshaw, Lee, in Le Fence in Pendle, 71, 101 Cronshaw Head, in HasUngden, 432 Crooke, 410 Cross, the, in Burnley, 387 Bank (Crosbonk), 90, 108, 118, 195, 269 in Burnley, 113 ¦ in Padiham, 156 House, in Burnley, 98, 113, "9 Croston, 319, 338, 370, 371 Croune Brook, 414 Crow Trees, in Chipping, 429 Cuerdale, 428, 431 Cuerden, 436 Cunliffe House, in Rishton, 437 Cunton, 303 Danser (Dawnser) House, in Burn ley, 170, 247, 248, 297, 342 Darley Bank (Derelaybanke, Der leybanke), 130, 132, 143, 168, 174, 186, 193, 207, 265 — — Clough, in Roughlee, 366 (Derlaybanke) End, 125, 146 Carr (Derleycarre), in Rough lee, 186, 207 Darwen (Derwen), Lower, 245, 428, 431 (Darwind), Over, 431 Deadwen Clough (Dedonclough), 375 Deane (Deien, Deyne), the, in Burnley, 141, 163, 199, 255, 357, 449 Bottom, 145, 213, 255, 260, 263, 287, 288, 292 ¦ Brook (Broke), 226 -Rood, in Burnley, 241, 246, 356 Deepclose Foot, 33 Delves, 296 Dewhurst, in Wilpshire, 436 Dickonson Tenement, in Tock holes, 434 Dilworth, 437 Dimpenley (Dympanlie, Dymp- panleigh), 325, 332 Dinckley, 436 Dinkier Greave (Dynkeler Graue), in Bowland, 383 Dobberoode, in Burnley Wood, 334 Dobson Heyes, in Burnley, 274 Dogefield, in BriercUffe, 99, 296 ' in Burnley, 359 Dolehouse, in Roughlee, 450 Dolez, the, in Intack, in Roughlee, 125 Dowlston, Burnley, 402 Downham, 53, 54, 423, 432 Draughtgates, in Trawden, 389 Dry Clough, 136 Dubb Carr (Dubker), in Padiham, 139, 140, 280, 302, 329 Dunkenhalgh (Dunkenhall), in Clayton-le-Moors, 430, 431 Dunnockshaw (Donowghshaw), 62 Dutton, 196, 432 Eacroft, in Lower Darwen, 431 Eades, in Tottington, 42 1 East (Est) Delts, near the Bulhof 132 EccleshiU, 245, 434 Edge, 439, 440 Edgend (Egge End, Eige End), 28 23i», 249, 250, 259, 285, 302 309. 338, 340, 401 Edholes, in Little Harwood, 433 Ees (Esse), in Padiham, 328, 335 See Alcome and Long Ees Emmott, in Colne, 440, 442, 448 449 Lane, 446 Moor, 376, 379. 386, 389. 402 449 Eton College, 203 Ewood (Eiwoode, Ewod), 259, 271 335. 433 Extwistle (Extwissill), 4, 169, 196 251, 272, 277, 302, 308, 316, 318 340, 399, 401, 4H, 429 Fall Head (Falleheid), 147, 201 Famscliffe, in Livesey, 434 Far Hey (Furhey), 263 ¦ Dole, 206 Far Oak Houses (Farok Howses), in Bowland, 383 Fartill, 282 (Fertill) House, in Padiham, 16, 85, 219, 339 Fedyng Close, in Pendle Forest, 138 Feile Yate, 190 Fence, in Pendle Forest, 44, 52, 58, 65. 75, 76, 80, 81, 82, 83, 97, 100, 101, 114, 116, 130, 132, 142, 144, 145, 146, 150, 151, 158, 174, 181, INDEX OF PLACES 517 182, 183, 184, 185, 204, 205, 206, 208, 209, 210, 222, 231, 233, 235, 242, 254, 255, 260, 261, 263,-265, 266, 275, 287, 291, 295, 302, 304, 306, 313, 323, 325, 332, 349, 350, 352, 362, 364, 453 Fence Head, the, 231 • Yate, Le 288, 294 Fennyfold (Fenefold), 209, 273 Ferieiield, 202 Fesanforth, Fezandford, Fezant- ford, Fezonford. See Hesand- ford Filly Close (FeUclose, FeUcloyse, Felyclose, Fely Cloyse, Filli- close, FilUeclose, Folyclose), 20, 43, 46, 80, 138, 144, 168, 174, 374, 378, 384. 386, 390, 403, 450, Finsley (Fynslawe), 297 Firbank (Firrbancke, Fyrbanke), in New Laund, 211, 366 Firbar (Firbarre, Firthbarre, Fyr- bare, Fyrber, Fyrrebarre), in Wheatley Hey Booth, 186, 207, 221,, 222, 268, 325, 330 — — (Fyrber) Croke, 1 36 Yate (Yait), 186, 207 Flange, 23 Flasse, 449 Fletcher (Flecher) House, in Padiham, 154 Fold, in Burnley, 309, 334, 357 Folds (Foulds) House, in Brier cUffe, 13, 171 Fording Yate, 193 Forest Doles, 363 Forge, the, in CUtheroe, 423, 428 Foulridge (Follridge, Folrygge, Foulrigg), 8, 215, 349, 432 Foxholeyait, 166 Foxstones, 429 Friar Hill (Frerohill), in Hen heads, 375 Frodyate Field, 34 Fryamhill. See Henheads. Fulclough, in forest of Rossendale, Fullacre, in Burnley, 381 Fulledge (Fulege, Fulegge, Ful hege, Fullacb, Fullage, Fulleage, Fullowehege), 28, 37, 64, 73, 92, 93, 98, 108, in, 113, H9, i62. 169, 176, 198, 200, 246, 278, 286, 309, 318. 34L 343, 355, 368, 405 Fulshaw (Fullshay, Fulshay, Ful- , shey), 124, i33», 152, 176, 191, 208, 232, 241, 366, 452 ¦ Head (Fulleshey. Heid), 164 Further Hey, in Higham, 364 Fyrewood, pasture of, .42 Gadshaw, in Clayton-le-Dale, 430 Gaitfield, in Healey, in Burnley Wood, 199, 200 Gaitwhynes, in Padiham, 153, 215 Galthroppe Eez, Le, in Padiham, 277 Gambleside (Gamelseud, Gamle syde, Gamylside, Gamylsyd), 149, 189, 274, 297, 375 Gannow (Ganhow), 79, 231, 245, 381 Gatherhillgate, Le, 265 Gawthorpe (Gakthrope, Gaw throppe), 34, 297, 317, 329 Gelfordclough, in Trawden, 389, 449 Goldfield (Gooldeffeild, Guldefeld, Gulfeld), in Padiham, 12, 64, 196, 273, 277, 329, 388 Goldshaw (Godshaugh, Gould- shaw), 37, 137, 144, 263, 293, 304, 305, 310, 322, 323, 325, 330, 33i, 332, 35L 364, 3^7, 376, 449, 454 Nether, 51, 166, 223, 374, 384 Over, 51, 166, 293, 374, 384 Booth (Goldschey Boith, Goldshabothe, Goldshagh Both, Goldshayboith), 25, 27, 32, 33, 41, 43,44, 46, 50, 51, 52, 53, 59. 75, 76, 80, 97, 101, no, 115, 118, 120, 121, 129, 131, 132, 137, 139, 144, 150, 151, 152, 159, 165, 167, 184, 185, 186, 189, 191, 196, 204, 206, 209, 213, 222, 223, 226, 262, 266, 267, 268, 274, 289, 290, 291, 295- 304, 321, 324, 325, 35i, 378, 391, 403, 451 Little Moss in, 350 Goose Lane, in Chipping, 430 " Graues in le Fence." See Laund, Old Gray's [Inn ?] (Grace), co. Middle sex, 196 Graystones, in Roughlee (Roigh leigh), 294, 295, 350, 392 Grayston Lee, in Bowland, 382 Great Meadow, in Burnley Wood, 334 Green, in Hapton, 16, 113, 149, 154, 178, 184, 191, 209, 215, 275, 291, 316, 354 Greenacres, in Worston, 457 Greenehaworth, 424 Greenfield (Grenefilde), in Colne, 14, 152, 314, 320, 360, 441 5i8 INDEX OF PLACES Greenhead (Graneheade), in Has Ungden, 391, 393, 432, 452, 453 Greenlach Meadow, 423, 438 Green (Grene) Rawe, the, 142 Tockholes, 434 Greenwich, 68 Green-yate, 29 Greit Field, in Healey, 196 Greneholeyate, 268 Grimehouse (Crunhowse, Gryme- house), in Burnley, 17, 20, 24, 64 Grimshaw, in EccleshiU, 434 Grindle, in Pendleton, 422, 460 Grind leton, 383 H Habergham (Haberiam, Habry gham, Haybergham, Haybryn gham, Hayberyam), 5, 11, 14, 17, 18, 22, 24, 26, 32, 48, 55, 68, yy, 103, 161, 177, 178, 210, 258, 281, 297, 301, 381 Coal-mines in, 422 Eaves (Abryngham Eves, Haberchameves, Habrungharri Eves, Habryngham Eives), 32, 42, 66, 72, 73, 79, 86, 91, 93, 103, 104, m, 112, 113, 140, 149, 170, 171, 195, 200, 211, 212, 213, 214, 216, 218, 220, 223, 227, 228, 236, 237, 238, 245, 248, 251, 252, 253, 257, 258, 269, 274, 277, 278, 279, 280, 282, 283, 284, 302, 308, 310, 314,315,317,318,327,335,338, 339. 354, 360, 361, 370, 371, 387, 388, 394, 395, 398, 406, 412, 413, 414, 415, 422, 428 Hacke Gait (Hackgait), in Gold shaw, 133, 137, 351 Haggoppe Yate (Haghgotyate), in Whitley Booth, 76, 190, 193 Haghes, 31 Haigh, 28 Halifax, co. York, 353 Hall, in Goldshaw Booth, 391 Carr, in forest of Rossendale, 376 Hallhead, in Wilpshire, 436 HaU Trees, in Chipping, 429 Halstead, 68 ¦ High (Heighhalsted), 118, 119, 139, 171,225, 234, 297,407, 417, 418 Tenement, in Mearley, 434 Hamstonclyffe, in Little Marsden, 25. 59 Hapton, 2, 112, 114, 433 Harecroft, in Bowland, 383 Harden, 439, 441 Hareden, in Bowland, 383 Harger Clough, in Burnley, 368, 417 Hargreave (Horgreve), in Padi ham, 118, 156, 195, 388 Head, 248 Hargreave Hey (Horgreaveheigh, Horgrevezhey), 108, 156, 314 Harrop, in Bowland, 383 Harston Lee, in Little Harwood, 433 Hartshead (Hertishead), Over, in Burnley Wood, 251 Harwood, Great, 433 Little, 428, 433 Haslingden, 108, 401, 411, 422, 432, 439 Green Post, 424 Hather Holt, in Colne, 430 Haugh-yate (Hawgh yait), 247 Hawkeshay, 371 Hawkhouse, in Pendle, 59 Hawkshole (Haukeshole), in Pendle, 25, 419 Haynyate, 63 Hayslacks, 414 Hayzandfforth. See Hesandford Headland, in Burnley, 359 Healey (Heiley, Heyley), 29, 156, 169, 189, 196, 197, 216, 246, 399 (Heelay) gate, Le, 280 Rood (Heyley Rode), in Burnley, 240, 355 Heigh Whyttiker, Heighwittacre, See Whitaker, High Height (Haight), 391, 393, 404, 449. 452 Heipp Holme, in Burnley, 176 Heitlaund or Hertlaund, in Pendle Forest, 41 Helfoore, in Pendle, 225 Helleforth, at tbe Chamber in Pendle, 231 Helmeyng-meadow, 147 Henheads (Henneheedes), in Ac crington and Rossendale, 375, 424 Henlead. See Henheads Henthorn (Hendthorne), 46, 49, 428, 434 Herleyhed alias Bacup Booth, 375 Hesandford (Fesanforth, Fezant- ford, Fezonford, Hayzandfforth, Heasonford), in Briercliffe, 210, 322, 401, 405, 419, 429 Hese, in Padiham. See Ees Hesket End, in Chipping, 429 Hey, Le, 181 INDEX OF PLACES 519 Hey Booth (Haighboith, Hayboth, Hayghboth, Heyboth, Heyth- bothe), in Pendle, 36, 43, 47, 63. 67, 74, 78, 82, 83, 101, 105, 133, 206, 365, 374, 378. See Wheatley Hey Booth. Hey End, in Roughlee Booth, 231, 242 Heyhouses (Heighhowsez), 25, 34, 50, 75, 268, 316, 328, 408, 411, 412, 424, 460 Heyroyd (Hieroyde), in Colne, 440, . 448 Hey-under-the-house, Le, 267 Hibson House (Hibhouse), 401 Higgining, in Barley Booth, 390 Higham (Heegham, Hegham, Heig ham, Heygham), 25, 41, 45, 67, 69. 7L 72, 73. 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 81, 83, 87, 89, 96, 97, 100, 101, 105, 106, 109, no, 116, 120, 121, 122, 124, 126, 129, 130, 132, 136, 139, 142, 143, 144, 145, 150, 151, 157, 158, 163, 164, 166, 168, 173, 174, 175, 181, 183, 185, 186, 189, 190, 192, 196, 204, 206, 207, 209, 210, 213, 214, 217, 221, 222, 224, 225, 230, 232, 235, 241, 242, 243, 253, 256, 260, 262, 263, 264, 266, 267, 274, 276, 287, 290, 292, 294, 29S. 304. 305. 306, 311, 312, 313, ¦ 321, 330, 33L 344. 345. 347. 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 404, 449 Nether (Lower), 89, no, 206, 208, 209, 225, 245, 268, 257, 275, 287, 301, 302, 311, 316, 328, 329, 344. 353. 392, 404. 453 Over, 190, 213, 267 Booth (Heygham Bothe), 51, 65, 97, 100, 120, 142, 143, 146, 182, 185, 206, 213, 222, 254, 255, 261, 345, 373, 377, 384. 392, 404. 453 Close (Hegham Cloyse), 377, 384 alias Nether Higham, 374 — — Deane (Deyne) or Pasture, 142, 145, 146, 206, 255, 262, 345. 365 yate (yeat), 226 Parrock or Old Parrock, in Lower Higham, 224, 235 Parrocks, in West Close, 331 Highgrilley alias Horleyhead, 376 High Hill (Heighhill), 347. 348, 362 Rood, in Burnley, 274 Highslades (Heghslade), in Pendle, 3i. 33 Hightenhill. See Ightenhill Hill, at Blackwoodend, 105 in Briercliffe, 99, 107, 140, 23i», 342, 359, 388 in Tockholes, 434 Top, 412 Hilles, Le, 270 Hird-house, in Habergham Eaves, 42 Hoarstones (Horestones), 206, 391, 452 Hoddlesden, 376 Hogehouse, 250 Holde Land. See Laund, Old Holden, 196, 383, 422 Holdland. See Laund, Old. Holds, Les, in Worston, 422 Hole Clogh, Little, 105 Holelyng, in Padiham, 277 HolUn Cross, 418 Bank, in Higham, 184, 235, 242, 243 (Holynbank) Syke, 116 Greave (Hollynggreve), in Burnley, 103, 140, 218, 224, 272, 277, 285, 301, 316, 318, 335, 417. 4i8 Hollins (Hollings), 448 Hollinhead, in Tockholes, 434 Holme, in Barrowford, 90, 106, 153. 307, 322, 323 in CUviger, 181, 236, 240, 336, 355. 427. 429. 439 in New Laund, 366, 367, 368 in Reedley Hallows, 158, 322, 326 Long, in Burnley, 240, 241, 246, 355. 356 Ing, 201 Holt, Le, in Rishton, 437 Holthill, in Briercliffe, 99, 382 Holt House, in Colne, 267, 430 Horeclough-foot (Horecloghfott), 137, 150, 151, 159 head (Horecloghheyd), 150, 159 syke, 151, 159 Horleyhead, 376 Houerbarroforth. See Barrow ford, Over Hough, in Dutton, 432 Hudclough Head, 417 Hudd House (Huddehowse), in Burnley Wood, 194, 244, 327, 335, 412, 417 Huddhill, 412 Hullhill, 25 Humfra Dolles, 276 Huncoat (Huntcott), 66, 312, 433, 439 520 INDEX OF PLACES Huncoat Hall 433 Hunderfield Side, 417 Hunterholme, 33, 97, 106, 114, 130, 181, 184, 210, 211, 222, 261, 267, 290, 291, 313, 331, 344. 354. 373. 383. 390, 403. 45o Over, 69 Huntroyde (Hunroid, Hunterode), 341, 401, 438 Hurstwood (Hirstwod, Hyrstwod), 28, 172, 309, 310, 338, 341, 344. 347. 354. 355- 358, 401 Hyles, in Padiham, 328 Hysh or Hyrh Ynghouse, in Burn ley, 73 Ibson Field, in Little Marsden, 160 Idesforth, in Ribchester, 437 Ightenhill (Hightenhill, Ictinhull, Ighnell, Ightynhyll, Yghten- hill), 14, 17, 18, 22, 55, 59, 91, 92, 103, 104, in, 112, 129, 154, 170, 171, 187, 203, 223, 224, 277, 296, 297, 301, 303, 304, 308, 310, 314, 318, 320, 327, 333, 335, 354, 368, 370, 381, 384, 387, 411, 412, 414, 415, 416, 422, 439, 449, 450, 454, 461 Manor of, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, &c. Little, 394, 395, 412, 422 Park, 29, 35, 91, 237, 377, 386, 412 Ridge (Rigge), 100, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416 Ing Clough (Yng Clogh), 142 Inghead (Yngheid), 181 House, 157 Moor, 136, 157 Intack, Great, in Roughlee, 366 New, in Roughlee, 125 I Jackson's House, in Ribchester, 437 Jenkin House, in Livesey, 433 Judholme, in Chipping, 429 K Keighley (Kyghley), 13 Keriall (Kereall, Keryall, Kyriall) House, in Habergham Eaves, 48, 49, 161, 216, 251, 274, 277 Kerre, in Padiham, 335 Kiln Doles (Kylne Doolez) End, 137 Kirkclough, in Colne, 401, 442 Kirkhouse, 381 Knightley (Knygtley), Le, 149, 272 Knowles House, in Walton-le- Dale, 436 Kynfeldclogh-yait, 206 Kynford Cloghyait, 166 Lagherbarroford, Lagbher Barow fore. See Barrowford, Lower Lagherlande. See Laund, Lower Laigher Barowefforthe. See Bar rowford, Lower Lamb (Lame) Bank, in Burnley, 240, 241, 246, 355, 356 Lambe Tenement, in Goldshaw Booth, 452 Lane, in Colne, 440 (Laine), in Trawden, 389, 448 Lanehead, in Colne, 439, 440 Lane House (Lone Howse), in Burnley, 135 Langfield, 93 Langroyd (Langroid), in Colne, 440 Lathom, 271 Laughton (Lawghton) at Pighole, 173 Laund (Land, Lawnde), in Pendle, 67, 87, 88, 136, 165, 189, 191, 192, 204, 205, 261, 288, 289, 292, 307, 330, 348, 349, 35L 363, 366, 381, 392, 452 Lower, 56, 165 New. See Newlaund Old, 14, 23, 28, 30, 39, 47, 52, 55, 59, 62, 64, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 82, 89, 90, 91, 101, 105, 106, 107, 108, 117, 118, 119, 121, 127, 129, 141, 144, 145, 151, 158, 171, 174, 180, 183, 184, 185, 186, 195, 201, 202, 205, 208, 209, 224, 225, 226, 235, 243, 251,. 259, 267, 275, 288, 297, 304, 309, 315, 320, 321, 323. 331. 333. 334. 344. 345. 346, 349, 350, 35L 367, 370, 374, 377- 384, 392, 404, 418, 453 " Graues in le Fence," part of, 158 Head (Lawndhede), 28 Lawerbarofore. See Barrowford, Lower Law Flatt, in Briercliffe, 141, 162 Lawgher Barowfore. See Barrow ford, Lower INDEX OF PLACES 521 Leagram (Lagrum, Layregryme), 426, 427 Park of, in Bowland, 383 Leccomme Holme, in Burnley Wood, 335 Leches, in Roughlee, 304 Lench (Lynche), Over, in forest of Rossendale, 376 Lez alias Lez House, in Bowland, 382 Lickhurst (Lykehurst), in Bow land, 382 Lindred (Lynerow), 2 Littleblood Windmill, in Clitheroe, 423, 428 Little Meadow, 197 Livesey (Livssey), 428, 433, 438 Lodge, in Burnley, 180, 281, 357, 405 Moss (Ludgemosse), in Traw den, 389, 449 Lomeshaye (Lomeschay, Lome- shaw, Lomyshay, Lomyshey), 10, 27, 31, 39. 91, in, 141, 153, 161, 162, 171, 176, 177, 178, 179, 195, 201, 212, 2327?, 238M, 239, 287, 309, 314, 318, 342, 345, 346, 347, 379 Lomme Clough, in Little Marsden, 370 Long Ees (Longas, Long Eez), in Padiham, 215, 278. See Ees Feildnoke, in Burnley, 176 Field, in Burnley, 358 Longheyhez, 113 Long Holme, 240 Longley (Longlay), 264, 324 Longrode, 287 Lostock, in Walton-le-Dale, 436 Lovely (Loueley), in Wilpshire, 436 Lower (Laigher) Close, in the Fence, 304 House, in Huncoat, 433 . Ing (Lougher-yng, Lowigher- yng), in Barley, 116, 211 ¦ (Lawgher) Land, Le, 120 Meadow, 263 (Laugher) Pasture, 190, 193 (Laigher) Pasture, in Bar rowford, 366 Lowlawghton, 79 Loyne House, in Briercliffe, 99 Le, in Tippinghill, 57, 60, 242 Lynerode, in Marsden, 141 Luddingden, co. York, in Lytle Blackewode. See Black wood, Little M Mancknowls Ing (Mankilholls Yng ), 116 Manehouse, in Walton-le-Dale, 436 Marcledfield, in Burnley Wood, 251 Marlecroft, Le, in BriercUffe, 99 Marled Earth, in BriercUffe, 296 in Burnley, 18, 49, 381 (Merliderth), in Burn ley Wood, 334 ¦ in Higham Deyne, 255 Marsden (Mersden, Merseden), 3, 31, 33, 39, 40, 42,45, 50, 58, 72, 84,85, 86, 124, 127, 128, 141, 160, 168, 194, 198, 207, 226, 247, 371, 388, 394, 395, 400, 401, 402, 405, 406, 412, 413, 439, 441, 443, 449 Chapel of, 220, 221 Grammar School in, 221 Great, 26, 249, 250, 289, 293, 355, 356, 37i Little, 9, 12, 13, 20, 23, 25, 31,36,42,47, 59,85,91,98, in, 128, 148, 160, 180, 194, 195, 197, 199, 201, 202, 212, 216, 225, 257, 259, 278, 280, 284, 285, 300, 302, 308, 309, 314, 319, 326, 337, 338, 340, 353, 369, 370, 37i, 382, 419, 420, 422 Chapel, 420 High School Field in. 148 Le Heigh and Olde Wiffhey, in, 250 the pound in, 297 Mickle (Mekill Mersden), 84, 85 Edge, 142, 232, 270, 311 House, in Chipping, 430 Moor, 92, 217 Martholme, in Great Harwood, 433 Mawdesley Tenement, in Chip ping, 430 Meanfield Slack, 412, 414, 415, 416 Mean Ground, in Roughlee Booth, 242, 266 Mearley, 314, 434 Great, 355, 434 MeUor, 434 Mere Clough (Mearclough), 297, 429 Merrill, 410 Micklehurst (Mekilhirst, Mekyl- hurst, Miculhurst, Myckilhirst, Myckillhirst), 28, 72, 236, 283, 284, 310, 311, 368 Middle Field, in Padiham, 316 522 INDEX OF PLACES Midhope (Medopp, Middopp), co. York, 107, 171 Milne (Mylne) Croft, in Burnley, 176 Milner (Mylner) Croft, in Burnley, 176 Milnshaw (Mylneshay), 332, 401 Mire Lane (Myre Loyne), 1 50 Mitton, Little, 434 Mollington Tenement, in Livesey, 434 Monkhall (Munkehall), 10, 29, 52, 55, 61, 164, 176, 199, 212, 215, 229 Monkroyd (Monkerode.Monkroide, Munkroid), 66, 91, 201, 441 Moore, in Clayton-le-Dale, 430 Moorehall, 355 Moorehey, in Pendle Forest, 230, 231, 264 Moor Isles (Maior Hiles, Mawre Hyles), 150, 262 Moor-yate (Moreyaite), 190, 193, 269, 433 Mosley (Moiseley, Mosseley), yy, 134, 203, 327, 334, 335 Hill, 418 Munkshaw. See Monkhall Musbury Park, 373 Mustyhalgh, 400 N Nanne Hey (Heigh), in Burnley Wood, 334, 335 Hill, in Burnley Wood, 335 Meadow, in Burnley Wood , 335 Ridding, in Burnley Wood, 334, 335 Narrowgates, 451 Netley (Netle) Carr, in Bowland, 383 Netherbarf ord , Netherbarroforth. See Barrowford, Lower Netherflodyait, 125 Nethergoldschagh, Nethergold- sha. See Goldshaw, Nether Netherrughey. ¦ See Roughlee Booth Netherrughlegh. See Roughlee, Nether Netherwicoler. See WycoUer, Nether Netherwood, 268 Nevieffeild, in Burnley Wood, 335 New Barn, in Padiham, 303 Booth, in Higher Barrow ford, 333 New Carr, in Pendle Forest, 157, 175, 192, 363 Newchurch (" Le new church"), 265, 292 New Field Close, in Pendle, 20 Ground, in Higher Barrow ford, 333 Newhall, 230 New Hall Hey, in forest of Ros sendale, 376 ¦ Hey, in Hoddlesden, 376 Newlaund (Newland), in Pendle Forest, 53, 117, 225, 231, 235, 261, 266, 267, 288, 289, 293, 302, 307, 321, 331, 349, 352, 364, 365, 367. 373, 377. 384. 392, 404. 453 New Parrock, in Padiham, 317 Roods, in Burnley, 240, 241, 246, 355. 356 Newsam, co. York, 295 Nook, in Clayton-le-Dale, 430 Northwood (Norwood), in Padi ham, 4, 30, 32, 33, 34, 46, 49, 81, 101, 129, 135, 155, 170, 251, 257, 260, 317. 449 Norton Holme, 33 Noynow, in Colne, 441 Nugwdrth Bank, 101 Nutshaw, 371, 415 House, 414 O Oakenbank, in Trawden, 389 Oaken Eaves (Okeneves, Oken evez, Okyneives, Okyneivez, Okynheveys), in Harbergham Eaves, 24, 66, 104, 218, 302, 310, 361 Oaken Hey Wood (Okeneywood), 375 Oakenshaw (Okenshaw), in Clay ton-le-Moors, 401, 431 Oaks, in Clayton-le-Dale, 430 Oastgaitcloighe, 268 Old Dyke Head, 159 Olderhurst, in Trawden, 389, 448 Oldfield, in Burnley, 282 High (Heigh Oldeffeld), par. Halifax, co. York, 353 Oldgap, Le, 265 Old Hey (Heigh), in Padiham, 316, 329 Hug, in Burnley, 274 Oldland. See Laund, Old Oldman Rood, in BriercUffe, 358 Oliver Ing, in Reedley Hallows, 322 Oilers, Le, 304 INDEX OF PLACES 523 Ormerod, 52, 309, 317, 426, 429 Osbaldeston, 434 Oswaldtwistle, 435 Osynthorpe, 13 Ouerbarowefforthe, Ouerbarro- furth. See Barrowford, Over Ouldlande. See Laund, Old Outer Warth Clough, 1 32 Out-yate (Owte yait), upon Blacko, 208 O vend en, 127 Overbaroford, Overbarofore, Over barowfore, Overbarreford, Over- berford, Overbarroforth. See Barrowford, Over Over Field, in Padiham, 328 Overflodyait, 125 Overgoldschagh, Overgoldsha. See Goldshaw, Over Overhead, Overhaddes. See Hen heads Over Hunterholme. See Hunter holme, Over Overlaund, Le, 47 Overlockshaw, in Livesey, 433 Overlynche. See Lench, Over Overrughey. See Roughlee Booth Overrughlegh. See Roughlee, Over Overton, 411 Overwicoler. See WycoUer, Over Oxe Close, in Pendle Forest, 138 Oxenden, in Osbaldeston, 428, 434 Oxford, 148 Padiham (Padeam, Padyam), 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 31, 32, 33, 35. 36, 37. 38, 39. 40. 42. 44. 46, 50, 53, 55, 62, 64, 66, 80, 81, 85, 86, 91, 93, 95, 99, 100, 102, 103, 108, 109, 112, 114, 119, 122, 123, 124, 127, 128, 129, 135, 140, 141, 148, 149. 153. 154. 155. 156, 157. 161, 162, 168, 171, 172, 176, 179, 187, 188, 193, 195, 196, 198, 199. 200, 209, 212, 215, 218, 219, 229, 237, 238, 251, 253, 257, 258, 259, 267, 268, 269, 271, 272, 273, 277, 278, 279, 281, 283, 284, 285, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303. 308, 310, 314, 315, 316,317,326,327,328, 329,334,335,336,341.354,357, 358, 359, 368, 382, 388, 401, 407, 412, 413, 414, 415, 4i6, 418, 422, 426, 451, 454 Chapel of St. Leonard in, 160, 161, 382 Church of, 108, 141, 219 Padiham, St. Leonard's Bank in, 281 St. Leonard's House in, 281 Bank, 273 Bridge, 102 End, 287, 298 Common, 4,-5, 8, 53, 66, 86, 99, 129, 140, 141, 148, 149, 170, 189, 199, 274, 280 Hey, 90, 98, 103, 108, 118, 123, 195, 277 Mill, 98, 386, 388 Moor, 34, 43, 181, 189, 204, 247, 253. 357, 4H Sands, 358 Pale, 426 Pantogh, in Church, 431 Park, the, 109, 140 Park Hill (Parkehill, Perkehill), 27, 51, 251, 256, 260, 273, 278, 279, 285, 298, 314, 318, 324, 337, 353, 420, 449 Parrock (Parroke, Perrock), Le, in Barrowford, 88, 165 in Burnley Wood, 334, 335 Parrocks, in Padiham, 303 Pasture (Paster), 288, 392, 449 Paweroode, in Burnley Wood, 334 Peacock Hey (Peakokhey),in Chip ping, 430 Pedder House, in Walton-le-Dale, 436 Peive, in Barrowford, 307 Pendle (Pendill, Penhull), 4, 6, 20, 25, 30, 3L 32, 39.40, 63, 83,91, 94, 126, 191, 258, 260, 261, 263, 264, 266, 267, 268, 275, 276, 280, 290, 292, 294, 311, 321, 325, 330, 344. 350. 362, 377 Church of, 1 74 Forest or Chase of, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37. 39. 4L 42, 43. 44, 50, 51, 52, 54, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 67, 69, 74, 81, 83, 9y, 101, 105, 106, 114, 122, 150, 151, 155, 159, 165, 166, 167, 181, 182, 183, 185, 189, 201, 202, 204, 205, 208, 213, 221, 223, 224, 225, 230, 231, 241, 243, 253, 256, 259, 306, 363, 374, 383. 390, 403, 450, 454 Mill in, 168 New mill in, 333 New chapel in, 115 New Kirk in, 174 Water or rivulet of, 47, 74, 97, 122, 127 Pendleton (Penhulton, Penulton), 14, 43», 228, 320, 380, 401, 411, 435, 438, 439, 454, 457. 459. 460 Moor, 133, 411 524 INDEX OF PLACES Perkin Rood (Parkynrode, Per- kynrode, Perkynroyde), in Burn ley, 29, 92, 220, 279, 369 Pers Croft, in Roughlee, 304 Pickup (Pecopp, Pickopp, Pic oppe), 1, 2, 5, 170, 194, 399 Pighole (Peggehole, Pyghehole, Pyghole), in Briercliffe, 27, 123, 124, 140, 173, 180, 232OT, 238M, 281, 311, 312, 342, 400, 417, 418 Pikelaw (Pyckedlaw)-gate, 53 (Pikelawe, Pykedlawe, Pyke- law, Pykydlaw, Pykyllaw) Moor, 83, 196, 237, 247, 248, 252, 258, 269, 284, 338, 370, 425 Pilkington, 330 Plaintree, on Broadhead Moor, 412, 414 Pleasington, 428, 435 Plode Hole, 1 34 Pocke House, the, 157 Pope-oxgang, 8 Prestcote, 424 Preveyriding Stile (Stele), 28 Priest Chamber, in Padiham, 407 House (Prest Howse), in Padiham, 219 Primrose Field (Prymerosefeld), 376 Purse House, in Briercliffe, 141, 162 Q Qweteley. See Wheatley Quickingbank(Qwhyckyngbanke), 143 Qwitcroft. See Whitecroft Qwitfeld. See Whitefield Qwitle. See Wheatley Qwittaker. See Whitaker Qwynbury. See Whinbury R Rake (Rayke), upon Dry Clough, 136 Rappock Rood, in Burnley, 240, 355, 356 Rawtenstall (Rotenstall, Roun- stall, Runstall), 375 Read (Reide), 179, 426, 427, 428, 437 Moor, 411 Moss, in Goldshaw, 325 Redlome, in Livesey, 434 Reedley (Redelay, Redeley, Red- ley, Reideley), in Pendle, 25, 59, 81, 100, 131, 135, 215 Hallows (Recleballows, Rede haloes, Redehalois, Redehaw- lows, Redehaylows, Redhalowes, Redihallois, Redihallus, Redy halus, Reedihallowes, Riddi- hallows, Rodhalois, Rydyhal- lowes), in Pendle, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 118, 131, 138, 158, 204, 205, 234, 257, 288, 303, 321, 322, 330, 331, 353, 364, 365, 374, 375, 378, 385, 386, 392, 404, 453 Reedley Hallows (Redhallow, Reedhallowe), Little, 424, 454 Reedyford (Redeiore, Rediforthe, Redyffore, Riddyford, Ridi- fortb), in Colne, 123, 180, 187, 338, 353, 388, 392, 401 Lane (Redefore Lone), weir in, 151 Relief House, in Walton-le-Dale, 436 Ribble Bank, 423, 456 Ribchester, 428, 437 Ridding Hey, 428 Ridge (Rege, Rige, Rigge, Rygge), in Burnley, 29, 73, 88, 92, 93, 106, 113, 176, 195, 196, 197, 201, 223, 246, 248, 322, 334, 335, 342, 381, 412, 413, 415, 416 End, in Barrowford, 307 Hey (Rigehey, Ryghay, Ryg- hey), in Burnley, 38, 228, 229, 259, 271, 272 Moor (Ryge More), 237 Top (Rigetoppe), 28 Ridihalgh (Redehalgh, Ridihough, Rydyhaulghe), in BriercUffe, 27, 359, 400 High (Hee Ridihough, Heigh Redehalgh), in BriercUffe, 119, 400 Riding House, in Walton-le-Dale, 436 Riley Lands, 429 Ringstone Haigh (Ringestone- halshe), in Clayton-le-Moors, 431 Hill, in Barrowford, 323 Rishhey (Rysche Hey), in Healey, 169 Rishton, 437 Gate, 43 (Riston, Rusheton, Rus sheton, Ryscheton, Ryseheton, Rysheton, Ryssheton) Thorns, in Pendle Forest, 30, 41, 42, 46, 63, 73, 157, 163, 165, 191, 233, 276, 350, 363, 374, 376, 377. 378, 384, 403, 452 Robert Lee, 136, 157 Rochdale (Ratchdale), 386, 420 RockcUffe Wood (RoucUffwode, Rowchfwode), 377 INDEX OF PLACES 525 Rodes Mill, in Ribchester, 437 Roidshaw, 428 Rose Greave, in Habergham Eaves, 279, 282, 315 Rossendale, Forest of, 151, 373, 375. 376. 424. 425 Rough (Rugh) Close, 209 Roughlee (Roghle, Roghlee, Rogh leez, Roigh Lee, Rothlee, Rough leigh, Rugheley, Rughle, Rugh lee, Rughley, Ruthle), 27, 28, 37. 45. 46, 54. 61, 70, 71, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 100, 101, 107, no, 115, 116, 117, 118, 122, 125, 127, 133, 136, 152, 164, 166, 167, 181, 184, 186, 206, 207, 224, 225, 251, 256, 260, 262, 265, 268, 289, 292, 293, 304, 305, 311, 314, 321, 324, 325, 330, 331, 332, 344. 345. 346, 347. 348, 349. 350, 351, 366, 367, 378, 390, 403, 449, 450 Nether, 51, 89, 138, 164, 166, 167, 192, 294, 307, 385 Over, 51, 138, 166, 192, 294, 385 Booth (Roughleyboth, Rugh lebothe, Rughleybothys), 51, 122, 143, 152, 166, 230, 231, 242, 265, 266, 294, 345, 374 Common, 76 Mill, 392, 403, 451 Rowley (Roiley, Roley, Rooillay, Rooley, Roulley), 112, 237, 282, 308, 399. 405. 416. 4V Royds (Rods, Roodes), in Burn ley, 201, 410, 412, 414, 416, 420 Royle (Roell, Roile, Roill, Role, Rolle, Roole, Rowle), in Burn ley, 6, 10, 18, 40, 46, 49, 68, 84, 104, 119, 139, 150, 151, 156, 188, 360, 396, 419, 440, 442, 443, 449 Hill, 150, 274, 284, 302, 303, 354. 357. 36o, 370 Rushton Thorns. See Rishton Thorns Rybbenden, 210, 211 Rycroft, in Burnley Wood, 335 Ryhill, 34 Ryland Hall, in Burnley, 29, 73, 248 Sabden, 31, 57, 65, 70, 72, 81, 87, 91, 106, in, 114, 117, n8, 120, 126, 131, 134. 158, 174. 183. 184. 189, 204, 205, 229, 235, 251, 255, 263, 357, 363. 4o8,44L442 Vaccary of, 182, 184 Sabden Bank (Sapeden Bounke, Shapdenbanck), 11, 12, 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 36, 37. 38, 39. 40. 44. 46, 50, 62, 64, 80, 81, 86, 90, 93, 102, 108, 109, 122, 149, 154, 156, 160, 161, 168, 176, 187, 196, 199, 215, 229, 237, 259, 271, 272, 273, 277, 285, 298, 305, 310, 315, 316, 317, 327, 329, 34L 354, 359, 388, 422, 424 Bridge (Sapden brygge), 5 Brook, 412 ¦ (Shapden) Hey, in Pendle Chase, 25, 59, 378, 386, 424 . . . House, 25 Sagar (Saigher) Place, in Reedley Hallows, 322 St. Leonard's Bank, in Padiham, 281 , House, in Padiham, 28, 219, 238, 281, 382 Salesbury (Salisburie), 428, 438 Samlesbury (Samsbury), 428, 438 Sandford (Sandfore, Sandyforth), 33, 58, 367 Sand Holmes (Homes), 399 Sands (Zandes), in Padiham, 156, 195, 301, 326 Bank, in Reedley Hallows, 222 Warth, 108 Sandway Side, 41 5 Sankey (Sonky) Bank, 134 Santellside, in CUtheroe, 427 Sawtakside, 439 Saxifield (Saxefield, Saxfeld, Sax sefeild, Saxxefeld, Saxyfeld), 1, 19, 31, 42, 46, 66, 72, 73, 79, 81, 99, 100, 109, 129, 136, 140, 173, 180, 198, 203, 217, 232, 237, 247, 248, 249, 252, 253, 258, 269, 274, 284, 297, 302, 318, 326, 354, 357, 368, 370, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416 Scarrs, in Thursden, 418, 419, 420 Scafold, in IghtenhiU, 381 Scayffoldhowse, in Ightenhill, 103, 104 Scheie Lands, in Mellor, 434 Scholefield (Scoffeld), in Little Marsden, 98, 319 High (Heigh Scofeld, Scole Feild), in Little Marsden, 148, 216 School Land, 399 Bank (Scolebank, ScoUe- bank), in Padiham, 43, 98, 187, 245, 273, 283, 303, 334, 342, 354 Seedhouse, in Samlesbury, 438 Segmoncroft, in Padiham, 277 526 INDEX OF PLACES Sellar's Tenement, in Read, 437 Shackleton Lane, 418 Shawhead, 441 Shawyate, 441 Shore Hey (Showerhey), in Burn ley, 103, 301, 388 Shorrock Hey, in Pleasington, 435 Short Clough Foot, 208 Showley, 428 Fold, in Clayton-le-Dale, 430 Showresydclowgh, 78 Shuttleworth, 421 Ees (Shotillwarth Leys, Shottylworth Eez), in Padi ham, 10, 128, 163, 216, 388 Simonstone (Symondston, Sy monston), 7, 24, 210, 255, 301, 316, 328, 329, 335, 348, 362, 422, 428, 438 Skerton (Skierton), 41 1 Slacke, Le, 268 Slyne, 411 Smalley Tenement, in Balderston, 429 Smallshaw (Smalshay, Smaleshey, Smalshey), in Habergham, 17, 177, 178, 203, 238, 415, 418 Lane, 420 Smith (Smyth) House, in Burnley, 93, 219 Southfield, in Little (Mickle) Mars den, 84, 85, 212, 246, 249, 319, 324, 335, 349, 439, 442 Southwood, 46 Sowerby Bridge (Sawrby Bryge), 283 Deane, 241 Sparth, the, 155, 431 Spoute House, in Huncoat, 433 Stable Oak (Oke), in Bowland, 383 Stackfield, 93 Stakes, 433, 438 Stakyfieldholme, in Burnley, 176 Standen, in Clitheroe, 431 Hey, in Pendleton, 435 Stang, the, in Whithalgh, 157, 192 Stangendes, 214 Stanghend, 67 Stang Top, 190, 193 Stang-yng, in Whitley Hey Booth, 214 Stanner House, in Chipping, 430 Stanroid, 390 Starbank, 120 Starr, in Clitheroe, 431 Staynescome, Little, 226 Staynscote, Little, 67 Stockbrigg, 98 Stone Delf, 99 Edge, in Pendle, 130, 324 End, 136 Head, 1 36 Stonehenge, 71 Stony, In (Instoni), Edge, in Higher Barrowford, 333 Out, in Higher Barrow ford, 333 upon Blacko, in Pendle Forest, 181, 208, 222 Stonyrakes (Stoneracke), 85, 286, 297, 368 Stoneyhurst, 428 Strikehouse, in Craven, 333 Stubbing, in Burnley, 212, 241, 246, 356 Stubhead, in Clayton-le-Dale, 430 Stubnoke, the, 133, 137 Studleburst, in Osbaldeston, 434 Stunstead, in Winewall. See Tunstead Swinglehurst, in Ribchester, 437 Sykes with Trough (Sykes cum Trougho), in Bowland, 383 Sym Close, Le, 243 Thorne, the, in Burnley, 187, 248 Thornedge, 389 Thorne Holme, in Bowland, 383 Thorneyholme (Thorneholme), 117, 126, 130, 136, 142, 152, 192, 206, 293, 294, 304 ThornhiU (ThorneU, Thornyl) Moor, 129, 181, 301, 412, 414 Thornley with Wheatley, 428, 435 Thornton, 5 Thursden (Thirsden), 42, 418, 419, 420 Tillhouse, in Huncoat, 433 Timberhill, in Burnley Wood, 99 Timberhill-yate, 414 Tinkler Field, in Padiham, 149 — House (Tynkyller Howse), in Padiham, 272 Tipping Hill (Typynghill, Typpyn- hill), in Ightenhill, 60, 91, 399 Le Loyne in, 57, 60 Tockholes, 433, 434 Top-of-the-Height, in Higham, 367 Totehill, 29 Tottington, 411, 420, 421, 426, 439 Tottleworth, in Rishton, 437 Tounworth, 179 Towne, in Chipping, 430 — House, 439 INDEX OF PLACES 527 Towneley, 419, 429 Townemonyng, in Burnley, 176 Townfield, in BriercUffe, 99 in Burnley, 359 Town Oldfield, in Burnley, 244, 336" Town-pasture, in Barrowlord, 307 Townwall Bank, in Padiham, 316, 328 Trawden (Trewden, Troden), 55, 305, 379. 399. 402, 418, 424, 440, 448, 449 Coal-mine in, 449 Forest of, 105, 151, 376, 385, 389, 425, 443, 448, 449 Mill, 389, 449 Tryster Top, Le, 120 Tunstead, in Winewall, 448, 449 Turf Gate, 265 • Hill, 157 Moor, 412, 414, 415, 417 Tumor Croft, in Burnley, 163 Twiston, 344, 436 U Upper Hall, in Samlesbury, 438 Upton, co. Lane, 226 Vivar, the, near Colne, 447 W Waddington (Wadyngton), co. York, 36, 273, 329 Waddington's, in Chtheroe, 431 Wainhouse Hill (Waynehowse- hill), in Burnley, 1 76 Wakefield, co. York, 316, 326, 328, 329 Walefold, 17 Walker Hall, 52 House, in Chipping, 430 Wall Green (Walgrene, Walgreve, WaUgreave), in Padiham, 18, 108, 286, 341 Syke, in Padiham, 328 Walmesley House, in Dutton, 432 Walshaw (Walshay), 402, 414 Walton-le-Dale, 300, 428, 436 Walverden (Walferden, Walffer- den, Walfordeane), 25, 326, 358 Wanless, 389, 402, 448, 449 Wardgreen, in Ribchester, 437 Warley, co. York, 48 Warth, in Burnley, 102 — in Higham, 70, 87 in Great Marsden, 371 Warthes, 195 Warthez, 137 Watlingford (Watlyngfore, Wat- lyngforthe, Wattelyngf ord , Whyttleyford), in Pendle, 74, 89, 164, 167, 192, 378, 384 Weethead (Weithead, Wetehead, Weteheid, Wheeitheide), in Roughlee Booth, 71, 230, 349, 362 Weit (Wete) -ing, in Burnley, 197, 246, 247 Welspring Heads, 138 West Close (Westclowse, West cloyss), 25, 55, 70, 76, 78, 81, 87, 97, 106, 130, 136, 143, 144, 148, 150, 174, 175, 181, 183, 184, 222, 225, 243, 253, 254, 260, 261, 264, 267, 321, 323, 331, 332, 362, 373, 377. 383. 390, 403. 450 Le Copy in, 55 Vaccary of, 182 Derby, 41 1 Whalley, 213, 267, 391, 428 Abbey or monastery of, 5, 15, 19, 22, 27, 48, 80, 96, 99, no, 172, 177. 377. 38i, 382, 387, 405, 408, 423, 435, 438 Rectory of, 438 Whealey, 278 Wheatley (Qwitle, Wheitley, Whetley, Wheyteley, Whitlay, Whitley, Whithe, Whytlay, Witley), 28, 31, 33, 47, 78, 129, 190, 193, 257, 331, 344, 378, 449, 453 Bank (Witelybank), 84, 90 Head (Witlebank- heyde), 90 Booth (Whitlaboith, Whit- layboithe), 67, 174, 192, 193, 207, 224, 233, 268, 292, 293, 352, 391, 403, 451 Carr (Whytleycarre), no, 374. 377. 384. 392, 404, 453 Hey Booth (Whitlay Hay- booth, Whitleyhaybothe, Whitt- hawbothe, Whytalghbothe, Whytlay Hayboith, Whyttley in Hayboth, Withawghboth, Witleyheybothe, Wittawbothe, Wittawghbothe), 57, 61, 65, 74, 82, 133, 137, 143. 164. 174. 181, 186, 206, 211, 214, 313, 321, 322, 325, 385. See Hey Booth Lane, 449 (Whiteley) Moor, 43 Wheat PighiU (Wheit Pyghle), in Burnley, 241 246, 356 Whickensteel, in Colne, 440 528 INDEX OF PLACES Whinbury (Qwynbury, Whynbury Clogh) Clough, 132, 133, 150, 151, 226 Foot, 137 Head, 151, 159 Top, 137 ¦ Water, 137, 159 Whincroke, in Burnley (Whyn- croke, Whynnecrok), 29, 139, 160 Whitaker, High (Heigh Whyt tiker, Heighwittacre, Whitacre), in Padiham, 3, 39, 50, 94, 179, 226, 273, 317, 341 (Whittacre) Clough, 129 Foot (Whittiker Foote ), 3 1 3 Whitecroft (Qwitcroft, Whate- croft), in Pendle, 130, 410, 434 White Cross, Le yate at, 270 Whitefield (Qwitfeld, Whitfeld, Whittefeld, Whyteffeild), in Little Marsden, 42, 123, 180, 187, 261, 287, 314, 315, 337, 338, 349. 353. 369. 401 Whiteheagh, in Higham Booth, 392 Whitehead (Weitheid), 120, 136, 190 Yate, 136, 190 White Moss (Whitmosse, Wbitt- moss), 133, 150 Whiteryding, in Huncoat, 433 Whithalgh (Whittalgh, Whytalgh, Whythalghe, Wittalghe), 27, 28, 127, 136, 167, 168, 186, 190, 192, 233, 265, 307, 434, 453 — — Laitb (Wbithalghlath), 29 Whitlane, 416 Whitslacks (Whytslackes), 137, 150, 151, 159 Whittill Lane Head, 412 Whittilshey, 232 Whoreley Pasture, 414 Whorley, 417, 418 Widdins (Wyddyns), co. Lane, 244 Will Croft (WyU Croft), in Burn ley, 241, 356 Willworth, in Little Harwood, 433 Wilpshire, 436 Wind Hills (Wyndehylles), in Bowland, 383 Windle (Wyndill, Wyndyll) Croft, in Burnley, 246, 355, 360 Windle House (Wyndilhowse, WyndiU Howse, Wyndle, Wyn dyll), 118, 119, 171, 180, 212, 240, 247, 285, 296, 318, 342, 355, 400, 407, 417, 418 Winewall (Wynewall), 118, 250, 256, 375. 379. 385. 389. 402, 448, 449 Winmarleigh (Wymberle, Wym merlye), 237, 388 Wiswell, 118, 438 Witley, close called, 69 Witton, 259, 438 Wodebend, in Padiham, 215 Wodebendgreve. in Padiham, 153 Wodlyndgreve, in Padiham, 93 Wolfall (Wolflay, Wulfall, Wulfaw, Wulforbank), 75, 83, no, 138, 142, 304 Wolf Close, 375 Wolfenden, in Rossendale, 376 Booth, 375 Place, in Habergham Eaves, 93 Wolf House, in Chipping, 429 Woostonhill, 414 Wormley Eves, by Walverden, 25 Worsthorn (Worstorn), 68, 149, 157, 202, 212, 238, 247, 310, 318, 327, 401, 417, 429 Worston, 14, 220, 228, 320, 355, 379, 401, 411, 421, 422, 426, 428, 431, 438, 439. 454. 457 Wrecks, Le, 78 WycoUer (Wicollor, Wycolar, Wykeoller), 256, 312, 379, 389, 402, 448, 449 Nether, 375, 385 Over, 375, 385 Yarraker (Yarykar), in Padiham, 301, 314, 328 Yate, in Roughlee, 390, 450 Bank, 425 Field (Yait Field, Yottefold), in Burnley, 20, 236 in Habergham Eaves, 31. 32, 93, 200, 216, 269 Yghtenhill. See Ightenhill Yng Clogh. See Ing Clough Yngheid (Yngheyd). See Ing- head Zandes. See Sands Ill INDEX OF THINGS Abbot, 5, 15, 19, 22, 27, 48, 80, 96, 99, no, 172, 177, 381 Acreage of commons, 412 of freehold and copyhold land, 398-401 Affray. See Fray Afterland, 120 Agistment, 89, 101, 137, 143, 145, 373. 374 Agreement, breach ot, 87, no, 292 Ale, price ot, 11, 12 sold contrary to assize, 103. See Beer taster, 11,12 AUas, 49, 189, 194, 220, 238, 243; 253,3I7,390,4H,4I3,425,426, 431, 445. See Nickname Animals chased from common pastures, 73, 92 chased with dogs, 180 wild, chasing of, 122 trespass of, 107, no, 129, 189, 199, 203, 237 Apples, theft of, 368 Archbishop, 413, 414 Archery butts, 16, 64 " Arks," 30 Arrest, breaking from, 83 Ash trees cut down, no Assault, 1, 10, 11, 12, 23, 284, 287. See Fray Attorney-General of the Duchy, 446 Auditor, Deputy, 88 King's, 75, 125 Award, 48, 49, 71, 146, 154, 157, 208, 210, 227, 332, 347, 356 B.A., 148 Bailiff, 294 King's, 88, 114 Baker, 8 Barkhouse (tannery), 215, 240, 356 Barn built on common, 12, 92 new, 276 Bastard, 233, 291, 341, 369 B.D., 203 Beast-gates, 186, 213, 255, 261, 289 Beasts, chasing of , no from common, 82 with dogs, 133, 143, 232, 243. 247. 249, 256, 258, 263 dogging of, 148 • harrying of, 357, 360 trespass of, 100, 106, 140, 189, 198, 203, 232, 237, 247, 253, VOL. II. 83, 87, 88, 99, 141, 148, 180, 204, 213, 217, 248, 249, 252, 258, 269, 274, 284, 287 for 20 years, 160 for 30 years, 150 Beer, breach of assize of, 8, 11, 16 " Berkehowse " (tannery), 215 "Birelag" (Birlaw, Byrlaw), breach of the, 39, 44, 72, 75, 79, 107, no, 129 Boondays (" boynes ") and ser vices, 227, 308, 312, 353, 369 Boundary, 49, 116, 140, 159, 402 Bound-yard, 301, 326, 359, 388 BowUng (bowl) alley, 17, 31 Brackens, cutting of, 101 " Brakans, le," burning of, 79 Breach of contract, 5, 6, 58 of the peace, 2, 30 Bread , breach of assize of, 8 Brewer, 8, 11 Brewing, petty, 103 Bridle-gate (" bryddill gait ") obstructed, 101 Bridle-way, 150 ("bridillway") obstructed, 32. 33. 231 old, obstructed, 225 Butcher, 8 Bylaw. See " Birelag " " Bryche Tre," 159 5 2 L 53° INDEX OF THINGS " CaUes and weres," 190 " CaUes, lee," 78 Calves taken out of the country, 339 " Cardes and dise," 253 Card-players, petty, 101 playing, 52, 101, 354, 357 Cards, 258 Carrier, 390 " Cartse pictse," 354 " Carticise iUusores " (games), 252 Castleward, 428, 435 Cattle chased, 46 chased with dogs, 31 depastured on common, 31 harried with dogs, 280 — — • trespass by, 53, 60, 69, 173, 280 " Cauelache, le," 102 CeUar, 251 Chamber, 185, 227, 251 built on the waste, 100, 248 for business of Steward, &c., 253 " Chamber, Crosse," 104 Chancellor of the Duchy, 168, 172, 183, 198, 235, 361, 402, 440, 446, 447 of the Exchequer, 402 Chantry, 95, 217, 218, 219, 220, 223, 227, 228, 237 lands, 299, 308, 382 Chapel, 420 Divine service in, 160, 161 — • — maintenance ot service in, 220 Chaplain, 23, 24, 30, 38, 40, 46, 47- 49, 57- 5», 64, 68, 7,3, 80, 85, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 99, 103, 106, 108, 113, 118, 119, 123, 124, 130, 148, 149, 154, 160, 165, 176, 177, 178, 186, 228, 238, 250, 252, 258, 272, 274, 282, 343, 379, 38i, 385 Chasing, 122 and chevying animals, 92, no, 133, 143, 180 Church dues, 192, 207, 277 maintenance of priest in, 218, 220, 221, 223, 224, 238 reeves, 271 service of priest in, 219, 223 Churchwardens, 45, 259, 271, 279 Claim, false, 205, 276, 362 " Claudus," 408, 409 Clerk, 18, 21, 26, 107, 147, 148, 'SS, 154, 178, 179, 228, 301, 331, 336, 364. 403. 450, 452 Cloth, wooUen, 116 Clothier, 196, 295 Cloth worker, 353 Coal-mines, 386, 422, 425, 449 Coalpits, demise of, 161 destroyed, 48 filled up, 136 King's, 157 made on the highway, 237 open, 72 Coals obtained without Ucence, 132, 161 sold to strangers, 157, 161 ¦ sold without Ucence, 1 19,124, 127, 128, 135 wrongfuUy acquired, 145 Commission concerning chantry priests, 217 ¦ relating to Fence, 181 under Duchy Seal, 175, 198, . 225, 276 Commons, acreage of, 412 — — aUotment of, 413, 418, 419, 459. 460 inclosure of, 33, 34, 393 meres and boundaries of, 401-2 oppressing and over-stock ing of, 12, 20, 29, 31, 39, 42, 43. 44. 45. 53. 56, 63, 66, 72, 73. 79. 81, 86, 92, 99, 100, 109, 113, 135, 140, 141, 149. 155. 170, 364 overstinted, 50, 326 trespass on, 4, 8, 31, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 50, 54, 76, 81, 99, 129, 140, 148, 149, 173, 180, 189, 196, 198, 199, 203, 204, 213, 217, 232, 237, 247, 248, 249, 252, 253, 258, 269, 274, 280, 284, 287, 297, 302, 311, 326, 338, 355, 357, 360, 368, 370 Composition, 54 Complaint, unjust, 262 Complaints by copyholders, 360 Concord, 45, 53, 61, 63, 72, 73, 74. 96, 133. 214 Constable, 26, 50, 64, 78, 123, 128, 135, 140, 148, 149, 155, 156, 161, 170, 179, 188, 196, 200, 216, 228, 238, 248, 252, 258, 269, 278, 284, 297, 308, 317, 327. 339, 354, 360, 364, 37o Contempt of court, 16, 28, 88, 279 Contract, breach of, 80, 87, 89, 90, 101, 106, 109, 132, 295 Copyholders, 426, 427, 440, 443, 444, 446, 447, 448 INDEX OF THINGS 53i Copyholders, Decree for, 393 Copyhold forfeited by Queen's servant, 255 land cannot be entailed, 320 rents, 377 Corn, trespass of beasts in, 236 Corn-mill, water, 175, 363, 411, 428 Corpus Christi, festival of, 107 Corrody, 88 " Corvesor " (Corvisor), 96, 455 Cottage kept contrary to ordin ances, 92 kept to injury of neighbours, 124 on highway, 460 Cottages, 422, 423, 425, 443, 444, 445, 446-7, 456 Covenant, breach of, 108 Cows milked without Ucence, 231 mUking of, 61 " Crocks " (roof timbers), 126 Cropping, 4 Crops damaged, 125 trampled upon, 60, no, 269 Cross, 179, 270, 387 " Crosse Chamber," 104 Curate, 141, 157, 179 yearly payment to, 175 Custom of the manor, 321, 334, 352, 367 Customers, 15, 60, 112, 151, 153, 171, 192, 205, 236, 240 D. Debt, pleas, &c, of, 1, 6, 7, 8* 10, 12, 15, 17, 18, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 34, 36, 44, 53, 54, 60, 64, 71, 82, 83, 87, 88, 89, 90, 96, 97, 99, 105, 116, 117, 122, 126, 127, 132, 159, 180, 215, 248, 292, 306 Decree, 390, 393, 412, 439, 440, 443, 45o, 457, 459 of the Duchy Chamber, 339 • under Duchy Seal, 174 ¦ for leading the ways, 205, 206 Degree, B.A., 148 ; B.D., 203 ; M.A., 177, 178 ; S.T.B., 201 Demesnes, 169, 409 Detention of goods, 1, 4, 29, 30, 34 • of rents, 48 ¦ of timbers, 32 Detenue, 5, 29, 45, 57, 61, 62, 63, 66, 67, 71, 74, yy, 82, 83, 96, 100, 113, 117, 118, 125, 130, 132, 133, 134, 295, 302, 307, 322, 323 Dike, 96, 98, 106, 116, 142, 157, 159, 306, 317 indirect, 135 made on common, 82 Disafforestation, 182 Dispute, 210, 264 as to land, 342, 345 Disseisin, 14, 21, 30, 32, 38, 117, :39, 150, 162, 188, 204, 208, 225, 234, 235, 262, 265, 276, 299, 300, 306, 318, 319, 320, 325, 33L 336, 345, 346, 352, 361, 362 Distraint of goods and chattels, no Ditch thrown down, 173 Ditches not repaired, 76 Divorce, 291 Doctor of Physic, 393, 454 Dog called " a shepe werier," 295 kept without Ucence, 122 ¦ objectionable, kept, 122 savage, kept, 264 Dogging of beasts, 148 Dole, 211, 276 ' ' Doole, halfe," of a messuage, &c, 351 " Doole, le," of land, 366 " Drowfers, le " (drovers, strangers), 6y " Dule Stones," 30 Dunghill on the highway, 311 Easement, 328 " Edishe," 96 Ejection from land, 5 Encroachment, n, 12, 17, 19, 20, 29, 3i, 34, 36, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 48, 50, 52, 53, 56, 59, 61, 73, 79, 86, 92, 95, 100, 106, 117, 118, 124, 127, 157, 181, 188, 196, 198, 231, 242, 248, 262, 298, 412, 417, 418, 425, 427, 449. 456 Entailing of copyhold land, 14 Enter Common, custom of, 412 Entry into lands, 45 Exchange of lands, no, 186, 208, 325, 328, 330 Executor sued, 71, 88, 292 Executrix sued, 83, 291 Exhibition and learning, 138 Fall" of land, 196, 219, 246, 282, 356, 358, 359, 360, 422, 460 532 INDEX OF THINGS Felony, 423, 428 Fence-breakers, 124, 129, 132 lookers, 321, 331 Fences, bad, 83, 90, 96 broken, 51, 52, 73, 83, 87 burned, 52 cut down, 116, 142 open, 71, 72, 82, 105, 106, no, 116, 120, 124, 127, 132, 133. 135, 137. J42. 160, 176, 226, 229, 232, 248, 304 planting of, 139 repair of, 70, y6, 78, 190, 193, 232, 295, 298 Ferrets, 155 Field names, 12, 14, 18, 20, 23, 25. 34, 38, 49. 57, 59. 60, 64, 65, 69, 70, 84, 85, 88, 93, 96, 98, 99, 103, 104, 108, no, 117, 122, 125, 132, 133, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 153. 157. 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 169, 176, 181, 187, 192, 193, 195,, 196, 200, 201, 209, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 219, 220, 222, 224, 231, 235, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 246, 247, 250, 251, 255, 259, 260, 263, 264, 265, 269, 271, 273, 274, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 294, 295, 296, 301, 302, 303, 304, 307, 309, 3H, 316, 317, 319, 322, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 340, 345, 350, 351, 353, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 363, 364, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 377, 381, 382, 383, 388, 410, 412, 414, 422-4, 427, 429-437, 454 Fine, by rod of the court, 205 Fines, new, 377 old, 381 Fish sold to strangers, 97 Fisher, common, 47, 74 ¦ in the Queen's waters, 243 Fishing, 47, 129, 422, 440, 447, 455. 456 in the King's waters, 166, 168, 193 with " a wade," 313 with " Fysche hookes " in tbe King's waters, 152 with nets, &c, 74, 97 money, 409 " Flaghts " (turf), 118, 139 " Flodgapp," 193 " Flodzatte," 70 Floodgate, 32, 78, 125, 402 Fold (pound), King's, broken, 25, 80, 132, 148, 157, 203, 236 repair of, 148 Queen's, repair of, 337 . See Pound Folders (inclusores), 3, 1 22, 203, 249 " Foote Doole " land, 222 " Foote or Full Faurte " (fourth part) of lands, &c, 351 Footpath to church obstructed, 82 width of, 269 Footway, 313 Forge, 423, 428 Fosses, 76 Fray, 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 23, 25, 29, 31, 33, 34, 36, 39, 41, 42, 43,45, 5L 52, 53. 59,62,70, 74. 75. 84, 85, 87, 90, 91, 96, 97. 99. 100. 101, 102, 104, 107, 108, 109, no, 114, 118, 119, 123, 124, 127, 128, 129, 134, 135, 140, 143, 146, 151, 157, 158, 161, 163, 174, 187, 189, 193, 209, 247, 256, 263, 268, 338, 366, 368 in church, 108 upon strangers, 362 with bow and arrows, 4 with dagger, 4, 141 Freeholders, 428, 440, 443 Decree for, 393 Fuel, 44, 46 Fugitive, 124 Games, unlawful, 52, 135, 200, 249, 252, 253, 258 played for silver, 327 playing of, 354, 357 Gamesters, 148 harboured, 52, 200 common, 135 petty, 101 Gap, 69, 83, 186, 190 ¦ open, on moor, 180 " Gappes, le," 75 Garden on the waste, 44 " Gardenstead," 444, 445 Garth (garthonum), 285 Gate (Gait), beast, 69, 133, 145, 186, 193, 207, 213, 255, 261, 268, 269, 289, 304 broken down, 78 not scoured, 174 obstructed, 126 open, 53 repair of, 69 INDEX OF THINGS 533 Gate, unjustly fixed, 263, 264 ¦ unjustly made, 243 unreasonable, 226 wrongfuUy used, 145 Geese, flock of, kept on the common, 364 kept, 132 kept contrary to custom, 122 Geld, 401 Goods seized by force, 3, 7 unjust detention of, 74 Grain not taken to the King's mill, 103 trampled upon, 255, 269 withdrawn from King's mill, 174 withdrawn from mill, 255 " Grandam," 194 " Gray hawnd " (greyhound), a,, kept, 333 Greave (reeve), 3, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 26, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37. 38, 39. 4L 43. 45. 46. 47. 49. So, 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56, 57. 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74. 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 91. 93. 94. 95. 97. 98, 99. 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, in, 114, 115. 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 126, 128, 130, 131, 132, 135, 138, 140, 144, 145. 147. 148, 149, 151, 155, IS8, 161, 162, 164, 166, 169, 170, 174, 175. 176, 177, 179, 180, 181, 187, 188, 190, 195, 196, 197, 199, 200, 201, 203, 204, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 213, 214, 216, 221, 222, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 230, 231, 233, 236, 237, 238, 241, 242, 245, 246, 248, 251, 252, 254, 256, 257, 263, 264, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 287, 288, 290, 294, 296, 297, 299, 308, 311, 321, 325. 327. 33o, 333. 337. 344, 354, 360, 362, 364, 366, 370 refusing to serve as, 74 Green hew, 4 Greenwood cut, 30, 43, 54. 62, 78, 80, 83, 84, 90, 105, no Ground broken, 27 " Grewe bytche," a, kept, 243 Greyhound, 122, 333 Grinding-stone in smithy, 148 Grist withdrawn, 168 H Hale-founder. See Ale-taster Halmote court, keeping of the, 162 Hares killed in the snow, 155 Harrier, 123, 155 Harrying beasts, 280, 357, 360 Hay for King's Auditor's horses, 423 Hedgebreakers, 123, 124, 255, 263 Hedges broken down, 30 burned, 54, 61, 64, 339 cut down, 96 damaged, 51 disturbed, 59 not sufficiently made, 279 • open, 120, 209, 247, 248, 263, 264, 265, 269, 292, 362, 366 repair of, 43, 96, 232, 268 removed, 260 Herbage rents, 2 trampled upon, 255 Hide, tanned, 24 " Higges," 254 Highway (King's way) obstructed, 12, 17, 19, 28, 31, 33, 43, 90, 130, 143, 174, 294, 326 repair of, 43 Highways, bounds of, 206 Hogsheep, no Hold, new, tenure, 439 old, 439 Hollers (Alders) cut, 70 " Holies " (ollera) cut down, 90 HolUes cut down, 81, 83, 90, 129 HoUins cut, 303 Holly cut, 23, 31, 33, 43, 48 Homagers, 324 " Horselodds " of coals, 157, 161 Horse-road closed, 42 Horses, trespass ot, 109, 196 House built on King's waste set to farm, 173 on King's waste, 17, 20, 48 unjustly occupied, 142 and garden unjustly oc cupied, 258 Houses built on common, 87,92, 149 damaged, 51 not repaired, 23, 142 " Howsesteid," 211 Hunter, common, 123 Hunting, statutes re, 155 Husbandman (" howse bound- man"), 289, 452 " Finding " of a, 164 Improvement, 76 new, 19, 26, 141, 388, 427, 439. 443. 457 534 INDEX OF THINGS Inclosure, 93, ro3, 117, 122, 125, 174, 181, 190, 197, 208, 209, 262, 265, 330, 335 of common, 33, 34 and house cleared from waste, 45 Incumbent, 219, 220, 221, 223, 224, 227, 228, 229, 237 " Informations " by copyholders, 360 " lngressome " (entry to land), 186 Inn, 61 Inquest, great, the, 66 Instructions to Juries of Survey, 420 " Irracionabilis bestia," 214 K Keeper of the Great Seal, 361 KilUng of sheep, &c, 46 Kiln, 101 King's wars, absence in, 170 " Kye " (kine), 261 " Laith stiddes," 307 " Land " (selion), 244, 336, 359 Land, exchange of, 87, no, 186, 208, 325, 328, 330 " fall " of, 196, 219, 246, 282, 356, 358, 359, 360 forcible expulsion from, 188 indirect occupation of, 82 occupied beyond bounds, 116 beyond " stint," 1 36 without title, 31, 33 pretended title to, 87 seized by curate and others, 141 into the King's hand, 3 trespass on, 57, 106, 107, no unjust detention of, 279 unjustly occupied, 55, 57, 63, 65, 69, 70, 113, 117, 118, 120, 125, 128 wrongfully occupied, 46, 132, 133. J36, 139, 186, 192, 199, 230, 299, 302 Lands, ancient, 426, 435, 438 chantry, 217, 218, 219, 220, 223, 224, 227, 228, 229, 237 • enfranchised, 421 in traverse, 10 Lane kept in an unreasonable state, 236 Larcener, petty, 123 Law, public, breach of the, 72, 75, 79 Leach (locus), 265 Leases, 445-5, 446-7 Letter, King's, 68 Limestones, 74, 79, 125, 130, 142, 193 Limestone Scars, 420 Lordland, 44 " Lotts," 189 M M.A., 177, 178 " Mancion " house, 191 Manor-house in ruin, 60 chapel, &c, in ruin, 60, 61 Marl, right to obtain, 156 Marl-pit (" merle pytte "), 306 unjust occupation of a, 120 Marsh, inclosed, 411 Mass celebrated before Holy Rood, 177, 178 Masses, singing of, 113, 115 " Meane " ground, 142, 164,- 192, 231, 242, 266 " Meaters " (measurers) of land, 192 Men gone to Queen's war, 268 Merestakes (land-marks), 130, 137, 143, 144, 181 Merestone sold, 176 Merestones, 50, 137, 159, 402 Messuages on the waste, 45 "Micher" (truant), petty, 96 MiU, corn, 381, 402 newly erected, 168, 174, 192 walk, 381 water, 1 water corn, 175, 363, 411, 428 King's, 103, 127, 192 King's and Queen's, 255 Queen's, grinding at other than the, 292 newly erected, 333 MiUer, yy, 114, 188 Mill-stones, unlawful, 333 Mills, 10, 11, 12, 19, 98, 114, 150, 311, 382, 386, 388, 392, 403, 421, 428, 437, 439, 449, 451, 452 Mine, coal, 386 Monastery, 408 Money, fishing, 409 shilling, 409 Monk, 96, 99 Mortgage, 226 INDEX OF THINGS 535 Mortuary, 22 Multure, yy withdrawn, 168 N Neat beast, 4 Nickname, 71, 97, 101, 105, 107, no, 116, 117, 122, 124, 125, 127, 130, 132, 133, H3, 151. 158, 165, 174, 185, 190, 192, 193, 196, 197, 204, 205, 206, 231, 242, 243, 253, 255, 256, 262, 263, 264, 265, 276, 314, 317, 323, 364, 403, 444- See AUas Non-appearance at the court, 17, 42, in, 150, 287, 297 Note, promissory, 99, 147 O Oak trees cut down, 43, 1 10 Oaks, young, cut, 78 " OpeUas " (shops), 220 " Outhouses," 142, 444 Outlawry, 423, 428 Oxen, price of, 44 Oxgang, 241 Oxgang-land, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 39, 50, 62, 86, 93, 102, 108, 109, 149, 153, 160, 161, 168, 199, 215, 277, 300, 308, 315, 359, 409, 455, 457, 458, 459 Park-keepers, 29 Partition of lands, 36, 45, 71, 74, yy, 78, 88, 101, 121, 125, 129, 130, 134, 137, 142, 146, 159, 181, 189, 192, 222 Pasture, oppressing of, 120 Payment at the " tabell " in church, 369 at the font in parish church, 261, 318 at the font of church or chapel, 338 in church, 245 Peace, breach of the, 368 Pedigree, 320 " Pentys," 227 Physician, 393, 454 Pigs, unringed, 51, 72, 107, 258, 357 Pits, coal, destroyed, 48 dangerous, 31 unlawful, 42 Player harboured, 292 Playing unlawful games for silver, 327 Pleas not prosecuted, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 Plea of land 24, 42, 50 Pound (" pawnd ") broken, 247, 249. 297 lord's, broken, 253, 275, 276 Queen's, broken, 242 repair of, 303 . See Fold Priest, 32, 34, 35, 94, 107, 148, 153, 161, 177, 178, 202, 205, 210, 217, 218, 219, 220, 223, 224, 227, 229, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 297, 314, 336, 387 Punishment, corporal, 135, 146, 155, 231, 263 Pursenetts, 155 Puture, 5, 428, 429, 430, 431, 435. 436, 437. 438 "Pynder" (folder), 122 Q Quickwood, 98, 106, 146 cut, 160 " Qwynes " (whins), cut, 148 Receiver, King's, 125 Rectory, 438 Reeve, 28, 92, 113 Reeves, church, 271 Rent, ancient, detained, 134 assize, 428 castleward, 428, 435 church, 406 ¦ detained, 48 exaction of, 86, 87, 95 farm, in arrear, 136 herbage, 2 new, 441, 443, 457 old, 443 of 8 silver pennies, 95 " owte," 247 puture, 428, 429, 430, 431, 435. 436, 437. 438 quit, 422, 428, 429, 431, 432, 439, 440, 442 suit for, 33 withdrawn, 90 Rentals, 377, 383, 386, 389, 402, 403, 408 Rescue, 114, 122, 203, 236, 249, 275, 288 Ridge (selio) of land, 244, 359 Ring-yard (Rengyorde, le), a movable fence for arable land 536 INDEX OF THINGS which was commonable after harvest, 75, 303 Road, ancient, closed, 357, 360, 370 bad and unreasonable, kept, 28, 35, 56, 58 for carrying hay, &c, 71 horse, closed, 42 insufficiently made, 123, 255, 265 obstructed, 44, 71, 101, 132, 153, 263, 302, 304, 311, 367 old, closed up, 265 repair of, 67, 102,. 124, 193, 295 unjustly occupied, 265 unlawful, 362 width of, 269, 270 — . See Way Roads closed up, 265, 268, 270, 274, 284, 288 impassable, 47 made over neighbours' lands, 339 new, necessity for, 206 ¦ . See Ways Rodland (" Rodelande "), ridded, or improved land, 3, 5, 8, 15, 24, 26, 35, 39, 64, 91, 140, 189, 201, 226, 236, 239, 246, 341, 362, 408, 409, 455 Rood, Holy, mass celebrated be fore, 177, 178 Loft, service in, 148 Roof timbers, 126. Sapling, 98, 159 " Sawtellwood," 423 " Scatas," 25 School Deeds, 461 free, 299, 308, 405, 416 foundation of, 259, 271 free grammar, foundation of, 336 grammar, maintenance of, 221 lands, 434, 443, 444, 445, 446 Schoolmaster, 107, 297, 420 Seisin by rod of the court, 5 5 Sehon of land, 336, 359 Servant girl withdrawn and kept, 29 Service, Divine, absence from, 105, 107 celebration of, 160, 161 exaction of, 292 Sheep-washing, 107, no " Shepe werier, a," 295 Sheriff, under, 188 Shilling money, 409 Shops, 104, 227 " Shopps " (opellas), 220 Slate-mines, 424 stones (sclaitstones), 54, 74, 424 Smithy, 112, 148, 422, 423, 456, 460 Soil, breaking of the, 258 King's, broken, 80, 157 upturned, 152 lord's, broken, 54 Soke withdrawn from King's mill, 127 Spaniels, 122, 155 " Sparrs, le," 143 Stags, 182 Stakes, 50 Stallage, 429 S.T.B., 201 Steward, 1, 3, 6, g , 10, n, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 44, 76 , 88, 115, 126, 144, 153, 168, 170, 172, 175, 178, 182, 199, 200, 217, 225, 230, 235, 239. 241, 249, 257, 264, 266, 274. 280, 292, 296, 331, 339, 342, 357. 359, 360, 361, 364, 369. 401, 420, 426, 439, 446, 449. 454. 461 . absent in King's wars, 170 deputy, 47, 75, 164, 170, 182, 189, 215, 230, 233. 235. 238, 243, 250, 259, 262, 279. 284, 350, 426, 446 Stile, 143, 193 privy, 33 Stints on common exceeded, 50 Stocks, 146, 148 Stone obtained on common, 5 Stones, getting and selUng of, to strangers, 332 taken from a tenement and from the water, 207 ¦ taken from land, 258 Strangers (" le drowfers "), 67 Stream diverted, 29, 64, 67, 71, 72, 83, 85, 96, 101, 125 " Styrpe," 157 Suit and service, 15, 17, 33, 42, 76 to mill, 386 Surrenders, inquiry touching, 360, 361 Survey, 411, 420 of manor, 404 of the forests or chases, 373 INDEX OF THINGS 537 Surveyor, general, ot the Duchy, 404, 408, 412, 425 " Swinesties," 445, 446 Tailor, 261 Tanned hide, 24 Tanner, 8 Tannery, 215, 240 Tenant, lawless, 124 unreasonable, 256 violent, 264 Tenants, King's, 183, 379 unlawful, harboured, 339 " Tendeberne, le," 8 Tenement, dangerous, presented, 56 unjustly occupied, 73 Tenure, 361 ancient, 141, 277 " le neweholde," 302, 352, 363, 402 old hold, 302, 321 " Tercion " (third part), 191 Thatch, 142 Theft of four cocks, 31 petty, 52, 96 Thorn (boundary), 189 Thorns cut, 132, 303 Tithe of grain wrongfully taken, 149 Tithes, 80 Toll, 421, 429 excessive, yy, 188 withdrawn, 168 " Topps " (turf) cut, 101 Treasurer, High, 402 Trees cut down, 37, 43, 51, 70, 87 encroached, 298 Trespass on herbage and grain, 16 on land, 5 " Troghes," stone, 30 Trial, 88 Turbary, 145 ¦ for house fire, 322, 325 Turf cut, 54, 61, 74, 75, 76, 81, 83, 101, 129, 144 . digging and acquiring of, 17, 23, 27, 33, 35, 39, 4L 43, 44, 46, 53, 58, 83, 87, 100, 109, 129, 139, 192, 198, 203, 247, 249, 252, 264, 318, 332, 345, 354, 357, 360 graving of, 80, 118 selUng of, to strangers, 332, 338 wrongfully taken, 114, 118, 209 " Turnell," 30 " Tynsell " (dry wood) to make " higges," 254 U Underwood, 47 cut, 84, 129, 148, 160 V Vaccary, 65, 100, 115, 138, 182, 183, 184, 185, 191, 210, 211, 223, 233, 241, 290, 373, 374, 375, 376, 386 Vagabonds harboured, 52, 61, 123, 135 punishment of, 148 "Venee" (venue), 153 Vicar, 38, 91 Viduity, 209 " Vivar " (fish-pond, stew), 447 W " Wade," fishing with a, 313 Wage, debt for, yy Wages for a year's service, 34 suit for, 34 Walk mill, 381 WaU, building of a, 72 old, 137 " Walter weire," a, 151 Wapentake court, 2, 4 Ward, a, and his lands, &c, forcibly taken, 37 Warrant, 294 Waste land, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 35- 45, 50, 52, 100, 119, 142, 440, 454 King's, 181, 188, 196 Water-corn-mill, 175, 363, 411, 428 Watercourse, 106 dammed and diverted, 265 diverted, 80, 157, 280, 304, 306 obstructed, 263 Water meetings, 304 Way, ancient, impassable, 354, 357 obstructed, 71 wrongfully used, 116 indirect, made, 143 insufficient, 190 insufficiently repaired, 134 obstructed, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 67, 78, 97, in, 120, 136, 142, 144, 146, 168, 190, 226, 231 538 INDEX OF THINGS Way, repair of, 78, 193 right of, 142, 154, 311 sufficient, to be made, 222 unlawful, 78 unreasonable, 69, 190, 226, . See Road " Wayne Fother " (wagon-load), a, of turves, 339 Ways awarded, 208 common, 183 decree for leading, 206 foot, 183 " irracionabiles et inlegitt," 25 •. See Roads " Wedset," 157, 219 Weir, 151 Wheelwright, 261 "Wherryns" (mill-stones), 333 "Whikwod" (quickwood), 106 Windmill, 423, 428 '" Wodsale," 157 Wolf-hounds, 155 Wool, 4, 22 " Wrecks, lee," 78 Writ, 306, 318, 319 Yeoman of the King's Chamber, 252 END OF VOL. II. Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson 4> Co. Edinburgh cV London 3 9002 '- - ^->^ \,m>mm"i